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Wings Over Scotland

In your media today

Posted on June 24, 2015 by

We’ve noted on more than one occasion that the spectacular SNP surge since the referendum appears to have completely unhinged much of the Scottish and UK press. Having pumped out a vast avalanche of hysterical coverage which utterly failed to stop the Scottish electorate returning 56 SNPs out of 59, the papers have responded to the rebuff by simply turning the volume up.


But even by those standards, today has been special.

The big (non-) story of the day is the allegation, carried on the front pages of the Daily Express, the Times, and the Telegraph, and also featured prominently in the Guardian and the Daily Mail, that the Scottish Government are planning to slash funding for the Queen when partial control of the Crown Estates is handed to Holyrood under the new Scotland Bill (or whatever’s left of it if and when it finally passes).


The only slight problem with the story was that it was (a) more than six months old, and (b) complete rubbish. It had been comprehensively dismantled last December by author and land-rights expert Andy Wightman for Bella Caledonia, after having been first raised in the Mail on Sunday earlier that month.

A Buzzfeed article today concisely reiterated all the reasons why the claim was utter nonsense, including a categorical denial from the UK Treasury, which said “Scottish taxpayers will continue to fund a full and fair share of the Sovereign Grant, paid via the Consolidated Fund”.

It’s not yet clear why an ancient, discredited story should suddenly resurface in so many newspapers without any new developments having taken place, but the Times took it seriously enough to print an extraordinary editorial leader luridly depicting the Scottish Government’s (non-) position as an “insurrection” and a “rebellion”.


Meanwhile, the Telegraph – seemingly undaunted by what happened the last time it ran a smear story on Nicola Sturgeon without bothering to check the facts first – got Channel 4 News presenter Cathy Newman to pen a spin-off piece attacking the FM with a series of inaccurate claims, including that:

“Sturgeon herself has been unambiguous about her antipathy towards the Queen, refusing to take an oath of allegiance to Her Majesty when she was first elected as an MSP in 1999.”

When Sturgeon took to Twitter pointing out that she’d done no such thing (and that there were no plans whatsoever to cut the royal grant), Newman stuck to her guns and refused to correct the errors:


Meanwhile, in addition to carrying the bogus Crown Estates story, the Scottish Daily Mail was also assaulting the First Minister on a different front, during one of its regular ejaculations of outrage against the Vile Cybernats (tm).


The “LINKS WITH VILE CYBERNAT TROLLS” emblazoned in giant text on the front cover turned out to be that she’d once met someone at an event almost a year ago, they’d tweeted a “Nice to have met you” message to her and she’d sent back a single five-word tweet in reply saying the same thing, but scandalously without having scrutinised the person’s entire Twitter history first just in case they’d ever said anything rude to anyone (which it turned out they had).


The Mail decided to then back this up with a tour de force of drivel from former Labour MP Margaret Curran, containing a stream of unsupported smears and slurs – including a direct lie about this site – in which Curran asserted that she’d been the victim of a campaign of abuse during the election that was rooted in sexism and misogyny, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the beneficiary of all this sexist misogyny, SNP candidate Natalie McGarry, was, er, also a woman.

(It would take us all day to list the mistruths and hypocrisies in Curran’s article. She oddly forgot to mention her own comments that were Alex Salmond to be run down by a bus she wouldn’t inquire as to the name of the driver, and while complaining about being filmed by SNP supporters it seemingly escaped her memory that McGarry had in a 2014 by-election been targeted by sinister Labour activists who tweeted the address of the place in the constituency where she was sleeping.)

As all this was going on, the Daily Record, which professes itself to be “Scotland’s Champion”, was carrying an article on its website about the magic of fracking.

“Shale gas could help reinvigorate and rebalance the economy. This could be particularly beneficial in Scotland, where shale gas extraction could replace jobs and tax revenues lost as North Sea oil production declines”, it gushed, going on to add that fracking for it was “an opportunity that Scotland and the rest of the UK cannot afford to overlook”.

Only attentive readers would have noticed the very small line in the location bar at the top of the page indicating what had brought on this burst of enthusiasm:


It’s been quite a day. We await the CYBERNAT WEB OF HATE with bated breath.

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“Insurrection” and “rebellion?” What year is it? 1295?

Steve Bowers

It kinda makes me wonder what they’ve hiding with all this crap today, what sneaky thing have contrived and launched using this blizzard o pish to cover it up


@Rev Stu

We’ve noted on more than one occasion that the spectacular SNP surge since the referendum appears to have completely unhinged much of the Scottish and UK press. Having pumped out a vast avalanche of hysterical coverage which utterly failed to stop the Scottish electorate returning 56 SNPs out of 59, the papers have responded to the rebuff by simply turning the volume up.

This sums it all up. What are the MSM trying to achieve with this garbage? They are only damaging their own credibility with their lies, fabrications, and laughable misrepresentations.

As for Margaret Curran, she is acting no differently to when she was an elected rep. Same old smears, lies, rank hypocrisy. I cannot think of a politician offhand who almost never discusses political issues. I don’t know who is worse at repeating the same old tired tactics, the MSM or unionist politicians like Curran. One trick ponies the lot of them.

Bill Steele

This campaign of hate must be exposed to the Scottish public who don’t have internet and who don’t read Wings. Would a Ministerial TV and radio Broadcast by a Scottish Government Minister or leader of the SNP in Westminster be useful to get the truth before the public?

Doug Daniel

Curran has some nerve. I distinctly remember Natalie McGarry being on the receiving end of a fair load of abuse from Labour activists during the election campaign. Labour – especially in that neck of the woods – has a reputation of fighting dirty, and they certainly lived up to it in Curran’s constituency.

Sorry, Curran’s *FORMER* constituency.

But hey, accusing your opponent of the thing you’re guilty of is probably the first rule in the unionist handbook…

Congratulations on the media on its attempts to try and make the monarchy as popular as the union in Scotland, though. Hopefully they’ll be just as effective.

[…] We’ve noted on more than one occasion that the spectacular SNP surge since the referendum appears to have completely unhinged much of the Scottish and UK press. Having pumped out a vast avalanche of hysterical coverage which utterly failed to stop the Scottish electorate returning 56 SNPs out of 59, the papers have responded to the rebuff by simply turning the volume up.  […]


Margaret Curran is wrong about the 40,000 followers on this site. I’m sure it is much higher than that.
But what about the rest of the quote?

“My husband was furious when Wings Over Scotland – with over 40,000 followers – said I should only be believed when my tongue had been ‘cut from my cold, dead mouth’.”

I googled the phrase she used in quotes and the only results were her own Daily Mail article and sites on dental hygiene.


The UK is media is totally out of control.

Who is directing them, as make no mistake all this is being orchestrated, but to what purpose?


The Unionists nonsense. Do they never learn?

Cameron is a total lying Conman


Could the narrative being set is that ‘we’ are better rid of those horrible Scots? It is ‘our’ choice to let them go.
It wouldn’t be cricket if the Scots actually chose to leave themselves.

mr thms

Could this is be a diversionary tactic?

Is the Smith Agreement on the Crown Estate is being delivered by the Scotland Bill?

A rather surprising, if complicated, article on the subject

link to


Thanks Stu for wading through this shit so we don’t have to 🙂

(Scotland’s true ‘champion’)

No no no...Yes

The MSM are very scared and angry. It’s clear that the Scotland Bill is not even a pig in a poke and all this guff is targeted at the NO voters to divert them from the current failings of Tory Govt, Ruth’s spectacular failure in the GE, Labour Party ineffectiveness and Mr Carmichael’s pending issues. I’ve got news for them, it ain’t working.

The Daily Record article sponsored by INEOS is interesting, what is the Paper’s own view, I wonder?


Dreadful journalism by Cathy Newman. Another case of not checking the facts and opening gob. You would think any journalist worth their salt would research the facts first…..

Why should our FM pay ‘generous tribute’ to the Queen? Embarrassing, cringe-worthy sycophantic journalism. It makes my skin crawl.

You would think she would have learned after tweeting her ‘poorly worded’ mosque visit earlier this year. Take another break, Cathy. Sounds like you need it.


It’s surely no coincidence that this latest attacks on Nicola Sturgeon came the day after the Scottish Government put forward its proposals for Land Reform in Scotland, with the owner of the Daily Mail one of those landowners affected.


Forelock tugging world champ that one “pay generous tribute!” kiss the hem Nicola,kiss the hem.

Dr Ew

You weren’t quite sure of the reason for the rehashing of an old discredited story today, Stu.

My sources reliably inform me it was placed at the behest of courtiers acting on behalf of our esteemed House of Windsor – who are, of course, above politics – and designed to:
– Warn the SNP not to even dream of messing with the royals if and when the Crown Estates are devolved
– Deflect any discussion or public scrutiny on their income which has, in fact, risen by a couple of million (at least)and set to rise further as Her Majesty’s Government sets about slashing £12bn of support to the poorest and most vulnerable in our society
– Lay the groundwork for a “poor royals” campaign as they push for £150m (and the rest) from the public purse to restore ugly monstrosity Buck House, possibly slipping in the back door of the several billions of your taxes about to be committed to the crumbling, grandoise, urine-soaked “symbol of democracy” that is the Palace of Westminster.

Today has seen an onslaught of anti-Scottish, anti-SNP, anti-Sturgeon invective on social media, instigated by toadies and regurgitated by serfs.

And they call the SNP a cult.


It may be no coincidence that the story was given to the papers by the palace source on the same day that Nicola Sturgeon was meeting Prince Charles.

Given that there appears to be no love lost between Buck House and Clarence House communications people, link to it’s possible to see the leak as an unpleasant piece of spin attempting to put the freezers on relations between the Scottish govt & the heir to the throne.


Juteman, I think that’s it. The plan must be to convince rUK voters that we are to be ejected so that the Tories can present themselves as doing what voters there ask rather than “failing to hold on to us”. The use of the Times, Telegraph, Mail and Express screams Tory spin.


It’s surely no coincidence that this latest Tory media attacks on Nicola Sturgeon came only the day after the Scottish Government put forward its proposals for Land Reform in Scotland, with the owner of the Daily Mail one of those landowners affected by the tax and ownership implications.

Auld Rock

Personally I wwould get rid of the whole lot of those free-loading royal leeches. Meantime the less we pay them the better.

Auld Rock


It saddens me, that by buying these bile filled rags, Scotland’s people are stumping up their hard earned cash just to be lied to.

G. Campbell

Daily Mail readers think Nicola Sturgeon should be shot, hanged, burnt and dumped on ISIS. These sexist and abusive comments have been up on the CURRAN APPROVED NEWS SITE OF HATE for three months and Alan Roden has done absolutely nothing about it.

link to

Oh look!

Alan Roden @AlanRoden
Probably the most tasteless Tweet I’ve had sent my way today…
“I believe the word minion should be transposed for ‘scum for hire’ as @AlanRoden has the morals of an IS hangman…”
1:07 PM – 24 Jun 2015

See how it feels, Alan.


Ref the *non* story about paying towards Her Maj’s funds. Is this perchance, the same Cathy Newman who did a C4 story that she was bundled out of a Mosque, refused entry……until CCTV proved her to be a liar? Surely not same person !!!

G H Graham

“Figures released by Buckingham Palace showed the sovereign grant was £35.7m for the second year running.”

Source: STV – link to

Assuming all of the grant was used, then the Queen of England spent £97,808 per day to keep herself & her family in the style to which they have become dutifully accustomed.

If the First Minister or indeed anyone else proposes to withdraw Scotland’s share of this Royal housing benefit, they will receive my full support.

Perhaps the Queen of England might care to consider the placement into auction of at least a couple of priceless paintings instead of taking money from the taxpayer?

There are plenty of rich pickings to be had right here … link to


The editor of The Times, John Witherow, who presumably wrote that laughable accusation of sedition, seems to have form on that score:

“Witherow was made acting editor (of the Sunday Times) after the departure of Andrew Neil in 1994 and confirmed in the job the following year. His reputation suffered early in his editorship after the publication of false claims that Labour politician Michael Foot was a KGB agent.”

link to


Steve Bowers says:

24 June, 2015 at 2:43 pm

It kinda makes me wonder what they’ve hiding with all this crap today, what sneaky thing have contrived and launched using this blizzard o pish to cover it up

I think the press barons have gone a bit apoplectic about the land reform legislation – no more tax exemption for their (or their chums) shooting estates. The generous private playground benefits, awarded by John Major 20 years ago, are at risk.


Sadly, because of the way in which they are doing it, the massed ranks of unionists are destroying any hope they may harbour that the Union can continue for decades to come.


Oh look peeps it’s another slow news day. Apparently there is no more news to bleat on about concerning Greece and will they or won’t they leave Euro … what’s a unionist paper to do with itself?

Looks like it’s all back to the drawing board folks. Let’s see who can come up with the best anti S.N.P./Nicola Sturgeon/ Cybernat/AlexSalmond story. This should be good for a few days worth of antagonising those vile Scocthy types hiding under the rocks up in Northy Britannia!

Oh I added Alex into the mix because apparently the London Evening Standard has been found complaining about the fact that he has been speaking in the House of Commons 124 times since the General Election! 😀


The nerve of that man!

How dare he speak so many times.

If we are not careful all those other North British politico’s will want to get in on this despicable act as well!

H Scott

I think the English media has done more to alienate me from England than even their politicians. Now I only care about the possible consequences of their rabble-rousing behaviour.
Incidentally, the Smith Agreement was for the Crown Estate to be fully devolved. Another dilution in the draft Scotland Bill.

Dr Jim

If we leave the Yookay it’s an insult to the English but if they feel they got rid of us then they are wise and the winners, because we are such moaners

Keep it up Mr Cameron and Buddies, Good Job!!

I still believe this is all deliberate and a convenient ploy by both Governments to satisfy everybody’s sensibilities
A complete SNP vote and wipe out of opposition at the Holyrood Election may lead to a simple but (Pretendy) acrimonious dissolution of the Union (No need for Referendum)

We get what we want Davie Cameron looks like a tough guy for saving England from that terrible Scottish woman
what’s not to like

And Davie’s “R United Kingdom” sails on unbroken and undamaged


It seems that the shock/denial of May 7th is gradually dissipating, and a number of unionists are entering the anger stage. Stay cool folks, let them rant and eventually they will enter the bargaining stage. IMO they will offer FFA as a last resort at some stage, but by then it will be too late, many years too late.

Kluber-Ross model (five stages of grief):

1. Denial (well, May 7th was a bit of a shock!)
2. Anger (only started – you ain’t seen nothing yet)
3. Bargaining (some progress at last)
4. Depression (my heart bleeds!)
5. Acceptance (sometime in the not too distant future)


I am proud to be a rebel.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Cathy Newman didn’t even bother to do the most basic of journalistic factchecking for her attack ‘piece’. Pathetic.

I certainly won’t believe a word of what Cathy Newman says from now on unless it’s backed up by an actual reputable journalist who knows how to factcheck and cover the basics on a story.

As for the rest of the unionist media smears, they’re panicking again.

It certainly didn’t help them before the election and it won’t help them now.

All it does it erode the already paper-thin trust the public has in the press and media as they become more and more hysterical and desperate.

The more lies they get caught telling the easier they make the SNP and Nicola’s job in convincing the scottish public to ditch the corrupt and sleazy westmisnter establishment and it’s vile poodles in the press. 🙂


Just read this over on Twitter. 😉

Arbroath1320 ?@0604Arb1320 32m32 minutes ago
so Buckie palace is in a state of disrepair and wee Lizzie will have to move out that’s a shame still I’ve a tent she can use if she wants!

Absolutely BRILLIANT if you ask me. 😀 😀 😀

What’s even better is that it got read out on SKY News apparently! 😀 😀 😀

Those nasty cybernattery types get absolutely everywhere these days! 😀 😀 😀

Bob W

Andrew Neil was on about the Crown Estate nonsense at lunchtime. Consensus from politicians present, appeared to be SNPreallybaddisloyaltreasonousminions who should be hung drawn and eighthed (just to make the point).

Stevie Mac

Folks, there must be a reason this barrage of anti Scottish, anti SNP and anti Sturgeon headlines have come out?

Think deep.

What are the establishment trying to cover up or hide?

Perhaps something breaking later today or tomorrow that they want to divert our attention from?

Janner? More paedos uncovered? Tory kiddy fiddler? Think folks.

Remember, they only ever do this when there’s something to hide.


Diversion. Diversion, diversion.

The Tory Telegraph, Mail etc continue to spout the usual guff. But it is orchestrated so it is really just a diversionary tactic to cover up the lies made over “The Vow” and the forthcoming reduction in our budget. Maybe HM Queenie the first could give us a loan. I believe despite a pensioner she and her ilk have never needed a tin of beans (approved by HM govt) to feed her weans. She has no need to travel Megabus as the public school minions do it all for her.

Channel 4 has been quite anti snp and Scotland. It is also a broadcaster which seems to jump at Westminster’s behest. Sad really.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Cathy Newman didn’t even bother to do the most basic of journalistic factchecking for her attack ‘piece’. Pathetic.

I certainly won’t believe a word of what Cathy Newman says from now on unless it’s backed up by an actual reputable journalist who knows how to factcheck and cover the basics on a story.

As for the rest of the unionist media smears, they’re panicking again.

It certainly didn’t help them before the election and it won’t help them now!

All it does it erode the already paper-thin trust the public has in the press and media as they become more and more hysterical and desperate.

The more lies they get caught telling the easier they make the SNP and Nicola’s job in convincing the scottish public to ditch the corrupt and sleazy westmisnter establishment and it’s vile poodles in the press. 🙂

De Valera

Margaret Curran and the Daily Mail – made for each other.

Dave MacIntyre

Maybe it’s time for insurrection and rebellion, just to remind them what that actually means.
The way we are being hounded by the press and MSM it’s a wonder that their isn’t a major rebellion.

Peter Campbell

I can’t remember who it was, but someone, in response to Margaret Curran saying SNP supporters were filming her, asked Margaret how she knew they were SNP supporters.

It’s very annoying when prominent Twitter users put out rubbish yet never respond to people who raise valid points – they probably justify that by saying they’re not feeding the trolls (oh the irony!).

Iain More

The price for the Naw vote just keeps going up and up. I am feeling in need of a shower again after viewing the above hate.


Rebellious. Seditious. Traitorus. Republican.

It seems we are being tarnished with all these terms …and yet, as much as none of these terms actually do apply to me (I’m fairly royalist) …I don’t know if I should be insulted or chuffed …hmmmm….


Iain Gray’s Subway Lament says:

24 June, 2015 at 3:59 pm

Cathy Newman didn’t even bother to do the most basic of journalistic factchecking for her attack ‘piece’. Pathetic.

It’s called the Unionistic Licence

If it fits the “SNP bad” narrative, it must be true, right?

Perhaps the Queen should tell the MSM to “think carefully” what they print (unless she agrees with it).

a supporter

It’s a concentrated effort by the media and its fellow travellers like Rowland, Curran et al to disparage the SNP because they are smarting badly about no-one taking a blind bit of notice of them during GE 15 and Indyref campaigns.

The media and its hired curs DO NOT LIKE BEING IGNORED.

Marie clark

Good grief. The old meeja have fairly got their knickers in a twist. What do you think has upset them to this degree?

It might be the land reform bill, long overdue in my opinion Why drag up a sixth month old story about Mrs Windsor. If the SG did decide to stop payment I would be 100% with them.

Maybe Luigi has it right, they are just working their way through their grief and are just at the angry stage. I really have no idea what it is that they are hoping to achieve. Keep it up boys, they more you rant and rave, the less attention that we pay.

As for Magrit, we delivered her P45 on 7th May, why is she in any way newsworthy. Beat it hen, away and moan somewhere else and gie the rest o’ us peace.

Dal Riata

Caught a quick glimpse of Politics Today this morning with Andrew Neil and co., and even they were saying, in politics-speak of course, that the ‘SNP/Scottish government/Nicola Sturgeon won’t be paying any money towards ‘er indoors, Queenie’ story was a load of concocted shite… well, no, they said it was ‘probably untrue’… So, yes, a load of concocted shite it is then!

But, hey, the lie/smear is now already out there, promulgated by the British Establishment’s MSM propaganda arm. It doesn’t matter any more what is printed about Scotland/the SNP/Nicola Sturgeon/the Scottish people. Nothing will be done to stop the Establishment-driven, hate-filled, xenophobic, anti-Scotland Project Fear 2 diatribe, nothing, nothing at all. They can print – and *not* be damned.

Remember the Leveson Inquiry and subsequent recommendations? What was the point? A total waste of time and money.

Karen Richmond

Not the first time Cathy Newman has revealed her bias. In a pre-referendum interview in Glasgow with Michael Moore and Fiona Hyslop, etc. she expressed her confident belief that a Yes vote ‘will never happen’. She puts the tory into editorialise.


