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Wings Over Scotland

The death wish

Posted on January 31, 2021 by

So we’ve just heard some news hot from the SNP’s controversial special NEC meeting which took place this afternoon.

We don’t yet know what happened regarding the supposed definition of transphobia – our source thinks that it may have been postponed due to not being able to get the required 2/3 vote for an emergency agenda item.

But we know that something even madder DID happen.

The meeting debated a proposal whereby the SNP’s eight regional lists for the May election would all have either a BAME candidate or a disabled candidate placed in the top spot – four regions getting a BAME person, four getting a disabled one.

Numerous figures from the party’s hyper-intolerant woke wing have been suddenly announcing newly-declared disabilities in preparation, including celebrated women’s toilet enthusiast Josh Mennie, because since November’s NEC election they’ve known that they wouldn’t have a hope of coming top in a fair fight.

Ultra-woke transactivist Emma Harper is also thought to be planning to contest the top spot in South Scotland (allocated to disabled candidates) on the basis of her diabetes, in a fairly transparent attempt to oust feminist MSP Joan McAlpine. We also expect another superwoke transactivist, Emma Roddick – recently seen planning for a retrospective witch-hunt against ex-party “TERFs” – to try for the Highlands & Islands list, where there’s a realistic chance of the SNP getting one seat, on the grounds of [EDIT 10.50pm: borderline personality disorder].

Disabled status will be by self-identification with no checks being carried out, and will include conditions like asthma and depression and probably gluten intolerance. We don’t yet know if any of the Twitler Youth have decided to identify as black.

This was a much-disputed plan, because many members believed it would be plainly illegal under equalities law, so the party commissioned a QC to offer expert legal advice. That advice has been leaked to Wings and we publish it below.

To save you reading all of it, however, we’ll give you the summary: counsel thought the proposal would be likely to be found unlawful were it to be challenged in court. Any case brought by a person disadvantaged by the rule would probably succeed, and cost the SNP tens of thousands of pounds in legal expenses.

National Secretary Stewart Stevenson presented this advice to the chairperson of the meeting, the SNP’s Business Convener Kirsten Oswald.

In any normal circumstances, for ANY sort of organisation, a chair would accept this advice and decline to put the proposal to the committee. Oswald did not, however, and proceeded to a vote.

Three members announced conflicts of interest. One was noted toxic bonehead Fiona Robertson, who is not actually a member of the NEC but was present as substitute for a representative from Out For Independence who’d been unable to attend. (Robertson lives with a man but identifies as “queer” on unknown grounds, possibly green hair.)

Robertson declared that she intended to seek the top spot on the North-East list as a disabled candidate, but did NOT recuse herself from the vote.

Then Graham Campbell, a councillor from Glasgow, declared that he also intended to stand on either the Glasgow or Lothian lists, both of which were to have their top spots reserved for BAME candidates under the proposal.

Campbell (pictured above with his partner, SNP MP Anne McLaughlin) also did NOT recuse himself from the vote despite this conflict of interest.

A third candidate, Greg McCarra from the Association of Nationalist Councillors (who is neither disabled nor BAME) also declared he was seeking nomination, but McCarra DID recuse himself from the vote, as Robertson and Campbell should have done in any normally-functioning organisation with even a modicum of self-respect.

Robertson and Campbell duly voted for the proposal, and the vote was a tie.

Kirsten Oswald – who now has the power to decide on all voting procedure since the changes to NEC standing orders that we revealed earlier this week – gave herself the casting vote, and passed the motion, against the legal advice.

(And also against near-universal standard practice whereby in the event of a tie the chair or presiding officer always casts their vote for the status quo.)

So the SNP has just decided to push ahead with a proposal it’s been told by a QC is likely illegal, and which any potential candidate discriminated against by the rule will be able to challenge, tying the party up in expensive court proceedings in the approach to an election – proceedings which it would almost certainly lose, wasting a huge sum of money and throwing ALL of its lists into complete chaos.

Any disabled candidates unfortunate enough to live in regions earmarked for BAME candidates would find themselves with effectively no chance of election – since there are no real prospects of the SNP getting more than one list MSP anywhere but South Scotland – and ditto for BAME candidates in the “disabled” regions. (To say nothing of candidates with the rotten bad luck to be white and healthy.)

In normal circumstances it would defy belief that a party would act in such an obviously stupid and reckless manner, risking catastrophic publicity and ill-affordable expense over a list vote in which polls suggest it’ll do well to get even two seats nationwide.

But sadly, such is the current state of the SNP that we suspect readers will barely even raise an eyebrow in surprise.


[EDIT 6.30pm: the wokies are FURIOUS that their activities have been revealed to the ordinary membership. Apparently the democratic results of the NEC elections must be overturned. The ideologically unclean must be purged!]

BONUS FUN FACT! Individual minutes is how they did it at the Wannsee Conference.

390 to “The death wish”

  1. P says:

    You’re right
    Neither eyebrow raised

  2. DCoi says:

    I move that there should be a mandatory IQ test for prospective NEC candidates.

  3. Bob Costello says:

    What a bloody mess. A bunch of absolute idiots.

  4. Fairliered says:

    The next thing will be voters being attacked for giving e.g. the ISP their list vote, and therefore proving to the wokes that they are reactionary racists because they didn’t vote for the BAME or disabled SNP candidate.

  5. David Holden says:

    Rhiannon will be applying for a disabled badge as we speak.

  6. Grouser says:

    And my branch of the SNP is having a ‘Both Votes SNP’ presentation next week. Words fail me.

  7. Astonished says:

    Jeezo – SNP MSPs you have got to defend this in May……or lose your seats.

  8. Col says:

    There’s no point voting SNP on list anyway, your vote gets divided by a large number (7,8,9,10) before it gets counted, better to vote for some other party and it will likely be counted 100%.

  9. kapelmeister says:

    Has anyone with very blue hair ever been elected to HR anyway?

  10. Colin McKean says:

    I’m furious with this crap – I rejoined the SNP (resigned over Cherrygate) to help oust the woke from SNP’s NEC – seems we failed after all ?

    Time to resign, again? Fed up with this shit.

  11. Hatuey says:

    I suppose if she survives until May and gets hammered in the election, she can pretend it was because she was progressive to a fault rather than face the truth – that she is responsible for the most unhinged political act in Scottish history.

  12. The Dissident says:

    See how corruption bleeds through an organisation once it has been embraced by the leader.

    For the first time I am starting to think that the party as a whole is beyond salvaging.

  13. Tony Hay says:

    It’s really through the looking glass stuff now…..silly ,stupid people.

  14. Frank Waring says:

    If you haven’t done so, do please read the legal advice: it is a wonder to behold!

  15. Black Joan says:

    That’s a lot of expensive legal advice only to go and ignore it and risk more court action. Anyone would think they had lots of money to squander.

    And what about Chris McEleny’s explanation that this entire farce is contrary to constitutional rules and Standing Orders?

  16. Patrick Roden says:

    Great news for the ISP.

  17. Joan Savage says:

    I also hear a rumour that Joanna Cherry is to be sent for ‘diversity training’…. any verification available?

  18. Allium says:

    Shameless troughers. This is turning into the embarrassment of the century.

  19. M_Alc says:

    A bit odd that a party striving to push more diversity in its msps would take those who would be candidates under that tag and have them scrap it out in the list vote (where SNP are likely, as said, to get 2 seats max) instead of pushing them in the constituency vote?

    More of that words not action stuff again, init?

  20. Dave M says:

    This is hilarious

  21. ClanDonald says:

    The whole point of this scam is to remove Joan McAlpine from the top of the list in the South Scotland region. Apparently Emma Harper will be able to boost herself to the top of the list by self-identifying as disabled as she has diabetes.

    That’s the same Emma Harper who She’s a nurse by the way. Obviously a thick one who doesn’t know anything about biology – she once made a speech in Parliament on International Women’s Day that centred transwomen. Shame on her if she proceeds with this anti-democratic charade.

    The SNP are getting more and more Trumpian by the day, by-passing democracy with illegal scams to get chosen candidates installed at the expense of the ones the membership actually vote for. And any candidates who participate are just as bad as Trump.

  22. Janelochleven says:

    The SNP have truly ‘lost the plot’ ! …seems we have a mountain to climb.. come on let’s get going!

  23. Kenny McDowall says:

    If ever a political party was crying out for leadership
    and a working chief executive
    It has to be the SNP.

  24. Leigh says:

    It’s looking more like the name of the game is to cause economic vandalism to both the SNP and the Scottish Government.

  25. Name (required) says:

    it would be funny if it wasn’t so serious.

    positive discrimination is still discrimination.

    how utterly absurd.

  26. Geoff Anderson says:

    This may look a pointless change. However it is a carefully crafted and targeted attack on Joan McAlpine. That removes her from the chess board.

    Writing my resignation letter at the moment (23yrars an activist).

    From what I am told much worse is to come out.

  27. Hugh Jarse says:

    Grenades hurled over both padded shoulders, exit left. (In cuffs, into a Serco meat transporter)

    Late dinner it is then, you could have warned us there might be distressing images Stu!

    Does ‘special needs’ trump all?
    Judging from the above…

  28. Roddy MacLeod says:

    I might be mistaken however I think this might backfire on the zealots.Those that voted in favour including the Chair may have broken their own party rules and be in breach resulting in suspension and disciplinary action for knowingly voting for an illegal procedure that could bring the party into disrepute.I wouldn’t be in too much of a,rush to condemn the Party Secretary he may have just given them all enough rope to hang themselves. .

  29. Captain Yossarian says:

    The SNP are now a delinquent organization. Couldn’t govern Scotland in a million years.

  30. James says:

    Any links to your Trumpian claims clandonald.Please explain your reasoning for me.
    kind regards

  31. kapelmeister says:

    FDR, a disabled candidate, and Obama, a BAME candidate, both managed to secure the Democratic nomination for US President without Kirsten Oswald’s help.

  32. Ian McCubbin says:

    Let’s hope all ISP and other Independence parties get the 2nd vote. TBH if not might be forced to vote for Murdo Frasers slot. Nah probs the Greens if no ISP in Tayside. They don’t give up do they? Time they and Nicola were gone,given lots of us voted in new mainstream candidates to NEC I don’t get how this nonsense happened.

  33. Margaret Lindsay says:

    Words actually fucking fail.

  34. Nally Anders says:

    This mob are beyond saving.

  35. Derick fae Yell says:

    That is Grade A bonkers

  36. AYRSHIRE ROB says:

    Fucking tourette’s syndrome ?fooorfuùuckksssßsake .

    Great debater he’ll be .Suppose it’ll put him in same category with the skills of James Kelly and Oliver Mundell.

  37. holymacmoses says:

    This could of course lead to a whole election being voided and the Yoons declaring that the Scottish party with the most seats couldn’t even organise a legal election . So someone had best get it sorted and very quickly

  38. Cuphook says:

    Fiona Robertson is a gype who shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near real politics.

    At least the SNP can save on transport costs and just buy a clown car.

  39. kapelmeister says:

    Possible challenges by illegally passed over candidates resulting in expensive court cases.

    Any truth in the rumour that Scottish lawyers have started referring to the SNP as The Goldmine?

  40. Alain Mack says:

    It looks like assisted suicide by the NEC.
    Can’t wait for King Eck a week on Tuesday.Stu can we have the link to enable us to watch the drama unfold.
    Great of you to uncover such shenanigans….keep it up !!!!

  41. Derek Cameron says:

    It’s over.What a tragic betrayal of the dream.

  42. Bob Mack says:

    Ignore legal advice? There’s history there.

    Feather own nest. Yep.

    Try to get as many Woke around you as possible? Seems so.

    I can see several trans developing disorders to order as I write

  43. Beaker says:

    Whatever happened to selecting the best candidate based on experience, local knowledge, debating skills etc?

    Gender, sexual preference, ethnicity, disability status, age, race, religious belief and whatever else should not be a hinderance to selection, but most certainly not be used as part of the criteria.

    If you are standing for election to political office, you are there to represent every single one of your constituents, with the aim to improve their lives, protect them, speak up for them and uphold the integrity of the Scottish Parliament while being a global ambassador for your country.

    Everything else is secondary.

  44. Republicofscotland says:

    With regards to the SNP/Scottish government, its now just one disastrous story after another, the party’s now become a spectacle for those taking bets on what will happen next. Factional infighting, and terrible leadership has seen the party drift away from what it was formed for, to bring independence for the people of Scotland.

    Unless something significant happens soon, and someone with grit grabs the party by the scruff of the neck and gets it back on track, then I’d imagine the SNP are going to lose a shitload of seats come May’s election-maybe that’s the plan anyway.

  45. Geoff Anderson says:

    If you have a good SNP MSP please support them. I will be still voting for mine. However my 2nd. Vote will be ISP.
    Scottish Independence is still my driver and the Greens are even worse than the SNP when it comes to Science denial.

    Let’s get behind the “good guys” be they ISP or SNP. ONLY the good guys.


    A profound apology. I left Wings thinking you were wrong. From what I have heard today you may well have underestimated the corruption – sorry.

  46. John H. says:

    Every time it looks as if some sanity is returning to the party, Sturgeon and her band of nutters come up with some new madness. Can anyone argue now that she isn’t deliberately sabotaging the SNP? Either that or she has completely flipped.

  47. Robert Louis says:


    List vote definitely ISP. These crazies and nut jobs should not be anywhere near the SNP.

  48. Kat says:

    So are the SNP now actually saying you can self id as literally anything now?

    If so I’m a billionaire Queen of Scots, I therefore own Scotland & I’m getting the Sheriff in to evict the wokus dei from my glorious lands.

    I can’t help but wonder if the SNP are using all this controversy to lose a few constituency seats just to obtain a few extra lists seats. This would allow them to sneak in a few undesirables from the clique that were soundly rejected for constituency seats.

  49. John H. says:

    kapelmeister says:
    31 January, 2021 at 5:49 pm

    Any truth in the rumour that Scottish lawyers have started referring to the SNP as The Goldmine?

    Aye, but where is all the gold coming from?

  50. Phil Dixon says:

    To give the SNP their due, this is the first piece of news in months that makes me more likely to vote for them in the constituency – just to make sure the list candidate doesn’t get in.

  51. Baronesssamedi says:

    I actually AM disabled and I’ve got the wheelchair and the badge, and the PIP to prove it.

    If these charlatans are permitted to get nominated because of ingrown toenails etc,I will be forced into #SNPLeftMe.

  52. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    Things are going from bad to worse. The SNP, if there are any sane members left, need to bring down the leadership.

    A new Independence Party is now needed one which has a constitution banning madness and outrageous conduct.

    ISP may do the job I don’t know much about it I may join.

  53. Bob Mack says:

    @Geoff Anderson,

    Welcome back Geoff. Healing takes time.

  54. Captain Yossarian says:

    John H – Those lawyers preferred by John Swinney have a golden ticket on the Edinburgh Trams Inquiry….£12m and counting….

  55. McHaggis69 says:

    I cannot help but see the SNP has become what used to be called by the press of the time ‘the Loony Left’.

    No policy was too woke not to be considered and the press duly tore them apart week after week, making Labour unelectable for a generation.

    That QC’s advice would have cost the SNP somewhere around £5k.
    When a QC tells you something is probably contrary to law. You take the advice you paid for.

    I don’t recognise the party these days. Glad I resigned.

    Once we get Indy (yes I know) – the SNP will implode and most of these lunatics will find themselves munching lentils in some unelectable fringe party.

  56. Checks notes says:

    Grouser says:
    31 January, 2021 at 5:16 pm
    And my branch of the SNP is having a ‘Both Votes SNP’ presentation next week. Words fail me.

    I attended the same briefing last week at my branch, it was a complete farce. Your time would be better spent watching paint dry.

  57. Indy Now says:

    This is really scary stuff. These people are not fit to run raffle, let alone an executive committee of Scotlands governing party. This is what happens when a leader allows herself to be surrounded by single agenda people. Although I am not surprised that SNP continue with this, it will keep going until the people decide enough is enough. Or a Court brings their corruption to a head. Perhaps they can use the Indy fund, to fund the legal bills. Oh, they already have. There is only one group of people blocking Indy, and that’s SNP.

  58. Grendel says:

    Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more bizarre, the SNP decide to shoot their other foot off!

    Remember when the Labour Party were imploding many years ago with this sort of garbage? The SNP have now proved that they have fully adopted the mantle they took over in 2007 with a party split between careerists and entryism – all of whom have forgotten what they were supposed to be fighting for.

  59. Orri says:

    The list candidates would have no chance as long as one or more constituency candidate doesn’t have a skeleton placed in their closet waiting to be found after it’s too late to replace them.

