A lie half-deleted remains a lie
Alert readers should by now have spotted our story about the findings of the Independent Press Standards Organisation with regard to the Daily Record’s “The Vow Delivered” front page from last November. The paper was found by IPSO to have been guilty of “significantly misrepresent[ing] the fiscal consequences of the Smith Commission’s recommendations”, and ordered to publish a correction.
IPSO also noted in its judgement that the Record had amended the online version of the article accordingly. But that’s only partly true.
When we checked the story on the website last night, we were puzzled to see that it still seemed to be inaccurate, so we dug out the archive copy of the page we’d taken at the time to see what had actually been edited.
There’s been only one change. This is the original:
And here’s the current version:
As you can see, the third paragraph has been deleted, where the Record had claimed that Holyrood’s budget would be “boosted by over 50 per cent”.
(A statement which in itself is an interesting contrast with the front cover’s claim that the budget would “almost double”. Doubling would of course be an increase of 100%, not 50%. And our inner sub-editor also can’t help but note that they failed to take the opportunity to correct the Freudian-slip “trashed” to “thrashed” in the last para.)
But the paper hasn’t bothered to change the crucial, tone-setting opening paragraph, which is every bit as incorrect as the third one was. Given that the Record has now admitted that Smith’s proposals in themselves won’t change the Scottish budget by one penny, it’s clearly nonsensical to refer to “billions of pounds of extra spending”.
The “amended” version of the story is therefore just as inaccurate as the original. We’ve alerted IPSO to the discrepancy, and hope to see it corrected soon.
Daily Record = Petulant child
Caught telling fibs, and continuing to tell fibs…
Ha ha Stu bet the Rectum & IPSO hate you but very, very well spotted. Now you see why Scotland needs you. Wings spots the lies others don’t 🙂
Surely we would now have a case with trading standards over their name – it is no longer a record but should be changed to something like “Daily Opinion” or “Daily Fib” or “Daily LOUB (load of unionist bollox)…
That snowball just keeps rolling down the hill getting larger and LARGER.
I imagine the Daily SLabPressRelease will be (not-so-quietly) fuming at Wings over this. Another major coordinated cross-party, cross-media, smear campaign coming this way before May?
‘the deal trashed out between rival ..’
Surely some mistake?
Billy Liar spends his time indulging in fantasies and dreams of life in the big city as a comedy writer.
job description Daily Record
Nope = definitely trashed.
we really need a mass boycott of this paper like liverpool did with the sun
Its ok boycotting it single handidly but we need first a petition to boycott based on the lies (we have proof now)that they have told and on the petition we need wording to the effect of they let the PEOPLE of Scotland down
And at the end write if you need proof of this as well email/write to the daily record and ask who was responsible for the vow
tell them if no reply they are hiding something else
The Daily Reck
As in car crash
(‘scuse the spelling, must’ve caught it from them).
Well, let’s face it, it was a trash deal.
In any other country, with any other paper, in any other circumstances the MSM would be all over the daily record like a rash……
Doesn’t happen in Scotland…… Why ????
They are all as bad as each other.
Only the National (and possiblySunday Herald) will trumpet this from the rooftops.
Be interesting to read the correction.
They are appalling liars that may well have changed the course of Scottish history with THE VOW fraud. Clearly all unionists everywhere cant stop lying about THE VOW getting delivered but it still a staggering fraud on Scotland, or not. Roll on May 7.
‘The deal trashed out between rival political parties’..
Says it all really-LOL!
They are obviously, pathological liars.
On thread about lying MSM.
Good news from his post on NNS – G.A. Ponsonby has finished the first ten Chapters of his book “How the BBC Stole the Referendum”
So it is on track for publishing in April – just before the GE – perfect timing.
Cannot wait to see it – it will be a Bias Busting Bonaza!
I think one biggest problems for the Daily Revile is that they already have the hate for WoS turned all the way up to 11. There is no where to go from there 🙂
The press conplaints and regulation procedures in this country are a joke.
Freedom of the press is not the freedom to tell lies.
Any paper caught publishing stories they know to be untrue should be banned from publishing.
Maybe a month for first offence, 6 months for the second and permanently for the third.
Me thinks that would focus minds on dealing with facts not lies.
Given the ongoing decline of the Daily Record and that it is now public knowledge that Daily Record is politically untrustworthy, I believe there is potentially a huge gap for the National to fill in the daily newspaper market.
Maybe I am missing something but I’m not sure why they don’t grab it with both hands.
Train traveling faster than the hinternet on scotrail wifi
Q. When is a lie not a lie? 😉
A. When it is printed in the Daily Record of course. 😛
Q. How do we know this is True? 🙂
A. Because Murph the Smurph told us it was so. 😀
I like the National it has a lot of good reading in it but if it aims to be a mass selling daily it will have to expand its sport and non news pages (motoring, lifestyle, culture etc.,)
However, just having a paper on the news stands with counter balancing headlines is a blessing in itself. The headlines are often all people look at before turning to sport or the crossword or TV pages.
off topic
basic question
how does canvassing work?
what do you get from canvassing?
how do political parties work out where to canvass?
As posted the other day, one lie leads to another to cover up the previous lie, until lying is the norm. In time lying becomes pathological; the liar believes he speaks truth.
Ergo, the editor of The Record really believes the VOW was real and substantial, he got only minor detail wrong.
He has to believe that otherwise he acknowledges he was lying and is a serial liar.
Next question:
Will BBC’s pitiful Scotland 2015 make this issue an item for broadcasting, or will a single British newspaper pick it up and run with it?
Well done for exposing the blatant lies of the Daily record. No matter what they have to change, the very fact they have been skewered in public by you, will really, really, p*ss them off. EXCELLENT 🙂
This is why this site is so important.
A lie is a lie, is a lie, is a lie. Be it overt, through omission, through misrepresentation of fact, the intent is to deceive.
‘Scotland’s Champion’ quite a claim when you don’t belong to the former and fail to live up to the latter. Just another establishment propaganda channel.
@Hoss Mackintosh 1:56pm
I hope he manages to get it published before the postal votes are delivered. Most PV users fill them in straight away and get them into the post box. No chance to change minds or argue the toss with them. That was a huge problem during the Indyref.
If it can be available at least a week before the PVs drop onto doormats that might have some useful effect.
The best date I have for PV delivery, so far, is around 23rd April but that can vary by a couple days in each electoral area.
Check the weasel-words, there are plenty of amounts “over half” that could be called “almost double”
Sorry, but that’s not inconsistant, just not particularly precise.
@bookie from hell
Well if you or I were to set up a party de novo we would get a lot of the information from the electoral register. Parties of course having canvassed in the past, collated response cards etc (signed the pledge in the referendum) can be filled in as to their expected allegiance.
