The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Time to go

Posted on February 28, 2017 by

The Wings Over Scotland Fundraiser 2017:


Please give generously, or we’re all screwed.

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Ian McCubbin

I have been saying the same a while now. Even asked what it will take for UNI at North Perthshire SNP constituency association. To of party only have one route via a referendum even though repute FM said he would like us to be independent yesterday.
The only other way is to keep acting as if we are and open foreign consulates in 10 key countries.
BTW London would have a consolate as already has Caledonia House.

David Smith

I had the ‘Da-dum, da-dum-da-dum’ bit from The Terminator theme in my head reading that.


£1920 in 12 minutes
you are worth it Stu; an inspiration to us all


Any way by paying using paypal? Dont have a credit card.


Definitely need to get out of here…paid my subscription! 😀


“Shipping country cannot be blank or is invalid”… sigh! uk it is then 🙁



Yes you can use pay pal. I pay monthly direct from PayPal. Should be a link.

As an aside are we attributing our amount towards “gold” wing status for any of our regulars?

Dorothy Devine

Stu , your alternative method of payment please.


We need Wings Over Scotland to shine brightly.


The mad History professor will the pressing F5 all day swearing as the total goes up and up.



Link found under DONATE at the top of this page.


OK wait a minute need to get home for the debit card.


10% of the way there already

Robert Louis

Wow, already moving fast, we can do this.

Seriously, the work of wings really is needed, especially in light of the utterly shameful attempts of Labour and their Tory chums to try to paint people such as myself who want Scotland to run its own affairs as racists.

Many unionist and Labour lies during the referendum made me angry, but Labour’s london Mayor, Khan, telling people that people such as me are racists, really made my blood boil.

It is clear, that Labour and their unionist Tory chums are planning to throw dirty filthy lie after lie at Scotland during the next referendum, simply because they know their is not one single good reason for Scotland’s affairs to be run from a Parliament in London, where Scottish MP’s make up only 9% of the voting total.

Tam Fae Somewhere

Paid my bit.

11% there already.

Graeme Doig

Happy to contribute to the war chest.


BIG DISAPPOINTMENT, contributed by credit card and the drop down menu for address doesn’t have Scotland, only UK. That needs fixed for next time 🙂

Willie, Glasgow

That’s my £55 in the pot.
I reckon that this fund raiser could be one of the most vital.
I think we can all see the dark clouds of war looming!
Indy ref 2 on the way and the unionists are marshalling their forces.
Stand firm!


Come on folks, let’s recycle that fiver more than we ever have before 😉

*away to take my turn*


Is Paypal free i.e. does the Rev get 100% of donation or is there a 10% charge as on Indiegogo [sorry, indiegogo – I realise you’re doing a great job…].


Thruppence ha’penny contributed. 🙂


Stupid fundraiser for stupid undemocratic racist seps taken in by wee krankie like cult fools with no brains who lost two referendums and the bullying SNP every single member said that was it for a generation a lifetime an eternity, my lunch break anyway. I hope it fails to reach £100,000 or at least £200,000.

schrodingers cat

soz 4 being dense, I cant contribute to this crowd fund using paypal, but i can make a general donation to wos using paypal via the donate button? yes?


I’m in. I hope we do as well as the previous fundraisers. We’re going to need every penny if we’re going to win this.

Your brilliant analysis of our woeful media is an endless wonder. I doff my (well known) hat to you Mr Campbell.

schrodingers cat

10k in less than an hour ????

Marie Clark

That’s my twa or three bawbees contributed. Pleased to do it.

[…] Wings Over Scotland Time to go The Wings Over Scotland Fundraiser 2017: Please give generously, or we’re all […]


Worth every penny and more. Will donate more when I get paid on Thursday. Hope we can do as good as previous crowd fundraising efforts and greatly surpass what is the target amount.
Every effort must be made to secure our independence from now until the vote. We have to make folk realise that independence is where we are headed and there’s no point voting no as we will likely suffer greatly at the hands of the tories for ten years. Whatever disruption caused by ending this united kingdom will pale in comparison to ten years at least of the worst tory government ever.


Donation made. Keep up the excellent work Rev Stu.


When pay day comes:D

Worth every penny, should be NHS prescription, in stress therapy costs alone. Observe hourly UKOK tory hackdom across the land, stress level jumps, click on WoS…


Anyone up for arranging proper fundraising events?

I do like a good Race Night or Ceilidh! 😉


My favourite time of year when we wingers yes, every last one of us gets to tell the unioniosts what we think of them & Stu. Ha ha I love to watch that total climbing knowing that with every £ added a yoon somewhere is swearing 🙂


You had me at “crippling cartoonist costs”

Proud Cybernat

Will chip some dosh your way in a wee whilie, Rev. Every penny worth it.

She’s yoon batshit mentally serious…

link to


Schrodingers cat 09.51 and I 09.47 need some help…!!


£55 here. It’s all I can do to support you from NL!


Fish supper contributed minus the price of crab paste and bread. Luxury!


Done. Come here every day so it’s the least I can do


I only had one job to do today, ensure continuation of Wings. Job done.

Andrew Brown

Contributed with thanks. Keep up the good work Stu.

Bill McLean



Very good! Thirteen and a half grand in a few hours. Ready to make sure it gets to target by end date.


Tuppence worth in. So much for “nothing happening in 2017”!


I’m sure the rumbling and rattling noise I’m hearing is historywoman’s teeth gnashing, lol


Mmm, might have to see if I can stretch to a beanie hat in a week or two …


A third of the way!

Stu – I reckon your target is too low!


Just gone past £15k – not bad for 2 hours 🙂


Every success Stuart!


Greetings from Raleigh, North Carolina. Well, that’s my wee bit done. Thirty-three percent done already! More than ever, we need to do this. The British empire, as all empires inevitably do, is over. It’s day in the sun has been made possible by millions of people from numerous countries. Let’s not wait till the sun finally sets. Let’s get out now and, as a free country, contribute positively to the family of nations.


Pleased to fund Wings…

Will it be safe to use the postal vote system or will that be the Achilles heel of the next referendum?

Can the Scottish government securely police the voting system as I think the gloves will be off…Big time…


Just a thought : passed 35% with around 320 backers. Given daily readership that is just a small percentage. If we all make an effort we can reach 100% in a day – or two.

Would put a lot of noses in pokes if we did!

old highlander

Up a thousand in the few minutes it took to contribute my twopence worth.

Paula Rose

Oh goodie I needed a new umbrella – starts saving.


You are needed now more than ever Stuart.Hope it goes well.

Every little helps.


