With the delivery of the Article 50 letter, I don’t think it’ll take long for the Little Englanders to gather enough rope to hang themselves.
Love the way Hamish is patiently waiting with scissors in hand to cut the rope at the appropriate time.
Brilliant as usual Chris. 🙂
David MacGille-Mhuire
7 years ago
“To cut or not to cut? That is the non-question”. Fcuk ’em. Snip.
7 years ago
Once again Chris comes up with a very clever cartoon.
Even if we do get pulled over the cliff edge, we have to make sure we land on top of them. We may just survive the fall then.
7 years ago
It’s hard to believe there are still so many in Scotland who wouldn’t use those scissors even though they can see exactly what’s coming.
I still can’t get my head round that fact. Just bloody cut the cord!
7 years ago
He’s certainly captured the crazed psycho tory, even more crazy over losing Gibraltar.
Jings! Hamish has broken his tail! that is not one but TWO unnatural angles it’s at.
I’m going to report Cairnstoon to the Society Against Cruelty to Animated Animals, see if I don’t.
7 years ago
Re cliffs, rocks and hard places etc, this Gibraltar fiasco is epically ironic. The Spanish veto is real after all! Another 300 year old land grab goes over the cliff. Outbreak of apoplexy in Westminster since Theresa’s letter forgot to mention Gibraltar.
Cut the cord Hamish.
7 years ago
Is it really the right time to cut the rope though?
Marie Clark
7 years ago
A picture paints a thousand words, well done Chris. Neatly summed up. Now Hamish son, cut that rope.
7 years ago
Is it really the right time to cut the rope though?
Si señor Richardinho or asap.
Liz Rannoch
7 years ago
Love the look – a moments thought, could I, couldn’t I? Should I, Shouldn’t I?
Of course you should! Brilliant.
@ Muscleguy
Hamish’s tail got broken in a fight wi’ a big fat bad guy a long time ago, that’s why he really, really doesn’t like him.
Hamish, it’s not a tandem jump.Cut the bloody rope, the only way is up!
Thanks, Chris, spot on as usual.
Peace Always
Les Wilson
7 years ago
Simple but brilliant Chris.
7 years ago
Now is not the time to be pondering, Hamish, cut the bloody chord.
((((( Arrivederci Mr.Bull )))))
Robert Louis
7 years ago
Cut the rope!
This, is, of all the cairnstoons, the very, very best. Not one yookay cartoonist has summed up the madness of brexit so well from a Scottish perpesctive.
Their is a generalised madness which has descended on Westminster, and I’m not sure the people of England are going to thank ANY of them in a few years time. Fortunately Scotland is not leaving the EU.
lol do it Hamish let the sad old git pay for his own mistakes for a change.
7 years ago
There’s a subtle difference between “forgetting” and “omiting” to mention something.
7 years ago
Cutting the rope – The National isn’t really helping.
With its Bella Caledonia supplement today, The National further weakens its Independence credentials.
It is like the BBC, in so far as it gives us what we like mostly, but always includes something to undermine Independence as well, which explains not only The National’s BBC-like strategy, but also its true purpose.
A bit like a fish supper with a dodgy chip inserted, which, when digested, makes you ill.
7 years ago
That has to be up there as one of your best ever, Chris
Bob Mack
7 years ago
The classic climbing dilemma. Cut the rope or die trying to save your fellow climber? In this instance the only solution is to cut the umbilical. Most assuredly both will perish if nothing is done.
What a fantastic cartoon. Amusing, accurate, and ultimately hits you with the very life and death nature of the decision.
It has always confounded me how the British State gets away with it and why people everywhere just seem in thrall to them.
They must seem very plausible to most.
Not Hamish though.
Cut the fucker loose,about turn and walk to freedom Hamish.
7 years ago
I hope those scissors are sharp. Get cutting.
7 years ago
Is Hamish giving it two thumbs up. Or is he looking for the thumbs up from us? Such a great cartoon.
7 years ago
So good. Plz remember to share it everyone, far and wide.
7 years ago
There be blue blood all over
The white cliffs of dover!
Or, Monty Python style,
It’s not so much the way they fly,
It’s more the way they plummet!
Abosute cracker Chris, says all that needs to be said.
7 years ago
“Now is not the tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime” – ‘thud’ 🙂
7 years ago
Round John Bull’s tummy, not his neck?
7 years ago
Lol. let’s hope Theresa May hasn’t swapped the scissors for a comedy pair!
Speaking of underhand May, does anyone know if she will write an official response to Nicola Sturgeon, or does she plan just to ignore the letter altogether.
Reluctant Nationalist
7 years ago
He doesn’t have permission to use those scissors, the unruly cur!
7 years ago
From Stu’s twitter “BREXIT – a Titanic success” the movie: link to twitter.com
7 years ago
Aye Hamish, “we’re all in this together, you have to jump too!”
Hamish has mair sense.
The audacity of the Tories is truly breath taking. Why should we go and do what we rejected?
John H.
7 years ago
As he falls over the cliff John Bull becomes increasingly aggresive. Already warlike language is being used. I heard Andrew Castle this morning refer to Europeans as “the enemy”.
7 years ago
Loved Nicola Sturgeon’s letter re Section 30 = )
Am not expecting any kind of useful response.
Just so happy that what needed to be said is said.
Am confident our Scottish Government will move forward as necessary.
David Caledonia
7 years ago
They’ll be throwing themselves over, the white cliffs of dover
Just you wait and see
They’ll be queuing a plenty, all the landed gentry, and throwing themselves into the sea
7 years ago
Oh aye , he does has permission to use those sissors.
It’s called a mandate = )
7 years ago
John Bull does know that there isn’t a bouncy castle at the foot of the cliffs?
Her Maj has had it taken it away to be refurbished.
7 years ago
Yet another satellite-tagged young Golden Eagle disappeared over North Glenbuchat Estate, Aberdeenshire. The owner-ship of this estate is particularly interesting!
bbc scotchshire-Sheena his commentator- taking over brexit debate without interuption–
having a referendum without May’s permission in Scotland is like being a banana republic.
Right wing tosh from a right wing programme.
Flower of Scotland
7 years ago
My post about John Boothman! Duh! I forgot the date!
7 years ago
This cartoon should be on billboards!
What does it for me is the stupid grin and the “wheee”.
Flower of Scotland
7 years ago
Great cartoon Chris!
I must say I’m amused about the indignation about Gibraltar. I always thought it was a colonial colony kept for its statregic position and should be returned to the Spanish.
7 years ago
Great Chris and yes if the BT lot win, we’re going over with John Bull.
Re The National, I was going to subscribe and I know it’s the only pro indy daily we have but what puzzles me, where did Bella get all that cash from?
Bill posters in prominent parts of the City & a monthly mag.
Sorry to say but it makes me a bit suspicious, I will continue to buy the iScot mag.
Excellent National today. It continues to improve and the Bella Caledonia magazine inside is a very good read (though I’m not in the Bella Caledonia clientele area particularly)
Reluctant Nationalist
7 years ago
Now is not the time for scissors. We should be jumping together. It’s not fair to use those scissors without knowing what our fate would be after we leap. Would we reach terminal velocity? Would we make a sort of screaming midair cartwheel? Would the wind blow us up to the peak of Mount Olympus where we would be in our rightful place among the gods?
You’ll kick yourselves for not exploring all the fantastic opportunities.
Chick McGregor
7 years ago
Best ever. Should be on banners at the forthcoming demos.
One_Scot: “Lol. let’s hope Theresa May hasn’t swapped the scissors for a comedy pair!”
I think she has already, keep hearing how funny this Jackson and Carlaw comedy duo are are but haven’t seen them myself yet.
call me dave
7 years ago
At last, cutting the ties that bind, its got to be done!
Prof Curtis in the National hinting that Scotland could have a binding referendum without having to worry about getting WM
Just got to write the question a certain way…Oh wait! April 1st…Or maybe not
Les Wilson
7 years ago
Did not buy the National today,still thinking through the sudden involvement of Bella.I did not particularly like some of their past stuff, now they have a bigger platform Hmmm.
Now if that had been WINGS…..
The Brutish brute John Bull knows he`s in trouble he is wearing his butchers apron waistcoat with the flag upside down which is a sign of deep distress and a cry for help,
much as I want Scotland to cut the rope to brutal John Bull I feel we need to also throw a life line to those thousands of English/Welsh that are moral and decent human beings.
7 years ago
@ gordoz – the editing was very clever. Great idea for Indy messages too, like the Hitler in the bunker video. Very shareable. Who has the expertise though?
7 years ago
If N Ireland and the South are to have no hard border where will the hard border be, and what will the ramifications be.
Will Theresa need a passport to visit her province?
What about the Queen will she need a visa to visit her Loyal Subjects. Will Belfast still have a shopping centre as cross border shopping becomes the norm.
7 years ago
Hope those scissors are nice and sharp Hamish. No hesitation just snip snip.
@call me dave
some folks are somewhat suspicious of Curtice’s assertions.
Morning links on previous thread for anyone interested.
7 years ago
Just a thought maybe this has something to do that they don’t want Scotland to go and keep telling us we are to wee and poor.
It shows Nexen, owned by China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), paid a whopping £792.4million to the government in 2015.
BP said it was “nearing the end of a historic £10billion programme of investment in the North Sea which, alongside the well-documented decline in industry revenues and profits related to the oil price fall, was the key driver of the 2015 tax-repayment”.
It added: “The investments we are making now will deliver UK hydrocarbon production and revenues for decades to come.
“We expect to return to a tax paying position in the UK North Sea within a few years, depending on oil and gas prices. To date, BP has paid more than £40billion in tax on its UKCS (UK continental shelf) operations.”
Ian Wood 2014 oil running out now 2017 “nowhere near the end of its life” come 2018-19 oil running out these fools don’t realise these quotes can now be kept for all time.
7 years ago
One day into Article 50 being triggered and you get the feeling that the EU are going to give those Little Englander’s a right good thrashing, as they say down Eton way.
Hell mend them.
7 years ago
Here’s an excerpt from a statement by Ruth Davidson re John Boothmans apparent appointment to lead Better Together2 or Nude Erection whatever they’re gonna call themselves
“I worked at BBC Scotland under John and know just how committed he is to the Union. Nothing was more important to him.”
That says it all right there
You’ll notice it’s not how committed he is to Scotland or the Scottish people, it’s how committed he is to the union, that’s all that matters to them, nothing is more important to these people they are fanatics, that’s why we will never have a reasoned debate with them.
Even if it was proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that remaining in the union would lead to mass unemployment, poverty, starvation, disease all that would be an acceptable price to pay to preserve the union.
We really need to be shot of these people
7 years ago
guisler on bbc Sheena
What a twat. There are lots of Dail Heil readers out there thinking the demeaning of the FM and PM is ok.
2017? 1717
John H.
7 years ago
I mentioned John Bull’s aggression earlier. Listening to LBC this morning, the callers are going nuts over Gibralter. One guy willing to physically fight for Gib. Another wants to boycott Spanish goods because the Spanish need their ears boxed.
Get down on your knees world. Obey!
7 years ago
Flower of Scotland
Gibraltar is a difficult one.
Agree it was a colonial possession, but Spain agreed to cede it to Britain, and 99% of the population want to keep it that way. Do you wish to go against the wishes of the population?
That’s what the Unionists want to do with Scotland.
I don’t know what a good settlement would be.
7 years ago
Graeme says:
Here’s an excerpt from a statement by Ruth Davidson re John Boothmans apparent appointment to lead Better Together2 or Nude Erection whatever they’re gonna call themselves
“I worked at BBC Scotland under John and know just how committed he is to the Union. Nothing was more important to him.”
Grame re BBC Scotland so did our
Presiding Officer, the Rt Hon Ken Macintosh MSP maybe that is why he will not tell the Tank to behave herself in Parliament ,just saying.I thought May said no so why is Davidson saying this.
call me dave
7 years ago
Aye beat me too it there. Caught a wee sample on the way home on the car radio by accident. Shereen and friends!
Too far up its own a@s@ as usual, good old Scottish Auntie pissing in oor porridge.
How terribly jolly and ‘avon garde’ or more like a week late with the news and a dollar short. Dreadful programme and I avoid it now. 🙁
PS: Thanks for the earlier links re: Curtis Nana. 🙂
Calum McKay
7 years ago
Gibraltar, the one question I’d ask is who wants to keep it and why?
Conclusion I have come to is that it is absolutely nothing to do with the people who live there. It has to do with misplaced pride, some sense of loss of a possession and very conservative outlook that opposes change regardless of that changes merits!
This sums up the English ruling classes, but sadly they are able to diffuse this nationalistic sense of superiority down the English people through the elites ownership of the media.
The possession of Scotland is viewed similarly, “we are keeping you, we don’t know why, but we are doing it regardless of what Scots think”.
Scotland is being run as a colony, a colony that will go over this cliff with the English elites unless we come to our senses as a nation, and not a colony!
7 years ago
While running BBC Scotland politics coverage John Boothman was censured for offering media training to Labour candidates and is partner of the former Labour minister Susan Deacon.
Great article by Kevin mcKenna in Herald this morning.
Scotsman letter writing Zoomers even more mental this morning with one of them even demanding Germany pay the balance of their First World War reparations to the UK. That worked well previously.
7 years ago
I know there are thousands of thick yoons out there but this one is a cracker from btl one of Nanas links..
Scotland is part of the united kingdom without the funding from u.k. you would be bust so you are not an independant country and may will not give you a referendum So you are going noware if you did leave u.k. and joined e.u.. you would not be an independant country you would be ruled by brussells
So how is that indipendance you would be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire
So from the bottom of our hearts you can’t go any ware because you voted once in referendum you had it mate you don’t get another and when the u. k. Flourishes outside of e.u. and we keep funding you by 1654 pounds per person per year you will kiss our feet that your narrow escape from serfdum was saved By the U. K.
You had fish as first ministers a salmon now a Steurgon well we are the shark (lol)
gerry parker
7 years ago
Belter Chris.
Start the countdown.
Height = 110 m (assuming it’s the white cliffs of Dover)
I know there are thousands of thick yoons out there but this one is a cracker from btl one of Nanas links..
Scotland is part of the united kingdom without the funding from u.k. you would be bust so you are not an independant country and may will not give you a referendum So you are going noware if you did leave u.k. and joined e.u.. you would not be an independant country you would be ruled by brussells
So how is that indipendance you would be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire
So from the bottom of our hearts you can’t go any ware because you voted once in referendum you had it mate you don’t get another and when the u. k. Flourishes outside of e.u. and we keep funding you by 1654 pounds per person per year you will kiss our feet that your narrow escape from serfdum was saved By the U. K.
You had fish as first ministers a salmon now a Steurgon well we are the shark (lol)
I don’t think that’s a particularly untypical view many English have of us and as ignorant as it may be until we grow a pair and get out of this union it’s no more than we deserve
I have to say that not buying the National because of this and that and I don’t agree with so and so and I fell out with Bella Caledonia (which I certainly did) is very hard to understand. It is packed daily with pro independence articles by great writers, showcases a large number of SNP elected members and has a marvelous letters forum everyday,
Oh, I’ve got a sore toe. I’d better just shoot my foot off.
Dan Huil
7 years ago
Aye, Scotland needs to cut itself free of John Bull BS. As John Bull falls, English nationalism – in the rancid form of so-called British nationlism – is continuing to rise.
Liz g
7 years ago
Fireproofjim @11.23
But do 99% of the population want to keep it that way if they would no longer be EU citizens?
I have only ever (although I may have missed it) heard the Leader/First Minister type guy sayin that!
Seems to me that they are in one sense in the same position as us as in they have to pick a Union,and they too need another vote!
Robert Graham
7 years ago
Our Media and Mayhem seem to have been unprepared for Spain exercising its right of Veto over Gibraltar in the upcoming negotiations ,of course this gives Mayhem a wee chance to stamp her feet and screech Look Look see how beastly these people are , While Mayhems regime were perfectly at ease using this Mythical Veto to continually beat scots over the head with , when an actual real Veto is presented to them its Screaming bloody Panic, Oh Diddums.
This is where EU polititions and Media really have to start to give some support , the Media in this country are only ever going to present the EU through a Mahem tinted lense , we are only going to get a European view on events if we go and look for it , hopefully some people in Europe will see the opportunity to open up another front that allows some of the truth to be aired because our media are tainted .
7 years ago
Dave McEwan Hill@ 12.04.
Dave,the BBC is not Scotland’s public enemy because of all the good stuff on it.
We can’t have a different set of rules for the National.
Thank, man
7 years ago
Think, man
old highlander
7 years ago
I wonder if or when Argentina will resurrect their interest in the Falklands. Now that would certainly give westminster the s*its.
7 years ago
Hamish, don’t wait too long…he will take you down with him!
Can do without being patronised. Thanks. The BBC is probably about the best TV in the world across a very wide area of broadcasting.It is entirely UK unionist and its public political broadcasting into Scotland is a disgrace.
Have no idea what this has to do with the National.
Perhaps you can reference some anti Independence content in the National to fill out your argument.
7 years ago
People should read Craig Murray today on Gibraltar before sounding off on the topic
7 years ago
Ref the National.
I distinctly remember Alex Salmond at that huge event in the hydro telling 12,000 supporters that they should support the National.With all due respect to its detractors on here, I think I’ll continue to take the advice from the man who has spent his entire political life fighting for Scottish independence.
For any lurkers out there,who’s advice would you heed?
7 years ago
Man and Boy
Re The National,
Dont end up like Rock constantly complaining over the paper. Write to the paper!!
Personally I dont have a problem of criticism in the paper. Do we want a paper like the Record -snp bad, Zieg Mail – everybody’s bad – Express, Hootsmon etc.
The monotone , monochrome view of the world is not for me.
Alternative to the National? There is none. Remember the brexiter tories and liebour mob hide the paper in shops. They do it because they detest an alternative view to their own.
I do wonder why on this site we run the only pro independence paper down.
Lenny Hartley
7 years ago
Scots go pop has an apology from unionist troll “glasgow working class ”
If folk like him are bailing out , things are looking very good. .Interesting read I wonder how many others Better Together we’re paying to spin anti Scottish lies. http://scotgoespop.blogspot.co.uk
I have noticed these “rocket scientists” on the internet for a while now, it used to get my blood boiling, but now I just laugh at their inability to make any sense, I and everyone on WoS knows our day is coming, and we are going to have one almighty ceilidh when it happens.
