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Wings Over Scotland

Traitors’ Gate

Posted on April 26, 2021 by

“They don’t even live in Scotland!”  

It really is quite uncanny how similar some SNP supporters have become to the most frothing, abusive blood-and-soil Yoons of 2014. But we can live with this company:

And let’s make something very clear.

If the SNP win an absolute majority on their own in next month’s election, it will be the end of independence. It’ll also be the end of women’s rights and any meaningful concept of freedom of speech in Scotland. It would be an unmitigated disaster on every level for everyone in the country, nationalists and unionists alike. (The only thing worse would be a coalition with the Greens.)

The idea that a couple of bloggers and Alex Salmond could stop that happening is frankly idiotic. If anything Mr Salmond has increased the chances of it happening by repeatedly urging people to vote SNP on the constituency vote, which has persuaded some people who otherwise weren’t going to. But if somehow an SNP majority was prevented, that’s something we would be enormously proud to have contributed to.

Wings Over Scotland still believes fundamentally in independence. It’s a nonsense for any country to be denied the right to elect its own governments. But we no longer believe that the SNP under its current leadership has any intention of delivering it, and the only slight chance of them being forced to is if they’re reliant on the support of parties who do.

(Also, if independence was won under this leadership the Scotland that would result would be a terrifying and dreadful place. Nothing in Scotland can be good while the corrupt, spiteful liar Nicola Sturgeon leads the SNP. But nevertheless Scotland should have the ability to make that mistake without requiring the permission of the corrupt, brainless liar Boris Johnson.)

Unfortunately, anyone who really wants to achieve independence is in a total cleft stick in this election. Giving even one of your two votes to the SNP risks them getting a majority, since they can very plausibly win one of those on constituency seats alone.

But any constituency seat they DON’T win improves their chances of winning list seats, which would in almost every case go to the absolute worst people the SNP has – truly abominable dreck who would be a disgrace to any party and should under no circumstances ever be anywhere near any levers of power – and thereby reduces the chances of the only genuinely pro-independence party winning those seats.

There’s no strategy which can address this problem. The Holyrood electoral system means that voters are essentially voting blind, with no way of knowing what impact their first vote might have on their second one. All they and we can do is hope for a good outcome through sheer dumb luck.

Realistically, barring a complete miracle of fate, independence is already over for the next five years. It’s absolutely clear from what the SNP have said that there will be no indyref before 2026. The best even vaguely plausible outcome is that a sizeable number of Alba MSPs provides a base from which to build an alternative to the SNP for the NEXT election.

(Actually that’s not quite true. The best thing that could possibly happen to the independence movement would be that Anas Sarwar won Glasgow Southside and Nicola Sturgeon lost her seat due to the SNP’s crooked, gerrymandered list rankings. But the First Minister now so gravely lacks even the tiniest shred of dignity or shame that she’d probably force Roza Salih to step down so that she could take the list seat the young refugee would likely win in those circumstances away from her and slither back into Bute House through the back door.)

If we lived in Scotland – and to be truthful we’re increasingly glad we don’t, because it’s no longer safe – we’d be voting Alba on the list and spoiling our constituency ballot (unless we lived in Dumfriesshire where we could vote for Joan McAlpine, who we THINK is the only SNP constituency candidate prepared to actually say what a woman is, or in Glasgow Southside where may God have mercy on our souls we’d be voting for the idiot Sarwar because it was – absurdly – by far the best vote for independence).

But as noted above, that’s a Catch 22 situation in terms of actually getting Alba MSPs elected, which is the only longer-term hope, and we understand and sympathise with the position of those who are holding their noses very very hard and voting SNP1 for that reason. It’s just something we couldn’t personally bring ourselves to do. You can’t vote for evil and then wash your hands of responsibility for what evil does, and the current SNP is unquestionably an entity of evil.

So that’s where we are. 10 days out from the election, other than voting Alba on the list there is no useful advice we can offer to our readers. There are even a small handful of seats where there’s a legitimate argument for indy supporters voting for Unionist parties. The only thing that can be said with absolute 100% certainty, whichever seat you live in, is that you shouldn’t vote Green, because then YOU’RE the evil.

Everything else is in the hands of fate, and complete morons like Jayne Johnson. Just cross your fingers and hope for the best, folks.

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Had that idiot blocked on twitter for a while now.

A weapons grade zoomer.


Edinburgh Southern, Catriona MacDonald is definitely worth a first vote. Relentless and tireless campaigner who stood against Ian Murray with little chance is is standing against his mate now. She is one of the good guys, has the audacity to even have Joanna Cherry on her leaflets which don’t have both votes SNP on them and you even hear her saying those words. I see her cycling a about up hills will hundred did leaflets on her back. She has been shafted to 5 on the Lothian list. Give her your first vote if you live in Edinburgh Southern.


*and is standing.

Dave Beveridge

I’ll be gutted if Alba get NO seats and I find I’ve contributed to putting Sturgeon back in with my constituency vote. Some gamble. 🙁


I’m hoping for “a week is a long time in politics ” miracle.

The monster in westmonster is getting attacked from all sides. He may decide the state broadcaster should start telling the truth about SNP policies (ironically to distract from his malfeasance) . Then it might hit the fan.

I have heard the SNP are absolutely pink lint. Good.

To nicola’s loyal MSPs and MPs ( and that includes fence-sitters) – you wont be forgiven.

Freddie French

She’s just weird. How strange that someone who makes their living as a “celebrant” should be so filled with hate and vindictiveness. Are her comments actionable under the Hate Crime legislation?


Yep we are in a terrible situation at the moment, in a mad country where half of the population doesn’t understand their own voting system, and shouts at the few who do.

I too cannot vote for the SNP in its present form, there is no peg strong enough to stop my nose from detecting the sulphur and corruption wafting out from the party.

So Alba and a spoiled first vote for me.


That hateful spiteful creature I blocked pretty soon after ALBA came on the scene, the nastiness is typical of today’s SNP party. She is not for debating, has nothing to say other than ALEX SALMOND BAC really. A true CULT follower if ever there was one..

Margaret Lindsay

The sad thing is, there are some decent msps out there who may be out of a job on the 6th because of the amount of us funding it hard to breathe we’ve hell our nose so many times ( Kate Forbes, my apologies).
I hope to hell folk don’t vote green though. I’m having nightmares at the thought of Harvie Hates Women as justice secretary, or Yousless as secretary for health and SNHS. An entirely plausible scenario if they enter into a coalition.
Damned if we do…


Thanks for the oil on these turgid waters Stu, we’re all on the same side after all.

Graeme Hampton

This is pretty much where I am. Voting Alba on the List, and holding my nose and voting SNP (Keith Brown) on the constituency. If I lived elsewhere in Scotland I’d have to think very carefully indeed. Govan, sadly, would be a skoosh for Sarwar.

Stuart MacKay

This the same Jayne Johnson who appears to have Twitter Superpowers and can pack three maybe four different statements into one tweet:

I don’t understand those who say the SNP haven’t moved quickly enough for Independence… The SNP have played this well. In truth I don’t think people leaving is about timing, but about bigotry. They can’t see the forest for the trees.

Where to start?

Sue Varley

Before Alba, I was going to spoil my constituency ballot and vote ISP on the list.

Now, I have really no idea what I should do, so I’m going to vote for Kate Forbes on the (admittedly weak) grounds that she is not as bad as most in the SNP, that Alex Salmond has asked us to and that I would hate to trade Forbes for the person who heads the list in Highlands and Islands.

But it is only my list vote for Alba that I am happy with.

Josef Ó Luain

Proto fascists, like Ms Johnson, must be called out, and relentlessly so.

Tom Kane

Thanks Lennie… Well said.
Catriona’s poster is in my window.
Rev… There is another aspect of SNP 1… This leadership is very shortly going to be thoroughly chastised by SNP membership. There’s no way they can survive the light that bloggers like your good self and the aforementioned have been shining in the shenanigans.

So SNP 1 and a reigning in of leadership practices will bring a new SNP to the fore. I don’t think the SNP is as lost yet as New Labour got.

It’s a hunch. The alternative is to wait 5 years. I don’t think that’s sensible… Asset stripping will start as soon as the Tories and one-England-suits-all unionists can get away with it. That’s the immediate threat to Scotland.

Right now I have faith in the SNP membership. And the ALBA vision.

katherine hamilton

The D’Hondt system is impossible to predict because of the myriad of reasons folk can have for casting their List vote. Could be SNP1 Tory2 or vice versa if you’re a Tory who likes Nicola’s policies that suit you, and so on. Same with former Labour people who want independence. SNP1 Labour2 for old times sake.

There are as many variations as there are voters. It’s a roll of the dice, really. What is depressing is it’s the same old time wasters standing, except for Ross and Salmond, and all of them of poor quality. Mind you we rejected independence when we had it in the palm of our hands, and they do say countries get the government they deserve.

Hell mend us. Maybe this is our comeuppance.


If the support for independence has gone down recently then one reason might be that ALBA has shone a light on the non-specific Indy timetable.

The reality is that soft yes and nos have felt happy to vote SNP knowing that independence isn’t any time soon. ALBA coming along has focussed on that. The SNP will have to get off that fence soon, especially if they win a majority.

If they don’t get a party majority and the Greens are their working majority partners, Scotland will have lost the opportunity of a generation and the only people to blame are the strategists of the SNP.

Molly's Mum

Other half was talking to an Independence supporter today about SNP1 ALBA2 – guy said he’s voting Both Votes SNP

Other half told him we had both left the SNP and joined ALBA and gave him a few home truths – women’s rights, NEC, gerrymandering of list votes. Guy was amazed, knew nothing about any of these and that was without mentioning the mystery of the missing £600k and not a word about Alex Salmond

That’s the problem – the ordinary voter is oblivious to this stuff and will shashay down to the Polling Station on May 6th, or fill in their postal vote thinking this is it, this is the indyref parliament

He’s awa’ tae think again


I just can’t understand those in the SNP who are still supporting Nicola Sturgeon’s appalling government. They can’t see the lack of democracy; or maybe they want to be dictated to instead of taking part in a debate over policy. They can’t see the difference in treatment of Alex Salmond and Craig Murray and several others and the free pass people like Kirsty Wark and the wider BBC and media got from the Crown Prosecution service? (I identified an alphabet woman from Wark’s ‘documentary’ before it was taken down and edited.)
I could go on and on about the obvious problems within the SNP but most sensible people could recite them in their sleep. The others must be deliberately closing their eyes, ears and brains. What do they think Nicola Sturgeon meant when she said “This election is not about Independence.” on the Andrew Marr show yesterday?
I am a lifelong supporter of SNP. I voted SNP1 and Alba2. It is the last time I will vote SNP unless and until the membership regains control of the party. It may very well be the last time I vote SNP at all as I may not have 5 years spare to wait for the next referendum. A sorry end to my time as an SNP activist. But, hey ho, let’s support the local YES movement and Alba and hope against hope for better times.


Don’t forget Bonnie Prince Bob in Edinburgh Central. Much better than Angus Robertson.

I love that BPB’s fundraiser has – at this time – raised over £2,000 more than Robertson’s (and in less time).

Grahame Case

Fiona Hyslop got my constituency vote, reluctantly. and Alba got my list vote.

Prior to Alba I would have spoiled my constituency vote with a big “Wheres the £600,000 ?” written across it, wasn’t sure who would have got my list prior to Alba and Alex appearing on the scene, but it wouldn’t have been for the SNP carpet bagger Graeme Campbell on the Lothian List.

A thoroughly disillusioned former SNP member and Activist.


Thanks Stu. Another dilemma.
Vote SNP1 and get Jenni Minto
or don’t vote and get Emma Roddick on list.

Both terrible. Jenni Minto has all the signs of a full raving woki.

The Dissident

I mostly agree Stu but I do think you may be underestimating the effect that a reasonable group of Alba MSPs could have even in the face of even a majority SNP Government.

Sturgeon fears failure. Let’s not get into the reasons why here but that is ultimately why she will not progress a Referendum. Losing a referendum is a career ending risk for her. There are subtleties around that which her personality disorder does not allow her to see – so it’s all black or white to her.

But, with a viable alternative in the parliament – an alternative which keeps the discussion on Independence perpetually current – not progressing a Referendum ultimately carries the same risk. Her ability to control the narrative (or just deny the narrative altogether) disappears.

I suspect the fear of losing control and/or support to Alex Salmond will be even harder for her to handle than the fear of losing a Referendum. This is the explanation for her behaviour during this campaign.

One final thing. I suspect support for Alba is much higher than people imagine. That was my own hunch all along but one of my relatives, who has been a member of the SNP and an activist for over 50 years, was telling me at the weekend that they don’t know a single person who is voting SNP 1 and 2, including themselves.


I know a girl
Her name is Jayne
She only screws up
Now and again
And again
And again
And again


Excellent article Stuart, they really are evil antidemocrats.


Always expedient to get your excuses in early, Jayne.

Hearing things on the street you don’t like?


I have already decided SNP 1 and Alba 2
With luck Alba gives her a majority and can force he hand. However a change of subject.
Just caught a bit of Jeremy Vine show (I know!! But it helps me to understand the Daily Mail reader and standard unionist a bit better).
He had a section on the virus denier/Unite for Freedom demonstration in London, and an interview with a Bev Turner. What a communicator!!!! Talking total pish but mega convincing. Vine struggled to switch her of. The other panel guests including doctor woman (did not catch the name) called out the deniers but the message clearly did not land. It is funny how some people cam be complete tossers but come across as knowing what they are talking about.
He mentioned a similar protest in Glasgow and Nicola condemning it. The only thing I have heard of in Glasgow is police patrolling parks and being a nuisance to people sitting on the sun. Why would he even mention Nicola Sturgeon??
Interestingly one callers asked “what do you want me to ask” he said you called us and she seemed surprised.
Just love the MSM

wee monkey

Tom Kane says:
26 April, 2021 at 11:21 am

“This leadership is very shortly going to be thoroughly chastised by SNP membership.”

Just How? If you don’t mind me asking?

Sister Flo

At last someone has had the balls to say what I’ve been thinking.
Vote for SNP only if you have to, and don’t feel like a ("Tractor" - Ed) if you don’t. Vote Sarwar in and her out.
There now. I feel so much better.
Also, celebrant Jayne is an arse. Nasty wee wumin.


Depressing to read, but it sums everything up for me.

OT but good interview here –

link to

Eileen Carson

I’m sorry to Alex (and Alba) but my constituency vote will be a protest spoilt vote tho’ I will be voting Alba on the list Mid Scotland and Fife.

Apart from the heinous crime of ignoring WOMEN and not pushing their raison d’etre – independence – I simply can’t vote for a party which doesn’t try to fulfil their Manifesto pledge for a NFP energy company thereby sticking the finger up at those in poverty, while pushing forward with an Investment Bank! I have emails from the Minister for Older People promising this would be in place by the end of last term.

It is obscene that in a country so rich in natural energy resources that so many suffer fuel poverty. Seems to me the SNP forgot WHY we elected them and (despite never having voted for a unionist party) if I lived in Glasgow Southside I’d grit my teeth, close my eyes and vote for Sarwar!

Mark Boyle

“You can’t vote for evil and then wash your hands of responsibility for what evil does, and the current SNP is unquestionably an entity of evil.”

Which is the dilemma for most of us in voting SNP at all.

Do it to game the system is all very well, but there’s still that noxious feeling of helping one of them back in.

In my area it’s a dead cert the SNP will take the constituency seat – having Sarwar as leader has been the utter kiss of death amongst the proles round here. I’ve helped another candidate, who regardless of chances of winning would have made the best MSP of those proffered anyway, so will vote for him anyway, but if I wasn’t in that position and if he wasn’t standing, I’d really have an issue voting for the problem in order to help in the solution.

The SNP, Labour and Tories will all get a cut of the seventeen seat pie in my area. That leaves the Greens as the only threat, since unlike the others they will not have their “cut” of the vote divided by D’Hondt from the start or later.

If Alba doesn’t get enough votes to make that cut of seventeen seats, so be it. You have to be prepared to put in the work to get your vote, and whilst an almost one man band is happily canvassing my area with one or two volunteers, the massed ranks of the bright, shiny new Alba have been non-existent. Right now they are proving no better than those they purport to replace.

If they want people to vote for them, time they started going out to earn it, not expecting it as a given because “our cause is right and just”


Well in my area I have 3 choices.

Siobhan Brown – SNP
Chic Brodie – Scotia Future

or Spoil

Absolutely nae chance am voting Tory.

Chris Darroch

The catch 22 presented here is largely hyperbolic. If the SNP fail to win a constituency or two…. yes…their chances of winning a list seat increase. But in terms of raw numbers…..of influential numbers….this is a chance well worth pursuing and we should be going all out to dissuade Alba supporters from voting SNP 1 as this offers us greatest probabilit….however small …of best outcome for this term.

These are cold hard facts.

Ian Brotherhood

Maybe I’m missing something dead obvious but is it possible that the Greens are hammered but Harvie survives?

If that happens, how on earth could anyone justify the sole representative of a party being given any kind of ministerial position?

It’s giving me the dry heave even thinking about it.


Joan Hutcheson

I had intended to spoil my Constituency vote. I despise Evelyn Tweed as a pawn of Alyn Smith and his coterie, sent as emissary on his behalf to the SNP branch of which I used to be a branch officer, following Wings’ exposure of his antics. I am also suspicious about her selection.

Importantly for me, Ms Tweed told untruths to the branch executive about Bannockburn and Eastern Villages Councillor Maureen Bennison’s work in order to trash her reputation. Councillor Bennison is an indefatigable worker unlike, in my view, Councillor Tweed. Councillor Bennison had, however, criticised the bullying tactics used by Smith’s band of brothers, which are particularly aimed at women.

However, back to voting: I swore that I would not vote for E. Tweed. Then I considered the alternative. If she does not win the Constituency seat the SNP is likely to win List seats, impacting adversely on Alba. I am campaigning for Eva Comrie of Alba to win.

Furthermore the SNP’s lead for the List is Stefan Hoggan-Radu. Mr H-R and boyfriend are well ensconced in Daddy Smith Young Men’s Club; he opposes sex-based rights and has a salacious drag-queen fronting his PR. (Like Angus Robertson in fact.) I haven’t forgotten drag queen Flo-Job being imposed on a class of five year olds in Renfrew as part of the SNP’s programme of child-abuse otherwise called sex education. Readers may recall that Flo-Job proceeded to display obscene photos of self on his social media pages next to photos of self with the children.

Mr H-R attracted less than 2% of votes from SNP members but was rocketed to the top of the SNP list when Eva Comrie joined Alba. Applicants who were not disabled or self-identifying as disabled were disqualified. Eva Comrie who has a genuine disability benefited from this policy however she gained the top candidacy totally in her own right when she moved to Alba. And an excellent candidate she is. Mr H-R now..?


Grouse Beater and I were talking about the ex army celebrant Jane being 77th brigade

Grouse Beater

What sticks in my craw are SNP supporters out canvassing who omit to counsel voters to use their vote (or both) to tell the SNP to get its house in order by ejecting the corrupt, and elect a hierarchy fit to govern, adroit at securing independence.

Otherwise, the SNP’s power has to be dismantled and rebuilt, put to better use than tarnishing swathes of the population.

My recent contribution:

‘The Adoration of Saint Nicola’: link to

Annie 621

Don’t vote with your head or your heart. Vote with principle and conscience,
I’ve always believed,
and so does the Rev,
that’s why I read him.


And you think living in England with this government is a safe place to live? Have you missed the laws that have been passed down there?

You are kidding yourself if you think that the GRA is is going to be confined to Scotland – that is on the agenda for the UK further down the line. Have a look at the political discussion going on in Labour (UK Ltd.) presently, the whole GRA thing will be Europe wide soon. As you say, the only chance we have of getting ALBA ready for the next election is to get them into parliament. We will have no chance if we spoil our constituency vote for the risk of that is a unionist majority so there is NO chance of an indyref. You have to take the chance of an indyref2 and the only way to do that is to vote for an (albeit nominally) independence majority by voting SNP 1 ALBA 2. We need the constituency SNP win to enable ALBA to pick up the list vote. No matter what you think about the SNP (I have had enough of them) this election is about the future of Scotland – whether that is an Indyref, or getting ALBA into the mainstream as a challenger at future elections. To lose this election is to leave Scotland open to the actions of an increasingly hostile, corrupt UK government that has already cleared the way to allow torture and murder through the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act. On top of that we have The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.

You say “If we lived in Scotland – and to be truthful we’re increasingly glad we don’t, because it’s no longer safe…” You think England is safe?


I scrawled transwomen are men – jail me! across my constituency vote but also put an x by Fergus Ewing. Don’t particularly care whether it counts as spoilt or not.


The dilemma, as I see it, is this :

If you don’t vote SNP in the constituency – You may get a SNP list candidate and they are all uber-loyal to nicola ( as she gerrymandered the position). You will also get a yoon constituency MSP.

Enough yoon MSPs and a grand coalition to save Scotland from covid ( nicola has gifted them this strategy). This coalition will dismantle holyrood and put a 70% mandate on independence.

So vote SNP in the constituency (unless it’s sturgeon, humza useless, shirley anne hypocrite or angus robertson macbeth). This is the least awful option.

And never forget nicola and the wokeratti are entirely responsible for this disaster. Revenge needs to be served cold.

Dominic Berry

He’s not in my voting Region, but I have faith in Bonny Prince Bob. Tommy Sheridan… I wish Craig Murray was in the running.

colin lees

the vote is with the voter,if enough vote snp then there”s your answer.the fact that snp msp”s are still on the same boat means that they back nicola.if independance is off the menu for a good few years then why bother voting snp.let them have a clear out in opposition.i have no dilema with what to do with my votes.


susan XX – Now that is clever.

I am going to spoil my first ballot with ” this is your last vote from me until sturgeon is gone ” and then put a cross next to the SNP candidate.

Their election agents will have to argue for every vote. Heh, Heh, Heh.


If ALBA succeed, we have hope.
If they don’t, Boris will shaft Scotland and the SNP will end Women’s Rights in Scotland.

I don’t trust the polling so I’m still positive.


Jayne is quite clearly desperately unwell in the head.


‘Annie 621 says:
26 April, 2021 at 12:03 pm
Don’t vote with your head or your heart. Vote with principle and conscience, I’ve always believed, and so does the Rev, that’s why I read him.’

Thanks Annie you have just boosted my dilemma by 50%.
But seriously, that is the choice.
Still i worry that spoiling in the constituency ballot is going to put in someone who my conscience finds more repellent (on either or both ballots).
Of course one vote matters not a jot but we are on the subject of conscience.


Spoilt my constituency vote as my SNP candidate will not tell me if he believes humans can be born in the wrong body or change sex.

If you’re too scared to tell me your beliefs then you don’t deserve my vote.

First time ever I haven’t voted SNP.

Progressive politics is not left wing. It is a neoliberal construct which appeases the middle class desire to do good without disrupting the money channels.

We have politicians telling us that they’re progressive. We have global corporations telling us that they’re progressive. Welcome to the brave and stunning new world.


I urgently need to see a sign, just anything, a glint of sunlight, that there is something in the SNP worth saving.

Craig Macinnes

I’m lucky, I can vote for Michelle Thomson in the constituency vote and will be voting ALBA on the list. I agree there won’t be independence in this term but thinking that no matter the results for ALBA this time around they will be stronger by the next election and have become the main Independence Party.


The perversion of fact, truth and minds and the burning of dissent.
link to
Time this shouty, exhibitionist minority kept their «bits» out of sight.
link to
With some evolution has stopped and gone into reverse.


The advantage of Chic Brodie standing on constituency ballot is that he could be (apart from maybe a couple of independents) is that he could potentially be the only pro indy candidate winning a constituency seat apart from the SNP candidates (hmm)citation req’d. As Alba are not on any constituency ballots it could give a good indication in a very tight marginal seat of where possibly Alba could figure in that region in future elections.

If Chic could challenge SNP and beat SNP and John Scott the Tory that would be a major indication and very much one to watch. I’m sure Alex Salmond will be looking at this constituency very closely.


Cuphook at 12.21pm

‘Progressive politics is not left wing. It is a neoliberal construct which appeases the middle class desire to do good without disrupting the money channels.’

Yes absolutely.

Until this gets through, everything else is dealing with symptoms, not cause.


The public want the Press to be honest and investigate the issues and when they do there called ("Tractor" - Ed)s is truly shocking.


My postal vote posted days ago was SNP1 Alba2.

A member of the SNP since the 1950’s. Perhaps the last time I vote for them but I still hope for a miracle of Alba holding the balance of power and sorting everything out.

I know many decent members of the SNP,including councillors and MSP’s who have being silent perhaps out of shock but are determined to get their party back but cannot figure out how to do it.

Alex Salmond has called it. SNP1 Alba2.

Grahame Case

Tom Kane @11:21

Sadly Tom, most of us who were party stalwarts have already left the SNP – what’s left isn’t enough to make that change.


