Women Won’t Wheesht
Yesterday the SNP released their 2021 election manifesto, and on the divisive subject of gender reform it was as bad as we feared. Yes, there is obfuscation to mask intent, but the intent is crystal clear all the same. Especially if we judge the SNP by their record and all the things they have failed – and continued to fail – to address.
The manifesto commits to reforming the GRA while ensuring that it will not affect the rights or protections women enjoy under the Equality Act.
But what, in reality, does that mean?
Currently, we are fighting the Scottish Government in the courts for their determination to redefine “woman” (defined under the Equality Act 2010 as a female of any age) to include anyone and everyone who uses female pronouns or who has a “female name” – whatever those might be.
The SNP, laughably, would have us believe that it doesn’t affect women to define us as anything other than a nebulous collection of outdated offensive stereotypes. Indeed an MP is currently arguing on Twitter that it has “literally no impact”.
If Nicola Sturgeon means what she says, she would offer a commitment to the EA2010, she would axe the act (Gender Representation on Public Boards), and she would save the money of thousands of ordinary Scottish women who are having to fund this action. Sadly, we don’t believe she will.
If Nicola Sturgeon meant what she says, she would commit to ensure there were no financial disincentives for those seeking government funding for women’s services who wish to invoke single-sex exceptions. Sadly, we don’t believe she will.
If Nicola Sturgeon meant what she says, she would explain how the Scottish Government policy that transwomen are women unless prevented by law came into being, & why, in light of that policy, she fought so hard against #sixwords, pretending that a legally explicit amendment made no odds.
Ms Sturgeon’s government & funded lobbyists have no respect for the Equality Act. Women’s organisations in Scotland openly advertise positions citing Schedule 9 of the Act (which reserves them to biological women), but state they are open to transwomen. A transwoman without a GRC holds a senior post at Rape Crisis Scotland.
We are tired of the gaslighting and the dishonesty.
So, First Minister, cards on the table.
We are seeking clarity on the manifesto and on the comments reported here. When you say that you will convene meetings with women, who exactly, do you mean? The groups funded by your government who are already signed up to your agenda or the grassroots organisations with whom you have failed to engage and who challenge you?
Do you mean to address this openly in Parliament and committee, or do you intend to stitch this up – yet again – by appointing unaccountable working groups stuffed with lobbyists with a pre-ordained agenda to preempt conclusions?
When you talk of “international best practice” what do you mean? Your preferred partners in government, the Greens, have pledged to incorporate the Yogyakarta Principles in Scots law, despite the recent admission by one of their drafters that women’s rights weren’t even considered when they were drawn up.
Can you be honest and address whether this is your aim? If so, you should read this:
When you say “we also have to reassure any woman who thinks that making life better for trans people is a threat to women’s rights” do you mean to tell us that our painstakingly-evidenced fears are nonsense and that you know better?
You also, disgracefully, frame women as being opposed to making life better for trans people. Feminists have, for decades, supported minority groups. We will continue to do so, but not if it means sacrificing everything our mothers fought for.
Women won’t wheesht. This dishonest framing is an insult. We do not object to “making life better” for anyone, but we do object to vulnerable women’s lives being made evidentially worse.
Women, men and transsexuals are alert to this. Last year, there were meetings at parliament featuring senior, expert, individuals: medics, lawyers, women’s rights activists, and transsexuls who were all, rightly, worried about your policy. You attended none of them.
We have spent past years begging for scraps from the Scottish Government. We fought – as have MSPs – to change badly-conceived, illiberal, anti-women law in the teeth of opposition from your government. We have raised £150,000 from ordinary women in Scotland to stop you snatching our rights.
If you want a Scotland where women feel “safe and valued” you would have met us last year, you would meet us now. A “feminist to my fingertips” would have done so.
A “feminist to my fingertips” would have prioritised the tidal wave of hate against women in Scotland. She would have condemned the appalling abuse of her own MPs and MSPs by angry young men, which shockingly, included death threats.
This would have been a priority in your hate-crime legislation. A feminist would have worked with incredible women like Johann Lamont on the sex characteristic. The speeches of her, Elaine Smith, Jenny Marra and Joan McAlpine were those of feminists. Your government opposed them until the last minute when it was clear you were going to lose because your own MSPs wouldn’t all back you.
If you believe your case is strong, you can argue it. If we are ignorant, misguided or bigoted, then face us and expose us. Skewer the weaknesses in our argument – reassure us if necessary. We don’t think you will and that is to your detriment and to Scotland’s.
If you want to talk, we will talk. If you want to fight, we will continue to fight for women, and we will never give up.
This article was jointly written by FWS directors Trina Budge, Marion Calder and Susan Smith.
Unfortunately I don’t have a vote in Scotland, but I’d back you to the hilt if i did.
Right on sisters!!!
And answer came there none!
You can play with words all day and it’s going to get you nowhere. Their commitment to this madness is greater than yours. Stop appealing to their better natures for they have none.
Time to break out the chalk.
It’s days like today, having read the above, that I have serious difficulties with SNP 1 ALBA 2.
“Birth sex is less important now, with same-sex marriage and equal state pension ages. But in my view birth sex is not an irrelevant detail and should not be automatically ‘trumped’ by gender identity in single-sex situations.”
Robert Wintemute
Besides the first sentence containing a logical non sequitur, the whole seems rather mealy mouthed.
He was a «co author» of the Yogyakarta Principles with which he now takes issue.
I agree with some posters on here. Govan only,
Sarwar 1 Alba 2 . Get rid of this abomination on Scotland. I cannot now stand the sight of its twisted face.
The SNP say they are protecting Women but then define women so loosely so as to make the protection worthless.
Is the source of “wokeness” simply this:
There are men high up in Scottish politics with a sexual history they are anxious to make legal?
As our host made clear here
link to wingsoverscotland.com
the woke agenda has within it the aspiration to reduce or even abolish the age of consent.
It’s all nonsense. Nature doesn’t get it wrong. Once this becomes doctrine it gets taught in schools. Once it’s taught in schools it gets planted as a valid concept in young open minds. Then hormonal changes begin and the normal confusion that these changes bring are interpreted as all as something else. Where does it end? Children have a ‘gender reveal party’ complete with hallmark cards? Then suddenly we live in a country where all the women look like Limmy as Jaqueline McCafferty. And finally waaay down the line – the lawsuits from all those duped young people grappling with the reality that they can’t have children. By the time this shower is through with Scotland – and they’re only getting started – there will be such a mass exodus of tax payers that they will be calling Northumberland New Scotland.
Fantastic – well done you three – keep up the great work.
I cannot for the life of me understand why this is not openly debated – I believe that many women have no idea this is going on and that our rights are being eroded by a very few MEN who want access to womens’ spaces.
It’s good to see that women are fighting back. All this “New SNP” obfuscation and weasel words deserves to be exposed for what it is. Well done. Keep the pressure on – they are cowards and weasels and will back down eventually, but only if you keep the pressure on.
Stuart MacKay says:
16 April, 2021 at 8:27 am
You can play with words all day and it’s going to get you nowhere. Their commitment to this madness is greater than yours. Stop appealing to their better natures for they have none.
Time to break out the chalk
Well said Stuart!
Nicola Sturgeon & Kirsty Blackman don’t have any answers!
They are a pair of androids who haven’t been programmed with answers.
It’s just like the re-election of Blair after his bloodthirsty Iraq adventure. You don’t want to vote for someone whose values you loathe, but there’s no palatable alternative and the unworthy are re-elected.
I remain unconvinced that any supermajority would result in the current SNP going sereiously for Indy, so they won’t get my vote because of all the other distasteful stuff they represent.
I hope the SNP get what they deserve when Scottish women go to the polling booths.
Ex SNP candidate hopeful Mridul is for many the ultimate example of the chick with the dick working in a woman’s safe space organisation.
With no GRC he typifies what this SNP Government is all about. Not that I’ve checked but by all reports he is an unreconstructed man with all the genitalia of a man. So how is he a woman, or is he just a drag artist, a cross dresser, or a transvestite. I don’t know, nor do others, but it doesn’t take much understanding to realise why this type of thing, in a so called position where men are to be excluded, causes so much concern in the population.
So, to go back, this is a guy who lied on his job application, holds himself out to be a woman when he is not, and then gets vetted and accepted by the SNP voting committee as a parliamentary candidate ( or worse was he rejected by the committee only to be approved by a senior SNP Minister over ruling the rejection )
We never got who the alleged minister was that approved this guy with a dodgy job application history – and Nicola’s not telling, but it gives an insight into what drives the party, and it’s not traditional Mom and apple pie.
Anyway, folks have the opportunity to choose in the near future. In the meantime keep paying your taxes to support a party in government who provide millions is support to organisations who align internationally to a body that supports legislation to allow sex from ten years of age.
New SNP, New Order, with at ten, maybe even eight, children might be allowed to change their sex.
It’s a strange old muddled up mixed up world that’s Nic Ola.
One thing I don’t think I’ve seen spoken about wrt gender equality is what the impact will be of the vast increase in young women declaring as transmen or non binary? Presumably, if a trans woman (ie man by sex) is considered literally female and able to represent women on boards, in politics or whatever, then a transman (female by sex) is literally male so will not be counted as representing females on a board or in politics. This despite the transman being the one socialised as female, dealing with periods and women’s health issues, potentially able to be pregnant etc. While the transwoman understands nothing of this. Given the massive increase in trans identifying young women, equality on boards and in politics will become ever more of an issue as their voices will be lost – they’ll just become yet more men shouting down women if they pass well enough. While men will speak for women. Through the looking glass and down the rabbit hole…
A thousand times yes.
This is a global effort to gaslight people, hell NZ’s Minister for Women has just petitioned their parliament redefine the word ‘woman’ to include Trans Women (men) so as not to hurt their feelings.
F*ck their feelings. If all the women went out on strike and filled the streets for a few days/nights…we could stop this asshollery in its tracks. But we have to organise.
A possible solution would be for all the women self-identifying as men and all the men self- identifying as women to be put together in one area.
The rest of Scotland could go on as before.
My family stands with you. Always.
I think all the female members of the Scottish Parliament should start every new parliament with a trip up to Greyfriars Kirk using the pavements men built for them and there stand before the grave of Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee and chant 3 times “I told you so it always ends in failure”.
Then burn some sanitary products and a copy of the latest SNP election manifesto and copies of all the virtual free stuff the political class promise.
Then return to the coven house to enact more wimin only legislation stuff while the CalMac Ferries rust quietly in the Clyde and Scotland becomes more of a laughing stock.
It’s just a thought but does anyone else think the Blair creature created the devolved government’s to destroy Great Britain not empower the people or the country.
link to thecritic.co.uk
Worth reading!
“In most cases, to get a certificate a person will need confirmation from a specialist doctor that they have gender dysphoria, have been living in the acquired sex for two years, and that they intend to continue doing so. It is not necessary to have undergone surgery. Anyone issued with a certificate is entitled to a new birth certificate in their acquired sex and to marry someone of the opposite gender to the acquired gender (equal marriage had not yet become law). There are caveats, such as sport. The Act allows sports bodies to exclude those with a certificate if the sport is “gender-affected”: that is, where strength, stamina or physique provides an unfair advantage.”
How quaint this all sounds today.
NHS Wales contract awarded to a Company Matt Hancock
and his Sister have shares in.
This is an outrage!
Why hasn’t his local Bar manager friend who was handed an NHS PPE Contract
got shares in this?
Has he?
Winifred McCartney,
Debating this in public would show the GRA and those who argue for it, up for what it is, utter garbage spewed by idiots.
Compounded by the HCB which will make it illegal not to worship at the alter of the GRA church.
People believing that they are Napoleon with a hint of Marilyn Munroe is one thing, but it is beyond the ridiculous to expect the general population to believe it too, under pain of prosecution no less.
Kirsty Blackman says its not her job to find proof for the lies we’ve been told.
Think we’re expecting way too much of our elected representatives in explaining how government policy will impact our lives and rebutting ‘lies’ or proving them wrong.
Just shut up and eat our cereal shall we?
The fact is she can’t find a rebuttal, even she’s struggling to defend this stuff.
At this rate we’re going to end up in a place were the only acceptably recognized attribute of biological women is the ability to breed. Never mind patriarchy this is moving towards a dystopian transarchy. To adapt a famous poem (bot not by much):
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the LGB, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not LGB.
Then they came for the WOMEN, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a(n actual) WOMAN
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
This really is making it very difficult not to spoil the constituency vote.
If Women want the subjected debated at Holyrood then only ONE option is open to you unfortunately – to Vote ALBA
Nicola Sturgeon is a fraud.
She claims to be a pro independence leader, yet with her actions she proves she is neither pro independence nor a leader. She has taken the wheels off the SNP as a vehicle for independence and transformed it instead in a compliant arm of the British state. Meanwhile, she allows unelected, dodgy organisations to take the lead of our policy making.
She claims to be a feminist. Yet her actions prove she rather impose policies that will deliberately damage women and reduce their rights. She looks the other way when what are meant to be the democratic structures of the party she claims to lead deliberately block a female from a seat so a worse male candidate is allowed a free run. She looks the other way when males in her own ranks verbally abuse and threat her female MPs. She looks the other way when some ignoramus among her ranks openly demean, discriminate and insult females by calling them “menstruators” rather than what they are: women.
She claims to protect children. Yet she subsidises at our expense organisations that embrace a worrying charter seeking to reduce the age of consent destroying the protective legal barriers around our children and potentially legalising paedophilia.
She claims to be a democrat. Yet for 5 years she has found every excuse to deny us our democratic mandate for a referendum, she deliberately ignores the wishes of the majority of the people of Scotland, forces on us the most toxic policies in the democratic world against the will of the majority happily endangering our rights and freedom of speech. All because she is so shallow that is determined to force males in female safe spaces and putting women at risk possibly so she can get artificially get her 50/50 quota women/men. Never mind that in reality what she is doing is making that quota totally meaningless because with the policies she is forcing on us it could become 50/50 male/male and she would still consider it a fair and equal representation of women.
She claims to seek a progressive Scotland. Yet she is endorsing and allowing unelected organisations access to determine policy that will deny the progress of science, the rights women have fighting centuries for and will get rid of the protecting barriers against children exposing them to legalised abuse.
She claims to want to give BAME and disabled candidates a fair chance to be represented in parliament. Yet she allows those who simply “identify” as such, rather than being able to prove they are, to jump to the top of the list and take from those groups the opportunity of that representation.
She claims to be always ready to listen. Yet when she is asked to listen she unleashes her political troll dogs to quash dissent by bullying or worse, unleashing the Lord Advocate to call for unnecessary and uncalled for prosecutions. When she has the weaker argument, she happily shares the strategy of labour of calling yes supporters racist for example for quite rightly wanting Scotland’s borders closed to stop the virus getting into Scotland and causing more unnecessary deaths and grief. Alternatively, she abuses power by bypassing democracy and forcing back into the NEC candidates that were specifically rejected by the members, just because she can.
She claims to seek transparency. Yet when she has the opportunity to provide transparency, she rather has her cabinet ministers and COPFS tarnishing completely their reputation and credibility by menacingly and forcefully suppressing incriminating evidence that should see her and others in her circle out of politics and the civil service for good.
She claims to not being prepared to having to pay for the mistakes of a man. Yet she expects that same man to pay for her own mistakes.
She claims to be a safe pair of hands. Yet that pair of hands has lost the taxpayers 600,000 pounds in a civil case, tens of thousands of pounds in coaching corrupt civil servants in the art of obfuscation and deflection to derail a parliamentary inquiry, millions in unleashing a malicious attempt to send to prison an innocent man, 600,000 pounds of ring fenced money and what could be a hundred million pounds in malicious prosecutions. Yet, instead of sacking the culprits to remove from taxpayers the burden of having to continue paying a salary for corruption, she keeps them in the job and to add salt to the injury, she increases their salary at our expense.
She claims to seek justice. Yet she is desperately fighting to deny us the justice of having a fair trial with a jury in court cases. It stands to the obvious that a judge is much easier to corrupt and bend than an randomly selected jury.
She criticises Johnson in the way he has handled the pandemic. But she just follows exactly the same script with a few cosmetic changes to keep the pretence that she is operating autonomously.
She claimed to seek to eradicate the virus in Scotland or at least contain it. Yet at all times she has deliberately left wide open the main port of re-entry for the virus in to Scotland. In the meantime, she denies us the freedom to interact with others, demonstrate and meet with the excuse that the virus must be contained.
She sent yes supporters “to convert” no voters for 6 years but she denied them the two indispensable tools for them to do their job successfully: a deadline and a campaign. In other words, she deliberately set them to fail.
She claimed that before calling a referendum she needed to be sure Scotland wanted independence. There is now more than 20 polls putting yes ahead and yet this coward refuses to call the referendum. It seems she is waiting for the polls to change and put no ahead so she can justify her inaction.
She continuously tells us that Scotland should have the right to choose. Yet, when that time to choose has arrived many times over, she rather undermines our popular sovereignty by embracing English convention, she hands over to England’s government a free veto and even sides with the British state in derailing the Keatings’ case to deny us our right to self determination.
She claims to want to increase Scotland’s autonomy. Yet she has handed to Westminster more powers, rights and asset control than all the previous FMs combined, even the unionist ones.
She demands from SNP members absolute loyalty and would immediately send her trolls to bully them out of the party if they dare to dissent. Yet she betrays the party, the raison d’etre of the party, the voters, democracy, justice and Scotland at every turn but has abused power to remain in post even happily throwing some ministers, MPs, MSPs or candidates to MP under the bus to protect her own arse.
She claims to want to protect us. Yet all the time she is deliberately endangering us.
She claims to seek to protect Scotland’s interests, when at all times she is putting England’s and USA’s interests before Scotland’s own.
The woman is a fraud and jeopardising the credibility of the party. So why is she still allowed to lead it?
New fashion attire for women as we come out of lockdown in NuScotland.
link to twitter.com
A very good article. Which highlights Sturgeon’s modus operandi, for other issues as well as women’s rights.
Introduce legislation by stealth, legislation which wasn’t made clear, or even mentioned, in the manifesto. Brush aside concerns. Refuse to engage with dissenters in any civilised manner. Instead try to undermine them, often in the most nasty way. Create an aura of semi-holiness around the leader.
This is pure New Labour. Actually even worse, it’s taking it to a lower level.
What’s to stop some pervert self- identifying as a women and then entering women-only spaces to satisfy his own perverted ends?
Women’s rights are not being protected. A cart and horses is being driven through them.
The genderwoowoo mysognists will never argue, never debate, never defend their position.
They will lie, lie and lie again. They will manipulate anyone to obtain what they want. And what they want is total control of women and children to obtain their personal desires.
They do not, and never will, care about the feelings or thoughts of anyone but themselves. They have, and have always had zero empathy.
They behave as toddlers – throwing tantrums when they do not get their way. As this has previously achieved results.
They should be treated as the toddlers they are : never indulged and never, never ever allowed to win by throwing a tantrum.
And that is why the genderwoowoo and their handmaidens (male and female) should be expelled from the body politic of every country.
This topic should be the centre battleground of the election. If women cannot see that then a painful lesson that politics does matter awaits them.
Do any of us want to see our Mothers, Sisters, Daughters, Granddaughters live in this Woke World. They already ignore the currents Laws. How many openly boast of not having a GRA and simply set their own rules.
It will not stop at Women. Every barrier will be attacked again and again. The Cult are on the march and society is at risk from queer theory.
“But we have to organise”
What we need is the real men that see sense on our side so we can all fight the minority of arseholes behind these toxic policies.
That should not be difficult but we need strong commitment and a will of steel:
That is it, no sex until the fraud is ejected from the driving seat and her army of political trolls sent back to under the rock they came out from.
How does that sound for a plan?
Having spent this week supporting someone sexually abused as a child and seeing the damage this has done to her entire life, anything, ANYTHING, that makes it easier for men to access women and girl’s safe spaces is absolutely wrong. I have first-hand experience of a trans woman, it was NOT A WOMAN but a sexual pervert. Not all trans women will be like that (I expect) but we do not know enough about the ‘trans’ to allow them any woman’s rights whilst they are still within a man’s body. And even if they are changed it still needs more consideration in my opinion. We are messing with nature and as yet there is no explanation why some men wish to be a woman but I am afraid that’s their lot in life and so live with it and do your thing in private like the rest of us. We all have our stuff to deal with. If Nicola Sturgeon had a daughter, or had been through the experience I have this last week she might just stop being such a complete failure as a woman.
Every day we see more examples of why the corrupt New SNP is morally bankrupt and completely unfit for office; here they are now effectively erasing 50% of the population to keep some hairy arsed blokes in dresses happy because they are good at organising twitter pile on’s.
Meanwhile the mindless drones on the SNP1+2 and SNP 1 crowd endorse this shit because they have been effectively lobotomised by never ending New SNP cult conditioning and are unable to think for themselves. What will it take for these people to get some self respect? Sturgeon raping and murdering a child live on TV?
Em, sorry, pardon my ignorance but what the fk is “ Gender Representation on Public Boards”?
Does that mean a Gender-woo-woo imbecile required on the board of Public bodies? By law???
Jeeezzzuusss… Head in hands…
It’s S,… it’s S,… it’s SNP,… sigh!. It’s snp 1 and ALBA2.
It’s ALBA2, ….and SNP1,… if you can stomach it.
Yes Sturgeon says a lot of stuff and you are endorsing all of it with your SNP 1 bullshit. Sort yourself out before telling others what they need to do.
Lol! You sturgeonite trolls are something else!
“It is not my job to attempt to find proof…” says Kirsty Blackman.
You don’t have a job. Being a legislator isn’t a job. You have no rights of tenure beyond the term you were elected to serve for. Also please note the word serve.
Nicola – Theoden,
Kirsty Blackman – Grima Wormtongue,
forwomen.scot – Éowyn,
Alex Salmond – Gandalf or Aragorn ?
(is Blackman a racist name under Critical Race Theory rules)
@ shocked
Nobody reads your crap. They see your latest label and skip past.
Stephen says: 9:36 am
‘What’s to stop some pervert self- identifying as a women and then entering women-only spaces to satisfy his own perverted ends?’
OMG, no-one would EVER do that, don’t you know?
It is physically impossible that such a thing could ever happen, (consults notes) and it has never happened, ever, despite evidence to the contrary.
Aye the SNP left you so you’re still campaigning for them and the lying criminal Nicola Sturgeon. We see you sturgeonite fake.
