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Wings Over Scotland

Shoulder to shoulder

Posted on February 27, 2016 by

The dogged determination of Scottish Labour to insult the Scottish electorate is a source of constant slack-jawed astonishment to us. Over the years we’ve lost count of the number of times the party’s politicians have effectively said “People are just too stupid to vote for us”, in the apparent belief that abuse is the way to win back support.


But it’s not always so overt. The subtler ways in which the party treats voters like morons include the assumption that people’s memories only go back to yesterday’s newspapers, and there can surely be no more stark illustration than its recent adoption of the attack line that the SNP are standing “shoulder to shoulder with the Tories”.






Now, that would be ironic enough in its own right, given that it was Labour who actually voted with the Tories on the Scottish Government’s budget this week – both of them opposing it along with the Lib Dems and Greens.

But we rather suspect that voters also haven’t quite forgotten this yet:


















All we’re saying is, if we were Blair McDougall we might give it a wee while longer before we accused someone else of cosying up with the Conservatives.



(Kudos to alert reader Martin MacDonald for IDs and captioning.)

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David Mills

SLAB: short memoryed Lazy Arrogant Bitter


James Hunts, the lot of them.


I knew you’d jump at using these when Martin was tweeting them a couple of days ago. Good man Martin & yourself of course.

David Martin

The last one with Blair is a peach! Glass houses or what?


Not just the referendum standing shoulder to shoulder, but also actually voting with the Tories to continue austerity cuts plans in Westminster. Even though they claimed to have their own less damaging plans, well why vote with them?

They really do have a low level opinion of the electorate.


Oh look, the people who stood shoulder to shoulder with the Tories for two years in the Indy campaign have a new catch phrase.



Wow, Wings prints a picture of a cock and balls…

The cock being Cochers and the balls being Gray and Rifkind!!!

Arthur Martin

Aye right!!
The branch office and the Tories……two cheeks of the same arse!
Labour in Scotland are now indelibly tainted with the stench of Unionism and Conservatism, and the more they try to wash it away the deeper it stains them.
Get it right up yeezz!


What are Ruthie and Flipper laughing at??

A picture of George Galloways cock?


You sure that last one is tuba boy? Think its Tommy Cooper without the fez. Sorry Tommy Cooper wasnt as funny. Just like twat.

Bill Hume

Once again, labour are chasing the senile voter.

Dr Jim

Oh Uh, they’re really bad lie telling people and telling voting people they’re all fools must not be clever when you’re in the lie telling business

Observations of a very young person!

Wonder what the grown ups make of it?


Mr Carlaw, Ms McDougall and Ms McPhee all seem distressed. Their Union Flag is upside-down. Such foresight.

Graham MacLure

Bill Hume @ ???
Fit’s wrang wae bein senile if ye can mind?


Jeez..never fails to gie you the dry boak looking at those pics and they are only the tip of the iceberg too.


“A picture of George Galloways cock?”

That’ll be 35mm then!


Shoulder to shoulder with the tories during the independence referendum,also remember watching the Scotland act on the tv,remembering all the huge numbers that appeared from the bars like robots.


Wid you luk at that Skeletor bastirt wae his can o irn bru and the MSP with his weird shoes ignoring that wee wummin who is just out of shot…. yoons and their yoonish ways…rip ye!!


First they laugh at us…then we wipe them out of office…then we snigger.


Rev, bit depressed tonight , any chance of cheering me up by posting a picture of farter Baillie? Oh just the thought makes me laugh yooo knooooo.


Christine Jardine Lib-Dem candidate multiple times All Failed

LOL that could have came from you Stu 🙂


Also suffering from severe amnesia on SNP voting against austerity and Labour abstaining…

call me dave

Geez! Good bit of work there.

Was there not even a shred of awareness between these labour dupes that the Scottish electorate would take a dim view of those team hugs with the tories and wreak revenge at the GE.

Right up the garden path they all went. Serves them right.


Cheerio Labour, had you chance and blew it. We’re taking over now. Yes quiver or cringe. The people are revolting.

Never did did like revolting eh. Now suffer for it.

Graham MacLure

Maitland Mackie is now deceased.
Please show a modicum of respect as he would have readily done to any fellow human.
I may have disagreed with his politics but I had the utmost of respect for him as a man as had many in Aberdeenshire and far beyond.
Shame on you for your disrespect of a very caring and kindly gentleman.


What about Scottish Labour and the OO?



@Graham MacLure

I’m absolutely certain that there was no disrespect intended.

Marie Clark

Roll on May, SNPX 2.

Whit a feckin shower, at least Foulkes is aye pished, whit’s the excuse for the rest o’ them.Jesus feckin wept.

Get me outa here, warp factor 10 Mr Sulu.


Seen “Scottish” Labour going round the streets of Ayr today campaigning. They were approached by guys in England shirts, who said, in broad Ayrshire accents, “We’re voting Labour in Cumnock to stop those SNP “Fen**ns” taking control again. At which point they, (Labour) laughed their heads off. “Scottish” Labour…..FUCKING SCUM.



As Karen Dunbar said, “Can you smell shite!”


@Graham MacLure – How in the name of fuck is anyone being disrespected. FFS the man obviously stood up for what he believed in and was happily photographed doing so. No one is questioning the mans integrity or character more that the hypocrite unionist parties are campaigning together and now have the bare faced cheek to accuse the SNP of standing with the tories… get a grip

Bob Mack

Graham MacLure,

What disrespect would that be? Please explain.

Graham MacLure

Thepnr says @11:15

I find it disrespectful as will many who knew him much better than I did. What I see above here is cheap ignorant opportunism to to score a petty point and for what? Alex Salmond would I am sure would be abhorred at this.
This is nothing short of shooting himself in both feet and through the head which in Campbell’s case would only be a flesh wound.


I’m shocked!

No really … I am TRULY shocked. 🙂

All those lovely pictures of our devoted self indulgent, self protectionists, egotists, troughists and others and not one, not ONE, picture of the Viceroy of Scotland.

Surely there should have been at least one photograph of our beloved Viceroy standing with a RED Tory. I know they exist … I’ve seen them. I believe Murph the Smurph and our soon to be enobled 😀 Viceroy were best of mates. 😀


Still they group hug in one great cringe fest to deny Scotland’s existence.

