And I see we’re now up to 70% support required… That is an impossibile figure to attain, even during any campaign but especially in the absence of any campaign.
They really don’t want independence, do they? But they seem happy to destroy the commonly held belief that democracy only requires a majority of support for a proposition.
3 years ago
The election in which ‘nothing has changed’.
Despite Brexit the SNP has not won a single seat more than it got in 2016 and the Scottish Conservatives have won exactly the same number of Holyrood seats under Ross as they got under Sturgeon.
The SNP will still be in power, Boris will continue to refuse an indyref2 as they have no majority, no Alba elected to push Sturgeon to go for UDI or a wildcat referendum so we continue on much as before really
Neil Mackenzie
3 years ago
How could he say that without getting punched by someone?
3 years ago
Amazing. Self imposing a threshold for success. Handy wee tidbit for the Yoon side to latch onto ala “once in a generation”.
3 years ago
So put on your wellies and get out in the mucky fields for another ten years of mandate farming then…
At this rate Scotland is more likely to be freed from Westminster Rule because of global warming and rising sea levels flooding Westminster, rather than anything the SNP do.
Margaret Lindsay
3 years ago
To all the SNP 1&2 voters, I hope you don’t take a scunner tae carrots, because there are heaps more you’ll be fed with.
Ian McCubbin
3 years ago
So the gradualist spin continies when even the list seats are still being declared.
All credit to BBC trying to nail SNP to a timing and process on independence.
3 years ago
On the vote 150,000 votes for the SNP on the list in Central Scotland number of seats obtained ZERO!
All the seats went to the Tories, Labour and Greens.
Highlands and Islands, just under 100,000 votes for the SNP, number of seats won on the list by them there ONE!
All the other seats went to the Tories, Labour and Greens.
3 years ago
Is this something he mentioned during his campaign or he has thrown this ”bomb” of at least 70% support after he got elected? Someone genuinely interested in Scottish independence would never say this so nonchalantly.
One decade in a person’s life is a lot. I felt sick reading this person’s comments. He is definitely not pro-indy but a careerist.
3 years ago
My focus now is the Alba Party over the next 5yrs.
3 years ago
Obviously looking for a cabinet seat by cozying up to the Dear Leader and mirroring her own priorities.
Wasted my constituency vote – should’ve put a line through the boxes and written “NONE”.
Oh what the hell – we seem to be swimming against the tide of the electorate’s stupidity, for which I lay the blame squarely at the door of the pro-Sturgeon/Union corrupt MSM.
3 years ago
7 Tories 4 Labour and 2 Greens so far on the list out of 200,000 votes for the SNP on the list.
3 years ago
Another seat warmer calculating his platinum pension pot and looking overjoyed at the prospect. Could any convinced SNP supporter explain to me why that image and that declaration is inspiring to genuine independence supporters? He’s gloating.
3 years ago
Mr Mason is being shown «the instruments». This is an instrument for gelding Mr Mason, but we have a small problem, we can find nothing to geld.
This is why ALBA is a must.
3 years ago
Very cynical.
Another pig in a poke.
3 years ago
Well-after all that-and I speak as a Unionist-the result is a bit of a damp squib, especially after following Wings for a few months
It looks like the foretelling (and advice) of the Editor were only too accurate
I think with the wisdom of hindsight the decision by Salmond to ‘wheesht’ was a mistake. Shows incredible forbearance on his part and I think was well-intentioned but to encourage people to vote for this lot is-in a sense- akin to saying ‘Which among us can honestly say they haven’t tried to stitch up an old friend and colleague and send him down in his latter years? Doesn’t make you a bad person…..’
Anyway, too late to worry about it all now
As many a candidate has said over the years; ‘The People have spoken-the bastards’
3 years ago
Earlier on Andy Wightman was rejected by the voters of the Highlands and Islands, I can’t say I have any sympathy for him.
Moira Girvan
3 years ago
Who was the solitary successful candidate on the Highland list for the SNP?
3 years ago
I’m off to get pished. Stu , keep up the good fight for us ans as that old quiffed , fat Manchunian man once sang , There is a light that never goes out.
3 years ago
@ Moira Girvan
Emma Roddick was ranked 1 on the list in Highlands.
3 years ago
How about we make this the start of the DAY THAT SOMETHING CHANGED?
Holyrood is a Sturgeon Woke Captured Gravy Train for the careerist liar MSPs.
Fuck it.
Let’s ask the English to help
YES: [__]
NO: [__]
Has anyone here witnessed at ANY time on social media a person from England slag off the Scots as being “benefit junky sweaty Jocks who are subsidised by England?”
If your answer is YES , then we should deploy the English ignorance of the FACT it is Scotland that subsides them and let them kick Scotland out of the UK.
Who in England would vote to KEEP the benefit scrounging, subsidy junky Scots attached to them?
The last four years we have witnessed a masterclass from the British Establishment and media in how the SNP can be destroyed. Up until Alba, we had NO party that believes it will ever REQUIRE to deliver IndyRef2.
WE ONLY need to win IndyRef ONCE.
How about we make it so those bigoted anti-Scots Trolls FROM England that infest the internet help us to get IndyRef2?
But we make it absolutely watertight by having the ENTIRE UK vote?
Stuart, you are likely a bit fed up, but would it be interesting and possibly a morale boosting tonic to commission a small Panelbase piece of research on whether England’s electors would vote to get rid of the subsidy junky Scots?
Meg merrilees
3 years ago
Will there be a by election now that D Ross is an elected MSP?
Sharny Dubs
3 years ago
Breaks my heart to see Unionists getting seats that so easily could have beed denied them.
“ My focus now is the Alba Party over the next 5yrs.”
Council elections next year..
3 years ago
And still people will sing ‘Scotland The Brave’, watch Braveheart on repeat and think of Robert The Bruce.
Scotland’s fucked, it’s a pathetic little Northern province, populated by pathetic provincial minded people.
Boris will clean up in Scotland like he did in Hartlepoole and as for that Murrell creature, Salmond has said today that the job’s too big for her but hey, the public gets what the public wants.
I’ve washed my hands of Scotland now. Fucking pathetic joke of a cuntry.
3 years ago
It is ridiculous that results are filtered, slowly, through Associated Press. The great Brit media have apparently given up on direct reportage.
Democracy, who the fuck cares!
I do!
3 years ago
Thanks to folk giving the SNP their list vote, Gillian MacKay has become the first Green candidate to win a seat in Central Scotland.
3 years ago
“I’ve washed my hands of Scotland now. Fucking pathetic joke of a cuntry.”
Hopefully this will be last we hear of you, goodbye.
3 years ago
@ Dan at 6.07 and Moira Girvan: “Emma Roddick ranked 1 in H&I”
No, Dan, “placed” 1, not “ranked” 1. She got about 2% of the members’ vote for “selecting” our candidates but the Nicola Sturgeon diktat by ranting at the NEC for 50 minutes and allowing NEC members with an interest in the outcome e.g. Graham Campbell to vote on the matter, resulted in a “decision” that candidates who self id’d as disabled would be put to the top of the list in 4 Regions, and BAME [e.g. Graham Campbell] in the other 4 Regions.
Emma Roddick id’d herself as disabled due to Borderline Personality Disorder.
Freddie French
3 years ago
Sturgeon’s speech was honey and jam.
Honeyed, hackneyed, meaningless platitudes, and jam tomorrow.
As of now, the two regional votes indicate 244,832 votes for SNP.
1 (one) seat.
Sturgeon’s hatred of Salmond is greater than her love of Scotland.
God help this nation.
Career Politician
3 years ago
The Scottish Independence movement is about to go into hibernation for another 20 years at least. Those who read these comments must know this.
At that point, we’ll have a good idea if climate change will be survivable for our species and under which draconian consequences, fiat currencies will be a distant memory, one or two states may have left the USA, and I’ll be thinking about retirement and how to spend as much time as I possibly can with my lived ones and help my kids make their way in the world.
And I’ll look back and think we did that classic Scottish thing, where we could have had it all, and shot ourselves in the foot again.
Wings Readers, I salute you.
3 years ago
I’m growing a beard and taking up weightlifting before anyone calls me a transphobe.
3 years ago
What you voted for…
I like ‘Critical Drinker’ on YT who is a Scots fella reviewing movies reflecting todays society – he’s very acute and funny at the same time.
I suggest people watch his review of ‘Starship Troopers’
3 years ago
Glasgow regional/list results 4 Labour 2 Tory (Annie Wells one of them) and 1 Green Patrick Harvey.
Paul McRae
3 years ago
Mason is a crackpot and probably isn’t representing the views of the party. Then again, he could well be, as he’d be the ideal stooge for conveying such a message, as it wouldn’t generally be believed having come from him, but the sentiment would have been articulated. It’d be positively Machiavellian, possibly too clever for Bute House but certainly unscrupulous enough
Robert Louis
3 years ago
And come the next election, the gullible, will be once again deceived and will follow the idiotic mantra – both votes SNP for ‘indy’.
The entire SNP is now fraudulent. It is a London controlled ‘devo-light’ party masquerading as a party for independence. I do not doubt in London they will say, ‘well, we help keep the SNP in power, they promise never to ACTUALLY do anything aboiut independence. It’s a win-win you see, keeps the natives under control, and the independence mob, where we can control them’. All the huffing and puffing about ‘section 30’ or ‘mandates’ is just a charade, to string us all along.
That is where we are, now. Utterly, utterly betrayed by the SNP, and the ‘enemy within’, Nicola Sturgeon.
Only ALBA gives me hope.
3 years ago
Incredible how the SNP went from its inception that of the premise of a majority of seats in Scotland at a General Election for Independence to one of first a Referendum. And now the latest absurdity (after repeated mandates) of ‘we’ need ‘70%’ of the rapidly diminishing ‘Scottish’ electorate to achieve this!
Does ‘Mason'( is this a clue?) think this is to be achieved in the Holyrood playpen or in the Waistmonster puppet theatre?
3 years ago
SNP 1 & 2 voters hope you’re happy with yourselves.
Fucking alien invasion will happen before SNP push for independence. And all your second votes wasted – give yourself a slow hand clap…
Salmond dindunuffin
3 years ago
Obviously if the SNP aimed for a consistent 55% let alone to break 60% support for independence, they would not be aiming all their messaging at the Green youth vote, who are overwhelmingly Yes already. That’s proof to me personally that St. Sturgeon does not want independence. She’s smart enough to see what a contradictory strategy this would be.
Dorothy Devine
3 years ago
Would someone inform Mr Mason that I may not have 10 years left on this earth and before I shuffle off this mortal coil I want my country free.
If that means I now have to be nasty , manipulative and more than tactical – perhaps even utterly devious – so be it.
The lessons are there for all the’ both vote SNP ‘ brigade though I doubt they will give it a thought , too busy gloating and crowing to absorb the facts.
3 years ago
Mist001 says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:29 pm
Scotland’s fucked, it’s a pathetic little Northern province, populated by pathetic provincial minded people.
Will you be relocating your business from Edinburgh?
I’ve washed my hands of Scotland now. Fucking pathetic joke of a cuntry.
3 years ago
Mist001 says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:29 pm
Scotland’s fucked, it’s a pathetic little Northern province, populated by pathetic provincial minded people.
I’ve washed my hands of Scotland now. Fucking pathetic joke of a cuntry.
Will you be relocating your business from Edinburgh?
3 years ago
@ sarah
Indeed. That episode was covered previously should folk wish to check it out.
So far on the list 20 seats have gone to unionist parties, 9 for the Tories, 8 for Labour, 3 for the Greens and one for the SNP, I can only imagine how many SNP list votes have been wasted on just the above, and there’s far more to come.
3 years ago
And now for something totally off the planet. link to
My parents thought this hilarious.
A case of very macabre humour.
Scotland has a long way to go.
Grahame Case
3 years ago
well folks, I think i’m going to focus on helping Alba become the majority independence party. i’m so angry at the both votes snp strategy.
Wee Chid
3 years ago
Dorothy Devine says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:46 pm
Isn’t Mr Mason one of the crew that thinks you get eternal life after death? (If you believe in the right god, of course) So – a decade won’t seem like much time to him.
Grouse Beater
3 years ago
Hey, must be some sunlight?! – tell me the Scourge of Scotland, the Belted Galloway, was NOT elected?
Can anyone explain why the Alba vote was so low.
I did not notice any seats were it was above 2%.
I did not think they would get any seats but I thought their vote would be around the 5% mark.
3 years ago
John Mason is an idiot, to be polite about it.
Wee Chid
3 years ago
sarah says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:35 pm
Ditto the other woke Emma (and her up until now not debilitating diabetes)- placed in front of Joan McAlpine who the members ranked 1st.
3 years ago
I see that Patrick Harvie has got in on the last Glasgow list seat , He and the woke Snp had better realise that the WOMEN of Scotland will mobolise and let all of Scotland know about their plans for the reforms of the Gra bill . They’re in for a fight from the WOMEN .
gullaneno4 says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:53 pm
Can anyone explain why the Alba vote was so low.
I did not notice any seats were it was above 2%.
I did not think they would get any seats but I thought their vote would be around the 5% mark.
I think you know the reason why.
Anyhow thats 50,000+ votes the SNP will never get back come any future elections, council regional or other.
Good luck with your SNP devotion. Once GRA and HCB kicks in very very soon and the people realize what has been done to them.
Wee Chid
3 years ago
Career Politician says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:39 pm
I would imagine I’ll be dead.
3 years ago
gullaneno4 says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:53 pm
Can anyone explain why the Alba vote was so low.
I did not notice any seats were it was above 2%.
I did not think they would get any seats but I thought their vote would be around the 5% mark.
According to a poll taken late in the day of the election , 75% people in Scotland hadn’t even heard of ALBA – can’t think why – can you?
3 years ago
Social media success doesn’t equal success with the public. Alba was excluded by the media, the only times they ever did get mentioned was to dredge up the smears against alex salmond.
Case in point the shocking story in the record today about how “depressed” woman F is about alex salmonds political comeback.
3 years ago
@ Dan at 6.49: I knew that you knew the list selection was fixed! But Moira didn’t. Thanks for posting the link.
@ gullaneno4: “why Alba vote so low?” The BBC sealed off the widest public exposure by not having Alba on the debate shows AND kept repeating the smears about Salmond so most of the public think he is awful. Also the BBC failed to explain to the public how our voting system works until AFTER the ballots had closed. Cunning, eh?
3 years ago
Scotland West List/regional result 3 Tories, 3 Labour and Ross Greer of the Greens.
3 years ago
For obvious reasons the SNP were never going to make it easy for Alba to gain the seats required to have a majority of MSP’s in favour of independence. Now we see how serious Alba are, now they’ve got to make it impossible to ignore them. Many voters likely vote SNP twice out of complacency, Alba needs to convince them to change their vote next time around, and the only way to do that is to put in the work.
3 years ago
North East Scotland regional/list 4 Tory 2 Labour 1 Green (Maggie Chapman)
SNP gathered 150,000 votes with NO GAINS what a waste.
3 years ago
Grahame case….. I agree. Just explained the bith votes strategy to my other half and how nearly a million votes were wasted. Her response…. why didn’t the snp support Alba on the list??
Yep!… exactly.
3 years ago
Sturgeon is out to Fuck the independence movement from within!!
Perusing crazy self ID policies and weakening the independence movement, next 5 years expect the public to ditch the SNP
All at a time when the uk has never been weaker, we have a unionist at the head of the SNP!
What a fucking sham!!
3 years ago
On just 3 regional/list seats alone, I count roughly 350,000 SNP votes, that have returned a solitary SNP MSP, what a waste of votes.
Dorothy Devine
3 years ago
Wee chid, ah a god botherer.
I do hope ‘woman F’ gets even more depressed as I hope Alex Salmond is re-elected next time.
Is anonymity for life?? Or does it fade with each passing day and careless word??
3 years ago
@Grouse Beater says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:53 pm
Hey, must be some sunlight?! – tell me the Scourge of Scotland, the Belted Galloway, was NOT elected?
Not as far as I’m aware. Still time yet, but…
3 years ago
Every cloud ahs a silver lining and this clouds blessing is that SLABs James (The Great Orator) Kelly wasn’t reelected. However weasel faced Paul Sweeney has squirmed his way back into Holyrood via the Glasgow list.
3 years ago
In Wales Labour retain power with 30 of the 60 seats.
3 years ago
mason looks like joe 90 crispr spliced with the mekon
Andy Ellis
3 years ago
The only silver lining from the results so far is the abject failure of the LD’s and their relegation from recognised party status having failed to get 5 seats.
Reap what you sow.
