If you tolerate this
Below is a clip from last night’s ITV News West Country.
It really needs a wider audience.
It’s hard to adequately convey in moderate language just how disturbing the segment – part of a wider series on the channel called “Proud To Be Me”, ironically featuring people pathologically unable to even admit what sex they are – is, or how wildly improper it is from a news broadcaster legally required to be impartial.
The piece is introduced as being about people who’ve “realised they were born into the wrong body” – a phrase so toxically problematic that it’s even been disowned by scandal-plagued trans charity Mermaids, an organisation associated with paedophilia advocates and doctors struck off for malpractice.
(The charity’s website did not include the above disclaimer until recently. Even the most extreme transactivists rarely use the phrase now, but ITV were fine with it.)
The word “realised” implies the recognition of something as an empirical fact. But of course nobody has ever been “born into the wrong body”, because that can’t happen. So before the clip has even begun, the broadcaster is framing it to viewers with a slant so biased it amounts to straightforward ideological propaganda.
The presenters go on to note that there are now 5000 children in England and Wales “questioning their gender identity”, compared to 250 ten years ago. Alert readers will have noticed that that’s a staggering 2,000% increase, but neither presenter makes any remark about the fact or even expresses any curiosity about it.
The actual film sees the parents of “Stormy”, a six-year-old female child they describe as their “son”, explaining how she expressed her “gender identity” from the age of two, an age at which children have a vocabulary of less than 100 words and can just about manage the phrase “more milk”.
“My name’s Stormy, and I’m six years old, and I’m transgender”, says the little girl (who bears an uncanny resemblance to trans-identified actress Ellen/Elliot Page), before sticking out her tongue for the camera.
(“The overriding thing about Stormy is that he’s grown-up for his age”, says his mother a few seconds later. “Stormy was just always a boy, always just a boy […] he just is a boy and that’s it”, adds her father.)
The film goes on to note that Stormy isn’t being given hormones yet, but we know from the Michael Webberley case that they might not be far off.
And just yesterday the Care Inspectorate – the “scrutiny body” charged with safeguarding Scottish children – issued guidance clearing the use of so-called “puberty blockers” for kids as young as 12.
“Puberty blockers” are a class of drugs which have undergone almost no testing for the purposes of treating “trans” children, and their prescribing for that purpose is known by the euphemistic term of “off-label” use.
The NHS website now admits that “little is known about the long-term side effects of hormone or puberty blockers”.
But we know that once children are started down the transition pathway, 98% of them go on to be prescribed cross-sex hormones, which the same NHS website notes have “irreversible” effects and “may cause temporary or even permanent infertility”.
The NHS in England and Wales has recently changed its policy to restrict the use of puberty blockers, following the lead of nations like Sweden, Finland and France which had previously been enthusiastic proponents of the treatment.
But the Scottish Government has no such qualms, and so the Scottish NHS is blithely carrying on feeding children onto the one-way conveyor belt of “trans healthcare”, with its policy being directed by LGBT Youth Scotland, a charity currently under police investigation for systematic child abuse, having previously been involved in the worst criminal paedophile ring in Scottish history.
ITV News West Country offered no counterpoint to their happy-clappy clip last night. No voice was aired suggesting that “transitioning” children barely old enough to walk and setting them on a path to lifelong medicalisation before they even know what the tooth fairy is might conceivably not be a good thing. We’ll be filing a complaint with Ofcom as soon as we’ve published this post.
But that’s not the main issue here. Because however abysmal their actions, ITV News West Country aren’t the ones actually destroying children’s lives with experimental drugs and surgery based not on any medical need, but on politicians posturing and virtue-signalling for votes. And if you live in Scotland, readers, those are YOUR children, and the cult is coming for them next.
IMO that child should be removed from those parents.
No debate, to coin a phrase.
Truly disgusting, no 2 Yr old ever said that. One typical immature (obviously) child 2 munchausen’s by proxy parents.
This is parents affirming.
To protect children from parents like this, they need removed. This is more like killing with kindness, too many parents want to be their children’s friend rather than their parent. That kid is going to be in therapy for years, let’s hope they survive this.
All DR’s who allow this to happen after their oath of “First do no harm” should be struck off the register.
This smacks of “we wanted a boy, so we’ll have a boy” from the parents. Oh “Stormy liked football” so must be male? Best tell all the female footballers out there they’re a disgrace to their gender. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with efeminite men or masculine women. Let’s not erase them through conversion therapy because they don’t conform enough to our own stereotyping.
I would not prescribe these drugs to children, even under direction from a specialist…this is completely experimental and there’s no safety data.
When I was 4 I told my mum I was spiderman. Turns out if you don’t encourage it these things just sort of…pass.
My biggest concern here is that puberty blockers keep people pre pubescent. A desire to impose that on children was worrying enough when it was to make them better gymnasts, but I have grave concerns this is going to lead to sexualisation of children and a renewed paedophile push. We’re already seeing them described as “minor attracted people” in places, softening the language so it sounds less child abuse-y.
For what it’s worth I don’t actually think the problem stems from people with gender dysphoria wanting better treatment by society. It comes from nefarious actors who have joined what they saw as a useful social movement to push their own perversions. The trans movement were wooed by the “there is not to be any debate about this, that’s violence” and will, ultimately be the ones who suffer when violent misogynists and sexual predators move on to their next group of “useful idiots”
Whatever happened to just being an old-fashioned, straightforward, Tom-boy? No drugs, no nothing, just wearing trousers or shorts all the time and playing with the boys. Poor kids, they haven’t a clue what is being visited upon them.
2000% increase in so called trans folk.
What is the % increase in mad folk we should be told.
On the ITV link for the series (link to itv.com) they actually cite GenderGP as one of the places for further information.
What these people are saying in that interview comes across, compared with my own experience, as totally absurd.
In my own experience of interacting with my own children when they were 2-year olds, none of them had the concept of gender at that age. Some children cannot even speak yet at 2 years of age, for goodness sake.
The concept of boys’ or girls’ clothes was completely meaningless to my kids at two or 3 years of age. They would wear what they are given. Their only reluctance in wearing particular clothes was when they were not comfortable. They never cared if they were girl or boy clothes. They didn’t even know if they were boys or girls’ clothes. For them they were just clothes. Colours also mean absolutely nothing to them.
The same can be said for toys. A kid of that age does not understand the concept of “girls’ or boys’ toys”. They are just toys.
My male children never gave a toss for football, toy guns or toy cars. They loved plushies when they were little though, but that didn’t make them “girls” in the wrong body.
But this is understandable. The concept of Boys/girls’ clothes, colours or toys are simply stereotypes. Colours that are worn by women today were popular with men 2 centuries ago. Stereotypes are artificial creations. Social constructs. You are not born with them. They are not part of your DNA like these people are hoping we believe. This is where the logic of this nonsense falls flat on its face.
Children are not born with stereotypes. They are taught them.
Remembering my old childhood, until I was a teenager I hated dresses and girly shoes. They were much less comfortable than trousers and trainers. I hated pink and pastel colours too and abhorred the look of some dolls. Never was a fan of barbies. I loved bikes though. Never for even a second it crossed my mind that I was a boy in the wrong body.
So, overall, this interview comes across as mass brainwashing propaganda. And this propaganda is using adults’ stereotypes as the tool to prompt reaffirmation from that audience.
I have to say this hints to a very unhealthy interest by the state to promote this and makes one wonder why. What they are hiding and what are they preparing us to hit us with. It comes across, in my opinion, as a disgusting form of state sponsored and promoted child abuse. It is morally repugnant, dishonest, unethical and inhumane.
Makes one seriously question the judgement of anybody in government, in the broadcasters, in the civil and justice service and in any form of public service.
Anyone who has ever had a child knows that they do come out with the most preposterous things, but you smile and accept them as just part of childhood. Children want to be all kinds of things. It is perfectly natural. At two, no child can tell you that they are ‘trans’. What a load of horse manure. Those parents ought never to have been allowed to do this to their little girl, for not accepting that she is a child, and a female child. One wonders if she has picked up on negative vibes from parents who would have preferred a boy? The mother says something ridiculous about the girl being advanced for her age. And? Is that an excuse for deliberately allowing that child to be confused about her natal sex which lies within every cell of her body and every cell of her brain? What is wrong with these people? They are unhinged.
The presenters, too, were, as per, guilty of not once asking even one relevant question. They never do. The MSM in the UK is so derelict in its duties to truth that it can only be by-passed by people with more than two braincells to spark off each other. It is such a fall for a profession that once boasted some of the finest investigative journalists. Of course the child is happy-go-lucky. Children are, if allowed to lead a good life, and, if nothing else, this child is loved, but I can’t help wondering if she is loved as a boy rather than as a girl. The father seemed even more insistent than the mother that the girl was a boy, always a boy. Has he never heard of female footie teams? They sometimes do rather better than the male versions in international competitions.
Why can’t parents just leave their children to grow out of this naturally because they will. Parents in the past did just that. Is it children with a problem – or parents? Some of these children will be heterosexual when they reach puberty, some will be homosexual, some will be bisexual, but, as sure as night follows day, none will be ‘trans’ because ‘trans’ exists only in someone’s mind. A few may never be comfortable with their sex, and they may opt for hormones and surgery, but they will never, ever be ‘trans’ because biology rules out anyone ever being in the wrong body, or the wrong sex or the wrong gender. These children are being used by some parents to stave off homosexuality, but, mainly, they are being used as camouflage, along with the thousands of young girls and boys, for adult, heterosexual males with a paraphilia/autogynephilia/fetish. When is that going to penetrate?
It’s the inherent cruelty that gets to me every time. I have shed so many tears of sheer frustration and despair over this issue that I feel drained. Never before have I seen such wanton cruelty disguised as care, such a lack of common sense and such a propensity to rush to harm over what is so evidently a social contagion. It is beyond belief. Some of the supposedly intelligent people in politics, in the media, in public services, etc. show such gullibility that, frankly, I think they must have been lobotomized at birth (lobotomies being another massive scandal).
That was a hard watch, poor kid has no chance with those excuse for parents
Have now submitted this to Ofcom, for all the good it’ll do.
“The programme introduced a section about a “trans” child by describing them as one of a group of young people who “realise they’ve been born into the wrong body”. This is not possible. No human being can be born into the wrong body. Even the scandal-hit and extremist transgender charity Mermaids has disowned the phrase “born in the wrong body” (see here: link to archive.is).
To use the phrase, and to use the word “realised” – which implies recognition of a true fact – is simply propaganda, and completely inappropriate for a news programme.
The entire segment was utterly unbalanced, with no voice aired to suggest that there could conceivably be any issues with “transitioning” children as young as six (although the one here was in fact transitioned from the age of two), nor did the clip attempt to investigate the fact it stated at the beginning that instances of “gender dysphoria” in children had risen by 2,000% in just 10 years.
The entire package was a disgraceful abdication of the broadcaster’s requirement of neutrality.”
In the aftermath, it now seems that this was a TRA try-on to see just how much they have managed to break down resistance to their malign absurdities. And horrifyingly, it seems there has been no mass objection to the grossest of ” born in the wrong body” child abuse broadcast on prime time news channels.
You’re the man Stu, if anyone can kick up shit over this, you can. Do your best, please.
We have a declining population with the equivalent of a city the size of Glasgow or larger entering the UK legally every year and we only deport about 1.5% of failed asylum seekers. Whilst people are coming in from cultures which traditionally have large families and which would not tolerate this being promoted in their schools and nurseries we go along with the sterilisation of our children to be kind.
Look up the boards of both the Tavistock and Mermaids.
“Alarming. 2000% increase in so called trans folk”
It is evident this increase is not natural but engineered. But with what purpose?
What could be the motivators behind an artificial increase in people feeling they are “in the wrong body” seeking redress by treatment?
Let’s just look at this for now from an economic profits perspective.
How profitable would it be for a pharmaceutical company to produce drugs that only a few dozens of adults could afford per year as part of private care because their use is not recognised as mainstream or essential by the national service and because children cannot use them until they become adults?
How profitable would those drugs be if the standard treatment for gender dysphoria is via counselling or psychology rather than drugs?
Very little.
But how would the prospects of profitability for those pharmaceutical companies would change if you re-brand gender dysphoria from being a mental health issue into a physical condition and you move the standards of treatment from counselling and psycology into drug treatment?
How profitable would they become if you somehow remove the protective barriers that are stopping children being pumped with the drugs?