When you go canvassing you are handed canvassing sheets with the streets you will be doing and each property with who lives there and their affiliation if known. Then you add to or amend that based on what you learn on the doorstep.
I understand, from talking to the person in our RIC group who did the canvassing sheets in the referendum, that the electoral list data is on a spreadsheet so you then use various techniques and softwares to automate the data into canvass sheets as much as possible. I don’t know how easy it will be to aggregate everyone in house now registration is individual not household. I’m just glad that, thus far, I haven’t had to do this myself 😉
The most appropriate way for this newspaper to now issue a correction (both online and hard copy) would be to re-print the original vow/article with a diagonal ‘CANCELLED’ sticker across it. That gig is a goner.
If they don’t, maybe The National, tomorrows Herald or Chris Cairns would consider having a go.
Have a great weekend Scotland.. not too long to go now.
@bookie from hell 2:23pm
Are you an SNP member? If you are, you will have access to Activate. That will be your means of accessing the canvassing system. No idea about SSP or Greens.
In general, Activate is mainly for phone canvassing though. Door canvassing will be set up by your local party “organiser” and that will be advised to members via e-mail so they know where and when to gather. If you’re not a party member and you’d like to participate, have a look for your local party website or Facebook page, they usually carry details.
In either case (door or phone) there will be a script that is used to elicit specific answers/data from the people canvassed. that data gets fed back into whatever system is being used party-wide. The data allows the party to refine their targeting of potential supporting voters for possible later leafleting or mailshots.
In terms of where to canvass, that’s done based on knowledge collected in previous campaigns and in conjunction with the electoral register to check names against addresses.
If WOS could print out a postcard for the general public to send to the Daily Record, [with regard to THE VOW], then this could put pressure on them…any thoughts readers?
They have got away with lying for as long that they think that they still can get away with it.
Their Masters in the Labour Party are strangers to the truth and so are they.
So are we going after them again?
New advertising slogan for the Daily Rectum.
The Daily Rectum “choc full of sh*t every day”
Me thinks the paper needs an enema.
Great work Stu.
I am appreciating more and more
that propaganda is a war that sits, side by side ,
with another war, in our case the struggle for Independence.
As John Pilger says in ” War by media and the triumph of propaganda” (johnpilger.com/articles/war-by-media-and-the-triumph-of-propaganda)
“The times we live in are so dangerous
and so distorted in public perception
that propaganda is no longer,
as Edward Bernays called it, an “invisible government”.
It is the government.
It rules directly, without fear of contradiction
and its principal aim is the conquest of us:
our sense of the world,
our ability to separate truth from lies.”
We are all part of it, with most of the population being casualties – those who daily consume the lies believing them to be the truth.
And those who believe most easily are always the first targets – the willing gullible, some of whom we saw gathered by the BBC for QT in Stockton.
It is so obvious now,
that until the Independence movement
win the information war,
Westminster will retain control
of referendum results –
and of Scotland.
Yet still the majority slumber.
As many as possible of the 1.6 million Yes voters,
are needed to join the propaganda war
as active ‘media fighters’,
taking on the BBC
and the print media – especially, the Daily Record.
For those still watching ‘Auntie’,
and still buying the DR daily,
think seriously, not about whose side you are on,
but whose side you are supporting.
£156.50 annually supporting the DR
£145 a year for TV Licence supporting the BBC.
How much in supporting the SNP?
How much in supporting Wings & Bella & Derek and so many more.
Independence has it’s ‘supporters’,
but also it’s ‘fans’.
Spotted the difference yet?
Hacked Off | The campaign for a free and accountable press
might be interested.
The Record is part of the establishment/Labour Party propaganda machine, and as such, can do what it likes.
Shocking to think NO-ONE from the dead tree press has picked this up. NOT!
Can you imagine if Stu. had made a mistake? (Just for talking sake, of course) There would be questions in the HoC and the “papers” would be full of sneery articles… 😀
“When you become complacent with someone lying, whether it is a close friend, the media, or your government, then you have essentially given them permission to continue to do so and most often at your expense.”
? Gary Hopkins
Another great job rev thanks,
O/t i keep wondering about these ridiculous scottish labour
westminster mp’s.
It’s been 5 months now since the referendum and they must
surely have realised that they are held in utter contempt by
thier “honourable friends” and rightly so too.
Yes mags,dougie,jim et al, thats what those insincere smiles
and sideways glances are “contempt”.
You’ll be getting a lot of that for the rest of your days..
It’s quite sad really.
But not unexpected
Before I forget.
Mhairi Black, 19 yrs,
is contesting Douglas Alexander’s seat in GE15.
‘Wee Dougie’ is Labour High Command.
Mhairi Black on QT Glasgow soon.
She is being set up.
QT in Glasgow will have but one purpose – one target.
To save Douglas Alexander by destroying Mhairi as a credible candidate for Dougie’s seat.
There is just too much emotion over this TV appearance
and not enough cool headed political judgement.
‘Bring it on’ won’t cut it.
Rev Stuart,
Is there any benefit if your own on-line supports, en mass, contact IPSO to voice their own personal disgust at the Daily Rancid’s blatant refusal to report factually, and to amend their misrepresentations immediately, along side their humble apology.
Some I did earlier…..
link to scottcreighton.co.uk
link to scottcreighton.co.uk
Great stuff Rev
I wonder what all the companies that advertise in this paper think about being associated with liars,this could end up being very embarrassing for them I would like to see some of them change to the National.
manandboy says:
21 February, 2015 at 4:06 pm
Mhaira Black and you stress 19!!!!
Many people achieved great things at a very young age. She did a remarlable job during the Independence campaign and guess what she was even younger.
I share your views on the behaviour of the Empire and it’s agents. However please do not run down one of our own BEFORE she has even had the chance to speak,
If we give up all passion and belief in core fairness values and substitute them with carefully created sound bites and spin then WE become as bad as the Labour Party.
Can we not have the hanging until AFTER the trial please.
Peter Oborne resigned from the Telegraph citing the conflict of interest interfering with the paper’s ability to tell readers the truth. It buried reports of HSBC criminality because it relied on the bank’s financial support.
The IPSO, set up after the Levison Inquiry to circumvent any real regultory independent body, is totlly incapable of regulating. Conflict of interest again.
The Keiser Report No 722 reveals reveals the industrial strength criminality of the London financial sector and the total lack of exposure in the MSM. Or collusion.
link to rt.com
Well done Stu for exposing the Daily Record’s contribution to burying the truth and IPSO’s incompetence.
If Miss Black isn’t capable of taking part on a panel she shouldn’t be standing for election.
