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Moodievision: The Fall And Fall…

Posted on May 13, 2015 by

…Of Ed Miliband.

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‘You’re orange juice no bits’, naughty, naughty Mr Moodie, but strangely accurate . . .


And whatabout the whereabouts of Mags Curran, Chairchoob and Gordzilla? Who cares about Corky? I want pictures of their faces now 😀

Grouse Beater

Poor Miliband – his moment in the sun has left whim with a terrible rash! (Like the Kwik Fit workshop behind him.)

At least one brave Labour survivor, Michael Dugher, speaks the truth about their disastrous love-in with the Tories in here: link to

Alexander McKenzie


No no no...Yes

Love it.

A great epitaph to Ed the Red. RIP- Routed in Polls

I see Jim Murphy is trying hard to hold on to his leadership and will undoubtedly get the backing of the vast majority his other unemployed MP colleagues. Why, because Jim will try and change the Labour rules so that his cronies can oust sitting MSPs so that the “elite” WM mob can carry on their careers.

There’s nothing like looking after your own, that right Jim?


Is there also a better bettertogether monument to Gordon Brown, Flipper Darling, Torquil Chrichton, BBC Scotland etc. Anyway Rancid Graun says they found the Ed Stone. Its been stashed in a lock up in south London and probably not much or exactly like, Indiana Jones and the election of doom.

James Forrest

After a lot of time sweating it, I finally decided to write an exhaustive piece on the vote rigging allegations during the referendum.

I’d welcome any comments.

Was 18 September 2014 a day of destiny or a day of infamy? Were we really voting for the future of our country, or was it all decided for us, by people who had a vested interest in keeping things as they are?

This is a look at the Secret State, the reasons they might have decided to rig this and how they would have gone about it.

link to


Labour must move back towards the centre in order to win again.

Blair won three elections… he was obviously doing something right.


Poor Ed. He failed to realise it was the Stone of Destiny. His.


Just read your article on Facebook James. Very thought provoking. The media bias section is definitely true! Every single day there seemed to be at least one negative story about independence and on a good day for BT up to 5 stories. Where were these coming from? Also interesting is your point about why no mention of the postal vote outcomes last week and not a peep from Ruth?

Bob Mack

On hearing what the Conservative Government have lined up for their tenure in Downing St, having someone as mad as Ed does not seem so bad after all.
No doubt he is wandering in the wilderness again (Ibiza), looking for divine guidance re his next directorship somewhere.
Delighted to hear Nicola is going to take the Tories head on regarding the human rights legislation.If the SNP stood nationwide right now,their numbers would go through the roof,especially as on this hot topic,Labour appear to be taking somewhat of a back seat.


Brilliant! I hope these moody shorts will survive the tsunami of the election.

Cadogan Enright

Well if you think you think the Torys have sunk to their lowest depths in Scotland, you don’t know what really bad looks like and how low they can get.

You could fit the number of Tory voters here in N.I. on a double-decker bus.

Torys just re-appointed their utterly useless pro-consul as secretary of state here in NI Teresa Villiers.

Her appalling interventions in local politics this last few years are too numerous to mention.

From pandering to loyalist rioters in 2013, to setting up a unionist commission to look into orange parades through nationalist areas, to rubbishing the intervention of the US Government appointed peacemaker Robert Haass to seek resolution of Peace Agreement impasse blocked by unionists/Torys, to blocking dozens of inquests into illegal security force killings of civilians.

The Torys even entered into an electoral pact with the DUP not to run in two constituencies to ‘maximise the protestant vote’. (Not a word in the MSM during the election about this scandal)

She will continue to keep what Jonathan Powell called the ‘nutcases in the DUP’ happy in case the ‘swivel-eyed loons’ on Tory back benches rebel – regardless of the cost to long term peace and security in Ireland.

Ireland’s one hope is that Cameron will be forced to make concessions to the SNP or the SNP can bring the Commons to a halt as the Irish Parliamentary Party did in the 1800’s.

The DUP will resist further devolution as they will not want to share more powers with Nationalists and will strongly resist EVIL.

The tide of history could see the DUP yet go down the plug-hole as everyone knows that if the Torys can buy the DUP – they can sell them down the river too, with hardly a thought.

It must not be forgotten that it was a Scottish born Tory Bonar Law that triggered the creation of N.Ireland as a reaction to Irish home rule and to secure advantage in Westminster.

To do this he supported armed rebellion against Westminster Liberal/IPP coalition, the setting up of the UVF and their importation over 36,000 guns from the Kaiser and encouraged the British Army to mutiny – having key Generals report to the Shadow Cabinet rather than the Government itself.

He had support from the usual press barons too.

Be careful – you have seen nothing yet.


@ Cadogan Enright
Good point.
As they say “He who forgets the lessons of history is destined to repeat it.” I trust our MPs are well aware of the tricks of perfidious Albion.

I see you are enjoying “Outlander” via RTE2. Lucky you!!


So long Ed…you were consistenly hapless.

Mags is somewhere in Moddie-Space with that white suit of hers looking for some furrin folk to rant about!


Ah … the Ed stone of rememberance.

Maybe it’s best he didn’t win on Thursday, I heard that, via that delightful Daily Politics programme, as 10 Downing Street is in the Westminster council region he’d have needed planning permission to *ahem* plant his “Stone of Rememberance.”

As everyone knows Westminster is a Tory run council so no doubt they would have dragged their heels over his planning permission … say five years. 😀



In England perhaps…but Scotland?


Maybe they could plant Ed’s stone of density on top of Rory the Tory’s cairn sure it would look good better together

Helena Brown

Today,Blair did just about every thing wrong,he let Broon in after him, and between them both they brought financial ruin
Broom financed his wars whilst he pillaged the private pensions to pay for Blair’s grandiose ideas. Yes all we need is to return to Tory mark2.


haha nice one Greg/Rose and Shaun thanks for posting it Rev 🙂

Poor Ed that stupid stone will hang around his neck forever whoever came up with that idea needs to be put in stocks and rotten veg chucked at lol

My own opinion is Labour have been paying a guy to run their campaign who was actually working for the other side,didnt anybody in the Labour party tell Ed that his stone was a bad idea,what was Axelrod doing laughing on the phone to his buddy over at Con HQ ?”i cant believe it the muppet fell for it and their paying me 300 grand mahhhhaahaa”

[…] Moodievision: The Fall And Fall… […]


Ed Stone makes great entrance for SLabour theme park with exhibits like these from Libby Carrell, soon to be The Guardian’s foreign correspondent . Thank you so much for all the vote Jim propaganda Graun but big shout for Steve Bell and his Sturgeon’s a nazi stuff. Klassy crew of losers, the teamGB media.

link to

Scottish Labour’s new leader: we won’t lose a single seat to the SNP


Murphy described his election as “a fresh start” for Scottish Labour. “A new generation is in charge,” he told the party gathering in Glasgow, echoing the words of MSP Kezia Dugdale, who was announced as the new deputy leader. “But it’s only the beginning. Scotland is changing and so too is Scottish Labour.”

It sure is:D

James Forrest


It wasn’t a subject I was even remotely comfortable covering, but a few people had asked me and I had the grain of an idea how to write it.

Still, I wanted to keep it as far away from reading like a conspiracy theory as possible, so I tried to provide context for everything I could.

Over the course of the day, people have been sending me a lot of stuff on the subject. Some of what I wrote about in there, such as the swapping of ballot boxes, would have been even easier than I imagined.

