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Wings Over Scotland

The Small Good Hamster

Posted on May 20, 2023 by
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How many examples are there of men who work hard to gain the trust of families or organisations so they can then abuse children or women?

The examples of this are legion.

Eileen Carson

Absolutely PERFECT! Can’t go much further back than ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ to prove what has always been the case > PREDATORS will always pretend to be something non-threatening, aye even a woman, to gain access to their vulnerable target. Thanks Chris!

Dorothy Devine

What a disgusting mess this whole blatant backing of a bill to keep the Green’s onside. What puerile excuse will they come up with for the next “gender fluid ‘ attack on the innocent?

Ian McCubbin

A very pertinent cartoon, depicting the worst of political appeasement by SNP.

Wee Chid

Muscleguy says:
20 May, 2023 at 7:13 am

Including by the state who have used agents to abuse the trust of women and ultimately dessert them and any resulting children after their mission is complete. No wonder govts refuse to acknowledge that it ever happens.


Little Cred Riding Hood.

Dumbarton Rock

The sad thing is, …… it was supposed to make the process easier for trans people. The small minority of genuine trans are probably now in hiding.

David Holden

Oh my grandma what big testicles you have.

Jan Cowan

Brilliant, Chris. Thank you.

Dorothy Devine

Dumbarton Rock , agreed – but then they all voted against the safety amendments, not just for women and girls but for those believing they should transition.


No claws for concern.

stuart mctavish

The timing of the “new” evidence certainly appeared coincidental but, given the amount of ppe for common cold recently on display at the melrose hospital, what are the odds of little red riding hood discovering some huge tongue in cheek simply by sporting a facemask to tease out just how close her furry granny might be in relation to them beagles Faucci was said to be experimenting on.

Andrew scott

Not one word of sympathy from dopey Robison for the 11 year old victim
She has to RESIGN


It’s looking Grimm for the SNP.


Very apt, the infiltration of the SNP by the Green sex party who both continue to be at odds with Scottish public opinion, this and their straight ahead and fuck the icebergs approach to any debate is sure to be the end of them. I personally cannot wait until the next election to put these horrible bastards on the dole.


Muscleguy says:
20 May, 2023 at 7:13 am
How many examples are there of men who work hard to gain the trust of families or organisations so they can then abuse children or women?

The examples of this are legion.

Now,now, you know by now the answer is always ‘none’, because as soon as they’re caught, their gender switches to ‘predatory offender’, and the ‘Real Genuine Trans Community™?’ remains unsullied and pure.


Ms Robison:

Please spare us any more embarrassment and resign. We are not interested in hearing or watching your faux reality-denial.

What we need is grown ups in our government cabinets who do their work with their eyes open. We do not need spineless puppets abusing their power and our democratic structures to uphold the interests of perverts, rapists, paedophiles, perjurers and worse, the unscrupulous entities using them as a trojan horse to stop Scotland’s independence.

You can never be trusted with solving a problem if you are either adamant you cannot see the problem or you are making that problem bigger by refusing to stand by the victims of the problem and choosing to stand by those who caused the problem.

When you do that, you become part of the problem.

You cannot credibly claim you are representing the people of Scotland if you are going deliberately against our interests by refusing to eliminate the threats against women and children and you are instead helping dark forces to make those threats a permanent feature for political reasons.

You might be playing the game of thick-pretend to deflect scrutiny when you claim you cannot see what is staring at you in the face. But you are fooling no one. We refuse to play that game.

So stop patronising us, stop insulting us and stop dismissing our concerns. They are valid concerns and if you cannot see it, then it is YOU who is not up to the task. If you are so useless as MSP that cannot/will not act on those concerns, then stop wasting our time and taxpayers’ funds and leave.

Jim Bo

Perfect cartoon thanks Chris.

And to you, David Holden at 8:31…thanks for the guffaw. Unfortunately the people around me must think I’m crazy. Literal lol.

Red squirrel

One of your finest.

Any chance we could make some billboards? I think this might just help folk get it.

Red squirrel

Brenda is a sheep, you bigots!

Stuart MacKay

Chris, that’s a masterful drawing. You could remove everything but the eyes and the effect would be the same.

Well, after this week, we’ve probably set back the plans of the rewilding enthusiasts by a few decades.

Antoine Roquentin

Crazy will do crazy crazy, especially in ‘earnest’ conclave within a bubble.

fruitella the hun

Greens coming in for s lot of hate. Deservedly so regarding their “inclusion’ agenda. But it is only the Greens who believe that there is an underlying problem with the current economic system.

There are people using the evident stupidity of trans self-id as a device to rubbish all the green ideas that are threatening business as usual, by association, in the absence of logic and evidence. For these same people to be deploring the state of justice in Scotland is a bit thick.

