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Wings Over Scotland

The times they have a-changed

Posted on July 27, 2014 by

Does anyone know if Alistair Darling (left, with banner) is still a republican?


He doesn’t seem to talk about it much these days.

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He will anything you want, ( for the right money)


Holy Fcuk. What happens to dudes like the Flipper? Dosh and ermine, great big pound signs in their blinky bleary eyes.


They sell out… oldest game in town..

Doug Daniel

Anyone know if he’s still a socialist?

(Joking of course – we all know he isn’t.)

Haggis Hunter

Ex-Lorretto schoolboy, ie one of Scotland’s most expensive boarding schools. Here we see the Turkey voting for Christmas. No sure why he wanted a workers republic, when he hadnae done a days graft in his puff, maybe he thought he could be like Joe Stalin and abuse everyone? Fekkin weirdo anyway.


Haha! Love it!


To answer your question, A.Darling is still a Republican. He’s fighting the system from within. When the day comes for A Darling to visit the palace for an OBE/CBE/MBE etc etc he’ll display his Republican credentials by kicking a corgi or taking two cucumber sandwiches instead of one. That’s the Labour way.


Flipping heck !

creag an tuirc

It’s called getting his foot on the first rung, which has lead to where he is today 🙂


Alastair Darling may once have believed in the principles of the Labour party as a young man. Like the Labour party itself though he has sold his soul long ago and believes only in power for his own gain.

Their is NO Labour party just some monstrosity playing the part in order to win power. They will go the same way as the LibDems.


Does anyone know if Alistair Darling (left, with banner) is still a republican?

Hmm… seeing where he has ended up I have to ask the question:

“Was he EVER a republican?” 😉

“Was he EVER a socialist?” 😀


Power corrupts, but some corrupt people seek power.


Being seen as a leftie was a good career move in Labour in the 80s. And probably the last time he was in a working class housing scheme.


Darling is a classic career politician. He is only in it for one thing – self advancement. People like him have no qualms about changing their poltical “beliefs” – whatever suits, whatever is flavour of the month.

Wait and see how many of the creatures in Scottish Labour come out after the event of a YES vote and say that they really supported independence all along.

john mclean

his pockets have been stuffed with gold


Is this where the Trojan horse conspiracy starts?


Is that him wearing his Gerry Adams costume!


I think Alastair Darling seen the salary, expenses (House flipping) and perks of Westminster and was sucked in and soon gave up any socialist ideas.


you know, that’s quite sad really …

Grouse Beater

Even Rupert Murdoch was a member of his local communist party and to this day detests the British establishment.

Trouble is, he became more powerful and more ruthless than those he professed to hate.

Darling was never a rebel, not sporting that well groomed look and expensive hairstyle. He’s grown hateful of others as he’s aged. And ruthless enough to shaft Scotland.

He ragtag middle-class marchers appear to have taken a wrong turning from Morningside and found themselves Craigmillar.


‘Am I still a republican? At heart . . . [inaudible mumble]’

jim watson

Now now people, who can put their hands on their heart and honestly say that they have not changed their beliefs from when they were younger? Let he who is without… etc?

I know many people who used to be in the labour party but left it for a variety of reasons (iraq war, nuclear diarmament, nu-labour etc). These people are now in the main actively campaigning for a Yes vote.

Part of the problem was that they did not leave the labour party, but the party left them. It became something that goes against every aspect of the labour and trade union movement – it now actively persecutes the poor instead of standing up for them, it actively pursues war mongering instead of peace and above all stands against making any sort of change to the corrupt system of government that is Westminster.

What seems to be the case with flipper is that the party became more and more in tune with his ideals of self aggrandisement and the pursuit of personal wealth. As he climbed the greasy pole via local government and then westminster the prospect of cutting off the hand that feeds them became more remote as the years trundled by. It is now at the point where they will say and do anything to try to win back power and then proceed to do nothing to advance any sort of social democratic agenda.


The Rev on radio 4 NOW>


Oh and with Cockers.

Dr Ew

Could be mistaken from the old picture, but isn’t our Darling shouldering a banner of the deepest red featuring an image of John Maclean?

That’s John Maclean the Socialist thinker and anti-war activist who advocated a revolution to create an independent Scotland?

So that’s it! Our Darling doesn’t hold with a democratic route to wishy-washy social democratic-style independence advanced by those Capitalist lickspittles the SNP – he’s waiting and working for the full-blooded call to the barricades!

If only he’d said.

Steve Bowers

I think the weight of “gold ” in his pockets will weigh heavily on him on the 19th, for now he has no choice, he’s hitched his horse to a foreign power in the hope that they might win and he will be suitably rewarded with a knighthood, unfortunately for Ally, his Westminster overlords will drop him like a warm turd when the result comes in on the 19th and the shock for his chums who have already sold out and they get thrown out of the house of lords ( after all, why should the people of England pay for Scottish lords to live in the lap of luxury AND get £300 per day for doing so ) is going to be pretty horrific for him.


The Rev is on Radio 4 Westminster Hour as I type.
(That of course depends on moderation).

donald anderson

Many more prominent lefties were Republicans, including Brian Wilson, Charlie Gordon and many others too despicable to mention.


If you discover a sepia-tinted photo of Tony Blair and Crash Gordon marching at a CND rally or anti Vietnam war demo, satire is dead.

donald anderson

Plus Lord Robertson who was told to stop writing Nationalist essays at uni. He got the message.


Here’s Stu’s comment about that Radio 4 interview.

Hey, Radio 4 only edited out MOST of the explanation about the Weirs! Progress!

Who knows perhaps by the time we get to September 20th they may actually STOP editing out anything he says! 😉

magnus barelegs

at least he got more people to follow him back in the day than he does nowadays at a bitter together gathering. hahaha.


There’s loads of phoney socialist worker types out there. Billy Connolly spent a couple of weeks in Clyde shipyard canteen and we’ve never heard the end of his struggles against capitalism, from his mansion in LA, his Manhattan penthouse, his villa in Venice etc.

jim watson

Alan Cochrane just suggested wings readers are all liars – arrrgggghhhh who put the link for radio 4 on here…


More fools you all for listening to it.


jim watson – but at least the Rev’s retort pointed out that there are 250,000 of us – that could be a hellava slander case against Cockers. 🙂


Btw, I absolutely luurve the Rev’s voice.


I thought it was okay. Rev Stu good in some very good points and the piece came across as broadly good-humoured and fairly balanced.

Notice the qualifiers? Little things…

Charles Kearney

Nah! Sell’t the Jerseys a long Time ago, what powers he has left to him are totally concentrated on getting a wee ‘Bauble,’ a wee ‘Honour’ of some kind from The Monarchy he was once determined to Dethrone!

My time is worth more to me than discussing this Scut, upon whom I would not piss were he on Fire!


You know, there might be some mileage to recording the entirety of the original interview and posting it unedited, to let people judge for themselves.


*got in!


jim watson says:

Alan Cochrane just suggested wings readers are all liars – arrrgggghhhh who put the link for radio 4 on here…

You sound almost surprised there jim. Haven’t you read this from the top of the page:

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they come to fight you, and then you win.” (M.K. Gandhi)

By everyone’s standards I think we have agreed that we are at stage three (then they come to fight you ) and Cochrane accusing all of us as liars is the final proof of this FACT! 😀

jim watson


The only thing that surprised me was actually tuning into radio 4 – in my jaundiced view of the world that is confirmation of middle classness, old age or in fact both…

Brian Mchugh

It is hard to believe that a man can fall so far.

