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Wings Over Scotland

Sleeping in thunder

Posted on February 06, 2023 by

The First Minister has gotten herself into quite a pickle.

But worse, there’s no way out of it.

She spent perhaps two-thirds of today’s press conference frantically dodging the question of double rapist Adam Graham/Isla Bryson’s sex. She tried to continue last week’s pantomime of calling him “the individual”, but slipped up a couple of times by calling him “she” and “her”, as noticed by Tom Gordon of the Herald in the toe-curlingly awkward clip above.

(The Peter Murrell question is just an extra kick at a downed opponent.)

It looked AWFUL, but the grim reality is that it’s the best answer she has available to her, because both the alternatives are (astonishingly) even worse. If she says that Bryson – who raped two women with his penis – is female, she looks like an absolute imbecile. If she says he’s male, she destroys the flagship policy she’s spent six years railroading through, and all her own credibility with it.

Former SNP MSP Joan McAlpine – who was stitched up and cheated out of her seat by Sturgeon’s shameful machinations over the party list in 2021 – also picked up on the thing we’d been shouting at the screen throughout the conference.

The continued hosting of these new conferences – where the press gets to take a free shot at the First Minister on any topic they like – seems like the most extraordinary act of unforced self-flagellation. We cannot rationally explain them except perhaps as a manifestation of a guilty conscience.

0 to “Sleeping in thunder”

  1. Big Jock says:

    She described him as a rapist. But then referred to her as the person. Women cannot commit rape, so this is Shrodingers Cat territory.

  2. Giesabrek says:

    “If she says Bryson – who raped two women with his penis – is female, she looks like an absolute imbecile.”

    Surely it’s worse than that? Her own government, perhaps following the Sturgeonfuhrer’s orders, would be breaking the law by placing a “woman” in a male prison, which is where I believe Bryson is now being held.

  3. David Beveridge says:

    Hell slap it into her.

  4. Morag says:

    All sorts of actions by individuals mean that a whole group lose rights. People who can drive to the conditions and drive safely at over 70 mph when conditions are favourable lose the right to do that because of individuals who will abuse that right. There are all sorts of similar situations.

    Sturgeon is an idiot.

  5. SteepBrae says:

    Get out of jail card:
    “He/she/it is an individual”.
    End of.

  6. George Ferguson says:

    In any country in the world this leader would be gone. I can tell you in a normal marriage if I spent 107 pound my wife would ask questions. We have joint accounts. We have visibility of our spending. Again Jonathan Watson, half my money belongs to my husband but all of his money belongs to him. Pull the other one it has bells on it.

  7. Graeme Hampton says:

    It’s almost painful to watch. There is no good way out. She is can only be clinging on cause there is no escape route setup.

    If she doesn’t go soon she’ll end up taking the party with her and sink independence for the foreseeable

  8. gregor says:

    Assynt (2021): No Way Out:

    (Instrumental: Live at Perth Concert Hall, The Visit 2019):

    link to

  9. ClanDonald says:

    Poor Nicola, she calls a press conference to try to put a stop to the “headline generating” then goes and trips herself up by saying stuff like “She regards herself as a woman.”

    How considerate of her to use the she and her pronouns that the rapist wants her to use – didn’t it come naturally, straight off the tongue?

    Shame she failed to show the same consideration to the women who were incarcerated with this scumbag.

    But at least she’s keeping the story in the headlines for another couple of days so that’s something.

  10. Lorne says:

    I have just read the Hansard record on the December 2003 debate in the House of Lords reguarding the then proposed G.R.A.
    I never thought I would live long enough to ever agree with my nemesis, Norman-on-yer-bike-Tebbitt.!!!

    You can read his words for yourself.
    Instead I will sum up the fine mess that ignoring his and other disenters of the bill got us into before the spectre of the Scottish Parliament version and self I.D… In fact the power and latitude that the bill gave a tiny Trans community and it’s dubious supporters emboldened them to ever ask for more more whilst trampling over womens rights and all safeguarding ever put in place to protect women and children.
    Or even people with gender dysphoria from butchery with a scalpel.
    Whilst there has always been underfunding for the NHS and the psychological services are difficult to access it would surely have been cheaper to help folk with gender dysphoria than erase women from societal norms and practices.
    Moreover pandering to autogynophiles.
    And eventually the coalescing of a who league of misogynists.
    All of it could have been avoided.
    The trans debate couldn’t have been weaponised aginst women, the gay community and in Scotland it wouldn’t have been entangled in a party or parties who proport to solely working for Scottish independence.

    “How can the Government abuse their position power by creating a legal fiction…?
    It is only common sense and a basic human right for individuals to be free to believe fact rather than fiction, otherwise we are entering a dark future of coerced totalitarian-style law making.”

    Baroness Detta O’Cathain

  11. PhilM says:

    Sturgeotti’s presidential approach to govt and the fact that Shona Robison would be incinerated by the merest prod of a question means she had to move quickly or watch her flagship policy die through the slow accumulation of growing ridicule. Her people will have noted the near twenty million views for her stuttering performance a week ago under fire from Peter Smith and due to her ego being a magnitude larger than the Statue of Unity, she no doubt believed against all available evidence that she would be able to convince anyone listening that she is in control of her failing trans policy.
    I wouldn’t discount a Machiavellian push from a leadership hopeful…thoughts Angus?…no, First Minister, you really ought to let the press ask you absolutely anything. Just stand at the podium for three-quarters of an hour and give your adoring journalist friends a chance to show NOT that they love you but HOW MUCH they love you.
    Yes, just as I thought, thank you Angus, reliable and loyal as ever.

  12. Denise says:

    She is trying to recover her glory days of the Covid briefings

  13. Flower of Scotland says:

    The words, “I can’t remember, “I can’t recall” hmm! I’ve heard that somewhere before.

    A shocking embarrassment for Scotland to have this “person” as our FM. I hope Scottish citizens feel that her time is up and that Scottish Politicians in the SNP will get rid of her and give Scotland a chance at regaining its self respect and Independence.

  14. Flower of Scotland says:

    My comment just disappeared and I’ve had to fill in my name and email address for the first time in years.

    Are you being attacked Stu??

  15. Tommo says:

    I’m not political and my ties to Scotland are merely emotional and personal and I spend much time there;
    I disagree with the Learned Editor on the issue of Independence but that’s fair enough
    What I marvel at is that he has systematically peeled back layers of obfuscation and dishonesty to reveal a rotten core to the disadvantage-at least temporarily-of his central belief
    The places he has had to visit are not ones I would want to see-and I was a prosecutor for many years
    Were it not for this site I suspect the ‘First Minister’ would not be currently being battered senseless against the ropes by a series of perfectly straightforward questions
    Well done, sir; I hope in time you can forget what you have seen

  16. JockMcT says:

    won’t/can’t/shalln’t listen to that awful sad ("Tractor" - Ed) anymore..
    Be Gone!

  17. Andrew scott says:

    Interesting use of language by mrs murrell re mr murrell’s “loan”to snp
    The funds “came from his own resources”
    So not necessarily from his own bank account – maybe he borrowed some to make the donation
    Worth looking into?

  18. Studhog says:

    She describes both the rapist in question and her husband as ‘individuals’.

    She wriggles out of commenting on her husband donating to the SNP, which is fine.

    Marriage aside, she should be obliged to comment on this donation as they are both high heid yins in the party.

  19. 100%Yes says:

    Mt question to the FM would have been, have you given your husband any legal advice?
    Is the Murrell mafia family coming to a end.

  20. Lorne says:

    Regarding the video, I would like you all to imagine the alternate spoof version of the above comedy sketch
    Where the interpreter signing behind the FM
    Is signing
    ” WTF ? Are you out of your tiny mind hen? I’m not translating this bollocks!….don’t lip read your head will explode, here is a summary…a guy in a wig committed two rapes, he wasnt wearing a wig at the time, He’s goat the gaol they cannae make their mind up where mibbe with the guys and mibbe wi the women cos they have got transfixed on trying to get the yoof vote wi all this Trans malarky and believe this fictional shite about changing gender. I’d suggest a trip to the pub instead of entertaining this folks, this crap seems to be more important than independence to Nicola Sturgeon. I’m away to get a new job in Stand Up Comedy”

  21. Cat-Sith says:

    I’ve seen a few postings of “Women cannot commit rape” in the comments of the last few articles.

    I would like to direct you to Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009 section 1 (4).

    “In this Act—
    “penis” includes a surgically constructed penis if it forms part of A, having been created in the course of surgical treatment, and
    “vagina” includes—
    (a)the vulva, and
    (b)a surgically constructed vagina (together with any surgically constructed vulva), if it forms part of B, having been created in the course of such treatment.”

  22. Dan says:

    You would have thought anyone with a semblance of political expediency might have managed to improve their responses over and above that of the pioneer of dealing with the “what is a woman” line of questioning, Jo Swinson from 3 years ago…

    (7 min clip of radio interview)
    link to

  23. Bob Costello says:

    The other thing she kind of tripped herself up on was when she said that once Bryson was released from prison he would be kept an eye on . Problem is that they just voted to allow sex offenders to self ID and get access to women’s private places

  24. Mike says:

    Excruciating and another example of he arrogance and contempt she holds the public in.

    These are the traits of a dangerous psychopath.

  25. ronald says:

    link to

  26. John Main says:

    Did she not call reality-believing Scots racists just the other day?

    Why is she still FM?

    Surely she must want to stand down, then stand for re-election, but this time without any defiled votes from the transphobes, TERFs, racists, probable fascists, etc etc?

    Surely she needs to be voted for only by an electorate of the pure, to return her, saint-like, to lead the deserving Scots into her long-promised land.

  27. Alex Stone says:

    So i’ll ask the question again.

    Is Sturgeon really a man pretending to be a woman? Is that why she’s built the gender cult, to validate her choice as a /she/he/it/whatever? (and this is no longer as silly as it sounds)

    Or does she continue to think if she gets male predators and extreme fetishists into women’s spaces, she’ll get that longed for cushy NGO gig at the UN, or EU?

  28. John C says:

    We restrict the rights of the many because of a few all the time. We have laws going back decades based round this principle. If you’re disabled you also have to jump through hoops to prove your disability to access the benefits system as opposed to self-id where all you have to do is ‘live in the opposite gender’ which means absolutely nothing as not one supporter of self-id have given a failsafe way to show how this works with descending into sexist, outdated ideas we all thought died with the 20th century.

    Sturgeon is now in this position where every single press conference she does is going to be like this. The press know self-id is bullshit and this exposure to questioning is tearing the idea apart, hence why TRAs are getting increasingly angry as I think some of them are realising how bad all this is and they’ve built their lives on a lie.

    Her best way out while retaining some level of dignity is resign before a coup turfs her out. She won’t of course as she’s eyeing up one of those international jobs where you do nothing but get to travel the world.

  29. Bob Mack says:

    Roy Hattersley was quoted as saying “Familiarity with evil does not breed contempt,but acceptance”

    How apt in this affair.

    STURGEONS word salad interview REPLIES tells me she is under enormous pressure, and she does not cope very well with unscripted ,unbriefed replies.

    She is coming apart.

  30. Republicofscotland says:

    The thing is everybody and their granny knows that Adam Graham, aka Isla Bryson is 100% a man, with all his dangly bits intact, and every time that Sturgeon the Judas mumbles and stutters her way around answering the question put to her that HE is a man, makes her look like a f*ckin cretin.

    Sturgeon the Judas is an utter embarrassment to Scotland, the outside world must be looking at her inability to call a man a man and think to themselves WTF.

    We must vote the SNP/Greens out of office to protect our women and children this treacherous shit, could collapse Holyrood and we could be out of this onesided prison of a union by the end of this year, but she loathes Scottish independence, and real women, and adores men who think they are women when they are not.

    Vote Alba, Join Alba

  31. orri says:

    I thought that the whole idea of forcing Self-ID on prisons, no matter where in the UK, was as a trial run using people who couldn’t refuse to participate. The ethics of experimenting on prisoners aside you’d think those doing it would have the decency to monitor properly and pay attention to the results. Especially if those don’t go as they hoped.

  32. andrew says:

    Let’s suppose, as some hypothesise, that she’s a narcissistic sociopath. Then the attention is invaluable to her, and serves to validate her sense of self-importance. As she’s probably also fairly delusional, she will intepret her ‘performance’ as a success.

    Also, re gender, “Schrodinger’s rapist”?

  33. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    Hubris Syndrome is an acquired personality disorder. It’s über hubris on a pathological scale. Alternatively, Hubris Syndrome is a pseudo-scientific label applied to what the rest of us would regard as common bleedin’ sense. According to its advocates, Hubris Syndrome exhibits only when high office is attained and becomes more pronounced the longer the elevated position is retained. We could go through the 14 symptoms of Hubris Syndrome one-by-one and most if not all apply to Sturgeon.
    Perhaps the most strikingly applicable is; “Excessive confidence in the individual’s own judgement and contempt for the advice or criticism of others”.

  34. Bob Mack says:

    @Cat -Sith,

    Opening a hornets nest there Cath. If a woman has had a phalloplasty to transition then she would have been through the process to be identified as a man as it currently exists.
    That man would be guilty of rape.

    As it is I believe there are no surgeons in Scotland who do such procedures currently. London is the centre.

    The SNP however promised in 2021 to allocate £23 million to such procedures in Scotland.

  35. DebzoHighland says:

    In response to comments from Alyn Smith & Shirley-Anne….
    Perhaps you two & your associates who support Self-ID should stand as independents at the next election & see how get on!

  36. Merganser says:

    John C @ 6.40 says ‘ …before a coup turfs her out’.

    How ironic if she was terfed out by someone who voted against this ridiculous legislation.

  37. Lorna Campbell says:

    Lorne: yes, indeed, you make very salient points about the run-up to the 2004 GRA, which has proved to be a springboard for ever more reforms. I think, though, that we need to go further back than that. We need to go back to the 1960s when autogynephiliac men were actively encouraged to breach all societal norms by accessing female spaces without even a cursory nod towards the women involved – all of us.

    Who decided that this should be fine and dandy? It can only have been a cabal of men in a back room at Westminster who thought women would not notice or, if they did, who gave a toss, anyway? Women, in our society, count for little, as we see every day now. I said in another thread that the BBC, and probably other public institutions were continuing to pay ‘trans’ identified men, who were claiming to be women, a man’s salary while the real women of the day were campaigning for equal pay, and it took years before they were successful.

    Sometimes, men doing the exact same job as the women were getting double the salary. Womanhood extends to having male privilege at the same time as claiming womanhood, apparently. We really need to expose this hypocrisy and illegality that has been overlooked until now. This stuff needs to be dug up root and branch and brought into the sunlight where it can shrivel and die. Otherwise, we leave the door open, as it was left open in the 1960s onwards, for this to happen all over again, and, next time, it will be far, far worse.

  38. akenaton says:

    Terf ‘er out!

  39. David Hannah says:

    She’s vile.

    Send her to Cornton Vale. Lock her up with Petunia Murrell and throw away the key.

  40. akenaton says:

    Great minds, eh Merganser?

  41. Kcor says:

    “We cannot rationally explain them except perhaps as a manifestation of a guilty conscience.”

    She is guilty as hell on everything she has ever handled, from her sister’s doll to being thrown out as a lawyer, not to forget the conspiracy to bring down Alex Salmond, to whom she owes her political career, on false charges of rape, to the complete betrayal of the independence cause to further her and her equally disgusting husband’s careers.

    Nelson Mandela didn’t deserve to spend decades in isolation in jail but the biggest tractor in Scottish history certainly does.

