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Wings Over Scotland

Truth in numbers

Posted on October 21, 2022 by

A year and a quarter ago, we contrasted the performance of the SNP’s last two leaders in terms of building support for independence. As the First Minister crows about how much better she’s been at staying in power than a succession of UK leaders, it seems only proper to bring the stats up to date.

(Click pic to enlarge.)

There was only one Tory leader during Alex Salmond’s entire period as First Minister (David Cameron), and two Labour ones (Gordon Brown and Ed Miliband). Salmond had to fight against a fairly competent, fairly centrist Labour government and then a fairly competent, fairly centrist coalition UK government, in a reasonably economically stable UK inside the EU.

He left office between two 52% Yes polls, having hauled support up from barely 30%.

Nicola Sturgeon has faced a series of staggeringly inept hardline Tory governments who have dragged the UK and Scotland hamfistedly and catastrophically out of the EU, overseen 200,000 deaths in a grotesquely botched virus pandemic, created the worst economic crisis since World War 2 and turned the UK into a global laughing stock with three Prime Ministers and four Chancellors in the space of a few months.

She’s also been able to watch as the Labour Party, the SNP’s traditional opponents, has torn itself apart with bitter infighting, and as the Lib Dems dwindled from a serious force commanding a quarter of the popular vote into an irrelevant joke whose nadir was the brief comedy tenure of Jo Swinson as leader.

She’s led a party with financial resources at its disposal that Salmond’s SNP could never have dreamed of in a million years, resources created by his work in turning it into a mass-membership party of power.

And what’s she achieved with that incredible, once-in-a-lifetime gift of circumstances? Turned the 52% she inherited into 49%, while not taking Scotland a single step closer to a second referendum. Perhaps a little bit less gloating might be in order until such times as something’s been done to merit it.

Because all she’s done so far is prove that there’s no UK leader SO incompetent that they can’t, at a bare minimum, successfully foil Nicola Sturgeon.

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Ian Brotherhood

Breeks et al –

Caught a snippet of news yesterday, seems that Zelen**y is rattling his empty bucket again and demanding an estimated £3,000,000,000 *a month* for the next year just to keep U afloat.

Don’t know if that’s true but it certainly wasn’t RT I was listening to, it was a BBC station, probably 5Live or Scotland.

Anyone else heard similar?

What is the UK’s share of that? And what, in turn, is Scotland’s?

Will we ever have a say in this? Will our parliament ever debate it properly?


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Unelected prime minister Rishi Sunak has appointed vehemently anti-trans Tory MP Kemi Badenoch to his cabinet as minister for women and equalities.

Pink News! This is another lot that I detest.

I’m Trans & SNPhobic.

They both have a lot in common.

I’m saying I’m transphobic but the truth is I have no idea what trans actually means.

Same applies to the SNP. What are they?

I’m trying hard not to use the C word (just for today)
But I’m struggling to find a more appropriate word.

Cosy slipppers? That’s just too ‘fluffy’ a word for these ‘stinking blaggards’ ‘dishonourable bounders’

This from ‘stinking blaggard’ with the cosy slippers:

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No idea why I thought I would stop using the C word today.
What a daft idea!

It’s the perfect word.

‘Is the cunt in the cosy slippers’

not nearer the mark than

Stinking blaggard in the cosy slippers?

Andy Ellis

It’s interesting that the usual suspects in here have convinced themselves that Vlad’s Special Military Operation is a resounding success and that they have both Country 404 and the west more generally “on the run”. It’s often linked with the assertion that the Great Satan’s hegemony is doomed and that the BRICs are going to take over and that the Great Reset is imminent and/or “the people” in the poor benighted western democracies are all going to rise up in righteous anger because *reasons.

Back in the real world, other interpretations which don’t rely on magical thinking are available. Of course any source the true believers think is tainted / MSM / funded by “the man” is dismissed as propaganda. Their superior non-mainstream information sources are – of course – NOT propaganda. Again, this is because *reasons.

If it wasn’t all so delusional, it would almost be funny. They actually believe that Vlad’s forces are doing well in country 404. They neither know nor care about the tensions which are apparent within Russia, the attacks on the military from the so called “siloviki” like Chechen war lord Kadyrov and Wagner Group boss Prigozhin, quite apart from the systemic failures of the Russian armed forces and its leadership and the fact their equipment is no match for western materiel increasingly being supplied to country 404.

The Assistant Secretary the Russian Security Council Alexei Pavlov recently amplified Kadyrov’s statement that the goal of the war was “the complete de-Stalinisation” of country 404, and that country 404’s society is defined by fanatics who seek to abandon values held by the Orthodox Church, Islam and Judaism. Kadyrov says the war is a jihad against “satanism”.

Uncritically regurgitating the output of conspiracy theorists on line, or accepting Sergei Lavrov’s statements at face value whilst rubbishing those of anyone who disagrees with them doesn’t mean you’re privy to insider knowledge or better informed than others, it just means you’re credulous and ideologically motivated.


Iain Brotherhood @8.27am

Don’t know about the about the numbers it is costing to prop up the Ukrainian to stop it collapsing but it must be huge.

Indeed, and although he did not mention actual costs, Lord Mervyn King and ex governor of the Bank of England said on last Sunday’s Sunday Show that the government tells the people how much the military and sanctions war is going to cost.

This is a war that is going to impoverish the UK citizens one and all, and it is a war we cannot win.

This is just the start and we have a long way to go.

Meanwhile the US is threatening to launch a nuclear strike in Asia.


This is my third go. Other two comments awaiting moderation:

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Uk_raine war refugees asked not to return this winter

Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk.
“We need to survive the winter,”

Right back at you Iryna Vereshchuk.

How about this idea from John Lennon
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Craig Murray said on his blog something along the lines of it was being suggested at Westminster that Truss was giving folk money for electricity to keep the country onside with regard to the UK-raine war.

What will Sunak do?

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said Uk_raine would need $3bn every month to survive the next year

Good question Ian Brotherhood ‘

What is the UK’s share of that? And what, in turn, is Scotland’s?

stuart mctavish

@Republicofscotland @3:59
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Its SMSM so good chance they’re just trolling we gingers regardless, but from that fact checking site :

“Overall, we rate The National Left-Center biased based on editorial positions that moderately favor the left. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to the use of credible sources and a clean fact-check record.”

Which begs question, is it the (ahem) moderate left media or FM (or even Scots in general) that no longer detest tories and all they stand for, or might that stance return when another lady takes control ?

For my part (whatever its worth), I found Cameron to be democratic, May virtuous, Boris adorable, Truss wronged and have Sunak down as a Mowgli type – but huge respect for Reese-Mogg (standing shoulder to shoulder with Boris amongst other things) means cant ignore the possibility of influence from Kaa, or even Sherekhan – huge bright side to any of that allied to his reported desire to turn the constitutional clock back being that, post indy, he can work toward taking England back into union with India at which point they could take first or last letters from each and call rUK the ie (Indian empire), ea (English Alliance) or, my fav, Indiland.


My gast was absolutley flabbered when I read this.

“NICOLA Sturgeon reminded Rishi Sunak about the importance of respecting democratic mandates when the new Prime Minister called her during his first day in office.”

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Ian Brotherhood says:
26 October, 2022 at 8:27 am
Breeks et al –

Caught a snippet of news yesterday, seems that Zelen**y is rattling his empty bucket again and demanding an estimated £3,000,000,000 *a month* for the next year just to keep U afloat.

It’s a bit dark, so I’m gonna categorise it as gallows humour, but there was a rather wicked meme a few days ago featuring a picture of Mr Z, and quip “I work from home, and last month I made $40 billion”.

I stand to be corrected, but as far as I know, all this money and equipment is lend-lease, not a gift. The Ukr is financially ruined for the foreseeable…

I don’t think it was ever going to work. I mean the whole escapade. Even with all the money and equipment in the world, it’s wholly uncoordinated. Tanks arriving on Monday are on the front Wednesday, and destroyed by the Friday after being driven straight at the enemy. Without a coordinated and layered defence strategy, air support, preparatory barrage, you’re just throwing the lot into a meat grinder, peace-meal, and you also turn your cause into a gaping black hole.

There’s a brutality to the arithmetic now, that the longer this goes on, the more AFU personnel go home in body bags. Perhaps it was always like this.

Before the invasion, Ukr had a proper military; 200,000 soldiers which was the second largest army in Europe to Ruski. The UK for example has fewer than 80,000. It had a Navy and and Air Force, and regularly took part in NATO exercises and had some of the best up to date equipment, special forces, and it’s whole doctrine was defending itself from Ruski. It’s all gone.

I’m not saying that as if casually reporting a cricket score, but given the enormity of the competent and professional defence force which has already been chewed up and spat out, a dozen new tanks here or half a dozen missile defences there is not going to turn back the tide.

The Ruski force that did this is rumoured to number less than 150k soldiers, but they’ve recently consolidated their overstretched line of defence with an extra 300k reservists who are currently digging in behind Seigfried Line style defences.

Somehow the AFU can still engineer probing attacks using mercenaries which Ritter described as “sheep-dipped” to become Ukran… military, but these offensives repeatedly fail with more casualties. As the Russ line consolidates, it was all predicted that they would fail. The writing is on the wall whether people choose to see it or not.

There is talk about a big AFU offensive to retake Kherson, but Russ has evacuated the civilians. I’ll leave you figure out why.

People will not like the new “state lines” nor the manner in which they were established, but the same could be said about Kosovo. An uneasy imperfect peace is better than no peace. To the West I say do not, please, escalate this lull into another round of fresh fighting. And any “unorthodox” attacks like the bridge, or a dirty bomb, will only invite retaliatory missile strikes on infrastructure. Nobody gains anything.

For the love of god, sit down and start discussions about ceasefires and peace. The map has been redrawn, and people need to get used to it, because there’s a lot more than the geography which has shifted.


“Their superior non-mainstream information sources are – of course – NOT propaganda. Again, this is because *reasons.” – Ellis the insane.

I’m old enough t’remember when Rev Stu wrote a narticle about a narticle in the Dail Mail, that Adol Fellis contributed to more than willingly, in which he was described as exhibiting behaviour of akin to a fanatic.

Fanaticism and fantasy are closely related, but in a roundabout way.

Jeux sans frontiers x


“And any “unorthodox” attacks like the bridge, or a dirty bomb, will only invite retaliatory missile strikes on infrastructure. Nobody gains anything.”

Good comment Breeks, and pretty well on the money. I’d add the lend-lease was signed on January long before the conflict began in late February.

As for the above, Saddam experimented with a dirty bomb in Iraq during the height of hostilities with Iran, his experiment detonating one in a remote part of Iraq showed that you’d need to be very close to the detonation to get enough of a fatal dose of fallout.

Years later Israel also attempted to perfect the dirty bomb, building and detonating twenty of them in a remote region of the Negev, they also found them to be very ineffective.

The conclusion they came to was that the threat of a dirty bomb was more effective psychologically than physically.

However, an attack on a nuclear power plant is very real, and as Chernobyl has shown can have devastating effects.

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Ian Brotherhood

@Ruby (9.26) –

So far as I can remember, Scotland has already ‘given’ £54,000,000 to U, but it was never in Scottish coffers to begin with. I suppose it was more a gesture than anything else but it’s still cash that we could’ve used for other stuff.

How are we to calculate donations ‘in kind’ though? The disgusting gas/leccy rates, the extra costs being piled on to every product and service, the eventual health costs of people being forced to subsist on junk food, the mental health costs of being forced to ingest blatant propaganda 24/7 for months and years on end? And that’s before we even begin to factor in the ongoing damage from lockdowns.

The P**in speech which marked the reclaiming of Donestk/Lugansk etc also referred to ‘Satanism’ in the West. Isn’t that an understandable comment for ‘non-westerners’ who see an adult man dressed as a girl being taken seriously in the Oval Office by a POTUS who has an unhealthy interest in such characters (as well as a son who appears to be debauched beyond belief), and UK terrestrial telly broadcasts a dude playing a keyboard with his dick as ‘entertainment’?

Women are being arrested for telling men to get out of their toilets and changing rooms. Major UK Child Abuse reports are buried beneath ‘bigger news’.

Tomorrow the Scottish parliament will vote on Stage One of the GRA Bill.

If you haven’t done so already please check for details on how best to contact your MSPs and let them know that you want them to stall further progress of this sinister and unwanted legislation. It’s not too late to contact them.


Wonder if Andrew Bowie is beelin that Alister Jack is to remain as SoS, following his dash to London on a plane to lick Rishi’s bumhole.

It’d be hard to tell right enough as it’s a permanent state of expression, but I really hope the smarmy cunt is.

Andy Ellis

And any “unorthodox” attacks like the bridge, or a dirty bomb, will only invite retaliatory missile strikes on infrastructure. Nobody gains anything.”

Why is an attack on the Kerch bridge unorthodox? Russia invaded its neighbour, so it can hardly complain if that neighbour exercises its right of self defence. The Kerch bridge was built after Russia illegally occupied Crimea. Without it, the Russians supply routes are vulnerable to artillery and HIMARS strikes. Doubtless the bridge will be a target again at some point. As Vlad’s forces are rolled back in Zaporizhe and Kherson oblasts then Russian forces in Crimea will be within range of country 404’s artillery, rocket launchers and Air Force.

Vlad must be particularly worried about what happens when the west supplies sufficient air defence systems to allow country 404 to eliminate most of the threat from Russian cruise missiles and their sub par Air Force. As the war continues its highly likely country 404 will eventually be supplied with western aircraft: when that happens it’ll be like a turkey shoot, as the Russian air forces equipment, training and motivation are no match for western systems flown by country 404 pilots.

It would hardly be surprising if country 404 hits targets inside Russia to do to Vlad’s infrastructure what is currently being done to their own, or to hit military concentrations or supply dumps. That’s what happens in a war.

Whether Vlad will still be around to see the day when Russian forces are ejected from the whole of country 404 including the Crimea remains to be seen.


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If you haven’t done so already please check for details on how best to contact your MSPs and let them know that you want them to stall further progress of this sinister and unwanted legislation. It’s not too late to contact them.

Not on your life! I won’t be contacting Angus Robertson.
Let them get on with it! It’ll all definitely back-fire!

Ian Brotherhood

A collection of clips showing the extent of US threats against Nordstream2.

And then, of course, the brazen finger-pointing at P***n when it was sabotaged.

link to

Black Joan

Just came here to express utter disgust, outrage, despair at the spectacle of NewSNP hurrying out of the HoC chamber last night as Kenny got up to speak (but the talk is all about war and send-me-more-weapons-and-dosh Z)

The only NewSNP creature not hurrying was Bunter, who waddled and then cornered Penny Mordaunt for a chat which appeared, from the camera view, to constitute quite an invasion of her personal space.

Yet people are still going to vote for them, aren’t they. Even when they walk out on Kenny talking about Scotland’s energy injustice, because Imelda has ordered them to believe that gender ID is so much more important. FFS.

Well done Wales. You’re going to have a public interest energy company, while Scotland, under Imelda, with vastly more resources, sells them to the highest bidder while her people freeze.


When Americans start feeling the pinch as we are feeling it, the war will end. That’s how it usually works and the signs suggest they are heading in that direction.

That’s the best we can hope for. The worst, that can’t be ruled out, is that the US economy will collapse violently rather than slowly grind into decline. If that happens, it’ll be partly (arguably largely) because of the mishandling of this crisis.

The Russo-Sino strategic partnership, which effectively combines the industrial might of the former with the technological might of the latter, was a game-changer and if the US had more intelligent people guiding policy they’d have responded differently. Instead we got the cowboys v indians crap and it just made everything worse.

So, now, rather than admit they fucked up, they’re going to throw more of our good money after bad. I don’t know one person that will happily sit cold and hungry, watch their kids go short this Christmas, give up their house, car, or job, or suffer electricity cuts, for this junk.

And you know it’s junk when all you get is wall-to-wall lies and one-sided propaganda 24/7. If they had one atom of confidence in what they were doing and were even slightly better at pretending they were honest, they’d occasionally let people hear the other side of the argument.

We really shouldn’t need to explain media bias and propaganda to independence supporters on this of all websites. Have they forgotten project fear and The Vow?


I hear sunak has told Nicola to take a hike and she will tug her forelock as usual.


My wife’s health is not so good at the moment and I tried to look up her state pension age which I thought I’d followed when moving to 65 from 60 and from 65 to 66 and low and behold the Tory Gov web site says she has to work until 66 and 4 months with further increases looming?

What an incredulous farce that after 50 years of employment you don’t qualify for the worst state pension package in Europe.

Ian Duncan Smith in another Tory think tank propose retirement age of 75 in the 2030’s.

As for the first time on record the Tories have reduced life expectancy there excuse of people living longer is dead in the water.

Will this be Rishi’s next move to make pension age 70 as of next April.

Flooding the wealthy with cash is root of these injustices.

Nothing a revolution couldn’t sort.


Interesting commentary by Breeks 9.45am.

Sitting down, negotiating is sadly not on the agenda. Nor does it look as if it will be anytime soon.

Country 101 and its side kick 201 are in deep and committed to a a war that 404 cannot win. But it’s not just 404 the proxy war patsy that will lose but poor old belligerent 201. Lord Mervyn King ex-governor of the Bank of England alluded to this on Sunday morning when he said that the government need to level up with the public about what this war is going to cost.

Ordinary people’s pensions, living standards are all going to go down, and this is just the start. We are at war, of that there is no doubt. 404 will get absolutely roasted, indeed has been already as its war effort and economy collapses. But so is our economy.

Ah well, is the cost of war. Why Jaw-Jaw and negotiate when you can War-War.


Must be a figment of our imagination:

Commander-in-chief of the Armed forces of (redacted) (06/10/2022) wears a swastika bracelet:

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Dorothy Devine says:
26 October, 2022 at 8:09 am

‘Are there enough ALBA candidates to cover?’ (a GE)

When Alex was asked at last Friday’s Wee Book event if Alba intended to contest the next GE, he gave an emphatic single word answer – ‘YES’.

So, it seems obvious that Alba is intent on contesting a limited number of (targeted?) constituencies. I said recently that I thought that this would be a waste of funds and it would be better to target 2026. But 4 years is a long wait, and on reflection, as HR and WM stagger from one crisis to the next, there is more to be gained by getting Alba out there and spoken about as an alternative, even if funds are temporarily depleted and we don’t win a single seat.

The downside of the inevitable demise of SNP is, as you fear, ‘we are back to a unionist party in power at both Westminster and Holyrood’. It is difficult to envisage how Alba can become powerful enough to hold sway without reaching a point where both SNP and Alba split the Independence vote and allow unionists to gate-crash.

The only way I can see of avoiding a tragic Independence collision is if, somehow, SNP is backed into a corner and forced to deliver a bona-fide referendum. This is a long shot however, evidenced by this morning’s videos of ‘Scottish’ MPs pre-planned exhibition last night, making it clear that while Sturgeon remains, there will NEVER be a truce with Alba or the wider Indy movement.


Ian Brotherhood says:
26 October, 2022 at 10:39 am

A collection of clips showing the extent of US threats against Nordstream2.

And then, of course, the brazen finger-pointing at P***n when it was sabotaged.

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Did you by chance watch the video which followed that? Jeffrey Sachs, Economics Professor and Senior UN Advisor…

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Ian Brotherhood

@Breeks (12.32) –

Haven’t seen that but will watch later, thanks.



Black Joan.

Yes I didn’t think I could be any more disgusted by that bunch of SNP MPs, but they never cease to amaze us, treacherous shits the lot of them.

If they don’t like the real Scottish party for independence Alba (the NuSNP are now a unionist party in my eyes) they could at least have remained to defend Scotland’s people and the high costs for energy, they face, but they didn’t.

Here is the clip of them scurrying out of the chamber.

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stuart mctavish


It was a good one too, drawing respect from Government bench –

Adjournment debate or not, Neil Hanvey’s intervention rang particularly true, so extremely bad form that SNP didnt appear to care enough to listen to it.


Re my 1.12pm.

I also recall recently that the SNP MPs sat by and jeered at Kenny MacAskill and Neale Hanvey when they were ejected from the HoC by the Speaker.

What more evidence do we need that the SNP under Sturgeon the betrayers tenure is no longer a party for Scottish independence. The troughing shits fear the Alba party because they are the real for Scottish independence.


World Economic Forum (2020): Agenda:

There’s nothing new about the ‘new normal’. Here’s why:

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Wikipedia: World Economic Forum:

“It sees periods of global instability – such as the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and the COVID-19 pandemic – as windows of opportunity to intensify…”:

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World Economic Forum: People:

Tim Davie: Director-General, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC):

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World Economic Forum: People:

Danny Cohen: Head of Television, BBC News:

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World Economic Forum: People:

Nicola Sturgeon:

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World Economic Forum: People:

Rishi Sunak:

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World Economic Forum: Agenda Contributor:


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Reuters (26/10/2022): Fact Check: Social media users duped by tweet about Sunak from account parodying the World Economic Forum:

“Social media users are sharing a tweet about new UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak from an account that parodies the World Economic Forum (WEF), which says: “We always get our man in the end.”

…The tweet was posted by a Twitter account that parodies the WEF….”:

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BBC (26/10/2022): Three PMs in two months, is political chaos the UK’s new normal?

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Andy Ellis


Sitting down, negotiating is sadly not on the agenda. Nor does it look as if it will be anytime soon.

I doubt either side is in the right place for negotiations. Vlad undoubtedly shot his bolt by over-reaching and invading with a view to at least changing the regime in country 404, and more likely to carve it up and detach as much as he could or even simply integrate all of it back in to a neo-USSR.

In reality, Vlad and his far right ultra nationalist friends in the Donbas had much more chance of agreeing a “land for peace” deal if they’d tried to come to terms with country 404. Handled properly, he probably could have persuaded the West to lean on country 404 to hand over some if not all of the Donbas and the Crimea in return for security guarantees.

The invasion changed things utterly. Country 404 won’t rest now until Vlad’s forces have been expelled from all of their territory, including Crimea. The USA will support them over the long term, as will most NATO members, certainly enough to ensure ultimate defeat for Vlad and full integration of country 404 in to the west.

Country 101 and its side kick 201 are in deep and committed to a a war that 404 cannot win. But it’s not just 404 the proxy war patsy that will lose but poor old belligerent 201. Lord Mervyn King ex-governor of the Bank of England alluded to this on Sunday morning when he said that the government need to level up with the public about what this war is going to cost.

The leaders of the west see the costs of allowing Vlad to prevail as being greater than the amount they have to spend subsidising country 404. They will ultimately prevail. There is no acceptable outcome that leaves Vlad’s regime unpunished and in control of swathes of invaded territory.

No US or UK government will cavil at the money it costs because they know that ultimately they will be able to carry the majority of their population along with them, because – whatever a minority in here thinks – the overwhelming majority of the public support Vlad being defeated.

Ordinary people’s pensions, living standards are all going to go down, and this is just the start. We are at war, of that there is no doubt. 404 will get absolutely roasted, indeed has been already as its war effort and economy collapses. But so is our economy.

The blame lies mostly with Vlad and his regime, and partly with our leaders for not facing down the illegal annexation of Crimea and his proxy war in the Donbas, and partly with 404 for not accommodating ethnic Russkis more, particularly as most of them just wanted more self government and preferred to be part of 404 rather than Vlad’s dystopian mafia state.

404 won’t collapse: it’s getting stronger, and will continue to do so as the west re-arms it and supports it to drive the invaders out. The reconstruction of 404 may take decades, but will in the end be seen to be worth it. The changes brought about by the war will be a sea change: no more reliance on energy from Vlad or the risk of being blackmailed, no more cosy deals with the Russkis and their oligarchs.

The BRICS will try and fail to establish their Alternative World Order, because they hate each other as much as they hate the Great Satan. Russki potential arms sales have fallen off a cliff, partly because everyone has seen they are sub par in comparison with most western systems, and partly because the US and other western allies have threatened not to sell them western equipment and material if they buy major systems from Vlad.

Unlike the Chinese, who developed their own chip manufacturing and hi tech industries, the Russkis remained dependant on western supplied computer chips, hi-precision parts and tooling etc, meaning that they can hardly maintain supplies for their own armed forces, never mind export them. It’s reported the Iranians cut a deal to swap dozens of their drones for SU-35 fighters for example.

Interestingly the Chinese refused to do a deal with Iran to supply advanced Chengdu J-10C fighters in exchange for oil and gas. The Russians however don’t have much choice. The Indians are in the market for $20 billion worth of advanced fighters: 5 will get you 10 they don’t buy Russian.

Ah well, is the cost of war. Why Jaw-Jaw and negotiate when you can War-War.

‘Twas ever thus surely? Churchill may have said ‘Meeting jaw to jaw is better than war’ (usually mis-attributed as: “jaw-jaw is better than war-war”) but he didn’t offer negotiations with the enemy once it was clear they weren’t interested. Why would 404 agree to negotiate now?

James Che

Stupid question no doubt.

Is there any legal scenario whereby we can withdraw our consent, for the snp, other than waiting for an election.

Could there be a peoples assembly before the next election,?
Or will it be wait and see?
What does it take to organise a meeting?
Is it any more difficult than organising a Alba meeting?
Would people simple show up or sign up to withdrawing our consent for the snp at the meeting?
Could it be classed as a political change in circumstances


The Blow Monkeys (1987): It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way:

“…Just counting the hours…

There’s no hope for a hungry child
Whose joker is wild
They take all hope away…

You know, it doesn’t have to be that way!…”:

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Willie @11.33am.

Sadly Willie the US has refused point blank to get allow peace negotiations to take place. The Great Satan (US) doesn’t want peace.

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On another matter, I see Israel has sent its new oppressive weapons (smart Shooter) to 404 to shootdwon enemy drones, the weapon oppresses the Palestinian people in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, this automated gun, which looks like something you’d see in a sci-fi film keeps a close eye on Palestinian woman and children at gated areas and along the walls at the West Bank, and the world’s largest open air prison the Gaza Strip.

On drones Israel has begun using them to kill Palestinians.

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No outcry from the West on this or from Sturgeon who adopted on our behalf without our consent the IHRA. Tha outlaws us from calling Israel a racist endeavour.

Black Joan

Thank you, RepublicofScotland.

Yes, you’re right, not the first time Alba has been jeered by NewSNP behaving as childishly in the HoC as Tories generally behave towards them. What an example to follow.

The demonisation of AS and of anything he is associated with continues on orders from above. If Imelda is just another WEF puppet, that explains a lot.

They expect their votes to be weighed next time, just as Labour used to, and unless some hidden truths come out I fear they will have their way. And even if the truths do come out, it will likely serve the higher purpose of destroying the independence movement anyway.


James Che


There is always money for war,
Because war makes more money,
The spoils of war pays plenty,

From dealing in arms, selling, buying or hiring.
From the gain of adding land mass after a war,
To stolen oils and minerals.
Stolen culture and Art works.
Bank and financial clean outs.
Big deals for corporations.

War is always for gain and profits,
not for the people in any country, they are deleteable.

Dorothy Devine

Ebok, thanks for that- cheers me up, ever so slightly.


Fuck’s sake, now Gregor is posting fake news about ‘swastika on bracelet’.
I thought his gish gallop of conspiracy links was bad enough, but he goes even lower. 🙁


Black Joan.

You’re welcome, if the SNP were truly interested in delivering independence, they would be working flat out with the Alba party to obtain it, and at the last Holyrood election Sturgeon would’ve called for our list votes to be given to the Alba party, that would’ve left unionist parties at Holyrood no more than a rump.

But she didn’t and to add insult to injury she punched the air and screamed in delight they’re dead, they’re dead, when the Alba party returned no MSPs.

On their latest treachery on exiting the HoC as MacAskill stood up to speak, they all found time to turn around and bow on leaving the chamber, they have more respect for the chamber than they do the people of Scotland.

We MUST vote Alba at the next GE, and back that up by voting en masse Alba at the next Holyrood elections, lets kick-out the treacherous SNP wherever we find them.


Black Joan.

I meant to add Craig Murrays excellent article if you haven’t already read it.

link to

Thae article describes how the SNP don’t need or care what the membership wants including independence, however they do need our votes come election time.

It was claimed that John Swinney said at the last SNP conference (overheard) that when asked about what the membership wanted, he replied the membership can go and whistle.


James Che says: at 2:34 pm

Stupid question no doubt.

Is there any legal scenario whereby we can withdraw our consent, for the snp, other than waiting for an election.

Could there be a peoples assembly before the next election,?
Or will it be wait and see?
What does it take to organise a meeting?
Is it any more difficult than organising a Alba meeting?
Would people simple show up or sign up to withdrawing our consent for the snp at the meeting?
Could it be classed as a political change in circumstances

No doubt there will be a wriggle out of all responsibility route for some MSPs, but FM she/her prior to the oath taking said the SNP pledge loyalty to the people of Scotland. So one wonders how any democrat SNP MSP can then vote to pass a bill that is not inline with the majority wishes of said Scottish people.
Normally if you get dodgy goods that ain’t want they’re meant to be or don’t work as intended you’d get a refund.


“Tanks arriving on Monday are on the front Wednesday, and destroyed by the Friday after being driven straight at the enemy. Without a coordinated and layered defence strategy, air support, preparatory barrage, you’re just throwing the lot into a meat grinder, peace-meal, and you also turn your cause into a gaping black hole.”

This is Breeks. He thinks he is talking about the Ukrainian army but he is talking about the Russian army.

link to


Tea time read on Scottish matters, rather than endless waffle about far flung countries which we can do heehaw to influence till we return to self-governance.

link to



The ISW is funded by the Smith Richardson Foundation, which funded Integrity Initiative the (SRF) is closely linked to the US government and its goals.


Here’s part one, (which I’ve read) looking forward to reading part two.

link to

Robert Hughes

Received this reply to an email I sent yesterday stating my opposition to GRA * reform * .

” Dear Robert,

Thank you for taking the time to contact me on this incredibly important issue.

It is important that all voices are heard on this matter and that both politicians and the wider public can discuss issues of law, policy and practice in relation to definitions of sex and gender without being subject to abuse of any kind.

My views about reforms to the Gender Recognition Act are already on record. As I am on maternity leave at present, I will not be voting for the bill.

Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.

With best wishes,


Kate Forbes MSP
Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch ”

Not sure if she means she’ll not be voting for the bill BECAUSE she’s on maternity leave : sounds a little bit equivocal . If she was not on maternity leave would she vote against it ?

Either way , one less vote for the lunacy , and , to be fair to KF , she has previously stated her opposition to it .



What conspiracies are you referring to (re. “gallop of conspiracy links”)

Can you be more specific please.

Andy Ellis


The ISW is funded by the Smith Richardson Foundation, which funded Integrity Initiative the (SRF) is closely linked to the US government and its goals.

So where is the information Breeks gets his information coming from, and who funds that?

Are there any sources that are absolutely objective on this or any other issue?

If you actually read the ISW reports, they frequently quote (and give references for) Russian state media reports and Telegram channels and posts made by the siloviki and other in Russia criticising the regime and telling the real story about how badly things are going for Vlad. The also quote and provide links to Russian and Country 404 military and general staff reports, government briefings, MSM TV and social media posts from both places and those of individuals, often in the local languages.

Who is it that funds the alternative sites you quote like “Consortium News”, and even if they say they don’t accept money from governments, big corporations or advertising, how do we know thy aren’t directed by unidentified individuals with an agenda?

Even if all their funds are innocently acquired from lots of individuals, why does that necessarily mean they are objective and have no agenda? Doubtless Consortium News and GB News have rather different political axes to grid, even if they are both “non mainstream”.

I’ve never seen Breeks back any of his assertions up, unlike the information on places like ISW, or indeed reports available to everyone from the MSM. It just isn’t credible to write off the totality of the output of ever MSM channel, all their journalists, and the direct reporting of the general public “on the ground” in country 404 via social media channels.


Saying Russia is losing is a bit like saying men can be women.

The losers gain territory and have absolute air superiority, the winners territory shrinks and have next to nothing flying.

It’s just more of the Western love of turning things inside out and upside down to suit whatever agenda they’re pushing. It’s so bad it’s wicked etc

Still, where there’s smoke there’s moonhowlers or conspiracy theorists, take your pick.



Try reading what ISW says and its sources, many of which are Russian.

James Che

There has to be a alternative route around the SNP party awaiting ermine,

See Jacob Rees Mogg attemts at throwing human rights out the pram in exchange for UK parliamentry Sovereignty.

Ahemmm, NS, I suspect that you know the UK has not got parliament Sovereignty.

Andy Ellis

@James Che 2.34 pm

It’s not necessarily a stupid question, it’s just that the general principal has been pretty well rehearsed and discussed by people far more erudite and informed than the average punter or contributor BTL here.

Roddy Dunlop posted an analysis via twitter of Sarah Salyers Convention of the Estates stuff which was pretty widely dissected. Both sides have their partisans of course, but it certainly seemed to me that Roddy Dunlop had the best of it.

Sarah Salyers and the proponents of cunning plans also had a bit of a paddy at the Alba conference recently when they didn’t get their way. They seemed to have rowed back from their high ground position that parties aren’t really necessary and may even be an encumbrance.

However they still haven’t really answered the pretty basic questions being asked of them about how these novel routes to independence actually work.

How do they demonstrate legitimacy and prove they represent a majority?

Sarah Salyers suggested in twitter exchanges around 18th October after the Alba conference stairheid rammy that preparations were already underway to bring the Convention in to being through some group called the Scottish National Congress. There was some disagreement from others about how that worked.

It seems to me that the “cunning plans for indy” folks have rowed back, and are now saying that such extra-parliamentary / non-referendum or non-election routes should be seen as happening in parallel, rather than replacing conventional routes, but honestly they seem all over the place to me.