Sorry O/T
Mhairi Black, could use the info on the site below if she gets the opportunity to do so on QT.
I find it heartbreaking.
link to tommyballgovan.blogspot.co.uk
I wonder if anyone has asked Gordon ‘I shit on Scottish democracy’ Broon what he thinks of this, I’m sure he will be eager to condemn such blatant lies
Think Arnold Shark helps keep the rancid afloat. He is an establishment man and is unlikely to stop bankrolling the paper no matter what mince if prints.
O/T Im in Invergowrie at my Daughters ,to cut a long story short she knows a woman who is due in court on 11th March re non payment of TV licence fee, can somebody give me a link to Prof John Robertsons report on BBC bias Thanks.
Can we stop having doubts about our own side and start to admire what they are trying to do!
The Scottish disease “who do you think you are” or “You shouldn’t be trying that” are starting to wear me down.It was probably the biggest single factor in losing the Referendum.
People like Osborne and Cameron are being told the exact opposite from the moment they can walk. They are pushed up the ladder even though many are less qualified than Jim Murphy.
“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”
? Mahatma Gandhi
Is this true? The SNP is actually intending to put a 19 years old lassie, Mairi Black, on Question Time? Have the SNP no sense? She is being used as some kind of fall guy by the BBC to give the impression that the SNP have few candidates of serious gravitas and are forced to use teenagers to present our cause.
I don’t doubt for a moment that Mairi is clever and worked very hard during the referendum, but politics is all about public perception and putting up a 19 year old who hasn’t had any real experience of life is just ridiculous.
Hope this helps
link to opendemocracy.net
@Wullie – that piece on Labour in Glasgow brilliantly and lucidly expresses why Labour does not empathise with the people in the rest of Scotland too. To have kids walking 6km there and back from school while being priced out of school dinners is disgraceful – get rid of Trident and our kids can eat.
Rough Bounds says:
21 February, 2015 at 5:17 pm
I give up!
You can lead troops into battle. You can scale mountains. You can start a business all at this age BUT you cannot go on QT.
I hope she is on QT and I know that she will do a great job. Given the choice between her and Douglas Alexander I am certain she will do a far better job for the people of Scotland.
Did you ever think for one moment before you posted that comment how she would feel reading it?.
Instead of saying “Watch you don’t spill that tray of drinks” try “I’m sure you will carry that tray successfully to the table”
I don’t need to worry about Westminster as much as my fellow Scots.
Re Mhairi Black. Anyone with any doubts go and listen to her on YouTube. She will do just fine in front of a Glasgow audience.
Alexander’s majority is going to be hard to overturn. I reckon she could do it.
The problem with traps is that sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you.
Remember the impression left by Thursday night’s QT?
QT is a carnival for the viewing audience, an entertainment as far as they are concerned and the political equivalent of the tabloids. Does anyone seriously think that the SG or indeed Ms Black doesn’t know this?
Let’s just wait and see. 😉
Hard task for mhairi , good luck though
Proud Cybernat says:
Some I did earlier…..
link to scottcreighton.co.uk
link to scottcreighton.co.uk
PC, I like both of them and think they would be very effective done side by side printed onto A5 size paper and put through doors.
Alternatively, both printed onto A6 (postcard size) card, one either side, and put through doors – My personal favourite but have no idea how practical or cost effective that would be to achieve.
I think i’m going to have to get into my own printing and learning all the ins and outs on how to do it from home with laptops & printers etc.
Can anyone in the know tell me if my thinking on this is correct:- Since i would be working independently in informing the public and not promoting any particular political party, would i be able to circumvent election rules etc?
If i did go down this route i would be doing it periodically throughout the year and not just at elections etc.
And how can i learn about election material rules etc?
No worries about Mhairi, she will do the party proud.
She will show FUD up for the moron he really is.
Wee Dougie nae pals already getting sized up for the post of tyre swing operator at Halloween headquarters.
vote SNP get SNP
It’s pretty hard to believe how a complete tool like Alexander has such a high majority and even more mental how he got to reach that position in the Red Tory party,are scots no righters or something?
@ Stoker
link to electoralcommission.org.uk
link to electoralcommission.org.uk
There is a Scotland section, but most of the rules apply everywhere.
The regulated period for General Elections is now 12 months. I thought the same was true for all other elections (except unpredictable ones like by-elections, obviously) but the EC told me the regulated period for next year’s Holyrood election is 4 months. I haven’t managed to confirm this on their site, so I am waiting till after May to look again.
During the Regulated Period (RP), any activity which is visible to the public and could affect how they vote (whether intended to do so or not) is covered by the rules. Since slagging off the Daily Record isn’t really suggesting that people vote one way or the other, it might not count, but if it is seen to criticize particular parties, it might.
Even if it does count, the only consequences would be if you spent lots of money on it. If you spend a total of more than £10,000 you have to register with the EC and submit accounts. If you spend money jointly with someone else, that threshold applies to everything you and they spend, whether separately or together.
There is also a limit of £9750 per constituency (with the same rules about joint campaigning). This applies to all campaigners, whether registered or not.
All election material, whether produced within the RP or not, has to have an imprint on it of the form :
Printed by X at Y address
On behalf of A at B address
Imprints are recommended on-line, but not compulsory. If you are printing your own stuff, then you are both X and A.
I tend to err on the side of caution, and if I were producing information leaflets like those you describe (which if they really were only information, would not be regulated), I would include an imprint.
My greatest concern with QT Glasgow is that the BBC will stack the audience with BBC friendly, i.e Unionist, place-men and women. Even busing them in from down south if necessary.
(I recall it happened in Skye last year where “tourists” happened to turn up at indy debates).
If they do not, then Mhairi Black will have no problem as the people of Yes City – Glasgow will support her to the hilt. If it is a real Glasgow audience it will be worth watching as the audience at the 2nd Salmond / Darling were the stars of the show.
If the SNP get any hint that the audience is being fixed, they should just pull out completely and put nobody up.
Sometimes, I think that the SNP and indy parties would be better just to boycott the BBC as much as possible. After all, it is not our national broadcaster any more.
The SNP doesn’t decide who goes on QT. The BBC does.
Joemcg says 6:23pm
Think it says more about the people of Paisley & Renfrewshire South who voted for duggy than it says about “Rt. Hon. Douglas Alexander Member of the BRITISH Labour Party.
@ crazycat (6.28pm),
Thank you very much for all that starter info.
I’ve put a reference to your post in my reference records.
Still looking into the idea, various printers etc etc etc.
Very much appreciated.
Thank you.
Wish I was in Invergowrie the nicht.
@ Stoker
You are most welcome. I have become somewhat obsessed with these rules recently, after discovering that the new “gagging law” could have extensive implications for us as non-party campaigners.
