The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Let’s Build A Rocket

Posted on March 06, 2018 by

And fire it into the heart of the Union.

(Fundraiser page here, or click here to donate directly.)

2 days remaining. Running total (all sources) at 9am, Thu 5 April: £127,400.

Wings Over Scotland is only possible because of you. Everything we do is fuelled by the generous once-a-year donations of our readers, and from the incredible support you’ve given us since 2013 we assume you think we’re pretty decent value for money.

Although of course, not everyone agrees.

So we’ll spare you the flannel. One way or another this is probably the last time we’re going to ask you to put your hands in your pockets, so let’s make this one count, folks.

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I love these fundraisers, they always elicit the exact same shite from the exact same green-eyed arserags. Arserag Twitter will be bristling with decontexualised quotes, sundry pishflappery and all manner of defamation. Behold the seethe. 🙂

Dosh incoming.

Michael Thomas Fadian

Easily the best value for money every year.


This is it folks. Final big push. GIRUT.


Donation made, start building yon rocket.

Iain Hamilton


“The last time”

What a mixed feeling of trepidation and sheer joy at the thought.


You’re not going anywhere. Worth your weigh in gold. Thanks a Billion for all you do. All good.


Lol, I only have one job a year and that’s it just done.


Power to your elbow Stu.

Wings is our hope let’s make it happen.

Bob Mack

I maintain my rolling subscription Stu. Best money I have ever spent.

Last time ? I think not young fella. There will be a position for you here in Scotland courtesy of the people. We will insist on it.

Thank you Stu.


The last time? Oh how I wish!

Aim high, £100k and Indy or bust!

Will have a rummage down the sofa and see what I can find.


Just lifted large hammer, about to burst open bulging piggy bank.

Thanks for your very brilliant work

G H Graham

Just donated with pleasure, the equivalent of the annual BBC propaganda tax …

Ye see yon birkie ca’d a lord,
Wha struts, an’ stares, an’ a’ that;
Tho’ hundreds worship at his word,
He’s but a coof for a’ that.
For a’ that, an’ a’ that,
His ribband, star, an’ a’ that,
The man o’ independent mind
He looks an’ laughs at a’ that.

[…] Wings Over Scotland Let’s Build A Rocket And fire it into the heart of the Union. (Fundraiser page here, or click here to […]


@ G H Graham, don’t forget “The Laird o Cockpen!” starring……….Mundell.


Got to take my hat of to some of the people donating. Some very generous donations. Well done.


Donation made and good luck to all.


We are right behind you Rev.

Independence and beyond.


The Twitter share button on the donate page not working getting 404 error


Donation made – seems to be ticking up nicely.

Eyes on the prize people.


That time of year again & it’s a pleasure to donate young man. You are worth every penny & more besides. Thank you.


Donated. Best value of the year

Dorothy Devine

Hey Stu , I will be donating my usual way via your bank – but I have a gripe !

I have never been sent a wee badge , hairgrip , bunnet or anything else!

Not that I really need those things , I just need you and WGD and a few others to keep me up to date with shenanigans and co.and to keep me sane ( ish)

Gavin Barrie

I consider it my proud vile cybernat annual subscription. Donated!


Thanks for your hard work. Hope you’re right about the last time. Monthly donation heading your way


Donated by Paypal. Bought myself the pleasure of reading Wings for the next year and the pleasure of watching the fundraiser total mount (knowing that the Unionist media’s blood pressure climbs in line with that figure).

Robert Pollock

Rise up!


Today is the day when the anti-independence mob get repetitive strain injuries by pressing F5 constantly and getting more and more angry as more money is donated.

John 59

Small donation made, thank you Stu.


Twopenceworth added.

But I don’t believe this will be the last year. First there’s the vote. Then there’s the transition. Unless the Scottish media have a sudden Road to Damascus conversion, we are going to need a proper journalist for some time to come.


“probably the last time we’re going to ask”?

Get out of it, post independence we’ll still need you, just to make sure the transition is honestly reported and the charlatans and carpet baggers exposed.

You’re in with the bricks of life in Scotland now Stuart….(smiley faced thigbob) 🙂

Andrew Brown

Annual donation made. Keep up the good work and don’t let the b******s grind you down !


Donation made.


Donated. Hope it upsets a few British Nationalists.


Donation made..

Keep up the great work Rev..

Proud Cybernat

Money in. Next time it’s YES !!

Bill not Ben

Sorry guys, i give all i can to overseas aide, every penny counts there, just £2 can save a life and those people need my money more, so i will do my bit there, and i will as allways put foreward the message for independence whenever i meet any of those labour supporting no voters

Alba Gu snooker loopy!


direct donation done. if seething has a sound, I’m sure i can hear it already, heh heh. this IS the final push folks. brexit will kill scotland to death


GODDAMNIT How could I miss the start of this?

This’ll get some folks backs up, so let’s annoy them even more!


Having problems trying to donate page will not accept my address!!!


Yes, politics about Scotland is fairly quiet but, because of Brexit, politics in Scotland in Scotland is not while we, collectively, hold our breath waiting for a much anticipated announcement and, simultaneously, get through a prenominal amount of popcorn and haggis nuggets watching the deck chairs being rearranged on what will become the Former United Kingdom – or FUK as it will be known.

Meanwhile, payment made, and freebies being looked forward to.

And thank you.


Five,six years ago i would never have considered donating money to a political blog.I had long given up on independence for our country and slid into a deep lethargic slumber.But thanks to yourself and others on this site you brought back to life my dream of an independent Scotland and for that my donation will be the best spent money i will spend this year.

auld highlander

She (the old pensioner) has just chipped in for the two of us.

Keep up the excellent work.