How profitable would they become if somehow you manage to brainwash the masses into accepting the concept of gender disphoria as a much more prevalent and life-threatening condition?
How profitable would it become if somehow you gain access to the manipulation of children which are too young to understand they are being manipulated and are still heavily influenced for what they read, watch and are beign told?
How would the prospects of profitability change if instead of having a few dozens of customers you have them in the thousands?
How the prospects of profitabilty would change if instead of having to be the individual who foots the bill as private care, the condition is made mainstream an it is the national health service that does so treatment cannot be refused?
And how would all this change the potential value of the NHS (and the UK population) from the perspective of possible buyers seeking its dismanteling and privatisation?
These bastards are preparing the NHS to sell it. This trans nonsense is just another way to make the NHS look more profitable for buyers.
The next thing these bastards are going to tell us, once they have sold the NHS, is that leaving a “trans” child without treatment, even if you cannot afford it, is a criminal offence.
This is child abuse.
Those poor bairns will have a lifetime of medical conditions as well as mental health issues, just because their parents made the decision for them.
The parents should be arrested and in prison for child abuse
Aye, saw this last night, could not fecking believe the numbskull TRAs had the check to put it on. No doubt we’ll find the loathesome Paul Brand is behind it in some guise.
Thanks for this Stuart and for submitting the Ofcom complaint. I think the tide is finally starting to turn on this weird ideology – the new bill on freedom of expression at higher education establishments, passed by a Tory government, should make these places behave better towards women who support rights for women.
@ Mia You do realise it’s the woke left that are supporting trans activism? Labour support it, SNP support it, Greens support it, Lib Dem’s support it. The only party opposing it are the Tories, who you appear to despise. Ironic eh?
Do you think there are a lot of people in Scotland concerned about the sex of their child?
link to archive.is
Humza Yousaf believes in
Sex-selective abortion
I have never heard anyone in Scotland say that they would abort their baby if it was a girl or that their husband would throw her out if she didn’t have a boy.
There seems to be a problem with girl babies in Pakistan
link to archive.is
“Why The Abortion Rate In Pakistan Is One Of The World’s Highest”
‘Since then she has had two more abortions, each time because she feared the baby would be a daughter.’
Slight problem with immigration and having a Pakistani Scot as first minister is you import these ideas from other parts of the world.
No idea where the idea of transgenderism came from. It would be unfair to blame immigration for that or for female genital mutilation for example because that seems to be home grown.
What happens if you abort all girl babies and finally end up with a boy and two years later he tells you he is a girl?
Can a scan detect if the boy baby is in the wrong body?
I feel physically sick after reading that
Has anyone else noticed the (now) prevalence of rainbows in adverts? Even air fresheners exude a rainbow fragrance, apparently. Rainbows are everywhere. I was half-listening to an advert for clothes and half-a-dozen women strutted around in a certain brand of clothing. Lurking at the back was a great, hulking man in a frock. This is being normalized and we should all be asking, why? I suspect that the answer will be so shocking that even hardened and seasoned folk on here and other sites, and the Rev himself, will be horrified. It is as if media people, politicians, civil servants and the medical profession are all being lulled into a false sense of normality when what is actually happening is so abnormal as to be off the wall. As with most detrimental happenings, this is experimental and aimed at profit.
Lurking at the end of the rainbow is a collection of (very probably) psychopaths and narcissists who have a a yearning for money on a par with the requirement to eat or drink to live. They care about no one and nothing but themselves, and see huge profits to be made. Half-way along the arch of the rainbow are the activists who are, generally, profoundly stupid (the female variety) or profoundly misogynistic (the male variety). At the other end, the beginning are the adult, paraphiliac men (mostly men, but also women) whose desire for kink and queer and extreme forms of sexual gratification outweighs the rights and needs of every other living soul on the planet, particularly those of the young and of females.,
“You do realise it’s the woke left that are supporting trans activism?”
Left? Right? WTF is that in the third decade of the 21st century? That dichotomy belongs in the 20th century. The concepts of Right/left or capitalism/socialism are obsolete terms that are completely meaningless today in a UK where everything is right and everything is capitalism.
The dichotomy left vs right is even more meaningless in Scotland where the dichotomy that counts is that between seeking independence and gaining control over our assets vs keeping colonialism and having the representatives of our “partner”‘s hands all over our assets and revenues.
Attempted to disguise this trans nonsense through a prism of left vs right is as profoundly dishonest and risible as claiming a 2 year old understands stereotypes.
” Labour support it, SNP support it, Greens support it, Lib Dem’s support it”
Yes. And that is why I was asking in these threads to chuck them ALL out, with no exception, from our parliament when the Rev broke the news of that disgusting Beth character.
“The only party opposing it are the Tories”
I think what you mean is “the only party CLAIMING, to oppose it are the Tories.
Do you really think I am so stupid as to not realise the tories are on this up to their armpits too playing the “good cop” character? Who is in power today in the UK? Who has a huge vested interest in the population of the uK and the NHS being seen as profitable for American pharmaceutical companies in a prospective deal with the USA?
Wake up.
ITV News West Country will wonder why they are getting a lot of complaints from Scotland on this!
Those parents are simply appalling.
I was a real tomboy, with short hair and always in jeans/shorts. I was often mistaken for a boy (which I loved). I hated dolls, played football, built & painted a bogey from wooden crates & old pram wheels. I never wore pink. I hated the Scottish Football Association for playing God Save The Queen at Scotland matches and would write abusive letters to their high heid yins.
But then puberty hit and I fell in love with Pete Duel from ‘Alias Smith & Jones’ and the rest is history.
Let innocent kids be whatever they want to be and they’ll find out for themselves who and what they are after puberty. If I was a 10year old girl now, well God help me! The cult would eat me up and spit out my bones!
That isn’t true. If the Tories didn’t support transgenderism they would repeal the GRA 2014 say no to all sex changes, denounce people like Eddie Izzard & India Willoughby who can just put on dress and claim they are women, denounce newspapers & politicians who refer to men as she and women as he and allow talk about women being raped by a woman with her penis.
All mainstream political parties support transgenderism. The Tories are trying to pull the wool.
This might become more obvious when ‘The Let Women Speak Party’ gets going in England.
Those parents were on ITV Good Mornin yesterday with Schoooofield and Wallaby tae
Absolutely NO “transitioning” treatments should be available on the NHS. It’s purely cosmetic for adults and a form of child abuse if children are involved. The health service has more important things to deal with than pandering to fetishists
Mia @1:21pm
I think this was discussed here a while ago. If you took the percentage of trans identifying people from the governments own stats and selected a small percentage of that and made estimates for the lifetime cost of drugs and surgeries the figure was already into the low £ Billions – that was only with a few thousand individuals. 5000 kids or so coming onto the market every 10 years would magnify that number dramatically. That’s before you factor in all the secondary revenue from ancillary services such as make-up, hair removal, etc. etc.
That kid is probably very bright and latched onto their parent’s “disappointment” and became the thing they most wanted. Rather than being a high energy, high achiever she’ll end up medicated and miserable. What a waste.
The real crime here is the narrowing of the definition of female. Those stereotypes that Mia mentioned in her previous post are only of use to marketers and advertisers and very little use to anybody else.
Re where did it come from, look up support for transexuals in Weimar Germany. I have seen the photos from this time displayed in galleries in Scotland. It started creeping back in via the sex industry/pornography and from there has been embraced by elements in politics, the media, the medical establishment, the law establishment, the entertainment industry, academia and the Arts.
Re the Tories, Jamie Green of the Scottish Conservatives is a support of it, it has infested everything and caused a split in the LGB community as anyone not on board has been put to the wall by people within the movement who have backing from organisations with large pockets such as Google.
Its the GRA 2004.
2014 was when another tragic event happened to us.
Re Rainbow flags. I didn’t have a problem with Rainbow flags up until a few years ago.
I can’t remember seeing that many. If they were flying outside a bar then I thought that meant it was a gay bar. I didn’t have a problem with that nor did I have a problem with rainbow flags at Pride.
Now when I see the rainbow flag it means something very different.
The rainbow flag has been hijacked and I now hate the bloody rainbow flag and everything rainbow.
Mia @1:50pm
I agree. The Tories only pay lip-service to the opposition and mainly in the Tory press to rile up the faithful. After all they’ll be the ones raking in the profits. How they got the “lefties” to market this for them is beyond me and a work of genius.
There’s no left or right in Scotland. You’re either on your feet or on your knees.
I was born into the wrong body. If only I’d had bigger hands and a decent turn of speed I could have played in the Scotland back row.
Do you mean Willyboy?
Munchausen by Proxy on an immense scale. In a sane world social services would be investigating those parents and the child would be receiving real medical help to deal with the mental distress they’ve had in what seems like all their life.
We’re in the midst of a mental health crisis on a scale we’ve never seen in recorded history & at the same time we’ve seen a decline in critical thinking mixed with a rampant polarisation of opinion over facts. The fallout from this has seen LGB rights and acceptance decline after decades of people fighting for their rights thanks to the TQ+ using them as a cover for this insane nonsense.
This case rings true with my own experiences in that once the parents are on board there’s no turning back. In my experience though it was an older child who’d been radicalised on Tumblr who eventually saw her mother radicalised thanks to the Sandyford and Mermaids. Once a child is in the grip of these agencies there’s no way things can be reversed as all the relevant authorities have been captured.
My fear is that over the next 10-15 years we’re going to see an enormous amount of people detransitioning on a scale which dwarfs what we see today. If people think the mental health crisis is bad now what’s coming by the end of the decade is going to be horrendous. Castrated, scarred young people will realise that all their problems haven’t been solved & in fact they’ve got to spend the rest of their lives in a body that’s been mutilated thanks to adults who let them down or worse, actively pushing them towards Trans ideology.
How as a society we deal with this is going to be as big a question as global economics or climate change. Political parties will have to answer huge questions in elections about this subject so next year’s general election is crucial but we’re stuck with a Sophie’s Choice situation where the only party which stands against it is the Tories (though they have a number of prominent Trans activists such as Penny Mourdant who does stand a real chance of leading the party in future) but voting for them brings us more cruelty and austerity. We’re in an impossible situation.
Legalised child abuse – it is far from normal and should be investigated by police , instead we have police re-educated to refer to someone in the gender of their choice. Utter bollox
Attempts to normalise this on TV, in advertising is perversion on a grand scale.
I despise the rainbow flag now too – hijacked from the NHS.
“I’m what my mother wants me to be”
At this age one of my daughters acted like her pet Labrador Rosie and wanted to say and drink out of a bowl. Needless to say I called her Woofy and she as gone on to chasing rabbits and sleeping on the couch.
I despair. Really.
The parents should be arrested and in prison for child abuse
There are things parents and activists are doing which should get people prosecuted and on a registry, however, a number of parents are themselves victims though I don’t think these parents are. They’re clearly pushing an ideology upon their child.
Some parents are just worn down to the point where they themselves become victims of the system which has grown up to transition children. These people are going to be part of the mental health crisis when they realise in years to come what’s happened to them and what they’ve done to their kids. I don’t think we realise the scale of all of this.
See that? That’s child abuse. Plain and simple.
@ Ruby says:12 May, 2023 at 1:40 pm
Slight problem with immigration and having a Pakistani Scot as first minister
We still don’t know what a woman is, and now we have to wonder what exactly is a “Pakistani Scot”.
You wouldn’t pussyfoot around the subject for any other nationality, Ruby, so why the “walking on eggshells” routine for HY?
“English Scot” anybody?
Naw, never in a million years.
This piece is also of contextual relevance to this issue:
link to compactmag.com
Are you talking about England?
New party being launched soon in England
link to theotherparty.co.uk
“The truth is coming back
Since 2004 one dangerous legal fiction has gripped our national conversation.
The effect on the truth has had a profound impact on our people.
We’re going to make it history.”
In Scotland we have Alba
and possibly “The Let Everyone Speak Party’

When I was a very young child (maybe 4 or 5) I announced to my parents that I was actually not a child but that I was a football. Unfortunately my mother did not affirm my self-ID by arranging surgery to make me rounder, instead she laughed at me and teased me about it for decades afterwards.
Dearieme @2:23
Wasnt born into it by any means but have undoubtedly been living in the wrong one for longer than might once have been anticipated – something to do with diet, exercise, discipline, etc (and lack thereof).
Still easy enough to resolve, thankfully.
