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Wings Over Scotland

Heart of glass

Posted on February 22, 2015 by
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Is “Glasgow Man” looking a bit weary of the Murphy news blitz?
Hope so.


Well done Stu, I’ve now got Blondie in my head for the rest of today!!


Haha, brilliant Chris, as always. I like the distorted perspective fading into the distance. Sums Labour up perfectly.


A concentrated collection of bullshit designed to get headlines in the MSM. Jimmy boy has no substance and I hope everybody can get past the rubbish and realise the north britain accounting branch of labour actually has no policies or conviction or honesty or decency or (fill in the rest yourselves)……
Great cartoon again Chris, thanks….


It’s not just “Glasgow man” that’s getting fed up, with the Murphblitz, getting scunnert my self and anybody else I’ve spoken to.

The cartoon nails it.

[…] Heart of glass […]


Cartoon is done by Chris Cairns.


Very good but why does supposedly pro Indy Glasgow Herald have a photo of Murphy on the front page again with an old story caption?

btw There is a Total Eclipse of The Sun in Svalbard (Norway) and the Faroe Islands, and a Partial Solar Eclipse in Europe, on 20th March.

Can they not take The Record with them?

Bugger (the Panda)

The problem with Murphy is that he gives us so many opportunities to nickname.

The Smurph, all blue and comic
The Ambulance Chaser
red Tory 1
Mr Photo Op
The Alcoholic Tea Totaler
Reptilian Upstart

All have been used but as it all unwinds we see he is just

Toom Tabard.

Yer Tea’s oot Jim.

Dorothy Devine

Great cartoon Chris.

Sinky , if they can shoehorn Murphy’s mug in anywhere , they do!

Dave McEwan Hill

The Glasgow Herald is not “pro indy” in any way at all. It follows exactly the same political line editorially as the Daily Record with bigger words.


Blondie was more trustworthy notwithstanding her past,was more useful and did not freak you out.

SHE was a child of the people!


Sorry to be going O/T so early on but … erm … oops! 😀

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Great cartoon, Chris. A politician showing true transparency 😉

Strange times! On the one hand Murphy has the media covering up for him and attempting to paint a coherent picture. On the other hand modern communications reveals the reality!

It’s just like referendum – in many ways it wasn’t about Yes or No, Scotland or UK – it was about informed or ignorant, did you get your news from social media or the traditional sources. This election is just as much about, are you being exposed to the truth or are you being duped by the old media, again?

Dave McEwan Hill

There is absolutely no concern in the wider public about Police “Stop and Search”. Most people think it a good idea.



Great news. I had already decided that if SLAB ever knock my door I shall ask how many are office holders or the relatives of office holders.

I suggest we all do this to take a measure of how many ordinary rank and file members SLAB can actually field.



Read that. What an astonishing state of affairs in East Kilbride where even the local Labour Party people don’t like their MP!

Begs the question … how and why was McCann chosen? Having been involved in the recent SNP candidate selection procedure, where the local branch members make the final choice. OK, there is an SNP preselection procedure, but it would seem impossible for the SNP to end up with a candidate the local branch dislike!

This all exposes the corrupt reality of Labour in Scotland.

Scotland really has to get rid of Murphy’s Mob!


Yet another gem :-)Are you competing with Nana now to see who can find the best because if so that competition is working well. Between you in the last few days, you’ve both had some brilliant finds & have done your ‘public duty’ in bringing them to the notice of the masses. Thank you & keep up the good work 😉

Not just in Scotland where Labour councillors are rebelling (or should that be revolting) link to

“Cardiff Labour councillors thinking of rebelling against cuts have been warned they could damage the party’s general election prospects.”

“BBC Wales has seen an email from Labour group whip Garry Hunt warning potential rebels of disciplinary action.”


Sorry folks but I’ve just found a few more wee *ahem* items you might enjoy on a Sunday. 😉

Taxi for Murph the Smurph!

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It looks like our wee Smurph has *ahem* cancelled the well publicised YES for Labour campaign. There is just one itsy bitsy teeny weeny little problem with this …

Labour activists registered more than two dozen websites, including, and, in support of the long-planned event.

