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Wings Over Scotland

Royal Week

Posted on July 03, 2021 by
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Scottish summers would be lovely if it weren’t for these bloody irritating wee beasts appearing everywhere. Same time every year, give or take a week or two either way. I mean, what are they for? They serve no purpose other than to annoy and make you wish you’d never left the house. (The midges are equally as bad!). 🙂

The Isolator

“Ever get the feeling you’ve been ad? Mugs.Fantastic as always Chris.


The annual shooting, looting and puting the boot in

Dave M

Nice touch with the wee photo from the 1930s on the bookshelf ?

Scot Finlayson

The Germanic tribe of Angle Saxons have a chance this tournament,

no real standout teams,

not seen much of it but i thought Denmark looked goodish.

Better off watching the Tour de France.

Socrates MacSporran

Well, they are from the German branch of the Scottish diaspora; so they need to act uber Anglo-Saxon, or the Tories might deport them as illegal immigrants.


‘the Tories might deport them as illegal immigrants.’

The current Tories have overseen one of the largest influxes of people, including those without legal right to be here, ever.

The Tories being against mass immigration is a well spun illusion.

All they have to do is be total pricks to one particular group or family now and then, while saying sort of the right things on TV and in parliament and they will continue to retain their support.

The Tories are absolutely and 100% behind every neoliberal agenda which includes the displacement of populations. They are about as ‘conservative’ in action as deliberately setting your own house on fire.

John H. (The original one)

I like the photo on the bottom shelf, with a young Lizzie giving ‘that’ salute.


Going OT early today but…

Indy Poster Boy (Colin Dunne) has now retired from the fray, totally disillusioned, and James Kelly has seen the dark. Just wgd left ploughing a lonely, futile furrow.

It would be good if disillusioned bloggers and well-known activists like IPB, JK and of course Stu could get together to issue a joint statement.

Maybe a job for Phantom Power?

Anyone got the contacts to organise that?

We need the wider public to understand what has happened to our movement and how it was done.


Another cracker Chris.


Dave M says:
3 July, 2021 at 8:08 am
Nice touch with the wee photo from the 1930s on the bookshelf


I spotted that. Brilliant 🙂

Above that photo there is a jacket with the label ‘Uncle Willie’

I don’t get it. Can you help?


What do you suppose the gamekeeper & bug-eyed deer sees reflected on the tv screen.

The Queen doing a ‘Sharon Tate’?


Ooops Sharon Stone not Sharon Tate!

Paul McRae

I thought this was a bit of artwork by Chris Cairns – who knew the good reverend was so talented?

John H. (The original one)

Ruby 9.56am.

I think that that’s a statuette of the kaiser. Uncle Willie. The relationship that’s never mentioned.

John H. (The original one)

You can see the tip of what appears to be a pickelhaube helmet under the cover over Uncle Willie.

stuart mctavish

Like the way Liz is thinking in the ‘toon – England win and momentum for indy becomes unstoppable as no sane Scot want to be teased by the 2 world wars chant getting modified to Euro champs and 3rd world war, Brexit..Brexit..etc. for next 55 years


Thank-you John H. (The original one)

Paul McRae
The Rev is very talented he just has a different style. 🙂

Anyone got a link to the Rev’s masterpiece?

John Main


Yet another post from you in which you hit the nail squarely on the head. Keep up the good work.

Why is it that you can see reality, whilst so many others are banging on about fitba, 1707, Palestine, the Declaration of Arbroath, and other irrelevant distractions?

Oh, almost forgot. The most recent thread was attempting to split the binary identification Scottish-English into something like 100 sub-categories depending on birthplace, residency, accent, tax domicile, property ownership, supported teams, voting preferences, etc. Every time I read one of those posts, I could feel the surge in support for Indy lifting me skywards as hundreds of other readers were converted to the cause.


Nice one Chris, the Queen and her parasitic brood are working at unionism for their own benefit, not for the benefit of the Scots or the Welsh, or dare I say it even the English.

An interesting wee snippet is that not one royal has been to a Scottish or Welsh national football game, this century, but they’ve attended England’s national games.


What about the ‘London Pride’ beer?

Is the queen ‘woke’ or is this symbolising her thinking that

“A pound spent in Croydon is far more of value to the country than a pound spent in Strathclyde”

or perhaps it’s both.


