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Wings Over Scotland

Glass house heavily stoned

Posted on July 14, 2017 by

And no, we’re not talking about Ruth Davidson living it up at Fingers Piano Bar. Kezia Dugdale tweeted this today:

Which would be a little bit like us gloating that Andy Murray was rubbish at tennis on the grounds that he was knocked out of Wimbledon this week.

Except that we wouldn’t actually believe that for a second, and we’re not sure Kezia Dugdale has the level of basic self-awareness required to acknowledge that she’s in Salmond’s political league about as much as we’re in Murray’s sporting one.


Dugdale’s win percentage of 0% compares poorly with Salmond’s 90%, in five different seats, three of which he captured from other parties. In the only election he’s lost in his 30-year career, his 36% vote share was still higher than the 33% Dugdale achieved in the only seat she’s ever contested, and he got 65% more votes than her.

If we were Kezia Dugdale – who’s only in the Parliament at all thanks to a method of bypassing the wishes of the electorate which she thinks is undemocratic, unfair and “inappropriate”, and which she ironically once bitterly attacked Salmond for deploying – we might wait just a little bit longer to start crowing.

Because people other than us are belatedly beginning to notice that Scottish Labour’s astonishing current level of out-of-control arrogant hubris is built on quicksand.

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Proud Cybernat

Is that Kezia talking aboot her Bridget Jones big knickers again?

Just asking.

PS – Colonel Ruthie-babes getting on with the night job I see.

Merkin Scot

Quicksand? Scotch Mist, more like.


Wow, that Alex Massive article is like reading a Wings article. Actual facts, sensible analysis and proper comparisons with the 2015 election.

I know that might sound sarcastic but it truly isn’t.

Robert Graham

Aye well i guess she must be feeling left out , no one is bothering with her so she just has to say something , anything.
Exactly what is the point in her ? I cant think of anything .

colin alexander

As sending SNP MPs to WM achieves absolutely nothing, maybe it gives Alex Salmond a chance to put his considerable talents to a more productive pursuit, such as fighting for Scottish sovereignty within the Union or preferably full independence.

Maybe it will also give him an opportunity to reconsider the flawed and foolish proven failure of “indy by referendum” policy and have a wee word in Nicola’s are about it.


Dugdale still in a job due to Corbyn. Watching Labour at the GE was a bit like watching them anticipate the Scottish recession, all excited for bad news only for their hopes to be dashed. Watching all the Corbyn haters having to hold their tongues does make me laugh.

It’s a bit unfortunate the next GE will probably be before the next Scottish elections, just to see what ScotLab would campaign on, Dugdale or Corbyn policies.


Does anyone remember Mary Mungo and Midge? Well she is Mungo. A big glackit dug with long floppy ears that does what Mary tells her to do. A brsinless big floppy eared mutt.

Gail Hughes

I don’t see why Labour and the lib-dems are so keen to revel in the defeat of some SNP MPs by the Tories. If you look at the results, you have to ask where all these new Tory voters have come from. The answer is pretty obvious, they have come from those parties. Look at the recent result from Gordon, the Tory and Lib-dem votes almost mirror the previous election. The Tories are gaining votes at the expense of their own parties and they are hailing it as a victory. The reality is that the Tories have been effective in garnering the anti-Independence vote and they haven’t. They should be worried by this but instead seem to think it is a success. Politics has gone truly mad.


O/T (sort of, sorry Rev) but this must be said long and loud. Davidson not providing surgeries means she is not doing her job properly and is a wage thief.


Kezia would need a bucket just to hold them, maybe she could get the one they use to water their magic money tree.


In New Zealand it is standard and pretty uncontroversial for the top dozen or so party candidates to both stand in a constituency and be top ranked in the lists. All the main party leaders and cabinets almost always take their constituency seats though. The backup means who will take which portfolio or shadow portfolio is pretty much sewn up in advance, including wrt probable coalition partners.

Peter McCculloch

The arrogance of Labour politicians has to be seen to be believed, and Dugdale fits perfectly into that mould.

Its an attitude I have encountered all too often from Labour politicians, they are always right even when they are wrong.

As for Davidson not providing any surgeries, should anyone really be surprised by that? it sounds like too much work for her and anyway she would not only have to defend her government’s policies, but also have to deal the problems her constituents are suffering as a result of those policies.


There are days when I truly feel for Mr Dugdale (Kezia’s dad), and this is one of them.

That is a car crash tweet. It shows neither respect nor self awareness. Which y’know, considering the limitations of tweeting, is quite a feat.


Dugdale or Corbyn policies……First she would have to get some.


