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Wings Over Scotland

The Spirit Of Sheffield

Posted on March 13, 2024 by

Wings has been regularly pointing out for the last 11-and-a-half years that by far the most reliable indicator of who’s going to win an election isn’t voting-intention polls, but “Who would make the best Prime/First Minister?” polls.

So the SNP should be really really alarmed about this.

Because those are some shocking numbers.

The top graph, pitting Humza Yousaf against Douglas Ross, is in some ways the most startling, because not even Douglas Ross thinks Douglas Ross is going to be the next First Minister. Indeed, just this morning a Kenny Farquharson column in The Times called for him to be replaced.

The Tories trail the SNP by 18 points in the poll, but Ross is only six points behind Yousaf, and when voters are faced with a choice between the two men, Yousaf only beats Don’t Know by one.

But even more remarkably, when the options are the only two leaders with any realistic chance of being the next occupants of Bute House, voters plump for Don’t Know (37%) over either of them, five points ahead of Sarwar, who shades Yousaf for second place by 32-31.

That is an outcome both spectacular and grim. It’s been the best part of 20 years since Scottish voters have preferred a non-SNP leader as FM, so this is a bombshell poll, but the fact they don’t really want either reflects what this site has been saying for years about the shamefully atrocious condition of both of Scotland’s main parties.

Douglas Ross will have a spring in his step this evening despite the Tories being close to a historic low – only slightly above HALF where they were four years ago this month, and down six points on just a year ago.

But despite Labour only being tied with the SNP on voting intentions (both on 34%), Anas Sarwar will be thrilled at having closed and overtaken a 10-point lead for Yousaf since the Rutherglen by-election five months ago, because those are the stats that really put victory within his sights.

Meanwhile, incidentally – and we really do mean incidentally – independence continues to trail narrowly by 52-48, as it has for most of the last decade, but the real story there is that only a quarter of SNP voters (and one in six of the public overall) now regard it as a key election issue, trailing hugely behind the NHS and the economy and even being pipped by immigration, despite Scotland’s tiny immigrant population.

(Which is of course a symptom of Scotland being served by a UK media.)

That’s rather worrying news for the SNP’s new – and let’s be super-generous with our terminology here – election strategy, which is to stick “INDEPENDENCE” in big letters on the ballot paper under its logo.

Wings readers will of course have already seen both versions of the proposed new ballot mark when we leaked them on Twitter a few days ago.

But the poll suggests that the tactic of even pretending to focus on indy is likely to backfire among the party’s own voters, let alone the wider electorate. Frankly, at this stage the SNP’s best chance is probably to make voting for anyone else a hate crime.

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Rock and hard place springs to mind.
Or between the devil and the deep blue sea.
Either way, our immediate future is looking very bleak.

Lorna Campbell

Nice one, Rev. Last sentence? I wouldn’t put it past them.

Dorothy Devine

Lorna , I thought it might give them ideas too – worrying!

David Rodgers

‘Scotland’s tiny immigrant population’. You obviously don’t regard English (or Welsh or Irish) people as immigrants. I know the context is immigration into the UK but perhaps your geographical location influences your world view…

John C

But even more remarkably, when the options are the only two leaders with any realistic chance of being the next occupants of Bute House, voters plump for Don’t Know (37%) over either of them, five points ahead of Sarwar, who shades Yousaf for second place by 32-31.

Imagine a decade ago we’d be in this mess. A decade ago Scotland was thriving, and yes, feeling the effects of austerity imposed by the Tories but the SNP were a genuine force for good as they tried to mitigate Tory cruelty and improve working people and those in poverty’s lives.

Now we’re in 2024. Sturgeon and her clique has done possibly irreparable damage to Scotland’s political and cultural landscape, not to mention independence which is over as a political alternative for a generation at least. We’re faced with a selection of hopeless incompetents for the position of First Minister and not one has a single thought of how to improve people’s lives.