I have lots of friends dan saf, but they made their beds at the last election ( being frightened into voting Tory/U-Krap)because they believed the lies about the SNP wagging Labours tail in a coalition, then came Brexit and the same thing happened. So hell mend them when the time comes.
I have no sympathy.
call me dave
7 years ago
@Lenny Hartley
But! but!…It’s April 1st here in my hoose.
Shurley schome mishtake!
7 years ago
The wonderful Titanic Brexit video is also on YouTube
AYE CUT IT – Great titanic clip ha ha to go with another good cartoon , is it time to look out the Spanish shirts and flags yet ? , OOps that might seem a little childish but who gives a f**k .
7 years ago
OT this is what the Tories’ Brexit shenanigans mean for real people …
Think we’ll discover that all Hamish has to do is open the paw holding the rope having already cut it a long time ago.
7 years ago
Titanic Brexit was excellent. Cheers I’m still laughing.
7 years ago
Northern Ireland ‘can rejoin EU after Brexit if it votes for reunification’
While Scotland would be forced to join back of the queue, a united Ireland would not need to reapply for membership, says David Davis
Is this man Davis for real.
7 years ago
I do wonder why on this site we run the only pro independence paper down.
WoS is politics and media, Scottish politics and media. So that might be it.
Belching out of the whole tory BBC led sheebang, endless royals and celeb pap, sports stats n results, there’s been a murder, SNP bad, worship Ruth D, or The National?
Tory psychopaths know exactly how to groom us all.
Went out to buy the National and neither Smiths or Tesco had it…both normally do so I am guessing that the magazine may have seen them go quicker than usual.
uno mas
7 years ago
Mindful of the fact that England will at some time in the not so distant future be applying for World Trade Organisation membership I thought I would have a wee scout round the web for information regarding same and came across some fascinating facts.
This from the Wikipedia entry under the heading Accesion and Membership.
The process takes about five years, on average, but it can last longer if the country is less than fully committed to the process or if political issues interfere.
I also looked for some information about which contries are not members of the WTO that England can be trading with while their application for membership is approved and came accross this interesting web site
From which I have pasted and copied the chapter below.
These countries face significant obstacles to increasing their trade, as they do not hold the Most Favored Nation status given to all WTO members, nor do they receive the same lower trade barriers all WTO members must grant one another.
Instead, they may face higher numbers of tariffs, import quotas and regulations when dealing with most of the world, and cannot resolve their trade conflicts through WTO courts.
I feel that no further comment is necessary except perhaps……
Oh dear oh dear England what have you done!!
P.S. I hope my links work as i´m not sure about the https thing.
7 years ago
The National is not great. It often misses open goals (deliberate?) and does appear a bit half hearted at times. However its the only representation we have in the national press and we need to support it till something better comes along.
Locally most newsagents sell out quickly whereas there are always unsold piles of the drivel that constitutes the rest of the press. When I query the lack of Nationals the common response is that they only have a limited number delivered. Next question is why do they not up their order? Have not had a satisfactory answer to this yet. I am sure the demand in our area comfortably outstrips the supply. There seems to be a deliberate attempt to suppress the circulation. Are the distributors the culprits or is it the policy of the owners to restrict the print runs which would seem more than a little odd unless you believe they have a hidden agenda?
Either way I suspect that well before the date of the 2nd referendum the National will be pulled citing declining circulation as the reason. We need an alternative fast.
I have contributed modestly to Wings and I have paid for a year of online access to the National
While I have to agree that the Rev does a better job than the National of debunking unionist nonsense I believe we need both of them.
I urge people to support the National ( I know few need encouragement to support the Rev) as it is definitely a positive addition to the Yes campaign, one that did not exist before Indy1
7 years ago
Talking of cutting ropes…I’m intervening on this thread to reiterate that those who hold tae the views expressed by an oft times but regular commenter on Wings by the name of Blair Paterson, will be relentlessly challenged and countered at all times by those of us not prepared tae put up wi these bigoted and narrow minded comments.
Sneaking on tae the end of threads does not give you a ‘hiding space’ on Wings Blair.
‘K1 says:
1 April, 2017 at 3:06 pm
Blair Paterson on The Metrosplainers @12.45pm on 1st April 2017 wrote:
‘Talking about sexuality how can people who are abnormal gays etc., be expected to make normal decisions ?and before all you goody goodies start I am entitled to my opinions just the same as you are it is called democracy’
You are, as well as being a blood and soil nationalist, also a homophobe and nasty bigoted little sneak.
Go on to the main thread Blair and make the same statement, go on?
From here on in, let me tell you right now I am going to repeatedly paste your comment every time you come onto Wings, every time I see you post until it is made clear to you that your ilk are not representative of the prevalent and progressive attitudes that our polity hold dear in Scotland.
The vast majority of people in Scotland do not hold to your archaic divisive and utterly repugnant attitudes. That’s democracy in action, we hold that majority view in this regard.
So by all means cling to your bigotry and your narrow minded prejudices but don’t think yer getting a fee pass on here under the banner of ‘democracy’ pal.’
Ma apologies for the interruption. Are ye hearing me Blair?
7 years ago
Great toon, Chris.
I’m absolutely FUCKING sick of reading for what seems like years now, the running down of The National. Host to Wee Ginger Dug, and all manner of Indy talent.
Oh, but I’m sure you don’t mean Paul, or to take the bread out of his mouth.
ONE pro Indy newspaper, and folk on here can’t let it pass.
manandboy – what are you smoking? HOW does the BBC compare in any way to the National?
I picked up my copy in the local Tesco, just after a lady well into her 60s. It’s a quality production today, but don’t let that fact stop anyone communicating their sour take on it to all the couriers.
Thanks for siding with the yoons, folks, and doing their work for them. Explain WHY you just have to share your considered wisdom to deter any waverers, rather than just not buying the damn thing yourself, and keep this particular opinion to yourself?
Dorothy Devine
7 years ago
Great cartoon – I do love Hamish!
Re The National , it obviously doesn’t have the support of the distributors or there are far fewer copies available to go round.
I have stopped using our local RS.McColls as they had a habit of hiding the National on the bottom shelf under any other available magazine – while having HUGE piles of both the DM and Express at eye level.
I’m sure they miss my 20 odd quid per week that I use to spend there.
7 years ago
Committing suidide in such a feckless manner and for such brainless reasons is sad enough, but forcing another to die unwillingly and unnecessarily with you is nothing short of murder.
It is also illegal to force another to partake unwillingly in a highly dangerous act, putting them at severe risk of injury or worse.
Michael McCabe
7 years ago
@ K1 3:31pm Well Said Totally Agree.
Flower of Scotland
7 years ago
I agree with you. There is so much to moan about but some moan about our only Indy supporting newspaper.
I don’t always agree with it’s contents but if like me you’re suspicious of Bellacaledonia, just buy the National online and you don’t get the Bella stuff.
I don’t know what’s wrong with some folk on here just now but petty bickering seems to have increased. Don’t be distracted from our goal please!
United Nations charter 1960 states quite clearly the right to self determination and that a country may not not be dominated OR governed without their consent
Perhaps food for thought when some folk think the Scottish government can’t hold referendums if they so choose or whether they’re legal or not
When the Unionist lawyers start bleating about the “Not legal” status of such endeavours they should perhaps peruse the UN regulations
I’m not saying that this is the First Ministers option but I will say you can bet money this will be “On the table” shall we say
I’m no lawyer but The English government will know this too and if they don’t think the First Minister would use it they don’t know our First Minister
If Nicola Sturgeon employs the UN charter to solve the lack of Scottish democracy the world will cheer and we’ll hear their applause from here
7 years ago
This is the modern day equivalent of the clearances in action. If anyone in Scotland believes that staying within the union with England under the rule of right wing Tories for the next 10 tae 15 years, (who will promise more ‘devolution’ after Brexit as a means to strip Scotland further of her assets)’ won’t result in ‘people flight’ as those with the means make their escape, then am afraid ye have not being paying attention
They will destroy our nation, they aim tae crush the SNP and every gain that we have made since they came intae office will be as if we’d lived in a happy dream. Only to be replaced by a nightmare of their making.
We need every available resource at our disposal for this last grand battle, we need the National, we need those who contribute with their insights and strategies to have a platform that reaches into communities and the National is our only ‘hard’ media outlet with that reach.
Let’s stop the relentless moaning about this…buy it or don’t but stop monstering ourselves over this.
It’s more than we ever had last time? And if we lose next time the I’m pretty sure Stu, The National and many other blogs will cease to exist not long afterwards, so you’ll get yer aim tae shut the National down but only because ye worked so hard in the lead up infighting about a fucking newspaper rather than staying focused on wining over the people we needed tae win.
Big picture here, we lose Scotref we lose everything.
7 years ago
And where’s Robert Peffers? Please come back!
Its people like you Mr Peffers that make it easier for others to speak up too.
Carol Jardine
7 years ago
We visit an area in the north west of Scotland once or twice a year. Last year, in the (only) shop, they had two Nationals, both of which had been ordered.
Last week, you could go in later in the day and be almost certain of picking up a copy.
Keep buying it!
7 years ago
Just went out and got the National for the first time in a long while.(never missed a copy in its first year)
I will give it another chance, but will keep a close eye on it “scoring goals rather than hitting the post”. (you know what I mean)
Time will tell.
Titanic parody, “Classic”
Ian Brotherhood
7 years ago
If anyone’s having bother getting The National, why don’t you ask your newsagent to order one for you? It’s not a big deal. Then you don’t have to rake about for it, or worry if you can’t get to the shop early.
Aside from anything else, we should all be supporting wee local shops – less business for the supermarkets the better.
7 years ago
Dave McEwan Hill, Flower of Scotland and Valerie
Re the National. You are absolutely right.
If you dont like the National write to the Editor or the paper direct but don’t suggest don’t buy it.What is the point in that? My suspicions arise when folk criticize it out of hand. As I said to Rock some weeks ago what paper he read, he responded that he didn’t. Weird.
Maybe we have frightened journalists who see the writing on the wall for the brexit papers. There are too many in Scotland, too many free right wing papers and giveaways and lets not forget the local press who are owned by unionists.
Scotland needs a free press able to express the wishes of50% of the population at least and in terms of social democracy around 80%. Not 99% owned by brexiters/unionist/ tories owned by tax avoiders from foreign lands.
Share fare n wide folks.
Educate, Agitate, #*CK the British State
7 years ago
I believe it is my fault that Robert Peffers has stopped posting and if it is it makes me very sad indeed.
I put up a post about ignoring trolls that Robert took exception too and called me “bloody stupid” to which I took exception too and said I would ignore him if he called me that again.
I did not use foul language or call him similar names, I asked that he desist from doing that to me or anyone else.
I feel guilty now but I was doing exactly what I would do with anyone other poster that gives me grief on Wings and there have been plenty, I was sticking up for myself because I did not believe I was “bloody stupid”.
I too wish to see Robert post again and if I upset you and caused you to leave Wings then please accept a sincere apology.
This has put me off posting on Wings as well as you do feel so bad after such a fall out, so I can understand how Robert might feel.
I hope to read your posts again Robert.
Proud Cybernat
7 years ago
Question for Mr Peffers. Is it true that the Treaty of Union specifically stated the creation of a written constitution upon the creation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain? If so then that clearly hasn;t happened and is surely a breach of the Treaty and possible grounds to nullify it? Value your thoughts on this would be great.
7 years ago
Goods (papers WH Smith and others retailers) are supposed to be ordered through the till. Once they are sold out. The order keeps on being increased. That is how they market all main retailed goods. From experience certainly can’t get after noon, in most outlets where they are stocks,
People can access the website. This brings revenues for any adverts and adverts in the paper. It takes a while to increase custom as sales go up.
There will not be any waste, as no copies will be put put back. No printing waste equals less financial layout and expense. To take up any profits. A leaner undertaking. The website has moved up the rating. Now above British rail but still behind the (National) lottery. At least opening up the gives a better balance. Less negativity more openness in discussion etc. Some really good front covers. It’s quite nice not to be constantly confronted by negative stories. Even though readers do not agree with all of it.
7 years ago
Good on ye Thpnr. Ah think it was crossed wires, not tae excuse Robert but he has a ‘turn of phrase’ reminiscent of ma grans and ah think it doesn’t ‘translate’ intae the written medium at all well?
Ah genuinely don’t think he means people are ‘bloody stupid” he utilises people’s posts tae bounce off…that’s ma own reading of the ‘style’ of his input.
The only ‘point’ he was making that evening was that ‘we’ can’t decide who’s a troll, his logic was impeccable Alex, but the ‘tone’ unfortunately ‘triggered’ the emotions?
I’m glad you’re posting again, now we just huv tae get Robert tae get his erse intae gear!
C’mon the Peffers! 🙂
Robert J. Sutherland
7 years ago
K1 @ 16:11:
They will destroy our nation
Yes, this is what the remaining “soft-no’s” don’t seem to get yet. So far they have been sheltering against the storm under the SG’s umbrella, whining about the drops that inevitably come through, but the Mayhem Gang brook no opposition and are clearly intent on snatching away even the flimsy protection against them that we currently possess.
When the Brexiteers talked about “taking back control”, some of us at least could see that they were not only referring to the EU. We are also right in their firing line, but – surprise, surprise! – they prefer to deal with us once they have recovered from the severe bruising they are about to receive at the hands of a much more powerful EU. Unfortunately there are still indy supporters who misguidedly think that waiting until London has regained the initiative is somehow a cunning plan.
How anyone could conceive of another unfolding situation more conducive to independence mystifies me.
We’re like a grumbling crew on the cusp of mutiny; we’ll be pacified by all sorts of sweet talk at first, but if we’re foolish enough to allow the situation to stabilise, we’ll promptly be thrown into chains and punished as ingrates and miscreants.
There’s only going back from here or going forward. I choose to go forward.
7 years ago
Thepnr says:
1 April, 2017 at 4:33 pm
I believe it is my fault that Robert Peffers has stopped posting and if it is it makes me very sad indeed.
Makes me sad as well Roberts posts were informative and an important asset to our cause but it wasn’t your fault you were right to call him out for his high handed and condescending attitude to you because he disagreed with you he did the same to me and he’s don’e it to others, we can’t all have his knowledge of history that doesn’t make anybody stupid.
I hope Robert comes back because we need him and in spite of the above I have the highest respect for him but I think he should show others the same respect
7 years ago
I’m sure Robert will post again when he has something pertinent to say. Hope so anyway. With all the constitutional argy bargy that’s descending on us we need somebody to keep us right.
7 years ago
Speaking for myself I primarily read this site to gain an education that few others offer. I consider the absence of Robert Peffers as a personal loss. Haste ye back man!
7 years ago
Re : The National.
My concern is that AFAICT its sub-edited in the same place by the same people as The Herald/Evening Times etc.
That place is Cardiff, not Glasgow. Sub-editors work to guidelines set by (group) management. Push comes to shove & I reckon it’ll be a different narrative coming from The National.
I’m quite prepared to accept I may well be cynical and/or paranoiac about this 🙂
However Bella (who did a lot to cost the SNP a majority in 2016) and the mystery injection of (lots of) money to “save” Bella is enough to put me off.
I’m not going to trust anything Mike Small & his coterie are involved in. End of story.
Hopefully that goes some way to explaining why some of us are dubious about The National.
Don’t let it put you off buying/supporting it, but please don’t just assume those of us who are dubious of it are mad. Some of us maybe 🙂 however some of us have serious qualms about Gannet/Newsquest & The National but hope we’re wrong.
mike cassidy
7 years ago
Craig Murray is a must read on Gibraltar.
And here is a lovely quote from the HM Government of Gibraltar page
” Legislation is in place to encourage High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs) and High Executives Possessing Specialist Skills (HEPSS) to establish tax residency in Gibraltar, affording them the opportunity to have the tax payable on their income restricted to a capped amount. ”
Well, I’ll just go and pack my bags.
7 years ago
This denigration of The National is like self harm.
Yes is a ‘broad church’ – oh but I don’t like that National.
If The National was genuine they would have our Rev in it. National then has the Rev in it.
Oh, the stakes have never been higher – but I don’t buy the National, or nor should anyone.
There are a number on the Yes side, I’m not all that fond of, or aren’t my preferred reading, but guess what, I don’t feel the need to keep sharing that picky, personal view on the most widely read blog of the movement.
I consider there could be undecided lurkers or trouble makers reading this blog, paid and unpaid, looking for help or mischief, and people are helping the unionists make their case.
Just ignore the paper that genuinely, publicly, repeatedly supports an independent Scotland. You don’t have to buy it, but why on earth slag it?
I don’t slag off other Indy sites, they might just appeal or draw others to them.
Please think about the impact of your actions. This is not some backwater you are posting on.
7 years ago
I’m also hoping Robert Peffers writes again soon, we sorely miss him – his were always the first posts I looked for, as you were sure of well researched info.
Quite a giant among Scottish historians, IMHO, – haste ye back, Robert.
The last thing we need at this critical time is the loss of his input due to petty squabbles.
Flower of Scotland
7 years ago
Good comment. We’re all Jock Tamson,s bairns and we need you and Robert Peffers on here commenting.
Come on Robert!
Bill McLean
7 years ago
I regularly read people on this site asking why we don’t fund a TV station, a radio station, buy out the Scotsman or some such stuff. Really? We have our own slice of the media and it struggles for more readers. I have bought the National every day i’m in the country since it started – it’s content has improved remarkably and has some great contributions from very good writers. I struggle to recognize the problems referred to on this blog unless detractors want a propaganda sheet – I don’t! We get really good coverage of what we all, on this site, hopefully aspire to. If you can afford to please support the National – it’s all we’ve got. It appears odd to me that it’s biggest critic on here has said he doesn’t read any newspaper! I hope Robert Peffers has not been driven from these pages. His history lessons have been amazingly informative, especially to someone like me who spent most of his schooling in English schools and couldn’t have distinguished Culloden from Cowdenbeath. Come back Robert you are one of our top men and we need you. My thanks and respect also to the Rev for his brilliant dissection of the rubbish that passes for media in that “greatest of all unions”!
Now anybody know how to find who is pretending to be Gibraltarian for tax purposes.
7 years ago
I kinda wish / hope Robert Peffers would start up his own blog.
It must be frustrating to write out the same stuff over and over again, but it’s such very rich information, and Roberts knowledge of it seems forensic.