Scot Finlayson

What price Wings for another year,

1 pint of lager a week for a year £180

1 Costa Latte with extra shot a week for a year £150

1 bottle of cheapish wine a week for a year £312

1 fish supper a week for a year £322

1 Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar 360G a week for a year £182

1 packet Benson & Hedges Gold King Size x20 a week for a year £590

Stuart has been arrested and imprisoned by false accusation his character has been maligned by false accusation,

this is third world dictator assault on critical journalism,

lesser mortals would have run a mile or taken the establishment dollar,

people have paid a lot more than the price of a coffee on the road to their countries Independence,

What price Wings for another year.

Ian Brotherhood

Just a wee marker…

£13.3k raised = 30%



WTF?! The police confiscated all your equipment for three months?! You done well to keep the site going. I bet they have downloaded everything too and gave it to 77th brigadiers.

Donald Mac

DD setup. Keep up the good work Stu!


Can I just add that thank god Stu that you ditched Indiegogo.

Oh, and GIRUY all those who think we’ve given up…

Nation Libre

With pleasure

Flower of Scotland

What would Scotland do without your great analysis.

I have been with you since 2012 and couldn’t do without your blog. Thanks for all your hard work!

Donated because you’re worth it! Looking forwards to my perks!


The best value for money you can get !!!
Thank you Stu


Monthly subscription continues indefineately. Keep up the very important and excellent work that you do Stuart. Both sad and elated that this ‘might’ be the last one.


I haven’t posted for a while but have dropped in to say good luck and I have made my donation.

In my wee part of the ‘real world’, I notice more people are speaking out in favour of Independence as the only option. It is imperative that we show we mean business.


Even if I weren’t passionate about independence for Scotland, I’d donate to Wings just to send a message to the British MSM, to all those useless unionist politicians who supposedly ‘represent’ us in WM and Holyrood and everyone else trying to scupper our country, letting them know exactly what I think of their ‘Great’ British way of doing things.

Thank you, Stuart, for keeping us informed and up to speed. Their treatment of you and your attempts to get the truth out there says so much more about them than it does about us, and it isn’t pretty. Thanks, too, to Chris for keeping us smiling.


Donation made, thanks Rev.


Fine but donations are not enough to bring Indy we need you to get off your back side and get outthere to help. I am nearly 70 now and only started canvassing at the last Ref and GE/LE when I retired but daunting as it maybe to some get the facts from WOS and other associated sites and lend your services to spread the word. There are still far too many outthere who for whatever reason do not want change so we have to convince them of the benefits of Independence.

Flower of Scotland

Stu, you’re now at 39% funded and you’ve raised 17.7K Wow, just Wow!

Well done everyone


Heedy, Peffers and their gang of Trolls have ruined a good forum.

So I will not be contributing to this site until those arseholes disappear.

Daisy Walker

Donation in, More to come on pay day.

O/T can folk take a wee look at Kirsty Hughes twitter feed – interesting article a bit down re our EU’s getting to vote in indyref2.

Basically they will not be allowed to after March ’19, once we’re formally out, even if we remain ‘transition’ members they will not get to vote as the means by which they originally got to vote was through EU legislation, which transition status will not extend to.

If Indy Ref 2 is beyond this time, we have got to get them to appreciate our track record of giving them the vote the first time, and asking them to help campaign for us – but I’d rather they got the vote.

Some interesting articles on also worth reading.

Thanks as ever.

Yes Now.

call me dave

Donation made for the best Scottish political website. 🙂

Looking forward to my perks as well.

Off to dig myself out of my parking place, snaw again!


Just donated, Stu, bank-to-bank, via the internet, couldn’t be easier and no fundraiser commission. (09-01-26 A/c 26646153 Stuart Campbell)

As for ‘the last time’, that’ll be your decision, Stu, but because you are such a hugely important and much-loved icon of Independence, I suspect you might just change your mind after you visit Scotland post-Independence, to discover the crowds won’t let you leave.

I also think there will be a lot more work for you to do, possibly as the editor and CEO of Independent Scotland’s first proper national newspaper.


I believe if you can afford to make a donation for using a service that Stuart provides, you should do.
There’s no need to agree with everyone on this site, that’s just impossible.


Lol, you were never going to contribute anyway.


Daisy Walker @ 11:47am:

Yes, I agree that EU nationals (or rather, as they are, Scottish residents) must have the vote.

If it’s really the case that they cannot after March 2019, this only strengthens my view that we must have the referendum by then.

On the day after EURef, great show was made of how we valued EU nationals and would look after them. Treating EU nationals the same as everyone else here demands they be allowed to vote.

And, really, it’s not a good look if they’re told, ‘I know we said this but….’.

People might start to wonder who else can be thrown by the wayside and we really don’t want that :/

Craig P

Indy2 says:
6 March, 2018 at 11:43 am
Heedy, Peffers and their gang of Trolls have ruined a good forum.

So I will not be contributing to this site until those arseholes disappear.

Have some basic sense indy2. 10% of the value of wings is the comments, 90% the articles.

Bob Mack

The great Voltaire said ” It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere” How very true.

Many have given their life for freedom. Money is nothing in light of that, and we do have many fools yet to be freed from their chains. What price a Nation ?


Indy2 says 11:43 am
Heedy, Peffers and their gang of Trolls have ruined a good forum.

Seems like YOU are the troll, pal.


‘this is probably the last time we’re going to ask you to put your hands in your pockets’

Why you say that?

Have the Daily Mail or the Guardian made you an offer you can’t refuse?

None of my business I know.

You will be badly missed Stuart.

Will donate anyway.Cheers.


@Craig P

I would say 99percent for articles. This is the information that gets forwarded…not posts ( not to detract from the good quality posts and links which often appear)
The articles are critical to countering unionist propaganda with data that always has linked sources etc

The posts are important. The articles are critical.


troll self-exposed…wot a dolt

Liz McLaughlin

Had a look to donate, but I already subscribe to iScot, so how would that work? Obviously I don’t want to accept something I already get, can I opt out and how?

O/T Nicola on 39.4k, next Brenda on 22.4k, which is actually up nearly 1k since earlier this am. Hmmm?