Ian Brotherhood

Why does Cochrane (repeatedly) insinuate that Rev’s views are irrelevant because he doesn’t live in Scotland?

Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t see how that helps his BTUKOK… narrative: ‘You’re a foreigner to us Scots, even though you are Scottish, so why should we listen to you? After all, we’re better together?’

It’s not even an ‘argument’ – just cheap, nasty pish.


You don’t have a jaundiced view there jim, I kinda hold similar views. 😀

Grouse Beater

From the waterfall of ‘pish’ posters quote on this site, Better Together team must have elephant-sized bladders.


Alan Cochrane just suggested wings readers are all liars – arrrgggghhhh

Alan Cochrane is an intelligent, nae brilliant writer who’s popular input to Scotland’s move towards full democracy has been well written, broad minded, balanced, enlightening and not a load of far reactionary shite that only the most swivelled eyed teamGB loonies don’t find an excruciating embarrassment of scotch cringing and grovelling to your masters in London. But that’s just an opinion from the cheap seats ya bearded creep.


Darling lies now, he was probably lying then. That’s the problem with liars, no one knows when they are lying and when not! You can never be really sure who they are, what they stand for or what their agenda is.


Ian, I suspect it’s because he doesn’t have anything resembling an actual valid argument, so he goes with what he has. I can just imagine his preparation for the interview. “Oh, I’ll just keep saying he lives in England so he’s irrelevant, that’ll convince everyone we’re Better Together.”

Tam Jardine

Wonder what Jimmy Reid would make of Alistair Darling and his campaign to not simply thwart independence but to destroy the democratic process and extinguish Scotland’s future prospects? For the benefit of his tory masters and the city of London?

Same question – wonder what the guys marching behind Alistair under that banner would have thought if they could see him now.

Many people, myself included, have changed their politics over the years. It is better to be ashamed of a political position in your dim and distant past than for it to be the only time in your life when you had something to be proud of.

donald anderson

Wonder what Jimmy Reid would make of Alistair Darling and his campaign to not simply thwart independence but to destroy the democratic process and extinguish Scotland’s future prospects? For the benefit of his tory masters and the city of London? Tam Jardine

Darling had the Trots back then and used to call Jimmy Reid nasty names, like “Stalinist”. I remember meeting Jimmy in the Press Bar in Albion St, when it used to be the HQ for the Herald, then a great paper. His articles were just starting to come round to Independence then. I asked him how he would now describe himself politically and he said Scottish Republican Socialist. I gave him a Baseball bunnet with John Maclean on it and the pub owner, Des McIntee, pulled it aff his heid, putting it on his own saying, You’re no’ a Republican, ya basurt”. I left with Jimmy trying to pull it back, saying, “Aye ah um. ya basturt”.

Claire McNab

If the members of a Labour Party branch in 2014 were to march under a “workers republic” banner, how many non-seconds would elapse before they were expelled from the party?


of course Darling at this point didn’t know how to climb the political ladder, soon though, soon.


sorry about going o/t.

Pictures from today at PQ3:

link to

Please have a look at the last photos, these haven’t been photoshopped and that is ronnie anderson’s car with ronnie driving.

If anyone doesn’t want to be shown in a photo please let me know and I will remove it.

Roddy Macdonald

Does it pay better than after-dinner speeches for health privatisation companies or property flipping on the public purse? He could well be! Watch this space…


Since I didn’t actually bother retuning the radio for this (it’s superglued to Radio 3, which is usually pretty safe), would someone mind telling me the context in which Cochers appears to have defamed me (and the rest of you liars)?


Prior to joining the Labour party Darling was a Marxist, who used to distribute Marxist literature to train drivers at Waverley Station.

Most of the drivers told him to get to Falkirk.


Mr A Darling, a poor little rich kid who comes from a line of tories. He wanted to be an international socialist but apparently doesn’t like Scottish people or poor people for that matter.


Here is the mp3 of the Westminster Hour program Stu was on..

link to


Jeez heedtracker. You trying to get your own back on me for making you choke on your tea earlier tonight with that post? 😀

I suddenly began to wonder what the hell you were on reading that. Just as well you finished off the way you did! 😛


Political parties should be banned in Scotland!
Members of the Scottish Parliament should use their own intelligence to represent the People and voters should use their own intelligence to evaluate candidates based on the merit of their ideas.
Maybe Alistair Darling had ideals but they were soon lost when the money started rolling in as happens to many people who’s values change in line with how much they are earning. A sad fact of life is that money will change most people for the worst with some exceptions like the Weirs who have used the scale of their lottery win for good.

[…] « The times they have a-changed […]


Just a wee correction. Someone said the photograph was from the 1980’s. I think it is from the mid ’70s and perhaps somewhere near Wardieburn Street, Edinburgh?

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

I always enjoy rabid tories like wee Cochers obliviously trying to pretend they are in touch with scottish public opinion. One day it might down on them why there are more pandas than scottish tory MPs.


joe kane

The last time I seen Arrant Cochrant on a tv news affairs programme he honestly looked like he’d just been pulled out a pub in the vicinity of the Scottish Parliament building where he said a few meaningless unionist words to camera on its steps about something or other whilst trying to stay upright. Slightly dishevelled looking, slightly bewildered looking, slightly slurred words, totally bizarre.


@Ian Brotherhood

Well that’s it exactly – Alan Cochrane denounces the place of residence of someone who lives in another part of the country, simply because he advocates independence for Cochrane’s particular part of the country. What exactly is his problem with this?

How close would Alan Cochrane like Stuart Campbell to live before, in his view, it lends credence to WoS? Wolverhampton? Lancaster? Perth? Kirkton of Kinnettles?

After all, are we not all one United Kingdom; one country?

This is what I can’t understand about unionists: they want Scotland to exist, yet not to exist.

Democracy Reborn

In his own mind, Alistair was once a republican.

The first train ride to London as a new MP soon disabused him of such nonsense.

Socrates MacSporran

“Hello, Mainwaring; Featherstonehaugh here. Bit of a problem on the Sweaties problem old bean, needs sorted-out sharpish.

“That dreadful Rev chap and his Socialist cohorts on that Wings over Scotland thingy, they’ve come up with a picture of Captain Darling, back in the days before we brain-washed him and got those incriminating pictures. I don’t need to tell you, if this ever gets into the wider public domain, we’re doomed.

“Damage-limitation meeting, in the Cabinet Room, tomorrow, 8am, and I want some workable ideas.

“Any luck yet on incrimating stuff we can use on Salmond and Sturgeon. Also, can we derail this Scotland medal-winning bandwagon up in Jockoland?

“If we cannot do something soon, we’re fucked old boy”.


Cochrane says he’s never read Wings but considers he has something valid to contribute to the debate. It is impossible for anyone, Yes or No supporter, who has ignored Wings and other pro-Indy sites to understand what is going on in Scotland. They are still living in some past lost era.