The real TRA culprits are the bunch who, unbelievably, still have a post by “Beth” pinned to the top of their “Brightgreen” facebook page. At least half the moderators are DLF.

link to

link to


I am afraid my attitude is that independence will have to wait until this dreadful SNP is got out of the way, together with the Greens. The Greens should never have been allowed anywhere near government. Their agenda is toxic.

In fact, transgenderism has poisoned the whole body politic. We should have expected a human reaction from Robison at the ordeal that had been visited on a child by Andrew Miller but instead we got the venal politician’s instinct to simply protect their position and dig in and defend what they had voted through. It is shocking that they thought of their trans allies first rather than the nightmare that had been visited on a child.

Meanwhile, as if to underline the dreadful choice they had made, we had Sturgeon glowing with mad delight at receiving an award for being a ‘trans ally.’ Michael Cashman’s appalling speech at the event demonstrated the dangerous grievance/revenge culture that’s being enabled and encouraged by these wretched politicians who seem to have lost their moral compass.

Far from being ‘kind’ they reveal themselves to be lost to all common humanity in support of what appears increasingly to be an angry, vengeful movement bent on bringing down the structures of society that protect the vulnerable (which is all of us at some point in our lives.)

(We should write to those of our MSPs who voted down the amendment that would not have permitted sex offenders to change their identity, as Andrew Miller also evidently intends to do. All convictions die with the dead name and witless, uncaring MSPs enabled that.)


Great Cartoon.

Robison must go.

Dorothy Devine @7.30am – Whilst I agree that the greens are also transcultists, let’s not give the nuSNP any ‘get out of jail free cards’. The nuSNP, under Sturgeon and Yusuf, were peddling this transcult pish before the coalition.

The vast majority of nuSNP MPs and MSPs are spineless fools and I am rapidly losing patience with them.


HAHAHA…very good Chris, how very apt.

Ian @ 7.42 “political appeasement” – brilliant

and what Mia says @ 9.26 – plus 1 with that Mia.


Spot on Chris.
That stupid dangerous woman, Shona Robison still living in fairy tale world

Mark Boyle

Red squirrel says:
20 May, 2023 at 9:47 am

Brenda is a sheep, you bigots!

You TERF homophobe nazi gammon Slytherin you, is it not obvious that Brenda is a Ibex! With autism!


Quality, Mr Cairns, simply quality.


@David Holden – word for word that’s *exactly* what I called it when I sent it to Stu last night ?. He wisely went for something more tasteful.


Brilliant cartoon!


Shona Robison is no real!

She’s a robot. A Stepford politician.

How can an adult human female come out with this garbage.

Hey Shona. Watch out! That furry in the bed might not be what you think.

link to

Furry Craze Is an Open Door for Groomers, Convicted Pedophile Says

Robert Hughes

JGedd says:
20 May, 2023 at 10:04 am
” I am afraid my attitude is that independence will have to wait until this dreadful SNP is got out of the way, together with the Greens. The Greens should never have been allowed anywhere near government. Their agenda is toxic. ”

Yes , J . My thoughts exactly .

I rarely find myself in disagreement with the estimable Robin McAlpine , but in a recent blog-post he insists we HAVE TO find accommodation with both the SNP & Greens .

Well , sorry Robin , but NAW . We don’t , at least , I don’t .

I don’t know how much more evidence is required before the total uselessness n toxicity of this unasked for/inflicted on the people of Scotland Nu SNP + Greens * alliance * is seen and understood .

There is ZERO possibility of Independence as long as these two aberrations are in power – Z.E.R.O .

Aye , I hear the predictable riposte eg ….letting-in a Unionist Party won’t help either .

Well , raise my rent , I never thought about that !!

The difference in that scenario would be not having our intelligence , patience & trust insulted on a daily basis , as we are currently by that motley of useless , lying , warped fuckers .

I realise Robin was referring to the other ( pro-Indy ) Party’s * need * for rapprochement with NUSNPGREENS – and not individual punters like myself . That’s up to them ; I’m pretty sure if they do they will be tarnished by association .

Short of an internal revolution in both SNP & GREENS ie sending out the clowns and getting back to their cause celebre – and the chances of that are remote – there’s no way they should be given the slightest support .

The Sturrell Gang murdered the SNP and the zombie inheritors of that poisoned well will soon drown in it .

Excellent cartoon C.C . That analogy occurred to me too .

Frank Gillougley

Slightly O/T but you shall know them by ALL their fruits, of which this is but one truly dreadful subplot in the bigger scheme of things.

I find it literally gobsmacking how the small events of the other night can cast light on where we really are such as what was said by that arrogant wee clipped speech shite, Mairi MacAllan. Many have commented on the previous post about where the present status quo leaves Scotland. In summary, Nowhere to be precise.

I can’t help but think that post-Brexit, Il Duce Farage et al have missed a trick given the opportunity to scapegoat the failure of Brexit and rebrand Great Britain/ United Kingdom/ whatever it’s called to something maybe more up-tempo, appealing to the Eurovision voters and to the world at large out there. After all, there’s nothing quite like re-branding to get you back on course, so without further ado, I give you GREATER ENGLAND! – Well, at least it’s true.

