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Wings Over Scotland

The Path Of No Return

Posted on March 03, 2024 by

This whole clip is worth watching. It appears to be an evidence session at the Scottish Parliament featuring several members of the Scottish Government’s Expert Advisory Group On Ending Conversion Practices, with which Wings readers will be familiar.

Many things about the session are disturbing, not least the incredibly one-sided nature of both the witnesses and the committee, none of whom seem to have even a token interest in challenging the claims of the witnesses, however absurd or contentious (eg that praying for someone is basically a form of torture).

But one thing in particular leapt out at us.

Blair Anderson, a Glasgow councillor for the Scottish Greens and an influential figure within the party (and therefore on the Scottish Government), repeatedly makes a statement which anyone following the subject of gender ideology will find extraordinary.

Several times, Cllr Anderson asserts that a person’s sexuality, gender and gender identity are things which cannot be changed. It’s clear from both context and repetition that he hasn’t accidentally misspoken – he’s saying what he means to say.

And since the ENTIRE PREMISE of gender ideology and trans identity is that those things can be changed – and indeed that they can be changed limitlessly, at will – it’s very hard to know what to make of that.

(What’s for certain is that if we said it, or if you said it, Cllr Anderson and all his TQ+ pals would be screeching “TRANSPHOBIA!” from the rooftops and reporting us to the police for hate crime.)

Here, for example, is the very first entry on Stonewall’s LGBTQ+ glossary page:

And here’s the entry for “Trans”, which notes that the definition includes people whose gender is “fluid”.

According to Harvard Medical School, “gender-fluid” encompasses lifelong change.

To illustrate, here’s the former Director of Legal And Policy at trans charity Mermaids, Lui Asquith, talking about her literally-day-to-day identity changes, apparently including sometimes being a cat:

(Remember, the legal position in Scotland is that changing your gender also changes your sex, and so must – unless you’re “pansexual” – also change your sexuality.)

Indeed, the very concept of “transitioning” from one gender to the/an other intrinsically implies and necessitates change. Because obviously if you can’t change your gender or your gender identity, then there are no trans people. According to Cllr Anderson, they do not, and cannot, exist. He just erased them wholesale.

Which does rather raise the question of why the Scottish Government is so doggedly, obsessively and ruinously determined to devote quite so much time, energy and money to them at the expense of pretty much everything else.

But of course, that isn’t what transactivists are actually pushing. They might not be able to get their story straight, but they very much DO believe that you can change your gender – they just want it to be a one-way process. That’s what Cllr Anderson’s comments really mean.

The legislation being formulated by the SNP/Green Scottish Government and already being intensively indoctrinated into Scottish schoolchildren from primary age is that you can change your gender as much as you like, so long as you never change it back to the one that matches your biological sex.

That’s why NONE of the Scottish Government’s numerous gender bills of the last four years have made any sort of provision for detransitioners, and why attempting to stop your child entering the gender cul-de-sac is going to be made a criminal offence.

Straight and “cis” kids are so boring that they don’t even get a flag, unlike every other identity under the sun. They’re not “progressive”. Representing and safeguarding them doesn’t get you any Stonewall Points or UNICEF Gold Rights-Respecting medals or “Rainbow Honours” at glitzy London galas.

Having failed to take a single step closer to independence, having made a complete dog’s breakfast of domestic governance, and with several leading figures facing potential trial and imprisonment for fraud and embezzlement from their own members and supporters, the only legacy now available to the post-Alex Salmond SNP is to garland themselves in awards for virtue-signalling.

And if the cost of doing so is that they have to forcibly queer every child in Scotland, with no way back, that’s a price they’re more than willing to pay.

0 to “The Path Of No Return”

  1. Sven says:

    Aww sugar, just about to have Sunday tea when I read this, now not only does my brain hurt … my stomach is turned.

  2. Confused says:

    we take our cue from AFRIKAA –

    link to

    but the IMF will cut your money if you won’t let them cut your boaby

    link to

    BRICS may allow you to keep your boaby

  3. Chas says:

    Am I alone in not understanding, or being remotely interested in, the various terms that are supposedly in use to describe an individuals gender or sex?
    Why is it that, in the world today, the minorities are dictating to the majorities and getting away with it? We are sleep walking into all sorts of nightmares but, like most, I can’t be ersed doing something about it.
    Experience tells me there has to be money involved.

  4. Tommo says:

    Were it not for the fact that I spend much time in Scotland, am of Scots stock and have friends there I could rationally assume that it is a deviant’s delight, based upon it’s ‘governance’.
    The left and it’s innumerable offshoots (this one happens to be the deviants division) are expert at controlling the ‘discussion’ by subverting the language. Clearly these wastes of public money have been trained re ‘torture’- it is appalling to hear such a word -with all it has meant to so many suffering appalling cruelty over centuries- misappropriated by this rabble for their own ‘ends’.
    It seems churlish to use this to suggest that were it not for WM then God alone knows what legislation might be in force up there. Still, think on…

  5. Hatuey says:

    I’m confused. Transitioning isn’t possible? Maybe that explains why they don’t mention or fund detransitioning — you can only detransition if you have already transitioned but transitioning is impossible?

    I think I’ll watch the golf.

  6. twathater says:

    Her “Travelling Squad of Scottish Lesbians” who pays for their travelling and expenses jaunts, is it oot o nicoLIAR’S own personal wealth or is there maybe £600,000 lying aboot, or has wee Pete the magpie gied them a loan wi nae timetable tae pay it back, maybe they were aw goan fur a RIDE in a mobile home, we wid need tae IRON that oot

  7. David Hannah says:

    I’m glad the alphabet people have got their own term “queer” of which I consider a slur. They can identify as “queer” and immediately I understand that they are a bigoted groomer.

    I feel like this might just be the year that the Scottish public fight back against this poision and we’ll see it spill out in the school curriculum and the SNP losing at the ballot box in the GE.

    LGB without the T. You don’t need to be a rainbow snowflake to be gay, lesbian or bisexual.

    Don’t listen to the SNP. They are the paedophile party.

  8. robertkknight says:

    “The Path Of No Return” or “Idiots Running Asylum”

  9. David Hannah says:

    Women’s football is taking off in Scotland. Full of lesbian icons.

    Gay men don’t need to be marketed as a rainbow.

    And bisexuals are a sexuality.

    Transgenders – not my type. It is not a sexuality. It is an algorithm capitalist driven virtue signalling. By the creepy deep state that want to carve up your bodies. And have to dilating your open wound for the rest of your life on airport toilets – LIKE HEATHER PERVERT. STILL A MAN PERVERT.

  10. Jacqueline says:

    Good one twathater.
    Follow the money.
    This just doesn’t make sense at all or anymore.
    Totally wrecked the independence campaign. FU nicoliar and your gang of perverts.
    ALBA is hingin by a thread for me. If ALBA doesn’t call this monstrous crap out within 2 weeks I’m off. WTAF is going on?
    I’ve obviously woken up in the middle of a nightmare of epic proportions.
    I despair then rage then despair.
    Poor kids. Up the perverts and groomers I suppose.

  11. David Hannah says:

    Time for LGB without the T. And for good honest same sex attracted individuals to fight back, and tear down the groomers flag.

    Let’s hope the queer community who are seperate and distinct in their own right, see their cult leader.

    Pronouns Me/I Nicola Sturgeon in Barlinnie prison. Sometime soon. I hope Branchform jails her.

  12. Lorna Campbell says:

    So, they want to make it illegal to try and prevent a child from transitioning, but they forcibly transition females into non-beings every day of the week with no penalty? Their brass necks are only outdone by their psychological unwellness and unfitness to hold any public office whatsoever. I am very close now to hatred of the SNP and their stookies. That Maggie woman from the Greens is degenerate.