3 years ago
Confused says:
8 May, 2021 at 7:23 pm
mason looks like joe 90 crispr spliced with the mekon
I was thinking the milky bar kid
Aunty Flo
3 years ago
I have a glut of bananas at the moment, so I’ve just knocked up a banoffee pie.
3 years ago
Indeed Andy Ellis, but the South of Scotland has still to declare, Willie Rennie will be sweating buckets hoping that (If he has one that is) his candidate gets a seat. I hope of course that you are correct, I go into some sort of torpor when Rennie stands up to ask a question on FMQs.
3 years ago
I am not particularly fond of All Under One Banner (AUOB) and how it is run. Having said that, I think now more than ever we need to make sure the marches in September and October – if Covid-19 is under control by then, obviously; safety comes first – are successful and attract the attention of international media.
Saturday, 2 October 2021
1:00 pm 6:00 pm
Holyrood Park
Edinburgh, EH8 8HG
The 11th September is the one in Stirling, but not quite sure where yet. If someone knows, please post the place as I would like to attend both. Thanks.
3 years ago
Looks like a vote for ALBA was a wasted vote!!
Jimmy The Pict
3 years ago
If I could I would leave the country as I don’t think I will live long enough for the SNP under NS to achieve independence. And I don’t want to live in a country that has to ask an overlord for permission to rules itself.
We are either a country or a bunch of cowards.
3 years ago
Oh ffs I just read his comments.
“I think he’ll be less bothered about the number of SNP MSPs, although legally, that’s a big issue. But say we got to 70 per cent [support] for independence – I think we’d have America on board, we’d have Australia, we’d have France, Canada.
Wtf has it got to do with them you bloody moron Mason?
Jesus suffering.
stuart mctavish
3 years ago
Seems we (or SNP in any event) must be too thick after all.
Not the end of the world for those on Westminster free lunch, several kicks in the proverbial for at least half of all true Scots everywhere else.
3 years ago
highseastim says:
8 May, 2021 at 7:28 pm
Looks like a vote for ALBA was a wasted vote!!
No it’s not you imbecile. Its 50 k + votes gain to ALBA and a 50K + loss to SNP.
3 years ago
I assume there are among the SNP sheep some radical wolves.
Radical moves.
Abolish the BBC. A priority.
Kick American social media out the country. A must.
Restore democracy with straight PR electoral system. Logical.
Reelect part of the legislature every year. Don’t get too comfortable guys.
Establish accountability to voter protocol. Least we can expect.
Limit political «career» to one decade. Not a job for life.
Abolish the post of party leader. What’s that for?
Oh, and kick the Brits out. Do we need telling?
Off out…no mask, distancing, no one over twenty….
3 years ago
So far 34 unionist MSPs and 1 SNP MSPs elected to Holyrood via the regional/list vote. Surely conformation that giving your list vote to the SNP benefitted unionists parties far more than it did the SNP. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of votes wasted.
Like someone said before, Sturgeon is now backed into a corner. 7 years and no movement on independence means her time has run out. The next few months are going to be very interesting indeed. Keep the faith and patience, we have her where we need her.
3 years ago
EVERY person who voted for both votes SNP has just validated Sturgeon’s GRA and HCB bills. Which means that wives, daughters, sisters can be harassed, stalked, leered at, be a victim of gender fetishist exposing themselves, and ANY attempt to complain is illegal, and punishable with incarceration.
Jacqueline McMillan
3 years ago
JimuckMac 7.48
Wish I had your faith in that one.
Wee Chid
3 years ago
Republicofscotland says:
8 May, 2021 at 7:11 pm
“North East Scotland regional/list 4 Tory 2 Labour 1 Green (Maggie Chapman)”
Maggie Chapman – is she still something at the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre? Is that why they thought it was OK to appoint a man as CEO?
Elizabeth Hagan
3 years ago
It is my honest belief that NS does not want Independence because frankly she is incapable of dealing with it. Continually blaming Westminster for denying it is a perfect get-out clause whilst keeping their noses in the trough & taking the money. Shame on her and her cohorts.
Surely NS’s stance is a risk analysis?
As things stand she is doing fine, as are her adherents-I’m sure she would love to be a real Head of an independent State-tripping down the steps from Air Farce One to greet Biden etc….
But spin the wheel of fortune and lose and its all gone-position, salaries, posts, party, official residences, etc-for the foreseeable
Why hazard?
I think she knows that in a straight referendum-as things stand- she would lose-as happened last time
So she’ll wait
And yes I am for the Union but I hope I have some grasp of fair play
3 years ago
I think if I was in NYC I would be getting out of dodge.
Congratulations from London to all the North British who voted SNP on the list. We couldn’t shit on Scotland without your support.
3 years ago
So glad I spoiled my first vote. Would feel (even more) sickened otherwise. Most of rhese people are so awful that its almost funny. I wonder if I’ll ever vote SNP again.
Hear this, every duped SNP 1&2 voter. A million pro-indepence votes wasted. (We told you so…)
You let these unionist in with your SNP2 vote. Own it. (Nicla will never own her flawed “strategy” )
She got what she wanted: another five years of minority government and prevaricationg on independence while on a well-paid job.
Another five years to advance not independence but her woke agenda, enthusiatically supported by the Greens.
Probably diminishing independence support unless the real pro-independence parties (Alba, ISP, AFI, etc.) start to make some serious inroads before 2026.
The unionist voters successfully voted tactically (“gamed the system”) in some marginals to defend unionist constituency seats.
The uncritically loyal SNP1&2 crowd wasted a million SNP/pro-indy regional list votes to let in a fairly big unionist contingent. Let that sink in.
It’s not a football club you have to show blind loyalty to. It’s an election, politics, and you have to get wiser. For one thing, learn how the voting system works!
But hey, the “enemy” was the Alba party that could’ve delivered more dedicated pro-indy MSPs.
Not to St Nikla’s liking, pro-indy and critical of her and her policies. Hence the smears and belittleling, media black-out.
Those people, activist, aren’t going to go away and shut up and be compliant, worship the Dear Leader.
The next goal is the local elections next year. Alba, ISP, AFI, Scotia Future and others are not done, however much the SNP and the rest of the Brit establishement would like to pretend.
3 years ago
You know how you need some kind of disability in order to be
an SNP Candidate, well it seems most have qualified with a mental
disability that prevents them going near Indy Ref 2.
3 years ago
Al Stuart,
The only thing that defeats the question, is the question you pose ironically. My feeling is that the question should be almost as simple as “should Scotland be in the Union or not”
If you pose that question instead of an insult against yourselves, I would assume you’d attract the “if you want to leave, for whatever reason go with our good wishes”,rather than the nutters who belive the subsidy crap from either side.
And belive it or not, and as even as a Unionist (currently) id find it difficult to not agree with that question and the following result I anticipate.
Unfortunately the pandering to the extremes of any argument is like someone alot wiser than me described as “two bald men arguing over a comb”
And can you imagine a time, when Independance supporters and level headed Unionists could sit down and discuss the ramifications of each position, without fear or favour? No nor me, therefore if I may be so bold better to go down the route of the question above, rather than lighting fuel under the dunderheeds of each side.
Oh and BTW despite my political leanings, I hope and pray ( not a god botherer but still) that Alex Salmond “unleashes the dogs of war” against Sturgeon and her coherts in a legal sense, she deserves no less if from whatever perspective you have if you love Scotland as it used to be, and can become again this should happen!
All the best. Stuart
3 years ago
Two regions 14 still to declare I can’t be arsed waiting for them, it all seems so insignificant now.
Jacqueline McMillan
3 years ago
Blair after illegal invasion of Iraq was made Middle Eastern Peace Envoy.
Sturgeon after shitting all over Scottish people will be made a fucking book keeper for Hilary
3 years ago
ahundredthidiot says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:40 pm
“I like ‘Critical Drinker’ on YT who is a Scots fella reviewing movies reflecting todays society – he’s very acute and funny at the same time.
I suggest people watch his review of ‘Starship Troopers’”
Caught a couple of his videos, then a month ago he had a 2 an a half hour podcast with failed 2019 UKIP MEP candidate Carl “Sargon of Akkad” Benjamin. So nae danger of me watching his stuff again.
Francis Lynch
3 years ago
Yeah. That Alba thang, Stu: how did that go for you, then? Advice on a par with Clarkson, May and Hammond. But at least we knew they were playing on for laughs; not some crazy anti trans crusade and contra Sturgeon vendetta.
Jacqueline McMillan
3 years ago
‘Imposter’ (syndrome)
Believe people the first time when they tell you what they are
Divide and rule. The SNP voter is not as stupid as some make out. Alba secured a very good percentage of the vote but ‘some’ made sure it did not materialise. Keep the faith and patience, we have them where we need them.
3 years ago
Breaking footage (10 seconds) of the lego headed imp on the subject of #BothVotesSNP
Stuart @ 5.59 on the last thread. Alex Salmond talks to Barrhead Boy and the Special Prism Team – Denise Findlay, Jason Michael, Iain Lawson – following the 2021 Scottish Parliament Election https link to His comments about comparing the “new media” to the msm is near the end from 32 mins.
3 years ago
Francis Lynch go away you silly person (as per the Life of Brian)
3 years ago
Well, I voted SNP in my constituency and Alba on the list. I was originally going to spoil my constituency ballot on the grounds that the SNP are doing nothing for independence, but I decided to follow Alex Salmond’s advice and give them one last chance.
That will be the last vote the SNP get from me until they deliver a referendum or a plebiscitary election on independence.
3 years ago
@ maureen
Think that result means Emma Harper gets the seat and Joan McAlpine misses out?
Big Jock
3 years ago
What an absolute gift to the yoons. 70% and wait 10 years. His bums not even on the seat yet and he has capitulated. I thought it would be at least a few months before now is not the time.
He should apologise for lying to voters.
Meg merrilees
3 years ago
Alex is holding the ALBA conference in June and planning the next moves to contest local elections next year.
South list just announced 3, Con, 3 Lab and 1 SNP – No figures!
Imagine being proud to announce that she has missed an outright majority by one vote when she has knowingly allowed umpteen unionist MSP ‘s to obtain seats that could have gone to ALBA and given her a majority , with the greens in the region of 30 seats.
Pretty sure I have read somewhere that she has already lost her seat. There was gloating. Can’t remember where online I was at the time. God knows how she must be feeling right now. One of the few decent SNP msps gone
I just received a cartoon I feel summed up the Tory Vote.
It has 2 Foxes on a sofa cross legged reading news papers with the headline
“Boris leads Tories to vote for a return to Fox Hunting”
One says to the other, “We will still vote for him to see how it turns out”.
Funny how a majority of 70% to enable a referendum to be held is being bandied about whilst the demands of minority interests so niche that they have a decimal point before the number, less than 1%, are being pandered to and enforced by law.
In US there is legislation being signed in some states to stop trans teens from hoovering up college scholarships via gaming the schools sports contests. An addition to these bills though says that if federal educational funds are withheld because of this (Biden signed a gender discrimination bill on his first day in office) the legislation will be scrapped which makes it look like a futile gesture. As we are well aware the worst dross from US student level politics makes its way here, the next decade is going to be cultural carnage.
Don’t know why it’s showing as 30 odd seats! They have 64 seats
3 years ago
F*ckin BritNat media, did to Alba what they did to Corbyn.
3 years ago
Dan says:
8 May, 2021 at 8:21 pm
Think that result means Emma Harper gets the seat and Joan McAlpine misses out?
Yup, and there are those in the SNP that celebrate and gloat that they successfully got rid of Joan McAlpine.
She wasn’t toeing the new party line on all things trans, she was trying to discuss problems related to gender self-ID, and women’s rights.
Emma Harper is far more compliant.
The loss of Joan McAlpine is the one that makes me the most sad. An excellent parlamentarian, a vocal advocate for women’s rights.
3 years ago
Just announced ,
Lothian regional list seats
The SNP won six of the nine constituency seats in the Lothian region, meaning they did not pick up any additional members on the regional list despite getting the most votes.
The Conservatives got three seats on the list:
Miles Briggs
Sue Webber
Jeremy Balfour
Labour won two:
Sarah Boyack
Foysol Choudhury
Scottish Greens won two:
Alison Johnstone
Lorna Slater (party co-leader)
Another area where snp1 was a total waste of votes .
Benny Nevis-Hill
3 years ago
Sturgeon won’t do independence not while the trough money flows in from Westminster, that’s the whole premise of being a politician is to have your snout in money trough, and not give two monkey’s about the folks they are supposed to represent.
Well here’s to 4 more years of education going down, more junkies dying, more poverty and silencing of the dissenters courtesy of the HC Bill.
Big Sister is watching you, you will be sent to an correctional facility if you say bad words or speak out against the SNP or Big Sister.
And the signs at the borders read “Welcome to Scot-transland”
3 years ago
Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
“It looks like 2026 was much too optimistic an estimate.”
Bob Mack (24 February 2018 “The makings of a deal”):
“Whilst every mechanism of State is playing dirty we have to play fair. Well, you will lose and Scotland could well lose its freedom for decades.”
Rock (24 February 2018 “The makings of a deal”):
“Decades? Centuries more like.
311 years gone, at least 622 years remaining.
By which time native Scots will have been outnumbered by English settlers and the oil will have run out.
Nicola spectacularly squandered a once in a 1000 years golden opportunity by wasting more than a year flogging a dead horse – a separate deal for Scotland which was never going to happen.
The most stupid people on earth are in Scotland.”
3 years ago
Well looking on the brightside, I can envisage Scottish obesity levels dropping and cardiovascular fitness levels increasing as we all run around trying to evade capture and being charged with Hate Crimes.
Meg merrilees
3 years ago
Nicola’s selfishness has just made it a whole lot harder for Scotland to become Independent.
Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater are the King Makers and Lorna Slater only just made it on the final count.
If she had truly wanted Independence we could have been sitting here tonight with a supermajority.
This is how the list votes broke down:
SNP 1,094,374 = 2 seats.
Cons 637,131 = 26 seats.
Lab 485,819 = 20 seats.
Greens 220,324 = 8 seats.
Lib Dems 137,152 = 0 seats.
ALBA 44,913 = 0 seats.
27,540.5 got you one Green seat; 547,187 votes got you one SNP seat and 44,913 got you nada.
So, Nicola, your cunning plan wasted over 1 million votes and left you without a majority, in an unconvincing win that the PM of the UK will take as the reflection of a country that does not want to be independent.
Maybe time to put personal vendettas to one side and put country before party but then, only ‘grown ups’ can do that.
3 years ago
John Mason is the very shiny image of a bullshiting seat warming careerist.
Gestapo Scotland will soon be arresting us for hurting some didums feelings. We live in a Kafka inspired Tyranny.
3 years ago
Thanks Maureen.
Google brings up list after list of right wing newspapers sites
and the National doesn’t appear to be in their top 100 choices to promote.
3 years ago
To all SNP shills. Thanks for nothing you Unionist arseholes. You have sunk your own ship.
3 years ago
@lumilumi says:
8 May, 2021 at 8:48 pm
“Dan says:
8 May, 2021 at 8:21 pm
Emma Harper is far more compliant.”
Emma Harper is a gift to the unionists. I’m surprised she can speak, since every time she opens her mouth her feet fall in.
Clavie Cheil
3 years ago
I have said before and I will repeat myself. I wont be voting SNP ever again at any election. The SNP have now made it official as a far as I am concerned – voting for them even in the Constituencies regardless of who is the candidate is now a wasted vote. Thanks for yer votes suckers.
Ottomanboi says:
8 May, 2021 at 7:31 pm
I assume there are among the SNP sheep some radical wolves.
Radical moves.
Abolish the BBC. A priority.
Kick American social media out the country. A must.
Restore democracy with straight PR electoral system. Logical.
Reelect part of the legislature every year. Don’t get too comfortable guys.
Establish accountability to voter protocol. Least we can expect.
Limit political «career» to one decade. Not a job for life.
Abolish the post of party leader. What’s that for?”
I think some of these would require the elusive “supermajority to change the system. Others would require fullblown Indy.
As for kicking the English out. perhaps a simple quiz to se how much they know of Scottish history and culture.
Questions like what was the” White Heather Club”!
a) An excusive club for SNP MSPs
b) a disco in Argyle Street
C) a TV programme
(No Googling)
This would sort out the sheep from the goats!
3 years ago
SNP/Green coalition and Alba nowhere.
I told you folks and you wouldn’t listen, the SNP1 trolls got what they wanted. The rest of you know who they are.
Captain Yossarian
3 years ago
Remember back to when The Spectator took the COPFS to the Court of Session to challenge the famous redactions that protected Nicola Sturgeon instead of the alphabet women?
That court hearing was paid for by The Spectator and after it they offered Alex Salmond and George Galloway an hour-long televised debate. It was no doubt intended as pay-back to The Spectator.