So I spent a lot of time reading all the guidance and corresponding with the EC to clarify various things without giving away too many of my plans. I’m happy to be able to put that to good use by passing the results on to you.
Now I know what people mean by the Scottish cringe. I’ve seen so many people display it in these pages for the last 2-3 days. Leave Mhairi alone-she will be fine & stop trying to tell her what she can or can’t do. You may be doing it with the best of intentions but it doesn’t come across like that.
There are more than enough people against her on the other side without you all joining in. Yes Dougie is out to show her up but you know what I think she may well surprise you all. She’s a tough girl & we need more like her in politics complete with their idealism instead of it being seen as the province of middle aged timeservers who think they are entitled to their seat on the gravy train.
We don’t need the troughers but we do need people who will work for the people & that means people like Mhairi who act as a beacon & inspiration to other young people to get involved.
Tell me did Pete Wishart get this treatment when he first stood for election just because he was in a pop group & was younger than middle aged.
Just give it a rest please. Just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean you have the right to tell her she can’t. If we can’t support her here then what the hell are we all doing here? There are enough doomsayers outwith the indy movement, WOS etc. Go & join them if it pleases you but stop filling these pages up with doom & gloom. It’s not needed & it’s depressing.
Mhairi will be fine 🙂
Hoss Mackintosh,
I know how you feel about the BBC,but the feeling now seems to be that the Genie is out of the bottle.By appearing on the BBC we give them the rope to hang themselves.The BBC is THEIRS not ours,but let’s not be feared of THEM.
Mhairi, will have no problem. If she gets the opportunity just mention the Stolen 2000 square miles of the North Sea and which “Scots” agreed to it including Sir Robert Smith. And also the Macrone Report and again how many “Scots” agreed to keep it secret, lets call them ("Tractor" - Ed)s. Another 2000 leaflets for Douglas Alexanders constituents describing the Topics mentioned.
Proud Cybernat
Those posters are really very good.Well done
@ronnie anderson
John Robertson is doing his weekly BBC bias reports on Newsnet Scotland the latest is here:
link to newsnet.scot
Superb post. I concur 110%.
Any “plants” in the audience shall be identifiable and maybe the Rev can do an expose of it all.
Jet Jockey
It was actually 6,000 sq miles of North Sea if you are referring to the deal cooked up by Donald Dewar on the night before the reconvening of the Scottish Parliament.
If we are going to use facts then we must be sure they are accurate otherwise we are no better than the Scottish media/BBC.
I think you are doing a fantastic job leafleting-you must have boundless energy 🙂
Lolls mum,
Wise words.Mhairi Black has a lot to do.I wish her well and will back her to the hilt.Douglas Alexander is a smarmy Tory git.
Re Mhairi’ remember friends Dennis Law was capped for his
country aged 17. “Quality counts”.If your “good enough” your
“old enough”
galamcennalath says:
Re Mhairi Black. […]Alexander’s majority is going to be hard to overturn. I reckon she could do it.
So does Lord Ashcroft. According to his constituency poll for Paisley & Renfrewshire South:
Con 6%
Lab 40%
Lib Dem 2%
SNP 48%
The poll was taken 22-29 Jan, so it was presumably before most people would have had much knowledge of Black’s selection. So Alexander would probably be the only candidate they knew.
However the personal attacks have already started of course. I’m not always sure that such things work with the average voter. Most people can distinguish between a figure of speech and an actual threat of violence and don’t expect their representatives to behave like plaster saints in real life. It’s in their political life they expect virtue. And the earlier such attacks start the less effective they tend to be as they get debunked or seen as old news.
It would be nice if we could get a balanced audience for Question Time in Glasgow. I can’t make it but look forward to watching it at home.
link to ssl.bbc.co.uk
Lollysmum-no matter how good you are if you are outnumbered on the QT panel by 4 or 5 other Unionists you are in for a rough ride. Nicola was up against it and the cringers seem to think she was annihilated so Black could be going into an almighty stitch up. Is that advisable?
Remember Eddie Reader on QT before indyref, she didn’t come over particularly well and it turned out she was following instuctions. Mhairi should be left to get on with it, she must have something to offer before she was selected.
Aye.Its either stand up or cower.
19 year old Mhairi Black will be on QT in a fortnight, must make sure we have plenty of Irn Bru and popcorn in the house for this one. I can hardly wait. Has the BBC learnt NOTHING? 😉
I mean they have just had Nicola on their last QT and she wiped the floor with that particular *ahem* panel AND a large part of the audience, in my view, and now they invite ANOTHER S.N.P. woman onto their programme!
I really do hope the local A&E department is on full alert that night … they will need to be by the time Mhairi is finished with wee Doogie and the rest of the *ahem* panel! 😀
Go get ’em Mhairi! Show the *cough* establishment that the young people of Scotland are NOT to be taken for granted cause if you are you will give the *cough* establishment a serious case of earse kicking. 😛
Don’t you just love all of this?
I mean they *ahem* beat us in September, apparently, and told us all to get back into our wee boxes.
WE refused to get back into oor wee boxes.
THEY got extremely upset with us because we won’t get back into oor wee boxes.
THEY now think they can punish for not going back into oor wee boxes by doing things like this with Mhairi.
Have the *cough* establishment learnt NOTHING since September?
No don’t bother answering peeps cause we all know the answer don’t we … they have learnt NOTHING since September! 😀
Mealer-loaded questions? Ringers in the audience? The host taking the pish? Nah, fuck that.
If anyone is wondering what the idea is about the *ahem* stolen 6,000 square miles of North Sea is all about perhaps this might help explain it. 😉
link to oilofscotland.org
Lesley Anne,
Aye.Just that.We’ll never win our independence by being snivelling cowards.
@ Lollysmum
Gaun yersel. 🙂
With Political Editor David Clegg of the Record overseeing the VOW debacle, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the whole story from start to finish was nothing more than a pile of shit.
Clegg is a Unionist patsy.
“Tell me what you want printed and I will obey”.
Just look at the way he went after Mhairi Black on behalf of Douglas Alexander.
With the way the Daily Record sales are dropping David, you MUST be the darling of the Mirror Group shareholders,(NOT).
You and Douglas Alexander do have something in common, the two of you will be looking for a new job in the not to distant future.
Well I hope you are right Mealer and Mhari plays a blinder, could be brilliant or it could go badly wrong. Desperately want rat face Alexander out.
Mairi’s actually 20. She’s going to be one of the youngest MPs ever if elected. I think Bernadette Devlin was 21.
O/T but worth it!
link to atrueindependentscotland.com
Ronnie Anderson 5.08pm
Keep us posted on what is happening with the lady that is getting taken to court for non-payment of her BBC License.
