Way back then
Posted on
June 19, 2018 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
I do love it when the UK of Englands self aggrandisement and superiority complex is crushed, although it happens so many times they still seem incapable of learning the simplest of lessons and that would actually clearly point to the opposite of superiority now wouldn’t it
Frankly I’m rather relieved that the EAW won’t apply given the way its been abused by Russia, Spain, Poland et al.
It is hugely amusing to watch though*. Barnier has obviously got to the end of his tether and then some.
* link to theregister.co.uk for an example of “bbbbbut we’re English!!” hubris. Comments from brexitards are pretty funny but its a bloody long BTL
… as part of the UK.
Exactly Fluffy Snackbeard’s words.
Subtle, but clear from the off: you’ll do as you’re told, Scotland.
Doesn’t matter what your Nation wants: you’ll be part of Europol, Euratom, Eurojust et al, as long as England wants to.
Semantics, properly analysed, have an enormous bearing on one’s intention.
Game’s up, folks. Get ready as it gets ugly from here.
Does Westminster really think that they Westminster will be able to Lord over what Scotland will do to protect Scotlands security. The first thing Scotland will need is to be rid of everything to do with Westminster.
We must remember that Unionists, when it comes to Scottish Independence have a problem for every solution and every occasion.
Will the English Establishment ever get the message that the rest of the world does not consider them to be some sort of Master Race?
I’m seeing a pattern forming. ๐
Basically, they’re serial fibbers.
You have got to remember the Brit-English think they are exceptional, yeah exceptional liars and twisters but thats about it.
If I recall correctly (I might be wrong) Britain will be locked out of other things like the Erasmus programme, Space programme and Nuclear as well.
Little did we know, that voting no in 2014 would lead to this. Lets vote yes next time around.
Please don’t tell me they lied. It just doesn’t make sense…why ..ohhh why?
Interesting, today Barnier has stated that the UK will not get unrestricted access to EU police ands security matters. The chickens are coming home to roost.
The problem the unionists have is that they concentrated so long and hard about how essential being part of the EU was to Scotland that it’s difficult to see how they can reverse that stance in indyref2.
Should it not be. Jocks will not divide one nation Britain!
On another note. Does anyone else suspect that Mundell was watching the England game on his I phone while the debate was on-going. It would be great if we had proof!
@ Andy-B 1:27 pm:
“If I recall correctly (I might be wrong) Britain will be locked out of other things like the Erasmus programme, Space programme and Nuclear as well.”
Erasmus – maybe, looks like EU will keep that open & why wouldn’t they? Young people, Europe….
ESA – don’t know enough to comment
Euratom – that’ll have to stay or German/French power companies are going to lose a lot of money.
There’s umpteen other things – like there’s no way (IMHO) Airbus will be in the UK in 5-10 years, BAe Systems (spit) are going to get sidelined all over the place. Rolls Royce are toast except for their maintenance contracts. GE will leave for the EU to avoid tariffs. Lots of tech jobs vanishing in “South Britain”….
Lots of schadenfreude for the English to swallow….
@Macart says
Basically, theyโre serial fibbers.
Your too kind & polite. ๐
For even the hardest Brexiteer, Brexit never meant total Brexit.
There were always goodies which the EU brought which they’d prefer to retain, like policing and security cooperation.
While the Tories are split into two main groups: the cliff jumpers and the cherry pickers, both want to keep good bits and disagree only on how much good stuff they wish to retain.
This article, from a few days ago, covers 12 Brexit cherries the UK wants to pick including security….
link to archive.is
Overflowing with superiority, exceptionalism, and entitlement, it’s taking a long time for the Tories to come to terms with the reality that they are the underling in this situation. The EU will decide what’s on offer, and given the number of UK red lines, that isn’t going to include many ‘cherries’.
Only three good things are likely to come out of Brexit – Scottish independence, Irish reunification, and a long overdue learning experience for the UK elites and establishment.
No Deal = No Real
Britnats just keep on stumbling and bumbling towards self-destruction. Never mind the popcorn, get oot the caviar.
Vestas 1.10
galamcennalath 1.50
That was fun!
As we hurtle closer to the Brexit date
that simple joke about thinking you can cancel your satellite tv subscription – and still get to see all the programs
is looking more and more accurate as an actual description of the Brexiteer state-of-mind.
Well what do you know. The country that voted to leave the E.U. (apparently) yet had NO idea how it was going to go about it is now finding out that everything they thought was going to be easy peasy lemon squeezy is in fact a steadfast brick wall with no way around it or through it! ๐
Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together, as the Colonel used to say … no peeps not THAT Colonel … THIS Colonel! ๐
link to youtube.com
Oh how we laughed. More like one of Baldrick’s cunning plans from the people who gave us Empire 2.0. Where have all the satirists gone?
link to youtube.com
@call me dave
I’m a sensitive soul at heart. ๐
Thankyou Vestas for the link at 1:10pm:
“….It’s official: the UK is going to be booted off the Galileo satellite GPS program as a result of Brexit, despite furious protestations from Britain that it’s a special case.
The decision was reached by all 27 member states of Europe at a meeting on Tuesday…..”
Hear all about it from our Secretary of State and BBC Reporting Scotland— NOT—-way above their Payscale. ๐
This is serious. I repeat this is not a joke. Those arrogant Muppets are fudging everything right up
When will they wake up down in leafy southern England, that nobody in the world takes them seriously anymore. The utter shock they seem to be experiencing that the EU member states are looking after their own interests, instead of dear little England.
In some ways I feel sorry for remainers in England, because they already know brexit is a complete nonsense, but as for the rampant brexiteers, I simply cannot wait until the day it suddenly clicks in the deep recesses of their skulls, that they are well and truly f*****. No country in history has inflicted such extensive self harm.
This unremitting arrogant belief they have down there, that England is ‘special’, that ‘of course other countries want to do trade with them’. It is unfathomably arrogant.
They will all still be singing ‘rule britannia’ and shouting three cheers for the queen, when the entire economy of England collapses and they phone the IMF. And they will likely blame ‘Europe’ for that too.
None so blind as those who will not see, and Brexiteers are the very worst.
The latest Brexit Bad news about the Galileo satellite has brought on a song:
Brexit Rhapsody
“Is this the real life?
Is Brexit fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality;
Open your eyes
Look up to the scots and see
I’m just a poor Brit, I need no sympathy
Because I’m easy come, easy go
Little high, little low
Anyway our flag blows, doesn’t really matter to me,
Mama May, just killed myself
Brexit gun against my head
Pulled the trigger, now Iโm dead
Mama May, our precious NO had won
But now I’ve gone and thrown it all away
Mama May, oo-o-o-o-oo
Didn’t mean to make UK die
It wonโt be back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on (BBC), as if nothing really matters
Too late, my time has come
My shivers canโt find a spine
BBC’s lying all the time
Goodbye everybody – I’ve got to go
Gotta leave Europe behind and face the truth
Mama, oo-o-o–oo – (anyway the wind blows)
I don’t want UK to die
I sometimes wish I’d never been born at
I see a little silhouetto of England
(Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the fandango
Thunderpants are lighting – very very frightening me)
Galileo, (Galileo),
Galileo, (Galileo),
Galileo Figaro – (It is gone!)
I’m just a poor Brit nobody loves me
(He’s just a poor Brit from a poor country
Spare him his life from this Westmonstrosity)
Easy come easy go – will you let us go
Scotland No! We will not let you go – let us go”
In the process of the Roman Empire declining and falling the tale of Nero fiddling while Rome burned is memorable and comparable to rejoicing in BREXIT as the Brittas Empire does ditto,
Just a wee reminder, and for any new readers-
AUOB march at Bannockburn on Saturday.