Galloway accepted but Salmond turned it down. I thought at the time that was a mistake bacause we were all sitting through the Sarah Smith hour-long TV debates with Sturgeon and Rennie at the time which were so bad they would have made you shoot yourself through the head.
I wonder if it would have made any difference? It may have done, you know.
mr thms
3 years ago
72 pro-indy MSPs in 2021
71 pro-indy MSPs in 2011
3 years ago
And as a thought as we mull the landscape and how Boris will use force and the law to resist independence, here is a thought from an online report –
“General Sir Frank Kitson (retired) rose to become Commander-in-Chief United Kingdom Land Forces (1982 – 1985) and Aide-De-Camp General to the British Queen (1983 – 1985).
Kitson is a renowned military author and counter-insurgency expert who oversaw Britain’s deployment, during the conflict in the North of Ireland, of in-depth interrogation techniques (including torture), psychological operations, pseudo-gangs and covert Special Force units like the Military Reaction Force (MRF) which murdered civilians with impunity.
Kitson also overhauled and re-developed the British Army’s information units which managed British information policy, propaganda and disinformation across the North of Ireland.”
And the question is whether or not these dark forces have been disbanded, are not in any way extant in Scotland. Read Kitson’s books, read the modus operandi of the British state, and then ask yourself as to where the democratic route is.
The people who voted for Alba had no intentions of giving their 2nd vote to SNP under any circumstances. The 50,000 votes belong to Alba now, just saying…
3 years ago
@ Doug Bryce
Just imagine the SNP hadn’t chosen to fuck around wasting mandates, embroiling themselves in their own personal power games, and pursuing and implementing policies the electorate don’t want.
Just saying…
3 years ago
Wales will be an independent nation and Ireland will be unified long before Scotland even thinks of holding a Referendum.
Is this the “Big Picture” all you SNP 1 types voted for?
Fuckin genius!!!
stuart mctavish
3 years ago
Sorry I cant find the article to link to but way back before mind games with seasonal flu (when statisticians still had some level of credibility), Wings published a poll showing that somewhere in the order of 25 – 40 percent of independence supporters indicated a willingness to support a list party led by Alex Salmond..
Assuming I’m not that far off with the numbers can anyone explain how the actual figures could have been so far out.
ie given Meg Merrilees summary @8:54 pm, is the actual number of real people voting SNP only in the order 200,000 or is SNP simply so cunning that, whilst it could probably manage a piss up in Westminster, its appetite for same demands its complicity in rigging local elections to favour the union.
3 years ago
Meg Merrilees and Maureen, you’ve fair cheered me up with those posts. Fifty thousand votes is a good, solid base from which to build for the council elections. That will be our springboard to greater name recognition.
Deerhill, the answer cannot be (a) unless you replace an H with an F.
Freya, he mentioned it a couple of weeks ago, just been spewed up by press again today.
John from Fife
3 years ago
Maybe there should be demonstrations every week at Bute house to remind Queen Nicola that we want independence.
3 years ago
Rumour has it that Airey Neave was involved as well….
He who smoothed Thatcher’s progress to leader.
His wife was reputedly in the employ of the Polish secret services.
She was recently asking for a review of the circumstances of his death.
3 years ago
@ Doug Bryce
Hate Crime Bill wasn’t in previous manifesto. And you know fine well aspects of HCB and Self ID were obscured from the electorate under the much larger issue of collecting mandates for Indy.
3 years ago
Fukin prick Mason, bet he didn’t go round the doors saying that.
We must now hope to educate the huge swathes of stupid thick bastards that “both votes SNP” is monumentally fuckin deranged. And i mean educate, not persuade, open your eyes, listen carefully and drop the brainwashed Sturgeon worshipping.
Please Stu, keep going and ALBA too.
Big Jock
3 years ago
SNP have a working majority, if presiding officer is from another party. Wonder if the snivelling Greens will offer up an MSP.
3 years ago
Would love to know if the ‘regional vote for SNP is wasted’ message that Alba pushed was part of the Green’s success.
What is clear is that there is a majority for a gradualist and GRA progressive approach in Scotland. That arguement was lost.
Personally, I think Alba came across as very socially conservative and constitutionally aggressive, and that with Salmond’s reputation being what it is now killed them outwith the Twitter/wings bubble
Meg merrilees
3 years ago
stuart mctavish
I’m not sure where you are getting the number 200,000 from as an SNP vote total.
The numbers I quoted at 8.54 are the list totals for each party as reported on the BBC and Ballot box Scotland sites.
The SNP received a total of 1,094,374 regional votes across Scotland which converted into only 2 seats. They also received in excess of 1 million constituency votes. You can find relevant figures on the quoted BBC site.
3 years ago
My only issue with Wings is this.
We could raise 500k and put wings on every billboard in Scotland.
But we didn’t, did we….
Ten times as many people have never heard of Wings as who have.
Big Jock
3 years ago
Franky. Those who talk of waiting until pandemic is over haven’t a clue. If we started the process on Monday it would be the best part of 4 years before we reach a referendum. Waiting even a year will push indy ref 2 to beyond 2026.
There is the inevitable legal fight, testing the question, agreeing the franchise, campaign time….the list goes on. Salmond started the process in 2011 and ref was late 2014. That was without a stand off with WM.
If Sturgeon means what she says then the process has to start next week.
Big Jock
3 years ago
SNP could have asked indy Labour voters to loan their vote to them. Tories and Labour did it , and won a few marginals.
alan scott
3 years ago
ahundredthidiot says:
8 May, 2021 at 9:18 pm
Ghosts in the wind. Tears in the rain – who gives a fuck. All we would get is a shitty trans woo whoo Ireland anyway.
I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
St Boris of Hartlepool
Meg merrilees
3 years ago
the biggest problem we face is that for a huge number of people in Scotland, politics is not something they are particularly interested in.
Football – yes; holidays – yes, children/schools – yes, Scottish NHS – yes, tax rises – no,
D’Hondt system – What? Political strategy – eh? Independence – aye mibbe, but what can I do about it?
We have a big mountain to climb but we have a good leader and an enthusiastic team and the prize will be worth it, so let’s get going.
What strikes me about this result is that Alba had done worse than Solidarity used to do and far worse than the Scottish Socialist Party did. They actually got list MPs on a pro independence socialist platform.
I think it indicates that standing on what seemed primarily a pro independence platform without distinctive added value – environmentalism, socialism, or republicanism is not going to succeed.
If Alba is to do better it has to make issues other than independence its prime selling point. Obviously feminism is a key line, but radical democracy and militant republicanism and opposition to the landlordism whether rural or urban could be other themes.
A demand for the end to all laws restricting freedom of expression other than perhaps laws against internet porn.
A demand to introduce the Nordic system of criminalising men who pay for sex, rather than prosecuting women forced into prostitution.
A law against absentee landlords such that no landlord may rent a property unless she or he is a registered elector in the ward that the house is in and that no landlord may rent out more than one property – whether a dwelling, farm or commercial premise. Give tennants or tennant farmers the right to claim squatters rights to any property not meeting those restrictions.
This would obviously force the lairds and landlords to sell off all but one of their properties to locals before the law came into effect, effectively reversing the clearances.
Demand a second house for the Scottish parliament made up of citizens assembly to break the power of the career politicians.
A citizen assembly will not be subject to party whips.
3 years ago
Big Jock. 9.40pm
Sturgeon and Harvie have other ideas planned for next week.
Like getting all these toilets and changing rooms concerted.
Priorities Big Jock.
It’s enough to make you greet.
3 years ago
From 11 months ago.
“7,715 Independence supporter mega-poll – 57% of SNP voters open to tactical voting on list
Nice try – it was fucking RIGGED – now, go away why dont you.
We’ve had enough of your lot – try to magnanimous in the face of our defeat.
3 years ago
If only 50k voted for Alba – we should have an ‘Alba day’
A date and a place – everyone who voted for them gets together (forget AUOB) and start a ‘census’.
If a couple hundred thousand people turn up, we can prove the fraud.
(And just for fun, before signing the census, each person should swear an oath to ‘fuck the SNP’!!)
stuart mctavish
3 years ago
Hi Meg
I was taking the 44 913 and rounding it up to 50 000 then multiplying by 4 to estimate the SNP vote – on the assumption that a list party led by Alex Salmond would get 25& of the SNP vote as indicated by the cat and all the pigeons post kindly linked by Dan 🙂
I am an Alba member and a Solidarity member. I also stood as an SSP candidate for Lanarkshire in an earlier election and got 1000 votes, which as I say is better than Alba is doing now.
So you appear to be saying you have had enough of Alba and Solidarity?
3 years ago
For all the daft bastards who don’t get it –
1,094,374 = 2
3 years ago
1000 votes.
on the nose….
How unlikely is that?
Piss off
Robert graham
3 years ago
Tonight’s the same as it was after the 19th of September 2014
Hopelessness because these twisted arsewipes are going to carry on as if nothing has happened another 5 year’s of fk all with excuse littered reasons as why they can’t do this they can’t do that because its raining because its too sunny any old tripe will do and the mugs will lap it up .
Well I have better stuff to keep me occupied than watching these liars at work I had a feeling but wasn’t quite sure just how many dumb people are living in Scotland now I know
Big Jock
3 years ago
Nicola made sure Alba had no msm presence. She’s got friends remember.
The fact is that 70% of Scots don’t read the blogs we do. They rely on msm for their narrative. If you exclude Alba from TV then that could deny them 3% of possible votes.
Salmond couldn’t get his message out about how the list system operates. Nicola was delighted.
He will have his day in court. I suspect this might be the last SNP government. The yes movement will divide amongst other indy parties, when the truth comes out. When they realise Nicola was lying about indy ref 2.
Big Jock
3 years ago
Robert. Most of the dumbest people are in the SNP , that’s the tragedy.
3 years ago
Alex Salmond should call a General (public) Meeting of all Alba voters – not Party members.
A Date, a Time and a Place.
Let’s see how many people turn up.
alan scott
3 years ago
Big Jock says:
8 May, 2021 at 10:14 pm
Nicola made sure Alba had no msm presence. She’s got friends remember.
The fact is that 70% of Scots don’t read the blogs we do. They rely on msm for their narrative. If you exclude Alba from TV then that could deny them 3% of possible votes.
I remember the Rev posting a month or so ago about how he had a far higher readership than the MSM. I have no reason to doubt him.
3 years ago
Our Enemy has poggled the figures – that’s their weakness – they went too far.
The Art of War tells us how to use our enemies weaknesses against them.
C’mon Alex – call an Alba Day! – lets see, in the flesh, how many people voted Alba. We can at least double the attendance because not everyone would make it, but imagine if we got 100k people turn up??
Andy Ellis
3 years ago
@Paul Cockshott 10.06pm
I’m a founder member of Alba. I’m disappointed but not particularly surprised by the result. There is no future for Alba pitching it as some neo-SSP or radical left movement. It didn’t work before and it won’t work now. Alba has to spend the next five years cannibalising the sections of SNP who don’t agree with the current leadership, with the TRA entryists and with the gradualist consensus. We need to ensure we can reach critical mass to deprive the SNP & Greens of a majority.
Yes, we can out clear water between us and the SNP on some issues to differentiate: commitment to a republic, land reform, legalising drugs on the Portuguese model, rapid change and greater investment in educations and learning from e.g. the Finnish model, commitment to achievement of a full nordic model for society over a fixed period, fixing pensions by law to similar level to averages in other similar countries, full PR using STV, commitment to repeal the HCB and self-ID and protect freedom of speech and expression, protections of women’s sex based rights and a thorough review of the activities of those advocating gender reassignment for children, offering a referendum on NATO membership.
It won’t be difficult to park our tanks on the SNPs front lawn. They aren’t progressive politically, socially, economically, environmentally, in terms of defence and security, environmentally or in terms of promoting equality.
We don’t need a second chamber: few countries of equivalent size bother. Denmark abolished theirs. We need more effective committees with real powers and resources.
The SNP and Greens aren’t going to deliver: we just have to be ready to deliver the coup de grace when large swathes of their current support realise they’ve been had.
3 years ago
bipod says:
8 May, 2021 at 7:01 pm
Case in point the shocking story in the record today about how “depressed” woman F is about alex salmonds political comeback.
Does Salmond really have the power to prevent a family moving on with their lives & cause a woman to be incapacitated by depression?
That seems to be what this article is suggesting.
Could it be women F is suffering from a very guilty conscience?
Brian Doonthetoon
3 years ago
Hi gullaneno4 at 6:53 pm.
You asked, “Can anyone explain why the Alba vote was so low.
I did not notice any seats were it was above 2%.”
You, obviously, overlooked Dundee East, where the Alba vote was 2.5%. I attribute that to wee Dundee Annie who, twice in last month, has leafleted all the schemes in Dundee East.
Andy Ellis
3 years ago
@ahundrethidiot 10.17pm
A totally pointless suggestion. The members should be in control. OMOV to ensure we don’t end up captured by extremist cliques like the SNP has been. We have five years to put clear water between Alba and the deeply dysfunctional, regressive and misogynistic SNP machine. There are plenty of ex SNP and ex Green members who will want to ensure things are done differently and that the leadership cannot pochle results.
3 years ago
Gfaetheblock says:
8 May, 2021 at 9:34 pm
Would love to know if the ‘regional vote for SNP is wasted’ message that Alba pushed was part of the Green’s success.
What is clear is that there is a majority for a gradualist and GRA progressive approach in Scotland. That arguement was lost.
Personally, I think Alba came across as very socially conservative and constitutionally aggressive, and that with Salmond’s reputation being what it is now killed them outwith the Twitter/wings bubble
I disagree. I’d suggest that most SNP voters have not a clue about GRA and other progressive policies. The vast majority of voters have little interest in anything that goes on in Holyrood unless it affects them personally (tax increases, poor NHS etc). They’ll vote SNP because they always do, or because they think NS is doing a great job with Covid. They don’t think about it too much and they don’t do any research.
It was not exactly 1000, my memory had failed me as to exact number, it was apparently 974 but that, and what our other candidates got is above what
the Alba candidates are getting now. This was when standing as constituency candidates not list ones.
They make their money and hold their position of power by dangling the carrot of independence and playing the game. They don’t actually want to have to go through with it or risk losing their gravy train.
3 years ago
One good thing today…
MoistPants001 aka Michael Stimpson has flounced off back to Paris or wherever the fuck he/she/it lives.
Barged off in a monumental huff. Alert the media of this impotent news.
Micky, as the old Weegie saying goes…
Don’t let the door skelp yer ‘erse on the road oot.”
I’ve had to read lots of the dross this chrome domed Victor Meldrew octogenarian has written. He has neither the grace, the humour nor the kindness of Victor.
I am just curious as to what the point of MoistPants001was?
What positive debate or intelligent matters did he bring to the table?
Few folk engaged with him. Fewer seemed to like his company.
It’s almost as if he was looking for the Daily Mail comments section and got lost.
Obviously MoistPants001 aka Michael Stimpson needs glasses as he mistook the big sign that said…
Wankerss this way =>
And mistakenly followed a different sign….
Wingers this way =>
When you read the final words ever to pollute a Wings thread by the international incontinence supremo, you are likely to think: “thank fuck, another BTL troll bites the dust.
Gone and soon forgotten.
MoistPants001/Michael Stimpson moans….
And still people will sing ‘Scotland The Brave’, watch Braveheart on repeat and think of Robert The Bruce.
Scotland’s fucked, it’s a pathetic little Northern province, populated by pathetic provincial minded people.
Boris will clean up in Scotland like he did in Hartlepoole and as for that Murrell creature, Salmond has said today that the job’s too big for her but hey, the public gets what the public wants.
I’ve washed my hands of Scotland now. Fucking pathetic joke of a cuntry.
What a sad, ignorant and pathetic little man. Scotland has major problems. If MoistPants001 was a passenger on the Titanic with that rancid attitude, he would already have turfed three children and one wummin out to save his own very wrinkled skin. Thank fuck he’s gone.
As mentioned above in my area voting SNP 1 & 2 resulted in a total of 148000 votes ,that number of votes got the SNP fk all nada not one fkn seat
Three other parties got 157031 votes this got Labour the Tory party and the Greens 7 seats between them
A fkn master stroke Princess Nicola the stupidest liar who ever led a political party
Then again maybe that’s the plan falling short of a majority by 1 seat is a fkn god send to her wee circle a build in excuse to do exactly what she’s in place for and that’s doing fk all
Meg merrilees
3 years ago
Stuart mctavish
I get it now! – thanks for the link – I hadn’t followed it further up.
I guess that 2020 poll shows you just how much damage has been
done to Alex’s reputation and Scotland’s future by the ham-fisted SNP court case and the Alpha Betties.