100 women. Programme on Sly news tomorrow at 4pm


O/T Heads up – YouGov are polling on Scottish Independence with EU membership for an independent Scotland thrown in for good measure. Just filled it in.

Will donate later. Hopefully glitches sorted by then.

Bill Hume

45% funded and ah’ve no even sat down tae ma lunch yet (or dinner as we used to call the mid day meal in our house).

The English nationalists will be frothing at the mouth.


Winged Trolls soonds affy frichtsome!

Still, that’s what WoS is here for – to frighten the shite out of the BritNats.

Last fundraiser? There is nothing I would like more than to achieve a YES win in the next year-ish.

The Rev needs a good public appointment in iScotland. I propose he gets the job of setting up and leading Scotland’s independent media watchdog 🙂

Robert Kerr

A call to arms indeed!

“And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there”

Not that one though!

Our flag first seen in the Year of Grace 734 high above Athelstaneford!

Donated a modicum!


Donated what I could and thankfully more than last year.
Many thanks for all that you do and to all the supporters, readers, contributors and activists!

Done by teatime!

Stan Wilson

Donation done and doubled my monthly standing order amount.
Not much, for all the hard work you do, but worth every penny from my pension.

Highland Wifie

Donated and enjoying the feeling of putting my money where my mouth is!
Thank you Rev Stu for everything you do. Worth every penny.

wee sandy

It will not let me donate a sum of my own choosing, only one of the 6 stated amounts. Is it just me not understanding?

Craig Evans

Donation made by PayPal, looking forward to Indyref2!

Highland Wifie

Oops. Just noticed the fundraiser link above now.
Donated through the donate link at the top. Never mind it’s all ending up in the same place..

Bob Mack

@Wee Sandy,

There is a box at the bottom in which you can fill in your is as a one off.


Isn’t it typical Tory Land England when we see their BBC Propaganda TV Station explaining how their caring government is trying to get UK portions reduced while we see ever increasing numbers having to use Food Banks to exist.

Also laughing out loud to see the DUP Leader, the one who states that she hate Catholics, doesn’t believe that Dinosaurs ever existed, and who’s supporters burn pellets for no reason other than it allows the UK Government to give them free money for their supporting, visit Brussels and Mr Barnier.

What on earth can the real Europeans make of these people hoping to sit around a table and discuss their future relationship when they embrace murder, corruption and hate?

Donation going in right now-just about at the 50% mark.

Many, Many Thanks to Rev for his herculean efforts against Westminster.


Transferred my association subscription to WOS, a few years back. Getting out of two unions for the price of one.
I love a bargain.

Robert Louis

REV STU says…”..probably the last time..”

Even once we are independent, I very much thinketh not. An independent Scotland will need this site, just as much as the current colonial Scotland needs it now.

Money on way.

P.S if we don’t contribute, we might end up with no Chris Cairs cartoons on Saturday – and we all REMEMBER well what that means..

link to


Nuggets O'Pish

If this blog closes down when we are independent, Wings Over Scotland should be the name for the new Scottish airforce! A fitting tribute, and it does what it says on the tin.


Pretty much half-way by lunchtime, as usual.


Donation in Stu out of my pension. More power to your elbow (and keyboard).

See the english governments tame house journal in Scotland (the herald – is that a paper?) quoting a uk government source on the repatriated powers “I don’t sense us moving from our position. We have already moved a hell of a long way and we can’t move any further in the way the Scottish Government want us to”.

What planet is this person on. These powers returning from Brussels do NOT fall under the remit of the english government. These are devolved issues which come under the umbrella of the Scottish government.

Through shear arrogance,bullying and contempt for the Scottish parliament this tory government has decided to intercept these powers on their return from Brussels. They are trying to steal what is not theirs.

They are doing us a favour by returning 80 odd powers. Big deal, how very bloody generous of them to “GIVE” us our own powers back. Christ even the bloody tories in Scotland oppose this.

NS give them hell



50% funded, folks!


Donated. Not much I’m afraid – funds a bit tight, and I financially support our local independence hub, but you do such a good job I felt I had to contribute something. Keep up the good work. I totally agree with those who have said we will still need you in the early days of an independent Scotland, so don’t get used to the idea of stopping any time soon!


Indy2 says:
6 March, 2018 at 11:43 am
Heedy, Peffers and their gang of Trolls have ruined a good forum.

So I will not be contributing to this site until those arseholes disappear.

I popped in some cash on your behalf though.

Hope that’s ok indy2.

Anyway, its kind of an antidote btl WoS, after you’ve waded through the £300 million a year BBC Scotland region gimp zone for a while, for example.

Will Scotland ever have a decent progressive liberal media, that doesn’t spend every waking minute trying to destroy Scotland’s nascent democracy indy2?


And that’s Scottish arsehole to you.


Wife insists on BBC tax so she can watch crap so no moaning from her if I fund something worthwhile for the same amount.

I think the only thing on the BBC I’ve seen in the last 3 years is the odd episode of Mastermind, but that supercilious prick John Humphrys does my head in.


There didn’t seem to be a box to say “I don’t want the stuff” this year, but just like the last times I don’t want it. Spend the money on other things, like more WBBs.


£55 of fuel added to the rocket.

wee sandy

@Bob Mack

Doh! It’s an age thing. Thanks. Now donated.

Jack Murphy

All the best WoS.
Donation made from last weekend’s wages.


Nana is back – see links on previous thread.

wee sandy

@ bob mack

Thanks Bob. I’m sure it’s an age thing! Now donated.

wee sandy

Jeez! Double posted! It IS an age thing!

Karen Fisher

Donated and Subscribed. Keep up the good work!!

Les Wilson

Well Stu, I have supported you and your work from the beginning,
I ain’t gonna stop now. Money will be in today.
This is likely to be the biggest ever push for Indy coming very soon.
We need you as never before, let’s hope it is a huge fundraiser, and the biggest by a long way. Cheers.


couple of bob donated


Listening to the BBC r4 gimp network right the noo, a very jolly toryboy chat between two ferocious toryboys, professional liar Nic Robinson and Dan Hannan, south east of England Cons MEP.