Doesn’t mean I believe it happened, but as I say in the piece had I been “the guy” I would have recommended it, and it would have been well within their capabilities.

Without breaking a sweat, actually.

Which is what makes me nervous.

Ian Brotherhood

Please read Richie Venton’s latest article. Brilliant:

link to


Every episode of Outlander can be seen free online at or

Goto your tools and addons for an advert blocker .

Easy peazy. 🙂

Great video as per usual from GM. Some very talented folk out there . 🙂


Curran is alive and well and living in the East End ……. Hasn’t she always?

Dr Jim


Totally agree Labour must go back to the way Tony Blair did things

It’s exactly the right thing to do in order to get the English to vote for the type of Racist Snake Oil Salesman Torie shit they fell for before

Except Scotland Won’t

We had our Arses smacked before ( Not happening again )

They despise The Scots
They laugh at the Welsh
The give the Irish a couple of quid to shut them up but always with total contempt
They cleansed London of poorer people with the Bedroom Tax
They don’t like Immigrants especially the darker ones
They don’t like the EU
They hate the Germans, The French
They even hate each other Region to Region
Who’s next then? Gypsies and Jews

What do these supposed Union Parties have in common
The above record gives me a big clue

And you people dare to think you can somehow justify that to Scotland

call me dave

Herald won’t archive! So : Poor Jack and a repentant Jim! 🙂

Former first minister Jack McConnell has blamed the “carnage” in Scottish Labour on Ed Miliband’s decision to work hand-in-hand with the Tories during the independence referendum campaign and his treatment of Holyrood as a “branch office”.

The SNP’s Scottish landslide in the general election became “inevitable” when Mr Miliband appeared alongside David Cameron and Nick Clegg with a joint “vow” of more powers for Scotland, he wrote in the Scottish edition of The Times.

But “the vow” had no impact on the referendum result and spawned the “incoherent” Smith Agreement which is “certain to fail”, he said.

Lord McConnell described embattled Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy, who is facing a no-confidence vote from the trade unions this week, as “energetic” and “repentant”, insisting no leader could quell the fire that Mr Miliband created.

He also took a swipe at former Labour prime minister Tony Blair’s suggestion that Labour will never win Scotland back “by being more Scottish”.

He said: “Ed Miliband, already the most unpopular of the Westminster leaders in Scotland, effectively dismissed the party chief in Scotland, created the ‘branch office’ scandal and fed the fire. A fire that any new leader, even the energetic, repentant Jim Murphy, could not stem.”

He said the election result “became inevitable from last September when ‘the vow’ was announced in the final days of the referendum campaign”.

He added: “The Smith Commission was established, bringing together four parties with wildly differing agendas six months before an election. It was certain to fail.

“An agreement was reached, but for a set of proposals that was inadequate and imbalanced on taxation, and incoherent in other areas.”

He said Mr Cameron “was right to identify the need to deal with the English consent question”, commonly known as English-votes-for-English-laws, and Labour “was wrong to resist”.

“Wake up and smell the coffee,” he added.

“My head has been in my hands over the weekend. Not just because of the carnage in the Scottish Labour Party; not just when Tony Blair said ‘we must not be more Scottish’ when he would never say ‘we must not be more British’; but because the Prime Minister has signalled he will march ahead with the Smith proposals and he has continued with the out-of-date secretary of state posts rather than modernise the way we are governed.

“Please stop! We can’t go on like this.

We need to find a settlement that works for people, not politicians, and that engages the UK Government in all of the UK.”


link to

Another exhibit in the Slabour house of bettertogether horrors. Not content with appearing in every single BBC tv and radio debate audience and shouting its a disgrace at anyone SNP, one more UKOK delight’s convinced himself FFA would be really bad for Scotland.

So now he’s written to the Hootsman demanding Cameron now “give” FFA to Scotland. Lovely people in SLabour, always working for what’s best for Scotland.

That’ll teach em/us.

Grouse Beater

Whatever happened to ace freelance economist, Professor Midwinter? (Not that I care.) Resounding silence. Busy redacting his diatribes to show he was always supportive of autonomy?

James Forrest


I’ll take a look at that pal, thanks.


James-one thing you left out was the authorities allowing the biggest ever orange order march ever seen on scottish soil to go ahead a few days before the vote. In effect it was a better together rally with the police taking down saltires and lion rampants on the march route. I have never seen so many union flags. It took 3 hours to pass my house and their was an air of intimadation throughout. Who gave the go ahead for that I wonder?


Just spotted this on bella.

Intersting aricle and left a wee smile on my face . Wonder what the reaction to this would be … what if ??

link to

call me dave

Sturgeon’s statement on the GE election. Live.

link to


There is a fair bit of connectivity between Outlander and this period in the history of the Union.

In Outlander, the central character, Claire Randall, passes through a portal and emerges in the same place but in the period just before 1745 . One of a number of connections between now, and then in the story, is that the population don’t know what is about to happen at the hands of the English army in occupation. But Claire Randall does. And so does the English High Command, probably.

Today, the English High Command, know what they have planned for Scotland in order to secure the indispensable Scottish revenues for England. But many of the Scots don’t. Even when the Scots are told what the English may very well do, the majority of Scots are offended by the very idea that the English would even think of exploiting Scotland in a fraudulent and unfair way. Much as Claire Randall is treated when she speaks of things to come. Fortunately, today many Scots are not so foolish.

However the point I wish to make is that Ed Miliband’s Stone is far from being the most important for the UK’s future. No, that stone is very large, has a big hole in the middle and is located round the UK’s neck. It is of course a millstone and it is called UK debt.

It is this millstone which is the greatest danger to the future of the Union – not Scottish Independence.

In a classic piece of brainwashing, Britain’s population are being told that Scotland will destroy ‘the country’. But in fact, the bankers have already done that, in 2008. It’s just that the destruction of the UK’s finances by the bankers is happening gradually and being camouflaged by calling it other names, notably ‘Austerity’.

For those who don’t yet understand – Austerity is a bill handed to the poor to pay; but the money the poor hand over is used (supposed to be) to pay the debts created by the bankers. It’s a scam to save the bankers who gambled the nation’s wealth away in the years leading up to 2008. Instead of making the bankers pay off their gambling debts, Gordon Brown (Banks too important to be allowed to fail)used taxpayers money to pay off the debts instead. Only, Brown had to borrow the money to do it, so now those loans and the interest attached, have to be repaid by the taxpayers and those bearing the brunt of austerity, while the bankers get off scot free.

With the 13 year bear market in Government Bonds coming to an end, the resultant rise in interest rates will accelerate the financial destruction of the UK initiated by the banks in 2008 and will possibly precipitate a crash bigger than the last one. It’s all the talk on the wires.

You didn’t believe Cameron and Osborne’s fib about ‘the recovery’ did you. When will you Tory voters ever learn – you can’t trust these guys; they’re only after your money.

Independence? It’s only a stone’s throw away, with England still attached.

call me dave

Kezia cereal Brek replying to Sturgeon in fairly generous, although in a subdued terms and promising to oppose the Tory’s planned changes to the Human Rights Act.

She’s slowed down her speak delivery a lot.

Sturgeon reaching to labour for some co-operation. Hmmm!

Ruthie congratulating David Cameron and praising the tory vote in Scotland. Same old!

call me dave

That nice ‘Mogwai’ Wullie Rennie must have got himself wet and turned Gremlin again as he spits bile at the FM.