RE Times article:

It does not have a mandate to rewrite history, or the constitution.

Yep, only the Brit Nats are alllowed to do that, and boy are they good at it!

And by the way, what constitution?


This is only helping play into the hands of the people in Scotland. They more villified they are the harder they become and more solid in the approach against the mainstream media.

I can only assume this is some sort of approach to tarnish Nicola Sturgeon’s name in America after she left quite the impression with the people there.

They know that the American’s also love the Royal Family so any attempt to smear her against that is seen as a quick win.

It’s time for the gloves to come off. They have to at some point for the SNP. This can’t continue as a one sided argument for too long. Can it?

Jamie Arriere

Oh dear, what a day for a shower of Britnat shite

Did anyone hear any more of the border bungees go twang?


Colin says:
24 June, 2015 at 3:29 pm
Ref the *non* story about paying towards Her Maj’s funds. Is this perchance, the same Cathy Newman who did a C4 story that she was bundled out of a Mosque, refused entry

It is indeed Colin.


The Mail wishes to shoehorn the SNP into republicanism. Most of us know that that is unpopular with certain sections of the population. Those of us who wish for independence above all else realise having a constiutional monarchy is only a big thing for those who like making a big thing of constiutional monarchy.

For me the infanta George could be my king if only we were independent. A generation ( ahem) down the line we could have a referendum on it.

Meantime could the bad tempered among us wind in our necks and let the Daily Mail work for us. Never interrupt your enemy when he is going off his/ her rocker.


Cathy Newman presents Channel 4 News and runs the Channel 4 FactCheck blog.



@ JLT 4.13

Mebbe yous is just an insurgent!


Sick of this filth? Saddened that people are still paying to read MSM pash? We’re discussing options about how to push back over at link to



Who even listens to their guff now? Once your eyes have been opened its like looking/listening to some kind of lizard race of ranting space aliens.


The Daily Record, Scotland’s champion,satire is alivd and well at the Record.

Scots Renewables

I used to fancy Kathy Newman.

This has really upset me 🙁


“Scotland to stop paying for the queen”? Don’t know about anyone else but I’d be bloody well delighted if that story were true.

Matt McCallum

You know this is getting way out of hand now. The way the press are acting now is downright scurrilous towards the First Minister. To target and defame someone in this manner surely raises the prospect of legal action against the MSM. I think she has to go down this radical route as at the moment it’s open season. Taking the media to court for slander should be taken very seriously. There is also a very large amount of racism involved in this agenda against Scots in general. This sort of smear campaign would never happen to someone of another race who has settled here. Jockophobia, subsidy junkies etc indeed..


Not so sure FM should be ding donging on twitter with a tv news presenter right enough.

This is all just bait…..they are running out of ideas and they just cannot fathom for one second why we are thinking like we are – they genuinely can’t work it out.

My mind is changing to a 2nd ref before 2020

Game’s a bogey….just a matter of time now


You would think we would all be used to this pish by now, wouldn’t you? So how come whenever i read this sort of pish my temperature goes through the roof and my skin becomes all clammy?

Independence can’t come soon enough!

No more LibLabCons – Lets vote them out at every level.

btw, Another excellently compiled article, Rev, as per usual.

Robert Louis

The London Times ‘The Thunderer’ : “It is rebellion”.

I feel a song coming on,

“Lord, grant that Marshal Wade
May by thy mighty aid
Victory bring.
May he sedition hush and like a torrent rush,
Rebellious Scots to crush.
God save the Queen.”

(The English National Anthem)

Dearie me, how dim are these so-called ‘journalists‘. On the upside, I’ve always wanted to be part of the rebel alliance.

Seriously, with each passing day, it seems the English establishment really WANT to end the union treaty between Scotland and England.

P.S. For any Times or Mail ‘journalists‘ going into apoplexy over this comment, the reference to the ‘rebel alliance’, is a reference to the movie franchise Star wars.

Dorothy Devine

I missed the Ms Newman nonsense . Seems a pity that she can destroy a reasonable news programme in this manner but as has been pointed out she has form.

For the Mail and Express it’s just another day of lying , smearing and losing readers – certainly in Scotland.

“Tabloid! just seems such an inadequate description for them – a bit of alliteration is required as in
” tasteless , trashy, tatty tabloid”

I am astonished by the obvious lack of journalistic integrity in the media. Once upon a day I was naïve enough to believe that they strove to be tellers of truth , ferreters of information and exposers of the wicked.

Now I think they are pretty well all peddlers of ordure , muck and spin.
Which is my way of saying , ” What a bunch of shits”


INEOS have made the Daily Record into their gimp?


If your feeling a bit ‘Britnatted’ or ‘cybernatted’ today
read the article on the Wee Ginger Dug.
I’m proud of all of us!


Sky joining in in the nonsense. They just can’t help themselves. £400Million is spent on ‘Royal’ expenditure. It was increased £5Million a year in 2010Budget.

The lights would go out in the rest of the UK without Scotland’s fuel and energy.

Tinto Chiel

Dr Jim said: “And Davie’s “R United Kingdom” sails on unbroken and undamaged.”

Couldn’t we stretch a point after independence and refer to the rump statelet as Former United Kingdom?

It produces a more satisfing acronym.

Dal Riata

That editorial leader in the Times is a fucking disgrace.

“Insurrection”…? “Rebellion”…? “Republican insurrection”…?

Really? Like, really, really?

Better Together: “Stay with us.; Lead us.; We really do love you!; Don’t go.; We’re one big family!; We really are better together!; Show us the way.” ad nauseam….

That is the truth of ‘the Union‘ [sic] right there in that Times piece. Scotland and the Scots are not viewed by Establishment ‘Britain’ as ‘an equal partner’, and never have been. Scotland has resources that the City of London needs, that is all.

Those resources do not involve the actual people of Scotland. What the people of Scotland need or want does not matter to those on the other side of the misnamed Union. We are but an annoyance to our Better Together ‘partners, to be derided, disabused, smeared, lied to and kept as poor as possible with impunity.

The entire Better Together campaign was the biggest scam and fraud ever perpetrated upon a country and its people in peacetime… (do remember that the BBC was said to be on a “war footing” campaign leading up to the referendum) and 55% – allegedly – of the electorate fell for it…


The putrid stink of Unionist fear makes you realise that we are winning!

Fewer and fewer of us pay any heed to their sewer dwelling loyal press.


There it is. Lying Cameron and the ‘Vow’. ‘Full fiscal shambles’.


Cathy Newman works for C4 news? The same people who employ John Snow and Alex Thompson? Wow.

Wonder what they think of her?

Robert Louis


The reference in the rather silly ‘Times’ leader to ‘the constitution’ is an odd one, considering Westminster has zero say regarding the Scottish constitution.

As regards the UK, there is no such thing as a ‘British’ or UK constitution. I know the brit nats say ‘oh it’s an unwritten constitution’, but if we logically follow that argument, then I own Buckingham Palace, because I have the title deeds (unwritten, of course!). It is utter hogwash when BritNats refer to the ‘British’ constitution, since their is no such thing.

Even worse when they argue for a NEW British ‘Bill of Rights’. This completely ignores the fact that the only previous Bill of Rights was the ENGLISH Bill of Rights (1689) prior to the treaty of union between Scotland and England in 1707. It has no reference whatsoever to Scotland, as it was a solely English document. The treaty of union did not alter this.

Many down south do of course try to conflate it with the Scottish claim of right (1689), but that was a very different beastie from a constitutional perspective.

The English Bill of rights effectively removed sovereignty from the monarch of England, and placed it within the English Parliament. The Scottish claim of right however, re-affirmed long established Scottish constitutional principles laid down in the declaration of Arbroath (1320) by King Robert the Bruce, that it was the people of Scotland who were sovereign, not the king, nor Parliament. This is why people in England are royal subjects, but Scots are not, nor ever have been, prior to OR after to the treaty.

Anyway, regardless, I regard it as an obscenity that the very concept of ‘Crown estate’ (or royalty, for that matter) even exists in the 21st century. It is not as many think, merely parcels of land, but the income from, for example, the entire Scottish foreshore. It is wrong on every level.

Iain More

I guess the rancid Brit Nats aren’t all that happy about the bad wicked evil Land Reform Bill of the bad wicked evil SNP. Even though it is bloody tame in my estimation.


Picked up from Today this morning that 50% of the Crown Estate portfolio is in London. Take a look at their website and you will see what I mean.

My question is why has there been so much pooling and so little sharing? The income to the Crown Estate comes from the whole of the UK including the sea bed. You can be sure that London’s portion is not anywhere near 50% so why should London get the lion’s share.

This is a question not only for Scottish SNP MPs, but for all the MPs whose constituencies are not in London (and it might include some of the less affluent London boroughs too).


Sour grapes from Margaret Curran.She was soundly threshed in the general election.Humiliated.Now she’s using the pages of a right wing rag to attack her former constituents.She was kicked out because she’s a red tory.Good riddance.

Jim Mitchell

Since the referendum the media has had no place left to hide in it’s views and lies regarding the SNP, they have no choice but to stick with these tactics, even though it’s doing unionists no good at all, I can’t but wonder if the idea now is to deliberately try and stir up English Nationalism.


Am I a rebel? yes, am I treasonous wrt the royals? yes, am I engaged in sedition? not right now but I reckon campaigning for Yes was tantamount to sedition, it was just democratic sedition and some sections of BritNats would say getting the vote out for Stewart Hosie was seditious behaviour.

So come arrest me.

G H Graham

So The Daily Record is INEOS’s pimp?

Who knew?


I don’t think Nicola Sturgeon should lower herself and deal with these idiots personally. There will be worse to come before it’s over.

Robert Louis

From the Times leader;

“Mr. Salmond is not the only Scot who takes pleasure in calling her the Queen of Scotland”

Oh dear, I think you will find, that Mr.Salmond calls her no such thing. He calls her, quite correctly, “Queen of Scots”.

Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg Gotha may be many things, including Queen of Scots, but she is not, nor ever will be, Queen of Scotland.

Perhaps the leader writer at ‘The Times’ should really be pumping out his ill-informed hysteria at the Daily Mail, where he might feel, how can I put this, ‘more at home’.

Scot Finlayson

People still under the illusion that the Press was ever fair and unbiased,we have been lied to manipulated and propagandised since the first newspaper was printed.

This was written nearly 100 years ago by Humbert Wolfe.
You cannot hope
to bribe or twist,
thank God! the
British journalist.
But, seeing what
the man/woman will do
unbribed, there’s
no occasion to

Dr Jim

You have to laugh though
It’s like a fight at school

Nya Nya… Ahl see ye it 4….Aye you in who’s army
Ahl get ma big brother

It’s only the English going to fall for this nonsense
They still believe newspapers contain actual news

But it serves everybody’s purpose very well as long as they don’t go too far and get too silly and rile folk up too much
The last thing we need are the angry brigade, there’s a lot of them about in Britland and a few here with their wee Union Flags and off putting temperament


Seem very odd for these daft stories to appear. Must be a slow right wing news day for their right wing views.

The new SNP MP’s are spooking them. Westminster establishment realise they have 50 new articulate MP’s a cut above the ones they replaced.

[…] In your media today […]


Funny how the possible *bad* story about us rebellius and treacherous Scots *not* paying dues to Crown Estates is all front page, but the news that Joe Public will be dontating £150m to upgrade buck House has been well down the line……not related are they?


grahamlive wrote:
““Scotland to stop paying for the queen”? Don’t know about anyone else but I’d be bloody well delighted if that story were true.”

I’ll second that.
No time for these parasites.
There should be absolutely no place for “Royalty” in any progressive thinking 21st Century country. Especially a wealthy country which is riddled with homeless people, or should that be peasants, and others stuck in poverty.


Her name should be Elizabeth Schlesvig-Holstein Sonderburg-Glucksburg, after Phil the Greek.



Don’t agree. Nicola is using the new media to undermine the nonsense reporting that in the past the victim of the smear had no redress. The old media don’t like it but then they should not invent news items but report actual facts.


frogesque says:

@ JLT 4.13

Mebbe yous is just an insurgent!

Good point! Another one to add to the list!


The joke “newspaper” that purports to be Scotlands Champion writing an article in support of fracking and being sponsored to do so by INEOS is truly absurb.

Like the rest of the media they are the Champions of big business and the Establishment. As well as that they are arse licking toadies and a disgrace to the real people they pretend to “Champion”.

I agree with earlier posters there is need to get liars into court. Any and all corruption must be exposed.

John Dickson (@NkosiEcosse)

Ms Curran does not have parliamentary privilege any longer, maybe she should think before she opens that Clyde tunnel sized gob


It goes to show how out of touch these people are.

Its not totally impossible for a large amount of people in England to read it, believe it AND try to support the scots for doing it.

These people are not just dishonest, they are utterly stupid. If i was in the Royal family id be personally telling them to wind their necks in lest the idea of their imaginary ‘rebellion’ grows wings.



Royal Money,
Just heard a good report about this on RT,they don’t pull their punches about how the press and Westminster have reacted to this.the Treasury have issued a statement that Scotland will still contribute to Royal purse.


The one main thing that I take from this constant vile from the UK media is, if we are stupid enough to vote ’No’ next time, then we will only have ourselves to blame.


whoa did someone poke them with a big stick the tory attack dogs are doing their nut again,bark bark slobber SNP bad.

Its actually smarter than it looks at first glance and its target audience will lap it up and has the bonus of pissing us off even if its rubbish,well its not like its stopped them before.

They intend to Thatcherize the SE electorate well its what the tories have always done and everybody else including N England will be scoungers and layabouts and if it wasnt for us upper class they would all starve ,man its like being in a bad dream how can this happen to one man twice in the same lifetime.

Well what can you say about the daily retard they sure lived up to their nickname today ,”The peoples champion at selling out Scotland its what we do best” should be their new slogan.

Still very disturbing to see them pushing this well debunked fracking nonsense as being the future are they all totally mental oh wait that might be our fault for not buying their rag they have had to sell out to survive,so just another day at the retard then lol


To be quite honest, I’m not in the least bit surprised as to what is going on here. In fact, it actually gives me faith that we are heading down the right path.

To cut a very long story short, I emailed on my Facebook page to all my ‘Yes / SNP’ buddies about the similarity in events that are currently taking place with Scotland and Westminster, and what happened with Ireland at the start of the last century. As said, to cut a long story short.

Young Ireland (through Thomas Davis, an Irish Protestant)creates the ‘The Nation’ in 1842 newspaper to counter British propaganda, and guide the people towards the idea of Independence. This year, we saw our own ‘The National’ newspaper take off.

Westminster in 1912 promised Ireland ‘Home Rule’, but cutting this right back too, it was defeated 3 times by (surprise, surprise) the House of Lords, and while WW1 was being fought, it was highly believed that the Tories would not honour the initial agreement (once again, surprise, surprise). Now, we were promised in a ‘Vow’ not that long ago about Home Rule, more Powers, near-Federalism …and so far …hee-haw, or a complete reneging on said promises.

This is where it gets a tad interesting. We also have the similarities of the UK General Elections of both 1918 and 2015. In 1918, Sinn Fein of Ireland return 73 MP’s to Westminster with an overwhelming victory of 40% of the Irish national vote (remember, the whole of Ireland was still part of Britain at this point). And this year, in the 2015 General Election, Scotland returned 56 SNP members to Westminster with a staggering 50% of the Scottish vote! As we can see, history is most definitely repeating itself!

The 73 Sinn Féin MP’s however, declined to take their seats in the British House of Commons and instead, sat in their newly created Irish assembly of the ‘Dáil Éireann’ (Irish Parliament) in Dublin. Surprisingly, Westminster allowed them to govern Ireland for 6 months before shutting the Dáil down. To regain control, Westminster sent in the army and the ‘black and tans’. Civil war between Westminster and Ireland erupted and lasted up until the peace agreement of 1922. Then Ireland had a mini-civil war between the Republicans. The outcome overall was from the 1922 peace agreement which saw the partition of Ireland.

So basically, in the last 100 years, we have the similarities of the rise of a ‘national’ newspaper to counter the state media, a ‘promise’ of Home Rule (or ‘near-Federalism’) that was then reneged on, and an overwhelming victory in the UK General Elections of 1918 and 2015 by the respective Nationalist parties of both countries. And then we have the Westminster Unionist parties in both time periods either removing, or attempt to put in place, the ability to remove self-government from both those nations (as we saw last week when they refused to make the Scottish Parliament ‘permanent’).

The point is …history is repeating itself here! Westminster is making the same mistakes god-awful mistakes as it did a century ago. The Establishment just can’t let go of a key piece of territory that it believes it truly owns! I don’t believe for a second that it will end in civil war as it did in Ireland (I think if the rUK voted for an EU exit, then most of Scotland should be united in their condemnation and will ‘unite’ in trying to gain access to the EU again – hence …no real bitterness overall. People may unite once they realise their jobs, pensions, Sterling …everything is on the line if they go on listening to London’s mad plans post-EU).

But it is fascinating to see that repeating sysle of history …and therefore gives me great hope, that Independence might just be a handful of years away.

(And apologies Rev about the length of the post)

packhorse pete

Channel 4 has a straightforward debunking of the royal bill nonsense
link to


I was tempted to take out a short term subscription to The Times just so I could say I was a revolutionary insurrectionist but decided a much better use for the money would be a donation to an alternative media site (sorry, not Wings, you’ve got more than enough at the moment).

My one stipulation was that the site did not display a Royal Warrant of Appointment. It didn’t.

Well done The Times Editor. Keep it up. I’ve got some more cash in my piggy bank.

ronnie anderson

Aoch ah remember the good auld days oan Wings,when the only thing ah hud tae worry aboot wiz ah big white baw chasing me,noo ah might hiv the Daily Mail, scary.



Thanks for the resume of the 1918 election. I had assumed that SF had got over 50% of the vote but I see it was only 40%. Very interesting indeed.

David Agnew

if I was a labour politician with an ounce of sense I would be pleading with the UK media to shut the f**k up, knock it on the head guys, you are going to kill us in 2016.

Since there doesn’t seem to be any labour politicians with a lick of sense, then were are going to have sit and watch labour and the UK media implode, as their irrelevance reaches critical mass.


So, anyone else willing to support a crowdfunder to take Curran to court for defaming this website? I refer to capella’s comment at 2:57pm.

Could such an action even be brought or have a chance of success?


The racist rhetoric is being ramped up – and from where? Down South. No doubt Harry Potter’s creator will have something to say about it. Perhaps the 9th July(Day after – Thatcherite Budget Day) would be a good time to get the YES flags back out. After Cameron’s response to Angus Robertson today you know the only way is INDEPENDENCE. About 15th July would be a good time to do an independence poll. The Tories and the Establishment media have the power and they will use it things will get much rougher yet. They will ignore us and sneer at us. How much will the Scottish voters take before they realise the only way is out of this one sided Union.


Are we able to send on these embarrassingly childish jibes from what is supposed to be grown up media “journalist”
to other governments around the world and the European Court of Human rights?

We are constantly attacked by the liars and extortionists who have control of Westminster, on matters without a spec of truth or reality.

We must find another way to present the reality of these situations to the general UK public as millions will read these headlines and think it must be true if they print it

Should we or SNP take out a paid for advert the following day to explain how far these peddlers of propaganda are prepared to go in fooling the public for the profits of the rich.

Got to love the Dizzy Rancid, who can give us money, INEOS, well we are right behind you, even if you want to poison the few remaining readers that we have

This Cathy Newman statement that she has only reported the
briefing from Buckingham Palace. Surely SNP must ask the Palace to confirm if they have indeed made this outrageous statement to defile the Scots.

Let’s too remember that Madge jumped on the Elitist’s band wagon with the Scots had better think very carefully comment, which better together say was requested and played out.

I’m sure the SNP will keep their word on any promised payments, but if they are scaremongering themselves, I would give them a penny!

We need answers!

PS Where is the report Carmichael helped create back in April. It hasn’t been released under freedom of information

Where is the Commons Committee on Standards. Carmichael Lied, Lied again, wasted limited public funds, and then admits he lied, but this committee are not sure what to do?


Christ it’s good to be alive.

I was getting post-election blues & thought the election in 2016 was too far away. I felt it was a bit too quiet over the past week.

Then the MSM come out with their laughable guff today & I feel invigorated again.

Land grab the Balmoral estate!


They are not MY media and never will be. My media is Wings, Wee Ginger Dug and the National. Will never buy these Unionist papers. Stopped my BBC license the day after the referendum. Am I the only one or are there thousands like me?

Grouse Beater

The Times, owned by Murdoch, the same person allegedly best pals with Salmond?

That Times editorial is probably the most henious I have read as far as denigrating the Referendum and General Election result is concerned.

It’s a vicious smear on the integrity of all in Scotland. No amount of jokey responses will bleach it.

