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Wings Over Scotland

Quoted for irony

Posted on September 24, 2013 by

In a piece entitled “Scottish Labour leader says nationalism is a virus”, the Courier yesterday reported that Johann Lamont’s speech to the Labour conference “appeared to allude to the European 20th century fascist movement”.


And it did, although perhaps not in the way the Courier probably meant.

“The discovery of the Jewish virus is one of the greatest revolutions that has taken place in the world. The battle in which we are engaged today is of the same sort as the battle waged, during the last century, by Pasteur and Koch. How many diseases have their origin in the Jewish virus! We shall regain our health only by eliminating the Jew.” (Adolf Hitler, February 1942)

Lamont’s attack doesn’t warn of fascism – it steals its language wholesale, for the exact same purpose (of vilifying opponents as sub-humans), and in much the same way that Labour, led in this particular case by Lamont, have stolen that of the Tories.

It’s ugly stuff. But maybe that’s the real reason she’s dyed her hair so blonde.

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Love the photo edit – fanatastic!


Ein nation, ein reich, ein volk. NO to foreigners!


god she really is awful isnt she!

Robert Louis

So proof, if proof were needed, of the lack of coherent thought within the head of Johan Lamont.  Do you think she will even understand what it is that she has done?  Or will somebody have to sit and go through it with her, step by step?

Robert Louis

Exactly.  Sums up ONE NATION Labour and what that really means.

Donald MacDonald

Despicable woman. Despicable Party. Despicable politics.
I must go and be sick…


Looking at the image above, it is just as well JL does not have black hair and a funny moustache.  I have definately seen and heard very something similar before.  Spitting image.  The language is certainly familiar.


What a thoroughly nasty piece of work she is.


If that right hand was raised ever so slightly…..
scarey stuff!


I was actually having a wee look around for actual Nazi “virus” quotes, but didn’t have any luck. Well done, Rev.


Bet they don’t argue that nationalism is a virus when it comes to an EU in/out vote.
If they do,England will punish them at the polls.


I wonder what the hell she was thinking…I suspect some of the more sophisticated Labour folk might be wondering the same thing. Of course the Labour organs in Scotland notably the BBC will undoubtedly give her a free ride.  


Senator John McCain, former Republican presidential candidate who lost to Obama also described the Arab spring pro-democracy movements as a virus. “This virus is spreading,” he said.
Take on the establishment and this is the result.


So at the very least one third of the Scottish electorate are now considered to be a virus by Lamont. The woman seems to be dangerously deranged and it doesn’t bode well for Scottish politics if she continues with this sort of extreme language. Not a good day for democracy.


Forgive me Rev, slighty O/T ….I know Scottish_Skier alluded to it (but based abroad i have seen none of the party “highlights”) I did catch a quick glimpse of the Union flag behind Ed which had a minuscule amount of blue in it.
One nation, really did look like the flag of St George.

Murray McCallum

Well maybe New Labour have a long term strategy after all. Renewing the anchluss and vilifying all who stand in the way of the One Nation.

Craig P

A few lines from a poem:

Information is the virus now
the ballot-fouling killer pox.
Our keyboards are the carriers now
McCrone is out the box.


Read an article recently when Johann Lamont was interviewed and the writer said Johann “visibly bristles” at the mention of Alex Salmond’s name – what inspires such hatred.


Equally worrying, I haven’t come across one journalist yet who’s taken it upon themselves to treat this comment with the utter disgust it deserves.
The language from Curran and Lamont is disgusting.

simian hoofer of the daily mail

Very apt i would say.

Albert Herring

I think you’re all being awfy unkind to poor wee Jo. She doesn’t actually write this pish, she only reads it out.

Elizabeth Sutherland

Would my Yes badge now be seen as the Star of David patch?

simian hoofer of the daily mail

Nasty woman even the lowest of the low wouldn’t use such inflammatory language. it just proves how rattled and fearful her stairheid and the rest of the liebour aparatchniks are.

Ian Mackay

Don’t give her ideas! Imagine her next speech, mined from Hitler’s speeches, replacing the word Jew with Nationalist:

The discovery of the Nationalist virus is one of the greatest revolutions that has taken place in the world. The battle in which we are engaged today is the same sort as the battle waged during the last century by Thatcher and Blair. How many countries have their origins in the Nationalist virus! We shall regain Scotland only by eliminating the Scottish Nationalist.


If I am ever really in power, the destruction of the Nationalists will be my first and most important job.

but maybe not:

There was a time when the Nationalists in Scotland also laughed at my prophecies. I do not know whether they are still laughing today, or whether they have been cured of laughter. But take my word for it: they will stop laughing everywhere.


And people still vote Labour in Scotland.  I think we all know the media reaction if a Yesser had said anything like she did. The level of toxicity Better Together are bringing to this debate can only mean one thing – they’re bricking it big time. Now if only some big-named fence sitters see the way the wind is blowing and jump on board or at least condemn this crap.

Iranian and Russian television do a better job of covering the rally than OUR own media. Now Lamont labels at least a third of the population of her country a virus.

How to lose friends and alienate people, eh Johann?


I have a nation, we marched for it on Saturday, and it really doesn’t need such poisonous attitudes as those demonstrated by Ms Lamont and her party. It’s a much better place than that. From the swamp they inhabit it really must be impossible for them to see what is possible here. Their rhetoric disgusts me but it will not stop us reaching our goal and building a better society.

The Tree of Liberty

I actually used to feel a wee bit sorry for her sometimes,  after Alex had wiped the flair with her. Not any more! She is the lowest of the low and deserves everything that is coming to her!


Perhaps at next years march, we should all have a yellow felt thistle sewn on our shirts.


I think you’re all being awfy unkind to poor wee Jo. She doesn’t actually write this pish, she only reads it out.
True – is she being set up?
The clever senior politicians in the Labour Party are keeping their options open.  Cue the union flag (or is it a union flag?) at the party conference.  Ed Milliband will swing right or left, whatever it takes.  He will ditch Scotland if necessary.  The Grunts in Scottish Labour seem to be willing to go down in order to save the union.  They will soon be abandoned by their dear brothers and sisters.  How sad.


An opportunity for someone to come up with a lapel badge
incorporating yes and virus


This MUST be challenged. These people and this kind of thinking MUST be challenged. And it must be challenged at every step by all decent, clear-thinking, moderate people and that includes the MSM (print and broadcast). Failure to do so is akin to the acquiescence of the German establishment which saw the rise of NAZI Germany. Are you listening Scottish Media? Do you see what is happening out there, Scottish Media?
FFS Scottish Media open your eyes and grow a pair. Just because I do not share the views of this ‘One Nation Party’ does not make me a virus or vermin. Shame on you Lamont. Shame on you, the Scottish Media, for NOT challenging this behaviour. By so doing you are assisting the rise of a ONE NATION FOURTH REICH. Get a grip Scottish Media and REALLY LOOK AND SEE who are telling the truth and who are telling lies. FFS speak up for Scotland before it’s too late.


Let’s continue the biological metaphor.
If nationalism is a virus then the Labour party is a parasite, an infection, a plague, a pestillence, and an embarrasing weeping sore.

Training Day

I look forward to the Scottish media taking Lamont to task just as they did Iain Gray over his comments about ethnic cleansing and Montenegro.

There’s a remote possibility that they might instead focus on how shite Scotland would be with its own Olympic team.

The Man in the Jar

A “Virus” are we? That is rich coming from a party of parasites.


that sycophantic nedette is nastier than any virus known to man except man-flu. as previously mentioned, deserves everything thats coming to her. im embarrased by her behaviour

Archie [not Erchie]

@ creigs17707repeal – I concur with you and well said


Heard her saying on UK national news ” the country” meaning GB/UK.
That’s enough to make me boak.
I will never kneel down to her description of my country being a region.
What a cow. What a lackie.


@Robert Louis
So proof, if proof were needed, of the lack of coherent thought within the head of Johan Lamont.  Do you think she will even understand what it is that she has done?  Or will somebody have to sit and go through it with her, step by step?
I don’t think Lamont would understand the significance of the language she has used.  If somebody did explain it to her I think she would deny it I am afraid.  I think it illustrates that the No campaign are aware of something (not really sure what though).  Might be their private polls, might be something else.  It does seem to suggest that they are in almost full panic mode.  I did not expect them to use this kind of a rhetoric until next year.  That they have used it now, with still almost a year to go, is significant.  The No campaign know themselves that they are running a negative campaign, but to stoop so low so comparatively soon does not suggest a great deal of confidence among their own ranks.  To use the word “virus” to describe your opponents now is not really giving yourself much room for stepping up the rhetoric further, as we get closer to the referendum.  It raises the question; what kind of a rhetoric are Lamont and company going to be using in say 6 months time, or with a month to go to the vote?            


…meanwhile, the hashtag #spreadthevirus is having a good outing on Twitter! As ever, scathing humour rather than outrage is the best weapon…. As for Doug’s “I’m Y.E.S. positive”, reported as seen elsewhere – the sooner that’s a car sticker, the better!

