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Wings Over Scotland


Posted on July 01, 2024 by

In the modern political world, you don’t get anywhere without a movement, and movements don’t get anywhere without a flag. So we’ve decided it’s time to take action and stand up for a very large group of people who are genuinely discriminated against and significantly disadvantaged in our society.

Here’s their symbol.

Today is July 1st, and we officially, on behalf of all our oppressed kinfolk, declare this to be People Who Aren’t Eligible For A Railcard Pride Month.

The colours of the flag come from here:

As the image above notes, more than 45 million people in the UK are currently unfairly discriminated against by being ineligible for a Railcard, which normally gives you 1/3 off the price of any train ticket for £30 a year.

During a cost-of-living crisis this is clearly a very non-trivial benefit. On the cheapest off-peak open return between Bath and Bathgate, for example, it’d save you £74 – two and a half times the cost of the card – on that one return journey alone. Over a year it could save the average person hundreds of pounds.

We’ve never understood why it’s legal to discriminate against people on the basis of age when it comes to Railcards. Age discrimination in the provision of public services is against the law, expressed by the Equality Act 2010.

But for some reason there’s an exemption written in for “concessions”.

Yet there’s clearly no intrinsically valid justification for why people aged from 30 to 60 ought to have to pay 50% more for a train ticket than people outside that age range.

Why should a hard-working 31-year-old nurse have to pay so much more to get to work than a 29-year-old Premiership footballer on £100,000 a week or a 60-year-old millionaire banker? Why should couples who go everywhere together (and for whom everything’s already cheaper due to 2-for-1 offers and the like) get a big subsidy at the expense of single people, or couples who have different interests? It’s blatantly unfair, and it affects tens of millions of people, yet nobody cares.

Everybody wants more people to use trains rather than cars, yet everybody knows they’re insanely expensive (vastly more so than most European countries) and out of the reach of millions of normal people as a result.

Yet no politician advocates extending Railcards to everyone, even though it would make far more difference to far more people’s lives than lots of pointless tinkering with taxes and National Insurance and benefits ever does. (Even if it had to be restricted to off-peak hours, when most trains are three-quarters empty, because commuter ones are jammed already.)

But they fall over themselves in the rush to pander to the microscopic number of trans people, who are NOT in reality discriminated against or disadvantaged in any way. They endlessly ponce about on marches and recite slogans and light up government buildings and bedeck public transport and streets and police officers and pedestrian crossings and pass vastly unpopular and damaging laws in the service of this tiny privileged minority, and claim to be “progressive” as a result.

And, y’know, maybe it’s just because the LGBTQIAA++ community have such a lot of snazzy flags. Everyone loves a bright and colourful flag!

So we’ve addressed the issue. Of course, with so many Pride flags it’s hard to keep track of them all and know what’s being championed, so we thought we better make ours clear and easy to understand.

Then it was pointed out that of course fossil fuels are deeply problematic and we didn’t want to get cancelled before we started on the grounds of being unsustainable, so we quickly revised the design.

(With a choice of styles because diversity, obv.)

So let’s get out there, people. Print those flags, and stickers and badges and banners. Make your voice heard and demand equal rights for the tens of millions of able-bodied and childless between 31 and 59! We deserve trains too!


  1. Ian McCubbin says:


    A great story making a great point. Well done for the majority.

  2. sarah says:

    Can’t fault your logic, Rev! Gave me a laugh as well.

    Mind you I have a Senior railcard. In mitigation, I rarely use it and when I do it only slightly eases the pain of the outrageous cost of a sleeper ticket in the far-worse-designed-than-the-old-ones compartment.

  3. Name (required) says:

    pronouns are she/it

  4. John Mcgroarty says:

    This is genocide

  5. Jeremy Wickins says:

    I’m honestly not sure whether this is serious or underlining a point! Everything you say is quite correct – indeed, I’ve semi-humourously commented on it to my wife (a regular train-user in the full-fare category). Cutting all fares by 1/3 would make a huge difference to many, many people.

  6. Stuart MacKay says:

    Siderodromophobists don’t deserve transportation rights. Bigots!

  7. Republicofscotland says:

    A worthy cause Rev, and a just flag for it, train fares are extortionate now so yes, you make an excellent point.

    These (LGBGTI+ infinity) flags are everywhere now, with many folk jumping on the band wagon not because they really want to, but because their mortgages depend on them being compliant, heaven forbid they get sacked and cancelled for saying what they really feel about it all.

    Of course the treacherous SNP MSPs would rather be seen at one of these marches than a march for indy to free Scotland from a foreign country’s (England) grip.

  8. Stuart MacKay says:

    If I prefer diesel or electric, does that make me non-binary?

  9. Sven says:

    Another classic from our host.
    But Dear Lord, what a bunch of muppets climbing aboard the “Transetc Train”.

  10. MaryB says:

    Can Scotrail be reported for a Hate Crime on the grounds of age discrimination?

  11. lothianlad says:

    100% !!!

  12. Tommo says:

    Any more of this and, like most trains, you’ll get cancelled

  13. Derick far Yell says:

    Probably being dim because old, but on what basis are financial services exempt?

    Also “Residential park homes”?

    To save everyone time various posters btl will blame this on uppity women. The UW will point out various btl posters are misogynistic arses. I’m with the UW. ?

  14. Campbell Clansman says:

    Exceptions (“concessions”) contained in a so-called “anti-discrimination” law are inherently discriminatory.

    This “Equality Act 2010” was enacted by the Brown Labour government. It also exempts several occupations from the Act.

    Just more evidence that the political Left LOVES government-mandated discrimination, and HATES actual Equal treatment under the law.

  15. Breeks says:

    Looking at all those photos and gormless political charlatans, it’s hard not to believe these some maniacal supervillain watching it all on CCTV from the safety of his hidden underground lair, and laughing his head off at this parade of gullible imbeciles prepared to absolutely anything..

    As part of a criminal betting syndicate, inspired by the Big Brother House and I’m a Celebrity, there’s quite a lot of easy money to be made betting on exactly what these fools will do for money.

    Eat a Kangaroo’s penis on live TV? No problem.

    Dangle on a zip line waving Union jacks and get stuck like a prize idiot. Oooh! That’s a toughy, but let me see what I can do…

    Pretend you’re a pot-bellied cat in a skin tight leotard? Why of course, give me a saucer to lick!

    I bet you 50p I can get Scotland’s SNP Government to show up at a Gay pride march instead of a YES march to Bannockburn, and during a General Election Campaign… Oh surely, they can’t be that dumb, can they?

    OK, ok, double or quits if you can get the hairless arsehole pictured at the “Pride” event and wearing a gay Tee-shirt… Too easy. You’re on!

  16. Roger Gough says:

    Can I buy a trans-Pennine season?

  17. James says:

    Privatised railways; what a fcucking joke – rip-off Britain.

    In most European countries seniors just show proof of age to get a reduction, none of this con merchant £30 for a railcard. (And the reduction is much more than 30% e.g. Belgium; flat fare single ticket €2.75 for seniors).

    And as noted in the article the fares in other countries are much lower than in this gawd forsaken country (and the railways are much better).

    Imagine what a country like Scotland could have transport wise if we weren’t giving all of our money away to the country next door.

  18. Ayemachrihanish says:

    In Principle.. Genius.
    Flag & Colours.. Genius..
    Source of flag colours.. Double Genius..

  19. Ali Clark says:

    Be thankful you can’t apply for one! It’s taken me four hours plus to apply for a discriminatory “Club 50” card on the Scotrail website.

    A process that made me want to throw myself in front of a train rather than travel on one. Of course throwing oneself in front of a train is quite safe now, it’s unlikely that said train will move anytime soon.

  20. Dan says:

    Great idea, but your flag won’t fly across all of Scotland because as has been previously pointed out on here before; The rail track network in Scotland is only electrified as far north as Dunblane…
    That’s a pity because if the track was fully electrified then we could use leccy trains powered by all the renewable power generated in our geographic area.
    Powering all the trains currently moving in Scotland would likely not use the 3.4GW surplus of electrical power currently being generated here and exported to England, some of which will be helping power trains on the electrified tracks in England.

    link to

    1GW is equivalent to 1.3 million horses (Based on horsepower to watts conversion: 746 watts = 1 horsepower)

  21. Iain More says:

    It seems that the Creepy Stalker Alphabet Queers arent going away any time soon. The Queer Propaganda is very NAZI Germanyesque.

  22. Northman says:

    As I’ve said before. I seriously doubt that the derailing of the independence movement is a coincidence.

    The same have been done before to other genuine movements.
    Including lawfare, harm to people and even killings.
    And attachment of reprehensible acts or people to it to dissuade people from it.

    The power structures have pushed wokeness very hard.

    I believe that most of the “true believers” of the nutters is just useful idiots. (In both senses)

  23. Jim Thomson says:

    FFS Stuart, that’s migraine territory

    A warning would have been nice.


  24. Jim Thomson says:

    Ananurrahing ….

    There’s a nice wee job coming up that would suit you down to the ground, Stuart.

    link to

    I’m sure you’d be a shoo in 😉

  25. Campbell Clansman says:

    “all animals are equal but some are more equal than others.” (Animal Farm)

    Label discrimination as “anti-discrimination”–Progressivism in a nutshell.

    What’s the SNP’s stance on this discrimination? Did their MPs vote for it in 2010?

  26. TURABDIN says:

    The primitive concern for flags and symbols is redolent of this.
    link to
    The aim is the same, to appropriate the mind, obliterate individuality and integrity.

  27. Republicofscotland says:

    So the SNP’s coronated Teflon Don John Swinney has said even if the SNP suffer a bad result in Thursday’s elections he will remain leader of the party.

    Swinney said.

    “I committed to do that for the long term, I committed to that task, to take my party well beyond the 2026 Scottish Parliament elections, and that’s exactly what I intend to do.”

    Don’t vote SNP (If you’re unlucky enough to get your polling slip or Postal Vote in time) for the SNP are the main stumbling block to dissolving this illegal union.

    Just don’t vote in this English election at all.

  28. Republicofscotland says:

    In his Daily Record column SNP trougher Stephen Flynn thinks the Daily Record is wrong to back BLiS, FFS in his Daily Record column.

    Flynn must know that the Daily Record is owned by Reach PLC an English publishing company, they are not going to back any indy party let alone the treacherous SNP.

  29. Anton Decadent says:

    Somewhere online someone will be linking to this claiming that the use of trains is literally threatening a trans holocaust.

  30. Lorna Campbell says:

    Ha, ha very good, Rev, and very pertinent. If they lowered the train fares for everyone, they’d be packed every day on every service. The cost is prohibitive for those who have no exemptions and these are the very people who need trains most to get to work. Same with bus and tram fares. A properly integrated transport system throughout the country, as they have in most of Europe would be fantastic. The first time we went on a double-decker train in France, we are like bairns – tickled pink. Needless to say, when we returned, the train due to take us home did not turn up and the second one was late, expensive and packed to the gunwales. I’m not sure what the ‘trans’ have that is so attractive to all those politicians, but can we guess? We did it for you, Beth.

  31. Lee Floyd says:

    It doesn’t make me laugh, it makes me angry.

  32. A2 says:

    You’ve been suckered, don’t you realise it’s the Flag and Vechicle wrapping industry that is bankrolling everything?

  33. Tinto Chiel says:

    Great to see The Polis advertising their blatant lack of impartiality as public servants. And the political class are beyond parody or saving, brainless wonders who ignore their constituents and instead obey their party sponsors and lobbyists.

    What comes after Pride Month? Eleven months of #Hetero-Shame?

  34. Alf Baird says:

    Iain More @ 4:24 pm

    “The Queer Propaganda is very NAZI Germanyesque”

    Yes, the ideology is another tool of cultural imperialism, which is itself a form of fascism, aimed at weakening and dislocating, if not entirely obliterating national cultures and hence national identities.

    National culture is ‘the only bulwark against imperialism’ (Edward Said). It is no accident that so-called ‘populist’ leaders such as Trump, Farage, Le Pen, Orban and many more now are strongly opposed to the ‘New Society’ concept of mixing up cultures. The risks are fairly obvious and some countries have refused to take such risks, most notably Hungary.

    Many people in Britain, France, Germany, Holland and elsewhere now appear to be following their lead in opposing the ‘New Society’ ideology and its associated risks, which include the loss of national culture and eventually potential loss of national sovereignty, and worse.

    Scotland is already in the latter ‘loss of sovereignty’ category being subject to British imperial rule, and therefore an easy target; much as we see in Holyrood and in our other colonial institutions manic craving for the new ideology, which is destroying what remains of our culture and our people, as is its intention.

  35. Muscleguy says:

    That is why ALL the trains are Diesel Electric. The Diesel is just a generator. Electric traction engines using the axels as solenoids are the best there is bar rocket engines or Japanese maglefs.