I don’t think we’ve ever faced a crisis in politics like this. We may be getting rid of the Tories in Westminster this year which is a good thing but seeing Labour embrace neoliberalism & offering little transformative is thin gruel.

But things can change and they should however we’re not going to get any change til this rot is stopped and we lose this managerial class, as well as the deviants, infecting Scottish life.


and even being pipped by immigration, despite Scotland’s tiny immigrant population.

It’s not tiny any more, Stuart. Glasgow and other places are rapidly being demographically changed.

I don’t know why people keep citing the 2011 numbers either, we’ve had hundreds of thousands of incomers since then. Legal and illegal.

Paul Garbett

Sorry Stu – my excuse? Doing a Cairns and having another holiday but I am curious (or maybe stupid”) what has Sheffield got to do with this? My hometown so it always catches my eye


Accept and apply abstentionism and independence will be back front and centre. Flynn, Yousaf and Foote are against abstentionism of course. Short money etc. Party before country.

Alf Baird

David Rodgers @ 9:14 pm

“‘Scotland’s tiny immigrant population’. You obviously don’t regard English (or Welsh or Irish) people as immigrants.”

Yes, perhaps the Rev is not yet thinking about Scotland as it would be as an independent state with, you know, a real border. Or the fact that, according to the census, currently around 50,000 people move from rest-UK to Scotland each year; which means around one million people moved here in the last 20 years, the majority from England.

The census also tells us that Scotland’s population over the past twenty years only grew (by about 0.5 million) due to in-migration. So the trend is clear. Once an indigenous people become (or are made) a minority, independence becomes less likely, as in New Caledonia and other colonial territories.

link to


It is astonishing that the SNP high heed yins are so out of touch with reality.

It is more astonishing Sturgeon can show her face in public


Would you stop giving them ideas.

P.S. I wonder how Humza feels about being plotted against ? Karma.

PPS Obviously, he’ll find it easy to put himself into the mindset of the plotters.

harry mcaye

There’s a lot of black people in Hamilton now. It’s really increased dramatically in the last year.


Rev, what the independence cause needs is some really high-profile, really intelligent, energetic and principled people to stand as Independents for Independence.

YOU. I expect you know where in particular the Wee Blue Book was in greatest demand and made a difference. Dundee perhaps? You have Chris Law’s and Stuart Hosie’s trough, sorry, seats [albeit re-named as Dundee Central and Arbroath and Broughty Ferry] to choose from.

I reckon you would make a good fist of a campaign and there’d be loads of willing helpers in that area – Wee Annie for starters.

What an amazing boost for true Yessers to have you to vote for.



Borrowed from the bicycle-web; made me laugh – the discussion was about e-bikes and their participation in weekend club rides.

“As long as your motorcycle “identifies” as a bicycle you should be good.”

Alf Baird

sarah @ 10:40 pm

“energetic and principled people to stand as Independents for Independence.”

Funny you should mention the I4I strategy which seems to be taking root, and considering we aw ken its pointless voting for political parties:

link to

Dave Llewellyn

Who would make the best first monster. At risk of this being a hate crime it appears that Pakistan have got it sewn up


@ Alf Baird: I4I strategy taking root.

I hope it will hence my suggestion to the Rev. After all he was considering starting a political party before ISP, AFI and Alba did so.

It is clear that parties are vulnerable to all kinds of faults so, as Dan has often said btl, we need independent candidates who stand solely in order to achieve independence. If we get enough seats and votes we can say goodbye to the Union. If we just get some seats it might spur others to action on independence.


“closed and overtaken a 10-point lead for Yousaf since the Rutherglen by-election five months ago…”

I still look at voting intentions first and as the big indicator… 10 points in 5 months is quite astonishing. Of course, voting intentions would normally be massively influenced by the standing and appeal of the leader.

That sort of trend and trajectory tells you something massive is going on, a complete collapse really. This is the end for Humza and the SNP.


Alf: “one million people moved here in the last 20 years”

But the population has only increased by 40% of that number?

