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Wings Over Scotland

The Great Hollowing

Posted on January 20, 2025 by

The wild thing about this poll isn’t the headline that six months after winning a massive landslide majority, Keir Starmer now trails Nigel Farage – leader of a party with five MPs to Starmer’s 411 – as the electorate’s choice for best Prime Minister.

It’s the little grey numbers sitting quietly at the bottom.

Because what they tell us is this:

50% of people who voted Labour don’t want the Labour leader to be PM.

68% of people who voted Tory don’t want the Tory leader to be PM.

70% of people who voted Lib Dem don’t want the Lib Dem leader to be PM.

And we really need to stop and take a moment to think about just how batshit crazy that is, because it’s definitely not a sign of a healthy, functioning democracy. Although of course we already knew we weren’t in one of those, because the most popular party in Britain – by an absolute country mile, with more votes than the next two put together – is “None of you useless tossers”.

The people of the UK basically don’t want ANYONE in charge. They don’t want to vote for any of its political parties and even when they do they don’t want that party’s leader in Downing Street. They’d probably prefer it if we made the winner of Love Island PM.

(And Scotland, which loves to think itself an exception, is no different.)

(Farage, incidentally, topped the YouGov poll in Scotland too.)

We know from history where these sorts of numbers end up. Mass disillusionment and contempt for the political establishment leads to “radical” solutions. (Imagine you were a US citizen and fell into a coma just 10 years ago, in the middle of Barack Obama’s second term, and woke up in the hospital this morning and switched the TV on to this.)

Yet still nobody will listen. Labour have foisted a bunch of ministers on the country who were categorically rejected by voters twice, in 2010 and 2015, but somehow slithered back into power a decade later on the grounds that the alternative had become even worse. “You thought Rachel Reeves and Ed Miliband were awful before? Well, tough, because that’s all you’re getting.”

Meanwhile in Scotland, the SNP booted John Swinney out after a disastrous stint as leader more than TWENTY years ago, but for similar reasons he’s somehow back leading not only the party but the country, a couple of years after he himself said he was past his sell-by date and needed to make way for fresh talent and new ideas, and proclaiming his intention to hang on for another half-decade.

And just like Labour, their idea of inspiring the electorate with a hot new generation is to offer them all the failures that the voters told to sling their hook last time again.

Things can’t go on like this, because you’re really not going to like where it ends up. More of the same just won’t do.

And if you think that retreating to a stinky, threadbare old comfort blanket and voting to keep everything exactly the same as it is now is the way to achieve change, then you are very much part of the problem.

In fact, you – and all the other mudskulled droolwits like you – are the whole problem.

0 to “The Great Hollowing”

  1. Karen says:

    I think people want *someone* in charge of the country, just not any of the options. Shauny Boy?

    • Louise Hogg says:

      Yes! Some could identify with his Union Jacket, others with his pet unicorn, and the illogical ones, with both!

    • yoon scum says:

      An actual joke candidate is probably the best option

      link to

      I still maintain that the Monster Raving Loony party is the sanest party out there

  2. Confused says:

    james kelly is a thin-skinned whining hysteric (with an obsession with you)

    – the kind of person who could cause a fight in an empty room and if alba booted him, it was probably the right thing to do 

    at least he found his way home 

    • Owen Mullions says:

      Kelly’s site is an unreadable mess of self-pity and self-righteousness. His obsession with Stu, who he laughingly calls HIS stalker, seems to dominate his every waking moment. Any attempt to point this out in the comments section is quickly consigned to the deletion bin à la Wee Ginger Dug. In fact, it’s becoming difficult to distinguish between the two.

      • 100%Yes says:

        It would be of a great benefit if he moved to America and stayed there.

      • Willie says:

        Petty, petty, petty is the defining characteristic of Mr James Kelly.

        He also cannot take even the slightest comment against him even when constructively made.

        His blog is best avoided. That way he’ll either go away or grow up.

    • Vestas says:

      Alba were warned he wasn’t to be trusted from day one.

      He should NEVER have been accepted as a member given his agenda.

  3. duncanio says:

    Scotland’s Cause has not advanced one iota as a result of electing SNP politicians at all levels of government nor being a member of that party.

    The supposedly SNP MPs, MSPs, Councilors and would-be pro-Independence bloggers are clearly on the make and on the take.

    They are all part of the Independence Industry.

  4. Campbell Clansman says:

    There are four council by-elections in Scotland this week: two Labour-held, one SNP, one LibDem.
    Prediction: the Pro Indy parties (SNP sort of, Alba, et al.) won’t get 40% of the vote in the four.
    Prediction: Alba (the pro-Indy microbe party) doesn’t average 2% in these four.

  5. Ian McCubbin says:

    Well if it’s so confusing and majority are switched off to politics, what and where now for direction in these colonial states.
    It’s only working for the corrporately corrupt elite.
    I am a bit sceptical about the rise again of SNP from disaffected Alba supporters.

  6. Dan says:

    But nothing is going on in Scottish politics…
    And nothing can be done until “justice” for Alex is delivered…

    The reason Scotland is in this continuing predicament is because it’s being constrained by far too many egocentric individuals who refuse to work with each other because they stupidly hold the opinions that no other individuals have any worth as they are perceived as not conforming to the virtually unachievable ultra high standards put in place by others.

    Heads up: A nation can only piss with the urethrae it has.

    Sex Pistols – Problems…

    link to

    • twathater says:

      I posted this on Barrheadboy yesterday and silence, yet everyone talks about unanimity

      I agree overwhelmingly with every word spoken today and over the past years by you and your guests , it is only common sense that unanimity and cohesion by activists , politicians and political parties will lead to independence

      Unfortunately the party formed to gain our independence exists no more, it has been taken over by self serving devolutionists who are quite content to remain shackled to the ruk because their continued financial rewards are guaranteed by WM and they don’t want the stress of having to govern a phoenix risen from the ashes of the uk and they don’t have the ability to do so or the brains needed to do so

      I have posted recently and previously the ONLY way we will get them to listen and act is by threatening the status quo and their comfy financial position , people pay attention when their livelihood is threatened by removal

      People are frightened and panicked when we talk of NOT voting for the snp because that means one of the unionist parties will take over Holyrood and implement WM policies which we know is taking place already under starmer and sarwar , but the snp clones believe that snp will constrain the unionists in some way and stop the abuse but the snp still feel that either a collaboration with labour will still enable their troughing to continue or certain ones will still be elected through the list seats , but either way the only ones who will lose is independence supporters
      I believe the snp need obliterated totally but that doesn’t help just now and would take a long time to happen if at all

      I know that recently you arranged for a council of indy supporting bodies to take place which showed some possible promise , but even so it appeared that some were not in agreement with the urgency of our situation and were content with the snp progress or were not prepared to rock the boat
      TBQH I believe the ones with that attitude won’t change and irrespective of proof of betrayal they will still hold their line

      We ALL know that the snp will continue with their fakery UNLESS confronted with it head to head , my proposal is for the same members of that council who were AWARE of the urgency of our situation and who were vociferous and supportive of further means of action to actually DEMAND a meeting with John Swinney to inform him that if he doesn’t accept and propose immediately to work in unison with the independence movement towards a plebiscitery Scottish election then the council of the independence movement will actively work against the election of snp msp’s
      I obviously don’t know who attended your previous meeting so I am unaware of the groups or individuals who were lukewarm or against any opposition to the current snp but the status quo is only going to result in more MISERY and ABUSE for Scots and Scotland

      Depleted turnout will result in unionist win with snp troughers still on the gravy train but unable or unwilling to forward independence

      snp good votes but unable to form govt , same result as above but more troughers benefitting from the gravy train , and still unable or unwilling to forward independence

      Unionist parties take control of HR irrespective of snp vote , = REMOVAL of FREE prescriptions, child care payment, SNHS dentistry, SNHS eye tests and glasses, social care , bedroom tax, and anything else of benefit to Scots citizens, BUT we will still have snp troughers supping gleefully on the gravy train and unable or unwilling to do anything to forward independence

      IF we are to do anything to SAVE the independence movement and SCOTLAND it means publicly DEMANDING A FACE TO FACE confrontation with John Swinney of ALL the bloggers, YES groups , I4I members ,ISP

      • Dan says:

        Aye, the next Scottish Parliament election will be a clusterfuck for various reasons, but this situation at Holyrood was effectively a baked in characteristic when it was created. I stated this situation a good while back, also pointing out that there just isn’t enough time to sort out a proper manageable plan and get all the pro-indy electorate onboard.

