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Wings Over Scotland

Scotland is lost

Posted on May 09, 2022 by

We’re still retired, but this just can’t go unremarked.

This is absolute banana-republic stuff. Even before you get into any of the specifics of the case, it’s simply not the Crown Office’s job to interfere with a police investigation by telling them who they may and may not interview under caution.

Scottish justice is extremely seriously compromised.

It has long been recognised that the dual status of the Lord Advocate in Scotland – who is both the head of the Crown Office, and a minister in the Scottish Government answerable to the First Minister – is a deeply unsatisfactory anachronism creating a staggeringly obvious conflict of interest.

We all know the specifics of this case. The money under investigation was EXPLICTLY solicited by the SNP under the clearest possible promise that it would NOT be used for everyday party spending, nor even for more general independence campaigning, but SPECIFICALLY for a future referendum.

It is not the place of the Crown Office to unilaterally decide that the money could in fact be used for a super-lavish office refit instead, or on £50,000 champagne parties in elite London clubs (including the National Liberal Club, below), and somehow still count as having been spent on an independence referendum.

Unfortunately, as well as breaking the story about the missing money in the first place, this site also discovered that the Crown Office in Scotland is accountable to absolutely nobody (except, perhaps, the Queen herself).

Those facts effectively place the First Minister (along with the rest of her government and anyone else she feels like protecting) above the law of the land. All she has to do is lean on her minister, the Lord Advocate, to lean on the police, and any crime can be simply and swiftly magicked out of existence by the Crown Office even on the most absurdly, obviously untrue premise.

And of course the Crown Office itself can be as corrupt and crooked as it likes. If you think someone in the Crown Office has committed a crime you can call the police, who will investigate it, assess the evidence, compile a report and send that report to… the Crown Office to determine whether to prosecute itself or not.

And readers, it’s increasingly hard to argue that a country whose leaders and chief justice officers are beyond the law is a country in any fit state for independence.

0 to “Scotland is lost”

  1. Wee Chid says:

    It’s lost in more ways than one. I’m sick of being shot down by the faithful for pointing out the blindingly obvious. JFC, I though Unionists were hard enough to deal with but cultists in the SNP are something else. Saying you do not think there will be an indyref under SNP/Greens is, apparently, a threatening attack. Disagreement is abuse – did Orwell miss that one?

  2. Republicofscotland says:

    Removing the Lord Advocates dual roles must be a priority post Sturgeon, until then we’re f*cked.

  3. Helen Yates says:

    I agree, Scotland is indeed lost.

    I have to say I find it concerning that every time I try to share a post from Wings on twitter I always have problems, the same thing every time, “Oops sorry there was a problem, try again”
    it usually takes about 3 or 4 tries before it is posted, this only happens with wings posts and yet I have no problems sharing other posts from people who have been permanently suspended from twitter.

    Could it be possible Sturgeon controls twitter too? lol

  4. Ian McCubbin says:

    We are lost. Only a few ways out one being a high profile MSP candidate to stand against NS in next Holyrood election for Alba.
    Can not see any other way unless the fan club all suddenly wake up ?.

  5. holymacmoses says:

    And readers, it’s increasingly hard to argue that a country whose leader is beyond the reach of the law is a country in any fit state for independence.

    Did you ever meet Stephen O’Rourke?

  6. Breeks says:

    And readers, it’s increasingly hard to argue that a country whose leader is beyond the reach of the law is a country in any fit state for independence.

    Fair point, but then again, not so long ago a UK Prime Minister thought he was above the law and could avoid scrutiny by proroguing Westminster Parliament.

    He was subsequently obliged to un-prorogue Westminster due to the Scottish Constitutional principle that Parliament served the sovereign people, and thus could not remove itself from their scrutiny. That is a Scottish principle with no equivalent principle in English law, and furthermore, the Issue was deemed beyond the jurisdiction of the UK Supreme Court.

    We have the Constitutional means to defend Scotland in spite of a corrupt First Minister colluding with a corrupt Lord Advocate. You could even add a corrupt King to complete the unholy Trinity, but still Scotland’s Constitution would empower the people to drive them out as our enemy, and subverter or our rights and theirs.

  7. Ian McCubbin says:

    Oops duplicate posts sorry

  8. Haud says:

    So bloody depressing, though its been that way since 2014. At least then after a few months mourning I thought ok we can go again. Been a downward spiral since then.

    There must, must be something we can do.

    Alba seems compromised before it’s really started.


  9. Breeks says:

    In fact thinking about it, it was Joanna Cherry who proved Boris Johnson was not beyond the Law.

    I suspect Joanna Cherry might also be interested in “reminding” Sturgeon that she isn’t beyond the Law either.

  10. Cath says:

    All she has to do is lean on her minister, the Lord Advocate, to lean on the police, and any crime can be simply and swiftly magicked away by the Crown Office even on the most absurdly, obviously untrue premise.

    Or, of course, if you wish to jail and/or destroy someone who might actually stand up to you and your corruption and who wishes to actually fight for independence, crimes can easily be magicked into existence, even if there are none there.

  11. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Oops duplicate posts sorry”

    You know that every extra comment you make apologising for multiple posts takes an additional minute for me to delete, right? The Wings dashboard is sluggish atm and I’ve just spent literally ten minutes of my life cleaning up after you…

  12. Karen says:

    Also, many people contributing to didn’t know they were donating to the SNP.

  13. robertkknight says:

    A Banana Colony, without the bananas.

    And to think we used to laugh at Trump…

  14. Dan says:

    This is absolute banana-republic stuff.

    Hey, I’ve always said a banana-republic would be an improvement as we’d at least have bananas (plus presumably sun to grow them), and no parasitic royals. We’re stuck in a mouldy carrot-monarchy… 🙁

    This LWD article is along similar lines containing a bit of other related info.

    link to

  15. stuart mctavish says:

    Looks like good news for Natalie McGarry and her case for malicious prosecution(s).

    Presumably, if the information made public is a true reflection of crown (& snp) office opinion, the longer CPS now takes to beg for her forgiveness, the greater the penalty damages due.. and her subsequent case for unfair dismissal from snp will cause them embarrassment either way if it means another fundraiser to cover the £million+ or so in lost earnings and expenses..

  16. robertkknight says:

    COPFS = Crime Only Pays For Some…

  17. Haud says:

    Still on the bright side.

    The people who are soverrin will rise and man the barricades, declare UDI, and proceed to sack York .


  18. Politically Homeless says:

    Great piece. It’s missing an important phrase, “Rule of Law.” Does Scotland have the Rule of Law when political appointees get to decide matters which ought to be argued out in the public courts?

    Remember, we as a country need to support NATO and the EU and all these wonderful liberal international institutions because they stand up for stuff like the Rule of Law abroad. But at home we need to dae wit wur telt by Sturgeon.

  19. P says:

    Thanks Rev, another good one.
    Retirement doesn’t suit you

  20. 100%Yes says:

    Karen, 9 May, 2022 at 3:58 pm

    As one who donated to this fund I would have to agree with what your’ve said. We didn’t donate to the Old/New SNP it was a donation entirely for Scotland to hold a Ref and the money to be spent on the Ref.

  21. Tartan Tory says:

    Scotland has been lost since about 3am on the 15th September 2014.

    Virtually everyone involved in our politics now is tainted in some way or other. Alex was always the best (only?) option, but talking with genuine Independence supporters, it has become very obvious that Sturgeon and her cabal have ‘done him in’ for good. Despite his (criminal) innocence, I see no way back for him, because he is perceived by the public at large as yesterday’s man and damaged goods.

    Scotland may well rise again in the future, but it’s going to need a fresh face with Salmond’s ability and personal coonviction to make it work. I don’t see that happening anytime soon. Call me defeatist if you will (I prefer ‘pragmatist’), but I just can’t see any political good coming anytime soon. 🙁

  22. Fionan says:

    Breeks “I suspect Joanna Cherry might also be interested in “reminding” Sturgeon that she isn’t beyond the Law either.”

    This had been my hope after that spectacular court win, but Cherry seems to have quietly slipped into the background again and I sometimes wonder if she has been leaned on by shadowy figures. Much as I hate to admit it, I fear I agree now with Rev Stu, Scotland is indeed lost. There are no other charismatic, staunchly independentist figures riding to the independence rescue on the horizon, and WM with its complicit Scotgov seems to have all the time it needs to finally sew Scotland permanently and forever into the failed union. Even the Sinn Fein success barely lifts my hopes for Scotland. We need a Jimmy Reid figure but the Crown Office and CPS would have him jailed before he could lift a finger, such is the corruption and stalemate we are now in.

    You have often provided food for thought with your insightful and intelligent comments on ways to break the stalemate, but these are only words and there seems to be no one capable of actually actioning them, Joanna apart, and she seems to have lost interest in independence.

  23. Antoine Bisset says:

    Dearie me! Oh wait! The Chief Constable* is chosen by the First Minister. The Lord Advocate too. The head of the Civil Service in Scotland is chosen by the First Minister.
    It’s all sorted.

    *Conveniently all various local police forces in Scotland were rolled into one. No more local Chief Constables who might be a wee bit independent – we could not be having that.

    PS The accounts of charities need to show any amounts donated for a specific purpose. These are called “restricted “funds, for a reason. For example if someone denotes some money to an old folk’s home to buy a nice TV, say, that money is legally required to be spent on a TV for that old folks home. Should the home close down before the TV is bought then the money must be returned to the donor, or else their permission be sought to spend the money on other things.
    Spending the donation on a settee for the home would technically be embezzlement, but less serious than spending it on a staff night out. Important to grasp that “embezzlement” is not restricted to personal enrichment although that may be the most common.

  24. Ottomanboi says:

    Has all the fragrance of the banana republic. If only we could actually grow a decent banana the independence prospect might look more perky.
    Something not for worshippers at the shrine of Bill the Gates and his magic potions.
    link to
    His happiest days were spent locked down redesigning humanity in one or other of his uber tech mansions.

  25. Anonymoose says:

    It’s not just the Crown Office, its the non-transparency of the judiciary as well.

    Peter Cherbi has been fighting via petition (PE1458) to the Scottish Parliament for TEN YEARS for a register of interests for the judiciary to be created so the public are informed of any groups/boards/companies/investments/etc that those in the judiciary are involved with.

    link to

    Notably in 2015 Nicola Sturgeon’s Legal Affairs Minister – Paul Wheelhouse held secret lobbying meetings with Lord Gill on the petition in an attempt to have the petition blocked and closed.

    Thankfully that effort failed and the petition is still live, not only that but the creation of a register of interests for the judiciary is a manifesto pledge as per the SNP’s 2021 manifesto (Pages 35 & 36), whether they stick to their manifesto pledges or not is another matter altogether.

    With that said there is also the matter of the solicitor acting as a case worker for the Law Society of Scotland who in 1998 investigated and found Nicola Sturgeon comitted three counts of professional misconduct, complaints that the Law Society of Scotland bizarrely cleared her of as she was leaving the legal profession to move into politics to contest an election for the SNP. In 2015 that solicitor went on to become a Sheriff, as per the recommendation of the First Minister to the Queen.

    link to

    While the entire episode from a bystanders view does look off I’m not suggesting anything improper went on with the appointment of this Sheriff, but without the full and complete transparency of the judiciary, COPFS, the Lord Advocate and the complete separation of powers between the judiciary and the government we can never be assured that our justice system is not being interfered with for political reasons – of which there is mounting evidence from the actions of the Crown Office itself such as threatening of journalists including the imprisonment of Craig Murray for telling the truth and the witchhunt against Alex Salmond for charges that were they levied at anyone else would never have even made it to court given the extremely flakey evidence that was presented during trial.

  26. George Ferguson says:

    This post underscores why Jim Sillars has lodged a complaint with Police Scotland directly and not the Crown Office re the missing Ferry Documents. There is a difference between misfeasance and malfeasance in public office. Malfeasance being intentional misconduct in public office. Nobody is convinced that these documents just went missing. There is a systemic underachievement in record keeping and transparency and it’s always when publication would be embarrassing for the Scot Gov. A basic Government function you might think.

  27. Josef Ó Luain says:

    The National Liberal Club, indeed! Who would ever have known (the half of what we know) without Wings and the redoubtable, sorely missed Stuart Campbell?

    In light of the crisis in the Scottish NHS, the care home deaths along with the stench emanating from the ferries scandal, to mention but three instances of brutal incompetence, is it really possible, on a 43.73% turn-out, to increase your share of the vote? How many of us, hand-on-heart, can now say with confidence and certainty that the political playing-field is completely level and that we’re not all being mercilessly conned into believing the impossible?

    No meaningful security measures exist in the transportation and overnight storage of ballot boxes, for example, allowing ample opportunity to substitute the originals with a few pre-doctored ones. Voila! magic up your own results. Simplistic, paranoiac drivel? Couldn’t happen here etc. etc. I hope not; but let’s not forget who we’re dealing with here and what’s at stake.

  28. Sharny Dubs says:

    Scotland is indeed lost, it’s just so horrible to see it stated on Wings.

    What can one add. Banana republic it is.

    Thanks Stu for all you’ve tried to do.

  29. Republicofscotland says:


    Lets not forget this guy as well.

    “David Harvie has been appointed to the role of Crown Agent, Head of Scotland’s Prosecution Service.
    David is a Solicitor Advocate and is currently PF for the West of Scotland.”

    link to

    Also I’m sure Humza Yousaf when he was Justice secretary did his best to block the judiciaries list of interests.

  30. Ottomanboi says:

    Naw, the buck disnae stop here, bit the gravy train dis.
    link to
    All aboard «The Nicola Sturgeon».

  31. twathater says:

    @ Breeks 3.40pm you said
    “We have the Constitutional means to defend Scotland in spite of a corrupt First Minister colluding with a corrupt Lord Advocate.”

    And of course you are correct BUT we cannot do that without force of numbers and those numbers can ONLY come from being active and educated and IMO that is where the DECLARATION OF A SOVEREIGN SCOT is DESPERATELY NEEDED

    YOU have enlightened many people to our constitutional power but that power cannot be utilised individually it has to be done COLLECTIVELY, and Breeks you are well aware what that power could do for our independence , not ONLY that there are so many areas that power can have an effect on , If enough people signed up to the DECLARATION OF A SOVEREIGN SCOT, THAT could be the birth or roots of a CITIZENS ASSEMBLY

    Just think if ALBA ,SSRG , ISP , Iain Lawson , Roddy BB ,Grousebeater , Grumpy Scotsman , Weegie , and ALL the other bloggers and people on Twatter , Faceplook , Gettr and WOS got behind the declaration and promoted and pushed it explaining and educating people to the real power Scots voters do have , would sturgeon be willing to ignore their voices
    The ONLY reason these scum politicos get away with anything is because we whinge and complain individually , the ONLY way we will get the scum to do what is required of them and what they were elected to do is through forcing them and the ONLY way that can be done is through numbers

    I would love to see BLOCKCHAIN being introduced in the NEW SCOTLAND where the electorate have the final say on ANY legislation proposed by political parties , and ANY malfeasance , corruption or deliberate lies is REWARDED by immediate sacking , would there be any (ahem) politicians left in the SP

  32. stuart mctavish says:

    @Antoine Bisset

    My understanding is that international law might have changed in that regard recently – especially if someone in the old folks home decided to protest against forced medication for seasonal flu – in which case not only does it appeear that third parties to the transaction can attempt to confiscate the donation without punishment, the Canadian government can freeze all your accounts and defame you as being an active supporter of the fourth reich (Godwins law be damned)

    Timely comment about indy minded local policing though. Reagan (pilot film for sweeney) is well worth the watch for many reasons, among which his boss’s take on the subject (treading on the wrong toes?) even then.

  33. Ron Maclean says:

    ‘Regardless of the public attention which a case may excite, prosecutors must not be influenced in their decision making, whether in relation to the investigation or the prosecution of crime, by extraneous and irrelevant considerations. Like judges, prosecutors must decide without fear or favour, affection or ill-will – objectively and professionally, on the basis of an assessment of the available evidence; and it is one of my constitutional responsibilities to promote the integrity and independence of prosecutorial decision making.’
    The Lord Advocate, James Wolffe QC on 5 September 2017.

  34. Antoine Bisset says:

    @ stuart mctavish says:

    Of course! I was forgetting the new International Government Confiscation (Resale and Repurpose) Rights laws.

  35. Anonymoose says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    9 May, 2022 at 5:12 pm


    Lets not forget this guy as well.

    “David Harvie has been appointed to the role of Crown Agent, Head of Scotland’s Prosecution Service.
    David is a Solicitor Advocate and is currently PF for the West of Scotland.”

    Also I’m sure Humza Yousaf when he was Justice secretary did his best to block the judiciaries list of interests.


    I bundled David Harvie, agent of HM Government, in with COPFS as he is its CEO but rightly should also have been named.

    Humza Yousaf has a few skeletons in his closet, including – when he’s not busy falling off of walking aids while arsing around infront of tv cameras in Holyrood – an abuse of position which he should have been called up on by parliamentary standards given his malicious accusations against a privately run nursery and his abuse of position in attempting to leverage the care inspectorate as a personal weapon to sanction the nursery simply because they didn’t have a time slot available for his child. He’s also another one whos been working hand in glove with the unionist Daily Record, much like the office of the First Minister, of which we’re still waiting on Police Scotland to find the source of those leaks, most of Scotland knows who it was but Police Scotland cant fathom that one out or at least they aren’t being permitted to.

  36. Ottomanboi says:

    Twathater. 5:17
    Before you go blockchain crazy read this.
    link to
    Trusting an algorithm more than an albeit imperfect human is not wise.
    These jerks you instinctively know you cannot trust. No tech required.
    link to

  37. Bob Mack says:

    ” Who will guard the guards”. Never more apt.

  38. PB says:

    We’re a banana non-republic surely? A full notch down from a Banana republic…

    I’m back to ‘it’s shite being Scottish’, not sure independence would make anything better while the current regime is in place anyway…

    First thing our panderer-in-chief would do is sell us all out to the WEF and WHO’s new sovereignty destroying pandemic measures that makes TTIP look like harmless fun (if Boris hadn’t done it already, him being a WEF ‘Young Global Leader’ etc.) – all for that much desired seat in the UN she’s already sold the indy movement out for.

    Oh well got a few years of feeling optimistic for my kids’ future, nice while it lasted.

  39. Daisy Walker says:

    Before we lose all hope, I would suggest that as bad as things stand they are not in the same league of bad as was Northern Ireland 20 years ago. And look where they are today.

    And as bad as the current corrupt set up is, within Scotland, and it is… what are our options? roll over and give up? Make it even easier for them?

    They have knocked us to the ground with the energy cost rises, they will pin us to the ground when they come for our waters next, and they will destroy the lives of 3 generations with the destruction their Brexit will reap on our economy.

    I was a teenager during the Thatcher years, the 50 year olds thown on the scrap heap, the teenagers and early 20’s who couldn’t get a job and never got fully back on their feet because of it… and their children thereafter, with the same lack of confidence. 3 Generations.

    What is coming down the pipe next will be far worse, and far longer lasting without Indy for recovery.

    And as for corruption, like any crime the perpetrators are far bolder and more prolific when they think their chances of getting away with it are good… those chances are reduced the closer the Governed are to the the Governers.

    I have loved ones, and neighbours I have to look in the eye, I have a country that is breathtaking. If all I can manage is to stay, stand up straight, and do one bit of decency at a time, then that is what I will do.

    I won’t be lonely.

    So, not going away, not giving up, not shutting up either.

    Peace and Love as a wise winger once said.

  40. ian foulds says:

    I am by nature extremely pessimistic and this article and comments have indeed allowed me to travel to the depths of pessimism, I have not visited for some time.

    However, I try to reassure myself that throughout Scottish history we have, by every fibre of our being and, with an element of good luck and a fair wind been able to overcome and triumph over such troubles.

    Possibly due to advancing years, it may be purely wish-fulfilment but, I believe in this instance it is not so – despite the many knock-backs since 2015 – and that once again the Scottish people will rise up and dispense with those charlatans that oppose and try to diminish us.

  41. msdidi says:

    I asked for a donation to be refunded in June 2021 (“I request a refund of the £25 I paid into the “ring-fenced” for independence fund. I am angry that no independence campaign has been initiated and that Scotland has been dragged out of the EU without a whimper of a voice from our government”) and got it paid into my account within days. Fortunately I was able to access the thankyou email I received in May 2019 that started by saying “Thank you for the donation you made to the Scottish National Party last month. Your donation, along with many more, has been put into a ring-fenced fund to build up a war chest to fight a future Independence Referendum that we all hope is not too far off”
    I was no longer a member at that time because I left the SNP and became a founder member of ALBA on its very first day.
    I think many others asked for donations back too…some for much higher amounts…I wonder where these refunds figure in the accounts?

  42. A Johnston says:

    I’ll bet the SNP had their own “partygates” during Covid, but have injunctions or NDA’s in place.

  43. wee monkey says:

    Daisy Walker says:””

    Cannae be arsed arguing.

    Scotland is indeed Lost when you see how corrupt it has become from the top all the way down.

    Kids can run riot smashing public and private property with no fear of the law and woe betide anyone who even shouts at them.

    Just had council elections; same old pile of shite gets back in just more pish to come from a council who is so distanced from those who pay annually for it’s “services” we may as well be on beetlejuice [OK in orbit]

    Ah! but look “the promised land comes”. Just like in Russia where the state controls the church in Scotland, well there’s no really a church anymore BUT we have this great cult that’s even BETTER.
    The cult of the snp.

  44. Stuart MacKay says:

    Helen Yates @3:31pm

    > “Oops sorry there was a problem, try again”

    You too!?

    Never mind, I’m sure the First Minister will sort it out when she’s on her diplomatic mission to the USA, pledging to keep Trident on the Clyde and renewing calls for a no-fly zone.

    It’s like living in The Village of the Damned with all the World Economic Forum children spawned by Klaus Schwab, taking over planet Earth.

  45. A Johnston says:

    We are definitely a Banana Republic…
    only without the bananas…
    or the republic!

  46. Big Jock says:

    The Stasi fringe of the SNP started creeping in after Sturgeon took over. It’s no longer a fringe. The whole party is run like the Stasi. Glad I got out!

  47. Ron Maclean says:

    If Lord Advocates are avoiding their duties and responsibilities then this must be pointed out publicly in the strongest possible terms by those with the power to alter behaviour.

    I hope a political leader, having learned of the post ‘Scotland is lost’ by the Rev. Stuart Campbell, will waste no time in inviting the attention of the appropriate authorities.

    Will another opportunity be ignored while we lick our wounds – again?

  48. Mark Boyle says:

    Ottomanboi says:
    9 May, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    Naw, the buck disnae stop here, bit the gravy train dis.
    link to
    All aboard «The Nicola Sturgeon».

    And yet this is the same “bold” Kevin McKenna that writes “Yoon” bashing puff pieces for The National when he’s not writing “SNP bad” pieces for The No Longer Even Pretending We’re A Rangers Fanzine (formerly known as The Glasgow Herald).

    McKenna wants to have his cake and eat it before ranting about the evils of confectionary.

  49. Effigy says:

    Is Boris teaching them how to be corrupt while in government?

    There is also widespread corruption in the police and without doubt the Met are doing as little as possible to expose Boris’ parties months after the Grey report was handed to them on a plate

  50. Mark Boyle says:

    twathater says: 9 May, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    If enough people signed up to the DECLARATION OF A SOVEREIGN SCOT, THAT could be the birth or roots of a CITIZENS ASSEMBLY

    Sorry, but big deal. The general public are comtemptuous of such things as little better than those self-important Yoof Parliaments, even more so if it was filled with people who got thumped at the ballot box. It would be seen as nothing more than a self-important ego trip.

    Just think if ALBA ,SSRG , ISP , Iain Lawson , Roddy BB ,Grousebeater , Grumpy Scotsman , Weegie , and ALL the other bloggers and people on Twatter , Faceplook , Gettr and WOS got behind the declaration and promoted and pushed it explaining and educating people to the real power Scots voters do have , would sturgeon be willing to ignore their voices

    Of course she would. She knows she can say “kiss my overfed @$$!” and there’s nothing any of the above can do about it, except have marches and meetings (so long as they remain allowed …) which no one but them cares about.

    The ONLY reason these scum politicos get away with anything is because we whinge and complain individually , the ONLY way we will get the scum to do what is required of them and what they were elected to do is through forcing them and the ONLY way that can be done is through numbers

    Ah, now you are getting to the crux of the matter. “Through numbers.”

    But guess what? The public out there don’t care a flying fk. As far as they are concerned, they’ve done their bit, trust in Nicola, etc, etc. wake us up when Indyref2 comes, until then we’ve important Old Firm, soaps and binge watching box sets “priorities” to attend to.

    If that sounds cynical, you haven’t been paying attention. Labour got away with it for over half a century – promising everyone the socialist utopia was just around the corner, and the Scots and Welsh doggedly clung to them through hell, high water, and three Labour governments – but it never came. Hell, one was even Thatcherism Disneyfied.

    One by one, anyone who could have represented “problems” for her regime (or footsoldiers to do Labour’s dirty work) have been “incentivised” to sell whatever axe to grind they may have potentially had (for principles or ulterior motives) for being part of the new broom made up of the old bits of Trigger’s Broom. Why else were anti-Scottish nationalist scum like Aamar Anwar co-opted into the SNP – head of the Socialist Workers Party thugs in the West of Scotland during Sturgeon’s uni years and for some time after. Why is there so many supposed “ex-SWP” members now councillors, let alone those from other parties?

    It’s the same trick Labour did for years – and got away with, as older SNP members long complained at the time.

    Some of those currently in “pro-independence, anti-SNP” parties are even prime examples of those who were getting in the SNP’s way, took the Scotch Broth, only to have very public fall outs with their new buddies and become surplus to requirements – which is why they now find it next to impossible to convince anyone they’ve “seen the light”. A bought politico who can’t stay bought is regarded with even greater contempt by the public than a bought one – and in some ways you can’t blame them.

    Don’t even start me on the way Scotland’s media is completely in the backpocket of the SNP because the advertising revenue from local government and central government required to survive is almost now entirely in their hands.

    These are the levels of wilful stupidity you are up against – and well Sturgeon and co knew it. History is repeating itself. A discredited opposition, any real threats long bought off, game over … for now.

  51. Bruce Buckstaff says:

    “That’s not rain drops coming down. It’s the tears of sadness, frustration and anger from every true Independence believer. And it looks like the rain is only gonna get heavier.

    Unless someone come up with a plan. A cunning plan. A plan so cunning and ‘off the wall’ that it would catch the Great Leader and her cohorts completely off guard. A plan so cunningly deceptive, yet brilliant in it’s simplicity.

    Baldrick, go and get me a Salmond, MacAskill, Hanvey, McEleny, better throw in a Reverend, that bloke Campbell will do. And throw a Cherry on top as well. The final ingredient is all those frustrated and pissed off Independence supporters. I believe there’s quite a few of them out there. Well hurry up man. What are you waiting for?”

    “But where are you taking all these people sir?”

    “It’s simple Baldrick, like you. We’re going fishing to a place called Holyrood. There’s a very slippery fish that has swam in these political waters for too long. It’s a Sturgeon with many little helpers. But they’ll all end up in our nets”.

    “Excellent plan my lord”

  52. Cringe says:

    One of the 3 judges who heard the Craig Murray appeal was Lord Alan Turnbull, husband of Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain!

    Article in Scottish legal from June 2021 said he will excuse himself from criminal cases because of the relationship but I think the Murray case was classed as civil.

  53. James Che. says:


    The devolved government can be accused of UDI.

    Sovereign Scots however cannot be accused of that in Scotland, for the people are sovereign, not a parliament.

  54. Saffron Robe says:

    I think the deal has always been that Sturgeon is protected by the English monarch as long as she fails to deliver independence.

  55. Daisy Walker says:

    Since the term was used I looked up a definition of the roots of the phrase ‘banana repbulic’.

    A banana republic is a politically unstable country with an economy dependent entirely on revenue from exporting a single product or resource, such as bananas or minerals. It is generally considered a derogatory term describing countries whose economies are controlled by foreign-owned companies or industries.

    A derogitory term describing countries whose economies are controlled by foreign-owned companies or industries.

    – I think Indy might put a fix to that –

    – politically ustable country –

    Hmm, not so far, although you could argue politically unwise.

    – an economy dependent entirely on revenue from exporting a single product or resource, such as bananas or minerals –

    This would be true… if it was our country who benefitted from the export of a single product or resource – in our case oil, gas, renwable electricity – all of which are syphoned off and controlled/profiteered by England.

    And what the Rev’s article fails to articulate is the overwhelming motive, ability and presence of the British Establishment in creating / and nurturing the corruption he has identified.

    The case for Independence is strengthened by his article. Never more urgent, never more pertinent. All that is need for evil to thrive, is for good men, and women, to do nothing.

  56. Graf Midgehunter says:

    It’s NOT a banana republic, it’s a banana Kingdom…!

    Have you never heard of the Claim of Bananas.
    The Banana of Arbroath.
    The Battle of Bananaburn

    At least Billy Connolly knew what footwear was needed for the natives.

    I’m not apologising for taking the p**s here because this is what it has come to, a beautiful country full of castrated sheep.

  57. Confused says:

    If language shapes thought, then the imaginative use of verbal weaponry is a good thing.

    I don’t remember where “banana republic” was first used in our context, but I think it was part of a joke – since we had no bananas, and were not yet a republic, which makes it even worse.

    Using the language of colonialism is useful as it creates mental shock value – try dropping in


    when referring to the SNP. It really upsets people (after they look it up). Upsetting the right people, is a good thing.

    – and if anyone objects to your words, then ask what Nikki will be doing over at the Brookings Institute? Giving it “up the workers?”

    aye – RIGHT UP the workers.

  58. twathater says:

    @ Mark Boyle 8.54pm everything you wrote there is true Mark , so basically THEY have won so we should just fold up our tents go home and coory in to some corner until we expire

    Is that what you are going to do Mark , I am a realistic optimist who would love things to get better , but for anything to get better we have to FIGHT for it , I empathise with young families who are out working all day and just want to chill out and relax with their eastenders or stupid jungle programmes we all did the same at their age , and that is the trick , the establishment know all this , they don’t want revolutionary types they want placid malleable drones who are content to watch mediocre porn or morons eating animals reproductive organs for which they are paid fortunes

    If we are to gain independence no idea is too stupid or impossible and we all know sturgeon would ignore anything put in front of her anyway , so how are we going to overcome the apathy and stupidity of voters , I put forward my proposals let’s hear yours

  59. Breeks says:

    I don’t have it in me to pack in and give up.

    I’m of the opinion that the Declaration of Arbroath is a little charitable to say it needs 100 of us left alive.

  60. Willie says:

    Not too widely reported but in relation to the Fergusson’s Ferry Fiasco, Jim Sillars has now made a complaint to police about the missing records and documentation relating to the decision to award the ferry contracts.

    This is absolutely the correct course of action.

    Sturgeon may think that saying that the documentation relating to who decided to award the contract and potentially so against a background where there were recommendations not to award due to deficient, inadequate and improper financials, resolves the situation, is missing, but this doesn’t resolve anything. Quite the reverse. It makes things ever so worse. Very substantial sums of public money have been involved here the misuse of public funds cannot be simply passed off by saying there are no records.

    Burning or shredding of documents is a well known ploy to hide criminality. But in today’s world parties to criminality also need to delete electronic copies too, and with IT that can be much more difficult. IT systems will have ensured that many folks will have multiple copies. Server back ups too. Moreover, with civil servant and political involvement there will be many who have recollections of what was instructed and by who.

    It is absolutely right therefore that the police investigate this missing documentation because it is absolutely incredible that key documentation relating to the award of a £100 million contract is missing.

    Indeed aside of the criminality of shredding and deleting documentation to hide criminality there is also a Jim Sillars points out to Police a statutory legal duty for governments to keep records.

    Criminality and corruption needs therefore to be investigated, exposed and action taken against the perpetrators.

    Well done Jim Sillars for making this complaint . The Police must now investigate fully and impartially.

    link to

  61. Breeks says:

    To add to the looming Irish referendum, we have the backdrop of the looming trade war and sanctions with the EU, which I suspect means Irish reunification is doing it’s share of looming. Well done Ireland.

    link to

    Scotland however will be a non-participating observer, disinterested in the process, anaesthetised by it’s colonial media, paralysed by inept “leadership”, and having squandered the political purchase of its own Brexit outrage for a flat, square nothing. Well done SNP.

  62. George Ferguson says:

    @Breeks 6:49pm
    I gave my first preference vote to Alba. He didn’t reach a 100 votes. But he put himself up as a candidate for Public Office and I am grateful for that, so I won’t criticise the Alba effort in general. I have got over the disappointment of the result already. Nothing will compare to how I felt on 15 September 2014.

  63. Ottomanboi says:

    Madainn mhath!
    Pissed off with them? Exactly the moment to join them.
    «Better inside pissing out than outside pissing in» as the Yanqui saying goes.
    Scotland is very far from «doomed».
    Democracy is pro active. Infiltrate and shake things up!
    “it is the people who control the Government, not the Government the
    [Winston S. Churchill]

  64. Willie says:

    Yes Breeks the Irish election result has certainly changed the political landscape.

    The apartheid unionist state set up for a unionist people is no longer. The wind of change is now blowing towards a reunited Ireland.

    And of the unionists. Well having participated in the election but not liking the results they declare now that they will not now participate in forming an assembly. And of their trustworthy bed fellows the Tories what are they now going to do. Take on the EU, telling them Britain is Right and Britain will Fight, dishonour and break the internationally agreed Good Friday Agreement adopting again the belligerent bellicose disregard for international agreements.

    Between taking on the Russians, dealing with sanctions that are causing economic chaos, the Brits certainly know how to fight on all fronts.

    But will they take on the EU, will they break the Good Friday Agreement, somehow I think they won’t. Britain, despite all the bluster of a faded empire does not have economic might to kick ass around the world as it sees fit. The white man’s stick is no longer the writ of its rule.

    Bluster one thing but do another. Irish reunification is coming!!

  65. Ruby says:

    You hear of all these police investigations and then nothing happens.

    link to

    ‘Cops probe claims of Scottish Government information leak during Alex Salmond inquiry’

    link to

    Police investigate SNP over independence campaign cash claims

    link to

    Alex Salmond sex assault trial perjury claims being investigated

    link to

    Jim Sillars lodges police complaint over ministers’ ferry fiasco ‘missing documents’

    No doubt this will be investigated too and then left pending until we all forget about it.

  66. Mark Boyle says:

    Isn’t it lovely Stu, when people plagerise your articles wholesale and pass it off as their own?

    link to

    “In Limbo: Under Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland is stuck in a rut”

    Love the way it quotes little bits from Wings Over Scotland AFTER wholesale lifting chunks of the actual material and effectively passing it off as their analysis. Ho hum …

  67. Ruby says:

    link to

    Detectives investigating the murder of a 26-year-old woman have said a man has been arrested.

    Members of the public have been urged to submit information via an online portal.

    If the police and The Herald want the public’s help they need to be clear what they are talking about. The terms man & woman doesn’t mean anything to the general public anymore.

    Would I be arrested for a hate crime if I described someone as ‘a man in a dress’ or would I be arrested for giving the police false information if I described someone as ‘a woman’ who I believed was a man?

    Witness says they saw a woman committiing a crime accused says it can’t be me because I am a man.

    What is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

  68. Ruby says:

    Mark Boyle sityays:
    10 May, 2022 at 9:08 am

    Isn’t it lovely Stu, when people plagerise your articles wholesale and pass it off as their own?

    Does it matter how the information gets to the general public or in the case of the Holyrood Mag to the SNP.

    Any sign of the MSM doing the same?
    I would be 100% in favour of the MSM plagerising Wings articles.

  69. Coco says:

    Don’t forget the document that signed off the one hundred million pound ferry contract to Ferguson Marine!! That’s lost too!!! They seem quite good at losing things….

  70. Willie says:

    Ruby, you do indeed by your summary reinforce how the police and the COPFS have shown utter bias and a disregard for the Rule of Law.

    Yes we have a corrupt police force and yes we have an utterly corrupt COPFS. That unfortunately is the way of policing in Scotland. But the Police cannot be rotten and corrupt all of the time – or at least you would hope so.

    Sadly what we have now is a situation where for many ordinary decent people there is the view of utter contempt for authorities like the Police and the COPFS. They know the system is rotten. As rotten as the apartheid police that was the Royal Ulster Constabulary or the apartheid Police Force of South Africa.

    Ultimately rotten and corrupt police and a corrupt rule of law results in societal break down. And Northern Ireland or South Africa shows us the road that that takes a society. As someone who many years ago received a commendation for going to the aid of a police officer in distress, I wonder how many would now do the same. And in Northern Ireland a very substantial section of the community would take nothing whatsoever to do with the police.

    Police and prosecution only police and prosecute with public consent. We get the society we choose and if we do not get the policing we deserve then we choose an alternative and consider the existing our enemy.

    And so, the warning for our society is clear. Clean up the police, root out the corrupt prosecution service.

    And in relation to the latest allegation of the malfeasance of public money in relation to the ferry fiasco and the deliberate removal and or destruction of records, the police must not once again cover up and or fail to recognise criminality, because this is just what happens in an apartheid colony called Scotland.

  71. James says:

    On “BBC” TV on Sunday; “….this is truly seismic – the majority in Northern Ireland have voted Sinn Fein…..this could mean the end of the union….”

    Hmmm…..and here’s me thinking that a majority in Scotland had voted for the Scottish equivalent for years now?

    How could it be?

  72. Graf Midgehunter says:

    Scotland is not only lost, the population is destined to die out when we all become trans-women.

    Stonewall fantasy fairy-tales meets reality… 🙁

    link to

    And to think we are talking about a place of learning!

  73. John Main says:

    @Willie 10 May, 2022 at 8:39 am

    “Irish reunification is coming!!”

    Maybes you need to think that one through.

    1) Maybes Dublin doesn’t want around a million Ulster protestant citizens, particularly as they have a historic sense of grievance and a history of violence when they don’t get what they want.

    2) Maybes some of these “new Irish citizens” would rather return to their ancestral homeland, where they can maintain their staunch belief in the integrity of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

    Ref 2) above, their ancestral homeland is Scotland. Maybes you would like to discuss the potential effects on Scots Indy of a militant Yoon influx from NI.

    Careful what you wish for Willie.

  74. James says:

    “..Maybes Dublin doesn’t want around a million Ulster protestant citizens”…”

    The BritYoon has spoken. All-hail.

  75. Breeks says:

    link to

    I like Robin McAlpine, but on this occasion I’d say yes Robin, you are missing something, and that is the massive Constitutional Realm of Scotland which sits entirely outside [and above] the jurisdiction and fiefdom of the Scotland Act.

    There are bigger fish to fry than testing whether Holyrood has more pips on it’s shoulder than the Supreme Court.

    Cut to the chase. Test the veracity of Scotland’s Sovereign Constitution in an International Court.

  76. Mark Boyle says:

    Willie says:
    10 May, 2022 at 8:39 am

    Yes Breeks the Irish election result has certainly changed the political landscape.

    No it hasn’t.

    The apartheid unionist state set up for a unionist people is no longer. The wind of change is now blowing towards a reunited Ireland.

    Utter nonsense. The Green Gangsters party won no extra seats, all that happened was the 57 varieties of Orange Bigot (from fruity to extremely bitter) split their vote. The SDLP vote fell. If you think NI’s non-Protestant middle classes are ever going to vote for union with Ireland this side of sane, you’re more gullible than an An Ploblacht reader (the only ones who make Sun readers look like intellectuals).

    Bluster one thing but do another. Irish reunification is coming!

    No Willie, this is just your little fap fantasy of the sort Plastics routinely indulge in while not allowing pesky reality to get in the way.

    The only real news from that election was the Alliance Party’s dramatic jump in votes and seats. The secularisation of NI in a new generation is here – the miracle has come and it has finally reached Peak Bigot. There may be hope for it yet. Pity it’s taken them so long to come to their senses, but then we in Scotland hardly have room to talk.

  77. Geri says:

    Why hasn’t Joanna taken up the case? Or is it just English interests they’re interested in? ?
    Also – the SNP loyalists. I’ve came to the conclusion they’re really not SNP at all. They’re yoons sent in with a mission = derail independence at all costs. GRA & unqualified weirdos for public office is a good place to start the ball rolling….?
    I’m gutted I wasted money & time on this shower of shyte!(Not half as much as you I’ll bet!)
    I fear she’s going to be like BoJo & is going nowhere fast. ?
    (As an aside – re your comments on duplicate posts, the posting button on this site gives the impression it hasn’t sent.)

  78. John Main says:

    @James 10 May, 2022 at 10:31 am

    You should try to engage with the argument. You might learn something.

    For example, you might learn how to persuade others that you have something worthwhile to say.

  79. Breeks says:

    Mark Boyle says:
    10 May, 2022 at 10:53 am

    …No Willie, this is just your little fap fantasy of the sort Plastics routinely indulge in while not allowing pesky reality to get in the way.

