The last and final request
We thought readers might like a look at the draft SNP manifesto introduction (written, we hear, by Mike Russell) that’s currently being passed around branches for comment.
So here it is.
We thought it best to present it to you exactly as it came to us, so it is with the gravest regret that we must inform you that it’s stuffed full of the curse of the modern amateur writer, Words that Have been Randomly and Inconsistently Capitalised despite Not in any Sense whatsoever being Proper Nouns.
We hope they won’t get in the way too much, and that at some point a sub-editor will explain to someone that “MSPs” doesn’t have a sodding apostrophe in it.
We pledge to Protect
Scotland’s Parliament
honour the will of the Scottish People.Since at least 1320 it has been the accepted legal position in Scotland that it is the People of Scotland that are Sovereign and that all power wielded by our government is devolved to it by the People and with the consent of the People.
The form that government takes has changed many times in the intervening 700 years but the principle remains the same, all power flows ultimately from the People and their consent to be so governed.
Just over 20 years ago the People of Scotland instructed the UK parliament in Westminster to further devolve some of the powers they grant to it to a new Parliament closer to home at Holyrood.
A mere 6 years ago the People of Scotland voted overwhelmingly to make that parliament in Holyrood permanent, to never have its powers reduced, undermined, or removed by Westminster without their consent. Indeed they voted to greatly increase those powers and to enshrine in law the Sewell Convention that enforces Holyrood’s primacy over Westminster with respect to its devolved powers.
Since that date many new powers have come to Holyrood but the Tory government in Westminster, that has no Scottish mandate, has repeatedly chipped away at the powers of Holyrood and passed laws with devolved impacts over the express rejection of those laws by the Scottish People’s representatives both in Holyrood and Westminster. It has ignored the Scottish People’s elected representatives who voted against every single step of the EU Referendum process and has dragged Scotland out of the EU despite a clear instruction from the Scottish People not to do so.
With this manifesto the Scottish National Party explicitly seeks the authority of the People of Scotland to enact laws that protect the powers of the Parliament at Holyrood from further erosion, that enshrine in law the principle that Westminster may not pass laws that alter devolved law in Scotland without the consent of the Parliament at Holyrood or the consent of the Scottish People expressed in a clear referendum on the matter, and may call referendums on expanding the devolved powers of the Scottish Parliament at any time, referendums that will carry the full force of the Sovereignty of the Scottish People.
Should the political parties that support this call represent a majority of Members of the Scottish Parliament after this election that will be interpreted as clear authority from the Sovereign Body in Scotland to enact said reforms protecting the Parliament at Holyrood and guaranteeing that the People of Scotland will always henceforth have the opportunity to express their wishes in a legally binding manner.
Hold a referendum
Scotland’s Future.In 2016 the Scottish National Party sought election and formed a government in Scotland on the promise that should there be a sustained majority in favour of Independence or a material change in circumstances to those that prevailed in 2014, like being dragged out of the EU against the will of the Scottish People, we would seek to hold a further referendum on whether Scotland should become an Independent Nation again and chart its own course as part of the European family of Nations by the end of that parliament.
As each of those conditions has been met repeated requests have been made to Westminster to enable that referendum by temporarily devolving the power to explicitly do so through a Section 30 order as defined in the Scotland Act.
This manifesto represents our last and final request for those powers that the People of Scotland clearly voted for in 2016 to be granted to Holyrood by the mechanism of a Section 30 order.
Should that request not be fulfilled by the date of the election in May and should a majority of MSP’s committed to holding such a referendum be elected to Holyrood in that election the Scottish National Party will immediately move to pass legislation in Holyrood to hold such a referendum as soon as it is safe to do so.
The Scottish National Party will continue to press the UK government in Westminster to honour the will of the Scottish People to grant a Section 30 order and to participate in that referendum in good faith but we will not delay giving the People of Scotland the opportunity to express their will in this matter a moment longer than absolutely necessary.
The UK government can choose to honour Scottish constitutional law or continue to operate in flagrant breach of it. Its choices in this matter will speak volumes in the international community.
Regardless, the Scottish National Party will honour the wishes of the People of Scotland.
So that (or something very like it) is what you’ll be voting on. A vague promise to “pass legislation” for a referendum “as soon as it is safe to do so”, whatever that means.
(We’re not too clear on how it could be unsafe to hold a referendum when you’ve just held an election, which in all mechanical senses is exactly the same thing, but hey ho.)
There’s of course absolutely nothing on what they’ll do when the proposed referendum falls at the first hurdle (getting councils to co-operate with it), as it definitely will, and generally it’s just a rehash of the same old puffed-up cobblers you’ve been getting fed for the last five years, so good luck getting the UK government to take any notice.
We still prefer our version.
And not just because it’s a lot snappier and we know where the capital letters go.
My backs yours WOS.
The people are sovereign, the parliament is the voice of the people but the Sturgeon cabal rules supreme.
The SNP will demand more power for the parliament and then sit on their hands.
The fact that Russell thinks nobody realised that the ’11 point roadmap’ is just a sketch of a roundabout is beyond credibility.
I fell asleep in paragraph 4.
Speaking as a sometime sub, that’s a mess.
FWIW, it averages 42 words per sentence (awful), 1.2 sentences per paragraph (awful) and has a Grade level (no. of years of education required to read it) of 20 (also awful).
I regularly edit better-written articles than this from non-native English speakers.
Also, as well as the caps, issue, what’s with the fear of commas?
It doesn’t mention Dear Leader once!
Anyone got a pen!
I had to speed read to avoid dozing off, but I think it can be summarised as:
Please vote for us and we promise to hold a referendum.
It’s a tale…….full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Oh, for shame – a typo in my comment…
He is playing a double hand
Well if they are honouring the will of the people of Scotland, why are Nicola Sturgeon and her woke cabal still in their jobs? I don’t remember voting for a corrupt shower of b…..ds. Just more carrots for the peasants to keep them on the gravy train.
In this new age of Tory transparency, openness and justice-
The former chief civil servant at the Home Office has dropped a bullying case against Priti Patel after receiving an undisclosed settlement from the government before it reached an employment tribunal.
Could Baroness Ruthless giver the tax payer and idea of how much we will have to waste to cover up her colleagues crimes?
Full of waffle as per.
The first political party that has the balls to include your two paragraphs in their manifesto (excluding the Scottish National Party bit), gets my vote.
Any takers, or shall I spoil by ballot?
Just scratched and sniffed my screen. I’m picking up the scent of carrots…
Aye, we have to leave with a majority, not fuck around with referenda that will always hand the power of yes or no to WM.
Stu, I much prefer your version because the proposed manifesto by the SNP is full of the same shite they’ve been flinging our way since 2016.
False promises of a thing they cannot deliver because all Westmonster has to say is no, and that is the end of the conversation from the English Parliaments’ POV, and afterwards they’ll roll out the usual “referendums are a once in X generation” tripe we have heard over and over, somthing that they will keep saying because they control the power over making a section 30 order lawful.
Every election manifesto should be based on a plebicide for Scottish independence until such a day in which it is secured by popular vote.
False promises of referendums are only wasting our time.
Maybe I’m reading wrongly but does this also say, contrary to what some have been making out, that Section 30 order requests have been made and ignored/rejected?
Some people have repeatedly suggested this was never done (for my part, I always thought that we’d been led to believe they had).
It reads like it was written by the same writer as the vow and with the same intent.
“Powers have come to Holyrood but the Tories have taken powers from Holyrood”, eh? Does he mean the Smith Commission?
And yes although this is a cheap shot this is so badly written it’s embarrassing.
Based on Murray Foote’s role in the SNP you might not be wrong…
‘We pledge to protect Scotland’s Parliament’
Including from threats of prosecution if they try to do their job – presumably.
After a quick skim surely the first bit before the referendum bit is a load of devolutionary nonsense. Holyrood will do stuff to ensure Westminster can’t. They’ll ignore it anyway of course. If there is to be a referendum, which I assume they expect to win, why the hell is the first bit needed?
Who do you think wrote that attempt at a manifesto? No attempts at new policies, plans to improve on services provided etc.
Guessing at a 14year old but then again the 14 yr olds I know are all far too articulate to have authored that nonsense passing itself off as a Manifesto for an Election.
What an embarrassment!
‘Holyrood has been given lots of new powers…but Westminster is chipping away at Holyrood’s powers.’ Eh? Which is it? And I second the observations above about the ‘quality’ of the writing. Barely literate.
WOS. I’m with you. It’s a pity we are ruled by placemen.
Is not knowing where the capital letters go a disability?
Oops. I should not have said placemen. People of inderminate gender who might be placepeople?
Was it done in crayon?
and The Jim Sillars Award for nauseating and ultimately counter-productive waffle goes to..
It’s rubbish as usual.
Let’s get ISP to adopt yours WOS.
If we get Sturgeon out can this be changed?
I’m still a member and waiting to see what’s in manifesto before deciding whether I can still vote for them – it’s really not looking good. I like fergus mutch but can’t endorse what the snp has become.
No Plebiscite then?
Fucking cowards!
Also, what’s with the whole “and guaranteeing that the People of Scotland will always henceforth have the opportunity to express their wishes in a legally binding manner.”
We already have this via the Declaration of Arbroath and The Claim of Right
It isn’t our fault the SNP failed to abide by these conventions when Scotland was dragged out of the EU despite a clear instruction from the Scottish People not to do so squandering our ‘Act of Union backstop’
What a pity Craig Murray didn’t get elected SNP President, his manifesto would have been a hell of a lot better than this heap shite.
Boris refuses the section 30 order, the SNP announces a referendum and then we have at least a couple of years in court. That will be absolutely fine with the party…. indefinite power. No opposition.