Mad Jock McMad

Anyone seen the graphic for Milliband’s revamp of Harold McMillan’s One Nation Tory scam – it is basically a St George’s Cross, everything else is faded out and the St Patrick’s Cross has been removed in its entirety.
Labour are clearly left appealing to one nation – England.


the rhetoric of the damned


The man in the jar,
“That is rich coming from a party of parasites”
We seem to be thinking along the same lines. It must be subconscious.


johan lamont.. first minister of scotland


Mags Curran & Jo Lamont – Ugly stuff indeed (no pun intended) the acceptable face of modern Labour in Scotland ??? …. Jesus.

Are Labour supporters not offended by this ??

Scotland versus  Salmond (what is this  pish ?? )
What is particularly crass about the statement’s are that they are likening the most transparent, socialy inclusive, popular, non elitest, political movement on the planet to facism and the Scottish press & media  just chuckle in the wings; both sad and disgusting that this pair reprobates are not called to account by the lack of decent journalism and much needed impartial reporting.

Its like Labour keep pushing the boundries with Sarwars public lies and now this, to see how far they can go and why not … only biassed YES supporting webisites will cry foul.

Scotland how low can you let this kind of stuff go !! 

Just what will come out next ??

Caramel log

Really , why is anyone surprised or disgusted with this woman and her party , these people are swamp life corrupt brown envelope grabbing , och I’m awY for a lie doon


The_Duke, Luigi
Aye, the Butcher’s Apron has been given a ‘pastelisation’ so the blue is almost unnoticable and the red is a pale pink. Will their closing anthem this year be ‘The People’s Flag is ever so slightly red …’
O/T Moribund claims in his speech today that he will freeze (no pun intended) energy prices if Labour win the next Westminster election! Only way he could have the power over the energy companies to do that would be to re-nationalise them. We can of course expect a huge hike in enrgy prices before the election, just in case. What other nonsense will they come out with. Beginning to sound like they don’t expect to win so they can announce all sort of pie-in-the-sky rubbish.

jim mitchell

It would seem that i am not the only one who has been giving some thought to who has been writing JL’s speeches of late, not that that excuses what SHE says.
I am one of those folk who whilst being on face book hardly ever comment there, when I heard her virus speech though I did go on it to say the following,
‘Anybody who knows me, I mean really knows me, will understand when I say, that whilst I have as many faults as your average human being, I have never judged another person by their race, colour, nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or so help me their politics, however much i might disagree with any viewpoint they may hold generally.I am a Scot married to an Englishwoman, I come from a pretty close family which includes folk with every political view point and none, some who are serious in their religious believes and some who have none at all.

I was raised with people who are still friends and with whom whilst we could discuss any subject and disagree, we never fell out about them, because all of those I mentioned allowed me my viewpoints as well, it’s called respect.

That is why it annoys me greatly that a political leader, namely Labour’s Johann Lamont, can liken some of them, ( I don’t care about myself), and some of the things that they both believe/believed in, work and worked/for to a virus. Sadly some of those I mean are no longer with us, but not one of them, for all their faults and they were only human too, deserved this.
Every one of them has come from a solidly working class background and each of them only ever did what they thought was best for their communities, their country and most of all their families and ALL of them went about it in a lawful and peaceful manner.

I realise that we are now in the most important part of Scotland’s history for 300 hundred years, but there is still no need for this kind of thing.

I will finish by saying that if ANYBODY tries to agree with the Labour leaders viewpoint, then whilst they too will be entitled to hold such a warped view point, they will no longer be able to consider themselves my friend’.
I have always said that just when you think that unionists, or at least some of them can’t sink any lower, they do.
Maybe not much of a protest but it is meant!


i didnt listen to her speech simply because i dont want to listen to her  and i hate her, i assume the audience reaction to the virus terminology was muted or non existant


The Scottish media are just a regional element of the UK media.  They are all part of the British establishment and state.  Why else would virtually no newspaper based in Scotland openly support independence, given that around 40% of the Scottish electorate support it (the Sunday Herald occasionally gives hints it supports it, but when the crunch comes will they actually advocate a Yes vote?)  It is because they are, and have been for a considerable period, directed by the British establishment.  Even RT covered the rally on Saturday in far greater depth than are own so called broadcasting channels.  Why is this?  I believe it is because the British state is trying to deny us the oxygen of publicity.  On the other hand, whenever there is a story that is perceived to be bad for the Yes campaign, the MSM in Scotland are on over the story, and it features at the top of the bulletins.  This is not by accident either.   

Murray McCallum

Freezing energy prices.
What would happen if market energy prices went down over the period of the freeze? Would they carry it over to the next increase? What will the price of electricity be in 40 years time? We need answers.

simian hoofer of the daily mail

Hopefully history will not remember her or her kind fondly. At the end of the day she is nothing more than a stooge and puppet whom takes all it orders from her masters down in London. She really is a pitiful drone who really shouldn’t be involved in politics full stop.

Arbroath 1320

What an odious, disgusting, pathetic, ignorant, useless politician with her Naziesque type comments.
Will someone please pass me the sick bucket…………..QUICK!!!!


is it true she won  missl westminister 2013


Lamont/ Baillie invite Cancer sufferers to Holyrood and Ed Miliband drags out a woman who has had heart problems. Labour –  willing to lower ever bar of common decency at any opportunity.

As for Virus – Can we have sponsor someone to play “Mr Virus” like Mr Chop in The Thick of It. Get them to pursue Johann and her SPADs at every possible opportunity.

Laughing here, Jackie Baillies website is a, a company, that says it all for me!

Daughter of Evil Reindeer

Her speech is like that game where you take certain words and try and fit them into a coherent sentence, which I guess is what the spin people have tried to do with hilarious results. 
Unfortunately for Johann many in Scotland are blessed with memory skills greater than hers, we  still have the ability to remember  her past speeches   “something for nothing” condemning  free prescriptions, the council tax freeze, and personal care for the elderly. 

If this has an impact on Easterhouse I can see a real punch up with Margaret Curran.
We also remember the days before twitter and how information was communicated in reasoned paragraphs.

For the benefit of Johann a paragraph is something a bit longer than a Scottish Labour leaders contract period.

Close the door behind you on the way out.


This time it’s a “virus” in 11 months time it will be a “cancer” implying almost certain death for those that are inflicted by it. Truth is that it is they who are slowly withering away and by Sept 2014 will be no more. I won’t shed any tears.
Reading “Tax Havens” by Nicholas Shaxson and it is absolutely shocking, two sentences stuck in the mind though and could well be used to describe Better Together:
“They will call for reasoned debate as they engage in character assassination, secret deals and worse. They will talk the language of democracy and freedom the better to defend unaccountable, irresponsible power and privilege.”
That for me just about sums up todays Labour party.

colin mccartney

much as i hate the sexist term “dumb blonde” she really is just a dumb blonde, and most dumb blondes are at least good looking !!


Ein Volk   = English (sorry I mean British), nae furriners
Ein Reich   = One nation at Westminster
Ein Fuhrer  = I dont know if she means call me dave or ever so slightly pink Ed
Ironic that the Leader of the Scottish Labour Party is speaking under a “One Nation” banner. Why doesn’t the Leader of the Yorkshire Labour Party get to address the brothers and sisters too? IMO a YLP would have more members than JoLa’s lot.


Perhaps Labour will grant the unions an extra day of public holiday (perhaps another May Day holiday) and then disband them as happened in another One Nation state somewhere in central Europe several decades ago.
I recommend that those who have little knowledge of the slide towards fascism watch the excellent documentary series “The World at War” originally broadcast by Thames television (copyright 1973 Thames Television Ltd). Imho it is a warning to all generations of how media and political manipulation can change a society for the worse. Indeed the series was old enough to include many video interviews of those who were personally affected by the political upheaval – pay particular attention to the German interviewee who returned to Germany from England as a young man and was aghast at the hysterical nature of the German media. To paraphrase, he knew then that war was inevitable and what a fool he had been to leave his English fiancee and return to Germany at that point in time.

The mainstream media in Britain no longer have the intellectual capacity to protect democracy as they once claimed to.

Arbroath 1320

Ananurhing says:

Perhaps at next years march, we should all have a yellow felt thistle sewn on our shirts.
I like your thinking Ana. I wonder how the nasty Brit press would cover that story, oops I forgot they won’t. Nothing to see/report here move along now!


I’m SNP positive and I’m a carrier.


Hi – I take on board your points about the MSM being controlled by the British establisment etc. BUT….but… there are many Scots who work in this media and I suspect many will be indy-minded. Those people MUST speak up to their bosses and point out to them what is really happening. Those are the people I would implore to SPEAK UP for the sake of Scotland and for the sake of democracy. I will NOT be told that I am a virus just because I do not support the views of EIN NATION FOURTH REICHEN.
Come on you gals and guys in the MSM – you MUST speak out and challenge these unreconstructed fascists before it’s too late (even if you DON’T support indy you must do it). And I know you read these posts.

YES Scotland.


Just watched the BBC news headlines with the awful picture of ‘Oor Magrit’ jumping to her size 10s as if Milliband was Justin Bieber.
Where’s the sickbag?


killie.  I guess she knew the camera was on her


Every time I see Lamont in her make up and garb I’m reminded of the adage “Ye canna polish a turd”


Ed Milibands speech relegated well down the pecking order on BBC Scotland News.
Heads will roll!