Jeeperz, Alistair Darling, who would have thought.. he looks a cross between whoever that Glasgow Rangers / Celtic player is and the amazingly talented Andrea Bocelli. Ach well, time to say goodbye:

Time To Say Goodbye ~ Andrea Bocelli / Sarah Brightman
link to

If only Alistair had a speckle of their talent! ps no disrespect intended to the footballer or Andrea by association 🙂



Steady there. If there’s one thing that gets my back up is that people describing the UK as one country. Scotland is not just another part of the country, it is a country in its own right.
Please don’t fall for the establishment’s long term aim of having everyone thinking we are not a country, but we are a mere region of the UK/Britain.

Democracy Reborn

Cochrane looks like something that’s been pulled out an Egyptian tomb.

The Rev is Scottish born & bred. I actually think the fact he lives in a different part of the UK lends his views a wider perspective. In any event, Cochrane’s ‘you don’t live here’ objection is puerile crap. I don’t live in the North Pole….. but I know it’s cold there.


A rather sad photo really. I see nothing wrong with changing your politics as you “mature”. However to change but pretend that you are still a socialist is to show contempt to all involved.

He embraced New Labour because it was a move towards his new values – self promotion and greed.

It is amazing to think how far the young man in that photo has sunk over the years. He has now hit a new low in selling out his nation for self advancement.

Flipper how do you sleep at night?


Maybe Derek Bateman needs to interview Stu.


galamcennalath says:

Cochrane says he’s never read Wings but considers he has something valid to contribute to the debate. It is impossible for anyone, Yes or No supporter, who has ignored Wings and other pro-Indy sites to understand what is going on in Scotland. They are still living in some past lost era.

Hmm … that’s interesting gala. Cochrane claims he has never read Wings yet he calls all the people who contribute on here liars. Now how on earth does he know we are all liars unless he has read what we have posted. Bottom line … it is NOT us who are liars but it is HIM! Either he HAS read Wings in which case he is LYING, or he hasn’t read Wings in which case he is LYING! 😀


So will someone please give the context for this “liars” thing, or do I have to listen to it for myself?


How can he possibly presume to pass judgement on Stuart, or even to comment intelligently on his work, if he hasn’t freaking read it? It’s shocking laziness.

Reading the subject’s case written in his or her own words is the only way to understand the subject. Otherwise you’re only spreading tittle-tattle. The thing that throws all of these people is that Stuart comes over as mature and intelligent and indeed pretty heavyweight when he’s not fooling around on Twitter. If they’ve never read his work, this comes as a bit of a shock.


Was it Stepford Wives where they did the mad eye blink thing or some other film. Anyway perhaps all hope is not lost and the twitch when he’s trying to sell us some bullshine is really him trying to break his conditioning.


Best listen to the broadcast – about the last 8 minutes. Stu is very good.


Its another great title choice too with Dylans poetry more than just apt for what’s coming to Scotland, has beens and ageing politicos like Darling

“The Times They Are A-Changin'”

Come gather ’round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You’ll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you
Is worth savin’
Then you better start swimmin’
Or you’ll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin’.

Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won’t come again
And don’t speak too soon
For the wheel’s still in spin
And there’s no tellin’ who
That it’s namin’
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin’.

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There’s a battle outside
And it is ragin’
It’ll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’.

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don’t criticize
What you can’t understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin’
Please get out of the new one
If you can’t lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin’.

The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is
Rapidly fadin’
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin’


Not according to Tom Gordon. He was gloating on Twitter than Cochers was “openly taunting him” about living in Bath, as if Cochers was winning hands down.


Rest assured I wasn’t describing the UK as ‘one country’, as I see it. I was just saying that the unionist logic suggests it is; therefore why, going by his own belief system, should Alan Cochrane mind if Stuart Campbell lives in a different part of it?


In my humble opinion Stu came over as calm and rational with all the facts at his fingertips. Cochers was all bluster.


Morag says:

Not according to Tom Gordon. He was gloating on Twitter than Cochers was “openly taunting him” about living in Bath, as if Cochers was winning hands down.

I have every confidence Morag that our “man in the ring” was winning hands down and his “opponent” was punch drunk and clinging onto the ropes for dear life. It’s just Tom Gordon couldn’t bear to actually report the TRUTH about this. 😀

Nana Smith


Just saw this come up on newsnow…Clarke reckons Cameron should not have allowed us a referendum…mmm

link to


Morag – Stu + Cochers is @ the last 8 mins of the prog. The presenter was saying that the ref had caused divisions between family, friends etc and feared it would spread. Stu said he didn’t agree that it was any more divisive than other arguments people have when they feel strongly about something.

Cochers asked Stu how he knew what was happening in Scotland when he lived inn Bath.

Stu laughed and retorted that he had over 250,000 readers who kept him informed and Cochers asked said how do you know they’re telling you the truth.

Stu laughingly replied along the lines of the same way you know anyone’s telling you the truth.

It actually wasn’t that bad an interaction, with Cockers promising to buy Stu a pint when he comes back to Scotland.

Morag – You’d have been quicker listening to the recording. 🙂


I like their sly way of using the “Reverend” title against you. I await the day when Doctor Fox gets asked to show his medical licence while Captain Sensible has his military credentials examined.

Grouse Beater

Does anybody care what this hack Cochrane writes?

Is he not preaching to the permanently converted?

The intelligent will perceive his illogical bias.

Leave him to his jottings, his badinage. The rest of us are better absorbed winning back or nation’s future.

Barbara Watson


Thank you for posting the interview.

Did Cockers sound a bit pissed, or does he always slur his words. I’ve not heard him speak very often to make a comparison. He also sounded very out of touch with the debate and contradicted himself.


Yeah, you’re right. I just listened to YewChoob instead!


I’;m guessing that good old Ken Clarke has just seen his cloak of ermine go floating off down the Thames without him there Nana. 😀

Ian Brotherhood

Cochrane isn’t interested in participating in a debate – he feels entitled to ownership of the whole thing.

To him and his ilk, WOS must be treated as an upstart annoyance which doesn’t deserve acknowledgement of any kind, and that’s why he can’t possibly admit to reading it.

Sad, ailing Nawbag.

Norman Paterson

does anybody know if he is still a human being?

Alex Wright

I think you could be right about the area jacksloan2013 and the timescale. I lived round the corner in Wardieburn Place East, Granton, and vaguely remember quite a few marches around that time. It used to be Ron Browns stamping ground, him of the “throwing the Mace in the commons” notoriety.

joe kane

BBC Radio 4 Westminster Hour segment with Rev. Stu and Alan Cochrane at 36.00 – 45.00 here –
link to

joe kane

According to Cochrane the only context that matters when evaluating the online journalism of Rev Stu is not actually reading and studying any of his work, because Cochrane openly admits he doesn’t do that, but on where the Rev lives.

Cochrane has the gall to complain about the irrational antics of some people in online public forums of expression and debate as well. He’s actually very proud of his own irrational opinions and judgements in which he assumes the worst in others whose opinions he’s never read. What a hypocrite.


So the Rev lives in Bath and by Cochers reckoning doesn’t know what’s happening in Scotland but the 650 MPs and now (according to the interview before Stuart) 850 Lords who preside over Westminster do ? How does that work?

Alan Cochrane does look like he’s just left the pub and often sounds like that’s where his opinions are formed.


OK I listened. Ian nailed it. Cochers feels he has a right to comment and mock without actually finding out what Stuart is about. He relies on the cherry-picked things other people draw to his attention, not deigning to read the subject for himself.

Stu actually ran rings round him. He sounded like the younger, clued-up, engaged and smart party, while Cochers sounded old, tired, cynical and washed-up. Helped by the fact that Stu does have a fantastic voice for radio. Stick to radio, Blackbeard.