  42. Kcor says:

    Graeme Hampton says:
    6 February, 2023 at 7:57 pm

    “If she doesn’t go soon she’ll end up taking the party with her and sink independence for the foreseeable”

    Hasn’t she already “achieved” that, on the orders of those who can blackmail and expose her at any moment?

    She is one the most compromised heads of government in the world, IMHO.

  43. Robert Louis says:

    Perhaps the only person she is trying to convince is herself.

    She really, really needs to take a step back, and listen to the complaints of women. They are not borne of bigotry, but a desire to ensure women’s spaces are kept just for women. That doesn’t mean they think ‘trans’ folk are rapists, just a sure fire knowledge that some creepy MEN would take advantage of such freedoms. Case after case has shown this to happen. THAT is what they are afrid of Nicola, THAT is what they are angry about. If their wee girl is changing at school, they do not want ANY boy or man present. None. If they are raped, they want to know with absolute certainty, that when they seek support, their will be no men, of any kind. None.

    For heavens sake, take a step back, sniff the coffee, read the room, whatever. Get this mess sorted, and stop kidding yourself on, that everything will be ok. It really, really isn’t.

  44. From the Vaults says:

    Still waiting for a journo to ask how, if the FM and MSPs dont have enough info to decide if someone is a man or a woman, how is some 17 year old manning reception at a leisure centre meant to both decide the gender of a customer AND engage in a “dynamic risk assessment” before directing them to the changing rooms.

    And if they refuse to allow someone to the changing rooms based on their intuitive risk assessment (which all women develop in regards to males) and the person gets mad and complains to management, is there any protection for them from being fired?

  45. BorderScarifier says:

    “Andrew scott says:
    6 February, 2023 at 8:20 pm

    Interesting use of language by mrs murrell re mr murrell’s “loan”to snp
    The funds “came from his own resources”
    So not necessarily from his own bank account – maybe he borrowed some to make the donation
    Worth looking into?”

    My take was that she pointedly did not say that they were not also HER resources. My wife could state, with complete truth, that I was utilising my resources even though they were hers. Even when pushed, sturgeon continued to state emphatically HIS resources, never ‘…not mine…’.

  46. BorderScarifier says:


    My take was that she pointedly did not say that they were not also HER resources. My wife could state, with complete truth, that I was utilising my resources even though they were also hers (e.g., joint account). When pushed, sturgeon continued to state emphatically they were HIS resources, never ‘…they are not my resources…’.

  47. BorderScarifier says:


    My take was that she pointedly did not say that they were not also HER resources. My wife could state, with complete truth, that I was utilising my resources even though they were also hers (e.g., joint account). Even when pushed, sturgeon continued to state emphatically they were HIS resources, never ‘…they are not mine also…’.

  48. George Ferguson says:

    Over the coming weeks the Independence movement has to win back the initiative. I can’t go to Ayr on Saturday for the Alba shindig. Looking after people with 90 years plus apart in life experience. And both wearing nappies. As I am only a member I couldn’t speak anyway just be an Observer. Alba’s FreePort narrative is needing a counter narrative. That’s all I am saying.

  49. Jacqueline says:

    Number 1. Tom Gordon is a Yoon fanny

    Number 2. I thank him for this shit show

    Number 3. Lorne gave me a laugh

    Number 4. Viv Oblivion speaks sense

    Number 5. Totally pissed off that we’re expending so much energy on this pish…I know it’s necessary…thanks Stu.

    Number 6. Shake of the head. Fecking Madness.

  50. BorderScarifier says:

    I have tried to edit that post above to clarify its meaning – to no avail!

    I’m saying she never indicated they were NOT her resources also, she just said they were HIS resources. My wife could easily say the same about our joint account – they are my resources, without stating they are also hers. Sturgeon pointedly did not state they were not her resources also.

  51. David Hannah says:

    She’s going to be the laughing stock of the Coronation. She always was.

    “A nation in waiting welcomes the nations of the world.”

    Nicola the waitress with her section 30 begging bowl. She helped fund Prince Andrew’s settlement with Virginia Roberts at our expense.

    She’s a nonse enabler.

    The facts are. The Scottish public are against gender self ID. The facts are. They are against the monarchy.

    Nicola can sign god save the king all she lies. She won’t be one of them. She’s the laughing stock of the establishment. She’s made a mockery of the entirity of Scotland. We’re all wrong. Nicola is right.

    Once Sturgeon is gone turn your attention to the Crown Estate theft of Scotland’s natural resources.

    Sturgeon’s made Charlie a multi billionaire. Now she’s deviating from the EU with her free ports.

    I’d love to see her in prison I really would.

    You can send love letters to Murrell in Barlinnie, since the UK government that you won’t allow us to escape from have killed your self ID stone dead. No male rapists in female jails. Get it right up you Nicola. Get it right, fucking up you.

  52. Shug says:

    Nicola is turning into Scotland’s answer to Lizz Truss

    What a total mess and she still thinks she is right and the world is wrong. Just like Truss.

    Given the questions about loans I assume the press already know the answer and are probing for a lie.

    Starting another bag of popcorn

  53. David Hannah says:

    They’re all going to be talking about her at the Coronation. She’ll have to hand over the Stone of Destiny. That will make them like her.

  54. Big Jock says:

    Shug. We are witnessing the end of Sturgeon. Politically she is in her death throws. If she chooses to prolong the agony and our pain in watching this for months. Then that sums up her tenure.

    A politician in a position way above her ability. With more Skeletons than a Halloween party and an inability to know when she is no longer welcome.

  55. Geoff Anderson says:

    @David Hannah 10:23pm

    Correction….” Hand over the cesspit cover stone”

  56. Matt says:

    Thank you Lorne, for mentioning Tebbit’s contribution. Its well worth reading, for example:

    “a person who was born a woman, lived as a woman, married as a woman and has borne children is, despite all that, entitled to be issued with a birth certificate falsely professing that she was born as a male child. That cannot be anything other than a lie.”

    par 1303 – par 1306:
    https: //
    https: //

    See also Commentary on the whole 2nd reading debate, by Vulvamort@HairyLeggdHarpy
    Oct 8, 2018
    https: //

    (remove spaces to fix the links)

  57. Big Jock says:

    Some bedtime reading for Nicola.
    link to

    Just because some people say the earth is flat,does not mean that society has to accommodate their ignorance or make believe.Just as the world is round, sex is scientifically binary. We can prove it with empirical evidence.

    I don’t want to live in a society that accommodates fairy tales. It’s not the dark ages.

  58. Geoff Anderson says:

    Would this be a bad time to ask Police Scotland for an update on their enquiries regarding the “missing” £600,000?
    …..or are we still going with “it was woven through the spreadsheet”

    With the readership of this site somebody must have had a hint!

  59. Geri says:

    ‘Im trying to rationally deal with….’

    Deal with a fkn fiction, ya spanner!

    Uggh, these press conferences should be knocked on the nut. She’s not a president addressing the nation.
    She’s a fkn administration of a branch office & she chose to keep it that way.

    GTF & back to the day job, ya zoomer! There’s First ministers questions every week where elected politicians can quiz her & the press loiter to ask thier own questions so why are we entertaining her delusions of grandeur?

    Shes not right in the head.

    Good for Joan McAlpine pointing out her stupidity. She’s insulting our intelligence with this whole farce.

    Admit yer wrong on this Sturgeon, chalk it up along with all the others, & fk off somewhere far, far away..

  60. If we had a proper independence leader they’d tell the British state, “No Section 30,no Stone of Destiny” .
    But everyone knows that Sturgeon the Betrayer is useless for anything now.
    Also Scottish Law states that money earned during the marriage belongs to both the members of the marriage.
    So Sturgeon’s lied/wrong on a point of law, which will come as no surprise to the Law firm who sacked her.

  61. Geri says:

    Women can rape.

    Like Ruby said the other day (on another topic) getting to know yer enemy leads you down all sorts of rabbit holes.
    I’d never have thought it but every day’s a school day on the internet.

    Women have raped & sexually abused their own sons to make child porn vids to sell. Others can drug/ date rape thier victims. It’s sexual assault.

  62. Geri says:

    I’d like to believe the Scots never gave the real stone back.

    They gave a worthless replica & the real one is hidden.

    Given the history of English arrogance to other countries priceless artifacts & never willing to return any – I hope the Scots duped them…

  63. Ruby says:

    Matt says:

    link to

    Tebbit seems to be making a lot of sense.

    He says:
    ‘Government should think of another way to help people who suffer this acutely distressing psychological illness.’

    I agree with that.

    link to

    In this one Tebbit talks about the difference between sex & gender.

    Hansard References to Gender Recognition Act 2004.

    link to

  64. Kupo says:

    The absolute state of the WGD site. If he’s not banning comments from telling the truth to the utter denial in the ones that are accepted comments over there is just sad. The absolute hypocrisy is astonishing.I only had a look after 4 years away and tried to comment on the shitshow that was this car-crash FM Q/A session. I’ve observed that a few once well kwown commenters over there are no longer there now, ( won’t mention names ) maybe they finally woke up themeselves and decided to leave.

  65. Ian Maclaren says:

    Wasn’t that even more incoherent than J Gilruth on QT?

  66. What Rot says:

    Just heard on radio 4 midnight news that Alex has (at last) come out fighting: self- ID is “self indulgent nonsense”, Sturgeon has “thrown away the momentum of Yes”

    Beggin you Alex…keep punching!

  67. Frazerio says:

    Isnt it weird how incestuous the SNP has become. In Sturgeons Scotland the First Minister is married to the Chief Executive of her party and he loans that party money but she somehow doesn’t know anything about it.
    The Justice Secretary is married to the Equalities Minister.
    The Minister for Energy appears on tv not just defending the indefensible position of the FM, using the exact same verbal contortions to deny a double rapist is a man, but does so wearing an identical outfit to the First Ministers. The
    same Minister for Energy is married to a ridiculed former leader of an opposing political party. Its like Rishi Sunak giving Jeremy Corbyns wife a ministerial post in a tory government. That such a ridiculous, brazen conflict of interest is allowed shows how little Sturgeons cabal have to worry about how things appear in public.
    The SNP have employed as Media Chief the man who authored the pro-UK vow in a pro-union tabloid. The same tabloid whose political editor is alleged to have been very friendly with Sturgeons chief of staff. And that tabloid splashed the revelations, ultimately proven false, that smeared Salmond. The leak almost certainly coming from inside Sturgeons office.
    Her position is now so ridiculous that even the Unionist press who so clearly protect her cant hold back any longer. Her poisonous grip at the top of Scottish political life is thankfully drawing to an end. Sturgeons legacy is a rotten party in a rotten system.

  68. gregor says:

    Pete Wishart (06/02/2023): Twit:

    “The one thing that is ‘harming’ Scottish independence is this party and it’s nonstop hate. They may be only on 0.4% and totally rejected by the Scottish people but their capacity for harm to our cause in incalculable.”:

    link to

  69. gregor says:

    petewishart (2022): Musings and mutterings from Perthshire:


    “A year on and nothing much has changed… They remain unloved by the Scottish public and unable to breakout of their Twitter redoubt…

    If success was to be measured by anger and rage they would undoubtedly be the most successful party this side of a block button. Unfortunately, for them, the real world is a vastly different place from their intemperate Twitter shadowlands…

    After such an overwhelming… humiliation you would think that a period of quiet introspection would ensue…

    Most parties following such a humbling would be looking at where it all went wrong, questioning their leadership, reassessing their approach and appeal… defeat was nothing to do with them.. small entitled world they simply expect SNP voters to give them their support… members who they variously refer to as ‘("Tractor" - Ed)s, ‘sell outs’ or just plain stupid…

    …stop this hate and take action against the most disgusting of the vitriol they will never come close to being accepted by the mainstream or independence supporting voter.

    But there is so much more that led to this result being quite so catastrophic. For starters they are led by Scotland’s most unpopular political leader…

    But worse than that is the truly absurd narrative… has developed…
    If political parties could be sectioned… would currently be under the supervision of Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s nest… the Scottish people simply do not share their curious obsession with trans people…

    There is of course more, much more. I could go into… executive members promoting Russian propaganda, their problems with up to date sex education…”:

    link to

  70. Breeks says:

    Shug says:
    6 February, 2023 at 10:15 pm
    Nicola is turning into Scotland’s answer to Lizz Truss

    What a total mess and she still thinks she is right and the world is wrong. Just like Truss.

    Could be on to something there Shug.

    The difference being Sturgeon has gotten away with it for 8 painful years due to her Pretorian Guard of blinkered sycophants and a mainstream media content to let her spin enough rope to hang herself.

    For the sake of Scotland, I want Sturgeon gone ASAP, but an increasingly bitter part of me wants to see her sacked, and power removed from her, rather than having the “option” to resign and be afforded the dignity of it being her own decision.

    The Legal Fraternity offered her that way out once before, rather than seeing her struck off. Had she actually been struck off, then perhaps we”d all have been saved from the insufferable burden of Sturgeon’s political career.

  71. gregor says:

    World Economic Forum: People:

    The-Sturgeon: Office of the First Minister of Scotland, Ltd:

    link to

  72. gregor says:


    “Men, women, and children.”

    The people:

    “The large number of ordinary men and women who do not have positions of power in society.”

    “She claims to be the voice of the people.”

    “The president has lost the support of the people.”

    “The people’s Princess.”

    Someone’s people:

    “The people someone is related to.”

    “Her people come from Scotland originally.”

    link to

  73. Etticus says:

    Only males can commit rape in Scot’s criminal law, therefore no rapist can be “she” or “her”.

    You’d think even a failed corrupt 3rd rate lawyer like Nicola Sturgeon would know that.

    IIRC no one has actually pointed this out to her on camera.

    And the way she delivers all this insanity with a condescending chuckle.

    So who’s gonna point it out to her that in terms of the law she is in control of only males can rape?

  74. Geri says:

    Etticus, I stand corrected. I didn’t know that in the eyes of the law, cheers.

  75. Breeks says:

    gregor says:
    7 February, 2023 at 1:37 am
    Pete Wishart (06/02/2023): Twit:

    “The one thing that is ‘harming’ Scottish independence is this party and it’s nonstop hate. They may be only on 0.4% and totally rejected by the Scottish people but their capacity for harm to our cause in incalculable.”:

    Pete’s cause is Self – ID. The SNP stole our mandates but abandoned Independence 8 years ago.

    Harm away.

    He hates ALBA with a passion because like any inadequate, he feels threatened by competence and commitment in others taking on the job he couldn’t do himself..

    Pete needs Scottish Independence, but Scottish Independence doesn’t need Pete.

    Pete hates ALBA, but ALBA doesn’t hate Pete.

    Pete’s no quite aw there. I quietly wish there was more of Pete that wusnae there anaw.

    Hopefully the Perth Constituency will take the matter in hand next opportunity.

  76. stuart mctavish says:

    Tommo @8:18 pm

    As a former prosecutor are you aware of cases that were deliberately thrown by the prosecution?

    If so, under what circumstances might such behaviour be considered judicious (compassion for the accused, deliberate undermining of a politically motivated or trumped up prosecution, topping out the budget to ensure its not cut next year, etc) and where can the public inform itself of the disciplinary procedures arising?

    Reason I ask is that during the Isla Bryson case the prosecutor appears to have allowed the judge to issue an order in court to refer to the accused, charged as being a man, as a woman.

    That strange decision necessarily rendered the prosecution unsafe (and ultimately the conviction) all by itself, so presumably the punishment could be severe.

  77. Marlelc says:

    ‘This is not true from Nicola Sturgeon. There is a group where the actions of a minority of individuals means the whole group lose rights – men. Most men don’t offend, but because a significant minority do, they all lose the “right” to share spaces where women are vulnerable.’

