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Wings Over Scotland

Square One

Posted on June 13, 2024 by

We’re still trying not to pay attention to the election because it’s so tedious and awful and pointless, but this is worth putting on the record because it’s in The National and otherwise nobody’s going to read it.

Short version: all the way back to surrender.

Let’s be clear: Swinney’s just told everyone that 18 months after the Supreme Court judgement, the SNP’s policy has fully regressed to what it was before it: begging Westminster for a Section 30 that it’s never going to concede, and then when they say no, just shrug your shoulders and cash the lovely paycheques for another five years.

The party’s manifesto isn’t even out yet, but the leader has just destroyed the much-vaunted “page one, line one” declaration that a vote for the SNP was a vote for independence. Now, once again, it’s just a vote to ask whoever’s in 10 Downing Street to please please pretty please give us another indyref.

And we know how that goes, and how it will go.

Labour’s position has been clear since the moment Starmer replaced Jeremy Corbyn, and is both rational and credible. He has absolutely nothing to gain from allowing another indyref, just like his Tory predecessors didn’t, and just like them he’ll have a valid political mandate to refuse even if – implausibly – the SNP win most Scottish seats, because he will have won the election on a manifesto saying that.

The “strategy” of begging for another referendum has been dead for at least the last five years, and after being belatedly forced to face up to it by the Supreme Court, it almost defies belief that a succession of SNP leaders have watered down and watered down their subsequent positions until we’re right back where we started.

John Swinney is now effectively the Lord Halifax of the independence movement. He’s so terrified of a war with Westminster that he’s hanging white flags out of every window in the desperate hope of a peaceful accommodation in the Commons for five more years. The word “independence” has been removed from the ballot paper. Swinney pens lengthy newspaper articles during an election campaign without a single mention of it. It barely appears on campaign literature.

The contrast with the man who succeeded him on his first stint as leader is an impossible one to avoid. Swinney is the epitome of the poem oft quoted by Salmond:

“He either fears his fate too much,
Or his deserts are small,
That puts it not unto the touch
To win or lose it all.”

It remains to be seen how many MPs the SNP can cling on to. Polls are all over the place and the shambolic, shell-shocked Tories are the main opposition in nearly half their seats.

But whether they end up with 25 or two, the party has already lost everything it ever stood for. The grim truth is it would make absolutely no difference either way. They could win 57 out of 57 and they’d still be a total irrelevance, because they’ve just told us that all they’d be doing would be whining and pleading and getting fatter like they have for the last decade.

For anyone who believes in Scottish independence the SNP are the definition of a wasted vote, and at this point you’d be better off with Count Binface.

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WTAF is the point of the SNP? How can the cult members justify this, or are they simply happy wee self-deluded devolutionists dreaming of rainbows and unicorns. Time for the SNP to be voted the hell out of the way, and anyone who votes for Labour is an out and out unionist. Not sure I will vote at all though, I’d rather be a no-show stat than vote any of the options (no indy or independents running) into the English parliament.


So why do people even vote SNP now – there is no way someone can argue that they are going for indy…..


On the point of watering down…the SNP used to offer strong medicine for Scotland’s ills, now the party offers only homeopathy and their snake oil isn’t even cheap.


I had lunch with family the other day, all independence / SNP voters, and not one of them is going to vote. Young and old, they don’t see the point in voting for policies they don’t want.

The ("Tractor" - Ed) Sturgeon has a lot to answer for

Lorna Campbell

It must now be evident to even the most deluded SNP supporter that this party will do all in its power to prevent independence happening – ever. It is not that the party of independence eschews independence, it is that it deliberately, and with malice aforethought, does its level best to ensure it will never happen.

This is part of the reason they insist on the GRR not being dead: they are hoping that Labour will breathe life back into it; and they can sit in opposition and glean another five years of benefits – not to Scotland or the Scots, of course, but to themselves.

They have already, hand-in-glove with the equally treacherous Greens and Unionist parties, ensured that Scots pay through the nose for their own resources by by-passing Scotland and allowing everything to be piped to England. Not even a protest. We’ll get a new nuclear power station, of course, while Grangemouth is shut down, never to reopen. Whoop-de-woo.

Ten years to cripple and destroy a country through deliberate lack of action on anything that might actually benefit Scotland and, for good measure, place a whole country’s future on an ideology that has not one iota of evidence to sustain it, even in the most deluded mind, but, of course, these charlatans, some at least in the pay of the British State, know that full well.

Both Scots and females have been sold out by these Vichy nationalists as collateral damage, for their own self-interest and the interests of the British State. People who sell out others, when they have had numerous priceless opportunities to change things, unless they have the proverbial gun at their head – and they don’t – are anathema to both independence and female rights.

Anyone living in Scotland today who does not see that independence is desperately required as the sole solution to our economic plight, and that female rights are being pushed back a century out of political expediency and bending the knee to paraphiliacs and fetishists, does not deserve the name of Scot. They have shamed their ancestors, those who brought us the Enlightenment and those who laid down their lives for this country of ours.


The SNP is just biding its time until the Scots are an ethnic minority in Scotland, then they’ll tell you you can’t have independence because the foreigners they gave the vote to don’t want it.

John C

Labour’s position has been clear since the moment Starmer replaced Jeremy Corbyn, and is both rational and credible. He has absolutely nothing to gain from allowing another indyref, just like his Tory predecessors didn’t, and just like them he’ll have a valid political mandate to refuse even if – implausibly – the SNP win most Scottish seats, because he will have won the election on a manifesto saying that.

I’d also imagine there’s a real fear within the SNP that when Labour win, that they might actually improve people’s standard of living, create new jobs, etc which is why Swinney/Forbes have barely mentioned independence but are trying hard to push on improving people’s lives. However as this is a Westminster election they can’t do anything to influence that as shown by the last decade where they’ve had the majority of Scottish MP’s and done little to improve Scotland’s case in the Commons let alone progress the cause of independence. Sure, there’s some good SNP MP’s in there & I imagine they’ll keep their seats but barring them everyone else’s seat is at risk from the other three main parties.

Of course no party is being realistic that the task ahead is an incredibly tough, and probably painful one to even try to get the economy & living standards back to pre-Covid levels let alone 14 years ago & the chances of independence becoming a realistic prospect again is out of reach for a long time.


At the grand old age of 71, this will be the firt time ever that I’ll not be voting in an election.
SNP (puke)

John C

This is part of the reason they insist on the GRR not being dead: they are hoping that Labour will breathe life back into it; and they can sit in opposition and glean another five years of benefits – not to Scotland or the Scots, of course, but to themselves

I’ll be fair and say that I think Wes Streeting’s conversion to a mild GC position is a genuine one & I’ll be amazed if Labour haven’t done private polling on the Trans issue which has seen this shift we’ve seen this year.

That said, once all these new Labour MP’s come in, many will be out and out TRAs, that position may change.

John C

The SNP is just biding its time until the Scots are an ethnic minority in Scotland, then they’ll tell you you can’t have independence because the foreigners they gave the vote to don’t want it.

Said this before but it’s always worth repeating. If your idea of independence is built around ethnic nationalism then you’re no better than Farage or any other frothing mad racist.


Looks like I chose the wrong week decade to quit drinking…


What is the point of SCOTTISH NATIONALISM if it fails to strike total terror into the adversary?
mr Swinney is a pussy cat, he is the safe and stress free NO! road to independence…
me ow!

GO, GO, GO……Clacton…
link to
Places of that kind are not supposed to exist in merry Ingerland’s south east quadrant.

A sour smack of reality…from the FARAGE for führer site

Find my Candidate – Scotland Region
Regional Manager – Martyn Greene
Deputy Organiser – David Kirkwood

What other party does that «region» thing?

Mike Fenwick

(Post from elsewhere on social media) reads:

Are there any current candidates who would swear an Oath of allegiance to the Sovereign people of Scotland, and refuse to swear the Royal Oath? It’s a choice, one that would form part of regaining Scotland’s independence, by creating a break from a tradition that has imprisoned Scotland and its people since 1707.

Choice 1) This Oath: ‘I do solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare an affirm, that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles, his heirs and successors, according to law. Take that Oath and it will earn you £90,000 a year, all expenses paid, and a pension.’

Choice 2) This Oath: ‘ I do solemnly swear and affirm that my allegiance is, and will remain permanently and exclusively, to the Sovereign people of Scotland.’ Take that Oath, and you will earn nothing of monetary value, but I believe you will earn the respect of all those who seek Scotland’s independence.

The Declaration of a Sovereign Scot initiative is seeking any candidate(s) who will take that alternative Oath – a Scottish Oath – before the 4th of July.

It’s a choice – the continued imprisonment of Scotland by Westminster or a Scottish Oath that cries Freedom.

I wonder … Will any such candidate(s) be found?

(This is one part of Stage 3 in the Declaration initiative, the second part will follow shortly.)


An auld sang

As Alexander I will reign,
And I will reign alone,
My thoughts did evermore disdain
A rival on my throne.
He either fears his fate too much,
Or his deserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To gain or lose it all.

link to


@ Mike Fenwick 4.16pm
Isn’t that the ISP’s position? I’m sure they’re an abstentionist party.

Personally I’m voting for Joanna Cherry, as I’m in her constituency. But I swear that’s in spite of her political party, not because of it.

Ruby Tuesday

I wouldn’t vote for Joanna Cherry or anyone who believes in the GRA 2004.

The GRA 2004 isn’t compatible with women’s rights/mens rights saving women’s sports, saving children, safeguarding & all the rest.

Campbell Clansman

How long until we see the standard complaint:
“This is not the SNP we voted for most of our lives!”

Perhaps those who make that complaint should consider the possibility that the current SNP IS the party you voted for in the past.
Swinney has been an SNP leader, in one post or another, since 2000.
Sturgeon was St. Alex’s hand-picked successor. She’s been around since 1999.
Humza started out as St Alex’s aide (2009), then was promoted into the cabinet by St. Alex.
Corrupt? Yes. Incompetent? Yes.
But they didn’t rise to party power in a vacuum. Or by magic. Or during the last week. They were the choice of the SNP MSPs and Indy supporters.

Hatey McHateface

“whining and pleading and getting fatter like they have for the last decade”

Excellent prose as always from Rev Stu.

Count Binface sounds like my kind of guy too.


John C says: at 4:02 pm

Said this before but it’s always worth repeating. If your idea of independence is built around ethnic nationalism then you’re no better than Farage or any other frothing mad racist.

Ach, gie it a rest with pushing this simplistic line will you.
There is way more nuance to Scotland’s predicament and posting that pish does nothing to address the complexities of Scotland’s situation.
Scotland has a demographics issue, but we don’t currently control immigration policy and all other major powers required to create a successful society.
It’s not xenophobic or racist to hold valid concerns about what type of person is currently arriving in Scotland.
It is unsustainable to have an endless stream of people arriving here that are a net drain on our already stretched services and housing.
It is not helpful to Scottish rural communities to have properties snapped up at high cost by incomers that can outbid our oan bairns thus displacing them.
There’s a reason some rural areas can’t even manage to muster a fire crew when emergency calls come through. That’s because the communities don’t have enough young able bodied folk left living and working in those areas to meet the numbers required to muster a crew when the pager rings.
A load of fiscally advantaged old crumbly bodied English retirees and air b n b owners also skews the political outlook of an area too.
200 newborn children in my locale and only 20 bairns born to both Scottish parents tells a story…
Much more of this internal UK migration round my way and the area will vote Tory so not sure that will really help with your anti-racist outlook that Scotland would have.


@ Anne Don 4.30pm Can I ask Anne what you think Joanna Cherry has done to benefit or forward independence, she literally fought bozo on behalf of the english then when she won she sat back down on her backside when she should have legally challenged and exposed the EQUAL partners charade
When she was opposing the sturgeon deviance and perversion it was always from a personal lesbian perspective because she didn’t want to be at the mercy of having sex with a trans lesbian which would have been illegal, I only ever saw her objecting to the GRA from a lesbian perspective never from a normal heterosexual women’s perspective


Maybe Swinney means “After we have gained a majority of seats we will declare UDI and negotiate a settlement with Westminster” (as per the SNP conference motion passed). “We will then put that settlement to a referendum”. Or maybe not.

Mike Fenwick

@AnnieDon … 4.30pm

The ISP position is to abstain – not enter Westminster.

How much more powerful (imho) if they did attend and then repeat a Scottish Oath in the body of the beast and then refuse point blank to take the Royal Oath.

Even publicly expressing that intention prior to the 4th of July has significance – whether eventually gaining an MP or not.

Hatey McHateface

@John C says:13 June, 2024 at 4:02 pm

“The SNP is just biding its time until the Scots are an ethnic minority in Scotland, then they’ll tell you you can’t have independence because the foreigners they gave the vote to don’t want it.

Said this before but it’s always worth repeating. If your idea of independence is built around ethnic nationalism then you’re no better than Farage or any other frothing mad racist.”

Oddly enough, I used to believe the exact opposite.

Scottish Independence will never take off until the immigrants get organised to make it happen.

Seeing today’s complete lack of smeddum among our native population, I’m starting to think I was right all along.

One day, enough incomers will decide they want to break free of WM, and will lead the movement to freedom. Whether or not a majority of “Sovereign Scots” agree, Indy will be organised by incomers – many of them English, of course.

After all, the reality is that it is the immigrants who have the drive, determination, and work ethic to succeed.

It’s always the best and brightest who get off their arses to better themselves. The blinkered refusal on here to admit and recognise our own Scottish colonising past leads to the inability to recognise that our own best and brightest fecked off to pastures new long ago.

Dave M

I agree with your conclusion, Stu. We at least know what Count Binface stands for! I suspect dropping your strides and shitting on the ballot paper would achieve more than voting SNP.


“The SNP is just biding its time until the Scots are an ethnic minority in Scotland”

I’d say the tipping point has already past the point where English folk living in Scotland and Scots who want to be ruled by a foreign country outnumber Scots who realise that ditching the illegal union is the ONLY way forward.

The hidden census data which will eventually come to light and will show how many more folk from South of the Border now live in Scotland, (its growing by the day) and its all courtesy of that treacherous b*stard Sturgeon the Judas.


@ twathater

That’s a fair enough comment in some ways. However, I do feel she was emphasising that she was part of that community, and still had her objections. And, to be honest, lesbians have suffered from this nonsense for years before any of us noticed it. They can’t even meet in public now without TRAs disrupting them/phoning pubs to threaten meetings, stuff like that.

Also, she helps Alba with access to info.

But I wouldn’t argue with anyone takes a different view.


“Salmond sticks the boot into the turn-coat Swinney, aka the Teflon Don (VONC’s never stick to him).

“JOHN Swinney is making “independence impossible” at this General Election, former first minister Alex Salmond has claimed.

The Alba leader criticised his SNP counterpart after Swinney’s comments about Scottish independence on Wednesday.

“Speaking to the BBC, the First Minister rowed back on the SNP’s commitment to open “independence negotiations” with the UK Government if they win a majority of Scots seats at the General Election.”

“Instead, Swinney said that the SNP would seek to negotiate holding a second independence referendum.”

And the kicker.

“As John told Nick Robinson, the SNP is campaigning for a ‘democratic effect’ ie to ask Keir Starmer to hold a referendum. As Starmer has already told John the answer is ‘No’.”

Swinney knows fine well that ANY Westminster government when it comes to an indyref, that the answer is NO.

That’s why Westminster has no place in Scots deciding their own future, the GE is an English election Scots shouldn’t be voting in foreign elections to send Scottish politicians to an alien parliament. Don’t vote in the foreign GE, Scots gains nothing expect extra laws from a foreign parliament by voting in it.

They’ll drop a heck of a lot more next month.

“The 2003 Holyrood elections, into which Swinney led the SNP, saw the party drop eight seats from 35 to 27.”

Boycott the GE, don’t give Westminster any credibility to impose any laws on Scotland.”

Ruby Tuesday

I asked Andy Ellis earlier what he thinks we should be doing now I have the same question for John Main.

What should we be doing.

Keep in mind polls are showing there is a majority in favour of independence so showing them the money wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference.

C’mon Andy & Hatey what should we be doing?


The most powerful thing independence supporters can do in this Westminster election is abstain en masse. Get the lowest turnout ever in Scotland for a Westminster election.

Corrado Mella

The NuSNP / Saint Nicola’s Party has diligently followed the fate of every organisation that became too big for its boots.

