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Wings Over Scotland

We have a number of questions

Posted on September 16, 2014 by

Concerning this:


1. Given that the “paying out early” routine has been done at least a dozen times before (sometimes with hilarious consequences) and is therefore of little PR value, how stupid do you have to be to do it over the independence referendum?

2. Paying out early on Manchester United winning the league doesn’t really upset anyone. Manchester City fans have no particular reason to be annoyed about it – their bets still win if their team pulls off the surprise league victory, and it certainly doesn’t affect the outcome. The teams are already motivated to play their best, they’re not bothered about people winning money.

But doing it on the referendum might just actually make a difference to the outcome. It’s a documented phenomenon that some people’s votes are affected by the thought that they want to be on the winning side (and that’s a whole other kind of brainless we don’t have time to go into here).

So how mind-numbingly stupid do Betfair need to be not only risk paying out money they didn’t have to, but also to utterly enrage a couple of million potential customers by (a) turning the most important and serious democratic decision made in Britain for 300 years into a cheap PR stunt, and (b) actually making people think they might have directly influenced the outcome? Is that even legal?

(And is it perhaps relevant that Betfair was founded by a major Tory donor?)

3. If the whole moronic brainfail involves a “multi-million pound payout”, how stupid must the Telegraph be to have employed the sort of thundering cretin who calls that a “six-figure sum”? A single million pounds is seven figures, halfwit.

Readers, we have to get out of this country of cretins if only to boost our average IQ.

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    We have a number of questions | FreeScotland

553 to “We have a number of questions”

  1. thinkaboutit says:

    But seriously, what happened to all the squirrels?

  2. Gaavster says:

    Stu, Betfair don’t pay out anything, it’s not the way the exchanges work…

    What they can do is close the market, which incidentally, they haven’t…

    So not sure where this story is coming from…

    Have a look here and you will see the market very much open

    link to

  3. Thepnr says:

    Well, I look forward to collecting my payout from these cretins when the Yes vote is announced.

    It’s amazing the lengths the propaganda machine of Westminster will go to in order to create a false impression in the minds of voters.

    Get yer cash on a Yes win now! By tomorrow morning the price will have halved, certainty.

  4. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Union stich up?

    From Cameron’s main backers?


  5. Sandy adam says:

    Looks like they will be paying out both sides then.

  6. How much is the City of London bailing them out? They have all of the money.

  7. Alistair Sheehy Hutton says:

    Betfair is paying out on its sports book, not the exchange.

    Only absolute mugs would have backed the indy ref on the Sports book given exchange was offering so much better odds.

  8. Bugger (the Panda) says:


    keep betting if the are so stupid to pay out and not close the book.

    Mega EEJITS

  9. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Stu, Betfair don’t pay out anything, it’s not the way the exchanges work…”

    Did you read the story?

  10. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Does that mean they really laying off a YES vote?

  11. Tartan Tory says:

    It’s a bookies con!! The YES bets in Scotland outweigh the NO bets significantly, and at much higher odds too. The bookies stand to lose a fortune with a YES vote.

    However, with this con, they get people to come in and bet on NO, increasing their revenue when YES wins.

    Bookies ain’t daft you know……. 😉

  12. RodneySofa says:

    James Titcomb. Nope. Can’t think of anything…

  13. fred blogger says:

    well that had me going for a while.
    propaganda, of course it is.

  14. Tattie-bogle says:

    paddy power was on tv too saying he thinks no will win bookies don’t give tips probably trying to balance the book . as for this story it is skulduggery at best.

  15. Malcolm Osborne says:

    Betfair is not a bookie – they cannot make a loss on a bet. They just take commission from people who bet against each other on their exchange. It is impossible for them to settle such bets before the outcome – this Telegraph article is utter nonsense!

  16. Alasdair Allan says:

    Betfair are ONLY doing this for publicity and based on their own claims that they took £50k on Yes, they can’t have taken much more than £100k on No to balance their book. As such they are actually paying £25k for BLANKET press coverage because the press don’t question press releases any more.

    Can I suggest you blank out ALL references to the name of this publicity seeking organisation>?

  17. JimnArlene says:

    I think the “bandwagon effect”, will be towards yes.

  18. Alistair Sheehy Hutton says:


    Betfair now operate a traditional bookmaking business alongside their Exchange business.

  19. Indy_Scot says:

    Sky news just said it all for me, ‘it is all about winning, even if it means winning ugly.’

  20. call me dave says:

    Skulduggery indeed! Anything to lower the morale and reduce the YES vote from prospering.

    I’m sure AS will encourage us on in his interview in a few minutes on sky news live on your computer.

    Vote YES.

  21. fred blogger says:

    call me dave
    off topic, but on VOTE YES and oil.
    link to

  22. TYRAN says:

    No one would pay out early on a horse before the race had even begun! This story is hot honk.

  23. Doping scandal!

  24. eezy says:

    “Tory founded”
    Is there any organisation involved in BT that isn’t?

  25. Juteman says:

    So a rich unionist lends £100,000 to Betfair, and he gets it back a few months later?

  26. Thepnr says:

    @Malcolm Osborne

    Malcolm, the article is about Betfair “Sportsbook” which is a bookie, not Betfair Exchange.

    As others have stated they most likely payed out buttons for all this publicity. It is just more propaganda at the behest of Westminster.

    I am very confident that the polls coming out tonight will substantially move the odds in favour of a Yes vote. The polling companies do not want to be left looking ridiculous and on Sunday night I listened to two of them on radio 4 taking about a “Waterloo moment” and how they may have completely got it wrong.

    I believe the same statement was in the Herald today.

    All part of the manipulation that has utterly failed. They have nowhere else to turn.

  27. HandandShrimp says:

    Hope they get their fingers burnt.

  28. Gaavster says:

    I have now… lesson to self, don’t skim read articles… apologies

  29. msean says:

    o/t watching cnn Amanpour programme,Mr Major on,only took him 22 yrs to “take stock” then? Must be supporting more powers then. “Russia misbehaving” Russia is not a naughty kid,Russia is a superpower.

  30. macart763m says:

    Oh jeez, a car crash of dumbness on so many levels. 😀

    Still, if that kind of arrogance and complacency keeps a few them in bed on Thursday then cool.

    Personally I reckon we should add insult to injury by making it a double figure point spread win for YES. 🙂

  31. allen ralston says:

    if they pay out in error the debit you account for the money they wrongly paid you you accept this condition when you place a bet its in their terms and conditions from their website Errors and Omissions
    You will inform us as soon as you become aware of any errors with respect to your account and you will forfeit any amounts shown to be in your account that result from human error or technical fault.

  32. Proud Cybernat says:


    Salmond’s chair currently empty on Sky News. He will appear soon though.

  33. RedStarTrout says:

    Sorry to be off topic so early but remember Clare, that little oil field West of Shetland?

    link to

    The biggest oil field in Europe, 8 BILLION barrels according to BP. Others can do the arithmetic to see what that’s worth.

    That’s why they tried to keep Clare secret and you won’t see it on the news. The biggest oil field in Europe just isn’t worth mentioning.

  34. Thomas William DUnlop says:

    There is a lot of psy-ops going on.

    I detect the dark arts also in the stories of money flooding north to banks in the expectation of folk withdrawing cash on Friday.

    Now plan B is no good, tomorrow plan C & D get it

    All about wearing down the oppositions determination to win

  35. Phil says:

    Hopefully once we get a yes, all gambling institutions will be properly regulated.

  36. John Bell says:

    Am I far enough down the thread to go stratosphericaly 0/T? (Hope so.)

    There’s a great book called ‘The Power of One’, but the real power is when the many speak as One.
    This power was displayed to great effect recently in, of all places, Muirkirk.
    For those who don’t know, Muirkirk is a mining village in East Ayrshire, far from everywhere and close to nowhere and, like all such villages, was once staunchly Labour.
    It could have been used for the much-repeated saying about electing a monkey with a red rosette – there is some truth in this, for they elected George Foulkes.
    But those days are gone, as was illustrated last evening…

    A swaggering band of ‘No’ canvassers, chests puffed out and red ties rippling in the wind, breezed into town and proceeded to peddle their scares, smears and fears.
    They did their thing, some might say treating the public like voting fodder as in days past – until they got to Hareshaw Crescent and Meanlour Drive.

    The first inkling our adventurers had that things weren’t quite right was when they passed gigantic Saltires flying from upstairs windows as they trooped into Hareshaw. But they shrugged their padded shoulders and dismissed the fluttering banners as belonging to a very few nasty Natz.
    They were soon disavowed of this notion.
    Within a few minutes of the Unionists knocking on doors other doors opened further up the street – then, in a scene reminiscent of a John Carpenter movie, a large group of residents came rushing towards the Labour group.
    Much shouting occurred and angry voices were heard before the horrified canvassers decided prudence wasn’t just a cousin twice removed and they beat a hasty retreat.
    Never, and I mean NEVER, has such a thing occurred in an Ayrshire mining village – for ordinary citizens to turn on the so-called ‘People’s Party’ really shows that they’ve burnt their bridges with the electorate whose votes they used to weigh.
    Maybe the people of Muirkirk will go back to voting for Labour in council, Scottish and European elections but one thing’s for sure – they weren’t for having any of the ‘Better Together’ shite Labour was trying to pass out last night.

    One of the chastened canvassers – a local councillor – was hailed by a resident as they left the area.
    “Did ye no’ ken whit was gonnae happen when ye saw the flags?” he was asked.
    The councillor took a deep breath and answered shakily, “Naw. We didnae realise… We didnae realise…”

    And on Friday morning, after the last result is in and our country has voted for Independence, the whole Labour movement in Scotland will echo his words –

    “We didnae realise…”

  37. Scott says:

    They’ll be paying out twice for me if they have done so.

  38. Dr Jim says:

    Can i put a bet on that poisoned Jackie Burd not to grace my TV again at hogmanay
    In fact ever really
    I mean “EVER”

  39. joe kane says:

    Sean Clerkin of Iain Gray-Subway fame, who also buttoned-holed Lamont and got dingied by her with a famous sneering look, carries out an anti-Atos protest at some NO event in Glasgow. Watch out for the imperious chilling look and posture of Nawbags Galloway standing like a Lord of the Manor over one his errant serfs –
    Danny Alexander heckled at stormy Glasgow No to Scottish independence rally
    link to

  40. Thepnr says:

    Sorry O/T

    I just think Sky News played Yew Choobs version of I want to break free with pictures of AS in the background. They mixed it a bit but it was Yew Choob hahaha.

    link to

  41. Thepnr says:

    @John Bell

    That was a great post. Heartening, Cheers!

  42. Morag says:

    Betfair are only paying out a “six-figure sum”. If they do at all, these things are a bit arcane. It’s the headline writer who has had a rush of blood to the brain.

  43. This is just made up BS from the telegraph.

    1. The market at betfair is still open
    2. betfair is an exchange and not a bookies
    3. befair doesn’t payout but the other party of the bet.

  44. CalumCarr says:

    John Rentoul in Indie wrote this,

    On this, I bring further hopeful news from someone who has seen the Yes campaign’s canvass returns up to Thursday last week: that Yes does not have a lead in any of its target areas. Despite throwing everything into the campaign, the Yes campaign itself reckons that it is well behind and that to get anywhere near the figures suggested by opinion polls would be a remarkable achievement.

    Any views?

  45. fred blogger says:

    Thepnr and joe kane
    great vids.

  46. Paul Wilson says:

    I sent Betfair a email asking them if they had paid out and that they only did so to manipulate the odds because they didn’t want people lumping on to yes at such good odds. I informed them of what William Hills were saying yesterday and Betfair emailed me back to say that three quarters of all bets placed with were for yes which in my opinion backs up what I was saying about a)manipulating the market and b) Doing the unionists bidding by making it look like No were going to win when that clearly isn’t the case.

  47. A wee gem from YES Kilmarnock facebook. A must watch.

    link to

  48. YESGUY says:

    I put a bet on with Corals today at 11/4 , Thats just over 3x your money. I will enjoy spending it on celebrating our landslide win and still have enough for a wee food bank along the road.

    More shite today and it’s water off a ducks back, Everyone i see is a YESSER although today i saw 3 or 4 today a No stall in Dalkeith. They where all well to do pensioners telling other pensioners their pensions were at stake.

    The young ones however are tweeting and blogging like mad and planning parties all over the country. So it’s down to the middle lot. We who used to be blind loyal to Labour. Not any more.

    Think it;s going to shock some . me i think over 65% but i am the eternal optimist.

    off to the pub for a wee spell. First time out in ages.

    Wallet – Check
    Money -check
    Fags and lighter- check
    Wee Blue Book- check, Never leave home without it. 😎

    keep safe folks and keep your spirits up 2 days to go


  49. Indigo says:

    This Sky News interview with Salmond is a disgrace, dunno how he keeps calm

  50. I see Clare Lally is back. Getting quoted in the Daily Mail but this time she’s a labour campaigner, no longer an ordinary house wife.

    link to

  51. crisiscult says:

    @CalumCarr does that mean the target areas are newton mearns and morningside? Canvass returns in most areas were really good for yes (probably better than they want to let on).

  52. Paul says:

    I emailed betfair about this and they emaied me back and said that three quarters of all the bets they had taken were for Yes but smaller stakes which confirms what William Hill said yesterday. They are clearly doing the unionists bidding by a) manipulating the market and trying to undermine yes supporters moral by making us think like we can’t win.I replied by saying well since yes is at the great price of 3 to 1 they would take a serious hit.

  53. John Bell @ 7.20.

    Brilliant, as somebody born “ower the watter” in Muirkirk, this story made my day.

  54. Bugger (the Panda) says:


    Testicles and
    Fekin Notes

    Note the order

    From a late Ozzie academic pal of mine.

  55. Donald says:

    Re canvass returns, RUC published theirs and they were all positive. Some very very positive

  56. Donald says:

    Sorry, killed my link link to

  57. Clarinda says:

    Good grief – watching Sky news live with Alex Salmond being spoken to with extreme discourtesy and blatant disrespect by Adam Boulton. How Mr Salmond remains dignified giving reasoned answers is beyond belief.

    Rear end on a plate I reckon Mr Boulton?

  58. Sue says:

    Far enough for me, John Bell @ 7.20pm.

    Great story. That’s one of the things I love about Wings, whenever you have a momentary doubt, can we really do this, someone posts something like thi, and you’re right back up again.


  59. Proud Cybernat says:


    Has anyone else noticed how Adam Bolton is constantly interrupting the FM? Bolton asks a question, and no sooner has the FM attempted to reply than Bolton is jumping in. Darling’s interview was robust but the interruptions with the FM are an utter disgrace. Get your act together Sky.

  60. The Morgatron says:

    Jackie Bird was a rude shite to Big Eck tonight.
    She can collect her coat in a few days, i am sure Anglian telly will be requiring a world class anchor soon ( on seconds thoughts – perhaps not)

  61. Indigo says:

    It’s a terrible interview, Adam Boulton is behaving disgracefully

  62. nycgype says:

    The Betfair Sportsbook is their traditional bookie service. It typically offers worse odds than the exchange meaning they can immediately hedge their risk and most likely turn a profit. It’s money for nothing for Betfair. With the volatility in the price over the last few weeks they are most likely in the money for No and have cashed out for free publicity.

  63. FairiefromEarth says:

    Joe Kane just watched your wee youtube clip, im sure police Scotland will be investagating the assault of the man and charges will be announced soon. lol 😉

  64. Brian McHugh says:

    Thank’s Stu… finally got my Wings. Huge Smiles here. :o)

  65. Indy_Scot says:

    Yeap, having watched Adam Bolton’s interview with Alex Salmond, it’s like Sky news reporter James Matthews said earlier, ‘it is all about winning, even if it means winning ugly.’