All shit flows from this.

Stephen O'Brien

The irreversible decline of SNP, should not be slowed nor excused by further spineless bullshit. The sooner the demise, the better for all concerned.

Seperately, regardless of any resentment of Salmond, there’s a mass of voters looking for genuine leadership and when SNP inevitably nose dives, those same people will be forced to make a very simple decision…

Give up or look toward ALBA for that leadership. Big decisions must be made in time for the next election. If not, the game is truly over.


Absolutely brilliant cartoon.
Shona Robison should have a good hard look at herself and resign.

John Main

Scottish politics – it’s panto season all year round.

David Hannah

Shona Robinson. Resign. Should be on billboards across Scotland.

She’s the finance secretary as well. To think Humza rewarded her with a promotion.

David Hannah

Scotland needs to toughen up its laws on GRR, and self ID.

So many institutions running ahead of the law.

Yet Humza wants to pick a constitutional fight with Westminster at the expense of safeguardings of Scotland’s bairns.

Scotland’s silence of the lambs.


It takes real skill to expose a fallacy in a single image.

Chris, not only are you a talented artist (perfectly captured the glaikit expression on her face, by the way), you are a master of rhetorical argument using humorous pictures.

Very clever stuff.

@Beauvais and @Doug – clever play on words.
@David Holden – made me laugh out loud.

Pot Ace

Ian McCubbin says:
20 May, 2023 at 7:42 am
A very pertinent cartoon, depicting the worst of political appeasement

Very well put Sir! That’s exactly what this is, sadly.


Says it all.

Anton Decadent

Re the chance for the butcher to change his identity during/after his sentence. We are not allowed to know the identities of the grooming gang which was operating at the Four Corners area of Glasgow. If you click on the link at Glasgow Child Protection it is now a 404, file or directory not found. Their identities were never revealed at order of the Scottish government.

As Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf brought in laws making it a hate crime crime to complain about this.


The brass neck of the SNP leadership is unbounded.
It is clear that predatory behaviour is a reality and yet they are doubling down in their denials.
Their denials are fostering this depraved and cowardly behaviour.

Scot Finblayson

Recently 82,000 men sued the Boy Scouts of America for sexual abuse by scoutmasters,
this led to a $2,500,000,000 settlement from Boy Scouts of America (prob lawyers will get most of it)

These were not scoutmasters that became predators,
these were predators that became scoutmaster.

The policy of Boy Scouts of America (over decades) was to keep quiet and move predators on ,basically giving the predator free reign to start again somewhere else.

Ian Brotherhood

I know two men whose career choices were a direct result of their addiction to porn and/or sexual abuse.

The first was a schoolmate who had decided, by the time he was 14, that he wanted to become a police officer with the ultimate aim of joining the Vice Squad – then he would be able to access hard-core porn. (I don’t know if he fulfilled his ambition but I don’t doubt he was serious.)

The second trained to become a Catholic priest because he knew the power they had, especially with regard to accessing women in their own homes. I know this because he told me. He did not complete training, was thrown out of the seminary and went on to become a drug addict and active rapist. (He had himself been raped on a regular basis, by priests, from the age of 12.)


“Yet Humza wants to pick a constitutional fight with Westminster at the expense of safeguardings of Scotland’s bairns”

Ahh!, but does he “want” to pick up the fight or is he just pretending to pick up a fight?

We all know this new charade is set to fail – For as long as the SNP continues to cowardly hide behind the Scotland Act, they are giving the Uk gov carte blanche to block this and any piece of legislation they want. We have already seen how, by our MSPs cowardly hiding behind the Scotland Act and acting in the interests of the crown instead of the people of Scotland’s, Westminster can retrospectively change whatever law they want.
In other words, our MSPs are willingly complicit in it. They know it, we know it, Westminster knows it. So who do they think they are fooling?

It is a waste of taxpayers’ money – because it is not in the interests of the UK gov to roll over about this, Humza will be effectively throwing our money away. At a time people is going cold and hungry, if this is not highly irresponsible and a gross mismanagement of our assets, what is.

It is a complete waste of our time – These charlatans have already lost us EIGHT YEARS of our time doing nothing to progress independence or to protect our assets. Now they are using this trojan horse as another convenient excuse to continue wasting our time, mismanaging our assets and stalling independence while they line their pockets.

It is undemocratic – These amateur dictators forced this crap through Holyrood without a real mandate for it and when, knowingly, it has serious potential to put women and children at risk, and when, knowingly, the majority of the people of Scotland opposes that legislation. Yet, they have the brass neck and unscrupulousness to try to stoke up support for this toxic legislation by the back door by pretending it is an attack on devolution.

Again, who do they think they are fooling?

It is a distracting charade – This theatrics is the only thing that Humza appears to have in mind to “progress” Scotland’s independence.

Once again, who do they think they are fooling?