I said a couple of nights ago that my view is, based on what I’ve seen and read, that Mrs. Murrell doesn’t want a majority. I believe she’s actively seeking a coalition with the Greens which gives her support for unpopular policies. If anything goes wrong, the Greens become the fall guys.


I put ("Tractor" - Ed)s but when I posted it it come out like (“Tractor” – Ed)s strange.

Mark Boyle

Well well well, the Alba leaflet has NOW just come through my door, long after the others, along with one for the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition – for those unfamiliar with the latter, they exist so the Official Monster Raving Loony Party has someone to always come ahead of in English council and parliamentary elections.


Spoiled my constituency ballot*, Alba list. First election in my life where I couldn’t bring myself to vote SNP. Darkest day since 19/09/14 for me.

* I’m in Sturgeon’s constituency, but there’s no way I could possibly vote for that chancer Sarwar.


Our family have had ongoing discussions on our voting intentions in the fife area. We were all SNP 1/2 but have decided that the eight of us will be spoiling our constituency vote for SAS due to the gender, hate bill, lack of progress on independence and the gerrymandering of the list candidates so our list votes will be going to ALBA.


Ok but what, in the name of the wee man, is a “celebrant”?

I looked it up, and it appears to be a sort of vague, decaffeinated alternative to a priest, minister or registrar for people who don’t really believe in anything (not even atheism) or belong to an organic community or tradition of their own, but still want a nice, meaningless, pseudo ceremony with lots of fluffy words. The kind of people who, I assume, unironically decorate their homes with “LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE” signs and get their morality firmware updates delivered via whatever’s trending on Twitter this week because they have no fixed principles or internal monologue. The terminally vapid and lukewarm who give every appearance of being Philip K. Dickian reflex machines rather than red-blooded human beings with boiling passions and jealously held convictions firmly built into the bedrock of a lifetime of actual living, laughing and loving.

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.

Nicola’s pants on fire off the shoulder of the Salmond enquiry. I watched Patrick Harvie’s massive heid glitter in the dark near the Trongate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to vote ALBA.


Fair summation of where we are after the 7 year flaming oil tanker wreck that has been the reign of Queen Nicola. Incompetence, missed opportunities, corruption and blatant criminality, she’s had it all and will go down in history as one of the worst things to ever happen to Scotland…. and yet we still have people who have the absolute brass neck to trot out the SNP1 bullshit topped off with the fantasy that somehow they are going to sort out the narcissistic lying psychopath Nicola Sturgeon by, wait for it, voting for her. Short of grabbing hold of these people and tattooing the truth into their foreheads I don’t what else Rev Stu could do to get these people to wake the hell up.

We have 10 days left to save our country and if that lying corrupt criminal bastard Nicola Sturgeon is re-elected the country is lost. I don’t know how these people can sleep at night.


Ironically, the best thing the SNP could do (if their leadership was sane) would be tacitly support Alba for vote 2 and, at the very least, quit with the “Alba is nowhere, will win no seats” rhetoric. For one thing, it’s joining with the unionist media so makes them look hand in hand with them, but also so many of us are in the same boat here. Prior to Alba, I honestly didn’t want to vote for another 5 years to of the same or potentially much worse. Alba gave me hope there was a way out. If I honestly believe on polling day Alba won’t get any MSPs, or not enough to make any difference, I will likely spoil my first ballot and only vote Alba. Have to say, I love the idea of an SNP vote but with a personal message about why it’s given under sufferance and will be my last.

Keith Montgomery

I will vote for Toni Giugliono in Dumbarton (SNP), standing against Jackie Ballie (Labour). Just had his letter through today, mentioned Independence twice and does not say both votes SNP. ALBA on the list obvs.


Tamson @ 12 38 pm

I would love Southside to go to the white. Let NS and Sarwar go through about 3 recounts . Go to aboot one vote lol.

If she does win -explain it . If she doesn’t win and has to go on the list – then explain that. Either way she’s toast!


I meant the wire above . Btw

Arch Stanton

It’s looking more and more as if we might as well just forget about this independence thingummy, particularly in the absence of any attempt to present potential solutions to the major issues of currency, debt, deficit, borders, economic investment, EU membership……?



Werz Breeks, Mia, Ruby, Famous 15, Liz g, AYRSHIRE NOB, Big Al the kiddies Pal and all the other screaming skulls calling me and the likes of Kcor out for being Yoons, 77th, and whatever else you could throw at us for campaiagning for Sarwar to take the Glasgow Southside Constituency seat from Sturgeon and other SNP seats throughout Scotland.

Karma is such a beautiful thing.

Ya shower of roasters.

Watch out for the Incoming Rev,,,from the usual suspects.

Does that make the Rev a Labour supporter for suggesting you should vote for Sarwar?

If the SNP 1 Brigade can’t even take the wise advice of the Rev Stuart Campbell, then you really are all perverts and want to see a Sturgeon/Harvie Coalition of the most perverted politicians in Europe.

Don’t vote SNP,,,ever.

Protect woman and young girls from these Perverts.

Don’t take my word or Kcor’s word for it, just ask the Rev.

Only perverts would vote SNP 1.

Don’t be a Pervert.


@shug, 11.47
He mentioned a similar protest in Glasgow and Nicola condemning it. The only thing I have heard of in Glasgow is police patrolling parks and being a nuisance to people sitting on the sun.

There was a march in Glasgow to protest against the continuing assault on civil rights. I was speaking to someone who was on the Glasgow protest. He said that there were around 2,000 marchers. The police presence including mounted police was massive and seemed out of proportion. For example, it was far larger than had appeared at any AUOB march.

There were similar protest marches all over Europe and the one in London was approaching the size of the anti-Iraq war protest. Does the lack of reporting in the corporate media on this subject not remind you of the silence/inaccuracies regarding the IndyRef or the AUOB marches or ALBA?


Gordon – too late, my postal vote has been returned – SNP/ALBA.
I will never, under any circumstance, vote Red Tory.


Gordon @ 1.01 pm

Shut up ya freak. Have you found a post where I say SNP 1 in Glasgow Southside ya rocket- naw ye huvnae.

Stu Campbell is not the Pope (sure he wouldn’t want to be)

Get aff yir knees


The simplest solution to get rid of the party you dislike, is to vote against them.



Breeks and Mia will be preparing mile long posts explaining in their own patronizing way about you are misguided and not up to speed with what is really happening on the ground.

They will explain how they know better than anyone how Voting SNP really will win us our Independence.

Famous 15 will follow up with her old wives tale that if you don’t vote SNP 1, the ALBA will not win their list seat.

AYRSHIRE NOB will appear with more gatekeeping shite.

The lot of them are deluded numbnuts.

We’re waiting!!!

Lorna Campbell

“… If the SNP win an absolute majority on their own in next month’s election, it will be the end of independence. It’ll also be the end of women’s rights and any meaningful concept of freedom of speech in Scotland. It would be an unmitigated disaster on every level for everyone in the country, nationalists and unionists alike. (The only thing worse would be a coalition with the Greens)… ”

Unfortunately, you are 100% correct in that statement. Don’t rise to them, Rev. Often, being removed from a situation is the best way to see clearly. The SNP, if returned with a majority on 6 May WILL NOT deliver independence, WILL destroy all that women fought for and WILL ruin any hope of the continuation of free speech. There simply is no one, apart from Alec Salmond, even capable of stopping this ordure, of not being sucked into the morass created by a weak leader who, if she had had a shred of self-awareness and respect for the Scottish people, should have stepped down before this election.

Ian Brotherhood

@cirsium (1.07) –

Good on ye.

You’ll get pelters for posting that comment, as I will for even passing remark on it.

So it goes!


LaingB French

I want a supermajority, I pray for a supermajority, I wish for a supermajority, I believe in miracles… I believe in the Scottish people. SAOR ALBA.


Saw a posting from the AFI Glasgow campaign group.

SNP both votes 28%
SNP & ALBA 61%
SNP & Greens 10%
Both votes Green 1%


If Sarwar were to defeat NS that would do NOTHING to dent the cause of independence and would, in all probability, expedite the process.
The SNP needs new leadership with not just a passion for independence but the competence and integrity to deliver good governance before that happens.
The whole political landscape would change if both NS and Swinney were to go.
We should not be building a national vision on the basis of baby boxes and chicks with dicks, and the current discourse around independence is strangely depressing. Quite unlike the AS years.

Career Politician

I will not vote SNP until there is a wholesale change of personalities and direction.

It would betray a fundamental logic that is much more important than any potential, and marginal impact of strategic voting:

Recently whitewashed inquiries prove that failure of governance can ONLY be punished by the electorate in an election. And I suspect that before much longer people will have to fight again for even that right.

Abject failure cannot be rewarded by a contract extension on improved terms. It’s just not on.



You are the thickest of the thick.

The Rev explained in big giant easy to understand chunks what the reality is if you vote SNP 1, and all you can do is attack me.

Just admit that you have lost your argument with me and Kcor.

You are thick.

It must have been all that english army training.

Go now and tell the Rev that there’s a big man shouting at you.

Ham shanker!!!

John McNab

I think we can safely regard anything put into the public domain by someone who in reference to three individuals, reiterated within the same sentence, refers to the last of these as “the latter”.

I mean, really.


Another ingredient in the mix was a comment made by Salmond in this interview on RT.
link to
When asked about why so few had jumped ship from SNP to Alba he replied that many more had wanted to but he has asked them to stay put for now. Someone above wrote about glimmer of hope, well since they are hard to find (within the next 5 years and beyond that it may be too late) there is a speck of light. At the very least his comment must be giving Sturgeon nervous palpitations. If she wobbles her head any more than she does now it may fall off (makes me giddy just watching her nodding dog routine). I would love to see a body language expert read her right now. Full blown rage, venom and paranoia are obvious.

John McNab

Damn. I meant to write ‘disregard’ .


Rev,,, Brilliant.

This thread had to be posted.

It clears the air.

No more confusion.

Plain and simple.




It is sad that saddos like Gordon exist in Scotland.

He knows nothing about me,not even my gender,but he calls ME a pervert.

He may be a rocket,whatever that is , but he is certainly very unpleasant and I would not want him near any of my friends and definitely my children.

Freddie French

Stuart Mackay. Anyone who leaves the SNP is a bigot? Is that really what you’re saying? Seriously?


I’m one of those in the cleft stick. My region is South Scotland and I will definitely be voting Alba on the list. I’m seriously considering voting for a unionist party in my constitutency, simply because I think the best thing that could happen to the SNP is that it’s forced into the wilderness, there to have a long, hard think about where it has all gone so wrong.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Aberdeenshire West

SNP 1 = Fergus Mutch (defence witness for AS at the High Court so on the “good guy” list)

link to

ALBA 2 = Alex Salmond, Heather McLean, Brian Topping and Dot Jessiman

link to

Hopefully due to backlash against the Tories by farmers and fisherfolk we get 5 Independence MSPs


“You can’t vote for evil and then wash your hands of responsibility for what evil does”

Unfortunately this pretty much paraphrases what I’m seeing constantly from the majority of indi supporters on my timeline, only they are referring to Salmond and by extension, anyone associated with him.

The mud has stuck and it won’t wash off I’ll never see indi.


I respect Mr Salmond’s tactical expertise but have doubts about holding my nose and voting for the crooks currently running the SNP. I am not convinced that the number of Alba or SNP LIST seats can ever be predicted as a result of the constituency votes, Scot goes pop seems to suggest the same despite being a SNP1 voter. Any data modellers out there? However if Eck knew for certain that the Sturrels and all of their mob would be gone very soon I could be persuaded to hold my nose. Perhaps he or someone close could drop a hint?


It disnae matter how many times you say it tumshie. Doesn’t make it true.
Nowhere have I said SNP 1 in Southside. It’s up to people who live there, I don’t. I can vote for another pro indy party on the constituency or the list without voting for a yoon.

You have lost the argument wae me tumshie heid.

It’s obvious to everyone here who got kept back at school. Blame Swinney cos he was in charge when you left the school recently. It’s blatantly obvious to us you’re a zoomer Slab man through and through. N Sturgeon is just an excuse to push your crap.

Tinto Chiel

This is your bleakest blog ever, Stu, but it sums up my predicament: my MSP is hopelessly woke. An absolute SNP majority will mean the end of many of the freedoms we have taken for granted. Remember how people wondered in the past how other “civilised” nations’ slide into totalitarianism could possibly have happened? Well, we’re living through that process right here and now.

At first I thought AS’s advice to vote SNP in the constituency was quite clever for several reasons but the danger of entrenching a batshit crazy, authoritarian bunch of science-deniers and paedo-enablers for five more years is a dreadful prospect. In that event, I fear this site will be closed down quickly by Yousaf because of its “hate speech” or some such crapola.

I’ll vote Alba on the list but my pre-Alba decision to spoil my constituency vote is beginning to look more necessary now, unless something unexpected happens between now and May the sixth to weaken the SNP leadership: I have grand-children who are precious to me.


That’s was for Southwest plugger GORDON AKA man of many names.


Looking unlikely that Alba will win enough seats to hold the balance of power. I know the tactics are support the SNP and be positive but the nuclear option would be to use the GRA issue. This is a major policy difference and could persuade a big chunk of ordinary SNP voter to switch on the list.

Stuart MacKay

Freddie French

Sorry I should have put that quote from Jayne Johnson in quotes.

Yes, it’s what she said, though that wasn’t what attracted me to the quote. It’s more that Jayne appears to have a Twitter temper which explains the Tractor allegation – which to be honest, being in foreign lands myself, is a little over the top and ever so slightly dangerous. However if the SNP are prepared to jail women for up to 7 years for affirming their identity maybe that’s now par for the course.


10 times in the last 4 Holyrood elections candidates from various parties have been returned on the list in an electoral region after their party polled less than 6% in the region. So that happens 2 or 3 times every Holyrood GE.


The Rev Stu says:
“we understand and sympathise with the position of those who are holding their noses very very hard and voting SNP1 for that reason. It’s just something we couldn’t personally bring ourselves to do. You can’t vote for evil and then wash your hands of responsibility for what evil does, and the current SNP is unquestionably an entity of evil.”

I agree wholeheartedly with this and that is exactly why I will only vote for ALBA on the list and will spoil my constituency vote.


Progressive politics is not left wing. Cuphook@12.21pm.

I agree entirely with this. Occasionally there are comments on here railing about left wing politics being behind the woke nonsense. It’s one of those statements which is almost correct in so far as those young activists who would normally have gravitated to left-wing politics have been captured by the woke agenda. It has become the zeitgeist of their generation.

However, I have found that there are some left-leaning young people (graduates, just like many of the woke enthusiasts) who have begun to realise that they have been had. Make no mistake, just like many of us, they also thought at first that they were supporting a minority who were discriminated against and so, brought up to be tolerant, they, too, were accepting of the trans dogma.

They are a small minority in their generation but they now find to their disappointment that the SNP have gleefully abandoned what they thought should be major concerns as left wingers – namely poverty, inequality, lack of opportunity, the neglect of whole communities – and find that they can no longer find a home for them in the SNP. They correctly identify the SNP as being neo-liberal and won’t vote for them now. They also acknowledge the bitter truth that most of these representatives and would-be representatives are simply careerists.

However, like the rest of us, they feel the loss of that movement for independence which seemed to promise a new future with the chance to confront the harm that centuries of neglect and discrimination had wrought.

So, to those who would insist that left-wing politics is to blame I would simply remind them that many of the institutions of the state have already been quietly captured – the judiciary, the police, for example, who are not generally regarded as left-wing. The left-wing has never been successful in storming those bastions of the state.

Neo-liberalism has always been pragmatic in accepting that if there is a force already operating which is useful to it then they will exploit and promote it. If they can wear the mask of progressiveness while doing it, then all to the good. The growing success of the trans culture in causing division in society is starkly obvious. It divides those who would have been natural allies against the steady creep of neo-liberalism.

Stuart MacKay

@cirsium @Ian Brotherhood

Don’t forget that at the start of the pandemic there were plans to mobilise troops and the rest of the emergency services to deal with any “disruptions”.

If I were a police commander and had a protest which would likely to be peaceful it’s probably a good opportunity to do a little training.

I’d have thought it would be rather rash to try the same thing with more volatile elements such as rangers supporters as they might offer the police more on the job training than they bargained for.

Orlando Quarmby

“You can’t vote for evil and then wash your hands of responsibility for what evil does, and the current SNP is unquestionably an entity of evil.”

Have to disagree with Stu on this point. Because those holding their nose & voting SNP1 to enable a max of #ALBA2 votes to take list seats are NOT ‘voting for evil’ – they are demonstrably voting the only way possible that has a chabce of holding evil to account & bringing about reform & a refocus on independence. If you really want evil to render evil unassailable then spoiling your constituency ballot while voting ALBA on the region is a good way to go about it. Getting a powerful ALBA presence in ScotParl *requires* voting SNP1. It’s just how the fucking system we’re currently stuck with works.



If you thought Sturgeon was bad at the Scot Gov enquiries then you need to have a look at that Simon Case character Cabinet Secretary, now on SKY, he’s fecking awful. Murder police to coin a phrase.


Dave Beverage @11.02am

I will NOT gamble with my first vote Dave and certainly not for evil. There is no party worthy of my constituency vote and none of them are getting it.
ALBA have given me some hope and a vote. If there is a future in Independence, it now lies with ALBA.


I think Scotland should have two funerals for itself, just like this trans teen, because this country doesn’t know whether it’s coming or going, it’s so fucked up:

link to


The SNP have become the main unionist party in Scotland!

how ironic.


Wendy @11.03am says
“Yep we are in a terrible situation at the moment, in a mad country where half of the population doesn’t understand their own voting system, and shouts at the few who do.”

Absolutely Wendy. It is astonishing that so many do not know or understand how D’Hondt works. You phrased it well and the situation is quite absurd.


I think you have hit the nail on the head when you say that Sturgeon has no shame.
Another poster said that they once met her and her eyes appeared black and lifeless.

She seems to be incapable of hearing the growing noise which has now become a deafening din telling her that her policies and style of government are unacceptable to so many people.

She will be swept away at the election on a tsunami of her own hubris.

John D

Stuart Mackay @2.09pm
There is that .
The Met prefer the XR protesters as NVCD produces dead weight people as opposed to resistant . They lose through there being far too many people for them to cope with as such a minority.

Big Jock

I am in the Alba party. However I can’t vote SNP anymore. With every week that passes my levels of disgust with Sturgeon, Murrell, Wishart, Blackford and all the loony Stasi cult on Twitter , grows deeper.

So spoil 1st vote for me, and Alba 2nd. The way I see it , at least I will have voted with my conscience clear.

To progress independence. We need the SNP just short of a majority and Alba second. The Green vote seems to be holding up , and that worries me greatly.

Sturgeon and Harvie are a toxic combination.


“Tractors’ Gate”, surely…

Big Jock

Incidentally. My brother was a Sturgeon believer.

I had a few rants about what was going on with the SNP. I thought it fell on deaf ears and he thought I had a screw loose.

However low and behold he is now of the belief that Sturgeon is a con artist and there has been a major cover up. So the message can get through.

You have to make people question what they are being asked to believe. They do their own research, and find out you weren’t a paranoid conspiracy theorist after all.

Ian Brotherhood

@Stuart McKay & John D –

You’ll have seen what happened at Hyde Park on Saturday.

Police acting as provocateurs.

And it’s all over anyway – the vaccination passports will be rolled out in time for Lockdown 3, probably August-ish, when the normal ‘flu’ season starts to pick up.

Most folk chose their ‘sides’ in this whole sorry mess a long time ago. I’m pretty much the only one left in my family (over, say 50, at any rate) who hasn’t had the jag and won’t be getting it. The young ones will get their turn soon enough.

On top of everything else outlined by Stu in this post, it’s really not a good time to be someone with any critical faculties.

Come May 10th, normal business will be resumed – Sturgeon returned as Glorious Leader, Swinney still hingin aboot for another bite at the top job; Wolffe, Evans and the Alphabetties all still in post, drawing salaries the rest of us can only ever dream of; Rennie back again like the Jack-in-the-box from Hell, warming that same seat, and, of course, the Warks, Garavellies, Leasks and sundry presstitutes will Carry On Lying as usual.

Good luck to Big Eck and Alba, aye, but it doesn’t really matter what happens a week on Thursday because the bastards have already won. They always do.


Could someone explain why not voting SNP at all is a bad idea.
If they get too few votes then they get no list seats nor constituency seats.

I am not suggesting voting for another party on the constituency, spoil that ballot and only vote on the list. This would deny the SNP list seats and constituency seats.


Big Jock
Politics is about big ideas bring fronted and touted by photogenic popular faces.
It is a big sell and many people buy the policy without any discrimination but solely on the basis that they like the politician that is selling it.
There is no examination of the issues and it is all one big puppet show.

Now Sturgeon’s mask has slipped and everyone can see her for what she is.
A charlatan.


Annie 621 says:
26 April, 2021 at 12:03 pm

“Don’t vote with your head or your heart. Vote with principle and conscience.

Absolutely Annie. Nailed it.


We must not rush to harsh judgement –

Perhaps, just perhaps, the celebrant’s make-believe dog collar is a hslf-turn too tight and is restricting the flow of blood to the brain.

Which would also explain that ‘latter’ whoopsie.

Liz g

It’s good to know that you understand and sympathise with the dilemma we are in Rev.
Because it is indeed a hard one on the conscience but , nevertheless we have to vote in the election in front of us and not in the election we wish we were having.

If members of the Yes movement take the view ( as I do )that the British Party’s are not an option for Scottish voters then it can simplify things somewhat in the range we are voting in.
What ever the question the British/Labour/Sarwar can’t possibly be the answer because there’s evil there too Rev , as many Iraqi mums will testify, not to mention all the lies and thieving done to Scotland over decades.
Do I even need to list any evil the Torys and their Chums the Lib Dums have visited on Scotland and the wider world ?
We don’t have to pick the scab from the front of the British Party’s off very much to find evil and a very lot of it too.
So either way evil is on the Ballot and the only reason that we can’t say the same for Alba is that they haven’t yet had the chance to do any !!

Your no really any safer in England either Rev you’ve always only had evil to vote for, just a different flavour of it.

So do we give our conscience free reign here and refuse to vote for evil when we identify it ? Because , I’d also caution that it’s generally accepted that for evil to triumph good men have usually done nothing.
Do we really want to do nothing and not use our vote ?
Do we act as best we can in the circumstances we have ?

We are no entirely powerless here , knowledge is power ( thanks Rev ) they might be the only choice at this point in time but we do know exactly who they are and what they are trying to do.
We were all up for convincing as many No voters as we could of the true nature of the Union no matter how long it took, so I don’t see there’s much difference in making sure that as many Scots as possible know the true nature of their Goverment too.
That is something we can do , and do well.

I’ll certinaly vote with a clear conscience but mibbi that’s because my expectations of politicians ( all of them ) were so low to begin with?
What I won’t do is not vote.
They will never break me from that right.
I’ll go right on voting.
And I count that as the real win.

Stuart MacKay

Ian Brotherhood

You’re right. It might not have started as a power grab and generally I’m not a fan of “how dare the state impinge on my personal liberty” types but now things are starting to look a bit shakey. Not sure if it’s by design or simply incompetence, though I lean to the latter since clearly the current leadership north and south of the border are not up to the task.

The vaccine passport is a spectacularly bad idea and I do think it’s been introduced for ideological reasons however lockdown 3 is coming – the Indian variant or whatever it is here already so it’s just a matter of time. I don’t know if any business could survive another year indoors so you’re kind of compelled to go down some kind of “I’m clean” path, though I’m not sure how much of a difference it will make. The politicians all through this have been too optimistic and too weak to face up to the problem.

Real pity that 12 billion track and trace bonfire didn’t actually produce something. It would have avoided a lot of trouble that’s heading our way.


Stephen 2.38pm

Re, Sturgeon’s eyes.

I commented on the last thread about the state of her eyes on the Marr show.

She has bags on top of bags.

A sure sign of alcohol and substance abuse.

I honestly think she is verging on a major health problem. Her eyes are lifeless, almost zombie like, and nearing a major nervous breakdown.

She has been defending her lies, thefts and corruption for a few years now, and I think it is going to come to a head.

To the point where she might even get dragged out of Bute House in a straight jacket.

But if this happened would I feel sorry for her?

Maybe the same way I would feel if she lost her seat on 6th of May.

So the answer is, she brought all this upon herself.


It must be difficult being you, Ian Brotherhood. The vaccine works and it’s the reason that the U.K. amongst a handful of other countries is returning to something resembling normality; whilst many others plunge into the apocalypse.

As for passports, they’ll be necessary, especially if a lot of people refuse the vaccine. Why should the rest of us stand by and watch the science-deniers overwhelm our NHS and scupper the progress we have made?

I’d also deny furlough and all other benefits to those who refuse the vaccine on the basis that they have reneged on the social contract. Just so we are clear…


@ Ian Brotherhood at 11.53

how on earth could anyone justify the sole representative of a party being given any kind of ministerial position?

