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Wings Over Scotland

The King And Queen Of Cringe

Posted on October 11, 2024 by

Honestly not sure which of these is the most nauseating.

Click the pic to enlarge, if you can stomach it.

Swinney was grinning like a yokel at the first meeting of the “Council Of The Nations And Regions”, held in Edinburgh but where he was the only Scot around a table of 18, placing him on a par with the Mayor Of Cambridgeshire And Peterborough.

He was also one of just four non-Labour politicians in attendance, along with a lonely Tory and a couple of Northern Irish MLAs. But since he’ll be taking his orders from the people in the other picture anyway, we’re not sure why he bothered.

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  1. Witches Convention
  2. First Collaborator of Scotland and friends
Campbell Clansman

And who WASN’T there?
Sue Gray, Kier Starmer’s newly minted envoy (representative) to this “Council of the Nations and Regions.”
Which shows how unserious this whole “council” is. It’s just another media event the politicians arranged for staged photoshoots.


What it shows is how unserious Gray is unless it’s to negotiate her inflated settlement.


Was Sue Gray even in Scotland?

I am wondering if that new “role” of hers is just an excuse for another high ranking UK civil servant to come to Scotland and stick her unwanted nose and finger in our business.

Out with L. Lloyd, in with S Gray. I wonder if there might be a revolving door with handlers somewhere.


Nauseating, intensely angry-making.

  1. First pic seems to suggest that NS is bullet-proof so far as legal proceedings goes.
  2. Second pic is further evidence, as if we needed it, that Swinney et al are perfectly comfortable as unimportant, insignificant, placeholders. For heaven’s sake, have they no sense of pride or of Scotland’s rightful place? Rhetorical question, of course.
Tinto Chiel

The mindless, adolescent Selfie Generation strikes again.

Pic 1: Go Taylor, go! and other Grate Thotts.

Pic 2: Scotland’s real status confirmed as Swinney hums “Cap in Hand” quietly.

Meanwhile Scotland’s pensioners prepare to freeze this winter as the great new Energy Superhighway syphons off huge amounts of our resources down south for nothing.


First picture some might describe as what used to be called dykes.

The second listing certainly exposes Swinney as someone who has jumped the dyke.

Two pretty grim screenshots that characterise the SNP hierarchy.


Council of Nations and Regions – an idea by House Jock Gordon Brown – is just another layer of colonialism – that will be used to undermine our Holyrood Parliament – and willing treacherous b*stards such as Swinney, will lap it up like the f*ckin dogs they are.

The other photo – showing a group of people who undermined Scotland – who lied to Scots – and who did, and are doing, their best to keep Scotland tied into this illegal union turns my stomach – they are evil.


Two vomiting inducing pics which reveals that Scotland is truly fecked.




And relegating your country’s status to some approximation of an english borough …

Some nationalists would see Scotland on the world stage, with status at the UN, even as a “stateless nation”. Instead our “Leader” (toom tabard) puts us on the same level as an english borough, which makes him like a mayor.


1. Jakeys discussing how to be loser over Lidls special buy.
2. Lidls special buy gate crashing an English do.

Tank up. The good times will soon be over..


If I may change the topic from the witches convention and the bewitched John Swinney has anyone picked up on Dubai Ports announcement that they are going to review the £1bn investment that had been scheduled for the London Gateway Port in Essex.

Being cast in the media as being a rethink about the investment because DP ports are annoyed with the Westminster government criticising their subsidiary for sacking British seafarers and replacing them with foreign workers, the cancellation of £1bn seems rather extreme.

Big foreign corporates make decisions based on anticipated hard cash returns and one cannot but help think this decision to review is not a vote of confidence for post Brexit Britain and in particular London.

Since Brexit the UK’s economy has continued to stumble and slump. And trade deals, the much vaunted Great British trade deals, have not emerged. Taken together it most certainly looks that Brittannia is and will continue to slide down to the charts and the Dubai Port corporate business knows it.

It’s just another signal of a broken Britain out of Europe, indeed at odds with Europe, at odds with Europe and on the wider stage unable to trade with the rest of the world.

Unlike a Scotland that has an export surplus which is growing, whisky, oil and gas, fish and agriculture exports and now the bonananza of renewable power.

And with all of this John Swinney wants to align us to, and play second fiddle too, his beloved Westminster masters.

Aye this article gives, a glimpse of the reality of what Scotland is shackled to.


They’re pissed at the UKs complicit actions in Palestine & blocking security council resolutions..
They’ve also joined BRICS.
UAE sells oil to China & India – its biggest customers.
The UK can thank its *special relationship* with the US warhawks rather than leaving the EU because the EU are hell bent on the same kamikaze mission of funding & supplying weapons to mow down civilians.

