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Wings Over Scotland

The thing that never happens

Posted on February 07, 2023 by

People across Scotland breathed a sigh of relief this morning when missing Galashiels 11-year-old Kaitlyn Easson was found safe and well after a multi-service search.

The police have arrested [EDIT: and now charged] a 53-year-old man in connection with her disappearance, named by the Daily Record as Andrew Miller, a local butcher. This was one of two names that numerous sources had been passing to Wings since the man was detained, but the two names only referred to one person.

That’s because for at least the last six years, Andrew Miller has been living in the village of Gattonside as a transwoman, under a different name. We’re not publishing that name or any of the other details that were given to us, so as not to prejudice the police’s investigations, but it’s already being spread around social media along with pictures of Miller’s female presentation and links to his female-named Facebook page, which contains numerous pieces of information matching Andrew Miller, as well as what now appears a rather ironic post from a few weeks ago.

On the same day as they posted the YouTube link to movie crossdressers, a separate Facebook account under the name of Andrew Miller had posted this:

A post in May 2021 from the same account identified Miller as “her”.

As does the account’s personal info page.

The Miller account is Facebook friends with the other account.

And what’s peculiar about all of that is that the then justice secretary Humza Yousaf confirmed in 2019 that Police Scotland record and track criminal incidents “according [to] the self-identified gender of victims, witnesses and suspects”.

Which means only one of three things: either Andrew Miller has undergone a sudden detransition, or Police Scotland have suddenly changed their policy without any public announcement, or that someone has told them to depart from that policy in the case of Andrew Miller, following a number of events in recent days regarding transgender sex offenders which have caused discomfort and embarrassment to the First Minister.

We must emphasise that we have no idea whether Andrew Miller is guilty of any crime, under that name or the one he’d been using for years until this morning. But the mere fact of his being identified as a man raises a number of concerning questions, the answers to which over the coming days are going to be very interesting indeed.


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0 to “The thing that never happens”

  1. Graham A Fordyce

    If he de-transitioned, he would be liable to prosecution under the new legislation, would he not?

  2. Martin

    Right focus. What he has or hasn’t done is for the courts to decide. Thankfully the lassie is OK. But you’re so right… This is a very very different approach to information release and, given how much sway the SNP has over how stuff is reported, is interesting to say the least.

  3. SusanAHF

    I’m just glad the young girl is safe.

  4. Brian Doonthetoon

    SHOOT! The $hit’s fair hitting the fan, iye?

    Will be interesting to hear the Führerine’s response when she is quizzed about this – if she is, of course.

  5. Eileen Carson

    192 has him in his male name

  6. Tam Norrie

    The bill is not an act and currently has no standing.

  7. Mike

    I know the details are just emerging but I really hope this does not involve anything that was sexually motivated.

    This could prove to be very damaging for Sturgeon.

  8. Lewis Moonie

    My. A week is a long time in politics.

  9. Natal XY and proud

    Milles of Melrose has been closed for a while with a note on the door saying closed due to family issues and re-opening soon.

  10. gregor

    Wally Blue (07/02/2023): Twitter:

    “Nicola Sturgeon, the SNP, Labour, Lib Dems, the Greens hang your heads in shame. Repeal that ridiculous GRR bill. We the Scottish Public don’t want it. Shame on you all”:

  11. Maureen

    It’s time she threw the towel in. How long until these stories become daily. Is she really going to spend all her time in front of a podium tying herself in knots to save an unworkable policy?

  12. Tenv

    Had a young family member by marriage put on sex offenders list for kissing a boy under 16 – the cops came to her house every month checked her phone www etc. In between she could have gone anywhere! Sometime the officer was on holiday or off sick & no one came to check!

  13. Flower of Scotland

    Nicola,s handmaidens will not be swayed. If she says it’s all ok, then they think it’s fine.

    I didn’t realise that the SNP was so full of stupid women!!

  14. craig murray

    I see the Police described Kaitlyn as “safe and uninjured”. I pray the uninjured bit can be taken at face value.

  15. craig murray

    Incidentally I see that Miller was not living permanently in a female identity, so maybe he presented himself to the police as David Miller. That would mean there are not the implications for policy that Stu speculates on.

  16. Lorna Campbell

    Interesting departure, Rev, indeed. Just glad the wee lass is safe and well. When the police do their job, they do it well.

  17. Rev. Stuart Campbell

    “Incidentally I see that Miller was not living permanently in a female identity”

    Where do you see that? (Please note I removed the previous link you posted as it gives his female identity, which I’m choosing not to reveal.) Several different sources have confirmed to me that he’s been living solely as a woman in Gattonside for at least six years. Even his “Andrew Miller” Facebook account still identifies him as female.

  18. Rev. Stuart Campbell

    “The bill is not an act and currently has no standing.”

    Where is any bill mentioned in the article?

  19. Dave Llewellyn

    The names already been published elsewhere.

  20. Rev. Stuart Campbell

    “The names already been published elsewhere.”

    Yes, I know, that’s why I deleted the link. I’m not doing it here.

  21. David Holden

    At last a good news story with the lassie being found safe and I hope and pray well .The story above is disturbing as if the police have been told to drop the gender issue in this case to spare the government anymore grief we are in a very dark place or should that read darker place as we are so far down the rabbit hole this would be a good time for the big nasty comet to arrive and put us out of our misery.

  22. Republicofscotland

    Sounds like the change to naming as a male is to take pressure off the FM not mentioning his other name, folk wouldn’t link him with trans community and the GRRB and the SNP/Greens.

    Its an exercise in protecting the FM’s already shot to pieces reputation on the matter.

  23. Carol Neill

    I’m really really trying to bite my tongue and I’m nowhere near as educated as most of you , but it would appear in my humble opinion that mr CM , who was very supported on here , should cut his losses and leave this debate
    I need no replies and I’m certainly not entering into a tit for tat , men are men women are women end of story

  24. Lisa

    Wait a minute. This person has been living as a female but was arrested as a male, yeah. What happens if this person suddenly decides to resume a female identity? Would the authorities be obliged to move the person to a female unit? I cannae keep up with this. There’s nae sense behind it nor logic in front of it. I’m so glad the wee lassie is OK and hopefully she’s getting the support she needs.

  25. Geoff Anderson

    I look forward to the full and detailed investigation being made to the public.

  26. gregor

    Stonewall: An introduction to supporting LGBTQ+ children..:

    A GUIDE FOR SICK SCHOOL SEXUAL PREDATORS (re. how to systematically and socially groom & exploit innocent children – in broad daylight):

    “…At Stonewall, we imagine a world where LGBTQ+ people everywhere can live our lives to the full…

    1. What do LGBTQ+ young people want you to know?

    As part of growing up, all children …will spend time exploring their identity and developing a sense of who they are.

    This will include thinking about whether they experience attraction to others, who they are attracted to (their emotional, romantic and/or sexual orientation), how they feel about their gender (their gender identity), and the different ways they express their gender (gender expression).