It’s a priviledge to contribute to our country’s future.

Bill Dale

Happy to contribute to the most important site for Scotland’s future. Now over £17,000 and rising!

Puzzled Puss

Contribution made. Thanks for the superb job you do.

Robert Louis

Just remember, the mad unionists and their utterly pathetic so-called ‘journalists’ in the media will be watching this, and every time that total rises, they will wince.

Worth donating, purely for that kind of joy. 🙂


Ah’ll fling a single shullin or two into the hat..


Can’t contribute. Stuck in Indiegogo loop: contributions -> shipping address. NOT in Facebook or Indiegogo. Other means of payment please?



Pay pal is free. I use it for a standing monthly donation to wings.

Flower of Scotland

It’s at £18,767 now! Wow.

Well done everyone especially Stu. We couldn’t do without you.

Robert Louis

Boom just passed 20k in two hours.


@Bob MACK – thanks, Bob, I want every penny to count. Mind you I’ve put a few pence on Indiegogo too as I like to join in the party!!


Good grief! 45% of target reached already. Have a good feeling about this. We’re on a roll!

Caroline brown

Dont have a credit card .Can we pay via paypal?


ye got my last few shekels – so happy to GIRU the yoons 😉


Just as an aside to those of you who use PayPal – they act pretty much as a bank in the UK but have NO banking licence.

This means that you have NO protection, no recourse to complaint to anyone within the UK and no ombudsman to arbitrate. PayPal have basically no laws at all to comply with & the ones they do they ignore.

Other EU countries HAVE forced PayPal to obtain a banking licence, the UK hasn’t – despite the Ombudsman recommending it on multiple occasions to both red & blue tories.

Why that is you can speculate but PayPal have extensively lobbied both red & blue tories over the last 10 years to prevent regulation. I hear they do VERY good dinners for MPs.

tl;dr PayPal are a shower of crooks/shysters who I’d STRONGLY recommend avoiding like the plague. If you don’t have any other choice then I sympathise but they are scum.


I have no idea what the final total will be, but whatever it is, you are worth ten times that, and more.


Having been labelled a racist this week, I’ve just taken the first of my 12 steps to a cure by paying my subscription to this Racists Anonymous Cult (RAC) subscription. Do I get breakdown cover?

Proud Cybernat

The actual truth of the situation…

link to

Naina Tal

Just contributed. Think we can do this in a day/ alternatively smash the total in the time it has to run.

Wee complaint sent to Indiegogo that they don’t think Scotland exists. Hate having to click “UK” Grrrrr.
Small price to pay though. All the Yoons have is the Daily Record puir sowels.

Still buying the National when I can get to the shop. plus 5 for distribution each time we get a Rock diatribe on “gullible” readers. Just so he is putting up the circulation, you understand.


Donation done, best value for money I’ve had in a long while!


Help!! Can anyone tell me how to get an EU-Saltire?


Half already. Another cracker


Looking good. Last year’s ‘Performance review day’ began at 10am and at just over 2hrs was (from comments) at £15500.

This year it’s at £22000 after the same running time. 🙂

john ferguson

Happy to donate. My concern is, when the dirty tricks and lies fail, what then.
Many thanks Rev.

Inbhir Anainn

Contribution given gladly make it happen Rev.


Done! And when you need more just say the word Stuart! 🙂

James Westland

Donation given.

We can do this.

Rhona Frisby

Contribution made. Many thanks Stu.

Arabs for Independence

This racist/separatist has happily contributed. Money well spent.



Might be worth trying Lindsay Bruce (Rogue Coder) he may still have some.

BTW you Wings lot are amazing. Over 50% reached and it’s not even lunch time.


“crippling cartoonist costs” are sending a bunch of heavies round each Thursday to break his legs so he can’t get out on the golf course and has to stay home on a Friday to do Saturdays cartoon. Worth every penny!

schrodingers cat

i have some £5 each, (i’m in fife) follow me on twitter and dm me your details, ill post it to you


ronnie anderson

@ Macart 9.48 Ya miserable bugga donating Widden thruppennies , could U no at least made it ah Silver thruppenny ah bet the Ha penny is to Farthlings.

Whit is it wie you lot everybody chucking in Auld money, the youngsters lookin in wull be thinking we,re ah lot of auld foggies lol.


Just donated-really fancied one of those Wings hats to go with my Wings bag. That logo is just so ‘in your face’ a dfinite must have. Well done everyone-lets keep that total rattling upwards.Now at 51% aka £23,145

schrodingers cat

or better still nogrod, contact your local yes group, they should have some


Just so you know:- “crippling cartoonist costs” are sending a bunch of heavies round each Thursday to break his legs so he can’t get out on the golf course and has to stay home on a Friday to do Saturdays cartoon. Worth every penny!


Congrats on doing so well this quickly.
I could donate £5 but 25 is too much at the moment.


schrodingers cat says:
28 February, 2017 at 11:33 am
or better still nogrod, contact your local yes group, they should have some

Thanks will do.

Craig P

Hmm, having read the indigogo page I wonder if it is worth setting up a group to divert Britnat billionaire funding. Come join me in BUMF, Batshit Unionist Media Force, as we spend ££££s on billboards and mass mailshots with easily subverted messages and blow a million pounds on media training in a vain attempt to get Professor Tom Gallagher to sound like he isn’t wired to the moon.

Craig P

Liz dinne fret, monys a mickle maks a muckle.


Just sent, with pleasure, a donation from myself and my mum.

Thanks for all your hard work, Stu.

Kudos for all the research and the writing ability you have which enables you to cut through all the shit in a way so few others manage.

Scot Finlayson

just looking at the fantastic goodies you get for contributing,

was surprised there is no fiery cross (light and stand well back)or white pillow case with eye holes or maybe a hand stitched Confederate Battle Flag,

too soon?


Mmm, I see my posting as NOhistorywoman didn’t get through.

I see “Anonymous” gave £50. That’s nice of Kezia Dugdale.

ronnie anderson

I got a knock back on my new Visa card,i’ll need to donate the auld fashioned way direct transfer.


If we all make an effort we can reach 100% in a day – or two.

In recent years the Wings fundraisers have passed 100% before teatime. I’d be disappointed if this one doesn’t beat that.


I gave £5, it’s all I can manage right now, and at least I’m in! Now I get to boss Rev around …


Rev, I shall be increasing my monthly standing order from 1st April as my ongoing contribution to general funding. It is a great pleasure to be able to do so to maintain the fantastic quality of what is undoubtedly the best Scottish Independence forum.