    Due to the actions of a small group of men, women’s rights have been demolished. This is being done to support a group of men whom we do not know enough about. We do not know why men want to be women. It’s a mental state that is unexplained and until we understand it society cannot call these men women or allow them to be given women’s rights. Most women are women.

  78. Stephen says:

    I am annoyed at how easy the press let her off the hook! When Nicola says “she” self identifies as a woman they should follow with “Then in accordance with your GRR legislation she is a woman, you MUST accept that and she should be treated as a woman and be sent to a woman’s prison” no ifs no buts and if you don’t accept she’s a woman you should be prosecuted and sent to prison
    FFS press her on her own legislation

  79. Paul Davies says:

    Sturgeon will not voluntarily resign. Those of us who have been watching Scotlands politics and the SNP for some time now know that she cannot resign until she has a placeperson to take over who will protect her when all the grubby dishonest dealing comes out after she is gone. It is a signature requirement of all totalitarians who have abused their position.

  80. Breeks says:

    stuart mctavish says:
    7 February, 2023 at 6:02 am

    Reason I ask is that during the Isla Bryson case the prosecutor appears to have allowed the judge to issue an order in court to refer to the accused, charged as being a man, as a woman.

    I don’t know the process, but I’d like to see a diagram drawn of the chain of command which saw this prisoner declared a subhuman untermensch rapist and removed from a Womens Prison, as directed by the Scottish Government who drew up a Law allowing prisoners to self ID, blamed the Scottish Prison Service which doesn’t want men in a women’s prison, for carrying out a risk assessment which apparently came to a conclusion which made Nicola Sturgeon the Scottish “Government” feel embarrassed and obliged to intervene and blame the Prison’s risk assessment for the shocking indiscretion of treating a rapist like a lady.

    So was the risk assessment done before the prisoner was moved there? Or once he was there? In which case, why wasn’t there a risk assessment done before he was moved to a women’s prison? Or did the driver just turn up at Cornton Vale and say, Hi, I’ve got a delivery for ya”? Was he ever on remand?

    I mean, after COVID, and being a Prison service after all, you’d think these folks would know a thing or two about lockdowns and risk assessments.

    I mean if this sort of thing happened in Colditz, you can be sure a crowd of inmates would be hovering around earwigging and be fully ready to exploit this confusion, and use it as cover for a daring escape plan, dressed up as prison guards, women or rapists depending on the prison.

  81. Ruby says:

    link to

    Nicola Sturgeon’s ‘self-indulgent’ transgender law puts independence in peril, warns Alex Salmond

    The problem I have with the Alba Party is that they seem to support the GRA 2004 which is the root cause of all the problems.

    Does Craig Murray a high profile member of Alba represent their views on gender identity?

    Alba aren’t saying anything that would attract women’s votes.

  82. John Main says:

    Some wee quotes from the genius that is Pete Wishart:

    If political parties could be sectioned Alba would currently be under the supervision of Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s nest.

    For people not immediately alienated and appalled at this cynical misrepresentation [by Alba] of a complex wedge issue [trans rights] there is only bewilderment at the sheer energy deployed on an issue that so few people actually care about.

    Words fail me – how can anybody be so blinkered? The last part is so stupendously un-self aware, it deserves repetition:

    there is only bewilderment at the sheer energy deployed on an issue that so few people actually care about.

    !!! WTF !!!

    Pete Wishart – a man quite unfitted to be a politician, defending a party quite unfitted to be in power, in an assembly quite unfitted to run our nation.

  83. robertkknight says:

    So according to Weak Pishart, ALBA’s “capacity for harm to our cause in [sic] incalculable.”

    As the “cause” seems to be keeping the snouts of SNP MPs in the trough of Westminster for as long as possible, I sincerey hope his pronouncements are correct.

  84. XY and Proud says:

    There is speculation elsewhere that the ‘loan’ is actually Mr Murell’s salary not drawn (deferred pay) to help with the cashflow problem after the Holyrood Elections.

    Some speculation also over the repayments schedule which may obscure an annual salary rate of 161K ????

  85. Daisy Walker says:

    OT Excess Deaths – Esther McVey (tory MP, at Westminster) asked of the Health Minister there for an urgent inquiry into current spate of excess deaths in England and Wales which are not due to Covid.

    She pointed out that the recent explanation – that people have not been accessing normal health care, and therefore going without Statins – did not hold water, as sales of Statins are the same, if not slightly higher.

    There was a woman standing in for the Mininster (sorry I can’t recall her name). She stated (paraphrase) that it wasn’t a problem, because excess deaths are now a feature in Wales, Scotland, Australia and Europe!!!

    For a better summary I recommend Dr John Campbell over on You Tube.

  86. Ruby says:

    John Main says:

    For people not immediately alienated and appalled at this cynical misrepresentation [by Alba] of a complex wedge issue [trans rights] there is only bewilderment at the sheer energy deployed on an issue that so few people actually care about.

    What is he referring to?

    What was the cynical misrepresentation [by Alba] of a complex wedge issue?

    These quotes made out of context don’t make sense.

  87. What Rot says:

    Pete Wishart – what a bizarre take. Frothing at the mouth, eyepopping, unhinged!… and all because he KNOWS Alba’s right and he’s wrong, that Alex Salmond at the helm IS the only hope for independence, and that Pete’s on the wrong side, and he can’t cross over and he can’t get out. He’s sinking in the mire.

    Pete is truly terrified, unhinged, desperate, ludicrous; and truly, truly contemptible.

  88. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ruby.

    Maybe you can work out, from the link below, what Pishfart’s beef is with the Alba Party.
    Or maybe not…

    link to

  89. @Etticus,

    The Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009 defines rape as ‘penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth of another person by the penis without consent’.

    Under the madness of Seld Id a woman can have a penis.

  90. gregor says:

    Pete Wishart (07/02/2023): Twit:

    “The Scottish people can’t stand them. In the real world they’re on 0.4% and can’t get over 100 votes in a by-election. Hate wins nothing.”:

    link to

  91. Dorothy Devine says:

    If a man in employment claims to now be a woman will that alter his salary for the worse? Just curious.

  92. Paul Davis says:

    If you put Independence to one side for a moment and look at the SNP’s record as a governing party in respect of health, education, social services etc. Is that record consistent with their electoral success? My view is that any objective analysis says it is not. The Independence issue is acting as a shield to hide their, at best, mediocre record in actually governing Scotland. Coupled with the standard play of blaming all ills, however caused, on Whitehall and Westminster, they, for all practical intents and purposes, have not been held to account for their actions. With that comes a sense of invincibility, hubris and arrogance.

    Eventually that will result in them doing something which risks fatally wounding the whole basis of their raison d’etre – give someone enough rope etc. Whether the gender issue brings the whole lot down remains to be seen but if it hadn’t been that it would have been something. The moral is don’t let the Independence issue blind you to the ongoing necessity for competent day to day governance of Scotland because from where I sit that’s exactly what’s happened.

  93. John+Walsh says:

    Her inability to call the rapist as him/ a man proves she is still captured by the woohoo brigade. Sycophants not strategists . They must be wetting their diapers watching their heroine’s excruciating squirming in front of the whole world.

    It’s as if they’re Unionists

    Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad,

  94. gregor says:

    Scotsman (07/02/2023): Pointless puppets dancing to Sturgeon’s tune:

    “Shirley-Anne Somerville’s call for SNP MSPs who think for themselves to stand down at the next election merely highlights the disdain and disregard that the SNP have for the people of Scotland…

    MPs and MSPs are elected to represent their constituencies…

    How does one remain a principled politician in Scotland today…”:

    link to

  95. Ottomanboi says:

    ScotGov and by association, Scotland, is become a joke.
    This Arabic cynical bon mot suits the case
    «Man or woman, boy or girl, sheep or goat, or a hole in the wall….it’s all the same»
    The last Sturgeon stand up gig?

  96. craig murray says:


    I very evidently have a different view on trans rights to Alba. I am perfectly comfortable with that – the problem with the SNP is that it became a party where people were not allowed their own view.

    I hold no office in Alba, I am just an ordinary member. I am not the only member uncomfortable with some of the transphobia in the party.

    For what it’s worth, I have a different view to Sturgeon too. For me it is a question of individual freedom, not of gender ideology, on which much nonsense is spoken.

    I don’t believe men can “become” women. But I believe men should be able to choose female gender and to be treated as women, and women be treated as men, if that is how they wish to live their lives.

    But I have always, for years and consistently, said that there should be sensible compromise on exceptions – women’s prisons and elite sports being obvious ones, and self-ID should only apply to adults. I oppose any gender altering drug “therapies” for children.

    Now I understand you don’t agree with me, especially on the below.

    I see no problem with changing rooms and toilets, provided people behave themselves. Harassment, voyeurism including photography, importuning, indecent flaunting of an erection, approaching minors, assault, rape these are still criminal offences whether in a changing room or not, and irrespective of possession of a GRC.

    It is criminal behaviour, particularly male criminal behaviour, that needs to be stopped, not trans people that need to be stopped.

    It seems to me there is room to compromise on all this and I view the ideologues on both sides as hate filled.

    Nicola’s decision to reject the entirely sensible amendment excluding sexual offenders from self-ID was an act of crazed ideological purity which has now hit her squarely in the face when encountered with reality.

    But equally those who refuse to accept that anyone should be allowed to change gender, and who mock people’s personal appearance or private sexual habits, are nasty people.

    There is a middle ground here between two groups of overheated ideologues.

    As I said, I understand you don’t agree with me. But why do you think I am not entitled to my opinion? I have no objection to you expressing your opinion. I have been commenting on this site and been a part of the Wings community for nearly 9 years.

    It is particularly annoying when commenters here (and more so on twitter) accuse me of holding views I have never held. I am for example repeatedly accused of wanting to put male sexual offenders in women’s prisons, when I have always and consistently said the precise opposite.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I see no problem with changing rooms and toilets, provided people behave themselves. Harassment, voyeurism including photography, importuning, indecent flaunting of an erection, approaching minors, assault, rape these are still criminal offences whether in a changing room or not, and irrespective of possession of a GRC.”

      I think this is a very male view. I think women have entirely good reasons to be afraid of ANYONE male in spaces for females, and shouldn’t be expected to tolerate being afraid when they just want to have a swim or try on a new jumper.

      I think it’s perfectly fair of them to be instinctively on a state of high alert at the sight of anyone with a male body in a female space, and that men like you and I have no right to tell them to take down that first roadblock and just live with being anxious and uncomfortable in situations where they shouldn’t have to be.

      “It’s okay, statistically he’s almost certainly not a rapist, and if he does assault or rape you then we might prosecute him and he might be one of the 5% of rapists who actually get convicted” is not something I believe I would find greatly reassuring in their situation.

      And I’m surprised that having been recently imprisoned in close proximity a lot of violent men – although very happily having come to no harm – you don’t share that view.

  97. gregor says:

    Celtic Spirit (2017): Scotland Party: Crazy About Scotland:

    “Picture the scene
    Caledonian dream
    As I think of the time that we met
    All the years filled with love and regret…”:

    link to

  98. gregor says:


    “A person who loves their country and, if necessary, will fight for it.”

    “A person who loves his or her country and defends it when necessary.”

    “A patriot during the American Revolution was a person who believed in or fought for independence from Britain.”

    link to

  99. gregor says:

    HeraldScot (2016): Pete Wishart admits to Twitter ‘disasters’ but says criticism ‘too harsh’:

    “A SENIOR MP has said he regrets calling independence No voters “nawbags” on Twitter as he admitted to at times getting things “disastrously wrong” on social media…

    I might not get it right, sometimes you get it disastrously wrong…”:

    link to

  100. gregor says:

    HeraldScot (07/02/2023): Exclusive: SNP loan from Sturgeon’s husband led to multiple rule breaches:

    “A LOAN made by Nicola Sturgeon’s husband to the SNP to help bail out its finances broke reporting rules on three separate occasions, it has emerged. “Files released to the Herald by the Electoral Commission show the £107,620 loaned by Peter Murrell, the party’s chief executive, led to multiple “compliance issues”. 

    Ms Sturgeon was yesterday mocked after saying she “can’t recall” when she first learned her husband gave the party she leads a six-figure sum…”:

    link to

  101. Ruby says:

    craig murray says:
    7 February, 2023 at 10:32 am


    I very evidently have a different view on trans rights to Alba

    Honestly it doesn’t matter any more I am no longer that interested in Alba. I’m looking forward to Kellie-Jay Keen setting up a branch of her party in Scotland.

    If only people behaved themselves all would be fine! 🙂

    Have a nice day Craig!

  102. Colin Alexander says:

    In Scotland, property or savings etc (or debts) acquired during the marriage are normally regarded as property belonging to BOTH husband and wife. There are some exceptions such as property gifted to one partner or inherited by one partner only. As an ex-solicitor who handled divorce, Ms Sturgeon should be expected to know this.

    The Murrells married in 2010.

    So, was the money that was loaned to the SNP by Mr Murrell, money inherited by him only or was it money which had been gifted to Mr Murrell only so was his only or what?

    Did any of the SNP loan money came from his earnings during his marriage to the FM?

  103. Geoff Anderson says:

    To Craig Murray

    What do you consider as transphobic views in Alba.

    If you had said this differently such as a differing range of views I probably wouldn’t have noticed.
    You carefully chose “transphobic views” – what are the Alba Party Transphobic Views. Please enlighten us. ( not Individuals as you were very careful to frame yourself -The Party Transphobic Views)

  104. sydthesnake says:

    I think this is a very male view. I think women have entirely good reasons to be afraid of ANYONE male in spaces for females, and shouldn’t be expected to tolerate being afraid when they just want to have a swim or try on a new jumper.

    I think it’s perfectly fair of them to be instinctively on a state of high alert at the sight of anyone with a male body in a female space, and that men like you and I have no right to tell them to take down that first roadblock and just live with being anxious and uncomfortable in situations where they shouldn’t have to be.

    “It’s okay, statistically he’s almost certainly not a rapist, and if he does assault or rape you then we might prosecute him and he might be one of the 5% of rapists who actually get convicted” is not something I believe I would find greatly reassuring in their situation.

    And I’m surprised that having been recently imprisoned in close proximity a lot of violent men – although very happily having come to no harm – you don’t share that view.

    Could NOT agree more REV
    well said

  105. Liz says:

    Thanks Rev, response to Craig Murray.
    This is his situation, he doesn’t see women as equal, everything is from his POV.

    @craigmurray I have to say using the words transphobia in relation to women supporting womens rights in Alba, should see you booted out of the party, but then I’m not a member

    I see you’re on here now frequently, inviting responses to your misogynistic pish.
    From now on, I’m scrolling past when I see your name.

    Now for more interesting stuff, can Sturgeon survive any longer?

  106. robbo says:

    Pick between that shambles in front of the camera by N Sturgeon yesterday and this man there is no comparison.

    We stand by Alex!

    I’ll leave this here.

    link to

  107. Republicofscotland says:

    “I see no problem with changing rooms and toilets, provided people behave themselves.”

    But they don’t always and that’s the problem, and its a big problem for women of which I have great sympathy for on this matter.

  108. GlenClova says:

    An employee lending money to his employer while not illegal is certainly ethically questionable. It immediately gives the opportunity for that employee to exercise undue influence in the organisation. For example what if an SNP staffer complained that they were being bullied by the Chief Executive? If the organisation was so financially hard pressed that it was not in a position to repay the loan would that influence the handling of the complaint? Sturgeon when in difficulty resorts to her default mode that she ‘can’t recall’ when she found out about the loan, however she needs to come clean about whether she knew before it was made and if so, as a lawyer she advised Murrell about any potential conflicts of interest that might ensue. We also need to be told when the NEC became aware of the arrangement. It does the SNP no favours that this episode may cause speculation about the party’s credit worthiness being such that they felt unable to approach their bankers for a short term loan for such a relatively small sum.