At the last election to the Welsh Assembly (now Senedd), the Liberal Democrats were reduced to one AM – Kirsty Williams.

31 seats are needed for a majority, and Labour had 29. Williams was appointed to the Welsh cabinet as Education Secretary, a post she still holds. She is not contesting the election next month.


Perhaps she is drinking and she could well be on medication of some sort.
I also noticed that her face was red and blotchy.

Her performance hasn’t improved with all that Dutch courage though.

She still can’t answer a question.

Aunty Flo

Arch Stanton says:
26 April, 2021 at 1:01 pm

“It’s looking more and more as if we might as well just forget about this independence thingummy, particularly in the absence of any attempt to present potential solutions to the major issues of currency, debt, deficit, borders, economic investment, EU membership……?”

Not forgetting the huge elephant in the room that no-one, EVER seems to discuss or address – UK’s nuclear deterrent based in Scotland, at Faslane. You think they (NATO, G20, etc) are gonna let that be jeopardised?? Never, no way. This whole subject is way bigger than a colonial spat between Westminster and Holyrood.

Ian Brotherhood

@Hatuey –

‘I’d also deny furlough and all other benefits to those who refuse the vaccine on the basis that they have reneged on the social contract. Just so we are clear…’

It’s as simple as that, eh?

Must be easy, being you.



It is entirely possible that the Scottish Green Party will be invited to join with the SNP in forming the next government at Holyrood. An invitation that will be extended to Harvie by Sturgeon so that they will be able to make major advances in their declared social behaviour agendas. Voters need to be alerted to the excesses of a number of their favoured policies. The discredited Yogyakarta principles will be fully implemented and other trans rights and GRA policies will be forced onto statute by government without consultation and with the active assistance and support of the all powerful “Equality Network”.

Voters concerned about plans to remove women’s rights and exposure of their families to regulatory imposition of oppressive social norms need to be alerted to the foregoing so that they will be better informed and able to give their vote to “ALBA” a party that fully intends to consult with and gain the support of the electorate before adding any new statute to the Laws of the Country.

link to


@Ian Brotherhood and others

You might find this interesting and no I haven’t read it yet.

link to

John Martini

Sturgeon is about to play the victim card. She will claim to be suffering mental health problems due the alba oppressors.

Maybe she has had to turn to drink and drugs to cope with the evil alban misogynists and hpmophobes.

Watch this space..

Rose Ford

Maybe better in the Nobody said it was easy post, but

“Hi, I’m Slop, and my chosen typeface is Garamond. If you choose to mischaracterize me by not using my chosen font, you can f right off.”

Unfortunately, the list of candidates for Comic Sans is just too long.


Many of those raging SNP supporters do not realise just how close the SNP were to losing a few constituency seats in May. Thankfully this is now unlikely to happen, all thanks to Alex Salmond and the Alba Party.

Is this the thanks he gets – to be labelled a “("Tractor" - Ed)”. Well, it just confirms to many of us that supporting Alba was the right thing to do. Whatever happens in May, the Alba Party has to keep fighting. It would be wonderful if they got a few seats though.

Mark Boyle

cynicalHighlander says: 26 April, 2021 at 3:47 pm

@Ian Brotherhood and others

You might find this interesting and no I haven’t read it yet.

Stopped reading after the following line:

“We’ve called our first project to make sense of this chaos The Tabula Rasa.”

Why not call it “we are pretentious wankers” and be done with it? Absolute Guardian reader levels of self importance.


Mark Boyle
I clicked on it as well and stopped reading when I saw mention of Hayek.
Hardly The Guardian.
Right wing libertarian free market economist more like.

Mark Boyle

@Stephen says: 26 April, 2021 at 4:22 pm

Mark Boyle
I clicked on it as well and stopped reading when I saw mention of Hayek.
Hardly The Guardian.
Right wing libertarian free market economist more like.

Actually they see right wing liberatian conspiracies around every corner!

link to

“Here to inform you & expose injustice, particularly from the right-wing libertarians & think tanks who orchestrate global politics”

Doesn’t matter whether you’re left wing or right wing – if you are wearing a tin hat, you are still wearing a tin hat no matter how you style it!


link to

What’s the betting this guy will self-id as a woman?

“Finlay was jailed for five years in June 2019 after assaulting the baby to her severe injury and “to an extent where her life was in danger”.
The former carer was also convicted of coercive control towards a female, which included monitoring her use of social media and “placing her in a state of fear and alarm”.
The offences took place between February 1 2014 and December 28 2017.
The 36-year-old, from Johnstone, Renfrewshire, has now been struck off the care register following a recent hearing by the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC).
A hearing by care regulators was told that Finlay could be released in December this year after serving half his sentence or after two thirds of the sentence in October 2022″


Does anyone think that all the rapist, sex offenders, pedophiles, sex offenders etc will leave prison and immediately self-id as women?

It would be a breach of their human rights if they weren’t allowed to.


SNP/Green Government:

Dud and soiled-nappy nationalism.


HATUEY 3:33pm
Truly, must be awesomely awful being you…so uptight with petty prejudices, fears and all that neo-fascist, jingoistic Brit patriotism.
Stay safe in your own little Unionist world.
You deserve your own company.


Mark Boyle @ 4.26
The tin hat brigade are just trying to shut the world out.


We can only hope that the ALBA party does well and the Greens are reduced, even then the SNP will have no real plans for independence.

The only way I can see (If Sturgeons not a Whitehall plant, and I have my doubts as to whether she is or not) is if Johnson begins dramatically undermining Holyrood, draining powers to the Hub and so forth, leaving Holyrood more of a talking shop than a government. Only then I think would Sturgeon make moves towards independence.


@Hatuey, 3.33
These injections are experimental treatments to mitigate symptoms and thus minimise hospitalisation and death. They were given emergency approval on that basis. They do not give immunity nor do they prevent transmission. So taking the injection is not going to prevent infection even if the person is a passport holder. Could there be another reason for the passport? link to

The key to avoid swamping the NHS would be to have anti-viral treatment at the Primary Care level – for example, Dr Peter McCullough on ambulatory care of COVID-19. link to


Sturgeon and Harvie have a new Freaks Coalition anthem planned for after the election.


It was the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Full of Freaks, very apt.

Stuart MacKay


> Hardly The Guardian.
> Right wing libertarian free market economist more like.

I dunno, after The Guardian decided to chase the US, White, Intellectual elites with disposable income and came in from the cold and got into bed with the security services I think that’s a reasonable description of the direction the paper has gone.

Definitely neo-lib, globalists and since a lot of their new tech-based subscribers have libertarian tendencies I’m sure they won’t do anything to alienate them.

Before you think this is all too Trumpian. Trump’s supporters are/were poor. Guardian readers most definitely are not.

Edward MacD

Seriously, if you think the SNP can’t be pushed by Alba, do not spoil your vote. Use it. I’d rather vote Labour than waste a vote and potentially give my count to the Tories. Labour will maintain Holyrood, the Tories will not. That is your choice.

Edward MacD

I forgot to add, by not spoiling your vote and voting say Labour, at least you give Alba a chance to grow into a proper challenger next time. Alba could be head of the SG.


CIRSIUM 4:44pm
Old people who’ve been vaxed are still told to physical distance, wear masks and be careful. So what’s the point?……
Except it makes mega $$$$$ for pharma co. and the billionaire globalist parasites.
The truth is «herd immunity» was kicking in before the first vax.
The vaxers would have you believe that doesn’t exist.
It’s not «the science».

Andy Ellis

I share Stu’s sense of foreboding about the outcome of these elections and what might happen in the event of an SNP or SNP/Green majority. However bad they might be as an administration, those of us who have decided to support and possibly even join Alba need to ensure the groundwork is laid over the next five years.

There will be opportunities as well as challenges. I have little doubt that the SNP and Greens will signally fail to advance the cause of independence during their tenure in the next Holyrood session. That being the case it is important that disillusioned former SNP and Green voters and members are given positive reasons to transfer their support to Alba.

Promising starts have already been made from what I’ve seen and read of the manifesto: that needs to be built on. Clear tartan water needs to be demonstrated between the progressive, social justice and equality focused approach of Alba and the illiberal, regressive approaches of the unionists and the current SNP and Green parties. The economic neo-liberalism of the Growth Commission and weak position on independence has to be mercilessly attacked: the institutions of the new Scottish state have to be sketched out.

Given the moral and political cowardice and the sheer ineptitude of the current SNP leadership there will be an appetite amongst what will be a significant number of disillusioned former SNP and Green voters when they realise in the next year or two that they’ve been sold a pup.


“These injections are experimental treatments to mitigate symptoms and thus minimise hospitalisation and death. They were given emergency approval on that basis. They do not give immunity nor do they prevent transmission. So taking the injection is not going to prevent infection even if the person is a passport holder.”

A few people in here seem to be angry and somewhat confused about the efficacy of the vaccines.

It is an incontrovertible fact that the vaccines are effective in terms of promoting immunity. Preventing transmission is a different matter and it’s easy to imagine scenarios where someone who is immune might spread the disease — this is a behavioural issue and has nothing to do with vaccines.

It is so overwhelmingly true that vaccines work and save lives that I wouldn’t know where to start with someone who looks at the graphs — here in the UK and in other places like Israel — and denies their efficacy.

Saying that the vaccines are “experimental” should win you some sort of recognition as an outstanding idiot. Don’t you think covid-19 is “experimental”?

It would also be experimental to let it spread and kill hundreds of thousands of helpless people — “duh, let’s see what happens if we do nothing…”

We don’t need to guess what happens when you don’t vaccinate. It is being demonstrated right before our eyes in India right now. About 95% of those who have died with coronavirus would be alive with their families today if they had been vaccinated.


Stuart MacKay@4.51
What you say is interesting.

For an overview of right wing politics in the US I recommend watching “Firing Line” interviews on YouTube.
I seem to remember watching one of William F Buckley interviewing Hayek.

Anyway Buckley was closely linked to Goldwater but fiercely opposed to the John Birch Society. He had a strong moral tone to his thought and was a conservative Catholic, opposed to Vatican 2.

Buckley’s changing position on Vietnam is most noticeable from being one of its biggest supporters to finally realising that he and the rest of the US had been duped.

Some argue Trump is Goldwater mark 2.

Stuart MacKay


At least as this election is concerned, it’s best to think of the Alba Party as the first pillar in shoring up independence, after the SNP let it subside so far into the mud. It can’t be a solution in itself but it’s a good first step.

As for Boris undermining Holyrood and Sturgeon acting. Really?? Your much more of an optimist than I. I doubt she would even know where to start. Perhaps Comfy Pete could talk out loud about how he’s not going to go for the position Speaker or maybe a few of the Westminster wastrels could resign their committee memberships in protest.

Annie 621

Hi Prasad, there’s no one more repellent than the SNP these days, voted for them for 40 years.. Betrayal is the ultimate sin.


Edinburgh Southern’s Catriona MacDonald is a safe vote in the constituency. I have spoken to her and her understanding of feminism and gender are very similar to mine. She is young and energetic and clear-sighted and able to engage with reality.

I hope she takes the seat. No Labour posters up at all but you never know when the bulk of their support comes from tactical Tories.


LibDem MP Jamie Stone in the Parliamentary standards debate today 16.16 pm.

The smartarse answer from Gove is just as bad.

link to

Daisy Walker

I see over on SNP Twitter account – Nicla is advising people who intend to visit the hotels/pubs/restaurants opening up to ‘download the app’ that will make it easier for the NHS to contact us in the event of an outbreak…

I wonder if we could get her and her ministers an app, they could use it whenever they have a political business meeting to remind them to, keep minutes, declare donations, explain why large Scottish Estates become part of the deal…

Just a thought.


“You can’t vote for evil and then wash your hands of responsibility for what evil does, and the current SNP is unquestionably an entity of evil”

A catch-22 indeed, Rev. Because from where I am standing, Sarwar looks a lot like evil too. He is on one hand a unionist who could not find the balls to oppose the hate bill enabling it to pass threatening freedom of speech and rights of women and children. On the other hand, this red rosette variety evil will not hesitate in using that unionist seat as proof that the people of Glasgow Southside does no longer want independence. So if this man is determined to deny us democracy and right to self determination and cannot bring himself to oppose when he is in the opposition, what on earth do we want him in Holyrood for?
I am afraid under no circumstance I can bring myself to vote for that wnkr.

I suppose all filters down to a question of personal priorities. Given the way labour and libdems helped the toxic greens and the eviscerated SNP pass that hate bill, there is no way I will ever contemplate voting for those parties. They are not even good at opposition. I will never vote for the tory amoebas that are allowing their own England counterparts to steal our powers, control over our assets and to deny us our right to self determination.

So in absence of a sensible government and even worse, in total absence of a funcional and willing opposition, my personal priorities are very much back to basics:

1. pro independence seats – this means to eject as many unionists from Holyrood as it is possible

2. to find a funcional opposition that will put the excesses of the fraud on a leash – for this we have to decrease as much as possible the possibility of her eviscerated SNP to take Alba seats from the list.

I hear what you say: another mandate under this political fraud and we will not see independence. But the opposite is also true: without a majority of pro indy seats we will be in the exact same boat we have been in the last 5 years and will not see independence either because the fraud or the puppet taking over will use it as an excuse to not deliver indyref.

Our only chance in hell is for ALBA to have a decent number of seats and start acting as a real opposition and as the standard of what a real pro indy party looks like. I do not see how that can happen if you don’t lock Sturgeon’s eviscerated SNP in the constituencies.

I have to be honest, if the choice is between a unionist seat (Sarwar) that is not even capable or even willing to function as opposition and a pro indy one (the political fraud that may not last that long in post) I choose the latter every time. Why? because useless and unwilling as the woman may be as pro independence leader, her seat will be seen by Westminster and the world as a pro indy seat and that counts.

It is indeed a big gamble and in less than 2 weeks’ time we will have to put our bets.

There is only one reason and one reason only why I will be voting SNP 1 instead of spoiling my ballot, and that is to increase the chances of ALBA, the only pro independence party taking part in this election, to enter Holyrood in numbers. The woeful performance of the political fraud leading the SNP and her attempts to throw the election are not going to make me lose focus.

Is SNP1 and ALBA2 for me.

Ian Brotherhood

@Hatuey –

Gie’s peace.

A couple of months ago you were banging on about how the ‘average’ death toll in Scotland was running at 400 per week. A figure which you appeared to have plucked out of your nose.

When challenged on it you went very quiet and have pretty much avoided the topic until now.

But here you are again, throwing around phrases like ‘incontovertible fact’ without presenting any.

And where’s all the support you used to be able to rely on?

Yer pals have gone affy quiet. Perhaps you should do likewise.


Under rotten and deprived banana Scotland, SNP has declared democratic discourse and fundamental societal Rights (e.g. Right to freely express/discuss/question/choose/elect’), a high treacherous crime (if malicious SNP loser doesn’t win): WTF…


Memes for Free Thinkers.
link to


Stuart MacKay says:
“maybe a few of the Westminster wastrels could resign their committee memberships in protest.”

In related news, a friend sent me a link to a site called Guido Fawkes, which recently headlined an article:
“1 in 5 SNP MPs Have Quit, Been Sacked, Are Under Investigation or Suspended”

Fairly makes you proud, doesn’t it?

Helen Yates

I’ve actually felt myself withdrawing from social media these past few days simply because I have felt I was in a position which I was finding hard to accept, I absolutely had no intention of voting SNP at this election, I would have spoiled my constituency vote and voted for either ISP or AFI on the list, then along comes Alba, suddenly I was enthused by politics again, and when Alex promoted SNP1 ALBA2 I thought ok I can do that if it’s to help Alba on the list.

I started promoting the same myself, though I personally don’t want to see The SNP get a majority even knowing that would be difficult, then I was getting angrier by the day every time Sturgeon opened her mouth as well as the crap coming from her loyal supporters.
So I have been in a state of mind where I was feeling I just can’t give The SNP even one vote.
Now I’m settled with not voting for them at all, especially if indy isn’t going to be the result of the vote working in favour of Alba.

I have wondered to be honest that even if Alba won 30 seats Sturgeon is not going to play ball if Alex tells her she should begin negotiations with Westminster, best case scenario is he will be able to show her up for the fraud that she is, but like you say it’s going to be 5 yrs before Alba can make a real difference. so Alba on the list will be the only vote I’ll cast.
Thanks for settling that for me.


“If the SNP win an absolute majority on their own in next month’s election, it will be the end of independence. It’ll also be the end of women’s rights and any meaningful concept of freedom of speech in Scotland.”

What does mean for independence & women’s rights if Unionists win a majority?

Mark Boyle

@Gordon says: 26 April, 2021 at 4:45 pm

Sturgeon and Harvie have a new Freaks Coalition anthem planned for after the election.

It’s appalling to think that the Rocky Horror Picture Show under pending SNP/Green legislation could be banned as a “hate crime” – mocking trans “culture”, depicting them as murderers, mocking hunchbacks, and failing to edit out the part of the movie where Little Nell messes up the end of her dance routine and falls over all for the sake of a cheap audience laugh must clearly have traumatised her and demanding massive amounts of compensation.

Oh, and that all the case were white makes the movie also racist. Send for Aamar Anwar at once!


Stuart @5.10pm.

I guess I’m looking for any possible positives in this whole sorry affair. As you rightly say it will be post 2026 before the ALBA party can fully stretch their wings (no pun intended).

I guess I was just hoping that in the next five years under Sturgeon, that if the unionists MSPs positions were threatened by the Hub syphoning off powers from Holyrood that they, well maybe not so much the Tories, but SLAB, ALBA, the SNP, and even the vile Greens if they have any MSPs (which I hope they don’t) would act on independence, if not to save Scotland from Westminster, then to save their own positions at the trough.

For Johnson is hellbent on rolling back devolution, I recall when devolution was in the making Johnson was a reporter for the Telegraph newspaper, and said of devolving powers to the Home nations, that it was a horrid messy business, in the sense that it shouldn’t be happening.

Annie 621

“We were somewhere around Glasgow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold”,
to paraphrase Hunter S Thompson’s Fear and Loathing.
Fear and loathing is what you will see when you watch any recent videos of NS.


I thank Stu for his honesty and his continuous exposures of Sturgeon the SNP and the Greens lunacy , I had made up my mind and had posted it on another post, I would NOT vote SNP in the constituency , but TBQH Liz g has awakened my anger at what these arseholes are FORCING us to do , in NOT voting SNP they may still scrape in with the help of the greens but they would use the excuse of a minority vote to further delay indy

IF we give them a majority vote they will still work with the greens to get their reviled policies through BUT they are now in the headlights regarding independence and if any ALBA reps are elected they must continuously highlight and expose the lack of movement on indy but the continued forcing of the GRA and HCB

Covid has stopped demonstrations and marches BUT it hopefully is under control what MUST happen ASAP after the elections is AUOB aligned with REAL WOMEN’S GROUPS have to organise a mass demonstration to the SP to let ALL politicians of ALL parties know that the GRA and HCB is being opposed and will NOT be passed


Ian Brothehood

Are you arguing that vaccination doesn’t work or just that COVID vaccines don’t work, or have I misunderstood your comment?


“A couple of months ago you were banging on about how the ‘average’ death toll in Scotland was running at 400 per week. A figure which you appeared to have plucked out of your nose.”

I validated that. You obviously missed it. Let’s do it again, though, just for fun.

link to

If you look at the table entitled “Death Certificates Mentioning Covid-19”, it is plain to see that Scotland was experiencing well over 40 covid-related deaths per day in December.

It goes without saying that many people would have died undiagnosed. We know that. You only need to add a handful and you exceed 400 deaths per week (assuming you are able to multiply the daily figure by 7).

You’re welcome.


Here’s some basic detail on the effectiveness of COVID vaccination – society of occupational medicine + university of glasgow guidance

link to


“Labour will maintain Holyrood, the Tories will not”

Labour hid the McCrone Report from the Scottish people for decades to stop the Scottish people knowing how wealthy their country was so England could continue taking the biggest chunck of the revenues.

Labour called pro indy supporters racists.

One of the most senior labour members colluded with tories and libdems to con us with the vow while then stood on the breaks of devolution.

Under labour’s watch 6000 sq miles of Scottish territorial waters were transferred to England.

Labour is as determined as the tories to force England rule over Scotland by denying Scotland its right to self determination.

One of the former Scottish Labour branch managers openly encouraged votes for the tories in certain constituencies. Never mind that if that was done in England they would be expelling her. But hey, in Scotland everything is fair game for labour.

Another senior labour member said “We need to kill off the nationalists in Scotland and regain that great country” Yet, nobody even bat an eyelid.

If you want a pro indy majority in Holyrood you cannot be thinking in handing your vote to unionists to ensure their permanence in that parliament so they can continue to claim Scotland does not want indref or independence.

If you want Alba to have as many seats as possible, then it is clear as day that you need to vote SNP in the constituencies. Unpalatable as it may be, it is the only way. Anything else will be ensuring the unionists preserve their presence in Holyrood, which rather than progressing independence, will regress it.

If we want ALBA to contest the MP seats in 2024, we still need a pro indy majority in HOlyrood. Otherwise we will have the exact same scenario as we have had for the last 5 years. So at least let’s make something positive out of this election and let it be a decrease in the number of unionist seats in Holyrood.


Actually here’s the official date which reveals that in January 452 people per week were dying covid-related deaths in Scotland.

link to

Scroll down to the table entitled “Deaths”.

I believe Ian Brotherhood owes someone an apology — officially wrong. That’s now incontrovertible too.

Andy Ellis

@Ruby 5.25 pm

Gies peace. Who in their right minds sees the unionists gaining a majority at Holyrood? We know the only plausible alternatives:

1) an outright SNP majority
2) an SNP/Green outright majority
3) SNP or SNP/Green as largest grouping with Alba holding the balance.

Anyone sane would prefer 3. The deluded want or will tolerate 1 or 2.

Only 3 gives us any chance of fresh elections and therefore a shot at independence before 2026.

Stu is however correct: option 3 is very difficult to engineer so we’re basically fucked for the next 5 years unless some political earthquake happens in the next few weeks.

Wullie B

WhoRattledYourCage says:
26 April, 2021 at 2:26 pm

I think Scotland should have two funerals for itself, just like this trans teen, because this country doesn’t know whether it’s coming or going, it’s so fucked up:

link to

How about three funerals like Rachel Chisley did, for those that have never heard of her, she was married to the Earl of Marrs brother, she was a woman of fury, her father had been convicted of murder of a law officer, and was executed.
Rachel Chiseley heard her husband, brother in law and Simon Fraser discussing a Jacobite uprising in the 1730s, and after her husband had been elected to parliament, he found himself a wee bidey in down in the big smoke.
Chisley had enough and threatened to tell the King about the uprising so the Earl decided to get shot of her, but being a good catholic boy, he couldn’t divorce her, so he had organised with Fraser, and various Clan chief sympathisers to spirit her away in the middle of the night, which led to funeral number one in Edinburgh.
After doing a Calmac Highland Hopscotch, she found herself out in St Kilda for 7 years, among people who couldn’t speak Scots or English, only Gaelic, and it wasn’t until some preachers started to visit Hirta that she finally managed to get some letters left in Edinburgh written by a preacher that a rescue party was sent to look for her.
The rescue party appeared 6 weeks too late, she was again travelling the Island Hopscotch and ended up in a cave at Idrigal Point on the Duirinish peninsula of Skye close to the MacLeods maidens until it was deemed safe enough to to take her back into civilisation.
She was then taken into the care of a family of MacNeills on the Waternish peninsula, where she lived her final days, and did finally die in 1746, approx 13 years after leaving Edinburgh, where she had a funeral, but after the shenanigans of the first funeral years earlier, they needed proof so dug her grave, and when they interned her again, she had her third funeral. if you are interested int he full story, you should read “The Prisoner of St Kilda” it is a very interesting read

David Lyon

Can anyone recommend a new place to get tourism advice for Ghana?

I like Ghana.

katherine hamilton

Don’t agree Rev. Spoiling won’t do it. Has to be SNP1. Hopefully she’ll win outright, with an ALBA presence asking her why fuck all is being done, on a daily basis. We need ALBA to gub the Greens, cause as you say they are the devil incarnate. I don’t regard myself as voting for evil ( in fact I think called the SNP evil way before anyone else on here). It is to put her on a hook to squirm. Pretty much all we’ve got left.


So George Galloway thinks that parts of Scotland should be partitioned and remain in the union , such as Dumfries and Galloway, Orkney and Shetland and Edinburgh, and its finance sector, when Scots vote to leave the union.

Galloway would rather see Scotland broken up into enclaves than see the country of his birth leave this horrendously onesided union.

Galloway if he wasn’t years ago, is definitely now a Whitehall stooge, the absurdity of Galloway is such that Galloway is a supporter of a reunited Ireland, but he would rather destroy his own country of birth than see it flourish.