I know I have learned a tremendous lot from MrPeffers comments, and not just colourful snapshots, but game changing fundamental discrepancies in the way we are governed; why certain things are the way they are. I never knew the significance of Scotland’s popular sovereignty, and the ramifications of what that actually means, but thanks heavens I know about it now.
Look around the internet. It’s very rare indeed to find and access any of that information, whereas Mr Peffers could put his cross hairs right on the spot.
I don’t know if there’s a way to help Mr Peffers get a blog of his own set up, but I know I would consider it a valuable resource for the whole of Scotland to have at its fingertips, especially in these times.
What say you Mr Peffers? I am sure there are folks here who can help with the technical side of doing it. In every sense, knowledge is power, and this knowledge is very powerful indeed, since it pulls the rug out from under Westminster’s feet and their Parliamentary sovereignty claptrap. Once knowledge of the truth is shared amongst ourselves, and spread to others, I feel sure it strengthens our hand tremendously.
Credit where it’s due Robert, in my humble opinion your impressive knowledge deserves a greater platform than below the line comments on another blog. Get your vast wealth of knowledge accessible to us all so we can share it, link it, refer people to it.
Make it a formal project, a full constitutional history blog. We need it.
Robert Louis
7 years ago
Well said Threpn,
I too had a rather mild disagreement with RPeffers recently, though no offensive language was used. Fact is minor disagreements will happen occasionally, but I would also say RPeffers should come back if he can.
I have high regard for his comments, and knowledge.
It is rare I disagree, but as a gay person, I won’t let comments regarding that simply pass.
And, talking of which, Thanks to K1 for highlighting the homophobic comments of Blair Paterson for all to see.
It’s the 21st century folks, and the days of such comments being acceptable are long gone. We can do without knuckledraggers.
7 years ago
Breaking news just in!!!
Downing street have confirmed Theresa May has been arrested at the chelsea flower show after streaking through the displays.
They had to eject her , but no before she won the award for the best dried bush arrangement.
More on this story later……
7 years ago
The suggestions for Peffers to setup a website are good, provided he wants to and (I suspect) someone will help.
Roobert’s posts, while informative were walls of text & I suspect few people read each and every one from start to finish.
I know I skipped a few myself 🙂 Don’t think I ever commented on them though.
I suspect that’s part of what got him annoyed with people not reading, then commenting. That in turn provoked reactions from people who HAD read his posts and so it all begins.
Frankly I’d prefer a site where people could link to/look at the relevant historical/legal information rather than Peffers doing it all again every time. It’d be a useful resource & would probably save his sanity as he wouldn’t have to explain it all again…and again…. 😉
Marie Clark
7 years ago
I have to agree with all of you who miss Robert Peffers, I miss him too.
Thepnr has been decent enough to apologise, so what say you Robert. With the Maybot in her very intransigent mode re Scotland we need you more than ever. What are Nicola’s options with regard to our sovereignty, what about the referendum etc? You have all this knowledge to help the rest of us, so what dae ye say.
Come on auld Bob, come back and talk tae us. Please.
7 years ago
I would like to see some articles written by Robert for this site which could then form a permanent archive for future reference. Then he wouldn’t have to write them all out every time someone clearly misunderstands the constitutional reality.
Is Scotland a country?
Are Scots sovereign?
Is the Treaty of Union valid?
How do we get out of here?
I’m sure everyone can suggest questions that need answers.
7 years ago
Brilliant cartoon Chris, encapsulates the last week in an instant.
Simply superb!
Regards Mr R Peffers.
I am assuming Bob has a few more years on the clock than my 64.
Has anyone or is anyone able to check he is still ok health wise?
Hopefully he will respond to this genuine concern even if he feels he does not want to post at the moment.
7 years ago
Like many posts on here I will add my tuppence worth,
Mr Peffers you are sorely missed, at the end of the day we all sing from the same hymn sheet on this site, we all have days where the constant negativity from the Empire media could easily drive us to smashing up the keyboard, but we are much better than that, although it can be easy to snap at comments. I think we have the biggest battle ahead, who knows what will be thrown at the Indy2 cause, “we have an idea right enough” but we need the likes of Mr Peffers feeding us his knowledge.
The Gallas youtube vid mentioned above is a gem.
7 years ago
Also for other “wall of text” people (Ken500, looking at you matey 🙂 ) then you have to understand that you can’t write an essay every time BTL.
If you do then many/most people won’t read it properly.
They’ll simply skim it & most of the time think “same old same old” & move on. If you post walls of text regularly which are much the same each time they’ll just scroll past you regardless of what you’re saying.
Got something to say which requires more than 4 paragraphs? Write an article & give it to Stu. Given his background expect some fairly brutal editing/advice but there you go, you’ll learn & we’ll all benefit.
Dorothy Devine
7 years ago
Good to see that you all miss Mr Peffers , I do too but I am amore concerned that it might be his health which is preventing him from commenting ad not just a wee tid.
Now this is something you aught to watch if your interested on sensible discussion about Brexit. The event happened on 29th March say day as May sent her Brexit letter.
It is an long but in my opinion that’s an hour too short, it really is that good. I know only the diehards will watch for an hour but if you want to educate yourself on Brexit then don’t miss this.
Question Time x 100 and how that should be.
It was filmed as a live stream at the offices of Brodies LLP – Scottish Solicitors in Glasgow.
‘Brexit: Scotland’s Constitutional Future’ Panel:
Michael Russell MSP, Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland’s Place in Europe
Jackson Carlaw MSP, Scottish Conservative Deputy Leader
John Curtice, Professor of Politics, Strathclyde University
Dr Kirsty Hughes, Senior Fellow at Friends of Europe
And event Chair, John Boothman, Political Correspondent, The Sunday Times Scotland
“I don’t slag off other Indy sites, they might just appeal or draw others to them.
Please think about the impact of your actions. This is not some backwater you are posting on.”
Shame Bella/CommonSpace didn’t do that in 2016 when they deliberately split the vote mmm?
If they had then the SNP would have had a majority and we wouldn’t be having any of this “no demand, no mandate” stuff.
So with the greatest of respect NOBODY on the indy side should trust Bella/Mike Small. Don’t treat us like we’re fucking idiots thanks, we remember last year, we’re not senile (yet)….
7 years ago
Not senile but pretty rude.
7 years ago
Come on, Wingers – “Divide and rule”, eh? And if Alex Salmond trusts The National, as an earlier poster reminded us, who are we to doubt to the extent of arguing amongst ourselves?
I too hope that Mr Peffers is well.
Flower of Scotland
7 years ago
I don’t agree about Robert Peffers comments. I always read them and made copies of lots of them and they are in my notes. I refer to them all the time and they give me great ammunition when debating with NO voters.
7 years ago
@Hamish100 7:01 pm :
Not senile but pretty rude.”
Indeed and for that I apologise.
I’m just not going to stand for this “broad church” nonsense when Bella/CommonSpace basically traduced people like James Kelly (Scot Goes Pop) last year over a series of months.
In fact they both used to have links on here. No more though.
They can take their “broad church” & shove it as far as I’m concerned. I’ll stick with people I can trust.
Oh and Cat Boyd pontificating on Brexit (and getting paid for it) is beyond parody given she couldn’t even be bothered to vote in the EU ref.
See why I wonder….?
7 years ago
@Flower of Scotland 7:10 pm :
I don’t agree about Robert Peffers comments. I always read them”
No offence but I bet you didn’t. You kept copies of stuff he’d written & you’d be unusual if you didn’t “skim” stuff which was much the same as you had stored and read before.
This is why it’d be better (as others suggested) as a blog – with extensive indexing 🙂
Anyway walls of text don’t really work BTL. They work better ATL as an article. People seem to have plenty to say, I’m sure Stu would welcome some (relatively sane) articles?
Jock McDonnell
7 years ago
I know we got a brief mention in a motion by MEPs the other day but it would be really useful if they said they won’t endorse brexit until Scotland has a chance to clarify its constitutional choice via #scotref.
It might happen, maybe it’s planned in.
schrodingers cat
7 years ago
mebee stu is too busy at the moment, writing another article for the ………um……national 🙂
7 years ago
Vestas says:
1 April, 2017 at 7:22 pm
@Flower of Scotland 7:10 pm :
Why are you telling people to get off WoS btl? I read almost everything btl, bar trolls, if you dont that’s fine.
Its an odd thing to do, as in telling commentators like Ken500 to cut back or go somewhere else, as if they don’t anyway but such is the bizzaro world of Scottish politics today, at any and all levels 😀
7 years ago
Flower of Scotland said:
1 April, 2017 at 10:35 am
I must say I’m amused about the indignation about Gibraltar. I always thought it was a colonial colony kept for its statregic position and should be returned to the Spanish.
I’m just bewildered by the attitude of “But That’s Not Fair!” coming from down south.
What did those numpties who wanted Brexit THINK was going to happen? that Europe was just going to say – ‘Oh, ok then, bye.’? and wave them off at the station?
It’s like taking a tin opener to a big can labelled ‘Worms’ and being surprised it’s not full of Jaffa Cakes.
Robert J. Sutherland
7 years ago
I tend to agree with you. Large screeds BTL again and again on the familiar theme of anyone’s pet notions isn’t for me. I just scroll right past most of suchlike now. Maybe if there was a nugget of something new in there I would miss it, whereas if it were a post in its own right, it would be worthwhile.
I guess if there was someplace where eg. a suitably comprehensive article (or articles) on constitutional theory could be archived, that might be a useful reference for anyone who needed it.
The Tories are a bunch of elitist self centred bastards looking after the their own backers and interest groups. They are fairly open about it. It’s almost honest, in a perverse way.
Labour, on the other hand, pretend to be a party who care about people, all people. It’s bollocks, they are worse than the Tories, and that is saying something.
We in Scotland have our own particular issues with their behaviour, but the more you read, the more you realise they are like this UK wide. They have become a total bunch of political charlatans. No principles, just looking after themselves.
7 years ago
For what it is worth I have praised some of Robert Peffers posts, and I have also been on the receiving end of some.
I can’t imagine him getting upset by a few words on a computer screen. He’s a big boy, and I am sure he will post when he can or decides to. Can we give the man some space for now.
7 years ago
@heedtracker 7:33 pm :
“Why are you telling people to get off WoS btl?”
I’m not.
I’m advising them that regular walls of text don’t get read after a while, even if those walls of text turn out to be different.
You can disagree if you want but there’s a reason the tl;dr meme came into place.
If you want to put up regular walls of text then a blog is probably the best place?
YMMV of course.
7 years ago
As things turned out there were more votes for the SNP and Greens combined on the regional vote than on the constituency. That kind of shows that some Green supporters simply weren’t going to vote for the SNP.
Also as things turned out we now have a second vote for a referendum backed by two parties with a combined total higher of votes higher than that of all other parties and more closely proportional than the previous Holyrood parliament.
Whereas previously there might have been a slight justification for claiming a vote was forced through in the sense that no combination of other parties could oppose it this time that’s simply not the case.
I’m not saying that pushing as many alternatives to the SNP didn’t have risks. Fortunately it looks as though most voters on the Indy side only split SNP/Green. A full analysis might be interesting.
I’d hazard a guess at some Labour voters going for Conservative on the list whilst Conservatives went UKIP or possibly UKIP support went to Conservatives. You might even have tactical votes for Labour in a constituency they might win. End result is that quite a few who supported Labour, or Lib Dem might have been over optimistic in voting Conservative at list level assuming their party was going to win at constituency.
As it is I’d say we have a Holyrood result with a far more disproportionate distribution of unionists than of nationalists but still more representative of the votes cast and with a far higher legitimacy for a referendum than if the SNP had managed a repeat of their freakishly good fortune in gaining an outright majority.
7 years ago
Sign of the times. New York Times to be precise. Great to see the world taking such an interest in Scotland.
I’m not treating anyone like idiots, just stating my opinion on what’s happening. As for your childish Mike Small and B.C. stuff, thanks for making my point for me.
Internal bile and sniping, cos that is going to work out well for us. I’m a member of SNP, and have worked very hard, so I’m as angry as anyone, about what happened at last Holyrood elections.
However, how does it make sense to hand that ammo in your post, and its in the past now, to those seeking division?
As for your remarks about the National, do some research, instead of quoting an Editor based in Cardiff as a smoking gun. Pretty shabby rationale for an industry based on electronic comms. Andrew Learmonth is a prolific contributor, and is based in Glasgow, and as I’ve already stated, all the other contributors, Michael Gray, Pat Kane, Ginger Dug and so on.
Beats me what you have against this highly talented, Indy supporting writers.
Our R S McColl’s in Dunoon was the same. The National was hidden on the bottom shelf under the fishing magazines etc. I complained tothe staff. They said that was here they had been told to put it. I eventually got through to R S McColl head office in ENGLAND and they conformed that that was where the staff had been told to put it – and that that would continue to be the instruction. I don’t shop in R S McColl anymore
7 years ago
@schrodingers cat 7:32 pm :
“mebee stu is too busy at the moment, writing another article for the ………um……national ?”
I know his views diverge from mine on the subject of The National 🙂
I hope he’s right & I’m wrong. Not going to rehash stuff already said…
Bob Mack
7 years ago
In case anybody thinks that postings from contributors can become repetative, may I remind you that more and more people are reading Wings every month. The Revs traffic figures are increasing, and many will not have learned as yet what we have learned from viewing this site and its many expert contributors.
Sometimes we get too wrapped up in our own opinion and attach too much importance to what we think is suitable.
“do some research, instead of quoting an Editor based in Cardiff as a smoking gun”
You don’t understand what a sub-editor is then?
Its nothing to do with who contributes to the paper, its the way the overall presentation goes.
So for example instead of “Davidson caught lying” you might get “Ruth Davidson clarifies statement” as the headline and the article gets cut a bit short. The people who wrote the article have NO SAY how its presented, group management decides.
That’s sub-editing – and its much more prevalent online (which I suppose helps The National’s case as its very rarely updated online).
I stand by what I said about Bella/Small.
For those of you who want to support The National then I wish you well. I hope you’re right & I’m wrong.
The editorial team at the national are entirely independent of any other publication. Gannet/Newsquest publishes hundreds of newspaper and magazines across the UK and the USA. That is what they do.They print. They don’t edit. They don’t write them. They don’t subsidise any of it. It has to pay for itself. That is all.
The newspaper distributors take around 50% of the cover price of all newspapers for distribution services
7 years ago
You must be “bloody stupid” if you are offering a “sincere apology” to someone who called you “bloody stupid”.
“I believe it is my fault that Robert Peffers has stopped posting and if it is it makes me very sad indeed.
I put up a post about ignoring trolls that Robert took exception too and called me “bloody stupid” to which I took exception too and said I would ignore him if he called me that again.
I did not use foul language or call him similar names, I asked that he desist from doing that to me or anyone else.
I feel guilty now but I was doing exactly what I would do with anyone other poster that gives me grief on Wings and there have been plenty, I was sticking up for myself because I did not believe I was “bloody stupid”.
I too wish to see Robert post again and if I upset you and caused you to leave Wings then please accept a sincere apology.
This has put me off posting on Wings as well as you do feel so bad after such a fall out, so I can understand how Robert might feel.
I hope to read your posts again Robert.”
7 years ago
I hear you, Dr Jim. I will heed you. I’ve said my piece, and I’m sure my annoyance is clear, so I will desist.
But perhaps only your opinions are worth publishing.
7 years ago
And here’s me thinking that through the history of politics over the past 50 years or more, it was only those ideologues on the far left that always ended up squabbling amongst themselves to the detriment of achieving their aims and then failing to convince others (in this context perhaps new visitors to this site) of the merits of their cause.
Let’s not allow the virus of (unnecessary) division to take hold and spread! If the vote in an indyref2 is going to be close – and I’m afraid it may be – let’s build bridges and work towards concensus on the big, key issues around achieving independence rather than take up entrenched positions on policy details, tactics or style of communication. I am happy to be part of a ‘movement’ with diverse views but with a shared goal.
7 years ago
Re The National:
I just wish they employed better proofreaders.
A caption to one photo in yesterday’s issue said that George Elliot wrote the 39 Steps.
and on Page 2
“The development came amid increasingly tensions between the First Minister and the Prime Minister…”
7 years ago
@ Liam
I think they may be trying to out-Graun the Gruniad.
They did get the George Eliot/John Buchan opuses correct in the text; I was on the verge of e-mailing them about it, but having done that quite a lot in the early days, I’ve concluded it won’t change anything.
7 years ago
@Dave McEwan Hill 8:53 pm :
“Vestas at 7.11
“See why I wonder….?”
No, I dont.
But perhaps only your opinions are worth publishing.”
None of my opinions are worth publishing, I’m not a writer, nor do I purport to be one.
However given you quoted the section of a post which referenced Cat Boyd and her “couldn’t be bothered to vote” on the EU, maybe you ought to consider whether the opinions of someone who couldn’t get off her backside to vote are worth listening to – on Europe of course.
I have no doubt she has many profound things to say on other matters which she does consider worthy of her vote.
She, unlike me, does purport to be a writer.
7 years ago
Surely only a Unionist Troll would be so aggressively against The National.
I am no mad supporter of the National, But it is our ONLY friend in the printed media world.
I would rather have it than not have it. And I go out of my way to spread it about the newspaper shelves when ever I can.
I have said it before, trolls have infiltrated Wings and there sole purpose is to upset the positive Indy message that Wings is world famous for.
7 years ago
What Valerie & Dave said!!!
7 years ago
Dave McEwan Hill,
“Our R S McColl’s in Dunoon was the same. The National was hidden on the bottom shelf under the fishing magazines etc. I complained tothe staff. They said that was here they had been told to put it. I eventually got through to R S McColl head office in ENGLAND and they conformed that that was where the staff had been told to put it – and that that would continue to be the instruction. I don’t shop in R S McColl anymore”
It seems every major newsagent in the country is under instructions to hide The National.
The publishers of The National are a major and influential company.
Do you seriously believe they have tolerated such hiding despite sales falling to 8,000?
In my humble opinion, the publishers of The National, who also happen to publish The Herald, only want definite Yes voters to buy it.
They know that gullible independence supporters will search for them and buy them even if they are hidden.
But they don’t want unionists to notice or buy them. In case they might be tempted to change from No to Yes.
It is the publishers of The National who have given the instructions to keep The National hidden.
Vestas says:
1 April, 2017 at 8:24 pm
@heedtracker 7:33 pm :
“Why are you telling people to get off WoS btl?”
I’m not.
If you want to put up regular walls of text then a blog is probably the best place?