        I still say the next Westminster election is the most realistic option for a plebiscite seeing as another referendum ain’t going to be granted unless it is a stitched up process.
        But not seeing an answer to this query because a GE plebiscite could also be a clusterfuck if folk won’t all unify for that cause.

        link to

  7. Young Lochinvar says:

    Politics has become the cult of personality.

    I think Swinneys tactic is to move away from this and the controversy that the cult of personality attracts.

    Dull as dishwater and hide all the contentious stuff away back behind a “no-one can disagree” with soundbites policy like eroding child poverty.

    Problem is, how do we know the contentious stuff isn’t just progressing quietly in the background and that THE policy the party is supposed to be about is either not talked about meaningfully or mentioned in such bland “says nothing” statements as there’s an election hoving into sight on the horizon that there’s nothing to judge him by meaningfully when nothing comes to pass.

    2014 here really got people engaged.
    The years since have just bit by bit turned off people to the extent of disenfranchisement.

  8. Frazerio says:

    After the 2016 Scottish elections & the Brexit vote I could not possibly see any way we could avoid another referendum. I then could not see how we wouldn’t then vote Yes. Westminster was a hamstrung shambles. For whatever reason, complete ineptitude, being totally compromised by the security forces or a one eyed gender inflected hatred of her predecessor, Sturgeon spectacularly succeeded in saving the union and punting the biggest issue in Scottish politics into the long grass.
    It stuns me that supposed pro indy people still gush over her (Macdermid, Cumming (A, not D)).
    It stuns me when people still display faith in the SNP. I really cannot fathom, why anyone who is pro-indy thinks that the SNP are in any way shape or form, a viable political vehicle that could achieve indy. Why anyone cant see ‘both votes SNP’ as a complete dereliction of duty to the pro indy cause. They are not a pro-indy party. AT ALL. They are a pro SNP party. And still folk seem to see some hope in people like Kate Forbes. Like she’s ever shown a single atom of pro-indy fight.
    The latest by Scot Goes Pop falls into this category. I’m sick of retrieving my jaw from the floor. He just cannot be serious?

    In what was a sea of indy flames, there is maybe now only one strong light left burning. You are as important now as you have ever been Rev, keep shining your torch!!!

    • Andrew Ingram says:

      Whilst Swinney might be “old” SNP the party he has found himself in charge of now is run by psychopathic opportunists and politicos from the Labour gene pool.

  9. Athanasius says:

    Bit hard on Trump, don’t you think?

  10. ScottieDog says:

    Well, neoliberalism can’t surely persist into a 6th decade. Can it?

  11. Dave Llewellyn says:

    Belgium not only survived for a year and a half without a government they actually thriced during that time

    • sarah says:

      But they didn’t have the UK civil service running the show.

    • GeoffC. says:

      Meanwhile, in Scotland, what government? – last I recall was when Alex was FM. We’ve certainly not thrived, except negatively.

      • factfinder says:

        Absolutely right. He worked very effectively with the Tories and provided real government.

  12. GeoffC. says:

    Can I go with “none of the above”.

    p.s. Why no representative from The Greens as PM 😉

  13. MaryB says:

    I see in today’s National, that John Swinney has stopped the new SNP policy papers. I understand that they were pretty dull though anyway.
    In 2014, or thereabouts, I read about seven policy papers published by Alex Salmond’s government. They were inspiring and forward looking, but I can’t find them now online anywhere. Anyone else on here remember them?

  14. Liz says:

    Ultra Nrn Ireland Unionist McKay says Independence is off the table for the foreseeable because of….Trump
    I disagree
    I think Trump would be happy to do a deal
    We should watch Greenland see how that goes.

    Plus Trump hates Starmer
    What better revenge than having Starmer the one to go down in history as “loosing Scotland”

    That was David Camerons fear

    • Alf Baird says:

      Yes, a Scotsman just liberated America from woke-imperialism. We should ask him to do the same for us, although I expect President Trump is ahead of the game on that score.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “a Scotsman just liberated America from woke-imperialism”

        Really? All I saw was some speeches and some writing down stuff and signatures and that.

        If speeches and some writing down stuff and signatures ever amounted to anything in the real world, our politicians could speech ourselves some ferries here in Scotland, write a deposit return scheme and sign ourselves into Independence.

        Then, tomorrow, we could speech an end to poverty, social injustice and bad health outcomes.

        These MSM boys who have been writing about Trump’s “Second Coming” weren’t expecting to be taken literally 🙂

        He’s not The Messiah. He’s somebody who knows how to talk the talk.

        Walking the walk is a whole different game.

  15. Calum says:

    Not gonna lie, Trump on stage with the Village People put a smile on my face.

    • Louise Hogg says:


      There’s the circus.

      Provided he also provides the bread, he’s doing as well as the majority of Political ‘leaders’ throughout history.

      And if he knows what a woman is, he’s doing better than the majority of Political ‘leaders’ TODAY.

      Which shows HOW low the bar is!

  16. Chas says:

    The pace of change happening in every part of the world is simply too quick for most Politicians/Governments. Most Government Ministers are clueless about almost everything, and it shows. By the time they have appointed ‘Consultants’ to advise them, or have set up the inevitable inquiry, all costing a fortune, events have simply moved on leaving Ministers in their wake and the shambles simply carries on until the next disaster is revealed. Sadly a lot of them are hidden from the public.

    It is time that anyone standing for election has to have some life experience or qualifications. Looking at Scotland-working in a call centre did not really qualify Useless for being our First Minister. Sturgeon’s brief sojourn as a failed solicitor was of no help to anybody. What experience of the real world does John the redactor Swinney have? Other political parties are probably no better.
    Would anybody really trust their doctor who had no qualifications or a plumber who had no experience? Practical realism has gone out of the window.

    What an almighty mess we are in. I suspect it will get worse if it ever gets better.

  17. TheParty1sOver says:

    I think Sophie Molly & James Kelly are one & the same person.

  18. wally jumblatt says:

    I think if the mainstream media bsically ignored the politicians and what rubbish they spout until an election is due, we would all be happier.
    Since they don’t even seem to have proper debates in Holyrood or Westminster chambers any more, there is nothing to report.
    When an Act is being debated, report the proceedings honestly otherwise it is all unpalatable fluff.
    That’s not the way it should be, but I can barely think of a single politician who understands the big picture of Anything.
    None of them know how to get houses built, get jobs created, get criminals punished, get kids educated, spend tax revenues wisely, so I say strip their platforms off them until they show they are competent.

  19. John says:

    We really are screwed, just thinking of all the opportunities we’ve had since brexit vote

    • Andy Anderson says:

      Brexit is an economic disaster created to stop the elite loosing overseas tax havens due to a new EU law.
      If you mean opportunities for independence then 2015 GE was a major mistake by the SNP. They could have created a massive constitutional crisis and got our independence.

  20. Geri says:

    It’s cause oligarchy is choosing the inept, incompetent & corrupt fuds to be in charge. It’s only THEIR interests that are to be served. Not the dumb plebs who vote.

    BTW Obama was no saint. He instigated much of the shit that’s playing out today. Including Scotland remaining chained to this warmongering shit show at Westminster that can’t afford a decent standard of living but have plenty of money to blow shit up in other countries at a cost of $billions to maintain a foreign country’s hegemony.

    Next up, according to Aristotle LOL, full on fascism cause once the oligarchs fck up they send in a dictator & we see that already playing out in Europe where elections are just to be cancelled altogether or hobbled together by a chosen few already bought & sold. The wealthy are in charge & puppets doing their bidding don’t need much in the way of brains or care what the plebs think. Any that thinks they’ll be defiant can be flogged across all public platforms until such times as a replacement is found.

    Who is actually surprised by Kid Starver? He was a backstabbing bullshit artist to even get the gig of Labour leader in the first place. Farage will be no different. Colonisers thrive on chaos & conflict & they’ve imported strife to cause civil unrest & clamp downs. Alternative media will be switched off too.

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      “Next up … full on fascism”

      I reckon I could make myself some folding money if I was to bet you £10 that you couldn’t come up with a reasonably accurate definition of fascism.

      Not unless you got some prior help.

      Fascism is not simply the opinions of people you disagree with.