    The interesting question is what the implications in D’Hondt terms would be if a candidate was expelled by their party but still managed to get elected.

    Nonetheless the choice becomes vote SNP at constituency and woke free indy (not SNP or Green) on the list. Especially if the candidate has been outright suspended rather than accusations raised.

  60. Jim Tagercock says:

    Rev “But sadly, such is the current state of the SNP that we suspect readers will barely even raise an eyebrow in surprise”.

    Been here most days over the last couple of months and on and off since 2013 ish . Yesterday I went walk about and visited a few others, Grousebeater , AUOB ,Spider principal etc Please excuse my language when I say after reading some of the comments about various articles we are truly fucked. I feel as deflated and gutted now as I did in 2014. I still can’t believe I was taken in by that self serving bitch for all those years.

  61. Graeme Hampton says:

    Apparently you’ve upset Mhairi Hunter.

    Good work Stu keep it up.

  62. Carole Cooper says:

    Just watch the Highlands. The woke princess of the Highlands, Emma Roddick will no doubt be trying hard to find herself a disability. No way you could give someone as useless who was involved with the sleeleazy Richard Laird a vote. The only person deserving that spot is Laura Mitchell who would be a fantastic MSP. I will be ripping up my membership if ER gets top spot.

  63. Jim Tadgercock says:

    Rev “But sadly, such is the current state of the SNP that we suspect readers will barely even raise an eyebrow in surprise”.

    Been here most days over the last couple of months and on and off since 2013 ish . Yesterday I went walk about and visited a few others, Grousebeater , AUOB ,Spider principal etc Please excuse my language when I say after reading some of the comments about various articles we are truly fucked. I feel as deflated and gutted now as I did in 2014. I still can’t believe I was taken in by that self serving bitch for all those years.

  64. Hugh Jarse says:

    It’s that epitome of oxymorons, positive discrimination, taken to it’s logical conclusion.

    Did the whirling sound of wheeshting just go a wee bit quieter?

    How stupid ?
    How hard do have to work
    to convince yourself to deny a power grab, by a so destructive, so in yer face Faction?

    Soon enough, the wheesht will be but murmurs of those made mad, and the few unable to get beyond denial.

  65. shiregirl says:

    “….including women’s toilet enthusiast Josh Mennie”

    Lolz. It’s quips like this that keep me smiling in these crappy times.

    That’s some coincidence, him stating to the nation he has Tourettes, what timing. What coincidence…

    What a bunch they are. They make the Greens look like a viable voting option for the future.

  66. Beaker says:

    @McHaggis69 says:
    31 January, 2021 at 6:11 pm
    “I cannot help but see the SNP has become what used to be called by the press of the time ‘the Loony Left’.”

    Locked in a supermarket, they would starve to death.

  67. FiferJP says:

    In May it’s Yoons v Loons. May the best nutjob win.

  68. Checks notes says:

    Alain Mack says:
    31 January, 2021 at 5:52 pm
    Stu can we have the link to enable us to watch the drama unfold.
    Great of you to uncover such shenanigans….keep it up !!!!

    link to

  69. laukat says:

    That pretty much guarantees there will be whole load of list votes going spare. We really need either the ISP to get some bigger names to join or have a new party form quickly led by Salmond or Cherry.

    Failing that any news on a Wings party?

  70. LeggyPeggy says:

    My understanding is that the members are supposed to get a vote for the candidates who are standing for the lists and it’s how the members vote will be where they’ll be placed on the list as a an electronic ballot vote for the candidates is due to be sent out to the members on 15th February and postal votes sent out to members who are not on the email system .

    The ballot will then close on 1st March and candidates announced as soon as possible after that date .
    So the NEC are just re-writing the rules to suit the party hierarchy and are trying now to get in the candidates who failed selection for the constituency seats by the members .

  71. Mia says:

    “Let’s get behind the “good guys” ”

    Who are the good guys among those opting for an SNP MSP seat?

    How many of those spoke up against the deliberate blocking of Joanna Cherry so British state puppet Robertson could access the seat?

    How many of those spoke up against Swinney for denying crucial evidence to reach the committee and the public?

    How many of those spoke against Sturgeon crushing our indyref mandate and denying us our right to self determination?

    How many of those spoke against Sturgeon’s pandering to the transgender woowoo while alienating half of the population?

    How many of those spoke against the disgusting stitch up of Mr Salmond and the enormous waste of taxpayers’ money in both the civil and the criminal case?

    How many of those spoke against the stitch up of Mr Hirst and Mr Murray?

    Bar a few murmurs, I heard nothing. Just tumbleweed.

    You reap what you sow.

  72. Lennie says:

    The writing was on the wall when the leadership decided people should be given positions based on gender rather than ability.

  73. Robert hughes says:

    As someone said upthread ” this is hilarious ” .There’s no other reasonable response to this baroque lunacy than laughter .

    I got my tonsils out when I was about 6 , think I might apply for a disabled-allocated seat . The crippling , emotional scarring I’ve had to suffer all my life from a lack of tonsils defies belief .


  74. Divvying up the shrinking kingdom between themselves, eh? “Say it once, and say it loud: I’m black and I’m proud!” – The Commitments.

  75. Lenny Hartley says:

    Lunatics have taken over the asylum , they will be lucky to get my first vote now.

    Forty years of activism down the pan.

  76. Alan Mackechnie says:

    If tourettes and diabetes count as disabilities then so must myopia and having false teeth

  77. Muscleguy says:

    Checkmate. I’m in NE Scotland and I have asthma and I’m BOTH Gluten AND Lactose intolerant. The latter is even genetic in basis and lifelong.

    My ex wife buys me a supermarket shop once a month b/c I’m on UC and it’s expensive to be me. I wonder if I can register as disabled and get the state to pay for it then?

    At assessments I can not take my meds, be a bit late have to run and eat gluten and lactose the night before and fart the place down and have to make an urgent run to the toilet. That should do it.

  78. witchy says:

    They still haven’t give us a view on what ‘transphobia’ is….other than a call for Joanna Cherry to be re-educated…Ohhhherrrrr
    As members of the NEC were not notified of this snap meeting other than on Social Media…one has to question it’s legitimacy. They wanted a quorum only of those who would agree, not those who might question their points.

    Fairliered says:
    31 January, 2021 at 5:14 pm
    The next thing will be voters being attacked for giving e.g. the ISP. Watch out on sm posts like CheekyFace and’s been happening for a while now.

  79. ScottieDog says:

    Unless they suspect the SNP are going to fall short on the constituency vote.

  80. Lothianlad says:

    After reading g a wonderfully accurate and well written piece from barheadboy, and seeing the way the SNP are going, we have to get rid of this toxic leadership ASAP!

    Is there no other MSzos or MPs who are prepared to speak out??

    There must be a way of loosening the strangle hold that wee toxic bitch has on the party.

    Like do many I feel powerless as I watch my nations sovereignty being flushed down the toilet.

    If there is a plan of action to do the right thing, I’m in!!

  81. Lothianlad says:

    Meant MSPs in last post

  82. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Mia – There are whistleblowers, a number of them from what I understand. All though are civil-service employees based at St Andrews House.

    There’s an ethical code that all civil-servants agree to and number-one duty is not to mislead the public.

    Amusingly enough, it also applies to Sturgeon and Swinney.

  83. Strathy says:

    This vote followed the NEC elections and with the new members in place. The hope that they could make a difference has taken a major hit.

    The hope that changing the leader will make a difference, likewise.

    They run it now.

  84. Muscleguy says:

    And I nearly forgot. I have unusually loose joints, another genetic thing. I’ve had to have a joint fused in each hand. This limits the jobs i can apply for. I have the scars on my hands to prove it. Including where the wire holding it all together while bones fused came out between thumb and forefinger.

    Having those removed, sans painkillers, were quite possibly the worst experience of my life. A junior doc advances on you with pliers, ordinary pliers, grasps the looped end and twists to loosen it, then yanks it out. I went into shock and had to put my head between my knees and breathe lots to get my blood pressure back up.

  85. Astonished says:

    Can we expel mhairi hunter, josh mennie and gavin williamson for b ringing the party into disrepute ?
    Kirsten Oswald should also be expelled for this dereliction of duty.
    We either fight them or we lose our party.

  86. Mac says:

    So the wokerati scumbags are happy to take the seats allocated for real disabled candidates using these joke disabilities… wow. There really are no depths to which they won’t sink are there.

    It just goes to show how shallow and superficial and selfish their ‘ideology’ is. And all without the tiniest grain of self awareness at just how thick and repulsive they appear.

    Clambering over the top of people with actual disabilities to shoe horn themselves into seats in their place. Fuck me, absolute vermin.

  87. The Equality Act 2010 (‘the Act’) and Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (‘DDA’) define a disabled person:

    ‘A person has a disability if:
    They have a physical or mental impairment, and

    the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.’

    `Tourette’s syndrome is not listed in the Social Security Administration’s Blue Book (the guide used to help SSA representatives determine whether a person qualifies for disability based on their condition)`

    not sayin it shouldn`t be listed as a disability but as of now (?) it isn`t.

  88. Bob Mack says:


    That last bit must have looked a bit iffy.

  89. John H. says:

    Over on WGD when I looked in earlier, none of this is happening.

  90. Captain Yossarian says:

    Sorry to keep going-on about this but it will be important news this week to any MSP of any party who is not asleep in their chair. The UK has vaccinated over 1m people in the last 2-days. Scotland has vaccinated 50,000.

    What does that mean….the pandemic ends in England by early summer. In Scotland it goes on until Autumn.

    If they are looking for any excuse to close Holyrood, this may be what they have been waiting for.

    The Aberdeen Mass Vaccination facility is opening tomorrow, but they are looking for volunteers to administer the jags.

  91. Paul D says:

    Comedy gold Stu. I would urge everyone to read the legal advice, which is wonderfully acerbic.

    When Lord Keen resigned as Advocate General in September over the Brexit legislation Jonathan Mitchell QC commented:

    “It is the classic lawyer’s problem, you have a client who just won’t accept what you say.”

    He’s probably feeling a bit of that himself with the SNP.

  92. shug says:

    Well this sounds like Nicola has totally lost control

    How can this be challenged

  93. tartanfever says:

    I have no idea what is going on anymore with the SNP.

    Thank goodness for you Stu for shining a light into these very dark corners.

    So my vote in May will most likely be a sole list vote for the ISP. Ho hum.

  94. Bob Mack says:


    Its the monster under the bed syndrome. Parents tell you to shut your eyes and it will go away. You can’t see it ,it cant eat you.

  95. kapelmeister says:

    You’ve hurt your finger? Puir wee man!
    Your pinkie? Deary me!
    Noo juist you haud it that wey
    An you’re #1 for the SNP.

  96. Hugh Jarse says:

    PQ burning?
    Their spin machines have probably overheated again.

    Charlie is sweeping into Saigon, the embassy gates are being closed, collaborators pleading special case over the barricades, files destroyed en masse and the humming of media helicopters…

  97. McHaggis69 says:

    “shug says:
    31 January, 2021 at 6:41 pm
    Well this sounds like Nicola has totally lost control”

    probably the very opposite Shug.
    … at least one member was disgruntled enough to leak the actual legal advice so theres some hope people remain who see the danger.

  98. shiregirl says:

    Geoff Anderson says:
    31 January, 2021 at 5:36 pm
    “This may look a pointless change. However it is a carefully crafted and targeted attack on Joan McAlpine. That removes her from the chess board.

    Writing my resignation letter at the moment (23yrars an activist).

    From what I am told much worse is to come out.”

    Ooh, what – don’t keep us in suspense! I wouldn’t even hazard a guess as to what comes out next. You couldn’t make it up!

    I binned my membership a while back. I felt taken in and rather foolish having paid so much and donated over the years. I no longer recognised the party and what it was pushing for – not Indy, certainly. The aggressive youth wing that appeared from nowhere when gender was first being discussed. Their opinion and validation was required as a pre-req or you were deemed to be transphobic – by fellow party members. This wasn’t a party I wanted to be part off. Not a good feeing.

  99. Helen Yates says:

    I doubt I will be alone in casting one single vote in May and it being for the ISP.
    Who in their right mind would vote for these clowns.
    They could give Boris a run for his money.

  100. Bob Mack says:

    Monty Python missed a classic when they missed this latest SNP nonsense. Its right up there . I cant stop laughing.

    Presiding over this nonsense is_?______Drum roll_____

  101. holymacmoses says:

    I wonder how much Mr Mitchell charged for this advice?

  102. Mia says:

    “All though are civil-service employees based at St Andrews House”

    Commendable, encouraging and brave as the speaking up of those civil service employees is, they are not the people the electoral commission expect us to choose from.

    What I meant is how many “good guys” among the SNP MSPs are prepared to stand up to a corrupt boss, her deputy, her Lord Advocate, her puppet and a political lobby that is destroying the democratic structures of their party, in order to fulfil their duty of acting in the interests of the constituents they represent?

    Is there any at all?

    At this moment in time we don’t even know if any of those unscrupulous individuals who lied under oath in the criminal case against Mr Salmond are entering the elections as potential MSP candidates.

    How can we be expected to cast an informed vote when we are being denied the information that would allow us to do so?

  103. Effijy says:

    Rhiannon has asked a Rastafarian family to adopt her
    and cripple her legs.

    Nicola says Yah Man- We is Jammin’.

    If we tried to think up the most idiotic ideas that could lose
    SNP a massive number of votes we wouldn’t have dreamed
    of the mind numbing stupidity the party has come up with.

    Should 2 white men with great intellect and the potential to be
    world leaders wish to stand for office they must be rejected because
    another walks with a stick or has a deeper skin tone?

    I take my hat off to the people who plotted the death of the SNP party.
    I didn’t think it could fall so far so quickly.
    No stake pie at the funeral as it may upset vegetarians.
    No black tie as it is racist.
    No flowers as it’s unfair to plants
    No hearse as they pollute the atmosphere.
    No bloody clue what they are doing.

  104. Balaaargh says:

    Mhairi Hunter: People have been elected who really shouldn’t have been.

    You’re so close to getting it, Mhairi, so close.

  105. Bob Mack says:

    Rumour has it three Oompah Loompahs have applied for Central region and been approved by Nicola.

    They told her they were experts in fudging things.

  106. Mike says:

    I want to say something like ‘away, yer pulling ma leg’ as I cannot believe what I’m reading here.

    It’s like the SNP asylum has been totally taken over by the lunatics!

  107. ALANM says:

    Fire at BBC Scotland HQ!!

    A BBC Spokesperson stated “No one was injured in the incident and investigations into what happened are continuing. We apologise to our Radio Scotland listener for the brief interruption to his programme”.

  108. Jan Cowan says:

    Heart-sick. This appears to be a deliberate attempt to destroy the SNP.

    I don’t want to be associated with these people.

    I’ve had enough. Big decision. I am no longer a member.

    BUT I DO WANT INDEPENDENCE so will vote accordingly.

  109. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Mia – Brian Wilson is one of those who refers to St Andrews House informants. There are no MSP’s or MP’s volunteering information or voicing disagreement with the actions of the party and Crown Office.

    He is a sensible guy and he refers to a constant stream of information coming from that source.

    Reminds me very much of Watergate….only this is much more serious.

  110. Bob Mack says:

    @Jan Cowan,

    Welcome to the outside shouting in crowd. Its liberating.

  111. Confused says:

    lars von trier’s “the idiots” seems prophetic (Plot : A group of normal adults spend their time seeking their “inner idiot” to release their inhibitions. They do so by behaving in public as if they were r4tarded.) : “spazzing” your way to success

    every teenager these days has, at least – OCD, anxiety, autism spectrum (aspbergers), bulimia, etc – so they’ll be okay

    I think it would be a great day for mankind, when the first openly tourettes-suffering politician wins office

    BAME or Disabled?? – what? – why not both? The latest edge of woke think is giving us both – “blackness as a disability”

    link to

    there is a BAME woman in Paisley with leprosy – what a career she could have; sign her up

    link to

  112. AYRSHIRE ROB says:

    That Mhairi Hunter tells jokes apparently ?

    Maybe she could explain that joke of a charade that just happened?

  113. Linda McFarlane says:

    What a **cking insult. I had to fight every year to get help for my two autistic sons. My husband who cannot walk after a stroke – similar fight. If the SNP think that self ID for disability is so legal and easy they can take a hike. They have no shame.

  114. Desimond says:

    Why exactly do we even have List MSPs?

    Must be the easiest gig in the world

  115. Beaker says:

    You’ll all have heard of the term “village idiot”.

    I think the SNP have cornered the global market.

