The Unquestionables
In April last year we wrote to LGBT Youth Scotland asking them to explain why they were conducting activities in primary schools (and even with pre-school children) about sexual matters despite only having a remit to work with young people aged 13-25.
We received no reply, so we contacted the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator, who sent a rather sniffy acknowledgement saying:
“If your concern leads us to making inquiries with the charity, we are unable to update you on the status of those inquiries. For more information about what to expect after you submit a concern, read our guidance on how OSCR deals with concerns and inquiries.”
That link, you’ll be amazed to hear, leads to a dead page.
The OSCR also has a Freedom Of Information page.
It links to “OSCR’s Guide to Information”, a PDF file containing lots more links. But if you click on the one about “How we deal with complaints about charities”:
it takes you here.
The OSCR costs Scottish taxpayers around £3.4m a year, the large bulk of which is spent on its 43 staff. (A tasty average of over £60,400 each.)
That’s on top of the £1.9m LGBT Youth Scotland costs taxpayers every year, nearly all of it directly or indirectly from the Scottish Government and local authorities.
But apparently we don’t get any accountability or transparency for that. LGBT Youth Scotland have continued to insert themselves into primary schools and nobody will explain to us why they’re so obviously improperly being allowed to. So today we’ve filed a Freedom Of Information request:
We’ve also resent our initial enquiry to LGBTYS to give them another opportunity to explain why they’re exceeding their authority and involving themselves with toddlers when they’re only meant to work with teens and young adults.
(They actually updated their Articles Of Association just a few days ago, reaffirming the details of their supposed target group.)
We don’t have high hopes. We’ve learned over the past few years that essentially no public body or figure in Scotland is answerable to anyone for anything, all the way up to the Crown Office, and it takes exhausting numbers of years to even begin to scratch the surface of how those whose wages we pay conduct themselves.
All we can do is keep trying. We notice, though, that as luck would have it the charity has a “live chat session” scheduled for this afternoon, where you can talk to them about “whatever is on your mind”.
We’ve certainly got some stuff on our minds, so we’re going to pop along, and any interested readers may like to join in too and see if we can find out what’s going on. Because there appear to be no other methods available.
You do realise the chat will be shut down for technical reasons the moment you or any one of your followers raises a question about primary or pre school children! As you say no one is accountable in Scotland anymore which is a ploy by the unionists to make us reliant on reaching out to Westminster to resolve these problems and to further the Yoon position in Scotland. I hope they rot in whatever personal hell they’ve made for themselves!
Yet again WOS and our respected host demonstrate exactly what genuine investigative journalism is about.
Genuine thanks for all your efforts to draw attention to just what is scuttling about under the stones you turn over.
I might try and get a job at the OSCR. If each person is trousering an average of £60k a year, that seems like a good grift.
That amount may also include employer NI and pension contributions, so the actual average salary may be about 70% less (I’m sure financial experts can correct me on that)
The lack of response and responsibility in “our” administrative organisations is soul-destroying. Even more so when the service providers – schools, universities, NHS etc – flout the law and damage people with impunity.
Is it not possible to bring a civil action against LG…, OSCR, a school? There’s several groups who agree that schools are behaving illegally – they would help, as would all we members of the public – a crowdfunder would be well-supported, I’m sure.
There is the process of judicial review that can scrutinise and (perhaps) overturn such decisions but there are strict legal tests to meet before a judge will quash a decision by, for example, an NHS board – and you need deep pockets.
« essentially no public body or figure in Scotland is answerable to anyone for anything, all the way up to the Crown Office »
Such comprehensive closedown of public and political accountability in Scotland is deeply sinister and undoubtedly orchestrated.
OSCR is a make-work organisation for unemployable scions of the Scotch middle class. Arrogant, secretive and deeply useless.
Thank goodness you have the patience to do this and much appreciated. Being a chancer seems to be the required qualification to be part of government or a quango in Scotland these days.