Wow! Within only c.5 BTL posts today (and just c. 10 minutes), the discussion of an article on the consistency of Ms Dugdale’s views on the electoral system and her track record at elections has been the subject of an attempted DIVERSION to the “flawed and foolish proven failure” of an SNP policy!

Just to recall the purpose of a diversion strategy, when a significant issue arises the author brings up a different issue designed to DIVERT ATTENTION away from this issue. The goal is to get people to talk about the diversion rather than the issue that the author may wish to avoid.

Robert Peffers

@Merkin Scot says: 14 July, 2017 at 11:57 am:

“Quicksand? Scotch Mist, more like.”

“Quicksands”? For a brief moment I thought the Rev had said, “Chicksandds”


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The Chicksands base has a very dark, very secretive and very sinister reputation.

The USA were also involved in that bad reputation.

Arthur Martin

A silly wee lassie with a heed full of bubbles.
Her bitterness and anger is oozing out of that tweet. It must be very demoralising to go into Holyrood every week determined to try and embarrass Nicola and the ScotGov, and walk away crestfallen after having your arse handed to you by the FM.

A sad, pathetic, lonely individual almost on the same level of delusion as wee Willie Rennie.

Robert Peffers

@Arthur Martin says: 14 July, 2017 at 12:59 pm:

” … A sad, pathetic, lonely individual almost on the same level of delusion as wee Willie Rennie.”

Aw! Arthur, Yon’s a puckle harsh.

“The Dug”, is hardly on the same level as, “Wee Wullie”, – “The Dug”, kens she’s delusional.


Any tweets from Kezia Dugdale on the Great Repeal Bill, the Repeal Bill or whatever it’s called now? Nothing to say about the Scots / Scotland / Holyrood potentially being booted on the er*e? NO? Just sticking with their sole manifesto policy of the SNP being ever so Baad.


They’re still afraid of Alex the black bitch..

And tremble, false Whigs, in the midst of your glee,
You have not seen the last of my bonnet and me!


Hold or fold, is she talking about towel folding. Dugdale is irrelevant, but she gets a canny wage to be so.

Alex Salmond has more intelligence and integrity than she could ever hope to have, not to mention life experience and of course political experience.

I am sure A.Salmond will be an asset to Scotland, and have some good ideas about how to proceed. 🙂 It may be a blessing in disguise that he is no longer required to sit and listen to the unionist zoomers down in Lundun. 😉


🙂 stewartb


Kezia Dugdale, the thinking Nat’s…nah, ah’ve goat nuttin’

*shrugs aff the dug*



C’mon Nicola we can do it. WILL DO IT. You with the Watchers on the Wall right behind you all the way through the end game (of Thrones). Regain our Kingdom.

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Dan Huil

Dugdale makes Jim Murphy [fundilymundilyrememberhim?] look like an intellectual giant.

Robert Peffers

For a bit of light relief :-

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and :-

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colin alexander

@stewartb It’s not a diversion.

You would rather I focus on Kezia Dugdale? How? She is a political minnow. Currently, almost irrelevant. I consider talking about her a diversion.

I can understand Stu doing it though. He can always rely on Kezia to talk garbage and give his readers a laugh. ( “Just like Colin Alexander”, Is that what you are thinking? haha).

Alex Salmond has great talent in the field of politics. Indyref was worth a shot. Almost there, but ultimately failed. It wasn’t foolish to have indyref 1, but having tried that strategy and learned it is a failure, then I think it would be foolish to repeat it, unless we have learned how to turn it into a winner. I see no evidence of that yet.

Alex Salmond himself has said there are other ways to put our sovereignty into effect other than an indyref.

Now he is freed from his work as an MP, I’m hoping he can come up with a WINNING strategy to achieve independence, or at a minimum, sovereignty within the Union, until we can achieve full independence.

But if you consider it more important to reflect on the already well established fact that sometimes Kezia Dugdale talks pure mince, then that’s okay with me.

Dan Huil

All britnats are tractors. Their hatred for Scotland knows no bounds.



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What was that about whistling for it?


Do you remember when Labour were in power in the Scottish Parliament many years ago courtesy of being propped up by the LibDems and they claimed that list MSPs were second-class MSPs? Do they still adhere to that view? No, thought not.

Liz g

It’s no just Dugdale thinking (stoap laughing) that’s flawed.
I don’t think that the list system serves Scotland very well at all.
I have often wondered why we don’t try to change it.

I would have thought that a limit of only being able to serve in Holyrood as a list MSP Twice would be much better.
This let’s any party put forward anyone whom they think may have some political talent.
Which is the intent …is it no?