    Where were the dissenters, the questioners, those who are not afraid to speak up at these madness-stoking and encouraging meetings? They want the police to arrest parents who are trying to save the children they love? Give them seven years? Well, we’ll see. We’ll see.

  13. Robert Hughes says:

    Watching/listening to those imbeciles was fckn TORTURE !

    Are you sure that video is not a perfectly observed send-up by some comedy writer eg Graham Linehan ?

    I reckon those Krazy Kultists were assigned jelly for brains at birth . As were the profligate buffoons in the Greens/SNP Gov paddling pool who fund this unhinged ideology with Scottish taxpayer’s money .

  14. Mia says:

    Is it known if the Scottish Greens and the SNP are receiving money from pharma, private hospital chains linked to “transing” kids or medical insurance companies?

    It is so obvious the whole exercise is biased that one wonders if the Sgov are acting as proxies for something else.

    Since STurgeon took control of the SNP, the NHS has gone down hill quite rapidly. It is now on its knees. The length of waiting lists is ridiculous and in some areas they are so understaffed that there are wards in some hospitals where the bulk of nurses are agency hired nurses rather than NHS nurses.

    Landing the expense of puberty blockers and testosterone etc treatments for life will cripple some departments and boards. I guess this will be great if what you pursue is to find an excuse to accelerate privatisation.

    I know this is going to sound terrible, but I would not put it past these sick lot. This biased exercise comes across as if these individuals are attempting to transform Scotland into a testing ground for experimental techniques using the NHS to endorse them, and a sanctuary for paedophiles, sadists and child abusers.

    Forcing a child to transition and then denying them the opportunity to detransition sounds like a horrible form of sadism, just like performing a mastectomy on a teenage girl or creating a fake vagina on a teenage boy. None of those are out of place in a horror movie.

    Being cynical, the more kids they manage to subject to statutory sterilisation with this, the faster the native population of Scotland will fall and the lower the chance of independence. I wouldn’t put it past them.

    By the way, is Robertson anywhere near to releasing the census? Goodness, if he waits a little bit longer it will soon become time to call the next one.

    What a shower of shysters the SNP turned out to be.

  15. Shug says:

    I still struggle to understand why nicola, a nationalist from childhood, from a nationalist family did destroy the party so thoroughly.

    Why ????

    It is beyond understanding was she compromised and blackmailed??

  16. David Hannah says:

    None of them are cool or interesting. Especially the female groomer with the groomers ears on claiming to be non binary?

    She’s barking mad. Only little girls dress up like that. She’s signalling her video to them. Because she is a vile groomer.

    She says she changes her identity every day.

    These people are so boring. They are so uncool. Every department in work they work in. The eyes roll when the email comes through.

    When the pronouns email comes through they/them. I’m glad she’s a they them. You’re welcome to IT.

    Oh it’s black history month. Oh its pride month – NO one gives a shit.

    Your rainbow equality calender is an insult to all LGB people out there.

    Do they not realise they are humiliating the gay community? Do they not realise this?

    Lesbian footballers at Celtic and Rangers – And not a single MAN. And there never will be! Because you don’t need to change your personality or body. By transitioning to be happy. The opposite of what these people are saying is true.

    Chopping off your PENIS IS TORTURE! Chopping off your breasts is TORTURE!

  17. Sven says:

    Shug @ 19.38.

    Seems more likely to me that she was always an obsessively ambitious sociopath, Shug.
    With her background independence just presented this failed solicitor with the best way to achieve power, money and control of others. The SNP was always just a convenient vehicle to (ab)use to get ahead. Using others (such as her mentor and political tutor, Mr Salmond) to climb over,ever upwards, backstabbing and discarding the dupes on her way.
    I have no doubts that there will have been dubious groups involved in subverting the cause of independence in the SNP, however I’d guess that no one would have had to do much to incentivise Ms Sturgeon on her relentless drive to the top.

  18. Jan Cowan says:

    I agree with David Hannah’s recommended future for N.Sturgeon.

  19. John Main says:

    Could it be that gender fluidity is temperature dependent?

    Here in Scotland, maybes it is usually so cold our gender fluidity freezes.

    Maybes the SNP/Green policies to stop us from being able to affordably heat out homes is meant to ensure our gender fluidity remains in the solid state.

  20. John Main says:

    I am joined tonight by my travelling squad of Scottish lesbians

    An immortal line indeed.

    I don’t think I will be forgetting it any time soon.

  21. Jacqueline says:

    Above posters.
    I’m considering that those who reach some sort of power are in the main perverts.
    Bottom troughers who work and survive just don’t have a fucking clue of what’s happening. What’s controlling OUR lives.

  22. Anton Decadent says:

    If you click through and watch the videos on YouTube there is a warning underneath them from a Non Profit (lol) called The Trevor Project. I looked that up and discovered that, again, no matter which country this is being enforced on it all looks like members of the same family who are the main pushers.

    @Confused, re the IMF and World Bank, scroll down to Bretton Woods. link to

  23. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    This madness has to be stopped

    These creepy people must be kept away from the children.

    Sadly this will not end with the demise of the SNP Labour has plenty of creepy folk and they will be happy to continue with the nonsense.

  24. David Hannah says:

    Even at a Stonewall event. Sturgeon still couldn’t admit she’s into women. A shame really. The closest she’s ever came is saying that. Her travelling squad of lesbians. If only she had the courage to be herself. She could have gone down as a Scottish feminist icon and not the anti feminist.

    She’ll die alone.

  25. David Hannah says:

    She’ll be coming out soon that is… When she blames Baldy Murrell for Operation Branchform.

    Ha ha ha.

  26. Ruby says:

    I listened to Neale Hanvey’s speech that he made about conversion therapy. He spoke for around 40 minutes. He was against the bill proposed by Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP.

    Scroll down to 11.34 if you just want to listen to Neale Hanvey

    link to

    You will notice the SNP benches are empty.

    Amateur hour at Holyrood is embarrassing.

  27. Lewis Moonie says:

    A timely warning, Stu for what’s in store for us if these gender ideologues get their way. Clearly one of the reasons they concentrate on attaching their TQIAXYZ delusions to the LGB is in order to force the acceptance of gender affirming medical and surgical treatments for young people.
    (Only LGB define sexual orientation. The rest are what at best can be described as straight perversions and delusions)
    Make no mistake. There is no sound peer reviewed research which supports medical or surgical treatment for gender reassignment. Their supposed anti conversion therapy stance is the opposite; such treatments are the essence of conversion therapy.
    These fools are supporting lines of treatment which will destroy the bodies and minds of young people in Scotland.

  28. President Xiden says:

    The Scottish Youth Parliament has groomed these people for years. We are now reaping the reward.

  29. joolz says:

    Trans people:

    Gender is fluid so men can keep their dicks.

    Also Trans people:

    Gender is fixed as toddler so boys need to have their dicks cut off.

    Make it make sense ????

  30. Ruby says:

    I was wondering why this conversion therapy had suddenly become an issue.

    Neale Hanvay says

    I have made this point before, but conversion therapy bans are part of a slate of policies which, in my view, are intended to insinuate queer theory into every facet of our culture and to control and limit freedom of thought, freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

  31. sarah says:

    O/T: Sorry for this early change of subject but I think it will encourage others to feel a little more optimistic about the independence movement making some progress, as it does me. I urge everyone to look at this youtube:

    Independence Forum Scotland youtube of their meeting in February which was to discuss a National Convention and other subjects around the needs of Scotland – just seeing who was there and hearing some words from several of them was very encouraging.

