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Wings Over Scotland

Younger leopard, same spots

Posted on July 28, 2014 by

Our “Better Together” mole has just leaked us this exclusive extract from a new cinema advert with a re-imaged Alistair Darling listing the consequences of a Yes vote.

It’s really from the 1981 Labour conference, of course. But it’s fascinating to note that while the No camp leader’s politics may have softened somewhat over the intervening 33 years, his modus operandi hasn’t changed a bit.

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Ian Brotherhood

Makes you wonder what he was like as a toddler, going through the ‘Terrible Twos’…presumably he wasn’t quite as hairy.


And Labour made him Chancellor.

This explains…….a lot


“Friends will be set against one over the last can of food they can find” – that has to be the best line.

He was such an understated soul back in the day, was he not?

Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy)


When I mentioned this the other day, I didn’t think you’d go trawling for it.



I was out of my face quite a lot in the 80’s. Did any of these things come to pass?

Grouse Beater

His entire style of presentation is shrill.

He has all the bearing of a useless teacher telling his class for the umpteenth time they’ll get punished for not listening to him. His pupils, sensing weakness, jeer.


They could try Maryhill foodbank. They even do ring pull ones.
Wow. Flipper’s even more scary in real life. Apparently.


What the feck was he talking about? The script for a fundamentalist Christian movie for Armageddon?

Murray McCallum

The context of that speech was Alistair explaining to his kids why the couldn’t go to Legoland.

Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy)

Have we had the “There’ll be riots, there’ll be raping, there’ll be food shortages” line in the indyref yet?

Or is that the panic ‘last resort’ speech ????


He forgot to say we could never survive a massive meteorite strike on our own.

Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy)


…em… normally you’re a nice bloke…

*makes mental note to avoid leather gloves blokes called Mark*


Holy F*ck he didn’t blink not unless he got a fly few in when he was looking down..Wow..

Chris Pimbley

What’s he even talking about?

Ian Brotherhood

My grasp of grammar isn’t great, but ‘there’ll be raping’ doesn’t ring true…shouldn’t it just be ‘rape’?

In any case, it’s clear that the man enjoys delivering ‘fire and brimstone’-type sermons. He might have been a happier camper if he’d joined the Wee Frees (although there’s not many of dem fellas get 10k for a 30-minute spiel).

It should also be noted that he looks stoned.


Was he in the musical, Superstar, Jesus Christ ?


Does the BBBC/MSM raping of democracy count Scott ?
We’ve got a right riot of a laugh coming on the 5th to look forwards to.
I can’t wait, but Flipper must be having ‘wee accidents’ in the pants dept by now.

Not normally this spiteful, but I’m hoping for full loss of the capacity to even form a sentence. Men in Robe’s blanche time.


Wouldn’t it be a bummer if the last can of food was prunes!

Grouse Beater

It should also be noted that he looks stoned.

I have it on good authority that a certain person not unajacent to the one in question was flat drunk of an evening’s entertainment while in the student refrectory.

Fellow socialist, Donald Dewer, also the worse for wear, was dancing on top of the grand piano crying ‘God for England, Harry and Saint George.’


A man can be judged by the company he keeps.

Short changed

Maybe he was predicting friends fighting over the last tin in the Food bank that his Tory bosses have forced many to rely on.

Grouse Beater

‘There’ll be raping,’ fracking and nation hijacking.


Are the bookies giving odds for Darling being “unavailable” for this ?

Or will they go for most used word ?

Murray McCallum

Maybe that was Alistair’s positive case for the Union?


cut off the bit at the end where he says it’s all Alicsammin’s fault.


no one’s safe in an indy Scotland


He never said ‘look’, ‘something bigger’, ‘pooling and sharing’ or best of both worlds..must be a record

Phil Robertson

For our younger viewers ….

These comments predate the miners’ strikes and the Tottenham riots. Nasty things did happen. The detail may not be 100 per cent but the theme of the message was quite prescient. At least he was on the correct side when it came to Thatcherism.

In 1981 Mr Salmond was working for the Royal Bank of Scotland.


Aye all those miners and their raping ways…

Tam Jardine

Something of Alistair’s physical transformation, and his possession by the forces of darkness makes me remember fondly the crazy Eagle real life still cartoon Doomlord where some early 80s hairy male would transform (with 1 intermediary stage) into an evil extraterrestrial maniac.

