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Wings Over Scotland

Someone tell us the rules

Posted on May 18, 2023 by

As we told you on Tuesday, this happened today:

And we just can’t tell how it works any more.

Andrew Miller aka Amy Miller aka Amy George is, like Adam Graham aka Isla Bryson, a transwoman. He has lived as a woman, in so far as that phrase has any meaning, for several years. He dressed as one all the time, not just for the abduction and assault, and was referred to by female pronouns.

He was arrested wearing a bra, knickers and fake breasts. And yet as far as we can tell, he’s the ONLY transwoman in the UK charged with a sexual offence that the police and the media have described as a male.

As far as we’re aware Humza Yousaf hasn’t declared that Miller is “at it” in his claims to be a woman, so we cannot understand why he’s been made an exception to the rule. It surely can’t just be to save the Scottish Government from another embarrassing fiasco like the Isla Bryson one.

(Just hours before Miller entered his guilty plea, the First Minister on whose watch the Bryson shambles took place was rubbing shoulders with showbiz figures and trans activists as she accepted a “Celebrity LGBTQ Ally Of The Year” award at the “Rainbow Honours” in London. Her official Scottish Government security detail was there with her – visible in the second pic below – so it looks like we were all footing the bill for her to add to her extensive selfie collection.)

When we contacted Police Scotland’s press office earlier this year requesting some clarification about how it was determined which sex an accused trans person would be referred to as, the question was simply studiously ignored, twice.

We’ve tried again, because people deserve to understand what on Earth is happening.

If everyone is simply accepting whatever the accused says at any time, it logically follows from this that an accused person could change their gender and/or pronouns and/or name every day of their trial, and every official authority in Scotland would just obediently go along with it each time, rendering all reporting and record-keeping a totally incomprehensible nonsense.

Frankly we hope someone does, because our country has become a ludicrous sick joke and it’s about time we got to the punchline.

0 to “Someone tell us the rules”

  1. Tom Halliday says:

    According to BBC radio putting Scotland down, the accused referred to ‘himself’ as Andrew Miller to simplify the process for the police and to prevent ‘confusion’. I don’t think it has worked.

  2. Republicofscotland says:

    I heard on the radio Scotland today (lunchtime news slot) that when he was first arrested he presented as Andrew Miller, or he wanted to be known as Andrew Miller something to that effect.

  3. de selby says:

    As Steph pointed out on Twitter, Miller’s strategy is to go through the court as male, so that with a GRC post prison, he can change his identity.

  4. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    But Adam Graham was also known as Adam Graham when he was arrested.

  5. Den says:

    I can help take the guess work out of it for them, whatever he thinks he is in his head is neither here or there and. I have no interest in what’s in this perverts head. He is a fucking bloke. The end.

  6. JGedd says:

    Caught out by timing again, I had only just posted a comment on this subject on the previous thread when this article appeared. Oh well..

  7. Merkin Scot says:

    Yesterday our former First Minister was awarded Celebrity Ally of the Year at the Rainbow Honours Awards. Will she be embarrassed by what was seen in the High Court in Edinburgh? Or, will she cry for Amy?

  8. Alex Browne says:

    “…when he was first arrested he presented as Andrew Miller, or he wanted to be known as Andrew Miller…”

    How incredibly(!) convenient.

  9. Alistair says:

    The girl only got into his car because she thought he was a women, and therefore safe. Exactly what we’ve been warning about in terms of safeguarding.

  10. Louise says:

    I think that the majority of sane people can see that this narrative is ludicrous and unsustainable.

  11. Ken from glos says:

    He has a nice black eye.DId he trip and fall over ?

  12. JGedd says:

    When the police first encountered him in his home, he was in bed wearing a bra, silicone breasts, women’s knickers and tights so could hardly have been said to be ‘presenting as Andrew Millar’. Perhaps being apprehended, wakened from a sleep, he just told the truth when asked his name?

    By the way, the second photo taken after his arrest I would think, seems to suggest that he had had some kind of special treatment and I don’t mean makeup – unless someone had a heavy hand when applying the eye make-up.

  13. David Hannah says:

    Silence of the lambs, Scotland. Jeesus fucking christ. The poor lassie. She’s so lucky to escape.

  14. Andrew scott says:

    So mrs murrell picks up some trans related(or something related)award(last nite)
    Will she/he/they make any comment on the melrose butcher dressed as a woman picked up and sexually assaulted an 11 year old(he is transing btw)
    I would think no as the said butcher is all in favour of the GRA nonsense
    Scotland is dooomed
    Dump the greens who are driving this nonsense NOW

  15. David Hannah says:

    The country needs to get much stricter when it comes to self ID. Statistically the highest sexual offenders are the trans, as revealed by the English census.

    Now child snatcher. This sick fuck. He better not drop the soap in Barlinnie. Isla Bryson might try and rape him.

    Rot in hell.

  16. John H. says:

    Sturgeon has deliberately turned Scotland into a chaotic mess. She has created division and confusion wherever possible. Ask yourself why.

  17. President Xiden says:

    She may be ‘smiling’ for the cameras but she is dead behind the eyes.

  18. Neil Wilkinson says:

    As far as I know, he requested to be addressed as male in court, so the media went along with that. Had he said he wanted to be addressed as female, the media would have called him ‘her’ and ‘she’

  19. President Xiden says:

    Dear Rev, the rules are quite clear, let me explain.
    If someone claims to be a woman then they are unless it is embarrassing to the Government then they are ‘at it’. What could be clearer?

  20. Ruby says:

    ‘Miller, who is in the process of transitioning but told police to use male pronouns, will be sentenced at a later date.’ Daily Record

    Would this have made a difference.

  21. Stuart MacKay says:

    While the desire to identify as the other sex might be strong the question is whether the trans-person is mentally equipped to deal with it, particularly if the fairy-tale lifestyle they want does not really materialize. The case of Amy Miller would suggest that even after several years and what would appear to be a level of acceptance she was unable to avoid regressing. I’m sure the psychiatric evaluation would make very interesting reading.

  22. Mrs Grimble says:

    Just seen Miller’s arrest mugshot, sporting a lovely big shiner.
    Cheered me up no end!

  23. Stoker says:

    And *THIS* is *EXACTLY* what the “Scottish Greens” and the current SNP are all about. But if you ask them the liars will tell you this doesn’t happen. Isn’t that right, Sturgeon, Slater, Harvie & Co?

  24. Northcode says:

    What a terrible thing to happen to this girl. I hope she is getting all the help and support possibly available to assist her recovery. If, indeed, a full recovery is even possible for the poor wee soul.

    Is it possible that the ludicrous, confused, and blatantly irrational stance taken by the Scottish Government over gender recognition is emboldening and enabling the perpetrators of these kinds of crimes against women and young girls?

  25. wull says:

    As Xiden says (@ 5.09 above), the eyes have it. They almost always indicate the true story, which the camera cannot hide.

  26. Anton Decadent says:

    Most will have missed this as the thread had moved on to a new article but in the one about the parents of a trans child who were doing the rounds of TV stations someone came in and made a comment saying that the owner of this site was displaying a suspicious and unhealthy interest in children. This is a regular tactic, try to shut up any opposition via smear and/or shame and is also used when it comes to other subjects which do not have public support but which have the support of a handful of people with SWP placards. The person who posted the comment also accused the Rev of deliberately harming the cause for Scottish independence via not supporting the trans lobby.

    Re the priorities of the Scottish government and its fellow travellers in the other parties, they are going for a full socio/cultural/demographic reset of Scotland. Look up Operation Cotswalds and Operation Cerrar, hardly anyone knows about these and that is deliberate and laws are being passed to keep it that way.

  27. Ruby says:

    I’m wondering if everyone knows the difference between the GRA 2004 & GRR(Scotland) Bill.

    With regards to self-id I don’t see much difference between these two.

    GRA 2004 Tory allow GRR(Scotland) Bill blocked by Tory Gov.

    Am I wrong?

  28. KathyT says:

    “Andrew Miller aka Amy Miller aka Any George”… Wee typo there Stu?

  29. KathyT says:

    “KathyT says:
    18 May, 2023 at 5:32 pm
    “Andrew Miller aka Amy Miller aka”… And corrected while I typed… ?

  30. GlesgaJim says:

    Having a guess, I’d say the rules are…
    If people are paying attention and asking questions, sentence will be served in a jail where all inmates have the same chromosome pair.
    If no one is watching, put dangerous sex offenders in a locked cell with vulnerable women, because to hell with women and let’s all adhere to our cult/ideology whenever we can get away with it.

  31. Lee Floyd says:

    The former FM is either cynical and uncaring, demented and unaware, or possibly fully aware and a little bit more than an ‘ally’. Whatever she is, serious she isn’t. Incidentally, where’s the arrest as the ‘third man’? Or don’t you have proper justice up there in Scotland?

  32. London Scott says:

    Alistair says:
    18 May, 2023 at 4:52 pm
    The girl only got into his car because she thought he was a women, and therefore safe. Exactly what we’ve been warning about in terms of safeguarding.

    But predatory men would never pretend to be women. This never happens!!!

  33. Lorna Campbell says:

    The various regional police forces throughout the UK operate different systems depending on whether they are Stonewall affiliated or not. Police Scotland is one unit, effectively, and has recently come out of the Stonewall Diversity Champions Scheme. This could account for the previous aversion to reality and, now, the adherence to reality. Also, there was no way this ‘trans’ identified man could not be described as ‘trans’, so they got round the ‘trans’ bit by calling him male – which, of course he is, and was always.

    It is the telling of the truth that ‘trans’ identified men have a considerably higher sexual offences crime statistic than other sexual offenders. It is the ‘trans’ bit they are trying to hide, not the fact that he uses he-she pronouns or has been known as a woman for several years. They can avoid saying that ‘trans’ has blatant sexual deviance connotations if they never use the word, ‘trans’. Anyone with two braincells to spark off each other, and who has any knowledge of this group, knows that, for the vast majority, sexual deviance is a way of life, one way or another, but, for the many out there who have no idea, by not using the descriptive term, ‘trans’, lets them off the hook. I’m not suggesting that all ‘trans’ identified people are sexual deviants in this blatant way, but most are AGPs/paraphiliacs/fetishists.