GP Walrus

Will Project Fear be now renamed Project Domestos?

panda paws

Appalling language from Lamont.
Saw an excellent riposte by someone on Stewart Maxwell’s twitter feed
“Unionism is more like smallpox. People just don’t get it any more.”


I am Yes Positive.


Fraser Nelson really is in his own strange planet. Thinks JL’s speech was rather good.
link to


Nice bodyswerve by Milliband in his speech laying the blame for the bedroom tax firmly on the Tories!

Murray McCallum

Sorry O/T but linked to the big energy price freeze New Labour policy announcement. Given the financial importance of the UK market you could imagine shares of energy companies were going down?
EDF: EUR 0.36 Up
E.ON: EUR 0.14 Up (A Xetra DAX top 10 riser today)
RWE (npower): EUR 0.35 Up (A Xetra DAX top 10 riser today)
SSE: GBP 0.17 Up
Centrica: GBP 0.00
Strange – almost as if they think this policy will never happen.

jim mitchell

And so it continues:
I’m don’t necessarily side with Labour. Nor necessarily Conservative. Nor Liberal. I’m anti-Nationalist who have a penchant for lying for power. Who employs the most deceitful of negative politics of blame, gripe, grievance and hate to germinate support from those who think they will so much better off “if only they separated from the UK”. That’s why they have so much support from the bowels of the uneducated and lowest incomes. Labour will return to power; not because of their policies but because a resounding NO in the referendum will send the Nationalists into disarray and infighting.
A comment from one of JL’s fellow unionists in today’s Scotsman, well we did say it would get worse!


Anyone else see the Ed Miliband show BBC News – 6.10pm repeated in part BBC Scotland 6.30pm – 6.35 don’t worry if you missed it – it will be shown again tonight.  They have no sense of shame at the bias they demonstrate.


No doubt there will be some journalists in Scotland who support independence.  However, the editorial line will be firmly against it.  You just need to cite the case of Derek Bateman, who has recently retired from BBC Scotland, and is now writing a blog that has already received praise.  With the financial climate the way it is then it is understandable that journalists do not want to risk their jobs.    


I noticed an earlier clip, in which the Scottish Labour contingent were lined up , all excited to meet the leader or was that Fuhrer. As it was very reminiscent of the newsreel footage of a bunch of simpering Bavarian frauleins having their few seconds of the leaders time. Another analogy was of serfs waiting for the breadcrumbs of the top table, as they were not part of the main event, but some afterthought, the kind you get when you have embarrassing relations in a wedding line up

Brian Powell

Another extraordinay coincidence of quotes.
When it was reported the other day that David Cameron would not debate with ALex Salmond, a Whitehall spokesman said it would never happen. the debate was, “Scotland against Salmond”. In a FM qusetion time in the lat couple of weeks I heard and saw Johann Lamont say the debate was, “Scotland against Salmond”, then again at the Party Conference, “It’s Scotland versus Salmond” !
Looks like Whitehall is writing her scripts.


I regret to inform the readers that I am in the final stages of “Yes” infection. I will not last beyond September of next year.
Happily, neither will the United Kingdom of Great Britain!


killie.  I guess she knew the camera was on her

Kodak Curran


twitter hashtag #spreadthevirus – we could put it on badges! 


Scottish Nationalism bad…
British Nationalism good….
I’m begging to God that the camera pans to her immediately when she finds out that the voting in the Referendum just passed 50.1% in favour of Yes. Watch it! I’ll record that moment for the moments when I feel down. It’ll sure as hell cheer me up each time. You betcha!


If you catch this virus then please spread it on. The recipients will appreciate it.


I hate to be a spoilsport but it’s actually “Eine Nation” if you want to be grammatically correct.

call me dave

Kodak Curran!  (her nickname in parts of Glasgow)
She also has a reputation for turning up for the opening of an envelope.
Photo- opportunity pre planned –  a bit too obvious Margaret!
Ed nearly brought a tear to my eye with his story, (laughing my head off) and the worst of it is, some will lap it up over their coffee in the cafe tomorrow.  
I’ll have to explain about the reciprocal arrangements in EU re: Hospital treatment for travellers  
‘Oh right … well never knew that’ they’ll say!
 Ms Sturgeon begins the task of outlining the initial plans after independence here:…/…


Jim Mitchell @ 6.07pm
Brilliant comment Jim – well said and thanks for posting that here.


Fraser Nelson really has something of the night about him.  I read his ‘article’, in which he praises Lamont for using the language of Hitler, although funnily enough he does not mention this rather important fact.  He is a raging British nationalist.

call me dave

I hate to be a spoilsport but it’s actually “Eine Nation” if you want to be grammatically correct.
The original was “Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer”, so I think the graphic can be excused, really.

I’m uncomfortable with what can seem like demonising the German language and the German people, since Germany is an almost completely reformed character now and it’s a lovely language.  But what can you do?  Germany emerges from the darkness of “your actual fucking Hitler”, and seventy years later Britain heads right back in there.  Those who cannot learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

And that applies to 1979 as well.


What is Johann Lamont actually FOR? What is its purpose? With any job, there is usually a set of criteria which any applicant must meet. One would think that (even puppet) ‘leader of a major political party’ would have been no different. With this in mind, the criteria would surely have included:
Articulate public speaker
Quick-witted and intelligent
Capable of a vision of a future for the party
Skilled debater
Ability to formulate and express policy direction
Ability to command respect of party members and general public
Extensive media training
etc ….. etc ……..
They must have considered all of this, and yet came up with ………. Johann Lamont? How would YOU score her on the above checklist? Seriously, I just don’t get it … unless the interview panel was exclusively drawn from YES Scotland personnel.

gerry parker

Surely we can’t have a Member of The Scottish Parliament behaving like this – abusing a large and growing section of the Scottish people by likening them to a virus which must be eradicated.  How can we call this person to account when she resumes her place in Holyrood.  Will the Presiding Officer not have a duty to call her to account?

Linda's back

Miliband mentioned Britain 59 times in his speech is that more than Gordon brown’s speech prior to the last Westminster election?
Miliband also aped Gordon Brown’s British jobs for British workers  and it seems One Nation  Labour don’t like foreigners like Scots  who as EU subjects are entitled to exactly the same health care as anyone in the UK.

Arbroath 1320

The Courier has this at the beginning of their article.
‘Johann Lamont also described nationalism as “a virus . . . that never achieved anything” in a phrase that appeared to allude to the European 20th century fascist movement.’
With Lamont making these fascistesque like statements would it be too far a stretch to suggest that she is copying the statements made by her father…….Adolf Hitler!
Sorry Stu if I’ve overstepped the mark here but Lamont has really pushed all my buttons today with this s***e!


The number of YES fans is worse than Johann first thought : 

YES – Its AYE Contagious!


What is Lamont for? 
Given the last few days (and years) I think she is there solely to fire as much venom and poison at the SNP, and Salmond in particular, as she can muster before the referendum (and this appears to be almost unlimited).  As SLAB’s Unionists have clearly given up on the Scottish Parliament, their tactic appears to be to try and make the people here hate the very institution they claimed to have delivered.  She is certainly for British nationalism as well.  As for Lamont’s claim to be a socialist that just deserves a 😀  


In my view, the Scottish electorate may not say anything against Johann as to what she has said, but at the same time, they are not stupid. Most definitely not!
For us that come on this site, we look deeper into politics, and therefore can see when the truth is being twisted, or seriously debunked as a lie. There is nothing that the UK state can tell us, that we will honestly believe. At our most leniency, we treat whatever the UK state says, with suspicion or at most, utter contempt.
For the average person in Scotland, who does not follow politics like we do, they are however, not that blind as the media would hope. Many people in Scotland, who may not be Nationalists, are seriously, truly turned off by Labour. They deplore what they hear and see; especially at First Minister’s questions. This is not just us Nationalists, with a few folk here and there. This is right across the Nation. Scottish Labour are deplored by more than half of Scotland.
All the polls tell us that. The SNP wins a majority in the Parliament. Alex Salmond is the most popular leader in the entire UK. In contrast, Lamont and Co; they are treated with suspicion, derision and utter contempt.
I don’t worry too much about what Johann, Margaret and Anas actually say. They are literally non-electable in the greater Scotland. Aye, they might win hands down in their own wee constituency, but they are nothing beyond those wee borders. They keep putting Scotland down, and they continually lie.
The problem for Scottish Labour, and they seem to fail to realise this fact; the Scots are not stupid. They are much more aware than even we realise!
As the facts slow rise to the surface, the likes of Johann and her ilk, are staring down the barrel of a gun. For her; to lose this referendum is her worst nightmare. Her place in history will be guaranteed, but in a truly horrible way. She will be remembered forever, as a rank rotten opposition leader, who practically chased folk to the ‘Yes’ camp.
History remembers Hitler and his twisted ideology. So will it be with the Scottish Labour, when it comes to Scottish History and the re-evaluation of the period leading up to the referendum and its aftermath. If Scotland votes ‘Yes’, Scottish Labour will enter its darkest period ever, and they may never recover from it.