If you are physically capable of moving across the face of the Earth in any way, shape or form,
And tell any Indy friends to be there too. Let’s make this MASSIVE!
It has become clear to even the most supreme optimists, that we are looking at a cliff edge brexit, it is Mid June and EVERYTHING must be sorted by early October, yet it seems NOTHING is sorted yet.
It looks to me like the EU are pretty much resigned to this inevitable conclusion as well and are (rightly) preparing for such an event.
The EU simply cannot agree to the ridiculous demands coming out of WM, as that would send the message that the EU is over as a unified group of nations.
Why would you be IN the EU as a member when you could just leave and cherry pick the bits you like best ?
A cynic would think that WM actually want a cliff edge brexit, but are throwing out a pick and choose brexit in the hope the EU are stupid enough to accept such a crazy self harming (For the EU) deal, in the hope that it causes severe disharmony or fracturing of unity between member nations.
Surely not huh ?
Indeed this is what I said would happen before they ran the referendum to find what the voters thought. No way is Europe going to allow any form of cherry picking and it only takes one EU member state’s veto to stop anything the big guns in the EU would concede from happening.
There will be plenty of EU member states waiting to fill any vacant placed within any EU project left vacant by the UK.
Quite simply Westminster doesn’t understand how Europe works. They have been brainwashing the United Kingdom populations to believe that Europe is worse than Westminster and undemocratically run by the Euro big guns that they began to believe their own propaganda.
There is no way that the UK is going to benefit from leaving the EU, for if they did get only keep the good bits, There will be EU states queuing up for the same beneficial deals and the European Union would be over.
Anyway, on another note, well done the independent Scottish Legal system that has just shown Westminster the cutting edge of the people of Scotland’s legal sovereignty. I have little doubt that Ineos’ next move will be to attempt to take matters to what they believe to be the next highest court in the United Kingdom.
I doubt Ineos will be ready to accept defeat.
Ultimately Theresa Mays red lines have screwed her before negotiations begun.
Refusing to accept any role for ECJ simply rules the UK out of a number of items they would love to cherry pick.
galamcennalath @ 13:50,
As I’ve said before, Suez ’56 for slow learners.
High establishment and serially-misled isolationist BritNat prole alike.
Westminster unionists are killing and disrupting half the world. Getting away with murder. They should be on top of the arrest warrants. Likely to happen soon. An extended period of isolation in the Clink would change, review and relieve the stink of mass corruption. Concentrate minds. Getting into Klingon terroritiry. Mass resignations are required or kick it of office. The EU will be glad to get rd of them and their baggage. Dirty tricks and nastiness being aired in public. Fur coat and nae drawers Ignoramouses. Sanctioning and starving vulnerable people. Quite wick against EU principles and ideals.
Has there every been worse governance In the UK? In fact even worse. What a mess and a muck up. Ignorant, incompetents. It would take a mass loudhailer to try and get through. Am empty mass between the ears and blinkers on the eyes. Total intransigence. Have they nearly gone yet. Peeping out from behind the door of the dilemma and disaster of Brexit. Incompetence and ignorance personified. Westminster unionists out of touch, out of mind and swiftly running out of time. Being dumped universally by everybody.
Andy almost making the return of the prodigal son. Thrilling. Hope it is not too grilling. C’mon nearly on. Expected reappearance,
One day a MSM journalist will report these lies…we need to find a journalist first.
One day a BBC interviewer will ask a Tory a difficult question…live!
One day a Tory will stand up for Scotland…even a Red Tory would do.
That day will only come after Independence.
…in the meantime have some cereal.
Djokovic not England aka Scotland. Andy is our greatest hero. Don’t make a joke of yersel. Or show total ignorant. At least Fedder has visited and wore a kilt. Great sporting hero who likes a laugh and a joke, Hydro exciting event arranged for charity in Scotland. Willl ye no come back again, you are sorely missed. There is always the 02 accessible event. Early Christmas present. C’mon Andy, Jamie and the international tennis family. Looking smart and unpredictable.C’mon Aussie. Looking good. .
I guess that will be a No vote from Ineos then!
Is this not the same company the SG had to help out about 4 years ago? I could be mistaken.
Stravaiger said at 3:14 pm
“Just a wee reminder, and for any new readers-
AUOB march at Bannockburn on Saturday.
If you are physically capable of moving across the face of the Earth in any way, shape or form,
And tell any Indy friends to be there too. Letโs make this MASSIVE! ”
If you can’t manage [Dr’s Certificate required lol] ๐
Independence Live will be streaming the March.
If new people to Wings over Scotland don’t know about the streaming here they are a couple of days ago speaking to a man originally from Afghanistan now living in Scotland ๐
One Scotland Many Cultures (Scottish Afghan Society Eid Party)
A short clip but well a look and listen. ๐
link to pscp.tv
AUOB is not keeping its website up to-date. The next event is shown as Glasgow on 3 June 2017.
Does not look good for those wanting to participate, even if the info is available elsewhere.
Vestas: “Frankly Iโm rather relieved that the EAW wonโt apply given the way its been abused by Russia, Spain, Poland et al.”
Ah, you do realise Russia isn’t in the EU, so doesn’t actually issue EAWs? You might want to reeducate yourself on what the EAW actually is.
O/T This is quite good from Gordon Ross (Indycar) regarding our natural resources.
link to youtube.com
Thing about all this cherry picking isnโt about the cherries theyโd like to pick, but Westminsterโs delusional assertions that it will be able to cherry pick anything. It was NEVER going to be within Westminsterโs power or remit to deliver anything which the EU didnโt concede to give them.
All of these hard Brexits, Soft Brexits, cliff-edge or dirty Brexits, Free Trade Deals in or out of EFTA, on a good day Westminster can perhaps request any one of these arrangements, but it is the 27 other Nations in the EU who will determine whether the UK gets everything, anything that it wants, or absolutely nothing.
Brexit is all about Turkeys voting for Christmas, then demanding to choose the menu, arrange the seating plan, book the band, and decide whoโs on the guest list. None of these issues will any of their concern. It just isnโt going to happen.
@ gus1940
Spot on! That’s exactly why we are in this utter mess.
Their monumental arrogance in believing they are the best, a cut above, with all the best gear. The UK, with it’s creaking navy, underfunded army, aging Trident, porous intelligence.
The Uk, who allowed the Manchester bomber to travel to Libya at will, watching, but doing nothing. Never getting to grips with why British men are being radicalised here. Presiding over increases in hate crime, encouraging the rise of the Right, by letting the Press attack judges, or anyone with a different view.
“The will of the people” is the warcry to extinguish opposing voices. Subjugating their smaller, richer neighbour.
The world has been paying close attention since June, 2016. The EU privately say they are well rid.
Things are going to get much worse.
I cannot wait until we are rid.
Breeks says:
Indeed. The analogy I read somewhere was the Tories being in an Italian restaurant and spending half an hour arguing about whether they were going to order Chicken Madras or Beef Chow Mein.
It’s all delusional LaLa Land. What is astonishing is that the media is so loyal to the Establishment that none seem willing to expose (pun intended) the truth about the Emporer’s new clothes.
They report blow by blow accounts of the Tories’ antics in search of an agreed plan when they must know the proposed plans have already been rejected by the EU who quite reasonably operate on the basis that May’s red lines are actually red lines.
Valerie @ 16:36,
Hmmm. It was well said that [false] patriotism was the last refuge of the scoundrel, but it seems that with “the will of the people”, Mayhem has found a new low.
