Yeah, the poor crofter is getting worried about the departure of his gravy bus…
Kevin Cargill
1 year ago
What a cunt!
1 year ago
Unbelievable! Except it isn’t, of course.
We can’t have any influence in Westminster. How can Ian Blackford not see that?
It really does seem to be a case of “when a man’s income depends on not understanding”.
1 year ago
Collaborators every single one of them and why shouldn’t they be rewarded by the British state for there treason, at leased we’d know who they really are.
1 year ago
Troughers gonna trough. A wee high paying, low grafting, two day a month consultancy was never going to be enough for that snout.
David M
1 year ago
Stranger things have happened, sadly! I wouldn’t be in the slightest bit surprised.
Jockanese Wind Talker
1 year ago
“For services rendered in strengthening the Union.” I suspect!
1 year ago
To “increase nationalist influence in London” apparently.
If ye didnae laugh, ye’d cry.
Dorothy Devine
1 year ago
Bloody hell! How shameful or shameless – I’m never very sure of the difference. ( Where’s BDTT when I need him?)
one leg
1 year ago
Hopefully half a dozen are appointed there at the earliest opportunity, lest there be any doubt that most of the elected reps of that party are devoid of principle, realism and ambition.
Vivian O’Blivion
1 year ago
Blackford is a member of the British American Parliamentary Group. The BAPG are uniquely and mysteriously exempt from declaring gratuities from the State Of in their HoC Register of interests. Blackford may have been on an all expenses paid trip to the States as part of the State Department’s International Visitors Leadership Program, the point being, we don’t know because he wouldn’t have to declare it. This distinction applies to Angela Crawley and pederast Patrick Grady neither of whom declared their IVLP trip despite it occurring while Westminster was in session.
I. Despair
1 year ago
Lord Blowhard of Cant and Hypocrisy.
1 year ago
I’m shocked by this, my money would have been on Slippers being first.
1 year ago
The ultimate cunt…fuckin hate the NuSNP for what they’ve become, the ultimate betrayal if that lardarse fuckface backstabbing arsehole of the highest order if he EVER accepted the “Lordship if Westminster”.
1 year ago
1 out of 900 odd. Aye Ian. The sooner you join them the better.
1 year ago
Rev, I forgot to say – you’re very good at picking out the wrong ‘uns. Mind you, there’s a lot to choose from. 🙂
1 year ago
Boris had the measure of the man when he said: ” I don’t know how long he’s going to last as leader of the SNP (in Westminster) but long may he rest in place. He is the araldite that is keeping our country together and for that, I thank him for what he’s doing.” Charles Kennedy would probably not have agreed though.
1 year ago
Ignored says:
23 January, 2024 at 8:22 pm
I’m shocked by this, my money would have been on Slippers being first”
I am more than sure that slippers will b right there hanging onto Blowhards coat-tails!
Disgusted that it has come to this, even after all the ways they have already betrayed us! Over ten long years!
1 year ago
Not surprised. He’ll be down to his last few million & looking for a top up with comfy slippers right behind him looking to move his baffie collection.
Alan Fagan
1 year ago
can anyone say they are even slightly surprised ? I have slways held him in the lowest regard after his treatment of Charles Kennedy and subsequently his love of his own voice .Onto more disgrace with the infamous rallying speech to protect a sex pest. He really is the very definition of a snout in the trough, I am in this for ME politician.
1 year ago
When you are used to the ‘high life’, utilising tax payers money, it can be very difficult to give it up. He will undoubtedly be missing the hundreds of thousands of ‘expenses’ cash he racked up in Westminster every single year.
It makes you wonder why all the high profile SNP hierarchy resigned basically at the same time. I doubt if we will ever learn of the real reasons for this.
They do like to look after their own.
Anything happening with the ‘Alphabetties’? Would it be in contempt of court for some paper/article to list their names, the pose the question, ‘what do these individuals have in common’?
We could all answer with the likes of ‘are they all Hearts supporters? is their favourite colour purple? or other similar rubbish.
Jason Smoothpiece
1 year ago
Horrible little man.
The sooner the SNP ship sinks the better.
I know the alternative in the medium term is the outrageous Labour Party but the SNP simply needs to go to allow a reset and to let Alba and co replace the former independence party.
I will not vote SNP or Labour I’m sure I will find someone to vote for possibly even an Alba candidate.
1 year ago
A fat bloviating useless gravy train cunt of the highest order. He should fit in well.
I wonder at what point the SNP loyalists and WGD slaves will start to wonder if they are backing the wrong horse…
Probably never. They are so personally invested admitting they were wrong would be like death for them.
Gonna take a lot of Ermine to cover this gigantic fat turd. A Stoatacaust.
1 year ago
But, in the face of a wealthy, Conservative Home Secretary falsely blaming oppressed Irish Catholics for their own moider at the hands of his soldiers without so much as expressing regret for their de4ths, not even Gandhi himself could have turned the other cheek.
As Bernadette said recently: “My only regret is that I didn’t hit him hard enough.”
Aye, but I’m still gonna call the c#!t a shitey wee puss stain, even if it is superfluous. The man wants a title? Then Shitey wee puss stain it will be.
What a fking rat of a man. But I still don’t detest him as much as I detest the Great Betrayer, Sturgeon. What is wrong with these fuckers? Or perhaps the more poignant question is what is wrong in our society that this scum ascends to leadership?
1 year ago
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
1 year ago
Disgusting suggestion to even contemplate such a thing.
He and 55 other SMP MP’s haven’t farted against Westminster thunder in the last decade.
To suggest one we man who was laughed at the English MPs would be more flatulence than influence in the English House of Lords.
He could sit next to Scabby Queen Mone and Labours David Brookman who has claimed £50,000 in expenses this year but not said one word.
Maybe he would want to sit with those members that are there because an ancestor from a few hundred years ago took his peasants to fight in the Holy Wars.
The place is a farce and should be closed down as soon as a nursing home becomes available for them.
Lorna Campbell
1 year ago
Yes, indeed, Rev. It would line up with all the other stuff they are into now. I am past caring about the SNP. They will be greatly reduced this year, then obliterated in 2026. If they can achieve zilch in the Commons, how the hell do they expect to have any influence in the Lords? Insane, but, again, perfectly ism keeping with the NuSNP.
1 year ago
I don’t know what or where the path to independence is now but I do know it is not with the SNP.
To all the good guy and gal SNP folks left. Whatever it is that has seized control of the SNP and ruined it… their talons are in way too deep.
At thus point they are relying on your loyalty to the SNP to prolong their rule.
You need to burn the house down.
The independence movement has to go post-SNP. Or there is no independence movement.
Vivian O’Blivion
1 year ago
I once worked for a business where the MD told a Director to demand a Mercedes for a company car (the Director didn’t want one). No one had ever had a Mercedes & the MD badly wanted a Mercedes without being the one to break the moratorium.
Just sayin’.
1 year ago
Not at all suprising.
1 year ago
Is he paving the way for Sturgeon by this talk? Getting people to think it is acceptable perhaps, so she doesn’t get all the flak when she becomes Baroness Sturgeon-Murrell of Twatt.
Caroline Wilson
1 year ago
Well, it’s not like you didn’t warn us. Still, seeing it in black & white is the sell-out complete. What an utter moral black hole of a man, Blackford is.
1 year ago
This report on U.K. poverty never made the TV news that I just watched.
A new report has revealed that six million of the UK’s poorest people would need to more than double their income to escape poverty, describing this as a “social failure at scale”.
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) added that there hasn’t been a significant decrease in poverty for two decades. The charity also highlighted that the number of people living in very deep poverty has increased over the past 20 years. In 2021/22, six million people were living in households with less than 40% of the median income after housing costs, which is 1.5 million more than 20 years ago.
Martin Lewis comments that even with advice use of food banks and other charities people cannot keep warm, fed or afford person hygiene products.
1,000,000 U.K. Children live in abject poverty with Victorian diseases breaking out with a focus on their plight.
1 year ago
Let’s look on the bright side – It definitely indicates that the utter fraud can’t see himself being a shoo-in as a list MSP.
The nuSNP must be getting polling that shows most of us have seen through them.
All we need now is everyone to move to Alba, because the only thing stopping us putting real independence candidates in every constituency is lack of funds.
And more footsoldiers would be welcome as well.
Let’s get indy done.
1 year ago
Tankie n Crofter: opportunistic grifters. The photos above show two cheeks of the same unionist pudgy porcine erse.
auld highlander
1 year ago
Everytime I drive pass a pig farm I’m reminded of politicians.
1 year ago
The SNP have found another way of refusing to provide any information about the Hamilton report.
The problem is, how can you challenge the basis of their decision without actually seeing the information given to Hamilton? Would the Commissioner be allowed to see it so he can exercise his powers if necessary, or is that the end of the matter?
It stinks. If the SNP genuinely thought this was the reason for not releasing the information, why didn’t they use it in the first place, rather than waste so much money on giving a wrong reason which was bound to fail.
If you don’t want to type that word you could always say
C U Next Tuesday
Iain Blackford C U Next Tuesday
Baroness Sausage in the tartan jacket C U Next Tuesday too.
1 year ago
Well,well,well. The SNP accepting peerages.
They have now truly settled into Westminster. There will be no chance of them settling up down there.
No doubt an exit plan for the current gravy trainers and pulling up the drawbridge to the next generation of SNP as the party heads for inevitable electoral extinction.
1 year ago
This just proves a few points:
1. These people are not democrats and never were. No democrat can ever seek to be parachuted to that stain in a democracy. They are just crown tools waiting to receive their reward for their services to the crown.
2. They are not and never were nationalists. They are labour through and through. A real nationalist would feel revulsion at the idea of entering that chamber.
3. They never sought independence. What they sought was to stop it. They are wedded to the union and unionism to their very core.
The stupid claim that Scotland needs nationalist representation in the HoL is absolute bullshit and a pathetic excuse. What it needs is the union ended.
A real nationalist would never seek to join that relic of the past whose main purpose is to prop up the crown and the layer of privilege hanging underneath.
If he found ungluing his deceiving arse from the green seats challenging, then lifting his arse from the red seats is going to be impossible.
If as SNP leader in Westminster he could/would not do anything to deliver independence, then what the hell is he going to achieve in a bloated HoL whose very existence relies on Scotland remaining in the union?
If something is clear is that all political rejects who enter the HoLs do not do it “to settle up”. They do it to settle their arse comfortably down and, for as long as they can, continue to suck from the taxpayers’ purse teat. Independence will disappear permanently from his mind.
I wonder what other members of Sturgeon’s praetorian guard will be also rewarded with a red seat. Who will be the next joining him, Black, Russell, Grady, Smith or Slippers?
I do not know what other shock this fake SNP can bring out of the hat to make themselves even more unelectable. By now we got their message is loud and clear: they want to lose the GE.
1 year ago
In mind o Burn’s Night coming up.
Ye see yon birkie ca’d a lord,
Wha struts, an’ stares, an’ a’ that,
Tho’ hundreds worship at his word,
He’s but a coof for a’ that.
For a’ that, an’ a’ that,
His ribband, star, an’ a’ that,
The man o’ independent mind,
He looks an’ laughs at a’ that.
And the recent episode of our Prime Miniature running away
from the woman.
Wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim’rous beastie,
O, what a panic’s in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty,
Wi’ bickering brattle!
I wad be laith to rin an’ chase thee,
Wi’ murdering pattle!
1 year ago
Shortly after arriving in the House of Commons in 1967, Winnie Ewing found herself in conversation with Labour Prime Minister, Harold Wilson. “How are you settling in?” asked the old charmer. “Har- old,” she replied, “I didn’t come here to settle in. I came here to settle up!”
No sign of the SNP troughers settling up, but plenty seem intent on settling in.
Madame Écosse would be birling…
Indy for Scotland!
SNP Out!
John Main
1 year ago
@ Effijy says:23 January, 2024 at 9:16 pm
In 2021/22, six million people were living in households with less than 40% of the median income after housing costs, which is 1.5 million more than 20 years ago
What’s net migration over the past 20 years?
A damn sight more than 1.5 million, that’s for sure.
If you take the trouble to think through what is being written here, we can see that millions of people have come to the UK over the past 20 years, and many (the majority?) have managed to lift themselves out of poverty.
And that’s despite that huge influx of people driving the cost of property purchase and rental sky high.
I call that quite a good result.
As for the “1,000,000 U.K. Children living in abject poverty”, how many are 1st or 2nd generation immigrants?
Why this expectation that people should be able to come here and be rich? Aren’t many of them asylum seekers? Is it really the case that they expect not only to be safe from persecution and war, but comfortably off too?
Back in the bad old days, when we Scots went to other countries to get rich, that was colonialism. And colonialism is bad.
I don’t see why that should change.
Until the agenda pushers who write these weasel worded reports start including full details of the demographic breakdown, I won’t be losing any sleep.
1 year ago
SNP = Shitstains Needing Pensions
1 year ago
Rule Brittania
FFS ???
Alba need to back Salvo now btw or my membership goes in the bin
1 year ago
Rule Brittania
FFS ???
Alba need to back Salvo now btw or my membership goes in the bin
1 year ago
What Kevin Cargill said.
1 year ago
Nearly 10 years ago I proposed to my SNP branch that because of the way that the House of Lords had been reformed in the House Lords Reform Act 2014 it would be possible for the SNP to actually introduce some democracy to the House. It was going to be very tightly controlled Lords. Of course ion they get in now they will merely be continuing the trouging habits that they have got over the past 10 years at Westminster.
For interest sake this is what I proposed Conference therefore gives permission to the leader of the Party, if approached through the usual channels, to nominate party members to serve in the House of Lords under the following regulations.
1. The perspective member of the House of Lords shall be on the Register of Approved Potential Candidates
2. Perspective members of the House of Lords shall be nominated by the procedure set out in Rules on Vetting and Selection of Potential Parliamentary and Local Government Candidates.
3. The perspective nominees to the house of Lords will be elected in the form of Election in section 14.3 of the rules, and before they are nominated by the Party Leader they shall lodge with the Chief Executive of the Party an undated letter of resignation from the House of Lords in terms of section 1 of the House of Lords Reform Act 2014.
4. Attendance at the House of Lords by SNP nominated Lords shall only be on those occasions on which they are summonsed by notice from the Parliamentary Whips Office.
5. Nominees to the House of Lords shall have their letters of resignations sent to the Clerk of the House of Lords on the dissolution of Parliament or at any time as may be considered good by the National Executive Committee.
6. Detailed regulations about membership of the House of Lords shall be drawn up by the National Executive Committee and approved by Conference.
The grassroots is talking about MPs walking out of The Commons as The SNP is talking about claiming seats in The Lords.
It’s as if they are trying to piss people off.
I’m happy to hear this though. It clarifies things quite nicely.
The SNP is a Unionist party.
1 year ago
**I do not know what other shock this fake SNP can bring out of the hat to make themselves even more unelectable**
I’ll take a guess.
They’ll make a move to stand nationwide & be NuNuLabour party or defect there.
They’re finished in Scotland so they’ll try creep in somewhere else. They’ll get nowhere, obvs. The SNP are about as welcome as a dose of the clap in England but in their deluded mind everyone loves them.
He has no chance. No wonder Salmond had zero time for him.
1 year ago
Correct. That was confirmed when the membership rejected the only independence candidate with a plan & chose the idiot continuity candidate instead. 10 years of failure was chosen to continue..
So even the membership is completely captured.
1 year ago
Fat three piece wearing cunt.
1 year ago
Fat three piece wearing suit cunt. To think we voted , supported , campaigned for these bastards.
Wee Crabbit Bas
1 year ago
Biggest windbag since Oliver Hardy, but not for laughs. I’m sick of the lot o them. There is no point in any elected Scottish MPs in favour of independence being in the place anymore. Why to take part in the Westend Theatre that is Westminster?
1 year ago
Grim reading , Auld Highlander, but thanks for the link.
Rational aliens and children must wonder how a country with such terrible poverty is able to afford spending billions on weapons, and making misery, mischief, and poverty in other countries.
Clever people understand it but I don’t — we need to protect our free speech and democracy but we aren’t allowed to discuss or question it? I’m so dumb that I can’t remember voting to bomb Yemen, Gaza, or anyone really.
Dr Steinberg
1 year ago
Ian Blackford… the c*nts c*nt. He must be so proud.
Wullie B
1 year ago
Maybe the bidey in is looking for someone more important to work for, no more cute lamb photos from the wife’s family croft
Brian Doonthetoon
1 year ago
Hi Dorothy D.
shameful |??e?mf?l, ??e?mf(?)l|
worthy of or causing shame or disgrace: a shameful accusation.
shameless |??e?ml?s|
(of a person or their conduct) characterized by or showing a lack of shame; barefaced or brazen: his shameless hypocrisy.
I think it would be accurate to describe Blackford as both.
have it both ways
benefit from two incompatible ways of thinking or behaving: Blackford cannot have it both ways; he is either pro-independence or pro-union.
David Hannah
1 year ago
David Hannah
1 year ago
Keep taking the ugly tablets Ian. They’re working. You fat sack of spuds.
Keep off Penny Morodaunt and friends while you’re at it. You filthy auld bastard ye.
1 year ago
I would like to think that people will remember these slime covered SLUGS when we do gain our independence, what penalties and actions did the collaborators face in the second world war when they carried out the enemies wishes against the citizens, were they allowed to retain their trea sonous earnings and gains, were they celebrated and embraced by their fellow citizens, some of whom lost family members at the hands of those collaborators
Is it right for these betrayers to walk away with their FRAUDULENT earnings and luxury pensions when they have blatantly and miserably failed in the job they were employed to do i.e competent governance and independence for Scotland
Are we right to encourage these amoral arsewipes to laugh in our faces and treat us with OPEN CONTEMPT because that is exactly what THIS waste of oxygen and his fellow contemptibles are doing
TBQH I cannot wait for independence to get REVENGE for the dedicated unfortunates who supported these scum independence imposters through activity and financing and died waiting on these LIARS and PERVERTS to free our country, and also to get revenge for the unnecessary pain and suffering they have inflicted on ordinary normal people by their inadequate unchallenging supplication to the WM hellhole
Robert Louis
1 year ago
What an absolute tractor.
Away tae London toon with you, Blackford, away down and get down on your knees to all the so-called ‘lords’. You absolute muppet.
Treachery is treachery. It is that simple.
For London’s gold, bought and sold. Iain Blackford, the self-styled ‘Laird of Skye’.
This is what the SNP has become. NOW we know why nothing has been done for independence. With one SNP MP living it up in a castle in Dundee, Blackford fancying himself as a silly wee ‘lord’, and comfy slippers Wishart.
What a bunch of chancers, the lot of them. The whole damn lot of them should away and f*** off to England permanently, so we can be rid of them, and get folk who really want Scottish independence elected.
Come the election, the SNP are going to get humped – and rightly so.
For me, I’ll be voting for a genuine pro independence party, the ALBA party.
“Gonna take a lot of Ermine to cover this gigantic fat turd. A Stoatacaust.”
Very accurate. Just yet another stinky wee Scottish london-worshipping jobby scurrying off to London, to doff his cap and get down on his knees like all the other silly Scottish unionist sh*tes.
It is clear, Mr Blackford was only ever in it for the dosh, and that swanky taxpayer funded lifestyle. I truly despise such vermin.
Hey comfy Pete, are you not going to join him???
John Main
1 year ago
@ Geri says: 24 January, 2024 at 12:05 am
when the membership rejected the only independence candidate with a plan & chose the idiot continuity candidate instead
Did they?
I don’t recall that. Rev Stu pointed out at the time the campaign was a flawed and fraudulent one.
Regan was so exercised about its illegality that she was threatening a legal challenge.
Admit it Geri, you will accept any fraudulent outrage if it has the right badge pinned on it. Until the SNP and Indy movement are prepared to call out Yousaf’s so called election as the fraud that it is, neither are going anywhere.
So you are right about the next 10 years.
John Main
1 year ago
@ Hatuey says: 24 January, 2024 at 12:31 am
I’m so dumb that I can’t remember voting to bomb Yemen, Gaza
The only people bombing Gaza are Israelis, so unless you’re an Israeli citizen, you won’t be eligible to vote. Of course, if you are an Israeli citizen, you’ll be enthusiastically cheering on the destruction of the subhuman filth that murdered, raped, maimed, kidnapped, beheaded and tortured on October 7th. I’m guessing you’re not then.
As for the Hotties, I’m content that my government should take steps to mitigate the inevitable price rises, inflation rises and interest rates rises that will result if we allow a bunch of lunatics to disrupt the shipping routes we all rely on. Scots already struggling from the cost of living crisis may well be onside with me there.
I’ll let your claim “I’m so dumb” stand unchallenged.
Robert Louis
1 year ago
Anybody who still thinks the SNP are fighting for independence, needs their head seen to. They are fighting for their own swollen bank balances.
Vivian o blivion at 0910pm, makes, I think a most important point. A very, very important point.
I see the usual trolls are straight in trying to change the subject.
John Main
1 year ago
Innarestin article on Unherd today – “Israel is still winning the political war”.
Readers/posters whose world view is formed by Viz’s Student Grant, and who thus eternally find themselves screeching inchoately at the grown ups in the room, probably won’t get much out of it.
Reality grounded readers may find much to muse on. Ultimately, realpolitik is how the world works. If iScotland is ever to succeed, or even come into existence in the first place, engagement with reality will be needed.
“Speak softly and carry a big stick” is still the best advice for any country. By all means we can aspire to be the nicest, cuddliest wee country in the world, but don’t be surprised if the world then uses us as a doormat, politically and economically.
John Main
1 year ago
@ Robert Louis says: 24 January, 2024 at 7:26 am
I see the usual trolls are straight in trying to change the subject
Subject changed at 9:16 last night by Effijy.
Hatuey carpet bagging at 12:31 too. Starting off about poverty, but swiftly morphing into pro-Hamas propaganda.
It’s a pain, Bob, but what can you do? The trolls just won’t shut the feck up.
With some of them at least, you start to wonder if their only purpose on coming here is to advance their own agenda, under the guise of supporting Indy!
Never underestimate the duplicity and malice of the BTL poster.
A Browne
1 year ago
Best gentleman’s club in London, dontchaknow!
Will Baffy Boy be next?
1 year ago
Innaresin’ article in the yoon press today.
It’s a handy way of filling up space without doing any thinking for myself.
1 year ago
All be a bit academic as the British state rushes to war.
With Grant Shaps last week whoring how the UK is preparing for war, a top general is today reporting how we all need to prepare for call up.
Ergo, from today’s Telegraph –
The British public will be called up to fight if the UK goes to war because the military is too small, the head of the Army is to warn.
General Sir Patrick Sanders will stress the need for the Government to “mobilise the nation” in the event of war with Russia in a speech on Wednesday.
” With the British Army being reduced to its smallest size for centuries, The Telegraph understands Gen Sir Patrick, who has been openly critical of troop cuts, wants British men and women to be prepared for a CALL-UP”
And this British beligefence to fight is what Blackford and his SNP want to sign up with.
Sadly, the big slaughter appears to be cometh again.
1 year ago
There’s been a Devil dug attack in Hamilton yesterday:
The precise breed of attack is not know but it doesn’t look for the SNP at Holyrood with their handling of the XL Bully ban.
Patsy Millar
1 year ago
1 year ago
If Blackford seeking a knighthood, then he knows that Independence under the NUSNP is further away than once in a lifetime.
John H.
1 year ago
To be expected from today’s SNP. The idea probably came from Sturgeon. She’ll be anxious by now to receive her reward for betraying the Scottish people.
1 year ago
Willie Not Ignored
24 January, 2024 at 8:44 am
The British public will be called up to fight if the UK goes to war because the military is too small, the head of the Army is to warn.
That is going to be seriously tricky what with us being a multi-cultural society.
How about they take a tip from Biden and offer to make a woman of them if they join up?
Dorothy Devine
1 year ago
BDTT , thanks for that , I can happily use both! Hope you are progressing towards good health.
Willie , that is terrifying . If we were independent we could prevent the young of Scotland being used as cannon fodder for outrageous attacks on other countries.
1 year ago
I heard BBC radio shortbreed up to their usual this morning.
Man in hamilton attacked by dog
Somone said it was a bulldog ior might be a bullydog!! And softly but that’s not official
Of course they are banned in the uk and the scottish government have not decided yet.
The famous somone!!!
The news is so clearly being controlled by the uk committee (UKC)
John H.
1 year ago
Dorothy Devine 9.31am.
Being used as cannon fodder again you mean. 26.4 % Scottish casualties in the first war alone. The second war had an even higher percentage of Scottish casualties. but the numbers were lower due to it being a mobile war. No wonder our population remains low even today.
David Hannah
1 year ago
I’ll not fight for Britain. No blood in my hands. I’m a new clydesider. Time for the socialist revolution against the military industrial complex.
I’d rather serve time in prison than being shot by my fellow white males of Russia. The Russians and the British have so much in common.
Fuck NATO. We have nothing in common with murderers.
1 year ago
Collaborator & Traitor!
auld highlander
1 year ago
Those warmongering bastard politicians mouthing off about constription. They seem to be itching for a fight in the hope of solving their problems.
The Russians and the British share so much love and so much common ground. We are practically the same as each other. Whites fighting whites. No thank you.
I’ll give the Russians a big hug. And we can all, go to a music festival together. The British want to conscript me. They’ll have to kill me themselves.
I’ll be with the 1 million Palestinian activists in London ready to kick fuck out of any Tory MP I see walking past.
Get it right up them. Britain has fallen. Time for Independence.
John Main
1 year ago
@ Willie says: 24 January, 2024 at 8:44 am
Look on the bright side Willie.
It was the survivors of the last big bust-up that had the courage and determination to gift us the Welfare State and all the other advantages our leading elites have been whittling away at ever since 1945.
The sad condition we find ourselves in today is largely because the descendants of the men and women who fought lacked the guts to continue. Having convinced themselves they have “rights” to stuff they won’t graft for, they are reduced to sitting behind their keyboards, eternally greetin about how life isn’t fair. And constantly denigrating as eejits anybody who is prepared to stand up for their own family, nation, culture and country.
Nothing will galvanise Indy like a bunch of hard-bitten, patriotic survivors, inured to danger and hardship, trained to fight and lead from the front, and ready to fight for what they want.
They won’t want today’s generation of puling keyboard warriors in their way, so best keep out, eh?
I’m assuming, of course, that having experienced the real world at its harshest, they will still want an iScotland. That might be a big assumption. The class of 1945 certainly didn’t.
1 year ago
The SNP mask slips just that little bit more, no doubt budding Speaker of the House Pete Wishart will think this is a great idea.
1 year ago
Is there a swiss army knife with a tool for getting britishness out of some Scottish heads?
Of course, it could be a «mental health issue», so on trend.