Cochers was reduced to sneers and sound-bites. Calling Stu “the Reverend” when the interviewer hadn’t mentioned that affectation at all. Referring to “all the lies” of the nationalists as if this was an accepted truism. And laughing in feigned disbelief while Stu was talking. I note Stu had the courtesy to let him talk.

How old is Cochers anyway. Shouldn’t they have put him out to grass years ago?


Oh Morag , don’t forget the Nats, the Nats, the Nats. We’re all Nats says Alan Cochrane how on top of his game is he? Is it still 1979?


Perhaps Stu should be promoted to “The Very Reverend” or maybe the “Right Reverend” ? or “His Excellency”. That would really annoy BBC interviewers and assorted old hacks .


No Molly, I’m sorry you’re wrong there. We’re NOT just Nats we’re NASTY Nats. In fact we’re not even NASTY Nats we’re CYBERNATS! 😀


What about calling him the Very Right Reverend Capella? 😛


Patrician says:

“Mr A Darling, a poor little rich kid who comes from a line of tories. He wanted to be an international socialist but apparently doesn’t like Scottish people or poor people for that matter.”

Happy enough to vote to illegally bomb lots of brown people though, and after Cookies resignation speech, I doubt any half Decent lawyer could make a case for doing so.
Something like 29 out of 29 of the Warmongers * own lawyers couldn’t, find one, so what chance a wee Lorreto lad ?
Doing V nicely now, is our Flipper.

* Can any of them be excused complicity in,and responsibility for, causing the mayhem we are still seeing today ?
I really feel that when Eck rips Flipper several new ones, the biggest tear is on the outrage that is called British foreign policy. Arming Israel ffs ! Nuclear deterrence !

link to

Among so many, Hilary Benn. (He of the voice from beyond the grave ?)

In OUR name. No wonder Dishface shat out !


Is that Clever , Young (?? ) Ballsy, Educated and Raring to go Nats – Lesley -Anne ? Those ones?


Absolutely Molly 😀

Is there any other sort of CYBERNAT? 😛


jim watson says:
27 July, 2014 at 10:44 pm
“Alan Cochrane just suggested wings readers are all liars – arrrgggghhhh who put the link for radio 4 on here…

liars AND on a list !!
Onwards and upwards then, hmm?

On an A.Darling “look, its only a joke” note.
Is it only me who thinks he looks like peter sutcliffe in that picture ?

Least i never said murderous N.Korean dictator or Nazi !



Thumbs up 🙂


So this clown thinks oor Rev Stu should haud his wheesh because he is not in Scotland?

Didn’t the Sun on Sunday(or sat)have the case for the ruk having a say because it affects them as well


link to

He seems a bit obsessed by Mr Salmond.
Get an injunction out on him..Single White Journalist, the real life story of one man’s obsession…
(No 1st ministers were injured in the making of this production)



Dang,that’s me excluded again.Could you not have said…Grumpy auld git and a bit thick nats raring to go.

I want parity.


@ “Rev” Stuart Campbell

The next time someone comments on you living in Bath ask them this:

“If you think my political opinion doesn’t matter in Scotland because I live in England, why are you happy to let England make political decisions for Scotland?”


Great post regards The Nats, The Nats.

I’m 29, but been watching Politics Scotland/Holyrood Live/Election Night/Bateman’s old Sunday program for years etc, and it’s one thing that stood out about Cochrane was his constant wording of ”The G(no doubt in his head)Nats”.

That interview though was breathaking.

One was was reduced to cheap soundbytes about locations and personal attacks. e.g by mentioning the Rev status, surely if he hasn’t read any of this site, Twitter, blogs – then how would we know that?

The other was coheret, open, transparent and engaging.

Shame it was tucked away on some shite channel that nobody knows about.

Seriously though, regarding the ‘Gnat’ commentator- lots of heavy breathing down that line and gasps for air. He should get some exercise.

Chris G

No. Stop it. He’s really not worth commenting on. Even the people he sides with now know him for what he is (beastie w a sting in the tail that wants a ride across the river), I’m even more ashamed than you should be for typing on this thread. But I’m drunk, whats your excuse?

Chris G

No. Stop it. He’s really not worth commenting on. Even the people he sides with now know him for what he is (beastie w a sting in the tail that wants a ride across the river), I’m even more ashamed than you should be for typing on this thread. But I’m drunk, whats your excuse?

Chris G

No. Stop it. He’s really not worth commenting on. Even the people he sides with now know him for what he is (beastie w a sting in the tail that wants a ride across the river), I’m even more ashamed than you should be for typing on this thread. But I’m drunk, whats your excuse?


Spot the error ?

link to


“Out of the country’s 12 regions, only the North East of England and SCOTLAND”

Scottish region in 30 medal CWG shock !!!!


“Out of the country’s 12 regions, only the North East of England and SCOTLAND”

Scottish region in 30 medal CWG shock !!!!

The UK is officially a country then !

Sky get away with a lot of this stuff.


Rev. Stuart Campbell,

“Does anyone know if Alistair Darling (left, with banner) is still a republican?”

Or a worker?


Haggis Hunter,

“No sure why he wanted a workers republic”

The likes of him and the rest of the New Labour gang didn’t give a damn about workers – they had no problems with the ‘filthy rich’ as one of them said publicly.

They were and are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Bugger [the Panda]

Wonder if he was a long term plant?



“It actually wasn’t that bad an interaction, with Cockers promising to buy Stu a pint when he comes back to Scotland.”

Did you not notice how both the interviewer and Cochrane tried to patronise Stuart?

Cochrane won’t have any time to buy Stuart a drink because when Stuart returns after a Yes vote, Cochrane will be one of those many ‘Proud Scots but’ leaving Scotland to join his ‘foreign’ son in England.

Graeme Menzies


Just caught glimpse of front page pic on The Times being reviewed on BBC this morning. Pic of cyclist waving her helmet with prominent Union Flag on the side.



“You know, there might be some mileage to recording the entirety of the original interview and posting it unedited, to let people judge for themselves.”

That would do wonders to expose those liars.

The full Sunday Herald interview for example.

Graeme Menzies

And the Telegraph. Is the GB Team competing at Glasgow?


Graeme Menzies,

“And the Telegraph. Is the GB Team competing at Glasgow?”

No, but GB Union has hijacked Glasgow.

After endlessly warning Alex Salmond and the SNP not to use the games for political purposes.


He isn’t called flipper for nothing you know!

He flips his house. He flips his eyebrows. He flips his principles. He flips his allegiance.


Anyone who reads Alan’s propaganda on the Telegraph, knows my opinion of it, however – and it is a big however – he’s head and shoulders above Simon Johnson.

He doesn’t actually lie like Johnson, just implies.

He doesn’t make things up like Johnson, just leaves things out.

Personally, I quite like him.

Do I have to hand in my Wings badge now?


@ Grouse beater

The photo looks like Granton to me.

But that horrible forties architecture is all over Edinburgh.

donald anderson

The banner features John MacLean with Workers Republic. He was in the ‘International Marxist Group’ and the Labour Party at the time. He was always on about bankers.