The chances of an unelected body bringing about independence faster that just buckling down and winning a referendum or a plebiscitary election seem pretty remote, but if the folks pitching the idea can get the majority they need on side, more power to them.


And a response to Roddy Dunlop’s view.

link to


Aren’t personal emails from MSPs and MPs marked as privileged and not for onward sharing?

And the begging question about maternity leave, what was that about?

‘Oh no, what does that mean, for or against by default only?’

‘She’s not voting for it, bonus’

‘I know she said she’s against it, and she spoke to the official record

Must do better, Robert Wire brush and dettol next time.

Andy Ellis

@DaveL 5.44 pm

The losers gain territory and have absolute air superiority, the winners territory shrinks and have next to nothing flying.

Vlad’s forces have been consistently losing territory they occupied earlier. They certainly don’t have air superiority, and haven’t since the early days of the war. Country 404 cleared a large swathe of territory in the north a few weeks ago: surely you can’t have missed that? It was all over the news, both “ours” and “theirs”.

To believe Vlad was winning and there were no issues, you’d have to discount all the stuff coming out of Russia from the ultra-nationalists, siloviki, Kadyrov, Wagner Group etc. It can’t simply be brushed off as western propaganda.

Vlad has painted himself in to a corner. He can’t win this conflict, but he can’t afford to go back to the staus quo ante, even assuming country 404 would accept that, which it won’t now after all that has happened. What the Russian elites have to work on is what happens in the post defeat scenario, and how it happens.

It might just be replacing Vlad and some of his cronies and installing similar psychopaths from their own team, or it might be a lot more existential for the Russian Federation. Given the war crimes and damage inflicted, the latter is looking more and more likely, and would probably be preferable for the future international peace and stability. Russian imperialism can’t be negotiated with or reasoned with, any more than nazism or islamo-fascism. In the end they have to be tackled and defeated.

John Main

@ Republicofscotland says:26 October, 2022 at 2:54 pm

“the world’s largest open air prison the Gaza Strip”

Naw, Repo, you’ve got that ane wrang.

World’s largest open air prison is the Russti Federation.


This is developing into yet another ‘bin fire’ but rather than being boring it’s really funny.

I love this post:

sam says:
26 October, 2022 at 4:24 pm

“Tanks arriving on Monday are on the front Wednesday, and destroyed by the Friday after being driven straight at the enemy. Without a coordinated and layered defence strategy, air support, preparatory barrage, you’re just throwing the lot into a meat grinder, peace-meal, and you also turn your cause into a gaping black hole.”

This is Breeks. He thinks he is talking about the Uk_rainian army but he is talking about the Russian army.

Fortunately it doesn’t matter if people BTL here on Wings mistake the Russian Army for the Uk -ranian Army and vice versa as it’s all just a bit of fun.

I suppose it could be educational if this ‘bin fire’ was turned into a game of ‘spot the propaganda’

John Main

@ Andy Ellis says:26 October, 2022 at 5:33 pm

“I’ve never seen Breeks back any of his assertions up”

Breeks is shitting himself, Andy, has been for months. It’s not pretty.

Thing is, I can actually respect somebody who has the balls to say they fear where all of this is going.

But naw. The usual suspects pretend they are taking a high-minded, virtue-signaling stance on the war. They want us to believe they have weighed up the rights and wrongs on both sides, and have just happened to conclude that the aggressive, war-mongering side, the one most likely to nuke them without compunction, deserves to win.

So they dress up their fear and terror in complex justifications. Strip these back, and the underlying cry can be seen “just make it stop, I will say and do anything, I will abandon and deny any principle, but just make it stop”.

As I said, it’s not pretty.

But that’s not even the worst of it. These are people who are supposed to be brave, committed, fervent, believers in free, independent, sovereign nations.

Yet they would enthusiastically sell all of Country 404 into death and enslavement in a heartbeat.


Dan says:
26 October, 2022 at 6:01 pm

And a response to Roddy Dunlop’s view.

link to

WM as constituted cannot own the ratifying Acts of two sisted sine die parliaments that created the kingdom of Great Britain and its new legislature – powerless over repealed laws incompatible with the union. That’s like Rangers going out of business but still being licenced to operate. They should have tried that, it’s effectively what happened.

Nor can Rishi bind Scotland to a treaty collectively owmed by the Scots and their monarch. He can fuck off, as can any politician who argues otherwise.

As I’ve said many times, I seek the independence of Scots law. If you don’t, you’re ill-informed on what independence is as a tangible identity.

Nowhere in the treaty or acts is provision made for PM/executive and arbitrary Crown in Parliament powers that the monarch doesn’t possess in Scotland. There are a few ‘notwithstanding the union’ breaches too.

A petition to the nobile officium of the Court of Session is the only way to seek full clarity on the intended effect of Union with England Act 1707.

It can sit until the cows come home with a rolling agenda as points are clarified – think of a flowchart – as it has unlimited powers and procedurally flexible due to the exceptional nature of the matter in hand.

It is a little used function of Scots law, particularly in contempt of court cases for which it is perfectly suitable, as to stray into more nuanced presentation and conceptualisation is it modus operandi. A friendly forum, if you will, sometimes used by LAs in England to enable people subject to orders of their High Court to be placed in the care of Scots law and statutory regime. England can’t force Scotland to take the person via a court order and Scotland can’t vary an order of England’s courts. Scotland’s judges don’t like that happening and see it as a failure of the union, insofar as England could quash the order, to enable the detention provisions to be reassessed in accordance with our law, but won’t.

And just to clarify, anyone presenting such a petition to the Court would be entitled to do so anonymously. It’s the law on trial, not the petitioner. And it needn’t be led by Counsel or any other brief. The bench’s job is to guide as well as judge, especially for those presenting their own case, as spoken to in published judgements.

nobile officium can convene in my house, but that would be by consent and restricted information. It won’t though, unless something changes.

Robert Hughes

@ Scott .

Yea , well , that ambiguous response from K.Forbes evoked an ambivalent response from me .

Generally , she seems one of the few in the SNP not contaminated by the * Identity * socio/political contagion , but I’ve yet to hear any of them saying they’re strongly against it – and why .

That could be down to the atmosphere of menace that has been allowed to envelop this issue – for those opposed that is ; and the likelihood of excommunication from the body of the Cult for apostates .

Does anyone really think duffers like M. Horsebox Russell n Pee. Carthorse Wishart actually believe humans can change sex ?

Of course they don’t , but like the rest of the flock , they’re too comfortable n craven to do anything other that acquiesce to the ridiculous delusion .

The Emperor/ess’s got no clothes on n the Empire is a nudist colony . ( Shhhh , don’t tell anyone )


Robert Hughes says:
26 October, 2022 at 7:10 pm

@ Scott .

Yea , well , that ambiguous response from K.Forbes evoked an ambivalent response from me .

It was unequivocal in its language.

What did the disclaimer at the bottom say about sharing with others, you forgot that bit.

You begged your own conclusion, just admit it and don’t do it again. It’s insulting to the host. And it wasn’t ambivalent, it tried and failed to look like it.


“Try reading what ISW says and its sources, many of which are Russian.”

There’s always going to be the Russian versions of the Great Satan’s Doctor Strangelove, just like the USA’s David Petraeus, Elliot Abrams, Robert Kagan, Victoria Nuland etc, the Siloviki strongmen at the Kremlin want to see a scorched earth policy when it comes to 404, and like the Great Satan’s counterparts they rail and complain that they are losing. We’ve been here before with the likes of Curtis LeMay, who harped on at JFK to bomb Cuba, during the Cuba crisis.

None of the above changes the facts about the SRF.

The Smith Richardson Foundation not only has CIA agents reviewing grants, but also provides management training to the CIA and the Defense Department through an affiliate organization.

Andy Ellis

But that’s not even the worst of it. These are people who are supposed to be brave, committed, fervent, believers in free, independent, sovereign nations.

Ah….I think I see the problem…..

Robert Hughes

” What did the disclaimer at the bottom say about sharing with others, you forgot that bit.”

There was no disclaimer . Don’t be looking for imaginary nits to pick ma man 🙂

John Main

@ Hats says:26 October, 2022 at 10:49 am

“When Americans start feeling the pinch as we are feeling it, the war will end”

Uh oh! US GDP comfortably exceeds Sino-Russti GDP combined. Add in all the other major economies rooting for the west and if Hats is right, this war will last for years.

Haud oan though. When has Hats ever been right about anything?

Rab Davis

Re: Katie Forbes.

I always had her as an outsider to take over the leadership of the SNP.

There seemed to be something about her that made you think there was a bit of a rebel in there waiting to bring down Sturgeon.

But like Joanna Cherry, she kinda fizzled out.

I haven’t lost all hope though, and think she may be a far more popular choice amongst SNP members than that freaky creep Angus Robertson.

And as we all know, things move at a snails pace within the SNP, there is hope yet that Kate Forbes adds a bit more aggression to her persona and she does end up leading the SNP and by default,,,,the YES Movement.

Other choices are thin on the ground,,,the opportunity is awaiting you Kate,,,tell Sturgeon her time is up.

John Main

@ Republicofscotland says:26 October, 2022 at 7:35 pm

Maybes Curtis LeMay was feeling sore. He had earlier lobbied previous US administrations to bomb Russtiland flat in the years post-war when the US had nuclear weapons and the Russtis did not.

Maybes LeMay was thinking that if people had followed his advice, there never would have been a Cuban missile crisis.

But of far more interest is the question the alert will ask themselves. At the end of WW2, if it had been the Russtis who were in sole possession of nukes, plus the strategic bombers to deliver them, would they have refrained from using them on their erstwhile allies?


And that no-brainer answer, that 99% of rational Scots can give, establishes why your deranged pro-Russti arguments are doomed to never gain any traction.

Soz, Repo.

Ian Brotherhood

@Scott (6.59) –

You raised this ‘petition’ thing before and I didn’t give it much thought but please bear with me as I ask for some further clarification…

‘…anyone presenting such a petition to the Court would be entitled to do so anonymously. It’s the law on trial, not the petitioner.’

There’s surely an endless list of things folk would raise but this one is, I suppose, topical…

The UK govt ‘gave’ £50-odd million to the Scottish government which then ‘gave’ it to Uk***ne as a big gesture. The money was never ours so far as I can tell. but let’s say for argument’s sake we’re six months down the line and the Scottish Govt allocates a similar amount for that country.

There has been no ‘declaration of war’ between the UK and R***ia. (Someone should remind the new PM of that fact as he seemed to forget it this afternoon.)

So if an anonymous Scot raises a petition objecting to any of ‘our’ Barnett dosh being sent to support a foreign war effort, is that the type of thing you’re talking about?

Because if it is then I’m sure plenty of folk would support it – whether or not they’d admit to doing so in the current climate is, of course, another matter.


“John Main” is seriously disturbed mentally if he’s imagined a scenario out of his arse and is consequently raging about it, AND WANTS OTHERS TO RATIONALISE THIS WAY.

Can Rev Stu please report a concern for person, “John Main” could be an alias, but Polis can locate using IP address in emergency, which this seems to be.


link to

Does anyone really think duffers like M. Horsebox Russell n Pee. Carthorse Wishart actually believe humans can change sex ?

I believe the root cause of all the problems is the 2004 Gender Recognition Act which states men can change gender. This word gender is tricky as most people think sex & gender are the same thing. (Gordon Dangerfield explain why it’s different in law.)

I would hope in iScotland we can get rid of the ‘Gender Recognition Act’ and replace it with something less problematic. Put an end to this idea that ‘transwomen are women.’ and perhaps even get rid of the word gender.

I don’t know exactly what happened before the ‘2004 Gender Recognition Act’ I vaguely read something about the 1st GRC being issued to a person who had what was called a ‘sex change’ basically the man had his genitals removed so to avoid embarrassment he was given female documentation. (More info needed)

The idea of young men having their genitals removed to try to turn themselves into women is barbaric. Many horror stories on You Tube.

Stop telling them they are women!

John Main

@ Scott says:26 October, 2022 at 8:17 pm

Hey Scott,

Some posters will try to make even a half-arsed attempt to argue with or dispute another poster’s comments.

Disappointed to see you go straight for the “mentally disturbed” gambit. But hey ho. That’s usually a sign the comments are irrefutable. I’ll take that as a win.

If it’s evidence of mental disturbance you are seeking, check out Monday’s cycling distractions on this thread.

Shame you missed it, it was a momentous and unforgettable day on Wings BTL.


Scott @ 6.59. The Nobile Officium.

Do you think this would be an appropriate route to put right the abuse by the Alphabetties of their so-called right to anonymity?

There seems to be a clear problem with a law that protects them, but allows them to continue shamelessly to malign Alex Salmond who was found not guilty and is prevented from showing people who it was that gave evidence against him, and expose what really was behind the case against him.

It seems to me they have abused their right to such an extent they should forfeit it. I doubt if Lady Dorrian would amend her order of no publication of their identities, so the Nobile Officium seems the only option.

It is only when the full facts are disclosed that the people of Scotland can judge for themselves the extent to which Alex Salmond was the victim of a political plot to get him.

It is a disgrace to Scotland’s legal system that this situation has arisen and continues to fester. Every politician knows who the accusers are and their inability to inform the people who they represent is an outrageous restriction on their proper political duties and responsibilities.

It is only in exceptional circumstances where identities of accusers should be disclosed. The Alex Salmond case is probably unique. Surely he must be allowed to pursue a political career free from their repeated sniping from behind the wall of anonymity which they have so roundly abused.

John Main

@ Ian Brotherhood says:26 October, 2022 at 8:15 pm

Another way of looking at it is that the annihilation of Country 404 will put half of the EU (which all good Indy-supporting Scots are supposed to love, BTW) at risk of annihilation next.

Think of the £50-odd million as a wee gift to buy the friendship, support and respect of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, etc. etc. – all the countries whose citizens we want to come wipe our Scottish arses when we get too old to do it ourselves.

Joined up thinking Ian. Give it a try. Do you think we are just going to waltz into the EU, because we are Scotland, and that’s all that is needed?

If we decide as a nation to root for Russtiland, do you think the EU is going to forgive and forget?


@Ian Brotherhood

In Scots law, each case turns on its own merits.

In English law, case law tends to dictate outcomes. Highest ‘authority’ bundle wins kinda thing.

Scots law is structured in line with the concept of natural justice for all time, notwithstanding the union.

If you have a stateable case for judicial review, state it. The court can only refuse once the argument falls on either side. That’s how simply our common law rights are adjudicated on.

Anyone who engages a brief for a civil case is wasting time and money – civil law proceedings are guided from the bench, with the Lord Advocate silently upholding the rights of all parties involved not to be prejudiced by lack of understanding of procedure or authorities.

Legislation is published online. Read the laws germane to your case, using the search function.

As for the bit about the nobile officium I mentioned, that’s also easily accessed and is the most powerful civil court in the world, having the power to overrule the legislature and monarch at all times if the situation requires that to happen.

I’ve responded out of courtesy, but I will say that I’m not surprised you hadn’t given legal action much thought. You play the confused simpleton well at times, but for someone with a degree, a job making up crosswords for newsquest and a published work of fiction, your spare-time writing is woeful. I stopped following you on twitter long ago due to your repeated inability to understand stuff, while egging on others to do something. You’ve been doing it for years and years. And you did raise the question weeks ago about you being a plant….on the balance of probabilities, I still don’t care. You do you, I’ll paddle my own canoe.

Ian Brotherhood

@Scott (9.02) –

Aye, fair do’s, paddle on.



English law accomodates precedent; Scots law works from first principles.

John Main

@ Merganser says:26 October, 2022 at 8:44 pm

My understanding is that any member of the WM HoC can say anything they like under Parliamentary Privilege, which grants freedom of speech and freedom from arrest on civil matters.

David Davis used PP to make a speech on the Salmond affair in March 2021. The details are easy enough to find online.

Alba has two MPs in the HoC. It is unclear to me just what prevents them from using PP in pursuit of the aim you outline. There is precedent in using PP to name individuals despite legal injunctions being in place to prevent this. Again, the details are easy enough to find online.

Then again, the Alba MPs do like to treat WM with contempt, so perhaps actually using the place to advance their cause has yet to occur to them.


@ John Main

Here’s that David Davis speech vid and what he said.

link to

Pete Wishart

From yesterday’s ‘Brexit Freedoms’ debate. Telling Labour that they can’t make ‘Brexit work’ and where they might have given up on the EU Scotland will never give up on being an EU member. We will achieve that with independence. Think you’ll like it…

link to


John Main,
No other nation on this planet has ever nuked anybody except the Americans. They did it twice.
What that means is they have a proven track record of nuking people whether you like them apples or not.
Statistically speaking, that makes them the most likely to nuke anybody. Again.


Derek says:
26 October, 2022 at 10:00 pm

English law accomodates precedent; Scots law works from first principles.

Scottish civil courts often tell case law to just fuck off as so few bind absolutely, given the varying nature of all disputes.

English courts are lauded as works of art and fonts of great knowledge, when in fact it’s more like the bingo, which also has a pre-determined arbitrary winner at all times factored into the rules of operation.


Weak Pishart @10:17

“We will not be dragged out of the EU against the wishes of the Scottish people” spouted the balloon Blackford.

What happened thereafter sums up perfectly the SNP… all mouth and no trousers.

Hear the new shite, same as the old shite, we won’t get fooled again, no, no!


It’s uplifting to see so many people ignoring the obnoxious shouty fellow and his tedious parrots. It looks like they’ve been almost begging people to engage with them today, the very same people that they’ve been annoying, abusing, and insulting for months. Very odd.

The exact same process of ignoring morons and brain-dead propaganda with regards to the war is unfolding in societies across the western world right now. More and more people are questioning the lies, and more and more are questioning the reliability of the people telling us those lies.

Let us never forget that Britain and the US are responsible for some of the most reprehensible crimes defined in international law. If there are two countries in the world that definitely shouldn’t be trusted when it comes to urging us to attack people, it’s the US and its creepy old butler, Britain.

Rab Davis

Hatuey 11.38pm

Don’t forget England is also known as the 51st State of America.

America’s lapdog.

“Russia Bad” is England’s way of deflecting attention away from their fucked up government.

Sturgeon uses a similar tactic in Scotland,, her’s is “Tory Bad”.


John Main says:
26 October, 2022 at 10:02 pm

@ Merganser says:26 October, 2022 at 8:44 pm

“My understanding is that any member of the WM HoC can say anything they like under Parliamentary Privilege, which grants freedom of speech and freedom from arrest on civil matters.”

There is precedent in using PP to name individuals despite legal injunctions being in place to prevent this. Again, the details are easy enough to find online.

Has it been used to break an order imposed by Scotland’s courts very often, ‘John’.

FWIW, if someone introduced a valid bill in Holyrood on ‘subject 42’ and a tenuous link could be made to HMA v Salmond, parliamentary privilege allows names to be named, without punishment, during the course of debate in the chamber if in good faith and factually correct. See Scotland Act. Possibly a reason ALBA standing in 2021 caused the outrageous ‘just because..’ response from Sturgeon that time.

But the need to name names seems bizarre if hearsay eveidence is all you got. Trusting the word of others is one thing, being an affected party is another.

HMA v Salmond is terminally deid.

Each case turns on its own merits.

How many criminal cases are prosecuted in Scotland’s courts on a daily basis?

45% Yes v 55% No extrapolated – you do the maths of persecution if you want, but it’s a pointless, silly exercise.

The civil case was brought by AS as a private person, not on behalf of you, me or Scotland. His baw, his legal fees paid in full.

If AS received evidence ruled inadmissible he can’t speak to, nobile officium of High Court would’ve heard full natural justice argument, on a lower threshold than criminal culpabilty, able to bypass legislation in the process. He chose not to, but technically still could seek a ruling if civil proceedings were in his personal thoughts in future.

That’s how flexible Scots law can be. But it’s hee-haw to do with me. I’m not an affected party.

Political strategists? Lolz.


Telegraph (26/10/2022): ‘Sturgeon’s Tavistock’ clinic offers trans children surgery not backed by ‘robust evidence’:

“A gender identity clinic’ branded “Sturgeon’s Tavistock” has been offering patients irreversible sex-change treatments despite senior clinicians admitting that its methods are not backed by “robust evidence”, a leaked recording showed…

…Scotland’s only gender identity clinic for children, also authorised hormone treatment and referrals for surgical procedures for its patients after apparently rudimentary mental health assessments, according to unguarded comments by a senior clinician..

The Tavistock clinic in London, which the clinician said Sandyford had “links” to, is to shut next year after an expert review commissioned by NHS England found it is “not safe” for children.

However, the Scottish Government and devolved Scottish NHS have shown little interest in reviewing the culture at Sandyford, which also sees adult patients, with both SNP ministers and the health service allowing trans activists to help shape policies and treatment pathways…”:

link to


BBC (27/10/2022): Gender recognition reforms to face Holyrood vote

“…The Scottish government argues that the current process is too difficult and invasive, and causes distress to an already marginalised and vulnerable minority group.

Its proposal would see applications handled by the Registrar General for Scotland, rather than the UK panel.

No diagnosis or medical reports would be required, and the period in which applicants need to have lived in their acquired gender would be cut to three months.

One of the most controversial proposals is to lower the minimum age that someone can apply from 18 to 16…”:

link to

Andy Ellis


I don’t think anyone except the moonhowling fraternity in here would accept your claims about others, or about who is being listened to or interacted with. We know from Stu’s own figures that this place still attracts significant numbers of readers, even if few of them post. What is really odd is the insistence by the hard of thinking that what really matters is the volume of posts or the hauners people get from their partisan supporters. It ain’t necessarily so.

The readership in general and the pro-independence movement more generally, doesn’t reflect or agree with the conspiracy theorising, nativism and Russophilia of the hard core moonhowlers who have taken up residence below the line here. It can however be entertaining to see the extremist fringe groups expose their intellectual nakedness for the rest of us to point and laugh at.

Similarly the evidence free narrative that “more and more people are questioning the lies….yadda, yadda, yadda…..” is simply assertion. It’s exactly the kind of thing Stu would fisk in one of his pieces back in the day: where’s your evidence that is the case? Wouldn’t it be evident in polling? Surely people would be on the streets to express their righteous rage at all these lies and government support for a war they regarded as unjust or none of our business?

The general public in Scotland – whether pro or anti independence – simply don’t accept your sophomoric agenda about the west being morally, politically and socially indistinguishable from authoritarian and totalitarian regimes like Russia and China. You and a handful of crypto-marxists and fringe conspiracy theorists may have convinced yourselves, but there’s no evidence you’ve convinced anyone else.


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‘Sturgeon’s Tavistock’ clinic offers trans treatments not backed by ‘robust evidence’

The clinic’s mental assessment of patients was based almost entirely on their own self-diagnosis, she said, with clinicians “basically just going on what they [the patient] tell you”.

This is what I feel about self-id. Basically I don’t think it will make any difference because even if going to the doctor/clinic is a requirement it will just be a case of self-id.

I would love to know how you would obtain ‘robust evidence’ that someone was born in the wrong body.

Stuart MacKay

Ian Brotherhood @8:15pm

£50 million was just the down payment. We will all be paying for 404 for many years to come. If the knock-out blow is delivered this winter it’s likely that whatever is left will be a basket case for the foreseeable future – the money making industry and commodities are all in the east. And if 404 prevails then the bill will be even higher.

The EU has committed to spend whatever it takes to get what’s left of 404 back on it’s feet. So far the deliver of the billions to Elensky has been a bit tardy hence the renewed vigor to “seize not freeze” the assets of the aggressor to try and find the cash from somewhere. The UK will play it’s part and open the cheque-book as well. Even if we escape from the UK it’s likely expected that we’ll thrown in some cash in order to secure that coveted seat at the junior table in the EU. In the case we gave a two-finger salute to the EU we still need to pay up in order to be good neighbours.

404 is a millstone around the neck of Europe. Supplying weapons when one of the founding goals of the EU was to prevent war in Europe was a monumental fuck-up. We should have left it to the Americans and just stuck with the sanctions. That way we could have washed our hands of 404 and let the Americans fix what they broke. You reap what you sow.



Basically the Scottish government are set to continue to allow medical experiments on Scottish children, here the Scottish Greens get very angry when confronted by the truth, that the majority of children are just exploring and going through a phase in their young lives, and they don’t actually want to physically change.

If Scottish schools are involved in the brainwashing of children to further aid in their transition, I suggest worried parents should home school their children with immediate effect.

“SCOTTISH schools have been urged to ignore “derogatory, demeaning and dangerous” guidance issued by NHS England on transgender school children.

Concerns have been raised following the publication of NHS advice which suggested that most trans children were simply going through a “transient phase”.

The Scottish Greens have criticised the advice and said it was straight out of a “homophobic playbook of the 1980s”.

The NHS England guidance stated: “This may be a transient phase, particularly for prepubertal children, and that there will be a range of pathways to support these children and young people and a range of outcomes.”

link to


Well I guess we’ll see later how the voting in oor parliament goes. It will be quite the spectacle to see just how in touch all our politicians are with the folk they are meant to represent.

The Maniac Street Preachers – And If You Tolerate This (cutting the functioning sex organs off your kids) Then Your Grandchildren Won’t Be Next…

Tears for Fears – Mad World

link to

Peter Gabriel – Games Without Frontiers

link to


Too right Stuart Mackay @ 9.02 when you say 404 will be a millstone around the neck of Europe. It most certainly is that and it is going to get worse, much worse.

Britain has these last year’s been arming and training the Ukranian military. Our UK government website in fact crowed about it, crowing about how many destroyers they’d built for 404, how many military they had trained, and how they were going to build a naval base for 404 on the Black Sea.

Kind of gives an insight into what has been going on.

Now like the Cuban crisis of all these years ago it is not difficult to imagine the situation in reverse. If you can’t imagine this, and that it is all Vlad is bad, and us good, then you probably believe in the tooth fairy.

This mess was brought about by actions and deed, it is a mess brought about by actors using 404 as a proxy against 999. But who will win out of it. Will it be us as our economy and that of Europe collapses.

Aside of the conflagration spreading militarily and creating all hell on earth, the economic consequences are going to be immense.

Savings, pensions, standard of living all down the toilet. It’s happening already, just look around. Weakened by years of underinvestment, weakened by the lead up to and then exit from the EU our economy and living standards are in no shape to take this economic war. Millstone Stuart is an understatement.

But we have a hapless public who believing in the Tooth Fairy and whatever else they are fed are happy and prepared to see their living standards devastated. Like the glorious dead of yesteryear, and where we celebrated the loss of our sons and daughters, we effectively do the same today economically.

404 is a mess. It is devastated economically, militarily and socially. Only the external actors will be able to keep it going. Maybe like Germany after WW2 a phoenix will rise from the ashes. If so, it’ll be a big phoenix. Just like the one 101 and 201 have tried to raise after over a hundred years intervening in Afghanistan.

The First World War, Second World War and all the resource wars in between have taught us nothing. Taking not trading is the way. And yes, there may be some winners in the armaments industry, but for the many it’s into the meat grinder we go.

Give it to Christmas I think, and we’ll have a clearer vision of just how much harder it is going to get.

And if we didn’t have Scottish oil, gas, wind and hydro, or if it went down, where could we be?


Stuart MacKay says:
27 October, 2022 at 9:02 am

We should have left it to the Americans and just stuck with the sanctions. That way we could have washed our hands of 404 and let the Americans fix what they broke. You reap what you sow.

Rare occasion to disagree with you there Stuart. What Europe should have done, or more accurately, should not have done, was turn a blind eye to the US backed (should we make that orchestrated), coup in 2017, the installation of a virulently anti Russ Government, and darkly oppressive measures brought in to target Rus Nationals. This happened. It’s not propaganda. The installed regime went further, embracing far right neo-Nazi extremists and incorporating them into battalions deployed in areas to harass and target Russ Nationals. Europe slept. This too happened.

At any time, Europe could, and should, have presented itself as arbiter, and sought to make the Minsk Agreements work. However the EU was already compromised, because NATO’s Eastward expansion was already synonymous with the EU’s similar expansion. This is the point where I think EU made the catastrophic mistake of embracing the US led sanctions against Russ. That wasn’t the EU’s job if the EU wanted to be peacemaker. (Which, like Scotland, should have been it’s primary instinctive response). Monumental mistake by Europe, (and by Sturgeon too).

The EU has now effectively allied itself with the US while the US’ guilt for plotting the destabilisation of Russ / European relations oozes out, and the EU is going to be the big loser. It looks gullible, and worse, has actually shot itself in the foot over economic sanctions, and that may not be reversible. Europe has really given itself some problems, and European populations are not happy about it.

While the war continues, while the lies persist and are constantly refreshed, while the weapons and foreign mercenaries are funnelled into the meat grinder, there is no light visible at the end of the tunnel.

Whether Russ “wins” or Ukr “wins”, the one conclusion is as dark and unsustainable as the other. (And there is only going to be one conclusion anyway). You actually need a stalemate which both sides are prepared to live with. I believe that’s what the Russ are now “fishing” for; stalemate and stabilisation. In my opinion, that should be engaged with.

The only light at the end of the tunnel which I see, is the US being “encouraged” to desist from this foreign policy of destabilising it’s perceived enemies, and in particular, withdrawing from Ukr, and likely negotiating a permanent buffer status throughout Eastern European states. This Buffer status “might” be EU-lite, but I suspect, NATO zero.

The problem is, Peace delivered that way represents a strategic reverse for the US strategy, and the US don’t react well to that, but Europe, including it’s Eastern brethren, needs to look after itself.

The scary thing is, the US is up to the same game with Taiwan. It’s kicking the hornets nest again, and in the West, nobody reacts, nobody protests. The UK is merely Thuglet No 2.

If the West has any vestige of survival instincts left, it needs to recognise that BRICS is an amalgamation of all the Nations which the Anglo-Saxon English speaking West have chosen to make their enemies. It used to be the British Empire as butcher-in-chief, but now it’s the US.

It’s a fine quote, but from a movie script, not the real Admiral Yamamoto, but after their success at Pearl Harbour, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

I believe decade after decade of underhand conduct of the West is about to waken a BRICS giant which dwarfs the West, and our decades of disrespect, perfidy, and colonial exploitation have filled that BRICS giant with determined resolve, which might yet escalate to terrible unless we mend our ways… fast.

It may be too late.


I hope the SNP get their self-id law passed. It would be a shamed if they were seen to be sane and the law didn’t pass.

The way I see it self-id or no self-id it won’t make any difference to women.

They don’t have ‘Sturgeon’s self-id’ in England yet Eddie Izzard is self-idying as a woman with almost everyone confirming he is a she.

Except this guy who is in trouble for asking:

whether female representation in parliament would “increase or decrease” if Eddie Izzard was elected as an MP.

link to

Tory MP under fire for transphobic comments about Eddie Izzard


“The Scottish Greens have criticised the advice and said it was straight out of a “homophobic playbook of the 1980s”.

That’s strange others have criticised the support for the mutilation of children as being homophobic.

What could be more homophobic than cutting a gay boy’s dick off or removing a lesbian’s breasts & uterus and replacing her vagina with a frankenpenis?

It’s all mad I think I’m going to go and write bonkers stories about three parrots.

Andy Ellis


The Maniac Street Preachers

I prefer their early stuff when they were still just manic. 🙂

Rab Davis

This Gender Recognition Bill is really what Sturgeon is all about.

Scottish Independence is but an interference.

She is living for the moment when this becomes law.

This is where Harvie fits into the equation.

Sturgeon couldn’t have asked for a more perverted co pilot.

The Sturgeon/Harvie partnership will gaurentee this Bill sails through.

Neither Sturgeon nor Harvie have any intention of delivering Scottish Independence.

These two freaks have been working towards this passing into law their who political life.


link to

A bit of afternoon entertainment!

Scroll to the bottom of the list for the best bit.

Enjoy! I’m giving it a miss and going to do some work you can give me a run down of the best bits later.

Would definitely be interesting if anyone answers the question
‘What is a woman!’


OH oh! Typo police on patrol!

Rab Davies could be in trouble.

No guarantee he will but he might!


John Main and Scott.

Thank you both for your responses.

I am aware of what David Davies said at Westminster. He gives very little detail. But in any event, I don’t think it should be left to a Westminster Parliament to put right a wrong created entirely in Scotland which will linger until Scotland finds a way to resolve it.

I think everyone in Scotland is ‘an affected party’ by the situation which now exists. Imagine what the political landscape would look like if the full facts, including the identities of all the participants, had been published.

The SNP have a strong motive for keeping everything under wraps about the Salmond affair which will continue to impact on Scottish politics for years to come unless a (legal) way is found to get all the facts into the public domain.


Dan says on 27 October 2022 at 9:47 am:
“Well, I guess we’ll see later how the voting in oor parliament goes. It will be quite the spectacle to see just how in touch all our politicians are with the folk they are meant to represent.”

“The Maniac Street Preachers – And If You Tolerate This (cutting the functioning sex organs off your kids)”

Very well put! As a big ‘Manics’ fan that video has to be one of the creepiest pop videos i’ve ever seen. Good shout, Dan!
“With Rishi Sunak, the City’s takeover of British politics is complete” link to

No shit, Sherlock! That “takeover” happened long ago but now they don’t even attempt to hide it when the general public can see it. And they will *still* vote for them.

I think the Aussies were on to something when they nicknamed the English ‘Whinging Poms’. They like a right old whinge, Alf Garnett style. LOL!

Andy Ellis


Even by your standards that’s one of the longest screeds of magical thinking we’ve seen in here in quite a while. It’s almost comically tendentious and there would be little point trying to debate your ”idees fixes” about the Maidan coup, the need for de-nazification and de-militarisation of 404 and why Vlad is entitled to an imperialist exclusive sphere of influence and a veto on what neighbouring countries are and are not allowed to do.