Cognitive dissonance? Doublethink?
Or might it simple involve a little brain surgery with the old style baseball bat?
auld highlander
1 year ago
I’m old enough to have seen guys who had arms and legs blown off in some conflict in far distant places.
They had their trouser leg tied up or their jacket sleeve pinned to stop the things flapping around.
My grandmothers brother never returned from ww1 and his name is on a memorial which none of the family have ever seen.
Oh, but they got a memorial death plaque made of copper. Big deal for a life lost.
1 year ago
Robert Louis
Yes, they did.
& If I’m understanding it correctly if that wee nasty separatist nyaff thinks she’s getting a seat fae the English gentry she can jog on.
The Yes movement would drag Cersi through the streets & quarter her themselves..
But anything is possible with that mob. It’s chock full of life’s failures. One more pish soaked plastic Scot would be a win over indy. She’d need to call purple bricks though..
1 year ago
£300 per day expenses plus travel expenses plus subsidised bars and restaurants. I can’t understand what attracts Blackford to this place.
1 year ago
Genocide John Main reminds me of that Spitting Image sketch where David Coleman goes into overdrive a lap too early.
Main now openly shilling for Britain; and the election hasn’t even been called yet !!!
Coleman’s head finally exploded, I seem to recall.
1 year ago
1 year ago
Genocide John
You do realise everything after 1945 was an invasion & occupation, right?
We were the baddies.
We don’t need to thank anyone for that.
1 year ago
Coincidentally I was watching this earlier on the dire state of the British Armed forces.
Turns out all the immigrants don’t want to join and going woke (i.e. anti-white) is not a great recruitment driver for white people. London for example is 13% of the population but only contributes 3% to recruits. Lots of interesting data in it.
One thing that occurred to me watching it, is that we spend a lot of time focussing on the treatment of Scotland and Scots by the people running the UK on this website (and rightfully so) but when I look at the way they treat indigenous white English people it is very obvious they despise them, just as much as us.
This is actually true now of all (far) Western countries it seems. ‘Our leaders’ are seemingly doing everything they can to degrade, destroy and replace us. We have been occupied.
Get ready for conscription.
Just like they sent a generation of young Ukr@inians to their deaths for nothing do you really think you will be immune to it if it comes. They have units there sitting behind the front lines to shoot anyone who tries to retreat. Press gangs are grabbing old men from bus stops. I forget what the age limit is now as they keep raising it. They are also sending women to the front as well. Rus$ians making videos find trenches full of dead Ukr@inian women.
Boris Johnson is coated in their blood from head to foot, bathed in it.
1 year ago
Sky News
“But when asked directly whether “40 babies were beheaded”, an IDF spokesman said children were killed – but that reports of beheadings were “unconfirmed”.”
1 year ago
The Jimmy Dore show I think it was had a dedicated show ripping the pish out of the British Navy because it was forced to advertise on the internet for the position of Admiral. I shit you not.
They can’t find someone suitable from with their own ranks. Which is absolutely astonishing, especially when you consider it is the Navy who controls the UK’s so called nuclear deterrent.
Apparently the reason our air craft carriers are unable to go support the US in the Med / Red sea is we don’t have the people to man them.
Wokeism is destroying the UK (and the West) just as it was designed to do.
1 year ago
I was watching something the other day & it stated over 70% of those who return from wars have PTSD.
This has a devastating affect on their life, their family & their ability to function in civilian life & they resort to substance abuse, domestic violence & even murder/Familicide.
They’d have been better staying at home. The Taliban is still the Taliban & Bin Laden never seen the inside of a courtroom.
What they should’ve done was return home & drag the warmonger elites to the front line instead. Shapps can go first..
Look at the embarrassment of them all on Remembrance Sunday standing there with their medals like they actually did anything but go on a wee cruise around the Med & shagging the natives & the yoons lap it all up while trying to spot who isn’t singing loud enough, who isn’t wearing a poppy & who isnt waving a plastic fleg like a retard..
Lads, stay at home with yer feet up. None of our business until they’re coming for us & they’re not.
1 year ago
I was watching something the other day & it stated over 70% of those who return from wars have PTSD.
This has a devastating affect on their life, their family & their ability to function in civilian life & they resort to substance abuse, domestic violence, eviction & even murder/Familicide.
They’d have been better staying at home. The T*liban is still the T*liban & B*n L*den never seen the inside of a courtroom despite *Western values*
What they should’ve done was return home & drag the warmonger elites to the front line instead. The whole UK government who voted can go in first..
Look at the embarrassment of them all on Remembrance week standing there with their medals like they actually did anything but go on a wee cruise around the Med & shagging the natives & the yoons lap it all up while trying to spot who isn’t singing GSTK loud enough, who isn’t wearing a poppy & who isnt waving a plastic fleg like a r*tardo.
Lads, stay at home with yer feet up. None of our business until they’re coming for us & they’re nowhere near us.
1 year ago
Blackford’s first act when stepping down from his position as leader of the SNP at Westminster was to give an interview to his friends at GB News. Enough said.
David Hannah
1 year ago
What an absolute insult to everyone living in Britain. This British general.
We need to wage war on the people traffickers and the boats. And not the Russians.
And BTW. Fuck Zelensky. A tosser. He’s destroyed his country. Stupid cunt can lie in his bead. Fuck them.
1 year ago
It is awfully serious on here with a lot of angry people.
I have an English pal…..shock, horror……who lives just outside of Birmingham. Recently he had to go to London for a meeting and was undecided whether to drive or take the train. He opted for less hassle, but more expense and took the train. He booked a ticket online and reserved a seat.
On boarding, he found his seat and was delighted to find that he was sat opposite an absolute stunning looking woman. Soon they got chatting and he asked her why she was visiting London today. She replied that she was going to a nymphomaniacs convention at the Albert Hall. ‘Wow’ said my pal ‘what does that entail? ‘Well’ said the woman ‘there are so many misunderstandings and misconceptions about sex and sexuality’. ‘Tell me more-I am intrigued’ replied my pal.
The woman replied ‘It is generally thought that Jamaican men have the biggest penises when it is actually the native American Red Indian. Frenchmen are considered to be the most romantic and the best kissers but the reality is that it is Greek men. Italian men are assumed to be the best lovers, with the greatest stamina and more likely to satisfy a woman when it is Scotsmen who deserve this accolade.
‘I’m sorry’ said the woman. ‘Here I am rabbiting on and I have not even asked your name. ‘I’m Cynthia but my friends call me Sin for short’. ‘That’s ok’ said my pal. ‘My name is Running Bear Papadopoulos but my friends call me Jock’.
David Hannah
1 year ago
Urseloa Von Der LEYENN. And the EU military Block.
And Joe Biden and Bill Clinton – he likes them young – as we know from the Jeffrey Epstien files. He likes them young doesn’t he?
The hilary Clinton foundation. That hates Scotland. She’s not welcome near. And neither is Nicola Sturgeon.
We’re only fighting for Independence. She can do one. I’m telling you. Raging about this. The nerve.
1 year ago
Another britnat agent of the massively compromised SNP.
1 year ago
Ok, so I’m a day early, but the behaviour of Blackford & Co. ensure that this verse remains as relevant today as when first penned some 233 years ago…
What force or guile could not subdue,
Thro’ many warlike ages,
Is wrought now by a coward few,
For hireling ("Tractor" - Ed)’s wages.
The English steel we could disdain,
Secure in valour’s station;
But English gold has been our bane –
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!
Andy Ellis
1 year ago
@Turabdin 9.58am
I don’t think any pointy instrument found in a Swiss Army knife will be able to winkle the atavistic cringe out of the psyche of those devolutionists who are salivating at the prospect of settling down rather than settling up.
As many of us have been saying for a while, it’s pointless expecting an essentially devolutionary party like the SNP to prioritise independence. Of course that failure of nerve isn’t the only or even biggest reason for the SNPs imminent drubbing at the polls, but it certainly doesn’t help.
Despite the usual inchoate wailing and gnashing of teeth by the usual suspects about the oncoming great reset, the fact remains that support for independence has remained stable despite the fall in support for the SNP. That, and the fact it rose in the past quite quickly during the indyref 1 campaign doesn’t really support your view that Britishness can’t be unlearned or effectively remedied.
Naturally the chances of many – or even just enough – of the undecided voters changing their minds based on some of the commentary in here seems rather remote. That doesn’t mean it can’t be done, just that we need an actual campaign before people take any notice.
Our biggest recruiting sergeant at present would seem to be the execrable quality of the opposition and the intellectual, economic and social illiteracy of the British nationalist project. Project Fear v0.2 will be a much harder sell than in 2012-14 given what has happened since and given the likelihood that SFA will change under New NuLabour.
1 year ago
Military conscription game changer for Indy?
Ellis asked the following on the previous thread:
Ask yourself why they can never explain why no party or significant political figures actually support the policies they advocate.
It’s an interesting question. Ellis had a long break from Wings so he might have missed the answer.
Stu wrote a article explaining it. It was called
*Ahhh! Bisto.
The ‘they’ he is refering to is everyone except himself, Main & Chas.
*Ahhh! Bisto Can anyone help Ellis out by posting a link to the article.
1 year ago
100%Yes @ 9.09am
How very dare you suggest such a parliamentary giant as the Rt. Hon. Ian Blackford MP would accept as paltry an honour as a Knighthood. This honour sits far lower in the pecking order than such a giant of our times as Mr Blackford thinks he deserves.
No, I fear, nothing less than a Barony and a place in the House of Lords will suffice for Big Ian.
Mind you, although 40 years have passed since the last former Prime Minister, Harold MacMillan, accepted the Earldom, which used to go as a matter of course to former PMs, I am sure Mrs Murrell deeply regrets this now seemingly abandoned custom does not extend to former First Minister of Scotland.
Her ego will surely demands she be made Countess of Dreghorn – although, at a push, she will surely accept being Baroness Sturgeon of Bourtreehill.
1 year ago
Ellis asked the following on the previous thread:
Ask yourself why they can never explain why no party or significant political figures actually support the policies they advocate.
It’s an interesting question.
It appears according to Ellis there are two groups posting here. There are them and us.
Ellis’s group = Ellis, Main & Chas everyone else is the other group.
I have no idea what policies the Ellis, Main & Chas are advocating for.
The only policy I advocated for was the ‘Repeal of the Gender Recognition Act 2004’
I thought Ellis being a founder member of Alba could explain why Alba do not support this.
The other policy of would advocate for would be ‘World Peace’
Being that we have so many ‘war fetishists’ in the world I don’t have high hopes of that every happening.
I blame the soldiers. If there were no soldiers there would be no wars.
No chance of Biden taking on Put*ain in the boxing ring. Biden would shit his nappy!
Who is it we are going to war with? The whole world except Ukra*ine, Israel & the US?
Sorry I don’t watch ‘war porn’ so I haven’t a clue.
Is the role of the soldier to kill or to die?
I would imagine killing another human being would take it’s toll unless you are into that sort of thing.
It’s no wonder the ‘Naked Rambler’ walked all over the Scotland totally starkers. He refused to put on anything that resembled an army uniform. Poor bloke!
Boyce Franks
1 year ago
I’ve been saying since Salmond was first attacked years ago and WOS was put on the banned SNP lists that SNP members would soon find themselves in the House of Lords. And when this happened we should take it as proof positive that the British state had infiltrated the SNP and those who gain by the British honours system are the infiltrators.
It makes me sick. Politics is not about what you can do for your country but what your country can do for you. I now fucking hate them all. They are all at it.
1 year ago
Viscount DeutscheBank has a certain ring to it.
Douchebag for short.
Garavelli Princip
1 year ago
Ruby (12:36) Says:
“I blame the soldiers. If there were no soldiers there would be no wars.”
Actually Ruby, I blame the bankers and financiers and their closely related weapons manufacturers.
The history of banking in inextricably tied to the funding of wars – often simultaneously funding both sides of the same war. This is the subject of serious historical research.
The officer class in armies may benefit from war (especially if they go on to work for arms manufacturers after retirement – as so many do. The poor bloody infantry – not so much (they often require charity for basics such as housing – and if damaged or disabled are just discarded by the state.
If you want to know who benefits from anything, just follow the money.
The UK has been owned by the bankers since Dutch bankers funded the so-called “Glorious Revolution”. William III was literally bank-rolled by them. Since then rolling debts to bankers have never been repaid.
The whole of UK subsequent history has been of war.
Because war is highly profitable and it is funded by the bankers.
I blame the bankers.
Anton Decadent
1 year ago
@Ruby, it’ll be kill or be kilt.
1 year ago
Stephen Gough aka ‘The Naked Rambler’ former Royal Marine.
At the foot of the Royal Mile (that’s in Edinburgh) there is a veterans’ home called ‘Whiteford House’.
Everyday without fail there is a fire engine/ambulance ‘mee-mawing’ it’s way down the Royal Mile at speed heading for Whiteford House.
Apparently there are a lot of drug, alcohol & mental health issue amongst the veterans resident at Whiteford House.
Smoking in bed seems to be a big problem.
Poor blokes! They pay a high price for serving another country.
1 year ago
Blackford could just be throwing Flynn under a bus & wreaking any chance of them winning even one seat.
What exactly was the point of his takeover anyway, apart from calling us Transphobes *the dregs of society* does anyone know?
Just a reminder:
***“I often say that I’d love to pick up all the people of Scotland and get them one by one to spend a week in Westminster, to realise quite how dysfunctional the place is, and the nature of everything that happens there is just absurd.”***
The tosser just doesn’t get it does he? He wasn’t elected to be staying in Westminster. I hope the good people of Scotland help Flynn to find his way hame. Permanently.
He can go back to his wee dingy flat & have Mhairi bring him a fish supper & a kit Kat as they contemplate where it all went wrong for them…
Andy Anderson
1 year ago
Back on topic.
That is three SNP politicians I have read proposing joining the Lords in the last two months. Are they bammers? Are they set on being lemmings and jumping off the electoral cliff? It’s like the party wants to go into oblivion.
1 year ago
Aye – they get thrown on the scrap heap.
They don’t return to a hero’s welcome. Not even from the elites who they fought for.
They’re trained for aggression & they’re not untrained for civilian life.
The plebs are to be charitable & dig deep to pay for their care while charity bosses award themselves huge salaries & bonuses.
The great con is over. They’re not fighting for anything that benefits them. Just the fat cats getting fatter on the body count.
Unless they’re in the North sea ready to invade us/or there is a massive genocide going on then their problems aren’t ours. We mind our own biz..
If a country is pissed off with theirs leader then it’s up to the people to change it. Not call the world police charging in with nothing more than an outdated pot lid & rolling pin.
£12 billion on military per year. Where exactly is it spent? It’s not exactly on updated toys by the looks of it.. Im beginning to believe Trident is a tin cut out LOL
P* wouldn’t even need to put his baffles on afore it’d be game over..
Is this the same one that stood at his window wanking in front of children and claiming be be a naturist?
Prosecutor Robin Kitching said the following day, one of the same children, a girl, was being followed by Graham, who was on a bike.
I know all about that sort of thing. My childhood and that of many of my friends was ruined by what we called back then ‘dirty old men’
However we did get our revenge which was marvelous! I’ll tell you later.
These nonces should put on a dress go to the local swimming pool where they can expose themselves legally and there would be no risk of a prison sentence. Our politicians have facilitated that little perk for them.
Be kind they say!
Fuck that! I am a mean girl and 100% transphobic.
I’m just wondering what the man did to the dog to cause the attack.
You do know that the + in the TQ+ includes zoophiles.
Spain have made shagging dogs legal.
Coming to Scotland soon?
Just watch who you hire to walk your Cockapoo!
1 year ago
No need to wonder why Ch*na wanted their Pandas back.
I’ll bet Ying & Yang would have a story to tell if they could only talk..
1 year ago
Ellis, who literally claims to work for an arms manufacturer, has openly accused me of being paid to… wait for it… write anti-war propaganda on this forum.
Hi Geri! How are you to day. You seem to be on top form.
Keep up these ***** star posts.
Five Star de luxe even.
Ian Smith
1 year ago
Can the SNP and Scottish government not just coordinate the deletion of all copies of the Hamilton report?
It would save a lot of legal toings and froings if they could just agree that sadly it doesn’t exist any more.
Alf Baird
1 year ago
Johnlm @ 12:59 pm
“Viscount DeutscheBank has a certain ring to it”
Weel, colonial Scotlan’s a’ready a donsie wee preevat equity bankers playgrund, wi maist o oor kintra’s laund stealt fae us an oor fowk bocht an selt, an aw thay SNP heid bummers mairsae.
Scots dinnae need anither Lord Haw-Haw. Leeberation’s aye oor anely remeed – same as it was for all colonized and doun-hauden peoples.
The prospect of someone who bravely posts from behind an anonymous profile claiming they’d have no problem debating live will seem as outlandish as your worldview Hatuey.
We know your quality of old. Don’t you still owe John Main a tenner for your failed prediction about the invasion of Taiwan happening before Xmas?
In the unlikely event you are being paid, I hope they have some KPI’s in place. Doubtless they’ll be asking for a refund soon if you didn’t loose all your money betting of the reunification of Taiwan with the motherland?
1 year ago
The UK’s version of John “Mad Dog” Bolton, Tobias Ellwwood, says that the world has a 1939 feel to it right now. Meanwhile Sky news reporting that army conscriptions might be needed to the numbers up in the British army.
Any sane person would enlist or be forced to enlist to further US/UK/Nato/EU hegemony
“In September 2018, Ellwood announced that he had been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel as a reservist in the psychological warfare unit 77th Brigade, which has played a central role in the government’s massive psyop to force through drastic COVID-19 restrictions.[5]
Also in 2018, he was an agent provocateur against George Papadopoulos[6] as part of the Russiagate operation.”
1 year ago
Spain have made shagging dogs legal.
Coming to Scotland soon?
Just watch who you hire to walk your Cockapoo!
I know when I type the above folk think that is nonsense that could never happen.
Aye well! I bet you thought that a lot of things that have happened in Scotland over the last decade could never happen.
I bet you also thought when I said he was a cunt and his side kick was a nutter I was being ridiculous and deserved the long stretch of PMT.
I got banned for one of those incidents. I was a political prisoner until Stu decided on an amnesty at New Year 2004 after which he introduced the X Ignore button.
I love that bloody X Ignore button.
1 year ago
“The UK’s version of John “Mad Dog” Bolton, Tobias Ellwwood”
In the 77th eh? Ah, one of our very own mebbies!? lol
1 year ago
Andy Anderson
24 January, 2024 at 1:38 pm
Back on topic.
That is three SNP politicians I have read proposing joining the Lords in the last two months. Are they bammers? Are they set on being lemmings and jumping off the electoral cliff? It’s like the party wants to go into oblivion.
They are addicted to the Bisto also bammers!
What a good boy for staying on topic.
Well done Andy!
There was already one SNP MP who defected to the Tories. How many more do you think?
1 year ago
The drum beat for war does indeed beat ever louder.
The world is an evil place with so many enemies to be slain by the righteous. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and now Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.
The comment about Scotland losing a much greater percentage of their men than England in the previous two major world conflagrations is interesting. It reinforces what a rich reserve of cannon fodder Scotland is to the UK. And when I say cannon fodder I mean absolutely no slight whatsoever for those brave men and women who went to fight for someone else’s gold.
But history repeats and one has to ask will Scotland in the event of another major conflagration send the number of our young to go and die in foreign fields. No doubt the establishment would like to repeat the trick.
But with British Generals now declaring that we WILL be at war with China, Russia and Iran in the relatively near future what fate therefore for Scotland to become a number one target.
Its certainly a thought that every Scot should consider. War delivers nothing for the masses. War is about corporate advantage, the securement of resources be it oil, gas, minerals, or similar. War is not about making things better for the people. A brass plaque or a monument is the reward.
And the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilian men women and children they can play their part. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a deliberate slaughter in a show of power.
The Dresden fire bombing killing tens of thousands of civilians was another example of the same.
Dulce et decorum est in pro patria mori. That is sadly the fate of too many. And yes, history does repeat, again, and again and again.
Alisdair Mclean
1 year ago
And we wonder how 600000 goes missing.
1 year ago
While in carefree doom mode,
Viva Nato!
1 year ago
Now it becomes a bit clearer why Sky news/UK/MSM and Ellwood, the latter proposing more UK resident enlist in the British army, and how the world feels like its 1939 right now, the latter is giving his muses airtime.
“A new agreement signed by U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky on 12 January provides U.K. “security commitments” to Ukraine in the event of “new aggression” by Moscow.
It states:
“In the event of future Russian armed attack against Ukraine, at the request of either of the Participants, the Participants will consult within 24 hours to determine measures needed to counter or deter the aggression.”
It then says the U.K. “undertakes” to “provide Ukraine with swift and sustained security assistance, modern military equipment across all domains as necessary.””
He can’t need the attendance money surely? After all, his party have been very successful at running the Scottish economy! And he’s a millionaire crifter to boot!
1 year ago
You can almost hear the war room from here…
“Let the (Scots) bodies pile high. Throw those Scots eejits who adore us in first. They’re a verminous beastly people.”
I like my stars cause I’m a Princess. It highlights I’m quoting someone else or making a point better than “” does.
And anyway, who can be arsed with html on a device? Switching virtual keyboards for symbols is such a pain in the arse. I’m lucky I can see the wee box to type in without faffing about with that shit
It’d be better on a desktop but that’s been relegated to the spare room.
WordPress isn’t very good for html by the looks of some comments & there’s no quote function & now the ignore disnae work either.
I dunno what kind of outfit Stu is running around here LOL!
Alf Baird
1 year ago
willie @ 2:54 pm
“But history repeats and one has to ask will Scotland in the event of another major conflagration send the number of our young to go and die in foreign fields. No doubt the establishment would like to repeat the trick.”
Aye Willie, since the Irish declared their independence Ireland has avoided around 100 military conflicts that England has dragged Scotland into, and no doubt more to come.
‘No’ voters should consider that independence is far more than maybe being a few quid better or worse off, its about our own people being able to decide for themselves critically important matters such as war and peace. Independence is about how ‘a people’ behave, what we do, how we carry ourselves in the world, and how the world views us and our country.
Scots should never again crave ‘serving’ as front line colonial fodder in support of England’s imperial delusions and corporate greed. Yet unthinking ‘No’ voters still put us on that path.
Anton Decadent
1 year ago
He reeks of Labour or basically the establishment Monoparty. Three main Unionist parties with very little to distinguish between them and parties such as SNP and Sinn Fein abandoning nationalism along with the Greens abandoning environmentalism all in favour of niche minority interests which alienate the majority does not happen by accident.
Amongst us we have differing views as to who or what is behind this but we all pretty much agree that it has occurred.
1 year ago
Ellis, people notice when you go paltering off instead of giving honest answers — stop treating the people that take part here like idiots.
This forum, those who read and those who contribute, attracts and represents some of the most intelligent political minds in Scotland and I can assure you that the crap you plaster here like some 1980s ‘dirty protester’ is not likely to impress many of them.
As for the issue of anonymity, it’s another subject that you desperately scramble to when you’re on the ropes. You don’t need to worry about anonymity because you’re basically a cheerleader for the British State and its illegal and immoral wars.
Your views on just about everything put you at odds with most of the independence movement and you’d make a lot more sense if you stopped pretending that you were part of it. Let me sure you, though, I absolutely know that nobody is paying you to type anything here.
Anyway, my little fugazi, I thought you said I was on ignore?
1 year ago
Like a Scots ‘Lord’ Kinnock?
1 year ago
“British Generals now declaring that we WILL be at war with China, Russia and Iran in the relatively near future”
What do they mean by “we” exactly? The people of the UK has not declared war on Russia, China or Iran or authorised it. Russia, China or Iran have not attacked us, so what is the real reason these indecent warmongers are softening us up to play their obscene and irresponsible warring games?
If the British establishment wishes to continue performing the role of the obedient poddle of USA and Israel, they can go themselves to fight at the front of those wars, pay for the costs, and leave the rest of us alone.
All those heartless warmongers sitting in Westminster who see bombing civilians as an acceptable strategy to preserve their privilege and that of those pulling their strings, the self-serving aristocracy and rich VIP taxdodgers who incidentally are never caught fighting at the frontline of a war but are more than happy to send our children to die instead, can go and fight their own war themselves if they are that bothered.
I do not see why it is the ordinary citizen, who gets no benefit our of maintaining these people’s privilege, the one who has to suffer the negative consequences of it all and pay always the higher price.
Frankly, it is becoming embarrassing watching British Generals and politicians undermining the UK state by continuously doing the dirty bidding on behalf of USA and Israel. When did the UK become another USA state or another part of Israel? For goodness sake, stop behaving like their poodle and let them deal with the wars they start.
UsA’s greed has caused it to lose its strangling grip on the world’s economy. It only has itself to blame for this, so I do not see why the people of the UK are now expected to clean up its mess.
It its sanctions are losing efficiency and are actually backfiring, the best thing to do is to stop them, not going like a bull to a red rag towards a war with those who are showing them for the irresponsible bully they have behaved as. Behaving like an unleashed bully is only going to open the eyes of even more countries to the risk and encourage them to move away from the dollar even faster.
I wonder if the info below may explain why the USA poodles in the UK are now thinking in selling us as cannon fodder to restore the exorbitant privilege of the dollar:
“DUBAI (Reuters) – Iran and Russia have finalised an agreement to trade in their local currencies instead of the U.S dollar, Iran’s state media reported on Wednesday.
The agreement was finalised during a meeting between the governors of the two countries’ central banks in Russia, it said.
Both Iran and Russia are subject to U.S. sanctions.
“Banks and economic actors can now use infrastructures including non-SWIFT interbank systems to deal in local currencies,” state media said”
Reuters, Dec. 27, 2023
“Back in 2019, Putin declared that time was ripe to review the dollar’s role in trade. At that time, Russia and China considered switching to the euro, the world’s second most dominant currency, as an acceptable stalemate, with the ultimate goal being to use their own currencies.
Earlier in the current year, Russia paid dividends from the Sakhalin 1 and 2 oil projects in Chinese yuan instead of the dollar. Last year, Russia was cut off from the US dollar-dominated global payments systems following sweeping sanctions off the Ukraine war.
Russia has declared it will no longer accept the American currency as payment for its energy commodities but will instead switch to Chinese and Emirati currencies”
Kool, T., 27 Dec 2023
“Russia has used the yuan in trade transactions with Mongolia, the Philippines, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Japan, Tajikistan and Singapore.