    Simon Forrest – he is the Nova Technology engineer who had a good piece in the National recently about how renewables could be the third time that Scotland has lost out on a bonanza. I find it interesting that the National gives him space and here he is at a constitutional forum which aims to put people in power, not politicians.

    Dave Thompson, the Action for Independence party founder – clearly a well experienced and capable organiser.

    Tim Rideout – currency expert.

    William Duguid – writer and Yes blogger.

    Everyone there was intelligent, principled, decent and passionate for independence. A breath of fresh air.

  32. Ruby says:

    What I had never signed up for, however, was the insinuation of queer theory into the rights movement and the equality movement, and the pernicious effect that it would have. I had not realised how dangerous and disruptive that movement was until I spoke up, very politely, and said a simple thing: “Women are not being listened to in the trans debate.”

    The response that stemmed from that simple statement of absolute fact has been horrific. People describe me as gender critical,

    Neale Hanvey

    Women do not feature in this debate.

    Why do you suppose that is?

  33. Ruby says:

    3 March, 2024 at 10:40 pm

    O/T: Sorry for this early change of subject

    Are you not interested in queer theory Sarah?

  34. Confused says:

    Andreas Baader once said something along the lines of – “shooting and fucking, it’s the same thing … ”

    – a company in S Korea is offering 75 grand per baby for young couples; this is what you have to do to get the birthrate up – bribe the young women, give them a better deal than “feminism” is offering (a worthless office job career, no kids and a house full of cats aged 40)

    S Korea has the worst fertility rate in the world 0.7; for contrast, the north korean leader was crying in public the other week, begging the women to have kids, because the birthrate had fallen to 1.7; replacement level is 2.1 /2.2 so 1.7 is sleepwalking to extinction, as for 0.7 … it’s a death wish. S Korea is culturally hyper capitalist and feminist, a kindof lab experiment, a pure signal of what happens; young women slut it up on social media for attention and likes and money, young men locked in their bedrooms spanking it to anime porn – normal relations are not being formed; simps can pay a monthly fee on only fans to pretend some e-wh0re is their girlfriend.

    Young Scots are holding back from having kids down to economic constraints – stagnant wages and expensive housing; you can only solve this problem if you are independent, for otherwise you do not have the economic levers to hand.

    – we also annihilate via spiked probe perfectly good life at one end of the age range, while trying to get barren old crones up the duff at the other; it makes no sense, but the feminists want it and no one has said no to them for a generation; welcome to the island of dr moreau and the leather bar/gay disco mashup – at least it won’t last too long, since we will become as extinct as the dodo or tasmanian wolf

    Scotland has a “demographic crisis”, but there is a dumb way to “solve” it (suicidally stupid), and a fun, easy, natural, way; and what an amazing selling point that could be –

    “indy – once we get the english to fuck – we all get fucking (raw, up the front)”

    indy is a fight for the future, for existence.

    Queer theory is a death cult promising sexual liberation.

  35. Ian McCubbin says:

    A further step in removal of freedom of speech, thought intelect and creativity.
    I am straight an artists who paints in many colours different life and contemporary scenes.
    I don’t need a flag to promote my identity my work does that.
    This system of gendering is taking away true creativity and transposing a fixed agenda.

  36. Ruby says:

    link to

    I should have been clearer in my earlier post I should have said women who are totally opposed to all this crap.

    aka Gender Critical Women.

  37. Astonished says:

    They all appear to be very, very well-groomed. Unsurprisingly.

  38. Towbar Sullivan says:

    This is all tedious. The word ‘gender’ was borrowed from linguistics and grammar (where, in many languages, nouns can be masculine, feminine or neuter GENDER) because Yanks were too fkn prudish to use the word ‘sex’.

    But you now had TWO words, ‘sex’ and ‘gender’, to mean the difference between males and females. This allowed postmodernists, perverts and other assorted hobgoblins to exploit this ‘distinction’ and make it a difference. Two different words must mean two different things – amirite?

    So they made ‘gender’ mean something like ‘sex stereotypes’, conflated it with sexual attraction, and created this nonsense word salad.

    Stop using the term ‘gender’ unless you’re speaking about grammar. And if you want to say something about sex stereotypes or sexual attraction, SAY IT.

    Just because a word exists doesn’t mean the thing it signifies does – see ‘unicorn’.

  39. Christopher Pike says:

    Ignored says:
    3 March, 2024 at 6:53 pm
    Good one twathater.
    Follow the money.
    This just doesn’t make sense at all or anymore.
    Totally wrecked the independence campaign. FU nicoliar and your gang of perverts.
    ALBA is hingin by a thread for me. If ALBA doesn’t call this monstrous crap out within 2 weeks I’m off.


    Alba has zero traction in Scottish political discourse. It is a failed experiment that never got off the ground – remember the amateurish PR launch laced with embarrassing technical errors? Pity, because the party has some decent economic and social policies.

    Alba will lose both of their MPs at the next election and Salmond, if he wishes to protect his reputation, should distance himself from the party and admit it was a mistake to get involved with an such an amateurishly run organisation. He would have been better off criticising the SNP in the media without the faltering weight of Alba hanging around his neck.

    New parties rarely workout well. Those who left the SNP for Alba, should have remained and fought for change within the SNP.

    Nobody cares about anything Gaelic and Alba is no exception.

  40. Oneliner says:

    ‘Nobody cares about anything Gaelic’.

    Not quite true. Apparently the hackers do. Those pesky Russians eh? Whoever thought they would interested in subverting a subculture of a hostile state?

    For the record, I am no Alba apologist.

  41. Robert Louis says:

    I came to the conclusion long ago, that those people pushing this gender cult nonsense are just stupid. No, seriously, I think they are genuinely just not very intelligent, and as a consequence simply cannot grasp the fallacy of their ideological stances. Sadly, the SNP Scottish Government takes them very, very seriously.

    It is all very well for a government to get ‘opinions’ from people of all walks and guises, but it is not OK, to willy nilly let folk with very limited intelligence make new legislation.

    That is what is happening with this gender rubbish. Just because somebody says they are ‘trans’ it does not mean they are competent at formulating legislation.

    Sadly, gay and lesbian people have been sidelined, or, even worse pulled into this ideological rubbish against their wishes by these stupid people. This is why organisations such as the LGB alliance now exists, to stand up for gay and lesbian rights – a cause now abandoned by the likes of stonewall, or the laughingly titled ‘equality network’.

    Trans ideologues have literally hijacked every aspect of the gay right movement and support system. To them I would say, being trans has got sweet f all to do with being homosexual. I am gay, as in homosexual. I am not ‘trans’ (whatever the f**k that means this week), I have no desire to change sex, I am not ‘queer’ (which is an insult, and deserves a slap), and I am most certainly not ‘2slgbtqiaa++ – or whatever the latest nonsense is.

    What a mess the SNP is in. This is what happens when you let ideology driven loonies (aka the green party), which nobody elects into government. Their is a reason the green MSPs are all list MSPs, with a teeny tiny share of the vote, because most sane folk see them for the luddite, backward thinking, thick – as – mince, ideologues that they are.

  42. Robert Louis says:

    And another thing, relating to these shameless trans liars.

    NOTE how they call it ‘conversion therapy’. That is NOT what it is and always was called. No, it was GAY conversion therapy, and these utter chancers have literally turned it on its head.

    GAY conversion therapy, was for example, parents had a boy who said he was gay, so they sent him off to a special camp (these really existed in the USA), where religious folk would work on them day and night to literally brainwash them into hating their sexuality. Other regimes used more barbaric methods. In short, it was to make gay people straight. It had NOTHING whatsoever to do with being ‘trans’. Gay conversion therapy never worked, and in this country is already, due to its nature, illegal. Many, many existing laws prevent it.