In a word – how much damage Nicola has caused.
Just imagine if she had asked all SNP supporters to vote ALBA on their list vote…..
Captain Yossarian
3 years ago
I wonder if the three spoofs John Swinney, Humza Yousaf and James Wolffe will retake their seats around the Ministerial table next week. Along with Leslie Evans, they will ensure Scotland continues the precipitous drop into the darkness.
3 years ago
On topic,
John Mason is about to get thrown under Nicola Stagnant’s proverbial bus…
One thing that is important: Mason WILL try and join the Alba Party to SAVE HIS OWN SKIN once Nicola decides to roast his nuts in her palatial Tranz Orwellian Special Sturgeonator Edcashun Receptacle. Otherwise known as the T.O.S.S.E.R. Eunuch Unit..
3 years ago
What Nicola said in Spring 2017:
“I could take the easy option.
I could let Scotland drift through the next two years, hoping for the best, but knowing that the worst is far more likely…
Waiting for the chance to say I told you so….knowing that by then it might be too late to avoid the damage of a hard Brexit.
Or I could make a plan now to put the Scottish people in charge of our own future.
I choose to put the people in charge.”
Nicola loyalists are now assuring me on Twitter that this wasn’t a promise to hold a referendum before we were booted out of the EU. Oh, no.
She always said – the end of Brexit negotiations – the end of Covid – when the polls are in our favour for (fill in amount) consecutive months – when the polls reach 70%- when the soft noes think it’s safe to come out of the closet – blah, blah, blah.
i daresay troughers like John Mason can afford to wait another decade.
Most of us can’t.
3 years ago
The unionists keep on with their once in a generation lie. Only a unionist would take that line. A generation is 20 years. It has been 7 years since the indyref. That means that the unionist line is that there can be indyref2 in 13 years time. John Mason thinks 10 years is about right.
So you see, there’s only 3 years of a difference between a unionist and John Mason.
P.S. There is the additional difference that most unionists don’t demand a 70% Yes in the polls qualification for indyref2.
David A.
3 years ago
Turnout was only 63%? I had heard it was higher but I guess we’ll never know without exit polls or anything concrete to compare.
stuart mctavish
3 years ago
If Mr F’s wife really was incapacitated by depression she’d be irrational so looking for root cause is not only insensitive it could incur serious risk to the mental well being of the family, its entourage and whatever or whoever gets given the blame.
To implant a reason, and blow it further out of proportion with the aid of a friendly tabloid (presumably with a view to influencing the judge in the Craig Murray trial) is tragically cruel/ naive/ self destructive on all sorts of levels.
3 years ago
Footsoldier says:
8 May, 2021 at 10:56 pm
The people have spoken!
Your wokies have you by the short and curli’s now. When they cash in their chips, what’s she gonna do Footsoldier, when the people find out what she’s done? Will you be there at her side?
3 years ago
If, is as stated, 75% of Scots have never heard of ALBA then 50,000 votes is quite a creditable score.
On those figures it means that if everyone had heard of them they might have got 200,000 votes and guaranteed a few MSPs but even better, denying the Unionists the same number.
I voted as Alec wanted but I really think it was wildly optimistic to expect a big impact from ALBA in six weeks. Not everyone is a political nerd.
3 years ago
robertknight says:
8 May, 2021 at 10:51 pm
According to the stats…
Electorate: 4,280,785
Turnout: 63%
ALBA: 1.7% (45,847 votes)
In the London Mayoral election Laurence Fox got 47,634 or 1.9%.
Depressing isn’t it?
3 years ago
John Mason is the MSP who called for creationism to be included in school science lessons in order to provide “balance”. As dumb as they come.
Jacqueline McMillan
3 years ago
kapelmeister says:
8 May, 2021 at 11:32 pm
John Mason is the MSP who called for creationism to be included in school science lessons in order to provide “balance”. As dumb as they come.
I’d rather that than the men in frocks with a dick and weirdos in a school in Paisley talking to 5 year olds
Daisy Walker
3 years ago
@ ‘Robert graham says:
8 May, 2021 at 10:12 pm
Tonight’s the same as it was after the 19th of September 2014’
Respectfully I disagree Robert.
In 2014 a bunch of people voted No and betrayed/lacked the courage to have the number 1 say in the governance of their country.
In 2021 a bunch of people within the SNP / Yes group invested in ‘hope’ rather than the nuts and bolts required to deliver the goods.
Their problem now – is they won a majority – they are going to have to own it.
I saw and shared time and shoe leather with some seriously knowledgable and able people – the ones who get stuff done. We are not disheartened. Or heart broken. Disappointed – yes. And we are most assuredly no longer SNP.
The SNP need to, and we need to let them, OWN this victory.
Alba needs to keep going, yes, but also step back and change tactics. Running for the council elections is not the answer. Canvassing for the elections – now that could be part of the answer – but its not the same thing.
If we keep playing by the rules, we shall lose. And for the record, I am not suggesting in any way, acts of criminal violence or destruction.
To highlight the problem – we are going all out to win at the ballot box – and they are blatantly cheating by preventing inclusion on TV debates.
The dust needs to settle, and people (including me) need to re-charge the batteries. And I hate to say it, but I think things will need to get an awful lot worse in Scotland before we stop being comforted by promises of Hope, and start standing up – country before party.
The reality has got to be so bad that Indy is the lifeboat, not the risky option.
Sorry – this is getting long – not my intention.
The problem with the mantra, ‘live each day as if you are living the first day in an independent Scotland’. Is somewhere, somewhere in that, there needs to have been a glimmer of sunlight to let you get up off your knees.
I see lights going off all over Scotland.
We have been playing fair in a rigged game. We have been trying to win when at each stage and on every level the game and the organisers have it rigged.
We must change our mindset and our game plan.
Live each day as if this is the first day of an Occupied Scotland.
Things have got to start working to the advantage of Scots. (new and old). And the credit for that should be clearly attributable to the Indy movement.
3 years ago
@ Fireproofjim
I got an election communication for ALBA did they only send out to 25% of households?
A. Bruce
3 years ago
Well, the Sturgeon supporters can clap themselves on the back. They’ve managed to inversely decrease their List seats. Last time around a million votes got them 4 seats, and now with 1.1 million votes they’ve managed to half that to 2 seats.
Most people have no idea how D’Hondt works, and with the media black out, never heard the Alba message, and blindly follow the leader.
Apart from the SNP hierarchy I reserve my disgust and loathing for the morons, the cultists, who were pushing SNP 1 and 2 in papers like the National where other voices were present explaining the system and the dangers of SNP 1+2.
3 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon made the strategy of SNP x2 yet she didn’t get a majority.
The talk of the SNP that at least 60% of the electorate needs to support independence before the SNP can go for a referendum yet if they go into coalition with the Green they only make about 55% of the seats in the Scottish parliament?
A lot is being focused on the failure of Alba in the election. It does seem to me that while the SNP has done very well for themselves as a party, they haven’t done that well in regards to their supporters who are hoping for a referendum in the time of the next parliament period.
3 years ago
Good evening Stuart,
Thank you for a constructive and well thought through rejoinder.
Emma Roddick has tweeted that Alba voters in the North East region are to blame for the SNP not getting a majority.
Annie Wells and John Mason clearly have new competition for the accolade of being Holyrood’s biggest idiot.
3 years ago
Do not blame the electorate.
Use the power of governance to educate ,reassure and give hope its real place in lives.
Do not be ashamed of bright brasses and clean stairs ,as my grannie used to say.
And when you ask for consultation and opinions ,act on what you hear and be prepared to abandon actions which offend the public. Understanding the fears of parents would be a good start.
Carol Neill
3 years ago
I’d rather my granddaughter learnt how to read and write ,never knowing at 4 yo what a penis and and vagina is
Get me old fashioned nanie .
3 years ago
Al-Stuart says:
8 May, 2021 at 11:08 pm
On topic,
John Mason is about to get thrown under Nicola Stagnant’s proverbial bus…
Bit of a time capsule there Stuart. Astonishing that only 10 years ago there were still some SNP MSPs who believed:
Scotland should be a pluralistic society where all minorities can live together in peace and mutual tolerance; believes that free speech is a fundamental right and that even when there is disagreement with another person’s views, that person has the right to express these views
Crazy stuff. That’s literally a hate crime now.
3 years ago
Hello DropTheVipers,
You are right about SNP MSPs being able to cross the floor at Holyrood and join Alba.
It can be done, BUT my gut feeling are the optics, and just plain decency to the constituents who elected you would mean it better to hold back until a principle upon which to base crossing the floor arises.
First the Alba Party are being set up as the FALL GUYS to blame for Nicola not getting a majority. I am a fully paid up member of Alba and am waiting for the crap to come this way.
Of course, the irony is SHE does NOT want a majority as that would force her to deliver IndyRef2.
I reckon it WILL be a very interesting 4 to 5 years as the time is available now for the ordinary and decent SNP members to discover Nicola Stagnants vanity and viciousness wasted 1,000,000 List votes on electing just TWO SNP LIST MSPs when she could have gotten rid of 28 Tories and brought in 28 properly pro-Indy Alba MSPs.
But with everything going Albas way from now in, it is still like climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops and speedos or a bikini. Even then the British Establishment will be oiling the underside of your flip-flops.
The most efficient way to become Independent is deploy the MMA karate analogy. Use the opponents strength against them.
Simply start a social media campaign and a public (NON UK government website) petition asking the English Voters…
Should England become independent from Scotland?
Yes: [___]
No: [___]
Throughout this election we have had to endure tons of manure from the Rock/KcoR/Andy/Hudson etc. all of whom have now gone strangely silent (thank God).
It’s about time Scots thought outside the box.
What would Boris do if 80% of HIS VOTERS IN England signed a petition saying they wanted to get rid of Scotland from the Union.
That would instantly remove Nicola Stgnant from the INDY equation.
That is the sort of MATERIAL CHANGE that Nicola Stagnant promised would trigger another IndyRef. But in the hands of Alba, such a result may well tempt a couple of SNP MSPs to cross the Holyrood floor and join Alba as Alba MSPs
The last thing Sturgeon’s handlers wanted was an SNP majority.
If Sturgeon had endorsed Alba on the list that majority would’ve been achieved, resulting in a whole lot of P45s being issued in that fancy building by the banks of the Thames, and I don’t mean Westminster.
Sometimes the evidence is just too overwhelming to be dismissed as “mere” paranoia.
3 years ago
@ David A at 11.16
Turnout was only 63%? I had heard it was higher but I guess we’ll never know without exit polls or anything concrete to compare.
The size of the electorate is a matter of record. So is the number of ballot papers issued (and returned, for postal votes).
Turnout = the latter divided by the former, and does not require exit polls or anything else to compare with.
3 years ago
Liz says: I disagree. I’d suggest that most SNP voters have not a clue about GRA and other progressive policies. The vast majority of voters have little interest in anything that goes on in Holyrood unless it affects them personally (tax increases, poor NHS etc). They’ll vote SNP because they always do, or because they think NS is doing a great job with Covid. They don’t think about it too much and they don’t do any research.
Right. I’d bet a fiver that if you asked 10 random adults at Queen Street Station what “GRA” stands for, 5 would think it’s something to do with the council, four wouldn’t know, and the other would say it’s the band that recorded Mr Blue Sky.
Allegedly people spend about 17 minutes on average deciding whether to buy a house, and that’s the biggest financial commitment of their lives.
Imagine how little time people spend thinking about Humza Yousaf. You’d probably need an electron microscope to measure such a tiny, microscopic, infinitesimally small thing (and his penis).
3 years ago
Steven @ 9.31
Airey Neave was a decent man, the first to escape from Colditz, later working for MI9 and then played a fairly sizeable part in the Nuremberg war trials. His wife liaised with the Polish Ministry of Information during WW2 on behalf of the Political Warfare Executive. She died in 1992 so asking for a review of her husband’s death would be quite an achievement. If she was still alive she would be 102.
Meg merrilees
3 years ago
cynical Highlander/fireproof Jim
every household should have received at least one ALBA leaflet through the post as there was a national leaflet mail out.
Then, on top of that, separate leaflets were distributed to all the regions where teams of volunteers distributed them on foot to targeted areas where it was hoped it would maximise the response. As most of the activists were experienced from previous SNP campaigns and had local knowledge, we knew the areas to avoid.
There were also some large boards, car stickers and t-shirts available from the website.
Sadly, cost limited the amount of material ALBA could distribute.
With the lockdown still holding sway, offices and workplaces were not operational and these are places where people chat and discuss what they have seen on TV the night before. The launch of ALBA would have been a real talking point under normal circumstances but that was not to be.
Furthermore, the initial exposure Alex was given always began with questions about the court case, whether he would apologize or not and very little quizzing about his policies.
On more than one occasion I heard people say ‘there’s no smoke without a fire’ or dismiss Alex because of ‘me too’ and the salacious court case. Very few people actually knew much detail of Alex’s defence as the threat of Contempt of Court had silenced a lot of that discussion.
It has to be said that Nicola and the media did a thorough hatchet job on the man. Nicola, especially, kept it up for most of the campaign, villifying him whenever she could and apparently threatening non-appearance in the tv debates if he was given a place.
Alex will not give up and ALBA is rising.
steve davison
3 years ago
Nothing but ” TALES OF THE EXPEXTED” today and as many have indicated it was not a fair fight but what did you expect .
So if the gloves are coming off in untouchable fashion “WHAT ARE YOU PREPARED TO DO”
Alex if you have the the dirt on ST Nicola get it out there ,it may cost you politically to do so but I thing you sacrifice would not go unnoticed
Who is chasing the missing money and keeping Police Scotland real
Bang the drum on the past SNP failures and push them on these unattainable election promises
Give them a 5 year easy ride and there will be no Scotland to save by the time the next election shows up
The SNP are not fit in this guise to govern and as the general public cant see it then tactics have to change to inform them Independence should be promoted at grass root level free from a political party
3 years ago
Meg merrilees says:
9 May, 2021 at 12:19 am
cynical Highlander/fireproof Jim
every household should have received at least one ALBA leaflet through the post as there was a national leaflet mail out.
Meg . I did not get any Alba leaflet via the post. So how many didn’t get delivered is the first question that needs to be addressed me thinks.
3 years ago
@Paul McRae 8 May, 2021 at 6:42 pm
“Mason is a crackpot and probably isn’t representing the views of the party. Then again, he could well be, as he’d be the ideal stooge for conveying such a message, as it wouldn’t generally be believed having come from him, but the sentiment would have been articulated.”
Well I doubt it was Unionists ? So who does that leave ?
3 years ago
Well, basically, half the country voted for Sturgeon’s SNP and the other half voted for Unionist parties. For me that’s dumb and dumberer but I’m obviously out of touch with these exceptional people and I’ll leave it to others (who love them as they would love their own children) to explain.
I think Alba messed up and should have gone on the attack against the SNP. And I think they should have gone for the jugular.
I think the electorate would have responded positively to a party that was honest about the SNP’s failures, the corruption, the lies, the redactions and hiding of the truth, the gender stuff, and the diabolical handling of the pandemic — not to mention the abject failure to deliver indyref2 in the wake of Brexit.
More to the point, the strategy above would have guaranteed media attention — the MSM would have loved it — and we can see now that Alba suffered the consequences of being de-platformed and ignored by the media; something like 75% of voters didn’t know Alba existed.
I signed up as an Alba member on day one, but they lost me when they advised SNP 1. I understand the politics of that but moral considerations are, or at least should be, of a higher priority. And I think the SNP has behaved immorally in recent years.
That all said, etc., I couldn’t see any outcome in this election that was worth getting excited about. I hoped Sarwar would win his seat but even thinking like that reveals the hopelessness of the situation we are in.
On a positive note, we’ve basically got about 6 years off (at least). There’s a world of much more interesting stuff out there.
And I see we’re now up to 70% support required… That is an impossibile figure to attain, even during any campaign but especially in the absence of any campaign.
They really don’t want independence, do they? But they seem happy to destroy the commonly held belief that democracy only requires a majority of support for a proposition.
The election in which ‘nothing has changed’.
Despite Brexit the SNP has not won a single seat more than it got in 2016 and the Scottish Conservatives have won exactly the same number of Holyrood seats under Ross as they got under Sturgeon.
The SNP will still be in power, Boris will continue to refuse an indyref2 as they have no majority, no Alba elected to push Sturgeon to go for UDI or a wildcat referendum so we continue on much as before really
How could he say that without getting punched by someone?
Amazing. Self imposing a threshold for success. Handy wee tidbit for the Yoon side to latch onto ala “once in a generation”.
So put on your wellies and get out in the mucky fields for another ten years of mandate farming then…
At this rate Scotland is more likely to be freed from Westminster Rule because of global warming and rising sea levels flooding Westminster, rather than anything the SNP do.