Hannan last seen in Nairn, lying his toryboy arse off about everything really, especially the EU though.

So this chat’s a good example of how corrupt the BBC is today, a couple of tory creeps, chortling away together about lovely they both are, on their private toryboy beeb gimp network, at £3.5bn a year.

Dan Huil

Invest for independence.


Saw Captain America last night on C4, which ends with Captain America wearing a WoS t shirt. No idea what SRS means though.

link to

So get some WoS t shirts going too!

Dr Jim

The Trolls owe as much dosh as everybody else

They’re here reading WOS just like we are

Pay yer dues Trolls


Let’s get this to six figures ASAP


Fabulous Wings deserves a pat on the back and a few quid from me. Thanks for all the hard work Stuart.

Just a funny aside, conversation, other night at our house; me’ well, you wouldn’t go to wings unless you don’t want to eat anything!’ Son#1, ‘Eh, what are you talking about?’ me, ‘wings, the restaurant your bro has been invited to, it’s all chicken wings!’ Son#1, ‘oh, I was wondering why the heck you were talking about Wings Over Scotland and not going there, everytime you talk about wings, you are usually on about Wings over Scotland!’

We had quite a laugh!

Anything ‘wings’ in our house is WOS. 🙂

Tam the Bam.

Wallet dipped and donated.
Carry on your exceptional work Stuart.


Ps,I like birds and wings, and chicken’s, alive, we are vegy you might have guessed!


A pleasure to contribute. We cannot fly without our Wings.

When you say ” …this is is probably the last time we’re going to ask you to put your hand in your pockets” I trust you mean that you expect us to be independent before the next annual fundraiser and there is no suggestion that you will tire of the fight if we are still chained in a year’s time. Scotland needs you and like all your readers, excepting the trolls, we will keep putting our hands in our pockets to help you help us win our freedom no matter how long it takes. Your contribution to the drive for scottish independence is immense and appreciated more than you will ever know.

Stick with us to the end and when the end comes, and we are at last free of these vampires, your Wings followers will insist your contribution is recognised. Your talents will be invaluable in our new Scotland.

Craig Macinnes

Best Independence site bar none!
Donated and chipped in a wee extra £25 on behalf of indy2, bill and Ben and good ol’ sensible…thanks to those guys for keeping my fire burning!

Ian Brotherhood

60% there already.


Making my donation on Saturday when in town with the wife.

Cassandra Lee

I love this fundraiser! Always happy to donate, and have done every year since the first one. You are right though, they really fear Wings, so stay safe, Stu, and watch your back!



Keep up the good work Rev. A must go to website for all us who support the Scottish Independence cause.

I agree with others on here that we will need you beyond this year for all true news reporting on Scotland and to get all the regular “Wingers” views which we need.


Less than 2 hours to put your views on that UK Parl page:

link to

Some good ones, some lying ones, some totally ignorant views there. Give them both barrels!


Yeeeeehaaaah was just having a look at the fundraiser page before donating and it looks like ONE MILLION updated WBB’s are going to be printed and distributed “when the time comes”.

Britnat suckaz eat shit you morons you’re finished.


Proud Cybernat


Scotland’s First Minister still well ahead in Sky’s most influential woman poll:

1st – Scotland’s First Minister 35.9k votes
2nd – England’s First Minister 22.6k votes
3rd – Scotland’s future First Minister 17k votes

If you haven’t yet voted, here’s the link again:

link to


Rummaged down the sofa and found 2p and a fluffy sweetie of unknown vintage.

So you can have my TV tax as a special thanks for all you have done, are doing and I’m sure will continue to do.

Liz Rannoch

Right I’ll try that again. Posted about 11.30ish and it hasn’t appeared.

I already subscribe to iScot so how does that work – can I opt out? If so, how?

I know I can donate directly but I really, really want a notebook!

John de Soulis

Donated through paypal. Freedom won’t be long now. 😉


I got really annoyed by that site. It uses Google Address, which doesn’t include ours. It can’t cope with House Name, Town, Postcode. Every farmhouse in this area uses that format.

I got so angry I went to PayPal and gave you more than I’d planned to. That’ll show them!


@Prouf Cybernation 3.15


Liz Rannoch

Proud Cybernat @ 3.15

England’s First Minister? I really hope you mean the old Queenie, cos she was No 2 when I checked around 11.30ish. I now cannot get onto the site constant ‘stopping script’ and ‘recovering page’. Hope somebody who knows how to has been taking screen grabs!

Tinto Chiel

Like Elmac @2.23, I’m hoping your remark implies we’ll be independent before the next fund-raiser and you can lie down in a darkened room/recharge your batteries/come back home.

Off to Paypal to buy you some rocket fuel.

We won’t win without you and this site.


Money flowing in. Excellent.

Are we a bit slower than last year?

link to

Or, is Stu getting more on PayPay etc this year?

Sheryl Hepworth

You’ll have to be patient Stu. Don’t get my pennies till Friday!!


A worthy cause and hopefully the last donation before we are independent with the next donation being to our new impartial and independent Wings Over Scotland multi-media platform – didn’t think we were going to let you off the hook after Indy did you – who do you think you are, a one trick pony Farage? ??

Marie Clark

Just paid through Paypal this year, it looks as if quite a few of us are doing that.I tried to donate through the google thingy, but I got a bit annoyed with it, so Paypal it is.

Mair power tae yer elbow Rev. Pleasure to donate.


Donation done. Happy to do so. Many thanks for all your hard work.

Proud Cybernat


Mark McDonald has tendered his resignation from the party – The National

He’ll continue as an independent MSP.

Liz Rannoch

Can anybody help with my question @ 3.22pm?

Or, if I do donate through paypal can I claim a notebook?