    Been on one between Glasgow & Perth/Dundee. Firstly the transition from electric to electric is seamless. Secondly sit in the right carriage because half of it will detach at Perth to head up to Inverness.

    Me Pa was a mechanical engineer on the railway in NZ. Can you tell?

  36. Republicofscotland says:

    This is f*ckin laughable coming from Berlin, which is supplying the Kn–e-o Knat-tz-zi-s in U and the Zzz-io-Mon–ster-s in their G–en-oc-de in G-a–z-z-a with weapons and aid.

    The Zzz-i-o-Mon-ster-s must be losing for the German government to make this plea, I say f*ck em.

    Germany has asked I-r-an to help prevent further escalation in the region, days after calling on global powers to mediate a decrease in regional tensions.

    German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock made the plea in a Friday telephone conversation with I-r-an’s interim Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani.

    “Further escalation must be prevented at all costs, and I-r-an must also contribute to this,” she told Kani, according to a German foreign ministry post on X, former Twitter.

  37. Ruby Monday says:

    Trains Rights are in conflict with Bus Rights.

    (Your flag is a Bridget Riley rip-off.

    I know this because it’s making me dizzy. )

    Make it Trans Rights and everyone will be happy.

    Is the word trans copyrighted?

    I don’t think you can copyright an abbreviation nor a word like pride although Mother’s Pride might be a different story.

    Trains & Boats & Planes, cars, bikes, roller skates, zimmers, skate boards, wheelies are all trans.


    What’s another word for bikes that doesn’t begin with C or B?


    Although the rainbow flag is as instantly recognizable as the most iconic trademarks, it may surprise you to know that the creator of the flag never applied for a trademark or copyright protection, or exerted rights in this symbol of solidarity.

    That might not be the case with a Bridget Riley painting.

    Anything wrong with taking the bus from Bath to Bathgate? Busophobic?

  38. Ruby Monday says:

    Beam me up, Scotty

    What mode of transport does Scotty use to beam folk up?

    Better add that to the trans list.

  39. Republicofscotland says:

    Re my 7.07pm comment.

    The other big gun in the EU France which is supplying Mirage fighter jets to the Kn-e-o- Knatt-z-zi regime in U, has authorized the sale of electronic equipment for drones used by Izh-e-l to bomb civilians in the G–a-z–a S-tr-ip.

    The French government owns 30% of the company.

  40. Aunty Flo says:

    Are we nearly there yet?

  41. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Republicofscotland says:1 July, 2024 at 7:07 pm

    I say f*ck em.

    Course you do.

    You’re too damn ignorant to even spell “Scotland” right, but you can still say f*ck em.

    It’s all going to blow quite soon, and then nobody is going to be remembering your wee, pretendy Jenny Side, because the numbers of dead will be orders of magnitude higher.

    Decent people, the German government included, still want to pull things back from the brink, because once it really does kick off, nobody really knows where it will end.

    Bet you’re going to continue cheering it on though, eh? The piles of innocent dead still not high enough for you to claim your precious propaganda victory.

    TBQFH, I’m coming round to your way of thinking. Let the I.D.F have their way in Lebanon. F*ck em.

    No civilised westerners are going to sit around and be targets for third-world, nihilist, Jihadi, medieval, women-hating, tunnel-cowering nutjobs.

    Not even us cringing Scots, excluding you maybe.

  42. Craig P says:

    As just as your cause is, I can’t see any governments picking it up. Trains rights, unlike other rights, cost money..

  43. Alan L says:

    A relief from the serious stuff.

    There have to be some Thomas the tank engine themed jokes waiting to come out.

    For a flashback to social attitudes of the 60s I recommend on BBC iPlayer

    4472 The Flying Scotsman documentary from their Archive section. Easy to find as numbers come before the alphabet.

    Even has the Rev Audry. He of Thomas the Tank Engine. And Oily Diesel whose name I forget.

    Either the polls are all wrong, or the Scottish results are going to be more of a nail biter for parties than doon South.

  44. Morgatron says:

    Is that the cover of the latest long player release from New Order Stu. ?

  45. Morgatron says:

    When are we gonna have hetro day, thats what I wanna know.

  46. Republicofscotland says:

    “TBQFH, I’m coming round to your way of thinking. Let the I.D.F have their way in Lebanon. F*ck em.”

    That pr*ck Sanders has already sent English forces into Lebanon over 80 military flights from Cyprus have landed in Beirut.

    The game is bolster the governments army and the police (ISF) against Hezbollah, using them and proxy fighter groups in Lebanon.

    The Cypriots have painted a huge bullseye on their backs, for aiding and abetting the Yanks and the English in supplying weapons, aid and reconnaissance for the Zi–o-Mon-st-ers, as well as training with them, Nasrallah has said his forces might attack those bases on Cyprus now.

    The Zzz-io- Mons-ters are losing, and if their defeat means a larger conflict in West Asia then that’s what will happen.

  47. Anton Decadent says:

    Now that Pride is over for a week or so this is Cattle Prod Awareness Week.

  48. Big Jock says:

    I hope I wake up tomorrow and its 2012 again. The last 12 years being some kind of dystopian nightmare.

    Salmond is still in charge, the Scottish government is riding high, indi ref is 2 years away. Scotland is beaming with renewed hope. Sturgeon hasn’t been bought by M15. Even Humza is looking competent.

    Please God…

  49. Big Jock says:

    Incidently. I am up north on holiday in Balintore. Great wee town. Local pub has two Palestine flags. I assume they don’t get many Israeli tourists lol.

    Anyways I went to Dornoch Cathedral for a visit. Place was swarming with colonial settlers. Cathedral staff all had grating English accents. My heckles rise instinctively when they try and tell me my own nations history. Cultural appropriation.

    I was with my young daughter and there was a wishing tree. I wrote my wish and stuck it on the tree. ” What did you write dad”. I told her I wished Scotland was independent, and made sure I said it loudly.

  50. Geri says:


    They’ll all be up on charges which thankfully has no time limit.
    They seem to have forgotten the clear instruction to cease & desist. Supplying makes them complicit.
    I*an should tell them; “GTF – We don’t negotiate with terrorists” LOL!

    As for the article ..jeez it is OTT FFS. No wonder ppl are getting scunnered with it. It’s full blown “NAZI Germanyesque” right enough.

    The trains should be free for everyone. An energy rich nation shouldn’t be charging fares. A wee day oot is good for the soul/the economy/local businesses & the environment. Peak times only for workers, obviously.

  51. Geri says:

    Big Jock

    If I’d a time machine I’d make it back to the 1990s & knock some sense into the Scots while standing at the Council of Europe. I’d be asking for indy & fck devolution. Bliar could whistle with his offer.

  52. Michael Laing says:

    @ Muscleguy at 6.42pm: You are misinformed. All of ScotRail’s diesel-powered trains have hydro-mechanical transmission (torque converter below 50mph, direct drive above). LNER Azumas have dual diesel and electric capability, but they don’t run from Glasgow, nor do they detach portions at Perth.

  53. Hatuey says:

    Hatey: “once it really does kick off, nobody really knows where it will end…”

    It’s hard to tell if that’s reality setting in or something else, but one way or another it represents quite a dramatic change of attitude.

    Fear not, child, the west usually always sees the light when faced with opponents that can hit back.

    Against defenceless third world peasants there’s nobody better or braver, but attacking Iran will have consequences and lots of them.

    That said, a contingency plan that included an increased supply of underpants wouldn’t be imprudent. Perhaps some iodine tablets too might be sourced.

  54. Breeks says:

    Jeezo…. Can barely bring myself to write about it…

    At San Francisco’s “Pride” March, naked erect males prancing around in front of children, urinating on each other for sexual gratification, and performing oral sex on each other.

    The Police witness it all yet do nothing.

    What the fk does the word “pride” actually mean these days? Proud of public obscenity and deviancy?

    It’s a serious question: between Gay Pride and Proud BritNats / Scot-Buts, I feel the inclination to remove the word “pride” from my lexographic vocabulary.

    They say pride is a sin anyway, not that it matters, but pride nowadays seems tainted by association with something dark. Pride is no longer a positive word. It’s associated with provocation and antagonism. It’s a baiting word.

    “I’m proud to do things I know you find offensive”….

    “Our” society is in a state of moral collapse and losing its perspective on decency and propriety. Normalising this sexual deviancy and luxe exhibitionism is not something to let out the bottle.

    If this is what happens in a secular society, then I might discover a devout belief in religion. I’ll never believe the mumbo-jumbo, but fk it, I’ll pretend, if it gets these sicko creeps off the streets and away from children.

    Did I call it mumbo jumbo? I don’t believe in God, but the jury is out on the evil red guy with the horns.

  55. PacMan says:

    Breeks says:
    2 July, 2024 at 3:38 am

    Jeezo…. Can barely bring myself to write about it…

    At San Francisco’s “Pride” March, naked erect males prancing around in front of children, urinating on each other for sexual gratification, and performing oral sex on each other.

    The Police witness it all yet do nothing.

    What the fk does the word “pride” actually mean these days? Proud of public obscenity and deviancy?

    “Our” society is in a state of moral collapse and losing its perspective on decency and propriety. Normalising this sexual deviancy and luxe exhibitionism is not something to let out the bottle.

    We live in a society that champions Diversity, Inclusion an Equity where every group can celebrate who they are, be able to be their true self that they haven’t been able to do due to thousands of years of persecution by the hands of the (heterosexual) patriarchy.

    The same applies to every identity group and those who adhere to this philosophy can’t pick and chose what other groups do even if it affects them. They have to compromise and accept it.

    For the rest of us, we can be allies, smile and claps our hands and wave the appropriate flag to show our support to such progressive ideals.

  56. Robert Louis says:

    Honestly, as a gay person, it is tiresome watching as the original good idea of the original pride flag has been twisted and distorted to now stand for things it never originally did. Allegedly done for ‘inclusivity’. Many gay folk also think it is b*llocks.

    The original pride flag by Gilbert Baker (and the one used for most my life) had either six or seven colour stripes. What is most interesting is what they stood for;
    life, healing, sun, nature, harmony, spirit. Originally their was also a pink stripe for sexuality. That is all.

    You see, by being non-specific it was totally inclusive. It didn’t need a specific colour or shape added for one group of people or another, it stood for ideals. It was smart.

    Now, I see hideous abominations, with brown stripes and triangles and circles – all created by idiots hoping to make a ‘name’ for themselves, by being oh so clever-clever. In reality these modern flags by being so specific, have become exclusive – and that is why they need to keep adding even more shapes and colours – and, even in one case, a paw print.

    When ‘pride’ become gay and lesbian pride again (as it used to be), I might be interested, but right now, it is just a feckin embarrassing trans and weirdo straight sexual fetishist freak show that claims to represent people like me – it doesn’t.

    Train and bus travel should be run by a country for the people. It should be free to use. It should NEVER have been privatised, run for profit and greed, instead of an essential public service. Right now trains (and buses, tbh) are freakishly expensive, when compared to other EU countries. Luckily in Scotland Scotrail is state owned by the Scottish government/people, but across the rest of the UK, the service and cost is ridiculous – and ALL for private profit and greed.

  57. Ruby Wednesday says:

    At San Francisco’s “Pride” March, naked erect males prancing around in front of children, urinating on each other for sexual gratification, and performing oral sex on each other.

    We’ve come along way from the ‘puritanical’ days when Mark MacDonald got fired for sending a text.

    That was when I became totally disillusioned with ‘feminism’. I had some serious doubts before that but Mark MacDonald getting fired was the final straw for me.

    I seriously object to being referred to as a feminist & a misandrist on this forum as I was most definitely not the one referring to Mark MacDonald as a sex pest.

  58. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Forget the rainbow flag it has been hijacked. For me it stands for misogyny.

    As for gay men a lot of them seem to be out and proud of their

    I am not talking about all gay men most of them are as lovely and kind as they ever were.

    Maybe we ‘good’ women and ‘good’ gay men/women should get together and create a flag.
    OK men can join too but not you sexist fuckers! (you know who you are)

  59. Mac says:

    I lived in London for a few years in the mid-nineties and I could not believe how much a Network SE (at the time) rail pass costed just to go a few stops from Clapham to Surbiton, it was extortionate then and that was nearly 30 years ago now. I dread to think how much it is now. It is a scandal but so much of the UK is like this now people don’t seem to notice.

    In contrast in Prague you can get travel pass that covers every tram, every bus and the entire metro network for the price of 3,650 crowns for the year or 10 crowns per day. That is about 30 pence per day.

    How can a country that was piss poor 30 years ago have such a fantastic public transport system and offer it for buttons yet the UK a supposedly rich country is stealing from its citizens and ripping them off like no other European country.