Lorna Campbell @ 1:50pm
I have no words for what’s going on with this nonsense, and it goes way beyond my ability to comprehend it. But your post (and some others) eloquently expresses how I ‘feel’ about what’s happening here. I’m instinctively repelled by this madness and it will take stronger, and braver folk than me to confront it, I’m afraid.
It’s a disgrace and hard to believe that ITV News could be promoting this insidious stuff. The parents must be stupid to have been so captured.
I too have put a complaint into Ofcom using your arguments.
Below is a link to a powerful letter by the Evidence-Based Social Work Alliance.
(Too long to C&P – please follow the embedded link.)
link to ebswa.org
The elephant in the room is militant homosexuality. We are not supposed to notice but an «ideological» connexion is undoubtedly there between these new dysphorias and the promotion of novel ideas on sex which we must now refer to as «gender».
Who benefits from dissing the physical biology, challenging the concept of normal, promoting that supposed sliding scale of «sexuality»?
There is a totalitarian, new world order trait to this.
The NHS website now admits that “little is known about the long-term side effects of hormone or puberty blockers”
Yeah, well, little is known about the long-term side effects of MRNA vaccines either. And won’t be until sufficient ‘long-term’ time has elapsed.
Maybes we should all have pushed back just a wee bit harder, but naw, the enthusiasm for the vaccines at the time was off the scale.
Making it just that bit harder to deploy the “what about unknown long-term side effects” argument now, as maybes we are seeing.
Anyways, perhaps Off Topic.
Thanks to Rev Stu for submitting the OfCom complaint. Each of us is free to do the same, and also to bin the TV and hence cease paying for the constant feed of rubbish and propaganda that is flooding our homes.
Talking about the commercial ads there, BTW, not the BBC.
OFFS it’s idiot boy again!
You seem to by happy to make a total arse of yourself just so you can stalk me.
Never heard of English Scots for Yes? Italian Scots for Yes
Chinese Scots, Scots Asian For Independence, Polish Scots. You can find every kind of Scot you can imagine.
I’m a Scot-Scot. What are you?
What do you mean I wouldn’t pussyfoot around any other ‘nationality’
Are you referring to the non-abbreviation of the word Pakistani?
I have already gone into that and explained how I had totally been brain washed pretty much like everyone else in the country.
That was step number one in our denial of free speech & words that hurt feelings.
Rev, thank you for publicising this kind of thing. With your viewing figures there is a chance that enough people will learn what is being done to children and they will tell the politicians that it is unacceptable.
And thank you for complaining to Ofcom.
Why would any parent or organisation or health board give you children puberty blockers or hormones when the long term effects of those drugs are unknown, and why are they giving young children who cannot even communicate properly yet those drugs as well.
Its child abuse plain and simple as that, and there’s going to be a helluva lot of angry, let down young adults in the years to come who’ll wants answers and compensation for what was done to them as children. I’d also imagine they’ll be more suicides as well, as the young adults will not be able cope with what’s been done to them.
Vote SNP make Scotland degenerate again.
Republic of Scotland said:
‘ Why would any parent or organisation or health board give you children puberty blockers or hormones when the long term effects of those drugs are unknown?’
Can you think of one other situation where parents queued up to give their children a medical procedure when the long term effects were unknown? Hmmmm
The Stand “comedy club” has reinstated JC’s event.
She should tell them and their rainbow warrior employees to shove it.
Posted for your entertainment…
Until recently at least, performing FGM on girls was considered a heinous crime and a disgusting form of child abuse.
Now our government seems determined to legitimise and normalise mutilation of breasts in healthy young girls, harming them and damaging permanently their bodies for life.
The corrupt government of the day may legitimise this assault on children, but it cannot stop it being an abhorrent form of child abuse.
Madness does not even begin to cover the superlative incongruency on this. In what parallel universe FGM is a crime, but cutting off a child’s breasts is not?
How on earth surgeons, or anybody for that matter, can ever square mutilation of healthy children with the hippocratic oath escapes me.
Welcome to a surreal world where surgeons are no longer surgeons. They are slowly morphing into the butchering arms of a toxic ideology working to ramp up the obscene profits of big pharma.
I think they need to change the hippocratic oath.
Re my post, I should have added the American academic circuit which has been pushing queer/trans theory into the mainstream. Some academics at Head Of Department level and above are also members of private online groups based around castration and the halting of the onset of puberty.
“English Scot” anybody?
Naw, never in a million years.
link to twitter.com
Been in common usage for a while. Did you forget the independence campaign?
Sturgeon supports all of this.
Sturgeon wants to foster children when she leaves politics.
Contriving to get Alex Salmond sent to jail, destroying the YES movement and all the things currently being investigated all pale in comparison to her support of all this evil.
In Scotland we have Alba
Barring something absolutely extraordinary there’s no chance of Alba gaining any sort of power. I know that’s not a popular opinion round here but right now that’s how things are. They might just get an MSP in the next Holyrood elections and will be lucky to retain any MP’s next year.
As for other parties opposing Gender Ideology, they might do well in raising awareness, but they won’t win a seat. Right now the problem is for much of the general population who aren’t online as much as we may be, this is all new and most don’t get that in fact, it’s around 25 years old with Queer Theory and Transgenderism being spawned in American universities in the 90s.
What may change things drastically is men competing in women’s sports. That for many is their first encounter with this & the reaction is overwhelmingly negative. Also, there’s a generation of kids rebelling against males being allowed into female toilets. It does give me some hope to see kids speak out so well against this ideology at much personal expense which gives me some hope for the future.
I may, or may not, be right however I think we can all agree that this is going to be a major topic in the next election and parties need to start breaking out of their own echo chambers as it’s not a vote winner as the Greens found out in Brighton last week where they lost seats thanks to a mix of poor governance and Gender ideology. A wee warning to the Scottish Greens if they have any sense left.
The elephant in the room is militant homosexuality.
Transgenderism is a leech upon the LGB community and lesbians especially were amongst the first attacked by the TQ+, and once the T saw that finally, the LGB community had won equal rights long denied them by frothing homophobes and bigots, they lept upon their cause to push their own at the expense of what had been hard fought for.
Queer ideology is about redefining sex so homosexuality is now long same sex attracted but same gender, which is meaning we have rapey shit like ‘the cotton ceiling’ which is seeing young lesbians especially being told that yes, if they don’t have sex with Trans identifying males they’re actually bigots and Nazis. A scour through social media will find you plenty of examples of women being shamed into accepting this and in effect being forced into rape culture.
So no, this is naff all to do with ‘militant homosexuality’.
My wife says I was born in the wrong body . She says I should have been born in Brad Pitt’s .
This sad story reminded me of how difficult it can be to be yourself whether male, or female or even a tree.
Everyone has a stereotyped view through which they view other people. They expect other people to conform to their stereotypes which may be markedly different to others.
Some films which deal with these issues, include “Pretty In Pink”, “Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe”, and the most directly relevant, “Ma Vie En Rose”*.
*1997, not” La Vie En Rose” about Edith Piaf.
The Stand “comedy club” has reinstated JC’s event.
That’s going to hurt all the armchair lawyers & the Trans ideologues especially. It should also help Joolz Denby’s case not to mention spell a warning that reality-based beliefs are protected by law & that discriminating against them is going to get your arse slapped like this.
I can picture the likes of Owen Jones, ‘Beth’ Douglas, and all the other wee cheeleaders for authoritarianism smashing their keyboards in rage.
Sadly I imagine this will lead to some people issuing threats and that Caberet Against the Hate Speech arsehole leading another misogynistic campaign against women meeting freely.
Madness does not even begin to cover the superlative incongruency on this. In what parallel universe FGM is a crime, but cutting off a child’s breasts is not?
There is a reason why some Trans/Queer activists campaign against legislation and campaigners against FGM. They know that anti FGM legislation can be used on doctors castrating and mutilating children so you’ll often see them attack campaigners.
Queer/Trans activists want ‘full bodily autonomy’ for people of any age. Work out yourself how awful that would be if anyone of any age could do anything with their body with no mental health checks or and restrictions.
Can I throw out a passing thought
Is the rise in transgender cases possibly linked to hormone and birth control pills in girls in the 70s impacting their children or even hormones in the drinking water or is it simply a psychological issue.
No party from Scotland gains any sort of power.
Who do you suggest people vote for?
Remember the next GE will be a de facto referendum?
The choice will be yes or no.
Too many chicken nuggets & happy meals.
If you tolerate this.
Experimenting on human dna with genders for children and adults.
Slowly Withdrawing energy suppliers to our homes with no equivalent costing or replacement.
Building groups of houses with no shops, no businesses, no parks, no greenery spaces. No children’s ball games and reduced play areas.
Reducing everyones income and pensions to one breadline amount.
Separating and causing division through peoples colour, race or religion.
Withdrawing personal transport.
Restrictions to the public under new health scare Lockdown laws.
Rationing the availability of food, due to government buying out farmers and restricting farmers on cattle, sheep, arable crop spraying.
Climate change laws to stop people enjoying the countryside.
15 minute Cities, imposed fines. If repeated perhaps jail.
Being branded with face recognition and ID cards.
This way of living —AT ONE TIME THESE PLACES used to be called GETTO’s in Germany
I agree entirely with your comment @1.50pm. I too am exasperated at the constant repetition of the description of transgenderism as a left wing movement.
What has been happening is that the idea of political alignment on the traditional left/right axis has become less appealing to the young. Unmoored from this political alignment has left young people, particularly university students who would in the past have been the most politically engaged, drifting in a political environment without the old certainties.
Somewhere, there were interested onlookers of this changing scene who realised that these pliable minds would be receptive to a completely ‘new’ ideology not connected to the old ideas of class and economic inequalities. Transgenderism was therefore the ideology that many of these young people grasped eagerly. For those bored with the old ‘dated’ ideas looking for something new that challenged the old order and overturned the beliefs of their elders, this movement offered exactly what young people have often craved, power to change the systems of their elders while framing themselves righteously as the progressive new order.
It also happens to chime with what evolution had put in place in the distant past; neuroscience now recognises that after puberty, it isn’t just about physical change to become an adult human being but that the brain goes through a second stage of development in which there is a kind of remaking of the brain, particularly the frontal lobes, where certain connections are unravelled and new connections are meant to be made, adapting the developing young adult to their new role in the world.
Unfortunately, this new way of seeing the world and their place in it can lead to turmoil not just for the young adult as they go through this re-learning process but for society in general. It has long been recognised by ordinary society before neuro-science discovered this pre-determined change, that the teenage years could be ‘difficult’.
Evolution seems to have decreed that young people should be open to change as they move from the dependency of childhood to the increasing autonomy of adulthood. However, in the modern world, we have many examples of how these evolving minds that wish to be independent have the contrary propensity to lose themselves in the abandonment of their individualism to mass groupthink of other young people.
A terrifying example of this abandonment of their childhood selves to an uncompromising consensual view of the world with other young people, together glorying in the rejection of their elders’ views and giving themselves wholly to a new vision which excluded absolutely the world of their elders, would be the Red Guard of Maoism. I am old enough to remember the footage of legions of young Chinese screaming in unison the thoughts of Chairman Mao, a massive forest of hands wielding their Little Red Books, strangely like fascist salutes.
China became completely closed off to the outside world during that time with only fragments of news of what went on in the intolerant regime of the Red Guards. They were encouraged to attack and denounce those who were not ‘pure’ in pursuit of Maoism and the terror they conducted against those they saw as enemies, like their teachers and professors, often resulted in actual killing.
The thing was, this was not in any way a grassroots movement resulting spontaneously from youth themselves, though they exulted in the power they had to redirect Chinese society. No, this had been initiated by a group of influential people at the top of the Communist party and very close to Mao, known as the Gang of Four. The two most influential in this group were actually Mao’s wife and Lin Pao and together they directed this terrible movement which was meant to take China back to an unsophisticated, agricultural state where Communism was supposed to return to its roots and become pure again.
It was actually brought to an end by Mao himself. The outside world only learned of it when it became known that the Gang of Four were to be put on trial ( though Lin Pao tried to flee but was killed in a mysterious plane crash.) So the power of the Gang of Four and their fanatical Red Guard came to an end. Mao himself escaped blame although it was obviously his dream they had been carrying out, to recapture the Communist idealism of his youth.
The point I’m making here, is that the fanaticism of the young Red Guards had been called up and set on the path of destruction of their society and its remaking, by adults with the agenda of doing exactly that. I get the strong feeling that it is people behind the scenes with an agenda who have set the transgender movement in motion and not just Big Pharma, who will of course make a lot of money.