Visit Edinburgh? I wonder they can put up with the wee


Sturgeon the Betrayer of Scots, and EU citizens, has said in relation to the Labour marginal win in the Batley Spen by-election, that it was good to see ugly tactics defeated.

Well, there can be no more an uglier tactician than Sturgeon the Betrayer of Scots and EU citizens, with her ugly tactics on Alex Salmond and Martin Keatings, and of course her ugly tactics at the Holyrood Inquiry, not to mention the ugly tactics of her former Lord Advocate, and her ugly tactics that showed that she misled (lied) to parliament. Then there’s the ugly tactics on the ringfenced indyfunds.

Dave Somerville


Is it your aim in life to try and exceed the total amount of posts in one day that dear old Cameron B Brodie achieved?

And is “Reply” really your second name?


Visit Edinburgh? I wonder they can put up with all that wee


So we have Mhairi Black in the National y’know the one that took a drag queen into a primary school and thought it appropriate to do so, even though the drag queen had very lurid pictures on a social media account.

Anyway Black is whining that Johnson is slowly privatising the NHS in England and that this will have a serious knock-on effect to the funding that comes to Scotland’s NHS.

Surely it must’ve dawned on Black and a whole host of other SNP MSPs/MPs that if Sturgeon the Betrayer of Scots and EU citizens had stopped trying to save England from Brexit, and focused on saving Scotland, its people, and their businesses from this rancid union via a indyref, she wouldn’t need to have penned her pointless comment.

But I suspect like many SNP MSPs/MPs Black already knows this and is just playing to the gallery with her meaningless column in the National.


John Main says:

Did you listen to this?

“Could the PM Have a Brummie Accent?”
link to

If you don’t want to listen to it all FF to 47:26 to listen to Alan Brown followed by Emma Lewell-Buck.

I’m wondering if the folk in Hansard translate ‘Mam’ into Mother or Birthing Person?

Should our politicians take elocution lessons & learn to speak ‘properly before entering the ‘House of Commons’?


Dave Somerville says:
3 July, 2021 at 10:48 am

Is it your aim in life to try and exceed the total amount of posts in one day that dear old Cameron B Brodie achieved?

And is “Reply” really your second name?


I’m being stalked again by “Dave the Mental Misogynistic Bully Boy”

alan turner

Until Queen Nicola and here onterag are replaced Scotland will go no where.


Jeez oh the SNP really know how to milk a situation that they themselves have created, we have Mike Russell now going on about what will happen to EU citizens, how their expulsion might weaken Scotland home and abroad, and jeopardise the future of some of our fragile communities, damage Scottish businesses and cause a shortage of labour, Russell even has the chutzpah to mention that their expulsion might impoverish culture in Scotland.

Firstly on culture the SNP apart from promoting Gaelic, the SNP government appears to be quite content to allow Scotland’s history and culture to be superceded by that of Englands. As for the quandary that EU citizens now find themselves in, in Scotland, well Russell knows fine well like Black does, that Sturgeon the Betrayer of Scots and EU citizens, had a golden opportunity to ditch this putrid union and save us all including EU citizens from a lot of pain and suffering that’s coming down the Westminster pipeline, via rotten trade deals and the Internal Market Act to name but a few hammer blows that Scotland will suffer in the coming years at the hands of Westminster.

Russell, is just another mouthpiece for the now personality led cult and once independence minded SNP.

Stuart MacKay

Rob Brown is revisiting the “Salmond Conspiracy”¸ link to

That’s interesting in itself as the idea that such a thing exists/existed seems to be spreading. What’s also interesting is that the details appear to be leaking out slowly. Given that it’s water under the bridge for the vast majority I wonder if the slow leaks are intended to let everything out,m suitable sanitised, over a long period of time so there’s no sudden outrage and so nothing to answer for.


isn’t funny how the British monarchy are the British most of the time, until it comes to sporting events that involve England football team then they become silent but waving their St’Geroges flag bless them for being who they really are.

I honestly believe that Scotland journey to Independence (if it happens) could be less hassle if a referendum had been held to remove the queen as head of state before we become Independent.

Dave Somerville

Ruby Reply,

You are not shy at having a go at anyone you choose to have as go at,

But, as soon as you receive a reply you don’t agree with, you immediately come away with the “misogynist bully” shit.

That was a tactic Sturgeon used against Alex Salmond.

Nicola will be so proud of you.