    This ‘trans’ identified man/’woman’ is obviously heterosexual in a paedophilic way, but he is evidently trying to deflect attention away from his ‘trans’ persona. If he is saying that he is a man and wants to be known as a man now, that he did this vile thing as a man, was he a split personality – male and ‘female’? Yet, it seems he was dressed as a woman when he abducted that child, so was still using the ‘female’ persona as cover. He falls into a different category from the pretendy ‘trans’ rapist who became a ‘woman’ only after being caught. So, we have two men, both sexual deviants, both claiming ‘female’ identity, one for obviously fraudulent purposes to escape male prison and the other a long-term ‘trans’ identified man who used his ‘female’ persona to abduct a child. The whole thing is an absolute stinking mess and a tangle of lies and deceit, delusion and narcissism – and has to be stamped out now, not later.

    Care to explain this one, Nicola Sturgeon, or any of the crawling, sanctimonious insects in Holyrood who voted for self-ID? Can you explain to that poor child whether it was a man or a ‘woman’ who sexually assaulted her? Can you tell us all how many other children like her will have to be harmed before you start to admit reality? How many would you all consider to be a number worth ignoring? How many women would you think should have to put up with willie-waving fetishists in their spaces, fetishists who, adorned in their ‘trans woman’ regalia, show pictures of themselves on Twatter smearing s***k over doorhandles? You ought to be hanging your doltish heads in shame. This poor child will be traumatized for life. That is a price worth paying, is it, so that your precious ‘trans’ friends can self-ID, so that you can laud them and tell them that you voted for this stuff all for them, Mr Cole-Hamilton?

    Sensible women have been warning you for years that this would happen, you spineless, misogynist cowards – and that includes all those simpering, witless female MSPs who would crawl naked over a bed of coals for a nod of approval from a man, and who still believe they are feminists. SNP, Greens, Labour, Lib Dems and one or two Tories, you are all complicit in the harming of women and girls. All of you.

  34. twathater says:

    It is SO fucked up that polis Scotland are SO frightened to tell the TRUTH in case these fucking head cases call them nasty names that they are SQUIRMING about trying to avoid REALITY

    When it is said that policing is done by the consent of the people how has it got to the situation where a miniscule number of the population who are suffering from mental health delusions and others who are deviants and perverts can DETERMINE and FORCE an organisation whose focus is supposed to be serving the people and the law to become complicit and an ENFORCER for these lunatics and deviants

    The sight of that piece of scum wallowing in narcissistic self adulation is sickening and grotesque, but it was evident to anyone who really looked that her NON ATTENDANCE at any AUOB March for independence showed her true colours whilst she would eagerly and desperately embrace any PRIDE march

  35. Confounder says:

    Heard the suggestion that using his male ID now makes it easier to mask his conviction after he goes full tranny and his ‘dead name’ is kaput. Don’t know whether that holds water.

  36. Ruby says:

    Do you think Miller just blurted out “use male pronouns” or would he have been asked his preferred pronouns?

    “In the car the accused asked for the child’s family details as well as their home address. The accused wrote this information down on a piece of paper subsequently recovered from the accused’s home”

    Is this not a bit strange? Was he planning on asking for a ransom?

    Unusual to write someone’s address down if you are just giving them a lift home.

  37. barelybare says:

    I would think it would have been in his interest to have requested female pronouns to be able to claim any sexual assualt was female on female, which is likely looked upon more leniently than male on female. i.e.that he truly believes he is a woman.

    We are not told the nature of the sexual assualts. Not wanting to minimise the trauma but keep in mind Alex Salmond was up in court for sexual assualt nearly pinging a grown woman’s hair….

    I think it is quite likely the police got him to agree to use male pronouns. I wonder if he had a solicitor present.

  38. Lorna Campbell says:

    Neil Wilkinson: you are right. That poor girl – a child – would have had to give evidence in court, had he not confessed, and would have had to address him as ‘she’. It is a total disgrace, a moral abdication. How cruel can they be to females to expect them to address the man who sexually assaulted them as ‘she’? How much of a lack of compassion would you need to treat females in this way? One thing this whole carry-on has shown is that too many in this country of Scotland do not care one iota for women and girls. It has been a real eye-opener, and one that will not be forgotten when the elections come round. If Nicola Sturgeon does pick up some ‘trans’ award after everything that has happened on her watch, then bye-bye Nicola, you moral vacuum.

  39. James Che says:

    Time for us to walk away from this rotten devolved government without a referendom?

    No not UDI .

    That would only be the legal case if Scotlands parliament had not been dissolved.

  40. Stoker says:

    John H. says on 18 May 2023 at 5:07 pm: “Sturgeon has deliberately turned Scotland into a chaotic mess. She has created division and confusion wherever possible. Ask yourself why.”

    Precisely! And she must *never* be allowed to forget about it. There’s other stuff i could say but it would get me kicked off here and arrested so i’ll keep those thoughts to myself. Let’s just say i’d party on news of her death just as i did on Thatcher’s and just as i will on Ruth Davidson’s. Sturgeon’s in good company.

    But let’s also never forget the other driving forces behind all of this. Two folk who, at the end of the day, will just slink off back into that dark hole of obscurity from which they materialised, Patrick Harvie & Lorna Slater. This is what they demanded as the price for them giving Sturgeon majority control.

  41. James Che says:


    I notice the Telegraph must be a avid reporter of your reporting.

  42. John C says:

    “Celebrity LGBTQ Ally Of The Year”

    Dear god.

    I remember the idea of being an ally to our LGB community was treating them as ordinary people, or giving blood during the AIDs crisis, or stopping the actual far right from beating them up. Not this worthless posturing for pornsick men in dresses or mentally ill children being fed into an industrialised gender industry mincer.

    A friend has a theory that people who were closeted or worse, openly hostile to LGB people prior to the TQ+ being welded onto them, are trying hard to make up for what they may have done, or not done, in the past. How this pertains to Sturgeon is entirely down to your own interpretation of course.

    As for this case, it’s obviously an absolute bloody tragedy that a poor wee lass has been relegated to a sideline in the story of her abuse thanks to the sheer narcissism of her alleged abuser and those leaping to defend the ideology he subscribes to. So you have people attacking him being ‘misgendered ‘and how ‘Trans Women’ need to be respected because the issue here isn’t a girl being abused, it’s a load of men and activists being upset an accused man is being called a man.

  43. Liz says:

    Ruby, yes you are wrong.
    The 2004 GRA was given to men who’ve gone through the 2 year process and have been assessed by experts.
    I don’t agree with this version either.

    The GRR means any man can identify as a woman with no expert input and can obtain their GRA after 3 months.
    Also includes 16 year olds.

    The deranged Maggie Chapman wants the age and 3 month wait, dropped.
    Also Lady Haldane stated in her court address, a GRA changes a persons SEX for ALL purposes.

    TIMs who keep their penises cannot be housed in womens prisons in England

  44. Ruby says:

    Confounder says:
    18 May, 2023 at 5:49 pm

    Heard the suggestion that using his male ID now makes it easier to mask his conviction after he goes full tranny and his ‘dead name’ is kaput. Don’t know whether that holds water.

    Could be.

    Or maybe he didn’t fancy being in jail with angry women/mothers.

    Not that I think men/fathers would be any less angry about his crimes but in a male prison he would be in a special unit just for paedophiles whereas that might not be the case in a women’s prison.

    It’s weird that Humza couldn’t say that he definitely wouldn’t be sent to a female prison.

    Transgenderism all seems to be about sex & mostly of the perverted variety.

  45. panda paws says:


    Whilst I accept that in Alex’s case the term “sexual assault” did a lot of heavy lifting, the judge in this case stated

    “At the High Court in Edinburgh this morning, judge Lord Arthurson described Miller’s offences as ‘abhorrent crimes’ of the utmost ‘deviance and depravity’ which were ‘the realisation of every parent’s worst nightmare’.”

    So I’m going to venture, no not hair pinging. God help that wee lassie, I hope she has all the support she can get.

  46. Merganser says:

    Who was it who said “This is for you Beth” at Holyrood when the legislation was passed and voted down any safeguards.

    Well,to whoever it was, I say: ‘Own this you pathetic snivelling pervert enablers’. And the same to all others who backed it. Own this and hang your heads in shame, for you have shamed Scotland.

    For once in your miserable idiotic lives do something honourable and resign, and let normal people make sensible decisions for the benefit of what the majority of Scottish people want.

    How dare you put your favourite perversions before the wishes of the people. Just go and leave us to restore some sanity in the way we live.

  47. Mac says:

    Hmmm root canal gone bad. It is so long ago now I can’t remember where or what i exactly read about them but they are really bad news when things go wrong and apparently this is a bad procedure where they often do go wrong. There seems to be a scandal about them. I remember at the time thinking I had dodged a bullet on a molar where the dentist said initially I would need a root canal but then downgraded it to a filling.

  48. Carol Neil says:

    Unless I’ve missed something and if that’s the case excuse my ignorance ,but how can it be a live investigation so useless can’t comment when the butchers been found guilty ?!

  49. Geoff Anderson says:

    The rules are whatever they can get away with. Challenge it and they flip.

  50. Beauvais says:

    In the pic of Sturgeon with her award it says Melrose to the right of her heid. She won’t get away from it.

  51. Ruby says:

    Liz says:
    18 May, 2023 at 6:25 pm

    Ruby, yes you are wrong.
    The 2004 GRA was given to men who’ve gone through the 2 year process and have been assessed by experts.

    Isn’t part of that process having to ‘live as a woman’ for a period of two years?

    That sounds pretty much like self-id to me.

    How could you ask someone to ‘live as a women’ and deny them the right to women’s spaces?

    Living as a woman seems to mean putting on some women’s clothes calling yourself a female name & hey presto you are a woman.

    OK you don’t get the GRC until the experts decide you have passed the ‘living as a woman test’ but you can self-id as a woman without a GRC.

