The Silence Of The Sacrificial Lambs
Should disabled children be used as props to make men with sexual fetishes feel better? It doesn’t seem like a difficult question, does it?
The above quote is part of the heartfelt plea of a mother of a disabled daughter. We know that women and girls are vulnerable to male sexual violence, we know that men commit 98% of sex offences and we know that disabled children are three to four times more likely to experience abuse.
We just don’t seem to care.
The United Nations Population Fund has highlighted how “in a study by the African Child Policy Forum of violence against children with disabilities, nearly every young person interviewed had been sexually abused at least once – and most more than once”.
Once they reach adulthood, the statistics according to research by DAME Magazine are terrifying:
The magazine’s Victoria Brownworth argued that (in the US) “77% of rapes and sexual assaults were not reported to police. The enormity of that number suggests that within the context of disability, where so many victims may not even have access to language, or where the person they would report to is the same person perpetuating the assaults (and on whom they depend for their most basic care), the number may be perilously close to 100 percent.”
Alongside the significant risk of sexual violence, we know that girls and women experience an indignity and a trauma when they are forced to allow a male to undress them and touch their vulva, breasts or anus when they do not consent and do not want this touch. Sex is important.
Having become disabled as a teenager myself, it can feel like society has sentenced you to suffer at the hands of men. The figures and the possibilities of your future are stark. People look away at the obvious risks, they deny that you too need dignity, they claim “not all men”.
And while it isn’t all men, it’s also not just seven bad ones – they wouldn’t have the time to abuse all of these children and women.
Although it’s difficult to obtain data on disabled children as previously it hasn’t been seen as important enough to collect, the data which is emerging is showing a similar pattern across nations. Very vulnerable children and adults, particularly those who struggle to communicate, are seen as targets by predators. These predatory males will use careers where they can have access to these vulnerable children in order to abuse.
For example, evidence was given to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry that a potential sex offender was being employed and moved around children’s homes, including a home for disabled children.
Frequently men will move into positions where they can have access to their targets. In May 2021 Dorrion Etienne was imprisoned for targeting and sexually abusing two learning-disabled girls at their school.
In November 2021 Robin James Elms was convicted and sentenced after he “targeted a child with special needs during a campaign of abuse in private homes where he worked as a freelance nanny and babysitter. He picked on children he thought were too young to speak up or who had learning difficulties and autism, grooming entire families in order to commit his abuse”.
Also in November 2021 it was reported that George Holden, “a former Derbyshire teacher and professional clown expects to die behind bars after being jailed for abusing young children. The court heard his previous convictions included sexually abusing blind and disabled children while working as a teacher at a special school”.
In December 2021 Brian Rudgley, an 83-year-old retired head teacher with years of experience working with children with special educational needs was imprisoned for sexually abusing a learning-disabled girl.
We have seen this pattern in institutions like sports clubs, charities and the Church to name just a few. Predators will move to where they can get to their prey. Yet still, politicians are behaving like such behaviour is beyond the realms of possibility. I am sick of them playing dumb and putting the wellbeing of the disabled at risk.
Indeed, it is once again being proposed by politicians that male feelings and male egos need to be prioritised and protected by law above the needs of the vulnerable, and those who too frequently experience sexual abuse at the hands of males. We are not even allowed to name the pattern – male sexual violence – in case it offends men.
Language had been changed to obscure reality. Parent P, who wished to remain anonymous, pointed out that “lots of people won’t think twice about a form only asking about gender, not sex too and also think these terms are interchangeable. The erosion and hijacking of our rights is so insidious”.
When it’s a form deciding what adult will be touching your child’s genitals, the difference between sex and gender identity is put in much sharper relief. Same-sex care is the most basic of safeguards and provides dignity, we should be able to choose it for ourselves and our relatives.
However, it commonly appears that NHS policies have been written according to Stonewall’s version of the law rather than the Equality Act 2010. NHS Lanarkshire’s “Supporting Trans Staff in the Workplace” dictates that employees:
Translated, a cross-dressing man who gets aroused in women’s clothes is to be treated as a woman, and this includes allowing him access to disabled girls’ naked bodies.
The Equality Act 2010 makes it acceptable to discriminate on the basis of sex if there is a legitimate aim – this is known as a General Occupational Qualification (GOQ). If women and girls are to be naked it was widely accepted, before Stonewall poisoned the well, that a GOQ would automatically apply.
NHS Lanarkshire has pre-empted challenge on this point and commanded staff that male feelings come above the law in this regard. It declares that:
“the Equality Act 2010 provides limited exemptions for GOQ positions to restrict access to members of a particular gender [wrong, read “sex”]. These exemptions can only be applied in order to achieve a legitimate operational need.
This secret-keeping about (mostly) males’ true sex, identity, and past means the scenario could arise that parents place their severely disabled non-verbal teenage daughter in a short respite care, thinking she will receive intimate care and be attended to at night by a woman, when in reality a man who gets aroused by cross-dressing has put on women’s clothes and is repeatedly washing the girl’s vulva.
Is that sexual abuse? The young girl will feel violated, will feel abused, will be traumatised. The parents will feel lied to, and wonder if they can ever trust the care of their daughter to Lanarkshire NHS again.
Allan Petrie, the chairperson of Glenlaw Parent/Carer Support Group, has written to Shona Robison, the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government to raise parental concerns around the care of their disabled children, noting that “trans” is now an umbrella term encompassing all manner of groups including drag queens, crossdressers and “midlings”, whatever those might be.
(Googling produces nothing useful.)
It’s also argued within the LGB/T/Q/+ community that a range of extreme (and even illegal) sexual practices grouped under the term “kink” belong under the trans/LGBTQ+ “umbrella”.
The Q in LGBTQ+ (the official preferred term of people like the Scottish Greens) already stands for Queer, a term which organisations like Stonewall are very shy about defining in any meaningful way but appears to implicitly embrace “kink”, as being outwith “perceived norms” and “specific labels”.
Or put another way, it means whatever you want it to mean. Christina Richards – a transwoman who is Lead Psychologist and Head of Psychology at the UK’s foremost “gender identity clinic”, the Tavistock in London – has called for many extreme and violent sexual practices to be normalised and no longer classified as paraphilias – conditions “characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme or dangerous activities”.
(One such practice is “ageplay”, which Richards describes as “an adult identifying as a baby or young child, and is also known as adult baby/diaper lover (ABDL) or infantilism. There may be a sexual aspect… associated with humiliation”, while denying it has any link to paedophilia.)
Mr Petrie explained that to the minister:
Research by NSPCC Learning together with Coventry University and the Ann Craft Trust presented the universalism of these parental anxieties around the care of their disabled children. One parent respondent described how
The research highlighted how “parents whose children had complex needs raised particular concerns regarding how incredibly difficult it was to teach their children about issues such as safe touch in their intimate care, puberty and changes in their bodies and about sexual abuse. Their greatest fears were that their child would not be able to communicate if they felt unsafe. One parent explained that her son used Makaton to communicate, yet there were no staff in his school that could use Makaton. As a result the child had no means of communicating with anyone”.
The sexual abuse of disabled children and young adults is so widespread that the NSPCC alongside the charity Triangle has developed a communication system for children to express abuse. Triangle highlighted that before their intervention, children who used symbol vocabulary to communicate could “communicate about the national curriculum but cannot say ‘leave me alone’.”
Due to the fact that disabled children did not have access to specific symbols which could communicate sexual abuse, safeguarding experts and investigators would sometimes have to hand draw images and thus accusations of coaching the child could be made. This added to non-verbal children being perceived as weak witnesses and subsequently cases not being prosecuted.
Consequently it increased the targeting of such children by perpetrators. Triangle has enabled disabled children and young people to get legal redress for crimes committed against them, by enabling disabled children to tell someone what’s being done to them. As part of developing the images, Triangle
Yes, in our society we’ve had to develop a way for severely disabled children who may have mental ages of 6 to 8 to say “willy”, “hard” and “squirt”.
Once communication has been enabled the struggle to participate in the justice system doesn’t stop there. As well as access to communication, physical access to the courts is still a barrier as just 2% of UK courts are currently accessible to disabled people. This, frankly, is a denial of fundamental rights and what exclusion really looks like.
Alongside the obvious safeguarding issues and the need to maintain dignity for the disabled is the fact that a male carer would retraumatise disabled girls who have already been sexually abused by men. Ann West commented that “our disabled daughter was seriously sexually assaulted. We were assured she would always have women support staff especially as she needs assistance with all her personal care. Well I’m not remotely reassured, in fact I’m terrified for her future. This is so wrong on every level’.”
It is generally understood that women and girls who have been sexually assaulted and or raped by men find the presence of and touch of men re-traumatising, and this is no different if the women or girl has a disability. In fact it may be exaggerated because that man might be touching your vulva, breasts and other parts of your body. The statistics on abuse are stark – UNICEF estimates that children with disabilities are three to four times more likely to experience physical and sexual violence.
Why would a man want to do this? If he doesn’t care about the potential serious impact he will have on the disabled girl or woman, should he be in a caring position at all? Since when has it been acceptable to use disabled children as props to arouse men?
To most people it is astonishing that questioning a man touching your non-verbal disabled female child’s genitals could be a criminal offence, yet in Scotland it is about to become a hate crime.Why are politicians willing to re-traumatise potential abuse victims to fulfil men’s fantasies?
Dr EM is a disabled, feminist writer and historian. She writes under a pen name due to threats to her safety and tweets as @PankhurstEM.
“AN INTERNATIONAL coalition of renowned human rights lawyers has launched an urgent appeal to the UN to act over “abominable” racism at Ukraine’s borders.
Black people and other ethnic minorities fleeing Ukraine are facing “two wars” – one inflicted by the Russians and another over racial discrimination by Ukrainian and Polish officials, the new coalition said today.”
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I’m confused. How can beautiful innocent Ukrainians possibly be racists?
John Main says:
5 March, 2022 at 10:11 am
@Scott 10:50 pm
Russian military forces annexing Ukraine.
Do tell us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about that.
I posted my views on the “invasion” previously with annexation of Ukraine *not* the desired outcome.
Legitimate targets identified to expose “nefarious intervention from the good guys in the West”
Lack of “shock & awe” continues to support this view.
First casualty of war is the truth, so it’s best to wait until the end to see if Russia just lies all the time, no?
How many of the current ‘NATO/FiveEyes’ devotees were ‘up in arms’ at the lies told to start the Blair/Bush wars in Iraq & Afghanistan?
I don’t concur with Hatuey’s assessment of your intelligence, btw, based on the words you write. And Ruby can fuck off with the sanctimony also.
So Irn Bru is to stop sending its sugar laden drink to Russia, I’m sure they’ll be upset about that, maybe the other Britnat producers such as Baxter soup and Tunnocks teacake manufacturers will jump on the sanctions wagon, who knows, and who cares.
Here’s a read for Hautey.
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World Economic Forum:
“To build back better, we must reinvent capitalism. Here’s how”:
link to
The Conservative and Unionist Party: “Build Back Better”:
link to“Can the Labour Party build itself back better?”:
link to
Diverse coalition asks Nicola Sturgeon to build back better:
“Our funding is provided by: …who receive the funding from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)…”:
link to
FCDO: Outcome Delivery Plan
“In addition, the FCDO sponsors the British Council…”:
link to
British Council: “British Council engaged in a series of round tables on how we can Build Back Better”:
link to
Scot Gov (education): “What Scotland Learned – How to build back better”:
link to
Scot Gov: “Rebuilding better”:
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Scottish Green Party: Building Back Better:
“Patrick Harvey’s #Buildbackbetter campaign”:
link to
World Economic Forum:
The Great Reset: “World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative”:
link to
Reuters: Fact check:
“The WEF does not have a ‘stated goal’ to remove everyone’s private property by 2030. As addressed in previous Reuters fact checks, these claims likely originated from a WEF social media video from 2016 that stated eight predictions about the world in 2030, including: “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy. What you want you’ll rent, and it’ll be delivered by drone”:
link to
Yuval Noah Harari (World Economic Forum):
“Humans are now hackable animals… It’s far beyond 1984…. Once you establish a kind of digital dictatorship that has this kind of knowledge, of everybody, there is absolutely no way to destroy the system from within….”:
link to
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Hatuey says: (to me about John Main)
5 March, 2022 at 11:46 am
You obviously think he is dumb and didn’t consider for a second that I’m his biggest fan because, as an average person, I admire his higher than average intelligence.
Scott says: (To John Main)
I don’t concur with Hatuey’s assessment of your intelligence, btw, based on the words you write. And Ruby can fuck off with the sanctimony also.
Have we got this right guys?
Hatuey thinks John Main has a higher than average intelligence based on what he writes BTL but Scott doesn’t agree.
You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.
That’s Buddhist philosophy is it not?
They might be right because they also believe in no killing of any sentient being.
I’m confused. How can beautiful innocent Ukrainians possibly be racists?
Is this a serious question or a flame-bait directed at John Main.
Thanks for the link, RoS. Nasty bunch, aren’t they… reading that makes me think the invasion is more of a police action aimed at combatting neo-nazi hate crime than a military-politico affair.
The Mariupol nazi brigade must be bricking it with it being clear that Putin is going after them.
Andy Ellis attempted to use the “ Zelensky is Jewish” squirrel on me… another nail in his reputational coffin…
That article tied a few things up nicely tho.
@Hatuey 5.33 pm
Aw mate….you’re just embarrassing yourself at this point. No reasonable person believes the Putinista play book that Ukraine is a neo-nazi state, or controlled by noe-nazis OK? There’s no evidence of genocide against Russians in eastern Ukraine, whatever your new neo-communist mates and presumed Russian assets like RoS keep spouting.
The other evening I posted a number of links from independent sources fisking Russian claims. None of the Putinistas and Russian shills could come up with any counter evidence from any independent source or recognised international agency.
You and your mates in here are like the Serbians demonstrating in support of Russia: you’re so out of step not only with the truth but with popular opinion it’s almost comical. Most reasonable people see you all for what you are and scorn your moral vacuity. Slava Ukraini!
Andy Ellis says:
5 March, 2022 at 5:45 pm
@Hatuey 5.33 pm
Nothing for days, then *12 minutes* after his name is mentioned he reappears. Seems legit…
Whodathunk it? (I thunk it, but not the 12 minute bit)
Ellis is obsessed about having others read his opinions, but can’t defend them without resorting to hyperbolic descriptive abuse. [Luckily Tripadvisor isn’t a debating forum or there’d be a load of spittle-flecked, moonhowling holidaymakers out there intent on ruining his memories]
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This is about “Patriots For Life” the ones mention in the link posted by ROS
The are anti-fascists.
link to
The National Corps also known as the National Corps Party, and previously called the Patriots of Ukraine, is a far-right political party in Ukraine founded in 2016 and currently led by Andriy Biletsky. The core support base of the party are veterans of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, which is under the command of the National Guard of Ukraine, and members of the Azov Civil Corps, a civilian non-governmental organization affiliated with the Azov Battalion.
If I wanted visitors to this site never to come back I’d bicker over and over with the same people.
Perhaps an alternative point of view or disagreement without personal attack and with justifications would do the job just fine.
Thank God for this site. Let’s uphold the quality of posts the Rev shared with us.
Effigy says:
5 March, 2022 at 6:26 pm
If I wanted visitors to this site never to come back I’d bicker over and over with the same people.
That would only be the visitors who don’t enjoy a good old pissing contest.
One man’s pissing contest (bickering over and over with the same person) is another man’s robust debate.
I’m anticipating a very long pissing contest now that T.C.E. has returned.
Sure, but Buddhists are not devilish snakes: they don’t designate/demote (de-humanise ?) humans as animals, or obtain ultimate personal empowerment and enrichment on the back of their own global agendas and schemes – at our public/global expense, while pretending to be free-thinking and independent minded, morally, ethically and principally driven leaders of the free world (re. where can the public find this evidence ???).
Surely our existence and future requires integrity,‘the truth’(e.g. informed-public-max), and human progression.
Biden Says ‘Top Priority’ Is Getting Prices Under Control:
“President Joe Biden said that his top priority is controlling inflation, pitching elements of his stalled “Build Back Better” program as a means to temper the surge in prices that’s costing him support among voters…”:
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Reuters: “China willing to work with U.S. on Build Back Better World initiative”:
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“Trudeau says Canada needs to ‘build back better’ in new year”:
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UK Government: Build Back Better: our plan for growth:
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Build Back Better (UK): What do we want:
“…But what we do next could change everything. As the world recovers, we have a chance to reset the clock and build back better…”:
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Hatuey @5.30pm.
You’re welcome, bookmark Consortium news its a reputable website.
you’re so out of step not only with the truth but with popular opinion it’s almost comical.
The problem with ‘popular opinion’ is that ‘popular opinion’ may have been formed based on lies. ie the Black Art of Media Manipulation.
I am highly suspicious of someone who claims to know the truth and to know all about popular opinion.
@Effijy 6.26 pm
I think that ship sailed long since. The basket of deplorables and Putinista shills who regularly pollute the BTL comments here now have soiled the WoS site and its reputation. Thankfully a few saner heads still post rebuttals to their tin foil hattery, but it’s just not possible to educate pork.
As others have observed, these moon howlers need to be faced down to show the many who still probably still read that the moon howlers don’t represent the Scottish independence movement, still less the population as a whole. Their whole world view, their weird obsessions, sophomoric politics and – in all too many cases – advanced cases of tourettes sydrome or other neurological problems, is a terrible advert for the movement and a sad wat for this site to bow out after all the good it has done.
Comfortingly, they represent an insignificant minority, and their credibility went down in flames like that Russian helicopter ploughing into a Ukrainian field in a fireball after meeting the missile of truth.
@Ruby 6.35 pm
Scepticism is a good thing. Tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorising and believing woo-woo is not scepticism.
I’m scornful of those that can’t see the difference. And of tourettes addled low lives who disgrace this place on a regular basis.
gregor says:
5 March, 2022 at 6:45 pm
Sure, but Buddhists are not devilish snakes: they don’t designate/demote (de-humanise ?)
More importantly they do not kill. Can you imagine where the warmongers would be if all the plebs decided to be Buddhist?
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Andy Ellis says:
5 March, 2022 at 7:03 pm
Scepticism is a good thing. Tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorising and believing woo-woo is not scepticism.
I’m scornful of those that can’t see the difference. And of tourettes addled low lives who disgrace this place on a regular basis.
Descriptive abuse from a narcissist who couldn’t debate his way into wet paper bag.
@Gregor 4.13 pm
Since you’re keen on Yuval Noah Hariri’s views, he’s on record as saying:
“Ukraine is a very, very real nation. Zelensky didn’t flee, the army is fighting like hell and the population is throwing Molotov cocktails on the Russian tanks, not flowers. And in this sense, Putin has already lost the war, because this is the war about the very existence of the Ukrainian nation.”
“The most fundamental problem of every dictator is that people around him are so afraid to tell him the truth that eventually he becomes completely convinced of his own lies. He said so many times that there is no Ukraine, and people around him said the same, that he lost touch with reality. The dangerous thing is that when such a person with so much power crashes against reality, he doesn’t acknowledge his mistake”.
“The war is about the existence of the Ukrainian nation. And in this sense, Putin has already lost it, because even people who didn’t know anything about Ukraine a week ago, now know that this is a very real nation fighting for its survival.”
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SNP ministers ‘must honour once-in-a-generation promise’
“Alister Jack made the comment as he urged both the UK and Scottish Governments to work together to ‘build back better’”:
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One post containing all T.C.E’s classics:
basket of deplorables
tin foil hattery
it’s just not possible to educate pork
moon howlers
weird obsessions
sophomoric politics
cases of tourettes sydrome
other neurological problems
The ‘tourettes sydrome’ cases are those who swear like the Rev.
I might be pork but I do now how to spell syndrome or at least I can see the big line of red dots under the word.
“to trick someone or make someone appear stupid in some way”:
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@Scott 7.12pm
Yeah, we’re going to give credence to the guy even Hatuey thinks is creepy with neurological issues who spent much of the other day in a slanging match with Tannadice Boy about humping lonely army wives from what I remember.
All the LOLZ.
Gregor even Ukrainian politicians say that Zelensky is in hiding, of course armpit sniffing spunk bubbles like Ellis want you to believe he’s not. Maybe Ellis is like Zelensky a comedian his comments sure point to it.
“Ukrainian MP Ilya Kiva said that Volodymyr Zelensky left Kyiv and is on the territory of the American embassy in Poland.”
Andy Ellis: “None of the Putinistas and Russian shills could come up with any counter evidence from any independent source or recognised international agency.
Actually, I’m going to assume you just don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, rather than assume you’re a liar. That’s a courtesy.
HRW have tonnes on neo-nazi violence in Ukraine, here’s one of the more interesting ones; link to
I can paste 50 links to HRW concerns and reports.
The protest in Glasgow had about 150 people at it, the majority of which were Ukrainians, so, if I was you, I wouldn’t overstate public support for NATO and the Team America warmongers.
How come we call rich Russians “Oligarchs”? What about the rich people in America, aren’t they Oligarchs too? They have more power and are every bit as corrupt. If you want to know their names, just look at the flight logs for Epstein Island.
The word “putinista” is a brass neck btw.
If all you’ve got as a defence is ‘neurological issues’ and calling for hauners by name checking, then even my MS-affected brain can see the merits in highlighting your own repeated failures.
If you think your insults affect me negatively, think again and again and again.
Linda Perry wrote the following as a ‘Dear Diary’, and these words can be applied to you.
“To all your friends you’re delirious; So consumed with all of your doom. Trying hard to fill the emptiness, the pieces gone, left the puzzle undone. Ain’t that the way it is?”
Anyhoo, enough with the shooting fish in a barrel…fancy a game of poker, Andy? lolz.
gregor says:
5 March, 2022 at 7:20 pm
“Alister Jack made the comment as he urged both the UK and Scottish Governments to work together to ‘build back better’”
Gregor Are you sure he didn’t say ‘build Jack better’
“If I only had a heart
I’d be tender – I’d be gentle and awful sentimental
Regarding love and art.
I’d be friends with the sparrows … and the boys who shoots the arrows
If I only had a heart.”
“One post containing all T.C.E’s classics:
basket of deplorables
tin foil hattery
it’s just not possible to educate pork
moon howlers
weird obsessions
sophomoric politics
cases of tourettes sydrome
other neurological problems”
I’m not gonna lie, I think Andy is pretty good at insults… entertaining.
Hattrick at 1:32 pm
The Morning Star article makes it clear that Ukrainian officials are prioritising Ukrainians over other nationals. Seems reasonable to me. The Russians are at war with Ukraine, not the countries from which the other nationals come.
On the other side of the border, Polish officials are doing the same. Now there is some justifiable criticism perhaps due there, but, “Ukraine criticised because Poland is racist” is the kind of story that only makes sense when you have dug it out of your hole.
As before, key questions unanswered:
Why is a “racist” country like Ukraine hoaching with ethnic minority students and others, many of whom have been happily living there for years?
Why are the oppressed ethnic minorities in “racist” Ukraine not fleeing towards the Russian “liberators”, instead of away from them?
Intae yer hole, Hattrick, and dig us out the answers.
I think Andy is pretty good at insults
Only at dishing them out have you seen the state he gets in when you fire back.
He went off and grassed to the Rev ‘cos I called him a cunt.
What a crybaby! A bit like yourself Mr Bonkers!
Republic 7:44
Where you been, Republic?
There’s only about a billion people who now know that to call somebody a comedian is the highest honour you can bestow.
So much time and effort trying to understand what’s going on, eh Republic? Yet that one escaped your notice.
You and Putin both. What else have you overlooked…?
@Putin’s Poodle
“Ukrainian MP Ilya Kiva said that Volodymyr Zelensky left Kyiv and is on the territory of the American embassy in Poland.”
Kiva? He seems nice:
link to
Some highlights:
“MP Kiva is a rather infamous figure in the annals of Ukrainian politics. His political ambitions began in 2013, when he mounted an unsuccessful campaign to stand as MP for one of Kyiv’s districts. Although it failed, Kiva succeeded in getting his name out there, and before long, he was given a number of important posts in post-Maidan Ukraine: being appointed the Deputy Chief of the Donetsk regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and heading the Ministry’s anti-drug crime division. The latter position resulted in an infamous interview in 2016 where Kiva, technically a law enforcement official, admitted that he would be more than happy to use extralegal methods to combat drug crimes.”
“Kiva, unable to keep himself out of the headlines, was then accused of multiple charges of bribery, both giving and receiving, and was a co-signer of a bill submitted by the Opposition Platform to negate a core anti-corruption reform – a bill later upheld by Ukraine’s Constitutional Court. He was also accused of texting a prostitute during a parliamentary vote, and claimed that right-wing nationalists targeted his campaign bus during the 2020 elections with gunfire.”
He was also accused of texting a prostitute during a parliamentary vote
Putain’s Poodle?
Andy’s No1 disciple is back. I can’t figure out if he is serious or striving to be a comedian.
Where Chas? Still at the DGC?
@John Main 8.12 pm
He’s still in the bot farm in the Russian Federation somewhere. At least…that’s a lot more likely than Zelensky being in Poland.
If you search for the nutty conspiracy theory about Zelensky fleeing the country you’ll see it’s those beacons of free and independent reporting in Iran “Pars” leading the charge.
By their friends indeed….
Andy Ellis posts “and the man who would be a phd” without irony.
Quality self-own, Mr Didn’t-Get-A-PhD.
At least you got your name known, but only by telling everyone repeatedly.
A story based on ‘accusations’ is smearing without evidence.
Mr Ellis *demanded* we recognise his online identity, so I showed him some courtesy by “Lycosing” the ‘ndls61’ bit and reading stuff not posted on here. I ‘smear’ with evidence not ad hominem shit.
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He just went to Poland to buy some Irn-bru and Tunnocks teacakes he’s on his way back now with a big stash in the back of his tank.
Not only has the comedian fled Ukraine, the Ukrainian Nazis are executing their own.
Sources in Ukraine have claimed that a member of the delegation Kiev sent to engage in talks with Moscow earlier this week was killed on Saturday.
The first claim about the death of Denis Kireev came from Aleksandr Dubinsky, a controversial MP and journalist. In a post on social media, he claimed Kireev had been killed by agents of the SBU, the Ukrainian security service, during an attempt to arrest him.
The assertion was later confirmed by two media outlets, and Obozrevatel. An even more dramatic description of what had allegedly happened was published by Anatoly Sharij, a Ukrainian politician and journalist. He claimed Kireev “was executed by a shot in the head” near a courthouse in Kiev.
It won’t be long until the Ukrainian Nazi regime falls, and the Nazis along with the like of C14 will flee like the dogs they are.
Ach, ken whut?
Eh’m gittin’ fed up of BTL commenters describing other BTL commenters as “pork” and “moon-howlers” because they don’t agree with their input.
Grow up and stop insulting other Wingers who don’t agree with you.
Put forward your argument for whatever, then stand back and wait for responses. The insults are an unnecessary distraction.
@Andy Ellis
Personally speaking, I prefer to think for myself, thanks.
Speak to mainstream (investigative) journalism for dismally failing to inform the facts (the world I know doesn’t require a justification for informing public facts).
Given the complexities, power dynamics, and history inextricably linked to our global disaster, I think it would be absurd to point the finger solely at a state Actor (e.g. Russian President Putin) as the fundamental problem source of our global conflict/peace woes.
If we had a competent government and mainstream media (with integrity), I wouldn’t be here and would be living my life in relative comfort, harmony and security – like we all should be – as a civilised world community, yet we find ourselves at the forefront of an extremely dangerous juncture in human history.
Has our human future, independent status and existence been pre-planned (‘in the name of democracy’), regardless of our sovereignty, prior public consultation and democratic consent, and is been rigorously pursued by a new world order/private corporate one-world government (I can’t recall having this public discussion, can you ???).
I don’t trust any of our global leadership (Russian State included), and hopefully some members of the public will understand why.
My focus is on the bigger picture, raising public awareness (in areas wherein I feel I can contribute something of value to the public at this dark hellish time), and in better understanding and establishing ‘the truth’, otherwise how can we progress ???
@Gregor 9.49 pm
I suspect most of those who support the independence movement share your lack of trust of our global – and indeed local? – leadership. I reckon the public do understand. Moving from that understanding to action that changes this is a different matter i suppose.
Some people see the truth, or can work it out from what’s going on. Some will be convinced by the lie if it’s big enough. I don’t believe our history is pre planned. What public discussion is it you think we’re going to have as a people that will materially change any new world order / private corporate one world government? In fact what evidence is there for either of them?