“Mammy, he said a bad word”

Dry yer eyes Ruby, ya poor wee snowflake.

That old saying comes to mind:-

“If you can’t take it, don’t give it out”.


The Great Satan aka the USA has left Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan, after twenty-years of using it as a staging post to murder innocent Afghanis, and to allow US firms like Halliwell to make huge profits from exploiting the country’s natural resources.

Under the tenure of Hamid Karzai the US corporations had a free hand to plunder Afghanistan’s rare earth elements for twenty-years, oh and there was the search for Osama bin Laden, the US invoked Article Five of Nato’s charter to hunt him down, of course there’s no real evidence that he committed the 9/11 atrocities, and the Great Satan’s 6th fleet was already poised to enter Afghanistan weeks before the 9/11 attacks occured.

John H. (The original one)


Sturgeon is not only a Betrayer of the Scottish people. She is also a destroyer of hope, and a very successful one too. The wheel turns though, and I feel that her time is coming to an end. Maybe quite soon. So hang on and be patient for just a while longer.


Who appointed Sturgeon as the Scots de-facto judge and jury on anything to do with Scotland sovereignty, this self appointed President of Scotland is openly standing in the way of the Scots being Independent and joining the EU. It time for the Murrells to be told straight along with there mob of friends like Mike Russell that the people are sovereign not the elite in Holyrood who actively have no idea what democracy is or they have forgotten it entirely, Scotland’s fight isn’t just Westminster its Holyrood as well. It’s time for the Scots to waken up before those who pretend to serves us are actually our destroyers who hope to destroy our history and our culture and our nations Name and will seek to give our land to our neighbor when we are trying to take it back.


Scotland is to important to trust in the hands of a woman who isn’t interested in Scotland or its people she proven that over the last 7yrs.

Dave Somerville

C’mon Ukraine,

Do the World a favour,

The whole of Scotland is behind you, in your endeavour to defeat the most detested Nation on earth.

A 93rd minute winner will do me just fine.

Dave Somerville

100%Yes says: 11:54 am

“Who appointed Sturgeon as the Scots de-facto judge and jury on anything to do with Scotland sovereignty”.

I’m afraid that person was none other than
Alex Salmond.

God knows how she done, but she did.

The Perverted Lezzy Leader never had any intention of leading Scotland to becoming an independent nation.

Her plan was to turn Scotland into a utopia for sexual Perverts.

She met her soul mate in the equally perverted gay, Pete Murrell. They then hatched a plan to keep Scotland in a perpetual State of Devolved government.

This would not only make them extremely wealthy, but it would allow them to push through Parliament their perverted vision of Scotland.

So I am afraid Alex made a major boo boo in appointing this freak of nature and staunch Unionist, Sturgeon.


If Mike Russell doesn’t like what’s happening to EU citizens (remember how we used to be such) perhaps he should speak to that blow hard Blackford. He of the “we will not allow Scotland to be dragged…” speech fame.

It would appear there are are more arseholes in the SNP than you’ll find on the sausage production line in a meat processing factory.

Stuart MacKay


“shortage of labour” is exactly right but it’s only a shortage of people prepared to accept low wages. Immigration neatly sidesteps those oh-so-wonderful, market forces that we’re supposed to accept with open arms. If you can’t fill the jobs at a given way then surprise, surprise, you have to pay more.

I have an idea. Immigrants must be paid 50% more than the market rate for the first year so they can get themselves on their feet and pay for extras, like getting a loan for a car, etc, until get settled in. For refugees that would seem a like a good way of saying sorry since it’s likely they were driven out of their homes by meddling western powers in the first place.

I bet the great and the good that be wouldn’t be telling us how wonderful all that extra “diversity” is for very long.

Saffron Robe

Superb Chris. All that’s missing is an effigy of our Dear Leader in her top pocket.

Dave Somerville

robertknight. 12.25pm

“It would appear there are are more arseholes in the SNP than you’ll find on the sausage production line in a meat processing factory.”

Very eloquently put Robert.

LoL. brilliant.

Couldn’t agree more.

And as far as Pete Murrell is concerned, the more the merrier.

Boom Boom!!!