    Clowns like those above have turned the concept upside down, and twisted it. They no longer call it GAY conversion therapy, they call it just conversion therapy. They insist that what it really means is that if somebody says to a child who thinks they are ‘trans’ that they are not, then they are guilty of ‘conversion therapy’.

    It is the ultimate example of just how these ideologues have deliberately and willfully hijacked gay rights.

  43. Alf Baird says:

    Ian McCubbin @ 11:13 pm

    “A further step in removal of freedom of speech, thought intelect and creativity.This system of gendering is taking away true creativity and transposing a fixed agenda.”

    Yes, what we see is a form of fascism, linked to (and rooted in) colonialism, as reflecting our underlying ‘condition’. It is the imposition of an alien culture and oppressive ideology, given authority by fools, charlatans and tricksters, dealers in gobbledygook, which is the SNP/Green elite and those leading ‘Scottish’ institutions:

    link to

    “What is fascism, if not a regime of oppression for the benefit of a few? The entire administrative and political machinery of a colony has no other goal.” (Albert Memmi)

  44. Mac says:

    (sorry for being o/t, I will circle back to the above later)

    I watched this as it said Craig Murray was in it (he isn’t for some reason, no doubt crazy busy)) with Chris Hedges.

    Turns out it was very good anyway.

    link to

    We are going to find out very soon if the UK judicial system is utterly bankrupt or not.

    Listening to this there could be a chink of light for Julian Assange…

    Apparently the hearing last week was the first ‘proper’ court to deal with his case since the very start and the bogus sexual assault charges (sound familiar?).

    The question is will they bend and do the bidding of the US. (I know which way I’d be betting.)

    If so the question is answered. We are living in an authoritarian state that persecutes its political enemies.

    Craig Murry is right in the thick of it as well.

    This is really big, for us all really.

    This is all very reminiscent of the Salmond stitch-up.
    Everything about it just reeks of the same source, the same foul beast.

    Hoping for the best, expecting the worst. Fingers crossed.

  45. Dave Hansell says:

    “And if the cost of doing so is that they have to forcibly queer every child in Scotland, with no way back, that’s a price they’re more than willing to pay.”

    Looks like one of the accolades already picked up is the Madeleine Albright award permanently ending children.

  46. Mac says:

    I see someone else has posted the link to the latest ICJ hearing that I posted at the end of the last CC cartoon. Here it is again…

    link to

    It is really worth watching (for many reasons) because it is highly relevant to Scotland as well.

    After watching that I realized there is no need for any ‘clever’ or long winded arguments for our Right of Self Determination at any time that we decide. It is as clear as can be clear.

    Which is what makes the destruction of the SNP and Alex Salmond’s reputation very telling indeed…

    They were effectively the political apparatus by which we would have asserted our Right of Self Determination.

    And they were methodically, systematically destroyed post 2014, which incidentally was rigged using postal votes.

    A lot of arrows are now pointing at the big massive authoritarian elephant not just sitting in the room but sitting on us… slowly suffocating us.

    Gaza is a lens.

  47. Stoker says:

    Rev wrote:
    “To illustrate, here’s the former Director of Legal And Policy at trans charity Mermaids, Lui Asquith, talking about her literally-day-to-day identity changes, apparently including sometimes being a cat.”

    Why is that not called mental illness? Is this progress?

  48. Sven says:

    Stoker @ 09.05

    I well recall an elderly speaker at a meeting I attended back in the 1980s warning us that behaviour which had been condemned in his day was now being condoned and would come to be commended in ours, Stoker.
    Oh how we laughed at the old duffer. As the late Bob Monkhouse said, “they’re not laughing now”.
    I should perhaps add that he was not referring to LGB, but to practises which he believed he saw coming more in connection with paedophilia and childrens’ homes.
    So now we are in the position where a woman attending a Rape crisis centre in Scotland may be receiving “counselling & support” from a biological male with a wig and lipstick.
    Any independent candidate for Holyrood making independence and gender sanity key points of their policy would, I believe, capture an immense sector of what I’ll term the, “commonsense voters”.

  49. sarah says:

    @ Sven: “An independent candidate making independence and gender sanity key points…would capture an immense sector of…commonsense voters.”

    Agreed, Sven, if, and its a big if, they got the coverage to get the message out.

    Much like the – will they get the coverage to grow and replace Believe in Scotland as the leader of the Yes movement?

  50. Ruby says:

    Denise Findlay has left Alba.

    I don’t know why maybe for the same reason that I wouldn’t vote for Alba.

    Alba missed a chance to be the party women would vote for.

    The only ‘gender sanity’ I can see is that there be no sex changes and wearing woman face to become a hate crime.

    The LGB need to split from the T otherwise I will become even more homophobic than I am now.

    Being homophobic is something new for me. It started around the same time as I became transphobic.

    Also can’t stand the sight of the bloke who calls himself Debbie and wears women face. This is also something new.

  51. Jontoscots21 says:

    Well it was certainly “tawtcha” listening to this collection of roasters testify while the Parliament of dunces indulged their drivel. Blair That portly nonce from the Greens who is helping to run Glasgow yet he can reason no better than a nursery wean, Just as PTSD is now used for every bed wetting bampot who can’t face a challenge without arse collapse, torture has been redefined into this: If I express any doubt about a child being railroaded through their vulnerability and immaturity to castration then I am behaving with equivalence to Mai Lai or Abu Ghraib. . The term ‘harms” has also become a weapon for these cynical chancers too. Sadly whenever they discuss their mince they get the kid glove treatment. I see Yvonne Ridley has left Alba over transgender anyone update us on the context?

  52. John Main says:

    @Mac says

    “Gaza is a lens”

    Cheers, Mac.

    I was disappointed and a little angry at Rev Stu being allowed to steer his blog in irrelevant and unproductive directions.

    Thanks for setting it back on the right track and by doing so, engaging with the most important, immediate and pressing concern of the Scottish people.

  53. Ruby says:

    Alf turns everything into colonialism.

    That is not how you win friends and influence people Alf.

    Alf getting on my nerves is also something new.

  54. Ruby says:

    John Main
    4 March, 2024 at 10:13 am

    @Mac says

    “Gaza is a lens”

    Cheers, Mac.

    I was disappointed and a little angry at Rev Stu being allowed to steer his blog in irrelevant and unproductive directions.

    Thanks for setting it back on the right track and by doing so, engaging with the most important, immediate and pressing concern of the Scottish people.

    Quite right you get the BTL comments back to where you want them to be. You should thank Mac.

    Off you go now tell us about all these innarestin’ articles you’ve read in Unheard.

    Don’t forget to tell us which tee shirt you are wearing to do.

    Maybe it will be the one that says ‘Please love me Hats!’

  55. Ruby says:

    John Main
    4 March, 2024 at 10:13 am

    @Mac says

    “Gaza is a lens”

    Cheers, Mac.

    I was disappointed and a little angry at Rev Stu being allowed to steer his blog in irrelevant and unproductive directions.

    Thanks for setting it back on the right track and by doing so, engaging with the most important, immediate and pressing concern of the Scottish people.

    Quite right you get the BTL comments back to where you want them to be. You should thank Mac.

    Off you go now tell us about all these innarestin’ articles you’ve read in Unheard.

    Don’t forget to tell us which tee shirt you are wearing to day.

    Maybe it will be the one that says ‘Please love me Hats!’

  56. Alf Baird says:

    Ruby @ 10:13 am

    “Alf turns everything into colonialism.”

    An oppressed people first have to understand their ‘condition’ before they will find the only remedy.