To all the SNP 1&2 voters, I hope you don’t take a scunner tae carrots, because there are heaps more you’ll be fed with.
So the gradualist spin continies when even the list seats are still being declared.
All credit to BBC trying to nail SNP to a timing and process on independence.
On the vote 150,000 votes for the SNP on the list in Central Scotland number of seats obtained ZERO!
All the seats went to the Tories, Labour and Greens.
Highlands and Islands, just under 100,000 votes for the SNP, number of seats won on the list by them there ONE!
All the other seats went to the Tories, Labour and Greens.
Is this something he mentioned during his campaign or he has thrown this ”bomb” of at least 70% support after he got elected? Someone genuinely interested in Scottish independence would never say this so nonchalantly.
One decade in a person’s life is a lot. I felt sick reading this person’s comments. He is definitely not pro-indy but a careerist.
My focus now is the Alba Party over the next 5yrs.
Obviously looking for a cabinet seat by cozying up to the Dear Leader and mirroring her own priorities.
Wasted my constituency vote – should’ve put a line through the boxes and written “NONE”.
Oh what the hell – we seem to be swimming against the tide of the electorate’s stupidity, for which I lay the blame squarely at the door of the pro-Sturgeon/Union corrupt MSM.
7 Tories 4 Labour and 2 Greens so far on the list out of 200,000 votes for the SNP on the list.
Another seat warmer calculating his platinum pension pot and looking overjoyed at the prospect. Could any convinced SNP supporter explain to me why that image and that declaration is inspiring to genuine independence supporters? He’s gloating.
Mr Mason is being shown «the instruments». This is an instrument for gelding Mr Mason, but we have a small problem, we can find nothing to geld.
This is why ALBA is a must.
Very cynical.
Another pig in a poke.
Well-after all that-and I speak as a Unionist-the result is a bit of a damp squib, especially after following Wings for a few months
It looks like the foretelling (and advice) of the Editor were only too accurate
I think with the wisdom of hindsight the decision by Salmond to ‘wheesht’ was a mistake. Shows incredible forbearance on his part and I think was well-intentioned but to encourage people to vote for this lot is-in a sense- akin to saying ‘Which among us can honestly say they haven’t tried to stitch up an old friend and colleague and send him down in his latter years? Doesn’t make you a bad person…..’
Anyway, too late to worry about it all now
As many a candidate has said over the years; ‘The People have spoken-the bastards’
Earlier on Andy Wightman was rejected by the voters of the Highlands and Islands, I can’t say I have any sympathy for him.
Who was the solitary successful candidate on the Highland list for the SNP?
I’m off to get pished. Stu , keep up the good fight for us ans as that old quiffed , fat Manchunian man once sang , There is a light that never goes out.
@ Moira Girvan
Emma Roddick was ranked 1 on the list in Highlands.
How about we make this the start of the DAY THAT SOMETHING CHANGED?
Holyrood is a Sturgeon Woke Captured Gravy Train for the careerist liar MSPs.
Fuck it.
Let’s ask the English to help
YES: [__]
NO: [__]
Has anyone here witnessed at ANY time on social media a person from England slag off the Scots as being “benefit junky sweaty Jocks who are subsidised by England?”
If your answer is YES , then we should deploy the English ignorance of the FACT it is Scotland that subsides them and let them kick Scotland out of the UK.
Who in England would vote to KEEP the benefit scrounging, subsidy junky Scots attached to them?
The last four years we have witnessed a masterclass from the British Establishment and media in how the SNP can be destroyed. Up until Alba, we had NO party that believes it will ever REQUIRE to deliver IndyRef2.
WE ONLY need to win IndyRef ONCE.
How about we make it so those bigoted anti-Scots Trolls FROM England that infest the internet help us to get IndyRef2?
But we make it absolutely watertight by having the ENTIRE UK vote?
Stuart, you are likely a bit fed up, but would it be interesting and possibly a morale boosting tonic to commission a small Panelbase piece of research on whether England’s electors would vote to get rid of the subsidy junky Scots?
Will there be a by election now that D Ross is an elected MSP?
Breaks my heart to see Unionists getting seats that so easily could have beed denied them.
Cheers Queen Nic, so much waste on your vanity.
Who voted for him?!!
Republicofscotland says: at 6:02 pm
“Earlier on Andy Wightman was rejected by the voters of the Highlands and Islands, I can’t say I have any sympathy for him.”
Well, as he found out, the big issues such as land reform and climate change have been superseded by the pro noun emergency in the Green Party.
Just cancelled my membership.
So disappointed by the SNP
He’s in it for the pension. Scotland is a Factor’s paradise. The people are totally gullible and totally biddable
Thank God for a real Independence Party in ALBA. 6000 activist members in just 6 weeks. Can only grow and grow
@moira gibson
Emma Roddick for the SNP. That should be fun.
Last constituency seat Edinburgh North, goes to the SNP.
@ panda paws
Click and bookmark for the lolz.
link to
“ My focus now is the Alba Party over the next 5yrs.”
Council elections next year..
And still people will sing ‘Scotland The Brave’, watch Braveheart on repeat and think of Robert The Bruce.
Scotland’s fucked, it’s a pathetic little Northern province, populated by pathetic provincial minded people.
Boris will clean up in Scotland like he did in Hartlepoole and as for that Murrell creature, Salmond has said today that the job’s too big for her but hey, the public gets what the public wants.
I’ve washed my hands of Scotland now. Fucking pathetic joke of a cuntry.
It is ridiculous that results are filtered, slowly, through Associated Press. The great Brit media have apparently given up on direct reportage.
Democracy, who the fuck cares!
I do!
Thanks to folk giving the SNP their list vote, Gillian MacKay has become the first Green candidate to win a seat in Central Scotland.
“I’ve washed my hands of Scotland now. Fucking pathetic joke of a cuntry.”
Hopefully this will be last we hear of you, goodbye.
@ Dan at 6.07 and Moira Girvan: “Emma Roddick ranked 1 in H&I”
No, Dan, “placed” 1, not “ranked” 1. She got about 2% of the members’ vote for “selecting” our candidates but the Nicola Sturgeon diktat by ranting at the NEC for 50 minutes and allowing NEC members with an interest in the outcome e.g. Graham Campbell to vote on the matter, resulted in a “decision” that candidates who self id’d as disabled would be put to the top of the list in 4 Regions, and BAME [e.g. Graham Campbell] in the other 4 Regions.
Emma Roddick id’d herself as disabled due to Borderline Personality Disorder.
Sturgeon’s speech was honey and jam.
Honeyed, hackneyed, meaningless platitudes, and jam tomorrow.
As of now, the two regional votes indicate 244,832 votes for SNP.
1 (one) seat.
Sturgeon’s hatred of Salmond is greater than her love of Scotland.
God help this nation.
The Scottish Independence movement is about to go into hibernation for another 20 years at least. Those who read these comments must know this.
At that point, we’ll have a good idea if climate change will be survivable for our species and under which draconian consequences, fiat currencies will be a distant memory, one or two states may have left the USA, and I’ll be thinking about retirement and how to spend as much time as I possibly can with my lived ones and help my kids make their way in the world.
And I’ll look back and think we did that classic Scottish thing, where we could have had it all, and shot ourselves in the foot again.
Wings Readers, I salute you.
I’m growing a beard and taking up weightlifting before anyone calls me a transphobe.
What you voted for…
I like ‘Critical Drinker’ on YT who is a Scots fella reviewing movies reflecting todays society – he’s very acute and funny at the same time.
I suggest people watch his review of ‘Starship Troopers’
Glasgow regional/list results 4 Labour 2 Tory (Annie Wells one of them) and 1 Green Patrick Harvey.
Mason is a crackpot and probably isn’t representing the views of the party. Then again, he could well be, as he’d be the ideal stooge for conveying such a message, as it wouldn’t generally be believed having come from him, but the sentiment would have been articulated. It’d be positively Machiavellian, possibly too clever for Bute House but certainly unscrupulous enough
And come the next election, the gullible, will be once again deceived and will follow the idiotic mantra – both votes SNP for ‘indy’.
The entire SNP is now fraudulent. It is a London controlled ‘devo-light’ party masquerading as a party for independence. I do not doubt in London they will say, ‘well, we help keep the SNP in power, they promise never to ACTUALLY do anything aboiut independence. It’s a win-win you see, keeps the natives under control, and the independence mob, where we can control them’. All the huffing and puffing about ‘section 30’ or ‘mandates’ is just a charade, to string us all along.
That is where we are, now. Utterly, utterly betrayed by the SNP, and the ‘enemy within’, Nicola Sturgeon.
Only ALBA gives me hope.
Incredible how the SNP went from its inception that of the premise of a majority of seats in Scotland at a General Election for Independence to one of first a Referendum. And now the latest absurdity (after repeated mandates) of ‘we’ need ‘70%’ of the rapidly diminishing ‘Scottish’ electorate to achieve this!
Does ‘Mason'( is this a clue?) think this is to be achieved in the Holyrood playpen or in the Waistmonster puppet theatre?
SNP 1 & 2 voters hope you’re happy with yourselves.
Fucking alien invasion will happen before SNP push for independence. And all your second votes wasted – give yourself a slow hand clap…
Obviously if the SNP aimed for a consistent 55% let alone to break 60% support for independence, they would not be aiming all their messaging at the Green youth vote, who are overwhelmingly Yes already. That’s proof to me personally that St. Sturgeon does not want independence. She’s smart enough to see what a contradictory strategy this would be.
Would someone inform Mr Mason that I may not have 10 years left on this earth and before I shuffle off this mortal coil I want my country free.
If that means I now have to be nasty , manipulative and more than tactical – perhaps even utterly devious – so be it.
The lessons are there for all the’ both vote SNP ‘ brigade though I doubt they will give it a thought , too busy gloating and crowing to absorb the facts.
Mist001 says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:29 pm
Scotland’s fucked, it’s a pathetic little Northern province, populated by pathetic provincial minded people.
Will you be relocating your business from Edinburgh?
I’ve washed my hands of Scotland now. Fucking pathetic joke of a cuntry.
Mist001 says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:29 pm
Scotland’s fucked, it’s a pathetic little Northern province, populated by pathetic provincial minded people.
I’ve washed my hands of Scotland now. Fucking pathetic joke of a cuntry.
Will you be relocating your business from Edinburgh?
@ sarah
Indeed. That episode was covered previously should folk wish to check it out.
link to
So far on the list 20 seats have gone to unionist parties, 9 for the Tories, 8 for Labour, 3 for the Greens and one for the SNP, I can only imagine how many SNP list votes have been wasted on just the above, and there’s far more to come.
And now for something totally off the planet.
link to
My parents thought this hilarious.
A case of very macabre humour.
Scotland has a long way to go.
well folks, I think i’m going to focus on helping Alba become the majority independence party. i’m so angry at the both votes snp strategy.
Dorothy Devine says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:46 pm
Isn’t Mr Mason one of the crew that thinks you get eternal life after death? (If you believe in the right god, of course) So – a decade won’t seem like much time to him.
Hey, must be some sunlight?! – tell me the Scourge of Scotland, the Belted Galloway, was NOT elected?
Can anyone explain why the Alba vote was so low.
I did not notice any seats were it was above 2%.
I did not think they would get any seats but I thought their vote would be around the 5% mark.
John Mason is an idiot, to be polite about it.
sarah says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:35 pm
Ditto the other woke Emma (and her up until now not debilitating diabetes)- placed in front of Joan McAlpine who the members ranked 1st.
I see that Patrick Harvie has got in on the last Glasgow list seat , He and the woke Snp had better realise that the WOMEN of Scotland will mobolise and let all of Scotland know about their plans for the reforms of the Gra bill . They’re in for a fight from the WOMEN .
gullaneno4 says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:53 pm
Can anyone explain why the Alba vote was so low.
I did not notice any seats were it was above 2%.
I did not think they would get any seats but I thought their vote would be around the 5% mark.
I think you know the reason why.
Anyhow thats 50,000+ votes the SNP will never get back come any future elections, council regional or other.
Good luck with your SNP devotion. Once GRA and HCB kicks in very very soon and the people realize what has been done to them.
Career Politician says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:39 pm
I would imagine I’ll be dead.
gullaneno4 says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:53 pm
Can anyone explain why the Alba vote was so low.
I did not notice any seats were it was above 2%.
I did not think they would get any seats but I thought their vote would be around the 5% mark.
According to a poll taken late in the day of the election , 75% people in Scotland hadn’t even heard of ALBA – can’t think why – can you?
Social media success doesn’t equal success with the public. Alba was excluded by the media, the only times they ever did get mentioned was to dredge up the smears against alex salmond.
Case in point the shocking story in the record today about how “depressed” woman F is about alex salmonds political comeback.
@ Dan at 6.49: I knew that you knew the list selection was fixed! But Moira didn’t. Thanks for posting the link.
@ gullaneno4: “why Alba vote so low?” The BBC sealed off the widest public exposure by not having Alba on the debate shows AND kept repeating the smears about Salmond so most of the public think he is awful. Also the BBC failed to explain to the public how our voting system works until AFTER the ballots had closed. Cunning, eh?
Scotland West List/regional result 3 Tories, 3 Labour and Ross Greer of the Greens.
For obvious reasons the SNP were never going to make it easy for Alba to gain the seats required to have a majority of MSP’s in favour of independence. Now we see how serious Alba are, now they’ve got to make it impossible to ignore them. Many voters likely vote SNP twice out of complacency, Alba needs to convince them to change their vote next time around, and the only way to do that is to put in the work.
North East Scotland regional/list 4 Tory 2 Labour 1 Green (Maggie Chapman)
SNP gathered 150,000 votes with NO GAINS what a waste.
Grahame case….. I agree. Just explained the bith votes strategy to my other half and how nearly a million votes were wasted. Her response…. why didn’t the snp support Alba on the list??
Yep!… exactly.
Sturgeon is out to Fuck the independence movement from within!!
Perusing crazy self ID policies and weakening the independence movement, next 5 years expect the public to ditch the SNP
All at a time when the uk has never been weaker, we have a unionist at the head of the SNP!
What a fucking sham!!
On just 3 regional/list seats alone, I count roughly 350,000 SNP votes, that have returned a solitary SNP MSP, what a waste of votes.
Wee chid, ah a god botherer.
I do hope ‘woman F’ gets even more depressed as I hope Alex Salmond is re-elected next time.
Is anonymity for life?? Or does it fade with each passing day and careless word??
@Grouse Beater says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:53 pm
Hey, must be some sunlight?! – tell me the Scourge of Scotland, the Belted Galloway, was NOT elected?
Not as far as I’m aware. Still time yet, but…
Every cloud ahs a silver lining and this clouds blessing is that SLABs James (The Great Orator) Kelly wasn’t reelected. However weasel faced Paul Sweeney has squirmed his way back into Holyrood via the Glasgow list.
In Wales Labour retain power with 30 of the 60 seats.
mason looks like joe 90 crispr spliced with the mekon
The only silver lining from the results so far is the abject failure of the LD’s and their relegation from recognised party status having failed to get 5 seats.
Reap what you sow.
Confused says:
8 May, 2021 at 7:23 pm
mason looks like joe 90 crispr spliced with the mekon
I was thinking the milky bar kid
I have a glut of bananas at the moment, so I’ve just knocked up a banoffee pie.
Indeed Andy Ellis, but the South of Scotland has still to declare, Willie Rennie will be sweating buckets hoping that (If he has one that is) his candidate gets a seat. I hope of course that you are correct, I go into some sort of torpor when Rennie stands up to ask a question on FMQs.
I am not particularly fond of All Under One Banner (AUOB) and how it is run. Having said that, I think now more than ever we need to make sure the marches in September and October – if Covid-19 is under control by then, obviously; safety comes first – are successful and attract the attention of international media.
Saturday, 2 October 2021
1:00 pm 6:00 pm
Holyrood Park
Edinburgh, EH8 8HG
The 11th September is the one in Stirling, but not quite sure where yet. If someone knows, please post the place as I would like to attend both. Thanks.
Looks like a vote for ALBA was a wasted vote!!
If I could I would leave the country as I don’t think I will live long enough for the SNP under NS to achieve independence. And I don’t want to live in a country that has to ask an overlord for permission to rules itself.
We are either a country or a bunch of cowards.
Oh ffs I just read his comments.
“I think he’ll be less bothered about the number of SNP MSPs, although legally, that’s a big issue. But say we got to 70 per cent [support] for independence – I think we’d have America on board, we’d have Australia, we’d have France, Canada.
Wtf has it got to do with them you bloody moron Mason?
Jesus suffering.