What we are seeing here is the intermediary stage.

CameronB Brodie

Phil Robertson
At least he was on the correct side when it came to Thatcherism.

So what happened?

Grouse Beater

Robertson’s Jam:
At least he was on the correct side when it came to Thatcherism.

And now where is he? Unreconstructed Thatherite in the Business Party Mark 2.

In 1981 Mr Salmond was working for the Royal Bank of Scotland.

Just as well he left its employment before it took a leaf out of England’s history book and began empire building with a vengeance.


What he hell was he wittering about?


The fear stories are not new then?

Can you imagine getting stuck with him on a night out in the eighties!


And Darling starting sponging of the state since 1982. Your point being?

Tam Jardine

Re Doomlord, apologies for not adding a link – it is just too purile to delve into further


He always seems to say “look” in an exasperated way, no matter what state his mental health is in.

Similar to a parent trying to negotiate with a hormonal teenager over pocket money, when the family budget has all been blown on credit repayment.


Tam.”What we are seeing here is the intermediary stage.”
Is it Zelda in the end ?


@Defo – I would quite happily take a pound for every time he says ‘look’ in the forthcoming debate with the FM, I could probably retire on the proceeds


Now I understand. Darling is an ‘End Timer’. First he attempts to bring the end of the world closer by global banking collapse. Now, he’s set his sights lower and wants to bring about the end of Scotland.

Vote YES and avoid THE END of life as we know it.


The ‘look’ thing is something Cameron does as well.
The ‘what i say is this’ Millibandism is the thing that gets on my goat.

Murray McCallum

Maybe that’s why Alistair changes his house so often – to keep ahead of the army and the police – rather than merely maximise his improper expense claims?


Now look here!

[…] « Younger leopard, same spots […]


What happened about the aliens?

I want to know about the attack from outer space. Where was the mention of the aliens?

Are we talking about wee aliens, big aliens, green aliens, white aliens, orange aliens or what?

Why did he no mention the aliens?

Don’t tell me he’s a space racist! 😀

Doug Daniel

His accent seems to have softened quite a bit too.


In 1982, a year after this video (by this time a fully fledged lawyer) Darling abandoned his membership of the International Marxist Group, the British section of the Trotskyist Fourth International, as it was getting him nowhere politically. The same year he became a cooncillur in Lothian Regional Council. In six short years by 1988 he was an MP and already Opposition Home Affairs spokesman on the frontbench of Neil Kinnock.

He knew how to play the game alright.

CameronB Brodie

Some late night TV? 🙂

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Ian Brotherhood

The ‘intermediary stage’, as documented above, retains a passable semblance of normality (i.e. not blinking furiously).

The final stage is truly horrible: the hairiness becomes uncontrollable; he dresses completely in ill-fitting boiled-washed denim; he appears only after midnight, on (the then-new) BBC2, delivering lectures on calculus, partnered by someone who is identical to him in every respect bar (the then-obvious) accent.

CameronB Brodie

Its a double header tonight. 🙂

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“What happened about the aliens?”

If they told us they’d have to kill us.


@Phil Robertson

“At least he was on the correct side when it came to Thatcherism.” quite right, he was a thatcherite then as he is now. Just look at his family tree, Tories one and all. This is just a poor little rich kid playing at being a rebel, he soon reverted to type.

BTW, I assume it is shift change time in GCHQ.

Democracy Reborn

Never mind food shortages, I think Al should be worried about the last bottle of Head & Shoulders…

@Phil Robertson

Al “was on the correct side when it came to Thatcherism”?

You’re having a laugh, aren’t you Phil? Even our younger readers will recall that Al was a member of Tony Blair’s New Labour government. And what did Maggie say was the biggest vindication of her policies? Why……New Labour! So actually, maybe you’re right – Al WAS on the correct side of Thatcherism after all.


Looks like an acid casualty to me.

Probably still suffering from hallucinations.


naebd says:

“What happened about the aliens?”

If they told us they’d have to kill us.