Then this list MSP has two terms,which is TEN year’s to show the Scottish electorate what they have to offer us,and get themselves elected in their own right.
Either way the list place must then go to someone else!

It’s surely no right that someone we are no willing to elect can keep returning to the Parliament time after time and we can’t get rid of them.
That’s no much better than the English house of lords!

Arthur Martin

@Robert Peffers

good point Robert, I’ll give you that one.
I spent some time in hospital 2 years back which necessitated me being whacked out of my head on Morphine and god knows what else. I imagine wee Willies world must be akin to the lovely fluffy wee place I found myself in. ?

Kat hamilton

Kezia lives in her own bubble…she’s a political light weight that has zero credibility..every week humiliated and given a reality check at First ministers questions…..always playing the little girl lost part to the max, on the verge of tears and meltdown with her faux outrage….perhaps if ms dugdale is reading these comments she might take a few things onboard….apologise to the electorate for siding with bitter together, and their lies with banks closures, supermarket price increases and job loses at hmrc, and shipyards…oh guess what kezia, they have all come to fruition thanks to our staying in this rancid union, but keep burying your head in the sand and playing the federalist card that’ll never amount to squat diddly…listen to your dad, might open your mind to reality…


Thanks for the ‘A dug a Dug’ Robert. This is another ‘wilder’ version. I just love it when I know that no-one will have a clue what some of us are saying outside Scotland.

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Meanwhile subtitle for those having difficulty understanding the language, lol:

Hey, Daddy, wid ye get us a dug ?
A big broon alsation ur a wee white pug ?
Ur a skinny wee terrier, ur a big fat collie?
Aw, daddy,get us a dug. Will yi ?

Whit! An’ whose dug’ll it be when it durties the flerr,
An’ wets the carpet and messes the sterr?
Its me ur yer mammy’ll be tane furra mug.
Away oot’n play. Yer no getting a dug.

But daddy thur gi’en them away
Down therr at the RSPCA.
Yu’ll get wan fur nothin, so ye will.
Aw. Daddy, get us a dug, Will ye?

Dji hear um? Oan aboot dugs again?
Ah think that yins goat dugs’n the brain.
Ah know whit yu’ll get: a skite oan the lug
If ah hear ony merr aboot this bloomin dug.

Aw, Daddy, it widny be dear tae keep
An’ah’d make it a basket fur it tae sleep.
An’ah’d take it fur runs away ower the hull.
Aw, Daddy, get us a dug. Will ye?

A doan’t think thurs embdy like you:
Yi could wheedle the twist oot a flamin’ corkscrew.
Noo! Get doon aff my neck. Gies nane a yur hugs.
Aw right. THAT’S ANUFF. Ah’ll get yi a dug.

Aw Daddy. A dug. A dug.


@ bjsalba says at 1:59 pm …. ”What was that about whistling for it?”

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I wonder if they’ll expect us to cough up 9% of this bill if we don’t get out in time? Or will we be expected to pay it anyway if we bail out before disfunctional Westminster gets kicked out?


Jeez, I’m almost but not quite, embarrassed for Dugdale for posting such a inane comment.

To gloat that Alex Salmond lost his seat, and shouldn’t bother to stand again, by the leader of a party that’s virtually in free-fall in Scotland is unparalleled stupidity.

But then again I’m not surprised anymore, by anything that Dugdale says or does.


Seriously that lassie has some self realisation issues ,is there anyone out there that believes the constant pile of horse manure that her and her party cohorts e.g. Kelly and Sarwar come out with . Keep it up kez truthless is right behind you all the way and is loving your stupidity ,she doesn’t even have to open her big gob you are sending the yoonies straight to her hence the failing LIEBOUR party

Advice kez take a wee look in the mirror hen ,or better still for us independenistas keep on wi yer pish

Les Wilson

There was a time we laughed at Kezia, we even felt sorry for her on occasions. However, and it seems to coincide with her return after he “training” in America.

What she has turned in to is a proven liar who enjoys the media passing her comments and opinions as real news. She gets headlines, she loves it.

During the course of this she has become a really bitter, maybe even twisted woman with few ideals to cling to, just her SNP bad which gives her chances to vent her contempt on the best government Scotland has ever had. She needs to go and get some serious help and get her sanity back.


From one Liar

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Dugdale the dire head of no more than an abysmal Accounting Unit in Scotland that counts for nothing. She still gets paid, mind you, with tax-payers money … yours and mine.

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to Another Liar. Mundell telling us that a country that doesn’t exist has the most powerfully devolved Parliament in the World.

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To Another:

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To Another:

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To Another:

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Commonly known as ‘Better at lying Together.’