Just because all you see is regular walls of text, etc etc.
You shouldn’t be telling people what they can and cant say, btl WoS, is all.
Unless ofcourse, its on the Wings over Vestas blog, then you can be the decider:D
7 years ago
WOS archive links now showing over on O/T.
7 years ago
LOL and goodnight.
7 years ago
@heedtracker 9:08 pm :
“You shouldn’t be telling people what they can and cant say, btl WoS, is all.
Unless ofcourse, its on the Wings over Vestas blog, then you can be the decider:D”
Fair comment matey, but I bet under 10% of the people here read the regular walls of text from some. After you’re read a few then the overlap between one wall of text and the next becomes too much, then you get people pulling them up (like Ken500 recently about some green stuff? & whatever went on with Peffers).
Better ways of getting your message across IMHO.
You’re spot on though, not my call to make 🙂
7 years ago
“None of my opinions are worth publishing, I’m not a writer, nor do I purport to be one.”
Any of Robert Peffers’ sycophants wondering why the greatest legal and historical expert ever in Scotland has not published a book on the “sovereignty” of the Scots?
I hope he is finishing one off now and will publish it very soon.
7 years ago
OT – defence
“Singapore planning to base F-15 squadron in New Zealand”
This helps Singapore train in uncluttered airspace, and gives NZ some fighter cover – it has none at present. In other news the UK is basing 4 Typhoons from Coningsby 3 Sqn in Romania, but more than that there will be the logistics and forward support already in place.
The significance of this for us, is that Lossie which has 3 Sqns of Typhoons will this year have 4 – perhaps 3 Sqn from Coningsby which I think has the same original Tranche 1 a/c which makes sense if spares are different from the Tranche 3 – though all T1s have been upgraded to T3 / FGR4, so that might not be a problem.
The thing is I think after the YES vote, defence negotiations should very quickly be put in the hands of defence people NOT politicians from the rUK and Scotland.
The first problem mainly for the rUK is that Scotland would be able to afford 1 Sqn of Typhoons, but Lossie is the front-line for UK airspace interception and interdiction. So it would make sense (to me being defence minded) for continued basing of all 4 Sqns at Lossie for certainly a transition time, and perhaps longer on a co-basing basis, plus continued use of the virtual bombing range at Tain and live at Cape Wrath for their swing role function. Because if Scotland is “overrun” England is just over the border.
The second problem is ours. One squadron of Typhoons is relatively useless without the likes of QRA control and communication which is mainly at RAF Boulmer, near Alnwick. And that would be expensive and time-consuming for us to reproduce. It’s to be used for the use of those 4 Typhoons going to Romania – Air Surveillance and Control System (ASACS). And of course that operation is under NATO’s Integrated Air and Missile Defence System and for NATO nations that do not have the necessary air capabilities, agreements exist to ensure a standard of airspace security.
So there you go, there will be a lot of sabre-rattling and painful sword-swallowing after a YES vote, the question is – will common sense prevail?
7 years ago
That video from Brodie’s LLP solicitors should be widely disseminated if only to watch Carlaw do an embarrassing party political bullshit roundup (can only be viewed as: their crapping it) at the end of what was a thoroughly balanced discussion on what was on the 29th March (when the event took place) the current state of play.
Gibraltar and the lunatics braying ‘it isnae fair’ from Westminster has superseded even Wednesday’s ‘current’ political situation in grande brittania.
You’ve been sucked into Rock’s little world of getting all Scots politics off anything remotely pertinent or even interesting btl WoS and then we have lots of comments about a single newspaper out of 40, is it good, bad, a cunning plot to bring down YES Scotland?
Clever boy Rock.
Hey Rock, who’s your SNP MP, what do you make of him or her, what are the issues that make you a YESer?
You’ve never once said anything remotely pro SNP or Green at all, why is that?
ian m
7 years ago
Thepnr that session at 6.29 was pretty informative.
Curtice was a bit annoying with his attempt at balance and Carlaw tried but could not change his spots
In all my years I never knew that Scotland’s people were sovereign,until I read the posts of Robert Peffers
Take the break now Robert if that is what you need, but there is some heavy lifting coming and we will need you
7 years ago
I’m quite sure you all see clearly the shite we have to put up with on Wings articles from posters that I certainly don’t welcome.
Hence my troll post, would anyone seriously disagree?
7 years ago
“You shouldn’t be telling people what they can and cant say, btl WoS, is all.”
Except that the likes of you use the “T” word against anyone who dares to post a point of view you don’t agree with but are unable to counter.
31 March, 2017 at 12:14 am
“You’ve had it in Mr Peffers from the word go, you great pompous trolling arse.”
7 years ago
Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela….can anybody else think of other examples which will help put smiles back on our faces this evening? Things seem a bit tense BTL this evening which is a shame.
Robert Louis
7 years ago
I’ve been enjoying the National of late. They alone, of all newspapers have covered recent events from a pro- indy perspective, and even had that picture of the First Minister of Scotland penning the letter to Theresa May in London on the front page.
There are some places that still hide the National, but I have found that many more now have it with their regular newspapers. Today, I found it in one national chain right beside the till. You could not miss it.
So, I don’t think their is a conspiracy by the publishers to deliberately have it hidden, such is the stuff of madness. I mean seriously, a global business going to the lengths of creating a newspaper, just to hide it from buyers, FFS? Just some moronic retailers, it seems.
No newspaper is perfect, but The National, does have people like Greg Moodie, Lesley Riddoch, Nichola Sturgeon, Paul Kavanagh (wee ginger dug) and of course a certain Alex Salmond as contributors, so as far as pro indy goes, it has pretty good credentials. I certainly know Alex Salmond would not have written for it, or some of the others, if it were just a big scam to fool indy supporters – as some on here try to tell us.
Besides, I find that a lot of the articles, are very in-depth, and really inform as to what is happening within Scotland and the independence debate.
My views may change, if their editorial line changes, but right now, it is the best we have in Scotland.
Just for the record, I don’t have any links with the paper.
7 years ago
“You’ve never once said anything remotely pro SNP or Green at all, why is that?”
Except this, many, many times:
“Vote SNP+SNP+SNP until after independence.”
7 years ago
Complete ignoral is the best policy IMO.
7 years ago
“Vote SNP+SNP+SNP until after independence.”
OK! we’re off your usual, “we hate the National and Mr Peffers too” ranting.
So what’s your main reasons for wanting Scottish independence Rock and what are your favourite SNP policies?
7 years ago
Thanks for posting the video. I see the Rock from Gibraltar is back.?
7 years ago
“I’m quite sure you all see clearly the shite we have to put up with on Wings articles from posters that I certainly don’t welcome.
Hence my troll post, would anyone seriously disagree?”
Only apparently the most respected poster on this site:
Robert Peffers says:
27 March, 2017 at 7:40 pm
“Oh! For the Heaven’s sake stop being so bloody stupid. First of all you are not the person who decides what the purpose of the Rev Stu’s blog is. That’s the Rev Stu’s choice to make. Secondly you probably wouldn’t recognise a real Troll if it was chewing on your ear.”
And you are offering him a “sincere apology” for having said that!
7 years ago
“Vote SNP+SNP+SNP until after independence.”
Hey Rock where do you stand on Scottish currency, sorry for the walls of text too Vestas,
John Alexander Smith, writing for Bella Caledonia today, suggests that: “An independent currency allows Scotland to have more control over its economy.
This means more control over what the Scottish government can spend on and invest in. It means the ability to better deal with changes in how much Scotland buys from and sells to the rest of the world.
It would also allow Scotland to set the interest rate that is most suitable for the Scottish economy. This would also give Scotland more control over what type of economy it wants to have.
Controlling your own currency also allows you decide how to deal with global economic problems like the banking crisis of 2008.
An independent currency would allow Scotland to respond to such events in the way that is best for Scotland, it would free Scotland to pursue the policies it deemed most appropriate, an example is People’s Quantitative Easing.
Me put para’s in there Rock.
Robert Louis
7 years ago
Thepnr, at 927pm,
I heartily agree. Still the best policy is always to never feed them, talk around and over them. They are akin to an irritating fly at an outdoor barbecue.
In related matters, I am Somewhat looking forward to Theresa May rejecting the letter requesting a section 30 order from the First Minister of Scotland. It really will help our cause a great deal.
Then we have the Spanish veto – you know the one that actually never existed in relation to Scotland but now really, really does exist in relation to Westminster and Gibraltar. The machinations of the unionist nutters are truly remarkable. They were happy to see a veto against Scotland (though it never existed) but now it REALLY applies to them, they scream and stamp their feet like weans.
The REAL Spanish veto is very Well covered by the wee ginger dug, as he puts it “Petard, by, hoist, own, your. Arrange these words into a well known phrase or saying.”
“So, I don’t think their is a conspiracy by the publishers to deliberately have it hidden, such is the stuff of madness. I mean seriously, a global business going to the lengths of creating a newspaper, just to hide it from buyers, FFS? Just some moronic retailers, it seems.”
Seriously, “moronic retailers” hiding stuff they are selling?
Robert Louis
7 years ago
I see Craig Murray has a new and rather excellent piece up regarding the REAL Spanish veto over Gibraltar. I know some people above have linked to it earlier, but for those who haven’t read it, here is the link again.
Basically, Gibraltar is just one big tax haven (who’d have guessed). It’s probably where the likes of Boris the clown Theresa May and Farage keep their stash.
“You’ve never once said anything remotely pro SNP or Green at all, why is that?”
Except this, many, many times:
“Vote SNP+SNP+SNP until after independence.”
I answered your question and made you look like a fool.
(I had answered it on a previous post as well)
Stop making more of a fool of yourself.
For once, make a coherent post.
7 years ago
Sad and angry to hear a young Kurdish lad is fighting for his life after being attacked by 8 English yobs in Croydon.
My dad was in Iraq during WW2, and while it may not be politically correct to say so nowadays, he didn’t think very highly of the Arabs, who would rob you blind in a heartbeat he said. He was RAF. The exception to the rule however were the Kurds, who my dad thought very highly of.
I wonder if the Express Newspaper, Siobhan McFadyen, Farage, and whatseherface Katy Hopkins are pleased with themselves and their agitation of the English knuckle dragging cowards who needed an excuse to pick on vulnerable people.
We shouldn’t be complacent however. If these creatures are allowed to spread their filthy propaganda unchecked in Scotland, we could expect similar things to happen here. What we have in Scotland is worth protecting from poisonous shit stirrers like the Express or Mail.
Ian Brotherhood
7 years ago
That’s almost three years since we had the first big WOS get-the-gither in The Counting House, Glasgow.
Is it just me, or does it seem much much longer-ago than that?
Puts the timing of the next indyref into perspective a wee bit – we’d best pace ourselves friends…it’s gonny be a long haul.
On a more positive note, there’s no way the usual Yoon suspects will make it that far. Not a chance. Kez/Slab will have imploded, Ruthy D will have snaffled a Home Counties BBCQT-loving seat via some by-election, and Wullie Rennie will be on a Restart programme doing Practical Interior Decoration.
Robert Louis
7 years ago
And, for good measure, if all this political shenanigans is too serious, here is a video from comedy central re-tweeted by Revstu earlier in the week. Especially seeing as the real movie on which it is based is on telly today.
I simply said to ignore the trolls. Here’s what the Rev says in his “rules for this site.
2. Play the ball, not the man (or woman).
And by all means disagree, by all means disagree forcefully – but argue with people’s views, don’t insult them personally. And that includes calling them “trolls” or implying they’re undercover Unionists. We’ll decide if someone’s trolling or not. But in the meantime, if you think they are, ignore them.
If you know what a “troll” is, then you’ll also know that getting you angry and talking about them, derailing the conversation off the subject, is exactly what they want.
Email us about suspected trolls if you want. But don’t engage them in debate if you doubt their motives, and DEFINITELY don’t engage in on-thread discussions about whether they’re a troll or not.
`Robert Peffers says:
1 April, 2017 at 8:03 pm
First of all, Wingers, allow me to put the record straight, I’ve not taken the hump at anyone and flounced of in the huff`,
posted on the `What the people want` post,
as usual he seems to be having internet issues.
Free Scotland
7 years ago
I see sensibledave is using two of his alternative handles tonight.
Tip: starve the son-of-a-bitch to death.
7 years ago
You state “It is the publishers of The National who have given the instructions to keep The National hidden.”
Are you serious in this matter? Please give us proof or gie us all peace.
For someone so down on a paper you don’t read really shows you are just a wee troll
7 years ago
I buy the National. I don’t have problems finding it in our Co-op because it’s displayed along with all the other newspapers and the Daily Express.
Chick McGregor
7 years ago
Trolls aren’t a problem, we have plenty of bridges in Scotland, its the moles you need to worry about, at all levels.
Tinto Chiel
7 years ago
“That’s almost three years since we had the first big WOS get-the-gither in The Counting House, Glasgow.”
You buyin’ at the next one, Ian?
Mine’s a small sherry btw.
7 years ago
“Vote SNP+SNP+SNP until after independence.”
I answered your question and made you look like a fool.
(I had answered it on a previous post as well)
Stop making more of a fool of yourself.
For once, make a coherent post.
OK, who’s your SNP MP and tell us how you think they’re doing, hardly any SNP MP’s get a mention in the news, I dont know that many at all, why is that Rock, or what are the issues of unionist rule in Scotland today that makes you a YESer, what do you hope to see Scotland achieve after indy? Is Brexit going make UK’s grip on Scotland tighten, as the Brexit economy contracts as it probably will, is Trident gone, post indy or Faslane leased out for it, for a decade maybe?
There are so many huge and fascinating issues about Scotland becoming a nation state again but a dingdong like you never seems to be interested, it just all about one newspaper out of 40 and ofcourse Mr Peffers.
Funny that Rock.
COME BACK Mr Peffers:D
Robert Louis
7 years ago
Roboscot @ 1016pm,
Exactly. A Scotmid I use often, has the National very prominently displayed – and in a better position than some other papers.
Every move you make (Peffers)
Every time you post
Every time you speak
Every time you leave
I’ll be watching you
Every word you write
I will call it shite
Every single day
I will copy and paste
Every utterence you make
Oh can’t you see
No one listens to me
How ma heid is fucked with your extensive knowledge of history
Every time you state
Scotland’s people are Sovereign
I will hunt you down
Cause I’m a fucking clown
Drowning in irrelevance
Since you’ve gone I been lost wi nuthin’ tae paste
I dream at night about ways that I can post
Aw ma grievances aboot you in this place
Another comment that shows ma disgrace
I keep crying like a wee wean…a wee wean…please…
Oh can’t you see…every move you make
I’ll be hunting you down…like a total fruitcake…
In my view Rock is one of the most passionate supporters of Independence that I have ever come across, if that makes him a troll, then I am more than happy with that.
7 years ago
Worth repeating and now I’ll stop, can’t afford to waste anymore time on this. Some things though you just need to get straight.
We’ll decide if someone’s trolling or not. But in the meantime, if you think they are, ignore them.
No opinion will ever be right or wrong, it’s an opinion. All of us are very different and will never agree 100% well so what?
That is our strength, we have different views and beliefs yet we all support the same goal and that is Independence. As far as I’m concerned only Independence matters, petty squabbles are an aside.
Best ignored and let’s keep our eyes on the prize.
7 years ago
Robert Louis says:
1 April, 2017 at 10:25 pm
Roboscot @ 1016pm,
Exactly. A Scotmid I use often, has the National very prominently displayed – and in a better position than some other papers.
There was only one National left today by teatime, in the Morison’s that Bliar MacDoughball shops at too, very well thumbed it was.
Tinto Chiel
7 years ago
Ian B @10.30: excellent!
I’ll get the Quavers in.
7 years ago
“For once, make a coherent post.”
“OK, who’s your SNP MP and tell us how you think they’re doing, hardly any SNP MP’s get a mention in the news, I dont know that many at all, why is that Rock, or what are the issues of unionist rule in Scotland today that makes you a YESer, what do you hope to see Scotland achieve after indy? Is Brexit going make UK’s grip on Scotland tighten, as the Brexit economy contracts as it probably will, is Trident gone, post indy or Faslane leased out for it, for a decade maybe?”
“Coherent” I said.
Robert J. Sutherland
7 years ago
Roboscot @ 22:16,
Yes, a very cute comment that. We could all do with a bit of lightening-up the noo…
7 years ago
One_Scot says:
1 April, 2017 at 10:33 pm
In my view Rock is one of the most passionate supporters of Independence that I have ever come across, if that makes him a troll, then I am more than happy with that.
And this is displayed by Rock’s endless ranting about the only remotely pro newspaper out of 40, monstering Mr Peffers, raging at Scots lawyers, and pushing around anyone what wont stop buying the above newspaper?
Maybe passion means something else in your neck of the woods.
7 years ago
@ Scot Finlayson – thanks for posting that Robert is OK but having internet problems. He’ll no doubt be along soon with plenty comment on the constitutional upheaval.
7 years ago
Irma says: 1 April, 2017 at 10:28 pm
We have another option!
Seriously, though, IMO we would be a damned sight better off attached to one of our European neighbours right now, than England!
Indy would be best, but failing that, how about merging with Denmark, Netherlands, or Norway?
7 years ago
“In my view Rock is one of the most passionate supporters of Independence that I have ever come across, if that makes him a troll, then I am more than happy with that.”
Thank you.
Don’t respond to the attacks you will get very soon from the armchair pundits who use the “T” word against anyone who dares to challenge their points.
Unless you have a very strong hide, mind and heart!
Surprisingly BBC “national” TV news today has been carrying information of better IVF provision in Scotland than in England and how £1million extra has been put aside “by the Government” for further improvement . They did not say the “Scottish Government” and they carried a quote from the “Health Secretary” not the “Scottish Health Secretary “.
Am I being too cynical? If we get more of this I suspect the plan will be to imply that Scotland’s better NHS provision is because Westminster is giving the Scots extra money.
If you look hard enough on the BBC news site you will find that the facts reported that the NHS in Scotland is undoubtedly doing the best in the UK.
7 years ago
Ian Brotherhood says:
On a more positive note, there’s no way the usual Yoon suspects will make it that far. Not a chance. Kez/Slab will have imploded, Ruthy D will have snaffled a Home Counties BBCQT-loving seat via some by-election, and Wullie Rennie will be on a Restart programme doing Practical Interior Decoration.
Nah surely a typo in Wullie Rennie will be on a Restart programme doing Practical Interior Decoration., inferior.