Recent events may represent a sea change: who knows?
I agree that it would be absurd and simplistic to point the finger of blame at one state actor, or one personality (tho’ it has to be said the current situation has many of the hallmarks of the “great man” theory resurrected: do we really think Medvedev would be doing the same as Putin, or some other leader? Is Russia destined to be ruled by dictators, whether Tsar, Stalin or Putin?).
Progress isn’t automatic. Perhaps our mistake was in thinking “the only way is up?” to borrow a phrase. Perhaps “people” are waking up to the need to tackle both authoritarians like Putin and the flaws of our own system. Taking action against Russian oligarchs, interests and business interests seems to be driven to a large extent by the public. Perhaps their eye will turn to those in the west benefitting from Russian money and our own oligarchs?
They’re certainly not ready to accept folk calling the USA and the West “the Great Satan” and pandering to those committing mass murder in the Ukraine. Those aligning themselves with Russia, Syria, North Korea and Eritrea are not democrats in any conventional sense, nor are they friends of our movement.
AUOB report 2500 at the march in Paisley today. That is better.
Next important event is 8th March in Dundee – a protest for women’s rights and against self-id. A letter will be delivered to Shona Robison. I think the event is organised by Women Won’t Wheesht.
The strangest justification for racism that any of you will ever read;
“The Morning Star article makes it clear that Ukrainian officials are prioritising Ukrainians over other nationals. Seems reasonable to me. The Russians are at war with Ukraine, not the countries from which the other nationals come.”
That’s John Main’s translation of this, from the article;
“African citizens living in Ukraine have shared accounts of being blocked from leaving the war-torn country by soldiers, while white Ukrainians are prioritised.
Videos on social media have shown officials appearing to threaten to shoot groups of African students attempting to flee the country.”
link to
So, there you have it; a horrible little racist hiding in plain view on Wings. Less than a day ago he was talking about the impression we were making on here in the eyes of potential independence voters…
More free lolz.
Alistair Jack is an incredibly rich Tory who gets richer every day and the general public are
only allowed to exist to serve the landed gentry like him.
At Indy ref it was stated that it might be a once in a generation situation.
The comment wasn’t voted on in Scotland, wasn’t debated in Holyrood, it didn’t become legislation or part of our constitution.
If you want to grip on one comment then let’s keep hold of this statement that was and is used repeatedly and is part of our constitution being a sovereign nation in our own right.
The people of Scotland have control of Scotland and are answerable to no Crown or Parliament or arrogant Tory Toff.
His boss a pathological liar and every aspect of the Indy ref Vow broken.
There is no honour between these rich thieves!
Hatuey says:
So, there you have it; a horrible little racist hiding in plain view on Wings.
More free lolz.
Are you sure this highly intelligent racist isn’t joking Mr Bonkers?
He does after all consider comedians to be superheros he might be just practicing his routine.
Do you think T.C.E. the Missionary Man might want to have a word with his convert?
Why is he wasting all his time trying to educate low life pork with tourettes?
Oink! Oink! Oink!
@Hattrick – 11:56
“a horrible little racist”
Now who you calling little, Hattrick?
Don’t you externalise your own trauma onto me.
Talking of T.C.E’s converts what has happened to ‘Mr Potato Head’ aka Chas?
I heard a rumour that he had a bit of a ‘crise cardiaque’ when he entered ‘The DGC’s’ Gents toilet and spotted free sanitary protection for men and a notice for men with the menopause.
He has now ordered ‘her indoors’ to join ‘Women Won’t Wheesht’ although he emphasised that rules in his house will stay the same ie ‘Women will Wheesht’
Only kiddin’ Chas ……well kinda.
You know what they say about many a true word.
@Republic – 8:50
“It won’t be long until the Ukrainian Nazi regime falls, and the Nazis along with the like of C14 will flee like the dogs they are”
Republic perhaps concerned that the corpse of Wings is still twitching, so gives it another head shot.
Republic is the standard bearer for an odious strand of Scots Indy that is rubbing its hands in gleeful celebration at the agony of the people of another free, independent, sovereign, European nation.
Did Republic, and others like him (Hattrick) initially align themselves with Indy with good intentions? Who knows?
They are most certainly wreaking destruction on its image and reputation now.
John Main says:
6 March, 2022 at 8:23 am
@Hattrick – 11:56
“a horrible little racist”
Now who you calling little, Hattrick?
Don’t you externalise your own trauma onto me.
Sometimes I struggle with ‘alternative comedy’ but eventually I got the joke and I’m now ‘rofloling’
Keep em coming John Main you know what they say about laughter being the best medicine.
@John Main 8.37 am
As we’ve seen over many months now Putin’s Puppet (the ironically named “Republic of Scotland”) and his claque in here are entirely relaxed about the prospect of Putin’s world view predominating. Not only are they happy to see him impose his rule in Ukraine, they’d be the kind of commissars who’d like to do the same thing here given half a chance.
Their deeply twisted and odious attempts to draw a moral equivalence between authoritarian regimes like Russia and China and our own governments are hardly novel of course. There have been fringe groups of political nutter touting such Socialist Worker pish for decades: they never made any impact in the past and were widely and rightly derided. That hasn’t changed.
Not only do they represent a tiny minority of opinion, they inflict damage on the movement by giving yoons a stick to beat us with by polluting this place and others with their sophomoric whataboutery.
These are the types of folk who would be booing along with the Chelsea fans and chanting in favour of Abramovich, people who downplay, ignore or deny any negative news about the actions of the Russian state, people who – while purporting to be supporters of Scottish independence – are entirely sanguine about not just the extinction of Ukrainian independence, but potentially its very erasure as a state. Their rationale for this appears to be a queer sense of collective guilt for the asserted crimes of “the West” and an absolute assurance that our system is no better than Putin’s (or actually worse).
None of them will of course answer the question whether they – as Scottish nationalists – would accept the UK placing the kinds of limits on our independence that Putin is attempting to impose on the Ukraine. If not, why not?
As you say, any mass movement has its leavening of fringe groups: it didn’t take long for the mask to slip with those who infest BTL in this place of course. Putin apologists, blood and soil nationalists seeking to exclude non-native born Scots from voting, anti vaxxers: the virtually exact overlap in these groups is illuminating if unsurprising.
Always worth confronting such arrant stupidity and unreason.
Comedians getting a lot of respect all around the world now, thanks to the example set by President Zelensky.
It’s making me wonder if perhaps Billy Connolly is the greatest leader Scotland never had.
FFS it’s the SSDD
‘Putin’s Puppet (the ironically named “Republic of Scotland”) and his claque’
‘fringe groups of political nutters
sophomoric whataboutery’
‘Putin apologists, blood and soil nationalists’
‘anti vaxxers’
Those who want to see the kind of society RoS and others would happily see an independent Scotland become should watch the Storyville documentary “Tango with Putin” about the Dozhd TV station in Russia, and how it was suppressed.
That’s what they’d be happy to live under folks. It’s good enough for the Russians, and apparently good enough to be imposed on Ukrainians, because *neo-nazis…that nice Mr Putin told us so!!*.
“Tango with Putin”
Was it “The Last Tango with Putin”?
Any butter scenes?
Should you not advise people with a sensitive disposition not to watch?
Andy Ellis
Mostly agreed – maybes one or two categories in your penultimate paragraph where we have not seen eye-to-eye in the past!
The only good thing about war is that it allows people to cut through the crap and focus on the essentials. As is so often the case, we can be guided by the actions of the desperate people fleeing on foot with their salvaged possessions on their backs.
What are they fleeing from? Where are they fleeing to?
The significance of Neo-Nazis in this whole debacle is, in my opinion, simply manipulative. I’m not saying there isn’t an element of realism, but it’s a proxy grievance of convenience being conflated into something pivotal, “a trigger” if you like. It’s same as “the Huns” bayoneting babies in WW1 propaganda, villagers being herded into churches then set on fire, or Saddam Hussain having weapons of mass destruction… It’s presented as the reason you can no longer do nothing.
It may or may not be factually true, but it’s an attempt to manipulate public opinion and suppress debate. It’s a tit designed to provoke a tat, and once the tit-for-tat process has escalated out of control, the real cause of the war becomes whatever people want to believe it was. The World didn’t go to war in 1914 because Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated.
The war in Ukraine is not about neo-nazis. I’ve said it before, Ukraine is to Russia what Taiwan is to China, what Israel is to the Middle East, and somewhat poignantly, what Cuba was to the USA.
It was intended to be a provocative enclave of hostile belligerence parked upon the “enemy’s” lawn.
We are now seeing war, because the West wouldn’t back away from a provocation which the Russian’s repeatedly warned was intolerable. QED.
Rotten Scot Gov/Public Health Scotland: for prison:
“Public Health Scotland will stop publishing data on Covid deaths and hospitalisations by vaccination status due to concerns the data is being wilfully misrepresented by anti-vaccination campaigners”:
link to
BMJ Editorial:
“Covid-19 vaccines and treatments: we must have raw data, now.
Data should be fully and immediately available for public scrutiny”:
link to
“AUOB report 2500 at the march in Paisley today. That is better.”
Sarah @10.53pm.
Yet looking on Sturgeon the betrayer of Scotland fanzine the National this morning, you would be hard pressed to know that there was an indy march yesterday, however you’d have no such problem finding multiple articles on Scots and Ukraine, the narrative has been set.
Apparently some wars are ok, even if the public and politicians protest,
While others are bad.
If your mr Blair it’s ok, even if you kill and main thousands,
No apologies needed, if fact you can go on to interfere at a promoted higher level whereby you interfere in many countries.
As long as you explain you think more like a Muslim and you did what you thought was right,
Other civilians lives are not important in other countries and can be dismissed.
Perhaps Putin one day will say,
I did what I thought was right at the time,
Or maybe he will quote Hillary and have fun saying
We came, we saw, he died!
All for one and one is equal to the other.
Sad to say our governments thrive on war no matter which country they intercede in.
If a virus that was meant to finish in 2024 did not bring about the demise of western democracy , economy and culture a war straight afterwards stopping all trade and cancelling out the financial system should finish it.
Accordinding to WEF.
Breeks says:
We are now seeing war, because the West wouldn’t back away from a provocation which the Russian’s repeatedly warned was intolerable. QED.
I could go along with that assessment.
The question is what is it the West actually want. World domination?
Hitler wasn’t that ambitious!
“John Main says:
6 March, 2022 at 9:35 am
It’s making me wonder if perhaps Billy Connolly is the greatest leader Scotland never had.”
Ah naw! He would have banned Toblerone and I love Toblerone!
Hi James Che! You haven’t been around for awhile!
Hope you are OK and keeping yer dugs on a leash! None of that fetch malarky their balls could roll in front of a cyclist struggling up the hill at 1 mph!
John Main says:
6 March, 2022 at 9:35 am
Comedians getting a lot of respect all around the world now, thanks to the example set by President Zelensky.
Not here they ain’t they are being banned, no platformed & denied freedom of speech.
link to
I’ve read Breeks’ comment at 10.23 three times. The more you read it, the more confused it gets.
@Breeks 10.23 am
“We are now seeing war, because the West wouldn’t back away from a provocation which the Russian’s repeatedly warned was intolerable. QED.”
No, we’re seeing war because Putin and the gangsters in the Kremlin wanted one. Russia wasn’t being provoked, and even if it was making preposterous demands you know will never be accepted as a pretext for launching a war you fully intended to start anyway isn’t a position any reasonable person should give a moments credence to.
Putin isn’t interested in negotiation or compromise. He’s publicly stated he doesn’t believe Ukraine is a real country and that it’s really just part of Russia. He uses up the fiction of Ukraine being controlled or led by nazis as a fig leaf to re-establish Russian dominance over not just Ukraine, but the rest of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
Putins ambitions aren’t matched by his abilities however. His armed forces have performed poorly, the underlying weakness of his economy once full international pariah status hits home will begin to tell, and there will be growing unrest at home as the casualty rate shoots up in his armed forces and the realisation dawns that the Ukrainians aren’t just going to roll over as expected.
This is Putin’s war in much the same way as WW2 was Hitler’s war. Sometimes the roles of individual actors and those in their close circle are decisive.
Putin isn’t interested in negotiation or compromise. He’s publicly stated he doesn’t believe Ukraine is a real country and that it’s really just part of Russia.
Sounds similar to what the UK Gov said in 2014 about Scotland.
@Ruby 1.01 pm
Ah Ruby, another “standard bearer for an odious strand of Scots Indy that is rubbing its hands in gleeful celebration at the agony of the people of another free, independent, sovereign, European nation.” as Mr Main correctly observed.
Only to a tourettes addled waste of DNA with no sense of perspective would think this, still less feel it was a brain fart worth setting down in writing.
The thing I really hate about T.C.E. is that he’s always adamant that he’s right and everyone else is wrong!
Putin’s Protégé?
@Ruby 1.11 pm
You saying it, and it being true are 2 very different things Ruby. Of course I think I’m right: that’s what folk with strong opinions about such issues usually think. I’m not an undecided voter” on these issues. Unlike you I read about these things, so I know what I’m talking about. You glory in your ignorance and make a point of loudly proclaiming online that you don’t even bother to read about the Ukraine.
I’m sure I’ve been wrong in the past about numerous issues Ruby, but the idea that I’m wrong and you or odious pieces of work like Putin’s Poodle and probable FSB asset “Republic of Scotland” are right, is so outlandish as to be actually comical.
It’s like watching a pigeon play chess.
Sturgeon continuing to be good little Westminster puppet.
“Nicola Sturgeon has ordered officials to draw up a hit-list of Scottish property and land owned by oligarchs and Russian firms.”
link to
Only to a tourettes addled waste of DNA with no sense of perspective would think this, still less feel it was a brain fart worth setting down in writing.
You can call me whatever you like you ‘fat old viagra addled dictatorial cunt’ but could you please, please refrain from using the term tourettes?
Mongo & spastic also totally unacceptable.
‘Don’t fight in Ukraine – military boss tells Britons’:
“The advice that we, as senior military professionals are giving our politicians, is to avoid doing things that are tactically ineffective and definitely to avoid doing things that tactically might lead to miscalculation or escalation.”
link to
Federal Reserve Chair re. Ukraine conflict:
“….only a limited impact on the U.S. economy, analysts say, as long as it doesn’t significantly escalate”.
link to
You glory in your ignorance and make a point of loudly proclaiming online that you don’t even bother to read about the Ukraine.
Who is going to believe that made up shit? We certainly are not now are we guys?
Ukraine conflict: Liz Truss backs people from UK who want to fight:
link to
Ukraine: ‘More than 100′ people from Scotland volunteer to fight’
“Anyone who travels abroad to fight could in theory be prosecuted under UK anti-terror legislation.”:
link to
link to
“Of course I think I’m right” – ndls61
Yeah, about this Andy.
You thought you were right when you told us you had a PhD. Lolz.
“Sounds similar to what the UK Gov said in 2014 about Scotland.” – Ruby
What’s controversial about this Andy? (It’s what Alister Jack thinks. And Gove. And Boris. And all the other nodding dogs in ‘BetterTogether’.)
Imagine having such a meltdown over facts that you’d write “Only to a tourettes addled waste of DNA”
Away back to posting on Tripadvisor, a safe space for you where others won’t challenge your opinions.
‘fat old viagra addled dictatorial cunt’
Hahahaha. Quality comeback.
Andy is 60 years old and can probably still get it up. He just can’t get it in.
I probably shouldn’t be mocking guys like TCE who have ‘erectile dysfunction’
Sorry guys! Good luck with the blue pills – careful not to overdose!
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. Criminal Case No. 21-582 (CRC):
MICHAEL A. SUSSMANN:Factual Background:
“…less than two months before the 2016 U.S. Presidential election – the defendant, a lawyer at a large international law firm (“Law Firm-1”) that was then serving as counsel to the Clinton Campaign, met with the FBI General Counsel at FBI Headquarters in Washington…
…defendant provided the FBI General Counsel with purported data and “white papers” that allegedly demonstrated a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and a Russia-based bank (“Russian Bank-1”).
The Indictment alleges that the defendant lied in that meeting, falsely stating to the General Counsel that he was not providing the allegations to the FBI on behalf of any client. In fact, the defendant had assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients, including (i) a technology executive (“Tech Executive-1”) at a U.S.-based Internet company (“Internet Company-1”), and (ii) the Clinton Campaign.
The defendant’s billing records reflect that the defendant repeatedly billed the Clinton Campaign for his work on the Russian Bank-1 allegations. In compiling and disseminating these allegations, the defendant and Tech Executive-1 also had met and communicated with another law partner at Law Firm-1 who was then serving as General Counsel to the Clinton Campaign (“Campaign Lawyer-1”).
The Indictment also alleges that, beginning in approximately July 2016, Tech Executive-1 had worked with the defendant, a U.S. investigative firm retained by Law Firm-1 on behalf of the Clinton Campaign, numerous cyber researchers, and employees at multiple Internet companies to assemble the purported data and white papers. In connection with these efforts, Tech Executive-1 exploited his access to non-public and/or proprietary Internet data. Tech Executive-1 also enlisted the assistance of researchers at a U.S.-based university who were receiving and analyzing large amounts of Internet data in connection with a pending federal government cybersecurity research contract. Tech Executive-1 tasked these researchers to mine Internet data to establish “an inference” and “narrative” tying then-candidate Trump to Russia. In doing so, Tech Executive-1 indicated that he was seeking to please certain “VIPs,” referring to individuals at Law Firm-1 and the Clinton Campaign…”:
link to
Putin’s Protégés:
Trudeau & UK MPS who voted for UK’s Policing Bill
link to
UK’s Policing Bill would silence us, says Ukrainian protester:
link to
The Guardian:
“British spies were first to spot Trump team’s links with Russia”:
link to
The Guardian:
“Collusion: How Russia Helped Trump Win the White House by Luke Harding – review”:
link to
The Guardian:
“Boris Johnson is facing questions about the government’s links to key individuals named by the FBI in its Trump-Russia investigation, following the emergence of a photo of him with Joseph Mifsud, the “London professor” with high-level Kremlin contacts”:
link to
Washington Post:
‘Steele dossier sources, methods face new scrutiny after indictment of key figure’:
“Five years later, there are intensifying questions about whether those involved in the dossier saga — from the political operatives who commissioned it to journalists who amplified parts of it to government officials who used it to obtain a surveillance warrant — assigned too much credibility to the allegations and the man who compiled them.
First introduced to the world in media reports as a “Real-life James Bond” with deep knowledge and high-level Russian sources cultivated from years of work in Britain’s intelligence service, Steele now faces considerable doubts about his methodology. Last year, a London judge found that his private intelligence firm had “failed to take reasonable steps” to verify information in the dossier…”:
link to
Aven, Fridman & Khan v Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd
[2020] EWHC 1812 (QB)
link to
Gregor, on the basis of your links and other things you believe and know, can we say the whole Russia story that dogged Trump’s presidency was a fabrication? It’s not a story I’ve devoted a lot of time to, but it seems like a lot of people are suggesting the Clintons made it all up.
Andy Ellis, for you to be taken seriously on Putin and Ukraine, you’d be required to devote an equal amount of time criticising Israel with regard to Palestinians, the US role in that and the Middle East generally, and the totally illegal wars Iraq, Libya, and Syria, and arguably Yemen too.
Otherwise you’re just an attention-seeking shill, cheerleading for the biggest butchers in history.
I see Blair is doing the rounds today, apparently admitting mistakes may have been made. In a tightly controlled propaganda system such as ours clearly is, I’m guessing that isn’t a coincidence.
I’d further guess that a good percentage of the British people aren’t buying into a war with Russia, and there’s a lot of scepticism about what’s being said about Ukraine with regards to our role, the role of the US, and NATO.
We aren’t the only ones that see through the lies and propaganda, you can be sure of that. They’ll have polls that show that.
The EU bigwigs, we’re not at war with Russia.
(Charles Michel) European Council President.
“The chief of the EU’s top political body confirmed that the EU pledged €500 million ($547 million) in military aid to Kiev, €450 million ($492 million) of which will go to buying weapons.”
Yes the EU is at war with Russia it just hasn’t declared it yet.
Poland appears to be the main channel for funneling weapons to Ukraine, the comedian, no not Ellis,(of whom I pointed out is a Chinthe long before the war) Zelensky is begging Nato/EU to declare a no-fly zone above Ukraine, which would certainly lead to open warfare between Nato and Russia.
“The World Economic Forum generally suggests that a globalised world is best managed by a self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments and civil society organizations.
According to The New York Times, BBC News, The Guardian, Le Devoir and Radio Canada, conspiracy theories spread by American far-right groups linked to QAnon surged at the onset of the Great Reset forum and increased in fervor as leaders such as U.S. President Joe Biden, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau incorporated ideas based on a “reset” in their speeches:
link to
“World Economic Forum Partners are leading global companies developing solutions to the world’s greatest challenges.
They are the driving force behind the Forum’s programmes.
Our Partners engage in Forum Platforms to shape the future”:
WEF partners (re. industry):
• Advanced Manufacturing
• Aerospace
• Agriculture, Food and Beverage
• Automotive
• Aviation, Travel and Tourism
• Banking and Capital Markets
• Chemical and Advanced Materials
• Digital Communications
• Energy Technology
• Energy Utilities
• Engineering and Construction
• Health and Healthcare
• Information Technology
• Infrastructure and Urban Development
• Institutional Investors
• Insurance and Asset Management
• Media, Entertainment and Information
• Mining and Metals
• Oil and Gas – Independents
• Oil and Gas – Majors
• Oil Field Services
• Private Investors
• Professional Services
• Retail, Consumer Goods and Lifestyle
• Supply Chain and Transportation
link to
link to
Russell Brand is funny.
I hope the Rev does see the subject of his video & ban me.
@Scott 1.37 pm
It would seem somewhat odd to say I had a PhD in public “Scott” and for it not to be true. What would it take to convince you I wonder…a picture of my degree certificate?
That’s been enough for employers in the past, but doubtless someone as far gone down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theorising and creepy stalking wouldn’t accept that either…..
I’m happy to post a pic of the relevant certificate on my GETTR profile though, if for nothing else than to revel in your grovelling apology.
Your call…..
“In 1992 the WEF launched a major recruitment project, which has involved thousands of people, including dozens who were to go on to lead nation states. The exact extent of the project is difficult to track, since the WEF has never published all the names, and members almost never mention their recruitment on their CVs.”
link to
And this dug up by Wikileaks, which is the only journalistic body to not have reported a lie.
@Hatuey 2.48 pm
“Andy Ellis, for you to be taken seriously on Putin and Ukraine, you’d be required to devote an equal amount of time criticising Israel with regard to Palestinians, the US role in that and the Middle East generally, and the totally illegal wars Iraq, Libya, and Syria, and arguably Yemen too.”
Well no, because that’s not how debate works Hatuey, at least not for those trying to do it in good faith. The issue at hand is Ukraine, not Yemen or Palestine or Bosnia or Schleswig-Holstein. Neither I or anyone else is obliged to devote equal time to every conceivable conflict situation, still less to the select group that you personally find important. Why did you leave out the Rohingya? The Tamils in Sri Lanka? The Uighurs and Tibetans? Roma and Sinti all over the world..?
Your facile argument is the kind of whataboutery wheeled out by unreasoning regressive voices everywhere to stifle debate. We saw it with right wing voices here insisting that any Muslim had to preface any criticism or even commentary of western policy with condemnation of Islamic extremism. That’s not how how normal people behave, but then we know you’re not a normal person from the content of your posts on here.
Doubtless I would agree with many of the criticisms of western, US and UN policies in a whole host of areas and possibly disagree with others. The idea that my outlook on this issue (which however much you shriek in inchoate rage in that of the overwhelming majority in comparison with yours) is somehow not liable to be taken seriously because I haven’t spent an equal amount of time addressing your hobby horse horse issues isn’t a point of view worthy of merit in a democratic society.
“Andy Ellis, for you to be taken seriously on Putin and Ukraine, you’d be required to devote an equal amount of time criticising Israel with regard to Palestinians, the US role in that and the Middle East generally, and the totally illegal wars Iraq, Libya, and Syria, and arguably Yemen too.”
Ellis doesn’t want to talk about the above, for he knows its indefensible, that’s why he’ll splutter out the whataboutary doesn’t apply here. Nato has committed war crimes but you’ll never see any Nato countries leaders standing in the dock of the Hague, no way, only Eastern European warlords and African warlords find their way into the dock.
Its an old boys club, a closed shop if you like, the Great Satan (US) even reserves the right to invade the ICC and rescue any Americans or allies it deems fit to be rescued from the court. The deck is so stack against justice that the US imposed sanctions on ICC judges and personnel who threatened to haul up US personnel for war crimes, needless to say the ICC staff backed down.
The only mention of a PhD online is on this site and GETTR with the ‘DrNDLS’ – trying to get your hole aff the lassies are you? lolz.
But crack on and post proof of this PhD on GETTR (I’ve got you blocked so post the link once you’ve done the deed)
Post it on Twitter too, oh wait, you got permanently banned for being an abusive cunt.
Jeez oh, BBC personnel now posting on Twitter how and where to throw a Molotov cocktail for Ukrainians who want to attack Russian vehicles. The BBC employee is telling them to throw the Molotov cocktails through the viewing hatches, and the air inlets of Russian military vehicles.
link to
@Scott 3.42 pm
How unsurprising I’d have you blocked already on GETTR. Obviously you’re as creepy and obnoxious there as you are here. I’ll post it: if you want unblocked tell me your profile and I’ll do it temporarily to let you look before re blocking you.
Everyone else will however be able to see what a chicken shit liar and fantasist you are.
Happy to help!
Andy Ellis says:
6 March, 2022 at 3:55 pm
@Scott 3.42 pm
How unsurprising I’d have you blocked already on GETTR.
I blocked you, you stupd cunt. That’s what “I’ve got you blocked” means.
Happy to help. lolz.
@Scott 4.00pm
Ah right, so guilty as charged on the snivelling anonymous coward front then, eh Scott? There’s a surprise.
How the West has know for years that Ukraine has been infested with Nazi’s but turned a blind eye to it.
link to
@Putin’s Puppet 4.12 pm
So one article from 2014 by Consortium News. Riiiight…
Nothing about this “genocide” against ethnic Russians Putin is using as a pretext for his invasion then? Nothing from international agencies accepting the charge that the Ukraine is “infested with neo-nazis” on the basis of a tiny minority of shameful zealots. Is the UK infested with neo-nazis too because Tommy Robinson is still around?
Nobody buys the Putinsta agitprop RoS – well, nobody remotely serious or sane which I know gives most of your claque a free pass. Far right Ukrainian nationalists won 2.15% in the 2019 elections: their support has steadily decreased in successive elections. The general public treats those regurgitating Vladimir Putin’s playbook talking points with the contempt they deserve.
I doubt you and your clueless mates would have the courage to to own your opinions face to face with any Ukrainians in Scotland. Snivelling online cowards rarely have the courage to own their fake news of course.
It’s understandable that members of the public may feel somewhat in the dark over such events (re. Trump Presidency). Mainstream media (et al) has played a leading role in shaping (formenting hysteria, manipulating & coercing) public ‘hearts and minds’, and actively suppressing and censoring the information and facts, particularly over the last few years.
I’ve got little doubt that the entire show: Russia-DNC hack (leak/whistle-blower re. R.I.P. murdered DNC staffer, Seth Rich); ‘Trump/Russia’ collusion; Steele Dossier; ‘Trump/Ukraine’ collusion/impeachment clown circus (MK: 1) etc, was plotted, politically/privately funded, coordinated, and executed by the same Actors who brought the allegations and charges
Today, the information and facts that can be verified today, seriously implicates these clowns as the fundamental bad Actors.
It’s not about Trump/his personality for me (my voting history affiliates me as social democrat) – it’s about a rotten unprecedented, politically weaponised rogue deep-state high criminal coup d’état, orchestrated against a democratically elected, duly elected US President/’leader of the free/western world’, and the rampaging, mass destructive, criminals and conspirators who have not yet faced justice.
To know that the same clowns who are up to their eye-balls in all our latest clusterfu**s (national/world disasters), are leading and directing us all now, while determining our future – fills me with dread.
The most sickening factor for me, is that our own so-called western media/state apparatus would mass deceive and betray it’s own people, on such a scale and level, and consciously inflict such depravity on us all (re. holding the news cycle/western society hostage for years, wasting our precious resources etc), while being acutely aware of their deep complicity and disgusting treachery.
As far as I’m concerned the entire western state apparatus has utterly destroyed its credibility/integrity (and such depravity comes with extremely serious consequences).