    It just does not add up and thus it reeks of corruption.

  60. David says:

    This seems to exclude bus and tram users you bigot!! Must include additional shapes and colours to include them. I suggest an oval for the bus users of various colours and a squiggle for the trams.

  61. Ruby Tuesday says:

    I watched a hustings thingy yesterday from Bristol Central and there was a gay man on the panel I think he was a LibDem politician who said something along the lines of

    “I am a gay man I would be the last to know what a woman is”

    and he got a big cheer from the audience.

    (I googled and found it was Nicholas Coombes Lid Dem candidate.)

    I thought the LibDems believed that women can have penises.

    I’m wondering how being gay would enable you to tell a man with a penis from a woman with a penis.

    I watched that hustings from Bristol Central because Kellie J Keen was on the panel.
    Kellie J was the only one making sense the rest was the usual political gobbledygook. I fast forwarded through most of it.

    Kellie J’s face was priceless when Nicholas Coombes made his announcement that being gay prevented him from knowing what a woman was.

    I thought gay men could tell if they smelled fish?

    I know it’s a cheap shot but I would have been tempted to ask this arse that question if I had been at the hustings.

  62. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Agreed David.

    We are all trans users. I use public trans everyday.

    The other thing I have a problem with is the orange stripe being at the top. 🙂

    It’s not that easy to create a flag/protest group that everyone is happy with.

    The way I’m feeling at the moment my flag is a totally white flag.

    I surrender!

    however I still have no intentions of being ‘not naughty’

    No Google I was looking for the opposite of naughty that wasn’t the word good.

    headstrong, impish, mischievous, playful, rowdy, wicked
    annoying, badly behaved, contrary, disobedient, disorderly, evil, exasperating, fiendish, fractious, froward, indecorous, insubordinate, intractable, obstreperous, perverse, rascally, raunchy, recalcitrant, refractory, rough, sinful, teasing, tough, ungovernable, unmanageable, unruly, wanton, wayward, willful, worthless, wrong

    At least I know the opposite of ‘No Surrender!’

    Fuck it all I surrender! Whatever!

    I’m exhausted now! I need to go and make myself a Nespresso!

  63. Breeks says:

    2 July, 2024 at 8:15 am

    How can a country that was piss poor 30 years ago have such a fantastic public transport system and offer it for buttons yet the UK a supposedly rich country is stealing from its citizens and ripping them off like no other European country.

    It just does not add up and thus it reeks of corruption.

    Income Tax.
    National Insurance.
    Road Tax.
    Fuel Duty.
    Alcohol Duty.
    Council Tax.
    Business Rates.
    Inheritance Tax.
    Capital Gains Tax.
    Stamp Duty.

    Not to mention all fines and penalties levied in connection with all of the above. Speeding fines, bus lane fines, parking fines, pavement parking fines, LEZ fines.

    Planning Fees, Building Warrant Fees…

    The UK is a monumental parasitic racket, and what you don’t pay in tax, you’ll hand over to your Bank on charges and interest, or your mortgage provider for the next few decades.

    The UK is awash with money, but from cradle to grave it’s all being siphoned out of your pocket and handed to Corporate Crooks and sleazebag politicians so they can enjoy the lifestyle they’re accustomed to.

    And all the while, the NHS is forever portrayed as a burden.

    And lets not even mention the exploitation of Scotland’s resources…

    It would may you fkg weep. It makes Victorian / Dickensian values look positively philanthropic by comparison.

  64. TURABDIN says:

    Somewhat off track,

    «GAY CULTURE» as manifest in the present socio-political order is essentially onanistic, hedonistic and narcissistic, and possibly misogynistic too, it is not the stuff of a great civilization but the «barnacles» that civilization may accrue to itself as it passes through history and may indicate the beginnings of its decline.
    link to
    Homosexual is no more a significant cultural indicator than heterosexual .
    Both present as synthetic labels affixed to a «condition» by psychologists and psychiatrists, and both professions make a very good living by further exercises in such imaginative taxonomy.

    Return to mainline.

  65. Toonlad says:

    Can I self identify as a pensioner and claim the discount?

  66. Geri says:

    The west is a cesspit & I’d agree it sparks the beginning of the end. It’s sucked dry by capitalism & only has depravity left for entertainment.

    Look at the state of the military. It’s more interested in pronouns & free reassignment surgery (if they survive) for its soldiers than it is on actually training to defend themselves. They’d be dead in two minutes.

    Can’t remember who said it but while Chinese kids use Tiktok for learning science, math, innovation & space- the yanks use it for narcissistic meltdowns & teaching each others pronouns & grooming.

    Now it’s all Chinas fault. They made them do it. Ban it LOL

    Maybe it was some sick experiment to see if they could breed an army of unhinged, frustrated angry nutters & it’s backfired spectacularly as they discuss nail

  67. Rob says:

    I don’t really care who puts what into whom in the privacy of their own home.
    What I am getting fed up with is the constant pushing of the gay and particularly trans agenda in every type of media there is.
    The intention seems to be to not normalise the issue but make it the preferred single option.
    I don’t really care if someone decides to be gay or trans or not but folk have to remember acceptance is not the same as approval and you can be both accepting of as well as not approval of something at the same time.

  68. Republicofscotland says:

    How desperate is this from the trougher Flynn, pleading with a Fifth Columnist party’s branch manager at Holyrood (BLiS, Sarwar) to back his party’s candidate (SNP) in Aberdeenshire.

    Mind you the SNP is no longer a party for Scottish independence, so we shouldn’t be surprised.

    “Stephen Flynn has called on Labour to back the SNP in Aberdeenshire North and Moray East to make sure outgoing Tory leader Douglas Ross loses.

    Labour is not fielding a candidate in the seat after it withdrew support for candidate Andy Brown over a “pro-Russia” social media post.

    The Nationalists’ Westminster leader has written to Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar calling on him to ask his party’s supporters and members to back the SNP in the north-east seat.”

  69. Republicofscotland says:

    How desperate is this from the trougher Flynn, pleading with a Fifth Columnist party’s branch manager at Holyrood (BLiS, Sarwar) to back his party’s candidate (SNP) in Aberdeenshire.

    Mind you the SNP is no longer a party for Scottish independence, so we shouldn’t be surprised.

    “Stephen Flynn has called on Labour to back the SNP in Aberdeenshire North and Moray East to make sure outgoing Tory leader Douglas Ross loses.

    Labour is not fielding a candidate in the seat after it withdrew support for its candidate.

    The SNP’s Westminster leader has written to Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar calling on him to ask his party’s supporters and members to back the SNP in the north-east seat.”

  70. Republicofscotland says:

    What other country would allow a foreign monarch and his divorcee wife to meddle in heir countries affairs and ceremonies, he’s England’s king not ours. The House Jocks that organise these events are desperate to keep the foreign royals relevant in Scotland.

    “THE King and Queen will take part in a series of events in Scotland this week including a celebration of the 900th anniversary of the city of Edinburgh.

    Charles and Camilla will travel to the Scottish capital for two days of royal engagements, from the King presenting awards at an investiture ceremony to the Queen hosting a reception for bookshop owners, writers and literary organisations.”

  71. Geri says:

    Politics is just a gentleman’s club.

    Who can scratch each others back for advancement while pretending to oppose each other for an hour a week at PMQs.

    It’s all pantomime .

  72. Heaver says:

    In Aberdeenshire North and Moray East I’ll be voting tory.

    There’s no Alba candidate and the SNP have a good chance to win in this traditionally tory area.

    Never voted tory in 47 years of voting, but it’s a no-brainer in this constituency.

  73. Republicofscotland says:

    This is Comedy Gold from the coronated Teflon Don Swinney, doesn’t he realise that Scots, well a fair few of them are already disenfranchised, not just with the foreign parliament of Westminster but with Holyrood as well, he and his party sold Scotland out, and now he’s worried that we won’t get our vote on time to vote for his parties candidates or for the Fifth Column parties candidates that pretend they are Scottish.

    The Emperor Truly has no Clothes On, and half of Scots still can’t see it.

    Don’t vote in England’s GE if you do all your will be doing is sending politicians to a foreign country’s parliament (England, Westminster) to live the good life at your expense, for they CANNOT change anything. Even when we sent 56 supposedly indy minded SNP MPs to Westminster it didn’t change a thing, all we did was reinforce Westminster credibility over Scotland and give those MPs a very good living. Don’t do it again.

    “JOHN Swinney has reacted with fury after Downing Street dismissed concerns about Scottish voters being “disenfranchised” due to problems with postal voting.”

  74. Cameron Robson says:

    Totally irrelevant to those of us who live in the southern part of the Borders (once served by the once great Waverley Railway Line before it was ripped up in 1969 as a result of the ‘Beeching Axe’).  Of course, despite proposals, nothing constructive happened when Humza Yousless was Minister for Transport and the Islands, 2016 – 2018, during the Sturgeon administration.

  75. Northcode says:

    “It’s all pantomime .”

    Aye, Geri. And a third rate panto at best. The Scots have been well and truly goosed by the ‘mother of all parliaments’. Conned and fleeced – but the wheel is always turning and the show must go on.

    I’m hopeful there is a new and better show coming to town for Scotland.

  76. Robert Hughes says:

    “JOHN Swinney has reacted with fury after Downing Street dismissed concerns about Scottish voters being “disenfranchised” due to problems with postal voting.”

    That’ll be the * fury * of a worm caught on a hook .

    Swinney/SNP is both the worm & the hook .

    In a few days we’ll see how many dumb fish took the bait

  77. TURABDIN says:

    RORY STEWART, the Bear Grills of Brit politics.
    link to

  78. Confused says:

    I haven’t been on a train for 30 years. Dunno why, something puts me off the idea.

    link to

    some long reads, with untypical depth and complexity

    the eastern war
    link to
    take it on its merits; bear in mind le monde tried to make the author out to be a tractor

    wokeness and why the left is not your grandad’s left
    link to

    the french revolution and some current parallels
    link to

    – they are worth the effort, even if you only get a few paragraphs in; there is a slight stodginess here – the writers are, e.g. high level diplomats or professors, but they are packed full of interesting little details and connections you might not realise. That they are not english, that is to say anti-intellectual in essence, is notable.

  79. Confused says:

    Postal votes : I am sure they will have printed up plenty spares, they always do. Some 600K in 2014, maybe. We just keep losing them, what are we like.

    – they should offer a service, which you can optout of, of pre-filled ballots, to save time.

    If I wished to check that my vote had been counted correctly, for the person I voted for, how would I do that?

    This fetish for anonymity at the ballot box seems odd; and if you did away with it you could eliminate fraud entirely. Or just encourage people to tell exit pollsters, or post online how they voted, and let the algobots take over – a realtime vote count. No more late surge from the silent majority.

    Are people living in fear of murder in case a neighbour finds they voted for the Scottish Family Party?

    Other things could help, realtime GPS trackers on the boxes so you can track them like amazon deliveries. Transparent boxes so when you are first in the door at 7am, there is not a neat pile in there already. CCTV on all voting stations would let us find out if late surges from the silent majority ever do happen, these tsunamis of people all coming together to vote at 9.45pm

    But there is no need to rig anything if you are going to win / the result does not matter – Starmer is an establishment toady, you can’t storm the barricades when you are already inside them. Corbyn might have been a problem, but the smear campaign got him well enough.

    According to Bloomberg, the UK accounts are fucked anyway, whoever gets in; so we all get ground down the same, whatever the colour of rosette.

    – previous post, anyone who read the bit about the French Revolution might be surprised to learn it might have been avoided if certain privileges/i.e. “pay no tax” rules were removed from the aristocracy; the parallel today would be – making the rich/oligarchs/tax dodgers (our aristocrats) pay their way, a removal of this opt out here, a wealth tax there, a land tax, capital gains enforcement – but, while Labour talks a good game, they will never have the balls to do this (look what happened to Wilson).

    One way of trying to shore up the books would be to accelerate the pillage of our nation, of course.

    When you play a game you cannot win, you need to stop playing the game and start playing your own.

  80. sarah says:

    O/T: yet another source of irritation is the visit by the Windsors to Edinburgh immediately before the election.

    AND dishing out Orders of the Thistle to Charles’ wife and son. He hasn’t even taken the Scottish Coronation Oath so by what right is he dishing out Scottish honours?

  81. Confused says:

    forgot the link

    link to

    do this then abolish the house of lords, this not a “chortle”, more a “guffaw”

  82. robertkknight says:

    “John Swinney has reacted with fury after Downing Street dismissed concerns about Scottish voters being “disenfranchised” due to problems with postal voting.”


    Will this be the same fury unleashed by the SNP’s 56 out of Scotland’s 59 MPs who insisted that we would not be dragged out of the EU/Single Market against our will?