For want of a better label I have no doubt there exists a ‘Belittle Scotland’ unit with a very long agenda and a set of objectives.


If we take the spurious Cybernat link that the Westminster media have put together, Nicola Sending a standard 5 word Reply to this man seems to automatically access his background, his beliefs and his past history, and obviously she must be of a similar ilk??????

With this same assessment, the suspected paedophiles Labour Lord Jenner, the Liberal Lord Smith, the Tory Peter Morrison, all communicated extensively with their parties over many, many years, so obviously they way the media
calculates these matters, everyone in these Parties, MUST be of the same ilk.

Good Journalism England. Let’s now empty parliament of each and every one of these corrupt monsters.

a supporter

“We are but an annoyance to our Better Together ‘partners, to be derided, disabused, smeared, lied to and kept as poor as possible with impunity.”

You’ve got that WAY wrong.We are far far more than an annoyance. We are at least a vexatious aggravation. They are very unhappy that we do not listen to them and that we still intend to dump them at the first opportunity.

And let’s be honest we deride, disabuse, and smear these purveyors of lies too. And rightly so. The Media are an ABSOLUTE disgrace in the UK.


Thanks Rev for my special WBB & silver Wings-they arrived this morning & are very special to me cos I’m English & in England so that makes me even more of an insurrectionist than all you ‘rebellious Scots’. I’m also a ("Tractor" - Ed)ous (Tractor -Ed) rebel to the English cause because I support you all. Two for the price of one- Woo hoo!!! 🙂

As for the bile being spouted by MSM today, we’ve seen it before & will do so again. If we don’t respond they don’t know what to do about it. Each time someone posts a response here that is offended, the perpetrators are laughing up their sleeves because they are riling Scots. If we don’t post remonstrating/complaining comments then we deprive them of their pleasure. Don’t give them ammunition. Ignore their existence as we’ve all learned to do with Lab/Lib/Cons.

How about doing 24 hrs of jokes, funny stories, Youtube links (the more light hearted the better), reminiscences instead? Send for John King-he has to be lurking somewhere & any other comedians who usually frequent these parts 😉
Just a thought but maybe I’ll just get my jacket!

Alan P

Every time they publish this blantant rubbish another voter in Scotland has the wool removed from their eyes and they never seem to catch on, long may it continue.


When on an occasional visit to a Sainsbury Store to buy a litre of White & Mackay Whisky at an bargain £15, I noticed the scurrilous Daily Mail headline when selecting a National. I immediately removed half of the Nationals and placed them on top of the pile of Mails, so it was thereby hidden under a real newspaper which prints facts rather than right wing propaganda for dummies.

Incidentally and I admit not very important, but for the sake of constitutional and heraldic accuracy, Lizzie Saxe-Coburg-Gotha is factually titled “Queen of SCOTS” and not by the English style of “Queen of Scotland”. Personally I am republican in sentiment and it is one thing I disagreed on with our previous excellent First Minister Alex Salmond, although I understand why he advocated Lizzie to continue as Head of State in an independent Scotland. It may have influenced some of the OO and other royalist sycophants to support the idea of independence.


Like many, I suspect there is bad news about to come out for Scotland. Retaliation in advance methinks.


I find it funny that Channel 4 News Factcheck page counters the garbage spouted by its own Cathy Newman

Cathy Newman still spouts her crap on Facebook, by including the Daily Telegraph article she wrote
link to

Also reading the twitter flurry between the First Minister and Cathy Newman, tells me that somehow Ms Newman, isn’t all she is cracked up to be

If I were her employers at Channel 4, would tend to be having a look at her contract as she seems to bring Channel 4 News’s integrity into question. She should have perhaps fact checked with her colleagues at Channel 4 News before leaping into the dark

a supporter

And to those of you who are still not using Twitter I beg you to join up. You will become part of a competing media and will then be able to answer and disparage these lies directly to the person who wrote them. And your views will be read by a much wider audience.

The more MSM comments that are shown to be lies the sooner will the hacks who write them become damaged goods.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ananurhing.

I signed the petition at ‘’. I had to highlight your url, then drag it up to the tab bar, so that Firefox would recognise it as a valid web site address.

FYI: you need the ‘www.’ in a web address to make it a ‘clickable’ link in your post. Here are two examples for you. The first is without the ‘www.’; the second has it. As you can see, the second one can be clicked on to go to the page.

link to

Jiss trehn ti help, like…

Brian Doonthetoon

BTW: WordPress adds on the ‘http://’ – you just don’t need it, unless there ISN’T a ‘www’ in the web address; then you do…


The Royals started this. It came from the Palace. Impartial?

Brian Doonthetoon

Like this one, as an example…

link to

mike cassidy

The funny thing here is that they probably think Scots would turn away from the SNP if the party were going to pay less for royalty.

At a time of austerity?


An expenditure well worth guillotining!

And the royals can be distributed among those who have been forced to pay the bedroom tax.


What happened to all the love with which we were deluged prior to 18/9?

Could anybody out there compile a summary of all the love bombs together with a list of all the celebrities who pleaded with us not to leave them?

It would be good for a laugh.


Thankyou for again presenting the facts in such a clear and concise manner.
The Times’ article is laughable. Nobody could take their sanctimonious hand wringing seriously. A wind up surely. Maybe it’s satire? A blast from our colonial past? I shudder to think anyone would believe this stuff…”insurrection”, “rebellion”. My God.



I’m sympathetic about what you say, but in reality the ‘Royals’ would not be involved in the story but at the most, it could be from one of the sycophantic flunky’s
if such a comment came from the staff of the Royal household

It could also have been ‘leaked’ by the tory government

Only an enquiry will find out where the idiot story came from.

In this age, never trust the press to say anything


Marcia says:


Thanks for the resume of the 1918 election. I had assumed that SF had got over 50% of the vote but I see it was only 40%. Very interesting indeed.

Hi Marcia, I’m quoting bits and bobs from the Open University course and which we had to study the idea of ‘Tradition’ (Ireland reinvented itself between 1850 and the early 20th Century as it tried to find its historical past (ideas on the shamrock, the Irish Wolfhound, Hill of Tara). By redefining, as well as discovering their past, it obviously brought them into conflict with the British State, and well …the rest is history.

However, as said, what surprised me, was the amount of similarties that have happened so far with Scotland and Westminster, and continues to happen. As said, it gives me great faith knowing that the Westminster mob seem to be creating farce as they repeat the same mistakes. As I quoted in that same Facebook page, to what Karl Marx once said, ‘History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce’ …well, if Ireland was tragedy, then this repeating by Westminster with Scotland is just ‘farce’ LOL

However, LOL, I wish I had tidied up my entry properly, but it was a serious mad rush as the wife was about to put my tea out!)

chris kilby

A HURRICANE of pish.


Hi Marcia

Checked Wikipedia (though usually that ain’t gospel). Sinn Fein got 46.9% of the vote in the 1918 General Election. The OU course had stated Sinn Fein got over 40%.

Personally, I would have reworded the chapter in that text book to say that Sinn Fein got over 45% of the vote.

But hey! It still shows that the SNP getting more than 50% was a stunning result; especially when Sinn Fein got their stunning percentage due to the British backlash after the Easter Uprising of 1916 (the Irish people were horrified at how the leaders of the 1916 Uprising were executed; especially James Connolly (born in the Edinburgh Cowgate (which at the start of 20th Century was considered an Irish Ghetto), who was so badly wounded from the Uprising that the British Army tied him to a chair so the firing squad could shoot him). The executions infuriated the Irish that much that just under half the nation voted for Sinn Fein. This was slightly surprising since the vast majority of the Irish population hadn’t been too enamoured with the Easter Uprising. But it was the reaction from the British State that changed attitudes, and eventually, immortalised the 1916 Uprising.

However, it’s brilliant to know that the Referendum last year was a massive success in one sense. We enlightened a good portion of the electorate and guided them towards Independence …and not one shot fired!

donald anderson

Jings, crivvens and help ma Boab. If only it wis true.

chris kilby

Margaret Who…?

(What’s Labour playing at bleating to a rabidly Tory rag? They never learn. They never EVER learn.)


Better off with Gary Numan, so called respected journalisim Aint alive & well and living . Thanks as always Stu for highlighting these torags . Liberty for Scotland.


@Ian More

I guess the rancid Brit Nats aren’t all that happy about the bad wicked evil Land Reform Bill of the bad wicked evil SNP. Even though it is bloody tame in my estimation.

The most important land reform issue is to do with inheritance, and it is not covered in the Land Reform Bill. You should read LPW’s new article on the Land Reform Bill because it details the restrictions on the SG.


Why should our FM pay ‘generous tribute’ to the Queen? Embarrassing, cringe-worthy sycophantic journalism. It makes my skin crawl.

It’s teeth-grinding stuff. Though Nicola’s agreement with the sentiment is equally so.



Since your post I have had a look at the 1918 election results. I don’t think we can take the 1918 election as a comparison due to many different factors. No Unionist candidates in many of the seats in that now make up the Republic and many unopposed seats (the Unionists knew they were going to lose. I would assume that only women over 30 with property rights could vote.


“So I assume you will pay generous tribute to the queen” demands a silly hack on the telly.

It makes me want to vomit. That’s the worst yet, in a vile unionist world.


Same very bitter C4 news hack says cuts to royals dosh millions/handouts were “suggested” but its not that clear by whom, shock. Its obviously the queen.

Don’t they all just detest Scottish democracy in action.

Roll on independence Scotland.


The Daily Mail was a full scale supporter of the UK Nazi Party
before the war! FACT!
You can see how the family of the Rags owners had proud pictures of them meeting up with their hero, Adolf Hitler! –

link to

I am struggling to get my head around this too, but those B******
are trying to suggest that all things SNP are bad???????????

It’s a nice thought to think that they might be able to raise their journalistic standards up to the gutter they must have crawled down from.

The paper suggests that as Nicola Tweeted a message to an unknown attendee at one of he many public gatherings, she too must be a cruel cybernat?

That same philosophy of course means that all English newspapers
and editors and journalist must be phone hackers quite willing
to illegally print private stories that broke up marriages, families, friendships, and of course their ultimate crime in listening to murdered Millie Dowler’s messages and giving false
hope to her Mother that she must still be alive.

I don’t consider these gangsters fit to offer opinion on anything
outside of their sewer.
Crawl back in and drown in your own stench!

Tinto Chiel

aldo_macb wrote:

“They are not MY media and never will be. My media is Wings, Wee Ginger Dug and the National. Will never buy these Unionist papers. Stopped my BBC license the day after the referendum. Am I the only one or are there thousands like me?”

I think it’s safe to say you are in a very large constituency, aldo_macb. The hysteria of MSM at the moment is a delight to see. There is no doubt in my mind that we are winning and they are getting more and more desperate. The GE result in Scotland has shown that newspapers and the BBC have finally lost their grip here and that, once people have opened their eyes to their lies and smears, they will never trust them again.

Endgame approaching.

Tighten seat-belts.

All will be well.


Sheesh! I’d be sacked for incompetence if I was as as shite at my job as the current cop of journalists clearly are.


We need a good majority in the next referendum, Cameron et al are doing sterling service in helping the Scottish Government attain this prize.


LOL The Mail piece is written by Alan Roden. I wonder if he ever reads real political journalism and feels a teeny bit jealous.

Dr Jim

Do you think all these newspapers had Jimmy Savile’s phone number or knew him really well

They must have all shared his predilections then Eh?
Will we start naming them all
Pop Stars
Variety Entertainers
An awful lot of Noble Lords don’t you know
Nearly forgot Royalty down the years,,,,Jings Eh?

Dr Jim


The First Minister puts up with them so we don’t have to

I couldn’t (Gaun Yirsel Nippy)


I’m guessing the media have gone beyond the silly season and went straight for the farce season.

Good grief… again.


Effijy says:
24 June, 2015 at 7:56 pm

The Daily Mail was a full scale supporter of the UK Nazi Party
before the war! FACT!

And regarding support for the NAZIs, certain members of the Royal Family were not exactly squeaky clean either. All brushed under the carpet in the traditional British way.

Robert Peffers

@mr thms says: 24 June, 2015 at 3:06 pm:

“Could this is be a diversionary tactic?

Is the Smith Agreement on the Crown Estate is being delivered by the Scotland Bill?

A rather surprising, if complicated, article on the subject

link to

In fact there is nothing very complicated in the Scottish Crown Estates except that The Establishment, as usual, applies English Law to the Scottish Crown Estates even although English law doesn’t apply in Scotland.

Here’s the real deal – The people of Scotland are legally Sovereign and thus the people own all Scotland, including the Scottish Crown Estates. The Monarchy are only the protector of the people’s sovereignty, so in effect they are the legally people’s subjects. The Scottish Crown Estates were handled in Edinburgh until 1830.

In 1830 King William IV revoked the income from the crown estates in Scotland. The hereditary land revenues of the Crown in Scotland were formerly managed by, “The Barons of the Exchequer”, were transferred to the Commissioners of Woods, Forests, Land Revenues, Works and Buildings and their successors under the Crown Lands (Scotland) Acts of 1832, 1833 and 1835.

In effect this transferred the Management of the Scottish Crown estates to be grouped with the Kingdom of England, (three countries), under the Crown Estate Commissioners under the provisions of the Crown Estate Act 1961.

BTW: There is an interesting article by the Cuthbert’s here : –
link to

Iain More


I kind of wonder who inherits the Killiechassie Estate if the Death Eaters that are the SNP/SG decide that a certain Landowning authoress isn’t “progressive!”?

I wonder will there be anybody to inherit since I am kind of hoping the moaning whinging Brit Nats will sell up and leave myself.


BrianW says:
24 June, 2015 at 7:59 pm

Sheesh! I’d be sacked for incompetence if I was as as shite at my job as the current cop of journalists clearly are.

Ah, but the $64,000 question is: What is their job, exactly?


Just a wee interruption on STV at 8 O’Clock, with Banner of course to say that Dirty Scottish Government Deny removing funding from
her majesty!

Never mind all that hard work, i.e. Typing in the Wings Web site details to find the truth. Just word it as though it is true and the nasty Nats won’t admit it.

Can you imagine how sever they would come down on someone like Alastair Carmichael, an actual proven political liar, several times over.
One quite willing to waste £1 Million of public money before he admitted being a liar, but we have no need for such stories on UK Propaganda Channels.


@ Scunterbunnet says at 4:26 ”Sick of this filth? Saddened that people are still paying to read MSM pash? We’re discussing options about how to push back over at link to Cheers.”

Yeah I’m totally sick of it Scunterbunnet. WE all know that it’s a load of garbage but hundreds of thousands of people (millions in England) don’t have a clue and are being influenced by this.

Wings is doing a brilliant job in getting the truth out there. Billboard advertising is a great idea but we should also be reporting these liars to IPSO every time they publish their trash. We should also be demanding the name of the Royal Aide who leaked the story, if that was the case, which I doubt.

All of these stories such as ‘Queenie’ will be published / aired to support the demolition of each amendment of the Scotland Bill as it comes up. Next week (or so) broadcasting is on the agenda. I wonder what we’ll get hit with then?

To be honest I wouldn’t give the Royal Family 10p never mind the millions in benefits that they commandeer. They know that millions of children in this country are living in poverty but seem to be quite happy to pay 1 million for a helicopter hanger (Queen), £446,000 for a trip to Mexico / Colombia (Charles) and over 4.5 million apartment refurb (William). In it together … Better Together … I don’t think so.

@ Marcia says ”Nicola is using the new media to undermine the nonsense reporting that in the past the victim of the smear had no redress. The old media don’t like it but then they should not invent news items but report actual facts.”

I agree with you Marcia. Many on here are racking their brains trying to find ways to combat the biased media. Sitting back and doing nothing aint going to work.

@ Truth says ”So, anyone else willing to support a crowdfunder to take Curran to court for defaming this website?”

I think that MANY people in Scotland will be more than happy to raise money in future to deal with the out and out liars, such as Carmichael, so should think twice before opening their mouths.

On a positive note STV News reported on this issue tonight and stated that the UK Government and Holyrood were (unusually) in agreement that this news item was totally untrue. Nicola had her say and they displayed newspapers such as the Daily Telegraph to make their point.


Oooooft, the DR running an advertorial and only mentioning it in the breadcrumbs is very naughty.

Tomorrow: The joy of smoking by Mr J. Player


morgatron says:
24 June, 2015 at 7:21 pm
Better off with Gary Numan, so called respected journalisim Aint alive & well and living . Thanks as always Stu for highlighting these torags . Liberty for Scotland.

Be better off with Alfred E Neuman than that pot o’ pish from Catheter


Cathy Newman should stick to the Autocue newsreading, she will never be a journalist as long as she has a hole in her @rse! Tonight channel 4 news had in depth investigation into various Establishment dirty tricks, until of course the NS story in which said newsreader is up to her neck in.
A few mumbled lines over a deliberately muddled VT,very disappointing on an otherwise excellent news show.
Forget ISIL,the EU,immigration etc we are the Establishments number one target.


‘The MSM are very scared and angry’



When you think about it, why would they do any different. There is no consequence. They can write whatever pish they want to.

The only way they will stop is if we vote for them to become irrelevant.


@luigi 8:09 pm

They are doing their job as wanted and paid for by their masters, EBC MSM et al. They are not stupid? or lazy they are just earning their corn.

Can anybody explain why we are subjected to 24/7 of English television News?

David McDowell

Margaret Curran is coming across as a bad loser and a bitter old hag. Let’s face it – she’s no more right to pontificate in The Daily Mail than anyone on the street. She got dumped by the people and she can’t take it.

David McDowell

I’d support a crowdfunder for Wings to take Curran to court just like I supported the Orkney crowdfunder. Just make sure first that whatever law she is accused of breaking, she has actually broken.


Another day goes by, and yet more SNP bashing from the state run media.

Auntie Betty and her ever growing band of sponging parasites, cost the ordinary citizens of these Isles a fortune. Any renovations needed in any of the royal dwellings, she and her hangers on can pay for it themselves.

If it comes to light that Royals accept the people of the UK own these properties, (so they can pass the cost onto us,) then we should sell them off, and distribute the money amongst the needy.( an easy referendum)

As for the fracking story, once our fresh water table has been breached, our last natural resource will be Fcuked.

Jamie Arriere

The FM is absolutely dead right to shoot down these stories directly and immediately with the journalist concerned, so that the issue can be corrected, resolved, retracted or had the arse kicked out it by bedtime, and therefore won’t be dragged on through several days’ headlines.

It’s what she’s best at – sorts out issues quickly with no fuss


It strikes me that the Tories and the establishment media believe that the 18th September result cannot be overturned and we have had our chance. They can now be as rough as they like with Scotland and there is nothing legally we can do about it even if we have 59 MPs and complete control at Holyrood. Wither that is correct or not that is how they are and will continue acting. We need to prove them wrong. I suspect the SNP current strategy is “give them enough rope” I hope it is going to work. I have noticed that the Scottish Tory Tank Commander is a little worried but Murdo was all guns blazing on wind farms. Shaping up to be an interesting run up to the Holyrood elections. Did hear a comment on GMS this morning which summed up nicely that we appear to have an elected dictatorship at Westminster. Not bad for a party with just over 30% of the UK vote.

Tam Jardine

That’s the thing about yon black hole the unionists have been spraffing about – all kinds of stuff could get sucked in. The Queen, all the rest of the Royals, those big auld trident subs, our contribution to rebuilding Westminster, contributions towards the national debt, HS2, the cost of all future Imperialist adventures, warplanes, cruise missiles…

All kinds of stuff could just vanish into oblivion. Still a bit of a hole? What’s all this cash pishing into the coffers from the North Sea and VAT and the former Crown Estates? All the dough from Europe that used to trickle down – whaddayaknow! the trickle turns into a steady stream.

And where have all these folk come from! Americans, Chinese, Europeans all wanting to find out what’s happening in this ‘New’ old Country… The one with all the golf and the great food and the famous whisky, the great gin, the amazing craft beers, the festivals, and all that wonderful history and the mountains and lochs…

They are coming in, spending money, having a great time in this new, confident, exciting place, and telling their friends back home all about it.

Now, where was that hole?

Doug McG

We now have 56 SNP members of parliament and majority control of the Scottish Government , it would be at least reasonable that some control of media be devolved to Scotland.

If Westminster will not give us that, then some right of reply with equal weight should be pursued , I reckon it would be worth all of 10 of our MPs time badgering for all they are worth to get this.

We need our MPs to be more vocal on this at every opportunity , ignore their sighs of of “ere we go again” This is something that HAS to be sorted out before the next Indyref.

ronnie anderson

@ Lollysmum 6.29 Comedians comedians I will have you know Madam this Wings Of Scotland site is interwoven with a rich Tapestry of well educated & knowledgable informative People, who enrich our lives daily.

Concratulations on receiving Your Silver Wings Badge,Im sure You,ll wear it proudly.