Oh, right got you naebd. I understand now, 😉 Darling was only protecting us from harm by not mentioning the aliens. 😀

Paul Kelly

All that early practice he’s been doing to lead Better Together and he still managed to f@#k it up! Why did anyone think he could do the job in the first place? Further evidence the Tories are trying to fling the referendum!

Barbara Watson


X_Sticks, I was thinking the very thing,singing Lucy in the Sky with Diamond :0)That must have been some trip, he’s still on it!

Mary Bruce

I know we’re not supposed to make personal comments/insults and all that… but did they not have shampoo back in 1981? Blergh.


Hi Patrician

Did you see the pics from PQ3. What a great day it was.

Democracy Reborn

@Phil Robertson

One other thing Phil, since you brought up the 84-85 Miners’ Strike.

Did New Labour repeal any of the main planks of Thatcher’s trade union legislation? And did New Labour implement an energy policy which included re-invigoration of the coal industry? I think you’ll find their policy was a combination of nuclear & the ‘dash for gas’.

Graham Purnell

Was he describing the January sales? Fair fortnight at Butlin’s Skegness? Harvest Festival for Episcopalians?

A young politician using the phrase “there will be raping” at a party conference back then probably didn’t even raise a (freakishly black and bushy) eyebrow. It seems to have been part of the evening ‘entertainment’ for the ‘great and good’.


Been having a ball on BTs FB page recently,they’ve even removed 3 of their own people for talking to me.

Question is,does anyone know how you do a realtime of their page?Been refreshing till now but it’s not quick enough in an exchange of views.

I know,whit a luddite?


Mary Bruce

Can’t remember if we did.Didn’t use it till the 1st wife in 90.


Sorry for going O/T but thought this might be interesting to Stu and Scottish Skier, unless of course they have already seen it. 😉

James Kelly over at Scot goes Pop has an interesting piece about changes Panelbase are implementing into their methodology.

link to

Paula Rose

And I get a rap on the knuckles for being smutty?


Ah but you do smut with such STYLE Paula! 😀


Paula Rose

I know the drill..

No marks this time




Any ideas about FB and realtime?

Grouse Beater

Been having a ball on BTs FB page recently; they’ve removed 3 of their own people for talking to me.

That made me laugh.


Sorry goldenayr I don’t “do” Facebook, partner does that one I just “do” Twitter. Or should that be Twitter “does” me? I can never quite work that one out. 😎


@ caz-m

I have added your photos to link to album.

I have been informed by imgur that someone has been trying to hack the account, I have therefore updated the password to be 50 characters in length, best of luck trying guess the 80 characters used.


Certainly chimes horribly with Stair Heid’s virus of nationalism stuff only last year. The rich get richer and the wars get hotter, in the land of project fear.


Grouse Beater

Made you laugh!

I need to phone the cleaners before the wife gets back.


If they’re handy,ask and email if necessary.


What I really don’t understand is why ordinary Labour party members allowed selected these private school educated people in the first place.

I mean think about about it, more and more of his “type” started to fill the Labour Party shadow cabinet and eventually gained power.

Why was the likes of Jimmy Reid never in power?

It’s obvious, after Thatcher, Labour was no longer a socialist party. Just a bunch of self serving hypocrites who desired power in order to rifle the pockets of those who put them there.

We have been taken for mugs for the last 30 years. It’s time to say goodbye Darling.

James Westland

Ian Brotherhood asked wondered what he was like as a toddler. There is a picture of him aged 5 here:

link to



I’ve asked partner and like me she has absolutely NO idea how to do this real time thingy on Facebook. However, apparently her youngest daughter might have an idea how to this but we’ll need to wait till tomorrow now to ask her. 😀



Jill Stephenson still hasn’t got a clue about anything it appears. 😀

She has tweeted this tonight. 🙂

Will you Nats make your minds up? Are we in a poor country or a rich country?



Nae bother,they’ll wait…on tenterhooks,if I can gauge a reaction.

I thought I had a loose bladder.


No problem I’ll e-mail you if we can figure it out. 😎


Patrician 12.00am.

All those pics from PQ3 really capture the atmosphere. Fantastic.



Sorry I didn’t make it yesterday.

Closer to Inverness but could do neither.

Well done to all who did,my heart was there if I wasn’t.