  66. Grouse Beater says:

    YESGUY: keep safe folks and keep your spirits up 2 days to go

    Your cheerleading is much appreciated, YesGuy.

    These last days are hellish tense, fraught with missteps. More power to you!

    PS: Just watched the First Minister getting cut off by SKY commercials while trying to answer a question. Yeah, big business commercials are more important than any plebiscite for the people’s vote.

  67. A.N.Surgent says:

    All the media in Scotland have backed themselves into a corner, I wont forget and I hope others dont, They are manipulating our democratic right to self determination and the future of generations to come.

    Scum doesnt come close to describing them.

  68. scunner says:

    C4’s stupid news just had a “small business owner” state unchallenged that he was voting no as a Yes result “we could end up like Greece”.
    My God the level of ignorance at this late stage beggars belief.

  69. jeremy the lawyer says:

    Just saw David dimbleby in his promo saying Gordon brown is offering Scotland home rule.

    Did I miss something today?

  70. Paula Rose says:

    ( Questions on Ask Wings – some of you could answer)

  71. Jim says:

    “A Labour campaigner, Clare Lally, said on Twitter: ‘Upsetting scenes in Edinburgh at an event, I had to link arms with Monica Lennon to protect Johann Lamont and Margaret Curran #disgraceful.'”
    Says it all really.

  72. James123 says:

    I can’t describe how awful Adam Boulton was in that interview with AS just now, we really have to get out of this insanity.

  73. stuart says:

    note the bookies small print says it will only honour guaranteed payout on NO bets placed before 11am on the 16th of September. It’s an outright con to goad punters into throwing money away on NO to offset the payout liability on likely YES win.

  74. Titler says:

    Come now Stu, keep focused old chap; This nation ruled by cretins is more accurate, and doesn’t risk giving the cretins ammunition in the final lap to paint you as motivated by bigoted nationalism. Billy Bragg has a good one in the Guardian today pointing out this basic decency in the Yes movement, in fact. And many of us in England deplore the lies, bullying, and outright contempt being shown for the Scottish voters because we are sympathetic to your desire to build a better world for your people… But the vote is going to be close, much closer than I expected certainly, so it may end up being decided by the infamous floating voter who decides in the booth based on “feeling”; so why not give them a good a feeling to go in there with, eh? Don’t turn into Shouty Train Chap, even if it’s understandable with so much at stake… No one likes Shouty Train Chap much.

    And good luck, folks. I’ll be staying up late to hear the results come in, even being the softest of soft Yes’s as I now am, and wishing you the best; but whatever the result, remember that you only truly lose if you give up being the best of people after the vote comes in. Chins up, remember what you’re fighting for, and why the fight continues after this week; Either for the new constitution or to hold the UK machine’s feet to the fire and turn bribes into workable legislation. The UK machine is hoping your energy won’t last; and a No will hurt like hell I am sure (I remember how I felt listening to Bush win re-election, urrrgh) but it’s really, really not about flags and hate is it? So stay chipper and chummy if you can.

  75. Jim says:

    A Labour campaigner, Clare Lally, said on Twitter: ‘Upsetting scenes in Edinburgh at an event, I had to link arms with Monica Lennon to protect Johann Lamont and Margaret Curran #disgraceful.’
    Well who’d have thunk it?

  76. Titler says:

    Come now Stu, keep focused old chap; This nation ruled by cretins is more accurate, and doesn’t risk giving the cretins ammunition in the final lap to paint you as motivated by bigoted nationalism. Billy Bragg has a good one in the Guardian today pointing out this basic decency in the Yes movement, in fact. And many of us in England deplore the lies, bullying, and outright contempt being shown for the Scottish voters because we are sympathetic to your desire to build a better world for your people… But the vote is going to be close, much closer than I expected certainly, so it may end up being decided by the infamous floating voter who decides in the booth based on “feeling”; so why not give them a good a feeling to go in there with, eh? Don’t turn into Shouty Train Chap, even if it’s understandable with so much at stake… No one likes Shouty Train Chap much.

    And good luck, folks. I’ll be staying up late to hear the results come in, even being the softest of soft Yes’s as I now am, and wishing you the best; but whatever the result, remember that you only truly lose if you give up being the best of people after the vote comes in. Chins up, remember what you’re fighting for, and why the fight continues after this week; Either for the new constitution or to hold the UK machine’s feet to the fire and turn bribes into workable legislation. The UK machine is hoping your energy won’t last; and a No will hurt like hell I am sure (I remember how I felt listening to Bush win re-election, urrrgh) but it’s really, really not about flags and hate is it? So stay chipper and chummy if you can.

    (reposted as first try didn’t go through?)

  77. alistair says:

    Regarding the BBC and Sky interviews with A.Salmond. Yet again through their unconscious bias they just don’t seem to get it that by acting like this, then ordinary, non-political voters just get really pissed off with them and side with Yes when they watch them behave like that.

    AS and NS can handle it but I do agree it worries me when some of the others get interviewed as they are scared to go off the party script. Luckily they seem to be interviewing quite a lot of non-snp folks as well who are pretty well informed.

  78. Roughian says:

    In the 70’s my wife and I lived in South Wales so did Murdoch MacLellan and his then wife. Murdoch’s brother and the girl to be Murdoch’s wife went to Bellahouston Academy with me. We met socially on several occasions and had much in common. Oh how things have changed!!!

  79. Grouse Beater says:

    How to bolster your prejudiced, jaundiced view of self-determination:

    …invite a couple of waverers to the studio who feel there are no answers coming from anybody and therefore nothing is certain. That way you increase doubt in the public mind.


    Another smartass tactic from the British Right-wing.

  80. scunner says:

    @ jeremy the lawyer

    He did indeed say “home rule”. So we’re Ireland now?

  81. Ellie Mack says:

    red blogger

    Interesting about the oil, and if reports in Ayrshire local papers are true some oil firm is ahead of the curve, apparently there has been an Oil exploration vessel sailing around the area beyond Ailsa Craig, really interesting.

  82. call me dave says:

    Hard working man is the First Eck. Interview was mainly for the folk dun Suth who are still a year behind the script.

    However plenty there for the DK’s to ponder and for us YESSERS to draw strength from.

    They are probably having tea and scones now. A media circus.

    The pain will soon be over when we get the Westminster poison removed on Thursday. Then a wee bit of healing and recuperation before we build a new country. Looking forward to it. 🙂

  83. Davy says:

    Keep it going folks,

    We are not voting No to remain a minority, we are voting YES to become a NATION.

  84. Thepnr says:


    Don’t you worry me old cock. I’m sure the Rev will have a wee post for Thursday that will send voters into the booths with a spring in their step.

    Your a bit late for a party invite but all are welcome.

  85. Stevie boy says:

    A.N. Surgent

    I agree. Also agree with Jim Sillars.

    Once this is all over and the partying calms down these companies, banks, broadcasters will feel the backlash.

    .. and I’m sure Mr Salmond will have a few words to say about them all. Probably like yourself I take a direct slur on big Eck as a slur on all of us who seek independence.. how dare they.

  86. laukat says:

    Kevin pringle just tweeted that there is an ICM poll out at 9pm. Usually a good sign

  87. Tom Dailly says:

    @John Bell 7.20pm
    Great story, beautifully told

  88. Well, the “Vow” didn’t last very long, did it?

    link to

  89. alistair says:

    Right, that’s me off down the pub with pocketful of Wbb’s for some last minute campaigning. I think tonight and tomorrow are the key days to talk to the Soft No’s and get them converted. A lot of Folk are just worried about voting Yes rather than scared or against it (excluding knuckledraggers). There’s a big difference as we all know.

  90. Marcia says:


    Thanks for that, I will pop over to Scot Goes Pop after 9.

  91. Kevin Evans says:

    Spoke to someone I know – can’t say who or there position but I was told “last week BBC London took over the running of BBC Scotland”.

  92. Grouse Beater says:

    Stevie: Once this is all over and the partying calms down these companies, banks, broadcasters will feel the backlash.

    Stevie, I think we see it now, the fierce energy from supporters rejecting the contorted efforts of Scots to undermine their own country and its economy.

    Supporters probably never realised how much some are prepared to sell their country cheap to another nation.

    On the positive side, we are throwing off our cringe.

  93. Snode1965 says:

    Just seen the yes flash mob, on face time, in glasgow’s george square! Wish a was there it looks awesome! It’s happening people, they canny punch out our butterfly revolution! 🙂

  94. Auld Rock says:

    Just a thought, I believe that some of these organisations will require a licence to operate in an INDEPENDENT Scotland and that includes the Bittertogether Broadcasting Corpn. I think that they are in for a very rude awakening in the coming months.

    Auld Rock

  95. fred blogger says:

    again they are proposing it has a value, don’t fall for it, it has no value.

  96. Doug Mcgregor says:

    I hope AS in his debate with GB tonight on BBC , manages to ask if Labour is elected next year there could be any possibility of a Scots MP being in Moribund’s cabinet , spending English tax payer money with no consequence.

    This is a serious aspect of Home Rule which will remove ambition from Labour politicians and should concern Scottish voters.

  97. Indy_Scot says:

    So the meaningless ‘Vow’ will pretty much be ripped up by Tory MPs, and Nick Clegg of course.

  98. call me dave says:

    @John Bell

    Just read your story up the thread there. Best thing I’ve read today. Well described too. 🙂

  99. Kenny says:

    Hi, everyone. I am so impressed by the lass Lindsay who left the YES sign on the face of Edinburgh Castle. I vote that if we get independence, Edinburgh is renamed “Lindsayburg”. Why have a capital named after our historical enemy who killed so many of our ancestors?

  100. Thepnr says:

    For everyone here and around the country that has been fighting for a Yes vote here is Yew Choobs tribute to YOU.

    Heartfelt and will be the last ever Yew Choob video.

    Thank you Jock and the writers for your contribution.

    link to

  101. Paula Rose says:

    Zipperday doo dah zippy aye eh – anyone still glum? Only the nobs, I’m off for another skip around Brechin.

  102. OO spoil for a fight.

  103. Natasha says:

    Hi folks
    I just posted the message below on the “Two cousins” thread, and then realised it makes more sense here!

    Today I placed a bet (well, two bets actually) for the first time in my life! (I had a very sheltered, middle class upbringing). I bet a whole £10 on YES to win, and another £10 on a 55% or higher majority. I wanted to bet on a 60% or higher majority but they wouldn’t let me. Someone who used to work in that betting shop told me that this means they think it will be at least 60% and that’s why they wouldn’t accept my bet. I have no idea if that’s right, but I’m hoping – no, EXPECTING – to win about £100!!
    I’ve stopped being scared now and I’m just full of hope and confidence. Boy, do I love this country.

  104. GavB says:


    Apologies for not visiting your excellent pages as often as usual. Just too busy out on the street talking to people, helping at the local stalls, working at the local hub. I’m reduced to using you as a daily digest of what went on while I was out. If you are not seeing a drop in page views this week, tell people to get the hell out there and speak to people.

    I managed to give out my last Wee Blue Book this afternoon, (except the one I am saving for my neighbour which will go tomorrow) I set myself a target of giving all of them away by today, every one left in my bag being an opportunity wasted. They really have helped hugely in supporting discussions and persuading those open to persuasion. A huge thanks for producing such a valuable resource.

  105. A.N.Surgent says:

    Stevie boy

    I have been mightily impressed with AS over the last few weeks, I dont think there is anyone in Scottish politics that could have
    remained as cool under the constant and blatant intimidation that he has been subjected.

    A great statesman and diplomat for an Independent Scotland.

  106. msean says:

    Guaranteed the polls will say blow for Salmond – defeat inevitable and better together are steaming ahead,you know it is a narrative to downhearten yes folk and deter them from voting.

    I’ll admit to being wrong,but seems we are being sold/told its all over (again).

  107. bjsalba says:

    Why is the press freaking out at the loss of circulation to o-line sources? The solution is in their own hands. Get news not press releases. Print truth not lies.

    When that happens I might actually buy a newspaper. As it is I read the headline in the shop and then go on-lie to find out what really happened.

  108. Chic McGregor says:

    Got my Last Voter in Scotland card game today. 🙂 Noticed Lamont was missing and there was no bunker card either.

  109. John Bell says:

    Socrates, I’m from the scheme myself – my mum was one of the first to move into Lapraik Avenue from the ‘Raws’.

  110. Nana Smith says:

    link to

  111. call me dave says:

    Caught this over on Scot goes pop from comments section.
    Thanks Brian.

    Here are the upcoming polls ahead of Thursday’s referendum:

    Today – 9pm: ICM poll for The Guardian
    Today – 10:30pm: Survation poll for the Scottish Daily Mail
    Wednesday 17th – 6pm: Ipsos MORI poll for STV News
    Wednesday 17th – Expected well before midnight: YouGov poll
    Wednesday 17th – No time yet stated: Opinium poll for The Telegraph
    Thursday 18th – No time yet stated, early afternoon expected: Ipsos MORI poll for the Evening Standard

  112. msean says:

    Posts seem to disappear today. These polls due out will be supposed to down hearten yes no doubt,just a continuation of “you might as well stay at hame,you have already lost”.

    Even if they showed yes ahead,a pinch of salt will be needed lol.

  113. Castle Rock says:

    @Grouse Beater

    “…invite a couple of waverers to the studio who feel there are no answers coming from anybody and therefore nothing is certain. That way you increase doubt in the public mind”

    Its subtle and relentless propaganda, some of it is quite clever other bits (Nick Robinson reporting) not so.

    Not good for democracy but at least we’ll see the back of them after the votes have been counted.

  114. G H Graham says:

    This story is just a piece of propaganda to convince the hard of thinking that a NO vote is a certainty.

    Betfair’s ‘free’ publicity is just a bonus.

    Isn’t there a decent scare story today to debunk?

  115. John Bell says:

    Natasha @ 8:34, that happened to me too.
    I wanted to place fifty quid on an over 60% for Yes and was refused at Freddie Williams bookies. They wouldn’t allow me to bet any more than a tenner and the result has to fall between 50.1% and 60% and they gave me 10 to 1.
    I took it but I think I’ll lose, cos it’ll be way over 60%!

  116. alexicon says:

    A must read about the BBC bias with some proper journalism.

    link to

  117. A.N.Surgent says:

    The bookies must be in for a tanking if they are refusing bets.

  118. clachangowk says:

    Team of 16 out canvassing this evening in “Labour” ( or maybe once was) area of Ayr. 60 – 70% Yes, approx 20% No, approx. 15% undecided.

    I think that’s what surprised us most – the number of undecideds. Difficult to say what way they will go; most seemed to want to go Yes but feart.

    This on top of all other returns ( better than expected in “Tory” areas) we can’t see anything other than convincing Yes win

  119. Steve Bowers 74% win says:

    Come on folks, this is a diversion, one conversation at a time, we’re winning, just got my last 9 WBB put into two beauticians shops in Stonehaven today, after all , they’re no use to me on Friday.

  120. alexicon says:

    O/T A must read about the bbcs bias in our Independence campaign. Some proper journalism for a change.

    link to

  121. Marie clark says:

    Oh well, they don’t seem to have anything left to throw at us. Just try and undermine our confidence, they really are pathetic.
    Nae chance, we will turn oot on Thursday in huge numbers and vote, and I’m quite sure it will be yes wae a good majority.

    I just don’t care about these opinion polls, or a’ the other pish that they keep spouting. They’re feart, and it’s all too late.

  122. seanair says:

    O/T but interesting. Guido Fawkes, right wing blogger based in London appears to be supporting Scottish Independence. Visit his blog at
    Bad news is that he has a picture of Paul Dacre, editor of the Daily Heil visiting Downing Street today. What will be the story tomorrow?

  123. Roboscot says:

    Why is there a poll being published when voting is underway? I thought this was against the rules.