That neatly sums up UK politics.
Nice one Chris, very real.
It’s a difficult decision, right enough.
With the delivery of the Article 50 letter, I don’t think it’ll take long for the Little Englanders to gather enough rope to hang themselves.
Love the way Hamish is patiently waiting with scissors in hand to cut the rope at the appropriate time.
Brilliant as usual Chris. 🙂
“To cut or not to cut? That is the non-question”. Fcuk ’em. Snip.
Once again Chris comes up with a very clever cartoon.
Even if we do get pulled over the cliff edge, we have to make sure we land on top of them. We may just survive the fall then.
It’s hard to believe there are still so many in Scotland who wouldn’t use those scissors even though they can see exactly what’s coming.
I still can’t get my head round that fact. Just bloody cut the cord!
He’s certainly captured the crazed psycho tory, even more crazy over losing Gibraltar.
Jings! Hamish has broken his tail! that is not one but TWO unnatural angles it’s at.
I’m going to report Cairnstoon to the Society Against Cruelty to Animated Animals, see if I don’t.
Re cliffs, rocks and hard places etc, this Gibraltar fiasco is epically ironic. The Spanish veto is real after all! Another 300 year old land grab goes over the cliff. Outbreak of apoplexy in Westminster since Theresa’s letter forgot to mention Gibraltar.
Cut the cord Hamish.
Is it really the right time to cut the rope though?
A picture paints a thousand words, well done Chris. Neatly summed up. Now Hamish son, cut that rope.
Is it really the right time to cut the rope though?
Si señor Richardinho or asap.
Love the look – a moments thought, could I, couldn’t I? Should I, Shouldn’t I?
Of course you should! Brilliant.
@ Muscleguy
Hamish’s tail got broken in a fight wi’ a big fat bad guy a long time ago, that’s why he really, really doesn’t like him.
Hamish, it’s not a tandem jump.Cut the bloody rope, the only way is up!
Thanks, Chris, spot on as usual.
Peace Always
Simple but brilliant Chris.
Now is not the time to be pondering, Hamish, cut the bloody chord.
((((( Arrivederci Mr.Bull )))))
Cut the rope!
This, is, of all the cairnstoons, the very, very best. Not one yookay cartoonist has summed up the madness of brexit so well from a Scottish perpesctive.
Their is a generalised madness which has descended on Westminster, and I’m not sure the people of England are going to thank ANY of them in a few years time. Fortunately Scotland is not leaving the EU.
That put a big smile on my face.
Boy has triggering Article 50 opened a huge big can of worms.
Heh. Great work as usual Chris. 🙂
Those scissors better be sharp- we’ll only get one chance to cut the rope that binds us tight.
Brilliant, Chris.
Hamish’s eyes say it all.
“A Yoonie who thinks he can fly”
Is this what you are looking for?
link to caltonjock.com
Peace Always
Perfect, Chris. You’re an amazing guy.
lol do it Hamish let the sad old git pay for his own mistakes for a change.
There’s a subtle difference between “forgetting” and “omiting” to mention something.
Cutting the rope – The National isn’t really helping.
With its Bella Caledonia supplement today, The National further weakens its Independence credentials.
It is like the BBC, in so far as it gives us what we like mostly, but always includes something to undermine Independence as well, which explains not only The National’s BBC-like strategy, but also its true purpose.
A bit like a fish supper with a dodgy chip inserted, which, when digested, makes you ill.
That has to be up there as one of your best ever, Chris
The classic climbing dilemma. Cut the rope or die trying to save your fellow climber? In this instance the only solution is to cut the umbilical. Most assuredly both will perish if nothing is done.
What a fantastic cartoon. Amusing, accurate, and ultimately hits you with the very life and death nature of the decision.
You Chris are very very talented.
The eyes have it. Priceless!
Difficult composition, Chris, to show space, depth and perspective.
You should plan a Xmas book: “A Hundred Ways to Kill John Bull”.
Your weekend reading:
Crap to expect next Referendum: link to wp.me
Car Tax Hike – not April Fool: link to wp.me
Brilliant Chris.
It has always confounded me how the British State gets away with it and why people everywhere just seem in thrall to them.
They must seem very plausible to most.
Not Hamish though.
Cut the fucker loose,about turn and walk to freedom Hamish.
I hope those scissors are sharp. Get cutting.
Is Hamish giving it two thumbs up. Or is he looking for the thumbs up from us? Such a great cartoon.
So good. Plz remember to share it everyone, far and wide.
There be blue blood all over
The white cliffs of dover!
Or, Monty Python style,
It’s not so much the way they fly,
It’s more the way they plummet!
Abosute cracker Chris, says all that needs to be said.
“Now is not the tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime” – ‘thud’ 🙂
Round John Bull’s tummy, not his neck?
Lol. let’s hope Theresa May hasn’t swapped the scissors for a comedy pair!
Speaking of underhand May, does anyone know if she will write an official response to Nicola Sturgeon, or does she plan just to ignore the letter altogether.
He doesn’t have permission to use those scissors, the unruly cur!
From Stu’s twitter “BREXIT – a Titanic success” the movie:
link to twitter.com
Aye Hamish, “we’re all in this together, you have to jump too!”
Hamish has mair sense.
The audacity of the Tories is truly breath taking. Why should we go and do what we rejected?
As he falls over the cliff John Bull becomes increasingly aggresive. Already warlike language is being used. I heard Andrew Castle this morning refer to Europeans as “the enemy”.
Loved Nicola Sturgeon’s letter re Section 30 = )
Am not expecting any kind of useful response.
Just so happy that what needed to be said is said.
Am confident our Scottish Government will move forward as necessary.
They’ll be throwing themselves over, the white cliffs of dover
Just you wait and see
They’ll be queuing a plenty, all the landed gentry, and throwing themselves into the sea
Oh aye , he does has permission to use those sissors.
It’s called a mandate = )
John Bull does know that there isn’t a bouncy castle at the foot of the cliffs?
Her Maj has had it taken it away to be refurbished.
Yet another satellite-tagged young Golden Eagle disappeared over North Glenbuchat Estate, Aberdeenshire. The owner-ship of this estate is particularly interesting!
link to andywightman.com
Another cracker Chris, nice one.
Could also have had Hamish standing with two parachutes.
….. and what usually lies at the bottom of a cliff….
You just need Ruth saying “I never said jumping off a cliff was bad idea!”
Capella – it is good isnt it !
A rush, and a push…
CUT THE ROPE, there’s no safety net.
I just hope and pray Hamish cuts the rope Chris.. if he doesn’t he will end up like some old lion with one eye and scabby fur in a mad brit circus..
England is a very foreign place these days.
Didn’t have to be like this you know.
What ever happened to compromise?
Not in Queen Theresa May’s vocabulary apparently.
bbc scotchshire-Sheena his commentator- taking over brexit debate without interuption–
having a referendum without May’s permission in Scotland is like being a banana republic.
Right wing tosh from a right wing programme.
My post about John Boothman! Duh! I forgot the date!
This cartoon should be on billboards!
What does it for me is the stupid grin and the “wheee”.
Great cartoon Chris!
I must say I’m amused about the indignation about Gibraltar. I always thought it was a colonial colony kept for its statregic position and should be returned to the Spanish.
Great Chris and yes if the BT lot win, we’re going over with John Bull.
Re The National, I was going to subscribe and I know it’s the only pro indy daily we have but what puzzles me, where did Bella get all that cash from?
Bill posters in prominent parts of the City & a monthly mag.
Sorry to say but it makes me a bit suspicious, I will continue to buy the iScot mag.
manandboy at 9.06
Excellent National today. It continues to improve and the Bella Caledonia magazine inside is a very good read (though I’m not in the Bella Caledonia clientele area particularly)
Now is not the time for scissors. We should be jumping together. It’s not fair to use those scissors without knowing what our fate would be after we leap. Would we reach terminal velocity? Would we make a sort of screaming midair cartwheel? Would the wind blow us up to the peak of Mount Olympus where we would be in our rightful place among the gods?
You’ll kick yourselves for not exploring all the fantastic opportunities.
Best ever. Should be on banners at the forthcoming demos.
One_Scot: “Lol. let’s hope Theresa May hasn’t swapped the scissors for a comedy pair!”
I think she has already, keep hearing how funny this Jackson and Carlaw comedy duo are are but haven’t seen them myself yet.
At last, cutting the ties that bind, its got to be done!
Prof Curtis in the National hinting that Scotland could have a binding referendum without having to worry about getting WM
Just got to write the question a certain way…Oh wait! April 1st…Or maybe not
Did not buy the National today,still thinking through the sudden involvement of Bella.I did not particularly like some of their past stuff, now they have a bigger platform Hmmm.
Now if that had been WINGS…..
The Brutish brute John Bull knows he`s in trouble he is wearing his butchers apron waistcoat with the flag upside down which is a sign of deep distress and a cry for help,
much as I want Scotland to cut the rope to brutal John Bull I feel we need to also throw a life line to those thousands of English/Welsh that are moral and decent human beings.
@ gordoz – the editing was very clever. Great idea for Indy messages too, like the Hitler in the bunker video. Very shareable. Who has the expertise though?
If N Ireland and the South are to have no hard border where will the hard border be, and what will the ramifications be.
Will Theresa need a passport to visit her province?
What about the Queen will she need a visa to visit her Loyal Subjects. Will Belfast still have a shopping centre as cross border shopping becomes the norm.
Hope those scissors are nice and sharp Hamish. No hesitation just snip snip.
@call me dave
some folks are somewhat suspicious of Curtice’s assertions.
link to twitter.com
link to twitter.com
Morning links on previous thread for anyone interested.
Just a thought maybe this has something to do that they don’t want Scotland to go and keep telling us we are to wee and poor.
It shows Nexen, owned by China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), paid a whopping £792.4million to the government in 2015.
BP said it was “nearing the end of a historic £10billion programme of investment in the North Sea which, alongside the well-documented decline in industry revenues and profits related to the oil price fall, was the key driver of the 2015 tax-repayment”.
It added: “The investments we are making now will deliver UK hydrocarbon production and revenues for decades to come.
“We expect to return to a tax paying position in the UK North Sea within a few years, depending on oil and gas prices. To date, BP has paid more than £40billion in tax on its UKCS (UK continental shelf) operations.”
Ian Wood 2014 oil running out now 2017 “nowhere near the end of its life” come 2018-19 oil running out these fools don’t realise these quotes can now be kept for all time.
One day into Article 50 being triggered and you get the feeling that the EU are going to give those Little Englander’s a right good thrashing, as they say down Eton way.
Hell mend them.
Here’s an excerpt from a statement by Ruth Davidson re John Boothmans apparent appointment to lead Better Together2 or Nude Erection whatever they’re gonna call themselves
“I worked at BBC Scotland under John and know just how committed he is to the Union. Nothing was more important to him.”
That says it all right there
You’ll notice it’s not how committed he is to Scotland or the Scottish people, it’s how committed he is to the union, that’s all that matters to them, nothing is more important to these people they are fanatics, that’s why we will never have a reasoned debate with them.
Even if it was proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that remaining in the union would lead to mass unemployment, poverty, starvation, disease all that would be an acceptable price to pay to preserve the union.
We really need to be shot of these people
guisler on bbc Sheena
What a twat. There are lots of Dail Heil readers out there thinking the demeaning of the FM and PM is ok.
2017? 1717
I mentioned John Bull’s aggression earlier. Listening to LBC this morning, the callers are going nuts over Gibralter. One guy willing to physically fight for Gib. Another wants to boycott Spanish goods because the Spanish need their ears boxed.
Get down on your knees world. Obey!
Flower of Scotland
Gibraltar is a difficult one.
Agree it was a colonial possession, but Spain agreed to cede it to Britain, and 99% of the population want to keep it that way. Do you wish to go against the wishes of the population?
That’s what the Unionists want to do with Scotland.
I don’t know what a good settlement would be.
Graeme says:
Here’s an excerpt from a statement by Ruth Davidson re John Boothmans apparent appointment to lead Better Together2 or Nude Erection whatever they’re gonna call themselves
“I worked at BBC Scotland under John and know just how committed he is to the Union. Nothing was more important to him.”
Grame re BBC Scotland so did our
Presiding Officer, the Rt Hon Ken Macintosh MSP maybe that is why he will not tell the Tank to behave herself in Parliament ,just saying.I thought May said no so why is Davidson saying this.
Aye beat me too it there. Caught a wee sample on the way home on the car radio by accident. Shereen and friends!
Too far up its own a@s@ as usual, good old Scottish Auntie pissing in oor porridge.
How terribly jolly and ‘avon garde’ or more like a week late with the news and a dollar short. Dreadful programme and I avoid it now. 🙁
PS: Thanks for the earlier links re: Curtis Nana. 🙂
Gibraltar, the one question I’d ask is who wants to keep it and why?
Conclusion I have come to is that it is absolutely nothing to do with the people who live there. It has to do with misplaced pride, some sense of loss of a possession and very conservative outlook that opposes change regardless of that changes merits!
This sums up the English ruling classes, but sadly they are able to diffuse this nationalistic sense of superiority down the English people through the elites ownership of the media.
The possession of Scotland is viewed similarly, “we are keeping you, we don’t know why, but we are doing it regardless of what Scots think”.
Scotland is being run as a colony, a colony that will go over this cliff with the English elites unless we come to our senses as a nation, and not a colony!
While running BBC Scotland politics coverage John Boothman was censured for offering media training to Labour candidates and is partner of the former Labour minister Susan Deacon.
Great article by Kevin mcKenna in Herald this morning.
Scotsman letter writing Zoomers even more mental this morning with one of them even demanding Germany pay the balance of their First World War reparations to the UK. That worked well previously.
I know there are thousands of thick yoons out there but this one is a cracker from btl one of Nanas links..
Scotland is part of the united kingdom without the funding from u.k. you would be bust so you are not an independant country and may will not give you a referendum So you are going noware if you did leave u.k. and joined e.u.. you would not be an independant country you would be ruled by brussells
So how is that indipendance you would be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire
So from the bottom of our hearts you can’t go any ware because you voted once in referendum you had it mate you don’t get another and when the u. k. Flourishes outside of e.u. and we keep funding you by 1654 pounds per person per year you will kiss our feet that your narrow escape from serfdum was saved By the U. K.
You had fish as first ministers a salmon now a Steurgon well we are the shark (lol)
Belter Chris.
Start the countdown.
Height = 110 m (assuming it’s the white cliffs of Dover)
g = 9.8 m/s/s
link to calculatorsoup.com
Cut when you get to 2 Hamish.
Croompenstein says:
1 April, 2017 at 11:55 am
I know there are thousands of thick yoons out there but this one is a cracker from btl one of Nanas links..
Scotland is part of the united kingdom without the funding from u.k. you would be bust so you are not an independant country and may will not give you a referendum So you are going noware if you did leave u.k. and joined e.u.. you would not be an independant country you would be ruled by brussells
So how is that indipendance you would be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire
So from the bottom of our hearts you can’t go any ware because you voted once in referendum you had it mate you don’t get another and when the u. k. Flourishes outside of e.u. and we keep funding you by 1654 pounds per person per year you will kiss our feet that your narrow escape from serfdum was saved By the U. K.
You had fish as first ministers a salmon now a Steurgon well we are the shark (lol)
I don’t think that’s a particularly untypical view many English have of us and as ignorant as it may be until we grow a pair and get out of this union it’s no more than we deserve
I have to say that not buying the National because of this and that and I don’t agree with so and so and I fell out with Bella Caledonia (which I certainly did) is very hard to understand. It is packed daily with pro independence articles by great writers, showcases a large number of SNP elected members and has a marvelous letters forum everyday,
Oh, I’ve got a sore toe. I’d better just shoot my foot off.
Aye, Scotland needs to cut itself free of John Bull BS. As John Bull falls, English nationalism – in the rancid form of so-called British nationlism – is continuing to rise.
Fireproofjim @11.23
But do 99% of the population want to keep it that way if they would no longer be EU citizens?
I have only ever (although I may have missed it) heard the Leader/First Minister type guy sayin that!
Seems to me that they are in one sense in the same position as us as in they have to pick a Union,and they too need another vote!
Our Media and Mayhem seem to have been unprepared for Spain exercising its right of Veto over Gibraltar in the upcoming negotiations ,of course this gives Mayhem a wee chance to stamp her feet and screech Look Look see how beastly these people are , While Mayhems regime were perfectly at ease using this Mythical Veto to continually beat scots over the head with , when an actual real Veto is presented to them its Screaming bloody Panic, Oh Diddums.
This is where EU polititions and Media really have to start to give some support , the Media in this country are only ever going to present the EU through a Mahem tinted lense , we are only going to get a European view on events if we go and look for it , hopefully some people in Europe will see the opportunity to open up another front that allows some of the truth to be aired because our media are tainted .
Dave McEwan Hill@ 12.04.
Dave,the BBC is not Scotland’s public enemy because of all the good stuff on it.
We can’t have a different set of rules for the National.
Thank, man
Think, man
I wonder if or when Argentina will resurrect their interest in the Falklands. Now that would certainly give westminster the s*its.
Hamish, don’t wait too long…he will take you down with him!
@old highlander 12:40pm
Good point.
manandboy at 12 24
Can do without being patronised. Thanks. The BBC is probably about the best TV in the world across a very wide area of broadcasting.It is entirely UK unionist and its public political broadcasting into Scotland is a disgrace.
Have no idea what this has to do with the National.
Perhaps you can reference some anti Independence content in the National to fill out your argument.
People should read Craig Murray today on Gibraltar before sounding off on the topic
Ref the National.
I distinctly remember Alex Salmond at that huge event in the hydro telling 12,000 supporters that they should support the National.With all due respect to its detractors on here, I think I’ll continue to take the advice from the man who has spent his entire political life fighting for Scottish independence.
For any lurkers out there,who’s advice would you heed?
Man and Boy
Re The National,
Dont end up like Rock constantly complaining over the paper. Write to the paper!!
Personally I dont have a problem of criticism in the paper. Do we want a paper like the Record -snp bad, Zieg Mail – everybody’s bad – Express, Hootsmon etc.
The monotone , monochrome view of the world is not for me.
Alternative to the National? There is none. Remember the brexiter tories and liebour mob hide the paper in shops. They do it because they detest an alternative view to their own.
I do wonder why on this site we run the only pro independence paper down.