I thought we had reached the bottom of the uselessness barrel with Sturgeon. But along come Yousaf, Robison and McAllan to prove me wrong.

If we want this farce to stop, we want Scotland’s politicians to stop taking us for fools and we want Scotland to become independent, at the next GE, we need to teach these charlatans a lesson by ejecting them all from our seats. All of them.


“To think Humza rewarded her with a promotion”

How can you ensure a project fails?

By putting an overpromoted incompetent in charge. Then surround them with “yes madam” “advisors” whose only interest is keeping the gravy train going.

That project will never see the light of day.

Brian Doonthetoon

Maybe the Peter Principle should be renamed the Robinson Ruse…

Stephen O'Brien

Pursuit of IndyRef2 has for too long, destroyed any credibility SNP had.

The notion that ordinary punters are supposed to convince others to vote YES, is all part of the fraud. That fallacy, perpetuates the myth of IndyRef2.

Only a full-blown independence campaign would carry the vote. That delay is based on complete and utter bullshit, piled higher and higher, by both camps and openly colluded by SNP mug supporters, online, each and every day.

A genuine revaluation of the entire situation, is being overlooked, due to the false premise of IndyRef2.

The implosion of SNP, will thankfully cause that sobering assessment.


when I joined the SNP several years ago, I believed wholeheartedly that it was a party whos priority was independence!.

The thought of gaining a majority of seats at westminster was almost a dream. To become the 3rd largest party there 3 times in a row is quite unbelievable!

The irish withdrew their MPs from westminster. Surely our SNP leader should instruct our MPs to do the same?

But they are happy to swear an oath of allegiance to the english crown. By doing so, they are a unionist party, Not a Scottish one.

When will the SNP membership wake up?

Sturgeon and the cabal set out to destroy the SNP from within. They have done that on the instruction of their MI5 Handlers.


I sincerely hope Humza is actively trying to stall if not outright prevent independence because given his track record we’ll be free by Christmas.


A lightbulb goes on,
but still trying to cover it with a Salmond lampshade!

link to

It was’nt just politics,the salmond stichup was an act of evil by
very nasty people…admit it…get over it…and independence will be ok!


you can never make excuses for evil,not for the sake of scottish independence or anything else,if you do then u are lost!


Meanwhile, pending sanity, decency, energy and intelligence suddenly filling our politicians and “aides”, two things we can all do are:
1. Sign up [and recruit others] to the non-party liberation movement on;

2. Register to join the Chain of Freedom on October 14th from Glasgow to Edinburgh along the canal system – their QR code etc are on their Facebook.




@ Astonished 10.05am I am finding myself agreeing with you most of the time, and your comment to Dorothy was the exact wording I was going to comment, Dorothy has shown her real enthusiasm for indy constantly on this and other places but I fear that when it comes to the snp she is not as rabid in her comments as I and others are, but then she may just be mannerly,as I said I agree with you most of the time but one of the things you say is that there are still good people left in the snp, I totally disagree with that,as I have said repeatedly who are they and WHY have they sat on their fat padded arses and let the head pervert DESTROY the snp,Scotland and independence IMO the lot of them are complicit craven cowards but just like Dorothy you appear to still have hope

BTW Chris another cracker, thanks

Stephen O'Brien

Aye. Davie McGinness. The penny dropped, after watching QT but not before voting for Humza Yousaf, the continuity (opportunity Knocks) candidate.

The Edinburgh Agreement and Alex Salmond, now copping the blame, for everything!

How does his brain work? His head’s full of wee Indy trucks!


The SNP leadership profess to be motivated to introduce the juryless trials pilot by concern about conviction rates for rape.

Yet they implacably opposed the GRR amendment at Holyrood that wanted to bar registered sex offenders from having gender self-id certificates. And even after this terrible crime in the Borders they’re still opposed.

This gives away their real motive over juryless trials. They’re not genuinely concerned with conviction rates for sex crimes. If they were, they wouldn’t for a minute have considered allowing convicted sex offenders to get these certificates.

It’s all about giving themselves greater potential to stitch up political opponents, the desperate move of a failing corrupt regime that will do anything to retain power and patronage.


So according to some on this site Independence will be closer once the Party that has been in existence to bring this about, and has been fighting for nearly 80years for it, has gone! Do you think that Labour who are more Tory than the Tories will be in anyway interested. Get real people Vote SNP in the GE we may have the balance of power. Who knows?



Anton Decadent

Seeing as public support for GRR is in a minority but SNP/Greens/Lib Dems/Labour all support it who is in control of Scottish politics, American Academia?

Re those four parties, The Gang Of Fur(ries).

O/T, RIP Andy Rourke, what a bassist.

Alf Baird

lothianlad @ 2:13 pm

“Sturgeon and the cabal set out to destroy the SNP from within. They have done that on the instruction of their MI5 Handlers.”