“In 2021 the population of Scotland reached approximately 5.48 million people, an increase of around 417,000 people compared with 2000.” (Statista)

Christopher Pike

Oooft. Latest opinion poll has Alba on a mere 1%. When will someone put that ‘party’ out of its misery? It has been a pathetic disaster since day one.

First, it was the ISP who were to be the great saviours of the independence movement, then Alba and now it’s “standing as an independent”. Lost deposits waiting to happen.


I plan to write “none of the above” on the ballot paper on all future elections. Let the politicians know that you have no faith in any of them.


I would not vote for either SNP or Labour. The FM of Scotland should represent the values and beliefs of the majority Christian population, not be diverting money to Hamas to get priority travel for their family.

Robert Hughes

Rev. Stuart Campbell
Ignored says:
13 March, 2024 at 10:54 pm

“Doing a Cairns and having another holiday but I am curious (or maybe stupid”) what has Sheffield got to do with this?”

” Reference to Kinnock’s infamous Sheffield “victory” rally. ”

Is that the one where Kinnock tried to impersonate a black Southern preacher ” testifying ” to the Lawd – ” AWRIIIGHT ! AWRIIIGHT ! ” , referring to ” a 1000 generations ” – which , as any fule kno is quite a long time , eg ” a bit ” longer than the existence of the Labour Party – in the ruin of which NK played a significant part , not only by elevating future war criminal and NeoLib skunk Blair , also by diluting whatever trace elements of Socialism remained in his Party to 1 part per 1000 ; can’t remember if that speech was before or after his mortifying defeat by an incoming tide – at least Canute was making a point about the limitations of his power , dopey Neil didn’t even notice where he was walking .

One * hilarious * aspect of that preposterous speech/performance was rotting-from-the-inside supporter of EVERY US life-destroying military ” adventure ” , BIG CAPITAL’s man on the inside * Oirish * Joe Bidet getting caught ( he’s always getting caught , yet nothing ever damages him , wonder why ? ) plagiarising Kinnock’s speech . A shitebag cribbing a windbag ….


The SNP are being immersed in acid , with the purpose of removing any residual layers of original Independence spirit ; when this part of the process is complete it will be given a light sanding to enhance the grain of compliance , before being waxed and polished to a high gloss finish . Et voila …..

The TRANSfiguration of the ” Vehicle To Independence ” into a useless battered n broken funfair dodgem will be complete ….



what if we voted SNP for independence anyway despite the leadership?

hear me out here, what if instead of turning against the SNP the independence movement voted en masse for them? Could you embarrass them into actually doing something? haha

At the end of the day, regardless of whether the current leadership have the balls to move forward, if the Scottish people want independence, they can still vote SNP as the obvious choice IN SPITE OF THE LEADERS. They’re only people at the end of the day, not the people.

Okay, i know it would help comfy slippers et al but small price to pay for a grassroots movement again.

Alf Baird

Hatuey @ 12:37 am

“But the population has only increased by 40% of that number?”

You obviously need to take into account other factors which influence population size, such as:

– annual deaths

– annual births, and Scotland today has its lowest birth rate since records began over a century ago, and the lowest birth rate in the UK

In other words, Scots are no longer reproducing ourselves, and since early 2000’s our population has only been growing through in-migration, meaning the number of indigenous ‘identifying’ Scots as a percentage of the population is now in fairly rapid decline.

Gov policy is clearly a major influence on all of this, for example:
anti-family education, housing crisis, low wages, higher cost of living, plus an externally managed immigration policy as far as Scotland is concerned, i.e. doors wide open to far larger population in rest-UK who tend to fill many of the best paying jobs, and buy (most?) properties.

UK Gov and its agencies in Scotland are clearly working hard to alter the identity of the Scottish population, which may be described as a territory subject to ‘colonial procedures’.


The 1st logo of the SNP as a carrot, just what they have been dangling for the last ten years another insult from those pretending to wanting Independence from the Union.