One wonders who put the partition idea into his Homburg hat covered head of Galloway Westminster is adroit at partitioning countries for its own benefit


Ottoman, we added the word “science” to make people like you feel useful… take my word for it, though, the social sciences have very little to do with science.



In Renfrewshire South its Scotia future in the constituency ballot and Alba on the list for me.


Liz g, Mia, Ruby, Famous 15, AYRSHIRE NOB, Breeks, Big Al the kiddies pal and the rest of the SNP 1 Brigade.

Just admit it, you are all gubbed.

You are all secret SNP 1 and 2 Voters. So stop the pretence of trying to convince everybody to vote SNP 1. ALBA 2.

Salmond haters.

The biggest danger to Scotland by any politicians, is Sturgeon and Harvie.

It doesn’t matter how big the Sturgeon majority or minority is, she will not hold a referendum on Independence.

The Alky, drug addict needs to be thrown out of Scottish politics for good.

So the Wings Perverts Society, fuck off with your bullshit.



By doing this you will have a clear conscience.

Ian Brotherhood

@Hatuey (5.40) –

Deaths ‘involving’ Covid.

So, it was a factor. Not the cause.

We’ve been through this a hundred times.

And if you think you’re getting an apology from me you’ll be waiting a long time.


James 5.49pm

Yes, you mentioned SCOTIA FUTURE.

They are still running Constituency candidates.

ANDY DOIG, for Paisley/Renfrewshire South is a good call for Constituency Vote and ALBA List vote.

He has been a councillor for years, so his re, elections would mean he is doing a good job on behalf of his Constituents.


“By doing this you will have a clear conscience”

No, we don’t. If we do what you say we will regret for 5 years having preserved unionist seats we should have kicked out of our parliament.

SNP1 and ALBA2 is the only way we can decrease the number of unionists in Holyrood. Less unionists can only be a good thing.


Stuart MacKay says:
26 April, 2021 at 4:51 pm

> Hardly The Guardian.
> Right wing libertarian free market economist more like.

I dunno, after The Guardian decided to chase the US, White, Intellectual elites with disposable income and came in from the cold and got into bed with the security services I think that’s a reasonable description of the direction the paper has gone.

Definitely neo-lib, globalists and since a lot of their new tech-based subscribers have libertarian tendencies I’m sure they won’t do anything to alienate them.

It should tell us something that every multi-billion dollar global corporation on the planet is 100% fully in favour of the entire woke “progressive” agenda.

Realising that Google, Apple, Disney, Coca Cola and Goldman Sachs are on your side should prompt an “are we the baddies?” moment from Grauniadians, but anybody who unironically reads Owen Jones and Nesrine Malik is probably too busy fiddling with their racism E-meters to do self-awareness.

Ian Brotherhood

‘About 600 people per week in Scotland are dying right now because of coronavirus. I’d rather they didn’t, and I don’t care how old they are.’

Hatuey, Jan 18th 2021, 11.13pm

Ah, right, I do owe you an apology. You didn’t claim it was 400 per week. You said 600. So that clears that up.

And here’s my reply, which you completely ignored…

‘That is just outrageous – where is your source?

Here’s the latest data from National Records of Scotland.

Please show us how you got 600 deaths per week from this.’

link to

And that’s it for today, have wasted enough time on your pish.

Daisy Walker

I’m all the way ok with Indy supporters not being able to hold their nose and vote SNP1.

One thing is certain – Alba on the List is Maxing the Yes.

I will not cry if Nicla (unlikely I think the Brits will manipulate the votes or she will get in on the list by gazumping the other lassie) doesn’t get the Constituency vote, and I won’t be sad if we were forced to say bye bye to Swinney, cheerio to Angus the Odius, see ya to Sommerville, have a nice day to Humza and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

There are some good SNP candidates out there, and I wish they could or would put more clear water between themselves and Nicla, but realistically, I’m aware that is not possible.

So my ideal result would be for the voters to oust Nicla and her ‘team’, but for a large, decent chunk of sane and non corrupt SNP MSP’s to get elected, and for Alba to get maximum number and together they make it a majority government.

As for the greens, I hope they get well and truly humped. And not in a nice way. I say that as an adult female human though, so perhaps I’m biased.


Andy Ellis says:
26 April, 2021 at 5:43 pm
@Ruby 5.25 pm

Gies peace. Who in their right minds sees the unionists gaining a majority at Holyrood? We know the only plausible alternatives:

1) an outright SNP majority
2) an SNP/Green outright majority
3) SNP or SNP/Green as largest grouping with Alba holding the balance.

Anyone sane would prefer 3. The deluded want or will tolerate 1 or 2.

Only 3 gives us any chance of fresh elections and therefore a shot at independence before 2026.

Stu is however correct: option 3 is very difficult to engineer so we’re basically fucked for the next 5 years unless some political earthquake happens in the next few weeks.

Gies peace! Is that another way of telling me to shut up?

How will 1/2 come about when so many people are not voting SNP?

With so many people disillusioned with the SNP it isn’t too far fetched to suggest that the four Unionists parties may gain a majority.

3. Alba might hold the balance vis a vis independence but what about women’s rights?

Clavie Cheil

She is obviously not a Nationalist. Green Wokist Traitor I would say. It will be the Greens that will cost the SNP a majority well that and the Traitorous SNPs failure to deliver a Referendum and Independence.


Oh dear the very unpleasant Gordon is now shouting his message.

It takes intelligence to understand the plan espoused by Alex Salmond. SNP1 Alba2.

I think he is either losing the plot or is the illegitimate offspring of a Unionist affair.

Independence is normal unlike Gordon.


@ Helen Yates at 5.24: it is worth writing your opinion on the constituency ballot because the candidates see it, apparently. It might stiffen the spine of any SNP MSP when they get back to Holyrood.

And it would be fun.


I had to look up Grauniadians and found that it was a nickname given to the Guardian by Private Eye in the 1960’s.
I agree with you about Owen Jones.
I think the only way to read him is ironically as if you read the words as he writes them it will make you tear your hair out.
As you say the big corporations are siding with the woke agenda. They are doing it out of cowardice and a misplaced belief that such a stance will maintain their reputation.
There is a big backlash against them and some extreme right wing elements are recruiting on the back of it.

Dorothy Devine

well I’m convinced we should all vote for a dancer – I watched the main man try to emulate the lovely lad from the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.

Wullie B

David Lyon says:
26 April, 2021 at 5:44 pm

Can anyone recommend a new place to get tourism advice for Ghana?

I like Ghana.

link to


Daisy Walker says:
26 April, 2021 at 6:23 pm
I’m all the way ok with Indy supporters not being able to hold their nose and vote SNP1.


I don’t think I am unless they can tell me what will happen vis a vis independence & women’s rights if the four Unionist parties gain a majority.

Wullie B

Ruby says:
26 April, 2021 at 6:44 pm

Daisy Walker says:
26 April, 2021 at 6:23 pm
I’m all the way ok with Indy supporters not being able to hold their nose and vote SNP1.


I don’t think I am unless they can tell me what will happen vis a vis independence & women’s rights if the four Unionist parties gain a majority.

Then hold the SNP to blame, not the voters, why should we be asked to vote for a party that holds us all in contempt, I am finding it increasingly difficult to even think about voting for the SNP and I have Kate Forbes who isn’t a zoomer of the highest degree, but too many of them are, the only thing that is pointing me to voting for her, is just in case Emma Roddick gets in on the list,


Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

“The best thing that could possibly happen to the independence movement would be that Anas Sarwar won Glasgow Southside and Nicola Sturgeon lost her seat due to the SNP’s crooked, gerrymandered list rankings. But the First Minister now so gravely lacks even the tiniest shred of dignity or shame that she’d probably force Roza Salih to step down so that she could take the list seat the young refugee would likely win in those circumstances away from her and slither back into Bute House through the back door.”

But at least she would be humiliated in front of the cameras and would have to double game the system to get back in through the back door.

Vote/Advocate Labour 1 / ALBA 2 in the Glasgow Southside constituency.

Colin Alexander

Max the Yes: SNP (Constituency) Alba (List)


And she would not dare to get back if the SNP did not get a majority and ALBA held the balance of power.

Vote intelligently not blindly.



You still SNP 1 and 2?

And a Salmond hater?

Your wee drug addict hero Sturgeon looks washed out, she’s finished Ruby.

You’re floggin a deed hoarse hen.


Stephen says:
26 April, 2021 at 6:29 pm

As you say the big corporations are siding with the woke agenda. They are doing it out of cowardice and a misplaced belief that such a stance will maintain their reputation.

I don’t think they’re afraid. It’s more that the new ruling class actually believes in this stuff, or at least wants you to believe in it because it’s useful to them. They’re going out of their way to support it financially and via propaganda. They don’t actually care if it pisses off normal people, in fact they probably think it’s hilarious to rub the gammony proles’ noses in their own powerlessness.

Substituting racial and sexual identity politics and its Lockean implications for national or class solidarity and wealth redistribution or barriers to trade is working out brilliantly for people like Jeff Bezos. Shame about that union vote, but in a globalised economy with unlimited flows of itinerant labour unions are completely pointless. Nevermind, at least you can customize your gender pronouns while you buy cheap plastic crap from Amazon™.

As Nicola’s idol Hillary Clinton once said with cynicism worthy of Pontius Pilate, “if we broke up the banks, would that end racism?”

Dorothy Devine says:
26 April, 2021 at 6:32 pm
well I’m convinced we should all vote for a dancer

He’s a private dancer, dancer for money.



After all those weeks of abuse from the usual suspects,,,and then the Rev turns round and repeats exactly what we have been saying.

Not a peep from the Wings Perverts Society, aka the SNP 1 Brigade.


Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

“If we lived in Scotland – and to be truthful we’re increasingly glad we don’t, because it’s no longer safe – we’d be voting Alba on the list ——- or in Glasgow Southside where may God have mercy on our souls we’d be voting for the idiot Sarwar because it was – absurdly – by far the best vote for independence).”

God would readily forgive you.

But the more powerful Ruby/Mia/AYRSHIRE ROB/Breeks/Famous15 irrational Sturgeonist brigade would condemn you to hell.

For those who still don’t get it:

Rev. Stuart Campbell says:


Genuine independence supporters, please don’t get fooled by the Sturgeonist brigade posting here.

Vote Labour (Sarwar) 1 / ALBA 2 in the Glasgow Southside constituency.

Don’t abstain, don’t spoil your ballot – vote TACTICALLY for Labour to defeat Sturgeon, the Criminal in Chief of Scotland.

Daisy Walker

Ruby says:
26 April, 2021 at 6:44 pm

Daisy Walker says:
26 April, 2021 at 6:23 pm
I’m all the way ok with Indy supporters not being able to hold their nose and vote SNP1.


I don’t think I am unless they can tell me what will happen vis a vis independence & women’s rights if the four Unionist parties gain a majority.’

You are right Ruby, and I can’t help you. I can tell you that the SNP are the biggest threat to the Indy movement and to womens rights under current leadership.

The Tories and Labour are letting the SNP do all the heavy lifting and dirty work with regards the HCB and the GRA. When the time comes they will call out their ‘family traditions/blue rinse’ brigade to decry it, AND WILL SOUND SANE AND SENSIBLE for once. But they will probably not do that until after it has been passed into law…

The reason I’m all the way OK with Indy supporters not being able to hold their noses, is because of that.

I should also have added, we need the people who can hold their noses and can still vote SNP, and we need them to do so in the areas which do not have the current ‘leadership team’ as their consituency candidates.

More than anything, and the only thing that is clear, is Alba on the List.

What I’m trying to say is DeHondt system is to blame. Not good people trying to elect responsible politicians and keep the bad ones out.

So, I’m just going to hope that good wins out, and what I know for sure is I’ll be voting Alba on the list. I won’t know how I’ll vote on the constituency vote until the day… and it might depend on polling, or it might depend on ‘word on the street’. I just don’t know.

Liz g

Twatthater @5.28

***…IF we give them a majority vote they will still work with the greens to get their reviled policies through BUT they are now in the headlights regarding independence and if any ALBA reps are elected they must continuously highlight and expose the lack of movement on indy but the continued forcing of the GRA and HCB…****

That’s how I see things too Twatthater, get them returned big enough to have no excuse, and put as much Alba MSPs as we can in Holyrood to hold them to their proclamations.

What we haven’t had during ” the time of the many mandates” is anyone in Holyrood sayin all the things we say here.
Asking why are they no makin any move here, or over there , or anywhere really, when it’s so obviously in the interests of Indy to do so?
We know well the frustration of knowing steps that could have and should have been taken and yet no one mentions it in Holyrood.
Christ we even write it down for them here, in a place we know they read…

To also bring up in Holyrood what the MPs in Westminister are doing or saying , and remininding Nicola that she is their boss too. To no longer let the SNP in Holyrood behave as though the SNP MPs are semi detached, they could be doing much much more , and a reminder it’s no as long as 5 years till we get to dump them either.

A majority SNP can, and likely will, do many distasteful things as will a British controlled Holyrood , but the ONE thing they cannot do is say they don’t want independence .
They are stuck with it like it or no and we can’t give them the excuse of a weaker mandate either.
This is the game we are in and we have to play the cards we are dealt.
We are in a better position now than we were 4 weeks ago and even one Alba MSP in Holyrood can shake things up in the right direction.

As for women’s rights… this Trans nonsense is not going to go away any time soon no matter who gets into Holyrood , so I’d say let’s deal with it sooner rather than later, if for no other reason than it’s already in the schools. Why wait, mibbi years, and let it take root there ?
Let Nicola try and advance it and find out if it’s really what the people of Scotland want?
She’s backed off twice now and those of us who won’t stand for it are a lot more organised now.

While I used to think it would be better to wait and get Indy first ( and it would have been for us Scots ) if the notion of TWAW is wrapped up in the push to Indy and the break up of the UK that’s a spotlight women around the globe couldn’t and won’t be permitted to buy,
and some time in the Sun the Trans Rights Nutters don’t want and need to avoid.
Not to mention a wee bit extra international recognition tacked on to our struggle for our Independence in and around Women’s groups world wide.
Aim fur the moon and we just might hit the stars so to speak 🙂
So let’s grab it and go with it …… like I said play the hand we’ve been dealt as best we can.

Therefore all things considered … SNP 1 and Alba 2 is unarguably the best choice here…


Interesting post.

By “Lockean implications” I am presuming that you are referring to a Hobbesian “state of nature”, where we will all be at each other’s throats.
Is it all a big conspiracy to divide working people into those who support and those who oppose the woke agenda?
I don’t believe that there is any organisation big enough and with the overarching reach to carry out this vast task.

I do believe that the woke agenda is threatening the social structures that reflect societal norms and exist as a consequence of general implicit approval.
The woke agenda is therefore apart from anything else anti-democratic.

The trouble at the moment is that we can’t seem to be able to vote it out.
As you say we are not helped by big business working against us.

With respect to Clinton, she has a brass neck as well.
Her campaign was financed by Goldman Sachs and hedge-funds who were doubtless expecting preferential treatment if she got elected.

Stuart MacKay


Being in a glass half-full frame of mind it’s worth remembering all we’ve discovered in the past year. Sure most of it is not exactly pretty but a hell of a lot of doubt and uncertainty is gone forever.

I don’t think you can say the drive for independence has diminished rather the whole movement is leaner and fitter now that the carpet-baggers, parasites and soft on indy folks have revealed themselves. But wait, there’s more!

We got a good education on the value of writing down a constitution, how not to run a judiciary, an inquiry, a police force, media, non-government organisations, etc. The list goes on and on. All this will stand us in good stead when we really need it.

See it’s not all bad. Sort of.


Wullie B says:
why should we be asked to vote for a party that holds us all in contempt,


Perhaps because not voting for a party that holds you in contempt you could end up with parties that hold you in even more contempt.

I might be wrong and perhaps the 4 Unionists parties gaining a majority in Holyrood might be the best thing that could happen to women & independence supporters.


Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

“There are even a small handful of seats where there’s a legitimate argument for indy supporters voting for Unionist parties.”

Wings Over Scotland readers who genuinely support indpendence, please take a hint from what the Rev. Stuart Campbell said.

Vote TACTICALLY in favour of the unionist candidates most likely to defeat the most obnoxious SNP candidates like Sturgeon, Swinney, Yousaf, Robertson.

It is a shame that the likes of Tommy Sheridan and Craig Murray did not have the courage of their convictions to stand as independents against Sturgeon and Robertson respectively.


You could be forgiven for thinking that Dylan had this election in mind when he wrote these lyrics 40 odd years ago.

‘Gentlemen, he said,
I don’t need your organization, I’ve shined your shoes,
I’ve moved your mountains and marked your cards
But Eden is burning, either get ready for elimination
Or else your hearts must have the courage
For the changing of the guards.

Peace will come
With tranquility and splendor on the wheels of fire
But will offer no reward when her false idols fall
And cruel death surrenders with its pale ghost retreating
Between the King and the Queen of Swords’


I stopped caring whether Alba are on for 1% or 5% or 10% of the list vote.

All I care about is they are providing a place where I can hold my head high and vote for independence without having to support the SNP, who I have decided I can no longer vote for on either ballot because they have just given way too many reasons not to, and the Greens, who I would never ever have voted for or will vote for even if they were the last political party on Earth.

I hope come what may they are up for the fight post-election and will stand on constituency and list next time if need be. I am afraid they came to the game a little too late for this election but hope to be surprised on the day.

Stuart MacKay


Is that 20% figure for real? That’s a lot of people whose interests weren’t perfectly aligned with the Murrells and needed to be dealt with, oops, I mean, reminded of their dedication to the cause.

Unfortunately that probably tells us a lot about the remaining 80%.

Clavie Cheil

I am now focused on getting as many folk as possible to vote Alba on the list. That is where I am putting energy and spreading the word as far and a wide as I can between now and election day. The rest of the stuff is BS. Okay so I actually joined the Alba Party so I am biased.

I am worried that there have been 1 million plus PV’s cast. That is c 200,000 more than in even the rigged 2014 Referendum. I think Alba will need a big if not a huge vote on the actual election day to win anything.

I observe that there are several Yoon trolls here doing nothing to enhance the Alba Party vote or advance the Indy cause. Please fuck off!!! You are boring me witless.


Every ALBA list vote reduces the SNP’s chances on the list.

As ‘crazycat’ has posted, the SNP’s constituency votes do not affect their chances on the list.

If we vote massively in favour of ALBA on the list, they will definitely hold the balance of power.

Maximise the ALBA 2 vote.


What happened to the poster called ‘Rock’ did he get banned from Wings?


For Stuart Campbell,

Dear Stu.,

I know you have strong views and prefer self-moderation on your site. Heaven help you trying to moderate some of the Troll crap.

The resident troll, “Gordon” has his regular libel of posters at 5.52pm this evening. Given the attack on yourself personally as an alleged deviant and Wings in general by “Gordon JC Pearce” evidenced here…

link to

I am hoping you can understand how sickened some here are by the continual freedom with which “Gordon” aka Rock/kcoR/Andy/Labour-4-Indy abuses BTL contributors and trolls and disrupts the flow of decent folk trying to have a civilized conversation.

Legally, I shouldn’t need to declare this, but I suffer from horrendous PTSD-driven insomnia from working in the emergency services.

That included having to attend he post mortem of a young child who had been murdered. The mother had been raped.

God help the families. They have a lifelong sentence. I struggled NOT to injure or do worse to the person found guilty of this heinous matter during his transfer to HMP Barlinnie.

But the final offices of that young child and the work we had to do to ensure decency and sensitivity through those days took a toll. Some things you cannot unsee. They are burnt upon your retina.

Stuart, I have “coping mechanisms” to deal with all of the PTSD trauma and there is a ton of baggage.

But every time the Amadan known as the Gordon/Rock/kcoR/Andy etc stalks these BTL sections and throws around allegations that I reckon you would quite rightly issue Kezia Dugdale type litigation against, that scar which “Gordon” regularly rips off causes a sleepless night.

Stuart, please can you review this matter?

The Wings website rules appear to be regularly broken by Gordon/Rock/kcoR/Andy. Is it possible to remedy his/her multiple infractions please?

Of course there is a regular rough and tumble on websotes such a Wings. But sometimes, just occasionally, a Rubicon is crossed.

Kindest wishes,

Al Stuart.

Gordon says:
26 April, 2021 at 5:52 pm
Liz g, Mia, Ruby, Famous 15, AYRSHIRE NOB, Breeks, Big Al the kiddies pal and the rest of the SNP 1 Brigade.

Gordon then goes on with the rest of his usual copy-and-past rant. Libel, libel, troll, troll, etc etc.

Saffron Robe

I agree entirely with your assessment Stuart.

Liz g

I’d caution those considering Sarwar …
Nicola Sturgeon might be everything the Rev says she is and more that he’s not allowed to say too.
But Sarwar answers to Sir Keir Starmar and the British Nationalist Labour Party.
Sarwar has made it very clear he works for the Union and Westminister is in charge.
When it comes to
and Warmongers.
British Labour have a much more impressive history than the SNP…
The Gender madness too will be forced on Scotland when Sir Keri and Westminster say it will, and Anas Sarwar will capitulate to it , of that I have no doubt.

I have no problem arguing for women’s rights any time , any place ,any where, but my basic decency compels me to do so while also being able to look at Iraqi mother in the face…

bill coghill

when your argument boils down to where someone lives then you should give up

Scot Finlayson

Here’s what the BBC headline said in May 2014,

“In just over five years Britain will have run out of oil, coal and gas, researchers have warned.

A report by the Global Sustainability Institute said shortages would increase dependency on Norway, Qatar and Russia.”

Dr Aled Jones, director of the Global Resource Observatory that produced the research said,

“The BBC headline was a bit misleading”.

Brent Crude at $66 per barrel,

1,000,000 barrels per day taken from Scottish waters.

On average over 40 + years, $55,000,000 stolen from Scotland every fricken day.

John Martini

You will never be independent. No political will for it and a declining demand.

Just a bunch of old people bumping their gums while you duccumb to the new world order.


Liz g says:

The Gender madness too will be forced on Scotland when Sir Keri and Westminster say it will, and Anas Sarwar will capitulate to it , of that I have no doubt

Agreed. Funnily enough I was just reading this

link to

“Five years later, during the current Labour leadership campaign, Lisa Nandy was asked during a hustings whether Christopher Worton, a convicted child rapist who now identifies as a woman, should be transferred to a women’s prison. “Trans women are women and trans men are men so they should be accommodated in the prison of their choosing,” Nandy responded, seemingly oblivious to the real risk that such a policy could be open to abuse. Like BAGIS, Nandy expressed support for transgender people. Unlike BAGIS, she did not address the dangers of reforming prison policy on sex-segregation. In doing so, she failed to express compassion for another, all too often forgotten, group: female prisoners.”


link to

In 2015, this written evidence was submitted to the parliamentary inquiry on transgender equality:

It has been rather naïvely suggested that nobody would seek to pretend transsexual status in prison if this were not actually the case. There are, to those of us who actually interview the prisoners, in fact very many reasons why people might pretend this. These vary from the opportunity to have trips out of prison . . . through to wanting a special or protected status within the prison system and even (in one very well evidenced case that a highly concerned Prison Governor brought particularly to my attention) a plethora of prison intelligence information suggesting that the driving force was a desire to make subsequent sexual offending very much easier.

This came not from a radical feminist group, still less from conservative religious campaigners against LGBT rights. It was submitted by the British Association of Gender Identity Specialists (BAGIS), as part of a much longer document that also implored the government to do more to alleviate the suffering of patients diagnosed with gender dysphoria


My preference is for NS and Sarwar to fight it out to bitter end. Like 3-4 recounts.A massive drop in people actually voting for them on constituency. Those people who are mega pro indy in Southside actually vote Alba on list in increased numbers.

Remember I said a month ago concentrate on maximizing Alba list vote. Alba are not standing on constituency so it’s of no concern to them.It disnae matter.

If Sarwar were to beat her by ONE vote she’s no shoe in for getting in on list either even if she gazumpts the other list candidate.They never got any list seats in Glasgow last time. But a massive vote for Alba will ensure we get list seats in Glasgow there’s no escaping that, none.If Alba get 100k votes in Glasgow on list then they’ll get 4 seats.

Am fine where I am as Chic Brodie is on Constituency and pro indy who could actually have a great chance against SNP and Tories . Only other pro indy Scotia guy is Cllr Andy Doig in Renfrew.
The only two pro indy guys standing that aren’t SNP. What’s not to like?


Liz g/

Where the fuck were you when all the Holyrood inquiries were going on, over at the wee Gingerbread Man’s website?

You’re another Salmond hater and SNP 1 and 2 perv.

You’ve not been on here for about a year.

Because we were getting tore into your drug addict hero Sturgeon.

You just couldn’t stomach what the Rev was posting.

Only perverts vote SNP.

Know what a mean hen?


I notice I am corralled with others as a perverted something or other.