Richard Bruce

I agree, it is a shame the peace loving German nation have to be tarred with this. Having lived there for a long time, I think Lamont would be pulled up on this type of hate speech in Germany. Unlike the UK media, which we all know are beyond reproach being part of the new master race, engerland!


And they have the audacity to refer to Alex Salmond as a dictator… while paraphrasing quotations from Hitler??? Unbelievable! WAKE UP PEOPLE OF SCOTLAND!
What dastardly plans have they up their sleeves for the Yes / SNP voters if we lose this referendum?? Quarantine all those infected by the ‘virus’ into special camps??
It is becoming increasingly clear that the only option in Scotland is to vote YES!

the journeyman

I’ve felt for a while now that the bitter together team use the nationalist word in very discriminating contexts while pleading that they are no less lovers of Scotland because they support the union. How can they ever hope for unity if a No vote was to happen having discriminated in such unacceptable tones. Scotland must vote YES!

For die

This language, as well offending me, concerns me greatly. It demonstrates that Labour will do anything to protect their perceived entightlement to rule. Including creating such deep fissures in our society that it could take generations for them to heal.


Is it me or has Lamont aged 10 years in the past 2.5 or so?

Murray McCallum

Is it me or has Lamont aged 10 years in the past 2.5 or so?
You saying the embalming process has stopped working?

Peter Mirtitsch

To those of you who commented on the washed out UK flag up behind Ed “Wrong Brother” Milliband looking like St George’s Cross, I have to admit to saying the very same thing to my Mum. Is it just that the bulk of people watching this would  have been English, and it is to appeal to them?


Fraser Nelson really is in his own strange planet. Thinks JL’s speech was rather good.
link to
I was just reading the comments on that.  About 90% against Nelson’s assessment.

Arbroath 1320

I’ve just had a wee ‘thinking outside the box’ moment here. I’m wondering if a lot of Don’t Knows are don’t knows because they actually fear a Labour government in a post independence Scotland. Could we actually be looking at a situation where we have loads of people wanting independence but are terrified of a return to the Labour or Labour/LibDem government in Holyrood.
Everyone has seen what the Labour/LibDem government in Holyrood did from 1999 to 2007 and what the SNP government has achieved since coming to power in 2007. In my view it’s a bit like choosing between chalk and cheese.
Whilst the Lab/LibDem governments may have achieved something for Scotland it wasn’t until the SNP came to power that things really started moving forward in my view. Never forget it was the Labour/LibDem government that RETURNED £1 Billion (if my memory serves me right)  to Westminster because they couldn’t think of anything to spend it on!
I think once the Don’t Knows are convinced that they will still be able to vote for the SNP, should they desire to do so, then they may very well move over to YES.

Jingly Jangly

Stu, what about ordering up a couple of thousand “Im YES positive” badges with the
money in your piggy bank, You will sell them off no problem, and make a good profit
for future projects to boot.

David Smith

Well if they want to use the language and rhetoric of The Third Reich, the least we can do is make the referendum their Stalingrad.


@For die
This language, as well offending me, concerns me greatly. It demonstrates that Labour will do anything to protect their perceived entightlement to rule. Including creating such deep fissures in our society that it could take generations for them to heal.
Correct.  They are poisoning the well, and they do not give a fuck about the people of Scotland, or the effects of their rhetoric and the damage it does to the democratic process here.  They are looking more and more like political nihilists to me.
Yes, Lamont has definitely looked different since the summer.  Not sure what it is though?


Disgraceful comment by JL. We should all sign up to Scottish Labour and start posting.


Please,please some of our more IT literate Wingers do the Youtube Hitler speech which they have made cover loads of subject and do one with JL.
They are extremely funny and go  – excuse the pun ” Viral “

Anne (@annewitha_e)

I am disgusted by this quote from a political leader in Scotland, She should be thoroughly ashamed but of course it is quite deliberate. Together with Curran’s attack on the devolved services – we can see where this is going.   I think the general tone of labour attacks are actually turning folk off the #bettertogether negativity, we still need I think Not to let them drag us down to their level.  Forcefully, but truthfully and with respect, we must get our points over. 


Is it me or has Lamont aged 10 years in the past 2.5 or so?
Aye. She looks terrible, eh. Gaunt, frail, gummy and gubbed.


Hi Arbroath 1320
Could we actually be looking at a situation where we have loads of people wanting independence but are terrified of a return to the Labour or Labour/LibDem government in Holyrood.
To be honest, Arbroath, I doubt it!
If they are unelectable now; they will be post-indy!
And what I mean by that, is for the very simple reason that if we do go independent, then the Scottish Unionist parties will have to change their ways! To continue with such rhetoric will do them absolutely no favours.
If they were to punt that continual mince to the electorate, then we; the electorate, will do the most simplest thing, and that is to continually vote in the SNP (or whatever they will become post-indy ie SDP – the Scottish Democratic Party).
We would end up digging Alex Salmond out of his grave and continually making him First Minister if it meant keeping out a poisonous and bitter Labour.
They have to change. It’s as simple as that.
I would expect a period of serious soul-searching by all the Scottish Unionist Parties for around 10+ years post-indy. Once they see the machinations of life within an Indy-Scotland becoming more and more concrete, then they will change their ways so that it suits the needs of Scotland and the Scottish people.
The likes of Lamont, Curran, Sarwar, Baillie will be dust in Scottish politics and history. They will be reminded as a warning to future Scottish Labour candidates, of what NOT to become. No one is going to remember Lamont fondly. No-one!
As I said in a previous post. History will not smile kindly on Lamont and her fellow Labour colleagues.


This soulless party whose sole (pardon the pun) purpose is to represent the interests of the British state in Scotland aided and abetted by the British establishment media.In these cirumstances,all that is required is a script reader whose utterings can then be broadcast to a pliant electorate.
People are getting wise to the fact that they offer nada for Scotland’s future,unless we continue to accept English/British dominance of our politics and then,of course,the future will not be on our terms.


A vile harpy of a woman,the very sight and sound of that odious boot sends me into a contemptuous rage,disgusting individual.On a lighter note “Yes Falkirk” had a wee stall at Falkirk college today.As an,ahem,mature student it was good to see so many of the younger students round the Yes stall whilst Billy No Mates and Bitter Together seemed that wee bit forlorn,wee shame so it wasn’t.


Aye. She looks terrible, eh. Gaunt, frail, gummy and gubbed.
Johann Lamont always has that expression on her face……..and to paraphrase David Feherty (golf commentator)
She looks like she’s licking her own urine off a nettle!


“If Scotland votes ‘Yes’, Scottish Labour will enter its darkest period ever, and they may never recover from it.
I actually disagree with this, and suspect it’s the other way around. If there’s a NO, we will be stuck with the arrogant, crowing faces of those like Mags Curran, Lamont etc who will still be wanting to “eradicate the virus”, still have no ideas at all for Scotland or the UK and simply want power at all costs. But what will they have won, really? They’ll be despised utterly by half the Scottish population, and that figure will grow among the rest of Scotland who wanted more powers as they see powers likely taken away, and Scotland punished.
I can see Labour being out of Holyrood and also out of Westminster as a result of a huge loss of votes in Scotland to the SNP if it’s a No.
By contrast, a Yes will see the short, sharp shock of the unionists disappearing and a new Scottish Labour (and by implication a new English Labour) appearing. This would entirely re-invogorate the party both sides of the border. I don’t think the Scottish electorate is actually “anti-Labour” or unforgiving to them at all. What we mostly want is a return to a real, Scottish Labour that this crew has moved so distant from. A real, independent Scottish Labour won’t be having to follow Westminster and contort itself into knots over putting unionism before everything else.
It’s sad, and we have this nasty period because they’re having to be dragged kicking and screaming towards something that is common sense, and they’ve known for fucking 150 years it’s common sense! Home rule was a Labour policy when it was first formed ffs, and federalism is common elsewhere. The London gravy train has a real hold on these people – once that’s broken, the rest of us can move forward with the parties we want, and that will certainly include some kind of Labour, but not the ones that are forefront right now. Not if it’s a Yes.


Sadly I too must report I am in the final stages of the YES infection, specialists have only given me around a year to go. Repeated bouts of negativity specially manufactured by ‘better together’ Ltd have ceased to reduce my positive outlook, and the personel comments, lies and scare stories of the highly renowned Darling, Baillie, Lamont and Sarwar have no-longer the desired effect of making me feel too wee, too stupid, too poor.
I am sure that further attempts will be made over the coming year to release me from this positive virus, with ‘better together’ scare stories more fabulous than the fables of ancient Greece, but I know deep down in my heart they have absolutely no chance of working.
So it is with a light and cheery heart I will go canvassing with my local YES campaign on Thursday evening, instead of sitting at home crying with despair at the sheer uselessness of being a union-scot. 

Pity me not, for I am doing what I love.


Brilliant, I totally agree. There will be a “New Labour” in Scotland but it will be more like the original Labour. One can only hope.