    What do you reckon is a genuine trans person?

  52. panda paws says:

    “Who was it who said “This is for you Beth” at Holyrood when the legislation was passed and voted down any safeguards.”

    Alex Cole-Hamilton.

  53. Tartan Tory says:

    Wid it nae just mak ye weep? 🙁

    Eight years ago, I was on a real high. There was a referendum looming and we were going to win it. Scotland was going to be a bona-fide ‘thing’ on the world stage and I’d be playing whatever part I could to make it a success.

    Now, my business has suffered significantly thanks to Brexit and Covid, my ability to change things has diminished and my hopes for an independent nation have been smashed on the rocks like the Iolaire.

    Scotland is tranny central and our (so called) politicians are dancing on hot coals to keep their social engineering on track.

    Damn them all to hell.

  54. Ruby says:

    Liz says:
    18 May, 2023 at 6:25 pm

    Ruby, yes you are wrong.
    The 2004 GRA was given to men who’ve gone through the 2 year process and have been assessed by experts.
    I don’t agree with this version either.

    The GRR means any man can identify as a woman with no expert input and can obtain their GRA after 3 months.
    Also includes 16 year olds.

    I might be wrong again and I am more than happy to be corrected.

    Isn’t it a GRC that is issued after the 2 year / 3 month process

    I thought GRA stood for Gender Recognition Act and GRC for Gender Recognition Certificate.

  55. Tartan Tory says:

    ** Nine years ago ** (Not Eight)

    Where the hell has it gone? Bloody Sturgeon and her deviant chums, that’s where!

  56. Anonymoose says:

    Lorna Campbell says:
    18 May, 2023 at 5:44 pm

    Excellent comment and I fully agree with everything you wrote.

    It’s about time that Police Scotland, the Scottish Prisons Service the SNHS, the Scottish Government and all our other publicly-funded bodies including NGOs & Charities all got back to the material reality that there are and can only ever be two sexes in the human species, male and female.

    Anyone attempting to protray themselves as something else or to pretend to be the opposite sex to their dna chromosomes & observed sex at birth should be treated as having mental health issues and having one of many possible mental disorders such as Gender Dysphoria* and Paraphilic Disorders* amonst others as that is exactly what it is.

    We should also not be adhering to those peoples own requests to refer to them as the thing that they envision themselves to be in their own warped reality as that only serves to feed into their delusions and will excacerbate their mental health conditions further.

    * Anyone wanting to understand more about the disorders I referred to above should locate a copy of DSM-5 [Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, published by the American Psychiatric Association], there is probably a UK equivalent, however DSM-5 is well worth reading and is often referred to in court cases in North America as is provides the qualified definitions of recognised mental disorders

  57. PacMan says:

    Confounder says: 18 May, 2023 at 5:49 pm

    Heard the suggestion that using his male ID now makes it easier to mask his conviction after he goes full tranny and his ‘dead name’ is kaput. Don’t know whether that holds water.

    One thing that has bothered me about this Trans issue. It makes sense for these men to change their Christian name to a female one but why would they change their surname as well?

    As these cases are now getting more public attention and there will be more, this will become evident even to the fanatical supporters of Trans where as they will as you say be able to ditch their ‘dead name’ and move to somewhere else without anybody being aware of their past crimes.

  58. crazycat says:

    @ Ruby at 7.24

    You’re not wrong.

    GRA = Gender Recognition Act (a piece of Westminster legislation from 2004)

    GRR = Gender Recognition Reform (Holyrood’s attempt to alter the devolved parts of the GRA)

    GRC = Gender Recognition Certificate (available under the terms of the GRA 2004 only to those who have fulfilled certain criteria, and only after 2 years; the GRR aimed to shorten that period and also change the other criteria).

  59. Fergus says:

    Hope Shauneyboy does a video on this. Rev why not link him to your site. He’s spot on.

  60. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Preaching to the converted here, I know, but some of you may find this powerful thread useful if you have anyone in your life who claims that ‘self-ID’ is anything but dangerous nonsense.

    link to

  61. PacMan says:

    Lorna Campbell says: 18 May, 2023 at 5:44 pm

    This ‘trans’ identified man/’woman’ is obviously heterosexual in a paedophilic way, but he is evidently trying to deflect attention away from his ‘trans’ persona. If he is saying that he is a man and wants to be known as a man now, that he did this vile thing as a man, was he a split personality – male and ‘female’? Yet, it seems he was dressed as a woman when he abducted that child, so was still using the ‘female’ persona as cover. He falls into a different category from the pretendy ‘trans’ rapist who became a ‘woman’ only after being caught. So, we have two men, both sexual deviants, both claiming ‘female’ identity, one for obviously fraudulent purposes to escape male prison and the other a long-term ‘trans’ identified man who used his ‘female’ persona to abduct a child. The whole thing is an absolute stinking mess and a tangle of lies and deceit, delusion and narcissism – and has to be stamped out now, not later.

    Reading a number of articles about this, there are a few glaring red flags, in particular he had children’s DVD’s in his property for the child to watch and a part of the attic in his property converted to a room where entry and exit is easily controlled.

    I don’t know the reason why the individuals has asked to have his male pronouns and name to be used but it does seem that this Trans identity has been used as a ‘cover’ to allow him to get to a position where he can commit this crime, particularly as the child thought he was a woman and it was safe to go in the car with him.

    I can’t remember if it was Robinson or Sturgeon who had said that men doesn’t need Self-id to abuse woman and children but as seen here, self-id certainly makes it a whole lot easier to do so.

    I don’t know if the individual thought that he genuinely wanted to live as a woman, use it as a cover for his sexual depravity or even both. That’s up for the head-shrinks to decide but it is obvious that this Self-id is ripe for abuse and needs to be stopped now before any other child is harmed.

  62. Stoker says:

    I really feel for that wee lassie. But she also deserves heaps of praise for her cunning that lead to her escape and the capture of that beast. Apparently when it fell asleep she deliberately knocked a tumbler over to see if it would awaken it. When it didn’t awake she got its cell phone and contacted the police. It was still asleep when the police came knocking.

    That f@ckin’ beast made that wee lassie sit and watch porn as he sexually assaulted her, according to certain media outlets. Its “plan” was to keep her for a week and that’s what inspired her determination to escape. It’s butcher shop in Melrose is all boarded-up and according to some locals its customers were mainly visitors to the town as most locals found ‘it’ a very abrupt and ill-mannered person. Locals are said to be wanting the name above its butcher premises painted over.

    And who could blame them? Crowds outside the Court apparently chased after the police van he was carted off in. I hope that shiner it’s sporting is the first in a long line of them to come. Put it in a male prison, with no special sex-offenders protection, and let it get raped every week for the rest of its sentence. See how it likes it.

    Scum of the earth, paedophiles, and they should *NEVER* be allowed to walk our streets at least until they’ve been surgically castrated. Same for rapists. It’s the only cure. And until they remove their bits every child is in danger. Think of it this way, if you jail a man for a few years, a man who’s ideal woman is the stereotypical long-legged blonde, and you jail him for liking long-legged blondes. Do you honestly think you will transform him into liking wee fat redheads?

    Society needs to get real about these individuals and stop hiding behind liberal political correctness or whatever you want to call it. These people are sexually attracted to children and that has to be tackled at the source. Absolutely anything else is just playing with fire and putting every child at risk. Anyone ever wondered why you don’t see figures for success rates in so-called “rehabilitation” of paedophiles. Or even reoffending rates?

  63. John Main says:

    Rev Stu says our country has become a ludicrous sick joke.

    Are we maybes looking at this through the wrong end of the telescope?

    Scotland currently leads the world in fuckwittery. We set the fuckwit bar high, and clear it with ease. Other, lesser, more backwards nations can only look on with envy.

    Incidentally, on seeing that NS is still going round the houses, proclaiming Scottish fuckwittery on the national and international stage, is she still Chief Mammy of Scotland?

    I know that HY is now pretendy SNP Leader and pretendy Scottish First Minister, obviously. I also suspect that in full accordance with class-leading, Scottish, gender-fluid fuckwittery, HY could declare himself Chief Mammy.

    But has NS relinquished that role?

    On behalf of Confused Scots everywhere, I demand to know who is now Chief Mammy of Scotland.

  64. dearieme says:

    “It makes sense for these men to change their Christian name to a female one but why would they change their surname as well?”

    A logical policy would be to insist that these persons all use the same surname. It would be a useful identifier for the public and help us to protect our womenfolk.

    I suggest “Cocktwat” – pronounced Co’twat of course.

  65. John Main says:

    @ Merganser says:18 May, 2023 at 6:37 pm

    hang your heads in shame, for you have shamed Scotland

    Further comment unnecessary.

  66. Big Jock says:

    It would be funny if it wasn’t so dangerous and tragic. The trojan horse for sexual criminals is transsexualism.

  67. Ruby says:

    Cheers Crazycat

    Am I correct in thinking that anyone can do the 2 year living as a woman part of process, basically self-id as a woman.

    Is there any reason why that 2 year period cant be extended to 10 years or forever without the need to return to be assessed by experts?

    What difference does a GRC make?

    Or maybe I should ask what difference does not having a GRC make.

  68. PacMan says:

    Big Jock says: 18 May, 2023 at 8:24 pm

    It would be funny if it wasn’t so dangerous and tragic. The trojan horse for sexual criminals is transsexualism.

    But it isn’t, the trojan horse is transgenderism

    I know certain posters have certain views about transsexuals but as long as they go through the proper medical checks to ensure they are not a danger to themselves or others then why shouldn’t they lead the life they want they lead?

    As to genuine transgender individuals, again I know posters here have views about them. I’m not a medical expert but from reading about this Trans issue, could it be that these individuals are suffering from such low testosterone that they are unable to perform sexually as a men and psychologically, they can never perform a role of a man? If so, isn’t it more humane to let them live as a woman?

    I know this is a heated subject but as long as they go through the necessary checks like trans-asexuals, shouldn’t they have as much right to lead the lead they want?