The pictures really show how busy the WOS stall was. What isn’t apparent from the pictures is the passing trade we picked up as they were going to and from the BBC village. I spoke to Scots, English, Australians, Canadians and a multitude of others attracted in because of the music and flags. We had some Aussies desperate to get a Yes flag to wave at the rugby but we didn’t have any spare to give away. The overwhelming message from these passers-by was what were we waiting for and why would we do anything other than vote Yes.


Sorry for going O/T … AGAIN! 😉

I’ve just seen the link to a Guardian article written by one of Stu’s bested mates, Severin Carrell, about undecided voters over in the Guardian. I’m thinking he was spitting blood writing this piece. 😀

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Fab pics Patrician & Caz, great effort folks, just wish I had managed to get there. Next one.

Geoff Huijer

Is he talking about the various riots seen in England over the last few decades?



Just watching Gaza livestream on

link to

They are taking a pounding from the air tonight. Just watched a building close to the camera position get blown to bits. Absolutely awful.


Apparently there are no areas of “Outstanding Natural Beauty” in Scotland. At all.

The Central belt, and much of Fife look ripe for the elites to feast on us a whilst yet.
There are existing licences to frack up much of the Trossacks and beyond, in place already ffs.
Now the Tories have given themselves the right to over-rule the wishes of local authorities (and devolved Parliament’s ?), to who’s benefit ?
Energy security ? ‘We’ don’t import gas from potential threats. Norway might go all scary Viking on ‘us’, out of the blue !

Check out the maps.
Vote No, get Fracked. Why bother, when you already produce 2/5 ish of the UK Total supply.

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@James Westland 12.06

A darling wee boy, aged 5. Or publicity shot from Village of the Damned?


Gaza Under Attack Livestream 2:

link to


Sorry to go on about it, but JIC you thought the Red Tories aren’t on board.

“Tom Greatrex MP, Labour’s Shadow Energy Minister, said: “With 80% of our heating coming from gas and declining North Sea reserves, shale and other unconventional gas may have the potential to form a part of our future energy mix.”

joe kane

Mr Alastair Flipper raging against the machine.

This Marxist revolutionary sleeper almost single-handedly brought the great Satan of the City of London, as well as international finance capitalism, to its knees in the UK. So well done him.

His newest undercover mission, obviously, is to bring about the final destruction of the last remnants of the British Empire. As Director of Better Together he’s bringing to bear the same ruthless efficiency and single-minded of purpose which marked his time in office as Chancellor which saw all sorts of records broken for total incompetence and abject failure in record time.


Phil Robertson says:
28 July, 2014 at 10:48 pm
For our younger viewers ….

These comments predate the miners’ strikes and the Tottenham riots. Nasty things did happen. The detail may not be 100 per cent but the theme of the message was quite prescient. At least he was on the correct side when it came to Thatcherism.

In 1981 Mr Salmond was working for the Royal Bank of Scotland.

But at that time banks actually did real banking, not the sell other stuff and casino gambling which is what they do now.

Just thought our younger viewers should know this too.

john king

Whit an arse

Ian Brotherhood says
“He might have been a happier camper if he’d joined the Wee Frees”

Hahahahaha or these guys even
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Croompenstien says
“Wouldn’t it be a bummer if the last can of food was prunes!”

your on a roll croompy (prune roll?)

On the ither hand thirs nuthin wrang wi a tin o prunes tae keep ye regular ye unnerstaun?


Gaza being bombarded. Russia being sanctioned. Westminster supports the abuse of children.

Vote YES

Giving Goose

Darling knew what he was about in 1981. He was starting his journey to being a Tory, a right wing politician and a member of the Establishment. His intention was always to feather his own nest and betray his constituents. You don’t rise to the top in Labour by genuinely caring about society and having compassion.


Its hard to imagine that our young project fear stoner up there would one day grow to save the world with another sociopath, safety,strength, be part of something ukok bigger and safer, look up to your masters Scotland, they’ll love you, ofcurse you could have an oil fund but why would you when the City needs it much more…

link to

Grouse Beater

Just posted a comment on Bella Caledonia in response to a unionist troll.

He turned the preposterous ‘700,000 people would think of leaving scotland’ – ‘think’ – on a Yes vote, to, 700,000 now in flight, a bedraggled caravan of the lost and homeless ploughing south to the Promised Land.