Lamont’s Hero


I don’t think this is the usual Labour stupidity – I think it’s more part of a deliberate plan:
First you insist the First Minister of Scotland is a dictator.  Then you imply that Scottish Nationalism is simply Fascism – and by extension the First Minister is a Fascist Dictator.  Next, you falsely claim that the government he leads has made things far worse for the electorate.
What do you do with a fascist dictator whose people are suffering under his rule?  Well, you do what they did in 1939 and you do what they did with Saddam Hussein – that way there’s a clear reason why Labour the Tories and Lib Dems HAVE to band together – to protect the suffering people – to protect Scotland from Salmond. Nobody can then criticise you for working with the Tories even though you claim to have different policies.  You can differ on policies but stand together against evil.
Now set this scenario within the context of next year’s commemoration of World War 1 where we “stood together, side by side to defeat the forces of evil”.  We must band together to protect the innocent against evil dictators – in other words, they’re currently in the process of creating an enemy to unite against – by marginalising and demonising Alex Salmond and the SNP.  That way, they not only hope to win the referendum, but they’ve demonised nationalism so much nobody will look at it again for a very long time.
They come out of it as saviours, the good guys.   Normal service is resumed.  The status quo is retained. 
At least, I think that’s the plan. 


I agree with you if it’s a ‘No’. Lamont will be just a mere puppet in Scottish politics for London Labour.
But that’s not what I said…
I said, ‘If Scotland votes ‘Yes’, then Scottish Labour will enter its darkest period ever, and they may never recover from it.’
What they become after …well, that is up to them.

Bill C

According to my wife Lamont has had a facelift and she is always right! I replied if that is true she should sue the surgeon!

G H Graham

She might have white hair but she’s still a glaikit mouthpiece.
Not a hint of Aryan on her anywhere.
Except the bit on her noggin that came out a bottle.


I posted slightly further on from the one that you commented on. If you read that, you get a better sense of what I meant about the demise of Labour.
As I stated in that comment, the Scottish Unionist parties will have to adapt post-indy. If they don’t, then they will never get elected. Simple as that!

Murray McCallum

If New Labour are planning something along those lines then they have not got a very good handle on history. If we stick with the Nazi theme (a) they never won a parliamentary election and (b) they sought to destroy the German Parliament. Basically, they were in the same position New Labour currently are in Scotland.
The history buffs reading this will no doubt question the detail.


With this her latest twisted and bitter little outburst usurping her diablolical ‘something for nothing’ jibe, one wonders if the Unionists are trying to provoke people in Scotland for a reaction.  It really is language of the extreme right and very ugly.  I suppose it kind of sums up her useless self serving troughing party.  Bankrupt of policies and ideas, nothing left to offer positively for Scotland.  I guess what we are witnessing is the death throes of the British Labour party in Scotland in full technicolour.  The people are rejecting her toxic party in ever bigger numbers the nearer we get to our destination of independence and even a hundred baths in dettol wouldnt get the stains removed from the Lamont brand.  She is damaged goods and whats more, i think she knows it.  Lets react by voting YES next year and confine her to the dustbin of history where she belongs.


Someone said that before, and I had a look at some pictures.  Facelift scars are in front of the ears, and however cleverly the surgeon tries to hide them, they take time to fade.  You often see women with their hair arranged to cover their ears, and often with big round earrings on too.  That’s a dead giveaway a lot of the time.
Johann has her hair very short and tucked behind her ears.  Her earrings are quite small.  It’s possible to get a damn good look at the place where a facelift scar would be, and there’s no sign of it.  It wouldn’t be possible to conceal something like that completely with makeup so soon after surgery – not to fool a TV camera close-up.
RevStu tweeted that she had changed her hairstyle and it looked “quite nice”, for which he was lambasted as a sexist cad.  It did look quite nice in the photo he linked to, but I think it must have grown out.

Ruby Tuesday

Your ‘Ein Nation’ photo inspired me to open up Photoshop.  
I’ve been having fun.  Finger crossed this will work. 
comment image


Apologies, I tried to edit my previous post, but was too late. You and I, are actually singing from the same hymn sheet really.
If you look at my post, where I commented on a query by Arbroath 1320, you will see what I mean about the demise of Labour. If they don’t change, they’re finished. In that 2nd post, you will see that I talk about Labour changing their ways.
This is what I expect, just as you do.
Hope this helps. Cheers again.


Re the Ed Milliband show on the BBC between 6 and 7, doubt they’ll terribly pleased. Robert Peston basically said the lights will go out with the energy price freeze plans and we were shown images from the 1970s power cuts. The BBC Scotland part included, I’d say, a cursory 90 second report. It was all about, as usual, crime, animals and fitba.


Jeannie, I enjoyed your post, it’s good to think out loud about what the unionist plan is.
Certainly you are absolutely correct, the demonisation of Salmond and the SNP is central to their goal. What would be an added bonus is if the supporters of independence gave them some ammo to use in their ridiculous game plan.
So, while I’m completely at ease with everything everyone has said, including myself – I also think that part of the plan is to try and rile the independence support into getting very angry.
We’re already labelled as the ‘nutty cybernats’, I for one will be watching  my P’s and Q’s when posting on various sites as not to give unionists a chance to use my words against the independence cause – Lord knows they’ve got hee-haw to offer the people of Scotland, so they’ll only ramp up the nasty rhetoric.
I’m going to employ the old ‘count to 10’ before posting safety net.

Murray McCallum

The energy price freeze also gets C4 fact checked
link to


Both Andrew Neil and STV News referred to Miliband’s speech today as an appeal to British Nationalism. Wonder if Lamont will comment?

Jingly Jangly

Jeannie says:
Spot on analysis, this is good, it means that they are very very desperate
they might have got away with this before the Internet but no longer.
Today I spoke to a committed No labour to the core with a hatred of the SNP I explained it was not about the SNP it was about the people of Scotland getting the Government they Vote for, She said that she was not interested in talk of Scotland being better off as that only concerned people with money. When I explained to her about the Cuts the Health Service would see going forward as the English Health Service goes further down the road of privatisation she changed her tune, I think with a little more work she will be on our side.
We need to get across to people what will happen if we stay in the Union..


The fuel freeze ‘policy’ is a bribe, nothing more. That’s all Labour can offer. Bankrupt party with an unelectable leader. If they were serious they would be talking about taking energy back into state ownership.
Voters are not that stupid. On Brighton beach Ed was seen, by a couple of the people Crick voxed, as a cross between Wallace and Gromit.


I believe Johann Lamont spent the summer in Malawi visiting her daughter. I know GDC has links to Malawi.


The thing about “One Nation” that is so truly appalling is its dangerous vacuosity. Variations of it have been used by decent folk like Mandela,  but in general through history, the people using it have been the bad guys. Stalin and Pol Pot were not averse to variations on the phrase, and so of course was Adolf. It is the name of the right-wing nationalist/racist party founded in Australia by Pauline Hanson. Republican US Presidents are keen to evoke the “One Nation, Under God” bit of their declaration of independence.
It is a nasty turn of phrase, usually turned to by nasty people.


@Ruby Tuesday
Seems you and the chaps on Brighton beach agree, nice graphic!

Andy McIntyre

While the use of Hitlerian rhetoric is to be deplored and condemned (my own preference involves a lot of expletives), I think we’ve all picked up on something SLAB have not even realised was there. To be honest I don’t think Lamentable and her party are really thinking that deeply.
I think the language used is simply borne from the same dark place, namely out of a deep seated hatred in this case of the SNP. Anything that smashes the threat to the leadership of SLAB’s divine right to rule in Scotland and by extension the threat to the non-existant need for Scottish MP’s to give Labour a government down south is a fair tool as far as Labour are concerned.
As has been noted, “red” Ed will say and do anything that will give him power and sadly Lamentable in her own ill-conceived way is doing the same for both her own desire for power but also to protect her master’s desire for power at Westminster. And that includes the comments on power prices, let’s keep the plebs on side while not scaring our friends i the City too much.

Roger Terrett

She’s definitely had a makeover, skin, makeup, hair, clothes; guess that’s why she was away for so long over summer, big job. Still looks like the wee bauchle she is, waste of money, doll.


Sadly, no one really know’s who she is.
Jimmy Krankie?
In fact, the SNP should get ahold of Jimmy Krankie, see if he/she is a yes supporter and wrap a saltire around him with a big yes placard.
What she is trying to do is pull back the Labour supporters that are in favour of independence.  By calling anyone who wants indy a ‘nationalist’ she is trying to scare them back into their box.  ‘Don’t get ideas above your station’
You know the rest, TP,TS,TW.  Shall we just call it the 3 T’s?
She is scared though and with good reason.
Johann has a virus, it’s called the Scottish Cringe. 