Yours, Desperate to Donate.

James Munro

Now at 16:45 and my rough maths calculates that there has been a donation every 45 seconds. Keep it up regardless of how much you can give.


AllyPally says:
6 March, 2018 at 3:46 pm

“I got really annoyed by that site. It uses Google Address … ”

Also stymied for a while by exact same problem. If a human glances at my address it will look foolish – purposely as I just filled in junk where some nonsense was required.

Nevertheless, WOS will do it again for us all this next year!


Almost 5pm so prepare yourselves for Report Scotland news item later condemning WOS for only achieving 76% of its target which goes to demonstrate clear evidence Scots do not want another Indy.


Noticed the charityscheckout retains your card details for future donations. If you don’t want this go to mydetails and delete it. I’m never too happy with too many online sites retaining my card details, that’s why I tend to use paypal.


Happy to donate. This site keeps me sane.

Les Wilson

I wonder where we are now? I take it the New fundraiser platform
figures will not include Paypal sums.

call me dave

£90 short of target says Stu on twitter. 🙂

Elizabeth Sutherland

Donated.A few pennies for Rev.Stu must have a new edition of Wee Blue book.

call me dave

I’ll write that another way…£90 short of target.

Probably there by now but I’m sure it will be lots more than that by this time tomorrow.


One way or another this is probably the last time we’re going to ask you to put your hands in your pockets, so let’s make this one count, folks.

I disagree Stuart. If we are in the middle of another Referendum within the next year, and we’re sitting at 50-50 with the Unionists, I’ll bet every single person here will throw a ton of money at you and this website if you had to ask. I don’t think this will be the last fundraiser if necessity demands a further push.

All the best for the next year anyway!!


Thanks for drawing that to my attention. Hadn’t noticed


WoS Twitter. Stu says across all donation platforms, he’s almost at £45k.


Another few quid in the bag from me. Keep up the good work Stu. As already said above, the thought that this may be the last time fills me with mixed emotions. I have become accustomed to Nana’s daily links, Chris’ weekly (when not on holiday) excellent topical cartoons, Proud Cybernats wonderful Micky taking links, Macart’s, Mr Peffer’s and many many other regulars’ points of view and excellent background information.
Thanks to all you Wingers for digging deep to find the truth, and for sharing it with the rest of us.
When Indy comes…….I will miss you all. (No offence, but I really, really want to miss you guys so much!)
I will step back into the shadows now, but Thanks Guys, your information has been very, very much appreciated. ??

Jason Smoothpiece

Good luck with the fundraising money well spent.



By next March we should have either voted for Indy or not, or be pretty close to a vote. From the above message I get the impression that the Rev will wind down the site if we vote no again, his job is done if we vote yes.

If we vote no under the current conditions I fail to see any circumstances that a yes vote will prevail, you can only flog a dead horse for so long. But grasping defeat from the jaws of victory is a trait we are well aware of.

Meg merrilees

Liz rannoch

I checked the SKY page 15 minutes ago and it was only coming up with a page dated March 5th 03.40 am. Tried refreshing but it was still coming up with March 5th.




Hi mate. You misunderstand. If we are in the middle of another Referendum within this next year and Stuart asks for a quick £50K (for advertising, or to print more pamphlets or Wee Blue or Black books, etc), then I have no doubt we will all fire him that money. The point is …it may not be the last fundraiser if he asks one more time for one even greater gargantuan push.


@jfngw says: at 4.58pm
“Noticed the charityscheckout retains your card details for future donations”

Go back onto the donation page & click on the block og parallel lines in top right corner next to Donate Now button. This offers you an option to login if you had logged out of that page earlier after donating. Once in it takes you to your account so you can alter your preferences & details.

Although I’d said no emails when I checked my account it showed they could still email me so I unticked those sections. I get enough email rubbish without taking on any more because I didn’t bother checking & I certainly wouldn’t want any site retaining my card details.


Best of luck. Glad to contribute to the cause (directly this time). We have the mandate. We have a good base. Roll on indyref 2.

Liz g

Meg Merrilee’s @ 5.45
I’m finding that the page is opening on page 8 or 9
The most recent comments are on page 1.
Try going too the bottom and clicking previous…. I know its a bit arse backwards.
Don’t take my advice to seriously though…. I still don’t see mine…and needed a copilot to donate (that’s why I had kid’s)


@Meg merrilees
@Liz rannoch

The Sky poll is still working. Over a 20min period, Nicola went from 36.8 to 36.9.

It takes ages to load the poll into the page. The page itself may be dated yesterday, but the poll info is dynamic.

Would be fun if it ended up 1. Nicola & 2. Mhairi 🙂


Your work is so important, please don’t ever stop.


By next year Rev Stu could be editor of the Scotsman. Or even the Record. Maybe not. A stretch too far. Certainly outlasting the lot of them.

Has Kezia made a ‘donation’ yet?

Robert Louis

Haha, the usual moronic british Nationalists in Scotland are abusing REV STU online, with all kinds of smeary stuff (the usual nonsense).

He must be doing something right then.

Honestly, why do people who support Scotland being ruled by an English parliament in another country find it necessary to lie all the time?

A rhetorical question of course, but I remember, not so long ago, in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014, the ‘better together mob and their cabal of British Nationalists promised us they would make the ‘positive case for the union’. We have yet to hear it, and that is because their is no positive case for the union, and THAT is the reason the British Nationalists in Scotland have to lie.

So, as I and many others have done before, here is their chance, tell us all, the wonderful positive case for Scotland being the only country in the world still run by another. Tell us of the great advantages we get from NOT being in control of our own economy, or our food sector, or our science sector, or immigration and investment. Tell us why handing over ALL oil revenues to England for free is such a bonus for Scots. Tell us why having our culture, and languages denigrated on a regular basis, with every aspect of Scottish social life mocked, is such a great thing. Tell us why having a much despised flag, the butcher’s apron plastered all over our buildings and produce, instead of our national flag, the Saltire, is so good for us?