Consequently, the public (targeted victim) will prioritise publicly exposing its revolting and contrived web of lies and deceit.
@ Republicofscotland at 10.42: the National scarcely reported yesterday’s AUOB Paisley march.
I don’t understand Callum Baird. I thought he must be a bright guy and passionate for independence but to produce 40-odd front pages celebrating an imminent vote on independence? Surely after the first two failures he must have wondered.
And although they did publish some supportive articles on Craig Murray, they know the truth of the Alex Salmond stitch-up. They could, and should, enlighten their readership – no need to give names, just state some facts such as the defence witnesses said 12 incidents never happened, and the 13th incident, the woman in question continued working with Mr Salmond.
You look in to see what’s going on
And the first thing you see is Ellis say’s
The only thing to look forward to is Ellis and his tag team partner have been recalled to barracks as there current tour of duty is at a end , bye chaps .
Dear Andy the expert.
There’s only been the local elections in 2020 since the presidential election of 2019.
The 2020 elections were conducted using a new format (PR), and the turnout was lower than the previous elections in 2015. (36.8% v 46.62%) [Covid wasn’t the main driver here]
In the 2nd round of mayoral elections, attempts to bribe voters was noted by NGO ‘Committee of Voters of Ukraine’ (24% average turnout across 7 cities)
link to
There were no elections held in parts of the Donbas and none at all in Crimea.
The effect of this disenfranchisement/gerrymandering was predicted and the reasons for doing so explained by Paul D’Anieri.
link to
President Zelenskyy isn’t as popular in Ukraine as made out, given 2020 results.
In other news, where’s the link to your GETTR post?
I’m happy to post a pic of the relevant certificate on my GETTR profile though, if for nothing else than to revel in your grovelling apology.
Who in their right mind would take an uploaded digital pic as proof positive of anything?
I had to laugh at the selfie video upload by Zelensky to prove that he was in his office.
link to
I’ve Been Warned Not To Talk About This
It’s great that Russell Brand has over 4 million followers.
@Scott 5.24 pm
Aw mate…that pic proving what you said was imaginary still burning eh? Must be hard admitting in a public forum you’re too cowardly to identify yourself in that you lied right enough. All those weeks of stalking, all that effort…me living rent free in the tiny space that passes for your consciousness….all for nothing. Bring out the tiny violins someone quickly!
Local election results…yeah: that’ll convince EVERYONE*. What would Scottish local election results tell us Scott…? We’ll wait…..
*absolutely nobody.
Correction to earlier post about the origin of Covid.
Ruby says:
6 March, 2022 at 3:07 pm
link to
Russell Brand is funny.
I hope the Rev does not see the subject of his video & ban me.
@Scott 5.24 pm
“In other news, where’s the link to your GETTR post?”
I’m sure you’ll work it out Scott. Even sentient spam like Ruby managed to figure it out, though (much as predicted) it’s still not enough. It never is with tin foil hat wearing wing nuts. Stun us wi’ another.
Feel free to apologise anytime…..
Andy Ellis says:
6 March, 2022 at 5:47 pm
@Scott 5.24 pm
Aw mate…that pic proving what you said was imaginary still burning eh?
Either post the fucking thing or don’t.
You were the one who said you would, nobody asked you to.
Weeks of stalking? I read your comments once, all in one day. I’ve got a fantastic memory btw (I can remember being 2 years old…over 50 years ago) so stalking isn’t necessary, no matter how much the thought of someone doing so turns you on.
You really are out of your depth here.
@Scott 5.57 pm
Put up or shut up bud: you’re the one who has been going on about it. Even Hatuey – who we all know has his own issues – thought your behaviour was creepy. Now when the proof of your lies and weird obssessive campaign is there for anyone to see on GETTR it’s somehow my responsibility?
You have all the intellectual depth of a puddle after a sunny afternoon. You still come across like a 2 year old, so it’s not a huge surprise you remember it so well.
I was watching John Lennon on You Tube and this popped up in the side bar.
Trump explodes at Reuters reporter asking about Ukraine 2019
link to
You talking to me?
President of Finland I think that question was for me.
Hattrick’s logic at 2:48 pm
Various greater and lesser Satans did various bad things at various times in the past.
Ergo, Ukraine must be destroyed. Ukrainians must die. QED
I have warned Hattrick several times that no good can ever come from digging in your own hole.
But he can’t be told.
@John Main 6.18 pm
I imagine using a spade is closest Hatuey ever gets to hole.
As for whataboutery, what about those Romans…what did THEY ever do for us. Bunch of psychopathic fascists they were.
Why won’t Hatuey and Putin’s Poodle address the crimes of those Italians before banging on about the Israelis and the Great Satan?
CPS: Terrorism:
“The specific actions included are:
Serious violence against a person;
Serious damage to property;
Endangering a person’s life (other than that of the person committing the action);
Creating a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public;
International Terrorism:
…UK nationals travelling overseas to serve with extremist groups as ‘foreign fighters’ present a potential threat to the UK, both while they are overseas and when they return to the UK.”:
link to
Republic at 3:48 pm
Don’t just sit there on your flabby arse, a-bitching and a-whining about the great, big “it isnae fair” Republic.
Use the freedom and privilege of this site to post instructions for Ukrainians on how to welcome Russian tanks and armoured vehicles into their towns and cities.
Remember some special words of encouragement for those Ukrainians whose fathers, sons or 6 YO daughters have just been blown to bits.
Seems to me Republic, that all you ever do on here is futilely bump your gums. Accentuate the positive for once. It’s not every day a Ukrainian gets the chance to show her gratitude to the Russian tank crew that has just flattened her house, destroyed her place of employment, the local school and hospital, and killed her family.
Here’s your chance to ensure her liberation gets off to a good start.
BBC: ‘How to make fire-bombs’:
link to
BBC: ‘How to use fire-bombs’
“Where to throw a Molotov cocktail. Guide for Ukrainian volunteers #Kyiv shows weak spots in Russian armour, viewing hatches and air inlets”:
link to
BBC (2021): ‘The devastating human cost of rising US gun violence’:
“Washington DC has called a public health crisis, despite the city having some of the nation’s toughest gun laws.
So what can be done to address the problem, and which communities are hardest hit?”:
link to
The BBC’s Editorial Values and Standards: ‘Our editorial values’:
“Our audiences trust us and they expect us to adhere to the highest editorial standards”:
link to
Hatuey @2.48pm.
Check out Ellis’s 6.30pm comment its exactly as I said, the Chinthe obfuscates, a classic Chinthe tactic.
YouGov: Do people in the UK trust the media?
“…figures show British trust in the press to tell the truth has fallen, with less than half believing BBC news journalists are honest and impartial.”:
link to
Edelman (2022): ‘Government and media fuel vicious cycle of distrust’:
“…The fourth force is the most worrisome. From globalization to deregulation of financial markets, leaders in democratic societies have made policy promises that have proven to be false, and the public has paid the price.
Now, around two-thirds of respondents believe traditional authority figures—journalists, government leaders and business executives—flat-out lie.?
The ominous result: in many democracies, institutions are trusted by less than 50 percent of their people.”:
link to
I imagine using a spade is closest Hatuey ever gets to hole.
Where is hole?
Terrorism Act 2000: Weapons training (Section 54):
“(1)A person commits an offence if he provides instruction or training in the making or use of—
(b)explosives, or
(c)chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.”:
link to
Terrorism Act 2006: Preparation of terrorist acts (Section 5):
(1)A person commits an offence if, with the intention of—
(a)committing acts of terrorism, or
(b)assisting another to commit such acts,
(3)A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable, on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for life.
link to
Gregor @6.36pm.
This is very irresponsible journalism by the state propaganda broadcaster, if young Ukrainian men take heed of this many will throw their Molotov cocktails only to see very little happening and find themselves dead a few second later.
But then again Nato and its propaganda machine care not for Ukrainians, infact the more that are killed the greater the propaganda spewed out, Nato is no friend of Ukraine its using Ukraine to prod the Russian bear.
Terrorism Act 2006 (Section 6): Training for terrorism:
“(1)A person commits an offence if—
(a)he provides instruction or training in any of the skills mentioned in subsection (3); and
(b)at the time he provides the instruction or training, he knows that a person receiving it intends to use the skills in which he is being instructed or trained—
(i)for or in connection with the commission or preparation of acts of terrorism or Convention offences; or
(ii)for assisting the commission or preparation by others of such acts or offences.
(3)The skills are—
(a)the making, handling or use of a noxious substance, or of substances of a description of such substances;
(b)the use of any method or technique for doing anything else that is capable of being done for the purposes of terrorism, in connection with the commission or preparation of an act of terrorism or Convention offence or in connection with assisting the commission or preparation by another of such an act or offence; and
(c)the design or adaptation for the purposes of terrorism, or in connection with the commission or preparation of an act of terrorism or Convention offence, of any method or technique for doing anything.
(5)A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable—
(a)on conviction on indictment, to [F1imprisonment for life] or to a fine, or to both;”:
link to
…It’s an abomination.
Look on the bright side: ‘This mainstream media’ is finished…
As for whataboutery, what about those Romans…what did THEY ever do for us. Bunch of psychopathic fascists they were.
Could it be because Caesar, Hadrian, Polansky, Cicero or any other Roman isn’t on telly like Condoleezza Rice & Tony Blair preaching about illegal invasion?
What are Hautey’s issues?
Andy Ellis
Once Ukraine is annexed, Republic and Hattrick will be on here justifying why the next tranche of Eastern Europe must be absorbed.
They were never interested in the rights of sovereign nations. They simply jumped on the Scots Indy bandwagon because they saw Indy as a means of achieving their primary objective; harm to the greater and lesser Satans which populate their pantomime reality.
They can be fairly lumped with the other hobbyhorse activists who have hijacked the Indy movement, such as the trans cult.
Why do you call him Hattrick.
Hat-trick sounds like a winners name. A name you would give a footballer who scored lots of goals.
Cristiano Hat-trick Ronaldo.
(re. The Independent): “It has been reported that the Queen will never live in London again”:
Just an observation, last time I saw a recent photographs of the Queen, she looked seriously ill.
A&E: “I’m happy to post a pic of the relevant certificate on my GETTR “
Could you manage a shot of your spine too?
All bullshit aside, I’ve never seen propaganda levels like this. Quite obviously there’s all sorts of Government demands on the media, making sure no alternative or deviating opinions creep into any aspect of reporting. That alone suggests they’re preparing to escalate.
That said, having spoken to various people, I can only guess a significant percentage of the population see through the propaganda and are of the same mind as those of us here who laugh uncontrollably at the idea of the US and UK lecturing anyone on democracy, human rights, and international law.
They’ve met their match in Putin. I believe him when he says he’ll use nuclear weapons. I don’t believe Boris or Biden would. And I don’t believe all of those rich guys that call the shots from behind the scenes, the unseen western oligarchs, are going to give up everything they have over Ukraine.
Fasten your seatbelts.
The hypocrisy from the West stinks, as Sturgeon pushes the Home Office to rush through a good refugee scheme for Ukrainians in the UK.
“Outcry is growing over the European Union’s comparatively red-carpet treatment of Ukrainian refugees after years of appalling treatment of non-White asylum-seekers.”
“Many in France are demanding that European nations take responsibility for all refugees, and especially for refugee crises, which have been fomented by Western violence. ”
“In a historic and surprising decision, the European Union has decided to give refugees from war the instant right to live within the bloc, and freely travel. They also have the right to work. They even now have rights to housing and medical care. There is one catch: this only applies to Ukrainians.”
re. “In 1992 the WEF launched a major recruitment project…”
It would appear that WEF has also deeply infected our own Government (and ‘their future’ strategic plans for ‘our future’).
That’s some version of ‘independence’ (banana Scotland please wake-up).
Somethings wrong within Scotland’s National investment Bank, and Robin McAlpine tries to find out what it is.
link to
@Hatuey 7.18 pm
Aw mate: I’m not the snivelling anonymous online coward throwing rocks from under a bridge. You’re as far away from owning a spine as you are from a coherent argument.
The seriously deranged actions and behavior of our mainstream media/government (e.g. turning our values upside-down and inside-out, in a matter of days, promoting public violence and terrorism, etc) are indicative of a seriously dysfunctional State apparatus, (at it’s weakest point – in total panic-mode ?), as if they’ve lost control of the apparatus (perhaps foreseeing a looming event ?).
Regardless, this isn’t how an authentic western state apparatus should function.
“I ask again @theSNP
Why in an oil & gas producing country that produces almost all of its electricity via renewables are the electricity prices going through the roof ??????”:
link to
The globalist frauds betrayed their own sovereign people and nation (& core ethos of their own party), Scotland’s needs, and our national future.
‘In the name of WEF democracy’
Hattrick at 8:06
“US and UK lecturing anyone on democracy …”
Just wondering Hattrick. Boris killed or jailed any of his political opponents yet?
Awa back intae yer hole. No free Scot wants tae breathe yer reek.
@Republic at 8:07
“The hypocrisy of the west stinks”
Aw Republic, ye big jessie. Grow a pair, or even the one.
I’ll tell ye what stinks. Week-old human corpses, from under the rubble. Once smelt, never forgotten.
Ye can’t tell if it’s a man, a woman, or a bairn.
Well, normal people can’t. Bet you can tell if it’s a racist, or a neo-Nazi, eh Republic?
@John Main 8.58 pm
Remember John, Putin’s bestie RoS thinks the Ukrainians had it coming.
I’d like to see him explain it in person to some of those whose family members have been murdered by the Russians these nutters think are justified in doing what they’re doing because….*neo nazis / WEF / Ukrainians don’t deserve independence like Scots do / Ukraine can’t choose to be in NATO or the EU without Vladimir’s permission*.
Of course even if he’s not an FSB asset in a bot farm in rural Siberia, he’s doubtless just another sad inadequate posting in his kecks eating Frosties from the box from the place he shares with his Mammy.
John Main says:
6 March, 2022 at 8:58 pm
@Republic at 8:07
“The hypocrisy of the west stinks”
Aw Republic, ye big jessie. Grow a pair, or even the one.
I’ll tell ye what stinks. Week-old human corpses, from under the rubble. Once smelt, never forgotten.
Ye can’t tell if it’s a man, a woman, or a bairn.
Well, normal people can’t.
I’m a normal people. I’ve neither lived in, wanted to live in or be on active duty in a warzone.
That normal people are the ones who don’t go to war on the say so of you lunatics who are constantly itching to fight and big up your own standing using hyperbolic birthday caird pish.
There’s no place for emotive language when planning attack/defence/neutrality unless in a position of weakness.
Rules of engagement 101. Stick it up your arse and have a double-ender party with Ellis.
I’d like to hear the armchair/desktop generals say some words about the importance of morse code and also its relationship with mathematics. I’ve forgotten the exact pathways.
It’s really fascinating, from memory. And here seems as good a place as any to ask. Twitter is fulla folk pouring their messages into the sink and taking a flask of hot water to work, in an invisible flask, wearing invisible clothes, etc.
And GETTR is shite, I just made an account so I could block Ellis. True dat. hahaha.
It sounded shite, but planned to prevent him from reading my stuff, and finding out my surname from the start if it wasn’t.
@Scott 9:15pm
“The war will be upon you whether you like it or not”. Aragon.. Scene from the Lord of the Rings. A great novel written by an author who had experienced war. I take it that’s my invitation for a short excursion to Ukraine denied. Normal people don’t display the level of animosity you have over recent days. I think you are an SNP disruptor sent to diminish the debate. Meanwhile I have been working with former colleagues on the forthcoming Audit Scotland report on the Ferries. Today the newly appointed Law Society Of Scotland railed that Audit Scotland have to be Independent of Government. A great opportunity coming up to report accurately and without fear what happened with the Ferries. Engineers are waiting in anticipation.
Under this ultimate umbrella, the only ‘independent future’ we (and your children) will ever see, is this:
#WEFBuildBackBetterFuture (DEAD-media-free speech/thought/choice-Rule of Law-Justice-END).
Shame on you, Scotland.
“I think you are an SNP disruptor sent to diminish the debate.”
Nah. Too thick.
@Hatuey 9:55pm
I am saying nothing on the grounds I might incriminate myself. But I campaigned with a lot of intelligent and kind SNP people. There is a strand within the SNP that is distasteful but I always say the culture of an organisation is set by the leader and not the members. I say it was a happy and joyous event in 2014 under Salmond. Now? Pretty desperate. Scotland has been diminished since the Referendum. And our competence has gone as well.
Tannadice Boy says:
6 March, 2022 at 9:45 pm
@Scott 9:15pm
“The war will be upon you whether you like it or not”. Aragon.. Scene from the Lord of the Rings. A great novel written by an author who had experienced war.
“Pichie winchie” a game, played and words spoken by a former American spy who knew how important it is just to listen. His recounting of the time he smuggled documents back from Soviet Russia is hilarious. And you really shouldn’t trust someone who walks with a bias. You should read his autobiography. Truly inspirational. It’s my favourite book.
Shouldn’t Scotland be harnessing its strengths:
“The natural capacity to share and understand others’ feelings and thoughts – is a fundamental component of emotional experience and plays a vital role in social interaction…”:
link to
Rather than failing by its weaknesses:
Cognitive dissonance:
“…studies have confirmed the basic theory of cognitive dissonance and demonstrated its far-reaching impact. For example, cognitive dissonance explains the increased commitment so frequently observed following a severe initiation into a group. The theory also explains why, when faced with a choice among several desirable options, we observe the tendency to highlight positive aspects of the chosen option and negative aspects of the rejected…”:
link to
Cognitive dissonance: Telling everyone to believe what they read in the papers and see on the telly, on a website that spent years pointing out all the lies told on a daily basis.
Empathy: Me? Not with those people. Fuck them.
“As delegates jet back from Davos, Nicola Sturgeon wants to show Scotland can do things differently”:
link to
Scot Gov: Education:
“What Scotland Learned – building back better”:
link to
“Exclusive comment by Nicola Sturgeon: Building back better for Scotland”:
link to
World Economic Forum (Leadership and Governance · Our Partners – People):
Nicola Sturgeon:
link to
The only way is >>>
“Telling everyone to believe what they read in the papers and see on the telly, on a website that spent years pointing out all the lies told on a daily basis.”
A good point well made.
“aw mate, what about the Romans and moral equivalence… and what will potential indy voters think… it’s impossible for anonymous people to have a valid point…” and blah, blah, blah.
I see John Main has started saying “aw mate” too. They remind me of Bacon’s figures at The Base of the Crucifixion.
A question for John Main & TCE:
What do you think about Ukraine banning all male citizens ages 18 to 60 from leaving the country?
Good or bad idea? Democratic or authoritarian?
If we’re going down the allegory path.
Alastair Campbell, emeritus professor in media at Cambridge University; Sir Anthony Charles Lynton Blair KG; Dr David Christopher Kelly BSc, MSc, DPhil; George W Bush, former cheerleader and alcoholic, son of former head of CIA George HW Bush, former actor Ronald Reagan’s VP, then successor as President himself; Thatcher adored Reagan’s ‘special relationship’ and was cremated; Bill Clinton, fucked whoever he wanted, including John Major; Hillary Clinton, who Michael Moore openly admitted to ‘imagining her as his wife’ in his early books; Barack Obama, ‘bomb them’, Obamacare; et al.
What’s Russia ever done against us?
…- . .-. -.– / .. -. – . .-. . … – .. -. –. / –.- ..- . … – .. — -. / … -.-. — – –
Ruby says:
7 March, 2022 at 12:09 am
…- . .-. -.– / .. -. – . .-. . … – .. -. –. / –.- ..- . … – .. — -. / … -.-. — – –
There’s a reason why the pitch of morse code is the important part. It’s easier to decipher than by dots/dashes and a lot quicker. It’s a fascinating topic.
With reference to terrorism offences, it could be the case that Tannadice will be asked to answer some questions.
But, for anyone.
If they do chap your door, don’t panic.
I shared a flat with some guys from over the water in the 80’s. Pokenose neighbours doing their duty, dreaming of “sleeper cells”. One joined the RUC (CID) after graduation, the other was studying Electronicals and had a temper at times. Smashing guys and nothing to see, just ID verification from the spooks. They already had their photos, etc. Economy of scale for the capitalists among us who think they own the term.
“Evidence of US-financed biological program in Ukraine revealed by Russian defense ministry”
link to
“…information was received from employees of Ukrainian biolaboratories that especially hazardous pathogens: plague, anthrax, cholera, tularemia and other lethal diseases infecting agents had been urgently destroyed on February 24.”
It’s okay, we are the good guys… go back to sleep.
Parochialism in Scotland, some words.
Scots law isn’t constructed to be anything other than some loose rules agreed by consensus as it evolves.
Court of Session is the place to argue about matters of law.
Legisaltures are supposed to create the conditions that allow society to function.
Neither of Scotland’s fulfil that function to their fullest solely because of English law.
That’s the real sectarianism, in the abstract.
Scots law v English law.
No people involved. And there can only be one winner when you’re not allowed to challenge.
If you support independence of Scots law, you support Scotland’s independence. If you don’t, you don’t.
It’s really that simple.
Remembere that time there was a commonwealth of countries? And the Queen was on all the banknotes?
Every curdy issued with the Queen of England’s head has an equivalent sitting as a legal fiction in the ether.
Guess where?
The vaults of Scotland’s Treasury, English law abolished it and the ledger that would allow accurate allotment of UK debt to Scotland based on agreed criteria.
That’s a lot of IOUs over lots of years from even before the Industrial Revolution after which we invented tons of shite, but negotiations etc.
I reall meant history but, it’s always boring in the abstract. Macbeth is alot of shite. Julius Caesar is garbage. Twelfth Night has to be adapted to try and make it interesting and still doesn’t warrant nearly crashing in a blizzard on a school trip. Hamlet is a cigar. I was allowed to write a racist screenplay around Merchant of Venice for Higher English and got praise for it, and the teacher took it at face value, when the racism was the point.
English law has never had good taste. Has always picked the wrong battles. Good at hiding the loot, though.
Wake up Scotland, you’re our only hope.
Oh yes, there will be an indyref2
….once Brexit is sorted out
….OK, once Covid is done…
….OK, once the situation in Ukraine is sorted and world peace has been established…
Indyref2 is like the Second Coming of Christ – soon, just not now.
link to
Treacherous wankers making the 1707 Parcel O’ Rogues look diligent and respectable.
@Ruby 11.52 pm
The country is at war. If there are conscientious objectors then they should be allowed to declare as such and not serve. I imagine most countries in a similar situation would expect adult males to be conscripted up unless they were physically exempt or in a reserved occupation.
I’m not sure why you think it’s exceptional, unless you’re a Quaker (and I’m not just talking about your withdrawal symptoms) or total pacifist.
Twitter is part of our war effort – Ukraine minister:
“Before the war, his main goal was to create a “state in a smartphone”, where 100% of government services would be offered online. Now that project is on hold, with every muscle strained on the digital war effort.
He has piled pressure on multinational companies to boycott Russia.
Apple, Google, Meta, Twitter, YouTube, Microsoft, Sony, Oracle… no tech giant has missed out on an official government letter”:
link to
Scaling Up Digital Identity Systems (World Economic Forum):
Speakers: CV Madhukar, Mykhailo Fedorov, Sandra Ro, Don Thibeau:
“Digital identity has the potential to unlock access to banking, education, mobility and other critical services. With an estimated 1 billion people still lacking identification, how can businesses and governments work towards an interoperable, open and inclusive identity system?”:
link to
World Economic Forum: Our Partners:
link to
White House urges Putin to ‘build back better’ instead of invading Ukraine:
“Hours after the Biden administration admitted that its own Build Back Better plan won’t pass Congress this year, it urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to “build back better” in his own country rather than threaten aggression against Ukraine.”:
link to
Can you see the difference:
#BuildBackBetter = Top-down
#Democracy = Bottom-up
The country is at war. If there are conscientious objectors then they should be allowed to declare as such and not serve. I imagine most countries in a similar situation would expect adult males to be conscripted up unless they were physically exempt or in a reserved occupation.
How patronising.
The reports say Ukraine bans all male citizens ages 18 to 60 from leaving the country
It says all no exceptions for conscientious objectors, the disabled, the unfit or transwomen.
The plight of the transwomen is interesting because there is no self-id in Ukraine.
Sturgeon wants to take in unlimited numbers of Ukrainian refugees and Ukraine want all men between 18 – 60 to remain in the country.
Sturgeon desperately wants to help Ukraine or so she says. What does she do does she offer Ukrainian men between 18 – 60 refugee status or not?
Self-id meets International relations.
I don’t see the sense in people killing one another so yes I am a pacifist.
If Scotland was ever at war and males between 18 – 60 self identified as women making them except from active service I would applaud them.
Perhaps there is some positives to the self-id malarky.
There’s a reason why the pitch of morse code is the important part. It’s easier to decipher than by dots/dashes and a lot quicker. It’s a fascinating topic.
Indeed it is Scott. I had two brothers in the navy and when they didn’t want others to understand they spoke to one another in morse code. Fascinating but very annoying.
– .-. .- -. … .-.. .- – . / …. . .-. .
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Hatuey says:
6 March, 2022 at 11:29 pm
“Telling everyone to believe what they read in the papers and see on the telly, on a website that spent years pointing out all the lies told on a daily basis.”
A good point well made.
I don’t think Stu every said do not read the newspapers or watch telly.
Who is telling everyone to believe everything they read in the papers? Don’t tell me some idiot believed the shit you made up about me!
My advice read read Wings & Flat Earth News by Nick Davies before reading newspapers & watching news on telly.
Republic 9:15
“There’s no place for emotive language
Stick it up your arse”
Tell you what though Republic. The corpses of those dead kids under the rubble really do honk. Just going to get worse as the summer comes on and Putin’s liberation of Ukraine continues.
Not able to accept your claim that you are a “normal” person Republic. Normal people know that when an army crosses into a neighbouring country and starts killing people, then it’s the invaders that are to be held responsible, not the kids that are being killed.
Whoops, may have deployed some hyperbolic birthday card pish there Republic, but man up, you’ll live. Lucky I’m not deploying thermobaric rockets, eh Republic? We can’t have an exchange of views with anybody on the receiving end of one of these.
If men between 18 – 60 are at the border wanting to leave would that not suggest they are conscientious objectors?
What do I think about Ukraine banning all men of military age from leaving?
My first thought is that it is this measure that has emboldened Hattrick to vow that he will be “going out marching”. The only Ukrainian refugees he will have to face will be pensioners and mums with babes in arms.
His chances of surviving an encounter after telling them that they deserved to be exiled because they are racists and neo-Nazis must be a “hole” lot higher.
Guardian reporting Denmark planning referendum for 1st June.
Danes will be asked to approve pivot on defence spending and strategic alignment in order to counter Russian military aggression.
Republic & Hattrick, etc.
Eagerly awaiting your posts proving Denmark has been taken over by racists and neo-Nazis.
RT News:
‘Russia claims Ukraine destroying evidence of US-funded bioweapons program’:
“We have received documentation from employees of Ukrainian biolaboratories on the emergency destruction on February 24 of especially dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases,” read a statement from the ministry.
The statement accused the “Kiev regime” of conducting an “emergency cleansing” to hide evidence of the supposed biological weapons program, which the ministry claimed was funded by the US, and involved the production of “biological weapons components” at at least two laboratories in the cities of Poltava and Kharkov, both of which have seen intense fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces in recent days.
RT can not independently verify the authenticity of these documents. Russia’s Defense Ministry said that they are currently being analyzed by radiation, chemical and biological protection specialists.
“In the near future we will present the results of the analysis,” the ministry said, adding that it believes the documents will prove that Ukraine and the US were violating Article 1 of the UN Biological Weapons Convention.
The US, Ukraine and Russia are among more than 180 parties to this treaty, and under Article 1 of the agreement, all parties agree “never under any circumstances to develop, produce, stockpile, acquire, or retain” biological weapons.
As of the moment of this article’s publication, Washington has not commented on the ministry’s claims, and neither has Kiev”:
link to
As I said, John Main… pretty thick. Happy though, and harmless. I bet he’d make a cracking night watchman or store security guard. I can just imagine the banter…
Anyway, in the world of responsible adults it looks like things in Ukraine are about to escalate.
“Blinken says NATO countries have a “green light” to send fighter jets to Ukraine”
Since there are no airfields left in Ukraine, those planes which Poland has now arranged to supply will need to take off from one of the neighbouring countries and Russia has responded to say that it will attack any country that allows that.
