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Wings Over Scotland

The SNP love Tories

Posted on March 28, 2021 by

There’s a lot of this going around from SNP and Unionists alike this weekend.

Because, as we may have mentioned before, they really do think you’re stupid.

We suppose it’s nice to see them all making friends:

But it doesn’t change the fact that the allegation is the most absurdly nonsensical and hypocritical piece of drivel since, well, the last time any of them said anything.

If it’s “cheating” for Alba to stand as a pro-independence list party, why hasn’t it been cheating when the Greens have done it for the last 14 years? Indeed, it’s LESS THAN A WEEK since “senior SNP sources” were telling the press that they’d love to link up with the Greens for the exact same sort of super-majority that’s now apparently “anti-democratic” and immoral.

If a party’s view on the constitution is the only thing that counts, then inescapably it must also be cheating for Labour and the Tories to be two separate parties and thereby get twice as many list seats as they otherwise would.

So why is it only cheating if you’re Alex Salmond?

Alba hasn’t put out a full manifesto yet, but we’re absolutely certain that it’ll be at least as different on policy – in particular on women’s rights – as the Tories are from UKIP, or the SNP from the Greens, or Labour from the Lib Dems.

And it would take a very very big leap of credibility indeed to suggest that the schism between Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon and their respective parties is a sham invented to disguise an attempt to game the electoral system. We rather doubt that Mr Salmond, gambler as he is, would have staked spending the rest of his life in prison at the unpredictable hands of a jury just for that.

These are two parties with fundamentally only one thing in common, and frankly we’re not even sure about that one thing, since we no longer believe the SNP have any true desire for independence.

So the idea that Alba should be BANNED from existence – for that is the only possible measure you can be advocating if you believe their entry into the race is somehow improper – only reveals the people above for what they truly are: ideological fascists unwilling to tolerate the slightest form of dissent.

If you believe your cause is just and true, then you trust the voters to vote for it, you don’t try to have the alternatives outlawed. But the rest of Scottish politics – Unionists, SNP and Greens all together – is SO terrified of Alba that even while they sneer at it, they’re frantically trying to delegitimise it as some sort of outrage against decency, for the heinous crime of standing in a democratic election.

So demented are they that they’ve ended up in the mad, grotesque insanity of the SNP furiously defending the rights of the very same Unionists that they spend the rest of the time bitterly decrying as “democracy deniers” for refusing Scotland a referendum, and yet doing it all in the name of democracy.

The very same SNP who constantly insist that Boris Johnson will inexplicably cave if they get a majority, screaming that it’ll all be ruined if the pro-independence majority is too big, and demanding that people let the Tories get more MSPs instead.

Terror stalks the land, and it’s a beautiful sight to see.

307 to “The SNP love Tories”

  1. Scott says:

    Why is it an issue to take advantage of a system created by unionists?

    If they wanted a representative system they would have implemented proper PR in the first place.

    We’re just using our democratic right to vote in a way we wish within the rules of the current system. Isn’t democracy fun?

  2. Joan Hutcheson says:

    Warning – the spoof Alba site presumably set up by the SNP Twitler Youth has been taking money from people under false pretences. A friend of mine accidentally joined what he thought was Alba but was this site. He discovered by chance through me that the site is a spoof, and has told his bank to cancel. He is trying to unsubscribe but the site won’t accept his email address or password now.

    I think this could be a police matter and I am advising him to contact them. I would also contact Alba but there’s no Contact button yet on the site.

  3. Alastair Gibb says:

    “Terror stalks the land, and it’s a beautiful sight to see”
    Oh you are a one Mr.C.
    It’s getting better by the minute, Dross this morning on Aw Sophie! was a joy.
    I joined up mid press conference on Friday, haven’t felt this chirpy in ages.

  4. Balgowan says:

    Isn’t it Alba who are now claiming that Johnson will inexplicably cave if there is a supermajority?

    So what is the Alba plan for Johnson saying no to a S30 order if there is a supermajority?

    Note that by plan I don’t mean vacuous platitudes like “focus on independence” but actual practical things that can be done.

  5. WeeChid says:

    I don’t understand how it is cheating to start a political party and ask people to vote for you. Isn’t that what happens in elections?

  6. SNP, presumably, would rather all those who have left the party abstained, which shows how much they really care about independence.

  7. Giesabrek says:

    UK General Election 2019 Results:
    Tory % of votes 42.4%
    Tory % of seats 57%
    SNP % votes 3.0%
    SNP % of seats 13%

    Seems the unionists and SNP (same thing?) like to turn a blind eye to the lack o democracy at the UK level while decrying it at the Scottish Parliament level. Feckin’ hypocrites the lot of them.

  8. m_alc says:

    Holyrood had a supermajority of unionists from inception til 2007. Didn’t see no complaints about that from ANYONE then. Interesting.

  9. Giesabrek says:

    Joan Hutcheson says:
    28 March, 2021 at 1:41 pm
    Warning – the spoof Alba site presumably set up by the SNP Twitler Youth has been taking money from people under false pretences.

    That is most definitely a police matter Joan – fraud and theft at the very least, and the police should definitely be contacted.

  10. Mark Boyle says:

    Remind people who consider themselves “good Tory voters” that their party is about to help Sturgeon pass her “reform” of the Gender Recognition Act, making it open season for every sex pest and predator to go into women’s safe spaces (toilets, changing rooms, even to be transferred to women’s prisons) with NO police background checks and anyone openly objecting risking prosecution for “transphobia”.

    Then tell them that ONLY the Alba Party has promised to stop it.

    Tory supporters tend to be pragmatic enough to loan their votes for the bigger picture. Let them know their party’s about to betray their trust (again!) and there’s a solution – one that already has more House of Commons MPs than Scottish Labour!

  11. Confused says:

    its not cheating when we do it

    it will never work – you cannot game the system

    gaming the system is cheating

    how dare you find ways to circumvent the peculiar rules we devised in order to cheat you

    I don’t like Alex Salmond

    AS has questions to answer over his behaviour

    ALBA will lose the indy majority

    ALBA will lead to super majority – but that is cheating

    ALBA will only win 6 seats

    the Greens could be the real winners here


    Sunday papers summarised, and saved youse all a tenner.

  12. Indy says:

    Kezia Dugdale encouraged Scottish Labour members to vote for The Scottish Conservatives as a way to increase the unionist presence in Holyrood.

  13. Daisy Walker says:

    There is some praise though, if from the most unlikely of sorces;) This from the Guardian…

    ‘David Mundell, who served as Scottish secretary in Theresa May’s government, said opponents of independence should waste no time in resisting the new Alba party, which Salmond has said could provide a “super-majority” for an independent Scotland. Pro-union figures have accused Salmond of “gaming the system” with his attempt to win seats in Holyrood through part of the voting system designed to make the overall result more representative.

    However, Mundell said that frustrations over the tactics should not distract pro-union voters and politicians from standing up to Salmond. “The important thing people have to grasp is that the threat he poses is real,” he said. “The system is as it is, so whether he’s gaming it or not is not the key. The key is that he and his party present a real and present danger to bringing about an independence referendum and it has to be stopped.”

    I’m going to take a wee moment to savour that last bit,

    ‘The key is that he and his party present a real and present danger to bringing about an independence referendum…’

    The only down side I can see is that Runrigs song is really shit, but the chorus is now stuck in my head, ‘Alba, Alba, Alba’. Still if I bump into comfee feet – at least I can sing it to him. From a safe distance;)

  14. Sharny Dubs says:

    Oh happy day!

  15. TD says:

    It is a truism that if a set of rules is imposed, human nature is such that people will seek to maximise their position under those rules. The Tories do it with the grotesquely unfair FPTP system at Westminster. If we contribute to a pension scheme we are doing it with the tax rules. People who are smart enough to figure out the rules are not cheats – they are simply shrewd political operators.

  16. Geoff Anderson says:

    No one is gaming the system. Parties are stating what they stand for and are presenting candidates.

    In a Democracy you are free to vote Unionist or Woke or for an Independent Scotland.

    I prefer people voting FOR something rather than spoiling their ballot paper because of a lack of options they can identify with.

  17. Luigi says:

    So this is the latest slur?

    First they tried “has-been” – nope, then “disgraced politician” – nope, then “Ego-trip” – nope, and now “Cheat!”

    Boy are they panicking big time. In contrast to their “we expected this” claim, they have, in fact been blind-sided, outmaneuvered completely. Not surprised about the panic – apparently (ex)SNP members are moving over to Alba in droves.

    The SNP leaders would do well to refrain from the insults, however. These are not going down well with the rank and file. If they value their position (and they clearly do), insulting the Alba party is contrary to their aims – reverse affect.

    My advice to the SNP (what’s left of it) is BACK OFF.

    Focus on your real enemy (unionism) and you may just get enough Alba supporters to vote for you on the constituencies. I guess you just can’t help yourselves eh?

    You’ve been warned. BACK OFF.

  18. Saffron Robe says:

    Indeed Stuart, an honest man amongst crooks will be the one accused of being the crook for not cheating and stealing.

    The SNP don’t just love the Tories, they are Tories. The SNP consistently vote along the same neo-liberal lines as the Tories, although they claim publicly to be against them.

    They are all tarred with the same brush.

  19. Mac says:

    Day 3
    Still unable to vote SNP1.

  20. Daisy Walker says:

    @ ‘
    Balgowan says:
    28 March, 2021 at 1:42 pm

    Isn’t it Alba who are now claiming that Johnson will inexplicably cave if there is a supermajority?

    So what is the Alba plan for Johnson saying no to a S30 order if there is a supermajority?

    Note that by plan I don’t mean vacuous platitudes like “focus on independence” but actual practical things that can be done’

    With a supermajority Holyrood can legally call a Holyrood Election and make it Plebiscite on Indy. A simple majority is not allowed to do that. Can’t recall the exact threshold – but 60% something is in the area.

    When you can do that, S30 requests become a bit redundant.

    With that up your sleeve, when you call Boris and demand a meeting to negotiate, then they will answer.

  21. Lost says:

    Thats a way to win votes. Tell the electorate they’re cheating if they dare to vote for a new party. Haven’t learned that hectoring us and telling us off just doesn’t work.

    If anything we’ll dig our heels in even more and do the opposite.

  22. Tony Little says:


    Alex has specifically said that s30 is not the only way to gain independence, so I’m sure he will make more of this in the campaign.

    As for voting, at the moment I am torn as I joined ISP as they are a genuine alternative to SNP on the Regional Lists as they are 100% pro-Independence, Pro-women’s rights; pro-EFTA; pro-Scottish currency; pro-SNHN and a balanced economy, and are anti the GRA as it stands, and the Hate Crime bill.

    That’ll do for me for now. I will of course look at ALBA’s full manifesto, but it’s still early days of this new reality and a lot of dust still has to settle.

  23. AndyH says:

    It’s awesome.

    Loving this.

    I’ve been hoping something like this would happen for a long time.

    Hopefully they stick to Independence as a focus for policy. Most other things are not relevant until its been obtained.

  24. Cuphook says:

    It has been interesting watching the hatred of journalists and politicians for Salmond and the Alba Party, as a lot of it seems to be rooted in class, entitlement, and their cosy neoliberal consensus.

    Clutch your pearls; the oiks are organising.

  25. Hatuey says:

    Lol @ “frankly we’re not even sure about that one thing”

    The SNP married into the establishment under Sturgeon. The section 30 commitment represents their marriage vows. Their common enemy is grassroots independence supporters and anyone that attempts to give them a voice and representation.

    In essence, since the majority in Scotland want independence, Sturgeon and the SNP are fighting a proxy war against ordinary people on behalf of the British State.

    The SNP is basically playing the part of local cop on the beat, keeping the recalcitrant rabble in line. The purported desire for independence in the SNP is reduced to a notional idea, like socialism is a notional goal of Labour.

  26. ClanDonald says:

    @Joan Hutcheson says:

    “Warning – the spoof Alba site presumably set up by the SNP Twitler Youth has been taking money from people under false pretences.”

    This is no different from fraudsters who set up fake websites of banks, shops, utility companies etc to steal money from unwitting members of the public. If true it’s most certainly a criminal offence meriting jail time. Anyone being conned in this manner should contact the police immediately and make sure the culprits are arrested as soon as possible.

  27. Rodgers says:

    Why do the 3 parties Lab Con and the Lib not come together and do the same as ALBA
    What would be the problem.

    it is now being stated that this morning the SNP yes vote is 59% where did that come from
    Is this starting to look like fake news

  28. Peter A Bell says:

    Getting rid of Unionist MSP does precisely NOTHING to bring independence even one day closer. So long as they are in a minority, they can do nothing to stop a Scottish Government with a working majority and an incontestable mandate won on a Manifesto for Independence. But instead of working towards what really matters a significant, perhaps crucial, part of the independence movement has been sidetracked into pointless projects like trying to make a ineffectual minority an even smaller but no more ineffectual minority.


  29. Joan Hutcheson says:

    I have to retract what I wrote earlier, with humble apologies. The site to which my friend subscribed in error was not a spoof site. It was a lawyer’s site which took the money by mistake. There is indeed a spoof Alba site but it did not take the money.

  30. Effigy says:

    I see, Westminster enforces a voting system designed to stop
    SNP from having a majority and it’s independence supporters
    they say are gaming?

    The stupidity and arrogance of these people is breathtaking.

    Next the Unionist parties collude to put people like Alex Salmond out of office.
    Is that Dirty Gaming?

    You remember Dugdale telling Labour supporters to vote for other Unionist parties in
    areas where they are more likely to depose the SNP candidate.
    Such a proposal in the Labour hand book is instant dismissal for supporting other parties above Labour, but there is one rule for being anti Scotland and another..

    If only there was a newspaper or TV channel that wasn’t bought and paid by unionists
    and the public might get to see that they are game and the game keeper is getting you ready
    for shooting.

  31. Fishy Wullie says:

    Nicola Sturgeon is the only human being I know who disproves the myth that you cannot polish a turd, she has conned us all and as polished as she appears she is nonetheless a turd.

    Alex will remove the shine and lustre and she will be exposed for what she is a F@cking turd

  32. Jomry says:

    @balgowan 1.42.
    Listen carefully to what Salmond says. S30 is only one route, fine for 2014, but Salmond instances other routes including immediate negations with Westminster on achieving supermajority in Parliament.

  33. Auld Jock says:

    Well said cuphook. All over the daily fail the day and all negative. It’s amazing how all these journalists come out of the woodwork now to pour criticism when you never heard a peep from any of them before. It’ll be a hard hill to climb if this is constant. However I’m sure we’re all up to the task…

  34. Fishy Wullie says:

    @ Peter Bell

    That’s right Peter anybody who doesn’t agree with you is an idiot

  35. James Carroll says:

    We have been given a golden opportunity to rid Holyrood of unionists. There will be no hiding place for the SNP when Alba are in there holding their feet to the fire on independence. Ive joined Alba and I hope you all do too.