And observing what she clearly intends for us, even more outrageously fake.
Yes, roll on the blessed day when we finally summon up the courage to show that gang of liars the exit.
It doesn’t seem to matter how bad things get, or how many cherries they are denied, this depraved and deluded WM government will not give up on this failed venture. Like a dog with a bone it’s the perfect example of the Sunk Cost Fallacy (I’m sure Cameron B will have a link!)
We’re committed now, this is what the people want, we’ve invested too much in it, it will all be worth it etc etc. So arrogant they can never be wrong. Blundering on to disaster without a care.
We need out and soon.
The Express reports … “Gibraltar โshould have own MPโ to strengthen UK ties and prevent Brexit snatch”
Aye, then they too can be outvoted and ignored on every occassion by 100s of English MPs.
If 54 MPs don’t get Scotland’s voice heard nor allow a say on decisions, how the Hell do they think one will!?
Vestas says:
19 June, 2018 at 1:10 pm
“relieved that the EAW wonโt apply given the way its been abused by Russia, Spain, Poland et al.”
This is where I observe that the EFTA states don’t have to comply with the EAW. Switzerland and Lichtenstein don’t extradite for political charges, period. Iceland and Norway have a trilateral agreement with the EU, but exclude nonviolent political charges.
If Carla Ponsetti was in those countries, or Scotland was where they are, she wouldn’t be facing extradition
It’s high time MPs were breathalysed when they come from the bar to the House to vote on a debate in which they didn’t take part.
They laugh their fucking heads off at us, and Mundell’s Dirty Dozen we Tory poodles get to play the playground bully on the back of 590 English Jock haters.
There will be no place for this vermin in Free Scotland.
For Bercow to allow absentees to join the debate and vote it down with a few pints in them is the ultimate put down of Scotland.
WE are not far from open rebellion now; of a peaceful kind of course.
Mundell is a little coward.
Sat there while his boss lied about ‘consulting’ Scotland on the 111 returned devolved powers.
WE have reached the point of no return.
Tories tell Scotland you’re useless pathetic and couldn’t possibly out of all the countries on the entire planet ever be normal like anybody else
Unionists in Scotland say *Yaay! we knew it we told you we were useless*
I am so pleased yet again History has a knack of teaching England’s Yoons that they were wrong, again and again. Thanks fr eloquently pointing these facts out to them.
Derick fae Yell @ 17:40,
Yes, which is why the likes of Spain (and in another context, the Putin regime) tries to trump up “non-political” charges (eg. “corruption”, “misuse of public money”. etc.) instead. So much for that argument.
Though as we are seeing, the rule of law and due process has a way of shining a light on these attempted abuses. Rajoy being called to account by a Belgian court, for example.
If you set a corrupt mind to it, here’s always a way to attempt to flagrantly misuse a perfectly decent system for efficiently bringing real miscreants to justice.
But no doubt you would prefer to return to the good old days of the “Costa del Crime” where real criminals can use national jurisdictions to dodge justice for years, and all for the sake of your own isolationist political dirigisme.
@Robert Louis
“No country in history has inflicted such extensive self harm.”*
*Except Scotland as we are ruled by them ref:trainspotting.
@Vestas re:Airbus
I am an Airbus employee in France.
All I can say is; its something Airbus is looking at. However with a rampup of deliveries to handle and an order book full for years its not so easy to close a pole of excellence (Which the UK sites are for what they do). It could be that Airbus will eventually pull out but not before > 10 years time. An announcement that they wish to pull out could come earlier though.
Bottom line: its another risk for the UK/ENGLAND which has already destroyed Scottish Aerospace. Did you know that the remnants of Scottish Aerospace is now part of Spirit Aerosystems which also makes components for Boeing and Airbus?
Lastly, we all need to remember this UK folly will impact many including a lot of people South of the border who have nothing to do, and want nothing to do with the English establishment..
Jack collatin says:
19 June, 2018 at 5:50 pm
Mundell is a little coward.
Sat there while his boss lied about โconsultingโ Scotland on the 111 returned devolved powers.
WE have reached the point of no return…
Aye. A wee ermine wrap seems awfy easy to acquire these days, but there are still those whoโd sell their soul to get one.
One of the great things about Brexit is that it’s added to the complexity of the English language. Apart from now knowing that ‘no’ means ‘yes’ (for up to 7 years) and learning new words like ‘cakeism’, we can now add ‘Fluffy’, ‘Chopeing’ and even better ‘Brining’ (after that b##t##d who thanked the SNP for allowing him the opportunity to watch England play football). I see someone has offered to welcome Steve Brine to Glasgow with a traditional Glasgow kiss!
Brexit divisions…
Not in Ireland:
link to cdn-02.independent.ie
@galamcennalath says: 19 June, 2018 at 5:38 pm:
” โฆ If 54 MPs donโt get Scotlandโs voice heard nor allow a say on decisions, how the Hell do they think one will!?”
I was once a member of a, mixed trades, Trade Union delegation to meet and, “negotiate”, with the then Secretary of State for Defence, Michael Heseltine, (from 1983 to 1986).
(Note:- Babcock Thorn, a consortium operated by Babcock International and Thorn EMI, was awarded the management contract for Rosyth dockyard in 1987).
It went like this, after the preliminaries and introductions I made a brief statement that it was written into the MOD/Trade Union Agreement that the MOD had to legally consult and negotiate with the Trade Unions about any changes to pay or working conditions of the civilian workforce.
I then asked the Question, “As the decision to privatise Rosyth Dockyard has already been decided by the Conservative Government, with who exactly, and when exactly, had he consulted and negotiated with on the Trade Union side?
Believe it or not his reply was, “This delegation and I have just done so”. He then got up and left.
Does that remind you of any recent event in regard to the Scottish Government? This is the Westminster Establishment’s idea of what the terms, “Consult & Negotiate mean”.
So we have Haw Haw Mundell the epitome of the sleekit coward, he will say/do anything to ingratiate himself with his masters down south. A man that will sell his country for a few babbles at Westminster, he will have his place in history. A 24 hour hero in England (soon forgotten), despised in Scotland, he will probably be honoured to wear this badge.
Soon to be Lord Mundell is a pathetic dead man walking.
He looks absolutely drained.
That is what happens to you when you stab your country and her people in the back.
All for personal gain. He would rather keep his English masters happy than stick up for his own country.
France was full of his types during WW2.
The guy is better just throwing in the towel.
Perhaps Mundell will be granted ‘ Honourable Englishman’ status.
Or perhaps he just thinks that.
Have to agree with comments about Mundell. It’s that scene in Pulp Fiction “Bring out the gimp”.
Seriously, he looks a dreadful colour, and last night, when he got to his feet, after being challenged vociferously by Blackford, he stammered so much, I thought he was going to pass out,,but he rallied, and just made a personal attack on Ian.
Just a passing comment on David Linden, new in last year. Only 28, but a very impressive young man, speaking, and responding to Tories. One to watch, methinks.
Nice to see so many immigrants playing for England last night. England plays a team from Africa and most of the Africans are in the English team. Wonder who the vile UKIPPERS were supporting last night.
No agreement on customs , ireland, police ,flights,borders,.trade.
In fact, no agreement on anything. We will be stuck on this bloody little island ,unable to do anything or go anywhere.
EVEL is a veto by English/Welsh MPs so that the entire Westminster Parliament can’t impose its will on them but might in turn veto.
Now it seems that Devolution allows England to impose their will on Scotland almost at will.
If you believe Mundell the most powerful devolved assembly in the world has no power at all.
