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Wings Over Scotland

Labour’s PR wing

Posted on May 09, 2014 by

There doesn’t seem to have been a huge amount of coverage of Ed Miliband’s visit to Scotland today, presumably because there’s so little to report. The Labour leader came to Dundee and promised to commit to implementing the party’s feeble and essentially meaningless “Devo Nano” proposals – something that both he and Johann Lamont had already done in interviews at the time of the Scottish Labour conference in March – and also reiterated a few UK-wide policies.


So the BBC, perhaps aware of the low levels of newsworthiness in the visit and plainly keen to avoid having to report any more significant developments in the independence debate, decided to sex things up a bit for him.

Unless we’ve missed a very big announcement somewhere, the line we’ve highlighted above from the BBC’s account of the trip is false to a quite extraordinary degree. Ed Miliband hasn’t pledged anything even remotely close to a “ban” on zero-hours contracts. As the Labour-supporting New Statesman noted a couple of weeks ago:

“Labour’s policy doesn’t just stop short of the outright ban that some in the party, such as Andy Burnham, would like to see, but actually represents a watered down version of previous proposals”

As well as not kicking in for six months rather than the previously-suggested three, the plans will offer largely-theoretical rights to workers hired on the often-exploitative terms, which will be easily circumvented by unscrupulous employers.

Indeed, as the New Statesman also commented in its April piece, it’s likely that the measures will actually make things worse for employees, as companies lay them off temporarily as the six-month milestone approaches in order to “reset the clock” and dodge the obligation to give the worker fixed hours:

An additional problem, as the trade unions will be quick to note, is that employers will simply dismiss workers ahead of the deadline before later rehiring them.”

(After all, if the employer wanted its staff on proper fixed-hour contracts, it would have put them on proper fixed-hour contracts in the first place.)

The BBC is of course entitled to simplify a party’s pledges for a list of short bullet points, but not to massively exaggerate or flat-out invent them. The phrase “new rights for workers on zero-hours contracts”, say, would have fitted on the line and been an accurate (and still quite generous) summary. “A ban” isn’t just sloppy or over-egging the pudding, it’s a total fabrication. There will be no “ban” whatsoever on zero-hours contracts if Labour wins the 2015 election. They will remain entirely legal.

(In fact, Labour’s “contract” claims only that it will prohibit “exploitative” zero-hours terms, with no definition offered of what that qualifier actually means. The language is as vague as it is on all the other pledges, which talk of “tackling”, “reforming” and “strengthening” things rather than making any concrete specific commitments. When given the opportunity to actually ban zero-hours contracts, Labour has rejected it.)

The corporation is the only participant in the referendum debate with a legal obligation to impartiality. While Yes supporters may (and often do) bemoan the overwhelmingly Unionist viewpoint put out by newspapers, they are businesses which are free to reflect the opinions of their proprietors and editors. If those opinions all happen to be anti-independence, that’s just tough luck.

But for the BBC to act as a cheerleader for one side isn’t only unfair, it’s expressly forbidden by its charter. (Of course, anyone who’s listened to the somewhat different treatment habitually given to Yes and No interviewees on “Good Morning Scotland” by presenter Jim Naughtie will already be laughing a black, hollow laugh at that notion.)

And as such, puffing up Ed Miliband’s insipid policies for him is a whole new step in the complete and increasingly open abandonment of every principle underpinning the state broadcaster’s existence.

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It’s so easy to make promises when there is little or no chance of being held to account, they forget that Scotland has been here before and we haven’t forgotten..

adrian brown

Maybe they used the summarising tool in MS word and no human journalist was involved?


Steadily morphing into Minitrue


Exactly why they got their last payment from me in December and won’t get another.Biased is to small a word.


Remember those shitty pledge cards Labour came out with think it was 97, I wonder how the pledges panned out?

Also I wonder how much free advertising for BT on the BBC would actually cost? must be millions..

Alex Beveridge

Ed who?


Low key visit promising low key unworkable “additional powers”

No wonder it got little more than a cursory mention, even on the Beeb.


It wasn’t so long ago when I thought the BBC was genuinely impartial, not just claiming to be. Now, with every day and every story they run (particularly stuff like their coverage of Vote No Borders) I am shocked and appalled at their clearly biased coverage. The worst part though is that so many people still believe them. The BBC are repeating “we’re impartial” so often that the majority of the population cannot see what is right in front of them. And that scares me, because if the majority believe the BBC are impartial, then they might vote no. We are going to have to work doubly hard before the referendum if we want a yes, thanks to the BBC propaganda.


It’s so easy to make promises when there is little or no chance of being held to account

Aye, Ed knows he’s little to no chance of winning the next UKGE so expect an increasing number of wonderful promises here.


Yeah, noticed Mr Millibean’s day trip north had been sexed up by Auntie.

We’ll done Rev for highlighting this and you are right; the bullet point on zero hours contracts is gloriously inaccurate! I can hardly wait for the next instalment.

Democracy Reborn

Nothing surprises me anymore about the tendentious reporting of Labour/the No side by the Beeb.
Incidentally, Ed just got top billing on Radio Clyde news at 7, although Nicola did an immediate & succinct reply that the much vaunted “new tax powers” would still leave “80%” with Westminster, together with almost all of welfare.


Hmm, I feel another round of tweets to BBC Scotland etc is edging closer to reality here. 😛

John Bell

Speaking of the afore-mentioned Jim Naughtie, does anyone else find him embarrassingly amateurish?

I think it is well worth sharing this article showing the ‘Labour-Tory’ tag team in Wales joining forces to ensure that zero hour contracts remain in place.

link to


BBC Scotland will continue to be the Cheerleader of Scottish Labour right up until 18th Sept.

The only body that has any real power to stop it is the Scottish Government, and frustratingly, they look as if they are going to ignore the bias at the Beeb and stay on the “a positive will always beat a negative” line.


I’m sure some ex employees will try and convince folk that it is simply down to bad mamagement.