  124. Andy Howie says:

    Three polls released tonight. First at 9.00 Next at 10:30, Not sure about the last.

    I predict a massive swing to no. It is what we expected to be told. The reality is something different as we all know!

  125. Thepnr says:

    If any single Wings reader has a single Wee Blue Book left, then get rid of it tomorrow.

    It serves no purpose whatsoever in your hands, take it to work tomorrow, hand it to a neighbour or total stranger in the street.

    There are votes there yet to be won and you doing this may mean one more. So no delay, get them out there tomorrow. Please!

  126. Grouse Beater says:

    AN Surgent: A great statesman and diplomat for an independent Scotland.

    His stature is increasing by the day. He has no equal in the UK parliament.

  127. JWil says:

    “The Herald’s view: we back staying within UK, but only if there’s more far-reaching further devolution”

    It all sounds fair and rational except that it takes us beyond the point of no return and there will be nothing that can be done if it doesn’t work out as the Herald suggests.

    It’s merely a devious gambit to fool Scots into voting NO. The Herald are no friends of Scotland, but serve only their masters who own the paper.

  128. Oregon Scot says:

    If that rumour is correct it’s actually good for YES.NO down after all this deluge of negativity that the YES campaign has faced in the last 2 weeks.
    If that sort of stuff had happened to a side on a referendum here ( and we do have them in Oregon) that side would be down by 30 %.

  129. bookie from hell says:

    polling companies have reputations to uphold

    If NO bias all the better fri morn

  130. Andy Howie says:

    I am hearing rumours it is Yes 52% No 48% in ICM poll. Do not have conformation yet

  131. Alex Smith says:

    Three sleeps to go!
    (Two for Natasha!)

    Feel like a wee laddie waiting for Christmas – and you know that the best present EVER is under the tree – a country of our own!

  132. muttley79 says:


    I am with you. Seems incredible that you are allowed to released a opinion poll while people are still voting. Should be illegal. Clearly against democratic principles.

  133. ScottieDog says:

    Twitter: 52% Yes, 48% No

  134. Indy_Scot says:

    Two sleeps for some.

  135. Andy Howie says:

    Got it now, it is the other way round (morons) Yes 48% No 52 Not as bad as I thought

  136. Andy Howie says:

    CM/Scotsman #indyref poll shows increasing Yes support. No 45%, Yes 41%, 14% undecided (No leads 52 to 48 without undecideds). Yes +3 No -3 since August Poll 😀

  137. call me dave says:

    Survation leaked as YES 48, No 52. Not too bad at all.

    I will see what the entrails divulge on Scot goes POP

    PS: Extra 3rd poll at 21:15hrs Opinium I heard.

  138. heraldnomore says:

    And Broon’s a Proud Scot dontcha know

  139. A.N.Surgent says:

    Grouse Beater

    Your right, but I think even I would be better than that bunch of
    wasters 🙂

  140. Andy Howie says:

    Opinium is showing the same!

  141. Grouse Beater says:

    Two polls put No ahead. Statements from the No camp very confident they are winning by a’considerable margin.’

  142. Andy says:

    Lying bastard brown talking bout how pensions are gonna be lost wen the truth is they wont cant put in to words how much he gets on my fucking nerves sorry bout the swearing

  143. Oregon Scot says:

    Very close the get out the vote organization on the day will be very important.
    Still see it 54-46 YES!
    Man wish I was home.

  144. Marie clark says:

    I agree Alex Smith, it is a bit like being a wean and waiting for Christmas. I’m feeling a wee bit nervous now, but it’s a nice nervous or maybe it’s excitement. I thought that by now I would have been a gibbering idiot, but I’m not.

    When you hear stories from John Bell in Muirkirk of all places it is heartening for the rest of us. I think Labour in Scotland come election time might just find that they have been given the same lesson that Scots gave the Tories a few years ago.

  145. Andy Howie says:

    I bet you the third one comes out with the same result!

  146. Grouse Beater says:

    Old Lord Barnett – he of the Barnett Formula, says it was meant to last only a few years.

    He feels it was redundant years ago.

    So, more flaky powers – no Barnett Formula.

  147. Andy Howie says:

    Grouse, the polls are a statistical dead heat

  148. Pentland Firth says:

    Survation’s last poll showed Yes at 46.5% so with 48% today we are on the up, and No’s lead is now within the margin of statistical error.

  149. Oregon Scot says:

    Grouse beater:

    Hope that gets out to the older NO voters. They will not bother coming out.
    Very stupid of them to say that.

  150. Black Douglas says:

    Stunned the polls are all the same. NOT

    It’s almost like they have been co-ordinated. 😀

  151. Oregon Scot says:

    Yes very strange co-ordination.
    What are the chances in reality?

  152. Andy Howie says:

    Odds of all three having the same result is roughtly 1 in 2 to the power of my overdraft

  153. Black Douglas says:

    That they have been co-ordinated?

    I think betfair might have paid out by now 😀

  154. I used to work for Betfair. There may be more simple commercial imperatives at play here. The market Betfair settled on is one against which they have financial liability ie they pay the money out of their own pocket. Usually betting markets are good predictors of election results, but at the moment the prices being offered for a YES vote are very high, considering that the polls are a statistical tie. This means that on these SportsBook markets, the company have a high exposure to a YES result, but not so much to a NO result. The company can hedge its position in the online betting exchanges, because it can get good odds for a YES vote there, so if YES comes in, their profits there would cover their losses in the Sportsbook markets.

    So in fact, Betfair may be cutting their loses in the NO Sportsbook markets here, while hedging in the YES exchange markets, simply because the odds for a YES vote are much higher than they should be, given the available evidence.

    The company’s actions may simply indicate they think a YES vote is more likely than the odds currently suggest.

  155. No. of bookies/1 paid out?

  156. Andy smith says:

    2 more days to be rid of this bag of shit that calls itself Gordon brown,proud scot…puke!

  157. Free at last? says:

    What the Holy Feck is Crash talking about??? A weird lecture on political philosophy – half-cock at that – is really going to make thon Broch fisherman vote no???? He’s half-barmy so’s his army Broonie is a twerp.

  158. Paula Rose says:

    Stop swearing honies – our language is that of the joyful, we will express ourselves with the words that our children can understand xx

  159. Grouse Beater says:

    Apologies, my posts are taking an average of 10 minutes to appear.

  160. Chitterinlicht says:

    There is a reason I don’t bet. But thanks Ian for explaining.

  161. Thepnr says:

    Rev’s last tweet 2m ago?

    TV and internet both mysteriously out at Wings Forward Base North. Bloody MI5.</I?

  162. heraldnomore says:

    Guido’s going to love this performance from McDoom.

    ‘I’ve been speaking in Scotland over all these years’. I think he’s confusing us with his career after leaving politics, the one where the world pays vast sums to the Office of G&S Broon for a first class lifestyle. Has he been active on his Dalgety doorstep; has he had a role in in the Indy Ref at all; how many comebacks as he made so far?

    The man’s lost the plot, a legend in his own mythical mind.

  163. Thepnr says:

    Pretty fucking suspicious-looking cat on the roof of a white van in the lay-by.

    Rev we’re watching your back. Even from far away.

  164. Peter G says:

    If the polls do reflect the actual result on Thursday then there can be no doubts as the the part played by the BBC and the rest of the media in winning it for the No Scotland sleazebags.

    I refuse to live in a country where the liars and scum like Murphy, Reid, Brown and Darling are poncing about gloating while their friends are given carte -blanche to destroy what’s left of Scottish life and culture.

  165. Marcia says:

    New Opinium poll :

    Should Scotland be an independent country?

    Yes 48% (+1)
    No 52% (-1)

  166. Andy Howie says:

    Peter, the polls don’t reflect the nearly 1 million voters that don’t normally vote. Given how far no were ahead when they had to register, I can’t see them voting no, the vast majority will be voting yes. Polls don’t cover that

  167. fred blogger says:

    gesods, i’ve nearly got that wednesday feeling, even though it’s still tuesday, and i don’t normally get it til friday. 🙂

  168. Black Douglas says:

    The more I see and hear Gordon Brown I am quickly coming to the conclusion that the man is seriously unhinged and I don’t mean that in a nasty way

    I have serious concerns for his mental health.

  169. Indy_Scot says:

    Got to laugh, earlier today I commented on the latest Independence BBC news story about how the original pictures of the Yes and No campaign, told you everything you needed to know about what side of the fence the BBC sits on. And now they have added a new photo of the Yes side. Must have felt the bias was a wee bit too obvious.

    link to

  170. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’ll certainly be glad to see the back of them, as they are a total effrontery to balance and reliability. 😉

  171. Marcia says:

    Prof John Curtice: “But I have always said this is the No campaign’s to lose & it certainly looks as if they have got pretty close to that”

  172. heraldnomore says:

    The polls don’t reflect the way the WBB and every other piece of merchandise, car stickers etc were flying off the table today. The voters are coming looking for this stuff. And the other side are completely absent.

  173. ben madigan says:

    Thepnr – didn’t realise that was the last Yew choob video – blogged it a couple of days ago and have updated accordingly.
    link to

    cynical Highlander: any further news about the Orange order aggression? Would be happy to blog about it as have already mentioned the march in edinburgh link to
    if anyone cares to look at previous posts they will see that like most irish people, i do not support the orange order in any shape or form.
    PS – to all scots – hold the line – take heed of the Quebec advice to Ignore the polls – Vote YES – friday is the first day in the rest of your life – as an independent state!!

  174. Free at last? says:

    All AS has to do is not roll around the floor foaming at the mouth and he’s won this set of interviews. He will do much better, I’m sure.

  175. Andy smith says:

    To be fair,Paula, I did wait til after the watershed 🙂

  176. Les Wilson says:

    Gordon Brown talking complete pish, with an easy interview Dimberly now on BBC. Plethora of lies and threats.
    First Minister coming up soon ( he has been a very busy man today ), we will see if he gets the same easy ride.

  177. heraldnomore says:

    Right that’s the warm up act off. Let the show begin.

  178. CameonB Brodie says:

    G H Graham
    I think I may have mistaken you for another Winger, when posting to you a wee while back. I’m not sure if you do actually sing pirate chanties, but apologies if my comment caused distress. 🙂

  179. Nicola Wood says:

    Well done Stuart, it’s cost Betfair virtually nout … as every wise punter uses the exchange for 30% better odds. Yet again English Tory backers will try and use every trick in the book to hammer a YES vote. Herald came out in favour of No and I promptly cancelled my subscription – disgrace that not one paper represents more than half of Scotland!

  180. Alan of Neilston says:

    Gordon Brown talking to “Mr. Dimbleby” is a total embarassment for a man. Totally delusional. God Help US listening to this MORON!!

  181. Thepnr says:

    If you believe the polls? Well, I suspect you must have had a lobotomy. There is no visible evidence of the No supporters, hwat? have they all got their heed under the covers? Haha.

    They are not there in any numbers because they comprise mainly Tories who support Austerity and the protection of their own wallets. That’s why their shy, embarrassment more like.

    The pollsters, better known as shysters are trying to dupe the electorate on Westminsters behalf. Yes are well in front.

    So don’t sweat, let you eyes and ears reveal the TRUTH.

  182. msean says:

    Well,thats the poll storyline fixed for tonight then,better not even bother voting now lol. 🙂

  183. Marcia says:


    I was speaking to a fellow veteran campaigner today who is more in tune with the feeling on the ground and said that there has been a ‘big swing’ to Yes in the past week that the polls are not picking up yet.

  184. Grouse Beater says:

    Murdoch has let it be known that an independent Scotland joins the EU his newspapers will destroy us.

    So, after all the vile crapology from the No camp about Salmond allegedly in the pocket of Murdoch it transpires it was another big fat lie.

    Murdoch thinks as they do, we are welfare junkies obsessed with looking after our countryside.

  185. Ish in Norway says:

    O/T but I just got 4 Aye badges send from Inverness (by my Mum) all the way to Stavanger – I REALLY want to wear them on Friday!!! I can´t vote, but have everything crossed for a resounding yes.

  186. heraldnomore says:

    Let’s not tell them Marcia. Let them have their wee polls. Let their supporters descend into the complacency and ineptitude that got them where they are today. Who knows what they might come up with next if the polls reflected the mood on the streets.

  187. Big Jock says:

    Yep polls are wrong I suspect there is funny business going on with them. Anyway we will go in as underdogs and come out as 6% winners. I want to see that Ipsos poll before I agree where we might actually be. Even at my work there has been a big swing to yes. It can’t all be fiction.

  188. one less day says:

    F.M getting a fair hearing from Dimbles. Being allowed to put forward his points

  189. Les Wilson says:

    My girlfriend travelling home from Glasgow to Coatbridge, tells me that loads of yes signs put on lamposts, they were not there this morning. She also let it slip in her office she was a YES vote.

    She has been taken aback by how many others have now also informed her ( she is in a senior position )that they are Yessers too! She feels it all around her.
    A pleasant surprise, the people ARE rising.

  190. Wee jock poo-pong mcplop says:

    @Big Jock, the polls may be wrong (and we must hope that they are) but there’s no realistic chance of them being in common cause with each other, or with BT. No point in us inventing conspiracies…we’re bigger than that.

  191. Grouse Beater says:

    Yes 48% (+1) No 52% (-1)

    Heartening, but not inspiring. One day to double effort!

  192. Where are all these NO voters?
    On the door, in the street, their canvassers (I’ve met one at the door and one in the street).
    Are they hiding, are most of the people telling lies on the door, in the street when I/we talk to them?

    Where are they getting these NO numbers for the polls?

    Please can anyone tell me?

  193. Paul says:

    Don’t panic about the polls people if we are showing neck and neck that’s great because once you add in the missing million then I am sure we will end up over 60%

  194. Andy Howie says:

    James, it is easy. You pick areas where you know the no voters are going to be when you are doing the poll Simples

  195. There is an event in the meadows weds,Yes voters from many nationalities will be there with their flags.Music too and English scots,RIC & aye marchmont stall.from 5-7pm(and maybe later)

    My last day on the English scots stall,so sad,I will miss all the lovely YES people so come & say hello and cheer me up!(bring tissues)

  196. Nana Smith says:

    link to

  197. Marcia says:

    In the rather depressing 1979 Referendum the final poll by MORI had the two sides tied. On the day the Yes won more undecided than No on the day. Same thing happened in 1997.

    link to

  198. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    All these polls are very wrong because they are not polling a representative cross section of the people going to vote.
    And they know it!

    They are being used as political tools but the pollsters have to retain credibilty so a confused message is coming out. As long as the people believe it is on a knife edge the only effect of these polls is to increase the turnout which is to YES advantage.

    As a matter of interest paying out a six figure sum on NO victory could actually cost Betfair as little as £10,000 and that’s worth it for a big headline.

    I’ll be into Ladbrokes tomorrow for another wee bet on over 55% at 11/2

    I have believed for some time that if the polls show us above 45% we win and I am still sure this is the case

  199. heraldnomore says:

    FM in top form. What was it the warm up was saying again?

  200. @ben madigan

    No Ian Brotherhood might help, sorry.

  201. smacb Beyond the Sea says:

    “It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing The people who count the votes decide everything.”

    Joseph Stalin

  202. I am surprised that Dimbleby is being fair and giving our FM the courtesy his position deserves.

  203. Paul says:

    Anybody elses posts not comming up?

  204. Andy Howie says:

    And the new poll has 48% yes 52% no. I SMELL SHITE

  205. Andy says:

    Only thing alxe didna say was that broon was talkin shite

  206. Training Day says:

    I said earlier I was less worried about rigging. With the uniformity of these polls running counter to all intuition the alarm bells are ringing at full blast.

  207. Chitterinlicht says:

    Dimbleby was light on both but enabled them to speak. Alex Salmond was excellent. Gordon brown was not.