    Maist Scots fowk dinna e’en ken independence is leeberation fae bein haud-doun an makkit intae thirlfowk (i.e. John Cleese’s ‘obedient retainers craving social status’/dependency).

    link to

  57. Johnlm says:

    I think Genocide John is trying to steer away from his embarrassing zionist vomit before he has to explain to us that we don’t understand what the word starvation means.

  58. Ruby says:

    Robert Louis

    This is why organisations such as the LGB alliance now exists, to stand up for gay and lesbian rights –

    What further rights do LGB need?

    Is the main problem the erosion of your rights?

    I’m wondering if GC would be more compatible with LGB than the T.

    Are we possibly fight for the same thing?

    What do you think about LGBGC?

    GC = gender critical women. Or maybe the T in LGB could stand for Terfs.

  59. socratesmacsporran says:

    To quote a weel-kent Scottish politician, who has ben in the news this week, I would say to Professor Alf Baird: “Sir, I salute your indefatigueability” in trying to get those on here who are unwilling to see, just how we have become colonised over the past 317 years.

    This morning, for light relief, I was browsing the (as it then was) Glasgow Herald of my birth date (28 February, 1947). It made for interesting reading.

    For instance, in its acres of “match reports” of the previous day’s business in the House of Commons, we had TWO Scottish Conservative MPs (Commander Tam Galbraith and Walter Elliott) arguing that cheaply-produced Scottish hydro electricity should be used to benefit the Scottish economy, rather than used to subsidise the more-expensively produced (from coal) English electricity.

    Apparently, at 1947 prices, hydro-electricity cost 0.2 pence (that’s old pre-decimal pennies) to produce, against coal-fired electricity’s 0.4 pence per unit.

    I cannot see Dougie DRoss, Alasdair Jackass or their pals of today making that argument.

    There was also a perceptive essay from Erik Linklater on the whisky trade in which several of his minus points from back then, in the hard post-war recovery years, are still pertinent today.

    Alf is right, we are doon-hauden and that will continue for as long as we are served by today’s pygymy politicians, afraid to really speak-up for Scotland.

  60. Ruby says:



    You won’t get the oppressed people to understand their condition or anything else if you are just pissing them off.

    Same applies to Mia & James Che.

    You could maybe make Scots a separate issue.

    As I have told you before my mother’s tongue isn’t Scots its Gaelic.

    Hope all three of you appreciate my constructive criticism and don’t all have a tantrum and start hurling abuse.

    I’m looking at you Mia.

  61. Hatuey says:

    My biggest issue with the “Scotland’s a colony” paradigm is that it encourages negativity and inaction… “you can’t do anything because you are just a colony. Now shut up and bow to the Marxist cadres as they deconstruct every facet of your existence and explain how it’s shit.”

    Okay, so what now? Storm the Bastille? Go for it, Alf, I’m right behind you.

    The trans debate as it unfolded demonstrates how careful we need to be with regards to false prophets. Women with the brains to understand the implications of what they tried to foist upon us should thank the lord that we are in a colonial relationship, if that’s how you want to frame it.

    Interestingly, most of the people I know on the extremities of the left (Marxists) signed up for trans agenda without skipping a beat. Those who have actually read Marx will know why — Marxism is indistinguishable from a religion, it claims to have all the answers to everything, even social relations (“the relations of production”) and it is supremely hierarchical so that followers and non-believers alike are expected just to shut up and bow to whatever the high priests of Marxism dictate.

  62. Stoker says:

    @ Sven, 9:45 am:

    As a species we humans tend to be blind to the obvious and history’s warnings. Sometimes it would seem we are frustratingly destined to learn the hard way. If only some political pro-indy party had the backbone to grab this particular bull by the horns, we would make great strides forward. But as things stand we are stuck in a unionist limbo. And there’s no light at the end of this particular tunnel. Very depressing state of affairs.

  63. Andy Storrie says:

    Looks like yet another boring, predictable, see-through pantomime stunt designed to deliberately alienate people away from Scottish independence. Another London orchestrated stunt. Making agents deliberately talk bullshit is one of London’s favourite tactics when chasing people away from an opponent is the desired goal. Fuck London. The disloyal shit bags gave this island away to the whole world.

  64. Ruby says:


    Women with the brains to understand the implications of what they tried to foist upon us should thank the lord that we are in a colonial relationship, if that’s how you want to frame it.

    This woman doesn’t believe we were saved by the Tories. This woman believes that without the UK legislation GRA 2004 there could have been no GRR.

    I know I keep repeating the same thing but nobody seems to be listening.

    The GRA 2004 allows for self-id. Take Eddie Izzard and the man who calls himself Robin Moira White (she/her) they invade women’s spaces and are referred to as she.

    They have basically self-ided.

    The GRA 2004 states that in order to become a woman by law a man must spend 2 years living as a woman. How do you live as a woman if you can’t use the ladies loo,prance about in women’s clothes and be expected to serve time in a men’s prison and participate in womens sport?

    Maybe the best thing that could have happen in order to wake people up would have been if the GRRB had gone through. After all every political party in Scotland wanted it. OK the Tories didn’t but that was probably because they were quite happy with the GRA 2004.

    The GRA 2004 also applies in Scotland so men are free to ‘live as a woman’. I failed to see what difference the GRRB would make except that they could be legally a woman quicker. Legally a woman or self-iding as a woman what difference does it make to women.

  65. Dan says:

    Ach well, a few days later than I’d hoped to stop further pollution contaminating bonnie Scotland’s eco-system; But finally got an engineer out that has initiated what I stated needed done days ago…
    Which was to switch off the pumps that pump the waste from the village’s sewerage holding tank to the river, and get tankers to come and collect the effluent until the time the engineering solutions are implemented to rectify the issue.
    I just hope whatever design is ultimately proposed futureproofs the infrastructure so this doesn’t happen again. So upsetting to see big fish of up to 15 years old lose their spawning ground.
    Having lived in the area for 45 years and know this specific area extremely well, I’ve witnessed the destructive power the river in spate can create, so it’ll be interesting to see if any local insight is listened to and taken onboard…

  66. Spartan 117 says:

    Bizarre cognitive dissonance on display from Blair Anderson, typical from the Alphabet warriors and Greens.

    There are two Genders, which cannot be changed. Scientifically proven and non-negotiable.

  67. moixx says:

    jontoscots21 @ 10.12 am

    “I see Yvonne Ridley has left Alba over transgender anyone update us on the context?”


    I thought it was Eva Comrie who’d left Alba? Something to do with Yvonne Ridley on Twitter/X using terms like ‘cis’, ‘former man’ and ‘assigned at birth’.

    It’d be very useful to know what’s going on in Alba over this issue.

  68. Andy Ellis says:

    @moixx 1.06pm

    Unless there’s breaking news I’ve missed, it’s Eva Comrie and Denise Findlay who have resigned after Yvonne Ridley went spectacularly off piste. that’s what happens when you elect no-marks like Ridley sadly.

    Alex Salmond’s email to members this morning said the following on the matter:

    This is a letter to update you on some changes to the Executive positions and news on upcoming campaigning events.

    Firstly, Yvonne Ridley our Women’s Convener is stepping back from her role for a time. Yvonne acting with the best of intentions did not reflect Party policy in tweets last Friday on transgender issues and provoked an internet row. Although Yvonne deleted her tweets and apologised for her mistake, the online stramash continued. As a result she is very distressed.

    It has been our established tradition in ALBA, that when someone makes an online error of judgement (which happens not infrequently) they have the opportunity to apologise and withdraw their tweet. This is on the basis that everyone makes mistakes and also, and this is something I was taught a very long time ago, about those who cast the first stone. After an apology is made the matter is then closed. Although of course, I understand the strength of feeling on this cardinal aspect of ALBA policy, I do not wish to depart from that important principle. You can be assured, however, that ALBA policy on sex based rights is and will remain clear and in future will be clearly expressed. To that end, Ash Regan MSP, who has such an outstanding record on defending women’s rights, will step in to lead for the party on this issue in the meantime.