The debate about the need to de-dollarize Global South economies isn’t new, but 2023 will go down in history as the year in which this process accelerated”
Ramos, M (21 Dec 2023) “De-dollarization: 95% of the trade between China and Russia didn’t use the US dollar”
China, Russia and Iran are showing the middle finger to USA. But what the hell was anybody expecting? Were they seriously expecting these powerful countries were simply going to wane and drop on their knees begging for mercy just because the USA chose to overreach with his self-appointment as the policeman of the world and, on its own accord, attempt to take control of those countries’ economies? With what right? Would USA retreat if the situation was the other way round and it was USA the one subjected to crippling sanctions by the rest of the world for its continuous and uninvited meddling interventions, arming “rebels” and sparking neoliberal wars?
Those irresponsible “British Generals” dreaming about sending us all to being bombed to death in USA’s war to restore the privilege of the dollar should be suspended. Fighting USA’s wars, bombing civilians and dying to prop up the dollar is not why the young people in the UK join the army.
1 year ago
I wonder what the government will do when the public say no to the call?
It would be a wake up call to our dear leaders to STFU in future. They can’t go gobbing off & expect the Trans community & the environmental eejits complaining about the detriment bombs will do to the rain forest, to step up to the plate & choose a weapon..LOL
Alf, I’ll never understand Naw voters as long as I live. Handing over yer decisions, income & vote to another country who couldn’t give a shit if they lived, died or what their opinion was.
The UK is heading straight into a dictatorship & those eejits are cheering. They’re already ecstatic Scotland has been denied democracy & our referendum was interfered with without so much as a blush from them. Hypocritters.
1 year ago
“British Generals now declaring that we WILL be at war with C h ina, R u ssia and I r an in the relatively near future”
What do they mean by “we” exactly? The people of the UK has not declared war on R u ssia, C h ina or I r an or authorised it. R u ssia, China or Iran have not attacked us, so what is the real reason these indecent warmongers are softening us up to play their obscene and irresponsible warring games?
If the British establishment wishes to continue performing the role of the obedient poodle of USA and I s rael, they can go themselves to fight at the front of those wars, pay for the costs, and leave the rest of us alone.
All those heartless warmongers sitting in Westminster who see bombing civilians as an acceptable strategy to preserve their privilege and that of those pulling their strings, the self-serving aristocracy and rich VIP taxdodgers who incidentally are never caught fighting at the frontline of a war but are more than happy to send our children to die instead, can go and fight their own war themselves if they are that bothered.
I do not see why it is the ordinary citizen, who gets no benefit our of maintaining these people’s privilege, the one who has to suffer the negative consequences of it all and pay always the higher price.
Frankly, it is becoming embarrassing watching British Generals and politicians undermining the UK state by continuously doing the dirty bidding on behalf of USA and I s rael. When did the UK become another USA state or another part of I s rael? For goodness sake, stop behaving like their poodle and let them deal with the wars they start.
UsA’s greed has caused it to lose its strangling grip on the world’s economy. It only has itself to blame for this, so I do not see why the people of the UK are now expected to clean up its mess.
If its sanctions are losing efficiency and are actually backfiring, the best thing to do is to stop them, not going like a bull to a red rag towards a war with those who are showing them for the irresponsible bully they have behaved as. Behaving like an unleashed bully is only going to open the eyes of even more countries to the risk and encourage them to move away from the dollar even faster.
I wonder if the info below may explain why the USA poodles in the UK are now thinking in selling us as cannon fodder to restore the exorbitant privilege of the dollar:
“DUBAI (Reuters) – I r an and R u ssia have finalised an agreement to trade in their local currencies instead of the U.S dollar, I ran’s state media reported on Wednesday.
The agreement was finalised during a meeting between the governors of the two countries’ central banks in R u ssia, it said.
Both I r an and R u ssia are subject to U.S. sanctions.
“Banks and economic actors can now use infrastructures including non-SWIFT interbank systems to deal in local currencies,” state media said”
Reuters, Dec. 27, 2023
“Back in 2019, P u tin declared that time was ripe to review the dollar’s role in trade. At that time, R u ssia and C h ina considered switching to the euro, the world’s second most dominant currency, as an acceptable stalemate, with the ultimate goal being to use their own currencies.
Earlier in the current year, R u ssia paid dividends from the Sakhalin 1 and 2 oil projects in Chinese yuan instead of the dollar. Last year, R u ssia was cut off from the US dollar-dominated global payments systems following sweeping sanctions off the U k raine war.
R u ssia has declared it will no longer accept the American currency as payment for its energy commodities but will instead switch to Chinese and Emirati currencies”
Kool, T., 27 Dec 2023
“R u ssia has used the yuan in trade transactions with Mongolia, the Philippines, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Japan, Tajikistan and Singapore.
The debate about the need to de-dollarize Global South economies isn’t new, but 2023 will go down in history as the year in which this process accelerated”
Ramos, M (21 Dec 2023) “De-dollarization: 95% of the trade between C h ina and R u ssia didn’t use the US dollar”
C h ina, R u ssia and I ran are showing the middle finger to USA. But what the hell was anybody expecting? Were they seriously expecting these powerful countries were simply going to submissively drop on their knees begging for mercy just because the USA chose to overreach with his self-appointment as the policeman of the world and, on its own accord, attempt to usurp control of those countries’ economies and dollar reserves? With what right? Would USA retreat if the situation was the other way round and it was USA the one subjected to crippling sanctions by the rest of the world for its continuous and uninvited meddling interventions, arming “rebels” and sparking neoliberal wars?
Those “British Generals” dreaming about sending us all to being bombed to death in USA’s war to restore the privilege of the dollar should be suspended for irresponsible and negligent. Fighting USA’s wars, bombing civilians and dying to prop up the dollar is not why the young people in the UK join the army.
Wally Jumblatt
1 year ago
There’s a little-known poet I vaguely remember, I think he said something like-
Oh would some Power the gift to give us and see ourselves as others see us!
(but it might have been in an Ayrshire accent)
I think that applies to Fat Boab here, who appears to have little self-awareness.
I’m also thinking that anyone awarded a peerage should be given their titular name by those who took them to greatness (or whom they claimed they were serving). That way they would be permanently reminded of the need for humility.
-I haven’t quite thought of a title for this joker yet, but he doesn’t deserve one in the first place.
1 year ago
I dont think he should leave his croft for to long
I guess the bills for the croft extension, new executive pad in Glasgow’s west end and running two late model Range Rovers are starting to mount up.
Time to be looking around for a post paid for at public expense.
Anton Decadent
1 year ago
O/T but I was just thinking about Old Labour, New Labour and Blue Labour, all of which exist. What happened to Borrowed Labour? Could that be the SNP?
1 year ago
Wally Jumblatt.
The morrow night is Burns Night, not celebrated enough in Scotland if you ask me, I once read that non-religious figures aside, only Christopher Columbus and Queen Victoria had more statues around the world than of Burns.
The fellow from Alloway had twelve weans, and his face appeared on Coca Cola bottles, his poetry even made it into space. In 2009 Scots crowned him oor greatest Scot.
No bad fir a wee fella fae Ayrshire.
I see an advert on the telly for Chocolate Haggis, me I don’t fancy it, I’ll stick to the original stuff.
1 year ago
The reason HR is such a shambles is because born-and-bred Scots around the world aren’t allowed to vote. Should be a check carried out before being allowed. If you can’t answer ” what are loons and quines”? Then you can’t vote. On the same theme, why do my comments on here not appear, FFS?
Andy Ellis
1 year ago
@Hatuey 4.43pm
Odd that the ignore thing appeared not to have worked in your case, or at least not on mobile, which will happily be rectified post this response. I’m willing to believe that many intelligent minds read this site, I’m less sure about the BTL quality. Be that as it may, there’s little point trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. The claque of repetitive shit-posters here aren’t convincing anyone and happily seem content to talk amongst themselves.
Their view on subjects various are so far out of step with those of the general population, and even more so with those of undecided voters who are the critical audience the movement has to address, that it’s actually comical.
No huge surprise that you can’t accept that, any more than you can evidence any proof to the contrary. The movement you say you belong to is and always has been niche: fringe left, anti-EU, anti-NATO, blood and soil anti furriner, and as we see here week in, week out, absolutely obsessed with “cunning plans for indy” and crank constitutional short cuts to independence because they know they’ve got next to no mainstream support or chance of winning more than a few %, never mind a majority.
Doubtless you will revel in being red-boxed with the other usual suspects.
1 year ago
How refreshing. A country with plenty of resources can trade in its own currency LOL
Without some nawbag bleating fae the sidelines:
Whit ye gonnie dae?
Whits yer new currency gonnie be?
Whit ye gonnie trade wi?
You gonnie take the Euro *scoffs*
It takes miiiiiillions of yrs to set up..
I think the UK became the 51st State of Yankee land under Thatcher.
I think she had the hots for Reagan & Nancy could watch.
I can’t wait for when the world takes the yanks & the UK down a peg or two. The Yanks have been building Empire part Deux & it’s about to get a good humping with Ch ina. All they’d need to do would be to stop credit. That’d finish Walmart for a start LOL
Don’t the Yanks owe them billions? Maybe they want to clear their balance & kill the bookkeeper.
1 year ago
“Ian Blackford: Why SNP should stop opposing House of Lords membership”
Aye! They’re all starting to show their true colours now, eh? Is it any wonder that lot under Sturgeon’s command got us nowhere? And the only thing surprising about Blackford’s statement is that it came from Blackford first and not Cozy Feet Pete. Mind you, there is the possibility Blackford could be just breaking the ice to clear a path for ‘Cozy Feet’. Nothing would honestly surprise me with any of Sturgeon’s self-serving Skanks. I bet they’ve got posters of Ruth *The Mooth* Davidson on their bedroom walls. LOL!
Viscount Ennui
1 year ago
I have always felt that Sturgeon, Swinney, Blackford et al were far more dangeroud to the independence movement that strident nationalists.
Any referendum vite will be by its very nature, binary, but the critical middle ground is what must be won. Salmond was good at that. Sturgeon adopted Trump populism and the guaranteed support of what is currently a wavering electoral base.
Our current FM has no strategy to speak of and has inherited the toxic legacy of his predecessor. I still wonder why so many of the ‘old guard’ retired before the last HR election. There was a bad smell in the wind then for all the talk of “Free in 23”.
I still believe that Sunak said something to Sturgeon in that Glasgow hotel that roacked the boat. Suddenly freeports were in and the Greens were remarkably acqienscent.
And now our FM is happy to strike a deal with Starmer!
We have been played like a flute and I see it in the sad eyes of close activist friends who know that the game is up.
Unless, that is, the top end of the SNP jumps off the Queensferry Crossing.
Viscount Ennui
1 year ago
Apologies for the typos. Currently abroad and drinking cheap local wine.
1 year ago
Do tell us when you held a referendum to actually ask Scotland it’s opinion?
You keep claiming to know what the population thinks, what the Yes movement thinks, what Alba members think, what Wings readership thinks, what btl posters think, in fact, every single person’s thoughts & opinions throughout Scotland.
I must’ve missed it..
You are more Britnat than Indy with every post. Always deriding people & posters as blood & soil types or loons if they don’t agree with your world view. Yer a narcissist.
People that comment on here are commenting on Stus article. We’re not gonnie be banging the indy drum to try convince rabbid britnats who aren’t here to be convinced of anything but to disrupt.
If they’re looking for info they’ve came to the right site. Wings has written thousands of articles, on every topic, they can use the search function.
Stop trying to police the site & other contributers btl..
1 year ago
The UK banking system in a financial collapse, war on the horizon, a crofter selling out his people to join the leadership of a National Govenment.
Deja vu all over again?
Alin Scot
1 year ago
I thought Yousaf was meant to be in charge? Looks like anyone can say what they want as he has completely lost control of the party.
1 year ago
“The claque of repetitive shit-posters here aren’t convincing anyone and happily seem content to talk amongst themselves”
Of which your posts are an sterling example. You might not realise, but you are sounding like a broken record yourself.
In any case, the optics of us “shit-posters” talking among ourselves is far better than watching you talking to yourself in your own private “breakout room” in these threads, don’t you agree?
If you feel you are so intellectually superior to the rest of us and our comments are so insulting to your intellect, why do you keep wasting your precious time posting here and masochistically reading our comments? Your ego would get far more rewarding if you spoke to a mirror in your own home instead.
“Their view on subjects various are so far out of step with those of the general population”
How do you know? I have read this assertion in your comments at least 5 or 6 times already, but I have never seen you presenting any credible evidence to prove that point. It is therefore, until you publish such evidence, nothing more than a vacuous assertion.
“The movement you say you belong to is and always has been niche: fringe left, anti-EU, anti-NATO, blood and soil anti furriner”
You haven’t been abroad much, have you? Because if you had, you would have realised that being anti-NATO is not as uncommon among the average population as you make it up to be. Do not let the leanings of governments fool you. The people of different countries do not necessarily think the same way than those in power.
With regards to “blood and soil anti-furriner”, clearly you do not know much (or pretend not to know) about the voting rules in every other country in the world. Because if you did, you would not keep reverting to that tired soundbite over and over again, unless, of course, you are well aware it is a sensitive issue on these threads so you purposely bring it up to deflect and send those challenging you off-piste.
“absolutely obsessed with “cunning plans for indy” and crank constitutional short cuts to independence”
To be frank, the only contributions here that appear to be “absolutely obsessed” with “cunning plans for indy” are yours. Of all the comments I have read in these threads, yours are the only ones that include the expression “cunning plans for indy” , which, by the way, you seem to love to repeat.
Mark Beggan
1 year ago
I think Blackford has been given a choice. Take the peerage or we show everybody the pictures.
1 year ago
Yousless would be right behind him asking if he could join too.
He’s still star struck from attending the coronation.
He soon dropped the Republican act when the occasion presented itself.
1 year ago
on a lighter note – the first XL bully mauling has happened in Hamilton
the main victim was its owner, who had “rescued it from England”.
– happy days, a kind of “instant karma”
the beast took 4 in the chest, which is impressive; the taser merely irritated it. Anyone who wants to do a mitzvah – rescue as many bullies as you can, including entire litters of puppies, take them home, and kill them. I don’t know if they are useful for anything, but a pair of XL Bully mittens might be nice.
If you have a sense of humour, try this : keep one alive, starve it for a week and batter it with a big stick every day wearing your buffalo bill tranny outfit; now take it to an animal shelter and hand it in as a rescue – “its owner was going to kill it” – tell the shelter it doesn’t like men, only women.
Imagine a nationalist party of Scotland, hypnotised by hypnosis, into believing they were all XL Bullies for Indy, and getting their bite on, down in flatland
I hate to hear of animals being shot. Poor bugger.
It was never going to end well.
Rescuing a dog is already a huge risk as you dunno how they will react to other dogs or children when they’ve been plonked in a strange setting. Fight or flight.
1 year ago
I like my stars cause I’m a Princess. It highlights I’m quoting someone else or making a point better than “” does.
And anyway, who can be arsed with html on a device? Switching virtual keyboards for symbols is such a pain in the arse. I’m lucky I can see the wee box to type in without faffing about with that shit
It’d be better on a desktop but that’s been relegated to the spare room.
WordPress isn’t very good for html by the looks of some comments & there’s no quote function & now the ignore disnae work either.
I dunno what kind of outfit Stu is running around here LOL!
Good! Glad I awarded you 5 gold stars for quality posts. Not quite sure why that caused you to go on a rant about html.
I love html and everything connect to web design. I find it totally orgasmic. YES! YES! YES!
This might come as a big shock to you but you are already writing html.
That wee box where you type your text is converting your post into html. It’s called
Wisiwig! (What you see is what you get.)
If you ever decide to get your iMac out of the spare room I will show you how you can see all the html you have just written. It’s all there just underneath the wisiwig page.
Honestly it’s fascinating.
Did the ignore button ever work for you? It works for me but not in the way others might want it to.
My first request would be for an edit button.
I’m the Princess of typos and missing words.
The mad moderation bot can stay! That’s a fun game.
I don’t care about a quote button. I can do that with html. 😉 na na nana na!
WordPress is all about html. Do you mean wordpress doesn’t give it’s users ie Stu enough scope to change the html?
See if it weren’t for the likes of WordPress & all those website builder packages I would still be having orgasms building many websites for small businesses.
I do believe you can get a proper keyboard to attach to your device should you ever want to be bold
1 year ago
“Frankly, it is becoming embarrassing watching British Generals and politicians undermining the UK state by continuously doing the dirty bidding on behalf of USA and I s rael.”
RFK wanted AIPAC to register as a foreign agent in the USA, it never happened.
“AIPAC’s founder Isaiah L. Kenen was the chief information officer for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs in New York”
Here in the UK the likes of CFI and LFI work extremely closely with their respective parties, LFI won’t even reveal who funds it.
No doubt this kind of situation is played out all across Europe and further afield. The below would explain why many US politicians and of course European ones have turned a blind eye to the Zionists genocide in Palestine.
I have seen some absolute mince from some of the posters on this site but today I read a comment, from our resident war forecaster Hateuy, which is up there with the best of them. It included the immortal words-
‘This forum, those who read and those who contribute, attracts and represents some of the most intelligent political minds in Scotland’. After my chin hit the floor, I asked myself ‘who is he referring to? Please give us a laugh and enlighten us as to who the political powerhouses are. Maybe I am included?
This site does provide a valuable service in that allows individuals, who have achieved very little in life, the opportunity to vent their spleens in full anonymity. If some of their views were aired in the pub,in the street, or anywhere on a face to face basis, they would either be ignored, laughed at or punched.
1 year ago
They’re not even pretending any more.
1 year ago
**Imagine a nationalist party of Scotland, hypnotised by hypnosis, into believing they were all XL Bullies for Indy, and getting their bite on, down in flatland**
I’d gladly pay £92.50 & have them wear a muzzle in public to see that.
I dunno why the English gave their pets to us. Why not just pay the £92.50 & keep it on a muzzle. It’s not much FFS?
1 year ago
“This site does provide a valuable service in that allows individuals, who have achieved very little in life, the opportunity to vent their spleens in full anonymity”
I presume you are speaking for yourself when you say that. Are you not?
1 year ago
Re John Main comment about the JRF report and mass migration. I totally agree. Economists are only conceding in highly technical appendices to highly technical reports that the average semi -numerate MP or adviser would struggle to understand , that the net cost of migrants is higher than first modelled. Anyone looking at the facts knows it’s a pyramid scheme and the economist Branco Milanovic points out , it threatens the welfare state built for the indigenous population. He uses the term “citizen rent” to describe the accumulated benefits such as access to decent wages, jobs, housing and education. All of these are already being severely rationed because we have record immigration both legal and illegal. Yet because it increases GDP overall our idiotic political class love it. The Treasury argued that we should increase it rather than lower taxes. Of course the poverty industrial complex epitomised by JRF and others don’t like to acknowledge that, arguably it’s more customers for them. More exotic victims for their charity. Scotland’s leaders see it as the golden ticket to solve our economic and demographic problem. The eejit Tory Murdo Fraser write a piece in the Scotsman calling for more immigration to Scotland. He cites the usual labour shortages. However, technology will play a big part in alleviating those impacts, and that includes social care and construction where illegal migrants have been given permission by the Tories to work for a third less in wages. Like the green scam and the rainbow racket the immigration scam is a policy preference for our globalist political class. That is just the economic impact. Though It’s lifted our GDP per capita by exactly zilch, and has led to inefficient allocation of labour such as car washes and shit security jobs. That’s before we get to the cultural impact and the determination of minorities to exploit intersectional grievance politics. So whilst I don’t agree with John Main on much he is spot on there.
Dick Wall
1 year ago
Was that not the final scene in Animal Farm? (Written in Scotland). The pigs entertaining the other farmers seen through a wee windae by the proles.
1 year ago
‘This forum, those who read and those who contribute, attracts and represents some of the most intelligent political minds in Scotland’.
I think he is referring to Stu & his guest authors & the comments from other commentators like Alf, Craig & others etc..
You can sit down. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t including you in that.
1 year ago
Could the MOD not enlist these XL British Bulldogs?
1 year ago
This site does provide a valuable service in that allows individuals, who have achieved very little in life, the opportunity to vent their spleens in full anonymity.
How is the transition going Chastitty?
Are 36DD yet?
1 year ago
Looks like VZ the president of a Eastern European country could find himself ousted this year and replaced with this country’s soon to be new PM, her name is Oksana Markarova, she’s well known and liked/groomed by the US State Department.
The main reasons VZ will be removed/ousted is down to the huge corruption within the country where funds going into the failed state end up going out the back door or into accounts of those who the money wasn’t destined for.
Markarova has/is serving as this country’s Finance Minister and is trusted with the huge funds sent to the nation unlike VZ. She’s also the USA’s voice in the country, its expected that she will take over from Deny Shmyhal as PM some time this year.
The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee supported a bill to transfer frozen Russian assets to help this country. The bill will now be sent to the Senate. Its adoption requires the approval of all members of the upper house of parliament.
There’s about 300 billion in Euro’s held in Belgian Euroclear accounts belonging to the RF, these assets have been frozen by the West in an attempt to steal it, which is illegal under International Law.
1 year ago
Chas thinks she’s as famous as Adele or Elvis and everyone knows he is just with one name Chas
Actually she is a drag act called Chastitty.
Got really big plastic titties!
She/he performs every week at the gold club.
The boys love him/her and the big titties.
(See Canadian woodwork teacher!)
All big supporters of Hailey Davidson too.
The guys on the World Golfing site are not so keen in fact they have been very mean & transphobic.
1 year ago
Dick Wall
Ignored says:
24 January, 2024 at 7:00 pm
Was that not the final scene in Animal Farm? (Written in Scotland). The pigs entertaining the other farmers seen through a wee windae by the proles.
I don’t think it was written in Scotland. It was his novel ‘1984’ that was written on the Scottish isle of Jura. In any case, Orwell was English and therefore well cognisant of what it is to live in a country that is run by pigs. (My apologies to all pigs whom I consider far superior to any of the troughers who reside in Westminster).
1 year ago
Jamie Hepburn SNP Independence Minister being interviewed by John Drummond on Independence Live site.
He doesn’t seem to be answering questions in the way I would wish. No fire, no intention to do anything but what the SNP has already “done” i.e. nothing. Wouldn’t consider EFTA option as a step pending EU application.
He was asked why not provoke a Holyrood election now. No, there’s a general election and that’s what we’re campaigning on. But you’re going to lose seats. No answer – just waffle.
Is anyone else listening to him and can confirm my take, or otherwise.
It is very disappointing waffle.
1 year ago
**The main reasons VZ will be removed/ousted is down to the huge corruption within the country where funds going into the failed state end up going out the back door or into accounts of those who the money wasn’t destined for.**
Have they only just found that out? LOL!
They’re not very good at intel are they?
Or is this a bit like Iraq. They’ve just picked a reason like chemicals, decades old, & hope the plebs don’t notice it’s really about an American regime change?
All aboard the daftie bus..
1 year ago
Should I be disappointed that Ellis has put me on ignore again?
I think you all know the answer; because the truth is ‘his’ opinions are plastered all over the MSM and rags like The Daily Mail every single day. That’s largely why the legacy media is dead and why they can’t give their crap away. It’s all fake nooz…
Anyway, I highly recommend this, and if anyone is interested in the current state of the world, a world that makes Donald Trump look like a sane option, I think you’ll find it interesting;
There’s some interesting discussion in there about revolutions and what sparks them.
1 year ago
The Westmonster checklist:
Destroy the SNP from within – DONE
Split the pro-indy vote – DONE
Get the SNP to accept peerages – ALMOST DONE
Rebrand the SNP as the SDP (Scottish Democratic Party) – ON ITS WAY PROBABLY
1 year ago
It’ll just be as you already said, waffle.
He’s only there for the wages.
Dumbza invented his position despite him saying HE was going to be the biggest & best indy activist we’d ever seen & starting from day one..
Still waiting..
Day 333 of being a dud..
Big Jock
1 year ago
The North British Party. Makes you wonder who the leftover members actually are. The SNP started as a radical anti British , anti establishment party.
Why would any serious Scottish Nationalist join or vote for them. Its as if the SNP are trying to clear out every last vestige of Scottishness.
The Lords and peerages were once a red line.
1 year ago
I see Chas (whoever the fuck he is) takes the same view as Ellis on the quality of comments here. That being the case, why come here?
Why would you spend so much time chatting to people that you can’t stand and have nothing in common with?
1 year ago
Geri @7.50pm.
Tactics on delivering weapons, and where they come from, to the like so of this Eastern European state are changing, ships carrying weapons from South Korea now dock in Polish ports and they are then moved on to their destination.
The same kind of tactics are now being employed by Israel, ships unload their Israeli bound cargo’s at Bahrain (a vile dictatorship propped up by Westminster) and are then trucked across Saudi Arabia to Israel.
1 year ago
UK MSM reporting that Lord Cameron will visit some countries in the Middle East including Qatar, it is well known that Hamas has a political office in Qatar, where the likes of US and UK politicians can have a face to face sitdown with Hamas.
I glean from this is that Western military tactics aren’t quite working as they thought they would, one could add that Qatar isn’t opposed to the Houthi’s current position and tactics, and with two US F-18 fighter jets shotdown recently by them, the narrative on this was partially hidden by the media’s highlighting Lloyd Austin’s health issues. One could assume that Lord Cameron has been dispatched to see if he can ease the situation in the Red Sea and the Gul of Oman.
Either way it will be interesting to see what direction the Westminster government move in once Lord Cameron is debriefed.
John Main
1 year ago
@ Mia says: 24 January, 2024 at 5:01 pm
The people of the UK has not declared war on R u ssia, C h ina or I r an or authorised it. R u ssia, China or Iran have not attacked us
Good spot, Mia. You defo have your finger on the pulse!!!
Russtiland has attacked 404. Once absorbed into the new Russti Imperium, Russtiland will attack various bits and pieces around Moldova, plus the Baltic Republics. Finland will then be taken out and much of Poland.
Why? Because these were all historically parts of the old Russti Empire that Pres Poot wishes to rebuild as his historic legacy.
We in the west can fight back now, or we can wait until all of these places, their populations, resources, etc have been absorbed and fight back then.
Meantime, with large chunks of the EU absorbed, the EU itself will have broken up, and iScotland will have nobody to run it. On the plus side, we will have a couple of million Eastern European refugees to liven up our street violence.
Did I mention that the militias backed by the Female Genital Mutilators (Iran) have already attacked most Scots? Our cost of living will be increasing considerably due to the carnage in the Red Sea. How odd you have not noticed.
And the Covid Spreaders? Releasing a genetically modified virus on the world. Tens of millions of people dead, hundreds of millions plunged into poverty, trillions of dollars in damages. Every single Scot poorer at best, and with dead relatives at worst. Woo, what a fecking saint you are. Any rational person sees Covid as the most destructive human act in all of history. Yet you can write on here that the Covid Spreaders have not attacked us!