From the Machiavelli play book or the other book called Mean Camp or something like that is to marginalise your opposition and assign unpalatable opinions to them.Truth is optional but be unpleasant and SHOUT and claim your hero figures agree with you .

ARE YOU LIstening Gordon?

Liz g

Al – Stuart @ 7.24
That’s an awful story Al.
The Trolls on here are so tedious and haven’t really had anything new to say for years so much so that most of us regulars just think of them as background noise and we forget that some may be affected by them.
If you want to be sure the Rev reads what you have to say ( he can’t read every post ) use the contact function at the top of the page.
It is a bit of a waste of time for him though as they just keep coming back ( yes really , for years and years , we really are that good, I’m a particular wee weakness for them 🙂 )
You might try picking a line from their drivel that you can make a point from and go with that…it can be quite cathartic to have made an Indy point from a Troll inspired subject …. jist sayin 🙂


Jonny Martini

You’re the only daftie I ken that gets pissed oan “Martini” Time you gave it a rest and started on the vodka or sumit and gave us all peace man.


And you’re a Grass into the bargain.



“Nowhere have I said SNP 1 in Southside.”

But everytime someone has advocated voting Labour in Glasgow Southside to oust Sturgeon, the likes of you, Mia and the rest of your Sturgeonist brigade have gone berserk:

AYRSHIRE ROB says (“If you’re still not scared”:

“To “The Southside pluggers”

Sarwar is a Unionist. He is against independence.”

Ian Brotherhood


Maybe he’ll come back as Jimmy Cinzano.


AYRSHIRE ROB says (“If you’re still not scared”:

“To “The Southside pluggers”

Sarwar is a Unionist. He is against independence.”


“Stu Campbell is not the Pope”

Rev. Stuart Campbell says:


Not the Pope, but the Rev. Stuart Campbell is a “Southside plugger” by your definition, right AYRSHIRE ROB?


Regarding my previous post check out the election leaflet from

Does anyone have experience in crowdfunding?


Gordon is so naughty and quite unpleasant. “Not like the Homelife of our own dear Queen”

I wonder if he supports the Union Jack?


I would say the Rev has clearly pointed out who the “Trolls” are on Wings.

It’s the SNP 1 Brigade.

Trying to force people into Voting for a shower of Perverts who want Access In to female toilets and changing rooms.

And that certainly isn’t me.

You know who you are.

Liz g

Ruby @ 7.38
Well spotted Ruby … it is indeed woven through every Western democracy and we are all going to have to deal with it head on at some point.
And I’d much rather not to have to depend on the votes of the English electorate when the chips are down…. Holyrood is where it should all be ( as with everything else ) decided upon.

Meg merrilees

Kiwilassie says:
26 April, 2021 at 1:18 pm

Saw a posting from the AFI Glasgow campaign group.

SNP both votes 28%
SNP & ALBA 61%
SNP & Greens 10%
Both votes Green 1%

Just reposting for ALBA colleagues I was leafletting wIth this evening.


crazycat says (“If you’re still not scared”),

“The number of votes the SNP get in a constituency they don’t win is irrelevant.”

The SNP’s chances of getting list seats if they lose constituency seats is greatly reduced if we vote ALBA 2 in droves.

SNP 1 is NOT NECESSARY to maximise ALBA seats.

Please do not be obliged to vote SNP 1 and do not be fooled into voting SNP 1.

Give ALBA the balance of power, deny the SNP a majority.

Replace the SNP 1 / ALBA 2 mantra with Plan C:

Best tactical vote 1 / ALBA 2.





Graf Midgehunter

Helen Yates said:

“I have wondered to be honest that even if Alba won 30 seats Sturgeon is not going to play ball if Alex tells her she should begin negotiations with Westminster, best case scenario is he will be able to show her up for the fraud that she is, but like you say it’s going to be 5 yrs before Alba can make a real difference. so Alba on the list will be the only vote I’ll cast.”


It’s hard to keep up your strength and resolution when your party – ALBA – is subject to death by silence (MSM) and at the same time an absolute onslaught of yoonionists, terrified of what ALBA represents and perfectly capable of decimating their list of seat warmers.

It won’t take 4 or 5 years, Helen, think of all the “Events” that could turn up. Not forgetting the local elections, a GE or even By-elections.

It’s not Alex or ALBA that needs to be worried at Holyrood but Sturgeon and Co. because there is nowhere for them to run when faced with open questions in a very public setting.

Just look at all the massed Sarwar suicide squad trolls on WOS at the moment, it’s FEAR running cold through their veins.

It just needs the first step in May. 🙂


No Kcor

The copy & paste man.

I don’t agree with Stu on this occasion, that’s fine by him i’ m sure.
What is wrong with the Kcor and Gordon trolling is trying to convince indy guys are wrong by not voting Sarwar. SARWAR IS A UNIONIST AND DOESN’T CARE ABOUT SCOTLAND.
He’ll be off to Pakistan the first chance he gets. But that’s of no concern to you.
I don’t trust you or yer fanny Gordon many names.

You could always try convincing me by calling me a pervert to ma face.

Low green is a nice place to meet.

John Martini

Is sturgeon a man? I always had my doubts about her..


What a vile cybernat Ms Johnson is. 20K tweets since 2009, 3K this year, and nothing before last July. Must be hiding something to delete that much history.


Gordon says,

“It clears the air.

No more confusion.”

Sadly no chance as long as the Ruby/Mia/AYRSHIRE ROB/Breeks/Famous15 irrational Sturgeonist brigade is running riot on Wings Over Scotland.

If it hasn’t already started, it will soon start discrediting the Rev. Stuart Campbell himself on his own blog.


Aye Kcor

You’re correct I did say “Stu Campbell is not the pope”

So why don’t you get off your knees ya sook? We can all read the topic of the thread. We may not all the agree with every part. That’s the whole point.

Take your siamese twin troll and do wan


Does anyone remember Scotty McClue’s radio phone in on Radio Clyde?
He always had a cantankerous old sod on who would stir the debate and get people riled up.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian Brotherhood at 8:01 pm

You typed,
“Maybe he’ll come back as Jimmy Cinzano.”

Or, if there is gender-fluidity in his psyche, maybe Vikki Vermouth?


Ian B

Aye , forgot the “cinzano” lol. In fact that’s even more pish watter, like Malibu.

Ian Brotherhood


You’re channelling Ian Dury there!


Brian Doonthetoon

Am I?

I just like vermouth with steak, pork chops, lamb steaks and so on, since I was introduced to ‘Stock Vermouth’ in Germany in 1968 and then found out Martini and Cinzano were just brands of vermouth.

link to


Annie 621 says,

“Don’t vote with your head or your heart. Vote with principle and conscience,
I’ve always believed,
and so does the Rev,
that’s why I read him.”

In Scotland’s voting system at this critical election, voting with LOGIC and INTELLIGENCE is more important than voting with “principle and conscience”.

If you trust the Rev. Stuart Campbell, consider his words very carefully:

Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

“If we lived in Scotland – and to be truthful we’re increasingly glad we don’t, because it’s no longer safe – we’d be voting Alba on the list ——- or in Glasgow Southside where may God have mercy on our souls we’d be voting for the idiot Sarwar because it was – absurdly – by far the best vote for independence).”

The Rev. would certainly not be voting for Labour (Sarwar) with “principle and conscience” but for the greater good.


Celebrant Jayne.

Fucking sure I wouldn’t want you sending me off.


Chris says:
26 April, 2021 at 3:03 pm

“Could someone explain why not voting SNP at all is a bad idea.
If they get too few votes then they get no list seats nor constituency seats.”

It is not a bad idea if, like me, you prefer a weakened SNP without a majority.

And I totally agree with your second point as I have posted above.

Helen Yates

Hatuey says:
26 April, 2021 at 3:33 pm
As for passports, they’ll be necessary, especially if a lot of people refuse the vaccine. Why should the rest of us stand by and watch the science-deniers overwhelm our NHS and scupper the progress we have made?

For the record not having the vaccine doesn’t mean you are simply a science denier, there are people who can’t have the vaccine for health reasons just as there are those who choose not to have it for other reasons. I do hope you don’t decide to go into politics, we’ve enough dictators in power as it is.

Robert Menzies

“But any constituency seat they DON’T win improves their chances of winning list seats, which would in almost every case go to the absolute worst people the SNP has – truly abominable dreck who would be a disgrace to any party and should under no circumstances ever be anywhere near any levers of power”

So your idea of an independent Scotland is one where people you don’t like would be prevented from entering Parliament ?


Gordon says:
26 April, 2021 at 1:12 pm


Breeks and Mia will be preparing mile long posts explaining in their own patronizing way about you are misguided and not up to speed with what is really happening on the ground.”

It didn’t take long, Gordon.

Mia says:
26 April, 2021 at 5:16 pm

“A catch-22 indeed, Rev. Because from where I am standing, Sarwar looks a lot like evil too.”

K Campbell

Membership numbers for Alba looking great!! Due to some kind of glitch( I had been having some trouble with my profile sign on for the website due to sharing an e-mail with hubby who’s also a member), I received another receipt with number 7331 on it!!
Aside from the very minor irritation of having to sort this out, the membership numbers are amazing!!
Keep getting the word out folks Alba2!!!


Ditch the Witch is a bit hard on witches.

Rather it should be ditch the evil malicious one. And I’m sure if her husband, if that is the correct title for him, ever comes to write his memoirs, they’ll be much to read about Ms Sturgeon and her behavior. Brutality to voodoo dolls might be an allegorical casting of Sturgeon, but I’m more than sure, that if the records are ever allowed to emerge, folks will see an entirely different Nicola Sturgeon.

But for now a veil of legal censorship and redaction appertains and will, if she gets re-elected only get worse.

Liz g

Chris says:
26 April, 2021 at 3:03 pm

***“Could someone explain why not voting SNP at all is a bad idea.
If they get too few votes then they get no list seats nor constituency seats.”***

Well Chris
It’s a bad idea because any drop in the SNP vote that doesn’t go to Alba will be portrayed as a drop in Independance support by Westminister.
Drop the SNP vote just enough and a Scotland’s NOT Yet Ready for Indy Ref Two will be a card Nicola Sturgeon can play.
Return a massive pro Indy vote and there’s nae arguing with it.
The politicians may not implement the vote but the fact of the vote itself will no be in dispute.
E.G. … No one argues that Scotland didn’t vote to stay in the EU…. a similar vote with MSPs ready and willing to act on it is exactly what we need …. NO RED TORY SARWAR BACK IN GLASGOW, all ready to do Westministers bidding in our Parliament. Labour let Glasgow down and stabbed it in the Back in 2014 …. Labour are British Nationalist and would keep Scotland on her knees and we don’t need a third wheel in this struggle , British Warmongering parties should never be an option for Scotland’s Parliament it really only encourages Westminster and the BBC…


@ Kcor/Rock at 8.09

“The number of votes the SNP get in a constituency they don’t win is irrelevant”

is not the same thing as

“it doesn’t matter whether the SNP wins in constituency X or not”.

What the first sentence means is that the numerical value of the SNP’s performance in a constituency someone else wins is not carried over into the regional seat allocation.

What the second sentence means is SNP failure to win in constituency X never affects the allocation of regional seats.

The first sentence is true.
The second sentence is not true</.

I have already asked you (politely) not to mis-represent me.


Slight HTML fail there (the preview box did not display my last sentence).

It does no harm to highlight that sentence, though.


Does anyone think that what is brewing in Westminster politics at the moment is interesting in causing a possible backwash for our own corrupt little democracy?

Especially as Sturgeon, with no sense of irony at all, decided to comment on the PM’s ‘difficulty’, otherwise known as Dominic Cummings, who has seemingly decided on a revenge attack on his former boss.

You might have thought that Sturgeon’s shameless intervention, demanding that Johnson should reveal all correspondence etc., would have triggered an obvious explosive retaliation from Johnson’s supporters in Westminster and the Unionist press. (Where is Andrew Neil?) Yet Sturgeon’s protectors in the Scottish media seem oblivious of Sturgeon’s intervention being a hostage to fortune.

Either she is ironclad or is playing a foolish game. Venturing into Westminster politics on what would seem to be dangerous ground for her, might backfire. Or not.

I think I might be missing something.

Liz g

K Campbell @ 8.54
7,331 members … that’s fantastic.
We need to keep this up 🙂

Mark Boyle

@James says: 26 April, 2021 at 5:49 pm

In Renfrewshire South its Scotia future in the constituency ballot and Alba on the list for me.

Hudson says:
26 April, 2021 at 6:01 pm

James 5.49pm

Yes, you mentioned SCOTIA FUTURE.

They are still running Constituency candidates.

ANDY DOIG, for Paisley/Renfrewshire South is a good call for Constituency Vote and ALBA List vote.

He has been a councillor for years, so his re, elections would mean he is doing a good job on behalf of his Constituents.

Andy was the one warning the SNP about Derek Mackay’s behaviour, their response was to try to get him expelled on trumped up homophobia charges – the fact he was the one who pushed for Mhari Black to be given a shot at standing for a seat when certain elements regarded her as too young and too non-hetero all conveniently forgotten (or rather the history rewritten 1984 style).

When he stood as an independent, they all predicted he’d get thrashed – his vote actually increased, because he’s been a hard working councillor for years, particularly in the rural areas once SNP heartlands in Renfrewshire but now they’ve got most of the urban areas they can’t be arsed with “the sticks” as much, even though it provides a less fickle electorate if you’re prepared to work for it.

All the decades of hard work done in the Jim Mitchell/Bruce McFee/Colin Campbell era has been thrown to hell for easy urban pickings. People like Andy who did the legwork and rattling tins in freezing cold winters for the party year in year out have been treated abysmally by those currently in charge.


26 April, 2021 at 8:11 pm

“No Kcor

The copy & paste man.

I don’t agree with Stu on this occasion, that’s fine by him i’ m sure.”

AYRSHIRE ROB, not agreeing is fine, but when you did not agree with me and some others, you went berserk everytime we posted.

I dare you to call the Rev. Stuart Campbell a “Southside plugger”.

AYRSHIRE ROB says (“If you’re still not scared”:

“To “The Southside pluggers”

Sarwar is a Unionist. He is against independence.”

Rev. Stuart Campbell says:



crazycat says:
26 April, 2021 at 8:58 pm

@ Kcor/Rock at 8.09

“The number of votes the SNP get in a constituency they don’t win is irrelevant”

is not the same thing as

“it doesn’t matter whether the SNP wins in constituency X or not”.

The first sentence is true.
The second sentence is not true</.

I have already asked you (politely) not to mis-represent me."

is irrelevant = it doesn’t matter

In the English language.



Wtf are you on ya twat?

What’s this if you’re ” still not scared” clip quote from?
Twats like you get ma goat, really do. You done the same to crazy cat and you do the same with Stu Campbell’s statements, clip and copy out of context bits and pieces.

You’re a twat.

Daisy Walker

Poll result from ScotGoesPop – Alba on 6% – projected to take 8 seats. Yeah.

10 days to go, lets get that and more.


Red your invective about celebrants had me in stitches. Yes it’s for those kind of people but some of us have used humanist celebrants for weddings, funerals and the odd Bar Mitzvah. Some celebrants are very good and many people who use them are too. One crap one I had saw a mindfulness book on my shelves and assumed I wanted to “invoke the Buddha at some point”. I told her the dear departed would have none of that as lifelong atheist and hardline Dawkinian! So some are jut arses in out of the rain others are incredibly grounded and decent and a great option for the non believer as well as the credulous trend follower. I know you know that , but keep up the funny demolition jobs on that sort of thing.


Liz g says:
26 April, 2021 at 9:03 pm
K Campbell @ 8.54
7,331 members … that’s fantastic.
We need to keep this up ?


Guys I’m not sure what’s happening here but I got a receipt today with number #6605 as a new member. I ‘m not a new member as I signed up on day one as a new member, not today!. It was as I expect the receipt for my current monthly membership recurring payment.

Can you look at this issue Kirk Torrance (if you’re reading)and see what’s happening here as it’s causing confusion ?


Well, IF NOBODY votes for the SNP in the regional lists at all, then it doesn’t matter how many constituency seats the SNP doesn’t or does get. So that would be one event that would work out not so bad – maybe not a high probability though, but IF the SNP, say, got about 6 or 7 out of 9 constituency seats in each region AND, say, their list vote was somewhat diluted, chances are they wouldn’t get any list seats either, and so not get a majority. And if everyone has a mad turn and pays attention to toxic policies so no one votes for the woman-hating Greens at all, there wouldn’t be a toxic coalition.

While I’m in the realms of POTENTIAL positives, IF, say, the SNP leadership/successors fail to get reelected/elected – because it doesn’t matter how popular Sturgeon is throughout the country if her Southside voters decide they don’t like her, so it’s possible (and no list seat for her if enough of the other SNP constituency seats are taken in Glasgow, say) – and we are left with the weak wishywashy sheeple MSPs that quiver in fear at the mere hint of authority, then its possible – likely in a leadership vacuum – they will follow the lead of any strong authority figure in the vicinity. Alex Salmond would be capable of rounding them up and locking them in a pen. I foresee many semi decent SNP MSPs defecting to the Alba Party over the course of this term – that is, just like Alba has 2 MPs already, they’ll obtain some ready-made constituency seats without even standing.

I’m not saying this is likely – but it’s possible.

The news blackout is problematic – on not mentioning Alba, but also not mentioning hate crime and GRA legislation, and women taking the Scottish government to court etc.

Personally I’d be happy to see SNP support wither – they have become a narrow focus group (and that focus is toxic & not independence) & don’t have Scotland’s best interests at heart, and they are not democratic. If Alba got a strong presence in the Scots’ Parliament, then ISP swept the board in the council elections, we might have a good chance of getting independence in the next 10 years.

Robert Wilson

Robbo @ 9.43. I also received a mail relating to monthly membership. 6,683. A month ago i was 701.


Mia says (“Nobody Cares What You Think”):
15 April, 2021 at 9:55 pm

“Yet, he is a coward who didn’t even find the backbone to oppose the hate bill, betraying women and children. He is undemocratic, because he refuses to accept that the people of Scotland has been asking for a referendum since 2016, and he refuses to accept the people of Scotland have the right to exercise their self determination. He “leads” the branch of an England political party that is in Holyrood to protect England’s interests to the detriment of those of Scotland. Sorry, those to me are equally bad.”

Kcor says (Women Won’t Wheesht):

“I am advocating a tactical vote that could unseat Sturgeon”

Mia says (Women Won’t Wheesht):
16 April, 2021 at 5:53 pm

“No, you are not. What you, Andy, Fergus and Shocked (if you are indeed more than one) are advocating for is a tactical vote that ensures Labour does not lose a seat in Glasgow. With the presence of ALBA in the list and a strong SNP in the constituency Labour may be in for a really rough ride there.”

Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

“If we lived in Scotland – and to be truthful we’re increasingly glad we don’t, because it’s no longer safe – we’d be voting Alba on the list ——- or in Glasgow Southside where may God have mercy on our souls we’d be voting for the idiot Sarwar because it was – absurdly – by far the best vote for independence).”

According to Mia, the Rev. Stuart Campbell would be voting for the undemocratic coward Sarwar in the Glasgow Southside constituency to ensure that Labour does not lose a seat in Glasgow.

But don’t worry folks, Mia will soon have a million word post to explain why she is right and the Rev. Stuart Campbell is wrong.

Jockanese Wind Talker

That’s encouraging @Daisy Walker says at 9:32 pm

Alba on 6% = weighted national average so will actually be higher in some Regions and lower in others so 8 might be a wee bit low in potential seats if played out on the 6th of May.



Man alive, I cannot stop laughing! How much power does Jayne Johnson think Wings, BB and Alex Salmond weild?! Apparently enough to get inside the head of millions of voters and convince them NOT to vote SNP.

Jayne conveniently ignoring that no SNP majority will be down to trumped up charges against an innocent man, continious parliamentary enquiries, investigations, withholding information from legal teams, bad SNP leadership, dodgy accounting, accusations of gropy MPs, male MSPs texting teenager’s, leapfrogging candidates above those elected by the party members, ignoring requests and complaints by members, MSPs and MPs mocking and ridiculing constituents on social media, bringing in people with inappropriate social media accounts into schools to meet 5 year olds and passing laws that no one wants, but yeah Jayne its down to 2 bloggers and an ex-First Minister.



Forgot to add, if that’s really what the SNP think, they must be shitting themselves, the polling must be bad.


Robert Wilson @ 9.49 pm

Yes . I did pick up on this last month that people were getting confused with receipt numbers for payments and membership numbers. They’re always going to change.

Basically the receipt number getting sent to us by email for monthly recurring payments is not necessary and people are confusing this number with their membership number- it’s not the same. There’s obviously something not in sync in the database somewhere.
The recurring monthly payments is an internal system matter only to be used for the receipt ledger in the accounts of the party.I don’t need a receipt for it. I can see it leaving my bank.

People are getting this confused IMHO with a(not known yet) membership base number, it is NOT.


“Daisy Walker says:
26 April, 2021 at 9:32 pm
Poll result from ScotGoesPop – Alba on 6% – projected to take 8 seats. Yeah.

10 days to go, lets get that and more.”

Considering near blackout on Alba on BBC/STV, that’s a decent poll for them.

Imagine what they might be polling if they’d been invited to one of the TV debates.

Ian Mac

SNP getting in their excuses early. Internal polling not so good? The idea that anyone except them is responsible for their poor performance is laughable. Did Wings or Salmond force them to waste millions on a futile prosecution? Did Wings cause their professional ineptitude or their vindictive style of smearing challengers? Did Wings or Salmond make them force through incoherent policies on gender and hate crime? Did they make them wasted colossal amounts of money on corrupt schemes? Did they make Sturgeon a cult leader who airbrushed independence when it suits her, and dumps it otherwise?

I think not.


@ Kcor/Rock at 9.24

By removing the middle of my post, you have again mis-represented me.

Here is what I said:

“The number of votes the SNP get in a constituency they don’t win is irrelevant”

is not the same thing as

“it doesn’t matter whether the SNP wins in constituency X or not”.

What the first sentence means is that the numerical value of the SNP’s performance in a constituency someone else wins is not carried over into the regional seat allocation.

What the second sentence means is SNP failure to win in constituency X never affects the allocation of regional seats.

The first sentence is true.
The second sentence is not true

Since you can’t/won’t understand that, I’ll rephrase it:

Sometimes the outcome of the regional seat allocation will be affected by whether the SNP wins constituency X or not, but not always.

How much the SNP loses by is not relevant; they either win or they don’t, and that is what matters.


I agree with every word – except “brainless”. I think Boris is a sleekit liar. People underestimate him because the brainless routine is so convincing.


Scot Finlayson, you state: oil at $66/bl means 55 million pounds “stole from Scotland every single day”. I assume the reason that very few people comment on this type of post is (1) because its some sort of received wisdom amongst your type or (2)people are generally embarrassed for you. More probability is you dont’understand anything to do with the oil industry or it makes you feel good to decive people who are only interested in statements that confirm their biases (very prelevant around here)

FACT ( careful it’ll upset you) ” In the year 2019/2020 the UK government received 650 million pounds in revenue from North Sea Oil, made up primarily of taxation and leases”.

So if by going your laughably produced calculations it would take roughly 12 days for an Independant Scotland to produce the same results, even allowing for the oil price not going down? And assuming you kept tax rates and leases at the same. You could of course enact tax rates of around at a quick glance 99% but somehow doubt that’d work for reasons I suspect you’ll never understand.

Scotland according to my research as an Independant country is entitled to 95% of Oil currently recoverable in the North Sea according to International legislation.

I worked in the oil industry for 20 years and sorry to piss on your parade, but you do realise out of your $66/bl after trading, futures contracts, taxation, capital and human expenditure, exchange rates and retail profitability etc etc your not left with $66/bl.?….don’t you? If you don’t and still think in effect “England steals 55 million a day from Scotland” or something along those lines I and no one else with half a brain cell can help you.

You as a nationalist are not alone in this, all politicians of ALL parties do this by fooling people into believing an emotional claim has a passing resemblance to the truth.


The majority of women who are just crazy about the Sturge are Lesbian/Bisexual.

Same as the Sturge.

They all stick together, no matter how wrong they are.

They are all men haters, especially that man Salmond.

That’s why they were so quiet when Stu was tearing Sturgeon to shreds.

The moved Over to the Wee Gingerbread Man’s website.

And returned when all the inquiries were over, and Sturgeon got off Scot Free.

These women just love the drug addict Sturgeon.



Mark Boyle

I’m sorry, but someone on a blog with about 200 YouTube viewers claiming they’ve got a poll on Panelbase that they’re not showing anyone coz it’s a big secret and stuff that Alba’s on 6%?

Either show your working (ie. what the actual Panelbase figures are to justify the born again optimism) – same as you did on Sunday with the Survation poll (link to or stop giving everyone false hopes and excuses for complacency with a load of clickbait pish.