I don’t think there will ever be a large number of transmen for the exactly the same reasons – socialisation and biology. Expectations are high for males which is why there are high rates of depression and suicide. And we all know we’re ultimately disposable. That’s quite a lot of shit to deal with and is a significant hurdle for anyone who wants to be male.
Now to sail into dangerous territory. Acceptance is going to be a significant problem. Transmen would be more accepted if they just stayed as masculine women. I doubt anybody would be against that and that’s sort of how it works today. Males are hard-wired against duplicity – that’s why gay men had such a hard time for so long. There was a sense that rules were being broken. Transmen are always going to look different and are always going to look like they are trying to be someone they are not. Drop the pretence and things will be much simpler.
@Effigy 16 April, 2021 at 9:17 am
“NHS Wales contract awarded to a Company Matt Hancock
and his Sister have shares in.
This is an outrage!
Why hasn’t his local Bar manager friend who was handed an NHS PPE Contract
got shares in this? Has he? ”
Does your outrage only go as far as your own rose tinted Glasses FGS ? link to thetimes.co.uk , link to scotsman.com
Oscar Taime says:
16 April, 2021 at 9:20 am
“At this rate we’re going to end up in a place were the only acceptably recognized attribute of biological women is the ability to breed.”
Transmen can also give birth you insensitive clod. The correct gender neutral term I believe you’re looking for is baby-producers. (Or something.)
Elsewhere in that Twatter thread Blackman declaims: “no more consultations, we’re listening but we’ve had enough consultations.”
The translation of course is that the New SNP has pretended to listen to the public enough and now feels entitled to demand that the public listen to it. East German levels of arrogance from our political class, echoing Bertholt Brecht’s good old “the party decided to elect a new people.”
The silent coup of greasy pole-shimmying careerists like Blackman in the New SNP is worrying not just because of its shit effects on policy, but ultimately because of what it suggests about the SNP’s attitude to sovereignty. They didn’t get these political priorities from the Scottish public. They got them from networking abroad, and with a view to jobs after politics. In other words, that horrible old Bannon trope of “globalism” had a large kernel of truth.
“Meanwhile the mindless drones on the SNP1+2 and SNP 1 crowd endorse this shit”
Actually those voting SNP 1 + Alba 2 are quite possibly the only ones voting AGAINST “this shit”.
Did labour found the balls to vote against the hate bill that silences women and endangers freedom of speech?
No – they cowardly abstained and in doing so colluded into passing it giving a sense of multi party support for the bill. Clearly they do not give importance to women nor freedom of speech.
Did Libdems vote against the hate bill to protect women and freedom of speech?
No – they voted for it, colluding with the SNP into silencing women and denying us freedom of speech. Clearly libdems do not care about women, children or freedom of speech either.
Did the Greens voted against the hate bill?
No, they voted for it actively silencing women and actively jeopardising freedom of speech. No concern for women, children or freedom of speech from this party either.
Did the SNP voted for the bill. Yes, not a single one of them voted against the bill, betraying women, children and freedom of speech.
The only ones who voted against the bill were the tories. Do I think they did that because of commitment to women and freedom of speech?
You have to be joking. I believe the whole thing was staged as a political strategy to give the illusion of multiparty support for the nasty bill while giving an opportunity for the tories to gain credibility:
It stands to the obvious the only way a decent number of unionists can remain in Holyrood is if they pool together the no vote. Having labour and libdems endorsing or simply abstaining something as toxic as this bill will see many labour and libdem voters (and SNP ones) voting tory in disgust to give the libdems, SnP and labour a bloody nose (metaphorically speaking). But the whole thing is a political farce. No party currently in Holyrood gives a sht about females.
There is only ONE party that is actively and openly protecting Women’s rights. That party is also the ONLY ONE that actually seeks independence rather than kicking the can of self determination down the road or denying it altogether.
That party is ALBA.
In order to get as many ALBA MSPs as possible, you have to vote SNP1. It has nothing to do with endorsing the SNP’s toxic policies. On the contrary. It has to do with strategic voting, with cool and calculating heads to follow a necessary path to send to Holyrood a real opposition to both the British state and a rogue SNP. Tories, labour and libdems have been using strategic voting for decades. Dugdale even encouraged voting tory.
A constituency seat that the SNP loses is potentially a list seat that ALBA loses. If we want women’s and children’s rights and freedom of speech protected, we need ALBA in Holyrood and we need it in numbers. If we want “this shit” seriously opposed and burned, we need to vote strategically and whether we like it or not, this time strategically means SNP 1.
As a man I see this as not just a womans fight, this is our fight as well ie I’m heavily invested in woman for want of a better term, I have a wife 2 daughters and 2 grandaughters and I know every one of them would stand up for me their struggle is my struggle.
Women are the bearers, nurturers & protectors of our children, they deserve our respect they deserve our love and now perhaps more than ever they deserve our support,throughout the endless wars and carnage mostly caused by men women have been there for us to pick up the pieces it our turn to be there for them.
only recently on this blog Stu highlighted the disturbing and repulsive twitter activity of an obviously mentally ill Greens transactivist with a young boy this is apparently acceptable behaviour to Patrick Harvie and others like him who are trying tell us how we should think on pain of prosecution.
We need to put a stop to this dangerously insane science denying trans ideology, promoted by individuals like Patrick Harvie and the rest.
Any man who believes he’s a woman has a mental illness and should be treated as such, Trans women are not women and if that makes me a transphobe or a bigot or a terf or whatever other label they have in their name calling arsenal so be it i’m happy to be one
If you want to see what men get up to in womens toilets and changing rooms I suggest you take a peek at “gay” porn. There you will find men, straight or otherwise, leaving all sorts of deposits in women only spaces.
I make no suggestion these are trans, they are men with a fetish and they must be delighted Nicola Sturgeon is on their side.
As for bloke working in a rape centre, he is collecting wank material for his fantasies.
Well said ladies, never give up the fight to protect your rights.
Alas it does look as though the SNP and their enablers the Greens don’t see your rights as a priority.
But the ALBA party does, give them your list vote, and they’ll help defend your hard fought for rights.
Could those Alba voters who can’t commit to the party’s strategy of giving the first vote to SNP, please keep it to themselves? It is a party matter, not an individual one. That’s how collective action works.
In short , if you support Salmond, do as he asks.
@breeks in answer to your question:
The Gender Representation on Public Boards Act was designed to ensure that public boards were 50:50 male:female. However, in the committee stage, and at the instigation of Scottish Trans, they amended the definition of “woman” to include anyone “living as a woman”. The expanded definition says:
“This would not require the person to dress, look or behave in any particular way. However, it would be expected that there would be evidence that the person was continuously living as a woman, such as – always using female pronouns; using a female name on official documents such as a driving licence or passport, or on utility bills or bank accounts; using female titles; updating the gender marker to female on official documents such as a driving licence or passport; describing themselves and being described by others in written or other communication as a woman.”
So, if they put pronouns in their emails and a gas bill in the name “Mary” instead of “John”, they are a woman (where this leaves Hilary, Lindsay, Leslie etc, we do not know)
They don’t even have to prove any of this as the Act does not require an appointing person to ask a candidate to prove that they meet the definition of woman in the Act.
I know… Definitely SNP 1 and ALBA 2….
But what if you have an excellent candidate like Bonny Prince Bob standing against Angus Robertson? That is doing my head in. For a number of reasons. Mostly because they are chalk and cheese on social issues.
Am currently planning Bonny Prince Bob 1 and ALBA 2…
Bob in that parliament would be amazing.
Women: adult human females
Men: adult human males
Transwomen: see “men”
Transmen: see “women”
Cath says:
16 April, 2021 at 8:58 am
One thing I don’t think I’ve seen spoken about wrt gender equality is what the impact will be of the vast increase in young women declaring as transmen or non binary?
Apart from an increase in desperately unhappy broken people with lifelong health problems? Nothing.
“Transmen” aren’t nearly as aggressive as “transwomen”, because the latter are men.
There’s no female equivalent to Mridul Wadeverhisnameis. There’s no female equivalent of Jonathan Yaniv.
They arrive at gender pathology from two completely different starting points. The “transman” is nearly always a vulnerable girl, probably on the autism spectrum, who is terrified by the idea of being a woman. “Transition” is an attempt to hide.
The “transwoman” is nearly always an autogynephile exhibitionist who has been drowning in his paraphilia for so long it’s subsumed his entire personality. “Transition” is an attempt to live his sexual addiction 24/7, with everyone else on the planet being unwillingly roped into his fantasy.
Like all weak leaders, Nicola Sturgeon chooses “divide and rule”. She’s used GRA firstly as a brilliant test of loyalty to herself and also as a cowardly way to undermine the MSPs and MPs who took their seats with NO expectation of all this unnecessary fuss about a fairly obscure issue.
I have already decided I will not vote SNP as I am in NSs constituency.
I cannot vote for this fraud, Mia has it right.
I think Alex S is a very astute politician.
IMO he has good reason for saying SNP 1, he does not want to put off SNP supporters from giving Alba their list vote, he has a strong connection to the SNP, maybe he thinks they can be changed, maybe he believes some SNP MSPs will cross the floor post election.
The thought of a Green/SNP majority, terrifies me.
You lost me at this,
“Actually those voting SNP 1 + Alba 2 are quite possibly the only ones voting AGAINST “this shit””
Really no point reading beyond that as you are clearly deluded if you think that. Just you carry on in your campaign to endorse the erasing of women.
Mia couldn’t be more wrong if she tried because if you can suffer trawling through the rambling word salad the message is vote SNP and vote for Nicola Sturgeon.
I agree with the content of the article. However, I spent a few weeks sharing a house with a young woman who at the time identified as ‘lesbian’. She was a nice, well-balanced young woman. She subsequently transitioned to male and while I no longer see him (he emigrated) I hear of him second hand. He appears to be a happy young man with a family.
The tranistion process allows time for consideration. Self ID does not allow that. Hence, as a previous comment says, there is potential for a lot of damage to a person which could last a lifetime.
Those who are pressing for the more extreme options in the process are suspect. Is this just the fashionable bandwagon at the moment which will be abandoned when something new pops up? I think it is a dangerous aspect of life to play with as the potential for harm is enormous.
I have no respect for those who aggressively push the notion of self ID, especially as they seem to accompany it with threats to those who disagee with them.
Finally, women have fought hard in the past to get human rights and I have no wish to see their efforts and achievements squandered by a government which will not listen to honest dissent.
Mia, Bravo.
You’re the Martin Luther of our age.
Well argued piece which sums very well the SNP’s attitude towards not only the gender debate, but also to any questioning of their ill-thought out ideas. They brook no dissent or challenge. It is an insult to any semblance of democracy that the consultations and debates referred to here were not attended by or considered by the people who insist on passing legislation for which they have no mandate.
Kirsty Blackman’s arrogant dismissal of any attempt at debate is also typical of their presumption that they know best and there is no debate to be had. Perhaps, such is their assumption of absolute power in Scotland, she has not noticed that there is an election on, in which it is customary for candidates to be questioned closely on their policies, and for them to justify such policies with detailed answers and explanations.
But no, some slogans is all you are going to get, slogans which sound ‘progressive’, as if that was all that is needed. No consideration of the complexities of the issue, or the concerns which are far more articulated and coherent than her own airy dismissal of them. The mediocrity of such responses and the general intellectual climate which Sturgeon encourages should be enough for any Scots citizen to question whether giving these pretenders absolute power for another five years is a good idea.
Their whole manifesto is exactly like Blackman and Sturgeon’s fairytales of future Scotland. It is Brigadoon politics, all feelgood sounding promises with absolutely no detail, no economics and no recognition of the current landscape. It is fluffy PR, glossy brochures and jam tomorrow. You could laugh at it, or feel patronised that we are being talked to like children, with Queen Nikla promising a golden future which only she can see. It is superficial, candy-coated drivelling nonsense from the queen of lies and obfuscation, as well as the spender of money you haven’t got.
Grouser says: She was a nice, well-balanced young woman. She subsequently transitioned to male
I have the same challenge of conscience.
Joanna Cherry wanted to stand here… and wasn’t allowed… And Bob is an independent.
So… That’s why I don’t think voting for the bonny prince will damage the strategy.. otherwise, I would definitely be SNP 1 ALBA 2.
Can’t vote Angus, couldn’t vote Nicola… I would find an alternative too.
How anyone can continue to support the SNP after the above and all the other failures is beyond me. Promise you the earth “free” of course and never deliver. The world or Scotland at least is “going to Hell in a basket.”
While on the subject of the «freaky»
Something to really scary.
link to inews.co.uk
China as petrie dish, again..
Scientific «progress» must not be a slave to ethics in our world of brave scientists.
I can’t remember quite when it was that I realised I didn’t like NS but it was several years ago and based on the way she spoke. Lots of my friends have (had?) great admiration for her and she is seen as a very decent politician in England especially after her TV appearances on various debates – she speaks really well and it all seems so effortless, logical, reasonable and on the right side of what is progressive and decent. Why couldn’t Labour in England have a leader like this and a party so strong, popular and disciplined?
And yet, and yet, when you really listen it is virtually all surface and no substance and often worse than stating a view you don’t agree with as it is dishonest, cowardly and snide. At the same time the party discipline is actually a strait-jacket and the progressive outlook, a deeply controlling and illiberal view of society.
This GRA issue is the ultimate BS. You cannot reconcile this issue without coming down on one side and it is actually clear that NS and the SNP stand with the GRAs, not feminists who want to defend sex-based rights, yet she won’t say this. Instead she talks garbage about addressing both whilst at the same time making awful insinuations about feminists not ‘wanting to make things better’ for trans people. It is a deliberate smearing insult, half hidden within apparent reasonableness.
I am fully behind the feminists here. The law should stay as it is now and self-ID would be a huge mistake from a societal point of view and terrible for women’s rights and protections. As for NS and the SNP, I return to what I just said: dishonest, cowardly, snide. If I were in Scotland seeking independence it would be a real problem as to what to do, who to vote for. But I should not speak too soon – I am a Labour supporter and I very much suspect this issue is only just round the corner in splitting the party asunder.
Ian Mac says:at 10:54 am
“Well argued piece which sums up very well the SNP’s attitude towards not only the gender debate, but also to any questioning of their ill-thought out ideas.”
Your whole piece is so good, Ian Mac – this is as good, if not better, than anything I’ve come across on the ‘attitude’ of the Scot Gov.
Very impressive. Well done.
What incantation can turn black into white,
Day into night,
Right into wrong
And wrong into right,
If not the promise of money?
Stuart MacKay. 10:49
Martin Luther was a rabid antisemite who supported the suppression of the peasantry. He may also have suffered from acute bowel problems.
link to knowledgenuts.com
link to wikimili.com
@Red says: 16 April, 2021 at 10:27 am
The “transwoman” is nearly always an autogynephile exhibitionist who has been drowning in his paraphilia for so long it’s subsumed his entire personality. “Transition” is an attempt to live his sexual addiction 24/7, with everyone else on the planet being unwillingly roped into his fantasy.
Brilliantly put.
Jo Bartosch got into bother for the following article for Sp!ked magazine, but it was ahead of its time:
link to spiked-online.com
What a horrible man that Adam Bolton is while he’s interviewing Alex Salmond right now on Sky News .
Salmond has just destroyed Adam Bolton on Sky.
Bolton tried to smear him and came off second best.
A couple of years ago some womens rights group in England held a meeting to discuss this and the meeting was attacked by trans rights activists who blocked the exits and attempted to throw a smoke bomb at the women. The police had to be called and the women said they were in genuine fear at their metting beign stormed by mostly men, some in womens attire.
One of the ones who was caught on camera engaging in the most aggressive, threatening manner was given a column in The Guardian to write a sorry/not sorry piece in which he promised to think about other peoples feelings more in the future but he was still in the right.
The Womens Library in Bridgeton banned a womens group from meeting at it after they fell foul of a non womens group who were also using it.
One of the tactics of The Frankfurt School is to weaponise minorities against the majorities in the countries they wish to take over. Instill a sense of victimhood in these groups even when things have improved for them and maintain this constantly with the adherents of TFS posing as their saviours. Have any criticism of what is happening labelled as hate speech and if possible have it made illegal, ring any bells?
Heaver at 8:48am
“There are men high up in Scottish politics with a sexual history they are anxious to make legal?”
Now you say it, I would not be at all surprised if this is in the mix – with their “present” included too.
Stu,Alba – keep going!
The Alba crowd funder has reached it’s target. I know everyone has dug deep to get this one over the line. However it it worth considering this from the crowd funder page on the stretch target:
Any extra funding will go right to the coalface, helping grassroots ALBA Party activists the length and breadth of the country to share the Independence #Supermajority Strategy with all those who hope for better governance and a better future for Scotland.
Anyone from the grassroots side care to comment on whether this is important or simply nice to have.
link to crowdfunder.co.uk
None of the issues you are fighting have anything to do with independence,
Are you sure that Alba is right in going with the single issue of independence? Seems like there is more political capital to be accrued on bigger issues.
@Ottomanboi says: 16 April, 2021 at 11:09 am
While on the subject of the «freaky»
Something to really scary.
link to inews.co.uk
Was already successfully carried out in Dunfermline in 1985:
link to static.standard.co.uk
It’s not a great time to be ordinary in Scotland.
Ordinary people, including ordinary women, don’t really have organisations lobbying for them.
They don’t have politicians fighting for their rights across all parties, so that ‘party politics’ effectively means nothing, acting as one to promote their special interests, and without any concern for the impact on society at large.
They don’t have big pharma offering them funds to promote their goals.
From the perspective of an ordinary person, it seems like all our processes, parties, and institutions have been hijacked.
I’m not aware that I’m prejudiced, if I am, but it looks like the whole scene is dominated by gay/LGBT people and their rights.
Kirsty Blackman is a horrible bully. It is all her way or noway.
This is not acceptable when the subject requires to be discussed as dispassionately as possible.
Why do we even have to debate Women’s Rights. It was established and protected in Law until Sturgeon came along with her little cult. Why is the World and society being shaped by a decimal point of one percent?
Just watched a video of the ultra tory, Peterhead skipper John Buchan, saying he will be voting for Alba in the election, on the Alba North Highlands facebook page. He said if Boris Johnson appeared in Peterhead now he would be thrown in the harbour as the fishermen feel totally betrayed by the tories.
Oh well it took a long time for the fishermen to see the light but what a message this sends. To hear John Buchan backing Alex Salmond is quite remarkable. The momentum is now definitely with Alba and despite the media blackout we should feel thoroughly encouraged going forward.
Boris now has a 14 point lead in the latest poll. He’s not going to be inclined to cut The Queen of Scots any slack at all. I think she probably knows she’s finished. I doubt if she will see the next term out. No doubt she is looking for the next trough to get her snout in.
OT, 16000 postal votes been sent out in Moray. There’s room for vote manipulation if ever there was.
Keep up the fight, most men like myself don’t really have a clue what’s going on with all this stuff, so all we can really do is put our trust in women like yourself and hope this debate can see the light of day.
I’m nearing the point where independence has far less importance than these issues.
Interestingly the evil Tories are against this insanity, yet no one will countenance voting for them. In essence, holding the nose for independence comes at the price of literally, cancelling women.
Benhope @ 11:40 am
“The momentum is now definitely with Alba”
Aye, and that’s because of this difference between SNP and ALBA:
– SNP has independence as its last policy
– ALBA has independence as its first priority
Still, haud yer nebs fowks for SNP1 /ALBA2 and a #Supermajority to start negotiating Scottish independence in Holyrood Week 1!
Oh dear, tedious nitpicking I’m afraid. Next you’ll be telling me that Luther’s proclamation was an expression of male hatred oppressing all those women the Catholic Church and contemporary society had locked up as nuns because they were inconvenient.
Thank you for everything you do, For Women Scotland. You’re magnificent.
The trawlerman’s conversion is encouraging especially if it is indicative of a larger shift from Tory to Alba in the North East.
Ottomanboi says:at 8:41 am
“Birth sex is less important now, with same-sex marriage and equal state pension ages. But in my view birth sex is not an irrelevant detail and should not be automatically ‘trumped’ by gender identity in single-sex situations.”
Robert Wintemute
We seek experts in order to maximize our understanding of the truth and to minimise the possibility of error.
However, expertise in one field of study is no guarantee of even basic competence in any other field.
Professor Robert Wintemute is an academic who teaches Law in specific aspects. No question.
But who precisely are the genuine experts in Scotland in the study of sex, at birth, and ongoing?
And, separately, who precisely are the experts in the field of ‘darkness of the understanding’, ie. the failure to grasp the true meaning of things.
Let’s take the example of Boris Johnson, the holder of the Office of British Prime Minister.
Can anyone say with complete confidence that BJohnson has a proper grasp of his duties as PM.
Or that his Health Secretary has a proper grasp of the need for integrity and honesty in the granting of very lucrative Government contracts for PPE?
By extension, can anyone in Scotland say with complete confidence that the First Minister has a PROPER GRASP of the true meaning of human sexuality and all it’s implications for the health and wellbeing of society, and indeed of the human race?
Is it not far more likely that she suffers from a ‘darkness in her understanding’, commonly expressed as ‘I don’t GET IT’.
The failure to ‘get it’ sometimes, is part of being human, but when your job carries a lot of responsibility, as being First Minister does, then it is of vital importance that a full and proper understanding of some or other aspect of the job is acquired at all costs.
And that until that is the case, then no further progress should be undertaken.
Just think of building a large bridge when halfway through a large steel beam doesn’t fit properly in place. All work would stop and a thorough investigation be carried out until everyone was completely satisfied that it was safe to continue.
Gender legislation in Scotland should be stopped. Why? Because it doesn’t fit with the vast majority of public knowledge and opinion. And a thorough investigation should be conducted with the relevant expertise applied, followed by complete openness and transparency with the Scottish public.
But I’m no expert. But then at the birth of a baby, what expertise is being expressed when a voice says, ‘It’s a girl!’ , or ‘It’s a boy!’ ?
Yes, you’re right, it’s pretty obvious. But some people appear unable to see the obvious. Unable to ‘get it’.
And the First Minister is one of them.
Ps. Apologies for the length.
We’ve seen this before but I tweeted link and have been getting a lot of folk saying they’ve never seen it before.
A young Brian Cox giving it big licks!
‘Scotland’s Story – The 1707 Union with England’
link to youtube.com
Brilliant article which nicely sums up where we are. Bottom line is no Scottish woman can trust Nicola Sturgeon or the SNP to uphold our hard won rights. The HCB proved that.
Make no mistake where Queen Theory is going though.