As a virus carrier I have just sketched out a variation on the saltire in a quasi Star of David not unlike two Scotrail carriages . I could prepare this and we could have them sewn on to identify ourselves and make the streets safe for such gentlemen and ladies of the labour party. Have you seen them?In parliament they look like a butcher’s windae


Clearly it’s all just a cunning stunt.
And I see there’s fine footage of the march over at Yes Scotland.  So far I’ve only been able to view the opening shot at the head of the column, long before the band began to play (due to appalling broadband speeds) but it’s a fine figure, one tht I recognise and know well.  And I know there to be a wings badge on the left sleeve……

Bill C

I was having a laugh Morag, but I think we should all be concerned that the leader of the Opposition in the Scottish Parliament chooses to describe her opponents in the language of Hitler. I really think that more needs to be made of this. It is deeply offensive to describe the nationalist movement within Scotland and the 25,000 plus members of the SNP in these terms.  This is the politics of the sewer and cannot be allowed to go unchallenged.


Ah, but does it go unchallenged?
Look who got a majority, look who will get a majority again…..people show their feelings at the elections….It hasn’t dawned on Labour, I don’t know if it ever will to be honest.
Which means they’ll be behind the greens in 2016 in the indy election….which is great, cos the greens are brilliant


I posted this extract from the Annual Review of Microbiology Vol. 67 on the previous thread, but I think it fits here as well. How short sighted!

“Are viruses more biologically successful than cellular life? Here we examine many ways of gauging biological success, including numerical abundance, environmental tolerance, type biodiversity, reproductive potential, and widespread impact on other organisms. We especially focus on successful ability to evolutionarily adapt in the face of environmental change. Viruses are often challenged by dynamic environments, such as host immune function and evolved resistance as well as abiotic fluctuations in temperature, moisture, and other stressors that reduce virion stability. Despite these challenges, our experimental evolution studies show that viruses can often readily adapt, and novel virus emergence in humans and other hosts is increasingly problematic. We additionally consider whether viruses are advantaged in evolvability—the capacity to evolve—and in avoidance of extinction. On the basis of these different ways of gauging biological success, we conclude that viruses are the most successful inhabitants of the biosphere.”

On the Biological Success of Viruses
Annual Review of Microbiology
Vol. 67: 519-541
link to



Please be careful what two words you put together as us dislexics get confused very easily.

Arbroath 1320

Thanks for your answer JLT. Unfortunately I missed a bit out of my post that you referred to. When I mentioned about the Don’t Knows fearing the return of Labour or Labour/LibDems to power I forgot to add due to their, the D.K’s, impression that there would no longer be an SNP party to vote for, namely the only choices in a post independence Scotland would be Labour, Tory or LibDem.
I accept your points though and think you’re more likely to right than me and my ‘outside the box’ thinking. Time for a wee lie down in the ‘Darkened room’ I think. :D:


Just picked up some roadkill, squished oot the blood and smeared an X on the front door as I didn’t have any YES stickers for the windae – same thing according to JL


The problem with this almost constant demonisation of the SNP, and Salmond in particular, is that to keep working there has to be at least a element of truth to it.  What is the worst Salmond has ever done to an opponent?  Beaten them badly in a debate, called them a name, or landed them with a stinging jibe?  In the grand scheme of things it is virtually nothing.  Same with the SNP.  What have they done to deserve being demonised?  The problem for the unionists in Scotland is that this demonisation is on extremely shaky ground to put it mildly.  It does not bear the slightest scrutiny from an historical point of view, or from current political realities either.  In other words it just looks like completely irrational and hysterical behaviour from SLAB in particular.   


I was indeed extremely careful.  Sometimes it’s hard to type when your mind’s on a different thought.  But Imanaged it.  She fair gie’s you the dry boak, and ultimatly will be proved to be an asset.  In fact she might just be Y.E.S. Positive, subliminally at least.


how could anyone possibly tell if lamont has had cosmetic surgery. it would be impossible, she is too ugly for surgery to make any difference, the reason she is so ugly is she physically resembles her inner self which is extremely ugly and hateful and she has now taken me to her levels as i hate her intensely, i dont want to hate her but i do hate her


I was having a laugh Morag, but I think we should all be concerned that the leader of the Opposition in the Scottish Parliament chooses to describe her opponents in the language of Hitler.
Entirely agree, Bill.  I wasn’t criticising the metaphor, rather lamenting the occasion and the necessity for it.

Craig M

The comments by Lamont are outrageous and are intended to offend. We can expect more of this over the coming months. They are spoiling tactics, designed to win. But has anyone considered what will happen if, in the run up to September 2014, the polls indicate that this ploy isn’t working and they will not win? Having shown their extremist hand, what is to stop Labour and their Westminster bosses going beyond words? They are already showing they are in desperate states. Desperation may breed more flawed thinking. I believe that Lamont and her puppet masters will go to any lengths. The importance of their gaining and retaining power in the UK context should not be played down. This language from Lamont is a warning shot. They will not allow the Union, their Union, their meal ticket, to go quietly. Normal democratic language has been binned. What next? The potential is frightening. Cool heads are now required by those who want change. Watch as the boundaries are pushed and then breached by Labour and their apologists.  

Bill C

Just spotted a cracker on Facebook, it’s in the form of a badge and it reads “I’m a YES carrier”. I would provide a link or a download but my IT skills don’t match my gob. Any IT wizards out there like to give it a go. It’s well worth a look and I want one!

Bill C

@Morag – Couldn’t agree more.


She’s definitely had a makeover, skin, makeup, hair, clothes; guess that’s why she was away for so long over summer, big job. Still looks like the wee bauchle she is, waste of money, doll.
how could anyone possibly tell if lamont has had cosmetic surgery. it would be impossible, she is too ugly for surgery to make any difference
You two are an absolute disgrace.  This isn’t about Johann’s appearance, it’s about her filthy obnoxious language and policies.  And let’s face it, Alex is no oil painting either.
I don’t normally come the feminist, in fact I usually say that like it’s a dirty word, but have you any idea how misogynistic that is – the level of insult to any woman who has ever tried to improve her appearance to make herself more acceptable in a world where a woman’s appearance can make or break her?  The hurt that sort of attitude can cause to any woman who has contemplated going through major surgery to “stay young and beautiful, if you want to be loved”?
I’m disgusted with the pair of you.


she called me a virus

The Rough Bounds

I suppose she calls us a virus because we get right up her nose.
As for her having had a ‘make-over’ the words, ”you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear” spring to mind.
Margaret Curran? Whew! The Greeks were right when they said ‘the gods that you worship show up in your face’.
Relax folks; just remember that Curran and Lamont is the best that they have. Think about it. They are the best that they have.
No worries.


she called me a virus

Fair point.


Just think? She’s allowed to call me a “virus” and I’m not allowed to call her a ("Tractor" - Ed).


i understand your point but i gotta say she deserves evrything that is thrown at her

The Rough Bounds

Oh yeah! AND they use filthy and obnoxious language.

john king

Shes trying to drive a wedge between the SNP and independence supporters by vilifying the SNP and Alex Salmond,
she’ll then show her (compassion ha ha ) for the poor supporters by telling everyone were more to be pitied than scorned,
and attempt to build a firewall between us and Salmond, her trouble is that she BELIEVES  that she does hold sway over the people of Scotland and that Salmond is despised by everyone because that’s how she perceives him  ,
she will wake up one day soon and find its not Salmond the people despise but her!  


Just think? She’s allowed to call me a “virus” and I’m not allowed to call her a ("Tractor" - Ed).
No, because we’re better than them.  (Though looking at some of this thread I have some doubts….)  And because there is simply no point in handing ammunition to the pro-union journalists who just love another quote from a “vile cybernat”.


Craig M says:
24 September, 2013 at 9:10 pm

The comments by Lamont are outrageous ………..
My line of thinking – I think they are getting shocking news re: the polls and we have only started to see the sharp teeth of the beast , they will stoop to whatever level it takes to hold on to their precious union but if it could also have the totally opposite effect with one thing or other being the final straw and voters turning to YES en masse

Alan MacD

The Independence Virus.
Symptoms may include:
1, An adversion to bullshit.
2, Self respect.
3, A profound feeling of enlightenment.
Are there any political doctors who may know any more symptoms? ( bit of fun instead of everybody talking about feckin Hitler)


non dependant


Just spotted a cracker on Facebook, it’s in the form of a badge and it reads “I’m a YES carrier”.
I still like “I’m Y.E.S. positive” with or without “and I’m contagious”.


Your Margaret Curran’s and Johann Lamont’s of this world are to put it bluntly just pretty thick. They lack the cognitive function to think critically and have been exploited due to their lack of intellect. They have been brainwashed to hate with a passion their enemies (Like the more unpleasant fans of Rangers and Celtic, The hatred of blacks by the klu Klux klan etc). They couldn’t articulate why they hate “Scottish Nationalists” so much but its an irrational hatred for which they have absolutely no argument. Both are too dense to understand that battling for a NO vote is every bit as nationalistic as fighting for a YES just British instead of Scottish. 
Unfortunately its pretty prevalent amongst many of the unionist (British nationalist persuasion). How often have we heard Scotland being compared to megalomaniac dictators, calling us Natzis. Its anger in that they cannot articulate a positive case for the union therefore their only weapon is to obfuscate and confuse voters with lies, smears and fears. Their is unfortunately a fairly large percentage of voters in Scotland who actually believe this nonsense. So wrapped up in British nationalism they are unable to comprehend that Scotland is a nation, not a mere region of Britain like Yorkshire. Brainwashed doesn’t even begin to describe this group of individuals. They are closed off to all argument and usually become extremely agressive and abusive if you dare challenge their reasoning. This is because they know their case cannot be articulated. Its a common reaction to knowing you are getting destroyed in an argument but unable to accept this. 