Damn wouldn’t you know it, there I was one second *ahem* thinking about tweeting BBC etc about their lies tonight and next thing I find out that I have in fact tweeted BBC,STV etc asking them all why BBC are lying about this and why I should still pay a T.V. licence to be continually lied to. Oops! 😛



OOOOOHHHHHHH I felt that one. lol

adrian brown

Juteman, that’s a “meow”


Labour has nothing to offer Scotland other than words and platitudes. Their party has been treating Scots a voting fodder for years and want that to continue. That is why they are so virulent in their attacks on the SNP because they have rocked their boat and they don’t like it. Milliband eulogises his admiration for Thatcher down South then comes up to Scotland mouthing things Thatcher would never agree to. The man is false and trying to con Scots into maintaining their nodding donkey vote. Traditional Labour voters need to vote YEs and only afterwards can they re-invent the Labour Party into something it used to stand for.

You and My Comb

I recall working in community care with some west of Scotland councils. The kind where the Social Work managers were Labour Party members and appeared untouchable running departments like fiefdoms.these guys were anxious, almost evangelical, in their efforts to make the voluntary sector run contracts that were only achievable using zero hour contracts. I wonder how Ed will approach that given the ideology behind the personalisation of care.

Murray McCallum

I wonder how long that shocking lie will remain on the BBC CBI better together website?

Dr Ew

I previously commented on the ‘Look Away Now’ article but I’ll repeat it here: We don’t need to lie back and take this from the BBC.

I propose organising an open letter – via the Sunday Herald and/or other publications – detailing several of the most grievous and solid examples of bias – No Borders, Trimble, etc., etc., etc. – demanding direct and immediate responses from the BBC. Ask high profile supporters to sign the letter and then mount a co-ordinated campaign on social media until they answer. In TV interviews and debates we can bring it up too. We need to make this an issue – at the very least we need to put a question mark in the mind of undecided people, a large number of whom want to believe Auntie Beeb gives them even-handed, unvarnished and non-partisan analysis and coverage.

I really do appreciate the risk – it will be spun by BT as Yes spitting our dummy oot at the very least – but if we can scare the Beeb and plant a much needed seed of doubt in the public mind, then it would be worth it.

The present coverage is the most craven since the Miners’ Strike, and the “admissions of error” – most notably about Oregreve – were not established until well after the fact, when it was far, far too late. Still the BBC preens itself about being a beacon for democracy across the world. Apparently not in its own backyard (or do I mean the midden at the back of the shed it never thinks about until the stink gets too high).

We know this debate is not about Salmond or the SNP or just Scottish independence. It’s about the sovereignty of the people versus the ‘State of Westminster’ (City & Parliament) and whether our democratic institutions are sufficiently functional to deliver challenge that dominant, arrogant power elite.

Dr Ew

What do you think?


Yep …saw Sally and co belt it out on Reporting Scotland. There will be some who will buy it, but I do believe that most Scots will be very bemused with Ed’s promises. Can’t see to many folk running back to the ‘No’ camp on the back of ‘Go on, vote ‘No’ and I promise Scotland new powers, even though I have no idea what they will be, nor will I ever really give them to you!’

Ed is almost as toxic as David, George and Nigel. Aye, Westminster …just keep sending up your best! The Yes vote just creeps up that wee bit more when any of them open their traps and speak condescendingly to us.


Dr Ew

Well said. It’s all about establishing our sovereignty. Decisions made here for, and by, the people of Scotland.


red ed says topnotch devo under the bed just like the tooth fairy


I sincerely hope someone can make a debate between Nicola Sturgeon and Ed Miliband possible.

Maybe STV would be up for it. Ponsonby as Chair.

Miliband can then explain in his own words what this “Contract” is all about.

Sturgeon v Miliband.

Now that sounds good.

schrodingers cat

anyone got a link to the live stream from ferry?

G H Graham

BBC Scotland = Patronising lying bastards.

Brian B

Interestingly the Evening Tele mentions this as well:

The opposition leader chatted with company bosses about Labour’s plans for area business and workers —including an end to zero-hour contracts and the introduction of a jobs guarantee for young people who have been out of work for a year or more, in which they are offered a six month long paid position to help get them back into the employment market.


More than meets the eye? or perhaps Ed was embellishing himself, or admittedlly, the Tele is no better than the Beeb.


Same old, same old.

The three day week, the illegal war, the banking fraud, defrauding Scotland against International Law, Trident, Westminster ‘Scottish Question’ time. The Tory with a blond mop on his head.

Zero rate contracts will not be banned?

Gary C

Nothing new from the BBC.

However, the stand out thing for me is a guaranteed job for 6 months, just wtf? Surley if they want to create jobs they should be long term. If I was unemployed I would probably prefer to have a zero hour contract with the possibility of regular ongoing work as opposed to a job for 6 months before ending up back on the buroo.

Labour’s answer to everything short termism.

Les Wilson

Even labour supporters don’t believe what Miliband say’s, only die ” believe all they are told ” hard, No supporters, believe him!They do not have to think for themselves, it is too difficult.


Ed is offering,

Tax powers- that can never be implemented.

Power over Housing Benefit- this benefit will soon be part of a single payment Universal Credit.

Employment powers- not got a clue what that one means.

And that’s it. That is what Labour are offering the people of Scotland in the event of a NO vote.


I was at college 94-97 and got a bursary for each of those years also got my bus fares paid, I remember all the hype about New Labour and Blair and how things can only get better, one of the first things they did when they won in 97 was to do away with the bursary! The student body got a hard kick up the erse wae that. Do not trust New Labour..


Where New labour not the one’s he brought in Tuition fees and the Bedroom tax for private rented homes.

Morag Graham Kerr

Historic moment. On the way home this evening I stopped at the newsagent’s shop and re-started the order for the Sunday Herald I cancelled in November 2012.

ian Mc

The reality is, he is appealing to those wannabe Labour voters. Those hovering and it will work. The BBC is acring as mouthpiece. They are simply taking press releases and pushing them almost verbatim to a want to avoid a decision that theu see as breaking something. They want to believe thing can and will ger better even if they deep down know it never will.

Unless we can break the BBC cheerleading and force them to be impartial I fear we will be pissing against the wind.


How’s the newsagent Morag?