First they are targeting women and children. The knives are also out for the LGB Alliance, who have no truck with the Trans issues where lesbians are bullied into having sex with self proclaimed transwomen (or fully intact males)
Next on the list will be straight men. Will it be hateful NOT to have sex with transwomen?
NS clearly has her own agenda with this topic.
Kirsty Blackman just needs help.
These people are cancelling women and holding their noses for the New SNP, not independence. These people idea if independence is so far removed from my ideas as a long term independence supporter it’s frightening.
I believe in freedom, liberty, justice, they believe in protecting the party leadership at all costs and spreading the lie that a vote for the SNP of a vote for independence. It isn’t. Independence is nothing but a carrot that the corrupt gangsters who run the New SNP dangle to con the flock. As for Salmond he’s lost a lot of respect from me, he went from telling the truth about Sturgeon to now saying let’s all forget about it, it doesn’t matter that the country is corrupt as long as he gets his 15 minutes on the TV. I wish he had stood in the constituencies and gone for the jugular, maybe he wasn’t organised, Alba seems a rush job to me.
“If you want to talk, we will talk. If you want to fight, we will continue to fight for women, and we will never give up”.
That’s the spirit!! Lets make sure we keep exposing this awful SNP SG leadership
Finding it really difficult to vote SNP 1.. infact I cant!
colin beattie is the candidate. However, maybe if he told us honestly where the missing indy ref fighting funds went, he would have more integrity!
Heaver at 8:48am
“There are men high up in Scottish politics with a sexual history they are anxious to make legal?”
Allegedly the leader of the Equality Network may be a member of the cross dressing order the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (see link to twitter.com). Make of that what you will.
Shocked at 12:11pm:
As for Salmond he’s lost a lot of respect from me, he went from telling the truth about Sturgeon to now saying let’s all forget about it, it doesn’t matter that the country is corrupt as long as he gets his 15 minutes on the TV. I wish he had stood in the constituencies and gone for the jugular, maybe he wasn’t organised, Alba seems a rush job to me.”
I agree about the rush job but bear in mind the timings of the investigation processes.
As far as AS is concerned, do you have specific quotes where he says “it doesn’t matter that the country is corrupt”? AS and Alba need to get votes and seats before they can change things and the legal situation is such that tackling the corruption head on is not an option.
My view is that, with his personal experience of SNP corruption, AS will be very motivated to expose and tackle it but he has to operate within present constraints. I’d be shocked if he has ever played down the significance of corruption but if you have quotes and examples, please supply them.
Salmond had a very uncomfortable interview with Bunter Bolton on Sky this morning.
“because if you can suffer trawling through the rambling word salad the message is vote SNP and vote for Nicola Sturgeon”
Vote SNP 1+ ALBA2.
I don’t know how many here remember the first time Stu floated the possibility of generating a Wings party that would only run in the list. The main aim was to eject the unionist seat warmers that had entered Holyrood by the back door and that were maintaining the status quo and the illusion that Scotland supports subjugation in this union. In other words, they were stopping a huge number of yes votes in the list to capitalise into seats, that is, hiding the real extent of the pro indy vote.
Some of us, not so gifted as STu, took a while to understand the logic behind the Wings party. However curiosity provoked by the deafening and embarrassing wails of outrage coming from the unionist factions and even from the SNP careerist and devolutionist wing, led you to find out a bit more what the outrage was all about. Once you started to crunch the figures and you started to look at how few votes Greens, labour or even tories in certain constituencies needed to get a list seat, Stu’s strategy made perfect sense. So much so that some of us actually wondered why the hell nobody thought of it before when the unionists with 3 parties have been capitalising on this strategy for 20 years. And more importantly, why the SNP careerists felt so threatened by it.
Let me repeat it again, the main strategy that such a party would pursue was to remove unionist list seats and transform them into yes seats.
In 2016 we delivered a mandate for indyref. This mandate was pished all over by the unionist parties in Holyrood that ganged up against our democratic rights and self determination rights claiming that only a SNP majority was a mandate for indyref.
We know this claim is a blatant lie because Davidson is in record in a youtube video saying that “what democracy is all about” in Scotland was for the SNP to negotiate with other pro indy party in Holyrood to ensure the indyref bill would pass.
But because we have a political fraud leading the SNP and a bunch of devolutionists advising her, she not only let them get away with that blatant lie, she actually embraced the lie because it appears it was convenient for her own agenda.
In other words, the reason why we have seen this fraud letting our indyref mandate expire instead of delivering it, is because there was not actual opposition in Holyrood, and by opposition I mean a party that actually represents yes voters rather than blindly the interests of the British state no matter how harmful these may be for Scotland.
We will never get a real opposition in Holyrood that will chop down the excesses of a political fraud in control of one of the yes parties by giving unionists free seats. We will never be seen as wanting independence if we continue to hand seats to overtly anti-independence parties by the back door to hide our yes votes so they can use those seats against us.
If this is so obvious, why should our strategy change when we are so close to achieve it?
ALBA runs in the list and fights for both independence and Women’s rights. The two things the political fraud has betrayed and that need proper opposition in Parliament to be corrected. None of the overtly anti independence parties has actually defended women’s rights and freedom of speech apart of paying a bit of lip service. We need real opposition, not this farce.
ALBA’s strategy is in a nutshell the same as the Wing’s party: to take away the seats from the unionist seat warmers by capitalising on the yes vote.
In order for that strategy to work we need to get the SNP locked in the constituency seats and in as many constituency seats as we possibly can to stop them getting any list seats. Why? Because the SNP is today the most popular party in Scotland, sadly, despite having a political fraud as a leader.
Popularity of the SNP means lots of votes, votes both in the constituency and in the list. So if the SNP does not win a constituency seat, it will win at least one of the list seats for that area. A list seat for the SNP may potentially mean a list seat less for ALBA.
The ideal scenario for us would be that every SNP voter would vote ALBA in the list. That would ensure lots of ALBA MSPs. But no matter how much sense that would make, we know it is not going to happen. A lot of SNP voters, particularly those obsessed with GRA and Sturgeon, and those following chancers like Black, Blackman, Smith or Wishart and the careerist and chancers themselves will vote SNP2, effectively sending their yes list votes to the bin.
If you deny the SNP a constituency seat, you are opening the door for the SNP to get a list seat denying that list seat to Alba. It is as simple as that.
Even worse. If you deny the SNP a constituency seat by voting for an overtly anti independence party like Labour, you are at all effects completely kiboshing the strategy:
Our strategy is to take away list seats from the unionists in order TO REDUCE their presence in Holyrood. By voting for a unionist party in the constituency, you may be taking a list seat away from them but you are handing them a constituency seat. That is a failure of the strategy. You at all effects have maintained the number of seats that unionist party has and potentially taking a seat from ALBA. What is the point of the strategy if you are not prepared to follow it? The unionist party ends up with the same number of seats and you are back to square one.
We should keep our eyes in the price and in the big picture. The big picture is an absolute pro indy majority in Holryood. Before you indicate, quite rightly, that the SNP under Sturgeon and her careerist cronies is no longer pro indy, just think that to the eyes of the majority of the electorate, to the international eyes and the yes of the wnkrs at Westmisnter, the SNP is still a pro indy party and a vote for the SNP is counted as a pro indy vote.
Before the idea of a yes party in the list was flaunted, Westminster’s strategy to maintain the status quo and the presence of the unionist parties in HOlyrood was to get the supporters of those parties to vote strategically to capitalise on the list votes while relying on most SNP voters to vote SNP 1 and SNP 2. That cosy arrangement was helped by the SNP themselves, which rather have a bunch of unionist parties as opposition than a real pro indy party showing them off for the unionist they have become. If ALBA’s strategy worked and most SNP 1 voters voted ALBA 2, unionism in Holyrood would be reduced to a rump, threatening the position of the leader of the SNP as the leader of yes.
So what reaction do we see?
We see a desperate attempt by unionists to stop the yes supermajority:
a) initially by relentlessly silencing and smearing ALBA
b) now by flooding blogs with trolls upping up the insults against the SNP to stop us voting SNP in the constituency in order to allow the unionists that will lose their list seat because of Alba back into Holyrood by getting the constituency seat instead.
Let’s bear in mind that this is detrimental for us at several levels:
1. A list seat in the SNP is a seat that will always act following the whip, or running the risk of being expelled from the party. A list vote is a party vote, not a candidate vote.
2. A list seat in the SNP cannot defect to ALBA.
3. If we vote unionist in the constituency we will not be reducing the number of unionist seats, effectively we would be swapping a unionist list seat for a constituency one.
We also see a desperate political fraud that cannot face the presence of a real yes party openly seeking independence by any route available to us and openly protects women’s rights. Why can she not face it? Because ALBA is a much more attractive prospect for yes women than her own party. Her wicked strategy to deny independence and to attack our females’ rights only works if there is not effective opposition. With ALBA there is now a functional opposition.
Why is she desperate to stop Alba getting in? Because ALBA is going to expose her for the charlatan and political fraud that she is and because ALBA will not be silent like she was when the rump of unionists in HOlyrood attempt undemocratically to stop indyref again. She will have nowhere to hide and either she delivers that effing indyref, she will be pillored (metaphorically speaking) until she delivers or she will have to walk. If ALBA gets in and in numbers, all she has is 2 years to deliver. If she does not deliver, Smith, Wishart, Black, Blackman, Blackford, Oswald and a few more gravy train passengers can say their goodbyes to the green seats.
I stand by each and every one of my words:
The only way to have a REAL opposition to the excesses of this political fraud and the toxic influence of the Greens is by getting ALBA in Holyrood.
The only way to ensure that we get the most ALBA MSPs is by stopping the party that has got the most list votes in the last election to have any chance of getting a list seat. That party is the SNP. The only way you can lock the SNP off the list seats is by ensuring it gets as many constituency seats as possible.
As per Sturgeon’s constituency, I completely understand you want to get rid of the fraud. But don’t do that by handing the unionists, particularly those who could not find the balls to vote against the hate bill, a free constituency seat bypassing our strategy to eject from Holyrood unionist seat warmers.
Remember that Glasgow women are going to still have in mind the betrayal of Labour with regards to the equal pay. That surely is going to lose them a few votes. Are we going to help Labour now recover those lost votes by handing to them SNP votes for free?
What advantage is that going to give us?
If you cannot bring to vote for the fraud, then by all means spoil your constituency ballot and write her a message loud and clear on it telling her the piece of work she is. But for goodness sake do not hand your vote to the unionists so they can then use it against us to “demonstrate” to the world that we don’t want independence.
It is clear as day that some elements of the SNP are deliberately kiboshing an SNP majority. Give them a bloody nose (metaphorically speaking) by forcing them to deal with a majority that must deliver indyref, not by allowing them to get away with not delivering indyref and to blame us because we refused them that majority.
If somebody here needs ejected from their seats is the Greens. Those are the seats we have to deny to stop any attempt of the fraud to form a coalition with them.
Eyes in the price. Our price is independence. We would not be where we are today, out of the EU against our will, with less powers and with our female and children’s rights threatened by opportunistic and unprincipled individuals, if Scotland was an independent state whose political parties were not seen as fair game for vested external interests’ trojan horses to hijack to stop our right to self determination.
If you want to persuade you need to write more succinctly.
All the tory old pals corruption with cameron in england, and now hancock and his sister with shares in an NHS contracting firm. All the bribes and backhanders with the ppe deals, over 127,000 dead with covid and the brexit shitstorm ,and boris johnson is apparently 14 points ahead in the polls. The mind f*ckin boggles at the peanut brained intelligence of the average english voter.
“If you want to persuade you need to write more succinctly”
Working on it.
Gender reassignment, and also race, are ‘protected characteristics’ as I understand it, under the UK Equality Act (2010).
So, if this new SNP definition of ‘woman’ includes someone who identifies as such irrespective of biology, does the same apply to a white person who may identify as black? It should.
Could we see public bodies, boards of corporations etc who have committed to racially inclusive ‘diversity’ policies to include people of colour, see their numbers swelled by white people who identify as black?
Kinda defeats the object doesn’t it?
Your posts are good as they are Mia. Yours and Breeks are the only long posts I read every word of, as you both post without puff and padding. Every word counts.
Keep it up please, excellent stuff.
Personally, I want to self-ID as the First Minister and have Sturgeon locked up as an imposter.
Wee Willie says:
16 April, 2021 at 12:31 pm
Salmond had a very uncomfortable interview with Bunter Bolton on Sky this morning.
Anyone got any clips of this interview with Bolton as i missed it ?
Lyn Hay
Indeed. I have already stated that Mia and Breeks long posts are read in full by myself.
Sad not to have contributions by Mr Robert Peffers any more.
One of the best interviews I’ve heard in a very long time. You won’t hear much of this on the BBC:
link to barrheadboy.com
Ottomanboi says:
“Martin Luther was a rabid antisemite who supported the suppression of the peasantry.”
His antisemitism seems to have occurred toward the end of his life, and was mixed with antipathy toward Roman Catholics, Anabaptists and other Christian sects. He lived the last 20+ years of his life having been excommunicated, which was probably as dangerous then as being the subject of a fatwa is nowadays.
I have no idea whether his bowels caused him torment, but his attitude toward the peasantry was probably shared by the majority of the priestly types back then, who relied on the patronage of the aristocracy and so were hardly likely to side with the poor.
But, you’re probably right inasmuch as the comparison with Luther was not wholly complimentary, however intended.
“She was a nice, well-balanced young woman.”
She was a young woman who happened to identify as Lesbian with whom I could have normal social interaction. She was still thinking out what sort of life she wanted but it did not dominate her life. She later, having spent some years working through what she was and what she wanted, started the process of transitioning, which she successfully completed.
I have no idea what you mean by HeadDesk.gif. I don’t do social media if it is an expression used there.
Mikey D says:
“All the tory old pals corruption with cameron in england”
And you don’t perceive any parallels at all here in Scotland?
I’m not even going to try and read that but the fact you seem to be using so many words to justify voting SNP speaks volumes. Your position is completely unjustifiable to me.
Your long posts are worth every word.
However perhaps mix long and short or even put a tl;dr; (too long, didn’t read) summary at the top to keep those short on time or attention happy.
Snp policies have been atrocious for women and children for a number of years
and there has been no opposition in Holyrude to any of these agendas that seem to be infiltrating all countries not just Scotland, which seems to suggest a global pattern of payed for and planned destroying the family unit,
This is happening in Canada, Australia, America, England, etc etc,
If it is not women’s rights being attacked, it’s the good old fashion policing, and woke police installed, children right, religion, racism, global warming and the great reset, eugenics and depopulation of the planet as an ideology, woke sports and transgender,
If attention is payed to how much effort destruction and intervention into dividing the humans, pitting one against the other in all areas of life in all countries you realise there must be big money backing this.
Once one realises how large a scale this is on and perhaps the money that is being fed into our governments to follow these ideological agendas, and who benefits from them long term,
You will find that this is the age old principle of divide and rule, multiplied thousands of times.
But people often cannot look further than their own back door, or can only interprete the world one section at a time. And this is what this agenda relies on,
One squirrel at a time to keep the populations in countries occupied.
So in conclusion, It suggests for all populations that are watching their countries being destroyed from within by gigantic amounts of money, take every thing back you can in controlling our countries to a smaller scale.
First gain your countries independence, from global ideology and interference, big tech and big money.
Have control over your own land and surrounding sea borders, do not allow other countries to drag you into wars that are fed to you by propaganda control of media, such as false information like the Iraq war, be aware that another countries armies on your soil in peace time is dangerous should war rhetoric and properganda be pumped up in the future.
Have control over the finances of your coinage, if it is intwined with an other country and debt your country becomes a weapon against its people.
To achieve a peaceful prosperous nation independent of manipulation you must have your own media, land, waters, airspace, and a government in control and accountable to its people,
To gain any of this, we have to start at the bottom, we need to hold the snp accountable to the Scottish people, we can not do this if we are controlled by any unionist party miles away in London.
Alex Salmond is correct in recognising this, lets kick the legs out from under our Scottish government that is led by the snp, civil servants and a corrupt justice system, start as we mean to go on take back control of our country.
link to tinyurl.com
Adam Boulton interview.
The tories are the government of the uk, not(as much as i despise them) the snp.
Kirsty Blackman was always a dimwit even before she took up the cause of transwomen. When she was made deputy leader in Westminster she was promoted beyond her capabilities. ( Mind you, look who is leader, Windbag Blackford.) She was regularly exposed in interviews as not in command of her brief.
Eventually, of course, she had to stand down but now seems to have found her niche as champion of trans rights – perhaps easier for her, as all she has to do is trot out the cult’s beliefs with no real understanding of consequences.
The sad thing is, that in every generation when women have tried to progress their status, there have always been women like Kirsty and Sturgeon and her clique who have been keen to oppose them. There is no such thing as the sisterhood. Quite often, when trying to gain equality, there have been men who have been greater supporters of women’s rights than these Auntie Thomasina’s, since they at least had an understanding of natural justice.
Kirsty and her tribe of unthinking handmaidens prove that women can be misogynists too. I distinctly get that feeling when Sturgeon speaks on the subject. There is a strong whiff of the Head Prefect about Sturgeon. I can imagine her presiding over the Sixth Form at Mallory Towers with her band of sneaks and acolytes, making life miserable for the other girls, using smears and gossip to isolate those who defied her authority and slanted reports to the Head to bring any recalcitrant girls into line. ( One more black mark for you, Angela, and you’ll be sent down in disgrace!)
Got my hand delivered SNP leaflet today.
is the heading.
As someone else posted, they could have used ‘Try Praying’.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high.
It’s not even Identity politics, its just wishful thinking.
Hope For a Better Tomorrow
For Tomorrow There Will Be JAM!!!!
And All those Financially Struggling
Will Be Rolling In Luxury Ham
Hope for a Better Tomorrow
And We’ll Be Better Together One Day
And Rolling, Rolling, Rolling
In Sunny Uplands of Modified Hay
Hope for a Better Tomorrow
Bring Chlorinated Chickens Home to Roost
Sterilise Children with Puberty Blockers
and Block All Women from Telling the Truth.
The SNP are so morally, financially and competency corrupt – they make the Scottish Tories look like a fairly decent bunch. And I hate Tories.
I know one thing for sure. Alba for the List vote.
And Alba, if your reading this… I want leaflets to deliver, I will collect, but you have to let me know where and when. Please get in touch.
Mia @ 12:32 pm
“Vote SNP 1+ ALBA2”
A thorough explanation of the dilemma. Clearly it is far better to see SNP MSP’s squirm than listen to unionist MSP’s haver.
Haud yer nebs fowks. #Supermajority.
@ Mia, I like your posts, always well reasoned. Keep doing what you’re doing and don’t let the bampots grind you down.
They move on eventually… nearly always to another female contributor, but then I suspect you know that already.
Stuart Mackay: you are absolutely spot on – they have no conscience. There can be no compromise; no giving ground at all, anymore. This fight, for women, is an existential one. I hope I am not being pushy or know-all when I suggest that ForWomen are engaging in the wrong fight: the international community has already accepted that a trans woman IS a woman, so the judge’s hands were tied, and there was no leeway to rule that placing trans women on boards (even though they had not transition in any way physically) was illegal or breached the rules – as they stand.
Now, what has to be done is that the existing human rights at the UN and European levels have to be challenged specifically on: a) the question of usurpation of another vulnerable group’s rights and safe spaces; b) the fundamental question of whether any man, transitioned physically or not, can possibly represent the female life experience (puberty, period, conception, childbirth, breastfeeding, menopause, etc.); and c) on the question of science and biology, where getting the right medication/health care, mental health treatment, testing of medicines, placement of prisoners in the female prison estate, etc., could be compromised by a refusal to acknowledge biological sex as the primary determinant.
It is of little to no use now to try and challenge the maxim, ‘a trans woman IS a woman’ because the law already states that the person is a woman (same goes, in the opposite direction, for trans men and men, but with fewer problems on a purely physical level). The insanity of this maxim is now accepted law when men/women can change their gender on every legal document that oils the machinery of social existence. This affects men just as much, but differently, on a physical level, as it does women.
The fundamental questions are: 1. was the human rights legislation intended to allow one vulnerable group to compromise the boundaries of another?; 2. can, in reality, trans women (or trans men) represent the opposite gender in that opposite gender’s physical and biological reality?; 3. does equality to the letter blur the lines of biological and scientific reality and place people in real, physical and mental danger by creating a false reality of gender determinant over sex determinant?
Having 50% trans women and 50% men on boards might seem like a small example of human rights transgression, but it goes to the very heart of what a woman, or man, for that matter, is in reality. Legal fictions are not unheard of, but, in this case, they are directly contrary to perceived reality and cannot be allowed to determine how the vast majority of people are allowed to live their lives.
I mentioned The Frankfurt School in my post further up the thread. About three years ago one of the political activists posing as journalists at The Herald posted on Twitter saying that anyone who complained about the situation in Govanhill and who mentioned either The Frankfurt School or Cultural Marxism wasn’t from Govanhill, they weren’t even from Scotland but were American Nazis posting from the US. When a number of people asked this person, let’s call him David, had any proof to back up this claim he blocked them saying that he would not stoop down to debate with such people.
We are in a long game con being played against our country, some people on here appear to recognise this. The legs have been kicked out from underneath the Independence movement and it has had a hostile takeover carried out on it via infiltration and not from MI5/Westminster.
Daisy Walker
My comment was well intentioned.
I’ll forgive you’re bile because it is out of character.
@Aunty Flo – 16 April, 2021 at 12:39 pm
“So, if this new SNP definition of ‘woman’ includes someone who identifies as such irrespective of biology, does the same apply to a white person who may identify as black? It should.”
Of course. And it’s already happening. Some of the people making these claims are public figures.
I am quite surprised that nobody has yet cottoned on to how popular self ID of age would be. Particularly as some people have already been doing that for years, but usually in a sort-of harmless way.
I am not in favour of that. Anybody who can think through the implications for themselves will understand why.
So all you “SNP 1” enthusiasts,,, you still think she is going to spend her time having a civil conversation with Salmond about Scottish Independence?
Not a hope in hell!!!
The woman doesn’t do “talking to”.
Sturgeon is a power hungry sociopath.
She only does “preaching”.
Why do you SNP voters find that so hard to accept?
Why are you all so afraid to stand up to her?
The only way to defeat a bully is to stand up against them.
With so many Snowflakes rolling over and giving her your support, she will only use and abuse you all the more,,, knowing that she is under no threat from such a weak opposition.
Vote SNP all you want, but don’t start squealing when her evil policies become a reality.