I’ll not hold my breath.


According to WoS twitter, target achieved.

Awesome. 🙂

Bill McLean

Donated. What a terrific site this is Rev – despite some of the silly niggling that goes on.

Bill McLean

Ha ha! Trust me to be late!


£57,75 from here in NL. Was great seeing the percentage go up between me first opening the site and donating!

Mildly OT, but I’ve lived here for 15 months now. I don’t know if it’s my increasing familiarity with the language, or May’s twattishness, but it seems that folk here are starting to really look forward to little England fucking right off. 😀


That’s another few quid in the kitty from me too – long time lurker tho and always happy to back the best chance (after the SNP) of us finally getting our independence


Never knew hitting f5 all day on a crowdfunder page could be so much fun, almost like poking the MSM in the eye each time the total went up!


Just checking the times, and it seems live coverage of the Scottish Labour Conference is at the same time as the STV coverage of Ireland v Scotland.

mmmm, which to watch …


Fingers crossed Rev.
I feel alot more confident that independence can be achieved and that the indie media flourishes.


Well I guess if you’re not in it you can’t win it so even though I disagree with the occasionally arsehole really nice guy who runs the site I’ll have to see if there’s a couple of Scots pounds spare on my card in a few days, even if just for the sakes of WBB2.


98% at 7.07 on Donation page, 1k to go!

Pls the direct payment, direct debits and PayPal payments.

Soaring on Wings!


Am skint at the mo so apologies, have to keep the bawbees closely guarded for now… but if there’s an indyref2 and if there’s another Wee Blue Book to be funded, I would (perhaps literally) mortgage everything and put it into another big push.
I think there would be plenty who’d do the same.


@Jules 7.16: we all do what we can for the cause of converting Nos to Yes – any way counts!

I can’t say anything different to thank you, Rev – it’s all been said. Contribution to this fund coming direct under other half’s name [it is a joint account though!].


Small donation made, wish it could be more.


Congratulations Wings, ever impressive stuff 🙂


Okay Hothersall, on behalf of Wingers everywhere, I challenge you to raise £45k in less than a day for whatever Britnat cause you choose!


Yey! Job done, would another £55k go amiss?


And – the target’s now over 100% on the crowdfunder page = £45.6k. Yippeee. 🙂

OOr wee Nicola’s still at #1 in the Sky poll with 37.3k with final results tomorrow.

happy wee bunny me, or should that be wee haggis.

Robert Pollock

Target reached!

mike cassidy

What a perfect day to start the fundraiser!

link to

And befitting the Wings principle of sourcing the material

link to

Note that reading the first comment below the writing will probably have you reaching for your wallets again.


@mike cassidy
Interesting quote from that article:

I have not been worried about the state deficit for sometime, ever since Mr Brown found out that the UK state can literally print money to pay its bills. Mr Osborne, originally a critic of this in opposition, then discovered its charms in office as well.

That of course is a main argument for Scotland having our own currency, and some courage to use it.


Happy to have donated , keep up the pressure .


Ref the john redwood article
It’s good the reality of govt financing is becoming more mainstream.
The real debt is the private debt burden – our mortgages, credit card debt etc.

Govt debt is our savings.

Marker Post

Donation made. Keep it coming, Rev.


Over 47.2K+ on the crowdfund page with 911+ donors, and rising…

Enjoying reading all of the comments of encouragement on the ‘Recent donations’ tab


@Cactus: “911+ donors

That’s the emergency number for “Help, we need more money for Independence” 🙂

colin alexander

A wee donation coming your way Stu, to say ta for the good work.

Noo, how aboot revising the article on Scotland unilaterally deciding to end the Union via a Scottish democratic mandate, whether via election or referendum.

Good luck with the rest of the fundraiser.

Bill Hume

It’s been a good day…..NANA’S BACK. Oh, and I paid for some rocket fuel.

Les Roches

Just checked Paypal to make sure my monthly DD is continuing for this years fundraiser and it is…..stick it to them Stu


Hey yesindyref2, did you say EMERGENCY:
link to

See it to the end, how they cut the cord on the Radio, Shortbreed.

Now approaching the £50K mark on the webby.

Party time!


it seems Sky news has changed the format of the most influential woman vote . Positions and number of votes no longer being shown. The queen is the first to appear and Nicola and Mhairi have been placed nearly at the end!!!

link to

Do I smell a rat or is it just a fluke on the net? Check it out folks!


Stu, thanks so much for the last 12 months and the last 5 years. Your one of the family now. Once back at the ponderosa my donation shall be winging its way to our wings.

call me dave


Hmm! Poll looks the same to me.

Nana Yeah! Missing Links are back. 🙂

Graeme McAllan

Thingy’s comment has to be the best comment anywhere in the history of comments – “Sundry pishflappery” – notional Pints/Mojitos/Milkshakes have been ordered in your name 😉


Poll alert 2!
After much searching I found a link that does revert to the original.

link to

Wouldn’t it be great to wake up tomorrow to Nic winning, mhairi and now Caroline Lucas doing well and the papers fuming that Wings smashed its target on day 1?


Donation made. This site keeps me sane(ish).



It looks OK to me.

Nicola has increased by ~1000 in the last three hours, and Mhairi ~500, which seems consistent.

Q by ~200 in same period 😉


Posted on the last thread, thought you might like to read just in case you miss it.

link to

link to


What a crew we have on Wings!

100% in the first day.

We can win Indyref2/Scotref whatever its called ; and we will, folks. Keep the faith and heid. We sit back a bit watching the clusterfunk that is Brexit and the Tories and we bounce.



Somebuddies just gone for ‘The Wings Works’ perk.

Nice one, Anonymous donor 🙂

Brian Doonthetoon

There’s a thing I like about the annual fundraiser – the number of “lurkers” who stick their monickers in. COME IN MORE OFTEN!