Seems we (or SNP in any event) must be too thick after all.
Not the end of the world for those on Westminster free lunch, several kicks in the proverbial for at least half of all true Scots everywhere else.
highseastim says:
8 May, 2021 at 7:28 pm
Looks like a vote for ALBA was a wasted vote!!
No it’s not you imbecile. Its 50 k + votes gain to ALBA and a 50K + loss to SNP.
I assume there are among the SNP sheep some radical wolves.
Radical moves.
Abolish the BBC. A priority.
Kick American social media out the country. A must.
Restore democracy with straight PR electoral system. Logical.
Reelect part of the legislature every year. Don’t get too comfortable guys.
Establish accountability to voter protocol. Least we can expect.
Limit political «career» to one decade. Not a job for life.
Abolish the post of party leader. What’s that for?
Oh, and kick the Brits out. Do we need telling?
Off out…no mask, distancing, no one over twenty….
So far 34 unionist MSPs and 1 SNP MSPs elected to Holyrood via the regional/list vote. Surely conformation that giving your list vote to the SNP benefitted unionists parties far more than it did the SNP. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of votes wasted.
I always thought Mason was a fucking arsewipe
made me think of this
link to
time takes no prisoners
As of 19.40.
5 regions.
SNP 693,000 votes – 1 seat.
Labour 302,000 – 13 seats.
Tories 366507 – 16 seats.
Greens 124,000 – 5 seats.
Feeling proud, you SNP fuckwits?
@Wee Chid says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:53 pm
Isn’t Mr Mason one of the crew that thinks you get eternal life after death?
He’s a Baptist. He criticised the enforced closure of churches, saying that “…parishioners should “take risks and trust in Jesus”…”.
Mid-Scotland and Fife regional/list result 4 Tories (Including Murdo Fraser) 2 Labour and one Green elected.
138,000 votes for the SNP NO GAINS! what a waste.
Re my above comment the Alba party got 5,893 votes.
And why wouldn’t he say that?
He’s just won the lottery – that’s a good ten years of troughing ahead. If they can pull the wool over the punter’s eyes again in 2026 that is.
With pension entitlements the best part of a couple of £million by the time he pops his clogs?
Ross Greer FFS.
Derek says:
8 May, 2021 at 7:43 pm
@Wee Chid says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:53 pm
“He’s a Baptist. He criticised the enforced closure of churches, saying that “…parishioners should “take risks and trust in Jesus”…”.”
That’ll be why all the Baptists in the US carry guns…
Anything to stop SNP MSP’s crossing the floor to Alba?
Like someone said before, Sturgeon is now backed into a corner. 7 years and no movement on independence means her time has run out. The next few months are going to be very interesting indeed. Keep the faith and patience, we have her where we need her.
EVERY person who voted for both votes SNP has just validated Sturgeon’s GRA and HCB bills. Which means that wives, daughters, sisters can be harassed, stalked, leered at, be a victim of gender fetishist exposing themselves, and ANY attempt to complain is illegal, and punishable with incarceration.
JimuckMac 7.48
Wish I had your faith in that one.
Republicofscotland says:
8 May, 2021 at 7:11 pm
“North East Scotland regional/list 4 Tory 2 Labour 1 Green (Maggie Chapman)”
Maggie Chapman – is she still something at the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre? Is that why they thought it was OK to appoint a man as CEO?
It is my honest belief that NS does not want Independence because frankly she is incapable of dealing with it. Continually blaming Westminster for denying it is a perfect get-out clause whilst keeping their noses in the trough & taking the money. Shame on her and her cohorts.
Wee Chid.
Meet the team as they say.
link to
Surely NS’s stance is a risk analysis?
As things stand she is doing fine, as are her adherents-I’m sure she would love to be a real Head of an independent State-tripping down the steps from Air Farce One to greet Biden etc….
But spin the wheel of fortune and lose and its all gone-position, salaries, posts, party, official residences, etc-for the foreseeable
Why hazard?
I think she knows that in a straight referendum-as things stand- she would lose-as happened last time
So she’ll wait
And yes I am for the Union but I hope I have some grasp of fair play
I think if I was in NYC I would be getting out of dodge.
Mid & Fife List MSPs Elected:
1. Conservative
2. Conservative
3. Labour
4. Green
5. Conservative
6. Labour
7. Conservative
No change on 2016. Total across the region:
SNP – 8
Conservative – 4
Labour – 2
Green – 1
Lib Dem – 1
#SP21 #BBS21
7:45 PM · May 8, 2021·Twitter Web App
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Murdo is back in
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Congratulations from London to all the North British who voted SNP on the list. We couldn’t shit on Scotland without your support.
So glad I spoiled my first vote. Would feel (even more) sickened otherwise. Most of rhese people are so awful that its almost funny. I wonder if I’ll ever vote SNP again.
Just looking through the list seats.
Conseravative, Labour, Conservative, Conservative, Labour, Conservative, Labour, Conservative, Labour, Green, Conservative,…
Hear this, every duped SNP 1&2 voter. A million pro-indepence votes wasted. (We told you so…)
You let these unionist in with your SNP2 vote. Own it. (Nicla will never own her flawed “strategy” )
She got what she wanted: another five years of minority government and prevaricationg on independence while on a well-paid job.
Another five years to advance not independence but her woke agenda, enthusiatically supported by the Greens.
Probably diminishing independence support unless the real pro-independence parties (Alba, ISP, AFI, etc.) start to make some serious inroads before 2026.
Basically, independence-minded Scots: You’re fucked.
The unionist voters successfully voted tactically (“gamed the system”) in some marginals to defend unionist constituency seats.
The uncritically loyal SNP1&2 crowd wasted a million SNP/pro-indy regional list votes to let in a fairly big unionist contingent. Let that sink in.
It’s not a football club you have to show blind loyalty to. It’s an election, politics, and you have to get wiser. For one thing, learn how the voting system works!
But hey, the “enemy” was the Alba party that could’ve delivered more dedicated pro-indy MSPs.
Not to St Nikla’s liking, pro-indy and critical of her and her policies. Hence the smears and belittleling, media black-out.
Those people, activist, aren’t going to go away and shut up and be compliant, worship the Dear Leader.
The next goal is the local elections next year. Alba, ISP, AFI, Scotia Future and others are not done, however much the SNP and the rest of the Brit establishement would like to pretend.
You know how you need some kind of disability in order to be
an SNP Candidate, well it seems most have qualified with a mental
disability that prevents them going near Indy Ref 2.
Al Stuart,
The only thing that defeats the question, is the question you pose ironically. My feeling is that the question should be almost as simple as “should Scotland be in the Union or not”
If you pose that question instead of an insult against yourselves, I would assume you’d attract the “if you want to leave, for whatever reason go with our good wishes”,rather than the nutters who belive the subsidy crap from either side.
And belive it or not, and as even as a Unionist (currently) id find it difficult to not agree with that question and the following result I anticipate.
Unfortunately the pandering to the extremes of any argument is like someone alot wiser than me described as “two bald men arguing over a comb”
And can you imagine a time, when Independance supporters and level headed Unionists could sit down and discuss the ramifications of each position, without fear or favour? No nor me, therefore if I may be so bold better to go down the route of the question above, rather than lighting fuel under the dunderheeds of each side.
Oh and BTW despite my political leanings, I hope and pray ( not a god botherer but still) that Alex Salmond “unleashes the dogs of war” against Sturgeon and her coherts in a legal sense, she deserves no less if from whatever perspective you have if you love Scotland as it used to be, and can become again this should happen!
All the best. Stuart
Two regions 14 still to declare I can’t be arsed waiting for them, it all seems so insignificant now.
Blair after illegal invasion of Iraq was made Middle Eastern Peace Envoy.
Sturgeon after shitting all over Scottish people will be made a fucking book keeper for Hilary
ahundredthidiot says:
8 May, 2021 at 6:40 pm
“I like ‘Critical Drinker’ on YT who is a Scots fella reviewing movies reflecting todays society – he’s very acute and funny at the same time.
I suggest people watch his review of ‘Starship Troopers’”
Caught a couple of his videos, then a month ago he had a 2 an a half hour podcast with failed 2019 UKIP MEP candidate Carl “Sargon of Akkad” Benjamin. So nae danger of me watching his stuff again.
Yeah. That Alba thang, Stu: how did that go for you, then? Advice on a par with Clarkson, May and Hammond. But at least we knew they were playing on for laughs; not some crazy anti trans crusade and contra Sturgeon vendetta.
‘Imposter’ (syndrome)
Believe people the first time when they tell you what they are
No gest
Divide and rule. The SNP voter is not as stupid as some make out. Alba secured a very good percentage of the vote but ‘some’ made sure it did not materialise. Keep the faith and patience, we have them where we need them.
Breaking footage (10 seconds) of the lego headed imp on the subject of #BothVotesSNP
link to
link to
Stuart @ 5.59 on the last thread. Alex Salmond talks to Barrhead Boy and the Special Prism Team – Denise Findlay, Jason Michael, Iain Lawson – following the 2021 Scottish Parliament Election https link to His comments about comparing the “new media” to the msm is near the end from 32 mins.
Francis Lynch go away you silly person (as per the Life of Brian)
Well, I voted SNP in my constituency and Alba on the list. I was originally going to spoil my constituency ballot on the grounds that the SNP are doing nothing for independence, but I decided to follow Alex Salmond’s advice and give them one last chance.
That will be the last vote the SNP get from me until they deliver a referendum or a plebiscitary election on independence.
@ maureen
Think that result means Emma Harper gets the seat and Joan McAlpine misses out?
What an absolute gift to the yoons. 70% and wait 10 years. His bums not even on the seat yet and he has capitulated. I thought it would be at least a few months before now is not the time.
He should apologise for lying to voters.
Alex is holding the ALBA conference in June and planning the next moves to contest local elections next year.
South list just announced 3, Con, 3 Lab and 1 SNP – No figures!
Imagine being proud to announce that she has missed an outright majority by one vote when she has knowingly allowed umpteen unionist MSP ‘s to obtain seats that could have gone to ALBA and given her a majority , with the greens in the region of 30 seats.
Aye, how Boris would have wriggled then.
Pretty sure I have read somewhere that she has already lost her seat. There was gloating. Can’t remember where online I was at the time. God knows how she must be feeling right now. One of the few decent SNP msps gone
Keep the faith and patience. SNP are skint. Hail Alba.
Only Lothian list to come now.
Alba on 38,000+ votes overall with one region to come.
Dan, Maureen BBC just listed all the MSP’s for Joan’s region and Emma Harper is named as the successful MSP.
I am hearing there is a great deal of buyer regret among SNP 1+2.
But Imelda had better deliver. And when she doesn’t…
The woke are jubilant. The glories of the world will pass – I do so hope it’s soon. Come on Karma – do your stuff.
I am still Alba.
The U.K. media and Google are not updating anything.
Can anyone advise if SNP got 64 seats?
2034 is the earliest you will get a referendum assuming a generation is 20 years.
Alba will be at the crematorium by then.
Lothian list – 3 Con, 2 Labour 2 Greens
SNP get a seat here
link to
I just received a cartoon I feel summed up the Tory Vote.
It has 2 Foxes on a sofa cross legged reading news papers with the headline
“Boris leads Tories to vote for a return to Fox Hunting”
One says to the other, “We will still vote for him to see how it turns out”.
Scrub the above post, no they don’t!
64 SNP; 31 CON; 22 LAB; 8 GREENS; 4 LIB DEM.
Funny how a majority of 70% to enable a referendum to be held is being bandied about whilst the demands of minority interests so niche that they have a decimal point before the number, less than 1%, are being pandered to and enforced by law.
In US there is legislation being signed in some states to stop trans teens from hoovering up college scholarships via gaming the schools sports contests. An addition to these bills though says that if federal educational funds are withheld because of this (Biden signed a gender discrimination bill on his first day in office) the legislation will be scrapped which makes it look like a futile gesture. As we are well aware the worst dross from US student level politics makes its way here, the next decade is going to be cultural carnage.
Here you are Effigy. Yes they did. Scroll down and you will see all the details
link to
Full breakdown here Effigy
link to
So, did 200k SNP voters vote for the Greens or did 200k Greens vote for the SNP?
@Wee Chid says:
8 May, 2021 at 7:47 pm
That’ll be why all the Baptists in the US carry guns…
Indeed! “…the lord’s our shepherd says the psalm, but just in case – we’d better get a bomb!…” (Who’s Next, Tom Lehrer).
Don’t know why it’s showing as 30 odd seats! They have 64 seats
F*ckin BritNat media, did to Alba what they did to Corbyn.
Dan says:
8 May, 2021 at 8:21 pm
Think that result means Emma Harper gets the seat and Joan McAlpine misses out?
Yup, and there are those in the SNP that celebrate and gloat that they successfully got rid of Joan McAlpine.
She wasn’t toeing the new party line on all things trans, she was trying to discuss problems related to gender self-ID, and women’s rights.
Emma Harper is far more compliant.
The loss of Joan McAlpine is the one that makes me the most sad. An excellent parlamentarian, a vocal advocate for women’s rights.
Just announced ,
Lothian regional list seats
The SNP won six of the nine constituency seats in the Lothian region, meaning they did not pick up any additional members on the regional list despite getting the most votes.
The Conservatives got three seats on the list:
Miles Briggs
Sue Webber
Jeremy Balfour
Labour won two:
Sarah Boyack
Foysol Choudhury
Scottish Greens won two:
Alison Johnstone
Lorna Slater (party co-leader)
Another area where snp1 was a total waste of votes .
Sturgeon won’t do independence not while the trough money flows in from Westminster, that’s the whole premise of being a politician is to have your snout in money trough, and not give two monkey’s about the folks they are supposed to represent.
Well here’s to 4 more years of education going down, more junkies dying, more poverty and silencing of the dissenters courtesy of the HC Bill.
Big Sister is watching you, you will be sent to an correctional facility if you say bad words or speak out against the SNP or Big Sister.
And the signs at the borders read “Welcome to Scot-transland”
Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
“It looks like 2026 was much too optimistic an estimate.”
Bob Mack (24 February 2018 “The makings of a deal”):
“Whilst every mechanism of State is playing dirty we have to play fair. Well, you will lose and Scotland could well lose its freedom for decades.”
Rock (24 February 2018 “The makings of a deal”):
“Decades? Centuries more like.
311 years gone, at least 622 years remaining.
By which time native Scots will have been outnumbered by English settlers and the oil will have run out.
Nicola spectacularly squandered a once in a 1000 years golden opportunity by wasting more than a year flogging a dead horse – a separate deal for Scotland which was never going to happen.
The most stupid people on earth are in Scotland.”
Well looking on the brightside, I can envisage Scottish obesity levels dropping and cardiovascular fitness levels increasing as we all run around trying to evade capture and being charged with Hate Crimes.
Nicola’s selfishness has just made it a whole lot harder for Scotland to become Independent.
Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater are the King Makers and Lorna Slater only just made it on the final count.
If she had truly wanted Independence we could have been sitting here tonight with a supermajority.
This is how the list votes broke down:
SNP 1,094,374 = 2 seats.
Cons 637,131 = 26 seats.
Lab 485,819 = 20 seats.
Greens 220,324 = 8 seats.
Lib Dems 137,152 = 0 seats.
ALBA 44,913 = 0 seats.
Any other figures can be obtained here
link to
27,540.5 got you one Green seat; 547,187 votes got you one SNP seat and 44,913 got you nada.
So, Nicola, your cunning plan wasted over 1 million votes and left you without a majority, in an unconvincing win that the PM of the UK will take as the reflection of a country that does not want to be independent.
Maybe time to put personal vendettas to one side and put country before party but then, only ‘grown ups’ can do that.
John Mason is the very shiny image of a bullshiting seat warming careerist.
Gestapo Scotland will soon be arresting us for hurting some didums feelings. We live in a Kafka inspired Tyranny.
Thanks Maureen.
Google brings up list after list of right wing newspapers sites
and the National doesn’t appear to be in their top 100 choices to promote.
To all SNP shills. Thanks for nothing you Unionist arseholes. You have sunk your own ship.
@lumilumi says:
8 May, 2021 at 8:48 pm
“Dan says:
8 May, 2021 at 8:21 pm
Emma Harper is far more compliant.”
Emma Harper is a gift to the unionists. I’m surprised she can speak, since every time she opens her mouth her feet fall in.
I have said before and I will repeat myself. I wont be voting SNP ever again at any election. The SNP have now made it official as a far as I am concerned – voting for them even in the Constituencies regardless of who is the candidate is now a wasted vote. Thanks for yer votes suckers.
Ottomanboi says:
8 May, 2021 at 7:31 pm
I assume there are among the SNP sheep some radical wolves.
Radical moves.