While I’d much prefer Stu’s version, it’s better than I feared. At least there is some impression of urgency.
I see the latest poll on independence shows Yes on 53%.
Also shocked to see the Tories offer nurses in England a 1% pay rise!
That might just about cover the rise of their hospital parking pass but not
Their dramatic rises in Council Tax, Gas, Electricity and Food.
Perhaps risking life and limb and working excessive hours due to massive staff shortages
we may need to go out every night to clap and rattle pots and pans when their mortgage is due?
@holymcmoses 6.45pm
The “if” is doing a lot of heavy lifting there bud….!
Delicious as the thought of Sturgeon and her acolytes being politically defenestrated into Charlotte Square with some force is, it’s looking like an increasingly long shot that in the time available before May 2021 elections we can eject the Sturgeonistas, change SNP policy and turn the party in to a force for delivering a plebiscitary elections, or #indyref2.
Anyone who thinks the SNP can be changed by its rank and file membership hasn’t really been paying attention to what’s been happening.
He’s been voted as President of the SNP.
This is the same Mike Russell who was the SNPs minister of negotiations of Scotland’s place in Europe. Mike Russell and SNP did not honour their commitment to keeping Scotland in the EU.
The “Scotland won’t be dragged out against our will” empty rhetoric is remarkably similar to “when it is safe to do so”.
I suggest Mike Russell puts his glasses on. He is 67. You think a man in his twilight years would be desperate to see his country become Independent. I think he’s been buttered up and neutered by Nicola Sturgeon, she’s using him. Where is his fight and passion! That statement makes him look like an old fool. I sincerely hope he reads this. And looks into his conscience. Time is precious. Does he really want to spend 5 more years under a union flag.
What about people’s action, the Martin Keatings case, why did the Scottish Government hold hands with the UK government in opposing that. Mike Russell as president of the SNP should ask himself, WHY it is party policy, to only ask for permission! I’ve never heard of a country win its democratic freedom by asking for permission! Why was alternative routes to Independence disregarded by the SNP. The old dog needs to wake up!
Simply – no plebiscite – no vote.
Is it parliament or Parliament..the people need to know!!
Seems “The Community” now want a law against Conversion Therapy and suppression. If only Poverty and Drug Abuse had the same lobby power!
A 3 second video that sums it up…
link to
The new labour pledge has become the tsrtan vow. This party are beyond redemption.
‘….to never have its powers reduced, undermined or removed….’
Split infinitive; fined thirty shillings.
And after branches have had their say, who’s to say it won’t be changed at the last minute by *someone*?
Redmondites. If ther was an alternative I would support it. What else can we do but vote SNP 1 and let these charlatans careerists and Wokefolk in again. I will make use of the power of the List vote. It will not be for the self-declared dyslexi on the SNP List.
It’ll be quicker to ask the EU if it wants to join the UK, 5yrs in the making or should I say think about what to pass as a piece of fudge, in other words I need to renew my British passport because Scotland isn’t going anywhere any time soon.
The first part was about protecting devolved powers, so why does the SNP feel the need to protect devolved power is Scotland leaving the UK?
So the SNP tell us (what we already know) that the Scottish people are sovereign, but add Westminster’s power trumps that!
Didn’t they pledge we would not be taken out of the EU against our will? They’re 0-2, as the Americans would say
EU Membership – nope
Independence – nope
Is this why the education report is not being released
No mention of,
“We will not be dragged out of the European Union against the wishes of the Scottish people.”
Mike states the people of Scotland are sovereign.
Why then have they devoted so much time, effort and money
stopping Martin from proving it in court?
“we will not delay a moment more than is absolutely necessary”
That’s a pretty vague timescale is it not ?. Like saying “I’m building a scale model Titanic out of matchsticks which will not be delayed more than is absolutely necessary”
I see a carrot on a stick. Hee haw.
“In 2016 the Scottish National Party sought election and formed a government in Scotland on the promise that should there be a sustained majority in favour of Independence or a material change in circumstances to those that prevailed in 2014, like being dragged out of the EU against the will of the Scottish People, we would seek to hold a further referendum on whether Scotland should become an Independent Nation again and chart its own course as part of the European family of Nations by the end of that parliament.”
(a) I seem to remember a certain Mr. Blackford telling us we wouldn’t be dragged out against our will.
(b) you’re asking for me to vote for you again on this basis?
I’m convinced I’m in the twilight zone or I’m down that F*cking rabbit whole, please someone through a boulder at my head and wake me up and tell me the last 6yrs has been a nightmare and Mr Salmond is still in charge.
No well. In my bed after being vaccinated yesterday. All I know is that this government is corrupt. Change must come? Re the PPB – Yes, but not for the reasons the SNP think.
They must be bricking it . Ring -fenced money gone and donations drying up. And the genderwoowoo returning without so much as a cross word.
The internal polling must be very bad, indeed.
Do you think it reads better in Gaelic?
Bob , it’s a bit like Sturgeon’s. ” When the Covid crisis is over”.
As there is no calender date. It could mean 1 year or 3 years, or never. When you base your country’s democracy on events outside your control Scotland will always lose.
That is the pattern under Sturgeon. Scotland’s democracy should trump every outside event.
If the People of scotland are sovEreign, why in the name o’ the wee man do the people of Scotland have to ask for permission to enact their wishes?
Independent as a member of the EU…
I glad Mike Russell had the good sense on to put a stamp on (We pledge to Protect Scotland’s Parliament and honour the will of the Scottish People.)and then post it to Branches, it would only bankrupt the SNP
So Nicola Sturgeon was honest yesterday, she does have a problem with dates.
That is a lot of chanty roll.
That should take them through to 2026 then.
Absoluely unarguably granted.
If the people of Scotland are sovereign, and we gave a mandate, many in fact, for an independence referendum, how is it that Sturgeon’s SNP is asking for yet another mandate?
Either the people are not sovereign and these people are lying to us, or we are sovereign, they lied to us when they told us categorically we needed a S30 and are lying to us now attempting to make us believe we need another mandate for indyref when we still have a perfectly valid one on the table.
No plebiscite? No vote.
[t]he Scottish National Party will immediately move to pass legislation in Holyrood to hold such a referendum as soon as it is safe to do so.
Safe? what does that mean?
If the Scottish people have been sovereign since 1320 and the union with England being effected by a corrupt and bribed parliament without the people’s approval etc. should be like taking candy from a baby that independence thing.
The SNP gain 5000 new members, I wonder how many unionist will join now that Mike Russell has laid there fears to rest about the breakup of the Union.
@Brian Doonthetoon 6:58pm
I think you will understand more than most where I am at politically at the moment. All over the place. But I can tell you one thing. I won’t be voting SNP at the next election. I will not endorse in any way what is happening in the Scottish Parliament. I will be a ‘Didnae vote’. I have read Craig Murray’s take on it. I respect his analysis. But as a wee boy I remember washing dishes at an SNP function with my mum. WHen the SNP were really struggling, and it has to be said seen as a dangerous movement at the time. It’s a different SNP now, they are the establishment. They have the power and are abusing that power.
“[t]he Scottish National Party will immediately move to pass legislation in Holyrood to hold such a referendum as soon as it is safe to do so”
They must be referring to the pest of rodents infesting Holyrood.
I don’t see Mr Russell being particularly interested in Independence when you consider that he was born in Bromley and his son (who I think was on Dragon’s Den) appointed Peter Robinson in 2018 as part of its bid to raise 5 million. Cally Russell’s business is Mallzee
I’ve just woken up this evening and am having a bit of difficulty.
What is this idea that if the SNP say they are for independence and if over 50% vote for that then they will move to secure independence.
Is there something wrong with this… why can’t this be done. You know what I mean, let the people speak. The SNP is after all for independence – isn’t it ?
I’m off back to sleep now. Imagine that, a majority voting for independence – what an idea!
Our LAST request for powers we already have ? Bad start. Refusal .. “flagrant breach.. speaking volumes in the international community “.Is that it?
Well done Stuart, it’s Good to know if your Job as editor of the biggest Polotical website blig/bog in scotland goes tits-up, that you have a New job As sub editor for The snp.
No chance buddy. You have a lot of work to do here. Please.
The SNP party political broadcast from five minutes ago definitely had the aroma of “ouch” in it. Stuart, your fingerprints and those from Wings Over Scotland were all over the SNP broadcast.
I venture to suggest that anyone here watching the SNP broadcast may detect a wee bit of Wings in that effort. Methinks the SNP high command do protesteth too much. The entire broadcast was about a lot of folk who have changed from “no” to “yes” on IndyRef. The broadcast was all about PROMISING to hold an independence referendum. Not a Woke nest cuckoo in site. The SNP really do care about honouring the current First Minister’s promise. Aye right. Fool me once etc.
Stuart, you converted me to watching squirrels. No not the pervy thing when you Google the words squirrel watching and the internet takes you to Senga’s House of Squirrel Doms With S&M. Those initials don’t stand for Marks & Spencer. Please don’t click there. The images burn into your retinas. Squirrel costumes never looked so bad. Especially the vibrating delux edition.
Nope I just enjoyed a couple of hours away from politics and decided to watch real nature, real wonders of the real world.
Stuart how you have kept your sanity is a miracle.
As for Alex and Moira? They have kept their dignity and honour. It really worries me that Alex will retire forever and not come back. Who on earth could blame him?
Alex, if you do happen to read this, PLEASE hang on until at least someone trustworthy such as Stuart Campbell does a poll to see what the real odds are if you were to join one of the pro-indy political LIST parties that have sprung up?