What a soor ploom! Yaboo sucks! he says, although he ‘admitted’ (nice BBC word that) he had “lessons to learn”
Aye right! manners for a start.


Sorry for O/T but a wee prtition has popped up on my Twitter timeline calling for the BBC to be kicked out of Scotland.

link to


call me dave says: ”Kezia cereal Brek replying to Sturgeon in fairly generous, although in a subdued terms and promising to oppose the Tory’s planned changes to the Human Rights Act.

She’s slowed down her speak delivery a lot.”

Dave I noticed in a Daily Record article recently that KD had stopped the ‘SNP … Bad … To blame for everything’ rant.

Maybe the penny has dropped that is that focusing on trying to discredit the SNP in the lead up to the Election contributed to them being decimated.

Quentin Quale

A Labour party too stupid that no one realised getting into bed with the Tories and doing their bidding in the lead-up to the referendum was anything other than a stroke of genius by the Tories, guaranteed to kill off Labour in their previous strongholds (Yeah, that fairly stuck in my throat even as I was writing). Their blind tribal hatred of the SNP coupled with the most disgraceful and manipulative ‘leader’ and back-room team ever imaginable and a total lack of direction and vision. And nobody, not one single so-called Socialist party member had the courage to stand up and say that it could only end in disaster?

As some have already mentioned, come 2016 it has to be SNP, SSP and Greens. Labour is no longer credible. It’s time has come and gone.

Robert Peffers

@Yoda says: 13 May, 2015 at 12:53 pm:

“Labour must move back towards the centre in order to win again. Blair won three elections… he was obviously doing something right.”

Yeah! Great thinking, Yoda. Go for it.


Ian Brotherhood.

Cracking read buddy. Always nice to hear from the SSP. I hope they replace LIEbour. Canny see anyone ever trusting that lot.

keeping Dim and Dug ….. ?

Do they think we are goldfish . oh look a new newer fabby dabby dozy Scottish Labour party. Will they keep the Scottish bit ( or chuck in patriotic maybe. The PLP ??)

SE 2016 clear out the dross. Disinfect with strong bleach and leave to air for a few months. The corpse has a really strong wiff about it these days.Wrap up in airtight bag and bury the thing. Put that big stone thing ED had made over the top .

just in case mind. 😉

Robert Peffers

@Croompenstein says: 13 May, 2015 at 1:26 pm:

“Maybe they could plant Ed’s stone of density on top of Rory the Tory’s cairn sure it would look good better together”

If he had written it without paragraph breaks, he could have posted it to WoS, had it attacked with hammers and would have had his chips.


@ Macnakamura, Curran doesn’t come from the East End, she lied when she said she was a local candidate, she only came here for the votes which kept her in the lap of luxury in Newlands.


On the subject of stones and destiny….

link to


Things are getting weird darn south.

First Doncaster and now Liverpool.

You can’t help but feel it for some down there. They have no one to turn too. It’s about time they got organised.

link to

Love the map to. Scotland keeps on getting bigger eh;)


The new Union project is . . . to salvage the Labour party in Scotland which is currently lying on the sea bed , but is still just visible in the form of the member for Edinburgh South. Main contractors: BBC, STV, Daily Record, Herald, Scotsman etc.

Let me join with other Wingers in making my opposition to the salvage clear. The Scottish Branch of London Labour belongs in the past. Over the many years of it’s dominance in Scotland, Labour should have regularly renewed itself, updated itself, modernised itself and indeed even cleansed itself occasionally. But it did not do this.

Instead it became, in it’s leadership and management, an addict to power and money and chose the Tory model as the means of securing a supply of both. Leaving behind the Labour family of activists, supporters and voters, those in the Labour paid ranks drifted away; up, up and away. Most headed south to the big money while the second tier had to settle for Edinburgh.

Now, the party of the past, is well and truly part of the past, which is where it belongs for it surely has no place in the future which Scotland wishes for itself. We can see enough endemic corruption in Westminster; we don’t need it up here.

Scotland needs a right good spring clean of it’s politics. It’s time to get rid of all the clutter that’s lying about the place. The Unionist parties showed so clearly during IndyRef that their priorities and their allegiance lie in Westminster, from where also come their orders from their line managers. Accordingly, we should set them free from any constraints on their ambition by removing them from Holyrood.

The spring clean has started. Let’s get crackin’ and get the whole house done.

call me dave

Labour being boosted by the BBC and Glum Campbell who are playing selected cuts of Zezia cereal Brek and Ian Gray with their questions at Holyrood to Sturgeon. Also Rennie and Ruthie heard on air veing spiteful.

Funny that both the actual voice of Sturgeon and her responses were notable by their absence. Glum Campbell knows best we don’t need to hear our FM!

Good old auntie! 🙂

Cadogan Enright


Make a complaint – never let it go

call me dave

Torquil… from Daily Record on Radio ‘What do we do about Jim’?

His opinion, it’s UK leader first, but in the meantime Jim’s going nowhere he’s staying put and will win the vote of confidence.

Opponents have fired their grapeshot and it’s all over now Jim is safe!

Well that’s it then Torquil. Job done.

Personally that is good news for Sturgeon etal, but nice to dub Jim as ‘Nowhere man’ and ‘It’s all over now’ Torquil likes his 60’s hits



Labour will have an even bigger problem in Holyrood 2016 … they will not only have to contend with the SNP again, but I have absolutely no doubt the energised SSP and Greens will be also chasing Labour voters!

I can understand why Anglicised BritNats stick with the Tories who genuinely represent their hardcore Unionist views. It is worth noting that even they had their worst election percentage in Scotland since 1865!

However, given that the middle to left is occupied by the SNP, Greens and SSP exactly where does Labour fit in now? Our PR voting system will encourage SSP and Greens to pick up seats further squeezing the Labour rump.

Louis B Argyll

When folk say Labour must move to the centre (to get elected)

I take it they mean from their current slightly right of centre position.
If they swing further to the right.. HOW CAN THEY PROVIDE A CLEAR OPPOSITION TO THE TORIES.

UKIP.. FAR RIGHT extremists
TORIES..FAR RIGHT Capitalist apologists

Whos gonna fight the cuts?

Grouse Beater

New just in:

The former First Minister looks set to lead, alongside group leader Angus Robertson, the party’s approach, among other things, to the EU referendum, due to take place by the end of 2017; an issue likely to dominate much of the UK Parliament’s proceedings for the next 18 months.
So, from being scorned for assuming Scotland could not gain automatic entry to the EU, Salmond will now be chief architect to EU association .. a perfect position from which to build Scotland’s entry.

Stewart Hosie, the deputy leader, will resume his role as Economics Spokesman while Joanna Cherry, the new MP for Edinburgh South West, will become the spokeswoman for justice and home affairs.

Joanna Cherry is a QC and human rights lawyer; one of her first tasks look set to be opposing the Conservative Government’s plan to scrap the Human Rights Act and replace it with a British Bill of Rights.

Pete Wishart, the MP for Perth and North Perthshire, is in line to become chairman of one of two Commons Committees the SNP will be entitled to as the new third party. One possibility is for the party’s former Chief Whip to head the Scottish Affairs Committee.