    The important thing here is to ensure that the proper checks are kept in place so that thy wolves on the street are not allowed to exploit the system to allow them to indulge in their sick desires on innocent woman and children.

  69. Republicofscotland says:

    Sturgeon the Judas dancing the night away after receiving her LGBT Ally Award, she looks like she hasn’t a care in the world.

    link to

  70. Daisy Walker says:

    At the time the girl was reported missing Isla Brown was all over the news, along with Nikla looking stupid and getting a drubbing in the media (for once).

    At around the same time the international enquiry into the Gupta’s was coming to prominence.

    When the girl was recovered, not only did the Press and Police immediately and without request, refer to the accused by his male pronouns and name, but the initial disclosure that he had been arrested for abducting a 12 year old girl, and assault, MADE NO REFERENCE AT ALL to any of the SEXUAL OFFENCES against her.

    This is highly suspicious. From memory, it looked like he was kept in custody over the weekend. By that time any victim of such a crime would have been forensically examined by a medical practitioner and full statement taken, sufficient to support the charges. Things like lab results would be submitted, the results to be presented to the Fiscal as soon as received (for serious crimes such as these, the lab prioritises these tests and they are done within days, if not weeks).

    It would be interesting to see on what date he was cautioned and charged with the sexual offences. If it was the same day he was charged with the offences mentioned in the press, then failure to disclose the sexual offences (by the Police, by the Press or by both organisations) would appear to have been for political reasons, both to protect the reputation of the Self ID Trans Lobby narrative, and/or to protect First Minister Nicola Sturgeon from more adverse questioning by the public and media.

    The date when he was charged with the sexual offences should come out in court evidence.

    If not, then once the trial is complete, I see no reason why a FOI to Police Scotland would not disclose it.

    When he was formally arrested and presented at the charge bar for the sexual offence, he should have been served with notice, that as someone charged with a sexual offence he would not be allowed by the court to conduct his own defence, and if he failed to select a lawyer, one would be allocated to him (sorry, cannot recall the exact legislation for this, it came in around about 2000).

    If this was done correctly, it is unlikely to come out in court, but again, once the trial is complete a FOI request to Police Scotland should clarify time and date of service.

    Hope that’s of help.

  71. David Hannah says:

    Sturgeon. The Biggest closeted lesbian this country has ever seen. I see she’s brought Val McDermid along with her. Unfortunately Sturgeon’s turned Scotland into one her sick horror books.

  72. akenaton says:

    Sadly, this is all only the beginning or perhaps the intermission as the beginning was the legislation in favour of homosexual marriage. The beginning of the campaign to make people believe the unbelievable has continued apace since then and no the emasculation of Western society is well advanced. the family no longer exists and children are mindless playthings to be preyed upon by deviants…..soon to be legalised if the media backed politicians, social activists, authoritarian public service chiefs and foot soldiers get their way.
    Sort of puts our dreams of sovereignty into perspective does it not?
    Someone in a far away land once said, “We don’t fear the West’s bombs, we fear their perverted ideologies, let your people do as they please, but keep them away from our children.”

  73. PacMan says:

    @ Stoker 8:19

    link to

    A Belgian man who is attracted to young men and adolescent boys wants to undergo euthanasia because he cannot live with his sexuality.
    The 39-year-old engineer, speaking under the pseudonym ‘Sébastian’, said his sexual orientation was “unbearable.”
    “It’s a permanent suffering, like being a prisoner in my own body,” he told the BBC.

    “Not being able to go out, a constant sense of shame, feeling tired, being attracted to people you shouldn’t be attracted to. It’s the opposite of what I would have wanted.”
    Euthanasia has been legal in Belgium since 2002 and can be agreed in cases of “constant and unbearable physical or mental suffering”.
    He admitted having viewed images of boys and young men online, but said he had never committed a sexual assault.

    From what I can gather then individual has not acted on his impulses with another person but he can’t stop thinking about it. Euthanasia is a bit extreme and the individual has underlying psychiatric issue but the article does highlight that paedophilia is a sickness that can’t be cured with a couple of years inside.

    It’s a whole different debate but given the state of society now where we have the internet that allows individuals to have access to groom children and indecent material that would be impossible even a couple of decades ago, it is something that may need to be discussed as it is only going to get worse.

  74. Beauvais says:

    Republicofscotland @8:46 pm

    The idiot in the white blouse next to Sturgeon is the SNP MP Hannah Bardell who apparently presented the award.

  75. David Hannah says:

    If only Sturgeon had the courage to be herself like Joanna Cherry. The SNP wouldn’t be in this mess.

    This is the result of Nicola’s imposter syndrome. A political imposter. And a personal imposter.

    The destroyer of women’s rights. I hope she’s miserable I really do.

  76. Ian Brotherhood says:

    A couple of comments from the previous thread which some may have missed:

    JGedd says:
    18 May, 2023 at 4:12 pm
    Ruby @ 2.34pm

    It appears from the report on the BBC website, that the butcher from Melrose is being referred to as ‘a man dressed as a woman’ which is the truth. Later in the report he is described as transitioning to become a woman.

    This seems very different from the usual approach of referring to a rapist or a paedophile as a woman, or sometimes transwoman. Apparently he asked to be addressed by his actual name of Andrew Millar and to use the pronoun ‘he’.

    As has been pointed out many times, a man dressing as a woman is able to carry out a crime of sexual assault since the victim, specially a child, might not recognise the danger. In this case, he offered the child a lift in his car, dressed as a woman, and the girl had been lulled into a false sense of security by the disguise.

    During the commission of the crime which involved forced imprisonment and of course, repeated sexual assault, there was the inevitable viewing of pornography which the child was obliged to watch. Porn seems to play a very large part in the surge in this acted-out deviant behaviour. No wonder Lorna Campbell refers to them as porn-sick.

    I wonder if we will begin to see more news reports of the actual truth of a man committing these crimes and not the absurd deliberate disingenuousness of describing crimes like this as having been perpetrated by a woman? If you can’t tell the truth about this, then we have to wonder what is behind the lies.

    There is actually no law in force which obliges you to use the pronouns of said person. It would appear to be absolutely imperative when reporting on a crime of this nature to be clear in the description of the offender, so why are the media usually so coy about this? I can’t help but think it’s a form of gaslighting.</I

    Joe says:
    18 May, 2023 at 5:04 pm
    ‘Identifying as something you’re not should be a crime’

    You see this is where things get silly and dangerous. Yes, here is Joe the Internet Nazi saying this.

    At one point it was thought of as highly bigoted and cruel to hold the position: ‘I don’t care what you want to think of yourself as, you just don’t get to tell me what to think of you.’

    Now we have people literally asking for another’s view of themselves to be kept in line with some kind of law, as if a man dressing himself as a woman (or vice versa) is comparable to impersonating a figure of authority.

    So there it is ladies and gentlemen. Joe is now officially not the furthest right on cultural issues BTL.

    But humour aside – when did anyone stop to think that these dangerous predators who can ‘identify’ as women, that are obviously an horrendous danger to children, ALREADY HAVE ACCESS TO LITTLE BOYS WITHOUT THE NEED FOR ID CHANGE? How do we cleverly legislate for this?

    Now here we get simple and brutal with a basic concept – adults who go out of their way to harm/molest children need to be put to death.

    No need for careful legislation on what you can or cannot wear, or think of yourself as. You may think of yourself as a handsome young llama so long as you understand that if you mess with our children you are a fucking dead llama.’

  77. Lorna Campbell says:

    PacMan: reams of research have been done, and every psychologist that I have read or listened to, and I’ve read and listened to many, come to the same conclusion: that cross-dressing always has a powerful sexual element. What those who claim to have ‘gender dysphoria’ have is very likely to be ‘body dysmorphia’ – a warped image of themselves as something they are not, as something that other people cannot see. In that sense, they reflect anorexics and those who believe they have an extra limb that requires to be amputated. Clearly a mental health issue that requires psychological treatment, not pandering to and validating.

    The plain truth is that these men are sexual fetishists/paraphiliacs and autogynephiles – not some of them, but all of them. There is no such thing as a ‘true trans’. Some do understand the nature of their addiction to cross-dressing, but many we see now have been deliberately led to believe that they can change sex or that they were born in the wrong body. I read of some psychologist who told a ‘trans’ that he was actually a fetishist and his addiction was sexual in nature. The ‘trans woman’ attacked him and screamed that he was a woman and it had nothing to do with sex.

    Many of these men simply cannot admit that they are porn-addled, sex addicted men with a fetish because of the latent shame that comes with admitting it to themselves. That makes them dangerous – even the ones who are not rapists and sexual offenders – and why women and girls are now being kicked and punched at rallies, because the sexual nature of their ‘transing’ is becoming more widely known.

    Stuart MacKay: some of these men have surgery because they cannot live without it, so unhappy are they (though still sex-driven) but, oddly, these tend to be the old-fashioned transsexuals, who are no physical threat to women (albeit still a psychological affront) and who, mainly, do not attempt to overturn societal boundaries that have been in place for a hundred years. Not so this latest crop of chancers. Well in excess of 95% have had no surgery and some, no hormones, so they are fully and physically intact men, and most are heterosexual, attracted to females.

    We don’t need to have a very strong imagination to imagine what that would mean for women and girls if self-ID becomes a reality. Not only would we have larping men pretending to be ‘trans’, but we would have larping men who claim to be ‘trans’ pretending to be women, as happened with this man. In other words, being ‘trans’ is no barrier to being a rapist or sexual offender of any kind. The statistics actually prove that ‘trans’ identified men are more likely to commit sexual offences than your average man in the male population, and that is something else that the ‘trans’ lobby tries to keep hidden.

  78. Robert Louis says:

    It is ALL just utter, utter, utter nonsense, and ALL the politicians KNOW it. So do the cops, the judges, the lawyers, the journalists, the reporters, the TV presenters. Yet, on they go, playing along with this utterly absurd nonsense charade, merely to virtue signal their supposed ‘inclusiveness’.

    It is stupidity on stilts.