Abolish the BBC. A priority.
Kick American social media out the country. A must.
Restore democracy with straight PR electoral system. Logical.
Reelect part of the legislature every year. Don’t get too comfortable guys.
Establish accountability to voter protocol. Least we can expect.
Limit political «career» to one decade. Not a job for life.
Abolish the post of party leader. What’s that for?”
I think some of these would require the elusive “supermajority to change the system. Others would require fullblown Indy.
As for kicking the English out. perhaps a simple quiz to se how much they know of Scottish history and culture.
Questions like what was the” White Heather Club”!
a) An excusive club for SNP MSPs
b) a disco in Argyle Street
C) a TV programme
(No Googling)
This would sort out the sheep from the goats!
SNP/Green coalition and Alba nowhere.
I told you folks and you wouldn’t listen, the SNP1 trolls got what they wanted. The rest of you know who they are.
Remember back to when The Spectator took the COPFS to the Court of Session to challenge the famous redactions that protected Nicola Sturgeon instead of the alphabet women?
That court hearing was paid for by The Spectator and after it they offered Alex Salmond and George Galloway an hour-long televised debate. It was no doubt intended as pay-back to The Spectator.
Galloway accepted but Salmond turned it down. I thought at the time that was a mistake bacause we were all sitting through the Sarah Smith hour-long TV debates with Sturgeon and Rennie at the time which were so bad they would have made you shoot yourself through the head.
I wonder if it would have made any difference? It may have done, you know.
72 pro-indy MSPs in 2021
71 pro-indy MSPs in 2011
And as a thought as we mull the landscape and how Boris will use force and the law to resist independence, here is a thought from an online report –
“General Sir Frank Kitson (retired) rose to become Commander-in-Chief United Kingdom Land Forces (1982 – 1985) and Aide-De-Camp General to the British Queen (1983 – 1985).
Kitson is a renowned military author and counter-insurgency expert who oversaw Britain’s deployment, during the conflict in the North of Ireland, of in-depth interrogation techniques (including torture), psychological operations, pseudo-gangs and covert Special Force units like the Military Reaction Force (MRF) which murdered civilians with impunity.
Kitson also overhauled and re-developed the British Army’s information units which managed British information policy, propaganda and disinformation across the North of Ireland.”
And the question is whether or not these dark forces have been disbanded, are not in any way extant in Scotland. Read Kitson’s books, read the modus operandi of the British state, and then ask yourself as to where the democratic route is.
Just imagine Alba party votes had gone to SNP. Would they have won an outright majority?
Just saying…
Listen. I don’t mind losing in sport – I don’t.
I was a winner in the military. A winner at work. A winner at home. I’m fucking loaded and I started with jack shit.
I don’t mind admitting when I’ve lost.
Scottish Independence is over. Over. It was rigged in 2014 (postal votes) and rigged again in 2021 (no overnight count letting overnight ninjas in).
None of us will spill blood over this, so it’s over.
Ghosts in the wind. Tears in the rain – who gives a fuck. All we would get is a shitty trans woo whoo Ireland anyway.
Fuck it. Time to get on with our lives.
The people who voted for Alba had no intentions of giving their 2nd vote to SNP under any circumstances. The 50,000 votes belong to Alba now, just saying…
@ Doug Bryce
Just imagine the SNP hadn’t chosen to fuck around wasting mandates, embroiling themselves in their own personal power games, and pursuing and implementing policies the electorate don’t want.
Just saying…
Wales will be an independent nation and Ireland will be unified long before Scotland even thinks of holding a Referendum.
Is this the “Big Picture” all you SNP 1 types voted for?
Fuckin genius!!!
Sorry I cant find the article to link to but way back before mind games with seasonal flu (when statisticians still had some level of credibility), Wings published a poll showing that somewhere in the order of 25 – 40 percent of independence supporters indicated a willingness to support a list party led by Alex Salmond..
Assuming I’m not that far off with the numbers can anyone explain how the actual figures could have been so far out.
ie given Meg Merrilees summary @8:54 pm, is the actual number of real people voting SNP only in the order 200,000 or is SNP simply so cunning that, whilst it could probably manage a piss up in Westminster, its appetite for same demands its complicity in rigging local elections to favour the union.
Meg Merrilees and Maureen, you’ve fair cheered me up with those posts. Fifty thousand votes is a good, solid base from which to build for the council elections. That will be our springboard to greater name recognition.
Deerhill, the answer cannot be (a) unless you replace an H with an F.
> implementing policies the electorate don’t want
Which party just won this election?
@ stuart mctavish
link to
> implementing policies the electorate don’t want
Which party just won this election?
Freya, he mentioned it a couple of weeks ago, just been spewed up by press again today.
Maybe there should be demonstrations every week at Bute house to remind Queen Nicola that we want independence.
Rumour has it that Airey Neave was involved as well….
He who smoothed Thatcher’s progress to leader.
His wife was reputedly in the employ of the Polish secret services.
She was recently asking for a review of the circumstances of his death.
@ Doug Bryce
Hate Crime Bill wasn’t in previous manifesto. And you know fine well aspects of HCB and Self ID were obscured from the electorate under the much larger issue of collecting mandates for Indy.
Fukin prick Mason, bet he didn’t go round the doors saying that.
We must now hope to educate the huge swathes of stupid thick bastards that “both votes SNP” is monumentally fuckin deranged. And i mean educate, not persuade, open your eyes, listen carefully and drop the brainwashed Sturgeon worshipping.
Please Stu, keep going and ALBA too.
SNP have a working majority, if presiding officer is from another party. Wonder if the snivelling Greens will offer up an MSP.
Would love to know if the ‘regional vote for SNP is wasted’ message that Alba pushed was part of the Green’s success.
What is clear is that there is a majority for a gradualist and GRA progressive approach in Scotland. That arguement was lost.
Personally, I think Alba came across as very socially conservative and constitutionally aggressive, and that with Salmond’s reputation being what it is now killed them outwith the Twitter/wings bubble
stuart mctavish
I’m not sure where you are getting the number 200,000 from as an SNP vote total.
The numbers I quoted at 8.54 are the list totals for each party as reported on the BBC and Ballot box Scotland sites.
The SNP received a total of 1,094,374 regional votes across Scotland which converted into only 2 seats. They also received in excess of 1 million constituency votes. You can find relevant figures on the quoted BBC site.
My only issue with Wings is this.
We could raise 500k and put wings on every billboard in Scotland.
But we didn’t, did we….
Ten times as many people have never heard of Wings as who have.
Franky. Those who talk of waiting until pandemic is over haven’t a clue. If we started the process on Monday it would be the best part of 4 years before we reach a referendum. Waiting even a year will push indy ref 2 to beyond 2026.
There is the inevitable legal fight, testing the question, agreeing the franchise, campaign time….the list goes on. Salmond started the process in 2011 and ref was late 2014. That was without a stand off with WM.
If Sturgeon means what she says then the process has to start next week.
SNP could have asked indy Labour voters to loan their vote to them. Tories and Labour did it , and won a few marginals.
ahundredthidiot says:
8 May, 2021 at 9:18 pm
Ghosts in the wind. Tears in the rain – who gives a fuck. All we would get is a shitty trans woo whoo Ireland anyway.
I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
St Boris of Hartlepool
the biggest problem we face is that for a huge number of people in Scotland, politics is not something they are particularly interested in.
Football – yes; holidays – yes, children/schools – yes, Scottish NHS – yes, tax rises – no,
D’Hondt system – What? Political strategy – eh? Independence – aye mibbe, but what can I do about it?
We have a big mountain to climb but we have a good leader and an enthusiastic team and the prize will be worth it, so let’s get going.
What strikes me about this result is that Alba had done worse than Solidarity used to do and far worse than the Scottish Socialist Party did. They actually got list MPs on a pro independence socialist platform.
I think it indicates that standing on what seemed primarily a pro independence platform without distinctive added value – environmentalism, socialism, or republicanism is not going to succeed.
If Alba is to do better it has to make issues other than independence its prime selling point. Obviously feminism is a key line, but radical democracy and militant republicanism and opposition to the landlordism whether rural or urban could be other themes.
A demand for the end to all laws restricting freedom of expression other than perhaps laws against internet porn.
A demand to introduce the Nordic system of criminalising men who pay for sex, rather than prosecuting women forced into prostitution.
A law against absentee landlords such that no landlord may rent a property unless she or he is a registered elector in the ward that the house is in and that no landlord may rent out more than one property – whether a dwelling, farm or commercial premise. Give tennants or tennant farmers the right to claim squatters rights to any property not meeting those restrictions.
This would obviously force the lairds and landlords to sell off all but one of their properties to locals before the law came into effect, effectively reversing the clearances.
Demand a second house for the Scottish parliament made up of citizens assembly to break the power of the career politicians.
A citizen assembly will not be subject to party whips.
Big Jock. 9.40pm
Sturgeon and Harvie have other ideas planned for next week.
Like getting all these toilets and changing rooms concerted.
Priorities Big Jock.
It’s enough to make you greet.
From 11 months ago.
“7,715 Independence supporter mega-poll – 57% of SNP voters open to tactical voting on list
link to
Paul Cockshott
Nice try – it was fucking RIGGED – now, go away why dont you.
We’ve had enough of your lot – try to magnanimous in the face of our defeat.
If only 50k voted for Alba – we should have an ‘Alba day’
A date and a place – everyone who voted for them gets together (forget AUOB) and start a ‘census’.
If a couple hundred thousand people turn up, we can prove the fraud.
(And just for fun, before signing the census, each person should swear an oath to ‘fuck the SNP’!!)
Hi Meg
I was taking the 44 913 and rounding it up to 50 000 then multiplying by 4 to estimate the SNP vote – on the assumption that a list party led by Alex Salmond would get 25& of the SNP vote as indicated by the cat and all the pigeons post kindly linked by Dan 🙂
I am an Alba member and a Solidarity member. I also stood as an SSP candidate for Lanarkshire in an earlier election and got 1000 votes, which as I say is better than Alba is doing now.
So you appear to be saying you have had enough of Alba and Solidarity?
For all the daft bastards who don’t get it –
1,094,374 = 2
1000 votes.
on the nose….
How unlikely is that?
Piss off
Tonight’s the same as it was after the 19th of September 2014
Hopelessness because these twisted arsewipes are going to carry on as if nothing has happened another 5 year’s of fk all with excuse littered reasons as why they can’t do this they can’t do that because its raining because its too sunny any old tripe will do and the mugs will lap it up .
Well I have better stuff to keep me occupied than watching these liars at work I had a feeling but wasn’t quite sure just how many dumb people are living in Scotland now I know
Nicola made sure Alba had no msm presence. She’s got friends remember.
The fact is that 70% of Scots don’t read the blogs we do. They rely on msm for their narrative. If you exclude Alba from TV then that could deny them 3% of possible votes.
Salmond couldn’t get his message out about how the list system operates. Nicola was delighted.
He will have his day in court. I suspect this might be the last SNP government. The yes movement will divide amongst other indy parties, when the truth comes out. When they realise Nicola was lying about indy ref 2.
Robert. Most of the dumbest people are in the SNP , that’s the tragedy.
Alex Salmond should call a General (public) Meeting of all Alba voters – not Party members.
A Date, a Time and a Place.
Let’s see how many people turn up.
Big Jock says:
8 May, 2021 at 10:14 pm
Nicola made sure Alba had no msm presence. She’s got friends remember.
The fact is that 70% of Scots don’t read the blogs we do. They rely on msm for their narrative. If you exclude Alba from TV then that could deny them 3% of possible votes.
I remember the Rev posting a month or so ago about how he had a far higher readership than the MSM. I have no reason to doubt him.
Our Enemy has poggled the figures – that’s their weakness – they went too far.
The Art of War tells us how to use our enemies weaknesses against them.
C’mon Alex – call an Alba Day! – lets see, in the flesh, how many people voted Alba. We can at least double the attendance because not everyone would make it, but imagine if we got 100k people turn up??
@Paul Cockshott 10.06pm
I’m a founder member of Alba. I’m disappointed but not particularly surprised by the result. There is no future for Alba pitching it as some neo-SSP or radical left movement. It didn’t work before and it won’t work now. Alba has to spend the next five years cannibalising the sections of SNP who don’t agree with the current leadership, with the TRA entryists and with the gradualist consensus. We need to ensure we can reach critical mass to deprive the SNP & Greens of a majority.
Yes, we can out clear water between us and the SNP on some issues to differentiate: commitment to a republic, land reform, legalising drugs on the Portuguese model, rapid change and greater investment in educations and learning from e.g. the Finnish model, commitment to achievement of a full nordic model for society over a fixed period, fixing pensions by law to similar level to averages in other similar countries, full PR using STV, commitment to repeal the HCB and self-ID and protect freedom of speech and expression, protections of women’s sex based rights and a thorough review of the activities of those advocating gender reassignment for children, offering a referendum on NATO membership.
It won’t be difficult to park our tanks on the SNPs front lawn. They aren’t progressive politically, socially, economically, environmentally, in terms of defence and security, environmentally or in terms of promoting equality.
We don’t need a second chamber: few countries of equivalent size bother. Denmark abolished theirs. We need more effective committees with real powers and resources.
The SNP and Greens aren’t going to deliver: we just have to be ready to deliver the coup de grace when large swathes of their current support realise they’ve been had.
bipod says:
8 May, 2021 at 7:01 pm
Case in point the shocking story in the record today about how “depressed” woman F is about alex salmonds political comeback.
link to
That is a very strange story!
Does Salmond really have the power to prevent a family moving on with their lives & cause a woman to be incapacitated by depression?
That seems to be what this article is suggesting.
Could it be women F is suffering from a very guilty conscience?
Hi gullaneno4 at 6:53 pm.
You asked,
“Can anyone explain why the Alba vote was so low.
I did not notice any seats were it was above 2%.”
You, obviously, overlooked Dundee East, where the Alba vote was 2.5%. I attribute that to wee Dundee Annie who, twice in last month, has leafleted all the schemes in Dundee East.
@ahundrethidiot 10.17pm
A totally pointless suggestion. The members should be in control. OMOV to ensure we don’t end up captured by extremist cliques like the SNP has been. We have five years to put clear water between Alba and the deeply dysfunctional, regressive and misogynistic SNP machine. There are plenty of ex SNP and ex Green members who will want to ensure things are done differently and that the leadership cannot pochle results.
Gfaetheblock says:
8 May, 2021 at 9:34 pm
Would love to know if the ‘regional vote for SNP is wasted’ message that Alba pushed was part of the Green’s success.
What is clear is that there is a majority for a gradualist and GRA progressive approach in Scotland. That arguement was lost.
Personally, I think Alba came across as very socially conservative and constitutionally aggressive, and that with Salmond’s reputation being what it is now killed them outwith the Twitter/wings bubble
I disagree. I’d suggest that most SNP voters have not a clue about GRA and other progressive policies. The vast majority of voters have little interest in anything that goes on in Holyrood unless it affects them personally (tax increases, poor NHS etc). They’ll vote SNP because they always do, or because they think NS is doing a great job with Covid. They don’t think about it too much and they don’t do any research.
According to the stats…
Electorate: 4,280,785
Turnout: 63%
ALBA: 1.7% (45,847 votes)
It was not exactly 1000, my memory had failed me as to exact number, it was apparently 974 but that, and what our other candidates got is above what
the Alba candidates are getting now. This was when standing as constituency candidates not list ones.
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They make their money and hold their position of power by dangling the carrot of independence and playing the game. They don’t actually want to have to go through with it or risk losing their gravy train.
One good thing today…
MoistPants001 aka Michael Stimpson has flounced off back to Paris or wherever the fuck he/she/it lives.
Barged off in a monumental huff. Alert the media of this impotent news.
Micky, as the old Weegie saying goes…
Don’t let the door skelp yer ‘erse on the road oot.”
I’ve had to read lots of the dross this chrome domed Victor Meldrew octogenarian has written. He has neither the grace, the humour nor the kindness of Victor.
I am just curious as to what the point of MoistPants001was?
What positive debate or intelligent matters did he bring to the table?
Few folk engaged with him. Fewer seemed to like his company.
It’s almost as if he was looking for the Daily Mail comments section and got lost.
Obviously MoistPants001 aka Michael Stimpson needs glasses as he mistook the big sign that said…
Wankerss this way =>
And mistakenly followed a different sign….
Wingers this way =>
When you read the final words ever to pollute a Wings thread by the international incontinence supremo, you are likely to think: “thank fuck, another BTL troll bites the dust.
Gone and soon forgotten.
MoistPants001/Michael Stimpson moans….
And still people will sing ‘Scotland The Brave’, watch Braveheart on repeat and think of Robert The Bruce.