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And finally for your early morning enlightenment a wee poster for anyone who has currently has a Tory M.P. … oh wait a minute … that wil for me then! 😀

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Muscleguy, galamcennalath and Lollysmum I doff my hat to you all. 😛


O/T Interesting bit on Radio 5 Live at 10.15 a.m. Interview with William Hague who was suitably vague when asked if the SNP would get access to the UK Civil Service as is normally offered to the main opposition parties prior to a Westminster election.

Hague said it would be up to the Head of the Civil Service and when asked refused to give an opinion as to whether the SNP should get such access.


Murphy is finished. Now he’s dithering over answers as to why he’s dropped the ‘Yes for Labour’ campaign. The man is a walking calamity. Every idea he comes up with is either ridiculed, sneered or ignored.

I would be very interested to see what the next set of polls say the next time round. We should begin running a book on this guy, and see who gets the date right when he is either sacked or resigns.

And as to Kezia Dugdale. If I was poor Kezia, I would begin looking hard at this situation and begin thinking of how to get out of this mess. Surely it has now dawned on her that she’s the one taking a kicking each Thursday lunchtime, and that her own position may become untenable, and possibly sooner than the Scottish Parliament elections in 2016, if she keeps backing Murphy as he hotfoots from one disaster to the next.


OT: Patrick Harvie on Tay2 talk in at 11.00am

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Clicking some of the links about Labour councillors not supporting austerity, or campaigning for the local MP.

I would suggest an awful lot of local Labour councillors are trying to decouple from the main party due to the damage to their own credibility as a local councillor.


For a good laugh on a Sunday morning, try this

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Chris-good cartoon as usual.Thanks.
I don’t know about anyone else but I’m murphied out right now & just think he is beyond a joke now. Transparency is his latest bandwagon & he is the most non-transparent person I can bring to mind.

I think there is more to find in his background that he doesn’t want anyone to see but any references to it will have been sorted by his mates at GCHQ


@ Lesley-Anne

Always good to start the day with a smile. 🙂

Good posts kiddo and fair enjoyed the door poster. 😀

Goin’ back to yes for Labour though, that was always going to be a car crash of an idea. The sheer insensitivity, lack of empathy and crassness involved beggars belief. Mind you that does carry a familiar stamp, or should that be stink, as far as campaign strategies go. They’ll never learn.

You can’t keep insulting or harming people and expect them not to turn on you eventually. Their strategy throughout the referendum campaign was designed to cause societal division and harm. Well? It worked and people are still hurting over BT/Labour’s tactics.

Genius idea to remind people of that by attempting to steal our last shred of communal identity. An identity that crosses all political boundaries and none. They spent three years attempting to erase and denigrate our national identity, now some halfwit and his mates in a cupboard thought it might be a wizard wheeze to hijack the hard work and positive energy for change of the YES campaign, (shakes head), for a Labour parliamentary campaign.


OK, so why do men with bellies think a T-shirt suits them?

Rev, if you can title your pieces and do hover comments surely you can do the tunes bit like those really, really annoying roll over ads and given us a blast of Blondie?

Great drawing Chris, I don’t think I could make it up to the Halfway House now 🙁

Bugger (the Panda)

I see that Jim the Blue Smurph is back paddlng on his Yes for Labour whacko idea, and is now wiggling some escape room on his “getting pissed at football matches and Orange Parade to every Rangers match wizard idea.”

Never fully cogniscent of thinking through the ramifications of any of his daily headliners he is now suggesting that he never really said he wanted alcohol licenced at football matches.

He is beginning to look like a weird bible thumper preacher in the snake oil world of mid American evangelism.

As Groucho Marx famously said, “here are my principles and if you don’t like them, I have a bagfull of others.”

He has modeled himself on Tony Blair but doesn’t have the intellect to carry that off. He is so obvious.

He really is a Toom Tabard and I can see him disappearing up his erse soon.

Please let it be sooner rather than later.

In the meantime, keep doing what you are doing Jim, thanks.

Hoss Mackintosh


Results of Survation Poll for 4 nation support for EU exit…

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60% for and only 14% against – looks like Indy ref 2 may be coming sooner than we think.