The site’s strength is its weakness, freedom to say what anything no matter how stupid, and to keep repeating it, argumentum ad absurdum.

The result is, it’s infested with trolls and bigots who are allowed to post the most monotonous, cretinous garbage, supposedly as a mark of ‘free expression.’

The poor man’s shock jock, Cocky Cochrane, doesn’t acknowledge those people are motivated by hatred.

Grouse Beater

Darling was starting his journey to being a Tory

Alistair’s Not My Darling – grousebeater.wordpress

Haggis Hunter

Scotland has been bullied for 300 years, he is just carrying on from previous unionist ideology. The Union is great, look at the opportunities that I have had, and Gordon Brown, Jim Murphy and Johann Lamont.
(These numptys would have got nowhere in and a Free Country).

Grouse Beater

Heedtracker: be part of something ukok bigger and safer

I spotted that report; Lloyds still fiddling the books. Carney says its ‘criminal’ behaviour. Will anybody be charged with theft? How long are we prepared to wait for that to happen?

iain taylor (not that one)

For what it’s worth, my guess is he was talking about either Fair Friday in Glasgow, or the big Glasgow Orange walk on 12 July.

He was a contemporary at Aberdeen Uni, and for ages I’ve wondered why I knew that – checked his Wiki and he was president of the SRC and so had visibility above his station.

We always had a low opinion of law students (boring, opinionated & self important). Then I moved over from arts to the law faculty and had it all confirmed for me.


There’ll be raping…

Seriously …What the f*** (if you’ll excuse the pun)

Can someone explain what it was that he was foaming at the mouth about. What is it that requires the army to be on the streets, that we’ll be murdering our loved ones as we fight over the last can of Heinz tin beans in what is basically in his eyes, the end of days…

Jesus …and we allowed that to not only be a Chancellor, but to run the other side’s campaign too. Unbelievable!

In fact …this is going on Facebook! Folk have to see this …if only to see what Darling looked like as a younger man. Scary!


Stoops says:
28 July, 2014 at 10:22 pm
I was out of my face quite a lot in the 80?s. Did any of these things come to pass?
Loved your comment. After watching this vid you were not alone! DID YOU KNOW SOME FOLK ACTUALLY HAVE FLASHBACKS?


It was the deregulation of banking since Thatcher/Reagan that caused the banking crash. Tory bankers fund the Tory Party.

The population of Scotland has only increased since Devolution for the last 300 years. Scotland was depopulated by Westminster rule. A 40 million diaspora.

Scotland would be £10Billion better off. On average a £3Billion surplus goes to Westminster. £4Billion debt repayment on monies not borrowed and spent in Scotland. £1.5Billion could be saved on Trident/illegal wars. £1.5Billion could be saved on a tax on ‘loss leading’ cheap alcohol.

£10Billion could create a lot of jobs.


@ Grouse Beater, can’t see Carney lasting much longer now. Who knows what politics he’s playing with teamGB kleptocracy. Everyone involved in the 2008 crash has got richer, including Crash and the Flipper and then you try not think about ATOS victims or the ever rising UKOK national debt. Who would any country vote to join them in any kind of union at all, let alone this one where they rule Scotland.


Phil Robertson says:
At least he was on the correct side when it came to Thatcherism

Ah yes, the feeble fifty!

Darling wasn’t one of them until 1987. That was when I saw Labour for what it was – a bunch of Unionist troughers who put their promotion prospects in London above their Scottish constituents’ needs.

Political scum 30years ago, political scum now.

Bugger (the Panda)

I always have a suspicion of people who work their way up the greasy pole, usually not the best equipped intellectuallly, changing political trains mid way, to arrive at the chamber of crowning annointment, having jetissoned every pronciple en route.

Some are just jammy chancers and others look as if they had followed a special yellow brick road, maybe even especially laid down for them alone.

Jim Murphy is another one.

I just wonder who, or what, guided then. Do they have a hidden big brother?


Seriously …What the f*** (if you’ll excuse the pun)

Flipper video is just one more young Labourite working into the “terrifying world but labour protects you” sales pitch, Labour gives you houses, hospital, school, safety, strength, giving and protecting, Labour.