One of their UN ambassadors (Lana Nusseibeh)was given an award for her tireless efforts towards the state of Palestine & calling for the murder to stop. While the UKs attack dogs blocked everything.

Fuck about – find out I guess.

Dave Llewellyn

And somewhere in front of Colonial House came the call.
Starmers envoys MI5
Starmers envoys MI5
And likely also Mossad

Obviously it was someone who wasn’t me ?

Robert Hughes

Fckn revolting , the lot of them .

Useless , self-satisfied , clueless-about-everything , other than their own fantasy self-image clowns n puppets n cunts that spend more on a pair of shoes than millions of people earn in one week n a wannabe global hard man a stoned worm could slap about continuing the hilarious delusion of * British * importance .

n that glaikit , freeze-dried eejit Swinney , grinning like a simpleton , over the moon to be in such V.I.P company n looking forward to his handful of peanuts for being such a nice , good-natured pet

boak -invokers one n all

Ian McCubbin

Starmer left with a police and MI5 escort. Guess he was so concerned about independistas and Pro Palistine protectors that he feared something.
Oh and Swinney is such a ("Quizmaster" - Ed) now he must be heading for a gong for services to English government.

Ian McCubbin

The word Quisling should be in not quizmaster


Representation of Scotland in England-as-the-UK parliament: 8.8%

Representation of Scotland in Sir Kid and Elderly Starver’s council of nonsense: 5.6%

Excellent. So they have managed to dilute Scotland’s representation even further, this time they pushed Scotland’s representation even below its demographic proportion. Even a province like NI has double the representation than Scotland does.

And the pathetic Swinney is smiling in the picture like the useful idiot he is for the privilege of demoting Scotland even further. He makes me sick.

“Council of the nations and regions” my backside. It is neither a council of nations nor a council of regions. It is just another British establishment made up quango. So, Is England not a nation anymore in Sir Kid and Elderly Starver’s head, then?

If there was ever any doubt, they have now completely dissipated it. Scotland is seen and treated as a colony by England’s labour party and leader. It will never change.

The labour party is not on the side of Scotland and never will be. It is working against Scotland and it is actively demoting Scotland at every opportunity this new quango is proof of it.

I am sure that having this council of nonsense in Edinburgh was done on purpose to rub it on our noses It is nothing but a modern display of colonial power for the benefit of the vassals. Those, like Swinney, who are falling over themselves to pathetically side with the Labour party and participate in this new stupid game of demoting Scotland even further, are not loyal to Scotland. They are working against Scotland.

Swinney is not representing Scotland in that quango. He is representing himself and his handler.


NI is power share – they can’t invite one without the other or there’d be a war lol

This facade won’t last. Scotland will get hee-haw but the embarrassment of joining in with this charade.

The SNP = new Better Together crew.

Roll on 2026.Tho Kid Starver may go first.

Young Lochinvar

Andy Burnham has achieved his mid term aim: on a parity with countries FMs.
He’ll be even more insufferable now on the cobbles oop norf..

As for the other picture: a shower of useless scheming b@st@rds plotting to further their personal ambitions. Probably bursting for a pee but don’t dare go as they will get talked about in their absence.


Was Indy ever on the table?


No. No one misses that many open goals without being paid handsomely to throw the game.


they lost if behind all the vibrators

Young Lochinvar

Meant to say; assuming this coven took place in the house of SHE who shall not be named (and whose left hand is always hidden) then; where’s Lavender Pete?

Clearly not behind the camera.

Not been seen for a while, has he?

Consigned to be the monster in the attic?

Or buried under the patio..


it wasn’t a gathering for MEN.


Peter’s at home washing the dishes and doing the ironing it takes his mind of other matters whiles Mrs Murrell get over the Balmoral hotel incident. I bet for pudding its fudge all round.


I take it Sturgeon got the good news she was hoping for.

Robert Louis

So the first pic, Sturgeon and her coven,discussing how to make a career from doing nothing. Mibbes pretendy ‘professor’ Kezia has the answer.

But, really these two pictures show what the real problem is, these folk are all really good chums. The arguing and debating, is just a game, their ‘job’ as they see it. Not one single person with a shred of integrity. People can see Swinney, Sturgeon and the rest for what they are, a bunch of lying charlatans.

As for John Swinney, any Scottish leader worth their salt would not have sullied themselves with such a meeting. A day return for the champagne socialist, and careerist, ‘sir’ keir, the English first minister, up to tell Scotland what they should do. Swinney happily nods along, giving a veneer of credibility to the fact the meeting was actually in Scotland. Doing England’s bidding, as ever.

agent X

Was there no constituency work for Sturgeon to do today?
She certainly doesn’t do any work in Holyrood. (when she can be bothered to turn up)

Last edited 1 hour ago by agent X

yeah …

link to

this is how pogroms begin and why I won’t be “making the case for indy to the soft noes”, or calling little englanders new scots, or allowing them any political representation while in Scotland.