This is mind bending!
Report Hate Crime to a sex shop so that Police Scotland who cannot attend a burglary within days but can send a platoon to Sturgeons house to pick up 2 laptops, 2 phones and 2 boxes of papers can put it in their too do list.
We now can call someone with a penis a man
and our primary school kids need to know they can Trans Drag Queens who do blue jobs before going on to the big school.

The Tory Party MPs have had the finest educations that money can buy but they could never in a million years dreamed of getting their opposition to deliver such ludicrous policies.

I wonder if as few as 10% of votes would agree on any of these matters being acceptable?

Piss off 90% of the population and charge into an election will lead to very long dole queues and will they at an interview for a job discuss who they delivered these policies?
Will they F### orget.


“what if instead of turning against the SNP the independence movement voted en masse for them?”

We would be completely wasting our time and votes

“Could you embarrass them into actually doing something?”

Nope. The SNP and its useless leadership have embarrassed the independence movement pretty much every day for the last 9 years. They have become a party as unionist as labour and they do not seem even capable to show either remorse, regret or embarrassment. Voting SNP is like voting labour: voting to preserve the union.

“Regardless of whether the current leadership have the balls to move forward, if the Scottish people want independence, they can still vote SNP as the obvious choice IN SPITE OF THE LEADERS”

Oh, come on. You are having a laugh now. The last 9 years of pathetic inaction, attacking their own raison d’etre to make the party toothless and their pulling towards the union have demonstrated that this party has no intention whatsoever to progress independence, rather the precise opposite.

You are asking us to close our eyes, and keep hitting our head against the same unmovable wall in the expectation it will fall this time. The only thing we would achieve voting for this brigade of gravy slurping fraudsters is to hurt the yes movement even more. No. They are finished. They are not a pro-independence party and will never become one again. They are not even democratic. If they were, they would fulfill the mandates they were given. They are a complete waste of space, time, seats and votes.

“They’re only people at the end of the day”

These people were given many mandates for an independence referendum and were voted to progress independence, not to gorge themselves in gravy while imposing fascist legislation on Scotland. They did not attempt to deliver our democratic mandates even once.

People who fails at their job must be given a p45, not an overinflated salary, subsidised bars, the comforts of a green seat, perks, a pension for life and a pat on the back.

“small price to pay for a grassroots movement again”

Voting SNP, labour, Greens, Tories or Libdems is a guarantee the independence movement will not move ever again. It is not a small price to pay, it is too expensive a price to pay.

Chuck the whole lot of useless, parasitic and undemocratic cheaters out of the seats, I say. It won’t come soon enough.


So the net result of 10 years of Nicola Sturgeon and now her racist drone is that Independence is off the table with everybody…

Hmmm gosh I guess this amounts to the fat lady singing.

Sturgeon was a total and complete disaster and a rat. She betrayed everything she claimed she stood for and backstabbed everyone on the way.

The jury is not out anymore.

I am almost tempted to go see the convoluted shite being posted on the smallorangecanine, almost.

It was obvious she was completely unfit for office after the judicial review… and obvious again many. many times over since then.

But no, you arseholes knew best and viciously attacked those who spoke the truth.

So yeah I agree the days of solidarity and unity amongst independence supporters are long gone and they are never coming back.

Another achievement of their heroine Sturgeon. Irreversibly dividing the independence movement.

As they stand in the ruins left behind, they do not see them, they are blinded by the sun that, for them, is still shining brightly out of Nicola Sturgeon’s arsehole.


“But the population has only increased by 40% of that number?”

Besides all what Alf mentioned in his response to you, another reason for this is that the influx of immigrants into Scotland is almost balanced out by a flow of people emigrating away from Scotland, a large proportion of whom are natives.

Effectively, a combination of immigration of people from elsewhere into Scotland, emigration of natives away from Scotland and a higher number of deaths than births are ensuring Scotland’s native population becomes a minority in their own land.

It is a typical colonialist strategy. Colonialsts are after the land and resources. The native people of the land are in their way.



I have just noticed the change in the Wins logo on X with the head of the “hate monster”.

You naughty Rev!