  208. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Ben Madigan/cynicalHighlander –

    Sorry lads, I don’t know any more tha youse – not long in, just saw the SSP Tweet from Drumchapel. Worrying stuff.

  209. alanfrompaisley says:

    All three polls out tonight are yes 48% – No 52%

  210. Fireproofjim says:

    Dimbleby is good. Probably the best interview BBC has given with Alex, respectful but probing and no talking over the answers. Pacific Quay has a lot to learn.

  211. Chitterinlicht says:

    What is this leaked secret NHS document bbc have plucked out ether?

  212. Juan P says:


    Sun front page for tomorrow?

    link to

  213. The person who leaked that document should be sacked.

  214. msean says:

    Apparently being twisted to say something different (the nhs doc)

    link to

  215. Derek M says:

    yep got to hand it to Dimbleby he was fair and unlike other BBC spokesmen allowed the FM to speak without interrupting asked some difficult questions which Eck answered without any problems and looked a true statesman ,i had to turn the sound off for Crash broon as the man makes me want to puke but i can imagine it went much the same as any other BT rant pooling and sharing,better together ,Scotland ruined if it votes yes blah blah blah new powers ,Wee Eck a dictator ,i saved the world, i kind of hope Dimbleby gave him a hard time but i doubt it.

  216. Chitterinlicht says:

    Actually it’s pure pish. Already published as part of annual budget process for health finances. BBC just scare mongering along with Scottish labour.

  217. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    My last post has just vanished.
    The polls are wrong but the odds are even more wrong. They are both being used as political tools.

    But it is not working. As long as the polls show a tight battle the only effect is to make more people vote which helps YES greatly

    To pay out a “six figure sum” at the odds that have been offered on a NO vote could actually cost Betfair as little as £10,000- well worth it for a good headline


    I had an enraged lady into our YES shop today who had been told during a phone call from Better Together that as of 19th September if Scotland votes YES her passport and driving licence would be “invalid” and she would lose her disability payments. I have put her in touch with a newspaper

  218. msean says:

    Ahh,so the polls are for papers hardly anyone reads in Scotland.

  219. @Juan P – How many versions of the Sun coming out tomorrow? Two front pages.

    I did like the AYE cloud.

  220. CameronB Brodie says:

    Re. the ‘apparent’ support for Naw. I popped in to Slabour HQ last night, at the back of 7pm, in a fairly central Edinburgh location. The place was deserted, apart from three very bored looking ‘helpers’. Zero activity.

    Make of that what you will.

  221. Ravenholme says:

    Was thinking about this in the shower after I had a chat with my Dad about it, and I’m pretty sure, whether or not it actually happened, it is an attempt to convince people that a No vote is such a certainty and get people therefore to vote No and get on the winning side.

    As you said, it is a well documented psychological effect, and it would hardly be the first time dirty tricks have been employed in this referendum.

  222. Brian penn says:

    James Caithness
    I can tell you where the no voters are….deeside

  223. dozyR says:

    Could someone please answer me this – Why would all these extra folk register then vote no settling for the same old same old or worse? I know a few and they have done it to vote yes!

    They didn’t bother voting before because there was nothing worth voting for. I don’t see or hear a 50/50 split in real life.

    I can’t believe it’s a true reflection, so why, surely it’s not just to give the yes folk a nice surprise on Friday when votes are counted.

    Thanks so much for this site it has been an inspiration and allowed things to be shared with people that are not as clued up as you guys or as internet/computer savy.

    Thanks from a proud and now much more knowledgable YES voter.

    Please keep on going after Friday.

  224. Chitterinlicht says:

    Plenty no voters Edinburgh and no violence please we are better than that.

  225. @Brian penn – probably Braemar. I got my bus pass and snr railcard, I’ll get the train on Friday morning. Better be careful though it’s 7 can journey.

  226. Big Jock says:

    Yep 3 48% for yes what the ferk. No way just seems unrealistic.

  227. Free Scotland says:

    Anybody with a name like “Titcomb” who hasn’t made use of a deed poll to change it to something else has no right to expect to be taken seriously. Writing a shabby article for the Telegraph simply compounds his problem.

  228. alex livingstone says:

    No Campaign telling Sky News they are going to get 60%,BBc states No going to win

  229. CameronB Brodie says:

    I bet the BBC talk over Big Ben again tonight. 🙂

    link to

  230. HandandShrimp says:

    What the Prof’s pol of polls looks like running into the final week

    We can do this.

    link to

  231. call me dave says:

    Here is a re-posting from earlier today. Be of good cheer!
    Even if the returns are a wee be off there is every hope of a YES.

    link to

  232. I let this be known on another thread but I think I’ll share with your here.

    Two official BT canvassers (women aged about 60) in Cupar this morning, They talked to me and I asked one of them to give me just one positive reason why I should vote NO. Her first answer was ”because we’re better together”. Come on no soundbites give me one positive answer.

    ”Because we have a huge problem with the muslims in this country”. said she.

  233. Scotrock says:

    Well done all who turned up at the Battery Park Greenock tonight!
    Brilliant effort
    Don’t know if anyone can post some pics

  234. GrahamB says:

    GavB at 8.34:
    I agree that all WBBs should be handed out. They are worth at least one vote each in my experience – last week 3 WBBs handed out would almost certainly have led to votes and a chance of two more from pals of one of the recipients.
    Since then I’ve been working with my ‘personal’ copy and the Wee Cards with pretty hopeful results. This afternoon on Byres Road I parted with my dog-eared copy to a girl who was YES but whose granny would be persuaded if she saw the arguments substantiated in print.
    Worth their weight in votes, Rev.

  235. Jimbo says:

    Watching Foulkes trying justify the Unionist’s promises of vote NO for jam in January, but not having a clue what kind or how much.

    Sitting here wishing Linda Fabiani would say to him, ‘Trust me with ten thousand pounds of your money, George, and I promise I’ll give you something nice in January’. I’m sure he would have agreed to that. Aye, right.

  236. Thepnr says:

    Coming back to the polls. Let’s generally agree that there is roughly a 33% hard core No vote and similarly for the yes side.

    Now consider this, these figures are based on previous voting patterns, i.e. the hard core No are tories and the more extreme right wing such as the OO.

    The Yes side 33% is primarily SNP with a smattering of disillusioned and Libdem supporters.

    However, all these figures are based on typical turnouts of between 50 and 60%.

    They are now worth jack shit, the turnout will be over 80% and as I believe most likely over 90%. Where are all these new voters going to side with?

    I don’t know but will make a guess, we all know the tories always got their vote out, I’d guess most of these new voters are not tories.

    Look around and you can see the support for Yes, many, many of these are people who have never voted before and they are on the side of a Yes vote.

    Despite what the polls conducted online or by landline say, I believe these people have never been asked their view or had na opportunity to express an opinion.

    Now that they have and have found their voice. They will say YES.

  237. muttley79 says:

    @James Caithness

    Seriously what are you thinking about? Get a grip of yourself.

  238. tartanarse says:

    James Caithness says:
    16 September, 2014 at 9:55 pm
    I am surprised that Dimbleby is being fair and giving our FM the courtesy his position deserves.”

    James, I believe that David knows the game is up. Going through the motions is all they can do now.

    My suspicions in relation to this were confirmed when I gazed upon the crumpled coupon of Bri (toodleoothenoo, the big boy Huw is here to do your job) chubby braces.

    He knows.

  239. K! says:

    Ladbrokes has a Turnout over 80% and Yes wins at 7/1. Up until last night they also had a Yes share of vote over 60% at 12/1 on thier referendum specials, though they wouldn’t let you bet over a fiver on that, that’s now suspended.
    They also have two of the same bet with different odds, which I don’t really understand tbh, and that is Turnout over 80% and Yes wins @9/2 and @8/1

  240. Gfaetheblock says:

    I am half expecting the sun to brick it and not make a call. They can’t afford to yes boycott if they go no (and it would stick in Murdoch’s craw), but I would expect their instinct is to follow the polls so will find it hard to go yes.

  241. Vicki Grayson says:

    In a very recent Primary election for Republican Congress,(US congress is similar to House of Commons) which is very very conservative, the second highest ranking Member was assured by polls that he was ahead of his primary rival by 30%.

    Eric Canter, so cocky and sure of himself he didn’t even bother to be in his home district for the election.
    He lost by 10% sending the entire US Media and Polling apparatus into absolute shock!!!

    The only poll that matters happens on Thursday. All the Kings resources and all the Kings men, cannot put broken media back to relevance again.

  242. Tatterdemelon says:

    Oh ferque. I’ve got a tenner on Yes and another tenner on more than 55% Yes votes(both wirh Betfair). Can they pay out now please – I’m confident, and I need a couple of good bottles of malt for the wee small hours on Friday!

  243. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Anyone know anything about the SSP/Drumchapel situation earlier this evening?

  244. scunnered says:

    @ Dave McEwan Hill
    bet 365 are 9/1 for over 55% so ladbrokes 11/2 seems a bit stingy

  245. Gfaetheblock says:

    Additional, if the sun do back one side, the other will instantly say they are glad as they don’t want to the associated with the phone hacking n’er do wells of the most odious element of Murdoch’s empire.

  246. cearc says:

    Ian MacDonald,

    I guess that they are expecting a result in the low 50’s as they are offering 25/1 for 60.01% and over.

    Trying to pull in some money. I may go for it.

    Lunch at no.10 must have been good (peerage for afters?) The SNP are now the ‘Seriously Nasty Party’, tomorrow’s daily mail.

  247. tonymac says:

    3 polls all 48% yes to 52# no..
    I smell a fix coming

  248. K1 says:

    Oops, getting tired…under 80% Turnover is 8/1 over 80% is 9/2.

  249. Big Jock says:

    Quebec went in with similar polls the other way around and no ended up winning. So anything is possible remember we only need a 3% swing. That’s nowt in an electorate as big as this one. The 3% is enough to beat the postal vote if it was narrowly in favour of no.

  250. tonymac says:

    I smell sh. a fix

  251. Shudder be ok says:

    I don’t understand this suspect/ drumchapel tweet is it good news or bad news

  252. caledonia says:

    posted from another site everyone needs to see this
    please watch it all
    link to

  253. Andy says:

    As i,ve said before about msn papers if u wiped ur arse with them more shit would come off them than would go on

  254. muttley79 says:

    Here is a funny one to relieve some of the tension. I got this quote from the Guardian:

    Mark Field, MP for the Cities of London and Westminster, said: “My constituents will be aghast if the unbalanced devolution from 1979 is made even worse.”

    What an incredible dolt of a politician! 😀

  255. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Shudder be ok –

    The SSP tweeted earlier this evening from Drumchapel, where they were having a public meeting, to say that the place was surrounded by ‘orangement and fascists’ and to raise the alarm…

  256. @muttley79 – Lighten up, who the f*ck do you think you are, the stern WoS polis.

    We have all worked hard over the time we can have a wee joke, numpty.

    Ye’ve jist f*cked up the mood, and not for the first time on here.

  257. muttley79 says:

    The most important things now are to campaign tomorrow, and then get the vote out in a major way on Thursday.

  258. cearc says:


    Absolutely agree.

    Many of the new voters are down to RIC and they are planning to get them out.

  259. muttley79 says:

    @James Caithness

    I know people have worked very hard. All the more reason not to say something as utterly stupid as you did. What did you hope to achieve by it?

  260. Faltdubh says:

    We’re hanging in there, folks.

    The polls we can take with a pinch of salt especially more so when ICM’s head honcho was practically saying “I think am right, but not sure” regards shaping the independnece referendum polls.
    They are missing the new 16-18 year old demographic.

    And we’ve got the margin of error to take in there too. If you look at our 2 previous referendums, although 1979 was a bit too close for comfort.

    A huge final push tomorrow and then on Thursday and getting the vote out.

  261. Free at last? says:

    Is it possible to have a thread on here on thurs pm/Fri am just to blether and pass the time and get all anxious and then celebrate, no worries about O/T etc.

  262. muttley going to say this, fuck off, and keep your comments to yourself. prick.

  263. muttley79 says:

    @James Caithness

    Very good. What a moron you are.

  264. @caledonia – saw your you tube vid more than once, it is sad.

  265. Cadogan Enright says:

    Paddy Power has a currency union tween Alba and Sasain as 3 to 1 ON

  266. A.N.Surgent says:



  267. cearc says:

    Ian Brotherhood,

    I hope your chums are ok.

  268. Shudder be ok says:

    Re tweet I’m relieved thought maybe they had some bad news re canvassing can relax now

  269. Andy Howie says:

    Caledonia. I have just shared that on my facebook page. Very powerful

  270. @Ian Brotherhood – have you telephoned anyone from this event for a report?

  271. bookie from hell says:

    Bill Clinton says MAximum self determination


  272. tartanfever says:

    Vicki Grayson said:

    ‘The only poll that matters happens on Thursday. All the Kings resources and all the Kings men, cannot put broken media back to relevance again.’

    Thats brilliant.

  273. dadsarmy says:

    @James Caithness
    Theratening violence is not having a wee joke, numptie.

  274. Thepnr says:

    Before I turn in. I just want to say again.

    If you have a wee blue book in your coat pocket or lying in a drawer then it is wasted. One last day, tomorrow you must pass it on.

    Let’s nail this.

  275. muttley79 says:

    Another great article by George Monbiot in the Guardian:

    link to

  276. Cadogan Enright says:

    I presume everyone is helping to get the vote out on Thursday door to door?

    As the ‘No’ campaign has not had canvassers across most of Scotland, they dont know where their voters are.

    We do

    If you are not already linked up to your local ‘knocking up’ team, its not too late.

    This key advantage is worth several percentage points

  277. HandandShrimp says:

    Slightly odd that all three polls are the same. A lot of polls for one evening and more to come tomorrow and Thursday too. Most polled vote ever?

  278. Marcia says:

    An editorial in the McSun

    link to

  279. Newsnight reporting Miliband had to give up his walkabout.

  280. Nicola Wood says:

    Get your money and last efforts on YES guys – polls are wrong and don’t take into account 3% greater desire for YESs to vote, 300,000 new voters on the roll – plus the Ballot Paper is worded to secure a YES – Salmond fought hard for the last one! Wear kilts at polling stations, bagpipes, anything to swing last minute votes …., they’ll be no Eton Boys there!!

  281. Natasha says:

    James Caithness and muttley 79, I currently have a P1 class in which two five year olds spend their whole time hitting each other and telling tales on each other. I come on this thread to get away from them!! 🙂

  282. Big Jock says:

    When I hear all the cocky journalists and creepy politicians like Alexander. Acting as if no have already won. I remember that they are bricking it and haven’t a clue. I look at what’s going with our people and I feel happy knowing we will claim the ultimate prize. I want a framed photo of Jim Murphy on the night we win so I can look at his face and say:”That’s what we did that’s who we beat”.

  283. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @James Caithness –

    Thanks for asking.

    Have e-mailed folk who may know and will post any news here, or whatever thread is ongoing.

  284. Mairileen says:

    What are you all doing? You are all falling out which is just despicable. Can’t you see that this is what is expected of you? Hold your nerve, this is what separates the men from the boys, in last century speak. The impetus is with the underdogs , which is what we are owing to the overwhelming odds against the yes campaign. We should hold fast and remain positive.

  285. Natasha says:

    AND . . . if there’s one group we hate more than the Judaean people’s front . . . Suicide squad, attack!

  286. @Natasha – of course your right. Sorry Mutley.

  287. Alistair Campbell aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhha1 But Jeane Freeman against him phew.

  288. Natasha says:

    Bugger, got the quote wrong, should have been the Romans . . . sorry guys I’ll shut up now.

  289. Big Jock says:

    Aye no fighting united we will destroy them.

  290. William Duguid says:


    Sorry if anyone mentioned this earlier, but I’m concerned about this poll apparently being published on Thursday in the Evening Standard. Surely they’re not going to publish poll figures while voting is still taking place?

