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Wings Over Scotland

Without honour in their land

Posted on October 08, 2013 by

This is the entrance to the municipal offices of Stirling Council (“Scotland’s Heart”), visible from the monument to William Wallace that looks over the former Scottish capital. The figures guarding the doorway are Wallace and Robert the Bruce.

The building’s flagpole is flying a Saltire (specifically the city’s own modified coat-of-arms version, which features a Lion Rampant and explicitly represents the Battle of Bannockburn), as you might quite reasonably expect it to.


Enjoy this patriotic sight while you can. It might have barely 48 hours left.

That’s because on Thursday, this is happening:


In the 2012 local elections, the SNP won more seats in Stirling than any other party (gaining two seats and overtaking Labour for first place), but the council is controlled by an alliance of Labour and Conservatives, who came second and third respectively and hold a total of 12 seats compared to 10 for the SNP and Greens.

(Earlier this year, the council’s Labour provost ordered that the Union Flag be flown at half-mast from the building to mourn the death of Margaret Thatcher.)

If all the Labour and Tory councillors back the joint motion (signed for the Tories by Callum Campbell and Labour by Danny Gibson), the flag of Scotland will be taken down and replaced by the Union Jack – or as Stirling’s Unionists would have it, the emblem of “our country”, singular. The logical conclusion that those people do NOT consider Scotland to be their country will therefore be impossible to avoid.

The council’s members and their published contact details are:

Corrie McChord (Labour, council leader)
Mike Robbins (Labour, Provost)
John Hendry (Labour)
Johanna Boyd (Labour)
Christine Simpson (Labour)
Danny Gibson (Labour)
Margaret Brisley (Labour)
Violet Weir (Labour)
Martin Earl (Conservative)
Alistair Berrill (Conservative)
Callum Campbell (Conservative)
Neil Benny (Conservative, used to have a different view)

If you contact them, be polite.

Even if you wince at ‘Braveheart’, it’s hard not to see a scene in which Scotland’s most legendary warriors for independence cower below the Union Flag as a crass and contemptuous insult to every Scot. We await the outcome of the vote with interest.

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That strikes me as an act of borderline insanity. For purely pragmatic reasons you’d think they’d leave things as they are even if for no other reason that to avoid riling people up. It’s unlikely to get any undecided to vote NO and might be likely to tip people over the other way as it looks provocative. 


I think if the council does that it can be turned into a propaganda victory for the SNP, who can confirm unionists are so scared of scotland even existing as an entity with its own laws, education and health services that the saltire which belongs to all scots of all political persuasion effectively needs to be banned.

Back to 1745 it seems in Stirling where any matters Scottish were dealt with severely.

Voting to remove the saltire will have repercussions; seems with the Northern Ireland reference to be a call to arms for protestants, the union jack has symbolism for catholics.

My own daughter who lives in Northern Ireland would not wear an Oxford Uni top I bought her in her home town as it had a union jack on it and she did not want to be ridiculed or worse, beaten up.

There is no mention the saltire is to be removed. That is the outcome but they have not got the balls to say they want it removed as it is Scottish.

Melissa Murray

So much for the premise that there’s any difference between Labour & the Tories.

Doug Daniel

I’m sure Campbell and Gibson are “proud Scots”.

Robert Louis

So, look dear Scottish Labour party supporters, here is what YOUR party is doing.  Hand in glove with the Tories.  How low will Labour go before you accept that Labour in Scotland no longer represent you, nor do they represent Scotland.
Truly the Labour party are now finished in Scotland.  Let us make sure somebody films them removing Scotland’s flag, so people across Scotland can know just what utter tory lapdugs Labour in Scotland has become.
Tory/Labour, Labour/Tory, in Scotland they are one and the same.
Shame on them.


If I was able, my climbing gear would be getting dusted down!

steven luby

Unbelievable ! that’s all.


The Tartan Tory in me sees nothing in the councils but an expensive,unnecessary and obstructive layer of bureaucracy.Does it matter whether a Labour or SNP group collect your bins?

Stephen Boswell

These people, voting to make a political point of one-upmanship, are bringing great shame first to the city of Stirling and it’s people then to the memory of two of Scotland historic heroes and to Scotland as a whole. Where are the people of Stirling? Let their voices be heard, take too the street and demand that this nonsense not be allowed in their names.


Sad sad day when imbeciles rule our land

simian hoofer of the daily mail

Oh dear!!! There is none so blind as those who cant see or in Stirling Councils case dont want to see.
Can only see this backfiring spectacularly in favour of the SNP.

Alan MacD

Ive noticed in the picture that they have all opened their windaes to let the fucking stench out!


The day after the referendum I want the same person who instructs the change over, filmed when it’s reversed. 🙂

creag an tuirc

Why stop there! They may as well chisel down the two statues as well and replace them with something more appropriately british.


For me their reference to Glasgow City Council and it’s research into the potential impact on public services, in an independent Scotland, is interesting.
I know it was delayed, did it ever appear?

Ken Johnston

Stirling council agenda. P5 Item E, paras 5&6. You coudnae make it up.
It reads as if it were written by the OO.


Time to make the tories extinct in Scotland

The Tree of Liberty

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake!

craig m

Campbell and Gibson, White Feathers for them both! A disgrace to Scotland and the UK!


At the end of the day its just a flag. If this should do anything it should highlight the alliance. Can’t be good for labour…


That Dirty Dozen aren’t part of the 62 per cent who think they’re Scots then?


Not so long ago,Angus Council was controlled by a Unionist Alliance.They decided to remove the Saltire from council properties.Public anger was palpable across political allegiances and the council had to compromise.We now have an SNP council.I reckon people in Stirling will be keener to keep the Saltire than their council.


This at the same time as introducing pay cuts and increased hours for the council workers, who have subsequently gone on 1 day strikes. Maybe they are trying to alienate as many people as possible before next September?


The key phrase is ‘fought and died under for 300 years’
What about the previous 700 odd? What about the men and women of Stirling who were unlucky enough to be born before the blessed union? Do they get no symbol?
But seriously, all this ‘flegs’ business really annoys me – on both sides.


More importantly I thought it was for the electorate to make up its mind not some overpaid, overweight, over opinionated erses


Tory money + labour greed = The United Kingdom. nae place here for the NATIVES.


I’m sure Campbell and Gibson are “proud Scots”.
DAMN RIGHT. They love their country (Scotland, I mean – ignore that PDF up there)


I think we’ll see more of this as the referendum draws nearer, councillors of the unionist tri-partite will become more partisan and more Union Jackery will follow, no doubt they’ll try and do their best to hinder the YES campaign on their turf as much as possible. Yet, they will blame the independent movement, and particular the SNP, for being tribal.
Note to the councillors: The Saltire has a much older and prouder tradition in representing this country than the butcher’s apron! History of Scotland did not begin in 1707!

Murray McCallum

The Tories setting the agenda for Labour in Stirling fits nicely with the Tory PM instructing A. Darling to debate with the FM.
Scottish New Labour are Tory surrender monkeys. They are better together. SLAB are not prepared to defend anything – even their own traditional beliefs.


Ironic that the first SNP MP was Dr McIntyre, who later became Lord Provost of Stirling (I think).  What a cringing attitude to take, even by the standards of today’s Scottish Unionism.  Proud Scots indeed… 


Those of us with offices on a main street in Stirling will have saltires in our front windows from tomorrow until further notice.