Did he collapse in shock?

Did you need to call an ambulance? 😛

Liquid Lenny

Yup Gordon Brown introduced the Bedroom tax in 2008 for private rented homes. He was the guy who implemented the concept of the Bedroom tax..


Gordon Brown is an incredible individual. He’s the only Labour man who can turn out to be MORE Tory than the Tories!


The videos done by the chap speaking at the WoS function in the Ferry can be seen here;

link to


Oh look HIGNFY and member on team is none other than that famous and extremely hilarious comedienne Susan Calman…*YAWN*


Apologies for going off topic but I stumbled across this facebook page this evening…

link to

Nothing great in that but…have a look at the likes section.

Better Together and HeraldScotland??

Really, is this what these organisations should be supporting? An abusive and insulting facebook page.

Not because it’s Eck, but any facebook page that is offensive in its title?

Walter Scott

Sturgeon V’s Miliband will be like witnessing a terrible punishment beating. But it will make great TV


Would Nicola versus Big Red Ed by any worse than Nicola versus big Thumper Carmichael I wonder. 😛


Have finally cancelled my Diect Debit for TV licence .It struck me that it would be interesting either through a FOI or a Parliamentary Question to ask the level of licence cancellations in the last three months.


Great video of the Friends of WoS event in Dundee tonight. Big thanks to Independence Live for covering it and giving all of us remote folks a chance to put names to faces.

You can watch a replay of the video here: link to

Mark J

Slightly o/t but I heard a radio scotland program and the two American election experts said “if I were on the no side I would question every detail of Indy” the other said “if he were on the yes he would be going for the reasoned argument and stick to the general principle of being an independent nation” that’s where our public meetings and canvassing come in. We need to work really hard on these!

Liquid Lenny

Got a letter today from the private company TV Licensing Ltd stating that I was under investigation. Well they can investigate all the want I don’t watch live tv anymore, I use catch up I don’t need a licence for that 🙂

BTW Its a myth that if you have an aerial connected and say a freeview box you need a licence, If you don’t watch live tv on your telly or computer etc you don’t need a licence.


Naughty, Naugthie, this morning on BBC radio Scotland, gave some ex-politician, sea Lord, an easy run,over WMD’s, when it was Angus Robertson turn to come under Naughty Naughties gaze, he cross examined him with a new found zeal, that only a biased BBC radio presenter could exude.



Broadcasting is a reserved matter. the BBC’s charter comes from Westminster and the Crown. There is nothing that the SG can do, they have no power over the Beeb

The SG has put in complaints to the Heid bummers at the Beeb, the provided evidence, but Holyrood doesn’t even have the power to compel attendance at a committe

So, the SNP have to strike a balance< Too easy to get portrayed as bullying or paranoid, seeking to quash the "impartial press"


I’ve been watching Nicola for a while now, and she is hands down the best politician this country – I mean the wider UK (maybe should say Britain?!) – has seen in a generation. She’s not quite at Alec’s level yet, but by God she’s close, and he’s done a huge amount to nuture and refine her talent.

Whilst we’d all like to see Alec shred Cameron, I would very much like to see Nicola take apart Clegg, Farage et al in a live debate.

Walter Scott

I went to salmond is a deluded wanker facebook page metioned above by big al
It’s quite scary what some of the No camp are saying on this Hate filled site. Will better together come out publicly and condemn it


Hello Dr Ew

I agree with you completely. We’ve got to try everything.

I signed Ian Brotherton’s change petition (1064 supporters) re BBC and CBI and also Tom Delargy’s (on 728) which is about the same thing.

It’s a damned disgrace that never mind us, who pay them, they have not even responded to their own journalists when they complained.

Morag Graham Kerr

How’s the newsagent Morag?
Did he collapse in shock?
Did you need to call an ambulance? 😛

He mildly checked that he had my house number right. I suspect he was if anything in shock that I hadn’t shown up on his doorstep when he opened last Sunday morning!

I had gone in after church a couple of weeks in April and bought it over the counter, so he wouldn’t have had to be a genius to figure out which way the wind was blowing.


Good for you Morag 😛


So what are we going to do about the BBC, is there a formal procedure to challenge either through the BBC Trust or OFCOM?

Or should we just do a sting, get them to report some made up utter non-sence over which they have make utter idiots of themselves. I



Yeah I just don’t think Alex Salmond and the SG want to rock the boat.

I also think they will be taking advice from Blair Jenkins, who was in BBC management at one time.

Nigel Mace

Sorry to post a correction Rev. but the new enfeebled version of Labour’s proposals (so-called promises/contract) is even worse than you suggest. Before, he offered fixed hours automatically after 6 weeks – now its only automatic after 12 months – i.e. 400% worse. The man – if that’s the right word (?) – is a pathetic shilpit apology for a leader – as MacDiarmid put it so perfectly – “naught but zoologically men” – and one not to be trusted out of one’s sight at that!


The best way to get back at BBC Scotland is to embarrass them during live broadcasts.

They know about this, that is why, when they do a live report, they are well out the way of the public.

But it could be done on live radio phone-ins, live debates, or as I have said, when the are doing a live outside broadcast.

The Beeb don’t like being the story.


Its one thing to not report issues like UK pension guarantees but this is BBC deliberately and openly lying over and over.

So how much are they each getting paid for this nightmare and are they getting bonuses on the 19th Sept no matter what happens? FoI’s all round. Although they fobbed off one from Newsnet on some EU charter small print on journalistic and artistic right to not be asked about how corrupt they are.


Just watched BBC news on tv with their Milliband contract for much for more powers/ban on zero hours contracts in the line up then they screwed up their poor Farage under attack in Scotland thing. Propagandists and incompetent too. Good old Sally Magnuson.


Dr Ew and many other contributors her are absolutely right.

Recognising BBC mis-reporting/non-reporting etc., discussing this amongst ourselves, using social media to expose its failings and writing letters of complaint to the BBC are clearly not enough.

I have no expertise in media management or political campaigning but something more, something different, something more substantial is required to counter all this

As a regular listener to the BBC World Service, I sometimes wonder what exposure of the BBC ‘home services’ behaviour on the Referendum would do for its international reputation?