Post war Labour did all of this and along came upper class twits, men o pairts, lads o the manse, stair heid rammies, incompetent school head’s, sectarian reprobates, and all became St Thatcher’s greatest achievement. City destroyed our economy, they all went off to sort out the Middle East as only dudes like the stoner up there can do, frightening, terrifying his way into public office, teaamGB style. A bankrupt mindset from the off but Flipper would say, well it’s worked out great for me and my class, so vote No and let’s get back to be safe, secure, part of something bigger in teamGB, something so big and secure, Scots are not allowed Saltires in Hampden park.


He does love apocalyptic visions doesn’t he?

Seriously Darling, chill dude.


Was he channelling a spirit guide, telling the Scots what will happen,in the event of a no vote?


Flipper video is just one more young Labourite working into the “terrifying world but labour protects you” sales pitch, Labour gives you houses, hospital, school, safety, strength, giving and protecting, Labour.

Labour’s had decades to prove themselves and found much wanting.



Probably describing the carnage outside the conference beer tent.

joe kane

I see the Flipper’s party of international socialism, the vanguard of international working class values, is criticising the Tories for not being tougher on migrant workers today.

Migrant benefits to be tightened further – Cameron
link to


Blame the poor immigrants for the corrupt Westminster and Tory Bankers mess.

It wisnae me.


I wonder what the brothers and sisters, listening to comrade Darling in 1981, would have thought if someone told them that, 30 years later, he would be guest of honour at a Tory conference, fighting against socialism and democracy in Scotland. I wonder what Mr Darling himself would have thought back then at the prospect.


Is he talking about the ISIS or Scotland?


In 1948 the “British Union Movement” was created by Oswald Mosely.

Illuminating to view Mosely`s doctrine being endorsed by Darling,Brown,Lamontable,Clegg,BamCam and all those SLAB scabs.

SLAB SCABS and black shirt fascists – JOINED at the LIP.


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Project Fear for Wales. Never changing a winning game BBC.

Robert Peffers

@Ellie says: 28 July, 2014 at 10:18 pm

“And Labour made him Chancellor.

This explains…….a lot”

Brilliant but … does it explains Alistair or Labours madness?

(or both?)


BBC very angry with this kind of thing too, Wood’s speech in Scotland is not popular with our BBC masters.

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Robert Peffers

@HandandShrimp says: 28 July, 2014 at 10:25 pm:

“What the feck was he talking about? The script for a fundamentalist Christian movie for Armageddon?”

No handandshrimp, he was only formulating future Labour policy – “And so it came to pass”.


BBC says don’t worry Wales, you’re safer and securer in the union and dont be afraid Wales, Scotland is not going to leave you all, says another BBC Professor of No.

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The BBC are trying to steal the Games

On the medals table Scotland and Wales are winning hands down.

The Games are brilliant

Robert Peffers

@Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy) says: 28 July, 2014 at 10:21 pm:

“When I mentioned this the other day, I didn’t think you’d go trawling for it”.

Y’know something, Scott? Back in biblical times Alistair would have been hailed as the new prophet and had disciples and followers from among the ignorant and uneducated masses …

Oh! Err! Wait a moment …


Staggering BetterTogether vote no propaganda blast from BBC in Wales but at least BBC Wales doesn’t use ragged old Saltire along side shiny giant Union Jacks, like what BBC in Scotland do do If you’re a collector of UK state propaganda, this is a cracking display of how broadcasting corruption actually works in teamGB

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“The BBC are trying to steal the Games”

No, Ken, London bbc HAVE STOLEN the Scottish games.

I wonder how the Scottish bbc presenters feel about being swept aside in favour of their betters from London. Might mark a change in bbc Scotland after the games, perhaps?


Wales is underfunded £1Billion. Enough to fund the Games

Robert Peffers

@Ian Brotherhood says: 28 July, 2014 at 10:35 pm:

“It should also be noted that he looks stoned.”,

Yeah! But he always looks stoned.

I was in the pet shop yesterday and saw a wee tool for sale for removing ticks. I bought one but was very disappointed when I got it home and found out it didn’t stop all, “blinking”, ticks.


BBC Scotland talking themselves out of a job.



Woman thrown out the swimming venue by 2 police for having a Flag with YES on it and a YES sticker on her hand bag.