If it wasn’t for Austerity, I think a great idea would be to invest in painting the kerbs of Stirling a smart red white and blue…

simian hoofer of the daily mail

Bloo Tory/Red Tory cabal, two cheeks of the same backside. Lets make both of them history for good on the 14th of September 2014.


Rank, crass, pointless stupidity. They’ll come to regret this.


I am on this. Letter writing hat on. This is my hometown. Stirling has a proud Scottish heritage and to my eyes has always rejoiced in it. To have it manipulated for petty political gain in insulting.


Came across this a blog from a Stirling SNP councillor, seems the flag debate was an issue in April too to do with Thatcher, but also interesting re other matters for their meeting on Thursday.
link to

call me dave

Let them have their last fling, if they dare. The elections will be round soon enough and the electorate will, if they choose, have the last laugh.
Get mad, which is understandable, go along to the public meeting where the decision has to be made, but get even later on. They already see the writing on the wall I think.


OT, but on topic.

One of my windows is quite high up above a commuter route into Dundee. I thought an illuminated ‘YES’ might cheer folk up on their way into work on dark winter mornings. 🙂

I see you can get LED strips. Can these be cut and connected to form the word ‘yes’?

Murray McCallum

“They [Catalonia] say they want to become an independent state, but they’ve got language, and culture, and all these sort of things. We don’t have any of that.” Lord George Robertson.
We are witnessing Scottish identity being dismantled and discarded. Maybe Robertson was making a statement of intent?

G H Graham

These two councillors have no imagination. Have they considered dismantling the Wallace National Monument, the Bannockburn Victory memorial, old Stirling Bridge & Stirling Castle? For fairness, these powerful symbols of Scottish nationhood should be replaced with British symbols.
I suggest a mock concentration camp modelled on 1890’s South Africa to be erected where Bruce’s statues currently stands in Bannockburn.
Old Stirling Bridge could sport a Cromwell tank from WW1 parked over the mutilated bodies of German soldiers with its gun pointing aggressively towards Bridge of Allen to show tourists how it was done in the old days.
Abbey Craig would be a fitting vantage point for a 75 ft. high bronze statue of Queen Elizabeth II of England wearing white gloves & a nice hat that she enjoys showing off at Ascot.
We could even cock our hats to Mount Rushmore & have a 3 D relief of all of the members of the House of Lords wearing ermine carved into the side of the old volcano that was once the foundations of Stirling Castle.


Might lose them a lot of visitors… this nasty little political point that they make out of hatred.


this cannot be allowed to happen,Lhese labour and tory ("Tractor" - Ed)s should be ashamed of reply to naebd “proud Scots” are you having a laugh. ("Tractor" - Ed)s !!!!    SAOR ALBA 2014

john williamson

This is not a saltire that is being removed or the Lion Rampant but Stirlings’ own flag and emblem for a blatantly political gesture…madness.


It really is a huge statement these folk are making.
I’m British, not Scottish.


Yes.  He’s having a laugh. 
Gonnae no do that T thing – unless you fancy being used (yeuch) by Blair McDougall?

Si A

Imagine the uproar if this was the other way round, and a Union flag was being replaced with a Saltire. The MSM would be up in arms. On a (sort of) related note, I really wish this “300 years” argument from tradition would be dropped; slavery, no gay rights, no voting rights for women and genocide by the UK went on for a lot longer than that and yet we don’t claim they should come back because of tradition.


In 1313 the English flag flew above Stirling and we all know
how that worked out! 

Vincent McDee

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” 

Rusty Shackleford

Seriously? I know that Northern Ireland is rarely, if ever, at the forefront people’s minds in Scotland and the rest of the UK, but has the mayhem here caused by arguments over the Union Flag not even had a fleeting thought? Here’s a taster for those of you who don’t follow these things:
link to


Much better!

Big Drone

So, ‘Parcels of Rogues’ still exist in Scotland – how disgraceful!  Maybe that should read parcels of arseholes!  Apologies, that is insulting to arseholes! 


Imagine what it will be like after a no vote,we’ll have Thatcher and Lizzie’s coupon’s carved Mount Rushmore like into Dumyat or maybe Helix Kelpie style sculptures of Walter and Ally standing Colossus like over the Govan faithful as the new Highland regiment formed to quell dissent amongst rebellious yes voters frolics round the pitch.In all seriousness though,a truly shocking decision and one I feel may backfire.

Bill Dunblane

Thanks for the article Stu, can’t believe that they’re spending time and money on flags when the Council is trying to cut the wages of their employees, and cutting back on many services.
This unholy alliance in Stirling between Labour and the Tories is all one sided – the Tories with only four Councillors always seem to be the tail waving the Labour dog.
I’ve just emailed my Labour Councillor in Dunblane (politely!) reminding him of which flag the people of Dunblane fly every time Andy Murray is in a tournament, and other civic occasions. (Hint – there’s not a lot of red in it!)


It is however a Saltire being moved for union flag,no mistaking what this says.

Training Day

These parish pump no-marks do indeed give us a foretaste of what will happen after a No vote. Scotland will be extinguished, culturally and historically.

Hell, they’ve already said Scotland was extinguished in 1707!


im in stirling, embarrasing


This in the same document that condemns the “UK Government’s barbaric” bedroom tax. I am beyond apoplectic. The sheer antagonistic ignorance is beyond doubt one of the most ill-thought out stances that could be taken. 
Stirling Council need to be reminded that those watching this will remember after the referendum. These people will have to appear in public when they stand for re-election. I anticipate some very awkward questions. In the meantime, can we arrange to photobomb then with a Saltire every time they appear in public? That could be fun. 🙂


Please, someone FILM THIS !
The lowering of the Saltire to make way for the Union flag will add hundreds, if not thousands to the Yes vote.


What flag obsessed Unionists forget is that the overwhelming majority of Scots describe themselves as Scottish only and find it hard to love the Union Jack. The Union flag makes most Scots feel uncomfortable. It has far too much of an association with the Billy Britain Thatcher Tories version of the UK. Regardless of support for independence most people would find this petty, pointless and unnecessary. Sticking Union Jacks on things is the worst kind of plastic Nationalism. No one believes in it. It just alienates people.


The moral of this unsavoury episode? An alliance with the Conservative and Unionist Party is always corrupting.
I used to admire the Liberal Democrats but thanks to Clegg and Alexander I now despise them.
I used to respect the Labour party but thanks to Better Together I now view them with contempt.
Stirling used to be one of my favourite places. I won’t be visiting it in the near future.


So, the 2011 Census showing just 18% felt Scottish and British means nothing? Seems that the British nationalists are baiting those who favour independence into some sort of reaction.
This story needs to made known to as many as possible. I will be carrying my ipad around a lot more, and I will be showing as many as I can the sort of unionist shenanigens that goes on unreported by MSM.


WHAT!  I cant really print what I think of councillor Campbell and Gibson. **!!@~~X.
Except to say typical of the Tories and Labour to do such a despicable deed.

Gav Bain

The way to ensure the Saltire flies over all our public buildings is to vote yes in 11 months time.


Was it not 62% of the people here felt purely Scottish?  Therefore, would not 38% feel both?