I watched Holyrood today. I could not believe how lacking in ambition Labour are.
“…will we continue to mitigate bedroom tax”
“…will we mitigate any cuts to welfare”

You have the FM trying to argue for the powers over these issues and Labour pushing for permanent reductions elsewhere to fund it.

Three Billion in cuts and more to come for the Scottish Government coupled with targeted cuts on the poorest in society.

Labour branch want the money taken from other parts of the budget in order to attack any “cuts”
It is so pathetic that they are happy to play with pocket money instead of pushing real change.

We get. A constant stream of statements from Labout about how they would increase spending in areas such as FE. However they NEVER give examples of where they would make savings.

Roll on 2016 and another clear out.



I signed your,

“BBC out of Scotland” petition.

link to

Aceldo Atthis

@ Louis

“UKIP.. FAR RIGHT extremists
TORIES..FAR RIGHT Capitalist apologists
SNP.. CENTRE LEFT Committed”

The problem with those sort of charts comes down to the question of who decides where the centre lies… Not wanting to upset anyone but the SNP’s proposed reduction in business tax rates during the referendum was somewhat rightist, even if we’d prefer not to think about it.


Posting at 18:55, don’t know when it’ll get on site, my last few posts have been eratic to say the least.
Anyway O/T but interesting article about that wee vote we had last year.

link to

remember there were no exit polls, and we know how accurate they can be compared to all others…
So dig out your tin foil hats and have a read

Aceldo Atthis

Tartanpigsy, I’m about half way through the article you link to. It’s really good and I’d highly recommend it to everybody.

We are blessed to have so many talented and genuine people with us.

I find myself wishing more and more, as people in Iraq and so many other God forsaken places must wish, that we were not cursed with oil. And I mean that.


Just watched Jockland 2015 on the iplayer.

Add James Kelly to the band of clueless morons in the SLab party.
If someone in the SNP invented the wheel at this moment in time, SLab would dismiss the idea as nonsense, and insist everyone drag things along behind them, because that is the way it was done in the past.

No vision, No shame , No idea.



“Labour will have an even bigger problem in Holyrood 2016 … they will not only have to contend with the SNP again, but I have absolutely no doubt the energised SSP and Greens will be also chasing Labour voters!”

Yes they will!

Wings will be a primary target for disruption because of its effectiveness. The trolls goal is clear, introduce a controversial post that is known to be divisive then sit back and wait on the stushie.

Topics such as:

The elderly No vote in the referendum;
The right of foreigners to vote in the referendum;
Voting fraud in the referendum;
How the English voted in the referendum;

and a new one was Scots mocking the Welsh?

Don’t allow the trolls to create a stushie because then they sit back and laugh. Avoiding such topics (for now) makes sense.

There is a hell of a lot more to discuss about what makes us INCLUSIVE rather than that which may divide us. Pull the rug from under the trolls feet when they start this shit by ignoring them.

By the way, the other thing trolls do is throw brickbats at those that expose them, so watch out for that.

The establishment are aghast at what has happened in the GE2015 they are now even more terrified of what Hollyrood 2016 has in store. they face total wipeout, so don’t for a moment believe that this website is not their biggest fear.

Ignore the trolls!

Quentin Quale

Thepnr Well said. As I’ve said before, just imagine a troll as an unhappy person having a rant while looking in the mirror.


Hopefully we will see updates on the progress of our new UK government from the Rev….not wanting to put words in anyone’s mouth but…

‘your security supersedes your civil liberties’….eh, time to run like f*ck!….and..

‘if we pick them up at sea, we should drop them off in their own country’…callous heartless bitch…..these are people who take a 50/50 life risk with their own children!

I despair

Eddie Munster

To help clear things up, it was Alex Salmond that didnt see the need for exit polls.

Its in his book, out just now.

He regrets not having the exit polls done.

Spilt milk, hindsight, etc.

Robert Peffers

@Petra says: 13 May, 2015 at 3:10 pm:

” … Maybe the penny has dropped that is that focusing on trying to discredit the SNP in the lead up to the Election contributed to them being decimated.”

I think there may be a different cause of KD’s change of how she appears to react. When doing union rep work I often had to deal with people suffering extreme stress in their life.

Quite often the cause was not due to their work but I noted that when affected by the stress their system went into overdrive and their brain activity accelerated in direct relation to their stress level.

Not only did their speech rate accelerate but their thinking also became erratic. I assume probably fuelled by adrenalin. I have no doubt wee KD was under extreme stress just lately.


@ Galamcennalath

There is no political space for labour in the centre or the left: but they are well placed to represent their tory support. Only space I can see for them is as the right wing opposition



Many thanks for the 2 great links. (neweconomics – George Osborne) and in particular the John Perkins video. A ‘Must Watch’ for everyone._

And tartanpigsy’s article at 6.59 on how to rig a referendum. ‘A ‘Must Read’.


call me dave,

“Ruthie congratulating David Cameron and praising the tory vote in Scotland. Same old!”

Ruth Davidson is the most disgusting and nastiest politician in Scotland in my view.

Robert Peffers

@call me dave says: 13 May, 2015 at 3:05 pm:

“That nice ‘Mogwai’ Wullie Rennie must have got himself wet and turned Gremlin again as he spits bile at the FM.”

Willie Rennie – mentally twisted, bad losing, petty minded little piece of excretion.



Steady! There is very fierce competition for that spot.

Tinto Chiel

@ Thepnr 7.31.

Amen to all that. Lots of divisive bovine waste recently. The enemy never sleeps but The Big Sleep awaits.


Dal Riata

Theresa May has said:

“What we [the Tory government] are proposing is a bill which will have certain measures within it, measures such as introducing banning orders for groups and disruption orders for individuals, for those who are out there actively trying to promote this hatred and intolerance which can lead to division in our society and undermines our British values.”

So, Theresa May, will this include the Orange Order and the English Defense League (EDL), as well as, for example, Muslim groups which voice “hatred and intolerance”?

The Orange Order and the EDL surely represent “those who are out there actively trying to promote this hatred and intolerance which can lead to division in our society” so should be the first to receive banning and/or disruption orders, would you not agree Theresa May?

Or will these promoters of “hatred and intolerance” be allowed exemptions because they ‘promote’ “British values”?

The people of Scotland await your decision…


@ Dal Riata

Disagree: the first individual to receive a disruption order is Theresa May: I expect she will turn herself in.

The first group which should be banned is the tory party: and I am sure they, too, will do the decent thing


Ashcroft did acReferendum exit poll and claims people change from YES to NO because of the vow. Otherwise YES would have won. Of the total electorate 47% voted NO but some People did not vote.

The (inaccurate analysis of)Polls are affecting the outcome. Pollsters, getting £Millions of (Public) funding are Gerymandering and affecting the vote outcome. Instead of voters being left, without influence, to decide. They should ban the Polls in the Purdah period, the weeks before the Election. They never had this Polling mania, until recent times.


Well said Thpnr.

Got enough enemies to last a lifetime in this capaign. We Scots must not fight each other over drivel . We have a job to do . Free Scotland .

After that’s done my money’s on the big fella with the hammer



Theresa May’s Bill won’t come in in Scotland. Scotland has a separate legal system forever. Nicola is opposing May’s withdrawal from the Human Rights Bill.

There will be trouble ahead. Just face the music.


Rock at 7.55

Last night on Twitter I asked Ruth why any Scotsman would ever read the ahem “Scottish” Tory manifesto.

This was quite late at night but within seconds came the reply.

“So people know the party position”.