Noo where did ah leave ma Chenille needle.xx


I’m getting very angry. I can’t be the only one. I’m sick of this twisted media everywhere. I’m sick of online petitions and peaceful protests.

I’m genuinely starting to hate the old order English establishment and consider them to be an enemy, not just my enemy but an enemy of all people in this country. Rich Lords who sell services back to the government, to the people? Corporations buying out government. Fracking? TTIP? Leaving vulnerable to die? WTF?

I’ve been to gatherings in George’s Square, been to meetings and heard some amazingly articulate people voice their opinions, it almost made me weep with joy to hear them at times. I felt like I was finally at home, a break from the madness, it was great but then it’s all over and you have to go back to the headlines and the under-mis-informed opinions of your mates. The news and the life that follows it, the stupidity that swallows it.

Please say something to cheer me up 🙁

Lesley M

You have been asking what they were trying to cover up today. I think I found one thing they might have tried to cover up.

link to

or maybe this – link to

or even this – link to


Wonder who thought it was a good idea to suck the Queen into an obviously party political spat?

This isn’t going to end well for the concept of a constitutional monarchy. A serious mistake by some Muppet and the Tower may await.


Cathy Newman stated her source as the Buck House brief ie the palace and therefore the Queen? Or have i misunderstood?

ben madigan

with regards to the discussion about the Sinn Fein vote in the 1918 general election

“Nationally, Sinn Féin’s vote share was 46.9%, though it was higher than 80% in some contested areas”.

Bear in mind that the area that would become NI (pop.approx 1.5 million vs approximately 4 million overall in Ireland) was firmly set against the irish republic so the statistics are skewed accordingly, showing the rest of ireland (what is now the republic) was very firmly in favour of independence.

I have no idea how these figures compare with current support for Scottish independence as i don’t know if support in some areas of the country reach figures over 80%.

Despite that Ireland had the war of Independence against the Black and Tans (decommissioned WWI troops) and then a civil war over the 1920 govt of ireland Act which sanctioned partition.
The civil strife we saw during the so-called Troubles (1968-1998) might be considered a prolongation of resistance to this Act of the british parliament
link to

call me dave

Hark the Herald!
“The comments and observations were about a principle and never intended to be a criticism of Scotland or of the First Minister or to suggest that the First Minister had cast doubt on the continued funding of the Monarchy.

link to


If anyone at the Daily Record had half a brain they would steer clear of ever mentioning ‘fracking in Scotland’. And if they keep it up they’ll help Labour lose the last of their handful of supporters. In the lead up to the Referendum I used to post fracking information on their site. My posts were removed in an instant because they were aware that this kind of information could influence the way people voted. So what are they up to now?

It would suit them better to inform their readers that the Labour Party voted against EU residents living in Scotland a vote in the EU Referendum. The very voters, such as Polish people, that the Labour Party supporters / politicians warned would be thrown out of Scotland if we acquired our Independence.


Brian Doonthetoon

Thanks for the tip Brian. Try again.

link to


The MSM were aghast at the thought of the monarchy being deprived of £2m today by Scotland in a totally fabricated story.

How much money has Scotland contributed to West Ham being able to undertake the tenancy of the Olympic Stadium?

The transformation cost alone is £272m with West Ham only contributing £15m.

Never mind the original cost of over £500m at today’s prices.

Scotland’s really benefitted from the Olympic “legacy”


@call me dave

The denial by the palace will be all over the front pages tomorrow then. Yeah right!


Rancid The Graun’s on the case

It must all be true if

link to

Nicola Sturgeon denies plan to cut Scottish funding of royal family

G H Graham

Apparently the Queen of England has been outspending her state benefits by around an average of £2.7 million per year. In 2001, she had £35 million in cash reserves. By 2014, that had dropped to just £1 million.

Source: link to

This profligate behaviour is on top of the £35 million she receives in housing benefit, child tax credits & job seekers allowance, all wrapped up in a grand sounding state allowance called the Sovereign Grant.

The amount of the Grant is 15% of the net surplus income from the Crown Estates. And the Sovereign Grant Act ensures that the Queen of England’s benefits can NEVER go down, only go up.

Source: link to

You might be delighted to learn that for FY2014-2015, net expenditure was only £35.7 million, exactly the same amount spent by the Queen of England during the previous financial year. For the curious accountants among you, that’s a measly £97,808 per day.

Back to your day jobs, folks!

ben madigan

with regards to the forthcoming scottish land Act and disposal of the crown estates revenue
I sincerely hope the SNP abides by the principle of
“The land of Scotland for the people of Scotland”
it will work out fine


Totally cool with fracking under Daily Record churnalist houses….and only Daily Record churnalist houses.

Brian Doonthetoon

All this typing about royalty’s relationship with Scotland reminded me of the link below.

Twice upon a time, over the decades, it was played by many folk bands in Scottish folk clubs.

“The Scottish Breakaway”, updated for the referendum campaign.

link to


Lesley M @9.00pm

Thanks for the link to the report on the Pilot Whale deaths in the Kyle of Durness in 2011.

I was one of the first on the scene. It was the most horrific thing I’ve ever seen. You could hear the sheer panic of the entire pod, young and old.

Even on the day it happened, the locals knew that Nato exercises off Cape Wrath were responsible. Thanks for the confirmation. Sickening to know it was avoidable.


CH4 trying to repair damage ?

link to

Ian Brotherhood

As discussed on a previous thread, SSP (and other parties) were denied opportunity to address the crowd in ‘George’ Square last Saturday.

SSP had a public meeting in a nearby pub, and here’s the footage. (Wasn’t an ideal venue, but here it is anyway, for the record – Richie Venton on good form, at about 30 mins.)

link to


link to

Channel 4 seems to be in disagreement with its own reporter


I think its time the royals were means tested. Really , these layabouts are taking their benefits every week without signing on for job seekers! One rule for everyone my arse!Parasites.


The privy seat or whatever he is called has made Newman look a right numpty by now saying it was not his intention to suggest that the Scottish Government is intending to do anything, he was just drawing attention to the fact that the two sources would need to coordinate or something.

I wonder if Newman will apologise or insist that her rendering was what he said and that he is lying.

Doug McLear

bbc were at it again today:

The headline being:

‘A specialist type of heart surgery on children has been temporarily suspended at Scotland’s newest hospital after three infant deaths in one month.”

This suggest to the reader scanning the headlines there is trouble continuing at Scotland”s newest hospital, a bad mark for the SNP Government.

However read further and you discover. This has to do with fatalities at Yorkhill Hospital in Glasgow earlier this year after and not the new hospital.

This new hospital should have been focal point of pride for patients, staff, Glasgow and Scotland as a whole, but the bbc have done everything it could to ruin this, one wonders at the behest of labour?


But IvMoz, dontchya know, the Hammers are Cameron’s favourite team?


O/T – Meanwhile back in Gott’em City

Diedre Brock gave a rather rousing maiden speech today at 5.32pm

link to

Quite inspirational


Funny how the BBC is always careful to hide the fact that the Duke of Edinburgh’s first language is German. When Her Maj was on TV today, in Germany, talking to Chancellor Merkel, Philip can be seen chatting away in the background to German dignitaries. He’s talking to them in German. Show me one scene of Philip talking in his first language. You will never find it, at least never on UK media.
Of course, there is nothing wrong in talking in German per se or even being German! Some of my best friends are German! So why the secrecy? Maybe hearing Philip talk in fluent German, his first language, might ignite our curiosity regarding Philip’s German roots. Frinstance, that his three big sisters (Her Maj’s sisters-in-law, forbye), all married senior, bona fide, nazis officers; one in the SS and all six were card-carrying members of Hitler’s nazi party (before it even became compulsory in Germany to be a member of the nazi party)! Or that one of the Duke of Edinburgh’s brothers-in-law was a luftwaffe pilot killed in action, allegedly, over Italy, but whose war records mysteriously disappeared when they fell into Allies hands. Did Charles uncle bomb London perhaps? I even recollect it was someone like the ("Tractor" - Ed) Philby who was sent by the Queen to post war Germany for such records. And they call the Scots who support the SNP nazis…. You could not make it up. It would make a great BBC Sunday night serial, the Duke of Edinburgh’s family secrets… maybe in a 100 years or so… aye, don’t hold your breath. All we get fed in the UK is one damn lie after another. It’s one big farce, right enough.

Scot Finlayson

The person that looks after Lizzy`s dosh is called The Keeper of the Privy Purse.

Sir Alan Reid, GCVO has been Keeper of the Privy Purse, Treasurer to the Queen since 2002.

Reid was formerly a senior partner with Big Four accountancy firm KPMG.

KPMG in 2002 sold The UK and Dutch consulting arms to Atos Origin.

The same Atos that is subcontracted by the DWP to police the use of sanctions for people on welfare benefits.

Fannie Mae sued KPMG for malpractice for approving `years of erroneous financial statements`.

Toffs are like a nest of snakes.


@ Lesley-Anne

I don’t think Lizzie is very interested in your kind offer to use your tent while Buck Pal. is being renovated.

She’s over in Germany for a few days – “back to the roots” – you could say. 😉

Could be she’s house-hunting in Berlin, eyeing up the Presidents place, “Haus Bellevue” and then on to Frankfurt via Bergen-Belsen.

Wish I had a YES flag to wave when I’m in Frankfurt tomorrow..!

Another Union Dividend

Ian Murray joins up with UKIP MP to put forward amendment to Scotland Bill

Ian Murray

Wayne David

Mr Douglas Carswell


To move the following Clause—

Notices of Amendments: 23 June 2015


Scotland Bill, continued

“Independent Commission on Full Fiscal Autonomy

Another Union Dividend

Ian Murray

Wayne David

Mr Douglas Carswell


To move the following Clause—

Notices of Amendments: 23 June 2015

Scotland Bill, continued

“Independent Commission on Full Fiscal Autonomy



That explains it, it all becomes clear now.

Up the Hammer Villans

Dal Riata


Cheers, JLT, for the history review of the period leading up to Irish independence. Very similar to what Scotland is going through at the moment, I agree.

Ireland had to go through a war with the British state to gain its independence. When you read and hear what is said about and to the the people of Scotland from the British Establishment: the goading, inciting and provoking while lying to, abusing, smearing and insulting them without redress or fear of admonishment you could be led to believe that the British Establishment are trying their damned hardest to instigate a Scottish ‘uprising’ that would then give them the excuse to ‘invade’ and ‘crush the rebellious insurgent uprising’, – their long awaited “Rebellious Scots to crush, God save the Queen”.

Too far-fetched? Maybe. But with the ever-increasing levels of grievous insults and slanders thrown Scotland’s way it certainly makes you think. For sure, a Scotland version of ‘The Troubles’ would be wonderful prospect for the Britnats. Let’s hope it never goes there.

Ah, but! Maybe it’s because the Scottish people *aren’t* on the streets rioting against the ‘English‘ Establishment, even after all they have thrown at them so far, is the reason for the UK’s MSM scum ramping up the abuse meter ever higher…? With any luck they’ll all self-combust with the heat of their hatred.

Let’s piss off the Britnats to the maximum by taking our independence with people power and by the ballot box. The ideal GIRFUYz parting shot.

Robert Bryce

I may be wrong but does anyone else feel the MSM have been briefed to force us by any means into another indyref in the next couple of years, knowing that the pensioners will win it for them again?

Let’s face it, if we lost another indyref the establishment could go all out, play the “it’s been decisively decided once and for all” card, stick the boot in and stop it from ever happening again.

I think we’re being poked like an angry Bear folks whilst Lord Fuckwit stands ready with his Blunderbuss.

Dal Riata

Great spot there, Stu, regarding the Broken Record. Their “Scottish News”, a puff piece about how fracking is: “an opportunity that Scotland and the rest of the UK cannot afford to overlook” being outed as “Sponsored by INEOS” is so pathetic (and disgusting) in its ‘news-as-advertising’ fake-journalism that it surely qualifies as dark-comedy gold!

Go the Record!… And then just keep going and never come back.

Robert Peffers

I would not put it past the Establishment to have the motive of goading some sort of violent reaction in order to send in the troops.

It is an easy step from that to have the UK security services carry out a false flag attack upon some vulnerable English target if no independence supporters fall for their provocation. They have form of sacrificing their own innocent supporters.

Then again it could be a double edged attack in attempting to stir up some of the English Nationalists who we all know are a quite different proposition and have a long history of violent acts.

I don’t suppose the Establishment gives a damn who carries out the first act of violence as long as it gives the excuse to send in the troops. Whatever else it is, it seems to be a co-ordinated and concerted attack.


The Times, they are short changing…


Basically, the Royals get a rise in ‘times of austerity’.

Lo, an SNP scapegoat covers that particular arse in the billionaire press.


Wow HRH is on £35 Million of Benefits per annum!

Will she not get kicked out of Buck Palace as it has more than one bedroom?

Old Phil, the German-Greek, and her only need one bedroom now that the weans are off globe trotting with the tax payer’s money.

Can’t wait to watch Benefits Palace on TV.
How come these people always have dogs and money for Bollinger?


HandandShrimp says:
24 June, 2015 at 10:16 pm

I wonder if Newman will apologise or insist that her rendering was what he said and that he is lying.

I wonder, indeed. Given that Newman stated that ‘the quote in The Times from the keeper of the privy purse is quite catagoric, is he mistaken?’ on her twitter account.

So, who is stirrin’ it? Surely not a msm journo? A royal aid? hmmm.

Can I also add that I was shocked at the lack of respect shown in how Newman addressed and questioned our FM on twitter. You don’t get more down to earth than NS, but she should be addressed accordingly and shown the respect that a first minister deserves. Her conversation was rude and showed total lack of respect.

Her refusal to change her blog when inaccuracies were pointed out by the FM was also rather telling.

Rant over.

Grouse Beater

The Crown estate funds are NOT a devolved matter.

England’s propagandists rely on media and public ignorance to make their excreta stick. And in this instance, the Royal household to fan the flames of a brazen lie.

Jeez! One day it’s comedy gibes, next it’s smear. What a mixture of schizophrenic love-hate is England’s attitude to its ‘partner.’

Niall D

Whole story debunked on STV tonight. You could have knocked me down with a feather. The MSM actually trying to get the facts correct!!


Midgehunter says:

@ Lesley-Anne

I don’t think Lizzie is very interested in your kind offer to use your tent while Buck Pal. is being renovated.

She’s over in Germany for a few days – “back to the roots” – you could say. 😉

Could be she’s house-hunting in Berlin, eyeing up the Presidents place, “Haus Bellevue” and then on to Frankfurt via Bergen-Belsen.

Wish I had a YES flag to wave when I’m in Frankfurt tomorrow..!

Thanks for the heads up Midge. As everyone knows I am always willing to prove myself to be one of her majesticshipnesses *ahem* loyal subjects and just hate the idea that she will be turfed oot when her wee house at the road end gets renovated. 😀


I can’t help but think that part of this media frenzy is partly to create a fog so the public don’t notice that Crown Estates (the people who own all the coastline, Regent Street and a sizable chunk of the nations shopping malls) only make about £285 million in profit.

So even if the profit went in it’s entirety to the Scottish Government was all of their profits it wouldn’t be very much money without queenies 20%.

I mean the Treasury must have got more taxation from Amazon than the CE who don’t forget make the money out of all those offshore windfarms yet still can’t seemingly make money from that licence to print money. They are either spectacularly incompetent or the books are manipulated so not much actual profit is made. Both are of course possibilities.

However you can’t also help but think that the continuing demonisation of Scotland isn’t really helping that promote that family of nations guff that was so important to the MSM a few months back.

That the SNP has so many MPs to ask awkward questions in PMQs is the real step forward at Westminster. They can’t hide their antipathy to Scotland as a nation and their can’t be many Scots that don’t cringe to see such naked hatred.


@ Scott Finlayson

“Lord privy”

Winston Churchill is said to have once been visited by “The Lord Privy”. Churchill’s butler went looking for him and found him in the lavatory. On announcing the presence of the Lord, Churchill replied “Tell the Lord Privy that I am sealed to my Privy and can only deal with one shit at a time”.


James Caithness

Reference sending the troops in.

There are between 80,000-100,000 soldiers in the Army, more cuts to come. I served in the Royal Navy and every year I look for the result of te Navy v Army rugby match at Twickenham. For the last few years the Navy has been gubbed by the Army. The reason for this is that most of the Army team is made up of (mainly) Fijians but other commonwealth people.

I spoke to a serving soldier (SNP Activist) about this (a Warrant Officer) and he told me that there was about 60/40 split UK to commonwealth soldiers.

It would be a huge flashpoint to the people of Scotland to put troops on our streets. Considering, also, the commitments the Army has overseas, it would be stretching itself to breaking point. If they caused a situation like what went on in NI for 30 years, by putting troops on our streets, they wouldn’t have the numbers in Army personnel, security personnel MI5, special branch or any other unit to combat the potential unrest they would most likely cause here.


Its the owners of teamGB firing a heavy warning shot across SNP bows. If land reform goes any further, the press and the BBC will attack even harder, over and over until you’re gone for good. That’s why Sturgeon’s written for the Heil.

They know they can bring down any government eventually, so “choose your next moves carefully, this is our land and no one but no one takes it from us.”

It is pretty daunting but when is super wealthy neo fascism not.


@Robert Peffers says:

I follow your informative posts with great interest Robert. I think your post at 11:02 pm is on the money, in the near past and in their Empirical past they have plenty of form and no conscience in this field.

Thanks Robert.


I see people (rightly) not happy that it appears that Nicola Sturgeon has written an article for the Scottish Daily Mail, according to the Scottish Daily Mail.

BUT Has anyone in this all electronic contact social media society actually checked that she HAS written for the Daily Mail and its not just a cobbled together piece by the scum journalists at the Daily Mail??

After all Nicola is on Twitter, has anyone actually asked??

Or asked any one of her colleagues, who are also on twitter?


Just to add, regarding the Daily Mail auricle that is supposedly written by Nicola Sturgeon

I do suppose people have noticed the copy of the front page
shown on twitter states ‘Exclusive by Alan Roden & Graham Grant’ Somehow that doesn’t sound like ‘Written by Nicola Sturgeon’

Of course I could be wrong

Les wilson

Fracking. Look forward to eathquakes!!!

Oklahoma drilling regulator calls recent spike in quakes a “game changer”
Jun 24 2015, 18:57 ET

A spike in earthquakes across Oklahoma is forcing the state’s energy regulator to urgently consider tougher restrictions on drilling activity, calling it a “game changer.”
Fracking, get ready for earthquakes.

“During the June 17-24 period, Oklahoma experienced 35 earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater, according to the Oklahoma Geological Survey, with some of the quakes occurring in the Oklahoma City metro area where there are no high-volume wastewater injection wells.

The spike in quakes comes two months after drillers were ordered by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, which regulates the oil and gas industry, to stop disposing waste water below the state’s deepest rock formation.”

call me dave

Only 200 turnout at the hustings says Herald.
However Mr Rowley said the constitutional issue was not resolved and Labour had to prepare for another referendum.

He said: “We’re not going to win elections talking about what we’ve done, but we need to talk about what we are going to do.”

He added: “The constitutional debate has not gone away.

“We will have a referendum it’s not a question of if but when. The 45% is nearer to 50% now.”

Read all about!

link to

Cadogan Enright

@JLT and Marciia

SF got just less than 50% in 1918 – but this ignores the many seats Unionists refused to contest as they had no hope of even saving deposits so SF were returned uncontested (like my grandad) and also independent nats that SF had made a deal with.

The real figure would have been more like 70% if calculated correctly and unionists had contested

This percentage has been misused by historical revisionists to pretend that the setting up of the Irish Dail did not have a popular mandate



It says on the front page “writing exclusively for the Scottish Daily Mail the SNP leader said the time had come to send a clear message that politicians in Scotland will not be sullied by that behaviour”

She’s obviously talking about abuse from all sides but as we all know the Mail couldn’t give two shits about the abuse pro-independence supporters receive. How she could lower herself to write for this scum rag I’ll never know, what does she think it will achieve?

Dal Riata

There is no doubt, no doubt at all – to me at least – that the UK’s MSM attacks on Scotland, its people and its government is a coordinated, controlled act.

Remember the cooperated smears, fears and lies suppurating from every pore of the MSM during The Great Scam ie the Scottish referendum campaign? That episode exposed the UK’s MSM (with due exceptions to the Sunday Herald and the National) as being nothing more than bought-and-paid-for Establishment propaganda mouthpieces.

Their being exposed (denied, of course, as being no more than the work of deluded and vile cybernats), has not changed their behaviour in any way. The abusiveness has, if anything, got increasingly worse since the ‘No’ result, and, from the date of the General Election, has, indeed, gone stratospheric. And is still being coordinated and controlled.