    2 things; Firsty Sinn Féin is a lot more politically astute than you give them credit for, and secondly, Westminster can’t live with the “pesky” Northern Irish protocol, and when they renege of the agreement, as they will, they’ll be breaking International Law with the EU being the aggrieved party. If you don’t find the EU cooperative before breaking your agreement with them, only a fool would think they’re going to soften their resolve afterwards.

    That’s a real of worms, because with the long arm and economic influence of the EU, it might well impact upon the Brexit UK securing free trade agreements with third parties. The UK might find itself isolated with sanctions on the naughty step beside Mr Putin. No US Trade Deal. No more trade deals with anybody.

    The real significance of Sinn Féin’s success is that it indicates the sands are shifting, and if this “mess” does billow into a mighty economic clusterfuck, Ireland, and Northern Ireland, have an easy way to escape the rammy, with an ever-diminishing downside. A reunited Ireland with no Northern Irish protocol because there’s no EU border in Ireland.

    And there cannot be a border, because if Westminster creates one, it also breaks the Good Friday Agreement, and then the UK’s in the shite all over again.

  80. Breeks says:

    Geri says:
    10 May, 2022 at 11:07 am

    Why hasn’t Joanna taken up the case? Or is it just English interests they’re interested in? ?

    I would like to know the answer to that question too.

    Joanna’s done it before, and been successful. But it’s Scots Law which which won the day, (twice) not simply the talents of Joanna Cherry.

  81. Mark Boyle says:

    twathater says: 10 May, 2022 at 1:48 am

    @ Mark Boyle 8.54pm everything you wrote there is true Mark , so basically THEY have won so we should just fold up our tents go home and coory in to some corner until we expire

    Is that what you are going to do Mark , I am a realistic optimist who would love things to get better , but for anything to get better we have to FIGHT for it , I empathise with young families who are out working all day and just want to chill out and relax with their eastenders or stupid jungle programmes we all did the same at their age , and that is the trick , the establishment know all this , they don’t want revolutionary types they want placid malleable drones who are content to watch mediocre porn or morons eating animals reproductive organs for which they are paid fortunes

    If we are to gain independence no idea is too stupid or impossible and we all know sturgeon would ignore anything put in front of her anyway , so how are we going to overcome the apathy and stupidity of voters , I put forward my proposals let’s hear yours

    With respect, those were not “proposals” – those are merely an endless series of platitudes masquerating as action.

    “DECLARATION OF A SOVEREIGN SCOT”?, “CITIZENS ASSEMBLY”? Please … that’s exactly the sort of pipe dream hobby politics that’s got Alba and the ISP into their current fix – the same one the Socialist Party of Great Britain has been in for over a century, as they man their soggy stalls everyone passes by in the high street.

    Self-indulgence is worse than doing nothing because counter-productive measures waste time, money and demonstrate nothing but your side’s own impotency and alienate the very people you are trying to get to listen to you.

    The Ukraine are currently merrily destroying one of the largest armed forces in the world precisely because they’ve picked and chosen their battles, and not gone for “HEROIC GESTURE!” of “DOING SOMETHING!” because “UM … STUFF!” That’s fine if you are the Socialist Workers Party and really a pyramid marketing scheme for gullible students’ loose change, but if you are really wanting to change anything you are doing Sturgeon’s work for her in ensuring there’s no effective opposition.

    A week hasn’t even passed since the election, and Sturgeon in her unrestrained hubris is committing howler after howler after howler – much as I said would happen the second she thought she was untouchable, all “enemies” vanquished. The last thing anyone should be doing is interrupting her as she alienates the public all by herself.

    Alba and the ISP should concentrate instead on building up their local support base, the same “community politics” that stood other minor parties and umpteen quasi-“local independents alliances” in good stead – not trying as they’ve each done so far merely cutting corners. They need to prove to people they are worth listening to, otherwise they’re merely voices crying in the wilderness.

    Of course, it’s what they ought to have done in the first place, instead of trying to cut corners. Pete Wishart may be a dick, but he was only too right when he sneered at “Twitter Parties” which lazily thought they could take on the major combines if they just spammed social media enough.

  82. Willie says:

    Oh dear, saying that the political landscape in Northern Ireland has changed has brought a couple of bowls of anguish. ( posts 10.53 and 10.21 refer )

    But without a shadow of a doubt the political landscape has changed. That is evident from the election results. It is evident too from many other indicators too. The old unionist state for a unionist people is gone.

    Moreover the vainglorious Tory Government is Westminster is in an absolute bind with Northern Ireland and the EU. Were it not for their busted flush of pride, they would be getting ready to announce the ceding of Northern Ireland. And in fact that is what they are maybe planning in the background because Northern Ireland is in truth gone. The Unionist apartheid state has been and is gone and the world knows it.

    England colonised Ireland, England seeded Ireland, ethnically tried to engineer it, and then one hundred years ago, when physically forced to relinquish its control over Ireland ,set up a six county statelet. Well that statelets time is coming to an end, and no amount of yoonery is going to stop it.

    Ireland will rejoin with its Northern Territory and it’s people, all of the people. And for those who do not want to remain preferring England and the Crown then they will be free to sell up and go. And hopefully not too many of them will head to Scotland, if at all.

    But for the majority of folks in a reunited Ireland I think without the dark and malevolent interference of the British state, they will get on just fine in a prospering outward looking European state.

  83. Mark Boyle says:

    Willie says: 10 May, 2022 at 11:42 am

    without a shadow of a doubt the political landscape has changed. That is evident from the election results.

    No shit, Sherlock!

    It is evident too from many other indicators too. The old unionist state for a unionist people is gone.

    In 1998 to be exactly, by the Good Friday Agreement, a mere quarter century ago, good of you to keep up with current events.

    By the way, George Michael, Michael Jackson, Rangers and most of the people who signed said agreement have all died since then. A lot happens in a quarter century.

    I’ve leave the reason of your cut-and-paste blibberings, except to say there’s trans-activists out there with a better grasp of reality than you.

  84. Ottomanboi says:

    Plainly Scotland requires a nationalist MOVEMENT committed to engaging forcefully in the struggle for national independence and sovereignty.
    Everywhere in Europe the state dispensed democracy has broken down. The renewal will come from the people when the realization dawns that they have been led by the nose up a globalist oligarch cul* de sac.
    Cul* good French for arse.

  85. Ottomanboi says:

    Re «Northern Ireland» very curious to see what Sinn Féin do with the vote lent to them by nationalists. I trust they will not be seeking advice from NS even though SF too suffers from viral wokitis.

  86. Chas says:

    If there was an Independence referendum tomorrow, would you vote yes in the full knowledge that Sturgeon and her incompetents were in charge of EVERYTHING in Scotland?

  87. Breeks says:

    Mark Boyle says:
    10 May, 2022 at 11:42 am

    The Ukraine are currently merrily destroying one of the largest armed forces in the world precisely because they’ve picked and chosen their battles, and not gone for “HEROIC GESTURE!”….

    It is? Where is your evidence for this?

    It conflicts with a lot of footage which I’ve seen. I would readily agree some of the fighting looks to have been extremely heavy, but the identification of burned out tanks and AFV’s has been ambiguous to put it mildly.

    There is however a weight of evidence of Russian troops, especially Chechen troops, actively fighting, but clearly in dominant command of the battle theatre. They are interacting with civilians, dancing, relaxing, showing off captured equipment… Their own armour seems to be moving around freely, and not apparently fearful of ambush. Despite some evidence of Javelins being effective, there is also counter evidence of Russian tanks in repair yards which have survived 6 or 7 javelin strikes. A hit clearly doesn’t correspond with a kill.

    There is also footage of mercenaries, some captured, some who escaped and made it to safety, who describe facing a very efficient and professional Russian army. Sniper fire is deadly, artillery fire is pin point accurate and devastating, and while undoubtedly brave, the Ukraine forces are struggling, angry about abandonment, and essentially – losing.

    In fairness, there is conjecture from some western mercenaries that had the Ukrainians enjoyed the might and sophistication of Western Forces in Afghanistan, they could have hit the “naive” Russians very hard, – but they don’t.

    However there is also counter-conjecture, where pro-Russian rhetoric runs along the lines that “Western” armed troops are facing professional actual soldiers rather than merely Afghan farmers. It was also pointed out that while the US and British are evidently training Ukrainian troops, it was scornfully pointed out that “the West” had also trained and armed ISIS troops in Syria, and that hadn’t worked out well.

    The impression forming seems to be a Russian military which did encounter harder opposition than expected, has taken losses, has perhaps, (I stress perhaps) limited it’s expectations, (that’s ambiguous), but is in largely unchallenged command of the territory it occupies.

    Far from the Russians “heroic gestures”, it seems the Ukraine / AZOV forces who have been making the gestures by demolishing war memorials dedicated to the WW2 Red Army. These targets of course don’t shoot back.

    There is also a level of complexity working out “who” you’re looking at. A wee flash of blue here, red there, a white armband, a Ukrainian shoulder flash there… There is a pro-Russian “Somali” faction which drew its name from the early wars in Donbas, when it was so poor and starved of resources to fight the AZOV’s that they called themselves Somalis. From stealing their weapons from Ukrainians, they are now however a well supplied and “heroic” faction to be reckoned with.

    I would not claim any of this is footage is authoritative, but it doesn’t look at all to me like the Ukrainians are feeling “merry” about very much at all. In fact, the Russians appear to have remarkable intelligence on stockpiles of supplied weaponry. You may recall the rail infrastructure being targeted. That was why apparently.

    Lastly, comparing footage and commentary side by side, I get the firm impression there is a contrived stage-management of media in the West, links being suppressed, communications regulated etc, which is much less apparent in the small percentage of pro-Russian media which it is still possible to access.

    Do I trust what the Russian media tells me? No. Do I trust what the pro Ukrainian media tells me? That’s also a no.

    I haven’t mentioned the “nazi” issue at all so far, but there are enough nazi derived insignias, tattoos and comments to support the narrative about the AZOV’s pretty convincingly.

    Some of the Nazis are stupid and childlike. (in mentality, not actual children). One captured AZOV was denying being a Nazi, but the code to access his phone was 1488, – 14 relates to White Supremacist literature “14 words”, while 88 is a reference to HH the 8th letter of the alphabet. (Heil Hitler). So pathetic it might have been funny, save the fact that he’d probably signed his own death warrant.

    Incidentally, there is also anecdotal evidence those bodies of civilians lying in the street around Mariupol was not a Russian war crime, but AZOV snipers shooting civilians who were trying to flee the steel works. The truth? I don’t know, but it seemed credible and to some degree corroborated.

  88. Ottomanboi says:

    This old feature from the Mail gives a very alarming picture of old style Ukrainian nationalism in full cry. link to
    WARNING…It will make you feel very dirty indeed, and give you nightmares, as these people are seemingly still in the driving seat with backing of the Sturgeon, Johnson, Biden, Trudeau, Stoltenberg…..
    link to

  89. Donibristle says:

    Thanks Stu !!! Echoed my thoughts completely.
    That all of the bodies and offices that are supposed to protect , serve and deliver justice are this corrupt and Scottish Politicians serving the crown can do as they please, then the fuckin Crown is the problem as well as our Bent Government and useless and toothless Polis !
    Are they deliberately pushing the Scottish people into a doing something stupid… I mean more stupid than ever having had an ounce of belief in Sturgeon and her band of thieving bastards ?

  90. James Che. says:

    Without a doubt it is the people that seek a independent country, not the politicians.

    Or it would be done by now.

  91. Mark Boyle says:

    Breeks says: 10 May, 2022 at 1:45 pm

    Mark Boyle says: 10 May, 2022 at 11:42 am

    The Ukraine are currently merrily destroying one of the largest armed forces in the world precisely because they’ve picked and chosen their battles, and not gone for “HEROIC GESTURE!”….

    It is? Where is your evidence for this?

    Hmmm … let me see … how about 76 days on and Mad Vlad’s Barmy Army are almost right back where they started when it was all meant to be over in five weeks and despite having an overwhelming superiority on land, air and sea?

    The 40 mile long convoy outside of Kyiv? Gone! Their Black Sea Fleet flagship the Moskva? Gone! But please, tell us more about how spectacularly well it’s all going for the “glorious Russian liberators”, we could all do with a giggle!

  92. James Che. says:

    When studied the the planet is not doing so well,

    World economics is collapsing.
    Governments are fighting to be the No 1 power of the world.
    And the scientist are playing with biology to the detriment of humans, plants and animals.
    Wars devastate land, property, countries, humans and wildlife.

    And control by orwellian methods locking society into perpetual fear.
    Plastic made by big industries whom have millions in finances are penalised in taxation on the ordinary people at the Councils and shopping levals.

    Eugenics is the new science for future population control,
    And genetically chemically artificial food for the masses.
    Travel exemptions and parties for the wealthy
    While civilians in society are restricted.

    We are not being led by leaders.
    We are being led by idiots with warped ideologies.
    All at the same summits and meetings,

    You would think that just for once the [ people ] of Scotland, Wales and Ireland would pull together and work to SAVE their respective Countries from global idiotic world policies that will bring them all to their knees,

    Is it a dream that humans, animals and nature could possibly thrive,

    without the leaders that seemed to have escaped from the boys comic books where the evil baddies try take over the world.

    At this stage in evolution it will be the people alone that save the world from leaders using Orwell’s book as a manual

    We the human race

  93. James Che. says:

    Why does man thrive on war and anger. destroy the planet but not do so well at living in peace with diplomacy.

  94. Ottomanboi says:

    Nicola Sturgeon promises ‘refreshing and very positive’ new case for independence, proclaims The National.
    Why does there have to be a «case» for a political status the majority of countries on the planet take for granted?
    Even the language she uses…..
    «I think there’s a growing sense that the UK in its current state is not serving the needs of Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland or perhaps even England appropriately»
    Sturgeon = compromise

  95. Breeks says:

    Mark Boyle says:
    10 May, 2022 at 3:58 pm

    The 40 mile long convoy outside of Kyiv? Gone! Their Black Sea Fleet flagship the Moskva? Gone! But please, tell us more about how spectacularly well it’s all going for the “glorious Russian liberators”, we could all do with a giggle!

    I m not about to give you a giggle, but for what it’s worth, when the Russians have encountered resistance, as I said, hard fighting, they have taken their licks, adapted and overcome, just as they did in Chechnya, just as the Brits did during the Falklands.

    The Moskva was indeed their flagship, but just like Hood which Bismarck blew out the water in 1941, the flagship was nearly 40 years old and dare I suggest, that’s a healthy age for any warship, and obsolete beside the modern threat it was pitted against.

    The Brits lost 6 ships during the Falklands war, and while the war was hailed as a great success, the navy was unique in the Task Force for coming close to it’s predicted casualty rate for “acceptable” losses. I’ve seen nothing whatsoever to suggest the Russians are even being rattled by their losses, never mind defeated.

    I don’t say that with any agenda, simply from what I’ve seen. The Russians hold the initiative, a hard core of Nazis appear to have been squished in Mariupol, and to be honest, I hope the dust settles and peace looms, rather than something happening to take the initiative away from the Russians and escalate the conflict out of control. The Russians are doing what they said they were going to do, and all the hysteria about obliterating Ukraine, smashing Poland, and rolling into Europe was just Western hysteria.

    Now is the time for the diplomats to get busy and do their stuff to cool this off and stop it escalating.

    Now we all know Russia ISN’T bluffing, let’s hope NATO thinks again about expansion, and warms to the idea of some Nations “not” joining NATO.

  96. James Che. says:

    Breeks .

    Were are the diplomats.

    The first thing they all did was to withdraw their diplomats.

    But this war does need calming down, as nuclear devastation of many countries including britain is not an option.

  97. Andy Ellis says:

    To the armchair generals pontificating above about the Russians doing well, you obviously haven’t been paying attention to the wealth of commentary from actual experts, many of them ex military, pointing out the shortcomings not only of Russian equipment, but also their leadership and tactics. It should be no huge surprise that Putin has been misled by the sycophants around him: he was told the Russian armed forces are still a force to be reckoned with, when in fact a gangster state in thrall to a bunch of kleptocrats has resulted in military failure.

    The witticism from the first few weeks of the war seems even more apposite now: the Ukrainian debacle shown that the Russian armed forces aren’t the second most powerful in the world, they’re the second most powerful in Ukraine. Those who don’t approve of appeasement – which covers the vast majority of ordinary folk whatever the faint hearts and Putinista pearl-clutchers in here think – want to see the Russians not only defeated, but expelled from Ukraine and held to account for all the damage they’ve caused via reparations and war crimes trials.

    NATO and the EU aren’t about to let Putin carve up Ukraine then add Moldova and Georgia as dessert after he’s digested “Novorossiya”. The long term aim should be to weaken the dysfunctional Russian Federation so that it never poses a threat to any other neighbouring state which was part of the USSR or Russian Empire it fancies re-occupying, and to ensure that in the long term it becomes a liberal democracy, not a dystopian shit show.

  98. Republicofscotland says:

    “The Ukraine are currently merrily destroying one of the largest armed forces in the world precisely because they’ve picked and chosen their battles, and not gone for “HEROIC GESTURE!”….”

    Mark Boyle.

    For anyone following the SMO in Ukraine they’ll know the above is bollocks, in the East of Ukraine the Donbas region the RF has trapped the Nazi’s in a cauldron, and its just a matter of time before it comes to it ultimate conclusion.

    Kiev isn’t the goal, the idea was to keep Ukrainian troops tied to Kiev in defence of the capital whilst the RF cleared the Nazi’s out of other areas. Mariupol has fallen, apparently the human shields/hostages held by the Nazi’s in the underground complex of the Azovstal have been freed.

    Many foreign fighters and commanders have been cowering in the bunker, a US and a Canadian General already captured, the West in panic mode at the thought of the rest of their personnel in the Azovstal being killed or captured has seen the likes of Biden’s wife and the Canadian PM fly into Ukraine secretly on Sunday possibly to try and barter some sort of deal to save their commanders and troops trapped in the complex from suffering the same fate as a Nazi commander who tried to flee the complex in a tank, which didn’t end well for him.

    AS for the weapons supplied by the West to the Nazi’s the majority are destroyed as they cross the border into Ukraine.

  99. Republicofscotland says:

    “The Moskva was indeed their flagship, but just like Hood which Bismarck blew out the water in 1941, the flagship was nearly 40 years old and dare I suggest, that’s a healthy age for any warship, and obsolete beside the modern threat it was pitted against.”


    From what I’ve read about the Moskva, its fire warning radar system was in peace time mode when the explosions occurred, which probably means it wasn’t tracking any incoming objects.

    Looking at the damage on the ship there isn’t any obvious damage that looks like it was struck by a missile or torpedo, it does however look like fire damage from within that that you see on a building that has been on fire, that’s not to say that it wasn’t sabotage from within.

    Nato has personnel in Odessa in a building that tracks the movements of Russian navy ships. The Russian military is aware of this however I don’t think they’ve taken any action yet.

  100. James Che. says:

    Angry men taken sides like tribal nationalist talking up the possibility of nuclear war on britain.

    Where is common sense.
    And that is not taken sides with either debate.

    Erm i would like to keep our planet with life on it for a bit longer.

  101. Andy Ellis says:

    @Putin’s Poodle 5.48 pm

    You’re not great at strategic (or indeed any) analysis are you? The Russian withdrew from around Kyiv because they got their arses handed to them, and their BTG’s were so depleted they couldn’t achieve all the advances on all the fronts that Putin’s generals assured them they could handle at once.

    The Ukrainians will fight the Russians to a standstill in the Donbas, then counter attack to expel them. There is no evidence the Russians are successfully stopping westerns armaments, let alone interdicting them at the border as they come in from Poland and Slovakia. Similarly, nobody same buys your Kremlin agitprop about Mariupol and the many westerners and generals etc you keep assuring us are there.

    Before long, the Russian fleet in the Black Sea will be history: they have no way to reinforce it since the Turks closed the straits to new warships entering, and the west will supply the Ukrainians with anti ship missile systems to wipe up what is left just as they did with the Moskva and the frigate Admiral Makarov.

    Not many people in the west will be shedding any tears when the tide turns and the Russians lose the war…..except the few Putinsta Loyal Lodge in here of course. 🙂

  102. PacMan says:

    One of the arguments made about supporting Ukraine that Russia would be brought to it’s knee’s through sanctions.

    This sounded a bit dubious considering Europe and particularly Germany being dependent on Russian energy import and it has just been announced that a Top German Gas buyer has conceded to Russian demands:

    Top German Gas Buyer Concedes To Russian Payment Scheme

    This doesn’t mean that the Russian economy will be saved because long term European ambitions is to wean itself off Russian energy but here and now, it will allow Russia to continue fighting for the near future.

    The question that everybody in the west needs to ask is are they willing to actively support being part of a proxy war with immediate end in sight where folk in a faraway land are being killed and mained?

  103. James Che. says:

    The best solution for all idiot leaders with little dicks and little brains but big weapons of world countries.

    is to put them in a ring, no weapons allowed.
    Ring the bell and let them fight it out with fistie cuffs.

    Then the rest of us can live life with some normality.

  104. twathater says:

    @ Mark Boyle 11.42 am , so Mark your proposal is to sit back and LET Sturgeon alienate the voters by the various policies that they don’t know about and she does everything in her power to ensure they don’t get to know about it until it’s too late
    The problem with that Mark is that the snp have just gained more cooncil seats alongside their green perverts for another term even although the ferries debacle and fraud was highly publicised in the meeja, also the snp won another 6 years of power 2 years ago at the last sg election even though the more aware of the electorate knew what her future policies were and were and are vehemently opposed to them

    Sturgeon made the statement we have time on our side , is that your opinion also Mark bearing in mind that the tory WM establishment supported by the other unionist parties are working feverously to produce bills to overcome and outlaw anything to do with independence , solidifying and reasserting strongly that the COR and the sovereignty of Scots is still extant is not only important but IMPERATIVE as that is the bulwark that DEFEATS any move by WM

    I don’t get the impression Mark by your responses to others that you are a patient ,relaxed time will tell individual , you strike me more as a kick the fucking door in type , so I am questioning how this patient and longterm buildup by ALBA and ISP would be achievable when the wolf is at the door and is determined to feed and sturgeon is standing by ready to hand the wolf the keys

  105. Mark Boyle says:

    Breeks says: 10 May, 2022 at 5:20 pm

    I m not about to give you a giggle, but for what it’s worth, when the Russians have encountered resistance, as I said, hard fighting, they have taken their licks, adapted and overcome, just as they did in Chechnya, just as the Brits did during the Falklands.

    Ah, so running away from Kyiv, Brovary, Trobortno, Chernihiv and being repulsed time after time at Kharkiv and Sumy were all part of “taking their licks, adapted and overcome”. Silly me!

    Claiming running away after leaving thousands of their own troops dead and nothing to show for it was all a cunning ruse – that’s up there with “Operation Market Garden was 90% successful” in the “bro, what have you been smoking?” stakes.

    The Moskva was indeed their flagship, but just like Hood which Bismarck blew out the water in 1941, the flagship was nearly 40 years old and dare I suggest, that’s a healthy age for any warship, and obsolete beside the modern threat it was pitted against.

    Nice try.

    No, it was not “just like Hood” – it has 16 cruise missiles on board, it had modern radar onboard, modern early warning systems, and modern weapons on board, and still it was sunk by two bloody interceptable subsonic missiles – considered by even the manufacturers to be “impossible” to do (they reckoned it would take at least five).

    The morons on board even boasted about having a piece of “The True Cross” on the bridge given to them by the Head of the Orthodox Church – rather like a certain Bonnie Prince Charlie when he thought God was on his side. Maybe they should have consulted their works of Voltaire – “God is not on the side of the biggest battalions, but the best shots”!

  106. Republicofscotland says:

    Agent Ellis 6.06pm.

    Of course you’ve got punt the Wests propaganda position its your job to do so, but anyone who has followed the SMO in Ukraine will know that 60 BTG’s is not a big enough group to take a country the size of Ukraine, taking Kiev was a rouse to keep some of the Nazi’s in and around the capital, which weaken other areas, and it worked a treat.

    So many Western weapons have been destroyed by the RF that at one point WWII weapons were proposed to be sent to Ukraine until it was discovered no country made the ammo for these weapons anymore, the UK has sent Brimestone missile systems and Starstreak Manpads in small numbers.

  107. PacMan says:

    James Che. says: 10 May, 2022 at 6:13 pm

    The best solution for all idiot leaders with little dicks and little brains but big weapons of world countries.

    is to put them in a ring, no weapons allowed.
    Ring the bell and let them fight it out with fistie cuffs.

    Then the rest of us can live life with some normality.

    Something like this:

    link to

    An Iraqi vice president offered an unusual suggestion today for solving the American-Iraqi standoff: President Saddam Hussein and President Bush and their top aides should fight a duel to settle their differences and spare their people the ravages of war.

    United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan would be the referee for the duel, which should be held in neutral territory, the vice president, Taha Yasin Ramadan, said in an interview.

    Mr. Ramadan gave no sign that he was joking.

    Iraq has two vice presidents. Mr. Ramadan did not say whether he or the other one, Taha Mohieddin Maruf, would take on Dick Cheney.

  108. Breeks says:

    Mark Boyle says:
    10 May, 2022 at 6:15 pm

    Nice try.

    No, it was not “just like Hood” – it has 16 cruise missiles on board…

    Ah, ok. Now I understand why you believe what you see on TV.

  109. Mark Boyle says:

    twathater says:10 May, 2022 at 6:15 pm

    I don’t get the impression Mark by your responses to others that you are a patient, relaxed time will tell individual, you strike me more as a kick the fucking door in type, so I am questioning how this patient and longterm buildup by ALBA and ISP would be achievable when the wolf is at the door

    Because they don’t have any other choice. It’s as simple as that. Two years of complete election doings is long past wake up time.

    In Fraserburgh, Brian Topping, a councillor for 38 years, took 274 votes – 5.8% of the vote. His previous vote had been 652 votes, or 12.8%. That was Alba’s “Best result”. 111 candidates, 13 sitting councillors, all gone, including in Inverclyde Chris “Fk the Pope” McEleny – only 126 votes despite being a councillor for 10 years.

    In Edinburgh City Centre, the Alba Party candidate finished behind the frivolous candidature of a career attention whore (as Stu well knows!). In Liberton, Alba polled less than the “leader” of the rump of the Scottish Socialist Party, which no one’s cared a flying fk about post-Sheridan.

    The ISP did no better – their sole councillor Roddy McCuish stood down rather than face the inevitable, leaving their two other Argyll & Bute members to get (strangely!) 78 votes/2.4% each in the Mid Argyll and Cowal wards. At least Robert McGowan’s 55 votes on the Isle of Bute for Alba had the crumb of comfort of beating the Lib Dem candidate with 25!

    In East Renfrewshire’s Clarkston, Netherlee and Williamwood ward, the ISP’s leader finished last with 57 votes (0.58%) in her own backyard – someone who had once aspired to be an SNP convenor.

    As Don Schlitz put it, it’s all about knowing when to hold, fold, walk, run, what to bin and what to keep. Either they take stock and swallow their prides, or they can carry on being loved by no one butlocal printing firms from the extra work from the vainglorious throwing good money after bad.

  110. Ottomanboi says:

    On the basis of a poll which indicates 58% of Scots want to keep nukes the following from «The Snotsman»

    Pamela Nash, chief executive of Scotland in Union, said: “As proud Scots, maintaining our position and influence in the world is key.
    “And it’s clear from this opinion poll there is little appetite to diminish our global standing.
    “SNP politicians are frequently trying to put themselves on the global stage, yet they remain driven by an insular ideology that would put an extra border between us and the world.
    “They are ready to walk away from the power for good and influence that we have at the G7 and the UN, and to diminish our standing in Nato, which has been key to our peace and safety for decades.
    “Scottish people want to continue to participate fully in the world, to make the most effective contributions to global institutions, and to retain the benefits of our membership.”


  111. Republicofscotland says:

    So one of the pieces of legislation revealed by the royal parasite Prince Charles to day is, the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Bill, which bans local authorities and the devolved governments from introducing sanctions against other countries.

    This disgusting piece of legislation is aimed at protecting the oppressive apartheid military occupying regime in Palestine known as Israel. To protect its businesses from conscientious folk who advocate not to buy any goods from Israeli firm or any goods from shops/supermarkets etc that originates from the oppressive apartheid regime.

    Of course Westminster is deep in bed with the Nazi regime controlling Ukraine, and the same applies with the murderous Israeli regime.

  112. Republicofscotland says:

    Here’s a list of the bills forced upon Scotland by a foreign government including the Brexit Freedom Bill, which will remove EU laws, and the Bill of Rights, which will be a greatly reduced and watered down version of the EU’s.

    How long before some Scots wake up, and realise that the water in the pan is heating up.—see-full-list%2F

  113. Andy Ellis says:

    @Ottomanboi 7.54 pm

    Believing in retaining an independent nuclear deterrent as part of the UK is a different thing to believing they should be based in Scotland after independence. Inchoate screeching from the neo-commies in here aside, the vast majority of Scots are broadly Atlanticist and multilateralist. Facts, eh? Chiels that winna ding indeed!

    However much the anti-nuclear minority dislike the facts, they aren’t going to change them. Putin’s war will only have solidified the views of ordinary Scots that being part of NATO is the natural future for an independent Scotland. When push comes to shove, a deal will be done to allow the britnats to find alternative homes for their nuclear deterrent.

    The only really plausible alternative is for them to cut a deal with the USA to use their facilities, as nowhere in rump UK is suitable. That’ll take a few years to sort out and will be good leverage in independence negotiations to keep the britants honest. Of course, if they had any sense they’d ditch the nuclear deterrent and spend it on conventional forces instead…but we know they don’t have any sense. The billions in sunk costs will mean they’ll do virtually anything to ensure they can keep the system working.

    Of course Pamela Nash will put a yoon spin on the figures and what she *thinks* they mean, but Scotland’s defence and security stance post independence is a matter for Scots to decide, and all the evidence points to that being inside NATO, particularly now that Sweden and Finland are joining too.

  114. Ruby says:

    Mark Boyle says:

    In Fraserburgh, Brian Topping, a councillor for 38 years, took 274 votes – 5.8% of the vote. His previous vote had been 652 votes, or 12.8%. That was Alba’s “Best result”. 111 candidates, 13 sitting councillors, all gone, including in Inverclyde Chris “Fk the Pope” McEleny – only 126 votes despite being a councillor for 10 years.

    Is that not all a bit suspect?

  115. ian murray says:

    We all wondered how the SNP were able to get away with what appeared to be a fraud on ring fenced donations. I believe that the UK governments old boys club have re booted this issue to take the steam out of the post election momentum.

  116. Ruby says:

    ian murray says:
    10 May, 2022 at 8:30 pm

    We all wondered how the SNP were able to get away with what appeared to be a fraud on ring fenced donations. I believe that the UK governments old boys club have re booted this issue to take the steam out of the post election momentum.

    Why do you say that? Is there something new going on with the police investigation?

  117. Republicofscotland says:

    “Putin’s war will only have solidified the views of ordinary Scots that being part of NATO is the natural future for an independent Scotland. ”

    Agent Ellis.

    On the contrary, Nato is a warmongering bullyboy gang that’s caused this conflict by encroaching on Russia via a 2014 coup in Ukraine, an independent Scotland MUST stay out of Nato.

    “The only really plausible alternative is for them to cut a deal with the USA to use their facilities, as nowhere in rump UK is suitable”

    More bollocks from the Denison dumpling.

    Devonport, Milford Haven and Barrow -in-Furness to name but a few.

    link to

  118. Ruby says:

    SNP let sex-row MP Patrick Grady remain chief whip despite need for conduct training

    Compare & contrast the treatment of Patrick Gray & that of Mark MacDonald & Derek MacKay!

  119. Republicofscotland says:

    The BBC currently airing the semi-finals of the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest, who’d bet against Ukraine winning it.

    I think I recall if memory serves, an anti-Russian song from which country I can’t recall winning it a few of years ago, this years winner is sure to be rerun of that I think.

  120. Ruby says:

    SNP let sex-row MP Patrick Grady remain chief whip despite need for conduct training

    Compare & contrast the treatment of Patrick Grady & that of Mark MacDonald & Derek MacKay!

  121. Andy Ellis says:

    @Putin’s Poodle 8.37 pm

    Milford Haven has been ruled out due to the liquified natural gas terminal. The safety case for Devonport also rules out docking armed Trident subs there. The Defence Nuclear Safety Regulator wouldn’t allow it. 166,000 live within 5 km of Devonport. 5,200 live within the same distance of Faslane. Barrow’s tides make it unfeasible, it’s also got no close deep water and no docking space or suitable ship list.

    So like so much of your input, you’re talking total bollocks as any cursory examination of articles about the issue would have told you.

    As for your fringe views on NATO, good luck persuading the overwhelming majority of the Scottish electorate they should follow your advice. It’s likely to get even less popular as the Ukrainians gradually destroy the invading Orcs. Putin has made both the EU and NATO much stronger. Few Scots are going to want to take the Irish option with Finland and Sweden joining NATO too.

  122. Robert Louis says:

    Truly disheartening stuff. I find it shocking that those folk we elected to get Scotland indepndence are instead living the high life in London. Dining at the finest places, really living it up. Yet all the while they play their very own cynical wee game, of telling Scots they are committed to getting independence. The ONLY thing they are committed to, is their own enrichment.

    I see them, the SNP MP’s sitting on the benches in Westminster, merrily playing along with the jolly japes of the house of commons. It’s all such a laugh, while the country goes to hell in a handcart. They do nothing. Playing the game, instead of getting Scotland’s freedom from this criminal, corrupt, thieving, English Tory government of occupation in Scotland.

    I think long ago, each and every one of the SNP MP’s and MSP’s forgot what it was they were elected for.

    Come 2023, and when the referendum promised by Nicola Sturgeon does not happen, will the last remaining supporters of the SNP finally see sense? Will they finally realise that the ALBA party is quite correct, and that the SNP have ZERO intention of ever holding an independence referendum?

    Of course the SNP plan, is simply that once we reach late 2023, most of the political media will be heavily focussed on the upcoming 2024 UK wide election, and I do not doubt that once again, Nicola will tell the gullible that they need a ‘new’ mandate for indyref in the election of 2024. Indeed, I could write her speech and statements on the subject right now. This strategy will then be repeated at the next Scottish election thereafter, then the next wesminster, and so on, for ever.

    More than ever, I think the SNP, and especially its current leader, is a tool of the Westminster government. Nicola is an utter fraud. She will NEVER call a referendum. Meanwhile the imposed English government of occupation carries on stealing Scottish rights, democracy, wealth, assets and power.

  123. `The chief of Spain’s intelligence agency, Paz Esteban, was ousted by the government on Tuesday following the disclosure that her agency had used powerful Pegasus spyware to infiltrate the cellphones of Catalan independence politicians`

  124. Mark Boyle says:

    Ruby says: 10 May, 2022 at 8:23 pm

    Mark Boyle says:

    In Fraserburgh, Brian Topping, a councillor for 38 years, took 274 votes – 5.8% of the vote. His previous vote had been 652 votes, or 12.8%. That was Alba’s “Best result”. 111 candidates, 13 sitting councillors, all gone, including in Inverclyde Chris “Fk the Pope” McEleny – only 126 votes despite being a councillor for 10 years.

    Is that not all a bit suspect?

    Not at all. Councillors who defect can expect to have a rough time from the electorate unless they have built up a personal following. Cynics said one of the reason the big parties relented regarding multi-member wards was that it would make it more difficult for individual councillors to build up a personal following, thus making them more subservient to their party.

    The multi-member wards are a lot harder to cover for an independent or for a minor party with fewer foot sloggers – again a reason for concentrating resources. Some enterprising minor parties have got around this if fighting the same ward by running joint canvassing teams to deliver their leaflets together – but there has to be a large element of trust (ie. you don’t do it with the Greens!).

    Also it depends on how hard said councillors worked in the first place. The SNP had plenty of people staying in on the reflex vote as much as Labour or the Tories, and older councillors often run the risk of becoming complacent as the years go by (or simply haven’t the health to continue).

    Those for an “alternative” party usually have to work twice as hard as their Con/Lab/LD/SNP counterpart who enjoy the pull of the established “brand name”, but the loyalty tends to be stronger (as veteran SNP members of the 70s and 80s will remember … and others have forgotten …). The continuing Liberal Party in Liverpool is an excellent example with what can be achieved with a few people and limited resources concentrated against complacent “establishment” parties willing to work their arses off to prove themselves worthy of the electorate’s trust – and the community politics campaign guide they used to sell is still the best manual I ever saw for any new party starting from scratch (albeit now long out of date!).

  125. Ruby says:

    Mark Boyle says:
    10 May, 2022 at 11:18 pm

    Not at all. Councillors who defect can expect to have a rough time from the electorate unless they have built up a personal following.

    Got you! You can pin a yellow, red, blue rossette on a donkey and people in Fraserburgh would vote for it.

    This being the case why are people being so hard on Alba?

  126. Breeks says:

    link to

    Despite the eye watering billions squandered on Trident, MoD whines it’s still not got the capacity to win the battle it’s trying to provoke, and that’s despite two new Aircraft Carriers, new aircraft, and a £16.5 billion increase in its budget.

    On the up side, maybe this is a coded message to the PM to keep his trap shut and stop antagonising Putin by arming the Ukraining Nazis because the MoD is currently filling it’s breeks about possible escalation.

    Superpower Britain, still writing cheques it’s body can’t cash.

  127. Breeks says:

    Look at this monumental idiot.

    link to

    But before you write him off as insufferably stupid, just listen to the substance he’s angry about. It’s not remotely the ALBA I recognise.

    See it that way, and there it is… The humongous and ugly looking penny that’s gonna drop once these blinkered SNP sycophants finally work out it’s Sturgeon’s SNP who’s taking them for a ride.

  128. Breeks says:

    Breeks says:
    11 May, 2022 at 7:40 am

    Look at this monumental idiot.

    He actually reminds me of an RSM’s patter in the Parachute Regiment, when introducing raw recruits to their rifles. “…Brace the weapon with your shoulder, aim your shot, squeeze the trigger. If you feel a sudden sharp pain in the shoulder, turn it round.”

    Everybody laughed. Nobody’s that stupid.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, (drum roll)… Indytruckdavey.

  129. Andy Ellis says:

    @Breeks 12.46 am

    It’s not the MoD doing the whining according to the article it’s a parliamentary committee. Defence procurement is always a contentious issue on every country: few countries do it well and the UK is no exception. Your “hot take” doesn’t really hold water though, which is hardly surprising from someone that’s fallen for Putinistas agitprop that the Ukrainians are Nazis.

    If the previously much vaunted Russian military machine can’t defeat the Ukrainians, I doubt most western military establishments think they’d pose much of a challenge if they were unwise enough to pick a fight with NATO. Of course many of the appeasers polluting BTL comments in here would be first to roll over for the Russians and have their tummies tickled if push came to shove: the Vichy tendency of the independence movement. Luckily the vast majority of Scots – whether pro or anti independence don’t buy in to the sophomoric Wolfie Smith People’s Front bullshit.

  130. Ruby says:

    link to

    Some interesting comments by Lorna Campbell.

  131. Ottomanboi says:

    Scotland deserves much better than those who are currently its custodians, nothing exceptional there, but Scotland does need to learn to walk before it can start having dealings, if it so chooses, with those big rough boys not known for subtle reasoning as they prance and posture on that world stage.
    To me Putin is a mirror image of the west, no better no worse. Be wary of all who proffer alliances because they believe all the gods of Olympus are with them. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Scotland in Union are just the suckers to be caught in a «seem to have left my credit card, would you mind» situation.

  132. Ruby says:

    Breeks says:
    11 May, 2022 at 7:40 am

    Look at this monumental idiot.

    I’ve come across quite a few people just like ‘Indytruckdavey’

    I find it quite scary how easily people can be manipulated.
    Where do you suppose he gets his ideas from?

  133. Ruby says:

    I wonder if ‘Wee Annie’ is as disappointed with Craig Murray as I am?

    OK Chelsea Manning probably thinks he’s great (or maybe not) but then Chelsea Manning doesn’t have a vote in Scotland.

    Perhaps we need to send Craig Murray some new books.

  134. stuart mctavish says:

    @Breeks re 1488

    Setting aside the probability of the hypothetical hack (or other means by which the information was obtained) being a breach of the Geneva convention on the rights of POW’s (or the extent to which such is allowed when made under the guise of a special operation) – who’s to say the guy taken prisoner for defending his country wasn’t a James IV/ Minder/ Howard Hughes fan..

    In the alternative, and such symbolism really is the chosen method by which the contemporary fascist chooses to communicate in plain sight, then Putin, Trudeau, antifa and the rest may well have picked an arm wrestle with more than they first bargained for.. particularly if the IAU’s 88 constellations imply considerably more precise guidance from celestial authorities than hitherto imagined !

  135. Mark Boyle says:

    Ruby says:
    11 May, 2022 at 12:10 am

    Mark Boyle says:
    10 May, 2022 at 11:18 pm

    Not at all. Councillors who defect can expect to have a rough time from the electorate unless they have built up a personal following.

    Got you! You can pin a yellow, red, blue rossette on a donkey and people in Fraserburgh would vote for it.