Anyhoo, no doubt you will want to respond by claiming that the USA is making Pres Poot do it, and Israel is making the Female Genital Mutilators (Iran) do their stuff too. And the Covid Spreaders couldn’t help it. They just had to feck things up, and then cover them up, cos that’s their culture, and we Scots have to respect their culture. Or it’s about the Opium Wars.
So why not consider your environmental responsibility and refrain from posting something that will just make you look even more hopelessly deluded?
1 year ago
Big Jock
I think the membership are Greens on loan.
During the leadership debates there was a lot of Green Emo type roasters in the audience to boo & jeer Ash & Kate while surprisingly feeling *Unsafe & threatened* if you can work that one out. I hardly think Ash was about to jump the table & go holiday daft & batter one of them – tho that would have been tempting!
I’m sure they’d been bussed in from the Rainbow LGBT2SQWERTYWIFI ++++ hormone swap club to make it look busy..
They’re easy to spot. Just mention Salmond. They launch into a tirade cause they know he’ll end their wee stint in power. They go like poor Zeus up there, the ex XL Bully, being zapped with a stun gun disnae work. It’s gonnie need a bigger gun LOL!
John Main
1 year ago
@ Hatuey says: 24 January, 2024 at 8:28 pm
I’m guessing they want to get you back into your comfort zone, staring through your binoculars at the empty wastes of the South China Sea.
Searching for the invasion fleet that you predict by Xmas 2022.
Admit it, Hats, you were happier in those days of tranquil serenity. Healthier too.
1 year ago
Is this the first outward signs of the military and the Westminster parliament preparing our mindset for war? Or is this just sabre rattling to get military spending up?
Looking at the multiple conflicts on the go just now, and the possibility of Western hegemony flagging around the globe, BRICS. SCO and the rise of multipolarism is war inevitable as the West must try and prop up the status quo to maintain power and influence.
“THE public will be called up to fight if the UK goes to war, the head of the British Army is set to warn.
General Patrick Sanders is set to announce in a speech today (January 24) that the military is its smallest size in centuries, and will urge the UK Government to “mobilise the nation” if a war were to erupt with the RF – according to The Telegraph.
The newspaper understands that the army chief doesn’t support conscription, but rather a “change in mindset” whereby the UK public is prepared for an all-out war.”
1 year ago
Facts never your strong point.
404 committee acts of war along their borders playing Rambo.
They broke the treaty on independence.
They broke their treaty to remain neutral.
They broke the rules of inviting a foreign military & known aggressor onto their soil to also play Rambo.
They pointed Nukes.
What is 404 to do with you, or the UK, exactly?
Did YOU write their treaty?
Did YOU go guarantor for it?
Do you care about them?
Why feel the need to meddle in their domestic? Why do you assume the role of Flash Fanny – World Police?
1 year ago
John Main
Ignored says:
24 January, 2024 at 8:51 pm
@ Mia says: 24 January, 2024 at 5:01 pm
Great post there by John Main who tells it like it is. I have no idea why people vehemently disagree with him but people are so truth averse nowadays.
1 year ago
They don’t have the personnel & according to a Julie Etchingham Special a few yrs ago they don’t have the weapons & latest top toys either.
Little England, the Bully Boy, has been on the take of £12 billion per annum from the rest of us & will rely on the NATO mafia instead of building it’s own defences for such occasions.
Oh dear – everything an Indy Scot on here predicted. If there is a war, diddly wee Englandshire has no defence & Mafia resources have bigger & better colonies – oops, I meant *strategic locations* to defend.
It was only last year they were appealing to us to rummage through our Granddad’s Attic for WW2 memorabilia we could send to 404 if it was still in reasonable condition LMAO!
I wonder when Pudsey will dress in combats – coming to a screen by autumn. Feck the children in need. They’ve weapons to buy..
Back of the queue for you, UK LOL! Yet another YES prediction has come to pass.
John Main
1 year ago
@ Geri says: 24 January, 2024 at 9:12 pm
Not a happy bunny, are you?
Anytime you want to debate any of the facts in my post, do let me know.
I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. In your personal life, I’m guessing that every time there’s a problem or trouble, you pull the bedclothes over your head, stick your fingers in your ears, and go “la la la la la”.
I’m not going to knock it if it works for you.
But your mistake is to assume that solution can be scaled up for the entire country. As the US hegemony wanes, and the new aggressors get busy (Russtiland, the Female Genital Mutilators (Iran), the Covid Spreaders, the nihilistic life haters of Ham, Hazybollard, etc) you think iScotland can pull the bedclothes over its head, stick its fingers in its ears, and go “la la la la la”.
That’s an extremely high risk strategy, and moreover, it’s not one I think will work. If you think it will work, lay out your reasons for us all to see. Map out your future for Scotland in the new reality of the developing world war.
And do try to respond without the puerile, primary age insults that disfigure most of your output.
If that’s impossible for you, why not consider your environmental responsibility and refrain from posting something pointless?
1 year ago
24 January, 2024 at 9:14 pm
Great post there by John Main who tells it like it is. I have no idea why people vehemently disagree with him but people are so truth averse nowadays.
Oh! Daschiel you are a hoot!
1 year ago
I’ve no interest in debating all your propaganda.
Ruskies have no interest in us.
They’re only interested in their international treaties & agreements being breeched by an upstart continually baiting them.
They were given ample time, (since 2014) to cease & desist.
They chose not to.
Do you think if Mexico invited the Ruskies in to play Rambo along the American border & point weapons, the yanks would just ignore them?
Put down yer WW2 tinted specs. Ruskies aren’t invading Europe. They’re removing the N*azis from their borders & the USA is the N*azi. Hell bent on ruling the world.
John Main
1 year ago
@ Geri says: 24 January, 2024 at 10:07 pm
Here you go then:
Educate yourself on the simple things at least.
1 year ago
Sooner than I expected, however if and its a bloody big if the ICJ decides that the Zionists occupiers of Palestine must desist in their genocide will they adhere to the ICJ’s ruling.
I personally doubt they will comply.
“The ICJ confirms it’ll pronounce itself on South Africa’s case this Friday at 1pm Netherlands time.”
I see Chas (whoever the fuck he is) takes the same view as Ellis on the quality of comments here. That being the case, why come here?
Why would you spend so much time chatting to people that you can’t stand and have nothing in common with?
Very weird. I suggested it could be better for the three of them to do their discussing on Ellis’s forum.
There they could avoid all the drivel, all the scrolling, all the red boxing, all the fringe nutters etc.etc etc
Mini Windbag nearly exploded when I made what I thought was a very helpful suggestion.
He ranted on about this is his Scotland as much as it is my Scotland and how I had ruined his Scotland and I wouldn’t be part of Scotland’s future and on and on.
Totally insane!
I’m off to see if I can find that post.
1 year ago
Genocidal John is bricking it LOL
I bet you check under yer bed at night for the bogey man coming to get you cause the BCC says so or some playstation/discord think tank told you so.
I’ll tell you what, Johnny *show me the money*, how about you show me £300 billion in hard cash & I’ll seize it to help the poor immigrant boat people.
See how you like them apples..
Cause if Ruskies assets are spent it will be WW3 & you have absolutely no justification for theft. None.
Wake up & smell the bullshit..
1 year ago
“Jontoscot21” ….. ANOTHER ‘scot’….dearie dearie, Johnny – stop talking to yourself, it’s a bad look! lol
And the Blimp just farted again ‘I fair luv wee John’
Comedy Gold.
1 year ago
Don’t you remember Chas and his ‘Bonnie Purple Heather Brigade?’
That was his name for everyone on here except Main, Ellis & himself.
All three of them go out of their way to to be obnoxious.
It’s very weird.
1 year ago
I found it. I suggested they start posting on Ellis’s website where they could just ban fringe nutters and all those who post drivel and they wouldn’t have the bother of all the scrolling and red boxing. This was the reponse.
It’s not just me that has fucked up his it’s all you fringe nutters.
John Main
23 January, 2024 at 10:15 pm
@ Ruby says: 23 January, 2024 at 9:32 pm
If any of us ‘fringe nutters’ dare to post our drivel on their website they could just ban us
I’ll explain it for you, although I don’t expect you will understand. And if you do, you’ll pretend not to.
You believe it’s your Scotland, and that Scotland’s future will be the future you want.
I’m saying it’s my Scotland too, that you and your similar hard-of-thinking fringe nutters have right royally fecked it all up, and that it’s time to let the rational grown ups have a say. Time to reverse the 10-year decline into the national joke under pretendy FM Yousaf that is your only legacy.
So I’m not innarested in banning any of the fringe nutters, not even you. Banning isn’t anything anybody would ever do if they felt confident they write the truth. Banning is for the weak, the deluded, the liars, the feart.
Every piece of drivel you post, you’re just reminding the readers that your bolt is shot, that you’ve nothing of value to contribute, that the future of Scotland won’t include you in any meaningful role.
It’s time for change. It’s time to get real. Your day is over. You won’t ever accept it but that’s grand. You can continue to disqualify yourself with your very own posts.
You’re welcome, always.
1 year ago
Genocidal John
Breech, breach. I don’t clutter up the replies correcting my spelling.
But get you! Spelling police as well as World Police too? You must be busy.
Is that the best you have for a come back? My spelling error?
Just kidding. LOL
Did you wet yerself? Soz..not soz.
1 year ago
Hark at Tory John..
Talking there about a political parties *days are over* in Scotland.
When was the last time Scotland voted Tories? LOL! I think Nazi Germany had just finished.
What change is he expecting? Has his insider moles told him theres gonnie be a coup as well as WW3?
I have looked at the current posts and see that Andy Ellis, Ruby, and Hateuy are back into the fold. One of those tries to counter the more rabid drivel from the fantasists. One can be mildly amusing at times. One is, and always has been, full of pish. Can you guess which one is which?
Ok folks can you guess which one is which?
I would rule out Ellis as being funny at times so he has to be the one Chas believes is full of pish, Hautey does a good job of countering the rabid drivel which just leaves me as mildly amusing at times. I guess Chas likes my stories about ‘Chastitty the Drag Artist at the Golf Club (it’s a true story incidentally) and the one about the ‘Three Parrots’
Andy Parrot, Johnny Parrot & Chastitty Parrot.
Who’s a pretty boy then? Squawk! Squawk! Squawk!
Drivel Squawk! Fringe Nutters Squawk! Nutters! Nutters! Nutters! Give me Nutters! Squawk! Squawk! Squawk!
1 year ago
Tory John
Re “Nazi”
I was avoiding the mod there but good to see “Nazi” isn’t on the list of banned words. That’s one we can strike off guessing..
As you were..
Oi Ruby!
You can strike Nazi off yer guessing game bingo card…Yay!
1 year ago
“auld highlander
24 January, 2024 at 10:05 am
My grandmothers brother never returned from ww1 and his name is on a memorial which none of the family have ever seen.”
My grandfather’s brother likewise. There’s two big memorials to “the missing”, which are – as I remember – at Thiepval and Albert. If you ask the War Graves folk, they’ll tell you which panel the name is on. The sheer number of names and panels is overwhelming.
1 year ago
There’s my doorbell ding! dong!
Oh! Oh!
It’s the cops.
I was sitting here doing parrot sounds. I got a bit loud.
It’s weird but the three parrots sound Welsh.
Who’s a pretty boy then boyo!
Sorry officer! I’ll put them in their cages & cover then with the black-out curtains.
There won’t be a cheap out of them for the rest of the night.
Wilco re Nazi
Over and out!
1 year ago
“We in the west can fight back now, or we can wait until all of these places, their populations, resources, etc have been absorbed and fight back then”
Or maybe not. Maybe we just stay put and let USA fight on its own the wars it continuously starts to prop up its currency and force everybody else to use it when they trade oil and gas, under the threat of strangling their economies with its sanctions and looting their gold reserves.
Just cut the warmongering propaganda and hyperbole delusion, please. It sounds rather silly now that the cat is out of the bag.
We may have fallen for the shameful lie of the WMD in Iraq or that the disastrous UK intervention in Libya was “to protect civilians from attacks by forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi”.
But it isn’t 2003 or 2011 anymore. The WMD were never found and in 2016 the House of Commons published the embarrassing report “Libya: Examination of intervention and collapse and the UK’s future policy options” Its summary reads:
“In March 2011, the United Kingdom and France, with the support of the United States, led the international community to support an intervention in Libya to protect civilians from attacks by forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi. This policy was not informed by
accurate intelligence. In particular, the Government failed to identify that the threat to civilians was overstated and that the rebels included a significant Islamist element.
By the summer of 2011, the limited intervention to protect civilians had drifted into an opportunist policy of regime change. That policy was not underpinned by a strategy to
support and shape post-Gaddafi Libya. The result was political and economic collapse, inter-militia and inter-tribal warfare, humanitarian and migrant crises, widespread human rights violations, the spread of Gaddafi regime weapons across the region and the growth of ISIL in North Africa. Through his decision making in the National Security Council, former Prime Minister David Cameron was ultimately responsible for the failure to develop a coherent Libya strategy”
Goodness. Those in control of the Uk really have very short memories. Now they unleashed David Cameron again. Let’s see what embarrassing trail of destruction he leaves behind this time.
Inaccurate intelligence both in Iraq and Libya. What a coincidence huh? Was it a coincidence also that both Iraq and Libya had signaled they wanted to move away from trading with dollars?
Isn’t it fascinating that those unlawful invasions always end up working their way towards a regime change who immediately restores the oil transactions into dollars?
Here is some interesting reading:
“U.N. to let Iraq sell oil for euros, not dollars”
CNN, 30 Oct 2000
“Iraq: Baghdad Moves To Euro” by Recknagel,C. 1 Nov 2000:
“Saddam may feel the strategy is worth the price because it allows him to draw a clear line between what Iraq sees as two camps in world opinion regarding the UN sanctions.
One camp, led by the U.S. and Britain — a country also outside the euro zone — wants to maintain strict trade sanctions on Iraq until Baghdad proves it has no more weapons of mass destruction.
The other camp, led by euro-user France — along with R u ssia and C h ina — favors easing the sanctions on humanitarian grounds while still pursuing disarmament.
Baghdad appears to be trying now to deepen that divide by rebuffing Washington as it takes a small part of the world’s oil trade off the dollar. And it appears to want to encourage ties with states like France and Italy, which it sees as sympathetic, by embracing the euro”
From “Gaddafi vows to push Africa unity” BBC News, February 2009:
“Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has vowed to pursue his vision of a United States of Africa, in his inaugural address as the new chairman of the African Union”
From “AU (African Union) summit extended amid divisions” BBC News, February 2009.
“The Libyan leader said closer integration between African states should start immediately…
He envisages a single African military force, a single currency and a single passport for Africans to move freely around the continent”
From “The demise of the dollar” The Independent, October 2009
“In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with C h ina, R u ssia, Japan and France – to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council, including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar.
Secret meetings have already been held by finance ministers and central bank governors in R u ssia, C h ina, Japan and Brazil to work on the scheme, which will mean that oil will no longer be priced in dollars…
“‘These plans will change the face of international financial transactions,'” one Chinese banker said. ‘America and Britain must be very worried. You will know how worried by the thunder of denials this news will generate.’
“Iran announced late last month that its foreign currency reserves would henceforth be held in euros rather than dollars. Bankers remember, of course, what happened to the last Middle East oil producer to sell its oil in euros rather than dollars. A few months after Saddam Hussein trumpeted his decision, the Americans and British invaded Iraq.”
From “Gold Dinar: the Real Reason Behind Gaddafi’s Murder” Millenium State, May 2019
In 2009, Colonel Gaddafi, then President of the African Union, suggested to the States of the African continent to switch to a new currency, independent of the American dollar: the gold dinar.
The objective of this new currency was to divert oil revenues towards state-controlled funds rather than American banks. In other words, to stop using the dollar for oil transactions. Countries such as Nigeria, Tunisia, Egypt and Angola were ready to change their currencies. Unfortunately in March 2011, the NATO-led coalition began a military intervention in Libya in the name of freedom….
Free water, almost free gasoline, free health system and free education were commonplace for Libyans under Gaddafi’s dictatorship”
From “Leaked email by H.Clinton reveales NATO’s aim to destroy Libya, says it was to prevent Gaddafi from unifying Africa” Azernews, July 2023
“Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails revealed that NATO’s goal in destroying Libya was to prevent Gaddafi from unifying Africa and introducing the African gold dinar.”
From “Why Qaddafi had to go: African gold, oil and the challenge to monetary imperialism” Ellen Brown, March 2016, Ecologist
“What was NATO’s violent intervention in Libya really all about? Now we know, writes Ellen Brown, thanks to Hillary Clinton’s recently published emails. It was to prevent the creation of an independent hard currency in Africa that would free the continent from economic bondage under the dollar, the IMF and the French African franc, shaking off the last heavy chains of colonial exploitation”
So all the fuss is around the dollar and the oil. The immediate question here is how has all this fight to keep the supremacy of the dollar affected Scotland? It is no secret Scotland’s territorial waters hold the largest reserves of oil in the UK. Was Scotland’s independence truncated and was Scotland dragged out of the EU to stop its oil being traded in euros rather than dollars?
What was the real reason for the political fraud Sturgeon wanting to close the biggest oilfield in Scotland’s waters? What is the real reason behind leaving Scotland without a refinery?
And, actually, what was the real reason behind Brexit? Was it an attempt to destabilise the euro to pull the break on de-dollarisation of the global economy, perhaps? We were told it was the R u ssians interfering with the Brexit vote. But what if that was propaganda and it was really money raised in USA interfering with it? What was the real role of Bannon and
Banks in all this?
What was the real reason behind blowing R u ssia’s Nordstream pipe line? Was it to force Europe to buy gas from another supplier who would sell it in dollars, perhaps?
David Hannah
1 year ago
With the threat of conscription to fight the NATO war with our fellow white Russian Christians.
It now appears that the Alba Party is perfectly tplaced on all issues.
That is to leave NATO.
Abolish the monarchy. That disinherited us all. We will not be fighting for King and Country. Hand back the estates and the ScotWind money.
And then of course outside the EU but in EFTA. So we don’t have to pay for any of Urseloa Eva Breaun Der Layenns wars. She’s destroyed the EU. Brussells has fallen.
Alex Salmond. Always on the money and the side of public option. Isn’t it really interesting. How by taking the upopular opinion of the day. In the passing of time. It tends to become the right one. If only the SNP were able to listen to Alex Salmond on Independence and gender. They might still in a job.
Grangemouth is closing. It’s a disgrace. TATA steel and British steel is closing.
But the SNP wants to keep giving our money to the false green agenda.
Europe has already fallen. To the migrants. They are the real threat to our way of life.
Russians and Americans can unite under Donald Trump and stop the people traffickers.
If the queen or the EU cared about the world. She’d fucking stop the boats as well.
The Russians are our friends. Our Muslim terrorists from Africa coming to steal our jobs and houses and cancel our culture are the real terrorists.
Time for Independence. Time for the great wall of Scotland. And take our country back.
David Hannah
1 year ago
It’s time to find common ground with the Russians. Shake hands. And to hell with Zelensky. The guy is a globalist puppet that wants to destroy our borders. Destroy our native land. Destroy all countries sovereignty.
We need to save our sovereignty in Scotland. No more globalist puppet wars.
It’s time for the new clydesiders. And to hell with this globalist puppet pish. Joe Biden. I can’t wait till he’s gone. With all the black lives matter and gender bullshit. Mark my words. Change is coming.
1 year ago
Excellent post. Bravo!
There it all is in hard evidence.
Don’t expect a reply from him tho. He bolts when presented with hard facts that differ greatly from the shite he believes from the man on the state funded propaganda channel tells him to believe.
He’s on the wrong side of History but he’s a Britnat & they tend to ignore facts. The USA is the baddies.
& 6:22pm to Blowhard was a belter too lol
I missed it first time. I was trying to find RoS post on when they’ll vote in the senate on the the seizing of Ruskies assets. That won’t end well & that’s why we’re being put on notice to prepare. It’s feck all to do with Ruskies invading & all to do with them starting a new trade without the dollar & the warning of *serious consequences* to any country who seizes their £300 billion assets.
What a nerve they have to think they can even attempt that without serious repercussions throughout the world & anyone who helps them.
& We want recognition from these guys & their mafia NATO to help defend an indy Scot? LOL! I’d rather ask a jaikey fae the pub…
1 year ago
Ruby: “Don’t you remember Chas and his ‘Bonnie Purple Heather Brigade?’”
It rings bells, Ruby, but only because I saw others referring to it/him.
People like that don’t bother me, though… I just don’t know why they are here if they hate everybody and think they already know everything (the common denominator with all 3).
1 year ago
Biden won’t win. Topless Trannies on the lawn of the Whitehouse sealed his fate.
Re Nordstream
I read that the USA & Norway made a killing in profits but the EU unhappy their cheap Russkie source was sabotaged & now have to pay triple the price for their new supply.
1 year ago
Ignored says:
24 January, 2024 at 10:22 pm
Sooner than I expected, however if and its a bloody big if the ICJ decides that the Zionists occupiers of Palestine must desist in their genocide will they adhere to the ICJ’s ruling…
Not wishing to dilute the potency of events at the ICJ, there is a link to a conversation in the BTL comments to a discussion between Ania K, a YouTuber with her “Through the Eyes of…” Channel, and Michael Hudson, Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri–Kansas City.
If you want to get a handle on current World affairs, I think you could do a lot worse that listen to this discussion.
Where most of the world, (or at least the Western propagandised media anyway), focuses on the frictions and fractures occurring along global fault lines, Prof Hudson seems to have a succinct and insightful appreciation the tectonic plates themselves.
The clip is nearly a month old now, and I don’t know, but I feel we’ve moved on, but just a little. It’s still very much worth a watch.
I hope I’m not wrong in this, but I personally think a global war is now less likely than it was a month or two ago, and for three reasons;
First, I think Europe will ditch the American hegemony, and even before there are any direct consequences, the US will see the way the wind is blowing. I think there is hope for Europe in its people, not its leadership. Unfortunately Prof Hudson predicts it might take decade to see it.
Second, and it’s nearly the same point, but I think the “war” in Gaza has of course been a humanitarian catastrophe for the people of Gaza, but it’s been a seismic political catastrophe for the Israelis. There will be no going back from this, and going forward looks pretty ominous.
Third, I think the perceived belief that Western military technology was the best in the world has been rudely shaken by events in Ukrane, and if they have any sense at all, there ought to be alarm bells ringing loudly that we are in a new era of warfare. Between drones and hypersonic missiles posing unprecedented threats to targets on land, the threats to conventional warships require to be studied and effective countermeasures developed.
In strategic terms, (and not wishing to trivialise events on the battlefield or the poor bastards everywhere trying to hide from drone grenades), strategically, I think nowhere has the dominant Ruskian Military looked more vulnerable than its Black Sea Fleet. That shouldn’t be grounds for optimism from an American perspective, but grounds for extreme caution given the US strategic dependency upon its Carrier Fleets.
It’s true, some Ruskian hypersonic Kinzhal missiles have been intercepted and shot down, however the most interesting reaction to this hasn’t come from the Ruskians or NATO, but the Chinese, who are very critical of how the Ruskians deployed their missiles and gave them predictable trajectory. If you know where the missile is going to be, there’s a chance of interception. QED.
The Chinese believe their own Hypersonic Dongfeng-17 missiles would perform infinitely better; a sobering gamble for any US Admiral of the Fleet, bearing in mind these hypersonic missiles are designed to be Carrier destroyers.
Long may that gamble remain a sobering one for US Admirals, – and warmongering politicians.
1 year ago
I remember the Bonnie Purple Heather brigade along with other insults such as moon howlers, nativists, blood & soil types, fringe nutters to name but a few..
Mia did a great reply at 6:22 LOL
If he did talk to the mirror I bet it’d answer just to argue with himself.
I dunno why they bother posting to inform us how shite we all are. I can’t imagine even going onto a Nawbags site just to be annoying & announce how bored I was. What a sad hobby to have. Tory boy Main has blown his cover. He was supposed to be wasting our time by endlessly asking us to show him the money & concern for undecideds looking in LOL. Now he’s gobbing off like a good un when his mate ASS arrived. No doubt another alias that bit the dust.
Mark Beggan
1 year ago
“So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom”.
1 year ago
Genocide John Main probably still thinks that Iraqi WMDs do exist.
Like The Bourbons he learns nothing and forgets nothing.
Having read once a piece of misinformation that fits his Zionist world view it must be trotted out endlessly hereafter.
John Main
1 year ago
Wow! What a night!
Somebody should start a site focused on Scottish Indy.
Preferably one where people can post innarestin and informative comments too. About Scottish Indy.
Meantime, I’ll think I’ll repost my earlier facts, in the probably vain hope that somebody might actually be able to deal with them. Some grown up, I mean.
And for background, this was in response to Mia’s claim that neither Russtiland, the Covid Spreaders, or the Female Genital Mutilators (Iran) were attacking us.
1) Russtiland attacked 404, and intends to reconquer all of the peripheral countries formerly belonging to the Soviet Union. These include 404, the Baltic Republics, Finland, most of Poland, and other bits and pieces. This will cause the break up of the EU, the great white hope of the traditional Independentista who acknowledges we are too wee and too poor to make it without Brussels help. The major war engulfing Europe will send millions of refugees west, many of them onto our streets.
2) The Covid Spreaders killed tens of millions, including many Scots, and pauperised hundreds of millions, including many Scots, with their genetically modified virus.
3) The Female Genital Mutilators (Iran), via their various proxies, are destabilising the ME, interfering with world trade, and pushing more Scots into poverty or lesser financial hardship.
These all look very much like actions hostile to Scotland and the Scots to me.
But by all means, if anybody can see how any of these actions have benefited, or could benefit us Scots, maybes made us healthier, happier, better off, closer to Indy, any fecking thing at all, then fill your boots and get posting on here.
John Main
1 year ago
@ Breeks says: 25 January, 2024 at 1:32 am
Despite your endless pontificating on the subject, I suspect you have much the same grasp of the capabilities of western military technology as I have – very little.
I must add though, that your earlier belief that internal combustion engines can be run using water as fuel hints at a certain lack of comprehension regarding the underlying fundamentals.
But never mind that.
As a point of fact, we have little real intel on the performance of western military technology, simply because much western military technology has yet to be deployed.
It may turn out to be awesome. It may turn out to be useless. Wise men, realising their ignorance of the subject matter, would wait and see before venturing an opinion.
1 year ago
I think we need to take this conscription thing with a pinch of salt.
It sounds like a mixture of pre-election Tory electioneering appealing to the traditional patriotic British conservative voter and the usual scaremongering from military figures to increase military spending.
1 year ago
“…It’s gude to be merry and wise,
It’s gude to be honest and true;
It’s gude to support Caledonia’s cause,
And bide by the buff and the blue…
…Here’s freedom to them that wad read,
Here’s freedom to them that wad write!