Well of course, the branch office often conflicts with the real manifesto so it’s not always possible to have any faith in the branch version, so it’s not inconsiderable that some folks would simply ask the “leader”.

I pointed out to her that it would be simply quicker to ask and thanked her for her instantaneous reply that of course cemented my theory whilst ruining hers. And I thanked her for the efficient service, which I fear will be the only thing I ever thank a Tory for.

Cadogan Enright

@Thepnr 7.31 – AGREE AGREE AGREE

Can you add to your list people trying to stir up animosity between the 3 main YES parties for no obvious reason


Should imagine the Scottish Gov will take their share of (EU) migrants.

Westminster caused the migration into Europe by illegally attacking the Middle East making innocent people homeless and stateless. Other countries in Europe bear the burden of the costly, hapless mess.


@Cadogan Enright

“Can you add to your list people trying to stir up animosity between the 3 main YES parties for no obvious reason”

I would have BUT there is an obvious reason to stir up animosity, simply THEY don’t want SNP voters giving their second votes to the SSP or Greens and denying LIB/LAb/CON seats.

They are still trolls though and that is why they peddle this pish.

Cadogan Enright

Presumably Scotland can continue with the Human Rights Act and recognising the EU Courts even if England and Wales do not?

Also – could not Scotland do its own Act banning disruptive groups that spread hatred like the Orange Order, the English Defence League (EDL), BNP and NF?

The Bill could be published in tandem with Teresa Mays Bill at Westminster – and the two could be contrasted and compared.

Cadogan Enright

@Thepnr 8.40

I presume there is nobody on Wings that is not spreading the message that the 2016 list vote can be the final nail in the coffin of the Unionist parties if the 3 YES parties do a deal?

Grizzle McPuss

O/T…but surely of interest

Clash of the Titans at 10.30pm on STV

(from Twitter)

@DavidMundellDCT @acarmichaelmp & @AlexSalmond join us at 10:30. Hope you will too. #scotnight


@Cadogan Enright

I take it you mean that everybody on Wings believes that if the 3 YES parties do a deal that can be the final nail in the coffin of the Unionist parties?

If so, then I would say not yet. The trolls don’t of course and want to eradicate any such thought. They will be very many genuine supporters on Wings though that may not see things as simple as that.

For me it is a no brainer if Independence is the ultimate goal. It is true that for the sake of a few SNP seats lost the list vote dozens more could be gained by the smaller Green and SSP supporters of Independence.

This of course would be at the expense of Labour, Tory and lib Dem seats. That looks worthwhile to me.

I read previously that SNP strategists are examining that very scenario right now, the SNP are not slow to look ahead. One of the reasons that they got my vote last week.


‘Blair won three elections he was obviously doing something right’. Destroying the Labour Party.


Quentin (Quale) your summary of the Labour Party / Jim Murphy debacle was spot on, such as ‘’Their blind tribal hatred of the SNP coupled with the most disgraceful and manipulative ‘leader’ and back-room team ever imaginable and a total lack of direction and vision.’’

Now they have a chance to get rid of Murphy and his back-room team. If they don’t one will wonder who’s still calling the shots ……. his pals down south and I’m not just talking about the Tony Blairs of this World?

SLPBO (slopbog) politicians know that he’s a War-monger (did he know that Blairs claims of WMD were false?), had alleged links to PW Botha’s South African (pro-Apartheid) Defence Force, is a member of the right-wing neo-con Henry Jackson Society and Labour Friends of Israel group. He’s most definitely not a ‘Labour’ man: just a most ignorant and highly dangerous right wing conman.

He’s defrauded the tax-payer with his ‘rent accommodation whilst letting out his property in London’ and is (was) in the top ten of expense claimants in the Commons (along with Sarwar). He’s claimed around 2 million overall.

Wikileaks exposed his connection to the US in trying to scupper Independence.

We’ve all had experience of his despicable manipulative, narcissistic behaviour since he ‘migrated’ back to Scotland.

If the SBO of the UKLP want a fresh start, and ANY chance of being a political force in the future, they’ll have dig their heels in and get rid of the man.

Reports suggest that the Leadership position is so toxic that no one wants it. Is Sarah Boyak no longer interested?


Dal Riata says at 8:07 pm

Theresa May has said:

“What we [the Tory government] are proposing is a bill which will have certain measures within it, measures such as introducing banning orders for groups and disruption orders for individuals, for those who are out there actively trying to promote this hatred and intolerance which can lead to division in our society and undermines our British values.”

So, Theresa May, will this include the Orange Order and the English Defense League (EDL), as well as, for example, Muslim groups which voice “hatred and intolerance”?

The Orange Order and the EDL surely represent “those who are out there actively trying to promote this hatred and intolerance which can lead to division in our society” so should be the first to receive banning and/or disruption orders, would you not agree Theresa May?

Or will these promoters of “hatred and intolerance” be allowed exemptions because they ‘promote’ “British values”?

The people of Scotland await your decision…”

I can just see them turning a blind eye to such groups but banning SNP rallies.


Sorry forgot, I left sectarianism off my list of divisive topics.


It will sorely annoy the Toryites if Scotland retains the HRA but I doubt they are replacing it with something better so we must hold what we have.

Likewise Cameron’s talk of controlling extremism stretches to “For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone…” No one is advocating freedom to be inflict violence upon society but where do you draw the line if obeying the law is not enough? How long before talk of Scottish independence is extremism, websites like this advocates of extremism.

We can try to secure some sort of moderation from more liberal Tories and the full support of other parties but at the very least we can hold the line of sanity here in Scotland


As Murphy said, “I can’t believe how easy it was to get the better of the Nationalists”. 🙂

Five million folk in Scotland and we have Murphy, Davidson & Rennie. Something not right.


Cadogan Enright @8.41 pm

There is a good article on the legal/constitutional position about the Human Rights Act here:link to

This is the Public Law for everyone site.

The article is a longish one but worth a read.


Thepnr says:
13 May, 2015 at 9:35 pm
Sorry forgot, I left sectarianism off my list of divisive topics.

It. Is to your credit that you have shut that one out. A major obscenity often used by the unionists to gain the support of one side or frighten the other. The BT team not only worked with the Tories – they embraced the support of the Orange order.

Perhaps we can start to move on from this divide and rule policy.



“Steady! There is very fierce competition for that spot.”

True, but I don’t think anyone could beat her.

Do you remember how she used to scream and shout at Alex Salmond, without any shame or respect whatsoever?

Have you seen how she always speaks over any SNP spokesperson?

How she changes policies without the slightest shame or hesitation?

She would beat her uncle, bayonneter Ian Davidson.

In my view, she is worse than Thatcher.


Isn’t that a woeful report from the state broadcaster on Murphy’s no confidence motion? Firstly they miss out ‘former’ between Anne Begg and MP; then to say that after the East Ren votes were counted ‘was declared the winner’ is bloody awful phrasing. Couldn’t they just see she ‘kin trounced him, by a huge a margin. Was declared the winner, FFS



“And I thanked her for the efficient service, which I fear will be the only thing I ever thank a Tory for.”

You must have run out of better things to do last night!


Thepnr says: Sorry forgot, I left sectarianism of my list of divisive topics.

Might be easier to construct a list of what we can discuss, lol.

Robert Peffers

Mundell already making an arse of himself. Without hardly any help from STV’s Rhona.

Robert Peffers

Now we have the ex-SoS making an arse of himself.