Red Squirrel

It won’t work, surely only the hard of thinking can believe this is a) devo anything and b)more than a pitiful fantasy from a random thought generating robot with as much hope of winning GE as a balloon.

On a brighter note, my drive through Inverness was cheery with no more UKOK billboard, two Yes posters, Wings banner still proudly displayed along the road from BBC and a Yes highlands stickered car.


At least Sally Mags had the self awareness to ‘look embarrassed’ at the ‘technical issues’ which resulted in two stories which don’t exactly show the UK in a glowing light succesfully spiked. Dark forces people, dark forces.

Morag Graham Kerr

Anyone here admit to being an SNP member who drives like a maniac and was in Edinburgh this afternoon?

I was driving south on the A701 about quarter to three, and drew up at a set of traffic lights somewhere in the suburbs, in the inside of the two lanes. The lights changed and I pulled away. My car has a rather snappy pickup and I was off the blocks much faster than the car on my right without actually trying to do that.

A couple of seconds later said silver car shot past me at about Mach 4. I was slightly startled because there was a speed limit of 40 mph in force there and I doubt if I was under that myself. I wondered if this speed merchant had been annoyed by something, maybe even my car’s Yes stickers. (Though thinking about it he probably wasn’t in a position to have seen them.)

A couple of minutes later I drew up behind the silver car, as a result of traffic flow having held it up. As I was sitting there I noticed one of the SNP Yes stickers and an SNP sticker in the back window. (The driver was last seen overtaking someone on the inside, en route for Penicuik.)

That’s only the second car I’ve seen with a Yes sticker other than my own and those belonging to people I actually gave the stickers to. So if it was any of you, you’re forgiven. I just hope you know where the speed cameras are.


It struck me that it would be interesting either through a FOI or a Parliamentary Question to ask the level of licence cancellations in the last three months.

They would never agree to it. I suspect the level of non-payment of the tv licence fee is already much larger than they would ever dare admit.

bookie from hell

Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie said: “Alex Salmond needs to call off the dogs for Nigel Farage’s visit. I disagree fundamentally with Nigel Farage’s opinion on many things, but his agenda will be defeated by argument, not aggression.”

Andrew Ashe, campaigner with Radical Independence, said: “It will be lively protest with a positive atmosphere in opposition to the scaremongering from Ukip. We will be there to make our voices heard and are not planning violent action.”

bfh–The protest was mainly women,about 300,never saw any SNP banners,but did see YES,Scotland flags,anti rascism,scottish socialists,ric,it was peaceful


Went from joy to despair today, saw a yes sticker on one of my workmates car and I pointed to mine and said great minds eh, he then proceeded to say oh that was on the car when I got it I don’t know what I’ll be voting…only in Scotland


When displaying a Yes sticker it’s a good idea to strive for impeccable driving behaviour at all times (as I do!).

Otherwise we know what we’ll get:

‘Yes supporters are a menace on the roads…it’s time Alex Salmond reined them in.’


So gutted that there was no chance of me getting to the Dundee night tonight. Just watched the whole vid. Hi to everyone and there needs to be another night in either Glasgow or Edinburgh soon. …go on Ian B… get another Counting House night organised. 🙂


I believe the tipping point has passed as over 62% of the money is now going onto a Yes result as more and more people are becoming aware that the MSM are lying to us on a regular basis.


Did anyone else get a Tory Flyer in the post today.
This is what I did with mine:

link to
link to


Dr Ew

It would be good if someone could give a legal opinion on what recourse the viewing public i.e. us have if the BBC are breaking the terms of their charter.

Also if WoS or Sunday Herald could ask those who have cancelled their licence to let them know, it might be embarrassing for the Beeb to see the figures.


A Pint, any time


@ Bookie fh

Wullie Rennie is a complete divot.

Flower of Scotland

Thanks for the live stream from B/Ferry. Sorry to have missed it!. Saw Ronnie, X sticks, Bugger the Panda. Looks as if a good time was had by all. Loved the Wings Polo!

I am so jaded by the misreporting BittertogetherBC! I don’t normally get angry but I’m beginning to feel abused by the Labour Party /BBC team! I ACTUALLY have to pay for this abuse!

Margo wanted us all to be friends after the Referendum vote no matter what happens . Sorry it’s not going to happen! even if it’s a yes I will NEVER forgive the Labour Party nor the BBC for what they have done to Scotland and it’s people!


I’m up for a pint in Embra some time 🙂


Thanks to everyone for organising the Jolly get together in the Ferry tonight! It was great catching up with the few I have met before and meeting those who I haven’t.

Great bunch of people!

We can certainly do this, change the odds and the order of things.

A Summer is a long time in Politics!


I have been giving the odd second of thought to the idea of what can be done about Pacific Quay and its current inhabitants.

I remember, early last year there were a couple of BBC Bias protests outside Pacific Quay, which while well attended were not in the hundreds or even thousands. If this idea was to be done again then we certainly need to ensure there are certainly hundreds if not thousands in attendance.

Tied into this is the idea that everyone seems to latch on to and that is cancelling their t.v. licence. Everyone who does this does so on their own in a sort of hop scotch sort of way, one here two there three further over sort of thing. Perhaps it might have a bigger impact, at least on the BBC, not that they would admit to it, if a particular date was set and we had a grand mass cancellation of direct debits. Tie this to a mass rally outside Pacific Quay, with a *ahem* nod to STV news, Channels 4 and 5 news, Sky news, R.T. and al Jazeerra and I think you might have the basis of a well reported event.

7Just the wittering mad thoughts of a mad Arb, here. 😛

joe kane

Given the recent announcement by the DWP that unemployed workers will be sanctioned if they refuse to accept a zero hours job you’d think banning such exploitation would be an especial top priority for the socialist Labour Party.

I mean, people on the dole now face losing their welfare benefits if they refuse to take a job that pays them no wages.

Welcome to the Westminster world of George Orwell and Franz Kafka.

Good job the unemployed have such an effective official opposition in the Westminster Parliamentary Labour Party.