It’s been unable to vet the tsunami of pre and post indyref influx nor to put in place a proper structure of control.

Exactly like any small animal with an exoskeleton (ants, spiders, etc), that is incredibly powerful and strong for its weight, but would invariably collapse on itself if expanded 100 times in volume, the mighty but small SNP died, crushed by the weight of its own incompetence.

Good riddance.

Alf Baird

Hatey McHateface @ 5:26 pm

“One day, enough incomers will decide they want to break free of WM”

Don’t be daft. What native people anywhere depended on immigrants to deliver their independence?

People move to another country for their own economic advantage, not to liberate the natives. In a colonial society this advantage depends on preventing the native from accessing his own resources, or recovering his own culture/language.

This implies that immigrants have a vested interest in blocking liberation. Which corresponds with the reality in that immigrants, which include colonialists, record the highest propensities to vote against independence.

Postcolonial theory also tells us that independence movements depend, as might be expected, on the solidarity of the oppressed ethnic (i.e. native culture/language) group. In our case this is predominantly Scots language speakers.

In seeking to debase an already subordinated people, you are also ignoring the effects of cultural assimilation and a colonial mindset which a colonized people are subject to, as well as the fact that a colonized people are subject to ‘hateful racism’ (Cesaire):

link to

Ruby Tuesday

13 June, 2024 at 6:15 pm

The most powerful thing independence supporters can do in this Westminster election is abstain en masse. Get the lowest turnout ever in Scotland for a Westminster election.

It’s not much but at least it’s something. Other than that I haven’t a clue what the YES movement should be doing.

I’m hoping to get an answer from Andy Ellis & John Main & even Turabdin.

What should we be doing?

C’mon guys it’s a simple enough question and you always seem to have plenty to say.

We already have a majority for independence. The problem with trying to convince more people to vote for independence is we can’t tell them how or where they can vote for independence.

Campbell Clansman

Ruby Tuesday
Keep in mind polls are showing there is a majority in favour of independence

Typical “Ruby,” asking people to react to her (?) counter-factual assertion.
In the real world, the latest polls (Redfield & Wilton, June 2; Savanta, May 28) show that Indy would LOSE–again–if the vote were taken today.
WoS even links to the “What Scotland Thinks” website where this information can be read–by even the dullest Indy fanatic.

Hatey McHateface

@Alf Baird says:13 June, 2024 at 6:35 pm

People move to another country for their own economic advantage, not to liberate the natives

If “liberating the natives” means the incomers accrue yet more economic advantage, then the incomers are all for it.

It’s you that’s being daft in denying this.

Your denials simply cause alert readers to conclude that our “liberation” will make us all poorer.

And yes, the incomers will be opposed to that, as will the majority of us Sovereign Scots.

Ian McCubbin

Now beyond the pale to coin a phrase. No point in the SNP anymore, we have 3 other parties doing their unionist work.
Only votes are #Alba, #ISP #SSP,or #IndependentsforIndependence
Or #EndtheUnion

Anyoine Bisset

If we hold an indyref, to decide if we should hold an indyref, to decide if we should hold an indyref, would that work?
Or maybe we should simply accept that our controlling neighbour will never agree to releasing their grip on our throat, and will never agree to take their hands out of our pockets.
We will have to remove them.

Hatey McHateface

Labour manifesto unveiled:

‘Party leader Keir Starmer says that wealth creation is the “number one priority”, adding that Labour promises “stability over chaos” and “an end to the desperate era of gestures and gimmicks”‘.

Wow! Who’d a thunk it.

Vote for us and we’ll make you better off, and we’ll not get sidetracked into irrelevancies. Beats me why the SNP/Greens never tried that in all the years when we might have listened.

Oh well. Maybe once Starmer is crowned and settled on his WM throne, we can try again with our own variant:

Vote for Indy and we’ll make you better off, and we’ll not get sidetracked into irrelevancies.

By then we should have irrefutable proof that the “Vote for X and we’ll make you better off” is the one sure thing to energise the uninterested, apathetic, apolitical electorate. How does it go again? It’s the economy, stupid.

Substitute “Indy” for “X” and we’ll be on a roll.

Consign Palestine, 1707, Jocks in frocks, net zero, reparations, witchcraft, hate crimes and pronouns to history’s dustbin where they belong.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Campbell Clansman.

You defeat your own argument by using an out of date (2nd June) poll.

“The Yes side of the Scottish independence debate retains a small lead in Ipsos’ poll but is down two percentage points since the last survey in January.

Among those likely to vote either Yes or No in a referendum, 51% say they would vote Yes and 49% say they would vote No.”

That’s a poll taken between 3rd and 9th June.

link to

Iain More

“Fa would fill a cowards grave, fa would be a ("Tractor" - Ed) knave.”

The SNP is clearly a Party of ("Tractor" - Ed) knaves and would fill cowards graves. Hardly a day goes by when they dont prove they have gone Yoon.


I must admit I am already bored of UK general elections. Every single leaflet that has entered my house has gone directly into the recycling bin without even the headings being read.

I don’t longer see any point to UK elections and, unless a party stands on a manifesto to revoke the Scotland Act and to overrule Scotland’s MPs so Scotland’s powers are transferred to Holyrood by demand of the Scottish public in full, I do no longer see any point in voting for any political party in Holyrood elections either.

I do not give a shit about Labour, Conservatives, SNP, Libdems, Greens, Reform and, for as long as what they continue to pursue is taking the green seats, Alba.

I couldn’t care less what any leader from an English party representing an English constituency or any English party branch manager in Scotland has to say. It will never reflect what Scotland needs or wants. It will never align with what I want. I see English party leaders and their subordinated branch managers in Scotland as dirty scavengers only interested in stealing Scotland’s resources from the Scottish people for the benefit of their beloved England, their crown, England’s greedy elite or England’s foreign warmongering allies. So Fck them.

I have concluded that, unless there is a political party or an independent candidate in my constituency standing on a fully abstentionist ticket and therefore will not swear subjugation of our Scottish constituency to the English crown, there is absolutely no point whatsoever in wasting my energy or time listening to or reading any of the garbage political parties are churning. There is even less point in wasting my precious time deciding for what arsehole to vote this time.

The only option for me and those who desperately seek Scotland to restore its status as a sovereign state, recover ALL its powers and regain control over its assets, is to repurpose the ballot to stop playing this stupidly undemocratic, ridiculously deceiving, boringly repetitive and continuously leading to nowhere game.

UK elections are to Scotland like voting for another 5 years of Groundhog day.

No, thank you.



after James Baldwin,
from [The Fire Next Time]

Swinney is no fire fighter.

Antoine Roquentin

@John C

Holding a sense of ones ethnicity has absolutely nothing to do with the likes of Farage et al. Please explain why it’s so awful for Scots to recognise their ethnicity and to act accordingly. First of all, might I suggest you consult a decent dictionary and consider the word “ethnicity”and its meaning.

Alf Baird

Hatey McHateface @ 6:43 pm

“If “liberating the natives” means the incomers accrue yet more economic advantage, then the incomers are all for it.”

And your evidence for this is where exactly? All the data we have from voter intention and post referendum surveys tells us the opposite to be the case, and this is also confirmed by postcolonial theory.

We might remember that much of the migration (incl historically) into Scotland from rest-UK is in the professional & managerial classes, and these groups economic advantage reflect a ‘cultural division of labour’ favouring the ‘dominant’ Anglophone group within the ‘UK Internal Colonialism Model’ (Hechter).

With colonialism, of course, while other peoples may be sympathetic, liberation ‘is a matter only for the colonized’ (Memmi), i.e. the oppressed group.


“The most powerful thing independence supporters can do in this Westminster election is abstain en masse. Get the lowest turnout ever in Scotland for a Westminster election”

I strongly disagree. Votes not cast are easily ignored and they are a dream for dead parties like labour so they can fake a resurrection in Scotland.

The most powerful thing independence supporters can do in this and every upcoming UK election we will be forced to endure until we have abstentionist candidates in every constituency, is to repurpose our ballot as a vote to end the union.

If you are given a ballot, use it to vote for what you want, not for what political parties are pushing you to vote for. Do not let colonial parties use your non-vote to pretend endorsement of the subjugation of Scotland for another 5 years.


“JOHN Swinney is making “independence impossible” at this General Election, former first minister Alex Salmond has claimed”

Well, here is the pot calling the kettle black. Alba is also making independence impossible at this GE by betraying its former claims of seeking a united front of pro-independence parties. Alba is standing in constituencies where there is already an I4I or ISP candidate. So Alba is seeking to divide the vote too and is helping to stop this GE being about independence.

ISP is only standing 4 candidates on an abstentionist ticket. This is not enough to make any difference. For it to make a difference, we need the number of MPs swearing allegiance to the English crown to be below 45, which is the number stipulated in the Treaty of union.

It seems to me that EVERY single political party is colluding to stop this election being about Scotland’s independence and to be instead of ensuring England’s labour gains control over Scotland.

The only option is to repurpose the ballot.

Robert Hughes

I can barely stand to look at these fuckers , never mind listen to them .

Swinney seems to getting paler by the day – is pre-mortem rigor mortis a thing ? By the end of the * Campaign * he’ll be offering to * undertake * all our future funeral arrangements : if we vote SNP . ( likewise , Kirsty Blackman will offer to read yr tarot cards n massage yr aura with extract of cabbage )

At this stage the only value the SNP have is comedic . They’re hilariously shit .

Fuck ! imagine voting for them ! Pure mental

George Ferguson

Here we go again. For the benefit of the unitiated. The SNP are party that exist for their own selfish individual interests. They can’t even be called Unionist because they go out of their way to deny any few advantages of being in the Union. Labour are 1 to 66 to win the General Election. A foregone conclusion and little time to trip them up. Labour will win big in England and Scotland. An example the two Yes Cities of Glasgow and Dundee. Labour will take back every Glasgow constituency. And Dundee Central. The SNP can’t hold the two Yes Cities. The SNP are no longer the party of Independence. A long awaited correction.


The sole USP of the SNP was Indy.

Without it, the SNP are as useful to Scotland as roller skates are to a dolphin.

There can only be one possible outcome… bye bye SNP, bye bye


Just don’t vote in the GE at all, it makes no difference to Scotland for our MP’s can’t change anything in this alien parliament, all you’ll be doing if you vote in these English elections is to give a few dozen Scottish politicians a good living at your expense, that’s it, there’s absolutely f*ck all in it for the Scottish masses, we sent 57 indy minded SNP MPs to Westminster not that long ago and it changed nothing, because Scots don’t matter and the MPs made too good a living to upset the apple cart.

The media in Scotland is bigging up the GE as are our political parties, the former wants Scots to think these foreign elections matter to Scotland when they don’t. The latter wants your votes to get as many of their candidates at Westminster as possible, the more they get in the more Short Money they get, and the candidates make a bloody good living whilst we back home get shafted as usual.

Don’t give the English parliament credibility over Scotland by voting in the GE, the bottom line is there’s nothing in for Scots.

Boycott the GE.


“In the real world, the latest polls (Redfield & Wilton, June 2; Savanta, May 28) show that Indy would LOSE–again–if the vote were taken today”

Under what franchise were those polls taken? Was it the same discredited crap franchise we had in 2014 which the only thing it did was to ensure the pro-independence vote of Scotland’s natives was frustrated by the pro-union vote of the incomers?

Campbell Clansman

“Brian,” perhaps you should actually read the poll numbers and parameters, and not the press release.
The poll you cite (IPSOS) did NOT poll all voters, or those likely to vote in another referendum, but rather only those voters they determined were “likely to vote” in the July UK election.
You’re comparing apples to oranges. And even in the poll you cite, the Yes vote still isn’t 50%–isn’t a majority. Not exactly a mandate…..
BTW the same IPSO poll you cite has the SNP tied with Labour at 36%. Which makes it an outlier among polls. Redfield & Wilton, for one, gave Labour a 10% lead. And even with IPSOS, 58% intend to vote for one of the Unionist parties. Alba is at 1%.


They were captured a long time ago.

Even after their wee conference no one seemed clear wtf their actual route was. It changed by the minute.

They’re dead. TBH I dunno why they’re still a thing to write about, Stu. I know you invested sooooo much over the last decade but it’s clear to everyone they’re no longer a party for independence & the final nail was when Ash was rejected as leader. Independence was right there on the table & the membership rejected it cause, you know, chicks with dicks was far more important than a Nations liberation.

The support they have is dodgy donors of the foreign kind & the dregs of disgruntled Greens. Theres no chance of any road to Damascus conversion.

A much better investigation would be why this GRR bullshit was a directive from the USA. Besides being a complete distraction wtf did they hope to achieve with it? EU countries are kicking back at this bullshit in their parliaments while Rome burns.

Hatey McHateface

@Alf Baird says:13 June, 2024 at 7:26 pm

Hatey McHateface @ 6:43 pm

“If “liberating the natives” means the incomers accrue yet more economic advantage, then the incomers are all for it.”

And your evidence for this is where exactly?

Your post of 6:35 pm, where you wrote:

People move to another country for their own economic advantage

That and common sense. Nobody voluntarily moves anywhere to make themselves worse off.

I think at the very least we need to split Scotland’s immigrants into three groups and accept they will all be starting with different views on Indy, if they have ever even encountered the idea:

1) White English – likely to be opposed.

2) European – likely to have an open mind.

3) Third World – likely to have an open mind.

IMO, both 2) and 3) are here for gain – make the case for Indy and they will follow.

Both 2) and 3) far outnumber 1).

Hatey McHateface

@Mia says:13 June, 2024 at 7:10 pm

Another clarion call for us all to sit on our flabby arses, come polling day. I guess it’s the best way to set ourselves up for the next 5 year’s futile gum bumping on Wings BTL.

It will never reflect what Scotland needs or wants. It will never align with what I want.

Putting aside your fantasy that you alone speak for what Scotland needs or wants, I humbly suggest it’s not just all about you.

Just possibly, some of us Sovereign Scots want some of what Starmer is promising. Just possibly, some of us Sovereign Scots will get off our flabby arses to vote for it.

Apologies in advance, Mia, that some of us Sovereign Scots are still believing that despite all its flaws, democracy is still better than all of the alternatives.

David Hannah

I disagree with you Mia – And you always write brilliant posts on this website.

Salmond has written to Nicola many times – saying act on Independence. Letter below. Alex Salmond writes to Nicola:

link to

Sturgeon the Judas – fiction novelist of of Mein Khamphervan – told her MSPs to vote against the Alba motion to negotiate and create the independent scottish state we all desire.

Before this we know Sturgeon the Judas refused to work with Alba – because she wanted Patrick Harvie and Murdo Fraser in the back door. Since Sturgeon the Judas blocked the Independence Super majority – Isla Bryson was sent to the female jail. Amy George the trans butcher child abductor stole a wean.

And well… She sent her protector Dorothy Bain to the wrong court in the wrong country to erase scotland as a nation.

Scotland doesn’t exist according to sturgeon the judas and snp party policy.

Guys like Fergus Ewing must be fucking, embarrassed to still be sitting in that swamp.

Its clearer than ever Mia. We must drain the loch! In order to advance the cause of Independence.

We must destroy the SNP soup takers.

David Hannah

2021 – the Independence Super majority. Alex Salmond putting country above party.

The Independence Super majority below. SNP 1. Alba 2.

link to

Instead of independence, sturgeon the judas repeated her demented smears and innuendos about big eck.

Instead of Independence. We got Isla Bryson in the female jail and Patrick Harvie. section 35s and Dorothy – false whig – Bain of the Clown office of protecting Nicola + deleting Scotland as a nation! See below –

Craig Murray – Dorothy Bain – incompetent or corrupt?

link to

Sturgeon ordered her henchwoman and protector of her criminality – Dorothy Bain – to delete Scotland as a nation in the wrong court in the wrong country.

This is despite big Eck – Alex Salmond Scotland’s greatest patriot – from saying SNP 1 Alba 2.

Salmond’s conscience is clear. He tried to save the SNP. We must now move past the SNP together and united. Instead of the politics of division that the SNP want to continue.

SNP. Putting themselves above the party and the party above the country.

Remember the neverendum Mia. The 8 mandates. The non binary dates. And the lady dates of Nicola Sturgeon. 10 years of stagnation and malaise from the destroyer of women’s rights.

And failed conspirator. Sturgeon the Judas. Stronger for DNACPRs.