Thank you Stephen,
Not sure I see any evidence of Bile, but if you ‘feel’ bile, I’m not going to argue. Just you ‘feel’ away, as the actress said to the bishop.
Your forgiveness means the world to me. Really.
OT, just seen the Sky interview with AS and Sky News. Back to 2014 standards – I do believe we’ve got them rattled.
Alex made a Very interesting point, and I know it’s been mentioned before, but I’m not sure of the legal heft it might have.
Northern Ireland and the Good Friday Agreement – legally defined a repeat Referendum as ‘once in a generation or not less than 7 years’
If that is legally true for one part of the UK, will it not be legally true, and internationally legally enforcable for another?
The Treaty of Union made it illegal for one part of the Uk to have better international trade deal than others… anyone know if similar laws within that might cover democratic Referendums?
Every time Salmond says vote SNP1 he is endorsing corruption, criminality, the banning of freedom of speech, the erasing of women and the blatant theft of money from people who can ill afford it and let’s not forget that is only the tip of the iceberg. I watched his evidence session, I heard what he said (under oath may I add) and I’ve looked at the evidence myself and know who conspired with who and what they did. My principles will not allow me to offer any support to the corrupt New SNP, none of them should be anywhere near power and all of them need to face the consequences.
Once you start giving corruption and criminality a pass you are on a slippery slope, that is something I will not do and all the SNP 1 sturgeonites can say what they want and slaver paragraph after paragraph but it won’t make any difference because at least I can go to bed at night with a clear conscience. No compromises, no excuses, no favours to anyone. Everyone is equal and if you are a criminal or corrupt you face the consequences no matter if you dangle a big fat indy carrot in front of me or not because let’s not forget that it is the indy carrot that got us into this mess with a corrupt gangster government. A lot of people need to take a long hard look at themselves.
I like your posts also Mia and breeks. very informative.
link to tinyurl.com
Peterhead Skipper John Buchan Backs ALBA
What are organisations supporting men’s issues doing about inclusion of trans men? I’d have thought that they’d be having similar problems with funding and protected job roles. How are they getting around it? Are they? Would it be worthwhile getting them to raise the problems they see with it, if they’re experiencing the same problem.
Just watched that Bolton interview. Thought AS was superb against such hostile questioning at the start. It then settled down into a proper interview.
Only thing I might have said was when Scotland is independent, there is no UK
Ruby says:
16 April, 2021 at 1:02 pm
link to tinyurl.com
Adam Boulton interview.
Thanks for the link Ruby. They’ll continue with the smears to the bitter end. As usual Alex exposed Bolton for the tube he is as a presenter .
Ottomanboi says:
16 April, 2021 at 8:41 am
“Birth sex is less important now, with same-sex marriage and equal state pension ages.
What an ignorant statement.
Same sex marraige confirms the reality of “birth sex”.
A marraige is called same sex because the two partners have the same “birth” sex.
winifred mccartney: they are not few. That is what they want us to believe until it is too late. Under the ever-widening trans umbrella, it could be hundreds and hundreds of thousands, perhaps into the millions throughout the entire UK and West – precisely because that trans umbrella is so wide, and because self-ID will enable ever greater numbers to emerge, right across the paraphilia spectrum – and all wanting access to women’s safe spaces and rights, and through them, to young people and children. I think we have to assume that there are many people in positions of power right across the board for whom this is the aim. The trans lobby has been helped by lawyers, legislators, civil servants, big business and public and private money. All we see at the moment are the wee folk pushing this stuff. Who is hiding out of sight until the legislation is in place?
Lorna, you are not correct that it is legally accepted that TWAW.
The 2010 EQA, which BTW, the SNP have stated in their manifesto, they will uphold, clearly states that gender reassugnment and sex are two PCs, seperate, distinct catagories.
GR is about legal sex, sex is about biological sex.
TW with a GRC can be legally excluded from women’s single sex spaces.
It’s just that they never use these legal exemptions because they are pushing TWAW.
So whether you realise it or not, you are believing the propaganda.
That is why FWS went to court, the legal definition of woman needs to be enforced.
The press keep asking Alex Salmond if he will,
‘now issue a public apology for what he did’.
Alex makes good reference to the Trials, but in addition the following line of response might be,
‘I never did anything to the public to apologise for.
And with regards the non-criminal incident from 2013, I took full responsibility and apologised personally to the individual, at the time, and it was accepted – exactly how many apologies do you think should be issued, over how many years, or is it just whenever a journalist needs an angle.
I appreciate that in this ‘virtue signalling’ era that we live in, a ‘public apology’ is an easy thing for the media to cry out for, but in terms of taking personal responsibility towards an individual (which I did at the time) – I’d suggest it is an empty gesture, that serves no purpose other than PR.
Meanwhile, Scotland has Covid, and Brexit (an English/Westminster imposed Brexit) to deal with, and the Alba party is putting forward constructive plans to tackle both.
The economic fall out from both – represent a clear and present danger to the people of Scotland.
To that end, we need champion fighters, world leading economists, experienced civil, LGBT and womans rights activists, business people, etc, etc.’
Any thoughts.
Amateur Andy @1.34,,,
Your needle is stuck,,,
We get your message as you feel the need to ABUSE and INSULT all on these boards if we dare agree with the one man who has every reason to despise the Sturgeonite McWokeists. That is Alex Salmond.
Amateur Andy, we see you,,,
The majority on Wings and refreshingly an ACCELERATING group of voters in the wider community are changing to…
Amateur Andy,,, there can be only one reason why you are in perpetual nervous breakdown, passive aggressive abusive troll mode.
Because you know that SNP1/Alba2 will see between 6 and 20 new Alba MSPs at Holyrood, including Alex Salmond MSP and that scares the crap out of you.
You cannot be so pig shit thick as to believe any one original Winger here is a “Sturgeon Snowflake”. Stuart Campbell has repeatedly deconstructed any argument you have on that.
Andy three commas,,, you are a busted flush.
As it said on the previous thread and I paraphrase…
“Nobody is interested in what you have to say”
So unless you self-moderate your tone and reduce your abuse of others here, you are just talking to yourself. In that case, the nurses will be along soon to attend to your needs.
Mikey D 8.44
Is the problem not that voting that way makes it more likely the SNP person would get in on the list pushing the Alba candidate out? I’m with you by the way. The idea of voting SNP at all sends shivers down my spine but I will do it this one more time. Never again though.
For Daisy Walker
???? I hope he runs with this Daisy .. excellent clear to the point .
I have just watched the interview .. the aggressive interviewing sadly still the go to place .
Best Wishes
Ignore the questions marks Daisy typing without glasses
Trans men would be in obvious danger in men’s prisons, changing rooms etc and so this is rarely demanded or indeed mentioned.
Any man who decides to adopt a LadyName and uncomfortable hosiery becomes the most oppressed group ever and the red carpet is rolled out. Women’s objections to the colonisation of their sex are dismissed as bigotry.
Everyone knows which type of trans people are more important.
Al Stuart
I have abused no one.
So stop the ametuer dramatics.
It is you who keeps having issues with all my posts,,,and it is you who goes out of your way to keep highlighting EVERY post I make.
So I would say it is you who is trying to abuse me.
You want more to be Weeshit for Indy.
Don’t mention the war.
Well I will not be silenced by a Sturgeon Roadie.
So my advice to you is to Scroll on by when you come to anything I post.
So please stop contacting me in any shape or form,,,and I will do like wise.
I sincerely hope this is the last contact I will have with you.
So please stop harassing me.
Remember,,,SCROLL ON BY.
I thought Alex did a brilliant job with the interview but could use Daisy’s words to shut them up quicker.
@Al Stuart
Oh Al, you old sturgeonite you, if you only bothered to pay attention and went back a few articles in this website you’d see a comment by Rev Stu btl where he said himself that he’d struggle to vote SNP if he had a vote.
So park your pro- Sturgeon pro-corruption pro-criminality nonsense. It is people like you who created the criminal Sturgeon and your transparent attempts to keep her in power make you an enemy of anyone who believes in a truly free Scotland.
Reference the SNP ‘hope’ message.
It’s not enough to HOPE, given the clear and present danger Brexit and Covid pose to Scotland, there has never been a more urgent time, a more urgent need for ACTION.
Covid has presented the world with an International crisis. Westminster’s imposed Brexit presents Scotland with a National Crisis.
One which threatens our NHS, our food and environment standards, our farming and fishing industries and communities, our industrial business base, workers rights, our universities and our Devolved Parliament.
From Devo Max, to Devo Nowt in 7 years of Tory Britain.
False Vows, Empty promisises, Blatant Boris Lies.
Imposed by Westminster, against the will of the people of Scotland.
Britain Isn’t Working.
Max the Yes with Alba.
Yes We Can and Now We Must.
“Voting SNP 1 is against all principles, but…”
It sounds so much like,,,
“I’m a proud Scot, but…”
No ifs OR buts,
Just don’t vote for the SNP.
No excuses,,,they are a shower of Evil Bastards.
Covid has presented the world with an International crisis. Westminster’s imposed Brexit presents Scotland with a National Crisis – on an International scale.
Mark Boyle: thank you. I think Jo is spot on.
Grouser – well-balanced people don’t convince themselves that they are, or can be, the opposite sex.
Because they’re not and they can’t.
I’m sure there are some lovely people who believe that they are Napoleon, Jesus, or Michael Jackson. But it’s not a kindness to indulge mental delusions – it’s bad, dangerous and off the wall.
Can we have a public apology now from Adam Boulton for porking Blair’s spin doctor behind his wife’s back?
Poor Andy – still trying very hard I see – all in vain lol. But keep it up mate – you are our best recruiting sergeant thus far:
SNP 1 Alba 2
Ye know it makes sense. 🙂
Shocked 2.38
Well said sir.
Portrayed by Unionists as arrogant and self-serving, he confounded his critics when under his stewardship Party fortunes recovered dramatically and on a platform of fighting for Scottish independence he led it into government in 2007 and in a barnstorming election campaign in 2011 he achieved the impossible getting the Party back into power with an overall majority of MSP’s.
link to caltonjock.com
Luigi. Agree 100%, but c’mon even in govan?
Stuart MacKay 11:56
Grüss Gott!
Admit Stu, you’re not too keen on the papists…how old «Scottish» and so divisive.
Suggest you read up on Father Martin. A rather unpleasant and totally theologically mixed up guy who inspired capitalists, German romantics and nazis and who wrought great damage across western Europe, religious, political and social.
For example in Germany:
link to en.m.wikipedia.org
His published antisemitic writings are enough to condemn him.
Ein fester Burg ist unsre Unwissenheit.
Drain the boglach!
The Tartan Taliban must go.
Father Martin was fairly catholic. He accidentally started a new religion.
Rikali 8:41 am
“Birth sex is less important now, with same-sex marriage and equal state pension
And the man who opined that, Prof. Robert Wintemute, is called expert.
Mungo, i would hope a big enough list vote for alba in govan would get them through, i’d be prepared to take that chance just to get rid of sturgeon, and 3 yrs ago i used to think the sun shone out this womans a**e.
I must admit, I would be sorely tempted to vote for Bonnie Prince Bob if I was in Edinburgh. 🙂
John Martini
Some accident..and such «collatéral damage».
Ruby says:
16 April, 2021 at 1:02 pm
link to tinyurl.com
Adam Boulton interview.
I’d never heard of Adam Boulton before. What a twonk, schoolboy standard of interviewing.
Shocked – thanks, reply noted
Adam Boulton – if you or Sky News read here: You are not the sort of media I want to represent me. Pathetic and pitiful standard of journalism. The only thing I am any the wiser on following your interview with AS is that you really are a stupid and offensive man totally out of touch with the job you are supposed to do.
Sky News – does a finding of “not guilty” mean anything to you? Have you any idea how stupid you appear with your coverage of this topic? Pathetic.
Wow unionists still barking on about how stupid we Scots are to see a possible route through to gaining independence by voting snp 1alba 2.
We’ve all admitted we’re holding our noses to gain independence in this election to get alba into the position we require in government,
The unionist parties are trying hard on here to dissuade us and prevent this happening. And yet they are having their own scandals and investigations into corruption ongoing at this moment in times they try to brush them under the carpet, shame on you, we see you and feel your fear.
Here is a message to all those traditional “reporters” and who insist in making fools of themselves by embarrassingly continuing to demand from Mr Salmond an apology to women he, those reporters claim, offended:
Those women you demand an apology for are not victims. They are accusers. Victim and Accuser is not the same thing and it is very dishonest to attempt to blur the boundaries of both terms.
Those accusers were not recognised as victims by a majority female jury. Their claims were not believed by that jury. Some of them even demonstrably did not tell the truth under oath claiming Mr Salmond did something to them when they could not even prove they were even in the place they claimed such event took place. Witnesses put them somewhere else.
Therefore, you are demanding Mr Salmond to apologise to some accuser who could be construed as, at least, creative with the truth. If an apology was ever required, it is evident that such apology should have been issued to Mr Salmond.
So when are you going to ask those accusers, that not victims, to actually apologise, not just to Mr Salmond, but actually to all the taxpayers like me who are now forced to pay an unnecessary costly bill because of their actions that we could do without?
When are you going to demand those women to apologise to the Scottish people for insulting our common sense and for undermining our juries and courts of law and treating them as an embarrassing circus?
When are you going to demand those accusers to apologise to the rest of the women that because of them bringing to court ridiculous accusations like a hand on a knee or touching somebody’s lock of hair, have completely undermined ACTUAL serious sexual harassment cases because every woman now attempting to bring such a case will be doubted and questioned for their motives thanks to the negative precedent those accusers have established?
I don’t know about the rest of the women in Scotland, but as a person who suffered harassment in the past, I most certainly do not appreciate my sex being abused as a political weapon to destroy the political career of a man undermining our rights to have a fair sexual harassment case. I appreciate even less unscrupulous reporters trying to psychologically blackmailing me into believing those accusations were true when a jury has already trashed the case.
Just in case you did not realise, we are in the middle of an electoral campaign. We, Scottish women do not want to hear you droning on about demanding unnecessary apologies to accusers with the aim of re-floating a case that sunk like a led balloon in court because of its complete lack of credibility.
As voters we want to hear Mr Salmond speak as a CANDIDATE of ALBA and as A LEADER of a PRO INDEPENDENCE party that protects women’s rights, thank you very much. The criminal trial is now over and have been for quite some time. Those accusers were given a chance to be heard and their claims were rejected. So frankly, if you cannot move on, you continue to question the ruling of the jury and judge or you are so unresourceful that cannot come up with anything interesting other than boring us to death with a repetitive smearing script that it has been clear for quite some time it isn’t working, perhaps for the sake of your own dignity you could go away and let somebody else, somebody serious about Scottish politics like a blogger, do the grown up questioning.
Our voters’ time is precious and we rather spend it listening to candidates explaining what they propose to do than wasting it listening to your boring and embarrassing demands for apologies from the wrong quarters.
Have you all traditional “reporters” a nice day.
Re: fishermen in the North East
Jimmy Buchan (Tory Brexiteer and pal of Bertie Armstrong’s)
John Buchan (Alba supporter)
are not the same person, thought they may be related.
I don’t get it I don’t understand why a political party would go out of its way to alienate so many people , do they believe they are untouchable and beyond criticism of any of their actions .
I know the management thought the YES vote was tied up and in the bank that was before Alex escaped the Trap they thought they had him in ,he was going to Jail and would cause no further trouble well the plan failed not just failed it spectacularly crashed and burned.
What is it with Black and the SNP , we have Blackford the fat fkr who Bawjaws openly laughs at when he stands up to speak , Blackman the flaky MP who couldn’t hold down a normal job .the off the wall looney toons that represents Paisley Mahairi Black ,
it’s funny scrolling through the names at Westminster to check the spelling ,Christ I wouldn’t recognise most of them if they came up in my soup I have to assume they are SNP MPs , the SNP website lists the MPs and at the bottom of the page it says CLICK TO LOAD MORE ARTICLES how fkn appropriate , fkn articles most of them with a few obvious exceptions
Mia, Well said
Ottomanboi says:
16 April, 2021 at 11:20 am
Stuart MacKay. 10:49
Martin Luther was a rabid antisemite who supported the suppression of the peasantry
I think it’s a bit late to cancel Martin Luther.
There are three dynamics at play here…
Those who trust Alex Salmond and intend to vote SNP 1 and ALBA 2, despite their reservations about Sturgeon.
There are those intend to vote ALBA 2, but do not, as a matter of principle feel able to vote for the SNP.
And there is a third dynamic, which expresses derision and anger about voting SNP or not voting SNP, and frankly this ‘hostility’ for the want of a better word, seems thoroughly disjointed. Why are you so angry about it?
NOBODY, or at least very few, of those who intend voting for ALBA 2, consider their vote for the SNP in the Constituency seat to be any kind of endorsement for Sturgeon’s leadership.
Far from endorsing Sturgeon’s lamentable government, voting SNP in the Constituency is the necessary reciprocal of voting ALBA in the List to deliver the optimum number of pro-Independence seats, hopefully forming a supermajority. It’s simply following a formula. Is it perhaps that you do not understand that formula?
Anger at Sturgeon seems entirely logical and thoroughly well earned. I get that.
Anger towards Salmond, to my mind, reeks of indoctrination, and people believing smears carry more weight than a jury’s verdict, but within that context, it is understandable. I get that too.
But this anger and abuse targeted towards people who embrace the compromise which aims to deliver a supermajority, seems entirely out of place. I’m not connecting with the reasons why that’s the bit to be angry about.
To my mind, that’s the Green Zone, the DMZ, it’s the Peace Zone where live and let live compromise and understanding is trying establish itself. It’s the last place you’d want to burn down with your rage and hostility… unless that is, you’re not one of ‘us’ in the first place.
I don’t know what common objective is shared by Andy, Shocked, (a Constitutional Lawyer doncha know? 😉 Are ye aye?), and who’s the other one Kcor or whatever, but the things you say, the bitterness with which you say them, and the way in which you attempt to single out and bully first Ruby, then Liz, then Mia in such a personal and derogatory way, marks you all as ‘suspect’ contributors. There’s something not ringing true about any of you, if indeed there even are three of you.
Your objective seems to be sowing discord for the sake of it, but it doesn’t work and doesn’t upset people because frankly it is so very transparent what you’re trying to do.
You don’t belong here. You are not kindred. You are the Sky People in amongst the Na’vi. So by all means, crack on, you can slaver away and talk whatever pish floats your boat, but just be aware, all that the ‘good’ people are seeing and hearing from you is the nothingness of white noise from people who are not what they seem.
Types of trolls No2,
The Profanity and All-Caps Troll,
`Unlike some of the more intelligent trolls like the debate troll, the grammar troll and the blabbermouth troll, the profanity and all-caps troll is the guy who has nothing really of value to add to the discussion, spewing only F-bombs and other curse words with his caps lock button left on.
In many cases, these types of trolls are just bored kids looking for something to do without needing to put too much thought or effort into anything. On the other side of the screen, they’re often friendless but harmless.`
It’s a pity that Alex Salmond did behave in such an appropriate way towards several women. This of course is the same for Boris Johnson. The press and media do love salacious stories involving politicians.Their enemies will never tire of using this as a weapon as they take the moral high ground.Up to now Johnson seems to be getting away with it, but as they say,a week is a long time in politics.
Breeks, that needed said,
Salmond got across all what he wanted to say despite the unfair and crass lines of questioning by Boulton. Alex is a master at giving interviews.
Martin Luther was a rabid antisemite who supported the suppression of the peasantry.
Anti semitism was pretty common in medieval Europe at the time and very common in the German states. At the time of the Crusades it was usual practice, when the Christian knights were on their way to the ports to tranship ( or overland ) to the Holy Land, to attack Jewish communities in towns on the way since they were regarded as infidels too. Those were very intolerant and deadly times. Difficult to find any liberal democracies then.
I wish people would stop seeing people in the past who had never heard of political correctness through the prism of the present. People in the past often had illiberal and cruel attitudes. They were people of their time. Imagine; they didn’t even know that they were living in the past. They thought they were living in the present. Just like us.
Thanks for the link Ruby. Good to catch up. Still can’t get over this let’s put the boot in mentality. People in glass houses comes to mind. Thanks
Scott Finlayson
Types of trolls
The independence movement needs to be a broad church bringing within its bounds a range of people united in their commonly held belief in independence.
It needs to be welcoming,
There is a danger in signalling oneself to be a true independent and castigating others as mere imposters.
In so doing, you are reducing the size of the movement.
It is rather like the old story of St Peter giving a tour of heaven to a new entrant. The new entrant sees a small group in the corner. He asks St Peter who they are. St Peter says they are ……They believe they are the only ones here.
Hello Mia,
@ Mia says:
16 April, 2021 at 3:41 pm
Here is a message to all those traditional “reporters” and who insist in making fools of themselves by embarrassingly continuing to demand from Mr Salmond an apology to women he, those reporters claim, offended:’
It occurs to me Mia, the following:
Several times now the phrase the media have used with Alex is, ‘is it not time to issue PUBLIC apology’
I think this gives Alex an opportunity to bat this back at them.
You issue a public apology to the public when its towards the public you have misbehaved.
You issue a private apology to a private citizen.
It’s not a game of public confessions on Opra, a PR exercise in virtue signalling.
Alex took full responsibility for his actions at the time, and apologised fully towards the person involved, at the time. It was accepted by that person, at the time. Absolutely not appropriate to turn that into some form of public spectacle / confession (which is what I think they are trying to trick him into).
I think the public would respond well to him responding in this way. The whole Opra Confession thing has always been seen through as a self serving PR exercise, in my opinion.
Similarly, several times, when Alex has explained that he did issue an apology in 2013 – the interviewers have stated, ‘ah yes but the public have forgotten all about that.’
Well, they haven’t forgotten, they were not involved in that, it was quite appropriately a private communication.
The thing to stress is the apology was given at the time, and excepted, at the time, he took full responsibility for his actions.
In addition, he should point out how rare it is for a person, with conduct to be ashamed of, to give evidence themselves in a trial against them.
It provides the opposition full opportunity to cross examine him at length and in detail. And is something most defense lawyers nearly always advise their clients against doing.
Again, it proves he was not trying to hide anything or fail to take responsibility.
Re Brexit, I abstained, didn’t trust either side, if you have a look at the Denton Document you will find that this tactical manual on how to force Trans demands into law, education, the media etc was written by what claims to be the worlds second largest law firm and a branch of the EU.
The EU is not our friend here, it’s every bit as badly compromised as Holyrood and Westminster.