    If so, if I were a postal voter, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

    Still, at least Swinney can get his excuses in early as to why the Sham Nationalist Party obtains fewer votes.

  83. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Breeks says:2 July, 2024 at 9:43 am

    Income Tax.
    National Insurance.
    Road Tax.
    Fuel Duty.
    Alcohol Duty.
    Council Tax.
    Business Rates.
    Inheritance Tax.
    Capital Gains Tax.
    Stamp Duty.

    Not to mention all fines and penalties levied in connection with all of the above. Speeding fines, bus lane fines, parking fines, pavement parking fines, LEZ fines.

    Planning Fees, Building Warrant Fees…

    That’s quite a list. I was trying to work out if your average migrant is on the hook for any of them.

    I thought maybe VAT, but then again, she will probably pay cash for new stuff to the organised gangs who bulk rob stuff from premises and individuals to sell on.

    When you imagine a life with a few hundred a week coming in, an unregistered and uninsured motor at the door, and none of these taxes eating into your folding money, you start to understand why it is they can’t inflate the boats fast enough.

    As for the NHS, it still hasn’t recovered from being shut down for 2 years due to the novel flu going about.

    Starmer will bung a few tens of billions more at the unreformed NHS and we’ll all be back in 2029 wringing our hands again over what can be done to fix the unfixable.

    Unless, of course, they really are serious about leading the world on the “climate emergency”, in which case the ensuing national bankruptcy will see us all knitting our own bandaids.

  84. Republicofscotland says:

    TURABDIN @12.36pm.

    Rory Stewart is (Mi6/SIS) he was outed by Craig Murray, Stewart penned a book on his time as Governor General of a region of Iraq, after the illegal invasion and war against its people.

    The book is called Prince of the Marshes.

    Stewart’s father was also (SIS). He was Secretary to the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) as well. (Rory) Stewart was Chair of Le Cercle, and he’s attended Bilderberg meetings.

  85. Hatey McHateface says:


    The truly rich and the tax dodgers can’t be made to pay more tax, short of concentration camps and gulags. Most people have long since twigged to that – not you, obviously.

    That’s why the increased tax burden must fall on ordinary people with disposable or extortable income, and nowhere to hide. I guess you’ve twigged to that too, but are lucky enough to be skint, so are looking forwards to getting some free stuff paid for by others.

    Congratulations. You’re a natural born Guardian BTL poster. Motto: “More money is needed, but not mine, obvs”.

    I’ve been comforted by Sunak’s prediction that Starmer will cost us taxpayers an extra £10 per week. That’s an amount I will consider myself lucky to get away with.

    Problem is, I expect that by 2029 we’ll be looking back at that figure with fond envy. The real cost is going to be very much higher.

  86. Ruby Tuesday says:

    I’ve been reading about the Iranian election. They need 50% turnout to make the election valid. Iran got 40% turnout so have to have what they call a runoff election. That will be on Friday.

    “A large part of Iranian society does not see a place for itself in the ruling political institutions. Therefore, they had the right not to participate in the elections. The government should know that, if this procedure continues, this part of society will get bigger because even some of those who voted agree with this group.”

    In the UK there is no minimum vote.

    There could be an election where absolutely no_one voted. The candidates would have a dead heat of zero votes each, and the law says that if there is a dead heat then the candidates concerned draw straws, or cut cards.

    In the event of that happening I bet they would continue as usual and ignore the fact that nobody voted.

    It’ll be interesting to see what the turnout is on Thursday.

    All the while I’m writing this post I’m thinking some bloke will be along shortly to tell me how stupid I am.

  87. Republicofscotland says:

    So the warmongering bullyboys club N-at–o will hold its Summit from July 9th to July 11th.

    G-en-oci-de Joe Biden the head of the snake, has said that the failed Kn–eo–Kn–att-z-zi state of U won’t get a membership of the Thieves Kitchen aka (N-a-to)-infact the failed state didn’t even get an invite to the Summit last year.

    One wonders if there will be an introduction to N-a-t–o’s new Lord Ha-w H-aw, Mark Rutte, who will replace Stolt the Dolt later this year as the Thieves Kitchens new propaganda mouthpiece.

    We need to prepare for further hardship as the (CFR) Council on Foreign Relations a long established deep state milieu, has called for N–at-o allies to greatly up their defence spending.

  88. Confused says:

    rabbi main, your kippah is showing go back to whining about the czar

    read the fucking articles, you fucking dimwit – and even I don’t read that fast

    you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink

    the guardian has nothing in this

  89. Republicofscotland says:

    Could French President Macron be planning some sort of administrative coup to hinder Le Pen’s party?

    “There are rumors that the President of the Republic will consider the possibility tomorrow, that is, four days before the second round, to replace the Director General of the National Police, although he was supposed to remain in office until the end of the Olympic Games, and the Director of the National Gendarmerie.”

    “The purpose of such hasty appointments is to prevent the leader of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, from governing the country “as he wants” if the party wins a majority of votes in the second round of parliamentary elections and he receives the post of prime minister.The fact that Macron could replace these officials, putting his entourage in their place, wrote the Journal du Dimanche. It is alleged that in this way the president wants to limit the power of a possible prime minister from the opposition. It was reported that Macron could also replace some prefects.”

    “In the first round, the National Rally party, together with its Republican allies, won 33.15% of the vote, which will give it up to 270 of the 577 seats in parliament. The left-wing New People’s Front bloc received 27.99%, President Emmanuel Macron’s coalition came third, gaining 20.04%.”

    “The second round of elections will be held on July 7”

  90. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Do illegal immigrants pay tax/national insurance/council tax and do their employers pay a National Minimum Wage?

    I would guess the answer is no.

    I found it incredible that the people of Glasgow (including politicians) protested to prevented the deportation of two illegal immigrants who have been here for 10 years.

    Nobody knows how many illegal immigrants there are in the UK.

    Could be all the the Council houses/social houses in Glasgow are occupied by illegal immigrants resulting in a housing emergency.

  91. Confused says:

    the french establishment always unite to thwart the national front in the second round

    – all these “rightwing populists” across europe, is interesting …

  92. Republicofscotland says:

    Confused @1.59pm.

    I heard on Radio Shortbread today that the Zzzi-o- Mon-sters are in such a state right now that they are forcing the deeply religious zealots in I-s-r–ael (now a million strong) to join the armed forces. These deeply religious zealots don’t want to fight.

    Without N-a-to allies fighting for the Zzzio-Mon-s-ter-s (and make no mistake they are fighting for them right now) the g-en-oci-de in G–a-z–z–a would be over by now-the zZzz-i-o- mon-s-ter-s are losing, and only force will end their G–en–oc-ide of the utterly oppressed Pal–est–ini-an people.

  93. Confused says:

    one of the problems of modern life, of the public mind, is how shallow people think – how I feel right now, or one-step; this is why it is a good thing to teach kids chess – “you think that is a good move, okay … 5 moves later, you are humped”. What happens down the line matters.

    I have been scathing about diversity/multiculturalism/mass immigration/specific immigrants and behaviours – but I don’t hate immigrants. I am sympathetic, in fact – if you are selling chewing gum and mobile phones on the streets of Nairobi, and people say Europe is full of milk and honey (and dumb white chicks, sexually unsatisfied and ready for the black man) and can get you over for 4000USD – why not? I don’t blame them for having a go, I blame the factors allowing this. (If you want to help folks in foreign lands, then trade, at fair prices is the way to do it; not bombing them also helps.)

    This comes from the elites, and it is about the cost of labour and wage suppression; they get to steal hand over fist at the top end (the city is a separate sovereign entity, and outside of vast swathes of UK law, by design), while cheap workers at the other end just about manage to keep it running. But the scamming has got so bad that the wheels are going to come off.

    I like dogs, and I think, unless it is an XL Bully (bred for violence), there are no “bad dogs” only bad owners. When someone gets bitten, I would tend to blame the owner.

    So, elites, who have caused all this mess, out of greed and class war, and who were all behind mass immigration are not, ever, going to “take one for the team”, pay their taxes, spread the wealth – fuck that, we keep what we have, and will take more – so what do we do? Even as the country is falling apart …

    Blame immigrants, the people you brought here, and fund, on the snide, “populist” men of the people, like, Farage in England, and a whole host of them across Europe; not one, maybe Orban, seems legit to me.

    So you get these “men of the people” who are here to “fix everything” with a lot of rightwing economics policies, which favour the rich – freemarkets, freeports, deregulation, light touch – and end up just making things worse. Now, there are legitimate criticisms of, e.g. allowing Islam a beach head in a christian culture, but the muslim immigrants are not in the city, running the markets and dictating economic policy to our politicians.

    – the dumb people, who think, e.g. voting Farage, our nige, is the exit from the maze, are only being herded into a dead end. Our political system lurches along, and problems never really get fixed, the can just gets kicked down the road far enough to be someone else’s problem.

    You don’t think people think this far ahead? The world is full of clever, poor, men – give them a job in a think-tank and let them go. The rich can hire brains as well as muscle.

    Numbers are being worked on us. I don’t agree with all of this, but it connects a lot of things at a high level.

    link to

  94. Ruby Tuesday says:

    read the fucking articles, you fucking dimwit

    Oh no that was quicker than I thought!

    Please Sir please post something interesting you fuckin’ pedantic arsehole!

    This isn’t school where we are expected read academic papers and then sit exams.

    We don’t have to tolerate your dark sarcasm in the classroom.

  95. Confused says:

    ruby, go take your love to town …

    mains incessant daily mail comment section level of input deserves no more than a blunt response; he seems a blunt man, and we can all take it

    the BTL is not your chat room, sometimes it has to get a little serious

  96. Republicofscotland says:

    This is at least the third call for someone in the public eye to be shot.

    “BBC presenter David Aaronovitch has called for the “murder” of former US President Donald Trump in a post on X (formerly Twitter). Aaronovitch later deleted his message following a backlash, claiming it had been “satire.”

    Aaronovitch, the voice behind the British state broadcaster’s Radio 4 program ‘The Briefing Room’, tweeted on Monday: “If I was Biden I’d hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America’s security.””


    Then there’s the Reform candidate who called for Sturgeon to be shot, and the Leeds businessman calling for Diane Abbot to be shot.

    Incidentally there’s no real difference between Trump and Biden, a POTUS is just a particular face that fronts what’s going on in the background at that particular time, the face at the front changes every X-amount of years but the rest of the agenda in that background wars ect that the public don’t get a say in never does.

    link to

    Read this to understand what’s going on.

  97. Anton Decadent says:

    @Ruby, I watched some short clips of the KJP stuff in Bristol with the gay Lib Dem man being applauded for saying that if he wants to know what someones gender is he asks them and will believe any answer they choose to give him. He also refused to answer her question with regard to who is behind violence towards women. I also say the part where no one applauds her summing up and some man in the audience shouts “rubbish”.

    Remember that the Lib Dems are heavily funded by the manufacturers of blockers, as mentioned above the owners of the multinationals are our new ruling class/aristocrats and our MP’s pretty much across the board answer to them, not us.

  98. Geri says:

    Confused 12:52

    Excellent 2nd link. It fills in the blanks for me regarding Germany. I couldn’t understand why they were taking a skelping with very little in the way of protest & flouncing over their gas pipe.

    I’ll be sure to read the other links, ta.

    Regards tax – isn’t that what P did to regrow regards letting the oligarchs earn their money but none of it had to leave the country? They’d to pay their dues to rebuild. Makes perfect sense but no way would the English do it. Too late now. They’ve sold everything to America & we’re dominated by American services Google, Amazon etc were Uncle Sam controls & collects his cut first & very little is owned to little Engurland.

    Lol at late surge. Aye, that’s as believable as hundreds of thousands of fresh applicants for indyref. The most important event in the entire history of Scotland & everyone waited through two years of campaigning & until just before the deadline to register to vote..aye, so they did. Pull the other one…

  99. TURABDIN says:

    The essential guide to latterday Brit imperialist pomposity.
    link to
    Dress up, parade about and look very stupid.
    In the «colonies» they did the same but with the addition of litres of sweat.

  100. TURABDIN says:


    Thanks, knew nothing of Stewart’s time in Iraq during my infancy. Everybody plus the local cats seem to have had a go «civilizing» the «liberated» Iraq.
    Reviews on Amazon, mostly positive, of his Prince of the Marshes do suggest he has a very high opinion of himself; a re morph of T E Lawrence with all the narcissism but without the appropriate skills or even the Arabic.
    But who cares about that in Washington and London when the civilizing mission of nation building is/was the game and «going native» was to be avoided.
    He was born too late, his world is that of circa 1840 when bone headed, anglo-conceit of the kind got the Brits their empire.
    He is however a good caricature of the type.