It’s worth picking out a few nuggets from the dross though:

This Buffer status “might” be EU-lite, but I suspect, NATO zero.

As a result of Vlad’s illegal war, the war crimes and the huge physical and economic damage caused, full EU membership is now a racing certainty. The war has made it more likely to happen rather than less, and that it will be accelerated and given special treatment that wouldn’t have been considered if Vlad hadn’t invaded.

The same principle probably applies to NATO membership: the war has made it more likely, not less. It’s hardly surprising that both the Swedes and Finns accelerated existing moves to join NATO as a result of Vlad’s war. The defeat of 404 and its dismemberment or reduction to puppet regime status meant both Helsinki and Stockholm had no confidence they wouldn’t be next. Countries like them don’t give up on centuries of neutrality on a whim.

In any event, once Vlad is defeated – as he inevitably will be – 404 won’t necessarily need to be in NATO, it will simply negotiate mutual defence and security agreements with the USA and other states bilaterally. The Poles, Baltic States and Finland in particular, but also other neighbours like Slovakia, Czechia, Moldova, Romania and Georgia are not going to accept Vlad’s right to dictate that they are in his sphere of influence and can only act with his gracious permission.

Be under no illusions, the US and NATO will have made it abundantly clear to the Kremlin that use of tactical nuclear weapons in 404, or attacks on western supplies for 404 in Poland or elsewhere, will provoke conventional intervention to support 404.

Frank Gillougley

Worth watching for a reminder of the politics that brought us here. The death of Communism, the disaster of the ‘Democratic experiment’, Afghanistan, Chechnya, the rise of the mafia oligarchs running state businesses… and so on.

Adam Curtis’ excellent 7-part series. No narration required. link to

Realpolitik played out before your eyes. It’s the same playbook from 30 years ago.

Rab Davis

Ruby 11.15am

Well spotted.

Don’t want to give the Three Amigos any excuses to pile in.

Rab Davis


Talking about the Three Amigos.

I think “Chas” has been retired.

I think he let their side down the other day, and has been quietly writing out of the script.

Andy Ellis


The scary thing is, the US is up to the same game with Taiwan. It’s kicking the hornets nest again, and in the West, nobody reacts, nobody protests. The UK is merely Thuglet No 2.

But wait….shouldn’t any nationalists worth their salt be supporting the ordinary people of Taiwan if they decide to become an independent country? Why should they have to accept Chinese rule if they don’t want it, an more than we should accept Westminster rule if the majority don’t want it? The Chinese don’t exactly have a good record in Tibet, Xinjiang or Hong Kong do they?

In addition of course the Taiwanese aren’t going to go down without a fight, and know that the US will directly intervene to support them. The Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) means that the US will provide whatever level of support required to prevent a Chinese take over or attack. The TRA is intentionally “strategically ambiguous”, but there’s little doubt that the US would intervene directly in the even of a Chinese invasion.

It’s also worth noting the concerns and position of other neighbouring countries in SE Asia to Chinese aggression in the South China Sea, it’s unilateralism over territorial claims there, disputes over reefs and islands there.

Despite your fluffing of the growing influence of the BRICS and their rise as a new pole of the New World Order, many of the members hate each other as much as they do the West. Beijing sees the future as a bi-polar world competing with the USA/West. It doesn’t need or want the support of a second rate bit part player like Vlad, whose recent failure in 404 has only demonstrated what the Chines already knew: Russia is more of a liability than an asset. The Indians are also hardly sanguine about Chinese pretentions.

The idea you and others have that the BRICS are all going to get together to overthrow the economic and political hegemony of the Great Satan and the minor satans is unicorns and rainbows for those with a semi detached relationship to the real world. Of course no empire or hegemony’s influence is perpetual, whether Spain, the UK, America or anyone else in history. The future is likely to be multi-polar with the USA and its allies and China as the 2 major poles, potentially India as a third. Reports of the demise of the west are a bit like reports of Mark Twain’s death back in the day….a tad exaggerated.

Stuart MacKay

Breeks @10:23am

My original comment was worded to avoid incurring the wrath of the globalist thought police who find fault with anything that does not exhibit 100% to the narrative that the west is virtuous, wholesome and wants only the best for everyone in the world – as long as they do what they are told.

You’ll find no disagreement from me on everything you said except perhaps the idea of a stalemate which everyone can live with. The neocons won’t stop until they are removed from any form of power. If they can’t use 404 then they’ll move elsewhere. Regime change is all they do.

James Che


It is a difficult time just now for me to keep up with other commentators ,
We have been called to my mothers bedside twice in the last week an a half, she pulled through but things do not look promising,

Due to this I missed you’re comment on Nobile Officium,

I have to admit to not fully comprehending Nobile Officium, in layman’s terms, and I suspect a few others here might be the same. Even if reading it on line.

1: For instance could a parent in Scotland use it, say for the purposes of protecting their child as a parent against transgender issue, if they knew their child was being subjected to thought patterns while at school that was not appropriate to the family beliefs or religion,

2: Or could Nobile Officium be used by a individual whom can prove that the laws of Scotland had not been followed if they were subjected to imprisonment in any premises or their home without trial by jury within a certain time period.

3: Could a ( group of individuals ) each use Nobile Officium to highlight that They have lent their Sovereignty to a politician as a individual, to carry out a mandated act by law on their behalf within a certain time frame but the politician as a person had ignored it And allowed a numbers of years to lapse past the date promised?

Sorry to bombard you with this selection of questions Scott, but I turn to your better knowledge to help a few of us perhaps, understand in layman’s terms the correct use that Nobile Offcium could be an asset in Scots Law.


“But wait….shouldn’t any nationalists worth their salt be supporting the ordinary people of Taiwan if they decide to become an independent country?”

This would be mildly amusing if it wasn’t so pathetic, as if the Great Satan actually gives a toss about the Taiwanese.

Of course the Great Satan is only interfering in the business of Taiwan to directly affect China, and access the lucrative Taiwanese market, why hasn’t the US intervened in Palestine, or Catalonia we know exactly why.

The Great Satan has an agenda when it comes to Taiwan, I’ll never forget the POTUS with the record for being at war the longest (Obama) his entire two terms to be precise, he gave a press conference and lauded Ireland as a great wee independent country that has done well for itself, in the next breath (after David Cameron pushed a note into his hand) Obama, spoke about Scotland and said Scots should think hard about leaving the UK and its security.


Sturgeon the betrayer jumping on the Alba bandwagon with regards to not using the Euro, of course the betrayer wants to knacker our economy by using Sterling on indy, hopefully she won’t be FM when that day comes, and the NuSNP will become BLiS.

Of late the betrayer and the likes of Daddy Bear, have been bumping their gums quite regularly on independence, trying to shout louder on it than the real party for Scottish independence the Alba party, that to me indicates that they are afraid of Alba, and by shouting louder they hope to keep the indy masses onside.

“FIRST Minister Nicola Sturgeon has destroyed a claim that an independent Scotland MUST join the euro in order to get into the European Union.

The FM hit back at Scottish Tory Douglas Ross’s reference to a Times article published on Thursday, based on four anonymous sources, as “desperate” as the pair clashed at FMQs.

Sturgeon then quoted named politicians, including former Tory PM David Cameron and Labour MEP David Martin, where they stated that countries joining the EU would not be required to join the euro beforehand. ”

link to


I can understand the treacherous house Jocks wanting to keep the status quo they are well paid and are often parachuted into good positions in Councils, government, local authorities and uni’s.

However, putting the knuckledragging thick as pig shit sectarian mobs aside, I can’t understand why other Scots would want to remain in this union when this is what some publicly think of us, privately I’d say it is much worse.

A TORY MP who joked about Scots being sent as “slaves to the colonies” has been handed a ministerial role in Rishi Sunak’s government.

“Lucy Frazer, the MP for South East Cambridgeshire, has been made a minister in the “Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities”.

She previously served as a minister for transport under Liz Truss’s short-lived government.

Frazer’s new position will see her working closely with Michael Gove, who was brought back into government by Sunak after being fired by Boris Johnson in July.”

link to


“The future is likely to be multi-polar with the USA and its allies and China as the 2 major poles, potentially India as a third. Reports of the demise of the west are a bit like reports of Mark Twain’s death back in the day….a tad exaggerated.” – Ellis

If USA will still have to compete with the East + a new entrant in the form of India, then you’ve proven yet again that you’re stuck permanently in hyperbolic contradiction mode and as unbalanced as your equation

Anyway nobody cares about ancient Treaties and documents – the yanks could arbitrarily amend 2A, curfew the commonwealth and have their impressive collection of robotic action men brought to the homeland to sweep every building for weaponry, in an attempt to stop all the deaths they create. They won’t though, because it’s ingrained in their psyche that just killing people is the right thing to do. USA is the largest cult in the world in the world, and you’re a fully paid up member. You idolise the most racist nation on this planet, and openly wish for someone you’ve named to die. But, at least you acknowledge that Scotland doesn’t have to be in NATO to gain agreed protection if needed. If good enough for 404, it’s good enough for us.

Anyway, fuck off you jealous, narcissistic, bullying, right-wing failure with no friends.


I think everyone gets NDLS’s narrative about how the West will prevail, will win the war.

Based on what I see around me I am truly astonished how anyone can make that declaration.

It’s a big world out there with some big countries with big militaries.Discounting Russia as bit player Vlad the Bad is an incredibly facile statement to make.

That is most certainly not the case, and neither, for that matter is China or many of the other countries dismissed by NDLS.

Jingoism on behalf of the West is one thing. Reality is another thing altogether.

But maybe a good going conflagration would be a good thing. Too many people in the world? Or not enough resources? Well that may, much as we dislike the idea, actually be a reality. Indeed if the world were to shed let us say for talking sake some 4 billion people, then the climate change energency would maybe be resolved. And especially so if most of the shedding came from the countries producing the most Co2, consuming the most resources.

I mean does the world really need 8 billion and rising people all wanting to consume resources.

So maybe a big big war is the real aim of the string pullers pushing the fight buttons. We are where we are today without any of us having any say in where we are headed – save the notion of victory.

Humankind is parasitic. And, like the parasite it is, it destroys before moving on to another host. But at present the world does not have another host. But with less parasites, and new technology it is not difficult to understand how their are voices, siren as they may be, who argue that 500 million might be the optimal world population.

Thomas Malthus was wrong all those years ago when he predicted that humanity would grow to not be able to feed itself. But maybe he was only wrong in terms of timescale.

Who knows? The human gene that feeds survival of the fittest has never shied away from war, or doing what is right to ensure that some folks survive whilst other do not.

Are we heading to such a point. I don’t know. But one thing for sure is that those in control of the human race most certainly now have the toolbox to determine how we go.

Anyway, too big a thought for most of us in Blighty to consider, save to be comforted that we will win the war


So, it’s all Mel Gibson’s fault, he lied about the McCrone report, he stole the 6,000sq miles of seas to incorporate oil wells into English waters, he caused Brexit, he broke the Treaties of Union on multiple occasions, he got us into foreign wars that killed many Scots. He’s currently stealing half our cash which we send to Westminster, and that bloody Mel Gibson is also sending surplus power from Scotland to England for nothing.

And here I am blaming Westminster.

“CALLS for Scottish independence are being driven by “the likes of Mel Gibson”, UK ministers have been told.

Tory MP Giles Watling, who represents Clacton in Essex, told the House of Commons that it would be “foolish” to let the Union fall apart during Cabinet Office questions.

Watling then suggested a 25-year time frame before another vote on Scotland’s place in the Union could be held after making the comment about Gibson, in reference to his role as William Wallace.”

link to

craig murray


My case will be heard at the European Court of Human Rights. It includes the chilling effect of Lady Dorrian’s orders in denying the public information that is very much a matter of public interest, about conspiracy at the highest level.

Probably two years off, but it will come.

Andy Ellis

@Stuart MacKay

….the wrath of the globalist thought police who find fault with anything that does not exhibit 100% to the narrative that the west is virtuous, wholesome and wants only the best for everyone in the world – as long as they do what they are told.

I’m sure there are such people who demand absolute obeisance to a manichean worldview allowing of no opposition or nuance, but in the real world most folk are aware that the last perfect person got nailed to two pieces of wood.

You don’t have to be a raging neo-con to think it’s a bad idea to let Vlad’s nice bunch of lads prevail in 404. Similarly, not all folk who broadly accept the necessity to support the people and government of 404, even at some cost to our own economies, are blind to the faults of our own governments and systems both historic and current.

Most ordinary folk are more than capable for example of being simultaneously dismayed by and critical of western policy towards Palestine, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan or any other contentious issues of the day, whilst not accepting the narrative that there is a moral equivalence between authoritarian regimes like Russia and China, and our own governments, however imperfect we know them to be.

The idea that there is a Machiavellian group or mind set behind the burach that is “western” policy on many of these issues is strictly for the birds. Even where proponents of regime change like the neoconservatives in the Republican Party in the US manage to direct policy at times, we’ve seen that the outcomes tend not to be as expected.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing of course. Certain courses of action were always likely to end in disaster, but often at the outset things are less certain. Was it wrong for Iraq to be ejected from Kuwait? I’m guessing most folk, not least the Kuwaitis, would say no: it was the only right thing to do. Much the same could be said of many situations: some are relatively clear and straight forward, others are intractable and opaque. Oftentimes not taking action also comes at a cost as we saw in the Balkans, Rwanda, Myanmar. If we never intervene at all as a matter of principle, there are also risks.

Even WRT to country 404, I doubt most folk would agree with some of the opinions in here I.e. that we should do nothing to help, even if they might tend to agree with some of the narrative that Vlad felt surrounded, or that country 404 was imperfect. Once Vlad invaded, the situation is rather different. Perhaps if the west had reacted differently to the illegal occupation of Crimea we wouldn’t be where we are today. I’m sure there are lots of policy flaws than can be picked apart going right back to the fall of the USSR and the failure of Russia to transition towards democracy the way its former satellite states in Eastern Europe did.

Are people really that confident that if the presumed “globalist thought police” were somehow overthrown, that the replacement would be more virtuous and without stain? Would a new BRICS led world order presage some new nirvana, or the generalisation of Chinese imperialism, authoritarian rule and re-education camps for the malcontents à la Xinjiang?

Robert Hughes

Excellent post/s Breeks ( n Hatuey earlier ) .

I’d just like to put it on record that the U.S is the greatest country in the known universe ( though it may have as yet undetected rivals for that title on the other side of the wormhole ) , and , really , we wetback non-Yanks are not worthy to share this planet with it , and only do so due to the boundless magnanimity of Unc Sam’s guys . They’re really , really great , ain’t they ?

The list of fantastic attributes possessed by US OF A would take too long to write – honestly , it would fill a stamp – so , here’s just a few of them to remind us of it’s near divine status .

Charity – Taking all those African people away from their lives of indolence and teaching them the value of an honest day’s slavery .

Generosity – ridding the people that were around a bit earlier ( coupla months before the Mayflower arrived it’s reckoned ) of the onerous task of hunting bison , by * culling * those bulky vermin almost to extinction . Like that wasn’t generous enough – then allocating wee areas of the country where the natives could hang-out n enjoy lives of humble alcoholism , crime and mercifully early death .

Honour – the impeccable martial history of the US speaks for itself . Selfless defence and protection of the * Little Guy * has been the unbreakable commitment of every US Administration . From relieving Mexico of large areas of unproductive land ( California ? a virtual desert before Hollywood took it over ) Korea , Vietnam , Latin America , Afghanistan to it’s current philanthropic mission in , thingmy , aye , that gaff in the East , the legacy of US Foriegn Policy is a shining beacon to us all



Re nobile officium – it’s the most powerful court on these islands. It can issue any order needed to remedy a situation

Craig Murray chose not to appeal to the nobile officium, instead he chose to appeal to courts outwith Scotland.

That’s a personal matter for him, but any support I had for him vanished the day he toasted his voluntary detention in pantomime fashion before appeals had been exhausted in Scotland. I hope ECHR refuse the appeal. I’ve often heard people wonder why more people didn’t protest etc Ego driven gestures aren’t worthy of support in a democratic society. We’re not a cult, at least I’m not.

Who appoints these spokespeople for the imaginary movement so many of you claim to be part of?

At least, you aren’t a community like the trannies, so there’s that.

You want truths, you get truths.

Be kind, be honest. What’s the difference?

craig murray


Err I did appeal to the nobile officium. They ruled against me. It is precisely the same bunch of corrupt Scottish judges from the Inner House, not some magical font of right.

I am appealing to the ECHR against the judgement of the nobile officum.

craig murray


Furthermore, the ECHR have accepted the case. They can only do that once all domestic appeals have been exhausted, which they were, including the nobile officium. You seem to have managed to be 100% factually wrong on every single point.


First crack in the wall?

link to

Ian Brotherhood

That’s the debate underway now.

link to


Craig Murray did appeal to the nobile officium, but only after his release from prison.

That’s my whole point. I said that.

link to

Also, agreeing to hear an appeal is one thing, allowing it is another.

If this appeal was a genuine attempt to appeal conviction or vary sentence, it’d have taken place before surrender of liberty. Urgent appeals are a thing.

It’s, IMHO, an attempt to introduce ‘evidence from HMA v Salmond’ he hopes will clear both him and an already innocent man.

Get the popcorn in for the ECHR judgement whenever it drops, it should be good.

Craig Murray is another ‘Walter Mitty’ type, grifting to run a blog he chose to create. WGD, at least, has binned the bird app as a means to whine about how his followers aren’t following enough and stuff about donations.

Rev Stu manages to keep this site running without asking for handouts.

The BBC is the devil, but Craig & Others just love their funding model.

You’ve got to laugh at some of these clowns in the blogosphere, seeking to lead the masses.

When has Rev Stu ever claimed to lead a group? All he wanted was you to educate yourself, and what’s the legacy?

A bunch of insecure crybabies screeching into the void for someone to do the thing they want done, because they don’t understand how to do it, but are happy to chip in the odd fiver or pour scorn on stuff they haven’t engaged meaningfully with.

You don’t need to follow anyone, you’ve chosen to pin your tail to the personality of various donkeys, despite not being welcome on this site if that’s your bag.

If you decide your ideology based on personalities rather than facts you’re a drooling moron and please don’t read our website. Rev Stuart Campbell, 30th December 2020

link to

Happy Christmas.

Stuart MacKay

Andy Ellis

I don’t think anybody here who thinks that the leadership of 404 had it coming would want to replace one imperial power with another – whether that’s based in Beijing, Brussels or Moscow.

The body of evidence so far shows decisively that human beings and big countries / power blocs are a fundamentally bad idea. Even if they start out with noble intentions sooner or later they get taken over and turned to evil. The Russ empire has always been a bit suspect but the real failing is the USA. Then we have the EU which takes the title as the institution that fucked it up utterly.

The whole debate over 404 is whether there is a multi-polar world or whether one country gets to dictate how the rest of the planet lives or dies. Smaller countries working together not trying to screw each other over seems to provide the most fault-tolerant way forward.

Stuart MacKay

Scotsrenewables @3:12pm

Clearly Ms. Regan was feeling the pressure of not being a feminist to her fingertips.

Do I hear any advance on one. I don’t think I’ll be holding my breath on this one.


If we’re back to imaginary scenarios via the medium of ‘poles’, as a logician, I must point out that on a sphere you can have an infinite number of poles, but each is linked to its opposite number.

Poles are fixed points. All poles meet at only one point, and that’s the centre.

Good luck getting the yanks to go there, is the point everyone acknowledges but for varying reasons. Some say the centre shouldn’t exist as an option, which is, by definition, polar extinction.

The yanks are idiots, ignore them. Especially the Canadian ones.


Ash Regan resigns from Scottish Government Administration of Devolved Powers.

link to


Soz Scotsrenewables and Stuart MacKay, just back indoors and catching up.
As I understand the SNP MSPs are whipped on this vote, aye?


I see that Ash Regan has resigned as a minister in Holyrood over the GRA. The FM said that no-one had raised concerns about the bill with her. Ash Regan and 14 others sent her a letter in 2019 about it. Joanna Cherry has raised concerns and been hung out to dry by the FM in the face of death threats. Women’s groups have raised concerns loudly and clearly. The Equalities and Human Rights Commission has asked the Scottish Government to rethink their plans. I took part in the consultation process as a private individual and I saw very many organisations and individuals arguing against GRA, including two submissions from SNP branches.
What does this woman need to convince her that people have protested and they have a right to be listened to? She comes over as contemptuous of anyone who dares to challenge her view of the world?



Thanks for the link on Ash Regan, Sturgeon has compelled MSPs to vote for the GRA, GRC has been reduced to the age of 16. We can only hope other SNP MSPs vote against it


I heard on the radio news, that Scottish minsters are exempt from Crown prosecution, this was in light of the radio news reporting that two young people died in Polmont Young Offender (prison/institution, and the parents were going to take I presume the Scottish minister for Justice to court over their deaths, but they have been thwarted by his exemption.

James Che

Ash Reagan has a conscience and integrity for the safety of all women and children,
Only a pervert and molester would vote this through the Scottish Parliament.

It will be interesting to see whom labels themselves in the public eye as such.


Rev Stu,

This is just to wish you A Very Happy Birthday and I hope that you’ve enjoyed your day so far. X


Why did we have separate toilets, changing rooms, dormitories, hospital wards etc for men and women, boys & girls up until now?

Why couldn’t teenage boys & girls share a room when away at school camp or on a school trip to France?
Any reason why they couldn’t share a bed in the event of there being a shortage of single beds?
Girls have sleepovers and often share a bed or a mattress on the floor any reason why boys couldn’t join in and share a bed with the girls.

What about at home why couldn’t teenage brothers & sisters share a room or even a bed.

What is the reason for all this old fashioned segregation of boys & girls men and women?

Can you help?


James Che says:
27 October, 2022 at 5:10 pm

Ash Reagan has a conscience and integrity for the safety of all women and children

Only a wee bit of a conscience she is after all still in the SNP


I wonder what/who else is bought and paid at Holyrood.

“Political news magazine ‘Holyrood’ is selling to a company owned by Lord Ashcroft, British-Belizean billionaire and pollster who bank rolled the Tory Party. Media group Political Holdings has agreed to pay the Edinburgh-based periodical as part of a £4.5m deal.”

link to


I have many questions:

Of what good is a GRC?

What does it prove?

Does everyone need one?

I’ve managed fine up until now on looks alone.


Not so good.

“GRA Reform has passed stage one overwhelmingly by the Scottish Parliament, with cross-party support

There were 88 votes for, 33 against, and four abstentions.”


I should’ve added this to my above comment.

“In total, seven SNP MSPs voted against the whip include…

Stephanie Callaghan
Fergus Ewing
Kenneth Gibson
Ruth Maguire
John Mason
Ash Regan
Michelle Thomson

Abstentions (cross-party)
Miles Briggs (CON)
Jackson Carlaw (CON)
Annabelle Ewing (SNP)
Jim Fairlie (SNP)”

Ian Brotherhood

GRRA Stage One vote:

Yes 80
No 33
Abstained 4

‘So will the #SNP7 who voted against the GRR bill lose the whip
Stephanie Callaghan
Fergus Ewing
Kenneth Gibson
Ruth Maguire
John Mason
Ash Regan
Michelle Thomson
And what about 2 who abstained?
Annabel Ewing and Jim Fairlie’

link to

Being a confused simpleton I have no idea how significant this is. Hopefully, Rev will write something about it.



Nine SNP MSPs defied the whip and Sturgeon, Ash Regan has gone, the other eight had better watch their backs as Sturgeon will be out to get them one way or another.

Ian Brotherhood

@Republicofscotland –

Sorry about the duplication there, I should’ve refreshed before commenting.

Very interesting, even if it does look like a slamdunk. Sturgeon will *not* be happy.

Question from a friend – do no-shows count as abstentions? Does anyone know?



Ian Brotherhood says:
27 October, 2022 at 5:57 pm

GRRA Stage One vote:

Yes 80
No 33
Abstained 4

‘So will the #SNP7 who voted against the GRR bill lose the whip
Stephanie Callaghan
Fergus Ewing
Kenneth Gibson
Ruth Maguire
John Mason
Ash Regan
Michelle Thomson
And what about 2 who abstained?
Annabel Ewing and Jim Fairlie’

link to

Being a confused simpleton I have no idea how significant this is. Hopefully, Rev will write something about it.

Will you be voting for these ‘good guys’ at the next election?


Received 4 responses from my email to ALL 8 of my political representative’s 2 tory and 2 liebour, the tories were non committal and wishy washy , the 2 liebour reps claimed they were supporting the motion but were looking for better protections being built in (in other words they were doing what Stammer told them to do with the liebour parties own pervert support )

BUT AS USUAL nothing , nada , zilch from my snp sturgeon sycophant George Adam , gorge obviously cares nothing for the protection of our women and girls in Renfrewshire NOT even a response , will you be door knocking gorge to advise snp 1 and 2 at the next election (wee piece of advice gorge don’t fucking bother)


Lord Brailsford named as new chair of the Scottish Covid Inquiry, he replaces Lady Poole, Brailsford was nominated as a judge by Jack McConnell.


Republicofscotland says:
27 October, 2022 at 5:57 pm
Nine SNP MSPs defied the whip and Sturgeon, Ash Regan has gone, the other eight had better watch their backs as Sturgeon will be out to get them one way or another.
I’m sure Alba will welcome them if they want to join an independence supporting party.


Craig Murray @ 2.17.

I hope I live long enough to see the result, which will perhaps lance this festering boil and enable Scotland to move forward; and expose the many cowardly inhabitants of Holyrood (and Westminster) for what they are.

I imagine one particular person will leave her post before the fan is switched on.

So much is resting on your case – not just for you personally, but for the future of a decent independent Scotland.

One day….. Remember.

John Main

@ Breastplate says:26 October, 2022 at 10:48 pm

“No other nation on this planet has ever nuked anybody except the Americans. They did it twice.
What that means is they have a proven track record of nuking people whether you like them apples or not.
Statistically speaking, that makes them the most likely to nuke anybody. Again.”

Sorry to have to break this to you, but that’s a piss-poor argument, BP.

No statistician would ever accept a sample size of 2 as having any significance whatsoever.

But you’ve convinced yourself, and that’s what counts. Lets play with your “logic” and see where it leads.

Lots of posts on here anticipating the arrival of a nuke on the west of Scotland. You will be believing it will have the Stars & Stripes on. Now, I know there is a lot of moonhowling on here, but I think I would have noticed if somebody had made that claim.

Now it is “real”, based on your logic, I hope Repo can come up with some Russti-language website that backs up the idea.

Here’s another idea, BP.

Half your sample size to 1, and we can say by your “logic” that statistically speaking, the Russtis are likely to commit genocide against the people of 404 in a re-run of the Holodomor. Up to 5 million dead in the first go at it.

Maybes the people of 404 don’t want a repeat, eh, BP?

Finally, I note you have nothing to say about my fact. For a number of years, the USA had nukes and the necessary delivery systems – the Russtis had nowt. Yet the USA left them parked.

That’s an awkward fact that none of the roasters who see Satans around every corner can ever refute.

John Main

@ Stuart MacKay says:27 October, 2022 at 1:22 pm

“Regime change is all they do.”

Soz, Stuart, I thought this site was dedicated to regime change?

You now saying that’s a bad thing?

Ian Brotherhood

@Ruby (6.06) –

‘Will you be voting for these ‘good guys’ at the next election?’

As it happens, Ruth Maguire is my MSP. If she sticks to her guns then yes, I would consider it, but it looks like she’ll be hoofed now.


“I’m sure Alba will welcome them if they want to join an independence supporting party.”


Maybe they will, maybe they’ll jump ship before they are pushed. John Mason talking on STV news earlier about the vote, I think he may be first to find himself in Sturgeon’s crosshairs.


Interesting timing of a tweet by Jim F.

link to

But not the reason for abstention.

link to

John Main

@ Robert Hughes says:27 October, 2022 at 2:36 pm

Excellent post Bob.

Maybes a bit long.

Anything to say to those who might reply:

Haud oan. Isn’t half of the good ol USA descended from Scots & Irish?

Fuck! Have I just told you something you didn’t know?


Ian @6pm.

Och forget it, I’ve done it myself plenty of times, nae need fir apologies.

John Main

@ Scott says:27 October, 2022 at 2:04 pm

“You idolise the most racist nation on this planet”

This is so confusing, Scott. In the previous post Repo was reminding us of Obama and his two terms in office.

And right now, we have Harris as second-in-command.

You calling them and the voters who put them there racist?

As for wanting people dead, wasn’t it Hats who called for the unvaxxed to “fuck off and die”?

Was that all right then?

Stuart MacKay

John Main

There’s quite a bit of difference between democracy and engineering a coup. You’ve been fluffer for Biden for so long you don’t seem able to tell the difference any more.

Stuart MacKay

Dan @4:34pm

The ones without a backbone are going to get a double whipping. First from Sturgeon and then from the electorate. If only they’d listen to their consciences, like Regan, they could have avoided both.


an Brotherhood says:
27 October, 2022 at 6:21 pm

@Ruby (6.06) –

‘Will you be voting for these ‘good guys’ at the next election?’

As it happens, Ruth Maguire is my MSP. If she sticks to her guns then yes, I would consider it, but it looks like she’ll be hoofed now.

expelled from SNP,

Ian Brotherhood

@Stuart MacKay (7.01) –

It’s all vaguely encouraging though, eh?

If as many as 7 actually defied the whip and a couple abstained, there must be many more who felt similarly but kept shtoom. For now.

Listening to the debate, some of the contributions from Labour members were so wishy-washy as to be almost unintelligible. They’re going along with it for now but you can tell they’re really uneasy about it and some will probably turn further down the line. (For example, Michael Marra was all over the place and Jackie Baillie’s summing-up was packed with caveats.) By contrast, the most vehemently in support sounded unhinged. The gulf between them is just too great for the compromise that Shona Robison kept talking about.

But we know what side Nicola is on and she’s going to have to deal with these rebels. And she’ll have to be careful – if her nasty response to Ash Regan’s resignation is anything to go by then she’s properly furious. And we already know how vindictive she is. If she lashes out and hoofs those members, in the wake of Regan’s much-applauded resignation, she could have a serious rebellion on her hands.

Here’s hoping.



Ash Regan resigned her position in the SNP as ‘Safer Communities Minister’ saying her conscience wouldn’t let her support the gender tripe being promoted by Sturgeon & Co. Well done, Ash!

Meanwhile, in other shameful news, 2 families of suicide victims in a Scottish Young Offenders Institute were told that there’s enough evidence to prosecute the jail in question *but* the Crown Office doesn’t have the power to bring a prosecution because the Scottish Prison Service has “Crown Immunity”. As told by the BBC in Scotland text pages.

We learn something new every day eh! And the more we learn the more we see what a rank wee hovel Scotland is under Westminster rule.

Ian Brotherhood

@Scott (7.12) –

Thanks. Very helpful.

@Rev –

My 7.12 and 7.16 comment – sorry for the hassle if those two have gone into moderation but I can’t see any ‘banned’ words in there. Is ‘Michael Marra’ unacceptable for some reason?



‘Safer Communities Minister’ resigning, over the gender issue, that really does speak volumes. She obviously doesn’t think it will bring us “safer communities”. And she’d be right!

John Main

@Stuart MacKay says:27 October, 2022 at 6:56 pm

“There’s quite a bit of difference between democracy and engineering a coup”

No argument from me on that. Then there’s the difference between these two and just sending in the tanks and missiles, with the referendum at gunpoint troops following on …

But your original point was that “regime change is all they do”. And here we are wanting regime change in Scotland.

Why no Scottish campaign to get the experts in regime change on our side?

Is it because the reports of the effectiveness and universality of the regime change “experts” have been greatly exaggerated?

That’s my conclusion.

Scotland’s inability to effect regime change of its own has caused pro-Indy Scots to question the ability of any other nation to achieve their Indy. Where they do manage it, too many of us feel better by pretending they must have had “help”.

It’s the same cringe that sees so many rooting for Vlad. It shows us up that others will fight and die for their Indy. Better for our peace of mind if these other freedom fighters are annihilated.


“Sunak-The uber rich UK Prime Minister that broke the Royal Bank of Scotland will replay the tactic on Scotland with his freeports”

“Rishi Sunak – A history of banking scandals and tax evasion”
link to


“The insidious input of UK Government officials in the conspiracy to destroy Alex Salmond -part 1 – setting the scene”
link to

Ian Brotherhood

Here’s an interesting wee snippet of footage, taken after the vote today.

You can see Oor Nicola at 3-5 seconds, in pure ragin Gallus Alice mode, stormin off tae kick sumbdy’s baws.

🙂 🙂 🙂

link to



“Blinkered and driven by a single minded determination to destroy Alex Salmond yet the SNP leadership permit Holyrood to be used as a sex predators playground”

“The Holyrood sexual harassment report was sent to Nicola Sturgeon at the beginning of March 2018. It listed more than 200 allegations of harassment, most dating from 2016. Of the 137 women who said they had been sexually harassed, 67 reported that the perpetrator was an MSP. The report was quickly buried, and only Alex Salmond was put through the ringer. Why?”

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Stoker (8.01) –

Thanks for the warning but…

🙁 🙁 🙁

Pete Wishart

Fantastic news about the Gender Recognition Reform Bill and an overwhelming majority too. Trans people have been waiting so long for these modest reforms. Hopefully this will take some of the heat out of the debate, but then again, there’s always Twitter…..



re. “If Scottish schools are involved in the brainwashing of children/aid in their transition, I suggest worried parents should home school their children with immediate effect.”

Once people have realised the implications and consequences of an emotionally and ideologically (political/NWO) driven – lifestyle choice/gender-warping brainwashing group, and its unfettered influence over the biological integrity/well-being of children, and education system – parents will regret not heeding such advice.