  291. muttley79 says:

    @James Caithness

    Lets just forget that spat and move on.

  292. DaveDee says:

    Front page of Scottish Daily Mail

    link to

    Front page of English version

    link to


  293. A.N.Surgent says:


    Its the peoples front of judea , splitters 🙂

  294. ailsa craig says:

    South Ayrshire at last coming alive. The Yes stall in Girvan attracting lots of interest since Saturday, from locals and visitors alike. The stickers, badges and WBBs all flying off the stall. People stopping to chat; lots of friendly toots from passing cars and a general atmosphere of hope and friendliness. Car calvacade [well, 2 cars! small town] going round the town with music and to waves from townspeople. Interesting to see the couple of Bitters, without a smile in sight, having to stop people on the street, without a lot of response, while from kids to oldies, they came to us to chat, ask questions, even just pass the time of day and wish us well.
    The pension brigade are so blinded by their pension fears, there was no way to convince. Children, grandchildren, so what? As one of them, a bit annoyed at their selfishness and lack of thought for the generations to come. Like talking to the wall, but no point in wasting time as still a lot of DKs to get to.
    Really impressed by warmth of well-wishers, and the number of flags and stickers going up in windows and gardens; not impressed by the ‘I’m all right, Jacks’ in my own neighbourhood. Maybe they are closet Yessers! I can only hope that the enthusiasm will reach them by Thursday. Promising day in lovely sunshine.

  295. tiderium says:

    repeating my previous posts
    yes scotland 305388 facebook members
    better together facebook 209380
    difference 96008
    quite a difference

  296. Mealer says:

    Remember.Smile at folk and look them in the eye.

  297. 42% Labour supporters and rising moving to Independence says Jeane Freeman ?

    @Muttley – Aye and if you happen to be outside Holyrood on Friday at 12.00 I’ll gie a drink oot o my hip flask.

  298. Free at last? says:

    Well, now you’ve finished falling out with each other….

    Stay strong, for fek’s sake.

    So. What’s the best on=line party place for freedom night – was hoping it would be here……

  299. Thepnr says:

    Right these false polls have really pissed me off!

    I’m knackered but revitalised. One last big fucking effort tomorrow. I’ve decide to travel from Dundee to George Square tomorrow. One last campaign, one last show of strength. Let’s turn up in numbers.


  300. fred blogger says:

    link to

  301. Ian Brotherhood says:


    WOS Twitter feed currently has image of the crowd who forced cancellation of the Drumchapel SSP meeting (apparently by ‘intimidating’ the staff in the centre). Further images via the SSP feed.

  302. Faltdubh says:

    Newsnight, were they any Scots in that audience in the Borders?

  303. Fred says:

    Tommy Sheridan magnificent tonight in Victoria’s, Glasgow, a cast of thoosands, he had to deal with three sittings. We aint going back of the box, the times, indeed, are a changin!

    Anent Dacre of the Daily Fascist visiting number 10, like Camerons father in law Lord Astor he’ll be shitting it big time over the subsidies & grants for his Highland estate. Do read Andy Wightman’s “The Poor Had No Lawyers”.

  304. Natasha says:

    Oh, I am feeling smug, blessed are the peacemakers! Love all of you, by the way (apart from the trolls) and I’m really going to miss this group after we get independence. Maybe we should just keep going so we can give lots of well-meaning and annoying advice to our new leaders. 🙂

    Is a trollop a female troll, do you think?

  305. @carrolce says:

    link to

  306. Cindie says:

    Highland Council tweeted earlier that they have already had 87% of postal votes returned with two days to go. They have never had higher than 65% postal returns before.

  307. Thepnr says:

    George Square, Glasgow 14:00 17th Sept final rally. Get in there!

  308. Derek M says:

    peoples front of judea are fuds we are the judea peoples front lol

    Chill out you guys lol i know we are all on edge its been a long tiring campaign tempers are frayed what with all the pish we have had to put up with ,glad to see you are man enough to put it behind you 🙂
    Iain i hope they called the police on them and not just tweeted about it bloody sectarian scum no place for them in iScotland they should be banned.

  309. Defo says:

    Natasha. A female Britnat troll is known as a ‘Fifi’. 😉

  310. @Fred – you say Cameron’s father-in-law is an Astor. Wonder if he was a desendant of the infamour Lady Nancy Astor?

  311. Thepnr says:

    Spread far and wide, this is the last opportunity. Let’s show the world not just Westminster that WE reject their version of politics.

  312. Nicola Wood says:

    Hi Stuart,

    There’s a great book called ‘The Power of One’, but the real power is when the many speak as One.

    This power was displayed to great effect recently in, of all places, Muirkirk.
    For those who don’t know, Muirkirk is a mining village in East Ayrshire, far from everywhere and close to nowhere and, like all such villages, was once staunchly Labour.
    It could have been used for the much-repeated saying about electing a monkey with a red rosette – there is some truth in this, for they elected George Foulkes.
    But those days are gone, as was illustrated last evening…

    A swaggering band of ‘No’ canvassers, chests puffed out and red ties rippling in the wind, breezed into town and proceeded to peddle their scares, smears and fears.
    They did their thing, some might say treating the public like voting fodder as in days past – until they got to Hareshaw Crescent and Meanlour Drive.

    The first inkling our adventurers had that things weren’t quite right was when they passed gigantic Saltires flying from upstairs windows as they trooped into Hareshaw. But they shrugged their padded shoulders and dismissed the fluttering banners as belonging to a very few nasty Natz.
    They were soon disavowed of this notion.

    Within a few minutes of the Unionists knocking on doors other doors opened further up the street – then, in a scene reminiscent of a John Carpenter movie, a large group of residents came rushing towards the Labour group.

    Much shouting occurred and angry voices were heard before the horrified canvassers decided prudence wasn’t just a cousin twice removed and they beat a hasty retreat.
    Never, and I mean NEVER, has such a thing occurred in an Ayrshire mining village – for ordinary citizens to turn on the so-called ‘People’s Party’ really shows that they’ve burnt their bridges with the electorate whose votes they used to weigh.

    Maybe the people of Muirkirk will go back to voting for Labour in council, Scottish and European elections but one thing’s for sure – they weren’t for having any of the ‘Better Together’ shite Labour was trying to pass out last night.

    One of the chastened canvassers – a local councillor – was hailed by a resident as they left the area. “Did ye no’ ken whit was gonnae happen when ye saw the flags?” he was asked.
    The councillor took a deep breath and answered shakily, “Naw. We didnae realise… We didnae realise…”

    And on Friday morning, after the last result is in and our country has voted for Independence, the whole Labour movement in Scotland will echo his words –

    “We didnae realise…”

    Yes Ayrshire


  313. muttley79 says:

    @James Caithness


  314. Free at last? says:

    This site has done nothing for my views on independence, but it has radically altered my views on politics in general. I now understand that it is my JOB to annoy our leaders.

    Was very disappointed that still no BT at our door – complete waste of a prepared speech. Finally a bloke came to the door with leaflets tonight – roared out the first ten seconds of the speech – and the poor we soul gave me a voucher for 10% off the local curry house and fled.

    Oh well.

  315. Natasha says:

    Thanks Defo; why is that, do you know? Sorry if I’m being naïve, it’s probably something really obvious.

  316. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Derek M –

    In the WOS Twitter image you can see the back of what looks like a cop – I’m guessing the meeting may have been called off on their advice.

    So long as no-one was hurt, fair enough, but it’s worrying all the same.

  317. Rock says:

    Getting our vote out is now the most important thing.

    Especially so with voters who have not bothered to vote for a very long time or at all.

  318. Rigmac7 says:

    Picture the scene;
    Outside the polling station, big bloke dressed as Darth Vader, couple of Storm Troupers on either side. Big No stickers on his uniform, breathing heavily as he passes out No leaflets and saying “Don’t use the Force, Vote No”

    Hmmmmm, wonder if the fancy dress shop has any Darth Vader outfits left? 🙂

  319. Thepnr says:

    @James Caithness & muttley79

    Glad that is sorted. Life is too short, well done both of you for seeing past your differences 🙂

  320. Mealer says:

    It’s Natasha Kissinger !
    I spent an hour this evening knocking on doors with a Yes poster up and thanking them for their support.Just telling them we’re going to win and to keep up the effort.Those little conversations everyday.I know its preaching to the converted,but it enthuses me.
    Be where people are.Wear your badge.Smile and say hello to folk.Go into the Yes shop and see if there is anything you can do to help.

  321. The Man in the Jar says:

    I liked the post regarding Muirkirk. I have ridden through it on my bike. NB Motorbike! The road up to Strathaven is huge fun spoilt by having to pass Dungavel.

    I had a quick swatch on google earth. “Vote Labour” signs on the lampposts. I would be having a word with google about that. 😉

  322. Fred says:

    James Caithness, anent the Astors, the very same, lovely family 🙂

  323. Natasha says:

    Kissinger? KISSINGER? Give me a f**g break! I might just take my ball and go home!!! 🙂

  324. fred blogger says:

    picked up on twitter that an unprecedented 87% of postal votes have been returned to the highland council so far.
    normal returns are 60%.
    interesting if true dyt?

  325. Free at last? says:

    Anyone else noticed UK Meeja has gone into post-mortum mode – where the no campaign went wrong. Can only help.

  326. Wee jock poo-pong mcplop says:

    @Natasha: It was meant well. And be grateful – it could have been Boutros-Boutros McGhali. 🙂

  327. heedtracker says:

    BBC R4 news was a bit creepy tonight. It’s very cunning stuff for No and Brian Taylor is a cunning little man but they had an NUJ man on trying to get shit stirring going but the NUJ have only had serious Police calling threats from Bettertgether people, including at the OO march so it was fun listening to R4 ligger trying to pull the NUJ man back on message and he didnt want to come back at all. He said the PQ demo was fine. BBC wot won it, or not.

  328. Joe Swan says:

    Personally I can’t get to Glasgow tomorrow but I am going along to my local Yes stall in the main street.

    It’s great fun passing out badges and window signs, having discussions with shoppers, holding up Yes signs and having drivers blow their horns in support. We even had a busker and a sing song yesterday.

    Remember a large part of the population still want to get involved and show their support for our side. We just have to keep doing what we do, on the pavements, talking the talk.

    Let’s enjoy ourselves tomorrow and do what what we can do wherever we are.

  329. Grouse Beater says:

    Simon Schama in his usual patronising, insulting mode faffing on and on about federalism on BBC’s Newsnight, waving his arms in all directions like a windmill in a storm.

    Please, please, let us be free of these fools.

  330. heedtracker says:

    NUJ memebers have only had threats and intimidation from BetterTogether people, I mean!

  331. Derek M says:

    @ Iain yea i was wondering how long it would be before we seen some intimidation from that lot must be all pumped up after their march at the weekend , despicable bunch hope the police lifted them.

  332. Natasha says:

    @Wee jock poo-pong mcplop; I know, hence the smiley face. Wish there was an irony font.I love your name! Even better than flooplepop.

  333. Capella says:

    Agreed. George Monbiot gives the Guardian a good name. Hope they appreciate it.

  334. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Wee jock poo-pong mcplop –

    Can we assume that is a pseudonym?

  335. David Smith says:

    Right, I’m finally no longer tied by professional constraints. Is there any group in the area between Annan and Langholm I can assist in any way for the last day?

  336. Natasha says:

    Or was it floopleplop? Can’t remember and too tired to scroll back through all the posts. (Someone’s going to take pity on my technological ineptitude now and tell me there’s a shortcut way of finding any given post).

  337. heedtracker says:

    Also also Lord Barnett of Barnett formula wants it all scrapped as it’s grossly unfair to England with England getting £1600 a year less than Scotland, he says. He hates it very much and the lords are going after it. Probably BBC mischief making but it’s going to be hard road ahead in the union for all this safe security stuff we’re meant to give a hoot about.

  338. fred blogger says:

    link to

  339. call me dave says:

    @Free at last?

    Brilliant! 🙂

    Earlier I saw a poll for Thursday voting day ‘evening’
    I would be surprised if even it was an exit poll. Might be wrong info.

    If RIC went through the estates encouraging those to register to sign up to vote and they carry it through to get themselves to the polling station it can only help YES.

    There is also no way the pollsters are targeting that section of the population in a meaningful way. So polls are trying their best but lack the info to be truly accurate. Hence 48 / 50.

    A big turn out is outside polling companies comfort zone.
    We could be ahead just as well as level.

  340. JWil says:

    If you really want to know what the English think of us you should have a listen to what they are saying in Sky’s Press Review on the referendum, particularly the Sun reporter, but the woman is not much better.

    One comment was that you cannot walk the streets of Scotland without feeling intimidated by YES supporters.

    I wonder what his boss Murdoch would say to him?

  341. Wee jock poo-pong mcplop says:

    @Natasha + @ Ian Brotherhood: It’s an affectionate (I think) nickname given me by English friends who remember Blackadder. BTW those same English friends are now enthusiastic for YES, but not in the curmudgeonly little-englander way we might imagine. On Friday morning I hope to be quoting “Both Sides Of Tweed” to them”!

  342. Ellie Mack says:

    Well I think I’ve just officially entered the twilight zone, I’ve just seen the Daily Mail claim that a piece of KFC chicken is an omen that Scotland will vote yes on Thursday as they claim it looks like Britain without Scotland (it really doesn’t)…..Is this what they have been reduced to, Fried Chicken Oracles?

  343. Lesley-Anne says:

    David Smith says:

    <l.Right, I’m finally no longer tied by professional constraints. Is there any group in the area between Annan and Langholm I can assist in any way for the last day?

    Hi there David, there is a YES stall in Annan High Street tomorrow from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.outside the old William Hill building.

    Hope this helps. 😉

  344. CameronB Brodie says:

    I don’t know why I thought you might be a good egg. If I were you, I’d be looking for a groveling apology, if not chocolates. 🙂

  345. Stevie boy says:

    Regarding all these polls tonight.. one thing I’ve learned about this whole campaign is not to believe any of them. They are all manipulated in my opinion. I’m still confident we are well in the lead, although I’m sure we will all keep pushing.

    Regarding the vote rigging.. I was a bit worried weeks ago but the way the 3 stooges embarrassed themselves and with Cameron almost on his knees begging I have become more relaxed. Surely if they had planned to rig it they wouldn’t have made such tits of themselves?!?

    I believe all they have left is to show that the No side lead in the polls in the hope that some people start moving to the ‘winning’ side thinking Yes won’t make it.. we know differently tho 😉

  346. cearc says:


    Sounds right. It was 72% at close of thursday.

  347. Big Jock says:

    Hey Ellie if the chicken says yes don’t knock it. Lol

  348. Lesley-Anne says:

    Who says we are going to lose not me. Not when I see things like this! 😉

    link to

    link to

  349. cearc says:

    Ellie Mack,

    It’s traditional. Get a load of entrails, stir them up and either see the future or call it a KFC dinner.

  350. Cadogan Enright says:

    Never betted on-line before.

    But noted Paddy Power offering 4 free £5 bets If I bet £10

    So went on and betted £10 at 3 to 1. Then got £20 to make 4 £5 bets.

    By my estimate, that’s the same as 12 to 1 on my original tenner on a YES vote.

    Off to bed, have 20 large banners to erect tomorrow and am knocking up all day in Forres on Wednesday.

  351. Big Jock says:

    Stevie I think thats right. We saw Bitter together issuing bogus internal polls on Saturday and silly tweets about postal exits. If they keep the polls with no just ahead it looks like they are winning and it also shows a narrow lead to stop no people being complacent. Too big a gap and no voters would get complacent. The panic last week showed they are terrified!