Yes, this increasingly seems the only explanation for the ongoing deceitful behaviour and apparent immunity from prosecution. The rumoured Downing St sanctioned UN posting reserved for the former FM would only serve to provide further confirmation, for which an announcement may be imminent. This agency merely a rough guess: link to

Nae Idea

It’s strange and disturbing how thick, and ideologically zealotic, seatwarmer people like Robison are. Five years ago I would bet good money she had never in her life heard of trans people. Now she’s upholding a liberal middle class American agenda because she’s been told to by a now-gone closeted lesbian lunatic, defending…what and whom, exactly?

I bet she privately couldn’t give a damn about this minority-of-a-minority deranged crap, but has to appear trendy and up-to-date in public. Except that she and her halfwit mass hysteria-pimping zealotic ilk are already dinosaurs, gratingly screeching anout psychotic swill already losing its power over the mainstream. THANK FUCK.

Anton Decadent

@Alf Baird

Seeing as either MI5/6 was flying the trans flag on their website last year and the Denton Files were produced by a group which included a branch of the EU perhaps we are witnessing the global capture of institutions and organisations and it is not just Scotland which is being targeted, this is a run on the West.

Mark Boyle

Just to complete a perfect day, Albion Rovers are at long last thrown out of the Scottish League after 120 years of being free extra proxy votes for the Old Firm and hee haw else.

Perhaps they should apply to join the League of Ireland considering most of its population spend all their lives pretending to come from it?


Oh Izzie, do you ever engage with the reasons why people like me have had enough of the SNP and its pretence? You just come on here like a purblind Stakhanovite saying the same things again and again and all it amounts to is that we should continue voting for a party which long ago gave up the right to be called an independence party and has become an embarrassing travesty. To keep on voting for a party no matter what it does, is keeping it dishonest and unaccountable.

You don’t appear to have looked very deeply into what is wrong with the present day SNP. You can think what you like if reality is too harsh for you but what on earth do you think is the point of your comment?


You never fail, Chris (Cairnstoon). Bang on!

In other news, the SNP’s Keith Brown is being quoted by the BBC in Scotland saying there will be a new “independence conference” in June for party members and……….wait for it…… will be solely focused on “how to build a case for a legally-binding referendum.”

So this stale carrot is being pulled out again from behind the dirty linen basket? Apart from the obvious, that it’s all just window dressing, why do they need to hold a “special” conference? Shouldn’t the top brass in the SNP know *exactly* how to obtain that objective? That wording alone tells me it’s all bullshit window dressing. Either that or the current self-serving troughers in the SNP truly are that inept.

These scummy sewer dwellers will never get another vote from me under the current mob running the SNP. If i don’t get an ALBA Party rep to vote for then i spoil my ballot papers. And as far as elections go, ALBA or not, i’ll never help send anyone to the Westminster trough. I will spoil my ballot in every Westminster election.


Further to the SNP’s latest window dressing extravaganza in June. If they’re serious about independence then why release an announcement of such importance at a weekend? Unless i missed it earlier in the week? Because in politics everyone knows the weekend is when political parties usually dump bad news etc because far less people will actually see the announcement.

Andrew scott

@keith brown
Lets go to imdeycity dundee-ken -they love snpeados no matter how deviant snpeadosandgreens are
Dooomed ah tell ye dooomed

Anton Decadent

O/T, one of the films currently showing at the GFT concerns compulsory euthanasia at the age of seventy five. Seeing as this cinema is fully on board with trans teaching in schools, white supremacy across the board etc I expect compulsory euthanasia to be a policy within the next two years.


Decades long snp supporter’s of “The scottish independence:variety,
along with every other independence supporter,have been f*cked over
by sturgeon and her “friends”!

Admit it!

Or chuck it!

Or shut up and get lost!

Robert Hughes

Izzie says:
20 May, 2023 at 4:35 pm
” So according to some on this site Independence will be closer once the Party that has been in existence to bring this about, and has been fighting for nearly 80years for it ”

The Party you are referring to no longer exists . Or does so in name only . And not only will that mockery of an Independence-seeking entity never deliver it’s – once – prime objective , it is destroying our country . Warping our legal system , handing our resources to corporate interests , inflicting idiocy upon idiocy on us , pandering to and financially supporting ( bribing ) our avowed opponents in MSM . The list goes on .

And you seriously suggest giving them more time to fuck us over even more . Fucking hell . That hair shirt you’re wearing must be affecting your capacity to THINK

Lorna Campbell

Dumbarton Rock: it was never just intended to make life easier for ‘trans’ people. The ‘trans’ lobby lobbied to have the age of ‘transition’ lowered; to have ‘gender reassignment in the 2010 EQA replaced with ‘gender identity’ and to have the medical restrictions removed to bring in self-ID. The implications would have been spread throughout the UK – which was also the intention. ‘Trans’ have all the same rights as we do, so this would have been an extension to existing ‘trans’ rights which the rest of us would not get. I wish that people would stop apologising for this vile movement and get their heads round what it is doing to our society. I’m not talking about the porn-addled men at the bottom of the pyramid or even the vicious men’s rights activists at the centre, but the corporatists at the top who stand to make squillions out of this. That is why it was introduced.