By whom, though? Good question. Establishment quangos? ‘Deep’ state? MI5? GCHQ? Unknowns? Known unknowns?…

I do not know. I’m not supposed to know. Neither are you.

Am I just being paranoid? Mibeez aye, mibeez naw. Time will tell.

But just think of the mainstream media in the UK as being an essential piece of machinery in the British state machine and how the British state and its actors view the prospect of Scotland being independent and in control of its own resources – those Scottish resources that keep the City of London ticking over – and it becomes a probability rather than a possibility.

Dal Riata


I don’t know if someone has been misinformed or what, but Nicola Sturgeon has definitely not written an article for the Daily Mail, at least not today (Wednesday, June 24).

What *is* definitely coming tomorrow (Thursday, June 25) in the Daily Mail is, “THE CYBERNAT WEB OF HATE” – because the Daily Mail says so, so there, nah-nah-nah-nah-nah!

Can’t wait for that! Aaaaah… those lies, smears, fears and sneers… makes you damn proud to be a respected member of the United Kingdom, so it does. Better together and all that, eh!


@Dal Riata

link to

Yes she has, unfortunately.



The only good piece of news that has come from the MSM recently, and that slipped in under the radar, in that I have not seen it mentioned elsewhere on the web.

Lloyds calls for high street banks ‘ring-fencing’.

The chief executive of Lloyds Banking Group yesterday urged his peers to get behind moves to ring-fence high street banks from their riskier investment banking businesses.

Antonio Horta-Osorio said that creating firewalls between the two activities was a key element in ensuring that the banking sector could give strong support to the wider economy.

He said ring-fencing would stop savings deposits being used to finance riskier global investment activity, sometimes referred to by critics as so-called “casino banking”.


With regards the recent bank crashes: The crash was driven by the subprime housing lending in the USA. The conditions for the crash were put in place when Clinton abolished the 1933 Glass Steagle Act in 1999:

The Glass Steagle Act

In 1933, in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash and during a nationwide commercial bank failure and the Great Depression, two members of Congress put their names on what is known today as the Glass-Steagall Act (GSA). This act separated investment and commercial banking activities. At the time, “improper banking activity,” or what was considered overzealous commercial bank involvement in stock market investment, was deemed the main culprit of the financial crash.

Abolishion of the GSA then allowed the Commercial (Casino) and the Investment banks to merge. This is why the phrase ‘To big to fail’ came about.

This, along with banking de-regulation at National levels (for example Gordon Browns light touch banking regulation), were the main drivers for the current crisis we are now in.

I doubt if this unintuitive will be reintroduced, one can only hope.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Nicola took bad advice. It happens. One mistake from an almost faultless performance so far is pretty damn good.

I wouldn’t worry too much about her repeating this as she will learn from it and find a far more effective and productive way to improve communication between her and the party. Then she will get precisely what she wants from the membership.

It’s unfortunate certainly, but like I say, this is almost certainly the result of following some rash media advice from a likely inexperienced media advisor. Nicola won’t make the same mistake twice or be deaf to the party and her fellow MPs and MSPs. That’s for sure.

call me dave

Scotland’s love affair with the royals, since George IV.
Plus landowners provide jobs for us jocks so shut up!

A view from the Telegraph darn South!

link to


If I were a master of disguise with a thousand expertly crafted false identities I still wouldn’t sign up for Twitter or Facebook.

I argued the case for Scottish independence, without recourse to foul language or threat, with friends and foes around the world for many years before I joined the SNP.

I didn’t join the party for fun and I didn’t expect my commitment to be trashed at the drop of a fascist hat.

‘Our’ Nicola has repaid all of us with an open insult. I’m utterly crushed by this betrayal so there’s no need to say anything more.

I’ll cancel my party membership in the morning.

schrodingers cat


there there there

wee scone

bye 🙂


@ Iain Gray’s Subway Lament

Sorry, that won’t wash. Nicola Sturgeon is a seasoned politician, leader of her party and First Minister of Scotland. To suggest that she swallowed dodgy advice from a novice is utter nonsense.

It’s absolutely impossible to share your confidence that she won’t make the same mistake twice. By my reckoning any number greater than zero is too great. Now that she’s jumped into the Daily Mail’s shit-chute she’s dumped all of us in a neat bundle, labeled toxic waste.

What was the grand strategy? First you fight, then you win, then you surrender? My deepest apologies to Ghandi for any similarity that may have to anything he said.


@ schrodingers cat

I’m resigning from the SNP. I’ll still be a member of the human race. If ever you find yourself in the same vicinity don’t forget to say hello, donut.

Almost forgot the obligatory 🙂 following an insult.



Be careful not to believe that the FM (or anyone else for that matter) actually said what the Daily Mail says they said!

She might just have briefly replied to a request for comment: that’s enough for them to say ‘writing for the mail’.

Their policy is always print first, ascertain facts later, if forced too. I’ve had first hand experience of that. About twenty years ago, nothing to do with politics, they asked me to confirm a story they ran a week before about a friend of mine. I told them where to stick their rag. bastarts


Honestly after scanning the exclusive “article” linked earlier I’d say that it’s more of a direct response from Nicola Sturgeon to that hatewankrag’s accusations than an article with their reporters setting up an SNPBAD lead-in to distort the message by highlighting abuse towards the unionists.

I personally think she made a fair response to the readers of the Daily Mail, but given the recent and rather widespread resurgence of reports in the media of the “evil” cybernats harassing poor innocent wee Unionists it may have served better as a general press release.

And for anyone who can’t stomach even an archived link to the Daily Mail I pastebinned her section.

link to



Yes, she wrote for them. Everything she said was fine but her contribution was relegated to the bottom of the page and was preceded by paragraph after paragraph of anti-SNP propaganda linking the party’s MPs, MSPs and Scottish Government Ministers to hunners an’ hunners of those vile cybernats. It was only after the Daily Mail did the great public service of exposing the SNP and its supporters as scum and presented their ‘dossier’ to the First Minister that she took action.

Then we get the ‘butter wouldn’t melt’ comments from Ruth Davidson, Kezia Dugdale and Willie Rennie.

Finally, last and certainly least, we get the ‘exclusive’ from Nicola.

Roped and hog-tied by the Daily Mail and no blindfold required.

We’re all rabid dogs and the DM has forced NS to take action. Mission accomplished. It was the Mail Wot Dunnit.


According to the Telegraph Cathy Newman presents Channel 4 News and runs the Channel 4 FactCheck blog so she must know what she is talking about when it comes to this.

It’s not as if she would spout nonsense just for the money.


I think it was quite unwise of her to write this piece.

It would be quite sufficient to say that if there has been any offence (in Law) then it should be reported to the police not the First Minister.

Spending any more time than that on muck-raking drivel is not what the First Minister is paid to do.

gerry parker

Airdrie and Coatbridge Advertizer 24 6 2015

INEOS has a 2 page “Advertising Feature” on Fracking.

They’re not spending money for nothing. I wonder howmany other Locals and Nationals are carrying this?

An excellent local newspaper by the way which everyone in North Lanarkshire should buy – The letters page gets especially interesting at times.



Here’s part of the Mail’s preamble to Nicola’s piece:

We have also uncovered hundreds of offensive tweets from SNP members who are responsible for infecting politics with threats, vile abuse and racist and homophobic taunts.

The findings come only a day after the Mail revealed that the First Minister engaged on Twitter with a cybernat who uses obscene language against women and has threatened two Labour MPs with physical violence.

After our disclosures, Miss Sturgeon severed her online links with three cybernats“.

Get the idea? She was one of ‘them’ until the Mail forced her to repent and atone.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament


I know for a fact Nicola is by far and away the most popular and competent leader not just in scotland but UK wide. So after we annihilated the Britnats and their shills last month with her at the forefront she does indeed get to make a mistake because some of us remember one or two bad ones from Alex as well. Not least when it came to dealing with the press. I was hardly going to abandon ship when he made those mistakes either.

It’s also just a fact that she just appointed a new social media advisor not too long ago and she’s only been first minister for around 6 months. First minster carries slightly more responsibility than she’s ever had and she’s still growing into the role.

One thing above all else I am absolutely certain of and it’s that we won’t follow the Pouters and BritNats down the road of losing our heads, panicking and giving up to play replace the leader every 6 months when we have one who they are terrified of but who has made one silly mistake along the way.

Sure, for a few days she’ll get the feedback from the membership that her mistake deserves which is why it’s fairly obvious she won’t repeat it. But to throw my lot in with those who don’t believe in Independence first and foremost because she’s made that one mistake? Nah! I don’t fucking think so somehow.

We’ll still hammer the unionist parties at Holyrood next year with Nicola as leader while the Daily Mail will continue to lose readers and scream from the sidelines. Just like they did all the way through the westminster election campaign while SNP members ignored them, got on with it and achieved a truly incredible victory alongside Nicola just last month.

john king

Lollysmum says @6.29pm
“Send for John King-he has to be lurking somewhere & any other comedians who usually frequent these parts ;-)”

link to
Ronnie Anderson says @8.59pm
“@ Lollysmum 6.29 Comedians comedians I will have you know Madam this Wings Of Scotland site is interwoven with a rich Tapestry of well educated & knowledgeable informative People, who enrich our lives daily.”

Oh us ye mean?
Oh aye, knowledgeable, well. educated,informative?

aye that’s me awright! 🙂
Niall says @8.59
“Please say something to cheer me up :(”

can I get back to you on that one. 🙁

john king

Ahem Daily Mail, you never know some commentator or other may make an accusation of RANK HYPOCRISY,
link to

lets not get too carried away here guys,
its too easy to take you down!

john king

Handandshrimp says @9.49
“Totally cool with fracking under Daily Record churnalist houses….and only Daily Record churnalist houses.”

intensely relaxed even. 🙂
got my WBB Rev
and no


Lollysmum wear you silver badge with pride,
you deserve it
Irene stole mine and wont give it back. 🙁


What’s all the hot air about ? could it be a responce to the “land reform” bill in Scotland.

And frankly if we quit paying the royals so much I would not lose a seconds sleep about it.

I reckon most of this bullshit is due to the fact our new MP’s are actually doing such a good job down at Westminster, the establishment needs to tarnish their reputation and the compliant media will gladly do it for them.

Bob Mack

Laughing at those squealing about Nicola even talking to the Daily Mail because it is a staunch Unionist rag.Let us for a moment reflect on something.
We have spent countless hours weeks and months fighting to put our representatives into Westminster,the biggest Unionist cabal of them all.Should we not have bothered? The SNP are having to sit in that place accepting dismissive Unionist politicians whilst giving Scotland a voice,which can be heard across the rest of the UK.According to some on here,we should no longer try to communicate with specific media outlets because they do not respect us or hold our view.
Great idea—-not. You will reinforce the idea that the SNP are indeed isolationist.Tell me in truth,are we not about trying to persuade those who wavered during the referendum to join our revolution.
There is no point preaching to those already converted,but there is a point in reaching out no matter how distasteful to those you need to bring on board for an end result.
This is a PR war,and failure to indulge will leave you a casualty,and not the winner.

john king

Scot Finlayson says
“Sir Alan Reid, GCVO has been Keeper of the Privy Purse, Treasurer to the Queen since 2002.”

Like this you mean?
link to 🙂

john king

Robert Bryce @10.53
“I think we’re being poked like an angry Bear folks whilst Lord Fuckwit stands ready with his Blunderbuss.”

It couldn’t be more obvious
your absolutely right,
and they dont give a shit that we can see what they’re up to!


A great response from Nicola.I myself have been guilty of calling Margaret Curran an “old bag” on this site.I let my standards drop and personalised the debate.I’ll try not to do so again and hope that Margaret Curran will accept my apologies.

john king

Robert Peffers
“I would not put it past the Establishment to have the motive of goading some sort of violent reaction in order to send in the troops.”

The trouble with that little (no doubt considered) scenario Bob is the (British) are no longer the “owners” of the news and this isn’t 1899 nor is it the Boer war,

They DON’T get to control what the world is told and trying to persuade a world already totally cynical of anything the UK government says would be instantly exposed as false flag and Scotland could got to the UN for protection from a foreign alien power.

Just picture blue helmeted Irish and Indian troops standing at the border,

Good luck trying to persuade THEM Scotland’s the aggressor!

Grouse Beater

Bob Mack:
This is a PR war,and failure to indulge will leave you a casualty,and not the winner.

I am not convinced asking your sworn enemy to deliver your letter is wise.

john king

Whoo hoo we’ve got air guns!
next step,
control over removing pebbles from the beaches,
by this rate we’ll be totally independent by 2350. 🙁

Socrates MacSporran

Of course, the Daily Heil is a nasty, despicable organ of English nationalism. The paper’s whole being is based around the idea that God is an Englishman and England knows best.

But, that ought not prevent the First Minister from making an effort to engage with even their brain-dead brand of reasoning!!

What really gets to me, however, is the way the FM’s entirely-reasonable article has been treated, tacked onto the end of another anti-Scottish rant.

The Prime Minister, Hell, even the Labour Leader of the Opposition such as Ed Miliband, when they write for the Heil are usually accorded the page lead on the right-hand page, opposite the paper’s leader column, or on the leader page itself. These are the prime slots for what are opinion, rather than news pieces.

I have not read the print edition of today’s Heil, but, from the positioning of the article which the FM actually wrote, as an after-thought to the usual Heil anti-SNP rabble-rousing piece, I doubt if she was given the same sycophantic treatment accorded one of the Westminster “Big beasts”.

The Heil has, in its usual, slimy way, demeaned the FM, and, by definition Scotland.

G. Campbell

Alan Roden this morning.

link to

Grouse Beater

Mealer: I have been guilty of calling Margaret Curran an “old bag” on this site.

Describing her as an ‘old bag lady’ is closer to satire if not accuracy.

You see them in Los Angeles a lot, pushing a convoy of supermarket trolleys around filled with useless crap, whilst shouting and swearing at passers-by.

john king

mealer says
“A great response from Nicola.I myself have been guilty of calling Margaret Curran an “old bag” on this site.I let my standards drop and personalised the debate.I’ll try not to do so again and hope that Margaret Curran will accept my apologies.”

Just to clarify
in defence of Mealer he meant this
link to
and not this
link to

Any similarity to Margaret Curran is entirely coincidental. 🙂

Robert Louis

Sorry, but very bad move, Nicola Sturgeon writing in the daily hate mail. They will run and run with this now. Sje jas effectively created a rod for her own back, in her almost glib acceptance that what the Daily Mail says is true (which it isn’t).

As Alex Salmond aften put it, ‘if you wish to sup wi the devil, best use a long spoon’.

The FM needs to check what her advisors are telling her these days. Clearly given bad advice.

I for one am not impressed. She should have nothing at all to do with the daily hate mail. Period.

john king

What Bob Mack says!
that’s what carbolics for.


A few hysterical people on here taking it too far over a daft article in tomorrow’s fish and chip paper. Get a grip.


Nicola Sturgeon has no authority over anyone not affiliated to the SNP nor what they say to Magrit Curran on twitter or any other media.

She does not encourage and has always, always condemned such behavour.

If a member of her party engages in harsh, abusive rhetoric then they would be removed from the party’s membership.

Is this not enough for you Magrit, what else would you like Nicola to do; perhaps do some back-flips through a burning ring of fire whilst singing rule Britania?

Perhaps now, Magrit, you will do the honourable thing and admit that you are in no way perfect and then maybe you should apologise in public to Alex Salmond for your comment, ““I think if Alex Salmond went under a bus tomorrow – not that I would ask who drove that bus”.

Will you do that Magrit and show you are the bigger person for it or will you say, “Ach, I was only Joking”!

No one is laughing, Magrit; you and your ilk like to pretend you have the high moral ground when in fact you are quite prepared to get down and dirty in the gutter with the best of them; your moral compass is broken, Magrit and you are not fooling anyone.


Robert Louis says:
As Alex Salmond aften put it, ‘if you wish to sup wi the devil, best use a long spoon’.
I thought that was Fifers not the Devil. lol


Bob mac says
Well said this is exactly what we need to do
No matter how distasteful it feels to some/all
We must reach the no voters and they do not read
The national or wings Nicola can take care of herself
Thanks bob

Nana Smith

link to

This is a conversation with a disabled lady Susie. My loathing for Westminster and Cameron is off the scale.

yesterday from Carol Monaghan’s twitter …

With @MhairiBlack & disabled action groups worried about cuts. “We wish we could vote for @theSNP in Ipswich.”

This is just one reason Westminster parties hate the snp. Our brilliant representatives stand with ordinary folks, people see that and their popularity will spread.

MSM ramp up the snp bad. The more they rant the more of us wave cheerio.


@John King

Mornin’ John

Good read as always. I see the palace has had to do a bit of a climb down. 🙂

Grouse Beater

Jet: Well said this is exactly what we need to do

It is not a sign of redemption.

It allows the rancid Mail to claim it is a fair newspaper, prepared to offer the other side a platform to state their views. Unfortunately, it does not promise to clean up its act or play fair thereafter.

It is, of course, a false proposition: the Mail causes the problem in the first place by concocting or promoting a lie and then offer space for the other side to refute that lie. In other words, it perpetuates the lie.

Objective attained: black propaganda sustained.

Grouse Beater

Macart: I see the palace has had to do a bit of a climb down.

The timing of the outburst has to be linked to the debate on the Land Reform Bill.

After HRH comment about ‘considering carefully’ the Referendum vote does anybody here believe the Royal Family is neutral?


So sad this morning that the FM has made such a mistake. What on earth possessed her to have anything to do with the ‘Mail’? It will cost.

john king

Mornin Sam
yes I saw it, seems the palace see that the reports was wafer thin and easily disproved so maintaining the charade would had just seemed like disparaging the very people the Queen should not be upsetting, the proudscotbuts.

Bob Mack

Wonderful !
We now seem happy to sit at 45% indulging ourselves in how clever we have been to achieve that figure. What about the 55% who voted no.?
They have to be on board. I ask myself if they spend all day reading publications like the National,Wings,The Sunday Herald.? Guess what? They probably don’t.
When Nicola appeared on the leaders debates,she won new admirers who had never considered her before.She has been courting American TV shows to further the aims of Scotland,and in doing so has won many friends and admirers.
Somewhere along the line in this type of struggle,you have to enter the lions den.
Nicola is doing just that.
I trust her judgement completely.She did not get where she is by just listening to advisors.
At this moment in time we are probably drawing even with the Unionists,but I want to win..
What is the alternative? Do not speak to the BBC, or ITV or Daily Record, or Telegraph ,or Express, or Times, or Scotsman,or any publication we think has an anti SNP agenda? Cutting off your own nose to spite your face

Nana Smith

Re my post at 8.40am should read

in order to listen to Susie


OK this will show my strange past but I do remember the debate in the Salvation Army on a similar type of story. The conclusion was that not only was it a triumph to sit and sup with the devil but it was a virtue to steal the devil’s tunes.

So if through her words in the vile daily Mail Nicol Sturgeon causes but even one sinner Unionist to repent ,her journey was not in vain.


Goldarn! Did I just make us sound like a cult? (Snigger)


Daily Heil is just about the only western newspaper that actually went out and hunted down voters last year to try and harm them and then some. They call Sturgeon the most dangerous in Britain.

Once they found some voters last year, they were treated like criminals by the Heil. This is what they do

link to

Charles Kennedy was a vile separatists victim and so on but these awful people and their revolting owners no know depths, so don’t give in to the dark side.

Look at how they’re losing on all fronts.

Nana Smith

As I am not an economist [my husband will agree] I can not say I understand all that this article states.
However I’m quite sure other wingers will.

The Overspending Myth Finally Exposed By the IMF, OECD, Treasury, ONS, OBR and IFS

link to


The BTL comments on that Daily Mail article will be a model of decorum

Robert Peffers

@call me dave says: 25 June, 2015 at 1:45 am:

“A view from the Telegraph darn South!”

The guy who wrote that article is a total numptie and thus the article is the ravings of a total numptie. His idiotic comments indicate that he has no knowledge of the legal difference between the relationship of the royal personage with the peoples of the two Kingdoms who are signatories to the Treaty of Union.

In the three countries of the Kingdom of England the royal is legally sovereign but as that kingdom is a constitutional monarchy her sovereignty is administered by the Westminster Parliament.

In Scotland the people are legally sovereign and the Royal Personage is legally the protector of the People’s sovereignty.

So the Royal is legally Queen of the Kingdom of England but in Scotland legally Queen of Scots. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with loyalty, like or dislike. Lizzie II is legally Queen of Scots not Queen of Scotland.


@ Grouse Beater

Twas ever thus Grouse. Still, its nice to see the dailies and the commentariat exposed for their reactionary headlines and knee jerk soundbites every now and again. 🙂

@ John

No, I don’t think they’d like to have drawn that one out any longer than it took to cover the release of their make-over bill for the palace. 😀

Nana Smith
Anne Galloway

The Unionists and MSM are really desparate now. The 56 SNP MPs have shaken them to the core.