OT/ Bertie Armstrong

Out to protect Scotland fishing!

Not according to him-

Scotland doesn’t get look in

Scotland can sit in the corner while Northern Ireland and England dictate terms.

Are some of the “Scottish Fisherman” no feeling like haddies?

Dan Huil

Dugdale and her britnat friends probably agree with these consequences:

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colin alexander

“When asked by Sky News whether he would seek a third stint at WESTMINSTER, he replied: “Yeah, I fought ten elections, I’ve won nine of them and I’d like to make it nine out of 11 or 10 out of 11, rather than nine out of 10, put it that way”.”

Source: link to

Unless the answer was edited out, no mention that we’ll be independent via an indyref within a couple of years so Scotland won’t have WM MPs.

Told you: AS is a very clever man when it comes to politics.

Liz g

Stewartb @ 12.41
Sigh… day it will be the first comment…. LOL
Well done for not rising to it.
We should make a drinking game…..and a forfet for the first to answer.
A round at the next night out mibbi


For a supposed politely leader, representing a responsible electorate, that tweet is so desperately immature. Can you envisage Mr Salmond having to stoop to such schoolyard tactics? No, nor can I.

Kezia Dugdale has, in her position of power – no matter how impotent that power is – a responsibility to set an example to all Scots. She’d appear to be content to have parts of the country brandishing pitchforks and clubs if it was an acceptable variation of SNP-bad.
I carry no such power or responsibility to the electorate, and I’m entitled to express my opinion – she’s a classless, ermine-seeking, pallet-burning prick. Fuck her

Robert J. Sutherland

“A week is a long time in politics”.

After another couple of months of Brexit talks and the almighty stushie that will be the Grandiose Repeal Bill, who has the faintest clue what the situation will be by then, election-wise?

Meanwhile, all Whiny Woman can apparently think about is making bitter remarks about a parliamentarian who towers in real achievement above her utter mediocrity.

It’s time the remaining Labour voters in Scotland, and especially the new ones who were charmed by Corbyn, woke up to the fact that BLiS is nothing more than an empty husk, capable of nothing except incoherent animosity towards the independence movement in general and the SNP in particular.

Kez and her little band are total losers, without a clue. And every utterance they make, like this one, makes it all the more obvious.


Alex Salmond did more for the NE and Scotland in five years than the unionists did in fifty years. Alex will be back.

The Tories ruined the Oil sector with illegal taxes. The fishermen overfished the sea and threw dead fish back for years. Brexit will destroy the fishing sector. High tariffs will cut off markets and other waters. Same with farming. Cheap imports. Mad cow came from Alabama. Imported in from the US. Lack of testing. Costing £Billions Bailed out by the taxpayer. Some mad cows are self created.

Scotland loses £20Billion a year to Westminster, which could be invested in the Scottish economy. Brexit will cost £8Bilion and jobs. It will cause a recession and depression. It is already affecting jobs and rising prices.


@ Liz at 5:04pm ….. and that’ll be expensive because I for one will be ordering a treble vodka and lemonade right off, so beware folks.


Unionism in Scotland really is in a bad way, yet people still vote for them. That is the biggest puzzle of all.

The SNP in Holyrood are doing an amazing job, under the circumstances. And exactly what have the new Red and Blue Tory MPs from Scotland achieved?

What has Kezia (or Ruth or Willie) ever done for Scotland?

And no, you couldn’t make a Pythonesque sketch out of that!

( Greetings from a very wet Tiree Music Festival! )

Meg merrilees

Dan Huil

Pensioners facing 3 weeks in Jail for protesting against nuclear weapons.

I wondered if it is possible for some of us to visit them?

I’ve looked at the regulations for visiting Cornton Prison on the website but it looks quite complicated.

Anyone live near LOW MOSS prison where Brian Quail is held prisoner or CORNTON prison where Angela Zelter is being held?

Maybe we could send them some chocolate or decent shower cream or other little treats

These people are not criminals, they are heroes and we need to show them we care.



Wow! Its something to dwell on.

Eck’s the comeback kid but it was a spectacular tory hit that got him out though, Angus Robertson too.

SLab problem’s are many fold but like Labour have been since the 60’s, they’re badly infiltrated by the UK state too.

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Muscleguy @ 12:33pm, a serious question for you about NZ politics:
Do they have the same talent shortage amongst their list representatives that we do in Scotland? Here, the opposition unionist parties are selecting from a very shallow talent pool indeed. Is it the same in NZ?