    If anybody had told me just ten years ago, that this gender pish would even get taken seriously for one freaking second, I’d have laughed my socks off. Yet, here we are in 2023, with so-called ‘lgbtqiaafurrymap++ ‘pride’, coming soon, and ALL in the name of this made-up (just a few years ago) gender cr*p. No wonder gay people all over the world are dissociating themselves from these HETEROSEXUAL ‘gender-queer’ freaks. They want LGB, without the QTIAA++ nonsense, as it previously was.

    Just nuts. Totally, totally nuts. That they are pushing this gender nonsesne to kids, is in my mind one of the biggest examples of deliberate child abuse the world has seen. I genuinely hope that those adults, ‘therapists’ and ‘doctors‘ pushing kids down the route of toxic, damaging, hormone blocking drugs for life, free of any kind of sexual enjoyment, with underdeveloped genitalia in adulthood (because that IS what puberty blocking does), get put in jail for a very, very, very long time. They are KIDS, FFS. Kids.

  79. Zander Tait says:

    Imagine Alex won our Independence in 2014.

    Now imagine Alex retires in 2019.

    Now consider Nikita Stalin takes over and the pandemic hits in 2020.

    Now imagine the rest.

    Dread man, truly dread.

  80. Robert Hughes says:

    We had the War On Drugs – that worked superbly . For the psychopathic Cartels & their obliging , respectable * Laundries * in Wall St n City of London primarily . The USA now suffering record drug-related deaths , mainly from legal , all-too-easily obtained drugs . Win

    Then we had the War On Terror . Which took Terror to new shocking & awful levels . And solved nothing . The M.I.C loved it though . Win

    Now we have the War On Reality . This is one WE have to win .

    Any politician that seeks to defend this lunacy ; in fact , who doesn’t publicly state their absolute rejection of it , should be considered part of the problem and treated accordingly

  81. stuart mctavish says:

    Daisy Walker @8:49

    re “as someone charged with a sexual offence he would not be allowed by the court to conduct his own defence”

    Does that mean that if gaslighting central decides to make his case part of/the first judge only pilot then he’ll be off Scot free due to the lawyer strike – and the full details of the charges (and their timing) will never be known?

  82. Angus Files says:

    The rope stops reoffending 100%.

  83. crazycat says:

    @ Ruby at 8.42

    Am I correct in thinking that anyone can do the 2 year living as a woman part of process, basically self-id as a woman.

    One of the problems with this is that “living as a woman” is not defined. In that sense, anyone could do it. Also, people could do that but not apply for a GRC; anyone doing it in order to later apply currently has to fulfil the other criteria too. With self-ID, anyone could claim to have done it and therefore be eligible for a GRC (in a mere 6 months, if the GGR bill gains royal assent and is enacted).

    The extent to which those “living as women” would be accepted as such depends on how accommodating the rest of society is prepared to be.

    Is there any reason why that 2 year period cant be extended to 10 years or forever without the need to return to be assessed by experts?

    Once someone has a GRC, I don’t think they have to return for “MoTs”. The commitment is for life; this has caused problems for some detransitioners who want to revert their documentation to its original form. They’ve been told they need to apply for another GRC, “live as” their actual sex for another 2 years, show that transitioning has given them dysphoria, etc.

    I assume, but don’t know, that the 2 years has to be up to and including the time of application for a GRC; a 2 year period in the past that had come to an end wouldn’t count. I would expect some TRAs to object to that, on the grounds that some people desist as a response to “transphobia” and would really have liked to continue.

    What difference does a GRC make?

    Or maybe I should ask what difference does not having a GRC make

    The answer to that appears to depend on whom you ask. It could also be affected by the success or otherwise of For Women Scotland’s appeal of the Haldane judgment.
    Crowd-funder here:link to

    Also whether the UK government clarifies the Equality Act 2010 could have a bearing on it.

  84. Ruby says:

    Joe says:
    18 May, 2023 at 5:04 pm
    Now we have people literally asking for another’s view of themselves to be kept in line with some kind of law, as if a man dressing himself as a woman (or vice versa) is comparable to impersonating a figure of authority.

    If the reason behind a man dressing as a woman is with the intention to defraud then of course it is comparable to impersonating a figure of authority.

  85. crazycat says:

    @stuart mctavish at 9.27

    Does that mean that if gaslighting central decides to make his case part of/the first judge only pilot then he’ll be off Scot free due to the lawyer strike – and the full details of the charges (and their timing) will never be known?

    He can’t be part of a pilot because he pled guilty, so all that remains is the sentencing, which is done by the judge alone anyway.

  86. boris says:

    link to

  87. SteepBrae says:

    Robert Louis 9.13pm

    Spot on.

  88. Merganser says:

    Daisy Walker @ 8.49.

    I remember posting on here that Sturgeon had resigned because she had somehow been tipped of by the police about this case so she could resign before the effluent hit the fan. It seems to fall into place now why she (or someone like the Justice Minister) had the visit from the police chief, and the word was passed to her that she was going to look the absolute idiot which she has proved to be.

    There are probably a whole host of other dark things which were operating on her mind as well, but this could well have been the catalyst for the shock resignation.

  89. Davie C says:

    We are living at a time when our children are being openly groomed by sexual deviants acting in full view.
    The Scottish Government has an Education Curriculum with Gay Bi and Trans perspectives at it very heart,indeed at its forefront.
    This is happening daily in our schools with children as young as 8 being taught sexual orientation in tandem with reading writing and maths.
    There are people in the Scottish Parliament who have an unhealthy fixation with our children and the way they want them to be controlled from the earliest age possible.
    The exponents of these educational outrages are the same people who pushed the GRR through the Scottish Parliment with such gusto and the abuse of this poor wee girl ,at the hands of this deviant animal, are the inevitable outcome of the sexualisation of every walk of life in Scotland,including that of our children.
    The innocence of our weans is being stolen daily and we all are compliant in it because of our silence.

  90. PacMan says:

    @ Lorna Campbell 9:10

    Thanks for the information.

    To pick up on one point. There is no doubt that a fair sized proportion of these Trans may not be dangerous to females in a sexual way but there is ample evidence that they are walking time-bombs who are going to explode at any woman whom they even perceive to be challenging their delusion.

    There is a justifiable focus on the sexual threats that these Transgender individual poses to woman but the physical and psychological effect that these individuals pose to woman shouldn’t be ignored.

    I know this is the 21st century, equality and sisters are doing it from themselves and that but there are quite a few woman due to difference is psychical size would be intimated and scared of these individuals who wouldn’t say boo to the goose when confronted to an average bloke.

    They shouldn’t have to be put in that situation and that’s another strong and powerful reason to oppose self-ID because it will open the floodgates to every loser out there to claim to be Trans so they can go out doing what they please.

  91. Ruby says:

    crazycat says:

    The extent to which those “living as women” would be accepted as such depends on how accommodating the rest of society is prepared to be.

    Is there any reason why that 2 year period cant be extended to 10 years or forever without the need to return to be assessed by experts?

    Once someone has a GRC, I don’t think they have to return for “MoTs”

    Thanks crazycat.

    I probably didn’t make myself very clear.

    I was suggesting a man can put on a dress (live as a woman) for however long he wants.

    That looks very much like self-id to me.

    Society doesn’t seem to have much choice at the moment but accept men ‘living as women’

    I’m not bothered if the process takes 6 months or 2 years the problem for me is the process the idea that a man can be a woman/live as a woman.

  92. DRussell says:

    You all kept voting for her! How can you moan about the absolute shit show that is Scotland in 2023.
    9 long painful incompetent deviant years and you still all went along and ticked SNP in the ballot box.

  93. Northcode says:

    To be fair, what we’re seeing here is the Scottish devolved ‘Government’, or the Scottish Colonial Administration Service (SCAS) as I like to affectionately call it, working exactly the way it was designed to work – badly.

    Okay, it’s running a bit rougher at the moment than the design parameters should normally allow, and no doubt the ‘engineers’ will be scrambling about somewhere in attempt get it running smoothly again.

    On the plus side, we’re all getting a rare glimpse into its cleverly designed interior workings. Corruption, nepotism, injustice, incompetence, bullying, favouritism, perversion, narcissism, cronyism, and the illusion of an actual government.

    And It is brilliant. It is a beautiful piece of engineering, if you think about it. But then ‘the empire’ has been building engines like the SCAS across the planet for centuries. You’d expect them to be good at it.

    Unfortunately, there’s bit of a glitch happening in full public view and a guy called Carruthers or something, working in a dingy basement in a nondescript building in Whitehall, will be getting his arse kicked. That’s his Knighthood up the swanny, poor bloke.

    Carruthers, of course, screwed up big time. He was assigned the task of ensuring malleable morons were given the ‘power’ in Scotland to carry out Westminster’s instructions under the guise of an autonomous Scottish ‘Government’, and to be fair he did not a bad job.

    But even Carruthers couldn’t possibly have known just how many thousands of light years into a black hole of stupidity in the universe of stupid the SNP ‘Government’ would be sucked (possibly suckered) into. So, I hope they aren’t too hard on the poor guy.

    It could be that soon the inner workings of the SCAS will once more be hidden from the eyes of the gawping public. And its cleverly designed engine will be purring smoothly again like…well, the late QE II back in 2014.

    Or, quite possibly, as @ Alf Baird alludes to in one of his posts, the whole rotten, stinking, festering mess is approaching a ‘decisive moment’, and is about to erupt in a cataclysmic political explosion of such biblical magnitude it will finally end the union for good (please, God. Hear my prayer).

    And hopefully, when the stench and the smoke and the dust clears, Scotland will emerge, eyes squinted against the rising sun of a new and brighter dawn, from the deep dark cave that was the prison called union.

    (sorry about the high school prose there at the end ,folks. Got a bit emotional and got carried away)

  94. James says:

    Angus Files says:
    18 May, 2023 at 9:41 pm
    The rope stops reoffending 100%.

    Hmmmm…the Guildford four/Birmingham six/Bridgewater four etc etc etc might disagree?

    The GRA is indeed dangerous nonsense and terribly flawed, but please, can we have some decorum? Lots of hate on show here tonight. Doesn’t look good. (Pause, please while I don a crash helmet).