I would donate several thousand pounds to see you as a LIST MSP helping to lead 15 to 25 truly independent LIST MSPs that hold the balance of power at Holyrood and could help get rid of Nicola Sturgeon who looks worryingly likely to have gerrymandered three of Scotland’s institutions as some form of mini-me Donald Trump liar into returning her for another four years as Scotland’s First Minister.
More importantly an Alex Salmond led pro-indy LIST party would very likely get well over 6% which is what the two elderly pensioner gentlemen got at the first Holyrood election and they formed the very helpful Senior Senior Citizen Party that ran for a few years.
Imagine how interesting it would be for our Alex Salmond to lead a truly pro-indy LIST party at Holyrood.
Just imagine all those cosy feet being held to the fire to extinguish the litany of 7 years of Sturgeon lies.
Just imagine a Salmond-led LIST party help the genuine SNP stalwarts, the Chris McEleneys regain their Party and receive the honouring of what is a very simple request:
So, let me get this straight Mike ol’ bean
We, the people of Scotland, are Sovereign but you want a mandate (another one) to ask Westminster if we can have permission to have a referendum to determine our sovereign-ness ? But don’t the UN already have rules about self-determination and stuff ? So why don’t we just go to them ?
Also, I have just, for the first time ever, requested a postal vote in case – for fair means or foul – I am prevented by the virus from Hell from tootling into the Community Centre to cast my vote so whit’s all this nonsense about “when it is safe to do so” ?
Here’s an option – you could make it a plebiscite vote Mike, then I could vote on May 6th for a new Government AND independence on the same piece of paper and feel just as safe as voting for your Party to give you another five years of faffing with mandates and carrots and lots and lots of gravy
Why do I never get any of this gravy ? Nor any jam tomorrow now I come to think about it ? Only the carrots…….hmmm
It makes no sense whatsoever. Rather than make the election a plebiscite, they intend to get elected first then immediately legislate for a referendum. (Stop laughing at the back).
Translation. Make sure the job is safe first and foremost, then obfuscate and find excuses till the General Election.
Typical Alice in Wonderland nonsense.
What historical illiteracy and ignorance of context there must be to spout that the ‘people of Scotland’ were sovereign in 1320!
So, a redrafting the T&C’s of the Scotland Act then?
Because as we, and every dug in the street knows (or bloody should by now) nothing, absolutely nothing in it enshrines inalienable rights to Holyrood – not it’s permanence, not articles of devolved powers, nor anything else pertaining to the Parliament and Government of Scotland.
Why? Because it is one big EULA : ‘We reserve the right to alter these terms and conditions…etc etc’
A redrafting of the Scotland Act to achieve such things as Mr Russell dreams on, creates the de-facto independence of the Scottish Parliament to ‘Act’ – the ‘reserved rights’ clauses will require removal – never going to happen.
Why? Because such a thing creates an independence of the Scottish Parliament (consequently, that would also entail a redrafting of the terms of the Act of Union)
Redraft the Scotland Act? No? Thought not.
I’ve been reading contracts for decades Mr Russell – don’t bullshit me.
Fuck sake Stuart, thought you were having a break, I was looking forward to a few days of tumbleweed and you just keep posting and I must read it !
Please stop for sanitys sake !
Whilst it’s always totally on the money I for one just need a break.
@ Effijy says:
4 March, 2021 at 6:19 pm
Anyone got a pen
Would that be a red one?
At least one split infinitive in there. Got bored after that.
1971Thistle says:
4 March, 2021 at 6:20 pm
Oh, for shame – a typo in my comment…
I think it’s OK to have typos, bad spelling, grammar punctuation in BTL comments, at least I hope it is.
Very amateurish, but not surprising. I think the grammar is reflective of their cognitive abilities.
And your version is much better Stuart. After all, you are a connoisseur and not a dilettante.
A 50%+ vote for indy on the list would also comprise a national majority for indy.
All this needs is one list party to make it a plebiscite election on independence. A list vote of 50%+ in favour would be a majority vote for independence.
Does not matter it it is constituency or list, it is still a national vote, a vote of the whole nation of people.
Secure another 5 years for Sturgeon to fanny about first. Then ask for permission for a referendum.
Await refusal, say this will not stand. Then rinse and repeat 2026.
I’m sorry but the people of Scotland are NOT sovereign.
I wish it were otherwise, I really do. But until you can get out of this wretched union then you are not sovereign.
If you continue to believe you are sovereign, then you (the independence movement) will continue to flounder. You MUST deal with the world as it is.
I won’t vote for any party whose manifesto does not seek a direct mandate for indy.
The SNP can stick their “jam the morra” indyref manifesto.
Yer carrots are rancid, Mike, boufin!
They can f**k off. I don’t believe a word they say and they won’t be getting my vote while the Sturrels are anywhere near the party. I’m old, I’m female and I read Wings – they don’t want my vote anyway.
Playing right into Boris’s hands.
Now he knows they are going to beg for a section 30 . He will be able to plan an appropriate response. The Tories will already be plotting to stymie Holyrood. This gives them more time, as there is no obvious threat. Other than the international community being mildly annoid.
We know how the Tories feel about the international community!
Just woke up again.
What is this talk of contracts. What is this concept of mandates. Is it a date with a man. Why do we need one after another.
Mind you I’m old enough to remember the dizzy. You thought you, in fact you had a man date, or the binary opposite as it was, and then you got the dizzy.
Oh, I’ve broken into song now – ” just one more mandate, give it me, delicious….dum dum …. from Nicolee.
Aside, I’m away back to sleep – vote SNP for a date with destiny – vote Nicola – you know it makes sense.
“We, the people of Scotland are sovereign, even if we have to ask Boris Johnson permission for a S30 Order.”
Sturgeon’s logo.
” Nicola Promising Referendums Since 2016″ hours for Scotland.
Cant disagree with Stu here as I argued the case in Bella C a few years back saying the people are sovereign and just over 50% of the actual vote was enough for UDI. When 56 MPs were SNP it should have been declared. Cowards. Then every bandwagon jumping mediocrity as most MSPs are swear loyalty to the English Queen, a ("Tractor" - Ed)ous act in itself and go on to serve themselves, serve their career and like the old song the Socialist ABC, its bugg** you all now Im an MSP! So where is the democracy without humble public service? Scottish elections are a stampede of mediocre egomaniacs unfit to do most jobs preening themselves in the mirror as to how great they are at grovelling to some rock star celebrity styled FM or other SNP top dog dripping in their deluded sense of Laird-like feudal power over others. We need grown ups with real ability humble enough to serve the people and show respect to their/our sovereignty. Power needs to go back to the people through local citizen assemblies until the rot and stench of corruption in Holyrood is lanced like a boil of poison that it is. Until the rot is gone I wont be voting SNP.
Both “last and final”?
That’s serious, Mike!
That’s Sturgeon back tweeting about books again, and welcoming all the new members to the SNP. It wont be long till restrictions lift, and she is back out taking selfies with people who insist you are aware of their pronouns.
Is she 100% home and dry?
Will she brush off Hamilton’s Ministerial Code decision without breaking sweat, and move straight onto the May elections relatively unscathed?
Or has Alex Salmond still got something up his sleeve?
Where’s the bit about high taxes and no returns?
All of that could and should be done now, SO WHY WAIT ???
More ‘jam tomorrow’, when the jam shop is fully stocked, is open 24/7, and is giving the bloody jam away for free!
The SNP used to love crowing about their membership figures. Murrell used to issue regular updates I seem to recall. That stopped when folk started leaving of course.
Even if it is true that they’ve had people clamouring to join/re-join (and let’s face it most of us here will have our doubts….!) the number is dwarfed by the number who have left in the past few years.
It’s not going to help if they attract *some* new members, but haemorrhage lots of others.
The only thing the SNP will listen to is losing votes and seats. Sadly too many of the sheeple will vote SNP 1 to give them the fright they deserve.
The only thing that can make a difference now is Salmond and Cherry challenging them. I suspect nothing else now can save us from 5 more years of dreary devolutionary nationalism.
Can I just say, I prefer your manifesto too and it’s the only manifesto I could vote for.
James after that chatachter assassination of Alex yesterday. I would be more surprised if he didn’t come back with a killer blow.
Like football matches. It’s not 50 , minutes, 80 or 90 you win in. Sometimes the killer goal is in injury time.
The clock is ticking and more drama to come.
Ach I’ve woken up again. This mandate thing is giving me the agitation just as I try to get back to sleep.
Nicki has I think given us at least one dizzy, if not three. How can this be.
When I was young a dizzy often meant you were dumped. Never dumped my self you realise, since I did the dumping, I’m awake worrying about Nicola because I think she’s welshed on all these mandates she’s been given so far.
So will May 2021 be any better or will the electorate dump her. That’s a real possibility….
Ah well, must try to get back to sleep now. Maybe another 7,000 will this evening in a couple of hours sign up. She’s some burd the Nicola one, pure class and sass.’
Off back to sleep now. At this rate we’ll have replaced the 60,000 SNP members who have left over the last eighteen months in the next few hours…….zzzzzzs
Please vote in May 2021 for us to have the powers you voted for us to have in 2016
Please vote for us in 2026 for us to have the powers you voted for us to have in 2016
Please vote ……
“Oh the grand old duke of York”.
Just for information. Have you all seen the legal advice from Roddy Dunlop QC to the government in 4 th Sept 2018? Media claims it shows Alex Salmond was wrong about why the government did not sist trial.
However that aside the rest will shake you up.
@Stu, have you read it? The date is important as is what was written. I now know why they desperately sought witnesses.