Ruby Tuesday

No response from Hatey, Andy Ellis or Turabdin to my very simple question.

Some say boycott the GE others say spoil your ballot, other say you must vote, nobody is saying who you should vote for & why.

What are you three guys saying?

What should we do?

David Hannah

What’s absolutely clear from myself Mia.

Is that the Scotland United Plan has been cancelled – because the SNP refused to listen to Alex Salmond.

Scotland United – October 2023. See below.

link to

Big Eck – Salmond the hero – putting Scotland and the cause above self serving stagnation and malaise. A uniting cross party campaign was ignored by the corrupt Edinburgh elite – which John Swinney knows all about.

Alba has no choice but to field Kenny MakAsKill in Grangemouth to defend the oil refinary.

Because crooked John Nicolson certainly won’t. We know the SNP hate oil. They hate freedom.

Rumour has it – the SNP are selling off Prestwick Airport which is now turning a profit – in a crooked shambolic deal.

All that’s happened in the last few years is the SNP giving scotland away. Giving our sea bed sites away. Selling off our assets. Turning Scotland into a free port. Putting up gated communities in the highlands for the billionaire beasts.

They refused any sensible plans for land reform so that scotland is for sale.

They refuse to listen to anyone else ideas apart from themselves. Which is why ISP and Alba now exist.

Our globalist EU loving, WEF NATO puppets despise Scotland so much – they fucking hate us. We know they’ve deleted us as a nation in the courts.

And they’re handing back 450 million to the EU. And that’s before all the money Ali Baba – and the forty thieves gave to Africa! It was africa first – scotland last with our WHITE Hating BIGOT Racist FALSE PROPHET first minister DUMZA the brief!

They rinsed and stole and embezzled the missing 600K! Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon – the flying iron of doom. The french fancies. And Sean Batty! These people are fakes. Are frauds and liars. Are crooks. Both professionally and personally.

We owe the cabal nothing – swinney. Shirley anne somerville. Angus Robertson. Get them to fuck.

George Ferguson

@Ruby Tuesday 9:35pm
That’s dependent on what constituency you are in. Lot’s of variables applying so if you tell me what constituency you are in I can advise but only from anti Conservative and anti SNP viewpoint. I believe unless the Conservatives and SNP are wiped out there will be no change in the status quo. Watching a debate just now, Uncle Fester promoting the failed policies of the past.

David Hannah

link to

Juryless trials:

It’s not the far right of Europe we need to be worried about.

It’s Nicola Sturgeon’s friend – and protector of Salmond’s witches and shamed perjurer Woman H – Lady Dorian.

Lady Dorian despises freedom hates juries. Hates our country. The kisser of King Charles filthy feet. And jury hating judge.

She owes Alex Salmond 3 million pounds. She fucking hates journalists and the truth – Craig Murray.

And she’s coming to destroy democracy in our country.

Another reason not to vote for the SNP. We need a new Alba Party and administration in Holyrood 2026 prepared to put all of these bitches in jail for live.

Isn’t that right WOMAN H? I hope she reads this!

David Hannah

Alba Party. 2026. Scotland United.


Ruby Tuesday

Let’s call it ‘The Silent Revolution’

Fellow revolutionaries on the 4th July don’t vote.

link to

‘Talkin’ Bout a Revolution’

It will be interesting to see the number of people who take part in ‘The Silent Revolution’

We’ll know that by the turnout.

David Hannah

The butcher’s apron remains intact. But it is torn and shredded by the transgender flag.

The Saltire will be the uniting flag tomorrow night. Scotland as a nation on the world stage. At last!


“We must drain the loch! In order to advance the cause of Independence”

Absolutely. I entirely agree with you. But there is no point in draining the loch if you immediately fill it back up with hazardous waste water.

Removing the SNP useless seat warmers by catapulting pro-colonial labour, libdems or tories to the seats does absolutely nothing for the cause of independence and everything to damage it.

Mr Salmond teased the SNP time and time again to form a pro-independence coalition. I believed his intention was honest.

This GE is as good opportunity as any other to demonstrate political parties are putting their actions where their mouth is. Yet, what do I see?

I see Alba candidates competing with I4I and ISP candidates in the same constituencies. That is not showing a pro-independence united front or coalition to maximise the effect of the pro-independence vote. That is diluting the vote and ensuring none of them stand a chance of getting the seat. It is facilitating things even more for labour or libdems to get the seats.

I was utterly disappointed to see this, to be honest. To me, it comes across as if all political parties are now actively working against the Scottish people to ensure labour gets the majority of the seats by the back door.

Not a good look in my opinion, but has helped to reaffirm even further my perception that the result in every election in Scotland has been pre-arranged, so political parties and manifestos are moved around like pawns in a chest board to ensure the planned result is achieved.

If I was skeptical before about the whole thing, I am even more now.

David Hannah

The butcher’s apron remains intact. But it is torn and shredded by the transgender flag.

The Saltire will be the uniting flag tomorrow night. Scotland the brave. We are distinct in our own right. Our beautiful tartan. our bagpipes. Our music. And our culture.

We are scottish not british. We are Scottish not europeans. We want Independence. Self Determination not self identification.

The scottish football team brings a tear to my eye. The bunting is up. The flags are out the window. This is our time to be proud. Even when the SNP are embarassed about independence.

We’re not. We’re sick of the woke ideology. We’re scots. And we’re fucking scottish and proud. Indpendence now! See you at Bannockburn!

Ruby Tuesday

Cheers George you are a good man but I was looking for an answer from Ellis & Main.

They are the ones who are constantly critical of what others are doing but we never hear what they think we should be doing.

What sort of changes to the status quo are you hoping for?

I think it might take a revolution to bring about changes of any significance.

So ‘I’m talkin’ about a revolution’

George Ferguson

@Ruby Tuesday 10:21pm
A revolution that involves the ballot box. General Elections are a great thing. I love them. I would rather the Scottish Independence movement starts from scratch than vote SNP. A political vacuum is better than political representatives with a vacuum in their head.


It seems Robin and family are going awa on holiday somewhere requiring factor 50, but he still manages to bring up saving the planet and ending reliance on oil in the blog.
Factor 50 required in Scotland when it’s just started pishing with rain? Now if he’s going somewhere more exotic then he really should have highlighted that they are traveling on a responsibly sourced wood built ship with hessian sails powered by the clean natural winds. Coz like surely they wouldn’t be traveling on a plane or boat using fossil fuels for power propulsion…

link to

I’m going nowhere myself in a concerted effort to compensate for all the virtue signalling plastic greens, jist like I have managed to exist for decades. I’ll be in and around the garden tending my fruit and veg to sustain myself and thus reducing the carbon footprint of relying on imported shite.
If it’s to be dire straits in the future, I’m going to live amongst the bees and beavers, at least that way I’ll get my honey for nothing and my sticks for free.

Anton Decadent

@Dan 🙂

Ruby Tuesday

Yes George a revolution that involves the ballot box.

Great isn’t it.
I’ve never been a revolutionary before so I’m finding it quite exciting.

Looking to the future.
What did you do in 2024 Grandma

I took part in ‘The Silent Revolution of 2024.

Wow Grandma that is impressive.

It’s too early to write what my friend George did for sure he had a really good time as he just loves General Elections.

Get back to me on the day after ‘The Night the Moon Howled’ to find out. I’m calling election night ‘The Night the Moon Howled’ although it might turn out to be ‘The Night of the Damp Squib.

PS. Hate Monster badges are ready. I wonder what the chances are of getting a ‘Silent Revolutionary’ badge.

Big Jock

Hatey. Wrong. It doesn’t matter what you vote for at WM. It does nothing for Scotland . Even 57 SNPs , and an SNP that actually wanted independence will be ignored.

It’s utterly futile. The system is numbered for England to run the UK. Scottish MPs are just flies on a windscreen. If you can’t work that out, then open yer feckin eyes man.

I feel no guilt in not voting. Because this union only serves England. Nothing 6 million Scots do will change anything. We are nothing ,meaningless as a people in the UK. They want our land, oil and assets. We are dispensible.

Starmer is a Tory and a right wing unionist. England is a right wing country. He is just as anti Scottish as Thatcher or Boris. Open your eyes man!


Hatey; “Both 2) and 3) far outnumber 1).”

If you have a source on that, I’d like to see it. It’s not obviously the case.

George Ferguson

@Ruby Tuesday 11:21pm
Well Grandma tell your grandchildren George voted for a true Independence party. A wasted vote apparently looking at the current stats. But my conscience is clear.


Regarding who to vote for in this election, I’m interested in the results. By the looks of it, Labour look to gain some seats. The numbers are my main interest; whether Labour have gained seats by attracting more votes, or whether previous SNP voters have either not bothered to vote, or have spoiled their ballots. All that relative to overall turnout’ll be worth keeping an eye on.


13 June, 2024 at 3:49 pm

“The SNP is just biding its time until the Scots are an ethnic minority in Scotland, then they’ll tell you you can’t have independence because the foreigners they gave the vote to don’t want it.”

In New Caledonia, the plebs rioted to stop recent French settlers from having a vote on independence.

In Old Caledonia, every non-Scottish Tom, Dick and Harry has the right to vote on independence.

As Rock posted on 02.09.2016 (“Junkies, tramps and thieves”):

“A radical solution is required: give the next independence vote only to those who had at least one grandparent born in Scotland. Exclude the vote from the likes of JK Rowling.”

David Hannah

I think the SNP will win the election in Scotland – just and no more.

Because the tartan invasion of Germany – 100,000.

Our country. Our people. Will be blown away by the modern infrastructure of Germany. The stadiums. They will come back invigorated. Proud of their identity and who they are.

They’ll be conversations going on right now. Guaranteed. In the bars. In the streets of Germany.

And they’ll vote nationalist on return.

I predict an SNP win despite the fact that they are ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing. Our country will give our pearls to the pigs. Who will trample on us again.

Scottish pride will have a massive impact on this election. We are the 45 per cent. We’re not voting better together. Ever again!

The Flying Iron of Doom

Dan says:
13 June, 2024 at 10:36 pm

It seems Robin and family are going awa on holiday somewhere requiring factor 50, but he still manages to bring up saving the planet and ending reliance on oil in the blog.

Ye gods, I got full-scale deflection on my hypocrisyometer while reading that article. If Robbie was really that worried about “the existential risk of climate change” then he wouldn’t be pissing off on a large CO2-spewing aircraft for what will probably be but one of but several jollies abroad this year. No doubt he’ll be caning the arse out of the air conditioning when he reaches the hotel, all the while girning about the ills of capitalism and fossil fuels. What a grade A+ tube, honestly…

If it’s to be dire straits in the future, I’m going to live amongst the bees and beavers, at least that way I’ll get my honey for nothing and my sticks for free.

Ach, look on the bright side – beaver fur (lol) used to be in considerable demand for the manufacture of hats and stuff. Maybe there could be a resurgence of nifty beaver headgear should we unfortunately find ourselves living in some sort of Mad Max apocalyptic wasteland?

Robert Louis

Ahhh, John Swinney as leader of the SNP. It seems nothing changes. He was a damp dishcloth when he was last leader, and is just as useless now. I voted SNP in the past for independence, but now the SNP don’t even want to talk about it. Fearties.

Only the ALBA party is committed to using ANY and every means to achieve independence. Only the ALBA party is committed to fight to keep Grangemouth, and fight for our oil and gas industry. And, if you are a soo-to-be student, only ALBA is committed to keeping NO TUITION FEES IN SCOTLAND. Tuition fees, which we all need to remember were first introduced by LABOUR (something a lot of young folk don’t know).

Now I have an ALBA candidate in my constituency, I shall be voting ALBA and NOT SNP. The SNP have shown to all of Scotland that even when we elect SNP to every seat, they will scurry off down to London, and do NOTHING for independence.

The SNP have lost their fight, and lost their way. They should not be surprised they have lost my vote. I’ll vote ALBA, for Scotland and the end of LOndon rule.

link to

Oh, and the candidates for ALBA are (including Edinburgh south, who have an excellent, genuine, local lady called Lynne Lyon)

link to

Robert Hughes

@ Dan

Can’t let this go unremarked …..

” If it’s to be dire straits in the future, I’m going to live amongst the bees and beavers, at least that way I’ll get my honey for nothing and my sticks for free. ”

ahahahahaha ! Gold Medal for Services To Punology , my industrious & community-minded friend 🙂

President Xiden

John Swinney the friendly family funeral director, burying the SNP for good.


This piece simply reinforces how voting SNP is a vote against independence.

Ten years of blocking independence as an ipso facto unionist colonial party, voting SNP would just deliver more of the same.

However well intenioned, and there will be some, they must ditch the SNP. Letting a few hang on will only block the surge to the new independence movement.

Independence is there to be taken but not with the SNP.


I have spent an hour trying to write about this article and I thought stuff it, I better off telling people not to vote for the SNP, let’s just get rid of this party from Westminster and Holyrood, that’s my goal. I’ve given up on the idea of Independence for now and I hope people on here will do the same, this is all we can do.

All Lesley Riddoch is doing is toting the Independence cause to make money out of it and if she gives a speech at an event I’m at, I’ll turn my back on her, she part of our problem as is the likes of these who write for the Rag.

David Hannah

I’m voting Alba as well. I feel hope with Alba. Hope for the future. Because they are the party for Independence.

I’ve just seen the fantastic Eva Comrie is running for Grangemouth as well – same as Kenny MacAskill. Hopefully they can get the message out there to save the factory.

When you think of the £450 million the SNP are to hand back in unspent grants to the EU. How much does Grangemouth need to bring it up to standard?

The man that’s selling it is putting money into Manchester United. Can the Scottish Government not buy the plant? And take back control of our oil. Let’s make it happen!


The bones of an alternative blog for Robin…
Well that’s the summer holidays here, which in Scotland means it’s time for the bairns to tak a break from their academic studies and move on to do their planet saving civic duty and put in a shift picking berries.
This few weeks work helps instill a decent work ethic in them and also a develops their understanding and builds a connection to the land they live on which helps set them up for life. Good!
If the kids don’t do this work then it will be planet Armageddon as complex expensive machines or foreigners traveling over here with big carbon footprints to pick the fruit. Bad!
After that work stint the kids can then enjoy some time off in their locales investigating and learning about their own environs.
In NuScotland, games without frontiers can be played which might even shock a monkey.
As awbody has moved to pishy air sourced heatpumps then recycle and make use of aw those auld oil central heating tanks by cutting them in half to make two modern day coracles. Yes, you can make a pair of boats way cheaper and quicker than the Scottish Government!
You can play at battleships or re-enact the Cornetto advert on a nearby pond as you learn to propel yerself on water using only an environmentally friendly stick stolen from a beaver as a punting rod or paddle. Wholesome fun and exercise for sure.

NB> Disclaimer is your parents must supply you with a life-jacket for such activities if they’ve previously just let you sit on yer arse playing video games instead of teaching you how to swim.
Scotland’s demographics are bad and we don’t want kids drowning mkay, because the kids need to grow up and they need to work and pay taxes to fund and look after all us auld cunts.

After the wet and wild watersports a shift in the garden growing veg is on the agenda. I mean if the planet is dying then the kids best learn the skills and develop their discipline and comprehension of becoming more self-reliant. Kids may be a dab hand at swiping away on a smartphone but that will be heehaw use in providing sustenance.
Then it’s in to the kitchen to cook a meal. Schools spend too much time filling the heads of bairns with gender and pronoun pish, so it’s essential food preparation and cooking skills are developed in the home environment. Deliveroo mopeds cannot be relied upon once petrol is rationed.

David Hannah


“It is time to make a stand about the nation we were, the nation we can be and the nation we will be.

If Grangemouth is closed, we will be the only top 25 major oil-producing country in the world that doesn’t have an oil refinery. Scotland as an oil-producing nation requires a refinery capacity.

As the trade unions say, Grangemouth IS and CAN BE even more profitable.”

Well said.

We need to take the refinery into Scotland’s hands for the Scottish people. Scottish Government run. Our oil. Oil jobs. Scotland first.

Sunak nowhere to be seen. There’s been more sightings of the Loch Ness monster than the billionaire beasts. And the same goes for the SNP.

Even Kate Forbes is coming out with the “we need a just transition” pish. Fuck off. Save the plant.

David Hannah

Take the energy back. Keep the lights on. Compulsory purchases. It sickens me that Scottish Power is owned by the Spanish State.