    Some children …will realise that they are lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning or ace (LGBTQ+), meaning that their sexual orientation…


    ‘Better educate staff on the LGBTQ+ community and more strictly enforce…



    ‘You should never feel uncomfortable talking about LGBTQ+ topics, and even if you get questions that you are uncomfortable with…


  27. AnneDon

    What I find really interesting is that this has been going on for years on both side of the border, and yet it’s only in the past couple of weeks that the MSM have raised their heads over the parapet. What could possibly be their motive? Not panicking over recent polls, are they?

  28. ronald

    Glad to hear the wee lassie has been found & hopefully she’s ok

  29. Big G

    Playing Devil’s advocate.

    Is it not possible that he doesn’t actually claim to be trans but is just a drag queen/crossdresser. All drag queens are weirdos, but at least some know that it is a fictional persona, and may use female pronouns on that fictional basis on social media, etc, but don’t actually believe it, and report correctly as male in all official capacities.

    Or it could be that he has simply maintained complete silence since his arrest, and his official birth sex has been released to the media as a result in lieu of a self-declaration.

    Or it could be that he’s one of these gender fluid folks where it changes day to day or minute to minute, and he was just feeling particularly masc when he was arrested for child abduction.

  30. gregor

    Stonewall (2023): The Truth about Trans: For people who are hungry for real info:

    “How does a person know they are trans?

    Many people know they’re trans from a young age… Other trans people do not know until they are teenagers… what is clear is that it’s not something that’s a fad or a ‘lifestyle choice’…

    Does teachers and doctors talking about trans issues more make children and young people think they are trans when they aren’t?


    Should under 18s be able to transition?

    “…some children …some young people … medical treatment can be the right course of action… From 16 onwards, after further assessment, this can include cross-sex hormones…

    Is it true that lots of people change their mind about their transition?

    “…it does happen….”:

  31. Stuart MacKay

    Craig Murray, for once, see that this situation defies logic or principle and is simply built out of raw emotion and a few millennia of evolution. There’s nothing to be gained by martyring yourself on the alter of gender politics. It’s consumed better men than you.

  32. gregor

    World Economic Forum (2019) Agenda: What my transgender child can teach us about the workforce of the future:

    “…while I was attending a luncheon at Davos 2019… I had opened the luncheon by sharing my family’s journey parenting a 13-year-old transgender daughter…

    One of Jordyn’s icons, social media superstar and transgender woman Gigi Gorgeous, was sitting a few seats away from me at the Davos luncheon. I asked Gigi to text my daughter while she was still on the bus. A few minutes later, instead of a disdainful response to a mother’s platitudes, Jordyn texted me “Omg omg omg, do I text her back?!”

    The magic of Davos in bringing global leaders together meant my daughter was off to a good start on her first day of school…”:

  33. gregor

    StonewallScotland (2023) Historic Announcement:

    “Today, Deputy First Minister John Swinney announced to the Scottish Parliament that Scotland is to become the first country in the world to have LGBTI-inclusive education embedded throughout the curriculum.

    …Stonewall Scotland has been part of the Scottish Government’s LGBTI Inclusive Education Working Group…

    Stonewall Scotland will continue to work with the Scottish Government, Education Scotland and organisations …on the implementation of these reforms…”:

  34. Towbar Sullivan

    What is Stonewall and similar organisations position on paedophilia and zoophilia?

    I think it would be odd if they didn’t have one. Suppose, for example, a teenager says he or she is sexually attracted to dogs or babies? What is their protocol if that comes up when teenagers/children are ‘exploring’ or ‘questioning’ their sexuality?

    What is their approved response then – to ‘affirm’? To challenge? What? I would really love to know what their official guidance is in such cases..

  35. Matt

    Rev. Stuart Campbell says: at 8:07 pm
    “The bill is not an act and currently has no standing.”

    Where is any bill mentioned in the article?

    – Its from the comments, Tam’s reply to Graham:

    Graham A Fordyce says: at 7:13 pm
    If he de-transitioned, he would be liable to prosecution under the new legislation, would he not?

    Tam Norrie says: at 7:27 pm
    The bill is not an act and currently has no standing.

  36. John C

    This is why the LGB community, and even what we’d call transexuals up til a few years ago need to detach themselves fast from the ‘Queer’ community. People who’ve spent decades, even centuries, trying to shake the image of them as sexual deviants and perverts are being dragged through the gutter by perverts, abusers, violent men, MRA’s and rapists.

    We’re now seeing LGB acceptance declining because of this which must hurt coming from a position of just less than a decade ago when most sane, decent people fully accepted LGB equality.

    And it’s down to politicians who support ‘Queer’ theory who are majorly responsible. If This person did abduct that wee girl, (and hopefully that’s all he did) and if the police are doing their best to cover up his Trans identity to save politicians being asked hard questions then this is a massive scandal and should result in the First Minister resigning along with several people close to her.

  37. McDuff

    Sturgeon should be prosecuted for this insanity as it is giving a green light to these perverts and allowing them to play gender games to the detriment of women and young girls.

  38. James Che

    What a haven Scotland would become for sex-ual activities of bad Trans men from those wishing to hide from, police, courts and justice systems elsewhere if the gender law is changed here,

    Male tourism would increase triple fold at least,

  39. Southernbystander

    Rev. Stuart Campbell: gregor’s first post contains a link revealing the female identity of this person

  40. Oneliner

    Spare a thought for the boys in blue. They’ll never get their heads around this.
    Goodness knows it’s difficult enough trying to establish the identity of the Holyrood leaker. It appears that a journalist’s sources are sacrosanct, even if criminality is involved.

  41. Astonished

    Glad the wee lassie is ok.

    How did Sturgeon and the transcult turn Scotland’s largest party into a binfire of galactic proportions ?

    Sturgeon has got to go. And soon.

    Looking forward to all the cringing about what to call this long term transwomen.

    I also hope everyone noted the BBC and Police Scotland trying to shield Nicola. Wonder why ?

  42. David Hannah

    Sturgeon says male rapist Isla Bryson, male rapist is a she.

    SNP. Stronger for rapists. That is the Sturgeon philosophy. Unless of course you’re wearing a football strip that is.

    In which case Nicola will be on the phone to her favourite crime novelist and uprooting your entire football club from Cumbernauld. What’s it called, the Scottish Nonce Party.

  43. Red

    I’ve been praying for this girl since I heard the news.

    As a father of young children, your innards turn to ice when you hear about a wean going missing.

    Thank God and Police Scotland she was found.

    But no thanks to the Scottish Parliament, which refuses to even talk about the problems Scotland has with men preying on little girls.

  44. James Che

    What was that wifies name that used to be in coronation street years ago, was it Deirdrie Barlow?

  45. Joanna Young

    Re: Anne Don’s comment, some newspapers, especially the Times, both on its news page and Scotland page, have covered these issues for a number of years, however most papers have toed the line and reported badly or not at all. For the past 5 years I have scrolled through news pages describing “women” accused of rape, (attempted) murder, attempting to meet a child and also extreme/child porn and all but a couple have been males, most of whom had recently “identified” as a woman. Police have been charging males as women and courts using preferred pronouns thereby further traumatising victims and their families and distorting stats.