  109. sarah says:

    @ Rev at 11.20: Thank you.

    The answer to helping transvestites feel more comfortable is obviously to have 3 changing areas/toilets etc. What good reason can there be for men and women to be denied a space where they know everyone else around them shares the same attributes/mores, socially as well as physically?

  110. Astonished says:

    Geoff Anderson @11.41

    I’d like an answer too – Craig.

  111. gregor says:

    The Left’s Fashionable Nostrils (07/02/2023): Twit:

    “Chief Walloper A. Salmond says trans rights are “some daft ideology imported from elsewhere”. Thanks for your carefully considered input, Eck, ya massive roaster. Now fuck off.”:

    link to

  112. SusanAHF says:

    Craig Murray can I say that by selecting only elite women’s sports to be transwomen free how do you expect lower level and grassroots women’s sports to survive. Women need to feel the experience of winning, just like men do, to motivate themselves. Do we just ignore the hulking great mediocre men hoovering up podium positions?
    As for women’s toilets and changing rooms, don’t women deserve privacy and dignity, as well as safety? Men’s feelz obviously come first. Your views of women really stink

  113. gregor says:

    World Economic Forum: Projects: Accelerating LGBT Inclusion Initiative: Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality (PGLE):

    “PGLE is a coalition of organizations committed to leveraging their individual and collective advocacy to accelerate LGBTI equality and inclusion in the workplace and in the broader communities in which they operate.

    The Partnership is supported by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and is operated in collaboration with the World Economic Forum…”:

    link to

  114. Republicofscotland says:


    The SNP government under Sturgeon the Judas tenure are utterly hopeless, possibly, no definitely intentional if you ask me.

    “PLANS to transfer control of some types of benefits to the Scottish Government will be delayed for another three years, it has emerged.

    The BBC reported that the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will retain control over benefits that were supposed to handed to Social Security Scotland until 2026.

    Disability living allowance, attendance allowance, severe disablement allowance and payments for industrial injuries have all been delayed – with the UK’s DWP Secretary warning there must be “no further” blocks to the agreed timetable.
    The benefits were supposed to be transferred to the Scottish Government’s control in 2020.”

  115. Luigi says:

    Liz @11:55am

    “..can Sturgeon survive any longer?”

    I would make it evens now, Liz. It could go either way IMO. I know that’s a cop out lol, but I do think it is finely balanced. The establishment almost certainly want her to stay on now as a lame duck, totally discredited FM, afraid to step out of line. They have some dirt on her, I’m convinced. However, some of the more rabid Brit/English nat elements (inc some MSM managers) may push it just a little too far. It’s an open goal and they just can’t help themselves, even if they do Scotland a favour in the longer term. Some of those circling are clearly excited by the smell of blood in the water.

  116. robbo says:

    “I see no problem with changing rooms and toilets, provided people behave themselves.”

    Acht right yar Craig. So women and girls are just to take their chances? Even young boys going into male toliets presents danger.

    What grass are you smoking this week?

    Good grief

  117. Red says:

    Watching Nicola beclown herself over a convicted rapist was painful. Reminded me of something my granny always used to say: “a liar needs a good memory”.

    This gender nonsense has brought nothing but misery and anger and confusion into being. So here’s a humble suggestion:

    Let’s stop doing that.

    Let’s go back to the normal definitions of male and female that worked out quite well for us humans over the last 200,000 years or so.

    Let’s stop telling lies to make people feel good about themselves. It’s not helping anyone.

    If any of our thickly planted forest of poorly conceived equalities legislation prevents us from doing that, change the laws.

    I appreciate a small minority of strange people won’t like this idea, but to be fair, I don’t care, and I encourage you not to care either.

    Not every complaint is worth listening to, not every cause is worthwhile.

  118. gregor says:

    World Health Organization: Improving the health and well-being of LGBTIQ+ people:

    “…The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its pledge to “leave no one behind”, based on the normative framework of international human rights law, has reinforced the need to understand and improve the health and well-being of LGBTIQ+ people.

    WHO develops guidelines, provides technical support and conducts research…”:

    link to

  119. John Main says:

    @craig murray says:7 February, 2023 at 10:32 am

    For me it is a question of individual freedom

    There is much food for thought in your post, and the calm and measured tone of your writing shows us all the way to go.

    However, I think Rev Stu’s counter post at 11:20 says it all.

    Not sure why you are singling out elite sports specifically. My guess is that any softening of the boundaries at the higher levels will lead to the same situation at amateur, grass-roots level too. Meaning lassies on a playing field near you being flattened by blokes twice their weight and size. All sanctified by a bit of paper saying he is a girl.

    But to return to the individual freedom thing. Do I have the individual freedom to truly and peacefully believe anything I can think of?

    I have to agree, the answer is yes.

    Should I be able to force society and the state to acknowledge and adapt to my beliefs, remunerate me for the advantages my beliefs bring, incriminate and punish the majority of others who do not share my beliefs?

    Naw. A thousand times, naw.

  120. akenaton says:

    To be honest Mr Murray, it’s not really all about you.

    Social and sexual issues have become more and more important as our economic position weakens. Given the education/indoctrination of our young people, this situation is likely to prevail into the foreseeable future.

    In my long life I have never encountered any woman who is happy to undress or urinate in front of unknown males regardless of how they wish to be perceived…’s primarily about women and their right to feel safe in their skins, be able to retain a degree of modesty, which, whether they understand it or not, is a part of their psyche.
    There is also the equally distressing issue of young children being groomed to participate in the hellish experiment of “Transsexuality which may end in brutal surgery and certainly in severe mental damage.
    Our opinions are just that, opinions, but for women and children these opinions can mean the difference between a happy secure life and a living nightmare in a future world ruled by automatons like our present First Minister.

  121. gregor says:

    World Economic Forum: Agenda Contributor:

    World Health Organization (WHO):

    link to

  122. SusanAHF says:

    Liz I think I’ll scroll on by when I see his pish too. Good advice.

  123. gregor says:

    World Economic Forum (2019): World Economic Forum and UN Sign Strategic Partnership Framework:

    “The UN-Forum Partnership was signed in a meeting held at United Nations headquarters between UN Secretary-General António Guterres and World Economic Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development…”:

    link to

  124. gregor says:

    World Economic Forum: Forum Members:

    “…Forum Members are fully integrated into the World Economic Forum vision…”:

    link to

  125. John Main says:

    This is innarestin:

    link to

    Before anybody accuses me of transphobic, racist fascism, I would not, in ordinary times, necessarily have been opposed to something like this.

    But, the risks of abuse by grifting men clutching their legally watertight “Says here I am a woman” certificates is obvious.

    As are the risks of adoption of a scheme like this by an obsessed, value-signalling, unaccountable clique, who spray Scottish taxpayers money around with a fire hose.

    When it suits them, and for their personal vanity projects, natch.

  126. gregor says:


    “A list of matters to be discussed at a meeting.”

    “A list of aims or possible future achievements.”

    “A secret aim or reason for doing something.”

    “There’s no hidden agenda – I’m just trying to help.”

    link to

  127. gregor says:

    World Economic Forum (2020): Agenda: Great Reset: Why LGBT+ inclusion is the secret…

    “…Now is the time to be embracing LGBT+…”:

    link to

  128. ronald says:

    Gregor 12.32

    Enlighten us where Trans Rights came from they certainly weren’t home grown in Scotland .

  129. Merganser says:

    Craig Murray.

    I am still waiting for a response from you about the Equalities Ministers actions in saying and doing what she did. You seem reluctant to reply. Why?

  130. gregor says:

    Wikipedia: World Economic Forum:

    “WEF is an international non-governmental and lobbying organisation…

    The Forum suggests that a globalised world is best managed by a self-selected coalition…

    …which it expresses through initiatives like the “Great Reset” and the “Global Redesign”…”:

    link to

  131. ronald says:

    Gregor 1.12

    Stop posting pish Covid & lgbt+ have no relation to any countries economic recovery

  132. gregor says:

    World Economic Forum (2019): Agenda: The answer to nationalist fervour isn’t less globalism. It’s more:

    “…This alternative new generation of leaders back a globalist agenda that works for all, leaving nobody behind.

    What is needed, in a phrase, is “democratic globalism”. Democratic globalism is the idea that the choices that impact people on a global scale should be decided by the people through global votes for global representatives…

    At its core, democratic globalism is about taking back control…
    This has to be an agenda owned by the common person – not an elitist cabal of politicians or a fringe group of political theorists…”:

    link to

  133. gregor says:

    Deeper Into The Rabbit Hole 2: re. Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders (“the most exclusive private social network in the world”):

    Klaus Schwab: Video:

    “…We Penetrate The Cabinets…”:

    link to

  134. James Che says:


    Well spoken.

  135. Republicofscotland says:


    Scots lose out on a whopping £60 billion as Sturgeon the Judas sold off our Scotwind assets for a measly £700 million.

    link to

  136. DaveL says:

    @ Gregor.

    Have you acquired Cameron Bs links machine? Or…

  137. SusanAHF says:

    Gregory reminds me of someone who used to post links copiously a few years ago. Can’t remember his name

  138. SusanAHF says:

    Gregor reminds me of someone who used to post links copiously a few years ago. Can’t remember his name

  139. robbo says:

    What is that clown Pete Wishart on aboot noo? Him and James Kelly rabbiting on aboot someone called “pee-jay”.

    Never heard of him and never seen a post on wings btl from him either.


  140. gregor says:

    World Economic Forum (2020): Great Reset:

    “…World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative…


    Direction of national economies…

    Priorities of societies…

    Nature of business models…

    Management of a global commons…

    New social contract…”:

    link to

  141. JGedd says:

    Stuart Campbell @ 11.20am

    That is a very fair response to Craig Murray’s restatement of his position on trans rights.

    I wonder why he hasn’t considered the option of there being third spaces in toilets and changing rooms for people who self-id who might feel unsafe using male facilities? Yet, men who claim to be women when met with this fair compromise, reject it completely. There is no compromise for them apparently. Entry to female spaces is for them the aim.

    That for me is a major concern. Why do we have to accept that transwomen should be protected from possible harm while rejecting that women might need similar protection from possible harm? That does look like putting the interests of men identifying as women before those of women and children who are made to use the same facilities.

    The arguments put forward by Craig rejecting protected spaces for women is that that there are already provisions in criminal law eg ‘Harassment, voyeurism including photography, importuning, indecent flaunting of an erection, approaching minors, assault, rape these are still criminal offences whether in a changing room or not, and irrespective of possession of a GRC.’ The same argument could be put forward rejecting the transwomen’s argument that male facilities are unsafe for them. Surely there are already protections in criminal law for them?

    There has already been a case of a 6foot 5inch paedophile identifying as a transwoman called Katie Dolatowski who has been found guilty of sex assaults on two girls on 2 separate occasions in female toilets. He was housed on the female estate. So he was convicted of his assaults on 10 year old girls but what about the trauma suffered by those children?

    Craig Murray has written eloquently and compassionately on the prisoners he encountered in Saughton. It was one of the most moving pieces I have read on the conditions and the impoverished backgrounds of most of the prison population. Most are recidivists who are trapped in a cycle of deprivation and offending and are recycled through the prison system with no rehabilitation to break the circle of offending.

    It seems like an unexpected blind spot for CM to lack a compassionate understanding of the situation of women being required to accept the presence of male-bodied individuals in spaces where they expected to be safe. Unfortunately, it does look like a male point of view though countered by Stuart Campbell’s measured and fair response and by others on this site who do understand.

    Craig Murray also overlooks the fact that women have been entitled until now to have safe spaces to protect privacy dignity and safety. Men as a whole were kept out of those spaces though only a minority of men are sexual offenders in the categories listed by himself in his post, yet men have accepted this on the grounds that women require to be safe from those individuals who would have malicious intent.

    Why is that protection of women now to be thrown away to meet the demands of what is said to be a minority of males who say they are actual women? We are told to accept that identity based on nothing more than their feelings, but women’s feelings of anxiety are to be set aside. That looks very much like privilege being granted to one group over another’s justified fears.

    The Met has finally acknowledged that a worrying number of their officers has been guilty of abuse against women and will have to address this. This lack of proper vetting of male officers and a culture of acceptance of misogyny and actual offending culminated scandalously in the rape and murder of a young woman by an officer who was part of a WhatsApp group that regularly exchanged pornographic material and expressed their disgusting views of women in chats. I think it is quite likely that other police forces and (recently reported) Fire brigades have similar problems.

    In effect, a rising tide of misogyny and increased levels of sexual assaults against women as well as the problems of actually securing a conviction in courts nowadays can only increase the justified anxiety of women. We were also told that transwomen would not offend, yet we have the case of Katie Dolatowski; that male sex offenders would not choose the obvious route of self-id to escape male prison, yet we have already had
    Adam Graham and Andrew Burns.( The last actually described as the most dangerously violent criminal housed on the male estate but has been given permission to transfer to the women’s estate.) Only in a situation in which women’s concerns and actual safety are held of little account, could such a state of affairs have arisen.

    With all this happening, women are supposed to set aside their realistic fears about male-bodied individuals in their private spaces where they are vulnerable. It is no comfort to be told dismissively, well if anything does happen to you there are provisions in law to deal with that. That does not take away the trauma of the individual who suffers such an assault.

  142. gregor says:

    JournalismUK (2014): The backlash against the mainstream in Scotland:

    “…And then there is Wings Over Scotland. Speak to anyone engaged in the referendum debate and they will know all about it. It attracts just as much praise and respect from those in the Yes camp as it draws vitriol and abuse from the No side. With almost the whole of the UK’s traditional media lined up against Yes, Wings Over Scotland is a refreshing antidote. It is irreverent, brave, challenging, intelligent and often carries brilliant analysis and debunking of the media’s campaign against… The fact that a serious and on-going targeted DoS attack has been launched against the site is proof it is making an impact.

    …their growth makes them pivotal players… Wings has quadrupled its readership in just one year…”:–the-backlash-against-the-mainstream-in-scotland-/s6/a555870/

  143. gregor says:

    @SusanAHF re. “Gregory reminds me of someone who used to post links copiously a few years ago. Can’t remember his name”

    While your Gregory object reminds yourself.

    I’ll keep informing and striving my best, thanks…

  144. gregor says:

    @DaveL re. “Have you acquired Cameron Bs links machine? Or…”

    Be specific, what piece of information isn’t true, is not relevant ???

    Show everyone your integrity…

  145. smitty says:

    These are my leak updates.

    SNP membership has now dropped by 31.5% since the 2021 Holyrood election to 81,000: a total loss of 38,000. No Scottish party has seen a drop like this. This has been caused by the GRR. The party is now suffering badly because of a huge loss of income. Some constituencies have lost nearly 50% of members with Karen Adam’s Banff & Buchan Coast constituency losing the most amount of members. There are serious doubts that she can hold the constituency in the next election. She has ignored the oil workers and fishermen. Her only interaction with the local farmers was at the Turriff show last year. When she was researching farming she must have watched High Chaparral as she turned up wearing a cowboy hat. She had Josh Mennie with her and a couple of farmers thought he was her son and that he had learning disabilities.

    Sturgeon has called a ceasefire after her plan to turn the membership on the 9 rebels failed miserably. Her cabinet have been split with Humza, Robertson & Mathieson having the sense to see this was all going to end badly. Gudgeon & SAS were pushing for them to be deselected next election.

    Kate Forbes is on maneuvers and trying to find herself a soft middleground on the GRR debacle which she was assured would be over by the time she returned. She has had a total sycophantic piece done by her ally Severin Carrol in the New Stateman to try and boost her flagging popularity. However she has few friends on either side of the debate due to her inaction.