Sounds as if she could do with a little backing when she gets to court.
Were we watching the same QT? Nicola wasn’t annihilated at all- she used tactics. She said just enough to cause the troughers to gang up on her but did it do them any good?
Who came across as being a cool, calm, collected & professional politician? It certainly wasn’t Hezza, Flint or Lamb as they spent all their time spouting bile. They came across as frantic,panicky & seriously worried that SNP has the temerity to threaten the establishment’s hegemony & intend to vote in Westminster-oh the shock, horror of it. How dare they?
Of course they all had instructions to gang up-Nicola knew that & expected it. Bannantyne was there as a token Scot but he also has vested interests & appeared to be drunk as well. He certainly came across as out of touch but then most millionaires are just that.
If you rewatch the programme, look at the way Nicola makes a comment that is likely to be contentious. She then looks down at her notes so they don’t see her smile as the rest take the bait she’s laid out for them.
Nicola wasn’t on that programme for the audience’s benefit-she was there to be seen on national TV so that the UK audience could actually see the monster that she’s being portrayed as & lay that myth to rest.
If you went onto Twitter after the programme it was alive with people saying they’d just joined SNP or that they were voting Green in England because she’d talked about making common cause with English & Welsh voters to help the whole UK (not just Scotland) get rid of austerity.
She did a bloody good job on QT & plenty of people got to hear her message. She used the unionists hatred of SNP well. She wound them up & watched them go. Whilst Alex might have joined in the bearpit arguments, Nicola was much more subtle & you can bet she was enjoying their reactions and oh so evident discomfort. She wasn’t playing their game-they were responding to hers.
I voted yes for my kids future. If independence is to happen it will be the youth that brings it. Time is on their side.
I have no worries about Mhairi Black being on QT.
It’s wee Dougie should be worried I think.
As well as informing the QT audience about the 6,000 square mile North Sea theft carried out by Labour perhaps Mhairi might also be able to inform them about a few other ATTACKS on Scotland and the people in general.
First up the well publicised McCrone Report, oh wait a minute it wasn’t that well publicised after all was it … silly me. 😛
link to archive.today
link to archive.today
link to archive.today
link to oilofscotland.org
link to en.wikipedia.org
Next up we have the plans to do ANOTHER Gordon Brown. Yes folks Labour plan to raid folks PENSIONS again.
link to archive.today
link to archive.today
link to archive.today
link to archive.today
Finally, for now, PHEW! 😀 , we have the Rainbow Tories plans to attack the young.
link to archive.today
link to archive.today
link to archive.today
link to archive.today
link to archive.today
worth reading
Lolly-I never said that. The Nae Bawz mob have got me thinking I’m watching through Rose tinted glasses as they are all saying Nicola was poor.
Nana Smith
That is a brilliant piece of film. Well done for finding it. He didn’t mince his words in the slightest & made no bones about who he was supporting -the poor. Good man.
Glasgow Council-You’ve been telt with a capital T.
Good stuff 🙂
Ye gawd’s Nana!
He doesnae only stick the knife INTO Labour, he twists it around a bit before shoving it out their spineless back! Absolutely briliant. 😛
@Nana –
You have a wee mine of nuggets and that is another one, Feargal was great. Please let Labour die a slow death in Scotland.
I had noticed you weren’t on for a wee while and had commented the other night asking for you, sorry to hear you have been unwell but good to see you back posting Nana xx
Sorry for going O/T here but I don’t know what exactly has sparked this story off. I’m thinking that Nicola’s latest QT appearance could NOT possibly have anything to do with it … could it? 😀
link to archive.today
Lollysmum at 8.56
Exactly. It’s the demeanour of the candidate that survives after these programmes, not the debate, and I’m sure Nicola played that very well indeed.
She has to establish who and what she is first and foremost (and who and what she isn’t is as important)and arguing with tits on QT isn’t part of that plan
Haven’t you learnt yet that the naysayers will say anything to dissaude you from thinking you are right & they are wrong. When in fact the polls say that it’s they who are wrong.
The people Nicola wanted to reach were those not in the studio. The undecideds, the wavering NO voters, the hard core red,blue & orange tories, the ones not planning to vote because they never get the government they vote for & many more besides-they were her targets.
Each appearance chips away at those people & sways them towards an alternative to the 2 main & corrupt parties. I don’t include the LibDems in that because although corrupt they are dead in the water in Scotland.
She is putting out the message that there is an alternative to warmongering, banking corruption, austerity just for the sake of punishing the poor & disposessed & all the other ills visited upon the UK by tories & labour alike. This is also why she is doing a tour of towns & cities in England-she wants to dispel myths & allay fears and I say good luck to her.
The whole of the UK needs more politicians like her & far less pigs at the trough in WM.
Joemcg says:
21 February, 2015 at 8:42 pm
Well I hope you are right Mealer and Mhari plays a blinder, could be brilliant or it could go badly wrong. Desperately want rat face Alexander out.
Could I remind my learned colleague that the tern is We Rat Face Alexander.! Kind Regards REffigy
@ Lollysmum & Lesley-Anne
I listened to Feargal during the indyref and he was really good. I don’t recall where he was speaking.
He does’nt mince his words.
Ooo Nana beat me to it with the Feargal Dalton vid, as I knew Wingers would love that bit of fire!
Hello Croompenstein, slow going I’m afraid and I have a lot of links saved but typing is a pain right now.
Will put up some now and then, so here’s another
link to youtube.com
Lollysmum says:’ 9.25
Whoever gets the disaffected Lib Dem voters will win many seats so the SNP needs to appeal to their inherent fairer social justice views.
Slagging Lib Dem and Labour voters wont win seats
@Lollysmum 2015
Your comments spot on.
Nana, That was a brilliant find!
Please apply for Question Time audience tickets for Glasgow!
link to bit.ly
Also keep in mind if you are a Conservative, Liberal, or Labour Supporter with nice supportive comments that you want to make on the show, you need to lie. Lie like them.if you want to ask you “Real” Question, that just might be about Wastmonster Elitists
Fud Smurphy and Labour. or plain old BBC Bias Broadcast & Corruption.
Hoss Mackintosh says:
The BBC will have a balanced Question Time audience in Glasgow with equal numbers of SNP, Labour, Tory and Lib Dems voters plus a token Green and a handful of Ukipers .
What could be fairer than that?!
Ask to 64,000 dollar question . Is a vote for SNP a vote for David Cameron? It needs to be exposed for the lies it is.
Good find on that Commonspace article, thanks. I enjoyed reading it especially the final sentence. I think we can all agree with the sentiments of that one.Well worth reading!
link to commonspace.scot
OT –
Football is mad! Motherwell finished 2nd in the SPL last year and are now stane bottom
Politics is mad! Labour finished 1st in the 2010 GE in Scotland and are now…..
another OT Barcelona lose at home, Bayern win 6-0 away after winning 8-0 last week and they say our league isnae competitive!