  36. stonefree says:

    @ Joan Hutcheson at 1:41 pm

    That is quite sinister, and of course criminal, I would cancel the card you will need a Incident number from the Police , so it needs to be notified to the Police.
    Start with the police and care on, be forceful with your bank as they have a clear Duty of Care in regard to CyberCrime
    The cyber abuse stuff within the SNP gives them unparalleled advantage, most I believe is done on Murrell’s behest who was the Data Control Officer prior to some other weasel

  37. Desimond says:

    So its “Dont hate the game, hate the player” now…I remember the good old days when it was the other way around

  38. DAVID COUTTS says:

    The papers today are simply proving the mass panic in the SNP ranks.

    They have no co-ordinated policy on Independence and certainly no co-ordinated policy on how to deal with the ALBA party.

    Rather than attack supremely competent Nationalist’s like Kenny MacAskill as being “delighted’ they have gone, the SNP should get off their arrogant pedestal and co-ordinate an SNP 1 and ALBA 2 vote to make sure of this SUPER MAJORITY.

    The ALBA party supports Independence but i am not so sure about the Blackford’s of our time!

    The SNP should not under estimate the numbers that will vote ALBA and it makes absolute sense for SNP/ALBA to work constructively together and chase the Unionists out of town.

    For Angus to tell us SNP1 and 2 is just rubbish.
    Tell that to the 115,000 SNP second vote supporters in Glasgow last time around who ended up with Sarwar and some daft Greens!!

    Not one SNP representative Angus – not one!!

  39. David Winpenny says:

    Correct me if Im wrong but weren’t the lib dems founded as the SDLP by several members of differing parties who were disillusioned with the politics of the day?

  40. Mist001 says:

    Since I live in France and have three UK votes left, if I get to vote in the Scottish elections, forget all this SNP 1 Alba 2 rubbish, for me it’ll be SNP 0 Alba 1

    I’ll vote for the worst, most improbable candidate on the voting slip (so long as it’s not that Bonnie Prince Bob twat), than even consider giving my vote to the SNP.

    They will get hee-haw from me.

  41. Steven Allen says:

    Never seen Life of Brian then. SPLITTERS!

  42. James Che. says:

    Mundell accuses Alex Salmond party of gaming the system to gain independence votes in this up coming election, then immediately suggest that all the unionist parties get together to do exactly the same, game the system, that man needs a help with his thinking,
    And does mr mundell not realise its voters that vote that decide a election it’s called democracy, and they are not called activists, THEY ARE CALLED VOTERS.
    Then he mentions the threat to the union, Ahem Mr Mundell, the clue here is is that it is a Union agreed by two countries in 1707, it is not under the sole ownership of England, otherwise it would not be considered a treaty, stupid colonial thinking.

  43. Balgowan says:

    @Daisy Walker 1.48 (and others)

    Sure, a 2/3 majority in Holyrood means things can be changed e.g. the D’Hondt system. But it can’t make Westminster or the British Nationalists give legitimacy to a referendum or election if they don’t want to. What’s the plan then?

  44. Scott says:

    I do see an irony that with Alex & Alba encouraging their supporters to give The SNP their Constituency vote that it will give them the majority they probably didn’t actually want.

    Nicola would have been perfectly happy to lead a minority administration propped up by the Greens for the next term and make up more excuses as to why now is not the time to hold another referendum. But because of Alba their arse will be kicked into gear.

    Those of us disillusioned with the SNP will have a hard time to give the SNP even one vote. But in order for Alba to do well on the List, The SNP need to do well on the Constituency. It’s in our best interests for that to happen. For nothing else we need to also ensure that the SNP don’t need to rely on the List as have you seen all the Woke candidates sitting in the wings!?

  45. Wee Chid says:

    Lost says:
    28 March, 2021 at 1:58 pm

    “Thats a way to win votes. Tell the electorate they’re cheating if they dare to vote for a new party. Haven’t learned that hectoring us and telling us off just doesn’t work.

    If anything we’ll dig our heels in even more and do the opposite.”

    The Scottish psyche in a nutshell. You’d think the SNP would have figured that out.

  46. James Che. says:

    Someone politician sooner or later will remember.

  47. Breeks says:

    Is there anybody, anywhere in Scotland, who still hasn’t heard that Alex Salmond’s set up a new ALBA Independence Party?

    The Tories hate it, the BritNat media hates it, the crooks at the SNP hate it, and Cosy Feet Pete spat out his Earl Grey all over his keyboard when he heard the news. Excellent!

    Congratulations Mr Salmond. Now that’s how you make an entrance.

  48. AnneDon says:

    The SNP are turning “youth” from a positive to a negative in this election. Their leadership are behaving like a bunch of weans having a tantrum while their slightly younger (and most of them are in their 20s and 30s, so not that young) woke adherents are on twitter showing their ignorance of the party’s recent history (“Who is Kenny MacAskill anyway?”). Meanwhile, they’re losing activists with decades of experience and don’t seem to care.
    And WTF has SNP HQ been doing with their time if the launch of Alba was such a shock to them? There have been rumours swirling for weeks.
    They really DON’T listen to anyone outside their wee clique, do they?

  49. Anna says:

    the Salmond saga is and from the outset has been ‘politics’ ,. Digging for dirt, gutter politics made to look like a ‘clean up’.

  50. katherine hamilton says:

    Ach methinks all the ladies protest too much. All the real ladies and the new man/ladies. I hope the Greens get minced. As I said before, wee Patrick and all the rest can go buy a new dress to commiserate. Sick of the lot of them. It was all this woo woo stuff that made me leave the SNP clowns in the first place. I’ll be joining Alba when the website calms down.
    1 ex leader
    2 MP’s
    2 high profile councillors.
    Good start. If this increases then the smears will have to stop. They can’t ALL be sex pests, can they? It will be counter productive in the longer term.
    I like sport. Alex 5. Nicola 0.

  51. It’s the stupidity on display from the SNP law-makers that scares me the most.

    They are running around like headless chickens such is there fear of Alex Salmond and the real prospect of indyref2.

    And as for the Unionists, they know their (cushy) number is up.

  52. Ian Mac says:

    God, they are pathetic. The hysterical screams of ‘it’s no fair’ when a new party comes along threatening their comfy little cartels only demonstrates how utterly uninterested they are in actual democratic choice and debate. No, the poor Scottish voters must be shielded from free choice and vigorous debate. They are to be force fed the same old mulch, party slogans and cliches designed to shore up the system so that nothing really changes, and the professional class and their careers continue unhindered.

    The demented pearl clutching is hilarious. I mean, how dare other people come along with a programme offering change from the tired, old status quo? Absolutely rank to claim there is something ‘cheating’ about actually explaining the D’Hondt system to voters and asking them to use it to maximise the indy vote. Do they even understand its purpose themselves? It is clear they don’t want voters to understand it, they think they can patronise them by claiming Alba are doing something wrong by standing for office. Which make them, not Alba, the cheats, gaming the system for their own benefit. Their collusion demonstrates it. Amazing how quickly Alba have united Tories and SNP, which tells you all you need to know. The Greens have done exactly what Alba are doing, yet somehow they are awarded policies and government positions. But that’s ok, they do what Nikla tells them, in return for their favours. That somebody else should come along and explain the system they have benefitted from for years is too appalling for them to consider. What stinking hypocrites and anti-democrats they are.

    I predict the next step will be them trying to deny Alba media and TV coverage in an attempt to shut them up. These people – SNP, Tories and Labour have just shed any last vestige of credibility or claim that they respect democracy. Their stitch-up of the system is unravelling and they are squealing like pigs. I didn’t want to hate them, but they are leaving me no choice, such is the depths of their obnoxious entitled self regard.

  53. Mutualist says:

    Best thing Alex could do right now (and bearing in mind the quote on this site about changing the world & taking the credit) is for him to give way to a new leader (Cherry comes to mind) and take on the role of chair/founder.

  54. Bob Mack says:

    Simply delicious. Hysteria of course comes from fear.


  55. AwakeNotWoke says:

    Essentially, the argument here is

    ‘people should not understand the electoral system in their country and organise to maximise their influence via peaceful and democratic means.’

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but that sounds like the thinking of anti-democratic arseholes??

  56. Scott says:

    “Breeks says:
    28 March, 2021 at 2:14 pm
    Is there anybody, anywhere in Scotland, who still hasn’t heard that Alex Salmond’s set up a new ALBA Independence Party?

    The Tories hate it, the BritNat media hates it, the crooks at the SNP hate it, and Cosy Feet Pete spat out his Earl Grey all over his keyboard when he heard the news. Excellent!

    Congratulations Mr Salmond. Now that’s how you make an entrance.”

    I also love that the defections and big announcements aren’t happening all at once. By spacing them out they’re ensure that the Alba Party stays in the headlines.

  57. Mac says:

    Actually is it so bad results-wise to not vote SNP1 and only ALBA2?

    I realize the SNP will likely be then competing for more list seats but if that is due to other parties taking more constituency seats off them then presumably the other parties will need less lists seats… so does it all even out?

    I fully expect a double cross. We all vote SNP1 and they don’t vote ALBA2.

    I think it was a very good idea to make SNP1/ALBA2 the official ALBA party stance but I am really not sure it is a good idea for us the ALBA party voters to actually do it.

  58. Onwards says:

    It’s not gaming the system when there are genuine differences and genuine doubts about SNP direction and commitment to independence.

    ALBA second
    Indy first

  59. AKA-Kieran says:

    Don’t forget Annie Wells , David.

  60. Daisy Walker says:

    Balgowan says:
    28 March, 2021 at 2:11 pm

    @Daisy Walker 1.48 (and others)

    Sure, a 2/3 majority in Holyrood means things can be changed e.g. the D’Hondt system. But it can’t make Westminster or the British Nationalists give legitimacy to a referendum or election if they don’t want to. What’s the plan then?’

    Sorry Balgowan, I wasn’t clear enough.

    A supermajority in power at Holyrood – has the legal authority to call an early Holyrood Election – and that election can be Plebiscite Indy. And it is Legal. So even though Westminster would not like it, and even though some Councils might not like it – it is legal.

    It makes begging for a S30 order and another Referendum redundant.

    A simple majority does not have the power to call an early HE election. Its in the rules.

    Hope that clarifies.

  61. Robert Louis says:

    Hang on, their are at least three UNIONIST parties standing for the Scottish Parliament, shouldn’t their be only one??? According to the SNP, by having THREE unionist parties, the unionists are gaming the system – and have been doing so since the parlimanet re-opened.

    Honestly, SNP, you are doing yourself no favours running with such piffle. Argue YOUR case, argue YOUR policies, and let people vote for what they want. If you do not, you are by definition, Fascists. You do not have a god-given right to be the ONLY pro independence party, you do not have a god-given right to be in government forever.

    Honestly, it is seriously starting to look like the SNP really, really do not actually want independence at all.

    First vote SNP, Second vote ALBA party. Hold their feet to the fire.

  62. katherine hamilton says:


  63. Balgowan says:

    @Daisy Walker 2.23 you’ve nothing to apologise for. Ok, a supermajority can call an early election and call it a plebiscite. But it can’t compel Westminster to endorse it or the British Nationalists to take part. What’s the plan then?

  64. I know which party it is that’s cheating: it’s the one that promises independence every time it wants money or an election comes around, then does precisely zero to secure it.

  65. Daisy Walker says:

    So, OT, what can we do to ensure we supermax the indy vote? In a Covid safe way of course.

    You can bet, and Covid restrictions that were about to get relaxed are now going to be clamped down on folks – so get your thinking caps on.

    Also, ballot box security, the votes are not going to be counted on the night, but held over till the next day. How do we get to play our part in ensuring no funny business.

  66. Robert Louis says:

    Cuphook at 159pm,

    QUOTE “Clutch your pearls; the oiks are organising.”

    I agree, that really does seem to be a large part of it – especially from the SNP.

  67. kapelmeister says:

    Gaming the system? Forget the question of gaming. What is the system? That’s what the SNP used to ask. The system that railroaded Scotland out the EU , that tries to deny us the right to self-determination, the system that imposed a 40% rule on the 1978 devo ref. And the Sturgeonites claim we must bow before and be ultra-respectful of this system.

    We move Scotland forward and do so without being hidebound by deference to a corrupt system.

  68. Skip_NC says:

    OT, has anyone had difficulty posting to LinkedIn using the Share button on the Alba website? My first post froze and then LinkedIn said the link could not be found. I do not do Twitter or Facebook but both of those invited me to log in. What’s App also gave a similar message to LinkedIn.

  69. @ Balgowan at 12.42pm: I’m sure you know perfectly well that there are several more realistic ways of achieving independence than begging Boris Johnson for permission for another referendum. Not least, a plebiscite election, which has been advocated by many of the commenters here for a long time now.

  70. Sharny Dubs says:

    Cuphook the

    Clutch your pearls; the oiks are organising.

    Got me hahaha indeed

    Bell, perhaps getting in the mix and forcing the majority party to do what they should have been doing all along is the aim?

    Or is it that you just like to think of everyone as somehow inferior?

  71. oneliner says:

    It seems that Richard Thomson has lived in the colonies for too long.
    Unionist MPs ‘get in’ precisely because of that colonial mindset.

  72. Village idiot says:

    haha. Love it.

    They are all, for different but the same reason, absolutely bricking it.

  73. Balgowan says:

    @Michael Laing 2.32 A plebiscite election that isn’t recognised by the British Nationalists would achieve what precisely?

  74. holymacmoses says:

    Balgowan says:
    28 March, 2021 at 1:42 pm
    Isn’t it Alba who are now claiming that Johnson will inexplicably cave if there is a supermajority?

    I suspect plenty of options are on the table. Mr Salmond has a veritable think tank of people surrounding him and I suspect some of his pals wouldn’t mind seeing Boris Johnson’s Conservative party damaged even if they themselves are members. Don’t underestimate Mr Salmond’s very successful years as a politician

  75. Daisy Walker says:

    Balgowan says:
    28 March, 2021 at 2:26 pm

    @Daisy Walker 2.23 you’ve nothing to apologise for. Ok, a supermajority can call an early election and call it a plebiscite. But it can’t compel Westminster to endorse it or the British Nationalists to take part. What’s the plan then?

    Westminster is always going to have issues accepting loosing Scotland, with or without a S30 order or equivalent.

    The question is, is the vote held legally, and legally, internationally legally sound. Which it would be.

    As to Britnats staying at home and not voting – have you met them, these are the wee blue rinse dragons that will outlive us all and take great pleasure in coming out in all weathers to spoil each and every chance at positive change. Just you try and keep them away from the ballot box petal – and may you rest in peace.

    Seriously though – their core voters – absolutely love the ballot box. And they are from the generation who’s parents ‘fought for us all to have the right to vote’. The Unionists cannot play that game without insulting their core vote, and they know it.

