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Wings Over Scotland

I see you’ve had a change of heart

Posted on October 20, 2022 by

Do you remember, readers, how the next UK election was supposed to be a single-issue de facto referendum on independence if the Supreme Court ruled Holyrood didn’t have the power to hold one itself?

Well, it appears that policy has been abruptly and quietly ditched.

Because just a couple of hours ago SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford told BBC News that “I can assure you” the SNP “will have a growth manifesto” for the whole UK whenever the next election comes around, because in his view the UK economy hasn’t been growing enough for the last few decades and the SNP would have a plan to fix it. Because apparently fixing the UK is the SNP’s purpose now.

Guess we better hope for a good result from the Supreme Court, then.

Because we can’t answer this question.

And we bet you a million pounds Nicola Sturgeon can’t either.

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The clip was cut off before he states, if he did, that the nuSNP ‘growth plan’ is for the whole of the uk. It wouldnt surprise me if that is what he said in full as he, Sturgeon and pals have already revealed their support for the Uk rather than for Scotland. But it would be good to have full evidence rather than a partial, perhaps selective quote..


“I can assure you…” must be the new “We will not stand by while…”


Are we surprised that Blackford’s a treacherous b*stard, nope we are not. Sadly, some of the Sturgeonista indy masses will believe that Blackford and the other SNP MPs are actually fighting Scotland’s corner, and are just waiting for the right moment to push for independence.

I say to them wake the f*ck Up!

Dave McLean

It’s time all the folk that left the SNP in a huff went back and sorted this out.
Nothing changes until Sturgeon and her crew get booted out.

The tories aren’t too frightened to sack a leader why are independence supporters?

John Main

To be fair to NS, with every day that passes, the relentless barrage of MSM propaganda, constantly telling us that the “Age of Starmer” is nigh, will be chipping away at SNP votes in particular, and Indy votes in general. That will be why she realises the desperate need to have a UK GE ASAP, before her support trickles away even more.

The recent decision by Alba to blow one of its feet off over NATO won’t be helping the general Indy cause either.

I listened to most of Starmer’s speech today. It was very, very persuasive, if you are the kind of voter who is easily persuaded by promises of free money.

Most Scots voters are of that kind. Which makes all the wasted years when all the SNP ever had to do was show us the money, even more heartbreaking.

But ultimately, all across the democratic world, support for incumbent politicians is in free fall. Think of it as the Covid dividend, cos that’s mostly what it is.


Time we rid ourselves of this fat prick.

Sorry for the intemperate language but that describes him to a tee. Swollen belly, swollen pride in the busted flush that is Britain, time he and his ilk were gone.


Surprised that the Dirigible Ian Blackford, MP had time to take his snout out of the Westminster trough long enough to speak to the media. But seeing it was that bastion of fair and honest reporting, the Britnat Brainwashing Channel, I guess it’s okay to do so for a few minutes…so long as you promise not to mention any taboo subject, such as Scotland, Brexit, Independence or, God forbid, a Referendum.

Since when did it become Scotland’s job to save England from itself???


The era of the politician is over finished ended.

Lorna Campbell

Hmmm… Brexit all over again. We must save the UK from itself by hamstringing ourselves and causing a mountain of unnecessary suffering to our people. The Growth Plan is exactly the same as that other 10-year growth plan that we had before: totally neoliberal, market-orientated, sterling currency, don’t scare the horses stuff we were forced to swallow last time. These people can’t even lie efficiently or they forget the lie they told us last week. As for the markets, what are they? A life form that acts without human agency? Stamp down hard on the hedge fund managers and speculators and seal off the country to wealth accumulation off-shore. Force them to re-invest here. Turn Thatcherism on its bonce. Put the UK on a post war footing, economically If you want to save the UK, that is what is required, and much more. Otherwise, take us to independence pronto.


Lol @ “very, very”.

I’m very, very embarrassed for you, John.

Speaking as an overachiever, rather than a kid in primary 4, it’s quite obvious to me that any route to independence involving the ballot box and/or the SNP entails a ten year stint at a minimum. And no offence, but if anyone has hopes of Alba making significant inroads in a shorter timeframe, I’d love to hear about them.

Which beggars the question; what exactly is the non-“cunning” plan for independence?

We’ve seen people on here sarcastically trash all alternative routes to independence as “cunning plans”, so what is the more plausible route that they have in mind?

Isn’t it about time that everybody accepted the truth of the situation we are in and got behind mass protest and demonstrations as the only plausible route out of this shit-show?

What exactly are we waiting for, Nicola?

Bob Mack

Five more years in power perhaps?

Of course that comes with its own slogan. ” We demand a referendum for the sake of democracy”

It’s over I’m afraid till people waken from self inflicted stupidity.

Jeanette McCrimmon

They can’t be so politically incompetent to repeat the strategy of their stop Brexit campaign. They are taking us for fools. I detest the SNP more than I detest the Tories. C’mon Alba – our only hope.