Think one or two folks on here who may possibly be involved in delivering leaflets in the coming months may like to avail themselves of one, or two 😉 , of these handy wee devices. 😛
link to twitter.com
Just seen front page of tomorrows Observer, on Sky News website –
“Labour to hand Prescott Frontline election Role, as Tories edge ahead”
Well that will do it for the comedy factor 🙂
I wasn’t slagging off LibDem & Labour voters. I was talking about their representatives in WM. Two different things entirely & can you honestly say that any of them have acted honourably & in the interests of Scotland in WM because I can’t.
They are more than happy to see that gravy train keep on rolling with themselves on board whilst you get poorer. In my view, that is not a good enough reason to elect them.If they aren’t there to work in the interests of the people then the electorate has every right to replace them.
Heseltine tried to ridicule Nicola over Trident , she should have asked what was his strategy for using Trident, who would be in charge. one of the most sophisticated anti missile systems surround Russia and some experienced military people have commented that the likelihood of a Trident reaching its designated target are extremely slim and to be remotely successful nearly 25-40 would have to be launched to outwit the system, what then, Go ask the Poles, the Germans and all the rest nearest to Russia, oh yes it definitely is a deterrent, The Russians wouldn’t have fired or used one single nuclear weapon and would then have every right to walk their way across Europe because the UK have spent all their military budget on a outdated useless missile and there is no longer a viable ground force.
Would the terrorists maybe have a plan to train dolphins or killer whales fitted with some type of limpet mine to take out a nuclear sub or maybe an aircraft carrier where do we go from there who gets the blame. ?????
I love her argument for abstaining on her voting record on the bedroom tax there Nana. She is informed that she ABSTAINED from voting on the bedroom tax but apparently here response was “that’s your intrepetation of it.” Maybe she has not yet grasped the full implications of NOT actually voting yet! 😛
I may be wrong here, and I fully apologise if it turns out that I am, but I always thought that when voting in House of Commons someone had to actually walk through the AYE or NAY lobby to have their name recorded and they them selves to be counted. Therefore if someone ABSTAINS then their name is NOT recored in either the AYE or NAY record books. Therefor by logical conclusion they did NOT vote! Now if I am right in my assum,ptions here, then what part of the description does Stair heid NOT understand? 😉
@Nana, thanks for the Feargal clip, excellent.
@Lesley-Anne –
Wish I’d had one of those to give to my wonderful big sis who is leafleting tomorrow, but she has two of my nephews helping her and they are good Scottish lads so should be able to face down any dogs…
Nana Smith
You may have been under the weather but you don’t half come up with some gems 🙂 That Curran interview was brilliant-she lied about the fracking vote & bedroom tax votes & then had the nerve to say that Jackie Baillie had been pressuring the Scottish Govt to act on it(as if!). Even I know that they’ve been mitigating bedroom tax effects for the last year.
Thanks I enjoyed that.
Curran your tea is oot!!
Thanks for the correction I should have checked before submitting, I was well aware of the area. Pity I had not put 20000 I wonder if any of the ("Tractor" - Ed)s would have objected??
Try again!
One to make you smile-very short. Forgot to remove https last time-duhhh
link to youtube.com
Regarding Mhairi Black and QT. I reckon Mhairi is absolutely first class. I have seen her at Hope over fear and at the SNP conference, and thought she had real poise for one so young. Although I think some people are missing the main point. I joined the SNP because they are a broad church across Scotland. Mhairi represents the youth and the left. We have Liberals and “Tartan Tories” within our ranks, which I think is f#ckin brilliant! Remember folks this is all about the Common Weal not divide and rule. Go Mhairi I trust you .
Sunday Herald front page;
link to twitter.com
@Valerie Great minds and all that!
@frogesque it’s worth spreading
@Lesley-Anne I want one of those tong thingies.
@Fred you are welcome.
@Lollysmum Call me Nana and yes I pray Scunner’s tea is oot
To me there are two bigger factors at play here. One, why should it be up to the general public & the likes of the rev to complain and highlight the oh so obvious misleading lies of one of the largest circulation newspaper in Scotland, it was so blatant that any press regulating body should have picked up on it, so why didn’t they? Two, i have no problem in the DR printing & promoting there biased unionist accounts, but not under the banner of “Scotland’s Champion” come out and admit that you are a unionist better together ukok labour/tory rag & stop playing the people of Scotland as fools. Unlike the DR the National newspaper at least admits it’s political stance, that it is an independence supporting paper, that is not to say that it prints lies & propaganda, it prints topical political slanted articles with honesty & integrity. Something which is foreign to both the DR & the Labour party in Scotland.
Did you lnow your open letter to IDS is on Newsnet?
link to newsnet.scot
Well done-fame at last 😉
Jet jockey
According to Twitter the documents about the North Sea stitch up between Dewar & Blair are due for release. More ammo for you to use I’ll bet!
have a listen
Point 1 you make is a belter – would be good to ask IPSO their view on why it took the public to bring this to their attention.
As someone who is used to being fobbed off by the BBC complaints department the idea that (for example) an organisation like IPSO or the BBC complaints dept would raise a matter themselves seems like a fantasy.
Maybe in the future this may come to pass.
crap does not seem to work damn it i will get the hang of this crap computer even if it tries to kill me doing so
Has anyone got a link that shows Mhairi Black is actually appearing on Question Time.
I have had a look about and can’t see anything.
Would be very much appreciated.
Out leafleting today and we are still signing up new members and that is in Dougie Alexander’s constituency.
Mhairi has a great chance of becoming my new MP.
Lord “Two Jags” Prescott is back.
The Guardian:-
“Ed Miliband is bringing the former deputy prime minister, John Prescott, back into frontline politics only months before May’s general election.”
link to theguardian.com
There is a sense in which the vow was delivered on the same day that it was published, i.e. the newspaper-delivery kids popped it through the letter boxes of people daft enough to pay money for such trash. But there is no-one who can rightly claim that the vow has been fulfilled, and there never will be, because it was dreamed up by a bunch of scheming liars and seconded by selfish thugs in suits, whose proclaimed interest in democracy has been exposed as a sham.
If the crime of perverting the course of justice is serious, the crime of perverting the course of democracy should be just as loudly condemned.
The line up was announced at the end of the QT programme last Thursday. I’ve also seen the full list on WoS
Jet Jockey,
When the North Sea maritime border docs are released hopefully people will want to pull down dewar’s statue, it would be like the scenes from iraq a few years ago, toppling saddam’s effigy…. schadenfreude.