  352. Natasha says:

    Hi Cameron! I know I’m being really thick, but I don’t quite understand your post. Why should I be looking for a grovelling apology? And do you now not think I’m a good egg?

    I hope you know I stood up for you yesterday! 🙂

  353. Cadogan Enright says:

    that was Thursday!

  354. boris says:

    Total bill for MPs’ expenses & costs rose from £98million to £103million last year, official figures showed yesterday. and there’s more. Make me sick

    link to

  355. call me dave says:

    Little snippet from a post in the comments section(s) of Scot goes PoP!
    I’m no expert but I’m in general agreement especially the last sentence where over 65’s will probably vote 70% NO 30% YES.

    We know that most elderly have already been registered to vote and they vote in each and every election. They are core voters, you can count in them!!

    We know that there are 300,000 newly registered voters and another 1,000,000 plus who have not voted in a long time.

    What does that voting pool look like?

    I would guess average age is well under 65 and social catagory is many C2DE.

    What they are not is “missing elderly.”

  356. boris says:

    The main argument advanced by, “Better Together” for keeping Trident is to protect local jobs, (all 8000 of them) nothing to do with the cost of them to taxpayers or to the lives of potential millions killed by them. Figures released by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) under freedom of information law reveal that only 520 civilian jobs at Faslane and Coulport near Helensburgh are directly dependent on Trident. (6700+ military personnel, the bulk of whom would be offered work in a new Scottish naval base or redeployed, not losing their job ). Any local businesses who gain from being close to this site, will continue to do so as they are not directly linked to Trident nor will they lose their jobs. (Rich Welsh, Glasgow)

    link to

  357. CameronB Brodie says:

    Jimmy Cliff – Hard Road To Travel
    link to

    P.S. We are not alone, the world wishes us well. At least the nice folk anyway. 😉

  358. heedtracker says:

    Brown’s carved in stone Vows pouring out of radio and TV where we are. Shock and awe. Shock and awe all based on what.

  359. cearc says:


    re Highland.

    We have a shade under 50,000 postals in Highland so a large enough number for our returns to be an indicator.

  360. boris says:

    A wise old Scotsman once said, “Labour are like the pigeons in George Square…When they’re down they’ll eat out of your hand..but when they’re up they’ll shit on your head!” Video’s of Jackie in full lying flow

    link to

  361. fred blogger says:

    the first photo is not 3000 people, it’s just me i hitched a ride on schroeder’s cat.

  362. Thepnr says:

    This is the last day of fighting for a Yes vote.

    Yes, I do mean fighting otherwise what have the past two years been about?

    If it’s a No then Wings Over Scotland may well not have existed, everything will soon return to the norm. Do not accept this precept, get off your arse for the last final day and show some support, no matter what that may be.

    If you are at work then please talk to an undecided, if you have to be at home then phone someone who needs reassurance.

    If you can spare the time, get out on the street in the town centres wherever you are. We have come so far wnd must push to the line.

    Never give in, we have them on the run. It’s up to you now!

  363. X_Sticks says:


    “Battery Park Greenock tonight!”

    link to

  364. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Cadogan Enright –

    ‘…have 20 large banners to erect tomorrow and am knocking up all day in Forres on Wednesday.’


    You’d best hope Paula Rose doesn’t get wind of this…

  365. fred blogger says:

    excellent, it’s a very good indicator then!
    could very well be over 90% by thurs.
    people are really making a massive effort to get their voices heard, is great news.
    apathy 0.

  366. Sue says:

    Agree, Stevieboy, been thinking the same thing over the last couple of days. Also, the greater the turnout, presumably the less possibility of ballot box stuffing with all those excess ballot papers the EC had printed?

  367. Grouse Beater says:

    Should No lose and take to the streets politicians will appeal for calm and civility.

    If Yes lose and take to the streets expect riot police and dogs and kettling. Part of the UK for another 100 years, our masters will have every right to maintain law and order, as they see fit.

    Please make every uncertain voter understand we are a nation state in all but name and sovereignty. Tell them to seize power in one simple single stroke of the pen, or await a corrupt top down ideology to take full control.

    Good luck, everybody, for tomorrow. Be strong of heart.

  368. GrahamB says:

    Nicola Wood at 11.28:
    Muirkirk – the land that time and the Labour Party forgot (after they got their votes). I was last there on the hottest day of this summer for the Cairntable Hill Race and it didn’t seem to have changed any since the last time I was there about 12 years previously. No wonder the residents have finally turned against their ‘imperial masters’ like all of the newly registered voters who have not bothered to vote for years as it would change nothing.
    I was brought up in South Ayrshire under the aegis of Emrys Hughes (numpty but son-in-law of Kier Hardie) then Jim Sillars, ex-fireman and not clever to start but at least got some education and turned into a decent philosopher. Fortunately I moved to Glasgow before Wee Geordie Foulkes took over.
    Tomorrow is the big push to consolidate all our YES support so that we don’t suffer from our historical fearty-factor, then it is Ghandi Phase 4 and celebration time.
    Keep the faith everyone!

  369. cearc says:

    Call me dave,

    Sorry, you are slightly wrong some of the missing millions are older people who stopped voting in ’79 but made an exception in ’97.

    Definitely. I’ve met some.

  370. Stevie boy says:


    Yep, as the turnout is meant to be so high then there is much less chance of rigging happening.

    I mean if the overall votes total more than registered voters in that area then it would stick out like a sore thumb!! With a potential 90%+ turnout in any area I think it would be very hard to ‘throw’ extra papers into the box incase it stinks of foul play.

  371. Brian milligan says:

    Black Ops be funding any manipulation of odds here. The odds dont reflect the situation as perceived by the majority. Get a bet on YES its your special birthday present . a steal.

  372. heedtracker says:

    Yes win means a media shit storm of AlicSamin fury from BetterTogether built over years of relentless personalised attack. The media have done so much harm to Scotland and for whatt, all to stop Scottrish democracy.

  373. Robert Peffers says:

    @ Paula Rose says: 16 September, 2014 at 9:17 pm:

    “Stop swearing honies – our language is that of the joyful, we will express ourselves with the words that our children can understand xx”

    Tell you a wee true story, Paula Rose. Over the last wee while I’ve been driving around in the wee camper-van with flags and stickers all over it. I park up at busy places and just wait. I usually soon get attention but on a visit to Lochore Meadows Country Park there was some kind of display involving very large dogs going on so I decided to walk my very wee dog. That part of the park has the kiddies play area and one bit of it is a quite high concrete castle thingy.

    On the very top of this structure was a tiny wee boy. He was on the highest bit with several others on the next down level and he was chanting this : –

    I’m the king of the castle
    Your a dirty wee bast*&d.

    There were many adults about and no one turned a hair.

    Anyway when I got back to the van there were several people waiting and it came on a bit of a drizzle. I was answering questions and one woman was dredging up all the usual misinformed BBC style propaganda. Eventually I asked, “Where on Earth are you getting all that rubbish from”, and got the answer, “The TV”. So I told her the BBC was telling her lies and she refused to believe it.

    By this time there were a few, including her sheltering in the van and the drizzle had driven the rest away. I put my home-made DVD of the YouTube clip I put on-line. This shows the BBC’s edited news item where they had Robinson ask part of his question to the FM and then claim he got no answer.

    I then say, “Oh! Yes he did”, and show the full unedited version where Salmond gives a long answer, pulls Robinson apart and then is heckled by Robinson. The woman’s chin nearly hit the van floor and she was silent while a couple of blokes said they had seen the original.

    The female, former Naysayer, asked me for a YES badge and I had to give her mine as I had nothing else. She said I’d never have believed that of the BBC. I went home for tea content that I’d got my, “One-a-day”, but it is getting harder now. Nearly all over but for the big party, though.

  374. ben madigan says:

    @ian brotherhood -so it seems everything was sorted .minor incident , storm in a tea cup type of thing!
    i don’t like the idea that someone is prevented from speaking by anyone else (freedom of speech anyone?) but particularly by the orange order –
    The Police may well have advised the Socialists to up-sticks (emotional atmosphere and so on) but it is worrying as you say
    Hope it does not set a precedent – either before or after the voting!
    bearing in mind the orange motto is” vote early and vote often” I just have one more thing to say for thursday -the YES campaign absolutely has to get our people out to vote.
    More door chapping – have you voted yet? No? come on – off you go! Organise cars and lifts for the reluctant and the elderly, mothers with children,the disabled,
    People who can’t walk very far or stand too long (pregnant ladies for example ) – get them to the front of queues,
    Do whatever it takes to get the YES vote in safely

  375. David Smith says:

    @ Lesley Anne.

    Thanks. I’ll give the dug a walk at Powfoot and pop up!

  376. cearc says:


    Unissued ballots (in Highland)are safely banged up in a police cell.

  377. fred blogger says:

    with so many eagle eyes on the case i feel totally @ ease.

  378. Ian Brotherhood says:

    People overcome fear in different ways, right?

    We just have to put a cross in a wee box and make sure not to smudge the paper.

    Other people do stuff like this:

    link to

  379. Stephen McKenzie says:

    Noticed first the RIC and then Yes banners being held on the footpaths over the M8 about 8:10 this morning on the way into Glasgow.

    Well done you guys – who needs a “No Thanks” banner in a field that a cow has just shat on..

  380. Flooplepoop says:

    Nooooooooooooooo……. 🙁

  381. cearc says:

    Stu has just tweeted,

    ‘I don’t want to freak anyone out, but the independence referendum is TOMORROW.’

  382. Meindevon says:

    Gggrr! Daily Mail not holding back with their bile now. The SNP getting both barrels here.

    link to

  383. Thepnr says:

    I told a story here a couple of weeks ago about stepping between two opposing groups and saying to the Naysayers that what they were saying was plainly wrong.

    I also told how they came and sat at my table and we exchanged emails and all was well.

    What I never said was who was supporting Yes. Well it was Stephen Thompson the chairman of Dundee United. Good on him. He finally comes out today.

    link to

  384. CameronB Brodie says:

    The “good egg” remark was in recognition of the good humour you took such a gross insult in 😉 (I know you were joking Mealer 😉 ).

    The egg reference? Do I have to eggsplain? 🙂

    And let’s just say, we see if you turn out to be good or rotten. 😉

  385. fred blogger says:

    well it’s true.
    it is wednesday today and thursday tommorow.

  386. Thepnr says:

    I do this deliberately, this song has been played before but only on Off Topic. It is a reminder of what we are voting AGAINST.

    Do not watch if you are of a timid nature, otherwise face the reality of our governance.

    link to

  387. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @ben madigan –

    Most will view the incident as you described i.e. ‘a storm in a teacup’, but it’s a bit more than that for folk who build these meetings by printing thousands of leaflets and posters and hand-delivering them.

    The SSP, as you will have noticed, does not apppear regularly on Scottish MSM. There are, to be sure, Scottish ‘socialists’ who enjoy lavish media attention, but they tend to be celebrity mavericks e.g. Galloway or Sheridan. (SLab has long-since forfeited the right to any socialist credentials, so it doesn’t count.)

    To the best of my knowledge, Colin Fox has appeared on ONE BBC live broadcast (one of Brian Taylor’s Radio Scotland Roadshows).

    That’s why ‘Public Meetings’ are so vital for us, and why we expend such effort trying to build them in areas where our message is most relevant. To have one abandoned because some neds shout at a janitor is sickening.

  388. Kevin Evans says:

    You only have to put 1 X in a box on Thursday – but ya need to look into the mirror every other day for the rest of your life – do yourselves a favour and vote right.

  389. Stephen McKenzie says:

    @Meindevon I blame the cows eating raspberries – no other explanation needed..

  390. James123 says:

    I loved Pat Kane’s response to all the crap he had to listen to on their idiotic paper review, at the end he simply said “You’re all in for a big shock”.

  391. Dal Riata says:

    That English edition of Wednesday’s Daily Mail is a fucking disgrace. There you have the xenophobic right-wing British Establishment mouthpieces spreading what is tantamount to racism and hatred… and being allowed to do so.

    Never forgive. Never forget.

  392. James Dow A voice from the diaspora says:

    Scotland’s journey and my own, on reflection I realised just how similar they were. I was born and lived in Edinburgh, in 1952 my parents decided to emigrate to Australia with two small children and very little funds.
    Like Scotland we knew who we were and our history, but not our future half a world away in a land we knew very little off and nobody in. All of our relatives shared the same mixed emotions, anxious about our future, and the deep sense of loss of loved ones you might never see again, and as it turned out that fear was valid for some.
    My Grandmother was devastated at the impending loss of her eldest son and Grandchildren. She had had four sons in active theatres of war one of her son captured at Dunkirk with the Highland Brigade, my own father served nearly five years in North Africa, Sicily, and Italy, now she would lose him to the diaspora.
    I am reticent to use the coming description for David Cameron has almost made them toxic words for me, and I wish I could just smash him in the face to prevent them passing his lips.
    Head over heart, we were not leaving Scotland for any other reason than that our parents had considered emigration the best prospect for their children, and as it turned out they were right, for we all have prospered in our new land.
    It took a great deal of thought and a sizeable chunk of courage on the part of my parents both typical Scots with that stoic, self reliance and a fair dose of optimism as well to commit to our journey.
    For modern day Scot’s that feel challenged by current day decisions and feel overwhelmed, think of my parents decisions made sixty two years ago, and think how you
    would have coped . amongst other things deciding the most precious parts of your life you would pack into three trunks forever. Most of your current day worries would pale into insignificant by comparison.
    Taking a calculated risk and having it validated by your own efforts is one of the most invigorating, and redeeming feelings you can ever experience as an individual or a nation.
    And as a result of my parent courage, I am living proof of that.
    Scot’s excel when challenged to achieve things other people consider unobtainable. Like the opportunity provided today for the establishment of a fair, humane, free society in the face of what must surely be the most devious, prejudiced, shameful, vested interest campaign ever recorded in the area of bastardly treatment of one people to another in all of the worlds history.
    The establishment require no remedial training in this black art, it built them an Empire when you are devoid of integrity all things are possible.
    Be brave Scotland.

  393. Kevin Evans says:

    Agreed dal and do you really think the uk isn’t heading towards a UKIP/Tory government.

  394. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Just heard the ‘news’ as Radio Scotland transmogrifies into Five Live…

    First story – Obama warning that Ebola Virus is a threat to global security

    Second – Bill Clinton has thrown his weight behind the ‘No’ campaign in Scotland.

  395. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @James Dow –

    More power to ye mister. Good to know we have kin outside ‘the bubble’ watching over us as it all unfolds.

  396. manandboy says:

    link to

    TheGreatRonRafferty CallumMacLellan
    16 September 2014 8:23pm recommend 671

    Quite. George (Monbiot) is ploughing a lone furrow, but sometimes,
    when you’re right you just have to stand steadfast,
    and to hell with the rest.

    Clearly the Number 10 nudge unit has been on overtime
    these past two weeks,
    but for all those watching carefully,
    the sheer vindictiveness of the establishment
    is at best educational,
    and at worst frightening
    for such democracy as is left.

  397. manandboy says:

    link to

    TheGreatRonRafferty CallumMacLellan
    16 September 2014 8:23pm

    Quite. George (Monbiot) is ploughing a lone furrow,
    but sometimes, when you’re right
    you just have to stand steadfast,
    and to hell with the rest.

    Clearly the Number 10 nudge unit
    has been on overtime these past two weeks,
    but for all those watching carefully,
    the sheer vindictiveness of the establishment
    is at best educational,
    and at worst frightening
    for such democracy as is left.

  398. Kevin Evans says:

    Do ya think the excuses and sorrys from the media and establishment will being on Friday?

  399. bookie from hell says:

    If they say sorry it’s a taking the pish

  400. Thepnr says:

    @James Dow

    typical Scots with that stoic, self reliance and a fair dose of optimism as well to commit to our journey.