Marie Clark

Nodgrog @ 11.16. You’ll get a Euro Stars Saltire from The Forward Shop, 186 Argyll Street, Dunoon PA23 8RN. Costs a £5 postage free. I bought one last week and the order came really quickly.

Hope that helps.

Richard Anderson

I’ll increase my regular monthly contribution.


@ ronnie anderson 11:51pm :

“I got a knock back on my new Visa card,i’ll need to donate the auld fashioned way direct transfer”

This happens the first time you use a VISA card on indiegogo.

Its happened to every single person I know & has nothing to do with Wings, its to do with the level of chargebacks/section 75 card issuers seem to get. Basically someone puts up a “fund this & get it free when it releases” campaign & fails to deliver whatever the gizmo is.

If it was more than £100 then the UK card issuers are on the hook as well (section 75) and once this reaches a certain level all transactions on a NEW card will result in a fraud flag.

What you need to do is speak to your card issuer & get them to whitelist indiegogo for your card. They’ll give you a lot of shit about how they “get a lot of fraud on that site” but insist that they do what you ask & it’ll be fine from then onwards.



I’ve donated with pleasure, anything to get us out of this inhuman ugly union made even worse because of the idiotic decisions made.
By Really Extraordinarily Xenophobic Insular Tories

See what I did there!

Peace Always


Next to Christmas this is my favourite time of year for giving.
“We gotta get outa this place, if it’s the last thing we ever do.”


I hope that an independent Scotland has some of the strictest anti lobbying rules in place to protect our democracy from corporate fascism that has become so powerful in many countries. It’s the people who make a country what it is. Not some global company which couldn’t give two hoots about people and is only interested in its shareholders.

Tam the Bam.

Time t Go:

Almost 60% funded as I type (probably nearer 65 now!)


Donation made.

It is going to be a rough and nasty campaign. We have seen a taste of it this weekend.It looks like self determination will be hijacked by every minority cause and accused of all sorts to discredit it. Be strong peeps!

ronnie anderson

@ Vestas The new card was issued in Nov I couldn’t pay my monthy subsciptions to Wings via PayPal ( 3mths in arrears ) sorted now but ah pain in the arse.

ronnie anderson

@ Almannysbunnet. Ah ken whit U men its like living in Animals farm withoot the music, them were the days of our lives lol.


@ronnie anderson 12:15pm

Aye my new card was just the same – phoned up the bank & gave them shit again, seems I have to do that every 2-3 years but then again my bank is more corrupt than most (HSBC) 🙁

A mate in Australia has to phone his bank EVERY time he pays money to crowdfunding sites or the payment will fail (banks are on the hook for a LOT more in Oz)….


Job Done – Contribution made.

Johannah Buchan

If (for example as a result of a messy divorce where your ex destroyed all the joint accounts) the only account I have access to is a savings account which does not allow online transactions, is there some other way I can contribute. I really would like to.

Linda McFarlane

Oh Goody!

I needed a new hat.

Hoss Mackintosh

“crippling cartoonist fees” – Lol.

Where are these slackers – Cairns and Moodie?

Cheque is in the post…


Looks like this will be over and done within a day or so.

My donation will need to wait until the wage comes in.

Agree with ScottishPsyche @12.14pm


ScottishPsyche says:

It is going to be a rough and nasty campaign.

Aye. Head up, shoulders back, then greet everyone with a friendly smile and good manners. State your piece politely.

The contrast between the decency of YES and the low life swarming around NO will then be crystal clear to the world.

Often folks accused YES1 of not tackling the negativity head on. I disagree, now more so. We need to stay positive and leave negativity to the negative side. Their behaviour is showing them up for what they are. How many soft NOs and rLabour did Khan convert to Yes at the weekend? Quite a few I believe.

Some of the characters associated with the Union are so nasty that it reflects badly on the Union they try to support. Great! Leave them to it!


@Johanna Buchan,

You can go into any branch of your bank and make a direct bank transfer. The numbers you need will be under the “donate “icon at the top of the this page.
There should be no charge. ( instructions are there).

ronnie anderson

Panic over donation made , there must have been a backup on people donating. Keep it going Peeps & share it on every Yes Page.

call me dave

No problem to contribute to the WOS site. Worth every £.

Target should be done and dusted by tommorow.


Orcadian passport anyone?

Radio shortbread giving it loud on Beattie and even raising the question of becoming part of Norway… all in the melting pot.

FGS! “Just flying a kite” says John. Aye right. 🙂

Good old auntie!

Proud Cybernat

@Johanna Buchan

Maybe a prepaid card might help your situation? You can review some of them here:

link to

You pay money into the card (which you can do at most newsagents etc) and you can then use the card to pay/buy things online just like most debit/credit cards. It’s not linked to any bank account. Obviously use one that has the least amount of charges.


@ronnie anderson

Might have been a sixpence, but ahm no lettin’ oan. More to come as and when.

I reckon its going to be needed.


Vestas says:

“but then again my bank is more corrupt than most (HSBC) ?”

Not as corrupt as it was!


India Thorogood, Greenpeace <

Amazing! Since we exposed HSBC’s links to destructive palm oil companies, the boss of HSBC has been grilled about forest destruction in front of politicians and world leaders. [1] Our pressure is working, so now is the time to turn up the heat even

Greenpeace UK

[1] The boss of HSBC was grilled at the World Economic Forum while on a panel with Al Gore and two Prime Ministers, you can view the video on Facebook here: link to

Hi, Smallaxe.
Greenpeace has just revealed that HSBC, the biggest bank in the UK, is funding palm oil companies destroying rainforest in Indonesia. We’ve even caught the catastrophic damage on camera.

Forest destruction is helping to push orangutans to the brink of extinction. It’s causing forest fires which are linked to deaths of thousands of people every year. Yet HSBC is pumping piles of cash into this crisis.

Please click the button to watch the bulldozers in action – then sign the petition telling HSBC to stop cashing in on this disgusting devastation.
Thanks for everything that you do

They gave in and STOPPED funding Palm Oil companies. 🙂

Peace Always

ronnie anderson

link to

We all co exist but sadly some sections of society fail to grasp that notion.


Looks like Wings is as popular as ever with those that seek a better way than UK governance offers Scotland.

I’m feeling very positive and happy for some reason. I think this wee tune might be appropriate and it brings a wee smile 🙂

link to


Duly paid.


This will likely be near the target by the time I get home. I do fancy a new bonnet though 🙂

I becoming increasingly certain that not only is there going to be another referendum but that the Cabinet are already placing themselves on a footing to do battle and the first shots are being fired. This could be a fascinating 18 months coming up and we will need all our resources at hand to counter what will inevitably be a re-run of Project Fear…because they simply don’t have any other ideas.