Great one, Mundell claims Scotland will be the most devolved in the World and the guy he replaced says they will be the third most devolved.

You couldn’t make it up.


Why is that big balloon Carmichael getting air time? What possible relevance or interest does he have to get his big ba face on screen for so long?

I’m so annoyed that these dregs are still getting treated like they mean something


For the record, a comment I had posted in the aftermath of the referendum defeat:

“After the referendum, it is no more Labour v SNP, it is unionists v Independence activists.

There are many constituencies where non SNP independence activitists will have a better chance of unseating Labour MPs.”

Divisive are the egoists like Patrick Harvie who stood candidates who could well have split the pro-independence vote in many constituencies.

As they almost certainly did in the one constituency where a Tory MP should have been ousted.

The Tory government would have become a laughing stock if they were forced to make an unelected Tory Lord or a South British MP viceroy of a Scotland with 57 SNP MPs.

Divisive are the egoist politicians, not posters here.

During the referendum campaign, SNP and Alex Salmond haters Jim Sillars and Patrick Harvie didn’t miss any opportunity to criticise them.

Wasn’t that divisive?

Aceldo Atthis

Thepnr, I agree with your view that those subjects such as sectarianism and hounding the Greens etc. are best not discussed, I see no point in discussing them, and I would add the Jim Murphy (should he stay or should he go) stuff to your list, but only because those subjects are pointless. In principle, however, I think we should encourage debate; debate is healthy, the more heated and passionate the healthier, I’d say.

Anyway, I’ve been thinking for the last few days that the tribalism in Scottish politics, specifically the SNP-Labour aggression, is really very counterproductive for us. The only people that gain from divisions in Scotland are those bastards in Downing Street.

I know we are winning against Labour and their backs are to the wall, but I think it would be a good time for the SNP to make a dramatic gesture towards them that communicates the view that our fight isn’t with them. I don’t have anything specific in mind but it would be good to do something that was unambiguously magnanimous and well-meaning, something that goes totally against the grain of the petty political games we are all expected to play on these situations. If you think about it, it would really rattle the media and others if it was effective. And we have little to lose.

I know it’s a pipe dream, but can you imagine the strength we would have if we could even partially unite the SNP-Labour clans? Even if it failed or was only partially successful, it would be a huge boon in terms of marketing our message to wavering Labour supporters. And can you imagine how rattled the establishment would be at such a prospect?

Labour are so pitiful now that we gain nothing by rubbing their noses in it, arguing with them, or by being seen to argue with them.


Mundell says if the Scottish people want another referendum there will be one.He says the Scottish people will let it be known if they want one.



“then to say that after the East Ren votes were counted ‘was declared the winner’ is bloody awful phrasing.”

I found that disgusting as well. As if the SNP candidate did not really win but was nevertheless “declared the winner”.

Did we see anything like “Mundell looked very glum but was declared the winner”?

Ever since the SNP won in 2007, we have seen such blatant bias on Pravda GB.

Robert Peffers

@:Valerie says: 13 May, 2015 at 10:45 pm:

” … I’m so annoyed that these dregs are still getting treated like they mean something”.

[chuckle] Well, Valerie, you had better get used to it. In terms of Scottish MPs they will now have absolutely no choice of Tory, LibDem or Labour representatives to choose for, seeing as there’s only one of each.

If the Pandas were to succeed in their prime purpose of being in Scotland we would actually have as many pandas as NON-SNP MPs in Scotland.

Cadogan Enright

Carmicheal long-windedly on STV pronouncing on the future of Scotland and dictating to SNP on Smith Commission.

Missed Mundel

Now Salmond on, brilliant as usual, querying STV on why they were asking questions about totally made up stories from mail and telegraph – papers that are a source of derision in Scotland.

It is baffling as to why STV and especially the BBC continue to pretend that the London tory press are to be used as a credible source for questioning the SNP.

Surely the media bubble cannot be so sealed from the real world


Murphy must stay. Think of the entertainment value alone, he is priceless.

If the Scottish Labour Party think Big Jim is their man, then who are we to disagree with them.

Roll on May 2016.

The Man in the Jar

I just watched Rory Bremner`s Election Report on BBC2.

Got to say he was very good. Had a few digs in about Scotland. And the William Hague sketch had me in fits. Worth watching just for the footage of both the Alexanders receiving the boot. 🙂


Rock at 10.08

I know, I need help for my Twitter addiction. I’ll just read one more then bed….hours later…..


Great to see SNP politicians getting so much airtime now and of course Alex has just had his say on a number of issues. Brilliant!

I had to laugh though when he was talking about the so-called ‘Referendum’ disagreement between him and Nicola. He named two newspapers that had been involved in perpetuating the propaganda hype and called them ‘chip papers’. However with his lisp it came across as ‘sh*t papers’.

I’ve been having a look at the issue of devolved broadcasting. Can anyone tell me what that would entail? Camerons permission? Or is there anything that we Scots can do to acquire our own broadcasting service?


I watched the Sarah Smith thing for a bit for probably only the second time (it came on after Rory Bremner which was OK)…what the feck was with all the pictures of police guns at the beginning? I think someone at the BBC is deranged.

Willie Rennie deserves a medal for optimism.


When will we get back to these programmes ‘reporting’ news or at least discussing current developments in a reasoned and serious way?

Instead we have Rhona talking to camera as if informing a bunch of infants of what ‘she thinks’ are the issues. Her whole line of questioning with both mundell and carmicheal was just ‘window dressing’ on top of an old narrative.

Lending any kind of credibility to the thoughts of Carmicheal and Mundell, each respectively the only representatives left from the wipeout of their parties in Scotland, to shore up the illusion of ‘influence’ seems to be the remit in the t.v. studios in Scotland.

Even though Mundell is the new SoS, I simply do not and will not respect this remit in Scotland. We have just elected 56 SNP MP’s. We do not need Cameron’s man dictating to us ‘how it’s going to be’. Patronising little nyaff.

Then on comes ALex, and I just felt, ahhh…sense, information, context…Relevant. And, god, is he gonna be having Fun. 🙂

Dal Riata

From the Herald:

“Gordon Matheson, the leader of Glasgow City council, said the party would have lost even if Jimmy Maxton or Keir Hardie had been in charge.”

And the people of Glasgow are coming for you, too, soon enough Matheson, ya wee shitebag – and the rest of your Labour cohorts who have done bugger all for the good citizens of Glasgow while doing very well for yourselves, thank you very much (allegedly).

Yer card’s marked. And it says a great big FAIL. Time to sweep you lot out of Glasgow City Council and return it to the people.

Louis B Argyll

Clever Tories, get the civil liberties stuff out of the way early.

Pretend it’s anti terror… Implement dodgy policies to appease the right wingers.

Behind the scenes this will already have backed up by incresed surveillance and other anti opposition measures.

Big Brother is on the way, England has no political resistance to it. Its much better up here.

We will prevail, we have worked harder, thought deeper, fought oppression and imagined better.


Aceldo Atthis,

“Anyway, I’ve been thinking for the last few days that the tribalism in Scottish politics, specifically the SNP-Labour aggression, is really very counterproductive for us. The only people that gain from divisions in Scotland are those bastards in Downing Street.

I know we are winning against Labour and their backs are to the wall, but I think it would be a good time for the SNP to make a dramatic gesture towards them that communicates the view that our fight isn’t with them.”