There’s nane ever fear’d that the truth should be heard,
But they whom the truth would indite…
…Here’s friends on baith sides o’ the Forth,
And friends on baith sides o’ the Tweed;
And wha wad betray old Albion’s right,
May they never eat o’ her breid!”
Happy Burns day, a’body.
1 year ago
John Main. Yawn…… More supposition and propaganda bullshit. Israel is out of control and needs to be put back in its box. If the USA and the west don’t do it, someone else will and we’ll all suffer, including the USA.
1 year ago
Ok. The Ladybird version, just for Genocide John
1) Don’t poke bears. If you are going to shoot one. Don’t miss and hit yourself.
2) Pandas may have diseases, some of which John’s friends paid them to make.
Millions did not die of anything special: Some of the flu, some of neglect, and some from euthanasia.
John’s friends however, with their genetic experiment cure, do seem to be causing damage.
Junkie John doesn’t like to think his pharma friends are responsible – best to load the blame on pandas.
3) Persian cats (I know, I’m reaching) much like bears and pandas, appear to want to be left in
peace, but John’s friends just can’t help tormenting them because the say a cat might scratch them.
Blaming others for your own failings is called projection.
Attacking people who can defend themselves, or injecting yourself with poison, or trying to collapse the world economy are all forms of self-harm.
See Johns friends.
John’s friends are not nice people.
John is a fantasist.
1 year ago
Fat-faced tractor.
Ian Brotherhood
1 year ago
Link for live coverage of UK Covid Inquiry, today starring Liz Lloyd and Humza Yousaf:
The west is in the death grip of Russophobia. link to
No matter what, the military great gamers, if left unstraitjacketed, may have their ultimate, total-wipe-out climax.
Politicians+military a union spawned in the bowels of hades aka NATO
1 year ago
Just picked up on an interesting development in the USA that has bearing here.
The United States in its description is similar to that of the United Kingdom.
And in those descriptors the question as to whether a state or a country can leave a union is a good one. The UK after all left the EU whilst Scotland as a signatory to a Treat and Act of Union does not have the right to resile, or even have a referendum on it
Well in Texas it most certainly seems that the state has decided to go its own way. Texas is being flooded with immigrants and against this background President Biden has instructed that anti immigration barriers be removed.
But Texas has not complied with the President’s federal order.
Rather, Texas Governer. Greg Abbott has disregarded the order. But he has not stopped there. Rather he has gone further to deploy the Texas National Guard and the Texas Department of Defence to take overcand usurp federal agents.
Governor Abbott has also declared the states constitutional right to do this.
Yeah, the poor crofter is getting worried about the departure of his gravy bus…
What a cunt!
Unbelievable! Except it isn’t, of course.
We can’t have any influence in Westminster. How can Ian Blackford not see that?
It really does seem to be a case of “when a man’s income depends on not understanding”.
Collaborators every single one of them and why shouldn’t they be rewarded by the British state for there treason, at leased we’d know who they really are.
Troughers gonna trough. A wee high paying, low grafting, two day a month consultancy was never going to be enough for that snout.
Stranger things have happened, sadly! I wouldn’t be in the slightest bit surprised.
“For services rendered in strengthening the Union.” I suspect!
To “increase nationalist influence in London” apparently.
If ye didnae laugh, ye’d cry.
Bloody hell! How shameful or shameless – I’m never very sure of the difference. ( Where’s BDTT when I need him?)
Hopefully half a dozen are appointed there at the earliest opportunity, lest there be any doubt that most of the elected reps of that party are devoid of principle, realism and ambition.
Blackford is a member of the British American Parliamentary Group. The BAPG are uniquely and mysteriously exempt from declaring gratuities from the State Of in their HoC Register of interests. Blackford may have been on an all expenses paid trip to the States as part of the State Department’s International Visitors Leadership Program, the point being, we don’t know because he wouldn’t have to declare it. This distinction applies to Angela Crawley and pederast Patrick Grady neither of whom declared their IVLP trip despite it occurring while Westminster was in session.
Lord Blowhard of Cant and Hypocrisy.
I’m shocked by this, my money would have been on Slippers being first.
The ultimate cunt…fuckin hate the NuSNP for what they’ve become, the ultimate betrayal if that lardarse fuckface backstabbing arsehole of the highest order if he EVER accepted the “Lordship if Westminster”.
1 out of 900 odd. Aye Ian. The sooner you join them the better.
Rev, I forgot to say – you’re very good at picking out the wrong ‘uns. Mind you, there’s a lot to choose from. 🙂
Boris had the measure of the man when he said: ” I don’t know how long he’s going to last as leader of the SNP (in Westminster) but long may he rest in place. He is the araldite that is keeping our country together and for that, I thank him for what he’s doing.” Charles Kennedy would probably not have agreed though.
Ignored says:
23 January, 2024 at 8:22 pm
I’m shocked by this, my money would have been on Slippers being first”
I am more than sure that slippers will b right there hanging onto Blowhards coat-tails!
Disgusted that it has come to this, even after all the ways they have already betrayed us! Over ten long years!
Not surprised. He’ll be down to his last few million & looking for a top up with comfy slippers right behind him looking to move his baffie collection.
can anyone say they are even slightly surprised ? I have slways held him in the lowest regard after his treatment of Charles Kennedy and subsequently his love of his own voice .Onto more disgrace with the infamous rallying speech to protect a sex pest. He really is the very definition of a snout in the trough, I am in this for ME politician.
When you are used to the ‘high life’, utilising tax payers money, it can be very difficult to give it up. He will undoubtedly be missing the hundreds of thousands of ‘expenses’ cash he racked up in Westminster every single year.
It makes you wonder why all the high profile SNP hierarchy resigned basically at the same time. I doubt if we will ever learn of the real reasons for this.
They do like to look after their own.
Anything happening with the ‘Alphabetties’? Would it be in contempt of court for some paper/article to list their names, the pose the question, ‘what do these individuals have in common’?
We could all answer with the likes of ‘are they all Hearts supporters? is their favourite colour purple? or other similar rubbish.
Horrible little man.
The sooner the SNP ship sinks the better.
I know the alternative in the medium term is the outrageous Labour Party but the SNP simply needs to go to allow a reset and to let Alba and co replace the former independence party.
I will not vote SNP or Labour I’m sure I will find someone to vote for possibly even an Alba candidate.
A fat bloviating useless gravy train cunt of the highest order. He should fit in well.
I wonder at what point the SNP loyalists and WGD slaves will start to wonder if they are backing the wrong horse…
Probably never. They are so personally invested admitting they were wrong would be like death for them.
Gonna take a lot of Ermine to cover this gigantic fat turd. A Stoatacaust.
But, in the face of a wealthy, Conservative Home Secretary falsely blaming oppressed Irish Catholics for their own moider at the hands of his soldiers without so much as expressing regret for their de4ths, not even Gandhi himself could have turned the other cheek.
As Bernadette said recently: “My only regret is that I didn’t hit him hard enough.”
link to
” Comment seems superfluous.”
Aye, but I’m still gonna call the c#!t a shitey wee puss stain, even if it is superfluous. The man wants a title? Then Shitey wee puss stain it will be.
What a fking rat of a man. But I still don’t detest him as much as I detest the Great Betrayer, Sturgeon. What is wrong with these fuckers? Or perhaps the more poignant question is what is wrong in our society that this scum ascends to leadership?
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
Disgusting suggestion to even contemplate such a thing.
He and 55 other SMP MP’s haven’t farted against Westminster thunder in the last decade.
To suggest one we man who was laughed at the English MPs would be more flatulence than influence in the English House of Lords.
He could sit next to Scabby Queen Mone and Labours David Brookman who has claimed £50,000 in expenses this year but not said one word.
Maybe he would want to sit with those members that are there because an ancestor from a few hundred years ago took his peasants to fight in the Holy Wars.
The place is a farce and should be closed down as soon as a nursing home becomes available for them.
Yes, indeed, Rev. It would line up with all the other stuff they are into now. I am past caring about the SNP. They will be greatly reduced this year, then obliterated in 2026. If they can achieve zilch in the Commons, how the hell do they expect to have any influence in the Lords? Insane, but, again, perfectly ism keeping with the NuSNP.
I don’t know what or where the path to independence is now but I do know it is not with the SNP.
To all the good guy and gal SNP folks left. Whatever it is that has seized control of the SNP and ruined it… their talons are in way too deep.
At thus point they are relying on your loyalty to the SNP to prolong their rule.
You need to burn the house down.
The independence movement has to go post-SNP. Or there is no independence movement.
I once worked for a business where the MD told a Director to demand a Mercedes for a company car (the Director didn’t want one). No one had ever had a Mercedes & the MD badly wanted a Mercedes without being the one to break the moratorium.
Just sayin’.
Not at all suprising.
Is he paving the way for Sturgeon by this talk? Getting people to think it is acceptable perhaps, so she doesn’t get all the flak when she becomes Baroness Sturgeon-Murrell of Twatt.
Well, it’s not like you didn’t warn us. Still, seeing it in black & white is the sell-out complete. What an utter moral black hole of a man, Blackford is.
This report on U.K. poverty never made the TV news that I just watched.
A new report has revealed that six million of the UK’s poorest people would need to more than double their income to escape poverty, describing this as a “social failure at scale”.
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) added that there hasn’t been a significant decrease in poverty for two decades. The charity also highlighted that the number of people living in very deep poverty has increased over the past 20 years. In 2021/22, six million people were living in households with less than 40% of the median income after housing costs, which is 1.5 million more than 20 years ago.
Martin Lewis comments that even with advice use of food banks and other charities people cannot keep warm, fed or afford person hygiene products.
1,000,000 U.K. Children live in abject poverty with Victorian diseases breaking out with a focus on their plight.
Let’s look on the bright side – It definitely indicates that the utter fraud can’t see himself being a shoo-in as a list MSP.
The nuSNP must be getting polling that shows most of us have seen through them.
All we need now is everyone to move to Alba, because the only thing stopping us putting real independence candidates in every constituency is lack of funds.
And more footsoldiers would be welcome as well.
Let’s get indy done.
Tankie n Crofter: opportunistic grifters. The photos above show two cheeks of the same unionist pudgy porcine erse.
Everytime I drive pass a pig farm I’m reminded of politicians.
The SNP have found another way of refusing to provide any information about the Hamilton report.
The problem is, how can you challenge the basis of their decision without actually seeing the information given to Hamilton? Would the Commissioner be allowed to see it so he can exercise his powers if necessary, or is that the end of the matter?
It stinks. If the SNP genuinely thought this was the reason for not releasing the information, why didn’t they use it in the first place, rather than waste so much money on giving a wrong reason which was bound to fail.
Their duplicity knows no bounds.
Poverty report.
link to
Last week he was looking at standing for holyrood
It’s the perfect word.
If you don’t want to type that word you could always say
C U Next Tuesday
Iain Blackford C U Next Tuesday
Baroness Sausage in the tartan jacket C U Next Tuesday too.
Well,well,well. The SNP accepting peerages.
They have now truly settled into Westminster. There will be no chance of them settling up down there.
No doubt an exit plan for the current gravy trainers and pulling up the drawbridge to the next generation of SNP as the party heads for inevitable electoral extinction.
This just proves a few points:
1. These people are not democrats and never were. No democrat can ever seek to be parachuted to that stain in a democracy. They are just crown tools waiting to receive their reward for their services to the crown.
2. They are not and never were nationalists. They are labour through and through. A real nationalist would feel revulsion at the idea of entering that chamber.
3. They never sought independence. What they sought was to stop it. They are wedded to the union and unionism to their very core.
The stupid claim that Scotland needs nationalist representation in the HoL is absolute bullshit and a pathetic excuse. What it needs is the union ended.
A real nationalist would never seek to join that relic of the past whose main purpose is to prop up the crown and the layer of privilege hanging underneath.
If he found ungluing his deceiving arse from the green seats challenging, then lifting his arse from the red seats is going to be impossible.
If as SNP leader in Westminster he could/would not do anything to deliver independence, then what the hell is he going to achieve in a bloated HoL whose very existence relies on Scotland remaining in the union?
If something is clear is that all political rejects who enter the HoLs do not do it “to settle up”. They do it to settle their arse comfortably down and, for as long as they can, continue to suck from the taxpayers’ purse teat. Independence will disappear permanently from his mind.
I wonder what other members of Sturgeon’s praetorian guard will be also rewarded with a red seat. Who will be the next joining him, Black, Russell, Grady, Smith or Slippers?
I do not know what other shock this fake SNP can bring out of the hat to make themselves even more unelectable. By now we got their message is loud and clear: they want to lose the GE.
In mind o Burn’s Night coming up.
Ye see yon birkie ca’d a lord,
Wha struts, an’ stares, an’ a’ that,
Tho’ hundreds worship at his word,
He’s but a coof for a’ that.
For a’ that, an’ a’ that,
His ribband, star, an’ a’ that,
The man o’ independent mind,
He looks an’ laughs at a’ that.
And the recent episode of our Prime Miniature running away
from the woman.
Wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim’rous beastie,
O, what a panic’s in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty,
Wi’ bickering brattle!
I wad be laith to rin an’ chase thee,
Wi’ murdering pattle!
Shortly after arriving in the House of Commons in 1967, Winnie Ewing found herself in conversation with Labour Prime Minister, Harold Wilson. “How are you settling in?” asked the old charmer. “Har- old,” she replied, “I didn’t come here to settle in. I came here to settle up!”
No sign of the SNP troughers settling up, but plenty seem intent on settling in.
Madame Écosse would be birling…
Indy for Scotland!
SNP Out!
@ Effijy says:23 January, 2024 at 9:16 pm
In 2021/22, six million people were living in households with less than 40% of the median income after housing costs, which is 1.5 million more than 20 years ago
What’s net migration over the past 20 years?
A damn sight more than 1.5 million, that’s for sure.
If you take the trouble to think through what is being written here, we can see that millions of people have come to the UK over the past 20 years, and many (the majority?) have managed to lift themselves out of poverty.
And that’s despite that huge influx of people driving the cost of property purchase and rental sky high.
I call that quite a good result.
As for the “1,000,000 U.K. Children living in abject poverty”, how many are 1st or 2nd generation immigrants?
Why this expectation that people should be able to come here and be rich? Aren’t many of them asylum seekers? Is it really the case that they expect not only to be safe from persecution and war, but comfortably off too?
Back in the bad old days, when we Scots went to other countries to get rich, that was colonialism. And colonialism is bad.
I don’t see why that should change.
Until the agenda pushers who write these weasel worded reports start including full details of the demographic breakdown, I won’t be losing any sleep.
SNP = Shitstains Needing Pensions
Rule Brittania
FFS ???
Alba need to back Salvo now btw or my membership goes in the bin
Rule Brittania
FFS ???
Alba need to back Salvo now btw or my membership goes in the bin
What Kevin Cargill said.
Nearly 10 years ago I proposed to my SNP branch that because of the way that the House of Lords had been reformed in the House Lords Reform Act 2014 it would be possible for the SNP to actually introduce some democracy to the House. It was going to be very tightly controlled Lords. Of course ion they get in now they will merely be continuing the trouging habits that they have got over the past 10 years at Westminster.
For interest sake this is what I proposed Conference therefore gives permission to the leader of the Party, if approached through the usual channels, to nominate party members to serve in the House of Lords under the following regulations.
1. The perspective member of the House of Lords shall be on the Register of Approved Potential Candidates
2. Perspective members of the House of Lords shall be nominated by the procedure set out in Rules on Vetting and Selection of Potential Parliamentary and Local Government Candidates.
3. The perspective nominees to the house of Lords will be elected in the form of Election in section 14.3 of the rules, and before they are nominated by the Party Leader they shall lodge with the Chief Executive of the Party an undated letter of resignation from the House of Lords in terms of section 1 of the House of Lords Reform Act 2014.
4. Attendance at the House of Lords by SNP nominated Lords shall only be on those occasions on which they are summonsed by notice from the Parliamentary Whips Office.
5. Nominees to the House of Lords shall have their letters of resignations sent to the Clerk of the House of Lords on the dissolution of Parliament or at any time as may be considered good by the National Executive Committee.
6. Detailed regulations about membership of the House of Lords shall be drawn up by the National Executive Committee and approved by Conference.
The grassroots is talking about MPs walking out of The Commons as The SNP is talking about claiming seats in The Lords.
It’s as if they are trying to piss people off.
I’m happy to hear this though. It clarifies things quite nicely.
The SNP is a Unionist party.
**I do not know what other shock this fake SNP can bring out of the hat to make themselves even more unelectable**
I’ll take a guess.
They’ll make a move to stand nationwide & be NuNuLabour party or defect there.
They’re finished in Scotland so they’ll try creep in somewhere else. They’ll get nowhere, obvs. The SNP are about as welcome as a dose of the clap in England but in their deluded mind everyone loves them.
He has no chance. No wonder Salmond had zero time for him.
Correct. That was confirmed when the membership rejected the only independence candidate with a plan & chose the idiot continuity candidate instead. 10 years of failure was chosen to continue..
So even the membership is completely captured.
Fat three piece wearing cunt.
Fat three piece wearing suit cunt. To think we voted , supported , campaigned for these bastards.
Biggest windbag since Oliver Hardy, but not for laughs. I’m sick of the lot o them. There is no point in any elected Scottish MPs in favour of independence being in the place anymore. Why to take part in the Westend Theatre that is Westminster?
Grim reading , Auld Highlander, but thanks for the link.
Rational aliens and children must wonder how a country with such terrible poverty is able to afford spending billions on weapons, and making misery, mischief, and poverty in other countries.
Clever people understand it but I don’t — we need to protect our free speech and democracy but we aren’t allowed to discuss or question it? I’m so dumb that I can’t remember voting to bomb Yemen, Gaza, or anyone really.
Ian Blackford… the c*nts c*nt. He must be so proud.
Maybe the bidey in is looking for someone more important to work for, no more cute lamb photos from the wife’s family croft
Hi Dorothy D.
shameful |??e?mf?l, ??e?mf(?)l|
worthy of or causing shame or disgrace: a shameful accusation.
shameless |??e?ml?s|
(of a person or their conduct) characterized by or showing a lack of shame; barefaced or brazen: his shameless hypocrisy.
I think it would be accurate to describe Blackford as both.
have it both ways
benefit from two incompatible ways of thinking or behaving: Blackford cannot have it both ways; he is either pro-independence or pro-union.
Keep taking the ugly tablets Ian. They’re working. You fat sack of spuds.
Keep off Penny Morodaunt and friends while you’re at it. You filthy auld bastard ye.
I would like to think that people will remember these slime covered SLUGS when we do gain our independence, what penalties and actions did the collaborators face in the second world war when they carried out the enemies wishes against the citizens, were they allowed to retain their trea sonous earnings and gains, were they celebrated and embraced by their fellow citizens, some of whom lost family members at the hands of those collaborators
Is it right for these betrayers to walk away with their FRAUDULENT earnings and luxury pensions when they have blatantly and miserably failed in the job they were employed to do i.e competent governance and independence for Scotland
Are we right to encourage these amoral arsewipes to laugh in our faces and treat us with OPEN CONTEMPT because that is exactly what THIS waste of oxygen and his fellow contemptibles are doing
TBQH I cannot wait for independence to get REVENGE for the dedicated unfortunates who supported these scum independence imposters through activity and financing and died waiting on these LIARS and PERVERTS to free our country, and also to get revenge for the unnecessary pain and suffering they have inflicted on ordinary normal people by their inadequate unchallenging supplication to the WM hellhole
What an absolute tractor.
Away tae London toon with you, Blackford, away down and get down on your knees to all the so-called ‘lords’. You absolute muppet.
Treachery is treachery. It is that simple.
For London’s gold, bought and sold. Iain Blackford, the self-styled ‘Laird of Skye’.
This is what the SNP has become. NOW we know why nothing has been done for independence. With one SNP MP living it up in a castle in Dundee, Blackford fancying himself as a silly wee ‘lord’, and comfy slippers Wishart.
What a bunch of chancers, the lot of them. The whole damn lot of them should away and f*** off to England permanently, so we can be rid of them, and get folk who really want Scottish independence elected.
Come the election, the SNP are going to get humped – and rightly so.
For me, I’ll be voting for a genuine pro independence party, the ALBA party.
link to
Mac at 0850pm,
What a line. Nearly spilt my porridge.
“Gonna take a lot of Ermine to cover this gigantic fat turd. A Stoatacaust.”
Very accurate. Just yet another stinky wee Scottish london-worshipping jobby scurrying off to London, to doff his cap and get down on his knees like all the other silly Scottish unionist sh*tes.
It is clear, Mr Blackford was only ever in it for the dosh, and that swanky taxpayer funded lifestyle. I truly despise such vermin.
Hey comfy Pete, are you not going to join him???
@ Geri says: 24 January, 2024 at 12:05 am
when the membership rejected the only independence candidate with a plan & chose the idiot continuity candidate instead
Did they?
I don’t recall that. Rev Stu pointed out at the time the campaign was a flawed and fraudulent one.
Regan was so exercised about its illegality that she was threatening a legal challenge.
Admit it Geri, you will accept any fraudulent outrage if it has the right badge pinned on it. Until the SNP and Indy movement are prepared to call out Yousaf’s so called election as the fraud that it is, neither are going anywhere.
So you are right about the next 10 years.
@ Hatuey says: 24 January, 2024 at 12:31 am
I’m so dumb that I can’t remember voting to bomb Yemen, Gaza
The only people bombing Gaza are Israelis, so unless you’re an Israeli citizen, you won’t be eligible to vote. Of course, if you are an Israeli citizen, you’ll be enthusiastically cheering on the destruction of the subhuman filth that murdered, raped, maimed, kidnapped, beheaded and tortured on October 7th. I’m guessing you’re not then.
As for the Hotties, I’m content that my government should take steps to mitigate the inevitable price rises, inflation rises and interest rates rises that will result if we allow a bunch of lunatics to disrupt the shipping routes we all rely on. Scots already struggling from the cost of living crisis may well be onside with me there.
I’ll let your claim “I’m so dumb” stand unchallenged.
Anybody who still thinks the SNP are fighting for independence, needs their head seen to. They are fighting for their own swollen bank balances.
Vivian o blivion at 0910pm, makes, I think a most important point. A very, very important point.
I see the usual trolls are straight in trying to change the subject.
Innarestin article on Unherd today – “Israel is still winning the political war”.
Readers/posters whose world view is formed by Viz’s Student Grant, and who thus eternally find themselves screeching inchoately at the grown ups in the room, probably won’t get much out of it.
Reality grounded readers may find much to muse on. Ultimately, realpolitik is how the world works. If iScotland is ever to succeed, or even come into existence in the first place, engagement with reality will be needed.
“Speak softly and carry a big stick” is still the best advice for any country. By all means we can aspire to be the nicest, cuddliest wee country in the world, but don’t be surprised if the world then uses us as a doormat, politically and economically.
@ Robert Louis says: 24 January, 2024 at 7:26 am
I see the usual trolls are straight in trying to change the subject
Subject changed at 9:16 last night by Effijy.
Hatuey carpet bagging at 12:31 too. Starting off about poverty, but swiftly morphing into pro-Hamas propaganda.
It’s a pain, Bob, but what can you do? The trolls just won’t shut the feck up.
With some of them at least, you start to wonder if their only purpose on coming here is to advance their own agenda, under the guise of supporting Indy!
Never underestimate the duplicity and malice of the BTL poster.
Best gentleman’s club in London, dontchaknow!
Will Baffy Boy be next?
Innaresin’ article in the yoon press today.
It’s a handy way of filling up space without doing any thinking for myself.
All be a bit academic as the British state rushes to war.
With Grant Shaps last week whoring how the UK is preparing for war, a top general is today reporting how we all need to prepare for call up.
Ergo, from today’s Telegraph –
The British public will be called up to fight if the UK goes to war because the military is too small, the head of the Army is to warn.
General Sir Patrick Sanders will stress the need for the Government to “mobilise the nation” in the event of war with Russia in a speech on Wednesday.
” With the British Army being reduced to its smallest size for centuries, The Telegraph understands Gen Sir Patrick, who has been openly critical of troop cuts, wants British men and women to be prepared for a CALL-UP”
And this British beligefence to fight is what Blackford and his SNP want to sign up with.
Sadly, the big slaughter appears to be cometh again.
There’s been a Devil dug attack in Hamilton yesterday:
link to
The precise breed of attack is not know but it doesn’t look for the SNP at Holyrood with their handling of the XL Bully ban.
If Blackford seeking a knighthood, then he knows that Independence under the NUSNP is further away than once in a lifetime.
To be expected from today’s SNP. The idea probably came from Sturgeon. She’ll be anxious by now to receive her reward for betraying the Scottish people.
That is going to be seriously tricky what with us being a multi-cultural society.
How about they take a tip from Biden and offer to make a woman of them if they join up?
BDTT , thanks for that , I can happily use both! Hope you are progressing towards good health.
Willie , that is terrifying . If we were independent we could prevent the young of Scotland being used as cannon fodder for outrageous attacks on other countries.
I heard BBC radio shortbreed up to their usual this morning.
Man in hamilton attacked by dog
Somone said it was a bulldog ior might be a bullydog!! And softly but that’s not official
Of course they are banned in the uk and the scottish government have not decided yet.
The famous somone!!!
The news is so clearly being controlled by the uk committee (UKC)
Dorothy Devine 9.31am.
Being used as cannon fodder again you mean. 26.4 % Scottish casualties in the first war alone. The second war had an even higher percentage of Scottish casualties. but the numbers were lower due to it being a mobile war. No wonder our population remains low even today.
I’ll not fight for Britain. No blood in my hands. I’m a new clydesider. Time for the socialist revolution against the military industrial complex.
I’d rather serve time in prison than being shot by my fellow white males of Russia. The Russians and the British have so much in common.
Fuck NATO. We have nothing in common with murderers.
Collaborator & Traitor!
Those warmongering bastard politicians mouthing off about constription. They seem to be itching for a fight in the hope of solving their problems.
link to
The Russians and the British share so much love and so much common ground. We are practically the same as each other. Whites fighting whites. No thank you.
I’ll give the Russians a big hug. And we can all, go to a music festival together. The British want to conscript me. They’ll have to kill me themselves.
I’ll be with the 1 million Palestinian activists in London ready to kick fuck out of any Tory MP I see walking past.
Get it right up them. Britain has fallen. Time for Independence.
@ Willie says: 24 January, 2024 at 8:44 am
Look on the bright side Willie.
It was the survivors of the last big bust-up that had the courage and determination to gift us the Welfare State and all the other advantages our leading elites have been whittling away at ever since 1945.