George Ferguson

An encouraging day for the rights of women and girls to demand safe spaces for their sex. Many thanks to the rebels especially Regan. Not a victory but progress. Its not collective responsibility but collective fear that’s stopping a greater rebellion. And I am sure if Kate Forbes wasn’t on matty leave she would have voted against this bill as well. I give you the next leader of the SNP. Plenty time left although I think a referral to the Supreme Court is inevitable. Labour have missed an opportunity. If they don’t know what a woman is then they will make no progress in Scotland. According to Maggie C happy birthday Stu!. Turkish delight Gin?

David Hannah

I’ve read the polls on

Statistically. The Scottish public do not support gender self ID. That’s being ignored.

I feel sorry for the most are those mothers that have lost their daughters and sons. When their children ask them to be called by a different name. LGBT Youth Scotland propaganda, imposed on the curriculum.

It’s a pharmaceutical driven scandal. Sir Kier Starmer can’t define a woman. Neither can the Scottish branch office.

More polling needs to be done on this in the week ahead. Recognising that the Scottish Government are ignoring public opinion and presenting this clearly.

Where is this social change coming from?

Get it in billboards across Scotland. Leave our kids alone.


I won’t get too excited about the mini rebellion just yet. Swallows and summers, and numerous false dawns over the past couple of years should make us wary.

New blogs and twitter messages, welcome as they are, only serve to add to the evidence we already have and merely increases frustration levels as it gradually fades into an already bulging file.

IF cracks are beginning to appear, a mini rebellion may not be enough – we need a whistleblower.
It just takes one to get the ball rolling, to open a door or two and let some skeletons fall, even better, spill the beans on something indictable.
It’s just so, so exasperating, that everyone in the village knows (Kenny said so not long ago) yet no one is talking.


@ Ruby

So we have an old luvvie dressing up as a woman and wanting to be referred to as one who will most likely get to a MP by being on a woman’s only list and whose claim to stand for social justice is to run a couple of marathons?

It’s like something out of Alan Partridge.


The bottom line is that the SNP won’t deliver independence so with the next election they are contesting, they need to be judged on the policies they have and will deliver.

Voters will then need to put a cross beside them if they agree or not with those policies.

Ian Brotherhood

@Pacman (9.25) –

Aye, you’re right, but Steve Coogan in drag was a much more convincing ‘woman’ than Miss Izzard.

We are living in strange days.

Ian Brotherhood

Cannot believe I’m posting a link to an article by Stephen Daisley, but he’s right.

link to


@ Ian B

Aye, Pauline Calf makes yon Izzard look like a bag o’ shite. 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

@Dan (9.45) –


I couldn’t remember the name of the character.

And that was a long time ago. The mid/late 90’s?

Can you imagine any ‘comedian’ getting away with that now?

Should Steve Coogan be ‘cancelled’?

🙂 🙂 🙂

George Ferguson

@Ebok 9:21pm
In SNP terms this is not a mini rebellion but a significant rebellion. We need the Scottish Parliament to vote down this bill and not some mysterious whistle-blower. I am of the opinion it will end up in the Supreme Court. However a mysterious whistle-blower is welcome if that is what it takes. Any takers?. Alex, Kenny, David Davies. Anybody?.


I wonder when people say they object to self-id if they are OK with all the other ways men ‘transition’ to being women? Eddie Izzard for example.

Apparently Eddie Izzard doesn’t have a GRC. Someone on Twitter came to his defence regarding him using the ladies toilet and said

You cannot get a GRC without *first* living as your gender for at least a couple of years, how on earth do you people *still* not understand this?

He may never apply for a GRC he may change his mind about transitioning but in the meantime he has two years in which he has free access to women’s facilities, should he be sent to prison he would serve time in a woman’s jail, he would be classed as a woman in sport (marathons) and perhaps he will be elected to parliament on the woman’s only list. After being elected there is nothing stopping him changing his mind about transitioning.

This non reformed gender recognition is just as bad as Sturgeons self id.

The whole bloody thing is insane.

The Tories are voting against self-id in Scotland but in England under the Tories Eddie Izzard has basically self-ided as a woman.

It’s going to be fun watching what happens in future.

Teacher with very big boobs would be fun to see.

link to

They are very close to that circular saw!

John Main

@Ian Brotherhood says:27 October, 2022 at 9:43 pm

Good link – thanks.

Much to agree with, but really, “bravery”?

Saying a guy with a dick isn’t a woman is being “brave”?

Looks like courage is being devalued along with everything else.

Graf Midgehunter

Happy birthday Rev. 🙂

Same day as my mum, God bless her.. 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

@John Main (10.34) –

You’re welcome.

I’m linking to Daisley stuff, and getting thumbs-up from your good self?


The world is mental so it is, and my head hurts so it does, so I’m off to the bed so I am.

Nytol, (as our old pal Buggerlepanda used to say!)




The point is he’s still keeping this name Eddie which is only given to males and has been wearing woman’s clothes for years. Who can forget him flicking about Glasgow with Jim Murphy in the referendum campaign.

He is never going to medically transition as woman. If he wants to wear dresses and think of himself as a woman, as long as he isn’t causing harm to anyone, it is none of my business what he does with his life.

However, he wants the same legal entitlements as biological woman and that is wrong.

We have to accept that it have to run it’s course where the end is it will eventually get repealed. That will happen because they have alienated too many people that are naturally sympathetic to minority rights and the application of pie in the sky loony liberal ideals to reality never ends well.

Graf Midgehunter

At least some of the MSPs had enough balls and overies to actually vote against the bill.

If only this was the straw that finally starts to break the era of nasty Nicola.


Ian Brotherhood 27 October, 2022 at 9:32 pm

We are living in strange days.

It’s like back in the day when being Gay was becoming acceptable and Gay people came out with the crude patter. It was funny at the beginning but as seen with John Barrowman now, that sort of behaviour is no longer tolerated.

The same thing is going to happen with this Transgender craze as I had mentioned when people experience firsthand the reality of it.


Even if an individual is allowed to change their sex on a legal document, how would that ever be able to align with the screening, diagnosis, and treatments of sex specific ailments.
The medical professionals would have to ignore the misrepresentation of an individual’s legally declared sex and just test for and treat a condition for what it actually is.


@Dan 11:13

If there wasn’t such serious real-life implications in regards to woman’s safety & rights and as you say potential future health implication of the individuals themselves who self-id, the whole thing would be treated with harmless bemusement.


Came across this old Eurotrash clip that showed a guy self-id’s as a penguin:


George Ferguson says:
27 October, 2022 at 9:53 pm

‘In SNP terms this is not a mini rebellion but a significant rebellion; We need the Scottish Parliament to vote down this bill’

George, if a further 23 SNP MSPs had rebelled, we would be in the absurd position that more than half of the governing party had failed to support the bill, yet it would have passed because WM Lab had instructed Slab poodles to vote for it.
This bill was never going to fail, despite the efforts of you, and most of the country, to bring some sanity to proceedings.

My point about a ‘mini rebellion’ is not that it was insignificant, but that unless it is followed up by pressure to ditch all the other nonsensical policies and get back to their raison d’être, it will be a meaningless gesture. Do these rebels have strength of conviction – that you have for your principles – in other areas of party policy?

It’s disappointing that Forbes hid behind her maternity absence as she would certainly have been seen as the leader of the revolt and a direct challenge to the leadership. Did she bottle it by failing to go ‘all in’?

The significance of the rebellion however is that the size is the precise number required to put Sturgeon in a very awkward dilemma: she will be keen to persecute the rebels, remove the whip, hound out of the party, but in doing so would lose her parliamentary majority, even with green support.


The Official Report from yesterday’s GRR debate has been posted online now.

link to

Thanks to all who wrote to their MSPs.


Can we all stop referring to the SNP as the party of Government?

They aren’t

When voting for Holyrood, you vote for candidates, even in the list, despite the appearance of party. Once seats are allocated and PO chosen, election is held for position of FM, unlike Westminster where convention is that leader of ‘most seats’ is recommended as leader of Govt if commanding support of Commons, unless incumbent PM can if different.

Once FM chosen, the King is obliged to assent. FM can appoint anybody to the cabinet from any party, as should be the case.

The opposition at Holyrood is an alien concept in Scots law.

The Common Good still exists. It’s not a choice to act in the interests of it, it’s a condition of being in Scotland in the first place.

Being bound by the party whip or being punished for defying it is implicitly against the oath to the crown, and a conflict of interest. Same as pledging support to specific orgs when voting on a bill, as some have.

There’s a reason all seats face the Chair in Edinburgh, and there’s an entirely different reason for the seating arrangements in that London.

Edinburgh is supposed to be PO – Executive – The rest.

The MO of both legislatures is eminently contrary to the principle of natural justice that Scots law operates under.

We need a Judicial Review of procedure and member obligations of the represented Political Parties, and its impact on the operation of the Scotland Act and our sovereign birthrights.

FM should not have control of both the Executive and votes of NGO MSPs as leader of party- that’s a blatant abuse of powers twice over.

And politicians aren’t leaders of NHS/Schools/Polis, their remit is only the legislation, not day to day stuff.

£60-£80k++ in the hope of cosplaying to the masses, after ‘accepting an invitation to XYZ’? They have no authority over public bodies per se. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

After GRR Bill bollocks spouted by many in the chamber, the evidence of so many unfit for public office is clear. If procedure is the cause, change it. If people are unfit, can them. If both, do both.

Is the Court of Session open today? Asking for a neighbour.


Something to read with your morning coffee.

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Ebok says:
28 October, 2022 at 5:33 am

My point about a ‘mini rebellion’ is not that it was insignificant, but that unless it is followed up by pressure to ditch all the other nonsensical policies and get back to their raison d’être, it will be a meaningless gesture. Do these rebels have strength of conviction – that you have for your principles – in other areas of party policy?

I just see a different kind of rebellion altogether.

This “government” was elected on a mandate for Independence which Sturgeon’s crew have utterly disrespected while exploiting the electoral position secured by the Independence mandate to force through this toxic, divisive, anti-science which most rational people deplore.

The rebels are this dysfunctional “government” sabotaging Scottish Independence and misappropriating the mandate it was given to force through their own delinquent agenda.

Not one of them seems fit for purpose as an elected representative of Scotland’s best interests. They are charlatans the lot of them, “rebels” included. We have just witnessed a recent conference there were no rebels to Scottish Independence being resigned to the back burner yet again.

The entire “institution” needs impeached and removed from office. Scotland is in crisis, perhaps even an existential crisis, both Constitutional and Economic in nature, and this mind numbing GRA “shite” is top of the agenda while the SNP painfully dithers about, writing banal Mickey Mouse white papers which are an insult to the intelligence.

Impeachment is too good for them, but it might save Scotland.


Sturgeon’s rather vindictive letter to Ash Regan, which states that she would’ve sacked her for not supporting the GRA, watch out you other eight SNP MSPs you’ll soon receive this letter.

link to


Sorry to be pedantic but isn’t it GRRB.

The GRA is already law. I believe it has been law since 2004.

Is it possible that Ash Regan does not support the 2004 Gender Recognition Act?

I think we do need reform to the 2004 Gender Recognition Act and that is to totally scrap the idea that men can become women.

Alf Baird

Breeks @ 9:00 am

“Scotland is in crisis, perhaps even an existential crisis, both Constitutional and Economic in nature”

GRA and related ‘educational’ and social re-engineering policies coupled with a lack of border controls also directly and rapidly affect the population composition of our nation. This follows on from earlier clearances, genocide, evictions, and then British state incentivised (i.e. managed) removal of Scots to other British colonies, leading to a loss of between 3-4 million people over the past 250 years.

Scotland is today also in a demographic crisis. Scotland has its lowest birth rate on record. It is now ONLY immigration into Scotland, which is mostly from rest-UK (i.e. primarily England), that is maintaining and increasing Scotland’s population. This means that people of Scottish identity and culture are therefore rapidly being replaced by people of rest-UK (i.e. British or English) identity. Postcolonial theory defines this process as ‘plantation’.

We know that once ‘a peoples’ collective national identity (which is based on their culture and indigenous language) disappears, so does their aspirations for nationhood flee oot the windae. There are clearly different ways to remove or obliterate a ‘troublesome’ people, their culture, identity and national consciousness, as imperial powers well know.

Which reinforces the point that the ‘devolved’ SNP Scottish Government is clearly a colonial administration whose main goal is preventing independence, including through rapid managed population change and implementing policies to that effect.

As you say, Breeks: “Impeachment is too good for them” but that alone might not “save Scotland” unless we see a rapid move towards independence and with that the protection of the Scottish people and national sovereignty.

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Andy Ellis

Time for SNP MSPs and MPs to put up or shut up. Sturgeon’s response to Regan’s resignation is symptomatic of the woman and the kind of regime she has built. It brought to mind the old Spitting Image sketch of Thatcher referring to her cabinet as vegetables. At least in the end the Tories had the balls to knife Thatcher in the back for her hubris: I have my doubts there is enough courage remaining in SNP ranks to do the same.

It will be up to voters to disabuse Sturgeon of her desire to go on and on as FM. Whether the generality of Scots electors have woken up to the deeply regressive, misogynistic and anti democratic impulses at the heart of the SNP leadership and party structures remains to be seen. Even half a dozen MSPs deciding to either join Alba or sit as independents would make a huge difference.

It’d also be delicious to see the fury of the Sturgeonistas and their Green Party mini-me’s when their policy agenda was derailed by a handful of people with principles who refuse to bow down before the TWAW thought police.


Mornin’ Alf

Today I’m more worried about my identity as a woman than I am about my national identity.


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I ask my question again ‘cos I know there are people posting here who are aware of what sane people think.

I wonder when people say they object to self-id if they are OK with all the other ways men ‘transition’ to being women?

What are people in Scotland thinking re Eddie Izzard?


I saw the video clip of the wee hairy stomping out of the chamber. She looked like she wanted to ‘chib’ someone.

In the old days of sea warfare, ship’s captains would order that the flag be nailed to the mast so that nobody could “strike” (take down) the colours and withdraw from the ship from the battle. They literally hammered the flag to the mast with nails, the intention being to compel the men to fully commit — “death or glory”.

Of all the flags Sturgeon could have nailed to her mast, why has she chosen the rainbow flag? Why not the saltire? It’s an odd thing to do at the best of times. Why has she made transsexual rights the one thing she is prepared to fight and die for as a politician?

That could be a more important question than it seems.

When you can’t explain a person’s behaviour, it usually means that they are acting irrationally. We can guess that many more than those who openly rebelled yesterday see this obsession as irrational too. That can only mean confidence in the captain, morale, and where the ship is heading, are now subject to increased doubt and debate.

Captains aren’t allowed to be irrational. Demanding that the ship’s company support irrational obsessions under threat of expulsion isn’t a very clever thing to do.

There’s mutiny in the air.


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Great post Hatuey I love the symbolism?

I had heard the expression ‘nail one’s colours to the mast’ but I didn’t know it’s origin.

Very interesting.


That’s enough depressing stuff for now I’m off to write more bonkers stories about ‘The Three Red White & Blue Parrots’

Who’s a pretty boy?

Rab Davis


Sturgeon’s whole political being is getting this “freaks Charter” through the Scottish parliament and made law

The pervert Harvie is equally determined.

Hence the offer of a ministerial position for him,,, all part of their long plan.

And to think these two individuals are meant to be leading the charge for Scottish independence at Holyrood.

Yes,,,I agree with you, cracks are beginning to appear in the Murrell defences.

Rab Davis

One positive that might come out of this sorry journey of the GRA Bill through the Scottish parliament, is that Sturgeon may feel she has done what she set out to do,(bring the GRA Bill into law), and call it a day as leader of the SNP.

Ian Brotherhood

Full text of P****’s Valdai speech yesterday:

link to


Hatuey @ 10.50

It is very puzzling. One theory I have heard for her behaviour is that she has been set a test by her next employers which she must achieve before she gets the job – and it is not to achieve independence. Instead, it’s a test to see if she has the ability to pass a policy which is patently ridiculous. If she succeeds, they know she has the ability to do the job she is lined up for, which probably involves something even more ridiculous.

Sounds a bit far-fetched, but I can’t think of anything better to explain what she is up to. Unless the test they set her was to ensure that independence was scuppered for at least ten years, thus explaining the kicking the can down the road policy and the diversion of the Trans policy.

Whatever the reason, she has been an unmitigated disaster for Scotland. And continues to be so.

Ian Brotherhood

@Ruby –

I’m really happy to see Eddie Izzard trending on Twitter, appearing on the Joe Rogan Show, getting a political campaign organised in Sheffield etc.

Anything that helps keep him away from Scotland is something we should all support.


Republicofscotland says:
28 October, 2022 at 9:34 am
Sturgeon’s rather vindictive letter to Ash Regan, which states that she would’ve sacked her for not supporting the GRA, watch out you other eight SNP MSPs you’ll soon receive this letter…

I’m not even sure that’s actually true.

“A key requirement of the Ministerial Code is collective responsibility, – a principle essential to effective governance, and which applies across all matters of government policy, irrespective of the issue.”

I know what the Ministerial Code says, but the Ministerial Code also requires a Minister to do what’s right by their ethics and moral conviction, rather than keep shtum and go along with anything if the Government is up to something unconscionable. These f#!kers answer to us, not the wee gang of hoods, or narcissist in chief, who’s currently in office.

Let me quote the Ministerial Code’s 7 Principles of Public Life… 1.4 Accountability.
Holders of public office are accountable to the public for their decisions and actions and must submit themselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this. (My emphasis).

Quick tangent; do you feel the public has been given the chance to scrutinise the GRA reforms? It’s my belief what little public scrutiny has been allowed has been overwhelmingly negative, but ignored and kept secret.

To my mind, Sturgeon’s letter is a very narrow and dubious interpretation of collective responsibility. Had Ash Regan gone along with vote against her better judgment and then condemned a Government Policy she was party to creating, there’s an obvious issue with collective responsibility… a speak now or forever hold your peace type of thing “after” you had not spoken.

But to bind a Minister to the will of the cabinet, across all matters of government policy and irrespective of the issue seems draconian and vexatious. It is surely not the intention of the Ministerial Code to be a veritable gagging order, which would seem to be how Sturgeon interprets the Ministerial Code.

Given the option to speak now or forever hold your peace, Ash Regan chose dissent and stated her reasons so that we, the public, can scrutinise her decision. She acted entirely appropriately in my humble opinion.

As for Sturgeon, people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.


@ Hatuey

Maybe her sole motivation is purely greed?

There is no doubt that Nicola Sturgeon has a slick media image and is great communicator at scripted situations. However, when things go off-script and she is put under pressure she can hardly string two together.

As far as I know, she doesn’t write her own speeches so in short she has nothing of significance to say.

Regardless of what you think of Holyrood, in the international scene without significant economic levers, it is viewed as a glorified council.

I doubt very much she would make that much of success on the international speech circuit but that would change if she was able to pass legislation of interest to those who adhere to the progressive agenda.

It doesn’t matter if the social impact is short lived and in the long term, actually hurts the Trans community. That can be spinned out. The important thing is getting the legislation through in the first place.

In short, Self-id is Sturgeon’s meal ticket to greater things after she leaves politics.

Ian Brotherhood

@Breeks/Pacman –

My own take on Sturgeon, FWIW, is that she’s a wee ned, a bully who’s terrified of getting found out.

What frightens her in others is intelligence and/or genuine principle, neither of which she possesses. (She would’ve taken Ash Regan’s decision as a personal attack.) She has no real knowledge of Scottish history, or law, or anything else apart from the minutiae of local politicking. Her current position is much higher than she ever had any right to expect and Alex Salmond must take a lot of the blame for making her ascension so easy.

How much happier would she be as an individual had she just settled down with a nice girlfriend, become a local councillor, helping her neighbours with real stuff, doing occasional photo-ops for local papers, pointing at potholes and suchlike? Instead she’s been let loose on an entire nation and even that doesn’t seem to slake her thirst for more power and status. She looks as miserable as sin and she’s making everyone else around her miserable too.

She must have some real friends somewhere – it’s about time they did the decent thing and had a word with her. She’s overstayed her welcome by a long long way.

James Che

So the Snp, keir Starmer and most politicians refuse to identify what a women is.

But are passing laws for men to self ID as women?


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There is nothing to keep him or any other man who masquerades as a woman away from Scotland.

I was thinking more of what you think of the UK law that allows him to masquerade as a woman.

The law in England at the moment states that anyone who wants a GRC must ‘live as a woman’ for two years.

What do you think of that?

The law in Scotland might soon be that the ‘live as a woman’ period might be shorter but I don’t see what difference it makes do you?

The whole thing whether in be the 2004 Gender Recognition Act or ‘Sturgeon’s Quick Check Out-Baskets Only’ is completely insane.

It could be if Scotland decided this Gender Recognition stuff was questionable and should come to an end we might gain the same amount of respect on the international stage as we did in the 18th/19th century when ‘Scots Invented the Modern World’

As historian and author Arthur Herman reveals, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Scotland made crucial contributions to science, philosophy, literature, education, medicine, commerce, and politics–contributions that have formed and nurtured the modern West ever since.

All these inventions required daring maybe back then ‘Scots were brave’ but sadly that no longer is the case Scots are too scared of being called names like ‘transphobic’

Oh mummy, daddy I was called a ‘transphobe’.

You’d better just apologise and say you believe ‘Transwomen are women’

James Che

Trans gender men want to to move to a gender not recognised by all British governments.

Of course this means they will not be able to claim their pensions as a female, because neither will unrecognised women gender .if they are not recognised.


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James Che says:
28 October, 2022 at 1:46 pm

So the Snp, keir Starmer and most politicians refuse to identify what a women is.

But are passing laws for men to self ID as women?

Do you think it’s us or them who are totally insane?


We can’t rule out the possibility that she’s beefing up her CV for future jobs, PacMan, and people have been saying that for years. But she’s still here and I don’t know what sort of job she might be hoping to get with this on her record — to my mind, it would hinder her chances more than it’d bolster them.

I think she sees herself as a Tony Blair type, good at the art of persuasion and willing to sell anyone and everything down the river. There’s a lot of demand for people that are willing to brazenly lie into a camera but, as much as she may be willing to do that, I don’t think she very good at it. Maybe if they superglued her eyelids or something…

The big problem is she’s a mediocre performer on a very small stage that nobody gives a crap about. Most of us don’t even care what happens at Holyrood. I’d be amazed if more than 1 percent of Europeans or Americans had even heard of her. All of them had heard of Tony Blair.

On top of all that, she has failed miserably on the very cause that was supposed to define her. Future employers would take a dim view of that. Her bragging about seeing so many Prime Ministers in and out the door is nothing more than evidence of her longstanding failure to make any progress on independence.

Not much of a catch is she — a nobody who failed on the thing that mattered most to her, but succeeded in trashing the rights of women and is reasonably good at bullshitting.

20 years ago you’d have said she was perfect for a job on an ice cream van but you don’t see them much these days.


Maybe if they superglued her eyelids

I can’t stop laughing!


More inspiration for my story ‘The Three Red White & Blue Parrots’

I’ve decided the parrot called ‘Scooby-Drew’ is going to get his beak superglued…… accident.

Cheers Hautey!

James Che


Them, but it is a choice they made to fool and confuse the rights of women under Scottish and UK laws.

It take the recognised female gender of thousands of years , and disputes the rights as females. Not only for safe spaces free from abuse, but it confuses issues like pensions, motherhood, free speech for parenting and many other laws, etc.

They deliberately dilute the authority of women in Society, and transition it solely to a mans world.

As the trans men are not committed to guaranteed operations to completely change their gender to female.
They have options to change their mind, any time they wish,

Just imagine if some these men that that claim to be women are politicians, they could pass laws for women to be wearing certain head gear in public, or pass legislation against women rights to vote, or enter public events and spaces.
They can and will pass laws that provide no save space for women and children. To gain nothing more than perversion and abuse access.

Men faking being women in places of power can alter the family structure. Society, education of children, human trafficking of both.

A lot of the elites have these perverted leanings already, that is why Jimmy Savalle , and Ceryll Smith the westminster politician were so well protected. And that other elite whom was pals with Epstein.

Men controlling womens rights by pretending to be female and take on the persona of female is a warning signal for danger for over have the population Scotland, and Britain,

The perfect official child and women trafficking set up, if women have no rights as a recognised gender that could be protected by specific laws for women and hence their children.


Breeks says:
28 October, 2022 at 12:58 pm

‘Let me quote the Ministerial Code’s 7 Principles of Public Life… 1.4 Accountability.
Holders of public office are accountable to the public for their decisions and actions and must submit themselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this’

Interesting Breeks, I hadn’t read that before, nor perhaps had the panel at last week’s Wee Alba Book event, when I asked them to list in order of importance the following and give reasons why: –

1. Loyalty to the party
2. Loyalty to the country
3. Loyalty to constituents

Neale Hanvey went first and said that it was constituents first, and ‘obviously’ party second, then kind of fumbled a bit before quickly handing the microphone to Yvonne Ridley. She had no answer and simply said ‘independence first, independence second, independence third’.
Alex body swerved by telling a story unconnected to the question.

Now, my view may be a minority view when I suggest that the audience shouldn’t be asking questions of politicians to find out what THEIR policies are, the politicians should be asking the audience questions to find out what their policies SHOULD be.

I’d expected the unequivocal answer to be 3, 2, 1, with (1) a distant third, so the answers were disappointing given that Alba has promised to be bottom-up rather than top-down.


“These f#!kers answer to us, not the wee gang of hoods, or narcissist in chief, who’s currently in office.”


Fair points and in an ideal world that’s how it’s supposed work, as for the above, I’m pretty sure the SNPs MSPs and MPs stopped answering to us a wee while back, otherwise we Scotland wouldn’t be in the mess it’s in under Sturgeon’s tenure.

There’s virtually no accountability anymore in politics bar the odd politician who knows when to resign, breaking the Ministerial Code used to lead to leaders falling on their swords not anymore.

The big problem is not the corrupt politicians they’ve been around forever, no the big problem is what the public deems to be acceptable behaviour, and as long as we allow this now “acceptable” behaviour to go unpunished at the ballot box, it will only continue and even get worse.

In most cases with regards to your modern day politicans, honour and integrity, have been replaced by greed and self-interest.

James Che

I read the Q and A of the Ruskie leader today, and he is correct when he states,

‘No one can sit out this coming storm’
‘Western hegemony should be replaced with an actual order respectful of all’


As expect Sturgeon looks likely to come after the SNP MSPs who defied the whip.

“THE SNP have refused to confirm whether they will take action against rebel MSPs who defied the party whip on a vote on gender recognition reform.

“Nine MSPs from the party voted against or abstained in Wednesday’s vote – thought to be the SNP’s biggest ever rebellion in their 15 years in government.

Among them was Ash Regan, the former minister for community safety, who resigned from the government just hours before the vote – which saw the legislation pass at its first stage – because she said her “conscience” would not allow her to back the legislation.

The SNP have so far refused to confirm whether rebel MSPs will lose the whip or face action for their defiance. A spokesperson said: “As is normal practice, SNP MSPs are expected to support government legislation.”

They refused to be drawn further on whether the MSPs would face expulsion from the party – which would take the SNP down to 55 members and leave them more reliant on Green support to push through legislation.”

link to


This is the the nasty regime that David Cameron sold shotguns and body armour to, to oppress its people. Westminster is in bed with many of these nasty gulf dictatorships.

“A SCOTTISH MP has spoken of his horror at how Britain is paying £1.8 million a year to fund policing institutions in Bahrain where prisoners are sentenced to death on the basis of confessions that have been beaten out of them.

Alistair Carmichael, LibDem spokesman on Home Affairs and Justice, was speaking at the launch of a new report which calls for a halt to payments by the Gulf Strategy Fund (GSF) to security forces in the Gulf state where 26 men are on death row.

Many were convicted solely on the basis of confessions extracted through torture methods including electric shocks, beatings, sexual assaults and hanging by the arms for days.”

link to

James Che

If Westminster respected the people of Scotlands rights.

If men respected women are born females.

If children were respected as something ( other) than trained to be educated sex toys.

This all started with the Me To movement,
Blm should have been all lives matter.
Going Green policies,
Trans gender issues.
Woke police, hollywood stars, politicians, sports stars, and local authorities.
Governments and Countries taking on WEF and Davos policies.

These people at these elite meetings are the unelected rich lobbying, and funding the governments of our Countries with their policies of regime change,
They are ruining and running our Governments with the woke ideology. Buying our politicians like The SNP,

It is time for Scotland to awaken and ask if the SNP policies are actually the kind of policies that the Scottish people would consider their personal characteristics,

We were never a nation that even thought about trans gender,

We were a nation that used to respect our police force prior to the modern introduced dancing police monitoring your tweets,.

A rapist was a rapist, and a child molester was a child molester,

And in Scotland you used be be able to say what you thought, as long as you were not drunk or violent,

Our world has changed beyond recognition with the Snp and being ruled from the devolved government, funded by stonewall and many other unofficial institutions and funded think tanks.

Perhaps it is time to chose a new government. Not just a new party.

You all


@ PacMan at 1:07 pm

That is a very accurate summing up, any cheers disguise the nothingness

James Che

Don’t know how the ‘you all ‘ got in my comment,


Thanks for the info and link, RoS.

I note the article references “six cases where prisoners have been sentenced to death solely on the basis of confessions that are claimed to have been extracted through beatings, sleep deprivation and use of electrical shocks to the chest and genitals…”

That sounds about right although in Kenya in the 1950s, the British had the genitals cut right off; maybe electric shocks to the balls of Bahrainis represents some measure of progress when it comes to British involvement in the world.

I should say that none of this is mentioned in the text book definition of democracy. Maybe it’s in the footnotes or something and I missed it — one man, one vote, no nuts…

I said before that 99% of history books weren’t worth reading. This sort of thing is the reason why…


“And in Scotland you used be be able to say what you thought, as long as you were not drunk or violent”

And in Scotland you all could beat your wife and nobody would say what they thought, as long as you were drunk and violent.


@ Hatuey 2pm

But she’s still here and I don’t know what sort of job she might be hoping to get with this on her record — to my mind, it would hinder her chances more than it’d bolster them.

I’d have to disagree with this.

Jim Murphy, the most divisive figure in British and Scottish politics got a peace envoy type role after he left Westminster. Craig Murray mentioned the UN is littered with similar political small-fry as a reward for job well done. Lastly, the business world is littered with top execs who move from company to company despite previous ones either going bankrupt or being bought over due to their short term policies of boosting share prices.

It’s all about framing the narrative. As been documented on here for years, Sturgeon has constantly changed the goalposts in calling a referendum whether it is the polls, Brexit or asking Westminster to allow them to do so.

Of course nothing has been to done to meaningfully further the independence argument since she has been in charge but that means little to anyone not familiar with Scottish politics and given how cunning she is,not to mention support she can get from progressive allies, it isn’t hard to see that she could worm herself into a cushy job despite the actual failure of not achieving the goals of the party she is in charge with.

However, you are right in saying that she might not actually get anywhere after she leaves because she really looks stale now and I mean this with no malice but she has the smell of failure to her.

Her height of recognition worldwide was with Brexit. She could have threatened to hold a referendum and even if it was lost, she would have went out in a blaze of glory and onto better things.

However, like everything in her political career, she bottled it and what respect or recognition she had gained has slipped away. I’ve got a feeling she knows this and this plays a part in her behaviour.

The truth be told though, it wouldn’t surprise me if her real aspiration is to hold onto the First Ministers job for as long as she can as she won’t get a similar highly paid job again.


The FM and her squeeze have a few fancy homes aye? If so are they still mortgaged or all paid off with revenues earned through past legit work?
If still paying off mortgages on a couple of properties then gonnae need to have a bit of lucra coming in.

James Che


To be fair to Scotland that happens in England, Wales, N Ireland as well as many other countries.

That is why it is important to hang on to save spaces for women,

The progress that has been made to safe guard women should not be undone by trans still male allowed in female spaces,

All an ex wife batterer has to do is self ID as a women to enter what was once a safe space.


Hatuey @4.39pm.

The UK keeps quiet about terrible human right abuses in its Gulf partnerships dictator regimes, because it benefits them.

Such as in Oman, where GCHQ has a secret listening station. It is located at Seeb, on the northern coast of Oman, where it taps into various undersea cables passing through the Strait of Hormuz into the Persian/Arabian Gulf.

Seeb is one of a three site GCHQ network in Oman, at locations codenamed “TIMPANI”, “GUITAR” and “CLARINET”. TIMPANI, near the Strait of Hormuz, can monitor Iraqi communications. CLARINET, in the south of Oman, is strategically close to Yemen.


C’mon Robin, a smart loon should ken you can mount a neep on a basic lathe, then cut aff the top and machine out the centre. Nae need for spending ages and risking injury wielding a knife and spoon tae dig it oot.

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Haven’t seen this linked to yet in case folk missed it.

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“Jim Murphy, the most divisive figure in British and Scottish politics got a peace envoy type role after he left Westminster.”

Murphy is/was probably is still for sale to the highest bidder, he’s an ardent member of Friends of Israel, and the Henry Jackson Society a right wing think tank, with links to the US military. Murphy also put himself out there looking for a job in South Africa at the time of its apartheid, it was alleged he had links to P.W.Botha.

George Ferguson

@Dan 6:52pm
I hadn’t seen that link. Nice one Dan.

Ian Brotherhood

Oor ain Matt Seattle and friends with a new version of ‘Theme For The Early Days Of A Better Nation’.

🙂 🙂 🙂

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Earlier today I posted a link to president P****’s speech at the Valdai conference.

I went looking for it again and ended up checking Wikipedia.

Please have a look at the link below.

It is utterly fuckin outrageous, the censorship we are now dealing with daily. It’s being normalised.