Apologies for the noise there folks … I was just having an *ahem* incident. 😉

I was just thinking, yes I know I’m not supposed to think but I couldn’t help myself. Anyway I was wondering … If I remember correctly did Murph the Smurph get the Branch manager’s job because he was an M.P. and the *cough* rules stated that the Branch manager had to be an M.P. or M.S.P. So my solitary brain cell has come up with a wee scenario here. 🙂

Supposing, just supposing oor Jim lost his seat in May, an absolutely humdinger of an extraordinary long shot I admit, but just say it happened, would this mean that we would have to witness ANOTHER *YAWN* long drawn out Labour elecetion for yet ANOTHER Branch manager? 😛


I actually am astounded at the sheer stupidity of Labour. You think it’s as bad as they get and BAM! Even more so…

As for his dumping of the “Yes for Labour” because it was only a “working title”…I’m immediately reminded of the “Quiet Bat People” from The Thick of It.

Give him this though…He will surely be “Changing Scotland”…Just not for the better

Bugger (the Panda)


I don’t know what to say to you about your cartoon above and all the others that has not been said already.

You have the visual acuity that is equivalent of the Rev Stu’s penmanship.

’nuff said.


Just when you think you have got rid of Murphy from our telly and radio, up pops another Scottish Labour clown who seems to be on every political news programme.

Yes, Douglas Alexander has decided that his seat is more important than any other Labour MP’s and decided to do the “Murphy Grand Tour” tactic.

And the strange thing is, I don’t hear a word he is saying, all that is going through my mind is, how do I get rid of this slimy, self serving, lowlife, unionist warmongering liar.

A couple of reminders of what Alexander is all about:-

Getting called a “F***ing Liar” on radio phone-in.

link to

And what he done to his own sister,

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Chris …love the cartoon.

Slightly off topic. your cartoon …is the scene set in the Old Tollboth Wynd …you know …that hill that has about 1000 steps at the back of Waverley Station and has the ability to age you by about 5 years should you try and ascend it? I hate that hill !!! By the time I get to the top of the steps …I really am dying for a pint!

Helena Brown

Great cartoon Chris as usual, and Lesley Anne, you also made my day with those posts. Loved the Taxi and I will admit it took me a minute to see the main reason, and I so loved the door sign. The comments on Murph’s latest gaff were priceless too.
Fair made my morning.

Bob Mack

Great cartoon Chris. I am in no doubt that Murphy is on the road to Hell. I grow less concerned by the media with each day that passes.They have attacked on all fronts,but are failing to make inroads into the lead the S,N,P, currently hold in the polls. It makes me very proud to be a Scot and a Winger when I see how we overcome adversity that would crush lesser opponents
I have real faith and belief that in Scotland,the people have turned the corner and are at ladt developing a belief in themselves.Thank you all sinccrely for your knowledge,guidance and inspiration,which I assure you is being put to good use elsewhere.



He is beginning to look like a weird bible thumper preacher in the snake oil world of mid American evangelism

…LOL oh, so true! That he does! Everytime I see Murphy, I knew I had seen something similar before. And hey presto! You nailed it!! Best line of the day …and that includes anything in the media!


Just seen another couple of ham dingers over on Twitter.

Apologies for the first one if you are still having your breakfast. 😉

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At least now we all know where oor Jim keeps getting all his *ahem* ideas from … the unicorn has been speaking to him again. I really do wish someone would check out what this guy is drinking … he’s supposed to be a teetoaller for goodness sake! 😀



You are as sharp as a pin as usual, can you tell me if Jim Murphy is standing as MP for Renfrewshire East or not. It’s went a bit quite on that front.

I also think there is a good chance of an SNP victory there, no matter who stands for Labour.


Thanks Helena … doffs hat! 😛

I have heard Caz, on the QT from a very reliable source 😉 😉 , that oor Jim will be making an announcement about whether he is standing or not in the 2015 General Election on May 8th this year. 😀


OT but good example of the Establishment, in the shape of Lord Bragg, revising history. His latest episode of In Our Time, on Adam Smith, starts off describing Scotland as a basket case until the Union saved us all from doom, by abolishing the Scottish Parliament (but not the English one).