Next time the media bring up the issue with the racist tweet that Arthur the Champion Boxer made – I think they should knock that one back by quoting Boris at them – letterbox smiles, anyone? or not so Pretty Patel – ‘lets starve them out’, re the Irish.
Not to mention Boris’s comments about the Jocks.
And where was the Media rebukes towards Farage re his racist comments about ‘thieving’ Rumanian neighbours? Double Standards.
Anyway, it looks like Alex has lost a bit of weight and is getting over his chest infection. He’s loooking a lot healthier. Superb.
JGedd says:
At the time of the Crusades it was usual practice, when the Christian knights were on their way to the ports to tranship ( or overland ) to the Holy Land, to attack Jewish communities in towns on the way since they were regarded as infidels too.
While this simplistic statement of history is totally “woke” approved, it is , i would submit miseading and inaccurate.
It is true at the time of the crusades, there was an increase in popular action against jewish communites in some parts of Europe. it is quite wrong to say it was “usual practice” of the “Christian knights.
I’m shocked by the way Alex stands by his candidates. Of course, that’s what he’s always been like – but I’ve become so used to the NewSNP way of throwing everyone under the bus for the smallest (or even imagined) transgressions that it seems quite amazing to see a different way of doing business.
I understand SNP for most constituency seats but not for the abysmal and dangerous leadership of HY, NS, AR, JS. They are the dictatorial cabal trying to silence critics assisted by the anti-women Greens. The 6 Green list msp ruling with 7% of total Region votes are Glasgow 23,398 votes – 1 seat. H&Islands 14,781 – 1 seat (Emma R. is top of snp list for at least 5 mins I thought she was in a wheelchair – she will take Maree Todd’s vacant list seat). Lothian 34,551 – 2 seats. Mid Scot & Fife 17,860 – 1 seat. West Scot. 17,218 – 1 seat.
With the huge number of wasted snp region votes, it would only take a 25% switch to Alba to outnumber green votes – obviously, 100% would be perfect. HY is not on a List and Labour has a transplant surgeon who grew up in Pollok as a candidate. No need to hold your nose to transplant HY back to civvy life. Edinburgh central not electing AR will not be a loss. Thank you AS for ALBA and thank you Stu.
Sturgeon has three expensive properties in Scotland ,and a luxury villa in Portugal. She and her husband are millionaires. All of this has been achieved by someone who has never had a proper job in her life. She has done very well out of peddling fake independence to the cultists who faun on her every word. What a bunch of idiots a huge chunk of the Scottish electorate must be.
Sorry that you thought that was ‘simplistic’. I could have written more of an essay type answer but I doubted very many people would have been at all interested in that amount of detail.
Anyway since you are one of those, smugly poised to criticise, I’ll amend that to the fact that it often happened that Jewish communities were held to be infidels and were attacked by Crusaders and common people too. There are many instances of this throughout Christendom at times of heightened intolerance. How many times would this have to happen before you would consider this to be reprehensible?
These were historical prejudices in other times when prejudice and dogma were fundamental to ordinary people’s ideas, which unfortunately, can be made to resurface even in modern times.
I doubt very much you would agree on anything since you seem to enjoy nit picking. So pick away. This is about as much time as I can be bothered spending on this. This isn’t a history site.
Apparently Alex Salmond must apologise to women who lied about his behaviour, for ever and ever. But the SNP must never apologise for, or even acknowledge, the colossal waste of taxpayer’s money it has squandered on political and legal vendettas. And most of it all it will not apologise to women who have been traduced, smeared and patronised by them.
They will talk about Alex and Alba at length, with their stupid games and slogans. But they won’t go near discussing the GRA or women’s rights and how they fit together. Just like they won’t discuss cronyism or corruption, just the rainbows and unicorns of their colouring-in book, aka manifesto. I wonder why.
Breeks says,
“and who’s the other one Kcor or whatever, but the things you say, the bitterness with which you say them, and the way in which you attempt to single out and bully first Ruby, then Liz, then Mia in such a personal and derogatory way”
It is because of gullible morons like yourself that the SNP has become what it has become.
If you cared to read this article, you would have noticed that it is highly critical of Sturgeon.
If you had read my comments, you would have noticed they are highly critical of Sturgeon.
I am advocating a tactical vote that could unseat Sturgeon.
The likes of Ruby, Mia and AYRSHIRE ROB (is he a woman?) are dead against it. Which Liz are you talking about?
How do you even know if Ruby and Mia are women in real life?
I see them as trolling FOR Sturgeon and make counter arguments against their posts.
If you want to make a counter argument against any of my comments, make them.
If morons like you are defending “women’s rights”, God help the women of Scotland.
I have attacked Mridul of Rape Crisis Scotland and self identification several times.
You are an absolute moron for falling for Ruby’s and others’ con trick that I and some other posters who also want to oust Sturgeon.
And while I am at it, what has your new heroine Cherry (old heroine was Sturgeon) achieved for independence or for women’s rights since she was elected an SNP MP?
There already seems to be a number of impressive women activists in Alba. Methinks the “Alba Women” could become a potent force in Scottish politics. Got to get their feet in the Holyrood door first though. 🙂
JGedd @4.23:
“People in the past often had illiberal and cruel attitudes. They were people of their time. Imagine; they didn’t even know that they were living in the past. They thought they were living in the present. Just like us.”
Much too sensible a comment for The Age of Perpetual Outrage we’re living in today, where divide and rule is ruthlessly employed by the plutocrats to screw us over even more.
An excellent challenge to Sturgeon from For Women Scotland.
But as most posters here (with some notable exceptions) know, Sturgeon is a bully.
And all bullies are cowards.
There is only one possibility to oust her:
Voting tactically for Sarwar in the Glasgow Southside constituency.
Wings over Scotland will no longer exist if Sturgeon and the SNP are re-elected with a majority in May.
The morons who are dead against the idea of ousting Sturgeon when we have the chance will have to move over to another blog where they will have to sing the praises of Saint Nicola in every comment they make.
A few of them are secret agents from there anyway and will be delighted to have accomplished their mission.
robertknight says,
“It’s days like today, having read the above, that I have serious difficulties with SNP 1 ALBA 2.”
Yes, that mantra has to be discarded once and for all.
It should be replaced by:
Intelligent Tactical Vote 1 / ALBA 2.
With an SNP-Green majority, ALBA will have no impact whatsoever. It will be jeered at by all others.
Goodbye to Women’s rights and to many other rights.
Yougov hasa poll out on Holyrood voting intentions as well as Westminster and Indyref 2.
Good quote from Alex Neil MSP over on Yours for Scotland:
“Since 2016 the SNP and Scottish Green Party have, between them, had a pro-independence overall majority of nine in the Scottish Parliament. Despite that there has been zero progress during the past five years in bringing about a second independence referendum. We cannot allow that situation to continue for another five years.”
link to yoursforscotlandcom.wordpress.com
Well I guess he won’t be getting a Christmas card from Kirsty or Nicola this year.
Hold yer noses and vote snp1 alba2, except govan, anwar 1 alba 2.
Thanks to whoever put up the link for the Boulton interview earlier.
As someone else commented, Alex looks great. And he was having none of Boulton’s pish. The pressure to have him included in Leaders’ debates must be intense now. Guaranteed record viewing figures for whoever goes ahead and does it.
Jesus, how much free time do you actually have to type all that? Seriously, it’s a complete turn off and I’m just scrolling past your posts now as I can’t be bothered reading somebody’s point of view if they can’t express it simply and eloquently in just a few paragraphs at most.
The green button states ‘submit comment’ not ‘submit an entire blog’.
“NOBODY, or at least very few, of those who intend voting for ALBA 2, consider their vote for the SNP in the Constituency seat to be any kind of endorsement for Sturgeon’s leadership.”
Oh ffs. Classic sturgeonite bullshit, a vote for the SNP is an endorsement of every single aspect of the corrupt liar sturgeon’s leadership. Get a grip of yourself man.
I am not a constitutional lawyer, I am an experienced lawyer who’s worked in some of Scotland’s largest firms and who studied constitutional law at Edinburgh Uni. I called out the ridiculous fantasy you keep peddling when you slaver about the sovereign people of Scotland as suchlike as anyone who’d even done a couple of lectures on the subject would know you are talking nonsense.
What my agenda? Like Rev Stu and many others I am disgusted at the state of Scottish politics where sturgeon is even allowed to stand for election when she should be facing trial for her crimes. I’m also someone who is sick to the back teeth of Sturgeonite trolls who slaver on endlessly trying to justify their support for corruption and criminal behaviour.
My case is very short and simple, Nicola Sturgeon and everyone involved with her at the top of the New SNP have no place in politics, should be kept as far away from power as possible and most of them should be in jail. All of them need to face the consequences of their actions and any MSP who has not spoken out against sturgeon is complicit in her corruption and needs to lose their seat as well. Any vote for the SNP, whether done with held nose or whatever is 100% an endorsement of Nicola Sturgeon and will be viewed by her as such, to suggest anything else is complete and utter nonsense.
As for Salmond, I have supported him longer than a lot of people but my main feeling towards him now is one of disappointment. He seems to be unable to understand just how evil sturgeon is because he doesn’t want to admit she never liked him or was his friend and he has gone back on everything he said under oath about the state of Scotland. I have principles and they will not be compromised just because telling the truth makes people uncomfortable. Salmond should have taken on Sturgeon in the constituencies, the fact he hasn’t is a major disappointment.
“I am advocating a tactical vote that could unseat Sturgeon”
No, you are not. What you, Andy, Fergus and Shocked (if you are indeed more than one) are advocating for is a tactical vote that ensures Labour does not lose a seat in Glasgow. With the presence of ALBA in the list and a strong SNP in the constituency Labour may be in for a really rough ride there.
Because you know this, you have been here for days if not weeks peddling the same nonsense: you are opportunistically riding on the back of the discontent with Sturgeon among yes voters to secure a constituency seat in Glasgow for labour and therefore compensate for their potential loses in the list. In other words, you are trying to trash our strategy for a supermajority.
It won’t fly.
To the eyes of the world, Westminster and the majority of the electorate, SNP MSPs are pro independence. The way we can demonstrate to the world that we want independence is with a supermajority of pro indy MSPs in Holyrood.
That involves blocking as many unionists like Sarwar from Holyrood as we possibly can. But we can only do that if we vote both in the constituency and in the list for pro indy parties.
Handing a constituency seat to a unionist like Sarwar, so his party does not lose a seat in Glasgow and then can it as proof that we don’t want independence, is of no help to us at all.
The strategy of ALBA is to take away list seats from unionists to increase pro indy presence in our parliament, not to hand them constituency seats for free so they can use them against us.
I voted SNP 1 Alba 2 in the post and gone, this is maybe the only way people will waking up to Sturgeon, the plan is to give her the majority and then let her shit in her own nest only then will people stop and think she no friend to the Scots or our country, we all know what Sturgeon is like its time to let everyone else know. What I do know is Scotland needs the ALba Party.
Is oor Nicola a supporter of ‘transhumanism’?
Mia says:
16 April, 2021 at 9:30 am
“Nicola Sturgeon is a fraud.”
Yes, if only there was a way of getting her out of the Scottish parliament, don’t you think so Mia?
“I am an experienced lawyer who’s worked in some of Scotland’s largest firms and who studied constitutional law at Edinburgh Uni”
Admirable as your level of knowledge and experience may be, you don’t need a University degree nor constitutional law to understand that you will not get a supermajority of pro indy seats if you hand the constituency seats to unionist parties to compensate for their loss of list seats. The only thing you need to work that out is a calculator.
You don’t need a degree or constitutional law to realise that attempting to parachute unionist candidates by sacrificing pro indy constituency seats is an attempt to trash the pro indy supermajority, which is what the British state has been desperately trying to do since ALBA was launched. The only thing you need to work that out is common sense.
You don’t need a degree or constitutional law to realise that every vote that you cast for a unionist party will not be counted as a pro indy vote and will be used to justify the denial of Scotland’s exercise in self determination. The only thing you need to work that one out is to look back at how all the parties in Holyrood undemocratically undermined our mandate for indyref during the last 5 years.
Mia I read your posts with great interest, please ignore those posters with the attention span of goldfish.
Hi Mia and Daisy liked the posts. However it doesn’t help when St Nic herself says she won’t work with Salmond unless he apologises..pathetic or what
I agree with you Paul. Keep it up Mia and Daisy
As a 70 year old male with a wife and daughter I support FWS in everything they do , however I would make a suggestion but it would have to be done EXTREMELY QUICKLY , if REAL FEMALES throughout Scotland were totally aware of what the impact of this lunacy were about to have on them and their daughters and grand daughters they would be apoplectic with anger
However the fact that the msm and broadcasters are if not supportive or disinterested it is not in their interests to highlight or EXPOSE the calamitous impact it will have on ordinary real females so they are not willing to upset the apple cart by outing Sturgeon as queen trans accommodate
The ONLY way this will get real females national attention is through billboards highlighting the TRUTH behind this THEFT of their SEX , be BRUTAL in exposing the denigrating demeaning indignity of being LABELLED menstruators , breast feeders , and all the other INSULTING denigrating titles the fake females use in their efforts to decry and marginalise WOMEN and GIRLS
The time for niceness and decorum in dealing with this madness has long since passed , as at least 50% of the population who vote women should have Sturgeon by the balls and they should be threatening a TOTAL ban on votes for the SNP
Kcor says:
16 April, 2021 at 5:12 pm
The likes of Ruby,
How do you even know if Ruby
You are an absolute moron for falling for Ruby’s
link to tinyurl.com
Mia’s idea of holding Nicola Sturgeon’s feet to the fire – voting for her and handing her absolute power.
My idea of holding Nicola Sturgeon’s feet to the fire – kicking her out of politics and making her face the criminal justice system naked as normal citizen with no bent Lord Advocate in her back pocket to protect her.
Mia’s way result; more of the same endless corruption and criminality that will only get worse with sites like this likely shut down and banned.
My way result; Nicola Sturgeon in cornton vale for 10-15 years and we then take the party back and start building it from the ground up.
Thanks for the link to the Sky interview, Ruby. Don’t how Alex keeps the heid.
shocked has said
As for Salmond, I have supported him longer than a lot of people but my main feeling towards him now is one of disappointment. He seems to be unable to understand just how evil sturgeon is because he doesn’t want to admit she never liked him or was his friend and he has gone back on everything he said under oath about the state of Scotland. I have principles and they will not be compromised just because telling the truth makes people uncomfortable. Salmond should have taken on Sturgeon in the constituencies, the fact he hasn’t is a major disappointment.
I suspect your ‘principles’ haven’t truly been voiced in your posts here:-)
Either that or you none too clever:-)
Shocked says:
16 April, 2021 at 6:14 pm
Mia’s idea of holding Nicola Sturgeon’s feet to the fire – voting for her and handing her absolute power.
Dearie me – if I didn’t know better I’d say were a woke bloke:-)
IMHO I think eck has a big ace up his sleeve and is just waiting for the right moment
Hey ho what do I know
Mia kicking against the pricks with immense patience , political savvy , faultless logic ( if a Super-majority is the objective ) and complete focus on the task at hand .Brilliant
Respect sister .
I think sturgeon losing her seat in may would ‘refocus’ the hierarchy in the snp. The people would (hopefully) have spoken.
@Mia 5.53 pm
I’m sorry, but you’re being disingenuous. You don’t have to agree with all of the approach of some of those you are criticising, or their tone, to accept that it is eminently possible to surgically remove some of the most egregiously vile SNP troughers.
I personally couldn’t give shit if Sarwar replaces Sturgeon. Much as I loathe “Scottish” Labour and think Sarwar is a light weight neo-Blairite, I’d still raise a glass to see him impose a Portillo moment on the SNP’s Eva Peron.
The supermajority is a good concept, but will remain essentially meaningless if the SNP or SNP/Greens have a majority and refuse to play ball. The fact is, however much you don’t like it and rail against it – and however difficult the arithmetic and logistics – the ONLY 2 ways it makes a difference are:
1) if Alba hold the balance of power and force the gradualists hands (which has to be a long shot), or:
2) the SNP membership depose the Sturgeonistas when they fail to deliver. (and given the supine stance of the party thus far that has to be a long shot too).
I can understand why Alba and Alex are pushing the SNP 1 / Alba 2 strategy, and it makes sense in *most* of Scotland, but it has little chance of delivering any meaningful change in the short to medium term.
The reality is, we’re looking at 2026 for anything to happen. I’d sooner have a few less Alba MSPs in return for humiliating Sturgeon, Robertson and a few others and ensuring they weren’t in Holyrood for the next session.
Principles – great!
Lock her up – great!
Corruption is terrible – great!
All great!
Now there just happens to be an electoral vote pending and none of these ‘great!’ things is going to have very much effect on the re-election of Nicola Sturgeon, which is likely to happen as the actual votes of actual people get counted on May 7th. What might have an effect on the next period of government in Scotland is the election of a slew of Alba MSPs, all of whom will be independence fundamentalists. What makes little sense for these same fundamentalist Alba MSPs is a complete clear-out of SNP MSPs…there is no chance of independence if the Scottish Parliament is full of unionists.
What impressed me recently was Alex Salmond’s invocation of ‘statecraft’, a word which I have not heard coming out of a politician’s mouth since…never. This and the launching of a new party suggest to me that AS is working on a level of strategy and tactics that no-one else in Scotland can match. Yet he is working in an environment in which he can be called a rapist with no effective check. That’s a very difficult hurdle to have to keep jumping (however, remember there are also potential court cases coming down the line, which almost everyone has effectively forgotten about).
So…principles are ‘great!’, I mean, who wouldn’t want to hear somebody boasting about their principles in BTL comments (I can’t get enough of that sort of thing…), meanwhile, as the noble few are educating others about the importance of their own principles, I’ll be watching with great interest what the Alba party get up to because when it comes to elections, my political antennae, normally dulled at the incantation of ‘principles’ by the unprincipled, go crazy at the mention of ‘statecraft’.
I was going to finish with some more words of wisdom, but I just heard Willie Rennie’s voice emanating from the telly…so I’m outta heeerrrreeee
Carol Neill says:
16 April, 2021 at 6:35 pm
IMHO I think eck has a big ace up his sleeve and is just waiting for the right moment
Hey ho what do I know
I think you’re right Carol, Alex is far too shrewd a man to go head to head with Nicola right now, she holds all the cards but Alex is back in the game a game he knows very well and if anyone can turn the tables around it’s him just look at what he’s come back from already she threw everything at him and he’s still standing very few men in politics could have come back from that and if I was Nicola Sturgeon I’d be very worried right now
Beyond hilarious sociopathic narcissism:
‘I was surprised by how much my gender instead seemed to almost evaporate. No longer on the alert for how to signal a restaurant’s waitstaff that neither “he” nor “she” applied to me, or for whether colleagues and neighbors would use the right language—devoid of anyone to signal my gender to—I felt, suddenly, amorphous and undefined.’
link to nytimes.com
Rather a lot of secessionist eggs being put into the ALBA basket…
Alex’s Last Big Attempt.
£54,000 in the crowdfunder with 10 minutes to go not bad for a new party only 3 weeks old, it may not be a fortune in the whole scheme of things but at least I’m pretty sure it will be used for the intended purpose and not “woven into the accounts” so to speak
Ruby says: @16 April, 2021 at 1:02 pm
Thanks for posting, Alex knows how to handle the press this is why he’s the right man for the job sooner or later every will have to except the verdict and move on that includes the press and Nicola Sturgeon.
@Andy Ellis
You just took the words out my mouth. If Sturgeon gets a majority, with or without the greens, Alex is irrelevant.
Shocked @ 17.51 pm
As for Salmond, I have supported him longer than a lot of people but my main feeling towards him now is one of disappointment. He seems to be unable to understand just how evil sturgeon is because he doesn’t want to admit she never liked him or was his friend and he has gone back on everything he said under oath about the state of Scotland. I have principles and they will not be compromised just because telling the truth makes people uncomfortable. Salmond should have taken on Sturgeon in the constituencies, the fact he hasn’t is a major disappointment.
There is a perfectly reasonable explanation from Alex regarding the constituency scenario.
If you listen to the opening speech and the questions from the international msn he received actual questions on that subject then he gives a fair assessment of that scenario.
link to twitter.com
Liz: indeed, the two categories are distinct in the 2010 Equality Act, but the trans lobby is not arguing that. It is arguing that, if trans women ARE a category of women, and a legal fiction has been created that they are, if they go through all the motions, then there can be no argument against these trans women taking places reserved for women, even if that negates the 2010 Act’s definition of a woman. That was the basis of Lady Wise’s ruling on FWS’s challenge in the Judicial Review: basically, that trans women are a category of women, ergo they satisfy the criteria for the 2018 Act.
No, I’m not believing the propaganda. I’m being realistic as to the real fight we face. The real fight is having trans women NOT declared women of any kind, EXCEPT trans women, and forcing them to create their own spaces and rights. It is at the human rights level that we need to fight, as I detailed above, and at the level of reality as opposed to legal fiction.
Governments will back this stuff because they believe it will save them money in not having to set up third spaces. That, and I suspect, this particular lobby gets lots of backing from people in top positions of authority and influence who, themselves, possibly espouse it. You know the old joke about the judge who visits dominatrices? Just extend it a bit and you get the picture.
A massive part of the vociferous trans lobby is entrenched in (not quite mainstream, yet) male sexual predilections, utterly alien to most females, I would imagine. Apparently, there are web and dark web sites where males acting out all kinds of fantasies about being women or [adult] babies and children which are full of the real reasons that we are facing this crisis in biological sex. This is very much a male sexual rights movement, which is why it must be stopped from destroying women’s and girls’ lives.
The very speed and all the help that the trans lobby has had from so many people in positions of influence and authority would, perhaps, lead one to imagine that something other than the desire to help the tiny, teeny number of genuinely body dysphoric trans gender people is at play, no? Allegedly?
“My idea of holding Nicola Sturgeon’s feet to the fire – kicking her out of politics”
It is obvious to anybody who is watching that Sturgeon is finished politically. It is obvious that she should have resigned (or being kicked out of the party) on 24 March 2020. Why wasn’t she? because if she stepped down at that time there was plenty of time for a more pro indy leader to take over.
A more pro indy leader with control of a pro indy majority in holryood and 85% of Scotland’s seats in Westminter could declare independence at any time or potentially declare May’s election a plebiscite. Leaving England shtng a brick.