The road to escalation is now clear and there’s nothing to stop it. I can’t see Russia backing down now that they found proof that the US helped Ukraine develop biological weapons. If that can be verified, it’s a game changer, possibly a game ender.
Why would Ukrainians want biological weapons? We can only guess.
Don’t completely get why John Main is misquoting me to attack Republic, but open ccomments and all that.
I know why his now mate Hatuey is ignoring the money aspect of potential US involvement, having claimed the ‘poke the bear’ line already with justification.
Escalation is not inevitable *if* Russian forces have receipts for claimed legitimate targets and then withdraw as promised.
War isn’t unlawful. Rules of engagement do exist.
NATO was formed to codify an attack on Soviet Union and Russia as successor state.
ie the people of, eg Baltic countries, were no longer expendable in Nato’s eyes.
If there’s egg on faces/fingers in pies/hands on the pike, the courts are the place to resolve these matters, not frontier justice advocated for by hypocrites.
The futility of war v the banality of evil.
“NATO was formed to codify an attack on Soviet Union and Russia as successor state.”
I’m not here to educate people, (God forbid) — by all means do you own research— but declassified documents and research have revealed that not only was the “Soviet Threat” exaggerated (right through the Cold War, from start to finish) but that it was intentionally and deliberately exaggerated.
NATO was premised on the lie of a Soviet threat. If you look into it, you’ll find the real threat or concern was Germany, not Russia, in the immediate post-war period. They were worried that Germany would recover and start another war, which wasn’t exactly a foolish idea.
So, they invented NATO which went on, as intended and designed, to contain the possibility of Germany developing an independent military capacity. The European Coal Steel Community, which served as a foundation for the EEC, was intended to address the same sort of concern, making war impossible between France and Germany…
Of course, the Russia Threat also served other purposes, i.e. justifying continuing massive spending on defence. Defence spending is crucially important in America because they refuse to entertain the “socialist” mixed economy paradigm that entails a huge public sector, providing welfare, health, etc. To this day, the idea of building something like an NHS in the US is considered a socialist plot.
Now you know why NATO continues to exist, without even the lie of a Soviet Threat, why The US has hundreds of bases in Germany and about 30 thousand troops permanently stationed there, and why the US spends more than every other country in the world put together on “defence”.
You’re welcome.
Hattrick at 10:34
Wee flaw, there is nobody, not even within the night watchmen community, who believes Ukraine intended to invade Russia.
With or without biological weapons.
Eyes peeled Hattrick! Hard to tell the difference between a store security guard and a Nazi stormtrooper when she is moving quickly. What with that to worry about, 6 YO refugee lassies on the loose, and imminent Armageddon, best stay in yer hole, eh Hattrick?
Correction… it looks like I exaggerated the number of bases in Germany. I thought and meant to say over 100… it looks like my knowledge is dated and there’s under 100 nowadays. I’ll check that when I get 5 minutes…
John Main says:
7 March, 2022 at 9:45 am
What do I think about Ukraine banning all men of military age from leaving?
My first thought is that it is this measure that has emboldened Hattrick
Second thought?
Planet Hattrick, AKA The View From Hatrick’s Hole
Russia not a threat and Russia about to unleash a “game ender” in consecutive posts.
It’s the night watchmen reading this I sympathise with!
@John Main 1.22 pm
I’m not sure why Russia would consider Poland or others supplying superannuated MiG or Sukhoi aircraft to Ukraine worth starting WW3 for? Presumably the Ukrainian pilots would fly them to Ukraine for use against the invading Russians. Putin may be a mad dog but I doubt even he’s mad enough to attack a NATO member for giving military supplies to Ukraine.
The Russians were sabre rattling about the Finns or Swedes even thinking about joining NATO the other day, but the Swedes have been sending anti tank weapons to Ukraine. The bellicosity may have blown up in Putin’s face: majorities only both countries now favour joining NATO for the first time. The law of unintended consequences in action perhaps?
Second thought?
Ukrainians are bonnnie fechters.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but even so, you have to wonder that Putin did not see that coming.
Maybes somebody at the end of his table told him, but was too far away to be heard.
* bonnie
Sometimes I get a gut feeling about things and I’m usually spot on.
For the last couple of days I have sensed that John Main seriously fancies Mr Bonkers.
I think that is lovely. Good Luck John! Vive l’amour.
Want me to put a good word in for you?
What’s immoral about offering safe passage into Russia, as reported by BBC?
Humanitarian aid, as allowed for in rules of engagement.
UN peacekeepers are sometimes tasked with securing these *agreed routes* to benefit refugees.
How many sharks can people jump before they get bored?
‘bonnie fechters’
I get the feeling the ‘macho men’ of Ukraine wouldn’t take too kindly to being described as ‘bonnie’.
Unintended consequences indeed.
Nobody can predict where this will go. Nobody can believe any assurances or commitments Putin might make. As Ukraine fragments, we can’t expect its command structure to hold together, so isolated groups acting as normal people might when their families have been buried alive in rubble, then incinerated.
There are no good options left. Just some not so bad as others.
If you are bored focusing on Ukraine Scott might be time to check what they are doing at Holyrood & Westminster while we are all pre-occupied.
“Ian Blackford says ‘focus is on Ukraine’ amid quizzing over Indyref2 push”
Do you think self-id for example will be delayed due to FoU ‘focus on Ukraine’?
Hi Ruby.
link to
“3. A term of eulogy or appreciation or endearment. Sc. 1886 R. L. Stevenson Kidnapped x.:
Am I no a bonny fighter?”
I know it is folly to encourage you, but WTF, I just have to ask this question:
Does anybody else here suspect that Ruby and Hattrick, how to put this …
Share an IP address?
Article 51 couldn’t be clearer; Russia would be legally entitled to attack any country that allowed planes to take off from its territory for the purposes of aggression against Russia. There’s lots of precedent too, much of which provided by Team America and Israel.
Ian (Scotland won’t stand for it) Blackford has said that Scotland will keep the monarchy after independence he’s also said that Scotland will remain in Nato, both assertions without saying that we the people of Scotland will decide on both questions and not the SNP.
Blackford has also said that independence is now on the back burner due to the conflict in Ukraine, as if it was ever on the front burner in the first place.
Meanwhile Westminster’s favourite Scottish puppet (Zelensky couldn’t land a glove on her) Sturgeon went ballistic on Twitter at the Home office demanding that it let anyone in to the UK that was fleeing the conflict in Ukraine, no mention of Yemen, in which millions are starving and are being bombed daily with UK made bombs.
Also as Scots choose between heating and eating, with fuel prices and the cost of living skyrocketing, the UK Tory government are sending more cash (£74 million) to Ukraine on top of the billions worth of weapons already funneled through Poland.
This is going on as a (CAS) Citizens Advice Scotland poll find that half of Scots are in debt and find it hard to make ends meet, of course Brexit, and Covid hasn’t helped, neither has Sturgeon in her giveaway of Scottish asset in her free for all Scotwind sale, which didn’t even include a nationalised energy firm to help give Scots cheaper energy costs.
Just to get you back on track John whether they are ‘bonnie fechters’ ‘fazards’ ‘pacifists’ or ‘transwomen’ they ain’t being allowed to leave. Do you think that is right?
Ruby says:
7 March, 2022 at 2:15 pm
If you are bored focusing on Ukraine Scott
I can multi-task.
I’m really good at it. I’m retired but if I needed a CV, I’d post it on Twitter for all to see.
If you’re bored of reading my words, don’t. Don’t blame me for your actions.
Scott says:
I can multi-task.
I’m really good at it.
If you’re bored of reading my words,
I knew that!
Naw not bored!
Cheers Brian
I’ll have a bonnie good look at that later.
Enjoying the sun in Bonnie Dundee?
See you later!
It’s amazing to see mass formation psychosis at work
BBC breached Ofcom rules over Alex Salmond report error by Sarah Smith:
“Broadcast regulator Ofcom has ruled that the BBC made a “significant mistake” in a TV bulletin which was not acknowledged and corrected on air.
The breach came in a headline clip by the BBC’s Scotland editor Sarah Smith, who was reporting evidence to a Holyrood committee from Alex Salmond.
She incorrectly said the former first minister believed his successor Nicola Sturgeon should resign.
The BBC said it accepted the decision and would “reflect on the findings…”:
link to
gregor says:
7 March, 2022 at 3:02 pm
BBC breached Ofcom rules over Alex Salmond report error by Sarah Smith:
Alex Salmond shouldn’t even have been called as a witness. His judicial review was into HR process, tainted by apparent bias.
This shitstorm began at Holyrood/Civil Service and only those directly involved there should have been grilled, with the party of Government(s) office bearers too. And Whitehall mandarin(s).
JR was conceded, but why? What’s AS got to do with that decison? Hee-haw. Fabianski farce was also unlawful, procedurally unfair and tainted with apparent bias throughout.
Still he smiles.
“It’s amazing to see mass formation psychosis at work”
Jame Che.
And that’s why Scotland will not become an independent nation any time soon, the majority of Scots have bought the Ukraine narrative hook line and sinker, from the same MSM that’s lied to them for decades over Scottish independence.
The dumbing down of society is well underway, and critical thinking is on the wane.
Are you aware that the US President show reads from a script:
“…But having said that, why don’t I stop and take any questions you all may have.
And they tell me I’m supposed to call on Governor Cox first.”:
link to
Are you aware that the White House Communications Agency (WHCA) openly publicly mocks and ridicules ‘US President Joe Biden’.
Are you aware that the White House Communications Agency publicly provides open-all press mics at White House press conferences.
The White House Communications Agency (WHCA):
“The White House Communications Agency (WHCA), originally known as the White House Signal Corps (WHSC) and then the White House Signal Detachment (WHSD), was officially formed by the United States Department of War on 25 March 1942 under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The organization was created to provide secure normal, secret, and emergency communications requirements in support of the president.
WHCA has played an unremarked, but significant role in many historical events, including: World War II…
The White House Communications Agency is composed of Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps personnel. The agency evolved over the past 60 years from a small team of 32 personnel working out of the basement of the White House to a thousand-person self-supporting joint service command…”:
link to
The Guardian: Trump re. Putin:
“…Here’s a guy who’s very savvy … I know him very well,” Trump said of Putin while talking to the The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show. “Very, very well.
By the way, this never would have happened with us. Had I been in office, not even thinkable. This would never have happened…”:
link to
Gregor @ 4.14pm.
You might find this speech interesting.
link to
The White House Communications Agency:
“Our Mission:
The White House Communications Agency provides assured global information services to the President, Vice President, and others as directed, ensuring the White House is able to communicate with anyone, under any condition:
Be a Part of History…”:
link to
John Main says:
7 March, 2022 at 2:23 pm
I know it is folly to encourage you, but WTF, I just have to ask this question:
Does anybody else here suspect that Ruby and Hattrick, how to put this …
Share an IP address?
Hattrick, Hattrick, Hattrick it’s always about Hattrick, Hattrick
What would it mean if I shared an IP address with Hattrick, Hattrick, Hattrick?
Thanks (interesting link).
I think Russia’s fundamental position is rational and reasonable re. NATO/Russia: the potential consequences of opposing global super-powers directly positioned and permanently situated at each other’s territorial border, is extremely dangerous, reckless and negligent (if establishing and upholding global peace, while mitigating WW3, is a strategic priority).
These particular aspects stand-out to me:
“…putting a stop to any violence and ensuring for the Ukrainians an opportunity to decide their destiny themselves; no, it is the world order that is at stake. This is for a reason that the West is avoiding, in any way it can, giving a response to our implicit, clear-cut proposals on the security system in Europe that rely on existing agreements.
I mentioned the core principle endorsed at the top level by the OSCE which underlies Russia-NATO relations. Each country has the right to choose alliances. However, no country can strengthen its security at the expense of the security of any other country. No organisation can claim dominance in the Euro-Atlantic space, which is exactly what NATO is doing now…
Just like the Americans decided for Germany and Europe what was needed for European energy security. They decided that Nord Stream 2 was something that the EU did not need for its energy security, which would be ensured instead by supplies of liquefied natural gas from the United States at multiple times the cost…
The picture being created on the world stage is like something out of Hollywood, showing absolute evil and absolute good represented by the main character, who also happened to script this “action movie.” It’s sad.
I’m sure the hysteria will pass. Our Western partners will, for lack of a better word, get over it eventually. We remain ready for dialogue, but on one indispensable condition which is this dialogue must be based on equality, respect and consideration for each other’s interests”:
link to
Nice to see Smith get the promotion to the US job just like the little French Gate shit Cook did
The Home Office announces 50 Ukraine visas issued.
It was never denied this morning but now due to the bad press Patel and Bojo say the figures from the Home Office figures?
They are inaccurate but they can’t give another figure?
So they don’t know what they are doing and don’t keep records.
Germany took in over 1 million refugees a few years back but it seems Bojo claims the U.K. has taken in more than anyone?
So Poland has opened its doors to 1.1 million entering but Bojo’s number is greater?
Bojo says this is unprecedented so it will take time to bring significant numbers here?
What the Pols are doing, the Romanians, the Hungarians are doing is unprecedented too but they are doing what is needed to save the lives of millions.
Ukrainians exhausted made it to Calais and told by UK officials they will need to travel to Paris to apply for entry?
A U.K. visa application centre in Brussels can deal with 30 people per day?
The visa application centres few and far between all closed at the weekend while children are being killed hoping to escape.
A U.K. citizen has his Mum in law here for a holiday that was to be for 3 weeks ending soon.
No government official is willing to say that she can legally stay here in the U.K.?
The Irish Republic has taken in over 1,250 Ukrainians so far.
Are they genius organisers who know dangerous spy’s when they see them or just a caring government playing their part to save lives like the rest of the EU.
Next pathetic excuse is that Russian spy’s might pretend to be Ukrainian in order to be a threat here? I really don’t think so and I’m pretty sure a female spy with no possessions would be much of a threat. At least a lesser threat than this lying corrupt heartless Tory cabal.
Their actions shout so much louder than their completely without credit words.
How long before ordinary people in their millions start questioning the dogma and lies? Prices at the pumps, to take just one determinant, are breaking records every day and there’s no obvious ceiling to how high they might go; it isn’t ridiculous to expect petrol and diesel prices to double in the next few weeks.
And as all good students of history know, when the price of oil goes up, the price of almost everything else goes up with it. We can safely assume our economy is going to massively contract as a result, as happened during the oil shocks of the 1970s, with concomitant inflation and unemployment rising alongside.
The sanctions are possibly going to hurt us more than they hurt the Russians. Even if they don’t, though, they’re going to hurt us a lot. Should we expect all those struggling people to sit back and shut up, satisfied that their lives were ruined for a good cause? I don’t think so. I think it’s a stupid cause wrapped in a bunch of lies that will soon unravel.
Any news on the Biological warfare factory America built for the neo-nazis? Did they manage to properly destroy and contain the samples of the plague and anthrax that were supplied?
The OSCE has withdrawn its monitors for the Ukrainian conflict, I fully expect some sort of psy-op, false flag op to take place in the coming days, and it will be blamed on the Russian forces and broadcast across the Western media.
Apart from the genocide that has been committed in Dobass for the last eight years that has been ignored by Western authorities and their media outlets, Putin stated that another main reason for entering Ukraine was that Ukrainian president Zelensky, fed up with being messed about by Nato and the EU made serious noises in rearming Ukraine with nukes, Ukraine certainly has the infrastructure to do so, having previously hosted nukes.
Putin was afraid that a country controlled by Neo-Nazis might use the nukes against Russia.
And as you rightly pointed out.
“However, no country can strengthen its security at the expense of the security of any other country”
It’s funny, the BBC, Guardian, and every other major western news outlet, was comfortable referring to the Ukrainian neo-nazis back in 2014/2015… now, after they’ve brutally murdered so many thousand Russian people (for the crime of being Russian) and basically caused a war, nobody wants to talk about them… it’s like they never existed. I could provide a thousand links like this;
Ukraine underplays role of far right in conflict
link to
Volunteer Ukrainian unit includes Nazis
link to
Azov fighters are Ukraine’s greatest weapon and may be its greatest threat
link to
Ukraine conflict: ‘White power’ warrior from Sweden
“As to his political views, Mr Skillt prefers to call himself a nationalist, but in fact his views are typical of a neo-Nazi.
“It’s all about how you see it,” he says. “I would be an idiot if I said I did not want to see survival of white people. After World War Two, the victors wrote their history. They decided that it’s always a bad thing to say I am white and I am proud.”
link to
Can I ask you Gregor have you read all these articles?
I find it hard going to read a couple and on top of that I have to learn all about Nato, Russia, Ukraine, US’s relationship with Ukraine, the defence industry etc etc etc.
It’s hard work so I do understand why John Main & TCE etc have decided to take the easy way out and just opt for Putin being a psycho who decided one day just to bomb the fuck out of Ukraine. Bastard!
I was quite surprised to read that Ukraine had a Nazi party in opposition. They also have a Nationalist Party. These nationalists might be more sinister than we think due to having been used to so called ‘nationalists’ in power in SG. I’ll perhaps find out more (unless I just decide to go with ‘Putin is a pyscho bastard theory’)
Also surprised to read the following in your latest link:
I believe he is being manipulated by nationalists and neo-Nazis. Otherwise, I find it difficult to explain how President Zelensky can “preside” over a society where neo-Nazis and neo-Nazism are flourishing. They openly hold marches and torchlight processions, and he has his guard of honour stand guard as they do so. They conduct exercises, learn methods of urban warfare, sabotage, and provocation. All of that is happening under President Vladimir Zelensky.
Totally different story in Edinburgh when the SDL came to town.
Do you remember that?
link to
That whole thing was unbelievable the whole of the Royal Mile was closed for hours & jam packed with anti-fascists there were 700 police some on horseback, police cars police wagons police everywhere and 5 SDL guys stuck in Jenny Has until they were taken away on a 60 seater bus many hours later.
link to
Hard to imagine Nazis having a torch light parade with a guard of honour. (except in Spain during Franco’s reign)
One thing Trump said in the You Tube video that I posted was that Ukraine was the most corrupt country in the world.
Slowly I’m picking up snippets about Ukraine not being 100% sure if any of it’s true especially what Trump says.
“Ukraine conflict: ‘White power’ warrior from Sweden
“As to his political views, Mr Skillt prefers to call himself a nationalist, but in fact his views are typical of a neo-Nazi.”
Nationalist, Neo Nazi, National Socialist, Fascist all basically the same is that correct?
OMG here’s Mr Bonkers with more links.
Steady on I’m still reading about “the BBC rapped after Ofcom finds report on Salmond inquiry breached rules”
“Labour Party in Scotland having an Orange Order Candidate”
“Gender reform no threat to women but will be ‘less traumatic’ for trans people”
Yes I read papers. Impossible to know if they aren’t telling the truth if you don’t read them.
PS. Have you read all these articles Mr B?
PPS No sign of John Mainlining answering any of my questions.
Sturgeon bumps her gums on oil and gas, none of which she has control of.
She did however sell off for a pittance our coasts to big energy firms, without a second thought for Scots and the high fuel prices that are set to skyrocket in April.
link to
I have another question for John Mainlining:
Why do you think we aren’t allow to watch Russian media like Sputnik and RT?
If your answer contains the words Hatrick, Hatrick, Hatrick, I’ll know for sure what I said earlier is true.
Vive l’amour!
I remember on the Sunday after 2014 referendum there was a service of reconciliation at St Giles’s Cathedral,
i had cycled up, but in no spirit of reconciliation,
all the yoon gangsters,tractors and villains were there,
but two i remember with the biggest grins were Magret Curran and James `he`s one of the good ones (pish)` Cook.
‘Biden Says ‘Top Priority’ Is Getting Prices Under Control’ (02/04/2022):
link to
Keystone pipeline: Biden ‘to cancel it on his first day’ (18/01/2021):
link to
Nord Stream 2: ‘Biden waives US sanctions on Russian pipeline’ (20/05/2021):
link to
Ukraine conflict: ‘Petrol at fresh record as oil and gas prices soar’ (07/04/2022):
link to
Republic at 6:29
“And as you rightly pointed out.
However, no country can strengthen its security at the expense of the security of any other country”
Seriously, Republic, have you no friends or family who can help you? Maybes stage an intervention?
What is Russia doing? I’ll help:
Strengthening its security at the expense of the security of another country. Comprende?
Hattrick at 6:46
“I could provide a thousand links like this”
Nah, you couldnae.
How do you “basically” cause a war anyways? Use giant magnets to drag Russian tanks onto your territory?
How many people is “so many thousand”?
What’s the difference between “brutally murdered” and just “murdered”?
So much verbal diarrhorea from you Hattrick, so little that withstands even the most delicate of “stress testing”.
@Putin’s Poodle 6.29 pm
“Apart from the genocide that has been committed in Dobass [sic] for the last eight years that has been ignored by Western authorities and their media outlets,…”
When does the number of Ukrainians killed by the Russians become genocide I wonder…?
The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) says there have been more than 1,200 civilian casualties, 406 dead and 801 injured.
The UN estimate around 13,00 deaths in the War in the Donbas between 2014 and 2021, of which around 3,300 were civilians (10% of whom were those murdered by Donbass separatists on the Malaysian Airlines flight 17).
Unsurprisingly perhaps the largest number of casualties was in 2014 (2084), with 954 in 2015. The number has fallen declined since (112 in 2016, 117 in 2017, 55 in 2018, 27 in 2019, 26 on 2020 and 18 in 2021).
Horrifying as such deaths are of course (and the UN figures don’t say whether most were Russians, Ukrainians, separatists, nationalists, nazis, communists…) does that mean when the Russians have murdered enough innocent Ukrainian civilians we can call it Putin’s genocide and use it as a rationale to recognise the independence of bits of the Russian Federation?
Ruby 6:59
“Nationalist, Neo Nazi, National Socialist, Fascist all basically the same is that correct?”
Language not really your strong suit, is it Ruby?
Rather than answer your question, I’ll give you a hint and encourage you to work it out yourself.
Hint: What does the ‘N’ in SNP stand for?
Republic 7:51
Good article, thanks for the link.
NS is making good use of Putin’s war to strengthen her position. That’s the karma of war, and why really wise people don’t start them: the direction in which they will turn, the people they will destroy, and the politicians they will re-invigorate cannot be controlled or predicted.
So far, NS is calling it right on the refugees too. The good people of Scotland are ready to welcome the unfortunate Ukrainian exiles into our communities.
As it happens, I share the view often expressed here: NS has no interest in an Independent Scotland. The war gives her the perfect excuse for kicking Indy into the long grass.
It is precisely because that is so bleeding obvious, yet you obsessives continue to cheer Putin on, that I can see your feigned interest in Indy is only a smokescreen for your real agenda.
Ruby has noticed your obsession with me, John… I’m haunting your mind, like a poltergeist.
I’m an expert in this stuff, literally a professional. To you these are just words but to me they are precision tools. You didn’t stand a chance.
You’re broken and there’s no cure. I’m sorry.
John Main says:
7 March, 2022 at 9:37 pm
Language not really your strong suit, is it Ruby?
Hint: What does the ‘N’ in SNP stand for?
Naw! but I reckon my Spanish is better than yours John Mainline!
N in SNP? Dah! It stand for Nicola!
I call her the ‘First Hija de Puta!’
Bravo! you wrote a whole post without saying Hatrick, Hatrick, Hatrick even once!
Brit Nat hypocrisy rank as usual.
link to
Putin took one look at the West and the UK in particular and pissed himself laughing after he had broken several ribs.
Check out A&E, asking his fancy questions. He’s been thinking of these little linguistic tricks all day, and now he needs someone to test them on.
I’m happy to talk about all of that stuff when petrol reaches £3 per litre. Let’s call it a date.
Hattrick 9:54
“I’m haunting your mind, like a poltergeist”
Wikipedia – “a poltergeist is a type of ghost or spirit that is responsible for physical disturbances, such as loud noises and objects being moved or destroyed”
Looks like your precision tools need sharpened Hattrick.
And if you write hack phrases like “literally a professional”, I am not surprised your income stream of high-paying clients has dried up. Still, gives you more time to scunner decent Scots Indy supporters on here, eh Hattrick.
Seriously though, imprecise language, poor concept of definitions … question about IP addresses not answered … hmmm.
Nope, I’m not buying it. There’s no room for two of you in your hole.
National Express.
National Rail Enquiries.
National Trust.
National Car Rental.
The National Gallery.
The National.
Sunday National.
National Theatre.
National Tyres.
National Portrait Gallery.
National Health Service.
The National Institute for Health & Care Excellence.
National Grid.
The National Archives.
National Minimum Wage.
National Insurance.
National Careers Service.
National Autistic Society.
National Institute for Health Research.
National Poetry Day.
National Cyber Security Centre.
Office for National Statistics.
National Crime Agency.
National Oceanography Centre.
National Railway Museum.
National Parks UK.
National Science and Media Museum.
They’re everywhere, how did MI miss this outrageous infiltration?
John Main and the ‘National’ lottery; (‘heritage fud’)
Good list, but once again, I don’t grasp what you are trying to say. Soz.
It’s Hattrick.
Hattrick, Hattrick, Hattrick.
John Main says:
7 March, 2022 at 9:37 pm
Ruby 6:59
“Nationalist, Neo Nazi, National Socialist, Fascist all basically the same is that correct?”
Language not really your strong suit, is it Ruby?
Rather than answer your question, I’ll give you a hint and encourage you to work it out yourself.
Hint: What does the ‘N’ in SNP stand for?
The choice of N words was between Nationalist, Neo Nazi, National Socialist.
I’m waiting patiently to hear the correct answer.
Patel in parliament stating that Ukrainians can make visa application in Calais
but news reporter shows U.K. Home Office sign still up stating that you cannot.
Remember when bullying and lying could finish a politician and here we are now when it makes you a leader.
Remote unmarked U.K. visa application centre found by 3 Ukrainian refugees and greeted with an official with 1 table, 1 box of crisps and 1 box of KitKats.
Boris world leading in aiding the Ukrainians? Aye Right!
John Main says:
Seriously though, imprecise language, poor concept of definitions … question about IP addresses not answered
I know you never answered my question about about IP addresses. Holy Hattrick! You’ve taken so long to answer I’ve forgotten the question.
I think it was something like
What would it mean if I had the same IP address as ‘Holy Haunting Hattrick’?
Andy Ellis 9:28
My advice would be to move on from the to-and-fro of who did what, when and to whom, and start exploring the new political landscape. As I already posted, the world changed on Feb 24, and it’s not going back the way it was.
I don’t know how Alba can capitalise on Putin’s war by adopting policies at odds with the SNP, perhaps they can’t. But it is important that they don’t get left behind while NS and the SNP come to symbolise Scotland’s resistance to the aggressor and Scotland’s welcome to the Ukrainian refugees.
The refugees are going to be counted in the millions as Ukrainians take that option rather than the other two Putin is presenting them with: death, or incarceration in the world’s largest prison camp – Russia. As is usual, the mass population movements will ripple out to remote countries like Scotland, where I expect that for every Ukrainian refugee, we will see a multiple number of English immigrants, “displaced” by the sheer population density increases in the home counties, and perhaps convinced that Scotland offers better scope for survival if Putin goes full carpet-biting mode.
The implications for any future Indy referendum are obvious. As is the fact that with the spectre of Putin hanging over us, I expect that far fewer of the undecided will wish to take a chance on leaving the relative security of the UK.
So Andy, reams of subjects to discuss. Important to isolate our own home-grown carpet-biters from the grownups. They have damaged the cause of Scots Indy far too much as it is.
There’s no room for two of you in your hole.
OK it’s
Small Holy Haunting Hattrick
You can steal that name of you want John Mainline.
Are you sure his hole is small ‘cos
Huge Holy Haunting Hattrick would be a lot better!
So Andy, reams of subjects to discuss. Important to isolate our own home-grown carpet-biters from the grownups. They have damaged the cause of Scots Indy far too much as it is.
Only those whose birth is recorded in NRS will be given a vote in any future independence referendum in Scotland.
This does not remove any rights from those resident born and registered elsewhere.
There won’t even need to be a referendum, because the nobile officium of Court of Session has the power to issue any order germaine to a petition presented.
Gridlock between HR/WM can be solved by Scotland’s Supreme court.
Them’s the rules – Scots law.
Isolate yourself, by all means.
@Ruby re. “Can I ask..”