I watched the Andrew Neil Daily Politics following PMQs yesterday and the only response to SNP comments read out were sniggers from the Shadow Something Or Other female, Nick Robinson, BBC political editor and the female presenter.

Think carefully BBC as you are broadcast also in Scotland, sadly, and you are scoffing at our legally elected majority representives in Westminster. Have they no idea they not only insult the SNP MPs but also the good folk who voted for them!


Joemcg says:
25 June, 2015 at 8:22 am

A few hysterical people on here taking it too far over a daft article in tomorrow’s fish and chip paper. Get a grip.

Indeed. Sometime you just have to trust our FM knows what she is doing.

TBH I am more concerned about us being pushed into going for an early referendum and losing again. Closer result, perhaps, but still losing. Then it really is off the table for a generation. We have to keep our powder dry for a while. The establishment would love us to go early – it gives them the perfect excuse to lock the constitutional question in a safe and throw away the key. No doubt, there will be screams for a referendum to be included in next year’s SNP manifesto, but I hope wiser heads prevail. A future referendum should be mentioned of course, but not an out and out promise to hold one within a certain time. Something like a declaration that, should circumstances change, and the Scottish people want another referendum, then it will be undertaken. Let’s keep our options open – we have nothing to lose.

We will be goaded by WM and the unionist press, but we have to resist this. Let’s stay above it, focus on finishing off the red tories and prepare to organise Ref2 in our own time, not theirs.

Dr Jim

Just read the Mail

Absolutely nothing wrong with what Nicola Sturgeon said or the way she said it because she’s said it before

It’s the Mail’s scribblings that are the bigoted exaggerated hate filled bile that are at fault as usual

So what she’s done is now made it impossible for the opposition to deny or not condemn they’re at fault when they’re side is caught doing it and we all know they are far worse and more offensive

Now our job is to highlight the Nastys on the opposition side and then the First Minister can condemn the Daily Mail and it’s allies for not taking action against it’s supporters when they descend into this behaviour

………….The National……………

“Nicola Sturgeon took action with SNP supporters but Unionists persist in online abuse ”

I think this is what she’s trying to do, so for those getting aerated give her a minute guys she can’t phone us all up and tell us what or why she does something

Have a little faith
Remember she’s the good guy

call me dave

According to the National Scotland will contribute £150M for the renovation of Buckingham Palace…But wait! The same source has revealed that when it comes to Queenie’s Holyroodhouse it’s ‘Historic Scotland’ who picked up the bill.

Between 2012 and 2014 it was £2,179,000

link to

Dr Jim

Nothing against Queenie one way or another except to say

Not my Queen!

I only bend my knee to pick something up or pat a dog
Looks like I’ll never get an honour then… Sigh….


Not borne by the Sovereign Grant.

Duchy of Lancaster

The Duchy of Lanchester is a crown entity holding land and other assts in perpetual trust for the Sovereign. In 2010 the Duchy was valued at £348million providing £13Million in income to the Royal family.

Duchy of Cornwall

In 2012 was valued at £728Million, with an annual profit of £18.3Million paid to the Prince. The Duchy of Lancaster was not subject to pay income, capital gain tax or inheritance tax. Exempt by Act of Parliament. The Sovereign has no ability to pay such taxes. The Duchy of Cornwall has a Crown exemption, and the Prince of Wales is not legally liable to pay income tax on Duchy revenues. Said to pay 50%

The Queen’s personal wealth and income are not known. Estimated to be around £400Million.


The Royals are briefing themselves out of a job. The only benefit of a Monarchy is an impartial Head of State. If the Royals are not impartial it is illegal and serves no purpose. The Royals should slim down or bow out.

Nicola has to be diplomatic. The MSM are not credible.

The disabled were campaigning against cuts yesterday at Westminster.


………….The National……………

“Nicola Sturgeon took action with SNP supporters but Unionists persist in online abuse ”

I think this is what she’s trying to do, so for those getting aerated give her a minute guys she can’t phone us all up and tell us what or why she does something

I think you could be right, Dr Jim. Nip it in the bud and stop it running, and running, and running. (It probably still will, but at least the FM can now say she has addressed this perceived/manufactured “problem”!):)


Wonder what happens to all these English buildings and infrastructure we have funded over the years when Indy day comes? Can we dismantle some of them and bring them up to Scotland please?


well, well, well:

link to

We clearly need our new media more than our old. Newsshaft crowdfund could do with a wee boost when you’re there.


£12Billion cuts on the vulnerable. Sanctioning and starving people. The majority on average or above average earnings. would pay £10 a week to stop the carnage. The Royals with extravagant wealth get a £5Million increase with a personal wealth of £400Million. ‘Rule Brittania’.

The Tories have cut taxes and lost on average £134Billion in tax revenues since 2010. From £600Billion a year to £466Billion. There is not enough to pay for essential services. Scotland raises £54Billion (higher pro rata). Cut Trident/illegal wars, tax evasion and banking fraud. The Tories are just lining their associates pockets selling off public services. Royal Mail. HS2 with no business case. A white elephant. RBS undervalued. Nuclear industry with Westminster politicians family/associates involvement. They should have to declare an interest. Do they still dump nuclear waste in Scotland?


OT: suicide and austerity. This is something that really needs to be monitored and highlighted over the next few years. The government may be desperate to avoid public awareness on this sad issue (it is apparently being covered up in other countries where austerity is having an impact):

link to



I think the lady made the point eloquently, loud and clear. 🙂


And presumably those promising to resign from the SNP first thing this morning will be able to reconsider.

Don’t believe all you read in the papers, especially the ‘kin Mail. You all know that.

ronnie anderson

@ Robert Peffers 9.24. Numptieness sounds ah good word,for the utterances of ah Numptie.

Whit dae ye think Robert ? lol.

Alastair Wright

Amazing all this monarchy story nonsense created to obscure yet another u turn on the Myth commission and predicated on the assumption that QE1 has been crowned ‘Queen of Scots’ when no such PUBLIC evidence to that effect has been presented.

schrodingers cat

Albamac says:

“I’m utterly crushed by this betrayal so there’s no need to say anything more.

I’ll cancel my party membership in the morning”

Bbbbwwwwwaaaaaaahhhhhh :'(


I fully support “insurrection” and “rebellion” on that score but let’s do it over time and constitutionally. Does Kathy Newman have in mind the kind of subservient ar5e licking Prince Charles got from Andy Burnham? She can ram it.


@ Nana Smith at 9:04 am ”As I am not an economist [my husband will agree] I can not say I understand all that this article states. However I’m quite sure other wingers will. The Overspending Myth Finally Exposed By the IMF, OECD, Treasury, ONS, OBR and IFS link to

Thanks for the link Nana. I’ve never been able to understand why the Labour Party, and in particular Miliband, put up with the Tories constantly berating them about the economic mess they were left to deal with in 2010 …….. in light of the fact that the Tories made an even greater hash of it from 2010 on. Strange one.

‘Business for Scotland – Media Manipulation.’

”Knowledge is power” said Francis Bacon and several hundred years later that observation holds true. The ability of a nation’s population to access knowledge, or at least unbiased opinion on matters political, social and economic, is a true measure of the democratic progress of that nation.

Politics has become a battle to define versions of the truth and so dominate the population’s thinking. It helps, therefore, if you are able to control, or at least heavily influence, the flow of information to the people. Which is where media control and spin come in ………..

Another trick is deliberately burying news, on Tuesday Westminster voted to retain the power to dissolve the Scottish Parliament, in direct contravention of one of the key promises of the Vow. That was huge news but the big Scottish story of the day was that known English supremacist David Starkey (he describes Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as “feeble little countries”) blamed the London riots on white people becoming the new blacks, was wheeled out to ridiculously liken the SNP to Nazis and divert our attention …….

Finally, another trick is to use headlines that don’t match the article content ………

The revolution will still be televised, it’s just that it will be shared, liked, tweeted and updated first. If old media is to survive, they have to reflect the new social conversation and become super-sharers.

link to

Les wilson

Nicola’s article has been constructed with the mail’s ” special” treatment. Maybe the National should print a one off double full page of some of the stuff that comes from Unionist trolls. Or maybe an edition of wall to wall stuff from these people/

Especially, what comes from well known faces.

Yes it is easy to heat up over obnoxious comments made on line, human nature is to retaliate when pushed too far. So it is easy for the MSM to pick parts of internet comments and highlight the worst bits. However, highlighting what they are up to is important for us to get across the social media.

Online followers of Independence are really important to our cause, an area where we can take on the MSM and expose them.
Some people do make comments, not unknown in this day and age.

But what comes from the other side is much much more vile, size of populations has something to do with. Egged on by a rabid right wing press, the mail being only one of many. They have no boundaries.

The most venom comes from the Unionist side with all it’s sticky, foul, tentacles. We need to keep exposing them.
We are a big strength to the cause for Independence, we cannot just be pushed aside.The SNP have to be politically correct, but need to take care they do not alienate people at the same time.

ronnie anderson

@ Nana Smith 9.04.

(As I am not an economist [my husband will agree].

But you would know the price of ah 1/4lb corned beef & how many slices in ah 1/4lb (am ah auld money type of guy lol.

Shared on
Thanks Nana, keep on Ferretin.

bookie from hell

Unionists mention cyber-nats (SNP)on a daily basis

never attack on substantial matters ie(austerity)

the times articles last couple of days even shocked me,worse because they have history,authority(fair enough-hitler diaries was a fcuk up)

bruce anderson-telegraph says SNP MPs should be called national socialists(nazi slur)100 x worse than any individual so called cyber-nat,yet editorial MSM has no problem

1.meanwhile in the real world Scottish Parliament fights austerity best it can

good news is Unionist media won’t win YES voters back with constant barrage abusive attack

Scottish people very informed social media

p.s–when you think MSM can’t sink lower,they do,looking forward to tomorrow

Nana Smith


Sadly there are many more people like Susie, heart breaking stuff.

Truly despicable government that does harm to the people government are meant to protect. Tories must really believe there are pockets in a shroud.

G. Campbell

The FM writes an article for the Daily Mail but is too embarrassed to link to its web site on twitter. How telling.

Nicola Sturgeon @NicolaSturgeon
My thoughts on why @theSNP – the party with best ideas – should lead by example & set positive tone on social media link to

G. Campbell

Quite happy to link to the Daily Record.

Nicola Sturgeon @NicolaSturgeon Jul 6
My interview in today’s Sunday Mail (please don’t look at the school photo!)

And The Herald.

Nicola Sturgeon @NicolaSturgeon Sep 10
Absolutely cracking interview with @alexsalmond in Herald referendum supplement.

And The Scotsman.

Nicola Sturgeon @NicolaSturgeon Feb 8
My article in today’s SoS on closing the attainment gap in our schools and giving all kids the best start in life …

But not the Daily Mail.

link to

Man. Sucking up to Roden must really hurt.

Haggis Hunter

People generally are not stupid, for the casual observer they know that the British government runs a campaign of hate and manipulation against the SNP, it is has been going on for decades, its just more obvious than before, especially with the advent of social media.
It is a known fact that M15 have a whole department working against the SNP.

Robert Peffers

@john king says: 25 June, 2015 at 8:00 am

“Just picture blue helmeted Irish and Indian troops standing at the border”.

Thing is, John, I know how the Establishment work these things. I’ll quote you an example. When the Dockyard workers went on strike, like many others, I stood on the picket line outside the Dockyard gates.

All day we had good relations with the Fife Police who were on duty to, “control”, the crowd. We shared each others snacks and refreshments and there was lots of good natured banter and absolutely no trouble whatsoever.

Then, just before Dockyard knocking off time, the local police all went to their parked vehicles and drove away. A couple of navy Blue busses then drew up and disgorged a squad of very large and intimidating guys wearing police uniforms. These formed up into a three abreast marching formation and were obviously far better drilled than your average local polis force members.

Then began an aggressive and quite violent series, of what could only be described as assaults, as this large and well drilled force laid hands upon the strikers. This in spite of the strikers all being orderly and behind barriers, (except for the official Trade Union stewards who wore armbands & high visibility waistcoats).

People were assaulted, pulled from behind the barriers, arrested and violently thrown into police vans and driven away. One of my mates drew my attention to a particular member of the, “Police”, squad and said, “Does that guy not remind you of *****? He did indeed look like the person mentioned. It turned out he was the son of a retired Dockyard workmate.

This, “Policeman”, was actually a serving member of the SAS and, later on, we discovered several other members of the UK armed forces had been recognised among, what was reported in the media, as members of the Scottish Police force.

There were no MSM people about except briefly by one Dunfermline Press reporter and a photographer. Yet quite distorted press reports and photos appeared in evening papers and next mornings national dailies. They reported it as aggressive union activity against the police.

Later in the strike the BBC & STV cameras paid visits to the scenes as we were visited by the then Minister of Defence, Michael Hesaltine. Whose driver, by the way, drove the minister in his official car off the road and right through a pavement area packed with workers leaving a Union Meeting. How no one was killed I’ll never know.

Nana Smith

@Ronnie anderson

Ronnie like everything else I’ve noticed the corned beef slices are not as big as they used to be but the price has risen for sure.

But I would share my sandwich with you any day XX


The Daily Heil back pedaled very quickly – I think legal action should start to be taken


If the intelligence services are working against the SNP and MRS get proof, however small, then this is a reason to doubt Better Together and to declare democracy is dead. One country working against another covertly is at best immoral and at worst illegal.


I woke up this morning to my daily dose of pensioners’ radio. Lead story, the Palace grovelling to the First Minister and Scotland. Result.
And the First Minister has an article in the Daily Mail, written in her usual, robust style, firmly rebutting claims that she and the SNP encourage trolling. Even better.
And then I come on here and people are moaning about this. The SNP has just taken on and humiliated the UK media for the second time in eight weeks. Political parties aren’t supposed to have that power – and it shows that the SNP is now a national movement, and not just a political party.
That article is the start of Referendum 2 and the humiliation of Mr Cameron.

Ian Brotherhood

Here’s some competition for the Jags’ new mascot – okay, off-topic, but I thought you’d like to see it anyway:

King Cake Baby!

link to


@ Rober Peffers
Same thing happened with the miners’ strike in the 80s. Scottish soldiers (serving in Germany I think) were brought back, dressed in police uniforms and set on the miners. Many bought themselves out of the army because of it.


I think you could be right, Dr Jim. Nip it in the bud and stop it running, and running, and running. (It probably still will, but at least the FM can now say she has addressed this perceived/manufactured “problem”!):)

Nope that’s not what will happen, watch out for headlines in the Daily Mail in the coming days or weeks like “Sturgeon Fails to Halt Cybernat Abuse” because of blah blah blah bullshit. Now that she’s said there’s a problem they’ll just heap more pressure on her and call her out as a failure, it’s what they wanted and she fell right into the trap.


I agree Dr Jim

The Daily Vile is desperate to take the mote from our eye but ignores the plank in their own eye. We have won the internets but we also have the National and the Sunday Herald now too. The incredibly unpleasant bile emanating from the Unionist gob will be highlighted and they will be called for the hypocrites that they are.

The Scottish public are not daft and they don’t live in a Daily Vile bubble. They can see what Unionists are saying below the line, they read Facebook and they can see the disrespect coming from Westminster. The SNP didn’t get 56 seats (and damned nearly took all 59) by accident. The Vile were pulling all this evil cybernat bull before the election to no effect and it will have no effect now either. If anything the concentrated effort to smear the SNP, and Nicola in particular, will rebound on them….assuming that is their end…they may be so twisted that they are trying to kill off Labour through reverse psychology. 🙂

Nana Smith
donald anderson

Nicola has to take the diplomatic route. Not easy, knowing the kind of people we all have to deal with. Thankfully, social media, such as Wings, allows us to answer back and these papers are in decline and the EBC is under attack. We could all nit pick, but Nicola is the best we have got and we have to support her.

We hear nothing the vile abuse of Brit cyber natters. Nicola’s office is always under threat from the Unionists “Black Hundreds”. Tommy Sheridan’s windaes were egged by hooded lumpens last week, leaving his wife and wean terrified.

We can expect no justice from the likes of the Daily Wail and London Chimes. Boycott them now and get others to do the same


Those 2 strike stories above fill me with dread. Makes me believe this independence campaign will end in violence and or blood shed. The establishment won’t accept it.


@ Iain Gray’s Subway Lament

But to throw my lot in with those who don’t believe in Independence first and foremost because she’s made that one mistake? Nah! I don’t fucking think so somehow“.

That’s pure Daily Mail. Where did I say that I was about to “throw my lot in” with anyone? Where did I reject my belief in Scottish independence?

Is my right to an opinion and a vote rescinded if I reject party membership?

How should I put this? “I don’t fucking think so somehow” Aye, that should do it.

Robert Peffers

@Joemcg says: 25 June, 2015 at 8:22 am:

“A few hysterical people on here taking it too far over a daft article in tomorrow’s fish and chip paper. Get a grip.”

Quite right, Joemcg. I couldn’t be bothered reading it all but noted from what I did read that the paper was distorting what the FM actually said. The paper made it seem she spoke of abuse dished out only by independence supporters when the FM was actually speaking of all abusive tweets or comments.

Not only is it vicious Mail attack but very lazy reading of the report by many commenting here, (and before I get abuse for that – I’ve no intention of going back to read any of it again). It is a quite obvious hatchet job by the Mail and I see no fault in the FM’s part in it.



@ Ken500 at 10:09 ”Nuclear industry with Westminster politicians family/associates involvement. They should have to declare an interest. Do they still dump nuclear waste in Scotland?”

Ken take a look at SOME of the data from Scotlands CND (ban the bomb) site and the Nuclear info site. These two sites are absolutely chock full of information that would make your hair stand on end.

This is the type of information (threat) that should be getting reported by the MSM rather than the continual ‘natcr*p’ threat.

‘SEPA consultation on nuclear waste from Faslane and Coulport.

MOD’s plan to build a new nuclear waste store at Faslane.

Faslane safety below standard. The MOD should stop producing nuclear waste at Faslane if they have nowhere to put it.

link to


Some information from Nuclearinfo site.

Public money lines the pockets of failing private companies in the nuclear sector.

Military nuclear waste locations in the UK.

Nuclear Waste Containers Likely To Corrode.

Coulport nuclear weapons store to remain exempt from scrutiny by government nuclear watchdog.

Costs and purpose of Trident questioned among UK military community.

Government safety watchdogs have decided that regulation of Scotland’s nuclear bomb store is to remain outside the civil nuclear safety regime, even though operation of the site has been handed over from the Ministry of Defence to a consortium of private companies.

Ministry of Defence uses trucks which should have been scrapped five years ago to transport nuclear materials.

Nuclear convoy could explode.

Tinto Chiel

As Robert Peffers indicated at 9.24, they don’t know or care very much about our history or law down south. If you wish to brush up both, Wings has the answer:

link to

Daily Mail telling porkies again this morning? I’m astonished, Nicola.


Nicola Sturgeon and the Daily Mail! Have faith in her. She’s not daft.


She’s speaking her truth, calling out those who misrepresent what she’s said or done – in a sense it doesn’t matter ‘where’ she speaks that truth

An interesting aside to yesterday’s nonsense is that online media channels are having a right good go at the newspapers, Huffington Post and Buzzfeed in particular – they’re setting themselves apart as not being part of the spoonfed news establishment – from a media geekery point of view, I think that’s a really interesting development

Anyways, got my WBB and badge yesterday – thanks Stu – love the ultra-shinyness of the badge!

No no no...Yes

Bit late coming to this one:

For those who are members of the SNP, then there are rules to comply with, just like any other organisation. If you don’t like them you can choose to leave.

The big picture for me is Independence and we have to persuade another 5% +1 to win the final referendum. We need to use all the tools available including sections of the MSM when it suits us.

Nicola has put out a press release and the Mail has claimed an exclusive, she was smart enough NOT to give them a proper exclusive!

The intent of the establishment is to divide and conquer, and I suggest we do not fall into that trap. They are terrified at the thought of losing Scotland and it’s going to get worse between now and HR2016. Let’s keep the heid and focus on using positive language and deeds to further our cause.


Re INEOS – I see that The Airdrie & C’bridge Advertiser is owned by Trinity Mirror as is The Daily Record.

I wonder if INEOS sponsored articles will be appearing in all their local rags.


James123 says:

25 June, 2015 at 10:57 am

Have to disagree with you there, James. NS did not fall into a trap. It’s not quite as simple as that. Give her some cred, for goodness sake. She knows exactly what she is doing. Just wait and see.


Just picking up part of the questioning of fluffy at Holyrood this morning
Subject of Crown Estates came up and in particular regarding property that would transfer to the Scottish Government.

Fluffy was asked about Fort Kinnaird Retail Park in Edinburgh as it was found that this property had been excluded from the property portfolio that would transfer.