It stands to the obvious that all the charade we have witnessed in the last 5 years has been one of delay, delay, delay, delay Scotland’s independence. Why? Because England is nowhere near ready yet to survive on its own two feet without the umbilical cord that is connecting it to Scotland’s assets and revenues and clearly hasn’t found an alternative location for the pride and joy of its warmongers.
So Sturgeon had to be kept in place until the next chosen Westminter puppet was ready to take over from her. That will not happen until May 2021 when he is expected to get the seat (I am sure some emergency stash of postal votes will ensure he gets the seat comfortably)
You don’t need to be a constitutional lawyer to suspect the Glasgow situation with her not being first in the list and in direct competition with Sarwar for the constituency seat is an engineered one. My take on it is that it is the pre-prepared exit door for a finished Sturgeon to spare her the humiliation of having to go head to head with Mr Salmond in Holyrood for the next 5 years, being exposed as a political fraud and a charlatan.
The advantages for the British state of Sturgeon losing the seat are obvious: it could be sold to the people of Scotland and the world as proof that Scotland does not want independence and that the corpse of Labour has been resurrected after an injection of adrenaline from the electorate.
I can only think in one credible reason why a lightweight like Sarwar is competing with Sturgeon, the queen of popularity, in the constituency: he already knows he may win.
It was announced that he was standing for that constituency in March 2021. But if I am not mistaken, the publication of the regional candidates for the SNP where it is shown officially that Sturgeon is not the first in the list and therefore if she not wins the constituency may lose the seat was not until April. In my eyes this stinks at collusion, not opportunity.
From where I am standing you are asking for three things:
1. to kibosh our supermajority strategy so Labour gains a constituency seat in Glasgow to compensate for the loss in the list
2. to hand over to a rabid anti indy party what is currently a pro indy constituency seat so it can be thrown in our face to demonstrate we do not want independence
3. To hand to Sturgeon a far too easy exit route out of politics.
I rather those plans for her easy exit are trashed to pieces and she faces the choice of having to confront her nemesis in what can become 5 years of humiliation in parliament or capitulates delivering what she has refused to deliver in the last 5 years: independence.
The armageddon is upon us. Nero is fiddling while rome burns. The west is in its death throes.
link to deagel.com
Mia says:
16 April, 2021 at 5:53 pm
“I am advocating a tactical vote that could unseat Sturgeon”
“No, you are not. What you, Andy, Fergus and Shocked (if you are indeed more than one) are advocating for is a tactical vote that ensures Labour does not lose a seat in Glasgow. With the presence of ALBA in the list and a strong SNP in the constituency Labour may be in for a really rough ride there.”
That is a complete lie, Mia, and you know perfectly well that it is a complete lie because you have been told countless times that is a complete lie, but compulsive lying to make sure Sturgeon does not lose her seat is the reason for your repeated complete lies.
In other words, you are a compulsive liar Mia and you know youa are a compulsive liar. And I don’t care whethere you are a man liar or a woman liar or a trans liar, you are a liar plain and simple.
And stop using ALBA as an excuse. Your position was the same before ALBA even existed.
If you have anything more to contribute than repeated lies, told in a million words when twenty would be enough, state openly that the following contributors, who actually know what they are talking about, are lying:
Rev. Stuart Campbell says (Scheming on a mirage),
“It’s much the same as the Glasgow Southside situation. You’re not choosing between Anas Sarwar and Nicola Sturgeon – Sarwar is top of the Labour list so he’s getting in no matter what happens. What you’re effectively doing with your constituency vote in Glasgow Southside is choosing between two SNP MSPs – Sturgeon or Roza Salih. If you’d prefer Salih, vote Sarwar on the constituency paper.)”
Rev. Stuart Campbell says (Rallying to the banner),
“If you believe Sturgeon is a block on independence it’s a very rational position.”
Paul Cockshott says (Nobody Cares What You Think),
“There is a misaprehension that failure to vote SNP 1 will affect the number of Alba seats. It will not. The number of Alba seats depends only on the percentage of votes Alba gets on the list. Failure to vote SNP 1 just alters the number of SNP Tory or Labour constituency seats. If Sturgeon loses to Sarwar then that does not affect Albas number of seats, provided Alba gets some 6% or more on the list. If the divisor for the SNP falls by 1 that for Labour rises by 1 in compensation. The voting system is cleverly designed to give proportionality i n a way that is independent of which parties win in the constituencies.”
It’s a funny thing but every time I read something online about Trans people, I immediately think of Wings Over Scotland. I just saw a photo of Iggy Pop in drag on Facebook, and here I am…
I’d rather not vote SNP at all, because of their transgender policies and the obvious corruption within the Scottish Government and Crown Office but Independence is my goal and the SNP candidate in my constituency is by far the best.. So I am being tactical but I will vote Alba on the list, we need to gain as many list seats as possible.
If Sarwar wins Glasgow Southside, the SNP has a better chance of getting a seat on the Glasgow list.
If Sturgeon wins Glasgow Southside, Labour has a better chance of getting a seat on the Glasgow list.
ALBA’s chances of winning seats on the Glasgow list remain the same.
Mia is lying when she claims:
“No, you are not. What you, Andy, Fergus and Shocked (if you are indeed more than one) are advocating for is a tactical vote that ensures Labour does not lose a seat in Glasgow. With the presence of ALBA in the list and a strong SNP in the constituency Labour may be in for a really rough ride there.”
As always, she contradicts herself.
Labour would have a better ride on the list IF SNP (Sturgeon) won the Glasgow Southside constituency.
Labour would have a rougher ride IF Labour (Sarwar) won the Glasgow Southside constituency.
In other words a strong SNP in the constituency benefits Labour on the regional list, not the other way round as Mia falsely claims.
Mia does not want Sturgeon to be defeated and she is trying to fool as many gullible readers as possible to accept her lie.
@Breeks – 16 April, 2021 at 3:53 pm
Here’s a couple of formulae for you:
The first formula is the one you obviously believe in. It assumes the SNP wants to pursue Scottish Independence.
X (SNP seats) + Y (Alba seats) > S (supermajority threshold)
The second formula is the one I believe in. It is confident the SNP does not want to pursue Scottish Independence, because, erm, they tell us so. “Now is not the time”, “Covid”, “I will not work with AS”, etc.
Y (Alba seats)
P (parliamentary majority threshold)So there you have it. Voting SNP1 can’t deliver Scottish Independence if the SNP don’t intend to pursue that policy. How many repetitions from how many people are needed to get this message across?
I’ve tried to hold my tongue but
Fuck off mist 001
Apologies everyone
@Breeks – 16 April, 2021 at 3:53 pm
Here’s a couple of formulae for you:
The first formula is the one you obviously believe in. It assumes the SNP wants to pursue Scottish Independence.
X (SNP seats) + Y (Alba seats) is greater than S (supermajority threshold)
The second formula is the one I believe in. It is confident the SNP does not want to pursue Scottish Independence, because, erm, they tell us so. “Now is not the time”, “Covid”, “I will not work with AS”, etc.
Y (Alba seats) is less than S (supermajority threshold)
And a third formula for free, if everybody votes SNP1:
X (SNP seats) + G (Green seats plus possibly others but excluding Alba) is greater than P (parliamentary majority threshold)
So there you have it. Voting SNP1 can’t deliver Scottish Independence if the SNP don’t intend to pursue that policy. How many repetitions from how many people are needed to get this message across?
We seem to spend a lot of time embroiling ourselves in subjects that will go away with Independence.
There are no quick fixes, much as we would like there to be.
Politicians are rarely held to account in any meaningful way
After Independence we will move forward and leave the past in the past
Kcor says:
13 March, 2021 at 11:35 pm
“If the pro indy parties in your region don’t stand on a plebiscite manifesto, will you refuse to give them your list vote?”
Mia says:
13 March, 2021 at 11:21 pm
Kcor says:
“Who will you then give your list vote to?”
Mia says:
“I will write “NONE” across all the names and will trace a fat line across all the sections were you can tick your choice.”
Mia does not give a damn about ALBA, she is just using it for her own agenda.
She was dead against giving her list vote to a pro indy list party unless it met her stupid undeliverable demand to make into a plebiscite election.
ALBA has not met that stupid undeliverable demand of Mia, but she is claiming that she will give her list vote to ALBA so she can then use that as an excuse for her lies about the Glasgow Soutside constituency.
If she meant what she wrote today at 9:30 am, she would be delighted to get rid of Sturgeon, even at the potential loss of an ALBA seat, which she knows would not happen.
The same gullible voters who have made the SNP and Sturgeon what they are are now being manipulated by the likes of Mia.
Enjoy your 5 more years of Sturgeon and her corrupt lying criminal gang folks, because you will have thouroghly deserved it.
If Wings over Scotland still exists, don’t come to moan here.
Personally I find the whole trans thing repellent. The idea of validating an autogynephile’s paraphilias repulses me. I will never deny reality for that.
I haven’t been following ‘Transgender reforms debate’ very closely so would appreciated if someone could tell me if anyone in the SG has every defined what it means to live like a woman/a man.
“The draft Bill would keep the stipulation that applicants must make a solemn statutory declaration they have been living in their acquired gender for three months and intend to do so permanently.
A minimum three-month period of reflection between applying for a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) and confirming the application would also be introduced as part of the draft legislation.
It would mean applicants must have lived in their acquired gender for a minimum of six months before a certificate is granted – just a quarter of the time people have to wait under the current system.”
To be able to make the solemn declaration that you have lived as a woman for example would that mean you would be free to use all women only spaces?
Likewise during the three month period of reflection?
Six months of being able to access women’s only spaces without legally being a ‘woman’ or even have any intention of transitioning.
Carol’s a man!
You wish !! Arsehole
Funny thing Mist001 every time I see your avatar I see the creep from Manhunter.
O god I bit , I do try my hardest not to but every now and again the arses in this world get to me
I shall step away for a few days and hope the twats are gone
Well done again mr c and others
twathater says:
16 April, 2021 at 6:09 pm
Standing for women tried that with a billboard showing the simple dictionary definition “Woman – adult human female”. It caused an outcry and the billboard was taken down, A simple statement of fact and those lot go absolutely ape shit. Madness.
“Self ID isn’t even law and yet many principles are currently in practice.” Seven Hex
As I understand it the “the Gender Recognition Act 2004” is still the law but still you read about men in prison “self-iding” and about men who have committed crimes being referred to as women.
Ruby says:
16 April, 2021 at 6:13 pm
I am not going to click on any of your links.
Why don’t you come clean on your lie in the same place where you had posted it:
Ruby says (The Big Win),
“I’ve got Kcor who has been a diehard Sturgeonista until about two weeks ago calling me names.”
Kcor says (The Big Win),
19 March, 2021 at 10:48 pm
“What utter lies. Point me to one post where I have been a “Sturgeonista”, let alone a diehard one.”
Mia @9.30am.
Excellent overview Mia.
ian murray says:
16 April, 2021 at 7:33 And how do you suggest we get there? When is that likely to be? Is that another way of saying that we should “Wheesht for indy”? Forget all our worries about losing rights hoping that a different govt after indy will hand them back? No, I don’t think so.
I will repeat.
I am NOT voting for SNP. Their politics is repulsive.
I AM voting for ALBA.
Well pipinghot, let’s see if I can find one which is more ‘appealing’ (or appalling, you choose).
Mia….. 100% agree
See the creepy avatar, skip on past.
Wait and see…
Mist can you not just troll folk in France and fuck off
Don’t like my comments? Here’s an idea, why don’t you fuck of instead? Easy.
And don’t bother replying, I can’t be bothered with your immature attitude.
I know I’d step away but it’s annoying me , like a wee fat midgie
You can change the background all you want, still a creepy prick in the foreground.
And spell properly you arse
@ Mist, Carol, and a few other culprits
You know what boys and girls…? It is earnestly to be hoped Rev Stu gets as sick of you lot as he did of that roaster Cameron Brodie and bans the lot of you.
Perhaps he can persuade Mia to find an editor too?
We can but hope!
FrankM says:
16 April, 2021 at 8:00 pm
“Mia @9.30am.
Excellent overview Mia.”
FrankM says:
16 April, 2021 at 8:02 pm
“I will repeat.
I am NOT voting for SNP. Their politics is repulsive.
I AM voting for ALBA.”
Mia says:
16 April, 2021 at 10:08 am
“Actually those voting SNP 1 + Alba 2 are quite possibly the only ones voting AGAINST “this shit”.”
FrankM, do you realise that Mia is actually pushing hard for SNP 1, especially in Sturgeon’s Glasgow Southside constituency?
The “Excellent overview” you refer to is a cover up for Mia’s real agenda: to make sure Sturgeon is re-elected in her Glasgow Southside constituency, and for the SNP to carry on with their “repulsive” politics for 5 more years and beyond.
Shocked @5.51pm.
I agree with your comment here except for the end part on Mr Salmond. I think you are being very unfair on him. What you suggest is totally unrealistic. I have every faith in the man and his intelligence and tactical know-how.
Andy elllis I do apologise I didn’t think I was being an arse
I will remove myself
This is a discussion board. I don’t really care about people here. I’m not friends with any of you.
I don’t engage in arguments, I don’t get involved in any personal matters. On the other hand, a few people seem to have a problem with me and why would that be?
It’s because I maybe post things and opinions that are unpalatable to them.
I made a humorous post above which happens to be true BTW and look at the shit that it’s caused. I didn’t ask anyone to comment on it, I didn’t ask for any abuse.
The Revs guidelines for this board and are quite clear and easily understood.
I abide by his rules, so tell me why the fuck would he want to get rid of me?
You and a few others would like to get rid of me sure but the thing is, it’s not your fucking board and it’s not your fucking place to tell the Rev how to run his website.
I’ll continue to leave comment when I feel it’s appropriate and only The Rev will decide whether I post here, not you or any of your ilk.
Go and read a fucking book or something. Do something with the time you have left instead of whining about strangers on the internet.
`I haven’t been following ‘Transgender reforms debate’ very closely so would appreciated if someone could tell me if anyone in the SG has ever defined what it means to live like a woman/a man.`
good point,
similarly but different
i have been trying to find a legal definition for what constitutes as `Affordable Housing`,like price band or does it include rental which could be private or council,
never get an answer.
all housing is affordable to someone.
what the f@ck is an Affordable House.
Kcor says:
16 April, 2021 at 7:58 pm
Ruby says:
16 April, 2021 at 6:13 pm
I am not going to click on any of your links.
Why don’t you come clean on your lie in the same place where you had posted it:
Ruby says (The Big Win),
“I’ve got Kcor who has been a diehard Sturgeonista until about two weeks ago calling me names.”
Kcor says (The Big Win),
19 March, 2021 at 10:48 pm
“What utter lies. Point me to one post where I have been a “Sturgeonista”, let alone a diehard one.”
link to tinyurl.com
@Mist001 8.33 pm
Stu takes a dim view of folk clogging up BTL comments, particularly if they’re just flinging shit at each other like rabid chimps, but as you say it’s his blog and his decision. It’s just friendly advice.
Your lack of empathy is as obvious as your lack of class. By all means carry on: I’m more than happy to wait for you going the same way as Brodie. Like dogs returning to their own vomit, roasters like you generally can’t help themselves.
@Mist001 8:33pm
Your post is a contradiction. You accept the freedom of posting on a discussion board but at the same time won’t get involved in argument. Compared to the abuse Stu has endured recently, you are not in the same league of abuse.
@ Ruby at 7.36
I don’t believe they have. For the purposes of the gender balance on public boards legislation, it appeared to mean “having a utility bill (which did not have to shown in evidence) addressed to Ms/Miss/Mrs and/or a ‘female’ forename”.
Yep, that seems to be the case, aided by organizations pre-empting changes to the law, such as the prison service and council-run venues. Additionally, data and statistics are being corrupted, with crimes being recorded as having been committed by “a woman”, leading to soaring rates of “female” sex offences.
Maybe worse still – the blood donation services now ask for “gender”, despite the fact that blood from the wrong sex could have lethal consequences. (Not sure if that’s in Scotland, but still…)
FrankM says:
16 April, 2021 at 8:24 pm
Shocked @5.51pm.
I agree with your comment here except for the end part on Mr Salmond. I think you are being very unfair on him. What you suggest is totally unrealistic. I have every faith in the man and his intelligence and tactical know-how.
Well spoken, Frank.
Alex Salmond has been tirelessly working for Scotland for most of his life. He could easily have chosen a much more lucrative career path and be comfortably retired by now. He chose to dedicate his life to his country instead.
I haven’t always agreed with him on every single thing he’s ever said or done over the past 30-odd years, but I’ve always respected him, because he’s one of the damn few political figures who deserves respect.
The Alba strategy isn’t based on a whim, it’s based on what’s realistically achievable in the short amount of time between now and the election.
The SNP and MSM would love it – looove it, Keegan style – if Alex came out swinging for Sturgeon. Why? Because it’d be all the easier to laugh off the criminal activity of the Scottish Government, and the existence of the Alba Party, as mere sour grapes.
Nicola Sturgeon is a disaster, but she’s not the head vampire in a horror film. Merely removing her, even if that’s possible at this stage, won’t change anything. We need to be much more ambitious than that.
It’s not “about” Alex Salmond. It’s not “about” Sturgeon. It’s about Scotland, and Alba is playing for all the marbles.
So instead of criticising the big fella, let’s help him!
@crazycat –
If you haven’t seen it, here’s an interesting thread, a condensation of Holyrood mag interview with Johann Lamont.
link to threadreaderapp.com
“If Sarwar wins Glasgow Southside, the SNP has a better chance of getting a seat on the Glasgow list”
I don’t want the SNP to get any seat on the list. I want ALBA to get 4 seats in Glasgow’s list. I don’t want Labour to get the constituency seat and swap a list seat for a constituency one. I want Labour to lose seats.
“If Sturgeon wins Glasgow Southside, Labour has a better chance of getting a seat on the Glasgow list”
With a good number of votes for ALBA, Labour would get less list seats than in 2016. And that is what this is about, to REDUCE the number of seats allocated to unionist parties.
“ALBA’s chances of winning seats on the Glasgow list remain the same”
No, they don’t. The SNP will be the party that gets most votes by a long shot. If they get all the constituency seats, all those votes in the list will be innocuous because they will not get any list votes, therefore there will be more potential seats for ALBA to take.
“Mia is lying”
Mia is not lying. Mia is telling things exactly as she sees them.
“Labour would have a better ride on the list IF SNP (Sturgeon) won the Glasgow Southside constituency”
Labour will not have a better ride on the list than in 2016 if the SNP wins the constituency seat and Alba has a decent number of votes in the list. Because of ALBA labour will have a worse ride in the list and will potentially lose list seats, that is why you are desperate for Labour to secure the constituency seat. SNP losing the constituency seat to labour will be a double whammy for us: losing a yes seat in the constituency and losing one or more list seats that if SNP had won the constituency could go to ALBA.
“Labour would have a rougher ride IF Labour (Sarwar) won the Glasgow Southside constituency”
No. If the seat is given to Sarwar, what Labour does is to swap a potentially lost list seat for a constituency one. In other words, our strategy will be bypassed because Labour maintain the number of votes.
“In other words a strong SNP in the constituency benefits Labour on the regional list”
A strong SNP in the constituency benefits ALBA on the list. Because ALBA is competing on the list only, if the SNP wins all the constituency seats Labour stands to lose seats compared with 2016.
“Mia does not want Sturgeon to be defeated”
Mia does not want a pro indy seat to be handed to a unionist so they can use it against us.
“she is trying to fool as many gullible readers as possible to accept her lie”
That is what you are doing. You are desperate for Labour to maintain its number of seats in Glasgow. I am desperate for ALBA to take seats from Labour in Glasgow.
The fight is no longer SNP vs labour. The fight in Glasgow is SNP + ALBA vs Labour.
Kcor says,
“I am not going to click on any of your links.
Why don’t you come clean on your lie in the same place where you had posted it”
Ruby says,
link to tinyurl.com”
Liar can’t admit being a liar.
Ruby says (“Three choices”),
“I’m voting SNP 1/2 because I want Nicola Sturgeon to have to face the consequences of her actions.”
Scot Finlayson says:
what the f@ck is an Affordable House.
Good question!
Affordable means the rent is low enough to be covered by housing benefit.
It doesn’t mean someone working full time in a supermarket for example can afford the rent.
It’s sad that people working full time can’t even afford to rent the most basic accommodation here in the United Kingdom.
If you take away housing benefit you would see the true state of the UK. There would be shacks everywhere, people sleeping in the street and Tesco would have to build dormitories in their carparks to house their staff.
It seems to me there is a natural antinomy between women’s rights and transgender rights. That is why it is not entirely correct to say that transgender rights are human rights. Women’s rights must always take precedence because we are all born of a woman – none of us are born from a transwoman.
yes Andy it gets a bit tedious like being back in the playground when we were ten.
The issues are really very simple, if we achieve independence will all the madness go away, or is the world really changing into something we can hardly imagine……unadulterated horror, and society changed beyond recognition.
Perversion and paedophilia become acceptable to everyone and those who pause to think will be criminalised and presumably sent off for reprogramming. That scenario was put to me by an SNP activist when I queried his stance in support for Stonewall and the Rainbow greens, GRA and the Hate Bill.
If this is really the case we are truly stuffed how can Alex with a handful of seats stop it? Will Alex ever say “Independence is the most important thing”
Mia says:
16 April, 2021 at 10:08 am
“Actually those voting SNP 1 + Alba 2 are quite possibly the only ones voting AGAINST “this shit”.”
Mia said (A matter of timing, 13 March, 2021),
““The way to get independence is by plebiscite. We have an election in 7 weeks. So, are those parties really pro Scotland’s independence or their only intention is to boost SNP seats?”
ALBA is NOT standing on a plebiscite manifesto, as was Mia’s previous unconditional demand.
Who wants to boost SNP seats now, especially to prevent Sturgeon losing the Glasgow Southside constituency?
Mia says:
16 April, 2021 at 5:53 pm
“No, you are not. What you, Andy, Fergus and Shocked (if you are indeed more than one) are advocating for is a tactical vote that ensures Labour does not lose a seat in Glasgow. With the presence of ALBA in the list and a strong SNP in the constituency Labour may be in for a really rough ride there.”
Lie after lie to cover up the previous lie after lie.
No wonder Mia needs to write million word essays.
Scot Finlayson at 8:37 pm
Re. “Affordable housing”
Max mortgage lending amount used to be 3 times one’s salary. These days even at 3 times median wage I can’t see much affordable on the meerkat.
A mate told me his youngish pal and partner had recently taken out a 40 year mortgage for 250K on a Persimmon House.