    Secondly, as part of the online fall out from the above, Eva Comrie publicly resigned from ALBA. I regret this and thank Eva for her considerable contribution. Our constitution and rules are clear, however, and subject to NEC approval I have asked Suzanne Blackley, a former Holyrood candidate for ALBA, to serve as our interim Equalities Convener until an election can be held at the next meeting of National Council or at our Annual Conference.

  69. Alf Baird says:

    socratesmacsporran @ 11:13 am

    ““Sir, I salute your indefatigueability” in trying to get those on here who are unwilling to see, just how we have become colonised over the past 317 years.”

    Its an arduous but necessary task, although we know that ‘denial’ of oppression (aye, ‘doun-hauden’ in Scots) is part of the colonial condition.
    link to

    And even what is left of the UN recognises that self-determination independence is decolonization. That should be a subtle clue even for thaim wha canna see, including complicit National Party elites who have failed to undertake ‘a reasoned study of colonial society’ (Fanon).

  70. Jacqueline says:


  71. Hatuey says:

    Ruby, genuine question, was self ID a major issue, in politics or for you personally, before the SNP took it to extremes?

    To my knowledge, it wasn’t. It was generally if tacitly accepted. And I don’t think it would be an issue today had it not been for the SNP.

    On that basis, the Tory/UK Government intervention recently was critical. I get the impression the SNP are pressing on with their plans regardless to an extent, but the UK intervention puts hard limits on what they can impose. Correct?

  72. Jontoscots21 says:


    Thx for the clarification. Ridley has been removed from the exec. I am assuming she is aligned more with the queer folk than Alba;s position. I have always thought her a preening narcissist and something of a parody. It shows how carefully the critical independence movement needs to be about who rides on its coattails.

  73. Ruby says:

    4 March, 2024 at 1:59 pm

    Ruby, genuine question, was self ID a major issue, in politics or for you personally, before the SNP took it to extremes?

    Just a quick response. Sorry in advance if I haven’t covered all your questions. I’ll be back later so you can let me know if I’ve missed anything.

    Self-id wasn’t an issue for me when it only involved one in a million. One eccentric who went about dressed in woman’s clothes. Was very uncomfortable when having to share a changing room with that one eccentric. Became a bigger issue for me when that one eccentric turned into ‘millions’. Everyone and their granny suddenly became trans. Trans became trendy. None of this had anything to do with the SNP.

    My issue with the SNP & all the other political parties was their refusal to listen to gender critical women.

    If the Tory/UK Gov intervention were critical it will only last as long as the Tory Gov is in power. Yes/No
    Should women in Scotland vote Tory?

    What are the hard limits and what difference will that make to women?

    Keep in mind the SNP aren’t in power in England yet there are issues there with self-id and all the rest.

    See ‘Let Women Speak’

  74. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Cath Ferguson calling for Alba (and others) to sort themselves out:

    link to

  75. moixx says:

    Andy Ellis @ 1.16pm – Thanks for posting that ‘carefully worded’ email which doesn’t really give much detail, or comfort.

    I find it very strange that the Women’s Convener ‘did not reflect’ Alba policy on such a huge issue, and that it was somehow just a ‘mistake’ or an ‘error of judgement’ for the Women’s Convener to use that type of language at all.

    I don’t think that Alba should just move on from this. The matter is not closed just because an apology has been made. The very fact that it’s Eva Comrie who’s resigned but Yvonne Ridley is staying and will be taking up the Women’s Convener role again is worrying in itself. I’d like to know what led her to speak like that and what are her personal beliefs on the issue.

    Also, the Alba policy on sex based rights is actually not all that clear, and this incident might be a reflection of that.

  76. Chicmac says:

    Sometimes it is better to just keep on ignoring something even if it won’t go away. Maybe especially if it won’t go away.

  77. Hatuey says:

    Okay, Ruby, cheers. I get and agree with your general explanation, and since you are a woman and you know what you’re talking about, I am happy to yield to your stance.

    I kinda regard myself as a proponent of womens’ rights and if someone asked me what that meant a couple of years ago I would have bored them to death with a detailed response. Today I’d simply advise them to ask women.

    As for how women should vote, and whether voting Tory should be considered an option… That’s much easier for me — I’d vote for any party if it advanced my vital interests. Right now, for example, I’d vote Tory in an instant if it helped remove a crooked SNP trougher.

    Of course, I’d vote Alba before doing that, assuming they had a chance of winning (based on polling etc.), but I really don’t know why people find that a difficult position.

  78. Alf Baird says:

    Ian Brotherhood @ 3:07 pm

    “Cath Ferguson calling for Alba (and others) to sort themselves out”

    Some have been pointing this out since the party structured itself much like other political parties in 2021:

    link to

  79. John C says:

    Several times, Cllr Anderson asserts that a person’s sexuality, gender and gender identity are things which cannot be changed. It’s clear from both context and repetition that he hasn’t accidentally misspoken – he’s saying what he means to say.

    And since the ENTIRE PREMISE of gender ideology and trans identity is that those things can be changed – and indeed that they can be changed limitlessly, at will – it’s very hard to know what to make of that.

    Indeed. Take away the key tenet of Trans which is that one can be ‘fluid’ in their ‘gender’ to the point one can flip in a sentence depending upon who they’re talking to or whatever their peer group demands this week. Take this away and Trans ideology is revealed just as a personality cult.

    The legislation being formulated by the SNP/Green Scottish Government and already being intensively indoctrinated into Scottish schoolchildren from primary age is that you can change your gender as much as you like, so long as you never change it back to the one that matches your biological sex.

    That’s why NONE of the Scottish Government’s numerous gender bills of the last four years have made any sort of provision for detransitioners, and why attempting to stop your child entering the gender cul-de-sac is going to be made a criminal offence.

    That makes sense as much as any of this bollocks makes sense. The fact is they don’t care at all about detransitioners to the point where they activily attack them with as much, if not more venom than they do women. Detransitioners are the living evidence of the real damage of Trans ideology & shows their insistance that people have a ‘low regret rate’ (which is based on one survey which can’t be taken seriously) is in fact, bullshit.

    Go on Reddit and look at the detransitioner forums. Virtually every post is a human tragedy & they often consist of people in their late teens or early 20s feeling utterly hopeless that they’re now trapped in a body that’s been permanently damaged. Here’s an example from someone who started transitioning when they were 12/13, something Trans activists say ‘never happens’.

    link to

    Detransitioners were a trickle in 2016/7. They’re now wave after wave of them online crying out for help and support often instead finding hate, even violence from the very people that encouraged them to transition. This is the final bit of evidence to show Trans is a cult, possibly the most successive & damaging one in the 21st century. I dread to think how bad it’ll be by the end of this decade when the masses of 12-16 year olds transitioning now realise what they’ve done & they can’t go back, especially if they’ve castrated themselves or had a mastectomy. I especially feel for those poor girls with a fake phallus stitched to their abdomen and flesh flensed from their arms. How does anyone come back from that?

  80. John C says:

    I came to the conclusion long ago, that those people pushing this gender cult nonsense are just stupid.

    Some are. The ideologically captured & the poor kids being groomed most certainly are, but the majority aren’t. They know fine well the contradictions. They just don’t care. It also helps keep people arguing against it stuck in spirals trying to make sense of it while they’re grooming increasingly younger children to take hormones and get irreversible surgery that in some cases will leave them disabled from a very young age (once you notice kids in their early 20s or even late teens suffering from things like osteoporosis you can’t unsee it) or it’ll reduce how long they have to live. Then there’s the issue that it doesn’t solve any mental health issues nor does it seem to reduce suicide rates in the long term.