  76. Fishy Wullie says:

    “Or is it that you just like to think of everyone as somehow inferior?”


    Got it in one

  77. They’re cacking themselves. Scotland actually has it’s champion back!

  78. Craig says:

    I hate Scotland, I hate being Scottish, I hate living in a cesspit of backstabbing bastards that would sell out their own granny for the coin, I hate the idiots that are so blinded by loyalty that they fail to see that they are damaging Scotland more than the Unionist lot could ever dp.

    I love the fact I now have a party to vote for and this is the road for me being proud to be Scottish again if we achieve the aim of a supermajority of pro independence minded MSPS and get rid of the poison that is the Green Party and their woke policies that helped to infliritate the SNP into being a party I could no longer be a part of.

  79. Its… Doh!

  80. Frank Gillougley says:

    Oh! and other thing, dare i say, while we’re at it – expect to see any minute now an article stating that seeing as that well-known and much-trumpeted ‘anti-semite’ Neale Hanvey (soul mate of Oswald) is a member of the Alba Party, ergo Alba hey presto are obvs. an anti-semitic organisation. Well, who’d a thunk it?

    I think i will tune out and drop out from the next 5 weeks or so of hysterical political shit for brains that is coming out of the mainstream cesspool.

    Anyway, back in the grown-up world, classic two-pronged tactics afoot. Constituency SNP MSPs defect to Alba and when Sturgeon goes after the election, Joanna Cherry becomes SNP leader clearing it out of the woke loyalista! What’s not to like?

  81. Scott says:

    “Mac says:
    Actually is it so bad results-wise to not vote SNP1 and only ALBA2?”

    There will be more SNP2 votes than Alba2 votes overall, that’s sadly the reality imo. If the SNP don’t win a Constituency they will pick-up a List seat in that region leading to fewer Alba seats. It’s in our best interest for The SNP to do well in the Constituency so that Alba can do well on the List.

    We also really don’t want those woke SNP List candidates in the Scottish Parliament!

  82. Andy Ellis says:

    @Michael Laing 2.27pm

    BOOM! That’s just it. Alba and Alex focusing on delivering a super-majority and pointedly advising voting SNP 1 both takes the wind out of the sails of the Sturgeonites and puts them on notice that they have to deliver.

    It hadn’t previously occurred to me until someone else mentioned it up-thread, but having a super-majority at Holyrood is an ideal way of holding the gradualists feet to the fire, because a 2/3 majority is enough to demand a new Holyrood election.

    So…when the British Nationalists inevitable say no to #indyref2, the SNP will have nowhere to hide when Alba demand Holyrood elections with a specifically plebiscitary mandate. I’d even be prepared to wait until 2022. 🙂

  83. 100%Yes says:

    The political status in the UK is perfectly fine with the SNP, there leader is happy to constantly put in the manifesto she going to hold a referendum and if the people vote for the SNP she’ll ask the UK for a section 30 order to take part in a legal and binding referendum and when the SNP win they ask and are then told NO you can’t have a section 30 order and then no referendum take place but Westminster is to blame the trouble is it isn’t Westminster to blame its the SNP. Already the SNP are making excuses why a referendum can’t be held and that it will happen sometime after the second half of the term of the next Holyrood parliament da ja vue 2016 all over again the greens won’t ever question the SNP there both happy with Westminster running the whole of the UK and the SNP/Greens running the region of UK with no real responsibility and just keep blaming the Tories or the PM and Westminster. I ain’t voting for a liar but I will be voting for the in the hope we have have real Independence supporters questioning the SNP lack of commitment on the constitutional matters and guess what they won’t like that one little bit. As far as I’m concerned Mr Salmond stood in the dock and was found innocent by a jury of mostly women and that’s how justice has been done for years and no one has ever complaint about the system up until now.

  84. Robert Louis says:

    We can only hope that the wholly inept Labour Scottish branch office manager, ANAS Sarwar, does fall for the Tory invite to form a ‘union coalition. Why? Because it gives us the simples anti unionist slogan of all time, Vote Labour, Get Tory.

    The times, they really are a changing. As usual, it is Mr. Salmond who is showing genuine leadership. Keeping his head, while all around lose theirs.

  85. Lost says:


    Demented pearl clutching just about right.

    This is a nightmare of the SNPs own making. If they had just concentrated on Independence like they were supposed to and less on woke issues then it wouldn’t have divided the party and created a vacuum for Alba to step right in. People have been crying out for representation and now got it.

    The Tories have been sitting patiently watching Sturgeon destroy herself thinking this is the year they could get more seats from disillusion SNP voters not voting and Alex Salmond has strolled in and pinched the votes.

    Cue wailing and nashing of teeth. Love it.

  86. James Che. says:

    Unionist, They will attempt every smear campaign possible.
    They are already calling voters activists, the demoralising and slagging of the voters is not the way to go forward for any unionist if you were hoping to pick up votes, your slapping your own faces.
    Scottish people are thrawn and if you are spitefully suggesting to the Scottish voters that if They don’t for the union the voter is an activist, you’ve lost automatically before the election has even begun.
    I hope the unionist that come on here take note that name calling the voters is not a wise move.
    Leave the voters alone, so far it’s still a democracy in Scotland and Not a banana republic.

  87. Effigy says:

    This accusation of cheating by the unionists and their journalists is
    like a card game where the dealer takes cards off the bottom of the pack
    to aid your opponent but if you are watching out for him doing it, you are cheating.

    While we are on cheating thrown in a bit about lying too.
    Remember Indy ref 1 when Yes were leading the polls?
    Well there is a thing called purdah were the goal posts on
    what the vote is about are not allowed to be changed.

    Well the purdah was broken with the Vow, but one rule for anything anti Scotland..

    We were promised that a No vote would the very next day see Scotland with the most
    powerful devolved parliament in the world.
    Boy that was a Whopper of a lie and the next day we got EVEL which took away
    the likelihood of a Scottish based PM as he can’t debate on English only matters.

    Remember the promise of a £3 Billion investment in Scottish renewable energy?
    Cancelled after the No vote now invested in English wind farms.

    Remember No was the only way to keep 3,000 HMRC jobs in Scotland?
    Well the jobs are to be transferred to Croydon now they have stollen the No vote.

    Remember a No vote would see a £1 Billion Carbon Capture plant built near Peterhead?
    Cancelled on the No vote and now being built in England.

    Remember a No vote was the only way Scots could stay in the EU?
    Anyone need reminded of what Scotland isn’t in?

    Remember the 13 major ships order for the Clyde with a No vote?
    Replaced later with small boats and bits of ships and delay lost more jobs.

    Would any normal person, not a rabid slavering unionist journalist not say that is
    gaming and cheating a it’s Westminster Unionist best?

  88. Balgowan says:

    @holymacmoses 2.34 can you list the options that are on the table please?

  89. T.roz says:

    Alba will get my list vote, and i might even now vote snp on const’. But if sturgeon keeps up this belligerence, then i might just spoil that part.

  90. Republicofscotland says:

    The BritNat parties at Holyrood and the SNP and the Greens fear ALBA because the ALBA party actually wants Scottish independence, the ALBA party will be attack from all sides because of this.

    However I say if you’re biological woman you must vote for ALBA, on the List vote for it will defend your rights, the Greens and the SNP are currently throwing women’s rights under a bus, in favour of the tiny trans community and blokes who like to wear women’s clothes.

    AS much as the media and all the other political parties at Holyrood like to run down Alex Salmond’s character, his party is now the only major indy party that will protect women’s rights.

    Vote ALBA on the List vote to defend your rights.

  91. robbo says:


    Pretty much all about them. They don’t want any competition.

    When Nicola Sturgeon was thinking about the #MeToo movement way back in 2017 or whenever what she meant to say was #MeMeMe It’s always what’s in it for her.

    Really narcissism;

    Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

  92. Clavie Cheil says:

    To the SNP I say – Awe diddums. Poor wee snowflakes melting at the first sign of any sun on them.

  93. Stephen P says:

    Dross’s plea to his fellow unionist parties for an electoral pact yesterday is of course not gaming the system…

  94. Robert Louis says:

    How awfully sad this must all be for Patrick Harvie and Ross Greer. Just a week ago, the SNP were talking of offering greens ministerial posts after the election. Now, that is exceptionally unlikely to happen for the greens, ever.

    Never mind, eh Ross? Away and actually complete your degree, or mibbes get some actual real life work experience or something.

  95. Confused says:

    how dare you people attempt to advance your own legitimate interests by using practical, legal means that all other parties may also use

    – your job is to lose, always

    get back in your box

    my bonus was 5.2M last year, so don’t tell me the system does not work

    – as I said to my ghillie the other day : what is all this scotnat northkorean juche nonsense all about?

    anyway, both he and the lad who cleans my shotguns will be solidly voting conservative and for the UNION

  96. James Che. says:

    Unionist, They will attempt every smear campaign possible.
    They are already calling voters activists, the demoralising and slagging of the voters is not the way to go forward for any unionist if you were hoping to pick up votes, your slapping your own faces.
    Scottish people are thrawn and if you are spitefully suggesting to the Scottish voters that if They don’t for the union the voter is an activist, you’ve lost automatically before the election has even begun.
    I hope the unionist that come on here take note that name calling the voters is not a wise move.
    Leave the voters alone, so far it’s still a democracy in Scotland and Not a banana republic. Like the snp seem to want.

  97. Stoker says:

    We’ve heard Sturgeon refer to the word “appropriate” when it suits her, right? Wonder if she’s proud of her fan club and in particular this member: link to

  98. Astonished says:

    Mac – I think SNP constituency vote and alba list vote is a work of genius.

    If the SNP win a significant number of constituency seats (as seems likely according to the polls) then they will have fewer list MSPs but still be the largest party. If they don’t win constituency seats then the blame lies with sturgeon, hate crime bill, genderwoowoo and the wokeratti.

    Alba by encouraging a SNP constituency vote and not standing candidates – cannot be held accountable. And people will leave the SNP and join Alba in even bigger droves.

    If a significant number vote Alba on the list (and that also seems likely) then they have a realistic chance of more than twenty MSPs.

    If a SNP leader, carpetbagger or wokeratti forces through an unpopular policy then SNP MSPs can leave and join a party that really wants independence.

    I only suggest that you don’t vote SNP on the constituency vote for sturgeon, yusuf, angus macbeth and swinney. Because they richly deserve this.

  99. Red says:

    I, too, am loving this.

    In just a couple of days, Alexander Elliot Anderson Salmond has given hope to the good guys and gotten the entire political establishment in both Holyrood and Westminster scurrying about in a fright.

    It’s the greatest reveal of true colours since Cyndi Lauper’s 1986 hit album.

    “Um… would you believe that, eh, voting for what you believe in… is anti-democratic?” ask the increasingly panicked rat-faced men.

    God bless Alex Salmond. My only regret is that I have but one vote to give to ALBA.

  100. crazycat says:

    @ David Winpenny at 2.10

    weren’t the lib dems founded as the SDLP by several members of differing parties who were disillusioned with the politics of the day?

    Not quite. The Social Democratic and Labour Party is a Northern Irish party which used to (maybe still does, now that they have seats again) take the Labour whip at Westminster.

    The Social Democratic Party was founded in 1981 by disillusioned (and fairly senior) Labour politicians, attracted a lot of defections, and contested the 1983 and 1987 general elections as an alliance with the Liberal Party (which had existed since 1859).

    In 1988 there was a formal merger to create the Social and Liberal Democrats, who later renamed themselves as just Liberal Democrats (they’re neither, of course). There was a rump SDP for a while, which collapsed after being out-polled in a by-election by Screaming Lord Sutch. A continuing Liberal Party still exists and has 9 council seats, apparently.

  101. Andy Ellis says:

    @Balgowan 2.34pm

    A plebiscitary election doesn’t require Westminster’s co-operation or permission in the way that an independence referendum (arguably) does. There remains considerable legal and constitutional debate about whether Holyrood is “allowed” to hold referendums without Westminster first extending its powers via S30 Order as was done for #indyref1 in 2014. That debate has still not been settled, irrespective of Matin Keating’s efforts.

    There is no such dubiety in the case of a general election (whether in Holyrood or Westminster) in which Scottish pro-independence parties stood on a mandate specifically stating that the outcome would be regarded as a plebiscite, with 50% +1 voting for pro-independence parties being regarded as a de facto declaration of independence. The international community, UN and EU would find that a very difficult thing to refuse, particularly if the turnout was large and the majority was clear (though in truth there is no legal or historical precedent for anything more than 50% + 1).

    The only thing that would seriously impact on potential international recognition would be a very low turnout, allegations that there were irregularities in the vote, or that the question was not clear. The British nationalists and Scottish yoons can’t really even argue convincingly that we haven’t tried all other available routes if they’ve just refused to “allow” a referendum with multiple mandates.

  102. robertknight says:

    Whatever next?

    An SNP press release claiming “ALBA is a threat to the Union” ?


    Nothing would surprise me where that shower of troughers are concerned.

  103. 100%Yes says:

    If there is a opportunity for Scotland to leave the UK and join the EU then who would object to that unless you where perfectly fine remaining the UK, Sturgeon move on love your head to big for Scotland land mass get back on track and stop being vindictive and see the bigger picture.

  104. Frazerio says:

    The more the disingenuous troughers squeal, the more validation there is for Alba. Its quite the compliment really.

    We have someone who seemingly misleads parliament, lies under oath, cant remember anything that might look bad for her, conspires to stitch up political rivals and have them jailed saying their are significant questions to be asked about someone who a judicial review found the government conducted an unfair campaign against, who had a police team of 20 or so officers assigned to him who found nothing at all and who was acquitted in court of every single charge his opponents were able to ‘find’.

    Salmond has answered every single significent question and then some. Nicola has ducked, dived and forgotten, sometimes for as long as 8 hours at a time.

    As the disgraced current First Minister would smugly say just days ago, let the voters decide.

  105. i would like ALBA & ISP to do a bit of targeting regarding seats so as not to split each others vote.

  106. Thomas says:

    I dont see the problem with all this , except with people who for their own reasons are attemtping to muddy the waters.

    Its not a difficult proposition.

    If you support scottish independence, its very simple , SNP 1 ALBA 2.

    You arent voting for personalities . You are voting for scotland , and the cause of independence.

    I like alec salmond , couldnt really give a flying feck about nicola sturgeon or anyone else.

    I agree and disagree with elements within the indy movement , and various political views.

    We all have one thing in common , scottish indy , so lets join together and get on with winning this election , not for the snp or alba , but for scotland.

    SNP 1 AlBA 2.

    Its no difficult.

  107. covidhoax says:

    The National newspaper showing it’s true colours using batty Mundell to attack the Alba party. These retard Swamp creatures are blissfully unaware of the Streisand Effect.