That’s some going: 70% backing in little over 4 hours.

Les Wilson

Another £50 in the pot Stu!


@smallaxe 1:05pm

There is the small matter of $7bn of Mexican drugs money they laundered – and I mean PHYSICALLY. They drove over $7bn of physical money between the USA and Mexico, laundered it via the Caymans & other places & delivered the “clean” money to some of the nastiest bastards ever to exist. That was 5 years ago.

There’s also the fact that they are currently non-compliant with the agreement they made with the US DoJ regarding money laundering.

Then there’s Macau – probably best not to look closely there either mmm?

I’d move to another bank but it’d cost us a lot of money & who would you trust amongst the other scum that operate as banks in the UK? They’re all institutionally corrupt.

ronnie anderson

@ Macart Good manny, I’ll be dipping ma toes in the watter by the end of the week.

Training Day

Contribution made. And folks, we need to push on well beyond the target. We need mass circulation of WBBs.


Despite watching this like a hawk I haven’t chipped in yet. I’m contemplating. There’s plenty of time. If Nicola doesn’t pull the trigger in March then a modest contribution to get the beanie hat (at least) will be forthcoming. But if she does?

Guys, this is it. Do or die time. I wasn’t honestly expecting it so soon, though I did speculate, but here we are. We get another go. But as our branch convener said, looking fairly grim, “we really do have to do it this time, because if we don’t we’ve nowhere to go.”

Last time I had more spare money lying around and I threw a fair bit at Yes Scotland. I now think that was entirely wasted. They were either clueless beyond words, or there were people in there actively batting for the other side. Wings wasn’t simply one of the few places where we could find selfless committment to getting a Yes vote, it was the single source of effective Yes literature.

Stu has learned a lot from last time, specifically about timing and getting stuff out there by the time the postal votes go out. We managed less than 10% letterbox penetration then, and all of it was well after postal voting had begun. Stu knows we need to up that percentage a lot, and do it a bit earlier. We have the remains of the 2014 network to build on and do it.

We can never level the playing field against the likes of Rowling and other self-interested billionaires, but we can put our money where it will do most good.

Now it may be that the official Yes campaign for indyref2 will be a very different and more clued-up animal from the first one, but I wait to be persuaded on that one. I do know who has the track record. If Nicola pulls the trigger at the Aberdeen conference, that’s a huge game-changer for me in terms of contribution level.


Done! Donated. All the best, Stuart


Wings Over Scotland? @WingsScotland 4h4 hours ago
The Wings Over Scotland Fundraiser 2017: send money, or be ruled by Tories forever. Your call.

Just sat through almost whole BBC Politix show, Ligger Neil ed, hosted by a tory, ferocious old tory Lady sat next to her whole show, assorted tory ligger guests, all boosterising planet toryboy, aswell as long picking over UKIPer corpse too. And now they’re all over BBC r4 vote tory lunchtime news.

Jim Arnott

Delighted as always to contribute to Wings

ronnie anderson


Just listened to Boris Johnstone waffling on about Pineapples , ah wis waiting oan Carmen Maranda appearing or that Z lister from pineapple dance studio.



I quite agree with everything you say. I have spare funds which will go to Wings in the event of Nicola pressing the button. In my case it may well be my last chance to feel what it is like to have freedom from the Union. I shall accordingly give a much larger sum than my monthly donation.

We are clearing the decks for action.



Hi Morag. Completely agree with your views on ‘this is it’. However, take heart. As the next campaign kicks off, people will be buying items and contributing all the time.

Hell …Stuart could ask for another fundraiser halfway through and he’ll get a ton of money thrown at him. I don’t doubt for a second that every single Winger or nationalist won’t be throwing their wallets at the various campaign groups. I can see me spending a good few hundred pound on this next campaign as will thousands of others.

But right now …everyone has high hopes. Let’s just see what comes next with Article 50 …and then if invoked …GAME ON!!

Tam the Bam.

@ Hand and Shrimp…1-12pm

Actually if you read Revs preamble ..there was an article by Kate Devlin of The Herald concerning a Unionist fund-raising cabal of pro-brexit businessmen headed-up by a former vice-chairman of the Scottish Tory party.This chap lambasts Better Together for being far too negative during Indyref 2014.So..if we are to take him at his word (cough) Project Fear 2 will be binned in favour of a far more…shall we say tactile/cuddly/touchy feely nice and cumfy Yoon Paradise type campaign.In other words,a campaign illustrating the positive side of Yoonery.Good luck with that Gordon Brown.


Thats 55 GBP from me. Go Stu! You hold one of the keys to independence..knowledge and information. Im overseas but happy to contribute.


@Morag 1:19pm

If the trigger isn’t pulled on indyref2 this year then it won’t happen before the A50 discussions have terminated.

Once those discussions terminate then that’s it – out of the EU whenever the Maybot chooses.

The EU will (ideally) want Scotland to vote yes/no by mid-late 2018 as that’d allow Scotland to basically take the UK’s place with regard to budget discussions. I have no doubt this would happen prior to Scotland becoming a full member but its going to be very tight.

If anyone thinks that running indyref2 AFTER the UK has left the EU is a good idea then you’re certifiable!

After that date Scots can vote whatever they like, it’ll be ignored by the Maybot & she’ll probably have Trump on-side. Both England & the USA seem to be converging on fascism as their chosen govt for future years so all the old ideas about “mandates” will be out the window.

Now or never.


As W/Minster has been “Acquiring” Scotlands wealth, land and inventions etc. for centuries can we put up signs on the border saying, “Welcome to England” MADE IN SCOTLAND!

It’s only fair.

Peace Always


I’ve just made my contribution.

Thank you for everything that you do Rev.

You appear to be the best value that I ever got for my money,
but please ensure that maintain a good standard of living and take the holidays that you need.

We rely on you so much.
I really fear for Scotland and Democracy, if people like you were not around to give us access to the Truth.

£33,000 in already but please don’t stop at the target as all monies are put to very good use throughout the year.


Worth mentioning

Its whatever you can manage or feel comfy with. Times are hard.

Even if its a couple of quid, its still a valuable contribution. Not everyone has access to fifty notes just lying around burning a hole in their pockets.


You have an interesting point there. The NO side will indeed by funded by rich dudes with connections in Saudi Arabia amongst other places. So perhaps the YES side should make a virtue out of being grossly outfunded.

Onyways, 75% funded and still more than 4 hours to go to T-time.


Pennies in!


Tam the Bam. says:

The Herald …. a former vice-chairman of the Scottish Tory party … a campaign illustrating the positive side of Yoonery.