Those smug faces will return the first chance they get. They would trample Scotland into the earth to regain power.
No amount of lies or attempts to rewrite history can make me un-see what I witnessed in 2014.

SNP x 2


@Graham MacLure – save your pish we’ve already had this with the ordinary mother guff so don’t concern troll yourself. No one has disrespected anyone..

Graham MacLure

Croompenstein says:

I got as far as your 6th word and decided that was enough. If you resort to using words like that in any reply it is time for you to take a long careful look at your attitude towards your fellow man


“it was Labour who actually voted with the Tories on the Scottish Government’s budget this week – both of them opposing it along with the Lib Dems and Greens.”

The Greens also opposed the SNP government’s budget?

Am I surprised?

The Greens (and RISE) would hold the SNP to ransom if they managed to hold the balance of power after the 2016 election.



@ Grahame McLure
I don’t find anything disrespectful about the photo of Maitland Mackie. However your comment aimed at Stu is in very poor taste. An apology would be appropriate.

Tackety Beets

Another great post and extra work by Martin M , thank you.

WM tried to stick us for £7bn etc etc .
We are about to be shovelled another bout o WM austerity medicine.

Do any of those Naws have the guts to admit they were mistaken , thought not.

I just cannot understand any of them. How can they defend WM treating us with such contempt all these years.

Bob Mack

@Graham MacLure,

I think the disrespect is made up in your head and nobody on here. Get a life.

Graham MacLure

Bob Mack
When did Maitland Mackie stand shoulder to shoulder withany Tory or Labour politician?

Bob Mack
When did Maitland Mackie ever say that People were too stupid to vote for someone? That is the opening gambit in this article.


It’s like Groundhog day with Scottish Labour Branch Office Tufty Club yet again.

They’re stuck in a loop.

Playing the political game as it was pre Holyrood not realising the game has changed despite the repeated warnings.

Nobody is paying attention to them apart from the deluded leftover shellshocked remnants of their party still believing they are the most powerful, reasonable, electable, voice of the people and the only true acceptable face of Scottish politics.

They believe they are correct without checking the facts or the figures and despite well documented history of how these people have acted in recent times.

We had the Referendum and moved on. We accepted the result and regrouped. Labour regressed.

We elected an SNP majority of MP’s in Scotland. Labour regressed.

We return the SNP to Holyrood in May. Labour will regress further again unable to accept their position brought on by their own actions.

The EU Vote will split Labour in Scotland even further than now and they will regress again as bigger divisions appear in their leadership, their politicians, their members and in their politics.

Council Elections 2017. They will regress to a minor unelectable, untrusted, irrelevant noise.

They are rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.


Graham MacLure says:
27 February, 2016 at 11:10 pm

Maitland Mackie is now deceased.
Please show a modicum of respect as he would have readily done to any fellow human.

So WHAT exactly Graham is being disrespectful about a photograph of numerous people who supported UKOK one of which has now sadly died? 😉

Are we NOW in an age where we are prohibited from showing any photograph of people in the case that one or other people in the photograph has died? 😉

I only ask because being the local Village idiot around these parts I find absolutely nothing disrespectful with the picture in question. No profanity has been added to the photograph. The ONLY additions are bubbles identifying the various individuals. Is this a prohibitive act? 😉

Bob Mack

@Graham MacLure,

Waken up. Every picture tells a story. He was sharing a platform with them,and I do not think it was to argue against their point..You can determine for yourself which Party is represented. There are none so blind etc.


@Graham MacLure –

I got as far as your 6th word and decided that was enough

Sorry Graham I should have made it my first word.. fuck off concern troll


I think we have attracted a troll disguised as a straw man.


Jeez, Yoon trolls, what are they like.

Bob Mack

@Graham MacLure
By the way the opening gambit of this article states that POLITICIANS think of people being too stupid. Get yourself to bed mate,as you are making a fool of yourself about nothing in particular


Oh look, it turns out that most of the characters involved in the no campaign were paid politicians, party apparatchiks, potential candidates or other self-interested troughers and hangers on. Who’d a thunk it.

Graham MacLure

“The dogged determination of Scottish Labour to insult the Scottish electorate is a source of constant slack-jawed astonishment to us. Over the years we’ve lost count of the number of times the party’s politicians have effectively said “People are just too stupid to vote for us”, in the apparent belief that abuse is the way to win back support”

From this opening paragraph why should any later reference be made to Maitland Mackie?
Mr Mackie was a liberal. In what way did he ever treat the electorate or anyone with disrespect?

Brian Doonthetoon

It has become obvious, to more and more of Scots, that politics in Scotland has evolved from a four party scenario, to a two party system.

One side is ‘pro-Scotland’; the other side is ‘anti-Scotland’, or ‘pro-union’. The referendum debate was the catalyst. We are now in what should amount to the end-game.

Who will triumph, some time between 2018 and 2021? The Unionists of three hues, working to the philosophy that they are ‘better together’, or the Scots working under the premise of ‘we’ll fight for what is right’?

link to

Dr Jim

You can’t put Braveheart on the telly without the lunatic fringe of the Yoons going berserk
It seems to be the one movie that sends them into a frenzy yet they never have anything to say about all the imaginary war films where Richard Todd or Richard Burton or any of that lot won the entire war for England (proud chest)

Billy Connolly on Twitter, funny guy, I like him but he’s a dunce when it comes to thinking he’s a history teacher and he’s offensive to Nationalists by saying we’re all racists
which makes him every bit as stupid and nasty as the rest of the Yoons

Having an opinion’s OK but giving out lectures on your imagined version of history is just plain stupid
Apart from that get over it, it’s a film, a movie, a picture

Does Billy really expect us all to believe Mrs Brown the movie was totally accurate or Brave wasn’t a cartoon and it was really real

BTW John Wayne won all the wars and all the gunfights in the cowboy pictures FACT

Put it all behind you Yoons and grow up ( You’d think they didn’t win)

Bob Mack

@Graham MacLure
Being a liberal comes close. However you answered your own question. Read the paragraph again. If you did basic interpretation at school I am sure you will see your error. Good luck and good night.