    Don’t click and give them ad revenue, the headline is to illustrate the point.

    link to

  108. John Martini says:

    “The sinister fact about literary censorship in England is that it is largely voluntary. Unpopular ideas can be silenced, and inconvenient facts kept dark, without the need for any official ban.”

  109. Kenny says:

    Rather off-topic here, but I would like to see Wings do a round-up on all smaller pro-indy parties contesting the Holyrood elections.

    AFI had some cracking candidates and I hope they also end up on the Alba lists. I would have been happy to provide some financial support for them to stand in constituencies, because Scotland is not served, in my opinion, by SNP MSPs. I would have happily donated to a crowdfunder for, say, Tommy Sheridan (despite not being a socialist in any way, shape or form), as I believe he is a conviction politician. And the AFI candidates are the true heroes of this election.

    In my constituency, there is now a third (i.e. not terrible SNP or ghastly Green) non-unionist (I cannot obviously call these two parties “pro-indy”) candidate running — for Scotia Future.

    I know it is the job of the voter to investigate all candidates themselves, but I would like to maybe see Wings do a round-up of viable alternatives for the pro-indy voter whose conscience refuses to let them vote in the constituency seat for a Sturgeonite drone, despite what Mr Salmond suggests. Might even be a welcome break away from exposing the childish SNP tantrums/lies about plans for indyrefs.

  110. Cath says:

    I have one request. Can we stop using the word “woke” to describe the toxic elements of the SNP? It has various meanings to different people, but many do see it as synonymous with “progressive”. These people are far from progressive – their aim was almost certainly to destabilise the party. They are authoritarian, far right bullies whose role has been silencing dissenters and trying to destroy people left, right and centre. There is nothing progressive about putting children on lifelong medication which sterilises them, or in fighting against women’s rights – those “causes” are simply means with which to create division. They’re being used in all left leaning parties. The greens no longer talk about climate change and the environment; Labour of socialism; the SNP of independence. All have been captured and divided by an “identity politics” which appears global in reach and intent.

    Yet when the media talk of “anti-woke” people what they mean is right wingers, racists, people who don’t want progress. Most in the independence movement do want a progressive, welcoming, inclusive society. That’s the absolutely opposite of what the toxic elements in the SNP have been creating. Please can we find another way to describe them?

  111. Glen Clova says:

    Agreed and that’s why it’s vital for Alba to make sure its best female candidates are front and centre of their campaign.

  112. Balgowan says:

    @Andy Ellis 2.34 Appreciate the lengthy answer. In truth it seems that a plebiscite election would simply leave us in the position Catalonia is currently in. The reality is that the only way to independence is through a S30 order.

  113. Scott says:

    “dave the fish says:
    i would like ALBA & ISP to do a bit of targeting regarding seats so as not to split each others vote.”

    I actually hope ISP follow AFI’s lead and clear the way for Alba. It would be considerably simplier for us all to unite behind one pro-independence List party across the whole of Scotland.

    It would obviously be a difficult decision to make but at this point we should all be putting Scotland before Party.

  114. tartanfever says:

    Mac says @ 1.58pm

    ‘Day 3
    Still unable to vote SNP1.’

    Stand strong Mac, right by your side.

  115. Brian says:

    I love this. The Alba Party is Indy’s version of UKIP in that it is putting the fear into the established parties to actually deliver on promises.

    The irony amuses me and to be fair it’s needed from time to time in politics to stop complacency.

    When you read and hear some of the Trumpian crap coming from a party I had a lot of respect for until the last few years, it’s sad.

  116. kapelmeister says:

    Balgowan @2:56

    Catalonia is under the thumb of a neo-Francoist government in Madrid. So are you saying that Scotland is under Westminster’s thumb and all we can do is ask them politely to desist?

  117. tartanfever says:

    Scott says @2.57pm

    ‘It would obviously be a difficult decision to make but at this point we should all be putting Scotland before Party.’

    Gentle reminder that this is an election to form the government of Scotland, it is not a referendum on Independence.

    Putting Scotland before all has a price in this election and that price is clear – womanhood as a biological reality.

  118. robertknight says:

    Scott @2:57

    “I actually hope ISP follow AFI’s lead and clear the way for Alba. It would be considerably simplier for us all to unite behind one pro-independence List party across the whole of Scotland.”

    Voting for ISP members on just such a proposal closes at 10pm Sunday.

    I assume we should know results sometime tomorrow.

  119. Robert says:


    Not sure what you’ve got against that Bonnie Prince Bob twat? I’d say good on him for standing up to the cherrymandering, carpetbagging anointed successor to Sturge

  120. Balgowan says:

    @kapelmeister 3.03 what’s your plan?

  121. Robert Graham says:

    So much stuff it’s hard to know where to start oh well I am going to have a try.

    Firstly Richard Thomson I wouldn’t know him from Adam I had to check what party he represented

    Next regarding the SNP hovering up domain names beginning with ” A ” anyone verify that I know I have seen it somewhere but anyone have proof ? .

    Continuing with Websites Whoever thought this little prank up needs Adult supervision , if the joke was to lead directly to the SNP site how would people react knowing that they have been tricked , would they immediately think oh that’s clever of the SNP management , or would it reinforce their mistrust ? .
    Secondly once the spoof site accepts money under false pretences now that’s a criminal offence and not a good look for the SNP management again Adult supervision required .

    Alex Salmond is playing Chess while Sturgeon “failed Lawyer” , Sturgeon is playing Ludo and even with loaded dice she’s loosing , every single thing she has done or been involved in by attempting to disappear Alex has failed and we are paying the price of her personal spectacular failures .

    The move by Alex on Friday lobbed the biggest fkn Grenade right into the heart of Scottish politics that’s been seen in years , and the ” Panic Attacks” thread nailed it perfectly. For all the political parties to parrot in unison aye we saw that coming , aye so you did that’s why you are running about like headless chickens ,

    Dross gave the game away with his plea to other unionist parties to join together to combat this imminent threat to the Union , that raised the question why aren’t they afraid of Sturgeon ? is it because she posed no threat to the Union maybe that’s why the Unionist media gave her a free pass and were counting on the status quo continuing assisted by Princess Nicola .

  122. alzyerpal says:

    Peter A Bell says. Keep voting SNP2 and give the Unionists free List seats. Fanny.

  123. Andy says:

    There are going to be many thousands of Tory, Labour and Libdem voters who favour Independence and will vote for their own Party first and ALBA second.

    Are they also going to be denied their democratic right?

    And what exactly are the Tories suggesting here, that they choose who we vote for?

    Also, the Tories are pushing for a coalition of Unionist Parties to game the system.

    So their plan for a coalition is all legal and democratic, but the Salmond plan is somehow illegal and undemocratic?

    Aye Right Dross!!!

    Douglas, could you pull that zip up at the back of my head please, I think it slipped down.

    Tory think…”Do as I say, not as I do”.

  124. dramfineday says:

    Ha,ha,ha – love this article. Cheating, wow!

    Incidentally, will it mean that we’ll get an additional independence supporting party member on TV panels etc., he asks, while trying not to explode with laughter.

  125. kapelmeister says:

    Balgowan @3:05

    Salmond’s supermajority would be an excellent foundation on which to build plans. You don’t have any plan. Asking a bully to stop bullying you is not a plan.

  126. Mark Boyle says:

    @crazycat says: 28 March, 2021 at 2:46 pm

    “There was a rump SDP for a while, which collapsed after being out-polled in a by-election by Screaming Lord Sutch. A continuing Liberal Party still exists and has 9 council seats, apparently.”

    Just to correct this, it’s true that the SDP collapsed after the Bootle fiasco (as I mentioned some time before, the OMRLP put the National Front, Social Democratic Party, continuing Liberals and the Plaid Cymru/Green alliance to the sword in one year).

    But to be fair to the SDP’s Bootle candidate Jack Holmes, after Owen and the SDP’s National Committee voted to call it a day without bothering to ask the members, he rallied the remaining troopsm got them organised enough to fight the Neath by-election the following year where in a no-hope seat they took 1,826 (5.3%) and the party continued, albeit a shadow of its former self, but they ran Bridlington for over a decade, and actually had an MEP in the final European Parliament.

    The continuing Liberals are something to watch out for in Liverpool, as they’ve been going on about Labour and LibDem local authority corruption for decades, and may now finally stand to collect.

  127. Kiwilassie says:

    Balgowan says:
    28 March, 2021 at 2:37 pm
    @holymacmoses 2.34 can you list the options that are on the table please?

    You’re just going to have to wait till next Saturday, like everyone else here to find out what the prospectus is.

  128. Lindsey Smith says:

    Is it not true that with 3 anti-independence parties, the Unionist vote is not affected by the D’Hondt set-up which is designed specifically to disadvantage the ONE pro-independence when it does well in constituency. That is most certainly rigging the system in favour of Unionism. Having a second pro-independence party, even only on list, significantly evens the scales. No wonder the anti-independence parties are trying to delegitimise Alba party, it gives pro-independence voters a fairer chance in the election.

  129. holymacmoses says:

    I think it was a very good idea to make SNP1/ALBA2 the official ALBA party stance but I am really not sure it is a good idea for us the ALBA party voters to actually do it.
    Scotland has to sit at the table – yes there are gambles – but at least it makes thing exhilarating and I trust people to vote with their heads

  130. Marie Clark says:

    Can someone explain to me please, how is it cheating to set up a new party to stand in an election. Is it just OK for the existing parties to stand and no one else. You can stand
    as anything you like, party, independent, monster raving loony.

    You set out you manifesto, whatever it’s for, present it to the voters and let them make their minds up whether you are worth voting for. Where’s the problem. It USED to be called democracy, remember.

    ” Terror stalks the land, and it’s a beautiful sight to see.”
    Ain’t that the truth Stu.

  131. handclapping says:

    Labour missed a trick here. They should have stood as Labour in the constituencies and as Co-op on the list and they would never had needed the Lib-Dems

  132. Cath says:

    It would be good if there were some defections from Labour, the Lib Dems or even the Tories to come. That should shoot the fox of “But this is so unfair…” a bit.

  133. Daisy Walker says:

    Balgowan says:
    28 March, 2021 at 2:56 pm

    @Andy Ellis 2.34 Appreciate the lengthy answer. In truth it seems that a plebiscite election would simply leave us in the position Catalonia is currently in. The reality is that the only way to independence is through a S30 order.’

    Sigh, Spain and Catalonia signed up to a Constitution when Franco died – in it they said that no part of Spain would or could ever split from Spain, ever, ever, ever. Or words to tht affect.

    When Catalonia held a Referendum, it was deemed to be illegal under Spanish law.

    When Scotland held a Referendum – the Official Spanish response then and one since repeatedly confirmed, is that as long as the process by which Scotland gains independence is LEGAL, then they have no issue with it.

    A Supermajority elected to Holyrood, will have the lawful authority to hold an early election – on any subject they choose, including Plebiscite Indy – and there is nothing Westminster can do about it being LEGAL.

    Were Westminster to decide to ignore such a result – they would be breaking international law, which is not a good look.

    So not the same as Catalonia, in any way. And also – more than one democratically legal way to obtaining Indy – not just via a S30 order.

    Which as a fellow Indy supporter will surely make you very happy.

    Don’t thank me, its been a pleasure to explain it to you. Glad your onboard for Indy. Max the Yes. SNP/Alba.

  134. Clavie Cheil says:

    I have no sympathy with Yoon cheats. They are only too happy to game the STV system for local elections. STV is a crooked fraud on the electorate of the worst kind. It is how we end up with most of the councils in Scotland under Yoon control. I consider Independents as Tory Yoons mostly. Too gutless to stand under their own colours in other words.

  135. Helen Yates says:

    It should be obvious to everyone now that Sturgeon would rather see the SNP fail spectacularly in May rather than see Scotland having the best chance we’ve ever had of finally getting out of this union.
    She’s a unionist through and through and a particularly nasty one at that.

  136. Meg merrilees says:

    Calling AS a gambler shows that NS knows very little about leadership theory.

    There are three zones – Comfort zone, Learning zone and Panic Zone.

    To be a successful leader – with VISION – you need to be prepared to step outside of your comfort zone into the learning zone and take some risks in order to achieve some progress.
    Staying in your comfort zone all the time as NS is doing becomes humdrum and routine and certainly kills any progress.

    A good leader takes healthy steps outside of the comfort zone all the time to move things on, yes, even occasionally heading out into the ‘Panic Zone’ if a radical enough idea needs to be implemented but I think we all tend to call that taking a ‘calculated risk’.
    That has less damaging connotations than being called ‘a gambler’, but then we are talking about an ‘egoist’, a ‘sex-pest’, a ‘bully’, a ‘cheat’ etc..
    I prefer to think that we are referring to a brilliant politician, a phenomenal strategist, a forensic analyst, a giant of a leader who is beneath it all a human being.

  137. Boudicca says:

    I didn’t realise until Friday what a state of low key depression I have been in for a couple of years about it all. All gone now because there is Hope stirring in my heart.

    PMQs might be interesting if Alba gets a question on Wednesday!

  138. Mark Boyle says:


    How dare you say that! Don’t you realise he’s a Thinker. Listener. Talker. Reader. Writer?

    (I could think of a couple of other words ending in “-er” that are more appropriate, but I’m far too much of a gentleman to say!)

  139. The SNP must be the first political party in history to spit bile and venom at folk that are telling the electorate to vote for them. Real through the looking glass stuff.

  140. Marie Clark @ 3:10 pm
    Can someone explain to me please, how is it cheating to set up a new party to stand in an election. Is it just OK for the existing parties to stand and no one else. You can stand
    as anything you like, party, independent, monster raving loony.


    Cos it’s the SNP’s ba’ and they’re no’ playin’ any more.

  141. Mark Boyle says:

    handclapping says: 28 March, 2021 at 3:11 pm

    “Labour missed a trick here. They should have stood as Labour in the constituencies and as Co-op on the list and they would never had needed the Lib-Dems.”

    They considered doing that a few years ago, but feared the backlash from other parties doing the same.

    The so-called Cooperative Party is nothing more than Labour’s very own version of the Rotary Club or Freemasons, a wee gang for the mediocre to “get on” in the party better than they otherwise would have done, and nada to do with the long now dead “co-operative movement”.

    They tended to do well especially in areas where a bucket of shit would win wearing a Labour rosette – unfortunately for them these days, those places are fast drying up …

  142. crazycat says:

    @ Mark Boyle at 3.09

    Fair enough! I was so amused by the thought of coming behind SLS that I didn’t read the rest of the Wikipedia article, which summarizes the extra information you’ve posted.

    That’ll teach me 🙂

  143. Hatuey says:

    Basically, Sturgeon and the SNP were preparing for the usual air war in the election campaign. Their pals in the media and the planes were all ready to go.

    Then Alba happened.