Sure you can (it’s a free world, isn’t it):
I read news like anyone else. My main focus here is to extract and communicate the information and facts (all sourced from public domain), in the key areas I feel somewhat lacking in the public domain and relevant to today’s events, as well as potentially relevant the ‘bigger picture’ – in terms of better understanding and visualising our national and global predicament (re. …then/now/future…). The public hysteria and dis-cohesion is understandable, after all, were all being needlessly systematically punished and degraded for being human
I’m just a mere gardener/former academic student re. social/environmental science degree, with some life experience (I trust my senses and intuition) – that’s about it. I love Scotland and its people-all people, and wish I didn’t have to be here (re. on public forums, during times of national/global crisis, in the social media ‘Lion’s Den’). I feel compelled to do something, because I sense our independence, sovereign status and future (existence) is at stake, and is being systematically stolen from us.
re. Neo-Nazism
I’m afraid I’m not very savvy on Neo-Nazi ideology/its cultural heritage, especially in Ukraine, although I would agree that it appears Neo-Nazism plays a significant role in Ukraine (re. politics/State apparatus/culture).
I concur (re. far-right British nationalism), and can see the unprecedented rank hypocrisy and duplicity you’re pointing out re. actions and behavior of our own government and media (including public attitude) – trashing so-called western values, ethics, principles and standards (their own integrity), by essentially supporting and appeasing Neo-Nazism through affiliation. It’s horrific and irrevocable damage as far as I’m concerned.
“These nationalists might be more sinister than we think due to having been used to so called ‘nationalists’ in power in SG.”
Today, regardless of our so-called ‘nationalist government’ (rotten regime) – I don’t believe any of the so-called claimed political identities of our western leadership count for anything of value (re. total frauds all wagging their heads to the same (#WEFBuildBackBetter) tune/sound-bites – all inextricably connected and linked under the same overarching global (financial/corporate/industrial/institutional) umbrella organisation, while claiming to be sovereign, independent (world leading ‘defenders of democracy’: WTF), and independently minded free-thinkers – with distinctly independent flagship policies: all I’m seeing is the diametric opposite, and worse.
Given what we know and can verify now as a public community – I think it would be extremely naive for any member of the public to trust any such state/MSM Actors at face-value.
Surely our dire collective national/global state (rotten world order v public victim) reinforces the necessity of being open-minded, like never before (open to all information and verifiable facts, regardless of politics, personalities and nationalities), as a vital requirement in establishing ‘the truth’ and in determining our own future (as our fundamental Right), and ultimate public goal (?).
US top brass visit secret airbase near border with Ukraine that is a hive of activity with over 17 flight a day landing and offloading weapons. US European Command (EUCOM) is responsible for coordinating the weapons transfers, and is working with other countries including the UK “to ensure that we are using our resources to maximum efficiency to support the Ukrainians in an organized way,”
Russia hasn’t started to target these weapons yet as they enter Ukraine, but they soon will destroying the weapons as they enter the country before they can be used against them.
Hey Scott
According to, foreign nationals who live in Scotland can register to vote in the Scottish elections, if they:
have leave to remain; or
do not need leave to remain
I’m guessing Ukrainian refugees will be granted either leave to remain, or waived the necessity to get leave to remain.
Separate clauses establish that you don’t need to have a settled address. So, on the rules in force right now, I would expect to be meeting Ukrainian refugee voters at the polling station.
Of course, different rules may apply for any future Indy Ref vote.
Not understanding your statement that there is no need for a referendum. I thought there was one promised for next year?
Republic 1t 9:25
Wow, your intel is awesome.
Anybody else know about this “secret” airbase?
Surely not just you.
gregor says:
8 March, 2022 at 1:43 am
@Ruby re. “Can I ask..”
Sure you can (it’s a free world, isn’t it):
I read news like anyone else.
I’m not so sure it is a free world but that’s a whole other issue.
I’m just wonder if you do read news like me. I doubt it.
Keep in mind that I’m a ‘thicko’
I might continue this post later.
If I do it’ll be on the topic of what news different people read and how different people come to totally different conclusions having read exactly the same news.
Oh shit that sounds a tad ‘academic’ forget it I’ll just return to winding up ‘John Mainlining’ instead he never did tell me what the N in SNP stood for.
Sturgeon the betrayer of Scots has been a busy little bee appearing on LBC radio and Radio 4, berating the UK government for not letting Ukrainians into the UK, her minion at Westminster SNP MP Stewart McDonald who was awarded the Ukrainian Order of Merit Medal, on a jaunt ot the country, has also been bleating about why the UK hasn’t allow Ukrainians into the UK.
No mention from these two about the millions of Yemini’s who are on the brink of starvation and are bombed daily with British made bombs on getting into the UK.
@gregor says 8 March, 2022 at 1:43 am
“I don’t believe any of the so-called claimed political identities of our western leadership count for anything of value”
“I think it would be extremely naive for any member of the public to trust any such state/MSM Actors at face-value”
“Surely our dire collective national/global state (rotten world order v public victim) reinforces the necessity of being open-minded, like never before”
Just pointing out the logical contradictions underlying your post. You are not open-minded if you have already decided to disbelieve and distrust everybody and everything.
It leaves you in a bit of a pickle, I’ll grant you that.
Sometimes the answer is to stop using the higher functions of the brain and to revert to the more primitive senses: touch, taste smell.
Conduct a little experiment in the comfort of your own home. Imagine you are standing in the suburbs of Kiev, gagging on the sickening stench of unburied corpses beneath the rubble. Disgusting and unforgettable, isn’t it?
Who put those corpses there? Don’t use the abstract higher brain functions parsing the history of who did what, after who said whatever, in response to he said, then they did, on and on ad infinitum.
Keep it simple. Who fired the shell or dropped the bomb that killed the kids, and on the orders of whom?
“Nationalist, Neo Nazi, National Socialist, Fascist all basically the same is that correct?”
Language not really your strong suit, is it Ruby?
Rather than answer your question, I’ll give you a hint and encourage you to work it out yourself.
Hint: What does the ‘N’ in SNP stand for?
C’mon John Mainlining you know I’m thick. Please tell me what the N in SNP stands for is it:
Nationalist, Neo Nazi or National Socialist?
Republic at 9:44
It’s Yemenis not Yemini’s.
Your cluelessness makes it look like you first decided to virtue signal about the people of Yemen all of maybes 8 minutes ago.
Ukrainian President Zelensky will give a speech today via video-link to the House of Commons from his bunker in the US embassy in Poland, no one will be allowed to ask Zelensky any questions.
Zelensky currently carries with him at all times a state of the art military phone that connects him with US President Joe Biden.
I fully expect the clapping seals in the HoC to give Zelensky a rousing round of applause, none moreso than the SNPs MPs.
I’ve just read this:
Les cochons sont très intelligents.
Could be TCE is wrong on many counts. Anyway I just wish he would come and help out his protégé he looks to me struggling.
Has ‘Holy Haunting Hat-trick’ been playing tricks on him?
Hasta la vista.
PS No more ‘Mr Bonkers’ it’ll be ‘Holy Haunting Hat-trick’ from now on.
Republic 9:54
Good to see President Biden and the SNP supporting the free, independent, sovereign nation and culture of Ukraine.
It gives all true Scots confidence that should Scotland ever become independent, the USA will extend the same support and encouragement to us, should we ever be invaded by the armed forces of a despotic regime.
I do marvel at Republic’s intel, given his claims to know the whereabouts of President Zelensky at all times. And his claims to knowledge of President Zelensky’s comms equipment.
Let’s campaign to get NS a phone just the same. It’s a dangerous world, and we need all the help we can get.
link to
Using that picture of Sturgeon the Betrayer in front of sign saying “Let’s do net zero”, I feel quite sure the National is now actively trolling genuine Independence supporters.
“It gives all true Scots confidence that should Scotland ever become independent, the USA will extend the same support and encouragement to us”
You fool Main the US doesn’t want to see an independent Scotland even moreso than Sturgeon does.
Its a waste of time replying to you.
RoS: “Its a waste of time replying to you.”
I tried to explain… as thick as two planks.
We are all bored with the halfwits and their lies… now you know why Putin put a Z on the side of his tanks.
World War Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
@John Main
Think what pleases you.
Personally speaking, I prefer my own thoughts, thanks (and in future don’t expect any direct correspondents from me: re I’ve not got time for malicious thought-supremacists).
re. “I think it would be extremely naive for any member of the public to trust any such state/MSM Actors at face-value…”
“Just pointing out the logical contradictions underlying your post. You are not open-minded if you have already decided to disbelieve and distrust everybody and everything”:
at face value:
“as true or genuine without being questioned or doubted
After all his lying, nothing he says now should be taken/accepted at face value.”:
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Yahoo News (02/03/2022) “I get it,” Biden said of inflation. “That’s why my top priority is getting prices under control.”
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(18/01/2021): U.S. President-elect Joe Biden is planning to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline permit via executive action on his first day in office
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Foreign Policy (26/09/2021): ‘Biden’s Surrender to Merkel on Nord Stream 2’:
“His support for the pipeline abandoned a bipartisan consensus, got nothing in return, and made the world less secure”:
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New York Post (29/05/2021): ‘Biden received funds from top Russia lobbyist before Nord Stream 2 giveaway’
“President Biden and his allies raked in campaign cash from a top Russia lobbyist in 2020, just months before his administration’s decision to scrap sanctions on a controversial firm building a Russian oil pipeline to Germany”:
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Reuters (24/11/2021): ‘Biden’s oil reserves bet mixes China outreach with appeal to U.S. voters’:
“President Joe Biden’s move to release oil from strategic reserves in coordination with top oil consuming nations including China represents a unique bet…
The rare moment of possible cooperation comes as inflation, and especially high gasoline prices, eat at Biden’s popularity at home.
It is a risky proposition…
“This is a new era of oil diplomacy for the U.S. to coordinate with India and China” said Daniel Yergin, an oil historian…
The Biden administration’s diplomatic inroads with China first surfaced in Glasgow, Scotland this month where the two countries hammered out a surprise deal…”
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CNN (02/03/2022) ‘Biden administration does not ‘have a strategic interest’ in sanctioning Russian oil, White House says’:
“The White House on Wednesday appeared to downplay its openness to sanctioning Russian oil as a means of punishing Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The administration declined to rule it out entirely but said doing so was not in US strategic interests, citing disruptions to the global oil supply and the effect it would have on gas prices.
Jean-Pierre said that sanctions like that “would raise prices at the gas pump for Americans,” something that the White House is “very aware of….”
“What (Biden) does not want to do is topple the global oil markets or the global marketplace or impact the American people more with higher energy and gas prices,” Psaki told CNN…”:
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CNN (17/11/2021): ‘Gas prices soar as Germany suspends approval for Nord Stream 2 pipeline’:
Natural gas prices in Europe soared on Tuesday after Germany confirmed that it has suspended the process of certifying a controversial new Russian pipeline called Nord Stream 2.
European gas prices are skyrocketing again.
Germany’s delay in approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline has pushed up the price of natural gas futures…
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BBC (08/04/2022): ‘War in Ukraine: Russia says it may cut gas supplies if oil ban goes ahead’:
“Russia has said it may close its main gas pipeline to Germany if the West goes ahead with a ban on Russian oil.
Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said a “rejection of Russian oil would lead to catastrophic consequences for the global market”, causing prices to more than double to $300 a barrel…”:
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USA Today (08/03/2022): ‘Gas prices are now the most expensive in US history, breaking record from 2008’:
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European Commission has been seeking since 2018 to force the UK to pay more than €2bn (£1.7bn) in compensation to the EU budget.
The complaint emerged in 2017, when the EU’s anti-fraud office said British authorities had allowed criminals to evade customs duties by making false claims about clothes and shoes imported from China.
Russian Criminals, Chinese Criminals all made welcome by the Westminster Criminals!
“Nigel Farage says Ukraine invasion is result of EU and Nato provoking Putin…”
“Former Brexit Party chief says the attack on Ukraine is a ‘consequence of EU and Nato expansion’”
link to
As I said last week, in time everybody will understand Putin’s reasons for invading and many will agree that there was at least some justification.
The argument is impossible to resist, even for hate-filled underachievers; would the UK wouldn’t quietly let a Sinn Fein Government in Ireland enter into a pact with China and put ICBMs along its coast pointing at London? It’s their sovereign right to do so…
The idea that we should go into a world war over this is farcical and when the propaganda and frenzy subsides a lot of people are going to be left looking very stupid.
Some, like Andy Ellis, are also going to look like nihilistic crackpots and will be advised to seek help with what could only be classed as mental illness.
What sort of failure in your life resulted in you wanting to kill off the whole of mankind?
Certifiable fruitcakes.
Given most MPs had probably never heard of the guy (or put him in Hansard) until a couple of weeks ago, first thing they might want to ask during this evenings interrogation session with Zelenski might be what the devil he was up to 3 weeks ago when all eyes were on Canada smashing heads of small business owners at the ottowa winter festival. Depending on his answer to that, and the one about what are the reasonable obstacles to meeting Russia’s demands in the East (and then getting on with providing cheap energy to themselves and Europe) they might then be wise to at least partially verify the integrity of the exchange by getting his mother (or Trump?) on another line to ask the type of question only the real Zelenski would know the answer to
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It is now worse than when the article was written. Forced Ukrainianization too.
Sadly, Russia has its own racist attitudes.
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Seems it was the stern Soviet system that kept all this under control.
Former Speaker John Bernie -independent panel found he was a “serial bully”.
He is banned for life from the Commons.
Strange that the Panel are happy with a £350,000 pay off when Patel was proven to be a bully and who still remembers Bojo’s exploits when he was restraining Carrie in her own home
and neighbours called the police.
Is corruption so special that can land you the top jobs or Barr you for life.
In the end you’ve got to say the first responsibility of any government is to protect its people. And that’s what Russia is doing.
By antagonising Russia and acting cruelly towards Russians nationals, the Ukrainian government has endangered its people rather than protected them.
By that standard the Ukrainian government has failed and made Ukraine itself a failed state. I wish they had been more responsible and reasonable, but that’s where we are.
Gene Patenting—The Supreme Court Finally Speaks (02/28/2014):
Are human genes patentable?
“…While ethical and policy arguments were a major feature of the debate surrounding the case, the decision focused squarely on the definitions of two codes: the genetic code and the patent code.
All nine Justices on the Court agreed that the segments of DNA that make up human genes are not patentable subject matter under section 101 of the Patent Act because they are products of nature.2
However, the Court held, molecules reverse-transcribed from messenger RNA to eliminate intron sequences——so-called complementary DNA, or cDNA—are patentable…”:
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Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line (25/02/2022):
“Preclinical studies of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2, developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, showed reversible hepatic effects in animals that received the BNT162b2 injection. Furthermore, a recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells.
Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure.”:
link to
MSH3 Homology and Potential Recombination Link to SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage Site (21/02/2022):
“…The reverse complement sequence present in SARS-CoV-2 may occur randomly but other possibilities must be considered.
Recombination in an intermediate host is an unlikely explanation. Single stranded RNA viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 utilize negative strand RNA templates in infected cells, which might lead through copy choice recombination with a negative sense SARS-CoV-2 RNA to the integration of the MSH3 negative strand, including the FCS, into the viral genome.
In any case, the presence of the 19-nucleotide long RNA sequence including the FCS with 100% identity to the reverse complement of the MSH3 mRNA is highly unusual and requires further investigations.”:
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Patent: JP 2015518816-A 7090 06-JUL-2015: Moderna/Theraputics/ModernaTX, Inc: 2017/2018
(re. found in the spike protein of SARS-nCoV-2):
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Sequence 11652 from patent US 9587003: ModernaTX, Inc, 14-OCT-2017:
(re. MSH3 paper):
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Patent: JP 2017197545-A 7090; ModernaTX Inc, 02-NOV-2017:
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Patent: JP 2017197545-A 7089: ModernaTX Inc, 02-NOV-2017:
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Sequence 11652 from patent US 9587003: ModernaTX, Inc (14-OCT-2017):
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Sequence 11651 from patent US 9587003: ModernaTX, Inc ,14-OCT-2017:
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BBC: ‘Vaccine rumours debunked: Microchips, ‘altered DNA’ and more’:
‘Altered DNA’ claims
“The fear that a vaccine will somehow change your DNA is one we’ve seen aired regularly on social media.
The BBC asked three independent scientists about this. They said that the coronavirus vaccine would not alter human DNA….”:
link to
Confidential Disclosure Agreement (re. NIH claims joint ownership of Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine):
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: Moderna Therapeutics, Inc:
(NIAID: Dr. Fauci director):
link to
Daily Mail:
“The NIH claims that the creation of the vaccine was a collaborative project between the agency and Moderna, while Moderna declined to include three NIH scientists on its patent application for the mRNA sequence that forms the basis of the vaccine.
If the NIH were to win, the agency would be able to collect royalties on vaccine sales…”:
link to
BBC: ‘Coronavirus: Was US money used to fund risky research in China?’:
“Yes, it did contribute some funds.
Dr Fauci, as well as being an adviser to President Biden, is the director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)..”:
link to
Forbes: ‘Dr. Anthony Fauci:
The Highest Paid Employee In The Entire U.S. Federal Government’:
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World Economic Forum: Partners:
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the national public health agency of the United States:
“Remember that #COVID19 nose swab test you took? What happened to the swab? If it was processed with a PCR test, there’s a 10% chance that it ended up in a lab for genomic sequencing analysis.”:
link to
I’m not sure the late and entirely unlamented Cameron Brodie managed a full sweep of all 15 comments on the BTL comments sidebar Gregor. Even he used to mix up the content of his brain farts tho’!
World Economic Forum:
Volodymyr Zelenskyy:
link to
World Economic Forum:
Volodymyr Zelenskyy:
link to
Word Economic Forum:
Vladimir Putin:
“Sorry, but we can’t find the page you were looking for”:
link to
@Andy Ellis
That’s all, thanks.
@gregor says – 8 March, 2022 at 11:06 am
“I’ve not got time for malicious thought-supremacists”
Jeez Gregor. All I did was point out that your post lacked coherence. I’ll do it again:
“Just pointing out the logical contradictions underlying your post. You are not open-minded if you have already decided to disbelieve and distrust everybody and everything”:
It didn’t take much to get you lying face down gnawing at the carpet.
@Hattrick says – 8 March, 2022 at 11:30 am
“the UK wouldn’t quietly let a Sinn Fein Government in Ireland enter into a pact with China and put ICBMs along its coast pointing at London?”
Links please Hattrick, to evidence of the ICBMs on, or proposed to be placed on, Ukrainian territory.
I’ll wait.
I can’t imagine you will come up with anything, but if you do make a half-arsed attempt, you may discover what ICBM is an abbreviation for.
And thus discover how you Hattrick, yet again, have demonstrated your lack of competence to comment on any of this.
Good to see Sturgeon the Betrayer has her priorities in order.
“FIRST Minister Nicola Sturgeon has issued a long called-for formal posthumous apology to those killed under the infamous Witchcraft Act 1563.”
This farcical to say the least when Sturgeon is currently undermining women’s rights with GRA bill. Pardoning witches, screaming at the Home Office, kicking independence into touch, selling of our assets for a pittance and grandstanding for EU/Westminster/Ukraine is just about the strength of Sturgeon.
link to
“A TORY MP has said she thanks God that nuclear weapons are kept in Scotland, claiming they make her feel “a lot safer”.
The comments, made by Kent MP Laura Trott, came during a discussion on BBC Politics Live about weapons of mass destruction in an independent Scotland.”
Just to remind those BritNat who support this rancid union, that you live in a first strike country, Scotland will be obliterated in a nuclear war because we are so thick we house a foreign countries nukes.
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Breeks says:
8 March, 2022 at 10:18 am
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Using that picture of Sturgeon the Betrayer in front of sign saying “Let’s do net zero”, I feel quite sure the National is now actively trolling genuine Independence supporters.
Or perhaps they are sending us subliminal messages.
Either way that’s a cracker of a photo!
Neil McKay in The Herald is more direct
Neil Mackay: There can be no Indyref2 while Ukraine is being murdered by Putin
“House of Commons speaker asks police to investigate Jack Catterall’s defeat by Josh Taylor”.
Ian Blackford and Nicola Sturgeon release a joint statement saying the focus must now be on that investigation and all questions on independence side-lined until the investigation has been completed and the outcome of any possible re-match is known.
Given that you’re claiming supreme ultimate public ownership:
What else do ‘I think’ and ‘I believe’ (I’ll keep my focus on informing facts and public information, while you distract yourself seeking and dictating the personal thoughts and beliefs of others’)…
BBC (08/03/2022): ‘War in Ukraine: US poised to ban Russian oil imports’:
“US President Joe Biden is poised to announce a ban on Russian oil to punish the country for invading Ukraine.
Despite mounting fears of rising gas prices, the move has widespread bipartisan political support in the US.
However the US intends to make the move unilaterally…”:
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BBC (08/03/2022) ‘War in Ukraine: US poised to ban Russian oil imports’:
“The US and UK are poised to ban Russian oil and the EU is sharply reducing gas imports as countries harden their response to the invasion of Ukraine.
Both the US and British governments are likely to make their announcements later on Tuesday.
The European Commission has just announced it will reduce demand for Russian gas by two-thirds…
The measures are meant to hurt Russia, with its economy dependent on energy.
But such action could also send prices soaring…
US President Joe Biden is expected to make the announcement at…”:
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@ Stoker
Nae danger Scotland can re-address the independence question after the material change in circumstance (EU leave vote) till we find out who killed Laura Palmer…
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Gregor @ 2 pm ish
The BBC and it’s debunking pish
The BBC found 3 independent scientists “ no such animal exists “ every single scientist and research establishment is funded by the Pharmaceutical and chemical industries so the chances of finding a turkey voting for Christmas ( a whistle blower or even someone telling the truth) is like making sense of anything Ellis says in other words not a hope in hell .
The BBC , surprise surprise has amongst its contributors The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation the same organisation that fund most of the world’s fact checking websites , that’s to make sure their truth gets a good airing .
Right on Cue we are presented with a 1980 photo of a printed circuit board “ just for effect “ yep good old BBC propaganda at its best.
A question to the audience why does the cost of oil and gas rise at the first sign of conflict anywhere in the world , the raw material Gas doesn’t change the extraction process hasn’t become more expensive the same with electricity the production cost hasn’t jumped so why does the price , TIME TO TAX out of existence these profiteering robbers during the last war this was a criminal offence and government’s stepped in to stop this why not now
Republicofscotland says:
8 March, 2022 at 3:56 pm
…This farcical to say the least when Sturgeon is currently undermining women’s rights with GRA bill. Pardoning witches, screaming at the Home Office, kicking independence into touch, selling of our assets for a pittance and grandstanding for EU/Westminster/Ukraine is just about the strength of Sturgeon…
Just wait. This pardoning of witches is probably just a ruse because her sister wants to up a school for Tarot Card and Ouija board reading, and wants a £25 million bung from the Scottish Government to buy the stationery.
Once upon a time, a quip like that might have been satire… But given the blight we suffer under Sturgeon, it’s not even funny.
“: in a way that involves doing or deciding something without first asking or agreeing with another person, group, or country:”:
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“: impaired or abnormal functioning”:
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@Robert Graham
I’ve got little doubt that this entire thing is being systemically engineered (although @1984 might think, that I think and believe otherwise):
While it would also appear that our own western State/media apparatus is seriously dis-functioning, in real-time…
@John Main 3.25 pm
Leaving aside for the moment the optics of being on the same side as Nigel Farage, Hatuey’s statement: ‘”….in time everybody will understand Putin’s reasons for invading and many will agree that there was at least some justification.” shows the kind of problem he has with reality.
The narrative that Putin is a rational actor simply responding to justifiable security concerns is of course of a pice with the baseless narratives of: “Ukraine is controlled by neo-nazis”, “Ukraine is responsible for genocide in the Donbass” and of course the latest QAnon “Ukraine has US biowarfare labs”.
It’s not possible to convince people who have bought in to these false narratives that they are false of course. Faith based positions aren’t open to reasoned debate or argument. In this place of course it’s like playing chess with a pigeon: they strut around the board, knocking the pieces over, shitting all over the board then insist they won.
Meanwhile in the real world from which they are so woefully divorced, ordinary voters and the independence movement as a whole treat their world view with the contempt it deserves. They support the Ukrainians in their struggle, they will continue to do so even if it comes at an economic cost.
The general public are the ones driving boycotts of Russia, forcing companies to shut down their operations there, and applaud e.g. the dockers refusing to handle Russian ships. Banning Russian oil imports and gradually squeezing out their gas exports is being supported by right thinking people: in truth it was always a crap idea being in hock to the Kremlin.
Hatuey and others seems to get quite moist conjuring the ghost of a nuclear apocalypse, as though it hasn’t always been there. It’s the same old unilateralist clap trap we’ve seen rehearsed over decades: the reason it’s never succeeded is that the majority just don’t support it. Even supporters of independence who want rid of Trident from Scottish soil are largely content to be part of NATO.
The idealists would prioritise their ideological purity over actually achieving their goal in a New York minute: in that they are of course no different from Sturgeon and her cabal of TRA extremists. Better to be content with no real power and influence and retain your dogmatic ideological purity than to actually fight and win. Better to live in a world where Putin crushes democracy and freedom in the Ukraine and elsewhere, as long as your gas bills stay low.
Just wait. This pardoning of witches is probably just a ruse because her sister wants to up a school for Tarot Card and Ouija board reading,
Just what I was thinking about. I wrote the following before I saw your post.
We must concentrate on getting the message to those who were persecuted under ‘The Witchcraft Act’.
No IndyRef2 until these ladies receive their apology.
Since ‘there is no post in the valley of the dead’ the message will be conveyed via Ouija board by a qualified
witchmedium.Now I can add thanks to info from Breeks that the government will appoint a highly qualified medium who will be responsible for training other mediums to carry out this enormous task which could take up to 20 years depending if the falsely accused witches are in heaven or hell.
Washington Post (02/03/2022): ‘Russia boycott: A list of global campaigns that are underway in support of Ukraine’:
Below is a non-exhaustive list of some of the boycotts launched globally since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine:
Sports Teams
Sporting Events
Cultural and entertainment industry.
Airline Industry
Financial institutions”:
link to
Andy Ellis says: at 5:31 pm
“…Meanwhile in the real world from which they are so woefully divorced, ordinary voters and the independence movement as a whole treat their world view with the contempt it deserves.”
I see you’ve taken on being the spokesperson for the masses again…
I’m not sure what you state in the quoted text gives much weight to supporting that view though. You are after all talking about an electorate that is pretty much 50 / 50 on the question of Scottish Indy, and an “independence movement” that contains 1.1 million voters daft enough to think #BothVotesSNP was a good plan.
That suggest to me we are not talking about the most switched on kind of people who can make up their own minds without being influenced by a predominant narrative.
A buggered clock is right twice a day as you often point out…
We’ve got the
‘new proposed misogyny harrasement laws’
“Importantly it would not apply to crimes, such as rape, which are inherently misogynistic.”
This could get very interesting! She might have to come out and specify exactly what she means by a woman and a misogynist.
Can you be a misogynist & a woman?
@Dan 5.52 pm
It’s hardly rocket science. Even if those supporting independence are more evenly split on the unilateral/multilateral issue, the balance of the Scottish electorate would certainly tip the overall number in favour of being part of a multilateral alliance, even if it is one with nuclear weapons like NATO. It’s the mainstream position of most social democratic / left of centre governments across Europe, much as it might pain those who want to maintain their dogmatic ideological purity.
The independence movement contained a large minority of brexit supporters, but that doesn’t mean it’ll the unionists and soft Yes voters we’re relying on to switch from No to Yes are pretty unlikely to find a unilateralist, non-EU, non monarchy an appealing prospect. Wishful thinking isn’t going to change that, any more than Hatuey and Putin’s Poodle insisting their world view is right, and that the Ukraine had it coming / is genocidal / is run by neo-nazis will magically become the accepted mainstream world view.
I’m not speaking for anyone but myself or holding myself out as a representative of “my people”. I think that’s still allowed. Of course you and others are free to disagree whether my views are more representative of the majority than Hatuey’s, RoS’, gregors etc. Doubtless even if there was detailed polling evidence the usual suspects would claim the polls were wrong. Ultimately the voters will decide if and when they are asked to vote on what kind of “better nation” we will make. Naturally I don’t think theirs would be better: no huge shock there.
The proof of the matter may be delayed sometime I fear.
And there you have it.
Men can’t have babies- you’re a women and always will be I’m afraid.
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I thought I was seeing things and had to check, but no it’s our Nicola doing stuff that first minister’s do and with gusto.aren’t we fkn blessed eh .
BBC important news
Nicola sturgeon apologises to people accused of witchcraft by fk we will all sleep better tonight after hearing that pressing item has been resolved , you will notice she used gender neutral term’s ha ha .