Yes, there is a handful of transsexuals who do not wish to access female spaces, etc., who do not call for an extension of the 2004 GRA and who wish to live their lives as best they can. No problem. The problem lies in the vast numbers – and there are far, far more than we ever dreamed of – who want to access female spaces, etc., who do want an extension to the GRA 2004. What they want and what women wish to retain are incompatible, totally and always incompatible.

The Scottish government, backed by Labour, Lib Dems, Greens voted to help the corporatists and they were willing to destroy all female rights in order to do so because, if introduced, GRR would allow access across the board and negate everything – absolutely everything – that females fought for. It would all be wiped out overnight. And there would still not be independence anywhere in sight.



“Darlington woman in her 70s asked which of 18 genders she is…”

link to


Dumbarton Rock says:
20 May, 2023 at 8:04 am

The sad thing is, …… it was supposed to make the process easier for trans people. The small minority of genuine trans are probably now in hiding.

I don’t know what genuine trans means.


I’m wondering if there aren’t a lot of so called ‘trans activists’ who don’t give a damn about ‘trans people’ but are unhappy with the way they have been treated by feminists.

I haven’t been comfortable with feminism for quite a long time I felt they were being unfair to men. I think they went too far. All this ‘trans activism’ might be the backlash.

This really showed during MeToo.

Shona Robison said ‘trans community should not be punished for Andrew Miller’s crimes’

Male community should not have been punished for Harvey Weinstein’s crimes.

ie Alex Salmond & Mark MacDonald.


“So … Independence will be closer once the Party that has been in existence to bring this about, and has been fighting for nearly 80years for it, has gone”

Yes, that is correct. Why? Because that party you talk about does no longer exist. It ended on the 14 November 2014, the day a political fraud took over its “leadership”. What is left is a carcass whose only worth is the flag and the rosette which colonial parties like labour can use to hide behind and capture the yes vote with under false pretences.

Labour as the SNP has been holding the yes vote hostage since 2015 to keep it on a leash. That is what the political fraud Sturgeon has been doing since the minute she betrayed the constitution of the party declaring a vote for the SNP was no longer a vote for independence or even a referendum.

“you think that Labour who are more Tory than the Tories will be in anyway interested”

And who gives a shit about labour or Tories or, heaven forbid, libdems? Labour, Tories, SNP and libdems are the exact same thing: crown political arms tasked with preserving the union.

“Get real people”
We got real quite a while ago, thank you. That was when we realised Sturgeon was taking us for a ride by dangling carrots while handing to Westminster and the English court otherwise known as “Supreme Court” every vetos for Scotland’s self determination she could find.

“Vote SNP in the GE”
Hell No. Never again. I want the SNP gone from Westminster and Holyrood. Every single MP and MSP, gone. Under Sturgeon they have proven to be totally useless and totally unwilling to bring forward independence. They proven to be a pack of charlatans taking us for a ride. They have indulged the political fraud Sturgeon at every turn and with every obstacle she chose to throw as an excuse for progressing independence. Now they are doing the same with Yousaf.

“we may have the balance of power”
And what the hell do we want that for? We want independence, and that means ditching UK politics for good, not getting deeper into them. Ditching UK politics means not taking the seats and not swearing allegiance to the crown, not to continue playing the useless Westminster game while Scotland is being drained of its resources.

“Who knows?”
Who wants to know? I most certainly don’t. I did not vote SNP in the past to get “the balance of power” or to play UK politics. I voted SNP to end the union, it is as simple as that. As far as I am concerned they failed, they misused my vote and did so deliberately after being given every mandate and every majority they could have ever needed to terminate the union.

I shall be voting for independence at the next GE what come may. If that means spoiling my ballot by adding in the option of independence myself, so be it.


Stoker says:
20 May, 2023 at 6:37 pm


“Darlington woman in her 70s asked which of 18 genders she is…”

link to

She sounds as if she is like me ‘a believer in biology gender’ aka adult human female.

Talking of that did we ever hear anything more about the census?


genuine trans: someone wanting to transition for transition sake; and not to cheat, lie, nor stamp over the rights of other groups.
And those I know are now in hiding.
All because their “supporters” have opened the door for any cheating lieing scumbag to stamp all over the rights and safety of others.

John H.

Izzie. 4.35pm.

Do you believe Alex Salmond was innocent or not?


alba says:
20 May, 2023 at 7:40 pm

genuine trans: someone wanting to transition for transition sake;

I can’t see how you can transition and not stamp over the rights of other groups.

Why would they need to go into hiding. Could the not just quit wearing woman face outside?


Stoker says:
20 May, 2023 at 5:37 pm
You never fail, Chris (Cairnstoon). Bang on!