    (See youse up the gas chambers?)

  95. Garavelli Princip says:

    There are very good reasons why males and females have always, in all times past, been readily differentiated by appearance, including clothing.

    That is why, until fairly recently, cross-dressing was deeply frowned upon by society – and in certain circumstances was a criminal offence.

    One of these reasons is painfully evident in this case. That wee girl only went into the car because she thought it was driven by a woman – a ruse carefully cultivated.

    There have undoubtedly been concerted efforts and a planned offensive to undermine these social norms in recent decades, fomented and implemented by a highly organised movement of perverts of all kinds, with paedophiles prominent among them.

    They have been aided and abetted by knaves and fools – as well as fellow peverts – in the political and media classes.

    The astonishing preponderance of these types in the Scottish Parliament and Westminster and television is truly terrifying.

    The results of this concerted and highly organised attack on society are now becoming increasingly evident.

    The time is long past for a necessary correction.

    Normal people need to reassert societal norms hitherto taken for granted in a decent, civilised society.

  96. PacMan says:

    James says: 18 May, 2023 at 11:02 pm

    Angus Files says:
    18 May, 2023 at 9:41 pm
    The rope stops reoffending 100%.

    Hmmmm…the Guildford four/Birmingham six/Bridgewater four etc etc etc might disagree?

    The GRA is indeed dangerous nonsense and terribly flawed, but please, can we have some decorum? Lots of hate on show here tonight. Doesn’t look good. (Pause, please while I don a crash helmet).

    (See youse up the gas chambers?)

    Fair point but this case has hit a nerve and people can’t deny their ingrained instinct to protect those more vulnerable and I know it’s not fashionable to say today but for men who does not want harm come to any woman.

    There is also no denying that there is a lot of frustration and anger that has been built up over this issue that is coming to a head.

    I have in the past declared myself woke and progressive. I have also tried to bring a bit of balance to the woke issue as seen in this topic.

    However, it is fast becoming something that this issue can’t be defended in any way and in the political environment that we are now in, where even myself whom I would like to think I am moderate and centrist in relation to most peoples views, is deemed as far-right by these Trans rights supporters and their apologists.

    There needs to be a gentle reminder to shall we say, think about choice of words to be used before clicking on the Submit button but there can’t be any denial that a lot of people are feeling anger and should express it without having to tangle themselves up in knots trying not to offend individuals who do not deserve it.

  97. crazycat says:

    @ Ruby at 10.27

    the problem for me is the process the idea that a man can be a woman/live as a woman.

    I absolutely agree – like you I see no point in retaining the GRA 2004, but that’s probably unrealistic. We do indeed have de facto self-ID in many areas – part of the Denton’s playbook to soften us up for the legislation.

  98. Joe says:

    ‘Lots of hate on show here tonight’.

    Spot the nonce?

  99. James Jones says:

    Northcode at 10:48 pm (and others) still blaming someone/anyone else when in fact it’s been a mess entirely made in Scotland. Own it. Learn from it.

    “-the whole rotten, stinking, festering mess is approaching a ‘decisive moment’, and is about to erupt in a cataclysmic political explosion of such biblical magnitude it will finally end the union for good (please, God. Hear my prayer).”

    Lol! It’s the independence movement which is harmed by this. Why would you hand the country over to that lot? Why would you conclude that the answer to this debacle is to give them even greater powers? Madness!

  100. stuart mctavish says:


    Good point (& more fool me!).

    Presumably his lawyers were in agreement and forfeit any obligation to defend a presumption of innocence, despite their unstable client’s confession, on ethical grounds – ie lest the corroborating evidence required to prove guilt at trial was rendered inadmissible by discrepancies in the charge sheet (as originally reported).

  101. Cameron Robson says:

    Indy parties can now forget about winning in the Scottish Borders next election. A few Tories voting for GRA in HR does not change anything.

  102. Northcode says:

    James Jones @ 11:51pm

    I see my first instincts about you were correct, Corporal Jones (they don’t like it up em, you know?). Have you heard of Dad’s Army? Maybe you’re too young, I don’t know.

    Anyway, enough of that nonsense.

    I see what you’ve done there. You’ve tried to make your comment look sensible (and better written) by adding a part of my comment to it.

    I preferred the last paragraph of my comment, though. Kind of had a Hollywood feel to it. Like the end of a movie where the heroes come out into the light after a particularly horrific experience, but they win through in the end.

    Pretty much how I’d feel if Scotland ever gets independence.

    But each to their own, I suppose. If that’s your favourite bit of my comment that’s fine by me. It still works well in making your comment look better than it actually is.

    I’m confused, though.

    Your last paragraph doesn’t make sense.

    Which lot am I handing the country over to?

    In my scenario the Scottish Parliament is dead, done and dusted. It is no more (which will actually help the independence movement beyond measure).

    So, you can only mean Westminster, who already has my country grasped tightly in its deadly grip.

    Or the Scottish people themselves, who I’m pretty sure would object to being called ‘that lot’. And besides, it’s their country. Who better to hand it over to?

    And then you talk of giving ‘them’ greater powers. Who is ‘them’? Westminster again? It already has all the power.

    The Scots? They should have all the power.

    Like I said, confusing.

    But I don’t care enough about what you say to have you explain it to me.

    So don’t bother.

  103. Robert Louis says:

    So, according to the SNP’s airhead – in-chief last night, Mairi McAllan, the SNP policy is back to one of begging London for permission to hold a referendum. All based upon the naive notion that ‘they cannot refuse’.

    Seriously, if you support Scottish independence, just how stupid do you need to be to vote SNP.

    The English Government have repeatedly refused a section 30. They have promised never to give a section 30 again. The official opposition in London, British Labour, have also vowed that if elected, they would never allow a section 30.

    Is there something especially stupid about people in the SNP that makes them think that by stating ‘they cannot refuse’, will somehow magically translate into a section 30.

    Let us recall, for the thickos in the SNP, like Mairi McAllan, England DID refuse a section 30, over and over again. They have promised to always refuse. The main opposition parties have promised to refuse a section 30.

    To any sane person, it just looks like an excuse for the SNP to carry on doing NOTHING to achieve independence. All talk, no action. If you actually want independence, you need to vote for the ALBA party.

    link to

  104. auld highlander says:

    That thing is not a woman, it’s a bloke who is a raging pervert and hopefully he gets absolutely schredded in jail. No matter which jail he ends up in he is going to have a rough time and the rougher the better. Castrate the b’stards.

  105. John Main says:

    @ James says:18 May, 2023 at 11:02 pm

    Lots of hate on show here tonight

    My, James, such delicacy and fragility all of a sudden. There was me thinking never a day passes without lots of hate on here.

    Tell you what though, James, if Scotland is ever going to get Indy, Scots like you will have to man up and learn to deal with a lot more than hate.

    The rope stops reoffending 100%.

    Hmmmm…the Guildford four/Birmingham six/Bridgewater four etc etc etc might disagree?

    Logically, the two are not connected.

    The ‘trick’ is to have robust processes in place, so that miscarriages of justice such as the three you reference don’t happen. Properly funded forensics and legal aid. Judicial review processes. Jury trials.

    If you think it impossible to ever ‘know’ for sure whether somebody is guilty of any crime, why not just dispense with criminal justice completely, eh?

    Sometimes, indeed quite often, it is obvious and straightforwards who is guilty. It doesn’t take a genius to determine who committed the crime.

    So Joe’s point stands. If society is serious about stopping re-offending, then either the perp goes away for life, or the perp takes the drop.

    The first option requires society to shell out cash for decades. Cash that can only be found by taking it away from innocent, deserving society members. Sick people going without operations, special needs kids going without extra education, that sort of thing.

    Innocent members of society going short so that delicate flowers can virtue signal how much they care about the perpetrators of sickening crimes.

    Looking at you, James.

  106. A Scot Abroad says:

    Robert Louis,

    Have you got any links to where the “English Government” have promised to never grant a S30 order again? Or even the opposition, “British Labour”, have promised to never grant a S30 order?

    I think you are making things up.

  107. John Main says:

    @ Northcode says:18 May, 2023 at 10:48 pm

    the whole rotten, stinking, festering mess is approaching a ‘decisive moment’, and is about to erupt in a cataclysmic political explosion of such biblical magnitude it will finally end the union for good

    Channeling Hatuey methinks.

    He used to frequent on here, making his wild, apocalyptic predictions.

    His big mistake was that he used to put dates on them. As each date passed, and his prediction failed to come true, his credibility nose-dived. He eventually became such a laughing stock he had to invent a new pseudonym for himself.

    Good to see you are not falling into the same trap.

    Scotland will eventually vote itself new politicians, parties and leaders. How long that process will take depends on just how much we Scots are prepared to thole from those we choose to represent us. Given the fuckwittery shitshow a majority of us have been voting for the past ten years, I think the evidence shows we have a remarkably high tolerance for having sharn regularly dropped on us from above.

    But that’s one of our national characteristics, or used to be.

    Slow to anger.

    These new politicians, parties and leaders I predict that Scotland will vote for. I no longer know if they will be pro or anti Indy.

    On top of the rapid demographic changes that are eating away at the pro-Indy percentage, that slow anger at the pro-Indy fuckwits that have made Scotland a national and international laughing-stock is building too.

  108. Dorothy Devine says:

    The ‘English Government ‘ have denied a referendum three times so far – I see no reason for them to change their minds since they need so many of the assets of Scotland to survive – water being a major asset.
    Robert Louis , doesn’t usually make things up and he certainly hasn’t in this case.

  109. Dorothy Devine says:

    Reading through comments here and elsewhere , has made me realise just what an appalling threat to kids this is – I always told my kids if they were lost or had a problem ask a policeman ( maybe not now) or a woman. We have stripped trust out of this scenario and offered a frightening world to the young on some perverts say so backed by a media and a whole bunch of woolly minded , self interested wankers of MSPs.