Ian Brotherhood

Yeah, Blackford seemed terribly upset at the scenes in the lobby yesterday, as if the behaviour was some kind of personal insult to ‘real’ parliamentarians such as himself. Boak material.

Please get this petition signed and shared.

It’s at 1,233 signatures right now but it really needs to take off. Only a week before there’s another Tory PM in place who will just repeat the ‘Now Is Not The Time’ mantra, if they can even be forced into passing comment on ‘the Scottish problem’ at all.

I know, I know, petitions, same old…

I get fed-up with them meself. But least Alba are trying something. Where’s the SNP?

Our FM has already been boasting about how many Tory PMs she’s ‘seen off’, as if she’d personally cornered, half-Nelsoned and slapped the living daylights out of each and every one of them before jettisoning them from the ring which is Great British Politics. She’s the undisputed champion!

link to

Andy Ellis

Which beggars the question; what exactly is the non-“cunning” plan for independence?

The same as it’s always been: gain an electoral mandate either via a referendum or plebiscitary elections. There are no short cuts and no magic bullets. UDI or a non-negotiated declaration of independence will only be accepted by the international community as a last resort after all other routes are exhausted.

This has been discussed before, not least on here. :”Cunning plans for indy”, whilst feasible are uncharted territory and at this point have little point in delivering a positive result faster than conventional routes. Indeed, they could kick independence in to the long grass for much longer than waiting for a successful result in a referendum or plebiscitary election.

Isn’t it about time that everybody accepted the truth of the situation we are in and got behind mass protest and demonstrations as the only plausible route out of this shit-show?

Yeah….about that. Where’s the evidence Scots are going to do it? Advocates of cunning plans keep asserting it’s going to happen because *reasons*, but you’ll have to forgive us our scepticism. If Scots were going to “do a La Diada” in righteous anger at their treatment, wouldn’t we know by now?

Newsflash: we aren’t going to wake up in sunny uplands of an independent Scotland as the result of a petition, an AUOB march and some random collection of self appointed worthies declaring the Treaty of Union void in a Convention many won’t accept as the legitimate expression of the majority of Scots.


It’s pretty clear that in the face of yet another open goal, and an oversized one at the, the SNP’s intention is once again to aim their shots anywhere on the pitch *except* at the net.

George Ferguson

I watched this interview live as well. I took it he was talking about the UK growth but more strangely was his body language and general demeanour. So unlike Blackford, conciliatory almost apologetic. Thinking about a Labour landslide and its impact on Scotland perhaps? I noticed Labour are out early. Last week outside a train station Labour activists handing out leaflets etc. Saw them again yesterday at a different location. I spoke to one of them he was confident of a Labour Uk Government and they are 1 to 3 at the moment with the bookies. I bet the SNP MPs are wishing they didn’t piss off most of their activists. Myself included.


A cunning plan for independence.

The SNP should field candidates in all seats in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, as well as in Scotland, in the next General Election. There are lots of Tories who know the game is up for them and would do anything to keep Starmer out, and who would also be happy to see Scotland become independent.

The SNP could become the largest party everywhere, appoint a p.m. and pass Westminster legislation making Scotland forever independent, no need for a s.30, then do a Truss and leave the rats to man the S.S. Titanic Mark 2, and Scotland sails off into the sunset free from any debt, and having changed Sterling into the Scottish pound.

Titter ye not. It’s a better plan than that of the humble crofter.


@ Merganser: “SNP stand in England, Wales and NI”.

In the past I have suggested they stand in some English seats but your suggestion of every seat is a bolder idea so of course SNP will leap at …oh, what was I thinking, eh?

Andy Ellis

For all the cunning plan advocates, Kirk J Torrance’s tweet hits the spot:

“Recall Holyrood, get an emergency #IndyRef bill through before NY; campaign begins in earnest January.

If early GE called, SNP should call early Holyrood election held on the same day and campaign for #Scotland taking “full and total responsibility” for itself — the #DeFactoRef.”

link to


Okay, Andy, we finally got an answer. You are quite content to basically do nothing for ten years and that’s interesting. Actually, your strategy could kill the idea forever since nobody knows what sort of dirty tricks Sturgeon and the British State will indulge in between now and then.

Just one last question, though; why the fuck are you here?

I don’t know why anybody who wants independence and thinks like you do about how we might get it would come here. Unless you secretly hope Nicola will do something.

You make no sense.


Why does the Sturgeon want a GE when this insane Tory party is the greatest example of why we need to leave the union.
But of course a GE say next year would suit her admirably as it would give her the excuse to cancel her supposed referendum kicking it into the long long grass where it will stay for a few years until she decides to abdicate.

John Main

@George Ferguson says:20 October, 2022 at 8:46 pm

“he was confident of a Labour Uk Government and they are 1 to 3 at the moment with the bookies”

Oh well, George, there’s the bookies, but then we have our very own resident BTL over-achiever.