      “can’t afford a decent standard of living but have plenty of money to blow shit up in other countries”

      In the real world, the cost of NOT blowing up shit in other countries sometimes far exceeds the cost of pre-emptively blowing it up.

      Not always, but sometimes. It’s in the nuances of the different scenarios that your binary assessment of universally applicable good and bad falls so dismally short.

      “Alternative media will be switched off too”

      History gives us plenty of examples of how that one pans out. Supporters and readers of alternative media are targeted, punished, or “re-educated”. As WoS is so obviously “alternative media”, and as we all know that nothing sent into the internet ever truly dies, every poster on here ever is liable for “bad shit” if Geri’s apocalyptic predictions ever come true.

      I reckon I could make myself some folding money if I was to bet Geri £10 that she’s already well aware of this, and so I’m of the opinion she’s posting her claim here despite believing that it’s untrue.

      • Zimba says:

        In the real world, the cost of NOT blowing up shit in other countries sometimes far exceeds the cost of pre-emptively blowing it up.”

        Let’s just hope the folk with the Oreshniks don’t hold the same philosophy.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Why? Are you another of those who believe that they’re the only side with weapons that work?

        It’s a frequently made claim on here.

      • Zimba says:

        That’s not my point and you know it. But hey.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Sorry, Zimba, but it’s up to each poster to clearly make his or her own point.

        You shouldn’t be relying on other posters to make it for you. I’ll help out a smidge by repeating what I wrote:

        “In the real world, the cost of NOT blowing up shit in other countries sometimes far exceeds the cost of pre-emptively blowing it up.

        Not always, but sometimes. It’s in the nuances of the different scenarios that your binary assessment of universally applicable good and bad falls so dismally short”

      • Zimba says:

        Thanks Hatey. We can definitely debate how sometimes, or always, changes the calculus. But that is still not my point and of course folk (other posters) are free to make up their minds what it might have been. But I’ll make it again in the form of a question: If another power was eventually to be driven to the conclusion that we, the society in which you and me are living, were the main source of ‘all the shit in the world’, and they were to believe that sometimes the right thing to do was to blow it up, and they had the means, would you support them in their assessment of when that ‘sometimes’ might finally apply?

  21. Antoine Roquentin says:

    When too many people realise an obvious truth, the party is well-and-truly over. Too many people in their own way have now realised that elected politicians have no real power whatsoever and have become little more than the face-saving ciphers of international-finance. The toothpaste is truly out of the tube and people know that it can’t put back in again by voting for any of the political Parties on offer excepting Reform, which will become the receptacle of bitter disillusionment for many.

    • James says:

      If people are really stupid/gullible enough to vote for frog face’s ‘Reform’ party they deserve everything they get.

      Sadly the rest of us will also suffer.

    • Andy Anderson says:

      Holyrood is a colonial administration. All play the Union fiddle.

  22. George Ferguson says:

    Those little grey bits make forecasting the 2026 Scottish Parliamentary Elections difficult but Holyrood invited a sea change in direction some time ago. (10 years ago). Essentially that’s what is happening in the US. Our FM has the charisma of a Funeral Director and Starmer wouldn’t even cut it as a Funeral Director (With apologies to Funeral Directors) . The sea change started the minute Trump fairly won the US Election. Look at the consequences of his day one Executive Orders trailed during the Election campaign. An example, removal of DEI leglisation from the military has meant recruitment for the first time in years has reached its target for the coming two years. I don’t agree with all of Trumps policies but some of them are good. French and Raven (1966) outlined the basis of leadership. I can’t see any of these attributes in Holyrood. An MSP with around 5000 votes is trying to prevent a leader with 77 million votes not to visit Scotland. Time to put on the big boy pants which we haven’t done since 2014.

    • Andy Anderson says:

      Agreed. None of our Scottish politicians seems to have charisma or in many cases intelligence. Me, me, me is all they seem to understand.
      We need a strong charismatic leader who understands our Scots laws, our ancient constitution and rams it down the unions throat.
      The UK is a fictional country and a fraudulent state.

  23. Callum says:

    Reform are a Little Englander party. The fact that so many in the U.K. see Farage as a future PM may actually turn out to be the catalyst for constitutional and societal change that leads to Scottish independence.
    As for Trump he is just a grifter. He doesn’t want to put $dollars into American pockets he wants to empty them for his own benefit.

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      “As for Trump he is just a grifter. He doesn’t want to put $dollars into American pockets he wants to empty them for his own benefit”

      I believe that’s what we can call a zero-sum fallacy, Callum.

      It will be quite possible for President Trump to make himself and his mates (even more) filthy rich, and still put plenty of greenbacks into the pockets of ordinary Americans.

      Just think back to the heady days of Scotland’s Oil and the North Sea Oil bonanza.

      Hundreds of thousands of Scots did very well indeed out of that.

    • John K says:

      Do keep up Callum. Reform UK are not an English party.

      Afterthought: Strikes me that a Reform government might (granted, it’s a big might) be a viable route to discussing a route to independence if that’s what you want.
      The Uniparty (And I include SNP in that Blob) has done nothing to aid your aspirations to date.
      It’s a small chance, but it strikes me that a good case, well made, with good faith on both sides could progress the nationalist cause.
      Personally not something I’d really want to see as I’m a believer in the Union but could be worth a go.
      Or are you going to do what you’ve always done and expect a different result? 🙂
      Oh, and wipe the TDS from your mouth, it’s a bit passe…

      • Geri says:

        Reform is an English political party. They’re not registered in Scotland.
        & Do keep up, we don’t require their permission just as they didn’t from the EU. I don’t remember them having a plan.

      • John K says:

        The clue is in the name. Reform UK. They chose to register in London. And?
        Don’t be such a parochial “Little Scotlander”. 🙂 It does your cause no justice at all.
        You seem to have missed the thrust of my response (which was well meant). A divorce, a separation, a parting of ways/whatever is best done jointly and amicably.
        Like it or not the English will have a say in this (as they should). I seem to be an odd beat. I quite like the English as a whole. A pretty solid bunch, most of them I’d count as friends or, at the very least, friendly.
        Others will no doubt beg to differ, as is their right.

  24. Mark Beggan says:

    So come election time, what to do what to do…

    Constituency Vote: The Bucket of Sand.
    Regional Vote: The Bucket of Sand.

    Democracy in motion. That’s that sorted.

  25. Hatey McHateface says:

    “In fact, you – and all the other mudskulled droolwits like you – are the whole problem.”

    Rev Stu – 20 January 2025.

    He was writing about the political establishment in the UK and in Scotland.

    Or was he? I’ve just read the BTL comments through from top to bottom, and I’m no longer quite so sure.

    Maybe I’ve overlooked something, but apart from Dan (“The reason Scotland is in this continuing predicament is because it’s being constrained by far too many egocentric individuals who refuse to work with each other because they stupidly hold the opinions that no other individuals have any worth as they are perceived as not conforming to the virtually unachievable ultra high standards put in place by others”), does any other poster have any useful, usable ideas for escaping from this quagmire?

    There’s plenty of gurnin and greetin, sure, but when did that ever sort anything?

  26. Aidan says:

    The quality of the people reflects the attractiveness (or lack thereof) of the job, both in Westminster and Holyrood. It’s a badly paid, potentially insecure job. You constantly risk being monstered in the media and have people shouting at you or attacking you in the street. Unlike say the 70’s and 80’s, your colleagues will include private school student politicians who think it’s all one big joke and only really want to get on the today programme. It’s therefore very difficult to get anything done or even to get anyone to pay attention to serious issues.

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      “The quality of the people reflects the attractiveness (or lack thereof) of the job”

      Of course.

      Anybody who does have a real job or a real career, has to take time out of that to campaign and then take 5 years or 10 years away to work as an MP/MSP. They may get turfed out after only 5 years, and if they are, they will never regain that lost time in their first job/career.

      Just ask any woman who takes a few years out of her professional career to have kids. There’s virtually no way back to the same place on the ladder.

      And so, inevitably, the people who largely go in for politics are the ones who are not making a success of their real world job or career. Thus they have the least to lose.

      And thus we get MSPs who are birth mothers, and still don’t know if they are women or men.

  27. Hatey McHateface says:

    Here’s what the BBC is saying about Trump:

    “Trump, however, is the ultimate political showman. His ability to entertain is part of his power and appeal”

    As others have said, politics is show business for ugly people.