Can we do anything to take back our energy? We produce more than we need. Supply the entire grid of England. Yet the profits go to Spain. It enrages me more than anything else. We’re powerless to stop them.

Nothing will change at this election sadly.


David Hannah @ 09.10.

Seems unfortunate that Mr MacAskill chose to run in the same constituency as Ms Comrie, David, splitting the vote.
As for our devolved administration getting involved in buying the Grangemouth plant, considering that it can’t succeed in constructing two Ferries anywhere near on time or budget, I can’t see that ending well.

Duncan Strachan

Dan at 4.02 Well said.
In answer to John c at 4.00. For Decades westminster has been plundering Scotland’s resources and ploughing them into the south east creating huge profit to those that live there. The housing bubble that results provides folk selling houses down there provides them with enough to buy several houses or even small estates. Largely these are folk who will rent out properties no locals can afford or air bnb them. Many will be unproductive and suck the life out of services and steal another tranche of even more of our resources. And you call people who call this out frothing racists. Well frankly fuck you. Send them back.


The position in relation to the Branchform proceedings-or lack thereof-seems increasingly odd to me.
I’m not knowledgeable in Scottish law, but the basic rules seem broadly in line with the law of England/Wales.
I simply cannot understand why a decision has been made in re Murrell, but not-seemingly- in re at least two other suspects.
The surprise is not so much the fact that a ‘realistic prospect of conviction’ has been found re Murrell-and a charge laid-but that it is done while other/s are apparently still suspects.
Why, when/if a conspiracy might possibly be an appropriate charge, would one charge him at this point? Normally the prosecuting authorities would seek as a priority to keep any persons charged on the same indictment.
In this case, if I understand correctly, no evidence has been submitted to the prosecuting authority re the ‘other’ suspects nor any final decision made on sufficiency of evidence.
If other/s are found to present a realistic prospect, it is normally so much better to be able to give the jury the ‘full picture’ alleged rather than to possibly forego certain pieces of evidence as ‘not material’/ hearsay/inadmissible against one or more defendants.
If anyone can explain I would be grateful.

Ruby Tuesday

You just described my childhood Dan expect there were no beavers.

Our boats were made from tar barrels like this

link to

but only one barrel, no oars no rollocks, just a stick to punt us along.

We didn’t go sailing on a pond we went out on the ocean. Lifejackets? no don’t be silly.
It was pretty dangerous but that’s what made it exciting.

We learned all about sex & gender out in the fields from bulls & cows. Bulls got big dangly bits cows got udders. Bulls get on cows go humpty hump make baby cow. Also the dogs were always humpty humping. There is no parental control in the country.

Potatoes were my favourite thing to grow it was so satisfying digging them up and finding loads of potatoes of all different sizes.

Robert Hughes

@ Dan

” In NuScotland, games without frontiers can be played which might even shock a monkey. ” . You done did it again , D 🙂

Don’t give up , sometimes you DO need a sledgehammer to crack a nut .

Kinda reluctant to criticise R MacA . He does put a lot of effort into suggesting ways to improve the governance of our country , and exposing the abject failures who are making such a shitfest of same . IMO he is one of the good guys .

However , I think he is still too * invested * in the ” Climate Crisis ” – no debate , ” the Science is settled ” ( naw , it’s no , ” Settled Science ” is an oxymoron ) dogma .

In the last couple of weeks I’ve sent a video to Robin and two other prominent pro-Independence bloggers comprising the counter-arguments against the whole superstructure of the * Climate ” Steamroller of a selection of the – expert / scientific – dissident voices , ie the voices that have been cancelled , excluded , in some cases sacked , excommunicated from the body of the ” Climate Emergency ” Kirk & generally treated like pariahs for daring to express their – rational – disagreement with the ( utterly bogus ) ” Consensus ” on C.C

As far as I can tell , none of them have even watched the video . Two merely reiterated their agreement with this ” consensus ” ; no response at all from Robin , fair enough , he does seem like a very busy man .

If it is indeed the case none of them bothered to watch the video , they appear to me like those * Trans * / Gender no-debate zealots and – ironically – like yr typical Yoon who insists the majority of Scots are against Independence n when you say to them ” well , if yr so confident about this why the total fear of another Referendum on the issue ” , at which point cog dis-fuelled malfunction occurs n steam starts coming out their ears

To repeat ….. no one ( rational ) is denying Climate CHANGE , but plenty of highly qualified-in-their-field scientists are challenging the Climate * CRISIS * narrative ; the vast majority of the public are simply not being allowed to hear these voices .

Ruby Tuesday

Ach, look on the bright side – beaver fur (lol) used to be in considerable demand for the manufacture of hats and stuff.

Don’t forget pubic wigs aka merkins.

“Beaver’ is a derogatory word associated with the pubic area and it’s believed that the term originates from the 15th century when sex workers were expected to wear merkins made of beaver pelt when a lice epidemic forced everyone to go bald.

‘Beaver’ mostly used in the US.

Changed days now everyone is expected to go full Brazilian.

David Hannah

The only way we’ll take back the country is by resorting to violence. Seizing control of the energy plants. Turning off the transition to England. Then the British Army will come up and shoot us working on behalf of the King.

We don’t stand a chance at a revolution anytime soon.

Duncan Strachan

So Campbell clansman. Indy support is 50% and with all the dissafected indy voters sick of the supposedly indy parties and no campaign running or likely to run. What that means is the UK is pretty much clinging by its fingernails and only because of a bunch of liars cheats and manipulators supporting it. We know in Scotland what westminster parties will do for us. Sweet fck all that improves our lot. A colonial administration selling out their country. Vile creatures about to get a kicking and their leaders going down in history as shilpit conniving shits that they have become.

David Hannah

Comrie running against MakAskill may the best candidate win two outstanding candidates for Grangemouth.

David Hannah

Scotch on the rocks. We need a Scottish resistance!

Vivian O’Blivion

The John Smith Centre has an article up on its site highlighting the latest British Social Attitudes survey titled “Damaged Politics?”.
Director of the JSC, “Professor” Kezia Dugdale was on BBC Radio Shortbread the other day to discuss this (she remains the Director for the next few weeks).
Oddly the collapse in public trust in politics & politicians has nothing to do with her and her opaquely funded, AstroTurf outfit.
Dugdale expounded the need for more diversity, more BAME politicians, more positive discrimination.
Yep, more middle-class politics graduates with negligible life experience and zero real world work experience.
The irony here is visible from space.



Aye but the point being why have two run against each other?

So much for the “Scotland United” pish. Obviously that invitation was to the SNP.


*was only to the SNP.


Is it just me or are we being conned by the National newspaper, I can’t believe after ten years of the SNP running the Indy movement up the hill and crying wolf on Independence that the articles that are printed in the Rag newspaper on Independence there are people still advocating the SNP will deliver, I just don’t believe these people who are commenting on these articles are genuine people writing as individuals.

I have come to the conclusion that the people who are saying in these articles hold on wait a minute the SNP aren’t perusing independence anymore are being attacked as if they were some sort of virus by the people who claim to be Indy supporters. Its not only Indy supporters who’s being attacked there attacking any other Pro-Indy party, for fuck sake it’s the goal that matters not the party that takes you there. I honestly believe these so-called Indy supporters are fake in order to generate division within the movement.

I can’t believe anyone can be so glaikit that after 10 years of the SNP lying about Independence that these so-called Indy supporters are anything other than Unionist or plants by the paper to cause division within the movement and it’s working. Today in the Rag one of these article “John Swinney ‘making independence impossible’, Alex Salmond says” Alex is correct that’s precisely what the SNP is doing, I just can’t believe anyone after ten years who’s actively involved with the Indy movement can disagree with what being said by Salmond. This induvial says,

nicholas durant
You don’t have to say much when you spell it out as it is.
Alex Salmond is right.
Fact and Message.
The reply
Eli K
The vast majority of the electorate don’t care what Salmond thinks.
No, it just SNP people who don’t care. Genuine Yessers care though.
Cuvie Stipe
That one percent will be dynamite at the ballot box. Starmer must be trembling with fear.

Is it just me, because I just don’t believe anyone who’s been involved in the Indy movement actively for the last ten years can be so glaikit, this has to be a con surely?

Brian Doonthetoon

In the 60s, my Mum’s fur coat was described as “beaver lamb”.



They’re SNP employees or Green eejits.

A few have been caught out before on Twitter posting the exact same shite from different accounts & were busted as SNP employees. They’ve obviously fck all else to do than play dedicated members on their fanzine all day.

A good indicator is mentioning Salmond, the only one to deliver indyref with ONE mandate first time, & sit back.. they froth with rage & that’s how you know they’re not indy.

Mention Salmond & it’s what a real life exorcism must look like LOL

James Che


It is what they don’t say in their manifesto that is more important than what they say out loud,

Now Hearing rumours that Labours stealth taxes will come via the home owner, the Council tax and owners of Cars, to name a few,

The other issue I have with labour is that he does not recognise what women are and is woke,
In remember him being force to hide his opinion he had voiced and back track under a few televised interviews.

There is no one politician to trust in Scotland, including Snp , so I am not voting for any of the unionist parties in Scotland,
My personal opinion is Better that I don’t vote in England elections over Scotland, taking their right away to legislation over us,

Hatey McHateface

@Vivian O’Blivion says:14 June, 2024 at 10:50 am

more diversity, more BAME politicians, more positive discrimination

As it happens the fight back against this is well under way all across the EU.

The fight back against the “Climate Crisis” too. Over in Europe, many people have noticed the likes of India, China and the other countries supposedly at most risk from climate change maxing out on the coal, oil and gas burning.

Yup, a new world record was set for fossil fuel consumption in 2023. 2024, and every year thereafter until nearly 2030 are predicted to set new world records too. Each and every year.

Looks like our hairskin shirts aren’t doing the trick.

I guess we Scots have to decide if we want to continue with our luxury beliefs, or join the “racist” “extreme far right” “N@zis” over in Europe.

Talking of which, Starmer claiming Brexit will be re-negotiated.

Seems to me there really should be a mass exodus of BTL posters from here to Labour.

Except, of course, the people running the EU are 100% onboard with The War. As they are a lot closer to it than we are, maybe we should respect their lived experience and not sniffily write them off as paranoid.

Anybody with some spare time should Google “The Grab”. It’s being billed as the biggest story of the 21st century and maybe it is. It will certainly give you an inkling into how others will be regarding Scotland’s resources and lebensraum as the shortages really start to bite.

Whatever, interesting times we live in. Use your vote with care!

Anton Decadent

@Father Vo’B, I recently posted about a registered charity which I used to be involved in which I concluded was a political front operation and how it was currently promoting an expo tied on to environmentalism and which was in partnership with a completely opaque environmental charity, not a single name visible anywhere even at the Charity Register. The original charity is a flat out anti white race grifting racket and to see them embrace environmentalism came as absolutely no surprise as there is a pyramid of victimhood running in that also.

I am currently reading Private Eye from last summer, finishing up my backlog after letting my subscription go after twenty five years as I felt it turned into something like The Guardian. In the issue I am currently reading it mentions a diversity racket charity being wound up for liquidation. It had managed to transfer £800,000 to another business which ran Jack The Ripper tours in London and is heavily connected to the Labour Party via its LGBTQIA+ business leaders group under both Corbyn and Starmer and had made donations of up to £40,000 to Wes Streeting, Kim Leadbetter, Yvette Cooper and Angela Eagle.

People such as myself who have viewed the race, climate and trans movements up close have seen them to be a means for careers to be built and family dynasties further entrenched by people with a fondness for expensive German cars and a nice house on the coast.

I posted yesterday in the previous thread about the candidates who are standing for Govanhill, a rum bunch. The only candidate who is even remotely pushing independence is the SNP one, perhaps there is not as much of a market for it as people think amongst people who fly the flags of other countries in ours.

James Che

Mike Fenwick,

The Monarch of England and the parliament of Westminster was EXTEND to Scotland in 1707 After the Hoax treaty of union earlier that same year. By an act of the parliament of England.

Scotland does not have a Monarch, The monarchs of England when in Scotland never place the Scottish crown on their heads.

The monarch of England is Crowned in England and takes the English Oath to England,

It is a pretence token ceremony that the Scottish public never get to see they partake in in Scotland after they Have been crowned down south as Englands Monarch.

To all intents and purpose legally Scotland has been a republic of Scotland, since the parliament of England passed the English 1689 bill of rights, the Act of Settlement and the limitations Act,
That took what was one a shared Monarch between Scotland and England under what was once a personal union of Crowns onto a different level.

After those Acts their was no monarch of Scotland, The Monarch became The Monarch in line and Succession to the throne and Crown of England,

Thus after the hoax treaty of union 1707 the now Sovereign parliament of England and the Crown of England was EXTENDED ( not shared) to cover Scotlands people and territory, illegally.

Because the Monarch of England pretended to be the monarch of Scotland ratifying the treaty of union,
Perhaps We the people of Scotland do not need to swear the Oath of Allegiance at all being a as legally we are a Republic without a monarch,

When we Vote we are voting for English elections under the Crown of England .simply extended to Scotland by the parliament of England,

The people of Scotland need to acknowledge this and hold open debates on this issue, of pretend monarchs and pretend parliaments based in Scotland.


the scotsman is calling for the scots tories to cut all ties with the UK party and go it alone

– is this not … what’s the word “independence”

but how could that be a good thing?

surely the best thing for the scots tories is to be controlled by people 400 miles away from them


surely the scots and uk tories are better together with all their pooing and shiting

or why not a more federal conservative party

(checks the date)

link to


James Che

Starmer will unleash the woke once he gets into power.
His handlers told him to shut it on the rainbow shit for now but he’s a puppet of Biden & Yahoo. He’ll do as he’s told fae the 5th of July onwards & that includes full authoritarian bullshit dressed up as TRA.

He’ll be a menace when he gets in. Anyone voting for him will deserve all they get. Far better, as you’ve said, vote no one. Boycott the whole farce. The UK has no democracy. Ten yrs of countless mandates prove that it’s a farce.

Woody waiting on his memo is what they’ll get & £billions added to the national debt to fund someone else’s wars.

£50 billion the yanks are forcing the EU to go guarantor for & they’re doing it lol! £50 billion for a proxy war that’s not even theirs. What utter morons. We’ve not even included the weapons, personnel & manpower in that. Nice job if you have poodles to pay for yer proxy wars.



Aye they threatened that before. I’m sure it was Tomkins who registered one with the electoral commission a few yrs ago.


Swinney may be indulging in some macchiavellianism, and all we see publicly is just a “long con” … look at me the useless bald man with the mogadon personality … no

its all a grand deception – secret recordings from “Maw Neep” swinney, the crazy bandersnatch were heard to contain

… truck bombs … its the poor mans airforce …the 3rd world B52 … fertiliser, diesel, kegs of nails … coordinate strikes … critical infrastructure … mumble mumble … put the lights out on these arseholes … sever the oil pipelines … he who can destroy a thing, controls a thing … then we awaken the sleeper cells for stage 2 … decapitation strike … short the pound and the oil companies on the markets, finance our own revolution and – CAMPERVANS ALL ROUND !!

sounds like a plan, John – our own Colonel E Kurtz, lost upriver, fighting the war his way, and winning … they knew his name and feared him …

Kate Forbes says : its dialectics man … you can’t land on a quarter … you can’t fly to mars on fractions

and with that manifesto, I think victory is assured.

Hatey McHateface

@Geri says:14 June, 2024 at 12:29 pm

I support the actions you’re greetin about.

Seems to me that being a “good Samaritan” might even be considered part and parcel of our Scottish heritage.

Whatever, when eastern Europeans are being bombed to bits by Orcs it’s not too much to ask that we slip them a bit of cash now and again.

If it helps, think of it as an insurance policy or a favour we can cash in when we might need it – when we’re getting bombed to bits for example.

I know you believe we’re the cuddliest, most likeable wee nation in all the world (evidence to the contrary on Wings BTL ignored) and that bad things truly only ever happen to bad people.

But you’re wrong, as usual.

It’s truly great that you have nothing to do but come on here greetin and swearing all day long, I’m very happy for you about that, but your self-entitlement jars. It’s not your exceptionalism that gifts you this opportunity to greet, moan and bewail your imaginary misfortune whilst fed, housed, healthy, and excused the necessity of having to graft for a living.

As with all of us, it’s simply the luck of the draw. An unpredictable outcome of life’s lottery.