Scots go pop has an apology from unionist troll “glasgow working class ”
If folk like him are bailing out , things are looking very good. .Interesting read I wonder how many others Better Together we’re paying to spin anti Scottish lies.
EBC withdrawing from Eurovision Contest following Brexit link to pinknews.co.uk
I have noticed these “rocket scientists” on the internet for a while now, it used to get my blood boiling, but now I just laugh at their inability to make any sense, I and everyone on WoS knows our day is coming, and we are going to have one almighty ceilidh when it happens.
I have lots of friends dan saf, but they made their beds at the last election ( being frightened into voting Tory/U-Krap)because they believed the lies about the SNP wagging Labours tail in a coalition, then came Brexit and the same thing happened. So hell mend them when the time comes.
I have no sympathy.
@Lenny Hartley
But! but!…It’s April 1st here in my hoose.
Shurley schome mishtake!
The wonderful Titanic Brexit video is also on YouTube
link to youtube.com
Laughing at tragedy seems excusable it this instance!
Cadogan Enright@1.25
So good!
AYE CUT IT – Great titanic clip ha ha to go with another good cartoon , is it time to look out the Spanish shirts and flags yet ? , OOps that might seem a little childish but who gives a f**k .
OT this is what the Tories’ Brexit shenanigans mean for real people …
link to thinkspain.com
Think we’ll discover that all Hamish has to do is open the paw holding the rope having already cut it a long time ago.
Titanic Brexit was excellent. Cheers I’m still laughing.
Northern Ireland ‘can rejoin EU after Brexit if it votes for reunification’
While Scotland would be forced to join back of the queue, a united Ireland would not need to reapply for membership, says David Davis
Is this man Davis for real.
I do wonder why on this site we run the only pro independence paper down.
WoS is politics and media, Scottish politics and media. So that might be it.
Belching out of the whole tory BBC led sheebang, endless royals and celeb pap, sports stats n results, there’s been a murder, SNP bad, worship Ruth D, or The National?
Tory psychopaths know exactly how to groom us all.
Gibraltar: A Tax Haven Not a Nation
link to archive.is
Off to catch up on the footie.
The National:
Cryptic X-word, still stuck on top LH side. Jeez! 🙂
Excellent! 🙂
Tory piss artists run the UK, shock. Be interesting to see the Holyrood booze bill too.
link to mirror.co.uk
Went out to buy the National and neither Smiths or Tesco had it…both normally do so I am guessing that the magazine may have seen them go quicker than usual.
Mindful of the fact that England will at some time in the not so distant future be applying for World Trade Organisation membership I thought I would have a wee scout round the web for information regarding same and came across some fascinating facts.
This from the Wikipedia entry under the heading Accesion and Membership.
The process takes about five years, on average, but it can last longer if the country is less than fully committed to the process or if political issues interfere.
The Falkland Islands anyone?
More information here
link to en.wikipedia.org
I also looked for some information about which contries are not members of the WTO that England can be trading with while their application for membership is approved and came accross this interesting web site
link to tradeready.ca
From which I have pasted and copied the chapter below.
These countries face significant obstacles to increasing their trade, as they do not hold the Most Favored Nation status given to all WTO members, nor do they receive the same lower trade barriers all WTO members must grant one another.
Instead, they may face higher numbers of tariffs, import quotas and regulations when dealing with most of the world, and cannot resolve their trade conflicts through WTO courts.
I feel that no further comment is necessary except perhaps……
Oh dear oh dear England what have you done!!
P.S. I hope my links work as i´m not sure about the https thing.
The National is not great. It often misses open goals (deliberate?) and does appear a bit half hearted at times. However its the only representation we have in the national press and we need to support it till something better comes along.
Locally most newsagents sell out quickly whereas there are always unsold piles of the drivel that constitutes the rest of the press. When I query the lack of Nationals the common response is that they only have a limited number delivered. Next question is why do they not up their order? Have not had a satisfactory answer to this yet. I am sure the demand in our area comfortably outstrips the supply. There seems to be a deliberate attempt to suppress the circulation. Are the distributors the culprits or is it the policy of the owners to restrict the print runs which would seem more than a little odd unless you believe they have a hidden agenda?
Either way I suspect that well before the date of the 2nd referendum the National will be pulled citing declining circulation as the reason. We need an alternative fast.
Brilliant,and spot on.
I have contributed modestly to Wings and I have paid for a year of online access to the National
While I have to agree that the Rev does a better job than the National of debunking unionist nonsense I believe we need both of them.
I urge people to support the National ( I know few need encouragement to support the Rev) as it is definitely a positive addition to the Yes campaign, one that did not exist before Indy1
Talking of cutting ropes…I’m intervening on this thread to reiterate that those who hold tae the views expressed by an oft times but regular commenter on Wings by the name of Blair Paterson, will be relentlessly challenged and countered at all times by those of us not prepared tae put up wi these bigoted and narrow minded comments.
Sneaking on tae the end of threads does not give you a ‘hiding space’ on Wings Blair.
‘K1 says:
1 April, 2017 at 3:06 pm
Blair Paterson on The Metrosplainers @12.45pm on 1st April 2017 wrote:
‘Talking about sexuality how can people who are abnormal gays etc., be expected to make normal decisions ?and before all you goody goodies start I am entitled to my opinions just the same as you are it is called democracy’
You are, as well as being a blood and soil nationalist, also a homophobe and nasty bigoted little sneak.
Go on to the main thread Blair and make the same statement, go on?
From here on in, let me tell you right now I am going to repeatedly paste your comment every time you come onto Wings, every time I see you post until it is made clear to you that your ilk are not representative of the prevalent and progressive attitudes that our polity hold dear in Scotland.
The vast majority of people in Scotland do not hold to your archaic divisive and utterly repugnant attitudes. That’s democracy in action, we hold that majority view in this regard.
So by all means cling to your bigotry and your narrow minded prejudices but don’t think yer getting a fee pass on here under the banner of ‘democracy’ pal.’
Ma apologies for the interruption. Are ye hearing me Blair?
Great toon, Chris.
I’m absolutely FUCKING sick of reading for what seems like years now, the running down of The National. Host to Wee Ginger Dug, and all manner of Indy talent.
Oh, but I’m sure you don’t mean Paul, or to take the bread out of his mouth.
ONE pro Indy newspaper, and folk on here can’t let it pass.
manandboy – what are you smoking? HOW does the BBC compare in any way to the National?
I picked up my copy in the local Tesco, just after a lady well into her 60s. It’s a quality production today, but don’t let that fact stop anyone communicating their sour take on it to all the couriers.
Thanks for siding with the yoons, folks, and doing their work for them. Explain WHY you just have to share your considered wisdom to deter any waverers, rather than just not buying the damn thing yourself, and keep this particular opinion to yourself?
Great cartoon – I do love Hamish!
Re The National , it obviously doesn’t have the support of the distributors or there are far fewer copies available to go round.
I have stopped using our local RS.McColls as they had a habit of hiding the National on the bottom shelf under any other available magazine – while having HUGE piles of both the DM and Express at eye level.
I’m sure they miss my 20 odd quid per week that I use to spend there.
Committing suidide in such a feckless manner and for such brainless reasons is sad enough, but forcing another to die unwillingly and unnecessarily with you is nothing short of murder.
It is also illegal to force another to partake unwillingly in a highly dangerous act, putting them at severe risk of injury or worse.
@ K1 3:31pm Well Said Totally Agree.
I agree with you. There is so much to moan about but some moan about our only Indy supporting newspaper.
I don’t always agree with it’s contents but if like me you’re suspicious of Bellacaledonia, just buy the National online and you don’t get the Bella stuff.
I don’t know what’s wrong with some folk on here just now but petty bickering seems to have increased. Don’t be distracted from our goal please!
And where’s Robert Peffers? Please come back!
United Nations charter 1960 states quite clearly the right to self determination and that a country may not not be dominated OR governed without their consent
Perhaps food for thought when some folk think the Scottish government can’t hold referendums if they so choose or whether they’re legal or not
When the Unionist lawyers start bleating about the “Not legal” status of such endeavours they should perhaps peruse the UN regulations
I’m not saying that this is the First Ministers option but I will say you can bet money this will be “On the table” shall we say
I’m no lawyer but The English government will know this too and if they don’t think the First Minister would use it they don’t know our First Minister
If Nicola Sturgeon employs the UN charter to solve the lack of Scottish democracy the world will cheer and we’ll hear their applause from here
This is the modern day equivalent of the clearances in action. If anyone in Scotland believes that staying within the union with England under the rule of right wing Tories for the next 10 tae 15 years, (who will promise more ‘devolution’ after Brexit as a means to strip Scotland further of her assets)’ won’t result in ‘people flight’ as those with the means make their escape, then am afraid ye have not being paying attention
They will destroy our nation, they aim tae crush the SNP and every gain that we have made since they came intae office will be as if we’d lived in a happy dream. Only to be replaced by a nightmare of their making.
We need every available resource at our disposal for this last grand battle, we need the National, we need those who contribute with their insights and strategies to have a platform that reaches into communities and the National is our only ‘hard’ media outlet with that reach.
Let’s stop the relentless moaning about this…buy it or don’t but stop monstering ourselves over this.
It’s more than we ever had last time? And if we lose next time the I’m pretty sure Stu, The National and many other blogs will cease to exist not long afterwards, so you’ll get yer aim tae shut the National down but only because ye worked so hard in the lead up infighting about a fucking newspaper rather than staying focused on wining over the people we needed tae win.
Big picture here, we lose Scotref we lose everything.
And where’s Robert Peffers? Please come back!
Its people like you Mr Peffers that make it easier for others to speak up too.
We visit an area in the north west of Scotland once or twice a year. Last year, in the (only) shop, they had two Nationals, both of which had been ordered.
Last week, you could go in later in the day and be almost certain of picking up a copy.
Keep buying it!
Just went out and got the National for the first time in a long while.(never missed a copy in its first year)
I will give it another chance, but will keep a close eye on it “scoring goals rather than hitting the post”. (you know what I mean)
Time will tell.
Titanic parody, “Classic”
If anyone’s having bother getting The National, why don’t you ask your newsagent to order one for you? It’s not a big deal. Then you don’t have to rake about for it, or worry if you can’t get to the shop early.
Aside from anything else, we should all be supporting wee local shops – less business for the supermarkets the better.
Dave McEwan Hill, Flower of Scotland and Valerie
Re the National. You are absolutely right.
If you dont like the National write to the Editor or the paper direct but don’t suggest don’t buy it.What is the point in that? My suspicions arise when folk criticize it out of hand. As I said to Rock some weeks ago what paper he read, he responded that he didn’t. Weird.
Maybe we have frightened journalists who see the writing on the wall for the brexit papers. There are too many in Scotland, too many free right wing papers and giveaways and lets not forget the local press who are owned by unionists.
Scotland needs a free press able to express the wishes of50% of the population at least and in terms of social democracy around 80%. Not 99% owned by brexiters/unionist/ tories owned by tax avoiders from foreign lands.
For your viewing pleasure:
Wee Black Book – The Movie
link to youtube.com
GALLAS – The 40 Year Fleecing of Scotland’s Oil Wealth by Westminster
link to youtube.com
Share fare n wide folks.
Educate, Agitate, #*CK the British State
I believe it is my fault that Robert Peffers has stopped posting and if it is it makes me very sad indeed.
I put up a post about ignoring trolls that Robert took exception too and called me “bloody stupid” to which I took exception too and said I would ignore him if he called me that again.
I did not use foul language or call him similar names, I asked that he desist from doing that to me or anyone else.
I feel guilty now but I was doing exactly what I would do with anyone other poster that gives me grief on Wings and there have been plenty, I was sticking up for myself because I did not believe I was “bloody stupid”.
I too wish to see Robert post again and if I upset you and caused you to leave Wings then please accept a sincere apology.
This has put me off posting on Wings as well as you do feel so bad after such a fall out, so I can understand how Robert might feel.
I hope to read your posts again Robert.
Question for Mr Peffers. Is it true that the Treaty of Union specifically stated the creation of a written constitution upon the creation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain? If so then that clearly hasn;t happened and is surely a breach of the Treaty and possible grounds to nullify it? Value your thoughts on this would be great.
Goods (papers WH Smith and others retailers) are supposed to be ordered through the till. Once they are sold out. The order keeps on being increased. That is how they market all main retailed goods. From experience certainly can’t get after noon, in most outlets where they are stocks,
People can access the website. This brings revenues for any adverts and adverts in the paper. It takes a while to increase custom as sales go up.
There will not be any waste, as no copies will be put put back. No printing waste equals less financial layout and expense. To take up any profits. A leaner undertaking. The website has moved up the rating. Now above British rail but still behind the (National) lottery. At least opening up the gives a better balance. Less negativity more openness in discussion etc. Some really good front covers. It’s quite nice not to be constantly confronted by negative stories. Even though readers do not agree with all of it.
Good on ye Thpnr. Ah think it was crossed wires, not tae excuse Robert but he has a ‘turn of phrase’ reminiscent of ma grans and ah think it doesn’t ‘translate’ intae the written medium at all well?
Ah genuinely don’t think he means people are ‘bloody stupid” he utilises people’s posts tae bounce off…that’s ma own reading of the ‘style’ of his input.
The only ‘point’ he was making that evening was that ‘we’ can’t decide who’s a troll, his logic was impeccable Alex, but the ‘tone’ unfortunately ‘triggered’ the emotions?
I’m glad you’re posting again, now we just huv tae get Robert tae get his erse intae gear!
C’mon the Peffers! 🙂
K1 @ 16:11:
Yes, this is what the remaining “soft-no’s” don’t seem to get yet. So far they have been sheltering against the storm under the SG’s umbrella, whining about the drops that inevitably come through, but the Mayhem Gang brook no opposition and are clearly intent on snatching away even the flimsy protection against them that we currently possess.
When the Brexiteers talked about “taking back control”, some of us at least could see that they were not only referring to the EU. We are also right in their firing line, but – surprise, surprise! – they prefer to deal with us once they have recovered from the severe bruising they are about to receive at the hands of a much more powerful EU. Unfortunately there are still indy supporters who misguidedly think that waiting until London has regained the initiative is somehow a cunning plan.
How anyone could conceive of another unfolding situation more conducive to independence mystifies me.
We’re like a grumbling crew on the cusp of mutiny; we’ll be pacified by all sorts of sweet talk at first, but if we’re foolish enough to allow the situation to stabilise, we’ll promptly be thrown into chains and punished as ingrates and miscreants.
There’s only going back from here or going forward. I choose to go forward.
Thepnr says:
1 April, 2017 at 4:33 pm
I believe it is my fault that Robert Peffers has stopped posting and if it is it makes me very sad indeed.
Makes me sad as well Roberts posts were informative and an important asset to our cause but it wasn’t your fault you were right to call him out for his high handed and condescending attitude to you because he disagreed with you he did the same to me and he’s don’e it to others, we can’t all have his knowledge of history that doesn’t make anybody stupid.
I hope Robert comes back because we need him and in spite of the above I have the highest respect for him but I think he should show others the same respect
I’m sure Robert will post again when he has something pertinent to say. Hope so anyway. With all the constitutional argy bargy that’s descending on us we need somebody to keep us right.
Speaking for myself I primarily read this site to gain an education that few others offer. I consider the absence of Robert Peffers as a personal loss. Haste ye back man!
Re : The National.
My concern is that AFAICT its sub-edited in the same place by the same people as The Herald/Evening Times etc.
That place is Cardiff, not Glasgow. Sub-editors work to guidelines set by (group) management. Push comes to shove & I reckon it’ll be a different narrative coming from The National.
I’m quite prepared to accept I may well be cynical and/or paranoiac about this 🙂
However Bella (who did a lot to cost the SNP a majority in 2016) and the mystery injection of (lots of) money to “save” Bella is enough to put me off.
I’m not going to trust anything Mike Small & his coterie are involved in. End of story.
Hopefully that goes some way to explaining why some of us are dubious about The National.
Don’t let it put you off buying/supporting it, but please don’t just assume those of us who are dubious of it are mad. Some of us maybe 🙂 however some of us have serious qualms about Gannet/Newsquest & The National but hope we’re wrong.
Craig Murray is a must read on Gibraltar.
And here is a lovely quote from the HM Government of Gibraltar page
link to archive.is
as to why you might want to set up there.
” Legislation is in place to encourage High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs) and High Executives Possessing Specialist Skills (HEPSS) to establish tax residency in Gibraltar, affording them the opportunity to have the tax payable on their income restricted to a capped amount. ”
Well, I’ll just go and pack my bags.
This denigration of The National is like self harm.
Yes is a ‘broad church’ – oh but I don’t like that National.
If The National was genuine they would have our Rev in it. National then has the Rev in it.
Oh, the stakes have never been higher – but I don’t buy the National, or nor should anyone.
There are a number on the Yes side, I’m not all that fond of, or aren’t my preferred reading, but guess what, I don’t feel the need to keep sharing that picky, personal view on the most widely read blog of the movement.
I consider there could be undecided lurkers or trouble makers reading this blog, paid and unpaid, looking for help or mischief, and people are helping the unionists make their case.
Just ignore the paper that genuinely, publicly, repeatedly supports an independent Scotland. You don’t have to buy it, but why on earth slag it?
I don’t slag off other Indy sites, they might just appeal or draw others to them.
Please think about the impact of your actions. This is not some backwater you are posting on.
I’m also hoping Robert Peffers writes again soon, we sorely miss him – his were always the first posts I looked for, as you were sure of well researched info.
Quite a giant among Scottish historians, IMHO, – haste ye back, Robert.
The last thing we need at this critical time is the loss of his input due to petty squabbles.
Good comment. We’re all Jock Tamson,s bairns and we need you and Robert Peffers on here commenting.
Come on Robert!
I regularly read people on this site asking why we don’t fund a TV station, a radio station, buy out the Scotsman or some such stuff. Really? We have our own slice of the media and it struggles for more readers. I have bought the National every day i’m in the country since it started – it’s content has improved remarkably and has some great contributions from very good writers. I struggle to recognize the problems referred to on this blog unless detractors want a propaganda sheet – I don’t! We get really good coverage of what we all, on this site, hopefully aspire to. If you can afford to please support the National – it’s all we’ve got. It appears odd to me that it’s biggest critic on here has said he doesn’t read any newspaper! I hope Robert Peffers has not been driven from these pages. His history lessons have been amazingly informative, especially to someone like me who spent most of his schooling in English schools and couldn’t have distinguished Culloden from Cowdenbeath. Come back Robert you are one of our top men and we need you. My thanks and respect also to the Rev for his brilliant dissection of the rubbish that passes for media in that “greatest of all unions”!