Saw that. Made me laugh.

In IndyRef1 their negativity almost lost it for them. Only when they turned positive with a rosy picture with promises of more powers, equal partnership, and EU, did they turn it around and win.

So the guy is correct, IMO.

However, they’ve had their wee bit of positivity over the future on the Union and they burnt it!

Next time? Vow2s will have bugger all credibility. The Revs recent poll proves even most NOs accept WM reneged. They will have difficulty constructing a positive future case for their Brexit Union within the word limit of a tweet!


@Macart 1:39 pm

“Worth mentioning

Its whatever you can manage or feel comfy with. Times are hard.

Even if its a couple of quid, its still a valuable contribution.”

Also worth mentioning that if you can’t contribute money then you can contribute content – Stu could have Jakey levels of wealth, wouldn’t mean a thing without the BTL stuff that appears here every day of the year 🙂


contribution made. Don’t comment on this website now but read it daily. worth every penny.

Ed t head

That my bit in, should have had a higher target keep up the good work.


The best fiver I will spend this year. Good luck ? and thanks for your hard work in exposing the dark side.


Done – You sir, are a bargain – Thank you


Smallaxe says:


Indeed. Perhaps we can arrange for a big billboard visible from trains using the Channel Tunnel, or around the M25, ‘Financed by Scottish Oil Revenues’.


A few plastic fivers chucked in. Try spending them in Bath, your vileness. 🙂


OK admit it – who else is spending their day hitting the refresh button on the fundraiser page and watching the dosh pour in? 🙂

Every donation – whether £1 or £1000 put in today or over the next month – is most welcome and will be put to good use by the master guff buster Rev Stu. Looking good so far 🙂


Sent off my contribution.
Best journalism and research in today’s politics by a mile.
Worth every penny.



Well said.


The £45k is going to be done & dusted by 6pm IMHO.

I hope you have some more targets to put up Stu – like x amount more pays for a survey; y amount pays for so many wee books, etc etc.

Otherwise the rest of the month might go a bit quiet.

IMHO you need this extra money now – not at the next fund-raiser – because it’ll give you more options/time to plan/get contracts in place/etc and I strongly suspect that people will have less spare cash to contribute in 2018.

Now or never…


@Vestas – agree 100% – This is not going to be a rerun from either sides point of view. It’s more of a challenge to think of what they WOULDN’T do to stop the unicorn breaking the chains this time.

Robert Graham

Morag – fair points I did the same during 2014 , some contributions i wish i hadn’t now , anyway mine is on its way as well ,as much as i can afford just now , everyone needs to know you can contribute anytime to wings not just this one off.
O/T just published the surpluses s held by councils in the region of half a billion pounds ,well f/k me thats a very healthy balance and they have been screaming about Armageddon and pestilence about to visit them are these people on the same planet ? , how much do they want in reserve ? by the looks of it its a bottomless pit .

vlad (not that one )


Similar thoughts here.

I feel the troops are itching for action.

“Keep your powder dry and shoot when you see whites of their eyes” – or something like that – comes to mind.

We live in interesting times.


Marie Clark says:
28 February, 2017 at 11:54 am
Nodgrog @ 11.16. You’ll get a Euro Stars Saltire from The Forward Shop, 186 Argyll Street, Dunoon PA23 8RN. Costs a £5 postage free. I bought one last week and the order came really quickly.

Hope that helps.

Thanks to all I got two at SNP office this afternoon and I made my contribution to Wings.

Grouse Beater

Being keen on financial diplomacy, I’d rather make my donation confidentially without identification or fuss so that nobody knows about it, it will not be made public. Therefore, I am sending it in unmarked, ordinary brown paper parcel – oh crap!


The Rev has dubbed this fundraiser as:

Levelling The Field
Wings Over Scotland – battling with billionaires

It’s always been a very uneven playing field when media barons worth billions, the BBC funded by billions and of course a multitude of extremely wealthy individuals willing to fund propaganda and fake grassroots organisations designed to deceive the voting public.

Our small contributions go much further though than theirs ever could, our contributions are from the heart most of all. That’s why we will win, our passion for Independence exceeds the billionaires passion for money tenfold.

We do what we can and Wings over Scotland is the best value for money we could ever have.

Cheers Rev.


That’s my bit in, and tweeted, so all those on Twitter will do their bit and spread the link out. Reckon the target will be hit before midnight.

I’d definitely like to see a stretch target for written materials.

I’ve just made a start on my 2nd leaflet run for my local (SNP) councillor, he is so organised!


Just sent in my tuppence worth from Western Canada – total already at 37365 – excellent work

Tam the Bam.

I am aware that she and her Cabinet are saying this wont happen but the more I think about it I’m convinced May will call an early General Election.Look at it from her perspective:
1)The Tories(England) are way out in front in the polls (the Copeland result is confirmation they’d ‘romp it.’)
2)It would offer the deflection of attention from Brexit negotiations when they get underway.
3)The date of a second Indyref will also determine just WHEN May will declare a Gen Election so there is going to be a degree of who’s going to blink first in this respect.Thoughts anyone?



Glad you got your flags. Again something only made possible by a fundraiser by Ayemail another Winger.

11,000 flags bought and paid for last summer by small donations and distributed between Yes groups totally free to either give away or raise funds for the group.

It’s amazing how much the little guy or gal can achieve with very little money when we club together. We bring so much more to the Independence cause though than just money. That’s the weakness of the moneybags No side. No heart just money.


*cough* 83% now, not that I was looking, oh no.

From the fundraiser: “It’s anything we manage to raise over and above that figure that we can put into the fighting fund for stuff like printing and distributing enough Wee Blue Books to turn 45% into 51%.

It’s not “just” the Wee Blue Books though. That last Panelbase poll is still being quoted, some of the extra not normal questions, similar to ScotCen’s old SSAS, and when the link is clicked, even if Wings isn’t mentioned, the page it goes to says “commissioned” by Wings Over Scotland or summat like’t. It really is mainstream. So next time WOS commissions a poll, it too will be quoted.

Oh, 84% while I typed this.


Almost £38,000!

*gets out Scottish Labour calculator*

That MUST mean about 21,000 people have contributed!

I’ll donate this evening but I’m guessing by that point it will be past the 100% target! Wonderful!

Graf Midgehunter

Anyone know if there’s a list of YES shops where anyone outside of Scotland can buy stuff? Thanks in advance. 🙂


Done ,money well spent


@ Tam the Bam 2:26 pm :

“I am aware that she and her Cabinet are saying this wont happen but the more I think about it I’m convinced May will call an early General Election.Look at it from her perspective:
1)The Tories(England) are way out in front in the polls (the Copeland result is confirmation they’d ‘romp it.”