These shadowy others in the background might well have the ambition of changing society and turning the world upside down just to see what happens. It might just be opportunism on a grand scale and that transgenderism happened to fit the bill in not being rooted in class politics at all and would attack the very foundations of biology and other fundamental beliefs of society. Once you get people to believe nonsense, you can do anything with them.
You can’t get more daring or radical than that but they still could not have managed it without the witlessness and connivance of politicians and those in other institutions – as well as that sleeping ogre, misogyny, being reinvigorated.
Experimenting on children, and humans.
No health Care.
Trials without juries.
Division by race,colour, creed, and religion.
Restrictions and rationing of energy and then food later on.
15 min Cities limits
= todays modern version of a GETTO for the people
Hope this teacher wins!
A primary school teacher now works in a sandwich shop after being sacked following a row over her refusal to use an eight-year-olds desired pronouns. The teacher is now pursuing legal action against Nottinghamshire Council, responsible for the school, over alleged unfair dismissal. Around two years ago, her school decided to facilitate the social transition of the little girl who wanted to be treated as a boy, she claimed.
All staff members were instructed to refer to the student using male pronouns and a male name, and the child was granted access to boys’ toilets and dressing rooms.
The teacher, a Christian, said she repeatedly warned about potential harm to the child’s welfare using the school’s whistleblowing procedure.
In response to her safeguarding alarms, the school said they were moving the child to another class to protect them from potential harm.
She was also told her “personal beliefs”, were they to be acted upon, “could be a direct breach of GDPR and an act of direct discrimination”.
link to msn.com
In the Express paper
I’m just shocked with what’s going on. Removed from Parents, simples. Who is really driving the drivel ?
Appalling stuff: for the reasons, follow the money and follow the paedophiles. These ideas are also being pushed by those who wish to smash the family and undermine social cohesion.
The enraging thing is that so many people in the media, education and politics go along with this utter crapola, which defies all logic and science but ensures a salary, a career and the chance to indulge in nauseating virtue-signalling to maintain their status.
We seem to be in an age where the old Right-Left battlelines are becoming redundant, as Mia said above. Thus soulless Big Pharma capitalism can embrace woke ideas which some people class as Marxist. It’s really all about totalitarianism set against our common humanity and the individual’s right to think and live freely.
Orwell’s image of the boot stomping on the human face for ever springs to mind.
Ruby @ 5:27pm
I wish there had been happy meals in the seventies, everybody was miserable.
There was definitely something weird going on with girls in the seventies, though. Not one of the ones I liked liked me back. Hard to believe, I know. I even bought platform shoes and flares but that didn’t work either.
Good to know it was hormones in the drinking water and not the fact that I was pug ugly,
I watched this in horror and it reminded of Jazz Jennings, a well known male to female trans, who was transed at 5 years old by his mother. Watch on TLC or Youtube. I’ve never seen or heard such an unhappy person who only appears to becomes animated in front of a camera. Point being that Jazz has had horrendous problems, emotionally and physically, enduring radical surgery that has given him very bad side effects. He takes anti depressants and is in therapy. This should act as a HUGE warning to all parents who think its ok to do this to their kids. I guess it won’t though, too many wokies about. P.S. I simply can’t bring myself to call him “she”.
Mia: this is very much left and right, I’m afraid. That is, hard left and hard right. You are talking about the usual left and right which, as you say, are both into this up to their necks, and, yes, if the Tories really wanted rid of this bull, they would have legislated against it long ago. It is simply a fact of life, like the grass is green, that the hard left betrays everyone in every generation and allows the right in because it seeks to undermine society through equity – that is, equal outcomes, which is impossible in most circumstances. ‘Trans’ rights – that is, their extension, because that is what this is – in reality, are on a direct collision course with female rights. By destroying or, at best, damaging existing structures, the hard left allows the right an entry point. All parties are into this stuff and we can make a fair guess as to why.
The thing is that most of Stonewall’s and its arms’ supporters are either corporate billionaires, psychopaths, misogynists and narcissists, sex-fevered fetishists, saliva-dribbling sanctimonious politicians (with some queer and kink thrown in) and the terminally bone-headed who lack the imagination or life experience to understand what they are supporting (sadly, these are mainly female). The first-mentioned are the puppet masters and the rest simply go along with it because, a) there is profit to be made; b) power to be courted; c) unregulated sex of every description and some beyond description, to be accessed, the porn industry being larger than most corporate money-makers, or, d) they cannot think critically about very much at all. The whole thing is an elaborate con to undermine our society to the point where takeover by corporate interests becomes entirely feasible. Everyone gets a share of the spoils – except the gullible females who support it, of course, who will be its first victims along with their older sisters and mothers. T’was ever thus, but many women are just beginning to grasp that this can be defeated, and, furthermore, might also be a step forward in female human evolution by welding female solidarity which is shaky at the best of times. Every cloud has a silver lining, as they say.
What is does signify is that the Western liberal consensus, especially in the States and in the UK and other former colonial outposts, is breaking down and making way for totalitarian thinking. That will affect men as well as women and children. Unfortunately, the young as a group in society are naturally totalitarian until they actually live life, and will always be used by the unscrupulous as their shock troops: Cambodia (Pol Pot and his young guards), China (Mao and his Red Guards), Russia (Stalin and his Komsomol), Germany (Hitler and his Hitler Youth). In each case, the fervent young were conscripted and fashioned into a brainwashed cohort who were led to despise their elders, throw off the past and embrace a future where dissidents were dispensed with in characteristic and, sometimes, hideously imaginative ways, where families were disrupted and children encouraged to betray their parents. We have been warned.
Mental agility is required to see that all these combined changes to British law will railroad people into Getto’s without using railways this time,
Many of these laws are already in Westminster and Scottish government,
The forth industrial revolution on UKs site may sound innocent but slowly slowly catch a monkey
It is coming to a city you live in, in your own town, your town will be your Getto.
PLEASE can I ask again that people STOP using the misnomer of GENDER when they mean SEX , I personally would BAN the word and make it ILLEGAL, because these perverts and deviants have captured it and MISUSED it to DELIBERATELY attempt to replace the TRUE meaning of SEX in normal conversation and thought
GENDER is a SOCIAL construct used by LIARS to confuse and disrupt DON’T PLAY THEIR GAME call it out at every turn
The bottom line.
Those two sad irrelevant soles (souls) seeking only to be relevant for their own 15 minutes of fame on the school run.
She’s 100% in need of – or is most likely already in BPD in treatment.
He’s just your usual confused pathetic boomer trying to be his idea os a Mr 21c enlightened dude after 25 years of one total failed skip-fire relationship after another.
He’s a total wan!
Poor child.
It used to be the teachers – now it looks like it’s the crippling selfish and BPD insecurities of the parents that most western-trans-ideology-bred-children will need to overcome first….
to have any chance of a genuine normal life…
They deserve each other… but you only hope that one day the child gets an honest chance at an honest life..
President Xiden @4.15pm.
Yes I see where you are coming from, and I’ll add that those companies made sure that disclaimers were signed before they went ahead, so they’ll be no recourse for those who didn’t fair well after them.
Good for Joanna Cherry she appeared on the English ran STV news as it reported the Stands backdown, as some have mentioned in here, the Stand knew if they were sued they’d lose.
Anyway Cherry didn’t pull her punches in the interview with John MacKay saying that MEN can’t be lesbians, and that MEN can’t be women, well said.
No doubt many will be fuming with that, so Joanna should watch out for the trans nutter brigade seeking to do her harm.
HRH King of Scots
looks like His Royal Highness will be ‘crowned’ King of Scots on 5 July. Edinburgh Castle is to be closed to ordinary mortals that day, with the ‘Crown Room’ closed on 4 and 6 July as well.
Historic Scotland is apologising in advance (I think without any intended irony) for “the inconvenience caused”.
It looked like the mother was feeding her child pet food before the camera panned down!
Congratulations to Joanne Cherry for forcing the Stand comedy club & Tommy Shepard into a back down i hope she has good support at the Fringe .
No party from Scotland gains any sort of power.
Who do you suggest people vote for?
Remember the next GE will be a de facto referendum?
The choice will be yes or no.
I have no idea. There are no workable larger parties with a decent manifesto or there’s smaller parties who at best, might grab a seat but their best hope is stirring a debate. We are in a situation where we are electorally screwed wherever we turn.
I’m afraid it’s going to take hitting absolute rock bottom before things might turn round and the adults return to the political landscape. As for independence, that’s dead for a generation at least thanks to the SNP ensuring that barring the core support, there’s no way we’ll convince No voters at this moment in time.
I watched this in horror and it reminded of Jazz Jennings
What has happened to Jazz is one of the great tragedies of our time. A clearly smart, but seriously troubled child with clear mental issues castrated and Transed by his mother to make the family millions. His mother has ensured he’s never going to have children, not to mention never having any sexual experience now he’s an adult. He’s said many times about his struggle with eating disorders hence his massive weight gain, not to mention he’s constantly going back to the surgeons to repair whatever damage the previous ones did. I can’t help but feel for him as his life is ruined.
His mother should be in prison. Sadly she isn’t and even worse, Jazz is seen as a ‘positive’ example of Transing children which is extraordinary. There’s no way he was able to make an informed decision on his transition having been Transed so young.
No doubt many will be fuming with that, so Joanna should watch out for the trans nutter brigade seeking to do her harm.
There’s at least one serious threat to her life already been made, and there are dozens (probably hundreds if not thousands now) of people demanding Cherry be subject to being hounded while accusing her of ‘crimes’ such as saying men cannot be women and the Trans movement is deeply authoritarian and misogynist.
I find it also to be extraordinary that neither Humza Yousaf, Stephen Flynn or any other major figure in the SNP has said one word of support. Cherry has suffered multiple death threats, including from people who work for the SNP so the least you’d expect is for the leadership, or even one lowly MP, MSP or councillor to condemn it instead of this cold silence which suggests they actually support these threats.
link to news.stv.tv
Sorry to be pedantic but what she said was men can’t be lesbians men can’t just simply change their sex by saying so.
I understand she opposes self-id & I understand what she means about biological sex.
I don’t understand what she means by trans rights. Is this the right to change the sex on your passport, birth certificate etc. as per the GRA 2004?
I believe the GRA 2004 requires someone seeking a GRC in order to change the sex on their documents, be recognised as a bride, and have female on their death certificate etc to is required to spend two years self-idying as a woman. Is this not a man not simple becoming a woman.
Once a man gets his GRC and is able to be a bride is there any reason why he should be a lesbian.
link to news.stv.tv
Sorry to be pedantic but what she said was men can’t be lesbians men can’t just simply change their sex by saying so.
I understand she opposes self-id & I understand what she means about biological sex.
I don’t understand what she means by trans rights. Is this the right to change the sex on your passport, birth certificate etc. as per the GRA 2004?
I believe the GRA 2004 requires someone seeking a GRC in order to change the sex on their documents, be recognised as a bride, and have female on their death certificate etc is required to spend two years self-idying as a woman. Is this not a man not simple becoming a woman because he said so?
Once a man gets his GRC and is able to be a bride is there any reason why he shouldn’t be a lesbian.
I might have to book a ticket for Joanna’s show and ask her all these questions.
In the meantime perhaps you guys could help me out.
I’m sticking with No GRA no sex changes no gender changes. That is what makes sense to me.
I don’t quite follow your argument Ruby. Joanna (and i) say that a man identifying as a woman cannot be a lesbian, he is a straight man. If you’re suggesting the GRA is being abused and not fit for purpose however, I would agree with you
This is a nightmare we are living through, Dr Mengele would be proud of these twisted fucks who advocate this shit.
zut alors!
Loads of typos in my last post.
last line should be
Once a man gets his GRC and is able to be a bride is there any reason why he should not be a lesbian.
The red and black child’s painting on the wall behind the interviewer at 1:40
tells a story.
Watched channel 4 news tonight and Sandy Brindly given an unchallenged slot to trash the opinions of a jury. Obviously lack of evidence is providing an unsatisfactory degree of influence on the jury accepting the a woman might be wrong.
Humza is going to have to get a grip of these head cases or he will face the same fated as Sturgeon. The clock is ticking Humza,
It is a daft police designed to crash and bring the Scottish Parliament into disrepute.
What an absolutely shocking piece of footage. If it was up to me i’d have that broadcaster taken off the air.