Ooft from Scots Tories
link to
The author is certainly a stranger to punctuation, in particular the ‘comma’. I can’t help but wonder why, if there is a majority in Holyrood to push forward on the Indy ref front, there is any need at all for the whole first section. If your intent is to in effect split from Westminster, why are you going to need to pass legislation to protect Holyrood’s devolved powers FROM Westminster? And in any event, as long as you accept the primacy of Westminster ( by continuing to beg them for a Section 30), you also need to accept that Westminster can do what the hell it likes with regards to Holyrood. Anyone who is desperate for independence and who swallows that crock of shit needs their head examined.
What a pathetic document produced by a pathetic
” we can’t govern unless we have the power to do so” or words to that effect. Devolved power for welfare……eh we’re no ready for that.
But the belter for me was the line “when it is safe to do so” Looks like another freebie to be offered to the cult…..Condoms !!!!
The blame – if any – for this affair, lies with the civil service, who have an established record of incompetence, particularly when rushing legislation in response to a populist crisis.
It was exactly the same with medical regulation following the Shipman and Alder Hey scandals. The Blair government were determined to ‘protect’ the public and introduced a new regulatory framework for the health professions and a more punitive Fitness to Practise regime. The new regulators advertised the complaints process widely – posters in hospitals, surgeries and the media – explaining how the public could make complaints if they were dissatisfied with their care or had concerns regarding their clinician.
Within five years, FtP complaints increased by over 700% – and the government and regulators extolled the success of the scheme. It certainly rooted out some dangerous practice – but there were serious drawbacks too. When a complaint is received, an agent assesses it and if they consider there are grounds or evidence to support the complaint – it’s referred to a hearing.
Only 46% of complaints reach a hearing – the rest are dismissed at the assessment stage as having insufficient grounds or evidence – or the complaint is regarded as malicious, vexatious and without foundation.
Malicious complaints against health professionals are unfortunately too common – and some have tragic consequences. Yet, there is no action taken against a member of the public if they make a malicious complaint, their case is simply dismissed. Even when the motive is extortion, revenge or reputational damage – the complainants are not referred to the police or CPS – ergo: there is no consequence for their dishonesty.
The same dangers for the civil service arise from the #MeToo movement. It is perfectly proper that we ensure all concerns are heard following sexual abuse and non consensual conduct – but there has to be checks and balances in the system too. We have to recognise that some women will make serious unfounded allegations against men – for many reasons – and have done so for just as long as men have abused women.
Women must never be deterred from making complaints against any man, but should their claims be malicious, vexatious and wholly without foundation – then clearly, there must be repercussions too. But just like the regulatory legislation – rushed and ill-considered – the civil service in the Scottish government have created an unfair and unworkable policy – and then tried it our prematurely on the wrong man.
I don’t doubt that AS regrets whatever he did that became the centre of this storm – inappropriate behaviour perhaps, but it certainly wasn’t criminal – and the jury properly decided at the trial. Perhaps some perspective is needed.
I’ve known dozens of politicians and establishment figures over the last 40 years through my job. Alan Clarke, Nicky Fairbairn, John Smith, Donald Dewar and Ted Heath were all former patients from a very different generation. The first two would never get past a job interview today as they’d likely be on the SOR for multiple offences – but even the others could be in trouble, if the standards adopted by the Scottish government were in force.
They were ‘tactile’ – hugs and kisses for sure – and they could flirt and tell raucous jokes but always keeping below the line of what was appropriate. But that line in itself is never a straight one – and that’s always the danger.
I guess after the 1960s there was a sense of sexual liberation and freedom – that was all good – but we must recognise that we are all individuals with a different perspective on life, love and relationships – and respect that too. In many ways, that was a failing of the libertine and bohemian movement – tear down the barriers that bind, but remember we all have our own too. For good reason.
Just as the sixties was a reaction against sexual repression, the #MeToo movement is exactly the same but in counterbalance – an understandable reaction against the like of Weinstein et al – monsters in every sense of the word. Then, of course, you go down another level and find Prince Andrew and Epstein – and that’s real revulsion.
But just stop and think. We are just animals – and not very intelligent ones at that. We are driven mostly by our emotions, cravings and desires – and whilst a few can somehow exclude their sexual drive from that equation – the overwhelming majority cannot.
If we knew every instance when a politician – or anyone for that matter – found themselves in a completely inappropriate, but consensual carnal encounter, it would keep us entertained for years. Some, hopefully, were delightfully memorable for both parties – but equally some were not – and with all the conflicting emotions and damage as a result.
We used to say that men are from Mars and women from Venus – but the truth is that some are from completely different galaxies – and that whole relationship journey makes navigating a minefield like a walk in the park.
All of us could do with stepping back from the trench warfare and just think about it all in these terms.
All the principals are intelligent, driven public figures, subject to the greatest scrutiny. Like everyone else they are also driven by their emotions, cravings and desires – as much as their public duty.
There are the civil servants who function under rigorous frameworks and conventions, now responding to populist events in the most ill-considered ways. That a policy covering historic abuse and harassment complaints was conceived and implemented in a few months is quite astonishing.
If only they reacted in the same way against the virus.
The First Minister stated her position and motivation clearly yesterday. She didn’t lie. Her primary motivation was heavily influenced by the #MeToo movement – and her sense that something untoward had happened in the past. But clearly, she had other considerations – and commitments too. Loyalty, friendship – and wider responsibilities.
However you look at this – NS’s predicament when told of the allegations – was impossible to reconcile, given all the circumstances at the time. Obviously she would make mistakes, whatever course of action she took – but the suggestion she deliberately hatched a convenient plot to imprison her friend just in case he decided to re-launch his political career – or any other reason – is so far over the Cuckoo’s Nest it doesn’t bear any countenance.
If it wasn’t obvious.
She’s a woman. As are most other actors in the affair apart from AS.
Why wouldn’t they be influenced by the #MeToo revelations? Sexual abuse ain’t a pleasant experience, but there is a reaction from Hollywood that extends far beyond Holyrood. And it’s unchecked and ill-considered – just like the sixties and the medical regulation response in 2003.
NS was perfectly correct. Any man that abuses a woman – or anyone else – should answer for his crimes, irrespective of his position or power. The law should apply equally to everyone, whatever their status. But the ‘law’ should be well considered and equal too. In every respect.
The mistake was giving the civil service the predominant role – and rushing the measure through.
The former First Minister committed no crime and has been subjected to the usual establishment tour de force when incompetence has been exposed. I’ve never met him, but those I did know in politics always spoke warmly of Alex – away from the usual cut and thrust of party loyalty.
So, we learn of some encounters when he held office. Disappointing perhaps, but so what? They were consensual and no criminality took place. Embarrassing no doubt for all concerned, but that is the nature of human behaviour and relationships. Doesn’t everyone have a story they’d rather not recount?
When you are a public figure, it can be an awful experience. Of course there are dividends – but the corollary applies too. Who would want their life dissected to the extent these individuals – AS & NS – have been subjected to, particularly in the febrile atmosphere of the Internet and social media? We all have an opinion and sitting at a computer with principles is easy – especially when so many are being generated elsewhere that we can adopt for our own motives and desires.
But remember that we are all just human. Away from the fancy places, courts, television studios and parliaments – we are just animals and governed by the same basic things. Our emotions, our cravings and desires.
I watched the AS interview with Mr Campbell the other night. Stuart is a very passionate, talented individual, but one whose anger and rhetoric doesn’t have a red or reflective line. That’s ok – we are all different – and that’s perfectly understandable. But we can all deconstruct each other to the n-degree – but eventually we have to start the pendulum moving in the other direction – and that starts by acknowledging our own limitations and influences – and by perhaps employing a little understanding thereof.
It would be preferable if we all set aside our differences for once. We populate a unique planet that sustains life. We are a complex species amidst other complex life-forms that inhabit this place. We still don’t truly understand ourselves, never mind anything beyond our ken – but we are in danger of losing everything, not least because we devote all our energies to things that are truly inconsequential.
We are running out of time. This has been a hugely damaging and time consuming affair – for everyone – not jut the principals.
The law doesn’t solve every problem – far from it. Our criminal justice system is archaic and grossly unfair, for so many reasons. Jut like science, it is extremely limited in its application – and just as damaging – when faced with the impossible.
I’ve enjoyed reading this website over the past decade – just a shame the MSM journalists weren’t so incisive. But it’s stuck down a rabbit hole whilst the real action is taking place elsewhere and it needs to extricate itself to some higher ground ASAP.
Otherwise, peccavi, peccabo – the only thing left to eat is your own shit.
The real problem is how we get rid of Sturgeon.
Re Wings.
Important to note that whilst the dear Reverend is indeed a very astute and incisive journalist, the value of the site is enhanced many times over by the discourse that his work elicits.
This is the new journalism.
I disagree with much of what is contributed but value highly the opportunity to do so in a manner that transcends the tabloid (i.e MSM) polemic.
WoS is the grit in the oyster.
The SNP should embrace it. (that was my little joke).
Watched that video hilarious. She would as well been taking the 5th amendment.
If I was looking for a way to trace a leaked document, the insertion of RaNdOm capital letters would be a good way to track various versions, sent to various people?
Jings, crivvens, help ma boab
Can someone point Mike Russell to UK Government’s latest move in NI. They have unilaterally extended the timescale of the protocol with the EU on trade between UK and NI to October, instead of the end of this month. EU Parliament has suspended approving the Trade and Security deal Johnson signed in December and UK parliament ratified. EU saying this agreement now broken. Revert to no deal? Who knows. Simon Coveney Ireland’s foreign minister saying EU cannot deal with a country which cannot be trusted.
Point of this? Well you work it out. This is real time, big league politics. S.30 from UK?
Stu, was tempted to spell crivvens with an apostrophe but I don’t want you to fall out with me. Intrusive apostrophes do ma heid in.
Big Jock says:
4 March, 2021 at 8:28 pm
The real problem is how we get rid of Sturgeon.