In other news, the SNP’s Keith Brown is being quoted by the BBC in Scotland saying there will be a new “independence conference” in June for party members and……….wait for it…… will be solely focused on “how to build a case for a legally-binding referendum.”

It’s not just the strategy Stoker, but the SNP’s convention in Dundee on the 24th is programmed for the same day as the AUOB March in Stirling.

You’d think the SNP would perhaps check the dairy first for wider YES style events before announcing conventions to heal division, but after Tommy Sheppard’s “alternative” event on Calton Hill timed to clash with the massive AUOB March in Glasgow, you’d be forgiven the SNP actually plan their events to coincide deliberately.

Is that unfair to say? Hardly, since Yousaf himself had been invited to Stirling specifically, but declined, promising to send a minion in his stead. Another significance sent whizzing over his head…

It is now an established tradition that Sturgeon’s nuSNP doesn’t give a shit about anything except the nu SNP. What a bunch of self serving, tunnel visioned arseholes; obnoxious hubris on stilts.

Just last week, the deadly pens of Chris Cairns was marking the SNP burying the SNP’s reputation for competence, yet the SNP just can’t help themselves.


John H I have to believe in his innocence as he was cleared . However he is yesterday’s man he has a mountain to overcome in the mind of the public. I think that there is a place for him in the winder movement but he like the rest of us has to get behind the SNP for the greater good. Imagine how statesman like he would appear if he were to endorse the SNP

Chic McGregor

It is far easier too fool someone than it is to later convince them they have been fooled/


Izzie @ 8.25.

Alex Salmond could well endorse the SNP, if only the SNP would endorse independence.

President Xiden

Let’s just remind ourselves that it wasn’t just the SNP who voted for this lunacy. Yes I’m looking at you Mr Sarwar.

Ian Brotherhood

@Breeks (8.18) –

That piece of SNP mischief is going to backfire in a big way – their pretendy convention will be pilloried to death before it even gets going.

They can’t even pretend to be interested in independence, they’re that fuckin inept.

Over on The Scottish Twitter we had a robust exchange of views, just last week, about the correct recipe for stovies. I’m quite happy to bet that we could organise a convention to hammer out a definitive recipe, in Dundee, on June 24th, and it’ll get more attendees than the SNP farce.

Dumbarton Rock

Ruby 6.55.
There are a small minority of people who are genuine trans and have gone through the present process which has safeguards inbuilt. This silent minority don’t make a fuss. It must be a nightmare for them .

Ian Brotherhood

Big story to break tonight, about Sturgeon’s family?

link to


Dumbarton Rock says:
20 May, 2023 at 8:52 pm

Ruby 6.55.
There are a small minority of people who are genuine trans and have gone through the present process which has safeguards inbuilt. This silent minority don’t make a fuss. It must be a nightmare for them .

What is genuine trans?

Brian Doonthetoon

It is NOT unreasonable, from an international point of view, to have a residence qualification in any “independence” referendum or “vote for independence” within a recognised nation, country or whatever.

Thus it is quite simple. In any vote or referendum on Scottish independence, there should be a qualifying residential rule; I suggest that 6 years is workable.

Students from outwith Scotland, studying at Scottish universities, will be here for 4 years. Medical students will be here for at least 7 years. They may tend to stay here, depending on job offers.

To me, we don’t need retired “ex-pats” from England, who have moved to Scotland to take advantage of the lower property prices, having a say in our democratic future.

That is not being a bigot – that is being a patriot/nationalist, in international terms.

John H.

Izzie 8.25pm.

Alex Salmond has already said that he wants all of the independence parties to work together. But the SNP have made it plain that they won’t work with him.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Izzie says at 8:25 pm.

“John H I have to believe in his innocence as he was cleared . However he is yesterday’s man he has a mountain to overcome in the mind of the public. I think that there is a place for him in the winder movement but he like the rest of us has to get behind the SNP for the greater good. Imagine how statesman like he would appear if he were to endorse the SNP”

“”in the mind of the public…”
I have made it my mission over the past couple of years, in conversation, to name the primary culprit under Sturgeon (she who thought there may be complaints against AS but didn’t admit being one of the accusers), Lady Marmalade (the archetypical perjurer), the wummin in the car with the impossible leg-grope, and so on.

I’m not the only individual spreading the truth. More people (ie women) are becoming aware of the truth of the AS prosecution, contrary to what Indytruck Dave asserts.
When the truth is eventually public knowledge, a lot of, supposedly, “pro-independence” activists, will be gorging on humble pie.

Ian Brotherhood

@BDTT (9.13) –

Hear hear.

Alba is going to have to grasp this particularly jaggy thistle sooner or later. Just saying that the 2014 model will suffice is not going to cut it, for all sorts of reasons explained at length elsewhere, especially by Alf Baird.

The demographics are against us if the franchise is not tightened to prevent bad actors e.g. characters like ASA.