These are the ‘scum’ that wee willy rennie was abusing.

link to


Aye according to the bus driver everyone who was at the anti UKIP rally are dogs.

Well Rennie guess what I’m one too, I’m not only a cybernat I’m also a cyberdog as well. WOOF! WOOF! 😛

What you going to do about that ya hopeless, useless bus driver?


It might just be be me but I watch out for better together and Yes stickers on cars.

So far I know I have only seen 5 BT/Ukok stickers but I have lost count of Yes stickers. Ratio in my view is 10 to 1 for yes. I have literally lost count of Yes stickers

I live in the suburbs of Glasgow in what should be staunch BT territory and spend a lot of time traversing the M8 across Glasgow to Paisley. Not sure what there is to draw form this other than Yes supporters appear to be more committed? Am I alone in noticing this?


Blair Drummond and Lindsay Roy drumming up BT support all over Europe;

link to


I got my copy of the Sunday Herald, historic document.

Some day it will be sold on Flog it! for a good price but I won’t be here to witness it.


Rennie just called my wife a dog. I demand satisfaction. Pistols at dawn rennie.

Doug Mcg

Look out for the carcrash BBC Scottish news at about 10.30 tonight , VT from anywhere was not working but there was a scrambled glimpse of Farage’s visit to Scotland welcoming party , the usual crazed Marxists but described by Sally Mag as “radical independence supporters”. Who would associate with their kind?


No way was that a ‘technical problem’ I dont suppose anyone nabaged to get it tecorded?


Little ‘technical problem’ there, sorry.

Doug Mcg

Seems I have jumped in without looking , there is an official “Radical Independence Campaign” Sorry , Sally .


And ‘recorded’

Dave McEwan Hill

Identification now becomes very important.
We are canvassing several nights a week now. All those who indicate a firm YES will receive a Thank You letter about ten days later containing a car sticker. This works like a follow up visit.
We also have now produced thousands of A3 YES window posters as we are getting asked for them. We will offer them from now on to positive voters. Only difficulty is the cost of the car stickers,for instance and I am not the first to suggest that the promotional material from YES is far to dear


Just received my 500 YES badges fae YES shop.

YES shop expect YES wristbands instock next week.

Priced 1000 WoS YES flyers(A5) at £30, thats 3p per flyer.

Price is OK, the deal is on.

I’ve got 4 summer months leafleting.
I’m up for it, I’m energised!

Trying to get WoS, Bella and NewsNet known to the Aberdeen masses via flyers. Introducing YES via these webs.

ps. Better Together cannot compete with this popular surge. Thousands are tweeting, blogging, posting, streaming.

We’ve all got smart phones, photographing, filming realtime, the truth is live for all to see.

In past election, the lies and deceit took time to compose and co-ordinate, using the BBC, MSM and the Party hacks.

The Establishment cannot keep up with this daily deluge of news stories!


Just as wee thank you for last Sunday the Sunday Herald is doing this this Sunday. 🙂

link to


Rab. first pints on me. 🙂

It was a shame that Stu didn’t get on the Skypey thingy to do a wee interview… that woulda been cool.

Morag Graham Kerr

Only difficulty is the cost of the car stickers, for instance and I am not the first to suggest that the promotional material from YES is far to dear.

Why are they even charging? OK there’s an argument that what you don’t pay for you don’t value, but as you say the stuff is far too dear.

What are they actually doing with the Weirs’ money? OK I know about the poster sites and the cinema adverts and so on, but there must be a few thousand left over!

I wonder if Colin and Christine would throw a few bawbees at the grass-roots some time?


Evening all 😀

Just back, beered and Paulo playing. Anyone still here?

Great night at Jolly’s tonight – well done Thepnr (THE Wee Eck) for organinsing it. Look forward to the next one 😉

Brilliant meeting you all – too numerous too mention, but special thanks to Kevin for the live stream, Ronnie for the Yes badge and TJenny for the Cybernat badge (never got mine 🙁 both now on my X_Sticks hat! (sorry Rev, I know you hate un-necessary exclamation marks) and thanks to Rev Stu for dropping by glad you liked the hat, and there’s a place waiting on it for that Wings badge 😉 No pressure, like. 😀

Chic McGregor

“The Beeb don’t like being the story.”

comment image


Nearly forgot to thank Cactus for the songs and generally getting into trouble with the Jolly’s staff 😉


Excellent Chic, I’ve just stuck it up on Twitter. The more we can embarrass the BBC the better in my view. 😛


Loved the Hat X_Sticks. 🙂


Thanks Alba, just a pity the face ain’t so pretty 😉

Just trying to get caught up –

@Marcia – the chap doing the Independence Live stream was Kevin – Thistle on here.

@Chic – ripe for a guerrilla postering campaign A5 everywhere. Wonder if any of the young’uns in Nat Collective or Radical Indy would be up for that?


Spot the difference.

link to



Three men without hats. Losers.


In Wiliiam Hill bookie’s today.:

Odds on YES 2/1
Odds on NO 4/11

Was gonna put £100 on YES to win, but looking for 10/1 odds, giving £1000 winnings.

Would put £1000 on YES to win if odds were 100/1, giving £100,000 winnings.

Maybe put £50 on YES to win, giving £100 winnings.

Still thinking.

I’ll sleep on it.

Dr JM Mackintosh

@Dr Ew
you are very like me and are new to the anti BBC campaign. I have written lots of complaints to the BBC to the extent they completely ignore me now. I have also complained to the Electoral Commission about BBC bias – I am still to hear back from them but I am not expecting much.

I think I have been very naive as I actually believed that the BBC would take notice as I have been brainwashed all my life into believing that the BBC are the best and most impartial broadcasting organisation in the world.

The battle hardened WOSers have been doing this for over two years and know that this is not the case. The BBC are not impartial to the break up of the UK and their organisation and never will be – they completely ignore any criticism.

I think it is no coincidence that at the same time the BBC are being completely biased against the independence campaign that many of their former employees are being dragged through the courts every week for sexual abuse of minors and young people.

It is a culture that believes the BBC is untouchable and beyond reproach.

Will the BBC ever apologise for its abuse of the young people that were under their care on their premises – never.