    These people (and Blair Anderson is one of them) know what’s going on. They know. Any cult relies upon smart people at the heart of it pushing ideology that is often contradictory but that’s the point. It doesn’t make sense, especially if it’s a cult that itself in centred around denying reality.

  81. David Hannah says:

    “It has been our established tradition in ALBA, that when someone makes an online error of judgement (which happens not infrequently) they have the opportunity to apologise and withdraw their tweet. This is on the basis that everyone makes mistakes and also, and this is something I was taught a very long time ago, about those who cast the first stone. After an apology is made the matter is then closed.”

    On yourself Big Eck. Sorting it out. He who is without sin, casts the first stone. Said Jesus. When the phairees brought the woman caught in adultery for stoning!

    Shame on Eva Comrie. They’ve been too emotional. They’ve got carried away online. The smart phones and twitter are not good for anyone’s mental health!

    Time for politicians to not waste mental energy on twitter every day. And to get chapping doors.

    Yvonne has made as mistake. Her PTSD and Stockholm syndrome must have flared its ugly episode!

    She’s still one of the good guys.

    Hail Alba!

  82. David Hannah says:

    Why has Eva resigned? It was a mistake. A simple apology from Yvonne is enough.

    Time for an Alba Party ladies lunch.

  83. John C says:

    What further rights do LGB need?

    It depends where you are in the world. Here in the UK, not a lot, in somewhere like India, Russia, Iran or Gaza, you need not to be beaten, tortured, executed or forcibly transitioned because the other option is death. In the West you’re fine mostly, though there are exceptions.

    And here’s where part of the problem lies. A lot of LGB organisations like Stonewall effectively had done what they’d set out to do by the early/mid 2010s so some started shifting to Transgender as a way to carry on raising funding as after all, a lot of people were effectively without a salary had they given up.

    Of course they could have carried on campaigning for rights in countries like Iran or China, even nearer to home in parts of Europe where same-sex relationships were still outlawed in some cases.

    They didn’t. They tapped into Trans Ideology because they realised that effectively, they had an unlimited campaign and funding stream. Trans ‘rights’ is a never-ending battle. They’ll always be something to campaign for or rage against.

    It’s the most effective men’s rights movement in history as well as the one thing that’s setting back LGB rights back to the 50s if the likes of Stonewall get to replace ‘sex’ with ‘gender’ in law as then what happens is you’ve just wiped out 60 years of gay and lesbian campaigning for the demands of pornsick men and paedophiles.

  84. David Hannah says:

    Glad to hear big Eck has sorted it all out. Yvonne’s clearly made a mistake with her online chat.

    Hopefully Eva can apply to join the Alba Party again.

    These things happen. Friends fall out. But we’re stronger together.

    If Big Eck can forgive nasty Nicola Sturgeon for trying to put him in jail.

    Then Eva and Yvonne can have a wee ladies lunch to iron this all out. We need the strongest feminist voices in Scotland in the Alba Party. It won’t be the same without Eva!

    Yvonne’s a brilliant woman. Love her politics. And Eva’s as well.

  85. Andy Ellis says:

    @moixx 3.09pm

    I tend to agree it provides faint comfort. Ridley is clearly unfit for the office she holds: anyone who could come out with that guff (particularly on this issue and in this party given experience with TRAs in the SNP), then try to pass it off as an honest mistake, is simply not on top of their brief. She seems much more active on issues other than those she is purportedly spokesperson for.

    If she had any self awareness she’d stand down before she does more damage. Losing Eva and Denise asa result (even if it’s only partially the cause or the straw that broke that camel’s back) is far too big a price to pander to someone as obviously incompetent as Ridley has shown herself to be.

  86. twathater says:

    For those proposing that Yvonne just spoke out of turn (including Alex Salmond),you are deliberately obfuscating and being insulting , both to Yvonne Ridley and to your membership . Yvonne Ridley is a journalist with decades of experience, she has worked with many diverse newspapers and obviously has an extensive vocabulary so IMO she KNEW exactly what she was saying and how it would be perceived

    10 years of stagnation on independence from the pervert party,captured by deviants and perverts, creating division for the last at least 7 years, and yet Yvonne was unaware of the rabid threat issuing, venom spitting, deviants, insulting womenfolk with their denigrating demeaning names, Yeh she probably forgot

  87. John C says:

    Self-id wasn’t an issue for me when it only involved one in a million. One eccentric who went about dressed in woman’s clothes. Was very uncomfortable when having to share a changing room with that one eccentric. Became a bigger issue for me when that one eccentric turned into ‘millions’. Everyone and their granny suddenly became trans. Trans became trendy. None of this had anything to do with the SNP.

    Like a lot of terrible things, Trans ideology spawned out of American academia as well as a small core of transexuals who were exceptionally homophobic. Trans ideology as we know it today is maybe 25 years old but the roots go back a century, if not more and it always involves fetishist, perverts, and sadly, endless amounts of paedophiles.

    It isn’t to do with the SNP, but it was adopted completely by the SNP post Salmond, though Salmond doesn’t get off free in this as people were warning him, especially in regards what the Sandyford were, and are still, doing.

    There’s also clear blue water between your old school transexual who wanted to just get on with their lives with minimal fuss to these preening narcissists who demand society changes to accommodate their perversions as the long game is clearly breaking down safeguarding to the point where these people will be able to abuse others, engage in exhibitionism & take people to court should people stand against this.

    It’s also dangerous for democracy. If we can’t say what is real & keep vulnerable parts of society like women, children and the disabled safe, then those people will eventually retreat from society. If they have nobody listening to them in politics then why vote? So yes, it’s down to the SNP to stop continuing this and take reality into account.

  88. David Hannah says:

    She said she made a mistake. End of story.

    It sounds like the ladies that quit the Alba Party are digging their heels in now.

    But you never look good at making someone else look bad. Yvonne’s a class act. She’s a brilliant person and entirely electable and likeable. Let alone experienced as you say.

    She deserves to stay. Eva and Denise will just look stupid now instead of accepting that friends make mistakes.

    Salmond needs to get his angels back together!

  89. John Main says:

    @ John C says: 4 March, 2024 at 5:16 pm

    You’re overthinking it.

    The trans woowoo is designed and intended to remove healthy young people from the reproductive pool – no more and no less.

    There are far too many people already, and the additional 2 billion predicted to arrive within the next 30-40 years is going to push humanity and indeed all life on Earth into a very bad place indeed.

    Any strategy that will stop people breeding will be pushed by the zealots. And, of course, as a notional first-world country, where our kids have an environmental footprint dozens of times greater than a third-world kid, then it’s only logical to target first-world kids.

    doesn’t solve any mental health issues nor does it seem to reduce suicide rates

    That’s not the intention. The intention is to remove as many of our young as possible from the breeding pool.

    In order to really fight the trans woowoo, you must first recognise and understand what is fundamentally driving it.

    it’ll reduce how long they have to live

    It’s meant to.

    It’s a diabolical, almost Satanic, certainly unholy alliance between the “captured” fashionable cult followers, the Green dogmatists, big pharma, gay-hating parents (never underestimate them), and enthusiastic adherents of the Great Replacement Plan.

    All of these groups have their own selfish interests in pushing the gender woowoo. That’s obvious, and of course, these are not mutually exclusive groups.

    But it’s the Gaia zealots who started it, to slow the rate at which human numbers increase.

  90. Republicofscotland says:

    “I came to the conclusion long ago, that those people pushing this gender cult nonsense are just stupid.”