I saw about the Scot Goes Pop poll and popped over to watch the video. I am intrigued by his comment at the end about the constituency vote – not what we might expect, he says. I look forward to more information later this evening. Perhaps it will give us an indication as to how critical it is to vote SNP in the constituency.


The equal pay policy commitment was another Labour party joke which was sprung on Scottish workers by the very people they elected, (the Unions) to protect their rights at work.

In Glasgow, from 2007, female workers were denied equal pay with male workers. Their GMB union (led by Richard Leonard) and Labour Party Glasgow City Councillors pressurized them into accepting low settlements by offering them cheques for a few thousand pounds just before Christmas so long as they signed quickly. And many signed away their rights.

But a substantial number held out against the injustice and ill judged advice from the the GMB and took their fight for justice to Action 4 Equality which was owned by Solicitor Stefan Cross. In doing so they had to wait a very long time but were awarded far greater settlement sums than the women who had taken the advice of the GMB. And not only did Cross take on and beat Glasgow City Council, he also sued the Unions for failing to properly represent their female members. Cross was the women’s hero. One said: “I will have to give him 10 per cent but he deserves it. He stuck with us when the unions couldn’t be bothered.”

link to


Does your 20 years in the oil industry tell you if Scotland has been systematically robbed or not?
I would be interested to hear your thinking on that and the reason for whatever your answer is.

Lenny Hartley

Mark Boyle, perhaps Mr Kelly jointly paid for the poll with the National and there is an agreement in place with them to get the scoop.
I took part in that PB poll, am looking forward to the results.


@ Mark Boyle at 10.23

James Kelly frequently posts cryptic videos on YouTube shortly before publishing a full blog post, in which he shows full results.

Presumably he hopes to encourage people to visit his site to find out that full story. He hasn’t succeeded with you, obviously 🙂 .


So what has been the total net revenue from Scotland`s 95% of the North Sea over the past 40 years?

Tannadice Boy

Brian Doonthetoon 10:16pm
Agreed anybody but the SNP on the constituency and Alba on the Regional vote. All this tactical voting I fear the worst. We will be left with the nightmare. Sturgeon back in and impossible to deal with. Weren’t you Joe’s Campaign manager? Or something?. I am disappointed in him. He is calling for Nicola to be FM. I always thought he was a bit thick.



I would say around £350-400 billion give or take a few bill. Much the same as Norway. Funny how they managed to save most of theirs and build a big trillion pound fund and we ended up building up London to steal even more.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Tannadice Boy.

Nah, no me. My political aspirations have always been ‘pro-indy’ – I’ve never been a ‘campaign manager’ for anyone.
Though, I admit, I’m still a member of “Team Yes Bus”, unless Bob Costello kicks me off the team!


Stephen says:
26 April, 2021 at 7:14 pm
Interesting post.

By “Lockean implications” I am presuming that you are referring to a Hobbesian “state of nature”, where we will all be at each other’s throats.

Thank you, yes. I find my words getting increasingly misplaced like my glasses in middle age and my attention span is comple

Is it all a big conspiracy to divide working people into those who support and those who oppose the woke agenda?
I don’t believe that there is any organisation big enough and with the overarching reach to carry out this vast task.

I have no idea. I assume there probably isn’t a secret volcano lair or shapeshifting lizard space vampires.

Otoh, incredibly rich and influential people do network, and I assume they aren’t getting together for our benefit.

Doesn’t need to be a “conspiracy” in the Fox Mulder sense, with a secret masterplan and the Smoking Man somewhere in the background (though that would be cool). Ants manage to cooperate very effectively and they can’t even talk. Mibbe “consensus” is a better word.

I do believe that the woke agenda is threatening the social structures that reflect societal norms and exist as a consequence of general implicit approval.
The woke agenda is therefore apart from anything else anti-democratic.

The trouble at the moment is that we can’t seem to be able to vote it out.
As you say we are not helped by big business working against us.

Idpol is destructive of social capital, and deliberately so.

I think of it as an undeclared merger between global business and the increasingly closed political class. That’s a simplification, but probably close enough. It’s difficult to vote our way clear because the latter is almost a wholly owned subsidiary of the former, and has a number of strategies to narrow the range of permissible choices and make the results of elections and even referenda irrelevant.

One of which is the gatekeepers reacting with extreme hostility or censorship when anybody threatens the consensus. That’s what Alex Salmond is up against. The Eye of Sauron is apon him.

Jontoscots21 says:

Thank you kindly!

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Tannadice Boy.

What I found crap was that Joe Fitzpatrick was thrown under the bus over drugs deaths, when NS didn’t explain that they were recorded differently in Scotland, compared to the rUK.
She could have got his back. And she didn’t.


Little girl asks her mum who she voted for in the Scottish Election.

Her mum tells her she voted for the SNP 1 and 2.

Her daughter says that men will now have access to her toilets and changing rooms,,,her mother told her to “get the fuck over it, you fuckin Snowflake”.

It’s Indy at all costs for these crazy Sturgeon crackpot pervs.

Brian Doonthetoon

So. if Joe is still supporting NS, I’m surprised – and disappointed.

Tannadice Boy

Brian Doonthetoon @11:10pm
It’s no Bob you have to watch out for. The Yes bus lost a lot of votes in 2014. And who was that? The arrogance is a clue. Currently got his feet well and truly under the SNP table.

Tannadice Boy

Brian Doonthetoon 11:15pm
Agreed Joe took the wrap for the drug deaths. But the SNP reduced the funding for support services. So I think unfairly so, But he is supporting Sturgeon. Got it on my election leaflet. You get what you deserve.


Hi Liz g.,

That was a very nice reply. Thank you.

There used to be a vibrancy about Wings Over Scotland BTL., but it is polluted by Gordon McPlague O’Many names copy and pasting his drivel in such vast quantities that every thread soon becomes a river of excrement.

The latest ruse is for the wannabe 77th lagger to quote Stuart Campbell’s words against him.

I am absolutely sure Stu., will be researching and getting the next post ready for publication and has no spare time for Gordon’s Din.

Would it be an idea to offer Stuart to fundraise say £10,000 to pay the wages of a sub-editor who could remove the whack-a-mole site disrupters such as Gordon/Rock/kcoR/Andy/tawT/Labour4Indy?

Seriously that waster has more disordered personality disorders than an entire psych ward.

Anyways, THANK YOU LIZ. There are definitately some decent souls on this website, but in amongst all the constipated dross, it can be difficult to find someone to have a constructive conversation with.

The biggest irony is the dipshit Gordon NoMates failed to read the EIGHT times where I wrote my Constituency ballot would be SPOILED (NOT SNP1) and voting Alba2.

Just to say GIRFUY to Gormless Gordon I have changed my mind and will now be voting…


Well done Gordon. You changed a spolied ballot into an SNP1 voter lol lol lol.


Liz g says:

26 April, 2021 at 7:53 pm

Al – Stuart @ 7.24

That’s an awful story Al.

The Trolls on here are so tedious and haven’t really had anything new to say for years so much so that most of us regulars just think of them as background noise and we forget that some may be affected by them.

If you want to be sure the Rev reads what you have to say ( he can’t read every post ) use the contact function at the top of the page.

It is a bit of a waste of time for him though as they just keep coming back ( yes really , for years and years , we really are that good, I’m a particular wee weakness for them ? )
You might try picking a line from their drivel that you can make a point from and go with that…it can be quite cathartic to have made an Indy point from a Troll inspired subject …. jist sayin ?

Cadogan Enright

That has to be one of the worst posts ever by Stuart Campbell. Absolute drivel.

It feels like aliens have taken over his brain

Apparently, alone on the planet, and independent Scotland would be the only country not able to tackle the WOKE menace so we need to stop indy parties getting a majority.

Let’s have Boris and the other Inionist parties run Scotland until trans nutters are crushed and women’s rights restored.

Do you even read your own posts anymore Stu? Let alone police your site for obvious Yoon trolls?

Grow up and catch yourself on

Meanwhile over on Scot Goes Pop we have the positivity that will deliver independence and Alba forcast for 8 seats link to


Kcor says: But don’t worry folks, Mia will soon have a million word post to explain why she is right and the Rev. Stuart Campbell is wrong.

Normally I scroll right past your Sarwar spam, but this one caught my eye.

I’d rather read a 10,000 page handwritten exegesis of the Mahabharata by Mia – in Esperanto – than another one of your, or your various crusty sockpuppets’, tedious buffoonery and crude bullying attempts.

I’ve found more interesting things in my cat’s litter tray than your witless, low-grade trolling efforts, and I assume you must be a tragic victim of ingesting too much Windolene or having been struck on the head by a falling piece of masonry. You are a native of the same planet Ming the Merciless calls home, and I feel sorry you have to use a comb and hairspray on your monobrow in order to see properly.

Despite all that, I feel sure Mr Sarwar isn’t going to sleep with you. Yer on tae plums, and possibly crystal meth.


link to

Alba 6% and 8 seats on panelbase poll

And 80 seat #supermajorityfabulousevenifnicolamakesyounautious


No SNP majority

“Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine”

Hardcore uproar 🙂

Graf Midgehunter

Nicked this one from Grousebeater 🙂

link to

Nicola Snollygoster. Just rolls off the tongue..!


Re: Scotland’s oil wealth
If you want to make an argument from authority i.e. your 20 years in the oil industry (which could potentially be in plastics I suppose Benjamin), it might be helpful to back up your authority with a stab at some statistics.
Aside from that, I would imagine the market for oil/petrol must be fairly robust at all times, so whether oil is $22 or $66, the same things you describe – retail, capital, futures contracts etc. – will still be in operation. Markets fluctuate of course, so for the same of making an argument about Scotland’s natural wealth and how it ends up enriching our southern neighbour’s economy, it doesn’t actually matter what the price of oil is and romantic nationalism by definition should hardly be concerned with price fluctuations, the point being that Scotland is a resource-rich country but the development of Scotland as a viable nation has been held back by the over-development of an imperial capital (that London) which has drawn resources from various peripheries under its control towards a metropolitan centre where wealth has been siphoned off for the benefit of a small percentage of the masters of empire.
This shouldn’t be controversial. It happens in every country. Jane Jacobs discussed this feature in her book, The Question of Separatism, supportive of Québec independence, where she describes how the growth of Toronto eclipsed that of Montréal, leading to the latter’s relative and progressive demise. Her point was independence would almost certainly reverse that demise.
The point of Scottish independence is to reverse Scotland’s relative decline. Even the relative demographic histories of similar-ish European nations shows that Scotland’s population has barely shifted in over a 100 years, whilst smaller countries like Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland have seen their population double. The only real exception to this trend over the 100-year period is Ireland and surprise, surprise what does Ireland have despite all the demonisation of immigrants in UK newspapers for over 50 years?
Ireland has a common travel area of course. Drawing Irish resources, manpower and agriculture mostly, from the periphery into the UK imperial centre.
By all accounts Ireland is flourishing, what awaits Scotland is less certain but independence offers us a way out from potentially ending up as the backwater of a backwater.


Breastplate, ignoring your attempt at sarcasm your answer Is NO, because if you’d actually read what I said, not what you think or would like to think I said. I.E. “Scotland as an Idependant Country” To my knowledge perhaps you know differently is Scotland is not an “Independant country” if it was why are you here?

Mcduff , totally irrelevant for the reasons above. Your falling for same old tricks in wishing facts weren’t as they are. I wish loads of things hadn’t happened but they did and the only thing you can do, is try to mould the future you want by realising where you are now, not by complaining about the past. Its symptomatic of lots of things wherever you stand on just about e everything in that “emotions” now trump both reality and facts. Look at the USA ( I appreciate Mia and her crew don’t like discussing anything outwith Scotland that doesn’t confirm their biases) where yours and my biases would I would suggest that this statement is uncontroversial “Black people are much more likely to be shot by the police” Agreed as why all the fuss? Because statistically its not true by quite a large margin.

I hate to say it but Alex Salmond whom whatever you want to think I respect and actually after watching his performance in the “enquiries” would make a proper Prime Minister for Scotland should she become Independant ( don’t know if PM is the right title so sue me), is doing the same but in a different way as NS, in that forget about inconvenient facts or gambling on womans and childrens safety because we “may” get Independance , that to me is the biggest mistake in his political life, alongside trusting Nicola Sturgeon ( and yes I get it, Alex is infallible and I don’t have his experience , intellect ya de da)

I appreciate it rarely gets anyone anywhere these days being completely honest, but if he had been he would of been “screaming from the rooftops” the things that he Rev highlights on here on a daily basis (even allowing for biased MSm which he knew about anyway) we have the internet to get past that. However I haven’t heard him or any other potential candidates “shout from the rooftops” about issues that are Specifically going to effect ordinary Scots of whichever political opinion or none, have you?

If so please let me know as all I’ve seen with his nonsensical (to me) vote SNP1 an act of pure political opportunism for a single issue which may be “life and death” to you and him metaphorically, but is not to people who put their woman and children first.

I personally see Independance” as an “emotional issue” which is NOT a bad thing, the trouble is when “emotion” hits hard facts the temptation for alot of people is to gloss over,exaggerate and ignore the facts because they don’t suit their biases. There’s two words for that?……..

Breastplate/Mcduff if you want to challenge me on what I actually said about facts by either deflecting on something of no relevance which I didn’t say, well I don’t know what I can do.

But remember politics is the art of persuasion or at least it used to be and life in general even with people you don’t like, most if not all of those probably have good points (as in policies or facts ) as well as the bad ones you perceive.

This diatribe isn’t only about Scotland, just wish people would stop shouting over each other and listen to facts and other peoples opinions rather than dismissing them coz they come from the “wrong side”

Cadogan Enright

The fact that Gordon and other obvious 77 wannabes can run riot on wings shows that Stu is losing his grip



What did Kcor say that was so wrong?

As far as I can see, he is only repeating what the Rev has posted.

Unless you’re just another bitter Sturgeonista who wants us all to Vote SNP 1.

But as has been said by others, it’s only Perverts who vote SNP.


Ref that new poll.

That’s too high for the Greens for my liking 10%, but we’ll see soon I suppose.


I actually think the Perverted SNP 1 Brigade need to find a new home.

The Rev has split away from what the perverts on Wings are Voting for,,, and he is now advocating a Sarwar vote in Glasgow Southside.

Because you lot are definitely going down a different route to that of us who will not be Voting SNP 1.


The SNP 1 Brigade are homeless.

How about the wee Gingerbread Man’s website?

Would he not take you in?


Jayne Johnson should go fuck herself. Ignorant cow.


Cadogan Enright

As far as I can make out, you are going against EVERYTHING THE REV EVER POSTS.

So I would say you are the Troll. You are the 77th as you call them.

Myself, the Rev, kcor any many other’s are on the same page, it’s you who is the misfit.


Cadogan. You may be correct about 77th but isn’t it nice of Nicola Sturgeon and her goonsmhow to provide them with so much usable material?


Stop fooling yourself Liz.


I would say ALL those on here telling people to vote SNP 1 are the true Trolls of Wings.

Because it goes against everything the Rev is advocating.


My apologies if this is confusing for you but unfortunately for your argument, Scotland can be ripped off whether it is independent or not.


Philm. Stuart makes an argument from experience. Not authority. It sounds more as if you appeal to the latter.

John Martini

The SNP should be on the sex offenders register. No reasonable person would vote for that party umless they were pro peado.


Helen Yates. Thank you for your humanity. I could cry reading your response to Hatuey.


@Ian Brotherhood @26 April, 2021 at 5:53 pm

“Deaths ‘involving’ Covid.
So, it was a factor. Not the cause.
We’ve been through this a hundred times.”

You don’t appear to have learnt much , covid causes thinkening of the Blood , can lead to clots which cause Heart Attacks and Strokes.Covid causes Lung problems leading to pnuemonia just three of the many ways people can die caused by Covid.
In the UK and in Scotland only real Doctors fill in Death Certificates yet you seem to think you know what causes actual deaths better than they do. Well the real truth is you don’t.

Liz g

Don @ 1.07
That makes no sense if the cause of death was E.G. A heart attack then it was a heart attack.
Which may or may not have happened irrespective of the presence of Covid 19, or any other Covid.
It would make more sense to say that heart attacks and strokes etc happen more often when Covid is present .
As I understand it a Covid 19 death is when the infection destroys the lung tissue in a particular way, and not when Covid 19 becomes a contributing factor to another event.


Pixywine says:
27 April, 2021 at 12:52 am
Helen Yates. Thank you for your humanity. I could cry reading your response to Hatuey.


Then you’re daft. It goes without saying that those who can’t take the vaccine for medical reasons ought to be exempt from criticism and pressure.

Let me guess that you’re on a hair trigger and poised to explain how you (or someone you deeply care about) has some sort of health concern that means they can’t be vaccinated. But I’m not criticising those people, and it’s obvious that I’m not (to those who aren’t daft).

I could probably come up with a thousand societal norms that we all adhere to as individuals for the benefit of the whole. Taking a vaccine in that sense is no different from wearing a seatbelt or wearing a crash helmet — yes, wearing one could result in you dying and there are people who can’t wear them for medical reason, blah, blah, blah, but we wear them because generally they save lives.

It’s difficult to explain why some people think it’s okay to punish someone for failing to wear a seatbelt, but not okay to punish those who refuse the vaccine; especially so when refusing the vaccine poses a risk to other people, whilst not wearing a seatbelt really only puts one single idiot’s life at risk.

The idea that there’s some sort of moral case for opposing vaccine passports — a measure only necessary because a bunch of confused fools refuse the vaccine in the first place — is one of the biggest absurdities I have ever heard.

Liz g

Hautey @ 2.23
You advocate vaccine passports and call others fools ?

The point is not the pros and cons of the vaccine the point is allowing the Goverment, our Goverment , any Goverment to enforce such a thing.

I don’t know what kind of age group you’re in Hautey,but I remember well the Aids crisis and the reaction to it.
Had Goverments then the “track and trace ” abilitys that they do now, I shudder to think what they would have imposed on their populations.
Giving Goverments this kind of power won’t end well Hautey.

There is no such thing as Terrosim laws there is only THE law and it’s for all of us.

There is no Capitial Punishment for the worst of us there is ONLY permission for Goverments to execute its Citizens .

And there will be no Covid 19 vaccination laws there will only be VACCINATION laws.

Those who want to mix only with people who are confirmed as vaccinated should mibbi go find or establish such places and leave the rest of us the freedom to make our own decisions.
After all ye can choose to not get in a car and you can take a seat belt off when ye don’t need it.
But ye cannot un vaccinate and will probably find it hard to make a stand against which ever number of vaccines are yer own personal limit if ye give Covid 19 a pass.



You’re irrational.

Governments already have that sort of power. If that’s your beef, why use the vaccine as a springboard to launch your objections?

And the government uses powers like that for the common good all the time. Again, why aren’t you protesting about seatbelts and other similar “impositions”?

The passports are designed to leave you and others like you in peace — they are based on recognition of your right to refuse the vaccine. Indeed, they are intended to keep you away from the rest of us which is the sort of peace I’m sure we all want.

This has nothing to do with capital punishment. Stop trying to work yourself up into some sort of emotional frenzy…

As for ‘track and trace’ and the power a vaccine passport might afford government — that’s another pile of crap. If you have a phone they can track your every movement right now, and listen in to every conversation you have — I have no idea why anyone would. But, again, if that’s your beef, why use the vaccine to launch your campaign?

When you drive a car you consent to adhere to a thousands laws and regulations — it’s not a matter of choice. Are we to let you drive on the wrong side of the road too, or be accused of totalitarianism?

Anti-vaxxers are mostly thick people who think the government is spying on them or something. I wish I could convince them how irrelevant they were and save a few of their lives.

I’m community spirited to a fault…


Why didn’t you register Wings Over Scotland as a regional list party?

Given the extent of the readership, it would have had much greater name recognition on the ballot than ALBA.

Liz g

Hatuey @ 3.42
For the avoidance of doubt , I’m not an anti vaxer Hautey, or a name caller either.
And I’d posit that It’s not beyond the rational to opine on the powers of Goverments when commenting on a political site either.
I note that your examples seat belts , phones and carrying passports are subject to choice.
It is not possible to become un vaccinated so do you have a credible allegory ?
Just one .
I am also not the one proposing the change in passport status so yours is the case to make .
Are you suggesting because your afraid the their ought to be a law?
If so then make yer case.
My position is clear enough, I want any and all laws that restrict choice to be limited to the absolutely necessary.
Demonstrate it without the fear factor if ye can?
But if ye can’t and want the conversation over either just say so or make yet another wild personal attack… what’s yer pleasure ?

Alaster Currie

“If the SNP win an absolute majority on their own in next month’s election, it will be the end of independence. It’ll also be the end of women’s rights and any meaningful concept of freedom of speech in Scotland.”

I have a guarded optimism. Your prediction may come true. I use the word “may” and not “will” for the following reasons. The Alba Party gives a safe haven for politicians who truly believe in independence and are not woke. This haven is available before the election (SNP MPs and councilors) and after the election. After the election, SNP members of the Scots Parliament who believe in independence and cannot stomach the ever more woke direction of the SNP can leave the SNP for Alba. How many would leave the SNP I cannot predict, but I see on the internet some SNP politicians with good personal relations with Alba candidates for list seats.

Regarding the current First Minister, I think the missing ring fenced 600,000 pounds will be her downfall. If Police Scotland “follow the money” in their investigation, then the results are predictable. Money always leaves a trail. Money does not lie. It is not about who said what and when.

So my guarded prediction is the 1) SNP will not keep its majority and Alba will have more than just list seats and 2) the SNP will have a new leader and CEO. As a result, the SNP will be revealed to all as a non-independence supporting Woke party. Its support will melt like the sna af a dyke.

The end result will be the current problems with the SNP will be just a hiccup (7 lost years) on the journey to independence that will be vigorously led by Alba and its leader. Just like old times really!

Liz g

Alaster Currie @3.31
What I’d like to know is ..
Is the Referendum Fund only the SNPs to use come the campaign ?
Do Alba have a right to some it if they are elected ?
Who is deciding this stuff ?
Is that the real reason for the SNP hostility to Alba?

Of course that’s if it’s ever found .


Nicola Sturgeon truly is a tragic figure.

She is someone forced to destroy and denigrate everything she said she once believed in due to her deep and inherent personality flaws and her dogmatic adherence to woke causes.

She is now living in a nightmare entirely of her own creation.

She had it all in the palm of her hand but it was not quite enough for her… she just had to make sure, to destroy Alex to protect herself… and from that little thread of insecurity and paranoia that Sturgeon tugged on, her whole world is now unravelling around here.

Sturgeon has no-one, absolutely no-one to blame but herself for her impending downfall.

It is an epic tragedy for everyone around her (including us), and Sturgeon is the epically tragic figure at the heart of it.

The one word that sums all of this up is… unnecessary. All of this was totally unnecessary.

Sturgeon is hugely flawed and has brought her own house down on her head for no real reason at all when it is all boiled down.

Harry mcaye

Scott, really? Stu is great and all but there is no bigger hitter in the Indy movement than Mr Salmond. Some folk can’t stand him but the same can be said for Stu.

Incidentally, I hope all Twitter users here are following Kings Over Spotland. “For Swedish fans of Rochdale FC”. Ahem.

Stuart MacKay

Liz g @2;12am

COVID-19 can kill heart muscle cells, interfere with contraction

A new study provides evidence that COVID-19 patients’ heart damage is caused by the virus invading and replicating inside heart muscle cells, leading to cell death and interfering with heart muscle contraction. The researchers used stem cells to engineer heart tissue that models the human infection and could help in studying the disease and developing possible therapies.

link to

Know of 2 people, friends of friends of friends who were under 50, active and died from heart failure after getting covid. This is not just a bad flu, it throws sand in lots of gears all over the the body.


Lot of misuse around the word passport going on here. Not helped by the constant media abuse of the term.

Having to present a vaccination record is not uncommon when travelling outside the EU or the anglosphere. It’s a big world out there. Countries can turn you away if you don’t have some recommended vaccines and WILL turn you away if you don’t have the yellow card when they ask for it. What countries don’t want are travellers introducing new risks to their population and the demand on their health service. COVID is literally doing this right now in India and Brazil right now, FFS.

Needing a “passport” to walk in to Tesco is unworkable. As has been pointed out, not everyone can be vaccinated. This is why immunisation and herd immunity is important. People who are immunocompromised depend on this to reduce their risk.


Phil M and Breastplate,

Hook, line and sinker!! I go to the “trouble” of explaining why the original poster was being er em “economical with the truth” and Bingo, it really is so predictable, both of you deflect from the post I was replying to don’t address what I wrote, don’t even have the decency to challenge me on the numbers (at least the original poster had the foresight to look at USD/GBP exchange rates soas to give a modicum of creditability) .

And for the icing on the cake, still not addressing what at best is a misunderstanding and at worst an out and out lie, I’m asked to deny firstly that I worked in plastics (for the record I didnt), told “I’m confused” (what about the facts or something else totally unrelated to the point I was making), and then asked to deny whether “Scotland is being ripped off Independant or not?” If you can’t see how bizarre a request that is well you obviously have never heard of or fail to understand what a “strawman” is!!