Will the BBC ever change their bias against the independence campaign – never.

I believe the BBC is a fundamentally corrupt organisation – right to its core.

For Scotland there is fortunately one way to resolve this – vote Yes in September.

Ian Brotherhood

@X-Sticks –

Isn’t Cactus a class act? I don’t know if he got to do any singing, but when I left he was happily necking/sharing a bottle of whisky which (I assume) he’d won in the raffle. I can’t imagine the staff were too chuffed about that, but I wouldn’t want to be the one to ask him to leave – big lad!

It took me four hours to drive to Dundee today. Never been there before, and had to stop a few times to ask directions etc. When I left tonight, at ten, I was on such a high that I got home in 2hrs 10 mins, didn’t stop once. Still buzzing. Will just have to crack another can…

Can anyone even begin to imagine what fantastic nights we’re going to have this summer? Even BEFORE we get the result? And the network we’ve already built will last forever – the friendships cannot be broken, no matter what happens. It’s so hard to describe without getting very cheesy, but the sense of solidarity, even kinship, is just amazing – a physical energy in the air. It’s fantastic and thrilling, and it’s real.

To Thepnr – you did something special tonight mister. I just hope you can remember it all tomorrow!

Mary Bruce

@rab _the_doubter at 11.11pm: fab, love it.


Hey Ian, totally agree that was a buzz, next time. Poor Cactus getting bombed at every turn, whisky drinking and playing the gitar, bummer. I’ve promised to keep Cameron’s ar$£ out, painted or otherwise.

Decrypt that GCHQ 🙂


Be good to get enough people down to Pacific Quay to completely surround the BBC HQ in protest. On a day when most of the big names will be there too, not a Saturday like before when it looked like hardly anyone was home. I have many good ideas for placards like blowing up images of Jackie Bird, Naughtie, and maybe Glen Campbell`s faces With “WESTMINSTER`S PROPAGANDIST`S” written underneath. “NO DEMOCRACY WITHOUT AN HONEST MEDIA” could be a good one too. I`m sure we could all come up with some great ideas. If we are going to do something, we need to get our fingers out. Enough was enough well over a year ago and it`s obvious that this moment in Scottish history is going to have been tarnished greatly by a few passive aggressive thugs hell bent on abusing their power for their own narrow ends. It wouldn`t be so serious you know if they weren`t you know, TRYING TO HIJACK OUR DEMOCRACY! They are scum for what they are doing. There will be no forgiving from this chap.

Ian Brotherhood

@X-Sticks –

For some reason I can’t imagine that the bold Cactus gave much of a fuck either way, whatever anyone said.

Last night, on some thread or other (and they’re getting so busy, so fast now, that it seems futile trying to relocate them) I mentioned that there’s a kind of ‘Punk’ feeling about what’s happening now.

It’s becoming ‘real’ in the sense that it will soon be spilling into the lives of those who have no idea what the referendum is about. The ones who don’t know, don’t care – the blissfully unaware.

They won’t stay ‘unaware’. Sooner or later, they’ll twig that something is going on. Jim Kelman had a great quote in one of his non-fiction books, a collection of essays called ‘And The Judges Said…’. Can’t put my hand on it right now, but it was a translation of an African proverb, and it was something like: ‘Togetherness chops elephants’.

Ordinary citizens didn’t like ‘Punk’ when it emerged. I didn’t. I was only 14, 15, and it frightened the life out of me. But it was soon assimilated – there are other regular posters on this site who could provide chapter and verse on what that ‘movement’ was all about, and how it was commodified, but that’s another story altogether. (I got into the Boomtown Rats and Ian Dury. That wasn’t ‘Punk’ – I didn’t know that, but they did.)

For our purposes, right now, the notion that ‘unorthodox’ or unusual behaviour can suddenly become ‘normal’ isn’t an interesting philosophical parlour-game – it’s a reality, and it’s happening right now.


Thanks very much for all turning up tonight. It was a great time, can’t say too much as Paula Rose is alongside and giving me a hard time. 🙂


The best time to embarrass the BBC is when there are foreign media in town nearer the indyref or when the commonwealth games are on.

Lots of protesters around Glasgow with BBC state broadcaster propaganda placards and stuff is bound to catch the eye of roaming TV crews.


Dr JM Mackintosh,

‘Naive’, probably not, ‘brainwashed’, certainly. That is and always was the purpose of the BBC. Maintaining the island mentality of ‘Great’ britain, the empire an’ all tha’, don’tcha know.

It really is amazingly easy to propagate a lie when the media are onside. Remember 15% interest rates and being told by the establishment that it was the same across europe? Everyboy’s suffering, it’s not our fault.
It was nonsense, nobody else had such ridiculous rates.

That was my wake up call as I went to work in europe then and knew that it wasn’t true.

Americans tend to have the same rude awakenening when they live and work in europe. It is quite a shock to find that the USA, land of the free etc. is not regarded quite like that and the whole world does not admire it and long to live there.


In all kindness, that really is naive.

The World Service (until recently, totally funded by the foreign office to promote britain to the natives), would be the very last bit of empire to rock the boat.

It is good that people bother to keep complaining but it needs to be done just for fun for it really will not change the order of things in the delusion of the great british empire.

It is really important to win this thing.

Being crushed by Wade was one thing but the humiliation of being crushed by a bunch of wimps like cameron/clegg/milliband would be unbearable.


Glad you all had fun last night.

Ian B.

Ian Dury was more punk than the young punks. It was his nature.

Like Zappa and ‘We’re Only in it for the Money’ (because avant garde classical music really doesn’t sell very well).


We’ll see if BBC Scotland are still as bias when the eyes of the world are in Scotland.

And we will also be inside the 16 week official campaign, which starts at the end of May.

I see BBC Scotland were “bigging” the return of the RAF regiment to Lossiemouth yesterday from a tour of duty in Afghanistan.

About an hour later, the same regiment was being accused of taking trophy photos of dead afghan fighters.

So BBC Scotland have pulled the homecoming marching video.

It made BBC Scotland look like rights eejits.

link to


Boycott the BBC. Do not watch it. That is the only way anything will change.