I know. I wasn’t going to listen to this ever again but thought I would give it another try!

first 5 mins is enough.
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Wuffing Dug

When you look at murphy now the stress of what he’s taken on is written all over his face. Hell mend him.

I think things are reaching their natural conclusion, but he must stay in his position, he is a gift to our cause.

He is reaching his target audience in Glasgow, however going by comments i heard even they think he’s a total twat.

He is a mega narcissist. What a mess. Bet you he runs away to foreign climes to hide from his mistakes. The supply here has nearly ran out.

He has thrust himself forward further than his wit or intelligence have allowed and now people are actively digging into to his murky past.

What a show! Wundebar, fantastiche, bravo! ?

Looking forward to the next installment ????


@Hoss, at 11.05am. I’m pleased with that show of support for the EU. Lots of Indy supporters appear to trash the EU, and whilst it has faults, my opinion is, we are better in that market, than out.

Scotland should have a louder voice in there, and we are held back by the UK.

I think big business is genuinely bricking it that the UK will be dragged out by those that bang on about immigration, and those that hate the additional protection the courts offer.


Welsh not British (@welshnotbritish) 10.07am

I see BBC Wales is as balanced and unbiased as BBC Scotland.

Wuffing Dug

Post above. Where’s mah smileys? Ya bassa

I was just looking through an old post of mine about how Labour wanted to rename streets after dead soldiers when I noticed who was behind it.

It was Jim Murphy.
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We can now add insensitive to the list. Posting this in the hope of getting another ‘eagle-eyed reader’ badge.

Here’s a direct link link to

CameronB Brodie

A rather tawdry and insincere individual, IMO.

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I don’t think that Jim need confirm whether he is standing until the 9th April. Obviously if he isn’t standing that date would not give his constituency party any time to select a replacement so I guess we will hear sooner rather than later what is happening.

I’m guessing he will stand and look to get a Holyrood seat in 2016 and then decide when he will step down as an MP from there. If Labour have a slender lead in Westminster this may be problematic. If Labour bomb 2015 and there is a leadership election with Jim still in Westminster who knows what temptation mayu come his way.

Naina Tal

O/T Heard oan the wireless: Broon to unveil a package to save Tesco Kirkcaldy involving rates reduction. A vow?

Rob James


Ref Labour councillors moaning about austerity. In Fife, after years of ‘Bad SNP’, they have suddenly decided to use the austerity bandwagon to their advantage, claiming to have joined together with the SNP councillors.

They appear to be attempting to take the credit for leading the way. It’s purely another election stint. Their hatred for the SNP is up there with the rest of the slabbers.

No no no...Yes

Handandshrimp 12:06pm

Murphy is treating his WM seat like a membership of a club.He will sign up for a year and then leave because it suits him. He has no loyalty to anything or anybody.

Even in the unlikely event that Jim won, would his constituents really want a by-election next year?

Apart from anything else voters deserve consistency and not get mucked about by Murphy.

Cadogan Enright

interesting article page 13 Herald on East Kilbride constituency

Rob James

I see Murphy has not given up on his drink fuelled sectarian plans, although he’s now trying to use the class war.(remember the rugby?).

This time, however, he is highlighting that those in hospitality suites can filter straight to their seats, whereas the rest of us have to join the back of the queue.

Having been totally unaware that most grounds in Scotland already have licensed premises, he also seems to think that we have to stand for hours waiting to get through the turnstiles. Has he ever been to a match in his life?

Another ill-thought slap dash publicity stunt that has backfired.

If our referendum had provided the same result as the poll on the aforermentioned stunt, I am sure we would have agreed, somewhat reluctantly, that the Dream of Independece was over.

You lost Spud. Get over it.

Helena Brown

Lesley Anne, you are definitely on fire this morning. Keep up the good work oh and I have had my lunch.


Funny. Vote Jim or Else/He’s Really Nice campaign seems to have flopped but what an incredible marketing blitz from usual crew at BBC alone. People really don’t seem to believe their absurd hype so far. Murphy would certainly have gone down a treat at that Tory conference last week, like what Flipper Darling did

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Oh how the Conservative party cheered for Flipper. You’re next though phoney Murphy but only if you can save red tory right to reign over Scotland.