We’ve got a bet on whether the house will still exist when the mortgage is paid off…
Scot at 8.37.
‘Affordable housing’ seems to be housing built below the high water mark, or upon the flood plain, which buyers don’t find out about until the first storm after they’ve moved in. They then have to ford the floodwaters to escape.
Whilst I agree with these sentiments I do not see how Stu is helping to win the election
If enough people vote Alba on th list and SNP just win constituencies Alba will have a say over all this
Stu does not seem to know there is an election on and that we need Alba to trounce the Greens if this issue is to be tackled at the same time as Indy 2
Good stuff the Alba crowdfunded exceeding its target.
I’m sure the money wupill be woven into the campaign, unlike the SNP who squandered the donations on legal fees, and paying big salaries to big chief executive and big Vieirinha operating officers.
What we are seeing in Scotland is the same as elsewhere in western liberal democracies. The political left has distanced itself from the working class it once represented. It now takes it’s lead from the university, government quango and advocacy industry, rather than the miners, construction and factory workers it once did. It has surrendered any economic challenge to the new liberal billionaire capitalist ruling class because that is hard work and instead retreated Into the lazy politics of cultural identity with its crazed holy grail of transgender rights. Sturgeon succeeds because a large section of the working class here are patriotic and identify as Scottish so vote for her. She is exploiting this to push through her “be kind” infantile rainbow meaningless drivel which is anti working class , anti family and anti faith ideology. This explains why she is in power and will win the election whilst in most other countries such political ideology is producing a kickback in working class areas and being exploited from the opposite end: Brexit/ Johnson, England, National Front/ Marine Le Pen, France.
Alba now has an opportunity to corner her and expose her virtual signalling, gimmick politics and make the hard choice: Scotland Independent or Subservient ?
Kcor says:
Ruby says (“Three choices”),
“I’m voting SNP 1/2 because I want Nicola Sturgeon to have to face the consequences of her actions.”
FFS you are a creepy stalking bore!
Anything wrong with fantasising about Nicola Sturgeon having to face mobs of very angry Scottish women when they find men in their women only spaces?
Anything wrong with fantasising about Nicola Sturgeon having to face mobs of angry independence supporters when she fails to get a section 30?
Anything wrong with fantasising about Nicola Sturgeon having to handle all the post covid/post Brexit riots.
PS Do you have a whole file dedicated to everything I’ve posted?
That is so fuckin’ creepy!
I will need to tell Alex that I do not agree with his plan to vote every single SNP MSP back into office.
I strongly disagree with you on that one Alex.
But it is a democracy and I will do what I think is right for Scotland.
It’s not just Alex who contradicts himself, there are many on this very blog who start their post by telling us how much of a Bastard Nicola Sturgeon is, but end their post by telling us to go out on May 6th and give her and her Party my 1st Vote.
Hypocrites of the highest order.
So I’ll leave you lot to keep contradicting yourselves, and I’ll vote for Mr Sarwar on my 1st vote and ALBA on my 2nd.
So Mr Salmond,,, on this one I am saying you are wrong.
But will support your Party on the 2nd vote.
Mia says:
16 April, 2021 at 8:55 pm
“I don’t want the SNP to get any seat on the list. I want ALBA to get 4 seats in Glasgow’s list. I don’t want Labour to get the constituency seat and swap a list seat for a constituency one. I want Labour to lose seats.”
Another unconditional principle based on impossible outcomes.
And if you don’t like it, Mia will have more unconditional principles based on more impossible outcomes.
Ruby says:
16 April, 2021 at 9:17 pm
FFS you are a creepy stalking bore!”
Come clean lying Ruby:
Ruby says (The Big Win),
“I’ve got Kcor who has been a diehard Sturgeonista until about two weeks ago calling me names.”
Kcor says (The Big Win),
19 March, 2021 at 10:48 pm
“What utter lies. Point me to one post where I have been a “Sturgeonista”, let alone a diehard one.”
Here’s a funny wee thing I just stumbled across.
Jenny Gilruth MSP is, or was the partner of Kezia Dugdale, right?
That’s ripe for a wee bit of cross party pollination there but…
What I discovered tonight is that the current UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock has a wife.
Her name is…Emily Gilruth.
Emily Gilruth doesn’t have a Wiki and Jennys doesn’t mention anything about her family and I’m wondering if the two are related?
Are we looking at an inter party political menage à trois here?
How can any political party hope to keep any of their plans and strategies confidential when there’s all this going on?
Assuming they are related, of course.
Ruby says (“Three choices”),
“I’m voting SNP 1/2 because I want Nicola Sturgeon to have to face the consequences of her actions.”
Is it still SNP 1/2 Ruby?
It is your democratic choice, but do come clean instead of conning others.
Shocked @ 5.51says..
I would value your views, as a lawyer, (you not me ) on the proceedings being brought by Alex Salmond against Leslie Evans.
SNP 1 and 2. 9.17
How’s this for a better idea.
No female should be even considering giving this witch another bite at the cherry.
Take Sturgeon out at the polling station.
Vote her out of office.
Then you know for sure that she has no chance of implementing her evil policies.
That sounds a far better plan than your fantasy of giving her another chance to implement her policies.
Kcor says:
“I’ve got Kcor who has been a diehard Sturgeonista until about two weeks ago calling me names.”
“What utter lies. Point me to one post where I have been a “Sturgeonista”, let alone a diehard one.”
Ok maybe I was wrong and you have never voted SNP. Never voted for Nicola Sturgeon.
Cadogan Enright says,
“Whilst I agree with these sentiments I do not see how Stu is helping to win the election”
“Stu does not seem to know there is an election on and that we need Alba to trounce the Greens if this issue is to be tackled at the same time as Indy 2”
The Rev. Stuart Campbell is advocating ALBA 2. What makes you think he isn’t?
If everyone votes ALBA 2, the Greens will be trounced.
ALBA’s success does not depend on who gets the constituency votes:
Paul Cockshott says (Nobody Cares What You Think),
“There is a misaprehension that failure to vote SNP 1 will affect the number of Alba seats. It will not. The number of Alba seats depends only on the percentage of votes Alba gets on the list. Failure to vote SNP 1 just alters the number of SNP Tory or Labour constituency seats. If Sturgeon loses to Sarwar then that does not affect Albas number of seats, provided Alba gets some 6% or more on the list. If the divisor for the SNP falls by 1 that for Labour rises by 1 in compensation. The voting system is cleverly designed to give proportionality i n a way that is independent of which parties win in the constituencies.”
Some of us are old enough to remember when the screening of a new John Pilger documentary was an event. It would be trailed on the news, the weans were allowed to stay up late to watch it.
And there was World in Action, and Panorama, and more I’m sure, just can’t remember the names. Horizon?
The only big outfit I”m aware of that’s doing serious documentary now is Netflix. They’re making a fine fist of explaining what America in particular is really all about. James Baldwin (I’m guessing) quipped that the most dangerous animal in North America was a black man with a library card. Well, Netflix is there for the dudes who would never ever dream of getting a library card. And you know what they say about a picture…
And what do we have here? When was the last time any msm outlet in this country did a serious investigation into, say, child poverty or male suicide in Scotland?
When was the last time any msm outlet in Scotland attempted anything remotely like Tom Steel’s “Scotland’s Story’?
Where is the original drama representing the Scotland where you are?
We have Kirsty Wark filming what she believed was live coverage of the demise of Alex Salmond. Instead, she had to witness him walking free, then completely reconstruct the programme to be deployed at a later date.
We have Gerry Hassan – and if ever there was a professor who doth profess too much, it is he – openly deriding a new political party and continuing to slur Alex Salmond.
We have the main broadcasters refusing point-blank to allow space for Alba, even though it has registered in all polling since its launch.
We don’t have any ‘journalism’ going on, apart from this place and a handful of other bloggers. The hacks of the Scottish msm, particularly in print, are barely fit to do the product descriptions in the fuckin Argos catalogue, yet we’re subjected to their opinions on matters of life and death? Why?
Journalists, like all other writers, were once revered. But most of us can read and write these days, and we have these new-fangled ways of establishing and maintaining important relationships, businesses, discussions etc. We don’t write for ‘effect’, or to someone else’s diktat. That’s the great power of social media and it frightens the bejayzuz out of them.
It’s about time we made these characters (and they’re all the same really, whatever ‘field’ they work in) realise that this life is not theirs alone. We have rights which don’t have to be written-up in some international charter. It’s basic basic stuff, and if Nicola Sturgeon thinks that doing photo-shoots posing as a dentist operating on a cuddly toy is going to deflect from what she’s done and intends to do, she’s up a fuckin gum-tree.
The ‘rifts’ between Alba/SNP supporters don’t mean a thing in the long run. All we have to do is get some Alba MSPs. Then, in the fullness of time, we will see some kind of justice.
No we are not looking at a menage a trois. We are looking a poor research on your behalf.
Mist001 says:
16 April, 2021 at 9:24 pm
Here’s a funny wee thing I just stumbled across.
Jenny Gilruth MSP is, or was the partner of Kezia Dugdale, right?
That’s ripe for a wee bit of cross party pollination there but…
What I discovered tonight is that the current UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock has a wife.
Her name is…Emily Gilruth.”
Matt Hancock’s wife is Martha Millar who is an osteopath. His sister is called Emily and she is married to Tom Gilruth who appears to be Welsh.
@Mia says:
16 April, 2021 at 8:55 pm
“If Sarwar wins Glasgow Southside, the SNP has a better chance of getting a seat on the Glasgow list”
Yes I agree but only a 10% better chance that is all and will not affect ALBA if they can get their numbers up.
Kcor says:
16 April, 2021 at 9:26 pm
Ruby says (“Three choices”),
“I’m voting SNP 1/2 because I want Nicola Sturgeon to have to face the consequences of her actions.”
Is it still SNP 1/2 Ruby?
It is your democratic choice, but do come clean instead of conning others.
What would you do if I answered No?
You would have to find someone else to stalk!
Have you ever voted SNP? Have you ever voted for Nicola Sturgeon?
Ruby says:
16 April, 2021 at 9:31 pm
“Ok maybe I was wrong and you have never voted SNP. Never voted for Nicola Sturgeon.”
What do you mean “maybe”?
You were very specific with your accusation: “a diehard Sturgeonista until about two weeks ago”.
You were caught out flatly lying because you had no counter argument to my point, so why don’t you accept unconditionally that you were wrong?
FFS Mist. My old college lecturer when I was an automotive vehicle apprentice decades ago was called Mr Gilruth. Do you think the powers that be would have gone to such lengths to embed Gilruths across our society in an attempt to influence the State’s trajectory.
TBH he was on a loser if trying to promote an impressive British narrative to the next generation.
As spotty youths stripping down shitty British Leyland A Series engines it was clear even to our young minds that all was not well with British Engineering practices…
When the engine out of a car body that had starting rusting tae fuck whilst it sat new on the forecourt and had barely managed 50k miles before it fell apart, had wear at the top of the bores so bad that you could cut your fingers on the lip coz the cast iron was so crap.
And while you are being a bit honest for a change, you could also accept that the following comment was a smear because you didn’t have a count argument to my point:
Ruby says (The seekers of fury),
“If you were trying to set yourselves up as the moral guardians of women’s rights you would most definitely not want ‘Kcor/Andy’ representing you.”
A glorious victory for United in the Scottish Cup. Ok in Cup ties you take the victories. Aberdeen of Livingston. I will take Livi.
It’s obvious.
Over the past couple of months or so, commenters have been appearing BTL here, and their purpose appears to be to get pro-indy commenters arguing with each other.
Don’t let them win. Ignore them.
We all know about the voting argument for Glasgow Southside – give it up, iye?
Why not type about Edinburgh Central, or Perthshire North, or Dunfermline?
Yooz are becoming “skim past” $h!†.
Some very well argued points of view tonight, from all sides.
And guess what, I agree, I agree with nearly all of you… on all sides.
I think therein lies the genius of De’Hondt – its almost impossible to tactically vote in it (this year being a ‘perfect storm’ type of situation that will never pass this way again).
For those who say, that the SNP no longer has any intention of pursuing Indy, that their policies are a danger to women and children, and freedom of speech, therefore to vote for them is immoral…
I say, you are right.
For those that say, for every SNP Candidate voted in on the Constituency, it assists in the election of a potential 32 Alba candidates on the List, including Alex, while at the same time depriving Unionists and further SNP’s getting in on the list, therefore hold your nose and do the needful.
I say you are right.
For those who say, that since Alba, with or without the SNP making up a Supermajority or a Simplemajority, cannot be the largest party, therefore the SNP will not co-operate (especially with Nicla still in power), and Alba will get bogged down, trying to stop their identity politics and get nowhere. Therefore what’s the point.
I say, you are right.
And if any of the above is not right, I’m pretty damn sure, its not all the way wrong.
And for those who think Alex has game planned this, and has a plan.
I think you are right…
By promoting SNP1 Alba 2, and being fully respectful of the SNP, it has enabled all the different warring factions of the Yes movement to consider ‘lending’ their list vote to another party, and if they get elected in sufficient numbers, that will be enough to establish them with the voters and in Holyrood.
The list vote has been the SNP’s (in house gaming of the system) a safety net for their big hitters, a 2 bites at the cherry for Nicla and Swinney, and a method of rewarding 2nd and 3rd rate unelectable wanks, who wouldn’t stand a chance of getting elected any other way… Apologies to the non wanks on that list, but you are the exception.
If the bulk of the former SNP List vote goes to Alba, the Constituency SNP Candidates are going to have to win fair and square on their policies and their merit…
And Alba are going to get elected to the max of their capacity.
And unlike the polls, I think the SNP are struggling, and will continue to struggle as Nicla plays the most uninspiring election campaign ever.
I cannot in all integrity be harsh on anyone who cannot vote for the SNP in this election. They have crossed so many lines.
It would be good if those of us who decide that this one last time, in order to max the Alba, we can hold our nose and vote SNP1, we don’t get shot down as ‘unionists’, etc.
My secret hope is that Nicla, Swinney, Robertson and Humza get thrown out on their corrupt backsides…. but I’m not so naive as to think the Britnats will allow that to happen to their wee Nicla.
With a good representation of Alba in Holyrood, the campaign for Indy is on, and a GE is only 3 years away. With Covid restrictions, I’d say that give us time, to make it a plebiscite indy election, while Brexit bites its hardest.
@ Old Fogey
Some Gilruth action going on here.
link to twitter.com
Kcor, Fergus, Shocked, Andy, agent 77, ,,, or whatever name you choose to use today:
Are you working for integrity initiative? For the John Smith Centre?
Why otherwise would you bother recoding information of what I wrote and when? You have done this several times now and it is starting to get boring. You are following the same script over and over again.
So what is the plan, to continue stalking me because I have hit a nerve? Where does it hurt, poppet? is it that I have seen through your “elaborated” plan to bypass the expected loses of list seats by Labour due to Alba, or is it the audacity of suspecting the only reason why a lightweight like Sarwar could ever push Sturgeon out when Labour is practically defunct in Scotland, is because it has been engineered to be that way to give the compliant queen of corruption an easy ride on her way out?
You see, the problem here is that the more you stalk me and attack me for what I write, the more you convince me I am on the right track and the more you encourage me to keep pulling the cord until the whole thing falls down.
You reproduce one of my comments before ALBA was launched as if that was an embarrassment. Well not for me. It is actually evidence that I am not the Sturgeon obsessed that you have been trying to paint me as, so bring it on. Before ALBA was launched I was ready to spoil both my constituency and list ballot. There, loud and clear. So what?
You attempt to portray me as ridiculous because I demanded a plebiscite election. Well, I already voted in 2016 to get a mandate for indyref. Now I don’t want to vote to give another mandate for indyref. Now I want to vote for independence. I stated at the time quite categorically that unless I voted for independence, I would not vote in May. So what?
“Mia does not give a damn about ALBA, she is just using it for her own agenda”
I am indeed using ALBA for my own agenda, which is in this instance to have the opportunity in May to vote for independence via a party that is willing to accept my vote as a vote for a mandate to start negotiations with Westminster for Scotland’s independence. You are mistaken in the first part of your assertion though. I do care about ALBA. It is in fact the only party I currently care about.
“She was dead against giving her list vote to a pro indy list party unless it met her stupid undeliverable demand to make into a plebiscite election”
Yeah, so undeliverable and so stupid that Mr Salmond is delivering it as we speak. She even repeated the party’s commitment to independence during the SKY interview.
“ALBA has not met that stupid undeliverable demand of Mia”
Yes, as a matter of fact it has, at least to my own satisfaction.
“but she is claiming that she will give her list vote to ALBA so she can then use that as an excuse for her lies about the Glasgow Soutside constituency”
Now this is interesting. So which one is the lie, poppet, the fact that Labour is attempting to kibosh Alba’s strategy by securing the constituency seat, or that Sarwar going head to head with Sturgeon is the manufactured easy exit that the men in grey suits have engineered for Sturgeon?
“If she meant what she wrote today at 9:30 am, she would be delighted to get rid of Sturgeon, even at the potential loss of an ALBA seat, which she knows would not happen”
I meant every word of what I wrote. But a pro independence seat in my eyes is far more valuable for our cause than Sturgeon and most certainly far more valuable than having Sarwar in Holyrood. Besides I want to see her squirm when she faces in parliament the only real pro independence leader Scotland has had. I want her to face her demons and either suffer the consequences of her actions or capitulate and deliver what she should have delivered years ago, independence.
I am glad however that you finally acknowledge that giving for free that constituency seat to Sarwar will cost ALBA a seat if not several seats. So I am right, your strategy is an attempt to kibosh the pro-indy supermajority to protect the interests of the unionist seat warmers like Sarwar.
“The same gullible voters who have made the SNP and Sturgeon what they are are now being manipulated by the likes of Mia”
Wow, now you have promoted me to the fictitious role of master manipulator. Gee thanks.
“Enjoy your 5 more years of Sturgeon”
Thank you. I intend to. I intend to enjoy watching how she is roasted to a crisp (metaphorically speaking) by Mr Salmond at every opportunity exposing her for the fraud she is. But I will enjoy even more when she has to capitulate and deliver what she refused to deliver since 8th May 2015.
“If Wings over Scotland still exists, don’t come to moan here”
Well, I believe the excellent and seriously underrated Rev Stuart Campbell is the owner of this blog. If it is the same with you, I much rather wait for the big man himself to decide who he wants “to moan” in his blog.
Ruby says:
16 April, 2021 at 9:44 pm
Ruby says (“Three choices”),
“I’m voting SNP 1/2 because I want Nicola Sturgeon to have to face the consequences of her actions.”
“What would you do if I answered No?”
I wouldn’t care.
But everyone and their dog has known for a long time that SNP 2 is a wasted vote and only diehard Sturgeonists at that other blog are promoting it.
Since the launch of ALBA, almost everyone on here, even Mia whether or not she is telling the truth, has been advocating it.
Despite being a prominent poster here, you have not once stated that you have changed your SNP 1/2 position to SNP 1 / ALBA 2.
Given your previous comments, that makes you a diehard Sturgeonist, IMHO.
But you seem to be in the mood to come clean today.
I think and in my world of family and friends we think, that for all the noise around SNP1 and Alba2 the reality is this is gambling on a result which you or I have no way of knowing.
So if you “think” gambling on Woman’s & Children’s not only rights but safety in the hope you’ll get some Alba MSPs, who in reality will be ignored by the rest of Holyrood and whatever happens Sturgeon will serve another term, even if she doesn’t whose going to replace her?.
All this “holding your nose” crap is just a cop out of epic proportions based upon a gamble with the aforesaid Woman’s and Children’s rights/safety and no long post can excuse it.
You really need to ask yourself if your moral compass pointing in the right direction ?
Alex Salmond for all his undoubted qualities is at the end of the day a politician with all that entails, and after his barnstorming testimony and comparing it to that lying piece of trash Sturgeon and then forming Alba I can understand to a degree what these people are saying.
Unless Scottish Independance (or rather the chance of another referendum) is your raison detre and subsumes your life you have no excuse whatsoever, under any circumstances vote for the SNP, because as sure as eggs are eggs come May 7th, Sturgeon will claim it as a victory for HER and her policies
But along as you get a new laptop, free dentistry, more billions for the NHS none of which if you have a passing relationship to the truth and accounting whether Scotlands independent or not can actually be done and in any event as she has demonstrated during her “reign ” has no intention of (according to most I’ve read here) doing, go for it gamble your woman’s and childrens safety on her!!!
Well said, Mia. In all your posts on this topic, including the one at 10.00 pm. And in all your posts on previous topics too. Keep on going. You are doing great. Don’t let anyone put you off – I know you won’t anyway.
Hi Kcor.
You’re becoming boring now, Like “Rock” in days gone by, who had a database of everything any Winger had ever posted and re-spewed their comments at every opportunity.
Gie it a break! If you’ve got something useful to post, go ahead.
However, if you’re just gonna go after other Wingers, hud yer wheesht!
@Ian Brotherhood. Well said. Can I add this:
Journalists. Who will pay your wages in the upcoming independent Scotland? Not your old masters, London, for you have failed them. Not your new nation, for you have a very wordy record of disloyalty.
Maybe time you started realising the way the wind is blowing.
Some of the posts on here are ridiculously long and tedious. Some people just can’t seem to deliver something that is cogent and concise. If it’s long winded I’m sure most people don’t bother to read it.
Mia says:
16 April, 2021 at 10:00 pm
“Kcor, Fergus, Shocked, Andy, agent 77, ,,, or whatever name you choose to use today:”
You have completely lost it when you begin a post with something like that.
Don’t you realise that it is your impossible and contradictory logic I am questioning, not whoever you may be. It doesn’t concern me whether you are posting as Mia or Mike.
Let me ask you a couple of questions for which you won’t need a million words to answer:
Assume that as per your very strong desire, Sturgeon gets re-elected in the Glasgow Southside constituency.
How many constituency + list seats would the SNP, Labour and ALBA have in the Glasgow region, as per your estimation?
Assume now that as per my very strong desire, Sturgeon gets defeated in the Glasgow Southside constituency.
How many constituency + list seats would the SNP, Labour and ALBA then have in the Glasgow region, as per your estimation?
I am only referring to the SNP, Labour and ALBA. You can ignore anyone else.
Mia says:
16 April, 2021 at 10:00 pm
“Kcor, Fergus, Shocked, Andy, agent 77, ,,, or whatever name you choose to use today:”
For the record, I am posting as Kcor and not as anyone else.