Falling viewer figures. Heads will roll. That is the only way there will be any policy changes. A declining viewer base.

The same BBC policy was exercised with Devolution. It didn’t work then and it will not work now.

Consumer Power. No one in the UK or elsewhere believes anything the BBC reports anymore. It’s UK Gov controlled propaganda. A bunch of MSM liars talking themselves out of job.

Do not watch it. It’s crap.


The power is in viewers hands.

Gordon E

Col @ 2.06AM

That is a great idea to surround Pacific Quay as a demonstration against BBC bias. As he said, we could come up with some great placards and also if we were to invite other broadcasters and papers to record the event then the BBC could not ignore it.
It would have to be a weekday though to make sure that the building was fully occupied.
I’m sure we could have a pretty large crowd there to make the point.


Derek Bateman’s blog is having problems. Under attack?

You and My Comb


I am on Batemans site right now on another tab on the iPad. No problems that I can see


All very well that we “Wingers” know what wankers the BBC and BBC Scotland are but how do we get this across to people who are not on-line? Has anybody any suggestions? All I try to do is sow seeds of doubt by complaining about how often they quote newspapers instead of doing their own proper reporting.

Has anyone any other suggestions?

Fergus Green

Bateman site is ok on my tablet. Can’t get on to National Collective though.


Does anyone remember the campaign against BBC Scotland bias that was started on Newsnet Scotland and the picture promoting it was a candle wrapped in barbed wire. (I Forget the name of the Campaign)

This was in 2012 and even then I was asking them for a mass demonstration at Pacific Quay.

I didn’t get listened to, and their demonstrations were held in Glasgow city centre.

I wonder if the people at the back of that campaign are still up for another demonstration, this time at Pacific Quay.

I’m sure the name of the guy running it was “Springster”.

I had a disagreement with him about the location, and I have been barred from Newsnet Scotland ever since. Just because I wanted to demonstrate at Pacific Quay.



It was called BARD and I think it disbanded


If anybody wants to organise an event about BBC Scotland bias, we will livestream it.



Well done there. I remember it now. BARD, was it not a follow up to the original campaign. A sort of add on.


Tartanpigsty may have some info on the BBC demo in the pissing rain in St Enoch Sq a year or two back, with Tommy Sheridan, Robin McAlpine and the NUJ rep from PQ.

Whether he’s up for more only eh can say. But I’m in….



I would hold off until the world media has arrived to cover the Commonwealth Games. Full on embarrassment.

Tell the world of the disgusting bias at the BBC.


In fact why just concentrate on BBC Scotland independence bias, how about an event that covers the whole of the main stream media bias on independence coverage. Could be more than one event here.

Gordon E

Great idea about waiting until the Commonwwealth games, that would be very embarasssing for the BBC. It is a wee bit away though but woud get huge coverage.


Wings I am an avid supporter of the work you do but I feel this one is a little harsh. The scottish labour website reads “banning exploitative zero hour contracts”. On initital reading I think you could be forgiven for the presumption that this means banning ALL such contracts. I must admit that was my first impression, much to my surprise. But reading into the nuances of the wording it actually doesnt guarantee a ban on ALL zero hour contracts at all. Just the exploitative ones. Wait a minute, aren’t all those contracts exploitative and thats the point. A false representation by scottish labour


On Bella Caledonia

Derek Bateman connection – ‘An error has occurred. The feed is down. Try again later’?


How do you define the exploitative versus non exploitative.

Banning all temporary contracts (zero rated), means keeping people out of work. Self employed contractors, nursing relief banks, any relief bank for essential service ie sickness cover. Temping agencies. All provide work for those who what some flexibility. Students, main carers etc.

Westminster cretins are so out of touch, it’s unbelievable.


Supply teachers etc.



I think the reason that BBC Scotland seems to be the target of our anger regarding bias, is that we actually pay BBC Scotland to be bias against Scottish Independence.

Where else in the world would you pay a major media company to be bias against you.

And if you stop paying this bias media company, then they can send you to prison.


I no longer pay for The BiasED BBC. It is catharsis,liberation and jubilation rolled into one.These words are better together but we humans are better standing up for ourselves and making our own decisions.

I am still fuming at the headlines in the we wot done it Daily Record saying the Bedroom Tax is ended. The Bedroom Tax founded by Gordon Brown is still there and on the statute books,the only change is that the Scottish Government out of a tight fixed budget has to rob Peter to pay Paul to MITIGATE the tax.
This could be a cunning plan by Westminster! Pass draconian Welfare Legislation and bankrupt the SG as they scrape to MITIGATE every Westminster outrage

Vote YES pulleeeeze!

call me dave

Monopoly money!

link to


Morning all.

caz-m says:
“I would hold off until the world media has arrived to cover the Commonwealth Games. Full on embarrassment.”

Great idea caz-m – if we can get the bias message out through others in the world media that would put some pressure on the UK media. We’ll just have to watch for our chances.

Off now to go and get some more Yes signs ready for installation
link to


Catch up with you all later 😉

Dave McEwan Hill


There is little point in demo against the BBC at Pacific Quay or in Glasgow. It would get virtually NO media coverage.

A demonstration in London is the only one that would work


Call me Dave,


Somebody recently said to me, ‘I wouldn’t want to have to change my money to go to England.’

I pointed out that she always asks the post office for english notes when she goes to England so it wouldn’t be any different if we weren’t in a currency union, as we are now,

schrodingers cat

re the common wealth games and demonstration against the bbc
im not sure 100’s of protesters would get much coverage or that it might not be counter productive

i suggest that no one could complain about flooding the city with saltires and the cameras couldnt avoid them

even better if they all had the word YES on them. bill boards and signs at the side of the road, especially on the marathon and cycle routes would get more coverage

schrodingers cat

an article and discussion here might be worthwhile


Just got this reply from the beeb…

Dear mr  taylor

Thanks for contacting us.

We note your unhappiness that the BBC has not resigned from CBI over the business group’s referendum stance.