“He is beginning to look like a weird bible thumper preacher in the snake oil world of mid American evangelism”

Loved it – so accurate 🙂


OT but William Hague on Andrew Marr this morning accused of aggressively negative campaigning had this to say: ‘We are entitled to say anything we like about the opposition.’ It was difficult to make out what he said because he was laughing like a loon while saying it.

So there you have it folks. The cynical demonising of the underclass, the coordinated attacks on Nicola Sturgeon, the lies and the smears, the faux policies, SNP bad – it’s all grist for Westminster’s dark satanic mill. We should no longer wonder why our politicians don’t have a crisis of confidence over their vile grab-power-at-any-price tactics. Because we now know they are entitled to use them as they see fit.

As further light relief, Danny Alexander on the same programme set out his stall on bad bankers. His party would bring in laws to stop bad people doing bad things (Hold the front page!) The words stable, door, horse and bolted came readily to mind.


Great toon Chris.

I thought we had lost you yesterday … Glad your back. 🙂

This election is a feast of fun for us. Since the 19th Sept , we have gone from strength to strength .

Labour desperately trying to undo the view of their despicable behaviour during the ref whilst trying to jump on any policy that will get them a mention in the compliant news. We will NEVER forget them.

Trying to nab the “YES” word from us is the most hysterical and loony idea i have heard. YES for labour …. Fucking priceless . 😀

YES – for labour to 1- die
2- Stay dead.
3- Stop twitching and DIE for our sake.

I would advise cremating the corps as it keeps coming back but sympathise if you want to keep one tied up in the garden to scare off the seagulls..( They are everywhere)

Comedy Gold. … 🙂

YES for La.. ha ha .


Are Labour working hand and hand with private Health companies? That nice John Nicolson has received direct mail;

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OT again, sorry, but I may be on to something. I notice that when Andrew Marr asked William Hague a question this morning the cameraman held a wide shot showing both interviewer and interviewee in full. But when William Hague was answering the shot was on him alone from the waist up.

I reckon that this is because he was actually talking through his arse while lipsynching to camera. He was basically using ventriloquism to disguise the actual source of his political wisdom. Just saying. Might be wrong.



First 5 minutes!!?

I was furious by the end of the first minute.

“in which Adam Smith argues passionately against the regulation of markets.”

OMFG, that made me want to reach through my tablet and wring his scrawny neo-con neck.

Adam Smith argues passionately against the distortion of free markets by Monopolists and the Legislative Capture that they use their power and wealth to create.

He is crystal clear that unregulated markets can never be ‘free’ or operate in a state of ‘perfect liberty’.

And it just goes down hill from there.

Small nations struggle to compete commercially….?

Tell that to the Swiss and the Dutch. Hell the English monopolists fought FOUR wars with the tiny, commercially orientated Netherlands during the 17th century because they just could not compete with them.

Scotland’s economy was in the shitter in 1706 because we had just suffered through a century of all out economic warfare instigated by the Monopolists on our Southern border.

Why did the Darian expedition fail?

Well idiocy on the part of the colonists and expedition leaders to be frank.

But also because Monopolists prevailed on our King to refuse to support it and to shift all the risk from the commercial houses of Amsterdam and Hamburg onto the Scots.

Scotland’s renaissance in the 18th century was an accident.

Once we were free of the onerous restrictions of the Monopolists and part of a free trade zone the Scots demonstrated very clearly who were the better traders.

In my, not so humble, opinion, Adam Smith was a genius, centuries ahead of his time and your Robert Pestons of the world would be well served to stop pontificating for five minutes and take the time to actually read The Wealth of Nations.

It is beyond credulity that his magnum opus was written nearly 240 years ago and those in power are still making the same mistakes.


The Wings site is a source inspiration.
Yet another name for FUD.
Calamity James. (Don’t know if this has been already suggested)
I still prefer FUD though.