It’s true, the bookies make a small fortune from being able to read the runes and predict the future with profitable accuracy.

Whereas Hats? We have his own trumpeting of his unique abilities. Little else though. The evidence he presents on here in justification of his claims is very, very far from persuasive.

Andy Ellis


I’m not responsible for your lack of imagination Hatuey. I’m not content to wait 1 year never mind 10. I’m simply pointing out to you and others I believe are delusional that cunning plans for indy seem to me a recipe for delaying indy much longer than just winning a referendum or plebiscitary election.

I may be wrong of course. If one of your cunning plans delivers independence next year I’ll happily eat humble pie and admit my error. Meanwhile back in the real world, we need to win a majority in a referendum or a plebiscitary election. Anything else is unicorns and rainbow levels of magical thinking. You and your clueless mates are the ones risking independence being deferred for a real generation, you’re just too conspiracy theory addled and prone to othering anyone who won’t bow down to your woo-woo cunning plan bullshit as tractors*.

I’ve got as much right to be here as anyone else, arguably more than many of the Johnny Come Lately’s, particularly some of the usual suspects. As I keep saying, it’s not you and your wee claque that represent the majority of the movement, still less the majority of Scots, however much you try to cast doubt on folk pointing out you’re a fringe group.

It’s down to Scots to deliver a majority. I’ve said over and over again what needs to happen. Who the fuck are you to question why I’m here? You don’t even have the balls to post without hiding your identity, so save us the moralising you utter roaster.

John Main

@ Merganser says:20 October, 2022 at 9:01 pm

“The SNP should field candidates in all seats in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, as well as in Scotland, in the next General Election. There are lots of Tories who know the game is up for them and would do anything to keep Starmer out, and who would also be happy to see Scotland become independent.

The SNP could become the largest party everywhere, appoint a p.m. and pass Westminster legislation making Scotland forever independent, no need for a s.30, then do a Truss and leave the rats to man the S.S. Titanic Mark 2, and Scotland sails off into the sunset free from any debt, and having changed Sterling into the Scottish pound.

Titter ye not. It’s a better plan than that of the humble crofter.”

No tittering here. That’s the most sensible idea I have read in years.

John Main

@ Hatuey says:20 October, 2022 at 9:32 pm

“Just one last question, though; why the fuck are you here?”

Happy to help, Hats.

Andy, along with a few other rationalists, is here to counter the eejits, verbal incontinents and self contradictory lackwits who take up an unfair share of the posts BTL.

Very, very much including you in that group, Hats. Take a bow.

Now, what’s the chance of you sticking to your “one last question” promise?

Haha, I crack me up.

George Ferguson

@Andy Ellis 9:23pm
Your link chased me up to look at the odds of a successful Indy result as per the National headlines. So what are the odds? 5 to 6 stay and 10 to 11 leave. A nothing difference of odds. But what is the odds of an Independence Referendum post 2025?
1 to 7. In another words a near certainty no Independence Referendum until post 2025. The odds confirm we have a Devolution Unionist Government. What worries me?. Totally surprised by Labour on the streets already. Motivated confident activists. (Reminded me of years gone by when it was the SNP). I can’t see the SNP being able to match them. Twitchy slippers Pete?. You should have. Andy, Alba are still invisible to me outwith social media. I don’t even know if there will be an Alba candidate in my constituency in the next GE.

Dave Llewellyn

Looks like we are going to need a bigger cheque on our next trip to Perth ?

Tom Kane

A number of scary possibilities up ahead… One, a general election, Labour landslide, Starnerism rampant, and all Scottish Power nationalised for the UK as a whole. And Gordon Brown, saviour of the Union, with some new federalism pretendy powers and sops about the best wee nonsense parliament in the world at Holyrood.

Labour are as right-wing as they have ever been, perfect for the tories to gift them the baton for a term… Especially if one nation Starmerism can put paid to independence and sweep up Scottish resources further into the UK treasury.

Time for Elvis to leave the building. Or to get stuffed and put in a glass case.


I agree with McDuff @ 9.47. The reason why the SNP want a snap election must be because they hope it will postpone for several further years the GE which they are claiming would be a de facto plebiscite on independence.

If a GE were held now, that plebiscite election would not happen until five years hence. Not until late 2027 therefore. 2024 is too early for them.

All the same, the Tories are not going to call an election now. They might do so later on, but not unless and until the polls start to move in their favour. And if no such movement occurs, they will hang on to the bitter end of their term, in 2024.

George Ferguson

@John Main 10:02pm
I used to make quite a bit of money from the bookies on political betting. They used to go with the MSM herd instinct but they have upped their game on market making. I was going to comment on Stu’s previous post. The bookies had Liz Truss at 1 to 33 not to lead the Conservatives into the next election and 1 to 12 not to survive 2022. Alas before I could post it the inevitable happened. So I am taking what the National say with a pinch of salt Doesn’t everybody?