As far as further comment goes? I’m with Alison, the first btl comment on this thread. Those parents are seriously questionable. For me, the dad says it all when he states he didn’t know what transgender was at *2-years-old*. NOBODY knew/knows what transgender is/was at just 2-years-old.
And neither did “Stormy”, that child was manipulated into her situation. And as far as the child being “older than his years” then i would suggest the child actually gets to spend more time with children her own age.
Children with very old heads on their shoulders tend to be restricted from contact with children their own age and tend to be overprotected and kept around adults mainly. This should all be classed as a form of child abuse.
Notwithstanding all the work you have done on Independence, what you are doing to expose the demented insanity of the trans cult is probably the most important work you will ever do. As always it leaves the MSM in your wake. Thank you!
By way of conciliation folk should be reminded we have long been ruled by and at the mercy of private schools and paedophilic control.
The vast majority of us resist hurtful behaviour through choice though an education that includes ‘Beasting’ was the norm for the dominant actors in our politics, media , legal and art .
The ‘casting couch’ is another 20th century fraze for fukin and sukin your way to a career as was the norm.
SusanAHF says:
12 May, 2023 at 7:45 pm
I don’t quite follow your argument Ruby. Joanna (and i) say that a man identifying as a woman cannot be a lesbian, he is a straight man. If you’re suggesting the GRA is being abused and not fit for purpose however, I would agree with you
I’m suggesting there should be no GRA.
I’m definitely not arguing that men can be lesbians I’m just wondering what transwomen can be?
Can they be hetrosexual women do you think?
I’m not quite sure if Joanna believes transwomen are women or not and what she means by trans rights.
If she were one of the lesbians in the SNP who chants transwomen are women then if would be difficult for her to say transwomen (aka men) can’t be lesbians.
I take it you don’t believe transwomen are women?
Den says at 7:53 pm:
“This is a nightmare we are living through, Dr Mengele would be proud of these twisted fucks who advocate this shit.”
Which is one of the reasons for the post-WWII Nuremberg Code, because, sadly, many of the medical profession in ’30s Germany went against their Hippocratic Oath and did terrible things to the patients in their care when given licence by the Nazis.
“Do no harm.”
John C
A couple of points if I may.
Are you confident that the radical surgery being pushed by the “trans loonies” is not just a Trojan horse by which FGM can be made acceptable, legitimate and mainstream?
After all, FGM has been around for ever, and is mainstream everywhere but in the West (well, actually common in the West too, but we don’t like to acknowledge that reality). There is a constant and growing demand for FGM. Seems to me that the current quasi-legal opposition to FGM must automatically go out the window once the “trans loonies” make it routine and acceptable for their scissoring ideas (I write “quasi-legal” because although illegal, in practice, FGM is ignored due to “cultural sensitivities”). Seems to me too that getting the trans scissoring accepted on kids opens the door wide for FGM, which is also done to kids.
Regarding “English Scots”, don’t be daft. Or, accept that every English man and woman is free to self-Id as Scottish, meaning that it is exactly right that we don’t have Indy, as there is a ginormous majority of English Scots opposed to it.
JGedd: it is a movement of the hard left – look at the adult protagonists – which has been hi-jacked by the hard right, the corporates and the moneymen. That is evident if you track its roots. It might be partly to do with disaffection of youth, but the Denton’s Document lays it all out as a takeover of institutions and public services that youth have no skin in, until they become older.
One of the things that stand out in today’s Western world is that children remain children for far, far longer than any previous generation, they are better off as they grow up (not all, obviously) and their middle-class angst is rooted in artificial outrage at society. They appear to care little about class differences and the advantages claimed by their own, middle-class, but appear to care about nebulous things like ‘gender’.
It has all the appearance of dissent and pushing against the system while none of the substance. It is everyone else who has to fear their rage, cancelling and threats rather than they being afraid of the rage of the state because the state has, largely, colluded in their lazy validation of something so unhinged and deranged. Look, peer group, I’m part of the unhinged and deranged! How outrageous am I! That it is also linked most definitely to real mental ill-health also seems to be something that should be celebrated instead of being the foundation for extra psychological care.
It will fall and pass, but the damage that has already been done will be all but irreparable. For anyone who seriously believes that this would not happen in an independent Scotland, he or she is living in Cloud Cuckoo Land. They chose Scotland for a reason, and independence was sacrificed for it. Look at Ireland, at New Zealand, at Australia, at Canada, at the US, at every European state – all independent. They need to be cleared out BEFORE independence, not some pipe dream that we can do it afterwards.
John C says: 12 May, 2023 at 4:53 pm
The elephant in the room is militant homosexuality.
Transgenderism is a leech upon the LGB community and lesbians especially were amongst the first attacked by the TQ+, and once the T saw that finally, the LGB community had won equal rights long denied them by frothing homophobes and bigots, they lept upon their cause to push their own at the expense of what had been hard fought for.
Queer ideology is about redefining sex so homosexuality is now long same sex attracted but same gender, which is meaning we have rapey shit like ‘the cotton ceiling’ which is seeing young lesbians especially being told that yes, if they don’t have sex with Trans identifying males they’re actually bigots and Nazis. A scour through social media will find you plenty of examples of women being shamed into accepting this and in effect being forced into rape culture.
So no, this is naff all to do with ‘militant homosexuality’.
I think you need to be honest in that lesbian woman are the ones who are most affected by the Trans agenda.
This isn’t a homosexual thing, it’s a people thing. You can see this with the idiots in the video who are emotionally abusing their child. However, it isn’t helping by throwing accusations of homophobia or transphobia about.
Sure, there are brave Gay men who are making a stand about this but a lot aren’t and how much is that down to making it a black and white issue where it is attack on Trans rights is an attack on Gay rights?
The gay community, like the straight community isn’t some homogeneous one where everybody thinks and acts the same. They have different views and yes, there are extremists in both groups.
I’m not going to speak for Ottomanboi or defend his views. That is up to him to do so. However, what I am asking are members of the gay community above approach that their views can’t be challenged or does that make me homophobic?
Of course gay men have the right to either support the Stonewall Trans agenda or disagree with it as much as straight people are. It is based on personal views and what they as individuals judge as to right or wrong. However, they shouldn’t be above getting involved in the debating the issue and declare their views without deflection by throwing accusations of homophobia to those who challenge their views.
As I said, I’m not here to defend Ottomanboi and his choice of words is shall we say to the point but does that make him homophobic or give others the right to shut him down?
When reality becomes indistinguishable from Evil you don’t have to go looking for a clever answer. It is what it is.
Cutting up kids…
@John C 7:11
Didn’t JC go on record just the other day, re-affirming her total commitment to the SNP?
“My party, right or wrong”.
There’s a vacant space in Scotland for a leader right now. To occupy that space, and have millions of Scots lining up to follow, all JC or anybody else in the public eye has to do is speak the plain, unvarnished, biological reality that we all know to be true.
In other words, speak for the millions, and tell the dozens of real trans people that their minuscule tail can no longer wag the mahoosive Scottish dog.
I can’t get too worked up in sympathy for JC as long as she continues to trough it with the rest of the reality deniers.
“with experimental drugs and surgery based not on any medical need, but on politicians posturing and virtue-signalling for votes.”
Who in their right minds in Scotland would give their votes to such politicians?
Unless these politicians are seen as the ones who could bring independence.
IMHO, the SNP under the biggest tractor in Scottish history has been bought by powerful paedophiles to be used as a cover for their paedophile agenda.
Once a man gets his GRC and is able to be a bride is there any reason why he shouldn’t be a lesbian.
Because the GRC creates a legal fiction. It doesn’t negate the fact he’s still a male so therefore can’t be a lesbian. His sex is still male, but in the eyes of the law a legal fiction is created and anyone of a certain age with a GRC should be perfectly aware of this.
This wasn’t a huge issue when a relative handful of people were getting a GRC, after a lot of gatekeeping to keep out the sort of people now pushing hard for self-ID. Self-ID effectively means anyone can now create a legal fiction which effectively destroys single sex places overnight.
Are you confident that the radical surgery being pushed by the “trans loonies” is not just a Trojan horse by which FGM can be made acceptable, legitimate and mainstream?
No. The fact FGM might now slip through the net is a side effect of what the Trans lobby wants, not a feature. Trans ideology is born of Queer Theory and Transhumanism smashing hard into things like the men’s rights movement, a mental health crisis, the power of social media and an almost perfect storm which has allowed it to grow since the late 90s.
Regarding “English Scots”, don’t be daft. Or, accept that every English man and woman is free to self-Id as Scottish, meaning that it is exactly right that we don’t have Indy, as there is a ginormous majority of English Scots opposed to it.
You don’t seem to get what ‘English Scots’, or any version of ‘Scots’ prefixed by another country means. It’s something which has been commonly used for several decades by people from another place to identify as both being from their original home and where they currently live. Scotland is a country built on immigration and frankly, the more people coming to live here willing to change things for the best the better we might all be. If ever a country needed new viewpoints and opinions it’s us.
And we don’t have independence because enough people in Scotland voted against it. We failed to make a good enough case.
Serious Q:
Is there available a trustworthy breakdown of how many MSPs/MPs etc are gay, bi, trans, gender-fluid or whatever else they may identify as?
We are all asked to provide this information when we apply for jobs, complete surveys and what-not.
Is that information confidential?
“If you tolerate this”
If we don’t, we go to jail in the rotten to the core state of Scotland.
Any Ghandi like personality in Scotland?
However, it isn’t helping by throwing accusations of homophobia or transphobia about.
Except the problem is that the backlash to Trans/Queer activism has also unleashed some dreadful homophobia such as the post I was replying to. As I’ve made clear, the LGB community have been fighting this longer than anyone with lesbians like Julie Bindel being the canary in the mine
However, what I am asking are members of the gay community above approach that their views can’t be challenged or does that make me homophobic?
People can be challenged without resorting to old homophobic tropes or playing at Sea Lioning to mask whatever homophobia may be there. Again this is one of the many terrible things coming out of Trans/Queer ideology. It’s allowing people to vocalise homophobia in a way we’ve not seen in decades but what’s worse this time is much of it is masked with ‘progressive politics’ so we end up with stuff like the cotton ceiling.
As I said, I’m not here to defend Ottomanboi and his choice of words is shall we say to the point but does that make him homophobic or give others the right to shut him down?
His points were bullshit for the reasons given. Calling worthless opinions bullshit isn’t ‘shutting him down’, it’s calling them what they are. If they want to come back with informed ones then let’s have a debate but the uninformed opinion has no right to pass as sensible debate.
@ Ian B
This article from a couple of years back touches on the subject.
link to wingsoverscotland.com
@Dan (10.35) –
Thanks so much for posting that. I remember reading that at the time and loving it. Have just posted a link on Twitter and I’m sure it will go down well with those who may have missed it.
John C says:
12 May, 2023 at 9:45 pm
Once a man gets his GRC and is able to be a bride is there any reason why he shouldn’t be a lesbian.
Because the GRC creates a legal fiction. It doesn’t negate the fact he’s still a male so therefore can’t be a lesbian. His sex is still male, but in the eyes of the law a legal fiction is created and anyone of a certain age with a GRC should be perfectly aware of this.
This wasn’t a huge issue when a relative handful of people were getting a GRC, after a lot of gatekeeping to keep out the sort of people now pushing hard for self-ID. Self-ID effectively means anyone can now create a legal fiction which effectively destroys single sex places overnight.
It’s all completely mad!
What is the point of this legal fiction even if it’s just for a handful of people do you suppose.
Hi Dan
We don’t just have barbies, ken & action man man dolls to consider. There is a new doll now!
It’s the Cliff Richards variety.
The are very scary!
link to twitter.com
Just reading through the comments and noticed a pattern so I decided to give some gentle advice by asking the questions:-
What does it mean if you are talking about a very important event, especially events around a war, yet I could simply turn on the TV to get the same opinion?
What does it mean if you are talking about a very important event, especially events around a war, and everything you say matches the establishment line, yet anything I am even able to say has to be done through euphemisms in order to avoid censorship or even legal difficulties?
Just consider those 2 questions for a moment.
And I couldn’t resist:
@John C
‘Scotland is a country built on immigration and frankly, the more people coming to live here willing to change things for the best the better we might all be. If ever a country needed new viewpoints and opinions it’s us’
Scotland is a country that was built primarily by us. Also, the majority of people currently coming here are from cultures who look less favourably on men who enjoy flaunting their homosexuality than we do.
The changes you ask for are not going to suit you.