In not then it’s not just powers returning from the EU that are being grabbed it’s every single power Holyrood supposedly already has.
A meaningful devolution settlement would mean devolved administration reaching agreements with Westminster on treaties involving their devolved competencies. There should be no need to remove powers.
Also, the reason for withholding makes no sense if Westminster could simply make law for Scotland unchallenged. Bearing in mind that without a demonstrable mandate they can’t bypass the Lords. Arguably in devolved matters Westminster can never obtain a mandate except by explicitly putting a clause in their Scottish contingents manifestos when standing for election to Westminster and gaining a majority of the seats in Scotland.
They will do what they always do. Lie through their teeth and deny they ever said it.
Re leaving Euratom see this (part)
Dr Hywel Owen
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Interesting trip to France today: 1. Took taxi to airport. Lovely taxi driver who voted for #Brexit. I explained about the Govt. dithering about leaving Euratom and the risk of losing access to Technetium-99m, essential for UK medical imaging:
Doctors warn Brexit could cut off UK access to cancer scans and treatment
Theresa Mayโs deputy has been accused of misleading MPs after insisting cancer patients had nothing to fear from the UK quitting the Euratom agency. The Nuclear Industry Association (NIA) hit back afโฆ
link to independent.co.uk
2. Several years ago I co-wrote a report about the risks to the UK of not having access to technetium for scans. Today, the UK does around half a million procedures a year, and we don’t make any in the UK. Without Euratom all procedures stop happening. arxiv.org/abs/1501.03071
3. Like most people, my taxi driver hadn’t even heard of Euratom until the Govt. said we were leaving it because of #Brexit, and she didn’t realise one consequence is losing access to this vital medical isotope. You can’t stockpile it, because it has a shelf life of about a week.
4. I asked her if she thought she’d voted to lose these vital supplies to all these medical procedures when she voted for #Brexit. She said, ‘no, of course not.’
LOVE the Brexit rhapsody. Brilliant b
Euratom (part of thread)
Thread by @hywelowen: “Interesting trip to France today: 1. Took taxi to airport. Lovely taxi driver who voted for . I explained about the Govt. dithering a [โฆ]” #Brexit
16 tweets 5 days ago
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Dr Hywel Owen
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Interesting trip to France today: 1. Took taxi to airport. Lovely taxi driver who voted for #Brexit. I explained about the Govt. dithering about leaving Euratom and the risk of losing access to Technetium-99m, essential for UK medical imaging:
Doctors warn Brexit could cut off UK access to cancer scans and treatment
Theresa Mayโs deputy has been accused of misleading MPs after insisting cancer patients had nothing to fear from the UK quitting the Euratom agency. The Nuclear Industry Association (NIA) hit back afโฆ
link to independent.co.uk
2. Several years ago I co-wrote a report about the risks to the UK of not having access to technetium for scans. Today, the UK does around half a million procedures a year, and we don’t make any in the UK. Without Euratom all procedures stop happening. arxiv.org/abs/1501.03071
3. Like most people, my taxi driver hadn’t even heard of Euratom until the Govt. said we were leaving it because of #Brexit, and she didn’t realise one consequence is losing access to this vital medical isotope. You can’t stockpile it, because it has a shelf life of about a week.
4. I asked her if she thought she’d voted to lose these vital supplies to all these medical procedures when she voted for #Brexit. She said, ‘no, of course not.’
5. It turns out her husband had to have a technetium scan done last week; he was given dire warning not to miss the appointment, as these scans cost around a ยฃ1000 to do. And no technetium, no scan.
6. I told her that without a proper #Brexit deal, then after March 2019 these technetium procedures will just stop. The scan her husband had saved his life. If people need a scan after March next year, we need a deal or there just won’t be any technetium.
Breeks, 6.30 pm 19.06.18
‘Aye. A wee ermine wrap seems awfy easy to acquire these days, but there are still those whoโd sell their soul to get one.’
Jack McConnell paid ยฃ1.5 BILLION of our money for his Lairdship which in the scheme of things was cheap at the price.
Flipper Darling sold the whole of Scotland to the English for his ermine.
Good job he held onto his taxpayer funded pad in London.
We are on the brink of Revolution.
Something has got to give soon.
According to one of the new Tory boys last night we are the EU’s Fifth Column. He is at war with the rest of Europe, and his home land Scotland.
We are on the verge of Last Straw Land.
@Valerie says: 19 June, 2018 at 7:30 pm:
” โฆ Just a passing comment on David Linden, new in last year. Only 28, but a very impressive young man, speaking, and responding to Tories. One to watch, methinks.”
Yeah! That’s the SNP’s big problem, Valerie. So many impressive and talented elected members that it is so hard to choose one to watch for the future. A bit like Scotland’s natural resources methinks.
Only poor wee Scotland in the entire
United KingdomWorld has so much going for her that we are absolutely overwhelmed and totally incapable of looking after it all by ourselves and are dependent upon our next door neighbours to run things for us.Isn’t it wonderful thing how much they love us that they do it so well and so free of charge?
Bob Mack says:
19 June, 2018 at 8:13 pm
“No agreement on customs , ireland, police ,flights,borders,.trade.
In fact, no agreement on anything. We will be stuck on this bloody little island ,unable to do anything or go anywhere.”
Rock (28th June 2017 – “Slight reprise”):
“The UK will have a “snap” Brexit while we are caught napping with no legislation in place for an independence referendum.”
I hadn’t a clue how many agencies or agreements we had with countries outwith the EU until now. I hadn’t realised how powerful the EU are as a negotiating force and even if necessary a force powerful enough to stand up the the bully that is Trump’s US.
England will rue the day it decided to leave the EU for an imaginary never never land of free trade agreements and taking back control.
The most ridiculous arguments ever heard fooled the electorate into granting the wishes of some. Who are these “some” I’ve not got a clue but it’s definitely nobody I’ve ever met but they are those that badly wanted such a result.
Even though the picture has become much clearer to the people reading Wings it’s clear that the vast majority of still don’t have a scooby and are totally complacent.
This can’t go on, Scotland is wakening up and I would expect it did, the rUK not so much. Can’t help feeling the tension is mounting, something has to give and it’s not too far away.
Maybe the truth will break out, TM exposed as wearing no clothes and the shit will hit the fan. One thing is certain I don’t have a clue and neither do the MSM.
We’re neither in or out right now. We’re in purgatory.
Ann Forbes @ 9.14
In 2011 I was diagnosed with breast cancer – before the op they inject a radioisotope via your nipple to reach the sentinel nodes underarm to take a sample to see if the cancer has spread into lymph nodes, thankfully mine hadn’t.
Las night on FB I saw a tweet from a breast surgeon asking her fellow breast surgeons if this meant they would not be able to carry out sentinel node biopsies.
The alternative is full node clearance and a higher risk of lymphoedema which is limiting for woman who have it. Only c25% of women need a full node clearance.
Because of the chemo and Herceptin I had I also had to have regular hear scans which also required a radioactive injection. I had those at regular intervals throughout treatment and beyond.
It also affects people who need radiotherapy, which many do and those who need some scans for many investigations.
slightly O/T
Bannockburn March
Iโve done a recce.
The march on Saturday is almost entirely through residential streets.
At about a mile into the march, youโll see a sign, on the RH side of the road, which indicates the โTorbrex Innโ which is a short distance, left, down โTorbrex Laneโ on your LEFT. ( toilets, refreshments).
Not long after that, we pass Stirling High School and St. Ninianโs Primary School โ origin of โthe Daily Mileโ) we turn right, uphill into Coxethill Road, at the mini roundabout.