The sad condition we find ourselves in today is largely because the descendants of the men and women who fought lacked the guts to continue. Having convinced themselves they have “rights” to stuff they won’t graft for, they are reduced to sitting behind their keyboards, eternally greetin about how life isn’t fair. And constantly denigrating as eejits anybody who is prepared to stand up for their own family, nation, culture and country.
Nothing will galvanise Indy like a bunch of hard-bitten, patriotic survivors, inured to danger and hardship, trained to fight and lead from the front, and ready to fight for what they want.
They won’t want today’s generation of puling keyboard warriors in their way, so best keep out, eh?
I’m assuming, of course, that having experienced the real world at its harshest, they will still want an iScotland. That might be a big assumption. The class of 1945 certainly didn’t.
The SNP mask slips just that little bit more, no doubt budding Speaker of the House Pete Wishart will think this is a great idea.
Is there a swiss army knife with a tool for getting britishness out of some Scottish heads?
Of course, it could be a «mental health issue», so on trend.
Cognitive dissonance? Doublethink?
Or might it simple involve a little brain surgery with the old style baseball bat?
I’m old enough to have seen guys who had arms and legs blown off in some conflict in far distant places.
They had their trouser leg tied up or their jacket sleeve pinned to stop the things flapping around.
My grandmothers brother never returned from ww1 and his name is on a memorial which none of the family have ever seen.
Oh, but they got a memorial death plaque made of copper. Big deal for a life lost.
Robert Louis
Yes, they did.
& If I’m understanding it correctly if that wee nasty separatist nyaff thinks she’s getting a seat fae the English gentry she can jog on.
The Yes movement would drag Cersi through the streets & quarter her themselves..
But anything is possible with that mob. It’s chock full of life’s failures. One more pish soaked plastic Scot would be a win over indy. She’d need to call purple bricks though..
£300 per day expenses plus travel expenses plus subsidised bars and restaurants. I can’t understand what attracts Blackford to this place.
Genocide John Main reminds me of that Spitting Image sketch where David Coleman goes into overdrive a lap too early.
Main now openly shilling for Britain; and the election hasn’t even been called yet !!!
Coleman’s head finally exploded, I seem to recall.
Genocide John
You do realise everything after 1945 was an invasion & occupation, right?
We were the baddies.
We don’t need to thank anyone for that.
Coincidentally I was watching this earlier on the dire state of the British Armed forces.
Turns out all the immigrants don’t want to join and going woke (i.e. anti-white) is not a great recruitment driver for white people. London for example is 13% of the population but only contributes 3% to recruits. Lots of interesting data in it.
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One thing that occurred to me watching it, is that we spend a lot of time focussing on the treatment of Scotland and Scots by the people running the UK on this website (and rightfully so) but when I look at the way they treat indigenous white English people it is very obvious they despise them, just as much as us.
This is actually true now of all (far) Western countries it seems. ‘Our leaders’ are seemingly doing everything they can to degrade, destroy and replace us. We have been occupied.
Get ready for conscription.
Just like they sent a generation of young Ukr@inians to their deaths for nothing do you really think you will be immune to it if it comes. They have units there sitting behind the front lines to shoot anyone who tries to retreat. Press gangs are grabbing old men from bus stops. I forget what the age limit is now as they keep raising it. They are also sending women to the front as well. Rus$ians making videos find trenches full of dead Ukr@inian women.
Boris Johnson is coated in their blood from head to foot, bathed in it.
Sky News
“But when asked directly whether “40 babies were beheaded”, an IDF spokesman said children were killed – but that reports of beheadings were “unconfirmed”.”
The Jimmy Dore show I think it was had a dedicated show ripping the pish out of the British Navy because it was forced to advertise on the internet for the position of Admiral. I shit you not.
They can’t find someone suitable from with their own ranks. Which is absolutely astonishing, especially when you consider it is the Navy who controls the UK’s so called nuclear deterrent.
Apparently the reason our air craft carriers are unable to go support the US in the Med / Red sea is we don’t have the people to man them.
Wokeism is destroying the UK (and the West) just as it was designed to do.
I was watching something the other day & it stated over 70% of those who return from wars have PTSD.
This has a devastating affect on their life, their family & their ability to function in civilian life & they resort to substance abuse, domestic violence & even murder/Familicide.
They’d have been better staying at home. The Taliban is still the Taliban & Bin Laden never seen the inside of a courtroom.
What they should’ve done was return home & drag the warmonger elites to the front line instead. Shapps can go first..
Look at the embarrassment of them all on Remembrance Sunday standing there with their medals like they actually did anything but go on a wee cruise around the Med & shagging the natives & the yoons lap it all up while trying to spot who isn’t singing loud enough, who isn’t wearing a poppy & who isnt waving a plastic fleg like a retard..
Lads, stay at home with yer feet up. None of our business until they’re coming for us & they’re not.
I was watching something the other day & it stated over 70% of those who return from wars have PTSD.
This has a devastating affect on their life, their family & their ability to function in civilian life & they resort to substance abuse, domestic violence, eviction & even murder/Familicide.
They’d have been better staying at home. The T*liban is still the T*liban & B*n L*den never seen the inside of a courtroom despite *Western values*
What they should’ve done was return home & drag the warmonger elites to the front line instead. The whole UK government who voted can go in first..
Look at the embarrassment of them all on Remembrance week standing there with their medals like they actually did anything but go on a wee cruise around the Med & shagging the natives & the yoons lap it all up while trying to spot who isn’t singing GSTK loud enough, who isn’t wearing a poppy & who isnt waving a plastic fleg like a r*tardo.
Lads, stay at home with yer feet up. None of our business until they’re coming for us & they’re nowhere near us.
Blackford’s first act when stepping down from his position as leader of the SNP at Westminster was to give an interview to his friends at GB News. Enough said.
What an absolute insult to everyone living in Britain. This British general.
We need to wage war on the people traffickers and the boats. And not the Russians.
And BTW. Fuck Zelensky. A tosser. He’s destroyed his country. Stupid cunt can lie in his bead. Fuck them.
It is awfully serious on here with a lot of angry people.
I have an English pal…..shock, horror……who lives just outside of Birmingham. Recently he had to go to London for a meeting and was undecided whether to drive or take the train. He opted for less hassle, but more expense and took the train. He booked a ticket online and reserved a seat.
On boarding, he found his seat and was delighted to find that he was sat opposite an absolute stunning looking woman. Soon they got chatting and he asked her why she was visiting London today. She replied that she was going to a nymphomaniacs convention at the Albert Hall. ‘Wow’ said my pal ‘what does that entail? ‘Well’ said the woman ‘there are so many misunderstandings and misconceptions about sex and sexuality’. ‘Tell me more-I am intrigued’ replied my pal.
The woman replied ‘It is generally thought that Jamaican men have the biggest penises when it is actually the native American Red Indian. Frenchmen are considered to be the most romantic and the best kissers but the reality is that it is Greek men. Italian men are assumed to be the best lovers, with the greatest stamina and more likely to satisfy a woman when it is Scotsmen who deserve this accolade.
‘I’m sorry’ said the woman. ‘Here I am rabbiting on and I have not even asked your name. ‘I’m Cynthia but my friends call me Sin for short’. ‘That’s ok’ said my pal. ‘My name is Running Bear Papadopoulos but my friends call me Jock’.
Urseloa Von Der LEYENN. And the EU military Block.
And Joe Biden and Bill Clinton – he likes them young – as we know from the Jeffrey Epstien files. He likes them young doesn’t he?
The hilary Clinton foundation. That hates Scotland. She’s not welcome near. And neither is Nicola Sturgeon.
We’re only fighting for Independence. She can do one. I’m telling you. Raging about this. The nerve.
Another britnat agent of the massively compromised SNP.
Ok, so I’m a day early, but the behaviour of Blackford & Co. ensure that this verse remains as relevant today as when first penned some 233 years ago…
What force or guile could not subdue,
Thro’ many warlike ages,
Is wrought now by a coward few,
For hireling ("Tractor" - Ed)’s wages.
The English steel we could disdain,
Secure in valour’s station;
But English gold has been our bane –
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!
@Turabdin 9.58am
I don’t think any pointy instrument found in a Swiss Army knife will be able to winkle the atavistic cringe out of the psyche of those devolutionists who are salivating at the prospect of settling down rather than settling up.
As many of us have been saying for a while, it’s pointless expecting an essentially devolutionary party like the SNP to prioritise independence. Of course that failure of nerve isn’t the only or even biggest reason for the SNPs imminent drubbing at the polls, but it certainly doesn’t help.
Despite the usual inchoate wailing and gnashing of teeth by the usual suspects about the oncoming great reset, the fact remains that support for independence has remained stable despite the fall in support for the SNP. That, and the fact it rose in the past quite quickly during the indyref 1 campaign doesn’t really support your view that Britishness can’t be unlearned or effectively remedied.
Naturally the chances of many – or even just enough – of the undecided voters changing their minds based on some of the commentary in here seems rather remote. That doesn’t mean it can’t be done, just that we need an actual campaign before people take any notice.
Our biggest recruiting sergeant at present would seem to be the execrable quality of the opposition and the intellectual, economic and social illiteracy of the British nationalist project. Project Fear v0.2 will be a much harder sell than in 2012-14 given what has happened since and given the likelihood that SFA will change under New NuLabour.
Military conscription game changer for Indy?
Ellis asked the following on the previous thread:
Ask yourself why they can never explain why no party or significant political figures actually support the policies they advocate.
It’s an interesting question. Ellis had a long break from Wings so he might have missed the answer.
Stu wrote a article explaining it. It was called
*Ahhh! Bisto.
The ‘they’ he is refering to is everyone except himself, Main & Chas.
*Ahhh! Bisto Can anyone help Ellis out by posting a link to the article.
100%Yes @ 9.09am
How very dare you suggest such a parliamentary giant as the Rt. Hon. Ian Blackford MP would accept as paltry an honour as a Knighthood. This honour sits far lower in the pecking order than such a giant of our times as Mr Blackford thinks he deserves.
No, I fear, nothing less than a Barony and a place in the House of Lords will suffice for Big Ian.
Mind you, although 40 years have passed since the last former Prime Minister, Harold MacMillan, accepted the Earldom, which used to go as a matter of course to former PMs, I am sure Mrs Murrell deeply regrets this now seemingly abandoned custom does not extend to former First Minister of Scotland.
Her ego will surely demands she be made Countess of Dreghorn – although, at a push, she will surely accept being Baroness Sturgeon of Bourtreehill.
Ellis asked the following on the previous thread:
Ask yourself why they can never explain why no party or significant political figures actually support the policies they advocate.
It’s an interesting question.
It appears according to Ellis there are two groups posting here. There are them and us.
Ellis’s group = Ellis, Main & Chas everyone else is the other group.
I have no idea what policies the Ellis, Main & Chas are advocating for.
The only policy I advocated for was the ‘Repeal of the Gender Recognition Act 2004’
I thought Ellis being a founder member of Alba could explain why Alba do not support this.
The other policy of would advocate for would be ‘World Peace’
Being that we have so many ‘war fetishists’ in the world I don’t have high hopes of that every happening.
I blame the soldiers. If there were no soldiers there would be no wars.
No chance of Biden taking on Put*ain in the boxing ring. Biden would shit his nappy!
Who is it we are going to war with? The whole world except Ukra*ine, Israel & the US?
Sorry I don’t watch ‘war porn’ so I haven’t a clue.
Is the role of the soldier to kill or to die?
I would imagine killing another human being would take it’s toll unless you are into that sort of thing.
It’s no wonder the ‘Naked Rambler’ walked all over the Scotland totally starkers. He refused to put on anything that resembled an army uniform. Poor bloke!
I’ve been saying since Salmond was first attacked years ago and WOS was put on the banned SNP lists that SNP members would soon find themselves in the House of Lords. And when this happened we should take it as proof positive that the British state had infiltrated the SNP and those who gain by the British honours system are the infiltrators.
It makes me sick. Politics is not about what you can do for your country but what your country can do for you. I now fucking hate them all. They are all at it.
Viscount DeutscheBank has a certain ring to it.
Douchebag for short.
Ruby (12:36) Says:
“I blame the soldiers. If there were no soldiers there would be no wars.”
Actually Ruby, I blame the bankers and financiers and their closely related weapons manufacturers.
The history of banking in inextricably tied to the funding of wars – often simultaneously funding both sides of the same war. This is the subject of serious historical research.
The officer class in armies may benefit from war (especially if they go on to work for arms manufacturers after retirement – as so many do. The poor bloody infantry – not so much (they often require charity for basics such as housing – and if damaged or disabled are just discarded by the state.
If you want to know who benefits from anything, just follow the money.
The UK has been owned by the bankers since Dutch bankers funded the so-called “Glorious Revolution”. William III was literally bank-rolled by them. Since then rolling debts to bankers have never been repaid.
The whole of UK subsequent history has been of war.
Because war is highly profitable and it is funded by the bankers.
I blame the bankers.
@Ruby, it’ll be kill or be kilt.
Stephen Gough aka ‘The Naked Rambler’ former Royal Marine.
At the foot of the Royal Mile (that’s in Edinburgh) there is a veterans’ home called ‘Whiteford House’.
Everyday without fail there is a fire engine/ambulance ‘mee-mawing’ it’s way down the Royal Mile at speed heading for Whiteford House.
Apparently there are a lot of drug, alcohol & mental health issue amongst the veterans resident at Whiteford House.
Smoking in bed seems to be a big problem.
Poor blokes! They pay a high price for serving another country.
Blackford could just be throwing Flynn under a bus & wreaking any chance of them winning even one seat.
What exactly was the point of his takeover anyway, apart from calling us Transphobes *the dregs of society* does anyone know?
Just a reminder:
***“I often say that I’d love to pick up all the people of Scotland and get them one by one to spend a week in Westminster, to realise quite how dysfunctional the place is, and the nature of everything that happens there is just absurd.”***
The tosser just doesn’t get it does he? He wasn’t elected to be staying in Westminster. I hope the good people of Scotland help Flynn to find his way hame. Permanently.
He can go back to his wee dingy flat & have Mhairi bring him a fish supper & a kit Kat as they contemplate where it all went wrong for them…
Back on topic.
That is three SNP politicians I have read proposing joining the Lords in the last two months. Are they bammers? Are they set on being lemmings and jumping off the electoral cliff? It’s like the party wants to go into oblivion.
Aye – they get thrown on the scrap heap.
They don’t return to a hero’s welcome. Not even from the elites who they fought for.
They’re trained for aggression & they’re not untrained for civilian life.
The plebs are to be charitable & dig deep to pay for their care while charity bosses award themselves huge salaries & bonuses.
The great con is over. They’re not fighting for anything that benefits them. Just the fat cats getting fatter on the body count.
Unless they’re in the North sea ready to invade us/or there is a massive genocide going on then their problems aren’t ours. We mind our own biz..
If a country is pissed off with theirs leader then it’s up to the people to change it. Not call the world police charging in with nothing more than an outdated pot lid & rolling pin.
£12 billion on military per year. Where exactly is it spent? It’s not exactly on updated toys by the looks of it.. Im beginning to believe Trident is a tin cut out LOL
P* wouldn’t even need to put his baffles on afore it’d be game over..
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I’m losing track of these nonces!
Is this the same one that stood at his window wanking in front of children and claiming be be a naturist?
Prosecutor Robin Kitching said the following day, one of the same children, a girl, was being followed by Graham, who was on a bike.
I know all about that sort of thing. My childhood and that of many of my friends was ruined by what we called back then ‘dirty old men’
However we did get our revenge which was marvelous! I’ll tell you later.
These nonces should put on a dress go to the local swimming pool where they can expose themselves legally and there would be no risk of a prison sentence. Our politicians have facilitated that little perk for them.
Be kind they say!
Fuck that! I am a mean girl and 100% transphobic.
I’m just wondering what the man did to the dog to cause the attack.
You do know that the + in the TQ+ includes zoophiles.
Spain have made shagging dogs legal.
Coming to Scotland soon?
Just watch who you hire to walk your Cockapoo!
No need to wonder why Ch*na wanted their Pandas back.
I’ll bet Ying & Yang would have a story to tell if they could only talk..
Ellis, who literally claims to work for an arms manufacturer, has openly accused me of being paid to… wait for it… write anti-war propaganda on this forum.
Can you believe that? It’s hilarious.
What a world we live in, people.
You know, I’d love to debate these morons live.
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This one is for Flynn.
Bring em fuckin’ home!
Hi Geri! How are you to day. You seem to be on top form.
Keep up these ***** star posts.
Five Star de luxe even.
Can the SNP and Scottish government not just coordinate the deletion of all copies of the Hamilton report?
It would save a lot of legal toings and froings if they could just agree that sadly it doesn’t exist any more.
Johnlm @ 12:59 pm
“Viscount DeutscheBank has a certain ring to it”
Weel, colonial Scotlan’s a’ready a donsie wee preevat equity bankers playgrund, wi maist o oor kintra’s laund stealt fae us an oor fowk bocht an selt, an aw thay SNP heid bummers mairsae.
Scots dinnae need anither Lord Haw-Haw. Leeberation’s aye oor anely remeed – same as it was for all colonized and doun-hauden peoples.
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The prospect of someone who bravely posts from behind an anonymous profile claiming they’d have no problem debating live will seem as outlandish as your worldview Hatuey.
We know your quality of old. Don’t you still owe John Main a tenner for your failed prediction about the invasion of Taiwan happening before Xmas?
In the unlikely event you are being paid, I hope they have some KPI’s in place. Doubtless they’ll be asking for a refund soon if you didn’t loose all your money betting of the reunification of Taiwan with the motherland?
The UK’s version of John “Mad Dog” Bolton, Tobias Ellwwood, says that the world has a 1939 feel to it right now. Meanwhile Sky news reporting that army conscriptions might be needed to the numbers up in the British army.
Any sane person would enlist or be forced to enlist to further US/UK/Nato/EU hegemony
“In September 2018, Ellwood announced that he had been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel as a reservist in the psychological warfare unit 77th Brigade, which has played a central role in the government’s massive psyop to force through drastic COVID-19 restrictions.[5]
Also in 2018, he was an agent provocateur against George Papadopoulos[6] as part of the Russiagate operation.”
Spain have made shagging dogs legal.
Coming to Scotland soon?
Just watch who you hire to walk your Cockapoo!
I know when I type the above folk think that is nonsense that could never happen.
Aye well! I bet you thought that a lot of things that have happened in Scotland over the last decade could never happen.
I bet you also thought when I said he was a cunt and his side kick was a nutter I was being ridiculous and deserved the long stretch of PMT.
I got banned for one of those incidents. I was a political prisoner until Stu decided on an amnesty at New Year 2004 after which he introduced the X Ignore button.
I love that bloody X Ignore button.
“The UK’s version of John “Mad Dog” Bolton, Tobias Ellwwood”
In the 77th eh? Ah, one of our very own mebbies!? lol
They are addicted to the Bisto also bammers!
What a good boy for staying on topic.
Well done Andy!
There was already one SNP MP who defected to the Tories. How many more do you think?
The drum beat for war does indeed beat ever louder.
The world is an evil place with so many enemies to be slain by the righteous. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and now Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.
The comment about Scotland losing a much greater percentage of their men than England in the previous two major world conflagrations is interesting. It reinforces what a rich reserve of cannon fodder Scotland is to the UK. And when I say cannon fodder I mean absolutely no slight whatsoever for those brave men and women who went to fight for someone else’s gold.
But history repeats and one has to ask will Scotland in the event of another major conflagration send the number of our young to go and die in foreign fields. No doubt the establishment would like to repeat the trick.
But with British Generals now declaring that we WILL be at war with China, Russia and Iran in the relatively near future what fate therefore for Scotland to become a number one target.
Its certainly a thought that every Scot should consider. War delivers nothing for the masses. War is about corporate advantage, the securement of resources be it oil, gas, minerals, or similar. War is not about making things better for the people. A brass plaque or a monument is the reward.
And the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilian men women and children they can play their part. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a deliberate slaughter in a show of power.
The Dresden fire bombing killing tens of thousands of civilians was another example of the same.
Dulce et decorum est in pro patria mori. That is sadly the fate of too many. And yes, history does repeat, again, and again and again.
And we wonder how 600000 goes missing.
While in carefree doom mode,
Viva Nato!
Now it becomes a bit clearer why Sky news/UK/MSM and Ellwood, the latter proposing more UK resident enlist in the British army, and how the world feels like its 1939 right now, the latter is giving his muses airtime.
“A new agreement signed by U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky on 12 January provides U.K. “security commitments” to Ukraine in the event of “new aggression” by Moscow.
It states:
“In the event of future Russian armed attack against Ukraine, at the request of either of the Participants, the Participants will consult within 24 hours to determine measures needed to counter or deter the aggression.”
It then says the U.K. “undertakes” to “provide Ukraine with swift and sustained security assistance, modern military equipment across all domains as necessary.””
Not in my name it doesn’t.
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He can’t need the attendance money surely? After all, his party have been very successful at running the Scottish economy! And he’s a millionaire crifter to boot!
You can almost hear the war room from here…
“Let the (Scots) bodies pile high. Throw those Scots eejits who adore us in first. They’re a verminous beastly people.”
I like my stars cause I’m a Princess. It highlights I’m quoting someone else or making a point better than “” does.
And anyway, who can be arsed with html on a device? Switching virtual keyboards for symbols is such a pain in the arse. I’m lucky I can see the wee box to type in without faffing about with that shit
It’d be better on a desktop but that’s been relegated to the spare room.
WordPress isn’t very good for html by the looks of some comments & there’s no quote function & now the ignore disnae work either.
I dunno what kind of outfit Stu is running around here LOL!
willie @ 2:54 pm
“But history repeats and one has to ask will Scotland in the event of another major conflagration send the number of our young to go and die in foreign fields. No doubt the establishment would like to repeat the trick.”
Aye Willie, since the Irish declared their independence Ireland has avoided around 100 military conflicts that England has dragged Scotland into, and no doubt more to come.
‘No’ voters should consider that independence is far more than maybe being a few quid better or worse off, its about our own people being able to decide for themselves critically important matters such as war and peace. Independence is about how ‘a people’ behave, what we do, how we carry ourselves in the world, and how the world views us and our country.
Scots should never again crave ‘serving’ as front line colonial fodder in support of England’s imperial delusions and corporate greed. Yet unthinking ‘No’ voters still put us on that path.
He reeks of Labour or basically the establishment Monoparty. Three main Unionist parties with very little to distinguish between them and parties such as SNP and Sinn Fein abandoning nationalism along with the Greens abandoning environmentalism all in favour of niche minority interests which alienate the majority does not happen by accident.
Amongst us we have differing views as to who or what is behind this but we all pretty much agree that it has occurred.
Ellis, people notice when you go paltering off instead of giving honest answers — stop treating the people that take part here like idiots.
This forum, those who read and those who contribute, attracts and represents some of the most intelligent political minds in Scotland and I can assure you that the crap you plaster here like some 1980s ‘dirty protester’ is not likely to impress many of them.
As for the issue of anonymity, it’s another subject that you desperately scramble to when you’re on the ropes. You don’t need to worry about anonymity because you’re basically a cheerleader for the British State and its illegal and immoral wars.
Your views on just about everything put you at odds with most of the independence movement and you’d make a lot more sense if you stopped pretending that you were part of it. Let me sure you, though, I absolutely know that nobody is paying you to type anything here.
Anyway, my little fugazi, I thought you said I was on ignore?
Like a Scots ‘Lord’ Kinnock?
“British Generals now declaring that we WILL be at war with China, Russia and Iran in the relatively near future”
What do they mean by “we” exactly? The people of the UK has not declared war on Russia, China or Iran or authorised it. Russia, China or Iran have not attacked us, so what is the real reason these indecent warmongers are softening us up to play their obscene and irresponsible warring games?
If the British establishment wishes to continue performing the role of the obedient poddle of USA and Israel, they can go themselves to fight at the front of those wars, pay for the costs, and leave the rest of us alone.
All those heartless warmongers sitting in Westminster who see bombing civilians as an acceptable strategy to preserve their privilege and that of those pulling their strings, the self-serving aristocracy and rich VIP taxdodgers who incidentally are never caught fighting at the frontline of a war but are more than happy to send our children to die instead, can go and fight their own war themselves if they are that bothered.
I do not see why it is the ordinary citizen, who gets no benefit our of maintaining these people’s privilege, the one who has to suffer the negative consequences of it all and pay always the higher price.
Frankly, it is becoming embarrassing watching British Generals and politicians undermining the UK state by continuously doing the dirty bidding on behalf of USA and Israel. When did the UK become another USA state or another part of Israel? For goodness sake, stop behaving like their poodle and let them deal with the wars they start.
UsA’s greed has caused it to lose its strangling grip on the world’s economy. It only has itself to blame for this, so I do not see why the people of the UK are now expected to clean up its mess.
It its sanctions are losing efficiency and are actually backfiring, the best thing to do is to stop them, not going like a bull to a red rag towards a war with those who are showing them for the irresponsible bully they have behaved as. Behaving like an unleashed bully is only going to open the eyes of even more countries to the risk and encourage them to move away from the dollar even faster.
I wonder if the info below may explain why the USA poodles in the UK are now thinking in selling us as cannon fodder to restore the exorbitant privilege of the dollar:
“DUBAI (Reuters) – Iran and Russia have finalised an agreement to trade in their local currencies instead of the U.S dollar, Iran’s state media reported on Wednesday.
The agreement was finalised during a meeting between the governors of the two countries’ central banks in Russia, it said.
Both Iran and Russia are subject to U.S. sanctions.
“Banks and economic actors can now use infrastructures including non-SWIFT interbank systems to deal in local currencies,” state media said”
Reuters, Dec. 27, 2023
“Back in 2019, Putin declared that time was ripe to review the dollar’s role in trade. At that time, Russia and China considered switching to the euro, the world’s second most dominant currency, as an acceptable stalemate, with the ultimate goal being to use their own currencies.
Earlier in the current year, Russia paid dividends from the Sakhalin 1 and 2 oil projects in Chinese yuan instead of the dollar. Last year, Russia was cut off from the US dollar-dominated global payments systems following sweeping sanctions off the Ukraine war.
Russia has declared it will no longer accept the American currency as payment for its energy commodities but will instead switch to Chinese and Emirati currencies”
Kool, T., 27 Dec 2023
“Russia has used the yuan in trade transactions with Mongolia, the Philippines, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Japan, Tajikistan and Singapore.