    Stoicism is something we Scots still have in abundance, plenty of optimism also. One thing you missed is that we don’t take well to being constantly threatened.

    Think I’d rather take my chances on a new adventure than stick with the rubbish we have now.

  401. Dal Riata says:

    Nick Robinson tonight saying that Rupert Murdoch had been up to visit his “friend”, Alex Salmond…

    Obviously done to sneakily attempt to smear Salmond, hoping people associate him as being great pals with the ‘toxic’ one, thus Salmond being as equally toxic.

    Robinson is a horrible and despicable British Establishment-loving arse-wipe who should have been fired for his recent lie to the public re his questioning of Alex Salmond. But, hey-ho, this is the BBC, BTUKOKNoThanks’s voice in your living-room. The very same BBC which believes it is still okay to handsomely pay and promote a proven racist on on a certain programme extolling cars…

  402. Kevin Evans says:

    Me for one will accept no apology

  403. David Stevenson says:

    A question: Had a nice chat with young woman from Scotrail on the train tonight after she complimented my Yes badge. She mentioned a flashmob event set for Geo Sq on Wed but I can’t find details. I will be out doing whatever is required by Rutherglen Yes, but my wife would take the kids along. Anyone know details?

  404. Thepnr says:

    @David Stevenson

    14:00 George Square today! Last chance for show of strength.

  405. tonymac says:

    @Natasha says:
    16 September, 2014 at 11:50 pm

    Or was it floopleplop? Can’t remember and too tired to scroll back through all the posts. (Someone’s going to take pity on my technological ineptitude now and tell me there’s a shortcut way of finding any given post).
    firefox has page search in edit menu
    other browsers in options or therabouts

  406. Dal Riata says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Bill Clinton now, is it?! Still one day to go,there must be somebody else out there, surely… the Dalai Lama maybe, or even Elvis?!

    Expect that first headline to be twisted later tomorrow to, “The Scottish independence virus is a threat to world security” says [insert name of anyone BTUKOKNoThanks is important].

  407. Flooplepoop says:

    George square event

    link to

  408. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Thepnr Hope to catch you on the other side of the Yes Vote. Busy day Tomorrow. Almost there. Have you turned the Mother in law yet ? Vote Yes,

  409. YESGUY says:

    Grouse beater, bugger the Panda,Thepnr , lesley-Anne , John Kane , sexy Paula Rose. Everyone of you Wingers , It’s impossible to name them all,Ronnie, Macart, Les Wilson. RobertP and Nana. All Wingers.

    I went up to my local tonight to get a chat with a friend up there playing darts against a local team. Two teams of 12 men and women. I sat quietly chatting until the darts was done and chatted away about the ref.

    Every single person was a YESSER apart from one , ONE DK . Bar staff and usual drinkers. ONE !!!!

    Gave him my wee blue book and a Wings badge. he wanted to vote YES but he was unsure,

    I swear, The whole pub was talking about the ” Big Party ” . They don’t do WINGS or Bella etc. They made their own minds up . Every one i spoke to had a tale but it wasn’t fancy.

    Most said we can do better on our own. UKIP came up and the reaction was disgust. All said they don’t watch the news or the political shows. They talked amongst themselves and heard folk like me , ME ??? a clapped oot old soldier with a loud voice , for info. Most said it was chats to friends and family and it was being decided between them. As a group

    I’m waffling, sorry.

    I just wanted you to know that our folk are NOT taking in the shite. Even if they tell you they are DK’s They are are really YESSERS.

    We get the message out on line , We talk as much as we can but our own folk without broadband and i phones and where i live they are the majority ,are doing that in their houses. Everyone knows how important this is. Whole families talking and deciding . I underestimated my own too , I feel a wee bit bad about that, but that’s probably the booze. I hope so coz I’m proud of them , always have been. This is a good wee community.

    Over 30 folk from Two areas of Midlothian , drivers , welders, business men, clerks and shop Asst. Everyone a YESSER and everyone pretty clued up and most don’t use the internet other than you tube and Music.

    We are winning. We will rise and be that Nation again.

    I’m off to bed and a hangover in the morning but i leave you with this.

    Every man women in this country knows whats going to happen on Thursday . They know the importance and will vote with their heads AND their hearts and they make it pretty clear to the whole world . YES.

    Scots have little self confidence in their own at times . We shaped the modern world with our invention, our ethics and sciences. But we never walked our own path.

    That doubt is gone now. We know all it takes is one small step. And the world will be ours.

    I never doubted you . Ever.

    good night my friends. xx

  410. Mike M says:

    If theyre paying out on NO but book is still open what does that mean ? Also William Hill capping YES stakes at £50 ? Looks like theyre trying to limit their YES exposure to me. Would rather pay out on NO now than risk more big money losses on YES. What they should be doing is radically changing the odds but that would be politically unacceptable.

  411. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    Yes she has turned! Was The wee blue book wot done it 🙂
    Will be catching up soon I’m sure.

    You too YESGUY, love reading your anecdotes and real life stories. All counts for nought now other than to get they votes out there.

    See You are the party!

  412. Thepnr says:


    Cheers, heard though on Independence Live tonight there will be a bit of music ect from 14:00. Who cares, just turn up!

  413. smout says:

    It’s now nearly half two, I’ve been up since 5 this (or should that be yesterday) morning. Sleep has deserted me. My flight’s booked and I’m coming home, arrive in Glasgow about 8 Thursday morning. Well ok it is only for a couple of days but I couldn’t miss this.

    Have been moved to joy, tears, anger, laughter and frustration reading everyone’s posts (A and BTL)and have been envious of you all, wishing I could be a part of this and not just an observer. Some folk I could throttle (not literally obviously) and some I want to hug. But the diversity of this campaign is the best part.

    If there is anything that I can do on Thursday in or about Glasgow, can hire a car so a wee bit further is possible, to help it would be my privilege.

    A wee aside, just as I left work today George, a 23 year old Bristolian who is totally non political, said it’s so exciting hope you just go for it.

    Apologies for the gibber. I hope that I will meet at least one winger in Glasgow. Good luck tomorrow

  414. CameronB Brodie says:

    Has this had much coverage? I somehow doubt it.

    Tory Mps are already breaking ranks
    link to

  415. macart763m says:


    Sleep well ma friend, a busy day ahead. 🙂

  416. alistair says:

    Just back in from busy night out in the pubs in Stirling. Anyone arguing on here needs to get out away from their Pc’s and speak to the public. The reception tonight was fantastic. Person after person coming up to shake hands (I was adorned with Yes badges) and asking what they could do tomorrow to help. For every nugatory there are 3 or 4 folks determined to see us succeed.
    Lets go do it.

  417. John Boyes says:

    Just got £50 on at 8/1 for an over 55% yes win with Bet365.
    Really couldn’t care less if it’s only 1% but it would be nice to cover the cost of the champers.

  418. boris says:

    I expected, “Bitter Together to hit back at the, “Yes” campaigners’ with a few scare stories in the last few days before the referendum and I was not surprised when the, (heavily biased) BBC and The Herald, selectively released information from confidential papers supposedly passed them by a senior NHS whistle-blower, who said they had become frustrated by the argument of the “Yes” campaign that the biggest threat to the NHS comes from the UK government.

    The Whistle-Blower is a spoiler and politically motivated. Se my full analysis of events. Which you might wish to pass on to others

    link to

  419. davidb says:

    Aaaagh. Up again in the middle of the night. Read a few wee things to while away the time – like this

    link to

    Then this

    link to

    And finally this

    link to

    And you know, they really still just don’t get it.

    We do NOT cost them money, we are net contributors. I’m going back to sleep. Tomorrow I will vote to liberate my country from these clowns. I expect that every man will do his duty.

    Vote Yes.

  420. chic mcgregor says:

    Stevie boy
    “Yep, as the turnout is meant to be so high then there is much less chance of rigging happening.”

    Unless they have already started.

    97% has always seemed suspiciously high to me.

  421. john king says:

    Im not very good with words at the best of times,
    and this morning, nothing, nada
    I got nuthin.

    So all I can do is steal from an Englishman (albeit one of the greatest Englishmen who ever lived )

    “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
    For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
    Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
    This day shall gentle his condition;
    And gentlemen in “SCOTLAND” now-a-bed
    Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
    And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
    That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.”

    I humbly apologise to William Shakespeare for paraphrasing Henry V
    We in Wings truly are a

    And a sincere apology to the sisters on this site without whom Wings would be a poorer place!

    Im off to work today with a T shirt that means a lot to me and it carries the legend



  422. Wp says:

    Re- polls, the latest polls have all left out the undecideds. ICM has 41 Yes. 45 No. And 14% undecided. Taking out the undecideds is not a true reflection. There is no way the undecideds will be split 50/50. Compared to the previous comparable poll from ICM Yes is up 3% and No is down 3%. Sounds crazy that there are still 10s, maybe 100s of thousands still undecided. But with a last push I’m sure most will vote Yes. It’s also a mystery known only to the polling companies as to who they ask and how they decide who to poll. Does the unionist newspaper who pays them dictate what areas to cover? Who knows? All I know is I’ve never been polled nor has anyone I know. I, like many on here believe Yes is in front regardless, most undecideds will not want to miss being part of history and were always going to vote Yes anyway.

  423. JET JOCKEY says:

    Breaking news Alistair Darling has just said there will be no wind left if there is a yes vote, no oil no wind whose in Deep Shit. Come on Alistair the next thing you’ll be telling us the biggest off-shore oil-find in the world off Lewis is just scaremongering .

  424. john king says:

    Wp @ 5.47
    Im with you on that one Wp I dont know anyone either who has been polled other that the Yougov polls I get sent by email.

  425. P.R.D. says:

    A NO vote is not a simple NO to the referendum question it is much more than that!

    Scotland contracted its sovereignty to the political union it did not renounce the sovereignty of Scotland.

    A NO vote would not only be the rejection of an independent sovereign Scotland but the destruction of that sovereignty contracted within the political union.

    Scottish sovereignty would cease to exist.

  426. heedtracker says:

    link to
    Feel their fear. This is how it ends, a pack of lies wrapped in hatred for the democratic will of some North Britons. On many occasions they left with bullets whizzing past their ears but no doubt they’ll be now be able to run their own country properly now.

  427. heedtracker says:

    Oddly enough I walked past that statue yesterday and gave it a wee pat as I went to hand in my YES postal vote. link to

  428. john king says:

    The erasing of a country has begun

    This morning Carol Kirkwood (Scottish) described the weather in “the north of the country” (Scotland) while she spoke generally about the weather in the UK,
    So we’re now officially “the North of England”
    Well done Mr Brown well done!

  429. Another Expat says:


    That Guardian article is indeed such a load of irrelevant biased scaremongering rubbish.

    Funny how the writer manages to ignore that in terms of population Scotland is also on a par with Ireland, New Zealand, Norway. Finland.

    Keep the heid,one and all.

    Not long to go!

  430. Ken500 says:

    The Bookies are at it. Lying PR stories. Not true unless they are breaking Betting regulations.

  431. Ken500 says:

    Guardian are carrying great John Harris and George Monboit reports. Most of the CiF posters support Independence for Scotland and hope it will change the UK political system.

  432. Ken500 says:

    Guardian have great George Monboit and John Harris Referendum reports. Most of the Cif posters support Independence for Scotland and hope it will change the UK political system. It will.

  433. Ken500 says:

    Guardian have great reports from George Monboit and John Harris. The majority of CiF support Independence for Scotland an hope it will change the UK political system. It will.

  434. Giving Goose says:

    Don’t let the Tories win this referendum;

    link to

  435. Ken500 says:

    Guardian have great reports from George Monboit and John Harris. Billy Bragg. The majority of CiF support Scottish Ibdependence and hope it will changebthe UK political system. It will.

  436. john king says:

    Reply fro Electoral Commision to my complaint about “uniformed” OOO march in breach of EC rules

    Breach of EC rules

    Eddie Follan (
    Add to contacts
    [Flag this message]
    To: john king
    Dear Mr King

    Thanks for your email to the Electoral Commission.

    The Commission are responsible for regulating campaign spending and donations. The rules in relation to the referendum are set out in the Scottish Independence Referendum Act 2013.

    The Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland are registered with us as permitted participants in the referendum and as such are subject to the rules on spending, donations and reporting.

    We have no remit to regulate what campaigners say or wear.

    I hope this answers your question

    Kind Regards

    Eddie Follan
    Senior Referendum Officer
    0131 225 0202


  437. Ian Kirkwood says:

    Just heard Ian Watson on the BBC saying that the Sunday Herald is now impartial. Is this true?

  438. Truth says:

    It’s probably already been said, but betfair is not a bookie, it is an exchange.

    What this means is that punters like you and I offer odds. A bit like being a bookie yourself. Betfair provides the interface for bets to be matched.

    So, I’m really struggling to work out what exactly is going on in this article.

  439. Mike says:

    What is the legal implications of this? Will Betfair be able to claim back the money when the Yes vote is declared?

  440. biggpolmont says:

    sods at the telegraph cant tell any more lies so they seek to undermine confidence once again.I think that after indy we should put a tarrif on any newspapers that are not produced and printed in Scotland , do not have properly trained jounalists who hold Scottish journalism licence.

  441. Mike says:

    What are the legal implications of this. Will Betfair be able to claim back the bets when the Yes vote is declared?

  442. A few weeks ago I received an email from Calum McDonald, the Herald’s website editor/modedrator, informing me I was on a “final warning” due to the tone of my posts on their referendum threads.

    My crime – I have repeatedly made adversse comments to the blatant trolling of one John MacIntyre OBE, of Woking.

    My defence, that OBE’s posts were blatant trolls, that he has repeatedly cut and pasted spurious and banal attacks on the Yes campaign in general and Alex Salmond in particular, fell on deaf ears.

    OBE can repeatedly dismiss the Yes campaign as: “Alex Salmond’s Vanity Project” and call Mr Salmond a liar. I cannot counter by telling OBE he is talking pish.

    For the past two weeks, every post I have made on the Herald has gone straight to moderation, with most, even the least-offensive, failing to make the paper.

    This morning, Alasdair Reid, in his weekly column mentioned the: “Vote No” interjection of some Scottish rugby legends. He also made the justifiable observation that Scottish Rugby’s grass-roots base is too-narrow, heavily biased as it is towards Scotland’s private schools – from whence most of the legends supporting No had come.

    My post was: “Good article Al – well said”.

    As I say, it went straight to moderation. I checked back after an hour, it has been taken down.

    OK, the (Monday to Saturday) Herald has given Yes supporters such as Iain Macwhirter and Ian Bell lots of column centimetres. The paper has, on balance, been less pro-No than any other daily, but, no way do I think it has been fair, balanced and unbiased in the way it has covered this campaign.

    As a semi-retired sports writer, I do regular work, of a highly-specialised nature, for the Herald. I am loath to give up this work, which I enjoy, but, really, when such inoffensive posts as this morning’s are booted into the long grass – I worry about the future, if any, of the Herald.

    As an old Herald hand, with whom I regularly share a glass or two says: “My wife doesn’t let me read the paper until the afternoon. She says, if I look at it in the morning, it puts me in a foul mood for the rest of the day”.

    When they are letting over-promoted, under-trained “journalists” such as Mr McDonald have powerful positions – the Herald is indeed – doomed.

  443. heedtracker says:

    Flipper is very into strengthen and empower Scotland in the union with R4 news right now but he’s not being asked how which is very odd to listen to. Snake oil salesman Darling is determined to help Naughty save the union. Also Yes and Salmond are frightening campaigns as he gets hysterical calming things down but Darling’s not leaving so that’s nice.

  444. Robert Louis says:

    For those who have not seen it (as the media is ignoring it, unlike yesterday’s ‘pledge’ from the three stooges), here is the First Minister’s open letter to the people of Scotland today;

    link to

    Now is our chance to win it. If you can help your local groups at all today or tomorrow, to get the vote out, then do it. There are quite a few Better together stooges bussed in from from down south running around frantically, so we need everybody.