I have no smart answers but Alba has people a lot smarter than any of us – they *must* address this issue asap, no matter how painful or difficult it may be. Tackling it head-on will underscore how serious they are, enhancing their credibility.


So the ‘First Activist’ will be indoors spouting his hot air to the sedentary sediments of the nuSNP in Dundee on the same day as the real nationalists will be striding out to freedom in Stirling.

David Hannah

Pray for the Sturgeon’s says Gillian?

What about the 300,000 dead the industrial military complex has killed in Ukraine for the proxy war?

I hope the Sunday papers are bad for the SNP. The dirty laundry all coming out in wash!


SNP found to have an independence convention

ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Oh my sides are splitting stop it

When did Humza become a comedian.


Bring back Hamish please Chris
Standing and sharpening

President Xiden

Sarwar, the man who tried to justify his hypocrisy and fake values by saying his actions as opposed his words were made in the privacy of his own home. We are surrounded by idiots and chancers.

Dumbarton Rock

Lorna Campbell says
“Yes, there is a handful of transsexuals who do not wish to access female spaces, etc., who do not call for an extension of the 2004 GRA and who wish to live their lives as best they
These are the people we need to show respect for and protect. They’re being lumped in with the extremists!

Saffron Robe

Excellent, Chris, sums up the situation perfectly in pictorial form. As others have mentioned and fables forewarn us, a predator will often pretend to be, or disguise themselves as, something they’re not, something non-threatening to entice their prey, which happens throughout the animal kingdom. To deny this blatant truth, to deny reality, is to be a fantasist and, like these predators, the SNP and Greens are living in a fantasy world. Enabling such predatory behaviour through legislation, creating a deliberate legal fiction and indulging in this shared fantasy, makes the SNP/Greens themselves just as predacious. They identify more easily with the perpetrator now than they do with the victim.


“John H I have to believe in his innocence as he was cleared”

You “have to” believe. This suggests you were already prejudiced against him even before the court case started and any evidence presented. Is he the only man for whom “innocent until proven guilty” does not apply?

“He is yesterday’s man”
On the basis of what, exactly?
He has demonstrated that, after the fabricated case against him, after having the entire Sgov apparatus against him, the entire unionist press and broadcasters, the COPFs and after the perjurers continued to damage his reputation behind the shield of annonymity and government quangos, he could still lead a brand new party. I challenge the useless Sturgeon or Yousaf to ever be capable of doing the same.

For what I have read, The Scottish Greens were created in 1990. After 20 years, in 2010, they still had less than 1500 members. Alba, with Mr Salmond as leader, emerged in February 2021. Two years on and it already has more than 7,000 members. As per Nicola Sturgeon, remind us all again the speed at which she haemorrhaged SNP members?

The most clear sign you are a “yesterday’s leader” is if the membership under your stewardship declined rather than increased during the last year. I think under that measurement, Mr Salmond might be the only “today’s leader” in Scottish politics. Let’s reconvene in one year’s time and see how much the SNP membership has increased with Yousaf as leader.

“He has a mountain to overcome in the mind of the public”
That is what you would wish. Over 7,000 members in two years seem to suggest that he is at the very least half way up that mountain. The loss of membership seems to suggest the SNP is half way down that mountain.

“I think that there is a place for him in the winder movement”
Well, that is generous of you. Do you see a place in the independence movement for a political fraud like Sturgeon? Because I don’t. But then I don’t see one for Yousaf either. I see however a placde for them within labour.

“he like the rest of us has to get behind the SNP”

Err, no. He, like the rest of us, has to come to terms with the fact the SNP died the tragic day he stood down as its leader in November 2014 and the leadership on a party on the way up and ready to win the majority of Scotland’s seats in the 2015 GE was left in the hands of a political fraud who proceeded to completely dismantle the party and rendering useless as a party of independence.

“for the greater good”
Of whom, the gravy train riders or the union?

“Imagine how statesman like he would appear if he were to endorse the SNP”
Oh dear. Are the SNP troughers relying on Mr Salmond making the case for their party because they can no longer manage it themselves? That is really hitting a new low, isn’t it?

Dorothy Devine

Mia , forensically analysed but I doubt it will be given the courtesy of a reading.

You can take an ass to water ……


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You can’t have it both ways: self-ID is universal

You may certainly feel, and argue, that the rights of trans people outweigh women’s rights to these spaces. I consider that an extraordinary attitude but it is not in itself illogical. What you cannot honestly do is claim there is no clash between interest groups. Yet this is what trans activists and Scottish politicians from all parties prefer to pretend.

Trans activists and Scottish politicians from all parties argue that transwomen are women hence there aren’t two groups.

This reminds me of the argument that Scotland ceased to exist in 1707 and became lesser England’

Women have been bought and sold for pharmaceutical gold & we now have ‘The New Treaty of the Union’ 🙂

Women ceased to exist in 2014 and became lesser women.

Carol Neill

I’ve shared without permission , apologies ,

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