Not going to MIRROR what other people have said about Keiza’s tweet but will REFLECT upon the fact that she is somewhat CRACKED in her logic and has yet to SHATTER my opinion of her as a clueless and sub standard politician….would never raise a GLASS to her or her party….with their lack of success in Scotland would not have occasion to…

Tweets that start with ‘Know when to’………..from failed politicians trying to deprecate the character of another greatly missed politician who is much admired….by many….unlike the person who has tweeted.

Know when to not tweet….if what you tweet is actually applicable to your own circumstances.

Know when to shut up….if what you say is actually applicable to your own party and yourself.

Know when to walk away….if your lack of political achievements undermine your credibility as party leader.

Know when to stop being so very ironic, hypocritical, duplicitous, spiteful, shameless, undignified, imprudent,discourteous,vacuous,partisan,vindictive…..could go on and on and on ………..but would surely be here all piggin night….however on a positive note………….or perhaps not.

Robert Peffers

@Arthur Martin says: 14 July, 2017 at 2:48 pm

” … I imagine wee Willies world must be akin to the lovely fluffy wee place I found myself in.”

Yes Arthur, after not only a broken back but also a broken neck as a result of our car being hit head on by a drunk driver I know that lovely fluffy place very well.

As my late wife described it, (she was in our car and spent the rest of her life in a wheelchair, “Ah cuddnae bite ma ain thoomb”.


Isn’t it great we pay this troll £70k pa, for this low level dross?

Scotland is facing economic meltdown via Brexit, the potential diminution of Holyrood in a power grab, food prices are rising fast, but Kez considers this pursuit of her irrational hatred, much more important.

That woman isn’t fit for office, and not fit to lick Salmonds boots.

Robert Peffers

Meg merrilees says: 14 July, 2017 at 5:47 pm:

” … These people are not criminals, they are heroes and we need to show them we care.”

Heros they are. I’m sure, though, that Brian Quail will manage his jail time just fine, Meg.

He must be accustomed to such ordeals by this time. Try googling his name and you will be surprised how many hits you get.

Among them this:-

link to

There is a longer, full, version available on:-


Friday night Scotland.

Have a great weekend Wingers!

Enjoy yourselves and have lots of fun, unless you stay at ‘320 Sycamore’.


The auld Granville hoose, that is.




Is that Dugdale concerned that the SNP may retake a Tory held seat. No more than you would expect really, one people, one union, one leader (Davidson).


Kezia Dugdale is pathetic.And everything else said by others on here.

I was most surprised to learn from Stuart’s tweet that Ruth Davidson had actually held a constituency surgery since being elected.I wonder what prompted such uncharacteristic behaviour because normally she doesn’t give a toss. I also wonder what her constituents think of her performance as their elected MSP.Not that any of them will have actually met her ( apart from the lucky few in that one surgery. ) Good to see this highlighted and rightly pilloried by Stuart.


Livin’ in the summer of seventeen.

For this century only.

For Scotland.

Only you.

For me.



Who even is she? I’d rather suck ma oan boabie that lick her. She’s a naebdae


Empty space between ears.


‘Stupid wee lassie’ doesn’t even come close.

colin alexander

Did anyone read the report stating the UK has the best health service of the eleven examined for the care to cost ratio?

“The NHS has been judged the best, safest and most affordable healthcare system out of 11 countries analysed and ranked by experts from the influential Commonwealth Fund health thinktank” says The Guardian.

One major strength it said was because it’s a publicly funded health service.

It should be noted that each NHS is separate, such as Scotland’s NHS is a separate organisation from the NHS in England, Wales, and N.I.

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William Wallace

The first two lines of the song she is quoting are much more relevant to Kezia herself.

“On a warm summer’s evening
On a train bound for nowhere”


Scotland is FUCKIN’ excellent!

“Take that one to heart!”

Next up, paradise.



Brian Quail jailed…….damnable!


Always be excellent…

That is all.

Still Positive

Fred @11.14

Brian Quail had a very eloquent letter published in The National some time ago when he was unable to assure his class, as a young teacher, at the time of the Cuban Missile crisis in October 1962 that they would be safe.

I remember the crisis well as I was in S1 at the time and many of us were scared.

Brian Quail is a man to be revered not jailed.

I admire his stance to not be constrained in his right to protest.

|He is to be a

Still Positive

He is to be admired not jailed.

Big Phil

She’d take yer last cigarette and bum ye for yer lighter ,ye’d never see it again. ..
Ruined wan o ma favourite songs…..BIATCH. ;-(


If the glass house was in an elevated location, southern side of a ridge, a telescope and sound system handy, toasted, & with good coffee…
Nirvana 😉

Much brass neck on show. Htf did she survive the elections ?


Do one.

Chris Cairns a comin’ up…

Everytimes a bell rings, an undecided Winger wins their wings..