Scot Finlayson

`Happy 50th Birthday Julian Assange
Born 3rd July 1971
Now being held without charge and tortured by the British government for exposing US and UK government criminality`

David Caledonia

Life is just a bowl of cherries…. La La La La La La lol

David Caledonia

Happy birthday, to the man in the moon, and happy birthday to everyone I don’t know, that covers everybody I think

Heh Heh Heh

David Caledonia

I love scotland, but I have a bet on england, sentiment never clouds my judgement and I will not allow any little scottish bigots who seem to love everyone as long as they are not english, what a fecking shower you people are

Meg merrilees

Republic of Scotland

The slow privatisation of the NHS has been going on for MANY years down south.
My understanding is that Richard Branson took over quite a few contracts but to help changeovers run smoothly, the staff kept their NHS uniforms.

It has been mentioned on this site a few times and of course there is the constant worry that American interests will be encouraged as part of any trade deal.

And with Covid powers and contracts being doled out to friends and family, it is even more rife.

Maybe someone can archive this article.

link to


There was a BBC football commentator, Jonathan somebody, doing the Sweden v Ukraine match at Hampden who kept referring to the Scotland team as “the Scots”. As if he wasn’t broadcasting to us, as if we don’t pay some of his salary. Why should we?


Scott Finlayson @1.41pm.

Yes what a way to spend your 50th birthday locked up in a maximum security prison without charge for telling the truth. What must make it unbearable for Assange a good friend of Craig Murray, is that the prosecutions star witness has been found to have told a pack of lies.

link to

Nevertheless this judge who appears to have an agenda, and is unwilling to set Assange free, simply because the great Satan aka the USA desperately wants him extradited to America, where he’ll be locked up tortured and he will eventually die or be killed to set an example for other journalists who might want to pursue reporting the Great Satan’s machinations via its foreign policy.

link to


Check out Whitney Webb investigative journalist on YouTube, bitchute for a lot of background on the current ” crisis”. It seems the Military Industrial Complex and National Governments are heavily invested in the Pharmaceutical Industry especially Gene therapies.I bet there are many politicians in Westminster and Holyrood who have pharma on their investment portfolios.
To the idiot SNP. “Variants” of a flu virus tend to be weaker than the original strain. Everyone knows that. The SNP should try following science for a change. Also there will be a reckoning for your crimes against Humanity.


There’s more arseholes in the SNP than at an Old Firm game.

Andrew F

Scott Finlayson @1.41pm

Yes, what a travesty it is that Assange is still locked up in Belmarsh after 2 years and a Court decision that should have seen him freed.

The greater travesty, and Craig Murray knows all about this but is worryingly coy about it, is that every 28 days for the last 2 years Assange was able to apply for bail – and if it was refused he has an automatic right of appeal to the High Court. And not once has that automatic right been exercised.

In fact, his “legal team” only even bothered applying for bail once in all that time, and only on the spurious basis that he would probably die of COVID in Belmarsh, and even when that was refused they didn’t bother appealing to the High Court as he is automatically entitled to do.

It is fair to argue that the main reason he is still languishing in max security prison while the US appeal drags along is that his own “team” is gagging him and prolonging his incarceration.

Of course, if I’m wrong about that then there must be some really good reasons that we can hear as to why we haven’t heard directly from Assange for over three years and why they never try for bail in the High Court. And if we are not “allowed” to know those reasons, then it really makes a mockery of us supporting a “truth-teller” doesn’t it?

Scot Finlayson

$100,000,000 per day ? of our birth right going dan saff to subsidize and modernize the cities of England,

`Goldman Sachs sees Brent prices averaging above $80 in the third quarter, with potential spikes “well above” that level as demand comes roaring back. JPMorgan, meanwhile, expects crude oil prices to “decisively” break into the $80s during the final three months of the year.

Analysts at Bank of America are even more bullish. They argue Brent prices could see $100 in the summer of next year. That would mark a return to triple digits for the first time since 2014.`

John Main

Ruby at 11:05 am

I have no idea what your post is about. Do you?


Its interesting to note that as England and Ukraine are about to play in the Euros, that there may be a competitive streak between the teams to win, that in reality England and Ukraine are about to embark on a an adventure that might have consequences for both parties.

As the teams get ready to kick-off on the pitch, in the not so distant future thing might be kicking-off in a more serious manner, as England, the MoD and Westminster have decided to beef up Ukraine’s military especially it navy in the Black sea.

I think we can all see where this is leading to and I’m reminded, of UK/USA proxy fought wars, such as the Iran, Iraq one, we know how that ended for Iraq. The idea of course is to goad Russia and place nukes as close to its borders as possible using the Ukrainian navy as a patsy. it usually doesn’t end well for the patsy.