  116. David R says:

    Have they started the “if you believe in BLM and rights for the disabled you have to give both votes to the SNP” yet?

  117. Alibi says:

    Didn’t realise that Emma Harper was one of the Wokerati. Always thought she was a sesible and decent person. If this is an attempt to get Joan Macalpine out, I will be extremely angry. Will be messaging Emma directtly to find out her views. This distortion of members’ views is not acceptable. I am an SNP member but the actions of the woke folk are disenfranchising me and others. What do we do? We have nowhere else to go. We need our party back and pronto.

  118. MWS says:

    Side issue, do you mean Emma Hendrie rather than Emma Harper? Emma Harper is already an MSP and doesn’t strike me as particularly wokey??? Could be wrong though!

  119. Captain Yossarian says:

    Add The Sunday Post to the paper covering the Alex Salmond stitch-up.

    The only other Scottish paper, I believe, is The Scotsman who let Brian Wilson loose for a half-page.

    In term of UK Media, there’s Sky News, The Times and The Daily Telegraph.

    Andrew Neil has talked a good game so far, but produced nothing.

  120. DaveL says:

    I’ve no doubt those people are insane, they’d be better put up for psychiatric evaluation rather than candidate selection.

    As for the party in general it’s well down the toilet, not only that but today it’s going for the worst of the worst toilets in Scotland…tomorrow the world.

  121. Dan says:

    If this gets implemented for the Regional Lists, then some incumbent non-BAME or able-bodied Constituency MSPs in marginal areas may be toast, should they fall short of retaining their Constituency and not be placed 1st on Regional List as a safety net.

    The way several high profile SNP MSPs have performed, and behaved recently certainly creates a situation where tactical voting to get rid of them is a real possibility.

  122. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Muscleguy (6.34) –

    FFS, that sounds horrendous. Anything to do with fingers or toes gives me the total heebies.

    Nearly passed out just reading it!


  123. M says:

    There’s an impressive form of lunacy involved in aiming to reduce discrimination on grounds of race etc. and coming up with policy and action which er …, discriminates on grounds of race etc..

  124. Boaby says:

    So JAM lives with tourettes, i thought it was that other weirdo, leeze lawrence.

  125. Stevie says:

    Where would my cat alergy place me in the pecking order for a list seat? Would my allergy to selfish fringe thinking cvnts hamper my political ambitions?

  126. Sharny Dubs says:

    Slowly we begin to see clearer the monster before us. This is what we have to fight, the conundrum we have to figure.

    Will someone raise a flag?

    Oh wait!! We have Wings!!

    Thank you Stu, thank you oh thank you.

  127. Boaby says:

    Get these woke f/krs and their previous shenanigans named on distributed leaflets in their contested list area
    one week before the may election.

  128. Liz says:

    31 January, 2021 at 6:13 pm

    The interesting question is what the implications in D’Hondt terms would be if a candidate was expelled by their party but still managed to get elected.

    If I’m not mistaken its the party’s right to have the seat so the expelled candidate would need to stand down and the next on the list would get it. Reason the Tories didn’t do anything about Michelle Ballantyne when she resigned was because there was no one else on their list for that region.

  129. Beaker says:

    Mhairi Hunter experiencing a severe pile on Twitter, including quite a few from her own party.

  130. Martin says:

    No surprise to see former socialist Graham Campbell want some of the Holyrood £££ jackpot bonanza. Both him and his partner’s sense of entitlement was higher than Jupiter and now interstellar!
    What a total embarrassment of a party that is completely dominated by the woke culture which in itself has about 15% approval in Scotland. It’s mind boggling why SNP members continue to let this self harm continue!

    In 2014 it was clear and innocent, self determination for Scotland and promote good practice of pointing out why Scotland is better to be free to make decisions in Scotland for Scotland.
    Now your average voters gets to see a very scary vision of being trapped in an independent Scotland with a bunch of entitled morons! It’s not a good look for soft no voters to observe!

  131. laukat says:

    So I’ve just resigned from the SNP after todays NEC debacle. The party I’ve voted for for the last 28 years has disapeared up its own backside.

    How on earth any chairperson can vote for an unlawful motion is beyond me. It would appear they are expecting the membership to pick up the legal costs and compensation that will now follow. Well it won’t be with my membership contribution. I hope Joan McAlpin and others take them for every penny.

    Desperately need an electable pro-indy party I can get behind.

  132. In B.A.M.E.

    what covers the M.E. (minority ethnic) bit, does this cover say Polish,Spanish or Irish or even English living in Scotland.

  133. P says:

    Did you see Josh Mennie tweeted about having Tourette’s…
    Just a tic mind, but still – that’s self ID disability

  134. Bob Mack says:

    Telegraph revealing Roddy Dunlop QC gave Scottish government advice on 31 st October 2018 to drop renewed policy.

    They declined and went ahead anyway. Sound familiar?

  135. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Bob Mack – Nicola Sturgeon decided to go ahead anyway.

  136. Sarah says:

    @ Linda McFarlane at 7.12: we need you to run the party and the independence campaign – you clearly don’t give up, ever.

  137. Neil Wilkinson says:

    They are definitely suffering from myopia….

  138. TNS2019 says:

    Someone needs to tell the SNP that there is a very big difference between tokenism and governance.
    A very, very, big difference.

    Get on with the day job. Improving lives.

    Demonstrate competence.

    link to

  139. Captain Yossarian says:

    Let’s forget this trans skitter….we’ve been talking about it for days. We need to get on a war-time footing and get these vaccinations done or we will never get out of lockdown.

  140. Jack says:

    1950’s ‘Put Scotland first’
    1970’s ‘It’s Scotland’s oil’
    1990’s ‘ Yes we can ’.
    2000’s ‘ We stand for Scotland’
    2005 ‘ Let’s make Scotland matter’.
    2015 ‘ Stronger for Scotland’
    2021 ‘ I also use female toilets all the time’.

  141. Captain Yossarian says:

    TNS2019 – Scotgov cannot even answer a letter. They’re useless. Couldn’t run Scotland in a million years.

  142. TNS2019 says:

    Sorry…but this will offend many here, but if we cannot establish and run a competent judiciary (see Whitehouse v Lord Advocate) then are we no by definition a ‘failed state’.

    The separation of powers is fundamental.

    Do we need external support or can we turn things round from within?

    link to

  143. Graeme Fraser says:

    Oh well I was going to vote SNP 1&2 in May, as I live in the Highlands and there was a fair chance of them getting a list seat. Not now, I hope the ISP will be standing on the list as I won’t vote Green…

  144. TNS2019 says:

    Captain Yossarian

    I agree. But what does that mean for independence.

    I am embarrassed by what we have become.

    This is not my Scotland.

  145. Beaker says:

    O/T Captain Tom in hospital with Covid. Hope he recovers. Inspirational but modest, could do with more like him.

  146. Black Joan says:

    Wrong-think & wrong-speech = crimes demanding of re-education, unpersons declared,conspiracies & stitch-ups orchestrated, history re-written, Inner Party favourites allowed to self-id whenever expedient, loyal media rewarded with £££, “hostile” media attacked & proscribed, members’ donations disappeared without trace, constitution & Standing Orders shredded.

    What more has to happen before at least some MPs and MSPs exhibit a scrap of moral fibre and disown this deranged self-destruction? Are they all just looking the other way?

  147. Liz says:

    Alibi says:
    31 January, 2021 at 7:17 pm
    Didn’t realise that Emma Harper was one of the Wokerati.

    Don’t you mean Emma Roddick ?

  148. Captain Yossarian says:

    TNS2019 – excellent link. I like it and I wish you well. Swinney and his paid-up team at Education Scotland, the legal profession and the Teaching Unions are a difficult opponent.

    Education Scotland just lie and Swinney, the Teaching Unions and the legal profession just accept that.

    There’s more than one case like this you know. If only the teachers knew what a dreadful union they have.

  149. steve davison says:

    Any honest and moral SNP MSPs left (in spite of the fact they should have spoken out sooner) should be standing as independents for there seats ,this way they can on mass explain why the SNP does not deserve any ones vote

  150. Roger Mexico says:

    laukat says:
    So I’ve just resigned from the SNP after todays NEC debacle.

    As an outsider, can I ask you and others who have said similar, why do people do this? Surely resigning is exactly what they want you to do. These people are interesting in control of the party and personally benefiting from that – if that is at the expense of the Party’s aims or even it being in power, so be it. There are still personal gains to be made in opposition.

    So the last thing they want is a mass membership with any power and a desire to implement what the Party’s aims are. Far better a small one that can be restricted to the ‘right’ people and a few faithful acolytes. That’s how the Labour Party operated in Scotland for many years for example, so it ought to be a familiar pattern.

    So you are hardly threatening them by giving them what they want.

  151. Albert Herring says:

    My ankle starts hurting a bit if I run more than 12-14 kilometres, and furthermore I’ve got a rather dark mole on my bum which I reckon must be down to my (our) African origins. Quids in!

  152. David Holden says:

    So cooncillor Mhairi is the new snitch finder general to root out the ("Tractor" - Ed)s in the party so we can expect several water boardings in the coming weeks. She has always reminded me of Norman Tebbit in spitting image as the enforcer for Mrs Murrel rather than Thatcher. It would be funny if it was not so bloody serious. I am beginning to wonder if the plan is to split the party so no need for Indy but the woke and the troughers will get five more years to fill their pockets.

  153. David McCloskey says:

    The Judean Peoples Front in the Life of Brian made more sense than this bunch of loonies, what really pisses me off is the large sums of money that I paid to the SNP over many many years for these arseholes to somehow think they represent decent independence loving Scots. I am now an ex SNP member I will however give these twats my 1st vote in May but ISP my regional vote unless the ISP change their mind and stand for constituency seats, lets be honest voting for a dead badger would be more productive than these idiots and at least we could identify whether the badger had been a boy or girl!

  154. Bob Mack says:

    @Roger Mexico,

    Money!!!! That brings everybody to realisation that when you cant pay these excess staff you have to cull.

  155. Jack says:

    This is going the way of all extreme fundamentalist cults. If these insane extremists ever get real power it will be gulags and firing squads for the non believers and the politically incorrect. The purity of the party must be maintained.

  156. Black Joan says:

    Only two days ago this was Cameron McNeish wheeshting for Indy on Twitter and getting 3200 likes & 575 retweets:

    “Getting really bored with the @theSNP
    infighting. Come on guys, we need to get a referendum then win the damned thing. This isn’t the way to go. You can argue about all these incidentals once we are free. If you don’t, then the games a bogey.”

    Good to see him now joining the aghast response to Ms Hunter

  157. Morgatron says:

    Some if these fucking clowns look like they are heading to a Wizzard tribute night down the legion. From everything i can see ,hear and witness these idiots bare no relationship to me or my politics.PS I’ve got a spot on my nose, think I can get on the list?

  158. A Person says:

    Oh fuck this shit. I used to work in a pub with a guy who thought the NHS was trying to stop him losing his virginity and sent us ten long letters per day and was eventually sectioned for it. Quite seriously, the above…batshit crazy…thing is like reading it. 100% unhinged.

    It’s very telling that when Corbyn’s Labour did this, the Tory press (rightly) slaughtered them for it, but this will go un-noticed.

    Rev, how about a new Wee Blue Book? This time, the Black Book of Nicola Sturgeon? Analysis of her misdeeds and her wacky ideology. If your average Scottish voter read it, they’d have a fit.

    -Linda Macfarlane-

    Your anger is justified- you’re worth ten times all these weirdos put together.

  159. Beaker says:

    @Roger Mexico says:
    31 January, 2021 at 8:04 pm

    Never been a member of a political party, however when a member resigns that represents a loss. Primarily financial but also knowledge and experience. Add reputation to the list if the reason for the resignation is due to crackpot policies.

    If the party starts to wither into opposition they lose relevance to voters. Why waste a vote?

    Look what happened to Stephen Harper in Canada’s 2015 general election. They way things are going that could happen to Sturgeon in May.

  160. Roddy Macdonald says:

    Mmm, let’s see.

    1. Unlawful and ultra vires policy drawn up in Scot Gov specifically to get Salmond.

    2. Legally very dubious and arguably ultra vires NEC policy voted in by a corrupt whisker specifically to get McAlpine.

    3. Presumably the get Cherry measure only failed because even the current NEC wouldn’t accede to whatever “give us everything and do as we say” definition of transphobia was proffered by the transcult.

    I’m detecting a move away from any notion of civic nationalism towards something far more sinister in these tactics. Angus McNeil should start to worry if he notices a gay, trans, black person with a reduced number of limbs hanging about Stornoway.

  161. Julie Mennie says:

    You have once again slandered my son Josh Mennie. You have said he has a “newly diagnosed condition Tourettes” Yet again you have got it wrong. My son was diagnosed aged 7 yrs old. His tics started age 5. He has endured years of struggles with at times debilitating tics. If you want proof ask the schools he attended with my permission. Quarry hill and Hazelhead Academy. You are an absolute disgrace and all those who follow you are just as bad. Targeting someone who has a neurological condition which causes many struggles is despicable. How dare you. You are obsessed with Josh for some weird reason and I’m telling you now to leave him alone. I will seek legal advice on the defamation of my sons character if you print any more lies about him. I note you didn’t retract your lies about his sister after it became clear your article on her was also lies. No doubt this comment won’t appear on your blog but I’ll make sure it circulated on other forums because people need to know you are spinning them lies.

  162. Effijy says:

    I’d say like me, members resign because you don’t get a voice for your money,
    You totally disapprove with their priorities, some people in office are absolutely
    barking mad or in it for themselves and the party refuses to attack the worst government
    the U.K. has had in my lifetime.

    Now that they have no real involvement in independence they are just another
    Privileged party of troughers.

    They did some very good things in the past, but that has past!

    No more money, campaigning or leaflet dropping from me.
    They can throw their own money at the Scotland’s legal profession.

  163. Molly's Mum says:

    I have been educating my other half on the reality behind the SNP façade since Alex’s court case – at first he didn’t believe me, it was like living with “the general voter who knows none of this”, especially on trans and women’s rights

    The more I tried to explain it, the more he smirked and the angrier I got with him. When I started on how dodgy some of the stuff behind the investigation into Alex was, I’d get so far and he’d get fed up saying “Oh I don’t get any of that, it’s too far fetched”

    When I said (several times) I was thinking of leaving the SNP he would say “Who else are you going to vote for ?”

    Tonight he resigned his membership – his resignation message to the SNP (which will get the standard “Oh, cheerio then” email from Murrell) started with the reason for leaving being the party’s stance on women’s rights, then went on the the fact that most of the 2016 manifesto, particularly Land Reform, hadn’t been implemented.

    Then he went on about Brexit and all the time spent on England’s woes while promises of Scotland not being dragged out of the EU were just talk and no action.

    Then of course, the fact that Scotland was no nearer to independence than we were 6 years ago with no sign of a referendum

    Then he clicked send – only to say “Damn it, I never mentioned the missing Indyref money”

    Amazing how one thing can lead to another so quickly – he hasn’t even read this Wings article yet.

  164. A Person says:

    Also, if you’re the informant and you’re reading this, more power to your elbow, for what it’s worth.

  165. Wee Chid says:

    Will there now be any chance that the ISP will field a candidate in the South Scotland Region?

  166. Mist001 says:

    Like I said, the SNP should be disbanded. It’s no longer a political party, it has simply become a vehicle for minority interests who if truth be told, could simply have formed their own organisations instead of being allowed to take over the SNP.

    They also make a habit of ignoring legal advice.

    This is down to poor leadership, pure and simple. Nothing else. Mrs. Murrell is readily taking bad advice or is being pressured to behave in a certain way.

    Whichever way you look at it, the SNP is a political party in name only. Maybe the electoral commission would be interested in having a look.

  167. Albert Herring says:

    “How on earth any chairperson can vote for an unlawful motion is beyond me.”

    Only following orders.

  168. laukat says:

    @Roger Mexico

    “As an outsider, can I ask you and others who have said similar, why do people do this? Surely resigning is exactly what they want you to do. These people are interesting in control of the party and personally benefiting from that – if that is at the expense of the Party’s aims or even it being in power, so be it. There are still personal gains to be made in opposition.”

    Fair question and one I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about. For me when you have a NEC that will pass an lawful resolution then the chances of changing the party from within are no longer realistic.

    When you add that we have a chief executive in Mr Murrell who will target party members without any sanction then there is no party its just a vehicle for the leadership to retain power.

    If in anyway I thought the SNP was saveable I wouldn’t have resigned. To deliver change it requires leadership change right through the party. Unfortunately even if Sturgeon did have to resign, which I doubt, she would probably be replaced by someone such as Swinney or Robertson who would continue the same agenda.

