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Wings Over Scotland

Mundell’s Law

Posted on July 14, 2017 by

We already knew what David Mundell’s guarantees were worth, of course. So it’s not like we can exactly feign surprise at this.

The best we can say is that at least this time it took four months for the Secretary Of State’s promise to completely and utterly collapse, not 48 hours.

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Ian McCubbin

Mundell’s Law, I tell lies with impunity.

Ian McCubbin

Mundell’s Law, I tell lies without much thought.

donald anderson

Like all of his predecessors Mundane is well qualified for the job in Dover Hoose, London, England.

You should read and reply to all the stupid comments from his semi literate loyalist commentators on today’s online Hootsmon. Unfortunately, there are plenty of them.

The Rev is accused of using many different aliases there. Busy man, eh?

Bugger (the Panda)

We all know that Mundell doesn’t know
He doesn’t know what he doesn’t know because no one tells him.
No one tells him because they don’t want him to know.

Thus he is the World’s best scapegoat and he doesn’t know that either

Brian Powell

Deafening silence on all of this from SLab. They have no answers and won’t speak up for Scotland as the only real way out is to accept independence.


It’s really time for a proper definition of Mundell’s Law – anything that can lie, will lie. That’s the best I can come up with.


It looks like some-one has pulled the string at the back of fuddly muddly again.

Pull : I guarantee – I guarantee – I guarantee – I guarantee.


“Scotland” had more powers in the 1930’s.

Dundas had more power for Scotland in 18th century albeit a Unionist.

Devolution will die and the Red ,Orange (libdem),and blue Tories will have achieved their ambition.

We are back to 1745 and most of us are not even Jacobites.

“You have not seen the last of my bonnet and me”


This sounds like a VOW is coming folks !!!!
Our fine (Non bias) ‘better to blether’ media core, just love to fawn after this Dud.

Mundell never goes anywhere near the truth and always up for “Britain’s got propaganda in the North ”

He is of no value to Scotland’s future on any level.

The Mantra is Britain first, last and always from Fundilly


No surprises but plenty of alarms as the chess pieces begin to move.

Its clear the end game is reducing Holyrood to a parish council. I give it 4 weeks before some East coast Fisherman rep is telling us how he is confident everything is gonna be great with Westminster in control.

John Moss

Politicians are allowed to lie, silly. The courts say so. Have we forgotten Alistair Carmichael already?


Not so much in the loop as just loopy.
Not much influence mainly effluence.


That such a tawdry little man can rise to such a prominent representative position in Scotland tells us a lot about Scotland in general and Unionism in particular.

Unionism is Scotland’s shame.Just as it is Northern Ireland’s shame.


Totally confused now as bbc Scotland are reporting muddle saying it will result in a powers ‘bonanza’ for Holyrood and that he is “happy to be held to account for that statement…..”.
I know he is lying but does he think he can say these things because he won’t be around/in government by then?
What a mess this lot have made and are making of the whole unnecessary process.


Who pays this fool and does his department SO come out of our pocket money from Westminster.
How long did he tell lies to his wife.

Robert Graham

Fluffy – trust him eh ? well he appears to be the same type as Carmichael , a professional LIAR , with no backbone or moral compass , he would do well to review actions of previous Tory holders of this office , at least some of them had a spine .

Dan Huil

The bbc will let Mundell lie and lie. Worse, the bbc and britnat media will support his lies at every opportunity. Tractors, all of them.


But does anyone know what’s happening on the “Monitoring BBC….” Indiegogo site? Impossible to donate and total has been stuck for hours now.

link to


New powers will be coming to Scotland. They’ll be located in the new Regional Government HQ at The Hub in New Waverley. Three thousand civil servants will be drafted in to administer the region.
David Mundell will be the Gauleiter, North Britain.

No decision making powers for us, of course. Theat would threaten the precious union.
link to


Undoubtedly the late great Jim I just happened to be taking my morning jog wearing my Scotland top on Pacific Quay Murphy was onto something when he coined “fundillyMundelly”.

It probably refers to the fundamental attribute of a senior politician to tell lies.

Peter McCulloch

Does anyone even in his own party believe a word that comes out of Mundell’s mouth?