I understand what you are saying but having once been in that camp, I’ve come to the conclusion we need to think efficiently as well as emotionally. I.e. what is the quickest way for Scots to demonstrate their desire for independence. Whether you like it or not, most people in Scotland still consider SNP the party of independence. That is what they stand for, whether the current leadership have the gumption to do much about it as another thing. But the recognition in the population is there.
Is it quicker to our goal to kill off the SNP and start new parties? I commend the passion and the fire of these groups but I don’t think tearing down the SNP is, in the end, advantageous. I think we’ve already found out the answer to that project, for good or bad. We now have further splits from this project happening now. This might make us feel better but it doesn’t take us forward.

Is it more efficient to convince the 10-15% or so people, who have already voted SNP in the past to use the SNP as the vehicle in spite of the leaders, or is it easier to convince more than half the population to vote for another vehicle entirely? Coldly, I would say the former.

Do you think the north of England were in love with Tory ideals or do you think well heeled, erudite Tory women were in love with Boris Johnson? Both overlooked failings for a wider goal. The Tories are savvy enough not to tear down their party every time they have a set back.

If Ash Regan had won the leadership a substantial amount of the SNP would not have been happy. We would still expect them to put their hand to the wheel, not start a new party.

Ultimately, if independence is a live issue, is cared about enough by the Scottish population, there is a party already well known both by the people here and abroad who they can vote for in consolidated numbers to express that desire – in spite of the loonies which may hide amongst it.

The fact of the matter is independence is not a live issue and that isn’t entirely down to the SNP, although inevitably bad policies have come to bite; it’s down to the people of Scotland themselves. Enough Scottish people, the swing vote, are Indy curious but not Indy fundamentalists. That is the sad fact.

Do we need a new SNP leadership? Undoubtedly. But end of the day, if Scots grabbed the Thistle and just voted SNP anyway in say 55%-60% numbers we’d be in a different ball game regardless of the leadership.

Just my view, ive been considering this for a while.


What I think worries me the most is the lack of any real successor to Alex Salmond in the independence movement. I don’t see anyone on the horizon with his level of capabilities… not even close.

No one has made the case for independence in nearly 10 years now. It is all just vacuous slogans. I doubt many of them even know the arguments for independence anymore, nor care.

If George Galloway had not been a total tit on the subject he could really have made a difference working with Salmond with both were on top of their game… but no, George is a big republican you see but just not for his ‘homeland’.

(I’ve never for a second thought Galloway is anti-semitic despite being voracious critic of Isr@el but I do suspect strongly he is anti-Scottish.)

The level of leadership ‘talent’ in the younger generations just does not seem to be there.

And it is not just limited to the SNP it is also the UK, across the board, and beyond.

The EU is committing economic suicide right now and there is almost no one doing anything to prevent it, instead they just going along with it. While busying themselves with plotting lunatic attacks on Ru$$ia.


I need a lot of answers.
I would very much appreciate your help.

If we were independent what could we do to prevent iScotland becoming a police state?

How could we prevent insane laws like ‘The Hate Crime Bill’ ‘GRRB’ & all the rest?

Also “Who should I vote for in the upcoming GE?”


“Is it quicker to our goal to kill off the SNP and start new parties?”

Yes, absolutely. 10 wasted years, a multitude of unfulfilled mandates and the pathetic incumbent humiliating Scotland by sending the stone of destiny down to England, have demonstrated that beyond any possible doubt.

An even faster way to our goal is to have independent candidates for independence standing in each consituency. Fortunately, I4I is already doing that. If you don’t have an independent candidate in your constituency, the alternative is to spoil your ballot.

Political parties have demonstrated they are very quick to talk the talk but totally unwilling to walk the walk.

“Is it more efficient to convince the 10-15% or so people, who have already voted SNP in the past to use the SNP as the vehicle in spite of the leaders, or is it easier to convince more than half the population to vote for another vehicle entirely?”

The latter. There is an ever increasing proportion of yes supporters and former SNP voters (including me) that are so disgusted at the betrayal of the SNP that they will never vote SNP ever again.