    This being the case why are people being so hard on Alba?

    Well, some people will vote that way, and all too many. Paddy Ashdown pointed out on a good day it is the moving of only 5% of the electorate that decides a general election.

    But remember only 42% of votes bothered to turn out in Fraserburgh, down 2% on the previous – atypical for most council elections where you’re doing well if you can get a third of the vote out. This is what makes it easier pickings for smaller parties if they apply themselves and concentrate resources, and why the bad results for Alba/ISP cannot be brushed off. There’s a massive pile of disincentivized electors at council elections waiting for someone to prove they’re worth voting for.

    The Social Democratic Party (who, incidentally beat both Alba and ISP in the same seat of North Coatbridge) did just that down in Leeds, where a “safe” Labour seat fell to them in a particular nasty contest (accusations of “the people’s party” intimidating SDP canvassers and pulling poster boards in support of Wayne Dixon out of people’s gardens – plus ca change!) because they flung the kitchen sink at it.

    My guess as to Alba and ISP’s failure is their own hubris.

    Both suffer from the same mindset that because of who they are – or at least the past histories of some of the people in them – that the electorate owes them a living, without putting in the extra work to show it is worth people switching from their usual political ‘brand’ to the new one – even if it the same person they’d voted for before.

    It’s the same problem Tommy Sheridan had with Scottish Solidarity – and he was swiftly disabused.

    As a better example, take the story of the Brexit Party. Largely the Nigel Farage fan club section of UKIP, it survived the switch from the brand name that had taken them to council, European and one Parliamentary seat largely because its members worked their asses off to do so (and amid real threats of violence which those in UKIP largely never faced), and that – in turn – was down to Farage.

    Like or loathe the man, I’ve never saw a party leader who thought nothing of travelling all the way from London to Gateshead to canvass doors just because there was a change a party member might win a council seat, let alone a Parliamentary or Euro one – the same stuff he did at UKIP for years. The subtext was obvious: members were expected to do the same. It worked – and candidates were largely ‘forgiven’ for the label change.

    However, when the label changed again to Reform UK, and Farage vanished, so did the work rate – and to no one’s surprise but their own, so did their votes – except in Derby where a strongly managed activist base returned them two extra council seats last Friday to give them six there overall. Richard Tice is somewhat slow to grasp the point that council seats matter if you want to take the bigger prizes.

    The late Jim Mitchell, for many years the only SNP councillor in Renfrewshire, used to say “Never underestimate the stupidity of the general public, or they will break your heart time and time again.” They are quick to forget the good you did, fickle by nature (more so in the modern age than ever) yet stubborn as mules when it comes to their political allegiances.

    This however cuts both ways. Mitchell used to have much of the weight of Renfrewshire Labour flung at him at election times, only for his vote to increase because he did a good job and because locals saw the ludicrous OTT attempts to unseat him as confirmation of how much his presence wound them up, which would only be the case if they’d plenty to hide (and oh how they did!)

    [Sorry this is a bit long winded, but hey at least it’s all in paragraphs!]

  136. Republicofscotland says:

    ” The Defence Nuclear Safety Regulator wouldn’t allow it. 166,000 live within 5 km of Devonport. 5,200 live within the same distance of Faslane.”

    Agent Ellis.

    Roughly 15,000 people live in Helensburgh, within 5.5 miles of Faslane not including surrounding villages. So don’t give me that regulator BS.

    Then there’s Scotland’s largest city that’s roughly thirty-miles from Faslane, and add in that the regulator/MoD allows nukes to travel through Glasgow on the back of lorries.

    Of course we all know colonial Scots lives don’t matter.

  137. Andy Ellis says:

    @Ottomanboi 8.57 am

    Doubtless Scotland post indy will be able to fight its corner and defend its interests just like any other newly independent country. Too many appear to think Scotland will be unique amongst the nations in not being able to cope, or not having the right people to survive on the world stage. I’ve seen that view advanced by many unionists in the past, but it seems there’s an element within the independence movement itself.

    Believing there’s a moral equivalence between Putin and the west, or that we’re no better than them, may make some folk feel better. Obviously there are quite a few in the movement who actually buy that narrative, but it doesn’t make it right. More importantly however – as I keep pointing out – it’s not a view shared by the overwhelming majority, however much inchoate screeching comes from those who have drunk deep of the Kool-Aid.

    The independence movement isn’t going to succeed in constructing a majority and attaining the goal of independence on the back of endorsing fringe views, whether anti-NATO unilateralism, anti-EU membership, saying that Putin is no worse than the west and the Ukrainian nazis had it coming, trying to disenfranchise 20% of Scots, or fluffing anti-vaxxer conspiracy theories.

    In any upcoming “close run thing” – whether an indyref or plebiscitary election – I’d rather have the mainstream on our side, rather than looking askance at a movement containing a basket of deplorables that would make Trump and MAGA blush.

  138. Breeks says:

    stuart mctavish says:
    11 May, 2022 at 9:47 am
    @Breeks re 1488

    Setting aside the probability of the hypothetical hack (or other means by which the information was obtained) being a breach of the Geneva convention on the rights of POW’s

    I agree with you. Name rank and serial number and all that, but all bets are off for mercenaries. They are denied the rights of combatants protected by the Geneva Convention. Don’t be a mercenary. Especially don’t be a mercenary who gets taken prisoner.

    I’m not sure it was hacked, it was phone video, and it “looked” like the Russian just tried the number by chance. Does that count as hacking if you’re just typing in the numbers you’re commonly seeing tattoo’d on the chest of your typical Nazi’s? You also wonder how many other phones it had popped open… but that’s speculation.

    The gist of what he said was, “So if you’re not a Nazi, how come 1488 unlocks your phone dickhead?” Make of that what you will.

    Was it staged? Maybe, but it didn’t look like it. It looked spontaneous. In civvy street, imagine the facial expression of a shoplifter being caught with stolen goods in his pocket… Shit. Caught. Don’t forget too, there’s the likelihood of more incriminating evidence inside the phone… nothing to fear if he wasn’t a Nazi… Ah ha!

    But the whole thing is just a mess… Ukrainian Nazi’s armed by America, but praising David Lane’s Far Right Nazi ideology (14 Words) which denounces the same America for accommodating non-whites. There are hates within hates, and some pretty sick rationalities.

    Ukraine looks like a cauldron where all the fucked up hatreds, bitterness, murderous indifferences and even pogroms, all left to fester from WW2 have been chucked into the mix, reheated, and stirred so none of it makes proper sense.

    No wonder David Mitchell in his SS uniform wondering who the baddies are, just absolutely hits the spot.

  139. Andy Ellis says:

    @Putin’s Poodle 10.18 am

    So not disputing the figures then, or the fact that your original post was a dogpile?

    It’s geography stupid. Wrapping yourself in the cop out mantle of “Scotland as colony” isn’t really going to cut it. If enough Scots want rid of WMD’s they’ll either vote for parties that will get rid of them, or for independence which will result in the same thing.

    There’s little point screaming in to the void about unilateralism when you don’t have the numbers or support for either. In the meantime, the adults will doubtless be able to come up with policies and strategies to achieve a result which the majority will support, and which can negotiate the removal of WMD’s post independence despite the best efforts of the nutter fringe, rather than because of them.

    Of course, if Putinistas like you had their way we’d be hosting your mate Vlad’s WMDs and asking for the protection of the Russian Federation post independence. 🙂

  140. Andy Ellis says:

    If the chat on the Alba Edinburgh members FB page is anything to go by, Craig Murray doesn’t have much support. Quite a female members horrified by his input and 1 lone male supporting him and agreeing with him. It’s pretty obvious that he’s very much off message on the TRA issue in comparison with the membership as a whole, and that his comments in the blog have done him few favours, even from one female member who had supported him and stood with placards outside HMP Edinburgh to support him, met his wife etc now says she views him in a different light. I imagine she’s not the only one!

  141. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    [looks at the comments for a change]

    [seriously considers permanently closing comments again]

  142. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Roughly 15,000 people live in Helensburgh, within 5.5 miles of Faslane not including surrounding villages. So don’t give me that regulator BS.”

    5.5 miles is 8.9km, which is a lot more than 5km.

    166,000 is a lot more than 15,000.

    A modern-day nuke going off in Faslane would have very little impact on Helensburgh for all sorts of reasons (hint: mountains). One going off in Devonport would have a very detrimental impact on Plymouth.

  143. Andy Ellis says:

    @Rev Stu

    I would just like to remember some words of St Francis of Assisi which I think are really just particularly apt at the moment…. 🙂

  144. Dan says:

    Was wondering what was occurring with this situation. It’s kind of relevant to the above the line article so I’ll tack on a link to this older post from earlier in the year.

    link to

    With the most recent update comment from the 11th March.

    link to

  145. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    You want receipts for that? Not a problem. Here’s a Trident D5 warhead detonating at Faslane (most warheads nowadays have considerably smaller yields, but let’s use Trident to encompass the possibility of an accident as well as an attack):

    As you can see, it’s pretty terrible news for Garelochead (where my friends the Johnstones live), which is inside the “most buildings destroyed” ring. Not a great day to visit Rhu either. But Helensburgh is outside that ring. The biggest problem for people in Helensburgh would be thermal radiation burns if you were outdoors and directly exposed to the blast. If the warhead was a groundburst (which would definitely be the case for an accident on base) that’d be basically nobody, because of the hills. If it was airburst you’d still be fine if you were indoors, or behind a wall or a tree or a van or just about anything. We’re talking a maximum of probably 2,000 to 2,500 deaths – an absolutely terrible event but not an apocalypse. More died in care homes in Scotland of COVID due to Scottish Government incompetence and it barely made the papers.

    Now compare to the same weapon detonating at Devonport.

    The whole of Plymouth is in the major blast destruction zone. The city would be burning rubble, and everyone in it dead or seriously injured. The population of Plymouth is over a quarter of a million and they have very little in the way of geographical features to protect them from blast or thermal radiation. The disaster would be orders of magnitude worse. Trident will not be moved to Devonport.

  146. sarah says:

    @ Rev at 11.24: “[seriously considers permanently closing comments again.]”

    It’s a tough one, Rev. Become a censor by blocking the obvious noxious commenters, or remain as is which risks driving the not-noxious commenters completely round the bend.

    Mind you, real political life is driving us round the bend anyway. Sigh.

  147. James Che. says:


    That is the way it should be.

    Let the leaders personally fight it out.
    Spare the people and the planet.

    Its the blood.. leaders causing all the problems.

    This is one person that cannot see the point of governments enforcing people into lockdowns and vaccines to save lives from viruses.
    then all governments joining up together to kill those same ordinary people. By dragging them into war.

    And if our leaders are not careful the incitement they cause will promote some idiot to press the nuclear button.
    How does that fit in with all the governments ideology on saving the planet from climate change?

    Our leaders around the globe are all funnelling our hard earned taxes into the front door of one country, I wonder how much of our money is going straight out the back door.
    There is no Track and Trace on that money, no receipts.

    It is the governments choosing the wrong actions, but the people that are pawns.

    Living and acting with common sense nowaday’s seems to be out of fashion the same way women and children are.

  148. Ruby says:


    Thanks for these links. Very interesting!

    We intend to explore in the course of this litigation whether Rape Crisis Scotland were encouraged to make a complaint about Mark for political motives, and indeed whether the complainers in the Salmond trial were similarly encouraged to do so.

  149. Ruby says:

    Mark Boyle says:

    [Sorry this is a bit long winded, but hey at least it’s all in paragraphs!]

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. Well done with the paragraphs.

  150. Ruby says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
    11 May, 2022 at 11:24 am

    [looks at the comments for a change]

    [seriously considers permanently closing comments again]


  151. Confused says:

    I have played with nukemap too, at times; london detonations mostly. Anglos vaped is a bad thing, how? I fail to see the downside. D5s are small potatoes anyway, we should up the ante –

    I hope an indy Scotland gets itself a doomsday device – 500M cobalt salted H bomb, to kiil all life on earth

    link to

    everyone thought Strangelove was outrageous satire, but when you do the reading – Teller, Rand, LeMay – it was more of a documentatry. Strangelove’s accent and involuntary hand movments a tip to Operation Paperclip – nazi tech for new passports – Kubrick was a connected guy and knew things; telling us, way back, the US deep state was riddled with nazi technocrats.

    Project Orion was a plan to use nuclear bombs as rocket propellants – Freeman Dyson did all the maths, but I don’t think he realised the air force he was working for simply intended to not fly to the planets, just hang in orbit, a space station full of nukes. JFK clocked this immediately and shut it down, perhaps another of the varied reasons they decided to kill him. The Death Star idea may have come from this. The formation of NASA, the moon programme, was really a failed swords to ploughshares program which JFK thought would keep the contractors happy.

    Rumour has it the next cunning plan from NATO is to say “putin is losing the war – he will go nooclear” – and thus do the world’s first “false flag” nuke; this is an innovation in evil not seen since the Gladio program had govts blow up their own people for psychological effect. Ukrainians getting involved in the neocon proxy war is the dumbest move, ever. Zelensky is clearly a sellout, loyal to a foreign power, but our Nikki is no better.

    The really impressive thing about America is how they, after liberally democratising humanely intervening, they can create what looks like atomic destruction, without the use of nukes.

    “I can’t believe its not nuclear”.

  152. Effigy says:

    Great day for the Tories-
    Triple lock promise for pensioners -broken
    Promise of 300,000 new homes each year- broken
    No Tax Increases- broken
    N Ireland Protocal- about to be broken

    Next rant-
    Looking on line for latest news- BBC Banner about Cranking up for Indy ref
    Click on it to find out A & E in trouble
    Ladies Johnson feels unsafe in Scotland after brother murdered by police
    Another story a 26 year old murdered
    30 year old murdered elsewhere
    Woman killed by a car
    Hospital enquiry into hospital ventilation deaths and delays
    Not all bad news as new Dr Who is Scottish but with Rwandan roots-
    If he came here now he would have been put back on the plane to return

  153. Andy Ellis says:

    Scotland may be lost, but interesting that another small European country that many in our movement would like to emulate seems to be finding a new path, supported by a crushing majority of its people, and over a very short period.

    Finnish support for NATO membership has risen 14% since March. From 53% in February to 62% in March to 76% in May. That figure rises to 83% in the event Sweden also decides to join. The huge majority also appears to be bipartisan, covering left wing parties, the Greens and right wing parties too, as well as the party representing the Swedish minority.

    I wonder what the figures would be for post indy Scotland?

    link to

  154. sarah says:

    @ Dan re Mark Hirst case for malicious prosecution: his crowdfunder on stands at £22,705 according to Mark Hirst’s and Gordon Dangerfield’s [his solicitor] blog link.

    I think the target is £100,000. Gulp.

    It is an important case – if lost by the Crown Office it surely must send shockwaves through the legal and Scotgov ranks?

    NB If Mark wins, donors get their money back. [And everyone gets some liberty back.]

  155. James Che. says:

    Scotland is not lost.
    We have lost leaders with any integrety though.
    The next leaders are the Scottish people working together.

    And we should be suspending or ending the treaty of the union which i may add the english parliament admits to delibrately not including by avoiding asking them to vote in 1706/ 1707

  156. Ottomanboi says:

    Swedes and Finns spend a good deal of time without sunlight.Their dark and gloomy forests are full of demons which they fancy Nato will «fix». Both have WW2 demons which even Nato can’t airbrush from history.
    Scotland needs the fabled assurances of Nato as much as it needs the fantasy assurances of the Union.
    Why are northern Europeans so needy for fairy tale security blankets?

  157. Dan says:

    Ach, on the positive side. If you survived the nuclear blast you *may get epic sized cook themselves veg what with the radioactive mutations.
    That’ll be a totes bonus what with rising fuel and energy prices.
    * or may not…

    IIRC the insurance loss coverage for a nuclear related industry accident is ridiculously low.

  158. Ruby says:

    Rather than close down comments I have an idea how everyone could be accommodated on the Wings site.

    For example currently there are a very small number of people who want to argue non stop about Putin/Ukraine.

    Most people are not interested in that argument.

    What if there was a separate thread for those interested in discussing Putin/Ukraine.

    No need for any content just a thread entitled ‘For Arguments about Ukraine’

    In the event of the argument about Covid starting up again the same could apply.

    A thread for discussion about GRA would be of interest to me. Although I don’t think there are that many reader of Wings interested in that topic.

    This current thread could be for ‘on topic’ only comments.

    I have just been reading the comments on the Gordon Dangerfield site about Mark Hirst and I was trying to imagine what it would be like if a poster/s suddenly invaded the comments and started arguing about Putin. It would be very weird!

  159. Mark Boyle says:

    If a nuclear holocaust hit the entire planet, The Herald, Daily Record and Scotland Today’s editorial slant would still be “yes, but how does this affect Rangers?”

  160. sarah says:

    @ Ruby at 1.33: it used to be the norm to precede an off topic comment with “O/T” so people could scroll past if they wanted to read ON topic comments only.

  161. Ruby says:

    sarah says:
    11 May, 2022 at 1:53 pm

    @ Ruby at 1.33: it used to be the norm to precede an off topic comment with “O/T” so people could scroll past if they wanted to read ON topic comments only.

    I’m proposing many topics even a site where reader can start their own topic.

    There are many sites which allow you to upload content. You can upload an article even link a photo/s and there is a facility below for other readers to comment.

    Obviously you need the site to be set up & maintained also moderated. The setting up of the site could be easy enough as I believe there are many templates available for this sort of site.

    This does not need to be done by just one person there could be a group of people moderating & maintaining the site. This could all be done by volunteers working shifts.

    Do you fancy a shift as moderator Sarah?

  162. Andy Ellis says:

    @sarah 1.53 pm

    From memory the “convention” was more around using the O/T prefix earlier in the thread, but it tended to be abandoned as the thread grew. This was of course in days when there was a new article/thread virtually every day, often more than one, and each one rapidly had several hundred BTL posts. Moonhowlers tended to get short shrift in those days, and were in any case largely outnumbered by grown ups.

    Happier days indeed!

  163. James Che. says:

    As to Scotland being the preferred place by London for nukes actually being in britain,

    I do not see any lives in quantity as a qualifier to be more dispensable due to geographical position.

    This is like the famous recent rhetoric racial war waged where only certain people’s lives matter, but not all lives matter, those whom may have pale skin tones do not matter,

    Or female humans do not matter compared to trans- women’s rights.

    No human or planet area is more dispensable than another for the sake of bad politics.

  164. Ruby says:

    If there was a site similar to what I’m proposing the Rev could spend his time doing what he does best and upload his article to this new site. He would have a group of volunteers doing all the moderating & site maintance stuff for him.

  165. James Che. says:

    Our main aim surely on Rev’s site is to politically nuke NS,
    And to save Scotland.

    I do not believe Scotland is lost,
    But we sure ain’t discussing what we should be doing.

    First we had to save Scotland, that didn’t happen, it turned into ” we have to save Britain from Brexit”
    Now we have to save ukraine.
    Next we will have to save america or Europe.

    We are squirreled every time, our focus is all to hell.
    Looks like Ireland may achieve this before Scotland,
    And maybe Wales will jump ahead of us, who knows.

    I am not angry about that, i wish them all the best for their countries.
    But i am more than a little envious that they are more focused than us.

  166. Ruby says:

    “Moonhowlers tended to get short shrift in those days, and were in any case largely outnumbered by grown ups. ”

    There definitely seems to be a need for a ‘flame-baiters thread.

    Even a thread for ‘Sinking Schools’

  167. Andy Ellis says:

    I wonder if the west had given Ukraine the same security guarantees that BoJo just gave Sweden (and will presumably give to Finland too) before the Orcs annexed the Crimea and tried to annex the Donbas, or had done so even in early February, there would be a lot less dead Ukrainians and Russians at the moment?

  168. robbo says:

    link to

    Yip, pure cringe. Jist imagine this fecking clown was an alternative to that eegit they’ve got in Westmonster prime seat the noo.

    This cunt lives in a fancy flat in London paid for by us no doubt. Absolute cretin of the highest order.

    While old ladies travel all day on buses just so they don’t need to be at home putting the gas & electric on this twat makes “a don’t give a fuck” pun on national telly.


  169. robbo says:

    Acht ffs. Who’s the fecking stupidest here.? The clown wae the beamer or the cooncil.

    I despair.

    link to

  170. James Che. says:


    I think some clowns take extra herbs than the rest of us.
    They have no idea how to fit in.
    What is right or wrong.
    Or that stealing from granny and granda is a bad thing to do morally.

  171. Republicofscotland says:

    Rev @11.49am.

    Fair enough.

    AUOB to hold a march this Saturday (14th) in my home town Glasgow, they are expecting a 10,000+ crowd.

    March leaves at 12 Noon.

    “Those taking part are asked to gather at Kelvingrove Park. The route will then head along Kelvinway, Gibson St, Eldon St, Woodlands Rd, Sauchiehall St, Pitt St, West George St, Blythswood Sq, West George St, Nelson Mandela Place, West George St, and then finish up in George Square.”

  172. Andy Ellis says:

    @Ruby 2.37 pm

    More of a need for a Tourette’s-addled harridans thread surely?

  173. James Che. says:

    I watched an old jeremy hunt interview two days ago,
    Where by he thought that everyone should be locked in their homes and the doors sealed shut like china is doing.
    Running to replace johnstone if the opportunity arises i believe.

    So we will run parallel to china and russia with democracy in britain,
    Meanwhile priti patel is still on record for wanting to bring back hanging into britain,
    And BJ thought it great that, Scots as a race should be exterminated like yatzees did with the germany.
    I am pretty sure no one in westminster will be obliged to follow these rules
    Grannys, grandads, mums, women and children thrown to wolves
    How is barbaric britain working for you.

  174. Andy Ellis says:

    @Putin’s Poodle 4.10 pm

    Need any Savlon for that burn? 🙂

  175. James Che. says:


    The flags an d banners should read “we the sovereign Scots are suspending the treaty of the union on ………… 2022.

  176. James Che. says:


    Lets see if that gets NS in a tizzy.

  177. Ruby says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    11 May, 2022 at 4:10 pm

    @Ruby 2.37 pm

    More of a need for a Tourette’s-addled harridans thread surely?

    Whoever that is could join you on the ‘name calling flamebaiters’ thread and have you greetin’ about being called a cunt!

  178. Ruby says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    11 May, 2022 at 4:13 pm

    @Putin’s Poodle 4.10 pm

    Need any Savlon for that burn? ?

    Maybe he could borrow yours once you finished with it

  179. Andy Ellis says:

    @Ruby 4.27 pm

    I’m not the one that got comprehensively fisked by Rev Stu for spouting bullshit tho’ Ruby?

    Perhaps you missed it through all the spittle flecks on your screen?

    Happy to help!

  180. Ruby says:

    James Che. says:
    11 May, 2022 at 4:24 pm


    Lets see if that gets NS in a tizzy.

    I wouldn’t hold your breath James it’s more likely
    she’ll be reporting that she saw people visibly wince when the AUOB march went past. “Lets face it these marchers are not particularly attractive!”

  181. Ruby says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    11 May, 2022 at 4:33 pm

    @Ruby 4.27 pm

    I’m not the one that got comprehensively fisked by Rev Stu for spouting bullshit tho’ Ruby?

    Perhaps you missed it through

    Yes I did! Like most sensible people I do not read the posts in the ‘never ending 24/7 pissing contest’ between you and ROS.

    The Rev did say he was thinking of closing the comments which suggests he was none too impressed with your bullshit either.

    He seems happy enough with me calling you a cunt! I bet he agrees with me.

    You can sick your ‘Happy to help’ where the sun don’t shine!

  182. Mark Boyle says:

    James Che. says: 11 May, 2022 at 4:13 pm

    I watched an old jeremy hunt interview two days ago,
    Where by he thought that everyone should be locked in their homes and the doors sealed shut like china is doing.
    Running to replace johnstone if the opportunity arises i believe.

    What is it about that revolting specimen Jeremy Hunt that reminds me so much of the child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?

  183. Willie says:

    On Monday night on the A82 beside the Dumbarton Lomond Gate roundabout a car ploughs into five Transport Scotland road maintenance workers in the roadside verge.

    One man killed, one seriously injured and three others released from hospital after treatment for minor injuries and shock.

    The roundabout in question has been the subject of much local public concern due to accident frequency and the public belief that the roundabout, built into a trunk road to support commercial development and property development is too small and under designed.

    Strange therefore that little coverage has been given to this horrific accident in the media. But maybe not so strange in Surgeon’s Scotland where there could be criticism of the government and how it has maybe failed to facilitate better, safer road infrastructure.

    No doubt the veil of silence will fall on this tragic accident as the authorities investigate the causes of the accident. But that should stop people asking why the Dumbarton to Milton to Bowling section of the national A82 is as substandard in terms of capacity and safety as it is.

  184. Scott says:

    If Coulport and Faslane were closed and the subs, sailors and nukes were sailed away to Devonport or Falmouth or Sheerness or Grimsby or Immingham or Port Stanley, I’d happily see the locals (less 15000) offered a flit to Argyllshire to enjoy the stunning scenery and opporchancities amid the blossoming tourist sector etc, on the Clyde…and elsewhere.

    There is this thing called the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons – as a matter of principal, Scotland should demand their removal, per its terms.

  185. John Main says:

    @Republicofscotland says 10 May, 2022 at 6:00 pm

    “Nato has personnel in Odessa in a building that tracks the movements of Russian navy ships. The Russian military is aware of this however I don’t think they’ve taken any action yet.”

    Wow Republic. You sure have your ear to the ground. Where do you find these priceless nuggets of triple-A rated military intelligence?

    Or is it that you just spout shite?

    FFS man, use what little brains you have. If they can publish satellite photos of mass graves, how difficult do you think it is to track ships from low earth orbit?

  186. robbo says:

    Surprise surprise . Derek McKay gets the blame for ferry signing off scandal .Documents ( an e-mail) re-appears like a —- ah well! Specialist email software finds it. LMAO

    You wouldn’t want the re-elected mob be tainted now could we.

  187. wull says:

    I just posted this on the previous article. I am not sure if it was there or here that referred to a Baroness. Anyway, I’ll re-post it here, since no one will see it there. For those who don’t like this kind of thing, just scroll past.


    “I’m not dodgy, I’m a Baroness,
    I’m not stodgy, I’m from Loch Ness:
    They dredged me up, and made me Arty:
    A Monster-Woman, in a monstrous Party.

    “I’d made a fortune from sellin’ panties,
    Then I made me over, till I looked fancy!
    I cared no’ a whit aboot keepin’ the books:
    That’s no’ whaur they luk, if you’ve got guid looks –

    “Or seem to have: that’s quite sufficient
    For Superficial Cameron and his Tory Co-efficient!
    I had him in tow, an’ I towed him home:
    ‘Arise!’, so said he, ‘Sweet Baroness Moan!’

    “Weel, I moaned an’ I groaned, an’ I mowed him doon –
    He thocht himself great, did thon wee cloon!
    An’ I let him think it, an’ I helped him oot
    To gi’e Scottish independence, a hefty cloot!

    “When there’s money to be made, wha’ cares aboot that?
    Even they learned it, these new Scottish Nats,
    Wha’ had their make-over when Salmond was gone
    And they a’ bowed to Sturgeon, on whom they now fawn.

    “She’s re-made them all, in her own spitting image,
    Her Party re-fitting, barred up in her cage!
    Independence and freedom to requirements now surplus:
    Her beast she has tamed, to serve her own purpose.

    “Her rod she hass rammed down, her flag all unfurled
    To silence the members, now mugged and all Murrelled:
    There’s nane can staun’ up, they’ve all been mowed down
    The men all unstuck, unner thumb o’ her crown!

    “The women invaded, by chromosome men,
    Who’ll ride into their spaces, again and again,
    Unhindered by law, they’ll can do as they please.
    An’ no polis in Sco’lan’ will can ask them to leave!

    “The fowk she’s deprived o’ their sovereign rights:
    Her darkness descending, she snuffed out the lights
    That lit up true Scots for centuries long –
    Weakness unfettered o’erpower’d a’ the strong!

    “She’s got them in thrall, an’ made them her slaves,
    Dumbfounded them all, run through wi’ her glave.
    Their leader became, and stole a’ o’ their clae’s,
    Thir’Independence she murder’d, an’ sent tae its grave!

    “I, Moan, played my part in makkin that happen.
    A’ the wye tae the bank, I wis heartily laughin’!
    I near bursted my sides, as I held ma heid high:
    Ah’m affy proud, tae ha’e helped Sco’lan’ die!

    “Sco’lan’, they say, is an accent o’ mind:
    But wan that, fur me, I wid’ fain lea’ behind
    If only I could. An’ I’ll keep on tryin’ …
    Yet it’s still mair important that London keeps buyin’ …

    “So, … Now back to Me!” says Baroness Moan!
    “Bungs can’t be repaid – they arenae’ a loan!
    I’m proud that I helped – to bring down all these Nats –
    Let’s lay them to rest, ‘mid their internal spats,

    “Deid in the waatter! The job had been done:
    So I searched out mair money, in love with more fun.
    I found all kind of ways, in Old London Town,
    To stack it all up, … an’ swalley it down!

    “Mr. Covid became my jolly old pal,
    Made myself ready, wis his lover-gal!
    From him I did make a great Monster profit …
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – “Come on, gerr off it!”

    “That knock on the door! That impertinent question!
    As if I’m a wh*re, not an important person!
    How dare they accost me, in that rude voice of theirs?
    Me – Baroness Moan – vile Plebs never spares!

    “It required my response, in my former accent
    Which aye-wayes comes back when ma min’ turns quite absent:
    A guid aul’ Scots tongue is guid for a lashin’
    They had better watch oot, ‘cos I’ll gi’e them a bashin’ …”

    Her voice, from oot o’ her… stang’yulated thrapple …cam
    But wis it a goat, or was it a lamb?
    Half-English, an’ Hauf-Scots it sorely sounded
    As she on the Polis so sorely rounded:

    “Ledgers are for Nancy Boys,
    Lea’ me alane, wi’ a’ ma Toys;
    Whit Boris bunged me, it’s a’ mine!
    Ah’m a Baroness, Ah don’t dae crime!

    “You can’t come in here, you little plebs:
    My mansion’s furr me – no’ for uniformed dregs!
    Don’t you know who I am?” said Baroness Moan,
    “I’m frae the House of Lords, and this is my home!

    “My home is my castle! I’m a Lady you know!
    So get oot o’ ma a**-hole, an’ pi** aff an’ go!
    Or I’ll get yeez a’ sacked, an’ locked up in the Nick
    I’ve got pow’r tae castrate ye, ya bunch o’ wee **icks!”

    So said the Lady, while losing control:
    Her tongue went berserk as she got on a roll,
    Then stappit! And pulled herself up, – tight -,
    Determined to impose … all her Lady-like right:

    “I cannot be charged! My bras are sae braw!
    Ever sin’ Lang Syne, above the Law!
    So get ye weel gone, ye London Polis –
    Or I’ll nick ye a’, wi’ my ain wee Boris!”

    She slammed the door fast, but the Polis had warrant
    Their feet were still faster, and in like a torrent
    They sped quickly past her, into her mansion
    To search for the evidence o’ thon mighty ransom

    Paid out to her, by her Boris & Co,
    And Government darlings that she held in tow
    For goods undelivered, service unrendered, …

    … But whatever they found, will soon be surrendered

    To whatever, in England, makes things disappear
    That Establishment forces don’t want folk to hear!
    If Sturgeon’s erasures were horribly blatant
    England’s, more subtle, seem to be latent …

    But they’re just the same, and still more effective:
    Not rubbed out by COPFs, but more subtly deflected
    By means you can’t see, or ever track down,
    That illusion of freedom – under the Crown –

    Is maintained, and held high, so that all jolly good chaps
    And their Baroness Ladies remain under wraps
    Which help and protect them, give them cotton wool lives
    Which save them from all things, save those nice silver knives

    Which they sometimes, it’s true, stick in each other’s backs
    But what does that matter if you’ve still got your sacks
    Stuffed full of money? From where, no one knows …
    And there’s no one to track it, wherever it goes … !

    Wee wounds in the back quickly heal, all the same:
    Don’t worry about it, it’s only a game!
    Not wielded in earnest, these knives – just for fun!
    You’re part of the game, so you’re the right kind of bum:

    You’ll keep all your money! At the end of the day
    You’ve played the game – and that is your pay.
    You stacked it all up, and it’s safe in your sack –
    Ordinary tax-payers won’t get it back …

    So, … please … , don’t you worry, you Baroness Moans
    You Nicola Sturgeons, and other like clones:
    You bold Peter Murrells, and SNP wallowers,
    Fellow-troughers like you, our newest of followers!

    You’ve done very well, deserve all you get,
    For the rest of your lives, you need never fret!
    We are the Old Things, and you are the New:
    We look after ourselves, but we also like you!

    You will be cared for, for you played your part:
    Kept our Kingdom United, which is OUR work of art.
    Come right away in! But don’t forget it’s ALL OURS,
    This UK you kept for us, and so are its powers!

    We’ll take out – and share out – from our wonderful store!
    You will get plenty! … (But we will get more)!
    Such are the rules for new fairies, and elves,
    Who’ve joined in our circle, to seek their own selves.

    You’re still far from the centre, but at least you got in:
    It wasn’t so bad, was it? That first little sin?
    Which pushed the door open, to let you get in!

    Then prepare for the next one – you nice little fibber!
    Run fully this race, for which you pulled the trigger –
    For Lying’s a habit, which gets longer and bigger!

    But not just a habit! NO! … Our circle’s chief skill!
    Without it you won’t last! So, go for the kill!
    Hone it, perfect it, Love and Embrace!
    It’s in order to win it, that you entered this race!

    Get better and better at the art of true-Lying
    Ever more expert, get all of them buying
    Into the Rubbish you tell them, these ridiculous fools:
    Those outside our circle, for these are our tools

    To tie them in knots, and empty their purses,
    Fill their minds with our rot, rain down on them curses!
    For We hate them all, though they think we’re their friends:
    We suck up to them … To achieve our own ends!


    And now that you’re made it, enjoy this life well
    ‘Fore Auld Nick comes up, and drags you down to Hell …
    A fate that awaits you … Unless out of his grip,
    By lying still further, you give him the slip.

    We think that you can’t: for You’re still beginners –
    Your skills won’t convince him that you are not sinners:
    He’ll beat all your arguments, and drag you all down
    Into that Sulphur-Lake, where – with him, you’ll drown!

    He’s very intelligent, that Auld Yin: Beware!
    Your skills need more honing, not to end in his Lair!
    Become Uber Liars. like Us Experts: We’re Great …
    For We’ll still deceive him, and avoid that dread fate!

    Our Best-Ever Lies, we’ll careful select …
    His wild accusations we’ll parry, deflect …
    We’ll match and we’ll beat him, at his very own game
    For although he is like Us, he’s not the same …

    His cunning is huge, that Ancient Old Pest
    But of all the world’s Liars, … We are the Best!
    We’ll have Nick for breakfast, and after we’ve eaten
    We’ll Lie our way out, and reach Ultimate Freedom!

    Our Inner Circle! It cannot be beaten
    So, all ye wee minions, Shut up and listen.
    We let you come in here, but your stay will be fleeting
    Unless you obey us, in all of your sinning.

    Our Orders just follow, We’re bigger than Nick…
    …There now! A bone for you!…Don’t simper… Wee brick!
    A pat on the head, … she calms down and smiles
    She knows that the UK, is better – by miles!

    “They think they can match me! These old UK fools!
    That they make up their own Lies, … when they are my tools!
    Deceived by conceit, of their very own mind,
    They think they can beat me with Lies they refined!

    “As if the Father of Lies, of them all, I am not
    Who has all of them tied up, so tight in my knot!
    As if they’ve forgotten the source of their gree
    Lies in one fact alone: that they’ve bowed down to me!

    “Deceived by themselves, the whole point they have missed:
    All Lies are all mine: it’s me that they’ve kissed!
    I won’t let them go, I’ve got them tongue-tied:
    They spout out my Lies that I, to them, Lied!

    Fleshed-out lies lack future time
    Death’s vale arrives, and then, no Line
    Of Spin can e’er Survive
    The jaws of Hell that Open Up
    For them that Helter-Skelter-downward lived
    Wi’ De’il to sup
    In Lies so brashly Brazen …
    What can be said?
    the … Kyrie,
    – – – – – – Eleison!

  188. John Main says:

    @Scott says 11 May, 2022 at 5:22 pm

    “There is this thing called the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons”

    How very yesterday. All around the world, non-nuclear states with the capacity/capability to reverse that are weighing up their options. All since Feb 24th 2022, when nuclear state Russia invaded non-nuclear state Ukraine, with the avowed intent of destroying it and enslaving its people.

    Do try to keep up, Scott.

    In the event that Scotland ever becomes independent, I sure hope we will be run by people who have the sense to ensure we are firmly cemented into a strategic military alliance that possesses the nuclear capability as a credible end-stop. Something like an energised and re-armed, German-dominated EU might do.

    After all, are we not going to be hoaching with plentiful, rich resources and lebensraum for us to rattle around in, in a world rapidly running out of both?

    Surely we are not going to just sit about with all those resources, space and money and just expect that the world will treat us nicely, simply because we are Scotland?

    Aye, right.

  189. Republicofscotland says:

    James Che @4.24pm.


    Sturgeon the betrayer just ignores the AUOB marches, its been a few years since she last attended one. She was quite happy to travel to London to march in a demo against Brexit, and I recall she attends the LGBTI+ marches, but independence marches, are a big turn-off for the betrayer.

  190. Mark Boyle says:

    Willie says: 11 May, 2022 at 5:09 pm

    On Monday night on the A82 beside the Dumbarton Lomond Gate roundabout a car ploughs into five Transport Scotland road maintenance workers in the roadside verge.

    One man killed, one seriously injured and three others released from hospital after treatment for minor injuries and shock.

    The roundabout in question has been the subject of much local public concern due to accident frequency and the public belief that the roundabout, built into a trunk road to support commercial development and property development is too small and under designed.

    Strange therefore that little coverage has been given to this horrific accident in the media. But maybe not so strange in Surgeon’s Scotland where there could be criticism of the government and how it has maybe failed to facilitate better, safer road infrastructure.

    No doubt the veil of silence will fall on this tragic accident as the authorities investigate the causes of the accident.

    link to

    link to

    link to

    link to

    So … this “media blackout” you were telling us all about …

  191. Ruby says:

    wull says:
    11 May, 2022 at 6:11 pm

    I just posted this on the previous article. I am not sure if it was there or here that referred to a Baroness. Anyway, I’ll re-post it here, since no one will see it there. For those who don’t like this kind of thing, just scroll past.

    I really liked it Wull! Bravo!

  192. Ruby says:

    Mark Boyle says:
    11 May, 2022 at 6:39 pm

    So … this “media blackout” you were telling us all about …

    Looks more like a ‘media almost blackout’

  193. Scott says:

    @John Main/

    The Kingdom of Scotland is already a joint signatory of all treaties entered into by UK Parliament, see Acts of Union 1707/1706.

    It’d be easier to allow the crown of England to keep the contract wrt the nuke deterrent with USA.

    Being a NATO member doesn’t require the hosting, owning or manufacture of nuclear weapons. See Iceland.

    What is it with the lunatics among us and their intolerance of treaties and international law? Oh aye, and the domestic law that underpins those things?

    ‘The Clyde’ is ripe for development, moving the nukes makes economic sense – regardless of the constitutional make-up.

  194. Republicofscotland says:

    Senator Richard Black spills the beans on Davos and the WEF, the USA’s inflation, and coming economic difficulty and admits the Ukrainian troops are just US proxy fighters.

    How long this will stay up for is anyone’s guess.

    link to

  195. John Main says:

    @ Scott says 11 May, 2022 at 7:07 pm

    Thanks for your response.

    I don’t think you dealt with any of the points I made.

    Still, no hard feelings.

    To summarise. An Independent Scotland will be a wealthy place, sparsely populated by comparison with most of Europe, and looked on with envious eyes by uncounted millions of people, all of whom will want a share.

    We can sit on our hands and let them steal from us, or we can fight to defend our good fortune. Simples.

    Then again, so few are prepared to fight or sacrifice now to make an Independent Scotland happen in the first place, if it should fall into their laps without a finger having to be raised, maybes they will sit idly while it is taken away again.

  196. John Main says:

    @Republicofscotland says 11 May, 2022 at 7:26 pm

    “How long this will stay up for is anyone’s guess.”

    Oh get over yourself, Republic. “They” are not policing the web, taking down non-conforming posts. Well, certainly not loony-tunes tweets like that one.

    Not sure how much credence we can place on former senator Black. But I guess he acts as a useful stooge for your low-wattage opinions.

    Tell you what though. Fighting for freedom, independence and sovereign rights comes at a cost, and you are correct to point out that the cost can be a high one. Why don’t you set us all an example and abandon your fight for Scotland’s freedom, independence and sovereign rights?

    Why do you continue to come on here, day after day, to celebrate the so-called moral superiority of the imperialist colonial mass-murdering aggressor, Russia?

    You are giving skidmarks a good name in comparison.