“Contractual work will now begin to implement the following projects:

Missile sale and integration on new and in-service Ukrainian Navy patrol and airborne platforms, including a training and engineering support package.

The development and joint production of eight fast missile warships.

The creation of a new naval base on the Black Sea as the primary fleet base for Ukraine and a new base on the Sea of Azov.
Babcock will participate in the Ukrainian project to deliver a modern frigate capability.

A Government to Government sale of two refurbished Sandown class mine countermeasure vessels.”

link to


John Main says:
3 July, 2021 at 4:30 pm
Ruby at 11:05 am

I have no idea what your post is about. Do you?


Don’t worry about it John Main. Please feel free to ignore my post.

Saffron Robe

I agree entirely with Republic of Scotland’s comment above, and would cite the recent incident involving the Royal Navy vessel and Russian forces in the Black Sea. It would not surprise me in the least if part of the military deal between England and the Ukraine involves a bribe or incentive to let England win tonight.


Republicofscotland says:
3 July, 2021 at 4:49 pm

I think we can all see where this is leading to and I’m reminded, of UK/USA proxy fought wars, such as the Iran, Iraq one, we know how that ended for Iraq. The idea of course is to goad Russia and place nukes as close to its borders as possible using the Ukrainian navy as a patsy. it usually doesn’t end well for the patsy…

I think Russia sees the prospect of Western missiles across the border in Ukraine just the same as America saw Russian missiles in Cuba.

I think I’m correct saying the Cuban missile crisis was the closest the world has come to nuclear holocaust and the destruction of our planet.



link to

I think it’s a bit of an understatement to call these statues ‘defaced’.

Must check diary for the dates of Canada’s “Royal Week”.


I didn’t archive that by the way, because it’s video, and it wouldn’t play.

Brian Doonthetoon


There are three things I remember from 1962.
(In order of importance for a 10-year old…)

1. The Chancellor, Selwyn Lloyd, increased the tax on sweets. We had a wee rhyme we would chant:
“Mr Selwyn Lloyd
is a naughty boy.”

2. “Telstar” by the Tornadoes got to #1.
link to

3. The Cuban missile crisis.
I was a bit perturbed until it was sorted.
link to


Dunno about anyone else but I’ve just magically transformed into a Ukrainian this very minute.


Anybody care to comment on the wonderful Engerland fans booing the wee greetin’ German lassie at Wembley against Germany?
The ‘Metro’ ( Daily Mail’owned) had some dolt saying that although that wasn’t great, England’s fans had wept plenty of tears etc. blah blah blah over the years.

The Engerland ‘supporters’ followed up with tweets that were beyond belief using foul slanderous language about a child and Germans in particular. They are a rotten, cowardly and despicable lot. I witnessed their cowardice at Wembley in 1981, when the English F.A. stopped us getting tickets. The so-called ‘firms’ ..Millwall , Chelsea etc saw their opportunity to strike back at the humiliation of their ground being levelled in 1977.

They came up with the ‘Sock a Jock’ slogan in those far off pre internet days. Canvassing the English club grounds to organise and give the Scots a doing. Needless to say, even though we had less support, the ‘nigels’ got a bloody deserved hiding. I well remember a large group howling for rescue from one section to the MET polis and getting hauled out unceremoniously. They were handed their sorry arses on a plate that day and we won1-0!
It made the Russians skelping of them in Marseille look like a tea party.

Their football support is scabrous and always causes problems because they are racist and entitled and anti-foreigners. To sing about ‘winning two wars’ to the Germans is a fucking joke. 1/5 of the British war dead is Scottish, twice our population’s ratio. That does not include Welsh and Irish war dead. The English won fuck all until our trait*rous leaders sold us out in 1707. The conquests of India, Canada etc. the Thin Red Line..all came about because of Scottish blood shed for ‘Mother England.

Yet we still have people in our country who will support England instead of their own teams. We invented modern football, the passing game, the Scottish ‘professors’ brought down to show them how in the 1800s, not them. Even their F.A. was founded by a Scotsman as were Millwall ( hee hee, don’t remind them!).

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Mist001.

Shirley you mean you have self-ID’d as a Ukrainian? Let’s be PC about this…

I’ve had a soft spot for Ukraine since this:-

link to

Dave Somerville

C’mon Ukraine.