    Having briefly been a criminologist, I’m very aware of the difference between male & female pattern offending and also that female prisoners make up a tiny percentage of prisoners (<5%). Women commit so few violent and sex crimes that even a handful of TIMs distort the figures especially as offenders with a GRC go initially to the women's estate and are counted as women.

  46. gregor

    @Towbar Sullivan re. “What is Stonewall and similar organisations position on paedophilia and zoophilia?”

    Those without conscience (anything hellish imaginable is possible ?)…

  47. Big Jock

    One thing I will say in all of this chaos. Sex education is for secondary school , not for primary school.

    Let children keep their innocence as long as they can in this crazy world. Childhood is a special time for all of us. They do not need to know about sex until they have sexual emotions.

    Teaching them pre puberty just messes with their heads. All I cared about at primary school was sweeties, best man’s fall and Christmas. Let’s keep it that way.

  48. gregor

    WaseemTrader (07/02/2023): Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney constituencies to be hit by ‘targeted’ EIS teacher strikes:

    “Scotland’s largest teaching union has announced plans to target the constituencies of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and her deputy John Swinney as part of escalating strike action.

    The announcement to target the “key decision-makers” within the Scottish government…”:

  49. Bob Mack


  50. gregor

    Telegraph (07/02/2023): Scottish police defy Nicola Sturgeon over trans self-ID law:

    “Scottish police have defied Nicola Sturgeon’s sex self-ID drive by referring to a transgender butcher arrested in connection with the disappearance of an 11-year-old girl as a man.

    Andrew George Miller, known locally as Amy, was taken into police custody on Monday night after the 11-year-old girl who disappeared on Sunday, was found “safe and well” at a home in Gattonside near Galashiels after being missing for more than a day.

    Police confirmed yesterday that a “53-year-old man”, understood to be Miller, had been arrested in connection with the disappearance, which caused grave concerns for the child’s welfare…”:

  51. PacMan

    Big G says: 7 February, 2023 at 8:37 pm

    Playing Devil’s advocate.

    Is it not possible that he doesn’t actually claim to be trans but is just a drag queen/crossdresser. All drag queens are weirdos, but at least some know that it is a fictional persona, and may use female pronouns on that fictional basis on social media, etc, but don’t actually believe it, and report correctly as male in all official capacities.

    Or it could be that he has simply maintained complete silence since his arrest, and his official birth sex has been released to the media as a result in lieu of a self-declaration.

    Or it could be that he’s one of these gender fluid folks where it changes day to day or minute to minute, and he was just feeling particularly masc when he was arrested for child abduction.

    Trans is an umbrella term for all types of identity that revolves around gender. It involves Transsexuals, Transvestites, Cross-dressers, Transgenders etc.

    It is easily to get confused with this as most people think Trans are Transsexuals who are going through full medical transition to an opposite sex.

    I’m sure the conspiracy minded folks will think this Trans umbrella term is designed to confuse and restrict conversation to allow dodgy behaviour to slip through to acceptance.

    This can be seen where a lot of us, including myself, are talking about Transsexual people when we talk to genuine Trans.

  52. Lorne

    When children are groomed with trans nonsense constantly by the constant miseducation they are not be able to tell predatory strangers or locals. Never mind opportunist bastards.
    Women and children are not safe whilst this ideology is forced in us by law.
    It is a farce , it is dangerous and it is not even recent, but by pernicious stealth it has infected with plenty financial backing every area of life.
    And why women have had enough because we all live from childhood upwards with the threat from men, with the inequality with the sexualisation of us to make money to sell things. That no matter how hard you try to get a career there are many who will never see a capable woman as enough or ever give someone a start in case they eventually have a family.
    Yet men are fathers and nobody withholds a job from them at the beginning in case they become a dad.
    Extreme violence and porn are online, in games on a phone in a playground, girls get seriously sexually assault in schools these days and yet women impersonators are dictating that all safety all women must be erased from society. We have to worship at the alter of pronouns, we are criminalised for speaking up and pointing out fact instead of going alonv with lies and fiction. We are demonised in the media now for telling the truth. Those who warned that the Ge der Recognition Act would destroy womens legal rights were ignored. Instead the trans lobby piggyback respected the LGB credentials to promote something that had nithing to do with LGB nor straight men and women. The trans community lives in a world of fiction of self lies and yet has forced this to be everybodies priority at the expense of rights fought for by women for women and the general public still dont know half of what has been introduced at every level of society. In hospitals in prisons in home care the police and in schools.

    And Craig Murray stick to what you know you are not helping here.
    I will say what is fact autogynophiles are MEN and do OFTEN have other sexual deviances such as paedophilia. We don’t have to put up with them in women’s spaces or apeing women and they have no right to be near children. The sooner people start asking questions about this ideology in all it’s forms from the grooming of children to join the cult to make the rest of the women impersonators feel included, to the medical sterilisation of teenagers because they have been told to believe that they are in the wrong bodies, the quicker make criminals are always dealt with as male not matter what make up wig and clothes they are wearing. The quicker we hold up a mirror to this madness and challenge politicians the better because society is not safe.
    Women have losts all of their rights and children are targets .

  53. Martin

    Big G says:
    7 February, 2023 at 8:37 pm
    Playing Devil’s advocate.

    Is it not possible that he doesn’t actually claim to be trans but is just a drag queen/crossdresser. All drag queens are weirdos,

    I’m not sure I can let that slide. Drag is not a medium I particularly enjoy, but it is definitely a form of entertainment with deep historical roots in theatre and (generally) very little to do with the gender ideology cult. These artists are males who have a stage persona. A very different things, and while I don’t enjoy it (the “shade” aspect is a bit catty/gauche for me) I don’t think it deserves to be lumped in with this which is very different.

  54. gregor

    The Almighty (2017): Crank: Welcome To Defiance:

    “…You got to go with what you know
    Find the time to re-arrange
    But you love to suffer in silence
    When you know that you’re
    Welcome to defiance
    Get up, get out and try it…”:

  55. Tommo

    There is a reason why these people are ‘marginalised’; it is just better that way.

  56. Towbar Sullivan

    The trouble – or at least part of it – is that they DO have a conscience (of sorts). They want to ‘liberate’ people from stigma. My question/concern is how far do they intend taking it? I would love to ask them what they would class as ‘perverted” – I am not sure they would be willing to apply that label to any sexual behaviour…

    If the idea was to help paedophiles and zoophiles deal with their urges without touching animals or children, I would broadly support it – it must be a sort of living hell to be attracted only to kids or animals – but I suspect/fear that what they really intend is to ‘validate’ such desires rather than teach those affected with them to control them.

    I think the very obvious end point of Queer Theory is to totally get rid of the concept of ‘perversion’. And that’s why I would really like to know Stonewall etc’s position on this.