    SAS picks her nose and eats it. She is also a complete arse and the name coined on Wings ‘Shirley Anne Shit-for-brains’is now being adopted by staffers and parly staff.

    Christina Mackelvie is in a dreadful state after her ripping on social media last week. Nobody feels much sympathy for her as she is deeply unpopular.

    There is still no rebellion in place and there won’t be. Nobody is going to do anything as Sturgeon whilst Sturgeon is fucking things right up.

  146. Scotsrenewables says:

    Good to see Stu and Craig having a rational discussion about the self-id issue. Some other posters could learn from their measured tone.

  147. gregor says:

    FinancialTimes (07/02/2023): How row over trans rights sparked a crisis for Nicola Sturgeon’s leadership:

    “Nicola Sturgeon’s struggle to state whether a convicted rapist is a man or a woman has left the Scottish first minister dealing with a self inflicted political crisis over transgender rights and intensified questions about her leadership of the ruling Scottish National party…

    The Bryson case has sparked public outrage across the UK and has exacerbated splits over gender reform legislation within the pro-independence SNP. Sturgeon’s handling of the issue has also prompted broader questions about her judgment…”:

    link to

  148. Big Jock says:

    Just a snapshot of Scot Goes Pop blog below- Must be slow day.

    Wings is being used as a gateway drug for British Nationalism.

    There is no link between politicians , Trans extremists and Furries. Indeed Furries are not involved in sexual fetishes and grooming. They are perfectly innocent members of the public.

    We are a bunch of loonies who’s sole purpose is to defeat independence.

    Yet he tells us we are the ones who have lost the plot.

    Apparently I am now a British Nationalist!!!

    This stuff is worthy of Goebells.

    I am not sure why he left the SNP , such is his level of denial at what Sturgeon has done.

    Not Wings, not Yessers, not Alba, not anyone else. This is all down to Sturgeon.

  149. Merganser says:

    Craig Murray says, unless it’s criminally wrong, it’s alright.

    No room for morality or common decency there. Do what you want and F..k the rest of the world, if it’s not criminal, is his mantra now.

    Without certain standards of behaviour regardless of criminality, civilisation ends and anarchy takes over.

    The animal kingdom doesn’t have criminal law to regulate it. But it does have standards of behaviour, beyond which the penalties are severe. It has regulated itself rather well I think.

    For whatever reason, Craig is asking for the end of civilisation as we know it. That’s not for me.

  150. craig murray says:

    OK everyone,

    First, I would say if you look through this and the couple of threads before, I would point out that I have only addressed the issue to defend myself after having been attacked, by name, on the thread. Personally the trans issue is way down the list of my political priorities.

    I would not mention it at all on here if you would stop attacking me by name.

    Now to answer the various points put to me.

    Meganser I am sorry I thought I did answer your question. I said that McKelvey’s choice of allies was very strange, but there is nothing wrong in holding a counter rally as long as it does not try to stop free speech. I compared it to holding an Indy demo outside a Tory conference.

    Next, why elite sports. Well, at the community sport level, I think there is a great deal of scope for sport to be mixed, much more than is common. I myself had the unusual at the time experience of playing football regularly in a mixed group of kids and a mixed team up until about 15. Later in life, my first wife could always beat me at squash and tennis. I think there is more segregation than needed in school and community sport in general.

    Plainly when you are competing for meaningful trophies, that is different, and women should have their own pathways.

    On dressing rooms and toilets, I have been in many, many toilets where the washing and mirror area is communal and the cubicles separate. Including in quite a few clubs and restaurants in the UK.

    More widely, and with regard to changing rooms, I think it depends on the behaviour of the individual. I can see no reason for Chelsea Manning to worry anybody in a women’s changing room, to the extent that would justify restricting Chelsea’s freedom to use the changing room of her choice. Chelsea would also be safer in the women’s room.

    On the other hand, if Beth Douglas walked into a women’s changing room I would immediately call the police. But then in a rational world Beth Douglas would be banned from gender reassignment due to previous criminal offence.

    It is a difficult balance of rights. My guiding principle is that you don’t treat someone as criminal if they haven’t done anything criminal.

    As for transphobia in Alba, I did not say the Alba Party is transphobic. If it were, I would not remain a member.

    I am afraid some members are. The example of transphobia I have given is mocking the physical appearance of trans women.

    I have witnessed such material distributed and yes, I did politely explain why in my view it was wrong. It was perfectly friendly.

    I once phoned Stu over a cartoon on this site and explained to him my opinion, that I thought that portraying “ugly” trans women with stubble was not really legitimate discourse. He explained why he thought the cartoon was valid.

    It is perfectly possible to have different opinions and discuss them in a calm and reasonable manner. It is perfectly possible to reach compromises on these issues. I must say that I find those here who have continually insulted me by name, and then when I respond politely and reasonably say that they will ignore everything I say, to be exhibitinng nothing but bigotry.

  151. Geri says:


    Trans people should have thier OWN spaces. Then all thier fears of being attacked all vanish because, according to them, they’re just wee non confrontational delicate souls.

    Why is that option always ignored?
    Why is it women who are expected to compromise?

    Men have spaces
    Women have spaces
    Disabled people have spaces
    Mother & baby have spaces
    There’s even categories in, women, disabled.

    What is this misogynist pish that it’s women & children who should give way, compromise or just shut up? *It’s only toilets* wrong.

    Because we all know it doesn’t stop with toilets & we all fkn know they DON’T behave themselves! They have to make an exhibition of themselves because they’re fkn exhibitionists to start with & who do NOT want to go about thier lives in peace, they want to rummage through bins, upload contents or even take it home with them (sick fks!) expose themselves, have a wank, piss the floor, confront children, perform lewd acts & challenge any woman who gets in their way.

    Were you living in a cave when women told their stories of effectively being banned from using the toilet’s at Holyrood? All the trans bragging they’d occupied the ladies because they could.

    Ladies compromise every fkn day to bullies.

    I’m gobsmacked at your attitude. For a supposed man of the world you seem totally oblivious to violence against women.
    Men & women are separated for good reason. There is absolutely zero point crying over spilt milk after the horse has bolted. People damaged for life & all because some angry thugs want validated.

    Gawd help the ones pushing mutilation..

    ..cause they better run for cover when the pup grows up!

    Trans people can have thier own spaces. Problem solved for everyone.

  152. SusanAHF says:

    DaveL that’s the one, Cameron B

  153. James Che says:

    Lorna Cambell.

    First May I say a appreciated thank you for going one step further and checking out the legislation in Hansard.
    Few people make the effort to check that can of worms that has detrimental effect on people here, thank you.

    There is a problem at the top of society with how they view women for many centuries, there has seldom been a more counter ” Women ” Action group than in Westminster,

    1: It was this group that had to be forced to give women “voting rights” by women suffragettes, whom were often imprisoned or force fed and legally allowed by Westminster parliament, these womens votes were not offered voluntary from Westminster.

    2: Westminster was the legal domain that viewed ” Women” as inferior to men for equal for pay many years and still does.

    3: it is Westminster that recently stole the money of ” Women,s ” pensions, by maladministration, deliberate or not, they are avoiding righting that wrong, They treat this group of Women as second class.

    So how far back do we have to go in Society to observe how men consider Women amongst the rich and powerful men and landed gentry?
    Well the best evidence for a ingrained way of thinking about a “women” as inferior human can be found in history.

    Women are little more than slaves, they were bought and sold, ( still are)
    They were not seen as equal human beings on this planet, The word very word “Dowery” explain how women and female children were trade agreements for power hungry men,
    That marriages were often arranged of young girls and young women to amalgamate Countries, to gain land aqusitions, money and property,
    Meanwhile as history reads, many of those men made the arranged marriages for attainment political power and greed while just as many had no inclination to consumate a marriage with women other than to use them for providing a future male heir to their own family name,

    No “women” could not directly inherit any form of property from their father or mothers, it went to the next in line family male.

    Westminster has kept the tradition of male legislation for predominateley male advantages, the bill that went through Hansard enabled the Scottish Westminster branch office in Scotland to trial the Gender issues while looking like the perfect gentlemen in parliament

    Today the dregs of society at the top in Westminster allowed a law to go through Hansard that allowed for self ID of gender,
    And it appears NS the first minster was paid to bring that to fruitition in Scotland first, just like the treaty of union was, Greed and Gain emerged to buy Scotland 1707 and has not left since.
    Our proxy parliament in Scotland can still be bought,
    The green light was given in media outlets and all sorts of mental and often violent misfits were informed to pile into Scotland. A reasonable Quite Country of not many people in population.
    Scotland and Ireland are often the place for Westminster to go to for experimental society issues they endorse and will benefit them at Westminster parliament long term,

    Women are devalued and traded as commodities today under Westminster legislation to gain access for finances, taxes but no returns, and access to male domination sexual behaviour.

    Westminster elite have not changed or moved on since the old days of when women must have Dowery and provide all that men require, and to give up their children for titles and their sexual gratification

    Women are still expected to change their name to the mans name today, but men seldom take or add on the women’s name unless money land or titles are included.

    As princess Diana once stated, she was nothing more than a breeding mare, that came with a long standing family name and landed titles,

    These people are narrow in their thoughts and actions and still live in the dark ages of how to gain power and who to use,
    Trading of Slaves does not have to be black in colour to make financial commodities thrive for governments.

  154. Daisy Walker says:

    I think I may owe Craig Murray an apology… I was sure I saw him post a tweet stating words to the affect that male prisoners within the female prison estate was the worst type of dog whistle argument with regards the GRR issue.

    Very sorry if I got that wrong.

    I have no issue with adults living as they want to live and will happily live and work along side them.

    I do have issue with them insisting on compelled speak, re-writing accurate history (including their own background), and removing crime prevention safety barriers.

    Crimes increase when the perpetrators can access their taget easily, can perpetrate the crime with less chance of interuption, in comparative privicy, can reduce their chances of detection by a/ attacking those who do not know them personally (stanger danger) and b/ where there is a high public footfall of through traffic…

    So from that perspective public changing rooms, public toilets, public swimming pools fit the bill nicely.

    When you remove (as self id will do) the fact that as a male bodied person – they had no lawful excuse for being in the ladies toilet/changing room in the first place, you weaken the opportunity for staff to prevent crime by turfing them out before a crime is committed, and make it harder to prove a crime – of for example indecent exposure – didn’t happen by accident when the towel slipped.

    Realistically though, it is not Craig’s opinion that I would seek from the Murray household on this issue. I would credit his wife as having a more realistic and worldy wise insight on this subject.

  155. Geri says:

    That was the same excuse James O’Brien came out with that had absolutely no relation to the real world.

    ‘would you have a problem with ME in the cubicle net to you?’

    Well unless he’s about to do something that would cause him to lose his job then he can assume he’s safe..

    But we’re NOT talking about famous people! We’re talking about her run of the mill trans thug!

  156. Chris Darroch says:

    Nicola will be acutely aware that her popularity and thus influence are diminishing rapidly over this.

    She will fondly remember how those things increases during her Covid appearances.

    She’ll imagine that tv exposure is her route to improve her standing. As oratory preparation and delivery is one of her key influences.

    She has obviously spent many nights honing an approach to these gender issues…it’s not only the outfit which Gilruth has copied verbatim.

    The approach of using the term individual and focusing on the rapist label while attempting to avoid being eaten by the various Trans pressure groups by remembering to use she/her occasionally but sparingly…is a tightrope over a sea of alligators.

    She probably felt that the press and public could be railroaded or fooled….as her party has been.

    She is rapidly finding that even having the Lord Advocate in your pocket…that even having partially charmed the press….won’t be near enough to avoid the focus of public approbrium.

    That square peg just won’t be fitted in….nor, like Salmond….fitted up.

  157. robbo says:

    Third spaces? – Lmao ,not on yer nelly will they campaign for that.

    They don’t want third spaces because they’ll be no vulnerable women, girls and boys in them. It’s as simple as that.

  158. Daisy Walker says:

    OT £107,000 Murrell loan to the SNP.

    That was a very interesting Q and A with Nicla yesterday. Stanger and stranger as the dust settles.

    ‘his resources’ was stated several times… not ‘it was his money’… but ‘his resources’.

    Almost as if she didn’t want anyone looking at their collective earnings and properties, working out the mortgage repayments and saying, where did £107,000 come from.

    I’ve recently retired and got a good lump sum settlement…. and the only people I know that have that kind of money lying about, are in a similar ‘just retired’ situation.

    Likewise, given the SNP’s lack of any donations in recent years (other than from Westminster), is anyone seriously saying, that on receiving the offer of this loan, no-one in the party didn’t pick up the phone to Nicla and say, ‘Good news FM, we just got a lifesaving loan from a pal.’

    Funny old marraige that one partner can blow that amount of money on an unsecure loan and not discuss it with their missus before hand.

    I do so miss the days of Alex, when the SNP would not even consider any type of fiscal impropriety, in order to ensure the press had nothing to dig for.

  159. sydthesnake says:

    craig murray says:
    7 February, 2023 at 2:40 pm
    OK everyone,
    On dressing rooms and toilets, I have been in many, many toilets where the washing and mirror area is communal and the cubicles separate. Including in quite a few clubs and restaurants in the UK.

    More widely, and with regard to changing rooms, I think it depends on the behaviour of the individual. I can see no reason for Chelsea Manning to worry anybody in a women’s changing room, to the extent that would justify restricting Chelsea’s freedom to use the changing room of her choice. Chelsea would also be safer in the women’s room.

    On the other hand, if Beth Douglas walked into a women’s changing room I would immediately call the police. But then in a rational world Beth Douglas would be banned from gender reassignment due to previous criminal offence.

    It is a difficult balance of rights. My guiding principle is that you don’t treat someone as criminal if they haven’t done anything criminal.

    I just don’t understand WHY is there a need/want/craven for these individuals to be allowed into these safe spaces, women just shouldn’t feel unsafe in a female changing room, for God’s sake give these individuals there own changing area as far away as possible from women and children’s changing areas PROBLEM SOLVED

  160. Red says:

    Her cabinet have been split with Humza, Robertson & Mathieson having the sense to see this was all going to end badly. Gudgeon & SAS were pushing for them to be deselected next election.

    Lol, they must’ve gotten into the mushrooms if they think Nicola would sack Humza. He’s got a job for life in the SNP.

  161. Owen Mullions says:

    Will nobody save us from this turbulent pest?

  162. gregor says:

    Sharon Davis (07/02/2023): Twitter:

    “I could never bring myself to vote for a politician who doesn’t know what a woman is. If they can sit on the fence or worse still lie about that reality be very wary about what else they can lie about & if a women throwing away decades of things women have fought for, shame on u”:

    link to

  163. Stoker says:

    John Main quotes Pete Pishfart’s latest squelching of diarrhoea:

    “For people not immediately alienated and appalled at this cynical misrepresentation [by Alba] of a complex wedge issue [trans rights] there is only bewilderment at the sheer energy deployed on an issue that so few people actually care about.”

    John Main then says: “Words fail me – how can anybody be so blinkered? The last part is so stupendously un-self aware, it deserves repetition:”

    Indeed! As Stuart points out in the article above, *six years* Sturgeon has spent railroading this crap through. Whilst Pishfart sat playing with his own tallywhacker. They say too much of it makes you blind, you know. Perhaps that explains the “blinkered” part? Aye! The “sheer energy deployed”, eh? Must be fricken’ exhausting, all that……..fighting for indy. No wonder the dud retired to the back-benches. 😉

  164. Wee Chid says:

    “Chelsea would also be safer in the women’s room.”

    And why is that Craig? I think you have just made the case for why women want safe spaces and why they are much more comfortble and safer without the likes of Chelsea in those spaces.