First get rid of Swinney. Which we said many moons ago but nobody listened.
The case against him is much stronger.
Cue highly relevant but boring link: link to
She the leader of a country and she doesn’t know what her staff are doing on a daily basis, Sturgeon should remind us of what her job is because she doesn’t seem to do anything for the money she getting paid because its not to protect our place in the EU or remove us from this union.
Decent post by recent standards.
Now that Nicola has been allowed to give her account of the whole sordid affair and everyone knows she is innocent of the charges, just as Alex was(despite what some will mouth), I appreciate the more honest and enlightening post.
Ooft indeed , killed with hammers lol , thank you , smiley thing
National punctuation day on the 10th of March (so I’ve been told)! We can have a day of punctuation pedantry.
– no plebiscite – no vote.
Forgot to say.
Pity about same old shite from unionist concern trolls and useful idiots btl.
Meant to say “what others will mouth” about both Nicola and Alex.
I imagine many 70+y-o English teachers getting twitchy red-pen-finger syndrome after reading that draft dross from Russell.
Yet, when confronted by The Rev’s concise, two-paragraph statement of unequivocal intent, I also suspect they would say, “Love dat voodoo, Ever-Vile!”
link to
Enjoy the base, groovers…..
Bass, obvs!
FFS! It has to be a joke.
Sure we’ll see both of them arm in arm dancing down the yellow brick road to independence.
Just one thing, SHES A LIAR WHO TRIED TO GET HIM LOCKED UP IN PRISON AND WON’T ADMIT HIS COMPLETE INNOCENCE. The absolute worst of humanity. Never forget.
Stu, can we not just copy and paste your much better example over the top of M R war and peace?
Sorry O/T
You don’t suppose the Tories, Westminster and U.K. media would lie to us?
This miracle Vaccine program that we hear almost leads the world is the envy of
all Europe, why is it the U.K., Germany, France and Spain all have a daily Corona
death rate of between 200 and 300?
U.K. vaccinations started in Mid December last year
so 11 weeks later there is no difference to what is happening over there?
The R rate is on the rise In England again.
Doesn’t this virus realise what Boris and Handcock said?
Well I have heard it all it all now. On the MSM just now. Many thousands of people have joined the SNP in the last 48 hours. Madness by our young people?. Not my young people so who?. One of the times I am glad I am small arms trained. We are heading down a rabbit hole. Every man and family for themselves. Sturgeons Scotland.
There was a clear winner in Fabiani’s ‘I don’t know’ competition.
Alex Salmond 0
Nicola Sturgeon 50
“Team Sturgeon breathes a sigh of relief” (BBC News headline)
“Safe” as in the ‘safe for our pay packets’ sense ?
dakk. She’s as guilty as fuck, and might ‘get away with it ‘ ,but only in the Dostoevsky Raskolnikov style.
Read the previous article, and then come back and say the person who is responsible for the current state of the SNP, guilty or not, is our best bet for leadership going forward.
When words convey a message that the reader doesn’t want to acknowledge as a possibility, let alone truth, is there a mental block mechanism to keep reality at bay?
There must be.
Looking like I’ll need to become French now whatever happens so apologies in advance for highlighting that, in accordance with Pete Wishart’s mantra that the only clowns that can beat us now are ourselves, there should at least be one victory on to look forward to somewhere over the horizon..
In the longer term if, for whatever reason, becoming a brexited party of devolution is the height of SNP capability or ambition, particularly after all the conversation about respecting the pro EU vote, etc., maybe Alex Salmond could do worse than take a few good men and women across to Scotia Future with a view to exposing the covid science and laying the foundation for a more practical, honest and straight road to independence than the one currently being travelled.
Satire surely?
Otherwise, like Nicola’s appearance before the inquiry, “Never mind the quality, feel the width!”
This is never how it was meant to be.
No vision.
No plan.
No passion.
And thus, I’m afaid, no SNP.
It is no longer a vehicle for delivering independence.
Unless we get that message through, independence is simply a very big red herring.
As absurd as it once seemed to me, the SNP is controlled by WM.
A subsidiary ‘upstart’. Rather like they contolled the colonies in days gone by.
As they tried to control Iran and Iraq.
Which turned out well.
The line about holding a referendum “when safe to do so.” I can just see an image of Theresa May saying “Now is not the time” It is a cop out, as you say, knowing that they have just had a “safe” election. It doesn’t inspire confidence when they admit to not fulfilling previous election promises when they were given the mandate to act i.e. being taken out of the EU against our will. What is the opposite of trigger happy because they have failed to act at every trigger. I do prefer your no nonsense and to the point alternative where you know what you are voting for.
Wiz it rit by the tea boy for the stamp licker? surprising as I thought Nicholas krankie had to approve everything.
Salmond camp saying that new evidence shows SG, tried to delay Judicial decision. Thus hoping he lost the criminal case and Judicial case became irrelevant as after conviction.
How do we get independence without the vehicle that is the SNP? Every movement needs a figurehead to push the agenda of that movement. I absolutely agree that Nicola has had no intentions of pushing for our independence, but where does that leave the YES movement? Like it or not, our parliament is in trouble by the actions of individuals or their puppet masters – and what a time for those troubles to surface (like it’s been timed). I don’t think it’s lost on all that read or post on this site that the SNP is the only political vehicle to get what we’re after. I now know that Nicola has absolutely no intention of getting Scotland its independence, but does that mean I won’t renew my membership of the SNP? Of course I’ll renew my membership. Why wouldn’t I?
The people may well be sovereign, the trouble is Nicola Sturgeon acts like she’s THE sovereign.
The Tories are seriously putting the boot in. This fits with a trend of increasingly aggressive unionist language, for instance from Galloway but also used in recent days by more mainstream folk like Tomkins and Carlaw. This hardline rhetoric should concern us all.
“When it’s safe to do so”.
So an election is safer than a referendum.
It’s the feeding of the 5000 (alleged new members) with jam and carrot, although they’ll have to wait for it….and it will be a miracle if they ever get what’s promised.
In the meantime they’ll get on with clearing some acres of jungle to build Sturgeontown. She and her woke followers can all stay there until “it is safe”.
That legal advice if released yesterday would have proven Nicola to be lying. Roddy Dunlop laid everything out about what could go wrong and he was spot on.
No wonder they actively searched for witnesses among the SNP.
It also proves they were determined to get Alex one way or the other.
Thanks for giving us a look what’s probably a very very very secret not to be disclosed document
Someone is taking a real risk smuggling this little gem out , Well done them .
I like a few others couldn’t be arsed going over it all , but one line stands out
This is our last and final request. Now that’s fighting talk eh .
Eh or else what exactly
This makes Donald Trumps call to Arms look limp and halfhearted this will get them
Probably falling about fkn laughing , please please this declaration of war isn’t being presented by Blacford is it ? , after the Scottish people won’t be dragged out of Europe against our will ultimatum this one on the balance of probably will go in the same bin ,
Oh well back to the movie I was watching could somebody wake me up in time for the INDY ref2 kick off I heard it might be delayed due to any fkn excuse they can think of this time .
Honestly, if anyone at Westminster actually read this, or even Tories in Scotland, they’d probably pish themselves laughing.
Same old claptrap phrases – ‘we are sovereign’,1320, power flows from the people (really, the current SNP seem keen to ignore their members), enshrine, 700 years’
followed by –
‘oh, but we’ll keep asking for a section 30’
Other nations round the world must look at us in bewilderment
I’ve just been in touch with an SNP branch convener and he says he hasn’t been sent this document.
So is it just being sent round some favoured branches and not others?
Or is it a wind up?
M Drakeford panicking
link to
@A Person 9:35pm
Aggression? Look no further than Sturgeon for divisive language. And politically who has been winning?. Anas Sarwar referred to the principles of the Mace. Won hands down. The SNP are letting the opposition in, with their unadulterated support of Sturgeon. A corrupt Government not true to any cause except their own benefits. I am looking forward to meeting them on the streets.
The SNP have just appointed a new Minister of Fish, Unfortunately, this is nothing to do with the tasty wee haddock currently swimming in the North Sea. Instead, a man will arrive in the Holyrood Chamber with two buckets of herring. He will fling them individually to the performing seals who sit alongside and behind Ms Sturgeon.
Just in, statement released on behalf of @AlexSalmond
link to
@Hendo 9.34pm
Why wouldn’t you? How about because the current SNP can’t and won’t deliver independence? They are as big an obstacle to achieving indy in any reasonable timescale as British nationalists at present.
Some of us would be more convinced with the “hold your nose and vote SNP1” schtick if the membership had shown any signs of forcing the organisation to change. Remind us how that’s worked out again?
From my time in the SNP, I know there are good folk in there. What I can’t understand now, with everything they know, is how they can bear the stench of corruption, misogyny and gradualism without losing their lunch.
@ kapelmeister at 9:40 pm
Sticky orange substance covered leaked documents show the urban area called Sturgeontown will be twinned with Angus Robertson’s newly proposed Chutneytown development, which is to be built to house the workers at his new carrot jam factory.
He decided to diversify from the marmalade game after noticing quite so many dumb Scots appear happy to get by on nothing more than jam n carrots.
‘When safe to do so’
Does this imply that the election might not take place unless it’s deemed safe to do so?
@Andy Ellis 10:04pm
Simples. It’s not the SNP anymore. But a morphed Nicola Sturgeon party. Fair enough if that’s your bag. Good folk left the SNP a long time ago. How can I protect all the women in my life because they will suffer the most. I can’t except get them out.
Not that I have any intention of voting SNP, as an intro I thought it was going OK until …
“when it is safe to do so”.