The media and the SNP government really are taking the piss now they really believe they can spout any old tripe and the mug public will fall for it
“Doubtless even if there was detailed polling evidence the usual suspects would claim the polls were wrong.”
preceded by
“Of course you and others are free to disagree whether my views are more representative of the majority”
preceded by
“I’m not speaking for anyone but myself or holding myself out as a representative of “my people”.”
Trying to make sense of Ellis isn’t “rocket science”, it’s bicycle science.
Spends too much time in the Goth at lunchtime, it seems.
US Department of Defence (2020): Irregular Warfare Annex To The National Defence Strategy:
“…irregular warfare is to be institutionalized as a core competency…
We must not — and will not — repeat the “boom and bust” cycle that has left the United States underprepared for irregular warfare…
Irregular Warfare:
Irregular warfare is a struggle among state and non-state actors to influence populations and affect legitimacy.IW favors indirect and asymmetric approaches, though it may employ the full range of military and other capabilities, in order to erode an adversary’s power, influence, and will.
It includes the specific missions of unconventional warfare (UW), stabilization, foreign internal defense (FID), counterterrorism (CT), and counterinsurgency (COIN).
Related activities such as military information support operations, cyberspace operations, countering threat networks, counter-threat finance, civil-military operations…”:
link to
As my 9.54 comment predicted, though it was a foregone conclusion if you ask me, the seals in the House of Commons today clapped vigorously when Ukraine’s Nazi abiding/genocide committing president Zelensky gave his speech.
US Government Counterinsurgency Guide (2009):
“Irregular warfare is far more varied than conventional conflict:
…an intellectual framework that is coherent enough to provide guidance, and flexible enough to adapt to circumstances…
Insurgency, however, can and will flourish in the modern environment.
The strains created by globalization, by the collapse of weak state structures, by demographic, environmental, and economic pressures, by the ease of cooperation among insurgent groups and criminals…”:
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“And it rightly points out, that not all men are misogynist – but all women do experience misogyny.” Sturgeon
How can you tell the difference between a misogynist and someone who just doesn’t like you?
Does Sturgeon reckon that every man who has anything negative to say about her is a misogynist?
She claims all women do experience misogyny. I really don’t think I have ever experienced misogyny, well not from men but a shit load of ‘misogyny’ from women.
Super bitches have been my problem. Sturgeon would probably not want a law against conniving, sneaky super-bitches as she would be very much at risk of being prosecuted.
I wonder how many honest women were convinced that the ‘Alphabetties’ were poor helpless victims and not conniving, sneaky super-bitches. Could well be that the mostly female jury were on to them more so than a mostly male jury would have been.
@Scott 6.27 pm
What is it you’re actually taking issue with though Scott? It’s hardly exceptional to say that I think my views are more representative of the majority both of Scots voters generally and pro-independence voters as a subset. I can’t prove it, any more than you or others can disprove it. The only sure way of measuring it is by seeing which way people vote when asked about the issue and to poll their opinions.
If – just as an example – you have specific evidence that say a majority support not being in NATO post independence, or that they believe RoS’ take on the current war, I’m all ears.
The White House Communications Agency: Our Mission:
“The White House Communications Agency provides assured global information services to the President, Vice President, and others as directed, ensuring the White House is able to communicate with anyone, under any condition.
The White House Communications Agency (WHCA) is a one-of-a-kind joint service organization dedicated to providing premier information services and communications support to the president….”:
link to
Biden says its a price worth paying for standing up for freedom and democracy, and if you believe that I’ve got a bridge to sell.
Well Sleepy Joe has done it this time.
“US President Joe Biden has announced a ban on Russian oil and gas imports in response to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine on Tuesday, a move that threatens to send global gas and oil prices even higher than the record-setting costs the commodities are already fetching.
The president called on the nation to use the events as an opportunity to transition to renewable energy, insisting that if “no one has to worry about the price at the gas pump in the future, tyrants like Putin won’t be able to use fossil fuels as weapons against other nations.””
I wonder what Sleepy Joe will say when the US public, sick of sky high costs on everything drag him from the Whitehouse.
Andy Ellis says:
8 March, 2022 at 6:45 pm
What is it you’re actually taking issue with
Your illogical rant.
Bicycle science will be fully understood long before you and those who act like you.
@Scott 6.52 pm
Ah, right…so nothing of substance, just throwing rocks from under your bridge again?
Stun us wi’ another!
@Republic 8 March, 2022 at 4:01 pm
“you live in a first strike country, Scotland will be obliterated in a nuclear war“
That’s certainly one way of looking at it Republic.
Another way of looking at it is that because Scotland is shielded by a credible nuclear deterrent, Scotland won’t get annexed by an ageing tyrant with “legacy” issues.
But let’s settle this argument by going to third opinions, and then all the way up to 44 millionth opinions. Ukraine had and has no nuclear weapons, and no locked-in military or political allies.
How’s that working out for them? Ask a traumatised, destitute and bereaved Ukrainian refugee, coming soon to every town and city in Scotland. Bet they have strong views, eh Republic?
I’m shocked at the amount of labs, for what purposes God only knows, if I were a skeptical person I’d say the US could create an endemic if and when it chose to and with so many labs cause it just about anywhere.
“The US Department of Defense controls 336 biolabs across 30 countries under the pretext of joint work to reduce biosecurity risks and strengthening global health. “
McDonald’s (temporarily) closing its 850 restaurants in Russia and laying off its 65.000 staff – even with pay – is going to be pretty hard to hide, as well as being pretty symbolic.
Putin might be able to control Russian state media but he can’t hide the sudden lack of BigMacs I suppose?
Oh Holy Haunting Hat-trick! here’s John Mainlining
Hey pal!
Are you every going to give me the answer to ‘what the N in SNP stands for?’
@Dan – 8 March, 2022 at 5:52 pm
“You are after all talking about an electorate that is pretty much 50 / 50 on the question of Scottish Indy”.
24th February 2022 changed all that Dan.
You can’t believe everything is going to continue as if this has never happened? Can you?
UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss warned on Tuesday that the British people will suffer “economic costs” of sanctions against Russia.
So the people of the UK and Europe for that matter are going to suffer hardship due to prolonged Nato expansionism, effectively the UK government has cost the people of the UK to suffer higher costs.
But its far easier to blame Russia.
As for Scotland Sturgeons treachery will cost us dearly.
@John Main 7.12 pm
Upcoming polling will be interesting: I’m not sure we can assume 24/02 will inevitably lead to a decrease in Yes support though?
The numbers have been pretty static for a long time: it’s even possible being shackled to the failing britnat state rather than being an independent state in the EU in current circumstances could drive more people to Yes.
Sounds as if McDonald’s are making too high profits on their Dodgy Big Macs. How are they going to hide the lack of profits from their shareholders.
Putin can just say he has banned McDonalds from Russia to protect the health of it’s citizens or that McDonalds were found to be making BigMacs from BigDogs, BigCats, BigDead Parrots & even from BigBats that they bought from the wet market.
@Andy Ellis 8 March, 2022 at 5:31 pm
Good post. People can see past all the BS and work out what is what.
The bottom line is that the 44 million inhabitants of a European country are being forced by an external aggressor to each individually take one of three options: 1) fight to victory or death, 2) exile, 3) permanent incarceration in the world’s biggest prison camp – Holy Mother Russia.
Main & Ellis should swap phone numbers…who doesn’t like a “Sweet dreams x” from their partner?
@Putin’s Poodle 7.16 pm
“But its far easier to blame Russia.”
Not just Russia: its useful idiots here and those (shamefully) masquerading as independence supporters like yourself also bear a heavy responsibility.
Biden is right: there is a price for freedom. You’d be happier living as a serf in Putin’s Russia. No real nationalist worth their salt could possibly buy in to Putinista agitprop with the slavish obedience you do.
@Andy Ellis 7:23
When the guns start firing all certainties evaporate! Could be a landslide for Yes if that comes with implicit membership of a re-invigorated EU steered by a frantically re-arming and belligerent Germany.
Could be a tilt to No as incomers flee north in search of that elusive refugee-lite quality of life (or space to dig a deep, nuclear-proof hole).
Whatever, the war, hot or cold, is here for as long as Putin keeps his power, so that could be years.
I’m open-minded to the notion that most members of the public don’t attempt to claim ultimate ownership over the thoughts and personal beliefs of others’:
@1984 may disagree (but that’s now irrelevant).
“Biden is right: there is a price for freedom.”
I was right abut you, you are a comedian, for only a comedian could repeat that shit, you’re not Zelensky in disguise are you, are you goose stepping and performing a seig heil, afterall you are a Nazi supporter.
Well Zelensky the comedian, certainly cracked a few belters in his video-link with the House of Commons today, Zelensky’s jokes were so funny that the clapping seals that filled the benches of the HoC gave him a fin slapping applause.
I fully expect to see Zelensky on the BBC live at the Apollo, because like Ellis he’s such a funny guy, but both shouldn’t be taken seriously.
@John Main 7.37 pm
In other news, Hattrick is going to have an aneurism: Poland has agreed to hand over its MiG 29 aircraft to the USA at Ramstein airforce base in Germany.
The US is reported to be “back filling” the shortfall with surplus F-16’s. Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia also have Mig 29’s.
Not a quick fix for Ukraine, but it’ll make Putin’s attempts to gain air superiority a tad harder.
Why can’t we see Russian propaganda/news?
Wouldn’t it be better for us to know what the Russian people are being told.
He might be saying that his counter sanctions have involved cancelling the licences for McDonalds.
He might have sanctions against Tunnocks and Barrs and banned Irn-Bru & Teacakes from being imported into Russia and old Tunnock & Barr are claimed they are no longer exporting to Russian because they are outraged or some such shit!
No more Scotch in Russia we have plenty very good vodka!
I am keeping an open mind as advised by Gregor!
John Main says:
People can see past all the BS and work out what is what.
You are absolutely spot on. However I might re-consider if you tell me what the N in SNP stands for.
BBC:Ukraine: ‘Volodymyr Zelensky invokes Winston Churchill’:
“Volodymyr Zelensky has invoked the words of Britain’s wartime leader Winston Churchill as he appealed to MPs for more help at home.
The Ukrainian president spoke to the Commons via video, thanking the UK for its support since Russia’s invasion, and receiving a standing ovation.
But he called for Russia to be named a “terrorist state”…”:
link to
Home Office funded State Terrorist Broadcaster BBC:
“Where to throw a Molotov cocktail: Guide”:
link to
Andy Ellis says:
8 March, 2022 at 7:52 pm
In other news, Hattrick is going to have an aneurism:
Holy Haunting Hat-trick! TCE has started with the Hattrick!
Hattrick! Hattrick!
It wouldn’t be quite so bad if they hadn’t come up with such a fuckin’ stupid name!
Kremlin funded RT News: Live streams:
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The Russian Minister of Energy has said that Russia due to sanctions against it is on the verge of cutting off the gas and oil supply to Europe.
Russia supplies around half of Europe’s gas and most of it oil, without Russian gas and oil, Europe’s industries will collapse, prices will skyrocket and people will riot on the streets.
The likes of Germany cannot import gas as it has no regasification facilities.
Look where Nato expansionism has taken us, it has taken Europe to the brink of economic disaster, but the US the head of Nato doesn’t care about Europeans, it wants to sell its more expensive gas and oil to Europe, and the only way it could do that was to try and turn Europe against Russia via Nato expansionism through Ukraine.
That’s why the 2014 US coup of Ukraine was so important, staged from the US embassy in Kiev the US state Department and headed up by Victoria Nuland who is on record saying Fuck the EU when questions were asked about the economic effects of the coup.
Zelensky eventually came to power after Poroshenko, and Zelensky couldn’t get the Nazi element in Ukraine under control so he decided to work with it, and here we are.
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USNews (25/05/2018): ‘Gas Prices Rise, and Democrats Point the Finger at Trump’:
“With millions of Americans set to hit the road Memorial Day Weekend and prices at the pump cresting $3 per gallon, top Senate Democrats on Wednesday traded the august halls of the Capitol for a noisy local thoroughfare to “Demand Lower Gas Prices.”
Cantwell was joined by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York and Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey. And the spectacle of Democrats…
“We are calling on President Trump to act,” Cantwell said. “We do not want to see the price of oil get more expensive as we go into the summer driving season…”:
link to
The Hill (05/23/2018): US Democratic Press Conference:
“…Schumer says that Trump’s decision to pull out of the Iran deal has created uncertainty over global supplies.
He argues that higher gas prices threaten to wipe out whatever economic benefits middle-class families might see from the 2017 tax cuts, which all Senate Democrats opposed as insufficiently generous to most Americans.
“The rising gas prices will, as one economist put it, roughly cancel out the 2018 consumption boost from tax cuts,” he said.
“Whatever meager benefit working families might have seen from Trump’s tax scam for the rich is being wiped out by the gas prices that President Trump is responsible for.”:
link to
So there is to be no embargo of Russian oil and gas. I guess the Ukraine is truly fucked as the Brit Tories and the EU aren’t serious about getting Putin out of Ukraine or indeed about stopping him. Oh and Biden is a laughing stock.
The stench of the Hypocrisy is rotting my nostrils.
I expect the Chinese will take out Taiwan next and the useless Wokists and Pussies we are now Governed by will do nothing to stop it. As long as the chicks with dicks get to swing their dicks in our faces they wont give a toss.
Good old Britannia has more sanctions against Venezuela and Cuba than they do against Russia right now.
@Republicofscotland – 8 March, 2022 at 8:15 pm
That sure is a lot of information, Republic, so I can see how it has exceeded your ability to process and comprehend it.
Let me help.
Picture an area of flat steppe somewhere, with that imaginary line we call an international border running through it.
Got that?
Now imagine a tank rumbling along. Does our imaginary tank perform a U-turn when it reaches the border? Or does it continue straight on into the adjacent country, firing its guns as it goes. It’s the latter option, of course!
Now what do we call that? War.
And who do we blame? The people in the tanks, and their leaders.
Now you go have a wee lie down, think about all of this, and come back tomorrow when you have it all straight in your head.
Have confidence, Republic. You can do this!
“That sure is a lot of information,”
Only for you Main, everybody else can quickly understand the situation.
NBC News (11/12/201): ‘Despite appeals from Ukraine, Biden admin holds back additional military aid to Kyiv amid diplomatic push’:
The administration’s delay of the smaller shipment of weapons and military equipment was designed to give more time for diplomatic efforts to defuse tensions and to retain leverage in the case of a Russian attack on Ukraine…
…it’s unclear what the proposed $200 million aid package includes, Ukraine has asked for air defense systems, anti-ship missiles, more Javelin anti-tank missiles, electronic jamming gear, radar systems, ammunition, upgraded artillery munitions and medical supplies…
…skeptics in Congress, including some Democrats, Eastern European government officials and some former U.S. diplomats, worry that the White House has been too cautious in its approach to Russia and avoided taking tough steps, including sanctioning a nearly complete pipeline bringing natural gas to Europe through the Baltic Sea.
For the White House, the outcome in the spring vindicated the administration’s approach, defusing tensions while showing resolve.
For critics, the episode showed the administration was signaling weakness to Moscow, encouraging more brinkmanship from Putin…”:
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POLITICO (06/18/21): ‘White House freezes Ukraine military package that includes lethal weapons’:
“…White House press secretary Jen Psaki took issue with the characterization that aid to Ukraine was lacking: “The idea that we have held back security assistance to Ukraine is nonsense.
Since Russia’s 2014 invasion of Ukraine and annexation of Crimea, the United States has provided some $2.5 billion in military aid to Kyiv, including unarmed drones, radios and Javelin anti-tank missiles.
Past discussions over lethal military aid to Ukraine have been politically fraught, given concern over provoking Russia, issues with training the Ukrainian forces themselves and ongoing uneasiness over corruption in the Ukrainian government and military…”:
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@Andy Ellis 8 March, 2022 at 7:52 pm
That’s certainly an escalation.
Two considerations I have heard recently are interesting.
Somebody on Unherd was pointing out that even if demand for Russian oil and gas is immediately cut by half, the fact that the price has doubled will mean no reduction to Russian cashflow.
Somebody made the statement that whilst we are all fixated on the costs of military munitions and/or destruction, these are trivial compared with the economic hit of the sanctions, etc. In terms of cost to the Russian state, non-military actions have a far greater effect. The effect is such that the West is now at war with Russia, but nobody is calling it for what it is as yet.
From Putin’s perspective, he has to starve us of oil and gas ASAP. Everyday, as the weather warms, and we put alternative sources in place, that weapon is weakening in Putin’s hands.
Jobs for the boys in the North Sea!
Reuters (02/28/2022):
‘China willing to work with U.S. on Build Back Better World initiative’:
“China is willing to work with the United States on a G7-led global infrastructure plan and welcomes Washington to join its Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Monday.
The Group of Seven (G7) richest democracies, consisting of United States and its allies, proposed the Build Back Better World (B3W) initiative in June to help developing countries meet infrastructure needs, as they sought to counter China’s growing influence…
Wang urged Washington to work with China in Asia-Pacific to build a “family of openness, inclusiveness, innovation, growth, connectivity and win-win cooperation”, rather than turn the region into one of conflict and confrontation…”:
link to
A excellent article on how the West is using cognitive warfare on its own citizens, which has had the effect of cancelling all things Russian.
link to
@Putin’s Poodle 9.03 pm
“I see in here a virtue in this large, complicated moment. Between Russia’s intervention in Ukraine, which I count regrettable but necessary, and the joint statement Putin made with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Feb. 4, we are all called upon either to recognize the United States for what it has become, an empire violently defending itself against history itself, or accept our fate among the victims of this empire.”
That’s right folks, from the piece of work that gave us “the Ukrainians had it coming” a few days a go, the war and deaths of Ukrainians and Russians are “regrettable but necessary”.
What a skid mark on the independence movement he and his amoral Putinistas are.
Ellis 9.18pm.
That’s rich coming from you a Nazi supporter, you vile creature.
Noam Chomsky (2015):
“The idea that Ukraine might join a Western military alliance would be quite unacceptable to any Russian leader…
NATO’s not protecting Ukraine – it’s threatening Ukraine with major war…”:
link to
“Within weeks they’ll be re-opening the shipyards, and notifying the next of kin, once again.
It’s all we’re skilled in; we will be shipbuilding.”
Elvis Costello
Ellis works for defence (sic) contractor Babcock at Rosyth.
@John Main 8.57 pm
“…the fact that the price has doubled will mean no reduction to Russian cashflow.”
That depends if they can find anyone to buy it? The tanker load turned away because the UK unions refused to unload it is hanging around in Orkney waiting to find somewhere to go.
Lack of revenue may hit the regime harder and sooner than you think……that’s if lack of Coca Cola, Big Macs and Ikea doesn’t encourage the Russians to look for another solution first.
I hear Putin is imposing bans on raw material exports now. It’ll be Upper Volta with nukes again before too long.
A&E: “Not a quick fix for Ukraine, but it’ll make Putin’s attempts to gain air superiority a tad harder.”
Not a fix at all. Wherever those planes take off from will be a legitimate military target for Russia. That country will be attacked with cruise missiles.
As for air superiority, Russia, according to Janes, can put about 3000 (three thousand) planes in the sky over Ukraine. Not that it would necessarily need to.
Russian s-400 surface-to-air missiles have a range of something like 300 miles. They also have the new high altitude Prometheus s-500 system which can take down cruise missiles hundreds of miles away too… by all accounts, unlike the US junk, the Russian stuff works.
You should do your homework. I’m no armchair general; the above required about 5 minutes of reading.
“That depends if they can find anyone to buy it? The tanker load turned away because the UK unions refused to unload it is hanging around in Orkney waiting to find somewhere to go.”
Is it, aye?
Would this be same the tanker that was set to dock in order to load crude oil rather than offload it, Andy?
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Archived: link to
What a fanny.
@Hatuey 9.45 pm
If you think Russia will bomb a NATO member because MiG fighters which have been transferred to Ukraine fly from there to Ukraine, you’re even denser than you general output suggests. If the Russians are so superior, it’s passing strange they haven’t performed better so far isn’t it?
Russian technology seems to give you almost as big a hard on as the thought of extinguishing Ukrainian statehood.
BBC: Editorial Guidelines:
Section 11: War, Terror and Emergencies – Introduction:
“We must take care that our journalism does not put individuals at risk of additional harm or cause unnecessary distress.
In addition to editorial and ethical considerations, the Terrorism Acts place legal obligations on individuals – including journalists…
Terrorism Acts place legal obligations on individuals – including journalists – to disclose certain information to the police as soon as reasonably practicable.”:
link to
BBC (04/04/2022):
‘War in Ukraine: BBC suspends its journalists’ work in Russia’:
“The BBC is temporarily suspending its journalists’ work in Russia, in response to a new law which threatens to jail anyone Russia deems to have spread “fake” news on the armed forces.
BBC Director-General Tim Davie said the legislation “appears to criminalise the process of independent journalism”.
The Kremlin objects to the conflict being called a war, instead calling it a “special military operation”.
“It leaves us no other option than to temporarily suspend the work of all BBC News journalists and their support staff within the Russian Federation while we assess the full implications of this unwelcome development.
“Our BBC News service in Russian will continue to operate from outside Russia.
“The safety of our staff is paramount and we are not prepared to expose them to the risk of criminal prosecution simply for doing their jobs.”:
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BBC (08/03/2022):
‘Ukraine war: BBC News journalists resume broadcasts from Russia’:
“BBC News journalists in Russia have resumed their broadcasts, days after putting their work on hold after the introduction of a strict new media law.
The law threatens anyone deemed to have spread “fake” news about Russia’s armed forces with up to 15 years in jail.
After careful deliberation we have decided to resume English language reporting from Russia this evening (Tuesday 8 March), after it was temporarily suspended at the end of last week.
“We will tell this crucial part of the story independently and impartially, adhering to the BBC’s strict editorial standards.”:
link to
“All of the Biden Laptop text messages: Never been released.
Over 10,000 in 713 conversations. Each in their own PDF and numbered chronologically”:
link to
A&E reveals again his preference for personal abuse. If it’s okay with you, I’ll focus on the substance and leave that sort of stuff to others;
You ask, “If the Russians are so superior, it’s passing strange they haven’t performed better so far isn’t it?”
Based on what, your BBC updates? It’s clear to anybody willing to contemplate life outside the propaganda bubble that Russia is showing restraint and trying to minimise collateral damage.
That will be hard for a little cowardly under-achiever to fathom, of course, since war in the last few years was defined in terms of defenceless peasants getting area bombed and massacred from a safe distance.
Everything about you and your side is cowardly, though, and this conflict has underlined that. The world sees it clearly.
They see that the overarching difference here is that Russia can and will hit back, unlike the middle easterners you are inclined to slaughter mercilessly.
That fear of Russia hitting back, of course, explains why all the emphasis is on sanctions, which won’t work… actually, they are totally self-defeating and will hurt “us” more than they hurt anyone.
You see, China has Russia’s back, will buy all the spare oil and gas Russia has, will bankroll them if necessary, trade with them, and has already replaced your precious Swift system.
India is also on-side, as are other countries who are sick of little twisted weirdos (like you) having a say in their affairs.
Are you still worrying about me misrepresenting the Indy movement or has that horse bolted? lolz.
REPORTER: “What can you do about skyrocketing gas prices?”
BIDEN: “Can’t do much right now. Russia’s responsible.”:
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link to
“White House reaches out to Venezuela, a longtime foe, amid Russia crisis
Venezuela has long been a bitter enemy of the United States. But amid the Ukraine crises and soaring gas prices, tensions may be relaxing.”
link to
That’s the funniest headline I’ve seen since this farce started.
What a shower of shameless blinking idiots.
From the network that brought you C.O.V.I.D . The Apocalypse ….
A N.A.T.O Production in association with Lockheed Partners / MSM
” TERRIFIC ” Boris Johnson
” Almost as scary as a referendum ” Nicola Sturgeon
” Like Iraq never happened ” The Guardian
” I lost the plot after 10 mins and slept through the rest ” Joe Biden
Anyone who can’t discern the hands behind the shadow-play being projected onto our mental walls will forever mistake the images for reality
Marco Rubio: Does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons?
Victoria Nuland: Ukraine has ‘biological research’ facilities. Which, in fact, we’re now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of.
link to
Archived: link to
UN – Biological Weapons Convention
link to
Aye, I bet you’re concerned.
‘McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and Starbucks halt Russian sales’:
Consumer giants including McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and Starbucks have joined the list of firms halting business in Russia due to the invasion in Ukraine…”:
link to
World Economic Forum: McDonald’s:
link to
World Economic Forum: Coca-Cola HBC:
link to
World Economic Forum: Starbucks-Coffee:
link to
Looks like the US has bottled it on the fighter jets, confirming my earlier suggestion that Russia would attack any country that the planes took off from… and the US basically said as much;
“Washington has warned that Warsaw’s plan to hand over Soviet-made MiG-29 jets to Ukraine may threaten the “entire NATO” alliance”
“ Responding to the proposed deal later on Tuesday, the Pentagon signaled that it was reluctant to play any role in the affair.
“The prospect of fighter jets ‘at the disposal of the Government of the United States of America’ departing from a U.S./NATO base in Germany to fly into airspace that is contested with Russia over Ukraine raises serious concerns for the entire NATO alliance,” Pentagon spokesman John F. Kirby said.”
link to
Andy Ellis doesn’t understand the power that he worships. He should ask for the money he spent on his cheap education back.
Russell Group, kiddo…
It’s been fun, as always.
Oh well seems the Ruskies are only half as bad as the Brits for going into places ,where they do not belong.
link to
Now ROS, HAUATEY,JOHN MAIN, and ELLIS will have a fecking boring debate(argument) of who is the most righteous today and bore the fecking tits aff folk..
Robbo 7:29 am
Bet you have a mirror in your hoose somewhere.
Wouldn’t you be happier arguing with that?
Hattrick at 1:49 am
(Seriously, 1:49 am? Warning flags in full view IMO)
Hattrick doesn’t understand the damage done to his “it’s all the fault of NATO/US/Satanic aggression” argument when he reports stories evidencing a conspicuous lack of NATO/US/Satanic aggression.
Hattrick’s well-heeled, high-paying clients obvs not logicians. Maybes a special needs class.
Good article in Unherd today “Is this Ukraine’s last chance for peace?” by Aris Roussinos. For anybody interested, he gives a reasonable explanation of the situation and why neither side is going to get what it wants.
His interpretation is that there is a narrow window of opportunity right now, allowing both sides to present a stalemate as a partial victory to their supporters, thus allowing both political/military regimes to retain power.
Ukraine will have to cede territory and undertake not to join NATO, etc. Russia will have to abandon its claims to the rest of free Ukraine and accept it will not be joining the world’s biggest prison camp in the short to medium term.
gregor, Scott, Hatuey, Republicofscotland and others,
Thanks for all the links. Taken in aggregate they say a lot about what’s going on in the “big picture”. Looks like it’s over for Ukraine and the Americans will be pleased that the parasites in NATO will finally think about spending that 2% they always wanted them to. The UK is dragging it’s feet on visas as they’ve realised that 2 million refugees is only the beginning. We’re certainly going to have a summer of fun.
I recommend the Consortium News chats. Plenty of big names discussing the situation. There’s enough dissent on it to clear away some of the fog on either side. It’s really intended for adults, though.
Anybody posting links from could you please archive them instead. The great and the good here in Portugal, either the internet providers (more likely) or the government has deemed it too dangerous for me to read them.
As for the name calling. Well, children, your credibility burned about as fast as the mainstream medias’ did. Disappointing.
@Stuart MacKay – 9 March, 2022 at 8:10 am
Hey Stuart
If the mainstream media has no credibility, where does your information about the 2 million refugees come from?
If these refugees do exist, are they just fleeing from lies and CGI inserted by bad actors in the MSM and social media?
Asking for a friend.
John Main says:
9 March, 2022 at 8:01 am
Hattrick at 1:49 am
Holy Haunting Hat-trick!
‘Mainlining’ is still going with the Hattrick, Hattrick, Hattrick.
What would Mainlining and TCE do if Hautey stopped responding?
Would Mainlining & TCE start attacking one another?
Do these guys just want a slanging match (a pissing contest)?
Still no response from Mainlining re answer to what the N stands for in SNP.
Anyone know if the May council elections are being cancelled?
BBC (09/03/2022): ‘Ukraine war: Warning Russian oil move will hit UK living costs’:
“Western plans to ban or curb Russian oil and gas imports will further hit UK living standards, analysts say.