You see if it comes down to it I can read a holy book and do what’s necessary. I have a wife and a child. I can even flourish, if I wanted to, in such a changed society. Islam, for all its flaws, is not a racist ideology.
You, however, if things went far enough, might find that you are shunned, spat upon and in actual danger from the legal use of force against you. So much so that you will be forced back in the closet and wish for the rest of your secretive life that you’d rooted for the native inhabitants of this country instead.
What is a real trans person?
Just reading through the comments and noticed a pattern so I decided to give some gentle advice by asking the questions:-
What does it mean if you are talking about a very important event, especially events around a war, yet I could simply turn on the TV to get the same opinion?
What does it mean if you are talking about a very important event, especially events around a war, and everything you say matches the establishment line, yet anything I am even able to say has to be done through euphemisms in order to avoid censorship or even legal difficulties?
Just consider those 2 questions for a moment.
And I couldn’t resist:
@John C
‘Scotland is a country built on immigration and frankly, the more people coming to live here willing to change things for the best the better we might all be. If ever a country needed new viewpoints and opinions it’s us’
Scotland is a country that was built primarily by us. Also, the majority of people currently coming here are from cultures who look less favourably on men who enjoy flaunting their homosexuality than we do.
The changes you ask for are not going to suit you.
You see if it comes down to it I can read a holy book and do what’s necessary. I have a wife and a child. I can even flourish, if I wanted to, in such a changed society.
You, however, if things went far enough, might find that you are shunned, spat upon and in actual danger from the legal use of force against you. So much so that you will be forced back in the closet and wish for the rest of your secretive life that you’d rooted for the native inhabitants of this country instead.
I am getting pretty sick of this “Trans Brigade” taking over Politics. I was born in 1946, when my parents both returned after World War II. My father served in the KOSBS on the Kyber Pass in India. My Welsh mother was a Sgt in the WAAFs in Egpypt. She was in charge of the “Stores” when the RAF planes were shot down and she had orders to recover any uniforms or equipment that could be re-used. She once told me that she had to pick out dead pilots’ fingers from gloves so that they could be used again! I once asked my parents why they went to war and the answer from both of them was “for Scotland” and “for Wales”. I had a wonderful childhood – we didn’t have much but we enjoyed the countryside and the love of our parents. We also had great school teachers. I have vivid memories of one night when my father came and announced “Rationing is over”. He brought in a box of chocolates for ny mother and a bag of peaches for us all to enjoy – I thought it the most delicious fruit I had ever tasted! At that point in life (about 1956 we were all glad to still be alive) What a pity the present generation of young people don’t understand what their grandparents did for them!
@Galloway Lass –
I’m sure most young folk love and appreciate their grandparents, as mine do (although they only have one they really know).
It’s a worrying time for all of us, of whatever age, to be alive.
All we can do is look out for each other and use places like this to raise our voices. Feels hopeless at times, aye, but we can’t let the bastards win.
The contention that it takes a 2000% increase to get from 250 to 5000 rather than a 1900% increase will likely have elicited wry smiles from genuinely alert readers.
This is all a tragedy – in the very true sense of the word – about to happen.
Not sure what the latest name is for this condition, but one of my siblings had a child that was hermaphrodite, or intersex.
Born with both sets of sex organs, though these days the trans community are now stating that there are various degrees of DSDs – disorders of sex development as I think the last trendy name states this disorder.
It is a condition so rare that there likely less than a couple of hundred people with this condition in the UK. Yet all of a sudden, it seems, that estimate has now grown to between 2000 and 20,000 have some degree of ‘ambiguous genitalia’.
Now let that sink in, a hugely rare and awful anomaly, so rare that I doubt few know a person with this condition, is suddenly something that has gone from affecting a couple of hundred people in the UK to affecting up to 200,000. And even that figure is considered to be an understatement by some in the trans community.
This is not some disease, it is a mistake of nature, a binary mistake – half the world has one set of genitalia and the other half has a different, complimentary set of genitalia, and the mistake is that a person has both sets. No how on earth can something suddenly – and it is suddenly in the scheme of things – can there be any further ambiguity. Except to grow the trans community.
And the treatment is brutal. Easy enough to whip off the penis and gonads and ‘create’ a vagina. And possibly even sensible if the internal organs are female, but the human body doesn’t work like that and suppressing hormones in this day and age is never going to be totally successful at anything except creating chimeras.
This is a dreadful road to have to travel for anyone with this condition, yet there is positive encouragement to jump on a bandwagon, add to the numbers and add to the, at best, semi effective treatments by putting hundreds and thousands of people, by and large young people and children, at huge risk of harm.
I wonder how many lives will be ruined before someone stops and asks why? Because there is a reason why, and its not just to create a profitable pharma industry, though that won’t be the least of it.
I have wept many many tears from my family member, and I know she has wept many many more. I despair that this whole situation is about life choices, and it is being driven by stupidity of parents, but far far more by the stupidity of the education profession and the medical profession. And by something much more sinister.
Ruby @ 11.34pm: A ‘real’ trans person, I would suggest, is someone who has the gross misfortune to have a congenital deformity which means they are physically neither obviously male or female. Such people undoubtedly exist, but I believe they are in a tiny minority in comparison to the number of male perverts who get turned on by dressing up in women’s clothes and using the opposite sex’s toilets, or the teenage rebels who want an anti-convention fad to cling to in order to express their alienation from society, much like goths did in the ’80s, punks and metallers did in the ’70s and hippies did in the ’60s. Have you noticed that all of those youth-cults and styles have quite suddenly died out? What are pissed-off teenagers supposed to do now that music, fashion and youth culture have been taken over by bland, manufactured corporatism? I think we’re seeing the result.
In the video at about 2:21 they are asked: “What would you do if Stormy came to you tomorrow and said ‘actually I want to be a girl’?”
Father says: “I don’t know.”
Mother says: “Fine, after I’ve bought a new wardrobe.”
Why? Just tell her: “No, you’re a boy until you need new clothes.”
Mia @ 1.50pm: I am so with you! Wokism is a ruling class ideology. It is intended to divide and factionalise ordinary people, set them against one-another, and divert their attention from what’s really going on. We are being enslaved and robbed blind by the ruling class. Woke ideology has nothing whatever to do with socialism, and definitely nothing to do with Scottish independence. I’m quite sure it is being promoted precisely in order to prevent our independence. Those who seek to destroy the independence movement know that wokism has no popular support, therefore they are promoting it in the hope of making independence unsupportable.
The thing is, there was actually a time when I didn’t care about what people did in private or how they chose to ‘identify’. I don’t think these things should be anyone’s business, and I have always believed that people should be free to be who they truly are. But we keep having this bullshit gender ideology and sexual perversion shoved in our faces. Enough is enough.
link to archive.is
Exclusive: The mother from Glasgow explained that her daughter was worried that she could suddenly change gender after being told that a boy in her class was now a girl
She added: “To me its an abuse of all the children in the nursery by the staff just to make that child go along with his fantasy that he is a little girl and not a little boy. They are all expected to go along with that lie, the lie that is it is possible to change sex. The Scottish Government framework 2019 gave nurseries the authority to change a child’s identity without informing their parents.
I agree with the mother it’s child abuse on the part of the nursery staff.
This is wrong. Utterly, utterly abhorrent. How in the name of **** can a child of 18 months decide they are ‘trans’ and ‘be born in the wrong body’????
Where does a six year old even get this stuff??
I sincerely hope that those worldwide who are peddling this trans ideology (which incidentally, has zero scientific credibility), will eventually be put where they belong, in jail. fifteen years from now, I think courts worldwide, will be chockful of doctors, surgeons and so-called ‘gender therapists’, who enabled this evil. I hope they all go to jail for a very looooong time.
When I was growing up, some wee boys played with girls stuff, and some played like typical boys, likewise with the girls. I recall one particularly boisterous girl who hung around with the boys, and she is now happily married with kids.
A childs brain is simply unable to discern these things and make such decisions – that is why we have parents. It is literally why kids will believe in Santa Claus, and genuinely get upset if told otherwise. Their brain is simply not fully developed. How they view the world is NOT how adults perceive things. If only THEY had a REAL spiderman suit, they too could swing from buildings like peter parker, for real.
Why oh why do none of these so-called gender therapists even grasp that single simple fact. These are NOT adults.
Why is this nonsense being given credibility? Why is nobody asking the right questions, instead of pandering to dangerous nonsense like this, and what in my view is patent child abuse.
For heavens sake, leave kids alone.
Ottomanboi at 324pm,
Sadly, your comments are quite misplaced. I am gay and so far as I am concerned their are two sexes. This has zero to do with what you foolishly call ‘militant homosexuality’. Many of the most vocal ‘trans advocates’, are extremely homophobic, to the point that they denounce homosexuality and smear those who fight for lesbians and gay men – a clear example of a lesbian attacked by the trans mob, merely for standing up for gay and lesbians, is Joanna Cherry.
Trans ideology, taken to its logical conclusion is in fact completely homophobic.
Admittedly, it took many gay folk a while to realise this, but their is now a growing desire to keep gay and lesbian rights groups away from this trans nonsense. The two things are unrelated.
Many, many folk who are gay think the same. Nobody asked us before the trans loonies hijacked the LGB rights movement, and started adding on all their fetish letters (QTIAS+++ etc.). We think it is nuts too. Right now, their are many gay groups and individuals fighting against this trans and gender nonsense. For example we have the LGB alliance all over the world,, and their are many others fighting this.
To be clear, their are two sexes, which are recorded (not ‘assigned’) at birth, male and female. A lesbian is a woman who is sexually attracted to other women. A lesbian is not a man, or even a man who wears dresses. Gender is an artificial construct. If as an adult, a man decides to live as a woman, with a woman’s name, I would be respectful of that, since it is none of my business (live and let live), but he wouldn’t ever actually be a woman (or a lesbian), since that is biologically impossible – no matter how many toxic drugs you take.
link to lgballiance.org.uk
Thanks for filing the OFCOM complaint.
Mia at 1253pm,
Thank you for your comment. You have exactly summed up just how utterly absurd all of this is. How on earth could a child decide such things, is beyond me. Why grown adults, and especially parents are falling for this nonsense, is truly beyond me.
Of course I don’t believe transwomen are women, they are men and as a lesbian I think I can tell the difference
Mia and Robert Louis, thank you both . I get so angry about all this utter crap that i feel I might explode.
John C
Modern Scotland is a country blighted by emigration.
If there ever was an earlier time of mass immigration, then that was achieved by the universal use of edged weapons. I see neither the weapons nor the immigration as desirable.
As for the import of new ideas, in the age of TV, computers and the internet, every idea, good or bad, is at the fingertips of everybody.
To believe that idea transfer can only occur when people transfer is baseless.
Michael Laing 3.41 “Wokism is a ruling class ideology”
Nope. It is being most aggressively promoted here by Democratic Left Scotland (Maggie’s mob, eurocommunists, middle-class battalion, stationed in the Scottish Green Party) and the SWP (Trotskyite communists, banner platoon). Both these groups can do ideology better than anyone. Mia’s posts would be rejected by them as being too short and coherent.
If you had said “Wokism is a ruling class strategy” I’d have somewhat agreed. The ruling class pipe money to the vocal left, for now obvious reasons, and some make it to the public payroll courtesy of parties and NGOs being made up mostly of people with an allergy to self-promotion and boring/fractious meetings.
Rabbie Burns song says, “A Man’s A Man For A’ That”. Maybe we should change the lyrics to “Some Men Ur Women for A’ That”. I wonder what Rabbie would have thought of the the 21st century.
“It is being most aggressively promoted here by Democratic Left Scotland (Maggie’s mob, eurocommunists, middle-class battalion, stationed in the Scottish Green Party)”
For what we are seeing here in Scotland, there is nothing democratic about the Green Party. But then again, there is nothing democratic about the SNP, libdems, labour or tories either. If there was, we would have had the independence referendum long ago and Scotland would have been independent since 2015.
This “ideology” is not just being aggressively promoted by the “left” though, is it? Besides Greens, SNP, labour and libdems are also overtly pushing this crazy stuff through and consciously doing it against the will and interests of the majority of the people of Scotland. Not exactly democratic, is it? Generating large profits for pharma at the expense of the NHS and the taxpayer has nothing to do with the left. It is raw capitalism.
As for the tories, GC women have been targetted, bullied and driven out of their jobs by these transmafia zealots, yet, I saw no attempt by the tory government to redress this nor to punish the culprits.