Almost spat my beer out (almost, I’m Scottish therefore tight. St. Nic was quite insistant on reminding us about minimum pricing yesterday so, you know). Every genuine reader here already has her measure, but she’s already rolled out getting over Covid as the priority above all else. You just know she’s going to. Ilk it for aaaaaalllllll it’s worth for as long as possible. So while the rest of the world is getting back to normal we’re still going to be talking to relatives about independence through the window
I am second to none in my contempt for Sturgeon. But the extremism of her and her supporters’ language is part of an escalation of rhetoric which the unionists are also participating in. There is a new extremism, belligerence and dare I say it confidence in unionists’ pronouncements. You have Tory MSPs calling the SNP “a stain” and calling Scotland “a failed state”. A few months ago Stephen Daisley wrote in the Spectator that Westminster should effectively criminalise referendums. We may laugh at them, but their blood is up…
Moreover, while in 2014 we were miles ahead in our online sophistication, which helped created a modern and vibrant vibe for us, now they have caught up and some are becoming sophisticated players of the social media game.
Could someone clarify what it is I’m supposed to have voted for six years ago?
The Firm?
So both elephants in the room include a Prince who is a prick and a FM who favours lesbians with a prick.
Have I got that succinctly enough?
Me? I just want,urgently, independence!
Wait Priti Patel ,the code, Sir Philip Rutnam . SCOTLAND ASK WINGS TO ELABORATE. He is good at it!
Lost interest at the first paragraph, all I can think is “is this SNP’s way of telling us we have to wait another 700 for Independence.”
Tired, cranky and don’t have alot of patience for bullshit just now. A year of covid restrictions takes a toll on you. Nicola Sturgeon has spent years telling us how she’s going to get us Independence, but didn’t, would listen to us on GRA, but didn’t, didn’t know anything about AS allegations before April 2018, but did.
Lost my vote here. They cannot be trusted, don’t care if they were going to give every adult in Scotland a million pounds. I cannot bring myself to vote for people who tried to get an innocent man jailed and put people’s safety at risk for a law that a minute percentage of people want.
Oh now they’re going to respect the sovereignty of the people?
Clandonald @9:48
“I’ve just been in touch with an SNP branch convener and he says he hasn’t been sent this document.
So is it just being sent round some favoured branches and not others?
Or is it a wind up?”
As was suggested earlier, could’ve been sent as a means of identifying a ‘leak’, in which case a “wind up” with a purpose.
I couldn’t stop yawning and couldn’t read it as my eyes water when I yawn. So I gave up reasonably quickly. I prefer WOS version short and straight to the point and yes all the capitals were in their proper place. SAOR ALBA !
Neil. She certainly will milk covid to delay the referendum. However even when it’s over. Bear in mind some other existential crisis will come along.
2015 – WM landslide too soon for referendum don’t even mention it.
2016 – Brexit vote . There will be a referendum in 2017.
2017 – May says now is not the time Section 30 refused.. Nicola agrees.loses 20 seats at WM
2018- We need to know the shape of Brexit. So can’t ask for referendum
2019 – Brexit delayed so is Indy ref 2.
Dec – 2019 win WM election. Request Section 30. Knocked back
Jan 2020- Brexit happens no referendum
March – 2020 covid 19. Sturgeon cancels Indy ref 2 immediately
2021 new mandate needed.
May 2021…to be continued.
Off topic (sorry) but it seems to have gone all quiet on the WhatsApp message front (or have I missed something?) I thought Tuesday lunchtime was the deadline for the handover.
link to
Aye, coz I’m sure aw these newbies will make up for the considerably higher number of long term members and activists that have fucked off due to you and yer man’s pish.
Spot on. I think it was the half arsed 2017 request and the subsequent whimpering climb down that really made me think what the bell’s going on?
I see that the Sturgeon supporters are still on social media pushing the line that Salmond was lucky to get off, very improbable that 10 women would conspire etc. In fact an examination of the statistics could support the opposite case.
The conviction rate for sexual crimes in Scotland hovers around 70%. That means that the chance of acquittal is around 30%, the chance of 13 successive acquittals is thus 0.3 raised to the 13th power or 0.000000159, which is vanishingly small. The chance of 13 independent accusations proven to be false or unproven – which is what a not guilty verdict means is thus vanishingly small. The balance of probability points very strongly to collusion in the presentation of false accusations. The chance of this happening without collusion is of the order of 1 in 6 million.
Nobody commenting on my post at 9:56 pm. I will post it again.
Just in, statement released on behalf of @AlexSalmond
link to
Neil in Glasgow says:
4 March, 2021 at 10:18 pm
Not that I have any intention of voting SNP, as an intro I thought it was going OK until …
“when it is safe to do so”.
Almost spat my beer out (almost, I’m Scottish therefore tight. St. Nic was quite insistant on reminding us about minimum pricing yesterday so, you know). Every genuine reader here already
OK Neil Scots aren’t tight please don’t perpetuate that one?. Anyway I agree that Sturgeon and her clique of public health advisors most of them behaviourists, will keep us locked in as much as they can. They are aiming for zero covid. That’s despite the view of people like Prof. Woolhouse, an expert epidemiologist, who says we could remove all external restrictions, and with the vaccine build back indoors. We should be outraged our infection rate is falling, our death rate is falling ,our hospitals are not under acute pressure and vaccine roll out is going on apace. Already they have moved the goalposts so that the case rate for moving out of tiers is more stringent even with vaccines. There is no justification for this whatsoever . Another aspect of the control freakery and poisonous paternalism which Sturgeon’s government imposes.
That account “doesn’t exist ” Sylvia
Sylvia says:
4 March, 2021 at 10:42 pm
Nobody commenting on my post at 9:56 pm. I will post it again.
Just in, statement released on behalf of @AlexSalmond
link to
All I get is ..This account does not exist
Here’s a good link Sylvia.
link to
@ A Person 10:26 pm
What can I say to your response?. Except I am small arms trained, confident in my physicality, confident in my ability, confident in manliness but worried about the women of Scotland which you didn’t mention in your reply. 2014 I am talking about the SNP of the 1970s. I am no longer sure what side of a prospective civil war I would be on. You look after your family and I will look after mine. I look to get mines out
@Neil Wilkinson
That’ll be because there is the “y” missed off the end of his name on that link you’ve posted.
link to
In fact it’s link to
So in the first instance they’re asking us to vote for them to hold a referendum on increasing devolved powers? Then maybe down the line sometime another referendum on something else. Is that right?
“A mere 6 years ago the People of Scotland voted overwhelmingly to make that parliament in Holyrood permanent, to never have its powers reduced, undermined, or removed by Westminster without their consent. Indeed they voted to greatly increase those powers and to enshrine in law the Sewell Convention that enforces Holyrood’s primacy over Westminster with respect to its devolved powers.”
Actually, for all the froth about DevoMax vs IndyLite, none of it on the ballot paper, all we voted about was whether or not Scotland should be Independent.
Independence will come.
100% guaranteed.
But only when we can work out what our relationship with the rest of the UK should be.
Hating Boris is no rasin d’etre for a nation.
Nor is shortbread and bagpipes.
Get your f*cking act together and write a proper declaration based on a written constitution and a bill of rights.
A statement of what it is to be ‘Scotland’.
For f*cks sake.
Bloody furious at the shite.
For those interested, Grousebeater has posted more on the statement.
link to
I.e. what it is that makes us distinct.
Sorry everyone, my first post was correct don’t know what happened with my 2nd! x
Quinie frae Angus says:
4 March, 2021 at 10:51 pm
In fact it’s link to
See Malachie tweet reply in the thread, video compilation of ” I dont knows” etc .
The Firm?
So both elephants in the room include a Prince who is a prick and a FM who favours lesbians with a prick.
Have I got that succinctly enough?
Me? I just want,urgently, independence! Or do not split the infinitive.
Wait Priti Patel ,the code, Sir Philip Rutnam . SCOTLAND ASK WINGS TO ELABORATE. He is good at it!
When were Murrells texts about putting pressure on the police?
Because it would make sense, if he was trying to force the criminal case past the Judicial review. Then that would be the motive. Because a criminal conviction would overide a Judicial review.
Jesus what a pile of guff.
Lost says:
4 March, 2021 at 10:30 pm
Lost interest at the first paragraph, all I can think is “is this SNP’s way of telling us we have to wait another 700 for Independence.”
Tired, cranky and don’t have alot of patience for bullshit just now. A year of covid restrictions takes a toll on you. Nicola Sturgeon has spent years telling us how she’s going to get us Independence, but didn’t, would listen to us on GRA, but didn’t, didn’t know anything about AS allegations before April 2018, but did.
Lost my vote here. They cannot be trusted, don’t care if they were going to give every adult in Scotland a million pounds. I cannot bring myself to vote for people who tried to get an innocent man jailed and put people’s safety at risk for a law that a minute percentage of people want.
That is a pretty good summary of why they arent getting my vote this time either.
I am now up to 57 lost friends on FB. That is a lot of Sturgeon Cultists purged from my life. I feel cleaner with each passing hour.
Clavie – Same. I have found the last week very stressful. Particularly when friends text you saying how wonderful Sturgeon performed.
I then send them an angry rant about Nicola and leaving the party after 32 years.
Some of the stuff I am telling them must be earth shattering. But I need to.
Piffle paffle, wiffle woffle
This aping of Bawjaws by the SNP in saying a little as possible in as many words as possible is insulting.
Going to be a whole lot of Arses with splinters in them from fence sitting , a lot of usually vocal contributors stuck in the middle of the road in danger of getting whacked by both sides let’s see who can body swerve being involved by using the best bull shit, it should be entertaining
@ Big Jock at 11.05pm
Re. Messages
It was around the time the criminal investigation started.