    Alba can’t be beaten in an air war. Alba is fighting on the ground. It’s pure grassroots.

    Sturgeon and the British State don’t have a presence on the ground. Indeed, keeping the rabble in line, keeping ordinary people out of politics, ignoring and de-platforming them, is a foundation stone of the Sturgeon-British State alliance.

    I’m getting the impression that there’s real excitement out there about Alba. It reminds me of 2014. It’s electric.

    No Lockdown or vaccine can stop the spread of Alba.

  144. Meg merrilees says:

    Mac re SNP 1/ALBA 2

    The more SNP1 votes that are cast, the harder it is for them to get a seat from the list vote, although it might result in one or two more constituency seats, whilst at the same time it makes it slightly easier for the less popular parties to be elected from the list as the ‘2’ vote is a more of a proportional representation supposedly to even things up.

    Perhaps there is value in marginal seats to not use the SNP 1 notion but that will result in a possible ‘Unionist’ seat and we don’t really want that.

    Maybe someone can explain this better than me?

  145. Cath says:

    This episode of Alex’s show with Richard Murphy is a really interesting watch from a few weeks back. At the time it was screened, we were all in the height of depression and despair and I was watching it just thinking “God I wish we really were able to have these debates”. Now it seems much more positive as detailing thinking and moves already underway. At the very end, Murphy moots the question about whether he should move up to Scotland to a wry smile from Alex.

    link to

  146. Stephen P says:

    I remember the days when political parties canvassed for votes. The SNP have swapped canvassing for alienation.

    Top down “strategy”.

  147. Andy Ellis says:

    @Balgowan 2.56pm

    You’re welcome. You said:

    “In truth it seems that a plebiscite election would simply leave us in the position Catalonia is currently in. The reality is that the only way to independence is through a S30 order.”

    The situations of Catalonia and Scotland – though there are obvious commonalities – are in other respects quite different. The Spanish state does not accept that any of its “autonomous communities” has the right to self determination. It relies on the asserted prohibition under the post Franco Spanish constitution, which basically means the whole of Spain has to consent to any secession by one of its constituent parts. There is no basis for that position in international law, and it is certainly against what most people would accept as natural justice. In many respects it is analogous to the position of the US Federal government (operative both before the Civil War and since) that no state of the USA is entitled to secede from the union.

    I’d submit that you are categorically wrong, both in constitutional and historical terms, to assert that in our context the only route to independence is via a 2014 pattern S30 sanctioned referendum. Whilst that might be the easiest and clearest route and one with a precedent, the current issue is that the British nationalist state and establishment have now firmly tuned their faces against “granting” another referendum, or at least in granting it on the same terms.

    To that extent, the current unionist establishment in Westminster, supported by their Scottish branch offices, have essentially moved the goalposts from the 2012-14 precedent. At that time, the consensus was that Westminster would not refuse a request from Holyrood for a referendum backed by mandate endorsed by a majority of Scots. Although there were negotiations on matters such as the timing, wording of the question, franchise etc., there was a tacit acceptance that a S30 Order would not be unreasonably denied.

    That calculation has now changed: we have British nationalists hardening their position, such that no referendum without their “permission” is now regarded as legitimate. We can (and should) argue the toss on that matter in court, as Martin Keatings has been trying to do, and the Scottish Government – shamefully in my view – refused to do over the past 6 years, but in the end a “contested” would be much less likely to be recognised internationally. It should certainly be the default position amongst Scottish nationalists of ALL parties, that only Holyrood is competent to decide when, how often and under what terms we hold referendums.

    If that “discussion” proves impossible due to British nationalist intransigence, or their move towards a more “Spanish” high ground position that Scottish self determination is forever in the gift of Westminster, rather than a prerogative of the Scottish people, then all bets on the referendum route are off. In that situation, only plebiscitary elections would provide a plausible rout to independence. Bear in mind also that historically and constitutionally, referendums are a relatively uncommon route to independence.

    The Catalan example, though instructive is not particularly germane as our situations are not the same. I understand the motivations for the Catalan declaration after their referendum, but in truth it was never likely to succeed as the referendum didn’t produce a clear enough result and was frustrated by Spanish interference, confiscation of lots of ballot boxes, the use of violence by the Spanish state against the independence movement and many voters, and a widespread boycott which significantly reduced turnout. In future the Catalans may find it easier to concentrate on increasing the general pro-indy % in the polls and calling plebiscitary elections too, rather than rely on a referendum the Spanish state is never going to recognise.

    We should also be ready to push the plebiscitary elections route, but to succeed we (ironically) need to carry the SNP along with us, which isn’t going to happen under its current leadership. There is little point if the Alba Party promotes plebiscitary elections, but lacks the majority to back it up.

  148. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @John Martini (2.51) –

    That’s an Orwell quote, right?

    The original (and unpublished) preface to Animal Farm?

    It’s a great read, and he was talking about his experience of censorship from a London-centric point of view, of course.

    What we have to try and get our heads around is why those same attitudes are so common in Scotland’s ‘fourth estate’. People aren’t born with a natural awareness of how to protect the interests of the British Establishment. They learn it from someone.

    And there’s no need for injunctions, ‘super’ or otherwise, if all mainstream publishers and broadcasters know what it’s in their interest *not* to acknowledge as fact.

  149. Andy says:

    Three SNP seats need to be seriously considered for the painful task of tactical Voting,,,as in, Voting against the SNP candidate.

    I know it goes against the grain of most Indy voters, but it really has to be done to give us a smoother path to Independence.

    The three MSPs that must lose their seats are,,,


    Please give it serious consideration.

    I have a feeling that with those three removed, the rest would fall into line with what Salmond has planned, and Salmond would become a kind of Proxy leader of the YES Movement within Holyrood.

  150. John Martini says:

    @ian brotherhood

    Yes indeed. Orwell had a good head on him.

  151. Jontoscots20 says:

    Can those on here signalling their anti Sturgeon virtue by disputing the SNP 1Alba 2 approach get a grip of themselves? . Politics is a dirty business but by giving the SNP an unwanted majority, an unwanted and hated competitor and decapitating their woke Green allies, we really are pissing them off!

    Don’t be a D’Hondt dumpling!

  152. Wee Willie says:

    If The UK govt actually grants a referendum then there will be conditions attached. It will be a Withdrwal Agreement that will have to be signed up to before the vote. Such an Agreement will spell out the cost Scotland will have to pay to secure its independence. No doubt these costs will be eye watering.

  153. Robert Graham says:

    Alex dosnt need to do or say anything Princess Nicola is doing the work for him with every snide remark about his character raises the question .

    Well you worked for years with him he was your hero your mentor , dont you trust the juries verdict and the failed inquiries that has cost the taxpayers untold millions and despite all this money all these inquires all the time and effort

    Alex Salmond has been proven Innocent cant you as first Minister accept that or are you happy to continue the smearing by you and some of your Franky unhinged supporters .

    A true reflection of Nicola Sturgeons character is on show right now she has been shown as a vindictive compulsive liar and by association her supporters are continuing the smear fest she simply cant help herself its a measure of her quite weird personality disorder .

    Alex is way too smart for her and with every comment she makes against him it shows how fraudulent she is .

  154. FrankM says:

    Mac @2.21.
    I agree entirely with your reasoning here. It is good that you brought this up.
    If the unionists take a few more constituency seats, then it weakens their probability of taking a list seat in those particular regions. It should even out, as you say.

    1. If one votes for SNP on constituency and Alba on the list – that’s ok.
    2. If one votes for nobody on the constituency and for Alba on the list – that’s fine too.

    This second arrangement provides an option to cover the distaste of voting for SNP. This is the option I am choosing as I cannot give my vote to the SNP after their unscrupulous behaviour.
    If you can stomach the first option, then so be it. That’s democracy.

    Before going for a particular one of these options, it would be well if one should be well aware of the particular candidates in their constituency.
    I am, of course, assuming that nobody on here is voting for any of the unionist parties or for greens on the constituency vote.

  155. Confused says:

    on literary censorship

    link to

  156. Strathy says:

    Jeremy Corbyn, sorry, Nicola Sturgeon has kicked off her free stuff for everybody election campaign.

    Free laptop, Chromebook or tablet for all school pupils!

    More goodies to come no doubt. Just don’t hold your breath while you wait for delivery

    link to

    Perhaps Alex could give Elon Musk a ring.

  157. Ottomanboi says:

    link to
    Global governments think we do, influenced and even financed as many are by the self-serving American billionaire cyber monsters, big pharma vaxcists and the like.
    I do hope ALBA is the germ of something better in the political supermarket.
    Stuff currently on offer has a looming expiry date.
    Human freedom is in no one’s « gift ».
    Given the current state of Brexited Britain this is worth a revisit.
    link to
    Not much left in the Unionist bag of tricks except the very big stick.

  158. Dan says:

    And another…

    link to

  159. Yasmin says:

    Cheating accusers are just losers bleating. However using the system to give them a taste of their own medicine is good news for all.

  160. Andy says:

    Strathy. 3.35

    By coincidence, the Govanhill Baths Renovation had just been given the go ahead.

    Govanhill is in Sturgeon’s Glasgow Southside Constituency.

  161. Lorna Campbell says:

    Och, they’re fair steamin. The very system that the Unionists use to their own advantage is now ‘barred’ to anyone else because they say so, and the SNPG and the Greens are happy about it? Hypocrisy, thy name is Unionism/SNPG/Greens. Eh? What did you say? We are not listening – you know, that thing that you lot never, ever do?

    Andrew Wilson is on the right of the SNP, the gradualist, twelfth of never , we canna afford it yet wing. We are never, ever going to get independence by asking for it nicely. Independence will be achieved at Holyrood, not at Westminster. Independence is within the hands of those who want independence, young Mr Greer, not the unpersuadable and the science deniers who will try to wreck it.

    Alec Salmond has not attacked the FM; on the contrary, he has said she is the best person to lead us into the election. Of course she is. She’s the only person now who can, but, this time, she will be held to that promise of independence. No more dangly carroty things, thank you, FM.

  162. Kate says:

    Scott says:
    28 March, 2021 at 2:11 pm
    “I do see an irony that with Alex & Alba encouraging their supporters to give The SNP their Constituency vote that it will give them the majority they probably didn’t actually want.”

    I absolutely do believe this is what is pissing them off, & I think Alex knows this is exactly what would piss them off. To give them a majority via the constituency alone…

    It is obvious a minority suits the SNP these days, as they know because of the GRA Bill the GREENS will back them up as a minority. Because also, it is backing the SNP that gets the greens more than 2 seats in the first place..As many SNP voters do give the greens their 2nd vote..

    I also believe this talk of a Coalition with the greens in media is true or WAS until Alba came on the scene…I think that Coalition has been discussed, because the SNP knew they were going to lose seats at this election. So getting into a Coalition with the greens, would guarantee their backing.

    Alex coming back with the Alba party and HIM advocating to all who sign up to Alba to vote SNP 1 has thrown them. (It does make sense though to try to get them as many constituency seats, as that means the less list seats the SNP can get if any at all, allowing for Alba to pick up list seats, especially now that AFI & hopefully the ISP too, will step aside for Alba.

    Alba has many voters & members who like myself left the SNP, & had sworn never to vote for them again.. Who will now hold their nose & VOTE SNP 1, as sick as that makes us, (I know it does me) to ensure they do get the majority constituency seats, then they will no longer have any excuses or anywhere to run & hide from INDY..

    Without Alba, I would never give the SNP another vote, but I have faith in Alex, & even if it takes the next 5yrs for Alba to build up to where the SNP are today, it will be worth it.. Because Scotland really needs to get rid of that Nasty Party that Sturgeon has created.. We can push her hard for the next 5yrs, but when the voters see that no matter how many chances she gets or how many mandates they give her, she settles for government in a DEVOLVED Parliament. Then watch Alba replace her & the SNP at the next Election in 2026..

  163. Robert Graham says:

    Some pretty strange comments from unrecognised posters recently I wonder if someone is behind these orchestrated actions .

    This Hitler youth wing that has attached themselves to the SNP with the aid of Smith and most certainly based in or around Stirling are my obvious suspects

    This SNP management are so dumb they don’t realise this nut job youth wing that’s flourished and grown behind the pied piper Smiths direction is a turn off to normal people who don’t subscribe to the weirder elements of society , but who am I to give them advice but fk me they are batshit Loony and definitely a vote winner.

  164. Mia says:

    “The key is that he and his party present a real and present danger to bringing about an independence referendum and it has to be stopped”

    Clearly Mr Mundell does not think Sturgeon’s SNP present any danger by themselves to ever bring about an independence referendum. He could not be more clear.

  165. shug says:

    If Nicola keeps up the nasty inelegant and spiteful remarks on Ales she will not get my first vote

    Despite everything Alex has said she should be first minister, he accepts the QC decision. These are the sign of a gentleman. Nicola on the other hand spews poison

    She did a great job during covid but oh dear!!!

    She needs to grow up

  166. kapelmeister says:

    Sturgeon promising free laptops and tablets. So she’s dangling Apples as well as carrots now.

  167. Daisy Walker says:

    OT Anyone know specifically – what damage is coming for Scotlands NHS due to Brexit?

  168. Liz says:

    The Govanhill baths thing has been a disgrace.
    It has 2 pools, the smaller one was always women and children only until SLAB decided to play silly buggers.

    It’s been getting ‘renovated’ for years now but I’m pretty sure, both pools were made gender neutral.
    This does not take into account women who cannot swim with men for religious reasons and women who do not wish to swim with men.

    All in the name of inclusion, of course

  169. Clavie Cheil says:

    Now Mundell is telling us that the Brit Tories have the SNP in their back pockets. What do they have on Sturgeon?

  170. Meg merrilees says:

    Liz and Sue Varley

    I’ve left you a reply on the previous thread – thank you.

  171. A Person says:


    “It reminds me of 2014”.

    In a nutshell. Passionate insurgents against an arrogant, hubristic, corrupt establishment…and giving them a hell of a run for their money.

  172. ahundredthidiot says:

    Ross Greer is a bloody child.

    And soon to become unemployed, thank goodness.

  173. Mist001 says:

    Why hasn’t the ISP stood aside for ALBA yet?

  174. Cenchos says:

    Will the kids be offered puberty blockers with their free laptops?

    I’d be checking the drives for pre-installed GRA propaganda, etc.

  175. A Person says:



    “Free stuff for all” isn’t a credible policy, as shown by Corbyn’s wish list. Does she really take us all for mugs (no need to answer).

  176. Timmy H says:

    As an Englishman sat Nottinghamshire it’s impossible for me to know all the ins and the outs of the arguments for and against independence. But I’m Pro Scottish independence precisely because I’m Pro self-determination as a human right of every man and woman in a free society.