    My resignation isn’t important. However hoepfully it amongst others brings balalnce to Sturgeon’s worry about the woke leaving.

    An inquisitive media would be asking why under Sturgeon the membership numbers are dropping. However in the abscence of that hoepfully the drop in membership fees from lots of resignations might curtail the leaderships excesses.

  169. Ian Brotherhood says:

    From The Twitter:

    Angus B MacNeil MP
    We can be reassured that all those who have been concerned with “wildcat” or “illegal” referendums as a Scot Parl ref was wrongly called .. will be on the lookout for any other “wildcat” behaviour and not following legal advice.

  170. James Horace says:

    Mhairi Hunter eh?

  171. Surlyscot says:

    Julie Mennie says:
    31 January, 2021 at 8:18 pm

    I’m sorry if your son has this disability but, with all due respect, if he needs his Mammy to stand up for him then he shouldn’t be going into politics. Nor should he be going into women’s toilets – and you should have taught him that a long time ago.

  172. keviano says:

    The article says the SNP will ” do well to get even two [list] seats nationwide”, so in reality what’s the issue?
    In reality, the NEC result doesn’t deliver anything in terms of increased representation for minority groups.
    However the article, by attempting to ridicule conditions, like diabetes, tourettes etc does nothing to educate about the social barriers experienced.
    It is not that these conditions make an individual disabled, but rather the absence of accomodation, the barriers created by organisations, employers, public services, that limit or exclude those people from full participation in society.
    Given the miniscule effort here by the NEC, and without portraying every ‘disabled’ SNP member as an extreme ‘woke’ loony – what exactly is the problem.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “However the article, by attempting to ridicule conditions, like diabetes, tourettes etc does nothing to educate about the social barriers experienced.”

      Nobody did that, of course. My dad has diabetes.

  173. Sinky says:

    Legal opinion is only an opinion and other legal eagles say it doesn’t get round the fact that the Equality Act 2010 which allows political parties to positively discriminate in favour of minorities.

    “A third candidate, Greg McCarra from the Association of Nationalist Councillors (who is neither disabled nor BAME) also declared he was seeking nomination, but McCarra DID recuse himself from the vote, as Robertson and Campbell should have done in any normally-functioning organisation with even a modicum of self-respect”.

    Why would anyone vote for candidates who have no integrity?

    Also there should be a rule that only candidates who live in the Region can stand in that Region as system was meant to ensure that every area had reasonable representation at Holyrood.

  174. John says:

    Wee Chid says:
    31 January, 2021 at 8:22 pm
    Will there now be any chance that the ISP will field a candidate in the South Scotland Region?

    ISP has branches in every region and are vetting potential candidates to stand in every region. They need donations link to

  175. Liz g says:

    Julie Mennie @ 8.18
    While we’re mums for life , I know… I don’t think we can seek legal advice for our grown up kids !
    I think they have to do that all by themselves.
    It will likely be pretty much the same for someone’s school records too , I’d imagine.
    And while legal advice apparently can be ignored…. I don’t think the actual law can….

  176. gerry mcghee says:

    “I know a fat ole policeman, he’s always on our street
    A fat old, jolly red-faced man, he really is a treat
    He’s too fine for a policeman, he’s never known to frown
    And everybody says he is the happiest man in town”

  177. Scozzie says:

    I don’t know why these muppets even bother to seek legal advice it’s not like they ever care to follow it!!!!! Not content with pissing off half the population with their war on women am sure the disability community will be furious that they’ve debased the meaning of disability!!!!

  178. Lekraw says:

    Jesus H. I give up. What chance do we have with these clowns in control?

  179. Dan says:

    Wee Chid says: at 8:22 pm

    Will there now be any chance that the ISP will field a candidate in the South Scotland Region?

    This ^^^

    Earlier it was mentioned btl as a new Party finding its feet, the ISP may have restrictions in financing the selection and fielding of candidates.
    How much are we talking here for two candidates per Region?

    I’ve family and connections in the borders that are screaming out for someone to vote for now that the SNP appears to be emulating a jobbie circling the pan… 🙁

    The Conservatives tend to win Constituencies in the area so folk appalled with the way SNP is going could at least have the option of ISP with their 2nd vote, and presume many would donate towards the costs of fielding a couple of candidates now that we see the potential SNP Regional List personnel.

  180. Socrates MacSporran says:

    FFS – this lot are making Scottish Labour appear sane, sensible and electable.

    If this is a foretaste of the independent Scotland to come, I am glad I will probably be deid by the time they get around to bringing that about.

    I have no wish to be governed by these people.

  181. Liz g says:

    Lekraw @ 8.45
    Now don’t be too quick to judge …. if we vote them in some will bring their mum.
    Mums are great …. nae debate 🙂

  182. Dan says:

    @ John at 8:40 pm

    Ah, cross posted. Cheers for that info John as it helps answer my post. Have been busy all weekend so hadn’t seen that link.

  183. Saffron Robe says:

    “BONUS FUN FACT! Individual minutes is how they did it at the Wannsee Conference.”

    I’m not sure that is a fun fact Stuart, I think it is perhaps the most chilling fact of all. It highlights exactly who they are mirroring in their techniques.

  184. Liz g says:

    Dan @ 8.45
    As I understood it ( although things could have moved on ) ISP didn’t intend to field candidates where the SNP were likely to take the list seat
    Joan being one of them if memory serves.
    The ISP were never intended to be competitors with the SNP , only the Unionist party’s

  185. TheBuchanLoony says:

    Julie Mennie @ 8.18
    With regard to your son Josh. I read the phrase ‘newly-declared disabilities’. I cannot see where your claim of “newly diagnosed condition Tourettes” is. Have I missed it or have you made a mistake?

  186. Liz g says:

    Dan @ 8.48
    Oops cross posted too ….
    Whit ir we like 🙂

  187. Sheepshagger says:

    This is straight out of Southpark.
    Mind you poor Josh does have his problems.

  188. Lorna Campbell says:

    Same pattern. Ignore all and any legal advice/sense and steam ahead. This is Stonewall Diversity Champions’ advice to the pseudo ‘wokies’ in every situation in every organization, everywhere. At this rate, the SNP will have to pay so much dosh in lost court cases that they will disappear up their own jacksies to escape the court orders. Or, alternatively, you just redact and disappear important documents, which is another ploy of theirs. What was that winning song at the Eurovision… oh yes…Puppet on a String. Pinocchio with the strings still attached and elongating nose growing ever longer. Talk about being had. Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been? I’ve been to London to visit a Q***n (allegedly). He sits on his wall and pulls all our strings. He sits on his wall made of stone and such things. What he doesn’t know is that he is the fool. Like the government up here, he’s Thames Embankment’s tool.

  189. stonefree says:

    @ Julie Mennie at 8:18 pm

    Oh do be quite.

  190. PacMan says:

    Scot Finlayson says: 31 January, 2021 at 7:37 pm

    In B.A.M.E.

    what covers the M.E. (minority ethnic) bit, does this cover say Polish,Spanish or Irish or even English living in Scotland.

    According to the below link, in the 2011 census, 2.66% of the Scottish population is Asian while only 0.5% is Black.

    link to

    Even in the UK as a whole, the Asian population is far larger than the black population.

    This type of politics is just a photo-copy of the American version. It doesn’t recognise that due to Scottish demographics, there should be more emphasis on Asian participation in the Scottish political scene.

    It’s just another attempt at being trendy and woke.

  191. Stoker says:

    Just read on Twatter Mhairi Hunter is a bit peeved with Rev’s info source. Going on about how much of a “clownshow” it is that someone should be “leaking” info to a “hostile journalist”. LOL!

    And said with a straight face too no doubt as she failed to mention the several million pounds the SNP gave to ScotsIndy’s most hostile journalists on planet earth, The BUM rags. And there are folk out there asking what went wrong with the SNP? LOL! 🙂

  192. Liz g says:

    TheBuchanLoony @ 8.52
    Define mistake I’ve a few thoughts .

  193. Bob Mack says:

    Just hearing on the grapevine that the National Secretary Stewart Stevenson attended by phone. He disallowed points of order re legality and sanctioned Oswald to vote.

    The National Secretary. Let that sink in.

  194. TruthForDummies says:

    What does individual minutes mean I don’t want to read the Nazi stuff

  195. Republicofscotland says:

    So according to Mhairi Hunter, Wings is a hosted by a hostile journalist, it would appear that telling the truth, is now considered a hostile act.

    “Unreal that people on the NEC are leaking to Wings. Complete clownshoe behaviour. I don’t care what faction of the party you are in. Leaking info to hostile journalists is idiotic. Wise up.”

    link to

  196. cynicalHighlander says:

    This is what happens to cults they self implode as they are so fixated on their own self rightousness. She deserves all that is coming to get her.

  197. TheBuchanLoony says:

    Liz g
    As far as I can see Stu did not say “newly diagnosed condition Tourettes”. He quite rightly did say ‘newly-declared disabilities’. These are two totally different statements. I think Julie Mennie is mistaken in what she thinks was written. If she(as she threatens) is wrongly accusing Stu on other forums then it is she that is in danger of slandering him!

  198. Dan says:

    Eh, implementing positive discrimination by only allowing certain groups of folk (such as disabled) to stand, effectively dis-ables others from standing…thus making them eligible.

    Sensibly refreshes page before submitting…

    @ Liz g

    It appears we’re pure cross-posting afflicted and probably oppressed in some yet to be defined way, which will no doubt be catered for in the future with the implementation of some retrospective applied policy. 😉

    I’m late to the party but couldn’t believe all the lefthanders (my fookin spell check tried to correct lefthander to neanderthal!!! 🙁 ) on here the other day. Solidarity with my fellow smudged handwriting comrades.
    Is Trans Star sign a thing yet? Ain’t nobody gonnae impinge on my Saggitarianism.

  199. David Innes says:

    Damn, I’ve just broken a fingernail. Does that count as a disability?

  200. Daisy Walker says:

    This is interesting. It is so deeply, blatantly, awful, unelectable and unfair. I mean if they ever look, even one or 2 over on WGD will have misgivings about this.

    In all seriousness, they have legal advice that says, don’t do this, its illegal and will cost you lots of money, and they do it anyway. Well they can do it with their own money, and I’d be wondering if, those who step away now, would be able to pursue actions against them on the same type of grounds as constructive dismissal.

    ISP you need to look at how SNP procedures were overtaken to allow this to happen, and write up your constitution now to prevent this happening all over again to you… anyone dragging their heals about it, may well be up to the same nonsense.

    Its getting to the point that if the sensible and competent SNP officals left now, they would take with them all the credibility and most of the voters.

    I rather think that if Nicla, stands on a well promoted platform with this lot, her personal poll readings are going to hit rock bottom.

    All things considered, keep up the good work SNP NEC – your showing your true colours better than anyone else could.

  201. Dickiet says:

    Membership cancelled. Means I can afford to contribute to wings again

  202. Kevin Anderson says:

    Thats it, ive had enough, im cancelling the direct debit tomorrow. Was going to wait until after the election but now they are not even getting my vote. Disgusted.

  203. Bob Mack says:

    Tourettes tics generally disappear in adulthood. Often they require no medication whatsoever. ICD10 Sec94 or 95.

  204. Liz g says:

    TheBuchanLoony @ 9.10
    I knew what you ment my friend and agree.
    I just thought there were other mistakes the mother made somewhere along the line 🙂
    The main one being , letting everyone know that our prospective new MSP will need his mum to speak up for him is not a good look ….

  205. A2 says:

    yea but… both votes SNP will fix it.

  206. Liz g says:

    Dan @ 9.10
    Well Dan if our Trans Posting doesn’t include cross posting !!!
    Is it even intersectional?
    If not , why not ?
    Do you think we’re being cancelled… 🙂

  207. SOG says:

    I’ve just seen this from Mhairi H – “People have been elected who really shouldn’t have been.”

    Writing about the leak to Wings. That’s democracy you plonkeuse.

  208. Republicofscotland says:

    Scots rock band switch to supporting independence, boy are they in for a shock.

    link to

  209. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘Yer maw sends comments intae yon Wings so she does!’

    ‘Naw she disny!’

    ‘Aye she fuckin does!’

  210. velofello says:

    I posted my SNP branch experience some time back – the pair of them arrived in our wee town from Glasgow, one an ex-councillor. Armed with SNP rule book knowledge, they quoted the rules and procedures to us, and they soon proposed and initiated to the membership, sub-committees, with their involvement of course.

    One put themselves forward for selection as the MP candidate, failed. The other then tried for MSP candidate selection, failed. Finally one secured a councillor appointment over a rival, a 3rd generation member of our wee town. Complaints to SNP HQ that this “successful” candidate had broken party canvassing rules were ignored. Oh, and a third person also arrived – out of the blue, from Glasgow I believe, and yes, petitioned and was selected as a councillor candidate, and failed.

    Do I believe that our wee town and it’s SNP branch were identified and targetted by SNP HQ? Yes do.

    A lifetime of voting SNP, I’m no longer a member. You are judged by the company you keep.

    What I’m reading here on Wings is no surprise to me. Trouble is that I wouldn’t wish to be an elected politician. I have posed the question to my family, all in gainful, interesting employment – not one is interested. And so the field is open to Others.

    Years back I took part in motorcycle competition, and ye know, the committee members of the association didn’t compete in events, but they did jaw jaw, and instal rules.

    We should consider a full-time civil service, and a part-time (conscripted?) body politic selected from the population. A kind of jury service?

  211. James says:

    Maybe a mass resignation of SNP members will make them think.

  212. Daisy Walker says:

    Hello ISP – that’s my donation in. My second vote is yours so long as its Plebiscite for Indy.

  213. Cenchos says:

    ‘Relax Mhairi, ye’ve got an Empire biscuit’.

  214. Livionian says:

    I hate white supremacists with a passion, obviously. And in an ideal world a national parliament should reflect the demographics of the country, so that no groups are underrepresented, and demonstrating that nothing should be off limits to anyone.

    But whether people like it or not, Scotland is 96% white, according to the last census. I’m fine if BAME candidates become slightly overrepresented, good on them if enough talented ones put themselves forward. But why on earth should the candidate list be fixed so that BAME candidates become so overrepresented that it becomes much much more likely that a member of a region is represented by a BAME politician than, say, a working class one from a white background?

    I’m trying not to walk on shaky ground but surely that goes against all common sense? Shouldn’t at least 90 percent of MSPs be white, considering Scotland’s demographics? Where is the equality In fixing the formula so that the majority of the population become hugely underrepresented in regional MSPs and instead it is artificially altered to show an unrealistic picture of diversity in Scotland

  215. AYRSHIRE ROB says:

    Well we know what the “King of the Saracens” said.

    Jerusalem is lost.So is the SNP with this lots infiltration.


  216. ElGordo says:

    Please try and mind the language, Josh’s mum is on.

    Had a quick look at his twitter link and photos there, think there must be some confusion on this one, i’m sure i read that katie price had arranged for him to be taken into care.

  217. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    Oh no, Josh has sent his mammy after me again!

    “I note you didn’t retract your lies about his sister after it became clear your article on her was also lies.”

    When did that happen? You offered no evidence proving anything I wrote was untrue. If you ever do, I will happily correct any errors. That’s standard Wings policy at all times.

  218. Bob Mack says:

    @El Gordo,

    Sad bast#rd.

  219. Liz g says:

    Ian Brotherhood @ 9.22
    Mibbi she’s trying tae make up for her and they two schools no teaching him that the Ladies was for Ladies. ….

  220. Daisy Walker says:

    I’m guessing this new policy means that recently ‘not selcted’ candidate Saeed my cousin is Yousaf the Justice Minister, and please don’t ask about £200,000 of public money that was supposed to go towards a festival of Islam in Glasgow and was not recovered, and proper accountancy records were not kept, will now get on the list….

    And funnily enough, even though the Herald wrote a story about it and referenced the fact that Audit Scotland investigated and found that the Scottish Islam Foundation had failed to keep proper accounts and record of how the money was spent, there does not appear to be any record of that on Audit Scotland’s web page anymore (they publish FOI requests).

    And I can no longer find reference to the Herald story that specified Audit Scotlands report.

    Funny old world.

    Having said that I am increasingly disabled in this increasingly computerised world, so if others can find it, I will accept my shortcomings.

  221. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Earlier this evening I tweeted a question to indy activists, asking how much – just a ballpark figure – they’ve spent on campaigning over the years, taking into account donations, transport, childcare, time-lost at work etc.

    I usually get a half-decent response to questioning tweets of that kind, but very very quiet since that one…

    It’s properly maddening, when you think about it.

    God only knows what the ‘total’ must be, even since indyref1. I couldn’t even hazard a guess with any confidence.