Alasdair Reid

Only one word for these people, scum…


I wonder where I can find a few hundred saltires and put the up all over the town.  If a reader can supply them or point me to a good source, I’ll pay for them. 


Rev. Stu, Would it be possible to organize a demonstration in Stirling
on the lines of Save Our Saltire? 

Craig M

Added symbolism to this is that Stirling Council, by placing the Union flag above the Saltire are basically making a public declaration that they are elevating and endorsing the following; Endemic Poverty, an end to free Health Care, an end to free Education, Trident missiles, No Jobs, lack of Housing. They are all Ultra Right Wing, free market Neo Conservatives, because that is what the Union Jack stands for. It’s the flag that all the Right Wing Westminster Parties wrap themselves in, the Tories, Labour and Lib Dems. I hope Stirling Council are proud. Well I’m a progressive Scot and I’m associating the Saltire with socially just thinking. I’m a better person than any of them because of it. Reject Better Together, be a Better Person. Vote Yes.


Strangely enough I find their honesty refreshing.
When they say, “Council resolves to stand up for the symbols of our country by flying the Union Flag…”, they declare their country to be Britain not Scotland by almost literally nailing their colours to the mast.
Rather than the standard preamble of, “I’m a proud Scot…”, which is the opening line for any “No Scotland” speech they’ve declared that they’re British not Scottish and Scottish symbols are second rate and to be subordinate to British ones.
They avoid the falsity of the rest of the “No Scotland” campaign who cover their material in Saltires and with the joint signing Labour have finally come out and delcared that they’re British nationalist brothers in arms with the Tories.


O/T but relevant I think?
Are we so petty and narrow minded in Scotland that we cant even promote our flag?
Remember the Grampian Fire Brigade Saltire fiasco.
link to
Talk about a “Fifth Column”


This looks to be an extraordinary statement from Stirling Council to make at this pivotal time. Have these unionists not realised that the NO core vote is absolutely snagged in the doldrums with no movement in either direction, in other words it is as big as it will ever get and may well be solid enough not to lose votes – but, it is never going to overtake YES in these conditions.
YES is growing daily – spot the difference?
This referendum battle will be fought and won by converting the undeclared DKs and it must be obvious that if the union argument was attractive to any DKs they would have declared for NO philosophy from the start. The union argument is already caustically repellent to the undecided and has no possibility of changing tack, its course is irrevocably set.
Messrs Campbell and Gibson are literally playing handball with a live political grenade with these gesture politics. Still as the haplessly hopeless Rennie would offer -‘ whit can ye dae, eh?’
Carry on chaps!

Bawheid Bragg

Stirling – isn’t that where they’re supposed to be having the Armed Forces day thing?


Let’s flag bomb their meeting! 

David Smith

whatever filthy rag they put up there will come down soon enough. Meantime, if you feel the need for payback there is always this… 

link to


Words fail me.
These morons are not fit to look upon the statues of the two heroes that grace the front of that building. I hope they hang their heads in shame as they pass them.
They have voted to disgrace our national flag – the oldest national flag in the world (1,180 years in continual use) They insult every Scot alive today, regardless of their political allegiance. They bring shame on themselves by disregarding the deeds of every Scot who fought and died under our flag for the 875 years preceding the Union.


A wee question.  Are the council not obliged to consult with their constituents before a decision like that can be carried out

scottish matters

speechless. I’m actually really saddened by this. It’s actually playing out like a bad movie. Good has to win in the end though. It’s a just cause, and its the people, not the ‘governors’ that should prevail. 


Right, that’s it. I’ve had enough of this shite.
Stirling is my council, though I live about 25 miles from the town. I have a wee shop that will be vacant December to Easter, so I will either donate it to YES Scotland for a few months or fill it myself with articles from Wings and others.
My only problem will be getting volunteers to staff it. Failing that, I will plaster the windows with facts on independence. Just let one of these councillors come near me telling me I can’t (like they did with the guy up Argyll way)


Watching reporting Scotland tonight and they seem to be playing down the Defence Secretary’s visit to Edinburgh.  They are not even going to discuss the subject this evening on Newsnight Scotland.  Very strange.  I think they know it just increases the YES vote.

Also noticed a new tactic they seem to have come up with.  When they are reporting a bit of a downbeat story, they get a reporter to come into the studio and explain the story to the viewers with the sad puppy dog eyes, its as if the are about to tell you they have just ran over your favourite pet cat.

I do honestly hope the majority out there see right through this state sponsored nonsense.

Bill Fraser

This seems to be a particularly rabid form of British Nationalism. Worrying! !!!!!


They may take our flags….
YES Scotland

Juan Pablo Del Roomigrant

Only option,buy a Saltire flag and fly it outside your house.
I bought a wee one on ebay £3.45 free p n p.


Right enough Rev. Stu, bit short notice but I just feel so bluidy angry about this

How dare they! 


In other council news, interesting move from Moray on empty second homes.
link to

Bill Dunblane

Shinty – May be able to help out, or at least put you in contact with someone who can – contact me – click on my name.


@ Callum
5′ X 3′ £1.50 each:
link to

Brian Powell

A campaign could be started to find Stirling Council’s spine, as was started in Inverness-shire after Wimbldon when the councillor, James Crawford made a complaint against Alex Salmond for flying the Saltire, and behind David Cameron.

He said it broke Holyrood’s code of conduct for MSPs, he wanted Alex censured and to resign.

It was a Facebook movement called, Help Cllr Jim Crawford find his spine.

It became very successful.


I think this is kind of a odd thing to do when there is a substantial number of people in the don’t know, or soft Nos category.  As Barontorc says this is very unlikely to win over the don’t knows.  I think we can take it as a given that the No campaign are going to ramp up British nationalism to an unprecedented degree in the next 11 months or so before the referendum.  Can’t see it gaining much support but there you go.  After all what use is it having nuclear weapons, and a seat on the UN Security Council, when food banks are increasing in number?


Will they demolish the Wallace monument next? What would Bruce and Wallace make of these Cooncilors? Short work probably.


Re saltires if you want them from a Scottish based company

link to


Come on folks, there is an easy solution! 
Saltire with everything. 


I’m noticing there seems to be some problem with using the word “("Tractor" - Ed)”. Is that a Wings thing or just general advice?
I ask because these councillors are surely ("Tractor" - Ed)s to my mind.


Strange – a post of mine here has disappeared.


Labour and Tories – two interchangeable faceless neo-conservative monstrosities. I hope they get their just deserts at the next elections. They have embarrassed and shamed no one but themselves. For the Tories to do this is no great surprise but for Labour to acquiesce to this…Grima Wormtongue would be ashamed to consort with them. SLab are the Tartan Tories.

Murray McCallum

O/T but linked to mention of armed forces day in Stirling 2014 – “only a moron would ‘celebrate’ war
Jeremy Paxman’s summation of David Cameron’s description of WW1 events next year.


If Tories wi’ Labour ban the Saltire
From flying oe’r Stirlin toon
While 62 per cent of us are  Scottish first
So the Union flag’s the one that should be doon.
Fly higher – Saltire
Proudly above a Stirling sky –
Scotland’s flag must not be lowered
By a “parcel o’ rogues” –
When you and I
will sing –
Fly higher, Saltire! Saltire!
Scotland’s flag must not be lowered –
We’re its Guardians – YOU and I!