One hundred percent of the “SNP-Labour aggression” comes from Labour.

How many times did Labour politicians cite the “SNP Bad” mantra during the recent campaign?

Did anyone once hear an SNP politician making a “Labour Bad” comment?

Who ruled out any deal with the SNP?

Who expressly called for an SNP supported Labour government and ruled out any support for a Tory government?

Are you a Labour troll? Only joking, but some posters here are engaging in a troll witch hunt and I was tempted to join in.

Grouse Beater

Cadogan: Now Salmond on, brilliant as usual, querying STV on why they were asking questions about totally made up stories from mail and telegraph – papers that are a source of derision in Scotland.

There was a classic example of two newspapers concocting a story and then the media meekly and obligingly following it as if it was the key news item.
That means time is wasted on chasing non-news items when it could have been used to discuss policies and who benefits. Really shallow crap from STV.


Aceldo Atthis says: ”Anyway, I’ve been thinking for the last few days that the tribalism in Scottish politics, specifically the SNP-Labour aggression, is really very counterproductive for us. The only people that gain from divisions in Scotland are those bastards in Downing Street.

I know we are winning against Labour and their backs are to the wall, but I think it would be a good time for the SNP to make a dramatic gesture towards them that communicates the view that our fight isn’t with them.”

I totally agree with you Aceldo and of course it would seem that Nicola Sturgeon is attempting to get this message across.

I’m hoping that the Labour Party in Scotland will get their act together (a decent Leader and politicians) and work with the SNP, constructively, for the betterment of all Scots …. Scotland.


Watched STV Scotland tonight. Mundell gibbering and not the foggiest idea what he was talking about! Mundell looks like a rabbit in the headlights.

Fozybear Carmichale, got the impression he doesn’t know there has been an election, “the libdems will steady the next parliament” FFS. Carmichael, there is air getting in!

Shadow SOS Murray, turned up missing, thank God.

Alex Salmond first class interview answered all questions and kept the TV presenter straight on the facts. He is in a different league to the Scottish unionist politicians will enjoy the next 5 years.


SNP-Labour aggression. Eh? The tribal and the aggression is all one way…and it’s never, ever been in that order, written. Interesting.


Mr Salmon’s was on CH4 news tonight as well and was vrery good. As you might expect. I think he is going to enjoy the foreign affairs brief.


Really shallow crap from STV.

From the whole teamGB shower more like. Its interesting that a old billionaire called Prince Charles dominates the UKOK news right now.

Or, mega rich old shire tory really interested in practically everything except his subjects, same subjects that have to get up tomorrow to work and pay for this tiny super rich elite all protected by grovelling teamGB meeja. Although to be fair it was nice to see C4 dude get an Ian Davidson style doing from the happy Prince’s hired goons.

If tory boy England gives up the European human rights convention, we’re all fcuked.

Dal Riata

From the Manchester Evening News:

“Under the hashtag #TakeUsWithYouScotland Twitter users have been responding to the idea of a ‘New Scotland’ that takes in northern towns and cities.

The petition, which was at one point briefly unavailable on the website (perhaps groaning under the strain of northerners expressing support) states:

“The deliberations in Westminster are becoming increasingly irrelevant to the north of England. The northern cities feel far greater affinity with their Scottish counterparts such as Glasgow and Edinburgh than with the ideologies of the London-centric south.

The needs and challenges of the north cannot be understood by the endless parade of old Etonians lining the frontbenches of the House of Commons.

The north of England should join the newly independent Scotland and regain control over its own destiny.

We, the people of the north, demand that in the event that Scotland becomes independent the border between England and the New Scotland be drawn along a line that runs between the River Dee and the mouth of The Humber.”

So far the petition has accrued more than 6,300 supporters.” 🙂 🙂

Another Union Dividend

@ papadox at 11.29 says:

Ian Murray is like Jim Murphy in that he avoids debating with SNP MPs on TV and will be found out over his hypocritical claims that he will never support Trident renewal but will never vote against it.

He will be under severe scrutiny at House of Commons and will no longer be able to deceive voters in the Scottish Labour’s heartland of Morningside.

Betty Craney

O/T Big anti-austerity protest in Bristol this afternoon started up by seven teenagers who put the idea up on twitter and got hundreds joining in .

Funny, I didn’t see anything about it on BBC but it’s all over FB !


If tory boy England gives up the European human rights convention, we’re all fcuked.

Actually maybe Scotland really is going to get away, like the quick brown fox.

UKOK swivel eyed loonies, from British journos to online cyber Britnat space cadets, keep saying we’re all the same in these islands. Yet England alone voted for even more tory boy austerity misery, EHRC scrapping, cute little foxes getting torn to shreds by packs of dogs and tory reprobates on horse back etc

BUT all of that is fine in vote tory England, just as long as the value of my house isn’t affected.

Gordon Brown must be a very proud man this week.


I see that the brilliant video (John Perkins) posted by scottieDog has disappeared as has one I posted earlier re. ‘programmer rigs votes’.

Does this happen very often?


Dal riata @ 12.03 says ”We, the people of the north, demand that in the event that Scotland becomes independent the border between England and the New Scotland be drawn along a line that runs between the River Dee and the mouth of The Humber.”

Can anyone see that border heading further South as time goes on, lol.

Robert Peffers

While cleaning up some, (lots), of notes I’d kept I came across this one : –

Thursday February 7 2008

“I don’t want to cause trouble for my party but I do want to right a wrong. If the conclusion is that this should be based on need then Scotland might not be any worse off but let’s review it and make it transparently fair and just and not open to perception, innuendo and a stick to beat a certain group of people in the UK with.”

Joel Barnett.

It comes from an interview with Lord Barnett before he died.

Hi had already stated he had words with Tony Blair and Blair had claimed that the Barnett Formula was based upon need – Barnett pointedly told him that was not true it is NOT based upon need but only upon the per capita differences of the four countries. Now remember this was done before devolution.


Did the Tories state that they were going to replace the European Human Rights Convention before the election? Sorry, I knew who I was voting for and stopped listening.

If they did not flag it up before the vote, is this not the time when we should be remembering that we are not just UK citizens but European citizens. Should we not be complaining to the European Parliament about our rights being taken away without proper consultation and consent? This could be done either through our MEPs or direct to the relevant department or both.

Dr Jim

You can’t ever trust the Tories
Labour Party will stab us in the back first chance they get
The worst of the lot are the delusional Liberal Democrats who are the fleas on any dogs back if they think it will give them one ounce of power

When your opponent is down make sure he’s dead or he’ll get right back up and kill you

It’s exactly what Cameron’s trying to do right now as quick as he can while he thinks he’s got the momentum

chic mcgregor


A year ago I sent a question in to EUROPA . Sorry about compressed cut and paste format.:

“My question is simple.The UK Home Secretary has stated several times that the UK will leave the ECHR.  It currently is a signatory of the Convention.Every member state of the EU is a signatory of the Convention and EU institutions are bound under article 6 of the EU Treaty of Nice to respect human rights under the Convention.Also an undertaking was made in the Lisbon Treaty that the EU would sign as a body.So my question is:”Can the UK remain a member of the EU if it leaves the ECHR?”