“The messages leaked to MacAskill claimed to be from 2019, sent the day after Salmond was charged with sexual offences.”
link to
Not sure if Daisy Walker included this aspect in any of her timeline work.
Let us hope it does not come to that.
I sometimes think I will advise my sons to look for work in England.
You can’t beat them so you might as well join them.
Having only left the Party recently the story doesn’t surprise me!
However I can still remember convincing myself that the membership would take back control so it is difficult to break through the loyalty/desperate desire for Indy barrier.
The membership may stay with them until the election. It is very difficult to judge. Looking back I cannot understand why I stayed so how can I predict others but the lightbulb moment comes eventually.
One thing I am certain about. A surge in membership didn’t happen recently. I suspect they gave some “free” memberships to buddies of the Wokerati as part of a PR stunt. Probably a few hundred enthusiastic woke who will generate tweets. That is the Peter Murrell style.
I agree with absolutely almost everything you said there.
I was trying to be subtle with the set up to the rest of my point. However perhaps tight is a bit old fashioned, I give you that. Possibly frugal should be the word. I would describe myself as tight/frugal and I also work in financial services. From what I’ve seen with some people, it’s not actually a bad position to take. Doesn’t mean you want to die with thousands in the bank (Christ my kids milk me for enough as it is!) but living within your means and sacrificing some stuff you really don’t need isn’t the worst thing in the world
Last and final is a tautology.
My old English teacher would have been furious.
link to
Sturgeon showboated with a vengeance seizing the narrative and delivering a carefully choreographed display of ostentatious behaviour designed to divert the attention of the Inquiry and television viewers away from the abject performance of herself, her Spad’s and senior civil servants.
Her cavalier “devil may care” attitude most certainly attracted attention but any admiration for her faded in consequence of her persistent blatant, inaccurate and unwarranted attacks on the character of Alex Salmond. A tactic not employed by Alex Salmond at the time he gave evidence to the Inquiry.
@Lynne 4 March, 2021 at 6:18 pm
“I fell asleep in paragraph 4.1 ”
3 paragraphs better than me.
Its basically Donkey fodder, written probably by someone over 70 years of age who sleeps with a reproduction Claymore under the bed and wasn’t allowed to sit the 11 plus exam because they were not bright enough. The underlined titles that take up 4 lines are probably because they couldn’t think of much else to write. If Mike Russell really wrote that he shouldn’t be even allowed close to any sort of job with any responsibilty at all.
The best bit if you were alert was the Randomly and Inconsistently Capitalised words near the beginning.
“the legal advice from Roddy Dunlop QC to the government in
4th Sept 2018?”
Can’t find this among the recent papers on the Committee’s website – can someone post the link please?
I wouldn’t believe a word of what the current totally corrupt criminals leading the SNP say.
They have embezzled £600,000 of ‘ring fenced’ independence referendum donations to pay the legal fees of criminals who conspired to put an innocent man in jail, and to fill the trousers of the criminals Murrell and Rodick, amongst others.
Shame on Craig Murray for advocating both votes SNP. Has he been bought?
@Bob Mack
Is this what you are referring to?
link to
@A Person 11:29pm
It’s not my sons that I worry about. Have you met the males in my family and extended family?. They scare me, never mind anybody else. Our family has a long history of active service WW1 and WW2. And later campaigns, including myself. And yet most of them voted for Independence. Go figure. Now we are planning to get our women out. Street strife?, The RUC lasted 3 days. History will repeat itself. Thanks Nicky.
@Matt Seattle 4 March, 2021 at 8:12 pm
“Both “last and final”?
That’s serious, Mike!”
Maybe he was tying to write something more serious than an
“11 point plan” none of your Yoon 10 point plans here..begone.
Effigy says:
4 March, 2021 at 6:54 pm
Is there any particular reason that your first comment on every post is O/T?
In this case it was comment number 37.
Genuinely interested to know.
John Cleary says:
“I’m sorry but the people of Scotland are NOT sovereign.
I wish it were otherwise, I really do. But until you can get out of this wretched union then you are not sovereign.
If you continue to believe you are sovereign, then you (the independence movement) will continue to flounder. You MUST deal with the world as it is.”
100% agreed.
Yes, that’s part of it. Rather shows Nicola lied when she stated the government never considered sisting the Review.
They did ,and even talked about the implications should Alex go to trial and be found innocent. This explains the Moorov doctrine approach. They knew the Review was in big trouble as opposed to what Sturgeon claimed.
They had to keep it going to gather witnesses and accusations against Alex, and they had to be sure of a conviction of some form. They therefore ended up with all these nonsense charges hoping one would work…
I wonder, on Stu’s last point about council cooperation being necessary, whether they will simply use this to gather maximum support for the 2022 Scottish local elections, although they know winning all of them is a practical impossibility.
Rev – your manifesto would have my vote.
@jontoscots20, 10.45. Good comment. Professor Woolhouse said last summer
“We must not allow the cure to become worse than the disease. That long term strategy has to be a risk-based approach to living with Covid-19. This is a very unpleasant virus but, for the great majority of people, not nearly so unpleasant that we should contemplate shutting down society to deal with it.”
AwakeNitWoke, thank you for finding that. I cannot face voting Conservative. Am struggling with voting SNP 1 or 22.
Every time I consider voting for Sturgeon’s SNP, I will have a look at the FIFTY times Honest Nicola said I DON’T KNOW during the EVIDENCE she gave under OATH yesterday…
link to
Anyone REALLY telling the truth would not vascillate that much.
Hendo says:
4 March, 2021 at 9:34 pm
“How do we get independence without the vehicle that is the SNP?”
That vehicle is broken beyond repair, IMHO.
Led by corrupt criminals, and with stooges in the NEC and in both parliaments who have zero intention of delivering independence.
The independence moment needs a brand new vehicle, full of genuine independence supporters and someone like Alex Salmond in the driving seat.
We all know why they were so desperate to prevent AS from returning.
Labour has never been reformed for the better from within, and the current SNP is far worse than Labour ever was. Even at its worst, there were Labour MPs who would rebel and vote against the party line.
I am sorry to say, but I don’t see McAskill or Cherry rebelling in the real sense of the word. Otherwise they would have been thrown out.
There doesn’t seem to be a single SNP MSP who is disgusted by what Sturgeon and her cabal have done to Alex Salmond and is willing to rebel against her in the Scottish parliament.
Has our old friend Rock returned as Kcor. If so I hope he has reversed his views as well as his name.
rock shall not return for 622 years
@ Kcor at 12.44am: I’m not really disagreeing with you, but I would guess that Joanna Cherry, Kenny MacAskill and others may be waiting to see what the outcome of the inquiries is before they make any irreversible decisions. No doubt there are plenty who have committed a great deal – indeed, their life’s work – to the SNP, and aren’t willing to give up on it at the drop of a hat. I don’t think any of us can make a firm decision on how to proceed until we know whether or not the SNP is salvageable. The situation might look entirely different in two or three weeks’ time.
We are not all grammar experts, its what is says that matters
@ Bob Mack
They had to keep it going to gather witnesses and accusations against Alex, and they had to be sure of a conviction of some form. They therefore ended up with all these nonsense charges hoping one would work.
I read one of Craig Murrays blogs & he said the police interviewed 400 people within the public, whos names were given to them by the Scots gov/civil service. They didn’t get one complaint.
This is in my humble opinion, is why I believe the reason behind the other complainers for the criminal court were all people within Nicolas wee circle.
The original two complainers were real & had years ago settled the complaint through mediation with Alex.
I believe the original complainers were used as cannon fodder in the SG attack on Alex.
It was Alex who got them name anonymity, to protect them. The Scots Gove weren’t even at that JR. They even at that time weren’t protecting the two women.
I guess that’s why they had to manufacture complaints within the small circle surrounding Nicola
Yours is much much better, obviously, and shows up the SNP waffle. But do you have a reason for limiting the 50% majority to the SNP, rather than including other parties of independence in it?
“But do you have a reason for limiting the 50% majority to the SNP, rather than including other parties of independence in it?”
The SNP can’t write other parties’ manifestos for them.
Does Mike Russell have a dictionary if so he might make Nicla aware of what a promise means
“In 2016 the Scottish National Party sought election and formed a government in Scotland on the promise”
noun 1.
a declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen.
assure someone that one will definitely do something or that something will happen.
We Scots are still waiting on the 2016 PROMISE happening
Will the 2021 promise be honoured (NAW)
So, this is the best they can do? Jesus wept.
‘at some point a sub-editor will explain to someone that “MSPs” doesn’t have a sodding apostrophe in it.’
Depends if they have a second job as a Greengrocer……
Flying Monkeys! The trail of nutshells leads all the way back to Bute House !
sorry for off topic and a day late to boot.
“today i joined the Roundheads, i have know Cromwell since the 16 Century and he is a man you can trust, He never losses his head in matters of state and DOES NOT LIE. along with 7000 others we are the imaginary hordes of yore – come join us” #cromwelllives
Maybe Janey Godley will start making her “hilarious “ videos again.
I see what they are attempting to do, and it is going in the right direction. So, I do not think we can be overly critical. At last, we might say, they have finally realised London will, of their own volition, let them do things once hell freezes over.
Having said that, I much preder the REV’s version, or something akin to it. If we start talking of Scottish constitutional law, then we must accept the people of Scotland are sovereign, so their is no further need for requests to London. We know they have zero respect for the consitutional laws of Scotland (or ANY country, anywhere, for that matter).
No, I am on the fence about spoiling my consituency ballot. If the SNP want my vote, then the manifesto MUST be along the lines of what REVSTU prepared. Their is no need (or time) for further debate, or provarication, or politely seeking ‘permission’ from England’s government. That has been done for the last four years. How did England’s government respond?? They spat on the people of Scotland over, and over, and over again.