The debate about the need to de-dollarize Global South economies isn’t new, but 2023 will go down in history as the year in which this process accelerated”
Ramos, M (21 Dec 2023) “De-dollarization: 95% of the trade between China and Russia didn’t use the US dollar”
China, Russia and Iran are showing the middle finger to USA. But what the hell was anybody expecting? Were they seriously expecting these powerful countries were simply going to wane and drop on their knees begging for mercy just because the USA chose to overreach with his self-appointment as the policeman of the world and, on its own accord, attempt to take control of those countries’ economies? With what right? Would USA retreat if the situation was the other way round and it was USA the one subjected to crippling sanctions by the rest of the world for its continuous and uninvited meddling interventions, arming “rebels” and sparking neoliberal wars?
Those irresponsible “British Generals” dreaming about sending us all to being bombed to death in USA’s war to restore the privilege of the dollar should be suspended. Fighting USA’s wars, bombing civilians and dying to prop up the dollar is not why the young people in the UK join the army.
I wonder what the government will do when the public say no to the call?
It would be a wake up call to our dear leaders to STFU in future. They can’t go gobbing off & expect the Trans community & the environmental eejits complaining about the detriment bombs will do to the rain forest, to step up to the plate & choose a weapon..LOL
Alf, I’ll never understand Naw voters as long as I live. Handing over yer decisions, income & vote to another country who couldn’t give a shit if they lived, died or what their opinion was.
The UK is heading straight into a dictatorship & those eejits are cheering. They’re already ecstatic Scotland has been denied democracy & our referendum was interfered with without so much as a blush from them. Hypocritters.
“British Generals now declaring that we WILL be at war with C h ina, R u ssia and I r an in the relatively near future”
What do they mean by “we” exactly? The people of the UK has not declared war on R u ssia, C h ina or I r an or authorised it. R u ssia, China or Iran have not attacked us, so what is the real reason these indecent warmongers are softening us up to play their obscene and irresponsible warring games?
If the British establishment wishes to continue performing the role of the obedient poodle of USA and I s rael, they can go themselves to fight at the front of those wars, pay for the costs, and leave the rest of us alone.
All those heartless warmongers sitting in Westminster who see bombing civilians as an acceptable strategy to preserve their privilege and that of those pulling their strings, the self-serving aristocracy and rich VIP taxdodgers who incidentally are never caught fighting at the frontline of a war but are more than happy to send our children to die instead, can go and fight their own war themselves if they are that bothered.
I do not see why it is the ordinary citizen, who gets no benefit our of maintaining these people’s privilege, the one who has to suffer the negative consequences of it all and pay always the higher price.
Frankly, it is becoming embarrassing watching British Generals and politicians undermining the UK state by continuously doing the dirty bidding on behalf of USA and I s rael. When did the UK become another USA state or another part of I s rael? For goodness sake, stop behaving like their poodle and let them deal with the wars they start.
UsA’s greed has caused it to lose its strangling grip on the world’s economy. It only has itself to blame for this, so I do not see why the people of the UK are now expected to clean up its mess.
If its sanctions are losing efficiency and are actually backfiring, the best thing to do is to stop them, not going like a bull to a red rag towards a war with those who are showing them for the irresponsible bully they have behaved as. Behaving like an unleashed bully is only going to open the eyes of even more countries to the risk and encourage them to move away from the dollar even faster.
I wonder if the info below may explain why the USA poodles in the UK are now thinking in selling us as cannon fodder to restore the exorbitant privilege of the dollar:
“DUBAI (Reuters) – I r an and R u ssia have finalised an agreement to trade in their local currencies instead of the U.S dollar, I ran’s state media reported on Wednesday.
The agreement was finalised during a meeting between the governors of the two countries’ central banks in R u ssia, it said.
Both I r an and R u ssia are subject to U.S. sanctions.
“Banks and economic actors can now use infrastructures including non-SWIFT interbank systems to deal in local currencies,” state media said”
Reuters, Dec. 27, 2023
“Back in 2019, P u tin declared that time was ripe to review the dollar’s role in trade. At that time, R u ssia and C h ina considered switching to the euro, the world’s second most dominant currency, as an acceptable stalemate, with the ultimate goal being to use their own currencies.
Earlier in the current year, R u ssia paid dividends from the Sakhalin 1 and 2 oil projects in Chinese yuan instead of the dollar. Last year, R u ssia was cut off from the US dollar-dominated global payments systems following sweeping sanctions off the U k raine war.
R u ssia has declared it will no longer accept the American currency as payment for its energy commodities but will instead switch to Chinese and Emirati currencies”
Kool, T., 27 Dec 2023
“R u ssia has used the yuan in trade transactions with Mongolia, the Philippines, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Japan, Tajikistan and Singapore.
The debate about the need to de-dollarize Global South economies isn’t new, but 2023 will go down in history as the year in which this process accelerated”
Ramos, M (21 Dec 2023) “De-dollarization: 95% of the trade between C h ina and R u ssia didn’t use the US dollar”
C h ina, R u ssia and I ran are showing the middle finger to USA. But what the hell was anybody expecting? Were they seriously expecting these powerful countries were simply going to submissively drop on their knees begging for mercy just because the USA chose to overreach with his self-appointment as the policeman of the world and, on its own accord, attempt to usurp control of those countries’ economies and dollar reserves? With what right? Would USA retreat if the situation was the other way round and it was USA the one subjected to crippling sanctions by the rest of the world for its continuous and uninvited meddling interventions, arming “rebels” and sparking neoliberal wars?
Those “British Generals” dreaming about sending us all to being bombed to death in USA’s war to restore the privilege of the dollar should be suspended for irresponsible and negligent. Fighting USA’s wars, bombing civilians and dying to prop up the dollar is not why the young people in the UK join the army.
There’s a little-known poet I vaguely remember, I think he said something like-
Oh would some Power the gift to give us and see ourselves as others see us!
(but it might have been in an Ayrshire accent)
I think that applies to Fat Boab here, who appears to have little self-awareness.
I’m also thinking that anyone awarded a peerage should be given their titular name by those who took them to greatness (or whom they claimed they were serving). That way they would be permanently reminded of the need for humility.
-I haven’t quite thought of a title for this joker yet, but he doesn’t deserve one in the first place.
I dont think he should leave his croft for to long
I guess the bills for the croft extension, new executive pad in Glasgow’s west end and running two late model Range Rovers are starting to mount up.
Time to be looking around for a post paid for at public expense.
O/T but I was just thinking about Old Labour, New Labour and Blue Labour, all of which exist. What happened to Borrowed Labour? Could that be the SNP?
Wally Jumblatt.
The morrow night is Burns Night, not celebrated enough in Scotland if you ask me, I once read that non-religious figures aside, only Christopher Columbus and Queen Victoria had more statues around the world than of Burns.
The fellow from Alloway had twelve weans, and his face appeared on Coca Cola bottles, his poetry even made it into space. In 2009 Scots crowned him oor greatest Scot.
No bad fir a wee fella fae Ayrshire.
I see an advert on the telly for Chocolate Haggis, me I don’t fancy it, I’ll stick to the original stuff.
The reason HR is such a shambles is because born-and-bred Scots around the world aren’t allowed to vote. Should be a check carried out before being allowed. If you can’t answer ” what are loons and quines”? Then you can’t vote. On the same theme, why do my comments on here not appear, FFS?
@Hatuey 4.43pm
Odd that the ignore thing appeared not to have worked in your case, or at least not on mobile, which will happily be rectified post this response. I’m willing to believe that many intelligent minds read this site, I’m less sure about the BTL quality. Be that as it may, there’s little point trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. The claque of repetitive shit-posters here aren’t convincing anyone and happily seem content to talk amongst themselves.
Their view on subjects various are so far out of step with those of the general population, and even more so with those of undecided voters who are the critical audience the movement has to address, that it’s actually comical.
No huge surprise that you can’t accept that, any more than you can evidence any proof to the contrary. The movement you say you belong to is and always has been niche: fringe left, anti-EU, anti-NATO, blood and soil anti furriner, and as we see here week in, week out, absolutely obsessed with “cunning plans for indy” and crank constitutional short cuts to independence because they know they’ve got next to no mainstream support or chance of winning more than a few %, never mind a majority.
Doubtless you will revel in being red-boxed with the other usual suspects.
How refreshing. A country with plenty of resources can trade in its own currency LOL
Without some nawbag bleating fae the sidelines:
Whit ye gonnie dae?
Whits yer new currency gonnie be?
Whit ye gonnie trade wi?
You gonnie take the Euro *scoffs*
It takes miiiiiillions of yrs to set up..
I think the UK became the 51st State of Yankee land under Thatcher.
I think she had the hots for Reagan & Nancy could watch.
I can’t wait for when the world takes the yanks & the UK down a peg or two. The Yanks have been building Empire part Deux & it’s about to get a good humping with Ch ina. All they’d need to do would be to stop credit. That’d finish Walmart for a start LOL
Don’t the Yanks owe them billions? Maybe they want to clear their balance & kill the bookkeeper.
“Ian Blackford: Why SNP should stop opposing House of Lords membership”
Aye! They’re all starting to show their true colours now, eh? Is it any wonder that lot under Sturgeon’s command got us nowhere? And the only thing surprising about Blackford’s statement is that it came from Blackford first and not Cozy Feet Pete. Mind you, there is the possibility Blackford could be just breaking the ice to clear a path for ‘Cozy Feet’. Nothing would honestly surprise me with any of Sturgeon’s self-serving Skanks. I bet they’ve got posters of Ruth *The Mooth* Davidson on their bedroom walls. LOL!
I have always felt that Sturgeon, Swinney, Blackford et al were far more dangeroud to the independence movement that strident nationalists.
Any referendum vite will be by its very nature, binary, but the critical middle ground is what must be won. Salmond was good at that. Sturgeon adopted Trump populism and the guaranteed support of what is currently a wavering electoral base.
Our current FM has no strategy to speak of and has inherited the toxic legacy of his predecessor. I still wonder why so many of the ‘old guard’ retired before the last HR election. There was a bad smell in the wind then for all the talk of “Free in 23”.
I still believe that Sunak said something to Sturgeon in that Glasgow hotel that roacked the boat. Suddenly freeports were in and the Greens were remarkably acqienscent.
And now our FM is happy to strike a deal with Starmer!
We have been played like a flute and I see it in the sad eyes of close activist friends who know that the game is up.
Unless, that is, the top end of the SNP jumps off the Queensferry Crossing.
Apologies for the typos. Currently abroad and drinking cheap local wine.
Do tell us when you held a referendum to actually ask Scotland it’s opinion?
You keep claiming to know what the population thinks, what the Yes movement thinks, what Alba members think, what Wings readership thinks, what btl posters think, in fact, every single person’s thoughts & opinions throughout Scotland.
I must’ve missed it..
You are more Britnat than Indy with every post. Always deriding people & posters as blood & soil types or loons if they don’t agree with your world view. Yer a narcissist.
People that comment on here are commenting on Stus article. We’re not gonnie be banging the indy drum to try convince rabbid britnats who aren’t here to be convinced of anything but to disrupt.
If they’re looking for info they’ve came to the right site. Wings has written thousands of articles, on every topic, they can use the search function.
Stop trying to police the site & other contributers btl..
The UK banking system in a financial collapse, war on the horizon, a crofter selling out his people to join the leadership of a National Govenment.
Deja vu all over again?
I thought Yousaf was meant to be in charge? Looks like anyone can say what they want as he has completely lost control of the party.
“The claque of repetitive shit-posters here aren’t convincing anyone and happily seem content to talk amongst themselves”
Of which your posts are an sterling example. You might not realise, but you are sounding like a broken record yourself.
In any case, the optics of us “shit-posters” talking among ourselves is far better than watching you talking to yourself in your own private “breakout room” in these threads, don’t you agree?
If you feel you are so intellectually superior to the rest of us and our comments are so insulting to your intellect, why do you keep wasting your precious time posting here and masochistically reading our comments? Your ego would get far more rewarding if you spoke to a mirror in your own home instead.
“Their view on subjects various are so far out of step with those of the general population”
How do you know? I have read this assertion in your comments at least 5 or 6 times already, but I have never seen you presenting any credible evidence to prove that point. It is therefore, until you publish such evidence, nothing more than a vacuous assertion.
“The movement you say you belong to is and always has been niche: fringe left, anti-EU, anti-NATO, blood and soil anti furriner”
You haven’t been abroad much, have you? Because if you had, you would have realised that being anti-NATO is not as uncommon among the average population as you make it up to be. Do not let the leanings of governments fool you. The people of different countries do not necessarily think the same way than those in power.
With regards to “blood and soil anti-furriner”, clearly you do not know much (or pretend not to know) about the voting rules in every other country in the world. Because if you did, you would not keep reverting to that tired soundbite over and over again, unless, of course, you are well aware it is a sensitive issue on these threads so you purposely bring it up to deflect and send those challenging you off-piste.
“absolutely obsessed with “cunning plans for indy” and crank constitutional short cuts to independence”
To be frank, the only contributions here that appear to be “absolutely obsessed” with “cunning plans for indy” are yours. Of all the comments I have read in these threads, yours are the only ones that include the expression “cunning plans for indy” , which, by the way, you seem to love to repeat.
I think Blackford has been given a choice. Take the peerage or we show everybody the pictures.
Yousless would be right behind him asking if he could join too.
He’s still star struck from attending the coronation.
He soon dropped the Republican act when the occasion presented itself.
on a lighter note – the first XL bully mauling has happened in Hamilton
the main victim was its owner, who had “rescued it from England”.
– happy days, a kind of “instant karma”
the beast took 4 in the chest, which is impressive; the taser merely irritated it. Anyone who wants to do a mitzvah – rescue as many bullies as you can, including entire litters of puppies, take them home, and kill them. I don’t know if they are useful for anything, but a pair of XL Bully mittens might be nice.
If you have a sense of humour, try this : keep one alive, starve it for a week and batter it with a big stick every day wearing your buffalo bill tranny outfit; now take it to an animal shelter and hand it in as a rescue – “its owner was going to kill it” – tell the shelter it doesn’t like men, only women.
Imagine a nationalist party of Scotland, hypnotised by hypnosis, into believing they were all XL Bullies for Indy, and getting their bite on, down in flatland
“Goose” was 9 stone and “only playing”.
link to
Zeus, not Goose – early report got the name wrong
XL Bully Mittens!! priceless.
I hate to hear of animals being shot. Poor bugger.
It was never going to end well.
Rescuing a dog is already a huge risk as you dunno how they will react to other dogs or children when they’ve been plonked in a strange setting. Fight or flight.
Good! Glad I awarded you 5 gold stars for quality posts. Not quite sure why that caused you to go on a rant about html.
I love html and everything connect to web design. I find it totally orgasmic. YES! YES! YES!
This might come as a big shock to you but you are already writing html.
That wee box where you type your text is converting your post into html. It’s called
Wisiwig! (What you see is what you get.)
If you ever decide to get your iMac out of the spare room I will show you how you can see all the html you have just written. It’s all there just underneath the wisiwig page.
Honestly it’s fascinating.
Did the ignore button ever work for you? It works for me but not in the way others might want it to.
My first request would be for an edit button.
I’m the Princess of typos and missing words.
The mad moderation bot can stay! That’s a fun game.
I don’t care about a quote button. I can do that with html. 😉 na na nana na!
WordPress is all about html. Do you mean wordpress doesn’t give it’s users ie Stu enough scope to change the html?
See if it weren’t for the likes of WordPress & all those website builder packages I would still be having orgasms building many websites for small businesses.
I do believe you can get a proper keyboard to attach to your device should you ever want to be bold
“Frankly, it is becoming embarrassing watching British Generals and politicians undermining the UK state by continuously doing the dirty bidding on behalf of USA and I s rael.”
RFK wanted AIPAC to register as a foreign agent in the USA, it never happened.
“AIPAC’s founder Isaiah L. Kenen was the chief information officer for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs in New York”
Here in the UK the likes of CFI and LFI work extremely closely with their respective parties, LFI won’t even reveal who funds it.
link to
No doubt this kind of situation is played out all across Europe and further afield. The below would explain why many US politicians and of course European ones have turned a blind eye to the Zionists genocide in Palestine.
link to
I have seen some absolute mince from some of the posters on this site but today I read a comment, from our resident war forecaster Hateuy, which is up there with the best of them. It included the immortal words-
‘This forum, those who read and those who contribute, attracts and represents some of the most intelligent political minds in Scotland’. After my chin hit the floor, I asked myself ‘who is he referring to? Please give us a laugh and enlighten us as to who the political powerhouses are. Maybe I am included?
This site does provide a valuable service in that allows individuals, who have achieved very little in life, the opportunity to vent their spleens in full anonymity. If some of their views were aired in the pub,in the street, or anywhere on a face to face basis, they would either be ignored, laughed at or punched.
They’re not even pretending any more.
**Imagine a nationalist party of Scotland, hypnotised by hypnosis, into believing they were all XL Bullies for Indy, and getting their bite on, down in flatland**
I’d gladly pay £92.50 & have them wear a muzzle in public to see that.
I dunno why the English gave their pets to us. Why not just pay the £92.50 & keep it on a muzzle. It’s not much FFS?
“This site does provide a valuable service in that allows individuals, who have achieved very little in life, the opportunity to vent their spleens in full anonymity”
I presume you are speaking for yourself when you say that. Are you not?
Re John Main comment about the JRF report and mass migration. I totally agree. Economists are only conceding in highly technical appendices to highly technical reports that the average semi -numerate MP or adviser would struggle to understand , that the net cost of migrants is higher than first modelled. Anyone looking at the facts knows it’s a pyramid scheme and the economist Branco Milanovic points out , it threatens the welfare state built for the indigenous population. He uses the term “citizen rent” to describe the accumulated benefits such as access to decent wages, jobs, housing and education. All of these are already being severely rationed because we have record immigration both legal and illegal. Yet because it increases GDP overall our idiotic political class love it. The Treasury argued that we should increase it rather than lower taxes. Of course the poverty industrial complex epitomised by JRF and others don’t like to acknowledge that, arguably it’s more customers for them. More exotic victims for their charity. Scotland’s leaders see it as the golden ticket to solve our economic and demographic problem. The eejit Tory Murdo Fraser write a piece in the Scotsman calling for more immigration to Scotland. He cites the usual labour shortages. However, technology will play a big part in alleviating those impacts, and that includes social care and construction where illegal migrants have been given permission by the Tories to work for a third less in wages. Like the green scam and the rainbow racket the immigration scam is a policy preference for our globalist political class. That is just the economic impact. Though It’s lifted our GDP per capita by exactly zilch, and has led to inefficient allocation of labour such as car washes and shit security jobs. That’s before we get to the cultural impact and the determination of minorities to exploit intersectional grievance politics. So whilst I don’t agree with John Main on much he is spot on there.
Was that not the final scene in Animal Farm? (Written in Scotland). The pigs entertaining the other farmers seen through a wee windae by the proles.
‘This forum, those who read and those who contribute, attracts and represents some of the most intelligent political minds in Scotland’.
I think he is referring to Stu & his guest authors & the comments from other commentators like Alf, Craig & others etc..
You can sit down. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t including you in that.
Could the MOD not enlist these XL British Bulldogs?
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Says the only Chas in Scotland!
Please give us a laugh and enlighten us as to who the political powerhouses are. Maybe I am included?
No you are not included Chastitty. These political powerhouses are your pals Andy Ellis & John Main.
I’ll join in a good laugh!
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
How is the transition going Chastitty?
Are 36DD yet?
Looks like VZ the president of a Eastern European country could find himself ousted this year and replaced with this country’s soon to be new PM, her name is Oksana Markarova, she’s well known and liked/groomed by the US State Department.
The main reasons VZ will be removed/ousted is down to the huge corruption within the country where funds going into the failed state end up going out the back door or into accounts of those who the money wasn’t destined for.
Markarova has/is serving as this country’s Finance Minister and is trusted with the huge funds sent to the nation unlike VZ. She’s also the USA’s voice in the country, its expected that she will take over from Deny Shmyhal as PM some time this year.
The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee supported a bill to transfer frozen Russian assets to help this country. The bill will now be sent to the Senate. Its adoption requires the approval of all members of the upper house of parliament.
There’s about 300 billion in Euro’s held in Belgian Euroclear accounts belonging to the RF, these assets have been frozen by the West in an attempt to steal it, which is illegal under International Law.
Chas thinks she’s as famous as Adele or Elvis and everyone knows he is just with one name Chas
Actually she is a drag act called Chastitty.
Got really big plastic titties!
She/he performs every week at the gold club.
The boys love him/her and the big titties.
(See Canadian woodwork teacher!)
All big supporters of Hailey Davidson too.
The guys on the World Golfing site are not so keen in fact they have been very mean & transphobic.
I don’t think it was written in Scotland. It was his novel ‘1984’ that was written on the Scottish isle of Jura. In any case, Orwell was English and therefore well cognisant of what it is to live in a country that is run by pigs. (My apologies to all pigs whom I consider far superior to any of the troughers who reside in Westminster).
Jamie Hepburn SNP Independence Minister being interviewed by John Drummond on Independence Live site.
He doesn’t seem to be answering questions in the way I would wish. No fire, no intention to do anything but what the SNP has already “done” i.e. nothing. Wouldn’t consider EFTA option as a step pending EU application.
He was asked why not provoke a Holyrood election now. No, there’s a general election and that’s what we’re campaigning on. But you’re going to lose seats. No answer – just waffle.
Is anyone else listening to him and can confirm my take, or otherwise.
It is very disappointing waffle.
**The main reasons VZ will be removed/ousted is down to the huge corruption within the country where funds going into the failed state end up going out the back door or into accounts of those who the money wasn’t destined for.**
Have they only just found that out? LOL!
They’re not very good at intel are they?
Or is this a bit like Iraq. They’ve just picked a reason like chemicals, decades old, & hope the plebs don’t notice it’s really about an American regime change?
All aboard the daftie bus..
Should I be disappointed that Ellis has put me on ignore again?
I think you all know the answer; because the truth is ‘his’ opinions are plastered all over the MSM and rags like The Daily Mail every single day. That’s largely why the legacy media is dead and why they can’t give their crap away. It’s all fake nooz…
Anyway, I highly recommend this, and if anyone is interested in the current state of the world, a world that makes Donald Trump look like a sane option, I think you’ll find it interesting;
link to
There’s some interesting discussion in there about revolutions and what sparks them.
The Westmonster checklist:
Destroy the SNP from within – DONE
Split the pro-indy vote – DONE
Get the SNP to accept peerages – ALMOST DONE
Rebrand the SNP as the SDP (Scottish Democratic Party) – ON ITS WAY PROBABLY
It’ll just be as you already said, waffle.
He’s only there for the wages.
Dumbza invented his position despite him saying HE was going to be the biggest & best indy activist we’d ever seen & starting from day one..
Still waiting..
Day 333 of being a dud..
The North British Party. Makes you wonder who the leftover members actually are. The SNP started as a radical anti British , anti establishment party.
Why would any serious Scottish Nationalist join or vote for them. Its as if the SNP are trying to clear out every last vestige of Scottishness.
The Lords and peerages were once a red line.
I see Chas (whoever the fuck he is) takes the same view as Ellis on the quality of comments here. That being the case, why come here?
Why would you spend so much time chatting to people that you can’t stand and have nothing in common with?
Geri @7.50pm.
Tactics on delivering weapons, and where they come from, to the like so of this Eastern European state are changing, ships carrying weapons from South Korea now dock in Polish ports and they are then moved on to their destination.
The same kind of tactics are now being employed by Israel, ships unload their Israeli bound cargo’s at Bahrain (a vile dictatorship propped up by Westminster) and are then trucked across Saudi Arabia to Israel.
UK MSM reporting that Lord Cameron will visit some countries in the Middle East including Qatar, it is well known that Hamas has a political office in Qatar, where the likes of US and UK politicians can have a face to face sitdown with Hamas.
I glean from this is that Western military tactics aren’t quite working as they thought they would, one could add that Qatar isn’t opposed to the Houthi’s current position and tactics, and with two US F-18 fighter jets shotdown recently by them, the narrative on this was partially hidden by the media’s highlighting Lloyd Austin’s health issues. One could assume that Lord Cameron has been dispatched to see if he can ease the situation in the Red Sea and the Gul of Oman.
Either way it will be interesting to see what direction the Westminster government move in once Lord Cameron is debriefed.
@ Mia says: 24 January, 2024 at 5:01 pm
The people of the UK has not declared war on R u ssia, C h ina or I r an or authorised it. R u ssia, China or Iran have not attacked us
Good spot, Mia. You defo have your finger on the pulse!!!
Russtiland has attacked 404. Once absorbed into the new Russti Imperium, Russtiland will attack various bits and pieces around Moldova, plus the Baltic Republics. Finland will then be taken out and much of Poland.
Why? Because these were all historically parts of the old Russti Empire that Pres Poot wishes to rebuild as his historic legacy.
We in the west can fight back now, or we can wait until all of these places, their populations, resources, etc have been absorbed and fight back then.
Meantime, with large chunks of the EU absorbed, the EU itself will have broken up, and iScotland will have nobody to run it. On the plus side, we will have a couple of million Eastern European refugees to liven up our street violence.
Did I mention that the militias backed by the Female Genital Mutilators (Iran) have already attacked most Scots? Our cost of living will be increasing considerably due to the carnage in the Red Sea. How odd you have not noticed.
And the Covid Spreaders? Releasing a genetically modified virus on the world. Tens of millions of people dead, hundreds of millions plunged into poverty, trillions of dollars in damages. Every single Scot poorer at best, and with dead relatives at worst. Woo, what a fecking saint you are. Any rational person sees Covid as the most destructive human act in all of history. Yet you can write on here that the Covid Spreaders have not attacked us!
Anyhoo, no doubt you will want to respond by claiming that the USA is making Pres Poot do it, and Israel is making the Female Genital Mutilators (Iran) do their stuff too. And the Covid Spreaders couldn’t help it. They just had to feck things up, and then cover them up, cos that’s their culture, and we Scots have to respect their culture. Or it’s about the Opium Wars.
So why not consider your environmental responsibility and refrain from posting something that will just make you look even more hopelessly deluded?
Big Jock
I think the membership are Greens on loan.
During the leadership debates there was a lot of Green Emo type roasters in the audience to boo & jeer Ash & Kate while surprisingly feeling *Unsafe & threatened* if you can work that one out. I hardly think Ash was about to jump the table & go holiday daft & batter one of them – tho that would have been tempting!
I’m sure they’d been bussed in from the Rainbow LGBT2SQWERTYWIFI ++++ hormone swap club to make it look busy..
They’re easy to spot. Just mention Salmond. They launch into a tirade cause they know he’ll end their wee stint in power. They go like poor Zeus up there, the ex XL Bully, being zapped with a stun gun disnae work. It’s gonnie need a bigger gun LOL!
@ Hatuey says: 24 January, 2024 at 8:28 pm
I’m guessing they want to get you back into your comfort zone, staring through your binoculars at the empty wastes of the South China Sea.