The SNP is finished. The SNP is not a party of independence anymore. What is the point to keep the brain dead body of this political party attached to life support if it is never going to do anything to progress independence? If the “vehicle” has no engine, is taking you nowhere. That is what the SNP is today: an empty shell.

10 years is long enough. We are well past the point of symbolism and “letting Westminster know we want independence”. The British establishment learnt that already in September 2014 and that is why they had the political fraud Sturgeon extracting the fangs out of the SNP by claiming a vote for the SNP was no longer a vote for independence.

What we need now is action and action towards independence now. We will never get if we continue putting parasitic gravy slurpers on the parliament seats.


Galloway frustrates me. A very talented guy but flawed, always seems to alienate those around despite initial success.

I said in a previous comment that I really dislike him despite agreeing with about 98% of what he says.

When he starts fulminating about Scottish independence and talking about one of the early founders (I think it was) of the SNP who in the 1930’s sympathized with Hitler or whatever shite I really do wonder if he is trying to suggest that the millions of people in 2014 were about that, and if not, what relevance does it have to the independence movement today, George.

But then when he starts eulogizing the Red Army and the Bolsheviks who literally murdered tens of millions of Russians it does sort of jar with his outrage and disgust at some guy in the SNP in the 1930’s tilting his hat at the Nazi’s (it was not uncommon back then, just ask the Royals…).

He is a stinking hypocrite with a brass neck getting on his high horse about the origins of the SNP while spunking his knickers over people who committed one of the biggest genocides in history if not THE biggest.

It just does not add-up for me. This is where the 2% comes in and me loathing the guy despite agreeing with most of what he says. Bit surprised at Craig Murray not digging him up about it. (He is quick enough to dig up Wings.)


14 March, 2024 at 9:20 am


I have just noticed the change in the Wins logo on X with the head of the “hate monster”.

You naughty Rev!

The ‘white white white’ hate monster is very cute!

Lots of fun and good jokes about ‘The Hate Crime Bill’ but it is an extremely serious issue.

Do you think cracking jokes and making fun of the issue will cause it to be repealed?

Have we heard what Sarwar thinks about it?

Do Labour not just love this sort of thing? Weren’t they the ones who introduced the PC Brigade and also brought in the GRA 2004?


I know my suggestion doesn’t resonate anyway, but nevertheless, the process of impeachment to crash the Vichy Holyrood Assembly and the accordant Scotland Act would have potency if it happened today, or at least before any forthcoming election. Perhaps a lot of potency if handled properly.

However, if impeachment is raised after any election, particularly an election where the SNP has been roundly gubbed, then to all intents and purposes, the notion will resemble an act of sour grapes desperation, not a redoubtable defence of Scotland’s Constitutional integrity under International Law.

I despair at the trajectory we are on, and I despise those I hold responsible for being here.

We have a way out of this, but don’t have the cahonas to go for it.


link to

Sarwar in favour of The Hate Crime Bill

It looks as if Tories against the Bill and Labour, SNP, Greens, LibDems in favour.

Pretty much the same result as the GRR Bill.

Tell me why I shouldn’t vote Tory in the upcoming election?

John Jones

The left hand election logo displayed is I believe the most appropriate as it depicts a carrot which the SNP have been dangling before the electorate for years.


Want a glimpse of what the administrations have in store for us ? Take a look at Canada where the government, on the 6th March, advertised for a supplier to strengthen public health surveillance through primary health care insights.
This means that they are looking for an agency to track and trace the medical records of all Canadians.
Their paper points out that Electronic Medical Records are utilised in primary care situations and states that the Pan-Canadian Health Data Strategy emphasizes the importance of moving towards real time data sharing and person-centric data.
In other words, this means that without your knowledge or consent you may suddenly find that your medical records have been evaluated and your mental health, for instance, has been considered as making you “unfit” for employment, managing your own finances etc.
This is Canada today, where tomorrow ?