  222. Daisy Walker says:

    James says:
    31 January, 2021 at 9:23 pm

    Maybe a mass resignation of SNP members will make them think.

    No, that has already been happening and they’ve been hiding the figures.

    Mass funding of the ISP… now that will make them think;)

  223. Cath says:

    Oh God. I’ve just remembered one time my I asked my Mum to send me the phone number of an employer I had an interview with as they were supposed to contact me with details of a presentation but hadn’t. Instead of sending the number to me she phoned them on my behalf. Fucking hell that was embarrassing.

  224. Liz g says:

    Daisy Walker @ 9.37
    Agreed mass funding and mass membership of the new ISP party would be quite a message .
    And something practical to do rather than sit and fizz.

  225. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “What does individual minutes mean I don’t want to read the Nazi stuff”

    It means every copy of the Wannsee Conference minutes was numbered so if any leaked they’d know whose it was and could execute them.

  226. Disillusioned says:

    I don’t know what I’m going to do for the election in May – obviously I’ll vote ISP in the list (assuming they’re standing in my constituency.) John Swinney is currently my MSP. I can’t vote for him (certainly not in good conscience, anyway.)

  227. Betsy says:

    I’m not saying someones mum turning up in a blogs comments to shout the odds on behalf of her grown up son is one of the more interesting or significant events of the last few years in Scottish politics but it has to be one of the funniest.

    If Josh is elected can we expect to see his mammy storming parliament on a regular basis? Have we all the been too judgey about his habit of hanging about ladies loos- is the wee laddie just looking for his mum?

    I always wondered what his problem was. I think we might have the answer.

  228. David Wise says:

    Since when was Tourettes a disability? When I asked my GP wife (actual woman), she asked why and when I explained she just laughed and shook her head.

  229. Alison Watters says:

    Here Stu, they’re accusing you of saying something horrible about Graham Campbell and I came back to see what you said because I remembered nothing even remotely bad and was right. What are they talking about?

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Here Stu, they’re accusing you of saying something horrible about Graham Campbell and I came back to see what you said because I remembered nothing even remotely bad and was right. What are they talking about?”

      Fuck knows. LITERALLY the worst thing I called him was a “councillor”.

  230. ElGordo says:

    There was that infamous time he tried to go to the ladies on the ferry, Cairnryan to Belfast, he was prevented by a couple of distraught mothers with their kids.

    His mum was once again at hand to support him in relieving himself off the back of the boat.

    link to

  231. Hugh Jarse says:

    Yer maw !
    Apt, but what a riddy.
    I blame Eastenders and daytime TV.
    Everyone is a victim now.

  232. A Person says:

    The real value of so many Twitter Yessers can be shown in the fact that they think that a fairly old (although good) band announcing their support for independence means it’s in the bag.

  233. Eileen Carson says:

    Rev have you seen Gillian Bowditch’s piece in The Times? Apologies if this has been posted already link to

  234. You really are a disgusting individual, Stuart. Attacking someone who has a serious mental illness is even more appalling than your usual venom. I’m passionately pro-freedom for Scotland but I’d rather stay in the UK than live in an independent Scotland in which people like yourself were prominent, but since you choose to live in England that’s something that, thankfully, won’t be happening.

    IMO Wings Over Scotland is no better than the Alt Right rubbish that comes from hatemongers in the USA. You’re a disgrace to Scotland.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “You really are a disgusting individual, Stuart. Attacking someone who has a serious mental illness”

      Please identify where I did that.

  235. Manny Singh says:

    The SNP are in serious trouble I don’t understand this madness and abuse of power to get yourself elected. These tactics you would expect from Labour, Tories people on the Nec manufacturing self promotion to get elected something needs to change immediately before the elections in May.

    This is complete utter madness a small minority abusing the positions they’re in. These people have no interest in Scottish Independence except they’re using it for self promotion. Alienating members implementing downright unethical policy’s. Time for these people to be removed from the Nec.

    Stop ignoring what’s going on with your silence you are jeopardising Independence.

    Someone with better knowledge how do you reverse this and change the nec. People should not be using thier positions to cheat and get themselves elected.

  236. Eileen Carson says:

    Jeezo “Ah’m gonna tell ma mammy oan you” is that for real?

  237. Sarah says:

    Does anyone know if Joanna Cherry was at this NEC meeting? I think she can’t have been because otherwise the legal advice would have been followed.

    If she wasn’t there, why not? Anything to do with her twitter silence following her having to appeal to the National Secretary about the twitter attack by Kirsty Blackman?

  238. Andy Ellis says:

    Interesting development:

    link to

    More power to Mark’s elbow.

  239. Strathy says:

    Josh’s Mum.

    Does Nicola know that if she upsets wee Joshie, you will be straight round to see her?

  240. PacMan says:

    I wonder what Josh’s campaign slogan would be…Vote for me or my mum will be at your door?

  241. JSC says:

    Julie Mennie @ 8.18

    Quick question, if you as a (presumed lifelong) woman, wished to urgently use a public toilet with sign that says “women” on the door, and when you went in there was a big burly pink-haired bloke with his cock out having a wank over the Tampax machine, what would your immediate reaction be? And, could this be another viable SNP list candidate? Thanks

  242. Mc Duff says:

    So who is orchestrating this suicidal madness, someone is.

  243. Elmac says:

    This is hilarious. How anyone could continue to be a member of the SNP let alone vote for this shower of fruitcakes is beyond me. The lunatics have truly taken over the asylum.

    For God’s sake cut up your membership cards, stop your subscriptions, donations and fund raising activities. All you are doing is perpetuating this evil, corrupt, political charade. Our nation is fast becoming a laughing stock and Boris already has more than enough to justify the disbandment of Holyrood. Unless some sensible, decent MPs and MSPs stand up to these clowns now we have to accept that the dream is over in the short term. It will be mission accomplished by Sturgeon.

    Assuming there will be no challenge to Sturgeon from inside the party in the next week or so then we have to face reality and bite the bullet. Vote ISP on the list – I only wish they were standing constituency candidates as well – and vote for whoever is most likely to defeat the SNP on the constituency ballot. If that is a Tory hold your nose and do it. Another 5 years of Sturgeon will plunge our country even further into the dark ages and 5 years of unionist control at Holyrood might be the lesser of two evils. The cow has cost us many years, much money and angst, but at least we will then be rid of her and can rebuild the Yes movement. We need ISP to rise like a Phoenix from the ashes, hopefully bolstered by the defection of the remaining decent rump of the SNP, and perhaps also with AS on board.

  244. Liz says:

    Seems some SNP members happy to accept the minutes which simply state the decisions taken, under the impression a majority vote took place. Don’t want to hear about members voting who have a conflict of interest, or that vote was a tie and only passed by chair casting deciding vote. All looks ok if you don’t know anything that went on. This is how the members get hoodwinked.

  245. JSC says:

    Bobby Gillespie of Primal Scream has always been a space cadet, and lives in a millionaire’s townhouse in Islington. He has no clue about the nuances of current Scottish politics and you can safely ignore most of his ramblings. Some good tunes though

  246. Elmac says:

    Chris Connolly @ 10.09

    I suggest you read the article again, properly this time. Your post is deranged.

  247. Roddy Macdonald says:

    Och well, unless Josh’s Maw has some exotic novel revelations about his ancestry, it looks like after today’s NEC meeting, his ambitions to be No1 on the NE list are sort of screwed whatever ‘disabilities’ or toilet preference he has.

  248. Bob Mack says:

    @Chris Connelly,

    Tourettes is not a serious mental illness. You wont find anybody hospitalised for having Tourettes.

  249. ElGordo says:


    Aston Villa did play a few pre-season friendlies in Scotland early nineties.

  250. Effijy says:

    Just donated to ISP but an unfortunate circumstances stance at the end asks
    If I’d like to Eddie Izzard’s fund raiser?
    The Trans, now her comedian who came here to demand Scotland voted No.

    The other fund raiser was to fund horses for London’s disabled?

    Everything a Scottish fund raiser needs?

  251. Rick H Johnston says:

    Andy Wightman, who left the Greens over their intolerance on GRA is considering standing as an independent on the Lothians list.
    On current SNP polling figures, they’ll probably not get a list seat so he could maybe do a Margo.

  252. ElGordo says:

    @Rabbie Mack

    Yep, its a very scottish thing, most of them from my school joined the army

  253. Geoff Anderson says:

    Mass funding and membership of ISP is a great idea – I’m in.
    No extra cost as I just caught my DD to the SNP for Feb.

  254. Effijy says:

    You are being attached Rev as just like a mirror you
    show the ugly scars and boils on a disfigured face.

    Standing up for your country, when it could be a permanent
    English shire doesn’t help you case.

    Just like Alex and Craig, you only need to be innocent to be attacked.

  255. Bob Mack says:

    @El Gordo,

    If they were from your school did they sign up as targets?

  256. Barrie gadgie says:

    “Oust Joan mcalpine”??? Standing orders say sitting msp will be top of list. Fact check: you used to do this.

  257. Lenny Hartley says:

    Roddy McDonald, read it again u can self id as Black!

  258. ElGordo says:

    @Rabbie Mack

    Aren’t they all?

    They signed up to signals (comms) mainly, this has probably all changed now tho, their of less use in the move from analogue to digital.

  259. Bob Mack says:

    @Barrie Gadgie,

    Sfanding orders say a lot of things but they have been ignored in this case. Keep. up

  260. true scot says:

    The prospect of this administration forming the core of a post indy administration is frightening. We’d need real talent as we would have a long and urgent to do list. There should already be an endless stream of thought coming out of the SNP about currency, pensions, mortages, central bank, post indy govt agencies, how we plan to attract inward investment, encourage manufacturing, R&D in analytics / ai / robotics, plans for trade deals, whether water and wind power could be revenue streams, what we plan to do regarding oil and so on. Instead I just see a stream of output that thoroughly alienates me. And that Leez is the final straw for me.

  261. Bob Mack says:

    @El Gordo,

    No they stil! do signals in case of equilment failures due to emp etc.

  262. Ronnie says:

    The SNP has gone absolutely fucking insane. I can’t vote for any party in May. Spoilt ballot it is, then 🙁

  263. Barrie gadgie says:

    @Bob Mack which standing orders ignored?

  264. Bob Mack says:

    First kf all Nicola and Peter Murrell have to go, taking the clique with them.

    There must be good SNP MSPs somewhere. ,but recent events hardly inspire confidence do they ?. The Silent Majority.

    ISP is an absolute no brainer.We must decide what goes on from that first step.

  265. ElGordo says:

    @Rabbie Mack

    Yep, i remember seeing that on ghostbusters.

    No i meant they were of less use once it moved from clicks and beeps to digital.

  266. Neil Wilkinson says:

    I suppose a grown man insisting on using the womens toilet is evidence of a mental disorder ……..

  267. X_Sticks says:

    I haven’t noticed a link, so here’s the Sunday Post article:

    “Salmond inquiry MSPs: Whatever the Crown has given us must be released and released in full”

    link to

  268. susanXX says:

    The SNP are lost if their MSPs and MPs don’t rise up against this utter shite. Another great article and nail in the coffin Stu.

  269. ELewis says:

    Of all the dickish things people in the party have done of late, this behaviour is, in a way, the most gratuitously repulsive yet. Student societies are shut down for less than this.

  270. stonefree says:

    @ Rick H Johnston at 10:34 pm

    It would be an ideal move ,and viable,
    Half a dozen like Margo would kick the SNP between the legs,
    There is one major problem …..the funding for an individual?
    A lesser one is the time scale

  271. Bob Mack says:

    @Barrie gadgie,

    I could type it all but see article entitled The stealing of the SNP about two articles back. Read re standing order

  272. Derick fae Yell says:

    Daisy Walker says:
    31 January, 2021 at 9:12 pm

    “ISP you need to look at how SNP procedures were overtaken to allow this to happen, and write up your constitution now to prevent this happening all over again to you… anyone dragging their heals about it, may well be up to the same nonsense.”

    We hope that having ALL members empowered to vote at National Conference (rather than just delegates, as the SNP does) will go some way to addressing that.

    ISP Constitution, S.7

    7. National Conference

    National Conference of the Party shall be the supreme policy making body of the Party.

    All party members are eligible to participate – provision shall be made for members to fully participate (including proposing and seconding motions) and vote remotely for those members that cannot attend in person. All members will be able to actively participate in the decision- making process, including, but not limited to, any policy propositions and the dissolution of the party.

    a) All members shall have an equal vote.

    b) Decision shall be by majority vote of the membership.

    c) Any member or branch can submit a resolution to conference; it will be considered for inclusion by the standing orders and agenda committee and will be included subject to a vote of party members.

    d) National Conference shall meet at least once a year. The Executive Committee shall decide the dates of a National Conference.

    e) The conduct of National Conference shall be governed by National Conference standing orders.

    f) National Conference will elect office bearers and functional sub -committee members as defined by the Executive Committee.

  273. Brian says:

    Gotta love how you get the blame because they got caught being as shady as fuck.

    I hope in May my constituency gets someone with some credibility.

  274. ElGordo says:

    Ah bless, if only more than 97 people did something about it instead of ranting..

    link to

  275. Martyman says:

    Someone please tell me Emma Harper has ‘Type 1’ Diabetes. Coz if ‘Type 2’ is being classed as a disability, then about half the country over the age of 40 is ‘disabled’, including me.

  276. Dan says:

    Chris makes a good point, why wasn’t this proposed change made much earlier rather than rushed through now.

    link to

  277. Bob Mack says:

    Interesting development. Mark Hirst taking legal advice on suing for wrongful prosecution. The noose tightens .

  278. Liz says:

    Mrs Mennie your son is an adult. Why are you always threatening people who speak against him? It’s pathetic that a mother has to speak up to protect her adult son.
    I remember you and Dad Mennie telling us all how wpnderful he was after saying he invaded women’s toilets. No thought for traumatised women. He sounds like a spolit brat to me.

    I have news for you, Tourettes is not classified as a disability and I for one, would not want to be represented by someone, swearing when they got stressed.

    Not everyone can do everything, get used to it

  279. X_Sticks says:



  280. Grouse Beater says:


    As an outsider, I fill my independence hours promoting the healthy cause of self-governance. I have not been much involved in the minutiae of GRA debates and intriques though I deplore each and every one.

    Some weeks back I warned the vengeful were regrouping to try re-entry by devious means, and so Wings proves in this thread.


    From bitter experience I can confirm Fiona Roberton is a chronic fabulist. Aside of the obnoxious nonsense she penned on my case, she appears to have concocted an entirely fictious persona, wheelchair and all. Her recent invitational association with the NEC after being voted out, is evidence that the virus in the SNP eating at its honesty has not been fully put under the knife.


    Moreover, I have seen evidence of a letter circulating among, what I categorise as Alyn Smith clones, demanding the First Minister put an end to the career of the Right Honorable Joanna Cherry MP QC forthwith (hanged and then a trial), for – and I quote – “transphobia and anti-Semitism’, the latter scam the same gross falsehood stuck on my Jewish heritage by unfit-for-any-office Roberston, a calumny the SNP tries hard to ignore.


    Finally, before I return to my site to fend off malicous attacks for posting here; the time is past when folk can assume that this sorry mess of people haters stays within the Twitter domain.

    It has perculated to the international gossip publications and sites, which means the main press cannot ignore it much longer. In fact, the lower order of rags and hacks are not presenting our First Minister in a good light.

  281. ElGordo says:


    That’s the way, it is what we have always done.

    The thing they really dislike about Wings, is it’s ability to to power up.

    Always remember the Salmond fundraiser, and Craig Murrays 23:59 contribution to take it over the 100k, within the same day.

    That sent the message.

  282. Betsy says:

    Point taken. Kicked in a couple of quid.

    link to

  283. Lennie says:

    Isn’t the NE list reserved for BAME?

    “Robertson declared that she intended to seek the top spot on the North-East list as a disabled candidate, but did NOT recuse herself from the vote.”

  284. Hugh Jarse says:

    And on the day the “misinformation ” mission was announced…

    It’s hardly subtle, but needs must, and time is short, so some brainstorm comes up with this!

    Hereafter to be known as operation ‘Yer maw’.

  285. ClanDonald says:

    @James “Any links to your Trumpian claims clandonald.Please explain your reasoning for me.
    kind regards”

    Yeah. Trump just tried to trample over the democratic wishes of the electorate to hold on to power.