DR online.


link to I’m wrong about the BBC only using ragged old Saltires for their vote NO campaigning. The liggers have stopped using any Scotland flags at all, which shows how confident teamGB is during the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth games, in Scotland. You couldn’t invent a more bizarre propaganda BetterTogether outfit if it was run by the Flipper on some righteous weed man.


This is fun! Try new online BBC game, Spot the Scotland flag and win a Union Jack, because union jacks are NOT banned at the Common Wealth games, this is, whisper it very very quietly, somewhere called SCOTLAND, you miserable BBC gits

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Robert Peffers

@galamcennalath says: 28 July, 2014 at 11:04 pm:

“Now I understand. Darling is an ‘End Timer’.”.



For a moment there I thought you’d written, “Egg Timer”, but it was just a wee fingerprint smear on my glasses.


@ heedtracker

“righteous weed man.”

Not heard that phrase since the seventies 😉

Robert Peffers

@Lesley-Anne says:28 July, 2014 at 11:08 pm:

“What happened about the aliens?”.

He covered all under the general heading of, “alien-nation”


DOTTY Darling and Crash Gordon.

Kinda sums-up their Kareers – Kicking Kittens.

Lest we forget, a 59 year old ex-soldier starved to death in Stevenage because his State Benefits were stopped via the system instigated by Crash and Dotty – that malformed to become ATOS Under unelected ConDems.

Warning – SLAB scabs Kill.


According to MP`s EXPENSES LIST –

Damn Darling got £2,500 for FOOD.
Crash got £1,250 – for Gardening.

Being a SLAB scab PAYS – It really Pays.

Graeme Doig

O/T It was great to meet some of you wingers at PQ on Sunday. Thanks for the lift John. Was good to meet you and your wife. Also good to meet Caz-m and others at the stall.
More power to you all.


@ Conan_the_Librarian, me neither, i have memory loss, too much rockie. Anyway Flipper looks and sounds like an early Prozac test but he’s got the placebo, obviously.


A Darling – Epitath

When I was a child
I spoke as a socialist
I understood as a socialist
I thought as a socialist;
but when I became a man
I put away unselfish things

Robert Peffers

@Lesley-Anne says: 29 July, 2014 at 12:10 am:

“Will you Nats make your minds up? Are we in a poor country or a rich country?”

Nae bothers – the answer is “The People of Scotland”, are a poor people in a rich, “Union”.


Wow! What a scruff. Funny how money and the establishment tones these idealistic guys down a little…well, a lot.


Well if 700,000 leave, I am sure that there are plenty of Palestinians who would be happy to take their place and citizenship.

bookie from hell

The Guardian, Tuesday 29 July 2014

NHS hospitals should be taken out of public hands and owned by the people who run them as mutuals, Francis Maude, the cabinet office minister,

bfh #sick

Mary Bruce

What strikes me here is his laid back body language, his casual slouch, checking his notes. There’s no conviction. Does anyone else think he doesn’t believe a word of what he’s saying?


Wow, Gerry Adams yesterday, George Best today, I wonder who Darling is going to morph into in the next bit of footage??

Dave McEwan Hill

Bateman’s best



Woman thrown out the swimming venue by 2 police for having a Flag with YES on it and a YES sticker on her hand bag.

DR online.

How can this happen, when at the same time, people are being bombarded with double-sided union-saltire flags? And not a peep! If that ain’t political, I don’t know what is.

Wee Alec

I sent the You Tube link to a Labour activist and asked for his views, still waiting.

I remember the days when Labour at least had a pretense of being a socialist party but these days are long gone.

Darling, like many before him and especially true of the current intake of Labourites, are nothing more than leeches that attach themselves to the biggest fish. There are numerous examples of people using the Labour Party to further his career and line his own pockets. It goes with the territory.


The Palestinians would be happy to live in their own country instead of under military occupation funded by the US.



The woman with the YES flag was told, as was everyuone, that open displays of Political reference would NOT be allowed.

That I can live with, regardless of many thoughts on Union flags being there but what I dont understand is why the hell are the Police involved?

Why arent the stadium security dealing with this by offering to put the flag in storage\cloakroom until the lady leaves instead of invoking the strong arm of the law.