There is a small newsagents and a sandwich shop just there.
Youโll see the sign for โLidโl in the ( near) distance. Lidl is adjacent to the main road and opposite the โScots Wha Haeโ pub. ( toilets and refreshments).
The Battle Centre is situated next to the โKing Robert Hotelโ, on the Glasgow Road, and there is a small cafe and WCโs in the Information Centre.
If you leave via the main entrance/exit, onto the Glasgow Road, the โ1314 Innโ is a short distance along the road, to the right. There is a newsagents opposite the Pedestrian Crossing, and a mini-market opposite the Inn.
You can get a bus back into Stirling on the Glasgow Road, or cross the road for buses to Glasgow.
โJetโ petrol station and โHome Bargainsโ with a cash machine, about a long half a mile to the right.
Continue along this road, towards the Motorway and you will come to the โPirnhall Inn/Brewerโs Fayre restaurantโ and the โPremier Innโ.
There is a service station at the Motorway, M9, junction 9, with an โM&Sโ food outlet, other facilities, and โTravel Lodgeโ.
About half a mile, left and downhill towards St, Ninianโs Roundabout will take you to 3 other pubs, shops, chip shop, takeaways and a cash machine on โMcCollโs mini-marketโ. You will also have more choice of buses back into Stirling as you will be on the main Edinburgh to Stirling road.
This is a useful map.
link to battleofbannockburn.com
Me @ 9.46
4th last line – heart not hear.
Good to see our imperial masters are making such a fine job of Brexit. Their empire will surely prosper.
What a bunch of fannys.
I don’t think those pushing Brexit are in the least bit interested in who is damaged, what they see is a way to line their own pockets. They are already moving their money around to capitalise the potential.
They have lined their pockets since 1979, there is little left to sell off at a knock down price. The next goal is the NHS, health insurance, fracking, etc. Some at Westminster see their wealth growing beyond their dreams.
@Meg merrilees
Thanks for the info on the route. Obviously Stirling Council in talks with AOUB have dictated what the route should be and decided against allowing a more direct route along the main road.
Well fair enough, we don’t want to create disruption and piss potential supporters off on a busy Saturday but look on the bright side. If the walk is going through maingly residential areas then I’m sure we will pick up more support along the way. Because, they might not even have known of it.
Looking forward to what promises to be another brilliant day in our goal of Independence. I’ve checked the weather and it’s looking ideal. Hoping to meet many old friends and new on Saturday. Let’s make this bigger than Dumfries and show Westminster that we are serious.
Mundell must resign, will be shouting that on Saturday for sure.
Meg Merriless
March. Thanks for route info. There’s also the Holybank Restaurant on the main Glasgow Rd for refreshment & toilets not far off the march route. The M9 services ok if you’ve got transport but watch out for the old max 2hrs parking caper. Also if anyone is thinking about walking to the services there is next to no pavement on the roundabout and crossing the motorway slip roads very dangerous.
Jack collatin @ 21:26:
You know, Jack, I’ve been seeing it the other way round, especially after these last few days. Those useless-to-nasty backstabbing LibLabTory MPs and MSPs are the Union’s fifth column in Scotland.
Thepnr says:
19 June, 2018 at 10:10 pm
Route for Stirling march. There are major road closures in Stirling at the moment because of work related to the electrification of the rail line. One of the bridges over the railway line is being raised, practically rebuilt in fact. The road over the bridge is one of the main routes into and out of Stirling so lots of diversions in place to try to minimise disruption. The work will probably take months.
This is the likely explanation for the choice of route put forward by the Council for the march. Any other choice of route would probably bring Stirling to a standstill.
Thanks for the explanation and from my experience there usually is one and they are not always out to get you.
The important thing is that all the visitors i.e. us have a good day and that the locals enjoy the spectacle too. Most importantly we raise the profile of the grass roots Independence movement and grow it.
We have a job to do and that is to make our country Independent, attending the AOUB march at Bannockburn is part of that. I’m looking forward to it, was at Glasgow which was a great day. We could make this one better.
Talking of Brexit, I still think the signs are for No Deal.
I also think in preparation, and retaliation, major food retailers are moving away from EU produce.
Over the past two weeks, in Tesco and M&S, fruit is moving, seems no longer available from the EU. I don’t eat enough fresh fruit, I’m picky, so I do pay attention as to where it’s from.
The apples are now from Chile, Argentina, New Zealand and South Africa. I previously enjoyed apples from France and Italy.
Aside from the air miles, these apples taste yuck thus far, I actually chucked some out, hard as cricket balls.
I obviously search for Scottish produce first for any fresh food, then Irish, then English or British.
I’m waiting on my Irish mushrooms disappearing ๐
Won’t manage the Bannockburn march but my son is going.
Hope for a fantastic turnout especially as Stirling is represented by a pro-Brexit Tory MP in Stephen Kerr.
What were the people of Stirling thinking about last year when they elected him?
They had one of the highest ‘Remain’ votes in Scotland.
Valerie @ 11.45
For at least 15 years I have been paying attention to ‘air miles’ when I buy fresh fruit especially. For example I don’t buy strawberries until they come from Tayside and I ignore blueberries from eastern Europe.
I also prefer apples from France or England. Mushrooms from Scotland with a saltire on them.
Still available in Sainsbury’s last Wednesday evening.
if there are tens of thousands of people Stirling might well come to a standstill anyway as the route around the King’s Park is a fairly busy ‘ring road’ out to the M9 Northbound and for routes to the north west. We’ll see…
Might make some of those who voted Tory to have second thoughts.
Sorry for the O/T
This US Media crap which is also being swallowed by most of the UK as well about the terrible conditions and actions of Donald Trump for separating these poor kids from their parents is actually a US law, it was passed into law by congress in 1990, Not Donald Trump
In 2014
A Democratic congressmen from Texas told CNN that the Obama administration tried to keep this quiet even as 70,000 children flooded across the border back in 2014.
I am sure that well trained Wings readers are casting a critical eye on this type of story which some say has been ginned up to deflect from the damming Inspector Generals report on the FBI and Hillary’s email
Anyway thanks for allowing me to vent a bit
Still Positive @ 23:52,
You could say that they were big on “keep things the way they are now”.
They were played for patsies first in the indyref by BT (where we had to vote “no” to stay in the EU, remember!), then in the UKGE by the Ruth Davidson Party (and their LibLab meeee-toooo echoers) exploiting their aversion to more upheaval with her “no to indyref2” schtick.
Many small-c conservative voters were conflicted at the last UKGE, and were relieved that pro-Union people in public positions gave them a convenient excuse to look the other way and avoid confronting what is for them a very painful constitutional dilemma.
But there is no status quo on offer now. It’s a question of balancing the “risk” of going it alone and taking full responsibility for the outcome ourselves (the scary part), or Brexitastrophe, and one being forced upon us all against our manifest will.
The latter is going to be a dead-cert bad choice, whatever form it takes, and the internal “divisiveness” (=laugh=) and rank incompetence of the current UKGov (and any likely successor, for that matter) is making it even worse.
One can only hope that reality is now percolating through to these voters, having saddled themselves with a useless fool of a representative who now urges them to “lie back and think of England”, a country whose representatives in return regard them with nothing but very obvious contempt.
There must come a point when even the most lowly and misinformed Stirling worm turns. Now is hopefully that time. With a wee bit of encouragement (and no self-indulgent condemnation, please) from us all this coming Saturday.
Robert J Sutherland @10.40 19/06/18
Robert I have been referring to our MSM as the Fourth Estate Fifth column for several years now.