Scotland’s fucked, it’s a pathetic little Northern province, populated by pathetic provincial minded people.
Boris will clean up in Scotland like he did in Hartlepoole and as for that Murrell creature, Salmond has said today that the job’s too big for her but hey, the public gets what the public wants.
I’ve washed my hands of Scotland now. Fucking pathetic joke of a cuntry.
What a sad, ignorant and pathetic little man. Scotland has major problems. If MoistPants001 was a passenger on the Titanic with that rancid attitude, he would already have turfed three children and one wummin out to save his own very wrinkled skin. Thank fuck he’s gone.
link to
The people have spoken!
As mentioned above in my area voting SNP 1 & 2 resulted in a total of 148000 votes ,that number of votes got the SNP fk all nada not one fkn seat
Three other parties got 157031 votes this got Labour the Tory party and the Greens 7 seats between them
A fkn master stroke Princess Nicola the stupidest liar who ever led a political party
Then again maybe that’s the plan falling short of a majority by 1 seat is a fkn god send to her wee circle a build in excuse to do exactly what she’s in place for and that’s doing fk all
Stuart mctavish
I get it now! – thanks for the link – I hadn’t followed it further up.
I guess that 2020 poll shows you just how much damage has been
done to Alex’s reputation and Scotland’s future by the ham-fisted SNP court case and the Alpha Betties.
In a word – how much damage Nicola has caused.
Just imagine if she had asked all SNP supporters to vote ALBA on their list vote…..
I wonder if the three spoofs John Swinney, Humza Yousaf and James Wolffe will retake their seats around the Ministerial table next week. Along with Leslie Evans, they will ensure Scotland continues the precipitous drop into the darkness.
On topic,
John Mason is about to get thrown under Nicola Stagnant’s proverbial bus…
link to
Mason is a gaffe-prone lobby-fodder idiot.
One thing that is important: Mason WILL try and join the Alba Party to SAVE HIS OWN SKIN once Nicola decides to roast his nuts in her palatial Tranz Orwellian Special Sturgeonator Edcashun Receptacle. Otherwise known as the T.O.S.S.E.R. Eunuch Unit..
What Nicola said in Spring 2017:
“I could take the easy option.
I could let Scotland drift through the next two years, hoping for the best, but knowing that the worst is far more likely…
Waiting for the chance to say I told you so….knowing that by then it might be too late to avoid the damage of a hard Brexit.
Or I could make a plan now to put the Scottish people in charge of our own future.
I choose to put the people in charge.”
Nicola loyalists are now assuring me on Twitter that this wasn’t a promise to hold a referendum before we were booted out of the EU. Oh, no.
She always said – the end of Brexit negotiations – the end of Covid – when the polls are in our favour for (fill in amount) consecutive months – when the polls reach 70%- when the soft noes think it’s safe to come out of the closet – blah, blah, blah.
i daresay troughers like John Mason can afford to wait another decade.
Most of us can’t.
The unionists keep on with their once in a generation lie. Only a unionist would take that line. A generation is 20 years. It has been 7 years since the indyref. That means that the unionist line is that there can be indyref2 in 13 years time. John Mason thinks 10 years is about right.
So you see, there’s only 3 years of a difference between a unionist and John Mason.
P.S. There is the additional difference that most unionists don’t demand a 70% Yes in the polls qualification for indyref2.
Turnout was only 63%? I had heard it was higher but I guess we’ll never know without exit polls or anything concrete to compare.
If Mr F’s wife really was incapacitated by depression she’d be irrational so looking for root cause is not only insensitive it could incur serious risk to the mental well being of the family, its entourage and whatever or whoever gets given the blame.
To implant a reason, and blow it further out of proportion with the aid of a friendly tabloid (presumably with a view to influencing the judge in the Craig Murray trial) is tragically cruel/ naive/ self destructive on all sorts of levels.
Footsoldier says:
8 May, 2021 at 10:56 pm
The people have spoken!
Your wokies have you by the short and curli’s now. When they cash in their chips, what’s she gonna do Footsoldier, when the people find out what she’s done? Will you be there at her side?
If, is as stated, 75% of Scots have never heard of ALBA then 50,000 votes is quite a creditable score.
On those figures it means that if everyone had heard of them they might have got 200,000 votes and guaranteed a few MSPs but even better, denying the Unionists the same number.
I voted as Alec wanted but I really think it was wildly optimistic to expect a big impact from ALBA in six weeks. Not everyone is a political nerd.
robertknight says:
8 May, 2021 at 10:51 pm
According to the stats…
Electorate: 4,280,785
Turnout: 63%
ALBA: 1.7% (45,847 votes)
In the London Mayoral election Laurence Fox got 47,634 or 1.9%.
Depressing isn’t it?
John Mason is the MSP who called for creationism to be included in school science lessons in order to provide “balance”. As dumb as they come.
kapelmeister says:
8 May, 2021 at 11:32 pm
John Mason is the MSP who called for creationism to be included in school science lessons in order to provide “balance”. As dumb as they come.
I’d rather that than the men in frocks with a dick and weirdos in a school in Paisley talking to 5 year olds
@ ‘Robert graham says:
8 May, 2021 at 10:12 pm
Tonight’s the same as it was after the 19th of September 2014’
Respectfully I disagree Robert.
In 2014 a bunch of people voted No and betrayed/lacked the courage to have the number 1 say in the governance of their country.
In 2021 a bunch of people within the SNP / Yes group invested in ‘hope’ rather than the nuts and bolts required to deliver the goods.
Their problem now – is they won a majority – they are going to have to own it.
I saw and shared time and shoe leather with some seriously knowledgable and able people – the ones who get stuff done. We are not disheartened. Or heart broken. Disappointed – yes. And we are most assuredly no longer SNP.
The SNP need to, and we need to let them, OWN this victory.
Alba needs to keep going, yes, but also step back and change tactics. Running for the council elections is not the answer. Canvassing for the elections – now that could be part of the answer – but its not the same thing.
If we keep playing by the rules, we shall lose. And for the record, I am not suggesting in any way, acts of criminal violence or destruction.
To highlight the problem – we are going all out to win at the ballot box – and they are blatantly cheating by preventing inclusion on TV debates.
The dust needs to settle, and people (including me) need to re-charge the batteries. And I hate to say it, but I think things will need to get an awful lot worse in Scotland before we stop being comforted by promises of Hope, and start standing up – country before party.
The reality has got to be so bad that Indy is the lifeboat, not the risky option.
Sorry – this is getting long – not my intention.
The problem with the mantra, ‘live each day as if you are living the first day in an independent Scotland’. Is somewhere, somewhere in that, there needs to have been a glimmer of sunlight to let you get up off your knees.
I see lights going off all over Scotland.
We have been playing fair in a rigged game. We have been trying to win when at each stage and on every level the game and the organisers have it rigged.
We must change our mindset and our game plan.
Live each day as if this is the first day of an Occupied Scotland.
Things have got to start working to the advantage of Scots. (new and old). And the credit for that should be clearly attributable to the Indy movement.
@ Fireproofjim
I got an election communication for ALBA did they only send out to 25% of households?
Well, the Sturgeon supporters can clap themselves on the back. They’ve managed to inversely decrease their List seats. Last time around a million votes got them 4 seats, and now with 1.1 million votes they’ve managed to half that to 2 seats.
Most people have no idea how D’Hondt works, and with the media black out, never heard the Alba message, and blindly follow the leader.
Apart from the SNP hierarchy I reserve my disgust and loathing for the morons, the cultists, who were pushing SNP 1 and 2 in papers like the National where other voices were present explaining the system and the dangers of SNP 1+2.
Nicola Sturgeon made the strategy of SNP x2 yet she didn’t get a majority.
The talk of the SNP that at least 60% of the electorate needs to support independence before the SNP can go for a referendum yet if they go into coalition with the Green they only make about 55% of the seats in the Scottish parliament?
A lot is being focused on the failure of Alba in the election. It does seem to me that while the SNP has done very well for themselves as a party, they haven’t done that well in regards to their supporters who are hoping for a referendum in the time of the next parliament period.
Good evening Stuart,
Thank you for a constructive and well thought through rejoinder.
I wish we had started that way.
Will go back to the drawing board.
link to
Emma Roddick has tweeted that Alba voters in the North East region are to blame for the SNP not getting a majority.
Annie Wells and John Mason clearly have new competition for the accolade of being Holyrood’s biggest idiot.
Do not blame the electorate.
Use the power of governance to educate ,reassure and give hope its real place in lives.
Do not be ashamed of bright brasses and clean stairs ,as my grannie used to say.
And when you ask for consultation and opinions ,act on what you hear and be prepared to abandon actions which offend the public. Understanding the fears of parents would be a good start.
I’d rather my granddaughter learnt how to read and write ,never knowing at 4 yo what a penis and and vagina is
Get me old fashioned nanie .
Al-Stuart says:
8 May, 2021 at 11:08 pm
On topic,
John Mason is about to get thrown under Nicola Stagnant’s proverbial bus…
link to
Bit of a time capsule there Stuart. Astonishing that only 10 years ago there were still some SNP MSPs who believed:
Scotland should be a pluralistic society where all minorities can live together in peace and mutual tolerance; believes that free speech is a fundamental right and that even when there is disagreement with another person’s views, that person has the right to express these views
Crazy stuff. That’s literally a hate crime now.
Hello DropTheVipers,
You are right about SNP MSPs being able to cross the floor at Holyrood and join Alba.
It can be done, BUT my gut feeling are the optics, and just plain decency to the constituents who elected you would mean it better to hold back until a principle upon which to base crossing the floor arises.
First the Alba Party are being set up as the FALL GUYS to blame for Nicola not getting a majority. I am a fully paid up member of Alba and am waiting for the crap to come this way.
Of course, the irony is SHE does NOT want a majority as that would force her to deliver IndyRef2.
I reckon it WILL be a very interesting 4 to 5 years as the time is available now for the ordinary and decent SNP members to discover Nicola Stagnants vanity and viciousness wasted 1,000,000 List votes on electing just TWO SNP LIST MSPs when she could have gotten rid of 28 Tories and brought in 28 properly pro-Indy Alba MSPs.
But with everything going Albas way from now in, it is still like climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops and speedos or a bikini. Even then the British Establishment will be oiling the underside of your flip-flops.
The most efficient way to become Independent is deploy the MMA karate analogy. Use the opponents strength against them.
Simply start a social media campaign and a public (NON UK government website) petition asking the English Voters…
Should England become independent from Scotland?
Yes: [___]
No: [___]
Throughout this election we have had to endure tons of manure from the Rock/KcoR/Andy/Hudson etc. all of whom have now gone strangely silent (thank God).
It’s about time Scots thought outside the box.
What would Boris do if 80% of HIS VOTERS IN England signed a petition saying they wanted to get rid of Scotland from the Union.
That would instantly remove Nicola Stgnant from the INDY equation.
That is the sort of MATERIAL CHANGE that Nicola Stagnant promised would trigger another IndyRef. But in the hands of Alba, such a result may well tempt a couple of SNP MSPs to cross the Holyrood floor and join Alba as Alba MSPs
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Via the education system I meant
The last thing Sturgeon’s handlers wanted was an SNP majority.
If Sturgeon had endorsed Alba on the list that majority would’ve been achieved, resulting in a whole lot of P45s being issued in that fancy building by the banks of the Thames, and I don’t mean Westminster.
Sometimes the evidence is just too overwhelming to be dismissed as “mere” paranoia.
@ David A at 11.16
The size of the electorate is a matter of record. So is the number of ballot papers issued (and returned, for postal votes).
Turnout = the latter divided by the former, and does not require exit polls or anything else to compare with.
Liz says: I disagree. I’d suggest that most SNP voters have not a clue about GRA and other progressive policies. The vast majority of voters have little interest in anything that goes on in Holyrood unless it affects them personally (tax increases, poor NHS etc). They’ll vote SNP because they always do, or because they think NS is doing a great job with Covid. They don’t think about it too much and they don’t do any research.
Right. I’d bet a fiver that if you asked 10 random adults at Queen Street Station what “GRA” stands for, 5 would think it’s something to do with the council, four wouldn’t know, and the other would say it’s the band that recorded Mr Blue Sky.
Allegedly people spend about 17 minutes on average deciding whether to buy a house, and that’s the biggest financial commitment of their lives.
Imagine how little time people spend thinking about Humza Yousaf. You’d probably need an electron microscope to measure such a tiny, microscopic, infinitesimally small thing (and his penis).
Steven @ 9.31
Airey Neave was a decent man, the first to escape from Colditz, later working for MI9 and then played a fairly sizeable part in the Nuremberg war trials. His wife liaised with the Polish Ministry of Information during WW2 on behalf of the Political Warfare Executive. She died in 1992 so asking for a review of her husband’s death would be quite an achievement. If she was still alive she would be 102.
cynical Highlander/fireproof Jim
every household should have received at least one ALBA leaflet through the post as there was a national leaflet mail out.
Then, on top of that, separate leaflets were distributed to all the regions where teams of volunteers distributed them on foot to targeted areas where it was hoped it would maximise the response. As most of the activists were experienced from previous SNP campaigns and had local knowledge, we knew the areas to avoid.
There were also some large boards, car stickers and t-shirts available from the website.
Sadly, cost limited the amount of material ALBA could distribute.
With the lockdown still holding sway, offices and workplaces were not operational and these are places where people chat and discuss what they have seen on TV the night before. The launch of ALBA would have been a real talking point under normal circumstances but that was not to be.
Furthermore, the initial exposure Alex was given always began with questions about the court case, whether he would apologize or not and very little quizzing about his policies.
On more than one occasion I heard people say ‘there’s no smoke without a fire’ or dismiss Alex because of ‘me too’ and the salacious court case. Very few people actually knew much detail of Alex’s defence as the threat of Contempt of Court had silenced a lot of that discussion.
It has to be said that Nicola and the media did a thorough hatchet job on the man. Nicola, especially, kept it up for most of the campaign, villifying him whenever she could and apparently threatening non-appearance in the tv debates if he was given a place.
Alex will not give up and ALBA is rising.
Nothing but ” TALES OF THE EXPEXTED” today and as many have indicated it was not a fair fight but what did you expect .
So if the gloves are coming off in untouchable fashion “WHAT ARE YOU PREPARED TO DO”
Alex if you have the the dirt on ST Nicola get it out there ,it may cost you politically to do so but I thing you sacrifice would not go unnoticed
Who is chasing the missing money and keeping Police Scotland real
Bang the drum on the past SNP failures and push them on these unattainable election promises
Give them a 5 year easy ride and there will be no Scotland to save by the time the next election shows up
The SNP are not fit in this guise to govern and as the general public cant see it then tactics have to change to inform them Independence should be promoted at grass root level free from a political party
Meg merrilees says:
9 May, 2021 at 12:19 am
cynical Highlander/fireproof Jim
every household should have received at least one ALBA leaflet through the post as there was a national leaflet mail out.
Meg . I did not get any Alba leaflet via the post. So how many didn’t get delivered is the first question that needs to be addressed me thinks.
@Paul McRae 8 May, 2021 at 6:42 pm
“Mason is a crackpot and probably isn’t representing the views of the party. Then again, he could well be, as he’d be the ideal stooge for conveying such a message, as it wouldn’t generally be believed having come from him, but the sentiment would have been articulated.”
You think ? link to
@ Alison Brown 8 May, 2021 at 6:09 pm
“Who voted for him? ”
Well I doubt it was Unionists ? So who does that leave ?
Well, basically, half the country voted for Sturgeon’s SNP and the other half voted for Unionist parties. For me that’s dumb and dumberer but I’m obviously out of touch with these exceptional people and I’ll leave it to others (who love them as they would love their own children) to explain.
I think Alba messed up and should have gone on the attack against the SNP. And I think they should have gone for the jugular.
I think the electorate would have responded positively to a party that was honest about the SNP’s failures, the corruption, the lies, the redactions and hiding of the truth, the gender stuff, and the diabolical handling of the pandemic — not to mention the abject failure to deliver indyref2 in the wake of Brexit.
More to the point, the strategy above would have guaranteed media attention — the MSM would have loved it — and we can see now that Alba suffered the consequences of being de-platformed and ignored by the media; something like 75% of voters didn’t know Alba existed.
I signed up as an Alba member on day one, but they lost me when they advised SNP 1. I understand the politics of that but moral considerations are, or at least should be, of a higher priority. And I think the SNP has behaved immorally in recent years.
That all said, etc., I couldn’t see any outcome in this election that was worth getting excited about. I hoped Sarwar would win his seat but even thinking like that reveals the hopelessness of the situation we are in.
On a positive note, we’ve basically got about 6 years off (at least). There’s a world of much more interesting stuff out there.