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Wings Over Scotland

This just in

Posted on February 17, 2014 by

Another leaked poster from our “Better Together” mole.


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Better Together – Lacking Porpoise!


Calgacus MacAndrews


John Kerr

What would you MAKO that?

Okay, I’m leaving.


Scotland can’t have the squid


Stick on a derelict oil rig because if you vote yes Scots oil runs dry, next year! All £1.5 trillion of it, at $100/barrel


I think the facts show the the UK is not £1.5 Trillion but nearer to a Megalodon in debt.


Dr No.

Or: How I Learned To Jump The Shark And Love The Union!


Norman Smith repeatedly saying that Carney and Barossos statements are damaging Salmond. Don’t know about Barosso, but he is misrepresenting Carney I think.


Oh I get it, now that Salmond has rubbished Osbornes statement on the pound, the BBC is now making it that it was Carneys statement on the pound that Salmond is responding to. Duh?

john king

“but he is misrepresenting Carney I think.”



Abducted by aliens and subject to anal probing…that’s nothing, try bombing scottish airports, not allowed to use money, not allowed in EU, no Dr Who, no oil, no defence, no culture and the best one convincing folk they’re too stupid to run their own country. No Bilderberg group could do that.

Murray McCallum

Roy Scheider


Something Wicker This Way Comes.


Typical BT – Faceless!!!

Liz Quinn

Have this minute cancelled my TV licence after that nasty comment from Norman Smith. I will no longer pay for their propaganda.


Is that “Flipper” Darling in the water?


Misreporting Scotland gave a 2 sec clip of the Salmond speech the Glen Campbell and flipper told us the way it is.


Vote No BBC online coverage of Salmond speech included dozens of vote NO anti Indy tweets. At the very least, the BBC in Scotland never fails to live down to vote NO bias expectations.


Watched BBC news at One and was very surprised at Brian Taylors analysis which pretty much called it how it was, and then normal service was resumed with some English commentator trying to dismiss the whole thing using disinformation based on Carney and Barroso.

Utterly disgraceful reporting.



Good news: Launch of Academics for Yes

link to

Murray McCallum

Wasn’t Norman Smith the BBC political correspondent who bigged up Alistair “Help Me Rhona” Carmichael as a bit of an “in your face”, terrier of a political opponent.

Why is he still being allowed to comment on Scottish political issues?

Why don’t the BBC just ask a turnip or something, thereby reducing the likelihood of poor public information?

G H Graham


Took a peek at the shortlist of scare stories at

link to

which probably could benefit from an update to include the latest guff from Osborne regarding the Pound Sterling.

But my favourite so far comes from the FCO (Foreign & Commonwealth Office) in its response to the threat of Scottish independence …

“Scots abroad could also be put at greater risk of “child abduction, forced marriage or crime” through the loss of the UK’s consular assistance …”.

So any Glaswegians planning their annual trip to Benidorm in July might be advised to take their knife collection with them.

Les Wilson

Our real danger is not all the negatives that BT et al, put out there. Our biggest danger is BEING IN a currency union.
The UK debt is unparalleled and is unsustainable and it is going up rapidly. Scotland, in a currency union would be dragged into any UK default. Which is a distinct possibility.

You will never hear much about it from Gideon, Wee Balls, or the Red Rodent, why, they are scared shitless by it, but cannot control their spending, any major problem WILL involve us if in the Currency Union, although not our debt.

Here are the WORLD DEBT clocks, look carefully.(every day)
link to


George Osborne, the Thresher of the Scots.


Oh What is the point of it all.

Too many in the establishment are agin us. There’s no hope.

I think I’ll go and eat worms ( Dramatic flounce )!

Sokay, the betterNO’s just think that we are a load of twoyr olds that stamp our feet and demand attention and can be put to bed.

Boy, are they in for shock!


Barroso has said nothing new. Just like the recycling of the pension story and the various other Better Together stock scare stories. They have nothing in the locker. It must be just about time for a Defence related pavement pizza from our choooms over at Bitter central.


Norman Smith going one step further and suggesting that Scottish people should now be thinking to themselves, can they now trust A.S. They are really going for it now the BBC and they are suggesting to people that they should have a think whether they trust their only democratically elected Gov and its leader.


Those two little fish in Scotland’s pond, Salmond and Sturgeon, must be really under thresher now.