There is no doubt that the Scottish Branch of the English Establishment, all ProudScots But to a man and woman are perfectly happy to continue with the status quo.
They are dung beetles feeding off the misery of their fellow scots, for money position and power.
I have yet to hear a minister or a priest condemn Austerity from the pulpit for example; obviously the Sermon on the Mount has been airbrushed out of their Free Market Laissez Faire Lords rule over the Serfs the Poor Will Always Be With Us versions of Christianity.
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a poor man to get PIP.
Evil stalks this land and is killing our fellow citizens so that the rich can get richer and global businesses rule our country not the people.
It has come to this.
ian murray @ 00:31,
O/T. You’re welcome. So I’ll just vent right back. Attorney Jeff Sessions stated very explicitly when introducing the change that he was ordering this new hardline policy to target children with the specific intention of supposedly deterring illegal immigrants. (Even though illegal immigration has actually been declining over the last few years under Obama. Fact.)
Since then the Trump administration has been all over the place, some claiming it’s not a deterrent, some claiming it’s not a policy, some claiming it’s someone else’s fault, not least Congress, in which Trump’s party incidentally commands a majority in both houses. A cacophony of typical blame shifting for something everyone knows could be stopped with one phone call from the Buffoon-in-Chief.
This deliberate, heartless and wanton cruelty has been condemned by Republican congressmen, by religious leaders and in no uncertain terms by a Republican former first lady, Laura Bush.
So any damned assertion that this cruelty has been spun-up out of nowhere by the liberal media is a load of complete ultra-right “fake news” tosh. With motivation all too transparent.
Which besides being completely irrelevant to Scottish independence, has no place whatever on here anyway, where truth is valued very highly indeed and not casually trampled in the gutter.
Even Unionists must at least wonder why broadcasting is a *power* only Westminster controls then refuses to let Scotland have its own broadcasters
Why must it only be the BBC and STV neither of which are Scottish
C’mon Unionists you must wonder, what is it Westminster don’t want you to know
Vote NO to confirm your compliance (stupidity)…Do you want to know more?
Professor Chris Greyโs latest take on last weekโs shameful shambles in Parliament.
link to vip.politicsmeanspolitics.com
Two of his conclusions:-
“Itโs very likely that the average voter thinks that nothing much is happening except for irritating political rows: under the surface, the economic tectonic plates are shifting and really serious damage is now in prospect.”
“If ever there were a time for political leadership, it is now. We already know that isnโt going to come from the Prime Minister or from the government. What we learned this week is that it isnโt going to come from the House of Commons, either.”
Robert J. Sutherland
For me, stuff that appears on Wings over Scotland Twitter pages are part of the same Wings experience and my perception has been that there has been a lot of stuff on immigration in the USA posted recently
The US has no tangible way to count illegal immigrants so to say there is less illegal immigration may be your truth but it is not so just because you say so.
The most popular reference is the 2005 Pew report which puts the total number at 11 million The methodology has been criticized for its circular thinking plus if the number is still 11 mil that would mean more people are going back to Mexico.
Bear Stearns looked at more realistic indicators of population,eg increase in housing in immigrant communities school enrollments etc They figure perhaps 20 million illegals but it is now 2018 and there has been lots of illegals entering year after year since those two reports.
Regarding the chaos you speak of.It is also worth keeping in mind that Donald Trump is up against his own Republicans in many instances so there will always be disruptive voices from the Republican side
The Bush family are no help to their Republican president they have been that way since the start.
I opened my comment with an apology for being O/T so your dismissive comment was unnecessary
Have a nice day everyone
Will this make BritNat Broadcastings news??
โScotland has become the first country in the UK to achieve full UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative accreditation in all of its maternity and community health visiting services.โ
link to indyref2.scot
Didn’t see anyone mention Ineos losing their fracking case. Must have missed the comment(s). Valerie, you must be chuffed.
O/T for the USA apologists
Europe, The USA and other countries who spend their time moaning about, as they so sneeringly put it ‘immigrants’ need a freaking reality check. Just why is it that so many are fleeing latin american countries to the USA??? I’ll tell you, decades of USA interference in those countries politics, destabilising them and installing puppet governments. It was the USA that installed and supported the mass murderer Pinochet in Chile, their hands are literally dripping with the blood of latin america. So it really is a bit freaking rich for (mainly) WHITE americans to spend their days bad-mouthing ‘immigrants’ arriving on their borders. All the right wing religious zealots seem to have forgotten what the bible ACTUALLY says “That which you sow, that also shall you reap.’. The so-called problems which the right wing neo-nazis (for that is what they are) in the USA keep moaning about are their own doing. They have done this all over the world.
And let’s never forget, the USA is a country of immigrants. Each and every one, aside from those descended from the true native americans whose country was literally stolen from them. Something the likes of Trump and fox news always seem to overlook.
Likewise the UK and USA, created the palestinian problem, by stealing their country from them to give to israeli’s, after the second world war.
Then their is Europe, with lots of North African refugees turning up. Just why is that happening??? Oh, maybe because European countries and the USA have spent near on the last twenty five freaking years bombing the absolute sh*t out of all those countries. Libya, Syria, Iraq.
ALL these countries, the USA, Europe, the UK, should be literally apologising to these refugees, and giving them a home. It is Their own handiwork that is responsible.
But, if all of that is not good enough a reason, then their is ONE thing they should remember, and indeed it is at the heart of all of this, these ‘refugees’, or ‘immigrants’ that the likes of FOX news and the Daily Mail and neo Nazi Trump go on about are HUMANS. They are HUMANS.
Listening last night on the news to little kids of six and five year old crying out for their daddy in USA child cages, made me weep. What the f*ck is wrong with America. What the f*ck is wrong with Europe.
jockanese wind talker at 0712am,
Oh it might make the news, but the report ‘for viewers in Scotland’ will go like this
‘critics have raised concerns that the Scottish Government is still not doing enough for maternity care. Despite having been awarded UNICEF accreditation, services in Scotland are still failing according to a number of critics. A BBC investigation (FOI) has shown that in Moray alone, last year their were xxx number of failures etc…etc…’.
That’s how BBC propaganda works. Blatantly lying to and deceiving Scots.
Jockanese Wind Talker, that is bloody marvellous!
Robert Louis , you are absolutely correct. I cannot understand those who shout about immigration while not taking into account our efforts destroying and endangering other countries .
We have a deaf , blind and dumb bunch in Westminster ,unwilling and incapable of acknowledging our evil ,misery causing , warmongering status.
I am utterly ashamed of the UK .
Valerie, still positive,
It is always so at this time of year, european fruit is very ‘end of season’ being that it is stock stored from last autumn whereas antipodean fruit (it being late autumn there) is this year’s new season.
Most hard fruits are picked before they are ripe and chilled for storage and shipment and most supermarkets here seem to put them straight out for sale rather than ripening them first. So you need to give them time to ripen. To speed up ripening you can put them in a brown paper bag with a banana skin.
Benefits of uk are grossly over estimated, benefits of EU are grossly underestimated!
uk is becoming isloated in all respects, they (English tories) were told this, but did not believe it and or chose to ignore the unambiguous message.
Penny will drop eventually!
After watching a video on liveleak of a Syrian toddler with half his head missing crying out for his mum, I don’t tend to get very upset at the stuff the MSM shows, especially after the white helmets bullshit, which that video preceded by many years.
But it is, to quote RJS, ‘completely irrelevant to Scottish independence’.
@ Dorothy Devine
‘Our’ efforts? This has nothing to do with ordinary people far-removed from power. Infant.