Big Jock

Sturgeon wants an election before the SC decision. It means she can have another 4 years to fanny about. You see if there is an election after the SC decision. She will be obliged to call a plebiscite.

The SNP are playing games. The worst outcome for them is the SC actually saying yes. They will be like rabbits in a headlight. Nicolea will have to find another excuse.

Albeit she can say in January there isn’t enough time, and we are in the middle of an energy crisis. I will predict if the SC say yes. She will still seek a Section 30. It won’t come. Any election before SC decision will not be a plebiscite and the SNP will lose a dozen mps.She will be long gone before the next scheduled election.


I said it a few weeks ago – you could see it coming.

Sturgeon will want a GE before the Supreme Court reports back because it’ll give her some flimsy cover to duck the plebiscite election option. She’ll say “that’s our last last finalest last resort honest, so we can’t do that until the SC say no, so in the meantime vote SNP anyway and then wait some more, and then maybe in another 5 years we’ll have a proper plebiscite”.

You actually start wanting the Tories to hang on long enough to make that option disappear and force them to confront the fact they’re not going to stand in a GE on the single issue of independence.

Daisy Walker

I’ve just come down from the Isle of Skye
I’m no very thin and we all know why
My expense claims are sky high
I’m Iain Bla bla Blackford

Let the wind blow hard
Let the wind blow snell
My expense claims
see them swell
I’m Iain Bla Bla Blackford

Scotland pulled out against her will
Scotland’s people feel the chill
Nikla’s MP’s sit there – still
Like Iain Bla Bla Blackford…

and Philipa, and Angus, and Joanna, and Dougie, and Chris and Stuart… and, and, and…

So long as 100 of us remain… that which no man gives up but with life itself… or a comfy seat on the green benches and a nice wage from the British Government.

So pathetic, that even while selling us out, they cannot muster the backbone to hold out for a good price.

Bought and sold for English Pounds – they are that fucking stupid. I do hope they cashed them in quick.

Big Jock

I think the SC decision will be a fudge. It will say the UK holds the power , but Scotland can have a consultative referendum.

In other words non binding and easily challenged. Nicola will request a Section 30 again. That will waste another year or 2.

She will then ride off to the sunset. Leaving a broken yes movement in her wake.


If I met a man at a bus stop and he told me his bus wasn’t expected for 10 years, I’d ask him what the fuck he was doing there…

I stand by the question.



@ John Main

“Most Scots voters are of that kind.”

You sound like an arrogant buffoon John.


Ian Brotherhood

@Daisy Walker (11.03) –


Makes ye wonder what they’re all doing tonight, all those SNP MPs and MSPs that *we* campaigned and voted for over the past decade and more.

Watching the telly?

Away out for the night?

Reading Wings?

One thing’s for sure – they’re not on the edge of their seats, awaiting orders.

Iain More

Sic a Parcel o Traitors in a Nation.


“give it a fucking rest for ONE POST?”

I described his stated position as “interesting”, which to my knowledge is a first on here…

Okay I officially retract it.


Rab Davis

Sturgeon not getting this,,,

“KEEP IT SIMPLE” message.

Sturgeon just “rolls” with the UK.

Nothing ignites her.

A 100% dud.

Nothing stopping her collapsing her Scottish government,,, that would give her the opportunity to make a Holyrood election a plebiscite election.

The only winners in this whole sorry mess are politicians (from every Party).

Us Plebs are in for a hiding.

Graf Midgehunter

Borrowed this from Grouse Beater twitter:

link to

Annette Dittert is a very well known German journalist over here who lives in London and reports with no holds barred about what political life is like in the UK/WM.

She gives the Germans the truth and not the PR bu****it that WM likes to spread. Serious sometimes but with a heavy dose of humour. 🙂

link to

This is her English twitter

Graf Midgehunter

This one is for Daisy Walker:

link to

A sing along.


If there is a general election, let’s hope the English Green Party do well. I don’t necessarily mean ‘well’ in the sense of winning lots of seats, but ‘well’ in the sense of taking lots of votes and preventing Starmer getting a majority. We don’t need a Starmerite Labour party with a huge majority, we need them to be about 40 seats short of a majority so the SNP hold the balance of power.

If the SNP were worth anything they would do a confidence and supply deal ONLY in exchange for a commitment to holding a s. 30 indyref. If both Labour and Tories turn that down, then support neither, abstain and let there be another general election.

But what I really fear is that the SNP would support a Starmerite minority Gov even without an indyref being part of the deal. They’d waffle on about a ‘responsibility to the country’ or some such shite…

Name (required)


Still No Progress

Andy Ellis

@ Rev Stu

Oh ffs could you all just give it a fucking rest for ONE POST?

You’ll note Hatuey’s first post, the 10th contribution @ 8.18 pm, was a direct attack on John Main, fluffing “cunning plans for indy”. My post in response @ 8.41 pm rubbished the concept of cunning plans for indy, it didn’t attack him.