This isn’t about Johann’s appearance.
Note my original comment concerning Johann apparently ageing rapidly – which may have sparked comments on her appearance – was related to the potential effect of stress on someone.
Johann lamont appears consumed with hatred for the SNP and independence. She is unable to write her own speeches, unable to debate, makes a complete fool out of herself regularly on national TV and finds herself as a floor wipe once a week at FMQs. She is completely out of her depth. I can imagine that must take a toll on her. She’s only human after all. People do ‘age’ due to continuous stress.
I always figured she’s lined up for Ian Davidson’s MP seat (traditionally one of the safest in Scotland for Labour, hence Ian Davidson being given it) when he gets a Lordship, and that’s what she’s going through this for. It’s now slipping away day by day but she has to keep going through the same humiliation again and again.


I suppose she calls us a virus because we get right up her nose.
Fantastic one!

call me dave

david V Morag
Fifteen all! 
But I think Morag has point play the ball not the man!
Oh….Now I’ve done it.
The stakes are the highest ever for the unionists, after independence who will they turn on then to patronise?
Mind you I can’t see Lamont and Curran or Darling  for that matter saving the Union.
They will self destruct in time, remember they are between a Jock and a hard place.


Don’t get mad, get even. And do it with mockery. Get onto Twitter, search #spreadthevirus and join the folk who are happily putting up Twibbons saying I’m a YES carrier, announcing their symptoms, telling us how many they have infected. It’s much more fun than getting angry in a corner…


Note my original comment concerning Johann apparently ageing rapidly – which may have sparked comments on her appearance – was related to the potential effect of stress on someone.
Yes, I got that.  I wasn’t criticising that observation.  I think you have a very valid point there.
I remember noticing Tony Blair getting increasingly lined and haggard as the months and years went by, surely way too fast for someone his age.  Getting into illegal wars will do that to a guy.  But in his case, it only came out “distinguished”.
I think the amount of bitterness Johann is harbouring can’t help but have an effect on her appearance.  It’s not good for anyone.


i dont think there is anyone more disliked than lamont


Shes trying to drive a wedge between the SNP and independence supporters by vilifying the SNP and Alex Salmond,
Not quite.  She’s trying to demonise the SNP, Alex Salmond and independence supporters in a desperate attempt to prevent don’t knows and soft No voters from being attracted to the position they occupy.


it’s fine having a rant on here and probably does a lot for our blood pressure but let’s all try to harness the anger such statements inspire in us and turn it back on the perpetrators.
We’re all reasonably computer literate and the majority of us will have a printer attached to the laptop. USE THEM.
Each time some numpty from the No side makes a ludicrous statement  associate it with whatever is out there (Hitler’s comment in this case) and produce a little hand-out. Put our opponents on the back foot throw their bile back in their faces.
while we are about it don’t forget the Simon Heffer piece in the mail last week. Download it… it’s 7 pages worth but is the equivelant of capturing the enemy’s armoury.
Store all their vitriol and use it against them.


im about ranted out


Expect this nonsense to get worse as we get closer to the referendum.  There is no low they won’t stoop to in order to attempt to convince the Scottish populace that clinging to England’s apron strings is as mush as we can aspire to.  Traitors all.  Well, she has inferred I’m a virus so sod her.

ronald alexander mcdonald

Muttley 79
I agree. People judge Salmond and the SNP on their actions in Government. Scrapping prescription charges and tuition fees, keeping the NHS in public hands, retaining free care for the elderly, freezing community charge, encouraging immigration to extend the tax take etc are hardly the actions of uncaring political Nazis.
I think they are completely shocked at the continuing popularity of the SNP in government. This has been achieved due to the  SNP’s competency and Labour’s ineptness. It’s a bit like a football team being hammered, and the question asked is were the winners brilliant. Lamont is like a player manager who tells the press the only reason is because the other side are a bunch of cheating bastards! 


maybe the yes people can start attacking too, im getting fed up feeling im on the defensive all the time, whats wrong with attacking their attack dogs ?


Hi Morag.
Regarding the media. That’s exactly my point.
Sorry I’m one of those who call a spade a spade.

Bill C

@kininvie -. That’s it in a nutshell. Any idea how I get a YES carrier twibbon?

john king

jeannie says
I don’t think this is the usual Labour stupidity – I think it’s more part of a deliberate plan:”
precisely what I thought but better put than my post 


This photo of Johann was taken in 2005. Not sure about the bubble comment though.


She’s trying to demonise the SNP, Alex Salmond and independence supporters in a desperate attempt to prevent don’t knows and soft No voters from being attracted to the position they occupy.  


she is failing miserably in that case. she is making people angry tho


Yes, Lamont has definitely looked different since the summer.  Not sure what it is though?
Tapeworm infection?

Alistair Livingston

As an aside, I found this tucked away in Michael White’s column on Labour conference in the Guardian today – but  what is a ‘Falkland’s war in reverse’?
Lord Charlie Falconer, Tony Blair’s Scots chum, predicts a “devastating effect on England” if Scotland votes for independence next year despite the no vote’s 20% lead. “It hasn’t occurred to the English what effect it will have on the English psyche” – not to mention its post-UK international status. A Falklands war in reverse, he warned a fringe meeting.

Jingly Jangly

CameronB says:
24 September, 2013 at 9:53 pm

Yes, Lamont has definitely looked different since the summer.  Not sure what it is though?
Tapeworm infection?
Maybe she has a virus!!!!


Off topic, but anyone who was fascinated by the wee quadricopter carrying the camera on Saturday should watch this.
link to


@Bill C
If you search on #spread the virus, there are links which take you to the Twibbon app for Twitter. You have to consent to allow Twibbon to access yr a/c (harmless as far as I know – but it will telll you what it can and can’t do to you!) then hey presto, the Twibbon is yours (I hope)
-The virus meme is spreading. Coupla MSPs claiming infection now, and Unionists beginning to get in a froth!


maybe the yes people can start attacking too, im getting fed up feeling im on the defensive all the time, whats wrong with attacking their attack dogs ?
What is wrong is this.

In a political fight, the outcomes tend to go in a particular way depending on the negativity or positivity of the campaigns.  If both are positive, the more positive side will win.  If one is positive and one is negative, the positive side will win.  If both are negative, the more negative side will win.

You pick your position at the start.  If you go for negative, you can only win if you lure your opponent into being negative too, and then staying more negative than they are.  Our side has chosen to be positive.  We will win if we stay positive.  The minute we morph into a negative campaign, we’ll lose – unless we can actually go more negative than Bitter Together, and I have to say I doubt if that’s possible.  And who would want to go there anyway?

If we are perceived as negative, even just a little bit negative, there’s a very real danger we get hammered.


If we’re a virus then from what I saw on Saturday we’re a particularly virulent one.
Q. What’s the difference between a nasty virus, and a Scottish Labour leader?
A. It’s easy to get rid of a Scottish Labour leader.


The Herald …tonight. Un-f*****-beliveable
A quick interview from John Barrowman.
link to
Seriously, it almost reads like what Susan Boyle (allegedly (aye,right!)) said a couple of months back. Seriously …do the folk at this paper really believe that we are that thick to believe this pish?
As quoted from The Herald (and spoken by one Mr Barrowman)
“What if something goes wrong? Just look at the recent banking crises, for example. What if, after independence, Scots banks suffered. What then?
“And although it may sound a little more fanciful, what if there’s an attack on Scottish shores and oil fields are threatened? Who could Scotland call upon to defend the country?”
‘An attack on the Scottish shores and oil fields’
‘Who could Scotland call upon to defend the country?”
Seriously Herald ….WTF! Who is writing this utter pish? A bloody 10 year old!

Quick the suns oot

Ive just emailed JoLa at the Scottish parliament address, told her what I think and asked her to meet with me to discuss. I’m not in her constituency but we’ll see what she says.

Bill C

@kininvie – Brilliant thanks.


We will win if we stay positive.
Yes. Patience for a little longer is required. Yes has been slowly again gaining since the No peak in 2012 driven by project fear.
November, however, is when things will change big style.


Alistair Livingston:
I think he means that the sense of triumph and pride which followed the Falklands will be replaced by opposite, negative feelings.
It’s a wise perception. It’s a dangerous game the UK govt’s playing in pretending it’s not going to happen, because if and when it does, the English are going to be left in a very difficult psychological state – overnight. They are not being given any chance to think about what it’s going to mean for them, or about how they might adjust. All kinds of comfortable assumptions are going to be swept away…


Re. Jeanie’s comment on patriotic collaboration of political parties in a stand against Fascism. I’m not sure if this is what lead the Fabian Society to get pally with Alfred Milner, 1st Viscount Milner and begin collaborating with Milner’s Kindergarten.