I wonder what he will he have to say about the Budget watchdog’s warning that the UK is in a worse shape to withstand a recession than it was on the eve of 2007 financial crash?


bugger (the panda) 10.09

Got it in a nutshell. Bonanza of powers indeed, Mundell spouts of what he thinks will sound nice. He has no knowledge of Tory plans and they wont tell him anything.
His whole purpose in the scheme of things is to keep the News Media happy and hope he his fooling us.


Mundell is a tory …he would not know the truth if it was sitting on his nose

auld highlander

Would a lie detector detector be able to cope without going off the scale.


Happy Bastille Day!
Presidents Macron and Trump celebrate together. Trump is looking forward to joint US and French troops marching down the Champs Elysees together:
“Our two nations are forever joined together by the spirit of revolution and the fight for freedom, he added.”… without a hint of irony.

link to

Dave McEwan Hill

In political terms the gloss is fraying on the Tory “revival ” in Scotland already. It was a fabrication built on enormous media promotion leading up to the General Election and has no actual political substance which is now becoming obvious. Still puzzled however by those strange results in the North East.


Very poor coverage of the Scottish dimension in Jockland press with exception of The National including this article:

link to

One again The national well hidden by Yoons in my local supermarket this morning.

Daily Mail type headline from The Herald which is getting more anti SNP by the day.


@BTP, 10.09am

“There are those who don’t know and don’t know that they don’t know. They are fools. Shun them.”

I don’t know if this description fits Mr Mundell or whether “lying liar” would be better.


Liars, damn liars and Mundells?


You would think that by 2017,people would learn that tories can never trusted. Them or their red tory pals.


Here’s a youtube video where David Mundell tells a hustings in the borders that farming powers will be returned to the Scottish Parliament from Brussels and that there is absolutely no suggestion of a power grab by Westminster: (31 mins and 25 seconds to 31 mins and 50 seconds). What a liar.

Perhaps someone with the know how can edit the clip and spread it far and wide.

link to


Meg I’ve just noticed that I missed a previous post of yours. Why should we believe this man or the bl**dy BBC! He’s (they’ve) lied to us over and over again. Note that the ‘SNP accuse (the) Scotland Office of trying to undermine positive GDP figures with spin operation.’

‘Meg merrilees says at 2:54 pm (last article) ….. ‘’Petra Fluffy was on the news at one. The BBC introduced the item saying that the SNP accusations of a power grab from devolved nations following Brexit was false and that in fact the opposite was true. David Mundell has said it will be Golden opportunity for the devolved nations. Cut to video of Fluffy saying carefully chosen words that the ‘EU laws would be fully integrated into Scots law and that there would be many more powers coming to Scotland.” Neither telling the truth! ….’’

link to


@ Gary45% says at 11.25pm (last article)…… ‘’……I hate to say it but you can lead a Scottish horse to water, but will have to hold its head under the water to make it drink (and then it would deliberately drown itself).’’

Spot on and thanks for the laugh Gary.


John Robertson says 9:18am (last article) …..’’Come on in Rev, the water’s warm and comforting. I’ve been doing the good news thing for a few months on my Psych’s advice at

link to

No Bird or Campbell in my life and it feels better! The Prof as was.’’

John I would just like to say that your site is ABSOLUTELY brilliant and was just what we were all needing: What has been sadly lacking. More than anything it’s a fantastic resource that can be used on a daily basis to combat lies online. Keep up the GREAT work. And I’m pleased to hear that you are doing well now. No doubt have been to hell and back. People like you and Stu will NEVER EVER be forgotten when we get our Independence and I, for one …. of MANY I’m sure, can’t thank you enough X


The ‘power grab’ subject was covered on STV last Night. Note that Colin MacKay says that when he asked Mundell what powers would be coming back to Scotland he couldn’t answer. Surprise, surprise! In other words he’s a wee liar and don’t we know it. MacKay ends with saying that this could lead to a Constitutional crisis. From 58 secs in.

If there‘s not going to be a power grab why won’t Westminster put it in writing? Outline exactly what’s coming back to Scotland (and what they’re not going to take away). Not that we would be assured by that either right enough but it would be a start. Make them sweat a bit having to make out a wee list.

link to


@ sassenach says at 10:45 am ….. ”O/T .. But does anyone know what’s happening on the “Monitoring BBC….” Indiegogo site? Impossible to donate and total has been stuck for hours now.”

link to

What about the powers that be such as the BBC blocking it sassenach?