– we need a campaign to convince the english on their lack of moral right to vote up here.


shall be our slogan

They should also be made to wear top hats in public so we can easily identify them and be forced to attend elocution so they can learn how to not


I can’t understand a word they say anyway; they are better off in their country, with their own kind of people, they will never fit in here and we can’t afford to subsidise them.

Ed Uni is a fucking sewer anyway and needs a clear out – first the english, then all the foreigners who are just here so they can overstay their visa once they finish.


How will Freeports / Greenports fit in and comply with Treaty of Union articles.

Article IV
“That all the Subjects of the United Kingdom of Great-Britain shall, from and after the Union, have full Freedom and Intercourse of Trade and Navigation, to and from any Port or Place within the said united Kingdom, and the Dominions and Plantations”

Article VI
“That all parts of the United Kingdom, for ever, from and after the Union, shall have the same Allowances, Encouragements, and Draw-backs, and be under the same Prohibitions, Restrictions, and Regulations of Trade, and liable to the same Customs and Duties, and Import and Export”

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    • Dan on The King And Queen Of Cringe: “How will Freeports / Greenports fit in and comply with Treaty of Union articles. Article IV “That all the Subjects…Oct 11, 22:59
    • George Ferguson on Two Spaces: “I know I remember that article. But have faith the downticks won’t stop me commenting on the obvious anomalies of…Oct 11, 22:55
    • Mark M on Two Spaces: “You really have no idea about the law at all, do you. Tell us which article of the Claim of…Oct 11, 22:50
    • Gordon on Two Spaces: “Sadly, we have a virtual monopoly of them Breeks….Oct 11, 22:45
    • Confused on The King And Queen Of Cringe: “yeah … this is how pogroms begin and why I won’t be “making the case for indy to the…Oct 11, 22:43
    • Mark M on Two Spaces: “The Crown Agent is simply the most senior solicitor in COPFS. I am sure there is an equivalent in the…Oct 11, 22:43
    • Mark M on Two Spaces: “Most people in Scotland don’t really care about it.Oct 11, 22:40
    • Confused on The King And Queen Of Cringe: “they lost if behind all the vibratorsOct 11, 22:39
    • Geri on The King And Queen Of Cringe: “No. No one misses that many open goals without being paid handsomely to throw the game.Oct 11, 22:32
    • George Ferguson on Two Spaces: “When you get the dismissal of a universal standing charge and get the difference charges of renewable grid connection, you…Oct 11, 22:17
    • agent X on The King And Queen Of Cringe: “Was there no constituency work for Sturgeon to do today? She certainly doesn’t do any work in Holyrood. (when she…Oct 11, 22:04
    • Dan on Two Spaces: “Aye, and here’s an older article on those higher grid connection charges in Scotland. 11, 22:03
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    • 100%Yes on The King And Queen Of Cringe: “it wasn’t a gathering for MEN.Oct 11, 21:05
    • 100%Yes on The King And Queen Of Cringe: “I take it Sturgeon got the good news she was hoping for.Oct 11, 21:03
    • 100%Yes on The King And Queen Of Cringe: “Peter’s at home washing the dishes and doing the ironing it takes his mind of other matters whiles Mrs Murrell…Oct 11, 20:54
    • Geri on The King And Queen Of Cringe: “NI is power share – they can’t invite one without the other or there’d be a war lol This facade…Oct 11, 20:52
    • Young Lochinvar on The King And Queen Of Cringe: “Meant to say; assuming this coven took place in the house of SHE who shall not be named (and whose…Oct 11, 20:49
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    • Young Lochinvar on The King And Queen Of Cringe: “So.. Andy Burnham has achieved his mid term aim: on a parity with countries FMs. He’ll be even more insufferable…Oct 11, 20:22
    • Geri on The King And Queen Of Cringe: “They’re pissed at the UKs complicit actions in Palestine & blocking security council resolutions.. They’ve also joined BRICS. UAE sells…Oct 11, 20:18
    • Mia on The King And Queen Of Cringe: “Was Sue Gray even in Scotland? I am wondering if that new “role” of hers is just an excuse for…Oct 11, 20:17
    • Mia on The King And Queen Of Cringe: “Representation of Scotland in England-as-the-UK parliament: 8.8% Representation of Scotland in Sir Kid and Elderly Starver’s council of nonsense: 5.6%…Oct 11, 20:12
    • Ian McCubbin on The King And Queen Of Cringe: “The word Quisling should be in not quizmasterOct 11, 19:52
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