Let the people talk…

Ahm in Glasgow, but I have no idea where I am…

People are talking.

Dr Jim

There is of course another award Stu didn’t list for Alex Salmond and that is:

The Coppetieres Award 14th December 2016 to honour Alex Salmond for outstanding dedication to democracy fairness and devolution for Scotland to name just a few of the reasons outlined by the EU in Brussels where this award was presented to the Right Honourable Alex Salmond which went unrecognised and reported by all the state media in good old Inglind and Scotland

For those who didn’t know about it it’s not surprising seeing as how we live in a more choked by the throat media than North Korea, but pretty much the rest of the civilised world knows exactly who our Mr Salmond is and has much respect and admiration for him as they do for our current First Minister

On the other hand mention Kezia Dugdale winner of the plasticine challenge age 4 and a half and Labour leader in Scotland and I have to say not only has nobody ever heard of her most of her own party in a poll a year ago didn’t know who she was either

But we know don’t we folks, she’s the vacuous stupid Arsehole who can’t control the dummy in her mooth before she spits it out and if there was a button to press to vote on that subject she’d press the wrong Feckin one


Love ALL!

No-one no more…

No-one no less…

We’re all beautiful.

NEVER forget that.




Who got in, in the 90’s, red tory Labour. And they wonder why they’re hated too. Although ofcourse beeb gimps alone are trying to do to the SNP.

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Top 1% of households in UK fully recovered from financial crisis
Rest of British population, especially young and those renting homes, still struggling, says Resolution Foundation

“Fast-rising disposable incomes for the top 1% had been the sole driver of rising inequality since the mid-1990s, the Resolution Foundation said. The gap between rich and poor for the other 99% of the population had actually fallen over the same period, it added.”

colin alexander

I wonder if anyone will meet AS at their local Job Centre now he’s lost his MP job. Unlikely, as so many of them are shut down meaning benefit claimants having to travel miles.

The Job Centres the SNP were gonnae save from closure.

How can people no accept the truth: the British Establishment absorbed Labour so it went from Keir Hardie shaking and trying to end the Establishment to Kezia serving the UK Establishment.

They’ve done the same with the SNP. From campaigning to end Scottish involvement at Westminster, Alex Salmond cannae cannae wait to get his airse back on the green benches.


70 years of: A vote for the SNP is a vote for independence. An SNP majority means a declaration of independence, to:

You can vote for the SNP but it’s no a vote for independence (2015).

Then, even worse:

Keep Scotland Strong at Westminster ( 2017).

What next?

Well, we’ve already had several GEs now with the SNP begging to work with Unionists such as Labour at WM. And the Unionists have laughed.

Now, it’s The Great Westminster Power Grab. We all can have a fair idea how that will go too: the last time WM took a power from Scotland they didnae need to grab it, the SNP voluntarily handed it over, because the UK Govt “gave them an assurance” that by doing so “nothing would change”.

How many on here would believe a Tory assurance about anything? Probably nobody. Stu warned the Scot Govt too.

Yet the “all wise” SNP swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

As long the SNP are on easy money, like Kezia, things won’t change. The SNP politicians’ bank balances are filling up nicely thanks to devolution and WM.

Again the SNP are desperate to cooperate with the Tories on Brexit.

Oh boy, that’s really telling they Tories. A Strong Voice for Scotland, telling it straight to WM: Nowadays UK Govts just have to say jump, and the SNP say: how high?

No wonder people are turning away from the SNP. An independence party without independence is like Labour led by Kezia.

A waste of time.


Ah’ve just bought fast food.. contactless, is that cool..?


Tastes good.


Robert Peffers

Just as an aside. I have been revisiting an old Xbox 360 game I’ve had for years. Grand Theft Auto V. The main reason I bought it in the first place was because it was developed in Scotland.

Anyway, I noticed something I hadn’t noticed before.

At the Tennis court, country club or whatever, complex on the Pacific coast, along from the big pier with the funfair rides on it, they are flying three flags.

The Stars & Stripes in the middle but with the Butcher’s Apron and the Saltire on either side of Old Glory.

Nae cross o St George, though.

makes a statement that Scotland sees itself as separate from the United Kingdom. Fair cheerer me up – it did. If memory serves the development was done in Either Dundee or Edinburgh or maybe both.

There is actually quite a few very humorous bits and pieces that only Scots would find and find hilarious. For example they have a couple of on-line Stock Markets and the original one is titled, “The BAWSAQ”, the Scots who worked on the game certainly had a real Scottish sense of humour.

I wonder it the people in the parent company actually knew some of the more subtle Scots humour included.