  110. John Main says:

    @ Dorothy Devine says:19 May, 2023 at 7:59 am

    Robert Louis , doesn’t usually make things up

    During the campaign to elect a replacement for NS, Bob regularly posted on here about how Kate Forbes’ religious beliefs rendered her unfit for office.

    So not only are you wrong, Dorothy, but you are defending somebody who willingly played their own small part in gifting Scotland the New Pretender and Continuity Incompetence Candidate, HY.

  111. stuart mctavish says:

    @John Main

    Corollary of sometimes its obvious and straightforward who is guilty might be that sometimes its convenient to know a butcher you can rely on if gangsters are being dealt with and unrelated authorities start taking an interest in what the pigs have been eating (eg thanks to mad cows or their swine flu precautions, etc..)

  112. Angus Files says:

    The rope stops reoffending 100%.

    To conflate miscarriages of justice of a different alleged criminal nature with the abhorrent crimes against this little girl is vile. Shame on you and the apologists that have done so,you know who you are. The one case being talked about here is the thing pictured at the top of the page. The wee girl was found by Police officers in the things house. The thing was wearing prosthetic garments by Police. There can only be one answer in criminal circumstances like this, the rope. Loved the shiner in the picture and the bent coupon. Keep on topic please.

  113. sam says:

    From “”

    The rope – disposes of police crime, innit.

    “However, notwithstanding the accumulated forensic evidence in relation to the various bombings that had taken place in 1974-5 which showed that Guildford and Woolwich were not unique and provided idiosyncratic forensic evidence to tie the offences to the ASU, the police and the prosecution (leading counsel was Sir Michael Havers, the Attorney General) deliberately failed to disclose the evidence which would show not only that the Guildford Four were not guilty of the offences they had been convicted of but that the offences committed by the ASU predated and postdated the arrest of the Guildford Four. That evidence was principally forensic in nature but also derived from fingerprint evidence connected with safe houses occupied by the ASU.

    The Guildford Four were released in October 1989 after the Avon and Somerset police had discovered evidence which showed that, as the Lord Chief Justice was to state at the hearing of the appeal when the convictions were quashed, ‘the police must have lied’.”

  114. Republicofscotland says:


    I thought Alex Salmond was excellent on QT last night, level headed, straight talking and he knew which road we should be taking to obtain independence.

  115. Ruby says:

    crazycat says:
    18 May, 2023 at 11:42 pm

    @ Ruby at 10.27

    the problem for me is the process the idea that a man can be a woman/live as a woman.

    I absolutely agree – like you I see no point in retaining the GRA 2004, but that’s probably unrealistic. We do indeed have de facto self-ID in many areas – part of the Denton’s playbook to soften us up for the legislation.

    Maybe something to put on the list in an iScotland. 🙂

    The possibility of getting rid of gender recognition could be a huge vote winner.

  116. Achnababan says:

    Northcode – love your posts.

    Sounds like a plot from John Le Carre, but like the great man I think you have the plotting and scheming bang on.

    Nothing is as it seems.

    Most MSPs are marionettes dancing so somebodies tune. But it is not Sturgeon or Useless’s tune – they are also marionettes.

    English secret service is all over our independence push. And the English Civil service is all over our Government – as special advisors, senior civil servants and heads of Agencies.

    Are we a colony – too fu**ing right we are!

  117. Alex Sneddon says:

    “Confounder” – look up Ceri Lee Galvin.

  118. Achnababan says:

    Are we a colony run by Marionettes?

    On the Board of Nature Scot (used to be called Scottish Natural Heritage) there are 11 people. Only 3 were educated in Scotland and only 1 has authentic knowledge of land and marine management.

    Perfect for the Greens and SNP to drive their inclusive agenda… excluding actual Scots fishers, foresters and crofters. The only forestry representative was the Head of ‘English’ Forestry.

    Go figure why this is?

  119. Dorothy Devine says:

    But he didn’t make that up – it was his opinion to which he is entitled.

    There are quite a number of ‘ christians’ in office who are unfit.
    I give you JRM

  120. Stephen O'Brien says:

    If you’re old enough to remember Glam Rock and bought the records, did you think we’d get off, Scot free.

    20th Century Boy, Ballroom Blitz and the like, harmless fun, at the time. The video archive there to be enjoyed. Modern world interpretation, more dangerous, as technology advanced to allow hermaphrodite surgery, made normal by political agenda.

    There may be cases when medical intervention helps. Exploitation of that ‘choice’, the obvious concern. I’d hazard a guess, that for the majority of those on board with this modern development, it’s a trend, that will become marginalised, simply due to natural dissatisfaction, of those receiving treatment.

    The fallout already happening, a separate bandwagon, slow off the ‘Marc’.

    As always, shit brained politicians, behind the curve.. Baby Boomerang.

  121. Luigi says:

    Scotland desperately needs politicians who can communicate and negotiate. What have we had since 2015?

    Nicola Sturgeon:

    Communication Skills = 8/10 (no bad).

    Negotiation Skills = 1/10 (think A9/A96 dualling delays, ferries fiasco, offshore renewable licence sell-off, gender nonsense, Section 30, arrangement with greens etc etc etc etc etc). She just couldn’t do a decent deal for Scotland.

    Folks, it gets worse.

    Humza Yousaf:

    Communication Skills = 0/10

    Negotiation Skills = 0/10

    And that is being generous. Imagine his supporters who claimed that Ash Regan and Kate Forbes were not fit to be FM? Hilarious. I don’t know what planet they are on, but it ain’t called Scotland. Ah well, they got their wish. They own this. Popcorn ready.

  122. Mia says:

    “And yet as far as we can tell, he’s the ONLY transwoman in the UK charged with a sexual offence that the police and the media have described as a male”

    It was an example of firefighting. This case had the potential to totally unleash the fury of Scotland’s parents and grandparents, because it represents the materialisation of our worse fears regarding Self-ID being an excuse to destroy barriers protecting children from paedophiles.

    This case puts the useless Nicola Sturgeon, the SNP, the (pretend to be) Greens, the Libdems, Labour and the entire system, including the Sgov quangos under a terrible light. It makes their judgement and intentions look questionable and makes them look like corrupt idiots totally unfit to take a parliamentary seat, never mind represent a constituency.

    It makes them look like they are deliberately abusing their seats to bring harm to Scotland’s children.

    But besides this, it had the potential to completely debase the new political charade the continuity candidate (or rather his handlers) had in mind to stall independence: that of pretending to fight to save devolution by going against the UK gov on the GRR Self-ID filth.

    I have always found fascinatingly insulting how these idiots think they are fooling the public with their pretend theatrics.
    From where I am sitting, we seem to be in a situation where we have a bunch of parasites determined to waste large amounts of taxpayers’ money in a pretend fight to be seen as doing something to save devolution.

    But the reality, at least from where I am standing, is that those who claim to be fighting to save devolution, are the ones who helped to put devolution at risk in the first place.

    Those who are claiming to conflate fighting to save the toxic GRR with protecting devolution are the ones who deliberately brought this contentious legislation provoking a reaction from Westminster and therefore putting devolution in danger devolution.

    And the worse part of it is that they forced this thing through against the will of the majority of the people of Scotland, yet, laughably, they demand credibility from us when they whine that the UK gov is the one being undemocratic on this. The hypocrisy on this is staggering.

    The Scotland Act is clear. For as long as the amoebas sitting in Holyrood continue to conveniently abide by the Scotland Act, the UK gov acted lawfully blocking that piece of legislation.

    If Yousaf wants to seriously fight the UK gov on this, rather than only pretend to be, then surely the way to go about this is by removing Holyrood from the clutches of the Scotland Act and setting it free from Westminster’s control. Anything else, is just pretend to engage in a set-to fail fight you know you will lose.

    It may be entertaining theatrics and conveniently delaying for some, including himself and those in the gravy train, but for many of us, it just looks like another SNP signature move to waste our time and taxyapers’ money on nothing of use.

    The SNP has had almost 9 years with plenty majorities and mandates along the line to free Holyrood from the Scotland Act. They haven’t even tried. They didn’t even blink when Westminster savaged that Scotland Act to steal our powers. So they are fooling no one with their new useless expensive charade.

    If this paedophile was presented as a transwoman and treated with female pronouns, Yousaf would have been laughed at and pillored for any attempt to waste more taxpayers’ money fighting the UK gov’s decision to trash this toxic piece of legislation. A piece of legislation which, in the yes of the public, would have made Scotland’s MSPs look like pro-pervert idiots without sensible judgement and who have made it too easy for a paedophile to abduct and sexually abuse a child.

    This charade, which I am guessing is the only fuel in the tank Yousaf’s handlers have budgeted in to keep the pretence he is doing something to advance the cause of independence, would be forced to land even before it was allowed to take off.

    The way they have circled the wagons to hide the fact this paedophile is a transwoman, is, in my view, further proof the parasites ruling Scotland know damn well how dangerous this self-id crap is, yet they are using it as a political weapon to fool the people of Scotland.

    Obviously, Sgov, courts, political parties, the press and COPFs will react and circle the wagons rather quickly to protect themselves if their own arses have landed on the line.

    So the conclusion from this is: in Scotland a transwoman will be a woman in the eyes of the “law” until treating them as a woman becomes too hot a potato which threatens the credibility of the powers that be and risks hasting independnece.

    In the same way, a perjurer will continue to be presented and protected as an annonymous “victim” in he eyes of the law only for as long as keeping the lid down on their perjury and drivers behind it does not risk the lid blowing up on the faces of the powers that be standing on it to keep it down.

  123. Ruby says:

    QT Audience members & Alex Salmond brilliant

    all the rest SSDD.

  124. Joe says:

    We now have people BTL using whataboutery and calls of ‘hate’ to argue down decent honest people who think that child molesters who are caught red handed should be executed.

    Just remember – whose side is the state on?

    For me there is a line drawn at children and everything over the line gets met with absolutism and a lack of empathy.

    The lack of awareness with the people who want to inject grey areas into the subject is outstanding. The more you try to do this the more you look just like a paedophile.

    I have written a lot of comments on this site and I have sometimes gained a lot of support and sometimes received a lot of pushback.