A clue. No – one but you has mentioned Mr Mackie in any context other than a caption on a picture You have filled the rest by yourself. Time to stop mate before everyone loses respect and patience with you.


@Graham MacLure:

Images of deceased people appear in the press all the time, every day. It’s a regular occurrence. They are featured for many reasons, sometimes it’s praise, sometimes criticism, mostly it’s neutral.

Do you write to the newspapers complaining that it’s disrespectful to use their images every time one appears? Do you spare a thought for what their friends and families might think?

No? I thought not.

But do take any opportunity to have a go at the nats for something that you wouldn’t even notice if it were in the unionist media.


@ Graham MacLure:

“Mr Mackie was a liberal. In what way did he ever treat the electorate or anyone with disrespect?”

The only person suggesting that Mr Mackie treated anyone with disrespect is you. No one has made any comment or passed judgement on Mr Mackie whatsoever.


@Graham McLure

You’re right on this one.

Maitland Mackie’s image should have been airbrushed out of the photo due to his being diceased.

And perhaps also Anne Begg,or at least her wheelchair on account of her disability.

You’re at it pal.

Graham MacLure

I may be ridiculed or banned from this site but I will not idly stand by and have an honest man like Maitland Mackie denigrated in any way. This may seem an outlandish belief as I did not support his politics but I stand by beliefs. Maitland Mackie was a good man in many ways and is remembered with respect by many who knew him.
If that is trolling I am proud to be a troll.
No disrespect Stuart. Mar sin leat.


@Graham MacLure
The article is in two parts. The first is about Labour slagging off the SNP for their being shoulder to shoulder with the Tories.

The second part is about “Better Together”, where Labour and Conservatives (and LibDems) were “shoulder to shoulder”.

Maitland Mackie was on a Better Together platform. He is identified, but clearly not the target of the article, which was making the point that Labour and the Tories (and LibDems) were frequently “shoulder to shoulder”.

No disrespect in that at all.


The Scottish electorate will NEVER forgive liebour for chumming up with the Tories. People like Mcdonut and Fuchs (it sounds more like swearing) are like athletes foot, just when you think it’s gone away it pops up again.
Anyway William Wallace has just turned up with his blue face and Australian accent. “Sons of Scotland ………..” I like this bit.


@Graham MacLure

Oh dear, no one denigrated Maitland Mackie in any way here on Wings. I guess no one will shut you up though, you clearly have an agenda of your own.



‘Anyway William Wallace has just turned up with his blue face and Australian accent. “Sons of Scotland ………..” I like this bit.’

That Ken McIntosh would have made a superb William Wallace don’t you think ?

Sequel anyone ?


Graham MacLure says “I will not idly stand by and have an honest man like Maitland Mackie denigrated in any way.”

Can you please show us where anyone is denigrating Mr Mackie please?

You can’t just keep saying Mr Mackie is being denigrated without actually giving us any evidence of how he is being denigrated. Otherwise people will just think you’re making it up.


But it was not just in the IndyRef1 campaign! In the GE2015 campaign, Murphy campaigned together with the Tories at Clarkston Toll. They will campaign together again in IndyRef2. And what about the councils?

link to

In Stirling, Labour and the Tories joined forces to keep out the much larger SNP group. Leader of the Labour group in Falkirk, Craig Martin, called the deal “great news”: “This is great news for Falkirk and great news for Scottish Labour.

“No party won an overall majority here but as the leading group, Labour has secured agreement of other members to lead the council and implement our manifesto.” He said.

In East Lothian a Labour / Tory pact has been agreed, in Aberdeen Labour spurned a partnership with the left of centre SNP and again opted for the Tories.

Labour has also formed the administration in Inverclyde with support of Conservative Councillor David Wilson, who is to be installed as Depute Lord Provost. Labour also look set to strike a deal with the Conservatives in South Lanarkshire, despite the Tories losing four seats at the elections and in Fife Labour and the Tories have agreed another deal that allows Labour to form a minority administration.


“The voters outside looked from blue Tory to red Tory, and from red Tory to blue Tory, and from blue Tory to red Tory again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”


The key question for no voters looking ahead to the coming election is has London provided good governance of Scotland.

If the answer is yes then clearly their no vote was correct.
However I would make a few observations

1) fifty years ago Scotland was manufacturing almost 50’/, of the world’s shipping with all the infrastructure that involved

2) there was a car and truck manufacturing capability and there was the infrastructure to build the Forth bridge

3) over 30 of these years Scotland was also the 13 largest oil producer in the world

4) today we have none of the above and nothing to show for the oil and you can’t drive a mile without hitting a pot hole

5) in the same period Germany rebuilt her industry after the war. So did Japan and Korea. London too has seen it’s economy grow significantly

So the question is has London rule really worked for Scotland? Have they done a good job and should they be retained in power

What do NO voters think?

I wonder what Lord Foulkes thinks???

Elaine Cree

Lest we forget!!

call me dave

Citizens Advice Scotland fires chief executive Margaret Lynch after probe into her expenses and use of charity credit card

link to

Doesn’t say what links, if any, she had to any party.
Hope not the one that left the labour party in late 1990s to seek home in the SNP.

SNP to launch radical overhaul of benefits system

link to


For me the saddest and most disturbing aspect of this, being the biggest question of all, just what did the Labour party ever really do for Scotland?

As I hail from NE England, I also question what did they ever do for anyone,anywhere, for that matter, except themselves of course.

Perhaps it was always like this, a one party state in reality, most of the time. I have nothing but contempt for Labour in Scotland. Their lies and arrogance will resonate for a very long time to come.

Excellent article btw, thanks Rev Stu.

Chic McGregor

“For me the saddest and most disturbing aspect of this, being the biggest question of all, just what did the Labour party ever really do for Scotland?”

Oh the Labour party really did do for Scotland, there is no question about that.


@Chic McGregor

Indeed Chic, and their time is up and don’t they know it. Disgusting, self serving, wolves in sheeps clothing. Real wolves are however, I am sure, alot more trustworthy and honest.

Calum McKay

I was on the anti trident march in London today, plenty SNP banners, Scottish flags and Scottish CND banners. Many English folk were passing comment on the number of Scots.