I joined the IMG and was in the John Maclean Society, SNP and later the Scottish Republican Socialist Clubs, 1973, – which is now the cross party Scottish Republican Socialist Movement – and managed to get support for A Scottish Workers Republic though at the IMG Conference, supported by Tariq Ali and others. Some became Labour MPS, Tame Union officials and other careers within the Labour “movement”, which included becoming “Brussel Sprouts” (touts).

I was told Brian Wilson was a member of the IMG and a Republican and anti Nuclearite. I don’t remember him though, except he tried to look like Jonathon King and started his career in the West Highland Free Press, eventually taking it over from Ray Burnett and turning it into a Labour Brit spysheet.

The Labour “Movement£ is riddled with such spies and careerists. My wife says I should have joined the Labour Party and become a millionaire instead of a pauper Scottish Republican Socialist. If I livelong enough to see a YES vote I will die happy and open my bottle or rare malt. If not, I will jine the Talibams and become a suicide bomber at the opening of the following British Parliament. Only joking officer.


I think you are correct, Bugger. When the establishment realised the ‘workers’ were posing a threat in the ’60’s, they decided to take action. The Labour party was subverted from within by agents of the state. The Labour party is now as much part of the establishment as the Tories.

You and My Comb

I listened to the interview. A journalist commenting on stuff he has never read but is selectively pointed out to him? Step forward Cochers. Of course he writes opinion pieces (some of them fairly vile in their own right) and isn’t a real journalist concerned with facts. The fact is guys like him abuse in plain sight. Just because it appears in a national newspaper doesn’t make him any less abusive.

I thought he was a nasty bit of work but since I don’t buy his rag and it isn’t a serious paper here I won’t lose sleep over him.


Lord Darling of Nae Principles, a new pal for Lord Robertson of Nae Idea.
First whiff of an Ermine robe and their true colours show.
But after the 19th he will hopefully just be plain old Mr Darling of the dole queue.

john king

galamcennalath says
“Cochrane says he’s never read Wings but considers he has something valid to contribute to the debate”

And doesnt disagree with Stu when he says Cochrane doesn’t do social media,
The best bit for me was when he said 99% of Scottish journalits would agree the worst abuse comes from the YES camp, hahahahahahaha Im glad I had finished my porridge before I heard that little gem,
but then has the breathtaking gaul to challenge Stu living in Bath as to how he knows what the political climate is in Scotland,to which Stu replies he has a readership who keep him informed,
and then further compunds his arrogance by asking Stu how he knows his 250.000 readership is telling the truth and not lieing to him?
The man is an old sot and should consider the great damage HE HIMSELF does to Scotlands reputation whenever he opens that drunken mouth of his,
is that abusive enough for you Wee Cock-ers?

O/T anyone know how the English commonwealth games are going?

Jim Marshall

john king 7.34

O/T anyone know how the English commonwealth games are going?

England are winning,especially in broadcasting.


Darling lives with a tortured soul.
His life partner hates him too.

BTW – oswald mosely created the British Union Movement in 1948. Go Ally and Gee Bee.

Darling, in Renouncing Republicanism and Scotland for filthy lucre and waving Union Jax was a no-brainer.

Solid socialist foundations undermined by reality at Westminster where Flipper quickly learned to juggle.
The books.

As a redundant recruit of the red brigade, Darling`s personal politics has become a deeper bluer hue than Thatcher and this photo disrespects and demeans the life of John Mc Lean.


@ john king

The English presenters on BBC breakfast have bitten their tongues twice this morning, saying ‘we’ meaning England…


Whatever Darling was upon a time, he’s a conservative now.


It’s the gloves. Only the Flipper’s wearing gloves for his soft white expenses stealing hands.

Nana Smith

Blunderer Carmichael spouting this morning

SCOTTISH Secretary Alistair Carmichael has said maintaining a strong UK Government presence north of the Border in the event of a No vote in September would mean the independence question would never be put again and the issue of Scotland’s future would be settled “once and for all”.

Mr Carmichael said Whitehall had allowed the Nationalists to “hollow out” the UK Government’s presence north of the Border and the lesson of the referendum campaign was that this could never be allowed to happen again.

link to


Oh and as for Cochrane?

There’s a reason he’s in Zany Comedy Relief.

No windae unlicked, no smear to low.

Jim Marshall

Nana Smith

How did the protest demo at BBC Inverness go Nana?. Never saw any report on it.

donald anderson

Jim Marshall. I was there, but my lips are sealed. No’ tellin’ ye if ye couldnae make it.


Thanks for the pic Rev….
I shall now get a big print done of that photo and display it in our Morningside Main Street YES Campaign window. Darling lives ( sometimes ) in his £million++ home just around the corner 🙂



Heh, Carmichael knows fine well that in the event of independence he’s oot the picture for the negotiation period. He’ll be replaced so fast in that position it’ll make his expenses spin. 😀


An even bigger hater of everything to do Scottish independence back from his hols. Doubt anyone thought Torygraph, BBC etc would do anything but monster Scotland running Scotland but Graun”s been a real UKOK shocker. Scotland doesn’t exist but if it tries to, go get em Severin, Libby, other wet farts passing editors door not looking busy.

link to

Jim Marshall

donald anderson

I was at PQ Donald, but Nana had posted on Sat that she was going to BBC Inverness.

donald anderson

I was at PQ Donald, but Nana had posted on Sat that she was going to BBC Inverness.
Jim Marshall.

Some posted photies oan here. I wisnae oan them. Must have been the funny fowk that kept takin’ mah picktyerrs. If I had known I would have worn my tie I use for court appearances and funerals. I don’t fit my suit any merr. Never made it intae the Darling League of shentlemen.

Nana Smith

Morning Jim…

There were around 50 of us and 3 dugs! We were there as a support for all those at PQ and I just wish more folks had turned out. Was’nt given enough publicity as not everyone is on facebook etc.

It was nice to hear a few English accents there and all wanting a clear Yes vote.

Some pics were taken for the Rosshire journal and I believe the chap inside the bbc office was really nice & helpful to the organisers.

Not amused

wee demo in Inverness for those that couldn’t get to Glasgow – protesters passed an iconic banner on their way up the brae to the BBC offices link to

Jim Marshall

Nana Smith

Thanks for that Nana.

Jim Marshall

Not amused

Nice picture, like the big Wings banner.

ronnie anderson

Cochers doesent do social media, but other people tell him of the abuse he,s getting on twitter ect.How does he know they arent lying to him.

Noo awe you,s + Wingers stop lying to the Rev, he depends on acurate information, an stop listening to the BBC TV / Radio /Newspapers, as I said above the Rev depends on acurate information.

Nana Smith

@Jim Marshall

There was a lady there wearing blue wings which was really eyecatching and her shoes were painted blue and white.

We passed the Nothanks shop which was closed as usual hahahaha. Looks as welcoming as a morgue.


@Nana Smith, so a bloated big hitter LibDem that’s only in power because they the lied and reneged on Libdem voters, says Scotland will never have another referendum. Strong stuff, Vote LibDem, the Tory party with a different logo but this is a good time to ponce and posture in front of Scotland like this.

Nana Smith

That’s right heedtracker…ponce and posture sums them up nicely.

Robert Peffers

Republican! Republican?

REPROBATE would be closer to the truth.

ronnie anderson

@ Nana Smith. Well done the Northern Lights, small in number but shineing ever the Brighter,well done to all.

Nana Smith

Cheers Ronnie.

I believe you were out in your car stalking the Nothanks/Nohope bus.