Inevitably, Hatuey’s response @ 9.32 pm is another personal attack and the usual MO that I’m a secret Sturgeonite. But suddenly it’s me and John Main that are the problem?

I don’t fucking think so!

Playing the exasperated parent card and threatening to ban folk when one side is clearly at fault doesn’t seem to be working. You could actually do something about it and take some action rather than threaten to ban all those involved, irrespective of fault, and then proceed to sit on your hands like you did with Ruby when she ostentatiously ignored your threats and dared you to ban her.

There’s a reason BTL discussions turn in to bin fires and it sure as hell isn’t contributions from me and John Main.

Andy Ellis

And given the current political climate and the clear and present danger of a BoJo comeback, the following twitter thread from historian Robert Saunders about why the are where we are is as good an epitaph for my participation here as any, just in case I get kicked in to touch by the exasperated parent 🙂

link to

Thread here:

link to

Remember, all Sturgeon and the SNP have to do to stop BoJo or whichever other vapid make-weight the Tories choose to lead them ruling over us, is to resign and trigger plebiscitary elections at Holyrood.

The $64,000 question is why aren’t they doing it?


How many potatoes did it take to create Ellis’s offering at 0755?


Andy Ellis says:
21 October, 2022 at 8:06 am

And given the current political climate and the clear and present danger of a BoJo comeback, the following twitter thread from historian Robert Saunders about why the [sic] are where we are is as good an epitaph for my participation here as any, just in case I get kicked in to touch by the exasperated parent ?

link to

In case you get booted off here, and so we can keep in touch, what’s your new twitter handle?


Name (required) says:
21 October, 2022 at 7:15 am


Still No Progress

Stagnant No Potential.

Andy Ellis


In case you get booted off here, and so we can keep in touch, what’s your new twitter handle?

I don’t have one and won’t unless they reinstate the one they shut down.

You would naturally be amongst the first I’d block if you had an identifiable profile.


Andy Ellis says:
21 October, 2022 at 8:52 am


In case you get booted off here, and so we can keep in touch, what’s your new twitter handle?

I don’t have one and won’t unless they reinstate the one they shut down.

How do you manage to read such long threads without an account?

Rab Davis

90% of the disruptions on here and 90% of the arguments on here stem from just two names,,,

The Ellis/Main tag-team.

Funny that!!!

Andy Ellis

How do you manage to read such long threads without an account

Easy. When the pop up asks you to log in, press the button to log in then cancel the sign in to Twitter pop up. It’s irritating as it pops up periodically but allows you to read as much as you’d need.

Twitter appears to be even more of a bin fire than it was before. Sadly none of the non cancel culture alternatives have taken off or are just as bad / worse.

Shame about this place, particularly given what’s headed our way politically.

“Thig crìoch air an t-saoghal, ach mairidh gaol is ceòl” as our Gaelic friends say. 🙂


Andy Ellis says:
21 October, 2022 at 7:55 am

I don’t fucking think so!

Playing the exasperated parent card and threatening to ban folk when one side is clearly at fault doesn’t seem to be working. You could actually do something about it and take some action rather than threaten to ban all those involved, irrespective of fault, and then proceed to sit on your hands like you did with Ruby when she ostentatiously ignored your threats and dared you to ban her.

There’s a reason BTL discussions turn in to bin fires and it sure as hell isn’t contributions from me and John Main.

Oh ffs could you just give it a fucking rest and leave me out of it for just ONE FUCKING POST? Thanks!


I think people are wrong warning that the SNP is going to suffer the same fate as the Labour Party in Scotland. To Hell with the Labour Party. There is a closer fitting comparison.

SNP 2022 = Irish Parliamentary Party 1918.

ALBA 2022 = Sinn Féin 1918.

Sinn Féin’s radicalism in 1918 was a landslide victory, but resolve not to take their Westminster seats, but instead form an Irish parliament in Dublin, the First Dáil Éireann which declared Irish independence as a republic.

ALBA’s radicalism in 2022 is to dissolve the Treaty of Union and resurrect a Scottish Parliament and Government which recognises the people of Scotland are sovereign, not the Parliament.

Sinn Féin came from obscurity to winning a landslide and mandate.

Despite having faith, faith might not be enough, and ALBA, I fear, will not win a comparable landslide, largely because the SNP under the narcissist Sturgeon is a wrecking component firmly lodged in the machine. But ALBA’s legitimacy to dissolve the Union as a breached International Treaty could still get Scotland over the threshold on a Constitutional ticket.

However, IF there is a UK General Election, and the bullshitting SNP have sunk any chance of it being a single option Plebiscite Election on Independence, (as already looks the case), the best possible result for Scotland is a Sinn Féin style drubbing of the SNP at the polls.

But by whatever result, in any election, ALBA must be supported in advancing Scotland’s Constitutional legitimacy, and SALVO’s plans for a Liberation Movement and Convention of the Estates to reverse Westminster’s unconstitutional infractions must continue, must be supported, and must succeed.

