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Wings Over Scotland

They can’t help themselves

Posted on October 07, 2013 by

Defence Secretary Phillip Hammond on independence in the Mail on Sunday:

“It is a real dagger poised at the heart of Scotland’s industrial infrastructure.”

And here’s our old pal Adolf “One Nation” Hitler in 1938, before his first invasion:

“Czechoslovakia is a dagger pointed at the heart of Germany.”

It’s looking increasingly as if someone at “Better Together” got a copy of “Speak Like A Nazi” for their birthday. We await their increased abrasiveness with some concern.

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Solidarity, Rev! 

Graeme R

A Tory minister warning the people of Scotland about our industrial infrastructure?? Is that the industrial infrastructure his party shredded in the 1980’s? The sheer brass neck on him.


Truly they really are the nasty party. I think that’s what I mean?
Still, the harder they come, the harder they fall, one and all.
By the way loved the Bechet yesterday, always one cd in the car for those long drives up to Sutherland. Fair lifted the heart.


Tories appear to have extremely short memories of the devestation they wrought on Scottish infrastructure.
I have family in Cumbernauld and I remember seeing first hand the changing face of Ravenscraig as the train would pass by the facility on route from Springburn.

Murray McCallum

Ah, this is all making sense. Czechoslovakia, like Scotland, provided Lebensraum.
Scots after all can’t govern themselves, run their economy or defend themselves.

Shanghai Scot

Moore is out, replaced by Carmichael, is it significant.?


What can be said about Hammond that the UK military have not already said?

Murray McCallum

Hammond’s natural use of right wing dialogue borrowed from history is quite timely given Lord Robertson’s recent assertion in Dundee that “Catalonia and Flanders have language and culture. We [Scotland] don’t have any of that.”
The Better Together League seem to be assaulting every aspect of Scottish identity and capability.


What was the quote that Reinhard Heydrich used again about independence?  Is this a deliberate plan by BT to use Nazi language against the Yes campaign?  It comes a week after Lamont’s infamous “virus” comments.  If so then it is fucking mental…


Godwins law states the longer a discussion continues the more likely a comparison with the Nazis is likely to occur. Usually pointing this out is enough to silence them.


@Muttley re Reinhard Heydrich
“Deprive the people of their National Consciousness, treat them as a tribe and not a Nation, dilute their National pride, do not teach their history, propagate their language as inferior, imply they have a cultural void, emphasise  their customs are primitive and dismiss independence as a barbaric anomaly”

On the Germanisation of Czechoslovakia.

Anything there ring any bells? 


Thanks.  The quote is not exactly reassuring is it?


These feckers are becoming seriously more disturbing by the day. ‘A dagger at the heart of…’ Really, who thinks that using almost direct quotes from the nazi propaganda releases is a brilliant plan? Worse they don’t seem to have a problem with that.


““Deprive the people of their National Consciousness, treat them as a tribe and not a Nation, dilute their National pride, do not teach their history, propagate their language as inferior, imply they have a cultural void, emphasise  their customs are primitive and dismiss independence as a barbaric anomaly”
That’s been going on here for decades or centuries. It hasn’t work, has it?


My Grandad was born and brought up with the Gaelic language but caned at school for using it. Turned him into an early supporter of the SNP and independence. It’s as much for him and people like him I’ll be putting that cross in the Yes box as for us in the present and future generations.


@ Cath.
When I hear Robertson et al pouring forth verbal excreta and when I hear their words reiterated there are times when I think it is a damn close run thing.

Arbroath 1320

Sorry Stu I couldn’t help myself here. :D:
Question is
do we prefer the NO camp reading “Speak like a Nazi”
do we prefer the NO camp “Walking like an Egyptian”

David McEwan Hill

It is an accelerating process on the Better Together side -the inevitable and irreversible result of defending the indefensible, of having no constructive case which makes it impossible for impressive leadership to develop or exist. In the Scottish Parliament the LDs are already reduced to being led by a garden gnome, the Tories by a wee lassie who couldn’t even manage second place in her seat at election and by a succession of Labour figures each less able than the predecessor. The procees continues 


@muttley79, Mosstrooper, Macart, Cath
I agree that the quote from Reinhard Heydrich precisely fits how Scotland and her people are treated by Westminster.  I think especially of Ken Macintosh insisting that teaching Scottish history in Scottish schools is parochial.  Do you think that the No voters really believe that Scotland can’t run her own affairs or is there something here that we are missing?  Are they afraid that in the event of as No vote in 2014 all the Yes voters may have to have a period of re-education (or more) in a nice camp in the country?  The language of the jackboot is very scary.  I hope I’m wrong.


Post any no vote the policies of the UK will be decided as per usual by the vote of the middle England electorate. This same electorate as we speak have the Tories on equal pegging with Labour for a 2015 GE win. That pretty much says it all. They’re happy with welfare reforms, don’t seem too bothered by the criminalising of the poor, love to break out the flags for any old national knees up and clearly back Westminster’s foreign policy.
Hell yes, I’m bloody terrified. 😮


The Tories and  the military intlellect  that is the Hammond – surely the gift that keeps on giving !!!!

wee jamie

Industrial infrastructure ? what’s that daddy ? did we used tae huv that when you were wee in the 70’s ?

wee jamie

Aye son , then England went and voted fur an auld tory cow called thatcher !!

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