Labour would undoubtably be the losers in England if this happened but why would the Maybot do this? She has a majority of 16, a supine/servile opposition party (Labour) and the SNP in the palace of westminster. She can ignore them all, safe in the knowledge that Labour value the union above all else.

An election would cause uncertainty – she’ll call one when the press have trumpeted the final (bad) Brexit deal to the heavens. Or more likely drag it out to the end.


@Graf Midgehunter

You can buy stuff from link to a fantastic resource and one of the most dedicated Indy supporters there is.


A2 I have recently complained to Indiegogo about not accepting Scotland as the country of residence. If lots of us do it maybe they will get it sorted!


Mustn’t forget link to well worth a visit and another big Wings supporter.




This is fun. Contributed my fiver


Northern Ireland elections – Trigger Article 50 – Indyref2 announced.
Can they cope? Or will the DIVIDE & RULE strategy be reversed. It would be nice to see the RightWhingers squirm.



My apologies, the post that I placed in answer to your own about banking corruption has not appeared, possibly because I put on a link to a website. Short version, I keep enough cash in my local Building Society to keep the household running, my savings I keep in precious metals as they always hold an intrinsic value whatever the market does.

Paper money or figures on a computer can disappear overnight.Like your good self, I do not trust any bank.

Peace Always my Friend

Dave McEwan Hill

Graf Midgehunter at 2.34

The Forward Shop (YES Cowal) 186 Argyll Street,Dunoon, PA23 7HA
has stuff and will be expanding as soon as the starting pistol is fired.


@ MsDidi 2:45 pm

“A2 I have recently complained to Indiegogo about not accepting Scotland as the country of residence. If lots of us do it maybe they will get it sorted!”

I’m afraid you won’t.

Banking licences are granted on a UK-wide basis and have a code indicating that. As such England/NI/Wales/Scotland are essentially the same area for banks/CC companies.

You might get a “vanity change” on the website though 🙂

indyref2 is the only real solution….


O/T Denying Scotland a second independence ref would be

Angus McNeil MP talks to RT
link to

link to



On the earlier thread entitled “A Trivial Omission“ I posted a couple of things from George Lakoff (former Professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley) concerning framing and messaging in politics.

As I have been digging deeper, just found out that in 2012 Lakoff published something called: “The Little Blue Book: The Essential Guide to Thinking and Talking Democratic”. Good title eh!

And here is Lakoff on CNN briefly explaining his analysis of Trump’s media tactics and how to counter them, including how ‘fact checking’ and refutation are not enough – will not be effective in changing views if communicated within the same ‘frame’ (apologies – my attempt at providing an archived link failed):

link to

No more on Lakoff from me – at least for a while!


@ Smallaxe 2:52 pm :


My apologies, the post that I placed in answer to your own about banking corruption has not appeared, possibly because I put on a link to a website. Short version, I keep enough cash in my local Building Society to keep the household running, my savings I keep in precious metals as they always hold an intrinsic value whatever the market does.”

Mmmm and on that last part I’d remind you of such “Masters of the Universe” moments like Gordon Brown selling gold. If you wanted your money back you’d have to wait a few years IIRC.

Anyway I made one decent financial decision in my life & that was getting an “offset mortgage” due to Standard Life being somewhat economical with the truth on endowments.

The tl;dr of it all is we pay 0.8% interest now (the savings rate) on a fair amount of credit we can draw on for other things. They stopped doing these products post-2008 but we’re keeping this one open until we move/2026 🙂 I’m sure they’d LOVE us to move….

The rest of my financial decisions are probably best described as “oh well…” to “fuck, really, that bad..” 🙂

Graf Midgehunter

@ Thepnr

Many thanks for the info. Ayemail and Saltire Customs have some very good stuff but neither has Yes or Eu flags. 🙁

@ David McEwan Hill

Does YES Cowal have an Email address?

Conan the Librarian

Who else is waiting until it’s at £44,950? :))

Robert Louis

Stewartb at 312pm,

That is a VERY important video which you have highlighted. It is wholly applicable to the indyref, since as we know the arguments used by the anti independence campaign were generally a pack of wholly DEMONSTRABLE lies.

Every person and politician involved in indyref needs to see and understand that video.

I’ve linked to it again here, since I think it is so important. We will need to be as smart as possible for the indy referendum due to be announced. No shoddy interviews this time around.

link to


@Grouse Beater 2.17


I’m officially feeling both inadequate and insecure at this point.

I couldn’t even afford the brown paper… 🙁

Bill Hume

Done. Perhaps more at the end, depending on how my piggy bank is doing.


Graf Midgehunter says
“Many thanks for the info. Ayemail and Saltire Customs have some very good stuff but neither has Yes or Eu flags. ?”

Ah but did you ask or just look at the Ayemail store page? Ayemail was the indy group that supplied us all with EU & Yes flags some time ago. I’d be surprised if Lindsay has run out of them. You need to use the contact form at Ayemail.


Well this is indeed news

link to


I’ve said many times I believe Bella and The National to be one and the same, both in terms of views and writers. As both have struggled for funding it makes sense to pool their resources as they target the same market.

I hope it doesn’t take any readers away from iScot which in my view is a better read and doesn’t get half the promotion that Bella gets.


There goes The National if Bella is involved.

FS, money talks indeed 🙁


@Graf Midgehunter

If your struggling to get an EU-Scotalnd flag you can buy them here:

link to

I’d do what Lollysmum suggested though and contact Ayemail first.

Robert Louis

I just hope Bella don’t re-start trying to divide the pro indy movement again.


Agree. Framing is of huge importance. I’d be surprised if SNP strategists aren’t aware of this but you never know. Certainly the YES2 movement need to get to grips with it.


It is good news Nana, hope it delivers!


Paid by direct bank transfer, no 10% transaction fee, no bother. Lets get ready to rumble!

Johannah Buchan

Thanks Bob Mack & Proud Cybernat & anyone else who’s reply I haven’t seen. I will give your suggestions a go if I can. Unfortunately I don’t get out much.


Bella with anyone….I have Ma doubts!
I hope to be surprised but the anti SNP range s at Bella in the last 12 months don’t give rise to optimism. I want Independence in order to shape Scotland. Bella was telling me what shape it would be.

Proud Cybernat

“It’s now or never.”