No labour banners, tory banners or liberal banners, obviously too busy meeting with each other in darkened rooms all over Scotland and then suffering collective amnesia.

labour in Sotland, after seeing and hearing The First Minister speaking in Trafalgar Square, kez will not be in her job long, and many stalwart labour folk will move to the SNP!


Wonder where they all are now………


Thanks Stuart for another little reminder (not that we’ll ever need to be reminded of this at all …. for all time coming historically …. on record now) of how they all stood shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, smirking, sneering and laughing their heads off together as they ruined every last chance of poverty stricken Scots, children in particular, of having a decent life. I for one wont EVER forget or forgive them.

All united, Tories, Labour and Libdems, shafting the Scots. Scots shafting Scots.

Scots being the most compassionate, caring, generous, friendly, adventurous, bravest, most innovative and most inventive people on the Planet being reduced to NOUGHT by the most stupid, poor and wee politicians and journalists in the World. Scotland with its oil making it the richest country on the planet. Downgraded and covered up by its ain folk. SHAME on you all.

I could go on forever, forever and forever more by using one example after another of the concerted effort being used to reduce Scotland to rubble. It would run into millions of pages no doubt. Let’s hope that someone out there is just doing that right now.

Meanwhile latest news is as follows:

SLab have voted against carers receiving the Living wage. Kezia lying Dugdale making a big deal about this previously.

Libdems are now advocating fracking in Scotland. Previously said no to fracking …. last week. WOW talk about committing political suicide.

Once again BOTH SLab and the Libdems are sealing their fate in Scotland. The Tories sealed theirs decades ago.

Who REALLY cares about Scotland? SLab, Tories or Libdems? Forget them.

You? Me? The SNP?

The SNP is the only party that TRULY cares about Scotland and the Scots.

If you want to make a difference …. make your voice heard.

Vote SNPx2 in May. Vote NO to Brexit in June.

Oh and by the way make sure that you can vote. For some STRANGE reason over 100,000 Scots have been struck of the Electoral Register since the 2014 Referendum.


Old George kind of reminds of the (urban myth) tale of some American politician, who after losing an election said;

“the people have spoken……………… the bastards….. “


Nicola sturgeon,stop trident demo yesterday.

link to


I see operation #shouldertoshoulder wasn’t quite the success they thought it would be….perhaps on account of the fact they knocked it off from the Nats, after only months.

They seem to ‘honestly’ think that this constant ‘projection’, which has being going on since way early in the referendum campaign, is paying some kind of dividend for them. From where I’m standing, it most certainly is not. If anything, it’s making them look even more stupid, more inept, more deceitful than ever.

‘Clowns’ is perhaps the best description of them. A circus of clowns, performing to a thoroughly unimpressed audience long past the point of possibly laughing.


O/T links

link to

Tommy Sheppard at trident rally
link to

link to

Nicola & Alan Cumming tourist video
link to

ronnie anderson

Graham MacLure If your gonna Nitpick use a comb its faster, other products are available.

PS the Rev only scrached the surface ( & not with a bullet) in this article,there,s plenty mair.

Bit presumptuous of you to to comment as to what Alex Salmond might or might not think of that man.

Thomas Brotherston

It’s standing together shoulder to shoulder with the Tories on the EU that is obscene. It seems the SNP rage at the Tories when they implement their Neo liberal agenda but become oddly silent when Brussels implement it.

Independence inside Europe is a lie. We can’t build a just and equall society on a lie. Why woul we vote to keep a reactionary Britain in Europe to continue its poisonous anti working class influence. To remove them and diminish their influence is the best demonstration of Solidarity we can show our brothers and sisters in Europe. It may even bring a halt to the Neo liberal agenda in Europe.
Vote No to the Tories in Europe.


@Thomas Brotherston

SNP x 2. Then Yes to remain in Europe contrary to England’s position forcing a Scots referendum.


Labout are still voting with the Tories. Austerity, Trident, to go to war, that are one and the same. The Scottish electorate know knows this as Labour’s great and good walk off the political stage into a life as multi multi millionaires. Indeed,it would be interesting if Wings could do a piece on the financial affairs of the Labour fatcats, and not just the high profilers like Blair,Darling, Mandelson bit the myriad of all the rest.


There is a problem with labour’s attack line of “shoulder to shoulder with the tories.” It reminds everyone, as if they’ve forgotten, of who really stood shoulder to shoulder with the Tories to deny Scotland its independence and who still stand shoulder to shoulder with the tories at Westminster.
Robert the Bruce said “if at first you don’t succeed try, try and try again”
Labour’s interpreted this as “if at first you don’t succeed lie, lie and lie again.”


@Thomas Brotherston

If you bothered to find out what goes on at Brussels you would know that our SNP MEPs are fighting the Neo Liberal agenda – unlike the Tories who are pushing the Neo-Liberal agenda as hard as they can, headed by David Cameron.

And do you trust David Cameron actually wants to stay in? I certainly don’t. I listen to R4 to assess where the propaganda is going, and it is my assessment that WM wants us out, or a close “Stay” to give them more leverage in negotiations for what they want to extract from the EU.


None of us are very impressed by the SmithLite Scotland Bill, understandably.

Just imagine the fiscal negotiations between Scotland and HM Treasury had been carried out by SLab!

Scotland would have been screwed over completely and totally. Swinney and the SNP made an amazing job of the negotiations. They stood up toe to toe against HM Treasury, WM, the Tories, and the London Establishment all of whom were determined to make Scotland poorer.

SLab would have simply buckled and taken the London line, London knows best.

While the end result is all a bit ‘yawn’, the alternative of going tits up and London getting its way would have badly effected every Scot. On this issue alone we all do have a lot to thank the SNP for.

SNP stand against the Tory onslaught. SLab stand on the sidelines.

The contrast between SLab and the SNP is total and absolute.

Chalk and cheese? A scabby bit of worn out useless chalk lying in the gutter, versus a big block of the finest Ayrshire Dunlop.


Democracy is a problem for unelected ‘Lords’ Along with honouring promises. No honour among thieves. Alcoholics make poor decisions without total abstinence and counselling.

Where does Foulkes vote? Does he have two or three votes. Or just the illegitimate right to meddle.