    That would seem to suggest that what Scottish politics is lacking right now, is a big personality.

    An entertainer, a story-teller, somebody that nobody can choose to ignore, because they’re always stirring things up, in one way or another.

  28. gregor says:

    US President (2025):

    “We will forge a society that is colour blind and merit based…

    I will immediately sign an executive order, to bring back freedom of speech to America…

    It will be the policy of the American government that there are only two genders – male and female”

    National Post (2024): Scotland goes from ‘lassie’ and ‘laddie’ to 24 official genders:

    “The Scottish National Party has come under fire for releasing a list of 24 genders that people can choose from…

    This comes just months after its leader, John Swinney, went on record saying that he believed there were only two genders…”:

    link to

    link to

    Scottish Government’s gender list (Note: not the complete list:)

    • George Ferguson says:

      Agreed. Especially your first 3 sentences although my favourite US Government policy decision of the day. There are only 2 genders, male and female.

      • gregor says:

        There are only 2 genders –

        Long live rational man, George…


      • Michael Laing says:

        There are multiple genders, but there are two SEXES. Sex is a biological fact. Gender is just an arbitrary invention.

      • Michael Laing says:

        There are multiple genders, but there are two SEXES. Sex is a biological fact. Gender is just an arbitrary invention.

    • gregor says:

      J.K. Rowling

      “A noisy part of the left still refuses to step outside their sex-is-a-social-construct bubble and acknowledge that their embrace of gender identity ideology has been a calamity. They were warned the right was capitalising on their betrayal of women and girls. They didn’t listen.”:

      link to

  29. Tinto Chiel says:

    We have reached the stage where politicians have stopped even pretending to represent their constituents, which should be their basic function. Instead they do as their party bosses tell them and they in turn obey the diktats of the Establishment (insert the various and extensive UK power groupings here, starting with The City, The Royal Family, the security services, the arms industry, etc, ad nauseam).

    We now enter dangerous times, where fewer and fewer people vote because they have nothing to vote for yet politicians pretend the very low levels of popular engagement still give them legitimacy and authority. That way lies increasing social unrest and authoritarian crackdown from “government”.

    I can only hope (perhaps in vain) that woke-infused Globalism and all its corrruption and perversity is on the slide (a process perhaps accelerating now by developing events across the Atlantic), has reached its peak and that people-based politics and the ordinary concerns of nations will gradually re-engage with the electorate in Scotland and in the rest of Europe.

    As things stand, our main political parties are hopelessly compromised and corrupt and simply don’t deserve our votes.

  30. 100%Yes says:

    If by magic and let’s be honest it would be magic. If the French benefits were to be removed and these benefits scroungers had to actually pay for something out of their own MSPs, MPs wage packets, watch every one of them scamper back down the Shitwhole from which they appeared.
    It’s the above reason that 1 Scotland isn’t Independent and 2 The Rag (National) exist, not for Indyref2 but to secure the SNP reign under Union Crack flag. We’ve been conned and conned big time.
    I really don’t believe the goal is to destroy the Indy anymore its more about destroying the SNP and let’s be honest unless you’re a moron like our FM, if the SNP had a dedicated Independence minded leadership the UKG would be shiting its self and if the SNP is weak and penniless and the leadership is useless its more likely to turn the public away which why the SNP leadership has been putting policies forward that no right-minded person would ever vote for, it’s all been done by design from London and with the full backing of the redcoats in the SNP.
    I joined the Alba party on day 1 and I wanted the destruction of the SNP I still do the only trouble is I was banking on the Alba party being a force and it’s not and never will be thanks to Nicola Sturgeon and her attacks on Salmond.
    I said this many times on here the Independence doesn’t have a single voice and until it does the SNP and the other Unionist parties will take no notice of Scotland.
    Honestly, I hear people say OH that individual must be blind, NAW his/her head is firmly up their arse it’s that simple. No one can spend this amount of time since 2014 and believe the SNP is the only route to Indy with the people running it or the membership who support it. It’s the same people who keep leading us up the hill and then run us down again and these are the ones making the Money out of Indyref2 so why would they want the Union to end.
    I’m going to tell everyone on here who we should nominate to run the Indy movement Leah Gunn Barrett, she intelligent and determined and most importantly trustworthy, she the only person who is actively doing something positive and not just talking about it in order to make a bit more money for the pension pot.
    The SNP has proven since 2014 that it can’t delivery 1 single thing and it never will.

    • Andy Anderson says:

      Leah is excellent as is the Salvo Liberation campaign

      • Campbell Clansman says:

        There IS a “Salvo Liberation campaign?”
        Who knew?
        Reality: The Salvo website blog hasn’t had a new entry since April of 2023–over a year and a half ago. Just one example of how moribund the “campaign” is.

  31. yoon scum says:

    I think that we are heading towards crushing recession

    massive unemployment

    people starving in the street

    a total collapse of the welfare state

    Which will mean people in scotland will vote to end the union as they will be utterly desperate

    Which will solve none of those issues but the Nets will get a flag to wave so they won’t care

    • James says:

      You’ve got the right moniker, at least.

    • Geri says:

      You’re in charge of the Union. Just look at the shit mess you’ve made of it. Typical yoon, it’s always someone else’s fault.

      It will solve all of our problems ditching the failed neighbour & britnats.

      How many failed PMs are we up to now?

      • yoon scum says:

        yeah as Brexit worked so well

        Which was exactly the same message

        leave a union and everything will be wonderful

      • James says:

        More Scots voted to leave the ‘UK’ than voted to leave the EU. Go figure, brains.

        The EU won’t steal our resources or force the largest stockpile of nuclear warheads in Europe to be sited 30 miles from our largest city.
        (I’m for EFTA btw).

      • yoon scum says:

        Ask Greece how much the EU cares

        And you voted to leave the EU when you voted YES in 2014

        Or are you taking the line of the leave campaign that they need us more then we need them nd they will beg for a deal

        How well did that go?

      • Geri says:

        No, it really isn’t. We don’t send our resources to the EU for free & they don’t give us back some peanuts & a note..

    • Young Lochinvar says:

      4th raters have always secured English support before shouting their spite up here..

      • yoon scum says:

        always mentioning the english

        you do know that’s why I think you’re driven by anglophobia

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        No shit, Sherlock!

        So the “secret” is out.

        By far the most interesting aspect of this wacist tic is the automatic association of Yoonery with Englishness.

        But at least that allows for a good joke.

        Q: When is a Sovereign Scot not Sovereign?

        A: When she supports the Union, or casts any doubt whatsoever on the competence and probity of some of the less likeable supporters of Indy.

        The logic goes in the following circle. All Scots are Sovereign, so how do we cope with non-Indy supporting Sovereign Scots? We unilaterally declare them to be English and hey presto! Now all Sovereign Scots support Indy, and in actual fact, we are Independent already because no Sovereign Scots could ever have supported the Union.

        TBQFH, I see the attraction of this kind of lazy thinking. It sure beats having to do difficult grown up stuff like establish a sound economic footing for an aspirational first-world economy.

        Good point about Brexit too. Eternally bleetin about leaving one political and economic union is not a good look from the supporters of leaving another political and economic union.

        But some people just can’t be told anything.

      • Xaracen says:

        It’s not anglophobia, it’s anglo-government phobia.

      • Geri says:

        The English vote in English arseholes. You may wish to have a word & the union maybe wouldn’t be in the shite it’s in.

        You lot have had over 300 yrs to try at least to make a good impression FFS!

        Instead you lot vote for racists & bigots. One proudly republishing a poem about verminous Scots. Just as that fat bloke called Indians a beastly race – so you may wanna pipe down trying to play the victim card…

      • yoon scum says:

        Did you actually read the post above?

        The majority of the English you hate

        Also hate the idiots in Westminster

      • Young Lochinvar says:


        When exactly diddums did I last mention the English before that post?

        Anyway; liberate Berwick on Tweed!!!

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Still waiting for a meaningful factual reply yoon (or is it scum!).

        Heck I don’t know but you sound well odd; one of dear darling Starmers bedroom boys are you by any chance?

        Just asking..

  32. PacMan says:

    I see that Trump has just created DOGE through an executive order and it has already had lawsuits made it against. This is an example of the checks and balances that is in place of the Republic system that is the American system of governments.