    However there is one stance that I have that I can absolutely guarantee every healthy, decent, moral human being will back me to the hilt on is when I write – I hate child molesters.

    The day I stop hating adults who would sexually interfere with children, or even find it arousing, is the day I question what kind of a man I am.

    So you are right. It is hate. It is well placed, justified hate. Placed exactly where it should be.

    We have subjected our society to an excess of tolerance and now our children are at risk.

    The tolerance needs to come to an end

  125. Ruby says:

    Mia says:

    The way they have circled the wagons to hide the fact this paedophile is a transwoman, is, in my view, further proof the parasites ruling Scotland know damn well how dangerous this self-id crap is, yet they are using it as a political weapon to fool the people of Scotland.

    What do mean by self-id crap?

    The root cause of all the problems with transgenderism is that people accept that a man can be a woman.

    I do not accept that whether it’s done by ‘self-id’ or a group of experts saying a man can be a woman.

  126. James Che says:


    Scas, say it all,

    The drawing and brush strokes behind the veneer painting of The Scottish government that is meant to depict a artists impression of Scotland from far away.

    As you refer to it the Scots do not own the painting, while others imply and wish to pretend that we the (Scots) are responsible for its insurance payments.

    It will take a long time before Scotland realise the picture and framework is a fake.

    However Minds under Colonial control never question the bigger picture and take it at face value as a picture of Scotland owned by Scots.

    Nothing is further from the truth. At the end of the day it is a fake painted in Westminster.

  127. Northcode says:

    John Main @ 7:56

    I’ll be honest with you, John.

    I still haven’t forgiven you yet for slating my (pseudo)code. But I will. Eventually. Probably.

    And I’m not a 100% sure if you’re referring to Hatuey the WoS commenter, or Hatuey, Chief of the Hispaniola province, Guahaba (you’re not channeling Spain, are you?)

  128. James Che says:


    I see you too have a keen eye for fake artwork,
    The painting is not owned by colonised Scots, But it was suggested to them that it was, and they are responsible for it, that was enough for them to believe it was genuine.
    Which they would be unlikely to accept that info with any other antiquity. It seems it may be awhile before Scots realise it is not theirs to own.

  129. Northcode says:

    @James Jones @ 11:51am

    James. I feel I was a tad rude to you in my reply to your comment. I apologise.

    You are entitled to your view like anyone else on here.

  130. Northcode says:

    @Achnababan @ 9:34am

    Thanks, Achnababan.

  131. Mia says:

    “What do mean by self-id crap?”

    Precisely that, Ruby. Self-id crap. The concept of self-id is in my view crap. In the same way you cannot demand to be seen as black when you are white covered in fake tan or you cannot demand to be hired as a mathematician when you haven’t even learnt to count, a man cannot demand the right to be seen and treated as a a woman simply because they are wearing knickers and make up.

    Self-ID, just like the concept of transphobia, are in my opinion far too generic words to ever be meaningful. They are comfort terms to give baseless concepts a veneer of credibility. A castle in the air. Something that looks legit only on the surface.

    For instance, let’s look at the word “transphobia”. Trans is a prefix which means across, beyond SOMETHING. Phobia is a suffix, which means fear or adversion to SOMETHING.

    Where is that “something” in the word transphobia?

    trans-what-phobia? What is missing in that fabricated word is the element that would define what you have phobia towards. The word “transphobia” is therefore a castle in the air kept deliberately meaningless so you can include all sort of fetishes there that have absolutely nothing to do with gender dysphoria.

    Where does the concept of “self-identification” end? There are many dimensions to the concept of identification. Can you “self-id” as your neighbour and demand access to their house and bank account? When can you self-id and when can you not and who decides this and on basis of what?

    “The root cause of all the problems with transgenderism is that people accept that a man can be a woman”

    I couldn’t disagree more, Ruby. In my opinion, the problem with “transgenderism” is that it is a fabricated term to give credibility to a toxic movement determined to force people to deny reality.

    People is being forced to block the information their own senses are sending to their brains in order to accept a man can be a woman or a male can be a female.

    Our senses are innate to us and our first and most powerful barrier of protection acquired on evolution. Self-ID and transgenderism is all about neutralising and blocking that protective barrier. It is dumbing us down and making us vulnerable.

    How deluded somebody has to be to not see that allowing males to compete in females’ sports is sentencing that sports category to the grave? How many of those claiming this to be possible are not deluded at all but are cowards or self-serving hypocrites?

    Calling those males “woman” or “she” helps to mask the fact they are males and should therefore never have been competing in females’ categories.

    That is denying reality.

    Why this toxic, divisive ideology has been deployed to such scale and what is acting as trojan horse for is what we really should be asking ourselves.

    “I do not accept that whether it’s done by ‘self-id’ or a group of experts saying a man can be a woman”

    There are no experts in “gender” because gender is a fabricated concept. Sex is what is biological and measurable.

    To be honest, I personally think we would be much better off by getting rid of the concept of gender altogether, and certainly getting rid of it from every official document and go only by sex. Male/female Sports, male/female prisons, male/female toilets and changing rooms. Sex is binary and measurable. Gender is not.

    Just imagine how much less red tape we would have and how much taxpayers’ money we could save if the SGov were not subsididing so many quangos to create a false pretence of “democracy” or “public consultation”.

  132. James Che says:


    I like you’re’s and Northcodes posts, both very logical in assesment.

  133. Mia says:

    “It was like a motherly thing eh”
    No, it wasn’t. That is emotional storytelling.

    “I was trying to be nice”
    No, he wasn’t. Being nice would have been giving the little girl a lift to HER home, not to this paedo’s bed.

    “I put her in bed with me to warm up”
    No, he didn’t. If you want a child to get warm you give them a hot chocolate, a blanket and put the heating on. You do not undress yourself and jump in the bed with the child.

    “Her phone went under a heater”
    No it didn’t. That is an attempt to antromorphise the phone. The phone did not go anywhere by itself. It does not have legs. Somebody threw it there.

    “accidentally melted”
    There is no accident about it. It is the law of physics. If plastic gets too close to an open fire or a source of intense heat, it will melt. Somebody may have accidentally dropped/threw the phone too close to the radiator. But the phone melted as you would expect if too close to the radiator.

    What a load of bullshit this guy was telling. Just as much bullshit as we have been force-fed since the SNP decided to become the willing wooden armour of whatever entity is behind this transgender political trojan horse.

    Shona Robison must resign. We cannot have as Deputy FM such an incompetent who is either totally deluded and completely detached from reality, or expect the people of Scotland to behave as if we were.

  134. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Mia and Ruby.

    The singer with Pickettywitch, Polly Brown, “browned up” as half of the duo Sweet Dreams in 1974.

    link to

    link to

  135. Daisy Walker says:

    stuart mctavish says:
    19 May, 2023 at 12:26 am

    Presumably his lawyers were in agreement and forfeit any obligation to defend a presumption of innocence, despite their unstable client’s confession, on ethical grounds – ie lest the corroborating evidence required to prove guilt at trial was rendered inadmissible by discrepancies in the charge sheet (as originally reported).’

    Sorry Stuart, I’m not sure if I explained things very well. Any accused has a presumption of innocence, but at the start of any trial, they are given the opportunity to plead guilty, or not guilty. Pleading Guilty gets to the finish line quickly, the presumption of innocence remains throughout the process if they plead Not Guilty.

    The point I was making earlier, is at what time and date was he first charged with the sexual offence. I think it highly unlikely it was not at the same time as the other offences… in which case either the Police failed to tell the Press about the sex offences, or they did tell the Press and the Press decided Nikla was having a bad enough week of it, and kept that one from the public to save her blushes. Or Police and Press decided to keep quiet about that one, until it came out later, once the dust had settled.

    The time and date, and officers who charged him with the sexual offence should come out in the trial. If it does, and if the time and date is the same as the other offences, then the public have been served very poorly by whoever delayed this information being made public. And I see no other reason for doing so, other than to assist the Transgender narrative, and the SNP Government.

    One other way of perhaps identifying the time and date of the sexual offence charge being libelled, is the aforesaid Service on accused that they need to have legal representation at trial and cannot do it themselves.

    There may have been a delay in charging accused with the sexual offence, pending receiving the results of forensic analysis, in which case this service of notice on accused would have been carried out on a later date.

    However, it’s rare to postpone caution and charge of an accused with ALL the offences, when you have them in custody, for the simple reason that the Fiscal can change or drop charges prior to court attendence if the forensic evidence does not pan out and insufficient evidence comes to light from outstanding enquiry to substantiate the charge.

    If it was the Press who did the censoring, Police Scotland will have no qualms about disclosing the full details of the press release they provided them.


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    • Ian Brotherhood on Signal and noise: “Wow, yon ‘Grok’ is impressive. It answered this question in approximately 3 seconds. If you were a supporter of Scottish…Mar 14, 14:44
    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “No Mia, it’s 180 degrees the other way. The treaty required the two separate parliaments each to dispose of incompatible…Mar 14, 13:49
    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““If the authors of the ToU intended to impose that significant restriction, they would have done so explicitly” And they…Mar 14, 13:17
    • Young Lochinvar on Signal and noise: “Aha! Press reporting that SHE whose name shall not be uttered is still under investigation in Branchform. “Timing” again anyone?Mar 14, 13:09
    • Aidan on Signal and noise: “A combination of very little going on in the pro-Indy front, and the deluge of cranks and trolls who, like…Mar 14, 12:38
    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “@Mia – no it doesn’t stand to reason at all, that implication would have an enormous impact on future union…Mar 14, 12:31
    • Chas on Signal and noise: “Very few comments being posted on Wings nowadays. Even the nutters and cranks who posted umpteen times, every day, now…Mar 14, 11:36
    • agent x on Signal and noise: “I saw reports that Sturgeon had put her name forward for re-election in 2026. Was it published anywhere that she…Mar 14, 11:35
    • willie on Signal and noise: “So Swinney has had tea and biscuits with Eric Trump. Not bad for a man who only a few weeks…Mar 14, 11:25
  • A tall tale

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