Everything about Galloway’s suite of beliefs and causes he supports, Irish Republicanism, Self determination for the Palestinians, Anti-imperialism, Socialism (if not outright communism), makes everyone expect that Galloway would have been a certainty to support Scottish independence…

But no, he hates it. Wanted in 2014 to team up with Tony Blair co-war criminal Dr John Reid to campaign around Scotland to defeat it, Galloway was begging him… Not so bothered about the million dead Iraqis at that point was he…

Whenever Scotland comes into the frame it is like all of Galloways principles undergo this weird magnetic reversal and you get the opposite of what you expect.

This is where I suspect the hatred of Scotland comes in, based on his early life experiences it seems.

Coming from a mixed marriage catholic/protestant on the west coast of Scotland, I have no sympathy with that. He strikes me as embittered on the subject.

Cameron Robson

Don’t overlook those, presumably the many, that will be amongst the prison population convicted under ‘white’ hater Humza’s Hate Crime Bill that will not be eligible to vote.

Anton Decadent

Canada has previously been mentioned but not Eire which has a greater similarity to Scotland politically. A coalition of New Irish and Greens who appear to have ulterior motives. The current and previous Ministers For Children are/were childless homosexuals the latter of which went back to the US to work on the 2020 Biden campaign and the current is a friend of Peter Tatchell. There is quite clearly a pattern of behaviour here with regard to Western governments, people who literally hate the host populations and wish to see them replaced and their children queered.

Eire is also introducing Hate Speech Laws, purely a coincidence, no doubt. Scroll down to Demonstration Test.

link to


“Tell me why I shouldn’t vote Tory in the upcoming election?”

I take it this is parody, a joke?

Antoine Roquentin

Like a growing number of the politically scunnert, I wont be voting for any of the failed politicians or parties named above.

Only a strong, independent, Independence candidate, will get my vote (the likes of Eva Comrie, for example). Otherwise, it’ll be a spoiled-ballot-paper from me, declaring: #END the UNION.

Troughers, aside: an electorate doing the same thing over-and-over again with the same predictable outcome doesn’t make any sense and isn’t in the ordinary citizen’s interest. Surely?

Tinto Chiel

@Mac 11.00: yes, Galloway is just another Scotttish self-loather and Britnat Labourite, like Brian Wilson. An old SNP guy I knew in the 70s claimed it was because the latter’s application for membership was rejected by the SNP.


I’ll be voting for the ISP a vote for the rest is a vote for the status quo or worse.


Those grifting b*stards at Tammany Hall aka Glasgow city council chambers have cut funding to a vital lifeline for women affected by drug abuse.

These lowlifes at GCC led by the SNP know that drug deaths are up by 10% and that Scotland has the highest number of drug fatalities in Europe, yet the self-serving shits are cutting funding to an important service for women in Glasgow.

The puppet FM Yousaf had the chutzpah to say recently that he BACKED Turning Point 218 and that it was doing a great job. That useless turd Christina McKelvie (SNP) is the minister responsible for dealing with Drugs and Alcohol.

The SNP don’t give a monkey’s about Scots, that is patently obvious.


Yet it wouldn’t matter if SNP MPs were bound gagged and thrown into a dark room at Westminster, these useless self-serving grifting careerist b*stards would never ever walk out of Westminster for good.

“AN MP has claimed there are a “number of things” happening at Westminster to limit ways the SNP and smaller parties can voice their opinions in the Commons.”

“The SNP’s chief whip Owen Thompson made the claims to The National after he received a letter from the three deputy speakers to say Keir Starmer will not be referred to the Privileges Committee for investigation over accusations he pressured Lindsay Hoyle into selecting his party’s amendment on Gaza last month.”


That logo looks like a turnip.

How apt…

Alf Baird

Mac @ 11:00 am

“This is where I suspect the hatred of Scotland comes in, based on his early life experiences it seems.”