Get right intae these Bastards.


Royal week?

Used to be called shark week in here!

Grouse Beater

Your essential weekend reading: Former SNP supporters express their disillusionment with progress.

‘Count Me Out’: link to
‘Covid and Justice’:link to


To be fair the England team are good. They won in a canter tonight. But I watched with the sound off
I have no problem with the team but look out for the hysterical reaction of the vile chauvinistic press. I hate them.
Anyway they couldnae beat us.


Dunno about anyone else but I’ve just magically transformed into a Ukrainian this very minute.

Does that make you a loser?

Why don’t supporters of independence focus on having a working non incompetent Government, to show Unionists and undecideds that independence would be a good idea?


The Ukrainian keeper was a joke. He caused every goal.

We are supposed to go to war with Russia to defend these losers?


But how good does that make Scotland then? Scotland are the only team in this tourney so far, that England couldn’t beat.


@BDTT: thanks for the Telstar link – I had a good laugh at how “unpopgroupy” they looked, especially the keyboard player who looked like a rather miserable teacher!

Tinto Chiel

@Lochside 8.18: “Yet we still have people in our country who will support England instead of their own teams.”

The most bizarre experience I had canvassing pre-referendum in Hamilton in 2014 (including meeting a couple of transvestites in their goonies, at separate addresses) was a local man in one of the Citrus Fruit areas of the town who answered the door in a sour face and an England top, three “lions” and all.

I say “local” because he answered my polite initial question, “Are you thinking of voting in the referendum, sir?” with a brusque response which revealed him to be Lanarkshire like myself.

I then attempted to mask my shock at his appearance by asking him jocularly, “Could you not get an Accies’strip?”

His wee phizog would have curdled milk as the door was slammed and I was left shaking my head at the strange psychosis of The Scottish Cringe.

Three hundred years of brainwashing and political chancers masquerading as liberators can have a terrible effect on the national psyche but the Norwegians managed to wake up from their “four-hundred-year sleep” eventually, although they had a free press and a country determined to fight on the relatively trivial issue of embassy representation (at least, on the face of it).

Twisted as corkscrews, these Scottish Unionists.

Dave Somerville

C’mon Denmark,

Get intae these Bastards.

How the fuck did Ukraine reach the quarter finals of this tournament?

Ian Brotherhood

@Tinto Chiel (10.32) –

I don’t recall you ever disclosing details of encounters with transvestites in their goonies.

Are you sure they weren’t in their ganzies?

Were any of their protuberances clearly visible?

On the face of the scant evidence you have provided here I believe you may have misgendered one or both of those ladies/gentlemen, in which case, representations will have to be made to the appropriate authorities.

And I bid you goodnight sah!

Tannadice Boy

Speaking as a football fan. The best side won. Taking a leaf out of the Chick Young school of thought. I placed a fiver on England to win tournament at 8 to 1 at the start of the tournament. Chick will explain the rationale. My granddaughter gets the proceeds. Her Dad is English my daughter is Scottish.


Ukraine were knackered. The game against Sweden took a lot out of them. That said England did manage the game well. I don’t think the next game will be so easy.

Tannadice Boy

Lungi 11:09pm
True, tournament football, Ukraine didn’t play well. I see England going all the way the draw opened up for them. Get used to it Scotland, at least they didn’t beat Scotland. A small mercy.


Must001 8.01

….. ooops! Wrong again!

Hugh Jarse

Loving how you got the lizards eyes right CC.
England, uber allez.

No point in the long form, who should have the say on the future of our country?

The Scottish people, or the people of Scotland?

I can’t get by the natural justice of only the people who identify themselves as Scottish having the right.
Fair do’s?

A non native having a say is abhorrent.
Would, and should a Scot living in France get a vote on Frexit?
I’d be embarrassed to even consider presuming the right to decide someone elses fate.

Liz SCG Windsor wouldn’t.

Graf Midgehunter


“Dunno about anyone else but I’ve just magically transformed into a Ukrainian this very minute.”

A few days ago you were German, they lost. Now you’re Ukrainien, they lost.