@ Capella says at 10:47 am …. ”New powers will be coming to Scotland. They’ll be located in the new Regional Government HQ at The Hub in New Waverley. Three thousand civil servants will be drafted in to administer the region.
David Mundell will be the Gauleiter, North Britain. No decision making powers for us, of course. That would threaten the precious union.”

link to

Taking into account that Westminster is short of Civil Servants to the point that they are struggling to cover Brexit negotiations and the Repeal Bill can anyone else hear the sound of 3000 people marching all the way from GCHQ (Where as they say ”our brightest people bring together intelligence and technology to keep Britain safe”) to Scotland?


@Capella, 11.10am

ah, the fight for freedom…or maybe not

link to


My post seems to have disappeared! Maybe too many links? So splitting it up.

Meg I’ve just noticed that I missed a previous post of yours. Why should we believe this man or the bl**dy BBC! He’s (they’ve) lied to us over and over again. Note that the ‘SNP accuse (the) Scotland Office of trying to undermine positive GDP figures with spin operation.’

‘Meg merrilees says at 2:54 pm (last article) ….. ‘’Petra Fluffy was on the news at one. The BBC introduced the item saying that the SNP accusations of a power grab from devolved nations following Brexit was false and that in fact the opposite was true. David Mundell has said it will be Golden opportunity for the devolved nations. Cut to video of Fluffy saying carefully chosen words that the ‘EU laws would be fully integrated into Scots law and that there would be many more powers coming to Scotland.” Neither telling the truth! ….’’

link to


@ Gary45% says at 11.25pm (last article)…… ‘’……I hate to say it but you can lead a Scottish horse to water, but will have to hold its head under the water to make it drink (and then it would deliberately drown itself).’’

Spot on and thanks for the laugh Gary.


John Robertson says 9:18am (last article) …..’’Come on in Rev, the water’s warm and comforting. I’ve been doing the good news thing for a few months on my Psych’s advice at

link to

No Bird or Campbell in my life and it feels better! The Prof as was.’’

John I would just like to say that your site is ABSOLUTELY brilliant and was just what we were all needing: What has been sadly lacking. More than anything it’s a fantastic resource that can be used on a daily basis to combat lies online. Keep up the GREAT work. And I’m pleased to hear that you are doing well now. No doubt have been to hell and back. People like you and Stu will NEVER EVER be forgotten when we get our Independence and I, for one …. of MANY I’m sure, can’t thank you enough X


@ DMC – the results in the North East are an example of collusion between the Tory and Lib Dem parties. In my constituency WAK, the Lib Dems stood a complete unknown who did not campaign. The obvious Lib Dem candidates did not stand. They would have taken thousands of votes from the Tory candidate.
Clearly, Unionists were supposed to vote for the Tory.

Gordon was the same. I’ve been told that someone phoned round voters to advise on how to unseat Alex Salmond.

Moray has a large transient forces population (as has WAK to some degree) which might provide many postal and proxy votes.

The Tories also targeted Perthshire, North East Fife and Ochil and South Perthshire using the same methods. Stephen Gethins and Pete Wishart survived. Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh did not.

I haven’t come across any analysis of the votes yet. It’s not surprising if politicians use underhand methods to gain power. What is odd is how little interest the Electoral Commission and media seem to take in democracy.


The ‘power grab’ subject was covered on STV last Night. Note that Colin MacKay says that when he asked Mundell what powers would be coming back to Scotland he couldn’t answer. Surprise, surprise! In other words he’s a wee liar and don’t we know it. MacKay ends with saying that this could lead to a Constitutional crisis. From 58 secs in.

If there‘s not going to be a power grab why won’t Westminster put it in writing? Outline exactly what’s coming back to Scotland (and what they’re not going to take away). Not that we would be assured by that either right enough but it would be a start. Make them sweat a bit having to make out a wee list.

link to


@ sassenach says at 10:45 am ….. ”O/T .. But does anyone know what’s happening on the “Monitoring BBC….” Indiegogo site? Impossible to donate and total has been stuck for hours now.”

link to

What about the powers that be such as the BBC blocking it sassenach?