    Make the mens spaces safer for those men who want to present themselves in their own warped fantasy of womanhood or give them their own spaces – but keep them out of ours – we dont want them.

  165. James Che says:

    Craig Murrey.

    I am going to be blunt with you.
    You are a man,
    A man that is enforcing you’re believes on Women and children of Scotland.
    I do not know your sexual preferences, wether you are married or not,

    But they are not women’s believes, whom want protection for themselves and there children,

    Men are men, women are women, and any other gender is “other”

    Why do men feel the need to intrude into women and childrens save spaces other than access of perversion and fetishes,

    If you are a genuine believer that there are other genders fight for the right to have your own spaces,

    Don’t hitch your pony to the safety women and children, “IT IS NOT A GOOD LOOK”
    Go find you’re own safety area and spaces to be recognised in. Instead of acting like leeches on women and children.

    So just to clarify.

    Women do not want men with their, all intact male genitalia in their and their children’s spaces here in Scotland.
    Men or trans men have the right to be recognised as another third Gender if they wish, they need to have the other inbetweeners gender acknowledge by government.
    You are in a utterly stupid position of ever thinking tranmen are women.
    Cannot wait to see how their cervical smear test goes, or how they ovulate a egg/s once a month.

    People usually grow out of Pretending, when they grow up, unless they are paid to pretend in adulthood,

    To all trans, go find your own niche and space, stop hitchhiking.

  166. Big Jock says:

    When Yes got to within a whisker of winning in 2014. It was entirely down to a united independence movement and a disjointed misaligned no campaign.

    We united because the common goal was independence. There were very few distractions from the independence ambition. We also trusted our leader and knew he had Scotland tattooed on his heart.

    There may have been policy differences over the monarchy and NATO etc. However because we knew independence was the his single aim. We did not get distracted by side issues.

    So what has happened since Sturgeon took over? Independence became a side issue to devolution and niche policies. In other words the distractions disunited the yes movement. The SNP allowed this to happen, some say deliberately so.

    The reason we are falling to pieces. Is because none of us now believe independence is the ambition of the SNP and Sturgeon. They have settled for devolution. In doing so thy have allowed a few peoples personal hobby horses to become the story. Because in Holyrood there really is feck all else to do , that hasn’t been done before. We have hit the glass ceiling.

    When people have no ambition their minds become inverted and stale. One woman’s obsession is now slowly killing a once united movement.

    We can never be united again until every last one of these unionists is removed from power. Imagine describing the SNP as unionists! That’s how far down the rabbit hole they have gone.

    They have completely lost their way, the party has no purpose. It’s Scottish Labour all over again.

  167. Towbar Sullivan says:

    Scot Goes Pop is now claiming to be getting rude post to his blog – which he blocks+ from a ‘Wings follower’.
    The rude poster used the name’PeeJay’. From the sort of stuff he has tried to post, there’s a ring of Mac Dunbar about him.
    SGP claims that this character has tried to make ”hundreds’ of posts on SGP…SGP also claims that this is exactly the sort of poster Wings attracts – despite the fact that it’s SGP who is attracting ‘hundreds’ of posts from ‘PeeJay’ and l can’t find any posts by ‘PeeJay’ on Wings (though TBH I didn’t look beyond the last few posts).

    It’s all very odd. SGP attracts a nutter poster and claims he’s a typical Wings poster while there seems to be no sign he posts on Wings.

    Maybe SGP has ‘Wings Derangement Syndrome’?

  168. Republicofscotland says:

    Smitty @2.16pm.

    Thanks for the update keep the coming, a revolt is badly needed.

  169. Liz says:

    Never really thought about Murrell’s ‘loan’ being too much of a problem.

    But going by some comments, maybe there is more to this than I at first thought.

    Sturgeon is a trained lawyer, yes a bad one, but as other commenters have said, she was very careful to use specific words, interested to see how this pans out.

    I believe she is protected but I sense some impatience in the press to nail her.
    It makes them look foolish if they let her get away with too much.

  170. James Che says:

    Alex Salmond at a Burns supper in Dundee recently also stated that the Trans gender issue in Scotland was Imported to Scotland.

    Nice to see Alba thinking along the same lines.

  171. craig murray says:

    James Che,

    I am not enforcing my beliefs on anybody. I am just telling you what they are.

    Since you ask I am very happily married, I have children.

    You write:

    “You are in a utterly stupid position of ever thinking tranmen are women.
    Cannot wait to see how their cervical smear test goes, or how they ovulate a egg/s once a month.

    People usually grow out of Pretending, when they grow up, unless they are paid to pretend in adulthood,”

    I am afraid you appear to have a difficulty in reading comprehension. This is what I wrote:

    “For what it’s worth, I have a different view to Sturgeon too. For me it is a question of individual freedom, not of gender ideology, on which much nonsense is spoken.

    I don’t believe men can “become” women. But I believe men should be able to choose female gender and to be treated as women, and women be treated as men, if that is how they wish to live their lives.”


    I have just spotted your further comment above. Yes, there is such a thing as taste and decency, and yes it is important in society. I always try to observe it myself. I have never said it should not be observed – voluntarily. I would far rather, for example, the “furry” in the previous thread did not behave in that way.

    In “On Liberty” John Stuart Mill discusses the importance of disapprobation and societal sanction in matters of personal morality, but argues strongly against involvement of the criminal law. That is my position.

    So please don’t assume that I like or approve of everybody whose rights I defend.

  172. SusanAHF says:

    Sydthesnake, 3rd spaces are the ideal solution to this problem but “trans” don’t want them. Why? Because part of the issue is that they want validation – being allowed in women’s spaces means they’re “real” women. Of course they’re not, they are dysphoric MEN. For some (most?) there is a sexual thrill from transgressing boundaries, societal norms. I’m equally human, I’m not a support human whose sole purpose is to validate others, nor am I a useful stooge for someone else’s paraphilias.

  173. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    Interesting that Craig Murray selects which questions to answer!
    Why are Alba Transphobic. You used that term quite deliberately.

  174. Ottomanboi says:

    I wonder if all this gender stuff is nothing but a media wind up. All fake tan, powderpuffs and mirrors….and TikTokery
    Like this piece of look-at-me nonsense.
    link to
    Just as in politics,
    You can fool most people all of the time…..

  175. gregor says:

    SusanAHF says: “re. DaveL that’s the one, Cameron B”

    My best advice would be to do something about your personal issue/s (re. not my issue/don’t expect any more direct communications from your public object).

    I value humans, this precious forum, and are focused on our reality…

  176. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    Craig has been in “lots” of shared toilet facilities. Has he not noticed that these are being forced on society. He is obviously decided to go for the drip, drip approach of converting the non believers.

  177. Effijy says:

    Ben Wallace the Tory Defence Minister this morning stated that money being paid out on benefits should be channelled into defence spending.

    The Tory Government are aware that up to 500 people are dying due to NHS shortages of staff and resources which are driven up by the refusal of Junior Doctors and Nurses to accept permanent pay cuts due to inflation rates.

    The defence budget is supposed to protect the citizens of this country but it has just been spelled out that it’s there only to support the better off.

    The greatest enemy of our citizens are all linked up to the Tory party.

    Why bother talking about being capable of taking on China if they ever wanted to invade.
    They want the mugs here buying their PPE, Telecoms, Computers, Cameras, Power Stations, Clothes,Toys and just about anything else that you can name.

    With 3,355,000,000 Soldiers and Reservists and 660,000 Paramilitary available against the UKs 80,000 military we would be no more than a fart against the wind.

    Most of our weapons have been given to Ukraine so I’ll be learning Mandarin as soon as my call up papers arrive.

    Fire our 2 Nukes, if they work, and get 50 back.

  178. ronald says:

    Daisy Walker 3.11

    It makes U wonder if they live in the same house / He preferring sexual relations with Males & her preferring females .

  179. craig murray says:

    TheSNPLeftMe at 4.27pm

    I did in fact answer that question directly, in my comment at 2.40pm. I said:

    “As for transphobia in Alba, I did not say the Alba Party is transphobic. If it were, I would not remain a member.

    I am afraid some members are. The example of transphobia I have given is mocking the physical appearance of trans women.

    I have witnessed such material distributed and yes, I did politely explain why in my view it was wrong. It was perfectly friendly.”

    Incidentally, if you want another example of what transphobia looks like, James Che above is a good example:

    “Why do men feel the need to intrude into women and childrens save spaces other than access of perversion and fetishes”,

    To characterise all trans people as sexual perverts is transphobia. To deny the existence of genuine and respectful trans people is transphobia.

  180. gregor says:


    “Something that has an effect on something else, often causing problems by limiting it in some way.”

    “He resented any impingement on his academic freedom.”

    “Many people viewed the trade deal as an impingement of national interests.”

    link to

  181. SusanAHF says:

    TheSNPLeftMe, yes the slow drip, drip and the weasel word ‘compromise’. Some things just aren’t open to compromise and to suggest they are is disingenuous at best, downright malicious at worst.

  182. gregor says:

    Scottish Music (2011): Ally, bally, ally bally bee:

    “Ally, bally, ally bally bee
    Sittin’ on yer mammy’s knee
    Greetin’ for anither bawbee
    Tae buy mair Coulter’s candy…

    Ally. bally, ally, bally bee
    When you grow up you’ll go to sea…”:

    link to

  183. SophiaPangloss says:

    Craig Murray’s problem is the same one many others are experiencing right now, when they take out a couple of big Jenga blocks, like men in women’s prisons or men taking part in women’s elite sports events, and only then realise how the game plays out. Gender ideology, like most ideologies, only holds together when all the parts are present. As soon as you say No to men in women’s prisons then people will ask why men in women’s hospital wards, as soon as you say No to men in women’s elite events then people ask how do women get to elite events with all the men in their way.

    And remember, this is a Jenga tower that was put together by 2 year-olds and Sunday School teachers, it could barely stand before the bricks started to get pulled out.

    Murray’s just hoping if he shouts ‘transphobe’ loud enough we won’t notice him slyly pulling his bricks out from the tower… there goes one, there goes another…

  184. Mac says:

    My views have hardened seeing all this madness. I have come to the conclusion that in no way should men be allowed to legally identify as women to access their spaces. Legally biological men are men and women are women.

    For people out there who are men but genuinely live as women and just want to use the ladies toilets I would decriminalize in that the men that pose no threats, and in most cases no one even notices they are men, are essentially tolerated (as they are now I assume) but if they do ever start acting in a way that makes women uncomfortable the laws are there to instantly remove them. That would be about as far as I would go.

    It would be madness for businesses and councils etc up and down the land to have to invest in building a third or fourth toilet for such a tiny minority.

    It is time to put the foot down and just say no, fuck off. We would all love to live in a perfect world but it is not, and as much as you want to be a woman, you are not, you are a man, so man-up as they say and deal with it.

    We’ve got two fucking bogs on offer and the women don’t want yous in with them so you don’t have to be logical genius to work out you’ll have to use the gents.

    And as a biological man at the end of the day it is not an unreasonable solution. Without wishing to be blunt it is you that has the problem, not society, you are a man who wants to be a woman.

    Unfortunately that makes you a living contradiction, an impossible problem, that no one can ever solve, and if we try we will only end up with insane solutions.

    Insane problems only have insane solutions. Like putting rapists into a woman’s prison.

    The premise that a man can become a woman by identifying as such is the fundamental problem which puts us firmly on the road to hell. So it has to be flatly rejected right at the starting gate.

  185. JGedd says:

    Craig Murray’s proposed situation in which Chelsea Manning would be welcome in a women’s toilet because presumably Chelsea Manning would have no sinister intent but Beth Douglas would not be welcome because of his/her background, does not stand up to examination.

    For a start, both of these individuals have a public profile so presumably a woman in the toilet space when either of these people walked in, would – according to Craig – already have foreknowledge of them and could make a judgement accordingly. ( Apart from the fact that even if you had good reason to judge someone as a possible threat you are supposed to phone to have this person removed? Really?)

    In the real world, a woman wouldn’t have much chance of making that judgement in time to save herself from any kind of assault. Even phoning could put her in danger or aggravate the situation to trigger an assault.

    I’m afraid CM just hasn’t thought this situation out at all from a woman’s point of view or even worse, from a lone child’s point of view.

    In situations like this where women have complained, they have found themselves not supported by staff who have been indoctrinated into thinking it already is a hate crime.

    So even trying to take avoiding action of the kind suggested by CM is not viable in these situations. The options for women seem to be to just shut up and risk it or not use the facilities which in effect would mean that women don’t have safe spaces. ( What about Muslim women now being forced to exclude themselves from women-only sessions at the local pool or gym? Do they not count as a minority?)

    The risk of harm or ejection is all that of the women and their children. There is no balance here. Trans people will not accept the compromise of safe third spaces for them and CM will not address that. Could it be that since he will never find himself in that situation he therefore does not see it as a high priority?

    The essential fact here which seems to have escaped those in the SNP and establishment institutions (and Craig Murray on this matter) is the fact of women’s biology. (You wouldn’t think that you would have to point this out.) Women are physically weaker than men which puts them throughout history and in many parts of the world today in a vulnerable position.

    It doesn’t matter about an individual being beaten by his wife in squash or tennis. What is relevant is the physique of the female sex which is due to their evolutionary purpose as child bearers. The resources demanded to carry a child to full term throughout evolutionary history meant that a large muscular frame would be so demanding of resources that it would be fatal to such a woman and her foetus. Child bearing has been attrition for women; only those with the best physicality for the purpose survived and their female descendants have that same physique.

    Women are physically weaker than men because of this attrition. The downside of this is having a frame best for child-bearing but not to withstand a full-frontal physical attack from a male. (They don’t even have the muscle fibres for flight from such an aggressor.) Women in advanced countries have thus relied on civilised society to mediate and protect. If society decides that protection is no longer needed, then women have reason to worry.

    (Even if we accept that only a small number of males will be a danger to women due to this acceptance of transgender males then it’s adding more hazards, more statistics to the list of assaults already suffered by women. How many such assaults or violations of women or children would be acceptable to those who promote this ideological stance? For women will be counting.)

  186. SusanAHF says:

    Ruby there’s that entity again “genuine and respectful trans people”. How does a woman tell them apart from the bad actors? Don’t worry, if anything bad happens, call the police. Hmm, changing the bar from preventive action to reactive action. Yeah that’s really great for women…I think not.

  187. Sue Varley says:

    Craig Murray, says:
    Incidentally, if you want another example of what transphobia looks like, James Che above is a good example:

    “Why do men feel the need to intrude into women and childrens save spaces other than access of perversion and fetishes”,

    To characterise all trans people as sexual perverts is transphobia. To deny the existence of genuine and respectful trans people is transphobia.

    I can’t speak for James Che, but I agree with what he wrote, and for myself and many other women I know, we are not characterising all trans people as sexual perverts, just the ones that persist in wanting access to our safe spaces when we have said, firmly but politely, “No”.

    If transwomen would campaign for their own spaces, many women would stand with them. That is NOT transphobia. But their own spaces is not what they want, they want access to ours and you seem to support them in this. Supporting men’s feelings over women’s justified fears is misogyny.

    Almost every time you post on this subject I lose a little respect for you Craig, which saddens me very much.

  188. What Rot says:

    @Craig Murray, 10.32am:

    “I believe men should be able to choose female gender and to be treated as women”
    O my. Men should be able to choose to be treated as women? Are you seriously saying this?
    The business of treating men as women is none of your business, because you’re not a woman.
    Women do not want to treat men as women. Women do not want men in their single sex spaces. The very concept is insulting to women. & That trumps your belief – and that’s what you, with this preposterous belief, need to get your head around.