To emphasise for the extremely hard of thinking I did not post what I posted for any personal or political gain, I posted it because I have seen this nonsense as propergated by certain people as an uncontrovertable truth when it manifestly is proveable with facts not true!! And frankly am tired of this sort of thing from both sides of this argument but suspect very strongly i am fighting a losing battle as everywhere I look the “truth ” or “facts ” have become a malleable commodity.

If its possible for you please point out where I said anything about “appealing to my authority” which I have none. I could have as well said I’m a dustman” and it wouldn’t change the FACTS, that you seem so eager to ignore in pursuit of your “dream” What I wrote is a fact whatever I did or do for a living its not an opinion!

Breastplate I’ll assume you made an honest observation (aside from the above deflection) and answer this “for your argument to work Scotland is being ripped off Independant or not”. My “argument” as you call it is that one of your fellow posters is peddling fabrications which none of you call him out for as “he/she/it is on “your side ” All three of you have just changed the subject which would imply to most normal people you did this deliberately to further your “cause” I find that dishonest

But I’ll bite:

If i come from the position that all profit is evil (and I don’t) the answer is yes, unequivocally but as I have yet to see the Utopia where all revenues from oil & gas extraction goes 100% to the Government (look without rose tinted spectacles at Venezuela or indeed Saudi Arabia) I don’t see how Independant or not makes a difference.

My own “opinion” is if that you include oil and gas revenue (putting aside the zero carbon crap which is unachievable with or without said extraction) in terms of Independance you’ve missed the boat say in comparison to Norway. They have the second largest Sovereign Wealth Fund after Saudi because they had a plan 40 or 50 years ago which for a similar sized nation would have worked for Scotland again in my opinion.

But no amount of wishful thinking will change the fact the UK and Scotland within a union at the time and still to this day didn’t have a plan. You can blame Westminster till your blue in the face for this if that’s your thing but it doesn’t change what happened.

If there were any honesty from either side in this “debate” people would on both sides call out blatant misunderstanding or lies, instead of the emotionally blanketed response that “those on the other side do it and worse than us so there ”

Phil M , really with respect I don’t really know where to start with your reply as the wilful ignorance is astounding. To paraphrase “it matters not what the oil price is $22/bl or $66/bl” presumably to Government tax receipts and capital expenditure in the Oil Industry. I can only conclude you work in the Public Sector and/or didnt listen or understand very basic economics at school. As to all your economic romantising of Eire your penultimate paragraph is absolute nonsense and I assume your comfortable with the big tech companies located in Ireland paying a Corporation tax rate lower than just about every country in the EU? What will you think when Tax Harmonisation comes in across the bloc and the rest of the UK decides to decrease its rates as Ireland did to attract said tech companies? In fact those questions are rhetorical as I bet I can predict your response both on your lack of understanding of very basic economics and your disdain for anything from your “southern neighbours ”

Also and I’m probably being lazy what is (and this is not directed to you guys) 77th Brigade?? And should I be concerned that I’ve been infiltrated by them? Or is it just another run of the mill conspiracy theory to be used in ” cat fights on the Internet?

John Main

@Alaster Currie – 27 April, 2021 at 5:31 am

You are not the first to look forwards to re-elected SNP MSPs deserting to Alba after 6th May.

Which makes me wonder just why you think a flood of sharp-elbowed, in-it-for-themselves troughers would be such an asset to Alba. If these time-servers don’t have the guts to make their allegiances clear before they hoodwink the voters into gifting them another 4 years of generous pay and perks, they will simply transfer from the SNP to Alba all the worst beliefs and behaviours of the careerist politicians they are.

Rats deserting the sinking ship certainly, but that can be shortened to just rats.

If politicians don’t possess the integrity to campaign honestly they are worse than useless.

Dorothy Devine

Anyone seen the Libby Brooks piece in the Guardian this morning? Headlined ” I don’t trust him’ in big red letters – no comments of course.

Quite shocking that all and sundry can denigrate with no right of reply.


Perhaps you could try asking whether we trust Johnson, Hancock , Patel et al.


I see Alex Salmond on a drive to turbo boost the Borders economy.

All due respect Mr Salmond, rooting out the endemic corruption and withering incompetence at SBC and their quango chums would do a lot more for the Borders in the longer term.

Boost the economy right now and it’s just another pay day for the crooks and their chums who will see what they can skim for themselves. What you in the Borders isn’t the effect of recession, it’s the effect of corruption.

I’d actually like to see a dedicated anti-corruption body set up in Scotland for the whole nation. Something with go-anywhere, ask-anything credentials, a bit like the American FBI.

Truth be known, I think such a body could serve as the precursor to a Scottish National Security Service, but in the meantime, shaking up Scotland’s Local Authorities until all the crooks fall out would have profound repercussions- in a good way.

At the moment, Councils are functioning like a safe harbour for idle shit stirrers who can thrive for decades without having competence in any particular discipline except snuffling in the trough. A climate exists where nobody clypes because they all have their own scams to look after, and nobody wants tarred as a troublemaker.

You want to know where to start, just audit who gets what, and under what circumstances, around April, when Councils have excess budget they need to get rid off. The entire system is a crook’s bonanza, but the racket goes on all year round.

It needs an Agency to crack the system, and it needs an Elliot Ness ‘untouchable’ squad at it’s heart, because no mere mortal will get through the impenetrable sophistry and obstruction at which Local Authorities excel. Just look at Sturgeon squirming out of scrutiny. Local Authorities use the same rule book and similar ethics.

Socrates MacSporran

Being in my seventies and in the “at risk” category over Covid, and still awaiting my second jag – my 12 weeks waiting time is up in ten days time, still no appointment for jag 2 by the way – I am not out and about as much.

However, at past elections, there have been several windows in my street with SNP posters up (mine included). This time round, nothing, zilch.

The only election leafletting I have seen up our street, other than those delivered by Royal Mail, has been by a dyed-in-the-wool former Labour councillor – who admits he’s fighting a rearguard action in a village where they once weighed the Labour vote.

I think today’s Scottish politicians are so poor, they have managed to put-off a large swathe of the population. I fear, a lot of people will be holding their noses and voting SNP this time round.


As someone who’s supported Salmond for a long time my respect for him is eroding daily. From going back in his evidence under oath to telling us to vote for the corrupt bastard Nicola Sturgeon I’ve now seen that he has two convicted murderers, John tough and John Mellon, campaigning for him as well as the drug dealer Llewelyn, are these really the only people he could find to campaign for him? He is not going to turn man in the street SNP voters to him by relying on people like that.

Alba should have been taking on the SNP on in the constituencies, looks more like a rush job every day. A party born in the back of convicted criminals is not going to break through. I can’t see Alba achieving anything this election therefore it simply isn’t safe to vote SNP in any capacity. If Sturgeon gets back in we are done for.



Will that be the same corrupt Sturgeon you want everbody to vote back into office for ANOTHER five years?


I’ve had 3 leaflet drops from the Liberals
And 2 from all the other parties, including
ones I’ve never heard of but 1 from the
incumbent SNP.

Bill boards full of supporting Tory shit and even Labour’s
back door Kelly is up there in digital format.

SNP must be pretty much broke and lost so many activists.

Could attacks on freedom of speech, unlimited access to all
areas for cocks in frocks, unlimited funds available to persecute
an innocent man, missing Indy ref 2 funds and independence being poked at from the end
of a very long barge pole be playing a part in all this?

So many in office willing to put up with it all in order to keep their nose in the trough.

John Main

@Socrates MacSporran – 27 April, 2021 at 7:58 am

Then again, maybes the world has changed since March 2020. Nobody does paper any more, cos the environment, etc. etc.

Plenty of those big plastic signs in the fields around my neck of the woods. It looks like the farming community is behind the SNP, and to a lesser extent, the Tories.

I could comment on support from land owners and make the old Tartan Tory jibe, but TBH, I am starting to think that predicting what is going to happen in any election these days is a mug’s game, so I won’t.

Spoil 1, Alba 2



Yes. Dreadful leader but better than any Unionist Party running Holyrood.



You have never supported or voted for Alex Salmond in your life. Rule one for trolls – keep it believable.


I don’t want to put words into anyone’s mouth and I know he can argue for himself but……
I think the main point behind what Breastplate is saying is that the revenue from the sale of oil which an otherwise independent Scotland would have received has instead been diverted to the UK exchequer.

Breastplate is trying to quantify what the size of this lost revenue is.

He will be aware of the cost of exploration, infrastructure build, extraction, conversion, profits generated by third parties etc.

The money due to government is in the form of taxation plus any royalties agreed with the oil companies.

Breastplate has the case of Norway and its 1 trillion dollar sovereign wealth fund as a guide.



Same question I put to Breeks.

Will that be the same corrupt SNP/Sturgeon you want everbody to vote back into office for ANOTHER five years?


Shocked is short circuiting

The Dissident

@Ayrshire Rob

I wouldn’t worry about the polling numbers for the Greens. There were several polls last time putting them in double figures too and they ended up with 6.6%.

In fact the opinion polls for the regional list last time were appallingly bad – nearly every single one consistently overstated the SNP and Green vote.

It wouldn’t surprise me to see the SNP share of the list vote fall as low as 30% this time. Hopefully Alba will be the beneficiary of that.


@ katherine hamilton

Same old time wasters apart from ROSS and Salmond!!!!

Dearie, dearie me, unionist alert!!



The only Trolls on Wings nowadays are those trying to force people into Voting for a corrupt Perverted Party called the SNP.

The site owner, Rev Stu, has made it perfectly clear to everyone that you shouldn’t Vote SNP and in particular, you shouldn’t Vote for Sturgeon.

He goes on to say that if you are in the Glasgow Southside Constituency then you should vote for Sarwar so as to take the seat away from the Evil Sturgeon.

So it is the SNP 1 BRIGADE who are the Trolls.

People like yourself for instance.

You should try the Wee Gingerbread Man’s website.

You’ll find him more closely aligned to your way if thinking.

Big Jock

It’s obvious to everyone. That an SNP majority. Is a license for them to carry on with their arrogant , cloth eared behaviour.

Even if there are 8 Alba MSP’s. They will be ignored if the SNP get a majority. What we actually want is the SNP a couple short of a majority and Alba being the biggest list indi party. The Greens will be no use if they com second on the indi list. Harvie will get a cabinet seat to keep him quiet and neuter Alba.

The direction of our country is relying on a very fine balance of arithmetic.


Effigy @ 8.18am :- they should all be online in this day and age, every bit of election jargon that’s came through my letterbox has had “return to sender” written across it and put in the nearest letterbox. A mate of mine has a neighbour who works in the post office and reckons almost 50% of tory leaflets have been returned in the Elgin area.


Stuart MacKay says:
“Is that 20% figure for real?”

The end of the article claims 18% (so not quite 1 in 5):

“Of the 44 MPs elected less than two years ago:

Two (Neale Hanvey and Kenny MacAskill) have defected to the Alba party
Neil Gray has resigned to fight for a seat in the Scottish Parliament
Neale Hanvey was elected as an independent after being suspended by the party during the election for antisemitic social media posts
(He was re-admitted in May 2020 only to quit for Alba in February)
Margaret Ferrier was sacked after travelling to and from London with Covid, subsequently arrested and charged by Police Scotland in February
Joanna Cherry was sacked from the front bench for “unacceptable behaviour” in February
Drew Hendry was named by the Speaker and suspended from the Commons in December 2020 after stealing the mace during a debate
Patricia Gibson faces allegations of harassment
Patrick Grady has been suspended and faces two separate allegations of harassment
While this list excludes controversies that didn’t see repercussions – such as Douglas Chapman claiming the British Army was “attacking” Scots online – it totals 18% of the SNP’s 44-seats won at the last election.”


Dorothy Devine says:
27 April, 2021 at 7:53 am
“Anyone seen the Libby Brooks piece in the Guardian this morning?”

Anyone reading the Guardian for other than a disbelieving chortle surely deserves what he/she gets. A former heavyweight newspaper has been reduced to online begging for support to keep its ‘investigative rigour and fearless reporting’ (or somesuch) alive.

There’s a telling reason that the Grauniad can’t sell newspapers like it used to, but it’s the one thing it can’t bring itself to admit.

(Having written which, it’s by far the best designed online newspaper website – but that’s just an example of the ‘triumph of form over function’.)


You know how the Tories hope you can forget the many cluster f***s
they have made during the Covid crisis by quoting the large number
of vaccines that have been administered, well I was look at the disastrous
Covid situation recently escalating in India and the enduring high death rates in Brazil

UK Bojoland has 1,869 Covid Deaths per million of population
Brazil is still below that figure and
India at only 142 Deaths per million.

Should Boris be asking these countries for help as our economic crash is also greater than theirs?


To the pro sturgeon troll SNPleftme who puts party before country, I’ve been voting SNP since the mid 90’s.

Using convicted murderers to campaign for you when there are thousands of others out there is a very stupid move. Anyway what do you care, you want Sturgeon returned with a massive majority. Everyone can see through you.


Rev Stu,

“(1) Sarwar’s getting a seat anyway. He either wins the constituency or he gets in on the list. There’s nothing you can do to stop that. By voting for him what you’re actually doing is voting for Roza Salih to be an SNP MSP rather than Nicola Sturgeon. It makes no difference whatsoever to Sarwar.”

“(2) Sarwar has no power. He’s one unionist vote that’ll be a unionist vote whatever happens (see 1). He’s already baked into the equation. He does not control the actions of the SNP. Sturgeon does.”

There’s a few of us been saying that for months, and getting the usual pelters from the usual SNP 1 Voters.


Ruby @7.14 pm
I suggested this would not be the worst outcome several weeks ago. In the interest of truth I am a unionist so feel free to assume I am biased. All I can say is that I am trying to look at this coldly and without baggage. A unionist coalition running HR for the next 4/5 years has advantages if you accept the premise that NS does not want independence and is hopelessly dishonest, disorganised and corrupt. My reasoning is this. A coalition would not be able to actually do very much as they would be constantly holding each others’ feet to the fire. There is a theory that the Tories want to shut down HR for instance, the others wouldn’t wear that, they are far too comfortable there. Labour seem to be super keen on all the wokey stuff, the Tories aren’t. I could go on but I’m sure you get the picture. They would largely be stuck dealing with budgets, education and health post covid with no time for all the extraneous interference which the current SNP seems to enjoy so much.
The important bit for those who support Independence; it would leave the SNP stuck in ‘change or die’ and give Alba a really great opportunity to build something decent and good from the ashes of the SNP. Another bonus? Coalitions are by their nature fragile and tend to piss off each others’ supporters (and even their own) something chronic which would obviously be of benefit to those of you on the Independence side. Indeed it might even be enough to bring quite a lot of the soft no lot over to the yes side, specially if they see Alba and the remains of the SNP demonstrating that they want a good, honest, decent future for Scotland.



It’s 1869 vs 1834. Using false figures helps no one


Further to my post @8.22
Norway’s Statoil was government owned until 20 years ago before it was privatised with the Norwegian state retaining a 60% stake.

The second point is that Norway’s oil profits were ring-fenced and then managed by professional money managers.

They could teach us a thing or two about ring fencing!


Hi Stephen,
I think it may have been Phil M who was trying to quantify the extent of revenue leaving Scotland.
I wanted Stuart to acknowledge the detrimental effects of the stripping of one of Scotland’s resources for the benefit of others.
That there is and was abuse is the salient point, the degree of abuse, to me, is irrelevant.

Andy Ellis

@Rev Stu 8.50 pm

Although I can see the political logic of Alba as a party fronting on the “vote SNP 1 and Alba 2” line, it is incumbent on clued up voters to make their own choices. I agree with you that it makes sense to try and deprive Sturgeon of her seat and if I lived in that constituency I’d probably vote tactically for him (much as I loathe his politics).

Similarly in my own constituency of Edinburgh Central I will vote for Bonnie Prince Bob (yes…I know you loathe him, but I just can’t bring myself to vote tactically for a Tory).

Of course in many constituencies it won’t make enough of a difference, but even if a selective strategy of political beheadings resulted in a few SNP heads rolling it would be worth the effort. I’d hate to see Robertson win here, and Davidson only won by 600 votes last time: it’s even possible former / current Green voters will vote tactically for Robertson. With luck he’s pissed enough former SNP supporters and voters off that he’ll fail.

It’s up to Alba as a party to convince enough disaffected pro-indy folk over the next five years to support them and try to bring about change for the 2026 elections. That also depends on how things pan out inside the SNP of course: forcing new elections and making them (or the 2026 vote) plebiscitary still required cooperation from the SNP and/or Greens, which seems unlikely under current leadership.

John Mcgregor

As a non supporter of indy I think everybody in the snp are getting played for fool’s by Herr Leader She love’s the limelight too much to throw it away with going for independance as soon as possible Salmond is playing a good game in so fact if he hold’s sway it will be MY WAY or Highway as i think they’ll be a motion of no confidence in her in whitch you would think she’ll fall Salmond is too nicey nicey to her so a think he has a plan for Mr/Mrs Murrell Only a thought # 55

Andy Ellis

@John Mcgregor 9.21 am

A “non supporter”…?

What fresh Newspeak hell is this….?

I’m sure there are other terms for “non support”. Of course I could be non correct? 🙂


So now we have more head turning bread and circuses bollocks from the SNP MP Alison Thewliss, as she states that Johnson’s Tory government is corrupt to the core, something we all know, and have know for years.

Yet like Sturgeon Thewliss doesn’t do irony, only finger pointing is the order of the day. They say people living in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, pointing out Johnson and the Tories corruption won’t conceal the fact that the SNP and Sturgeon are in the same boat as Johnson and the Tories.

I’d go as far as to say that Johnson and Sturgeon have some things in common, both are cold, callous and calculating and devoid of a conscience.

No longer can we blame Westminster for not achieving independence, we must now look towards Holyrood and the SNP for that particular deficit.

Labour 4 Indy

I like the direction of travel you are on Rev.

Sturgeon and the SNP have lost all credibility.

I would never vote SNP even if I stopped Voting Labour.

And I am hoping ALBA can bring the Independence debate to the fore, so I’ll be Voting ALBA on the list.

And as you say Rev, it has to be Sarwar for the Glasgow Southside Constituency Vote.

There surely can’t be many people in Scotland who would actually miss Sturgeon.


The detrimental effect of the stripping of Scotland’s oil revenues
The detrimental effect is clear to see.

Also Thatcher used North Sea Oil revenues when they were at their height in the 1980’s to hide her economic failures.
We bailed her out.

The revenue was wasted instead of invested.
What good it could have done.

Dorothy Devine

Paula J , you are missing the best cartoons if you dismiss the Guardian out of hand. I head there every morning to see what gems Martin Rowson , Steve Bell , Nicola Jennings et al have produced and who is getting skewered.

The rest is incidental and I do like to know what drivel is being perpetrated by so called journalists AGAINST my country.

Patrick Jones

There are so many hypocrites amongst the Vote SNP 1 crowd.

They post these endless rants about how bad Sturgeon and her Party have been behaving, and then, they tell you at the end if their rant to go out and Vote SNP 1.

WTF is that all about?

Surely after their endless rants telling us how bad the SNP are, that they should be telling us to avoid Voting SNP at all costs.


John McGregor signs off with the hash tag 55 ( Rangers titles). One small problem being that no matter how often they ignore it they are still a “New” team. When you use the Law to avoid your debtors you cannot then claim to be the same company. When “dodgy deals” goes bust and stiffs dozens of people they cannot claim their past trading companies.
If Rangers want the continuation of titles the PAY those people you robbed.

An indicator of John’s connection to reality.


The emperor with no clothes on, Sturgeon, though not one SNP MSP can see it, but we can, will be in Wigtown today. Sturgeon will urge voters to vote SNP claiming that only the SNP can bring forth an economic recovery for Scotland, which as we all know is a complete lie.

For there cannot be an economic recovery to any great extent in Scotland because Brexit simply won’t allow it. Scottish businesses can rally somewhat now that the pandemic is easing and business can resume, but the European market has been cut off from Scotland by Brexit so the recovery will be limited.

Sturgeon of course already knows this, and she knows that independence is really the only way for Scottish businesses to fully access the Single Market again, and allow Scotland to grow economically, and in other important ways as well, yet Sturgeon has said they’ll be no indyref until the economy recovers, its Sturgeons very own Catch22 and she’s well aware of it, a continuous Groundhog Day that we’ll not escape from.

Dorothy Devine

Socrates ,as a 70+ year old too , I gave them a ring and had 2 very helpful ladies tell me when and where I was to appear.

The very next morning a blue envelope dropped through the letterbox so lots in the pipeline.

I had the 1st on the 10th of Feb and will have the 2nd on the 1st of May.


‘After the election, SNP members of the Scots Parliament who believe in independence and cannot stomach the ever more woke direction of the SNP can leave the SNP for Alba.’

– Just cannot see this happening. Like Johnson required all Tory candidates to pledge to his ‘Brexit’ before the Dec 2019 General Election, I expect similar from the SNP, behind closed doors of course.

I genuinely see no dissenters from the current crop of SNP MSP’s and potential candidates.

Sure, you wouldn’t expect to hear them before an election, but even prior to this I observed most of 2020 with most following the party line of anti – Salmond rhetoric.

Even now, look at MSP’s like Gillian Martin. Once a Salmond pupil, once an ordinary grassroots member of the Indy movement and SNP member now conformed into the middle management of SNP doctrine and dishing out the blatantly false line of ‘both votes SNP’ is the only way to win an indy majority.

I see absolutely no dissent, I see the complete opposite.


Labour 4 Indy @ 9.27

‘Sturgeon and the SNP have lost all credibility.

I would never vote SNP even if I stopped Voting Labour.’

– Thats rich. The party of war criminals.


“They don’t even live in Scotland!”

I blocked that utter cretin Jayne Johnson many moons ago so maybe someone who still accesses her Twitter drivel could ask her why, when he was alive, did she never refer to Sean Connery’s domicile status. Mr Connery himself being *THE* biggest celebrity supporter of The SNP during his time.

There’s a whole list of similar folk & organisations who support Scotland’s right of self-determination that do not, and in some cases never have, lived in Scotland. Her current Prime Minister and *ALL* of his government don’t live in Scotland, do they Jayne?

Stuart MacKay


The whole idea of soft noes is also a lie and like the covid recovery is a lie intended to create a goal that can never be attained.

The lie of the soft noes is that everyone who supports independence implicitly supports the SNP. That ignores the part of the population who’d rather reject independence to specifically avoid being ruled by the SNP for all the reasons we see today.

The current situation when you think about it is really unhealthy for any democracy. It’s as if there was a Communist/Fascist Party agitating for revolution in which all other parties would be shut down and control handed to a ruling elite, Singapore style.

This supposed path to independence where all the turkeys have to vote for Christmas is never going to fly in a million years and they know it.


Tartanfever @9.43pm.

I think that there’s a small possibility that some SNP MSPs might defect to the ALBA party after May’s elections. However I’d say that, what happens might also hinge on how many seat the ALBA party wins, too few and nothing might happen, but if ALBA does okay it might be a different story, I hope the latter scenario occurs.


I completely agree with you and as you’ve already pointed out Norway is an easy and accurate comparison when others suggest that revenues from oil are worse than useless.

Mark Boyle

@PaulaJ says: 27 April, 2021 at 8:55 am

Dorothy Devine says:
27 April, 2021 at 7:53 am
“Anyone seen the Libby Brooks piece in the Guardian this morning?”

Anyone reading the Guardian for other than a disbelieving chortle surely deserves what he/she gets. A former heavyweight newspaper has been reduced to online begging for support to keep its ‘investigative rigour and fearless reporting’ (or somesuch) alive.

The Guardian can be summed up as the paper that droned on and on about modern slavery only to be found to have to have a dispropotionally large number of interns, in much the same way they would criticise governments hiring mercenaries but keeping schtum over Tony Blair’s used of “private security contractors” in Iraq.

The Guardian has always had a distasteful attitude towards Scotland and the Scots, seeing us as some sort of “noble savages” and getting snotty whenever we deviate from their approved stereotype.

As for tbe Libby Brooks piece – The Guardian bought a piece the Scotsman rejected. Says it all really.


Folks are going to vote with their conscience anyway, but the ONLY to deliver a Supermajority is for the SNP to dominate the Constituency Seats and for ALBA to be mightily strong in List seats.

No supermajority, no Holyrood capacity to call a plebiscite election when it likes. (That, by the way, is your Section 30 workaround).

I think I’m also correct in that a Supermajority also empowers Holyrood to rewrite some of it’s own constitution. If you wanted to change the numbers of seats for example, I think that Supermajority allows it.

link to

No supermajority, means Holyrood keeps Westminster as chaperone.

If you think giving Sturgeon a bloody nose is more important to you than a Supermajority, then I’m not going to judge. Many people have fixed principles on the matter. I know I myself have profound reservations about it.