    Moments like this help further that view, given that this new party seems to have upset all the right people in my opinion. This move by Salmon, particularly the aspect of only standing in the regional lists, is a masterstroke precisely because hes changed the game, and status quo forces hate change. Worse, they don’t have time to adapt to that change. If I were a Scotsman, a Unionist even, I’d find the juvenile reaction of shrieking cheat an insult to my intelligence, and I’d be far more likely to give Alba my support as a result. Politicians, journalists, civil servants – they think that the people they serve are stupid.

  177. Daisy Walker says:

    Re the free laptops for all pupils…

    Loved the pun – apples and carrots…

    And at the risk of even more fruit (soon be 5 a day),

    introducing – sour grapes (sorry),

    But a majority proportion of the kids will already have these at home.

    Just to clarify – I think its essential, in this day and age, and with Covid lock down, that ALL the children do get access to this equipment.

    But as a tax payer, (and Parents pay taxes too) if they are blanket issued – to kids who already have one or 2 lying about the house – it will not be a defacto vote winner.

    Also if lockdown is lifted, just as they are issued? Horse/stable/bolt spring to mind.

  178. Ross says:

    The SNP MP comment was a measured and fair assessment which you can agree or disagree with.

    It wasn’t loving Tories.

    Alba member and not keen on this attacking folk for no reason.

  179. John Martini says:

    Free laptops and tablets is the tartan Obamaphone.

  180. robertknight says:


    “Why hasn’t the ISP stood aside for ALBA yet?”

    Because members are voting on that very proposal today and have until 10pm to do so.

  181. Ross says:

    Can we start the positive campaign now please.

    This is a fresh start.

    Better to keep positive and simple messaging.

    Been a good start, I hope the above isn’t a sign of the campaign to come.

    If the SNP attack Alba, brush off and move on for Scotland.

  182. panda paws says:

    Caroline McAllister who was the SNP’s Women’s Convenor and NEC member is reported to have left for Alba. How many NEC folk have jumped now?

    Lynne Anderson
    Cynthia Guthrie

    Was Neale Hanvey on the NEC???

  183. Obviously independence takes precedence over everything,

    but if Alba want to pad out manifesto,

    `Free Public Transport for all`,(electric buses)

    massive social and environmental benefits,

    lot of big cities are going the FPT route and Luxembourg announced that all public transport would be free on 1 March 2020,

    COP26 being in Glasgow so a great anouncement to open COP26 would be to reveal Scotland taking the climate emegency seriously with implementing Free Public Transport.

  184. Republicofscotland says:

    There’s nothing complicated about it, if you want the pressure to be kept on Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP with regards to holding an indyref, then you must give your List vote to the ALBA party.

    Even if you’re a Labour or Tory or Lib/Dem voter, but you’re now swaying towards voting for an indy party on the List vote, but see Sturgeon and Harvey as toxic as many folk now do, due to Sturgeon misleading parliament and the Greens being totally captured by the Trans community, you can still vote for the ALBA party on the List vote.

  185. Roderick T Macdonald says:

    Joined the Alba party today. Via the .org site. Cheating my arse. For elected SNP politicians to say that beggars belief.

  186. Derek says:

    There’s a disdainful hatchet-job on Salmond in the “comments & analysis” section of today’s Observer; there’s also “he must be stopped!” story on page 2.

    David Mundell is a “top Tory”, apparently. Whodathunkit?

  187. ahundredthidiot says:


    How can we say, on one hand, that SNP diehards put aside their hatred for Salmond (for the good of Scotland) and vote ALBA 2 and then not display the same level of maturity by changing a spoil 1 to SNP 1?

    I can, and I have.

    People need to put Scotland first – even people away over in France.

    SNP 1 ALBA 2 is simply a no-brainer.

  188. Dan says:

    @ panda paws

    Caroline’s move may increase Alba’s vote share even more than expected…

    link to

  189. Hatuey says:

    I don’t think anyone on here should be telling people how to vote. If you want to vote SNP1 and ALBA2, that’s fine, your choice.

    There’s no need to argue with those who can’t stomach the thought of giving pricks like James Dornan a vote, though.

  190. Village idiot says:

    Amazing how quickly I now dgaf about spears, Robertson et al.

  191. Liz says:

    Thanks Meg.
    Glad to here you recovered.

  192. Wendy says:

    Dear Stu, Thank you for all your help in achieving this.
    Without your insights and information, we’d all be sitting in the dark with the mushrooms, eating shite.xx

  193. Republicofscotland says:

    As someone further up the thread was lucid enough to point out, give your constituency vote to the SNP, okay we loathe Sturgeon and her clique, and what they’ve done since 2016, but the more constituency seats they win the less seats they will take on the List, and that gives the ALBA party a better chance of hoovering more of them up.

    If it pans out that way then the supermajority will be secured, and Alex Salmond can then go about pressuring Sturgeon to hold an indyref, something that’s been lacking at Holyrood for years.

    Alex Salmond has even hinted that the supermajority would be enough to begin discussions with Westminster on Scotland leaving this awful union. Sturgeon would have two choices in that scenario, one go along with Salmond’s plan or two hold an indyref.

    If she opposes either, then we know for sure that the SNP, a party created to bring independence to Scotland isn’t fit for purpose.

  194. ahundredthidiot says:

    Andy @ 3:30

    Who do you propose? TS is out (he has joined ALBA) and I very much would’ve liked to have seen him contest NS seat.

    Lesley Riddoch, maybe…..It would have to be as Independent (obv)

  195. robertknight says:

    ahundredthidiot @4:15

    I’m having real issues changing my mind, TBH.

    I’m aware that the more votes the SNP get for the Constituency, the less chance they’ll have of picking up seats on the List, therefore the greater opportunity for ALBA to pick up those list seats.

    But the thought of voting SNP still makes me feel nauseous.

    Perhaps I’ll have to pop some Stugeron to vote for Sturgeon – seems appropriate…

  196. Ian Spruce says:

    Am I mistaken or was there not an NEC meeting last month about the definition of Transphobia? and the 2 people not asked for input were Womans Convener & Equalities Covener?

    Now both members of ALBA!

  197. ahundredthidiot says:


    well away hame greetin wae ye then.

    If you can’t put Scotlands future ahead of your own petty opinion on someones character, what good are you to us?

    fuckin grow up.

  198. kapelmeister says:

    Galloway whining about not being included on BBC Scotland’s leaders debate. It’s because you’re not a big fish mate. Your party isn’t even a small fish. A plankton, is about right.

  199. The Hot Needle of Enquiry says:

    Is membership of ALBA incompatible with membership of the SNP?

    Serious question.

    Asking for a friend.

  200. ahundredthidiot says:

    Robert Knight

    I get that, I do, I was a spoil 1 until Friday, but this is it. This is the chance we’ve been waiting for. Putting up with all their woke nonsense and their lies has been hard, but just think about the numbers. It’s all about the number – forget the people.

    AS will be an MSP and NS might be out of a job. The Greens could go extinct.

    Eyes on the Prize and steely determination is what we need.

    I will gladly hold my nose in May and vote SNP 1 (and gladly ALBA 2)

    This is it. It’s game bloody on.

  201. wullie says:

    If the SNP do not get an overall majority but could do so with the help of Alba. Whats the betting they will try to form a coalition with the tories or labour or anybody other than Alba.

  202. Republicofscotland says:

    Read somewhere today that the ALBA party now has more MPs at Westminster than Scottish Labour and the Scottish Green party.

  203. Daisy Walker says:

    I bet Alex had a bet on Singlefarmpayment.

    Bet he did. Bet he’s smiling.

    You gotta know when to hold em
    Know when to fold em
    Know when….. la, la,la, la

  204. Republicofscotland says:

    “The Hot Needle of Enquiry says:
    28 March, 2021 at 4:34 pm
    Is membership of ALBA incompatible with membership of the SNP?

    Serious question.”

    Asking for a friend”

    I see no reason why you couldn’t be a member of both if you wanted to, you can give the SNP your constituency vote and ALBA your List vote, as many folk will be doing.

  205. Clavie Cheil says:

    I am confused. Has Joanna Cherry jumped or not? Getting reports that she has but I am wary of the sources.

  206. panda paws says:


    Just found out Caroline will be on my region’s list along with Chris McEleny. Sorry ISP but my list vote has to go to Alba now.

  207. Mac says:

    Thanks for the many replies above. I will clearly have to give it more thought.

    Another quick question for you all.

    If your constituency SNP candidate was Kenneth Gibson MSP would you still vote SNP1?

    Also asking for a friend. 😉

  208. robertknight says:


    I hear you, but my gut still churns.


    I seem to recall when I was in the SNP that membership of another organisation registered as a political party was verboten. I’d be surprised if that wasn’t still the case.

  209. sarah says:

    @ Ian Spruce at 4.27: you are correct, the NEC Women’s and Equalities convenors were apparently not allowed to speak at the last NEC meeting about the transphobia position. They have now joined Alba.

    @ The Hot Needle of Enquiry at 4.34: an SNP member isn’t allowed to be a member of a party that stands against the SNP. Whereas Alba and AFI allow dual membership.

    @ Republic of Scotland at 4.34: Alba has more MPs than the English Green Party. Credit to them, at least the Scottish Greens are a Scottish party in their own right.

  210. wull says:

    robbo says:
    28 March, 2021 at 2:40 pm

    “When Nicola Sturgeon was thinking about the #MeToo movement way back in 2017 or whenever what she meant to say was #MeMeMe It’s always what’s in it for her.

    “Really narcissism;

    “Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

    Robbo, does this ‘personality disorder’ / handicap / mean that Nickla can now declare herself as ‘disabled’ or ‘differently-abled’ or ‘BAME’ or whatever, and thereby move herself up a notch to the top of the SNP List for Glasgow?

    Just in case the good people of Govanhill etc. toss her out, and she loses her constituency seat … for example.

    Just a thought … After all, it sounds more serious than ‘diabetes’. And when combined with ‘imposter complex’ it might just be very bad-for-health indeed, if not near fatal.

  211. ahundredthidiot says:

    Mac @ 4.40

    Yes. The ONLY exception should be Glasgow Southside.

    We need someone to step up and take one for the Team. Run as an Independent on an independence ticket, split the Indy vote, and NS loses her seat. Sarwar might take it, fine, but you don’t get into a knife fight and expect to come away without a few nicks.

    Everywhere else, clothes pegs oot for noses.

  212. Ian Spruce says:

    2 former Aberdeenshire councillors have joined ALBA

    Alistair Bews & Leigh Wilson

  213. Derek says:

    @Clavie Cheil says:
    28 March, 2021 at 4:39 pm

    Has Joanna Cherry jumped or not?

    I just saw a BBC story – the headline said that she was “taking time out for health reasons”.

  214. Andy says:

    ahundredthidiot 4.25pm





  215. Sharny Dubs says:

    I can’t understand why some keep droning on about the similarities between Catalonia and Scotland. As DaisyWalker and Socrates have pointed out they are quite different.

    Scotland is a nation, treaty of Arbroath, recognized by the pope, sovereign people, internationally recognized so on and so forth, a nation that entered into a treaty, an international treaty which created the United Kingdom.

    Catalonia on the other hand is a region, and much as I empathize with their situation they were stitched up by the dictator Franco as far as I can see.

    As a nation Scotland is free to decide, if it so wishes, to withdraw from the treaty of the Union if for any reason it feels it is in its best interests to do so.

    So there really is no comparison.

    Except of course if you want to try and muddy the waters?

  216. sarah says:

    @ Clavie chiel at 4.39: Joanna Cherry’s twitter says not leaving SNP, just taking a break for health reasons. As people on here have reported, being under great stress makes you physically ill and Joanna has been very stressed indeed, courtesy of her “delightful” colleagues.

  217. frogesque says:

    Semmingly it was OK for Galloway to try and set up his own party.

  218. Andy says:

    I think we have two i6f the sharpest minds in UK Politics working on our behalf, as in,,,

    Rev Stuart Campbell
    Alex Salmond.

    How on earth can we lose?

  219. Chris says:

    I’ve got to say I’m really enjoying the SNP fear which is now in equal measure to Unionist fear!

    The SNP hasn’t had any opposition in Hollyrood for quite some time.

    Finally they might be getting held to account and hopefully forced into persuing independance.

    Welcome to the fray… Alba Party you’ve been sorely needed.

  220. Frank Gillougley says:

    So a supermajority is actually a non-majority, we is told.
    Welcome to the world of the new SNP.

    I’m just sick of this dick-swinging bollocks.

    The author of this particular nonsense is Richard Thomson MP, born in 1976 I see – yes, I remember that hot summer working in Ralston st paisley in the Carrington Viyella factory!


  221. Mosstrooper says:

    Cheats eh! what about that Ghandi fella, massive cheat or whit an thon Mandela block.He wis in jail an everything.
    Trying tae get freedom by voting, nothing but cheating.

  222. sarah says:

    O/T: I have just had a brainwave. Would it be a good idea if the SNP MSPs who aren’t standing in May were invited to stand for Alba in their respective Regions? Only if they are “good guys” of course e.g. Alex Neil.

    This would encourage SNP voters to vote Alba.

  223. Republicofscotland says:

    Frankly if you’re a woman (A real one and you want Scotland to become an independent nation) I can see no other logical route for you to take on the List vote other than give it to the ALBA party, for the Greens and the SNP are actively impinging on your rights via the HCB and the GRA and Self-Id.

  224. Alf Baird says:

    Strathy @ 3:35 pm

    “Nicola Sturgeon has kicked off her free stuff for everybody election campaign.”

    Nae mair bocht an selt!

    The #Supermajority Alex and Alba are offering in this independence election is priceless – independence! That’s the only thing that matters in this election.

    “The #Supermajority will be the only mandate needed to begin negotiating Scotland’s independence as a parliament, rather than just a party.”
    link to

  225. Andy Ellis says:

    @Sharny Dubs

    You do our Catalan friends a disservice. The fact that Catalonia lacks the history of being an independent nation that Scotland has doesn’t mean its right to self determination is any weaker, just different. Every self defining people has a right to self determination: the right isn’t automatic or without conditions, but neither is it subject to the permission of the larger entity the people are trying to assert their independence from.

    The fact that Catalans voted in favour of the first democratic constitution post Franco is used by Spanish nationalists as a blunt instrument to beat the pro-independence movement. In reality however there is no basis in international law or precedent for the Spanish state’s assertion (for that is all that it is) that the rest of Spain must be allowed to vote on whether Catalonia or any other autonomous community in Spain can become independent. To that extent, the Spanish and Scottish situations are similar: neither people accept that their self determination is in the gift of the metropolitan power.

    The grounds for that may not be identical, and our historical, cultural and socio-economic situations may have as many differences as commonalities, but certain things are universal. Self determination is a jus cogens in international law: it cannot be overridden with reference to spurious claims that it is forbidden by the constitution, or that it infringes territorial integrity.