Jock Scot signed the Wings banner for me so that made my day.


Bent Biased Corrupt! Great Inverness demo photo.


Was Darling ever a republican? Has he ever believed a word he spouted that wasn’t a step on the career ladder. Give him a couple of months and he’ll be marching to the Wallace Monument draped in a saltire and speaking in a Scottish accent.

ronnie anderson

@ Nana Smith. U & Dorothy were signed in on the Banner,as to the Bus I didnt even see the bloody thing ah know,ah know, whit your gonna say how can ah no see a BIG RED bus in front of me, ma only excuse My Eyes Are Dim I Cannot See, or I need a new pair of specs.Jim N Jan showed me the photo when we got back to my house Unbelievable( awe ffks sounding like (richard wilson ).

bookie from hell

Nana Smith says:
28 July, 2014 at 8:21 am
Blunderer Carmichael spouting this morning

SCOTTISH Secretary Alistair Carmichael has said maintaining a strong UK Government presence north of the Border in the event of a No vote in September would mean the independence question would never be put again and the issue of Scotland’s future would be settled “once and for all”.

Mr Carmichael said Whitehall had allowed the Nationalists to “hollow out” the UK Government’s presence north of the Border and the lesson of the referendum campaign was that this could never be allowed to happen again.

bfh–that’s really disturbing—if vote is NO

Helena Brown

My thinking on the Darling matter. Labour got hijacked a long long time ago, Ramsay Macdonald and his time. Labour started well but then the Middle Class got wind and felt that they were now disenfranchised and saw this wee party making strides. Well all the lads of pairts who wanted to get on did exactly what Tony Blair did, ran to the front shouting follow me and those who did not speak English with an English accent did so. These proud scots have bigger inferiority complexes than any of us, they let those they deem better to do their talking for them. Oh here in Scotland they talk a good game but once in England they go quiet. They are just like the Lad o’ Pairts of the middle ages who joined the Church to get on, now they join the Labour Party.
Now is there an Advocate in our midst, I want to sue Alan Cochrane, I Alan never tell lies about politics. You want to look closer to home son, Better Together and you, well if the cap fits, you wear it.

Robert Peffers

@heedtracker says:27 July, 2014 at 10:44 pm:
“There’s loads of phoney socialist worker types out there. Billy Connolly spent a couple of weeks in Clyde shipyard.”

Now there’s a thing. I’d never thought of it before but if Billy Cpnnolly left school at 15 and spent a year as a Bilsland’s Bread delivery boy as he could not get a job in the shipyard until he was 16. He sure didn’t work as a Boilermaker, unless my memory fails me, he would have to serve a 5 year apprenticeship before becoming a tradesman or craftsman. So that would be 1966. He certainly did not spend much time as a tradesman Boilermaker.


It’s not surprising that a blog like WIngsoverScotland, basically asking question after question of Westminster, the union and the ever creeper media, gets smeared as a site for liars by Tory boy Cockers too. It’s probably WoS style continual questioning, why do we need Trident, why is the UK in so much debt, why am I paying for London giant infrastructure spend, why is Scots oil bad but UKOK oil great etc that’s going to win this whole debate.



I was invited to the opening of Independence House, YES Helensburgh & Lomond’s HQ last night.

I had an interesting chat with Blair Jenkins who officially opened the building. This building is certainly a candidate for YES field office of the year 🙂

It was particularly pleasing to be told that many of the YES H & L team are regular followers of WoS, and made mention of the ‘ Train Station Watch’ exercise that blew the BT Half a Million leaflet drop stunt out the water. Impressive mobilisation of the Wings Troops 🙂

BTW, The proprietor of The Clyde Bar in Helensburgh is kindly offering their premises for a WoS social gathering. If the current ‘glee committee’ is game then drop me a note and let’s work out if there’s merit in going forward with it. 🙂

Robert Peffers

@Brian Mchugh says: 27 July, 2014 at 11:01 pm

“It is hard to believe that a man can fall so far.”

Even harder still when you realise the bugger hasn’t hit the bottom yet. It should make a rather satisfying splat when he does.


@Lesley Anne

What fag seller Ken needs to realise is that for a change Cameron is not telling porkies. He had no choice. If they had denied us the referendum the Scottish Government would have gone straight to Strasbourg and the ECJ pleading that their right to self determination was being denied them despite the election result. They would have won too. Cue major embarrassment for No.10.

If you recall Cameron’s first response was ‘you can’t do that’. Then a few days later it became ‘we will talk to the Scottish Government about this’. What happened in between was civil servants and government lawyers bending No10’s ear to save it embarrassing itself.

I think cancer peddler Ken knows this. So you can assume this was a shot in the slow rumbling war to remove Cameron. Ken (cough, cough) is now a paid up rebel.

BTW once Catalonia exhaust their options in Spain they will go to the ECJ. I expect the Spanish Government will also eventually see sense in order to save face and a way will be found to hold the referendum.


@ Robert Peffers, if it’s not crystal clear, it’s UKOK bullshit. Connolly’s a clown and watching the fool going I am Glasgow first, is just one more teamGB fraud on all of us. He knows as much about engineering as I do about life styles of the rich and famous in LA. He made his fortune making an arse of Glasgow and Glaswegians and we’re supposed to listen with reverence to his lip quivering sanctimonious drivel over extraordinary heroes like Nelson Mandela.

Connolly and the shills in Pacific quay, boakin.


@Helena Brown

Cochers is his own worst enemy. Other than people with serious reality warping disorders, I doubt if many this side of the border consider his opinion anything other than zany comedy relief at best and demented poisonous ramblings at worst.

I mean by his lights several hundred thousand people are liars because they read the output of this site on a regular basis? Seriously? Sometimes all you have to do to highlight the flaws in someones argument is let them get up on stage and start singing. 😉


@Ian Brotherhood

Why does Cochrane (repeatedly) insinuate that Rev’s views are irrelevant because he doesn’t live in Scotland?

Maybe Alan should ask Tom Greatrex of Rutherglen Labour as he was just in The Sun championing the rights of people outside Scotland to share their opinion and help the debate!

Laughed at someones The Times in airport today “Scots to Exodus if YES vote”. Its the gaff that keeps on giving.


@ Muscleguy, Cameron has all the power, which is why they refused the devo max option. They thought they could project fear Scotland into No using London Olympics, BBC, all press etc and devo max is practically Scottish independence, just with union jacks still dangling over Scotland, for a wee while at least.

Reckless gamblers to the bitter end, teamGB elitism and what a way to run Scotland.


You always have to remember that truly successful lefties have verystrong Marxist principles.

Groucho though, not Karl…


see the others in the picture, they had convictions and principles, that’s who Darling trampled over to get where he is today.


Nicola v’s Ruthie on R4 womans hour now.
N introduced as the dep leader of the Labour party !
Vox pop from Glesga unrepresentative.
Quelle surprise Rodney.


Maybe it’s just as well Darling’s appearance has changed since the 1970’s. In those days, he resembled Judas Iscariot in one of those old Holywood biblical epics. Seriously, look at the photo again and imagine him wearing a long robe.

30 pieces of silver.


For once I am inclined to believe the buffoon Carmichael. If there is a no vote the establishment will be working behind closed doors to prevent any chance of another referendum.

As my old man used to tell me “never say never” because things change. And you can be made to look pretty stupid.