    “I see no problem with changing rooms and toilets, provided people behave themselves. ”
    Ridiculously naive. The point is, autogynephiles are NOT in this to ‘behave themselves’.
    Much of the modern trans sorts are autogynephiles; their entire kink is to be in the women’s spaces they shouldn’t be in, usually exulting in doing terrible things. That’s what they derive sexual satisfaction from. There is ample evidence of this.

    If you’ve no knowledge of this evidence, and of the fact that the modern trans cult is chock full of autogynephiles, then you are underinformed. You may ‘see no problem’, but it IS a problem – a big, stinking, unsavoury, disgusting problem.

    “I view the ideologues on both sides as hate filled.”
    O my my. Are you calling angry and fearful women who do not want men in their spaces, who do not want ‘woman’ to include men and who do not want to see their hard-won and hard fought for rights destroyed – which is the *whole* of one side – ‘idealogues’?

    Really? You’re calling those women hate filled idealogues?

  189. David Hannah says:

    I read that James Kelly blog there.

    I’m surprised he’s having a go at Wings for raising awareness around the trans self ID issue, when he himself commissioned panelbase polling on gender Self ID. It’s a wrap – was the article with the polling done.

    The hundreds of women in george Square at the weekend were delighted someone’s speaking up for them. Stuart Campbell. Standing up for the rights of women and girls. If he’s so much of a Unionist then he wouldn’t have edited the Wee Alba Book. Or written the first one. Or defended Alex Salmond in Sturgeon’s failed criminal conspiracy.

    Wings being back is the best thing that’s happened to Scottish politics. Fact.

  190. Geri says:

    John Main 1:08

    They’re pushing that here too. Have you never read their list of demands? lol!

    Trans people don’t work, therefore shouldn’t be charged fees for anything & should have a guaranteed income from the government.
    As they don’t work they should have surgery on demand provided by the NHS.
    They should also have therapy on demand and free access to fertility.

    The list goes on.

    It’s a totalitarian cult who wants to curb everyone’s rights (except thier own) while they loaf it up at home probably watching porn 24/7 & thinking up more demands..

    Why intelligent, educated ppl entertain this nonsense or argue about it is beyond me because the *trans community* even admit it’s fk all to do with gender dysphoria. It’s freedom to carry out thier perversions in public.

    Intelligent, educated ppl are being forced to accept a fantasy & ignore reality. For who’s benefit?

    Someone asked above about Trans Womens pay being cut. Yes, it’s one of the reasons section 35 was enacted. It would conflict with employment laws regars maternity etc..

  191. gregor says:


    “Extreme fear, excitement, anger, etc. that cannot be controlled.”

    “Mass hysteria.”

    “Excitement or emotion that is uncontrollable.”

    “One woman, close to hysteria, grabbed my arm.”

    link to

  192. Ebok says:

    Sturgeon has been pulverised and ridiculed on radio all day. Alex Salmond now being portrayed as the voice of reason.

    Excellent interview with Neale Hanvey on one station, plus several unflattering discussions with journalists on other channels.

    The clip at the top of this thread has been played repeatedly, with questions over the ‘loan’ opening another can of worms.

  193. Tom says:

    Alex Salmond on Radio 4, The World at One, starting 25 mins in ..

    link to

  194. Red says:

    Craig – The example of transphobia I have given is mocking the physical appearance

    Healthy laughter is the cheapest and most effective response to the emperor showing his bare arse in public. A good chuckle is worth more than a thousand densely worded essays nobody will read.

    Humour also encourages people not to do extremely daft things that will ruin their life, and possibly also ruin their family life, too. When 43 year old father-of-two Stan says he wants to be known as Loretta, you’re not doing Stan any favours by congratulating the guy on his new gender. That’s not being “kind”, it’s just cowardice.

    So when you think about it – and I hope I’m not being hyperbolic here – people who make jokes are the greatest heroes of all time.

    Me mock because we care. <3

  195. gregor says:


    “Notes that are played or sung with the main tune and that make the piece more complicated and interesting.”

    “Agreement of ideas, feelings, or actions, or a pleasing combination of different parts.”

    “He imagined a society in which all races lived together in harmony.”

    “Harmony is the combination of separate but related parts in a way that uses their similarities to bring unity to a painting, drawing, or other art object.”

    link to

  196. craig murray says:


    The problem with your argument is, I have always argued that sexual offenders should not be in women’s prisons. This is from my blog in 2019:

    “Plainly a convicted male sexual assailant ought not to be put in a women’s prison, even if they now claim gender re-identity.”

    link to

    You are simply wrong to claim that I am “slyly pulling bricks out from the tower”. I have not changed my position. I am not Nicola Sturgeon.

    You are even more wrong to accuse me of believing in a gender ideology I have always rejected. The problem is, no matter how many times I write, as in the thread above:

    “For me it is a question of individual freedom, not of gender ideology, on which much nonsense is spoken.

    I don’t believe men can “become” women. But I believe men should be able to choose female gender and to be treated as women, and women be treated as men, if that is how they wish to live their lives.”

    You and others choose to ignore it because you are not arguing in good faith. You prefer to paint me with caricature opinions you can then attack.

    The gender ideologues argue exactly the same as you, that no compromise is possible. They end up in stupid contradictions like Nicola Sturgeon calling a rapist “she”.

    You end up comfortable in your own extreme position, denying the legitimacy of all trans people and saying nobody may ever change gender.

    People like me look for how we make a workable compromise so people can function in real life and the interplay of freedoms and rights can be fairly managed.

  197. Merganser says:

    Craig Murray @ 4.16pm

    That is the second time you have tried to attribute to me something I haven’t put forward. It is hardly possible to have a reasonable debate with someone who resorts to such tactics.

    I have assumed nothing about you. I have simply read the words you have written.

    Your position is nothing like that of John Stuart Mill.

    On a simple level this debate is about whose rights should prevail – those of women (whom you seem to recognise as adult females), or another small group who want their rights to prevail.

    You have chosen which group you have decided should prevail, and you should expect and accept that the vast majority of people have chosen the opposite. Given that you believe in democracy, what do you think the outcome should be? Should a tiny minority prevail over a large majority?

  198. Andrew scott says:

    Off topic but i read that useless and partner have dropped their action against Broughty ferry nursery
    Wonder why?

  199. gregor says:


    “The principles that help you to decide what is right and wrong, and how to act in various situations.”

    link to

  200. SusanAHF says:

    Andrew Scott, because it was THEM being racist in assuming racism on the part of the nursery owner probably. How easy it is to cry “racism!” Racism exists but that wasn’t an example. Yousaf has a chip on his shoulder, didn’t he think Scotland was too white?

  201. Stoker says:

    Towbar Sullivan says on 7 February 2023 at 3:58 pm:
    “Scot Goes Pop is now claiming to be getting rude post to his blog – which he blocks+ from a ‘Wings follower’. The rude poster used the name’PeeJay’. From the sort of stuff he has tried to post, there’s a ring of Mac Dunbar about him. SGP claims that this character has tried to make ”hundreds’ of posts on SGP…SGP also claims that this is exactly the sort of poster Wings attracts – despite the fact that it’s SGP who is attracting ‘hundreds’ of posts from ‘PeeJay’ and l can’t find any posts by ‘PeeJay’ on Wings (though TBH I didn’t look beyond the last few posts). It’s all very odd. SGP attracts a nutter poster and claims he’s a typical Wings poster while there seems to be no sign he posts on Wings.”

    I will back you on that one. I’ve been on WOS almost every single day since 2014 and contributed quite a bit and i’m not familiar with that name ‘PeeJay’ posting on here. Something about it is ringing a very distant bell though, Twitter perhaps?

    And i’m sure one of the longer serving members of WOS, such as Brian Doonthetoon or Ian Brotherhood, could further confirm it for you? My advice would be to leave SGP to his own echo-chamber. I wouldn’t give him the traffic. There’s nothing he can say that would make him relevant. 😉

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I will back you on that one. I’ve been on WOS almost every single day since 2014 and contributed quite a bit and i’m not familiar with that name ‘PeeJay’ posting on here. Something about it is ringing a very distant bell though, Twitter perhaps?”

      Literally the only appearances of the name “PeeJay” anywhere in the 1.1 million comments posted (or attempted to be posted – this search includes blocked and trashed comments) on Wings in its entire history are in the two comments from you and Towbar today.

      I’m getting really quite disturbed by Kelly’s insane obsession at this point. I’m now about as sure as I can be that the bulk of comments on his posts are him agreeing with himself under assumed names or as “Anonymous”. When you’ve been a writer as long as I have, someone’s style stands out like a big old flag.

  202. Jim Hawkins says:

    I’m English and I consider the politicians at West Minster as a bunch of incompetent numpties, but Sturgeon takes politics to an even newer low that anyone in Westminster. How has it come to this that a once prudent and sensible people like the Scots could tolerate this harridan for such a long time? Something is truly rotten in the state of Scotland.

  203. What Rot says:

    @JGedd at 5.14pm:
    “In situations like this where women have complained, they have found themselves not supported by staff who have been indoctrinated into thinking it already is a hate crime.”
    I really don’t think that many women have been indocrinated – it’s also very much the case that too many women in the workplace just do as they’re told and don’t argue and wouldn’t dream of arguing with the bosses. I’ve had many very interesting conversations with cleaners – 99% women and amongst the lowest paid in the organisation, but among the most vital folk in the bloody organisation – about the fact of there being ONLY gender neutral toilets, in the shiny brand new buildings they work in. To say they’re well agin it is an understatement.

  204. gregor says:

    IPSOS (07/02/2023): Public perceptions of Nicola Sturgeon dip, while over half of Scots are critical of Scottish Government performance on the NHS:

    “While 43% of the public have a favourable opinion of Nicola Sturgeon, an identical proportion – 43% – have an unfavourable one. This gives her a neutral ‘net’ favourability…

    Direction of the country:

    A majority of Scots remain pessimistic about the direction… just 27% feeling it is heading in the right direction…

    Ratings of Scottish Government performance:

    Across a range of policy areas, more people think the Scottish Government has done a bad job since the 2021 Holyrood elections…

    The Scottish public has a particularly negative view of the Scottish Government’s efforts to improve the NHS in Scotland…”:

    link to

  205. Stoker says:

    Skank Sturgeon really does tie herself in knots in that Q & A footage, doesn’t she?

    Someone should ask her why, then, does she respect a rapist? Because she’s using the terminology the rapist wants folk to use and Skanky said it. We all heard it. Referring to that sack of scum in the feminine. Shame on you, Skanky! Do Scotland a massive favour and GTF.

  206. akenaton says:

    Mr Murray, as I tried to illustrate in my previous post, for any woman to be sexually attacked in a toilet by a “Trans woman” must be extremely rare, but the real issue is why should women be made to feel ashamed or awkward sharing these private spaces with someone they feel to be the wrong sex? It is an obvious intrusion into the safe spaces of women to accommodate people with personality disorders.
    The “Trans women” are only a miniscule portion of our community yet their rights impinge on the rights of 52% of the population to feel safe, happy and confident.

    Women are an important part of the social fabric and in my lifetime have lost much of their precious femininity……Let us not make a bad situation worse.

  207. gregor says:

    WTF: Nicola Sturgeon exhibiting ‘woman’ identification capabilities, today (like a normal person):

    First Minister (07/02/2023): Twit:

    “First Minister @NicolaSturgeon and Women’s Health Minister
    @MareeToddMSP convened a summit on abortion care this afternoon…”:

    link to

  208. ben madigan says:

    From that archived version of the FT article that Gregor posted above

    “But James Mitchell, professor of public policy at Edinburgh university, . . . . . .
    “There’s always been a strand within the SNP that’s thought independence is what we are about, and everything else is secondary,” he said.

    So there’s only a “strand” of SNP members that support independence as a priority.
    The NuSNP obviously needs a new Constitution to reflect what it is really about and what its prime objectives truly are

  209. Stoker says:

    SusanAHF says on 7 February 2023 at 5:59 pm:
    “Yousaf has a chip on his shoulder, didn’t he think Scotland was too white?”

    Correct! On both counts!

  210. gregor says:

    BBC (07/02/2023): Alex Salmond says gender row could threaten independence:

    “…Nicola Sturgeon risks damaging the independence movement over her gender reforms…

    …he said she had been “reduced to incoherence” over the gender reforms, with the idea of allowing people to self-identify their legal sex “dissolving to dust when it clashes with reality”…

    …It leaves itself open to bad actors, people of bad faith… it makes it impossible to enforce the equalities protection of single sex spaces for women…”:

    link to

  211. David Hannah says:

    Just reading your latest twitter feed.

    Tranny arrested in connection with deissapearance of Kaitlyn Easson – now safe.

    Set the truth free.

  212. gregor says:

    Davemajor (07/02/2023) Twitter:

    “Nicola Sturgeon has taken possibly the most prolonged and unrelenting pummelling I’ve seen any politician get in recent history, yet her sheep remain just that. Hive mind drones that can’t argue without saying “Westminster” or “Tories”!

    Wake up, she has failed you all!”:

    link to

  213. JGedd says:

    WhatRot @ 6.04pm

    Yes, I agree with you. In every way this is a top-down movement with people just having to accept what bosses tell them.

    What I meant by ‘staff’ were staff in concert venues, gyms etc., especially council-run facilities where reception staff etc., are told to enforce the rules brought in by management. I’m sure many of them have not bought into the ideology but their job depends on them doing what they have been told.

    This does not have the appearance of a progressive movement set up to protect a vulnerable minority but an authoritarian one that is about control of people’s thinking. There has been no effort to engage the public in a civil discourse about the situation of trans rights to find a way that satisfies everyone’s requirements, hence the divisions. Mostly things have been done by stealth and they have turned what could have been a situation that could have been resolved fairly into a crisis.

  214. gregor says:

    re. @David Hannah

    Reduxx (07/02/2023): SCOTLAND: “Crossdressing” Butcher Arrested In Case Of Missing Child:

    “A 53-year-old crossdressing butcher has been arrested in connection with the disappearance of an 11-year-old girl in the Galashiels area of Scotland…

    Reduxx has found two Facebook profiles belonging to Miller, one of which utilizes a “female” identity under the name “Amy George.” Miller appears to have operated the accounts simultaneously, posting on both his “male” and “female” identified accounts…”:

    link to

  215. craig murray says:


    I am sorry, I thought I was replying directly and fairly to your comment at 2.31pm. It still reads that way to me, so perhaps I have misunderstood, in which case I apologise. What have I wrongly assumed about you?

    I should also be (genuinely) interested to know where you think my stance differs from Mill#s position in On Liberty, if you would care to outline it.

    I have always, explicitly, accepted that I hold a minority opinion on this subject.

    I have also always stated, for years, that this matter should be best left for Scotland to sort out after Independence. I agree entirely with Alex on that point.

    I am though a Burkean. I believe in representative democracy not in direct democracy. Capital punishment in the 60s to 90s being the classic example to justify that. Sometimes the legislature should defy majority opinion.


    “When 43 year old father-of-two Stan says he wants to be known as Loretta, you’re not doing Stan any favours by congratulating the guy on his new gender. That’s not being “kind”, it’s just cowardice.”

    If he were my friend I would ask him if he were completely sure, and what the effect would be on his family. If she were resolved I would support her. I suspect that even below the line here, many people who do not support self-ID would draw the line at openly mocking individuals with gender dysphoria.

    Daisy Walker above,

    what you remember is the twitter storm after I said it was wrong always to discuss trans people in terms of sexual abuse. Not prisons.

    In the ensuing twitter storm literally scores of feminists replied by saying I wished to put rapists in female prisons. I replied by saying again and again, with links, that I had consistently argued the exact opposite.