Scotland’s inaugural first minister, pathetic servile puppet of a war criminal. The truth will out.
It is so sad.
Not just because of the morality involved but because those who hold positions in the Scottish media several notches above their talent level only because of their willingness to tow the unionist line, and there are many, seem now to be aware of that fact – but don’t care.
They will do anything to keep their miserable, contemptible ‘careers’ going, even when the shallow defence of ‘end justifies the means’ has been blown asunder.
What sad excuses for human beings they have become.
We should pity rather than condemn them but against that must be weighed the wrong they do to democracy and the wrong they do to their fellow Scots.
The Paisley North candidate Gavin Newlands sounds like a great prospect as well – how do you rate his chances?
I was amazed in my own constituency (Ed N & Leith) – there was a dozen candidates and you were spoilt for choice. The depth is now amazing.
Fellow non-telly-watchers may have missed this CH4 interview with He Who Morphs, from a couple of weeks ago.
The introductory comments by Gary Gibbon are great (IMO, that dude is something special) and Jon Snow is on the ball too.
Cadogan Enright (yea, he of this parish) obviously did see it, and submitted one of the first comments:
link to youtube.com
Sorry for going O/T here but think folks might enjoy this. 😉
Muppet #1 talking about why S.F.A. were at the Muphy bash at Hampden. Stay tuned cause Murph the Smurph himself makes an entrance with an absolutely STOATER of an opening statement. I warn everyone planning on watching this wee video to make sure they are:
1. sitting down
2. NOT drinking anything
3. NOT eating anything
4. have a cardiac arrest qualified nurse standing by
“I’m not interested in overturning the ban on alcohol at Scottish football!”
Well I’m glad he has cleared that wee mystery up cause I’m sure we all thought that was EXACTLY what he was planning! 😀
link to youtube.com
Just noticed a wonderful Freudian slip in the record article. It says ” the deal TRASHED out by rival political parties…” Says it all doesn’t it?
Lesley – Anne
Pretty dismal seeing Darryl Broadfoot getting behind that slab pish. When Jim talks about drinking in a supervised and controlled way I think of ‘medication time’. Shades of One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
@Lesley-Anne –
Cheers (hic) for that link.
It’s a very slick wee package, eh? Scottish Labour seems to believe it’s onto a winner with this.
Would love to have been a fly on the wall at whatever brainstorming session produced this madness – sooner or later we’ll find out the identity of the crazed genius who first mooted it, and get to see the workings.
It is this kind of thing which is making me feel I am living in a different country, no matter the constitutional reality.
Does anyone else have the impression that this election, as presented by the MSM and as discussed there, is nothing at all to do with them and their concerns? In fact bears no relation to reality at all?
Perhaps it is just me, but I do not recognise the issues which are said to be important, and I do not care about them. It is like watching a couple bicker and dragging up stuff that happened 29 years ago, to them and to nobody else.
I may be cracking up, though. That is always possible
What can I say Tam and Ian other than I’m astonished, obviously! 😀
Sorry for going O/T AGAIN *SIGH* 😉 but thought we all neededa wee bit of a lighter mood this late in the night. 😛
link to twitter.com
Horrible Day.
Today 2 Officers of the Law arrived at my door in connection with an ‘offence’ under the whatever its called ‘online abuse’ laws.
Please please believe me when I say that anything I have ever posted on twitter / facebook is:
A – Nothing I wouldn’t say face to face
B – Nothing I wouldn’t say to my mum
C – I would never threaten / endanger anyone with my comments.
I can’t help thinking that a twitter post from a few weeks back only seems to have become an issue when my name appeared in a prominent place on line.
I have apologised online for any offence & I have deleted the ‘offending’ tweet, which, as far as I can ascertain was maybe seen by about 5 people. However, if this is taken further (and I suspect that, given the demeanour of the officers – who I must stress – are only doing their job, it may be) I will come out of my corner fighting.
I am not, for obvious reasons, going to repeat what I said in the tweet. All I will say is that no swear words & no threats were used. It was a comment that would be deemed innocuous if made on a stand-up comedy show.
If I have in any way harmed our cause, for that I will apologise. Sorry
So as I understand it Murphy’s point is that one should not treat football supporters any differently from supporters of other sports.
Well here is a thing: it is true it is not justifiable to make differences between groups on the basis of prejudice. But it is not true that one should not make differences on the basis of evidence of a real difference between those groups.
I seem to remember that there was a lot of trouble at football matches when drinking was allowed. I do not remember the same reports about rugby matches. I don’t follow sport, so perhaps the behaviour really was identical and I missed the rugby riots. If they happened then a ban at Murrayfield would also make sense. But that is not really an argument for lifting the ban, is it?
Course Mr Murphy does not want to lift the ban on alcohol, he just wants to allow folk to drink at football matches. Have I got that right?
I note he asserts that football is a different game today: clearly it is far more civilised than it used to be, as evidenced by the behaviour in Paris which caused such a stir yesterday. Those were english football fans, the shining example Mr Murphy cites in his piece to camera. What evidence is there that fans have changed? What evidence could there be, while the ban is in force?
One thing that has changed, I gather, is that football is not now an affordable thing for the working class, the way it used to be. There was a letter in the National recently in which someone said they had got tickets for the opera for a very reasonable £57 each and he/she said that was not much different from the price of attending a football game. I have no idea if that is right or wrong: but if it is true then his point (opera is affordable, I think he/she was trying to say) falls: cos £57 is not affordable at all for many of us.
But it does seem to me that if Mr Murphy thinks football fans have changed it can only be because they are now more middle class; such a champion of the poor, our Mr Murphy
I also understand that drinking is allowed in corporate hospitality parts of football grounds. If that is correct then once again wealth is assumed to go with decency, and the poor are lost to all civilised values. Is this really what the socialist Mr Murphy wants to promote? Why yes, it is; it is entirely in keeping with Blairite scum who demonise the poor in order to justify their austerity and the harm that does.
Red tories out!
@Bob Sinclair –
That’s horrible. You must be a bit freaked.
I appreciate you can’t go into specifics, but please please let us know as much as you can. If any of us can help in any way, we will, and you know that.
Ian, thanks, I really do mean that.
Let me put it this way. The tweet was significantly less offensive than pre – watershed frankie Boyle (if such a thing can exist), and open to interpretation eitheF way.
The annoying thing is I may need to resign the position I’ve just taken up, for the good of people who have worked long & hard for many years to get us where we are. If I do need to do that I will gladly do it for them.
@Bob Sinclair –
Man, that sounds heavy. I’m a bit sloshed, heading for the sack, but please keep in touch. I think you’ve already got my e-mail, but here it is again anyway:
Keep the heid brother – cheers the noo.