The speeches – regardless of what you think of the man – must be available if we are to form any opinion. How much more basic can it be?

And as it happens, it is an address which should be read by anyone with the slightest interest in securing a resolution to the conflict. Patrick Henningsen on UKC News this afternoon made the observation that the current situation has strong parallels with the Cuban missile crisis. But this time, it’s P***n who is in the same situation that Kennedy faced.

That will seem a grotesque interpretation to many but it can and does make sense *IF* you can see the situation from the R*****n POV. But we’re not permitted to hear or see that POV because, errr, well, it may expose us to some kind of bewitchment? Our critical faculties will be instantly disabled and we’ll all become Manchurian Candidates?

This disgraceful behaviour by Wikipedia is the type of thing which P***n addresses directly in his speech. That’s probably why they don’t want us to see it.

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Ian Brotherhood

Rev Stu, will you please just ditch the ‘banned’ words nonsense? It’s just generating hassle for you and is a proper pain up the hole for the rest of us.

You can’t expect us not to want to discuss this stuff. We’re on the brink of nuclear war but we’re having to double/triple check comments for possible hurdles before commenting?



🙁 🙁 🙁

Iain More

It seems that 7 SNP MSP’s at least grew a pair of baws. That means that there are 4 women with bigger baws than most blokes in the SNP. Oh Deary Me.

I gather Kate Forbes is on maternity leave and I wonder if she would have voted against this perverts and sexual deviants charter.

I can but hope that at least the Magnificent 7 and others will form a new Alba group in Holyrood.

Sturgeon and the Wokists and Transgender Nazis are mean vindictive vicious backbiting bitches though. That is just the cucky boys.

John Main

@Repo 6:39

Publishes the locations of “secret” listening stations, is completely unaware of the irony of posting mutually exclusive mince, and continues to believe he is being taken seriously.

Just another day with the usual suspects.

John Main

@James Che 2:49

You will show respect, or you will get a dose of Novochik.

Tell me I am wrong if you can.

John Main

@Ian Brotherhood 7:50

So you have read the speech.

Why not summarise Vlad’s no doubt perfectly reasonable demands here, so we can all see what they are?

Spell it out. How many free, sovereign countries to go into the world’s largest open air prison camp? How many millions to be relocated?

How many to die? As the Russtis like to say “only the grave can reform the hunchback”.

The Russtis have quite a track record for reforming enthusiasts for national sovereignty by means of a bullet in the back of the head. You’re a nationalist, Ian. You fancy your chances?

Why are you so quick to consign our Eastern European nationalist friends to the grave?

John Main

@Ebok 2:37

I would put a new loyalty at #1, Loyalty to their manifesto.

The manifesto is the promise on which all politicians aught to be elected.

We, the voters, should as a matter of principle, not re-elect any politician who fails to deliver on their manifesto.

If we did that, we, the voters, would get the policies we voted for. We might also get real-world manifestos.

As things stand, the politicians lie to us, and we lie to ourselves when we pretend to believe them.

Tinto Chiel

@PacMan: “Craig Murray mentioned the UN is littered with similar political small-fry as a reward for job well done.”

It was always inexplicable to me how my utterly useless local MP, George Robertson, who couldn’t deal with a simple question from my wife while he was canvassing at an election, became Secretary General of NATO in 1999. Having looked more closely at the strange cover-up following the Dunblane Massacre and the deep-sixing of some files for 100 years “to avoid distressing the relatives and survivors”, it all begins to look even stranger.

@Ian B: you would have thought that all those so certain of their position on things like Covid/vaccination and our latest European war would not be afraid of civilised debate, but as usual the default setting is to suppress any other points of view, often to hysterical levels.

What could they be afraid of?

I personally find Elon Musk rather creepy, but if he really does try to open up Twitter to free speech, perhaps there is hope for the future.


Here’s some “mutually exclusive mince” for Main.

DERA – West Freugh, SatCom Grnd Station + a/field
ATC Prestwick – Ayrshire. HQ Mil Air Traffic Ops
Coulport – Loch Long. Underground facility for storing atomic bombs
RAF Leuchars – nr Fife, Nos 43 + 111 Sqn, Tornado F3s
Brora – NSA Sigint
Hawklaw – NSA Sigint
RAF Machrihanish – nr Cambeltown, Argylleshire, long runway, NATO base. RAF reports station “under enhanced care and maintenance status”.
Royal Navy Clyde Sub Base – Faselane, Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire, (nuke sub base)
RNAS Prestwick – UK det. 819 Sqn. Sea King HAS6 SAR
Arbroath – No.662 V.G.S. – Viking TX.1. [RN]
Army – Benbecula, Outer Hebrides. Artillery testing area + Radar. No 71 Sigs Unit
Camp Wrath – Southerland. Firing range used by US Navy
Crombie – Integrated Weapon Complex joint RAF/RN missile maintenance
Garvie Island – RAF bombing range off NW Scotland
Greenock War HQ – Greenock
Inchterf (MOD P.E.) – nr. Kirkintilloch. Directorate of Proof & Experimental Estab., of D.E.R.A.
Saxa Vord – Radar site. No 91 sigs unit
St Kilda – Outer Hebrides. Artillery tracking stn
RAF Buchan -. nr Peterhead, Aberdeenshire. Radar. Nos 170/480 sigs.Con rep center
RAF Kinloss – Forres, Moreyshire, All Nimrod MR2s + ops r/station at Aird Uig, W. Isles
Army Air Corp – Leuchars. Gazelle heli
RAF Linton – Borders of Eng / Scot
RAF Lossiemouth ….. Morayshire, Tornado GR1B, Jaguar GR1As (Maritime Strike) + SAR Sea King HAR3s
Prestwick – Scottish ATC Center
Rosehearty – RAF Weapons Range
Train – Bombing Range, Moray Firth
Army – Arbroath, Angus
Army – Ballater. Royal Guard [guard

Britain’s atom bomb store at Coulport in Scotland. Sixteen massive bunkers have been gouged out of the ridge overlooking Loch Long. This building can store more than 100 atom bombs in underground vaults behind airlock doors. It is used as a temporary holding bay when the bombs arrive at Coulport. They are then moved to a jetty and loaded onto Trident submarines.

Ian Brotherhood

@John Main (8.14) –

Yes, astonishing as it may seem to you, I have read the speech.

The reason I read it is that I’m an adult who has a family and is concerned about what’s happening and would like to be as informed as possible. You know…fuckin basic survival stuff.

‘Why not summarise Vlad’s no doubt perfectly reasonable demands here, so we can all see what they are?’

Why don’t you just read the speech for yourself?

(If the subtitled video version would be easier for you I would be happy to provide a link.)


Ian Brotherhood says:
28 October, 2022 at 7:50 pm

It is utterly fuckin outrageous, the censorship we are now dealing with daily. It’s being normalised.

That’s why I don’t give links to some of the sources I lurk around. Otherwise they suddenly disappear.

It’s clear however that “over there” is fully aware of what’s happening “over here”; so quite clearly, their media is not being censored and distorted in the way ours is.

I happened to watch the speech, and when you’re aware of what Mr P actually said, the reason why someone would want it censored is actually more chilling than anything said in the discussion. I actually found the gist of it progressive and reassuring, if a little bleak towards the end.

Evidently it is now the “West” which doesn’t want it’s people to be well informed and know what’s going on. Somewhat ironic considering I grew up believing Pravda dedicated itself to keeping the truth from the people behind the Iron Curtain. Anybody know if the UK plans to open Gulags in the near future?

We are now fully through the looking glass. Which plays with your head a little; perhaps we always have been.

I don’t know why it would come as a surprise to anybody living in Scotland mind, where our media hasn’t been “ours” for decades.

Rab Davis


The site Wanker.

He’s got his fishing rod out again,,, seeing who bites.

Andy Ellis

@Breeks 8.56 pm

I imagine most folk would find your description of Vlad’s words as being progressive as “fully through the looking glass” stuff. Reminds me of the old Soviet joke about the two key newspapers: In Pravda (Truth) there is no news (Izvestya) In Izvestya (News) there is no truth (Pravda).

You may sincerely believe that Russians media is not being censored and distorted, but it will seem an outlandish take on current Russian society to most. There again, you seem to sincerely believe that our very own gulags are in the offing….or are you just being hyperbolic for the LOLZ?

It will all seem a bit hysterical and overblown to most ordinary folk, but seems to be in keeping with a lot of the narrative that Scotland faces an existential threat unless something is done, and done quickly.

Ian Brotherhood

@Breeks (8.56) –

I don’t know what age you are but I can remember Sting’s ‘Russians’ being in the charts. That was 1985.

Even at the time it seemed toe-curling but Sumner was a clever lyricist and had his finger on the pulse. Looking back on it now, he was surely trying to get a very basic point across to ‘the masses’.

But we can see right here, from the likes of Main and Ellis, that the auld Cold War patter still has currency. Or they think it does.

P****’s speech yesterday is quality material. It’ll be quoted decades hence if anyone’s still here to quote anything. It is packed with uncomfortable truths.

That’s why the usual suspects will insist that we all ignore it.

link to

John Main

@Rab Davis 9:03


I though this was some kind of code, but now I know better. You’ve got sticking keys.

Learn from the tech-savvy yoof, Rab.

Cover your keyboard with cling film before you browse your “specialist” websites. If you take this elementary precaution, you can get stuck in with no fear of spills.


John Main

@Breeks says

“Over there” is fully aware of what’s happening “over here”.

Zat so Breeks?

Where does Over There get their info from then, Breeks? Our newspapers? Our MSM? Our government agencies? Spies? Wings BTL? Moles? Spetznaz?

Asking for somebody who has just ruptured themselves laughing at your imbecilic inability to construct a coherent narrative without contradicting yourself.

It is obvious that Over There could never reveal any covert information about Over Here without compromising their sources. They could, of course, quote info from Over Here that is already in the public domain, but so can you, except that you write it all off as lies.

Face it, Breeks. You’ve built a hall of mirrors and lost yourself in it.

John Main

Ian Brotherhood

“Fuckin basic survival stuff”

FFS Ian. I’m deafened by the BS alarm here, ouch.

I sincerely hope none of us ever get to the fuckin basic survival stuff, but if we do, I guarantee nobody will be wasting their time posting here.

Meantime, keep it real.

Ian Brotherhood

@John Main (9.51) –

Who do you think you’re talking to?

Who is your ‘target’ Wings reader?

You must have been given a profile.

Come on, please share…even a wee bit!

Will you get ‘docked’ if you give away secrets?

🙂 🙂 🙂

Rab Davis


He’s the kinda prick that if he talked to you in a boozer like that, you would take great delight in bootin his bawz up through his mooth.


It’s like providence did mankind this amazingly clever favour, combining in thick morons both their crime and their punishment…

I should write this shit down for when the drugs wear off.

Okay, I suppose I just did.


Iain More

Re Republic of Scotland. Arbroath wasn’t Army it was 45 Commando. Oh and you forgot about Vulcan in Caithness but that might have been before your time.


It seems that Sunak has declassified MI6 Files naming names of Russian Agents. This should be fun even if I smell several very mingin rats.


It seems the Brit Tories were been training Chinese fighter pilots on their watch. Bought and sold for Chinky Gold eh. Sic a parcel of rogues in the British Tory Party and British State eh.


Ian Brotherhood says:
28 October, 2022 at 9:28 pm

But we can see right here, from the likes of Main and Ellis, that the auld Cold War patter still has currency. Or they think it does.

Agreed, but I think it’s more than patter. There is a great illusion that our society carries the torch for liberty, freedom, and all things wholesome, honest and lawful. In some ways, for a time, that might have been true, but whether through hubris or complacency, we, the West, have not been living up to our own ideals for several decades.

Our liberalism, our moral right to the role of global policemen has surreptitiously mutated into a superiority which sees the rest of the world as inferior to ourselves, and their progress as a threat to our “superiority”. We became addicted to exploitation, and constructed a great imbalance between the haves and have nots, rather than a more levelled humanity.

A farmer once referred me to a book called “On the smell of an Oily Rag”, written by a farmer. One of the things which resonated was the observation that most farms last 3 generations.

The first generation, the farmer has nothing, he starts from scratch but he is a driven man, and dedicates his life to starting up a business that can provide for his family.

The second generation, the farmers son, grows up well provided for, and sees the sacrifices made to provide for him and his siblings. When he takes over the business, he keeps it ticking over, doing what’s necessary, but he’s not driven the way his father was.

The third generation grows up with everything handed to him on a plate, and expects the business to provide for him without him or his family really doing anything or applying themselves. The business wilts under their stewardship, often fails and there isn’t a ourth generation.

I think there’s something to that. A start phase , a middle phase and an end. That’s not a binding philosophy, you need to be fairly loose and liberal with it, but as a general guiding philosophy, I think it has merit.

I think the West’s start phase was post WW2, when Europe had nothing but broken cities, smashed industries, and people’s ravaged by war. The mood was creating a land fit for heroes, peace between sworn enemies, housing for everybody, an NHS, a pension for retirement.. etc

I grew up in the middle phase. I grew up going to school, having a family doctor, having a family dentist, I had clothes on my back and shoes on my feet, a mum and dad to drive me places, and drew comfort from knowing there was a safety net there if I lost my job. I wouldn’t starve.

I think the 80”s / 90’s, Thatcher, marked the beginning of the third phase. All the parasites rose to power and saw what had been built for all could be sold off to profit the few and feed their greed. These are the insatiable parasites who have lived off the flesh which previous generations nurtured.

But it is coming to an end now. They have taken too much out the business but put nothing back in for too long. Thing is, it’s not just the Tory parasites, but the liberal left, the “woke”, have taken too big a share too, seeing it as their entitlement and right, but nothing put back in.

Right now, Scotland’s future depends on Scotland becoming a First Phase enterprise; we need that hunger for our Scotland to exist, the drive to create the Scottish nation which can provide for us, and our kids, and yet be sustainable and progressive.

We have a choice to make. We either go down as the bloated 4th phase UK, or we rise as a lean and driven 1st phase Scotland.

This I believe is the reality of our time.

Incidentally, though I didn’t see it at the time, I now perceive the collapse of Communism was a Phase 3 – Phase 4 Ruskia in a terminal decline… And that “driven” fella, that fella Pootin, is well on the way to creating a phase 1 Ruskia from the ashes, and a BRICS society which will provide for it’s next generation. That’s what I saw graphically illustrated in the Valdai speech.

I think Scotland is ready for Phase 1, but we need to shake ourselves loose from the grip of Phase 4 UK parasites.

The US I fear is teetering on the brink of Phase 3 to Phase 4.It’s hanging on for dear life, but hanging on to the wrong things.

The anomaly in the picture is a Brexited England. That’s the enigma I cannot reconcile; the problem child. Brexit is kinda indicative of a phase 1 drive to reinvent itself, but to reinvent itself as a phase 4 parasite ridden top heavy piratical dystopia. It’s not healthy.

We MUST get Scotland onto it’s different trajectory. We simply must.

Stuart MacKay


Salvo are probably the first shoots of a new Phase 1 in the sense they are trying to get back to fundamentals as a way of getting out of the political morass we are in. It won’t be sufficient by itself but hopefully it will trigger some kind of regeneration in other areas as a result.

You won’t see much phase 1 thinking from political parties for the simple reason that they need votes today, not tomorrow. The SNP are full on phase 3 but it even infects Alba to a degree – just witness the frosty reception to the idea that politicians are servants of the people, not their masters.

Independence is a phase 1 idea and it won’t be delivered by phase 3 outfits. This is separate from the doubts over the SNPs intentions. The current party is a creation of phase 3 and its bound by a whole host of the external phase 3 factors and thinking. Only once phase 1 really starts to take hold will independence be possible.

What will be really interesting to see is whether phase 1 will take hold soon or will phase 3 crackdown in it’s attempt to hold onto power. I think we already see the crackdown in the suppression of alternative viewpoints – there’s one orthodoxy and woe betide anyone who does not follow it. It does not matter where on the political spectrum the orthodoxy lies, it still plays out in same way. Hopefully will easier access to information courtesy of the internet any new thinking can spread without too much physical upheaval.

Ian Brotherhood

@Breeks (6.56) –

What a thought-provoking comment.

Cheers indeed.


John Main


There’s a great illusion that because we in the west are not perfect, we deserve to be smashed.

It’s a constant focus on our faults, coupled with a forgiveness for the faults of others, that signals a mix of self-hatred, envy and bitterness on the part of the observer.

In other words, it’s the eternal cry of the loser, who finding himself unable or unwilling to achieve anything in the world as he finds it, seeks instead to destroy it and build something he can relate to in the ashes.

And to hell with the millions who manage to work their way just fine in the world as it is.

As for that Vlad fella, he’s 70 years old. His Providence-inspired dream of a new, greater Holy Mother Russti will die with him cos he can’t risk allowing any potential successor getting near power.

Wake up, Breeks.


Iain More.

On training pilots UK bases have been training Nigerian, Saudi, and 404’s pilots and that’s just the recent ones, over the years they train more countries pilots.



With respect Sam, you can’t start there. The war in Kosovo didn’t start when NATO bombed Yugoslavia.

By ignoring what happened in the Donbas and Urkain itself prior to the Ruski invasion, you are ignoring the whole context of UN Article 51.

In short, that’s where a Nation is entitled to defend it’s people from attack. You’re allowed to shoot if it’s self defence. The Rus use of Article 51 in Donbas is comparing itself to the US use of Article 51 to bomb Yugoslavia on the basis 100k Albanian Muslims were being ethnically cleansed by the Serbs.

“Ah but that was a humanitarian bombing! Innocent people were dying! We couldn’t stand back and do nothing!” Aye, and that’s precisely how the Ruski view Donbas. They were rounding up people and burning them alive and threatening the fire service who might have saved them.

The redrawing of the map to make Donbas and Luhansk Ruskian is a similar redrawing of the map which carved Kosovo from Serbia. Tell me how it’s different.

The whole point is the hypocrisy of NATO interpreting the rules to justify it’s own military action, with borderline legality, while deploring Ruski using the same rules to save the lives of it’s own nationals.

I’m not taking sides, but I do recognise parallels. If you argue that NATO was right to bomb Yugoslavia, put troops on the ground and redraw the map by recognising Kosovo, then how can you argue that Ruski is not doing the very same thing in Donbas? It’s not neat and tidy, but it is a quid pro quo situation, which gives Pootin a precedent to hang his tin hat on.

I’m not defending the Ruskis here, I’m trying to defend the truth and promote understanding. The West has been arrogant and high handed, (with the US possibly getting up to much worse clandestine interference), and Ruskis have drawn a line in the sand. No more. Not on our doorstep.

If the West wants the right to wear a police badge and wave the rule book at other Nations, then the West has an obligation to respect that rule book itself, which the US and NATO have repeatedly not done; whether you start with ignoring the UN Resolutions against Israel, the illegal invasion of Iraq, the dubious invasion of Afghanistan, the actions in Yemen and Syria, Libya, the dubious bombing of Yugoslavia and the coup in Urkaine. The West and NATO isn’t Robocop dispensing Justice, it’s bent cop running protection rackets, dispensing hits and punishment beatings. We literally assassinate people by drone without trial. Imagine somebody doing that to us.

Add to that the screaming hypocrisy of the US and UK stoking tensions with China in the Taiwan Straights, provocatively sailing military vessels through Chinese territorial waters, while in the same breath, the US is apoplectic about the possibility of a Chinese base being established on the Solomon Islands. One rule for us eh?

Do you not see? The West, in all it’s obnoxious, gun toting hubris is giving the rest of the world due cause to fear us, see us as the enemy, and start defending themselves against us both militarily and economically. “We” are in the wrong here. They are justified. We are the agitators of confrontation. They are the victims. We are creating the instability which we are then exploiting. They are developing a resistance.

What we in the West need isn’t a mass vaccination program, we need a mass distribution of reality pills and an honest, factual media which speaks the truth.

And you remember those accusations of Blair and Bush warcrimes? Aye, they should have been prosecuted. If innocent, they should have cleared their name, if guilty, they should have gone to jail. That’s how Justice works. Not just done, but seen to be done… by all.

John Main

@Stuart MacKay

Is your dentist servant or master? What about when you are in her chair?

And your train driver? Does she stop the train where convenient for you to get on/off, or do you have to abide by the timetable like everybody else?

So why believe politics should be any different? It requires knowledge, insight, intelligence, compromise, and years of experience. On any day at work, a politician will encounter people representing every sane and crackpoint view under the sun. Which one of these people do you expect her to be the servant of? To all of the other people, she will come across as a distant, unaccountable figure. Do you see the problem yet, Stuart?

Soz, but the belief that politicians are simply there to be the servants of the people is risible.

But don’t just take my word for it. Stand as a candidate on a manifesto to do “the will of the people” when elected. After all, if it’s as easy and as popular as you claim to believe, you will be a shoe-in.

And it’s the ultimate in election manifestos. Short, catchy, memorable. Why has nobody tried this before?

John Main

“Assassinate people without trial. Imagine somebody doing that to us”

Don’t have to Breeks. Vlad’s left a trail of the bodies of those who crossed him across the world, including an attempt on our very own doorstep, which took the life of an innocent bystander.

Your example highlights the very real problem with the foundations on which you have chosen to build your house of cards. We in the west have yet to start poisoning or disappearing those whom the people in power view as their opponents.

Corbyn, Starmer, Trump, Biden, Truss, Salmond. None of them really expect to wake up dead on the orders of our government heads.

Wake up, Breeks.

Robert Hughes

” Ian Brotherhood says:
29 October, 2022 at 9:43 am
@Breeks (6.56) –

What a thought-provoking comment.

Cheers indeed.”

Agreed . Even by yr own elevated standards , that is a superb post , Señor Pantalones .

Stuart MacKay

John Main

> Soz, but the belief that politicians are simply there to be the servants of the people is risible.

You’re the perfect incarnation of The Cringe. I hate to break it to you but you’re in the wrong country. You’re out of place here and should move to China ASAP.

Daisy Walker


Calling all Yessers.

France and the Netherlands transfer electricity to the south of England.

I’d like to ascertain how many Gwatts per year, and how many Euro’s it earns them?

Can anyone assist.

Cheerie the noo.


Breeks/RoS/Ian B. – Keep it up, they’re shrieking like stuck pigs after reading some uncomfortable truths!!

There could be some overtime in it for the 3 of them.

Ian Brotherhood

@James –


The most damning thing about Ellis and Main is that they appear to celebrate one another’s ignorance.

The censorship of RT is one thing but actually refusing to read the text of a speech? And getting all uppity about it into the bargain? What is that all about? They treat other folk here with utter disdain, as if we’re toddlers who they’ve been told to look after.

They’re complete fuckin throbbers the pair of them.

Stuart MacKay

Ian Brotherhood

If you start to read the sanctioned texts you might become impure in thought and deed.

I’m kind of curious why our Adherents to the Gospel of Biden feel the need to jump and try to lead the unfaithful back to the path of righteousness and salvation.


@ Daisy

To get an indication of energy transfers to and from mainland Europe you can scroll to the right of this linked page for the dashboard of the GB Grid and view the gauges. (Hover your cursor over the guages and a pop up will identify what they are with a now somewhat out of date description)
Then scroll down the page to see the graphs for daily, weekly, monthly, and annual transfer traces.

link to

James Che

John main.

I have No idea what your threat is about.


You can still see the Valdai speech if you Google for it… but I won’t post links because they very often go defunct.

They’re about 45 mins long…

James Che

Breeks, Ros, I Bh,

Well said. Excellent and thought provoking.

It says it all with so much war industries invested on Scotlands soil, why they do not want Scotland to become independent,
Are we fighting two Countries then, for Scotlands independence, or maybe US own England too.


A very good commentary from the Barrhead Boy about this week’s ministerial resignation and the refusal of 9 SNP MSPs to obey a three-line whip.

A conference with around 700 delegates, a membership down from a hight of around 130,000 members to now something under 25,000, a party in disarray as elected members resign and refuse the whip, the SNP is now a party with death written all over it.

And of course, with subscriptions, donations and legacies down or non-existent, only the short money is keeping the party alive.

Rupture and realignment are in the wings. And not a moment too soon. Sturgeon and her clique have shot their bolt and will soon be gone.

link to

Rab Davis

Willie 1.25pm

SNP membership is UNDER 25000?

That is an amazing Stat.

I think once Sturgeon gets her Gender Recognition Bill wrote into law, she will stand down.

It’s what she’s really wanted all along.

She was never in this to fight for Scottish independence,,,it was ALWAYS about Chix with Dix.


Ellis and his amazing talking dog John know what the majority/most people think. Ellis never stops reminding everyone of this and the dog John howls joyous reinforcement of this fact.

Given that they chorus pretty much exactly what the bbc spout it follows that most people in Scotland must believe the bbc…

I wonder will aunty be announcing the grand opening of ‘The Excellent Ellis Centre for Re-Education’ for those foolish enough to not believe the bbc?

…oh and by the way, Chicken Licken is a real person so there.

Moonhowwl moonhowwwwwl.


“A conference with around 700 delegates, a membership down from a hight of around 130,000 members to now something under 25,000”


Craig Murray explains quite clearly how not just the SNP, but Labour don’t actually give a stuff about the membership, on the SNP’s part maybe that’s why the 600k never surfaced, and is unlikely ever to do so.

Basically, they are getting their money from elsewhere, and only require our services come voting time.

link to


Chix with dix you say Rab Davis, but Sturgeon may have more serious issues to deal with on the horizon.

Rumours are suggesting that following the recent arrest and charging of an elected politician for paedophile offences that there may be others in the proverbial ring.

Maybe the individual charged is a lone piper, maybe he is innocent, but if the rumours have any merit, and rings do exist, they happen, and can be mechanisms of political control, then we might be heading to a new low.

Rab Davis

Willie 3.46pm

Anything that leads to a Sturgeon downfall has got to be a good thing.

I fuckin detest the bastard.

Rab Davis

Willie 2.46pm

Rab Davis


I like your sources mate.

Keep them coming.


I echo the sane and genuine indy supporters in applauding your comment Breeks , THAT comment deserved a post over on Yours For Scotland where it would be welcomed by many of our fellow moonhowlers and nativists or to put it the right way real indigenous Scottish independence supporters

THAT was a true “to see ourselves as others see us comment “

James Che

As to Snp passing the pervert deviant Bill,
No new parliament is beholden to the previous parliament,

Holyrude is a English legislated parliament in Scotland anyway,
Not a Scottish parliament passing Scots laws for Scots
And breaks the treaty of the union, as explained in Salvo.

Ian Brotherhood

Huge demo in Prague, people demanding an end to the war, furious at NATO and the EU.

Where is the peace movement here? Twenty years ago we gathered in huge numbers in Glasgow and London to say Not In Our Name.

Is there even one politician in the UK calling for peace talks?

I can only think of Tommy Sheridan.

Andy Ellis

@DaveL 2.37 pm

The truth hurts I reckon. It sure seems to trigger a fair few in here. The majority of folk and the majority of the movement simply don’t share the worldview of the usual suspects in here, however much they howl.

It’s not about believing the BBC or indeed any other news outlet or online source. Folk are entitled to think Vlad and his nice bunch of lads are OK really, and that his speech demonstrates he’s a decent enough chap and a reasonable statesman with our best interests at heart.

Meanwhile, back in the real world only a handful of percent of the general public who share your woo-woo worldview. Maybe that’s what makes you all so bitter, the knowledge deep down that you have a laughably small amount of support?

John Main, me and others will keep pointing it out, because of course he’s quite right in his post @ 10.23 am above. None of us have any illusions about “our” system being perfect, but unlike the usual suspects we can discern the difference between our system and those elsewhere.

It doesn’t mean we’re credulous, or brainwashed, or closet yoons, it just means we’re not prone to conspiracy theorising or part of a fringe group enjoying similar levels of support to the SSP or RISE.

There’s nothing wrong with supporting them if it’s your bag of course, but it’s a bit odd that some in here appear to have convinced themselves you represent the majority, still less the voice of reason.


“Meanwhile, back in the real world only a handful of percent of the general public who share your woo-woo worldview. Maybe that’s what makes you all so bitter, the knowledge deep down that you have a laughably small amount of support?”

More BS from the BS king.

There are more countries that have NOT sanctioned you know who, which makes up the GREATER population of the world than the suppose freeworld countries that the West pushes on its propaganda media.

Ian Brotherhood

Sara Salyers article on Yours For Scotland.

‘The message of both Salvo and the Liberation Movement is clear. If our politicians cannot or will not rescue our people from the disaster now unfolding, then the people can and will rescue themselves. And we can do so in the certainty of international recognition of both Scots law and international principle.’

link to


The British and 404’s cowardly terrorist attack on the grain ships at Sevastopol, has caused 404’s opponent to pull out of the grain ship deal, which will see many countries in the Third World who desperately need the grain suffer greatly. Mind you only a small percentage of the grain made it to the countries that most needed it, Europe hijacked the lion’s share of it for themselves.

Andy Ellis

Who do you think you’re talking to?

Who is your ‘target’ Wings reader?

You must have been given a profile.

Come on, please share…even a wee bit!

Will you get ‘docked’ if you give away secrets?

Oh…oh…I’ve got this…!

I imagine John and the few other adults in the room have a general audience in mind. I mean, there’s little point trying to reason with the usual suspects in here, as we’re never going to agree and are largely talking past each other. We’re no more likely to agree than we are to agree with the yoons. Of course it is symptomatic that in general the moonhowlers like yourself insist John Main and me are in fact yoons or even the same person. It hardly speaks to you being a reasonable person: your’re just as unpleasant as some of the others in here but without the cunt calling.

I’m not sure why you assume you and your like minded posse are more representative of most Wings readers, if that is truly what you’re trying to say. I don’t doubt you represent some, but who knows what proportion…? It’s pretty obvious that the far left, Vlad fluffing stuff is very much a minority sport. You can disagree, but it doesn’t stop being a fact. The sub-SSP/RISE stuff is lucky to appeal to 5% of the electorate.

We’ve seen Stu post the figures for readership on here. You can’t honestly believe they all share your “out there” views. Granted it may be higher than the % in the general population, but what % are we talking do you reckon? It’s all very well you insisting folk are on you side, but where’s the evidence it’s that many…?

Put up or shut up time bro….we’ll wait.


Tries to bring some discussion back before the entire ship sinks to Scottish matters which we do actually have the powers to do something about.

link to


@Ian Brotherhood
You’ve posted some excellent links recently, keep them coming. I’m kicking myself for not copying THAT speech, as I would normally do for longer pieces for later reading, but while quickly going through the gist of it, one part reminded me of an article in SoS about 25 years ago when the author (perhaps DG-E) was writing from a street café in Berlin.

She was underwhelmed by what she saw, noting that what she was seeing was no different from any other large city she’d visited in recent years, the shops, the layout, the items for sale, the fast-food outlets, nothing unique to connect to the culture of this great city, as if Berlin had become a clone of many other foreign cities.

What VP is saying in this speech, two and a half decades later, is that ‘western democracy’ has now also been cloned, from the handbook of neo-liberalism, with many countries coerced to comply by threats of sanctions, and enormous efforts going on by powerful people to bury the truth.

This doesn’t make VP a beacon of light, of course, but it sure casts a long, dark shadow over what we are sleepwalking into, particularly when reading pieces by Robert Kennedy Jnr and other critics of the questionable motives of corporate US – just like another of your links, which slipped through almost unnoticed with no follow-up comments, posted 6.35pm, 15th Oct, which this box won’t allow me to include in a comment, despite several attempts since.


link to

Ian Brotherhood says:
28 October, 2022 at 10:12 pm

@John Main (9.51) –

Who do you think you’re talking to?

Who is your ‘target’ Wings reader?

That is a strange question Ian. It’s always obvious who John Main is talking to as he heads his post with the name of the person. Numerous examples of him talking to you on this thread.


This is just a general question for people who read & post comments.

Do you believe the readers who come onto Wings to read Stu’s articles also read the comments?

If you were written for an audience other than those who comment BTL on Wings would you not be better starting a blog?

John Main

James Che 12:36

What I am on about is that people who rub shoulders with Vlad have a habit of turning up dead if they show insufficient respect.

It was you who posted to the effect that all Vlad wants is some respect.

Indeed. That’s what he wants. Or else.

John Main

@Repo 4:47

Haha, good post.

Some superficial damage to a Russti minesweeper.

Russtis stopped from their grain exports because of that? Haha again.

Tell you what though, Repo. Any third-world country wanting to align themselves with the resurgent BRICS are going to be less than whelmed with that sorry apology for an effort. Hard to align yourself with a country that is content to see you starve cos of a few drones.

Ian Brotherhood

@Ebok (6.25) –

Thanks. Good to know.


I’m wondering what that link is now? What was it about?

Yes, the VP speech is impressive in different ways. I haven’t watched the interview session which followed it but it lasts for hours. I don’t see any ‘Western’ leaders exposing themselves to that level of scrutiny. In fact, I don’t remember any UK or US leaders in my lifetime who did real, unscripted interviews. It’s all theatre now. (JFK did some ‘Meet The Press’ type sessions which were fairly lengthy and appeared to be open conversations but I was only a bairn when they happened.)

Can anyone remember a UK Prime Minister doing anything more daring than, say, Thatcher appearing on Nationwide and being chinned about The Belgrano? You can be sure that Bernard Ingham (who’s still alive by the way, he’s 90!) made sure she was never again left exposed on live TV in that way. And ever since then it’s been media-management first and foremost.

Labour watched closely and learned, didn’t they? All of the New Labour bright young things with their copies of Machiavelli’s ‘Prince’. Dodgy Mandy ‘intensely relaxed’ about the filthy rich, to the extent that he befriended Jeffrey Epstein. Blair and Brown with their Cool Britannia, tiffs in restaurants, in-jokes with ice creams (‘Would you like a poky hat Gordon?’) and facing the beastly Press together.