For instance, some politicians jumped on the bandwagon of backing The Stand to block Joanna Cherry despite this being unlawful discrimination. In other words, those politicians were actively backing the lawbreaking by a private business an thererfore they should be immediately resigning their jobs. It is incompatible to be part of the body that creates laws and at the same time encourage and support businesses/individuals to break the law. So why there is not an immediate demand from the tories for those self-agranded idiots to immediately resign their MP/MSP seats? Are we to understand those politicians are either so dredfully ignorant, crass or lack judgement to the extent of believing this toxic ideology of theirs gives its zealot supporters (and them) the right to break the law without consequences?
If I remember correctly, the UK tory government also invested to the tune of millions of taxpayers’ cash into Stonewall and other dodgy quangos. So they are on it up to their armpits too.
As per right/left, to be frank, you can only consider labour, Greens, SNP or LibDems as “left” when you have them in the exact same platform as the extreme right. In other words, it is not the party’s actions what makes them left, it is the standard you compare them with what does. It is not the same thing.
It stands to the obvious the entire UK political establishment, are pushing for this and stands to benefit from this somehow. If not the parties themselves, it will be the entity which is moving their strings and making them work in collusion with each other to push this through. You have to wonder what entity is that, why they are doing this, and what exactly it is that they are after.
Divide and conquer springs to mind, as keeping the plebs on a permanent state of confusion and fear to opening their mouths. In other words, it is forcing people down the pyramid of needs making them concentrate on their basic needs rather than self-determination. This is, at all practical effects, a dictatorial tool, fit for a police state rather than for a democracy. It is of course a very convenient tool when you are desperate to stop the progression of Scotland’s independence and need to silence dissenters quickly.
But I do agree with you. The proliferation of this is not because of the values of the ideology, but rather its advantages as an strategy. An strategy that ALL political parties bar the real pro independence parties in Scotland (ISP and Alba), appear to be pursuing. What they are doing this for and on behalf of what/whom, is what we need to figure out.
Divide then conquer.
A strategy of war by those in power.
Scots against english and vice versa.
Men against women and vice versa.
Young against the old and vice versa.
Trans against the sex you are born as a human, and natural sex born human against the trans.
Virus injections people against the non virus injected people.
Financial well of against the poor.the poor against the rich.
Corporations against the people.
Deliberate influx of migrants of all countries to break down the structures of those Countries.
Withdrawal of employment to be replaced with a breadline credit system for all.
Restrictions on all peoples traveling ability except for the government members and their friends
There is no subject that the governments have not legislated on to break the people down so there is no agreed concensus platform for the people to hold together and that one of the most important rights no longer so obvious.
The God Given Right to live in peace and prosperity in your own home with your own family.
Legislate for Division on all topics and then disrupt by sending the peoples tax money to instigated war countries so the people are impoverished at home.
People will then have no alternative but to except being conquered.
It will be success for governing bodies world wide if the “people” do not recognise the implemented varying legislation is all under one banner.
Mia @ 1.14pm
Interesting post, Mia. You’re right, of course. There are ‘minds’ at work behind all of this with a definite objective they are keen to achieve and are aggressively pursuing. My feeling is that they will ultimately fail in achieving their goal, but a lot of damage will be done until they do.
Mia: the hard left infiltrated the Greens and the SNP from Labour, where its right of centre wing kept them at bay. That is where many of those who decamped to the SNP after 2014 came from, clutching the Denton’s Document in their hands, masterminded by Stonewall, with orders from America or their funding would dry up pronto.
By 2015, every public service and institution in Scotland had been infiltrated, with ‘wokerati’ in place. None of this was an accident. Labour and the Lib Dems have jumped on the bandwagon, having seen which way the wind was blowing, and pure political opportunism is their by-word. The Tories are little better, although a push-back is in the pipeline, apparently. We will have to wait and see.
I’m not disagreeing with your basic analysis, just that all the evidence shows that it has been the hard left that these insane ideas have come from, and the right initially jumped all over them in glee until they cottoned on to what was actually going on. Dedicated journalists in both America and Canada have done sterling work in unravelling the source of this madness, and it has been the hard left, financed and promoted by global corporate interests.
The sex-driven foot soldiers are just the bottom of a huge pyramid scheme. Scotland was chosen because it has a small population in comparison to England’s, the SNP were in power but had been defeated on independence, so were open to ‘progressive’ policies that were anything but, to assuage the sense of defeat. It was a naked play for power in order to implement ‘trans’ policies as a prelude to destruction of the NHS as a social good to make it ripe for privatization – it, and other public institutions.
That is why independence would have no effect on this takeover. The global corporatist interests would still win, would still take over everything. The ‘wokerati’ will require to be cleared out first and their hold broken. Understanding that is the first step to actually regaining our ancient independence.
Mia, here’s my take on “why?” a bit sketchy but it’s a lovely day!
It is part of disconnecting people from nature. A human can work a plot of land for food and for shelter-building materials (if they’d rather not live in a cave with Lenny). In the Earthly sense they are as free as nature intended. Those who would dominate or have great dreams of erecting sparkling cities where the inhabitants are freed from toil, have deployed various tactics over the millennia to enslave through conquest or debt. Capitalism is mostly about debt just now but conquest is always on the table. It has stopped working like it did in the 20th century because cheap energy, cheap resources (timber, food-cropping land, industrial minerals) and cheap labour are running out. That was where their profit came from, how their capital worked for them. The resources we need are there, just not ”for the taking” anymore.
Environmentalists have been challenging capitalism for sixty+ years now and their predictions are proving true, which is an existential crisis for the wealthy. It is also an existential crisis for the Left because they have been selling a story of plenty for the masses by taking the very system built by – and for – capitalists, off them. This has put them in an odd alliance with capitalist corporations and both are resolved to undermine ecological, as opposed to economic, thinking. Some of the left did get the updates but, lived experience these last fifty years, most want their childhood equality concepts to happen more than they want a working ecosystem capable of supporting the current population (I’ve lost all respect for them, which maybe comes across).
Some say environmentalism is a religion, or people extract divine meaning from nature’s beauty, power, complexity (and brutality). Whatever, it is a powerful ideological threat to the established political structures and the psyops tactics will include turning some of its purported principles against it to undermine support.
The Trans concept says people are entitled to live as they are made. It is implied that Nature – because it is blind and brutal – makes some people who don’t conform to society’s norms but we can repair that by converting our ideas of normal and converting the flesh to fit. It’s only fair.
That’s a very handy principle when you are trying to create dependence on genetically engineered produce rather than let people, as they come out of centuries of oppression (should they read any history) meet their own needs from their own surroundings and hopefully kybosh capitalism in the process.
Somewhere along the line Equity was attached to “environmentally sustainable” with some even implying it was a prerequisite. It is an excellent disruptor. Attempts to protect nature from destructive economic over-exploitation are deflected by presenting the ruinous activity as putting bread in the table, protecting fragile rural communities, preventing poverty. They have erected deep defences, with the help of their little lefty elves.
It’s still supposed to be “our” NHS, and I’m certainly not happy that a) people, including children, are being prescribed drugs which haven’t been properly evaluated and are causing long-term harm, and b) resources are being squandered, no doubt thanks to the time-honoured collusion between bad actors in the NHS and Big Pharma. More resources will be wasted trying to treat the damage, or course. By the way, these lunatics are not “hard-left” – they don’t give a shit about “class issues”, which is and should be the main focus of those on the actual left. ID politics is arguably right wing, and certainly an excellent distraction from wage slavery etc etc.
People are being wrench away from the natural way of life to concrete 15 minute Cities.
But for the Local Councils to implement this political agendas in Scotland they are acting illegal.
SSRG had a meeting with Edinburgh Council and told them their limitations in Scotland and political activity.
You will find this information on the SSRG site,
We can fight back in Scotland against such politics seeping into our local Councils. Including Gender issues.
Lorna Campbell @ 2,43pm
it has been the hard left, financed and promoted by global corporate interests.
I always agree with your comments, Lorna, wherever they are posted, however, I’m not entirely persuaded by your hard left argument. In a way it’s academic anyway since we now have the transgender ogre amongst us, fully formed and hugely influential in its international scope. Certainly that international reach and scale could only have been dreamt of by the bedsit reds in their student activist days. (Even the Red Brigades could only dream of it with their patchwork assaults on bourgeois society.
The statement above, though, strikes me as rather odd. I can’t imagine a time when global corporate interests would have backed financially a left wing project. The Denton’s playbook which set out the means by which society’s institutions could be captured by trans ideology is definitely the way in which Stonewall and all the other trans-promoting agencies went about attaining quite unimaginable power and influence almost by stealth. The Denton’s document would seem also to have been costly, involving as it did one of the biggest international law firms.
Yes, it probably caught on first among the vaguely ‘left-leaning’ student groups but students today did not seem particularly interested in class politics, drawn as most of them are from middle class families. ( Nowadays augmented by those families of perhaps only 2 generations away from a working class back ground with which they no longer hold any identity.) All that was left for them politically was social liberalism. They knew which ‘isms’ to be for and which against and socialism or identifying with the working class did not figure highly with the recent generation of students.
However, how did this particular movement seem to come from nowhere and capture all the major institutions in what are known as the liberal democracies? No left political movement ever managed that, or any grassroots movement either.( I mean, the police and the judiciary!) That is the important area of society we should be looking at here, the capture of the establishment. The students are just the street foot soldiers of this ideology but I’m sure that the movers and shakers behind all this do not have social equality or left wing goals in mind except for the one goal of international power. In fact, the thinkers behind this, I’m sure, do not have in mind universal happiness and equality.
It might be an opportunistic meeting of minds among the followers of Foucault and the right wing corporatists but let’s not forget that some of the experimenting on people’s bodies to change their sex began in Nazi concentration camps and at least one of those doctors, being Danish, went home to continue to practice after the war. (Dr Em has much to say on the beginnings of what we might call sex change surgery in Europe and the USA in the early 20th century.)
“The Trans concept says people are entitled to live as they are made”
Sorry, on this point I have to disagree. In my opinion the trans concept suggests the precise opposite. It suggests you can live in the way you choose to live and in the body you want, not in the way your chromosomes designed you. Even worse, they feel the right to demand us all to pay for making their body look the way they want.
This movement seeks to reduce a mental health issue to its symptoms and it seeks to eliminate those symptoms through the most costly, ineffective, radical, brutal and damaging route, which is irreversible surgery and hormone treatment, rather than by tackling the actual problem in itself.
But tackling the problem in itself is of course much less profitable. Isn’t it?
The immediate consequence of this approach is that they transform those people in patients for life, which suits the pharma companies rather well. But because the bill for these treatments would be astronomical and most would not be able to afford it as private patients, this movement is looking to normalise this so the bill is to be paid by taxpayers, rather than by the patient. Here is where the interest of pharma and entities seeking to make the NHS look profitable and those seeking to buy a chunk of it colludes.
I have read some messages in twitter where these people claim to buy hormones online in the black market. In my view this is a subtle form of blackmailing to get the NHS to mass prescribe these things. They are, in my view, trying to create a problem: the risk of a large number of young people taking dodgy hormones they buy on internet.
But there are a lot of young people who died from dodgy legal highs. That did not result in the NHS prescribing them to ensure they were of acceptable quality. So what is the difference here?
But one should ask, what makes the type of cosmetic surgery and treatment for “sex change” any different than cosmetic surgery for any person who is not happy with the way they look? Are we expecting the NHS to cover the costs of liposuctions, botox, breast augmentations, nose jobs, fake tans, facelifts, cheek implants, hair implantations, skin bleaching, etc, etc, purely for cosmetic purposes? Is vanal cosmetic surgery, worth a fortune by the way, going to be the next demand by the next made up fad ideology?
The other thing with this movement is that it seems to focus entirely on sex. This movement, or to be more precise the vested interests behind it, are forcing down our throats, because it is forcing rather than attempting to persuade, the myth that sex is not binary and worse, that it is interchangeable.
This movement does not mess about with other genetic aspects. For instance, they are not attempting to claim you can be the ethnicity or race you wish to be, which, as your sex, are determined by your chromosomes and characteristics you are born with.
It is precisely this narrow focus, that you can change the sex characteristic, but not other genetic characteristics, what is showing the flaws in the whole thing.
The other crack on this thing is that, to reinforce their message, they are using adult built stereotypes which are learnt and acquired, not born with. In other words, this ideology is nothing but a giant marketing scheme designed to indoctrinate adults so they become more receptive to it.