Totally agree!
Now this explains the furore over Gibraltar.
link to archive.is
Now anybody know how to find who is pretending to be Gibraltarian for tax purposes.
I kinda wish / hope Robert Peffers would start up his own blog.
It must be frustrating to write out the same stuff over and over again, but it’s such very rich information, and Roberts knowledge of it seems forensic.
I know I have learned a tremendous lot from MrPeffers comments, and not just colourful snapshots, but game changing fundamental discrepancies in the way we are governed; why certain things are the way they are. I never knew the significance of Scotland’s popular sovereignty, and the ramifications of what that actually means, but thanks heavens I know about it now.
Look around the internet. It’s very rare indeed to find and access any of that information, whereas Mr Peffers could put his cross hairs right on the spot.
I don’t know if there’s a way to help Mr Peffers get a blog of his own set up, but I know I would consider it a valuable resource for the whole of Scotland to have at its fingertips, especially in these times.
What say you Mr Peffers? I am sure there are folks here who can help with the technical side of doing it. In every sense, knowledge is power, and this knowledge is very powerful indeed, since it pulls the rug out from under Westminster’s feet and their Parliamentary sovereignty claptrap. Once knowledge of the truth is shared amongst ourselves, and spread to others, I feel sure it strengthens our hand tremendously.
Credit where it’s due Robert, in my humble opinion your impressive knowledge deserves a greater platform than below the line comments on another blog. Get your vast wealth of knowledge accessible to us all so we can share it, link it, refer people to it.
Make it a formal project, a full constitutional history blog. We need it.
Well said Threpn,
I too had a rather mild disagreement with RPeffers recently, though no offensive language was used. Fact is minor disagreements will happen occasionally, but I would also say RPeffers should come back if he can.
I have high regard for his comments, and knowledge.
It is rare I disagree, but as a gay person, I won’t let comments regarding that simply pass.
And, talking of which, Thanks to K1 for highlighting the homophobic comments of Blair Paterson for all to see.
It’s the 21st century folks, and the days of such comments being acceptable are long gone. We can do without knuckledraggers.
Breaking news just in!!!
Downing street have confirmed Theresa May has been arrested at the chelsea flower show after streaking through the displays.
They had to eject her , but no before she won the award for the best dried bush arrangement.
More on this story later……
The suggestions for Peffers to setup a website are good, provided he wants to and (I suspect) someone will help.
Roobert’s posts, while informative were walls of text & I suspect few people read each and every one from start to finish.
I know I skipped a few myself 🙂 Don’t think I ever commented on them though.
I suspect that’s part of what got him annoyed with people not reading, then commenting. That in turn provoked reactions from people who HAD read his posts and so it all begins.
Frankly I’d prefer a site where people could link to/look at the relevant historical/legal information rather than Peffers doing it all again every time. It’d be a useful resource & would probably save his sanity as he wouldn’t have to explain it all again…and again…. 😉
I have to agree with all of you who miss Robert Peffers, I miss him too.
Thepnr has been decent enough to apologise, so what say you Robert. With the Maybot in her very intransigent mode re Scotland we need you more than ever. What are Nicola’s options with regard to our sovereignty, what about the referendum etc? You have all this knowledge to help the rest of us, so what dae ye say.
Come on auld Bob, come back and talk tae us. Please.
I would like to see some articles written by Robert for this site which could then form a permanent archive for future reference. Then he wouldn’t have to write them all out every time someone clearly misunderstands the constitutional reality.
Is Scotland a country?
Are Scots sovereign?
Is the Treaty of Union valid?
How do we get out of here?
I’m sure everyone can suggest questions that need answers.
Brilliant cartoon Chris, encapsulates the last week in an instant.
Simply superb!
Regards Mr R Peffers.
I am assuming Bob has a few more years on the clock than my 64.
Has anyone or is anyone able to check he is still ok health wise?
Hopefully he will respond to this genuine concern even if he feels he does not want to post at the moment.
Like many posts on here I will add my tuppence worth,
Mr Peffers you are sorely missed, at the end of the day we all sing from the same hymn sheet on this site, we all have days where the constant negativity from the Empire media could easily drive us to smashing up the keyboard, but we are much better than that, although it can be easy to snap at comments. I think we have the biggest battle ahead, who knows what will be thrown at the Indy2 cause, “we have an idea right enough” but we need the likes of Mr Peffers feeding us his knowledge.
The Gallas youtube vid mentioned above is a gem.
Also for other “wall of text” people (Ken500, looking at you matey 🙂 ) then you have to understand that you can’t write an essay every time BTL.
If you do then many/most people won’t read it properly.
They’ll simply skim it & most of the time think “same old same old” & move on. If you post walls of text regularly which are much the same each time they’ll just scroll past you regardless of what you’re saying.
Got something to say which requires more than 4 paragraphs? Write an article & give it to Stu. Given his background expect some fairly brutal editing/advice but there you go, you’ll learn & we’ll all benefit.
Good to see that you all miss Mr Peffers , I do too but I am amore concerned that it might be his health which is preventing him from commenting ad not just a wee tid.
I was thinking that myself.
Now this is something you aught to watch if your interested on sensible discussion about Brexit. The event happened on 29th March say day as May sent her Brexit letter.
It is an long but in my opinion that’s an hour too short, it really is that good. I know only the diehards will watch for an hour but if you want to educate yourself on Brexit then don’t miss this.
Question Time x 100 and how that should be.
It was filmed as a live stream at the offices of Brodies LLP – Scottish Solicitors in Glasgow.
‘Brexit: Scotland’s Constitutional Future’ Panel:
Michael Russell MSP, Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland’s Place in Europe
Jackson Carlaw MSP, Scottish Conservative Deputy Leader
John Curtice, Professor of Politics, Strathclyde University
Dr Kirsty Hughes, Senior Fellow at Friends of Europe
And event Chair, John Boothman, Political Correspondent, The Sunday Times Scotland
link to youtube.com
@Valerie 5:25 pm :
“I don’t slag off other Indy sites, they might just appeal or draw others to them.
Please think about the impact of your actions. This is not some backwater you are posting on.”
Shame Bella/CommonSpace didn’t do that in 2016 when they deliberately split the vote mmm?
If they had then the SNP would have had a majority and we wouldn’t be having any of this “no demand, no mandate” stuff.
So with the greatest of respect NOBODY on the indy side should trust Bella/Mike Small. Don’t treat us like we’re fucking idiots thanks, we remember last year, we’re not senile (yet)….
Not senile but pretty rude.
Come on, Wingers – “Divide and rule”, eh? And if Alex Salmond trusts The National, as an earlier poster reminded us, who are we to doubt to the extent of arguing amongst ourselves?
I too hope that Mr Peffers is well.
I don’t agree about Robert Peffers comments. I always read them and made copies of lots of them and they are in my notes. I refer to them all the time and they give me great ammunition when debating with NO voters.
@Hamish100 7:01 pm :
Not senile but pretty rude.”
Indeed and for that I apologise.
I’m just not going to stand for this “broad church” nonsense when Bella/CommonSpace basically traduced people like James Kelly (Scot Goes Pop) last year over a series of months.
In fact they both used to have links on here. No more though.
They can take their “broad church” & shove it as far as I’m concerned. I’ll stick with people I can trust.
Oh and Cat Boyd pontificating on Brexit (and getting paid for it) is beyond parody given she couldn’t even be bothered to vote in the EU ref.
See why I wonder….?
@Flower of Scotland 7:10 pm :
I don’t agree about Robert Peffers comments. I always read them”
No offence but I bet you didn’t. You kept copies of stuff he’d written & you’d be unusual if you didn’t “skim” stuff which was much the same as you had stored and read before.
This is why it’d be better (as others suggested) as a blog – with extensive indexing 🙂
Anyway walls of text don’t really work BTL. They work better ATL as an article. People seem to have plenty to say, I’m sure Stu would welcome some (relatively sane) articles?
I know we got a brief mention in a motion by MEPs the other day but it would be really useful if they said they won’t endorse brexit until Scotland has a chance to clarify its constitutional choice via #scotref.
It might happen, maybe it’s planned in.
mebee stu is too busy at the moment, writing another article for the ………um……national 🙂
Vestas says:
1 April, 2017 at 7:22 pm
@Flower of Scotland 7:10 pm :
Why are you telling people to get off WoS btl? I read almost everything btl, bar trolls, if you dont that’s fine.
Its an odd thing to do, as in telling commentators like Ken500 to cut back or go somewhere else, as if they don’t anyway but such is the bizzaro world of Scottish politics today, at any and all levels 😀
Flower of Scotland said:
1 April, 2017 at 10:35 am
I’m just bewildered by the attitude of “But That’s Not Fair!” coming from down south.
What did those numpties who wanted Brexit THINK was going to happen? that Europe was just going to say – ‘Oh, ok then, bye.’? and wave them off at the station?
It’s like taking a tin opener to a big can labelled ‘Worms’ and being surprised it’s not full of Jaffa Cakes.
I tend to agree with you. Large screeds BTL again and again on the familiar theme of anyone’s pet notions isn’t for me. I just scroll right past most of suchlike now. Maybe if there was a nugget of something new in there I would miss it, whereas if it were a post in its own right, it would be worthwhile.
I guess if there was someplace where eg. a suitably comprehensive article (or articles) on constitutional theory could be archived, that might be a useful reference for anyone who needed it.
Bella, even? =grin=
OT saw this on WoS Twitter …
link to disabilitynewsservice.com
The Tories are a bunch of elitist self centred bastards looking after the their own backers and interest groups. They are fairly open about it. It’s almost honest, in a perverse way.
Labour, on the other hand, pretend to be a party who care about people, all people. It’s bollocks, they are worse than the Tories, and that is saying something.
We in Scotland have our own particular issues with their behaviour, but the more you read, the more you realise they are like this UK wide. They have become a total bunch of political charlatans. No principles, just looking after themselves.
For what it is worth I have praised some of Robert Peffers posts, and I have also been on the receiving end of some.
I can’t imagine him getting upset by a few words on a computer screen. He’s a big boy, and I am sure he will post when he can or decides to. Can we give the man some space for now.
@heedtracker 7:33 pm :
“Why are you telling people to get off WoS btl?”
I’m not.
I’m advising them that regular walls of text don’t get read after a while, even if those walls of text turn out to be different.
You can disagree if you want but there’s a reason the tl;dr meme came into place.
If you want to put up regular walls of text then a blog is probably the best place?
YMMV of course.
As things turned out there were more votes for the SNP and Greens combined on the regional vote than on the constituency. That kind of shows that some Green supporters simply weren’t going to vote for the SNP.
Also as things turned out we now have a second vote for a referendum backed by two parties with a combined total higher of votes higher than that of all other parties and more closely proportional than the previous Holyrood parliament.
Whereas previously there might have been a slight justification for claiming a vote was forced through in the sense that no combination of other parties could oppose it this time that’s simply not the case.
I’m not saying that pushing as many alternatives to the SNP didn’t have risks. Fortunately it looks as though most voters on the Indy side only split SNP/Green. A full analysis might be interesting.
I’d hazard a guess at some Labour voters going for Conservative on the list whilst Conservatives went UKIP or possibly UKIP support went to Conservatives. You might even have tactical votes for Labour in a constituency they might win. End result is that quite a few who supported Labour, or Lib Dem might have been over optimistic in voting Conservative at list level assuming their party was going to win at constituency.
As it is I’d say we have a Holyrood result with a far more disproportionate distribution of unionists than of nationalists but still more representative of the votes cast and with a far higher legitimacy for a referendum than if the SNP had managed a repeat of their freakishly good fortune in gaining an outright majority.
Sign of the times. New York Times to be precise. Great to see the world taking such an interest in Scotland.
link to archive.is
I’m not treating anyone like idiots, just stating my opinion on what’s happening. As for your childish Mike Small and B.C. stuff, thanks for making my point for me.
Internal bile and sniping, cos that is going to work out well for us. I’m a member of SNP, and have worked very hard, so I’m as angry as anyone, about what happened at last Holyrood elections.
However, how does it make sense to hand that ammo in your post, and its in the past now, to those seeking division?
As for your remarks about the National, do some research, instead of quoting an Editor based in Cardiff as a smoking gun. Pretty shabby rationale for an industry based on electronic comms. Andrew Learmonth is a prolific contributor, and is based in Glasgow, and as I’ve already stated, all the other contributors, Michael Gray, Pat Kane, Ginger Dug and so on.
Beats me what you have against this highly talented, Indy supporting writers.
Dorothy Devine at 3.49
Our R S McColl’s in Dunoon was the same. The National was hidden on the bottom shelf under the fishing magazines etc. I complained tothe staff. They said that was here they had been told to put it. I eventually got through to R S McColl head office in ENGLAND and they conformed that that was where the staff had been told to put it – and that that would continue to be the instruction. I don’t shop in R S McColl anymore
@schrodingers cat 7:32 pm :
“mebee stu is too busy at the moment, writing another article for the ………um……national ?”
I know his views diverge from mine on the subject of The National 🙂
I hope he’s right & I’m wrong. Not going to rehash stuff already said…
In case anybody thinks that postings from contributors can become repetative, may I remind you that more and more people are reading Wings every month. The Revs traffic figures are increasing, and many will not have learned as yet what we have learned from viewing this site and its many expert contributors.
Sometimes we get too wrapped up in our own opinion and attach too much importance to what we think is suitable.
England is famous for uniting behind idiots
Scotland is famous for not uniting against idiots
Just a wee thought!
@Valerie 8:28 pm :
“do some research, instead of quoting an Editor based in Cardiff as a smoking gun”
You don’t understand what a sub-editor is then?
Its nothing to do with who contributes to the paper, its the way the overall presentation goes.
So for example instead of “Davidson caught lying” you might get “Ruth Davidson clarifies statement” as the headline and the article gets cut a bit short. The people who wrote the article have NO SAY how its presented, group management decides.
That’s sub-editing – and its much more prevalent online (which I suppose helps The National’s case as its very rarely updated online).
I stand by what I said about Bella/Small.
For those of you who want to support The National then I wish you well. I hope you’re right & I’m wrong.
Vestas at 5.23
The editorial team at the national are entirely independent of any other publication. Gannet/Newsquest publishes hundreds of newspaper and magazines across the UK and the USA. That is what they do.They print. They don’t edit. They don’t write them. They don’t subsidise any of it. It has to pay for itself. That is all.
The newspaper distributors take around 50% of the cover price of all newspapers for distribution services
You must be “bloody stupid” if you are offering a “sincere apology” to someone who called you “bloody stupid”.
“I believe it is my fault that Robert Peffers has stopped posting and if it is it makes me very sad indeed.
I put up a post about ignoring trolls that Robert took exception too and called me “bloody stupid” to which I took exception too and said I would ignore him if he called me that again.
I did not use foul language or call him similar names, I asked that he desist from doing that to me or anyone else.
I feel guilty now but I was doing exactly what I would do with anyone other poster that gives me grief on Wings and there have been plenty, I was sticking up for myself because I did not believe I was “bloody stupid”.
I too wish to see Robert post again and if I upset you and caused you to leave Wings then please accept a sincere apology.
This has put me off posting on Wings as well as you do feel so bad after such a fall out, so I can understand how Robert might feel.
I hope to read your posts again Robert.”
I hear you, Dr Jim. I will heed you. I’ve said my piece, and I’m sure my annoyance is clear, so I will desist.
Vestas at 7.11
“See why I wonder….?”
No, I dont.
But perhaps only your opinions are worth publishing.
And here’s me thinking that through the history of politics over the past 50 years or more, it was only those ideologues on the far left that always ended up squabbling amongst themselves to the detriment of achieving their aims and then failing to convince others (in this context perhaps new visitors to this site) of the merits of their cause.
Let’s not allow the virus of (unnecessary) division to take hold and spread! If the vote in an indyref2 is going to be close – and I’m afraid it may be – let’s build bridges and work towards concensus on the big, key issues around achieving independence rather than take up entrenched positions on policy details, tactics or style of communication. I am happy to be part of a ‘movement’ with diverse views but with a shared goal.
Re The National:
I just wish they employed better proofreaders.
A caption to one photo in yesterday’s issue said that George Elliot wrote the 39 Steps.
and on Page 2
“The development came amid increasingly tensions between the First Minister and the Prime Minister…”
@ Liam
I think they may be trying to out-Graun the Gruniad.
They did get the George Eliot/John Buchan opuses correct in the text; I was on the verge of e-mailing them about it, but having done that quite a lot in the early days, I’ve concluded it won’t change anything.
@Dave McEwan Hill 8:53 pm :
“Vestas at 7.11
“See why I wonder….?”
No, I dont.
But perhaps only your opinions are worth publishing.”
None of my opinions are worth publishing, I’m not a writer, nor do I purport to be one.
However given you quoted the section of a post which referenced Cat Boyd and her “couldn’t be bothered to vote” on the EU, maybe you ought to consider whether the opinions of someone who couldn’t get off her backside to vote are worth listening to – on Europe of course.
I have no doubt she has many profound things to say on other matters which she does consider worthy of her vote.
She, unlike me, does purport to be a writer.
Surely only a Unionist Troll would be so aggressively against The National.
I am no mad supporter of the National, But it is our ONLY friend in the printed media world.
I would rather have it than not have it. And I go out of my way to spread it about the newspaper shelves when ever I can.
I have said it before, trolls have infiltrated Wings and there sole purpose is to upset the positive Indy message that Wings is world famous for.
What Valerie & Dave said!!!
Dave McEwan Hill,
“Our R S McColl’s in Dunoon was the same. The National was hidden on the bottom shelf under the fishing magazines etc. I complained tothe staff. They said that was here they had been told to put it. I eventually got through to R S McColl head office in ENGLAND and they conformed that that was where the staff had been told to put it – and that that would continue to be the instruction. I don’t shop in R S McColl anymore”
It seems every major newsagent in the country is under instructions to hide The National.
The publishers of The National are a major and influential company.
Do you seriously believe they have tolerated such hiding despite sales falling to 8,000?
In my humble opinion, the publishers of The National, who also happen to publish The Herald, only want definite Yes voters to buy it.
They know that gullible independence supporters will search for them and buy them even if they are hidden.
But they don’t want unionists to notice or buy them. In case they might be tempted to change from No to Yes.