  57. PacMan

    gregor says: 7 February, 2023 at 9:27 pm

    Telegraph (07/02/2023): Scottish police defy Nicola Sturgeon over trans self-ID law:

    “Scottish police have defied Nicola Sturgeon’s sex self-ID drive by referring to a transgender butcher arrested in connection with the disappearance of an 11-year-old girl as a man.

    I’ve read a number of news websites and there is no mention of the individual having a ‘female identity’.

    It is possible that the Scottish police don’t want to get involved in the current political situation with Nicola Sturgeon and have not refereed to the individual as a female in any way?

  58. Daisy Walker

    Already, between reading various reports, the he/she different male/female names – make it incredibly confusing to read the narrative and understand who did what, to whom.

    From a safeguarding position, that’s a gift to preditors. The first point of preventative, safeguarding measures is to ensure clarity.

    A major aspect of violence against women and children, particularly within relationships, particularly sex motivated crimes (and I’m not attributing that to this specific case – the details are as yet unknown), is the Gaslighting that goes along with it.

    It’s so much more fun for them to not just f— them against their will, but if they can mindf— them before, during and after, it provides them with so much more ‘bang for their buck’.

    Mr Millar may or may not have presented himself to the Police with his birth certificate male name, or he may have used the female version – the self ID law allows for the person to change at will, it’s an unworkable piece of legislation.

  59. SusanAHF

    Women say No to men in single sex spaces, however they identify. No compromise is acceptable here.

  60. craig murray


    ” “Incidentally I see that Miller was not living permanently in a female identity”

    Where do you see that? (Please note I removed the previous link you posted as it gives his female identity, which I’m choosing not to reveal.) Several different sources have confirmed to me that he’s been living solely as a woman in Gattonside for at least six years. Even his “Andrew Miller” Facebook account still identifies him as female.”

    You may well be right.

    I was going mostly by the article you delinked, which called him a cross-dresser rather than a trans person, said he posted under both male and female identities, and was “also known as” his female name. But it seems you have firmer information.

    If he is still posting on FB as Andrew Miller though, I still think the most likely explanation for the police statement calling him Andrew Miller, is that is how he presented himself to the police.

    I am not going to make any replies to comments addressed to me about wider issues, on a thread about a wee girl who may have been harmed, which I pray is not the case.

    I don’t quite see the legal problem with your revealing the female name he uses?

  61. robbo

    Have you seen the Telegraph update Craig Murray?

    He’s a MAN

  62. gregor

    @Towbar Sullivan re. Stonewall’s position/boundaries

    Stonewall: The LGBT Truth/Real info: …”There is no right or wrong way to be trans”…

    (explicit – everything open/nothing ruled out)

    @PacMan re.”I’ve read a number of news websites and there is no mention of the individual having a ‘female identity’”

    Who can you trust, when in the year 2023, humanity (more accurately, an exclusive cabal of top-down deranged scheming fuckwits) cannot determine its own gender/s (self).

    A range of Actors will be exploiting such news/events – to the maximum, while rotten Scot Gov systematically melts-down.

    We’ve got consciousness and reality on our side (and everything else)…

  63. craig murray


    I have seen neither the original nor the update in the Telegraph it’s behind a paywall. It is not a newspaper I trust for accuracy. But please do enlighten us as to what it says.

    I would presume Andrew Miller is indeed a man. I am not sure I understand your triumphant capitalisation.

    Let us all remember we have no idea what happened yet. Remember the case of poor Christopher Jefferies in Bristol, heavily slandered as a murder suspect because he had blue hair and seemed a bit strange.

  64. gregor

    The Real World (2022): The Ties That Bind:

    “Believe me
    Deceive me
    Release me
    You know me
    Right time
    Is the nite time
    Day light
    Hold you right…”:

  65. Stoker

    The BBC in Scotland Teletext Service refers to him as a “man” thus:

    ‘Man arrested over 11-year-old girl’s disappearance’

    “A 53-year-old man has been arrested over the disappearance of an 11-year-old girl who was later found in the Scottish Borders.”

    There’s a few more sentences but no reference to either crossdressing or transsexual.

  66. David Hannah

    It’s all over the mainstream newspapers now. Trans Butcher arrested.

    Well done to Stuart Campbell for standing up for women and girls. You spoke out when no one else did.

    A suspect has been arrested on child abduction. *allegedly pending charges.

    I wish her I wish her the best of support and for the politicians to held to account for what they’ve done to Scotland.

    Will Sturgeon refer to the suspect as he or she?

    She should listen to Alex Salmond, stop using gender ideology to pick a constitutional fight with Westminster.

  67. Ruby

    Scottish police defy Nicola Sturgeon over trans self-ID law
    Police Scotland referred to a transgender butcher arrested in connection with the disappearance of an 11-year-old girl as a man

  68. David Hannah

    Justice for the wee lassie. I can’t forget her. I’m not the best at articulating but I want Sturgeon to own this. She needs to take responsibility. Crass I know.

  69. Towbar Sullivan


    If you want more info..
    Well, to be cryptic, do you follow Anna Slatz on Twitter?
    It’s all there.

  70. gregor

    @Towbar Sullivan re. “I would love to ask them what they would class as ‘perverted””

    I’m not Stonewall/Gov/’LGBT influencer’ (manager/policy/rule maker)

    I’m just a human with a conscience.

    I don’t accept systematic-social child exploitation (e.g. child sexual exploitation/children exploited as an adult fashion accessory/toy) and grooming.

    The State/education system has a duty of care to safeguard children from such harms. Its playing a leading role.

    There will be serious consequences…

  71. gregor

    DailyExpress (07/02/2023): Nicola Sturgeon’s gender reforms branded ‘utterly irresponsible’ by Police Scotland over workload fears:

    “…Mr Hamilton told the 1919 Magazine: “It was utterly irresponsible of the Scottish Parliament to foist this additional workload on Police Scotland…

    “I don’t know what magic money tree they think we have…””:

  72. tricia young

    No. Graig Murray, No. No cross dressers. No I’m female with a cock. NO. Just NO. Leave women to their own spaces and just fuck off with cross dressing or “thinks” ur female. Your not. Just stop. I am so done with this nonsense, thank you Stu for fighting for real women, I appreciate it as do all women that were at Posie’s rally in Glasgow! Women WON’T Wheest

  73. L.U.T.B

    I’d ca’ canny folks.
    This case is sub judice.
    You don’t want to get yourselves into trouble whilst getting a potential offender a technical defence.

    Also, the social media stuff might be shite.

    I used to work as a Forensic Psychiatrist in the Borders. It was pretty routine to arrive at work to find everyone shitting themselves because one of the clients had killed someone. Only it was never the case, although once we established that a client’s brother had been charged with a minor assault for which he was later fined.

    Just saying.

  74. gregor

    Pilot (2003 Remaster: From The Album Of The Same Name): Magic:

    “It’s magic you know
    Never believe it’s not so
    It’s magic you know
    Never believe it’s not so…”:

  75. gregor

    Times (08/02/2023): Loan from Nicola Sturgeon’s husband Peter Murrell to SNP broke rules:

    “The SNP broke election finance rules on three occasions by failing to quickly declare a near-£110,000 loan by Nicola Sturgeon’s husband.