If we lose the next IndyRef it will not end our quest for independence. I doubt anything will end that quest for most of us here know that the goal of independence is not an end in iteslef; its purpose is to allow us to achieve a fairer, inclusive, progressive and more just society. Most of us here also understand that this will NEVER happen in the UK–it just won’t. So I, for one, will NEVER give up on the objective of independence to achieve the ultimate goal–a better country than the one we are attached to.

If we lose again, I will simply pick myself up, dust myself down and start again; campaigning to win hearts and minds for IndyRef New New. As many others have stated before me–independence for this country of ours is no longer a ‘nice to have’ – it has become absolutely essential. If we are to avoid the catastrophic future that awaits an isolated UK then we simply must do this; and if we don’t do it this time, then we KEEP ON GOING.

Sure, Indy might be set back for five or ten years if Indy2 is lost (which, incidentally, I do not think will happen) but we must never stop campaigning. We do not know what opportunities might unexpectedly present themselves for, as they say, a week is a long time in politics.

And another thing–if, after a second defeat, the Yoons think we will pack up our bags and forget it for good, then that thought will only galvanise them into the “One final push” mentallity to get all their supporters out to finally defeat our movement for good.

NEVER going to happen.

We must tell the yoons LOUD and PROUD – win, lose or draw Indy2 – we won’t be going anywhere; that we will STILL BE HERE fighting for the only possible way this country can get the best possible future for all its citizens.

Oh – and they can be absolute certain of another thing. Any more of their cheating, breaking purdah, Vow-style lies and broken promises and they can be absolutely CERTAIN that IndyRef 3 will be along in very short order. If they want us to “respect the result” then they had better damn well RESPECT THE RULES.

Still here. Still fighting. Won’t be going away any time soon – and then some if need be.

Graf Midgehunter

@ Lollysmum

I checked the Ayemail store and they only advertised one flag from something called Wings Over Scotland (whoever they are..?) 🙂

If my memory doesn’t fail me again, I did ask Lindsy last Summer if he still had YES flags but he said they were all gone, a lot to YES shops.

I have very good contacts to the Frankfurt “Clan Pipers”, Germanys oldest pipe band and some Yes flags would be very welcome to say the least. 😉

link to


Donated and will add more over the next week.

Without the Rev we would be in a right pickle inundated with lies and spin . Many thanks to you and all at Wings for keeping the Flag flying .

bet the MSM are fuming at the amounts being donated …… that’s another Union dividend we get for free.

get it right up you’se unionists … Scotlands day is coming




Peace, Solidarity and Friendship will get us there.

Peace Always my Friend

Ps Not forgetting the Rev. Stu and his Hammer of Truth!



Let’s see how it pans out. We need all platforms out there about now and if titles and authors can put differences aside for the big picture, so much the better.

All outlets need to focus on who the true bad guy is and its not each other.

Or we get them all in a room and have Nana give them a telling. 🙂


National/Bella. Ok, they are on the right side of the fence.

However there is always way too much opinion saying we need to be thinking about what kind of Scotland we want .

No we bloody well don’t!

First we need to get into a position where we can actually decide what kind of Scotland we want!

Right now we need to be pursuading people to take hold of that decision making power. To what ends we exercise that power can be thrashed out among ourselves after Indy.

No Indy, no change.


@Proud Cybernat

Totally agree. I do not understand this now or never attitude. I want to be positive about the result but my views won’t change with defeat at another referendum and I will continue to vote for any party who stands on that platform.

What happens next is would be up to us. We have been too easily influenced by external factors – what happened to the Quebecois, for example.



Well I was looking to get one of Rev’s hammers, lol

I remain open to new ventures therefore I will wait and see. However once bitten….


Someone give Conan a shout that’s 99%. 🙂

Graf Midgehunter

It’s the final countdown for the 100%

5 – 4 – 3 –




I believe it.


£45k target met during working hours in 7.5 hours.


Lets see what the evening brings…

Graf Midgehunter

@ Thepnr

Thanks for the Flag Shop info – that’s perfect. 🙂


God bless you Rev. That’s my contribution in and worth every penny, WOS has never been as important as now.

schrodingers cat

bingo, 100%


For those who like History last year’s appeal of £40k was reached at 20.08. ( hears squeals from Morningside)


WOW. Reached the target before tea time with less than a thousand donations. Let’s see how quickly we can double it.


And target, in 7½ hours!


So that’s it over the line by 16:30. Now for the icing…


Done! Brilliant effort every one!! 🙂 🙂


Reached the target before tea time with less than a thousand donors. Let’s see how quickly we can double it

People Carrier

stewartb says:
28 February, 2017 at 3:12 pm

link to

Agree entirely with others regarding this video Stewart, great link, thanks.

It is a definite method for dealing with the nonsense e.g. £15b deficit, O&G revenues etc.

We need to be clever about the re-framing approach. Many of our fellow citizens might need quite a bit of historical ‘reframing’ to facilitate their acceptance of the reframed narrative. Best it’s kept simple. Potentially, the YES movement could provide bullet points for reframing the specific arguments employed by the Unionists e.g. racism, trade with UK greater than EU etc. Ultimately, the final points should aim to articulate a positive vision for a future Scotland and not just to negate the Unionist keich.

Really interesting link.


I totally agree with ScottishPysche and Proud Cybernat we will never give up, whatever it takes, the empire is finished, move on yoons ,history is not on your side. Indy 2 is just a battle in war, that we will win.


I really want the brolly, but no matter how I fill in the form, it says ‘no perk’?


Interestingly the PhD student who doesn’t understand statistics, as in if you slag of followers of a political party voted of by 50% of the electorate in a country where the preponderance are white then the most likely outcome is that those telling you to get to fuck will be white, is at a book launch next week. Being the centre of controversy might give that a wee bit of a boost.

Obviously the best thing for anyone pro independence is to ensure absolutely nothing happens to her. Not even an egg. We do not need any stupid wanker giving us a bad name or any more mileage to the scots nationalists are all racists meme.

Admittedly the man being told to fuck of by other men bit might have a bit to do with gender politics. I’ll give her that. Nothing to do with them being white though.

Marie Clark

Hmm, the National/Bella. Think I’ll reserve judgement on this one.I must admit I’m no too keen on the idea, gave up on Bella a long time ago.

I swithered with the National before SG elections with all the support for split your vote with Rise getting some very unwarranted publicity. Much good it did them, but I was really unhappy about it.

I hope I’m proved wrong, but I might just become one less National reader. Oh dear.



I think you will find the innocent phd student featured in a better together broadcast during indy 1. The whole thing has been contrived by ( fill in person of choice).

It was a trap laid by the papers to get reaction. She is more politically aware than you think, or just very gullible.