  197. Scott says:

    John Main says:
    11 May, 2022 at 7:36 pm

    @ Scott says 11 May, 2022 at 7:07 pm

    Thanks for your response.

    I don’t think you dealt with any of the points I made.

    I dealt with them all.

    I expect Mr Ellis will be along shortly refuting that the ‘international community’ will have no choice but to acknowledge the Kingdom of Scotland, given its status as co-signatory to multiple UN Treaties already. lolz.

    Relevant legislation: Union with England Act 1707

  198. Robert Hughes says:

    Wull @ 6.11

    That’s superb ; really enjoyed reading it . Cheers for posting it here 🙂

    RoS @ 7.26

    AYE ! Yr man identifies with great clarity the real * players * in this Globalist dominated madhouse .

    Sure as fuck isn’t the * extras * overplaying their cameos in the blinding glare of 24/7 MSM spotlights

  199. Republicofscotland says:

    Here ya go Main.

    Senator Black knows more about war than most with a long distinguished record in the field.

    Scroll along to 3.13 to here the Senator speak.—Senator-Black:57a7be8e17c0dd0dcbf854dab8a60aa98302de69

  200. Tommo says:

    What’s the world coming to ? A vertically challenged dictator seizes all the reins of power, combining Party and government; surrounds themselves with acolytes indebted to them for their wealth and bends the legal system to stamp down on dissent or investigation at any level, inventing a system balancing internal and external’ enemies’ to distract the populace from the corruption and incompetence at home.
    And as for Putin…

  201. Republicofscotland says:

    The king of dodging VONC’s John Swinney was the one who okayed the ferry contracts.

    “While present transport minister Jenny Gilruth painted Mr Mackay as the ‘fall guy’ who signed off on the calamitous contract to Jim McColl-led shipyard firm Ferguson Marine, new papers reveal that it had to get a level of clearance from Mr Swinney first.”

    Here’s what Gilruth told the Holyrood chamber.

    “I hold in my hand that irrefutable documentary evidence that this decision was made rightly and properly by the then transport minister Derek Mackay.”

    link to

  202. Merganser says:

    Don’t pay the ferrymand
    Don’t even fix a price..

    And then the ferryman said
    ‘There is trouble ahead,
    And you must pay me now..’

    Jenny Gilruth says, incredibly, ‘the email shows that the decision was rightly and properly made by the then transport Minister Derek Mackay’.

    If she had said ‘wrongly and improperly made’ it would have made more sense.

    It seems a pathetic attempt to put all the blame on Derek Mackay whilst at the same time claiming the decision was right and proper. And whose fingerprints are all over this, but no paper link to him? You couldn’t make it up.

    Is there not one SMP who will stand up and be counted and condemn this farce for what it truly is?

    Silly question. Scottish money has been used (wasted) to pay the Ferryman long before we’ve got to the other side

  203. twathater says:

    It just shows how deep sturgeon is in corruption and maladministration and how she is PROTECTED by the WM scum when the MSM and broadcasters are NOT SCREAMING for her resignation or SACKING

    I would even go as far as to say it is questionable as to who has caused the most damage to Scotland by their lies and corruption is it snp or LIEbour

  204. Breeks says:

    link to

    This is spot on from Sara Salyers.

    I want to say it’s also spot on from Ian Blackford, because it is, he nails it. The problem is he’s just saying the words to please the clapping seals. We know this, because Westminster called his bluff by Brexiting Scotland when Blackford declared it couldn’t be done.

    To know what he knows, yet do NOTHING to defend Scotland from unconstitutional and anti-democratic subjugation over Brexit renders Blackford an impotent blowhard.

    The “tell” in him and in others, is the ubiquitous reference to a second IndyRef, especially a referendum which embraces the colonial strictures of the Scotland Act’s Section 30. They maybe talk about Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty, but they don’t understand what it means.

  205. Ruby says:

    Breeks says:
    12 May, 2022 at 7:22 am

    link to

    This is spot on from Sara Salyers.

    Thanks for link Breeks.
    I’ll be taking a good look at that article & the comments today unless the ‘Wings Over Ukraine Brigade’ invade the comments then I’ll give up in disgust & start swearing.

    I believe ‘That Cunt Ellis’ is banned from that site so could be safe from mile long rants about Moonhowlers & Putin’s Poodles.

    Blackford all talk no action?

  206. Stuart MacKay says:

    After Alba, link to is really worth a read. Not because it considers the demise of the hopes of the “impatient wing” of the independence movement but it raises questions on what will follow it. Will the SNP disappear also when it becomes clear that the leadership are unable to deliver a referendum?

    Just maybe, a clearing of the decks is what’s needed to make any progress. The hope for unity is deader than the deadest Dodo but unity of purpose is anther matter entirely. Drop the single vision for independence under a glorious leader. That is also a single point of failure – as we’ve learned to our cost on more than one occasion – and let everyone decide the tomorrow they want.

  207. Andy Ellis says:

    @Ruby 8.54 pm

    I’m not aware of being banned by Mr Lawson, but it’s unlikely I’d bother posting on his blog as he has form for simply deleting comments he disagrees with. You are – as usual – all over the place on this as you purport not to be in favour of banning people (even those like Gregor spamming threads with extraneous nonsense) and advocate tirelessly for just scrolling past those you say you don’t read or interact with.

    Mr Lawson deleted a number of comments from me and as I recall Stu Campbell on the topic of franchise restriction and nativism because he disagreed with them. That tells us all we need to know about his appetite for debate and how confident he is of what passes for his case.

  208. Alf Baird says:

    Breeks @ 7:22 am

    “They maybe talk about Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty, but they don’t understand what it means.”

    The SNP don’t understand what self-determination independence means either. (Independence for non-self governing territories means decolonisation, according to the UN Committee for Decolonization, C-24). A Nationalist FM with independence as her top priority should therefore be going to see UN C-24 whose aim is “to end the scourge of colonialism”, rather than glad-handing with global elites at the Brookings Institute, whose aim might well be the opposite.

  209. Ruby says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    12 May, 2022 at 9:05 am
    as usual – all over the place on this as you purport not to be in favour of banning people

    Do keep up you daft old bodach. I though you read the posts I made yesterday. I don’t believe you are having posts deleted because someone disagrees with you I believe you are having posts deleted because you are a cunt!

  210. Breeks says:

    Alf Baird says:
    12 May, 2022 at 9:07 am

    ….A Nationalist FM with independence as her top priority should therefore be going to see UN C-24 whose aim is “to end the scourge of colonialism”, rather than glad-handing with global elites at the Brookings Institute, whose aim might well be the opposite.

    I agree Alf, but in the situation we’re in, where we have a devolved Assembly and First Minister who are both acting unconstitutionally to Scotland’s detriment, (or more accurately observing the wrong Constitution), it seems unconscionable to me that we’re allowing such a person / assembly to dictate to all of us the route which must be taken to Sovereign Independence.

    That’s surely where our People’s Convention must be created, and it must be determined to take the lead where Sturgeon manifestly is not. I say we need a Convention, but surely a single legal writ that’s legitimate would suffice to get the ball rolling.

    In fact, we may have grounds for impeachment of Holyrood and Sturgeon both, but even that course of action is superfluous in order to seize the Constitutional initiative which the SNP don’t want, and take Scotland’s Brexit subjugation to the UN directly, bypassing Holyrood altogether, with our People’s Convention in the driving seat.

    To dispute and contest Scotland’s Constitutional abuse is a matter of legal status and principle, and thus the instigator of any such Test Case only needs to have a lawful grievance to contest, (and I’m not sure de-colonization is the best fit for Scotland’s predicament, – but maybe it is. I bow to your judgement). The point is, defending a legal principle, (or overturning an unlawful one), DOESN’T require a democratic mandate.

    Scotland’s Brexit was wrong in legal principle because it disrespected an extant Scottish Constitutional Sovereignty, it violated Scotland’s sovereign democracy by overruling it, and breached several Articles of an International Treaty of Union to Scotland’s injury.

    It is therefore farcical for us to follow the SNP’s lead that we need any kind of popular mandate or majority as a prerequisite to furthering the Independence cause.

    Surely, enough impropriety has already happened, that we rightfully have the UK Government over a Constitutional barrel already, and we don’t need a circuitous and unnecessary referendum before we act.

  211. Mark Boyle says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    12 May, 2022 at 9:05 am

    I’m not aware of being banned by Mr Lawson, but it’s unlikely I’d bother posting on his blog as he has form for simply deleting comments he disagrees with … Mr Lawson deleted a number of comments from me and as I recall Stu Campbell on the topic of franchise restriction and nativism because he disagreed with them. That tells us all we need to know about his appetite for debate and how confident he is of what passes for his case.

    Yes, Iain can be somewhat “set in his ways”.

    He and the late Bruce McFee ran a pest extermination business (a very good one at that … unlike those got much of the local council contracts because they were owned by or employed members of “Labour families”), and it always amazed me two people who could be so obstinate on their opinions could work together so well in business, as from my own experience in the workplace whenever you get two Gordon Ramsays in the same kitchen it all ends in tears, snotters and ketchup everywhere.

    At the risk of being ageist, time and age tends to solidify people’s outlook on the world and have less patience with contrary worldviews. That said, Iain started his political life as a Tory and was regarded as material for future high office in their Scottish ranks, until Gartcosh happened – I don’t think the fury within him over that has ever subsided, or ever will.

  212. John Main says:


    “The restoration of the Scottish constitutional compact, both implicit and explicit in the Claim of Right, represents the righting of a serious wrong committed against the people of Scotland. This wrong continues to the present and in clear violation of the precondition by which the Union was entered into.

    More importantly, it guarantees not merely a route to independence should the majority in Scotland demand it, but the transfer of the power from the hands of an unaccountable few to the population as a whole. It holds out the promise of a restoration of accountability, justice and the reestablishment of the interests and welfare of the whole nation as the primary and inalienable obligation of law and government.”

    For those out of practice at identifying weasel words, here they are:

    “a route to independence should the majority in Scotland demand it”

    Back to sleep, folks. A majority in Scotland is not going to be demanding independence any day soon.

    But meantime, the true believers have just been chucked a great haunch of bleeding, red meat to keep them quiet for a while.

  213. John Main says:

    @Breeks 12 May, 2022 at 10:53 am

    “It is therefore farcical for us to follow the SNP’s lead that we need any kind of popular mandate or majority as a prerequisite to furthering the Independence cause”

    Is it?

    I incline more to the view that it is farcical to believe Indy can be achieved with a majority opposed to it.

    In fact, it is so farcical, anti-democratic, unpopular and poisonous to the Indy cause, that I wonder why the Indy movement just doesn’t get on with selling Indy to a clear majority of Scots.

    Seems bleeding obvious to me that the simplest solution is the best.

  214. James Che. says:

    She ignores them because they are ignorable,
    Nothing about them challenges her political position.
    Same with msm.
    Nothing to frighten them or to motivate any interest them.

    However if the flags and banners challenge her parliamentry sovereignty by suggesting the scottish people sovereignty are taking back their sovereign right.

    To withdraw under self determination of Scots.
    It would be a march with a interesting lead story that Scots are challenging The snp.

  215. James Che. says:

    Breeks forgot your name at top of post above. My apologies.

  216. James Che. says:

    Ruby .

    The marches are good,
    They keep the yes movement together with the feeling of inclusiveness. That people are not on there own,
    And that at least the people are acting themselves when politicians are failing them.

    They just need to up the Anti with the message on these marches,

  217. James Che. says:

    Mark boyle.
    Ha haa ha , you’re right i never noticed that.

  218. Andy Ellis says:

    @John Main 10.38 am

    Aye, I noticed the “terms and conditions apply” get out there too. I’m still waiting on answers to questions I asked sometime ago if those punting the cunning plan alternative routes to indy about how long this was going to take in comparison to conventional routes, and others like who was deciding who led this new movement, who is paying for it, being activists for it, how they would demonstrate a majority etc. etc.

    Answers came there none of course. As seems par for the course, even asking these questions renders one a unionist stooge, or a Sturgeonite, or 77th Brigade, or just cunt if you’re the Tourette’s addled Ruby.

    It’s passing strange that for something the supporters say is so self evident they are unable to provide any supporting argument, show us support from experts in constitutional law and international law (no…sit down, not you Mr Baird!), and simply assert their route is better than plebiscitary elections.

  219. Ottomanboi says:

    News from North Britain
    link to
    The people of NB demonstrate their deep loyalty and affection for the baubles of Britishness.
    Gd. save the next but one king! Hoots mon! Hoots mon! Och aye the noo, see ye jimmy as they say in jockland.
    How fair, how egalitarian sighed Anas Sarwar…..this is the best of all possible bondage.

  220. gregor says:

    “even those like Gregor spamming threads with extraneous nonsense”:

    …Bigots can’t handle the truth (re. the NWO has already self-determined Scotland status, and future):

    “World Government Summit: About:

    The World Government Summit Organization is a global… organization dedicated to shaping the future of governments.

    The Summit, in its various activities, explores the agenda of the next generation of governments…

    Since its inception in 2013… the Summit have successfully established a new model to collaborate on an international playing field to inspire and enable the next generation of governments.”:

    link to

  221. James Che. says:

    Alf Baird.

    Reading both your post,
    I see no reason not to marry the two together, and use both.

    Breeks is right in The way brexit was finally done without the Scots say, when you study the union.
    However Alf is also correct, as a colonial mindset from london ruled Scotland should be ignored

    When the two halfs of one treaty is only played for the gain of only one half of The Great British Parliament. That only created and exists for the benefit of both kingdoms in union.

    The treaty itself is broken. And colonialism has taken place.

  222. James Che. says:

    Alf Baird and Breeks.

    The sovereign peoples marches are very important, but the message in those marches on flags and banners has to change to” We the Sovereign Scots ” want a independent country,

    Hence to take and withdraw our sovereignty from the Snp. And hence therefore from the devolved parliament.

    Bring sovereignty back to the people of Scotland,

    That has to be advertised in those marches,

  223. James Che. says:


    But the big question is.

    Who choses the future leaders of our own country.

    Them or us?

    Who are they to decide what we want from their safe well oiled financial seats faraway.

    As far as can be seen world wide one glove does not fit all countries.

  224. Ruby says:

    John Main says:
    12 May, 2022 at 11:53 am

    In fact, it is so farcical, anti-democratic, unpopular and poisonous to the Indy cause, that I wonder why the Indy movement just doesn’t get on with selling Indy to a clear majority of Scots.

    Are you part of the Indy movement or not?
    Just asking why you are not trying to sell Indy to readers of Wings?

    Over the last 2 months you have posted nothing about Scotland your posts have all been about Ukraine. During the local elections you continued to post about Ukraine not a single word about the local elections.

    Question for you and your mate Ellis:

    What should be done if a Section 30 is refused?
    How do you sell Indy if you can’t guarantee a referendum?

  225. James Che. says:


    I liked what you wrote, and themessage in it was so accurate.
    Well done.

  226. Republicofscotland says:

    Well its depressing to know that there’s absolutely no accountability with this SNP government on anything, the latest disgraceful fiasco surrounding the two and half times over budget and five years late ferries fiasco was played out at FMQs today.

    Even though “missing” paperwork on the ferries suddenly turned up, the Auditor General still requires more of the paperwork on the matter, one wonders if this paperwork is also “missing” and if it will miraculously reappear.

    The king of surviving VONC’s John Swinney will surely have difficult questions to answer soon in the chamber, or he may go down the Sturgeon the betrayer’s route on the Alex Salmond Inquiry of I can’t remember, or I don’t recall, or not to the best of my ability. Or maybe the Lord Advocate will redact or withhold any further incriminating paperwork.

    Like I said this Scottish government (SNP) under Sturgeon’s tenure has absolutely no accountability.

  227. sarah says:

    O/T @ Ruby at 2.12 yesterday: “be a moderator?”. No thanks.

  228. robertkknight says:

    More chance of finding out who was behind the Kennedy assassination than what went on with the ferries.

    SNP… Simply No Propriety

    Scotland deserves better than the shower of charlatans currently playing at being a “Government”

  229. Breeks says:

    James Che. says:
    12 May, 2022 at 1:38 pm
    Alf Baird and Breeks.

    The sovereign peoples marches are very important, but the message in those marches on flags and banners has to change to” We the Sovereign Scots ” want a independent country,

    Hence to take and withdraw our sovereignty from the Snp. And hence therefore from the devolved parliament…

    It’s important to take the public along with us, for obvious reasons, but I would stress again the nature of Constitutional challenge is bound up in law, and legal distinctions, and thus popular public opinion will not be relevant. A Test Case will only examine the legal issues and ramifications. It will not even consult public opinion.

    The Constitutional Test Case which I envision will affirm that Scottish Sovereignty IS extant, and that Scotland’s involuntary Brexit was unlawful… but that’ll be it.

    Scotland however will have an International Adjudication recognising Scottish Sovereignty is ascendant over UK faux Sovereignty, and it’s that recognition which renders the Treaty of Union untenable.

    It will be untenable because Scotland will have a sovereign veto on UK legislation, and Westminster will have no authority to overrule it.

    The Union will not survive that “reinvention” which strips away all of Westminster’s unwritten conventions and false narratives about Parliamentary Sovereignty.

    To give you one example, a sovereign Scotland with Brexit declared unlawful could petition the EU for immediate holding pen status and resume it’s Four Freedoms akin to EU membership on the basis that Scotland’s removal was unlawful.

    That little arrangement would move the Northern Irish protocol from the Irish Sea to the Scottish Border, because Scotland would essentially be in Europe, and establishing a hard border to regulate not converging English trade. In other words, A retrospective Scottish Backstop which a competent Scottish Government would have secured back in 2016 before Brexit happened.

    The Treaty of Union might be ended in any one of a number of ways, because it would just be unworkable, and England would not resign itself to Scotland having “escaped” from Brexit isolationism.

    The “democracy” component of Independence would then be a Elections / Ratification Plebiscite, to affirm Independence. Even supposing that process returned a pro-Union mandate, (heaven forbid), all it could provide at worst is a mandate to discuss a new 2022 Union Treaty with England. The old 1707 Treaty would be dead and buried, and could not be resuscitated.

  230. James Che. says:

    Telegraph busy telling snp that there will be no referendum for Sovereign Scots with out the consent of westminster,

    Well who knew.
    We didnt expect the colonial masters to release the other half of the treaty of the union did we.

    Englands westminster appears to need Scotland’s resources and clout to make it feel important on the worldstage.

    Without great Scotland it would be little England, especially if Ireland leaves,
    In fact it would be little England without Wales too.

    I lived in england for a short time and much of its countryside is beautiful,
    but not much in the way of resources below the ground.
    Most of the ( quantity) of Water, gold, oil, coal, and most wind power is in Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
    We each have enough farming land and fishing waters for our own food and plus trade.
    Scotland, Wales and Ireland have enough resources to support their people.
    Compare that to the amount of population in each in each of those countries, and per population
    England looses on resources per head.
    Not surprised that westminster says no to fully independent Scotland Wales, and Ireland,
    They desparately need the surround countries to support their burgeoning population.

  231. Andy Ellis says:

    @Tourettes Ruby 1.52 pm

    If a referendum was refused the decision should have been tested in court years ago. Many folk including me and Stu Campbell amongst others have been saying this for years. The hard of thinking just haven’t been paying attention.

    Since it’s a legal process that might take some time, even if the devolutionists in the SNP had the balls to challenge it which we all know they don’t, then the movement as a whole should agree that all subsequent general elections to Westminster or Holyrood are de facto plebiscites on independence. If 50% + 1 vote for pro independence parties, then it’s a fait accompli. We all know there isn’t going to be a referendum anytime soon: the britnats won’t cooperate, Sturgeon won’t hold a “wildcat” referendum, and the international community wouldn’t recognise it anymore than they recognised the Catalan one in 2017.

    This is hardly news to anyone that’s been paying attention, or who has 2 brain cells, hence it being news to a piece of work like you.

  232. Chas says:

    I asked a question a few says ago.

    ‘ If there was an Independence referendum tomorrow, would you vote yes in the full knowledge that Sturgeon and her incompetents were in charge of EVERYTHING in Scotland?’

    As far as I can see not one single person has answered. Not even an insulting response from shallow, bitter, menopausal Ruby!

    Apparently many posters are supposedly desperate for Independence, by whatever route, even the daft ones, yet no one is prepared to even try and answer any of the multitude of difficult issues that face us. If any of them are even mentioned, silence ensues or the other favourite-‘You are a closet Unionist’.

    In my view, I repeat that Independence is dead in the water with Sturgeon and the SNP.

  233. James Che. says:


    I understand the mechanic’s of you’re explanation,
    But not the order in which it comes,
    This is the reasoning I agree with what you say and yet in the same breath i am a little confused with your order of context although i have simplified it.

    1) What your saying is Scots are Sovereign, but we need to prove it.
    2) if we are to prove it, we must have most Scots on board,
    3) public opinion will be irrelevant, but at the same time we must take public opinion along with us.
    4) when you talk of a sovereign Scotland, are you talking about the government like labour and snp do, or do you mean the retainment of sovereign people first.

  234. James Che. says:

    I think one position you overlooked in your explanation also involves wether Scots want to rejoin the Eu,
    This should not be presumed without us having a vote on it.

    I remember on this site and others many of us talking about tactical voting when Brexit was happening,
    Many Scots discussed staying with the EU as a contradictorary measure to Englands stance
    Hoping the split would bring about independence to Scotland sooner.

    NS whom does not agree with most Scots took the high percentage as gospel in favour for her own opinion. As she aleways does.

    This was not true,
    A lot of Scots had been considering a NORDIC or EFTA alternative.
    This vote was similar to AS asking us to vote Alba and Snp in the other previous election to gain a majority of independence parties in Holyrude,

    That did not work either, but most agree the vote made us feel a little bit queesey.
    This has to be rectified before the presumption of rejoining the EU.

  235. Breeks says:

    James Che. says:
    12 May, 2022 at 3:44 pm

    I understand the mechanic’s of you’re explanation,
    But not the order in which it comes,
    This is the reasoning I agree with what you say and yet in the same breath i am a little confused with your order of context although i have simplified it.

    It’s not exactly proving we’re sovereign, because we are, but we need to dislodge the long established convention which says Westminster is sovereign. It’s not so much proving what we say is correct, so much as proving what they say ISN’T correct. The popular and accepted view of the UK is a fallacy which needs corrected. It’s not exactly proof we require, but using that proof to persuade other countries to recognise Scotland is a sovereign Nation.

    Yes, I believe we can crash the Union Treaty, with or without an electoral mandate, but of course, there will be fewer difficulties if there is a mandate for it. It should be easy to crash the Union given any number of times the Articles of Union have been breached. Brexit stands out as a spectacular opportunity to do just that.

    Thus the Union isn’t put to the sword by Scotland’s instigation, but by Westminster breaching the terms of the Treaty once too often. If we do it that way, we don’t need a mandate from the people. It is Westminster who has breached the Treaty, so let Westminster carry the can.

    When I say Scotland’s Sovereign Government, that Government is not technically sovereign, but it’s a Scottish Government bound by a written protocol to respect the ascendancy of the sovereign people. A Scottish Government doesn’t lead the people, it serves the people.

    It will be able to act as a sovereign Government; yes, one rung lower in hierarchy than the people, but still sovereign over any other Government in relation to the realm of Scotland.

  236. Republicofscotland says:

    “More chance of finding out who was behind the Kennedy assassination than what went on with the ferries”

    Robert Knight.

    Peter Wright’s Spycatcher has this to say on the matter.

    “In the news video of the shooting of LHO, there is ‘Officer William J Harrison’ who is smoking a cigarette, and is left-handed, which is quite noticeable when he puts out his cigarette by rolling it between his fingers. Harrison was the gunman on the grassy knoll.”

    Harrison was part of a proficient SAS team back then.

  237. James Che. says:

    Sovereignty comes only from the people in Scotland,
    The people have to have the marches and information spread on how much power they own before passing it over to some other organisation to play with, (if that is what they want.)

    To by pass public opinion as irrelevant from the get go, by passes the opinion of Scottish Sovereignty that lies with the people.

    The right to self determination Actually lie’s with the Scots as a nation, not a specific organisation.
    This is how NS has been misinterpretated and manipulating it.

    If any Assembly or convention is organised it must be with the consent of Scots, that it is being done in the open, with transparency, not behind closed doors. And sovereignty remains with the people over monarch or governments or governance of any kind.

    I think i have already queried the title of a Scottish Assembly a few times in the past and wondered why it would not include in the Title the words, “The sovereign Scots peoples Assembly”

  238. Ottomanboi says:

    Will this be «lost» on SG advocates?
    link to
    Truly, abusers come in all guises.

  239. Breeks says:

    James Che. says:
    12 May, 2022 at 4:04 pm
    I think one position you overlooked in your explanation also involves wether Scots want to rejoin the Eu,
    This should not be presumed without us having a vote on it.


    I’m not a lawyer, but don’t worry, having Brexit declared unlawful doesn’t / cannot reverse Brexit and put Scotland back in Europe, but it could I think put Scotland in an enhanced position to negotiate either membership or certain privileges of membership, maybe compensation too. Scotland would be a victim / aggrieved party.

    I’m quite relaxed about a Referendum on EU membership, EFTA etc… Personally I like the EU membership option, but the real reason I have always been a massive advocate against Scotland’s Brexit is because Scotland’s Yes to Europe and England’s No to Europe so clearly holes the Treaty of Union below the water line. It is doomed.

    Furthermore, had Scotland disputed Brexit while still in the EU, I believe the EU would have recognised Scottish Sovereignty with absolutely minimal persuasion, and Scotland’s transition to Independence would have been cushioned over any bumps by a benign EU backing Scotland the way they actually have backed Ireland.

    Now we’re out the EU, the damage has been done, the Trade Agreements and product protections are gone. I would still back Membership, but I can see there are options and staggered levels of opportunity to pick and choose what suits us.

    I just believe Scotland belongs in Europe. Camaraderie in a Collective Union but with the sovereign power to say no to things and have it respected.

  240. Ruby says:

    Chas says:
    12 May, 2022 at 3:38 pm

    I asked a question a few says ago.

    ‘ If there was an Independence referendum tomorrow, would you vote yes in the full knowledge that Sturgeon and her incompetents were in charge of EVERYTHING in Scotland?’

    As far as I can see not one single person has answered. Not even an insulting response from shallow, bitter, menopausal Ruby!

    I would vote Yes so that Sturgeon & her incompetents were no longer in charge of EVERYTHING in Scotland?’
    I suspect nobody has answered you ‘cos it’s a pretty stupid question.

  241. Ruby says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    12 May, 2022 at 3:30 pm

    @Tourettes Ruby 1.52 pm

    If a referendum was refused the decision should have been tested in court years ago

    What a totally bonkers answer.

    Want to try again?

    Helpful Hint: Trying making your answer in the future tense

  242. James Che. says:

    Regarding the order in which it comes, as i mentioned earlier.

    First all Scots, must to be well informed of what Scottish Sovereignty is and the power they wield.

    Second, it is Scots them selfs that must start the action to the right of self determination by displaying this in marches and on social media, twitter, face book you tube, passing messages on to any and all that will listen. Spread the one message. send messages abroad on Scottish sovereignty.
    The msm will try to avoid it like the plague.
    this sovereignty is recognised by every politician, even maggie thatcher, and lord Cooper that it is the Scots people that are Sovereign.

    Then “The Sovereign Scottish peoples Assembly has more original authority from the people choosing the right to self determination and with the claim of right..

    Then With the backing of the scottish people the Assembly can work on behalf of the people to suspend the treaty of the union on the context and pretext to ending the treaty of the union on the basis that it has been broken, altered, ignored, and that the british government has acted in a colonial manner over Scotland since its creation as the Great British Parliament.

    A few things need tweeking,
    But the foundation of the Scottish people as a nation showing they are seeking the right to self determination under the claim of right also, gives the Assembly a visual starting point even for the UN and EU.

    But even they have claimed they can not help us while we are still in great britain.
    So the people need to do it and advertise it world wide on any and all media available to them.

  243. Ron Maclean says:

    @Chas 3:38 pm

    ‘ If there was an Independence referendum tomorrow, would you vote yes in the full knowledge that Sturgeon and her incompetents were in charge of EVERYTHING in Scotland?’

    I gave it some thought. I supported independence and the SNP for over 50 years. I resigned not because I was impatient but because I felt betrayed. I still support independence but I’m not going to vote for an independent Scotland which, if Nicola Sturgeon was in charge, would probably be even more corrupt, more unequal and less appealing than it is now.

    My answer is ‘No’.

  244. James Che. says:

    The EU could have helped Scotland during Brexit in an Advisory capacity, it could have done more to inflate the position of the Scots, ( the other signitory to an international treaty) being hijacked in colonial mannerism by the Great British Parliament, but instead its focus was Ireland,
    It could have played both hands in talks with the british parliament.
    It could have invited Scotland into their side of negotiations with it being an international treaty that joins Scotland and England. Rather than a private Britain treaty.

    I personally do not favour eroding hard won Scottish peoples sovereignty over to other joint countries..

  245. twathater says:

    Anyone who votes against independence because sturgeon ,sarwar or any other arsewipe would be in government is NOT a real indy supporter, similar to that of altering the franchise and the fake SUPPORTER ACTIVELY working AGAINST independence

    Independence changes EVERYTHING no matter who is in charge , everything is available to be changed , and once the corrupt , lying , obfuscating bbc and msm are put in their place , HONESTY must be demanded from any and ALL elected officials

  246. James Che. says:

    Ron Mclean.

    Mind you if we voted “Yes” Regardless, and got a Yes result we would immediately have to hold new elections, wouldn’t we.

    As half of the mps would be gone.

    Just do not vote snp in in the new election.

    Problem solved.

  247. Republicofscotland says:

    Sturgeon the betrayer of Scots covering for one of her useless clique. Is there no end to the machinations of this woman and her party acolytes.

    “NICOLA Sturgeon has been accused of “creating a bullies’ charter” after using data protection laws to suggest the outcome of allegations against a former SNP minister may be kept secret.

    “In 2020, then rural economy and tourism secretary Fergus Ewing, was the subject of a bullying complaint by civil servants. At the time, a spokesperson for Mr Ewing said the SNP MSP “completely rejects the claims”.

    “Reports suggest the investigation which was escalated into a formal process has now been completed – but the First Minister has refused to comment on the outcome, pointing to GDPR rules, fuelling the prospect that outcomes of any bullying complaints may never be made public.”

    But SNP MP Joanna Cherry has called for outcomes of any bullying claims in the public domain to be made public.”

    link to

  248. Republicofscotland says:

    Sturgeon the betrayer hoping to consolidate her party’s powers at Holyrood.

    “SCOTTISH Government plans to make emergency Covid powers permanent will turn Holyrood into a “toothless talking shop,” opposition MSPs have warned.

    The Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Bill looks set to only narrowly make it through to the next stage of the parliamentary process at today’s debate, with the SNP forced to rely on their Green partners.

    The Tories, Labour and the Liberal Democrats are all set to oppose.

    The Bill effectively gives ministers what are known as Henry VIII powers, allowing them to amend any act of parliament in a “serious and imminent crisis”.

    It would also make changes in 30 specific legislative areas, including allowing the government to close schools, enforce stay-at-home restrictions and shut down hospitality venues without first having to seek the approval of parliament.”

    Its not popular.

    “The legislation was hugely opposed in a recent Holyrood consultation, with 90 per cent of the 4,000 organisations and individuals who responded critical of the legislation.”

    link to

  249. James Che. says:



  250. James Che. says:

    That was meant to be a thumbs up.

  251. Ruby says:

    James Che. says:
    12 May, 2022 at 5:46 pm

    Ron Mclean.

    Just do not vote snp in in the new election.

    There would be no reason to vote SNP in an independent Scotland. No need to wheesht for Indy no need to hold your nose & vote for Sturgeon. There would be no Unionist parties. There would be a choice of many parties you could vote for without the worry that they would block an IndyRef & all the rest.

  252. Breeks says:

    James Che. says:
    12 May, 2022 at 5:34 pm

    The EU could have helped Scotland during Brexit in an Advisory capacity…

    I believe it tried. Within hours of the Brexit result both Junckers and Verhoftstad were proposing “Holding Pen” status for Scotland while it sorted through it’s Constitutional issues. I believe they were telegraphing what they thought Scotland should do, and that Europe would look favourably on Scotland trying to stay in Europe either via a second Scottish referendum or straight on to Indy.

    However, Sturgeon / Holyrood didn’t reciprocate, and instead of embracing Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty, they chose the reverse… to wrap Scotland up in Domestic legislation and devolved protocols which were inherently subservient to Westminster’s lead.

    Had they instead chosen to contest Brexit on a Constitutional Sovereignty ticket, the EU could have addressed the UK as an International Union between two Nations, and thus they could legitimately have spoken to a Sovereign Scotland directly.

    However, since the SNP bottled it, and started whining about their poor wee devolved souls not even being allowed into meetings, boo-hoo! Sturgeon’s government embraced subservience, and the discussion parameters around Brexit related to a single UK entity; not an inter-national between Scottish and English Nations, but a domestic issue of internal UK politics which the EU could not by law become embroiled in.

    Europe was sympathetic to Scotland in 2016, but Sturgeon’s unconstitutional capitulation to Westminster’s apparent dominance left the EU with no interface through which to communicate.

    Even then, Barnier was still agreeing to meetings with Holyrood Committees, but actually saying his hands were tied. This too, I believe was Barnier trying his best to drop big hints that Scotland needed to tweak it’s Constitutional position, “be” at least a little bit sovereign, to enable constructive dialogue rather than merely courteous briefings.

    I believe the tentative preliminary interactions with Europe were all there, but Sturgeon was (is) blind and constitutionally illiterate about Scottish Sovereignty, and could not see her way past her Colonial superiors in Westminster.

  253. James Che. says:


    As i said the hole, was created mainly delibrately by Scottish voters.

    It is what the people of Scotland manage to achieve when they work together .

  254. George Ferguson says:

    @Republicofscotland 6:34pm
    Never mind the future powers of closing down hospitality venues. The SNP SG are vulnerable to a legal challenge on their pre Christmas decision to lock down and apply restrictions. If only the hospitality industry could see the data in the public domain that led to that decision.

  255. Ron Maclean says:

    @James Che./Ruby
    I take your points and of course they’re valid.

    My worry is that the history of new parties in Scotland is not impressive. Look at Alba. In the unlikely event of Nicola Sturgeon winning a referendum she could go on to lead an independent country. I don’t think it would be an attractive place to live in but I wouldn’t have any choice.

  256. Robert Hughes says:

    ” I believe the tentative preliminary interactions with Europe were all there, but Sturgeon was (is) blind and constitutionally illiterate about Scottish Sovereignty, and could not see her way past her Colonial superiors in Westminster.”

    For sure Breeks . One possible reason ( among many ) for her inertia/capitulation is that she had just started savouring the piquant flavour of Power and was not of mind to jeopardise that addictive seducer .

    Similarly , her frantic cross-border – futile – shenanigans trying to save England from itself were not so much indicative of a burning desire to assert Scotland’s choice to Remain , as the awareness that the outrage of having that choice rendered insignificant in the face of rUK’s choice meant she would be compelled to face-up to the implications of ” a change in material circumstances ” eg simply defy WM and under NO circumstances * allow Scotland to dragged out……..* et fuckn cetra . If she could prevent Brexit , that pressure to act would be relieved .

    In the end , she didn’t prevent it .

    Nor did she act . Hard to say what she did . Bought some expensive shoes ? got a man in to fix the leaky boiler ? drank quite a lot of tea , played solitaire wae Pedro n SAS ?

  257. John Main says:

    @Ruby 12 May, 2022 at 1:52 pm

    “Over the last 2 months you have posted nothing about Scotland your posts have all been about Ukraine. During the local elections you continued to post about Ukraine not a single word about the local elections”

    Ah now, Ruby, that’s not true.

    Tell you what is true, though. You posting over and over again about how you don’t read my posts.

    So … drum roll … if you don’t read my posts, how can you claim to know what I post about?

  258. John Main says:

    @gregor says 12 May, 2022 at 12:48 pm

    “Bigots can’t handle the truth (re. the NWO has already self-determined Scotland status, and future)”

    Phew, thank fuck I am not a bigot, so can handle the truth.

    So how about spilling the beans, Gregor? What is the NWO-mandated status and future for Scotland?

    We could all do with finding out if we are totally wasting our time here.

  259. James Che. says:

    So we think NS bringing in Henry the eighth powers to Scotland in relation to pandemics is only to be applied to Scotland.


    Boris Johnstone along with hundreds of other countries have just signed up with the WHO for lockdowns and sealed doors like China if there is another pandemic.

    People in China whom have been locked into their homes for extensive periods under great stress are committing suicide by jumping out of their windows,

    So we need borders and an independent Scotland, and get rid of NS asp.
    To have control over our own lives.

    Or bill gates, a non medic, whom is one of the 3 biggest funders to the WHO, not a voted in in a
    democratic way by people,is controlling the worlds future.

    Where are the crimes against humanity, where is the UN.
    Independence is a must not only for Scotland, but Ireland and Wales too, so it weakens the global hold in Britain that is surpressing freedoms,

  260. James Che. says:

    Ron McClean.

    I would go it, and get rid of Snp pretty quick,
    Listening to world news in various countries and shi.. is about to hit the fan for citizens all over the world,

    The only way to combat what is about to happen is to take control our own country,
    Bugger saving the rest of the world, they have gone crazy. And all joined together in their insanity.

    Humans in general are being led by ideological leaders.
    Let us make a change while we still can,

  261. Ruby says:

    John Main says:
    12 May, 2022 at 7:39 pm

    @Ruby 12 May, 2022 at 1:52 pm

    “Over the last 2 months you have posted nothing about Scotland your posts have all been about Ukraine. During the local elections you continued to post about Ukraine not a single word about the local elections”

    Ah now, Ruby, that’s not true.

    Tell you what is true, though. You posting over and over again about how you don’t read my posts.

    So … drum roll … if you don’t read my posts, how can you claim to know what I post about?

    It’s totally true! I can know what you post without reading your posts by employing a researcher.
    How come you didn’t anwser my questions? At least your mate Ellis gave one of them a try. Bless!

  262. Ruby says:

    Ron Maclean says:
    12 May, 2022 at 7:01 pm

    @James Che./Ruby
    I take your points and of course they’re valid.

    My worry is that the history of new parties in Scotland is not impressive. Look at Alba. In the unlikely event of Nicola Sturgeon winning a referendum she could go on to lead an independent country. I don’t think it would be an attractive place to live in but I wouldn’t have any choice.

    You would have the choice not to vote for her! What’s wrong with Alba?

  263. Confused says:

    link to

    an oldie, but a goodie, 170 pages of exactly what lying, biased bastards the BBC are

  264. Ron Maclean says:

    @Ruby 9:37pm
    ‘You would have the choice not to vote for her! What’s wrong with Alba?’

    I won’t be voting for her.

    I couldn’t vote for Alba because Alba didn’t stand in my constituency. A constituency with an SNP MP and MSP but no Alba presence.

    It looks to me as if Alba was set up as a waiting room for the gravy train. It didn’t stop because the SNP reserved all its seats.

    What should be done now?

    Alba needs leaders who focus on independence and setting up a new country, one lacking the dismal aura of the SNPs branch office. They’ll have to be capable of explaining what’s wrong now and why the new Scotland will be better. For that they’ll need support material. For example – a draft constitution, currency plans, EFTA or EU, publicly owned energy company and so on. We’ve heard it all before but we’ve never acted on it because we never act on anything. All we do is talk.

    Maybe this time Alba will listen to what the voters are saying and act.

  265. Ron Maclean says:

    @Ruby 9:37pm
    ‘You would have the choice not to vote for her! What’s wrong with Alba?’

    I won’t be voting for her.

    I couldn’t vote for Alba because Alba didn’t stand in my constituency. A constituency with an SNP MP and MSP but no Alba presence.

    It looks to me as if Alba was set up as a waiting room for the gravy train. It didn’t stop because the SNP reserved all its seats.

    What should be done now?

    Alba needs leaders who focus on independence and setting up a new country, one lacking the dismal aura of the SNPs branch office. They’ll have to be capable of explaining what’s wrong now and why the new Scotland will be better. For that they’ll need support material. For example – a draft constitution, currency plans, EFTA or EU, publicly owned energy company and so on. We’ve heard it all before but we’ve never acted on it because we never act on anything. All we do is talk.

    Maybe this time Alba will listen to what the voters are saying and act.

  266. James Che. says:

    I welcome you Ron to join us and help make that change happen quicker.
    We the people will be the change first, for when we change, those around us gain confidence to do so.

    Why stand between a rock and a place or choice, to make a country a better place.

  267. akenaton says:

    Just give it up, Independence is futile if the pigs remain in control. I would rather remain in the UK than submit to Sturgeon and see our country become a disgusting joke.
    “The People” are not being fooled or victimised, they actually want this charade to continue, they have no interest in the mechanics of politics…..a mass of blind unthinking “bravehearts”,
    Scotland is not lost, it got where it is now by its own volition.

  268. Ruby says:

    Craig Murray tweets the following:

    “Craig Murray –
    I have repeatedly stated, over again, that nobody with a history of sexual assault should be put in a female prison. I have made that point for years.”