This is the council that once upon a time provided us with Jack McConnell. Seems the standard of councillor has deteriorated further in his party since his day.


Anything that’s been deleted recently has been for a Rule 6 Infraction
My gast is flabbered, I must say.


For ("Tractor" - Ed) – substitute “parcel o’rogues” – weel kent here
they will join the hall of infamy as time goes by


In my view to tear down a Saltire to fly the Union flag is an incredibly foolish move in a country where 62% feel wholly Scottish. The important thing is that as many people as possible know about this and that it was a joint Labour Tory move. It won’t hurt the Tories because nobody expect any better of them but for Labour to do this with the Tories is suicide.
In short, I don’t like this but on the other hand it is a gift


After 1700 years,Buddhas fall to Taliban dynamite. After 833 years, the Saltire falls to a Unionist cabal.
Let the people speak.

Thomas William Dunlop

Ah Say let them do it.
Never interrupt an enemy in the process of making a mistake (N. Bonaparte)
Just shows how petty they are. How’d what to trust them running anything?


Council meetings are open to the public, aren’t they?
Anyone in Stirling able to pop along and give us a report?

Roddy Macdonald

Thanks for the heads-up, Stuart. However, I am loathe to spend my time trying to save unionists from making fools of themselves.  If they vote this through, it will be well and truly Beyond the Cringe.


They are doing a great job for the “Yes” Campaign
not only did our flag lose its national identity when swallowed up into the Imperial War Flag they now want to remove it altogether!


The Taliban blew up two statues of Buddha in Afghanistan a few years ago. I wonder how long those two statues will last outside the Stirling Council offices?


‘Traitor’ is such a pejorative word. It designates someone who deliberately serves the interests of a nation other than his own. I sincerely believe that most Scots unionists are just misguided or misinformed. Over decades they have been conditioned into believing that government by London is natural and desirable.
Surely such people should be engaged with rather than condemned? We need to convince them that they are wrong. Even the governing group on Stirling Council!

John Gibson

Firstly – Danny Gibson is, as far as I know,no relation of mine!

I’m rural, but Stirling is my local council. To say that this makes me both angry and ashamed would be an understating of how I feel. I’ve never voted Tory, but in the past have once or twice voted for Labour – purely as an anti-Tory tactical vote in UK elections. I will NEVER vote for them again in ANY election, even in an independent Scotland. Labour – the party I have come to loathe.


This is a staggering proposal that can only serve to bring the council into disrepute.  If ever there was a part of the country proud of our heritage it has been Stirling.
Presumably the letters page of the Stirling Observer will reflect the views of those paying the council tax, and the councillors’ salaries.  And I don’t think it’s a JP production……..
This has to be the most crass proposal made to date, even for Better Together and Project Fear.  But it will rebound, and it will rebound well beyond the environs of Stirling Council.


Disgraceful decision by these Tory?Labour ("Quizmaster" - Ed)s. I hope all pro-independence supporters in Stirling bombard these Britnat councillors with letters and e-mails to let them know their blatantly anti-Scottish act will not be forgotten come the next council elections! A noisy demo by the locals on the day outside the building when the Butcher’s Apron is replacing the Council Saltire would maybe also emphasise to these “proud anti-Scots” just what their constituents think of them and this arrogant act of British colonial supremacy.

Thomas William Dunlop

“I have always been among those who believed that the greatest freedom of speech was the greatest safety, because if a man is a fool, the best thing to do is to encourage him to advertise the fact by speaking. It cannot be so easily discovered if you allow him to remain silent and look wise, but if you let him speak, the secret is out and the world knows that he is a fool.”
Woodrow Wilson
( a great parable for getting the unionists to debate at any length , at any time, any where on the merits of the status quo)

Thormod Morrisson

Absolutely disgraceful.

Thomas William Dunlop

“There is only one thing more useful in politics than having the right friends, and that is having the right enemies.”

AnonymousEconomist 375: 8432 (25 June 2005), p. 84

gerry parker

There’s an awful lot of windows in that photie that wee saltires could be superglued on tae.


There was lots of warning, and I got fed up with nobody listening.
I’m pretty sure that was my first offence, and was accidental.  Ah well.

Bob Howie

This is another reason independence is needed, for these people to realise Scotland is a nation with it’s own flag, the one that flies NOW, not the Union flag.

They should be scared, but they are playing into SNP and Yes voters hands if they try to deny the people of Scotland their identity, as the Westminster parties with the stuck on “Scottish” name tag will cease to exist post-independence.

They are Westminster parties and not solely Scottish and so must disappear, they cannot be the Scottish Labour/Lib-Dem or Tory party so what will they choose to do….pledge allegiance to the flag or the Scottish people?

Whatever they do can they be trusted with the government of Scotland especially when they have no experience of government as they have been told by their Westminster masters what to do for so long?


STIRLING – a little bit of England?



My gast is well and truly flabbered now.  What an extraordinary comment.


dont say that


They may as well just run up the white flag, right now.  It’s the closest they’ll get to exhibiting the Positive Case for the Union.


its not stirling doing this, it is self serving individuals


Rev, or any of the readers on this site
Is there any friendly papers in the Stirling area, who are impartial and don’t have unionist leanings, who would report this outrage to the local Central area.

Surely if this was highlighted to such a paper, (say …something of the equivalent as the ‘West Lothian Courier’), then once the local people of Stirling and the surrounding area, read about this disgrace, then they will go nuts. This is almost the equivalent of the nonsense that took place in Belfast with the demanding that the Union Flag be flown at the City’s town hall. Remember the riots and protest on the streets of Belfast.
The beauty of this is, that the damage has already been done by our wonderful unionist pals! They’ve committed a cardinal error here by deciding to perform this act, without asking the people, of whom, they are meant to represent. If the locals get angry about this, then they will have no choice but to put the Saltire back up. Their jobs would seriously be on the line come local election time.


I wrote that ‘most’ Scots unionists were misguided or misinformed.
That statement  allows for a minority who may be still be described as ‘("Tractor" - Ed)s’, ‘("Quizmaster" - Ed)s’, ‘ collaborators’ or other insulting names which indicate an intentional betrayal of one’s country.
I still believe that that minority is very small. I believe in the innate good nature of my fellow Scots.


Apologies mate. I’ve just leapt on 10 minutes ago, read your piece and flown into an incandescent rage! Flew straight to the comments field. If this is sorted …then this is utterly brilliant!
Just read the clip that you posted there too. Seriously, I would like to know the reason for the change of heart. Someone or something must have panicked them.
Brilliant news, Rev! Made my night! Cheers!!!


Trying to provoke methinks and looking for some ”nasty face of nationalism” headlines. Everyone deep breath in, aaaaand reeeeelax! BARSTEWARDS!!

call me dave

Your a Saint!    Bubbles and I are impressed.  LOL.    The last person I thought a Saint is Macart, a very reasonable man but has become a bit tetchy of late. Heaven knows what he will make of this.


Daft question, Rev.
Does the Stirling Observer have this document that you posted here. I have no problem with emailing them and highlighting a link to this page if you want. That way, the guys at that paper, if they really want, can rip into these Councillors and give them hell, especially, since all the evidence is there.

It would certainly make other Scottish unionist councillors think twice before taking such an arrogant stand, believing they can just tear down our flags, and dismiss our heritage and history!