Me and Pete the Camera were hassled at George Square a few times, by three “mature” women who read WOS regularly but never post. They wanted “Proud Lurker” badges.

As it happened, we designed one and Pete produced a prototype. He then came under the control of Ninewells Hospital and was unable to produce any more.

Onnyhoo, at Glasgow Green, I was able to present the more vociferous of the three lurkers with the single “Proud Lurker” badge.

I told her to share it, week about. Why not do a post, typing “Ta”?

Meg merrilees


light relief – these crazy people will make you smile

link to

Bobby McPherson

Small donation compared to what Iyou give. But it’s on its way to you Rev. thank you so much, grateful for the courage and integrity of Wings. Keep calm and carry on the good work.


I’ve given you some money in the hope that you go away. Ach, you know what I mean!

Best political site!

call me dave


The McCorkindale / McHarg link is doing my heid in. 🙂

Read it twice now but will have another go in the morning, it looks all good though.

Aye it’s been an interesting and uplifting day to see so many folk chipping in contributions.

Well done all!


Yesindyref2, 7.56pm

Aye, what we could do (with our money) is invest in serious infrastructure, proper future-proof systems, fairly funded like every other nation (that chooses) does.

The thought of foreign/Tory investors making money from the toil of generations-past and our renewables industry, through utility sell-off schemes like the National Grid and the GPO, is a sad one.

Embarrassing for two intelligent nations, to combine so disastrously, forming the UK establishment, which will rule the UK forever…if ONLY these pesky Scots…


It’s all going swimmingly 🙂


My tuppence worth fired across from Calgary in Canada. Fantastic progress on the appeal, but this time we must get it right – get the vote out. Anyway, I’m hoping to be back home, permanently, in a couple of years time and it would be so good to be re-entering my home country – on it’s way to becoming an optimistic, cringe-free, Independent nation

[…] social media users have voiced their support for the site and have urged fellow Yessers to continue to donate.  In 2017 a similar fundraiser attracted over […]


Those boycotting the fake “independence supporting” The National on Saturday should give the money saved to the genuine independence supporting WOS.

8,000 boycotters would mean £4800 raised and also send a powerful message to the fake.

Dave McEwan Hill (3rd March – “The uninvited”):

“Ian Brotherhood at 11.13 am

With you completely. I will not be buying the Saturday National that includes the Bella magazine”


Hey, also keep an aye at the top RHS of the screen…

Less than 8,000 reader comments to go till it hits 750,000.

That’s three-quarters of one million comments, wow.

Should be able to fulfill that in a couple of weeks.

We’re heading to Venus…


Ah wonder if the successful Wings Over Scotland Fundraiser 2018 will get a menshie again in The National newspaper like last time.

Latest… now approaching £55K on page.


Well done on hitting the fundraising target Rev and it’s good to know you’ll be a thorn in the flesh of those Unionist politicians and pet media that choose to lie to us the general public.

I’m surprised you managed to last so long given the abuse you take daily, it’s because of what you write as you make many look like fools. Also a lot of jealousy there too, many hate you for your success as a blogger alone.

Well done to all that could spare a pound or two to keep Wings going, all the contributors btl and the lurkers as well. Great to read a lot of names from many I haven’t seen post before.

So many still care and it’s this belief that will win for us next time. Let’s carry on 🙂



“Has Kezia made a ‘donation’ yet?”

In a fair Scotland, she would be forced to pay damages to the Rev. Stuart Campbell for defaming him.

But my prediction is the rotten to the core Scottish justice system will clear her.

The vast majority of lawyers, especially judges, are the lowest of the low.

A. Graham

Thanks for all your tremendous work, and for not giving up despite certain dodgy people and their accusations.

It’s coming yet.

call me dave

Jings! Clocking on time 22:00hrs

Now is not the time for tennis games.

Been watching a Doris Day film… partner too young to remember her much. ‘The Thrill of it all’ Comedy? She likes it.

What can you do..mellow with a merlot Aaahh! 🙂 No Footie 🙁

Weren’t clothes really nice in the 60s. Good days.


My donation, with a late payment penalty will come on the 20th when I get paid.

Well done to everyone and a big thanks to Rev.


Donated- a positive economic return on investment.
The British state is stricken, profoundly unwell- the only cure is an Indy Scotland using the transformative power of democracy.

‘The United Kingdom continues to find itself in the bizarre situation that it is pursuing as its most important national and political preoccupation a goal, namely Brexit, which most of those closely involved (including the Prime Minister) know to be profoundly against the national interest. This schizophrenia will over time express itself in various ways…Mrs May’s speech…the latest symptom of the dreaded disease which is Brexit. As a symptom, it can make little or no difference to the eventual prognosis for the stricken British patient’

link to


Was it 1 or 2 million Wee Blue Books?

And of course there will no doubt be the print off your own version available.

I hope there will be lots of pictures of buses in the WBB!

What a great team fighting for the very existence of Scotland. Let’s donthis!


@Robert Louis 6.42

Great post. Sums up why British Nationalists will always lie cheat and break promises. They have no positive case so they can only deceive threaten and scare.


schrodingers cat

the irish border problem
link to

schrodingers cat

bbcalba has lost the pro14 rugby rights


Well, just squirted a wee bit of rocket fuel your way Stu – looking forward to making good use of the bottle opener!

Let’s get this into six figures, we need everything we can get.


The resilience of Wings is akin to the “Incy Wincy Spider”. No matter the many setbacks to the cause of independence it just keeps on climbing the spout knowing one day it will get to the top. Donation made through PAYPAL. Nice and simple.


Cactus says:
6 March, 2018 at 9:16 pm
Somebuddies just gone for ‘The Wings Works’ perk.
Nice one, Anonymous donor ?
and how did you know i was a buddy? after all they say about paisley folk..

A daily lurker and occasional jeff dugdale 121 🙂

Dr Jim

Must share the comedy from the Herald

Experts hired by the Herald say North sea oil value about to drop sharply


Wings has a fundraiser and the Herald starts a *Fudraiser*


Didn’t the day go well.