    Yet goes on the tweet:

    “Which has helped me decide that SNP’s gender reform is needed, and more.”

    He believes in self-id and that transwomen are women.

    How can you descriminate against a ‘woman’ and put her in a male prison?
    If you claim transwomen are women then women should be in women’s prisons.

    Is he suggesting transwomen with a history of sexual assault should not be allowed to self-id or would it just be
    during the term of their prison sentence? What of those ‘transwomen’ who already have a GRC would that be revoked?

    Otherwise is it fine for men with a history of sexual assault to enter women’s refuges, hostels, hospital wards, changing rooms, toilets etc.

    I presume he means men when he says ‘people’ Where would women with a history of sexual assault go?

    What about those without a history of sexual assault is there any guarantee that they wont commit their first sexual assault when in prison for a non sexual crime like GBH or armed robbery.

    There are many question about SNP’s gender reform but if you ask them you are accused of being a bigot!

  269. Effigy says:

    Re Craig-

    If a man states is a trans has to go to prison, would violent male prisoners embrace that person in more ways than one making it impossible to maintain safety?

    Who that person be happy with sexual attention as it’s as close to a born female they can get their hands on?

    Could Craig be daring SNP to put them in a woman’s prison as it just be a ploy to be the only
    Penis in town for a captive audience.
    Where would SNP law stand if this trans person saying they are a woman rape and impregnate woman prisoners.
    A woman can’t impregnate at woman so how can they prosecute?

    Will there be a deluge of male offenders afraid of being attacked by violet male prisoners take up the mantle of a Trans?

    There you are! Bob’s your Aunty!

  270. Effigy says:

    I see Spain, that warm European Nation with plenty of sunshine has announced that the government is going to subsidise their energy bills.

    France increases electricity bills by 4%.

    Westminster makes blood boil with Boris preparing his subjects to see their home energy bills double inside 10 months. An increase of thousands for many.

    Good to see Westminster advising the EU they don’t understand N Ireland?
    Can they amend the treaty they asked for and signed with only clauses that suit Bojo the clown.

  271. PacMan says:

    China has a lot of personnel like the military, paramilitaries, internal state security apparatuses to throw at things like the pandemic which is why they can look people up.

    link to

    This won’t happen in Scotland simply because we don’t have the people to do it. The only reason why they want to continue the legislation is to curtail peaceful protest and even at that, do they have the resources to stop one?

  272. Breeks says:

    akenaton says:
    12 May, 2022 at 11:09 pm

    Just give it up, Independence is futile if the pigs remain in control. I would rather remain in the UK than submit to Sturgeon and see our country become a disgusting joke.

    I wouldn’t.

    Supposing I had to climb into a skip, pick Scotland’s Sovereignty out the muck and wash all the sick off it, I would do it in a heartbeat, because frauds and charlatans are two a penny and their empires are short lived. Sovereignty will outlive us all, defend our children and our children’s children.

    Scotland’s most valuable asset is it’s Sovereignty, it’s just right now it’s gravely misunderstood, (not by accident of course), and tragically undervalued by those who should know better.

    Independence at ANY cost? Close maybe, but no, not any cost, but suffering the obscenity of a lying tow-rag suckling from the teat of Scotland’s desire for Independence is just a parasitic nuisance, not a life threatening condition. It’s a lighter burden on pair auld Scotland than 300 years of Unionist control.

  273. stuart mctavish says:

    @George Fergusson 12 May @7:01 pm

    Equally feasible the book is thrown at an innocent victim elsewhere – with or without intent to distract, feign impartiality, or even bring a jury into disrepute.

    eg If the following quotes from Herald are not entirely out of context, and setting aside double (quadruple?) jeopardy, the possibility that ownership receipts, chains of responsibility and refusals to respect same were substantiated in court (ie secretly or replete with contemporary restrictions on reporting for trials of a political nature!), etc., then sheriff Hughes appears not only to have misconducted himself in directing a guilty verdict, he’s also introduced precedent, by way of a vague statement of ownership, that appears inconsistent with the Scots law on possession and could have disturbing implications for home ownership, or private rights in general, if upheld.

    (eg if WFI, or even anyone putting their tuppence in the collection tin, were truly the full legal owner of the £25,000 said to have been mishandled, then the custodial paperwork in place would not only be expected to be more robust than that allegedly used to procure ferries for Calmac, it would also, normally, have been enough to ensure the funds were spent entirely in accordance with the alleged owner’s great expectations* in any event)

    From the Herald:

    Sheriff Hughes outlined to the jury what they need to compare the evidence against in order to convict McGarry of embezzlement.

    He said: “The accused was in a permitted position with another’s money or property.

    “She was bound to account to the owner about what she did with it.

    “She appropriated it for her own purposes and made unauthorised use of it.

    “The appropriation was dishonest carried out in bad faith or some other corrupt motive.”

    The sheriff added that prosecutor Alistair Mitchell had substantially met the criteria but it is up to the jury whether it was “proved to your satisfaction.”

    He ended his charge stating: “Your decision is important for everyone involved, please give the matter your full careful attention – I will ask you to retire.”

    * and any changes in owner expectations (including its own unforeseen fickleness, absence of awareness, contrary intent or conspiracy to corrupt and exploit the naivety of a particular employee or patsy) would necessarily be the responsibility of the entity claiming ownership to make good in any event.

  274. Robert Hughes says:

    It’s all in the realm of the hypothetical of course , but …..

    Kinda puzzling that people are saying they would vote against Independence if they thought Sturgeon would remain FM .

    Of course we should vote FOR Independence . That creep and her creepy entourage would get slung at the first opportunity : when they no longer have the simpering complicity of the fan club or a largely * hands-off * MSM to protect them , I’m confident they’d be exposed for what they are . Crap .

    Yes , it’s – again , hypothetically , possible they’d ride a wave of euphoria in the – extremely unlikely – event Independence was achieved under their aegis ; but that euphoria would quickly fade , replaced by the realities of life as an Independent nation . The difficulties and great potentials .

    To vote against our liberation would rank as great a * nose-cutting to spite face * self-harming exercise as that displayed in 2014

  275. Ruby says:

    “Craig Murray –
    Paypal have cut off a number of radical media outlets. Part of the corporate censorship that gatekeeps the modern internet.

    But c. 20 people have emailed me that they are therefore canceling subscriptions to my blog because it uses Paypal. Pl don’t do the dirty work for them!”

    I wonder if Paypal is the real reason for cancelling subscriptions. In light of the £600K police investigation and the Natalie McGarry conviction how many people will be cancelling donations to the SNP?

  276. stuart mctavish says:

    Apologies, probably should have been an “also” or “again” prefacing the final “in any event”

    Whilst here, and as a thought experiment, one method of establishing ownership of the (disputed?) £25,000 might have been to point to a spreadsheet tabulating the donations by collection location in terms of their denomination and number (no. of pennies, pound coins, £50 notes collected at event A, B, C, etc) for cross corroboration with McGarry’s bank statements – together with a detailed explanation from the legal owner for any difference between the denominations of the money claimed to have been stolen, and the bank’s precise account of the denominations of the deposited moneys received.

  277. Mark Boyle says:

    Ruby says:
    13 May, 2022 at 10:08 am

    “Craig Murray –
    Paypal have cut off a number of radical media outlets. Part of the corporate censorship that gatekeeps the modern internet.

    But c. 20 people have emailed me that they are therefore canceling subscriptions to my blog because it uses Paypal. Pl don’t do the dirty work for them!”

    I wonder if Paypal is the real reason for cancelling subscriptions. In light of the £600K police investigation and the Natalie McGarry conviction how many people will be cancelling donations to the SNP?

    Or maybe people are cancelling their subs because of his comments on trans and other matters and are regarding him as a bit of a sell out?

    Ceased reading anything he had to say last year when he started all that conspiracy theory bollocks. I was sorry when he was jailed unfairly, but that didn’t turn him into a saint whom everyone was supposed to believe everything he said as gospel.

  278. James Che. says:

    This confusing the two issues, between voting to become a free independent country for the people,
    Is Being played as if we were voting in NS and he snp for Scotlands future is either ignorance or unionist thinking to tie the two together.

    None of the Yes for a independent Scotland would keep NS if you payed us,
    We consider her the enemy of Scotland and its independent freedom since 2014.

    As a unionist you will find another excuse,
    As a Scot you would vote to free the people and country.

  279. Chas says:

    Two people answered the question I originally posed and reposted on the 12th May at at 3.38.

    Ron Maclean

    As an ex SNP voter I concur with your views.


    The question is obviously too difficult for you to understand therefore your response is that it is simply a stupid question! At least it is not bonkers!

    Some posters go out of their way not to answer directly but choose to post that, if Scotland gains Independence, Sturgeon and her incompetents, would simply ride off into the sunset-job done. This would include the Westminster SNP’s. Incidentally, can anyone explain what they actually do other than profit from a generous salary and seemingly unlimited expenses? The current Unionist parties would disappear. New political parties would emerge and a General Election would quickly take place and a brand new sooper dooper Government would be formed. How naïve is that?

    Our current politicians have ALL got their snouts in the trough and will fight tooth and nail not to relinquish their privileged positions.

    We then have the endless debate on here about Scotland’s Sovereignty, breaches in a 300 year old treaty. I would think that less than 1% of the Scottish electorate are remotely interested in this. If anyone even thinks that anything will change because of the mass adoption from the electorate at righting yesterday’s wrongs I suspect they are sadly mistaken.

    The other ‘hobby horse’ on here is the formation of a Grand Scottish Assembly, which, as I understand, will run alongside The Scottish Government of the day. A bit similar to the House of Lords to be honest. Do people honestly think that our Politicians would go for that? No clear indications on who would appoint individuals to the Assembly but various suggestion on who would populate it. All Independence supporters of course, which immediately alienates over 50% of the population! That would work!!

    What Scotland badly needs is a dose of reality.

    Change will ONLY come via the ballot box. People have to be convinced that an Independent Scotland can stand on it’s own feet. The Unionist Parties will do their utmost to show that it can’t. It is up to Independence Parties, whoever they are, to show the opposite. The SNP have had the opportunity but have repeatedly chosen not to take it. They need to be pressurised every day until they are ousted.

    If the majority of people can see that an Independent Scotland would work they will vote for it. Money is the key! Forget about the romantics and dreamers. Honest, accurate (as can be) financial projections would be a good start. The fact that the SNP cannot, will not, are simply unable to provide says a lot. The electorate need to be convinced with hard facts, Airy fairy solutions do not work for the majority!

    A tory Government in Westminster and the current SNP/Loons in Holyrood is bad for Scotland and it will only get worse.

    Apologies for the length of this post.

  280. James Che. says:

    I am waiting for a new plague to happen.

    So NS and BJ can test their new powers of lockdowns. Along with all the other countries that signed up for the China styled remedy From the WHO.

    And Bill Gate’s a non medical, not qualified as a doctor person, says another virus is coming,
    How would he know that in advance, i hear you asking?

    Mind you we have to keep in mind ” he” is one of the biggest of three funders into the WHO,
    And many a profit was made during the last pandemic control of people by vaccinations and ppe.

    And the news on the grape vine. Is that China has been set the task to discover where the last virus originated by world leaders.

    Preparing the minds of the public for viruses and biochemical warfare, so the governments can lock people into their homes with out much opposition while they swan around having parties and going to hairdressers, gyms. Test their eyesight and have affairs of the heart,.

  281. James Che. says:

    Sorting the errors of a yesterdays 300 year old treaty?

    This is where common sense is obviously needed.

    If you broke your leg a while ago,…..but did not realise how serious it was at the time, but was causing you problems now.
    Would you not try remedy that error later on. And fix it.

    Or would you say, its an old break, forget about it I prefer to continue to suffer.

    Suffering an error like a martyr is not the best way forward.

  282. Chas says:

    James Che

    Tell us how you are going to fix it?
    Will you enlist the assistance of the 10 other people in Scotland who are interested?

  283. James Che. says:

    Every time we talk over the rights or wrongs of the old 1707/treaty of the union,
    We have the same set of commentators telling us its old, forget about it.

    Very interesting,

    Apparently ( some ) think there is no corrallation between the ” YES ” independence movement in Scotland today and the old 1707 treaty of the union..
    Beggers believe!

  284. PacMan says:

    Everybody has their own reasons for wanting independence, mine is to have strong democratic parliamentary institutions.

    I know that under Holyrood, small parties have been marginalised and we are effectively in a one-party state but for instance having capped state funding for political parties and properly regulated news media, an independent Scotland could have balanced, representative governments.

    As to Sturgeon and her ilk dominating an independent Scotland, that wouldn’t last long. Business confidence in having to deal with in such a corrupt and economically incompetent environment would evaporate and inward investment collapsing as a result. They would be thrown out and responsible parties would be then elected.

    Besides, I doubt very much that Sturgeon would want to run a independent country with all the responsibilities that occurred. There would be no time for selfies and to get on daytime TV.

  285. James Che. says:

    Only opposition parties usually get play the “your such a small percentage card” a minority. and then continue to to try convince Scots that most Most Scots are not interested.

    You are gonna have to convince us that you use the EX in front of SNP logo a bit harder.
    And start talking like an EX.

  286. James Che. says:


    And it goes without saying , we would not have much time for such daytime broadcasting in an independent Scotland either.

  287. James Che. says:

    How am i going to fix it?

    I am not your Mamma.
    Your a big boy now.

    Contribute something instead of continuing to suckle like the SNP do.

  288. Ruby says:

    Chas says:
    13 May, 2022 at 12:00 pm

    The question is obviously too difficult for you to understand therefore your response is that it is simply a stupid question! At least it is not bonkers!

    Any question asking people to predict the future is stupid & bonkers.
    Why do you think only two people answered your question.

    My view is you either you have faith in the people of Scotland or you don’t.

    I believe you don’t have faith and you think we are too wee, too poor & most of all too stupid. Hence all your doubts & questions about money.

    PS When you voted No last time did you predict everything that has happened since 2014?

  289. Scott says:

    I find it incredible that so many people are adamant that the Union with England Act 1707 and the Claim of Right Act 1689 aren’t worthy of explanation to the people of Scotland. They’re the 2 most important pieces of legislation enacted by the Scots and both remain extant.

    The former sees the Kingdom of Scotland as joint signatory to all treaties entered into by the Parliament of Great Britain – this won’t end on independence.

    Scotland will fund itself the way UK does now…Central Bank issues currency at the request of Govt/Parliament…the wheels of commerce will still turn…and there’s loads of infrastructure improvements to keep civil engineers boring and happy for the next century at least.

    There’s already a ‘hard border’ at Gretna/Berwick, it’s where Scots law starts/ends. How hard it becomes wrt customs etc becomes an ecumenical matter either side of it.

    Everything else is just window dressing and distorting lies.

  290. Ruby says:

    Ellis, Chas & Main are posting here to try to ensure nobody gets too carried away with themselves.

    They never have anything positive or interesting to say.

    They are all about name calling & flame baiting.

  291. Ruby says:

    This deserves to be bumped up!

    wull says:

    “I’m not dodgy, I’m a Baroness,
    I’m not stodgy, I’m from Loch Ness:
    They dredged me up, and made me Arty:
    A Monster-Woman, in a monstrous Party.

    “I’d made a fortune from sellin’ panties,
    Then I made me over, till I looked fancy!
    I cared no’ a whit aboot keepin’ the books:
    That’s no’ whaur they luk, if you’ve got guid looks –

    “Or seem to have: that’s quite sufficient
    For Superficial Cameron and his Tory Co-efficient!
    I had him in tow, an’ I towed him home:
    ‘Arise!’, so said he, ‘Sweet Baroness Moan!’

    “Weel, I moaned an’ I groaned, an’ I mowed him doon –
    He thocht himself great, did thon wee cloon!
    An’ I let him think it, an’ I helped him oot
    To gi’e Scottish independence, a hefty cloot!

    “When there’s money to be made, wha’ cares aboot that?
    Even they learned it, these new Scottish Nats,
    Wha’ had their make-over when Salmond was gone
    And they a’ bowed to Sturgeon, on whom they now fawn.

    “She’s re-made them all, in her own spitting image,
    Her Party re-fitting, barred up in her cage!
    Independence and freedom to requirements now surplus:
    Her beast she has tamed, to serve her own purpose.

    “Her rod she hass rammed down, her flag all unfurled
    To silence the members, now mugged and all Murrelled:
    There’s nane can staun’ up, they’ve all been mowed down
    The men all unstuck, unner thumb o’ her crown!

    “The women invaded, by chromosome men,
    Who’ll ride into their spaces, again and again,
    Unhindered by law, they’ll can do as they please.
    An’ no polis in Sco’lan’ will can ask them to leave!

    “The fowk she’s deprived o’ their sovereign rights:
    Her darkness descending, she snuffed out the lights
    That lit up true Scots for centuries long –
    Weakness unfettered o’erpower’d a’ the strong!

    “She’s got them in thrall, an’ made them her slaves,
    Dumbfounded them all, run through wi’ her glave.
    Their leader became, and stole a’ o’ their clae’s,
    Thir’Independence she murder’d, an’ sent tae its grave!

    “I, Moan, played my part in makkin that happen.
    A’ the wye tae the bank, I wis heartily laughin’!
    I near bursted my sides, as I held ma heid high:
    Ah’m affy proud, tae ha’e helped Sco’lan’ die!

    “Sco’lan’, they say, is an accent o’ mind:
    But wan that, fur me, I wid’ fain lea’ behind
    If only I could. An’ I’ll keep on tryin’ …
    Yet it’s still mair important that London keeps buyin’ …

    “So, … Now back to Me!” says Baroness Moan!
    “Bungs can’t be repaid – they arenae’ a loan!
    I’m proud that I helped – to bring down all these Nats –
    Let’s lay them to rest, ‘mid their internal spats,

    “Deid in the waatter! The job had been done:
    So I searched out mair money, in love with more fun.
    I found all kind of ways, in Old London Town,
    To stack it all up, … an’ swalley it down!

    “Mr. Covid became my jolly old pal,
    Made myself ready, wis his lover-gal!
    From him I did make a great Monster profit …
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – “Come on, gerr off it!”

    “That knock on the door! That impertinent question!
    As if I’m a wh*re, not an important person!
    How dare they accost me, in that rude voice of theirs?
    Me – Baroness Moan – vile Plebs never spares!

    “It required my response, in my former accent
    Which aye-wayes comes back when ma min’ turns quite absent:
    A guid aul’ Scots tongue is guid for a lashin’
    They had better watch oot, ‘cos I’ll gi’e them a bashin’ …”

    Her voice, from oot o’ her… stang’yulated thrapple …cam
    But wis it a goat, or was it a lamb?
    Half-English, an’ Hauf-Scots it sorely sounded
    As she on the Polis so sorely rounded:

    “Ledgers are for Nancy Boys,
    Lea’ me alane, wi’ a’ ma Toys;
    Whit Boris bunged me, it’s a’ mine!
    Ah’m a Baroness, Ah don’t dae crime!

    “You can’t come in here, you little plebs:
    My mansion’s furr me – no’ for uniformed dregs!
    Don’t you know who I am?” said Baroness Moan,
    “I’m frae the House of Lords, and this is my home!

    “My home is my castle! I’m a Lady you know!
    So get oot o’ ma a**-hole, an’ pi** aff an’ go!
    Or I’ll get yeez a’ sacked, an’ locked up in the Nick
    I’ve got pow’r tae castrate ye, ya bunch o’ wee **icks!”

    So said the Lady, while losing control:
    Her tongue went berserk as she got on a roll,
    Then stappit! And pulled herself up, – tight -,
    Determined to impose … all her Lady-like right:

    “I cannot be charged! My bras are sae braw!
    Ever sin’ Lang Syne, above the Law!
    So get ye weel gone, ye London Polis –
    Or I’ll nick ye a’, wi’ my ain wee Boris!”

    She slammed the door fast, but the Polis had warrant
    Their feet were still faster, and in like a torrent
    They sped quickly past her, into her mansion
    To search for the evidence o’ thon mighty ransom

    Paid out to her, by her Boris & Co,
    And Government darlings that she held in tow
    For goods undelivered, service unrendered, …

    … But whatever they found, will soon be surrendered

    To whatever, in England, makes things disappear
    That Establishment forces don’t want folk to hear!
    If Sturgeon’s erasures were horribly blatant
    England’s, more subtle, seem to be latent …

    But they’re just the same, and still more effective:
    Not rubbed out by COPFs, but more subtly deflected
    By means you can’t see, or ever track down,
    That illusion of freedom – under the Crown –

    Is maintained, and held high, so that all jolly good chaps
    And their Baroness Ladies remain under wraps
    Which help and protect them, give them cotton wool lives
    Which save them from all things, save those nice silver knives

    Which they sometimes, it’s true, stick in each other’s backs
    But what does that matter if you’ve still got your sacks
    Stuffed full of money? From where, no one knows …
    And there’s no one to track it, wherever it goes … !

    Wee wounds in the back quickly heal, all the same:
    Don’t worry about it, it’s only a game!
    Not wielded in earnest, these knives – just for fun!
    You’re part of the game, so you’re the right kind of bum:

    You’ll keep all your money! At the end of the day
    You’ve played the game – and that is your pay.
    You stacked it all up, and it’s safe in your sack –
    Ordinary tax-payers won’t get it back …

    So, … please … , don’t you worry, you Baroness Moans
    You Nicola Sturgeons, and other like clones:
    You bold Peter Murrells, and SNP wallowers,
    Fellow-troughers like you, our newest of followers!

    You’ve done very well, deserve all you get,
    For the rest of your lives, you need never fret!
    We are the Old Things, and you are the New:
    We look after ourselves, but we also like you!

    You will be cared for, for you played your part:
    Kept our Kingdom United, which is OUR work of art.
    Come right away in! But don’t forget it’s ALL OURS,
    This UK you kept for us, and so are its powers!

    We’ll take out – and share out – from our wonderful store!
    You will get plenty! … (But we will get more)!
    Such are the rules for new fairies, and elves,
    Who’ve joined in our circle, to seek their own selves.

    You’re still far from the centre, but at least you got in:
    It wasn’t so bad, was it? That first little sin?
    Which pushed the door open, to let you get in!

    Then prepare for the next one – you nice little fibber!
    Run fully this race, for which you pulled the trigger –
    For Lying’s a habit, which gets longer and bigger!

    But not just a habit! NO! … Our circle’s chief skill!
    Without it you won’t last! So, go for the kill!
    Hone it, perfect it, Love and Embrace!
    It’s in order to win it, that you entered this race!

    Get better and better at the art of true-Lying
    Ever more expert, get all of them buying
    Into the Rubbish you tell them, these ridiculous fools:
    Those outside our circle, for these are our tools

    To tie them in knots, and empty their purses,
    Fill their minds with our rot, rain down on them curses!
    For We hate them all, though they think we’re their friends:
    We suck up to them … To achieve our own ends!


    And now that you’re made it, enjoy this life well
    ‘Fore Auld Nick comes up, and drags you down to Hell …
    A fate that awaits you … Unless out of his grip,
    By lying still further, you give him the slip.

    We think that you can’t: for You’re still beginners –
    Your skills won’t convince him that you are not sinners:
    He’ll beat all your arguments, and drag you all down
    Into that Sulphur-Lake, where – with him, you’ll drown!

    He’s very intelligent, that Auld Yin: Beware!
    Your skills need more honing, not to end in his Lair!
    Become Uber Liars. like Us Experts: We’re Great …
    For We’ll still deceive him, and avoid that dread fate!

    Our Best-Ever Lies, we’ll careful select …
    His wild accusations we’ll parry, deflect …
    We’ll match and we’ll beat him, at his very own game
    For although he is like Us, he’s not the same …

    His cunning is huge, that Ancient Old Pest
    But of all the world’s Liars, … We are the Best!
    We’ll have Nick for breakfast, and after we’ve eaten
    We’ll Lie our way out, and reach Ultimate Freedom!

    Our Inner Circle! It cannot be beaten
    So, all ye wee minions, Shut up and listen.
    We let you come in here, but your stay will be fleeting
    Unless you obey us, in all of your sinning.

    Our Orders just follow, We’re bigger than Nick…
    …There now! A bone for you!…Don’t simper… Wee brick!
    A pat on the head, … she calms down and smiles
    She knows that the UK, is better – by miles!

    “They think they can match me! These old UK fools!
    That they make up their own Lies, … when they are my tools!
    Deceived by conceit, of their very own mind,
    They think they can beat me with Lies they refined!

    “As if the Father of Lies, of them all, I am not
    Who has all of them tied up, so tight in my knot!
    As if they’ve forgotten the source of their gree
    Lies in one fact alone: that they’ve bowed down to me!

    “Deceived by themselves, the whole point they have missed:
    All Lies are all mine: it’s me that they’ve kissed!
    I won’t let them go, I’ve got them tongue-tied:
    They spout out my Lies that I, to them, Lied!

    Fleshed-out lies lack future time
    Death’s vale arrives, and then, no Line
    Of Spin can e’er Survive
    The jaws of Hell that Open Up
    For them that Helter-Skelter-downward lived
    Wi’ De’il to sup
    In Lies so brashly Brazen …
    What can be said?
    the … Kyrie,
    – – – – – – Eleison!

  292. Republicofscotland says:

    Labour councillors in my home town of Glasgow set for civil war as an old head returns to cuckoo his way back into the top of taxpayers trough.

    Here’s a wee bit of history on Mr Redmond and other GCC Labour councillors.

    I recall (in the past) that Labour held Glasgow, that the head of CityLife had Jacobite swords removed from the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum display cases because they has writings etched on them for an independent Scotland.

    link to

    link to

  293. wee monkey says:

    So The SNP in Glasgow cancel both free meals for the homeless and £100 winter fuel allowance for pensioners 3 days after the local elections. That’ll teach them for voting Tory.

    Now, call yourself “nationalists”? REALLY??

  294. Ruby says:

    Mark Boyle says:

    Or maybe people are cancelling their subs because of his comments on trans and other matters and are regarding him as a bit of a sell out?

    I’m very disappointed with Craig Murray. I can’t believe what I’m reading on his Twitter account.

    His latest is:

    Craig Murray –
    Replying to
    Because they are my opinions and matter to me. I am perfectly entitled to them.

    I express them on my own twitter account. Nobody is forced to reply or even read.

    What is truly, deeply sinister is the fact you and so many others believe I ought not to express my opinion.
    1:16 PM · May 13, 2022·Twitter Web App

    It’s true he is entitled to his opinions & that people don’t have to read them.

    However I do think you have to tread carefully if you are

    1. Relying on subscriptions for your living.

    2. If you are a high profile member of a political party who are desperately trying to win votes and your views are not helping.

  295. Andy Ellis says:

    @Tourette’s Ruby 1.33 & 2.14 pm

    “Ellis, Chas & Main are posting here to try to ensure nobody gets too carried away with themselves.

    They never have anything positive or interesting to say.

    They are all about name calling & flame baiting.”

    No impartial observer looking at your…..input….would agree. Your posts consist entirely of bad mouthing those you don’t like and discussions about one topic GRA reform/TRA’s. I don’t always agree with much of what John Main says politically, or with Chas, but at least they’re not a potty mouthed monomaniacal bores like you. As to you thinking you have any business calling others out for name calling and flame baiting, it is to laugh.

    As for your entirely un self aware pearl of wisdom 2.14 pm:

    “If you are a high profile member of a political party who are desperately trying to win votes and your views are not helping.”

    You and a few of your moonhowling mates might want to have a wee ponder whether bilge you spout in here is helping the independence movement convince more currently undecided voters to switch sides and help us achieve independence. Craig Murray is of course right that everyone is entitled to their opinion and to express it online.

    It is however glaringly obvious to anyone with any sense of perspective that you and some of your chums in here, whether the blood and soil nativists, chip on their shoulder “Scotland is a colony” merchants, Treaties of Union bores, Putinista shills and anti vaxxers are hardly an advertisement for the movement, still less a help to it. Independence isn’t going to be won because of fringe nutter like you and them, but in spite of you.

  296. Robert Hughes says:

    The thing about opinions is ( no, not THAT thing ) people will disagree with them – obviously .

    Haven’t been paying much attention to the Craig Murray * thing * but I hope he’s not starting to play the same game as all the fuckwits in and around the wayward Sturgeon/NSNP orbit ie calling others’ disagreement with any particular opinion * abuse * , usually accompanied by the intensifier * vile * .

    As far as his – Craig’s – Trans-stance goes , for me it’s a case of thinking he’s missing some pretty critical points on the real life implications of Self-Id for actual , biological women . But this in itself , though * regrettable * is not sufficient cause to invalidate everything he’s done and continues to do to support Independence and , generally , being one the few remaining truthful journalists left standing

  297. James Che. says:

    We are thinkers, part of the Scottish enlightenment, chemists, inventors,
    busineses, every day ordinary workers, mums, dads granny and grandads,
    lawyers, bin men, doctors, nurses and health care workers,
    Fishermen and farmers, bloggers, trades men. And the occasional politician. Engineers, forestry workers, landscape gardeners, tourist industry workers,

    What we are not.
    Is a political party.

    I have never been in a political party, although i have been asked a few times.

    For me independence of Scotland means bringing the country back to the people, to ensure they retain their Sovereignty.

    For the purpose of checks and balances in democracy, to ensure that governments work for the people, and not the other way around.

    Luckily having no loyalties to any political party other than the people of Scotland means i have not been to disappointed when those parties have failed us.
    I remain steadfast in my believe that Scotland could have the ability to be a prosperous country for its people.
    But to do that we must find our way around the the problematic treaty of the old union and Sovereignty issues,

    To continue to keep those not informed, whom may not realise or heard the power as people they hold when acting upon their sovereign rights.

    There are no doubts for me, Sovereignty in Scotland, and democracy as a result of that Sovereignty

  298. Breeks says:

    PacMan says:
    13 May, 2022 at 12:38 pm
    Everybody has their own reasons for wanting independence, mine is to have strong democratic parliamentary institutions….

    You reminded me of this…

    link to

    Seems a lifetime ago now…

  299. Republicofscotland says:

    “Paypal have cut off a number of radical media outlets. Part of the corporate censorship that gatekeeps the modern internet.”


    Indeed, the likes of Consortium news and Mint Press have had their PayPal accounts messed about with for not reporting the official BS narrative on a number of things.

    “Ellis, Chas & Main are posting here to try to ensure nobody gets too carried away with themselves”


    Those three tossers are in here to monitor they have an agenda and its nothing to do with an independent Scotland.

  300. Ruby says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    13 May, 2022 at 2:39 pm

    @Tourette’s Ruby 1.33 & 2.14 pm

    “Ellis, Chas & Main are posting here to try to ensure nobody gets too carried away with themselves.

    They never have anything positive or interesting to say.

    They are all about name calling & flame baiting.”

    No impartial observer looking at your…..input….would agree. Your posts consist entirely of bad mouthing those you don’t like and discussions about one topic GRA reform/TRA’s

    Yawn! Another mile long rant from one of the ‘Undertow Trio’

    At least my “one topic’ is relevant to the cause of Independence.
    How is your ‘never ending 24/7 pissing contest’ about Ukraine helping?

  301. Republicofscotland says:

    Our poor kids not only will they be forced to read this shit, when they are finished in school they come home to watch tv which have more of this shit on it than the Ukrainian fantasy.

    “The UK Government is spending a whopping £12 million on sending the “commemorative” book to children across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland – despite education being devolved.

    The publication, commissioned by the UK Government and published by DK Books and titled “Queen Elizabeth: A Platinum Jubilee Celebration””

    £12 million quid to remind us of what a perverted bunch of self-gratifying parasites that auld queen lizzie and her brood are.

    I can only hope teachers in Scotland toss these offending books in the trash.

  302. Republicofscotland says:

    Of course I blame Sturgeon the betrayer of Scots for the energy costs that are rising and will continue to rise, when the betrayers not pushing for bearded blokes to force their way into women’s safe spaces, she’s calling for WWIII with her no-fly zone over Ukraine.

    However, because the betrayer sold us out, and energy bills have still to peak, England’s government wants to push your energy bills up even higher.

    “THE TORY Energy Secretary has admitted the Government’s nuclear plans may increase household energy bills.

    Kwasi Kwarteng conceded the Tory push for new nuclear power plants could see energy bills go up despite the Government’s failure to introduce immediate measures to tackle the cost of living crisis.

    Challenged on the impact of plans to pump millions into nuclear energy, the minister told the BBC the plans “might have a small effect” on household energy prices.

    He said current investments in hydrogen were seeing an extra £30 added to utility costs but would not be drawn on putting an exact figure on the potential knock-on effect of nuclear investment.”

    Ah the benefits of the union.

  303. Andy Ellis says:

    @Tourette’s Ruby 3.39 pm

    If you’re too intellectually low voltage to figure out why the war in Ukraine might have an impact on the prospects for Scottish independence, and why discussing it might be important – particularly given the optics of having skid marks on the movement like Putin’s Poodle in here cheerleading Putin’s Orcs and telling the world the Ukrainians had it coming – I can’t really help you Ruby.

    As you admit, you only ever really talk about one hobby horse issue, which although many of us share your views on it, IS only one issue which doesn’t directly affect that many people, even if it does impact to an extent on the support some people, particularly women, may give to the independence movement.

    More balance individuals contributing BTL can and do talk about a range of issues. We’re not all obsessed with one thing like you with GRA, or James Che with 300 year old treaties, or Putin’s Poodle with the Kremlin’s agitprop playbook. Some of us are capable of debating on a number of issues, and pointing out bullshit when the hard of thinking just keep digging, as evidenced by Rev Stu’s very public slapping down of Putin’s Poodle on his disinformation about WMD’s during the week. He went mercifully quiet for a while after that, doubtless nursing the burn Stu doled out.

    As for my “rants” being a mile long, it simply demonstrates your lack of perspective (i.e. look at the length of many other contributions) and speaks to your inability to express yourself coherently other than via your own sweary rants. It’s not a sin to be inarticulate Ruby, it is a sin to be so proud of it as you obviously are.

  304. Andy Ellis says:

    Just catching up with Robin McAlpine’s piece “After Alba” which concludes:

    “As the say in American politics, right now the SNP leadership is the dog that caught the car. It wanted total control, to get total control it told elaborate stories about how independence is always five minutes away, and now it has backed itself into a corner where it is promising – unequivocally – that next year is a dead-cert. Many of them have actually said ‘no ifs, no buts’.

    It wanted the dance floor clear and it got it. If it doesn’t have the moves, it may start wishing it had a bit more company out there to hide behind.”

    link to

    I reckon his epitaph for Alba is a tad premature, but I wonder what will happen after the SNP fails to deliver #indyref2 in 2023 as it inevitable will?

    Do we think the SNP will take a hit?

    Will the SNP membership finally defenestrate Sturgeon and her cabal?

    Will those disillusioned with the failure to deliver #indyref2 transfer their support to other parties, or get so frustrated they give up?

    Is Robin right that Alba is probably toast and unlikely to make progress?

    If he’s right that the “old” indy movement can’t be repaired, where do we go from here?

    I’m sure some of the adults still in the room might have some interesting views….?

  305. Republicofscotland says:

    “POLICE Scotland is to pay a former officer almost £1 million after a tribunal found evidence of a “sexist culture” in the organisation.”

    I’m pretty sure Police Scotland has paid out millions over the years in hush money for similar claims, then there’s the likes of Chief Constable Phil Gormley who left Police Scotland under a cloud as did Stephen House.

    Our COPFS isn’t any better nor our Faculty of Advocates, the former we saw in action, on the Alex Salmond Inquiry and it wasn’t a pretty sight. Very recently on QC’s activities Brian Connachie were reported on and if you haven’t read it, it makes for colourful reading.

    Then there was the fit up of Craig Murray and the part our judiciary played in that, from top to bottom Scotland is at present a wee corrupt banana republic.

    link to

    link to

  306. Republicofscotland says:

    In England the Labour party are at odds with each other in a long held council as well.

    “LABOUR’S bid to re-take one of its red wall seats in a byelection has been thrown into turmoil amid claims of a ‘stitch-up’ by party bosses.

    The entire executive committee of Wakefield’s local Labour group has quit en masse in protest at the way the candidate selection has been handled. ”

    link to

    Of course Keir Hardy must be burlin in his grave at the thought of a millionaire knight of the realm now leading a supposed peoples Labour party.

    From what I’ve read this millioniare knight of the realm failed as head of the DoP to make sure Jimmy Saville was prosecuted, and he made sure that the murderers of Charles de Menezes has no case to answer to.

  307. Ruby says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    13 May, 2022 at 3:57 pm

    @Tourette’s Ruby 3.39 pm
    As you admit, you only ever really talk about one hobby horse issue, which although many of us share your views on it, IS only one issue which doesn’t directly affect that many people,

    Only 51% of voters in Scotland but hey they are only women.

    “Who cares what they think they are probably menopausal or on their periods! Don’t pay any attention to their anger and swearing – it’s all down to them having tourettes. ”

    Not just a cunt but a misogynistic cunt.

    Why don’t you call your fellow Alba member Craig Murray and you could go off and have a drink and discuss how vile, bigotted, hormonal, bad tempered, foul mouth haridans they all are.

  308. James Che. says:

    Wish we could forget about the 300 year old.

    In fact i make this promise.
    When good ole empire throw out their toy treaty because they broke it.

    I will stop talking about the darn thing,

    However they chose to keep the conversational links in Scotland tied to the the treaty by westminster acting in a colonial manner,
    Making on only england owns the treaty of the union.

    But still, those trying to do the same ole things westminsters way through a corrupted system will always fail to achieve an independent Scotland,

    Every time Scotland gets near the goal posts, up they jump and change the goal posts position.

    Which method is really chasing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

    The tried and tested method of getting a politician we did not vote for plus lies through his back teeth kinda politician with referendum rainbows.

    Or perhaps a new untested method based on history. And documentation.

  309. Andy Ellis says:

    @Tourette’s Ruby 4.39 pm

    I don’t agree with Craig Murray on the issue. Given his recent pronouncements I would break out my tiniest violin if he decides to leave Alba. The fact I think you personally are a skid mark on the independence movement is no reflection on women as a whole.

    The issue of GRA is important to many, both men and women but as local elections have shown it hasn’t had a huge impact on what parties the 51% of women choose to vote for, because folk don’t usually vote based on one issue. That’s because normal people aren’t mono maniacal fringe moon howlers like you Ruby.

    I think you’re a liability to the movement, but it has nothing to do with your sex, and everything to do with the fact you’re a deeply unpleasant individual who has only a passing acquaintance with reality.

    The fact you try and hide the fact you’re little more than a collection of personality defects wrapped up in a skin bag behind false allegations of being discriminated against because of your sex tells us all we need to know about you Ruby: the hard of thinking always try that kind of tactic to disguise their inability to make their points honestly.

  310. Andy Ellis says:

    Speaking of mono maniacs……

    “Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue” eh James?

  311. James Che. says:

    What fears those not wishing us to scrutinise the treaty of the union?

  312. Republicofscotland says:

    Why isn’t the West doing anything about this, yet the focus is entirely on Ukraine as the Israeli’s commit war crimes and crimes against humanity almost on a daily basis.

    The hypocrisy of the West is staggering.

    link to

  313. Mark Boyle says:

    Republicofscotland says: 13 May, 2022 at 4:17 pm

    Of course Keir Hardy must be burlin in his grave at the thought of a millionaire knight of the realm now leading a supposed peoples Labour party.

    Something Enoch Powell predicted back on 18 October 1964 in the Sunday Telegraph, where in an article about the abrupt swing of voters in Black Country seats towards the Tories because of disillusionment with Labour as a party of careerists (even though Wilson had just taken them to power two days earlier), he said “In the end, the Labour Party could cease to represent labour. Stranger historic ironies have happened than that.”

    He lived just long enough to see exactly that happen under Tony Blair.

  314. moixx says:

    The Parliamentary Committee looking at the Gender Recognition Reform Bill has put out a call for views via a Short Survey of seven Yes/No questions and a comment box. It’s closing on Monday 16 May.

    There’s a link to it on For Women Scotland’s website: link to

    The FWS website gives some pointers for completing it (one of the questions is a bit vague) plus they’ve got some good links, including a summary of the meetings the SG (finally) had with women’s groups.

  315. Andy Ellis says:

    Ooooft…Putin’s Poodle is going to have to have a word with Iain Lawson now about his recent tweets on the fallacious Putinista narrative on neo-nazism in the Ukraine:

    “Neo-Nazi, far right and xenophobic groups do exist in Ukraine, like in pretty much any other country, including Russia,”. “They are vocal and can be prone to violence but they are numerically small, marginal and their political influence at the state level is non-existent.” 4.17 pm 13/05/22

    “A statement signed by more than 300 historians who study genocide, Nazism and World War II said Putin’s rhetoric about de-Nazifying fascists among Ukraine’s elected leadership is “propaganda.” 4.18 pm 13/05/22

    “More difficult statistics about the far right in Ukraine! In the end, Svoboda’s party list received just 2.25 percent of the vote – half of what it received in 2014 and a quarter of what it won in 2012. It is going backwards ever since the 2014 revolution and Zelensky’s election.” 4.38 pm 13/05/22

  316. Mark Boyle says:

    Ruby says: 13 May, 2022 at 2:14 pm

    I’m very disappointed with Craig Murray. I can’t believe what I’m reading on his Twitter account.