I’m just waiting for s Labour councilor in a tin helmet and chainmaille to peep out over the top shouting;
“I fart in your general direction”


A friend of mine in Invergowrie nurses what I have hitherto viewed as an irrational dislike of the Stirling local authority and all its works. He rarely goes there, but the mere mention of the place is sufficient to set him off on a rant about how the condition of the roads deteriorates as soon as you cross the boundary from Perth and Kinross, various planning policies, etc., etc. The thing is, too: he’s a sort-of-unionist (but I’m working on him).
I think I’ll mischievously feed him this story and see if I can tip him over into Yes territory.


Make no mistake this is an act of utter desperation.  Its playing out as the British Nationalists last stand before the tide sweeps them away.  I also hope news of this spreads like a ‘virus’ (eh Johann) over the internet and social media and as many folk as possible turn u[ to protest at said meeting of Stirling council leaving them in no doubt how the ground lies for those councillors in the real world.  Disgusting people that insult our history and our pride.  Our time is coming and no matter how much those councillors want to stick their fingers in their ears and kid on its not happening, this act proves that they do know.  Lets get rid.


‘Call me Dave’ and ‘Bubbles’,

A Saint? I don’t think so. If I were I wouldn’t be participating here. I would be reading about the Seven Deadly Sins or the Four Noble Truths and growing my own vegetables. (organically)

I probably do have a naive belief in the open-mindedness of other people, though.

I’m quite happy with my view of the world.


Email sent to Stirling Observer asking them to condemn the removal of the Saltire purely for narrow political reasons.
Used the quote from councillor Benny in 2009: “The saltire should unite us rather than divide us, whatever our politics. The Saltire belongs to all of us.”

call me dave

I agree with your view. 

David Smith

I’m not sure I’m ready to think rationally about this yet as it is such a blatant provocation, but I am very, very angry indeed.

Are they trying to goad some of us into rash, direct action to make us look like the villains?

I think so. Perhaps they will provide that reaction via a (literal) ‘false flag’ operation.

call me dave

Now look here the councillor are only applying the rules.   (tin hat on!)
link to
and this The union flag will take priority.
the flying of flags from council buildings and arrangements for books ..
We had a fight about all this a few years back in Fife. As far as I can see both poles are the same height so it was a draw.


OK I’m watching Telly and it is the adverts what the feck is going on? Have the Tories led Labour up a hill and left them there?

call me dave

Sorry my second link did not appear correct. I will regoogle it.  Was a link to a PDF file from Lothians and Borders Council flag protocol.

Bill Dunblane

From my good friend:
A beautiful bit of prose from (Dunblane) musician Dave WhittonIf Tories wi’ Labour ban the SaltireFrom flying oe’r Stirlin toonWhile 62 per cent of us are Scottish firstSo the Union flag’s the one that should be doon.Fly higher – SaltireProudly above a Stirling sky -Scotland’s flag must not be loweredBy a “parcel o’ rogues” -When you and Iwill sing -Fly higher, Saltire! Saltire!Scotland’s flag must not be lowered -We’re its Guardians – YOU and I!


Maybe they’re under orders from DCPM.
And Mr Hammond’s “whipping shall continue” defence visit.
There may be more to Scottish Skier’s conspiracy than I thought.

Murray McCallum

Why don’t they consider flying a less provocative flag than the Union Jack? They could fly the CND flag given the majority of Scots do not support nuclear weapons? This would be unifying rather than divisive.
This is surely a reasonable compromise that the New Labour Tories could agree to?


Have just emailed the Stirling Observer. Given them details of what might be happening at the council buildings. Pointed them to the link here. Gave them my name and number.
I’ve pointed out that it would be an absolute disgrace that the Flag of Scotland is to be removed, considering that Stirling and the Stirling area is the heart and soul of Scotland. After all, it is at Stirling that Scotland defeated a full English Army that belonged to Edward the 1st; that the Wallace Monument is in the heart of this area; that Bannockburn is just a few miles away and that Stirling has the Scottish Royal residence in Stirling Castle.
If this small Stirlingshire area is not the heart and soul of our nation, then what is? And to see it’s national flag pulled down …well, your not bloody on!!


“However, taking down a flag comprising a Saltire AND a Lion Rampant AND symbols denoting Scotland’s proudest battle for independence, which flies above statues of the two most iconic figures of Scottish statehood, in Scotland’s ancient capital, and replacing it with a Union Jack, is an act of such extraordinary and obvious provocation that it’s hard to put it down to innocent thoughtlessness.”
Political prostitutes to the etablishment and not thoughtlessness.
(Erm … I did try to uphold the quality of WOS!)

Cankert Callan

Dropped them all a quick email. My god those meetings must be difficult to get through. Not a pretty face amongst them.


Let the Tory-Lab council fly the ‘bloody rag’, it will look even better when they are forced to take it down.


@Murray McCallum…
I think it is supposed to be a provocative move, to piss off the SNP and make a statement, knowing that nothing can be done about it. They flew the butcher’s apron when Thatcher died. They know what they’re doing, it’s an act of triumphant British Nationalism.


I don’t think this can be taken any other way than they’re taking the piss.

Craig M

Danny Gibson and the Scottish Labour Party are clearly associating themselves with the Right Wing in UK politics. Symbolism is important in this debate. Conservative (both small and big C) thinking and politics is associated with the Union Flag. I actually think it’s a shame that the Union Flag has been dragged into the gutter. It deserves better, but let’s face it, the BNP use it for a political statement, the Tory Party use it. What is rather ironic is that Labour, at a UK level, are diluting it. Witness the washed out Union flag at the recent Labour conference.

I would challenge Labour in Scotland to come clean about their thinking and ideology. They are either Right Wing Neo Cons, with all the baggage that carries, or they are progressive left of centre, socially just individuals with a vision that puts a fair society at the core of their policies.

One of these positions sits in the shadow of the Union Flag. The other basks in the light of the Saltire.

call me dave

The unionists play funny buggers (hope that’s OK) all the time with shoving their flag down our collective throats.
link to   
and this (trying again)…/id/…/flag_flying_and_books_of_condolence?

Bill Dunblane

Sorry bout the song – cut and paste and it didn’t take the returns at the end of each line for some reason – tried to edit, but won’t let me due to more entries.
Sorry Dave!


I am embarrassed to share the same name as this Callum Campbell, who DARES to insult the nation and country his clan and namesakes have spilled rivers of blood for.

These are the death throes of councillors knowing full-well their time in office is coming to an end.

Jock Campbell


Stirling, rise from your slumber.


Maybe the Tory-Lab council should replace the statues of Wallace and Bruce with Thatcher and Blair. 
How would that look under a Union Jack flying over this little bit of England?

Paul Martin

Win or lose next year, this shabby Con-Lab episode will not be forgotten.


It’s what we in the pro writing trade sometimes refer to as a “joke”.
It made me smile


Have just sent an email to the Stirling News too.


In fact guys, it might be a good idea if quite a few folk sent emails to the Stirling Observer and Stirling News (for the Stirling news, I emailed Nicola Hamilton at

The more we send, the more they may sit up, take notice, and question the councillors motives!