    Lets hope Trumps executive order concerning gender is able to get through without being watered down or stuck in the courts for a long period.

    • gregor says:


      “Section 1. PurposeThe United States noticed its withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2020 due to the organization’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic that arose out of Wuhan, China, and other global health crises, its failure to adopt urgently needed reforms, and its inability to demonstrate independence from the inappropriate political influence of WHO member states.”:

      link to

      World Economic Forum and UN Sign Strategic Partnership Framework (2019):

      “…signed in a meeting held at United Nations headquarters between UN Secretary-General António Guterres and World Economic Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda…”:

      link to

      WHO: Improving LGBTIQ+ health and well-being…:

      “WHO’s support to countries is founded on the fundamental human rights principle that all persons should have access to health services without discrimination. The adoption of the 2030 Agenda…”:–being-with-consideration-for-sogiesc

      World Economic Forum: WHO:

      link to

      World Economic Forum: Agenda Contributor:

      Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO):
      link to

    • gregor says:

      The White House (2025):

      “Section 1. PurposeThe United States noticed its withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2020 due to the organization’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic that arose out of Wuhan, China, and other global health crises, its failure to adopt urgently needed reforms, and its inability to demonstrate independence from the inappropriate political influence of WHO member states.”:

      link to

      • gregor says:

        World Economic Forum and UN Sign Strategic Partnership Framework (2019):
        “…signed in a meeting held at United Nations headquarters between UN Secretary-General António Guterres and World Economic Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda…”:

        link to

        WHO: Improving LGBTIQ+ health and well-being:
        “WHO’s support to countries is founded on the fundamental human rights principle that all persons should have access to health services without discrimination. The adoption of the 2030 Agenda…”:

        link to

        World Economic Forum: Agenda Contributor:

        Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO):

        link to

  33. George Ferguson says:

    Well that was an interesting day. Sir Keir Starmer is addressing the Nation at 08 30 am. Relaunch of the Labour Government mark 5. Give it up son of a toolmaker helpfully promoted by the BBC.

  34. Martin says:

    Can Trump stand in the Scottish elections?

    • robertkknight says:

      Scotland has more than its fair share of arsehole politicians.

      We neither want nor need any more, thanks.

      • Duncan Strachan says:

        Agreed Robert. Unfortunately Orange tanned Scottish so-called politicians will be de-riguer shortly. They must think of their futures.

  35. gregor says:

    BBC (2025): Elon Musk’s gesture at Trump rally draws scrutiny:
    “Several users on X, the social medial platform he owns, have likened the gesture to a Nazi salute.”:

    link to

    link to

    Time (2021): How a White-Supremacist Militia Uses Facebook to Radicalize and Train New Members:

    “…made no secret of his neo-Nazi politics. Within the global network of far-right extremists, he served as a point of contact to the Azov movement, the Ukrainian militant group that has trained and inspired white supremacists from around the world,”:

    link to

    link to

    • gregor says:

      BBC (2025): Far-right group exposed in undercover BBC investigation:

      “A far-right organisation should be banned and some members investigated by police, the BBC has been told…

      Former Counter-Extremism Commissioner Dame Sara Khan believes the UK government should urgently change the law to make groups like Patriotic Alternative illegal.

      Barrister Ramya Nagesh watched some of the footage and said: “There’s more than enough evidence for the police to investigate and refer to the Crown Prosecution Service.”,,,”:

      link to

      link to

      #UKGovAzov #BBCAzov #CPSAzov

      • gregor says:

        BBC (2025): Starmer says ‘terrorism has changed’ and that UK faces ‘new threat’:
        “He says the threat comes from “extreme violence carried out by loners, misfits, young men in their bedrooms””:

        link to

        UN: Conventional Terrorist Weapons:
        “Terrorists use both explosive bombings and incendiary bombings (e.g. Molotov cocktails)…

        Bombs and Other Explosives:
        IEDs have a main charge, which is attached to a fuse. The fuse is attached to a trigger. In some types of IEDs, these three components are almost integrated into a single whole. The trigger is the part which activates the fuse. The fuse ignites the charge, causing the explosion. The explosion consists of a violent pulse of blast and shock waves…

        Examples of IEDs: Molotov Cocktail“:

        link to


        Where to throw a Molotov cocktail. Guide for U***inian volunteers K**v shows weak spots in R***ian armour, viewing hatches and air inlets.”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Crown Prosecution Service: Legal Guidance:

        Violent crime, Terrorism: Explosives:

        “The court in R v Bouch [1982] 3 WLR 673 confirmed that a petrol bomb (a bottle containing petrol with a wick) was an explosive substance.”:

        link to

        What is corrupt CPS rogue doing about violent BBC extremist and its social media guide (directions) – for volunteers ?

        NOTHING #Consequences

    • gregor says:

      BBC (2025): Musk responds to backlash over gesture at Trump rally:

      “Elon Musk has caused outrage over a one-armed gesture he gave during a speech celebrating the inauguration of Donald Trump…

      In response, Musk posted on X: “Frankly, they need better dirty tricks. The ‘everyone is Hitler’ attack is sooo tired.”…

      The gesture comes as Musk’s politics have increasingly shifted to the right. He has made recent statements in support of Germany’s far-right AfD party and British anti-immigration party Reform UK.”:

      link to

      link to


      • Campbell Clansman says:

        Funny thing–Musk was the darling of the Leftist media–until he started moving away from his former Leftism.

      • gregor says:

        Funnily enough – same could be said for J.K. Rowling (et al)…

        link to

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Ah well, who knows, give him a break.

        As we used to joke asking the local Germans back in the day (70s/80s);
        “Wie hocht liege der schnee?” (How high is the snow) they would snap to attention and respond with an arm gesture;
        “So hoch!” (this high)..

        Maybe Musk is a weather watcher..

  36. Mia says:

    The UK is not a democracy. It is a “parliamentary democracy”. In other words, it does not matter what the people vote for; the only thing that matters is what those sitting in parliament vote for.

    The problem with this is that those sitting in parliament can be easily bribed, lobbied or whipped by their own parties to vote for something which could just be the precise opposite of what the people voted the party for.

    We have seen this, not only among the traditional arms of the political state (tories, labours and libdems). We have already seen the SNP also betraying us time and time again for the last 10 years, both, in terms of how pursuing independence has been abandoned and our democratic mandates for a referendum deliberately frustrated, and also the way women have been sidelined with the gender nonsense. At no point the people of Scotland asked for that.

    Actually, the abuse is so huge that now ruling elites, not satisfied with having already absolute control over the useful idiots that pass for “MPs”, have now proceeded to completely obliterate the internal democratic structures of political parties to completely usurp control of the membership over the leadership. In other words, we now have a double hollow: hollow parliament and hollow political parties. So what it is exactly that we are electing? Are we even electing anything at all?

    Observation of political and parliamentary structures for the last 10 years show us that we are just asked to cast our votes to legitimise a wholly undemocratic system that uses our elected MPs as a tool to pass laws against the interests of the people at large.

    This is mirrored in the political parties. Take the SNP for example. The membership can no longer elect or evict the leadership. When was the membership of the SNP asked if they wanted Swinney as leader? And worse, it can no longer decide what policies that leadership pursues. In other words, the membership is only there to provide cash for that leadership to dispense as they see fit, and to legitimise the choices of that leadership (often against the choices of the membership itself) as “party policy”. The membership is only there to give the illusion that the entity they are part of is a political party rather than other entity’s infiltrated tool to restrain the membership interest from within.

    So control of that infiltrated leadership can only come from outside, for example by withdrawing our vote.

    We do no longer have a government, a parliament or even political parties. What we have is a bunch of useful idiots controlled by, either narcissistic arseholes, aristocrats, corporations or elements of other countries’ deep state.

    So what are the conclusions for this?

    First, that the people of Scotland will never achieve what they want by relying on “Scotland’s” MPs, or heaven forbid, MSPs.

    Second, that by continuing to preserve the current structures and the current “(fake)democratic” process we are simply shooting ourselves in the foot. We are going nowhere and will never go anywhere. Therefore we either bring the whole rotten system down, or we bypass it.

    The following quotes were extracted from the written evidence submitted by Baroness Helena Kennedy and Mr Aarif Abraham to the
    House of Lords Constitution Committee for the
    “Inquiry into the Future Governance of the UK” This evidence was written on 08/05/2021 and published in the House of Lords website on 19/05/2021.