I think John is right. If you pay to have your leaflets delivered with the junk mail then you are likely to find it bundled with all sorts of weird crap. Not a wise move, I just scoop that stuff up and bin it.

call me dave

@Lesley Anne & others

Lots of straws in the wind on the last few threads indicating that labour have lost the trust and respect of their voters.

Alexander, Murphy and Curran the three amoebas

Hopefully two of the tree will be booted out in May.



Direct mail in the commercial world means mail by post. If he means all this is being delivered via junk mail, these would be lucky to be read by many, most would go straight into the bin after a quick scan if at all. They must be rather short of activists. A dilemma for Labour as they cannot afford to move activists from their ‘safest’ seats as these are now under attack. Happy days.

Les Wilson

Great cartoon, usual high standard.

Looking through my Sunday Herald, some good articles, but two things stand out that to me are unnecessary in an Independence motivated paper.
1, Front page reserved, in an article which seems to reflect badly on the SNP. Could this not have been inside rather than front page? Seems strange to me, if the aims of the paper are to support Independence. Unionist will applaud this article, especially the placing of it.

2, McWhirter, am I the only one that McWhirter confuses with his comments? He seems to point out Milliband’s good points. Or is it maybe because he is just sorry for him?
Perhaps he should consider his market, before doing this.
Very odd!

S/Herald should have it’s agenda firmly fixed on it’s buyers, or risks to alienate them.


The ridicule of Murphy’s incompetence reminds me of the same ridicule we directed at Darling last year. Murphy’s Yes websites seem a bit like the dreadful VoteNoBorders stuff. This time the fearmongering is the threat of the Tories. Plus, the BBC and papers are playing much the same games.

All a bit déjà vue, perhaps.

We were winning the referendum until all those last minute promises were wheeled out mainly by Brown. I expect Labour will deploy Brown to try similar tricks this time close to May.

Predictions suggest that should the SNP go above 50% there could be total removal of Unionists. However below 40% there is the real possibility that those large Labour majorities will allow them to hang on. The polls, if you believe them, sit at ~45%.

I understand the Greens will put up candidates in over half of constituencies. IMO that will knock a % off the SNP vote in many seats and could allow Labour to retain a number.

The SNP needs to get its predicted vote above 50% so it is in a position to withstand a pre election onslaught of media backed deception and scaremongering.


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Free unicorns, lol

Still waiting on Desperate Jim promising free Scottie dogs to every granny.

Anything to avoid talking about the broken vow.

Proud Cybernat

You can’t just say something, Jimbo and expect people to believe you–and especially so after the tissue of lies that Labour have been propagating for years. You have to actually mean what you say.

Your biggest problem Jimbo is this–very few in Scotland actually believe a word that falls from your crooked mouth. And doubly so because you have the biggest political fibber of all at your back–McTernan.

And no amount of time can ever fix that. Tick, tock, Jimbo. Tick, tock…..


All this evidence of “rebel” labour councillors goes to prove that politic MUST be about people first and not party.

The establishment can order the red, blue & yellow tories to obey their orders, but when it gets to the lower levels, it just doesn’t wash. Top down bad, grass roots up good. What centuary do these people live in? The “people” are far more aware and don’t tug their forelocks any more.

Politics and politicians should be of the people for the people. Constituents first and foremost then party. People are realising slowly that these public servants are just that, PUBLIC SERVANTS, elected to serve the will of the people.

We have had corruption and self service and lies for far too long and the electorate in Scotland, at least are seeing that now.

Shooting down policies because the otherside thought of them and the general level of negativity is not providing a well thought out alternative to government. It is not reprasentative, it show a sinle and clear lack of intelligent effort and childish bullying.

Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP have invited ALL politicians to contribute for the furtherance of our society, how refreshing that is, this is what politics should be about.

Parties that have nothing better to say than SNP bad and have no counter arguements have NOTHING to offer the electorate. People need to realise this and disown/ignore such politics and their mouthpieces.

If a policy doesn’t work, offer an alternative/work on it so it does. People used to look for guidance from their polititians and help where needed. I can and must be that way again.

Nowadays the unionists are all about dictating to the electorate. They offer nothing positive only further cuts. They cut jobs like the grim reaper and use the MSM/BBC/STV to marginalise and ostracise the unemployed as lazy scroungers.