    We can win as we have more local people to help us.

    🙂 🙂 🙂

  445. manandboy says:

    If it is true that the No Campaign

    have just lifted the 1995 Quebec No campaign

    and implemented it in Scotland –

    then they are right on course.

    The plan in ’95 in Quebec

    was to create in the public mind

    the belief that it was ‘too close to call’.

    Then, with the public suitably primed,

    the ballot was rigged to give No a slender victory,

    which the public then believed and accepted,

    because they had been ‘prepared’ for it.

    Currently, News bulletin after news bulletin

    is reporting the too close to call story

    in exactly the way it was done in ’95 in Quebec.

    Remember Glenrothes in 2008 and do not let

    complacency overtake us

    and lead us into getting ahead of ourselves.

    Bookie/betting talk is just that.

    There’s many a slip ‘twixt cup and lip.


  446. manandboy says:

    Duplicate comment – you’ve already said that.

    Happening too often after a vanishing comment.

  447. manandboy says:


  448. manandboy says:

    site down ?

  449. manandboy says:

    Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!

    over and over after a vanished comment

  450. manandboy says:

    Is the fat lady warming up yet ?

    If it is true that the No Campaign

    have just lifted the 1995 Quebec No campaign

    and implemented it in Scotland –

    then they are right on course.

    The plan in ’95 in Quebec

    was to create in the public mind

    the belief that it was ‘too close to call’.

    Then, with the public suitably primed,

    the ballot was rigged to give No a slender victory,

    which the public then believed and accepted,

    because they had been ‘prepared’ for it.

    Currently, News bulletin after news bulletin

    is reporting the too close to call story

    in exactly the way it was done in ’95 in Quebec.

    Remember Glenrothes in 2008 and do not let

    complacency overtake us

    and lead us into getting ahead of ourselves.

    Bookie/betting talk is just that.

    There’s many a slip ‘twixt cup and lip.


  451. manandboy says:

    Cannot get a comment on at all

  452. manandboy says:

    cleared now – sorry for the litter

  453. EdinScot says:

    One final day of the unionist medias lies. Good God, can it be real!! We CAN do this. All they have left is their twisted polls. Theyve used these same polls against us in our struggle for independence and look where we are. We WILL be voting tomorrow in spite of them!!

    Off to work then one final day of campaigning. We have the passion and the drive to keep going til the very end. They cant match that and its written all over the medias and unionist politicos faces. Theyre rattled folks. We will have the final say so lets win this thing.

  454. Wee Alex says:

    I don’t understand the logic when “manandboy” States the experience in Canada of a close poll deters people from voting. I would have thought the opposite, a large YES lead in the polls more likely to persuade people to stay at home.

    Anyway, last day before polling and it’s all to play for. The scare stories are relentless and I seem to have missed the love bombing.

  455. bunter says:

    Powerful and inspiring letter from FM to voters in todays Daily Rancid I see. Would be good if it was in all the papers as it may sway a few undecided’s

  456. Graeme Doig says:

    Wee Alex

    I love you man 😉

    Last day to make a difference folks. Lets make sure we send the WM establishment home to think again.

  457. Ian Kirkwood says:
    17 September, 2014 at 7:24 am
    Just heard Ian Watson on the BBC saying that the Sunday Herald is now impartial. Is this true?


    The one thing that is sure, no-one will ever see the next addition of th Sunday Herald before the vote tomorrow

  458. jackie g says:

    hello folks,

    Yes BBC in Unionist overdrive this morning lots of pics of smiling Ed Miliband and some NO supporters seriously we know the truth.Sent an email to a friend of mine last night who has been on holiday and missed the shambles last week,advised him to get online and not listen to the polls, read AS letter this morning he is correct it is now up to us.

  459. Chris says:

    That so-called “newspaper” is even more vile and nasty than the daily hate-mail (and that’s saying something. One of the very few half decent reporters amongst the mire of the British gutter press.
    link to

  460. Lesley-Anne says:

    As my partner has just said … Happy YESmas eve everyone! 😛

  461. Famous15 says:

    Talking about the fat lady reminded me of yesterday’s contrived leaked letter on NHS

    As anyone who has been involved in “government” will know,preparing for the next annual budget starts with subsidiary departments putting in their bids and this is collated in a positional paper. This applies from the NHS right down to a school library. The next part of the process is to apply decision making and priorities .

    Enter the fat lady and Eleanor Bradford and a leaked positional paper with the usual competing demands which require moderating and an eager BBC and a Darling and a choreography of deception which would be the envy of the KGB and Scotland is fooled? But we now know how they lie and cheat and social media is exposing them.

    A YES vote will save the NHS from Whitehall cuts and Bradford’s black holes.

  462. manandboy says:

    Wee Alex says:17 September, 2014 at 8:17 am
    I don’t understand the logic when “manandboy” States the experience in Canada of a close poll deters people from voting.

    With respect, Alex, I didn’t state the above.

    If you read what I did say,

    then the point is there viz. it’s all a PR strategy

    to prepare the public to accept a narrow victory for No.

  463. chris s says:


  464. Ken500 says:

    All comments going astray

    Let’s do it. Finish the job.

    Vote YES

  465. smudger says:

    My wife has been a definite no since we began talking about the referendum , we’d reached a point where I told her I didn’t want to talk about it anymore it was causing arguments. She told me this morning she now intends to vote yes. So I’d like to thank nick Robinson, Gordon Brown and the no campaigners in our street last night who told us “you live in a nice area, the snp aren’t out to help you, independence will affect you the most”. They were handing out labour no leaflets. I was genuinely lost for words but it was enough to convince my wife to change her vote.

  466. Nana Smith says:

    link to

  467. Lesley-Anne says:

    As far as Elanor Bradford is concerned she is just a shite stirrer, END OF!

    Here is a response from a RESPONSIBLE individual, unlike her.

    link to

    Off course this is NOT the first time that this *ahem* alleged reporter has stirred the shite about the S.N.H.S. with an ulterior motive in mind.

    link to

    Oh ;ook foiks here she is doing the shite stirring on behalf of the Labour party in Scotland, we all remember who they are don’t we 😉 .

    link to

    Remember all those Elanor Bradford attacks on the S.N.H.S. that she has done on behalf of the Labour party in Scotland folks well perhaps THIS might explain all of her shite!

    link to

  468. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @smudger –

    Nice one.

    Why not call in to the Louise White show and tell her? – folk changing their voting intention is the theme of the programme.

  469. RMAC says:

    If anything reinforces the need to win its is the second story “making a personal plea to undecideds” on link to
    I have recent experience of the private health system when a relative who fainted briefly while on holiday was presented with a $180 bill for around 2 minutes of a doctor’s time so can easily see how something more serious could have financially catastrophic consequences to add to the considerable stress that having the people you care about ill enough to need medical attention.

  470. rigmac7 says:

    @Nana Smith
    That’ll explain the BBC problem then, it simply doesn’t possess any serious journalists at the moment (those who are being told what to write of course) 🙂

  471. Robert Peffers says:

    Meindevon says: 17 September, 2014 at 12:44 am:

    “Gggrr! Daily Mail not holding back with their bile now. The SNP getting both barrels here.”

    Indeed, Meindevon, I was on their comments columns last evening/early morning and the standard of understanding of the truth among them only served to highlight just how bad the English education system really is. Some of their beliefs were, (pun intended), unbelievable.

    I explained a few facts with logical proofs but, being the Mail, the comments will probably be modded out as far too much above the educational standard of their readership. At this stage of the game anyone who has failed to understand Scotland’s per capita GDP is higher than that of England and that the claimed per capita funding of Scotland is because, when Westminster devolved their English powers to Holyrood, they had to also devolve the funds to run the devolved functions from Scotland.

    Thus the figure of some £1400 excess they quote as proof is not comparing like for like. Which, of course, is the Westminster fake modus operandi and creative accountancy, they have hoped to bamboozle us with since 1707.

  472. Helena Brown says:

    Manandboy: Remember the one thing in our favour, we have the poor and dispossessed in our camp, the ones nobody, not one polling company has spoken to. The same small folk that one the battle for Bruce, the same folk who pushed against the ancestors of the same people leading the charge today, who pushed when they were expected to run away.
    I am holding to that thought, to the work of the RIC who have doen such sterling work, going where many fear to tread, specially if you sound like you are posh and English.
    Spoke to a guy who I know is voting yes who says nobody but the SNP has been anywhere near, and considering we are talking Dunfermline, which was once in the fiefdom of Gordon Brown, speaks volumes.
    We are winning regardless of the polls.

  473. Helena Brown says:

    Apologies if this has already been mentioned but Munguin has the Sun Editorial, well worth a read.

  474. Lesley-Anne says:

    Here’s a couple of things that might brighten up your days folks. 😉

    Here’s Max Keiser with a few words of wisdom! 😛

    link to

    Apologies for this but it is in the Daily Mail.

    link to

    Here is the Newsnet take on the despicable antics of a few thugs last night in Drumchapel.

    link to

  475. Quentin Quale says:

    Well, the remaining WBBs I had are now gone. A few were placed at the bus shelter for the morning commuters and the very last one was handed over to a lovely lady in a wee shop who said that ‘my heart wants to say Yes but..’ I offered her the WBB and showed the relevant section which was troubling her and her friends. I left her reading it and she said she’d make sure her friend gets the copy when they meet for lunch today.
    Scotland, be brave. It is our time.

  476. ScotsRenewables says:

    Tom Hunter on BBC coming out for NO – but in a sneaky way . ..

  477. Greannach says:

    O/T but interesting article on the media in Scotland. Sorry if anyone else has posted this already.

    link to

  478. rigmac7 says:

    Hold on a minute folks, just realised something. The BBC represents all of the UK, and as Scotland is only 8.3% of the population, then surely we only merit an 8.3% share of impartiality from them? 1 out of 12 articles must surely be fair?
    No…….you’re right, I’m being too optimistic again.

  479. Faltdubh says:

    O/T Morning Call has callers calling in with their reasons for Yes/No.

    3 callers so far. 1 yes, 2 Nos – former Labour voters/members who are very crtiical of their old party even saying they are finished, yet not got the paps to vote Yes.

    Ewan Morrison isn’t coming across as convincing at all to be honest and not just because he’s a No voter – he’s the so called Yes then No writer – says the Yes campaign is too ‘inclusive’. Jesus Wept! Isnt that the great thing about Yes – the diversity of Socialists, Greens, SNP all together.

  480. Nana Smith says:

    link to

  481. John H. says:

    Alistair Darling on Radio 4 this morning was practically foaming at the mouth when he ranted about thousands of people demonstrating outside BBC headquarters waving placards objecting to certain journalists.

    We don’t do that in this country he said.What, we don’t exercise our democratic rights by demonstrating.What kind of democracy does he believe in?

  482. Big Del says:


    They are still at it today. Adam Bolt-on should be working for the BBC.

  483. Robert Kerr says:

    O/T again,

    I am off in a week to South Wales. Have booked a cottage near Brecon.

    Received an email chasing the money.

    This included.

    “We look forward to seeing you again – we are waiting with baited breadth to hear what Scotland decides on Thursday!

    With best wishes


    The world is watching this! Tomorrow is a rite of passage!

    Make it so!

  484. Les Wilson says:

    Now they are starting to pay much more attention to the possible Atlantic Margin oil fields.

    link to

  485. alistair says:

    Sun today,
    Not a full on front page but first 6 pages inside are about as Yes as we’ll get from the press. Looks like they’re officially sitting on the fence but pretty much yes.

  486. Greannach says:

    Not that I care one way or the other about them, but does anyone else wonder if Flipper and Crash are going through some kind of personal crisis? They must know that people stopped believing them ages ago. Or are they in full East-Germany-1989 mode?

  487. Onwards says:

    new topic?
    This has been pretty much discredited, as a publicity stunt.

  488. Marker Post says:

    Every unionist spokesperson on TV over past 48 hours has a haunted look in their eyes. By contrast, every single Yes spokesperson is smiling and confident. Same applies to all Yes campaigners in the street. 18th September will be a special day.

  489. jackie g says:

    just saw a headline that police are investigating a death threat against George Galloway, keep the heid you know who will be the first to point the finger?

    The Scottish Labour Party of course the biggest bunch of greedy backstabbing sods, who blinded by their hatred of the SNP and Alex Salmond took the side of the Tories make no mistake no matter what the outcome tommorow their treachery of the Scottish people will not be forgiven.

  490. msean says:

    Good news,unemployment down by over 6%,also,in more good news,the chocolate ration has been raised and we’re off to sort out some foreigners just as soon as you lot have voted.

  491. Indy_Scot says:

    Scotland has two choices tomorrow, either to grow a pair, or curl up and sit in the corner.

    Hope, or fear.

    The choice is ours.

  492. Wp says:

    Not wanting to jump the gun, well, what the hell, why not, we will win this. But my concern is that we allow some of these Labour dinasours into the negotiating team. Which of them could we actually trust ?

  493. heraldnomore says:

    Looks like we can save rUk as well as Scotland with one wee cross

    link to

  494. Colin Church says:

    I have switched off all wavelengths. TV and radio. Too late to react to anything new. Interviews last night said it all. Dimbelby with FM was how it should be conducted. Jackie Burd deflected half an interview with a placed piece on process of NHS budget negotiations, as happens every year, to make it sound like a black hole. Cutting off FM and making contradicting statements to close Anything to shut down vision, democracy, future state, positivity, reform. Hopefully run in will concentrate on one issue. Do you want to hand back the unopened gift, our power to make our own future, to Westminster.

  495. Macart says:

    Wow, they really are thrashing about big time. Every fear, every smear they can think of. Now that’s what you call desperation.

    Let’s put them out of our misery and vote our way to a better place. 🙂

    Less than 24 hours and we get to decide whether we are a country that takes direction from a government or gives direction to a government.

  496. Les Wilson says:

    According to Sky News etc they all believe it is all over bar the shouting, with NO succeeding.
    Yet this could result in their Waterloo, because they are believing their own hype and concerted lies.

    There is now no doubt that with a NO vote, Scotland gets stuffed. They are all pointing out that MP’s of all persuasions are seeking to have Scotland punished in some way or other.

    We would lose all we have gained and more.
    I will be truly ashamed, if we vote NO, we just HAVE to vote YES, and keep our heads held high.

  497. James123 says:

    @Marker Post
    Every unionist spokesperson on TV over past 48 hours has a haunted look in their eyes. By contrast, every single Yes spokesperson is smiling and confident.

    Watching Sky News last night you could literally see the fear and panic in their faces, then up pops Pat Kane who looked so relaxed you would have thought he had a wee spliff before coming on air.

  498. bunter says:

    Anyone else agree, that whatever the result, we abandon the anti Scottish MSM for good!

  499. Kaspar says:

    @Helena Brown
    You wrote.”Spoke to a guy who I know is voting yes who says nobody but the SNP has been anywhere near, and considering we are talking Dunfermline, which was once in the fiefdom of Gordon Brown, speaks volumes.”
    I live in Kirkcaldy part of Gordon Browns constituency and can confirm that no one from Better together has made any contact with me.The yes campaign has canvassed me on the doorstep and I confirmed I was a yes supporter.The following week I again saw yes canvassing in the area. As I’d confirmed my views they didn’t speak to me but were obviously following up on their previous returns.
    A couple of leaflets from better together have been shoved through the letter box so they have been doing the rounds but don’t appear too keen to put their case face to face despite the fact that there were no posters etc. on the house to indicate which way I would vote.


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    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “Focussing on getting the hell out of this dreadful Union, there’s one thing that ALL Yes voters have to do…Mar 6, 22:06
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
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    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
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    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
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