I don’t trust Sturgeon or the SNP at all, not a bit, BUT, I don’t think the SNP we see before us now will be recognisable beside the SNP we’ll be looking at by Christmas.

I think Sturgeon will gone. Her betrayals and mismanagement will catch up with her.

I think whatever crank legislation actually makes it onto Statute book will fail, like Offensive Behaviour Act or Named Person.

I think the Wokeratti will be increasingly toxic and irrelevant. Peripheral to everything, where a decent Leader would have punted them to begin with.

I think the mini exodus of SNP people to ALBA might continue after the May election. It doesn’t even need to happen for the threat / option of it happening to be potent. But if there are people moving to ALBA, it’s even better if they are MSP’s.

I think the entire structure of Holyrood as a devolved assembly could, (or at least it’s an option) be fundamentally redefined as incompatible with Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty. If ALBA isn’t just mouthing the words, and I don’t think it is, there are profound ramifications for Holyrood.

Remember that old example I gave about red and white sovereignty? Red sovereignty for the Scottish people, and white sovereignty for English/Westminster ‘divine’ sovereignty, – prompting the question what is Holyrood? Red sovereignty, white sovereignty, pink sovereignty, or raspberry ripple sovereignty?

After Sturgeon’s Brexit capitulation and ignoring Scotland’s sovereign democracy, Nicola Sturgeon pretty much bleached all of the red out of Holyrood leaving only Westminster’s white sovereignty to rule unchallenged.

I believe ALBA will endeavour to change that, and not just reverse it pink, but hopefully, paint the town red.

SNP1 and ALBA2 is the formula for a Supermajority and a change of colour in Holyrood. You don’t have to like it, but it is the bottom line for a Supermajority.


Like her or loathe her and I definitely LOATHE her, Sturgeon believes she is untouchable and has transmitted that to her footsoldiers.
Over the past year she has brought forward regressive legislation, acted in a criminal manner, attacked the rights of women and children and treated the electorate as fools.
How has this been accomplished? The UK media hate her, but not quite as much as they hate Alex, who they see as a real and present danger, so it must be a pitch to professional and political women who are at the forefront of all public bodies and hold a strong grip of young impressionable electors.

We must , if we wish to survive as a truly democratic country, attack Sturgeon not on her lack of will on the Independence issue, but on the nightmare being created socially. Only when she and her zombies are removed from power can Scotland move forward.

Dorothy Devine

Mark Boyle , but their cartoons are first class.


“The current situation when you think about it is really unhealthy for any democracy.”


But is Scotland really in a democratic position, we haven’t voted for a Tory government since the 1950s yet here we are at the mercy of a Tory government. in my opinion Scotland will not be a fully fledged self contained democracy until we achieve independence, until then Westminster will decide for us to a certain extent how democratic we can be.

Patrick Jones

Republicofscotland. 9.41

If Sturgeon is going walkabout in Wigton today, the somebody from the crowd should shout out “where’s the Indy Fund Money Nikla?”

And make sure the cameras are rolling before they shout it.

If Sturgeon is in your area, then all of us should do our bit to embarrass her in front of the cameras.


They don’t seem to be paying much attention to how UNDEMOCRATIC we have become?


Effigy, more ignorant drivel from you, can only suppose you didn’t note the UK (which includes Scotland whether you like it or not) is actually 10th in your league table of death (sicko)? Did you in your feverish attempt to post something else negative about the UK what the figure was for the last 7 days? No of course you didn’t. Did you know that in the UK Covid is listed on the Death Certificate as the cause of death if the person has tested positive for covid in the 28 days prior to death. I won’t patronise you by using the extreme examples of the problem of this , but if you can’t guess and other countries in your ” table of death” don’t use the same method how do,you know. Perhaps hold your fire till this awful virus is over and look at the real statistics on death and the economy or anything actually.

To be clear I also think to use your parlance that many aspects of Bojolands (you should patent that as its very catchy) response to this global pandemic have been a “clusterfuck” , couldn’t agree more just unafraid to acknowledge where he’s got it right and very suspect of statistics which don’t compare “apples with apples” purely to make you or your fellow travellers feel better about your obvious hatred or disdain for your political opponents.


We need someone of much higher profile to spill the beans . The media love bad news and will run with it if they see a return for their platform.
Time for Alex or Kenny to get the gloves off….and the wellies!



You are of course correct to say that the only way to achieve a supermajority in the next assembly is if Alba scores well on the list and aligns with the SNP.

However, as things stand, this will not happen as Sturgeon has said she will not co-operate with Salmond.

What we will then be left with is a supermajority in name only. An empty carcass.

And we would have enabled Sturgeon to continue on her merry way, bouyed in and boasting about her renewed mandate to continue with her woke agenda and delaying independence.

Scot Finlayson

Brent Crude $65.65 dollers per barrel (as i type),

Scotland produces 1,070,000 barrels per day of oil (2018)

average price per year from 1976-2021 is $55 per barrel,

that`s 16,000 days,

16,000 times 1million times 55 = $880,000,000,000,

$880 billion which you seem to think we should just shrug off like you lost a penny down the back of the couch,

biggest theft in human history and $65,650,000 will today just disappear.

And then we`ve also got gas to add to that.

Patrick Jones


Are you just kidding on you are thick, or are you really really thick.

Your posts just don’t make any sense.

Do you think that the longer you make your posts, the more sense they will make?

It doesn’t work that way. People are wise to what the SNP stands for nowadays and the majority on Wings are not going to be Voting SNP.

Patrick Jones

The only Supermajority in the Scottish Parliament will be for Sturgeon and Harvie to do as they want with us.

I would urge people not to vote for the SNP. (Or the Greens).


The case for Independence has not been made and will never be made while Sturgeon has the levers…..Shelve it for now and attack the SNP who are the real impediment to social freedom and Independence.
It may take some time, but as Stephen has noted there appears no alternative.


Patrick Jones @10.10am.

Yes I don’t see why not, banners asking where the ring fenced funds are, and you misled (lied) to parliament, and Sturgeon must go/resign, should be the order of the day.

Sturgeon has it far to comfortable when she prances around the streets of Scotland, like some sort of saviour, we must show our displeasure wherever she turns up in Scotland.


The case for independence makes itself.
It doesn’t need an advocate.
The trouble is that the arithmetic is against it happening so long as Sturgeon controls the levers of the SNP as you say.


“The case for Independence has not been made”


The case for independence has been made and made quite emphatically, that cannot and should never be denied.

However as you rightly state under Sturgeon as FM it will never see the light of day.


It seems madness to base a Scottish economic future on oil and gas. The Unionists will tear that to ribbons in any referendum debate.
This is going to be hard and the Scottish electorate will have to be told the truth for once.
I would also add that the Unionist opposition to Scottish independence is more historical than economic and too much added hassle for Westminster, most of my English acquaintances, would be perfectly happy to see the back of what they term “moaning gits”


Liz: “My position is clear enough, I want any and all laws that restrict choice to be limited to the absolutely necessary.”

You are free to choose not to be vaccinated and free to choose not to have a passport.

The rest of us, by the same token, are free to avoid you like the plague, as they say…

Lenny Hartley

Breeks at 0926, agree as always very well put, as can be seen by the number of trolls criticising your post..

Stuart MacKay


You can’t compare mentions against total number of comments. Hint: include “says” when you search for names.

One more from me.


Over the past 45 years $470 billion in revenue from oil has been generated from Scottish waters.
Despite Norway having produced slightly less than the UK it’s revenues over the same period was $1.197 billion. England took total control of this resource and spectacularly mishandled it from the start squandering billions of Scotland’s, yes Scotland’s money. It’s funny that we are constantly told that it’s the UK’s oil but are then arrogantly informed that Scotland is subsidised by English taxpayers money. Then there was the suppression of the McCrone report which wasdeliberately buried for fear of independence.
This country was robbed of its resource by Westminster and that history is a constant reminder of why we need independence and it should never be forgotten.


Lenny Hartley
I responded to Breeks post with a logical respectful counter-argument.
What gives you the right to shut down debate on this crucial issue by calling someone a troll?
This is apart from the fact that it is disrespectful and shows a lack of class.


ROS….apologies the case may have been made, but only to the already converted. The general public with whom I associate regularly have not a clue and the process must be transmitted to them in words that they understand and in many cases will involve heart over head.

Dorothy Devine

Stephen , too quick to respond and accept that Lenny was indicating you.

If the glove fits wear it.

katherine hamilton

Hi highseastim
They would be the only 2 new faces in leadership positions in the new Parliament. Your comment, particularly your insult that I am a unionist, indicates a degree of illiteracy so I’ll spell it out for you.
Labour- Sarwar but has been around for years. It’s just his turn.
SNP – Sturgeon No change
Green- Harvie No change
Lib Dem- Rennie No change.
Tory- Ross – Davidson gone to the Lords
ALBA – Salmond Was FM but a newbie c/f last Parliament which was the context of my comment.

Please don’t insult me again and oh, do try and keep up. New around here, are you? Ad hominem attacks are frowned upon, generally seen as a result of low intellect.


PS lest I be accused of trollism, an accusation rife on these pages and an unhealthy one; I would be pleased to see a bloody revolution to remove the Murrells and install Alexander to power.


The quickness of my response has nothing to do with what I say.


Never mind LBGTQ+++

Most of the people I am engaging with on my ALBA FB campaign are TSTV


” The general public with whom I associate regularly have not a clue”

No need to apologise, however I beg to differ on the above, the polls regularly show 50+ in favour of Scottish independence. Some will have put heart before head, but most are canny enough to know the difference.


Breastplate i implore you stop it please. Yet more deflection if your implying that ” others who declare revenues from oil are worse than useless” is what I said. You can of course to satisfy your apparently be right about your biases desire, but that is a very weak “victory” which i assume as a sentient adult you know.

Why are unable to say what everyone knows, that the original posters post was unadulterated nonsense propergated to deceive?

You can’t even acknowledge in your rush to judge and ingratiate your self with someone who holds the same or similar views on Independance that it was actually ME, who first suggested in this thread who was a prime example of making it work I.E. Norway. My “crime” I suppose was suggesting subjectively ( my opinion) something that can’t be known in I think Scotlands missed the boat. That is a whole different subject and we will I’m sure have differing opinions on that which can’t be known. You suggest that Stephen just because he tidied up my reference to Norway, didn’t disagree with it as far as I can see is “on your side” I guess anything I say you perceive is therefore “dodgy” cos again you assume I’m on the “other side”.

Just so as you understand my original reply to,whoever it was that posted that untruth was FACTUAL and yet you did and continue to avoid it, deflect, dissemble and refuse to condemn or otherwise challenge the original post. The smacks of bad faith to me, wouldn’t you agree?

The rest of my posts and in particular my reference to Norway and missing the boat is subjective (if you understand the difference) in simple terms I believe Scotland missed the boat unlike Norway , I believe this because Geo-poltics and economics in the succeeding years since Norway made its “pile” so to speak have not been favourable to such a risk (which any investment is) . For instance how do you reckon the narrative has changed since the 70’s wrt Global Warming, Climate change or whatever they call,it now. And on the economic front how does the inevitably of the depletion of reserves impact on the capital required to find new reserves and the long term impact of the first question? This of course is my opinion not a fact like the original reply which for reasons I’m not totally sure you continue to ignore.

Anyway for fear of boring everyone else on here to death, probably best 5o bring this to a close as its diverting attention from more important issues I would assume from your perspective. All the best. Stuart

gary coombes

Just wanted to clarify, does spoiling the constituency ballot render the list paper spoiled?
I can’t remember if they go in separate boxes etc?


Scot Finlayson, stop embarrassing yourself ffs your grasp of basic really basic economics is only surpassed by your complete lack of ability to recognise the difference between “revenue” “refined product” and Taxation. Bet it felt great tapping those numbers into your HP calculator ready to reinforce your biases and the original posters factual inaccuracies (to put it mildly) .

Call me a “troll” a “yoon” or whatever insult that’ll make you think “you’ve won”, I really don’t care . It has been said “you can’t cure stupid” and I’m not going to try with someone who just doubles down on the original Lie.


Mcduff, another one who doesn’t understand what “revenue” is. I blame the schools!! For producing people with average intellect, honesty and critical thinking skills not far off average room temperature.

Johnny Martin

Gary Coombes:

I am quite sure they go in separate boxes (I can’t remember for absolute certain but it stands to reason – why make organising them into the correct piles for the count any more difficult than it needs to be).

Separately, why would an invalid vote on one piece of paper render a valid one on another piece of paper invalid as well?


I asked you one question and you answered it, eventually.
No, that is correct, you didn’t say oil is worse than useless, I have spoken with others who believe this, you inferred I was talking about you.

Moira Girvan

On STV last evening – one of the well-known contributors -sneeringly uttered that the “smaller parties” (her dig was clearly directed at ALBA) “weren’t doing very well”. We shall see about that. But even if only one ALBA MSP is elected to Holyrood – it will unbearable for Sturgeon. The idea of Alex Salmond sitting behind her in the chamber is just too joyous to contemplate. So, I was rather surprised by one comment above that suggested that eight MSP’s would somehow be “disappointing”. For a party that was only born a few weeks before the electioneering kicked off and given the complete news media blackout – it would be SENSATIONAL!


Stephen, sorry just seen your temperate response , thank you for a voice of sanity. If I’ve misunderstood any of the posters claiming revenue = tax receipts and just ignore all other factors I apologise (well not really trying to be nice)

Everything from where I’m standing my opponents view is predicated on a false dichotomy and just “wishing” things were different all very laudable if your dealing with emotional arguments not facts and reality. Also the “liberal” use of hypothecation in relation to the Union is based on emotion not facts unfortunately.

Anyway thanks again. Best Regards Stuart


I don’t understand why you are getting agitated about this, so let me try again without any animosity whatsoever.

My view is that Scotland has been systematically robbed over the years for the benefit of others, mainly out with Scotland and it is still ongoing.

I don’t want to get into an argument by how much we have been robbed as a nation.
Regarding the oil, I have not said your figures are correct or incorrect or anyone else’s figures are correct or incorrect for that matter. I simply find that it is irrelevant to my opinion whether your figures are right or wrong.

So in summary, I have not stated whether you are right or wrong but I am content with your acknowledgment that Scotland has been cheated.



Mark Boyle

@Dorothy Devine says:
27 April, 2021 at 9:57 am

Mark Boyle , but their cartoons are first class.

Do you realise the irony of saying that on the day Steve Bell leaves The Guardian?


Agreed Moira,
This is just the very beginning of Alba’s story.


katherine hamilton @ 10.49

You conveniently forget that DRoss is a subsidy junkie, part time mp, racist!!

Unionist alert!!

Dorothy Devine

Mark Boyle , I knew he was going – no irony really though I will be sad to see him go, the announcement of his departure was some months ago. However they still have Rowson and Jennings x 2 and therefore still worth a morning vist.

Alaster Currie

@John Main – 27 April, 2021 at 7:49 am
In your response to my post of 27 April, 2021 at 5:31 am you wrote the following: “You are not the first to look forwards to re-elected SNP MSPs deserting to Alba after 6th May. Which makes me wonder just why you think a flood of sharp-elbowed, in-it-for-themselves troughers would be such an asset to Alba. If these time-servers don’t have the guts to make their allegiances clear before they hoodwink the voters into gifting them another 4 years of generous pay and perks.”

I think a good starting point is to look your what is the overwhelming goal. To me that is independence. I share that view with the leader of Alba. The phrase “To err is human, to forgive is divine” comes to mind. Those who will move to Alba, at this critical time, should be offered forgiveness, if it is required, as they will assist in gaining independence for Scotland. Do you want to reject their help?

Please read the post by Prasad – 26 April, 2021 at 1:24 pm. Prasad wrote, ” Another ingredient in the mix was a comment made by Salmond in this interview on RT.
link to
When asked about why so few had jumped ship from SNP to Alba he replied that many more had wanted to but he has asked them to stay put for now.”

From what Salmond said in the above interview clearly challenges your view of the “troughters”. I urge you to view the interview on RT in the hope you will at least modify your views. Salmond is a man who has been greatly wronged and yet he still wants to work with the SNP in order to gain independence for Scotland. That is a great example for us all to follow.


Breeks living in fantasy land again, aye let’s vote SNP1, we’ll get a plebiscite election (honestly don’t know whether to laugh of cry reading shit like that) and the usual complete bullshit about the sovereign people of Scotland while advocating a course of action that would lead to a civil war. I imagine Breeks would be cowering in the corner if that happens.

Thing is Breeks knows this is all nonsense, like the rest of the sturgeonites they just want Queen Nicola re-elected and they will tell any lie they can to achieve it.

Meanwhile those of us on Scotland’s side will do everything we can to ensure that Queen Nicola loses her seat and then faces the full force of the criminal justice system. We will then clear out the SNP leadership and take the party back.


Stephen says
“They [the Norwegians] could teach us a thing or two about ring fencing!
Quite; if £600,000 proved too tempting for the SNP to keep safe, just imagine how irresistable a cool $1 trillion would have been.


@ Liz g

I understand your argument to be that a vote for the SNP is seen as a vote for independence.

I see it as a vote approving the actions of the SNP under NS, that is also how NS will play it.

Voting for a known evil because you fear a delay in independence doesn’t sit well with me also an independent Scotland under.the rule of today’s SNP is anathema to me.

Burn it down and hope AS can prevent entryists by the woke.

Dorothy Devine

Alaster , thanks for posting the RT link for Alex Salmond interview – thoroughly enjoyed that.


Shocked @1.23 pm

You sound as though your rooting for a tory/labour/libdem majority??


Exactly I wouldn’t trust handing anything else over to Pete Murrell’s custodianship.
It could go missing.


Thankyou for your kind words


Sturgeonite. I’m rooting for Sturgeon to go to jail. Independence is dead for the next 5 years. There isn’t enough support. We need to rebuild and make the case for it.


“WTF is that all about?”

It is very simple. It is about the fact that only a supermajority of pro indy seats will tell the whole world Scotland is ready for independence.

It is about the fact that we want the unionist wnkrs out of Holyrood, as many as possible and all of them gone on an ideal scenario.

It is about the fact that if you hand seats to unionists they will use them against you to regress independence, so why should you give them any seats?

It is about the fact that neither Sarwar, nor Rennie nor Harvie could find the balls to oppose Sturgeon’s mad Hate bill. They are supposed to be in the opposition, yet they only oppose to what we seek while refuse to oppose to what we can do without.

If they are as undemocratic as Sturgeon, because they consider our indyref mandate disposable; if they happily go against international law like Sturgeon, because they refused Scotland its right to self determination; and if they are cowards or unscrupulous opportunistic who refuse to vote against the worse excesses of mad Sturgeon for their own obscure agenda, what the hell do we want such waste of space in Holyrood for?

I cannot think in one single reason. They are worse than tacky, dust gathering, good for nothing decor gadgets.

Tories, labour, libdems and Greens have demonstrated that neither they will help us to get independence nor they are prepared to act as a functioning opposition. Conclusion: they may as well be ejected from Holyrood to stop wasting our time. It is not like we have anything to lose by seeing the back of them.

SNP1 + Alba 2 makes sense. Why? Because it is the only way we can get the supermajority the unionist wnkrs claim we need to demonstrate a pro indy mandate. It is also the only way we can get rid of the unionist wnkrs and their undemocratic obsession with denying Scotland its mandates. And it is the only way we can inject Holyrood with a much needed pro indy opposition to clip Sturgeon’s toxic wings.


Breastplate, despite your last post being difficult for me to understand, to put it politely, I apologise if I came across as “agitated”, wasn’t my intention (usually only comes across strongly when I’ve drunk too much as per last Friday, sorry Mia etc al, which tells me I shouldn’t post when having been under the influence) I suspect whilst its no excuse I’m not alone in this.

I see what you did with your last post but life’s too short to argue over semantics and confirmation biases in any one of us.

Finally I have actually enjoyed my “encounter” with you, as you use logic of a sort to counter my points, rather than going for the “last resort of the scoundrel” which is not in my view applicable to Nationalism or Patriotism rather is so apt for those whom automatically resort to ad hom to counter an argument they can’t win or don’t really understand but don’t have the self respect and critical thinking faculties to realise it.

I actually learnt something new prior to posting my replies yesterday to the original poster and it was absolutely nothing to do with the original figures. Can you guess what it was? To give you a clue, not only with my experience in the industry but my lack of critical thinking in this respect , embarrassed me over a long held belief .

Anyway I look forward to our next encounter not said in a threatening or agitated manner but out of genuine respect for someone whose opinion on certain subjects is prepared to debate. All the best. Stuart


@ Mia

You appear to think that the SNP party and its MSPs are pro-Indy.

Even if they are, do you wish to live under their rule?

They would make an independent Scotland a worse version of Zimbabwe under ZANU PF.
Free speech outlawed unless it accords with their dictacts, biology denied; a brave new world mixed with 1984.

Independence without freedom for the plebeians may be your vision, it isn’t mine.

Liz g

Chris @ 1.51
I can’t say your wrong either Chris, we have a really rotten choice to make.
All I can add ( and it is just my take on the situation ) is.

Nicola and her Woke adherents may , and probably will try to portray a victory as a vote for their hateful policies .
The British will indeed seize any type of defeat ( espically hers ) as a vote to reject Indy Ref two.

So I view my choice to be about which order is the easier to deal with after the election.
Because we are not going to be able to avoid either battle.

If we defeated Nicola we have that ground to make up on the Indy front and loosing ground on Indy is not worth teaching one politician a lesson.
And it would only be teaching one politician a lesson there is no guarantee that the next leader of the SNP will be any less willing to remove women’s rights, in fact it’s potentially the opposite.

We should also be mindful that there are many who still hold Nicola in high regard and she has fed them the narrative that we are tricking her out of her position.
We need those people not to see us that way and we most defiantly don’t need to hand the British and their media that stick to beat us with.
The Gender debate in the Spotlight will bring most right thinking people around at no cost to the section of the Independance movement who are currently against it .
All we need to do is shine a light and bring the debate mainstream.
If we can get Alba into Holyrood, I am quiet confident we can deal with the threat to woman’s rights there, exactly where it should be any way.

If we give the British party’s an inch with our Vote they , as ,we know will take a mile , and that’s just an unnecessary burden we don’t need.
We will just be deferring the fight to maintain woman’s rights to take place either at a sensitive time for Indy ( right in the late part of out campaign for example ) or most certainly at a time of Westminsters choosing and deferring it to a Parliament we have no real voting power in too.

The struggle to maintain woman’s rights is coming at us , there is no avoiding it any more.
Therefore we should choose our ground and the timing of it.
I’m arguing for it to be Holyrood and Soon.
And while I can’t speak for Alex Salmond or Alba , it stands to reason that his SNP 1 and Alba 2 message plus the manifesto commitment to defend women’s rights, speaks to a Holyrood and Soon view too ???

Jack Murphy

Liz g closed her post at 6:06pm:
“…And while I can’t speak for Alex Salmond or Alba , it stands to reason that his SNP 1 and Alba 2 message plus the manifesto commitment to defend women’s rights, speaks to a Holyrood and Soon view too ???.”

Absolutely, and here it is.

ALBA. Women and Equalities:

link to


Vote and vote wisely.


Men who believe they are women and vice versa, are simply in need of psychiatric counselling. I do not think “equality” comes into this issue which is in effect a grave insult to womankind.
It really is about time for the small boy to cry out that “The Emperor has no cloths”
Do I think that Alba are brave enough? Unfortunately not!


My SNP1 vote will be made reluctantly, but in the fervent hope that there is a swag of SNP MSPs and MPs just biding their time to swing over to Alba.

It would be particularly delicious if this happened just after the election so that the SNP had no alternative but to do a deal with Alba.


When we vote for mainstream parties we are unwittingly voting for UN mandated policies. The Trans madness is big in the States as well as spreading its poison across Europe. Check out “Sustainable Developement”. Our future appears to be dictated by Fascist banking cartels and supra national organisations ie UN WHO. We can vote for any colour we like but unfortunately it will turn out Green. In Edinburgh the road system has been turned into a drivers nightmare which is quite deliberate and designed to sicken us off the road. The Council Government and Common Purpose want us all to be good Soviet moujiks on our bushbikes while the Politburo continue with their champagne lifestyles. Come on folks. You know what lockdowns and the “Green Agenda” is really all about. These “vaccine” passports are the ushering in of heavy State mandated “freedoms” and permissions from rats like Sturgeon and Matt Hancock. I think we have bigger problems than a lack of Independence and most of you the readers know it.

David A.

Winning independence under these people feels like “winning” independence under the nazi party or the communist party. Even if you “win” under such extremists you still lose.

I want to see sane and trustworthy leadership and a stable and sane whole party at the helm instead for those formative years (so we don’t have all the eggs in one basket relying on a single leader figure to keep a bonkers or corrupt party in line either, who could step down or be thrown out by them). Scotland deserves nothing less.

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