Show some sympathy for them who are on the receiving end of the bombs. If they cave, it will be somebody else next, and then if they cave, one day it will be us.


England’s general election is very, very boring. So I’m scribblin’ doun some interesting stuff aboot a guy cawd John Whiteside Parsons, or Jack as he wis commonly known, as a wee distraction..

There’s some sex talk in this comment so cover yer eyes if yer o’ prudish disposition.

Jack Parsons invented the first rocket engine to use a castable, composite rocket propellant. He was a rocket scientist and a chemist. He pioneered the advancement of both liquid-fuel and solid-fuel rocket.

In Mexico on the 17th of June, 1952, Parsons received a rush order for explosives for a film set (some work he did on the side for extra cash) and began to work on it in his home laboratory.

He’d moved to Mexico because he thought the FBI were spying on him and he didnae like that.

He made a mistake and blew himself up. His right forearm was amputated, his legs and left arm were broken and a hole was torn in the right side of his face. He died in hospital around forty minutes later. He was thirty seven years old.

But rockets and such don’t interest me much. What interests me about Parsons was his adherence to the occult philosophy of Thelema. A philosophy founded in 1904 by Aleister Crowley, the English occultist.

Parsons was following some kind of spiritual revelation he’d had in Cairo, when, according to Crowley’s account, a spirit being known as Aiwass dictated to him a prophetic text known as The Book of the Law.

Now, I’m not a fan of Crowley, or Thelema. I believe he was messing with stuff he didn’t really understand. But Parsons embraced Thelema wholeheartedly.

Before Parsons became aware of Thelema and Crowley, his interest in esotericism was tweaked through his reading of The Golden Bough (1890), a book on mythology written by Scottish social anthropologist James George Frazer.

Also, Parsons worked closely on occasion with L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, and I’m not a fan of that either.

Parsons was particularly interested in something called ‘sex magic’ as a means to incarnate a Thelemite goddess called Babalon onto Earth.

The idea behind sex magic is that one can induce a higher (maybe ‘different’ is a better word) form of consciousness through sexual arousal in order to invoke incarnations of ‘other’ types of beings. But I think sex magic is a lot of bollocks, excuse the pun, so stay clear of it BDTT.

Parsons is an interesting character, but I think he was misguided in his attempts at achieving some kind of higher state of spiritual awareness and there’s only one sentiment expressed by Parsons worthy of consideration in my view.

He identified four obstacles that prevented humans from achieving and performing their true will, all of which he connected with fear:

The fear of incompetence, the fear of the opinion of others, the fear of hurting others, and the fear of insecurity.

He insisted that these must be overcome, writing that “The Will must be freed of its fetters. The ruthless examination and destruction of taboos, complexes, frustrations, dislikes, fears and disgusts hostile to the Will is essential to progress.”

That is all.

And mind yersel tae stay clear o thon sex magic or ye micht git blown sky high in yer kitchen – again, no pun intended .

I hope I haven’t offended anyone with this post. No, wait. I’m adopting Jack’s philosophy – not the sex magic bit – on the four obstacles. So if yer offended…tough. And ye kin stick yer opinions tae.

I feel strangely liberated. Now, if we can just attain Scottish independence my liberation will be complete.

James Che

Mike Fenwick,

The fallacious treaty of union,

The Monarch of England and the succession line to the Throne of England and the parliament of England could No longer legally act as The monarch of Scotland to endorse commissioners for Scotland, nor was able to give royal assent to the treaty of union as a Monarch of Scotland, and was no longer connected to the old parliament of Scotland,

And the Sovereign people of Scotland were not asked to join in the treaty of union, see, ( UK Westminster parliament site 2023 / 2024)

The sovereign Monarch of England and the Sovereign parliament of England could not authorise in any manner whatsoever Scotlands side of the [treaty of union] . After those English parliament Acts were passed.

They could not legally EXTEND the parliament of England and the Monarch of England to encompass Scotlands territory or Scotland people after passing those said “acts” of and in the parliament of England
And Queen Anne was coronated as Queen of England and in line to succession to the Throne of England, in 1702, and The Parliament of England gained its Sovereignty of the Westminster Parliament of England 1689 bill of rights, through those Acts prior to the treaty of union,

Englands Monarch and the Sovereign parliament of England then put the Scottish parliament under Dissolution in England by a proclamation,

The arrogance of the parliament of England and the Monarch of England making laws to ” Cover or extend to Scotland” After the hoax treaty of union without any legal jurisdiction or merit whilst
pretending she was still a shared monarch between and England And Scotland has been a long deceit over Sovereign Scots,
She officially was made Queen of England in line of succession to the Throne of England,

Swearing a Oath of allegiance is to the Crown of England.
Scotland has had no monarch since those English parliament acts passed. Wether Scotland agreed to it or not,
The Scottish monarch converted to being the monarch of England, ABANDONING the crown of Scotland which still sits redundant today and is not been included in the coronation of the Monarch of England

The Sovereignty of Scots is undeniable for many reasons, but including Westminsters Englands parliament announcement to the world and ourselves that the Scots were not invited to join the treaty of union,
However the Crown of Scotland still sits redundant with no Shared Monarch between Scotland and England resting under it,
So perhaps rather than swearing an Oath of allegiance to non-existent Scottish Monarch and redundant Scottish Crown would we not be Wiser informing the Scottish people they have neither above them legally and the People in Scotland are one of the most Sovereign Nations in modern political times.


Its been pretty obvious for a while now that G–en-oc-ide Joe Biden is ill probably in some sort of stage of senility, which has manifested itself in his latest outing at the G7 where G–eno–cide Joe wandered off like a lost child whilst the other G7 leaders watched a parachuting display.

Of course this makes him akin to Ronald Reagan who was also controlled by the big corporations in his time in office as he to suffered from failing mental health. Its all the easier for the likes of AIPAC and pro-Zzzio-M-onst-er senators, and their backers to vote for to give aid to those committing w-ar c-rimes in G–az-z-a, mind you G-en-oci-de Joe is pro-Zzzz-i-o-M-onst–er as well.

The same situation is unfolding in U as Poo–t-in looks for a way to end the conflict but this will be impossible as N-a-to isn’t allowing Ru–shh-ia to negotiate with U, and Ge–noc-id-e Joe is shall we say not really in control himself.

France is sending Mirage fighter jets to U, and I fully expect other N-a-to/EU countries to follow suit, this will only exacerbate what is already a dangerous position, N–at-o has given U the go ahead to strike deep inside Ru–shh–ia, and with G-en–ocide Joe not in a aware enough position (his strings are being pulled behind the scenes) to know that a huge conflict is approaching if negotiations are not implemented, we can expect a rise in hostilities.

Hatey McHateface

@Northcode says:14 June, 2024 at 1:41 pm

“He died in hospital around forty minutes later”


So in 1952, in Mexico, you could blow yourself up and be in hospital within 40 minutes.

I’d love to think that we here in Scotland will have caught up by 2052.

I guess we just need to develop The Will to make it so.


Just in passing, Jack Parsons died in Pasadena, California, I believe. In Huntingdon Hospital, following the explosion in his home laboratory.
Very interesting man indeed.

James Che


Starmer is hiding his woke ideology with out doubt for the sake of being elected, once he gets elected all hell will break loose, not just in Scotland but across Britain, and his pre- planned hidden stealth taxes he is keeping stume about will come out into the open with force on the people.

What none of the parties mention even in Scotland is that national debt being so high and pretty unsustainable, Why give billions of our money at times of austerity all our past hard earned Taxes to uky crane to keep that Country and systems afloat financially while our own Country takes a dive into de- dustrialisation,
poverty, bankrupt Councils and a failing NHS,
Sacrificing our Country
There is no logic in these global idealogical policies that all the political parties af following,
I would presume lobbiest funding money to the parties is at the back of it.



“Jack Parsons died in Pasadena, California, I believe”

You’re right, Sven. I read about Parsons a few years ago and for whatever reason I thought he died in Mexico. Thanks for putting me right.

Campbell Clansman

Notice how, whatever the WoS article is, the comment thread starts out ok (with a varied list of commenters and points of view) but is soon hijacked by the same handful of commenters?
Here’s the last 15 on this thread: Hatey McHateface, Republicofscotland, James Che, Northcode, Hatey McHateface, Geri, Geri, Confused, James Che, Anton Decadent, Hatey McHateface, James Che, Geri, Brian Doonthetoon.
Throw in “Alf Baird” and “Ruby Tuesday” and this handful accounts for half the comments.

The same names appear again and again and again. Repeating the same thing again and again and again.

James Che

A very interesting man,

Unless you are a child or woman getting sex trafficked, after all anyone who believes in the theory requires practice and usage of another human being as constant. Epstien and Savelle names linked to many elite, but also makes me think that perhaps the trans and greens are members of a similar belief pattern.

Has this theoretical ideology infiltrated the elite, royals and politicians do you think?

James Che

Often gets hijacked by those complaining of being hijacked as they veer of topic themselves.

James Che


I have read a good number of books on Aleister Crowley and the Golden Bough theory,

Not to be recommended as a belief system as it definately favours the man is this practice of hierarcy rather than innocents they abuse,

However on the other side of that coin and totally unrelated to sexual activities there is some merit in Scotland losing its sense of Fear as you say,


Northcode @ 15.02.

It’s not a very significant detail, Northy. I believe he and Margaret Cameron ( no mean occultist herself in later years by all accounts) were leaving for Mexico in a couple of days when the incident occurred.
I found both his and her biographies most informative a few years back when I read them and vaguely recalled the Pasadena final act of his life.
You never fail to intrigue.


James Che

“Not to be recommended as a belief system”

Couldn’t agree more, James. I’ve always been suspicious of Crowley’s motives. I also think folk like Crowley and Hubbard take some very ancient teachings which are meant to enlighten humankind and twist them to suit their own purposes and egos.

Definitely got to be careful when you delve into some of this stuff.

I found The Golden Bough interesting but heavy going.


this is a very boring election because no one cares and nothing much is at stake; 3 rightwing business parties in flatland which will give you more war, austerity, nukes and incompetence and a “nationalist” party here which consists of pond scum peddling buttsex

dazzle us with your brilliance caveman campbell or fuck off

you whine as bad as chas, the most intellectually challenged of the yoontrolls

– the worst crime on a public forum is to be boring; vicious arguments are fine as long as they are interesting because they always throw up something

theres northcode, spicing it up, going for a walk on the wild side

link to

there was an intriguing psychological thriller called “a dark song” about a woman and a “mage” she got on the internet, doing the abramelin for dubious reasons

we need a bit of magic, right now



“Margaret Cameron ( no mean occultist herself in later years by all accounts”

Indeed, Sven. But if memory serves she dumped Parsons because he took a shining to her 17 year old sister – I think. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that’s the case.

Interesting folk to read about. I wouldn’t want to hang out with them, though.


magicK – that is …



Well, well, well the Fifth Column branch manager of London Labour in Scotland is found out yet again.

Just boycott the GE there’s nothing in it for Scots except extra laws forced upon Scots from a foreign country’s parliament as they undermine us at every turn. The only difference between Labour and the Tories is the colours of their rosettes.

“A LABOUR-RUN Westminster government would not give its Scottish counterpart complete control over levelling up funding, Anas Sarwar has said – despite a pledge in his UK party’s manifesto.

It was put to Sarwar that it sounded as if he was saying a Labour-run Scotland Office would invest directly and not pass money to Holyrood to allocate.

He responded: “I think it’s a partnership. If you look at what we did with the city regional deal, that was a partnership between the UK Government, the Scottish Government and local authorities in order to invest in local infrastructure.

“I think we can take a partnership approach, but that requires good faith actors on all sides.”


Northcode @ 15.57.

Sara (the 17 yr old) was the sister of his first wife, Helen, I believe.
After the Babalon working when Cameron turned up they were an inseparable partnership as far as I recall.
Helen, the abandoned spouse, bounced back from Jolly Jack leaving her by absconding with Ron Hubbard, and the pair decamped with all the funds. Supposedly to buy a yacht I seem to remember.
Closely followed by Parsons who “raised a storm” which he cast on the sea (reportedly) to drive them back to land where he awaited.
His own life and that of his followers seems to have been pretty much one of ‘wander in when you like, leave when you must’.
And, in the Parsons commune, it often seems that “free love” could work out fairly costly, in one way or another.

James Che


But I wouldn’t want to hang out with them,
Me neither, although you may be surprised to the connections and political leaders, poets and artist who became followers,
And the elements that seep into these groups today, related to renovated hotel, abandoned farm buildings and estate lodges etc.

Aye it pays to read a lot and listen to all types of news, and research the rest,

James Che


Funny the name being familiar in modern times
Was that rumour about the other Cameron, pig and willy wobbler ever squashed, and where did it originate.



Good find, Confused. I’ll watch it later when I have 40 mins to spare.

“magicK – that is …”

Yeah, magick – what was that Crowley like? Anything to be different.

Some interesting tales about demons manifesting up in his wee hoose in Scotland. Somewhere near Inverness, I think.

President Xiden

‘Emergencies’ are what Governments announce when they want to be given powers the people would not sanction in normal times. It really is a wizard wheeze.



Thanks again, Sven. Saves me looking it up. I knew there was a sister of one of his wives involved somewhere.


“£50 billion the yanks are forcing the EU to go guarantor for & they’re doing it lol! £50 billion for a proxy war that’s not even theirs. What utter morons. We’ve not even included the weapons, personnel & manpower in that. Nice job if you have poodles to pay for yer proxy wars.”


It will be far more than £50 billion if Washington’s man in Labour David Lammy get his preferred job as Foreign secretary, Lammy is a diehard Atl-anti-cst, and he will do his utmost to further the G-re-at Sa-ta-ns (US) agenda in Europe and beyond. I’m pretty sure Lammy is Mi-6/SI-S as well. Lammy has also received funding from the Zzz-io-Mon–ste-r lobby group and he’s a member of LF-I

link to

link to


“although you may be surprised to the connections and political leaders, poets and artist who became followers”

I’m not surprised, James Che. These people seek power (or fame or success or riches) and they think certain ‘rituals’ (twisted out of shape of course) will give them it. They’ve been at it for centuries and much, much longer. It almost always doesn’t work out well for them in the long run. There’s always a price to be paid in some form or other.


northcode –
boleskine house, where I think crowley made an aborted attempt at the legendary abramelin (in order to help the war?) but it left around certain “entities”

jimmy page owned it, for a while; keeps going on fire, mysteriously

in the “hidden messages” panic (play the records backwards) led zep got accused of conjuring up demons – and from that time heavy metal has played it up for the fans, even onto marilyn manson

I think parsons claimed there were aliens in deep underground bases and these are the “greys”, which are also the “demons” crowley conjured

I don’t believe a word of this, it’s just kinda fun, on a wet afternoon


I’m hopeful, that it will be a kick in the teeth for the G-re-at S-ata-n.

“The judges in Julian Assange’s two-day appeal hearing on July 9-10 are the same who granted Assange a rare victory last month: his right to appeal the Home Office’s extradition order to the United States.

Justices Jeremy Johnson and Victoria Sharp granted Assange the right to appeal on only two of nine requested grounds, but they are significant:”

link to


“I don’t believe a word of this, it’s just kinda fun, on a wet afternoon”

Can’t disagree, Confused. Crowley, Hubbard too, were massive self-publicists and created all sorts of myths around themselves. And what better way to pass a spare hour on a wet afternoon than to conjure up ‘demons’ for our entertainment?


As Lebanese forces take control of Galilee with a ex-Z–i-o military commander saying about it “You just want to cry” Opinions in G-a-z-za are changing to one of defiance against the Zzzi-i-o-Mon–ster-s.

“A new opinion poll shows that public support for the Pal–estin–ian res-istance movement H-a–ma-s and armed confrontation as the best means to end Iz-h-ell’s occupation has increased among Pal–est-ini-ans.

The results of the poll by the Pa–lest-in–ian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) come as Izzh-e-ll’s brutal onslaught on the besieged G–a-z-za S-tr-ip continues for the eighth month.

The poll found that support for armed struggle rose by eight percentage points to 54 percent among those surveyed in the G–a-z-z-a St-ri-p and the occupied We–st Ba-n-k.

The opinion poll showed support for H-am–as also climbed by six percentage points to 40 percent and the Ga–z-za-based group enjoyed more support than the Pa–lest-ini–an movement Fatah, led by President Mah–moud Ab–bas, with 20-percent backing.”