One is heading and soon to be heavily stoned.




Love all.

Mix pakora n fries!

Love X.

Liz g

Enjoy Cactus,my friend.

Just incase anyone else was wondering….
Triple Gin & tonic with ice and a slice…as oor Petra @ 5.29 said this could get expensive… LOL

Ian Brotherhood

@Cactus & Robert Peffers –

It’s pure braw, dropping in here, hawf-puggled, to see comments from youse both side-by-side so-to-speak…

Wir aw oan the same page brithers!


Big Phil

Mr Peffers ,
How could you, Bawsaq. tut tut tut. lol. I wonder if any of our merican friens saw it?? 😉


Big Phil, on O/T for you!
Smallaxe says:
12 July, 2017 at 2:07 am
For Big Phil; by special request!

Peace Always

Big Phil

Apart fae that yoon midgie thats hoverin about ,its nice and calm , Cactus gies a bit buddy , contactless of course. lol



Love U!

Big Phil

Smallaxe, you’re summit else , even when ye urny well . Kudos my pal. 😉


HOME soon…



Cheers oor Ian Bro… 😉

Big Phil

Saw listened and loved, left one for you buddy, 😉

Connor McEwen


Liz g

Cactus are Connor and you friends??



I am.

Are you?



Love everybuddy.


Love HOME.


Let’s go Dutch…

“Rapon ra my oh my!”
link to

NB: twas time furra song, aye aye!

Hi world!


Sorry, Phil, just noticed that I posted that one already, try this!
link to

Peace Always my Friend


Hey Scotland!

What’s yer pleasure…?

To be freedom.


Ok let’s do this… ok.



Run thru ra jungle with ccr…

Runnin’ at 283,912 current views:
link to

Ccr is good CC.


Make a wish…
link to

I’ll give you the moon.


Kez, Murdo Fraser et al are proof that the list system is insane. The people stated they didn’t want them, by voting for others, but they end up getting more airtime by talking down Scotland.

Many excellent politicians are out in the cold, but we get bombed by quotes from these brainless freeloaders on a daily basis.

Can we change this system?


Yes WE can.


Probably also worth mentioning that if you want information on how the Brexit settlement negotiations are proceeding, the press is the last place you want to look.

Can’t be stressed enough – GO TO SOURCE

If you want to know what the Scottish government are doing, go to Scotgov site and likewise with EU releases go to the EU home page and follow the links on Brexit. (UK gov probably not so much. They do have the use of the UK meeja for that after all.)

What we’re seeing right now is action and consequence, process and procedure. To folk like me, the official updates are boring and sometimes difficult to digest, but the effort is worth it.

Real news is just that, boring. A recounting of statements made in context, of facts on events, procedures and consequences. Law, international law, international diplomacy and the affairs of legislation and governments is boring, complex and fraught with legal, constitutional and economic consequences not readily visible to folk. Think iceberg.

If you think the bit above the waterline looks scary, you don’t want to think about what’s under the waves.

The consequences of Brexit are now beginning to show themselves in all sorts of places and situations which most people hadn’t thought of. From the shopping basket to constitutional and international law, this particular iceberg is a big bastirt.

Worth bearing in mind.


Does Kezia Dugdale actualy do ANY work? Anything at all?

We know Miss Absurd Colonel Davidson doesn’t. Too busy grinning at dead fish.

Macart WGD and SNP : ‘What the Repeal Bill means’, both really worth a read. Will check out europa eu, Thank you muchly = )

Liz G and Petra, am torn between gin and tonic or dark rum and coke…could have both mibee 🙂

What you having Rev?

Liz g

Wrackin ma brain’s tae try and warn,.
And it is warning we need..
I am confident that we will get 50% + 1
But we will really get to end this bloody Treaty as a 21st century democracy,if Scotland doesn’t buy the 17th century nonsense and pulled together for wance in it’s life!
Here’s hoping!!


Brian Quail, a man of near 80 is sitting in his cell at Low Moss for demonstrating peacefully on our behalf against the Trident obscenity. Is this to be the Crown’s response to all anti-Trident demonstrators, do they want the jails packed?


With you on this one Fred, Meg Merrilees @ 5.47pm, Still Positive and Robert Peffers and Dan Huil.

This Man, Brian Quail, and the Lady, Angela Zelter, sent to Corton Vale ( I thought they’d started demolition of that instituion!) are demonstrating for us and all our not yet born children.

They will be known in our history.

The United Nations is voting against the nuclear weapon threats. More than a hundred nations are protesting too but THESE two souls get sent to prison.

For now, for Brian and Angela, it must be very hard and bleak to be in a prison.