    Peter Murrell’s decision to lend the party of which he is chief executive such a large sum of money has raised eyebrows among opponents and internally among some senior nationalists concerned about a lack of financial transparency at SNP headquarters.

    …multiple breaches were established by the Electoral Commission, the UK’s watchdog for political parties’ finances, the SNP avoided a fine…

    …the loan of £107,620 from Murrell should have been reported in the second quarter of 2021 and that the SNP twice failed to report.”:

  76. Ruby

    Absolutely everything about this sex recognition is a mess starting with the Sex Recognition Act 2004 right up to Sturgeons Sex Recognition Reform Bill 2021.

  77. PhilM

    Dear me…such an non-descript innocent-sounding name as well…Andrew Miller. Gattonside though…well-known hotbed of sleaze, deviance, week-long orgies, drug lords, organised crime, people-trafficking…

  78. Louise Hogg

    A butcher is likely to be pretty well known to a large number of customers.

    Especially if living locally to his shop.

    Certainly the shop being closed for some time led to many questions locally. Mostly around empty shops in the High Street and small businesses going bust. Initial rumours were about his mother dying I think.

    Then, quite quickly, rumours spread that ‘he’s taken time out to become a woman’ (usually followed by giggles, exasperation, and statements of biological fact, politically incorrect or otherwise.)

    When the shop remained closed after covid, the questions became louder and I think an article appeared in either the Border Telegraph or the Southern Reporter. This suggested that the shop would remain shut for a year or more but was still likely to reopen. So residents didn’t need to fear another empty shop front or a lack of competition and choice with the other butcher up the hill.

    I think that article may have openly mentioned that he was transitioning?

    Certainly there was no secret that ‘now he’s a woman’ (with the above reactions rehearsed every time).

    To be fair to the man in question, who I do not know, an obvious possible NON-sexual explanation if the girl was found unharmed at HIS house (I don’t know, haven’t seen news reports), would be custody related. Eg if his transitioning turmoil was preceded or succeeded by marriage breakup, it’s always possible the girl is his daughter and denied custody, he has taken the law into his own hands.

    The wider questions raised in the article are interesting.

    Certainly locally everyone is well aware of his mismatched sex and ‘gender presentation’.

    And to think that earlier this evening, having only heard that ‘a 53 year old man has been arrested’, I was discussing with a friend the lingering folk-memory of Robert Black. How Mandy Dixon’s life was saved by one quick thinking man in Stow, who noticed something unusual. A lack of clarity in reporting is certainly not helpful, as another commenter said!

    Mental health nurses here say the impact of that episode still comes up quite a lot . Though whether parents haunted by their fears when he was at large, children whose free-range childhoods were suddenly restricted, or adults affected by the shock of realising what he was, if they had interacted with him prior to his arrest, I don’t know.

    I am also puzzled how a butcher could afford to keep his shut for years? Unless he owns other shops and lives on their rent?

    Will Christine Grahame be asking a question on Thursday? She usually likes to. But maybe hers wouldn’t get picked.

  79. Rev. Stuart Campbell

    “Let us all remember we have no idea what happened yet. Remember the case of poor Christopher Jefferies in Bristol, heavily slandered as a murder suspect because he had blue hair and seemed a bit strange.”

    I’m very well aware of that awful case, and explicitly noted in the article that “We must emphasise that we have no idea whether Andrew Miller is guilty of any crime”.

  80. Clavie+Cheil

    Has he become a ‘Gunt’ suddenly?

  81. gregor

    BBC (08/02/2023): SNP MP Stewart McDonald’s emails hacked by R(redacted)n group:

    “An MP has told the BBC his emails have been stolen and he fears they will be made public.

    The SNP’s Stewart McDonald said the hack took place in January and he wanted to pre-empt any publication sharing them.

    The group responsible are believed to be linked to R(redacted)a’s spy services…

    The message said there was a password protected document attached which had a military update on U(redacted)e.

    This made sense as the MP for Glasgow South had taken a close interest in U(redacted)e for a number of years, receiving the order of merit from the U(redacted)n government…”:

  82. Wilson McBride

    This surely puts Sturgeon on the spot.

    With this person not being a rapist,,, Sturgeon has to commit to calling him a male or a female.

  83. Cynicus

    Craig Murray

    The un-paywalled Tirygraph article can be found by basting this link into your browser.

  84. Heaver

    “Red says:
    7 February, 2023 at 9:06 pm
    I’ve been praying for this girl since I heard the news.

    As a father of young children, your innards turn to ice when you hear about a wean going missing.

    Thank God and Police Scotland she was found.

    But no thanks to the Scottish Parliament, which refuses to even talk about the problems Scotland has with”

    Bears repeating.

  85. Geri

    I hope the lass is ok.

    I hope this forces Sturgeons hand. This secretive, anonymous, [redacted] Government+police, alphabetty crap is far from transparent & is unnerving.


    Getting his excuses in. There’ll be a lot of shit smears hit the fan now that it’s been revealed both sides wanted a ceasefire but BoJo & Biden refused (wtf was it to do with them?) They’ll need to ramp up the fear the bogeyman’s coming to get us..

    We can sleep easy. McDonald is a nobody & his emails wouldn’t be worth hacking. He’d not have a whiff of UK homeland security, now or ever.
    We’re nasty separatists & he’s a R[redacted]phobe who cries like a big girls blouse at the hint of trouble.

  86. Geri

    Towbar Sullivan

    They intend to take it all the way.

    One of stonewalls founders condemned the direction they were taking. The trans umbrella they created now forces out LGB & fails to separate gender with sexual orientation. So anything goes. Now lesbians are branded sexual racists & gay men are transphobes if they don’t want to sleep with a trans.

    The totalitarian trans cult has hijacked a gay rights organisation.

    & Given Stonewalls article on children as young as two years old can *know they’re trans* & the twisted sex ed in schools to weans barely old enough to tie thier shoe laces – it doesn’t take a genius to know where they’re heading over the next few yrs if this nonsense continues.

  87. David W Ferguson

    gregor says:
    8 February, 2023 at 1:32 am

    BBC (08/02/2023): SNP MP Stewart McDonald’s emails hacked by R(redacted)n group…

    Hope WOS will do an article on this and also that the emails are well and truly leaked. I’d love to know a lot more about how my radical anti-war party was so thoroughly infiltrated and hijacked by US Neocon sockpuppets like McDonald and all his chums. Who does he spend his time chatting to, and what do they chat about…

  88. Geoff Anderson

    Murrell “ loan” broke rules

  89. Ruby

    Cynicus says:
    8 February, 2023 at 2:26 am

    The un-paywalled Tirygraph article can be found by basting this link into your browser.

    This is the one you need Cynicus

    This one just shortens the link

    It’s handy if you have a very long link or when your link contains a banned word ie manu-script, risk-ier, compu_ting

  90. Willie

    Thanks rev Stu for the timely on this issue.

    Great that the girl has been found. Truly great.