Ron Burgundy

Boorach says:

Each time some numpty from the No side makes a ludicrous statement  associate it with whatever is out there (Hitler’s comment in this case) and produce a little hand-out. Put our opponents on the back foot throw their bile back in their faces.
while we are about it don’t forget the Simon Heffer piece in the mail last week. Download it… it’s 7 pages worth but is the equivelant of capturing the enemy’s armoury.
Store all their vitriol and use it against them
I totally agree Boorach selective extracts from the Heffer piece and items from the likes of Lamont’s need to be printed off in a user friendly leaflet form by Yes Scotland to show the undecideded how Unionists think of them – much milage to be gained here. It is not going negative it is merely using ammunition they have very graciously given us to use against them.
Now get on with that job Blair


What is it with the media trying to portray Susan Boyle and John Barrowman in such a way? In no way do I believe that Susan Boyle said those things about having doubts about Independence, and in the case of Mr Barrowman, I refuse to believe this too.
Once you read the posting on The Herald website, it just doesn’t sound right! Sounds very odd.


As if we didn’t know this already, Labour and in particular the north British branch, have officially lost all sense of reason.

Arbroath 1320

Bill C says:

Just spotted a cracker on Facebook, it’s in the form of a badge and it reads “I’m a YES carrier”. I would provide a link or a download but my IT skills don’t match my gob. Any IT wizards out there like to give it a go. It’s well worth a look and I want one!
I don’t do Facebook but do have a Twitter account so how about this Bill?

Ruby Tuesday

I don’t get upset by anything Johann Lamont says and that is probably because I almost never listen to her.   I occasionally watch FMQ but I always keep my finger on the FF button when she is talking.     I don’t believe that Johann Lamont, Margaret Curran, Anas Sarwar, Jackie Baillie, Ian Davidson could persuade any intelligent person to do anything other than not to vote for them.

I never watch TV so perhaps I’m not seeing as much of these people as others.   I used to watch Newsnight on the i-player but now I don’t bother.   I see no reason to get myself wound up by idiots. 

Perhaps it would be a good idea for everyone to image Johann Lamont naked whenever she makes a speech.   Personally I just imagine her now with a big purple bow in her hair, Yes buttons on her little jackette and a finger puppet stuck on her pointy finger. 


I have a confession to make , I have the YES virus and to make matters worse I have infected my oldest son and at least three other people .
I don’t know how I can live with myself for inflicting this virus on four innocent people .
To make matters worse I now think that this virus can be transferred to people through watching t.v and listening to the radio .
My wife is now showing symptoms of having this virus after listening to part of Nicola’s sermon on the mount on smooth radio .

Ruby Tuesday

Bill C
Yes positive!  I like that.  That is very witty. 
When it comes to a sense of humour the YES side win hands down.   I still laugh when I think of the 500 questions.

Arbroath 1320

I am seriously concerned.
My doctor gave me my results today and informed me in an extremely solemn manner that I had indeed contracted the YES virus. What was very worrying was that he told me that the particular strain of the virus I have is incurable. Not only is it incurable but it is also the most viral. 😆


I’m infected.


How will things change big style in November?  Are you talking about the White Paper?

Seasick Dave

Ms Lamont could have told us before now about this virus.
I’ve been hinging about dodgy Yes positive folk and now I’ve got it and worry that I may have passed it on to my wife.
She’s English, though, so it may not have crossed species.
xx Fingers crossed xx

Linda's back

Ron Burgundy @ Boorach says: 

Now get on with that job Blair

Everyone on here is a YES virus therefore it is up to you to spread the message and not rely on the host virus to do everything for you.
Get in touch with your local Yes organisation and print the leaflets yourself.
This is a community based campaign and local people know best what is suitable for their area.



I am now hopefully.


Just in case PCSA is still a little concerned over the “police numbers” for the march this is for the record from the ScotPolFed Twitter Feed 23 Sept SPF members were kept busy this weekend facilitating march of 20,000.
Not sure if this has been posted apologies if it has but I didn’t see it (presumably the BBC were too busy with viruses to see this too).


Looks like I’ve got the virus, too.  Not sure how it’s getting spread around but I think this guy might be partly responsible-
link to

Blackford Wheeler

One way to stay positive, and help the virus of independence to become endemic, is to pass this video around of a presentation given by economist  Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp of Business for Scotland to a YES Clydesdale meeting.


A couple of soft NO friends of mine are showing early signs of infection – starting to ask questions!


Just in case PCSA is still a little concerned over the “police numbers” for the march this is for the record from the ScotPolFed Twitter Feed 23 Sept SPF members were kept busy this weekend facilitating march of 20,000.

Not sure if this has been posted apologies if it has but I didn’t see it (presumably the BBC were too busy with viruses to see this too).
Stu mentioned it on one of the posts.  Always bears repeating though.

link to


Are you talking about the White Paper?
The joint (UK and SCO Gov) statement is as much as if not more important. It should confirm the white paper largely.
The idea was there should never be a referendum.
If there was, the aftermath would need negotiation. Crucially, this would need to be before the referendum. That would tip the scales so…


Symptoms of advanced, irreversible infection appear to be a strong allergic response to Labour bullshit. 

Chic McGregor

It is possible to be assertively positive.  You can display fire, passion and even anger without being in any way negative, dishonest or threatening.
Indeed if you do not display that then eventually people will start to wonder whether you you believe what you are saying.


As a non-Twitterite I somehow doubted I would be first with that. 🙂

Craig P

Bit of a depressing thread this in the below the line comments. Some nice stuff about ‘yes positive’ (cracking phrase by the way) and a whole load of mince about nazis and Johann Lamond’s appearance. 🙁

Chic McGregor

“Apologies but I am Y.E.S. positive.  Please use a fact mask if you wish to avoid infection.” 


@Chic McGregor
When a person gets angry it normally does look threatening though.


Do you have planes?


Doctor Parkinson declared ‘I’m not surprised to see you here
You’ve got smokers cough from smoking, brewer’s droop from drinking beer
I don’t know how you came to get the Betty Davis knees
But worst of all young man you’ve got Independence Disease’
He wrote me a prescription he said ‘you are depressed
But I’m glad you came to see me to get this off your chest
Come back and see me later – next patient please
Send in another victim of Independence Disease’
Apologies to Mark Knopfler

creag an tuirc

I’m a YES positive, the unionists North and South of the border will do all the work for us. North, due to their SNP blind spot and South, because they are unaware of how much of their programs are actually broadcast to us.


Michael Kelly blasting everyone tonight…its  PR to blame….and even Unions choosing JoLo  now  in his sights….oh there will be cringing tonight

Jock McDonnell

it was more intimidating in the original German translation but as someone above said, it is the rhetoric of the damned

Bill C

@Arbroath  1320 – Yeah that’s the one I was talking about, thanks to kininvie I have the YES Positive on my twitter twibbon.  I think it’s a simple, but effective way to highlight the depths which Lamont is plumbing. 

Bill C

Interesting that Michael Kelly was slating Lamont on Newsnight Scotland tonight. Do I smell ferrets in a sack?

John grant

Kelly is a balloon , greaterex nonentity 


Michael Kelly on Newsnight.
When I think of a No vote (and I try not to), his face springs to mind.
Och…what a gibbering buffoon.

Dorothy Devine

I’m morphing in to Typhoid Mary -the more I infect the happier I am!

Murray McCallum

What a mess of a position New Labour seem to be in. Tom Greatrex was saying SNP all about politics of identity while Labour don’t see boundaries, etc, etc.  This from the One Nation party that keep going on about foreigners!



jim mitchell

desimond, Newsnight was actually quite interesting tonight, I think that we can now take it for granted, that although they will never admit it, there are still sections of the Labour party who are completely underwhelmed by their British party leader and also we now have a public declaration from someone who we are informed is still a leading light in Scottish Labour, that not only do a lot of them not like Johann Lamont as their Scottish leader but that they never wanted her in the first place!
That could be useful!

Murray McCallum

Johann Lamont has got a terrible job with numpties like Kelly in the background.
He listed proportional representation as bad for Scottish New Labour while it might have been good for Scotland. He summed it up as a mistake. All his points were like that – it was all about New Labour and not about retaining or winning potential voters.


Scotland Tonight :
Hardly touched on the Lamont & Curran craziness; too busy frothing over fabulous speach by Ed the Leader ! 

Championing Labour leader speach – then they wheel out ‘Snorkel Torquil’ & ‘Sun Tube’ to shout hoorah for Ed the great leader & patriot. (59 mentions of Britain / Wow). 

Big focus on a woman who nearly died at a previous confrence ?… is that really such a well made point, like they were trying to make out ??

Seemed very simplistic and lacked impact.

Wheres the scrutiny of this conference ??

SNP never ever gets this kind o easy ride … is Eds big energy gift costed ??

John MacKay – what a complete patsy. No credibility at all.

Newsnight Scotland  – even worse … what can you say …  Michael Kelly ? Talks crap but never gets interupted by Brewer. Total Labour show.


Does having the Y.E.S. positive virus mean I will never get to know what the price of stamps will be in an independent Scotland, tears and more tears.
If there is a NO virus this is how will we be able to tell if a person has got it !!!
No virus symptoms- continious lying, speaking crap, always negative, hates anyone with the initials AS, loves the touch of ermine.