Any chance you might be feeling English next week..? 😉

“We are red
We are white
We are Danish dynamite” 🙂

David Caledonia

There are nuclear subs all over the area, why bother putting them on land, bit pointless really

David Caledonia

I won a few shillings, no point backing against england just cause your a bigot lol

David Caledonia

Scotland had another glorious failure, drew against england but got well and truly stuffed in the other two games, but we drew with england so all is well.
One of the few countries I know of that celebrates coming second, and that includes scottish elections, cause lets be honest, unless your independent those elections change nothing in the great big scheme of things as far as the union is concerned

Democracy in the UK, its just a word in the dictionary

David Caledonia

Ukraine where knackered lol

They where kicking a bag o wind about , not working down a coal mine
Outplayed by the better team on the day, as simple as that, scottish people making excuses, and now instead of making them for themselves they actually start making them for other countries football teams

When will the madness end !

David Caledonia

I do not support any team but scotland, whoever wins will not cause me to lose any sleep
Now if I had lost money backing ukraine just because they where playing england, I would not just lose sleeep, I would have lost my marbles as well

Harry Findlay, just as well your mother and you moved to
england when you where a lad, I bet your money was not on
a ukraine victory lol


IMO England are a very good team and are certainly capable of going all the way. That said Ukraine were a spent force last night and there is no getting away from it. England can do it but they have two very strong teams to deal with if they want the prize. They can do it but it’s a funny old game. As a neutral I wish them well. May the best team win.



I swear, I’m gonna get one of those flutes a snake charmer uses, to see if it will help my internet connection.


@ Davie Caledonia.

You dont half troll this site by talking some absolute pish.

If its no politcs or pseudo science , you are now onto the fitba. You sound like some baby boomer geriatric pining after the days of his lost glory of post war britishness.

England in footballing terms arent a bad side , but still in the shadow of the world greats of international football. I would say they are no where near as good as bobby robsons team of the early nineties.

Lets face it , its a sad day when the hardest game the english have played was against us , and here they are in the semi finals of a major tournament having played has beens and nobodies on the way except the mighty scotland.

This is yet again reminiscent of the world cup in 2018 , where yet again the tournament opened up and apart from one group game against belgium , it went to the semi finals before they played half decent opposition.

Remember they beat those footballing icons of world fitba costa rica 6 – 1 and were proclaimed world champions in the group stages?

Am beginning to hink someone at the english FA is throwing bungs around to those pillars of honesty and decency at UEFA and FIFA.

England might win the tournament , personally a couldnae gie a feck. I bet you are gutted though davie that your nation….that mythical country known as “Britain” , isnt playing.

Tinto Chiel

@Ian B, 10.41: definitely not gansies, more Suzie Wong. I remained shaken but not stirred.

As for the rest of your scurrilous comment, I refer you to my lawyers, Dewey, Cheetham and Howe.

And so I bid you good morning.

Bonus track: not a lot of people know that Hamilton Academical’s famous red and white hoops supposedly derive from the Chooky Hamilton’s racing colours (cerise and French grey) but that’s not important right now, as they say in Airplane.

Tinto Chiel

Btw: just noticed it’s Independence Day (except for viewers in Scotland).


Thomas 8.42

You wrote “ England might win the tournament , personally a couldnae gie a feck. ”

Yeah, I can see that you are totally unaffected by the success of your next door neighbours 🙂

Daisy Walker

I’ve been having a wee think…. I know, I should know better by now.


The Indy cause was rotted from within, quite cynically, with the use of the GenderWoke madness.

And that now presents a problem for them.

Males cheating women out of sporting places, in the Olympics!!!

That’s the biggest stage in the world.

We know that they wanted to slip their policies through on the quiet, without scrutiny. Doh!

Male Rapists in Womans’ Prisons. Wicked and Stupid. And no amount of sophistry and dancing on the head of a pin wins that argument round.

One would have to take a shed load of cocaine to get one’s brain into a gear that made even trying to do so, seem like a good idea.

And its all over the world, not just little old Scotland.

When Japan bombed Pearl Harbour, one of the Japanese Generals refused to celebrate. Instead he voiced concern, I fear we have just woken a sleeping giant.

An Independent Scotland is nothing without its women. And in fairness to the posters on this site, most of the guys here would be the first to highlight the contribution the wimmen have made and continue to make.

We have a chance to take back control of our movement, on an international stage, and do so by using one of the tools that was used against us.

Women Won’t Wheesht.


Tinto Chiel says:
3 July, 2021 at 10:32 pm

Twisted as corkscrews, these Scottish Unionists.

It’s the life long indoctrination that does it.