My love and prayers are with them both. And all those who tolerate the weather and rough handling to protest directly against what I object to from the comfort of my home.

Robert Peffers @ 8.04 pm and Dan Huil @ 4.28 pm thank you for the links =)

Robert Peffers

@Big Phil says: 15 July, 2017 at 1:11 am:

” … Bawsaq. tut tut tut. lol. I wonder if any of our merican friens saw it?? ?”

Oh! The whole World of computer games are seeing it as the Grand Theft Auto games are among the longest running series of computer games ever.

Whether the rest of the World can understand the many bits of typically Scottish humour that runs through the game is another thing entirely. The game has now been released, in even better resolution, directly on windows 10 computers and they have announced that the previous game in the series, GTA IV, is to soon be able to be accessed from within GTA V.

GTA IV is set in a fictional city modelled on New York and GTA V is modelled on Los Angeles and Hollywood. In both cases the game really unmercifully, “rips the pish”, out of the worse aspects of USA culture.

Traits, such as colour prejudice, gun ownership and the cult of the’ Celeb are mercilessly lampooned. So now the player has a rather large in game geographic area to roam around and an even larger cast of characters that I have no doubt will wander into each others territory.

There has been limited bits of characters from the many off-shoot sub-games generated throughout the series with characters from previous versions popping up in the next series in line.

It is just one more field in which Scots and Scotland excels. In an independent Scotland I’m sure it will be a, “Nice little Earner”, for the Scottish Treasury and will see computer games companies making inward investments.

They are, though, decidedly adult games but I have no doubt they are very popular with the teen and older pre-teens too.

Dave McEwan Hill

Aye, Kezia There’ll be time enough for countin’
When the dealin’s done.

Everybody knows you are bluffing and you’ve got nothing in your hand.


I’m confused. Carwyn Jones and Nicola act together, seeing that the Bill is dangerous for their country ( Wales and Scotland). Dugdale does not act with Nicola regarding the dangerous Bill..
Of course she may be under the thumb of Corbyn, but it doesn’t seem to bother to bother Jones to ignore Corbyn and go for a joint action with Nicola.
What is Dugdale doing for Scotland?

Meg merrilees

Ghillie @8.18 am

I phoned Cornton Vale prison today.

We are not allowed to send in any gifts – for obvious reasons but we can send in cash, by recorded delivery, with the name of the prisoner i.e. Angela Zelter/Brian Quail and date of birth – if known.

The prison will then ensure that the money is credited to their prison account which allows them to use it to buy things in the prison shop or use it towards phone calls.

Money can be handed across at any HM prison with instructions to credit it to the account of Angela or Brian at their respective prisons i.e. Cornton Vale/Low Moss.

I read in the National that their friends and supporters have asked that people send them cards and letters.

Maybe some of us can get motivated to do that.
As you so aptly said:

My love and prayers are with them both. And all those who tolerate the weather and rough handling to protest directly against what I object to from the comfort of my home.


Last night was fun again, as always. Big thumbs up to all you nightshifters.

Hey Ghillie, see instead of having coke with ur dark rum… have you ever tried dark rum with a traditional ginger beer? It’s yum!

Pour the ginger beer into ur glass first, then carefully layer up ur dark yummy rummy on top.

Serve over ice, drink and enjoy! (straw optional)


Dugdale’s party managed to get 25% of the vote at the last election.


By continuing to fool gullible people.

Which they have become experts at with decades of experience.

Their lies achieve the purpose they are meant for.

That is all that matters.

Scotland might get independence after 50% + 1 of the voting public has become a WOS reader.

The fake “independence supporting” The National has a near zero positive effect to the independence cause.

Truth Always.

stewart fae stoney

She is so mercilessly free of the ravages of Intelligence


What is Dugdale doing for Scotland?

Unionists dont think like that. They never have. All they care about is the UK, their country. Scotland’s merely a region to them all, a region to be kept down and in check, because otherwise…change might come about.

Its a 300 year old country what they love and will not allow to be ended. Legacy like that sits at the front of all yoon minds.

It costs lives too, look at Blair, Brown etc and their horror wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why would a socialist party like Lab go to war with neo fascist Bush Washington? Because its Great Britain. Why would Brown spend £14bn on two aircraft carriers, all for war on foreign hot countries too weak to strike back? Because they’re British.

Reluctant Nationalist

@ Peffers

You should see GTA 5 running on a PS4, all in first-person perspective. It’s a technical masterpiece.

Mark Russell

Wonder what news outlet will be covering ‘honey-traps’ this morning?


She’s down with the lingo, at least. Time for a good game of Texas Hold Them.

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