In the US it is the State authorities that are separating family and puting people in cages for three or four days. To try and enforce Fed Law. Major the logistics of migration. It is the way State authorities are implementing federal legislation, Although the situation has arisen overall, because of illogical Federal policies.
The State authorities must be told to stop using these methods to carry out Federal policies. Two different administration. Two different electional system (D’Hondt) checks and balances not counter acting. A conflict of two different administration, The situation is further damaged by the US decision by especially previous US Fed administration to participate in major illegal wars causing migration world wide. Spending too much (as a %) on the military. Instead of social care. Then using migrant as a political tool when it is a humanitarian matter. The costs are not being fully met but wasted on the military and redundant weaponry. This then causes death, disruption and chaos.
Many US State administration, especially nearer the border, ignore US Fed Gov policies and help the migrants by not enforcing Fed Law. ignoring the dictats. US Fed illegal foreign policies in the Middle East increase migration in the world, causing major disruption and poverty. Chaos. Still about Oil and greed. Cooperation of neighbouring countries.
When countries administration break the Law. Acts illegally. Embarks on illegal wars and death and destruction. It leads to an increase in migration worldwide. The migration is caused by the illegal action of these administration. Not being held to account. The right two wrongs make it wrong. No social awareness or compassion or accountability. Or self awareness.
Migrant derainees and refugees seeking asylum in Britain are treating in an intolerable way. Just as bad or worse for longer because of the Westminster unionists flawed illogical decision. Locking innocent people up for years. Or deporting people illegally. Embarking on illegal wars and other secret activities. Tax evasion and financial fraud, Westminster Unionists not enforcing UK Law. Westminster unionists politicians are breaking the Law with impunity. Breaking and not enforcing the Laws that they make. Leading to poverty and starvation, An unequal, injust and unfair world.
@Robert Louis
What’s wrong with humanity(?) might be a better question RL. We’ve been here before and it never ends well. The bigger picture is the rise of fear and intolerance on a global scale. Europe, the Americas, Asia, you name it? It’s happening there too. Maybe this time we’ll stop before it’s too late. The real shock for many is that it’s western democracies that’re making the headlines on inhuman and downright xenophobic acts. We’re meant to be the good guys. We fought wars against eeeeeevil you know.
Problem for folk is in understanding the nature of evil. It doesn’t wear a uniform and it couldn’t give a shit about flags. No country on the planet owns the rights. This isn’t Lord of the rings, where you get to point to Mordor and say that’s where evil lives. Most of the time it doesn’t look like an Orc or wear a black hat. It tends to smile and look pretty inviting.
Like a weed, it can spring up anywhere and unchecked can overrun a nation before you even realise there’s a problem. The peoples of America and the UK took their eye off the pot for just a second. We allowed these monsters to come to be and we put them in office. We allowed our media, on both sides of the Atlantic, to become what they became. A tool for power.
I’d say the populations of the Western democracies had more than a fair shout in the post WW2 era to get it right. Not as if we didn’t know what to look out for. Torture and rendition, camps, inhuman legislation, appalling immigration policy? The UK government is well ahead of the curve on hateful acts.
The thing folk have to come to terms with, is that we underwrite those acts. It’s done in our name and with our votes. Kinda why people should put some thought into their vote and their politics. Really LOOK at what they are voting for.
People can change this, but they have to want to.
Michael Heseltine stood up to Mrs Thatcher and helped to bring her down. One of the major reasons being Mrs Thatcher’s anti-EU stance, others included the Poll Tax and autocratic leadership.
And he wouldn’t waste his time on Mr Peffers and his Labour-loving trade union buddies.
Mr Heseltine was sacked from his Govt roles in 2017, by Theresa May, for criticising her “now is not the time” and Scots are not in possession of all the facts to decide on independence speeches.
He said it begs the question: when is the time? He also pointed out people were not in possession of all the facts for the EU-ref but it hasn’t prevented the Tory Govt pushing ahead with UK-Exit from the EU.
For all his faults Mr Heseltine deserves some respect.
Good question that: When is the time?
Reluctant nationalist , I doubt those bombed into the dark ages , who have lost husbands , wives ,grannies , grandads and children excuse any of us from the carnage caused – so yes ‘our’ efforts
We are all lumped together in the mess.
Reluctant Nationalist @ 8:10 am.
It has much to do with ordinary people, we are the ones who voted these polititians into power. We are the ones who paid for the troops and munitions. There is, I am afraid, a collective responsibility on our generation for allowing this to happen. It’s not good enough to say ‘well, we were deceived, lied to or misled.
We, collectively, cannot alter the past but we can influence the future and in Scotland we can break free from the malign power of Westminster which has facilitated these outrages against so much of the world.
I would urge everyone who can, to be at Bannockburn on Saturday. These demonstrations of our determination to cast ourselves free from the evils of the British ‘elite’ are important.
It’s much better than simply saying “It wisnae me” which is what Reluctant Nationalist seems to be implying.
US pop 1970 205Million
US pop 2018 320Million
Increased approx 120million in 50 years. (1/3) Increaee average approx 2.4million a year. Vast land mass. Took resources from other countries under threat, continually. Breaks International Law.
If you vote for the Tories you might do it for several reasons like maybe you’ve got lots of money and you think they’ll be better at not taking any of it away from you or you might be a sectarian Tory who you think will protect your bigotry or even you might feel you hate the left wing of politics because you think they’re too soft on lazy people or they will maybe be better at defending you in a war
But at some point the Tories will start killing babies and they’ll claim you wanted them to because that’s how you voted
Still think it’s good to be a Tory?
Just been reading the Massie piece about which he tweeted. Now, the guy is intelligent enough to realise Brexit is a whole pile of shite about to engulf us; he knows it’s English shite – yet he still cannot accept there is a way out for Scotland – Independence.
His father, lovely man, good writer – my “go to” authority on controverssial matters in Scottish rugby, via his weekly Scotsman column, spent a lot of money having Alex educated – what a waste of money.
Educated Scots such as Alex Massie, who have sold-out to the idea of a greater England, and who do not use their media profile for Scotland, they are ur shame.
Density of the US.
30 people per kilometer, 78 people per mile. Overcrowded? Average 78 people in a mile. Vast wilderness but some difficult terrain. Rookie mountains. The largest Cities and all situation along the coast. In relatively regularity. By distance between, By the ocean. 10 biggest and most wealthy. (Because of bigger pop (or pro rata?) Distribution of wealth uneven because of US Fed Gov policies. Or conflict of admin State/Fed. Poverty rate (accurate?) 16.5% Geological land mass.
UK poverty (accurate?) 18% More unequal? US one of the biggest debt pro rata. Deficit. Not cohesive.
Relatively high living standards. Over consuming?
Russia smaller population and less densely populated. Vast land mass. More leg room.
sarah calling sarah I have left a message for you over at false starters about the inks hope it helps
thanks for that on the fruit, maybe I’m a bit paranoid. As I’m pretty sure it’s No Deal, my fevered brain does tend to run away sometimes. I imagine Tesco has loads of short term contracts with fruit suppliers, but just thought June too early to be swopping over to New Zealand.
For any Trump apologists, see it’s official they are leaving the UN Council of Human Rights. They were criticised, so they flounce off. Nikki Haley won’t be missed, poisonous little madam, even if she was reading a script.
It’s disgusting the child policy was decried by Trump supporters as fake news, because Trump himself defended it, as everyone else’s fault, of course.
Bet May can’t wait to hold Trump’s hand when he’s over.