    There are lots of examples internationally of current UN members with no previous history of being independent states, including many EU members. Finland first became independent in 1917, the Baltic States post WW1 then again after the breakup of the USSR. Macedonia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Hercegovina and Kosovo had no history as independent states until modern times.

  226. James Che. says:

    Things to look out for,
    Infiltration of alba by fake independence movement from all the wokeratty clubs,
    Being extra vigilant when voting takes place,
    Thoroughly checking postal votes tally with people voting who are dead, and registered voters in Scotland,
    And checking no postal votes are found in bins or abandoned down country lanes,
    Cameras all rounds in the places that count the votes is a must,
    Independent observers is also a must,
    Scottish votes should be counted in Scotland not sent to England, as England does not send its votes to be counted up to Scotland. And yet it is supposed to be a union that’s equal.

  227. Tinto Chiel says:

    Dave Beveridge says at 3:17 pm:

    “The SNP must be the first political party in history to spit bile and venom at folk that are telling the electorate to vote for them. Real through the looking glass stuff.”

    Excellent summary of the madness and panic Alba has caused amongst those opposed to/not interested in independence.

    Given the desperate SNP reaction, my concern about the party’s enthusiasm for postal voting is increasing. Not sure Peter Lilley is the kinda guy I’d be asking to do the counting.

  228. twathater says:

    I noticed Keith Brown’s both votes SNP HR video had a few independence carrots sprinkled sparingly about , BUT there was the codicil that it would ONLY happen AFTER the impact of covid , NO mention of how long , NO repeat of FM mistake in saying AFTER ECONOMIC impact of covid , BUT still the dangly carrot for the Nicla apologists and adherents to wrap themselves in
    VOTE ALBA to force and make the SNP stop producing inedible false carrots we DEMAND the REAL THING

  229. Red says:

    the NEC Women’s and Equalities convenors were apparently not allowed to speak at the last NEC meeting about the transphobia position

    If I understand the logic, it’s something like:

    * Women aren’t allowed to have a say on something that affects transwomen


    * Transwomen are women.

    Makes no sense tae me, but neither does dancing in front of a mirror with your jimbo tucked in, singing “Goodbye Horses”

  230. J Park says:

    Peter A Bell says:
    28 March, 2021 at 2:00 pm
    Getting rid of Unionist MSP does precisely NOTHING to bring independence even one day closer. So long as they are in a minority, they can do nothing to stop a Scottish Government with a working majority and an incontestable mandate won on a Manifesto for Independence. But instead of working towards what really matters a significant, perhaps crucial, part of the independence movement has been sidetracked into pointless projects like trying to make a ineffectual minority an even smaller but no more ineffectual minority.

    Your wrong Peter.
    Minority opposition can make a huge difference.
    Here’s an example of one man in opposition making an historical difference to people throughout Scotland.
    After making a manifesto commitment this historical bill was successfully passed in the Scottish Parliament.

    link to

  231. Cenchos says:

    The Dreghorn Foghorn.
    Blaws away at her Empty
    Horn of Nothingness.

  232. Andy says:

    Brilliant observation up thread, that some SNP MSPs maybe holding back jumping ship to ALBA until AFTER they win their seat under an SNP banner.

    A bit sneaky, but perfectly legal.

  233. 10/30 says:

    RoS @ 4.34
    Also read that someone has milk in his refrig older than ALBA

  234. Sharny Dubs says:

    Hello Andy Ellis,

    Thanks for the info, I have not followed the Catalonia situation as closely as some and I take your point.

    My beef is with those who would try and weaken the argument for Scottish independence by drawing parallels with a situation, that although similar, fundamentally different from our own.

    I have always felt for Catalonia as I do for the Kurds and others but I dislike those who in my view try to weaken the argument for Scottish independence, like the throw away “once in a generation” comment or C30 being the only way crap.

    Anyway many thanks, food for thought.

  235. Jontoscots20 says:

    Ottomanboi Love your point about free speech and basic liberties. Such freedoms also eloquently referenced through the writings of Orwell by John Martin are being crushed by lockdown. The obsession with zero covid amidst effective vaccines is the next threat. Yet the modelling which promotes that view and the science behind the threat of future variants is threadbare.

    I sincerely hope Alba takes a more scientific, proportionate and less panic stricken approach to public health. We need voices to challenge the doubtful data and poor clinical and epidemiological reasoning we are being led by.

    Control freak Sturgeon loves lockdown and the biosecurity state it heralds. Her advisers such as Profs Jason Leitch Devi Sridhar and Linda Bauld are complicit. All are providing partial and misleading information designed to gaslight us into compliance. They are faithfully echoed by the MSM and seem be quite loving the limelight as much as Sturgeon does. We should be focused not on testing and cases but on hospitalisations and deaths. It needs brave and confident politicians to posit that science but Alba can be at the forefront.

  236. ALANM says:

    What should we expect from the Leaders’ Debate on the BBC this Tuesday?

    1. a full and frank discussion on the various issues of importance facing the country with details of how each party intends to tackle them or

    2. a bunch of incompetent no-hopers taking turns to throw mud at a man who isn’t even there to defend himself

  237. Robert Graham says:

    Ah the holy wullie crew are furiously knitting away , we are pure aren’t we sisters we follow without question St Nicola she can do no wrong , who cares if she had to leave the Legal Profession while under investigation that’s just a disgusting roumour and not true .

    Yet another poor me begging appeal I work endlessly 7 days a week without holiday pay and no benefits the sheer amount of articles I am churning out is immeasurable ( also painfully fkn few ) 2 or 3 a week filled with sarcasm and innuendo doesn’t constitute a worthwhile blog but whatever keeps your paying audience happy, some people are easily pleased I suppose .

    The only reason these alternative parties have emerged is because St Nicola is either working with or for the Union , or she’s just fkn stupid and can’t follow simple instructions it’s not difficult to follow Independence the only word that’s disappeared from the SNP vocabulary , we get Trans and every other strange and peculiar variation of society being promoted but, strangely not Independence Blackman the strange SNP MP openly admits not having Independence as her No one priority that’s a SNP MP who cares as much about independence as Murray the only Labour MP . FFS .

  238. A Person says:

    To those advising not voting SNP in the constituency, only do that to stop the rot. If I lived in Glasgow Southside or Tayside North, I would vote for Sarwar or Fraser, desperate times. If I lived in Edinburgh Central I’d vote for whoever was best placed to defeat Robertson. That gets rid of the two most toxic people in the SNP and their chosen successor, and enables someone else- such as, say, a distinguished and charismatic QC and MP who is avoiding this election, say- to take over once they are gone.

    (In a Westminster election I’d apply the same to Wishart, Daddy Bear and Agent 009- sorry, Stewart MacDonald).

    Anywhere else, vote SNP- your typical careerist drip will fall into line afterwards. Yes even Dornan and Gibson.

  239. Meg merrilees says:

    Tinto Chiel@5.12

    It’s not the vote that counts but who is counting the vote!

  240. Meg merrilees says:

    Andy @5.26

    Can a sitting MSP ‘legally’ jump ship to ALBA when it is only a List Party?

  241. Dan says:

    OT Quality Rennie

    Warning- clip has potential for keyboard and screen splattering. Ensure no food or drink is being consumed prior to watching. 🙂

    link to

  242. Andy Ellis says:

    @ Sharny Dubs

    No worries: I get where you’re coming from.

    I suspect most Catalans, Kurds and others facing more of an uphill struggle are incredulous at the pusillanimous nature of the Scots towards taking their own independence. With all the potential advantages we have, and a (relatively at least?) reasonable adversary which states it has no selfish interest in opposing our independence if we vote for it, I can understand other pro-independence campaigners abroad being slightly contemptuous of our approach, even if they are too polite to say it out loud.

    I was doing business in Denmark after #indyref1 and most of the Danes I spoke to simply couldn’t understand why Scots had voted No.

    I certainly hope that when we summon up the courage to retake our independence that our government will move quickly and decisively to recognise the rights of the Catalans, Kurds, Basques and West Papuans in particular to exercise their rights.

  243. Skip_NC says:

    The Hot Needle of Enquiry, yes, it is. SNP and Alba will compete with each other in the election. You cannot be a member of two parties who compete with one another. So it is fine for a Plaid Cymru member to join the SNP or Alba because PC does not compete with either of those parties.

    It is, of course, acceptable for Alba to advocate for SNP (or any other party close to our aims) in the constituencies. That may change in 2026 if we are not independent by then.

  244. Fireproofjim says:

    Alex is right. The only logical way to increase the chances of Independence is to vote SNP on the Constituency and Alba on the List.
    I’m with Alex. And as Maggie Thatcher said in a different context. “There is no Alternative” (or TINA)

  245. Robert Graham says:

    Yep looks like Number 2 a certain winner

    Should be quiet funny them all trying to avoid the Elephant that won’t be in the room , or maybe Alex will make an appearance and scare the shit out of all of them


    Should raise a smile ha ha

  246. Andy Ellis says:

    @Meg merrilees 5.44 pm

    Michelle Ballantyne got in on the list as a Tory but has jumped ship and now sits as Reform Party, so presumably SNP MSPs could jump ship and start sitting as Alba Party.

    I wonder who might be first…? 🙂

  247. Shaza says:

    The other major difference with Catalonia is that it is the wealthy part of Spain, it just wants to dump all the beggars.

  248. Meg merrilees says:

    Just discovered a Dani Garavelli article in the Scotsman today – An interview with NS.

    Doesn’t paint a picture that’s flattering to NS even though Garavelli tries to give her the benefit of the doubt.

    I hesitate to link to it although it shows that NS is definitely rattled by events of the past couple of weeks. I would not want to get on the wrong side of NS.

  249. Michael B says:

    Willie Rennie on BBC’s Sunday Show:
    ‘Thousands of people have died. Thousands more have lost their lives.’

    Willie, away back to your big deck chair. That made more sense.

  250. Dan says:

    @ Andy Ellis at 5:52 pm

    Not sure that will happen, the smart move would be to use the SNP Party machine to hopefully win a constituency seat, then move after depending on how things pan out.
    This eliminates divisors for Alba list vote if constituency seat was contested and won by them.

  251. kapelmeister says:

    Willie Rennie can have a new career as a Dan Quayle tribute act.

  252. Andy says:

    . Meg merrilees 5.54

    “Can a sitting MSP ‘legally’ jump ship to ALBA when it is only a List Party?”

    I would have thought so Meg.

    Although greater minds than mine maybe put us right.

  253. Dan says:

    Michael B says: at 5:56 pm

    Willie Rennie on BBC’s Sunday Show:
    ‘Thousands of people have died. Thousands more have lost their lives.’

    I’m in a conciliatory mood so will give him the benefit of the doubt and suggest he was referring to cats.
    Ya ken, like the furry miaowers only finally die after losing 9 lives.

  254. Ottomanboi says:

    In days of yore.
    link to
    Not in the oxbridge versions of the history of England.
    Scotia irredenta?

  255. Kcor says:

    “Senior SNP figures have reportedly opened the door to a coalition government with the Scottish Greens”

    So they would have been advocating SNP 1 / Green 2 then?


    ALBA flush out the whole lot, especially the Greens.

  256. Republicofscotland says:

    “Caroline McAllister becomes the latest recruit to the Alba Party and will be contesting the list in the West of Scotland region.”

    link to

  257. Hatuey says:

    ahundredthidiot, I ready just two single comments above from you and it’s clear that you haven’t thought any of this through.

    This sort of thing cropped up a few months ago when you were telling people covid-19 was fake and that the vaccine was an excuse to put microchips in us.

    Please try and remember that there are adults here who will see the contradictions and stupidity in your comments.

  258. Joe says:

    They were so busy slinging mud and talking Alex Salmond down that they forgot what he really is, a strategic genius. His party has only existed for a couple of days and it’s already manoeuvred the SNP into joining ‘Better Together’ mark 2 alongside the Tories and Labour.

  259. Kcor says:

    The Rev. Stuart Campbell says,

    “we no longer believe the SNP have any true desire for independence.”

    100% agreed.

    Vote tactically against Sturgeon and all current ministers and against Robertson in the constituencies.

  260. Ottomanboi says:

    Michael B,
    of course before the great Covid plague nobody died.
    Now everybody is at risk of death from « the virus », and nothing else. It is now the tick box of first resort.
    Mr Rennie is just another sucker for the big pharma snake oil.
    How do such pedestrian minds find their way into public service.

  261. Hatuey says:

    Anyway, it’s actually illegal to try and browbeat people into voting in a certain way.

    We all understand that Alba is promoting SNP1 and ALBA2. It’s a good strategy.

    But I won’t be doing that. I’m not trying to talk anyone else into doing anything — I simply won’t vote for Dornan.

  262. Winifred Mccartney says:

    Remember the lib dems tooks a lot of money from the big pharma that produces the hormone blockers given to children. I was horrified at the time – a lot of this sex changing pharma originated in america and has landed here – remember follow the money.

  263. velofello says:

    Maximising votes for the SNP in the constituency ballot diminishes the prospect of list SNP candidates – many of whom it seems have been facilitated by the SNP to claim whatever exaggerated disabilities, and so to get top candidate ranking – and I must qualify that by stating my sympathy and support for people with recognised, registered disabilities, and their place in politics.

    So SNP 1, Alba 2 for me. Also I have the good fortune of having a credible level-headed SNP candidate for the constuency in South Ayrshire.

    I noted, in passing, the statement today by Sturgeon, quoted on the Scotland on Sunday newspaper front page. A disgraceful, desperate comment. She is revealing herself as a vindictive, spiteful person.

  264. Mark Boyle says:

    @Dan says: 28 March, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    “OT Quality Rennie

    Warning- clip has potential for keyboard and screen splattering. Ensure no food or drink is being consumed prior to watching. ?

    link to

    All that was left out from that clip was that bit from The Simpsons of the kid saying “Stop! Stop! He’s already dead!”

  265. Cenchos says:

    Honestly, I thought Nicola Sturgeon would have relished the thought of a Scottish Parliamentary Election with eXtra Alba.

  266. Kcor says:

    Mark Boyle says,

    ““reform” of the Gender Recognition Act, making it open season for every sex pest and predator to go into women’s safe spaces (toilets, changing rooms, even to be transferred to women’s prisons)”

    I hope ALBA make this into a major campaigning issue.

    No girl or woman in Scotland will be free from predators like Mridul Wadhwa of Rape Crisis Scotland.

  267. Kcor says:

    Perfect timing for the launch of ALBA – after the whitewashing and just before the election to cause maximum panic among the enemy camp and little time for them to recover.

    Just imagine what would have happened if Alex Salmond had been First Minister when the Brexit vote result was announced. There can be no doubt whatsoever that Scotland would have become independent.

    Sadly Scotland’s fate was to have an SNP leader and First Minister who deliberately sabotaged independence when it was more achievable than ever before.