    They are anything but stupid, they are devious and deceitful pushing an agenda that either suits their sexual tastes, or they are on the payroll to push this agenda as there’s a shit load of cash to be make from it.

  91. Anton Decadent says:

    @John C, well said.

  92. George Ferguson says:

    @Andy Ellis 1:16pm
    It’s a stushie for sure. Alba’s sex based rights policy was a fundamental draw for many women in particular but also for men like myself. Unfortunate misstep when other developments are encouraging. The day of action to save Grangemouth on Saturday 15th March being one. I am fair vexed I am double booked that day or I would definitely be going. A previous long standing commitment I can’t renege on. I will get a chance at some other point. Action not words to raise the profile of this impending disaster
    at Grangemouth, made in Scotland by the SNP’s hostility to protecting a Strategic National Interest.

  93. John Main says:

    @ George Ferguson says: 4 March, 2024 at 6:18 pm

    the SNP’s hostility to protecting a Strategic National Interest

    Here’s an innarestin link:

    link to

    And here’s a wee quote:

    “While, for example, the UK as a whole is committed to reducing its net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050, the Scottish Parliament has legislated to reach the same target five years earlier”

    I’m sorry, George, but I query whether the SNP can be said to be hostile to protecting Grangemouth.

    I think they’re actually hostile to Grangemouth. Period.

    Certainly, by telling everybody we will be done with Oil & Gas ahead of the rest of the UK, the SNP ensured our O & G infrastructure will be prioritised for dismantling first.

    Did they realise that would happen and go ahead anyway? Good question.

    The answer seems a no-brainer to me. Of course they did!

  94. George Ferguson says:

    @John Main 7:31pm
    I wouldn’t disagree with that sentiment. Somebody has to explain to me why outsourcing our prosperity to Belgium is helping the World reduce Carbon emissions. Dubbed the’Carbon Bomb’ it will be using exactly the same infeed to Radcliffes new plant as was proposed at Grangemouth i.e. imported US Shale Gas. You usually say ‘Show me the money’. It’s gone to Antwerp along with £600 million in guarantees from the UK Government. Whilst our Scottish Government politicians preen themselves about being World leaders in Carbon reduction. The Refinery closing at Grangemouth will levy further overheads on the rest of the complex including Plastics. The entire Grangemouth complex will close when Antwerp opens. The only Oil producing country in the World not to have a Refinery or cracking for Plastics and any associated employment. A collective punishment on the Scottish people by the SNP/ Green Scottish Government.

  95. Ruby says:

    John C

    Like a lot of terrible things, Trans ideology spawned out of American academia as well as a small core of transexuals who were exceptionally homophobic.

    Here’s a thing John C which actually surprised me.

    The UK became the first country in the world to allow someone to change gender without surgery.

    My prediction is this ‘Gender Virus’ is going to destroy everything Alba, Independence, The SNP, free speech, democracy, women’ rights, women’s sport, free education, the NHS, universities the lot.

    Glad I am not a politician who has to sort this mess out.

    They don’t have much support from the population.

  96. Dan says:

    Scotland being NetZero is pish!
    Humans by our very nature require energy in various forms to survive. If you don’t believe me then try going a day without using any. Natch you won’t be able to tell me though because your internet device was made using fossil fuels.
    This situation means all the food that we eat and other products we consume require energy to produce them. And as we have little industry here we rely heavily on imports from foreign lands that very often power their manufacturing industries through fossil fuel generated power, then use bunker fuel burning cargo ships to transport all those products across oceans to get here, then use even more fossil fuels for the internal UK distribution network.

    Scotland is blessed with an incredible array of resources, and the most ecologically sound way for us to exist is to develop or create far more of the industries we need here to support ourselves, rather than farming out production and manufacturing jobs to other countries.
    I’ve got a local cooperative farm nearby that I help out at on occasion with mechanical tasks, and they in the past have grown an incredible range of healthy food. But the economics of this project are not sustainable in the current economic paradigm, and for that reason they are now down to just one wee lassie and mother of a toddler to do everything… 🙁
    And that’s a damning indictment of politicians at all levels when they spout “NetZero”, but have utterly failed to address the very real lived realities of those that are actually trying to practice what all these well remunerated politicos preach.

  97. John C says:

    The trans woowoo is designed and intended to remove healthy young people from the reproductive pool

    No, it isn’t. In fact having younger and younger children involved to the extent we’re talking about infants being ‘Trans’ is part of the ideology. Like any successful cult it needs fresh blood and if they can get kids literally in the womb then brilliant. That’s where this has been heading the last five years.

    Basically they want more children. At the same time they want a number of kids to stay in pre-pubescent states for all the horrible reasons one can imagine.

    It isn’t ‘Satanic’ or part of some elaborate grand conspiracy. It’s a cult built around perversions, paedophillia, and men’s rights. It’s a whole load of things coming together under one umbrella that’s realistically one of the major things that’s breaking down norms in society for the purposes of a sadly increasing number of people being locked into an authoritarian cult.

  98. John C says:

    Here’s a thing John C which actually surprised me.

    The UK became the first country in the world to allow someone to change gender without surgery.

    The intention behind the GRA was to make it easier for the incredibly small amount of transexuals who’d undergone surgery. I worked with one at the time & they appreciated it, but they wanted to just live their life. They still used male toilets, spaces when appropriate, etc. Few people saw at the time that the GRA would be hijacked as it has been, but there were people who did warn us but few listened. I wish we had. We might all have been alerted ages before we realised what was happening.

    My prediction is this ‘Gender Virus’ is going to destroy everything Alba, Independence, The SNP, free speech, democracy, women’ rights, women’s sport, free education, the NHS, universities the lot.

    Independence is dead for a generation at least. It might return as a viable political prospect by the end of next decade or into the 2040’s but there’s so much that needs to happen before then. Ending the recession and poverty people are in should be a priority of any government, as should returning safeguarding to what it as was along with the serious attacks on civil rights we’re seeing from a number of different groups from a variety of different political viewpoints.

    But yes, I agree. Trans, and the extremist political landscape behind it, has changed things so the extent where we are today arguing what a woman is and whether such a thing exists. It’s insane. We’re not getting rid of this easily, but I think in the long term it’ll fall apart after all the scandals (of which it’s daily) and especially the lawsuits come to a head and the people can’t stand it anymore.

    A thing to look out for is this year’s Olympics, though I add the caveat that Trans athletes have stolen medals from women in previous games to virtually no outrage from the general public. However most of the general public weren’t being told these were men with DSD’s. We’ll see what happens this year.

  99. Edward Chang says:

    Queer Theory is THE Conversion Practice designed to convert our societies to ones in which “queer” is the norm.Well spotted that Mr Blair let the cat out the bag by his insistance gender cannot be changed and this of course entails a one way road.Sturgeon has a lot to answer for in letting this insanity swarm all over the SNP.

  100. Cameron Robson says:

    What are the demographics of castration? How many in the non-white, working class categories are being bobbed? It seems their population is continuing to rise. Is this trend for seemingly white, middle-class torture – I have yet to meet a working class teenage boy who would ‘willingly’ want to lose his middle wicket – a trend seemingly unparalleled since the Medieval fashion for castratos or the Venetian slave castration houses, an example of the death throws of the white, middle class self destructive ideologies of the hippy 60’s?

  101. Neil Singleton says:

    I, and I suspect the vast majority, agree with the irrefutable assessment of Lord Robert Winston, world renowned Professor of Genetics etc etc and the foremost geneticist of this, and many other generations. He states unequivocally that a man cannot become a woman, and a woman cannot become a man. End of all argument.

  102. John McGregor says:

    The Lunatic’s are taking over the Asylum


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