James Che


Labour leader flys up to Scotland because he was short of time, pre elections.
This is the same leader whom beliefs in taxing us for Climate change, on our cars, and houses,
But then the greens and tories do the same when convenience is more important than the climate,
I have no doubt the snp do the same when they flew to America,
Don’t do as I do, do as I say springs to mind.

Some politicians still believe that they are magicK. And we can’t see them.

James Che


You seem to be a delightful enigma full of knowledge and verse,

James Che

Quite a lot of Scottish fans in Germany I see,


Confused @ 16.57.

I believe the main ritual Crowley attempted at Boleskin was aimed at contacting his Holy Guardian Angel, though as always with him there were all sorts of spiritual “side dishes” to tempt his ever over active mind.

Ruby Tuesday

link to

Mrs Che

You got mail.



I commend this to your attention.

link to

The devil is in the ill disguised supremacist detail.
Detail too many ignore.

Opinion surveys in the NearEast are notoriously unreliable.

David Hannah

You’re spot on. Sir Kier wants to turn Britain into a greater province of that horrible country in the middle east between the river Jordon and to the sea.

He’s married to a jewish woman – their entitlement and big noses says it all.

He’s blood thirsty. And ready to go to war. Wearing the bullet proof vest in Estonia.

BEAST incoming. With a brother in law a military commander in that murderous baby killing regime in the middle east.

I hope the tory party wins. It’ll only get worse from here on in.

But the nationalist cause will never waver. Scotland the brave.

David Hannah

The biggest dickus incoming – Sir Kier Pontius Pilate Starmer.

What is truth?

David Hannah

Sturgeon and the latest predator.

SNP activist Cameron Downing.

blackmailing people.

Obsessed with having very serious sexual relationships with young people.

Allegations of Rape. Various sexual assaults.

He has been photographed with Nicola Sturgeon. She attracts them doesn’t she???

SNP they are filled with paeds predators and perves. Found guilty.

Sturgeon knows how to pick them!


I really did not expect a hearty laugh at the end of such a depressing but accurate article. Nevertheless kudos to you and count bin face.

James Che


I started researching many mystical believes and topics on karma, and gods, to find out more on the topic of the seeing into the future, as I had and still have dreams that often come true sometimes within 24 hours sometimes in any range span of 5 years, always with a little twist at the end
Here is an example,
Once I dreamt that my family were traveling in our landrover on a certain identifiable bend in the road, at a certain time of day , when suddenly in my dream all this clear fluid came leaking out of the dashboard into the cab, and in my dream I panicked to get my young children out of the vehicle in case it went on fire, I awoke thinking I had had a nightmare. And woke my spouse up.

Less than 24 hours later going on this same road home after having been shopping, chatting and talking about our days events, when on that particular bend in the road all this clear liquid started coming out the dashboard of the Landrover and running down to the floor well.
I suddenly recalled my nightmare from the evening prior and immediately stopped the land rover and started evacuating my children and dog, spouse had already got out drivers side,

We stood a few a good feet away on the grass verge expecting a disaster, nothing.
After a long period spouse slowly approached the vehicle and opened the door and could not smell any petrol,
So he touched his fingers to the liquid to find it was window wash and that the hose had come off at a joint,
What a relief,

However it was the same vehicle, the same bend in the road, the same time of day and same clear liquid, coming out the dash board,

Strange instantences like this happen a lot in my life, from WW11 aeroplanes to minor accident warnings,

So you can see why I became curious enough to research about the unusual and paranormal world, but I have to say when I learned about the darker side of occult stuff this scared me shitless and steerwd well clear of it,
and nowadays I just accept these dreams and events are just part of my everyday life and have been such, since a child,

David Hannah

And finally – Clydebank in Glasgow has rejected SNP. Kicked them out of the council by-election West Dumbartonshire.

Clydebank has had syrian plantations. Ukranian plantations. And now a nigeria is being built on the clyde.

The new homes in Yoker need to go to Scots.

Sickening abuse of the visa system nigerians coming over here and bringing their mothers to study at clydebank college and work as care workers with their fake nigerian names like precious – I don’t think any of them were ever nurses back home.

We need a Scotland for the scots. Starting tonight

David Hannah

SNP has done more damage to Clydebank than the Germans in World War 2. History repeating itself with the fascist SNP.

Clydebank demands change.

David Hannah

Twelve per cent swing to Labour on a 24 per cent turnout. Nevertheless, when voters would prefer to stick with Labour, even in view of their previous incumbent’s conviction, it must be worrying for the SNP.

Ruby Tuesday

I don’t like demons & occult stuff. Back in the day when I was just a girl it was all I read. I was a big fan of Dennis Wheately. I think I overdosed and on that stuff the final straw being Rosemary’s Baby. I might have been fine if I had just read the book and not seen the film.
Rosemary’s Baby ended my interest in demons & occult stuff.

When I look back I wonder how I could have read all that stuff.
I also wonder how anyone can read paranormal romances. Just the idea of the boyfriend/hero being a ‘shapeshifter’ ie man by day wolf/werewolf by night doesn’t appeal. Probably the idea of all the moonhowlin’ that puts me off. Amazingly these books are very popular.

You also get LGBTQ+ paranormal romances!

Well done Northcode for keeping everyone entertained on this very rainy day.

Ruby Tuesday

James Che

Am I wrong to call you Mrs Che? You don’t seem like the same person who used to post using this moniker.

Are you sharing a moniker with your spouse? Should I call you Mr Che?

James Che

Ruby Tuesday,

Thanks for notification, will check in on it later as spouse back home again from hospital now and away to have a bite to eat,

Ruby Tuesday


I thought ‘tone policing’ was just something Andy Ellis made up but it turns out it is a thing.

Tone policing:
Tone policing is a tactic used to shut down conversation, expressions and complaints; shifting the focus away from what’s being raised, to the way it’s being raised

The definition of tone policing, according to, is “a conversational tactic that dismisses the ideas being communicated when they are perceived to be delivered in an angry, frustrated, sad, fearful or otherwise emotionally charged manner.”

He has accused my many times of ‘tone policing’ so often that I was able to predict what he would say. I posted ‘tone policing’ on the ‘Bottles Rocket’ thread as a way of saying I knew you would say that but this time around there was no mention of ‘tone policing’

Not a clue really! I’m not up on ‘psychobabble’ like Ellis.

Can anyone give a simple explanation of ‘tone policing’?

James Che

Ruby Tuesday,

I am a Mrs, but not Mrs Che, and not sharing with spouse as I mentioned one before on Wings, I was given this as someone else not of my family bought a new one,
This one is cracked old and doesn’t always work on keypad, do no know how to copy or paste and dont think that bit works anyway due to damage, and seeing as I have never worked anything other than a typewriter and a sewing machine think it isnt to bad,

I am actually a Gordon, but then I think I mentioned this on Wings awhile ago. perhaps before your time.


James Che

I understand tone policing, it is done a lot on Wings,

Ruby Tuesday

When I was out driving in the pouring rain earlier today the song ‘No Scotland No Party’ played numerous times. It’s trending.

All I kept thinking of was a political party and that

Scotland has no political party.

No Scotland No Party.

Alf Baird

James Che @ 5:24 pm

“Quite a lot of Scottish fans in Germany I see”

Yes, and we should not under-estimate the significance of 200,000 kilted Scots on international duty, saltires held aloft for all the world to see, and not a mankit union flag in sight.

The Euros are a rare opportunity for all Scots to express our national consciousness and love for our nation in the international sphere. Our oppressor will as usual be hoping we trip up and do not go very far; because they know that national consciousness and the desire for national sovereignty and ‘the struggle for freedom’ are closely interlinked.

“It is at the heart of national consciousness that international consciousness lives and grows..and this two-fold emerging is ultimately the source of all culture” (Fanon)


Tone policing is really jist aboot trying to lock the tone of posts into a paradigm deemed acceptable by the policer.
Not to be confused with Tone Loc though, who is famed about taking a swally of the funky cold medina to attract “Sheena”, who it turns out was a man. Highlighting one of the world’s first trans docking port compatibility issues.

link to

Anton Decadent

Re the issue of Private Eye I am currently reading, it also had an article on Peter Mandelson, one of the main advisors to Keir Starmer, who had maintained a friendship with Jeffrey Epstein even after he was charged with procuring underage girls.

Ruby Tuesday

James Che
14 June, 2024 at 6:59 pm

Ruby Tuesday,

I am a Mrs, but not Mrs Che, and not sharing with spouse as I mentioned one before on Wings, I was given this as someone else not of my family bought a new one,

I find it strange to call you James when you are female.

If you wanted to you can change your user name easily enough but don’t do it on my account.


I like the Wolfe Tone.


Andrew scott

Off topic i know but but rev should look at this
Cameron Downing former equality person with snpeados(pictured with the fragrant st nicola
Who wanted to beat up terfs has been found guilty of sexually assaulting 6 young adults
Where has st nicola taken this country

Ruby Tuesday

I had to Google Wolfe Tone.

Interesting! A hero & a folk band.


I have not watched am opening ceremony to any games or tournament in a long time… this cringe fest is reminding me why. This is total shit.

Put 3 quid on Scotland to win at 12-1. Money in the bank obviously.


John spinney in Munich supporting Scotlabd where are the other so called champions of Scotland


Hmmm watching that rendition of Flower of Scotland I think the notion of Independence is very much alive and well in Scotland.

Germans sound totally dead in comparison.



The link below is to a long read.

I first heard of Henry Joy through the singing of a well known song about him. Sung by Robin Morton one of the Boys of the Lough and now with a recording studio in Temple.

The 1798 rising was a shambles. The volunteers at Ballynahinch turned out at the field in their Sunday best, some with families.

link to


I understand Swinney’s reasoning, because he knows what is coming.

If he maintains that a majority vote for SNP is a vote for Independence, then a majority vote for Unionist parties will be a vote for the Union and against independence.

Whilst he is a very dislikeable man, he is not stupid. He seems sure that Labour will return the majority of votes and MPs, if they do the only way to keep Independence alive would be to test it in a Holyrood vote. And he isn’t going down that road.


“John spinney in Munich supporting Scotland…”

Well that is us fucked then Izzie.

Could not even get this typed in time, 2-0, lol, Swinney cursed us. His loser, Jonas touch infected the team, the whole country. It is like his first loser tenure in 2004 turbocharged.

If we get one back before half time we can still shake off the Swinney curse… just as I typed that it is a penalty.

I’ll just stop here. lol.


Shit performance from Scotland so far… can’t believe I invested 3 quid in this.


English commentary and gloatfest, plus handy house jock mccoist and his “pockets”. AC Milan vs ac milanda, give us our daily bread. Am oot, and as for swinney, he’s oot too.


@ Mac

Yer 3 quid would likely have been better invested in a couple of tinnies to take the edge off of being Scottish, what with oor seemingly inherent tendency for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Last time I bothered taking a swatch at football it looked like a lot of the players put more effort into their haircuts and tattoos than fitness and ball control.
But hey ho, as Taylor Swift often states, and the players gonna play play play play play play… But I’ll jist shake it aff and add that I don’t really give a fuck as feel they shouldn’t be playing at international level anyway seeing as Scotland as a country is too fucking cowardly to actually be a stand alone nation state.
Personally I’ve had enough of the lightweight plastic patriotism / nationalism of the constituent parts of the UK. Just meld them all into Team GB & NI and be done with it until folk manage to grow enough of a spine to stand up straight by themselves.
Most normal folk manage to grow up and stop wearing nappies by a few years old, but na, Scots still needing to wear training pants and shitting themselves as adults. It’s embarrassing.

David Hannah

4-0. We’re here for the party. The pageantry. The colour and the atmosphere. The Scots can party into the early hours.

We’ve got a mountain to climb for the rest of the tournament – buts that okay! Because we love to climb mountains in Scotland!

Land of wee bit hill and glen. That fought and died for! And send them homeward. Tae think again!

I see Big Eck’s in Germany – I hope having the time of his life. Salmond Number 1!!! YESS!


Maybe Clarke deserves a lot of criticism but from what I am seeing the players on the pitch are utter shitbags.

This is rotten performance by cowards who shat it on the night.

I was saying after 10 minutes it looked like 5-0.

We will be lucky now if it is.

I am so bored of this song.

David Hannah

I was tempted to go to the pub tonight. But I’m glad I stayed in and had a few coffees and bolognaise. We’ve been humped. It’s like watching Celtic in Europe!

Steve Clarke should drop Che Adams for the next game. Christie should be dropped. And Porteous is out the tournament isn’t he?

It hasn’t worked – never mind – on to the next game and its someone elses turn to become a hero!


Well the Scotland game unfolded just the way I thought it would, I’m too long in the tooth now to expect anything else.

Here’s an interesting read on how N-at-o, the EU and Mi-6, not only brought about a regime change in Macedonia but forced the country to change it name to North Macedonia, even though almost all Macedonians didn’t want the name change.

link to

Alf Baird

David Hannah @ 9:47 pm

“Steve Clarke should drop Che Adams for the next game.”

Aye, Adams is useless; Clarke went ‘defensive’ leaving out our best two footballers from the start – Gilmour and Shankland. Attack is the best form of defence.

A bit like the SNP, unwilling to go on the offensive using the best Scots available.


I expected us to get beat in this game but i wanted it to be a barometer as to how far we’ve come under Clarke, STFU and stop your laughing at the back. Maybe 2:1 or 1:0? Fat chance! A serious dose of stage-fright on opening night. LMFAO

Don’t know what was worse, watching that performance or listening to Slevvery McMoist and Souness representing Scotland?

Seriously, i wouldn’t put that German team anywhere near the category of great German teams we’re used to seeing. As the tournament progresses and Germany has to play some good teams then i will be proved either right or wrong. Let’s see! 😉

Scotland’s biggest hurdle out the way now surely we can take something from the other 2 teams in the group? Not impossible, but then again we are Scotland.

Geoff Anderson

If you can…….please help out
link to

Brian Doonthetoon

My impression of the game was, that in both halves, Germany dominated the Scottish half, between the penalty box and the halfway line.

Looks like Scotland needed a Greig McKinnon Baxter or a Seith Ryden Wishart.

Graf Midgehunter

Here in Germany nobody expected the Scottish team to win, it was just a question of how many goals difference. The sacrifice.

What did sting was a remark from someone, “The Scots are not up to the level of Iceland”. The England killers..!


Anton Decadent

They have brought great shame to their country, their families, their employer, their supporters and their ancestors. But enough about the SNP.

David Hannah

I agree Alf Baird. I love Shankland.

Laurence Shankland is the best striker a natural goalscorer and the Scottish Premiership’s golden boot. and curled Liverpool left foot. Hearts usually play 4-4-2.

In the next game if we can get the ball out left to Robertson to whip and curl them in right on top of Shankland’s head he’ll score a goal for us.

Billy Gilmour is our quickest most gifted Scotsman, agile in turning, quick in changing position can pick the perfect through pass.

Grant Hanley is the centre half that should start the next game.

Get the ball out left. Whip it in. Curl it. Robertson and Tierney 20-30 yards out. Get it in early onto Shankland’s head and we’ll qualify yet!

David Hannah

5-1 – thumped can learn from it – this is a Scotland team that won 5 games in a row, including a 2-0 victory over Spain. We have that in us to go again. We’re not just here for the party.

We are winners. European champions. Premier league winners. Treble winners. La Liga footballers. Golden boot strikers. We’ve got it all.

Ryan Christie had that chance for the through ball to Che Adams – I jumped up out my seat and it was overhit. I think Gilmour would have played that ball to precision. In the end Christie nearly gave a penalty away.

I actually think the goalkeeper was a bit concussed after the first 5 minutes. He saved a shot with his head! that was offside! And then the goal he gave away was a delayed reaction should have been down quicker.

Zander Clarke – I’d even play him in the next game. This guy Gunn has let 5 in. You don’t recover from that!

Robert Hughes

@ Alf Baird

” A bit like the SNP, unwilling to go on the offensive using the best Scots available. ” . Indeed .

That performance/result is a pretty accurate reflection of where we are as a nation ….

Lacking confidence : being in a weird , abusive forced marriage will do that

Weak in defence : of our interests & resources

No imagination going forward : Swinney !

Little chance of progressing .


Dear Mrs Che,

I must confess I have never before been described as ‘delightfully enigmatic’. However, I thank you for your kind words and happily accept them in the kind and generous spirit of goodwill in which you gift them to me.