  268. Dan says:

    @ Hatuey

    Re. Dornan. His twitter bio pic is awful.

    link to

    I get being masked is for covid reasons, but with the sunglasses too it just eliminates from view the all important human features and expression that allow folk to see and relate to a person.
    I’ll caveat that with there may be medical reasons for him wearing sunglasses, but there are other pics of him without eye blocking spectacles, and if you want to represent folk it is best to let folk see you for who you really are.

    The psychology in how folk relate to people is well known. EG. All those front line American military personnel in war torn Iraq with dark sunglasses attempting to gain the trust of traumatised civilians made all the more difficult because any trusting or kindness expression in the gun wielding folk’s eyes was obscured.

  269. limey says:

    @kcor – If Alba get a foothold in Holyrood then the reform of the GRA will never happen, hence the disquiet amongst certain groups on Twitter.

    If I were Joan MacAlpine, I’d be considering my options post election, but who knows?

  270. tartanfever says:

    Daisy Walker @3.53

    ‘OT Anyone know specifically – what damage is coming for Scotlands NHS due to Brexit?’

    During negotiations on Brexit there was fear of medicine shortages etc with the EU – and for things like ‘isotopes’ used in cancer treatment. I’m not sure how these things stand at present. Phillipa Whitford is obviously good on this.

    One threat is the Westminster power grab designed to allow them to negotiate trade deals for all the UK, this would play in to American hands as top of their priorities on a UK trade deal is access to all our public services, particularly the NHS services.

    It should be remembered that Sir Simon Stevens, current English NHS boss (soon to step down ?) was a health chief under Blair then spent years working in private health in the USA and has defended privatising services.

    In essence, current NHS services could be increasingly contracted out, and if the American Pharma and Health companies get in then we’re toast because the deals will include things like ‘ratchet’ mechanisms which lock in and increase privatisation and increased ‘intellectual property rights’ on medicines pricing them out of reach allowing monopolies.

    Finally, a ‘Corporate Court System’ could be introduced which allows Private firms to sue the Govt for loss of contract etc.

    Global Justice did a great booklet. It will be useful.

    Google search: ‘What’s at risk here in Scotland from post-Brexit trade deals?’

  271. Dan says:

    On the plus side, I suppose being expelled from the SNP might eliminate any legal liabilities and obligations should it be found that certain funds were misappropriated by the Party.

    link to

  272. katherine hamilton says:

    My favourite comment in Willie Rennie’s tour de force this morning was that “everybody deserves human rights”. Who hands them out, Willie? Not fully grasped the concept, Willie, have you?

  273. Edward MacD says:

    What the SNP need in 2026 is some real opposition, Alba can be one of those Parties. I want to see Parties which deliver the goods for Scotland, not the empty promises of the SNP… and certainly not the latter’s incompetence. As members of Alba, let us make sure that we have an active part in shaping Policies and that every member counts.

    The cult of the SNP has to end. We must not worship the Founders of Alba, but hold them to account.

  274. BLMac says:

    First the SNP killed democracy within the party.

    Now they want to do it for any other independence party.

  275. Mike Hovit says:

    Look s like SNP control freaks running scared.
    Possibility another serious independence voice will shake the foundations of their ‘cosy jobs, 5 tears doing nothing’ approach to indy.

    As a ‘rest of Uk’ person, I’m thinking we need a voice on indy also. I propose the roUK holds a ref, on exactly the same question, 2working days after the Scot ref (ie. as soon as Scot result in). My guess is there will be a Yes/Yes result. This should steer the indy settlement.

  276. New law passed in Scotland March 26 2021

    `Everyone (16 and over) in Scotland is now an automatic organ donor unless they opt out of a new system.`

    does anyone know the Transgender implications of transplants,

    would the doctor need to know if you are female or male when harvesting your organs,

    would Humza`s Law force the doctor to accept the self id of the transperson even though it might harm the receiving patient,

    and if doctor refused would Humza send round his nose ringed rainbow shirted goons to arrest the doctor for Hate Crimes.

  277. Littleladylotte says:

    How can it be anti democratic if the people vote for it….can you smell the fear lol

  278. Sylvia says:

    Scot Finlayson @7:18

    On the subject of Humza link to

  279. Robert Graham says:

    The amount of fun Alex could have confusing not just the SNP but the Unionist parties into the bargain could be endless, all he has to say is our party will support any party that brings forward well thought out proposals that would benefit most people in Scotland ,and our prospectus is more or less along the same lines as the other socially representative parties we are a centre ground organisation aiming to represent the majority of people in this country .

    The fact they will probably go straight for the Bain principal of anything they support we are against will just make them look and sound pretty stupid , the SNP attacks on another Indy party raises the question why attack another Indy party that’s out to help you we all want independence don’t we ? .

  280. Lothianlad says:

    Richard thompson is another careerist sturgeon bootlixker. Cant believe I actually campaigned for him all those years ago.andrew Wilson.. weak pathetic unionist!
    Ross Greer…..Sherman tank!
    Green??? Get ho to watch the lorax. Hes as green as my tomato soup

  281. John A. says:

    Aww man first the Rugby now Alex and Alba! Something I can vote for! SNP 1 Alba 2 for me. Onwards Scotland.

  282. Derek says:

    Scot Finlayson says:
    28 March, 2021 at 7:18 pm
    New law passed in Scotland March 26 2021

    “would the doctor need to know if you are female or male when harvesting your organs”

    Probably; more your blood group and so on, I suspect. It’d all be in your medical records.

    “would Humza`s Law force the doctor to accept the self id of the transperson even though it might harm the receiving patient”

    They’d be self-id-ing as a corpse…

    and if doctor refused would Humza send round his nose ringed rainbow shirted goons to arrest the doctor for Hate Crimes.

    …so no.

  283. BLMac says:

    If Alba succeed, the SNP have a massive dilemma.

    Trying to find all that ring-fenced money.

    That’s why they are being shy about a referendum. The money seems to have disappeared which could be why the books are not being shown to the audit committee.

  284. Hatuey says:

    Dan, my dim view of Dornan has little to do with how he looks, believe it or not…

  285. tricia young says:

    Persuaded another three friends and family member to join ALBA today. Lovin’ it as they say..

  286. ahundredthidiot says:

    Hatuey @ 6:19

    ‘This sort of thing cropped up a few months ago when you were telling people covid-19 was fake and that the vaccine was an excuse to put microchips in us.’

    You are a liar. And a child. Grow up.

  287. Ornith says:

    The idea that one party has first dibs on an ideology is absurd.

  288. Lothianlad says:

    Kenny farquharson is a unionist brown nose. It’s no longer blue

  289. @Derek,

    `under provisions contained in the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (1). In this case, the patient must by law be supplied with a new identity and the old identity revoked, including transferring all medical records.`

  290. ahundredthidiot says:

    Hatuey @ 6:23

    ‘Anyway, it’s actually illegal to try and browbeat people into voting in a certain way.’

    Oh, you’re a belter you are. You’re on a bloody website about Scottish Independence. If you’re going to be a snowflake about it, just leave.

    browbeat……..haha, funny.

    Quick! – call the Cops, someone is illegally browbeating me!!


  291. Jim says:

    It’s not gaming the system, it’s asking independence supporters to wake up to the fact the system was ‘gaming’ them. Did any of them want to waste their second vote in 2016? But they did. Do they want to waste their second vote now? Then vote for Alba. Get the super-majority and we can tell Johnson where to stick his section 30.

  292. Derek says:

    Hi Scot; yes, that all makes sense, but the transition details – drugs prescribed, surgery done and so on – will all be recorded. I suspect the name on the old documents won’t be changed, because that’s the name of the person to whom they refer. At some point the name changes, but everything in the file refers to that one person.

    If there’s any risk to someone through using organs from that person, I daresay that’d be recorded too. Minefield, eh?

  293. Stoker says:

    Ian Spruce says on 28 March, 2021 at 4:27 pm
    “Am I mistaken or was there not an NEC meeting last month about the definition of Transphobia? and the 2 people not asked for input were Womans Convener & Equalities Covener? Now both members of ALBA!”

    YES! 🙂

    Looks like we all better get used to saying that lovely wee three-lettered word again. link to

  294. @Derek,

    outside of that `minefield` i was highlighting the new law in Scotland that means your body can be harvested for organs without needing your consent.

  295. Kcor says:

    limey says,

    “@kcor – If Alba get a foothold in Holyrood then the reform of the GRA will never happen, hence the disquiet amongst certain groups on Twitter.”

    Lots of good things will happen and lots of bad things won’t happen!


  297. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Jason Michael
    Hearing reports that the SNP is using the Alba data breach (hack) to identify members who signed up and expelling them. This certainly explains why it was done.

    Has the SNP just gone full Stazi here? Never go full Stazi.

    I would point out that yesterday afternoon, I resigned from the SNP, then went to my online banking and cancelled the direct debit in favour of the SNP.

    I then joined Alba – “Confirmation # 3071”.

    While I’m typing, I should point out to those of you who are ignorant of the facts…

    The Kingdom of Scotland (Alba) is a partner in an internationally recognised treaty, (The Treaty Of Union, 1707) with the Kingdom of England, which created what is known as “The UK”.

    If the majority of the SOVEREIGN people of Scotland elect to withdraw from that treaty and regain status as an independent state, then the UK fails to exist. It is a dead parrot. There is no more UK.

    I believe the aim of Alba to achieve a “supermajority” of Pro-Independence MSPs has nothing to do with “persuading” Boris Johnston.

    Rather, as other commenters have pointed out, a “supermajority” could call a new Holyrood election, on the single mandate that if a majority of MSPs elected are in favour of declaring that Scotland removes itself from The Treaty Of Union, then Scotland regains its status as an independent state and seeks international recognition as such.

    No need for an S30, no need for the English parliament’s permission.

    It’s all coming together. All it needs is for a majority of Scots to vote for Pro-Independence parties in the forthcoming election.

  298. Confused says:

    woke as stasi
    link to
    – interesting

  299. Lochside says:

    I find Salmond’s intervention interesting and I am delighted to see Sturgeon and her dupes revealing both her dripping malice and their sycophantic arse licking toadyism in such a public and blatant manner. Yeah, I get the vote SNP Constituency and Alba List vote approach, But despite the trolling contributions by the resident St. Andrew University operative, what does this achieve? A majority of ‘Nationalist’ MSPs?…who are divided and led by another 2 x toxic figures who will not agree about the ‘route map’ to Indy/Plebiscite. One vainly faux pleading to Boris Hitler and the other with his vague ‘options’ for a ‘plebiscite.’ Not a good look and apiece of cake for the Brit State here and in London to continue to ignore and deceive.

    May I remind everybody…Holyrood is a sham…a devolved accounting unit of 10th rate charlatans, i.e. an assembly of political eunuchs with no legitimacy to ‘call’ for anything. More importantly, why should Boris Johnson show the slightest interest in a so called plebiscite by a devolved talking shop which has been shown several times to be impotent in constitutional matters? He has a rock solid majority in the recognised seat of political sovereignty and supremacy of the UK as viewed by the rest of the world.

    Alba should be preparing now to organise and to win the next U.K.General Election. Dissolve the Act of Union in the only way that will gain that legitimacy: a majority of seats in Scotland as members of parliament. Something Salmond abandoned back at the end of the last century. With that stated plebiscite General Election policy of Independence, Scotland has the Sovereign right to dissolve the Union based on the Declaration of Arbroath, the Claims of Right and the fatal breaches of the Act of Union. If Westminster blocks that then we have the right and the recognition internationally to appeal to the ECHR or the UN on the bases laid out by experts such as Craig Murray and Prof. Alf Baird.

    We are de jure an equal member of the U.K. but are de facto treated as a colony. The Devolved deception confirms that fact every day that this circus drags on. By squabbling in our back yard, we give the English gangster regime every option ref. David shut Holyrood down and run it directly like Stormont. The difference is that the latter , despite being a bogus ‘province’ brutally hacked off Ireland 100 years ago to placate a sectarian backlash has an International Agreement protecting it…

    I support Alba’s appearance. But I will reserve judgement until it develops into the political battering ram needed to bring down the walls of our political prison and dissolves the chains that bind us to England’s polity with a single aim .. simply of sitting in that palace of pretence..just an edict on the day of the majority vote ( overseen in Scotland, not by Peter Lilley’s bent electoral ‘organisation’) to the effect of ‘They think It’s all over…well it is now! ‘ Or to paraphrase the old Irish Republican song says ‘A Sovereign nation once again’.

  300. sarah says:

    @ Lochside:

    The point of Holyrood is as a representative body of Scottish voters. Anything would do, if comprehensive enough – a constitutional assembly, for example.

    So the fact that constitutional matters are reserved to Westminster doesn’t prevent Holyrood taking the step of declaring a majority vote for independence as legitimate grounds to declare Scotland is restored as a nation state.

  301. JimuckMac says:

    Hatuey, it wasn’t the thehundredthidiot who first suggested micro chipping us all, it was Bojo Johnston at a UN conference who did that. The chips were quarter the size of a blood cell.

  302. Heeland Bhoy says:

    I can now not vote for SNP in the Highlands and Islands and hopefully no SNP list seats so the Uber-woke chancer that is Emma Roddick will not get anywhere near Holyrood. Bit if a disappointment for the press pool though who she got ‘over familiar’ during her short, drunken stint as a staffer.

  303. Eric McCue says:

    If there is a large ALBA/SNP majority I predict that Sturgeon will return to her original statement that there are ‘considerable questions’ over Salmond and refuse to have anything to do with him or his party.

    The majority will be irrelevant.

  304. James says:

    Monday morning and the yoon media is in meltdown and Salmond has only been back a few days.

  305. Cooper says:

    Not sure on this one Stu. You and AS both have said in past not to try game dhont. I was thinking AFI but now that people who don’t like the SNP but have told me before that the system can’t be games and trying is throwing your vote in the bin are telling me to do it, it seems all very sticky. Might play safe.

  306. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Cooper.

    What do you see as playing safe?

  307. David A. says:

    Feels like the SNP would rather they get 1 single extra MSP and burn every pro-indy vote (even a million) on that than have dozens more of pro-indy MSPs that aren’t under their banner. Careerism. Cronyism. Corruption. That’s the vibes I get from SNP now.

    They don’t care about principles or serving the people when they can get nice jobs, pensions and expenses. Don’t forget all the extra likely brown envelopes and memberships of various boards and companies after retirement. Sadly this keeps happening. Likely because of poor quality characters being let in (who just are thirsty to climb) and lack of social pressure to keep the small flaws growing to the large.

    Politicians should be under watch more and places like this scrutinise them but there really needs to be a lot more and laws to back up that scrutiny. It’s not like being a politician is some normal job they “had” to take or we can just order up different laws and society from Amazon or eBay if we don’t like our current offering or they screw up. It causes millions to suffer from it now and potentially in the future.


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