    From 2019: “Plainly a convicted male sexual assailant ought not to be put in a women’s prison, even if they now claim gender re-identity.”

    link to

    That did not stop many, many crazed ideologues from continuing to spread the same lie about me around twitter, that I wanted to put rapists in female prisons.

    That is why you remember it that way.


    Of course not evey woman concerned about trans rights is an ideologue. A few are. That is self-evidently true.

    Just as not all trans people are what you call autogynephiles. I should say that, in ways that go far beyond anything to do with trans people, I am sceptical of much modern medical practice. In particular labelling bad behaviours as medical conditions is to me unhelpful.

    If any “autogynephiles” misbehave in a women’s toilet – by harassment, indecent flaunting, voyeurism, photography, or even assault etc, that is still going to be a crime whether or not they have a gender recognition certificate.

    All this of course already happens. With any luck making gender recognition easier may cause the need for safety enforcement and sanction to be taken more seriously than at present.

    Everyone, as I have said, you don’t have to agree with me. But I don’t want Wings to become an echo chamber ringing with, frankly, hate and bitterness towards people merely for having a different opinion.

    There are over a million adults in Scotland – including a majority of people under thirty – who, like me, do not agree with your hostility to trans rights. Many of us are reasonable and friendly people, who just have a different view to you. Please do bear that in mind.

  216. Luigi says:

    SGP used to provide half decent articles back in the day. However, since he spat out the dummy, threw the toys out of the pram and became a WoS stalker, there’s nothing much to see over there. He’s counting the Rev’ trans articles, but how many Wings obsessed articles has he written? Very sad.

  217. James Che says:

    Craig Murrey.

    I can read between the lines quite well, what the gender transition does with only a Self ID is to squash and down tread the voices of women and their children, freedom of speech is and has been delegated to second at best for women,
    If women in Scotland are not accepting them as birth born women, with penises, why are the Trans group fighting and threatening them, as can be seen from placards and threats of throat punching women to do so, Which is a valid question,

    I know gay and trans people some within family, but they are not rapist, or violent people, they lead there lives along side us, we all get on and meet up with genuine warmth towards each other, without the aggressive threatening behaviour or seeking to be in womens toilets, prisons, and safe spaces.

    If you are not born a women, you are hitchhiking someone else’s gender to personal benefit oneself,
    It basically is stealing another’s birth identity,
    That is declaring birth certificates not valid,
    Which happen to be connected through out your life from birth to the day you die to taxes and inland revenue and council tax, not responsible for whom you were born as,
    Become some other than who you were born might be a excellent idea, to get out of debt too.
    If Scotland is forced to take on self ID, let us use it to our advantage by all means, lets hitchhike and jump on the Trans band wagon.

    Otherwise go find your own gender, get legislation passed to have a gender that does not steal anothers identity.
    If self ID becomes law as any thing you please as long as you use pronouns, the whole of Scotland can Self ID as which gender they are, that was not born into the into the treaty of union, after all we have seen some identifying themselves as puppies and Squirrels, which in the world of reality are animals.
    It certainly may be made of use in that sense to men and women across Scotland
    Then when we have self ID’d as independent men, women, Trans, squirrel, furry men, puppies and tigers, snakes Englands Westminster find a elephant in the room also,
    And in a independent Scotland we can review all laws that have been filtered in and imported from outside Scotland
    freedom of Speech is truly wonderful, well said Craig.

  218. President Xiden says:

    Meanwhile in other news , more embarrassment for this idiotic administration. link to

  219. Dan says:

    I’ve noticed from the very start of this gender “debate” that the overly simplistic term “Trans” is an unhelpful catch all collective grouping for several very different types of conditions, conditions which do not really meld well together as a single grouping due to how each specific condition plays out in wider society and in law.
    IE. Some “trans” individuals have a physical chromosome disorder deviating from the normal XX or XY.
    Some “trans” individuals have a psychological condition such as gender dysphoria.
    Some “trans” individuals appear to hold flexible varying states of being so committing to being a specific gender on a certificate at a single point in time doesn’t really work.

    Self ID does not allow adequate assessment and diagnosis of a particular individual’s condition(s), and this is a very important factor in helping the individual understand who they are and to assist them towards living their lives in the most positive way, and accurate diagnosis is also very important with regard to safeguarding wider society from individuals that may pose a risk due to their specific condition.

    Most debate seems to be constantly disrupted and flows into the extreme polarised positions because people are not using accurate distinctions when they discuss and refer to a specific “trans” individual and that individual’s specific condition.

    I also noticed Craig mention elite sport and female prisons being mentioned as examples of exceptions to which transwomen might not be allowed to access.
    In those areas the women are generally able-bodied and watched by many spectators, and in the latter there is a degree of protection added by prison guards, but what of the adequate safeguarding and protection of women and girls that are neither able-bodied nor have the protection of prison guards.
    A previous article from exactly a year ago by Dr Em addressed this subject and also contains statistics which warrant acknowledging with regard to safeguarding.

    link to

  220. Daisy Walker says:

    @ Craig Murray, re – “As for transphobia in Alba, I did not say the Alba Party is transphobic. If it were, I would not remain a member.

    I am afraid some members are. The example of transphobia I have given is mocking the physical appearance of trans women.”

    Women (the old fashioned kind – ones with XX chroms, womb’s etc) have been getting mocked about their physical appearance from when they are born, to when they die – it might not be right, but it certainly goes with the territory – bit rich to exclude transwomen from it… transphobic almost.

  221. Mia says:

    In that clip Nicola Sturgeon claims:

    “I am trying to rationally deal with the issues arising here”

    But she is not. She is not even trying, and it shows.

    Any average voter with a functioning brain cell would respond to those questions much more clearly and eloquently than she even attempted to do in that clip. It is not like those questions are really difficult or unpredictable. Anybody paying attention to this issue and not pandering to the gender ideology nonsense would want to ask those questions.

    This woman has an army of very expensive spin doctors, speech writers, advisors and over 100 Msp+MPs. And yet, we are expected to believe her crap responses are the best they can come up with after 6 years. It is simply not credible.

    I think she is deliberately presenting herself as an inarticulate incompetent to sink her party’s chances of success in the next election.

    Starmer is as appealing as a leader in Scotland as a bucket of cold sick, therefore you can understand how British establishment might need a helping hand from Sturgeon to engineer labour’s revival in Scotland so they can put the tory manchurian candidate in n10.

    In that clip, Sturgeon gives the impression of deliberately throwing herself as easy feed (metaphorically speaking), so the press can officially finish her off as leader and finish the SNP as an electable party.

    What is becoming increasingly obvious is Sturgeon’s and her masters’ realisation they have run out of usable carrots to continue thwarting independence. It is also becoming evident they have realised they cannot contain yes voters any longer by flushing away indyref mandates and asking for new ones to keep the flame of hope alive.

    It is also becoming obvious they are fearing the number of yes voters whose patience has run out and can no longer be disenfranchised with their claims that a vote for the SNP is not a vote for independence, might be approaching critical mass.

    Clearly a new strategy to thwart independence and contain yes voters is required until they can foist on us a new dodgy act of union or more devolution. I wonder if this is it: sinking the SNP ship before Alba gets sufficient traction in the polls. This may be a sign a GE is approaching.

    The fundamental, rational issue in this matter, and which Sturgeon clearly does not wish to touch, is that you cannot possibly establish if that double rapist is a man or a woman until there is a clear definition, accepted by a majority of the voters of what a woman is and what a man is.

    Before this gender ideology nonsense gained traction, it was sex what established the boundaries in prisons and everywhere else. Defining sex is easy. So this nonsense she, together with greens, labour and libdems fabricated with this ridiculous legislation was never a problem before.

    But the most effective part of this gender ideology as a repressive tool for effective control of mass opinion, is the lack of clear boundaries. I think this is why this political fraud cannot define what a woman or a man is, because the minute she does, she restores the boundaries and doing so renders this repressive tool as ineffective.

    Nicola Sturgeon claims:
    “What I am saying is: Isla Bryson calls herself a woman”.

    Nicola Sturgeon can say what she wants. But what she says is not necessarily gospel or truth. She does not speak for the majority of Scotland either, so what she says is not necessarily what the rest of us accept.

    The double rapist can call himself Vladimir Putin, if he so wishes. But that does not mean he becomes Mr Putin on his saying/wishing so, therefore we cannot be demanded to accept he becomes Mr Putin on his saying so. That can only happen in his mind. So Sturgeon is not addressing rationally anything. It is waffling and deliberately blurring boundaries.

    By the way, has this male been officially registered as a woman in all his official documents like passport, driving licence or birth certificate, for example? Because if he has not, then can I ask what right does this man or anybody else for that matter, to demand from everybody else to call him that name instead of his own real name?

    Nicola Sturgeon says:
    “In the context of the prison service that is not the relevant factor. The relevant factor is the crime the individual was [sic] committed, has committed and was convicted of”

    I think this is absolute bollocks from Sturgeon. If it is a women’s prison, the first and most relevant factor the prison service has to take into account in order to admit a prisoner there or not is if the individual is a woman. The crime they committed is what is totally irrelevant here. In the same way Al capone was caught by some tax problem or another, a serial rapist can be sent to prison for some minor crime. The type of crime they committed should determine only if they should be housed in a higher security prison or in an open prison, not if they should be housed in a women’s prison. This would be akin to housing a 50 year old in a nursery school because they wear a dummy and an adult nappy and want everybody else to see them and treat them as a toddler. Age is the fundamental determinant in who is admitted to a nursery school or not. Well, being a woman must be the fundamental determinant in who can be admitted to a woman’s prison. Because if it is not, then that prison can no longer be called a woman’s prison. It becomes a mixed sex prison.

    It is beginning to look like Sturgeon’s masters have instructed this political fraud to wrap the show up and drill a lethal sinkhole in the SNP. I smell a GE in the horizon.

  222. sam says:


    link to

  223. Merganser says:

    Craig Murray @ 6.56

    Even Edmund Burke would have baulked at the way the self identification legislation has been dealt with by the Scottish Government.

    It was never in the SNP manifesto as Jo Cherry has pointed out. Never debated at conference; never voted on. Any opposition to it was declared invalid. Only the views of those groups who supported it (some funded by the government) were given consideration. Other groups, particularly women’s groups were simply ignored. MSP’s were whipped to support it in spite of their consciences telling them this was the wrong way of going about things.

    Representative democracy as advocated by Burke is a world away from from what has occurred here. What has been done is more akin to totalitarianism than Burke’s idea of representative democracy.

    In my view there is no justification for the way this legislation was dealt with, and no citing of great names from the past can rescue it from the shame it has brought on Scottish politics

  224. James Che says:

    Craig Murrey.

    I did not ask if you were married or not, or what your preferences were. They are your’s privately. As all personal relationships are for everyone.
    I actually did know your marital status because it was mentioned on here a while ago, and how everyone wished you well, when you were in prison, and hope your young family were holding up during that terrible time for your family.
    Many could place themselves in your shoes with empathy and understanding,

    And it is ( you) yourself that has a lack of empathy and do not comprehend a woman’s point of view, To be Free from of fear, for them and their children,
    Nobody says all trans men are dangerous, but it most definately is preventing women’s free choice, and their freedom of speech under violent threats, this is already a part of the trans issue in Scotland wether you like it or not,

    If it becomes law, think how that will be empowered and amplified that abuse of women and children will be when it is backed up with laws. Especially when you your self can observe from STU posts whom it is attracting to Scotland as its leaders,
    Is this truely the Scotland you plan for women and little children.

    It is dangerous, we in Scotland can not wait for you to say sorry in the future, for making the wrong call.
    This is up to mainly women its their choice, and then their husbands, fathers, brothers and sons to protect the females in their families, incase people like yourself make a mistake in your judgement

    Simply put you are a male, a Man, not a woman, nor can you think as a woman, or have empathy with the women population of Scotland and yet you are encouraging, the drip, drip of aiding and abetting the future safety of not just women, but children here.
    Your words of support for Trans men legislation in Scotland will attract predator men to Scotland.
    Men are amply protected in law at the moment using many other laws that are already in existence, where as women have had to fight continuously for safety , often abused, and seldom believed in genuine cases, and seldom get justice in the system.
    And as aside thought who know how many genuine trans men are to be set up to be captured , accused and imprisoned under this law. Maybe it has a double purpose.

  225. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “The answer to helping transvestites feel more comfortable is obviously to have 3 changing areas/toilets etc. What good reason can there be for men and women to be denied a space where they know everyone else around them shares the same attributes/mores, socially as well as physically?”

    Well, the reason is that it’s incredibly wasteful of space. I personally have no objection to it, but with trans people making up 0.2% of the population those spaces are going to be empty for the vast majority of the time, and not many establishments of any kind are keen on paying rent for unused space.

  226. Geri says:

    Dan, you’re right. There are many different groupings that they’ve deliberately used to confuse the conversation.

    First it was gender dysphoria. Making their life easier & less intrusive.. LGBT+

    self ID
    But that soon morphed into the trans *umbrella*..

    It is so far removed from its original script to now include
    Then don’t forget the non binary
    The autogynephilias
    The pedophiles (MAPS)
    The trans super gold standard gay..more gay than gays
    The kink
    The heterosexuals who fancy a bit of lesbian action..

    Soon the dug will be included..

    And on & on the +++++ goes & now covers anything they want it to cover later.

    Stonewall made the slip up that babies as young as 2 years old can know they’re trans..can they fk! A stepping stone for the MAP brigade? (Later shamed into deleting it) SNPs lowering the age of consent to 16, teachers now being the keeper of secrets, sexualising children & forcing them down a path without parental consent & on to drugs, mutilation & grooming, prostitues & dodgy folk making government policy, women’s spaces to fkn obsessing about pronouns..

    Where the fk was all this shit 7 yrs ago? That’s why politicians are liars & the public have turned. It’s no longer a *few admin changes* to the EA for *gender dysphoria* but porn central with every deviant behaviour that’s even forced LGB to leave them & distance themselves from the TQ++++ all together because it’s now homophobic for a gay person to reject a trans person..

    & Now we’re left with ppl like Craig, who’d genuinely help a trans mate, but we’re not talking about those, they’ve long since left the cause by being drowned out by thugs who have hijacked it. Women are talking of the bastardisation of it all. Not the ones suffering a genuine illness. & it is an illness because may who have actually gone through with transitioning will tell it never *cured them* from thier dysphoria – they’d switch thier illness to another part of thier body that needed corrected. Plenty of vids on YouTube of genuine dysphoria & how it wrecks is thier life obsessing..

    & This is also why it’s *not up for debate* by the hijack crew & we have babbling fools like Sturgeon & co trying to justify this farce to the public.

  227. Geri says:

    Regards 3rd spaces..

    We’ll, it’d at least keep them out of the ladies & reveal thier true numbers?

    Call thier bluff or at least have them justify why it must be the ladies they access?

  228. Mac says:

    So it would seem highly likely ‘PJ’ as well is also a work of fiction?

    Seems the SGP is an absolute loony. Here is how it goes…

    1. Create a fictional character that acts in a bad way but says he loves Wings.
    2. Write an article condemning the fictional character (that he created) and condemning Wings (because the fictional character he created likes him).
    3. Post tonnes of comments agreeing with himself from more fictional commenters of his creation…

    It is really desperate stuff. And of course deeply dishonest.

  229. Towbar Sullivan says:

    Looking back on it and having read the original SGP post fully, he didn’t say PJ was posting on here as ‘PJ’ but that he had praised Wings in a mail to SGP attacking him.

    I don’t know what the truth of it is and we’ll never know, so I’ve lost interest in it. His obsession with Wings isn’t good for him though..

  230. Gerry McGhee says:

    “Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”.


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