    His latest is: Craig Murray –@CraigMurrayOrg Replying to @HennieInglis

    Because they are my opinions and matter to me. I am perfectly entitled to them.

    I express them on my own twitter account. Nobody is forced to reply or even read.

    What is truly, deeply sinister is the fact you and so many others believe I ought not to express my opinion.

    My reply would be what is truly, deeply sinister is that you Craig are treating anyone crying foul as, erm, “truly, deeply sinister”. Words such as “loaded language” spring to mind.

    Sure Craig you wouldn’t like some scary music playing in the background of that post Craig so we know how impossible evil these people are? Or just have someone play an augmented fourth endlessly in the background?

    People having opinions cuts both ways.

  317. robbo says:

    Mark Boyle says:
    13 May, 2022 at 6:38 pm
    Ruby says: 13 May, 2022 at 2:14 pm

    Was thinking much the same thing Mark Boyle. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s back in SNP within the year- hypocrite that man.

  318. Mark Boyle says:

    For those wanting to go straight to the Scottish government website to register their views on the Gender Recognition Reform Bill, you can do so right here:

    link to

    I’ve done so, and if it gets me blacklisted from every Scottish local authority vacancy from now until doomsday, so be it. When this all comes back to blow up in theirs and the protagonists of this madness’s faces, I will be one of those able to say “NOT GUILTY!”

  319. Chas says:


    ‘Any question asking people to predict the future is stupid & bonkers’.

    Why do people bother voting for any particular Political Party based on their manifestos and predictions for the future? Is that stupid or just bonkers?

    ‘Why do you think only two people answered your question’.

    A reluctance to face the reality of the situation Scotland and the UK now finds itself in. People are always reluctant to admit they have been conned.

    ‘My view is you either you have faith in the people of Scotland or you don’t. I believe you don’t have faith and you think we are too wee, too poor & most of all too stupid. Hence all your doubts & questions about money’.

    It is not a question of faith but a question of competence. Who do you put your faith in Ruby? Who do you see as competent? I have never said we are too wee. The jury is out regarding too poor. Why does someone not try and convince me we are not? Despite the almost daily revelations of incompetence the SNP seem to garner more votes than any other individual party. Is that a sign of intelligence? I see lots of stupid posting on this site. Ask someone who has very little money how it feels? The feelings are exactly the same for individuals, Companies or Countries. The lack of funds prevents anyone/any entity from doing what they want to do.

    ‘PS When you voted No last time did you predict everything that has happened since 2014?’

    I did not vote in 2014 as I was working outwith Scotland. I would have voted yes however the SNP did not allow me a vote. In hindsight they did me a favour.

  320. Republicofscotland says:

    Agent Ellis @6.36pm.

    Well I looked up some of the 300, I gave up after a bit as a pattern was beginning to form, connections to deep state mileu’s such as the John Hopkins University or the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, or similar pro-US anti-Russian institutes, backed by the likes of the Kock Family Foundations, BAE Systems, Open Society Foundation, and the Ford Foundation.

    For anyone interested, I at least have provided the list unlike Agent Ellis.

    link to

    Anyway as you are on the subject of Ukraine Agent Ellis, what do you make of the disastrous attempt by the Nazi’s to take back Snake Island on the eve of the The Great Victory Parade, the Nazi’s lost a hell of a lot of men and equipment in that operation, and its thought a high ranking British General and Lieutenant Colonel from the Great Satan’s country (US) were either killed or captured. The Nazi’s losses were compounded by Washington and Westminster urging Zelensky to throw everything they had at the island to rescue or recover their officers dead or alive.

  321. PacMan says:

    Breeks says: 13 May, 2022 at 3:10 pm

    You reminded me of this…

    link to

    Seems a lifetime ago now…

    Simple, concise but powerful arguments for any country desiring independence.

    There may be some validity in the claim made by a poster previously that disastrous results for Alba may be due to the poisoning of ‘brand independence’ by Nicola Sturgeon and her cabal.

    It does have merit, not only due to her slick media image being slowly peeled away as she repeatedly blinks from one crisis to another but also by the sheepish Churchill dog nodding of the SNP supporters who simply refuse to see her failings and attacks those who point them out.

    The thought had occurred to me that the independence movement might need a re branding exercise where they take a particular political standpoint where they argue not just for an independent Scotland but also how an independent Scotland should politically go right after independence.

    I don’t know if this a viable option or would be political suicide. For me specifically I don’t feel attached to politics because I’ve seen how movements have been subverted and manipulated through the actions of Nicola Sturgeon.

    However, ultimately it is starting to look like the Tories are weaponising the cost of living crisis for their idealogical goals to shrink the state and privatise everything in sight and lets be honest about it, the NHS will not be spared. It may be a case events dictate a more radical political solution is required in light of us.

    For me, I feel uncomfortable about the thought of that but it may end up none of us has a choice but to follow it. As long as the strengthening of democratic institutions which I mentioned, is implemented, it will be possible in time move back to more moderate politics.

  322. robbo says:

    Re this bill. What does this mean btw?

    Do you agree with the removal of the Gender Recognition Panel from the Process, with applications instead being made to the Registrar General?
    Don’t know

    Who the feck is the register general? Thon clown in Rape Crisis Scotland?

  323. Ruby says:

    @Misogynistic Cunt Ellis 5:29 pm

    @Tourette’s Ruby 4.39 pm
    because folk don’t usually vote based on one issue.

    Did you get that one straight out of the Tory/Better Together handbook?

    “In the event of another election victory, the SNP plans first to make a moral case — calling on the U.K. government to recognize they have won the democratic right to hold another referendum.

    The SNP’s opponents have also noted that this is a parliamentary election, on which voters will consider a range of policies — not just the question of independence.”

    When Boris gives Nicola a knockback and every Westminster seat is won by Independence supporting parties will your ‘Undertow Trio’ be on here arguing that the Westminster vote doesn’t count as support for independence
    because folk don’t usually vote based on one issue.

    I can just imagine it.
    I’m just wondering what name you will be calling those who believe “Independence supporting parties winning every seat in Scotland that they have won the democratic right to hold another referendum.”

  324. Chas says:

    James Che 1.04, 4.39, 6.17

    For once I will play your silly game.
    Following popular demand in Scotland and a lengthy and expensive Court case, The Union with England Act 1707 and the Claim of Right Act 1689 are repudiated with immediate effect. What happens next?

  325. Scott says:

    Chas says:
    13 May, 2022 at 7:30 pm

    James Che 1.04, 4.39, 6.17

    For once I will play your silly game.
    Following popular demand in Scotland and a lengthy and expensive Court case, The Union with England Act 1707 and the Claim of Right Act 1689 are repudiated with immediate effect. What happens next?

    What game are you playing Chas, Haven’t a Cleudo?

  326. Dan says:

    Your country needs YOU!

    link to

  327. Chas says:


    It is abundantly clear to all that you do not have a cluedo or a clue.
    Keep taking the tablets!

  328. Andy Ellis says:

    @Putins Poodle 7.16 pm

    More Kremlin agitprop I see…par for the course with you I know, but where on earth do you dredge this bullshit up?

    ” its thought a high ranking British General and Lieutenant Colonel from the Great Satan’s country (US) were either killed or captured.”

    That’s a hum dinger even by your usual deranged conspiracy theorising standards. It’ll turn out to be as accurate as your assertions about the many foreigners in the Azovstal complex, and US Lt Gen Cloutier having been catured, and NATO personnel being in Odesa….all total fantasy of course, but useful distraction agitprop from the failing Orc invasion, the war crimes trials and video evidence of the Orcs shooting innocent Ukrainian civilians.

    The reality (a hard concept for you to grasp I realise….but other alert readers will doubtless bear with us…) is likely to be that the Russians have been suffering much greater losses at Snake Island and the videos available online show: landing craft, patrol boats, helicopters, S400 missile systems…not to mention Moskva of course.

    As for the list of 300 historians, you’ve attempted to rubbish it before. When challenged to do so you signally failed to provide any list of experts holding the opposite view or indeed even a scintilla of evidence of any widespread counter point. You’re so unbalanced that you’re honestly expecting the general public – who you are presumably trying to convince that your Putinista narrative is right – that this very large number of academics and experts are all wrong, but you and….who exactly?…are right?

    A turd of argument like yours remains a turd however lovingly polished and repeated. Nobody but you and vanishingly small bunch of neo-commies and far left roasters sees it as anything other than barking.

  329. Andy Ellis says:

    Since Putin’s Poodle refreshed my memory about the historians letter, it’s worth re-emphasising the conclusion for the benefit of the (thankfully) few Putinista skid marks polluting our movement”

    “We strongly reject the Russian government’s cynical abuse of the term genocide, the memory of World War II and the Holocaust, and the equation of the Ukrainian state with the Nazi regime to justify its unprovoked aggression. This rhetoric is factually wrong, morally repugnant and deeply offensive to the memory of millions of victims of Nazism and those who courageously fought against it, including Russian and Ukrainian soldiers of the Red Army.

    “We do not idealize the Ukrainian state and society. Like any other country, it has right-wing extremists and violent xenophobic groups. Ukraine also ought to better confront the darker chapters of its painful and complicated history. Yet none of this justifies the Russian aggression and the gross mischaracterization of Ukraine. At this fateful moment we stand united with free, independent and democratic Ukraine and strongly reject the Russian government’s misuse of the history of World War II to justify its own violence.”

    Anyone who can’t endorse the above is utterly without in a moral compass and should be shunned by any right thinking person, not just by those in our movement.

  330. Republicofscotland says:

    Agent Ellis.

    Not only is Cloutier either captured or cowering in the Azovstal along with other Nato officers such as Trevor Cadieu a Canadian lieutenant-general, (Canadan PM Trudeau snuck into Ukraine on Sunday to try and barter his and other freedom from the Azovstal) and many mad dog mercenaries but the UNSC Antonio Guterres, a Bilderberger and Club Madrid member is refusing this week to answer questions on the role he played in the recent attempt by US, British, Canadian and other foreign combatants to escape the bunkers under the Azovstal plant, using the human shield of civilians trying to evacuate.

    It is a crime to keep civilians, if there are any there, as human shields.”

    “This war crime has been recognized since 1977 by the UN in Protocol 1 of the Geneva Convention. In US law for US soldiers and state officials, planning to employ or actually using human shields is a war crime to be prosecuted under 10 US Code Section 950t. ”

    “Instead, Guterres ignored the Kremlin warning and the war crime law, and authorized UN officials, together with Red Cross officials, to conceal what Guterres himself knew of the foreign military group trying to escape. Overnight from New York, Guterres has refused to say what he knew of the military escape operation, and what he had done to distinguish, or conceal the differences between the civilians and combatants in the evacuation plan over the weekend of April 30-May 1.May.”

    “As for the list of 300 historians, you’ve attempted to rubbish it before. When challenged to do so you signally failed to provide any list of experts holding the opposite view or indeed even a scintilla of evidence of any widespread counter point. ”

    Oh you mean the predominately US, UK, Israeli and European academics whose countries are supplying weapons, aid, and covert troops to Ukraine and applying sanctions on Russia right now, forgive me if I and others don’t bow down and agree with them and their countries agenda.

  331. Ruby says:

    Chas says:
    13 May, 2022 at 7:07 pm
    Who do you put your faith in Ruby

    People of Scotland

  332. Republicofscotland says:

    Of course Guterres isn’t the first UN secretary-general to be investigated for abetting war crimes against civilians.

    “Kurt Waldheim (right), an Austrian who was Secretary-General between 1972 and 1981, had been a Nazi Party member and German Wehrmacht officer serving in staff intelligence and command roles in the invasions of Yugoslavia and Greece. To the evidence of German war crimes, witnesses, records, and a US government prosecution, Waldheim claimed he didn’t know. He took Canadian lessons in forgetfulness when he was Austria’s ambassador in Ottawa between 1956 and 1960. On his deathbed, he admitted “mistakes” but not complicity.”

  333. Andy Ellis says:

    @Dan 7.56 pm

    Another good – if depressing – piece from Robin. In his conclusion he says:

    “By next year, at conference, if you are shuffling around saying ‘we did everything we could to hold a referendum but it wasn’t enough so I need to hold my nose a bit longer’, accept that you’re definitely the problem.

    The SNP’s legacy in Scotland is now shaping up to be almost entirely toxic and the signs are that no-one but no-one can do anything about it. Except you.”

    If that’s really the case we may REALLY need that Plan B folks, because given what happened after the SNP membership tried to exert its power and influence last time only to see the party overturn their decisions, we sure as hell shouldn’t be relying on the sheeple still in the SNP to be staging a palace coup!

  334. wee monkey says:

    Apparently slippers Pete REALLY doesn’t like the word ferry.
    As for ferries….


  335. Andy Ellis says:

    @Putin’s Poodle 8.41 pm

    “Not only is Cloutier either captured or cowering in the Azovstal along with other Nato officers such as Trevor Cadieu a Canadian lieutenant-general, (Canadan PM Trudeau snuck into Ukraine on Sunday to try and barter his and other freedom from the Azovstal)”

    link to

    Worth fisking this in detail:

    “No Evidence Russia Captured Canadian General Cadieu In Azovstal!
    Bearing in mind that it is impossible to prove that something does not exist (Russell’s teapot), I can safely say that there is NO EVIDENCE that Russian forces actually captured Canadian general Trevor Cadieu in Azovstal.

    In fact, here are the reasons why it is virtually impossible for Russia to have captured him in the Azovstal metalworks in the besieged city of Mariupol.”

    1. Trevor Cadieu is Retired From Canadian Armed Forces: he resigned and left the Canadian armed forces on 5 April 2022
    2. He Volunteered In Ukraine As A Private Citizen
    3. Russia Surrounded Mariupol on 2 March 2022, before Cadieu resigned.
    4. Cadieu Would Be Useless In Mariupol: why would they want a superannuated general there, rather than in a strategic role behind the lines.
    5. Russians Would Have Paraded Captured Cadieu: if they’re so keen to parade 2 UK volunteers who were random volunteers, they’d be plastering any high profile figures all over the media: instead, nada…zero pictures, zero evidence, just bullshit rumours from a few WhatsApp and Telegram groups.
    6. DPR Rep Confirmed Cadieu Not Arrested: Basurin (spokesman for the People’s Militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic) confirmed that Russian forces did not capture Cadieu.

  336. sarah says:

    @ Dan at 7.56: that is a great article by Robin McAlpine that you linked – it is true that the SNP membership need to take control of the party back from HQ BUT how when all communications, conference motions, funds are controlled by said HQ?

  337. msdidi says:

    robbo says:
    13 May, 2022 at 7:20 pm
    Re this bill. What does this mean btw?
    Do you agree with the removal of the Gender Recognition Panel from the Process, with applications instead being made to the Registrar General?
    Don’t know
    For Women Scotland give “suggested responses (the first seven questions are Yes/No only, but we have included an explanation of our reasoning)” link to
    I hope this helps

  338. Ruby says:

    link to

    “The intention of the 2004 Act was to restrict Gender Recognition Certificates (GRC) to the small, objectively identifiable group of people who have a demonstrated medical need. The Scottish Government has not recognised that by removing this fundamental criteria the law is no longer about trans people – it opens up the ability to change the sex recorded on your birth certificate to 100% of the population. In the last two years neither Shirley-Anne Somerville, nor the current Cabinet Secretary responsible for the Bill, Shona Robison, have been able to justify this, or explain why someone without gender dysphoria has any need to change their sex in law.”

    This is the truly crazy part of the SNP’s GRA.
    Time to ask ‘WHAT IS A TRANS PERSON?’ When you accuse someone of being transphobic what do you mean? I used to know what a trans person was. I can’t say I was totally comfortable with trans people however I was able to be kind because I felt compassion for them. It must be terrible having gender dysphoria. Unfortunately for people with gender dysphoria this compassion I felt has been totally lost and and what I feel for this new type of trans person that Nicola Sturgeon & Craig Murray are so support of is anger. My message is ‘Fuck Off! and stop taking the piss!”

  339. PacMan says:

    sarah says: 13 May, 2022 at 11:21 pm

    @ Dan at 7.56: that is a great article by Robin McAlpine that you linked – it is true that the SNP membership need to take control of the party back from HQ BUT how when all communications, conference motions, funds are controlled by said HQ?

    It has been posted here many a time that the SNP is taking the role of a colonialist government. I’m being diplomatic and saying the SNP is happy to stay in their comfort zone by running a devolved administration and deflecting blame for their failings on Westminster.

    Whatever way you look at it, while the SNP is taking Westminster money, it is a Scotland only party who are making decisions with what they feel is right for Scotland. Whether those decisions are wrong, and they are, they are not being taken by Westminster but here in Scotland.

    It is frustrating with the lack of success of Alba but I look upon the current situation is that we have worked under the Westminster system with devolution and it isn’t working. Devolution isn’t working as we are mirroring Westminster’s policies albeit with a Scottish spin and only independence is the answer if you want to take a different direction what is happening in the rest of the UK.

    The question for the SNP membership is whether they want to stay in their comfort zone or do they go for independence? (Hint, if they want to go for independence then it isn’t going to happen with the SNP)

  340. Dorothy Devine says:

    may I recommend the Guardian cartoon – Martin Rowson in fine form and the comments below the line are interesting too.

    As far as I am concerned the only part of the press holding a mirror to the Tories and their evil ways are the cartoonists of the Guardian. Marina Hyde and John Crace deserve a mention too.

  341. Andy Ellis says:


    Another good – if depressing – piece from Robin. In his conclusion he says:

    “By next year, at conference, if you are shuffling around saying ‘we did everything we could to hold a referendum but it wasn’t enough so I need to hold my nose a bit longer’, accept that you’re definitely the problem.

    The SNP’s legacy in Scotland is now shaping up to be almost entirely toxic and the signs are that no-one but no-one can do anything about it. Except you.”

    If that’s really the case we may REALLY need that Plan B folks. Given what happened after the SNP membership tried to exert its power and influence last time only to see the party overturn their decisions, we sure as hell can’t rely on those still in the SNP to be stage a palace coup!

  342. Dorothy Devine says:

    Dan , He disnae miss an’ hit the wa’ !

    I watch in desperation for some sign of courage from the other SNP MSPs , someone who will stick their head above the parapet with the backing of others or indeed some policeman / lawyer willing to question out loud events of the past.
    I don’t agree with Robin that the press is slowly catching up – snail pace or allowing enough rope or just lazy

  343. robbo says:

    msdidi says:
    14 May, 2022 at 12:32 am
    robbo says:
    13 May, 2022 at 7:20 pm

    Thanks . Got it.

    Happy days, my answers matched those suggested, but wasn’t sure what that particular one meant. Anyhow not too happy we need to put our name and location to this survey.

  344. Ottomanboi says:

    Headline from Guardian.
    «Ukrainians can feel Europe losing interest – Eurovision is our chance to rally support».
    Opportunity there for Volodymyr to «showcase» his no hands technique on the piano?
    Biden and Johnson might join in solidarity via zoom.
    Given there is a possibility that some Scots are losing interest in the indie process, do any in the SNP gov. have dexterities that might be employed to shove the independence jagganath up the road? Hands on preferred but not essential.

  345. Brent Crude Oil been over $100 per barrel for the last 75 days,

    1,000,000 barrels taken every day,

    $7,500,000,000 stolen from our nation`s resources.

  346. PacMan says:

    Ottomanboi says:14 May, 2022 at 8:44 am

    Headline from Guardian.
    «Ukrainians can feel Europe losing interest – Eurovision is our chance to rally support».

    More like the Establishment can feel Europe losing interest as Italy is the latest country to say it’s energy companies can buy Russian gas in Rubles:

    link to

  347. Dan says:

    Re. The remaining SNP members finally waking up and beginning to exert their influence on changing the Party’s trajectory.
    Slow hand clap for them being a bit fuckin late on that score.
    You’d think paid up members of a political Party would at least be astute to what was going on in the Party they were funding, and not let things get too bad, but no.

    There was this article from a while back by Denise Findlay highlighting the issue of the Party being captured.
    link to

    Plus later, there were also several other articles on Yours For Scotland regarding the ongoing internal Party machinations by the cabal making up the upper echelons, to capture yet more power and influence away from the wider grassroots membership.

  348. Ottomanboi says:

    link to
    If you’re not in total control, liberation means zilch. But that aspect is not what interests the US and its donkey headed allies.
    I’m Iraq «war baby», you will understand my cynicism re the West and its righteous posturing.

  349. Breeks says:

    Dorothy Devine says:
    14 May, 2022 at 8:28 am

    Dan , He disnae miss an’ hit the wa’ !

    I watch in desperation for some sign of courage from the other SNP MSPs , someone who will stick their head above the parapet…

    Great article by Robin McAlpine.

    You ask yourself, why do we never see Sturgeon or Blackford publicly grilled about their failures or the phoney rhetoric they can’t or won’t deliver on. Tough question? Duck and cover…

    Then you understand why Sturgeon’s regime cannot afford to have ALBA sitting in Holyrood’s List Seats, demanding answers.

    You won’t see Sturgeon or Blackford, nor indeed ANY of the SNP charlatans even trying to engage with the rumbling dissatisfaction.

    Cozy Feet Pete has been openly challenged to debate the SNP’s litany of failure with Roddy on Scottish Prism, but he runs away like a scalded cat.

    You know, phobias in general increasingly represent a distortion of the word phobia, which means “fear”. Not a bland “anxiety” like the Wokish attempt to usurp the word for their own ends, but fear. It comes from the Greek word phóbos, meaning “aversion”, “fear” or even “morbid fear”.

    But in the SNP, you see a “true” phobia; a visceral and morbid fear of scrutiny.

  350. Andy Ellis says:


    The SNP membership has failed over a prolonged period to make any significant progress holding its leadership to account, in ensuring complaints were answered, in entrenching democracy and openness within the party and in forcing change. That demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubt that the SNP is no longer fit for purpose: even if the membership does take action, I suspect that many former members who left the party in disgust wouldn’t rejoin or trust the “new” party again. I know I certainly wouldn’t.

    For all those keen to write Alba’s epitaph, I’d say that there is still time to ensure that by HR2026 elections there is a realistic prospect of returning a significant block of Alba MSPs. We can’t depend on the SNP rank and file membership to bring about change in their own party, but even if it happens we’re still going to have to hold their feet to the fire.

    As Robin McAlpine rightly points out the SNP have been captured by centrism and cosy, grey suited managerialists. The Growth Commissions and the involvement of Charlotte Street partners was the big tell: the British nationalist establishment are always going to be able to buy the devolutionists off with trinkets and shiny baubles. Better the cosy sinecures of devolutionary Holyrood and being a big fish in a small pond than risking all on independence. The reason the “New SNP” label triggers so many SNP loyalists is that it reminds them they are just our version of New Labour now.

  351. Dorothy Devine says:

    Ottomanboi , indeed – many of us understand your cynicism and fully empathise.

  352. Scott says:

    Any alert readers joining AUOB thingmy in the Weege aujourd’hui?

    Kelvingrove Park to George Square, leaving at high noon sharp.

    Bring yer wallet Andy and you can buy me a pint.

  353. Tinto Chiel says:

    @Scott 10am: yes.

  354. John Main says:


    They’re posting about Ukraine again.

    Why don’t you demand they stop and focus on something relevant?

    WTF has the existentialist struggle of a wee, sovereign, independent nation and it’s proud, brave people against a vicious, imperialist aggressor got to do with Scotland, eh Ruby?

  355. Ron Maclean says:

    The final paragraph from ‘Scotland is lost’ May 09, 2022 by Rev. Stuart Campbell –

    “And readers, it’s increasingly hard to argue that a country whose leaders and chief justice officers are beyond the law is a country in any fit state for independence.”

    I’m not going to argue with that. It sums up the mess we’re in perfectly.

    Yet we have a political party, Alba, with the avowed aim ‘To assert the sovereign right of the Scottish people acting through their Parliament to secure independence’. Alba seems to be leaving the achievement of that aim, without challenge, to the party so well described above by Rev. Stuart Campbell.

    Because of the failures in the SNP there’s an opportunity for Alba to energise and avoid another broken Vow.

  356. John Main says:

    @Mark Boyle

    Indeed, I am old enough to remember wondering why the Labour Party did not rename itself “Benefits”. Cos that’s who they represented at that time.

    And a few years later, I decided “Immigration” was more apt. Go figure.

    I don’t know what they should call themselves now, probably because they are irrelevant.

    But if they ever do get power again, maybes “Decline” will resonate.

  357. Republicofscotland says:

    “In fact, here are the reasons why it is virtually impossible for Russia to have captured him in the Azovstal metalworks in the besieged city of Mariupol.””

    Agent Ellis@ 10.15pm.

    You are either extremely thick, or extremely naive, the RF has been intercepting and monitoring communications from the Azovstal underground complex for a while now, and it has been revealed that at least eight international languages have been recognised coming from the underground complex.

  358. Republicofscotland says:

    Butt was welcomed into the party by Sturgeon’s close ally Mhairi Hunter. When the dust settles the betrayer will surely create a position within the party for Hunter.

    “THE most successful Alba candidate in Scotland’s council elections has defected to the SNP.

    Kamran Butt, who ran for Alex Salmond’s party in Glasgow’s Southside Central ward, was welcomed to the SNP by Scots Asians For Independence (SAFI) on Friday.

    Butt wrote on Twitter: “Absolutely overwhelmed by the welcome by @SNPSAFI National Convenor [Qasim Hanif] and his team to the @theSNP.

    “It’s clear that joining the @theSNP under @NicolaSturgeon’s leadership is the only way we can deliver independence and strong governance for Scotland.””

    link to

  359. Ebok says:

    Message from Alex Salmond this morning: –

    “For many of us, the key work of the last few weeks has been the Council elections where we fielded 111 candidates across Scotland.
    Of course we did not get the results we wanted, but we did get some gains from the campaign, not least of which was the emergence of some real political stars of the future.
    Ignore the doom-mongers and naysayers in the press. Our vote increased across Scotland and in some areas we achieved very creditable results indeed – results at the levels which would see candidates elected in the Scottish Parliament.
    We now focus our full energies on developing the independence case in anticipation of the referendum vowed next year with “no ifs or buts” by the Scottish Government.
    If this is delivered then, of course, we will unite behind the YES banner.
    If it is not, then an entirely different perspective will open up in Scottish politics where the distinctive ALBA voice of how to secure freedom for our country will be absolutely necessary.
    Now for the invitation. In the last few weeks since our Spring Conference we have held some 25 WEE ALBA BOOK public meetings across the length and breadth of the country. They have been very well received and provide the template for our coming summer of activity on independence. So now on to the next 25.

    Our first meeting post-election will be back to Glasgow and to
    Pollokshaws Burgh Hall,
    2025 Pollokshaws Road, Glasgow G43 1NE
    on Sunday 22nd May at 2pm.
    Please come along if you can, to hear an all-star cast with some special guests.”

  360. Republicofscotland says:

    “WTF has the existentialist struggle of a wee, sovereign, independent nation and it’s proud, brave people against a vicious, imperialist aggressor got to do with Scotland”

    Agreed Main, the Great Satan (US) bellicose foreign policies under many administrations has led to the deaths of millions of civilians around the globe.

    But don’t just take my word for it.

    “If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged. By violation of the Nuremberg laws I mean the same kind of crimes for which people were hanged in Nuremberg. And Nuremberg means Nuremberg and Tokyo. So first of all you’ve got to think back as to what people were hanged for at Nuremberg and Tokyo. And once you think back, the question doesn’t even require a moment’s waste of time.”

    Noam Chomsky.

  361. Republicofscotland says:

    You know there’s a bit of a stooshie going on now with regards to Women for Independence and a website that links them to Alba, here’s the story though (WFI) aren’t happy about the link.

    link to

    However on reflection of the recent council elections in Scotland, I cannot for the life of me understand why every single real woman in Scotland didn’t vote for the Alba party with their strong stance on protecting women’s rights.

    Instead by the results of the council elections it looks like many women actually voted for the party that’s hell bent on impinging on their hard fought for rights, talk about Stockholm Syndrome.

  362. Republicofscotland says:

    The unionist knuckledraggers and the treacherous co-opted Scots will love this, we might even see BLiS’s Ian Murray prancing around in his Union Jack suit.

    “THE UK Government will erect screens in Edinburgh’s Princes Street Gardens for crowds to watch events being held to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

    The screens will be provided by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) which is also launching an activity pack for children to learn about The Queen’s reign, including articles about how the country has changed in the last seven decades, opportunities to colour in a corgi or crown and bunting to decorate for street parties.”

    link to

  363. ScotsRenewables says:

    An Alba spokesperson said: “Alba Party do not own the domain in question but it is no surprise that women that support independence also support Alba Party and have chosen to refer other women to one of our statements on Gender Recognition.

    “Alba Party is made up of many members, like the majority of the Scottish public, that have concerns over the Scottish Government’s proposals to remove current safeguards in place within the Gender Recognition Act – which will make it much easier for any person born male to identify as a woman and then gain access to female-only spaces.

    “At the moment anyone that expresses concerns over the Government’s policy aims, particularly women, face a very toxic and abusive response.

    “The Scottish Government has failed miserably to listen to all views and they have refused to accept that the rights of women and people that identify as trans fundamentally conflict in their proposals.”

  364. Dan says:

    One for the “Ach, they’d never do that.” kinda folks.

    link to

  365. Republicofscotland says:

    These two ferries are five years late and two-and a-half times over budget, yet after some sort of watered down inquiry no one will be held accountable and millions in taxpayers cash will have been lost on these ferries including this.

    How many palms were greased along the way is for now unknown.

    “A ‘MILESTONE’ payment of more than £1m was paid to a Scottish shipyard the day after Nicola Sturgeon launched a new ferry that remains unseaworthy and languishing in the yard to this day, it can be revealed.

    The £1.2m launch payment was made to Jim McColl’s Ferguson Marine the day after the First Minister’s fanfare launch of Glen Sannox, one of two ferries that are delayed by over five years with costs rising from £97m to £250m.

    A further £1.2m was paid just over two weeks earlier after an inspection of the hull – despite it failing to meet international standards. ”

    link to

  366. Ruby says:

    John Main says:
    14 May, 2022 at 10:26 am


    They’re posting about Ukraine again.

    Why don’t you demand they stop and focus on something relevant?

    WTF has the existentialist struggle of a wee, sovereign, independent nation and it’s proud, brave people against a vicious, imperialist aggressor got to do with Scotland, eh Ruby?

    It would only be fair if I waited until they were posting 24/7 over a two month period to make any complaint don’t you think?
    As far as I can see outwith the ‘Wings Over Ukraine Brigade’ aka ‘The Undertow Trio” the current posts are about Europe losing interest & the Eurovision Song Contest.
    Europe would probably have lost interest a lot sooner if they had been reading ‘Wings Over Ukraine’

    What will you be doing to celebrate the Eurovision Song Contest? According to the BBC everyone is having a fancy dress party with food, drinks & costumes from each of the competing countries. Some people are even celebrating Eurovision Boxing Day. I wonder which food drink & costume represents the
    ‘Nul Point UK’ Any suggestions?

  367. Breeks says:

    Ebok says:
    14 May, 2022 at 11:07 am

    Message from Alex Salmond this morning: –

    We now focus our full energies on developing the independence case in anticipation of the referendum vowed next year with “no ifs or buts” by the Scottish Government.
    If this is delivered then, of course, we will unite behind the YES banner.

    Not what I want to hear Alex Salmond.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m on-side for that happening, but I see no reason to stall or backpedal on stiffening up the Constitutional Sovereignty / Claim of Right route to Independence.

    Get Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty, the lawful, popular sovereignty of the Scottish people absolutely nailed and indivisible from it’s ascendant position above Scotland’s government, then I can relax a little about the formalities of a referendum.

    It’s the Constitutionally illiterate narcissist currently in the driving seat and setting dreadful precedents which Westminster will not lightly relinquish which really troubles me.

    “IF” we are knuckling down to grant the SNP one last run at a Referendum, then this time, I want the fullest possible weight of Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty hanging right above her head like the Sword of Damocles.

    And I mean the full weight of it: The SSRG led Test Cases all loaded and ready to fire, the groundwork done (Scottish UN Committee style) laying the foundations for Scotland’s International Recognition, and the actual referendum question approved by Constitutional experts like the SSRG. “Should Scotland end the Treaty of Union?”

    Anything LESS than that, then I welcome a 2023 Referendum with cynical indifference, because I fear the whole enterprise has already been rigged, the lamentable disgrace of the Media monopoly will be in full voice, (again), and the franchise will not be dictated by us, (again), and the Westminster Government will try to pull every dirty trick in the book to sabotage our democracy and Constitutional integrity, (did it ever stop?).

    Think about it. A Holyrood approved referendum can only strengthen Devolution. It does NOTHING strengthen the binary legitimacy of Scottish Sovereignty, but could conceivably damage it.

    I curse Sturgeon for this ludicrous position. She is a complete and multi-layered liability. How can so much, of so much grand importance, be sitting at the mercy of this fkg eejit?

  368. Dorothy Devine says:

    Force feeding the monarchy to schools , force feeding them to passers by , just had a co-op e-mail offering a 500 quid prize if we wish to have a community celebration in honour of the queen.

    I won’t be celebrating.

  369. Breeks says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    14 May, 2022 at 11:55 am

    These two ferries are five years late and two-and a-half times over budget, yet after some sort of watered down inquiry no one will be held accountable…

    And don’t forget the snubbing of one of the world’s leading ship designers and architects, Scotland’s own Stuart Ballantyne.

    link to

  370. Mark Boyle says:

    Amazed there’s been no mention yet that the Alba candidate “blamed” for unseating Mhari Hunter has now defected to the SNP!

  371. James Che. says:

    For some independence is thought of as a game to be played, others take it more seriously.

    The difference between the two?

    1) seeks and suggests talking about alternatives, other than always waiting, invites discussions with the Yes for Scotland group. That talk about laws, legislation, colonialism constitutions, and of course the Treaty as part group talk.

    2) the other is a group that challenges every conversation and promotes laying down the alternatives Sword. Their the wait an see at the next election group. And offer up no alternatives for even half a plan B. Deflect any opposing views, and end up leading the conversation away from Scottish independence.

    It is good to have opposing views on future scottish independence, but for the live of me, i cannot understand the the steadiness of talking about saving Ukraine, when for 300 years we have been unable to save Scotland,
    Metorphorically They say people in glass house’ s should’nt throw stones.

    Setting aside the war manouvres and war tatics of who said what and who did what.
    All i observe that seems to go under the radar,

    One hell of a lot of western and european money is being directly funneled into one country and has been known for financial corruption,
    This policy after covid and rising prices of living and de- industrialisation of germany, france, america and britain will of course bring down all our western countries.
    Our governments are robbing the middle classes and poor of financial recovery.

    Will this be dirty money for the elite? Untracable.

  372. Mark Boyle says:

    “SNP AND MI5

    by Campbell Martin

    I have previously written about how British security services must have agents working within the Scottish National Party (SNP).”


    Larry O’Hara was writing about that way back in the 1990s (eg within Lobster Magazine and 1995’s “Turning Up The Heat”). Thanks to “Auntie Stella” Remington, MI5 had its sticky fingers in the pie of just about every non-Establishment political grouping around at one stage (until the Andy Carmichael debacle put a stop to it).

    Pity some like Campbell Martin only started caring about such things when their gravy bus pass was revoked.

  373. James Che. says:

    We do not know what Pal-Lensky spent the money on, as all the records were blown up during the war,

    Very similar to missing gold bullion and antiques during and after ww11. A public raid during war.

  374. Breeks says:

    Dorothy Devine says:
    14 May, 2022 at 1:01 pm

    I won’t be celebrating.

    Neither will I, but at the same time, I remember the 1977 Silver Jubilee… I only know it was ’77 because later I had a 1977 Triumph Tiger 750 motorcycle with Jubilee paint scheme. (Don’t panic, the tank was just blue and silver. Not a Union jack to be seem).

    Point is back in 1977, there were street parties and public participation events, yes, even in Scotchland. I seem to recall boy scouts and brownies lighting fire beacons lit on hill sides, dib, dib, dib….

    This 2022 Jubilee seems an entirely different “imposition”, which by comparison, is finding precious little in the way of public enthusiasm.

    If that’s a reflection on the current state of “Britishness”, don’t think queenie will be celebrating “a job well done” very much. She can go an “purr” about someone else being screwed over by her malignant BritNat Establishment.

    Frankly, I don’t think the BritNat Establishment would trust the Scottish kids of 2022 with naked flames, Union Jacks, and Jubilee bonfires. It’s probably not gonna end well.

  375. James Che. says:

    Yeh one wonders who is who,
    No offense meant to this andy,
    But there is an Andy Ellis that is connected to the MOD in Scotland on Facebook.
    But I believe our andy said he only had previously been connected to the UN in one of his comments about four or five months ago in response to a commentator here,

    I am sure he will kind enough to spell it out for me an correct the bits I get wrong, he is very obliging.
    Or you could check it out for yourselves in here in the archived messages.

    Anyway I think we kind of all knew a long time ago that the snp had been infiltrated, if not by m15 at least by Stonewall.

  376. Ruby says:

    We have two groups called ‘Women for Independence’

    Have the Natalie McGarry group copyrighted the name ‘Women for Indpendence’? 🙂

    Would you be able to copyright the term Women or even Independence.

    Each group could mean something totally different by ‘women’ and independence.

    Another complication due to the SNP’s GRA. 🙁

    We need each group to define what they mean by women and independence.

    ie Are we talking Nicola Sturgeon’s definition of ‘women’ & ‘independence’?

  377. Confused says:

    There is a satirical piece by Peter Cook in which he becomes DICTATOR of britain by taking democracy to the limit; he gives everyone a vote on everything, all the time, until people get bored, stop voting, then he just does what he likes. Made me think what a pointless waste of a good walk voting in the councils was. Also, a crack in a Spike Milligan book about a coolie who while mopping the floor, did not clean it – he just REARRANGED THE DIRT. I think this is what STV is meant to do.

    If democracy was voting, then we have a lot of it; if it means representative government to enact the will of the people then what we have is nothing of the kind.

    Our DEMOCRACY COLLAPSES INTO OLIGARCHY, because the rich “just buy everyone”; everyone needs a job, either before or after politics, right? That is where the corruption is in our system – you get the payoff after you leave.

    All the important stuff gets decided AWAY FROM PUBLIC SCRUTINY, and what is left for public consumption is a furious punch and judy show about nothing; the choice in politics is over which colour of rosette gets to IMPLEMENT WHAT IS ALREADY DECIDED; the current orthodoxy in the west being – neoliberal economics (looting), neocon foreign policy (war). identity politics/social justice/trannyism (as a fake sink for protest and rebelion, plus insidious social control).

    – there is no other alternative, and anyone who steps outside it, like Alba, will get hammered by the press and media. You also get the DIRTY TRICKS treatment. No one with “funny ideas” is to get anywhere near anything valuable, like levers of actual power.

    MCALPINE’S LATEST bit is bang on (he is getting better, tougher – used to think he was a blethering lightweight; also showed some grit in not just going along with the insane ukraine propaganda) – he pulls out some choice bits I never knew. It is largely as suspected, in the background, the SNP is quietly HANDING SCOTLAND OVER TO THE CORPORATE INTEREST, wrapping it up in so many tethers, even if independent NOW – it would make little difference to us. THE FIX IS ALREADY IN. This is how the rich always win – they back both sides, they hedge; union? got it covered – indy? got that covered too.

    I see Nikki is off to talk to some US THINK TANK – nothing to see here, move along; will she publish minutes of these meetings? Maybe, if she doesn’t lose them, or fails to “recall”, “to the best of my knowledge”, etc etc. It is all very reminiscent of how the ANC SOLD OUT their own folk at a secret meeting with the Boers and the mining corporations in Zimbabwe; you can have a black president, just drop all the “MARXIST SHIT” (this is corporate speak for any measure which affects the economy for good of the people, including e.g. making corporations pay their taxes).

    The Rev’s piece is a stark reminder about SNP 1.0 (Salmond) v SNP 2.0 (Sturgeon build) and the ownership of the “achievements”.

    While the EAST END OF GLASGOW was once used as a real world lab EXPERIMENT IN “SOCIAL DEPRIVATION”, it is possible our HOLYROOD may become a world standard for the STUDY OF BAD GOVERNMENT; it shows how you can tick all the boxes of democratic loveliness, but actually run a pretty ROTTEN BOROUGH underneath. The corruption of all democracy has happened around the world, so it is a general problem, but Holyrood is just stuffed with so many groovy and progressive things, and yet it is still, so bad. First of all – DHONDT – is designed to create weak govts, mostly coalitions; the SNP “social democracy” which has such a good rep, only really supports the status quo. You also get the double whammy of – mostly weak govts, but once in a while the balance of power will be held by some tiny, extremist, group. We also have tiny lobbies running mad – Stonewall, but there are others.