    For those who constantly demand quotes from somebody of authority to back one’s argument, how about this:

    Baroness Helena Kennedy was at the time a Member of the House of Lords and Barrister at International Bar Association and Doughty Street Chambers; Mr Aarif Abraham was at the time a Barrister and Acting Director at Garden Court North Chambers and Accountability Unit.

    Their whole submission is most interesting, but I have selected these three quotes because they are related to the matter at discussion, which is general discontent with the system and the lack of democracy.

    “Britain’s dominant political party can change the constitution with great ease if it so wishes, and they often do to cement party advantage. But we are, arguably, witnessing unconstrained change, at a frenetic pace, that challenges the constitutional
    underpinnings of the Union. The contestation over the judiciary and human rights provides an instructive example.”

    “There is a clear need for something other than the status quo to address constitutional issues in Britain outside the day-to-day of parliamentary politics. The classic British fudge, muddling through with partisan, ad hoc, changes to its constitution are not sustainable”

    “The underlying constitutional issues have precipitated many crises and have caused: attacks on judges by the media and the executive; unilateral calls for secession; and a political culture which is becoming increasingly divisive due to elite-led narratives.”

    “The executive, whether current or past, has failed to understand the significance of fundamental unwritten rules and practices and the consequences of abandoning them for short-term political gain. With a
    rise of nationalism, different political parties, have precipitated centrifugal and centripetal forces which wrestle with secession from the Union, or, on the contrary, further centralisation”

    “In Britain, it is evident that piecemeal and partisan constitutional changes and the use of modes of decision making that are outside the accepted rules and norms (through binary referenda or non-adherence to conventions, codes, and practices) has had a corrosive effect on the institutions of parliamentary democracy”

    “Parliamentary democracy is predicated on representative institutions rather than mechanisms of direct democracy. It is evident that there is a need for inclusive, participatory and deliberative processes to reform aspects of the British constitution so that
    a fairer settlement can be achieved to address disparities in: wealth and regional equality;
    the equality of the four nations; the application of human rights and the international norms
    thereof; and the representation of the people in Parliament. ”


    The evidence from which those quotes was extracted was submitted in May 2021. It is almost four years on and, has anything at all changed since then?

    That will be a strong no. If anything it has become worse an democracy is even more deteriorated. Things will continue to be as bad if not worse 20 years from now because, the more the elites get away with, the more they will want to get away with.

    If we want change it will have to be us who effect change. A decrease in turnout until it becomes ridiculous might just be the easiest tool we currently have on hand until a proper independence party standing on a mandate to restore Scotland’s parliament and revoking the treaty.

    If we do not vote, we cannot be accused of supporting this flawed wholly undemocratic system. A system which abuses our votes to legitimise the work behind the scenes by lobbyists, infiltrated MI5 candidates as party leaders, aristocrats, tax dodgers or foreign countries’ deep state apparatus deployed to the UK to force UK politics in a direction that favours the interests of those foreign deep states.

    • Nae need! says:

      Absolutely. I suggest a 3rd hollow: many of our politicians are themselves hollowed out people. They do not lead authentic lifes. You can see it in their eyes. Empty.

    • Vivian O’Blivion says:

      A tour de force.
      “If you do not play you cannot loose.” Marla Daniels, The Wire (S1, Ep2).

      My theories on the identity of the “other entities” that control the theatre that passes for democracy are known. There are precious few oligarchs in the UK. Radcliffe and Dyson try to interfere from time to time, but both are resident overseas for tax purposes. The Hinduja brothers are more concerned with their interests in India. Same applies to N. R. Narayana Murthy (father in law to Rishi Sunak).

      That leaves Thames House and Vauxhall Cross. We are by a process of elimination, living in a Spookocracy.

    • Xaracen says:

      I’d put it as; the UK is not a popular democracy, it is only a parliamentary democracy, and a bogus one at that.

      That this is clearly so is demonstrated by the fact that all of the decisions of legislative power in WM are determined by seat majorities alone, and never determined by the voters which elected the MPs sitting in those seats. There is no formal obligation on MPs to actually represent and implement the mandates their voters give them, nor on parties or their governments to follow through on their published mandates. 

      Worse, those seat majorities exert WM’s alleged parliamentary sovereignty, which pretends that WM’s authority is supreme over the entire UK. That stance has no formal provenance at all, given the still extant sovereignty of Scotland and its Treaty-guaranteed constitution.

      Even worse, England’s seats are deemed to take precedence over Scotland’s seats simply because they vastly outnumber them, and can and frequently do outvote them in a flat vote scenario. But, absent any formal constitutional agreement between the two kingdoms for such an arrangement, and given Scotland’s own sovereignty, England’s seats can have no legitimate authority at all over Scotland, and therefore can have none over Scotland’s seats. Since that formal agreement doesn’t exist, ‘simply outvoting’ the Scottish seats is also bogus, the flat vote scenario being patently inappropriate for the Union’s two sovereignties.

      WM’s seat majorities are essentially divorced not only from their electorates, but also from the two sovereign kingdoms its seats are formally required to represent. Thus WM’s claims to both democracy and sovereignty are unsubstantiated and thoroughly unconstitutional.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “WM’s claims to both democracy and sovereignty are unsubstantiated and thoroughly unconstitutional”

        Yet just about everybody has been going along with it for around 300 years.

        And even you have no interest in undoing or reversing any of the “unconstitutional” WM legislation you agree with.

        It’s just the one or two bits you disagree with that you have in your sights.

        I’m sorry, Xaracen, but you’re performing the 21st century equivalent of arguing heatedly over the precise number of angels who can dance on the point of a pin.

        Your arguments are every bit as divorced from reality as that famous ecclesiastical conundrum.

      • Xaracen says:

        Is that all you’ve got, Hatey? I’m disappointed. I note you made no attempt to address, let alone refute, anything I said, you just blustered your usual smug put-downs.

        Fundamentally, it is axiomatic in any formal union of two literally sovereign entities, that neither is inherently subordinate to the other, thus requiring that all decisions made between them within their union be agreed by both entities. That can include an agreement that one of those sovereigns in particular does get to overrule the other, at least on some matters, if both formally agreed to that arrangement in the first place.

        I submit that in the case of the Union of Great Britain, lacking a clear agreement for asymmetric sovereignty in England’s favour, all decisions in the Union’s parliament from 1707 onwards required by default to be union-quorate, to coin a term. That is, all decisions in the Union’s parliament require the formal approval by separate majorities of both of the two kingdoms’ representative MP bodies. The only legitimate unilateral decision either body can make is the decision to end the agreement and end the Union.

        Your task, Hatey, is to demonstrate that in the Union of Scotland with England, there is indeed an actual formal written agreement between the two sovereign kingdoms that the Scottish sovereign half of the Union must defer its representatives’ majority decisions to the majority decisions of the representatives of the English half of the Union.

    • twathater says:

      Nailed it Mia but no doubt we will have the cringers and yoonatics moonhowling about stupid are the Scots to have kept voting for the poisoned dwarf and her cabal of deviants and perverts , absolutely refusing to recognise that they are in the same bucket of shite that we are
      At least lots of people are beginning to realise that no matter who they vote for WE are all fucked unless we can rid ourselves of these bogus parties and their lying corrupt politicians
      Unfortunately Scots still have imbeciles that will vote for the fake snp independence party and the engerlish will vote for Boris and farage because they don’t believe in social benefits or a caring equal society

  37. Mark Beggan says:

    The Power companies are the Governments weapon to keep the plebs in line.

  38. Mark Beggan says:

    Sturgeon is a little girl who has gone and got herself into a whole adult world of trouble. What has the little girl gone and done.

  39. Willie says:

    Maybe Trump will take an interest in Scotland. At the stroke of a presidential pen he could change the landscape of Scotland.

    His detestation for Starmer is profound. Starmer and his elites tried to stuff Trump and Trump will not forget. He could certainly play politics big time and tickle Starmer supporting the birth country of his mother Mary MacLeod.

    Of course Swinney, like Starmerhis soul mate, are big shots that can kick the USA president ass. They can make an enemy of him.

    • Alf Baird says:

      Yes Willie, A Scotsman yesterday liberated America from its out of control woke elite neo-imperialist oppressor and who would bet against him ending our colonial status! Certainly a lot more chance of President Trump liberating us Scots than thay daeless eejits in the SNP.