Sunshine on Crieff

So, look dear Scottish Labour party supporters, here is what YOUR party is doing.  Hand in glove with the Tories.  How low will Labour go before you accept that Labour in Scotland no longer represent you, nor do they represent Scotland.
I have voted Labour in every UK general election since 1979. Until the 2011 election I had voted Labour in each Scottish Parliament election. The council election for Perth and Kinross last year was the first time I had voted against a Labour candidate in a local election.

My recent defections have only happened because 1) the SNP governent performed well in difficult circumstances from 2007, and 2) Labour’s offerings were mediocre.

My heart has still been with the party, however, and I had hoped to resume my support for them one day. If this motion is pushed through by the votes of the Labour group on Stirling Council, then my connection with Labour – including the levy I pay through my union – is over.

John D

“I have always been among those who believed that the greatest freedom of speech was the greatest safety, because if a man is a fool, the best thing to do is to encourage him to advertise the fact by speaking. It cannot be so easily discovered if you allow him to remain silent and look wise, but if you let him speak, the secret is out and the world knows that he is a fool.”Woodrow Wilson 

(a great parable for getting the unionists to debate at any length , at any time, any where on the merits of the status quo)”

Unfortunately they seem incapable of debating.

Jakki currie

It’s a pure disgrace.. 


Sometimes people just really disappoint you.  Bet there will be at least a couple of labour councillors more concerned with re-election who will be absent rom the vote or maybe they might just find a spine and vote against it.


This is really rather silly, isn’t it? For all the reasons Rev mentioned: a Union Flag replacing the town’s own flag (removing Stirling’s sovereignty) which contained both the saltire (most ancient symbol of Scotland) and a Lion Rampant (royal standard of the Bruce dynasty and the Scottish kings), both symbols which were linked to a decisive battle for the independence of that town, castle and nation, and on top of that, flying triumphantly over the statues of two national heroes. It’s as ludicrous as that time they put the Wallace statue in a cage.
Putting aside anyone’s feelings about Scotland, nationhood and all, the duty of the Council is to represent its constituents. Have the constituents been at all consulted about something with such tremendous historical, cultural and symbolic value? I believe they should. If the people of Stirling vote in favour of replacing the flag of their own town (and nation) with that of the union flag, at least it would be democratic, as opposed to the mandate of the council.

John grant

These people are playing a silly dangerous game , they will rue the day , clowns bitter bitter clowns


Better than burning their flags is to tak them doon and bleach them white and run them up in a surrender, with still the stitching visible as to who is giving up


@Jock: I am embarrassed to share the same name as this Callum Campbell, who DARES to insult the nation and country his clan and namesakes have spilled rivers of blood for.

These are the death throes of councillors knowing full-well their time in office is coming to an end.
As a descendent of the MacDonalds, I’m with you, Jock (and th’ither Campbell that rins the site, whatsisface). At Bannockburn, the clans put aside their old feuds for a greater cause: nowadays, the clans put aside their old feuds in the name of common humanity.

call me dave

Sunshine on Crieff 
Well said! They do not deserve support from the voters at the moment.
Bill Dunblane:
You could always post it later.


Sometimes you need a slap in the face to get you motivated.


Hi Taranaich
Totally agree with you mate, and in part of your statement, you are absolutely correct. Has the council consulted their constituents? I’m going to take a stab in the dark, and say ‘…no’.
I know for 99% of us here, that we don’t put in anywhere near the work that the Rev does when it comes to Independence, but I feel this is something we can act on individually, and as a group.
If we email these papers, and hit them with quite a few letters, then the reporters may speak to the council, and say that there seems to be quite a lot of concerns over the removal of this flag. It might just stop the councils hand.

It might seem daft, but we could score a little victory here if we can stop it!


Councillors should stick to what they are good at… holding meetings and never making decisions! Disgrace.

john king

anyone know if there’s grass outside that building?
I plan to go along on Thursday and plant a Saltire in it could be pretty cool if there were several hundred 🙂 

Gerry Everett

Read this article with my jaw agape! Only worry is whether, like every other shocking move  the Bitter Together party makes, they manage to suppress the so called free press. When do you think it will ever be reported in the media? Just after the Independence March that happened a few weeks ago? It’s going to be a stitch up unless we get the press reporting fairly!


Helpmaboab says:

Bubbles,‘Traitor’ is such a pejorative word. It designates someone who deliberately serves the interests of a nation other than his own. I sincerely believe that most Scots unionists are just misguided or misinformed.

Agreed. But there are certainly instances when you would struggle to think of a more apt word. Such as when Father of the Nation, Donald Dewar, knowing full well (unlike the rest of us) what was in the McCrone Report, told Scots that independence would result in Scotland becoming a ‘Bangladesh’. ‘Deliberately serving the interests of a nation other than his own’ seems to describe that kind of thing perfectly.

You can’t but think that post-Independence, when the Unionist lid comes of our past, that history won’t be kind to such people. 


The idea of covering the entire building in Saltires amused me. Any action should be amusing, non-violent and a draw for the cameras 🙂


Ha-Ha-Ha …I never of thought of that either. My nearest Scottish bloodline is also MacDonald! Oh dear …I am also in cahoots with a Campbell! That’s a good one! So far, that’s 3 MacDonalds in cahoots with a Campbell on Stu’s website! How many others MacDonalds is there. A Campbell leading an army of MacDonalds. Who would believe it??? Oh-dear-oh-dear!

Apart from that little joke, my actual surname is of Norman descent. I’m of good old French-Viking blood!


Not the first time that Unionists have tried to demote the Saltire.
link to

Douglas Young

I have emailed Council Leader


The only type of people I know of that prefer the Union Flag to the Saltire are the wearers of butcher’s aprons that like to take over our city centres on a far too regular basis.  a minority that still sees itself as some sort pof representation of the establishmant.
It still annoys me immensly that on certain days of the year, the Saltire will be lowered from the flagpole outside my work and the Union Flag flown in it’s place.  This is Scotland dammit. if another flag needs flown, let it be the Lion Rampant.


To be honest, guys. I would tone down on shouting the word ‘("Tractor" - Ed)’ about. I know that that is what it feels like, but seriously, start bandying that about, and it will only give the Unionists ammunition. 
Just condemn the council for their actions. As I said earlier, post emails to the two papers. The more we do, the more we can try to stop this from happening. It will only take you two minutes, and believe me, you will feel better for it.
How good would it be, if we found out in a couple of days time, if the Rev reported a victory. Certainly makes going into the weekend a wee bit sweeter!

Alasdair Reid


Stirling Council proposing to blow >50% of their common good fund on preparing a field for Armed Forces Day


Apologies if someone pointed this out before (I’ve only skimmed the comments as I’m just in from work and heading to bed!) but…Haven’t we been saying that the BT lot are ashamed of the Union Flag..And that they should be using it since that’s what they are asking us to vote for?

Let them put it up. They’re nailing their colours to the mast. As it were.


O/T but as an Ayrshireman I’d just like to say well done to the Scottish Government for supporting Ayrshire jobs by taking Prestwick Airport into public ownership. No fuss, no messin, just did the right thing.

Jon D

@craig an tuirc says
Why stop there! They may as well chisel down the two statues as well and replace them with something more appropriately british.
@Murray Mc Callum says
We are witnessing Scottish identity being dismantled and discarded. 
You see, I read this article with the same anger as others and it wasn’t too much of a leap of my imagination to be reminded of the destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan by the Taliban
link to
God forbid that it comes to such in the next year?