There is the process of judicial review that can scrutinise and (perhaps) overturn such decisions but there are strict legal tests to meet before a judge will quash a decision by, for example, an NHS board – and you need deep pockets.
There is no barrier to how low a human being can go.
Semper verus.
‘As you say no one is accountable in Scotland anymore which is a ploy by the unionists to make us reliant on reaching out to Westminster to resolve these problems and to further the Yoon position in Scotland’
There is always lots of mince posted on Wings but that is up there with the best of them. Nothing is ever the fault of the SNP run Scottish Government.It is all the yoons fault for voting in the SNP!!!!!!!Beggars belief!
Here we are 15 years into austerity, credit crunch, recession and cut backs and governments can hand out £60K per annum to immoral perverts unanswerable to anyone.
Unbelievable depths of depravity being sponsored by unwilling tax payers trying to get by.
LGBTYS are hiding in plain sight.There’s serious allegations about them and lumping 13 year old with adults is an abusers dream. They need closed down and investigated but as this is Scotland they’re getting away with it in plain sight.
There’s too many examples now of these groups providing cover for abusers now for it to be coincidence. Abusers are attracted to groups that allow them access to children and with Trans ideology it means they’ve got cover til the abusers commit at crime but by that point someone is hurt.
It is a grim reality that regulatory process does not work.
This is no accident. It is deliberate. Citizens are but rats in a trap. They have little to no input and can be used and abused without sanction.
It is truly Orwellian.But the people accept it, just like so many in 1930s Germany accepted it as the state closed in.
For all it’s ills good and bad the USA wrote into his constitution the right to bear arms so that folk could resist a government or power that turned against them.
Here I’m afraid too many would happily allow their primary children to be schooled in the ways of perverse behavior. Worse still many would I suspect just allow themselves to be rounded up and corraled the state 1930s Germany style. Internment is after all a very British thing.
Good stuff Rev Stu for exposing this lurking danger. And it will become worse too as we move further into our war economy.
Are parents being told about what is going on in these primary schools? If the school authorities are not telling them, do parents not talk to their children about what they are doing in school? As a parent I would not allow my child to be exposed to this. Why are parents not up in arms?
Good luck with trying to get sensible answers from the group you describe. Even simple questions seem to provoke accusations of ‘phobia’ and what appears to be tantrums more appropriate to a three year old than to people calling themselves adults.
Scotland is the land of the cyber dead zone. Page after page on the websites of public bodies dead and gone. The latest wheeze is just not answering the phone or letting it go to voicemail and never bothering to call back. Regulators without teeth, charities that don’t accept single cases, oversight bodies that can’t find your emails on their system, civil servants who don’t follow the law, the person you want to speak to is always on annual leave, it goes on and on, trying to tire out complainers and every service gets worse and more defensive at the same time.
How come every public servant has become functionally incompetent at more or less the same time?
After reading this article, I am getting even more concerned that these quangos might just be acting as fronts for a continuous supply of victims to high profile paedophiles and degenerates.
The burning questions for me are:
why aren’t these quangos stopped by the government?
Why aren’t these quangos stopped by the councils?
Why aren’t these quangos stopped by the police?
Why aren’t they stopped by the schools?
and more importantly,
Why is the government abusing our money to fund these dodgy outfits? What exactly is in for those agreeing to use our cash for this? What are they getting in exchange?
I cannot help it, but the image of Derek McKay keeps popping in my head when I read about this. How many Derek MacKays are hiding in plain sight in the government, police, justice departments and in those quangos?
Who is this government really paying to and for what exactly?
In Scotland, there is no legal requirement for schools to sing “God Save the King”.
As such your child has no legal obligation to sing “God Save the King,” therefore your child the right to refrain from singing it.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and Scots law emphasize respecting children’s rights, including the right to express their views.
Children do have rights, Scot Gov appear to dismiss Scots Law when and as it suits them, I wonder why ?
Well done Wings for again exposing the sickening state of the Scottish establishment and their unaccountability to anyone. I cannot believe i have lived to see my country reduced to this.