@ Socrates, you can explain the Massie conundrum by their colonial background. Sitting on a verandah in the Far East, getting fanned & served chota pegs by the natives while sending the sprogs to private schools back home is not conducive to delivering the goods for a modern Scotland!
8.33 Michail Heseltine was made a life peer in 2001 but the deceiver would have us believe he was sacked by May . Disinformation is his aim but not on this site he wont .
@ Robert Louis 7.33 – well said. I do agree with you that the refugee problem is one of our own making.
Some film makers do understand the cause of all the grief. I watched Syriana last night produced by George Clooney. A chilling analysis of the oil oligarchy murdering, exploiting and manipulating its way around the Middle East. Aided by their Oxbridge educated Emirs.
Worth watching if you have Amazon Prime or on Youtube:
link to youtube.com
Congratulations to you Bill, and whichever insect has its leg up ye, for the most pathetic attempt to segue from disingenuously-naive drama troll into a convincing independence supporter.
Looks like the whole asylum’s on duty today. Wow.
Dr Jim says
Indeed. The most fundamental aspect of democracy is that people should be allowed to change their minds. Circumstances change, more info become available, the unforeseen happens – then minds change.
The Tories don’t like people changing their minds.
The Tories work hard to get support. They lie, twist, conceal, and deceive to get enough ordinary folks on side. People who really won’t benefit from Tory doctrine nor policies need to be manipulated into backing them.
So, having achieved hard won support, they don’t like a better informed electorate having a change of heart!
In the Tory mind, ‘will of the people’, means a successful propaganda campaign they ran to achieve unjustified support! And of course is irreversible.
Tory ‘logic’ …
The Scottish people voting for a Scottish Parliament with a mandate for IndyRef2 is NOT the will of the people.
The Scottish people voting for NO in IndyRef1 IS definitely the will of the people.
Off topic
The goverment is advertising for head negotiators for airspace eu exit negotions.
link to civilservicejobs.service.gov.uk
From advert
Prior knowledge of airspace and the aviation sector is an advantage but not necessary
Kind of says all you need to know about brexit !
Hesletine was a crook. Involved in bribery and corruption by British firms. An embezzler. Hesletine was a Thatcher henchman. He took down Thatcher because he wanted to replace her as candidate or his favoured candidate. He took down Thatcher for personal gain and further position of privilege. It did not go so well. Another greedy parasite, Tax evader. Thatcher established tax havens. Gave the world Her policy. So the wealthiest could evade tax. Made her a multimillionaire.
Died alone, deranged in the Savoy hotel. The owner licenced by her Gov to illegally tax evade. A Tory Party member and donated. Mark Thatcher inherited. He was illegally embezzling public money. Thatcher allowed his privilege government contracts. He went missing in the desert. Ended up in South Africa. A tax evader? Illegal family connected corruption. Breaking UK Law with impunity.
The Tories brought down Thatcher because they believed they would lose an impending election. .Spirally down. They didn’t but their infighting and appalling policies collapse their government Infighting about EU membership. Misinformation. Clinging on too power. Similar situation as the present day. John Major. ‘Bastards’ comment overhead.
Thatcher had over 3 milllion unemployed 12%? Interest rates at 15% More unemployed in the North than the south. A strategy. London S/E 4%. North/South divide. Illegallly and secretly established the Barnett Formula to take the equivalent of ยฃBillions from Scotland. Secretly and illegally covered it up. Under the Offical Secrets Act. ‘This must be kept secret’ written in the document. One of the Scottish ministers resigned. Lang and Forsyth wee her henchmen. Handsomely remunerated to this day.
Thatcher established the dominance of the right wing Press Murdoch. Broke the ministerial (law) code. Frequently with impunity. Never censored. Without a free and fair Press there is no democracy. Neil & Co. State Westminster unionist controlled. Major non Dom tax evaders owners. Businesses now losing money, readership etc.
Thatcher gave Murdoch unfair advantage in the bid for favours and support. Sun, Times he should have been excluded as not a fit person. Conflicting business interest. US citizen. Not paying UK taxes. Thatcher was not supposed to be involved in the matter but impartial Broke the Ministerial Code of Conduct. Not a fit person to hold Office. Not censored. Kept secret and covered up.
Hesletine supports full EU menbership. A lot of Tories do. More or better informed? A lot wealthy business people support full EU menbership. (A higher majority?)
Fsrague and Banks et al are crooks. Brexiteers. They are making money out of the EU and the EU ref. That is why they pressured for it. Hypocrites. Taking money and donations and illegally misusing them. Embezzling and fraud. False accounting. Fiddling the vacant books of accountability. They should have been charged and put in prison long ago. Break the Law with impunity. Funding a Political Party with public money to line their pockets. Making money out of other people’s misery and breaking every rule in the book. Embezzlement fraud, espionage. Dodgy Russian dossier. Getting away with murder.
I have to take pills for the rest of my life to keep me alive
Now here’s a thought, why don’t big pharmaceutical want to cure me?
Cannabis has been around for thousands of years but big pharmaceutical always have to do *Trials*
But they’re allowed to keep making pills for unrinary infections that have side effect of making your eyes bleed
*Big pharmacuetical* in the business of extending our sales!
@ Capella
Syriana is a stunning movie. I’ve watched it many times, and often go back to it.
Clooney is fantastic, and I think he is a brilliant actor. The movie has so many threads, moving parts, it really does illustrate how small, and how corrupt the entire world is, at political and corporate level. Also shows just how expendable humans are, in the pursuit of greed.
If you haven’t seen it, WATCH IT!!
You’re never anything less than snide RN. No change there.
@Colin Alexander says: 20 June, 2018 at 8:33 am:
“Michael Heseltine stood up to Mrs Thatcher and helped to bring her down.”
Grow-up, Colin. Heseltine was every bit as bad as Thatcher. The Tories don’t fight among themselves because of principles – they invariably have none. The fight among themselves to gain power for themselves.
” – he wouldnโt waste his time on Mr Peffers and his Labour-loving trade union buddies.”
First up, Colin, I’ve never been a Labour supporter or member in my entire life. Secondly, Heseltine was treating, Scotland, Rosyth Dockyard and the Dockyard Workers with the usual contempt of the Tory arseholes, they never change.
“Mr Heseltine was sacked from his Govt roles in 2017, by Theresa May – “
Aye! Just more Tory infighting to gain individual power. Just in case you are not aware, and you usually aren’t. The privatisation of the Royal Dockyards was due to self gain. Seeing as Dennis Thatcher was a hecht heid ane in the private company that were set to gain from that nice little earner’s sale to the private sector. That company has still got its fingers in many previously public owned tills and that includes taking over the privatised former Civil Service workers pension schemes from the Government.
You seem a rather rabid admirer of old, “Tarzan”, Heseltine – the guy was an arrogant arsehole of the first Tory water. For criticising her โnow is not the timeโ and Scots are not in possession of all the facts to decide on independence speeches.
More likely it was a throwback for his part in the Westland Helicopter scandal and the argument over the future of Westland Helicopters, Britain’s last helicopter manufacturer, which was to be the subject of a rescue bid.
While the then Defence Secretary, Heseltine, favoured a European solution, integrating Westland with a consortium including British Aerospace (BAe), Italian (Agusta) and French companies, the then Prime Minister and the Trade and Industry Secretary, Leon Brittan, were ostensibly maintaining a neutral stance, but wanted to see Westland merge with Sikorsky, an American company.
As usual the various Tory protagonists were attempting to line their own individual pockets. As I said the Tory warring factions are not driven by principles but by greed and personal financial gain.
Can anyone remember what the situation, re security, was, before UK joined the Common Market?