    It also fails in the “separation of powers” criterion many think important – if Nikki doesn’t like you she will “sic the 5-0 on you” – and then the Police Scotland “Bottom Inspectors” turn up. Voting becomes a kabuki theatre of lesser evil-ism. Overall, it starts to look very “african”, the most popular political system being “big man warlordism” – get in, any way you can, corruption, violence, intimidation, ballot stuffing – and once in, wield absolute power to enrich your “tribe”, in her case – the woke, the rainbow, the tranny, the middle class, the anglo.

  378. Republicofscotland says:

    Mark Boyle @1.24pm.

    Stella Rimington is member of the Trilateral Commission, as is Nicola Sturgeon and Sir Keir Starmer coincidence?

  379. twathater says:

    @ Breeks 12.59pm , the message posted by Ebok from Alex Salmond is EXTREMELY UNDERWHELMING , he talks about not giving up or giving in THEN concedes the whole direction and control of independence to the Snivelling Nasty Perverts who have PROVEN over the last 8 years they have NO interest in independence , WHERE is the FIGHT where is the DETERMINATION all I see is mealy mouthed talk
    Not only that the AUOB March today will either be heralded as a great success and a great endorsement for nicoliar if the turnout is good , OR if the turnout is BAD ALBA will get the blame for dividing the yes movement , the march will NOT be about the DEMAND OR SUPPORT for independence
    IF AUOB wanted a true reflection of support for independence they would hold a DEMONSTRATION MARCH to INSIST Sturgeon names a fixed date for a ref and ALSO COMMITS TO A PLEBISCITE ELECTION in EVERY ELECTION even snp sycophants couldn’t disagree with that

  380. Dorothy Devine says:

    Breeks , I seem to remember a Bonneville at the time , I think ours is in the Transport Museum – probably still got the trademark oil leak. I didn’t panic – though every time I see union bunting in the most inappropriate of places – Bargain Hunt for example- I find myself nauseated.

  381. Republicofscotland says:

    “But there is an Andy Ellis that is connected to the MOD in Scotland on Facebook.”

    James Che @1.44pm.

    If I had to guess I’d say Agent Ellis is either in Queen Elizabeth House Edinburgh or Kentigern House Glasgow.


    Mark Boyle.

    This is interesting from Campbell Martin.

    link to

    And this.

    link to

  382. James Che. says:

    Watched a russian filming live in there shops recently.

    Their shop shelves are full, no shortages,

    It was funny though the shop wifie kicked him out, saying he was not allowed to film in her shop.

  383. Andy Ellis says:

    @James Che 1.44 pm

    As I’ve said before, I’ve got nothing to hide. The fact that some of the skid marks on the movement in here see MI5 and the 77th Brigade being behind anyone daring to disagree with them or with their pet narratives tells us all we need to know about both their motives and their sense of perspective James.

    You’re coming across almost as creepy as the stalker Scott, who seems mercifully to have wandered off in to the sunset. I’m not “connected with the MoD” unless working for companies that do work for the MoD somehow renders all those who do so suspect for the nativists and purists in the movement. I’ve worked in a number of different industries in my career, which is hardly unusual. My profile is pretty public, unlike many of the others in here both professionally and through membership of Alba in Edinburgh.

    For someone wondering “who is who”, hiding behind the “no offence meant to this andy”, it seems a bit well….stalkerish “James Che”. Strange that you don’t apply the same thought process to someone like “Republic of Scotland”. Are we obliged to find out more about his background to discern if he’s actually a real person, or sitting in a bot farm somewhere in the Russian Federation spouting his Kremlin agitprop?

    You seem happy pander to those anonymous cowards in here telling all those who disagree with their fringe views that they are (variously) unionist stooges, Sturgeonite stooges, MI5 agents or 77th Brigade operatives, but much less keen to out or other those with what many of us regard as fringe views which are harming the movement. Why is that “James Che”?

    Of course, we don’t know who you are, because you don’t have the courage to post under your own name. One might wonder why that it “James Che”? We too are entitled to wonder “who is who”. Feel free to tell us all who you are, and where you’re from. What have you to hide?

    I’ve never claimed any association with the UN to you or anyone else, either here or elsewhere. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else?

    I’m sure you could be right about the SNP being infiltrated. It obviously has happened to other organisations in the past. There again, given what we’ve seen in here over the past few months, many of us would argue that the movement has been infiltrated by quite a few Russian operatives, whether paid or ideological, as well as a fair few who would qualify for what Clinton called the “basket of deplorables”. The fact that they may all profess support for independence doesn’t make their woo-woo views more acceptable, or any more popular amongst Scottish voters.

  384. Andy Ellis says:

    @Putin’s Poodle 3.09 pm

    You’re not providing value for money for your Kremlin handlers “Republic of Scotland”. Unlike you and other snivelling anonymous online cowards, I don’t see the need to hide behind an anonymous persona for posting in here or elsewhere.

    It would seem an odd thing for someone working for the security services or MoD to do wouldn’t it….unless you think it’s some brazen double bluff.

    Still, since you’re so interested, feel free to tell us who you really are. It’s always handy to be able to identify fellow travellers so we know who to avoid going forward just in case you felt inclined to stand for office like John Jones or Andrew Coventry, both of whom got pretty short shrift from the party I seem to recall. At least they weren’t too chicken shit scared to own their own fluffing for Putin eh?

  385. James Che. says:

    I am not the only one confusing people who said what,

    Go check my comments as far back as you care to go,
    No one has been called stureonite stoogie, M15 agents, or 77th brigade operatives by me,
    And I will be cheeky with a smile as all my family do. To answer your question.
    Where do come from,
    My mum and dad.
    That humour comes from all around the four countries of britain and celtic races.

    And it was doing family research into names in the family I had not heard of mentioned by parents or grand parents that i looked up Ellis,

    There is one thing I can say for sure, you would not have a hard job tracing me, we do not seemed to have moved very far, we have been in britain before the dooms day book, and married Scots, Welsh and Irish,
    We have been to the greatest heights and the lowest in family history.

    When studying family history I unexpectedly learnt quite a lot about social history and the part played by governments over centuries,
    Not particularly those who governing now, except that the pattern has not changed.

    The poor never had lawyers in the old days, and the poor do not have lawyers to day.
    It has been the social history and the injustices in history that brings me to where I have arrived today,
    A severe lack of democracy in all four corners of britain, except London.

  386. Ruby says:

    @misogynistic cunt
    14 May, 2022 at 5:09 pm

    I don’t see the need to hide behind an anonymous persona for posting in here or elsewhere.

    It would seem an odd thing for someone working for the security services or MoD to do wouldn’t it…..unless you think it’s some brazen double bluff.

    Maybe your current non anonymous persona is one that has been set up for you by the security services or MoD or more probably by ‘witness protection’ you strike me as more of a grass than a spy!

    I bet you are a ‘neighbour from hell’
    A curtain twitcher & highly active in your ‘Neighbourhood Watch’
    Currently you’ll be tracking down any ‘Putin’s Poodles’ living in your scheme and letting them have it.

  387. James Che. says:


    By the way I do not take sides in foreign wars outside Britain, nobodies friend or enemy that way,

    We have a multitude of problems right here on our own door step.

    The only thing related to the war in any way what so ever i have mentioned is all the money and finances being funneled by the billions into one country,
    While those here are suffering hardships.

    Not a poodle to any regime, but rather a pacifist, which is not illegal at the moment.

  388. John Main says:

    @Ruby 12:46

    You now reading my posts again?

    Seen as how you ask, I will be rooting for Israel, as always.

    Sadly, my shabbos goy is indisposed, my TV is off, so I won’t know the result before tomorrow.

  389. Ruby says:

    John Main says:
    14 May, 2022 at 7:06 pm

    @Ruby 12:46

    You now reading my posts again?

    Seen as how you ask, I will be rooting for Israel, as always.

    Sadly, my shabbos goy is indisposed, my TV is off, so I won’t know the result before tomorrow.

    ……………….tumbleweed moment…………………

  390. James Che. says:

    Scotland going independent does not say that England cannot carry on as before with their Parliament, with their choice of parliamentry sovereignty if that is what the people in england want,

    It does not mean that it cannot have the wars it used to chose.

    Or the benifits that belong to england.

    Democractically though if Scotland made a choice to go it alone, i tend to think Englands parliament and services would look very bad as if they are holding a people and its country against it will..

    Which britain is supposedly stopping russia from doing to ukraine.

    A hostage country.

    And to play that card harks back to colonialism days when the empire would not let countries go it had captured forcefully or by deciet and later made treaties with on their terms.

    Kettle calling the pot black comes to mind in parallels of politics

  391. Republicofscotland says:

    Agent Ellis.

    Judging by your two rapid and what appears to be somewhat agitated comments, I was on the money with one of those, more likely Queen Elizabeth House, a cancerous boil on the arse of Scotland and staging post for Thames House.

    Anyway enough about you, I’m sure you’ll be very disappointed that Turkey has blocked Sweden and Finland from joining Nato.

    The sly old fox Erdogan blames the two Nordic nations support for the Kurdistan Workers’ party (PKK). However anyone with a wee bit of foresight (that rules you, Main and Chas out) will know that Erdogan wants Turkey to be a member of the EU but Brussels/Washington keeps putting their membership back.

    If Finland and Sweden want Turkey’s consent, I say that EU/Washington bigwigs will need to allow Turkey into the EU.

  392. Breeks says:

    Dorothy Devine says:
    14 May, 2022 at 3:06 pm

    Breeks , I seem to remember a Bonneville at the time , I think ours is in the Transport Museum…

    Yeah, same bike. Bonneville had two carburettors, Tiger just had one. Had some adventures and one or two dices with death on that… lol.

    James Che. says:
    14 May, 2022 at 3:57 pm

    Watched a russian filming live in there shops recently…

    Quite odd, but I just watched a video about the US Navy, who have 11 Battlegroups bobbing about in the Oceans “everywhere”, where each of these individual Battlegroups would dwarf the entire Royal Navy, even with it’s own 2 Aircraft Carriers.

    I mean it’s impressive in the obvious respects, but man alive, what a waste, and how utterly insecure the US must feel to need all this “prestige”. Who is it so afraid of? The big joke I suppose is calling it defence spending. Who is going to attack America? I mean ok, yeah, there were terrorists flying aircraft into buildings, but at the risk of saying something crass, ….. meh, I won’t say it. There’s a big difference between one-off whack jobs doing something unthinkable and an actual co-ordinated attack. America doesn’t need it’s carrier groups to defend itself. That’s lie. It needs carrier groups get it’s strike aircraft in range to wherever all the latest American bombing is going to be.

    I grew up watching America sending people to the Moon, and you felt like the USA was one of the good guys who did things correctly and acted honourably, even if they couldn’t spell it.

    I don’t recognise America anymore. It’s running a wartime economy during peacetime, and everybody has to suffer because of it. If your skin is the wrong colour, there’s a high probability they’ll bomb the shit out your country.

    America is like the proverbial weirdo who can make anything except friends, and starts teetering on the dark side, playing with knives and thinking up ways to make us all sorry…

    I dunno, what 30+ HUGE Aircraft Carriers, 15k + Aircraft, (no typo, over 15,000 military aircraft), while some wee wifey in America last week was trying to find out specifically why her 5 minute jaunt in an air ambulance cost her $86,000. Don’t get ill in America.

    I find America’s attitude to it’s wildlife utterly, utterly repugnant, slaughtering it for fun with high powered weapons there was never any need to be invented, and they call it sport and teach their kids to do it.

    I honestly don’t think America would give a shit about Scottish Independence. We’re just a wee blip on the radar. But America will care about it, because it’s Bully Bunter partner in crime, Great England, will see the undermining of Scotland as a favour.

  393. Dan says:

    @ Dorothy D & Breeks

    TBH not owning anything with a carburetor is probably a bonus these days what with E10 fuel and the price of petrol…
    I’m fast becoming a no longer required relic in today’s society what with my collection of Weber, Mikuni, and Keihin carburettors, and the tuned up engines they are bolted to. 🙁

    Mind you, what with the state of politics and humanity in general. I’m toying with just getting back into motorsport big time and burning as much sodding fuel as possible to speed up the end of life as we currently know it on the planet so it ends in a fireball of Castrol R smoke, and whatever evolves from the ashes makes a better go of it than the big brained humans of this cycle ever did.
    I reckon that Scottish Indy will still be quicker with my plan than under the SNP.

  394. Andy Ellis says:

    @Putin’s Poodle 7.38 pm

    Not in the least agitated, no. Neither of you have the capacity to engender much more than mild contempt and sometimes hilarity at your crass lack of judgement and inability to make coherent or cogent arguments. I don’t work for the civil service…never have. Assuming you get paid for your “work”, how does the FSB pay?

    As for your latest “hot take”…..I doubt Turkey will be able to stand in the way of Finnish and Swedish NATO entry for long with all the other members in favour. It’s just a delaying tactic on his part to extract some concession or other. Erdogan isn’t much better than Putin really: certainly no democrat. Turkey should have been kicked out of NATO years ago.

    You’ve not really been keeping up on Turkish politics I see? Hardly surprising in one of your limited intellect and understanding. The Turkish leadership has cooled to EU membership: the Islamists don’t really want it, and most sensible EU leaders wouldn’t touch Erdogan’s anti-democratic regime with a barge pole. We should perhaps remind him that if we all start supporting Kurdish independence he might have other issues to deal with.

    A pro-western, liberal democratic Kurdish state encompassing large parts of Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran…what’s not to like? As nationalists and supporters of self determination shouldn’t we all be advocating for a state for the largest national group in the world currently without their own independent state?

  395. Dorothy Devine says:

    Oooh! Dan! Castrol R! I used to love that!

  396. Andy Ellis says:


    The US doesn’t have 30+ aircraft carriers, it has 11 plus 9 amphibious assault ships. There are 9 Gerald R. Ford class carriers on order, but some will replace existing Nimitz class carriers. USN reported to Congress in 2018 it had a 30 year acquisition plan to maintain a 12 CVN force.

  397. Robert Hughes says:

    Confused @ 2.07

    ‘kin excellent post . Agree on all points ; Including – dispiritingly , this

    ” …. it would make little difference to us. THE FIX IS ALREADY IN. This is how the rich always win – they back both sides, they hedge; union? got it covered – indy? got that covered too.”

    I’ve been thinking the same for some time .

    I still and always will consider Independence the best option for Scotland . But it’s going to require a radical shift in consciousness , not only to achieve it , also to make it something worth having .

    The Neo-Lib Consumerist-with-a-dash-of-* concern * , Bill ( or Jeff , or Elon , or Klaus ) Will Fix It mass-mediated * be kind * dystopia Sturgeon et al are fixated on and driving us towards – as societies – what looks like a form of mass psychosis . Reality warped by the gravitational force of relentless overt and subliminal propaganda .

    Reality – the biggest * Conspiracy Theory * of them all

  398. James Che. says:


    Like i said I am mainly a peace and deplomacy person first and foremost.

    I concentrate in whats wrong in our country,
    We are sitting in a situation of holding a brick in our hands while our own house is made of glass,

    I take note of whats going on in the world because it eventually may happen here.
    As to interference from america on Scotlands independence, am i correct in thinking Obama did do that, or is memory failing me,
    Oh america is interested in Scotland no doubt, we have nuclear power in Scotland, but i believe they have the button.

  399. James Che. says:

    Robert Hughes.

    I could’ nt agree more,

    Perceived perceptions on reality depends on whom is spinning it and has control of the mega phone.

    But we must remind ourselves that these weird thinkers are a minority with a big mega phone.
    The majority across the world are protesting verbally and physically fighting back,
    We are not on our own wondering what kind of medication they used to give leader when they were in the asylum.

  400. Saffron Robe says:

    Confused says:

    “All the important stuff gets decided away from public scrutiny, and what is left for public consumption is a furious Punch and Judy show about nothing; the choice in politics is over which colour of rosette gets to implement what is already decided; the current orthodoxy in the West being – neoliberal economics (looting), neocon foreign policy (war). identity politics/social justice/trannyism (as a fake sink for protest and rebellion, plus insidious social control).”

    I agree with Robert and James. Very good comment, Confused, although you sound more enlightened than confused if I may say so! I especially like the fake sink analogy. We do seem to be circling the behavioural drain at the moment.

    Democracy is only the illusion of change, and will be manipulated, as we know to our cost, at the first sign of any real danger to the status quo. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.”

    The only way forward I can see is the establishment of a sovereign parliament of the Scots, which technically only requires a quorum of one hundred, and although it may not have any real power at first, it would sit in contrast to the illegitimate authority of Holyrood and Westminster. It could run in parallel to those institutions, work to develop a constitution and framework for an independent Scotland, and be ready to pick up the pieces as the economic system collapses and society disintegrates under current leadership.

  401. Breeks says:

    Saffron Robe says:
    15 May, 2022 at 2:47 am

    I agree with Robert and James. Very good comment, Confused, although you sound more enlightened than confused if I may say so! I especially like the fake sink analogy. We do seem to be circling the behavioural drain at the moment.

    I agree too.

    The sad thing for me is that we had Alex Salmond, a man I thought capable of breaking the mould, not just steering Scotland Independence, but making Scotland a much better place. There was talk about a second Scottish Enlightenment, a clever management of our renewable resources, a restorative approach to our seas and barren hillsides… we’d be doing the things best for Scotland and thriving on the feel good factor. Best of all, I truly believed we could actually do it.

    The sad thing is, we came so very close, but after 2014, we all sat back and let the bitter British state trash the man’s reputation, and smear him with their dirty agendas and coordinated conspiracies. His legacy was either rubbished, or purloined by Sturgeon’s SNP taking the credit for enlightened policies put in place by Alex Salmond.

    We are now witnessing life under one of Scotland’s worst governments after life under one of Scotland’s best, and frankly, when people speculate who the MI5 “plants” might be, perhaps we need to be asking ourselves who isn’t.

    I genuinely and sincerely wonder whether ALBA is the genuine core true Independence believers, and the SNP is now purged of such faith, and the soul of Independence is now separate from the flesh.

    The bit that doesn’t make sense to me is the rank and file’s tolerance for Nicola Sturgeon, a hopeless incompetent leading us nowhere, doing her level best to salt the earth and poison the water holes beneath the feet of true Independence believers. For all the living breath inside me, I do not understand where that faith in Sturgeon has it’s origin.

    Oh I get it that the media protects her, she has competitors kept at arms length, and anything remotely damaging is redacted beyond belief, – but all of that is mundane, worldly corruption that doesn’t surprise anybody. But the misplaced faith which the pro-Independence community has in her is a mystery to me. It’s as if Scotland’s voters think they’ve done their bit just by voting for an SNP Government, but then switched off and gone into hibernation.

    It is imperative that Scotland forms a Peoples Assembly, which declares itself the voice and conscience of Scotland’s “red” sovereignty, and starts to rehabilitate Scotland’s lawful Constitutional principles. Listen to the SSRG! Listen to Sara Salyers! It needs to do for Scottish Sovereignty what Willie MacRae’s Scottish UN Committee did for Holyrood… link to

    I think Confused is absolutely correct to describe the politics as show, but I implore people to read what the Scottish UN Committee was doing behind the scenes from 1979 onwards, and yet nobody ever heard anything about it.

    “This” behind the scenes approach needs revitalised and turbocharged by a Scottish People’s Assembly or Grand Committee which is 100% solid and resolute in it’s determination to have the legitimacy of Scotland’s centuries old sovereign Constitution respected; respected by the UN, EU, Council of Europe, Washington, Westminster, and not forgetting the charlatans, t(ractors ) and useful idiots in Holyrood.

    Scotland produced a Willie MacRae and they shot him.
    Scotland produced an Alex Salmond and they tried to jail him as a rapist.
    Scotland produced a journalist to tell the truth about Salmond and he was jailed.
    Sturgeon is the darling of the BritNat media.

    Wake up and smell the coffee Scotland. How in god’s name can you not detect the biggest stink of all this?

  402. Breeks says:

    From that link…

    Although this primary aim – the recall of the Scottish Parliament – has been achieved, and further developments are a matter for the Scottish people to decide, there is still considerable scope for backsliding and sabotage in order to hinder its effectiveness and prevent necessary further developments.…

    How prophetic was that?

  403. Ruby says:

    Breeks says:

    The bit that doesn’t make sense to me is the rank and file’s tolerance for Nicola Sturgeon, a hopeless incompetent leading us nowhere, doing her level best to salt the earth and poison the water holes beneath the feet of true Independence believers. For all the living breath inside me, I do not understand where that faith in Sturgeon has it’s origin.

    “Friends Of Wings Retweeted
    Andrew Morton
    Has Craig Murray finally flipped? Reminds me of when the Dug went full Nicola.

    I used to have quite a lot of respect for Nicola Sturgeon but that all ended in March 2018 when Mark MacDonald was fired for sending a text and it’s been all downhill since them to the point where I can’t stand the woman.

    Same with ‘Wee Ginger Dug’ and now Craig Murray.

    It feels a bit like losing family members to a cult.

    There is definitely something very cult like about Nicola and her followers.

  404. Ruby says:

    link to

    This might help to understand why so many have ‘gone full Nicola’

    The good news is
    ‘many cult members eventually find a way out’

    I’m looking forward to welcoming ‘Wee Ginger Dug’ and Craig Murray back to the family.

    I wonder if there is any hope for ‘That Cunt Ellis’ or is it a case of once a cunt always a cunt.

  405. Ruby says:

    link to

    They took millions of dollars from their members. They bused in homeless people from Portland to win the vote in local elections and to gain council seats and take over local schools. They poisoned—yes, poisoned a buffet in the nearby town so local voters were too sick to vote against them. And eventually, most of the leaders were either arrested or had to flee the United States.

    I don’t think any cult in Scotland has gone as far as poisoning people’s food but they have definitely poisoned people’s mind. However it might be worth finding out why only 40% of people in Central Edinburgh voted in the recent local elections. 😉

  406. Robert Hughes says:

    Breeks @ 6.15

    You set a very high standard of comment here – and elsewhere – but that’s one of your best .

    It reads like an elegy for a Scotland that could have been , but never was ; ( never * allowed * ? ) : the ” once and future king ” trashed , his character hung , drawn and quartered , his legacy usurped by moral and intellectual pygmies .

    Your call for some kind of Constitutional * Committee * – I’d call it a Constitutional Guerrilla Army – becomes more salient and necessary by the day .

    Who will rid is of these passive ( in the face of Britglish takeover ) aggressive ( against any challenge/criticism of their profound uselessness ) frauds ? . It will have to be ourselves . The voodoo spell of Sturgeon/NSNP must be , somehow , broken .

    Great comments from Saffron , Twathater and James C too .

    All is not lost ” as long as but ……..” some of us are still capable of seeing through the miasma of shit

  407. Ruby says:

    Robert Hughes says:

    The voodoo spell of Sturgeon/NSNP must be , somehow , broken

    Cult might fall apart due to external pressure or scandals.
    See You Tube video.

    There are certainly a few potential scandals in the pipeline.

  408. Robert Hughes says:

    Ruby . Yes , let’s hope so .

    If you’ve ever seen the Netflix doc ” Wild Wild Country ” you’ll see how people – mostly decent ( mostly also * Middle Class * ) people can suspend their critical faculties in submission to a * charismatic * leader ; ( See also L.R Hubbard/Scientology ) . The Bagwash devotees got to the point where they saw nothing awry in their * god * speaking about love and devotion in a discourse platform flanked by AK47 bearing goons .

    The thing about cults is that – generally – most participants , eventually , come to their senses and realise it’s all been a massive con ; though not without leaving a legacy of pain and disillusioned damage behind them .

  409. Ottomanboi says:

    Nationalist paper tigers.
    «Labour’s tendency towards intellectual ancestor worship means that Sir Keir Starmer has endorsed some vague plan from Gordon Brown for “radical federalism”, a programme which will do much more to usher in the end of the United Kingdom than a record local election result for the SNP»
    link to
    She and her crew fool nobody.

  410. Mark Boyle says:

    I see Weasel Wilson’s been lifting his links from the Wings Over Scotland comments section again:

    link to

    Dear oh dear Brian, what would you do without us to hold your hand!

  411. John Main says:

    @Republicofscotland 14 May, 2022 at 7:38 pm

    “However anyone with a wee bit of foresight (that rules you, Main and Chas out)”

    Thanks for the name check, Republic.

    On the subject of foresight, I have gone back to your post:

    Republicofscotland says 11 May, 2022 at 7:26 pm

    “Senator Richard Black spills the beans on Davos and the WEF, the USA’s inflation, and coming economic difficulty and admits the Ukrainian troops are just US proxy fighters.

    How long this will stay up for is anyone’s guess.”

    Surprise, surprise, but as I predicted, the “revolutionary, ground-breaking, paridigm-shattering tweet from that guy that nobody has ever heard from is still up.

    How’s that for foresight, eh Republic?

    But to be honest, shooting holes in the predictable shite you post with such monotonous regularity is no great feat.

  412. Ruby says:

    Robert Hughes says:
    15 May, 2022 at 8:53 am

    Ruby . Yes , let’s hope so .

    If you’ve ever seen the Netflix doc ” Wild Wild Country ” you’ll see how people – mostly decent ( mostly also * Middle Class * ) people can suspend their critical faculties in submission to a * charismatic * leader ;

    It’s fascinating!

    I’ve just been looking at this wondering what it’s all about

    The Miranda Obsession

    link to

    link to

    Have you seen the front page of the Sunday Herald?

    link to

    It’s a bit strange. 🙂

    As is the difference in treatment between Derek Mackay & Patrick Grady.

  413. John Main says:

    @Breeks says 15 May, 2022 at 6:15 am

    “It’s as if Scotland’s voters think they’ve done their bit just by voting for an SNP Government, but then switched off and gone into hibernation”

    You are so, so close to the truth, Breeks, but you can’t or won’t take that final, tiny step to arrive at the truth.

    Let me help you.

    Scotland’s voters think they’ve done their bit just by voting for an SNP Government, but then they switch off and go into hibernation.

    That’s harsh, but fair.

    Nikla is an incompetent, self-serving, lying psychopath, but she’s oor incompetent, self-serving, lying psychopath. So most of us will defend her and take her side through thick and thin.

    Most of us just want one of our own making all the noises on a day-to-day basis. We don’t care if he/she is competent or honest. What we want, above all, is the fiction that we are running our own affairs, and Nikla gives us that, with a regular side order of chip-on-the-shoulder grievance to explain away any too-obvious fuck-ups.

    Your average punter has little time or interest in digging any deeper than that.

  414. John Main says:

    @Ruby says 14 May, 2022 at 7:26 pm

    Stop reading my posts.

    I don’t write them for you.

  415. Alf Baird says:

    Breeks @ 6:15 am

    “The sad thing for me is that we had Alex Salmond, a man I thought capable of breaking the mould, not just steering Scotland Independence, but making Scotland a much better place.”

    The nationalists when first coming to power in the colonial situation have to replace the nation’s entire mediocre meritocracy which is put there by the colonial power to protect only its interests, i.e. what Memmi called ‘the watchdogs of colonialism’. It is this cultural hegemony which hauds doun Scotland, all 10,000+ of them, and encompassing and running all institutions. These people will never deliver independence because they are tasked with stopping it, any way they can.

    link to

  416. Ruby says:

    John Main says:
    15 May, 2022 at 10:23 am

    @Ruby says 14 May, 2022 at 7:26 pm

    Stop reading my posts.

    I don’t write them for you.

    Who are you writing them for?

    Do you want everyone to stop reading your posts?
    I get the feeling everyone already has.

  417. Republicofscotland says:

    Well what a surprise NOT, that Ukraine wins the Eurovision (political) Song Contest. If ever there was a European event that shows clearly what a politically bias entity the EU is its that.

    The Nazi’s commander got carried away with the staged win, President Volodymyr Zelensky defiantly vowed that next year’s contest will be held in Mariupol.

    The rats should be well cleared out of the Azovstal by then.

    Of course the Eurovision Song Contest is even more farcical in nature than it looks, and shows the EU for what it is, by letting the murderous apartheid military oppressive occupying regime known as Israel participate in its political song contest.

  418. Ruby says:

    @ anti-Scottish Erse
    15 May, 2022 at 10:21 am

    Most of us just want one of our own making all the noises on a day-to-day basis. We don’t care if he/she is competent or honest. What we want, above all, is the fiction that we are running our own affairs, and Nikla gives us that, with a regular side order of chip-on-the-shoulder grievance to explain away any too-obvious fuck-ups.

    Your average punter has little time or interest in digging any deeper than that.

    Aye right and most of us have red hair, wear see you Jimmy Hats, drink Buckfast, eat deep fried Mars bars and are too wee, too poor & too stupid.

  419. Ruby says:

    ‘Ukraine wins 2022 Eurovision song contest as UK finishes second in Turin’

    That’s no surprise. They got the sympathy vote.

    What is a hugh surprise is ‘former NulPointer UK’ finished 2nd!

  420. Republicofscotland says:


    That’s the UK’s highest finish in 20 years, you don’t actually think it was down to the song do you?

    The UK governments strong support and funneling of weapons and aid to the Nazi’s in Ukraine is the reason the EU and Nato countries gave them more than nil pois this year.

  421. stuart mctavish says:

    @Ruby re Eurovision

    Following precedent set by the charges brought against Nat McGarry/WFI, what chance Eurovision escaping justice* for embezzlement after charging enthusiasts for their vote – only to let the counting machines appear to blame Brittonic Celts and Germany/Ed Sheeran for the situation in Ukraine?

    *Potential conspiracy with Emperor’s (Spanish?) tailors to highlight any covid related suppression of Serb excellence notwithstanding.

  422. Republicofscotland says:

    A lesson somewhere in this for Scots, unless of course you take Agent Ellis’s view that the whole world needs to give us the nod before we can become an independent nation again.

    “Russia does not care if G7 states will recognize the changes of the Ukrainian border, Russian Security Council Deputy Head Dmitry Medvedev said Saturday, adding that the only thing that matters is the opinion of the people living on these territories.

    “Let’s put it mildly: out country doesn’t care about G7’s non-recognition of the new borders [of Ukraine]; what matters is the true will of the people living there. Do not forget the Kosovo precedent, our Western friends,” Medvedev said in his Telegram channel.”

  423. Andy Ellis says:

    @Putin’s Poodle 11.34 pm

    The movement as a whole doesn’t accept your fringe nutterdom tho’ does it? The independence you and some of your moon howling mates advocates would be akin to that enjoyed by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, or Transnistria.

    Of course what the hard of thinking like you and your Putinista mates fail to admit is that if you accept the principle that Russia’s actions are justified, you’d have to accept that post independence, the unionists in the Scottish borders and the proponents of independence or union with Norway in the Northern Isles would be quite entitled to “balkanise” Scotland. Fly wi’ the craws and all that.

    All that Putin has a achieved with his war on Ukraine is to ensure that the Ukrainians, now backed by the EU and NATO, will now push for acceptance that the only acceptable outcome of the war is to eject the Russians not only from the Donbas but from Crimea as well. If he’s played his cards right, or been less of a megalomaniac or better advised, Putin could probably have negotiated a deal to keep the Crimea and parts of Donetsk and Luhansk. Now he’ll emerge with nothing and be lucky if he doesn’t find himself hanging upside down from a lamppost in the Kremlin.

    The Kosovo principle Medvedev quotes also applies to the many constituent republics of the Russian Federation of course, and the many oppressed national minorities who would like the chance to exercise their self determination. Of course, the Chechens have experience of what happens to minorities in Russia who try that. Having bombed them back to the stone age, Putin can now depend on his pet Chechens (a rum bunch if ever there was one!) to do a lot of the dirty work his own armed forces are so woefully incapable of doing.

    Republic of Scotland and his fellow Putinista shills are just our own equivalent of Putin’s Chechen paid men.

  424. Ruby says:

    Hey Ho Lets’ Go

    I didn’t watch Eurovision just quickly scanned through the songs on You Tube.

    This is the one I would give 12 points to.
    link to

    Sounds like something I’ve heard before.

    “docey do and swing your partners & docey do’. Yeeeeeehaw

    Anyway it’s lively makes me want to dance & the lyrics that I understand are inspiring!

    Hey Ho Lets’ Go

  425. Robert Graham says:

    Ellis time for yer next serum shot looks like the first three have not had the desired outcome .

    Insurance companies in three different countries have successfully challenged claims made made by families on the deaths of loved ones who have received the serum verdict in every case.



    you have a nice day now .

  426. Ottomanboi says:

    Ukrainian second hand «culture», EuroSong thingy, maudlin sentimentality, lubricious posturing and all that trash…..
    I am beginning to get what drives Putin.
    The oligarchic, self righteous «West» and its creatures richly deserves him.
    Slava Ukraini! As long as the dosh lasts.
    link to
    Just dont ask what it is used for!
    I smell Iraq.

  427. Andy Ellis says:

    @Covidiot Graham 12.36 pm

    What can be asserted without evidence can be similarly dismissed.

    Why are you posting in capitals: do you think it makes what passes for your argument any stronger, or is it the covidiot equivalent of the roasters who append *FACT* to the end of their assertions thinking it somehow renders them magically factual?

    Enjoy your day too, but remember the tin foil hat before venturing out!

  428. Ruby says:

    Ottomanboi says:
    15 May, 2022 at 12:46 pm

    Ukrainian second hand «culture», EuroSong thingy, maudlin sentimentality, lubricious posturing and all that trash…..
    I am beginning to get what drives Putin.

    TBH I found the ‘Retro 1960’s shocking pink Flowerpot hat’ a bit of a distraction. I’ll need to ask the bodachs from the ‘Wings Over Ukraine Brigade’ if that hat is part of the Ukranian national costume. On top of that I didn’t understand a word of the lyrics.

  429. ScotsRenewables says:

    Craig Murray’s very reasonable take on a possible way forward top peace in Ukraine

    link to

  430. Ruby says:

    Talk of the devil or as they say en France
    ‘quand on parle du loupe on en voit la queue’

    FAO the bodach from the ‘Wings Over Ukraine Brigade’ who tells me he is always happy to help!

    What about the ‘Retro 1960’s shocking pink Flowerpot hat?’

    Is it part of the Ukranian national costume?

  431. Ruby says:

    ScotsRenewables says:
    15 May, 2022 at 1:18 pm

    Craig Murray’s very reasonable take on a possible way forward top peace in Ukraine

    link to

    Quick question. Is Craig now one of Putin’s poodles?

  432. Ruby says:

    Ottomanboi says:
    I am beginning to get what drives Putin.
    The oligarchic, self righteous «West» and its creatures richly deserves him.
    Slava Ukraini! As long as the dosh lasts.

    Very interesting link.
    It was pretty long so I shortened for you it using tiny.url

    link to

    I can’t help feeling some posters have taken sides much too early.

  433. Andy Ellis says:

    @Scots Renewables 1.18 pm

    I think many would agree with Craig’s proposed plan – although as some commenting BTL on his blog point out I reckon Putin would find it hard to sell an outcome to the Russians that excluded gaining at least parts of the Donbas. The problem is that having invaded and failed to overthrow the Ukrainian state, Putin is now facing a unified west determined not just to ensure he doesn’t win, but to ensure he loses and threat Russia is permanently weakened to an extent it will never be able to pose a threat in future.

    It’s likely the end game now will entail ejecting Russia from the Crimea and NATO membership for Ukraine as well as the extension with Sweden and Finland. Moldova and Georgia won’t be far behind. Seems the special military operation has proven to be special for the wrong reasons. Putin and the Russians lost all prospect of a positive outcome when they invaded. Neither western institutions nor their general populaces will settle for less than a comprehensive Russian defeat, reparations and the removal of Putin’s regime – assuming the Russians don’t topple him themselves of course.

  434. Republicofscotland says:

    “Scottish borders and the proponents of independence or union with Norway in the Northern Isles would be quite entitled to “balkanise” Scotland. Fly wi’ the craws and all that.”

    Agent Ellis.

    F*ck me Agent Ellis is reading the script right out of George Robertson’s playbook, he too uttered the unionist mince that Scottish independence would lead to the Balkanisation of Western Europe.

    Robertson another treacherous Scots was the SG or Nato and the head of Chatman House, he’s a Bilderberger and Atlantic Council member I don’t think there’s a more anti-Scottish independence House Jock (maybe Ellis, or Chas or Main) than him.

    Maybe Agent Ellis is Alistair Darling in disguise.

  435. Ruby says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    15 May, 2022 at 1:58 pm

    @Scots Renewables 1.18 pm

    I think many would agree with Craig’s proposed plan – although as some commenting BTL on his blog point out I reckon Putin would find it hard to sell an outcome to the Russians that excluded gaining at least parts of the Donbas

    Did you comment BTL on his blog?

  436. Mark Boyle says:

    Ruby says:
    15 May, 2022 at 12:20 pm

    Hey Ho Lets’ Go

    I didn’t watch Eurovision just quickly scanned through the songs on You Tube.

    This is the one I would give 12 points to.
    link to

    Sounds like something I’ve heard before.

    “docey do and swing your partners & docey do’. Yeeeeeehaw

    Anyway it’s lively makes me want to dance & the lyrics that I understand are inspiring!

    Hey Ho Lets’ Go

    Contrary to Republic Of Scotland’s conspiracy theory, Ukraine actually did pretty poorly in the Jury vote – the part of Eurovision which has been long subject to voting on political grounds (Greece giving Cyprus 12 points no matter how poor the song, Croatia voting highly for all the other ex-Yugoslav nations except of course for Serbia, etc). It’s clear certain countries shat it from voting Ukraine highly for fear of Mad Vlad.

    Certainly theirs was a rotten song – typical (c)rap – but considering the cheap political reasons for too many Eurovision results, it was poor form that on the one occasion they did have a valid reason to politicise the vote it took the general public to “fix” it”!

    Moldova were sitting fourth last on the night until the massive public jury vote catapulted them (to mass cheers from the crowd) into third place (they finished sixth I think). Graham Norton may be an irritating little twat, but he had it right when he said the public vote with equal weighting to the juries saved the contest from certain extinction, as some of the voting was beyond belief, and the “middle squeeze” can only account for some rather dubious voting choices.

    But yes, Moldova had the best song by a mile – shades of Rednex’ “Cotton Eye Joe” (Sweden), Edelweiss’s”Bring Me Edelweiss” (Switzerland) and the Cartoons cover of “Witch Doctor” (Denmark). The Scandinavians are usually up for something stark raving bonkers, so reckon they played a big part in its reprived final vote.

  437. Republicofscotland says:

    Ruby @2.15pm.

    As far as I’m aware the people of the Donbas don’t want to remain in the Ukraine, they want their own independent republics.

    Of course eight years of the Nazi’s shelling schools, hospitals and residential area hasn’t helped any nor the mass build up of troop that the Ukrainian forces built up on the borders of the Donbas ready to charge in and rape, murder and pillage Dontesk and Lugansk, thankfully Putin’s preemptive SMO stopped this and saved thousands of lives in the Donbas, whilst the UN turned a blind eye to the eight years of murder and crimes against humanity by the Ukrainian Nazi’s in the Donbas.

  438. Andy Ellis says:

    @Putin’s Poodle 2.12 pm

    Oh do try to keep up. I’d heartily approve of some balkanisation if that’s what people vote for, whether Scotland, Catalonia, Flanders or elsewhere. The happiest most successful nation states on the world are small liberal democracies: go figure! The point being made – which whistled straight past your empty Putinista addled brain – is that you and others fluffing for Medvedev’s Kosovo doctrine being used as a threat from Russia applies equally to the Russian Federation as is more of a threat to them, particularly as they emerge defeated and substantially weaker from their aggressive war in Ukraine. It would undoubtedly also provide comfort to British nationalists in Scotland.

    It’s not me and others with mainstream opinions that the movement has to worry about, it’s those fluffing for Putin and the Russian nationalists and neo imperialists.

  439. Republicofscotland says:

    ScotsRenewables @1.18pm.

    There is no out for Putin, the SMO will eventually turn into a war, Russia is currently taking on Nato and the EU and winning quite comfortably, the Great Satan will need to up its game, and that’s when it will come to a head.

    For us our standards of living will continue to plummet and the Wests economies will struggle it all down hill from now on, due to the USA’s war on Russia, you’d better dig in for the long haul.

  440. James Che. says:

    Saffron robe.
    Robert Hughes.
    Alf Baird.

    The genieses of 100, as a minimum that Saffron mentioned is a best foot forward position and policy to take. And i think it an excellent start.

    Breeks i agree with most of your analyses, but you continue to miss you’ re own important point.

    When you talk of MaCrae, Salmond, Murrey,
    They were and are good men with human flaws just the like as the rest of us.
    But they were aimed at, to take dowm as single political targets,.

    This is where Saffrons idea holds good common sense, as a large group, all aware of infiltration into the indy movement, eyes wide open, even with the minimum 100.
    That means we have to select people at random, very similar to how juries used to be selected from the public,
    With a short limited set time in that office position, this prevents long term damage or serious infiltration into the one hundred.

    The second point i note, is you’re mention of the UN, The EU, etc and being recognised as a Scots nation with a purpose that includes the Scottish Constitution,
    Again we need A minimum of 100 people,
    But that 100 Assemble MUST be named “The Sovereign Scots Peoples Assembly” and….include the right to self determination, and the Scottish “Claim of right” immediatlely along side or below the title.
    That is the recognition that the world needs,
    That it is the Sovereign Scots making the decision.