A vote for the SNP is not a vote for Scottish Independence.

Robert Hughes

” Playing the exasperated parent card and threatening to ban folk when one side is clearly at fault doesn’t seem to be working. You could actually do something about it and take some action rather than threaten to ban all those involved….” Blah x Blah

Here’s an idea * Andy * – seeing as how all the contributors here are mere pork-based lifeforms and you are a (self-imagined ) intellectual colossus n’all , why don’t you – rather than telling Stu – whose site you parasitically batten on to spread yr utterly banal , square-womb progeny kid-on * lefty * in reality Neolib/Con bullshit how HE should run HIS site- fuck right off , like , permanently beat-it , get tae .

You n wee Johnny Mainline could form a Gang Of Two n start a rival blog ….DRONES OVER SCOTLAND , or some such micro-minority interest yawnfest .

Get Chas in to make the tea n occasional contributor Gas Mark 180 Boyle n Point for bi-annual whinge-babble posts


It’s like the Quickening is happening in all the Parties.

link to


The SNP have no power at WM to introduce anything.
I cannot abide these tractors.


With the NUSNP it was never about Independence, it was always been about securing their jobs and lifestyles. They have used the general public to secure their jobs with the idea of Indy and staying in the EU. The only reason Sturgeon is promoting herself as British is, if she loses more support from the Indy supporters, she’ll hope to replace this support from the Unionist side, therefore, keeping herself as FM this is all she cares about. Let’s not forget the NUSNP desperately needs money to fund their high wage bill, and they rely heavily on the money they get from Westminster for their MP’s sitting in that parliament. Let’s remember she said at conference this year she’d be first minister for a long time to come, not that she’d be first minister and then prime minister, for a long time to come, once again she was having a little dig at the Indy movement, the evidence is all there, the problem is very little people are prepared to acknowledge it and certainly not MPs, MSPs, or councillors not one is going to vote to be unemployed ever, well at least not this lot, so they’ll keep Sturgeon for as long as idiots keep believing she going to deliver a referendum, you have more chance of England voting for Independence then anyone in the NUSNP delivering it.

Scot Finlayson

British Labour are not the answer to any question involving Scotland,
Dame Keir Starmer knows England is f@cked without Scotland`s resources,
Dame Keir is also a massive misogynist and will bring in the abomination of unregulated self id as is happening in Canada and US,
Dame Keir has promised no u turn on Brexit,
Boris Johnson or Dame Keir it`s all the same pish.
And then we have Saint Nicola and her SNP,
jeezo we`re f@cked from all sides.
Anyone got any idea how Scotland comes out of all this with a sane government not corrupted by the transcult.

Andy Ellis

@Scot Finlayson

Just imagine if there were a handful of SNP constituency MSPs brave and principled enough to go to Sturgeon’s office and give her an ultimatum that unless she precipitated immediate plebiscitary elections they would resign so there would have to be a bye election, or if they were list MSPs they would sit as independents and deprive her of a majority.

We can dream of course, but just as Ed Davey suggests to Tory MPs that they have a higher responsibility to the whole UK than just to their party, the same principle applies to SNP MSPs. They have the ability to ensure there is an early election at Holyrood. That has to be better than waiting on the Tories to decide if they can re-appoint BoJo.


To me it is simple.

Sturgeon is desperate for a general Election now. It means she cannot use it as a de-facto referendum because the Supreme Court will not have decided against her by then.

Once the SC kick out the nonsense application then hey presto…Sturgeon has another 5 years in power bleating from the side lines and Cosy Feet Pete sess his pension fund increase by another 5 years


William Hill bookmakers has brought Boris Johnson in from 12/1 to 6/4 to be PM again, that’s a big jump if you ask me and the bookies very seldom get it wrong.

If Scots put up with this, then they’ll put up with anything, we know Sturgeon the betrayer will wail and gnash her teeth about it if Johnson returns as PM, but do nothing of any significance to gain independence.

We’re in big trouble.


What does a Westminster general election bring for me another 5yrs of the NUSNP, no thank you.


link to

Holyrood bill to fast-track gender recognition ‘ignores mental health risks’

link to

Up to 40% of GP appointments taken up by mental health issues

GPs remain very committed to this work, but as a College we are profoundly concerned by the combination of increasing workforce shortages and rising workload.
“This has led to GPs finding it more difficult to provide the time, space and regular review so needed by this group of patients.

Could it be the idea behind ‘self-id’ is simply to ease the burden on the NHS?

link to

Chemists to prescribe antibiotics under Coffey health plan

Patients will be able to obtain antibiotics from pharmacies without seeing a doctor under new plans aimed at reducing the need for GP appointments.

Will Dr Google be everyone’s first port of call in future? Self diagnose and then off to the pharmacy for pills or off to Primark to get a dress/book into clinic to have breast removed?