But it all ended up just the same, eh? War. Defence contracts. Young whizz-kids cracking the bubbly open and rebuilding Canary Wharf with North Sea dosh while Unions were castrated and heavy industry buried. Throughout it all people still got angry, organised and protested.

But now?

We’re in unexplored territory. Ellis may well be right when he claims that he represents ‘the majority’ because the majority now appears to be in a state of near-catatonia, incapable of critical thinking, considering itself ‘well-informed’ if it can regurgitate five-word headlines.

Sorry for the rant, but one final observation which is making the hairs on my neck rise even writing it – my local ‘newsagent’ has, just this week, stopped selling newspapers.



‘I would put a new loyalty at #1, Loyalty to their manifesto’
J Main.

Manifesto was covered in a Feb. comment under T&C: –

“All MSPs would sign an inflexible T&C agreement. Harsh penalties for lies, corruption, collusion with outside interests, unjustified deviation from pre-election promises”


Pu_tin’s reading of the world is outstanding. You don’t have to be a Pu_tin puppet to see it. You just need to be an independent critical thinking mind. The ideological West has lost the plot completely. Russia is not isolated: it enjoys special relationships with India, China, Brazil, and the entire Global South in Africa, Asia, South America and the Middle East

Western doctoral students who continue to churn out their PhDs demonizing Pu_tin may get a job in the White House for it; but they are misrepresenting and misunderstanding Pu_tin in a way that may well have disastrous consequences. It would be better to learn about him and understand where he is coming from.

We can say the US and its Western partners have become a first-class pain in the ass for the planet, causing great chaos and harm to all peoples

I would agree its better to learn about him and understand where he is coming from.

Quite a lot of evidence that the West has lost the plot completely.


‘I’m wondering what that link is now? What was it about?’

Ian, it’s the EU committee’s 25 min press conference of blistering attacks on the disease cover-up, collusion, and redactions.
It’s under the ‘Squealing for fame’ topic at the time and date stated.

Andy Ellis

We’re in unexplored territory. Ellis may well be right when he claims that he represents ‘the majority’ because the majority now appears to be in a state of near-catatonia, incapable of critical thinking, considering itself ‘well-informed’ if it can regurgitate five-word headlines.

Ah…there it is…! I wondered how long it would take for that or something similar to hove in to view.

You see alert readers, only Iain and the few % of people who share his views are the custodians of critical thinking.

Remember, you heard it here first: we should be thankful for being shown the true path, because we’re all guilty of false consciousness.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose eh? Prepare for the brave new world according to Brotherhood and his mates, and may God have mercy on your souls! 🙂

John Main

@DaveL 2:37

I have little idea what most people think. I have little concern either.

I could say that if Wings BTL was all I ever looked at, I would have little evidence that posters think at all. Take Repo’s masterpiece at 4:47 as an example. In a short post (with no referenced corroboration – natch) he asserts both that the grain exports from 404 go mostly to Europe, AND, that 404 (aided and abetted by a lesser Satan) has put a stop to them.

Thus, we see that Repo “thinks” that 404 is deliberately sabotaging the food supplies, and thus raising the food prices, of the European countries that 404 desperately needs to sub its war efforts.

You can call that kind of expelled constipation many things, but it sure ain’t thought.

Ian Brotherhood

@Ebok (7.22) –

Okay, got ye…

I’ll go and check it now.

In the meantime, here’s another press conference, a good bit shorter (but more recent) with three of the MEPs who appeared in the one you cited.


World Economic Forum (2015): Brave New World ?

World Economic Forum (2020):

“…The World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative…

…determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons…

Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract…”:

Robert Hughes

Ian B @ 4.45

Brilliant article by the inspirational S.Salyers ( imagine having HER as * de facto * leader of the Independence Movement ! Rather than Dreary Dinah Stoogeon ) ; but , as she says ….the biggest problem is getting more people aware of- and interested in – the subjects she discusses : how they might be utilised to further our cause and – crucially – what can be done if politicians continue to fail miserably to do what we elected them to do ; in fact , behave contrary to our desires and interests .

The idea of people eg Independence-supporting people – rising-up en masse seems a long way off – too much Nu SNP toxicity still in the collective bloodstream + cotidian concerns re rising C.O.L expenses etc . But ! from small seeds n’all 🙂

I have more belief in groups like SALVO and SSRG than any Political Party to make progress toward our goal.

There has to be * something * better , more galvanising than the blunt cut and lethargic thrust of the current enervating political * set-up * . It’s garbage , and the thing is , most people know it’s garbage , but are either not that bothered or feel powerless to change anything . Such powerlessness becoming the increasing reality as their/our supposed representatives become ever more remote and march to different drums – Corporate/Globalist drums for the most part .

Time to abandon them , start bang our own drums . Loudly


Scotland just lost 15-16 against Australia at Murrayfield. Scotland missed a last minute penalty to win the match in what sounded like a very exciting game. The game was only available on tv on Amazon Prime and nowhere on BBC radio Scotland. Is this a first for rugby fans unable to follow the national team?

Yes, being Scottish is really shite!!!


“I have little idea what most people think.”

Finally, a nugget of truth from Main, as for the rest of that comment, I’m sure non-thinking Main knows that the 6000+ sanctions placed upon 404’s opponent by the West, have caused tremendous hardship for the citizens of the West, adding greatly to the cost of living crisis.

However the MIC has made a fortune out of selling arms, and will continue to do so, as Biden and Westminster block any peace deals, and the energy firms are also making a killing add in the increasing impact of Brexit and you have the perfect storm for the citizens of Europe.


link to

John Main doesn’t care what people think yet he claims to be here to correct ‘wrong thinking’

He goes on to say what ROS thinks isn’t thought.

More inspiration for my story ‘The Three Red White & Blue Parrots’

John Main

@Ruby 7:07

I have learned about Vlad and understand that he wants to annexe a free, sovereign, independent nation of 45 million people and considerable natural resources.

And, because it goes with the territory of annexation, he wants to kill a fair few, exile a fair few, imprison a fair few, ethnically cleanse a fair few, and deny the remainder at gunpoint their wishes for independent, self-determination.

I personally doubt that any of the other countries you list truly see this as a template for the operation of the new world order. But if they do, the future of the industrialised human race will be a short one.

Meantime, those countries still clinging to the vestiges of the old world order see clearly that if Vlad is permitted success, many of them will be in the next tranche for annexation. As a fair few of these countries are in the EU which Scotland seemingly is so desperate to join, it makes pragmatic sense for Scots to align with the majority European view.

Ian Brotherhood

@Ebok –

Here it is –


link to


John McDermott (2022): Scotland The Brave:

“…Land of the brave and proud
Land of the free…

Firm as my native rock
I have withstood the shock of England…
Of Rome and the world…”:

link to

John Main

@Repo 7:59

How’s about you explain your earlier claim that 404 has stopped the export of food to the countries in Europe that are funding and supporting its war effort.

Take your time, we will wait.


Is that not good about the rugby Benhope?

That might help getting the fans to go from NO to YES?

John Main

@Ruby 7:59

If you are inspired, your parrot story should be a belter.

Mind and not keep us waiting too long – expectations are high.

Also, mind I get a credit.


Some light reading for the weekend, courtesy of the Sheriff Appeal Court, the highlight being…

“The sheriff heard evidence from 29 witnesses. His judgment rehearsed at length the evidence of 25 of these, without comment or comparison, for 400 paragraphs. He gave no indication which evidence he preferred or accepted, save for a brief discussion of the expert evidence. Four witnesses, namely the defender’s witnesses William Morrison, Susan Macpherson, Alan Kellock and Kevin Clifton, received no mention at all, and appear to have been overlooked. Susan Macpherson’s evidence might be thought of central relevance, as she is an independent witness who described attending the site in 2008, taking samples, and walking the length of the drain, and finding no signs of pollution. The sheriff took a further 100 paragraphs to set out parties’ submissions, without adding comment, comparison or assessment of merit. Under “Decision”, the sheriff started by making statements of fact, but this appears to be a further rehearsal of argument, rather than of his own findings. Only by paragraph [525] did the sheriff start to make any adjudication on the evidence, the witnesses, the duty in law or the merits of the case. A sheriff’s duties include, but require much more than, recording the evidence of witnesses and the submissions.”

link to

The original Sheriff was Rowley Birkin QC, and he was very, very drunk.


link to

Why do you suppose I care what you think?

It’s not as if you are a great thinker!


Sympathies Stu as a Dons fan as we got a real doing at Iprix. Our manager Goodwin needs less talk and more action in building up a strong team.A strong defence is a minimum requirement to go to Glasgow and hope to get a result. Willie Miller we really miss you!!!!


link to

Some light reading for the weekend, courtesy of the Sheriff Appeal Court, the highlight being…

“The sheriff heard evidence from 29 witnesses. His judgment rehearsed at length the evidence of 25 of these, without comment or comparison, for 400 paragraphs. He gave no indication which evidence he preferred or accepted, save for a brief discussion of the expert evidence. Four witnesses, namely the defender’s witnesses William Morrison, Susan Macpherson, Alan Kellock and Kevin Clifton, received no mention at all, and appear to have been overlooked. Susan Macpherson’s evidence might be thought of central relevance, as she is an independent witness who described attending the site in 2008, taking samples, and walking the length of the drain, and finding no signs of pollution. The sheriff took a further 100 paragraphs to set out parties’ submissions, without adding comment, comparison or assessment of merit. Under “Decision”, the sheriff started by making statements of fact, but this appears to be a further rehearsal of argument, rather than of his own findings. Only by paragraph [525] did the sheriff start to make any adjudication on the evidence, the witnesses, the duty in law or the merits of the case. A sheriff’s duties include, but require much more than, recording the evidence of witnesses and the submissions.”

The original Sheriff was Rowley Birkin QC, and he was very, very drunk.


John Main says:
29 October, 2022 at 8:09 pm

@Ruby 7:59

If you are inspired, your parrot story should be a belter.

Mind and not keep us waiting too long – expectations are high.

Also, mind I get a credit.

‘The Three Red, White & Blue Parrots’ is a a totally bonkers story but if you are demanding I post it then I will.

When you say ‘we’ and ‘us’ who are you referring to? Can you give me the names of those who want me to post the story.

I won’t give you a credit but I will name one of the parrots ‘Johnny Parrot’ who’s that?



I won’t give you a credit but I will name one of the parrots ‘Johnny Parrot’ how’s that?

Ian Brotherhood

Jackie Mason wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea but if you like your comedy ‘kosher’ he’s the man.

One of his jokes:

‘Why is the handwriting on the doctor’s prescription so bad?

It’s so you can’t read it.

Because it’s a message, from him to the chemist.

It says ‘I got my money. Get yours!’


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

I spotted a post which described a person as being a man with a parrot on each shoulder.

I though that was absolutely brilliant!

It inspired me to do some ‘creative writing.’
Instead of a man with a parrot on each shoulder my story is about three parrots.

Don’t forget to do the parrot voices when reading.

This is an excerpt from ‘The Three Red White & Blue Parrots’

Scooby Drew – Alpha Male parrot. The leader of the pack. Can be pretty nasty, intolerant and short tempered.

Chastity – A very flamboyant transgender parrot.

Johnny Parrot – A very boring parrot who isn’t very bright. Was going to be ‘nice but dim’ but decided he’s a nasty green eyed bird who teases ‘Chastity’ and ‘name calls’ squawking things like Tity, Tity, Tity Chas! Chas Tity, Tit! Tit! Tit!

Chapter One:
Scooby-Drew squawks: ‘Who’s a pretty boy!

Chastity squawks: Scooby-Drew is a very pretty boy, pretty boy, pretty boy Scooby-Drew! Ugly Wife! Ugly wife! Ugly wife! Face like corned beef! Corned Beef! Corned Beef! Corned Beef!

Johnny Parrot joins in: I love Scooby-Drew, very pretty boy, pretty boy! pretty boy! Scooby-Drew big beak peck peck peck, anonymous snivelling cowards, anonymous snivelling cowards, anonymous snivelling cowards,
Scooby-Drew! Scooby-Drew Pretty Boy! Pretty Boy! Ugly wife! Corned Beef! Corned Beef! Corned Beef!

Look out for excerpt No2 in the very near future.

By the same author:
‘The Italian Pizza Delivery Boy’s adventures in Brexit Britain.’

‘The Christmas Panto at War-Oh No he didn’t! Oh Yes he did!’

‘French Kissing & A Series Of Unfortunate Events Involving A Steam Iron’

Ian Brotherhood

Actually unbelievable – just posted a comment at 8.59 and it’s in moderation. Can’t even start to work out where the offensive word is.

This is fuckin out of order Rev.

Please, FFS, get a grip eh? You may have lost interest in what’s happening btl but others would quite like to have discussions without these ridiculous hurdles.


Ian Brotherhood says:
29 October, 2022 at 9:12 pm

Actually unbelievable – just posted a comment at 8.59 and it’s in moderation. Can’t even start to work out where the offensive word is.

This is fuckin out of order Rev.

Please, FFS, get a grip eh? You may have lost interest in what’s happening btl but others would quite like to have discussions without these ridiculous hurdles.

Grow up. You’ve 6101 followers on Twitter, a forum much more suited to discussion among a small group than here. Invite people there. If the Rev wants words banned, that’s his decision.

Y o u h a v e n o a u t h o r i t y h e r e J a c k i e W e a v e r a banned phrase, but you don’t hear me complaining about it, because I have no authority here either.

Ian Brotherhood

@Scott (9.37) –


WTF is up with you?


Ian Brotherhood says:
29 October, 2022 at 9:45 pm

@Scott (9.37) –


WTF is up with you?

Why did you think there was something up with me at 2137?

Ian Brotherhood

Where is all the gender stuff coming from?

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Scott (9.51) –

I give up.

You’re too cryptic for me.


Ian Brotherhood says:
29 October, 2022 at 10:26 pm

@Scott (9.51) –

I give up.

You’re too cryptic for me.

Didn’t you like the way I framed the response? Too bad, so sad, get mad.


I’ve been readin the judgement in “Billy Graham’ v SEC” and this caught my eye…

“my overriding concern, and I suppose the factor that ultimately was the most decisive for mein taking the view that the event should be cancelled, was because I thought that – not just the expression of the views, but also the knowledge of, or the expectation that the views may well be expressed or could be expressed, which would have real life consequences for people in Glasgow…”

Who said that? Susan Aitken, SNP janitor of GCC and wife of a ‘voluntarily’, honest he was, struck-off former ‘shady director’.

The judgement doesn’t miss her contradictions.

Are they all on glue?

link to


Talking of Kosovo, I was today minutes old before finding out that Dominic Raab, who’s no inty human rights, was part of the team opposing Milosevic’s attempt to compel Tony Blair to attend for interview.

And yes, part of Team UK submission was very, very wrong.

link to

Iain More

I guess Bells wont be selling any of its Butchers Pinny labelled whisky after the Brits have been accused of sinking the Russian Nazis Black Sea Fleet. Oops! Slainte!


Yes ROS you are bang on when you say that the SNP no longer need members be ause they get their money elsewhere.

Short money be keeping the party going, but short voters will, like NuKabour before them, rip the SNP asunder..

A realignment is underway and clear out is coming. Every metric is indicating that and this week’s split reinforces it even more so.

John Main

@Ian More 4:02

Reports of the sinking of the Black Sea Fleet have been greatly exaggerated.

Your Xmas bottle of Bells is safe.


John Main

@IB 9:12

I agree, the moderation on here is a disgrace.

It has even stopped Repo’s post in which he provides the evidence to support his claim that 404 is stopping the export of food to Europe.

Such a shame. We were all so looking forwards to that post.


Ian Brotherhood
Thanks for that link Ian, i think that is one of the most informative articles on the state of Scotland i have ever read.
A truly inspirational piece from Sara.

Andy Ellis

@John Main 7.38 pm

Be reasonable John, if RoS had to issue corrections for all his BS claims, there would be several thousand posts BTL.

We already have to wade through enough dreck from the usual suspects!


link to

EU official spokeswoman: Members must commit to join the euro

This stuff really annoys me.

We heard all this stuff prior to the 2014 IndyRef.

Why can’t Sturgeon learn by mistakes?

Can she not just say the great thing about independence is we can decide if want to apply to join the EU, EFTA, Nato & all the rest.

That’s we the iScottish electorate not a First Minister from a branch office of the UK Government deciding for us in advance.

Keep it simple.

Should Scotland be an independent country where people can decide what’s best for them?

One thing I would like to see in iScotland is that there is no ‘Gender Recognition Act’ none of this madness about men demanding the right to be women.

I would make impersonating a woman in women’s spaces a hate crime.

Perhaps outwith women’s spaces it could be seen as unacceptable as ‘Blackface’

link to

How the History of Blackface Is Rooted in Racism

“They did it to authenticate their whiteness,” he says. “It was the same as saying ‘We can become the other and mock the other and assert our superiority by dehumanizing the other.”


The UN brokers a deal to allow grain exports out from Urkanian Black Sea Ports.

The UK and Urkrain launch drone attacks on the Ruski Black Sea Fleet, slightly damaging a mine sweeper which keeps shipping lanes clear of mines, but it seems 15 out of 16 of the drones were intercepted.

In response, the Ruskians have withdrawn from the UN brokered grain transportation deal, and now food bound for Africa won’t get there and people are going to starve.

The Ruskians are now blaming the UK Navy for blowing up the Nordstream pipeline.

If that’s true, then the UK’s 2022 version of the SOE, no doubt steered by some plucky Eton Boy Scouts in the Ministry of Defence have successfully denied Western Europe is gas supply, and Africa it’s grain shipments, and all but invited some ominous retaliation / escalation of some description.

What’s the plan here UK Government? Because it looks to me like proxy attacks on maritime infrastructure is mightily stupid given the UK’s reliance on extraordinarily similar maritime infrastructure to plunder Scotland’s oil and gas. Or doesn’t Eton teach arithmetic these days?

But equally important it seems, what contingencies are there in place if BRICS sanctions the UK? That’s China (UK imports £66 billion), India (UK imports £16 billion), and that’s just off the top of my head.

I doubt the UN will be particularly enamoured with the grain export deal it brokered being sabotaged, and they might agree with Pootin that the UN Security Council needs an overhaul and more, I dunno, perhaps maybe Indian representation?

And if it was indeed the UK who blew up the Nordstream, then all that anger in France and Germany at NATO and the destabilising effect it’s having on the EU is going to have a new focus… those pesky Brexiteers who tried to destabilise the EU back in 2016.

Of course I want Scotland Independent and free of all this, but Jesus H, what the hell is wrong with the UK? There was always the perception that lunatic MP’s rattling loose around Westminster could be indulged because behind the headlines there was a sober and capable Whitehall civil service ready to curb their eccentricities and temper their excesses. But now? Now, it’s full on scary.

I thought the UK civil service was missing in action throughout Brexit, and certainly missing when the plan was deporting migrants and refugees to Rwanda, but if the UK is determined to “set Europe Russkia ablaze” because Boris Johnson left his WW2 Winston Churchill Handbook in his desk, then Scotland needs to get it’s skates on and get T F outa here before the RAF starts practicing Dambuster Raids and training Cockleshell Heroes on our lochs and waterways.


‘We can become the other and mock the other and assert our superiority by dehumanizing the other.’

‘Sturgeon the Feminist’ thinks it’s perfectly OK for men to do this to women.

Stuart MacKay

On the subject of grain exports from 404.

Pu-tin has stated that the majority of exports are going to Europe. This is not true. I’m shocked. Who’d have guessed that this would be used as propaganda. However it’s not untrue either. A significant percentage of grain is going to Europe.

Here are some sources:

U****** grain exports face vessel backlog as concerns grow over Black Sea initiative, Global Trade Review, link to

R****** seeks review of U******’s Black Sea grain exports deal, S&P Global Commodity Insight (S&P is Standard & Poors), link to

‘Almost all’ U*****ian grain reaching European nations: Pu-tin, Aljazeera, link to

The first two are from commodities sites and have less skin in the game as far as propaganda are concerned. Aljazeera is full on pro-west when it comes to 404.

The first two are worth reading as there are confounding factors. For example European buyers are switching to 404 exports when they previously bought from other countries like Brasil. Notice the quotes around ‘Almost All’. This is a standard trick to present a lie. The BBC does it all the time.

There seems to be a consensus that about 30% of 404’s exports are going to Europe and 40% to Asia. That’s a very high figure given all the self-righteous concern over those poor starving Africans. The World Food Program is currently complaining about a lack of money and a lack of food to help places like Niger which was hit with flooding.

So, like all things related to the existential battle between The Fair World Order and The West facts are hard to come by, everything is layered in propaganda but there’s always a nugget, no matter how small, of truth somewhere.

Stuart MacKay


It could be the Russ are trying to drive a wedge between the UK and the rest of Europe but it does seem the military or secret services have been watching too many black & white, WWII films on TV. Even if the latest drone strikes had sunk the entire Black Sea fleet it would not have changed the outcome for 404. All those post-Brexit trade deals with the rest of the world are fading into nothing with each act of terrorism.


I’ve known the UK was a warmongering nation since I was a very young woman living on the South coast of England watching all the jingoism, Union Jacks and crowds waving ‘our boys’ off to kill the Argies.

Then came the Iraq War when I decided to become a supporter of Scottish Independence.

Not being part of a warmongering nation with one of the highest military budgets in the world + weapons of mass destruction has always been my principal reason for voting YES.

That hasn’t changed.

Sadly the so called leader of the independence movement seems to have gone over to the dark side & joined the warmongers.


link to

Andy Ellis says:
30 October, 2022 at 9:03 am

@John Main 7.38 pm

Be reasonable John, if RoS had to issue corrections for all his BS claims, there would be several thousand posts BTL.

We already have to wade through enough dreck from the usual suspects!

What we would all like to know is who is making you
‘wade through all the dreck from the usual suspects!’
If you don’t do it will you get fired/your pay docked?


link to

Legal change could make Scotland into a trans haven

Is that more NO voters moving to Scotland?


“So, like all things related to the existential battle between The Fair World Order and The West facts are hard to come by, everything is layered in propaganda but there’s always a nugget, no matter how small, of truth somewhere.” – Stuart MacKay

Is it nuggets what you are directly gazing enigmatically away from the camera at in your avatar?

Sorry to say, again, but writing style matters and expecting people to understand what is and isn’t propaganda based on your own bias is…propaganda, notwithstanding the lack of clarity in the examples given.

“waffle, scenarios, wouldacouldashoulda, waffle, conjecture, war games, waffle”, that’s also you, that is.

See 0929

“It could be the Russ are trying to drive a wedge between the UK and the rest of Europe but it does seem the military or secret services have been watching too many black & white, WWII films on TV. Even if the latest drone strikes had sunk the entire Black Sea fleet it would not have changed the outcome for 404. All those post-Brexit trade deals with the rest of the world are fading into nothing with each act of terrorism.”

What does that paragraph actually mean, once stripped down?

Wrong answers only…


link to

Diva demands and a lot of selfies

Ha! Ha! Ha! I bet it pales in comparison to ‘Scotland’s Queen of Selfies’ demands.

Robert Hughes

Ruby says:
30 October, 2022 at 9:48 am

” I’ve known the UK was a warmongering nation since I was a very young woman living on the South coast of England watching all the jingoism, Union Jacks and crowds waving ‘our boys’ off to kill the Argies.

Then came the Iraq War when I decided to become a supporter of Scottish Independence.

Not being part of a warmongering nation with one of the highest military budgets in the world + weapons of mass destruction has always been my principal reason for voting YES. ”

Exactly the same for me , Ruby .

I was living in London at the time of Falkland’s War and witnessed first-hand how easily the just-below-the-surface jingoistic , bellicose English Nationalism can be triggered ; aided and abetted ( as always ) by 99% MSM uncritical reinforcement and with that extra ingredient of ” aren’t our Royal Family great ” Capn No-Sweat Andy’s * heroic * participation in the sponge-cake of public perception/propaganda

Similarly to you , the Iraq War – the blatant lies used to * justify * it – signalled the end of my hitherto instinctive support for the Labour Party . It’s embrace of Neoliberalism only confirming that Party’s loss of whatever value it formerly possessed .

How bitterly ironic to see the SNP follow the exact same trajectory . The ” extra ingredient ” in IT’S impending demise as an honourable , trustworthy entity being it’s embrace and promotion of lunatic Gender Ideology and consequent demotion of it’s primary raison d’etre – the restoration of Scotland’s status as an Independent nation


“Similarly to you , the Iraq War – the blatant lies used to * justify * it – signalled the end of my hitherto instinctive support for the Labour Party”

Extending TAX CREDITS did it for me. Subsidised wages have enabled dividends to shore up the ‘stock/gambling’ markets unnaturally. Pension funds and ‘investorbrokers’ aren’t anyone’s friend…they want to cover their nut but know the Govt guarantee any savings folk have in the bank, so aren’t compelled to in any great way.

Value of investments can go down as well as down, and as the saying goes ‘In the poker game of life, workplace pensions are the rake. The fucking rake’.


Funny how Main & Ellis appear at the same time? Are they in the same room (barracks?). Are they the same person?
Would explain all the self-congratulating…..


HEADS UP, FOLKS! (For those not so tech savvy):

There’s a scam doing the rounds claiming to be from “Outlook”. It states something along the lines of; You are receiving this email because you have broken/breached our terms of use etc. Then it goes on to urge you to click on a link they’ve provided to confirm your details etc.

Don’t click on that link. Just ‘Junk’ that email (send it to your Junk) and ignore it. All future emails sent to you from that con address will automatically go straight to your ‘junk’ facility.



If you have a problem in your own country, or if something is concerning you globally, just air your ‘problem’ on this site.
The stalwart members of the Bonnie Purple Heather Brigade will descend, en masse, with their vast experience in EVERYTHING, to solve, whatever the tricky situation is, in jig time. All for free is well!

I was beginning to wonder what the purpose of ‘Wings’ comments facility actually was. It then dawned on me that it’s main function is to allow the neurotic, the ‘history’ fanatics, the conspiracy theorists and the mentally unhinged, the opportunity to air their distorted views. Obviously no one would give them a second glance in the ‘real’ world. The sane amongst us realise that it really does not effect anything. However, the afflicted get a warm glow seeing their mince in print. It also has a secondary function in keeping them off the streets as they are chained to their keyboards. Would you really want to meet some of them?

What is the ‘world’ coming to-Men wanting to be Women-Women wanting to be Men. Both wanting to become arseholes. In respect of the latter, it will be of some comfort to Rab Davis that it is crystal clear that he has managed to attain his lofty ambition. Congratulations Rab.

In some way I feel sorry for Rev Stu who always produces accurate, forensically researched articles only for them to be hijacked by the fringe elements of society who infest this site.

Am away outside for some exercise and fresh air. Coastline today. Some of the BPHB should try it. I am reliably informed it is good for your physical and mental well being.

Robert Hughes

” Extending TAX CREDITS did it for me. Subsidised wages have enabled dividends to shore up the ‘stock/gambling’ markets unnaturally.”

Yes , Scott ; and , effectively , subsidise employers .

Sure , the Blair Govs brought-in a national minimum wage , the emphasis being on the * minimum * part – even this feeble piece of – avant la lettre – ” levelling-up ” eliciting predictable screams of terror from the Tories . They needn’t have worried , the Blair Bewitch Project was never going to scare the donkeys of BIG BUSINESS .

Andy Ellis

What we would all like to know is who is making you ‘wade through all the dreck from the usual suspects!’
If you don’t do it will you get fired/your pay docked?

Oh no, I do it as a public service Rubes. I regard it as akin to folk going out and teaching the illiterate to learn to read and write. Of course some are dumb as a box of rocks as our American cousins say, but there is more joy in heaven over one sinner saved etc.

yw/hth 🙂

Andy Ellis

Funny how Main & Ellis appear at the same time? Are they in the same room (barracks?). Are they the same person?
Would explain all the self-congratulating…..

The thing is “James” it just isn’t true, however much you and a few of the usual suspects earnestly *wish* it were true. I’m not sure how you or anyone else would prove that John Main and me were the same person?

Presumably Rev Stu would be able to see if the emails were the same IP address, but even that wouldn’t be conclusive. Lots of people these days use VPN’s anyway.

There’s no guarantee that some of the moonhowlers and BPHB aren’t the same people either, but the pre-occupation that it is “a thing” seems to be particularly prevalent amongst the moonhowlers, most of whom of course remain studiously anonymous. One might almost think they had something to hide, eh?


“Chas” wrote: “All for free is well!”

It’s ‘as well’. No wonder you’re running off outside. Does that really mean you’ll now be back posting as Andy Ellis?

Note, folks, how this inbred mutant even makes the same sort of mistakes regularly made by Andy Ellis? Go over any number of their posts and you’ll see for yourself. Coincidence? That’s for you to decide. All i can say is, Andy, stick to being yourself, you make a shite sockpuppet.


LOL! FFS! I didn’t even get time to alert you all. F@ck, that was a quick walk outside, Chas (and Dave) Ellis.


“Oh no, I do it as a public service Rubes. I regard it as akin to folk going out and teaching the illiterate to learn to read and write.”

Right Andrew, sit down and listen because this is very, very important and will stop shame being heaped on the family name.

You can’t teach the illiterate how to learn to read or write, you can only teach them to read or write.

Once they know how to do that, it’s still impossible to teach them how to learn how to do it.

I know you think your comments btl here are mainly worthless and of throwaway style while being profound and majoritative if described to someone illiterate, but as yer wee imaginary pals Main & Chas say, impressionable are watching, so be kind, be truthful and show us the money or fuck off.


Ellis wrote:

“There’s no guarantee that some of the moonhowlers and BPHB aren’t the same people either, but the pre-occupation that it is “a thing” seems to be particularly prevalent amongst the moonhowlers, most of whom of course remain studiously anonymous. One might almost think they had something to hide, eh?”

Give it a f@ckin rest, Ellis. Back at your old hobby-horse anonymity. Coming from the person who removed his own picture as his avatar. As i’ve said before, it’s a very well-known tactic of paedophile rings to go on about other folks’ anonymity so they can get closer to them.

I for one am sick of coming on here only to see you, Main and the usual other suspects dominating every thread with the same toy-throwing arguments and insults at each other. Have you ever heard of being the bigger person? Any of you? Thought not! And don’t give me any shit about “their lies have to be challenged” etc because you done that long ago. It has went well and truly way beyond that. It’s just petty bickering and childish insults put on repeat.

The very reason Rev restricted talk on UKRU war because you and RoS were dominating every thread with pathetic bickering and insults etc.

One would think you have an agenda to get WOS btl shut down. Oh! Wait a minute! I’m getting a feeling of familiarity about that statement.

Andy Ellis


Tell you what, I’m quite happy to send proof of ID to Rev Stu as an impartial arbitrator. All you need to do then is to convince Chas and John Main to do likewise.

If Rev Stu then agreed he had proof we were different individuals who just happen to disagree with the moonhowlers and conspiracy theorists who pollute this site on a daily basis, will all of those banging on about it own up to being wrong and apologise? Or will they insist it’s still the same person and that Rev Stu is in on it?

I think alert readers already know the answer to that question, don’t they?

Andy Ellis

Coming from the person who removed his own picture as his avatar.

I’ve never used my own picture as my avatar, here or anywhere else.

I for one am sick of coming on here only to see you, Main and the usual other suspects dominating every thread with the same toy-throwing arguments and insults at each other.

I feel just the same about RoS, “Scott”, Ruby, James Che and some others. Cry me a river.

Have you ever heard of being the bigger person? Any of you? Thought not! And don’t give me any shit about “their lies have to be challenged” etc because you done that long ago. It has went well and truly way beyond that. It’s just petty bickering and childish insults put on repeat.

No, because we’re in the right and they’re in the wrong. When they stop lying and abusing, I’ll stop responding. It’s not exactly rocket science. Why should everyone else be expected to retire from the field and leave it to the moonhowlers to spread their agitprop and woo-woo about like shit at a French farmer’s protest? Happy to help.

The very reason Rev restricted talk on UKRU war because you and RoS were dominating every thread with pathetic bickering and insults etc.

Not a universally popular decision as even someone as “out there” as Brotherhood has complained about it. It comes across as the decision of an exasperated parent telling the kids to shut up, irrespective of the weight of the arguments, or who is just spouting Vlad fluffing agitprop. Like I said, if Russophilac apologist for Vlad and his war criminals keep posting their disinformatsia, I’ll keep responding. Sorry, not sorry.

Rab Davis


You are correct in saying,,,

Ellis/Main/Chas are the one person.

Three wanks from the same wee dick.


Ruby says on 30 October 2022 at 9:07 am: link to

“EU official spokeswoman: Members must commit to join the euro..”

This is a very good example of a misleading headline because, as is the norm, we don’t actually get to the truth until further into the article, where by now a lot of readers have lost interest. A considerable number never read beyond the headline. The article goes on to state these truthful facts:

“She told the Herald on Sunday: “In principle, all EU member states, except Denmark which has an opt-out clause, are legally committed to join the euro area once they fulfil the necessary conditions.”


“It is up to individual countries to calibrate their path towards the euro and no timetable is prescribed.” Dr Fabian Zuleeg, chief executive of the European Policy Centre in Brussels, clarified the situation further. He said: “All countries that join the European Union have to commit to the Acquis Communautaire, the body of law of the European Union. ”

(Someone will need to teach me how to do ‘bold’ as it’s useful for emphasising) 🙂

Thanks for that archived link, btw, Ruby, contains some great material, in a basic & straightforward way, for slapping BritNats with. Someone needs to put that link onto DRoss’s Twatter account, with the full quotes showing that it is *he* who is the liar on this issue of currency.