  441. James Che. says:

    May i add one very important suggestion.

    Move the new assembly from Edinburgh, at place it directly in the measured centre of Scotland to as near the map mark as possible,

    When we talk of the british parliament the feeling of being on the fringe by even people in England is spoken about,
    And in Scotland the parliament is on the edge to, miles away from shetland, orkneys, and the east of Scotland, etc.
    When i use the term centralised, i mean centralised and approachable for all.

  442. Andy Ellis says:

    @Putin’s Poodle 2.26pm

    “As far as I’m aware ….”

    All the normal folks stopped reading right there!

    Nobody remotely sane thinks you’re open to reason on this issue, it’s been obvious since the early days when you stated that the Ukrainians had it coming. Either you’re a paid Putin asset or – probably worse – you’re doing it because you’re a true believer in the bullshit Kremlin agitprop.

    However much you and the wee coterie of deplorables in here shriek with inchoate rage, you represent a tiny fraction of the movement. The rest of us regard you as skid marks on the movement utterly lacking any moral compass. You’ve got as much chance of convincing folk you’re right than Putin has of winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

  443. Breeks says:

    James Che. says:
    15 May, 2022 at 2:39 pm

    This is where Saffrons idea holds good common sense, as a large group, all aware of infiltration into the indy movement, eyes wide open, even with the minimum 100.

    I have no objection to that.

    In fact, I have in the past called for something like a Peoples Assembly or even a Senate, with 100 Senators which, according the Declaration of Arbroath, is the magic number which makes Sovereign Scotland quorate.

  444. John Main says:

    @Ruby 10:59

    “Most of us … are too wee, too poor & too stupid”

    Ah Ruby, that’s just you cringing from centuries of colonialist oppression.

    Make yourself some new friends from among our new Ukrainian refugee communities. They will soon teach you how to be proud of your Scottish nation and culture, brave and strategically sound in the defence of Scotland against her oppressors, and savvy in the engagement of powerful allies in support of our struggle.

    Watch and learn from the Ukrainian nationalists who are teaching the world what true nationalism and genuine love of country looks like.

    Break free from the bitter, twisted no-hopery of Republic and his ilk, doomed for the rest of his life to poison the well of Scottish Nationalism with his perverse bigotry. Get off your knees, Ruby, and stand tall for Scotland!

  445. Breeks says:

    The twist is… Just like you really want your Government and Judiciary kept separate, there’s an issue where I think a Senate needs a degree of separation itself.

    The business of governing should be left to the elected Government, but a Constitutional Senate is a watchdog and needs (in my opinion) a healthy degree of professionalism if it is meant to “police” the activities of Government and intervene if or whenever the Government is acting unconstitutionally.

    If we don’t want to have “Constitutional Policemen”, then the Constitution must be codified in such a way that laypeople can understand it and defend Scotland’s Sovereign integrity without specialist expertise.

    It’s not really a good example, but the Electoral Commission wouldn’t really work if it was staffed with ephemeral volunteers. It needs a professional core who actually know the rules and law.

    But a “professional” senate risks sliding into “unelected second chamber” territory… There’s an argument your senate should not be in competition with the government, but have the power to veto unconstitutional activity… but then you’re sliding too far in the opposite direction and your Senate is merely functioning like a Civil Service Dept…

    My solution? Don’t over-think this. Scotland doesn’t require to have all the Constitutional ‘t’s crossed and ‘i’s dotted. Sovereignty is not just about empowering us, it is equally effective (and vital for Scotland) for removing power from “them”. Lets focus on that to begin with.

    We don’t need to be perfect in the wielding of our Sovereignty, because Westminster will locked out the process the instant Scotland’s Sovereignty is recognised as ours.

  446. Andy Ellis says:

    Looks like the tide may be turning against cancel culture?

    “ Netflix Fires Major Warning Shot At Its Woke Employees With New ‘Culture Memo’ “

    link to

  447. Ruby says:

    I’ve been scanning throught the BTL comments on

    ‘What Might A Ukraine Peace Agreement Look Like?’

    to see if I could spot comments from Andy Ellis & John Main.

    I didn’t find anything which really surprised me.

    Over there they have a huge audience who might be interested in their views on Ukraine unlike here on Wings where virtually nobody is interested. I also spotted a number of ‘Putin Poodles’ which they might want to sort out.

    What exactly is Craig Murray’s role in the Ukraine Peace Agreement?

  448. Ruby says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    15 May, 2022 at 3:27 pm

    Looks like the tide may be turning against cancel culture?

    “ Netflix Fires Major Warning Shot At Its Woke Employees With New ‘Culture Memo’ “

    Got any fresh news? I saw that 2 days ago.

  449. John Main says:

    @Republic 2:26

    “As far as I’m aware …”

    Then get off your flabby arse and do some research.

    Plenty of credible online first-hand reports documenting how the pro-Russian enthusiasm of former ethnic Russians in Ukraine has disappeared since their Russian “cousins” started destroying their homes and towns and slaying their friends and families.

    Plenty more credible online first-hand reports of mass population deportations from Russian-occupied areas as the Russians “adjust” the numbers to ensure that any future referenda don’t return the “wrong” result.

    Oh but wait. That last one will have you salivating, eh Republic. A worked example of how to cleanse Scotland of anybody who does not think like you?

    Bet you’re standing in front of a mirror giving it the old “Ura” at the thought of that one.

  450. Ruby says:

    @ Anti Scottish Erse.
    15 May, 2022 at 3:24 pm

    Most of us are too wee, too poor & too stupid

    You said that already!

  451. John Main says:

    @Ruby 3:37

    You can’t see comments from Andy, or me.

    Don’t you remember?

  452. Andy Ellis says:

    @John Main 3.45 pm

    Seems the two of us live rent free in Tourette’s Ruby’s head…thankfully it’s a fairly empty space. 🙂

    She seems to be getting more and more obsessed: is it full moon or is there a Buckfast drought? She’ll be going full “Scot” next.

  453. Ruby says:

    John Main says:
    15 May, 2022 at 3:45 pm

    You can’t see comments from Andy, or me.

    Exactly that is what I said. Not a single comments from you or Ellis on the Craig Murray blog. Now that is very strange considering how interested you both are in Ukraine.

    Is it a case of ‘small fish large pond syndrome’ afraid of being exposed as not being as clever as you think you are?

  454. stuart mctavish says:

    @Ruby re wings over ukraine & Craig Murray

    Advocating immunity from prosecution for war crimes for one of the guys appearing to get paid the big bucks, limos, (yachts?), etc to decide whether to to take their country to war alone, part way, or even half donkeyed, certainly looks out of place in an article referencing Scott Ritter..

    Until, just like that, this (from 4 minutes in) appears on C-span

    link to

    ..ergo, if Craig’s trip to Turkye can increase the possibility of Mariapol hosting a Russian re-entry to Eurovision, albeit one with a team from Thailand to replace Australia (for whatever reason), and perhaps hosted by Gina Haspel and Generals Cloutier and Cadieu, then so much the better (despite the risk of any such hope being exposed as naive once the feasibility of retaining Mika et al for such an event is considered).

  455. John Main says:


    You’re talking shite man.

    No free nation in the history of the world ever got anywhere good with a “leave it till later” approach to its constitution.

    FFS, it’s not as if you have to invent the entire thing from scratch. The US constitution is just about as good as best practice. Scotland could adopt that verbatim and not go too far wrong.

    Do you really believe you can “empower” 5 million plus people with no ground rules in place? Jeezo.

  456. Republicofscotland says:

    “You’ve got as much chance of convincing folk you’re right than Putin has of winning the Nobel Peace Prize.”

    Agent Ellis @2.52pm.

    Jeez Oh, I hope you were blushing terribly when you typed the above.

    In 2009 Barack Obama the POTUS with the record of being longest at war in US history, and signing off on the most drone bombings in US history received the Nobel Peace Prize.

  457. Republicofscotland says:

    Main @3.42pm.


    I have a real big problem when the likes of you start mentioning the word credible, of course by that you mean Western and Ukrainian reports, even then you’re not stupid enough to link to them and we all know why.

    Occasionally they do tell the odd truth on what’s going on in Ukraine.

    “Tortured Russian prisoners: videos verified by “Le Monde” implicate a battalion of Ukrainian volunteers”

    link to

  458. John Main says:


    There’s a surprising amount of room. In fact, with the cost of energy what it is, it would be pricy to keep the temperature at comfortable levels.

    Anyways, according to my Army Intelligence Corps calendar, there could be no significant change in the Scottish political landscape before January 2025, so I will continue to look for somewhere a bit less echoing.

    I’m not expecting a referendum next year, or the year after, simply because as Rev Stu has so clearly demonstrated, support for Indy is flatlined at 45%

    And for obvious reasons, all the shilling for Russia and “cunt-calling” on here is not moving the numbers one iota in the right direction. Funny that, who’d have expected that, etc. etc.

  459. Republicofscotland says:

    So the wannabe Hillary Clinton, Sturgeon the betrayer of Scots will speak at the right-wing Brookings Institute tomorrow, which is funded by, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Democracy Fund, Koch family foundations, Lumina Foundation, Omidyar Network, Open Society Foundations, PepsiCo, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Rockefeller Foundation, Smith Richardson Foundation, and a $14 million dollar donation by the oppressive regime of Qatar.

    The UK helps prop up the brutal undemocratic regime and in exchange it has bases and listening stations at Al Udeid air base and Al Minhad.

    No doubt the betrayer will be calming the horses in Washington DC tomorrow letting them know that Scotland is onboard with whatever they have planned, and I’m sure the betrayer will receive a few back slaps for asking for the kick-off of WWIII with a no-fly zone.

    link to

  460. John Main says:

    @Republic 4:02

    Oh come on! We all know why Obama got that prize, after just 8 months as president.

    But you are right, Republic, maybes for the first time ever. Obama’s Nobel Prize was a travesty at the time, and it still is. But maybes not for the reasons you claim.

    And you are also right that Ukrainians will be torturing Russians, and vice versa.

    Just as some of us Scots would be torturing invaders of our country who killed or raped our friends, kids and families.

  461. Andy Ellis says:

    @John Main 4.14 pm

    I don’t know if there is anywhere else that isn’t an echo chamber or full of Putinistas and monomaniacal self appointed “experts” on how we’ll be wafted to the sunny uplands of independence on the wings of the 100 ordinary Scots who will constitute the “Super Duper Sovereign Scots Praesidium Ah Canne Believe It’s No A Parliament Convention Assembly” (TM).

    If these delusional fools weren’t so pathetic they’d be funny. As you say, back in the real world ordinary Scots can’t be bothered to vote in Council elections and have kept the pro indy % stubbornly at the same level for years.

    Doubtless they think shilling for Putin, nativism, covidiocy and cunt-calling will get us to 60%? Ah hae ma doots! 🙂

  462. Republicofscotland says:

    Things are a lot worse for the Nazi’s than I first thought.

    “On May 13, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III spoke with Russian Minister of Defense Sergey Shoygu for the first time since February 18. Secretary Austin urged an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine and emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication. Austin initiated the call and the U.S. is seeking a ceasefire in Ukraine”

    “The Ukraine is losing up to 15,000 men per month to the war. The total Ukrainian casualties, dead and wounded, are likely already at 50,000. The weapons the U.S. and others provide, are not sufficient to sustain the war. The Ukraine has only 3 days reserves of diesel and gasoline left. The main parts of its forces are immobile and are getting surrounded by Russian forces. Their situation is hopeless.”

    “The Pentagon of course knows this all and that is why Austin initiated the call and asked for a ceasefire.”

    The Russia side will not agree to a ceasefire. At least not unless the ‘west’ offers to take back some of the 6,400 sanction measures it has initiated against Russia.”

    Oh well, at least Ukraine won a glass trophy last night and will get to host the contest next year.

  463. Ruby says:

    Anti Scottis Erse says:
    15 May, 2022 at 4:14 pm

    And for obvious reasons, all the shilling for Russia and “cunt-calling” on here is not moving the numbers one iota in the right direction. Funny that, who’d have expected that, etc. etc.

    Do you think having a never ending 24/7 pissing contest about Ukraine and the ‘Moonhowling’ ‘Putin Poodle’ Skid Mark’ Fringe Nutter etc calling will help

  464. Andy Ellis says:

    @Putin’s Poodle 4.40 pm

    And the source for that is…? Odd you don’t link to it…? Is it because it’s to another if your laughable QAnon sources or some rando off the internet?

    Meanwhile back in the real world with experts who really know what they’re talking about (you know, like the 300 historians you got fisked about before…) every dog in the street knows the Russians have failed and there’s no way for Putin to achieve his aims. Their economy is tanking and they’ve lost more men in a few months than they lost in a decade in Afghanistan.

    When Putin comes up empty the Russians will get rid of him. Hopefully the Scots will do the same with Sturgeon when they realise indyref2 is a fiction.

  465. Ottomanboi says:

    Sorry about that mega long link. The content is interesting. The moneyprinter must be white hot. Billions went indiscriminately into Iraqi friends of America pockets. The same is likely in Ukrain. The people will not see a kopiyok if the Iraq precedent is followed.
    It stinks with the hypocrisy. Prior to annexation of Russian speaking Crimea my research indicates you’d struggle to find anybody saying anything good about Ukrain. Now, WOW get ready for canonization of Zelly.
    You say the Ukrain song act was 60s retro…plainly a nation stuck in nostalgia. Not a healthy condition given the iffy past.
    Until the collapse of the Tsarist monarchy Ukrain was more an idea than a physical reality. Not so Scotland.
    Lwów aka Lviv was once Polish and Jewish and a multicultural centre which Uk.nats helped the Nazis to destroy. Zelinsky ought to be ashamed of the company he keeps . Yimakh shemo!

  466. Republicofscotland says:

    Scottish Water chiefs bitching that they have only received a £270,000 pounds bonus, and that South of the border bonuses for chiefs of water companies are much higher.

    The government owned water company bosses have failed miserably in doing their jobs, they’ve been caught sanctioning the dumping of raw sewage into Scotland’s water systems at least thirty-times a day.

    The sense of entitlement even for dismal failure is a growing concern, along with the lack of accountability from the top downwards and not just from Scottish Water.

    link to

  467. Republicofscotland says:

    “And the source for that is…? Odd you don’t link to it…? Is it because it’s to another if your laughable QAnon sources or some rando off the internet?”

    Agent Ellis.

    link to

  468. James Che. says:


    I understand having a good well described foundation of a constitution for the people in general being simple and straight forward.

    I do not think i mentioned keeping the Government and judiciary being kept separate.
    It cannot be so as a sovereign peoples assembly.

    When we go down that avenue, we are talking the status quo, whereby people are ruled by oligarchs, politics and future lobbyists.

    For once i tend to agree with john main, we have a darn good Scottish Constitution at the moment , but it could be bought up to date, and some of the American constitution is in favour of the people.

    What is wrong with any Constitution at the moment is those very systems of, governments you talk of think they own these Constitutions for the people,

    When the constitution is ignored or altered without the over sight of the citizen to find financial favour of a politician or group of lobbyists,
    In Scotland, it should stand steadfast on this legal matter and make one of those constitutional articles article include trial and jury people V politician/ assembly.

  469. James Che. says:

    I do not favour at all the old labour stance here, where they insist Scotlands Parliament or Assemble hold Sovereignty, i had that disagreement with labour that had move over to snp in 2017.

    The Scots must always keep their Sovereignty as individual people and as a nation of shared individual Sovereign people.

    I never thought well of the Labour and snp getting together trying to by stealth to remove it from the Scots.

  470. Ruby says:

    Ottomanboi says:
    15 May, 2022 at 4:51 pm

    Sorry about that mega long link. The content is interesting. The moneyprinter must be white hot. Billions went indiscriminately into Iraqi friends of America pockets. The same is likely in Ukrain. The people will not see a kopiyok if the Iraq precedent is followed.
    It stinks with the hypocrisy. Prior to annexation of Russian speaking Crimea my research indicates you’d struggle to find anybody saying anything good about Ukrain. Now, WOW get ready for canonization of Zelly.
    You say the Ukrain song act was 60s retro…plainly a nation stuck in nostalgia. Not a healthy condition given the iffy past.
    Until the collapse of the Tsarist monarchy Ukrain was more an idea than a physical reality. Not so Scotland.
    Lwów aka Lviv was once Polish and Jewish and a multicultural centre which Uk.nats helped the Nazis to destroy. Zelinsky ought to be ashamed of the company he keeps . Yimakh shemo!

    Your link worked fine on my computer. Might have been trickier on a phone. Anyway it shorter now.
    This is where to go to shorten links:

    link to

    Unlike yourself I know absolutely nothing about Ukraine or Russia. Did history in school about the Russian revolution that was way back when ‘shocking pink flowerpot hats’ were in fashion. Can’t remember a thing about its only thanks to Boney M. would I be able to name one of the characters involved in the Russian Revolution. I’d fair better with Russian Art History.

    I was actually referring to the hat rather than the song. I didn’t understand a word of the song.

    Re the article
    link to
    The Bizarre, Unanimous Dem Support for the $40b War Package to Raytheon and CIA: “For Ukraine”

    The $40b bung to weapons manufacturers sounds highly suspicious.

    This tweet was interesting:

    Ilhan Omar @ilhanMN
    The consequences of flooding Ukraine with billion dollars in weapons, likely not limited to just military-specific equipment but also including small arms + ammo, are unpredictable & likely disastrous.
    Specially when they are given to paramilitary groups w/out accountability.

  471. Ruby says:

    Misogynistic Cunt says:
    15 May, 2022 at 3:49 pm

    She seems to be getting more and more obsessed: is it full moon or is there a Buckfast drought? She’ll be going full “Scot” next.

    I am full Scot. What are you ‘Full English’ like the greasy breakfast fat old bodachs like yourself & ‘Anti Scottish Erse’ have ‘her indoors’ cook for you every single morning before you squeeze your gigantic fat erses into the oversized computer chairs that had to be specially made for you?

  472. Ottomanboi says:

    The tweet on the consequences of flooding Ukrain with non nuclear weaponry is apposite.
    This is what the Americans have done in the MidEast. They throw money and arms at a situation and wait to see the consequences. If bad, they have the option to walk away from the mess.
    The Russians actually cared about, knew about minorities in the MidEast and gave them help.
    Not so the rest. I do not agree with the Russian initiative in Ukrain but given the official antagonism to Russian culture, especially in the Russophone east, Putin’s position is logical.
    Scotland is a different matter. There are no parallels.
    Guid nicht/Oidhche math.

  473. John Main says:


    Uh oh, you have really done it now. You don’t get to diss ‘her indoors’ full Scottish. Nobody does.

    I can’t describe to you on here what happened to the last critic of ‘her indoors’ tattie scones. Suffice to say, he now drinks his breakfast through a straw and pees and shits in a Tupperware box.

    And he is her ain granda.

  474. John Main says:


    spell out the “logic” in slaying thousands of people you claim are your own, while destroying billions of dollars worth of your so-called own people’s homes, jobs, schools, hospitals, power stations, bridges, roads, etc. etc.

    We are all waiting with interest.

  475. George Ferguson says:

    Deteriorating comments and too personal for me. This is meant to be an Independence blog. At some point Sturgeon will go. The legal opposition is growing with many cases being drafted as we speak. Post Sturgeon should be our focus. What comes next?. Don’t let Nicola determine future action. You determine future action.

  476. Breeks says:

    James Che. says:
    15 May, 2022 at 5:27 pm

    …For once i tend to agree with john main, we have a darn good Scottish Constitution at the moment , but it could be bought up to date, and some of the American constitution is in favour of the people.

    I understand completely. Way back in 2013 /14 when Mark McNaught was discussing the need for an updated Constitution in the Newsnet BTL comments, I felt it was a bad idea. I was fearful that any altering of the 1320 Constitution could invalidate important principles and raise questions about ratification for a “new” Constitution. What if a Unionist majority commandeered the process? Better to change nothing!

    My attitude was leave it alone, the essential principle was sovereignty, and everything else was secondary.

    I have changed my opinion, and I’ll give you four reasons why.

    1. Despite the people being sovereign, we have no codified mechanism or protocol to articulate our sovereignty. We cannot wield it as things stand, but nor could we wield it in 1707.

    For example, when Scotland was sold out in 1707, or when Sturgeon sold out Scotland’s Remain vote in 2016, we the people had no impeachment protocol ready and at our disposal to contest or reverse her unconstitutional capitulation. Even Holyrood with it’s small ‘c’ constitution that is the Scotland Act, is better served by administrative protocols than the Scottish people, who have nothing at their disposal.

    2. Scotland’s Constitution is unique, but that uniqueness “could” be a problem. There is a principle in law that a contract has to be deliverable, and the contract is void if it’s not. You cannot sue a person who promised to sell you fairy dust, because fairy dust doesn’t exist. You cannot have “murder” as a penalty clause, because that isn’t legally deliverable, and the contract is not competent. Well, arguably, Scotland’s popular Sovereignty is incredibly hard to deliver, so is it actually deliverable?

    Is it actually a practicable method of government to canvas the opinion of “everyone” every time a decision needs to be made? And if everybody is sovereign, what happens to the views of sovereign citizens in the minority? Their sovereignty is evidently subjugated. How does that work?

    That situation doesn’t arise where Nations have a single sovereign leader with the omnipotent casting vote, but it happens with every decision in Scotland; there is always going to be majority and a minority of sovereign people, so some sovereign people will have their views overruled. So can you still call them sovereign?

    Now yes, democratic protocols are the obvious solution, have a vote on it. It’s obvious. But that’s the point, it’s obvious to us, but there’s nothing in Scotland’s 14th Century Constitution which actually codifies the rules of a popular democracy. If there had been, you can be sure we wouldn’t have the scandal of a Westminster Government shoving Section 30 of the Scotland Act in our sovereign Scottish faces.

    And another small point, if I was a Unionist, I might fancy my chances of compromising Scottish Constitutional Sovereignty by arguing that it cannot be practicably delivered. That is why Scotland needs to pad out the principle of Constitutional Sovereignty with practical mechanisms which address these shortcomings. It’s in our interests to show our Constitution can be properly implemented.

    3) The third reason Scotland needs a written Constitution is because not having a concise written Constitution is perceived to be an open goal to Westminster Unionists and colonialists. The people who habitually exploit Scotland recognise that their plethora of unwritten conventions are infinitely harder to scrutinise when there is no written Constitutional yardstick to contradict their duplicity.

    There is nothing an unwritten convention likes better than the apparent “void” of an unwritten Constitution. Our Constitution is written, but as someone put it very well, it’s just not all written in the one place.

    I believe a written Constitution with codified protocols would be a tremendous education to both Sovereign Scot and any would-be Colonial usurper alike, and the long running practice of improvised unwritten conventions designed to exploit Scotland would simply come unstuck. In truth, I believe you’d have the delicious irony of the Treaty of Union floundering as the void contract that was undeliverable in Law.

    4) This People’s Assembly / Constitutional Assembly / Senate / Call it what you will, needs it’s own codification and small ‘c’ constitution as a duly recognised and official mechanism of Scottish Government.
    Holyrood has the Scotland Act to define what Holyrood is and what it’s role is, and a People’s Constitutional Assembly would need it’s own authority similarly defined. It needs to secure Legal Personality and be formally recognised as an official vehicle of public expression.

    I was wrong back in 2013 / 14. Mark McNaught was right.

  477. Chas says:

    I am advised, from someone who lives nearby, that large mobile television and satellite studios from Reuters, BBC, CNN, Bloomberg, to name but a few, are all parked in the street where Scum 1 (RoS) lives.
    They realise that he has inside knowledge of everything that is happening world wide, with particular emphasis on events in Ukraine and Russia. All the news outlets are actively hoping to gain a scoop from the knowledgeable one.
    Can it really be true? If so we are really fortunate, as readers on WOS, to get all the latest news first and straight from the horses mouth.

  478. Republicofscotland says:

    “Can it really be true? If so we are really fortunate, as readers on WOS, to get all the latest news first and straight from the horses mouth.”

    Chas@ 8.14pm.

    You mean like this laddie.

    “Unconfirmed : SURRENDERED: in #Azovstal
    US General Eric Olson
    British Lieutenant Colonel John Bailey
    4 #NATO military instructors.
    There is news of Canadian French Turkish officers still hiding inside tunnels”

    Olson is thought to be the prisoner behind the RF soldier with the (Z) on his uniform.

    There’s going to be some pretty spectacular trials in Russia when this is all over, unless Putin allows them to go free, or exchanges them.

    link to

    Of course there’s more rats to flush out of the Azovstal we await with bated breath their capture.

  479. George Ferguson says:

    I am interested in the Scottish Parliament and the goings on. I think geo politics is tangential. We have enough to be getting on with here. I said some time ago that the Ferries should be scrapped. More information brought to light today reinforcing that view. Engage your brain. Multiple failures won’t secure Scottish Independence.

  480. Ruby says:

    Oh Madre Mia it’s daft old ‘Chasmogamy’ posting made up shit and thinking we might be fooled. Daft old bodach he should stick to his ‘Fore Play Crazy Golf’ or alternatively writing his Barbara Cartland style novel.

  481. Ruby says:

    This one is for you Chasmogamy’

    link to

  482. James Che. says:


    I gently put it to you even with the explanations you put forward, that still has the ability to change the sovereignty of the Scottish individual of long standing into a slow or fast conversion of Sovereignty.

    I did not agree with mr stewart stevenson in 2017 and i still do not agree with that principle of exchange of Sovereignty,
    This one step in the wrong direction at a time “Try to perceive it for your own good” that we take your Scots sovereignty away sounds so like westminsters manoeuvres on Scotland in the past.

    And that scottish sovereignty is precious that in other countries that would envy us for having it.
    But it has to be of use.
    There has to be another alternative
    We have voting abilities now, this does change,

    We have a Scottish written constitution, and rather than that being our hinderance, it could be our saviour.
    As to changing the Scottish Constitution, NO.
    My suggestion is to keep what we have.
    But extend peoples rights in Scotland, such as.
    Freedom of speech.
    Private rights, and the right to privacy.
    ‘Women’s rights. ( ie) women born female at birth.
    Workers rights.
    Rights to decent housing..
    The right to a lawyer provided by the nation of Scotland as a qualified resident of Scotland,
    Human rights should be top of any constitution.

    There is plenty to discuss,
    But the new parliament/assembly should not jump on the band wagon of the sovereign Scot,
    Just as trans-men should not have jumped on the band-wagon of women.

  483. James Che. says:

    We have voting rights now, this should not change,

  484. George Ferguson says:

    @Ruby 9:11pm
    Great video Ruby. Menopausal women, luckily my wife never suffered these symptoms. I think she did but far be it for husband to say that. One night I cuddle her up. It was like cuddling a raeburn. But how does that discussion restore the balance between a dysfunctional relationship between men and women? Sturgeon says men have to change their behaviour. That’s her agenda. Divide the country, the sexes etc. Made worse by GRA. Luckily we have long standing relationships between men and women that will survive her tenure.

  485. Saffron Robe says:


    I agree, we need to develop a properly codified written constitution for a modern Scotland. I would take as a model the Indian constitution as we would find ourselves in the same position of gaining independence from British rule. The following is from Wikipedia:

    “The Constitution of India (Bharatiya Samvidhana) is the supreme law of India. The document lays down the framework that demarcates fundamental political code, structure, procedures, powers, and duties of government institutions and sets out fundamental rights, directive principles, and the duties of citizens. It is the longest written national constitution in the world.

    “It imparts constitutional supremacy (not parliamentary supremacy, since it was created by a constituent assembly rather than Parliament) and was adopted by its people with a declaration in its preamble. Parliament cannot override the constitution.

    “It was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India on 26 November 1949 and became effective on 26 January 1950. The constitution replaced the Government of India Act 1935 as the country’s fundamental governing document, and the Dominion of India became the Republic of India. To ensure constitutional autochthony, its framers repealed prior acts of the British parliament in Article 395. India celebrates its constitution on 26 January as Republic Day.”

    There are some very interesting points: The first is it imparts constitutional supremacy and not parliamentary supremacy (and Parliament cannot override the constitution). The second is replacing the Government of India Act 1935 (which has parallels to the Scotland Act) as the country’s fundamental governing document. Thirdly, it repealed prior acts of the British parliament. And lastly it was adopted by its people with a declaration in its preamble. We already have a declaration to hand written by our ancestors all those years ago!

    As well as taking the Indian constitution as a model while acknowledging our own rich and unique history, we should also take Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent struggle against the British as inspiration. I have personally met relations of B. R. Ambedkar who is revered in India as the father of the constitution.

  486. Confused says:

    Breeks/Saffron/James/RobertH – ta for the positive response.

    Hey Ruby – Orwell’s rules for writing –


    4 letters is quite enough for some

  487. Breeks says:

    Off to America on a jolly, but the Unionist’s are already there seeding their narrative…

    link to

    Scotland is vital and essential while bound in captivity, but couldn’t pay it’s bills if it escaped.

    America’s memory is a lot shorter than it’s history.

  488. Ruby says:

    George Ferguson says:
    15 May, 2022 at 9:55 pm
    Sturgeon says men have to change their behaviour.

    I thought that was pretty unfair. I totally lost all respect for Sturgeon when she fired Mark MacDonald for sending a jokey text. The Alex Salmond trial was totally mental.

    However that was back then now it’s it’s a whole different ballgame it’s not just your behaviour she wants you to change.

    Do you look ‘pretty in pink’ George?

    What is the current term for ‘men’?

    Whatever it is I support them. I am a meninist!

    PS That doesn’t mean I think you are perfect all the time!

  489. Ruby says:

    Confused says:
    16 May, 2022 at 12:26 am

    Hey Ruby – Orwell’s rules for writing –


    He is spot on that Mr Orwell everyone knows what a cunt is how many people know what a moonhowler, a Putin’s poodle, a skid Mark, a fringe nutter a foul-mouthed harridan, a scheemie etc etc actually is?

    PS I might start using the term ‘Biden’s Bichon’ do you think folk would understand what I mean?

  490. robertkknight says:

    link to

    The above needs broadcast far and wide over every platform.

    You know what to do…

  491. Mark Boyle says:

    robertkknight says:
    16 May, 2022 at 9:17 am

    link to

    The above needs broadcast far and wide over every platform.

    You know what to do…

    “Leaked emails and documents reviewed by The Grayzone have exposed the dimensions of a wide-ranging conspiracy managed by a shadowy cabal of hardcore Leavers to sabotage former Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal”

    Oh please!

    Tinfoil Theresa didn’t have a Brexit deal. She was hoping if she bumbled around for long enough, the Brexiteers would give up.

    It was atypical of every department she ever ran where obfuscation and cunctation were regarded as legitimate routine to anyone who wouldn’t rubber stamp her will without question no matter how half-baked, as the poor bastards in the immigration department later found to their cost when she tried to make them carry the can for her fk ups.

    The one good thing about Boris Johnson is knowing how much every day in office contributes to Theresa’s ulcers since she’s now taken up Ted Heath’s role of Chief Sulk to the Treasury.

  492. Breeks says:

    robertkknight says:
    16 May, 2022 at 9:17 am

    link to

    The above needs broadcast far and wide over every platform.

    You know what to do…

    That’s pretty wild, but I need to think on it a while. My initial reading was leading me to ask whether this distasteful activity was a spectacular treason, or just part and parcel of everyday “lobbying” and the unholy shenanigans that is commonplace at Westminster.

    It’s not that I’m being cynical, but in my microscopically limited experience, a lot of these bufty old ex-Military types use Dad’s Army type language all the time, which sees parking the Bentley as a military maneuver and probably assigns a code-name to a weekend golf trip. Let me stress, that’s not to dismiss what the Grayzone is saying here, but it’s a caution.

    That said, the texts themselves are pretty damning, explict and naming names. Isn’t it amazing how unusual it’s become to see unredacted information?

    One small point, it’s extremely disappointing that it glosses over Johnson being compelled to un-prorogue Parliament by the Supreme Court. That isn’t true. The Supreme Court had long since run up the white flag and declared the Joanna Cherry case beyond it’s Jurisdiction. It was a principle of Scots Law that a parliament could not remove itself from scrutiny of the sovereign people. Joanna Cherry and Scots Law won big that day, but it’s been VASTLY understated.

    Mind you…
    “The emails and documents collated in this article represent but a negligible fraction of a gargantuan tranche of leaked files. But even this small scintilla provides a frighteningly candid glimpse of how power truly operates in Britain, and in whose interests it is ultimately exerted…

    I don’t think they’re done by a long shot…

    I wonder whether we can get the Grayzone to set it’s hounds on Scotland, and in particular that “Dark Money” Election of Theresa May, when Alex Salmond and Angus Robertson were unseated. There’s always been a bad smell about UK Establishment interference in Scotland, but that period was stinking to high heaven…

  493. Breeks says:

    Fk sake. Can’t do anything. Fkg internet is on extra slow setting today. Give me strength…

    I would love to know why some days the Internet is so fkg abysmal.

  494. James Che. says:


    Or perhaps greyzone could look into the russian interference in the 2014 Scottish election Boris Johnstone stated.

    After all if a British prime minister knows there was a corrupted brithish election, you would think he would re- hold that election 🙂

  495. Andy Ellis says:

    @George Ferguson 8.58 pm

    “I am interested in the Scottish Parliament and the goings on. I think geo politics is tangential. We have enough to be getting on with here.”

    That’s fair enough, but others are interested in different things. Geo-politics may leave you cold or not seen important compared with discussions about the Scottish Parliament, but others might see that as parochial and limited. The current crisis in Ukraine will have an a general impact economically and politically, as well as specific impacts on Scotland and on the chances of independence, so it’s surely not a surprise that some people might think it’s worthwhile discussing the matter?

    Nobody is stopping you or anyone else discussing other issues you might think are more important, whether it’s GRA reform, ferries, Scotland’s future constitutional set up, the Treaties of Union or anything else you fancy. Whether they are more important or have a more immediate impact than geo-politics whether related to Ukraine, the EU/brexit, the Northern Ireland protocol is pretty subjective in the end.

    For all the heat generated by the seemingly interminable debates on here about the sovereignty of the people and alternative routes and cunning plans leading to independence avoiding referendums or plebiscitary elections, I haven’t seen much light she’d on how it’s supposed to happen, who organises it and how it gains acceptance domestically and recognition internationally.

    It would seem a fairly basic “ask”. The Icelandic Constitutional Assembly process didn’t actual go that well, but since Iceland is already an independent country, perhaps it isn’t that great a parallel. I doubt there is actually much mileage in a similar %/number of Scots (the Icelanders had 1500 out of from a population of 330,000, which equates to around 25,000 Scots out of 5.5M) appointing themselves and expecting their output to be generally accepted.

  496. Mark Boyle says:


    To quote from Wikipedia (any port in a storm):

    “The Grayzone is a left-wing to far-left news website … It is known for its misleading reporting and sympathetic coverage of authoritarian regimes, in addition to its denial of the Uyghur genocide. The Grayzone has spread conspiracy theories about Venezuela, Xinjiang, Syria, and other regions.”

    Enough said – about as reliable and trustworthy as a Holyrood minister.

  497. gregor says:

    @James Che re. “But the big question is… Who choses the future leaders of our own country…”:

    Regardless of public sentiment, It would appear that the global ruling order is hell-bent on ultimately pre-determining our national status and future, and that Sturgeon/Scot Gov is in lock-step with this globalist agenda:

    This global order has concluded that our current system is not fit-for-purpose and is to be rebuilt, from the ground-up – with a brand new, generic, ‘social contract’. It intends to systemically seize our dire situation and exploit it for maximum impact, via an acceleration of available ‘tools’ under its unprecedented umbrella.

    Scotland/Scot Gov has been specially selected for a globalist makeover:

    World Economic Forum (08/09/2020): To: Scottish Ministers:

    “Dear First Minister,

    You are part of a carefully selected group of experts from all over the world who we are asking to contribute to the World Economic Forum…

    This year’s Global Risks Perception Survey comes at a crucial time as the world is preparing for a common recovery path to shape the Great Reset in the post-COVID-19 era…”:

    link to

    …A hopeless, faithless and divided (unconscious) public is what it requires to implement its rotten agenda.

    Thankfully, we hold the ability to act with critical awareness (didn’t sovereign Scotland and its people democratically elect a nationalist government):

  498. Breeks says:


    Mark Boyle says:
    16 May, 2022 at 11:18 am

    To quote from Wikipedia ….

    Ha! Ha! Ha!

    The Oracle has spoken…

  499. gregor says:

    World Economic Forum (2018): We need a new international order. Here’s why:

    “…Today, however, that order is under unprecedented strain…”:

    link to

    Atlantic Council (2020): Strategic context: The rules-based international system:

    “The post-World War II, rules-based international system, led by likeminded allies and partners …is coming under increasing strain. A foremost challenge to the system is the return of great-power competition…”:

    link to

    World Economic Forum: Agenda Contributor:

    Brookings Institution:

    link to

  500. gregor says:

    BBC (16/05/2022): Failure on climate change would be catastrophic, says Sturgeon:

    “…first minister will also say the world “looks very different” in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine….

    Ms Sturgeon will highlight her fears when she addresses the Brookings Institution in Washington DC.

    She will call on global partners to lead…

    Ms Sturgeon will say: “We have seen the rules-based international order come under increasing strain”..”:

    link to


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    • Peter McAvoy on Green Eggs And Bams: “Another dismissal of the concerns and welfare of all native or permanent resident Scottish people would be to easily forget…Mar 7, 02:21
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “Focussing on getting the hell out of this dreadful Union, there’s one thing that ALL Yes voters have to do…Mar 6, 22:06
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “Sorry Dan, I didn’t bother reading your ill-tempered, abusive and no doubt factually illiterate rant. Your belief that wind energy…Mar 6, 21:42
    • Dan on Green Eggs And Bams: “Fuck off John Hatey Main the ever-present bot twat. We’ve been over this matter for years and I’ve provided plenty…Mar 6, 21:14
    • Muscleguy on Green Eggs And Bams: “And woodburners pollute the house they are in so badly it has been compared to having a diesel exhaust piped…Mar 6, 20:42
    • Derek on Green Eggs And Bams: “Of course, the 2021 figures were significantly inflated by the double whammy of the pandemic and Sturgeon’s one and only…Mar 6, 20:37
    • Michael Laing on Green Eggs And Bams: “If only the cycle lanes were empty! Here in Edinburgh, these lanes are an absolute menace to pedestrians, with cyclists…Mar 6, 20:14
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Thanks Sarah. No idea what kind of turnout to expect but the capacity of the function room is 100. 🙂Mar 6, 20:13
    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““a geographic area having an abundance of clean renewable energy generation yet it being too expensive for many to access,…Mar 6, 20:00
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “You are right, Breeks. We have been, and continue to be, betrayed by nearly every SNP MSP and MP. How…Mar 6, 19:59
    • agent x on Green Eggs And Bams: “The Scottish Government signed off on guidance last month which said “trans staff should choose to use the facilities they…Mar 6, 19:55
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “It sounds perfect, Ian. I know there will be a great atmosphere and old comrades remembered – Cearc, Smallaxe among…Mar 6, 19:54
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “@ Breeks and 100% yes, YES there are many dullards and fuckwits out there who will continue to vote for…Mar 6, 19:28
    • JockMcT on Green Eggs And Bams: “The definition of insanity; Voting SNP 1 & 2 and hoping for a referendum from WM.Mar 6, 19:27
    • Dan on Green Eggs And Bams: “Or “enjoy” the illegal level of noise generated by dodgy shite totally inappropriate air sourced heatpump installs in what were…Mar 6, 19:10
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “The next ‘Friends of Wings’ gathering will be in The Eagle Inn, Coatbridge, on Friday April 4th. The function room.…Mar 6, 18:58
    • MsDidi on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you BreeksMar 6, 18:55
    • agent x on Green Eggs And Bams: “10 October 2017 The Scottish government is to set up a publicly-owned, not-for-profit energy company, Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed. The…Mar 6, 18:40
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““The Russtis are not our enemies” Phew, thank feck for that. So when one of their senior politicians calls for…Mar 6, 18:33
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “It really is black and white though, twathater. An invading army from one country is 40% into its neighbouring country.…Mar 6, 18:30
    • Alex stewart on Green Eggs And Bams: “I doubt this, the snp are way too far gone now to “grow up”. This blog post pretty much sums…Mar 6, 18:09
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “No, Breeks, you’re not an ‘oddity’. 🙂Mar 6, 18:02
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “Where is all the misinformation peddled by the kremlin and the honest and verifiable facts issued by the EU, the…Mar 6, 17:45
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Illogical hatred – indeed it is Helen.Mar 6, 17:37
    • 100%Yes on Green Eggs And Bams: “The SNP hasn’t changed, its the traitors running us and the SNP leadership which has. Its was all about riding…Mar 6, 16:32
    • David Rodgers on Green Eggs And Bams: ““So easy to delude people, so hard to get them to recognise that they’ve been deluded.” – This also applies…Mar 6, 16:09
  • A tall tale

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