@ Capella says at 10:47 am …. ”New powers will be coming to Scotland. They’ll be located in the new Regional Government HQ at The Hub in New Waverley. Three thousand civil servants will be drafted in to administer the region.
David Mundell will be the Gauleiter, North Britain. No decision making powers for us, of course. That would threaten the precious union.”

link to

Taking into account that Westminster is short of Civil Servants to the point that they are struggling to cover Brexit negotiations and the Repeal Bill can anyone else hear the sound of 3000 people marching all the way from GCHQ (Where as they say ”our brightest people bring together intelligence and technology to keep Britain safe”) to Scotland?


Sorry – above comment for Dave McEwan Hill 11.14

Calum McKay

We’re bought and sold for English gold – Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!

Mundell is but one of a long line to sell Scots down the river, let’s hope he is the last!

Henry Gough-Cooper

Mundell was still claiming this on the BBC news last night.
Why don’t they ask him “What new powers? Can you give us a few examples?”


I see the wings site is the top visited indy site apart from the US. The Rev needs to shorten the name for the US, 17 characters may be stretching it. is free and much easier for them.

Why is the .scot domains much more expensive than the .wales?


@ Petra – it’s possible that Mundell is not lying. New powers are coming to Scotland in the form of a Westminster Regional government based in New Waverley. Unfortunately we will have no influence over what the administration does.
Direct Rule as in Stormont.

No-one has specified which Government Departments will be staffing this new 3,000 civil service Hub apart from HMRC.



(May have posted this gin news before?)

‘Five-medal haul at industry awards for The Glasgow Distillery Company.’

‘THE Glasgow Distillery Company has won five medals at a leading industry competition against 150 of the world’s finest gins. Celebrating the best superior spirits across the world, the annual Global Spirit Masters Awards presented the craft distillery with two highly coveted Master of Gin awards for their Makar Glasgow Gin and limited-edition Cask Aged Makar Oaked expressions.The premium gin and single malt distilling specialist also took home two golds and a silver medal in an impressive haul at the renowned blind tasting event……’

link to


‘Lidl starts construction of regional centre in North Lanarkshire.’

‘Construction work has started on a new supermarket warehouse in North Lanarkshire that will create up to 360 new jobs …..’

link to

Robert Peffers

@John Moss says: 14 July, 2017 at 10:27 am:

” … Have we forgotten Alistair Carmichael already?”

Alistair Carmichael? Who he?


@ cirsium – good link.
France is another colonial power in North Africa, Asia and the Middle East. So we can expect it to have problems with “terrorists” just as the UK does. Macron is no lover of freedom and cupcakes any more than Donald Trump or Theresa May.
It’s hard work running the planet for the 0.1%.

Still, the sans-culottes can celebrate Bastille Day.
link to

Naina Tal

Guid o the Inglish Gov to build a new Heedquarters for the Scottish Civil Service efter Independence Day. Hope it meets aw Scottish Building Regs. Widnae want oany fires….


@ Capella say at 11:49 am …. ”Petra – it’s possible that Mundell is not lying. New powers are coming to Scotland in the form of a Westminster Regional government based in New Waverley. Unfortunately we will have no influence over what the administration does. Direct Rule as in Stormont. No-one has specified which Government Departments will be staffing this new 3,000 civil service Hub apart from HMRC.”

That’s more like it Capella. The Tories have been hard at work brainstorming round a table in some secret location in the south of England. Mrs May’s new ‘Scottish Committee’ that was mentioned once online and never heard of again. New powers are coming to Scotland to be implemented by non-Scots (and Scottish tractors) at the Westminster base in the Scottish colony until such time as Holyrood, as we know it, is abolished. Fall guy Mundell will probably be kicked out on his er*se along the way.

To my my mind it’s a big drip, drip, drip Westminster takeover bid from the Police Force, the Military, Politicians / Civil Servants and Legislatures. You could include Academia too with 11 out of 14 Heads of Universities in Scotland not actually being Scottish. Practically unheard of in any other civilised country. As to HMRC staff well that could cover any number of people who have been trained to do ‘other jobs.’ Just as our troops are being ‘selected’ from Faslane and sent off for training in relation to hacking and so on from what I’ve been hearing.

Wakey, Wakey time, Scots.


I don’t think there’s much to say about Mundell that hasn’t been said already. As for those voters who made this individual a representative?