Fluffy stated that it would not be transferred, despite being part owned by the Crown Estate

It turns out that the retail park is jointly owned under a joint venture between the Crown Estate and The Hercules Unit Trust on a 50/50 basis.

So it would be quite reasonable to think that the JV portion owned by the Crown Estate, would pass to the Scottish Government. Fluffy deemed that it would be ‘too complex’

Now, looking into the partnership company of The Hercules Unit Trust, we find a tax dodging set up as its Jersey based

The JV company set up between the Crown Estate and The Hercules Unit Trust is called Gibraltar Limited Partnership
which in itself is also a tax dodging deal, being based in Gibraltar.

So I suppose Fluffy was right in a way as the UK government want to preserve tax dodging institutions

Thanks god for the internet for having the info available

Now I wonder who serve on the boards of these ‘companies’?

schrodingers cat

Edward says:
“regarding the Daily Mail aricle that is supposedly written by Nicola Sturgeon,I do suppose people have noticed the copy of the front page shown on twitter states ‘Exclusive by Alan Roden & Graham Grant’ Somehow that doesn’t sound like ‘Written by Nicola Sturgeon’
Of course I could be wrong”

Of course you could be dead right…..

Dal Riata says:
“I don’t know if someone has been misinformed or what, but NS has definitely not written an article for the DM”

but if it says so in DM it must be true?…surely…?

Iain Gray’s Subway Lament says:
“Nicola took bad advice. It happens. One mistake…”


Robert Louis says:
“very bad move, NS writing in the daily hate mail…her almost glib acceptance that what the Daily Mail says is true (which it isn’t).
I for one am not impressed. She should have nothing at all to do with the daily hate mail. Period”

except She didnt…it is you who glibly accepted the mail’s claim of an exclusive

Sassenach says:
“So sad this morning that the FM has made such a mistake. What on earth possessed her to have anything to do with the ‘Mail’? It will cost.”

except She didnt…and it didnt cost the mail a penny

Scunterbunnet says:
“Be careful not to believe that the FM (or anyone else for that matter) actually said what the Daily Mail says they said!”

Wise words Scunterbunnet

cearc says:
“I think it was quite unwise of her to write this piece.
Spending any more time than that on muck-raking drivel is not what the First Minister is paid to do.”

Ummm..You have much to learn green hopper…

Albamac says:
“Yes, she wrote for them.
Finally, last and certainly least, we get the ‘exclusive’ from Nicola.
Roped and hog-tied by the Daily Mail and no blindfold required.” …”Get the idea? She was one of ‘them’ until the Mail forced her to repent and atone”
“NS is a seasoned politician and FM.. it’s impossible to share your confidence that she won’t make the same mistake twice. By my reckoning any number greater than zero is too great. Now that she’s jumped into the Daily Mail’s shit-chute she’s dumped all of us in a neat bundle, labeled toxic waste”…

…the cat sobs uncontrollably….we’re doomed a’ tell ye

“What was the grand strategy? First you fight, then you win, then you surrender? My deepest apologies to Ghandi for any similarity that may have to anything he said.

Ghandi….um, yes, the resemblance is striking…

“‘Our’ Nicola has repaid all of us with an open insult. I’m utterly crushed by this betrayal so there’s no need to say anything more. I’ll cancel my party membership in the morning.”

wee scone :'(

Albamac says:
@ schrodingers cat
I’m resigning from the SNP. I’ll still be a member of the human race. If ever you find yourself in the same vicinity don’t forget to say hello”

Hullo there 🙂

link to

“The article, which the Daily Mail credit as being “by Alan Roden and Graham Grant For The Scottish Daily Mail”, contains a piece of writing by the First Minister which has led to many online criticising her for writing for this controversial, right wing publication. The First Minister however has proved that this was not an “exclusive” for the Daily Mail, but was infact a blog post that she wrote for the SNP’s website”

Tommorrows daily mail Exclusive

Chief cybernat concern troll AKA Albamac resigns from snp saying
“dey wis weally weally cwuel, wotten and howwible to me”

the disbute emerged after Nicola refused to not write for the mail after the mail had promised Albamac that she wouldn’t

liz g

OT sort of
Came across an interesting article (
Sorry can’t do links.

BBC staff Handing Out Work Experience To Anyone Who Gives Their Kids An Internship.

Thought some of you might like to take a look and/or pass it round.


@ Bob Mack

What is the alternative? Do not speak to the BBC, or ITV or Daily Record, or Telegraph ,or Express, or Times, or Scotsman,or any publication we think has an anti SNP agenda? Cutting off your own nose to spite your face

We’re talking about the Daily Mail, Bob.


The Scottish public are not daft and they don’t live in a Daily Vile bubble.

More than that though, you have to ask are the vile cybernats out there really that influential, important, threat to teamGB rule of Scotland etc?

I know a large number of Scottish YES voters who have no interest whatsoever in online politicking, let alone who or what Heil’s vile cybernats actually means.

What neo fascist Daily heil really wants to say is vile Scots, not vile cybernats.

Like practically all of red and blue tory UK media, this horrible newspaper is really desperate now.

Robert Kerr

O/T but…

Read this from the Irish Times and be well informed.

link to

Be careful out there People!

Duncie McPhail

This deluge of dirt served up by the uk media can’t continue to go unanswered.

Various options exist, talking to one of the sources works as a short term measure until they run the next story, etc, you then get into a cycle where the initial accusation becomes the perceived truth, i.e. smearing.

To break the cycle this needs two longed attack of raising the issue in the Scottish Parliament and logging offences of both sides impartially by an independent body.

Ignoring this is not an option, as the damage if unchallenged is reputational.


OOh, Dour Iain Gray at FMQs, and end of term mood. Should be fun…


Actually No no no yes, she did give them the ‘exclusive’ and then her article was posted to her blog. If you read the article on newsshaft you will see the edit at the end of the article, where…

‘[Update] EXCLUSIVE: The Editor of The Scottish Daily Mail, Andy Harries, has written “exclusively” for NewsShaft stating that the piece referred to was “written by the FM for the Mail. Filed at 6.15pm last night and posted by the party after it had been in the paper.”

This can also be seen on twitter.’

I’m in the same camp as those who have pointed out that she is smart enough to ‘take hold of this’ and turn it to her advantage. She’s renowned for taking the lead head on, so to speak, when it come to very difficult areas, and has a clear gift of understanding the nuances of any situation.

Let’s not underestimate her capacity to turn a negative into a positive. And also to bring those who are hesitant and fearful on side. She will do things that others think are a ‘mistake’, I wouldn’t be so quick to judge here. She hasn’t achieved what she has by baulking at the challenges she has had to face.

Let’s not do the ‘dividing and conquering’ for them amongst ourselves.

Les Wilson

Noticed this morning on BBCS, Keiza is being pushed across the board. Keiza Dugdale say’s this, say’s that. Her name is being put in at every chance.
All to get dummies used to her name and how nice she is etc etc.( selected subjects of course ).

Pure manipulative propaganda,reminds us that the BBC are not for Scottish democracy.


@ schrodingers cat

Resident pussy takes a hissy-fit and tries, twice, to belittle me. Finally, it coughs up the furball.

Have a stroke, on me, kitty.

There you go! Vile cybernattery rules!

call me dave

Big news today:

An oil painting hidden in an old suitcase found in a Fife attic could be a work by Pablo Picasso.

Kezia Dugdale calls for return of macaroni pie

Then there is – SNP bad for everything – par for the course.



Robert Kerr says:
25 June, 2015 at 11:42 am
O/T but…

Read this from the Irish Times and be well informed.

Which ends…

“An entirely unaccountable organisation which has been shown to have consorted with terrorists and to have indulged in perjury and politically-motivated murder has apparently unchallengeable control of the most sensitive aspect of policing in the North. It is puzzling that this isn’t a matter of constant controversy.”

Never MI5, another day of BBC in Scotland at £500 million office block in Glasgow relentlessly monstering Scotland running Scotland

link to

Scots is still oil worthless.

Robert Peffers

@Nana Smith says: 25 June, 2015 at 9:28 am:


Yes, Nana Smith, that hits the nail. This is where these despicable Britnat newspapers fall down in what they report.

That link expresses what Nicola was driving at but by taking bits out of context the Mail puts a quite wrong slant by stating their views then quoting an out of context passage.

From the above link I extracted the following passage of what Nicola was saying – it makes the whole point that the FM was referring to all sides and not just the SNP and independence supporters : –

“Of course, anyone who suggests that Twitter abuse is one way traffic is wrong. It spans the political spectrum. That is why, across all parties, we must send out a clear message that politics in Scotland will not be sullied by this behaviour.”

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

@schrodingers cat

“[Update] EXCLUSIVE: The Editor of The Scottish Daily Mail, Andy Harries, has written “exclusively” for NewsShaft stating that the piece referred to was “written by the FM for the Mail. Filed at 6.15pm last night and posted by the party after it had been in the paper.”

A mistake.

A silly one that is only partially mitigated by reprinting it on the SNP website when self-evidently the correct course of action would have been to write it for the SNP website in the first place and not for the Daily Heil.

Or better yet, send it to all SNP members in a mass email (as she has already done several of those already since the election) as this would have been the perfect opportunity to do so.

(and no, I obviously don’t just take the Mail at their word since there is the small matter of me not believing in time travel as the Mail self-evidently had her letter before the SNP website printed it.)

A regrettable mistake, very likely down to some bad media advice from an inexperienced advisor. One she will unquestionably learn from though and certainly nothing to get too worried about but obviously not one to repeat.

Nicola’s media strategy of ignoring the racists and bigots of the Mail during the westminster election was proved to be more successful than even we dared hope with us winning 56 out of 59 MPs.

Certainly no reason to change that now in the run up to Holyrood as you would have to be pretty callow and naive to ever think Rothermere, Dacre and the Mail will ever stop spouting their hatred for scotland and the SNP and twisting Nicola’s words and lying precisely like they did for this ‘exclusive’.


Joemcg says:
25 June, 2015 at 8:22 am
“A few hysterical people on here taking it too far over a daft article in tomorrow’s fish and chip paper. Get a grip.”

Well, that’s a bit strange coming from someone who then states:

Joemcg says:
25 June, 2015 at 11:12 am
“Those 2 strike stories above fill me with dread. Makes me believe this independence campaign will end in violence and or blood shed. The establishment won’t accept it.”

Talk about scaremongering, ffs!


@ schrodingers cat

Tommorrows daily mail Exclusive

Chief cybernat concern troll AKA Albamac resigns from snp saying
“dey wis weally weally cwuel, wotten and howwible to me”

the disbute emerged after Nicola refused to not write for the mail after the mail had promised Albamac that she wouldn’t

When all else fails, try character assassination.

Nana Smith

Some info re the devolution fudge. Third link contains an amendment by Jacob Rees Mogg. Not necessarily a better flavour of fudge.

link to

link to

link to



Talk about the long goodbye dude.

Robert Peffers

@Luigi says: 25 June, 2015 at 9:31 am:

” … Indeed. Sometime you just have to trust our FM knows what she is doing.” … “but I hope wiser heads prevail. A future referendum should be mentioned of course, but not an out and out promise to hold one within a certain time.”

Wise words, Luigi. I also see it as more a statement of legality and intent rather than a definite commitment to act. Something along the lines of a statement, for example : –

“The people of Scotland are legally sovereign under Scots law and English law does not apply in Scotland”.

This means that both the SG and the Westminster Members of the Commons, are mandated by the sovereign people of Scotland to act on their, (sovereign), behalf.

It really is the legal situation that while English, Welsh and N.I. elected persons are exercising the Queen of England’s sovereignty those members elected by the legally sovereign people of Scotland are exercising the sovereignty mandated to them by the sovereign people of Scotland.

Under the laws of Scotland no one can legally stop the elected government at Holyrood holding a referendum and even making it more that just advisory.


Scaremongering Paul? Do you know you’re British history? At one point I think it was Churchill who contemplated sending tanks to George square.


Daily Mail sells 100K in Scotland. There are more SNP voters than Daily Mail sales. 2 million?


The Vile made the accusations so I have no issue with Nicola addressing the Vile in her response.

On evil cybergnats I think it is all a load of bull. This site is not evil cybergnatting.

Harassing or abusing individuals directly by constantly stalking them on Twitter or Facebook or irl is out of order (and quite possibly illegal).

Stating your opinion or arguing with others on line about a politician or a news story is not vile trolling. It may be flaming and it may get heated but it is hardly unusual and happens on most internet threads be it about religion, cars, popular TV programmes or politics – to name but a few. Stu may have had as much grief about not liking a computer game as anything he has said here.

The Daily Vile needs to get a grip. Stalking and threatening is totally unacceptable but this is still mostly a free country and if I think Roden and his pals are hypocrites and liars I have a right to say so.

Bob Mack

The Daily Mail is as bad than the other Unionist outlets but is no worse in my opinion.. We must deal with them just the same whether we like the idea or not.Just hold your nose between forefinger and thumb as Nicola probably did.

red sunset

@Robert Peffers
@ Capella

I can further confirm what you both wrote about serving UK soldiers being dressed up in police uniform and sent in against strikers. In the not too distant past.

Some of my family were miners during the big strike. At one particularly nasty occasion (same as described above) my cousin came face to face with his brother who was supposedly serving in NI at the time. The soldier was dressed in police boilersuit.

I have no illusions about what the Brit Establishment are capable of. Don’t forget one of their strongest and longest lasting tactics has been to turn us against ourselves. Divide and conquer, they’ve been doing that for centuries.


Iain Gray’s Subway Lament says:
@schrodingers cat

I think you meant that for me IGSL? As I posted the ‘quoted piece’ from newsshaft?

You’re entitled to your opinion.


aranciaca @10.50

A good summing up.

If I considered resigning because of what the party did I would have left over 45 years ago as I didn’t 100% agree with party policy/tactics/publicity. The chief goal is Independence and I hope to get there before I pop off.


Dal Riata

Once you compare the histories, then that’s what it almost feels like; the goading and baiting. However, this is a very enlightened society that we live in now. Half the nation is politically aware, and even those on the ‘No’ side can probably see through the nonsense now with the media and Tories. The EU Referendum will be the breaking point and hopefully will see the slow ending of the 1707 Act of Union (should Scotland vote one way, and the rUK goes the other. That will the moment of real truth.)

Cadogan Enright
Wouldn’t dispute it mate; you’re probably right. However, looking at both election results, and seeing what is going on right now, it is unbelievable in the similarities that we are seeing. I would say it is sheer blind arrogance on Westminster’s part that they are not learning from the past, but are seemingly determined to follow a certain path that will only lead to further resentment …on both sides of the border!

You never know, I might right all this up into a wee article and pass it to Stuart. It doesn’t all quite revolve around politics. What I studied at the OU was how Ireland ‘redefined’ as well as studied ‘what tradition is and should mean’. Tradition and Culture are 2 very different things, but it did enough to fuel the idea of Irish self determination, and because of it, it placed that nation on a collision course with the British State. One example of another similarity was over Land Reform. The Irish people wanted to have some governance in how the land should be controlled by the people …now, does this not sound rather familiar after the Scottish news headlines from the other day there (Isle of Lewis I think it was!)

What it confirmed to me, is that Scotland and Westminster are treading a very familiar path. The rise of Nationalism and the thought of a greater ideal happening in one nation, and then the British State falling about itself when it found itself fighting on two fronts (1916 – Easter Uprising while fighting in Europe during WW1 and 2014/5 – Scotland and the British State fighting over changes in Europe once again). It’s all repeating itself in its own little way!

Harry McAye

Ken500 – The Daily Mail does NOT sell 100,000 copies in Scotland. Figures released in January show their sales fell from 92,754 in Dec 2013 to just 89,595 a year later.


Thin skins,faux hurt and sensitive sensitivity. I always wonder at the motives appearing here i suspect false flags and concern trolls are very subtle but the simple conclusion is that if someone damages the independence movement then they are not my friend.

The person that called my wife a c@@@ the other week seems to have disappeared from here so there is one troll down.

bob sinclair

There quite a few fair weather supporters of the SNP getting all upset at Nicola Sturgeon’s Daily Mail thing.

News Flash, sometimes Politicians have to talk to people they really don’t like, its all part of the job. What do these people who are complaining want? the ‘National’ having exclusive rights to cover any utterance by the First Minister?

The fact is, she did it, and by doing it has been read by people that will not read the National, some of them may change their opinion of Nicola Sturgeon based on this, and that would be a good thing.

To be honest, if you are the kind of SNP member that gets upset when Nicola Sturgeon talks to the ‘Enemy’ then you are probably not the kind of person needed in the party.

Theres no point in just engaging with each other, we are not going to win any more voted by just talking to fellow independence supporters, we need to engage with those who disagree with us and we need to do it in a constructive manner to show them that we are not the ‘Vile Cybernats’ of Daily Mail myth and legend.

Remember, in her role as First Minister she represents everyone in the country, not just those who vote SNP.

schrodingers cat

in an article by stu about the hypocracy in the media…

belittling people, who are outraged at the actual message from the aforesaid media, is an process reserved, exclusively, for those determined to make a fool of themselves in public

have a nice day

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Also, for those who have somehow been seduced by the New Labour/Ed Miliband strategy of trying to court the right-wing tabloids – even if we leave aside the fact that they will never stop hating us and lying about us – we simply don’t need them.

Demographics are on our side with young scots showing a huge positive momentum for Independence while those older generations who were wedded to the idea of Britain and Empire pass into history.

This while the tabloids are a dwindling spent force and on their way out as technology makes them about as relevant as a Betamax tape in today’s digital streaming world.

The Daily Heil, for example, has lost some 18% and around 20,000 readers from it’s total readership since the last westminster election.

That was when Gordon Brown (close friend of Paul Dacre) lost. Didn’t do him a whole lot of fucking good to cosy up to the Mail, did it?

By the time of the next westminster election they will have lost another 20,000 at least, if not a great deal more going by the accelerating pace of new technology and the consumers understandable reluctance to pay for news/gossip they can get for free.

Nor does the sideboob celebrity gossip of the Mail online matter a jot since they are clearly not getting visitors for their ‘incisive’ political comment/hatred.

We have a Holyrood election to win and it’s not really all that far off.

We can win it while the westminster establishment media scream their little heads off in impotent fury. Just like we did last month. 😀

Robert Peffers

@Dr Jim says: 25 June, 2015 at 9:38 am:

“Not my Queen!”,

Err! Sorry to tell you this, Dr Jim, but she is legally your Queen but her legal relationship to we Scots and her relationship to her subjects in her English Kingdom are legally rather different.

In 1688/1689 the law of the three country Kingdom of England changed from, “The Divine Right of Kings”, to being, “A constitutional Monarchy”, defined as :-

Constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a king or queen acts as Head of State. The ability to make and pass legislation resides with an elected Parliament, not with the Monarch.”

Thus while the monarchy in the Kingdom of England legally owns everything and the people are legally all the Monarchs subjects but the royal powers are legally deferred to the elected Parliament.

Under Scottish law the People, not the monarchy, are legally sovereign. i.e. The people own everything but it is their elected representatives who wield the power. The Monarch’s legal positions is that they are the appointed, “Protector of the People’s Sovereignty”. In effect the monarch is the people’s subject and we legally have the right to replace the monarch if we deem the monarch is not doing what we mandated them to do.

In other words the people of the English Kingdom are legal servants of the monarch/government but in Scotland the Monarch/government are servants of the people.

That is Why Lizzie is Queen of England but Queen of Scots.

Or put another way in England the crown legally owns everything including the people but in Scotland the people legally own everything including the monarchy.


@ Joemcg – Yes Joe but this is 2015 and not nineteencanteen!
Anyway, you can only have bloodshed if we rise to the bait.
We may have a few nutters on our side but the vast majority of independence supporters i know and others i’ve experienced on here are by far of the more law abiding and peaceful variety.

Marcia says:
“If I considered resigning because of what the party did I would have left over 45 years ago as I didn’t 100% agree with party policy/tactics/publicity. The chief goal is Independence and I hope to get there before I pop off.”

Well said that lady! Independence is all that should matter.
How we get there is irrelevant, whatever it takes, needs must.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament


Nope. It was intended for who I said it was as I was mid-post when you linked to the site before I did.

I am indeed entitled to my opinion How nice of you to say so. 🙂

However, I also back it up with evidence like our incredible win last month and the sad/comical fate of those Labour idiots who thought (and incredibly still think) that courting the right-wing press was their solution rather than part of their problem.


The party needs all the support it can get and talk of resignations is not logical.

The SNP are the only party who speak for Scotland. If you truly want independence you won’t get it by voting for parties who’s allegiance will always lie with Westminster.

Labour can reinvent themselves all they want but while their masters sit in Westminster they should be ashamed to call themselves Scottish Labour.