  101. Ruby Tuesday says:

    2 July, 2024 at 2:30 pm

    ruby, go take your love to town …

    the BTL is not your chat room, sometimes it has to get a little serious

    Who told you that rubbish?
    This is my chat room but it’s OK I’m happy to share.

    Got a leaflet from Tommy Shepherd yesterday (by post) which included a message from Val the Pal.

    Just got a visit from someone delivering another leaflet from Tommy Shephard. She was obviously instructed to ring the bell and ask me if I was voting. I got a chance to send a message to Tommy Shepherd. Air Punch! Last election Tommy himself phoned me up I hoping he does so again.

    In the meantime I’ll practice being obnoxious here BTL in my own personal chat room to prepare for expected phone call.

    I’m looking for a party that support independence & knows what a woman is Tommy.
    Can you swear at a politician or would that be a special kind of hate crime.

    PS My’love’ went to town ages ago. He said I wasn’t a normal woman.

  102. Geri says:

    Didn’t he (Stewart) try a spot of astroturfing during indyref with the fake “No borders” pish the BBC was playing 24/7?

  103. Hatuey says:

    “she will probably pay cash for new stuff to the organised gangs who bulk rob stuff from premises and individuals to sell on.”

    Do they eat babies, John Main?

  104. Geri says:

    Had what seemed like a ten year old SNP canvasser annoy the dog today.

    Will I be voting? Aye but not for you. Ex members. Mind make a wee note on yer clipboard, pal. Byeee!

    Looks to be a common theme. He didn’t even have his pen ready lol..

  105. Hatey Mchateface says:

    @ Republicofscotland says:2 July, 2024 at 2:17 pm

    G–en–oc-ide of the utterly oppressed Pal–est–ini-an people

    Well, well.

    You can capitalize “Pal–est–ini-an”, but you don’t reckon “scotland” deserves the same respect.

    How goes the wee, pretendy Jenny Side anyway? Another half dozen human shields dead today, while their “brave” menfolk cower in their tunnels?

    Man, not even Jenny Side is what it used to be.

    The only people oppressing the Pal–est–ini-ans are the criminals and terrorists sheltering beneath the tens of thousands of their own people, content to see additional tens of thousands of their own women and kids dead as long as their own skins remain intact.

    And that’s your preferred route to Indy.

  106. Ruby Tuesday says:

    You know who will know all about ‘Rory the Tory’?

    Chas is a big fan.

    Rory the T & Alistair Campbell recently had Humza on his podcast thingy.

    It was embarrassing.

    Anton will be pleased to know that he (Humza)told us about how he cried and cried and cried I think it was for a whole week.
    Proof that men cry.

  107. Hatey McHateface says:


    all these “rightwing populists” across europe, is interesting


    It’s fucking hilarious.

    It’s only because of Brexit that the UK is bucking the trend. Every other country is lurching right, whereas we’re going to get 5 years of New New Labour.

    Anyhoo, somebody will be along in a minute to bleat about how we was dragged oot the EU against oor will.

  108. Hatey McHateface says:

    @ Hatuey says: 2 July, 2024 at 5:13 pm

    Do they eat babies

    Don’t be daft.

    The big money is in body parts for ritual magic.

    It’s a nasty world out there, with some nasty and ignorant people in it. Back in the day, many of them were safely thousands of miles away. But now, some of them may be in your town.

    I recommend you continue to protect your ignorance. Not everybody can handle reality – so you’ve nothing to feel ashamed about.

  109. James says:

    Geri; if you want to know anything about Rory the Tory just ask John Main.

    He’s a Genocide-denying right wing Tory arsehole, too.

    Tax cuts for the rich – yay!

  110. robertkknight says:


    “Then there’s the Reform candidate who called for Sturgeon to be shot”

    Is that an official Reform manifesto pledge?

    Just asking for an “undecided voter” friend…

  111. Republicofscotland says:

    “It’s only because of Brexit that the UK is bucking the trend”

    Utter Pish.

    The English government is way, way ahead of Europe, Christ knows how long the Tories and now Labour have been going on about the “Boat People” then we had that vile b*stard Teresa May’s Go Home Vans prowling the streets of England trying to demonise anyone with brown skin.

    Then we had the WindRush Scandal where coloured folk who have lived in England for decades were sent packing.

    Then there was the Grenfell Tower disaster, if that tower had been full of white faces and not brown ones, the outcry from the Tories would’ve been much greater.

    Of course white face folk from the Kn-eo-Knat-t-z-zi failed state of U got fast tracked into the UK, and here in Scotland they even got their own SNP minister, with accommodation on two luxury liners with their own doctor and dentist whilst some Scots couldn’t get an appointment for either.

    Now the evil Tories have changed the laws so that there’s virtually no legal way for brown faced folk to enter the UK other than being invited by the Home Office, and what of Scotland well Scots are so pathetic that they allow a foreign country to say who can and cannot stay in Scotland, meanwhile folk from the foreign country of England flood into Scotland and Scots are too gutless to do anything about it.

  112. Red says:

    Ruby Tuesday
    Ignored says:
    2 July, 2024 at 2:14 pm

    I found it incredible that the people of Glasgow (including politicians) protested to prevented the deportation of two illegal immigrants who have been here for 10 years.

    Scotland isn’t long for this world, you can already see Glasgow and Edinburgh becoming less Scottish every day. Aberdeen and Dundee aren’t far behind. It won’t be the home of the Scots for much longer.

    Why didn’t anybody protest when we found out a “grooming gang” comprised entirely of “asylum seekers” was caught raping vulnerable little girls in care homes in Glasgow? (Operation Cerrar, the police investigation your MSP will pretend they’ve never heard of)

    Do they not care about Scottish children? Or are they just evil cowards?

  113. Hatey McHateface says:


    Swinney all over the MSM today, pledging he will work with the incoming Labour government to prioritise Scotland as a destination for immigrants.

    Obviously they will all have to sign a promise to vote for Indy, before they get let in.


    Feck. Laughed so hard I followed through.

  114. Ruby Tuesday says:

    People are too afraid to be called racist.

    The brainwashing has been very thorough.

    We are currently being brainwashed into believing ‘transwomen are women’

  115. robertkknight says:

    “meanwhile folk from the foreign country of England flood into Scotland and Scots are too gutless to do anything about it.”

    (Parts of) England are becoming too ethnically diverse for some (white) English, so they look to decamp to predominantly white parts of these islands where their children will not be in a minority in the local comprehensive. It’s called “white flight”.

  116. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Republicofscotland says:2 July, 2024 at 7:14 pm


    Never heard of this “scotland” you claim to be from.

    I’d tell you to fuck off back there, only it doesn’t exist.

    Sorry again.

  117. Republicofscotland says:

    “Do they not care about Scottish children? Or are they just evil cowards?”

    As Alf would say colonial administrations such as the SNP don’t actually care for their own people, in this case Scots, their remit is to keep the status quo intact whilst progressively implementing stricter and stricter laws to keep us down and to shut us up.

    Things will only get worse for Scots, unless we can smash this illegal union once and for all.

  118. Ruby Monday says:

    link to

    This is interesting.

    Andrew Doyle is claiming that Pride marches are homophobic and that a lot of gay people find that hard to accept.

    He also says its time to end Pride that gay people have all the rights they need now.

    He says stuff about David Tennant which I didn’t find very interesting because I think David Tennant is an arse.

  119. Ruby Tuesday says:

    I think it’s time for more people to be naughty. Enough of being all goodie-goodie it’s getting us nowhere.

    Have you heard the joke about the little boy who goes home and tells his mother the teacher called him a ‘scurvy elephant’?

    The mother asks the teacher up this. She was quite angry about the teacher calling her son names. How dare you call my lovely son a scurvy elephant.

    It turns out the teacher said he was a disruptive element.

    I think we should start a group called the ‘Scurvy Elephants’ and of course we would need a flag.

    link to

    Something like this but better.

  120. Republicofscotland says:

    Robert Knight @7.09pm.

    Unfortunately Robert I can’t answer that question without self- incrimination, but you get the drift.

  121. PacMan says:

    Maybe the group didn’t quite understand the complexities of intersectionality?

    link to

  122. MaryB says:

    Turabdin @ 4.29pm
    Rory Stewart comes from Broich House near Crieff (Google it). He went to Glenalmond School.
    He lived near Penrith whilst he was MP for the area. His book ‘Walking the Wall’ describes a walk along Hadrian’s Wall, with his father, in which he extols the likeness between England and Scotland in the area either side of the Wall. Not sure that the Northumbrians would be very happy about that.

  123. Red says:

    Hatey McHateface
    Ignored says:
    2 July, 2024 at 7:30 pm

    Swinney all over the MSM today, pledging he will work with the incoming Labour government to prioritise Scotland as a destination for immigrants.

    I never thought I’d live to see the Scottish National Party supporting the Plantation of Scotland. Say what you like about Marshall Petain, but he wasn’t trying to turn France into somebody else’s country.

    Ruby Tuesday
    Ignored says:
    2 July, 2024 at 7:32 pm
    People are too afraid to be called racist.

    The brainwashing has been very thorough.

    We are currently being brainwashed into believing ‘transwomen are women’

    Aye, that’s the scunner Ruby.

    People who care about their friends and neighbours and other Scots in general at least speak up for them. And for that, they’ll call you all kinds of bigot because fear and bullying is all they bring to the table.

    The people who repeat the Party line that war is peace, freedom is slavery and that Indian guy is a laydee make me sad. Their souls must be like an ashtray. They go through their sad wee lives waiting on other people to tell them their opinions.

    Ignored says:
    2 July, 2024 at 7:35 pm
    “Do they not care about Scottish children? Or are they just evil cowards?”

    As Alf would say colonial administrations such as the SNP don’t actually care for their own people, in this case Scots, their remit is to keep the status quo intact whilst progressively implementing stricter and stricter laws to keep us down and to shut us up.

    I don’t know if that’s a satisfying explanation for how after Operation Cerrar was leaked to the press – none of the political parties acknowledged it ever happened. Cerrar was one of the biggest criminal busts the Scottish police made this century (the press said they identified nearly fifty perps in the gang, major organised crime with a large number of child victims, and all in Glasgow). If it was in a film, the cops would be presented with medals at the end and the President would clap them.

    Cerrar raises several troubling questions, like “is it true all those men were recently arrived asylum seekers or refugees from Muslim countries as reported from Police Scotland sources in the Sun and Daily Express, and if that is true how are you going to stop it happening again? If it’s untrue why do you allow them to print these lies unchallenged?”.

    And questions like “how many of these gangs are active in Scotland now, and what is the police and social work strategy to stop them?”

    These are reasonable questions for concerned adults to ask without getting into any nonsense about race.

    But it wasn’t discussed in the Scottish Parliament. MSPs of every party won’t talk about it. That’s very weird and disturbing, don’t you think? Or is colonialism about everybody turning a blind eye to nonces?

  124. Hatey McHateface says:

    I’m almost at the end of my shift for today, so I’ll sign off with a wee story culled from the MSM, especially for thon republican boy who can’t spell “Scotland”:

    “The patriotic poetry of Gennady Rakitin has won him quite a following in Ru=ss=ia over the past year. His odes to Vl=ad=i=mir Pu=ti=n and emotive verses in support of Ru=ss=ia’s war in U=kr=ai=ne drew appreciation on social media and even the occasional honourable mention in Ru=ss=ian poetry prizes.

    But Rakitin’s admirers did not realise one thing: the 18 poems published under his name were in fact Ru=ss=ian translations of N=az=i verses penned in the 1930s and 1940s.

    One, called Leader, and published with a photograph of Pu=t=in, was originally called Fü=hr=er and written by the N=az=i-supporting writer Eberhard Möller in the late 1930s. Another, an ode to N=az=i stormtroopers, was translated into Ru=ss=ian and repurposed as a tribute to fighters from the Wagner paramilitary group.

    Rakitin does not exist. He was invented by a group of anonymous pranksters, who wanted to demonstrate that “Z propaganda”, named after the Z symbol of Ru=ss=ia’s war in U=kr=ai=ne and the dominant force in the Ru=ss=ian cultural scene, has more than a faint echo of fa=sc=ism.

    “We read collections of Z poetry and saw straight-up na=zi=sm there. We suspected that they probably wrote exactly the same things in N=az=i Germany, and we turned out to be right,” said the group behind the project, in written responses to questions from the Guardian. They said they wanted to remain anonymous for reasons of safety.

    The authors said that almost all the N=az=i poems they discovered fit the current Ru=ss=ian context perfectly, except for a few obvious anachronisms. References to Germany were changed to Ru=ss=ia, but otherwise the poems were published in exact translations.

    “Politically, this shows that the ideas of N=az=i Germany are close to the ideas of modern Ru=ss=ia, even as Ru=ss=ia claims it is fighting na=zi=sm. Culturally, it shows that there is no renaissance of Ru=ss=ian culture, as the authorities claim, but only its degradation,” said the authors.