Rab Davis

We’ve been here many times.

Regards having to start using the Euro if you join the EU is an open ended statement.

In writing the Yoons probably could claim to be correct,,,the EU would prefer every member to use the Euro.

But there is no immediate requirement to use the Euro.

The final decision can take years.

There is no set time to join the Euro.

As other member states have proven.

And the simplest way around this is to join EFTA to start with,,,then,,,at a time of OUR choosing, we have a referendum on EU membership.

That is the beauty of independence.

The people of Scotland decide.

If the Brexiteers can come up with,,,

“Taking Back Control”.

We can tell Sturgeon to,,,


Vote YES in any independence referendum, then all other policies can be put forward by our new government,

EU membership, Trident, Royals, NATO, GRA.

All voted on in individual referendums at a time of our choosing.

Andy Ellis


(Someone will need to teach me how to do ‘bold’ as it’s useful for emphasising)

See Rev Stu’s comment in bold above the box where you enter your comment.

Cut and paste the text you want to put in bold or italic in the box and put either a “b” for bold or “i” for italic with the greater than and less than signs on either side of the letter as shown in Stu’s instruction at the start of the comment, and the same with a forward slash before the letter at the end of the text.


Just been reading the reports about an MSP Russel Findlay raising concerns regarding over 500 sex offenders having changed their name since 2019.

Ah well and in Sturgeon’s Nu Scotland you will soon be able to change your sex, and no doubt back again as it suits. In fact, in our brave Nu Scotland children in schools are already allowed to change their birth name from bot to girl or girl to boy with the parents not being told.

You couldn’t make it up. But you know what, England is going to call time on Sturgeon’s nonsense.

Andy Ellis

@Rab Davis

You are correct in saying,,,

Ellis/Main/Chas are the one person.

Three wanks from the same wee dick.

Tell you what Rab, happy to send proof of my ID to Rev Stu. Perhaps we should insist on it for everyone. For all you know I’m Ruby, “Scott” and James Che too. 🙂

You and a lot of the other moonhowlers seem a bit triggered by there only being one person behind multiple accounts. Maybe that kind of monomania and fixation on people’s genitals in your case it seems, accounts for the fact that your output is invariably of such low quality?


The very reason Rev restricted talk on UKRU war because you and RoS were dominating every thread with pathetic bickering and insults etc.

Not a universally popular decision as even someone as “out there” as Brotherhood has complained about it. It comes across as the decision of an exasperated parent telling the kids to shut up, irrespective of the weight of the arguments, or who is just spouting Vlad fluffing agitprop. Like I said, if Russophilac apologist for Vlad and his war criminals keep posting their disinformatsia, I’ll keep responding. Sorry, not sorry.”

I hope Rev Stu sees this potato-fuelled offering from Andy Ellis and says sorry, not sorry as a comment if he decides to ban the petulant cunt who’s too thick to understand his own words. The sense of entitlement is obvious, but expected from someone known to be a plagiarist.


For all you know I’m Ruby, “Scott” and James Che too. ?

Ellis outs himself agin, lolz

You’re definitely not me ya jakey bastard, but you “could be” t’others.

For a start, in this example you’ve singled “me” out, a marker of some sorts.

Let’s go back through all of your comments on here and see if there are any similarities in writing style or subject that could link Andy Ellis to the accounts of Main, Chas, and as suggested by the fandan itself, Ruby and James Che.

The ‘etc, etc’ tic has already linked Ellis/Main/Chas and Boyle together so randomness that’s actually too random to be not connected is the form of deductive reasoning the Ruby/James Che/James Cheyne/James che/James Che. investigation should take.

Whoever puts the coal into Cheyne’s ipod also changes login details regularly as evidenced by change of form, suggesting multiple users or a lazy single user using many aliases.

Ruby and Andy wind each other up intentionally. They are likely the same person on the balance of probabilities.

Ellis accuses everyone else of having a hobby horse topic that’s WRONG JUST FUCKING BECAUSE, which is his hobby horse topic. That’s all he is capable of.

Oh aye, and Cheyne is the only one not to declare residence in Edinburgh, although might have done when copy and pasting the same gibberish Ellis likes to focus on.

Where’s Hatuey from Edinburgh gone?

Anyone else lurking up a spiral staircase in Scotland’s capital village?


Gotta admit, at first I was lukewarm about the SNP “rebels”, not because they stood against GRA reform and Self-ID, (which is good, I approve), but because they didn’t rebel at SNP Conference when Scottish Independence might have been the beneficiary.

However, after seeing this quote, I now stand full square behind Ash Regan and the others.

link to

To quote Smith, “We don’t do SNP a la carte and if you’re elected on a manifesto then you play for the jersey. I would imagine those who did not support our own government will be getting a torrid time from their constituency parties and local members soon enough”.

The fkg hypocrisy of the man!

For a start, Self ID wasn’t mentioned in the SNP’s manifesto because they hadn’t the guts to put it there, and NOBODY in the SNP should dare to mention being “elected on a manifesto” when these troughing charlatans have squandered mandate after mandate from their sovereign electorate requiring them to pursue Scottish Independence.

Alyn Smith, you’re a scumbag, a hypocrite, and unfit for public office.

Ash Regan, I hope your defence of principle can now be extended to the neglected matter of Scottish Independence, and grows to become a caucus within the SNP which restores it’s credibility and rids Scotland of Nicola Sturgeon and the infiltration of her NuSNP deadbeats, and thus allows Scotland and Scottish Independence to get back on track after 8 squandered years.


@ Andy Ellis

I’m not interested in helping you to dominate yet another thread. I’ve given you my take. Someone, as you know, who agrees with some of your positions on certain issues. So i’ll not be responding further on this issue after this post. You come across, at times, like the fictional portrayal of William Wallace in Braveheart, the educated Scotsman returning home to lead and educate his ignorant fellow Scots. Whether you take that as an insult or not is up to you, it’s not meant to be. That’s just how you come across at times, via the eyes of someone who agrees with you on certain issues, arrogant.

Just to clarify, so there’s no misunderstandings, nice try but your reference to “Brotherhood” means nothing. His complaints about the censorship of certain words i happen to agree with but more to the point, his complaints come *after* you were a part of the reason those restrictions were put on the rest of us. No amount of twisting will change that fact. Yous were dominating every single btl thread at the time and more often than not it would spill over straight on to the next one.

And whether you like it or not, universal views are not what makes the rules on here, that would be Stuart Campbell. If he was a fan of universal views, he wouldn’t have created WOS. We are being subjected to some of these restrictions due to the actions of you and others. And if that wasn’t enough Yous still ignore his repeated reminders to cease the toy-throwing etc. You have a hand in the restrictions we’re subjected to so, as they say, if the cap fits etc.

Further, i don’t subscribe to the position that you, Main and Chas are the same person but i do believe ‘Chas’ is either your sockpuppet or is related to you, possibly the same household. I believe John Main to be a different person all-together because that person has been posting on here longer than you. And if i’m correct, John also used to post his comments with a picture of himself as his Avatar, a fat baldy bloke with a bear-belly and glasses – I’m still trying to find evidence to confirm my theory but i’ll be the first to apologise to John if i’m wrong.

Another one folks should look out for is ‘Private Pike’ (as i call him), and whether he’s posting as “Chris Pike” or “Christopher Pike”. Obviously two different accounts just in case Stuart bins one of them.

I also don’t subscribe to the school of thought that you, Main and Chas are MI5, MI6, CIA or any other intelligence outfit and i don’t think any of those on here saying that truly believe Yous are either. Anyone knowing anything about intelligence services and how they operate will know that they do not have budgets that allow operatives to waste valuable time on the btl threads of political blogs, not in work time anyway, they tend to operate more in the real world.

They would also know that the various organisations of ‘Green Slime’ are already among us but at much higher levels, or at the very least they will have their ‘touts’ established long ago. And if i thought any of you were Trolls or “intelligence” operatives i would do precisely as the WOS rules demand, i wouldn’t engage you and i’d bring you to the attention of ‘His Nibs’.

Lastly, you have no idea why some folk choose to be anonymous, the fact you choose to use your real name (or so you tell us) doesn’t make you “braver” than someone who is anonymous. After-all, it wasn’t that long ago you tried your hobby-horse on another commentor here btl WOS and your childish accusations of that person being a “coward” etc was met with an equally childish response when he offered you to name the time and place etc. Your hypocrisy was palpable as you screamed in response how childish he was being. And if memory serves me correctly you accused him of playground bully tactics. I thought you would have learned your lesson from that, you can’t accuse folk of being cowards then shout bully when they aim to demonstrate how wrong you are.

Another important point here regarding the fact you have no idea why some folk choose to be anonymous is you know fuck-all about their lives or current positions etc. Take ‘Ruby’ for example, apologies if you object to my use of your name Ruby, but how do you know that she’s not just escaped a seriously violent relationship and has to keep her true identity from being discovered and her ex-partner being tipped off? There are many more legitimate reasons for folk not wanting their ID’s being revealed, being sacked from a job being another important reason.

My own reasons are none of your business but i can reveal one of them. One of the tactics i employ in attempting to convince folk of our right to self-determination puts me in an extremely dangerous position. Dangerous to my personal safety. Occasionally i go into certain venues and eventually get chatting about independence and i approach it from a point of view of being one of them. I can do this because i come from the same background as those who inhabit those venues.

So drop your obsession with anonymity, it’s allowed on this site and until the site’s owner says otherwise your constant references to it have to be treated with suspicion. My ‘username’ on here happens to also be an established nickname of mine, known to those that matter. Another one being ‘Spider’, more in my Stirling circles. And btw, Ellis, i’ve been fighting for approximately 40yrs for indy and i’ve been to a WOS gathering and mingled with some of the, shall we say, established WOS crew, have you?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, folks.



Bold and italic

HTML tags as they are called have and opening and closing tag. If you think of them like quotation marks which surround the word or phrase you want to bold except the one at the end of the word is slightly different from the one at the beginning of the word. The one at the beginning of the word or phrase is called an opening tag. In the text above the comment box the Rev has posted examples of the opening tags for i = italic and b=bold.

You could start by copying these at both ends of the word you want to bold or italic then you would add a forward slash before the b and i in the 2nd tag – the closing tag.

You can actually put both a b tag and and i tag and have bold italic text.

Here’s an example of the bold tag
link to

just ignore the p tag that’s a whole other story.

Is my teaching any good. Could I appoint myself head teacher of HTML here on Wings?
Don’t hesitate to ask if you need further info. I promise I don’t do dark sarcasm in the classroom. 🙂

Anyone need any help with the 😉 🙂 🙁 😕 😉 🙂 🙁 😕

Hey I’m quite good with the banned words!

Here’s another couple of articles that I archived this morning
I haven’t read them yet just bookmarked them to read later.

link to

‘Loophole’ allows hundreds of sex offenders to assume new identities

link to

Out-of-touch first minister blindsided by the rebel MSPs


Stoker is another with verbosity for brains.

Less is more, as they say.

Are these ‘venues’ in the room with you now?

James Che

I wonder at this obsession that Andy and John have with me, as I seldom give a opinion either way on Ruskie land and Uk rain being a pacifist myself.

I just mentioned I had heard both sides of the argument, which is fair to all people, I believe.

However John Mains obsession follows this with threats My being poisoned by Novochik.
After misinterpreting my post..

Calm down boys, this is a site by Rev Stu advocating Scottish Independence, not war,

As Dan say, “Anyway Back to Scotland”.


If you want to see examples of html and how this webpage is made up just right click on any text and select view page source.
You will see a few b tags

What I’m wondering now is if posts that are awaiting moderation show up in the ‘page source’

Probably not but I could post a banned word and see if it shows up but I would probably need someone else to check.


What’s the matter with Scott has he caught Ellisitis?

George Ferguson

@Breeks 2:01pm
Sticking with the football analogy. What happens when the team is missing open goals and committing defensive blunders, every match, with none of the players understanding the tactics of the manager and the fans booing on the terraces?. Either/and you get a new coach or the players are exchanged. I am glad of the rebellion. Under the circumstances a courageous thing to do. Regan et al are playing for the shirt. A Scottish Independence shirt.

James Che

it is dangerous to myself and my children For you to keep trying to track me down and wish you would let you’re obsession go to,

I have had to move home many times to keep my identity safe from a drunken violent Ex husband who not only gave me a broken rib when I was six months pregnant, but also used to hit our children, when he drank,
When he tried to get me to sign a life insurance after he aquired a shotgun, I took all the evidence to the police,
The police did a more detailed back ground check and found he had lied to them, they withdrew his shot gun licence, and he had a restraining order placed on him,
I had to voluntory move out of my home and then became homeless for six years because the council said I had voluntary left the house,
I have mentioned all this before on here

Why do you think I am such an Avocate of save spaces for women and children. Duhh.
Leave me and my children with the safety of being annoymous.

Andy Ellis

What’s the matter with Scott has he caught Ellisitis?

I doubt it. Being the resident misanthrope on the site doesn’t qualify him to be anything like moi . How very dare you.

“Scott” over recent days has picked fights with virtually everyone in here, both moonhowlers and solid types. Avoiding human society is probably understandable when you’re a creepy as fuck stalker with the charm of a rabid hyena and the all the personality of a sea slug right enough.

Andy Ellis

I wonder at this obsession that Andy and John have with me, as I seldom give a opinion either way on Ruskie land and Uk rain being a pacifist myself.

I can’t speak for John Main “James” but in my case it’s not obsession, just ennui and vague irritation that you constantly bang on (at length) about things you patently don’t understand and have the prose you’d expect of a large number of chimps banging about on keyboards. Less is more James. In your case a lot less would be preferable.

You could think about employing a good editor and share them with Breeks and Stoker.

James Che

Perhaps maybe Andy, John and a few others will have it eventually dawn on them why I am against violence and threats of all kinds and why I hold the position of being a pacifist.
And why some people are against men impersonating women ( well said Ruby) to gain access to women and childrens save spaces.

James Che


Perhaps I could employ a editor if I had your MOD contract,
However some of us do not have our skin in that money making game.


It’s not fir for purpose, and no longer safe bu they are reopening it.

“British Gas, a subsidiary of Britain’s largest energy supplier Centrica has warned that it has about a week’s worth of gas left in its storage facilities amid an energy crunch across Europe.

The UK with nine days’ storage has one of the lowest levels of gas storage in Europe, compared to Germany which has 89 days’ worth, France at 103 and the Netherlands at 123, Centrica said.

To add to its storage capacity, the company is reopening its Rough gas site which had been closed due to technical problems in the past.

The facility beneath the North Sea off the Yorkshire coast will be the UK’s largest gas storage site and bolster the UK’s gas capacity by 50 percent, Centrica has said.

Rough had been partially closed in 2016, but Centrica announced in June 2017 that it would shut the site altogether, warning that the 32-year-old facility was at the end of its design life and could no longer be operated safely. The British Gas owner had said that a refurbishment of Rough would “not be economic”.

Centrica now says reopening the facility will increase the UK’s gas capacity by 50 percent, helping the Brits pass the harsh winter.”


The head of the National Grid warned British households that blackouts may be imposed between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. on “really, really cold” winter weekdays.

John Pettigrew said electricity and gas may be switched off on “those deepest, darkest evenings in January and February”.

Ian Brotherhood

It’s laugh-a-minute in here.

Talking of which, take 42 seconds out of your day to enjoy this.

🙂 🙂 🙂

Andy Ellis

You’re definitely not me ya jakey bastard, but you “could be” t’others.

Wow. I must be a busy man. Or am I a woman? Who knows? There again, if I was one person with multiple accounts, I’d definitely try to divert folk by denying being you too wouldn’t I?

Epimenides and his pesky liar paradox eh?


We can only hope the Great Satan doesn’t acquire Julian Assange.

“The oldest inmate at the US-run infamous Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba, Saifullah Paracha, has been released to his home country Pakistan after 19 years of detention without trial.

Cuba’s foreign ministry said in a statement on Saturday it had “completed an extensive inter-agency process to facilitate the repatriation” of Mr. Paracha.

“We are glad that a Pakistani citizen detained abroad is finally reunited with his family,” added the statement.

In his mid-seventies, the Businessman was arrested in 2003 in Thailand and accused of financing al-Qaeda, but was never charged like most prisoners.

Like most prisoners at Guantanamo, the businessman was never formally charged and had little legal power to challenge his detention.”


link to

Why the reluctance to name of the poster you are quoting or even better post a link to the post.

Are you doing this so you can easily misquote the person?

Why can’t you speak for John Main on this occasion? You normally seem happy to.

Andy Ellis

@”Scott” 12.56 pm

I hope Rev Stu sees this potato-fuelled offering from Andy Ellis and says sorry, not sorry as a comment if he decides to ban the petulant cunt who’s too thick to understand his own words. The sense of entitlement is obvious, but expected from someone known to be a plagiarist.

He might, and he might not. He might not give a shit: recent experience suggests as much. He didn’t react at all to Ruby’s flagrant disregard of his injunction not to mention me at all, even indirectly. So either he didn’t notice, or didn’t care. He’s also famously dismissive of clipes “Scott”, so there is that. A goodly proportion of the output of you and other moonhowlers has nothing to do with any particular subject, still less Scottish independence, it’s usually all about trolling folk who don’t share your woo-woo ideas and worldview.

If Stu decides to ban me that’s his choice. Oh dear, how sad, never mind. It would seem to me there are a lot of other candidates whose removal would be a boon to the quality of BTL discourse.

It’s certainly noticeable that when the moonhowlers are left to their own devices both the quantity and quality in here takes a nose dive.

Andy Ellis

Why the reluctance to name of the poster you are quoting or even better post a link to the post.

The individual is named in the actual post you waste of DNA. I don’t like posting the comments as links . You do you.

Are you doing this so you can easily misquote the person?

No, because they’re cut and past quotes, which anyone would easily be able to check by scrolling up.

Why can’t you speak for John Main on this occasion? You normally seem happy to.

Really, like when? He an I agree on some things, and disagree on others. I don’t recall ever saying I was happy to speak for him normally or indeed ever. It sounds a lot like something you *wish* were true, but have no actual evidence for. A bit like all the neds who insist John, Chas and I are the same person. Though of course “Scott” the creepy as fuck stalker and resident site misanthrope is now apparently convinced I’m you and James Che as well.

I think it’s probably something to do with his meds, or perhaps lack thereof. He’s more to be pitied than scorned really.


From Roddy’s excellent article.

“The proposed changes are so radical and questionable the First Minister decided that she would not seek clarification from London’s Supreme Court as to the competence of Holyrood on this matter. Independence she was willing to gamble with and send down to their Lordships at Middlesex Guildhall, but not her beloved GRR. It is too close to her heart to take any chances that London would strike it down. No way was Ms. Sturgeon going to send a law officer to London to plead her GRR case that does not believe in her science denying law.”

it says it all really in that one paragraph, where Sturgeon’s priorities lie, and they’re not with securing independence.

link to

Andy Ellis

@Stoker 2.18 pm



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‘Loophole’ allows hundreds of sex offenders to assume new identities

I’ve just read the above.

Some MSPs also say that sex offenders should be banned from being allowed to change gender.
Rachael Hamilton, the Scottish Conservative equalities spokeswoman, said: “The issue of how the SNP’s proposed self-ID law could be exploited by sex offenders is extremely concerning.” She said she would seek to amend the gender reform bill “to include these vital safeguards”.

It’s all insane! What if the sex offender changed gender before his conviction?

The only solution to all this madness is nobody should be allowed to change gender.


The IHRA which Sturgeon signed us up to doesn’t allow us to criticise this, we cannot say Israel is a racist endeavour.

“A Palestinian man is detained by an Israeli soldier while his home is demolished.”

link to

Andy Ellis

I bet the Sturgeonistas are planning their revenge even as we speak:

I wish to thank the hundreds of constituents and others across Scotland who have contacted me, supporting my stance. This is an issue of a deep concern to many and I am touched that some have shared their experiences of trauma with me and their need for safe spaces.

link to


“The new English Home Secretary, Suella Braverman is already on record as saying she will strike down the GRR by means of the Internal Market Bill. She rightly believes the Scottish GRR goes against the Equality Act UK 2010 and therefore is detrimental to the rest of the Union. She has the powers to act, and it seems she will.”

She is just playing politics. It has nothing to do with women’s rights.
All I would say to Suella Braverman is Eddie Izzard.

Self id or the English system doesn’t look that different from this woman’s point of view.


@ RoS at 3.47 pm

A bit more info on Rough Gas Storage here. Plus note the location is near the Easington terminal.

link to

Easington terminal is where considerable gas comes in from Norway through the Langeled pipeline.
Live gas flow data on this page.

link to


Andy Ellis says:
John, Chas and I are the same person

Really? I only said it as a wind-up I didn’t realise it was true.


On the subject of gas…
Public Service Announcement:
Just a wee heads up that I’ve made an extremely large batch of burrito filling with lots of beans harvested from my garden, so if you happen to hear a huge explosion and see a fireball in the sky through the week, don’t be overly concerned as it may just be me, and nothing to do with Guy Fawkes night or a nuclear strike…


So Frontex, the EU’s border agency has been found to have broken EU laws, by pushing back refugees, it’s thought 35,000 refugees could’ve died due to Frontex actions, though I doubt 404’s economic immigrants have felt the force of Frontex push backs.

link to


And Mick Wallace isn’t too bad either.

“We need to tax the windfall profits of Energy Companies – We also need a windfall tax on weapons manufacturers – Even before Ukraine War, European Arms Industry were making a fortune destroying lives in #Yemen – Why do we allow them make crazy profits off the misery of others.”

link to

John Main

Rab Davis


Did you miss my post?

Cover your keyboard with cling film before you surf your special sites.

That way, you won’t get sticky keys.


@ Breeks 2.01 pm , unfortunately breeks I am not as forgiving as yourself or others , I applaud Ash Regan’s resignation and the 6 other Scottish Nonce Party representatives who voted against sturgeon’s policy but I have to ask what prompted this damascene moment, this reviled policy has been aggressively pushed by the trans taliban for years, yet it is only now that these people have found the courage or heart to say not in my name

Joanna Cherry (who I have lost faith in ) and Joan Mc Alpine were subjected to HORRENDOUS threats of sexual violence and intimidation on a daily basis from these tartan taliban scum some of whom were even Sick Nonce Party members YET complete silence from these “rebels”, NO OUTRAGE from these individuals , NO ANGER at the horrendous threats of sexual violence against their colleagues , NO ANGER OR OUTRAGE that THE PARTY and the FM were doing LESS THAN NOTHING to call out that despicable situation , NO ANGER OR OUTRAGE that instead of calling out or reporting to the police the despicable threats the FM instead chose to make a video sickeningly BEGGING the deviants and perverts not to leave the party

Where was the outrage when our womenfolk were FORCED to open a crowd funder to legally challenge this reviled policy , a policy forced through despite massive opposition, by a party of government they are members of , yet they wait to the last moment to vote against the bill and the 2 others who abstained didn’t even have the courage to do that

As I commented I applaud their very belated opposition to the bill but I have serious reservations that it was done from a conscientious position of morality , do they see the writing on the wall in relation to the Sick Nonce Parties electability, is the ship taking on water

John Main

James Che

I have no obsession with you.

I rarely respond to your posts.

As to threatening you with Novochik, I was trying to make a point that our favourite madman, Vlad, likes to prescribe Novochik for those who diss him.

Apologies for getting my posts so spectacularly wrong that you misinterpreted them as a threat.

Rab Davis

John Main

You are a fuckin,,, Wanker,,,

Don’t fuckin annoy me ya,,, reprobate.


link to

Andy Ellis speaking for John Main.

link to

“I don’t recall ever saying I was happy to speak for him normally or indeed ever.”

George Ferguson

@Twathater 5:59pm
Real Politik. It’s easy to get angry and shout the rebels down as a Johnny come lately. But they rebelled in the end and we have to understand the pressure they and J Cherry and others have been under. We have no party structures or functioning Parliament structure or a investigative media. In fact nobody has challenged the narrative for years. But the people knew the empress had no clothes.

John Main

@Stoker 11:38

I have on more than one occasion promised to never mention 404 again if others will do likewise.

I make a point of never posting on the subject on any new thread until and unless one of the usual suspects kicks off.

Here’s the situation as I see it. Brave men and women are putting their lives on the line for their country, nation, language, culture and freedom, while anonymous, snivelling moonhowlers on here sit at their keyboards carping, lying and wishing defeat and death to them.

If me pointing that out will somehow “endanger” this site, then so what? The fact that this site harbours so many regular posters who no longer can remember what a free, independent country should look like probably means this site has had its day.

However, never let it be said that I am somehow or other “spoiling” it for all the good folk who regularly contribute here. I am happy to once again undertake to leave 404 out if others will do the same.

It’s the biggest and most important and most epoch-making event of our lives. But I can pretend it’s not happening if others can too.

John Main

Rab Davis

,,, … ::: ^^^ ~~~

Hey, this is fun.

BTW, I don’t have a sticky keyboard, or the DTs. I’m just avin a larff.


Things must be getting bad in Germany on the energy front when parts of a wind farm are being dismantled to open up nearby coalmines. The German government has brought this upon itself and its citizens.

link to


Dan @ 5.08pm.

Apologies dan, I didn’t see your comment there, have now, thanks for the links.


The US Army’s 101st Airborne has been deployed to a combat zone for the first time since WW II. They are backing up Nato forces IN 404.

link to


Alyn Smith “We don’t do SNP a la carte.”

No. You only do a “fixed” menu.

John Main

@Repo 6:36

Haha, good post (chortle).

I got to line 6, before the reference to “Uk raine’s Nazis” showed me I was wasting my life.

Still, Repo, you make the point for me that I was explaining to Stoker at 6:25.

Like a rabid dog returning to eat its faeces, you just can’t stop.

Andy Ellis

@Ruby 6.14 pm

Andy Ellis speaking for John Main.

Do you have special needs on the reading and comprehension front, or are you just being disingenuous hoping nobody notices?

“I imagine..” in your world mean I’m speaking for him? Riiiiiight. So we can add resident bare faced liar to you you being the sites go-to cunt caller? Glad we sorted that one out.

Rab Davis


It doesn’t matter what you are doing,,, you are still in fuckin Wanker.

Andy Ellis

@John Main 6.51 pm

I see RoS’ quoted “Global Research” site is pushes the 9/11 “explosive demolition” theory. Colour us unsurprised…..

This is where the kind of narrative moonhowlers and their enablers are pushing in here takes them, dragging this site down into their fetid swamp of sub-Trumpist idiocy and unreason: shoulder to shoulder with 9/11 deniers, covidiots, anti-globalist conspiracy theorists, and QAnon types.

Rab Davis


I seem to remember someone saying you were English (spit).

That would explain why you are such a Wanker,,,and why you are so determined to fuck up the flow of a pro Indy website.

And probably the reason why your daughter has led such an immoral upbringing.


@ John Main at 6.51 pm

Is that another of your “truisms” there. Granted at least it was marginally divergent from AE’s usual “like a dog returning to its own vomit” line, but D minus for originality, and a similar mark for not being factually correct either, as a quick search suggests rabid dogs eating their own keech is not exactly a commonly known trait.

link to

Condition where dugs eat their own poop is known as Coprophagia.
Be careful spouting too much shite btl on here or you’ll be labelled a moonhowler by yer mates. 😉


Main @6.36pm.

Yet the writer of the article appears on the believable side, well at least her credentials do.

“served on the once prestigious ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and as president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, staff in the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender, an environmental lobbyist for Friends of the Earth and a staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC.”

As for Global Research, it has the likes of John Pilger, Craig Murray, Noam Chomsky, Johnathon Cook, and several other notable journalists and truth speakers post articles on it over the years. It’s a welcome alternative to the closely controlled narrative of the corporate media.


My MSP was one of the so-called ‘SNP rebels’ who voted against the GRA legislation. I have known for a long time – well over a year – that this was his intention. It was a sincerely held view, and it wasn’t a secret.

It seems, according to the Sunday Times article which someone above archived, that there were other SNP MSPs who were known to have had the same intention. However, they bottled it at the last minute, and complied with the whip.

I do not agree with my MSP on many points. However, on this occasion, I have to thank him for sticking to his guns, and wish him well. So too with Ash Regan and the others. They did not ‘rebel’: they voted according to their conscience.

And on this occasion, in regard to this issue, their own conscience no doubt coincided with that of the vast majority of their constituents.

Nicola Sturgeon also voted in accordance with her conscience. However, we may be sure that the vast majority of her constituents would not, in conscience, have agreed with her on this issue. That is, if they had been consulted, and if a grown-up and rational debate about the matter had been promoted.

Politicians being allowed, even obliged, to remain true to their own conscience, while at the same time being expected to be the voice of their own constituents (in order to represent them truly} raises many a dilemma, and is not always easy to resolve. Especially with an issue where conscience presses, and runs deep.

In this particular instance, even if it sticks in my craw to say it, the Scottish Tories probably did the right thing. Their basic Party position was to oppose GRA, but they did not whip their MSPs, instead allowing them a free vote. They knew most of their MSPs would freely vote in line with Party policy, which also happened to be the view of the vast majority of the Scottish people. But they also knew they had a couple of MSPs who felt very strongly about the issue, and who were in favour of the bill and could not in conscience vote against it. They respected them.

I am very sorry to say it, but on this occasion – concerning what is rightly seen as a very big issue indeed – I am obliged to admit that the only Party to behave in a grown-up way, as a Party, was the Tories. The same cannot be said for Labour, or for either the SNP or the Greens, as Parties. Those on the SNP benches who refused to be browbeaten by their leader and her whips, and who voted with their sincerely held conscience, should also be held in honour.

There is neither integrity nor honour nor any maturity in politics, at any level, if conscience is eliminated. That is true whether we are talking about the consciences of the individuals get to cast a vote on these matters, or indeed the consciences of those whom they are elected to represent. I think if constituents see that their representative is voting against what most of them would wish on a serious issue, they would forgive him or her for doing so if they know it is, for that person, a deep matter of conscience.

That is, when they see that their representative is voting in that way because they really feel they are obliged to do so and can do no other. That acting according to moral obligation deserves and is usually given respect. It is a very different thing from someone voting a certain way just because they want to or, still worse, because it is good for their career and to act otherwise would damage their promotion prospects. Most people know instinctively that there is no merit in that.

We will need mature politicians, and grown-up politics, when we do finally achieve independence. That criterion of maturity would eliminate a very big percentage of those who fill the Holyrood benches at the moment.

It would also eliminate – sorry, Nicola – people who are so immature as to imagine that their conscience is always the right one, and who therefore seek to impose their views, without possibility of dissent, on everyone. That is, on all the people of the whole nation.

Sorry, Nicola – You are NOT Scotland, and You do not represent us. Even the cuckoos in cloud-cuckoo land wouldn’t vote in line with your views on this one. You are over 50 now – please grow up!

Remember the promises we were given when Holyrood was inaugurated, almost 25 years ago, about how this new parliament was going to usher in a new kind of politics. What happened? Where is it now? What kind of travesty has it become? How did we arrive at this utter shambles?

I was going to ask: From which bit of the woodwork did all these spineless, self-righteous and totally immature people spring from? But, actually, there is hope: some people did speak and act with integrity, and seven SNP members voted against and two abstained in what is being described as the biggest show of dissent in the SNP for umpteen years. Or should that read: in ‘numpteen’ years? When you think of all the numpties who have sat on these Holyrood seats throughout that period, for so long…

Anyway, there is a glimmer of hope, so let us be thankful. Even if it might turn out to be for only a tiny moment, which might prove to be all too brief. I suppose we should enjoy it while we can. Let’s all write to at least the seven who opposed the bill, congratulating and encouraging them. This is indeed a mighty important issue. We want Scotland to be independent, but we don’t want it ever to be ‘Nicola’s Scotland’ (which would make even cloud-cuckoo land seem like the best-run country in the world).


sarah says: 30 October, 2022 at 6:48 pm

Alyn Smith “We don’t do SNP a la carte.”

No. You only do a “fixed” menu.

Thanks Sarah. You made me laugh, and cheered me up. Excellent quip.


Wull said, wull. Good post.


Wull @ 8.14.

Another good post. If it wasn’t for such contributions as this I would wonder what the point of Wings was now.

I do fear that your two words of advice to Nicola will fall on deaf ears. I have two words for her too, which will no doubt suffer a similar fate. So she won’t be going anywhere just yet unfortunately.

But an important precedent has been set and hopefully the small crack will get wider until the monstrous edifice she has created and imposed on Scotland will tumble. Then perhaps a genuine independence seeker will take over. It’s going to take some time I’m afraid.


Maybe the crack that those see widening is actually closing. Let’s not read too much into just yet.

“THE SNP gave their MSPs licence to vote against the Government on reforming gender recognition law, one of the party’s prominent rebels against the law change bid has said.

Glasgow Shettleston MSP John Mason is among those who defied the SNP whip last week but told The National he expected no action to come from the rebellion – the party’s biggest in their 15 years in government.

George Adam, who enforces party discipline for the SNP, told his MSPs they must vote for the bill – an instruction ignored by some.

But Mason claimed MSPs were told they would not have to support the Government if they discussed it with the whips office beforehand.”

link to


link to

In this particular instance, even if it sticks in my craw to say it, the Scottish Tories probably did the right thing. Their basic Party position was to oppose GRA, but they did not whip their MSPs, instead allowing them a free vote. They knew most of their MSPs would freely vote in line with Party policy, which also happened to be the view of the vast majority of the Scottish people. But they also knew they had a couple of MSPs who felt very strongly about the issue, and who were in favour of the bill and could not in conscience vote against it. They respected them.

What do you mean by GRA?


link to

Merganser says:
30 October, 2022 at 9:44 pm

Wull @ 8.14.