Jim Marshall

Ronnie Anderson

The shed is very impressive. Could we not have wheels fitted and go on tour?


Sorry, R4 + Ruthie v’s Nicola.
Usual format. First question set up and Ruthie first.
Accusation thrown, Nicola defends…. Last word to Ruthie…

Iain (orri) McCord

The major problem with Devo-Max is that for it to have any meaning it’d be everything but defense and foreign relations. The constant bone of contention would be how much input Scotland would have into decisions made regarding those two because we sure as hell wouldn’t be paying for them if we had no control over their budget. The problem from the unionist sides is that it’s kind of training wheels for full independence.

Greenland have yet to make the final step but Scotland, if it went down that route, would probably last about 5 to 10 years before making the final step.

During that time a compartmentalism of the essential state services would be made and any still carried out in the rUK would be on a contractural basis as would any work carried out in Scotland for the rUK. The records, pensions and so on would be separate as would bank balances and assets. The only cards in the rUK’s hands might be a refusal to continue providing services if we opt for full autonomy. The counter would be to ensure that everything essential is carried out in Scotland.

That’s why Cameron was so adamant that Devo-Max not be on the agenda.


R4 Talking to those ‘ordinary’ women again.
Apparently, we spend £12 bn more than we raise in tax !
Lab drone planted as “ordinary woman”.
Last word to the No side, again.

ronnie anderson

Mibbee,s Cochers needs tae read WOS Health & Safety Manual

(dont open yer mooth tae yer Brains Engaded & remembering what you have previously said during the Interview )

Rev hows come ave no goat Your Hymnn Sheet,U fell oot wie me or sumthing,thats jist tipical,same as the Health n safety Manual last to know.

Quentin Quale

Tamson – Groucho would not like to have his name connected with Darling. He would thrash him within an inch of his life. If he had a tape measure.


“Maintaining a strong UK government presence north of the border” Did we not try that before and it worked so well that we ended up getting the Scottish pariament?And when we found the UK gov presence was still too great, Scots voted for an SNP government twice and in increasing numbers. So do they think Scots will just go back 20 years in their thinking and just pretend that all this stuff never happened? Who are they trying to kid? Themselves.


It’s hardly surprising.

He comes from a long line of Tories. With age he has merely reverted to the norm.

He was merely rebelling as a youth.

Helena Brown

Macart says, Mac Oh I know he is, that and his daft wife? Just me I dislike being called a liar at any time but for my politics I take a very dim view. I also know that the Torygraph to give it it’s Sunday name has few takers here.

Robert Peffers

@alexicon says: 27 July, 2014 at 11:52 pm

“Steady there. If there’s one thing that gets my back up is that people describing the UK as one country.”

You said a mouthful, alexicon. Just this morning I nearly blew the proverbial gasket on hearing that numptie of a Government minister go on about the UK issuing Fracking Licenses as, “The country needs the diverse new energy”.

Aaarrrgh! Now there are two ways to take that. He meant The Country of England needs the new source of fuel and Scots would just have to take their share in providing it. The alternative being that he meant The UK as The country or even worse that Britain was The country.

So just how does Scotland that exported to England over 26% of the Electricity Scotland generated last year, (not to mention oil & gas), need more new diverse sources of enegry?

ronnie anderson

@ Jim Marshall, tryed that wan Jim but Morags trailer wisna big enough,U ok after demo long tiring day.


All this discussion on Alastair Darling must be music to his ears. No one who thinks they matter wants to be ignored.

This topic is taking us absolutely nowhere in converting “don’t know’s” to Yes.

Robert Peffers

@Morag says: 27 July, 2014 at 11:58 pm:

“Maybe Derek Bateman needs to interview Stu.

Naw!, Morag, I’ve a much better idea – Just have that pair get tegether in a nice cosy lounge somewher, with a few quid for the kitty provided by we wingers, and an attentive bar person in attendance.

The conversation that followed such an informal meeting would relax both of them and the interchange of ideas could really help the cause.

Then, and only then, should the Rev interview Derek followed by Derek interviewing the Rev.



When you think of all the folk that individual has just alienated by making such a claim about this site’s readership, a number of which will have been undecided. Well lets just say I’m sure they’ll have taken a dim view of his nonsense, just as much as we have. 🙂

m hunter

Come on you guys wee Ali Darling is allowed to change his mind. Let’s look at his record, he changes his mind every time something he says gets proved wrong. Wait ’til 19th September, he’ll suddenly say he supported independence all along.
Nice to see that the no campaign are not trying to use the CG to promote their ideas.Handing out leaflets at the opening ceremony, why were they not stopped by authorities, oh forgot snouty mash in charge. Perhaps seeing how well Scots athletes are doing might convince the doubters. If they can do so well, so can the rest of us!

Robert Peffers

@Morag says: 28 July, 2014 at 12:04 am:

“How can he possibly presume to pass judgement on Stuart, or even to comment intelligently on his work, if he hasn’t freaking read it?

Ah! Morag, has it only now began to dawn upon you that the, for lack of a more correct term, average, “Scottish Journalist”, has a modus operandi that begins by choosing a victim. Spouting whatever slanderous lies first come to mind. No pre-information of their victims is required and no post article checking of facts need be done.

Cochrane, though, is hoist by his own petard : –

He claims he has not read the Wings blog but presumes to pass judgement upon what it says and does. He passes judgement upon the members who comment and claims to know what they do. Yet towards the end comes out with this little gem, (and I paraphrase), “Ask 50 Scottish Journalists and they will tell you the nastiness comes from the YES side”.

The numptie has just said he knows the nastiness all comes from the YES side because he assumes that if you had asked 50 pro-union Scottish journalists their answer would be that the YES campaigners were being nasty. Note he doesn’t even claim to have asked 50 Scottish journalists.

That man’s not a journalist – he’s a raving loony.

Dick Gaughan

Truth says:
“He was merely rebelling as a youth.”

I’d argue that he was merely posturing at being a rebel as a youth.

I think you’re all being a bit unfair in accusing of Flipper of betraying/abandoning his youthful principles. The only firm principle he’s ever held in his whole sorry existence is that Darling comes first, second, and everywhere else and the rest of us inferior beings don’t count. He set out with that firm principle and to that principle he has remained resolutely consistent.

So he can be quite fairly accused of many things but inconsistancy is not one of them 🙂

donald anderson

I’d argue that he was merely posturing at being a rebel as a youth.
Dick Gaughan

Is that Dick the singer?

I remember in the 80’s there was a TV prog on the student rebels of the 60’s who became Thatcherites. 1968 was the year of the Sorbonne, Danny the Red, Tariq Ali, Dr Zhivago, etc.

John Lennon telt his psychiatrist that he couldn’t live in the capitalist society, so the trick cyclist recruited hi to the International Marxist Group. Trendiness became associated with “Revolution”, itself a fashion buzzword. in Chelsea and Carnaby St. I saw the “Revolutionary Communist Party” parading on the Sinn Fein Belfast Easter rally dressed in Berets, bandoliers, camouflage combat gear with their troosers tucked into their bovver boots. The Shinners could hardly say Revolutionary Communist Party withoot Laffin. They, like most of the Brit left spies had their phoney Irish Front, Irish Freedom Movement, which fooled Sellick fans in the Swallygate into thinking they were revolutionaries too, as well as being racially pure Irishmen. Jim Morpheus was a member too, but we don’t hear much of that neither. He was anti Scottish with it along with the rest of that Freedom set.