England’s government will not change its behaviour until such time as the Scottish government grows up, and stops behaving like it is still the 1920’s, when Westminster was a ‘jolly’ nice place, full of ‘jolly nice’ chaps, with a shred of integrity. Those days are gone. England;s government is a corrupt cabal of careerists, and criminals, every single last one of them. Just 20 years or so ago, every single last one of the cabinet in London would be up at the old bailey on corruption and racketeering charges. Nowadays they are knighted by Lizzie Windsor and given unelected peerages.
We, the people of Scotland (and by extension the SNP in its manifesto) will get nowhere by asking any more. Lokk at the history books, Ireland asked, got nothing, American asked, got nothing, India asked, got nothing, Malta asked, got nothing. Scotland is no different. The manifesto, if it to be taken seriously by anybody simply MUST go straight to the point. Enough is enough. A majority in May, means the union is over. It is simple, it is easy, wholly democratic and, more to the point, London will soil its underwear. Nothing less will do.
Scotland has been utterly shafted by England’s government over the last four years. They respect nobody and nothing. They treat Scots as underlings, whose democratic views are irrelevant. They forcibly dragged Scotland out of the EU, wholly against the clear democratic wishes of the people of Scotland. They have forcibly stripped Scots of their EU citizenship, and are STILL to this day trashing our industries and removing our human rights. That is the measure of the barstewards that make up England’s government, and their fat, lazy, pig-ignorant, bullingdon boy, thuggish slob of a first Minister, Alexander Boris De Pfeffle Johnson.
Asking is pointless. The SNP need to go for the jugular and make the election in May a vote to end the union. Job done. They will get my vote and full support if they do. No more provarication. It is now or never.
David Caledonia says:
5 March, 2021 at 1:57 am
“We are not all grammar experts, its what is says that matters”
And what it says is – ‘give us your money and we can fool you again into believing we have a plan for independence. When we clearly don’t’.
As I have said before – its the lack of the ring-fenced money that will destroy them. And good riddance.
To the grammer junkies commenting. Yes, it is all very interesting, pointing out spelling/grammer gaffes (‘look how clever, clever I am!’), but this is a draft document, which has likely been created over a period of time by several different contributors adding bits.
With such a document, you deal with grammer, spelling etc.. once it is finished – well, normal people do. To do othersies is just silly.
David Caledonia says:
5 March, 2021 at 1:57 am
“We are not all grammar experts, its what is says that matters”.
It’s basic literacy that we learned in primary school. I’d expect at least that level from people in positions of power. Everything that is produced at that level should be proof read – especially if the person producing the work does not have the adequate skills required.
What it says is:-
“Here is another carrot for the gullible. We know how stupid they are and that they will fall for it again”
No thank you. I never was very fond of carrots and it appear that they really don’t help one see more clearly after all, certainly not when they are permanently dangled just, ever so slightly, out of reach.
It’s not the grammar that annoys me, but the fact this Scottish Government had the perfect Constitutional stand-off and divine opportunity to defend the sovereign will of the people with Scotland’s emphatic democratic rejection of Brexit.
Why on earth would I trust waffle and pish from the gutless cowards who abdicated Scotland’s Sovereign rights and capitulated to Scotland’s unconstitutional subjugation and humiliating extraction from Europe when they were presented with the perfect opportunity to defend it? These charlatan gobshites have earned my utter and lasting contempt.
Talk is cheap, and when it comes to Scotland’s Constitution the SNP seem cheaper than most.
Instead of some amateurish rehash of Scotland’s inviolable Constitution, a much more pressing matter is the urgent need for a codified method of impeachment for a rabble of (t)reacherous and unworthy rogues masquerading as a Constitutional Scottish Government.
The problem for many of those that want to stay in the Union, is that the UK of 2014 no longer exists. A post-Brexit economic policy based on the privatisation of what little remains to be privatised (NHS) and that only benefits the already very wealthy, leaving the vast majority worse off, is the future for the UK.
The problem for many of those that want independence, is that the SNP of 2014 no longer exists, nor does it’s focus on independence. The consequence of this is that Scotland is likely to remain in the UK and suffer the same consequences of it’s policies and decline as a result
The difference is that while the UK is extremely unlikely to be changed back to a pre-Brexit time of 2014, the SNP could be. Brexit will likely be what definitively wrecks the UK in the years to come. A lack of commitment to independence and the key economic issues directly related to it, will likely be what definitively wrecks Scotland in the years to come if it remains in the UK.
The only change that can prevent this happening is if the SNP again becomes a political party committed to independence, with a clear focus on related economic matters and run in the open and democratic way that it was up to 2014. That would leave many with little reason to vote for a UK that no longer exists and is in clear long term decline, but a strong reason to vote for an SNP committed to an independence based on a sound economic basis.
Domestic issues could be pursued after the main prerequisite for real control of matters in Scotland has been achieved – independence. Focusing so strongly on domestic matters, as the current SNP continue to be and with so many of these being deeply contentious and divisive issues (GRA, HCB), while largely displaying a serious avoidance of the critical independence related economic issues, only hugely dilutes the commitment to and support for independence.
What happens within the SNP within the coming weeks will determine if the SNP are prepared to get serious again about independence. The draft manifesto suggests that it isn’t.
The alternative manifesto doesn’t hold up. The right to self determination exists, but not the right to seccesion.
The UK could point to the recent referendum – and the fact that seccession is a 50/50 issue at best in Scotland.
Given that the UK is a permanent security council member and could veto any attempts at un membership this UDI Scotland could expect support from North Korea and maybe Russia, if Putin is feeling mischievous.
Just been listening to some Tory bint down south justifying the 1% wage increase to NHS staff.
Says it needs to at this level because they have other workers to support who are losing their jobs and that they need these workers to fund the NHS. So does that mean all that clap for heroes was a load of old tosh. Does that mean that if the HNS staff don’t suck it up then they’ will be out a job because as the minister says that’s the most we can afford.
Shafted, friggin shafted, that’s all the the NHS staff who delivered bravely in thecteethbof the pandemic with inadequate PPE. And to those who contracted COVID in the line of duty and died, their sacrifice is forgotten. Get it right up you NHS staff, there’s more important than you. As foot foot soldiers you’ve done your bit. Now clear off.
Meanwhile they’re lavishing all the best treatment treatment in the world on that old fascist the Chookie Edinburgh.
And you know what, the sheeples don’t care. They vote governments like this in. Just wait till they privatise the NHS. Then like Mike Russell the President of the SNP advises you can, with your vouchers buy the healthcare you need.
Ah who cares. Vote SNP, vote for Westminster’s little helpers in Scotland – the Yellow Tories.
I agree the SNP requires overhaul and complete focus on independence. A strategist would say maximise SNP vote for May and afterwards do what you have to.
With independence, many people think the SNP will fragment at the first GE in an indepenedent Scotland. That is the time to set your course.
Diminishing the SNP vote now is exactly what the unionists want – do not play into their hands.
Glad you are interested!
If I see yet another piece of Tory or Westminster deceit or lies,
I like to make all readers here aware of it, all be it not central to
the current discussion.
PS Priti Patel cost the Tax Payer £370,000 in compensation costs,
Obviously heavy internal costs on top, for being a bully and breaking
the Ministerial Code.
For some unknown reason wee Baroness Ruthless hasn’t demand she resign?
I understand your frustration when I show your team to be lying, cheating, devious fascists
and you have no way of defending them it brings you sadness.
Tomorrow will be a better independent day!
Yesterday, Willie Rennie asked Nicola Sturgeon if the OECD education report was going to be issued before the election do that she could be ‘judged on education’ a she promised. Nicola Sturgeon just looked up to the ceiling. Not interested in being judged on education; or on anything else. Judges judge Nicola’s opponents, not her. Welcome to the Junta.
Footsoldier says:
5 March, 2021 at 8:30 am
Diminishing the SNP vote now is exactly what the unionists want – do not play into their hands.
How dare you lay that on true Independence supporters who have been unstinting in their support and commitment to Scottish Independence while the charlatans at the SNP were pissings Scotland’s sovereign Constitution up against the wall, selling out Scotland’s European Citizenship, and were much too busy plotting the rise of Transextremist lunacy and the criminal conspiracy to jail Alex Salmond that they didn’t even have time to discuss Independence during a white hot critical 18 month period.
Yet somehow it’s “us” who’s playing into the hand’s of Scotland’s enemies??? Be sure to do some strenching exercises and do a proper warm up routine before you fuck off. Wouldn’t want you to pull a hamstring.
Footsoldier @8:30
Having a non-nationalist leadership of the SNP with Stalinist control over the party is exactly what London wants and that is exactly what it has presently got.
Take a look at this headline. Is the opposite not shown to be the case in the very same article?
link to
Footsoldier – I am heartily sick of your pish. You want to maximize the indy vote then you need to do five things :
1. Drop the GRA bill for ever from the SNP commitments. Until independence.
2. Remove the duplicitious (and he’s not even good at that)humza useless from the cabinet and drop the Hate crime bill. Until independence.
3. Announce the May election is a plebiscite on independence.
4. Make the same rules apply to everyone even the genderwoowoo.
5 Suspend immediately : Peter Murrell and Kirsten Oswald pending investigation
Ordinary members can do nothing about any of the above. It requires leadership.
The grassroots of the SNP have been sidelined and ignored by the leadership. The ONLY thing ordinary SNP members can do is withhold their vote. The person to blame is Nicola Sturgeon.
Could you possibly write to her and tell her not to split the vote ?
That it has come to this.
May I also add the other thing the ordinary members can do is withhold their donations. And they appear to be doing just that.