Ian Brotherhood

Did anyone happen to catch the names of the people who are currently gum-bumping on Radio North Britain?


So so proud of Nicola.


Yesterday I was driving from Glasgow to wester Ross. So listing to R 4. It’s the only station that you can get for most of the way. Think it must be a stronger signal for the submarines. Anyway! Much discussion on the EU in/out and project fear. They really don’t get irony. It’s the same with the DDR in Scotland. Some of us might be getting on in years and yes we might not have looked after our brain cells as well as we could. But with the aid of the Rev and the Internet we have total recall.


Thanks to all who were at the March


Your final link at 8.05am is a brilliant introduction to Scotland & will certainly encourage visitors from US & elsewhere to visit. Well worth watching & sharing.

Nicola & Alan Cumming tourist video
link to


Slab don’t have short memories, they just think Scotland’s people are stupid.


All those new, mostly young, folk who took an interest in politics because of the independence referendum had their first exposure to the workings of Scotland’s political parties.

What did they observe?

They saw Jim Murphy exposed by Wikileaks having “played a leadership role in organizing the opposition parties, hoping to move Scotland toward implementation of the Calman recommendations as an alternative to an independence referendum”

link to

They saw Labour reject all it’s “home rule” principles to work with Tories & LibDems.

They saw the interventions of English politicians, newspapers, BBC, business and celebrities and the drafting in of busloads of canvassers, with no interest and no skin in the game.

Finally, after the referendum they saw Kezia Dugdale offer a free vote to her party for the next independence referendum.

I just hope we can make the next referendum a Scotland-only affair.

Proud Cybernat

Red and Blue Tories still not getting it. You can spin and tell your lies all day long and insult the people of Scotland to boot. But we have the very best lie detector that no amount of money – not even JK Rowling’s very sizable wad – can buy.

It’s called the internet. How those Red and Blue Jackatories still living in the Stone Age must hate the advent of the Information Age. Indeed, were anyone to hold up a candle to the dark, these Yoons would be the first to snuff it out. They have keot Scotland in the dark much too long but no more.

The Internet – Scotland’s Second Enlightenment. Yae canne wack it.


The History:

Labour transform themselves into the Red Photo Copy Tory Party.
Labour bails out their Casino Banker friends by taking money from the working classes, while paying the Bankers massive pensions and bonuses. Oh and no need to imprison any of these crooks.

Labour supports Tory “Austerity” cuts that have the greatest impact on the working classes. To be fair they did ask nicely if the cuts could be phased in over 3 years. The same disaster but just a little while longer before crashing into the wall.

The Scottish Budget is cut and Scot Gov can do nothing else but
pass on the Red and Blue Tory cuts to their own Scottish Councils

The 3 main Westminster parties all unite to Scaremonger the Scottish electorate into thinking that having All the money that
Scotland generates, giving us a greater income, would be a bad thing as we are too wee and to stupid to use the money.

Now the Westminster parties want to know why their own cuts have to be passed on to their own Scottish Councils.
Red Labour wants to increase Scotland’s Taxes to help reduce the impact of the cuts imposed by their Blue Tory Friends, as it would make their incompetent councilors look better.

Blue Tories want to reduce Scottish Taxes and blame the deterioration of our services on the SNP Government.

David Cameron and Osborne, Tory, worth £100 Million between them
Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, worth £80 Million between them.

The workers of this country, on their knees during the worst recession in our history. Public Services jobs lost, manufacturing jobs lost, investment in Green Energy projects removed, North Sea Oil taxed to death, the Disabled attacked by the Bedroom Tax and ATOS, low income welfare payments reduced or removed, 2,000 Tax office jobs relocated from Scotland to England as as a £pound spent in Croyden is better than one spent in Scotland.
Scotland being forced to pay out “Billions on Trident
Missiles that we do not want and that we can never use, etc, etc.

The Westminster Parties are united in that they all love to abuse
Scotland and spend our money in South East England.

clan rossy

labour/tories/libdems/no voters are all ("Tractor" - Ed)s to scotland its as simple as that


It is amazing watching Westminster hypocritical liars tearing themselves to bits. An otherly experience.

Bob Mack


And if proof was needed then where did most of these characters find employment post election defeat?

You guessed it —-on the Boards of banks


You can’t fool all the people all of the time. That’s why the Polls will no change.


@ Nana
Thanks for the link to the tourist video. Great fun and Alan Cumming is a superb host.


Almannysbunnet says:

28 February, 2016 at 8:56 am

There is a problem with labour’s attack line of “shoulder to shoulder with the tories.” It reminds everyone, as if they’ve forgotten, of who really stood shoulder to shoulder with the Tories to deny Scotland its independence and who still stand shoulder to shoulder with the tories at Westminster.

Shhhhhhh! They still haven’t cottoned on yet (amazing as that may seem).

As they say, never interrupt your enemy when……:)

Were Alex

Just got an email.

Remember the daft story about the flagpole in Stirling. Well it gets better.

The ruling Tories on Stirling Council wants to rename a famous street in Stirling as Queen Elizabeth Road in honour of her 90th birthday.

Will they never learn, but typical of an out of touch archaic organisation. I wonder if Rufhie knows about this.


Best move any valuables out of reach, you may be tempted to throw something when you red this

link to

We Alex

Stirling Council story

Forgot link, page 2

link to

It’s Corn Exchange Road. I think it’s where the library is.

Bob Mack

My admiration for Nicola and the SNP and all its supporters grows by the day.

The position of the SNP at present is akin to a juggler spinning plates on cane poles whilst people on both sides rush out to try and topple the plates. Attacked from all sides they keep the show on the road.

Labour Tory, Lib Dem? —– As Elaine Paige sang, ” Send in the Clowns”


call me Dave @1.19 am

I don’t know if Ms Lynch, recently sacked CEO of Citizens’ Advice Scotland, is in but the Sunday Herald has a very nice photo of her standing between Ruth Davidson and Jackie Baillie.


Yoons celebrating their narrow win,the day after voting day is a day I will never forget,nor will I ever forget their ‘Rainbow Yoon Alliance’ It still sticks in ma craw….

Emerging from their secrect locations,irreversibly linked together forever,shoulder to shoulder,if they each had a third arm they would have patted themselves on the back.