This is your union in action. This is what its always been about.

You can either suck it up, or help us put this right.

meg merrilees


I listened to the STV news link.

Re the Great Repeal Bill, it’s on the record now:

In fact Mundell says – …after we leave the European Union, the Scottish Parliament won’t lose any powers, responsibilities or decision making that it has today, and in fact it will have significantly more.

Would be great to have that as a stand alone clip for future use!


@ Sassenach at 10.45

I’ve sent a message to the “Indiegogo Customer Happiness” people, asking them why the fundraiser is stuck. It may take a while for them to respond, though I did get an instant automated ackowledgement.


Much huffing and puffing is being generated over the proposed new centralised Civil Service set-up in Edinburgh.

Given that Independence is firmly a matter of WHEN not IF surely this edifice will be an excellent asset for the Independent Scottish Civil Service.

In anticipation of Independence should we at Wings not start compiling a series of wish lists.

It has already been suggested on many occasions that an Asset Register be set up to catalogue what of the UK assets or % thereof should accrue to Independent Scotland.

For starters just think what the value of all the government buildings in London is and what 8.4% of that would amount to – all or most were built subsequent to 1707.

Other examples of to-do lists are:-

Colonial Statues and Monuments to be removed to suitable suburban parks as was done by India subsequent to freedom from The Imperialist Jackboot.

Streets to be renamed and I give the following as starters for an Edinburgh List:-

George St.
George Square
Charlotte Square
Hanover St.
Frederick St
Dundas St.
Pitt St.
Northumberland St.
Cumberland St.
Great King St.
York Place
Marlborough St.
Wellington St.
George IV Bridge
Princes St.
Queen St.
Charlotte St
Nelson St.
Albert St.
Victoria St.

Similar lists could be compiled for the rest of Scotland together with lists of Buildings, Parks etc.


@ meg merrilees at 12:31 pm ….”Petra I listened to the STV news link Re the Great Repeal Bill, it’s on the record now: In fact Mundell says – …after we leave the European Union, the Scottish Parliament won’t lose any powers, responsibilities or decision making that it has today, and in fact it will have significantly more. Would be great to have that as a stand alone clip for future use!”

We could add that to all of the other comments he’s made previously Meg. Compile a list (video would be better) of ‘Mundell’s Moratorium of Monster Mendacities.’

meg merrilees

Here’s the latest update on the repeal bill from the Welsh angle- one hour ago.

The first minister (CARWYN JONES) has said the UK Government has pledged to allay his fears that a bill converting EU law into British law undermines devolution.

link to

No corresponding article on the BBC Scotland page…

Meg merrilees


What a great idea. Love the thought of purging all these ‘colonial’ names from our towns and cities.

Edinburgh probably has the biggest concentration because so much of the New Town was built in one ‘chunk’ and under the reign of one monarch within the Union.

But it is still happening as we saw last week with the Kelpie’s Canal and recent new hospitals.


The bill has been drafted so that come the indyref, WM can push the line about MASS POWERS being devolved if we vote No.

Then, as soon as a No vote is secured, the new powers promise will simply not materialise as per Smith or be yet another set of fiscal tricks and traps, as per the useless Scotland Act.

Liz g

Gus 1940 & Meg Merrilees
Count me in, something well worth doing.

Let’s not forget all the Union streets and the Coronation Street’s…
The the Forts… William Augustus and especially George!


@ Meg merrilees – you’re forgetting Aberdeen with Union Street – the main city centre street! – similar to Princes Street.


Oh that can’t be right, David Mundell has publicly stated that a “Bonanza” of powers are on there way to Holyrood after, the Henry VIII aka Great Repeal bill is dealt with.
Surely Governor General Mundell, wouldn’t lie to us would he? I mean poor old Fluffy was surely duped over the DUP bribe, when he never spoke out about it, poor soul. ?

North chiel

Ref ” meg merrilees @ 1300 ” , new Scotland -Wales alliance , ” easy peasy” for Westminster ” usual divide & rule tactic to scupper united front. Just buy off the Welsh , as per DUP.

meg merrilees


there will be mony a street an’ close wi’ inappropriate names – but hopefully not for much longer!!!

Glasgow is, as always , that little bit ahead with e.g. Nelson Mandela Place.