Experts say global commodity prices are set to soar even higher as a result of the UK, US and EU announcing plans to punish Moscow for invading Ukraine…”:
link to
Bloomberg (02/03/2022): ‘Biden Says ‘Top Priority’ Is Getting Prices Under Control’:
link to
Stuart MacKay says:
It’s really intended for adults, though.
As for the name calling. Well, children, your credibility burned about as fast as the mainstream medias’ did. Disappointing.
Why don’t you lead by example re name calling?
Hattrick says 8 March, 2022 at 11:20 pm (to Andy Ellis)
“the middle easterners you are inclined to slaughter mercilessly”
“other countries who are sick of little twisted weirdos (like you) having a say in their affairs”
Shit Andy, I had no idea you were both a mass murderer and an international figure of continent-spanning reach and influence. And also little and twisted.
Gonna call you Mr. Ellis from now on for purposes of self preservation.
Do you think that’s why Hattrick admires Putin so much but hates you, Mr. Ellis? Putin is a mass murderer, and an international figure of continent-spanning reach and influence. And also little.
But maybes not twisted. That’s the key to Hattrick’s approval.
Untwist yourself and gain a little Hattrick for life.
Here’s the archive link for that story on the polish jets, link to
It’s very interesting that the USA is taking such a hands off approach. I even thought for a second perhaps the USA and Russia has some kind of “understanding” with respect to a future conflict with China and that Europe was being left to fend for itself.
@John Main 8.01 am
I’m not sure Hattrick supplying extra fries with their burger can be described as high paying clients? As we’ve seen before the man’s ego is a mile wide and graphene thin. Given the quality of his analysis, his source material and the conclusions he draws I’d hesitate to take his advice on the best topping for the burgers he flips, never mind entertain the idea to at people might pay him for whatever woo woo he’s trying to push.
As you observed before the small claque of Byres Road Bolsheviki roasters in here and their hingers on have convinced themselves they somehow speak for the movement or even the general population. It takes a high level of self delusion of course to believe the Putinista tropes they are coming out with: the Ukrainians had it coming, they’re neo nazis, there’s been genocide in the Donbas, there are bio warfare labs &/or nukes in the Ukraine etc. etc.
There is of course zero evidence for any of this, and if they stood up in public and set out their stall they’d soon be disabused of their delusions. It only remains for saner heads to carry on pointing out the Putinista emperor forgot to put on his clothes. It’ll make no difference to the true believers naturally, but it’s often quite entertaining watching them strut their stuff, point and laugh.
‘McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and Starbucks halt Russian sales’
Very good news for Russian.
Huge improvement in the general health of Russians thanks to
McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and Starbucks.
Small businesses selling coffee & snacks can now make a living.
John Main
As with any noisy data source just take all the measurements and average them out. That’s likely to get you a reasonable figure. In any case my point was that the number of refugees is only the beginning.
Elsewhere, look at the number of civilian casualties. It’s not reported very often but so far the figures I’ve seen range between 320 and 500 or so.
It’s the same story for Russian casualties. I think by Day 3 the Ukrainians were reporting 3500 Russian dead but the past few days I’ve seen 500 +/- 50 reported more often. The 2-4000 reported by the Pentagon are casualties not fatalities, as reported in most places I’ve looked. This lends some sort of credibility to the 500 dead figure as the numbers coming from the likes of Iraq and Afghanistan indicate there are 10 times more casualties than fatalities. I’ve never seen any number for Ukrainian combatants. If you have seen any I’d be grateful if you’d share them.
Rather than morbid curiosity the numbers give you some idea of the inherent bias in the reporting. Some of that will be because many news sources are relying on the Ukrainian government but the fact that they don’t come with any qualification is telling.
There’s plenty of wailing and gnashing of teeth when it comes to MSM coverage of Scotland but when there’s a war or a pandemic then suddenly it all becomes impartial and accurate. Very strange.
Andy Ellis says:
9 March, 2022 at 8:45 am
@John Main 8.01 am
I’m not sure Hattrick supplying extra fries with their burger can be described as high paying clients?
It’s just a slanging match that he wants.
‘small claque of Byres Road Bolsheviki roasters’
The ‘Byres Road Bolsheviki’ is new but the rest is the SSDD.
“ Hattrick doesn’t understand the damage done to his “it’s all the fault of NATO/US/Satanic aggression” argument when he reports stories evidencing a conspicuous lack of NATO/US/Satanic aggression.”
You’re too thick to hold two basic ideas in your head at the same time.
I’ve said repeatedly that the US caused this and has hung the Ukrainians out to dry because at the end of the day Team America wouldn’t get into a fight with Russia. I predicted that on the basis that Russia could and would hit back.
Events have confirmed the validity of that argument. If you disagree, explain why there will be no jets for Ukraine. Explain why nobody will dare fly a plane over Ukrainian airspace which Russia controls.
All people like you have to offer the Ukrainian people is crocodile tears. How many times have you referenced murdered kids to score petty points? It’s all fake, using the suffering Ukrainians as pawns.
We have wall to wall coverage of suffering Ukrainians. 2 million have apparently fled and Britain, one of the most vocal antagonists in all this, has given sanctuary to less than 1000. How many has America taken in? Why no ships to carry Ukrainians to America? Why?
All fake. All avoidable. All unnecessary. All predictable. All predicted.
The Ukrainians will be lucky to have even a few square foot to call a country after this —not that you, creepo Ellis, or anyone on the fake hawkish right of the debate ever actually gave a fuck.
This sort of thing has happened before with the Kurds and others. If you ever took a few minutes to read instead of churning out crap, you’d know that.
Ruby will be glad to know the debate is over. Back to your cornflakes…
Ruby says:
9 March, 2022 at 8:49 am
‘McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and Starbucks halt Russian sales’
Very good news for Russian.
Huge improvement in the general health of Russians thanks to
McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and Starbucks.
Small businesses selling …
That’s the beauty of double entry accounting, and autarky.
I’ve said repeatedly that the US caused this and has hung the Ukrainians out to dry
Indeed you have! How many more times do you expect to repeat the same thing?
Ruby will be glad to know the debate is over. Back to your cornflakes…
Hoorah! Does this mean you are no longer going to be as ‘bonkers’ as to ‘debate’ endlessly with a couple of immature men/children?
@Stuart MacKay
Thanks for your recommendation re. Consortium News chats.
It’s ‘them’ showing ‘you’.
Keep the faith (off to work now…).
I was very disappointed that there was no discussion about the new misogyny laws & misogyny in general. Is this the sort of thing only women talk about? If so that is pretty weird as the ‘misogyny laws’ will affect men more than ‘women’.
I was outraged on behalf of men when Mark MacDonald was fired for sending a tax but men didn’t seem to be bother. Unionists saw it as an opportunity to attack the SNP and say things like ‘the SNP is full of sex-pests’ etc.
It was at that point I became very suspicious of Nicola Sturgeon. I thought she had an very abnormal attitude towards men.
I believe she is 100% misandrist and that she regularly stirs up hatred towards men.
‘Misandrist’ isn’t a word you hear often is that because it is believe that women can do no wrong?
Nato expansionism will cost families dearly in the UK, do you think Biden or Johnson will be personally affected by the steep rise in the cost of living.
“A report released on Tuesday forecasts that UK living standards will be cut by £2,500 ($3,285) per household this year, as inflationary pressure and a slower economy hit after the West imposed a raft of economic sanctions against Russia.
The Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) claims that living standards in Britain are set to take their biggest hit since records began 1955, as global commodity prices and inflation rise in response to the sanctions.
The CEBR has halved its growth forecast for the UK in 2022 from 4.2% to 1.9% and predicts a more dire situation in 2023, with its growth estimate being reduced from 2% to 0%, seeing the economy grind to a standstill.”
@Republicofscotland – 9 March, 2022 at 10:18 am
Good post Republic. Only one error, in the first line. Corrected below for you:
“Russian imperialist aggression in Ukraine will cost families dearly in the UK”
@Stuart MacKay – 9 March, 2022 at 8:59 am
Thanks for your response.
I don’t have any source that might indicate Ukrainian military casualties. The Unherd article I mentioned earlier states that the Ukrainians are being reticent about this. In addition, so many of the Ukrainian fighters are simply armed civilians so categories are unclear.
I have seen it mentioned in a couple of places that Russia is holding back its best troops and newest armoured vehicles in case NATO comes into the fight.
Plenty people on here telling us that Putin means what he says, etc. etc. My view is that Putin believes that NATO means what it says – any incursion into Polish or other NATO neighbour’s territory or airspace and NATO comes in shooting.
The refusal of NATO to get involved so far is not weakness, as some here claim. It is NATO showing the world that it means what it says. It won’t fight over a non-NATO country, and it will fight if a NATO country is threatened.
@John Main 11.15 am
Indeed. Nauseating as the views and moral cowardice of Putinista shills like RoS, Hatuey and others undoubtedly are on their own terms, you wonder if they actually bother to “read the room” at all, or are they happy with their own wee bubble?
Have we seen pro-Russia protests like the one in Serbia recently? Anti war demonstrations calling for the Ukrainians to give up? I’ve seen people demonstrating outside the Russian Consulate in Edinburgh right enough, but they weren’t supporting Russian demilitarisation and denazification of the Ukraine.
Like most eight thinking people, we’re aligning with the victims, not blaming them. Of course history will show Putin’s mouthpieces for what they are, the appeasers and fellow travellers de nos jours. Afterwards of course they’ll be as rare as hen’s teeth, but since few of any of them would ever have the courage of their convictions and publicly defend their support for the extinction of Ukrainian democracy and statehood, they’ll be safe from any kind of political reckoning. That’s the reason they won’t stick their heads above the parapet of the bridges they hide under of course. They know they enjoy negligible support.
Want to read something truly shocking? Then try Robin McAlpine’s “The dead, the poor and the memory hole”, link to or the archived version link to
“Disgraceful” doesn’t even begin to cover it.
Hahahahahaha @ “you wonder if they actually bother to “read the room” at all”
Andy Ellis said that. He really did.
Mr. Popular has been reading the room all along and nobody noticed.
Andy Ellis is still adamant that there is no evidence of bio-labs in Ukraine. (and who in Edinburgh uses the term ‘roaster’ apart from a radge like him?)
“It takes a high level of self delusion of course to believe the Putinista tropes they are coming out with: the Ukrainians had it coming, they’re neo nazis, there’s been genocide in the Donbas, there are bio warfare labs &/or nukes in the Ukraine etc. etc.” – 9th March, 0845.
Victoria Nuland (Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs) confirmed their existence following a question from Sen. Marco Rubio.
Video footage of Senate hearing is in this article.
link to
RoS 10.18
I’ve joined the discussion late.
What is your position?
Is it that we should impose sanctions on Russia – or not?
I assume that you understand that by imposing sanctions we inevitably also damage our own economy by degree? I also assume that you know that people then need to judge whether our increased cost of living as a result of our sanctions – is a price worth paying to support UKraine and sanction Russia?
John Main
Putin may be mad but he’s not insane. Any incursion into NATO territory would be soundly repulsed. The Russians know that.
This hasn’t stopped many MSM commentators telling up that Russia is back in an expansionist phase and that re-establishing the former Soviet Union is his goal. That does not survive any scrutiny at all but it’s still broadcast. It’s talk like that which gets people killed – already there are hundreds if not thousands of mercenaries heading to Ukraine. Many have military training but I’d guess that many do not and are looking for excitement – well they’ll get it.
My real fear is that the politicians we have are simply not up to the job. If things start getting out of control they will be unable to stop it. Thankfully the actions of the USA don’t quite match the rhetoric so we may yet all survive this.
I think it pays to closely watch the UK, Germany and France, particularly the UK. Since they’re old hands at this game it’s useful to see what they do and what they don’t do. Back to the refugee thing I mentioned previously. I think Europe will be flooded with people from Ukraine and if things don’t go well maybe the Russians will turn off the gas. It’s hard not to envisage the economic collapse of the EU in that case.
Interesting times.
“I think Europe will be flooded with people from Ukraine”
I think Scotland could manage a couple of hundred thousand… we want to save as many as possible and we can all agree on that, I’m sure.
Pity the economic situations looks so bleak. The sanctions won’t help but it’s a price worth paying.
We’ve taught Putin a lesson and that’s what matters.
Scott at 1:09
Ten seconds internet research:
“Seventeen countries have had or are suspected of currently having a biological weapons programme. They include Canada, China, Cuba, France, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Libya, North Korea, Russia, South Africa, Syria, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.”
OK, Ukraine not on the list, but what would you expect from a bunch of racist neo-nazis.
Uh oh, France & Germany ARE on the list. Based on your argument, Scott, Putin is justified in coming after them. And us! Best hurry up with Indy.
Cuba, eh? Cuddly, likeable, socialist, workers paradise beloved of all Satan haters. Who’d hae thocht it?
Must be fake news!
Or, maybes you are going to justify Cuba’s right to have biological weapons, because … something to do with Satan.
John Main
You still haven’t told me what you think the N in SNP stands for. Until you do I will just be skimming over your posts.
It seems bonkers to read posts by someone you suspect isn’t very bright.
It’s a simple enough question. It wont take you a minute to answer.
Listening to PM questions some 3 weeks on from the silence in support of Canada’s response to a popular vaccine passport protest, presumably because the common covid pandemic still topped the agenda, the question about quarantine arrangements and vaccine status for such a huge number of refugees has been conspicuous by its absence.
Given the sight of MPS packing HOC to applaud Zelenski yesterday would it be unfair to suggest the pandemic must now be definitively over (in which case it would presumably assist the trans national humanitarian effort to declare it such) or has the hitherto serious issue simply been overlooked in the face of a (considerably?) more aggressive threat?
@Ruby 9 March, 2022 at 2:23 pm
“It seems bonkers to read posts by someone you suspect isn’t very bright”
Then you’ll never be in a position to either confirm or refute your suspicions.
That’s called confirmation bias, but you will already have skipped over this, so you won’t be finding that out.
@John Main (looks like a phonebook entry),1416
I refer you to this post and the links contained within it.
link to
The USA Govt. have confirmed the existence of bio-labs in UKraine.
If you want to thump a tub, go ahead, but it doesn’t make you right.
From an internet search…
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction
Signatories to the treaty: link to
Nicola Sturgeon says do not limit number of refugees
How many refugees can Scotland afford to feed, house, clothe, educate, give medical & dental treatment and spending money to?
From which budget will the money be taken?
I think it would be perfectly valid for the UK & especially Scotland to say
“We would love to help but we are skint we can’t even help our own citizens who are in need of housing, food, heating, medical & dental treatment etc etc etc
It’s going to cost us a lot (I was going to say a bomb but decided not to) to impost sanctions on Russia which is going to make our situation even worse.
John Main says:
9 March, 2022 at 2:30 pm
Then you’ll never be in a position to either confirm or refute your suspicions.
Nae worries pal I’ve already decided that you are as dumb as fuck!
America had its fun in the unipolar sun, and it blew it. Historians will look back and laugh, just as they laugh at the way the Spanish and Portuguese pissed their ill-gotten advantage away in the 16th century. It turned out that suits of armour made of solid silver weren’t a great investment or very useful after all…
Most intelligent Europeans privately yearn for the decline and collapse of America, truth be told. More broadly, they yearn for the end of this whole Anglo-American shit-show. It’s been a dire era, stifling and stunted. Fukuyama in a sense was right, they did end history — killed it stone dead with their money-grubbing materialist madness.
Mankind needs new priorities, new hopes, and new dreams. And if it needs a new champion, we have no reason to hope it isn’t China. It looks like this whole Ukrainian chapter will serve at least one useful purpose in hastening the ascendency of the Chinese. The sooner, the better.
The humiliation of the US in the Ukraine will go down as a major milestone in human affairs. It’s the day the music died — “bye, bye, American pie”. The discovery of biological weapons labs gives the whole thing a shameful flavour. It’s embarrassing.
Confronted. Defeated. Shamed.
“Scots journalist Sarah Smith says she’s looking forward to escaping the ‘criticism, bile and hatred’ she’s endured as BBC Scotland editor ”
People would “roll their car windows down to ask me, ‘What f*****g lies you’re going to be telling on TV tonight, you f*****g lying bitch’,” she said.
“News must be reported with due accuracy,” said a spokesperson for Ofcom. “This program broke our rules by including a significant inaccurate statement that was not acknowledged or corrected on air.”
‘A significant inaccurate statement’ is just another way of saying ‘f*****g lies’
Can you imagine any protester in Scotland shouting:
‘What ‘significant inaccurate statement’ are you going to be making on TV tonight, you ‘significant inaccurate statement maker’ you?
Different people have different ways of expressing themselves I would think anyone who has spent any time in Scotland would know that people swear. I think if you find out that people are lying to you it’s perfectly understandable that you would swear.
If you find out someone has lied to you are not inclined to believe anything else they say. Probably a very good thing that Sarah Smith has gone to the States.
Although with the internet folk in America could easily find out about her ‘significant inaccurate statement’
What would be a colloquial term for significant?
Talking of the ‘Anglo-American shit-show’ what’s the latest on Julian Assange?
South China Morning Post (08/10/2021): ‘China, Russia ask UN to check biological warfare strength of US and allies’:
“Scientific and tech advances raise the risk of biological agents being used as weapons, their joint statement says Chinese envoy urges US to agree to a monitoring mechanism, continuing the finger-pointing after the nations traded barbs over the coronavirus’ origins”:
link to
RT News (08/03/2022): ‘China urges Pentagon to open up about ‘biolabs’ in Ukraine’:
“China’s foreign ministry has called on the US to disclose information on the Pentagon’s alleged biological laboratories in Ukraine “as soon as possible”.
On Monday, the Russian military said Ukrainian authorities had been destroying pathogens studied at its laboratories. Moscow claimed that 30 US-financed Ukrainian biolabs have been actively cooperating with the American military.
Kiev has denied developing bioweapons. According to the website of the US embassy in Kiev, the US Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program only “collaborates with partner countries to counter the threat of outbreaks” of infectious diseases.
In 2020, the embassy called such theories about US-funded biolabs in Ukraine “disinformation.”:
link to
The Washington Standard (26/02/2022):
‘1 Day After Reporting On US Biolabs in Ukraine, US Embassy Scrubs All Ukraine Bioweapon Lab Docs From Website’:
“On Friday, I provided documentation on the fact that the US does have biolabs in Ukraine and that it is possible that part of the intervention by Russia into Ukraine was due to that. I verified that the US government did have documentation on those labs, but as of Saturday, that documentation has been scrubbed from their website.”:
link to
Euronews (25/08/2021):
‘WHO experts say time is running out to study COVID-19 origins’:
“The scientists who studied the origins of COVID-19 for the World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Wednesday that the window of opportunity for conducting further studies of how the virus emerged was “closing fast”.
In a report published in March, the team said that the virus likely jumped to humans from animals and that the scenario that it leaked from a lab was “extremely unlikely”:
link to
The Lancet (17/09/2021):
‘An appeal for an objective, open, and transparent scientific debate about the origin of SARS-CoV-2’:
“On July 5, 2021, a Correspondence was published in The Lancet called “Science, not speculation, is essential to determine how SARS-CoV-2 reached humans”.
The letter recapitulates the arguments of an earlier letter (published in February, 2020) by the same authors, which claimed overwhelming support for the hypothesis that the novel coronavirus causing the COVID-19 pandemic originated in wildlife.
The authors associated any alternative view with conspiracy theories by stating: “We… strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin”. The statement has imparted a silencing effect on the wider scientific debate, including among science journalists.
The 2021 letter… did state: “We believe the strongest clue from new, credible, and peer-reviewed evidence in the scientific literature is that the virus evolved in nature, while suggestions of a laboratory leak source of the pandemic remain without scientifically validated evidence that directly supports it in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
In fact, this argument could literally be reversed. …there is no direct support for the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2, and a laboratory-related accident is plausible.”:
link to
The Telegraph (11/01/22):
‘Scientists believed Covid leaked from Wuhan lab – but feared debate could hurt ‘international harmony’:
Emails to Dr Anthony Fauci show ‘likely’ explanation identified at start of coronavirus pandemic, but there were worries about saying so.
Leading British and US scientists thought it was likely that Covid accidentally leaked from a laboratory but were concerned that further debate would harm science in China, emails show.
An email from Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust, on February 2 2020 said that “a likely explanation” was that Covid had rapidly evolved from a Sars-like virus inside human tissue in a low-security lab.
The email, to Dr Anthony Fauci and Dr Francis Collins of the US National Institutes of Health, went on to say that such evolution may have “accidentally created a virus primed for rapid transmission between humans”:
link to
British Medical Journal (19/01/2021): Editorials:
‘Covid-19 vaccines and treatments: we must have raw data, now: Data should be fully and immediately available for public scrutiny’:
…lack of access to data is consistent across vaccine manufacturers. Moderna says data “may be available”…”:
link to
Natural News (01/03/2022):
‘Moderna CEO fumbles when asked about the presence of patented DNA sequence in Covid pathogen’:
“…asked the Moderna CEO about the presence of a tiny section of DNA patented in 2016.
“My scientists are looking into those data to see how accurate they are or not. As I’ve said before, the hypothesis of an escape from a lab by an accident is possible. Humans make mistakes,” Bancel answered. “It is possible on the claim you just mentioned.
The scientists are analyzing to know if it’s real or not.”
The Moderna CEO continued:
“It is possible that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) laboratory in China was working on virus enhancement or gene modification, and then there’s an accident where somebody was infected in a lab…”:
link to
Navy Times (08/03/2022) :
‘Destroyer can’t deploy because CO won’t get COVID vaccine, Navy says’:
“An ongoing legal battle over whether the military can force troops to get vaccinated against COVID-19 has left the Navy with a warship they say they can’t deploy because it is commanded by an officer they cannot fire.
It’s a standoff the brass are calling a “manifest national security concern,” according to recent federal court filings…”:
link to
Great….Gregor the new Cameron Brodie returns to flood the thread with more woo woo: Covid conspiracy theorising today is it?
Meanwhile Hatuey and RoS’ Russian mates are fighting the good fight and demilitarising and denazifying Ukraine by …… flattening a children’s hospital and maternity wing in Mariupol. Remember folks, Putin’s Poodle “Republic of Scotland” assured us the Ukrainians had this coming and linked to and highly praised an article last night which called the Russian intervention “regrettable but necessary”.
I suppose you can understand why he remains anonymous online when defending the indefensible huh?
Team America does it again… you will all be hearing a lot more about this one, that’s for sure. 158,000 adverse side effects in the first 3 months of rolling the Pfizer vaccine out, all hushed up. And the FDA wanted it all kept classified for 75 years.
Fucking hell. This is nuts.
link to
“Pfizer Covid vaccine has 1,291 side effects reveals official documents”
“This release of documents follows U.S. District Judge Mark T. Pittman’s decision on January 6 to deny the request from the FDA to suppress the data for the next 75 years, which the agency claimed was necessary, in part, because of its “limited resources.””
“When Pfizer applied for FDA approval, they were aware of almost 158,000 adverse events. This really does not paint them in a favorable light. And now, a 38-page report features an appendix with a list that says Pfizer’s COVID vaccine has 1,291 side effects.”
“The list includes acute kidney injury, acute flaccid myelitis, anti-sperm antibody positive, brain stem embolism, brain stem thrombosis, cardiac arrest, cardiac failure, cardiac ventricular thrombosis, cardiogenic shock, central nervous system vasculitis, death neonatal, deep vein thrombosis, encephalitis brain stem, encephalitis hemorrhagic, frontal lobe epilepsy, foaming at mouth, epileptic psychosis, facial paralysis, fetal distress syndrome, gastrointestinal amyloidosis, generalized tonic-clonic seizure, Hashimoto’s encephalopathy, hepatic vascular thrombosis, herpes zoster reactivation, immune-mediated hepatitis, interstitial lung disease, jugular vein embolism, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, liver injury, low birth weight, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, myocarditis, neonatal seizure, pancreatitis, pneumonia, stillbirth, tachycardia, temporal lobe epilepsy, testicular autoimmunity, thrombotic cerebral infarction, Type 1 diabetes mellitus, venous thrombosis neonatal, and vertebral artery thrombosis among 1,246 other medical conditions following vaccination.”
“This is a bombshell,” said Children’s Health Defense (CHD) president and general counsel Mary Holland.
“At least now we know why the FDA and Pfizer wanted to keep this data under wraps for 75 years. These findings should put an immediate end to the Pfizer Covid vaccines. The potential for serious harm is clear, and those injured by the vaccines are prohibited from suing Pfizer for damages….”
Sensible Dave @1.29pm.
My position is Dave that I don’t buy into this gigantic propaganda programme that’s flooding Europe, and further afield by the Western media.
Its common knowledge now of the US coup in Ukraine, its also widely known about the genocide of Eastern Ukrainians by the Neo-Nazi battalions that have been shelling not military bases or military post in the Donbas for at least eight years, no they’ve been shelling schools, hospitals, residential areas etc, and killed at least 14,000 people including many children of which there are memorials to.
Of course outside the Donbas there are many memorials too, they are dedicated to Nazi sympathisers as are the countless streets named after them, I wonder is the average Ukrainian too afraid to speak out about the Nazis in their country or is Nazism endemic to the country, a prime example of this is CNN ran an interview with a Ukrainian general recently an behind the general hanging proudly on the wall was a picture of Stephan Bandera, CNN must’ve been alerted to it as later the picture was blurred out but you could see the outline of his image.
I do have some sympathy for the women and children of Ukraine, however Ukraine made itself a target by allowing the genocide of Russian speaking folk in the East for eight years, what really set the heather alight was when Zelensky tired of Nato and the EU fobbing him off, gave a speech saying that Ukraine would reacquire nukes, Ukraine already has the infrastructure to host nukes as it has in the past.
Putin couldn’t standby and allow nukes to be parked on Russia’s borders even moreso with Nazi’s at the helm, effectively the US knew this, and called Putin’s bluff only he wasn’t bluffing.
Nato has caused this crisis, a crisis that could quite easily escalate, Nato expansionism in which they promised not to expand further East has led to this moment, what did they expect Russia to do, would the USA allow Russian nukes to roll up to its border (Cuban missile crisis) no I don’t think so.
The blood of any innocent Ukrainians is in my opinion on the hands of Nato especially the USA, now we will suffer economically and the war in Ukraine will be used for many more excuses such a bolstering nukes in Scotland or pushing independence right out of the picture for years or even decades.
If Russia and it looks increasingly likely, turn off the gas to Europe it will be a disaster, they’ll be riots in the streets, industry will reduce to a minimum, the cost of heating will skyrocket and the knock on effect of power costs in shops will be added to customers bills, but hey US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland when asked about European concerns over the economy with the 2014 US coup in Ukraine in mind said (on record) F*ck the EU.
US interests come first over those of Europe and we are in this position because the US has taken us here and the Europe has allowed itself to dragged along.
The USA’s motto since Nato was founded on Europe is, Keep the USA in, The German’s Down, and the Russian’s Out. It seems to be working to a tee if you ask me.
Dear Andy Ellis,
Would you be willing to comment on Victoria Nuland’s confirmation of the existence of ‘bio-labs’ in Ukraine.
The labs you said didn’t exist?
Scott Anonymous (my real name, you finally forced me into it)
Stuart @11.58am.
Thanks for the links Stuart, I try and read all McAlpine’s articles if I can.
I’ve posted many articles in here about the SNP’s failures on drug and alcohol deaths, Sturgeon would rather see Scots die that break a reserved rule (Consumption rooms which have be in used for thirty years in Europe and have been shown to work) heaven forbid.
There is a huge backlog and waiting lists not just for cancer operations but on the six week wait to be seen such, as in endoscopies and colonoscopies, by the time people are seen in many cases its too late.
We cannot blame all of this on Covid, Brexit removed many staff from our NHS in Scotland, as Sturgeon stood by and tried to save England from itself, instead of saving Scots from Brexit, and now we are paying a heavy cost in lives. No doubt Sturgeon will find a way to blame Putin for the her misgivings that we will feel the weight of medically and economically.
Sturgeon didn’t even have the foresight to set up a nationalised energy firm to supply Scots with cheaper heating when she was selling off all our assets, its a disgraceful situation that Scotland is swimming in energy sources but Scots are and will continue to pay for their fuel through the nose, again if Putin turns off the taps in Europe Sturgeon can blame Russia for that one, and the uninformed masses will laud her for it.