Revealing their true selves under the cover of darkness,rampaging through the streets,a sight I believe,caused many an ordinary yoon voter to feel not only alarm but shame.

They now attempt to rewrite history,to a different version of events,’read all about it’…..SNP BAD….etc.etc.except nobody is buying it,nobody is listening,any more.

‘Under the spreading chestnut tree
I sold you and you sold me….’

Yoonmasters have always been in it for themselves and we don’t count,either historically or in the modern world,yoon voters were simply useful idiots,used,now dispensed with,as London countinues it’s never ending asset stripping our country,except many yoon voters are now angered by the deception (a penny waterfall).

The ‘Rainbow Yoon Alliance’ is now well into self destruct mode,amazing the effect a conscience (or lack off) can do to people,it cannot happen quickly enough…the clock ticks on….

I make it 11:59

Tick Tock


Good article in Sunday Herald on Scottish Six.

link to

Also Westminster demands right to vet Scottish Government correspondence

and North Lanarkshire council official quits over being made scape goat over teachers numbers row.

Bob Mack


The Dresden China suffered horribly there !!! . In fact the Carmichael case proved a point that vetting of meetings and correspondence wasn’t too effective in any event.

I would like to also point out that if the SNP had failed to obtain Westminster seats then we would already be falling into line with England.. Holywood if anything is even more important.

No bus passes ,prescription charges, no mitigation of bedroom tax ,tax credits gone. Junior doctor mayhem. The persecution of disabled and poor.

Is this really what Scotland wants to open the door to? I hope not.


The Westminster gov will have no problem sharing their correspondence with other Gov with the Scottish Gov. Or will they continues to hide their correspondence and other illegal decisions under the Official Secrets Act.


Desperate stuff from desperate people trying to play the in bed with the tories spin,just goes to show how out of touch they are if they think we will ever forget what they have done.

Or care for what they have to bring to the table now.


One thing we do have in Scotland is a long memory. We do not forget easily. For Slab to even imagine that their behaviour during the most momentous event in politics in a generation would be forgotten shows how they truly underestimate and patronise the electorate.

Slogans like ‘kids not cuts’ are an insult and they speak volumes of the calibre of the current Slab strategists. ‘Shoulder to Shoulder with the Tories ‘ is forever enshrined in the consciousness of the electorate as the phrase that describes the fall of Slab over this period. Glib attempts to try to pass it elsewhere shows their lack of understanding and superficiality.

O/T a bit. Tom Devine – did anyone actually change their vote based on what he thought? For me, what academics, celebrities or whoever thought, was completely irrelevant. In the end it was ok if they agreed with ME, but none of them were going to change my mind. In fact, knowing JK Rowling was a no reinforced my opinion. I would imagine most people were the same.

Tom Devine is voicing his concerns and that is OK, but does it change my desire for independence? Absolutely not.


It’s pretty weird that Labour believe it’s the public’s fault that they don’t get elected!
Henry McLeish summed it up nicely when interviewed by Lesley Riddoch way back in 2013

“I just hoped that the wake-up call that came in 2007 Labour would heed but I have to say sadly it’s a bit like setting the public an exam Labour’s view in 2007 the public keep getting it wrong and in 2011 they still kept getting it wrong” Henry McLeish

link to

In 2016 the public (if they polls are correct) will fail so badly that they will probably have to be sent to a special school.


We Alex says:
28 February, 2016 at 10:51 am

Stirling Council story

Forgot link, page 2

link to

It’s Corn Exchange Road. I think it’s where the library is.

Told my partner about this Wee Alex, she is from Stirling area, and she says the Corn Exchange Road has been in existence since around about the 1750’s.

Just like Friar Street in Stirling this road is a very unique and historic road. Typical bloody Tories … they DESTROY anything and everything of any historic value to us Scots!

Bob Mack

The problem Labour and all the other Parties have is that they do things for the “common” or “greater good” as it is sometimes known. This also bye the bye is a Philosophy JK Rowling used in one of her characters in Harry Potter.

The problem with this philosophy is that the population of the rest of the UK is always larger than the population of Scotland by a margin of x10. This in effect means that England’s view is always the greater good and Scotland is left to lick it’s wounds as the underdog who are sacrificed on the alter of that philosophy.

We will always do so. The Unionist politicians who have represented us in Scotland for years have accepted this policy without question, and often to our detriment.

I cite Tam Jardine and his exposure of George Younger refusing money from Barnett which was for Scotland benefit. I can cite Mrs Thatcher and Healey hiding revenues under the Official Secrets Act to avoid awkward questions about Scottish entitlement.

The Greater Good has been ,is, and always will be England’s will. Time to think of our own good I suggest.

Graham Harris Graham

Nevertheless, “You are delusional & stupid. Vote Labour!”, does demonstrate an economic use of resource.

Perhaps there’s hope for them, yet?


Labour seem to believe that they lost all but one seat in Scotland because they stood shoulder to shoulder with the Tories during the Indy Ref. but I’m not convinced this is the reason they lost.

They lost because they are shit and until such times as they face up to that fact they will keep losing.

There is also the fact that they come across as being anti-Scottish.

I know they hate that but sometimes it’s better to face up to the truth.

James Kay

Lesley-Anne, Wee Alex

At least Stirling Council is not proposing to name the road after a non-existent QE2!


Sorry a bit of topic does anyone know where i can find the post which lists Scotlands resources in percentage terms in relation to the EU and also the UK.Very useful in debunking the to poor mantra.


Strange when they frequently accuse SNP of all voting the same way and having no independent thought ….yet the above repetitive word for word accusation re ‘SNP standing shoulder to shoulder with Tories’ is proof that perhaps it is Labour, and robotic followers, who are lacking in independent thinking. Group mentality tries to promote spin #Fail

Robert Peffers

@Bill Hume says: 27 February, 2016 at 10:34 pm:

“Once again, labour are chasing the senile voter.”

Aye! Bill, and so are every other political party in the UK. I’m senile and proud to be so because I’m now an OAP. However, I’ve supported the SNP since I was a schoolboy.