I have just emailed the main council leader also. This is what I have said
Dear Mr McChord,
I have just read an article on the website ‘Wings over Scotland’ and it has come to my attention that Stirling Council intend to remove the Stirling Flag (which is basically the Saltire) from its council building.
To be honest, sir, I find this extremely disappointing, considering that Stirling is the heart and soul of the Scottish nation. If anything, the Union Flag should be flown from the small pole outside the front of the building, while the main flag of Scotland should remain in its current place.
As we are all proud Scots, it is only right that the Saltire Flag should be flown from the main building, and for several reasons.
1. Stirling is the centre of Scotland
2. Stirling has the ancient royal residence at Stirling Castle
3. Stirling is the battle site for the most famous victory by Wallace, Murray and an army of Scots against an Army sent by Edward the 1st
4. The Wallace monument sits at the heart of Stirling
5. Bannockburn is just a few miles away
6. Stirling, as said, is the heart and soul of Scotland.
For these very reasons, Sir, I ask you to reconsider what you are about to do. The Wings over Scotland website is extremely popular and has a vast readership (well more than the Scotsman Newspaper and the Herald put together. That means it has a huge reach far and wide, and it means that Stirling Council will be under the spotlight of all parts of the nation if this deed was to go through.)
Such an act will leave many people angry, bitter and disappointed with the council. It may even affect those who made this decision in council elections in the future too. This is not something that the council should do lightly in my opinion.
Personally, to keep the Saltire at the top of the pole above the main building, would show that the Council while trying to defend their belief in the Union, would not remove the main Flag of Scotland out of spite, even if it feels compelled too.
The referendum should be debated in a calm and reasonable matter, therefore to remove the Flag of Stirling from the main building could be perceived to be narrow minded and bitter.
I hope on reflection, that the council, pursues the correct course of action and leaves the Flag of Stirling at the top of the main building

jim mitchell

A few thoughts, A few years back in our neighboring Clackmannanshire, an SNP controlled council started flying the Saltire from the top of the council HQ’s and a few of it’s halls, when Labour took control they removed them and from the council offices flew a made up Clackmannanshire council flag that looked like one of those cheap touristy towels you get. when the SNP resumed power the Saltire went back, however that flag decision from Labour wasn’t quite the first decision they made on taking power, the first was to reinstate their meals expenses package, that’s something else they don’t have any more!
As for Stirling Council’s decision, it smacks of someone trying to rub nationalist noses in it.
It will be interesting to see if they have the nerve to go through with it. but when that part of the meeting comes up it will be the chance for SNP members to make the speeches of a lifetime and they should grab it with both hands.
I wouldn’t count on the Stirling Observer too much, they usually spread the Labour view, they might be frightened of losing  advertising revenue from the council, the best local paper in central Scotalnd for being even handed is the Alloa Advertiser, I speak from long experience of it.
But seriously, all this ‘flegs’ business really annoys me – on both sides. Kininvie, the flags are merely the weapon of choice for these unionists to make a stupid gesture, but if they get away with flags, then what’s next? 


OK, I bet the Saltire will stay – if it is replaced by the Union flag I’ll put £10 in the Wings kitty.
Anyone up for it?

For die

Fairly straightforward. Call to Stirling council to morrow to define what they mean as ‘country’ and to remind all councillors that they represent all of the taxpayers in their constituency – and that they should have the interests of all across the council area.  Make the point that 2x  Councillors – Campbell and Gibson – don’t get to disenfranchise any constituents. Follow up by email for proof of answer to be published. And send to the Electoral Commission. Let them know you’ll do the latter. Thanks for the heads up  Rev.

Linda's back

When you are at it how about an email campaign to encourage Supermarkets to remove Union Jack packaging in 2014 as they should be neutral over the referendum otherwise we will take our business elsewhere.
We used have plenty of Satires on packaging but since the Queen’s Jubilee and Olympics they have all but disappeared.


I suppose, thinking about this, the Unionists are relinquishing the Saltire to us. They are giving up their Scottish heritage. A sacrifice I certainly would not pay.


Stirling council.
They do know where they live and who they represent?
But maybe not.


Just came in and read the above.

It would appear that Reinhard Heydrich is alive and well and living in Stirling Council.


Just bought 4 Saltires from Amazon.
They’ll be flying high and free as soon as they arrive.

For die

All, rather than talking about stuff, let’s do something about Stuff. Yes.

Dave McEwan Hill

Let them do this
What they are doing is making the Saltire a powerful political statement which is good for us. We should all m now be working outhow many Saltires we can actuall fly where we live. I can manage three (not counting saltires on windows)


Without honour, indeed, Stu.
This on a par with those who have gone before who deny our culture, languages and even the plaid.


@Dave McEwan Hill
Quite a few saltires flying at St. Catherine’s, Dave.


Well his petty, unthoughtful act will, if nothing else, inspire the good folks in Stirling who were sitting in the ‘don’t knows’ camp to realise just how uncaring the labour/conservative men who represent them are.
Yet another ‘own goal’ by the negative, cap doffing Scottish labour and conservative parties. If ever you doubted who their masters were, you now have all the proof you needed.
They are not ("Tractor" - Ed)s. To be a ("Tractor" - Ed) you have to first be recognised as belonging to the country you commit a treasonous act against. None of these men were ever Scotsmen. As this is not an act that any self respecting Scot would even contemplate.

[…] “flegger” thing seems to be positively contagious. From Wings Over Scotland news on the proposal by members of the Tory and Labour controlled Stirling Council to remove the […]

David McCann

Before you know it they will be burning books by Scottish authors, in the town centre. The Scottish virus has to be cured.
Roll on September 2015, when we can build a new country.
Vote with your heart.

Daughter of Evil Reindeer

Councilors so owned by their London bosses that they would remove an important historic  local motif for a bit of political point scoring. Not only that actually, so owned by their London bosses that they will neglect the welfare and best interest of the people they are elected to represent because they are told to.
This is the thing with the liblabcon party, they are not just rotten and morally corrupt at the top, it is a membership requirement.
Was the Union flag flown at half mast for the destroyed lives and communities across the central belt of Scotland?
What a PR coup, I will photograph the result and post it online around the world where your names will become synonymous with arse – go on then you clowns.

Alan Esson

The nature and role and even existence of local council power will be subject to review under a mandate given by the people of Scotland. Local authorities are atrociously unaccountable politically corrupt and have failed countless generations of humans depending on them. This stunt is what’s on offer from the No campaign. This type of political solution and response to the voice of the people. I pray to the god of my understanding that fear based politics are seen for the harm that it has been proven to create. Scottish culture abhors this. Be brave be true to ur self. Be true to ur children and friends and future generations. We can deliver an alternative to suit our needs and learns derive forward a more accountable political framework and eliminate cronyism and elitist Anglicised archaic approach to governing a small northern european country.  


Stirling’s Quislings!


I feel a re-run of The Battle of Bannockburn coming on. 
Where the brave army of “True Scots” are up against a majority unionist army who wish to impose their laws upon the good people of Stirling and surrounding areas.
The Scots never relented in their fight for justice against “Proud Ed Miliband’s Army” (& Co.)
and sent them homewards to think again.
There’s a song in there somewhere.


No need to be so damn condescending, Rev.  