    We don’t know the details of the girls dissapearance or the charges now levied against the local butcher. But given the two Id’s of the individual involved this could be the next hammer blow for the First Minister and her insane policies.

  91. Geoff Anderson

    Why are they based in Glasgow……?

  92. Ruby

    On 13 January Mr McDonald was walking down the street when he received a notification on his phone.
    Mr McDonald clicked on the document.
    It brought up a login page for the email account he was using. He put in his password.

    What a clown!

    Defence spokesperson for the SNP!

    He can’t even defend his own email.

  93. Dubh

    Looking forward to the next presser with Sturgeon petulantly insisting this guy was not a man nor a woman, or a rapist or an individual but a ‘kidnapper.’

    *looks for that asteroid

  94. David Hannah

    McDonald’s account has been hacked. What sites he been clicking on? Naughty naughty.

  95. William Habib Steele

    I believe the root of the problem is the Gender Recognition Act. I recently signed a petition to repeal the Act. I signed because I believe that the Act is based on Postmodernist thinking, which denies that there is publicly accessible truth and objective reality. thus we get people talking about “my truth”. We need to return to Critical Realism (not Critical Theory) to have laws which are not simply promulgations of arbitrary power.

    The following is part of the reply I received from the Cabinet Office.

    “As announced in September 2020, we believe the current provisions in the GRA are effective and allow for those who wish to change their legal sex. The process has the right checks and balances. We believe that the process of legally changing one’s legal sex is a serious and legally meaningful undertaking which requires appropriate checks and a level of formality. We believe this strikes the right balance and have no plans to change it.

    The Government is also committed to maintaining the safeguards that allow organisations to provide single-sex services, provided for separately via the Equality Act 2010. It is important that the principle of being able to operate spaces reserved for women and girls is maintained, in line with the Equality Act. Government is committed to tackling harassment and abusive behaviours by all individuals, and ensuring single-sex spaces are safe for those using them.

    The Equality Act makes it clear that providers have the right to restrict use of spaces on the basis of sex and gender reassignment, whether or not someone has a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC), where this is justified.”

  96. Geoff Anderson

    When the McDonald emails are leaked. He will now jump up and down screaming that they are fake. Those nasty Russians are out to get him.

    He is getting his defence in early because he knows something is about to break.

    His American Masters will look after him. They probably advised him on this strategy.

    The SNP are now a joke, a dangerous joke. The Nicophants are still chanting “The best option for Independence” is the SNP.

    No matter who takes over the SNP it is the same HQ, NEC, Politicians staffers and affiliates who will use the removal of Party Democracy to control policy.
    Sturgeon poisoned the well to ensure her legacy.

  97. Ruby

    David Hannah says:
    8 February, 2023 at 7:58 am

    McDonald’s account has been hacked. What sites he been clicking on? Naughty naughty.

    Do you think there might be the possibility of a sex scandal involving Russian agents?

    I do like a good sex scandal and there hasn’t been one since they introduced super-injunctions.

    There were some rumours of a sex scandal involving a Morphy Richards steam iron but we never really got the full details.

    There was Lord Sevel in his orange bra but that had nothing on the Profumo Affair.

  98. Geoff Anderson

    Says it all really.
    I remember when the SNP symbol was to represent the Scottish Thistle, The Saltire and the Clootie……now it is the TransCult flag

  99. robbo

    This is a must watch. Some big words in here I ‘ve never heard of but I’m a man. So how would I know.

    Blows away the myth of all these stupid cunts taking about having periods when they’re biologically a man.

  100. David Hannah

    I’ve always wondered who 00 zero was staying with in the tax payer funded honeymoon suite in Kyiv while playing pretend Scottish ambassador.

    Double agent Xenia Onatopp? Johnny English seems a little shaken and stirred this morning.

    Russian hackers? I don’t believe it. More like the next furry convention, maybe he accidently fell inside a male colleague.

  101. Cenchos

    This distracting SNP MP hacked e-mail story, as reported by the BBC, is rather strangely presented. Far too pointlessly specific not to be questionable.

  102. Robert Louis

    What a mess, SNP. What a mess. Good people tried to warn you all about this, but you condemmed them as bigots or TERFS. This is the outcome when the Scottish government listens to a wholly unfounded gender ideology, instead of factual evidence.

    The SNP leadership would be well advised to heed the words of Walter Scott.. ‘oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to decieve’.

    And all in the week, when the Fist Minister of Scotland tells journalists with a straight face, that her husband did not bother to let her know he was lending the political party, of which the FM is leader, over 100k.

    As they say in Glasgow, ‘aye, right’.

  103. Ruby

    robbo says:
    8 February, 2023 at 8:25 am

    This is a must watch.

    This is a must watch.

    Nae big words here!

    Oh ye canny shove yer grannie aff the bus

  104. Luigi

    A 100k loan not disclosed between husband and wife sounds like a marriage of convenience to me. Each to his/her own. “Look, we are normal!”. Aye Right! It seems to be prevalent among western politicians, these weird yet convenient marriages. They often end soon after no longer required. Just saying.

  105. Mac

    I’ll keep this short as I expect it will go into moderation anyway.

    It surely can’t be long until we hear of some contrived reason why Sturgeon will no longer be doing her regular press conferences. ‘With COVID no longer a serious threat blah blah blah…’

  106. Ruby

    Mac says:
    8 February, 2023 at 9:44 am

    I’ll keep this short as I expect it will go into moderation anyway.

    Did you read by post about banned words & jobbie?

  107. Republicofscotland

    Look like at least two popular red top newspapers in Scotland have on their front pages the headline “Trans Butcher” referring to the story of the wee girl.

    This will surely put more pressure on Sturgeon the Judas with regards to her unamended GRRB, and her own inability to know the difference between a man and a woman.

    Get the SNP/Greens out of office

    Vote Alba, Join Alba.

  108. gregor

    @David W Ferguson

    “…thoroughly infiltrated and hijacked by US Neocon sockpuppets…”


    “…revealed both sides wanted a ceasefire but BoJo & Biden refused…”

    You’re at the forefront (@The Normals)…

  109. sarah

    NB As soon as arrested, contempt provisions come into force. Says Roddy Dunlop on twitter – retweeted by Eva Comrie.

    Be careful, everyone.

  110. Republicofscotland


    MPs considering awarding themselves a whopping £162,000 pounds if they fail to get re-elected as a kind of settlement fee for leaving Westminster, oh and they want to be awarded a medal as well for their services, and have it presented to them at some sort of gala where their families can attend as well.

    The recommendations will be handed to Sir Lindsay Hoyle, the Commons Speaker, and the independent body that decides on pay, for consideration.

  111. gregor

    Guardian (08/02/2023): Scottish MP Stewart McDonald fears emails hacked by Russia-linked group:

    “…pre-empt the publication of real or fake emails from his account.

    “If it is indeed a malicious state-backed group, then, in line with what I’ve seen elsewhere, I expect them to dump some of the information online.