      And as is our tradition, if he braks oor colonial chains we should offer him oor vacant croun an aw.

    • gregor says:

      Donald J. Trump
      @realDonaldTrump (2014):

      “Good luck to the people of Scotland, whatever their decision may be on Thursday. The whole world is watching—really exciting!”:

      link to

      link to

  40. gregor says:

    The Fraud (2025): SNP hiring new chief executive ahead of 2026 election:

    “The party has advertised the role on LinkedIn and said the SNP are looking for a leader with ‘integrity and influence’ to fill the role…

    The role is currently being filled on an interim basis by Carol Beattie, the former chief executive of Stirling Council…

    Peter Murrell held the position between 1999 and 2023 when he quit after taking responsibility for giving wrong information to the public and the media about party membership numbers.

    He was later arrested and charged with embezzlement.”:

    link to

    link to

    • gregor says:

      Accountable2You: What Is Integrity?

      “A person of integrity displays a principled dedication to values and beliefs. They always seek to reflect ethical standards and do the right thing regardless of the circumstances….

      The convictions of a person of integrity determine what they will say and do at any given time. They intentionally direct their conduct according to their understanding of what is right and wrong. Authenticity marks the heart of integrity. Their internal character remains consistent…

      Integrity includes the quality of being honest, but honesty does not always demonstrate integrity. The difference is the inner commitment to being trustworthy and communicating the truth without deception. An integrated person lives without duplicity and hypocrisy

      Why Is Integrity Important?
      Living a life of integrity is important for several reasons. Your conduct reflects your character and builds your reputation. Integrity inhibits moral failure due to compromise or cheating. It shows that you have nothing to hide“:

      link to

      • gregor says:

        BBC (2025): Gray apologises over football match meetings:

        “Health Secretary Neil Gray has apologised for “inadvertently” misleading MSPs over the documentation of meetings at football matches he attended.

        Opposition parties accused the SNP minister of making a false statement… following a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, a Sunday newspaper was told by the government there was no note produced of the meeting at the 2023 league cup final at Hampden Park….

        …Gray apologised for giving the impression of “acting more as a fan and less as a minister” after using ministerial cars to attend four Aberdeen games. He described all the engagements as “official ministerial business” but said he should have “attended a wider range” of matches…

        Under Holyrood’s standing orders, parliamentarians have 20 days to make corrections to the official report.
        Gray said that deadline had “unfortunately” passed…

        Gray was joined by a family member or guest at six of the football matches.
        He said that they travelled with him but at no additional cost to the taxpayer.

        First Minister John Swinney has said he considers the matter “closed”.”:

        link to

        link to

  41. gregor says:

    BBC (2025): U***ine’s chief army psychiatrist arrested on $1m corruption charge:

    “The SBU statement did not name him – however, a man called Oleh Druz was previously identified as the U***inian Armed Forces’ chief psychiatrist.

    The SBU said he owned three apartments in or near K**v, one in O**sa, two plots of land and several BMW luxury cars, and investigators searching his home also found $152,000 (£124,000) and €34,000 in cash.

    The statement said the man did not declare the property, which was registered in the name of his wife, daughter, sons, and other third parties.

    He now faces ten years in jail for the alleged charges of illegal enrichment and making a false declaration.

    Druz was implicated in a similar case in 2017 which saw him fail to declare two SUVs and several properties, leading him to be suspended.

    U***ine has long battled endemic corruption.”:

    link to

    link to

    • gregor says:

      Ministry of Butt-Plugs

      “We see you, we know what you’re doing and we will not shy away from robust action to protect this country.

      @royalNavy vessels have been tracking a R***ian spy ship in the English Channel just weeks after it was caught loitering over critical undersea infrastructure.”:

      link to

      The Guardian (2013): GCHQ taps fibre-optic cables for secret access to world’s communications:

      “Britain’s spy agency GCHQ has secretly gained access to the network of cables which carry the world’s phone calls and internet traffic and has started to process vast streams of sensitive personal information which it is sharing with its American partner, the National Security Agency (NSA).

      The sheer scale of the agency’s ambition is reflected in the titles of its two principal components: Mastering the Internet and Global Telecoms Exploitation…

      “It’s not just a US problem. The UK has a huge dog in this fight,” Snowden told the Guardian. “They [GCHQ] are worse than the US.”…

      Britain’s technical capacity to tap into the cables that carry the world’s communications – referred to in the documents as special source exploitation – has made GCHQ an intelligence superpower…”:

      link to


      • gregor says:

        BBC (2025) has kindly provided a cable sample:

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        I could have got you a cable sample this morning, but I flushed.

        Just say the word, gregor. Tomorrow’s looking good 🙂

      • gregor says:

        I’m more interested in BBC’s cable source, McTurd –

        However, I found this especially for you:

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Too late again, gregor.

        I already flushed today’s effort.

        Try getting out of yer pit a smidge earlier the morn.

  42. gregor says:

    The Fraud (2025): How will bequests have helped the SNP’s finances by millions:

    “The SNP have received millions in will bequests, with many members taking their independence support “one step further”…

    Three individuals donated more than £200,000 to the SNP, with the total of donations coming to £682,220.07. South-African born Estelle Brownrigg, who left a lump sum to the party…

    The first major legacy to the party that I recall came from Walter Paterson Neill, who left us his farm.
    The proceeds from its sale enabled the purchase of 6 North Charlotte Street, Edinburgh as Party HQ…

    A ‘Will for Independence‘ WATT later explained in the article “how to make a ‘will for independence‘…

    A residuary gift allows you to leave either part or all of the balance (or ‘residue”) of your estate to the SNP“:

    link to

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      A back-room group will already be working on the most acceptable way to combine the “Will For Independence” process with the “Assisted Euthanasia” process.

      A streamlined application, with seamless integration to deal with the necessary bureaucracy quickly and efficiently, will be the end goal.

      Of course, I’m just making this up, and perhaps the SNP cadre at WM have already announced their implacable and adamantine hostility to Labour’s new-found enthusiasm for killing off the kind of people who traditionally never vote for them.

      If so, I hope somebody will post a correction on here.

      Alas, the way I see it, as it’s our Scottish elderly who are most likely to be Tories and Yoons, the SNP will be just as happy to see them prematurely killed off as Labour.

      And as it’s ultimately all about saving the NHS, and we have our own SNHS which is solely the responsibility of the SNP now, as they have been running it for so long, what better way to save the SNHS than by eliminating all the awkward, needy SOB’s who are clogging it up, extending the waiting lists, and making the politicians look bad?

      It’s not the solution Beveridge would have favoured, but heck, maybe he just never thought it all through.

  43. Hatey McHateface says:

    Andrew Liddle writing in Unherd on the possibility of an SNP-Labour governing coalition in HR after the 2026 election:

    “the political reality makes such a coalition between the SNP and Labour impossible”

    Hmmm. I think that’s what’s called a hostage to fortune.

    Or, putting it more bluntly, mince.

  44. gregor says:

    Billy Bragg:

    “Zuckerberg’s ‘masculine energy’ got its first win with Trump declaring there are only two genders. This agenda will see laws passed to force gays back into the closet and women back into the kitchen. Our trans siblings are in the front line of this fight, so now more than ever.”:

    link to

  45. gregor says:

    The Fraud (2025): John Swinney addresses Government’s Elon Musk links after Nazi salute:

    “John Swinney has said that Elon Musk’s politics must be separated from his businesses after the world’s richest man gave several “Nazi salutes” on stage at Donald Trump’s inauguration…

    Musk, who runs firms which the Scottish Government uses such as Tesla and Starlink, has also supported neo-Nazis in Germany and is reportedly funding far-right agitator Tommy Robinson…

    …the SNP leader went on: “You know that I am wholly and unreservedly concerned about anything that fuels the growth and the development of the far-right. Indeed, I’ve spent my political lifetime resisting the pressure of the far-right... be assured also that we won’t have any truck with anyone supporting or encouraging any far-right thinking within Scotland.”…

    Meanwhile, Swinney was also pressed on his Health Secretary Neil Gray, who was forced to apologise for a second time over meetings he had at football matches…

    Asked if he has confidence in Gray, the First Minister said: “Yes.”…”:

    link to

    link to

    • gregor says:

      The SNP

      “We need people to come here—to live, work, and thrive. Migration isn’t just welcome; it’s essential for tax revenue, public services, and business success…”:

      link to

      • gregor says:

        Daily Record (2025): Former Scottish Secretary promises to write about meeting Donald Trump following Sturgeon snub:

        “The American snubbed Nicola Sturgeon and met no members of the Scottish Government. The then-first minister denied she had refused to meet him…”:

        link to

        Nicola Sturgeon, quotes:

        You’ll be glad to know I hope and expect … that the travel plan that he (re. President Trump) immediately has is to exit the White House…”:

    • gregor says:

      Yes, Alan:


      • gregor says:

        BBC (2025): Sneaky Britain? How our moral compasses are changing:

        “The UK, it appears, can’t get enough of betrayal, backstabbing and all-out duplicity. The first episode of the latest series of The Tr***ors – the finale of which airs on Friday – has been has been watched by over 10m viewers to date…

        Dr Shepherd speculates that social media may have had a role in encouraging toxic behaviour, offline. But in his view that is not the only factor.