Well done, George. Bravo!

G H Graham

Salmond: Here’s currency Plan A. There are alternatives but we’re proposing plan A, cos independent economic experts advise that for now, it’s the best plan for everyone.

Osborne: We don’t like currency Plan A.

Salmond: We’re sticking with Plan A. It’s in everyone’s best interests to consider Plan A. By the way, there is no Plan B.

Darling: Salmond doesn’t have a currency plan.

Salmond: Here it is. It’s called Plan A.

Darling: Salmond doesn’t have a Plan A. What is plan B?

Salmond: Here it is. It’s called Plan A.

Darling: Salmond doesn’t have a Plan A. What is plan B?

Groundhog Day for Darling.



So it looks like this evening that folk will no get to hear much of Salmonds speech today and will basically be told by the BBC what their interpretation is and feed that down voters throats, supported of course by carefully selected pundits and wall to wall flipper and Co.

Another job well done BBC.



gerry parker

Back to what’s happening at ground level. Just been to an event in the Iron Burgh with Alex Neil making a short speech than taking questions. Obvious that the scare stories aren’t working. Good range of questions from the floor though only around 40 or so there. Not too bad for a wed day in Coatbridge. Actually spoke to a few Airdrie people at the event too. Coatbridge and Airdrie people happily socialising in the same room! We’re definitely going to win this.

Barbara Watson

I’m just back from the Bank, I also cancelled my TV licence. I’ve really had enough of the State Broadcasting propaganda. I had a look at some of the comments on AS speech today, it is sickening to say the least. I’m not feeling the love from rUK. I hope that this latest assault on Independence leaves us in no doubt that we should not eneter into any agreement with rUK. Let them have their £ by all accounts it will sink like a stone in no time.


They are really going for it now the BBC and they are suggesting to people that they should have a think whether they trust their only democratically elected Gov and its leader.

When asked to pick who they trust more, the Scottish electorate always pick Holyrood / the Scottish Government by a big margin.

Only to be expected; it’s their government.

Inbhir Anainn

Better Together and their main man flipper perhaps he suffers badly frae hammerheads (haemorrhoids).

Ian Brotherhood

What did Norman Smith say that got folk so angry?


When asked to pick who they trust more, the Scottish electorate always pick Holyrood / the Scottish Government by a big margin.

Only to be expected; it’s their government

Indeed. The arguments about currency union and Europe are unwinnable (for both sides), but they do not have to be won. We just have to stand our ground and refuse BT the space to attack. Both sides will probably batter each other to a standstill on these two issues long before 18th September, when people finally vote, according to personal/national identity and/or a measure of trust in Holyrood or Westminster governance.



re: ‘Is that “Flipper” Darling in the water?’

Yip…and also Ed ‘Yellow’ Balls


Dam i wish i payed the TV licence so i could cancel too, oh well just have to be happy ive only ever paid one year of the licence fee.



Bugger (the Panda)

TJenny says:

BtP says Mopre wine.


BtP – What kind of wine is Mopre? Anyway, have one for me. 🙂


BtP – Mopre = Typo or kind of wine? Anyway have one for me (if it’s nice). 🙂

Original comment disappeared. 🙁

bald eagle

what are you!s getting angry about what happend
and who is norman smith

t jenny i have canceled your tv licence for you you can thank me later


Interesting take on todays poll by The Herald. Cant read the full thing as I don’t give them my dosh anymore. It suggests folk want a plan B funnily enough.


Announce a Scottish currency pegged to Sterling in the run up to the referendum, then as regards the debt, use the old MSM weasel words of ”might”, ”could” or ”may” take on part of the debt, depending on negotiations over assets.

If we drive up the YES vote in the polls, some nice uncertainty for the markets may work wonders.

You and My Comb

I think Blair Jenkins began the game of squeezing UKOK in the article shared with the dark side at the weekend. He said something like ‘using the £ wouldn’t be a good idea in the event of no Currency Union’. Doesn’t appear to have been picked up much but I wonder if that will be the Yes position as we go forward. They will remain committed to CU, point to options outlined in White Paper and shake their heads worryingly about using £ if no CU.


Why has the BBC not picked up the statement on AVIVA, as they don’t appear on their list on their website.

Could it be that they make their rival, Standard Life, look pathetic?

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