O/T but well done with the funding.

Decided to remove my Guardian account, have been reading since 1974 but the manufactured Scottish story regarding racism is the final straw. It was amusing to see the headline appear on Wings Twitter before it appeared in the Guardian.

Graf Midgehunter

Freddy Mercury sends congrats:

link to

Bill Dale

The video referenced by Stewart offers one of the best explanations of reframing to counteract False News, otherwise known as Lies! Here is a possible example:

1. Frame with the truth, e.g. the SNP is funded principally by over 120,000 members.

2. State what the other party is trying to divert attention from: e.g. In order to divert attention from the low number of members of the Labour Party in Scotland, as well as the billionaire funding of anti-Independence campaigns, Kezia Dugdale wrongly stated that the SNP was mainly funded by donations from millionaires.

3. Repeat the frame of the truth: e.g. Published accounts for the SNP show that the members of the SNP provide the bulk of the SNP revenue, and such donations as were made in the past from millionaires have not been made since 2014.

This is my quick and dirty attempt to provide an example, but it is clear that this needs to be done for every topic to expose the lies and smears and leave a positive impression.


Ignore my previous comment as I figured it out.
Brolly ordered. 🙂


On the subject of framing (a subject we need to keep talking about),
One of the most effective and ruinous pieces of framing is about the deficit.

It’s one that urgently needs addressed.

link to


Delighted to chip in again this year. Many thanks to Rev Stu, Chris, backroom folk and all the contributors who make Wings such a success.

The more the unionists (Scots or otherwise) are prepared to demean, belittle, threaten, insult, lie to or plain ignore Scotland, the more convinced I become that our struggle is justified. My hope is that next time we get a lot more than just the 51% needed, so that the message comes over loud, clear and unequivocal.

stu mac

@Proud Cybernat

Well said – this is something I have been feeling on seeing some worrier type posts. You have expressed it very well. As long as the UK continues down it right-ward centralising path there will always be a strong case for independence and I believe many will not give up even at a 2nd defeat, especially as we know that many of those who vote NO do so not out of deep conviction of the rightness of their stance but out of fear and misinformation generated by the UK establishment who just hate the idea of ordinary people having a real say in how their country is run.

stu mac

@Marie Clark says

The point about the National is that it is a (relatively) highly visible pro-Independence outlet in a sea of anti-Independence media. The fact that it is pro-Independence, regardless of its faults, is important. Too many folk are otherwise likely to think, “no paper supports Independence, must mean there is no case for it”. It’s very existence, even if it could be a lot better, is at least a challenge to that.

I will say re the Bella C. thing is it would be good if from time to time the National gave some publicity to many of the other various pro-Indy web outlets, perhaps by offering to publish an article to lead writers from each and giving their URL. That would be good in helping to spread the word and extend the variety of pro-Indy viewpoints offered.

David S. Briggs

Some folk seem to be under the misapprehension that 45k is the target. It’s notional and at least 100k and more, is probably what Stu is looking for. Every penny is well spent and there is a month of donating to collect a dragons golden hoard.

Don’t be shy.

The Rough Bounds

Morag @1.10pm.

I agree also with Morag. I sent £500 over a couple of years to the Yes campaign and by the end of it I was convinced that the Yes Campaign had been badly infiltrated by Unionists and No supporters.

The Yes leaflets were dreadful and the most uninspiring things I have ever seen. They misplaced two of my cheques and one of my brother’s. (the cheques did eventually turn up) As I recall they closed the office at around 5pm and weren’t open at the weekends. Blair Jenkins had about as much vim and smeddum about him as cold mince. A nice guy but he was the wrong man for the job.

If this next campaign were to run along the same lines we would really be struggling. If it weren’t for this site and the inspiration I draw from most of the contributions, written and financial, I would just shrug and get on with my gardening.

Top marks to the Rev. With Wings we might just do it.

Kevin Brown

Just chipped in.
Looking forward to wearing my new hat!
Took it just past the £50,000 mark too.
Is this even faster than usual?
Keep up the great work!


Wow! £50,630 now…

Greta stuff all…


Rev, threw in a few quid. Happy to fund you for another year and to combat the shit that’s already coming down the pipe. You do a fantastic job and the yoons hate you for it. That just makes my payment to you all the better. Keep on keeping on.

O/T Reading more and more accounts of EU nationals being threatened with deportation which is absolutely f@€&ing unbelievable given that Theresa Trump hasn’t even given the Article 50 notice yet! What diplomatic assistance has been given to these people by their respective embassies? Why haven’t any UK ambassadors been expelled from EU capitals? Under normal circumstances, if a country behaved in such a way it would be subject to some kind of sanction by the international community. Why aren’t they deporting British migrants from France, Germany , Spain etc? I have a feeling all hell is about to be released once A50 happens.


Wow! £50,630 now. Well done everyone.

Conan the Librarian


Missed it, bugger.

Been looking at Severin’s latest shite on the Graun – there’s no comments so folk naturally went on “How can we tackle hate crime with four school systems?” (You know, the one with “hate” in the title picturing a wee lassie with saltire face paint on. Subtle Graun.)

There’s been heavy moderation. We must be getting to them 🙂

Flying Scotsman

OT Just read morag on wings twitter saying everyone will need to pitch in to get the WBB out to everyone this time around.
So if you are responsible for putting out WBB in Lanarkshire and need assistance,please let me know.


The Bella/National thing is a bit confusing.
Where did they get the cash from for this and with council elections coming up look out for big promotion of SSP, Greens,RISE.


Claire Heuchen, claims Scottish nationalist abused her on Twitter, she felt so scared she closed her account, says the Graun.

Of course it is all “not” a coincidence that Claire Heuchen, who describes herself on prior Twitter accounts as “British and Proud” should suddenly come under attack, 48 hours after the Labour London mayor, outed himself as a racist.

I can’t find any of the so called offending Tweets, nor have I evidence that the police are involved.


The fundraiser site has been buffering for the last 10 mins. Nothing appearing. I’m guessing it’s just busy as folk get back from work.

I’ll try again later.


Can’t access the Wings fundraiser page now for the last 10 minutes. Anyone else have difficulty?



Good grief! They’re really going to keep on digging that hole.

They made an arse of themselves and instead of either apologising or letting it lie and move on quietly, they’re determined to compound the fuckwittery.

You’ve got to wonder just what kind of UK they expect to get out of such a narrative? Do they think they’re encouraging any kind of societal unity, trust or empathy?

What they’re indulging in is reckless stupidity beyond belief.

Lenny Hartley

Thepnr looks like the Rev has broke Indygogo 🙂