This, in my view, is not an ideology. It is a strategy to break down the barriers that are protecting women and children from predators and abuse. And I include as abuse unnecessary treatment, never mind mutilations.
There are a lot of interested parties colluding on pushing this through. You have big pharma, of course, you have private hospitals, you have perverts and freaks who want their fetishes and perversions out in the open and becoming socially acceptable, you have politicians practising those perversions in private under fear of being exposed or manipulated, you have paeodphiles and rapists seeking legitimisation and free access to victims, you also have male mediocre wannabe athlets who see their opportunity to win by encroaching on women’s sports, you have a multimillion pound porn industry and of course you have corrupt governments using this thing to divide opinion, to distract and as an excuse to impose draconian laws. Yousaf’s signature Hate Bill hoisted on the context of GRR is a wonderful example.
The first thing to question is how a tiny minority could have got hold of so many public services, government structures, political parties, sports, executive and legislative power so quickly. There is an awful lot of money and powerful entities all colluding behind this. This is not an ideology. It is a convenient trojan horse for many.
Who owns big pharma?
Who owns all forms of the media, written, visual and online?
Who owns the entertainment industry both audio and visual?
Who is massively over represented in law, medicine, finance, academia and politics all of which are pushing this?
Who owns the sex industry?
It is a coincidence and we must never speak about it.
“The Trans concept says people are entitled to live as they are made.”
I understand your point. I was meaning what they feel their essence to be, what their mind – clear, addled or manipulated – says they are. Then they attempt to alter reality. I think that is what Progress does and it’s proponents (communists, capitalists and the inbetweeners) have run into natural boundaries, reality, pissing them off big time. I’ve no sympathy.
I’m sick to fuck of these TQ+ types, let them buy dodgy hormones on the Internet then suffer the consequences. No great loss
SusanAHF: whatever we feel, and I feel like you, we have to try and protect our children and youth. This is a massive global problem, or will be in a few years as it migrates from Europe and the Anglosphere to the rest of the world. Those behind it are big, big players and they see global profits spinning into uncounted trillions from Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Prosthetics; Big Medicine, porn, the control of what we see, hear, eat, drink, wear, what we buy, etc., etc. It is endless. This stuff makes the military industrial complex seem like legoland, and, god knows, the profits to be made from proxy and other wars is almost unlimited.
These psychopaths have sussed that sex drives the human race, and they know that many of those humans are perverted in ways that most cannot imagine. That is the carrot on the stick for the foot soldiers. An encouraged, twisted sense of sanctimony pervades the liberal middle-class, where children can go to school hungry just so long as porn-addled men can be validated as women. It’s okay to allow kids to starve, but not to stop them from being mutilated. The Denton’s Document was a masterclass in human gullibility’s ability to be stretched to breaking point – and beyond.
Anyone who has actually researched deeply into this stuff cannot but be aware that it is no accident but, rather, a perfect storm of cynicism, human greed, mental ill-health and human sexual perversion, coupled to a deep-seated misogyny and homophobia – and all in the name of profit. Mammon stalks the corridors of power in every country affected by this bulls**t, and that is why so many politicians are completely in thrall. Money talks to them, loudly and clearly, and, if you stand in the way, they will do little to protect you or yours. The working-class are the ones who can scent the extreme danger in this ideology, as they can scent the danger in not being an independent country for the simple reason that they always lose most, so, like women, who also lose most, they have in-built bulls**t detectors. They know when they are being conned.
ITV south west seems to be right into the gender woo pish. Here’s a non-story, woefully written, about bloke in a dress “Bobbi”:
link to itv.com
“Since she [sic] was three years old, Bobbi knew she [sic] was transgender”
Fruitella HPMAs are unfit for purpose. Creel fishing is a sustainable, non environmentally damaging method that will not be allowed in these areas. The effect on local communities will be enormous. I would suggest that there are initiatives to increase local/regional consumption of these products though, rather than for export. The big trawlers etchowever should be banned from within 3miles of the coast as these ARE damaging to the environment and often don’t support jobs for locals.
Lorna Campbell
I wonder who these ‘hard left’ are that you speek of. They cannot be in the SNP, Lib Dems, Labour or Greens since they all stopped being left wing a long time ago. If the likes of Stonewall are being run by capitalists in it for profit then they are not being run by people who oppose capitalism and profit so no hard left there.
I agree that people cannot be equal in every way but perhaps they could be equal before the law and in access to the basic material needs of human life. I’m not sure that Marx ever wanted more.
I also agree that the trans thing is being promoted for some sinister purpose by powerfull people who themselves and their heirs to remain in that powerfull position but I can’t see how that would make them any kind of left wing, since I’m defining left wing as being against such power.
I don’t think that sex can be changed through surgery and drugs either.
The consultation response has not been published yet. I’ve no reason to suspect that the administration will suddenly break their habit of my (working) lifetime and propose measures that will reel in those currently exploiting a natural resource without offering adequate recompense. Like with the slave owners. And the oil industry.
You think creel fishing is on a par with owning slaves? And possibly compensation will excuse the depopulation of our Western coastal areas? Words fail me
Johnny Conspiranoid
Do you think communists are not left? Back in the 70s folk used to say that, compared with the various sects of the alienated middle class.
link to bright-green.org
“You think creel fishing is on a par with owning slaves?”
Of course not. I was referring to governments’ standard approach to restraining an economic activity. I know a bit about that.
Have yet to meet an economic group whose spokesmen/women/non-binary don’t play up the the social and environmental damage that restricting their access to a natural resource will do, irrespective of how well considered the conservation reasons may be. It is part of the negotiation as everyone with experience of SSSIs and such understands.
The Just Transition is another example of the political route to implementing necessary environmental measures. We seem to accept that the people who benefitted the most from a damaging industry are the first in the queue when it comes to compensation. But an awful lot of people outside that industry will also be economically affected by the switch. We have continued to use of fossil fuels long after we knew the harm they were causing both to individual health and to the natural and social fabric of society – no recompense proposed there. Now that is on a par with the slave-owner compensation, being paid off just recently.
bondage clubs in council estates used to seem so -exotic-
link to youtube.com
primary school story hour is now far more hardcore
“where do babies come from … ” – that is just so quaint
“daddy – what does past the elbow mean and is that when people really love each other …”
– and you have to look it up on the internet, and wish you hadn’t
“… also I want to cut my dick off so I can get into the football team … the lassies team”
The enablers are to blame
link to news.stv.tv
Why don’t you go to the BRICS and preach your ideology there Fruitella, that’s where the real damage is being done nowadays
I’ve been involved, one way or another, in the “jobs vs environment” quarrel for coming up fifty years. Jobs (easy profits more like) wins nearly every time. As a result many environmental problems gave stacked up here. There are vast institutes and corporations addressing the problems at the global scale, many caused by the European empires. What do you think my ideology is, and what’s yours? I’ve not figured yours out from your concerns.
Either Wings has blocked me (if so, I have no idea why) or there’s something wrong with my phone, as none of my last 5 comments has appeared!
My last comment was along the lines that the term “healthcare professional” was doing a lot of lifting in relation to Jenni Gates who appears in the clip : link to jennigatestherapy.co.uk
Also: it looks as if iPhones now have a pregnant man emoji! ?While there’s a trans emblem, ??, there’s no emblem for male or female.
Either Wings has blocked me (if so, I have no idea why) or there’s something wrong with my phone, as none of my last 5 comments has appeared!
My last comment was along the lines that the term “healthcare professional” was doing a lot of lifting in relation to Jenni Gates who appears in the clip : link to jennigatestherapy.co.uk
Also: it looks as if iPhones now have a pregnant man emoji! ?While there’s a trans emblem, ??, there’s no emblem for male or female.
Either Wings has blocked me (if so, I have no idea why) or there’s something wrong with my phone, as none of my last 5 comments has appeared!
My last comment was along the lines that the term “healthcare professional” was doing a lot of lifting in relation to Jenni Gates who appears in the clip : link to jennigatestherapy.co.uk
Also: it looks as if iPhones now have a pregnant man emoji! ?While there’s a trans emblem, ??, there’s no emblem for male or female.
Fruitella, I believe the coast can be managed sustainably without Clearing the people away and destroying their livelihoods. Aren’t there rules about eg returning berried lobsters, minimum catch sizes etc. In what way does creel fishing damage the environment? Would you prefer the whole coast evacuated and turned into a rewilder’s paradise for the benefit of the chosen few?
Susan – “Would you prefer the whole coast evacuated and turned into a rewilder’s paradise for the benefit of the chosen few?”
Gosh, do the Greens have that much power now? Think I might rejoin. TWAW, hmm, yeah, I’m beginning to get it…
You never answered my question about ideology – yours and what you perceive as mine.
The consultation was to help shape proposals to protect 10% of the coastal waters, not 100%, from exploitation. Everybody involved on all sides will be well aware of the processes which do most of the damage to nature. Creels will barely register on the scale and will no doubt be excluded from the final measures – if they ever happen. The type of fears you express are common and the reason why much conservation effort in all spheres has been thwarted, meaning that much more drastic measures will be needed down the line.
But I do wonder if your real concern is about the environmentalists’ threat to Scotlands Oil and the utopia people who can’t do sums or physics and chemistry imagine will ensue once we prise English mitts off it.
Johnny Conspiranoid: the ideas of cultural Marxism stem from the hard left – the ones that the Labour Party could not stomach. Of course they are all still in the parties they infiltrated. Of course the shadowy figures behind it all are not on the left – any left. They are global corporatists. I did say that the hard left enables the emergence and hegemony of the right – which happens in every generation. Labour is now even slightly beyond centre left and on to centre right ground. Every party has moved to the right because that is what happens when the hard left pushes thing too far. The right pushes back.
Of course we can have equality of opportunity, even go a long way to making our society more equal, but we cannot create equity for all because it depends on each individual how he or she ends up. There will always be winners and losers, even while we acknowledge that being born into poverty will, much of the time, equate to poverty later in life, but not always.
What we can do is try to give every child born equality of opportunity. It will then be up to each child to make of that what he or she will, while positively encouraging them to make the best of the opportunities afforded them, which was the post WW II consensus. The minute we try to create equity, we create inequality, which we are seeing with the ‘trans’-female issue. In order to accommodate all of the ‘trans’ demands (self-ID, lowering the age of ‘transition, ‘legal sex’, allowing access to all female spaces, rights, etc., negating long-held laws on sexual behaviours in public leading to fetish fests and the elimination of child safeguarding) females and children must necessarily be downgraded. That is fact, not supposition or a possible outcome; it is the truth and the only outcome. There can be no middle ground, no equity.
If we start from the premise that ‘trans’ and females have equal rights (human and civil) with all other groups in society – which is the case in the UK – then, in order to give ‘trans extended rights, we have to take rights away from another group, in this scenario, females and children, or take rights away from all other groups, which is also happening in relation to free speech, free beliefs, etc. This is basic Moral Philosophy and Logic
I wonder how theparents should react?
Maybe slap the kid about for being a disgusting weirdo?
Maybe reject it completely and put it ion the hands of social services?
Maybe, as they say, allow some tolerence, if the child thinks differently in time, accept and love it just as much.
Frankly the Revs strange fascination about gender identity says an awful lot about him and very little about Scotland’s need for independence.
It’s almost like the Rev will use anything to undermine Scotland’s case for self government.
We have an age of consent law because it is recognised that a child is not mature enough to make sexual decisions.
So how on earth can anyone think that children even younger than that are mature enough to make decisions that irrevocably distort their bodies sexually?
Anyone prescribing such drugs or treatment should face justice.
It is frustrating that people never – or should I say ‘hardly ever’, as I note some of the comments here pick it up – challenge the parents on the appalling sexism of these parents.
“We always knew our son was really a girl.”
“How did you know?”
“Because he always wanted to play with Barbie dolls and loved the colour pink.”
The idea that boys can want to play with dolls and like certain colours just as much as girls utterly escapes these people.
The latest discovery that Susie Green was referring kids to Tavistock, completely unqualified, and at times in contradiction to the GP, brought back to mind the “healthcare professional” featured in this clip, who had a degree in English Literature and Psychology, and some kind of diploma or certificate in Counselling.
Is the fact that the NHS is so stretched and broken part of the reason these abuses are happening? Services are being forced to lower the bar?
As more and more children are Transitioned the ideology will only gain more power, until de-trans outnumber the trans this madness will continue and seeing as these kids are more inclined to take their own lives after transition that time seems more unlikely.