This was their answer:

“Thank you for your message.The respect for fundamental rights as guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights is an explicit obligation for the European Union under Article 6(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The Court of Justice has held that the Convention is of special importance for determining the fundamental rights that must be respected by the Member States as general principles of law when they implement Union law. The rights secured by the Convention are among the rights guaranteed by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union which are likewise addressed to Member States when they implement Union law. In the negotiations for the accession of new EU Member States, respect for the Convention and the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights is treated as part of the Union acquis.Furthermore, any Member State deciding to withdraw from the Convention and therefore no longer bound to comply with it or to respect its enforcement procedures could, in certain circumstances, raise concern as regards the effective protection of fundamental rights by its authorities. Such a situation, which the Commission hopes will remain purely hypothetical, would need to be examined under Articles 2 and 7 of the Treaty on European Union.We hope you find this information useful. Please contact us again if you have other questions.With kind regards,”

Kevin Evans

Am watching BBC parliaments iplayer broadcast from 13th may Scottish Parliament commission on “Scotland’s fiscal framework”

It’s worth a watch just to watch the UK governments representatives from the tax office squirm when grilled on Scotland’s tax input and Barnett block grant. You can tell a mile away there lying through there teeth and trying to hide Scotland’s full value.

Aceldo Atthis

Robert Peffers, as I understand it, the argument to move to a needs-based system as a replacement to Barnett’s population based system, is an argument that is used to promote cutting Scotland’s share. And in fact, it’s a good example of an argument that’s used to beat people with.


Yes noticed the video had gone.
Folk can just do a search for ‘confessions of an economic hitman’ by John perkins.


Cameron is now destroying the economy and the Tory Party. Just a few more steps folk and Scotland will be out of the most corrupt Union in the world, and from the most corrupt Governmrnt in the world. Scotland can reduce their power to maim and kill. Vote every mmber of every Unionist Party out.

‘One Nation’ Britain, is one of the most divisive in the world. The Unionist Parties some of the most divisive in the world. They, kill, they maim they lie. They use the Official Secrets Act to cover up their criminal actions. They are greedy, untrusted and disliked, along with their controlled MSM.They care about no one but their greedy, deceitful selves. Scotland is well rid of them. They lied and cheated Scotland out of their Referendum and everything else. Scotland would be far better off self governing (£10Billion a year), that is what Unionists try to prevent.

The Barnett Formula is used to fund their crimes and waste Scotland’s resources, illegally. No taxation without representation, a free and balance Press, a vote that counts – the fundamentals of Democracy.

After helping them to destroy other people’s world, Marr, Neil, Dimbeby they are coming to destroy your privilege world. See how you like it.


@petra and @scottieDog –

Stu would have removed the videos as they are embedded and mess up the thread. If you want to link to youtube videos you should copy the url and when you paste it in to your comment you should remove the http:// part and it will appear as a url link rather than embedding the video.


‘Confession of an Economic Hitman’ John Perkins. Excellent. Should be read in every school. Put on the reading list.

: > )


Voters in the North of England vote Tory. It will end up in the rest of the UK, a majority will not vote. No one to vote for not democracy.


Don’t like a programme don’t watch it. The only way to get rid of the drivel. No viewers no programme. No ratings.


I miss Gordonzilla. He was my favourite character

Where is he?


Thump. Thump. Thump.


Right wing Charlie is the most over consumer on the Planet. Total hypocrite. Telling other not to consume. ‘Don’t do what I do’, while lecturing others. Now his interference is going to be buried for years. Until they die. So much for an impartial Monarchy. Why were Royals involved in an illegal war, to protect their vast fortune, based on tax evasion. They should slim down or bow out. The Tory elite.


Croompenstein says

”@petra and @scottieDog – Stu would have removed the videos as they are embedded and mess up the thread. If you want to link to youtube videos you should copy the url and when you paste it in to your comment you should remove the http:// part and it will appear as a url link rather than embedding the video.”

Thanks for the advice Croompenstein.


No comments? Scary

Football fans are half the population? 2.5 in Scotland? 1.25Million women? Sample might be biased – more men than women (children?) by opinion? Representative?


I see that Gove has Dominic Raab as Minister for Human Rights and Civil Liberties etc.,

I can’t help but feel that they are having a laugh.

Colin Church


I propose a holiday. Something is awry.


The heir to the British throne’s “Black Spider Memos” to government ministers express concerns about, army surveillance, helicopters, badgers, albatrosses & Patagonian toothfish. I’ve searched in vain for any concerns about child poverty, foodbanks, civil rights or murdered princesses. If we have to have this pantomime monarchy it’s time to skip a generation. The heir-apparent is apparently as barking as Mad King Ludvig of Bavaria and look what happened to him. 🙂

Chic McGregor

The above post on the ECHR was written in bed in the wee small hours and I had to get back to sleep, so I would like to add another post on it, just in case anyone missed the key point:

As we all know, or should know, there is no actual mechanism for expelling a member state or region thereof, from the EU. However, there has been for some time, a mechanism for unilateral withdrawal from the EU by those who wish to.

However, if the UK in withdrawing from the ECHR, prevents its citizens having recourse to that judiciary and the UK Supreme Court departs from accepted ECHR human rights (as it inevitably will), there are a range of punitive measures the EU can take all the way up to the ultimate one of depriving the UK of voting rights within the EU.

And, of course, the EU would have no choice but to invoke these punitive powers in full at each stage of the process if only to prevent other member states from following suite.

Of course, in that eventuality, the situation would be untenable for the UK, in effect they would be forced to invoke their right to withdraw from the EU. No doubt conveniently blaming the EU for that withdrawal.

Since all this information would seem to be readily available, I leave you to decide whether the move to leave the ECHR is a conspiracy or cock-up on behalf of the Tories. i.e. is it a deliberate ‘get out anyway’ card, regardless of the Eref result, concocted by the dark faction within the Tories?

Since the announcement by May and Grayling and supporters over a year ago, the potted history goes like this:

Several high profile Tories spoke out strongly against withdrawal from the ECHR. Like former Lord Chancellor Ken Clarke.

This caused the dark mob to pull their horns in on the ECHR.

Meanwhile, Clarke and the others were nudged, not so gently, off stage.

But by then indyref was looming and the ECHR meme would not have played well in that campaign, in fact they snuck it through that milestone well under the radar.

Now, with a Tory majority, the dugs are unleashed again.

However, there is a silver lining to all this, from a Scottish independence perspective.

The very act itself may well be deemed to constitute sufficient ‘change of circumstances’ for an indyref2 or if not that, then measures taken to circumvent Scotland’s separate law system’s veto on it would be.


@Chic McGregor

Thanks for the information. May need more popcorn 🙂

Will Podmore

James Forrest writes that he welcomes any comments on allegations of vote-rigging in the referendum. So here’s one.
Douglas Daniel, Wings over Scotland, on 24 September refuted claims that the vote was rigged: “However, we certainly didn’t lose because of shenanigans at the counts, and perpetuating such stories only hinders the attempts that are currently being made to move on from the result and onto the second phase of this wide-ranging and thriving independence movement (Women For Independence and the Radical Independence Campaign are already planning their next conferences in the coming weeks). As an official referendum agent for Wings Over Scotland who witnessed the counting procedures first-hand, I hope these words might carry at least a bit of weight amongst online activists. Believe me, if anything dodgy had been happening, this vile cybernat would have been screaming it from the rafters.”

Chic McGregor


One line gags or War and Peace, that’s me. 🙂


Corkie is Kaiser Soze.

Corkie is currently working with MI5 & MI6 to select the next Labour leader.

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