    Here in Scotland SNP NEC members have invented a new rule where disabled people get promoted to the top of the list, then they declared themselves disabled and put themselves to the top of the list. In the past the membership voted for their favoured candidates. Not any more. Do you think actual people would have ever voted for Fiona Robertson to be their top candidate? Not in a million years. But she’s gonna be an SNP MSP in May anyway. Great, isn’t it? Meanwhile they get to boot their arch enemy, Joan McAlpine, off her previous top spot on the list. Win win. F*ck democracy.

    If you can’t see the connection I can’t help you. The only difference is Trump didn’t succeed.

  286. Daisy Walker says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
    31 January, 2021 at 9:46 pm

    “What does individual minutes mean I don’t want to read the Nazi stuff”

    It means every copy of the Wannsee Conference minutes was numbered so if any leaked they’d know whose it was and could execute them’

    I’d’ve,well one not been there, and 2, doctored the number, so that 3 would have become 8, 1 would’ve become 10. Or just cut the number out.

    There’s many a way when needs must.

    What is so important about the Wannsee document is that it shows that the extermination of the Jews was a calculated and deliberate policy, and not a tragic sequence of events by misguided players falling short on the day.

    For that reason it is one of histories most important documents.

    Whoever sneaked it out of that meeting most probably did so to cover their own arse, not out of humane reasons. It was their, ‘I was only following orders’ get out of jail card.

    Since we are on the subject of WW2… Mr Dimbleby senior reported from the front line throughout, including the discovery of Belsen? sorry cannot recall which..

    If you listen to his audio account on you tube, it is actually an increadible piece of reporting. The more overwhelming and in your face horrendously obvious a thing is, the more the human reaction is just to go quiet and point.

    He calmly starts to recount, review, relate. And has to pause, it is so overwhelming. And when the BBC refused to broadcast it. He threatened to quit. He had that much clout. They relented.

    Years later he re visited for a ceremony. He noted it was a place where the birds did not sing.

    He could not have been in that war and managed to avoid the input of the 51st Highlanders and other Scottish Brigades.

    His son Richard is a pampered English pet by comparison to his father.

    And the BBC then as now, and absolute tool and disgrace of the state.

    Many thanks to Dereck fae Yell re ISP. Perhaps look to prevent a deluge of Brit nat here today, gone tomorrow type voters.

    Whatever type of democracy you attempt to install, every effort will be made to overcome it. That is the difficulty. Too late at night for me to try and highlight some pitfalls, and that misses the point, in that you need / and hopefully have proper working examples.

  287. Bob Mack says:

    I have been trawling through MPs twitter accounts and everyone of them trying to defend this is being put to the sword.

    For the first time I can feel the tide turning in our favour.

    This was indeed a calamitous error of judgement

  288. ElGordo says:


    Good on you! Noted and climbing.

  289. MorvenM says:

    Beaker says:
    31 January, 2021 at 6:17 pm
    @McHaggis69 says:
    31 January, 2021 at 6:11 pm
    “I cannot help but see the SNP has become what used to be called by the press of the time ‘the Loony Left’.”

    Locked in a supermarket, they would starve to death.

    Thanks for that, Beaker. Nearly choked to death on my cocoa 🙂

    Honest to God, though, if you wrote up this guff as a satirical novel, people would think it was too far-fetched.

  290. This isn’t an SNP NEC meeting. It’s the Sopranos!
    They don’t care that what they are doing is corrupt and illegal.

    They just want to know who da snitch is!

  291. deerhill says:

    It appears the lunatics have taken over the asylum.

    And are preparing to burn it down.

    Mr Mennie should take care if he plans to use ladies toilets in the north east. Some of the ladies are quite blunt spoken and sometimes take direct action. Some are even described as “coorse”. We don’t want to see him add to his disabilities.

  292. Sarah says:

    @ Bob Mack: who said Twitter had no uses! Thanks for the good news – I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown that the party of independence was beyond reclaim. Please God we wake to some better news.

  293. WhoRattledYourCage says:

    After rereading David Torrance’s interview-quotes-cut-and-paste biography of the Worst Minister, I had a few thoughts. Was going to expand them in a blog piece, but really – I can’t be fucking bothered, the subject matter is not interesting enough. But I did come to a few conclusions.

    First off: Sturgeon has always been hugely ambitious and political; her teenage poster of Jim Sillars on her bedroom wall betrays this. As does, in one interview before she was FM, biographies of Tony Blair, the Clintons, and Margaret Thatcher, on display in her bookshelves. I do not think the Iron Lady was as much of a negative influence on Sturgeon as she said she was; I am sure, on some base visceral level, that the Milk Snatcher being the first ever female prime minister of the UK, turned Sturgeon on, containing an oestrogenerated power she wanted for herself.

    Her musical taste, including total crap like Wham, Kajagoogoo, Coldplay, and David Gray, is so fucking horrendously bland and insipid as to be utterly meaningless. You can tell a lot aboot somebody by their musical taste, and what Sturgeon’s says to me is that she is nowhere near as aesthetically prissy and sniffy and refined as she thinks she is, with all the shitey pretentious books she may or may not read she always talks aboot in public. That shit may play well in Dreghorn, but not in the rest of the real world. Kajagoogoo? AYE RIGHT. And I’m not being elitist here (well, maybe a wee bit)(alright, totally, but you know what I mean), really? Jesus. Not the tastes of somebody who knows aboot music, or got better taste in it as she got older. Her support of the work of Jackie Kay, the utterly talentless Makar, also tells us everything we need to know and more aboot her artistic tastes.

    The telly programme Borgen turned her on because she totally identified with the female head of a European country, and obsessed over her. Pure narcissism.

    She said, alternately, that Thatcher and Nelson Mandela made her a nationalist. Easy mistake to make, they could be twins, in all arenas. Seems to say what seems politically expedient at transient trendy times.

    Her first boyfriend Ricky Bell, at least the first one mentioned in the book, opened a cafe that played host to one of Scotland’s first gay weddings. Turn that piece of information as symbolic as you want.

    She was right into getting her mug on the telly right from the start, appearing on the gogglebox at a mere 18 years old. She craves limelight, probably from being a (as was much-noted) humourless, unsmiling, political obsessive teen, with not much attention paid to her.

    In university, she would be the person working hard, while her pals there were out clubbing. I think this is a key to her these days right now, to be honest. She has been in politics and political environments since she was 16 years old; she is now aboot to turn 51. Her frolicking with these sexual minority teens in their parades, bathing in their approbation and applause, serves two purposes: she gets attention she never got as a political teen, being seen as ‘cool,’ and she can finally get to do the partying she never did when she was young, amongst people she regards, as that ludicrous pleading video the other night, as her “friends.”

    She’s been involved with youth political groups from her mid-teens, relates to young people, wants to be young at heart, has never grown up. She has never given up her student political methods of not compromising with others for a higher, greater good. She has an inflexible megalomaniac, dictatorial streak in her, and is incapable of compromise. Why she chooses sexual minorities as friends to party with is for you to decide, but we’ve all heard the ‘baseless’ rumours that she denied in the Daily Record, without even actually addressing their substance. Who knows. Or even cares. Not even interesting.

    I think these kids may serve some sort of surrogate family need in her, because she once called herself the “chief corporate parent” of some kids in care, which was a creepy thing to say, and insulting to real parents. Parenthood is not just a matter of breezing into a photo op, saying you’re a parent, you care soooo much, then fucking off ten minutes later. What is clear is that social justice has been an obsession of hers for her whole life, and she now has the chance to ram her own pathologies down the throats of people she sees and normal, boring, mainstream, average, and she hates the working class, whom she cannot relate in any meaningful way to.

    Her partners mentioned in the book all came from political activist backgrounds. Politics is all she fucking knows. She is having the female equivalent of a midlife crisis right now, hanging out with people less than half her age, romping aboot onstage at gay pride rallies, being like the creepy old man or woman in the club who is far too old to be there, the one that makes you think suspect thoughts aboot their out-of-place presence. She clearly identifies with these alienated homosexual youngsters, her “friends,” has used Twitter all along (a middle-aged person keeping up with the young Joneses), won e-politician awards, constructing a modern, minorities-friendly image of herself as a benevolent auntie who is artsy and intelligent as fuck cos, like, she READS BOOKS, as if this is any guarantee of intelligence, taste, or being cultured – frankly laughable and somewhat anachronistic concept. It reeks of insecurity, quite frankly, and she’s clearly a deeply insecure person, tip to toe.

    She can’t handle disapprobation or dissent, or even criticism, warranted or not, which is why she rams through unpopular policies she has come up with, because, as a rampant narcissist, she knows best. Any compromise on social justice policies she has held for her whole adult life would be anathema to her because it would assail the very foundations of her worldview – the world will either bend to her, or she won’t accept it. She quite simply cannot change her mind, or compromise. It’s not in her DNA, and would destroy her whole fragile, self-constructed worldview.

    To be honest, she’d be better off being a reader and worker in some library somewhere, writing shitey complaining poetry with some financial-awards-sucking minorities group (Scotland is rife with them, trust me) and lapping up the fake praise they would provide. She does not have the temperament for the job she is doing, one of that seriously impacts upon the average, heterosexual person in deeply damaging ways. She is risk-averse, and thus would never take the risk of initiating another indyref, and being beaten like the last one. That too would destroy her grandiose, narcissistic , -constructed, careerist-sycophant-lauded worldview.

    There will never be another independence referendum with her at the helm.

    She is pathologically mentally and emotionally unsuited to delivering one. Her governmental work has just been one long continuation of the social work-type work she undertook at the Drumchapel Law Centre. There has been no real advancement in her or her worldview since then, and there never will be. She will never grow up, never compromise, never accept anybody else’s views but her own. Social justice is enlightened self–interest to marginalised people, and this is clearly who she identifies with, especially the minority young in SNP offshoots, as they remind her of herself when she was young and in their position. It’s all just one big hall of funhouse mirrors pointing right back at her.

    Just a few thoughts. Shrug. I am fucking sick of this woman, the net freaks who swarm and fawn over her, and Scottish politics in general. These are kids who have grown up with nobody but Sturgeon in power for the last seven years, so they know no different. She talks just like them, youth and all, American Twitter obsession copying, so it’s no wonder they protect her and regard her as some sort of weird surrogate mummy queen bee. She’s their chosen gender-agenda-fluid-sexual hero(ine) who fights the terrible middle-aged scum who form the rest of the party, and whose worthless ancient views mean nothing because they have real life experience, have had sex, and leave the hoose sometimes. And I also wonder if she might not be menopausal, now, to be honest. Some of her recent angry, paranoid, depressed outbursts would indicate she might potentially be.

    I don’t hate this woman. Had she not tried to destroy Alex Salmond’s life, I would almost feel sorry for her. Almost. But with that vile ultimate betrayal of her undeserving mentor, just to maintain her own political position and power, she fucked herself forever.

    Fuck it. Talk amongst yourselves.

  294. Robert Knight says:

    Putting Josh Mennie at the top of the list in the North East is pure political suicide, and I don’t care if Julie Mennie tells me off for saying so.

  295. ElGordo says:

    Getting there, keep on going..

    link to

  296. Bob Mack says:

    Nearly all who doubted the withholding of legal advice as being kther than for safeguards have now to face the confirmation that it can also be an act of self serving duplicity.

    A crushing blow for many.

  297. Kevin Kennedy says:

    Graham Campbells partner Anne McLaughlin is on NEC, I’m guessing she also didn’t recuse herself ?

  298. Liz says:

    Twitter is a shit storm tonight. People even sticking it to Alison Thewliss and everybody likes/ liked her.

    As mentioned earlier even ultra loyal Cameron McNeish considering his membership.

    Mike Russell has lost any last vestige of credibility. No one in their right mind could support what happened tonight.

    The beginning of the end, I hope

  299. Graham King says:

    (To the tune of ‘This Old Man’)

    S. N. P.
    N. E. C.
    Wants to hide from you and me
    Things they do (unlawful, and so dumb) –
    Need we ask ‘How come, how come?’ ?

    (This ditty may encouragingly be sung, or whistled, or hummed within hearing of any of the guilty, their enablers, and sympathizers.)

  300. Grouse Beater says: “…a chronic fabulist”

    Exceptional. I shall steal it often.

  301. Beaker says:

    @Daisy Walker says:
    1 February, 2021 at 12:08 am
    “I’d’ve,well one not been there, and 2, doctored the number, so that 3 would have become 8, 1 would’ve become 10. Or just cut the number out.”

    Film scripts are similarly marked, using watermarks with the name of the person who has a copy. Leak those and you will never work again.

  302. Tartanpigsy says:

    The Northeast will have a BAME candidate top of the list. So Fiona Robertson and cry baby Josh Mennie will not be in Holyrood after May, even if the SNP vote dips

  303. Craig Murray says:

    Well, it’s an ill wind…
    One Angus Robertson is not at all nailed on to win Edinburgh Central as its working class population has been increasingly hollowed out by airb&b. His safety net was to top the Lothian list.
    Unless he develops a limp

  304. cynicalHighlander says:

    As theatricals go break a leg.

  305. Breastplate says:

    I agree with much of what you say apart from Kajagoogoo, who are infinitely talented. You’ll be having a go at Chopin and Mozart next.

  306. gerry gribbons says:

    Was contemplating lending my second vote to the AFIor ISP now definitely heading in this direction. The party I joined in 1966 is no longer the party of the people its just a total mess

  307. Beaker says:

    @Craig Murray says:
    1 February, 2021 at 12:55 am
    “One Angus Robertson is not at all nailed on to win Edinburgh Central as its working class population has been increasingly hollowed out by airb&b. His safety net was to top the Lothian list.
    Unless he develops a limp”

    He might get one if he canvasses for votes in the wrong parts of Edinburgh…

  308. Craig Murray says:

    I don’t think he’ll actually knock on doors. Way beneath him. Well, one or two for the cameras.

  309. witchy says:

    ‘vote for whoever is most likely to defeat the SNP on the constituency ballot. If that is a Tory hold your nose and do it’.

    You cannie be serious….never voted them in my life (which has been a long one), and won’t be voting them now. I’m not crazy about the way the SNP is heading…but I’m not crazy enough to vote for the Tories

  310. Hatuey says:

    I don’t think you need a limp. As I understand it, you can simply self ID as a guy with a limp. Actually, I think you could put a single strand of DNA up for election and insist she’s BAME and has one or two disabilities.

    Scottish Labour pretty much did that sort of stuff in the 1980s. They won too.

  311. New documentary footage of an NEC meeting:

    link to

  312. Flower of Scotland says:

    Sent some money to help Joan McAlpine. It’s doing really well guys!

  313. Elmac says:

    Re Witchy @ 1.39.

    I despise the Tories and the other unionist parties, but it is beginning to look like the only way to be rid of Sturgeon is for her to lose control of Holyrood. If she survives independence is probably stuffed for another 5 years as is any prospect of cleaning up our corrupt judiciary and police.

  314. Hugh Jarse says:

    Urban slang dictionary

    A Joshing. *
    Def. Yer fucking Maw! Beamer.
    In public, for ever.

    *similar to normal teenage suffering, applied to physically mature people.

  315. Bob W says:

    @deerhill 12:22

    Thank the supreme beings I had finished my banana bread beer, before reading your last two sentences. I involuntarily snorted and would have been very attractive to a range of jungle dwelling tree swinging creatures, had I not. 😉

  316. PhilM says:

    Some people seem to be forgetting that this is still pure raw politics and that by getting sidetracked on how the wokies are using disability and race, some are falling into the trap of not understanding how they are weaponising THEIR wedge issue. The wokies will look at some of the comments above and go ‘see! We’re for social justice, while the Wings crew are bitter backward nativists’.
    Race and disability are protected characteristics under the 2010 Equality Act and positive discrimination, or the Public Sector’s Equality Duty, are facets of modern life in Scotland and the UK. This is the sea in which we’re all swimming.
    The usual wokey suspects are solely using this worthwhile agenda to further themselves within the SNP and that’s the thing to criticise, not getting into a lather about definitions of disability and race in themselves.
    Their political master is Machiavelli not MLK, don’t let them get away with pretending otherwise by losing focus on the issue of self-identification. You self-ID when you fill out official documents that collect info on your ethnic background. They’re gaming a system, some of you are stuck on level 1 and are saying some really stupid shit in the process.

  317. twathater says:

    Not a member but was on twatter last night and found a tweet from MY twat MP I wonder if he expects me to vote for him in WM

    Gavin Newlands MP

    Fellow SNPers content, nae happy, with current polling for indy & the SNP, I would strongly suggest not engaging with the malcontents tending to their own ego’s and trying to undermine.
    Block early & block often.
    They’re pretty much talking to themselves anyway, leave them to it.

    link to

  318. StuartM says:

    Quote from that Times article by Gillian Bowden

    “Few outwith the Scottish media question what is happening” regarding the Harrassment Inquiry.