I hope that the ones who lost their seats will never again stand as Scottish Labour candidates. They deserved what happened in May.



Talk about the long goodbye dude.

Goodbye to what? The SNP? Wings? Freedom of expression?

My initial comment on the subject was an angry reaction. I didn’t find fault with what Nicola said. It was where she said it and how it was presented that enraged me. It’s still open season on all things Scottish in the DM comments section.

I’ve cooled down a bit, now, and I’m still a party member. I don’t think Rev Stu is about to banish me from Wings but I get the feeling that some of you would have me declared persona non grata, simply because of my initial reaction to the Daily Mail article.

Express doubt and you’re out? Is that, really, how this solidarity and common purpose thing works?

Anyone remember this?

Much gratitude tonight to alert reader “Albamac”, who’s not only compiled the whole of “The Claim Of Scotland” into a single very small (1MB), easy-download PDF file but has converted it in the process into one with cut-and-pasteable text for quotability. We’ve uploaded it to the Repository, and you can also download it from this direct link.
Rev Stuart Campbell

Now I’m accused of being a Unionist plant,(Chief cybernat concern troll). Why would a troll have gone to the unnecessary bother of putting so much work into something that was intended to benefit Wings readers and the Independence Movement? Why would I have thought it wise to make a cash donation, however modest, to this site? I don’t see the logic in the accusation but the mean-spirited stupidity of it leaps off the page.


I doubt many would disagree if I say that the Daily Mail has an anti-SNP agenda, and seems to think its objectives in England are also enhanced by demonizing Scotland, even within the Union. Nicola’s piece is impressive, but of little use when seen by her supporters since most stick to reasonable language and decent debate. A quick look at the Daily Mail comments would show that reasonable language and decent debate are in short supply and that they are most in need of its message.


Personally, I think Nicola has played a blinder here.She would be criticised if she refused a Mail request for a piece from her so she writes one. After filing it she then posts it in full on SNP’s website. She isn’t stupid-she knew they would manipulate her piece to fit their own agenda & they did.

Now with two versions in the public domain, anyone can compare the Mail slimmed down version to the original & clearly see their alterations/ommissions applied to change the tone of the article. Daily Mail-hoist by their own petard!

Go Nicola!


@ Marcia (12.58pm).

I agree 100%.

As i’ve said many times before, i’m not a member of the SNP but for over 30 years i have voted for no other party. I don’t want to be voting for the SNP because they have one or two issues i vehemently oppose but, from a political perspective, Scottish independence means more to me than anything else.

The SNP are the only party capable of getting us there, albeit with the support and co-operation of other organisations. That is why, despite my issues on the monarchy etc, i will continue to support the party most capable of bringing my dream to reality.

Sometimes to achieve your goal it is necessary to sup with the devil.


About the position of the Queen as subject of the sovereign Scottish people (thanks Robert Peffers – again!).

All the senior royals are commander-in-cheif of some armed forces unit. Does that then make them ultimately responsible if British soldiers,who are recruited to protect the British people,are used by a Westminster government to attack the British people e.g. as in the miners strike?

Who is committing treason/sedition/rebellion in that instance?


Aye I released that Ian’s G Subway L, my mistake, thought you were criticising me, so was mildly defensive, think we’re all feeling a bit got at in general. Apologies ;-(

Nana Smith

A silly little non entity lording it over Scotland…

link to


@ Robert Kerr says at 11:42 am ”Read this from the Irish Times and be well informed. link to Be careful out there People!”

Robert you can bet your bottom dollar that MI5 agents (including journalists, politicians and spads) are online posing as SNP supporters in an attempt to create havoc to feed the MSM with the bile they require to appease their political masters: meet their agenda. A cabal of corporations, politicians, journalists and the Media all intent on hanging onto Scotlands resources.

@ heedtracker says at 12:14 am ”Never MI5, another day of BBC in Scotland at £500 million office block in Glasgow relentlessly monstering Scotland running Scotland

link to Scots is still oil worthless.”

So worthless heedtracker that on the same BBC bi-polar site they’ve reported that:

‘A consortium of oil giants has reached another milestone in the development of a major North Sea field. BP and co-venturers ConocoPhillips, Chevron and Shell said they had safely installed the first topside modules for the new Clair Ridge platform……………… Production is expected to start in late 2017. The development is forecast to produce about 640 million barrels of oil over 40 years. Peak production is expected to reach up to 120,000 barrels per day.

@ Red sunset says at 12:56 pm ”I can further confirm what you both wrote about serving UK soldiers being dressed up in police uniform and sent in against strikers. In the not too distant past.”

I remember my grandfather (and others) saying that’s it when Maggie T gave the Police and Servicemen / women a pay rise …. Thatcher is going to use the Military to decimate the miners because they’re the backbone of the Unions. Scotland and Yorkshire, in particular, were then flooded with soldiers dressed as cops.

link to


Much Union Jackery of late anent the aniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, there can have been few hero’s on that field that day more deserving of fame than Col’ James Ingles Hamilton of the Scots Greys, who continued forwards with the charge even with both arms cut off & the reins between his teeth, until he was eventually cut down. You might think that a grateful nation would have looked after his dependants? a few years later his two sisters were found by Peter Mackenzie, a newspaper editor, they were living in abject poverty in a hovel in the Gorbals, no income, no furniture, no fuel & no food in the house, the women slept on rotten straw in a corner, behind a locked & barred door. The Waterloo Fund had refused their appeals as their letters bore witness & but for Mackenzie’s discovery & humanity, they had no future.

Consider also, amidst all the Waterloo guff, how many survivors of the battle ended up victims of the Highland Clearances or died of starvation in the Irish Famine and yet Napoleon is constantly denigrated on the British media as a monster & a tyrant.

Who was the real tyrant and who were fighting on the wrong side?

Nana Smith
Nana Smith


Aye that oil is such a burden. Never mind eh, the big broad shoulders of the London corruption will be only to happy to carry it for us Scots.

After all they’ve done such a fine job lining their own pockets. In between the odd killing spree.

Tinto Chiel

A good point, Fred @ 3.44. Napoleonic survivors on Skye were given marginal land between Broadford and Breakish which is still called Waterloo. A beautiful part of the island, but it must have been a terrible struggle to scrape a living there.

Incidentally, True-Blue Andrew Roberts, whom our own Hardeep Singh Kohli ritually dismantled on TV recently, has written an excellent and very sympathetic tome on Napoleon. I expect him to be stripped of his UKOK epaulettes any day now.

How can he be so right about French history and so wrong about ours?


donald anderson

Tinto Chiel says:
“A good point, Fred @ 3.44. Napoleonic survivors on Skye were given marginal land between Broadford and Breakish which is still called Waterloo. A beautiful part of the island, but it must have been a terrible struggle to scrape a living there.

Incidentally, True-Blue Andrew Roberts, whom our own Hardeep Singh Kohli ritually dismantled on TV recently, has written an excellent and very sympathetic tome on Napoleon. I expect him to be stripped of his UKOK epaulettes any day now”.
How can he be so right about French history and so wrong aboutours?

In fact, there were Scots who fought for Napoleon, mainly in the Irish Brigade. Many who fought for the British had little choice as pressed, or broken, men. Many were flogged for the having the insolence to speak Gaelic. Many more had to hoof it home from Dover to their empty glens and straths.

In 1785, Marshal MacDonald, Duke of Taranto, who served Napoleon with distinction, joined the Irish legion raised to support the revolutionary party in the Dutch Republic against the Kingdom of Prussia. After it was disbanded, he received a commission in the regiment of Dillon. At the start of the French Revolution, the regiment of Dillon remained loyal to the King, except for MacDonald. The Guarde Ecosse, Scots Guards were loyal to the French Monarch since the Auld Alliance and it was mainly the Scots army who took Orleans for Joan of Arc. At first the French described the Scots as “wine bibbers and mutton eaters”, till they saw how enthusiastically they charged the English. Scots have famously served the globe as mercenaries since then.

MacDonald’s faither was, Neil MacEachen, later MacDonald who came from a Jacobite family from Howbeg in South Uist, in the west of Scotland. He was a close relative of Flora MacDonald, who played a key role in the escape of Prince Charles Edward Stuart after the failure of the 1745 Rising. He visited Scotland later under close guard, keeping a close eye on those who turned out to greet him, due to the failure of the 1820 Republican Rising . They needn’t have worried as the Jackboots did a thorough job of the Highlands and industrial working class. The Marshal was shocked at the poor and impoverished condition of those still remaining in the residual Gaeltacht, not mention the lower orders of the Lowlands.

The French failed to support the United Scotsmen’s Scottish Republican Rising of 1797 due to the weather and English Navy. The Rising got as far as Castle Menzies, with the usual reprisals and consequences. They did make the dying exile, Thomas Muir of Huntershill. who received the Freedom of Paris, the Prime Minister of the Scottish Republic. His neglected grave was only discovered by the American Ambassador at Chantiles at the beginning of the last century. Today the the Watsons of Huntershill have done much to retrieve and publicise this part of Scotland’s much neglected history. Burns penned ‘Scots Wha Hae’ as a tribute to Muir and the United Scotsmen, based on a speech to the Friends of the people. The tune, Bruce’s ‘Address to the men of Bannockburn’ was adopted by the French after the Scots victorious march into Orleans during the Auld Alliance. Napoleon jokingly remarked of Marshall MacDonald that he never trusted a MacDonald to the sound of bagpipes, which were proscribed, along with the Highland dress, after the butchery of Culloden.

Socrates MacSporran

I posted on this thread earlier this morning. Since then I have gone back and ha another look.

As I said earlier: if the Daily Heil invites a leading Westminster politician such as the serving Prime Minister, a leading cabinet minister, or the current Leader of the Opposition to contribute a piece to the paper, then that article will appear either as the lead story on the paper’s leader page, alongsid that day’s leader article, or, on the age opposite the leader page.

Any comment which the paper wishes to make, even if their comments are against what their guest contributor has written, will usually be short, sharp and in the leader comments.

I should state here, I have not seen today’s print edition of the Heil, but, gauging from the way the story is handled on-line, I do not think the paper has accorded the FM the same courtesy they would a major Westminster politician.

Some posters have suggested the Heil curtailed the FM’s piece, which she also posted on-line on the official SNP website. I checked both versions. The one on the SNP site runs to 790 words, the Heil version runs to 789, so, no genuine difference there.

However, the accompanying Daily Heil piece, by-lined: “By Alan Roden and Graham Grant”, runs to over 900 words, it is also headed by a six-line header, while the actual piece by the FM is almost an add-on “tail”.

The different way in which the FM’s piece is treated to how any similar piece by a Westminster “Big Beast” is significant and demonstrates the contempt the Daily Heil has for the SNP and Scotland.

The Daily Heil is, as I wrote above, anti-SNP and anti-Scottish, it is the house journal of the “Little Englanders” and clearly is a major opinion-former for these poor, deluded souls.

That said, the FM and the SNP leadership, I feel, should try to reach out to this opposition group, if only in the hope of offering them an education which they will not get from the Daily Heil.

Tinto Chiel

Interesting point, Fred. I’m afraid these men were expendable: “and no great mischief if they fall”, as Wolfe said at Quebec.

On Skye, Napoleonic survivors were given intractable land between Broadford and Breakish which is still called Waterloo to this day. I have had many happy times there and it is vey beautiful but I can’t imagine how you would scrape a living for a family.

Incidentally, Andrew Roberts, the historian whom our very own Hardeep Singh Kohli ritually dismantled on TV recently, has recently produced an excellent and very sympathetic account of Napoleon (in Penguin). I suspect he’ll be getting his UKOK epaulettes cut off very shortly.

How can he be so right about French history and so wrong about ours?


Tinto Chiel

Apologies for double post. First one disappeared for an hour and then appeared from nowhere.


There is a highly rated movie called The Shawshank Redemption which, towards the end, has the hero of the piece crawling through a long pipe filled with foul, stinking excrement.

The man emerges clean of this garbage and free.

Stuart, methinks there is an analogy in what you have had to wade through in examining this MSM cr@p today, to get out at the other end, and smell positively aromatic – well maybe with a slight scent of the occasional pussy cat 🙂 . But still miraculously clean.

What I genuinely don’t understand is why the MSM keep doing this.

Their incessant hate filled anti-Scots and anti-SNP rant spewed out by the MSM machine is what finally turned me from voting Labour to voting SNP, and then eventually joining the SNP as a fully paid up and participating member.

Are these journalists without a measurable IQ?

ben madigan

@ john king who wrote “Scotland could got to the UN for protection from a foreign alien power”.

Apologize for the delay in replying. I’m coming very late to this discussion due to work committments over the last couple of days with more to come tomorrow and Saturday

Anyway attempts got nowhere when they tried to internationalise the conflict in NI and have an impartial body like UN troops instead of the British Army on the streets .

Here are the reasons why there’s no chance of involving UN troops. These reasons also hold true for Scotland

“Northern Ireland, unlike Iraq, was a consenting as well as internationally recognised part of the United Kingdom, which is why the Irish Republic never succeeded (and indeed rarely tried) to bring the issue to the attention of the United Nations. In that sense, Northern Ireland has never been an occupation; nor did it provoke the notion of civilisational conflict. link to


The SNP and the First Minister should treat the Mail with the contempt it deserves.

Ignore it.


@ Fred says at 3:44 pm ”Much Union Jackery of late anent the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, there can have been few hero’s on that field that day more deserving of fame than Col’ James Ingles Hamilton of the Scots Greys, who continued forwards with the charge even with both arms cut off & the reins between his teeth, until he was eventually cut down. You might think that a grateful nation would have looked after his dependents?”

Fred I read that at least 25% of the soldiers at Waterloo were Scots such as the Greys and Gordon Highlanders. It just makes you wonder how much / many men (women) Scotland has contributed to the Westminster War Machine over time?

They’ve been celebrating the anniversary down south as you say but not much happening here. No mention down south either of the contribution the Scots made to the success of this battle or of Sergeant Charles Ewart of the Greys.

‘He (Ewart) rode at the eagle bearer of the 45th Infantry, cut down the four escorts and the eagle bearer and bore the eagle away.’

Whilst he was dealing with the 4 escorts and eagle bearer he was attacked on every side. Ewart said “One made a thrust at my groin, I parried him off and cut him down through the head. A lancer came at me – I threw the lance off by my right side and cut him through the chin and upwards through the teeth. Next, a foot soldier fired at me and then charged me with his bayonet, which I also had the good luck to parry, and then I cut him down through the head.”

Many of their families were treated abysmally such as during the Clearances and these stories have been passed down the line.

@ Nana Smith says at 4:03 pm ”Petra Aye that oil is such a burden. Never mind eh, the big broad shoulders of the London corruption will be only to happy to carry it for us Scots. After all they’ve done such a fine job lining their own pockets. In between the odd killing spree.”

Nana I noticed you mentioned earlier that your knowledge of the economy is limited as is mine but don’t you think that if the UK with 60 million pop was doing well when it was at $120 a barrel then a country with a 5 million pop could manage fairly well with oil at half that price? Five million is a twelfth of 60 million. $10 is a twelfth of $120.
$60 dollars a barrel for 5 million Scots sounds good to me.

Before I get hammered by some smart a*s, lol, I did say my knowledge of economics was limited (but I still think it sounds good).



People and teams have rows and move on, I find.

Its just that me and schrodingers cat had a thing going back the Guardian CiF btl prer ref day, when it was fun, so force of habit, or not, pending state of said cat:D

Best wishes.



Nana Smith


Absolutely right Petra. Way past time Scotland took control of our own resources.

Seems to me all the ‘pooling & sharing’ has only ever gone in one direction.


I admit to not having read any of the above posts as busy at sons graduation. Have just read the times front page today here in the hot and humid south east of England it appeared to retrac the story and had an ‘unprecedented’ statement from the palace saying the person quoted as saying Scotland was holding back monies was well out of order ( not exact words). Yes, front page. Almost an apology for a totally misrepresented story.
Having said that I spent a while listening to a Welsh Indian man tell me how Scotland had a lucky escape from independence as the oil price would have sunk them, Salmond was behaved in a ‘thuggish manner’ , the financial institutions would have fled Scotland and Scotland would have no currency. I was close to ruining said sons graduation by trying to correct him but as I was not sure where to start and spouse dragged me away before I lost it I’m afraid he still believes all of the above.



The SNP party should make a party political broadcast.And show the people watching at home with no internet exactly what is giong on, expose all the lies,and smears. GET IT ON TV.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi donald anderson.

Here you are – “Marche des soldats de Robert Bruce”:-

link to

donald anderson

Thanks. Great stuff. I wrote tae oor Le Nationale, about this and support for the French Revolution, but they did not use it

Tinto Chiel

Thanks, BDDT. Excellent and some interesting comments from the French.

It’s this or A Man’s A Man for me as a NA.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi donald anderson.

Try the ‘iScot’. It sounds like it would be right up their street.

link to

Click on ‘Contact’ at the top right.

Here’s one of the sites I found when I was researching “Marche des soldats de Robert Bruce”:-

link to

donald anderson

Reply to Brian Doonthetoon

More good stuff Brian. Pity. I can’t afford to subscribe to the I magazine.

Brian Doonthetoon

Maybe you could secure a life subscription in return for regular literary input?

Jiss an ehdeah…


Scottish Oil sector – Westminster 50% production take + 25% tax. = 75%. Ruining the sector. Thousands of jobs are being lost. More Oil & Gas has to be imported putting up the balance of payment deficit and the debt.

HMRC is not fit for purpose. UK tax Laws are not being enforced. Multinationals making vast profits tax evade through the City of London. Damaging Britsh business.

The Tories have banned wind turbines and stopped coal production. Cut CCS projects. Coal now has to be imported, putting up the balance of payments deficit and the debt. The Tories are building Hinkley Nuclear Station by the sea. (7%) A disaster waiting to happen. It will be over budget and over time, always subsidised. The waste will be dumped in Africa. Renewables over time are the cheapest and safest.

The Tories are sanctioning people and starving them to death.

5% voted NO. 15% did not vote.

Vote SNP/SNP Vote for Independence.


The Daily Mail, Express, Telegraph and Times are owned by tax evading Non Doms, who want to continue evading tax. The Press is owned by greedy, corrupt people. The rest is owned by printing companies who rely on UK Gov printing contracts. The Press is failing. Paul Dacre is chairman of the Press complaint Organisation. A complete fail.

Westminster is cutting taxes, sanctioning vulnerable people and starving them to death. The Press has failed.

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    • twathater on Once more around: “Funny how FARTCHECKER has drawn out the big guns franchise fanny to explainerise how the rest of the wurld thinks…Jan 2, 18:39
    • factchecker on Once more around: ““England has never been part of the EU” That is factually incorrect. England’s territory was part of the EU until…Jan 2, 18:32
    • twathater on Once more around: “What happened to ALL those EU citizens who lived , worked and paid taxes in the uk but were then…Jan 2, 18:32
    • Dan on Once more around: “Hey CC, I see you’re still posting highly selective bollox. “The Ipsos poll shows that almost 40% of Scottish Labour’s…Jan 2, 18:31
    • gregor on Once more around: “NOTHING TO DECLARE: Louder Than Words: Savior: “We’re not the same Yet we still pretend we are Living in this…Jan 2, 18:30
    • Mia on Once more around: ““You’re assuming (without any evidence I can see) that the poll was just some online poll in The National” You…Jan 2, 18:27
    • twathater on Once more around: “All good words but when you invite the foxes into the henhouse and give them votes on the future of…Jan 2, 18:14
    • Dan on Once more around: “ 2, 18:09
    • sarah on Once more around: “It is very interesting that Winnie Ewing talked in terms of the transfer being a breach of the Treaty of…Jan 2, 18:09
    • sarah on Once more around: “Sorry! Lloyd Quinan not Neale Hanvey. It was on a TASP that Lloyd said it.Jan 2, 17:59
    • gregor on Once more around: “Wow, 2 nasty anti-social-human fu**s are lurking in the shadows (like a glowing nuclear powered Neon Red sign – stuck…Jan 2, 17:56
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on Once more around: “Link to PDF of original Westminster legislation: 1999 No. 1126 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW DEVOLUTION, SCOTLAND The Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundaries Order…Jan 2, 17:56
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on Once more around: “Thanks Sarah. The ‘Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundaries Order’ came into force on 13 April 1999. As I understand it, Neale…Jan 2, 17:50
    • factchecker on Once more around: “Then we will have to question why is it that Scotland, despite having the largest coastline in of the UK…Jan 2, 17:41
    • Campbell Clansman on Once more around: “Eliminate the SNP as a pro-Indy Party and that leaves Alba, which got 1.8% on the poll for constituency voting…Jan 2, 17:35
    • Andy Ellis on Once more around: “You’re assuming (without any evidence I can see) that the poll was just some online poll in The National. From…Jan 2, 17:35
  • A tall tale

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