    “And I can expect them to manipulate and fake some of that content and I want to get out ahead of that to ensure any disinformation attack against me is discredited before it’s even published,” he told the BBC…”:

  112. Mac

    I did but then straight after that another longish comment at 5.12pm on the previous thread went into moderation and then a very short comment after that, noting it had gone into moderation, went into moderation… so I concluded at that point I was back to square one again trying to figure out what in the actual fuck is causing it.

    (It has to be a racing certainty this now goes into moderation.)

    It is funny I was thinking about it and I think this has happened to me a few times going back many years. I’ve started posting comments and it goes well for a while but then I keep falling into moderation and I could never figure out how to avoid it and eventually gave up. I swear it has happened at least three times. I just keep forgetting.

    This must be a very challenging site to moderate so it is what it is but one thing that would improve it is if comments in moderation appeared at the end of the comments (as if they were new rather than at the time they went into moderation). I assume this is not technically possible otherwise it would have been done already. It is releasing the moderated comments ‘back in time’ that makes it a bit of a buzzkill.

  113. Mac

    Hi Ruby, you probably won’t see this either but I did replay above at 10.30 but it went to you know where… lol.

  114. Rev. Stuart Campbell

    “I did but then straight after that another longish comment at 5.12pm on the previous thread went into moderation and then a very short comment after that, noting it had gone into moderation, went into moderation… so I concluded at that point I was back to square one again trying to figure out what in the actual fuck is causing it.

    (It has to be a racing certainty this now goes into moderation.)”

    If you keep commenting with different details, eg email addresses ending “rediff.mac” instead of “”, the system will keep thinking you’re another new user, and all new users need their first comments approved manually.

  115. sarah

    William Habib Steele at 8.07

    Link to the petition to repeal the Gender Recognition Act of 2004

    I agree the Act should be repealed because it is denying truth and denying the rights of the parents to have the truth as to the birth of their child recorded for all time.

    There are ways to manage the embarrassment of people who wish to present as the opposite sex which don’t require everyone to be legally bound by a lie.

  116. Liz

    First and foremost, that wee girl has been found safe and well. Thank God and the fates
    Joan McAlpine raised this issue with the useless Humza in 2019, as you state in your article.

    He of course waffled on, said he’d get back to her after meetings etc, etc
    Of course for that outrage Joan got gerrymandered off the list vote.
    Can’t have people sticking up for women and children.

    We need to know if there’s been interference from Holyrood to drop his ‘ perferred name’.

    Also I tried to avoid all of Craig Murrays increasingly deranged attempts at trying to justify self ID yesterday.
    Craig, don’t even fucking dare try to make excuses for this

  117. gregor


    “To be frightened about someone or something unpleasant.”

    “To fear is also to be worried or upset.”

    “They fear that Congress may not allocate the money needed.”

  118. gregor

    Project Smok (2018): The Fear Polka Pt. 1 & 2:

    (Project Smok is the neo-trad trio of Ali Levack, Ewan Baird and Pablo Lafuente, whose nonconformist and progressive Scottish traditional music has set them apart…):

    Instrumental video:

  119. David W Ferguson

    Cenchos says:
    8 February, 2023 at 9:02 am

    This distracting SNP MP hacked e-mail story, as reported by the BBC, is rather strangely presented. Far too pointlessly specific not to be questionable…

    This is an excellent point. BBC “news stories” normally comprise a couple of statements of the bleeding obvious masquerading as facts, the obligatory Twitter screen shots, some quotes from distressed neighbours, and the usual inane platitudes from a senior police officer.

    This blow by blow account of the procedural minutiae of McDonald’s every thought and deed is clearly Act 1 in some kind of major damamge limitation scheme…

  120. Liz

    @geri it will be very interesting to see the ex 18-30 club organiser’s emails to see if they have any bearing on why he suddenly became a NATO appologiser

  121. Republicofscotland


    Whitehall puppet Stewart McDonald says that muscular Westminster won’t accept Scottish routes out of this prison of a union. We’re a country treated as a colonial cash cow, we must defy the foreign country of England’s government and collapse Holyrood and dissolve this absurd set up not in two-years but as soon as possible.

    “In his paper, Mr McDonald, the MP for Glasgow South, said: “A de facto referendum, regardless of whether it takes place in a Westminster or Holyrood election, will not secure Scotland’s independence.”

    With a “new, more muscular form of British nationalism” within both the Conservatives and Labour, he said even if the SNP won the vote the UK Government could refuse to open independence negotiations.”

  122. Old Fashioned Straight for Yes

    So glad that wee girl has been found.

    It does seem that the universe might be trying to tell Oor Nikla something!

    But is she listening.


  123. gregor

    BBC (08/02/2023): SNP MP Stewart McDonald criticises Nicola Sturgeon’s independence strategy:

    “An SNP MP has criticised Nicola Sturgeon’s plan to use the next general election as a de facto referendum on independence.
    Stewart McDonald believes the move will not actually deliver independence.

    He instead urged the party to look to build sustained majority support for independence in order to force Westminster to agree to a referendum…

    Mr McDonald – who is generally seen as being an ally of the first minister – has published a paper arguing that both options risked significantly damaging the independence movement…”:

  124. Mac

    “If you keep commenting with different details, eg email addresses ending “rediff.mac” instead of “”, the system will keep thinking you’re another new user, and all new users need their first comments approved manually.”

    FFS is that what I am doing… I knew I was a shit typist and a dozy cunt but that is ridiculous.

  125. Wilson McBride

    We should start taking bets on what Sturgeon is going to call the next wierdo to get charged with a sexual offence.

    What is the betting on this person being called a :-

    Friendly family Trans Butcher

    Over to you Sturgeon,,,(aka God).

  126. Geri

    **MPs considering awarding themselves a whopping £162,000 pounds if they fail to get re-elected as a kind of settlement fee for leaving Westminster, oh and they want to be awarded a medal as well for their services, and have it presented to them at some sort of gala where their families can attend as well.

    The recommendations will be handed to Sir Lindsay Hoyle, the Commons Speaker, and the independent body that decides on pay, for consideration.**

    We don’t reward failure.

    Christmas party decorations & now an undeserved golden handshake for being voted out?!

    Where do these zoomers come from? More importantly, is this how they are spending thier time in Westminster during a fkn cost of living crisis & fuel poverty?!

    Name & shame these charlatans.

    As for McDonald. Another grandiose title they award themselves that’s an embarrassment..
    Spokesperson for Defense..

    UK gov: Okay we’re gonna bomb the fk out of XYZ today.

    Scotlands Spokesperson for Defense: Well Scotland doesn’t think that’s appropriate..

    Ukgov: ..and??

    😀 😀

    Lol – I fell into a furry. Honest. 😀

  127. Neil in Glasgow

    Re the SM story on the BBC website. For what it’s worth, it looks to me a bit like a transcript of a piece that may or not be on the TV later. I just seem to recall that Sky ran similarly odd looking pieces by James Matthews when he was reporting on Kenny Macs input into the Alex Salmond leaks. James Matthews who’s now been shipped off to the States. A mere coincidence, I’m sure.