    Two published photographs of Rakitin, showing him with a creased brow, silvery hair and a wispy goatee, were generated by artificial intelligence, said the authors. This did not stop numerous Ru=ss=ian politicians becoming friends with the account on VKontakte, a Ru=ss=ian social network.

    The Ru=ss=ian journalist Andrei Zakharov, who was the first to reveal publicly that Rakitin was a fake persona, counted that nearly 100 Ru=ss=ian MPs followed the account on VKontakte, as well as about 30 senators and several well-known pro-war cultural figures.”

    Michty me! Who’d a thunk it!

  125. James says:

    Thabk fcuck, the Daily Heil has turned in for the night.

  126. Republicofscotland says:

    “I don’t know if that’s a satisfying explanation for how after Operation Cerrar was leaked to the press.”

    It isn’t, I didn’t address that, I addressed the bit about not caring.

    I’m sure their are many paedo gangs in Scotland as there are in England with both brown faced and white people among them, I’d add that I’m pretty sure that there’s been cover-ups about the gangs on both sides of the border as well.

    Maybe the rabid anti-Scottish Daily Express newspaper can lead the way to solving this conundrum as to why nothing has been done about it-or maybe not.

    As for colonialism, I defer to Alf who knows better, however here’s a link to a wee bit more about it.

    link to

  127. Republicofscotland says:

    Anyone who think the foreign political party of Labour, and its pro–Z-z–ion-ist leader (its English) aren’t compromised needs to think again.

    Don’t vote in the foreign GE.

    Stuart Roden, the chairman of Iz-h-el-i venture capital firm Hetz Ventures, has given the Labour party over half a million pounds ahead of the UK’s general election.

    His donations worth £570,000 were registered with the Electoral Commission after Rishi Sunak called the snap poll.

    He is among a number of pro-Iz–he-ll businessmen in Britain to have contributed to Labour’s election warchest, with figures such as Gary Lubner also donating £900,000 to the party in recent weeks.

    Roden is joined at Hetz Ventures by an array of former I–zz-heli soldiers, many of whom have served in elite intelligence units.

    He is also the prime funder of a Z-i-on-ist educational programme in Britain which teaches children that the I-z-zh-el Defence Forces (I–D-F) are acting proportionately in G–a-zz–a.”


    I-zz-h-e-l has paid for at least a dozen UK parliamentary staff to visit the country on special delegations in the last five years.

    A further 18 staffers have accepted funding or hospitality from pro-Iz-h-e-l-l lobby organisations in Britain such as Labour Friends of I–z-zh-e-ll and We Believe in Izz-hhe-ll.

    Several worked for MPs in Keir Starmer’s front bench team, including shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves, shadow health secretary Wes Streeting and shadow education secretary Bridget Phillipson.”

    Just don’t vote in any foreign GE, lets smash this illegal union instead.

  128. Geri says:

    Mcshitface must have plenty to say about BoJo as he invited them to Westminster & described them as his heroes. It was conveniently dropped from the Daily Heil front pages tho.

    As for the pedo gangs – it shouldn’t matter where they come from – they should be exposed & prosecuted & more importantly reported on as it’s of public interest. The law needs changing too regards the continual *can’t speak as it’s an ongoing investigation* rubbish which is all too often used to shut down reporting IMO.

    Unfortunately where there are refugees there are predators exploiting them & the system. Human trafficking is a real problem & the UK government are asleep at the wheel. If they want immigration they need to offer safe crossing, have detention centres & with that would come stringent background checks but they don’t want to pay for it..

    As for the Scottish government, may as well give up there. Those fecking whackadoos want to legalise sex work which would only add to the problem of pimps on every street corner.

  129. Ruby Tuesday says:

    I don’t believe multi-culturalism works especially if you have cultures that are as different as night and day.

    For some weird reason our politicians seem very keen on the idea.

    link to

    Police Scotland Arrest Migrant Grooming Gangs but keep it Secret

    It appears that politicians and the organisations in Scotland who are supposed to protect the indigenous children of Scotland are happy to ignore the industrial scale abuse that is being carried out against them by asylum seekers and immigrants to build their dream of a multicultural Scotland.

    They have the same mad idea with the gender stuff. They have a total disregard for the safety of women and children.

    Nobody knows who all these illegal immigrants are. We might be allowing a load a
    paedophiles to remain illegally in this country. Or they may come for a culture where
    paedophilia/rape are completely acceptable. There are a lot of countries where women are treated like dogs and children are forcibly married to old men when they are as young as 10 years old.
    Why would anyone believe that someone coming from that type of culture is going to change as soon as they land in the UK?

    Yet you get Glaswegians lying under the a Home Office/Borders Agency van to prevent illegal immigrants from being arrested.

    We don’t know anything about these two Indians from Kenmure Street. They could be on the
    sex offenders register in India or even if they have such a thing in India.
    We don’t know anything about them except that they have been living here illegally for 10 years.

    Maybe people who support multi-culturalism & transgenderism are just very naive.

    I will probably be accused of racism for writing the above.

    That’s OK because I have already admitted to being racist. I think everyone is racist but most people are too brain washed to admit it.

    Even the illegal immigrants will be racist.
    There could be an element of racism involved in the grooming gangs abuse of white children but I suspect it’s all just part of their culture.

    Females are trash. In some cultures the worst insult is to call a man ‘a father of daughters’

  130. Confused says:

    by the numbers
    link to

    no surprises
    link to

    a sad tale
    link to

    I thought this was satire
    link to

    as an intersectional feminist, your feminism comes as a package deal, with antiracism, multiculturalism, trannyism

  131. Ruby Tuesday says:

    link to

    This is a pretty horrendous story.

    Well done to the young woman for going to the police immediately and not waiting to report the crime four-ten years later.

    The police were able to get forensic evidence and the guy was convicted

    Bloody hell three cordial bottles.

  132. Anton Decadent says:

    Scotland is a sanctuary country for paedophiles in which not only will you not be deported but you will not even be identified. The details of the investigation used to be available on the Police Scotland Child Protection page but the entire thing was memory holed. Every single member of that gang was either seeking or had been granted asylum in Scotland. They operated at the Four Corners area of Glasgow city centre and if you walk up Union Street now you will see foreign men standing in doorways or at the corners, that area is being claimed as their territory.

    With regard to Kenmure Street two white males have been murdered by incomers in that area and one abducted there and then murdered.

    With regard to the trans backlash, that, imo, is because it was affecting the middle classes whereas the victims of the grooming gangs are generally working class hence their being seen as acceptable collateral damage particularly by the middle class Left.

    Re Scotland crashing out of the Euros, nice guys finish last.

  133. Geri says:

    Confused 11.42

    I remember the German story. It was recently covered by a true crime channel if it’s the same one. Absolutely horrendous & fcking insane that only one was jailed.

    The poor lass was at a school party & she’d been underage drinking. She was waiting at a picnic bench at the dimly lit sports track rather worse for wear waiting for her lift when she was first attacked & then the sick barstewards encouraged others to come & I’m sure one of them was only a young boy encouraged on by the others. Absolutely horrific ordeal.

  134. moixx says:

    Geri @ 11.01 pm

    “Those fecking whackadoos want to legalise sex work which would only add to the problem of pimps on every street corner.”


    In the past I’ve met some of the women who work for (supposedly) women’s organisations. Women at management level, who have now worked in the sector for decades in some cases (you’d recognise some of the names). And they have previously held the opinion that all sex work in all its forms (porn, prostitution etc) is violence against women. I think that even used to be a slogan.

    They believed it so strongly that they wouldn’t work with anyone who didn’t agree with it, eg on Boards, Executive Committees etc in the charity/public sector, which they all want to take part in.

    A women’s organisation that had been created as an ‘umbrella’ body, bringing together all women’s voices in Scotland and reporting back to the Scottish Executive (as it was at the time, and which was also their funder), decided to actively exclude an organisation run by sex workers (working to promote the rights of sex workers) from sitting on its Steering Group. Not one of the organisations being represented on the Steering Group (all of which were in some way directly involved in women’s services) would agree to it. They said that the prostitutes were ‘so close to the issue’ (ie sex work) that they didn’t realise that they were the ‘victims of it’. So that was that, and they had no doubt it was the correct decision.

    And yet those very same women are now actively promoting an ideology, part of which wants to normalise sex work. I suppose people can convince themselves of anything when their salary and position is at stake, but I just wonder how they reconcile it in their minds, if they even think about it at all, that is.

  135. Northcode says:

    I’ve been revisiting some aspects of grammar – specifically the structures used in various forms of poetry.

    And I rediscovered a poem by Edward Arlington Robinson which I thought perfectly shows how things aren’t always how they might appear to us.

    A heroic quatrain is iambic pentameter, rhyming as abab.

    In the poem, ‘Richard Cory’, the heroic quatrain adds to the irony in the poem by setting up the expectation of a ‘happy ending.’ :

    Richard Cory

    Whenever Richard Cory went down town,
    We people on the pavement looked at him:

    He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
    Clean favoured, and imperially slim.

    And he was always quietly arrayed,
    And he was always human when he talked;

    But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
    “Good morning,” and he glittered when he walked.

    And he was rich – yes, richer than a king –
    And admirably schooled in every grace:

    In fine, we thought that he was everything
    To make us wish that we were in his place.

    So on we worked, and waited for the light,
    And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;

    And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
    Went home and put a bullet through his head.

    —Edward Arlington Robinson

    Robinson effectively uses the heroic quatrain form to underline the difference between appearance and reality.

    I sometimes imagine, on occasional calm summer nights while considering the current state of our world, that I might have some inkling of how Richard Cory felt.

  136. Ruby Wednesday says:

    Serious stuff Northcode.

    I do wish you had added a smiley face to the end of your last post.

  137. Ruby Wednesday says:


    I suppose people can convince themselves of anything when their salary and position is at stake, but I just wonder how they reconcile it in their minds, if they even think about it at all, that is.

    It’s all very weird isn’t it.

    If someone told me these women were robots I could believe it.
    Stepford wives who could be programmed to believe one thing one month and something totally different the next.

    I’m wondering about surrogacy if that is now the new sex work and what the ‘official/approved women’s organisations’ will be saying about that.

    It’s one thing carrying a child for your sister but carrying a child for a complete stranger and then selling your baby for money is brutal.

    Of course in other cultures it’s perfectly normal to sell your female children.
    Maybe I should say ‘our’ culture in that the UK is multi-cultural.

    link to

    Child marriage: ‘I was sold into marriage for £7 at the age of 12’

    South Asia is home to the largest number of child brides with more than 40% of the global total, followed by sub-Saharan Africa with 18%

  138. Alf Baird says:

    Republicofscotland @ 10:17 pm

    “As for colonialism”

    Yes RoS, Cesaire and others confirm that a colonial society is indeed ‘a sick society’, that it is ‘morally diseased’. Much as we see here in the colonial institutions and their colonial ‘values’ and in ‘the evil work they do’ and how they do it; for we can be sure ‘there are no human values’ in colonialism.

  139. Oneliner says:

    How are the postal votes looking?

    Has anyone asked John McTernan or Baroness Spermbank?

  140. Ruby Wednesday says:

    Going back to this story about the ‘rugby player’ rapist.

    I was trying to find out what he did for a living but that seems to be a secret.
    He played rugby at the week-end.

    I lift weights every time I go to the gym so it would be equally valid to describe me as a ‘weight lifter’.

    I wonder why all the secrecy about his profession.

    To do what he did this guy must really hate women and must have been watching some really sick porn.

    Will be interesting to see how long it takes for him to start demanding sex change hormones & lipstick.

    link to

    Justice campaigner Natasha O’Brien has hailed rape survivor Bláthnaid Raleigh as “an incredible woman” after she waived her anonymity to allow her attacker be named as he was jailed for eight years today.

    I presume the law in Ireland is that the victim needs to waive her right to anonymity to allow her attacker be named.

    Sounds fair!

  141. Northcode says:

    Ruby @6:34am

    Sorry, Ruby. I didn’t mean it to come over as all serious. I was just trying to show the use of the heroic quatrain in poetry.

    Just me being melodramatic…as usual. I’m not about to do a Richard Cory on myself.

    Your concern is very kind, though, and greatly appreciated. 🙂

    Unlike your mockery of me because I don’t have a Nespresso coffee machine. 🙂

    There, I’ve put two smileys in the one post just to reassure you that all is well.

  142. Ruby Wednesday says:

    link to

    The shocking case of Natasha O’Brien shows that Ireland is still a cold country for women

    Please do not think that I am highlighting these cases because I think all men are bastards I do not.

    For the most part men are fine sometimes they need a good telling off or to have the bath cleaned with their face cloth and the toilet with their toothbrush.