Searching for the invasion fleet that you predict by Xmas 2022.
Admit it, Hats, you were happier in those days of tranquil serenity. Healthier too.
Is this the first outward signs of the military and the Westminster parliament preparing our mindset for war? Or is this just sabre rattling to get military spending up?
Looking at the multiple conflicts on the go just now, and the possibility of Western hegemony flagging around the globe, BRICS. SCO and the rise of multipolarism is war inevitable as the West must try and prop up the status quo to maintain power and influence.
“THE public will be called up to fight if the UK goes to war, the head of the British Army is set to warn.
General Patrick Sanders is set to announce in a speech today (January 24) that the military is its smallest size in centuries, and will urge the UK Government to “mobilise the nation” if a war were to erupt with the RF – according to The Telegraph.
The newspaper understands that the army chief doesn’t support conscription, but rather a “change in mindset” whereby the UK public is prepared for an all-out war.”
Facts never your strong point.
404 committee acts of war along their borders playing Rambo.
They broke the treaty on independence.
They broke their treaty to remain neutral.
They broke the rules of inviting a foreign military & known aggressor onto their soil to also play Rambo.
They pointed Nukes.
What is 404 to do with you, or the UK, exactly?
Did YOU write their treaty?
Did YOU go guarantor for it?
Do you care about them?
Why feel the need to meddle in their domestic? Why do you assume the role of Flash Fanny – World Police?
Great post there by John Main who tells it like it is. I have no idea why people vehemently disagree with him but people are so truth averse nowadays.
They don’t have the personnel & according to a Julie Etchingham Special a few yrs ago they don’t have the weapons & latest top toys either.
Little England, the Bully Boy, has been on the take of £12 billion per annum from the rest of us & will rely on the NATO mafia instead of building it’s own defences for such occasions.
Oh dear – everything an Indy Scot on here predicted. If there is a war, diddly wee Englandshire has no defence & Mafia resources have bigger & better colonies – oops, I meant *strategic locations* to defend.
It was only last year they were appealing to us to rummage through our Granddad’s Attic for WW2 memorabilia we could send to 404 if it was still in reasonable condition LMAO!
I wonder when Pudsey will dress in combats – coming to a screen by autumn. Feck the children in need. They’ve weapons to buy..
Back of the queue for you, UK LOL! Yet another YES prediction has come to pass.
@ Geri says: 24 January, 2024 at 9:12 pm
Not a happy bunny, are you?
Anytime you want to debate any of the facts in my post, do let me know.
I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. In your personal life, I’m guessing that every time there’s a problem or trouble, you pull the bedclothes over your head, stick your fingers in your ears, and go “la la la la la”.
I’m not going to knock it if it works for you.
But your mistake is to assume that solution can be scaled up for the entire country. As the US hegemony wanes, and the new aggressors get busy (Russtiland, the Female Genital Mutilators (Iran), the Covid Spreaders, the nihilistic life haters of Ham, Hazybollard, etc) you think iScotland can pull the bedclothes over its head, stick its fingers in its ears, and go “la la la la la”.
That’s an extremely high risk strategy, and moreover, it’s not one I think will work. If you think it will work, lay out your reasons for us all to see. Map out your future for Scotland in the new reality of the developing world war.
And do try to respond without the puerile, primary age insults that disfigure most of your output.
If that’s impossible for you, why not consider your environmental responsibility and refrain from posting something pointless?
Oh! Daschiel you are a hoot!
I’ve no interest in debating all your propaganda.
Ruskies have no interest in us.
They’re only interested in their international treaties & agreements being breeched by an upstart continually baiting them.
They were given ample time, (since 2014) to cease & desist.
They chose not to.
Do you think if Mexico invited the Ruskies in to play Rambo along the American border & point weapons, the yanks would just ignore them?
Put down yer WW2 tinted specs. Ruskies aren’t invading Europe. They’re removing the N*azis from their borders & the USA is the N*azi. Hell bent on ruling the world.
@ Geri says: 24 January, 2024 at 10:07 pm
Here you go then:
Educate yourself on the simple things at least.
Sooner than I expected, however if and its a bloody big if the ICJ decides that the Zionists occupiers of Palestine must desist in their genocide will they adhere to the ICJ’s ruling.
I personally doubt they will comply.
“The ICJ confirms it’ll pronounce itself on South Africa’s case this Friday at 1pm Netherlands time.”
link to
Very weird. I suggested it could be better for the three of them to do their discussing on Ellis’s forum.
There they could avoid all the drivel, all the scrolling, all the red boxing, all the fringe nutters etc.etc etc
Mini Windbag nearly exploded when I made what I thought was a very helpful suggestion.
He ranted on about this is his Scotland as much as it is my Scotland and how I had ruined his Scotland and I wouldn’t be part of Scotland’s future and on and on.
Totally insane!
I’m off to see if I can find that post.
Genocidal John is bricking it LOL
I bet you check under yer bed at night for the bogey man coming to get you cause the BCC says so or some playstation/discord think tank told you so.
I’ll tell you what, Johnny *show me the money*, how about you show me £300 billion in hard cash & I’ll seize it to help the poor immigrant boat people.
See how you like them apples..
Cause if Ruskies assets are spent it will be WW3 & you have absolutely no justification for theft. None.
Wake up & smell the bullshit..
“Jontoscot21” ….. ANOTHER ‘scot’….dearie dearie, Johnny – stop talking to yourself, it’s a bad look! lol
And the Blimp just farted again ‘I fair luv wee John’
Comedy Gold.
Don’t you remember Chas and his ‘Bonnie Purple Heather Brigade?’
That was his name for everyone on here except Main, Ellis & himself.
All three of them go out of their way to to be obnoxious.
It’s very weird.
I found it. I suggested they start posting on Ellis’s website where they could just ban fringe nutters and all those who post drivel and they wouldn’t have the bother of all the scrolling and red boxing. This was the reponse.
It’s not just me that has fucked up his it’s all you fringe nutters.
link to
John Main
23 January, 2024 at 10:15 pm
@ Ruby says: 23 January, 2024 at 9:32 pm
If any of us ‘fringe nutters’ dare to post our drivel on their website they could just ban us
I’ll explain it for you, although I don’t expect you will understand. And if you do, you’ll pretend not to.
You believe it’s your Scotland, and that Scotland’s future will be the future you want.
I’m saying it’s my Scotland too, that you and your similar hard-of-thinking fringe nutters have right royally fecked it all up, and that it’s time to let the rational grown ups have a say. Time to reverse the 10-year decline into the national joke under pretendy FM Yousaf that is your only legacy.
So I’m not innarested in banning any of the fringe nutters, not even you. Banning isn’t anything anybody would ever do if they felt confident they write the truth. Banning is for the weak, the deluded, the liars, the feart.
Every piece of drivel you post, you’re just reminding the readers that your bolt is shot, that you’ve nothing of value to contribute, that the future of Scotland won’t include you in any meaningful role.
It’s time for change. It’s time to get real. Your day is over. You won’t ever accept it but that’s grand. You can continue to disqualify yourself with your very own posts.
You’re welcome, always.
Genocidal John
Breech, breach. I don’t clutter up the replies correcting my spelling.
But get you! Spelling police as well as World Police too? You must be busy.
Is that the best you have for a come back? My spelling error?
Just kidding. LOL
Did you wet yerself? Soz..not soz.
Hark at Tory John..
Talking there about a political parties *days are over* in Scotland.
When was the last time Scotland voted Tories? LOL! I think Nazi Germany had just finished.
What change is he expecting? Has his insider moles told him theres gonnie be a coup as well as WW3?
Jings! Fires all over fae the Tories..
Ok folks can you guess which one is which?
I would rule out Ellis as being funny at times so he has to be the one Chas believes is full of pish, Hautey does a good job of countering the rabid drivel which just leaves me as mildly amusing at times. I guess Chas likes my stories about ‘Chastitty the Drag Artist at the Golf Club (it’s a true story incidentally) and the one about the ‘Three Parrots’
Andy Parrot, Johnny Parrot & Chastitty Parrot.
Who’s a pretty boy then? Squawk! Squawk! Squawk!
Drivel Squawk! Fringe Nutters Squawk! Nutters! Nutters! Nutters! Give me Nutters! Squawk! Squawk! Squawk!
Tory John
Re “Nazi”
I was avoiding the mod there but good to see “Nazi” isn’t on the list of banned words. That’s one we can strike off guessing..
As you were..
Oi Ruby!
You can strike Nazi off yer guessing game bingo card…Yay!
“auld highlander
24 January, 2024 at 10:05 am
My grandmothers brother never returned from ww1 and his name is on a memorial which none of the family have ever seen.”
My grandfather’s brother likewise. There’s two big memorials to “the missing”, which are – as I remember – at Thiepval and Albert. If you ask the War Graves folk, they’ll tell you which panel the name is on. The sheer number of names and panels is overwhelming.
There’s my doorbell ding! dong!
Oh! Oh!
It’s the cops.
I was sitting here doing parrot sounds. I got a bit loud.
It’s weird but the three parrots sound Welsh.
Who’s a pretty boy then boyo!
Sorry officer! I’ll put them in their cages & cover then with the black-out curtains.
There won’t be a cheap out of them for the rest of the night.
Wilco re Nazi
Over and out!
“We in the west can fight back now, or we can wait until all of these places, their populations, resources, etc have been absorbed and fight back then”
Or maybe not. Maybe we just stay put and let USA fight on its own the wars it continuously starts to prop up its currency and force everybody else to use it when they trade oil and gas, under the threat of strangling their economies with its sanctions and looting their gold reserves.
Just cut the warmongering propaganda and hyperbole delusion, please. It sounds rather silly now that the cat is out of the bag.
We may have fallen for the shameful lie of the WMD in Iraq or that the disastrous UK intervention in Libya was “to protect civilians from attacks by forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi”.
But it isn’t 2003 or 2011 anymore. The WMD were never found and in 2016 the House of Commons published the embarrassing report “Libya: Examination of intervention and collapse and the UK’s future policy options” Its summary reads:
“In March 2011, the United Kingdom and France, with the support of the United States, led the international community to support an intervention in Libya to protect civilians from attacks by forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi. This policy was not informed by
accurate intelligence. In particular, the Government failed to identify that the threat to civilians was overstated and that the rebels included a significant Islamist element.
By the summer of 2011, the limited intervention to protect civilians had drifted into an opportunist policy of regime change. That policy was not underpinned by a strategy to
support and shape post-Gaddafi Libya. The result was political and economic collapse, inter-militia and inter-tribal warfare, humanitarian and migrant crises, widespread human rights violations, the spread of Gaddafi regime weapons across the region and the growth of ISIL in North Africa. Through his decision making in the National Security Council, former Prime Minister David Cameron was ultimately responsible for the failure to develop a coherent Libya strategy”
Goodness. Those in control of the Uk really have very short memories. Now they unleashed David Cameron again. Let’s see what embarrassing trail of destruction he leaves behind this time.
Inaccurate intelligence both in Iraq and Libya. What a coincidence huh? Was it a coincidence also that both Iraq and Libya had signaled they wanted to move away from trading with dollars?
Isn’t it fascinating that those unlawful invasions always end up working their way towards a regime change who immediately restores the oil transactions into dollars?
Here is some interesting reading:
“U.N. to let Iraq sell oil for euros, not dollars”
CNN, 30 Oct 2000
“Iraq: Baghdad Moves To Euro” by Recknagel,C. 1 Nov 2000:
“Saddam may feel the strategy is worth the price because it allows him to draw a clear line between what Iraq sees as two camps in world opinion regarding the UN sanctions.
One camp, led by the U.S. and Britain — a country also outside the euro zone — wants to maintain strict trade sanctions on Iraq until Baghdad proves it has no more weapons of mass destruction.
The other camp, led by euro-user France — along with R u ssia and C h ina — favors easing the sanctions on humanitarian grounds while still pursuing disarmament.
Baghdad appears to be trying now to deepen that divide by rebuffing Washington as it takes a small part of the world’s oil trade off the dollar. And it appears to want to encourage ties with states like France and Italy, which it sees as sympathetic, by embracing the euro”
From “Gaddafi vows to push Africa unity” BBC News, February 2009:
“Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has vowed to pursue his vision of a United States of Africa, in his inaugural address as the new chairman of the African Union”
From “AU (African Union) summit extended amid divisions” BBC News, February 2009.
“The Libyan leader said closer integration between African states should start immediately…
He envisages a single African military force, a single currency and a single passport for Africans to move freely around the continent”
From “The demise of the dollar” The Independent, October 2009
“In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with C h ina, R u ssia, Japan and France – to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council, including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar.
Secret meetings have already been held by finance ministers and central bank governors in R u ssia, C h ina, Japan and Brazil to work on the scheme, which will mean that oil will no longer be priced in dollars…
“‘These plans will change the face of international financial transactions,'” one Chinese banker said. ‘America and Britain must be very worried. You will know how worried by the thunder of denials this news will generate.’
“Iran announced late last month that its foreign currency reserves would henceforth be held in euros rather than dollars. Bankers remember, of course, what happened to the last Middle East oil producer to sell its oil in euros rather than dollars. A few months after Saddam Hussein trumpeted his decision, the Americans and British invaded Iraq.”
From “Gold Dinar: the Real Reason Behind Gaddafi’s Murder” Millenium State, May 2019
In 2009, Colonel Gaddafi, then President of the African Union, suggested to the States of the African continent to switch to a new currency, independent of the American dollar: the gold dinar.
The objective of this new currency was to divert oil revenues towards state-controlled funds rather than American banks. In other words, to stop using the dollar for oil transactions. Countries such as Nigeria, Tunisia, Egypt and Angola were ready to change their currencies. Unfortunately in March 2011, the NATO-led coalition began a military intervention in Libya in the name of freedom….
Free water, almost free gasoline, free health system and free education were commonplace for Libyans under Gaddafi’s dictatorship”
From “Leaked email by H.Clinton reveales NATO’s aim to destroy Libya, says it was to prevent Gaddafi from unifying Africa” Azernews, July 2023
“Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails revealed that NATO’s goal in destroying Libya was to prevent Gaddafi from unifying Africa and introducing the African gold dinar.”
From “Why Qaddafi had to go: African gold, oil and the challenge to monetary imperialism” Ellen Brown, March 2016, Ecologist
“What was NATO’s violent intervention in Libya really all about? Now we know, writes Ellen Brown, thanks to Hillary Clinton’s recently published emails. It was to prevent the creation of an independent hard currency in Africa that would free the continent from economic bondage under the dollar, the IMF and the French African franc, shaking off the last heavy chains of colonial exploitation”
So all the fuss is around the dollar and the oil. The immediate question here is how has all this fight to keep the supremacy of the dollar affected Scotland? It is no secret Scotland’s territorial waters hold the largest reserves of oil in the UK. Was Scotland’s independence truncated and was Scotland dragged out of the EU to stop its oil being traded in euros rather than dollars?
What was the real reason for the political fraud Sturgeon wanting to close the biggest oilfield in Scotland’s waters? What is the real reason behind leaving Scotland without a refinery?
And, actually, what was the real reason behind Brexit? Was it an attempt to destabilise the euro to pull the break on de-dollarisation of the global economy, perhaps? We were told it was the R u ssians interfering with the Brexit vote. But what if that was propaganda and it was really money raised in USA interfering with it? What was the real role of Bannon and
Banks in all this?
What was the real reason behind blowing R u ssia’s Nordstream pipe line? Was it to force Europe to buy gas from another supplier who would sell it in dollars, perhaps?
With the threat of conscription to fight the NATO war with our fellow white Russian Christians.
It now appears that the Alba Party is perfectly tplaced on all issues.
That is to leave NATO.
Abolish the monarchy. That disinherited us all. We will not be fighting for King and Country. Hand back the estates and the ScotWind money.
And then of course outside the EU but in EFTA. So we don’t have to pay for any of Urseloa Eva Breaun Der Layenns wars. She’s destroyed the EU. Brussells has fallen.
Alex Salmond. Always on the money and the side of public option. Isn’t it really interesting. How by taking the upopular opinion of the day. In the passing of time. It tends to become the right one. If only the SNP were able to listen to Alex Salmond on Independence and gender. They might still in a job.
Grangemouth is closing. It’s a disgrace. TATA steel and British steel is closing.
But the SNP wants to keep giving our money to the false green agenda.
Europe has already fallen. To the migrants. They are the real threat to our way of life.
Russians and Americans can unite under Donald Trump and stop the people traffickers.
If the queen or the EU cared about the world. She’d fucking stop the boats as well.
The Russians are our friends. Our Muslim terrorists from Africa coming to steal our jobs and houses and cancel our culture are the real terrorists.
Time for Independence. Time for the great wall of Scotland. And take our country back.
It’s time to find common ground with the Russians. Shake hands. And to hell with Zelensky. The guy is a globalist puppet that wants to destroy our borders. Destroy our native land. Destroy all countries sovereignty.
We need to save our sovereignty in Scotland. No more globalist puppet wars.
It’s time for the new clydesiders. And to hell with this globalist puppet pish. Joe Biden. I can’t wait till he’s gone. With all the black lives matter and gender bullshit. Mark my words. Change is coming.
Excellent post. Bravo!
There it all is in hard evidence.
Don’t expect a reply from him tho. He bolts when presented with hard facts that differ greatly from the shite he believes from the man on the state funded propaganda channel tells him to believe.
He’s on the wrong side of History but he’s a Britnat & they tend to ignore facts. The USA is the baddies.
& 6:22pm to Blowhard was a belter too lol
I missed it first time. I was trying to find RoS post on when they’ll vote in the senate on the the seizing of Ruskies assets. That won’t end well & that’s why we’re being put on notice to prepare. It’s feck all to do with Ruskies invading & all to do with them starting a new trade without the dollar & the warning of *serious consequences* to any country who seizes their £300 billion assets.
What a nerve they have to think they can even attempt that without serious repercussions throughout the world & anyone who helps them.
& We want recognition from these guys & their mafia NATO to help defend an indy Scot? LOL! I’d rather ask a jaikey fae the pub…
Ruby: “Don’t you remember Chas and his ‘Bonnie Purple Heather Brigade?’”
It rings bells, Ruby, but only because I saw others referring to it/him.
People like that don’t bother me, though… I just don’t know why they are here if they hate everybody and think they already know everything (the common denominator with all 3).
Biden won’t win. Topless Trannies on the lawn of the Whitehouse sealed his fate.
Re Nordstream
I read that the USA & Norway made a killing in profits but the EU unhappy their cheap Russkie source was sabotaged & now have to pay triple the price for their new supply.
Ignored says:
24 January, 2024 at 10:22 pm
Sooner than I expected, however if and its a bloody big if the ICJ decides that the Zionists occupiers of Palestine must desist in their genocide will they adhere to the ICJ’s ruling…
Not wishing to dilute the potency of events at the ICJ, there is a link to a conversation in the BTL comments to a discussion between Ania K, a YouTuber with her “Through the Eyes of…” Channel, and Michael Hudson, Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri–Kansas City.
If you want to get a handle on current World affairs, I think you could do a lot worse that listen to this discussion.
link to
Where most of the world, (or at least the Western propagandised media anyway), focuses on the frictions and fractures occurring along global fault lines, Prof Hudson seems to have a succinct and insightful appreciation the tectonic plates themselves.
The clip is nearly a month old now, and I don’t know, but I feel we’ve moved on, but just a little. It’s still very much worth a watch.
I hope I’m not wrong in this, but I personally think a global war is now less likely than it was a month or two ago, and for three reasons;
First, I think Europe will ditch the American hegemony, and even before there are any direct consequences, the US will see the way the wind is blowing. I think there is hope for Europe in its people, not its leadership. Unfortunately Prof Hudson predicts it might take decade to see it.
Second, and it’s nearly the same point, but I think the “war” in Gaza has of course been a humanitarian catastrophe for the people of Gaza, but it’s been a seismic political catastrophe for the Israelis. There will be no going back from this, and going forward looks pretty ominous.
Third, I think the perceived belief that Western military technology was the best in the world has been rudely shaken by events in Ukrane, and if they have any sense at all, there ought to be alarm bells ringing loudly that we are in a new era of warfare. Between drones and hypersonic missiles posing unprecedented threats to targets on land, the threats to conventional warships require to be studied and effective countermeasures developed.
In strategic terms, (and not wishing to trivialise events on the battlefield or the poor bastards everywhere trying to hide from drone grenades), strategically, I think nowhere has the dominant Ruskian Military looked more vulnerable than its Black Sea Fleet. That shouldn’t be grounds for optimism from an American perspective, but grounds for extreme caution given the US strategic dependency upon its Carrier Fleets.
It’s true, some Ruskian hypersonic Kinzhal missiles have been intercepted and shot down, however the most interesting reaction to this hasn’t come from the Ruskians or NATO, but the Chinese, who are very critical of how the Ruskians deployed their missiles and gave them predictable trajectory. If you know where the missile is going to be, there’s a chance of interception. QED.
The Chinese believe their own Hypersonic Dongfeng-17 missiles would perform infinitely better; a sobering gamble for any US Admiral of the Fleet, bearing in mind these hypersonic missiles are designed to be Carrier destroyers.
Long may that gamble remain a sobering one for US Admirals, – and warmongering politicians.
I remember the Bonnie Purple Heather brigade along with other insults such as moon howlers, nativists, blood & soil types, fringe nutters to name but a few..
Mia did a great reply at 6:22 LOL
If he did talk to the mirror I bet it’d answer just to argue with himself.
I dunno why they bother posting to inform us how shite we all are. I can’t imagine even going onto a Nawbags site just to be annoying & announce how bored I was. What a sad hobby to have. Tory boy Main has blown his cover. He was supposed to be wasting our time by endlessly asking us to show him the money & concern for undecideds looking in LOL. Now he’s gobbing off like a good un when his mate ASS arrived. No doubt another alias that bit the dust.
“So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom”.
Genocide John Main probably still thinks that Iraqi WMDs do exist.
Like The Bourbons he learns nothing and forgets nothing.
Having read once a piece of misinformation that fits his Zionist world view it must be trotted out endlessly hereafter.
Wow! What a night!
Somebody should start a site focused on Scottish Indy.
Preferably one where people can post innarestin and informative comments too. About Scottish Indy.
Meantime, I’ll think I’ll repost my earlier facts, in the probably vain hope that somebody might actually be able to deal with them. Some grown up, I mean.
And for background, this was in response to Mia’s claim that neither Russtiland, the Covid Spreaders, or the Female Genital Mutilators (Iran) were attacking us.
1) Russtiland attacked 404, and intends to reconquer all of the peripheral countries formerly belonging to the Soviet Union. These include 404, the Baltic Republics, Finland, most of Poland, and other bits and pieces. This will cause the break up of the EU, the great white hope of the traditional Independentista who acknowledges we are too wee and too poor to make it without Brussels help. The major war engulfing Europe will send millions of refugees west, many of them onto our streets.
2) The Covid Spreaders killed tens of millions, including many Scots, and pauperised hundreds of millions, including many Scots, with their genetically modified virus.
3) The Female Genital Mutilators (Iran), via their various proxies, are destabilising the ME, interfering with world trade, and pushing more Scots into poverty or lesser financial hardship.
These all look very much like actions hostile to Scotland and the Scots to me.
But by all means, if anybody can see how any of these actions have benefited, or could benefit us Scots, maybes made us healthier, happier, better off, closer to Indy, any fecking thing at all, then fill your boots and get posting on here.
@ Breeks says: 25 January, 2024 at 1:32 am
Despite your endless pontificating on the subject, I suspect you have much the same grasp of the capabilities of western military technology as I have – very little.
I must add though, that your earlier belief that internal combustion engines can be run using water as fuel hints at a certain lack of comprehension regarding the underlying fundamentals.
But never mind that.
As a point of fact, we have little real intel on the performance of western military technology, simply because much western military technology has yet to be deployed.
It may turn out to be awesome. It may turn out to be useless. Wise men, realising their ignorance of the subject matter, would wait and see before venturing an opinion.
I think we need to take this conscription thing with a pinch of salt.
It sounds like a mixture of pre-election Tory electioneering appealing to the traditional patriotic British conservative voter and the usual scaremongering from military figures to increase military spending.
“…It’s gude to be merry and wise,
It’s gude to be honest and true;
It’s gude to support Caledonia’s cause,
And bide by the buff and the blue…
…Here’s freedom to them that wad read,
Here’s freedom to them that wad write!
There’s nane ever fear’d that the truth should be heard,
But they whom the truth would indite…
…Here’s friends on baith sides o’ the Forth,
And friends on baith sides o’ the Tweed;
And wha wad betray old Albion’s right,
May they never eat o’ her breid!”
Happy Burns day, a’body.
John Main. Yawn…… More supposition and propaganda bullshit. Israel is out of control and needs to be put back in its box. If the USA and the west don’t do it, someone else will and we’ll all suffer, including the USA.
Ok. The Ladybird version, just for Genocide John
1) Don’t poke bears. If you are going to shoot one. Don’t miss and hit yourself.
2) Pandas may have diseases, some of which John’s friends paid them to make.
Millions did not die of anything special: Some of the flu, some of neglect, and some from euthanasia.
John’s friends however, with their genetic experiment cure, do seem to be causing damage.
Junkie John doesn’t like to think his pharma friends are responsible – best to load the blame on pandas.
3) Persian cats (I know, I’m reaching) much like bears and pandas, appear to want to be left in
peace, but John’s friends just can’t help tormenting them because the say a cat might scratch them.
Blaming others for your own failings is called projection.
Attacking people who can defend themselves, or injecting yourself with poison, or trying to collapse the world economy are all forms of self-harm.
See Johns friends.
John’s friends are not nice people.
John is a fantasist.
Fat-faced tractor.
Link for live coverage of UK Covid Inquiry, today starring Liz Lloyd and Humza Yousaf:
link to
The west is in the death grip of Russophobia.
link to
No matter what, the military great gamers, if left unstraitjacketed, may have their ultimate, total-wipe-out climax.
Politicians+military a union spawned in the bowels of hades aka NATO
Just picked up on an interesting development in the USA that has bearing here.
The United States in its description is similar to that of the United Kingdom.
And in those descriptors the question as to whether a state or a country can leave a union is a good one. The UK after all left the EU whilst Scotland as a signatory to a Treat and Act of Union does not have the right to resile, or even have a referendum on it
Well in Texas it most certainly seems that the state has decided to go its own way. Texas is being flooded with immigrants and against this background President Biden has instructed that anti immigration barriers be removed.
But Texas has not complied with the President’s federal order.
Rather, Texas Governer. Greg Abbott has disregarded the order. But he has not stopped there. Rather he has gone further to deploy the Texas National Guard and the Texas Department of Defence to take overcand usurp federal agents.
Governor Abbott has also declared the states constitutional right to do this.
I obviously don’t