What I am not, though, is a sufferer of dementia, senile or otherwise, and I would hope your memory, short or long term, is a little better in future and remembers that the term,“senile”, simply means old. Furthermore, bear in mind that dementia can happen to anyone of any age.

call me dave


That’s good news and explains everything… but I’m paranoid! 🙂

PS: SNP New policy outlined next week: Posted link 01:19hrs

Mr Neil said: “With our new social security powers we have the opportunity to take a different approach and develop policies for Scotland which will help to remove the stigma attached to accessing benefits.

“These policies will be based on principles which will ensure people are treated with dignity and respect. We want to show that social security can be fairer, tackle inequalities, and protect and support the vulnerable in our society.”

“It’s understandable that people who receive benefits, who are ill, retired or disabled, will be concerned about how these changes will affect them.

“I want to reassure them that our priority is for them to receive their benefits on time and with the right amount.”
Coo! That’s not what I read in the Scottish Sunday Express which was more like Money for old rope!

I couldn’t find the ‘Scottish’ version but the Darn Sarf one is here!

link to

Robert Peffers

@Graham MacLure says: 27 February, 2016 at 11:10 pm:

“Maitland Mackie is now deceased.
Please show a modicum of respect as he would have readily done to any fellow human.”

Probably just like the Rev Stu, I had no personal information that the said person had ceased to exist, except as a corpse. The information was hardly headline news in the dead tree press, on-line nor on National broadcast mediums.

You might bear that in mind, Graham, when you next attempt to have a snide swipe at Wings and its commenters.

It would have sufficed to have informed that the person had died without the implication that everyone knew he had passed away and thus were deliberately disrespecting the dead.

In any case I have never gone along with the strange belief that after death an evil person is somehow exonerated for their past evil actions.

BTW: It is not part of Christian belief either. Which is why Christianity teaches of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory in its Bible.

Wee Alex

Spoke to an SNP activist in Stirling.

Looks like Tory and Labour agreed to cut workers rights in their budget last week and they desperately need to divert attention away from this.

Im not so sure but watch this space.

chris kilby

Are they fucking kidding?

Robert Peffers

@Graham MacLure says: 28 February, 2016 at 12:23 am:

“I may be ridiculed or banned from this site”

Nah! You will be ridiculed, Graham, for your posts are indeed ridiculous but I doubt you will be banned for we are allowed to speak our minds on this forum.

However, when it comes to disrespect the fact that a dead person’s photo is shown on the site is neither disrespectful nor is the fact that the dead person did indeed stand on a platform with the rest of the Establishment parties attempting to maintain the Establishments hold over Scotland.

Not only that but you made a very disrespectful attack upon the owner of this blog and there is absolutely no doubt about that.

Into the bargain the truth of the dead person’s complete background is that he comes from a long line of privileged and titled people. The very line of people who have held Scotland in thrall for centuries.

Maitland Mackie, died aged 76. He was the chairman and former owner of a family dairy farming business. He developed this business into a premier quality ice cream maker. He was also an pig farmer and a supporter of farm assurance, and in recent years a campaigner for community renewable energy.
The Mackies’ business was founded by Maitland’s grandfather in 1912 . This Maitland was chairman of the business since 1980, but handed ownership to his son Mac and two daughters some years ago.
During his ownership the company began producing ice cream as demand for semi-skimmed milk affected sales of full-cream. The company also produce a crisps range, and they plan a chocolate brand . In 1997 Mackie sold the dairying business to Wiseman.

Maitland Mackie was born on September 21 1937 to Sir Maitland Mackie and the former Isobel Ross. His father was a farming pioneer, Liberal candidate and Lord Lieutenant of Aberdeenshire. His uncles, John and George (now Lord Mackie of Benshie, DFC), were respectively a Labour agriculture minister and a Liberal MP. As a vice-president of the NFU in Scotland, Mackie helped move the organisation from a purely political role towards market-orientated self-help policies. He was also the architect and implementer of the farm assurance scheme in Scotland, steering the development of a best practice manual for all Scottish farming.
Mackie founded Scottish Pig Industry Initiatives for the development of the sector, pioneering industry self-disciplining to best practice under farm assurance inspection schemes. In 1991 he received the David Black award for his pig industry work. He also chaired Farm Assured Scotch Livestock, with similar aims for the red meat sector.
As a Liberal, Mackie was a supporter of devolution (though not independence). He stood as a Liberal Democrat candidate for the first Holyrood elections in 1999, and although he finished top of the list for the North-East region, he was not allocated a seat because his party had won three constituencies.

In 2002 Mackie had three wind turbines — named after ex-girlfriends — installed on the farm. He became a missionary for developing local rural ownership of renewable energy, arguing that turbines would be more acceptable if ownership was local and widespread.
He pressed the Scottish government to establish a development and installation team to advise on projects, and when in 2007 Donald Trump appeared before the Scottish Parliament’s energy committee to pour scorn on renewables, he demanded the right of reply.
Mackie told the committee: “ We have 3.5MW of wind power and it’s revolutionised our local business. It’s made our business hugely sustainable. The rural sector is full of people who want to have a go.” Mackie at various times was chairman of Grampian Enterprise and the Scottish Agricultural College (now Scotland’s Rural College). In 2011 he was elected Rector of Aberdeen University . He was appointed CBE in 1991.

So there you go – born with a silver spoon in his mouth be bears as much resemblance to the average Maitland Mackie, died aged 76. He was the chairman and former owner of a family dairy farming business. He developed this business into a premier quality ice cream maker. He was also an pig farmer and a supporter of farm assurance, and in recent years a campaigner for community renewable energy.
The Mackies’ business was founded by Maitland’s grandfather in 1912 . This Maitland was chairman of the business since 1980, but handed ownership to his son Mac and two daughters some years ago.
During his ownership the company began producing ice cream as demand for semi-skimmed milk affected sales of full-cream. The company also produce a crisps range, and they plan a chocolate brand . In 1997 Mackie sold the dairying business to Wiseman.