Frequency Modulation

I used to get an email telling me when there was a new Wings post, which I found really useful. I still have the box ticked at the bottom of this page which says “Notify me of new posts by email” but I no longer get any notification emails. I check spam regularly, and they’re not there, so presumably they’re being censored by before they get to me. Anyone else notice this?

Oh, and the kindest thing that could be said about the SNP’s current leadership is that they are scared shitless at the idea of going for independence. That’s the least sinister explanation.


link to

Leonard Cohen-Waiting for the Miracle

Baby, I’ve been waiting
I’ve been waiting night and day
I didn’t see the time
I waited half my life away
There were lots of invitations
And I know you sent me some
But I was waiting
For the miracle, for the miracle to come

Ah I don’t believe you’d like it
You wouldn’t like it here
There ain’t no entertainment
And the judgments are severe
The Maestro says it’s Mozart
But it sounds like bubble gum
When you’re waiting
For the miracle, for the miracle to come

Nothing left to do
When you know that you’ve been taken
Nothing left to do
When you’re begging for a crumb
Nothing left to do
When you’ve got to go on waiting
Waiting for the miracle to come


Is there any sign of Nicola calling a convention or even an assembly of yes campaign groups.

Any sign of a challenge to Westminster or is it just more forelock tugging.

When is she going to stop whining and do something??

You would think with 44 MPs there would be at least one pair of balls to challenge the silence.

Ian Brotherhood

New film released – for another 6 days or so it can be viewed free. All you need to do is give your email address, no other snags or catches.

It’s basically the Robert F. Kennedy book ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ so if you’ve read that you’ll know what you’re in for. It’s really for those who can’t or won’t read the book, especially those still in denial about what’s been done and is ongoing.

link to


@ Frequency Modulation at 10.49 “..used to get an email when a new Wings post…I no longer get an email..”

Same here and another person btl said the same a few days ago.

Daisy Walker

Morning folks…. are we nearly there yet?

SNP – Sometime Never Party

Looks like they are going to bring back Boris. Toryhog day.

I saw a video over on Mhairi Black’s twitter. She was interviewed by JOE. Good interview, went on for 5 or so minutes.

Mhairi was ever so caught up in the antics of Westminster. It took until the end of the interview, for the INTERVIEWER, to suggest that the ongoing chaos made a really strong case for Scottish Indy.

Good job he did, cause Mhairi wasn’t going to make any effort at it.

Did a scan of some of the other SNP MP twitter accounts…. nada, zilch, zero.

I want our FM to declare Holyrood Open and to invite all Scotland’s MP’s to attend and provide a briefing to the Scottish Parliament on the ongoing chaos at Westminster.

Meanwhile rather than wait, I think it will be up to us to re-convene the People’s Assembly. Don’t know how to do it, but if we wait for Nikla to authorise it, it will never happen.


O/T: Huge demonstrations in Europe – see videos on McIron twitter – against price rises.

Looking at the videos I can’t see any police lined up alongside as we see in Britain. I find this interesting. Do the countries in question [Germany, France, Italy and another country] have a government that agrees with the people on this issue?


“another country” – Belgium.


Superficially Nationalist Party.


George Ferguson says:
20 October, 2022 at 10:13 pm

‘I don’t even know if there will be an Alba candidate in my constituency in the next GE’

Alex Salmond said at conference that Alba is on 4%. That 4% figure is nowhere near the % required to get anywhere near WM, even if it was desirable, so Alba should not squander any precious funds on a futile WM exercise, but instead concentrate on the home front. There is no chance for Alba in the GE other than, perhaps, the two current MPs.

But do not despair, Alba IS growing. I’m getting good vibes listening to folks in public places, buses, cafes etc. discuss their disenchantment with NSNP and hearing Alba mentioned in a positive light. That 4% could soon rise significantly, clouds and silver linings and all that.

In Alex, we have an extraordinary politician, someone who has never wavered, a leader in every sense, and someone that no other party in the UK could ever come close to matching.
Sometimes he makes you mad with his pace, his often too moderate language, sometimes you can disagree with policy, but you KNOW he is in it for you, for Scotland.

He WILL rise again, because after all that has been thrown at him, he is still powerful, he is only bleeding, and even SNP voters sometimes must have to stand naked.


Daisy Walker
Nice one. Very true.

George Ferguson

@Ebok 11:59am
Thanks for the Alba briefing. Much appreciated and does make sense to me.

stuart mctavish

Ach I reckon IB is still very much a good guy despite feigned intolerance of his cheeky pal Boris, but in matters of a change of heart v mind changing nonsense over easily blocked no’s, there’s been some great revelations escaping from the trucker inquiry in Ottawa about how the (riot) police can
(a) have no authority if there’s no intelligence and
(b) consider themselves to be acting with negligence if there is no plan (or one held so close to the lungs no one can get a whiff of it)

Taking these in order, and setting aside possibility of Liz Truss not wanting the credit (ie in event she’s sacked the 1922 committee and called in Scotland Yard (pursuant to its extreme partying on hundredth anniversary of the Carlton club meeting) rather than the Scot Squad) we have:

(a) no authority without intelligence;
the cunning plan from UKG appears to be to call an election, eventually, to give the Eton clownboy a political mandate to refuse* indyref2 after declaring victory in Crimea .