Ron Burgundy

Have just sent a short note to the Stirling Observer politely expressing my disgust at the partisan naked politicking by Unionist Councillors


Here is another building that quite suits the Union Flag flying from it’s masthead.
link to

Alan Esson

Excellent reply Gavin. Speaktomorrow words that I could express. The imagery, the message corroborated additionally with reference to the Orwellian and Burgess sages. Well done sir! 


My apologies, I have re-read the list and noticed that there are a few female cooncilers  as well on that list. My last post then should have read ‘persons’ as opposed to men.
Rev. well done for bringing this to our attention. I’m constantly amazed at how you manage to keep going despite the drivel some of us post on here.


If this happens I will defo be voteing yes in 2014 I will not be ruled under a Union Jack I would rather spit on it ! Y can’t they leave things alone and stop meddling in everything that nothingto do with them angers me so bloody much 

Reider O'Doom

If you don’t know what a QUISLING is, go look it up in Wiki.


Alan Esson ,yesterday COSLA announced details of a commission to’ examine how local Govt might evolve regardless of the Referendum result.They hope it may become a blue print
Members of the commission will include
The local Govt organisation President plus 20 others including
Councillors from across Scotland 
representatives from the voluntary sector
STUC General secretary
Prof Richard Kerley
The Editor of The Daily Record
Never allow a person to tell you no who doesn’t have the power to say yes. Eleanor Roosevelt

Alan Esson

Molly, that’s good news however there is inadeqaute independence of thought and power to facilitate a truly open debate. most are attached or institutionalised to exisiting failing opaque corporate bodies. the study should be sponsored by the Scottish parliament executive. Who act solely as representatives of democratic process and with a mandate from the people. When was the last time anyone read local authority corporate reports that were not a glowing self seeking applause of their achievements whilst audit Scotland reports are cynically delayed and politicised. Cultural change is needed and evolution suggests there is a basis to grow from. I do not concur there is any basis to build upon I’m afraid! 


I won’t be writing to anyone about this because
1) I couldn’t remain polite
2) Never disturb your enemy…
I agree with those on here who’ve said this is an attempt at provocation. They’re trying to get pro-independence people to use certain words towards them, and to evoke Braveheart and all the rest – probably because that’s what they want Yes people to be, but unfortunately for them we aren’t. So don’t play into their hands.
Let them do it. Let them take the Saltire down and replace it with the union jack. Please someone film the moment they do it though. And make it go viral. Let everyone see it. No words are needed – the act speaks for itself. Let those who view it decide.
Personally I can’t stand the whole flags thing and Bannockburn, Braveheart etc doesn’t do it for me either. If the SNP were using these things I’d be turned off, seeing it as nationalism. Instead it’s the other side looking nationalistic, and trying to shut down, ban or deny us our history regading Bannockburn, Wallace, the Saltire etc really does grind my gears big style. So let them carry on as they are. But make sure as many people as possible see it.

The Man in the Jar

They are a disgrace. Is this the same lot that have put the dampeners on the original Bannockburn 700 commemorations? I dont have the facts but it is my understanding that the original plans for the commemoration were similar to that of “The Gathering” in Edinburgh 2009. Now I believe that they are bringing in a load of English re-enactors and watered down the program of events. This has only served to piss off numerous Scottish patriot groups so much so that there is an alternative “Gathering” the week before the official commemoration being organised. Not to forget lots of very pissed off Americans who pre-booked their holidays to coincide years ago.
Only in Scotland! The manager of the National Trust for Scotland heritage site at Bannockburn, well I will be kind and I will just say that he can be a little less than helpful when it comes to the annual commemorations and I`d put money on which way he will vote in the referendum.  


I have been talking to my friends, quite a few of them are unionists but even they are having a laugh at the pish being put forward by the BBC.

This kind of nonsense being portrayed just reinforces the Yes position.

Try telling anybody Scottish, you can’t do that or you can’t do this and see what your answer will be, numpties the lot of them 


Stirling will be the centre of armed forces day, and probably host the WWI celebrations instread of the homecoming. Just consider for a moment that even arch-British state mouthpiece Jeremy Paxman thinks the WWI “celebrations” are crass and not appropriate.
Let them wave their union jacks while they still can. It’ll help make sure they can’t after next year.


Let them put up their Union Jacks. It saves us the job of hoisting a “Vote Yes” flag.

After all, in a “true Scot’s” eyes. the two flags have the same outcome.

It reminds them that there is only one way to vote on 18th Sept 2014.


OT – I’ve just got round to watching the Hosie v Robertson debate. I can’t concentrate on Robertson because he’s reminding me so much of Stephen Colbert!
The truth has a well known liberal bias…


Alan Esson, I’m afraid when I read the article my heart sank! No where in the article could I see a mention of ordinary members of the public being involved. The same public who use and pay for the services so are ideally placed to say what kind of local Govt is required.
The Editor of the Daily Record, STUC,Councillors from across Scotland .    

Alan Esson

Molly, I know. They are so far from reality and wrapped up on their little safe archaic narrow institutionalised mindset they ain’t got a chance to come anywhere near something akin to thought leadership. Those who might will be shouted down or worse…. the ragtrade ideas are taken forward to ensure the public media circus gets suitable sponsorship to reach out to avid daily record readership. I know!!! A quango … That will help. Hamster wheel commences again and again. No one has the balls to drive forward and champion dealing with what doesn’t work, why it does not work and ensure it doesn’t decend into finger pointing and leader less exercise.   If I didn’t have a problem dealing with emotionally, morally land spiritually bereft people I’d get stuck in myself lol 

Big Al

I could be too late to the party but may I suggest that the statues of Bruce and Wallace be given eye masks to hide them from this foolish act? much like wellington’s cone, it could become a ‘thing’.


Couldn’t agree more Cath, this is a cold and calculated attempt at provocation. What the opposition have done though is make an even bigger mistake than sending Hammond across the border to lecture us on defence. However if they think we’ll rise to the bait, they’ll be surprised by the fact that we won’t have to. I’m sure the people of Stirling themselves may have a word or two to say though about having their historic area chucked into this debate at the deep end for a cynical political exercise.
First and foremost they have just made a highly politicised declaration on behalf of all of the electorate of Stirling to change how the area presents and views itself, that includes those voters who support independence. I’m sure that’ll fly well at the next elections for those who marginally voted for SNP candidates. Secondly though they haven’t grasped what Stirling means to the independence vote and beyond. These eejits probably think its just about a battle and not what came about after. They’ve just slapped the entire Scottish electorate (Yes and No voter) in the face and not realised it. Mind you they’re not known for tact or indeed thinking. Alistair Darling must be wondering what he did to deserve that decision. With helpers like those who needs opposition. This lot have just provided every YES voter along the M8 from Glasgow to Edinburgh with all the motivation they’ll require to get out and canvas, work, vote on the day… you get the drift. Napoleon was right you know.
Just sit back and wait for the other shoe to drop next September.

Sunshine on Crieff

The idea of covering the entire building in Saltires amused me. Any action should be amusing, non-violent and a draw for the cameras
Exactly! Protest vigourously but calmly. Fly saltires from every vantage point, photo-bomb Stirling unionists on every possible occasion, write protest letters, sign petitions, but do it in a way that brings credit to the cause.

Remember who we are and what the Saltire represents.

Graham Hendry

Careerist politicians.