In common with Sky, ITV and Channel 4 the BBC is a member of the CBI as part of its role as a major UK and international media business. The BBC’s membership has no bearing on its impartiality or news coverage. The BBC announced that it would suspend its membership of the CBI, during the CBI’s registration period under the terms of the Scottish Referendums Act 2013, from 30th May until 18th September. Following the recent announcement that the CBI would withdraw its registration, the BBC has said it will consider its position in due course.

We hope this information is helpful in addressing your concerns and please know your comments have been registered on our audience log. The audience logs are important documents that can help shape future decisions and ensures that your points, and all other comments we receive, are made available to BBC staff across the Corporation.

Kind Regards

BBC Complaints

Yes but, I’m not legally required to pay for Sky, ITV or any of the others.


schrodingers cat

infront of every football ground or any such event are people selling scarves and flags

couldnt we just ask them to sell saltires with YES on them?



My comment was about the chap being interviewed and not Kevin. Watch the video of the meeting. Pity I couldn’t get down to Jolly’s as I wasn’t feeling 100% yesterday.

schrodingers cat

I wasn’t feeling 100% yesterday………..

going by your icon marcia, i would say thats an understatement

Liquid Lenny

Your arithmetic is out 1000 x 3p is £300!
I used to live in Aberdeen I’m sure there will be a leafleting campaign going on, you risk wasting your time duplicating what somebody else has already done. May I suggest you go to the YES stall beside Markies (Every Saturday) and talk to the guys there, you will be able to coordinate things with them.

Liquid Lenny

Opps my heids no working my arithmetic is oot….

Robert Peffers

@John Bell says: 9 May, 2014 at 7:17 pm
“Speaking of the afore-mentioned Jim Naughtie, does anyone else find him embarrassingly amateurish”?

As my wise auld Granny would have put it, “Yon Naugtie bodie maun bi a richt auld sweetiewife”.

For our non-Lallans speakers a, “sweetiewife”, is defined as – a confectioner and/or gossipy person.


I don’t think a protest outside BBC Scotland would have any effect either.

I think the idea of lots of Yes posters at the Commonwealth games events is much better as we would not be protesting but publishing the wish for Yes and whilst the BBC might cut out as any as they could from their broadcasting pictures, there will be foreign journalists around.

@schrodingers cat – LOL at the Walton’s comment on the guardian – could you feel the lurve?.

I felt as if the female journalist was talking like a primary school teacher – as in ‘oh yes you’ve all done really well – have a gold star’.

schrodingers cat

if we were to give away YES saltires…………

would we need a street vendors licence?

schrodingers cat

“could you feel the lurve?.”

im delaying judgement on the new tag team of severin and libby

libby’s articles lack any real cutting edge and appear to deliberatly omit the real story, ie, she mentioned the weir’s but passed no coment on johnston the tory creep


@Liquid Lenny

Thanks LLenny

“YES stall beside Markies (Every Saturday)”

I’ll shuirly now introduce mysel to Abdn YES’ers.

Only came across Wings, Bella, NewsNet, just at end of March’14, thats how good(bad) BBC/MSM news censoring!

I’m gaun tae sign ontil Facebook(Policebook) an Twitter(GCHQ/NSA). Hell mend ’em.


We have known for some time that the BBC is totally hostile
to Independence.

This aggressive policy of the BBC has been roundly condemned by David Cameron and Nick Clegg on behalf of the Westminster Government.

The Prime Minister said: “This has been a despicable attack on the right of Scotland to self-determination. I find it wholly unnacceptable, as I do also the very nasty personal attacks on Alex Salmond and other members of the Scottish Government.
The BBC has a mandate for impartiality which must be rigorously upheld. Democracy must be respected by the BBC and by the media in general.
Let me make it quite clear that this anti-Independence conduct by the BBC has not originated in the Cabinet – quite the opposite – and the Government will be taking steps to severely discipline those responsible.”

I apologise to readers that I have no link to the newspaper I read it in as I’ve forgotten it’s name.

Please vote Yes and save Scotland.


Q. Should David Cameron be making a statement like that ?


Re a demo outside PQ, if only a couple of hundred turned up they could easily marginalise it as a “fringe” protest, if they covered it at all, which I think would be unlikely.

If on the other hand it got some traction and a say at least a couple of thousand showed up then it wouldn’t be difficult – even at very short notice – for TPTB to insert a couple of agent provocateurs posing as YES activists to start trouble of some sort, in which case then all the MSM would be immediately all over it like a rash, possibly having been “forewarned”.

IMO, for what it’s worth, I think someone’s idea about a mass, simultaneous cancellation of licence fee payments, along with the simultaneous and prearranged publication of this event on social media with of course a full explanation of why it’s being done, highlighted examples of clear BBC/MSM anti independence bias etc, might have a better chance of making some positive impact, more so if we know that we’ve got each other’s backs in anticipation of the threat tactics the BBC would use in response. (Someone above mentioned being told by the BBC that he was now “under investigation” because of refusal to pay for anti democratic propaganda).

[…] are still the finer points of what is actually happening that can be looked at. Then there’s bias in the state broadcaster, to visits from politicians that we normally only see once every few years, if ever. Yet that […]


schrodingers cat


wrong beautician!

john king

Flower of Scotland says
“Thanks for the live stream from B/Ferry. Sorry to have missed it!. Saw Ronnie, X sticks, Bugger the Panda. Looks as if a good time was had by all. Loved the Wings Polo!”

BtP jumper and wings tshirt were one and the same person,
I take the (very kindly gifted)BtP jumper to the wings events to ensure his (albeit in spirit only)participation,

The wings polo was done by a local cat protraction league shop who have a computer controlled sewing machine who might I say made a beautiful job of making it up.


There is full leafletting/newspaper campaign in Aberdeen/shire. Many Yessers have already joined in. Just access the Yes Aberdeen/shire website.

Apologies in line for Dorice, for certain abuse. A seasoned YES campaigner, who doesn’t keep in the best of Health.

Hi Dorice.

The Scotswoman

The BBC is getting as bad as FOX news in the States. Lies masquerading as truth


Labour and a 10% Tax rate.
Ed really is a cheeky chappie isnt he?

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