Rev Stu for President!

William Wallace

Set up a monthly for the cause. Cheers Stu. We might not always see eye to eye but, thanks for everything you have done and continue to do. It will not be forgotten. Much respect.

Liz g

William Wallace @ 1.09
Hi William, good to see ye post,not seen ye post for a wee while.
How’s all thing’s Wallace?

Chick McGregor

Donation made through Paypal.

William Wallace

@ Liz

Ach – no bad Liz. Just taking a wee rest for the battles ahead. I’ve been lurking and keeping a loose eye on wings but, I was needing a wee break to concentrate on health, family and ofc cutting doon on the late night drinking etc.

I’ve been sitting doon and writing daily tae but, struggling a wee bit wi the fatigue. Been trying to get some sort o sleeping pattern on the go but, it’s no as easy as it sounds as you well ken. Other than that I am fully charged up again for the road ahead.

Here’s hoping that Stu is right regarding the final fundraiser and that this is the year that brings aboot the change so many of us desire.

How are you keeping yirsel?? I hope 2018 has been good to you so far.

Liz g

William Wallace @ 1.45
Aye I’m doing fine thanks, William, and glad tae hear that your picking up better habits…or tryin tae,LOL.
Keep it steady,cause I think it will be all hands on deck …and soon…
Take care of yerself and herself,won’t keep ye from yer sleep.
Night William X

William Wallace

Take care Liz and good night. X


@mike cassidy 7:49pm

Lots of ranting tories on that redwood site.
Maybe we all need to enter some xhoice replies.

Currently at £57.5k Scots and fully funded. 1m WBB coming soon.

Les Wilson

What is this mornings total, it is a wee bit frustrating that we cannot see both totals, it would be good if Stu could keep us updated throughout the day.


@schrodingers cat 11:47pm

That’s a keeper. Hillarious.

link to

Les Wilson

We are going to need heroes, people who are willing to go the distance with resolve, Stu is definitely one of them.
There are many others who will help drive us to our goal so we really need to support them. They will help keep us on the right path.

Time for them to do as much as they can, all of us need to go the extra mile and follow their examples, this time we cannot fail.

Liz Rannoch

OK I’m nothing if not tenacious!

Twice I’ve posted about donating without having to accept the iScot subscription, cos I already do that.
I don’t want to waste that perk. Would I get 2 iScots? I suppose I could leave it somewhere?
I want to donate so I can get the enamel badge and the Notebook, but I don’t need the iScot thingy.

Please can someone help? Is it just me who’s in this situation? I’m beginning to think my font is set to invisible!



Don’t worry about it – it’s a digital subscription – you won’t get an extra hard copy.



link to

link to

link to

Experts warn NHS Scotland must be exempt from future trade deals
link to


What does a beleaguered administration do? Rewrite the council rules to suit themselves. A disgusting power grab today. Only irony is that the suspended Labour Councillors now have a paid Tory whip…oops!!
link to

link to

Fair work charter for Scots workers hit by severe weather
link to

link to


US company buys Scottish offshore firm Ecosse Subsea
link to

link to

link to

link to


Foreign Secretary asked to reject ‘language of war and conflict’ and ‘lead by example’
link to

link to

link to

link to


Will contribute later today. We need sites like this to counter Tory mouthpiece that The Scotsman has become or the BBC pro brexit stance. Scotsman going big today on Tory attack on Continuity Bill. But good article from Iain Machinery in Herald on the Tory Power Grab.

Liz Rannoch

Gizzit @ 7.28am

Thanks for that. If iScot get a sub and not have to send out a hard copy then I’m all for it!

Nana, a big welcome back and so many links! Away to donate, get ma porridge then tuck in to them, thanks.


Nana, I’m so pleased to see you posting again! Thank you for your brilliant links!


Good morning Liz. So many links, so little time but here’s a couple more for elevenses 🙂

Brussels and Paris to rebuff May’s Brexit hopes for City
link to

A ‘Major Second Wave’ of U.S. Fracking Is About to Be Unleashed Upon the World
link to


Good morning exile. Thank you and you are so welcome. It is good to know folks are reading some links and hopefully sharing relevant info.

Have a great day wherever you are. For some reason I have Van Morrison’s Too long in exile stuck in my head 🙂


Thanks Nana,
Scottish people require your service to find what is really being said, not what is being reported through the rose tinted glasses of our media,
Vote YES next time everyone.

Liz Rannoch

Just before I tuck in to all those links, a wee reminder that at 4pm today on Sky news there is a programme called 100 Women. Guess who was still at numero uno when I checked earlier this am. By a long way!

Nicola 39.2k
Queenie 23k
Mhairi 19.5

Indy first, last and always.

Brian Powell


I would say it’s through the bile tinted glasses of ‘our’ media.



Business begins at 1.30pm and includes:

a Stage 1 debate on the UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Legal Continuity) (Scotland) Bill

link to

Highland Wifie

Wow Nana. Back with a vengeance!
Reading Wings is becoming a full time job lol.

Scot Finlayson


Thanks (always) for links,

John Redwood Tory MP admitting that Tory/Labour `Austerity` serves no financial purpose is an abomination beyond words,

through links and some of the great learned contributors on Wings I had a small grasp on Gov debt and tax and its ability to create money (fiat money)through Central bank,

but always wondered, if you can create money why the need to attack the vulnerable with `Austerity`,

is it just a reason to give their friends/contributors at Capita/Talis billions of £`s,

there must be a reason beyond just being evil,

Man’s/Woman`s inhumanity to man/woman
Makes countless thousands mourn!


Onwards to £100k and beyond.

I am surprised at the fact that about 50% of the donors prefer to remain anonymous.

I can understand some people being worried that their employers find out their support for Independence, in particular if they work for The BBC or any of the other colonialist media outlets, but 50% is very high – they should be proud to advertise their support.


Nana says