    There are some bloody sick men out there and women should be aware of this and also that even in 2024 there is still a lot sexism & misogyny going on. Of course we could well be importing a lot of this being that our politicians are so keen on multi-culturalism.

    Not all men just some so. Not you! You are OK. Don’t go getting huffy! You can help us women if you want or if not you can fuck off and suck your thumb in the corner.

    So glad I didn’t burn a perfectly good bra way back then when men were men and women were women . I feel a lot of women burned a perfectly good bra for nothing. I need my sports bra especially when I’m doing my weight lifting. 🙂

    PS I think there are also a lot of devious women out there and I don’t think women are all angels and that is maybe something men should be aware of. Women lie!

    Not all women of course just some women. All the women posting here are perfect you can trust all of them. Angels emoji.

  143. Ruby Wednesday says:

    link to

    Oh good! I thought not having a Nespresso machine was getting to you. I won’t mock anymore I promise 😉

    I will however by writing a review of the Nespresso machines (I have two) shortly I fancy myself as an influencer.

    I understand this could result in some freebies from Nespresso. They are no cheap these pods.

  144. Northcode says:

    “I won’t mock anymore I promise…I have two”

    Oh…my…God – you just can’t help yourself, can you? 🙂

  145. Mac says:

    Every single poll I have seen during this election has the SNP on a steep downward trajectory.

    25,20,15,10 seats…

    They seem to be plummeting.

    I don’t think they can afford to wait another 24hrs for the election at this rate.

  146. Sven says:

    Northcode @ 08.00.

    Yes indeed, Northy, I do miss not seeing Richard Cory at the Opera, Richard Cory at a show.
    Or, even hearing him sung about.

  147. Mac says:

    This is last updated 30th June and it has Reform on 89 seats (that is a lot) and the SNP at 15…

    link to

    And that is 4 days ago.

    I don’t want to get my hopes up as it is the hope that kills you but what once was fantasy land – less than 10 seats – might actually be a significant possibility.

    Reform are doing better than I thought if they get 89 seats. They seem to doing the opposite of the SNP and are on a steep upward trajectory.

    So I would guess big movers since that prediction was last updated with be those two in steeply opposite directions, Reform rising & the Sturgeon Nonce Party in a trans death spiral…

    The size of the predicted labour majority is shocking. Keir Starmer is truly horrendous.

    I can see some big shifts still taking place even in the last 48hrs…

    That stunt with the banner saying ‘I Love P-u-tin’ slowly unfurling behind Farage as he gave a speech does make me wonder who was (really) behind that… He has definitely frightened the horses.

  148. sam says:

    @northcode, Ruby

    I like Arlington’s poetry though I have only a few from an anthology, bought long ago. This tells me he was an alcoholic and derelict, rescued by Theodore Roosevelt who admired his poetry and gave him a government sinecure and persuaded his publisher to publish Robinson.

    Robinson took up drinking later in life as a protest against prohibition.

    His poems, A Poor Relation and Eros Turannos may be worth reading?

  149. Robert Hughes says:

    Confused @ 11.42

    Those links are fckn grim , sickening horror inflicted on innocent young women and almost unbelievable cover-ups by – in the examples – Scandinavian – authorities : though as witnessed by the Operation Cerrar ( should be termed ) scandal , the exact same tactic is deployed here .

    The Moroccan case is , no other word for it … evil , difficult to even read let alone imagine

    Is it JUST that the political entities who have opened our European doors to all kinds of horrible , brutal ( actually ) misogynist bastards are too conceited , too up-themselves , too fckn dumb to admit that Immigration is not – as they’ve been telling us for years now – always and in all instances ” a good/necessary thing ” : that it has no shadow ?

    Or are there ulterior motives behind the mass influxes of people from very different cultures into Europe – and the U.S , and the across-the-board policy of hiding and/or * massaging * the crime figures related to immigrant sources .

    I think Germany has – as a nation – went insane .

    Merkel allowing the influx of over a million foreigners in a such a short space of time . ” Crime Rates Rise ” . Mein Gott ! Who saw THAT coming ?

    It’s quasi-Fascist imposition of ” Covid ” ” Measures ” . I don’t think Germans * do * irony .

    Nodding approvingly as the Yanks blew-up the Nordstream – cheap energy – pipeline .

    Giving unqualified/uncritical support to two of the worst regimes of modern times – Ukr & Isr . Holocaust guilt facilitating the mass murder of ” others ” . FFS .

    Allowing the lunatic Greens to virtually de-industrialise the country .

    The list of self-sabotage goes on .

    The JAILING of that woman for being critical of FOREIGN RAPISTS is really * no more * than the ” logical ” extension of that idiot German Green Party politician on record as saying she placed the interests of Ukr higher that those of her countrymen/women .

    And now the * progressives * are bleating pathetically about the rise of * Populism * . hahahahahahaha .

    * YOU * done this . So , gerrit upye

  150. Mac says:

    Check out the graph, look how steep Reform are rising and as mentioned before they are taking more votes from Starmer than the Tories. They are taking a lot from both.

    link to

    I would love to see an up to date poll right now.

  151. Mac says:

    Oh wait I have misread that… Reform only on 7 prediction, that is more like it. I was reading High seats whatever that is.

  152. Dorothy Devine says:

    Confused , utterly horrific.

    Northcode , a lovely cheery start to the morning!

    Ruby , I have never imagined you as a coffee swilling weightlifter until now. The Irish tale is dreadful and I am surprised big brothers didn’t help the perpetrator never to be capable of anything so sordid and evil ever again – my big brothers would have!

  153. Northcode says:

    Sven @9:08am

    Yes, Sven. Poor old Richard Cory – and he had everything (well, almost) to live for too.

    He might have saved himself if only he’d had the foresight to buy himself a coffee machine – there’s quite a good one on the market, but I forget what it’s called. Nessun Dorma or something, I think.

  154. Northcode says:


    Sorry to you, too, Dorothy. If I’d known my post was going to be so depressing for everyone I would have dug out my revolver before being tempted to write it. 🙂

    “coffee swilling weightlifter” – I might steal that for possible future use. 🙂

  155. Breeks says:

    3 July, 2024 at 1:06 am

    And yet those very same women are now actively promoting an ideology, part of which wants to normalise sex work.

    I can see the argument about legalising sex work, or not, yet, on both sides of the argument, it seems hard on the women.

    I suspect there are very few women who chose sex work as a career choice, and suspect poverty was a factor in the choices they had to make, if they had a choice at all.

    So, given that said individual’s life isn’t off to a good start already, criminalising their activity and blighting their lives yet further with criminal convictions, seems how can I put it, unimaginative.

    In an ideal world, nobody would have to enter the sex trade, but you only need to divert off the ideal world a tiny degree and prostitution is right there to service demand. It’s an effective trap precisely because it’s so easy to enter. In fact, examine that ideal world more closely, and don’t be surprised to find somebody paying for something sleazy and both parties being content about it.

    More important? Address the poverty and deprivation which causes desperation amongst the vulnerable, and that will deliver much more progress and better lives for those teetering on the brink.

    Putting helping people at the front of the Ideas queue, not fining them, as seems the UK’s predilection in pretty much everything it touches.

  156. Dorothy Devine says:

    Northcode , be careful , remember she can trump you with not one but two Nespresso machines!

  157. Hatuey says:

    Mac, I haven’t looked in much detail, but I made the assumption that Reform’s rise would help the SNP. My reasoning was that it would split the unionist vote in Scotland (I may be wrong but it’s hard to see how someone who ostensibly wanted to break up the UK would jump from SNP to a British nationalist party).

    I Stephen Flynn’s seat safer because of the rise of Reform? It looks like it to me.

  158. Republicofscotland says:

    This is Comedy Gold from the Fifth Columnist branch manager of the London Tories in Scotland, its not just the SNP that’s a bunch of lying b*stards, its all the main stream parties that will tell you just about anything you want to hear as long as you vote for them.

    Don’t vote in this English election.

    “SCOTTISH Tory leader Douglas Ross has claimed the SNP will “lie through their back teeth” to win votes in a furious attack on the party ahead of polling day.”

  159. Republicofscotland says:

    “THERE will be a Labour government come Friday. The question facing Scotland is who do you trust more to stand up for you – the SNP or the Westminster parties?”

    Says Daddy Bear, aka Alyn Smith, answer NEITHER, the SNP sold Scots out and come our ain elections in 2026 we must hit them where it hurts and remove them or as many as we can.

    As for the English election tomorrow just don’t vote, don’t give lying Scottish politicians another five years of living the good life at our expense, that’s all it is, Short Monies for the parties and a good living for their MPs, WE gain nothing from this English GE, our MPs CANNOT change anything and they know it.

  160. Mac says:

    Craig Murray’s campaign looks a bit of a mess. He is one of two Workers party candidates running in Blackburn. Sounds very corrupt Blackburn…

    link to

    Not getting winning vibes off Craig there.

  161. Dan says:

    So Robin mentions he holidayed in the Mayan jungle, and within 3 paragraphs mentions climate change… lolz

    link to

  162. TURABDIN says:

    Whoever wins it is certain they will not represent you.
    In the Anglo-British Westminster system they do not need to, they are members of a «sovereign» parliament not representatives or «deputies» of the people.
    Once the electorate has done its job it becomes irrelevant until the next time.
    It is called «parliamentary dictatorship», the worst of the kind.

  163. Dan says:

    Will this be the future…

    link to

  164. James Barr Gardner says:

    SNP to slip from 3rd biggest party in HoC to 5th….6th ?

  165. James Che says:

    Do you know what is a very interesting word in Google when you research it and it connotations = =Drag,
    If Google says that is what it is, it must be Correct right,

  166. Hatey McHateface says:

    It’s good to see Confused straining every sinew to drive one last nail into Scotland’s Indy prospects.

    Down with those in the front line fighting against the terrorist, nihilist women haters and medieval, religious fundamentalists!

    Down with those in the front line fighting in defence of their nation, culture and language against the colonialist, expansionist, imperialist, neo-monarchy next door!

    Let’s hear it for the tunnel-cowering lassie killers and the culture-destroying Orcs!

    Whatever happens tomorrow Confused, you be sure to down a dram or two in self-congratulations for a job well done.

    You and your fellow travelers have fucked Indy for the foreseeable future.

    I hope you live many long years to admire your handiwork, while continuing to perfect your “See me, I’m a real Scot, me” patter.

  167. Ebok says:

    This GE may be an English election, but it could be our last chance to send a clear message to ALL Scottish ‘Indy’ politicians.
    Even as the farce that is SNP fumbles and stumbles from day to day, nobody has presented the rank and file with an alternative route to Indy that we can coalesce around.

    Since Collette Walker and ISP offered their alternative to SNP in 2020, the movement has become increasingly fractured, largely because of the ruses of SNP, but also in part by the actions of Alex Salmond who has regrettably become a divisive figure.

    Since taking over the Alba party he has … misled … Walker and ISP, had a high-profile public spat with Sara Salyers, alienated Eva Comrie and many other former Alba members, continues to give fealty to the English crown, and still believes that good people are hiding within the ranks of SNP.
    His ‘my way or the highway’ approach has been criticised many times btl by commenter Colin Alexander, and no one has challenged or rebuked Colin’s claims.

    Polling suggests SNP is going to stick at around 30%, mid – high teens in seats, and around 800K votes. This is a staggering number considering the electorate must be aware of SNP’s multiple deceptions and shortcomings.
    From an independence perspective it is alarming, their likely support represents almost half of the votes needed to win a referendum, it is many times higher than the combined support of every other Indy party, and additionally, SNP still hold sway until 2026.

    Unless the (now unlikely) outcome of this election sends shockwaves through the SNP leadership, backbenchers, membership, voters, and whoever underwrites the cheques, it will be business as usual for the next two years, and culpability will be re-directed to Labour and WM for all the ills about to rain down on us.

    Whether we like it or not, the best hope we have is if SNP is crushed tomorrow, even if the upshot is sending 57 unionists to their motherland. A really bad result for SNP may give limited breathing space for politicians to come to their senses and listen to the 50%+ of the electorate who are screaming for change and independence. But this won’t happen unless we bite the bullet and vote – not abstain – for the party most likely to oust every SNP trougher, then wait for the dust to settle.

    22 months is a very short period, but it is all we’ve got.

  168. sam says:


    Thanks for the link, Dan. I spose Lab could prevent the mobility of money to offshore and insist companies pay taxes. Spose I might win the lottery. Spose they could look to USA and it close intertwining of Blackrock and gov.

    I have a notion Labour could have a border poll to dal with.

    There is a feeling in some prts of Irish nationalism that a border poll can’t be allowed by UK given the existence still of a strong desire for Scottish independence

  169. Hatuey says:

    RoS: “WE gain nothing from this English GE, our MPs CANNOT change anything and they know it.”