Scotland under Sturgeon is fast becoming a authorative state, as a note, its not unusual for colonised states to have much higher rates of deaths or addictions, than independent countries, Alf Baird has shown this in his data. (04/29/2018); (authored by Filip Vukovi? Balkan Post):
‘Bulgarian journalist confronts US official over secret biolabs’:
“…Gaytandzhieva wrote in her article that the US Army regularly produces deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the prohibition of biological weapons, and that hundreds of thousands of unwitting people are systematically exposed to dangerous pathogens and other incurable diseases.
She added that bio-warfare scientists are using diplomatic cover test man-made viruses at Pentagon bio-laboratories in 25 countries across the world. These bio-laboratories are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $2.1 billion military program called Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in countries such as Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Jordan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, etc…
Gaytandzhieva recently traveled to Brussels and attended the European Parliament in order to confront Robert Kadlec, Assistant Secretary at the US Department of Health…
Kadlec categorically denied the existence of an American bio-weapon program as well as that information surrounding the labs in question were classified.
Gaytandzhieva …was silenced by Hilde Vautmans, the EU official sitting next to Kadlec, who stated:
“This is not an investigation” to applause from the audience and an embrace between herself and Kadlec…”:
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Ellis @4’42pm.
More propaganda from the Nazi lover, of course you probably know fine well that Mariupol is a stronghold of your Nazi friends, who are currently holding international hostages such as Indian students.
Russian forces have surrounded the city, and that’s why your Nazi buddies are holding the hostages, I fully expect your Nazi brothers in arms to keep a hold of the hostages even though Russian forces set up a civilian evacuation corridor just for folk like the hostages.
But we all know that when push comes to shove like you, your Nazi buddies are cowards and bullies who pick on the weak and frail.
Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency: Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine documents: Pfizer court documents:
“This nonprofit, made up of public health professionals, medical professionals, scientists, and journalists exists solely to obtain and disseminate the data relied upon by the FDA to license COVID-19 vaccines.
The organization takes no position on the data other than that it should be made publicly available to allow independent experts to conduct their own review and analyses. Any data received will be made public on this website.
Four days after the Pfizer vaccine was approved for ages 16+, we submitted a Freedom of Information Act Request to the FDA for all of the data within Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine biological product file. We have now sued the FDA for not releasing the data. Click below for court documents and for productions of Pfizer’s documents from the FDA.”:
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@ Putin’s Poodle 5.37 pm
Nobody sane believes the Kremlin talking points about genocide in the Donbass, or neo-nazis being in control of the Ukraine, or planning to use biological weapons.
It’s the Russians using innocent civilians as pawns, as we see all over the Ukraine. Whatever it is your handlers are paying you, it’s a good deal too much for the poor quality agitprop and QAnon scrapings you regurgitate so uncritically.
Nobody here apart from similarly unreasoning Putinistas takes it remotely seriously, and you’d be laughed off the streets if you cam out with this crass bullshit in public, or perhaps worse if any Ukrainians happened to be in the vicinity. Of course neither you nor your compadres would ever have the balls to do this. Snivelling cowards always talk a good game. It’s the ones prepared to go public and carpet bomb civilians you have to look out for.
Ref. the QAnon bullshittery about bio-labs. The truth is out there folks (not that some of the basket of deplorables here would recognise truth if it bit them in the arse of course).
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UK GOV (June 2021):
The Green Book: Information for public health professionals on immunisation:
“It is a legal and ethical principle that valid consent must be obtained before starting personal care, treatment or investigations.
This reflects the rights of individuals to decide
what happens to their own bodies and consent is a fundamental principle of good healthcare and professional practice.
Healthcare professionals (or other non-registered healthcare workers) who do not respect these principles may be liable to legal action and/or action by their professional body.
Those involved in seeking consent for immunisation should keep up to date with latest developments, legal rulings…”
Principles of consent for immunisation:
“For consent to immunisation to the valid, it must be given freely, voluntarily and without coercion by an appropriately informed person who has the mental capacity to consent to the administration of the vaccines in question…
People must be listened to, given the information they require to make decisions about immunisation and given sufficient time and support to understand that information.Information should be provided in a way the individual can understand, ideally before
the immunisation appointment.
Information should include details of the process, the benefits of immunisation, and the risks, including rare and common side effects and what to do if they occur…”:
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Dear Ellis,
Did Victoria Nuland lie to a Senate Committee when saying the following in response to a question from Sen. Marco Rubio?
“Ukraine has ‘biological research’ facilities. Which, in fact, we’re now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of.”
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Andy Ellis says:
9 March, 2022 at 4:42 pm
Great….Gregor the new Cameron Brodie returns to flood the thread with more woo woo: Covid conspiracy theorising today is it?
It’s Gregor getting it now!
What’s with all this irritability & total lack of tolerance?
Has it got something to do with his issues?
Republicofscotland @ 5:16 pm
Stuart @11.58am
“Scotland under Sturgeon is fast becoming a authorative state, as a note, its not unusual for colonised states to have much higher rates of deaths or addictions, than independent countries”
Yes RoS: On the first point, Scotland having the highest prison population per head in Western Europe is one of the more obvious features of an authoritative and oppressive colonial regime, that also admits to malicious prosecution.
On the second, former Chief Medical Officer Sir Harry Burns in 2009 referred to Scotland as being ‘the sick man of Europe’ and explained that the statistics in Scotland are very similar to those of aborigine peoples who have been dislocated from their culture – i.e. subject to colonialism, which involves ‘cultural obliteration’ (Fanon).
(16/02/2022) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
“Remember that #COVID19 nose swab test you took? What happened to the swab? If it was processed with a PCR test, there’s a 10% chance that it ended up in a lab for genomic sequencing analysis”:
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Daily Mail (28/03/2022): ‘Doomsday prediction was based on ‘uncertain’ data’:
“Professor Neil Ferguson predicted 500,000 deaths without action against Covid…
Scientists did not have accurate Covid stats when they made prediction that 500,000 could be killed if Britain took no action during first wave…
Modelling from Professor Neil Ferguson and colleagues at Imperial College London published on March 16, 2020, predicted the NHS would be overwhelmed within weeks and a terrible death toll would arise if nothing was done to stop the spread of the disease.
The stark modelling is understood to have single-handedly led to the decision to move away from herd immunity to a national lockdown on March 23…”:
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@Republicofscotland – 9 March, 2022 at 5:37 pm
“But we all know that when push comes to shove like you, your Nazi buddies are cowards and bullies”
Careful Republic, you are undermining your own justification for the war.
Hard to credit a bunch of cowards with posing an existential threat to Holy Mother Russia.
You should have told Putin about your intel – could have saved a hell of a lot of trouble!
Information, facts & ‘truths’
Ellis @6.01pm.
You wouldn’t know the truth if jumped up and bit you on the arse.
You link to three US businesses, Mother Jones is a subsiduary of Schumann funded by George Soros, surprise, surprise they all paint Russia as bad.
Surely a Nazi lover such as yourself can do better.
@Hattrick says – 9 March, 2022 at 4:53 pm
An enormous screed about the Covid vaccines.
Hey Hattrick, before you jump on the anti-vax bandwagon, any contrition for your months of hysterical ranting about the vaccine sceptics?
Your “Xmas address to the nation” sticks in my memory and my craw, as you posted it on or about Xmas eve 2021. The gist of it was very clear: the unvaxxed should fuck of and die.
We all change our minds from time to time as new evidence emerges, Hattrick. Honest, decent people have no problems with admitting that.
Over to you. I’ll wait.
Alf Baird says:
On the second, former Chief Medical Officer Sir Harry Burns in 2009 referred to Scotland as being ‘the sick man of Europe’ and explained that the statistics in Scotland are very similar to those of aborigine peoples who have been dislocated from their culture
That is interesting.
“Native Americans have the highest prevalence (12.1 percent) of heavy drinking.
A survey of death certificates from 2006 to 2010 showed that deaths among Native Americans due to alcohol are about four times as common as in the general U.S. population.
Hattrick – 9 March, 2022 at 3:30 pm
“Most intelligent Europeans privately yearn for the decline and collapse of America, truth be told”
Intriguing to speculate why Hattrick thinks he knows people’s private yearnings.
Oops looks like Field Marshal Von Ellis’s 6.01pm BS has been exposed, Nazis always make mistakes.
“Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., asked Nuland if Ukraine has any “chemical or biological weapons.”
“Nuland confirmed that Ukraine has biological research facilities.”
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@Republicofscotland – 9 March, 2022 at 4:55 pm
“The USA’s motto since Nato was founded on Europe is, Keep the USA in, The German’s Down, and the Russian’s Out. It seems to be working to a tee if you ask me.”
You seem to be quite unable to adjust to or even notice how quickly things are changing, Republic.
It’s several days now since I pointed out to you that Germany has binned its anti-militaristic position, is frantically kick-starting its re-armament, and is actively supplying weapons to Ukraine.
How is that keeping the Germans down, Republic?
Putin’s folly has re-awakened the slumbering, German military giant. If you want to present any kind of analysis that can be taken seriously, start doing your homework.
Republicofscotland says:
9 March, 2022 at 7:16 pm
Oops looks like Field Marshal Von Ellis
Captain Caveman seems more apt…
Note that the development and stockpiling of biological weapons is banned in international law. They get around the ban by saying they are engaged in research and science for the purpose of disease prevention.
Only an idiot would believe that the US built and funded 30 bio-labs in Ukraine for disease prevention research. Why would they?
But it all becomes completely and straightforwardly a pack of lies when you find out where the money came from — the US Military (defence dept.). And then you find out they gave them the plague to play with, anthrax, etc., all in the middle of a conflict with Russia.
The information I posted earlier about the known risks associated with the Pfizer vaccine, callously hidden from the public for 75 years if it wasn’t for a Texas Court, taken together with the above, the bullying and baiting of Russia, and much, much, else, drives you very directly to the conclusion that the United States is a highly dangerous rogue state.
The term “Great Satan” actually doesn’t come close and if independence takes us one inch closer to that monster, we should forget it.
Polling not looking good for the Putinistas:
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“NEW polling by Ipsos finds an increase in support for the UK Government implementing economic sanctions against Russia, now at 78% compared to 61% in late February, immediately before the invasion. Support for economic sanctions has hardened even if it leads to increased energy prices, from 49% in in late February, to 73% in this latest poll.”
“Two thirds (66%) of people support humanitarian interventions by Britain, up by 26 percentage points since February and less than 1 in 10 think we shouldn’t get involved, down from 2 in 10. While support for military interventions remains lower than humanitarian, diplomatic and economic action, it has also risen slightly, by 8 percentage points, to 28%.”
Overwhelming support for Ukraine joining NATO & EU if the want to, and for allowing at least 200,000 Ukrainians in to the UK, so bad news for all the empathy voids more interested in “waur ain folk”.
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Awkward for the Cappuccino commies…..
@Alf Baird – 9 March, 2022 at 6:29 pm
“its not unusual for colonised states to have much higher rates of deaths”
How true that is.
Take Ukraine for example, currently being colonised by Russia. You can hardly move for corpses.
It looks like everybody now agrees that the US was helping Ukraine develop biological weapons to use on Russia.
Remember this day.
The general public are going to find out about that and when they do the whole atmosphere and collective understanding of this conflict will change.
The Times of India (05/03/2022):
‘Biden sends Kamala Harris back to Europe to shore up NATO’s eastern flank’:
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Dear perennial failure,
Isn’t compelled speech fascism, Andy?
The internet.
I’m rather surprised that both of these oppressive regimes refused to speak to their good buddy Biden, but then again both regimes who are close friends with the UK want the US to class the Houthi Movement in Yemen as terrorist.
Right now millions of Yemenis are on the brink of starvation, they are bombed constantly with British made bombs thousands have been killed including children, yet there hasn’t been the gigantic outcry in the Western media about the plight of these poor people as there has been over the people of Ukraine, no UK convoys of aid or weapons to defend themselves from the British bombs, no sanctions called for against Saudi Arabia, or its weapons suppliers the UK/US and other EU nations, why not I ask you, are Yemeni children’s lives not just as precious as Ukrainian children’s lives? Apparently not.
The reek of hypocrisy from the West is breathtaking, ask yourself why one has 24/7 media coverage and the other is ignored by the same media.
“Leaders in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) declined calls with President Biden as the war in Ukraine intensified, Middle East and U.S. officials told The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday.
“There was some expectation of a phone call, but it didn’t happen,” a U.S. official told the Journal regarding a call between Biden and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. “It was part of turning on the spigot [of Saudi oil].”
UAE leader Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed also declined a call from Biden, according to the officials.”
Hattrick 7:23
This Texas court, Hattrick. Where’s Texas then?
Isn’t it in the Great Satan? Or are you rattling about another Texas?
What’s with you and Republic? Only yesterday he was writing about a “secret” airbase in Poland and now here you are writing all about a 75-year “secret”!
Post a link to your dictionary Hattrick. Words seem to have different meanings for you, and we can’t keep up. “Secret”, for example, seems to mean something that everybody knows about.
I hear “secret” retains the conventional meaning in Holy Mother Russia. 15 years in jail.
2020 Arkansas Democratic presidential primary:
Kamala Harris (withdrawn): 715 votes: 03.1%
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Early days for polling to tell us anything except how successful the MSM has been in manipulating the public.
(09/03/2022): Russia tells the US “we have found your biological weapons”:
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70% of Russians “approve of the activities of Vladimir Putin as the president” according to a recent (7 day old) poll.
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World Bank (07/03/2022): ‘World Bank Mobilizes an Emergency Financing Package of over $700 million for Ukraine’:
“The World Bank Board of Executive Directors today approved a supplemental budget support package for Ukraine, called Financing of Recovery from Economic Emergency in Ukraine – or FREE Ukraine – for $489 million.
The package approved by the Board consists of a supplemental loan for $350 million and guarantees in the amount of $139 million and is also mobilizing grant financing of $134 million and parallel financing of $100 million, resulting in total mobilized support of $723 million.”:
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World Economic Forum: Agenda Contributor – The World Bank:
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NEWSWEEK (07/03/22): ‘Joe Biden’s Approval Rating Fails to Rise Among Independents After State of the Union—Poll’:
“The State of the Union address failed to boost President Joe Biden’s popularity among independents, but he did get a bounce from Democrats, a survey has found.
An IBD/TIPP poll conducted after the speech on March 1 found that, overall, 39 percent of respondents approve of the job he is doing as president, compared to 47 percent who disapprove.
This is a slight improvement from the 38 percent approval in February’s IBD/TIPP poll—the lowest figure since Biden took office.”:
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Ruby: “Early days for polling to tell us anything except how successful the MSM has been in manipulating the public.”
100% correct and well expressed. Should we worry what potential indy voters might think of us revealing these truths?
Ellis actually used to say stuff like that. Lolz. He’s stopped worrying about it now, apparently.
ScreenRant (10/11/2021): ‘Why YouTube Is Hiding The Number Of Dislikes On Videos’:
“YouTube says it made a move in order to end the trend of coordinated dislike campaigns that were taking a toll on the mental health of creators.
The Google-owned video-sharing platform first began toying with the hidden dislike count idea back in March this year…”:
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World Economic Forum: Google:
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YouTube: The White House:
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CBS News (07/12/2020):
‘Joe Biden breaks Obama’s record for most votes ever cast for a U.S. presidential candidate’:
“In 2008, Barack Obama earned 69,498,516 votes in the presidential election, the most ever.
Now, Mr. Obama’s former vice president, Joe Biden, has far surpassed that tally, setting a new record with more than 81,284,000 votes (51.3% of the total) in the 2020 election.”:
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@Hatuey 7.46 pm
Not according to Navalny’s latest, which given the difficulties of polling in a dystopian gangster ruled kleptocracy is probably as close as you’ll get to truth there.
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“World Bank (07/03/2022): ‘World Bank Mobilizes an Emergency Financing Package of over $700 million for Ukraine’:”
Gregor @7.47pm.
Gregor both the World Bank and the IMF are part of the USA’s playbook, both are headquartered in Washington.
The end point of their modus operandi is to give huge loans to countries, in turn for cooperation and in the likes of Iraq, and Afghanistan’s case allow US contractors such as Betchel, Halliburton and Stone and Webster to rebuild razed cities infrastructure at great cost to the country.
” We cannot blame all of this on Covid…..”
We can’t blame anything on Covid , the wee C was just a virus doing what viruses do : it wasn’t personal
What we can blame is the lunatic responses to it from this generation of political numbskulls : a uniformly fckn useless collection of narcissistic onanists , obsessed with their own images and agendas , who treat the people they are supposed to serve as bovine vote-fodder . If any of them ever had an original , independent thought it would die a sad lonely death
I’m astounded so few are picking-up on how the exact same force- feeding of a blatantly skewed narrative, as with Covid , is being replicated with the Ukraine * situation * . It’s like the last two years were a rehearsal.
Once again we see the idiot parade that masquerades as an Independence seeking Scottish Government leaping on the opportunity to align with and reinforce whatever pile-of-shite * position * it’s mirror image in WM is promoting .
Wrapping themselves in the flag of other peoples’ misery . Impersonating * concern / solidarity * with one eye on the front page , the other swivelling to opinion polls . Their only real concern the ruthless retention of power .
Independence for every cunt !
Except Scotland
> Biden sends Kamala Harris back to Europe to shore up NATO’s eastern flank
I had to click the link to see if it was real. Now we know the Americans are not taking this seriously. Maybe she can join up with Truss on a joint diplomatic mission.
Ukraine needs to wise up to the fact that they’re going to have to fend for themselves. The sooner the better.
George.News (03/07/2022):
FULL RAW White House Press Briefing with Jen Psaki:
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NEWSWEEK 01/03/22
“Shocking Lessons U.S. Military Leaders Learned by Watching Putin’s Invasion”
Shock and awful….that’s quite a good line!
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For the United States and the West, the stumbling Ukraine invasion recalls the collapse of the Soviet Union, an eye-opening moment when it became clear that a supposedly unstoppable military shrouded a crumbling economy and a weak political and human base. It seems, three decades later, that few lessons have been learned. Moscow continues to invest in hardware at the cost of ignoring the human dimension of warfare (and the human dimensions of the strength of the nation state). Russian leaders have also ignored the reality that success in the information age—even military success—demands education, open initiative and even freedom.
“No dictator or authoritarian who wants to maintain power ever wants to instill too much skill in subordinate military leaders,” the retired Army general wrote to Newsweek. Whether it be Saddam Hussein or Vladimir Putin, the officer says, too much skill on the part of military subordinates is seen as increasing the likelihood of a coup.
@Stuart MacKay
In my view, George.News provides the most authentic coverage and insight re. current US Administration.
This tells me that Poland is well aware of its position as a staging post and how that position could escalate.
“The U.S. had attempted to press Poland to deliver its old Mig-29 fighter jets to the Ukraine. In Russia’s eyes that would have been a direct Polish aggression against it. Warsaw found a smart way to avoid that. It offered to deliver the jets to a U.S. airbase in Germany. The tar baby would thereby stick to the U.S. itself. The Pentagon declined to accept that. The jet transfer is now most likely dead.”
The White House Communications Agency:
“Our Mission:
The White House Communications Agency provides assured global information services to the President, Vice President, and others as directed, ensuring the White House is able to communicate with anyone, under any condition:
Be a Part of History…”:
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Unherd reporting that BoJo’s approval ratings up 24 points since 24 Feb.
Thanks Vlad!
@Robert Hughes – 9 March, 2022 at 8:00 pm
”Independence for every cunt ! Except Scotland”
Looks to me like Ukraine needs to take priority right now. Just my gut feeling that when you are having the bejasus shelled out of you, your need is greater than that of those nursing chips on their shoulders from behind their bedroom curtains. Or from deep in their hole.
Tell you what, though. If the Scots had half the balls of the Ukrainians, we would have been independent decades ago. Harsh but fair truth – so don’t shoot the messenger
Look on the bright side Bob. Scotland will soon be hoaching with Ukrainians in every town and city. Maybes they will give us some lessons in how to get up off our knees.
ChicagoTribune (25/07/2016):
‘DNC betrayed Bernie Sanders and the rest of America’:
“Bernie Sanders’ supporters have a right to be angry.
The leaked emails from the Democratic National Committee apparently confirmed what they have said all along — that the political system was rigged against their candidate in favor of Hillary Clinton…”:
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Sturgeon and her fanzine the National pushing the same old trope, I wonder when the penny will drop for the Sturgeon die-hards that indy is a carrot under her watch.
“NICOLA Sturgeon has confirmed plans for indyref2 next year will still go ahead in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”
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Nicola Sturgeon should stick to her principles and DENOUNCE UKRAINE IMMEDIATELY.
– Ukraine is sexist – it has allowed the women to leave and thus be forbidden to fight alongside the men. This is deeply misogynistic and expresses support for the patriarchy. The sistaz need to smash the glass ceiling on the battlefield and show “this girl can”. Gender balance is not negotiable and must happen now. Kirsty Blackman plays airsoft and she is fucking useful BTW …
– Ukraine is transphobic – it let the “women” leave but forbade trannies; since “transwomen are women” is the new holy dogma of western liberal democracy, they have transgressed appallingly.
– Ukrainians are awfully “white”; as are russians. According to BLM, this is thus a “white on white” problem (like e.g. the holocaust) and the true antiracist should be calling for a long and bloody war so as many white racists as possible get killed.
– these ukraines may be “Blood and Soil” nationalists, which is beyond the pale here; also will they be fully covid vaccinated with double boosters?
– these ukrainian refugess again, are awfully “white” – will our BAME new scots of diverse colour feel that their safe spaces have been violated? As true scotman Imran Patel-Shahid told BBC Scotchland
OOH THEYRE WHITER THAN ICE CREAM ON A GLACIER THIS LOT, INNIT, COMING OVER HERE, TAKEN OUR JOBS … no refunds mate, minimum charge £3 if you pay by debit card
Any one of these charges – sexism, racism, transphobia – brands a person as a “deplorable” with no human rights, to be attacked and cancelled at will – so why are we supporting them and not calling for Putin to go thermobarical on their arses?
Sturgeon has made a grave error and should look to support the multi ethnic civic nationalist forces of new russia, e.g. who have MUSLIM soldiers fighting for them and merely want ukrainians to enjoy the benefits of BETTER TOGETHER with POOLING AND SHARING.
NB – the charges of nazism against the ukies have no foundation as – doing nazi stuff, adopting nazi regalia, glorifying violence, adopting extreme xenophobic nationalism etc, is just “the bantz” and a bit of a kid-on, a laff (like teaching a pet dog the hitler salute, or enjoying a mel brooks movie) – whereas – calling for the modification of voting criteria in referendums to reflect UN norms – is the real nazism and should leave no one in any doubt.
It is also a qanon far right conspiracy theory debunkerd by fact checkers that – zelensky is jewish, vitoria nuland is jewish, blinken is jewish, or anyone in the us gov or israel is jewish. “Jewish” is a far right conspiracy theory, as is the Holodomor, which Stalin did not base on the Irish Potato Misplacing, which the British Empire had no part in. Everything happens by accident, nothing is planned, it is all a coincidence, there are no reasons for anything, even if people write books about it all, years previously.
Scott: “Did Victoria Nuland lie to a Senate Committee when saying the following in response to a question from Sen. Marco Rubio?
“Ukraine has ‘biological research’ facilities. Which, in fact, we’re now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of.””
I guess you didn’t get a straight answer. There’s now about 12 sub-topics “they” refuse to discuss when it comes to the Ukraine crisis.
I would be more interested to know why Nuland would be concerned about harmless labs falling into Russian hands…I think we all know the answer though; there was nothing harmless about them, or the samples of plague, anthrax, and other deadly diseases the US sent them.
“They called it a conspiracy theory but United States just acknowledged existence of bio labs in Ukraine
“The US admitted on Tuesday that Ukraine houses “biological research facilities” with Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland telling Senator Marco Rubio saying that the US is concerned the ‘research facilities’ could come under the control of Russian forces. We are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach, she added.”
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Why is the US “concerned” and what exactly do they mean by “research materials”?
@Hattrick – 9 March, 2022 at 8:54 pm
“Why is the US “concerned” and what exactly do they mean by “research materials”?”
FFS Hattrick.
Just make something up and post that. We’re not going to wait up until 2 AM for your answer.
SNOPES (03/10/2016:
To Silence Wikileaks, Hillary Clinton Proposed Drone Strike on Julian Assange?:
“E-mail leaked by WikiLeaks doesn’t demonstrate that Hillary Clinton suggested assassinating founder Julian Assange via a drone strike”.
“Assange, who faces extradition to Sweden on rape charges… said in an interview with The Times Magazine that things have become so dangerous that he cannot even poke his head out of the embassy’s balcony doors…
On the possibility of being “droned” by the CIA, Assange told the magazine…:”
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Daily Mail (21/10/2011):‘We came, we saw, he died’:
“What Hillary Clinton told news reporter moments after hearing of Gaddafi’s death”:
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Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Email Archive:
UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05789138 Date: 10/30/2015:
From: Jake Sullivan To: Hillary Clinton:
“See last item – AQ is on our side in Syria. Otherwise, things have basically turned out as expected.”:
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“Populations dont like wars …and have to be fooled into war”:
Julian Assange:
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“I am defenceless and I am counting on you and others of good character to save my life… Truth, ultimately, is all we have”:
Julian Assange, in Tariq Ali’s “In defence of Julian Assange”:
Belmarsh Prison:
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I wouldn’t read too much into that Newsweek article. The magazine was more or less essential reading when I was in the USA but the rise of the internet means, like everywhere else, it’s fallen on hard times.
The Russians might be hamming it up but then again killing civilians is pretty easy and the relatively low body count suggests their either exercising restraint or they simply cannot shoot – despite what everybody wants it’s highly unlikely to be the latter.
I think the real question that Newsweek are asking is “Why aren’t the Russians shocking and awe-ing like we do”. First is that’s not the Russian way, as the article says the army is a blunt instrument. Second it’s likely they don’t have the capability. That’s been covered in many places already – the west have been talking up the Soviets and now the Russian capabilities since that’s good for business in the arms trade.
Still, it’s interesting to see what everybody is thinking. Thanks for that.
“NICOLA Sturgeon has confirmed plans for indyref2 next year will still go ahead”
Thank fuck for that. Given the way Putin’s war is escalating, I have stopped buying green bananas.
@gregor says – 9 March, 2022 at 9:04 pm
“Populations dont like wars …and have to be fooled into war”
Convincing fooling though, Gregor. 2 million refugees. Dead kids. Smashed towns and cities, hospitals, schools, apartment blocks.
I think most people reach a tipping point where they have to painfully accept reality, however much they want to believe they are being taken for fools.
There’s a reason why people talk and write about “the reality of war”.
Forbes (09/03/2022):
‘Plane Carrying Donald Trump Reportedly Made Emergency Landing Due To Engine Failure’:
“A private plane carrying former President Donald Trump home from a speaking engagement at a Republican donor retreat last week made an emergency landing after experiencing engine failure, Politico and the Washington Post reported Wednesday…”:
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@John Main
Couldn’t agree more…
“…where they have to painfully accept reality, however much they want to believe they are being taken for fools.”
TheNational.Wales (09/03/2022): ‘Cardiff Philharmonic Orchestra explains Tchaikovsky decision’:
“…orchestra has said it has dropped music by Russian composer Tchaikovsky…
The decision had been seen as part of a cultural backlash towards Russia that has seen various groups and organisations react…”:
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Donald Trump (08/03/2022):
‘WW3, Talking to Putin, Joe Rogan, free press…’: Full Podcast:
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‘Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby JUST LIED TO THE WORLD’
“The US govt provided materials and training for “cooperative biological research, biological threat agent detection and response, and improving biological material protection, control and accountability”.
Details were withheld from public disclosure, but “state secrets of Ukraine” were to be shared with the US Defense Dept.”:
link to (08/03/2022):
‘UK trying to ‘water down’ rights protections in new bill, says Scottish Human Rights Commission’:
‘Retain the Human Rights Act in its current form’:
“The Scottish Human Rights Commission has responded to the UK Government’s consultation on its proposals to replace the Human Rights Act with a new Bill of Rights.
Barbara Bolton, the Legal and Policy leader at the Scottish Human Rights Commission, said:
“The UK Government’s plan to replace the Human Rights Act with a new Bill of Rights signals an intent to water down human rights protections, erect additional barriers to accessing justice and equivocate on compliance with decisions of the European Court of Human Rights involving the UK.
If passed, these proposals would be deeply regressive, undermining 20 years of human rights law and policy development across the UK, making it harder for people to enforce their rights and putting the UK in breach of its international obligations. This should be of grave concern to us all…”:
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