P.S. You up for May 1st?
Bob Sinclair says:
Sorry Bob iv’e had a wee sniffter & cant ascertain whether your being the stereotypical Scot with satirical viewpoints or being serious, i hope for all our sake’s it’s the former, if not, then it is up to everyone of us to defend not only your rights, but ours, “The People versus the state has begun”…
Hi Bob, sad to hear that. If you need any support just shout. I see some very strong and nasty tweets every day from all sides of any debate. Unfortunately, some people will take things too much to heart.
16 year old can and do vote. A 19 is representative of the voters, and will get (reluctant) young folk out to vote, just as they did in the Referendum Campaign. One of the successes’ was the engagement of young people especially young women.
QT is nonsense, the majority do not watch it. They are only trying to put up viewing figures so condescending
Dim ble bee can fleece the public so he can afford to sail his yacht around Scotland. Even being paid generous sums to do it. Scrounger.
The Daily Record is another media disgrace, Illegally swinging a Referendum. Down right lies and distortion. There are no lengths they would not stoop. There are no comments allowed on their website, so their ex readers can tell the DR what they think of it. Going out of business and being held to account. The Press want ‘freedom of speech’ but they want to restrict the rights of others.
There is not a free and balanced Press, essential for a Democracy, in the UK. The Westminster Gov have made sure of that.
@ Bob Sinclair
The ‘Police’ do this all the time, because of mismanagement at the top. They have to investigate ‘a complaint’ ie make an ‘arrest’ for a non charge but the ‘case’ will be dropped. It will not stand up in court. It cannot be proceeded with because it has no foundation in Law and would laughed out of court. Do not worry, it will be dropped. Make sure to make a complaint.
It is happening all the time and losing public trust in the Police. There is something very wrong at the top when the Police do not know the Law. People are being detained in cells, for the ‘charges’ to be dropped. It is a complete waste of time and public money and ignorance. It loses public trust in the (Glasgow) police. Half of Police Scotland could get a week end off and the Police could be going after the real criminals, instead of ‘criminalising’ the general public.
Can guarantee you will hear no more but the ‘case’ will be conveniently dropped, with not even a letter of apology, for the waste of time and money it has caused. Do not worry. The leadership needs sorted out. It is out of control.
Some people go to Lawyers to make a complaint against the Police. (£600 a letter). The matters had been dropped. The lawyer wrote a letter. The first line was, ‘This is not a complaint against the Police’. Sometimes people have to laugh or they would cry. Justice is priced out of the market because of the criminal justice system, and it is public money bring, unnecessarily being wasted. Once Police gave a warning for mild misdemeanors, not any more. To keep the Police/crime figures up?
Bob Sinclair
We are right there with you. Don’t be detracted from what you do best, fighting for a fairer Scotland.
See you out and about some time soon.
Tam Jardine
Jim Sheridan is the sitting Labour MP for Paisley North and like is comrade in Paisley South, Douglas Alexander, Sheridan will more than likely lose his seat to another great SNP candidate, Gavin Newlands.
Cheers Lollysmum, 11.36pm
I am sure Mhairi will do just fine. The SNP will be giving her a few pointers.
@Fiona 12.35am
I know what you mean. Some of the irrelevant “Crisis” stories that BBC Scotland and the rest of them come out with, just bore the arse off me and presumably the rest of the Scottish public.
Thanks everybody for the support.
@ Ken500
Maybe it is to keep the police’s numbers up. Seems more likely to me that it is to give a figleaf to the “cybernazi” agenda. If Police Scotland provide numbers and affiliation of those who have been so “abusive” on twitter they have attracted police action that will not be easy to counter after the event.
At risk of shooting myself in the foot and being regarded as a bit of a heel, and I’m not putting the boot in or kicking up a storm — please please please it is “TOE” the line! Sorry!
Bob Sinclair
So sorry to hear of your troubles but keep your chin up. It’s unlikely that it will go anywhere but my guess is you’ve been told to stay off Twitter. This is exactly what happened to the two girls on 19th Sept. Their case was dropped because the police would have been laughed out of court. They were told to stay away from indy events so basically their freedom of speech was curtailed unlawfully when they’d committed no offence.
Several Wingers frequent Twitter & see obnoxious, offensive & threatening posts all the time but just accept that it happens. They don’t run crying to the police like Curran did.
Clearly, your tweet struck a nerve with someone so whatever you said was the truth & they wanted to hit back. Well we could all play that game if we wanted to but very few would stoop so low. Besides which the police would be dealing with so many complaints that they wouldn’t have time for normal policing.
Stay with us, don’t be chased away-you are a valued Winger & belong here. Don’t resign your position unless you’ve fully discussed it with whoever you need to first. You may well be surprised at their response.
Perhaps the person who complained sees you as a threat to their credibility, if so then they really ought to grow up particularly if they are active in politics.
Don’t worry-we are with you & will support you. Thinking of the posts you’ve put on Wings,none have been offensive indeed more often than not you are the voice of good sense. I can’t believe that they would take this further.
@ Lesley Anne,
I think the Scottish Ceiling Fan Party, has a certain ring to it. 🙂
@ Bob Sinclair,
Chin up bud.
@Bob Sinclair
Sorry to hear of your troubles, Bob.
Keep us posted of there’s anything we can do.
What was the name of that obscure wee book where the Party spent its whole time re-writing history, to the point where lies were the truth, and the truth might as well be lies? 🙂
I was rash enough to speculate on Anabell Goldie’s tartan knickers, should I be concerned, on a scale of one to ten?
Hopefully by the next WoS meet this will be cleared up & I’ll be able to put it behind me. Once again, thanks everyone for your kind words of support.
Bob Sinclair.
Just read your posts above, sorry to hear about this man.
Give me a call or drop a line if you need any help.
You know both I and the rest of the WOS clan have got your back.
Bob Sinclair.
Just read your posts above, sorry to hear about this.
Give me a call or drop a line if you need any help.
You know that I and the rest of the WOS clan have got your back.
This is a second attempt, so may double post.
Had a wee smile yesterday. I was out at my garden gate when an old dearie I’ve known for years said hi. She’s been SNP for decades so the topic was instantly political.
I said, “Whit div ye mak o yon Labour MP fir Grimsby, Austin Mitchell, sayin Labour wid retain the seat he’s gawn tae be retiring frae even if they pit up a candidate wha wis an alcoholic paedophile”?
She replied, “Ach! Bob, wi aa the reports o Westminster historic sexual abuse gawn the roonds Ah wad spier mony o thaim are alcoholic and mair nor a few paedophiles a’readies”.
I laughed but afterwards, while thinking about it, I realised the lady was probably correct.