If so, the UKSC will clearly be negligent in delaying its decision further (the capacity to achieve a negotiated a solution (to rUK and UKr) being absent) unless and to extent it is determined to exhibit bias for the UKG position and cares nothing for the betrayal of its own legal authority or intelligence arising.

(b) no intelligence without planning
As to the coherent plan for indy – perhaps the true ‘genius’ has been not so much the crude observation that no plan survives first contact with the enemy (ergo why bother) but that planning is to building what prudence is to budgeting and that these maxims might scale with inverse proportion at state level
[NB they probably dont really, it just appears that way when getting pocket money from someone else’s central bank/ velvet-leather protection racket, but planning for indy – especially in secret or 5 yr chunks – invites marxist comparrison ergo, why bother]

Accordingly, and taking both together, the beauty of its continued absence today must be that, thanks in large part to the most excellent Lord’s Advocate, any back or front bencher (Murdo Fraser?) can now propose a draft bill to wind up the badly behaved union, and maybe call m’lady’s bluff, first thing Monday morning (if they so desire)

*Regardless of reputation in consensual matters ladies first of independent mind might still do well to recall Goldfinger’s happenstance, coincidence, enemy action mantra vis the frequency by which other leading ladies have expressed restraint (or even perfect timing) with “now is not (quite) the time” – only to be ‘humiliated’ in misogyne media and brought to their knees by a shocking but brilliant BJ (their potential nemesis!) shortly thereafter regardless.

James Che

The interlocked theory that Scotland cannot carry out UDI is nonsense. Its like one sets out to deliberately confuse two issues
The government and the rights of sovereign people to elect a government

IT IS all Political elected members once in a parliament ( any parliament) cannot break away and do UDI.
That would be a breakaway part of government, and is a treasonable offence.

The people however are not an elected government. Are not sitting in a constructed parliament and can withdraw their sovereign support from the government if they do not follow the peoples mandates.

In Britain and especially Scotland as lt is people that are Sovereign as long as there is a voting democracy.

The distinction is parliament members can be accused and held to account for UDI, that is what happened in Catalonia. They led the people into that position,

The people did not lead.

However the people are already in the position of Sovereignty over parliament as (they) vote decide which members will enter the parliament.
The people are Sovereign over parliament as long as there is a voting system.

This simply is a case for the the the Scots to use that Sovereignty to withdraw their support for the SNP or the devolved government for that matter for not delivering on their promises to the Scottish people.

The Sovereign people are not constrained nor committed to parliament rules as they were not voted into parliament.

Sovereignty was only loaned, it can be withdrawn at any time without permission from members of parliament. As they do not own that sovereignty.

Parliaments are rogue if they do UDI.
The distinction is that People that are Sovereign cannot be conceived in any legal manner to be going rogue or taking on UDI.

The deliberate entanglement of two separate structures, one a political entity…and the other of Sovereign people has the intent to politically deceive the people that are Sovereign.

But the political entity has no legal existence without the Sovereign peoples support.

James Che

In Scotland where the main political party has failed repeatedly to follow the peoples given mandates,

Where the devolved government has failed repeatedly to put the welfare of the Scottish people’s resources, heath, economy, industries, and laws into force,

Where it has restricted the freedoms of Sovereign Scots.
Has interfered with the family Structure and rights of parents.
And policed free speech in that family unit of our homes.

It is within legal reasoning to withdraw the peoples lent Sovereignty from that political entity/s that is failing on all fronts to enhance the lives of Scottish people.

James Che

Sovereign people that separate themselves from a failed government or failed political party cannot be held in a government position of UDI.

James Che

We have the right to Choose,
we do not have to wait for that choice to be made by a political party, or a government, or a supreme Court, nor any other intervention.

For all of these restrictions to freedom to the nation would enter under a Colonised Country.


When you realize the natural resources that Scotland has, and how the 2014 referendum ran the establishment close, closer than we probably realise, it is no surprise that the SNP has been compromised contained to now actively undermine and stymie the drive to independence.

That is why for example people like Salmond had to be destroyed. The colonisers grip may be tight, may extend deep into our society, but in can bee untied.

Looking moreover into sites like this one, isn’t it fascinating how Wings and Rev Stu as a strand of the independence drive became an object of adverse scrutiny and police attention too.

And with Rev Stu’s possible return isn’t it interesting how so called independence supporter James Kelly and Scot Goes Pop is now all of a sudden a full time anti Wings, anti Rev Stu mouth piece.

Compromised like so many in the SNP, one wonders where Mr Kelly’s allegiance actually lies.

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