    Just bumped my monthly sub by a few quid. Not much but, but the more we can help to speed up the approaching cliff edge for this shower the better.

  128. gregor

    NationalScot (08/02/2023): Twit:

    “Douglas Ross has been urged to publish more of his tax returns in line with Nicola Sturgeon

    The SNP depute leader Keith Brown called on Ross to show ‘full transparency’”:

  129. Geri

    Liz, absolutely.

    & His correspondence to his new found friends of Israel or whatever they’re called.

    He’s as dodgy as..& they’d be interesting discussions cause he’s a warmongering mini Hitler & a strong advocate of shutting down free speech.

    & I dunno why they’re still discussing a defacto referendum when that was revealed to be nothing more than to bleat about a section 30 again if it’s a win.

    I dunno who these ejjits think they’re trying to dupe.

  130. Ottomanboi

    «An SNP MP whose emails were hacked has spoken out because he fears they were stolen by a group linked to Russia and will be published»

    Let us hope nothing compromising therein.

    SNP, now part of the lets nuke the Ruskies brigade?
    How very establishment.

  131. Shug

    Looks to me like McDonald is getting his excuses out early. Wonder what he has been saying in his e mails.

    Is it just me or is it just coincidence that as Nicola’s big idea gets kicked into touch by A Jack two jail birds (pardon the phrase) elect to transition and this case in the borders pops up.

    How often do such cases appear is Scotland and with what frequency.

    Should I put my tinfoil had back on

  132. Ottomanboi

    From The National
    Stewart Mac Donald, the one troubled by Moscow hackers, called for a new national Yes campaign to get underway by summer to gather support for a demand for the power to hold a referendum which will be put “front and centre” of the next General Election campaign.

    This can be achieved, he suggested, by putting a commitment to secure a legitimate referendum through a Section 30 order at the front and centre of the manifesto for the upcoming Westminster election.

    The problem with SNP types is that dread killer of ambition, the risk averse Scotch lawyer caution mindset, all belt and braces and insurance policies.
    Not a party going anywhere exciting. Indeed, was it ever exciting?
    National Independence, the termination of a status quo, is essentially a revolutionary concept, an action SNP legalism, ineptitude and complete lack of intellectual engagement with the subject is leading to the (s)laughter-house of irrelevance.
    There is no such thing as «cut price» freedom.
    Plenty of cut price mps though.

  133. gregor

    Facundo Savala (08/02/2023): Twitter:

    “Nicola Sturgeon, Queen of Scots?”:

  134. Scotsrenewables

    So glad Wings has returned and is firing on all cylinders now it looks like the SNP leadership is about to collapse; the more Stu – and the rest of us – can do to give them a final push and get it over with the better.

    Until this vipers nest is gone there can be no further progress to independence. I am now pleased that the SNP ‘rebels’ have stayed in the party rather than jumping ship to ALBA, as it means that there might just be a handful of grown-ups left to pick up the pieces and put the SNP back together again. Then the SNP and ALBA can work together and get the project back on track.

  135. Ian

    “I’m very well aware of that awful case, and explicitly noted in the article that “We must emphasise that we have no idea whether Andrew Miller is guilty of any crime”. ”

    Or that poor Nursery falsely accused by Humza Yousaf and His Wife of discrimination who now after a year and a half have dropped legal proceedings. Between this and Stewart McDonald announcing His email was hacked must mean it seems to be a good time to be trying to bury as much other bad news as possible.

  136. robbo

    Re Stewart MacDonald

    Auld Dennis had his measure a good while ago. ” a piece of shit”

    Poor wee soul couldnae take and telt the teacher.

  137. Breeks

    Wilson McBride says:
    8 February, 2023 at 11:39 am
    We should start taking bets on what Sturgeon is going to call the next wierdo to get charged with a sexual offence.

    What is the betting on this person being called a :-

    Friendly family Trans Butcher

    Over to you Sturgeon,,,(aka God).

    What about fraudster?

  138. gregor

    Rotten Rulers (2021): Horrible Histories: Mardy Mary Queen of Scots:

    (The story so far of Mary, crowned as a baby & forced to flee to France, marrying Francis & becoming Queen…):

  139. ronald

    Keith Brown when U have nothing much to say create a diversion

  140. DJ

    Haven’t commented much of late but, in my humble opinion, the SNP are a busted flush and a term or two in the political wilderness will do the Scottish electorate a power of good – and that’s from someone who has voted for them for decades. In the meantime, Alba will surely grow to become the party we can all believe in.

  141. gregor

    Big C L (08/02/2023): Twit-ter:

    “MASSIVE orchestrated, coordinated & concentrated attacks on our FM Nicola Sturgeon by unionist hacks, confused hecklers, easily swayed, jealous zealots, and every one of the opportunistic political opposition establishment.

    She has each and everyone on them on strings.”:

  142. Biglouis

    It is worth considering what the position would be today if Jack hadn’t blocked the GRA.
    It would probably have been kicked out by the UK Supreme Court in any event but I doubt that in the absence of these two external mechanisms any home grown intervention would have stopped it.
    As you’ve pointed out the home media are largely compliant. I do note that the BBC News website did not show the front page of either the Sun or the Record.
    The takeover of the judiciary is almost complete- think of the way US politicians appoint Supreme Court judges- at least that’s openly partisan.
    Holy rood is a joke .
    The political classes have created this mess.
    How can anyone take this Government seriously when you have Harvie & Slater on board?

  143. Big G

    Martin says:
    I’m not sure I can let that slide. Drag is not a medium I particularly enjoy, but it is definitely a form of entertainment with deep historical roots in theatre and (generally) very little to do with the gender ideology cult. These artists are males who have a stage persona. A very different things, and while I don’t enjoy it (the “shade” aspect is a bit catty/gauche for me) I don’t think it deserves to be lumped in with this which is very different.

    If we simply compare the length of time drag has been a thing to the length of time trans has been a thing, then yeah, nobody can accuse drag of being a product of gender ideology, and must admit that they are different things, since drag clearly precedes gender ideology by millenia, probably.

    However, in the modern era, there is no doubt that they are inextricably linked. Drag Time Story Hour, promotion of trans identities on the many “Drag Race” TV shows, Drag Queens dancing in clubs in Glasgow while signing derogatory remarks about women (according to our friend Jack “Beth, Pickle Bee” Douglas).

    There may well be gender critical drag queens, but for the moment, not many have stood up against gender ideology. Understandable, given that they would be shunned by the community on which their livelihood thrives if they did speak out, but still, for the moment drag is very much in bed with gender ideology. Out of survival necessity, perhaps, but sharing a bed nonetheless.

    Having said all that, I still the reserve my personal opinion on the practice of “drag” in general, regardless of its association with gender ideology. I have a viscerally negative reaction to men in drag which also precedes gender ideology, and so for me, personally, all drag artists are weirdos.

  144. Geri

    The story hour is indoctrination.

    They’re reading gender woo woo to children.

    They’re not reading The Lion, the witch & the wardrobe to them.

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