It is the publishers of The National who have given the instructions to keep The National hidden.
Craig Murray telling it like it is on Gibraltar.
link to craigmurray.org.uk
Vestas says:
1 April, 2017 at 8:24 pm
@heedtracker 7:33 pm :
“Why are you telling people to get off WoS btl?”
I’m not.
If you want to put up regular walls of text then a blog is probably the best place?
Just because all you see is regular walls of text, etc etc.
You shouldn’t be telling people what they can and cant say, btl WoS, is all.
Unless ofcourse, its on the Wings over Vestas blog, then you can be the decider:D
WOS archive links now showing over on O/T.
LOL and goodnight.
@heedtracker 9:08 pm :
“You shouldn’t be telling people what they can and cant say, btl WoS, is all.
Unless ofcourse, its on the Wings over Vestas blog, then you can be the decider:D”
Fair comment matey, but I bet under 10% of the people here read the regular walls of text from some. After you’re read a few then the overlap between one wall of text and the next becomes too much, then you get people pulling them up (like Ken500 recently about some green stuff? & whatever went on with Peffers).
Better ways of getting your message across IMHO.
You’re spot on though, not my call to make 🙂
“None of my opinions are worth publishing, I’m not a writer, nor do I purport to be one.”
Any of Robert Peffers’ sycophants wondering why the greatest legal and historical expert ever in Scotland has not published a book on the “sovereignty” of the Scots?
I hope he is finishing one off now and will publish it very soon.
OT – defence
“Singapore planning to base F-15 squadron in New Zealand”
link to ukdefencejournal.org.uk
This helps Singapore train in uncluttered airspace, and gives NZ some fighter cover – it has none at present. In other news the UK is basing 4 Typhoons from Coningsby 3 Sqn in Romania, but more than that there will be the logistics and forward support already in place.
The significance of this for us, is that Lossie which has 3 Sqns of Typhoons will this year have 4 – perhaps 3 Sqn from Coningsby which I think has the same original Tranche 1 a/c which makes sense if spares are different from the Tranche 3 – though all T1s have been upgraded to T3 / FGR4, so that might not be a problem.
The thing is I think after the YES vote, defence negotiations should very quickly be put in the hands of defence people NOT politicians from the rUK and Scotland.
The first problem mainly for the rUK is that Scotland would be able to afford 1 Sqn of Typhoons, but Lossie is the front-line for UK airspace interception and interdiction. So it would make sense (to me being defence minded) for continued basing of all 4 Sqns at Lossie for certainly a transition time, and perhaps longer on a co-basing basis, plus continued use of the virtual bombing range at Tain and live at Cape Wrath for their swing role function. Because if Scotland is “overrun” England is just over the border.
The second problem is ours. One squadron of Typhoons is relatively useless without the likes of QRA control and communication which is mainly at RAF Boulmer, near Alnwick. And that would be expensive and time-consuming for us to reproduce. It’s to be used for the use of those 4 Typhoons going to Romania – Air Surveillance and Control System (ASACS). And of course that operation is under NATO’s Integrated Air and Missile Defence System and for NATO nations that do not have the necessary air capabilities, agreements exist to ensure a standard of airspace security.
So there you go, there will be a lot of sabre-rattling and painful sword-swallowing after a YES vote, the question is – will common sense prevail?
That video from Brodie’s LLP solicitors should be widely disseminated if only to watch Carlaw do an embarrassing party political bullshit roundup (can only be viewed as: their crapping it) at the end of what was a thoroughly balanced discussion on what was on the 29th March (when the event took place) the current state of play.
Gibraltar and the lunatics braying ‘it isnae fair’ from Westminster has superseded even Wednesday’s ‘current’ political situation in grande brittania.
Thanks Thpnr @6.29pm
link to m.youtube.com
Rock says:
1 April, 2017 at 9:15 pm
You’ve been sucked into Rock’s little world of getting all Scots politics off anything remotely pertinent or even interesting btl WoS and then we have lots of comments about a single newspaper out of 40, is it good, bad, a cunning plot to bring down YES Scotland?
Clever boy Rock.
Hey Rock, who’s your SNP MP, what do you make of him or her, what are the issues that make you a YESer?
You’ve never once said anything remotely pro SNP or Green at all, why is that?
Thepnr that session at 6.29 was pretty informative.
Curtice was a bit annoying with his attempt at balance and Carlaw tried but could not change his spots
In all my years I never knew that Scotland’s people were sovereign,until I read the posts of Robert Peffers
Take the break now Robert if that is what you need, but there is some heavy lifting coming and we will need you
I’m quite sure you all see clearly the shite we have to put up with on Wings articles from posters that I certainly don’t welcome.
Hence my troll post, would anyone seriously disagree?
“You shouldn’t be telling people what they can and cant say, btl WoS, is all.”
Except that the likes of you use the “T” word against anyone who dares to post a point of view you don’t agree with but are unable to counter.
31 March, 2017 at 12:14 am
“You’ve had it in Mr Peffers from the word go, you great pompous trolling arse.”
Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela….can anybody else think of other examples which will help put smiles back on our faces this evening? Things seem a bit tense BTL this evening which is a shame.
I’ve been enjoying the National of late. They alone, of all newspapers have covered recent events from a pro- indy perspective, and even had that picture of the First Minister of Scotland penning the letter to Theresa May in London on the front page.
There are some places that still hide the National, but I have found that many more now have it with their regular newspapers. Today, I found it in one national chain right beside the till. You could not miss it.
So, I don’t think their is a conspiracy by the publishers to deliberately have it hidden, such is the stuff of madness. I mean seriously, a global business going to the lengths of creating a newspaper, just to hide it from buyers, FFS? Just some moronic retailers, it seems.
No newspaper is perfect, but The National, does have people like Greg Moodie, Lesley Riddoch, Nichola Sturgeon, Paul Kavanagh (wee ginger dug) and of course a certain Alex Salmond as contributors, so as far as pro indy goes, it has pretty good credentials. I certainly know Alex Salmond would not have written for it, or some of the others, if it were just a big scam to fool indy supporters – as some on here try to tell us.
Besides, I find that a lot of the articles, are very in-depth, and really inform as to what is happening within Scotland and the independence debate.
My views may change, if their editorial line changes, but right now, it is the best we have in Scotland.
Just for the record, I don’t have any links with the paper.
“You’ve never once said anything remotely pro SNP or Green at all, why is that?”
Except this, many, many times:
“Vote SNP+SNP+SNP until after independence.”
Complete ignoral is the best policy IMO.
“Vote SNP+SNP+SNP until after independence.”
OK! we’re off your usual, “we hate the National and Mr Peffers too” ranting.
So what’s your main reasons for wanting Scottish independence Rock and what are your favourite SNP policies?
Thanks for posting the video. I see the Rock from Gibraltar is back.?
“I’m quite sure you all see clearly the shite we have to put up with on Wings articles from posters that I certainly don’t welcome.
Hence my troll post, would anyone seriously disagree?”
Only apparently the most respected poster on this site:
Robert Peffers says:
27 March, 2017 at 7:40 pm
“Oh! For the Heaven’s sake stop being so bloody stupid. First of all you are not the person who decides what the purpose of the Rev Stu’s blog is. That’s the Rev Stu’s choice to make. Secondly you probably wouldn’t recognise a real Troll if it was chewing on your ear.”
And you are offering him a “sincere apology” for having said that!
“Vote SNP+SNP+SNP until after independence.”
Hey Rock where do you stand on Scottish currency, sorry for the walls of text too Vestas,
John Alexander Smith, writing for Bella Caledonia today, suggests that: “An independent currency allows Scotland to have more control over its economy.
This means more control over what the Scottish government can spend on and invest in. It means the ability to better deal with changes in how much Scotland buys from and sells to the rest of the world.
It would also allow Scotland to set the interest rate that is most suitable for the Scottish economy. This would also give Scotland more control over what type of economy it wants to have.
Controlling your own currency also allows you decide how to deal with global economic problems like the banking crisis of 2008.
An independent currency would allow Scotland to respond to such events in the way that is best for Scotland, it would free Scotland to pursue the policies it deemed most appropriate, an example is People’s Quantitative Easing.
Me put para’s in there Rock.
Thepnr, at 927pm,
I heartily agree. Still the best policy is always to never feed them, talk around and over them. They are akin to an irritating fly at an outdoor barbecue.
In related matters, I am Somewhat looking forward to Theresa May rejecting the letter requesting a section 30 order from the First Minister of Scotland. It really will help our cause a great deal.
Then we have the Spanish veto – you know the one that actually never existed in relation to Scotland but now really, really does exist in relation to Westminster and Gibraltar. The machinations of the unionist nutters are truly remarkable. They were happy to see a veto against Scotland (though it never existed) but now it REALLY applies to them, they scream and stamp their feet like weans.
The REAL Spanish veto is very Well covered by the wee ginger dug, as he puts it “Petard, by, hoist, own, your. Arrange these words into a well known phrase or saying.”
link to weegingerdug.wordpress.com
Interesting times.
Robert Louis,
“So, I don’t think their is a conspiracy by the publishers to deliberately have it hidden, such is the stuff of madness. I mean seriously, a global business going to the lengths of creating a newspaper, just to hide it from buyers, FFS? Just some moronic retailers, it seems.”
Seriously, “moronic retailers” hiding stuff they are selling?
I see Craig Murray has a new and rather excellent piece up regarding the REAL Spanish veto over Gibraltar. I know some people above have linked to it earlier, but for those who haven’t read it, here is the link again.
Basically, Gibraltar is just one big tax haven (who’d have guessed). It’s probably where the likes of Boris the clown Theresa May and Farage keep their stash.
LINK: link to craigmurray.org.uk
“You’ve never once said anything remotely pro SNP or Green at all, why is that?”
Except this, many, many times:
“Vote SNP+SNP+SNP until after independence.”
I answered your question and made you look like a fool.
(I had answered it on a previous post as well)
Stop making more of a fool of yourself.
For once, make a coherent post.
Sad and angry to hear a young Kurdish lad is fighting for his life after being attacked by 8 English yobs in Croydon.
My dad was in Iraq during WW2, and while it may not be politically correct to say so nowadays, he didn’t think very highly of the Arabs, who would rob you blind in a heartbeat he said. He was RAF. The exception to the rule however were the Kurds, who my dad thought very highly of.
I wonder if the Express Newspaper, Siobhan McFadyen, Farage, and whatseherface Katy Hopkins are pleased with themselves and their agitation of the English knuckle dragging cowards who needed an excuse to pick on vulnerable people.
We shouldn’t be complacent however. If these creatures are allowed to spread their filthy propaganda unchecked in Scotland, we could expect similar things to happen here. What we have in Scotland is worth protecting from poisonous shit stirrers like the Express or Mail.
That’s almost three years since we had the first big WOS get-the-gither in The Counting House, Glasgow.
Is it just me, or does it seem much much longer-ago than that?
Puts the timing of the next indyref into perspective a wee bit – we’d best pace ourselves friends…it’s gonny be a long haul.
On a more positive note, there’s no way the usual Yoon suspects will make it that far. Not a chance. Kez/Slab will have imploded, Ruthy D will have snaffled a Home Counties BBCQT-loving seat via some by-election, and Wullie Rennie will be on a Restart programme doing Practical Interior Decoration.
And, for good measure, if all this political shenanigans is too serious, here is a video from comedy central re-tweeted by Revstu earlier in the week. Especially seeing as the real movie on which it is based is on telly today.
link to twitter.com
I simply said to ignore the trolls. Here’s what the Rev says in his “rules for this site.
2. Play the ball, not the man (or woman).
And by all means disagree, by all means disagree forcefully – but argue with people’s views, don’t insult them personally. And that includes calling them “trolls” or implying they’re undercover Unionists. We’ll decide if someone’s trolling or not. But in the meantime, if you think they are, ignore them.
If you know what a “troll” is, then you’ll also know that getting you angry and talking about them, derailing the conversation off the subject, is exactly what they want.
Email us about suspected trolls if you want. But don’t engage them in debate if you doubt their motives, and DEFINITELY don’t engage in on-thread discussions about whether they’re a troll or not.
`Robert Peffers says:
1 April, 2017 at 8:03 pm
First of all, Wingers, allow me to put the record straight, I’ve not taken the hump at anyone and flounced of in the huff`,
posted on the `What the people want` post,
as usual he seems to be having internet issues.
I see sensibledave is using two of his alternative handles tonight.
Tip: starve the son-of-a-bitch to death.
You state “It is the publishers of The National who have given the instructions to keep The National hidden.”
Are you serious in this matter? Please give us proof or gie us all peace.
For someone so down on a paper you don’t read really shows you are just a wee troll
I buy the National. I don’t have problems finding it in our Co-op because it’s displayed along with all the other newspapers and the Daily Express.
Trolls aren’t a problem, we have plenty of bridges in Scotland, its the moles you need to worry about, at all levels.
“That’s almost three years since we had the first big WOS get-the-gither in The Counting House, Glasgow.”
You buyin’ at the next one, Ian?
Mine’s a small sherry btw.
“Vote SNP+SNP+SNP until after independence.”
I answered your question and made you look like a fool.
(I had answered it on a previous post as well)
Stop making more of a fool of yourself.
For once, make a coherent post.
OK, who’s your SNP MP and tell us how you think they’re doing, hardly any SNP MP’s get a mention in the news, I dont know that many at all, why is that Rock, or what are the issues of unionist rule in Scotland today that makes you a YESer, what do you hope to see Scotland achieve after indy? Is Brexit going make UK’s grip on Scotland tighten, as the Brexit economy contracts as it probably will, is Trident gone, post indy or Faslane leased out for it, for a decade maybe?
There are so many huge and fascinating issues about Scotland becoming a nation state again but a dingdong like you never seems to be interested, it just all about one newspaper out of 40 and ofcourse Mr Peffers.
Funny that Rock.
COME BACK Mr Peffers:D
Roboscot @ 1016pm,
Exactly. A Scotmid I use often, has the National very prominently displayed – and in a better position than some other papers.
We have another option!
link to dutchreview.com
Every move you make (Peffers)
Every time you post
Every time you speak
Every time you leave
I’ll be watching you
Every word you write
I will call it shite
Every single day
I will copy and paste
Every utterence you make
Oh can’t you see
No one listens to me
How ma heid is fucked with your extensive knowledge of history
Every time you state
Scotland’s people are Sovereign
I will hunt you down
Cause I’m a fucking clown
Drowning in irrelevance
Since you’ve gone I been lost wi nuthin’ tae paste
I dream at night about ways that I can post
Aw ma grievances aboot you in this place
Another comment that shows ma disgrace
I keep crying like a wee wean…a wee wean…please…
Oh can’t you see…every move you make
I’ll be hunting you down…like a total fruitcake…
Singalonga folks…
link to youtube.com
@Tinto Chiel –
Hey man, a *large* sherry, nae danger.
In my view Rock is one of the most passionate supporters of Independence that I have ever come across, if that makes him a troll, then I am more than happy with that.
Worth repeating and now I’ll stop, can’t afford to waste anymore time on this. Some things though you just need to get straight.
We’ll decide if someone’s trolling or not. But in the meantime, if you think they are, ignore them.
No opinion will ever be right or wrong, it’s an opinion. All of us are very different and will never agree 100% well so what?
That is our strength, we have different views and beliefs yet we all support the same goal and that is Independence. As far as I’m concerned only Independence matters, petty squabbles are an aside.
Best ignored and let’s keep our eyes on the prize.
Robert Louis says:
1 April, 2017 at 10:25 pm
Roboscot @ 1016pm,
Exactly. A Scotmid I use often, has the National very prominently displayed – and in a better position than some other papers.
There was only one National left today by teatime, in the Morison’s that Bliar MacDoughball shops at too, very well thumbed it was.
Ian B @10.30: excellent!
I’ll get the Quavers in.
“For once, make a coherent post.”
“OK, who’s your SNP MP and tell us how you think they’re doing, hardly any SNP MP’s get a mention in the news, I dont know that many at all, why is that Rock, or what are the issues of unionist rule in Scotland today that makes you a YESer, what do you hope to see Scotland achieve after indy? Is Brexit going make UK’s grip on Scotland tighten, as the Brexit economy contracts as it probably will, is Trident gone, post indy or Faslane leased out for it, for a decade maybe?”
“Coherent” I said.
Roboscot @ 22:16,
Yes, a very cute comment that. We could all do with a bit of lightening-up the noo…
One_Scot says:
1 April, 2017 at 10:33 pm
In my view Rock is one of the most passionate supporters of Independence that I have ever come across, if that makes him a troll, then I am more than happy with that.
And this is displayed by Rock’s endless ranting about the only remotely pro newspaper out of 40, monstering Mr Peffers, raging at Scots lawyers, and pushing around anyone what wont stop buying the above newspaper?
Maybe passion means something else in your neck of the woods.
@ Scot Finlayson – thanks for posting that Robert is OK but having internet problems. He’ll no doubt be along soon with plenty comment on the constitutional upheaval.
Irma says:
1 April, 2017 at 10:28 pm
Seriously, though, IMO we would be a damned sight better off attached to one of our European neighbours right now, than England!
Indy would be best, but failing that, how about merging with Denmark, Netherlands, or Norway?
“In my view Rock is one of the most passionate supporters of Independence that I have ever come across, if that makes him a troll, then I am more than happy with that.”
Thank you.
Don’t respond to the attacks you will get very soon from the armchair pundits who use the “T” word against anyone who dares to challenge their points.
Unless you have a very strong hide, mind and heart!
Surprisingly BBC “national” TV news today has been carrying information of better IVF provision in Scotland than in England and how £1million extra has been put aside “by the Government” for further improvement . They did not say the “Scottish Government” and they carried a quote from the “Health Secretary” not the “Scottish Health Secretary “.
Am I being too cynical? If we get more of this I suspect the plan will be to imply that Scotland’s better NHS provision is because Westminster is giving the Scots extra money.
If you look hard enough on the BBC news site you will find that the facts reported that the NHS in Scotland is undoubtedly doing the best in the UK.
Ian Brotherhood says:
On a more positive note, there’s no way the usual Yoon suspects will make it that far. Not a chance. Kez/Slab will have imploded, Ruthy D will have snaffled a Home Counties BBCQT-loving seat via some by-election, and Wullie Rennie will be on a Restart programme doing Practical Interior Decoration.
Nah surely a typo in Wullie Rennie will be on a Restart programme doing Practical Interior Decoration., inferior.