Your faithful servant,


Look at that, I’ve come over all formal and 19th centuryish – must be one of my past lives scratching at the surface of my awareness. 🙂

I agree with Ruby – it seems odd calling you James Che now that I know you are a ‘missus’ only and not a shared moniker.

May I call you ‘Mrs Che’ in any exchanges we might have here? I like it, I think it suits your online persona.

Of course, if you would rather I continue to address you as James Che I will defer to your wishes.

And thanks for sharing your experiences of dream state premonitions. Very interesting. I have some things to say about that, but I’ll leave it for another time.

Big Jock

I thought the line up was fair.

It was the set up, formation and tactics that were completely screwball. Gunn had a shocker. But we actually just let Germany play for 90 minutes. We didn’t try to counter or attack their midfield or defence.

Clarke needs to take the blame for the tactics. That and the awful friendly results. He is not the mesiah, and he needs called out for his bad coaching in this game.


That is the worst performance I have seen (I don’t watch nor count friendlies) and I was at the 4-6-0 game. Two rows of five sitting paralyzed in front of the box from the start.

I would not have cared about a thumping if we had at least had a go. Total capitulation. Could have been double figures had Germany needed it to be. Starting to really doubt Clarke now for the first time.

Reminds me of the last Euros (was it?) where the Czech boy scored from the half way line… feels like we are out before we have even started.

Ruby Tuesday
Ruby Tuesday

link to

SNP activist pictured with Nicola Sturgeon is jailed for sexually assaulting six people

During proceedings, jurors were played a video recording of the evidence given by the 22-year-old victim who was blackmailed by Downing. He told the court of how he and Downing had consensual sex but this stopped.

The man, who can’t be identified for legal reasons, told the court that Downing’s reaction to this decision “terrified” him. The court heard that Downing threatened the man by telling him that if he didn’t change his mind, he would tell the police of how the victim had “raped” him.

I wonder where he got this idea from?

I. Despair

Surgeon’s wee gofer Cameron Downing convicted:-
link to


It would be terrific seeing Scotland do well, but spoiler alert, I don’t give a monkeys about fitba. It’s been the source of too much cringe and embarrassment down the decades, particularly it’s loathsome sectarianism and contempt for Scotland the nation.

I’m resigned to the fact it’s a drug some people can’t get enough of, so it’s not gonna change any time soon. I don’t blame the players. The way Scotland approaches sport is always as a potential giant killer. But if you’re banking on luck to progress through a tournament, you’re not doing it right.

Look abroad in Africa or South America, and there gangs of kids playing fitba in bare feet showing bewildering skills. It’s spontaneous, unplanned and they’re doing it for an ancient ritual called “fun”. If Scotland loves fitba as much as we’re told we do, why don’t you see Scottish kids swarming our open spaces for a game of football? It’s not that cold and wet. Those kids are in their bare feet,

I don’t know… Somehow our young folk get locked in to poor mindset very early in life that your life is going to be a miserable trial of unfulfilled potential and underachievement, and it sticks with them throughout their life. We seem to kill off hope very early.

I’m not in teaching, but growing up, I always observed kids in Africa all raising their hands desperate to answer a question in the classroom, filled with enthusiasm. Back in Scotland, it seemed our teachers needed a defibrillator just to get somebody to put their hand up.

Something “dies” very early in our kids. It’s not actually hope, but something like hope. It’s like acceptance of mediocrity. If you’re good at something, this society will set about clipping your wings . Get back in line.

I think it’s origin lies in the British strip-upper-lip stoicism, which doesn’t compliment, but doubles down on Scotland’s traditional grim stoicism. It’s alien, a foreign-ness being imposed, and I honestly believe that removing the yoke of Britishness will double the chances for our kids to fully blossom as Scots in their fullest extent.


Watching the post match interviews with Robertson and Clarke and it appears they had a game plan but the players just went into rabbit in the headlamps mode and lost the game in the first 20 minutes.

Mentally weak.

I really don’t see us turning this around now given the manner of that defeat. If we had gone down swinging maybe yes, but not after losing like that. Hope to be proven wrong but can’t see it after watching that performance.

If we play like that again then we don’t deserve to be at this tournament. Hard to reconcile the team that qualified with the shitbags I watched last night.

James Che

Alf Baird,

I didnt get time to watch the game later on, I knew the results though however through a interview done with a Scottish fan, sad we lost,
But noted a lovely Scottish attitude in the young fan being interviewed that made me smile. He was sad we had lost to, but he was staying behind after the game to have a drink with the german fans.

We’re a friendly lot compared to some other fans, it makes a big difference and noted that Scots are often well intergrated and accepted in the Countries they have often moved too,
The young lad made me proud of Scots.

James Che

Anton Decadent,
another one of those background connections to politicians and perversion that I was unaware of,
Thanks for info.

James Che

Ruby Tuesday,

I think you are letting your personality shine through, delightful..

Ruby Tuesday

Tone policing continued.

Here’s an article on tone policing.

link to

That is easy enough to understand. Certainly easier than the
psychobabble that I read earlier.

Pretty hard to accept the idea that Andy Ellis is a victim of ‘tone policing’

I think Andy Ellis is using the idea of ‘tone policing’ to ‘tone police’

Ruby Tuesday

link to

Here’s another article on ‘tone policing’ this one is called

“Positive vibes only!” Why tone policing can get in the f*cking bin

“Watch your tone, young lady!” It’s what you might say to a cheeky toddler but, too often, the tentacles of the tone police are spreading into grown up conversation and debate. Amy Kean explores, via the British monarchy, business interactions and 1986 movie classic Labyrinth, how the over-policing of conversation is becoming an emergency situation.

Alf Baird

Ruby Tuesday

“I wonder where he got this idea from?”

Indeed. Postcolonial theory (Fanon) suggests that the dominant national party elite which has made ‘an accommodation with colonialism’ ends up ‘behaving like a gang’, and ‘uses colonial forces’ to keep the movement at bay.

Ruby Tuesday

James Che
15 June, 2024 at 7:15 am

Ruby Tuesday,

I think you are letting your personality shine through, delightful..

LOL. Mrs Che

No I am not! I don’t want to be sent back to the naughty step.


Watching Scotland used to be about losing valiantly, the plucky losers, and against the better teams especially we would typically put in a better than average performance resulting in the inevitable ‘ glorious failure’ but that last night was something else.

If it had been a fight the ref would have stopped it in the first minute of the first round as it was a total mismatch. No fight in us at all. Not a shot on target the whole game.

I am struggling to see how mentally these players can recover their confidence for the next game. That was a shattering performance.

If the entire Scottish football team set-up is not a deep state psy-op it should be. It is brilliant. And it never let’s them down, every single fucking time… lol.

The domestic league is unwatchable I agree Breeks but the national team was my last remaining vestige of interest in Scottish football. But that last night was embarrassing, no other words for it.


To paraphrase the post-coital Mark Renton…

“I haven’t felt that embarrassed since Scotland threw away the chance for independence in 2014!”

Dorothy Devine

I gave up watching ( not a footy fan except when Scotland plays) during the brief watch I saw Germany score their first goal and saw not one Scottish boot on the ball.

Embarrassing indeed.

The fans over in Germany are extraordinary – they get all the points, the team get none.

James Che


Dear Sir,

I read your letter this morning with much happiness in my heart, and accept kindly you’re offer of reference In all future correspondences and to become acquainted and known to yourself as Mrs Che,
It is with great sadness that we oft find our selves in todays Society confused about the gender of ones person,

It too, has not failed to catch my attention that 19th centuryish manners have taken flight, and the new world intrudes upon our senses, and my fair sex, therefor find myself in the position to ally your fears and gratefully accept the moniker you offer of Mrs Che in all future communications.

Yours Sincerely

Mrs Che.

The topic of premonition dreams is a an interesting one, as it is not something a person has a choice over, other than not going to sleep,
it can feel quite isolating and as you grow up as you learn not to mention it to school friends or work mates lest they start leaving you in droves.
I am not sure what Catagory it fits into really as most other oddities of this nature are often done with intentional practice.

I have found that this occurs outside of dreams also when in a combined state of contentment and relaxation, it comes with picture visions, sound and colour,
It has been a small number of years since I had my last one, so I am presuming it has to do with the stressful circumstances that I find myself in.
However I will stick my neck out here and give you all a Dream I thought was a premonition type, which have a distinction from normal dreams. Whilst remembering the twist that is often at the end,

In 2019 I dreamt that Scotland became a independent Country in 2023, I had the sense that this was the final stages after all negotiations had passed, and could see people in Scotland celebrating out on the streets,
I waited with great anticipation every year, even up until the end of 2023 and was extremely down in spirit and heart when it did not happen,
However when applying the twist that happens when I am dreaming will Scotlands independence be finalised by 2032?

I was hoping for it to happen while I would be young enough to enjoy and join in the celebrations, however I will be happy as Larry that it would happen in that year and that some here wound still be young enough and able to enjoy such a momentous occasion.
But for it to be finalised in 2032 it would have to begin and complete most, if not all the stages previous to that date,

I would like to respond to others comments here, but it is going to be another busy day as spouse wakes up soon and looking after my old jack russell dog, as she can’t manage to walk outside to the toilet nowadays, also got visitors arriving this weekend.

Hence why when I get personal time to myself everything is crammed into one days comments or or concentrated into a few hours, I will catch up soon though.


The players can play football just not at professional level, thats a fact. You can’t blame the manager for players who see the ball and do two thing they either runs away from the ball or kick the ball anywhere on the field. For the last 26years we should have concentrated on teaching the players how to play professional.

The Scottish team thats made up of my granny was Scottish or I live in Scotland, I thought it was about national pride players who were born in Scotland, so i thought.


Can I take it from the football performance yesterday, that the fans will be voting Labour and the SNP is back on with getting a beating, not that there bothered.

Andy Ellis

A wee treat for all the vatniks from the estimable Darth *utin twitter account:

There will be peace if *Rustiland only gets:

Part of Moldova.
Ok part of Georgia too but no Ukrainian territory
Ok, Just Crimea
Ok, just Crimea & part of Donetsk
Ok, Just Crimea & all of Donetsk
Ok, Just Crimea & all of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk & Zaporizhzhia

But no more. Promise


Look on the positive side…
Scotland has again made a great start in proving we are world or in this case European champion losers.
The tactics from the off were superb what with managing to achieve such a solid humping so early in the tournament.
If we can keep this up then other teams that are less good at losing will really struggle to get their goal difference stats close to ours.
Most Scottish fitba team managers think tactics are a type of mint, but Clarke played a blinder with getting 10 of oor men to run aboot like headless chickens for 90 minutes, the man has some incredible game play vision to pull that off, and you have to think if it wasn’t for the convention of leaving the goalie in the box, then he could have had aw (Burnistoun accent on/) Eleven! making a complete arse of themselves for the duration of the game.
It’s actually a very tricky skill managing to get a squad to appear to perform so shitely and not get the team thrown out of the tournament for blatantly trying to throw games.

Alf Baird

Andy Ellis @ 8:49 am

“There will be peace if *Rustiland only gets:
Part of Moldova.Ok part of Georgia”


What matters to thinking Scots is that England continues to have all of Scotland.

A doun-hauden fowk hiv tae mend thair ain foostie midden.


Franchise fanny

There’d have been peace & all territory intact in the peace agreement 2022.

“No NATO” how simple was two little words?

It was not only rejected but more weapons poured in despite heavy losses & being gubbed.

Then they threw in yet more, reaching further, that only initiated buffer zones.

So they threw in yet more weapons..& then more..and more..

Oh, now it’s £12 trillion + worth of minerals & them sitting on a gold mine. Now it makes sense as the yanks snap up land.

They’re being hammered. They’ve lost. The loser doesn’t get to dictate terms & after all those senseless casualties, pretend nothing happened & go back to the beginning to do the exact same shit all over again in a constant war.

Unless yer a fcking Muppet called Ellis who is super special, exceptional & loves the N.


all saltire, kilt, tartan, piss and wind…
As in sport, so in politics.

Was für ein Hauf’n Loser!
Defeat, in any sphere, is always a disgrace, nicht wahr?

RESET…..time is fast running out for this generation of politicians

George Ferguson

I am glad Chris doesn’t have a cartoon up today. Because Hamishs tail would be broken in 5 places. What went wrong? Compare the images of the two teams in the tunnel before the game started. The German players were relaxed and our players had the thousand Yard stare. Dubious player selection, formation, set up and tactics wrong. That’s down to the coach. Individual errors and an inability to adapt on the field that’s down to the players. Our performance can only improve against Switzerland.


Did we not get effectively knocked out the last Euros at a very early stage.

Given we just ‘played’ in the opening game, or at least we participated in the opening game, I am thinking we could be the first team out, after just two games, with a dead rubber to play which we will obviously suddenly turn up for and win in style… blah blah blah.

We can all write the script.




If there is no longer any sense or international laws to the chaos & consequences of the colonisers then suddenly everyone will start clearing out who they deem “undesirables” It needs stopped.

This whole thing has blown the mask off any sense of democracy too as world leaders just rubber stamp support in defiance of their own populations attitudes or any scrutiny of parliament.

That’s now starting to change hopefully with mouthy almighty Macron being shown the exit door & being told to pack up & get out of overseas territory.


The Teflon Don (no VONC’s sticks to him) and SNP coronated FM John Swinney congratulates Scots who have received an obedience gong from the foreign monarch King Charles III who isn’t our king, he didn’t uphold our Claim of Right, which includes no plundering of Scottish assets or lands, the Claim of Right is alive and active today.

“JOHN Swinney has congratulated all Scots who have received an award in the King’s Birthday Honours list.

Former prime minister Gordon Brown, writer and satirist Armando Iannucci and ex-footballer Ally McCoist are among the Scots recognised”

McCoist and Brown what a pair, McCoist openly admitted to I think it was Alan Brazil at a Scotland game against the Auld Enemy that he is BRITISH, whilst having a go at Scotland fans, as for Brown, well what do I need to say about him that we don’t already know.

“Included on the list is a knighthood for historian Professor Sir Niall Ferguson”

Ferguson, well he’s a die-hard Britnat who pens history books in favour of the English Empire, if you read his history books you’d think the English Empire was almost benevolent in its colonial conquests.

Alf Baird

James Che @ 7:02 am

“We’re a friendly lot compared to some other fans, it makes a big difference”

We sure are James. Scots are always naturally keen to participate on the international scene when the opportunity presents itself. Culturally, historically and linguistically we are arguably far more European in outlook than the Anglo; Scots recent anti-Brexit rather confirmed this.

But our ongoing colonialism means we are put ‘out of the (international) game’ politically, economically, and in matters of war and peace. The fact that England’s parliament has forced subordinate Scots into fighting its more than 150 international and colonial conflicts since the union, and with doubtless more to come, aye leaves us in a precarious position.

Since its independence, Ireland has avoided being dragged into these conflicts and England’s propensity for making trouble internationally. Scots need to do likewise.


Has a second seeded team ever finished the group on nil points before I wonder…

Oh yes, after playing like San Marino with the world watching, there is so much more embarrassment potential here. lol.

After last night I have no fucking clue which Scotland will turn up against Switzerland, Dr Scotland or Mr Shyte.

I think when you go that deep into shite territory it will be hard to just shake it off and suddenly be not shite.

Now there is a potential humiliation possibility (defeat to Switzerland) there is huge pressure on that game. HUGE. And we all know from Friday how well the team deals with that.

Well this is shaping up splendidly.

Tinto Chiel

How ironical that dour sourpuss Scotland manager Clarke was wittering on about the “Negative Normans” before the Germany match and then his team produced an abysmal performance like that, and with players who could provide more creativity or a real goal threat absent from the starting line-up.

Another lowlight last night was having to listen to carefully-selected House Jocks McCoist and Souness giving us their Grate Thotts. At one stage the latter even changed from using the term Scottish to British in the one sentence.

It’s no surprise many of the Vote No campaigners were prominent Scottish football internationalists, given our embarrassing lack of success as a national team.

I would use the term Caledonian Antisyzygy for it all but I just can’t spell it.


I’m not a big footie fan but what’s the stats on investment, training facilities, youth projects etc?