Student Unions was perfect recruiting ground for MI5, as were the Labour career clubs, trendy lecturers and even the jannies. The RCP, now defunct, have their old lecturers writing articles and producing videos for the media grassing up real socialists, nationalists, greens, peaceniks, etc. Cannabis hippies wore the CND symbol as a fashion accessory too. See the Young Tory Bliar in his Afghan yeti coat, long hair, heid band and guitar.

I won’t even go into the Brussels in the SSP. That was a harrowing experience and my back is still like a sieve for daring to mention Independence and republicanism.

Andrew Brown

Anent the lies which we’re supposed to be guilty of telling, what exactly are they ? I recall reading the Herald forums during the foot and mouth crisis and they quickly descended into hysterical abuse from Unionists, in particular one Labour supporter who went on and on about “lying, lying liars” in every post he made. From what I’ve seen Better Together couldn’t produce enough evidence to get a guilty person from the planet Guilty, who was guilty, convicted in a kangaroo court. So what exactly am I being accused of ?

Robert Peffers

@Molly says:28 July, 2014 at 12:36 am:
“The 650 MPs and now (according to the interview before Stuart) 850 Lords who preside over Westminster do ? How does that work?”

Which highlights that other total numptie and his latest mad otherworldly idea, Labour Leader Ed Miliband, “The public should have their own version of Prime Minister’s Questions”.

I can just see it now – the first questioner has just walked and swam from the Shetland Isles down to Westminster to ask the future Labour Prime Minister, Ed Miliband, if the Labour Government’s treasury will pay her expenses for her journey to Westminster to ask her question?

Next one is from a Berwick man who cycled down to Westminster asking if it would be a good idea to move Westminster to Gretna so as to make it easier for North English folks to question the PM.

What planet are these bloody UK political idiots from?

Robert Peffers

@Bugger [the Panda] says: 28 July, 2014 at 5:33 am

“”Wonder if he was a long term plant?”

I’m a wee bit confused here, BtP. What kind o plant did you mean? You said, wonder if Did you mean a Golden Wonder or was it a neep or some other king of plant?

donald anderson

Don’t knock the NEEPS. North East Ethnic Pairty.

Robert Kerr

Indeed Cameron had to permit the referendum due to the ECR.

If there is never to be another referendum the ECR jurisdiction has to be removed from UK.

Watch for that, coming soon!

Robert Peffers

@Robert Kerr says: 28 July, 2014 at 1:14 pm

“Indeed Cameron had to permit the referendum due to the ECR.”

It is actually far more basic than that. The, (3 country), Kingdom of England, (annexed Wales in 1284, Statute of Rhuddlan and annexed Ireland in 1542, Crown of Ireland Act). Thus the 1688 Kingdom of England deposed James II of England as their monarch. However, in 1688 the two Kingdoms were still independent so England ditching their monarch did not ditch Scotland’s monarch. They did, though, remove from the English monarchy the Divine Right of Kings veto over their parliament and thus they became a Constitutional Monarchy. That is the basis of England’s independent legal system.

In Scotland in 1320 the Declaration of Arbroath stated that the People of Scotland,are sovereign and the monarchy is not. That is the basis of Scottish law.

As we Scots have neither been asked, nor have given away, our sovereignty that is still the basis of Scottish law.

So Cameron could do nothing to either prevent the referendum nor to stop the disuniting of the Treaty of union if we vote to return to independence.


Laughed at someones The Times in airport today “Scots to Exodus if YES vote”. Its the gaff that keeps on giving.

With the cost of ATD, would these “hoards” of departing Scots be leaving from Newcaste airport ??

Dick Gaughan

O/T, but I am really pissed off. Seriously so.

I was just watching the bowls final, a sport I rarely watch – and would normally prefer to watch paint dry – but it was completely absorbing. Just as it was reaching a climax with Scotland whitewashing Malaysia for the gold medal, we got “and you can see the rest of this match on the red button but right now we’re …” and it switched to a hockey match between England and Australia.

I appreciate that many more people watching NorthBritish TV are interested in English hockey than Scottish lawn bowls but FFS, the bowls match clearly was nearly finished and a few minutes would have made no difference to the hockey.

Rant over. I feel a bit better now.


Apparently our new swim star and generally brilliant wee lassie is leaning to independence.

She was asked if she was lookin forward to an “ootsider” jeely piece when she got back to shetland, she replied, “jam tomorrow”?
“No thanks, i want jam today”

Al get ma coat ………


On Beeb nonsense, english lass in the 1500m heats finished (so commentator thought) just outside the fasters loser spot for the final.

“Oh dear the british girl has just missed out”

2 mins later, after realising the error, its ok, the english athlete is back in the final !!

Bloody grates ma teeth down to stumps, even though it shouldn’t…

While i am at it, allthese Scottish golds are great news for Team GB in Rio 2016 !!!

Want a fecking bet !!!!!!

Graeme Purves

I wonder if the Labour Party in North Edinburgh and Leith still has the banner with the Great John Maclean on it? Perhaps Malcolm Chisholm knows? It deserves an outing before 18 September!

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Heedtracker.

You typed many hours ago,

28 July, 2014 at 12:06 am

Its another great title choice too with Dylans poetry more than just apt for what’s coming to Scotland, has beens and ageing politicos like Darling

“The Times They Are A-Changin’”

Runrig did a fair old version of that. I think it was a studio recording on the “Loch Lomond” live 12″ – 1989, I believe.

link to

john king

Jim Marshall says
“The shed is very impressive. Could we not have wheels fitted and go on tour?”

Hahahahaha that would be hilarious,
you could follow the red bus wherever it goes and watch murphy talk to himself, because everyone would want thier photie’s taken with you Ronnie, you legend you. 🙂

Auld Rock

At least one thing hasn’t changed, his ‘black eyebrows’, LOL.

Auld Rock


They were still behind the curve, even then! Looking for a career rather than fighting for their beliefs. I gave them too much credit – not any more.

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    • McHaggis69 on The whole caboodle: “Some of the more measured issues with Freeports I fundamentally agree with, as I very clearly said. Salvo eejits believe…Oct 6, 12:34
    • Andy Ellis on The whole caboodle: “Sheesh…the new system has only been up a matter of hours. It’ll take some time for folk to get used…Oct 6, 12:34
    • Martyman on The whole caboodle: “Jeezuz – Not when those Unions are completely different. Honestly, can we please stop parroting lines spouted on twitter by…Oct 6, 12:30
    • Mac on Things happen slowly: “This is looking very bad for Murrell. I said a while ago this will be part of long running pattern…Oct 6, 12:29
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    • McHaggis69 on The whole caboodle: “Always the fucking same. I criticise Freeports, but not for the moon-howling reasons shared *everywhere* by indy voters and people…Oct 6, 12:21
    • McHaggis69 on The whole caboodle: “I did – read aboveOct 6, 12:19
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    • Hatey McHateface on The whole caboodle: ““derail” = interject facts, figures and logic. ”conversation” = echo chamber monologue. Happy to help!Oct 6, 10:54
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    • Hatey McHateface on The whole caboodle: “That’ll be a new biggest fear then. Up to now, from the tenor of your posts, your biggest fear seemed…Oct 6, 09:44
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    • Geri on The whole caboodle: “Why don’t you do something on Freeports instead?Oct 6, 09:32
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