As long as the old school tie system continues to work, cronyism, elitism and all the other evils(evels) will continue to thrive. Only one party in Scotland has any chance of changing that with the current FPTP electoral system.

Vote SNP in May, then in 2016 any indy party you wish with the second vote going to another pro indy. A new broom we have, it just needs to be used. It can be achieved.

If subsequently the SNP turn into the Establishment Westminster style, which some mightfear, but I doubt will happen, vote them out when they do and try again.

Take control of YOUR county into your own hands. Don’t let Westminster/MSM DICTATE to you. Tell THEM what YOU want. Vote and you will get it. By not voting, you won’t and we’ll have the same old failing system, which will lead to blood shed further down the line. Have courage and do the right thing.

Grouse Beater

Whatever happened to the ‘dancing guard’?

Did he get fired, demoted, posted to Outer Mongolia?
Has healthy subversion lost its flavour?

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The Big Dim Jim fest is simply their way of avoiding what happened last time they got a new branch manager. Four months of silence from Lamont was followed by her suddenly bursting out in the press (sorry if that thought spoils your lunch) because nobody was aware of her – think it was the “something for nothing” review.
Now they have gone to the other extreme with daily mince, orchestrated by McTernan – worked well for Julia Gillard didn’t it?
As for the bevvy at football games ‘furore’, in my experience you only get drink in hospitality before and after the game, tea or coffee at half time, unless you are watching from behind glass and not out in the stadium itself.


A very fine cartoon.

Why was Murphy able recently, to give an exact number, for [Labour] yes voters at the Independence Referendum. Did he have legal access, to the referendum voting-slips? Was there not a stooshie, before he became MP. About illegal access to voting-slips, and the local Electoral-Register?

Whaur urr thon Independence Referendum voting-slips richt noo? Never could get thon, arithmetic tae work.


Loved that cartoon.

When out canvassing in East Ren yesterday, met a family of Labour supporters furious at the idea of the drink re-introduction to the footy – and yes I know there have been various comments about it not being a reintroduction as you can buy alcohol etc.

The guy said he had been at the game ‘riot’ at Hampden and bottles were getting chucked about and the son of a friend of his ended up with brain damage after being hit on the back of the head.

They didn’t say who thy were going to support but were willing to give it a great deal of thought.

Unlike Murphy who has zero thoughts in his head just sound-bites courtesy of McTernan


I can think of 2 unions who help bankroll the labour party that will be delighted to know that they are helping to pay for literature that goes out with BUPA advertising .

Both Unison and the G.M.B have members who work within the N.H.S .


@ Lesley-Anne (a bit belatedly)

Thanks for archiving that article in the Sunday Herald about McCann. You saved me £1.50! I’d seen tweets about it last night and wanted to know which MP it was, but didn’t think I could get away with reading the paper in the shop.

I was really, really hoping it would turn out to be Brian Donohoe, but McCann is nearly as amusing. I met Lisa Cameron a couple of times last week and she is an excellent candidate – I hope she succeeds.


Murphy Overturns Law of Nature as Infinite Monkey Theory Proved False.
(From the Strathbogie Sunday Bugle 22 Feb, 2015)

One of the keystones of statistical science lay in ruins this morning. Boffins have always said that in an infinite universe, all events, however improbable, must happen somewhere, at some time. For example, the theory predicts that if you gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters they would eventually make sense of Jim Murphy.

A spokesperson for the Office for National Statistics, who ran an experiment to test the theory said: ‘We were gob-smacked when the results came through. Not one monkey, not a single chimpanzee, macaque or blue-arsed, shovel-nosed gibbon could make head nor tail of the ragbag of North British Labour policies we fed in’

‘Of course we used a supercomputer to simulate the experiment. We did try real monkeys but there was shite everywhere.’

A spokesperson for Mr. Murphy said that should any of his policies make sense in future his constituents would be first to know.

Robert Peffers

@iheartscotland says: 22 February, 2015 at 7:29 am:

”A concentrated collection of bullshit designed to get headlines in the MSM. Jimmy boy has no substance …. “

That comment reminds me of an old computer industry phrase, ”Vapour ware”

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