Brian Doonthetoon says,
“If you’ve got something useful to post, go ahead.”
Ok, I posted this:
Kcor says (You do it to yourself, you do):
31 March, 2021 at 10:28 pm
“Will voting SNP 1 not give the SNP a majority?
To avoid the SNP getting a majority, some SNP seats have to be lost.
The solution is to vote tactically against Sturgeon, Swinney and all ministers and against Robertson in the constituencies.
Only then can ALBA hold the balance of power.
With the added advantage of the most obnoxious SNP MSPs out of the way, except the ones who can sneak in through the backdoor.”
What do you think, Brian?
And Brian, what do you think about advocating Labour 1 / ALBA 2 in the Glasgow Southside constituency to hopefully get Sturgeon out of parliament?
Brian, give your honest opinion.
This is after all a debating forum.
Mia says:
16 April, 2021 at 12:37 pm
“If you want to persuade you need to write more succinctly”
Working on it
Mia pay no attention to people like Stephen. Your piece may not be succinct but neither are the issues at stake. Your piece was encompassing .I certainly value long form blog comments as much as some of the virtue posting we see here. J
@Dan 16 April, 2021 at 9:47 pm
“FFS Mist. My old college lecturer when I was an automotive vehicle apprentice decades ago was called Mr Gilruth. Do you think the powers that be would have gone to such lengths to embed Gilruths across our society in an attempt to influence the State’s trajectory.”
I’m afraid there are some here whose heads are seriously fecked up, God help them if anyone with the Surname Johnson ever tried to stand for the SNP. Their Heads might just finally explode tbh. Conspiracy theorists through and through, the same sort of folk who think that a Lion stamp on an Egg is some sort of Imperialist crime.
Well, Kcor, I feel that there a half dozen seats, where a NON-SNP vote would be productive, as far as Pro-indy votes go.
So there.
My voting intentions if anyone is interested.
I live in Edinburgh Central.
I do not know if there is an Alba Candidate standing in Edin Central or not.
I have asked about ‘Bonnie Prince Bob’ and if voting for him will jeopardise the Alba list vote and various other details about Edin Central.
There have been no replies.
I do not like Nicola Sturgeon I have been suspicious of Nicola Sturgeon since she fired Mark MacDonald for sending a text.
I do not like Angus Robertson either. I have had two leaflets posted through my letter box from Angus Robertson. I have left them on my doorstep face up and I step on them every time I cross the threshold.
I really like Alex Salmond. I have always like Alex Salmond. I am happy that he is campaigning for Alba but I do miss his show.
I’m not finding this an easy decision and sometimes I think I will just not bother voting.
Re Kcor/Andy after his last post I decided laying off would be the compassionate thing to do.
Daisy Walker says:
16 April, 2021 at 9:55 pm
“My secret hope is that Nicla, Swinney, Robertson and Humza get thrown out on their corrupt backsides…. but I’m not so naive as to think the Britnats will allow that to happen to their wee Nicla.”
In that case, you would have to consider Mia, Ruby, AYRSHIRE ROB as “Britnats”
I would never have imagined that Mia is part of the British State. LOL
It is not the British State but absolute morons right here on Wings Over Scotland who are hell bent on preventing “wee Nicla” being thrown out.
The only political right the “sovereign” plebs of Scotland have is to vote IF AND WHEN they are offered one.
We get what we thoroughly deserve by not using our vote intelligently in the given system.
Especially given the truth we learn from Wings Over Scotland.
“Some very well argued points of view tonight, from all sides.
And guess what, I agree, I agree with nearly all of you… on all sides.”
I won’t be offended if I am one of the few you don’t agree with. LOL
Brian Doonthetoon says:
16 April, 2021 at 10:42 pm
“Well, Kcor, I feel that there a half dozen seats, where a NON-SNP vote would be productive, as far as Pro-indy votes go.
So there.”
OMG, we are of quite a similar opinion, aren’t we Brian?
Brian, couldn’t you be a bit braver and give a straight answer to this:
What do you think about advocating Labour 1 / ALBA 2 in the Glasgow Southside constituency to hopefully get Sturgeon out of parliament?
I am not a voter in Glasgow Southside.
It’s up to them.
Ruby says,
“Re Kcor/Andy after his last post I decided laying off would be the compassionate thing to do.”
You mean you are going to stop making false accusations against me (Kcor)?
Ruby says (The seekers of fury),
“If you were trying to set yourselves up as the moral guardians of women’s rights you would most definitely not want ‘Kcor/Andy’ representing you.”
Ruby says (The Big Win),
“I’ve got Kcor who has been a diehard Sturgeonista until about two weeks ago calling me names.”
Kcor says (The Big Win),
19 March, 2021 at 10:48 pm
“What utter lies. Point me to one post where I have been a “Sturgeonista”, let alone a diehard one.”
Since you are in such a “compassionate” mood, why don’t you apologise uncondtionally for making false accusations?
And by the way, do you mind if I call you Ruby/Mia/AYRSHIRE ROB?
Is there a list anywhere of list candidates? I would like to see the Falkirk East one, if anybody has any idea. Thanks in advance.
@ Onlooker
2021 info is on this page.
link to en.wikipedia.org
2016 info for Constituency and Region on this page
link to democraticdashboard.com
Brian Doonthetoon says:
16 April, 2021 at 10:55 pm
“I am not a voter in Glasgow Southside.
It’s up to them.”
Oh come on Brian, it’s upto them but surely it affects the whole country and its future?
And especially what she did to Alex Salmond?
Do you secretly wish Sturgeon to be re-elected in Glasgow Southside?
You know like those Tory voters who wouldn’t admit to voting Tory in 1992 but secretly did?
Don’t tell me you are afraid of Ruby/Mia/AYRSHIRE ROB to give your honest view?
Kcor, Andy Three Commas, and Fergus continue on with their rubbish trolling, which is as stinky as a Rainbow Green’s used nappy.
But they are easy to spot, and to ignore. There are other, more subtle, trolls posting on here. There’s a need to be alert for them as well. They will write sensible points, but every so often will mix in something anti-indy, or designed to make people doubt Scotland, its people, or its capability. I’d put ‘Red’ in that category.
Personally I am very wary of anyone who posts that Holyrood is so bad that it should be shut down, ‘for a while’, and Scotland be run direct from Westminster. Fuck right off with that defeatist attitude.
‘Kcor’, did you previously post on Wings as ‘Rock’?
@ Kroc re, ‘In that case, you would have to consider Mia, Ruby, AYRSHIRE ROB as “Britnats”’
I do not.
Indy voters have been put in an impossible position by the – at best inept ‘leadership’ of sturgeon and at worst, utter corrupt betrayal.
The De Hondt voting method merely makes this even more difficult.
One thing is very clear, we need Alba, and voting Alba on the List vote doesn’t affect the SNP in a negative way. Ultimately the SNP are going to reap what they’ve sown with the voters.
Do what you can or what you must, as your conscience dictates for the Constituency vote. No one can ask fairer than that.
What is in no doubt, is Alba for the list.
@ Ruby says:
16 April, 2021 at 10:44 pm
My voting intentions if anyone is interested.
I live in Edinburgh Central.
I do not know if there is an Alba Candidate standing in Edin Central or not.
I have asked about ‘Bonnie Prince Bob’ and if voting for him will jeopardise the Alba list vote and various other details about Edin Central.
ALBA is on your list vote and Bonnie Prince Bob is on your costituency vote and voting for him will not affect ALBA in the slightest so go ahead , wise choices indeed. imo
Ruby et al.
For the Alba plan to work it has to be SNP1 Alba2 except in South Scotland where it is best both votes SNP because The SNP candidate there has sensible views on women’s rights.
Rev Stu
I come here for viewpoints and information from both sides, but tbh, this btl is getting tedious as it has been over-run with quite a few argumentative commentators.
Perhaps you could “kindly” remind them that they could set up their own blogs instead of poisoning yours? It’s this sort of shit that gives the “establishment” ammunition to discredit your blog . (which I think is amazing, informative and to the point btw)
I know you’re on the emergency computer and obvs verrrrry busy being one of the major newsfeeds for ALBA, but please, maybe just a little time to weed out the abusers of the comments sections would be good? (not saying that you should weed out opinions, just stupidly long comments)
and btw I want indy, but given the behaviour of queen nic and her followers, she would take my vote SNP1 Alba 2 as an endorsement of her policies on GRA, HCB. And you all know she woudl see it this way, self centered manipulative little madame that she is.(trying to be polite here)
This I cannot stomach as a woman, mother, grandmother and wife, I cannot vote for a party that strips any of my children ( male and female) of their rights
I really want ALBA to make a difference ( I Joined the party on the very first day and have never joined a party before) but I am so, so torn.
At the moment, much as I trust Alex, it’s 0 Constit, and Alba 2 (sorry Alex 🙁 )
2023 from sturgeons own mouth that’s the earliest (maybe) possibly, might not , unless a better excuse comes to hand she will cling on to anything there is to stop it ,there is no fkn way she and her inner circle will be forced into indyref2 , most folk here have sussed that lie out .
The halfwits over in La La Land will be dead and buried before any indyref2 campaign is even started , this mental house arrest shite is a god send to the deranged dictator from dreghorn and these fools are keeping this shite going with their unquestioning support that isn’t helping ,Sometimes even your closest friends need to be told they are wrong being a fan won’t help anyone
David says:
16 April, 2021 at 11:13 pm
There are other, more subtle, trolls posting on here. There’s a need to be alert for them as well. They will write sensible points, but every so often will mix in something anti-indy, or designed to make people doubt Scotland, its people, or its capability. I’d put ‘Red’ in that category.
I can’t remember ever reading any of your comments, have no idea who you are, and don’t care, but are you sure you’re not confusing me with someone else?
Personally I am very wary of anyone who posts that Holyrood is so bad that it should be shut down, ‘for a while’, and Scotland be run direct from Westminster.
I’ve literally never said anything like this in my life.
Ian Brotherhood – Well said.
It’s not just journalism that’s fallen low. It’s almost frightening to compare mass media in general today with its counterparts from the late 70’s/ early 80’s.
Long form discussion has completely evaporated. Nuance is a dirty word. Television is aggressively stupid. Newspapers contain basic spelling and grammatical errors that would’ve got you roasted by a primary school English teacher. Cinema has turned into live action cartoons for emotionally incontinent adults with the attention span and tastes of slightly dim children.
The dumbing down is real, we’re cast adrift on a digital ocean of ignorance. Harrison Bergeron meets Idiocracy.
I did like Godzilla vs Kong though.
I agree with David. There are a few posters on here that are obviously anti Indy and stirring trouble
I have not been on Wings as much lately as I feel it has not been contributing much to the drive for independence.
But these posters spoil any return I make to this site
Heaver says:
16 April, 2021 at 10:18 pm
@Ian Brotherhood. Well said. Can I add this:
Journalists. Who will pay your wages in the upcoming independent Scotland? Not your old masters, London, for you have failed them. Not your new nation, for you have a very wordy record of disloyalty.
I think the answer for the legacy media is “nobody”, unless they’re supported by a sugar daddy like Bezos or have a “unique” funding arrangement to promote state propaganda like the BBC or RT.
Journalism as a profession has been dying on its arse since the internet came along.
In 2005 the Daily Record had a circulation of nearly 500,000. Today it’s 85,000 (!). Same with all the other papers, they’re in freefall. The pivot to digital hasn’t worked (except for the Daily Mail, maybe), people just don’t want to pay for “news”.
Journalists used to be important, but they just aren’t anymore. Most people aren’t reading or listening, and the few who are no longer trust them.
There’s no future for them that doesn’t involve learning to code or dancing on a pole. My young son knows what a Walkman is, because we like Guardians of the Galaxy. He doesn’t know what a newspaper is, and by the time he and his pals leave school, the papers simply won’t exist.
TV news isn’t immune to this either, young people simply don’t give a shit about the telly to anything like the same extent as previous generations. But a young Swedish guy on YouTube can easily get 10 million views for a 20 minute video he slapped together in a couple of hours.
My sister and her husband have received and filled in their postal votes today. SNP 1 ALBA 2
Delighted to be able to vote for AS.
It seems to me that the greetin faced snowflakes on here are staunch sopporters of an SNP 1 vote.
So they go out of their way to say they are shocked at this new influx of abuse from these ruffians who are on Wings now and are anti SNP
When really they want to silence any critisism of their beloved leader Sturgeon.
Weeshit for Indy.
Stop washing our great leaders dirty linen on a public forum.
Well I certainly won’t be silenced by a shower of Sturgeon Roadies.
“There are a few posters on here that are obviously anti Indy and stirring trouble…”
We call them SNP loyalists.
“I have not been on Wings as much lately as I feel it has not been contributing much to the drive for independence… But these posters spoil any return I make to this site.”
Hands up who gives a fuck…
Every time the news goes a bit flat for a day or two, people on here start bickering and pleading with Wings to ban people…
Grow up ffs.
As for big long comments, just scroll past them. It’s your choice.
@nIan Brotherhood at 8.54
Sorry for the late reply – I was doing other things – including listening to Holyrood Mandy and Johann Lamont!
The summary thread you posted was good (as is to be expected of Malcolm) – thanks.
@ Famous15 at 11.23
Not true.
The number 1 list candidate is the ultra-woke Emma Harper, who chose to tweet about trans rights on International Women’s Day, and has declared herself disabled to get that number 1 slot. Her disability (diabetes) didn’t hinder her election in 2016, so unless she’s only been diagnosed in the last 5 years, she’s at it.
If she were to win the constituency she’s contesting (Tory-held with a smallish majority), then it is true that Joan McAlpine would move into the top slot (unless she wins in Dumfries), and she is worth keeping in the Parliament.
The argument for “SNP on the list” in South Scotland is not about the candidates; it is based on the likelihood that the SNP will not win all the constituencies and will therefore have potential for a list seat or two.
The principle of the additional member system, however, is not just about proportionality; it also offers parties that have little to no chance in First Past the Post to be represented at Holyrood.
The non-tactical choice is to vote for your favourite party on the list, which in my case is Alba, Joan McAlpine notwithstanding.
Maybe we should only consider voting SNP 1 in the constituencies where the candidates, if already MSPs, voted against the Hate Crime Bill?
The most interesting news since Covid ‘took hold’ has been the acquittal of AS. In search of finer detail I landed on WoS. It’s content beats any amusement I can afford in the evening and it’s become my primary source of entertainment. As others have said elsewhere it’s recent content should be the subject of a screenplay. As clichés might have it, it’s a roller-coaster of a ride: astonishing revelations of corruption one day, deep disappointment the next. Sadly it came to the point where evil was going to win but in a superb plot twist ALBA revealed itself. I don’t qualify for a vote in Scottish elections but I like to think I might be able to make a difference in Alba’s fight against an unspeakable administration that is breathtaking in its criminality and contempt. Proud to say that my ALBA membership no. – I joined as soon as I could – has 3 figures. As might be expected in Scotland, it has a mountain to climb but I hope and expect it to triumph. “Treason (AS) doth never prosper. What’s the reason? For if it prosper none dare call it Treason”. Good luck.
Ian B , thanks for reminding me that TV used to educate and now it just entertains poorly, providing puerile crap for the masses.
I’m off to watch more of my hero John Pilger on youtube.
SNP Constituency candidates and Regional List candidates:
link to snp.org
Alba Party Regional List candidates:
link to albaparty.org
@ Onlooker
Whoopsie, I see you ask for List Candidates.
SNP here.
link to snp.org
Alba here.
link to twitter.com
You’ll find other Party’s list candidates with search.
Haha, posted at same time Colin.
Dear Rev, I have only been here a couple of months and it was to me like entering a brave new world where views on the future of our country could be exchanged and debated.
Over the last couple of weeks debate has all but disappeared and the forum degenerated into a venue for bad tempered and personal abuse. This is an extremely important juncture in our journey to being a free and independent nation and there seems to be no easy answers to the problems created by the Sturgeon administration.
I feel that we are taking the coward’s way out by associating ourselves with the criminal cabal in Holyrood….There are no “good” Sturgeonites, all are complicit in the crimes of her administration and if we really care about the future of our people and our children we must oppose them, even if it brings the whole edifice of devolution tumbling down around us.
We are in danger of becoming prisoners of our own ideology, which in my opinion seems to adapting to a way of dealing with the enemy than actually determining a means of victory.
These people must be removed before any real progress can be made.
I comment rarely but read regularly. I wonder about the motivation of those who would turn btl comment into divisive discord.
I’d like to suggest a limit of five posts a day imposed on the most voluble.
Mandy Rhodes is on the case. She’s an excellent journalist. Challenges everyone! Check what the Greens are up to re abolishing sex on birth certificates and the serious legal implications that arise from that
link to holyrood.com
@Ian B 9.37: catching up, still partially traumatised by a penalty shootout AET.
Great comment: it’s when you remember programmes like World in Action you realise how useless and spineless our journalists generally are now, mere stenographers for the state, or types who close their notebooks when Alex Salmond’s defence lawyers stand up to go to work. You could surely make a programme about it all, called Missing in Action 😉 .
When I was young and lovely, I wanted to be a foreign correspondent like James Cameron, who seemed to spend his time in a crumpled linen suit, drinking in a tropical cocktail bar surrounded by beautiful and exotic women. “That’s the kind of job for me,” I thought.The reality was that he had witnessed Belsen and exposed war crimes like Pusan in the Korean War and his career suffered accordingly, I think.
Pilger took all this to another level and you marvel at the courage and stamina he displayed over the years in his attempts to get to the truth of things.
It’s a pity our own Neal Ascherson is rarely heard of now too: I suppose supporting Yes is not too good for your prospects or your bank balance.
Soon any non-MSM blogger or journalist who refuses to conform will be silenced by Yousaf’s Hate Crime legislation or WM’s coming Online Harms crapola. As it is, the Covid emergency legislation has seen a huge infringement of hard-won freedoms, but few seem to have noticed in all the excitement, as Clint Eastwood might have said.
We should all remember the simple, chilling and disgraceful fact that if it were not for the likes of Stuart Campbell or Craig Murray we would know absolutely zilch about what actually happened during Alex Salmond’s trial and would think his acquittal was perverse.
Never mind, let’s all gather round the fireside for a searing new documentary from Kirsty Wark of Wee Ruthie’s Great British Bake Off trauma or some such…….
I watched footage of a concert in New Zealand the other day and it was jam-packed with people breathing and sweating on each other just like the old days.
With two half-decent roadblocks, Scotland could very easily stop these new variants getting in. Sturgeon isn’t capable of putting up a couple of roadblocks, though.
The disaster capitalists in Downing Street smell money and aren’t inclined to stop the disease at UK borders.
It’s the old destruction-reconstruction business model; they make massive profits on both sides of the equation.
There’s no money in peace. It’s their worst nightmare. And there’s no money in New Zealand.
So it goes… on and on. To infinity and beyond.
Whilst being firmly on the side of those women who see their rights being blatantly compromised, I cannot help but derive some pleasure and amusement from this battle of the self obsessed feminist wokerati on one side and their erstwhile colleagues in the virtue signalling at all costs wing of the SNP on the other.
It’s almost as though their Pythonesque attempts to demonstrate who is the more virtuous has led to a worrying degree of ideological zeal being at long last exposed?
Mist001 says:
16 April, 2021 at 9:24 p
How can any political party hope to keep any of their plans and strategies confidential when there’s all this going on?
To be fair, I don’t think it matters since they all take their orders from the same globalist cabal anyway.
Hatuey@17 April, 2021 at 10:55
If it were only that easy..
At the height of the confinement du les prolos, there were private aircraft flying in and out of Scotland, a number landing at private fields…and then there were the helicopters, got to love those flights from down south which landed at a number of locations up here before their final destinations.
Then there were the boats…not easy to armchair track, but word got around.
So, no, your roadblocks won’t work as anything other than theatre, sorry, low comedy, and as such, is well within the capabilities of St. Nickla.
Oh, and for what this is worth, the Kiwis have a bit of a ‘disconnect’ betwixt their official policy and reality, again, the quarantine & travel rules only truly applied to les prolos…last year I was having an online conversation with a Kiwi about their ‘closed borders’…I pointed them in the direction of the flightradar site, showing how porous they actually were, they were not best pleased.
Ruby says,
“I live in Edinburgh Central.
I do not know if there is an Alba Candidate standing in Edin Central or not.”
You are telling us that you don’t know that ALBA is standing for list seats only?
So it is still SNP 1/2 for you, right?
Daisy Walker says:
16 April, 2021 at 11:20 pm
“@ Kroc re, ‘In that case, you would have to consider Mia, Ruby, AYRSHIRE ROB as “Britnats”’
I do not.”
By your own words you do, don’t try to wriggle out of it:
“My secret hope is that Nicla, Swinney, Robertson and Humza get thrown out on their corrupt backsides…. but I’m not so naive as to think the Britnats will allow that to happen to their wee Nicla.”
The “the Britnats” that will not allow that to happen are the likes of Ruby/Mia/AYRSHIRE ROB.
“Indy voters have been put in an impossible position by the – at best inept ‘leadership’ of sturgeon and at worst, utter corrupt betrayal.”
There is no “impossible position” about voting Sturgeon out in Glasgow Southside.
Anyone who is against voting tactically against her in Glasgow Southside DOES NOT WANT “wee Nicla” thrown out.
They want “wee Nicla” re-elected, however much they pretend otherwise.
T.C. Nu,
Everything you said there is crap.
Closing Scottish airspace could be done with a verbal command to ATC. You wouldn’t need boots on the ground.
But about 90% of the people who visit Scotland drive in over the Scottish-English border. Anyone in the tourist industry will confirm that.
You can’t pretend New Zealand’s experience of coronavirus is an argument for anything you are saying when the death toll there is in double digits. Over 10 thousand Scottish people have needlessly died because of the crap people like you talk.
In short, fuck off and stop trying to sound knowledgeable. People are dying in their thousands and you think it’s some sort of debating game.
You can sum this up as “feminists upset at losing precious victim status”. The trans lobby have knocked them down the totem pole of victimhood and they are outraged as being a victim is desirable in today’s culture and gives you power and a weapon and they wanted to be in that position forever. Now someone has leapfrogged them and they are in tears as without that status their lives mean nothing and they are no longer special.
It’s hilarious!
All of these feminists would be 100% okay with the SNP and their hate crime law if it was otherwise exactly the same but enshrined them at the top. They don’t want to be equal, they want to be “more equal” than others by law. Animal Farm is a manual to all these people fighting for special status, be they one group or the other squabbling for top dog.