If we’re not producing home grown talent then maybe we should just stick to another sport lol

Ach well, at least we’re not sore losers & can have a laugh at our own expense. These competitions always heat up cheering on everyone else against England LOL


OT Musings – Motorbike racing.
Ach, guessing Auld Reekie with the ULEZ and the potholes means it ain’t ever going to be like Macau…
10 mins of onboard rider footage. Much as the racing is intense, it is also interesting to consider how holding such an event works in terms of the logistics and economics.

link to

Robert Hughes

@ Geri

” That’s now starting to change hopefully with mouthy almighty Macron being shown the exit door & being told to pack up & get out of overseas territory. ”

I hope that arrogant wee warmongering prick does get slung , but I’m very suspicious what the real motivation is behind the two most slavish , forelock-tugging U.S poodles , ie Macron & Sunak – and their respective Parties – have called elections considerably earlier than they needed to .

In Macron’s case it’s supposedly in response to the E.U Elections results , hmmmmm , really ?

In Sunak’s , I don’t think he’s given a reason for doing this – it could simply be because he knows the Tories are gonna get whupped and just wants it over with asap , then he can go back to making loadsa ££££££ just by being a cunt .

Again , hmmmmm , really ?

I suspect it may have something to do with impending escalation of the P War and Sunak just wants to hand the ensuing platter of shit to gormless Starmer / Labour to deal with and Macron fancies himself as the modern incarnation of Napoleon / De Gaulle – when , in his abject surrender to U.S * Interests * , he more closely resembles Pétain & the Vichy Gov .

Whatever is going on and whatever the outcome of the U.K & French Elections , the REAL Powers operating in the shadows can be confident whoever wins these elections , their agendas will continue to be served .

Related …..I note Craig Murray’s chances of being elected in Blackburn have been severely damaged by the late appearance of a rival * independent * candidate – who appears to be the product of and has the same backers as the creeps that kept Globalist/Pro-War Labour monkey Jack Straw , with the sole intention of splitting the independents vote and screwing-up Craig’s chances of being elected .

With Clare Daly losing her E.U seat it seems the voices of opposition to Permanent War and concentration of Globalist power are being silenced one by one .

TBH I think Craig is wasting his time contesting an English seat – he’d be much more constructively employed contesting a Scottish one : at the same time , it would be a good thing to have his voice of sanity and humanity in the moronic , U.S compliant W.M echo chamber .

I seriously doubt he’ll be allowed to win .

Ruby Tuesday

I reckon decolonisation could help get us a good football team.

Any monkey can be trained to kick a ball but it’s the mindset that’s very important.

If you start off feeling too wee, too poor and too stupid you will not win anything.

I think I’ve said this before but seems appropriate to repeat it now.

I bet if you could sell independence as a way of having a winning football team it would gain more converts than the idea of keeping the queen, the BBC & showing the bloody money.

How many fans went to Germany?

Yes movement might need to enlist the help of some sports psychologists to help explain how things work.

One of the problems for these football players is they don’t know which country they are playing for or if Scotland even is a country.

Proud of our football team? No! there is no pride in a colony.

Ruby Tuesday

15 June, 2024 at 9:20 am

all saltire, kilt, tartan, piss and wind…
As in sport, so in politics.

Was für ein Hauf’n Loser!
Defeat, in any sphere, is always a disgrace, nicht wahr?

RESET…..time is fast running out for this generation of politicians

Spot the racist!

Do you just come here all the time to tell us how shit we are?
I’ve asked you, Andy Ellis & Hatey Main what should we do about the 90 min. NATIONALISM piss and wind all the other things you three constantly criticise but I never get an answer.

Is that too difficult for all three of you. Do you all just prefer to be cunts?

Brian Doonthetoon

Munich, Germany – March and Rally for Scottish Independence 2024

Livestream today.

link to


James Che @8:41am

Thank you for your ‘letter’ dated the 15th June.

That’s settled then. You are now Mrs Che in my eyes.

“it can feel quite isolating and as you grow up as you learn not to mention it [premonition dreams] to school friends or work mates lest they start leaving you in droves.”

Have you ever considered the upside, though? It seems a very effective way of keeping folk at a distance.

But, facetious quips aside, I know what you mean.

And I agree with you, Mrs Che. I, too, find Ruby’s presence here delightful. Although on occasion some of her posts might have struggled to find their way into polite 19th centuryish society – which I also find delightful. 🙂

Anton Decadent

Far East betting syndicates have entered the chat.

@James Che, you are welcome, the sharing of information is, for me, why this site gets so much flak.

@Robert Hughes, Sunak and Macron both worked for Goldman Sachs before going into politics.

Alf Baird

Ruby Tuesday @ 10:37 am

“Yes movement might need to enlist the help of some sports psychologists to help explain how things work.”

It might well do. However, postcolonial theory already tells us how the psychology of colonialism works: ‘by debasing the colonized’ (Memmi).

It also explains why the assimilated native hands his sovereignty over to the oppressor on a silver platter:

link to

Dorothy Devine

Dan , thanks for that – hairy in the extreme!

BDT , I got a strange Tory parrot when I clicked your link – he was a complete eejit and worth seeing – thanks!


Alf Baird

Have you read any of the Canadian political scientist Crawford Brough Macpherson’s (1911-1987) work? I’m thinking of his theory of “possessive individualism” in particular.

Macpherson believed that “…the debased people are, by definition, incapable of reforming themselves.”

If he is correct it would seem the Scots face a daunting task in ‘raising themselves up’ after centuries of subjugation.

Although it’s important to bear in mind that Macpherson was criticized by some on both the left and the right of politics. And his theories might not be relevant to the particular predicament the Scots find themselves trapped in – for the moment at least.

If you haven’t yet come across any of his work it’s worth a look, if for nothing more than just out of general interest.


Geri @ 10.00.

As the late, great Brian Clough said, “ We had a great Team on paper, unfortunately the game was played on grass.”


Ruby Tuesday 14th June @6:29pm

“…when I was just a girl it [demons and occult stuff] was all I read. I was a big fan of Dennis Wheatley.”

The dark side of Ruby. 🙂

I remember reading Wheatley’s ‘The Devil Rides Out’ for the first time. I thought it was a great read. Wheatley knew Aleister Crowley, or at least was introduced to him.

He was also a collector of books on the occult, and much more, including books by H.P. Blavatsky – have you heard of her? A very strange woman by all accounts, really interesting life, though.

“When I look back I wonder how I could have read all that stuff”

Aye, that stuff can be heavy going at times. I wouldn’t worry too much about demons and the occult, though. There’s a lot of nonsense written about it – mostly just to sell books and movies.

Ruby Tuesday

Hey I can do 19th century polite. I’ve had to do it all my life who hasn’t?

I can even do 19th century polite in German.

I was a parlour maid in Germany.


Ich war eine zimmermadchen in Deutschland

Parlour maid sounds more 19th century. As far as being polite goes chambermaid, downstairs maid, ladies maid, any kind of maid requires a knowledge of 19th century etiquette.

In Germany I learned to say:

Entschuldigen Sie bitte darf ich bitte abdecken
meine Damen und Herren

In a posh hotel as you all know all know you get your bed turned down, your jammies/nightie laid out nicely and and a chocolate on your pillow!

The maid comes along and begs you if she can turn down your bed. People have to do that job and remain 19th century polite all the time.

There is no set rule how you lay out the nighties however. You can get a bit arty with the nightware.

You can lay out the nightie in a sylph like shape or like a tent. It’s fine as long as you are 19th century polite and say if in Germany

‘Entschuldigen Sie bitte darf ich bitte abdecken
meine Damen und Herren’

19th century? Probably nothing has changed since Victoria Times and it’s the same in the 21st century.

It’s nice to have a break here on Wings where you can say cunt and Stu isn’t looking to have his bed turned down or a chocolate on his pillow.

I’m recommending to everyone to have a break from all the ‘politesse’. Go on write cunt & fuck & whatever other swear word you fancy. It’s great therapy.

Throw in a bit of tone-policing if you want! FFS lower the bloody tone.


Ruby 🙂

“Hey I can do 19th century polite.”

I hope you know I was only teasing. I wasn’t havin’ a go at you.

“19th century? Probably nothing has changed since Victoria Times and it’s the same in the 21st century.”

You are most certainly correct.

“I’m recommending to everyone to have a break from all the ‘politesse’. Go on write cunt & fuck & whatever other swear word you fancy. It’s great therapy”

Of course, you know I never swear – well, just that once, I think, but I might give it a go and see how it feels.

I was starting to get a bit bored, jumped on here, saw your post, and you just made me laugh – thank you.

You have lifted my fucking spirits – you’re right, it does feel good now and then.

Ruby Tuesday

I mean

Victorian Times

BTW What was Victoria’s secret?

Ruby Tuesday

I hope you know I was only teasing. I wasn’t havin’ a go at you.

I did Northcode. 🙂


The G7 would rather fund a Knneo-Knattzzi regime in U, and aid the Zzz–io-Mons-te-rs than save lives.

A recent analysis shows that if the Group of Seven (G7) countries allocated just 2.9 percent of their annual military spending, they could effectively solve the world food debt crisis.

The revelation by Oxfam comes ahead of the G7 Summit in Borgo Egnazia, Italy, which estimates that the G7’s fair share of debt relief efforts for the world’s poorest countries is equivalent to $4 billion, for a total of $35.7 billion.

“Governments are finding their pockets run deep to fund war today, but when it comes to stopping starvation they are suddenly broke,” said Oxfam International’s Head of Inequality Policy Max Lawson.

“We’re talking about a small commitment with the potential for huge impact. Imagine a world where no one goes to bed hungry and where countries in the Global South can put money into public schools and hospitals instead of debt interest payments. The G7 not only has the means, but the moral and strategic imperative to make this happen,” said Lawson.

More than 281 million people are currently experiencing the devastating effects of extreme hunger and malnutrition, according to a U-N report. G-a-z-z-a is confronted with a dire hunger crisis, which ranks among the most severe worldwide, primarily attributed to Iz–he-l-l continuous assault and blockade on the region.”


Meanwhile the Zzzzz-i-o-M-on-st-ers are added to the U-N’s list of evil entities.

Iz–h-el-l joins D-ae-sh, al-Qa-e-da in U-N blacklist of child rights violators. Incidentally the second two are western backed/created proxy groups wheeled out by the west to cause murder and mayhem.

“A U-N resolution has been drafted, which condemns the I-z-h-e-lli ap-artheid regime and considers the Iz-h-e-li occupation army to be an organization that kills children.”


Robert Hughes.

Not just Claire Daly but Mick Wallace as well, Wallace lost out to a former Eurovision host, WTF is going on in Ireland? Wallace and Daly spoke a lot of sense in the EU parliament, now it will return to its shibboleth status without them.

Andy Ellis

@RoS 4.12pm

Good riddance to bad rubbish. Interestingly those following the Irish results remarked that in the transfer of votes in the SVT system they use, there was often a hige interchage of voters from the far left parties to the far right parties and vice versa.

Two cheeks of the same reactionary, regressive arse.



But with where we currently find oorselves due to moonhowling “progressive” lunatics implementing batshit crazy ideologies and policies, maybe there isn’t actually anything wrong with being a wee bit regressive, and pulling back from the insanity of aw the pish we are experiencing, No?
Surely you can’t be supportive of all the “progressive” policies we are having foisted on us.
I know you’re no fan of genderwoowoo bullshit so little more needs said about that.
But also supposedly environment saving crap like pissing away millions of quid of taxpayers’ dosh on the rollout of solar PV and ASHPs in a country that already has (and will develop much more in the years ahead) an abundance of non fossil fuel derived electricity.
I checked one of my neighbour’s solar PV generation figures for the last year and it made 900kwhs. So at 25pence a unit about 225 quid of leccy, and at that rate will take a mere 22 years to return the cost of the £5 grand install.
I need to catch up with the other neighbour to see their annual figure as their system was performing notably worse because the panels were even more badly shaded than the one that made 900 units. I reckon it might manage to get around 650 units which means it would take 30 years to cover the install cost.

What are your views on this sort of folly as for all the time you’ve been on here I don’t recall you being overly critical of much of the greenwashing pish.

Andy Ellis

@Dan 8.16pm

It’s possible to think both that fruitloops like Daly and Wallace are no great loss and that certain policy options aren’t right, or are being given the wrong priority Dan.

In being opposed to genderism, I’m aligned with the overwhelming majority of people. Similarly I’m opposed to the kinds of policies espoused by extremists of both the right and left: in the end, these nutters align.

Extremists thrive on grievance as recent votes show in France with Le Pen and here with Reform. That’s often because our governing parties and systems are pretty crap. I’m just not in favour of throwing the baby out with the bath water and welcoming rule by such people, or being in thrall to the New World Order Uncle Vlad, Chairman Xi and the Mullah’s in Tehran would like to see realised.

Useful idiots like Daly and Wallace, and the coterie of vatniks, nativists and xenophobes infesting BTL comment in here are very much part of the problem, not part of the solution. I’m pretty sure they’ll ultimately fail, but it might not be easy or pretty seeing it done.

I don’t really care about all the greenwashing pish. I reckon folk who spend five grand on solar panels in Scotland shouldn’t be out without their carers, but it’s not something I’m that invested in. There are doubtless many easier and better ways to ensure a more logical, cost effective and efficient energy supply and distribution system. I doubt it’ll happen anytime soon, and certainly not as part of the UK.


But that’s the thing though Andy, you are invested in it because it isn’t folk spending 5 grand of their own money on a crap PV install for their property. The policy is being rolled out in a way that means we the taxpayers are paying for it.
That’s why I’m fucking livid about it. The installs are utter junk and are being done through permitted development of planning law, so lack proper scrutiny and oversight to check the proposed systems are suitable for the specific property, and that the work carried out adheres to regulations, which in both matters it clearly isn’t if the half dozen installs next to me are anything to go by.
There are so many more effective ways to improve properties and help reduce bills and fossil fuel usage that should be dealt with first.
But all it takes for this shite to prevail is for decent folk to let it…


So just to recap, so far #AskAndy likes

…starvation, invasion, coup d’etats, funded terrorism, nukes, crashed economies, theft of other countries resources, theft of other countries currency reserves & assets, sanctions, sabotage of other countries resources, colonialism, military occupation, authoritarianism, unelected leaders, Naz, foreign interference, civil unrest, murdering civilians, evicting undesirables from their homes/ lands, concentrating camps, wars, dictators, broken agreements, liars, immigrants & war criminals ..

Anything else?

But he’s not really fussed on the green wash pish. Phew! Thank fuck for that eh or I’d be here all night..

He’s anti Irish now? LOL

Daly & Wallace, of course, will know all about

1. Famine
2. Occupation
3. Terrorism
4. Double crossing lying bastards
5. Warmongering fckwits
6. & That weapon’s don’t achieve peace & selling them certainly doesn’t. It keeps the trouble going showing they’ve zero intention of peace.

P now on at least his sixth peace offer.
Yanks on 0.

The yanks have completely destroyed a country from ever recovering (economically as well as human losses) & signed the EU up to pay for it all for decades while also demilitarising them & blowing up their energy source ..but it’s okay folks, #AskAndy claims EU leaders just noticing is just a bit of grievance LOL

If that’s yer progressive pish you can keep it.


Just watched an interview with Clare Daly (taken before election)

The Irish media is just as bad as here. It was ramped up P was coming tae get everyone.
She stands as an independent & gets no media coverage like the main parties or funding for campaigns so was urging ppl to vote.

She was very vocal in the EU parliament for calm, diplomacy & democracy because without public ref, scrutiny by parliament, official change to EU directives etc Von Der Liar announced there’s going to be a War commission, a defence minister & a shiny new budget of £100 billion to spend on the military complex. Quelle surprise – no guessing whose complex that’ll be.

The EU is all about war, war & more war & fck all to do with what it’s main mission was regards workers protections, democracy & to promote peace & environment & everything to do with blowing shit up.

It’s glorifying in getting one over on P & Yahoo is the best thing since sliced bread. He’s a saint. Any dissenting voices are either an anti sem or an R stooge. *Yawns*

Ireland is Neutral. The yanks hate neutral. “If yer not for us you’re against us” is their well worn motto.
If the EU goes ahead with Von Der Liar then they’ll no longer be neutral & will be entering into another fckn colony.

Looks like they’ll be doing the same to the Irish as what they’ve just done in Sweden & Finland. It’ll be polluted with foreign military bases with the Irish government told to keep it’s nose out.

Young Lochinvar

The polling booth; where dreams go to die.

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