Craig P

Why would Mundell have said this in the first place? Unionists dont want any powers for Scotland, and nationalists dont believe a word he says.



Re fundily mundilly statements I couldn’t give a shit what this insignificant little tractor says , if he told me it was sunny outside and 30 degrees I would still wear my overcoat and wellingtons

REMEMBER THE VOW FOLKS DON’T EVEN DISCUSS THIS PISH how can you tell when a tory is LYING his lips move


Also meant to add up thread Prof John Robertson thank you for your positivity and please keep well


Also meant to add this , thank you Prof John Robertson for all your positivity about Scotland and please keep well

Jack Murphy

Rumour has it our illustrious Secretary of State for Scotland is drafting his State of the Nation Address.

You can catch it on the British Broadcasting Corporation, Reporting in Scotland with repeats before and after the 9pm watershed.
On the hour,every hour until midnight.

A sneak preview:
” You will see a state of prosperity such as we have never had in my lifetime – nor indeed in the history of this country

“Indeed let us be frank about it – most of our people have never had it so good.”

With thanks to Harold Macmillan.



I lie with transparency

Dave McEwan Hill

Capella at 11.33 am

Indeed. That has to be planned well in advance,. Snap election my arse


They wont say what powers yet – they will wait until 3 days before the next referendum vote and say we will get all these powers …. the Vow II.

David Macqueen

Mundell is a ("Quizmaster" - Ed). Absolutely no intention in promoting or protecting the interests of Scotland


Every tory was a brexiteer I tell yi. Don’t believe a word that comes oot their mooth. Their full of crap every single wan o them.

This was a stitch up fae the start.

Dr Jim

The Inglish telt him that before they sent him oot fur the biscuits then they aw hud a guid laff at him until he came back then the aw went silent ahent thur haunds stifling the giggles

Whit a chump!

Barbara naughton

Love wings great site would like emails please.

John Dickson

Mundell’s lies just confirms that he was the one that leaked the Frenhgate memo, certainly with Carmichael’s blessing.

John Dickson

meg merrilees says:
14 July, 2017 at 1:00 pm

Here’s the latest update on the repeal bill from the Welsh angle- one hour ago.

The first minister (CARWYN JONES) has said the UK Government has pledged to allay his fears that a bill converting EU law into British law undermines devolution.

link to

No corresponding article on the BBC Scotland page…

Is Mr Jones not a labour stalwart and there fore as trustworthy as Mundell, Carmichael and all other westminster tories and labour politicians


I have previously commented on this phenomenon, and I’m not talking about Mundell’s beard: Because nothing they ever say will be contested by the media, Unionists do not have to maintain any consistency over time; thus can say whatever is best for them in the moment.

Meg merrilees

John Dickson

Carwyn is a Welsh Labour man- agreed.
I was commenting on the different reporting – what goes for news in Wales being reported within a couple of hours but no sign of it at all, even today, on the Scottish page.

Different standards within the BBC on what they allow us to read/know.
Sometimes it can be quite informative just skipping around the pages for the other “devolved administrations” – you can learn quite a bit about the misreporting and impartiality. And see what lies they are telling to other folks.

Bottom line- don’t believe any of them – it’s a power grab.

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    • Hatey McHateface on The smirking scorpion: “A full and careful reading of the Declaration of Arbroath suggests to me, Andy, that our forebears would be willing…Feb 8, 10:38
    • gregor on The smirking scorpion: “You’re welcome Twathater.Feb 8, 10:34
    • Hatey McHateface on The smirking scorpion: “Well, Geri, when it comes to laughing stocks, you’re the undisputed expert. BTW, what news of the F16s?Feb 8, 10:26
    • Hatey McHateface on The smirking scorpion: ““showing the balls not to take “No” for an answer” And right there, Andy, you’ve (ahem) put your finger on…Feb 8, 10:21
    • robertkknight on The Joker: “Be interesting to see a breakdown in which party their supporters were formerly voting for, where their support in Scotland…Feb 8, 10:15
    • Athanasius on The Joker: “Why do you suppose that is?Feb 8, 10:12
    • Hatey McHateface on The smirking scorpion: “You’re one of the sound cants on here, George, so of course I believe you. My point is, though, that…Feb 8, 10:10
  • A tall tale

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