Another good post. If it wasn’t for such contributions as this I would wonder what the point of Wings was now.

More complaints about rubbish posts!
Wull posts is fine but I have no idea what he means by GRA do you and Sam?


Just wanted to say as well Wull, great post.

It hits the nail on the head about something that I have been thinking about.

The Tories are rightly labelled as the Nasty party because of their indifference to the poor and vulnerable due to their economic policy.

It has occurred to me that the SNP should be similarly labelled as the Nasty party due to their regressive and damaging social policies that they are foisting unto the Scottish public both without their consent.

It isn’t surprising though. It was the same middle class jaundiced attitude of Labour who thinks the working classes can’t be trusted to lead their lives in the way they choose. Now that the SNP is chasing Labour votes to keep in power, it was inevitable they would adopt the same attitude.

Labour was kicked out of and kept out of power. The same needs to happen to the SNP.


@ wull at 8.14: “…some people did speak and act with integrity…biggest show of “numpteen” years..” [nice humour! Made me smile :)]

We have to be grateful for any signs of backbone amongst the SNP ranks. What a shame that Swinney talked some others out of it – I wonder what was said?

Before the vote I emailed all my MSPs and the only replies were from 2 Conservatives and Emma Roddick SNP [foisted list MSP via unlawful selection procedure]. The Conservatives both wrote thoughtful explanations as to why they would vote against the Bill whilst having sympathy for trans people. Emma Roddick failed to answer my points, merely reiterating her prejudice in favour of exposing women and children to harm.

After the vote I emailed my thanks to the Magnificent Seven plus 2, and took the opportunity to suggest they do something else for us i.e. put forward a Referendum Bill and also sign the Edinburgh Proclamation. 🙂

Of the 2 replies, one courteously replied to my points on both the GRR and independence issues – it was the response to the latter that showed a prime example of the lack of knowledge about Scotland’s constitution that Sara Salyers is talking about in her article on Yours for Scotland when she says “The people of Scotland [including their elected representatives] remain largely unaware of its [the Scottish Constitution] existence, let alone its scope and meaning.”

This MSP believes that: the courts take the view that the Act of Union has no standing; Scotland gave up all its legal rights by joining a larger state; the sovereign Westminster parliament now applies in Scotland too. This MSP thinks that all they can do is build independence support to 60% or more.

I did reply to say those views are mistaken – and asked them to look at Sara Salyers’ article.

Wull, how about you trying to educate your MSP on Sara’s Constitutional discoveries? If all the real Yessers btl here wrote to their MSPs too it must surely help our cause.


wull says:

In this particular instance, even if it sticks in my craw to say it, the Scottish Tories probably did the right thing. Their basic Party position was to oppose GRA,

The bill is called ‘The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill’
The Gender Recognition Act 2004 is what is currently law in England and the Tories fully support this GRA it’s what allows Eddie Izzard to masquerade as a woman and what allowed a rapist calling himself Karen White to spend time in a womans prison
link to
and all the rest of the horrors.

The Scottish Tories were opposed to the ‘The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill’ probably just to score political points and nothing to do with their concern for women.

I get the impression posters are not as informed as they should be possibly due to too much time spent arguing about the war, covid, and the franchise.


iScot fundraiser on it opened on Friday and it has raised £285 of the target £25,000.

Spread the word, folks, please.

George Ferguson

@Ruby 11:07pm
The difference remains. 2 years with a medical assessment or 3 months pretendy. Nobody is arguing the genuine cases of gender dysphoria at least not the Scottish Public. It’s the SNP that are going with this GRR. They know better than us. Transgender males swinging their intact essentials in female safe spaces. The Supreme Court will decide it is unlawful. Thanking you on behalf of my wife, daughters and granddaughters.


wull says:
30 October, 2022 at 8:14 pm

In this particular instance, even if it sticks in my craw to say it, the Scottish Tories probably did the right thing.

I agree with you Wull, but it’s not difficult when Sturgeon’s SNP presented them with an open goal.

Sturgeon’s strategy and policy so bad it makes even Tories look rational. Let’s hope it’s not a trend.

Brian Doonthetoon

People who have gone through the procedures set out in the GRA 2004, whether transmen or transwomen, should be respected.

A problem arises when people with fetishes adopt (self-ID) a gender to cater for their fetishes. Like the men who dress up as ‘ladies’ to gain access to women and girls in changing rooms, where they use their phones to video their victims.

Graham Linehan has documented many examples of this behaviour worldwide, contrary to what Shona Robinson negatively alleges.

It looks like the tide of misogyny and ‘nodding in the direction of’ sexual predation is beginning to turn.

Here’s hoping sanity prevails.

Get the gender-critical news here, by providing an email address. Your eyes will be opened!

link to


Republicofscotland says:
30 October, 2022 at 6:36 pm
The US Army’s 101st Airborne has been deployed to a combat zone for the first time since WW II. They are backing up Nato forces IN 404.

link to

Err… Must be a typo or written by Winston Smith. The 101st Airborne were deployed in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq both Gulf wars, Afghanistan… The real Blackhawk Helicopters shot down in the Blackhawk Down movie were 101st Airborne so that’s Somalia on the list too.

It’s not even correct to say a combat zone Europe because I’m pretty sure the 101st were on the ground in Kosovo. In fairness that might have been as UN peace keepers, but I’m not sure it was. I think they were deployed as US. I had a mate out there who actually was UN, but I’m sure he was chaperone for US troops at one point. Not the 101st, but they were there.


Thank you very much for the necessary correction, and for pointing out my mistake. When I wrote GRA, it should have been GRR. Apologies for any misunderstanding caused by me.


@ George Ferguson 6.23pm As you say real politik ,but these people have been quite happy to take their huge salaries and contributions to their pension pots whilst ordinary people many who probably cannot afford to do so have had to find money from somewhere to contribute to a legal challenge forced on them by THEIR party whilst they sat idly bye

You rightfully get angry and upset at the continuous mismanagement of the SNHS and the incompetence that this government is presiding over, yet every one of those heroes and the rest of the cabal have allowed this MONSTER free reign because, WHAT they are frightened of a jumped up harridan,there is NO EXCUSE for not coming forward sooner and exposing the corruption and perversion at the top of THEIR party


Andy Ellis says:
30 October, 2022 at 4:04 pm

Wow. I must be a busy man. Or am I a woman? Who knows? There again, if I was one person with multiple accounts, I’d definitely try to divert folk by denying being you too wouldn’t I?

Epimenides and his pesky liar paradox eh?

You replied to my comment in repsonse to yours, where you brought the subject of ‘Does Ellis have sock accounts’ up (rather than ignore it completely, as the innocent would)’.

So yes, you do divert folk away from but lazily, because you are guilty and can’t ever detach yourself from that reality.

Being called a liar doesn’t mean the person lies about everything, it just means they’re not trustworthy and is a colloquialism in places like this not an absolute term. I’m not surprised a narcissist like you can’t see that flaws in your own pathetic defence.

And for the umpteenth time, I don’t stalk you. I Lycosed ‘ndls61’ one afternoon in 2021, prompted by a boast of ‘Andy Ellis’ and have an excellent memory for details due to word association – I don’t bank things for future use, the future takes care of that itself on ad hoc basis.

Get over yourself, ya whinging cunt.


@ James Cheyne

You’re another one that needs to slow down…

In my response to Ellis, you were only mentioned but not at the centre. Ellis tagged you into his piss-poor game of deflection – I highlighted the changes in name on your i-pod as example of ‘potential multiple users, or just a lazy person’

I couldn’t give a fuck who you are or where the caravan you used to live in was located…you aren’t that special either, in fact, you what “Agnes”, you come across as a jinx. (h/t Billy Connolly – Billy & Albert)


Some arsehole retweeted the Times, but apt is apt, hence the link sharing of.

Uniting All The Wings, a sketch by somebody.

link to

Gove as a parrot and Raab as a duck…*boom*

John Main

@ Dan says:30 October, 2022 at 7:48 pm

The gustatory habits of moonhowlers are not well enough known to be quoted with certainty.

A year or so back, a generous grant was offered by the prestigious Florida Institute Of Post-Trumpian Studies for an online investigation and study of their behavioural tics.

Rev Stu “retired” and threw this site open for unmoderated comments BTL shortly after.

Go join the dots …

Or maybes ,,,

John Main

@ Republicofscotland says:30 October, 2022 at 8:01 pm

“Yet the writer of the article appears on the believable side, well at least her credentials do”

Hmmm. Any article that includes the phrase “UK rainian Nazis” is not going to come over as believable and unbiased to a rational reader.

Believe it or not, it works the other way too. Any article that includes the phrase “Russti Orcs” is not going to come over as believable and unbiased to a rational reader.

Something else you can believe or not. For years I thought as you do. I did not believe the Russtis had anything to do with the downed airliner. I did not believe they interfered in western democratic processes, even arguing against competent and respected authorities about that. I thought the Skripal story stank. I thought the trail of bodies Vlad has left around the world just an over-exaggerated coincidence.

Then, after weeks of denial from Mad Vlad, came Feb 24th. I saw I had been wrong for a long time.

One day the scales will fall from your eyes too.

John Main

@ wull says:30 October, 2022 at 8:14 pm

That’s an excellent post, reasonable, understanding of all sides, eloquent.

But it fails to mention one thing that interests me.

The last HR election was May 2021, less than 18 months ago.

Was the intent to pass the bill we are talking about in the SNP manifesto?

That’s a simple question. If the answer is Yes, then the SNP are entitled to steamroller it through.

And, as for those whose “principles” have caused them to vote agin it, they should never have become MSPs under false pretenses if they did not or could not support the manifesto.

I am hoping the answer is No! Maybes somebody can answer.


“Then, after weeks of denial from Mad Vlad, came Feb 24th. I saw I had been wrong for a long time.

One day the scales will fall from your eyes too.”

-John Main.

So, the guy you trusted announces “SMO” [sic] and suddenly all faith is lost, including in your own past logical judgement?

Plausible and irrational in equal measure.

If BBC could dismiss state TV & papers from mosscow as propaganda, my new-to-tvnews mind could follow the logic to its natural conclusion.

Believe none of what you here, and only half of what you see. And then vote accordingly, or take legal action to curb the executive’s actions.

And John, if you want to see the money in iScotland, allow me.

On day 1, businesses & people will need to use £Scot, Scotland’s official currency.

They’ll need to exchange existing currency to do so, and if Scotland’s CB offers a premium to you and me with domestic accounts, meaning prices go down eg £2GBP loaf now costs £1.75Scot. The markets will take care of the exchange price over time, once bonds are sold. They don’t have to be sold to finance the first tranche of new money, it already exists in another form…the value of goods and services and savings and debt and land value etc.

The tax regime can be adjusted to meet demand for new money, but the first tranche isn’t created by national debt.

It is free money for Scotland.

And if everyone leaves at the thought of ‘the risk’, costs to the state go down and everyone will be happy. Including me, because I’m going nowhere.

Your move.



No comment on whether the 101st are in 404, you’ve listed everywhere else they’ve been.


“One day the scales will fall from your eyes too.”


They fell away years ago, and like I said before there are no good guys just levels of complicitness. and that includes P_tin.


link to

George Ferguson says:
30 October, 2022 at 11:49 pm

@Ruby 11:07pm
The difference remains. 2 years with a medical assessment or 3 months pretendy. Nobody is arguing the genuine cases of gender dysphoria at least not the Scottish Public. It’s the SNP that are going with this GRR. They know better than us. Transgender males swinging their intact essentials in female safe spaces. The Supreme Court will decide it is unlawful. Thanking you on behalf of my wife, daughters and granddaughters.

The medical assessment can come after the 2 years of pretendy and in some cases no medical evidence is required. How does a doctor diagnose that someone has been born in the wrong body?

“The GRA allows transgender adults to apply to the Gender Recognition Panel for a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC). In most cases, applicants must provide medical evidence of a diagnosis of gender dysphoria and details of any treatment received; evidence of living in their acquired gender for at least two years; and a statutory declaration that they will continue to do so permanently. There is no requirement for applicants to have undergone gender reassignment surgery or hormone treatment.”
link to

Under this law anyone can ‘live in their acquired gender for at least two years’ Could be 10 years or twenty years or a day every now and then.

There is no need for a medical assessment or a diagnosis of gender dysphoria you just ‘live as a woman’ What this law is saying is anyone can pretend to be a woman. I don’t see a great deal of difference between this and self-id.

GRRB, GRA 2004 anything that states a man is a woman is fraught with problems.

The whole thing is insane and there must be a better way to cure gender dysphoria if it is actually a thing.

link to

Kevin McKenna
The SNP assault on women’s rights shames Scotland

Once, women had a reasonable expectation that by having breasts, a vagina and a womb they could claim exclusive and protected rights. Now they find that in modern Scotland and across the UK those terms indicating womanhood are being deleted and replaced by a contrived lexicon of terminological sophistry.

Currently all focus is on Scotland and the SNP but the same problem exists across the UK.
I don’t accept that the Tories have done good!


Alba stepping up a gear, I’ll look out of the billboards.

link to


link to

Interesting cartoon.


I smell a Great Satan dirty campaign coming on.

“Former Brazilian President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva on Sunday defeated incumbent Jair Bolsonaro in an election that marked a stunning comeback for the leftist leader and the end of the country’s most right-wing government in decades.

Lula has vowed a return to state-driven economic growth and social policies that helped lift millions out of poverty when he governed Brazil from 2003 to 2010. He also promises to combat destruction of the Amazon rainforest, now at a 15-year high, and make Brazil a leader in global climate talks.

His victory consolidates a new “pink tide” in Latin America, after landmark leftist victories in Colombia and Chile’s elections, echoing a regional political shift two decades ago that introduced Lula to the world stage.”


wull says:
31 October, 2022 at 1:43 am

Thank you very much for the necessary correction, and for pointing out my mistake. When I wrote GRA, it should have been GRR. Apologies for any misunderstanding caused by me.

Sorry if I was a bit harsh wull this whole transgender madness is really winding me up!


As of December 2020, there have now been a total of 5,871 full GRCs granted since 2005, yet tentative estimates suggest there are an estimated 200,000 to 500,000 transgender people living in the UK.

Why bother with a GRC you can be ‘a woman’ without one.

Ian Brotherhood

@Ruby –

‘…tentative estimates suggest there are an estimated 200,000 to 500,000 transgender people living in the UK.’

They’re not ‘tentative estimates’. They’re wild guesses.

Shona Robison also used the 500,000 figure when she was summing up for the government in last week’s debate. She may as well have plucked it from Patrick Harvie’s left nostril for all the value it has.

George Ferguson

@Twathater 2:55pm
I have got past the point of anger or frustration about the SNHS. I wonder if you read the Michael Glackin article in the Sunday Times a week ago reciting his experience of ERI A and E and comparing it unfavourably to an A and E experience in Beirut. Black humour the coping mechanism of journalists and SNHS staff alike. Or yesterday by Martin Geissler. Numbers presenting to A and E in 2017 for 2 Health Boards compared to now. Roughly the same numbers but with radically different outcomes. The strategic planning decisions made by a former Health Secretary over 10 years ago impacting on the service now. Result unnecessary excess deaths. Nobody is accountable for anything. But still the people vote NuSNP.


link to

‘tentative estimates’ or ‘wild guesses’

My point was why would you need a GRC if you can ‘impersonate’ a woman without one?


George Ferguson says:
31 October, 2022 at 10:15 am

‘But still the people vote NuSNP’

If there is a silver lining surrounding that dark cloud, it is that those voters are still aboard the Independence bandwagon. There are no other reasons to be blinded by NSNP.

Alex Salmond did such a fantastic job of associating Indy with SNP it is now entrenched in voters minds to the exclusion of all else, just like the brands shoppers associate with, cornflakes/Kellogg’s, beans/Heinz, etc.
The difficulty is in uncoupling the Indy brand from SNP – and keeping those who have yet to see through Sturgeon – without damaging the case for Independence. If voters take note of what’s happening with NHS/education/poverty/drugs/energy and mistakenly conclude SNP bad, therefore Indy bad, we’ve got an even bigger hill to climb.

It looks like Alba is treading carefully around this dilemma: it’s interesting that the new billboard campaign if focused exclusively on WM. It may also go some way to explain why AS is reluctant to launch a full-frontal attack on Stugeon/SNP, because, as we all know, he has abundant firepower.

George Ferguson

@Ebok 11:41pm
Thanks for the positivity on a Monday morning! Good to see Alba becoming more visible. I voted for Alba twice now. I no longer see the NSNP as an Independence party. There was one thing about Alex Salmond’s tenure as leader. He was competent.


@ George Ferguson: “There was one thing about Alex Salmond’s tenure as leader. He was competent.”

Two things. He had one majority and immediately obtained an agreed referendum.

If only he hadn’t stepped aside…

James Che


I dont think I have ever felt special, and no one should,
were all human beings at different stages and places experiencing alternative lifes.

But perhaps it should noted that Stu’s topic is the gender bill, and save spaces for women and children,

On this subject I have first hand experience, which I doubt you have had, so is easy for you to be dismissive and distant in your attitude toward the horrendous lives of women and children across Britain not just Scotland.

That may also be the case for politicians attempting to pass this bill. Not lived it, not experienced it, don’t care, let it keep on happening to other children and women, not your worry, be dimissive.
Got it.



I see the cerebral organoids have been on the rampage in my absence…

Anyway, I heard that by the end of the decade (ceteris paribus) the amount of money the US Treasury raises annually in taxes will equal the amount they pay annually in interest to service US national debt.

That’s quite a predicament. It would mean they have no money to spend on anything, with everything effectively going towards making minimal payments on the credit card.

It’s hard to imagine how they could borrow their way out of that hole. Who would they borrow from, themselves?

With the very real prospect of BRICS leading to more and more countries dumping the US dollar, it’s hard to see a solution for the US that doesn’t involve a major barny which they would almost certainly lose — this is a country that couldn’t even beat Afghanistan after 20 years of trying, a third world country with no real army of Air Force.

The US is basically the Willy Loman of international relations, angry, confused, and clapped out, prone to reminiscing about ‘good old days’ that were shit for almost everybody else.

The US might have been feared but it was never “well liked”.

It’s over.

schrodingers cat

Salvo and Sara Salyers getting hoofed into touch at Alba conference. starts at 29 mins

link to


@ schrodingers cat: “…Salvo hoofed into touch at Alba conference”

but they rattled back the next day and have plenty of support amongst Alba members and every Yesser who hears the message. Salvo activity is growing – Salvo supporters had an update yesterday.


@ schrodingers cat

Are you chuffed about them as you put it “getting hoofed into touch”?

And are you the same cat that got hoofed intae touch from Wings btl a couple of years back?


Liz Truss sent a text to US Sec. State Blinken a minute after nord stream was blown up, saying “it’s done…”

Regardless of any whataboutery we might expect on here, how can we expect Vlad to react?

And what will the Germans think?

We will soon find out.


@schrodingers cat

Cheers scat,
For the timely reminder that I hadn’t got round to signing up with Salvo.
Sorted now.


I see schrodingers cat is visiting from PayPal pauls sturgeon apologist and sycophants lair , and as usual he is spreading disinformation in an obvious attempt to smear ALBA and Sara Salyers cooperation , I watched his link again and funny enough I didn’t see any “HOOFING” of Sara Salyers , BUT I did hear numerous references to an incompetent , corrupt , lying harridan and her party of FAKE independence representatives who have had 8 years in power and numerous mandates to lead Scotland to independence but have FAILED SPECTACULARLY to even challenge WM on ANYTHING

Not only that but her and her parties governance of Scotland has also been a SPECTACULAR FAILURE with continuous lies and BROKEN PROMISES , a national energy company (lies and failure) , missing 600k indy fund (lies and failure) I could go on but PayPal pauls disciples and sycophants don’t want the truth


The super-rich neoliberal PM Sunak has installed several of the Institute of Economic Affairs’ biggest supporters in his cabinet and made one of its former staff members his chief spin doctor.

The IEA, of whom Mrs Thatcher herself stated that “What we have achieved could never have been done without the leadership of the IEA.” heavily favours privatisation.

link to

John Main

@Hats 2:01 pm

It can’t be just me that feels so privileged to get an insight into the mind of a self-confessed over achiever.

Here’s the thing though. Take the example Hats sets, where a country owes so much in debt all of the taxes it raise goes in interest. Is it only an over-achiever that could miss the obvious solution – default?

What’s that you say, Sooty? A country that defaults can’t borrow money?

Oh dear. But wait. A country that owes so much in debt all of the taxes it raises goes in interest can’t borrow money either.

Here’s another thing. Virtually every country in the world is massively in debt. What’s that, Sooty? Who do they owe the debt to?

The truly interesting fact is that they owe the debt to us and to our children, grandchildren, and those as yet unborn. There is no grand lender country, which is owed vast sums by every other borrowing country.

What’s that Sooty? How much did Hats pay for his over-achieving qualification by post?

Too much. Obvs.

John Main

@Hats 5:44

[Long suffering sigh]

Got a linky-winky?

You do know that three separate pipelines were blown, with three separate explosions?

Don’t tell me – facts just get in the way of your over-achieving capabilities!

What network is Truss on? I’m sick of EE – looking for a positive review to justify changing provider.

Andy Ellis


Anyway, I heard that by the end of the decade (ceteris paribus) the amount of money the US Treasury raises annually in taxes will equal the amount they pay annually in interest to service US national debt.

Did you now? Where might you have heard it? Of course the only consistently accurate prediction from economists is that in the long run we are all dead. I think others might disagree with those you heard from. Presumably if the US is facing the downward spiral you insist is looming, it might look to do things differently, like raising taxes, or changing its spending priorities. Or it might not.

Your Cassandra-esque predictions of the fall of the US and western liberal democratic dominance to be replaced with a brave new BRICS world may come to pass. Or there again, it might not.

Life comes at us fast. The Economist captured it succinctly back in 2014 when it pointed to Argentina’s experience:

“In the 43 years leading up to 1914, GDP had grown at an annual rate of 6%, the fastest recorded in the world. The country was a magnet for European immigrants, who flocked to find work on the fertile pampas, where crops and cattle were propelling Argentina’s expansion. In 1914 half of Buenos Aires’s population was foreign-born. The country ranked among the ten richest in the world, after the likes of Australia, Britain and the United States, but ahead of France, Germany and Italy. Its income per head was 92% of the average of 16 rich economies. From this vantage point, it looked down its nose at its neighbours: Brazil’s population was less than a quarter as well-off.”

link to

The US might have been feared but it was never “well liked”.

That’s a fairly broad brush statement. Superpowers, like imperial powers in the past, are generally resented by many or most of those they exert power or influence over, whether the Spaniards in the days of Charles V, France in the days of the Sun King or Napoleon trying to dominate Europe, the UK in the 19th and early 20th century, or the USA and USSR post 1945, not to mention the Germans, the Ottomans or the Chinese.

It’s undeniable that many Europeans post WW2 were fairly keen on the Allies for helping liberate them. I can understand people being ideologically opposed to whichever “side” of current events they deem most culpable, but I don’t think you can re-write history on the basis that since neither side is perfect, we should consign both to the dustbin of history, or insist there is no difference between them at all.

Despite your lets call them “brave” attempts in here, and those of others, to paint the Great Satan as being as bad or worse than authoritarian or totalitarian regimes elsewhere, the vast majority of the population here aren’t buying it. It doesn’t mean they’re unaware of the negative aspects of western policies and actions and can’t tell the difference, nor does it mean they’re blinded by MSM propaganda, or can’t discern for themselves that the moral equivalence between the two sides proposed by some is simply wrong.

Of course fringe groups in the west have been making such false moral equivalence arguments for decades, or even longer. Conjuring the ghost of the BRICS led New World Order as an antidote isn’t just premature and conjectural however, there’s no guarantee that the alternative will be any better. It might even prove to be a good deal worse.

Madame de Pompadour, the mistress of Louis XV is now generally attibuted with the sayin “Après nous, le déluge” as a result of the king’s sadness at defeat by the Prussians at the Battle of Rossbach and the sense of doom many had the impending approach of Halley’s Comet.

The Ancien Regime lasted a few decades more of course…..


“The truly interesting fact is that they owe the debt to us and to our children, grandchildren, and those as yet unborn. There is no grand lender country, which is owed vast sums by every other borrowing country.” – John Main

“the money” [sic] was just resting in his brain.

They isn’t very bright.

John Main

Non-hysterics interested in the pipeline explosions in the Baltic could do worse than read:

link to

Weed smokers and owners of every Bond movie ever released on VHS are welcome to believe that PMs and other high-level western government office holders keep in touch by text.

Wonder if they have special Satanic emojis too?


Ah yes the Economist, who’s editor John Micklethwait (a Bilderberger) called Scotland in his shitrag magazine Skintland, (map and all) if its citizens chose independence over the union.


“but I don’t think you can re-write history on the basis that since neither side is perfect, we should consign both to the dustbin of history, or insist there is no difference between them at all.” – Ellis

We could agree not to go to war with each other and stick to the promise.

I know it’s a “novel” [sic] route to remedy, but it might just work.

USA will never stop being scared of the reds. It is a commonwealth of imbeciles run by imbeciles for the benfit of imbeciles.

Separation of Church & State is in the ‘amended Constitution’, the 2A lunatics are beholden to, but In Dog We Trust gets a free pass.

USA’s only friend is “The American Dream”. Fuck all of them, thrice.

It’s freaks disguised as Yanks we’re up against on the path to peace, and no other cohort.

Have a nice fucken day now, prick.


“Non-hysterics interested in the pipeline explosions in the Baltic could do worse than read:”


I doubt they could do worse, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, is funded primarily, by the CIA front the Smith Richardson Foundation. Among its funders is an unusual one, Norway’s Foreign ministry via a NGO, that has strong links to Nato.


John Main says:
31 October, 2022 at 6:19 pm

Weed smokers and owners of every Bond movie ever released on VHS are welcome to believe that PMs and other high-level western government office holders keep in touch by text.

Wonder if they have special Satanic emojis too?

If the device uses Unicode it likely will.

I’ve not watched a James Bond fillum for decades. I’ve only seen Tam Connery, George Lazenby & Roger Moore play the part, have I missed anything in whoever else appeared on VHS?


I’ll be in Edinburgh tomorrow and wonder if any of the local posse can recommend an eatery near the High Street that does standard grub, and is The Scotsman Lounge still the best pub in central Edinburgh?

Don’t recommend The Malt Shovel, they still owe me ‘dinner for 2’ I won in a raffle in 1987 they refused to honour.


Hello, Ruby @ 9.54 a.m. No problem at all. You weren’t harsh, and you were quite right to pose the question. Thank you. All the best.

John Main

@Scott says:31 October, 2022 at 6:39 pm

“have I missed anything in whoever else appeared on VHS”

Doubt it Scott.

Some Freeview channel has been running the Mission Impossible films lately. IMO, the stunts and camera work make even the latest Bond films look second rate.


John Main says:
31 October, 2022 at 7:52 pm

Doubt it Scott.

Some Freeview channel has been running the Mission Impossible films lately. IMO, the stunts and camera work make even the latest Bond films look second rate.

I didn’t actually care, I was being ironic. I’ve stated many times that am no inty fantasy that contains fantasy to the extreme OR WATCH TV OF ANY KIND, NOT EVEN STREAMING SERVICES. Anyone can invent something that invokes a response of ‘that’d be cool’. See Polis boxes and the Tardis, and Astrophysics. [Dr Who was a load of shite, apart from that time the teenage me saw the companion with big tits] 3 channels was just something to do in between other things, not a way of life.

Get a proper hobby, saddo. This message won’t self-destruct either.

George Ferguson

Just back from a trick or treat with my little granddaughter. Lots of people out but especially glad to see young women and girls enjoying themselves without fear. OK there were a few minders out there like myself. Good fun but it’s a neap lantern not a pumpkin! I guess I am showing my age. However there is hope for Scotland with this sort of community spirit.


World Economic Forum (2016): Agenda: America’s dominance is over. By 2030, we’ll have a handful of global powers:

“The world’s political landscape in 2030 will look considerably different to the present one…

The post-war order that held since the middle of the twentieth century is coming unstuck. Expect uncertainty and instability ahead…

Nation states are making a comeback…

It was not supposed to be this way. During the 1990s, scholars forecasted the decline and demise of the nation state. Globalization was expected to hasten their irrelevance…”:

link to


If I’m guessing about the future of the US economy, you are too, Ellis. The difference is that I happen to know what I’m talking about, and you don’t.

The US is estimated to be in around $150 to $200 trillion in unfounded debt and liabilities — estimated because it’s such a mess that nobody even knows for sure. With a GDP of around $23 trillion, you don’t need to be a genius to work out that something’s got to give.

They thought the little proxy war on Vlad’s borders would wear him out. It’s backfired and will go down as a monumental mistake that served only to hasten the demise of the US.

Taiwan policy will backfire too and Chinese troops will occupy by Christmas — not a thing anyone can do about that, I’m afraid. I say “occupy” but we all know Taiwan is part of the one and only China — and the US officially agrees btw.

Now that everybody knows the truth about Nordstream, how do you think the shivering Germans will respond? As I understand it, nordstream was largely paid for by Germans. There’s a scenario brewing, though, isn’t there… it isn’t good for the US.

Andy Ellis


The difference is that I happen to know what I’m talking about, and you don’t.

Ah right. That’s us all definitely convinced then. Over achiever Hatuey has pronounced.

Taiwan policy will backfire too and Chinese troops will occupy by Christmas — …

Now there’s a hostage to fortune. So….what….55 days? Time will tell I guess. I’d have thought our American friends would have spotted the PLA’s preparations for such an undertaking. Taking on the Taiwanese armed forces – and the US which would undoubtedly come to their direct aid unlike in country 404’s case – would likely be the biggest amphibious assault since D-Day.

Of course what’s more likely is that you’re talking out your arse as usual. If I was a betting man like Rev Stu I’d offer you a wee wager. I wonder what the odds are…?

WoS very own Cassandra. Not too long to wait…..


“Taking on the Taiwanese armed forces – and the US which would undoubtedly come to their direct aid unlike in country 404’s case – would likely be the biggest amphibious assault since D-Day.” – Ellis

“Time prevents me from going into the level of detail that my hon. Friend has asked for, but I can reassure the House that, while the UK is second only to the United States of America in giving direct military support, other countries around the world and around Europe are very much providing support to *Redacted* and have responded with alacrity to the *Redacted* invasion of *Redacted*. Both through NATO and through institutions including the G7, we have become closer as allies, and I am sure that we will continue to stand in solidarity in our support for the *Redactedians* in the defence of their homeland.” – James Cleverly MP, Foreign Secretary.

Who to believe?


Andy Ellis wants his doctoral thesis, in which he imagines US supremacy impacting on Europe and elsewhere, to be seen as a prophecy, so someone can quote it as proof of his genius. It’s in the St Andrews Uni suppository under the name “Scott”.

Before reproducing the complete works of Shakespeare, the monkeys took fewer goes to match Ellis’ effort than the original took to get right.

Andy Ellis


Still banging on about me I see. Your obsession is showing again “Scott”. Face it, I’m never going to date you, even if you desperately come to Edinburgh with your carer hoping for a meeting.

No wonder nobody here wants to have anything to do with a misanthrope like you and ignores your pathetic attempts to ingratiate yourself asking for restaurant recommendations. Given your penchant for falling out with a’body in here they’d probably send you anywhere they knew they wouldn’t be just in case.


“Face it, I’m never going to date you, even if you desperately come to Edinburgh with your carer hoping for a meeting.” – Ellis


I’ve never even considered it, because I’m not gay, nor have I ever considered setting up a meeting with you.

What I have said is that if I ever saw you, I’d point and laugh. I wouldn’t go looking for you in order to do so, though. That would be a batshit mental scenario to even consider as a possibility.


I’ll bet on it, Ellis; one way or another, they’ll do it.

You’ve obviously not been paying attention, though… specifically to Chinese rockets which turned the US Navy into sitting ducks — they can take out anything in the Taiwan Strait without so much as getting their feet wet.

The world is wondering how the US would react to a hostile nation trying to dominate its coastal waters whilst making all sorts of threatening gestures. You might not think there’s ‘moral equivalence’ in that (a hollow phrase that means nothing), but the Chinese do.

None of this really has anything to do with laws or morals, or even politics, though. In Taiwan, Eastern Europe, and everywhere else, the US is fighting and losing an economic war against China. The latest US National Defence Review spells it out; the Sino-Russo strategic relationship is a game-changer. Even without that alliance, it’s predicted that the Chinese economy will overtake the US by 2028 (Centre for Economics and Business Research).

The strategy, to cause wars rather than accommodate and negotiate, stinks of pure desperation; is the US public going to support a war over Taiwan, an island so many thousand miles away that everybody accepts is part of China?

The only reason they’re getting away with their antics in Eastern Europe is because the average American doesn’t give a fuck, as revealed in poll after poll.

They’ve even lost Saudi Arabia, something nobody could imagine just 4 years ago.

Here’s another prediction; the US economy will be in free-fall by the spring, probably a lot sooner. The indications are that it could be worse than the last crash too. Their numbers simply don’t add up anymore — capitalism underpinned by debt, massive bailouts, and fake money doesn’t cut it today and their sabre rattling only makes things worse.

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    • Dan on Closer To Home: “Aye, most of these politically illiterate pygmy bawheids that get taken in by low brow ADD Arsebook and TikTok shite…Feb 3, 20:40
    • Billy Carlin on Closer To Home: “The NHS is and always has been a PRIVATE CORPORATION listed on Dun & Bradstreet and being traded on the…Feb 3, 20:23
    • Geri on Closer To Home: “Jeez, you zip up the back. But by all means, after you. Sign up to one of the many private…Feb 3, 20:14
  • A tall tale

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