        “Look at the bad behaviour of some corporations. Look at the bad behaviour of our politicians, even sports people – and how those behaviours are lauded in certain circles.”

        Wilf Webster agrees. “Years ago, we’d look up to politicians,” he says. But high-profile scandals have, in his view, led more people to conclude “if they’re doing it, I’m doing it too.”…”:

        link to

        link to

      • gregor says:

        The Herald (2025): The great SNP ferry scandal has a long, long way yet to run:

        “For anyone who thinks a line was drawn under the great SNP ferry scandal with the Glen Sannox finally making it into service, that Valdivia option is just one reminder of why this saga has a long way to run, with implications and costs that coastal communities will still be paying for, long after John Swinney has retreated to his armchair…

        It is exactly the kind of job the Ferguson shipyard at Port Glasgow is more than capable of delivering…

        At minimum, Ardrossan has been condemned to several years in the wilderness and that whole decade-long process has been contemptible to observe.

        There has been a string of transport ministers in the intervening period, each more useless than the one before. Not one of them, far less the civil servants who pull their strings, have paid any price for these continuing follies. It is coastal communities that will continue to suffer…”:

        link to

        link to

    • gregor says:

      The Activist (2025): ‘Watching the second inauguration of Donald Trump, it was hard not to be overcome by a sinking feeling’:

      “This week has not been a good week for optimism. Watching the second inauguration of Donald Trump, where he was flanked by some of the world’s richest billionaires, it was hard not to be overcome by a sinking feeling…

      The first executive orders of Trump’s second term mean that the US will leave the World Health Organisation; numerous LGBT+ and race equality orders from Joe Biden’s presidency will be scrapped; and around 1500 people convicted in connection with the riot at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, will be pardoned…

      One of the most important ways that we can make a direct and immediate difference is by supporting the community groups and organisations

      In every nook and cranny of the country, you can find groups of people who are committed to providing others with much-needed practical, financial and emotional support,..

      By donating your own time or money to any one of these groups – whatever you are able to give – you can contribute to the creation of better community spaces and support networks.”:

      link to

      link to

  46. gregor says:

    Fox News: Trump tells World Economic Forum he ended Biden green policies:

    link to

    #NetZeroCancelled #WEFSacked

    • gregor says:

      Trump Orders Release of JFK, RFK, MLK Assassination Files:

      link to


      • gregor says:

        CNN (2025): Trump has pulled Fauci’s security detail, source says:

        “President Donald Trump has terminated Dr. Anthony Fauci’s security detail that was being provided and paid for by the National Institutes of Health…

        “I think you know, when you work for government … at some point, your security detail comes off, and you know, you can’t have them forever,” Trump said Friday in North Carolina, where he was touring storm damage…”:

        link to

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Elon Musk:

        “Would be helpful to understand exactly what crimes we are talking about here”:

        link to


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    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““Your interpretation does not mesh with reality, Xaracen” Actually, Hatey, it is YOUR interpretation the one that does not mesh…Mar 14, 08:32
    • Vivian O’Blivion on Signal and noise: “Former MP for Glasgow South, Stewart McDonald delivers his hagiography for Saint Nicola of Brigadoom. “… preeminent electoral juggernaut”, aye,…Mar 14, 08:26
    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““We voted Remain by 62% on a turnout of 67.2%. By the inexorable laws of maths, we can all see…Mar 14, 08:05
    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “@Xaracen – again the problem is that your reasoning is largely circular, in that you use the conclusion as justifying…Mar 14, 07:42
    • Tinto Chiel on Off-topic: ““Says it all about him, doesn’t it.” Yes, sarah, Swinney the Incredible Husk, the New Toom Tabard, etc. etc. Other…Mar 14, 07:38
    • Hatey McHateface on The tint of rose: “Your interpretation does not mesh with reality, Xaracen. In reality, if the vote was intended to separately determine the fates…Mar 14, 06:37
    • sarah on Off-topic: “I gave that slogan to Swinney during the general election when he visited a nearby heritage site that was central…Mar 13, 23:24
    • sarah on The tint of rose: “@ Mia at 7.30 p.m. Very well explained, Mia – comprehensible to the meanest understanding, one would think.Mar 13, 23:13
    • Xaracen on The tint of rose: “Hatey said; “We voted Remain by 62% on a turnout of 67.2%. By the inexorable laws of maths, we can…Mar 13, 22:58
    • Tinto Chiel on Off-topic: “Stuart McHardy cuts through the crap re The Jacobites: Remember history is usually written by the victors unless the…Mar 13, 21:18
    • Hatey McHateface on The tint of rose: “Boo hoo, Mia gurnin aboot being “forced oot o the EU agin oor will” again. Hindsight is, of course, a…Mar 13, 20:38
    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““I cannot see anything which would suggest that the treaty intended to retain two separate sovereign states with their respective…Mar 13, 19:30
    • Hatey McHateface on Signal and noise: ““she hates the English with a venom” Are you sure? Has she tried to get them jailed on trumped-up sexual…Mar 13, 18:52
    • Hatey McHateface on Signal and noise: “Good point, Lorn. Still, part of living your best trans life requires somebody to take a (hopefully sharp) knife to…Mar 13, 18:47
    • agent x on Signal and noise: ““what are the odds on Sturgeon running for MP in the UK Parliament at the next opportunity?” Zero chance -…Mar 13, 18:31
    • diabloandco on Signal and noise: “Oops! Sorry Rev!Mar 13, 18:10
    • agent x on Signal and noise: “Eric Trump at Bute House with Swinney today.Mar 13, 17:11
    • sarah on Signal and noise: “Nothing is happening politically – not for independence nor as competent government. Holyrood currently is a toxic puddle – gone…Mar 13, 17:00
    • diabloandco on Signal and noise: “He had a more black and white view of diversity.Mar 13, 16:26
    • diabloandco on Signal and noise: “He had a more black and white view of diversity.Mar 13, 16:21
    • Xaracen on The tint of rose: “Aidan said: “in context of over 300 years of union governance, I think we have to see the fundamental principles…Mar 13, 16:12
    • Sven on Signal and noise: “Charles (non R one) My money would still be on her looking for a post with the EU or UN.…Mar 13, 15:55
    • TURABDIN on Signal and noise: “Signals & Noises in a land far, far away….. RWANDA, new «enriched» kid, thanx2UK, on the neo imperalist block……Mar 13, 15:24
    • John McGregor on Signal and noise: “Ave no priblem way men dressing as womem but as long as they have awe their bits they are MEN…Mar 13, 15:04
    • Charles (not the R one) on Signal and noise: “Don’t forget this – the only reason the SNP is able to behave like this, is because so many Scottish…Mar 13, 14:58
    • willie on Signal and noise: “Why should we worry about the country that Scotland has become. We allowed it to happen. Economic stagnation over the…Mar 13, 13:37
    • Lorn on Signal and noise: “Well, Hatey, you are going to have to explain that one to the four (at the last count) ‘men’ who…Mar 13, 12:54
    • Aidan on Signal and noise: “In another turn of events Sarah is partially right and Stuart is partially wrong. Designation as a non-self governing territory…Mar 13, 12:29
    • Marie on Signal and noise: “I agree but we need to fight for Scotland’s historical legacy as an epicentre of enlightened thinking. Political parties that…Mar 13, 11:13
    • diabloandco on Signal and noise: “I used to be proud of Scotland but now I see it as a land of misogyny, perverted beyond belief…Mar 13, 09:43
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