    Should read “few within the Scottish media”. FFS in any other country the media would have been all over the Salmond stitch-up story months ago!

  319. Fishy Wullie says:

    My Grandaughter suffers from Tourettes thankfully is not vocal but it can be debilitating nonetheless, here’s a wee video I made to give some idea what it’s like and to AYRSHIRE ROB who like to fun of it go fuck yourself

    link to

  320. Captain Yossarian says:

    @StuartM – Agree completely with you. Mind-you, Scotgov and their lickspittles at the Crown Office have a ‘super-injunction’ on the go at the moment.

    I don’t know what case it’s for, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was this one.

    Also, Mark Hirst is pursuing the Crown Office for malicious prosecution in the same way the Rangers administrators directors did.

    The days of Sturgeon and Swinney’s semi-autocratic government are coming to an end one way of another.

  321. Captain Yossarian says:

    England vaccinated more people in a single day than Scotland has since the vaccination program first started.

    We should have vaccinated 1m during January and we’re not even at 600,000.

  322. PacMan says:

    PhilM says: 1 February, 2021 at 3:09 am

    Some people seem to be forgetting that this is still pure raw politics and that by getting sidetracked on how the wokies are using disability and race, some are falling into the trap of not understanding how they are weaponising THEIR wedge issue. The wokies will look at some of the comments above and go ‘see! We’re for social justice, while the Wings crew are bitter backward nativists’.
    Race and disability are protected characteristics under the 2010 Equality Act and positive discrimination, or the Public Sector’s Equality Duty, are facets of modern life in Scotland and the UK. This is the sea in which we’re all swimming.
    The usual wokey suspects are solely using this worthwhile agenda to further themselves within the SNP and that’s the thing to criticise, not getting into a lather about definitions of disability and race in themselves.
    Their political master is Machiavelli not MLK, don’t let them get away with pretending otherwise by losing focus on the issue of self-identification. You self-ID when you fill out official documents that collect info on your ethnic background. They’re gaming a system, some of you are stuck on level 1 and are saying some really stupid shit in the process.

    There’s a saying that’s being currently bandied about called White privilege.

    That had really wound me up because of the area I was brought up in and continue to live in can hardly be called white privilege.

    However, I can see another side in this instance of this white privilege where white middle class people game the system to keep themselves in power and continue it through nepotism and cronyisn.

  323. Donibristle says:

    Do the cretins not realise this is probably as far from equality as you can get ? Once you deliberately exclude one gender ( Male still is a gender in Scotland isn’t it ) from being candidates then its by definition “unequal” and sexist.
    Taking away or restricting choice is undemocratic.
    How broke and woke are “they” going to allow the SNP to get before they come to their senses ?

  324. Wee Chid says:

    PhilM says: 1 February, 2021 at 3:09 am

    “Race and disability are protected characteristics under the 2010 Equality Act and positive discrimination, or the Public Sector’s Equality Duty, are facets of modern life in Scotland and the UK.”

    Isn’t that supposed to apply to women too? Yet these lot make a mockery of it by “self identity”.

    PacMan says:

    Spot on. These lot seem to think that a homeless white man has “white privilege”. Definitely a bunch of middle class, pampered weans to whom nobody has ever said the word “No” and who think they know what’s best for everyone – especially us working class oiks who are obviously in that position because we don’t know any better.

    Like their predecessors in New Labour they assume that the only escape from the problems of working class society is their twee, middle class lifestyle and values.(To which we are all meant to aspire) They’ve rarely known a hardship in their lives but they think they can tell others where they are going wrong. Usually it’s us lazy working class women who need to learn that it’s cheaper to make food from scratch than buy cheap ready meals(it really isn’t) or that we should be baking our own bread because it’s so much better. They’d never dream of paying 50p for cheap loaf because they have never had to.

    I’m taking no lectures from any of them on how I should live or think – and that includes trying to make me deny science when their delusional weans demand “Call me madam”.

  325. Effijy says:

    Can i propose to WokeNP that their leader must go
    as she is the wrong colour and doesn’t qualify for a
    Mobility Car.

    Next time any of their National Committee needs emergency
    Medical treatment they must refuse it when ready to be administered
    By a white able bodied male heterosexual who uses common sense.

    Are we supposed to vote SNP until a Trans Bangra Wheelchair Party is formed.

    My apologies if I upset anyone outside of the SNP Executive Committee!

  326. Wee Chid says:

    deerhill says:
    1 February, 2021 at 12:22 am

    “Mr Mennie should take care if he plans to use ladies toilets in the north east. Some of the ladies are quite blunt spoken and sometimes take direct action. Some are even described as “coorse”. We don’t want to see him add to his disabilities.”

    Reminded me o the local factory women (when we had such things). They had a reputation for being able to look after themselves and they’d often “hae the breeks aff” uppity young blokes. Wonder what they’d make of this lot?

  327. AYRSHIRE ROB says:

    Fishy Wullie @ 6.49am

    Well sorry it upset you but sometimes people look at things differently.
    I remember watching this guy years ago and his wae of dealing with it was brave.

    The verbal tick side of tourette’s can be as he says one of the funniest disabilities there is.
    If you watch this,he and others even laugh at themselves. Life’s hard but my post was more in relation to how it would be possible for someone like John to stand up and do debates or take questions in parliament as an example. .hope link works.

  328. AYRSHIRE ROB says:

    Make the Y at start

    a y at beginning oops

  329. Wee Chid says:

    MWS says:
    31 January, 2021 at 7:18 pm

    “Side issue, do you mean Emma Hendrie rather than Emma Harper? Emma Harper is already an MSP and doesn’t strike me as particularly wokey??? Could be wrong though!”

    Emma Harper definitely woke but tends to concentrate on winning the farming vote from the local Tories.

  330. AYRSHIRE ROB says:

    “He dyes his pubes ginger”

    Got to be one of funniest lines ever. That was John!

  331. Davie Oga says:

    At some point, when the children have finished destroying Scotland, adults will need to have a discussion about how to regenerate the Scottish economy. How to attract inward investment to a country that is outside of the EU, has limited transportation links, an aging population, and a political environment that is an anethma to business and enterprise.

    I bought into gradualism against my better judgement, because I accepted that competent, centrist government would provide a sound base of an independent state. Instead

    Scottish export markets have been destroyed
    Thousands of pensioners have died needlessly
    Apparently, voting for independence is huge waste of time
    The two bastions of Scottish identity, The Law and Education have either been corrupted and downgraded beyond recognition.

    But hidey ho, Nicolas got it.

    I assume that SNP elected representatives are happy for the current leadership to take them into the election-what’s a little perverting the course of justice between friends. Very foolish, and proof that The SNP should be nowhere near government as currently constructed.

    The whirlwind is coming

  332. Breeks says:

    twathater says:
    1 February, 2021 at 3:21 am

    They’re pretty much talking to themselves anyway, leave them to it.

    By strange coincidence, I feel the same. The SNP seems absolutely determined to self immolate, and I find best way of dealing with it is to tell yourself it’s an opposition party.

    Sadly, it maybe is time to leave them to it, and focus instead on pastures new, and developing links between the ISP, the general YES movement, and various political heavyweights like Joanna Cherry and I hope Alex Salmond, and build the Party we want.

    It might take us longer, (yet it might not), but jumping on my favourite hobby-horse, it might be the ‘reset’ we need is to put Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty centre stage, and start pushing the truth Internationally that the UK is a bilateral Treaty between two sovereign nations, – a simple Treaty in International law which has just been breached by Scotland’s Brexit subjugation.

    This new “Party” would thus be much, much, more than an ordinary Party, it would be a completely alternative system of Scottish Government attempying to assert stronger Constitutional credentials than Westminster and Holyrood combined. Take a moment to think about that. It’s a big concept to grasp but it changes the stakes immeasurably, and in Scotland’s favour.

    That “Wildcard” or “Non-Establishment” core theme needn’t necessarily prevent it contesting seats in Holyrood and Westminster elections, but like Sinn Fein, the purpose of contesting those seats is not to take and hold them, but to stop ‘them’ taking them, to de-legitimise their democratic integrity through having less representation.

    Don’t get me wrong, I know that sound’s like starting again and taking years to reach fruition, but with a determined plan and deliberate intention, (something the SNP desperately lacks), it is my firm conviction that adopting a Constitutional strategy would put the people of Scotland in charge as sovereign people, and as such, we wouldn’t be constrained by the timetable for Westminster or Holyrood elections. We could pick and choose our own time to strike.

    We could begin with a legal dispute the formal legitimacy of Westminster’s Convention of Parliamentary Sovereignty, and seek a determination of that dispute at the UN.

    We could see profound changes in the Scottish political landscape happening very quickly. That might already be a constitutional snowball that’s about to start rolling downhill with the Keating’s case…

    Ths new political organisation very much needs to study the effort and tactics of the Scottish-UN Committee, which was a kind of ‘guerrilla’ force in politics which wasn’t afraid to challenge established conventions and demand legitimacy. It’s work, largely behind the scenes, made Scottish Devolution inevitable despite the SNP “Not” having anything the mandate the ‘modern’ SNP enjoys, – but squanders.

    I recently learned that the Scottish-UN Committee was first established by Willie MacRae – prior to his suspicious demise.

    I see parallels between Willie MacRae and Alex Salmond, and Joanna Cherry too. The British Establishment knows the difference between a Scottish Independence campaign that is potent, sure footed and knows it’s Constitutional rights, and the other kind of Scottish Independence campaign that plots it’s own defeat, Nicola Sturgeon style, and capitulates to subjugation.

    We need to rebuild ourselves as the former, and leave this lame and wrecked SNP to languish in the swamp it’s made for itself.

  333. Robert Hughes says:

    WRYC : I imagine you would agree it’s a tricky business attempting a psychological profile of people you don’t know personally, have never met and whose persona is refracted through media exposure , also the truism ” we don’t see people as THEY are , rather , as WE are ” applies .

    Still , your description of NS has a definite plausibility and seems , to me anyway , a pretty accurate depiction of her character and motivation .

    Like you , a part of me can still feel some compassion for her – on a human level anyway , the young awkward girl attempting to resolve inner conflicts via political engagement , and getting herself into a mess of confusion in the process .

    On a political level though she has been an unmitigated disaster for the SNP in particular and the Independence cause in general and , if her deep complicity in the Salmond stitch-up is definitively proven ( can there really be any doubt now ? ) she should pay the price for such unhinged vindictiveness .

    The dark , ominous clouds she has created over what should be the last stages of our colonial subjugation leading to our joyful liberty need to be dispelled asap , allowing sunlight and fresh breezes through to re-energise our historic trajectory

  334. Grey Gull says:

    Fishy Willie @ 6.49
    Thanks for sharing your granddaughter’s video. Very powerful. One of my sons is severely autistic so I can relate to how hard it must be for you and your family. Best wishes.

  335. Corrado Mella says:

    Don’t just resign your membership, let your branch convener know that you did.

    And all your friends.

    And everyone on Social Media.

    Make it clear that the once-independence-supporting SNP has been infiltrated by agitprops that have derailed its course and is no longer a reliable vehicle for Scottish Independence.

    We know what’s going on, be the media.

    Oh, before you accuse me of being such agitprops out to hobble our only chance for independence, think just a second: do you want the people currently steering the SNP to be in charge of Scotland?
    The answer you’re looking for is HELL NO.

  336. Corrado Mella says:

    Don’t just resign your membership, let your branch convener know that you did.

    And all your friends.

    And everyone on Social Media.

    Make it clear that the once-independence-supporting SNP has been infiltrated by agitprops that have derailed its course and is no longer a reliable vehicle for Scottish Independence.

    We know what’s going on, be the media.

    Oh, before you accuse me of being such agitprops out to hobble our only chance for independence, think just a second: do you want the people currently steering the SNP to be in charge of Scotland?

    The answer you’re looking for is HELL NO.

  337. Glortard says:

    Party is eating itself literally in front of us. Someone’s maw is threatening legal advice and we are wondering what Rhiannon is going to claim to have to get the number #. Mridul is for the greens now despite being stuck on 2 lists to try and get on the MSP gravy train. Waiting for the postie to deliver my DNA result’s to show where my ancestors are from so I can get that no1 spot in Glasgow.

  338. Shug says:

    Does anyone know where nicola was when Boris was in Scotland

  339. Dan says:

    witchy says: at 1:39 am

    ‘vote for whoever is most likely to defeat the SNP on the constituency ballot. If that is a Tory hold your nose and do it’.

    You cannie be serious….never voted them in my life (which has been a long one), and won’t be voting them now. I’m not crazy about the way the SNP is heading…but I’m not crazy enough to vote for the Tories

    It’s really not that crazy when you think about it on a couple of levels.
    It’s about the only way the electorate can actually send a message to and get rid of a politician they are no longer aligned with and wish to have representing them.

    As the SNP have not progressed many if any aspects of progressing Scotland to return to a self governing country, the SNP themselves are effectively complicit in keeping us under Conservative rule, as all major powers are reserved to Westminster.

    The SNP’s main campaigning strategy is based on continually highlighting grievances, with Scotland having to endure policies we don’t want foisted on us by UK Governments run by Parties we have rejected since the mid point of last century.
    It is therefore rather ironic that the SNP, with the devolved powers they do control in Scotland, should choose to force Scotland to endure policies we don’t want foisted on us by a Government Administration we did elect!

  340. Harry mcaye says:

    I wonder how many times Josh Mennie has heard this phrase,
    “Get out of here, you fucking pervert”.

    I’d guess quite a few.

  341. Effijy says:

    Years ago I had a bit of a dust up with Labour officials regarding positive discrimination.

    I don’t accept it and never will.

    Two wrongs never make a right.

    Yes more women, disabled, black Asian and everyone must be encouraged
    to be involved in politics and help to develop their future, but by saying these people
    are not equals already is an insult to them.

    You will find a candidate as being by far the most suitable for the job.
    Better educated, better speaker, good range of priorities in tune with other
    Members and the electorate and a person with a good moral compass.

    So if scatterbrained wee Jeanie wants the job, or Mohammad who got his citizenship yesterday and speaks little English or any kind of person with a disability benefit wants the job then it must be theirs?

    The talented candidate leaves and every other member who can see the absurdity leaves with them.

    Say The person with very limited skills gets in.
    How do you think they would fare against the U.K. media attacking them on TV and Radio or by
    the Eton Educated Tories with their banks of researchers and journalist supporters?

    They could be made to look like fools and the party shares in that.
    The public decides they are both hopeless and votes differently next time.

    The Racist Tory PM wins another seat, again cuts benefits for the severely disabled and the bed room tax is introduced in Scotland as in England

    Who just won in this situation desperately desired by the National Committee?

  342. Jimmy The Pict says:

    Last night my better half who is still a member got an email (which look to be rush out at close to midnight) asking for renewal of membership. The better half’s membership renewal date is not for a few months yet. Panic appears to be setting in.

  343. Jimmy The Pict says:

    Asking to renew early that is.

  344. Bob Mack says:

    @Jimmy the pict,

    Well legal fees aint cheap.

  345. paul says:

    “You really are a disgusting individual, Stuart. Attacking someone who has a serious mental illness”

    Plenty of politicians have functioned with serious mental illness, but they were not elected because of it.

    Why would you see someone with a serious mental illness a direct qualification for formulating your laws and administering your country?

    Especially if that illness exhibits as an uncontrollable urge to enter opposite sex toilets and brag about it* and the candidate shows no bent for the task otherwise.

    Such strong urges might well skew their decision making.

    *Might not be a serious mental illness, just a fetish.

  346. Davie Oga says:

    Shug says:
    1 February, 2021 at 9:37 am
    Does anyone know where nicola was when Boris was in Scotland

    Probably watching Hollyoaks half pished, complaining that they need to have more gay characters to properly represent the the 45% of the population who are homosexual.

  347. Val Brown says:

    Funniest comment here,
    Relax Mhairi you’ve got an empire biscuit.
    Nearly choked laughing.

  348. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Harry macaye (9.39) –

    That’s what his maw shouts when she finds him in her wardrobe.

  349. Wee Chid says:

    If the four BAME regions are selected on the basis on percentage population of BAME constituents, does that mean that the other four have the highest populations of disabled people?

  350. Wee Chid says:

    Can anyone tell me if David Blunkett was on some preferential list – or was he just considered to be the right politician for his constituency at the time?

  351. Boaby says:

    Witchy 1.39am. “Hold your nose and vote tory”
    Oh yes, the bbc and westminster would love that. Scotland has rejected independence and returned to the tory fold.blah blah blah. I’d rather hammer a rusty nail intae ma baws than vote for one of those greedy self serving tory barstewards.