‘Self-hatred’ of native culture is a well established part of the ‘colonial mindset’, a consequence of cultural assimilation in a colonial environment. Colonialism is a hate crime affecting an entire people/nation, a crime against humanity.

link to

Peter Marjoram

Yeah, but, surely everyone and their auntie realises that everything above independence is intrinsically linked to independence ffs!!

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    • Henry Wood on The Front On The Volga: “Those millionaires/billionaires, Trump and Musk do not seem to be following your “reasoning”. Thank goodness.Feb 12, 04:58
    • Henry Wood on The Front On The Volga: “Where have all the trannies gone? In my younger, more dissolute days I often visited certain bars in Amsterdam. Some…Feb 12, 04:53
    • Henry Wood on The Front On The Volga: “I read in a report of the proceedings that the employers suggested that the nurse could change in a closet…Feb 12, 04:49
    • Mark Beggan on Bricked-up windows: “Definition of policing by consent. To recognise always that the power of the police to fulfil their function and duties…Feb 12, 04:41
    • Henry Wood on The Front On The Volga: “That looks a little like a doctor in the news just now.Feb 12, 04:39
    • Henry Wood on Bricked-up windows: “That’s you telt! The Polis sez the public is no interested in any of this. So there!Feb 12, 04:17
    • twathater on Bricked-up windows: “So what they are saying is that they AGREE the information WOULD be in the public’s interest , and the…Feb 12, 03:29
    • Peter McAvoy on The Front On The Volga: “Do they include white people as undesirable?Feb 12, 02:44
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Rep. Anna Paulina Luna @RepLuna: “It is my solemn duty to begin to form a new relationship between the government…Feb 12, 02:13
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Elon Musk: “Treason at the FBI!”: 12, 01:54
    • Geri on The End Of The Reich: “I think out of all the ashes on the political front – Neale Hanvey would be one to watch, a…Feb 12, 01:07
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “We The Kingdom: Don’t Tread On Me: “Oh no, you’ve done it now Gone against the King Gone against the…Feb 12, 00:14
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Fake Robin McAlpine News: My top eight indy myths: “We just need a new messiah… When people get stuck or…Feb 12, 00:03
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “OCCRP (2021): The Pegasus Project: “They never heard it. There was no beep, no sound at all. But in those…Feb 11, 23:38
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Enter The Haggis: Casualties Of Retail: Twirling Towards Freedom: 11, 23:22
    • Young Lochinvar on Bricked-up windows: “Quality Polis Toshan strung it out for as long as they could. Isn’t it now propping up a desk leg…Feb 11, 22:55
    • Geri on The Front On The Volga: “Yes they’ll keep it going. It’s a satanic cult. The mega rich & greedy will still fund & push for…Feb 11, 22:55
    • Young Lochinvar on Bricked-up windows: “On the List probably yes but she’s toast now, toxic and “found out”. Nothing left but to try and pull…Feb 11, 22:50
    • jock mctavish on Bricked-up windows: “Is under a fat polisman’s arse a more realistic answer….?Feb 11, 22:49
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “I don’t mince my words – You’re as thick as mince… #FlyingDisasterFeb 11, 22:38
    • Effijy on Bricked-up windows: “What a complete and utter farce the Police have become. They wasted millions on trying to pin something on Alex…Feb 11, 22:37
    • Young Lochinvar on The Front On The Volga: “I hope they feel disappointed when their bought and paid for trougher politicians are weighed and measured and found utterly…Feb 11, 22:32
    • duncanio on Bricked-up windows: “The £600k-£700k is missing. It is not in the accounts, it is therefore not accounted for. Even if it turns…Feb 11, 22:30
    • Geri on The End Of The Reich: “Look up Pegasus too. The stupidity of letting a paranoid & unhinged country (USA) monopolise big tech & security while…Feb 11, 22:22
    • Young Lochinvar on The Front On The Volga: “Even decades ago in my younger working life it was apparent and commented on that the “UK”(sic) always took in…Feb 11, 22:10
    • The Flying Iron of Doom on The End Of The Reich: “Just your usual…Feb 11, 22:08
  • A tall tale

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