Maitland Mackie was born on September 21 1937 to Sir Maitland Mackie and the former Isobel Ross. His father was a farming pioneer, Liberal candidate and Lord Lieutenant of Aberdeenshire. His uncles, John and George (now Lord Mackie of Benshie, DFC), were respectively a Labour agriculture minister and a Liberal MP. As a vice-president of the NFU in Scotland, Mackie helped move the organisation from a purely political role towards market-orientated self-help policies. He was also the architect and implementer of the farm assurance scheme in Scotland, steering the development of a best practice manual for all Scottish farming.
Mackie founded Scottish Pig Industry Initiatives for the development of the sector, pioneering industry self-disciplining to best practice under farm assurance inspection schemes. In 1991 he received the David Black award for his pig industry work. He also chaired Farm Assured Scotch Livestock, with similar aims for the red meat sector.
As a Liberal, Mackie was a supporter of devolution (though not independence). He stood as a Liberal Democrat candidate for the first Holyrood elections in 1999, and although he finished top of the list for the North-East region, he was not allocated a seat because his party had won three constituencies.

In 2002 Mackie had three wind turbines — named after ex-girlfriends — installed on the farm. He became a missionary for developing local rural ownership of renewable energy, arguing that turbines would be more acceptable if ownership was local and widespread.
He pressed the Scottish government to establish a development and installation team to advise on projects, and when in 2007 Donald Trump appeared before the Scottish Parliament’s energy committee to pour scorn on renewables, he demanded the right of reply.
Mackie told the committee: “ We have 3.5MW of wind power and it’s revolutionised our local business. It’s made our business hugely sustainable. The rural sector is full of people who want to have a go.” Mackie at various times was chairman of Grampian Enterprise and the Scottish Agricultural College (now Scotland’s Rural College). In 2011 he was elected Rector of Aberdeen University . He was appointed CBE in 1991.

So there you go – born with a silver spoon in his mouth be bears as much resemblance to the average Aberdonian as I do to the Queen of Scots. as I do to the Queen of Scots.

Robert Peffers

@Thomas Brotherston says: 28 February, 2016 at 8:25 am:

“It’s standing together shoulder to shoulder with the Tories on the EU that is obscene. It seems the SNP rage at the Tories when they implement their Neo liberal agenda but become oddly silent when Brussels implement it.”

Utter claptrap, Thomas. Every independent country, state or Kingdom in the entire World must depend upon and interact with others. The clue of the word independent is in the independence to interact on agreed terms and with those you independently agree to interact with.

Scotland has NO independence whatsoever either in Europe or in the United Kingdom. That is even when taking account of Devolved powers. A power devolved is a power retained by the devolver and can be removed as and when the devolver chooses.

The relationship of the European Parliament is one of agreement on certain matters and every member state has a vote and a choice of compliance. For example:-

EU members not using The Euro:-

Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

Strangely enough there are independent Non-EU states who do use the Euro:-
Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City, Kosovo, Montenegro.

It is simple enough – the EU does not compel states in anything like the manner the UK rules Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland.

It truth the UK treats, all but England, as UK,(that’s English), Dominions while the EU treats it’s member states as member states.

In Europe but out of the UK Scotland would sit at the table and have a say in, for example, her own fishing grounds and whether she wished to use the Euro. We do not get a say in Europe just now and cannot even send an MSP or Scots MP to the fishing allocation talks.
Fron the COD:-

devolve v.
1 (foll. by on, upon, etc.) a tr. pass (work or duties) to (a deputy etc.). b intr. (of work or duties) pass to (a deputy etc.).
2 intr. (foll. by on, to, upon) Law (of property etc.) descend or fall by succession to.
devolvement n.
[Middle English from Latin devolvere devolut- (as de-, volvere ‘roll’)]

Robert Peffers

@Legerwood says: 28 February, 2016 at 10:53 am:

“I don’t know if Ms Lynch, recently sacked CEO of Citizens’ Advice Scotland, is in but the Sunday Herald has a very nice photo of her standing between Ruth Davidson and Jackie Baillie.”

Ah! That’s what has been bothering me. I’ve been wondering what it was about the referendum situation that reminded me of something – I just couldn’t figure out what it was.

It was a lavish official Civil Marriage between the Tory and Labour Parties with UKIP as Best Man and the Lib/Dems as Bridesmaids.


Never forgive those bastards. Never forget, either.

@Graham MacLure

Fuck off and take your concern trolling with you.


No, we haven’t and never will.

Just as Labour haven’t changed and apparently never will.

Unfit for purpose.


Maitland Mackie – I am with Peffers on this. He rated hiemsel ower higly and he wisna that popular wie his fellow fairmers and…. worst of a’ he became a tory later in life!


Thanks Ken for that useful info.i have one or two targets lined up.

Iain More

Maitland Mackie may he RIP – In life he was in reality an Aberdeenshire Tory like most of the other ahem so called Aberdeenshire Liberals. Just too gutless to admit to being Tories at heart as it wouldn’t get them elected these days.

michael diamond

Bugsbunny 11.16 27th. Guys in england shirts with ayrshire accents. And we all know they were’nt ayr utd or kilmarnock supporters. Wonder what glasgow team they support? F*****g brain dead pond life, with a couple of brain cells between then,if that.


It’s a nice one “Westminster demands”. The more headlines like that over the next 3 or 4 years, the better.

The FCO are on a loser there, though international affairs are strictly speaking reserved to Westminster, there is no clearly defined demarkation. The EU, international aid, the SDI for instane has offices in several countries and a total of about 27 offices worldwide, all require an amount of “interference” in international affairs, and Humza Yousaf seems to know which buttons to push.

The SNP are getting to be very good at pushing the boundaries of absolutely everything, and the FCO will continue to resist. But resistance is futile, we are the Indies!

The Rough Bounds.

On Maitland Mackie. If ye flee wi the craws, ye’ll get shot wi the craws.

On Graham MacLure: you’re flying with the crows.

Peter McCulloch

Shhh, your spoiling the Labour narrative!

Labour don’t want it mentioned that it not only stood shoulder to shoulder with the Tories, but also led the Tory bettertogether campaign.

It hopes that people will have forgotten about that as it accuses the Scottish Government of making deeper cuts to services than the Tories.

Robert Kerr

The evil that men do live after them.

The good is oft interred with their bones,

So let it be with …..


D Morrison

Just to update, Derek Wann is no longer the Tory SP16 candidate in Angus South, he has left to “spend more time with his business interests”. He was replaced very quickly by Kirstene Hair.

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