  352. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘Wings’ is trending in 2nd place on Twitter (UK).

  353. Astonished says:

    Boaby – Graphic ! But exactly how I feel. And I wont vote red tory either. I’ll abstain and ISP are now certain of my second vote.
    I predict SNP carnage in May. Unless things change greatly.
    I remain a SNP member for the moment.

  354. Bob Mack says:


    Vote Tory and I’d do it for you.

  355. Boaby says:

    Sorry witchy 1.39am post, did’nt realise that was Elmacs post.

  356. Boaby says:

    Astonished. Yes, same as that.

  357. Daisy Walker says:

    Effijy at 9.42

    You highlight the reality of the situation, and what happened to the labour party down south.

    Important to recognise, I think, that its not a gradual, accidental thing, but a deliberate sabotage, that requires the movers and shakers of the party to push it.

    A surgeon with no arms, is not much use as a surgeon, but their training would mean there are other areas of medicine where they could be gainfully employed.

    John Swinney and Wishart nominated a local councillor into a seat in Perthshire. Lovely lassie, wouldn’t say boo to a goose, had returned to Perthshire where she grew up as a child.

    She is so painfully, desperately shy. She cannot do door to door campainging unless Pete or John are with her.

    She cannot do Community Council meetings, again unless there is someone to shore her up.

    And of course she has bravely disclosed a history of depression.

    I have a history of depression, and there were times I was off work because of it. It is a horrible, horrible thing and I am not dismissive of its impact.

    But when I was at work, I was competent, qualified and capable of carrying it out.

    If a politician is so unconfident and shy about meeting people, talking to them, answering their questions, then like the surgeon with no arms, they are not capable of doing this job. And in no way does that mean they are not capable of doing other jobs.

    Of course the local councillor that was installed by JS and PW, has one extremely important qualification – she will not challenge them in any way, and will do what they tell her.

    I’m quite sure that in JS and PW’s minds they were leveling up the male/female playing field by installing this female into that role, but to a professional female like myself, who’s been round the block a bit, it comes across as paternalistic sexism, and sends out a clear message to me and others, ‘no point in applying, its only for the compliant wee females, that are easy on the eye and wont rock the boat’.

  358. stonefree says:

    @ Martyman at 11:22 pm
    Her age would suggest the Type ,
    Type 1 is also known as Juvenile Diabetes,
    I would suggest if in her 20s or 30s, she’s Type One
    It used to be the difference was Insulin or Non-Insulin dependent, but that changed some Type Twos use Insulin
    It’s complex

  359. Davie Oga says:

    “The coup in #Myanmar must be unequivocally condemned . It should also remind the world that democracy and the rule of law is sacrosanct. People have the absolute right to chose those who govern them and to give or withdraw that consent.”

    Mike Russell on twitter saying that the rule of law is sacrosanct. Really Mike?
    I think that you are full of shite, because in Scotland, the rule of law is not sacrosanct. It is used, manipulated, altered, and ignored while you and your Anglo subservient pals line your pockets and trash Scotland’s reputation for probity and decency.

  360. Elmac says:

    Re Boaby

    I’d probably be willing to do that as well if I thought it would get rid of Sturgeon. Expected some flak for what I posted but that was a good one!

  361. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Watched ‘All The President’s Men’ last night, first time since my old man took me to see it. (FFS, I was only 10, no wonder I thought it was boring pish.)

    Didn’t realise it took so long to unfold. But unfold it did…

    link to

  362. Breeks says:

    Daisy Walker says:
    1 February, 2021 at 10:30 am

    If a politician is so unconfident and shy about meeting people, talking to them, answering their questions, then like the surgeon with no arms, they are not capable of doing this job. And in no way does that mean they are not capable of doing other jobs.

    You’re correct Daisy, and I would add Scotland is in a state of Constitutional emergency, and in these extraordinary times, we simply cannot ‘carry’ people who are not up to the job.

    It’s a point made in the 300 movie, when Ephialties the hunchback wants to join the Spartans. It is a time of crisis. It isn’t through prejudice or discrimination that his services are declined, but because he cannot lift his shield to complete the phalanx, and thereby weakens the integrity of the unit.

    In normal times, say when Scotland is Independent and secure, I would hope Scotland IS a place which is tolerant and does it’s best to respect equality and helps people to reach the heights of their ambition.

    But Scotland is fighting for it’s Constitutional existence, and our “A Team” of Politicians is proving that it simply isn’t up to recognising a Constitutional Emergency, nevermind dealing with it.

    All these folks wanting a leg up, and positive discrimination to make their way in Scottish Politics, I would say this… Prove to me you are an asset first, with the acumen, brains, and determination to stand up for Scotland and defeat, not just challenge, defeat Scotland’s unconstitutional subjugation, and I will support your positive discrimination over a legion of freeloaders and carpet baggers.

    But ask me to carry you, because you are weak and cannot do the job… then I will still help you, but it will be help to find you a different job.

  363. Colin Alexander says:

    I would like to see more BAME, disabled and working class people being elected in Scotland. However, not by the way the SNP have gone about it.

    The higher echelons of the SNP already strictly control who can be selected as candidates. This is just another way of further controlling candidate selection because the Sturgeon / Robertson colonial administrators fear losing their grip on power.

  364. Liz says:

    @whorattledyourcage that is an excellent summary of NS.
    I met one of her first bfs when we were out canvassing for her – I know, never again.

    It may be the same guy cos he owns a restuarant and is gay, either always was or came out later.

  365. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Ian Brotherhood – Watergate was a cover-up by Nixon and that’s what finished him. There was no human cost paid by the Democratic Part.

    In Scotland, there is a very large human costs being paid by Salmond, Hirst, McAlpine, Murray and all of the rest of them. And what of the Duff and Phelps Directors?

    Watergate is nothing in comparison to what’s going-on at Holyrood.

    Holyrood need to be closed and the investigators sent-in. I think we would find them all guilty, even the Jackie Baillies, and that’s what makes the place so repulsive to an increasing number of Scots.

  366. Daisy Walker says:

    Message for ISP, went to your website, with a view to joining, can’t find the words PLEBISCITE INDY ELECTION anywhere?

    Given how much the SNP have stung us, I’d strongly suggest you get that sorted.

    It’s not like there’s a lot of time to get that message out between now and May, is it.

    Wont be fooled again.

    PS, I dontated to your crowdfund yesterday, and I see your still on 3%.

    Can I suggest the words ‘Mandate Plebiscite Indpendence Election’ appearing in your website, might shift it in the right direction.

    It will also put a rocket up the arses of the complacent SNP members currently sitting on their arses, hoping against hope that the shitstorm coming their way might be diverted.

  367. wee monkey says:

    Christian Wright says:
    1 February, 2021 at 12:48 am

    “Grouse Beater says: “…a chronic fabulist”

    Exceptional. I shall steal it often.”

    Shurly that is only following instruction?

    “The Scottish independence movement must replace facts with emotive storytelling to persuade voters to leave the UK, a leading nationalist academic has advised.

    Iain Black, professor of marketing at Stirling University, urged nationalists to adopt the tactics of the advertising industry which “mostly stopped using facts to persuade people 20 years ago”.

    Thoughtful, analytical and rational thinking is “hard, takes lots of energy, and often leads to confusion”, according to Professor Black, convener of the Scottish Independence Convention, the grassroots nationalist movement chaired by the comedian Elaine C Smith.

    Nationalists must instead use “more stories, less facts” and “feel good” messages, Professor Black said, who is also on the board of Common Weal, a left-wing think tank.

    Writing in The National, Professor Black..”

    REF. link to

  368. Liz says:

    @DaisyWalker a similar thing happened in my old constituency.

    It was for the 2015 GE selection. The current MSP at that time, was a manipulator and untrustworthy.

    He was supporting this wee shy lassie for selection.
    She could barely string 2 words together. My first thought was he wants to be the power behind her, controlling her every move if she got elected.
    Maybe PW and JS are the same. It gives them more power and influence

  369. David Caledonia says:

    A guy on here had a go at Donald Trump in relation to all this, funny thing is he never mentioned Joe Binden and his crowd of liars and cheats.
    Says a lot that !

  370. David Caledonia says:

    The democrats or the republicans, Binden or Trump, who is the most likely to end up in prison, the bookies would not give you a price on Binden, he is to much of a sure thing

  371. Dave Hansell says:

    ” ScottieDog says:
    31 January, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    Unless they suspect the SNP are going to fall short on the constituency vote.”

    I wish you had not used that word “Short” in this context Scottiedog.

    Following the antics of the legalised scam of “shorting” over the past week in the USA (search for GameStop) in which hedge funds borrow more shares in a company than actually exist to drive down the price and pocket the difference before returning them the thought occurs:

    That the SNP redesignates itself as a political hedge fund and borrows an infinite number of votes before the election in order to win a landslide in both the constituency and List seats. Returning the borrowed votes after the election.

    Scotland (for those old enough to remember episode one of Blackadder 3) could then be renamed ‘Dunny-on-the-Wold and officially become a Rotten Borough.

  372. Mennie a Mickle says:

    There is a rumour that Josh uses the ladies because he has to sit down to pee. I cannot comment on the truth of this. Maybe his maw could chip in and clear up this possible disinformation?

  373. laukat says:

    I’ve read a few comments regarding voting choice for May. From my perspective it will be SNP on the constituency and ISP on the regional list. If Salmond or Cherry create a new party I will move my regional vote to them and probably join whatever party they support.

    In that way I will maximimise the pro-independence vote and reduce the possibility of the NEC regional plot bearing fruit.

    Personally the option of not voting or voiding does not exist. My least desirable outcome is not securing a pro Indpendence majority at Holyrood.

    I can’t see why anyone in favour of Independence would ever vote for a blue Unionist, a red Unionist or a yellow Unionist and I’m deeply suspicious of anyone suggesting that.

  374. Bob Mack says:

    We all know legal advice should be heeded ,especially coming from a top QC. He may be wrong but it is laid out chapter and verse why he is probably right.

    That is an issue in itself that seems to afflict the SNP.

    The bigger issue is rigging the NEC to place certain candidates in front positions to win seats. This hzd to be done by changing Standing Orders without a bye your leave to anybody, and then allowing those same candidates to vote for themselves. Other members of the NEC appear to have been deliberately excluded to allow this process.

    It is indefensible.

    Joanna Cherry? Any word anybody? Twitter has been idle for days and that is not like her.

    I have heard this was done despite the National Secretary being present by phone. It is dictatorship. There is no other word. That is the true crime here. Democracy at its very very worst

  375. Prasad says:

    Last night i wrote two quick e-mails to Michael Russell.
    He hasn’t answered any of my questions

    ‘The leaking of this document is a horrible and vile thing to do. No organisation can do its business in such an atmosphere.
    The vitriol then that has followed towards people who have done nothing wrong is even worse.
    There can be disagreements about approach , ideas and policy. Vicious character assassination , abuse of disabled people and attacks on beliefs are despicable and I have had enough of them.
    Wherever they come from, and whatever side of whatever argument they come from, they should be roundly condemned by everyone.
    This isn’t about self ID or GRA now – it is about how people behave to other human beings.
    Michael ‘

    When i wrote back
    ‘The e-mail you are replying to is quoting ONLY from the published minutes and a comment you wrote to me a few months back.
    Is it true that 13 places on NEC are unelected by members?
    I feel that i am being given options to vote for for candidates who have not been selected democratically.
    Do you think i leaked those documents? What has that got to do with me?

    He replied
    ‘Of course I don’t. I am asserting the need for understanding, mature debate and civilised conduct. We must stop rushing to judgement one on another.
    I am not responsible for what structure the NEC has but I have seen no one, apart from whoever the leaker is, behaving in a discreditable way and the representation of all this is shameful and deeply damaging to the mental health and wellbeing of those who are targeted.
    You may disagree with what is being proposed. I might even do that but it is time civilised discourse and mature disagreement was re-asserted.
    Michael ‘

  376. Wee Chid says:

    laukat says:
    1 February, 2021 at 11:35 am

    “I can’t see why anyone in favour of Independence would ever vote for a blue Unionist, a red Unionist or a yellow Unionist and I’m deeply suspicious of anyone suggesting that.”

    What if voting for the SNP is doing exactly that?

  377. Boaby says:

    Julie mennie 8.18pm 31st jan. You do realise that when your son was about 7/8 yrs old. You stop taking him into ladies toilets with you.

  378. Kate says:

    Josh Mennie may have Tourette’s, but I don’t see how that makes it OK for him to use women’s toilets?

  379. Tam Fae somewhere says:

    Thanks Stu for all your efforts here.

    Resignation from SNP done this afternoon.

    Nicola was handed a golden opportunity to lead Scotland to independence but blew it. She could have been remembered for way longer than her living days but chose to do anything but progress independence. History will not judge her well. She is no strategic thinker.

  380. David R says:

    Reports that Joanna Cherry has been sacked from the front bench. Is that true?

  381. David R says:

    Regarding last comment and before you fetch the hammers I refreshed the comments for this thread and hadn’t look at the new posts.

  382. Sheepshagger says:

    Josh is transable.
    He personifies transablist entryism.

  383. Grant Macmillan says:

    I haven’t been following this too much, but I’ve just found out that your former employment was writing all about pretty wee imaginary worlds, to an audience which once harassed women for daring to make videogames, and one which Steve Bannon found ripe for recruitment. You’re an archetype and it all makes so much sense now.

  384. JSC says:

    Grant, I’m sure Stu can speak for himself, but that’s some real desperate Back To The Future stuff going on there in your post.

  385. barrie gadgie says:

    @bob mack says, re standing orders.
    sorry bob mack, it seems you misunderstand. stu refers to standing orders, and the introduction of papers to a meeting- but this can be done if ok by the 2 named office bearers. in any case the item wasnt discussed.
    the link to a paper, keith brown/oswald, is irrelevant, as wasnt the subjec tof the NEC discussion.
    in any case, the point about the primacy of joan macalpine is part of the constitution, so cant be overriden by NEC, so hasnt been.
    i would have expected stu c to have been clearer- and more accurate- on this, but sadly, standards have slipped.

  386. Colin Moore says:

    Why on earth has the SNP allowed itself to become a bolthole for all these firkin weirdos/fruitloops/screwballs? Get back to the job in hand, for pity’s sake! You are supposed to be the political party which is regaining our nations independence, and yet you’ve allowed yourselves to be hijacked by these scumbags!
    These people are simply using your party as a vehicle to spout their bile, and at huge cost to the independence movement.

  387. Pixywine says:

    Given that Nicola Sturgeon doesn’t seem to care whether or not her policies are reversed at a later date I suspect she is playing purely for politically correct brownie points. An elaborate exercise in virtue signalling to the betterment of her career. A post at the United Nations?


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    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “@ Breeks and 100% yes, YES there are many dullards and fuckwits out there who will continue to vote for…Mar 6, 19:28
    • JockMcT on Green Eggs And Bams: “The definition of insanity; Voting SNP 1 & 2 and hoping for a referendum from WM.Mar 6, 19:27
    • Dan on Green Eggs And Bams: “Or “enjoy” the illegal level of noise generated by dodgy shite totally inappropriate air sourced heatpump installs in what were…Mar 6, 19:10
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “The next ‘Friends of Wings’ gathering will be in The Eagle Inn, Coatbridge, on Friday April 4th. The function room.…Mar 6, 18:58
    • MsDidi on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you BreeksMar 6, 18:55
    • agent x on Green Eggs And Bams: “10 October 2017 The Scottish government is to set up a publicly-owned, not-for-profit energy company, Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed. The…Mar 6, 18:40
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““The Russtis are not our enemies” Phew, thank feck for that. So when one of their senior politicians calls for…Mar 6, 18:33
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “It really is black and white though, twathater. An invading army from one country is 40% into its neighbouring country.…Mar 6, 18:30
    • Alex stewart on Green Eggs And Bams: “I doubt this, the snp are way too far gone now to “grow up”. This blog post pretty much sums…Mar 6, 18:09
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “No, Breeks, you’re not an ‘oddity’. 🙂Mar 6, 18:02
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “Where is all the misinformation peddled by the kremlin and the honest and verifiable facts issued by the EU, the…Mar 6, 17:45
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Illogical hatred – indeed it is Helen.Mar 6, 17:37
    • 100%Yes on Green Eggs And Bams: “The SNP hasn’t changed, its the traitors running us and the SNP leadership which has. Its was all about riding…Mar 6, 16:32
    • David Rodgers on Green Eggs And Bams: ““So easy to delude people, so hard to get them to recognise that they’ve been deluded.” – This also applies…Mar 6, 16:09
  • A tall tale

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