    I like deductive reasoning and purity of a good syllogism, but, whilst your premises are true, the conclusion you reach – that our votes carry no weight and that we should abstain – is verifiably incorrect.

    Our votes have the power to determine the fate of the SNP. That is to say, we can use our votes to hurt the party that has done most to damage the prospects of the independence movement.

    And that’s what we should do, for the benefit of future generations if not ourselves. Because it’s important that betrayers are punished and seen to be punished, not just for vindictive reasons but for reasons of deterrence.

    It’s also a matter of fact and not opinion that abstaining instead of voting to hurt the SNP is something that the SNP politicians will benefit from (obviously). The more people that fall for this, the better, from the SNP perspective.

    People who are thinking of abstaining in disgust might consider why we are in this diabolical position, without hope, direction, and a party to support. We share that disgust and that’s why we want the SNP reduced to rubble.

  170. Republicofscotland says:

    Christ out and about in my home town today and its hoachin with English folk, English accents everywhere. Scotland is over run by folk from across the border, is it any wonder then that Sturgeon the Judas hidden census hasn’t revealed the true extent of the influx of foreigners from England flooding into Scotland.

    No other country in the world would allow such a swarm of foreigners to enter their country, but Scots put up with this shit, and one day their reticents to speak out, or act on it, will come back and bite them badly.

  171. Michael Laing says:

    @ Ebok at 1.15pm: While it’s troubling that so many people apparently still believe the SNP to be a pro-independence party and worth voting for, I’m wondering if Salmond has reason to believe the SNP will be out of the game by 2026, either due to bankruptcy or legal process regarding the embezzlement of ring-fenced funds and the conspiracy to jail Salmond. Could it be that the whole situation may be about to change drastically, regardless of how the vote goes on Thursday?

  172. Republicofscotland says:

    Hatuey @1.47pm.

    You have a point there Hatuey, however for me actually voting in these English elections and that’s what they are, (electing folk from Scotland to sit in a foreign country’s parliament) only gives Westminster credibility over Scotland.

    If you’re in Scotland ask yourself why the foreign media (there is no Scottish media) desperately reports constantly on this foreign GE in Scotland, its not because Scottish MPs can make a difference at the foreign parliament of Westminster, its to keep us engaged and to instill in our minds that these foreign elections are important to Scots when the reality is that they mean nothing to Scots, because no matter how many MPs we send to this foreign parliament (maximum 57) they can’t change anything and they know it.

    What I’m trying to say is that if we don’t play this foreign parliaments game by sending Scottish politicians to a foreign then the game becomes null and void and the charade is over.

  173. Ruby Wednesday says:

    It’s good to see Confused straining every sinew to drive one last nail into Scotland’s Indy prospects.. The Norse warrior.


    Confused versus The Norse Warrior

    Place your bets. Rien ne va plus!

  174. Ruby Wednesday says:

    Shit! shit! shit! My mile long post is awaiting moderation

    I’ll have to do lots of test now.

  175. Ruby Tuesday says:

    failed again I’ll try with the last little bit of the post

    PS Dorothy re “coffee swilling weightlifter”

    It’s all the rage. I curl my 3lb coffee cup up an down keeping my biceps nice and tense while drinking my Nespresso. (Not just a coffee a Nespresso coffee as advertised by George Clooney & David Beckham.)

    Does wonders for the bingo wings.

  176. Hatuey says:

    It’s fantasy football, RoS, virtue signaling. I agree that if everybody refused to vote, it might make a point. But you’ll be lucky to see just 1% intentionally wasting their vote.

    I don’t mind you doing it, but you’re helping the SNP.


  177. Republicofscotland says:

    The Cypriots might find themselves on the wrong end of He-zbo-llah missiles if they don’t get their act together soon.

    “The Cypriot ambassador to Bei-ru-t says the Mediterranean island country will not allow its territory to be used as a launching pad for an I-Z-he-l-ii military offensive against Leb-an-on.

    “We affirm our country’s position regarding not allowing the use of Cypriot lands as a launching platform for a military invasion against Le-ban-on,” Maria Hadjitheodosiou said during her Tuesday meeting with Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Committee in Leb–an-on’s parliament, Fadi Alameh.

    On June 24, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan lashed out at Cyprus for becoming an “operation center” for Izz-hhe-l’s bloody onslaught on G–a-z–a, warning the island country against involving itself with the regime’s regional adventures.”

    Meanwhile only force will stop the zzZZ-i-o-Mon-st–ers G-e–noc-id-e.

    “Iz-z-hh-ell has approved the largest seizure of land in the occupied We-s-t B-an-k in over three decades, despite mounting international pressure against the regime’s settlement expansion in P–ale–stine.

    An anti-settlement watchdog group, Peace Now, said Wednesday that T-e–l A-v–iv recently approved the appropriation of 12.7 square kilometers (nearly 5 square miles) of land in the Jo–rdan Valley.

    The land seizure, which was approved late last month is the largest single appropriation approved since the 1993 O-slo acc-ords.”

  178. James Che says:

    Watching, and monitoring free speech and removal free speech in Scotland is Breaching Article XV111 of the treaty of union on “private rights” in Scotland.
    The law Society of Scotland,

  179. Republicofscotland says:


    No, the real fantasy football is sending Scottish MPs to a foreign country’s parliament, and until Scots realise that by sending Scottish politicians to this alien parliament achieves absolutely nothing back home, Scotland will continue to be seen as a colonised region of England’s once widespread empire.

    The foreign media (Scotland has no media of its own, the Catalans, the utterly oppressed Palestinians and even a small enclave of Moldova do have their own media) wants us all to vote in these foreign election to add credibility to the English parliaments power over Scotland.

    That fantasy must be ended.

  180. twathater says:

    @ Dan 12.19pm Sure as shit Dan that is what is coming down the pipe, but as usual our politicians are only concerned at how their pension and salaries can be banked whilst claiming mega expenses, Roll on the REVOLUTION

  181. Hatuey says:

    RoS, no matter what you and others like you do tomorrow, Scotland will send a bunch of MPs to Westminster. Nobody will take seriously the idea that less than 1% of people spoiling their ballots represents a thing — they probably won’t even notice — and 1% is a big assumption.

    The only meaningful thing you might be able to influence is the question of who doesn’t go to Westminster to represent you. Thats it. And you are proposing to squander that molecule of influence.

    Sadly, it is inevitable that one or two SNP betrayers will keep their seats because of people like you. Thats on your conscience.

  182. Geri says:


    Ever think it’ll maybe be on yours when Sir Kid Starver & his new “Scottish MPs” pass a bill through parliament ending ANYONE ever seceding this poxy union?

  183. Hatuey says:

    Geri, use your brain. Starmer is winning by a landslide, no matter what.

    It doesn’t matter to him if he has 25 Scottish MPs or 45.

    I can’t think of anything that would galvanise and propel the Indy movement more than Starmer trying to legislate against Scottish democracy.

    In such a scenario, we would be much better off without the duplicitous betrayers of the SNP.

    We don’t need to guess about that since the Tories basically done it when they denied the mandates and the SNP responded with nothing.

    It feels like the biggest problem with the Scottish people sometimes is an inability to remember simple things and imbibe very basic logical ideas.

  184. Geri says:

    Starmer can legislate what he wants if he has a majority of Scottish Labour MPs. Who could stop him? They’re there to represent Scotlands in their eyes. That’s all they’d need.

  185. Confused says:

    main main go away troll someone another day; I missed your comment at lunchtime, being out and busy – whassup, did you want someone to play with you?

    main, for anyone who is new here – is a britnat union jack shagger anglo empire loyalist who pretends to be a nationalist, but has a love of farage, brexit and all that; probably has a signed photo of john greig on his mantelpiece and irons his apron on a sunday night …

    he runs an aggressive scattergun approach to debate, mainly because he’s crap at it, and when you post enough, the arse-ripping you just got can be pushed way upthread (sliding) if you just spam away

    – this seems to be a new tactic for him; be so all over the place no one knows where I am coming from. Some things are just so stupid, they become impossible to argue with.

    Main should try the radio clyde phone in.

  186. Ruby Thursday says:


    I posted the following as part of a post on the previous thread.
    link to

    I respect Stu and am wondering how his ‘Trains Rights Now’ campaign is going and if he has considered getting the bus ‘From Bath to Bathgate’

    ‘From Bath to Bathgate’ could be the title of a ‘Proclaimers’ song or something Ed Milliband said during Project fear in 2014.

    Remember all that stuff

    From Greenwich to Grangemouth
    From Edinburgh to East Ham
    From Brighton too Broughty Ferry
    From London to Londonderry (maybe not that one but you know what I mean)

    From London to Londonderry might be coming soon.

    This got me thinking about Londonderry and why Londonderry. I found this on the old Google.

    Should you say Derry or Londonderry?
    The name Derry is preferred by nationalists and it is broadly used throughout Northern Ireland’s Catholic community, as well as that of the Republic of Ireland, whereas many unionists prefer Londonderry; however, in everyday conversation Derry is used by most Protestant residents of the city.

    link to

    You will have probably guessed that I’m new to Irish history. I would probably do better with ‘Spanish history’ at the pub quiz.

    Next I will have to ask Google how Bathgate got it’s name next will be as promised the origin of the phrase fall foul.

    Keep reading.

    PS FAO Sam. I’m working my way through this as you suggested.

    link to

  187. Ruby Thursday says:

    It’s Independence Day!

    Not you Scotland you are still a colony.

    Ooops I’m getting off track.

    The phrase fall foul of

    What is the origin of the idiom fall foul of?
    According to An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English the expression has a nautical origin meaning become entangled. When one ship impedes the progress of another; it falls foul of it. A foul anchor is when its own rope becomes entangled with itself.

    Meaning “become entangled” (chiefly nautical) is from 1832, probably from foul (adj.) in the sense “obstructed by anything fixed or attached” (late 15c.).

    foul (adj.)

    I’ll do foul later.

    OK so my little dingy got entangled with the ‘Good Ship Modbot’ and impeded it’s progress, it’s sweet trip to a candy shop where bon-bons play and ultimately it’s happy landing on a chocolate bar.
    ‘Good Ship Modbot’ won little dingy now lying on the bed of the Wings Triangle.

    We all know bon-bons & chocolate bars are a very import issue on Wings.

    Quite right too.

    Ah chocolate bars! Time to think Nespresso. My promised review of my Nespresso machines will come later. I wonder if the ‘Good Ship Modbot’ was carrying any almond croissants. It’s kinda early for a chocolate bar.

    Keep reading and don’t forget to bring your imagination with you.

    PS I hate anything chocolate chip. I like ‘pain au raisin’ and it’s bloody hard to find them but there’s choc chip bloody everything everywhere.

  188. Ruby Thursday says:


    It would be pretty difficult for a woman to shove a man into a shed lock the door and then shove a cordial bottle up his re*ctum (re*ctum damn near killed him) one in his mouth and then squeeze his penis into a third.

    However if you had a couple of pals and a gun you could do it.

    The next paragraph was about three women with a gun all raping a man & harvesting his sperm.

    Maybe it was all a bit too graphic for ‘The Good Ship ModBot’

  189. Ruby Thursday says:

    OK as promised the Everyman Statue.
    This it it

    link to

    Gender questionable!

    I’m going with transgender. Everything is nowadays even Jesus

    She does look as if she has mini microphone shaped packer stuffed down the front of her pants.

    That is all I have to say about the Everyman Statue except the it cost £100k and it stands outside the polling statue where us scheemies in Edinburgh have to go to spoil our ballot papers. No chance of meeting Ellis there although he just lives up the road in a different scheme.

    Yes Jesus is transgender and she has a fanny on her right breast where there is evidence in a painting of her menstruating.

    Let me know if you need further details of Jesus menstruating.

    Hope the ‘Good Ship ModBot’ approves of this very interesting post which all ‘Ruby Chats’ fans will enjoy.

    Hugs 🙂

    Coming soon. Review of my Nespresso machines. Keep reading ‘Ruby’s Chat’ available everyday of the week in the rear end of all posts when ‘chat’ is allowed

    I think it’s fine to talk about Jesus in this way although I might get shot in the eye had it been another religious deity.

    Weird that isn’t it! Not something that will be discussed on ‘Ruby Chats’ my eyesight isn’t that great as it stands so I won’t be taking any risks.

  190. Ruby Thursday says:

    That’s it for now. ‘Ruby’s Chat’ will be back later.

    In the meantime I have to go and stand on my head to try and decide how I should vote or who the hell has the best chance of beating Tommy here in Edinburgh East.

  191. Northcode says:

    “My promised review of my Nespresso machines will come later”

    Looking forward to that – I’m trying to decide whether to buy one (possibly three) and an unbiased expert opinion might assist me in my deliberations.


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