Is having a YES flag now deemed a Breach of the Peace?


Robert Peffers says:

@Lesley-Anne says:28 July, 2014 at 11:08 pm:

“What happened about the aliens?”.

He covered all under the general heading of, “alien-nation”

Ah, that explains everything Robert, I must have *ahem* blinked when he said that cause I missed it. 😀

Robert Peffers says:

@Lesley-Anne says: 29 July, 2014 at 12:10 am:

“Will you Nats make your minds up? Are we in a poor country or a rich country?”

Nae bothers – the answer is “The People of Scotland”, are a poor people in a rich, “Union”.

Thamks for that Robert. I knew I could rely on the good folks on here to work that one out for me. 😎


link to another triumph of teamGB war mongering. One day we’ll maybe be told why Bliar, Crash and the Flipper went to war so much, yet they built no social housing throughout their three terms in office. Flipper did really well out of state funding housing though, along with several hundred of his esteemed war mongering colleagues and that makes for just one more horrifying teamGB irony.

No doubt pacific quay liggers like Sarah Smith will ask Flipper next time.


Ok, it took a night’s thought to work it out, but it’s all clear to me now. Look closely: the flowing locks, the biblical beard, the soft, doe-like eyes – why, it’s Jesus Christ, and this is the Second Coming!


That I can live with, regardless of many thoughts on Union flags being there but what I dont understand is why the hell are the Police involved?

I guess they were expecting trouble, Desimond. It would be interesting to find out who sanctioned/requested this. SAG, GC, HMG? The problem with demonising independence supporters and spewing out endless propaganda, is that you end up seeing ghosts where there aren’t any.


That I can live with, regardless of many thoughts on Union flags being there but what I dont understand is why the hell are the Police involved?

I guess they were expecting trouble, Desimond. It would be interesting to find out who sanctioned/requested this. SG, GCC, HMG? The problem with demonising independence supporters and spewing out endless propaganda, is that you end up seeing ghosts where there aren’t any.

CameronB Brodie

Better Together isn’t the first time that Labour, Tory and LibDem have shared the same platform. 😉

link to


Slightly O/T but I recommend

link to

for pithy but pertinent piece on flags.

Derek M

ahh the Labour plants ,this guy was never a socialist nor were his buddies that went on to reshape The Labour party to New Labour ,they were all Tory plants put in place by the evil witch of the South Thatcher in her attempt to destroy the values of social democracy,trade unions,and public ownership by the state and of course her rivals to power The Labour party the party of the people ,how dare the working class to think they could control power and deny the aristocracy their god given right to rule over the plebs.
Unfortunately it worked and now look at the mess the UK is in ,Vote Yes Scotland to break free from neo-liberalism and the inequality,lies and fruad it thrives on.

Peter Campbell

My brother moved to England in 1981 and he still has his Scottish accent. What happened to Alistair’s? When I first heard of him I didn’t believe he was Scottish because his accent is very Anglo now.

Not a criticism mind you, just an observation.

Tam Jardine

The figure of up to 700,000 residents of Scotland potentially leaving if there is a Yes vote is so meaningless that I question my own desire to bring it up.

The Herald and that crap rag that used to be a newspaper chose to run with it. It stretches the myth that polling can be extrapolated beyond breaking point. Of the sample polled a relatively high proportion, 1 in 6 say they will go. This is mostly bravado – a way of emphasising the minority of staunch No supporter’s own views.

To extend this sample to include for example 1 in 6 old aged pensioners, including well off pensioners, those with barely enough to get by, those in nursing homes is ludicrous.

Or 1 in 6 people living in poverty. Or 1 in 6 people with young children , or with children at school. Or 1 in 6 students – I can see them moving during their degree. Maybe transfer to a uni down south?

There will be an element of the upper class and some English people I am sure will consider leaving but it takes much more effort to up sticks than it does to fill in an online survey.

The 700,000 figure is wilful nonsense. If polls worked like this we are home free – 7 out of 9 at my work are voting yes.


Excellent point, Tam Jardine, yet more rubbish from the press.

To understand the head-bursting mental gymnastics that the polling companies are putting into their efforts to get the “right” results from their coverage of the referendum, try any of the recent articles on the Scot Goes Pop link on the home page here.

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