I grew up in the Borders when rugby pretty much defined the place, and the enigma of a Lanarkshire Scot coming to the door in an England top was the pretty much the same culture shock as a Borderer wearing a Rangers top, or indeed a Celtic top for that matter. You were neither up nor down about it, it was just a bit weird and out of place.

Frankly, it was also mistrusted, because it seemed like a free ticket for sectarianism to establish an outpost in your area, where it hadn’t existed before, and sadly, that’s pretty much how it went. What was even worse was these subversive delinquents played “foot-ball”, and I heard that one or two might actually have accidentally been burned at the stake as heretics… but that was just a rumour.

Were these the innocent times? Frankly, I dunno. I look back, and think there was a lot more “shit” happening, or “social engineering” going on as it’s called nowadays, than I was ever aware of as a kid at the time. I look nowadays at the “Tory” Borders, and it’s English ITV, and wonder why Scotland abandoned us. That’s very much not the Borders I grew up in. All the people I knew there, farmers included, were pro Scotland, and as pro SNP as central belt prejudices allowed.

Hawick used to have a big and busy four storey apartment store, with a lift, one of those air tubes where your money was sucked away and your change came back. It wasn’t that it was high tech as such, but it was the same as big city shops The place was heaving. The oldest sale ring in Scotland it had, until it was sold to a supermarket. And there were so many people shopping on the High St,, you had to walk in the road. It’s desperate to walk along Hawick High St today. Talk about a ghost town. It’s impossible to differentiate the damage caused by economic depression and the depression caused by endemic corruption.

Sadly it’s difficult to see what difference a railway line will make. Justice and prosperity? Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised to Stockburn and his deputies de-training on horseback, like the Pale Rider Movie.

They’re suddenly spending £20 million to save a handful of homes and business from flooding. Terrific. Funny part is it’s a life saving initiative for the same business which they’ve been treating like dirt these past 20 years that they’re suddenly concerned about. Cynic? Me??? Bet you 50p those businesses don’t see a cut of that £20 million.

Brian Doonthetoon

The grumpy one has a good article today.

link to

Here’s just one quote from it [quoting Euan McColm (frothing unionist)]:-

“‘Nicola Sturgeon has promised her nationalist followers that a second independence referendum is imminent. Fired up by these promises, excited Scottish nationalists stay loyal to Sturgeon and keep the SNP in power at Holyrood. I wonder when the penny might drop. I wonder when they’ll realise they’re being taken for a long ride which won’t end at their preferred destination.”


I’m sorry, £88 million, apparantly to save 970 businesses.

970 businesses?

According to McLaughlin & Harvey…

“ Flood protection works designed to protect 970 business and residential properties in Hawick against the effects of a 1 in 75 year flood event on the River Teviot.

970 businesses… yeah. Ride’em cowboy.


@ sensible dave.

While the French and Germans judge their sporting prowess by the trophies they have won , its always amusing and flattering the englishman judges his against how far the mighty scotland have got while hanging on the edge of his seat at a scotsmans good opinion.


Breeks @7.28pm.

Yes the Cuban missile crisis brought us to the brink, if I recall correctly it was a Scotsman (I can’t remember his name) who informed the Great Satan, aka the USA, that the Russians were removing the missiles from Cuba, thus averting a worldwide disaster.

However the two other Russians have played their part in saving the world from a nuclear war, one is Vasili Arkipov, during the Cuban missile crisis, the other saved us all in 1983, his name is Stanislav Petrov.

link to

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

I was exploring the links at the grumpy one’s blog (see my 10:16am comment here) and found another, rather good, article. Worth a read…

link to



I do care how far Scotland gets in a competition, I want them out as quickly as possible. Just like most folk here feel about England. It’s all good fun.

The difference is that Scottish fans now have to wait for the semi finals before they get their wishes and, this time, it might be coming home! Fingers crossed.

But you don’t care either way do you? 🙂


Some academics are beginning to realise that Sturgeon the Betrayer of Scots and EU citizens has no intentions of trying to free Scotland from this noxious union.

In time the penny will drop for some, but for others, the penny will never drop.

link to

Grouse Beater

Another fine paper from Professor Alfred Baird, this one on ‘Language’.

Your essential weekend reading:

‘Scotland in the 21st Century – Language’: link to


Vladimir Putin has been invite to COP26 held in Glasgow later on this year, it will be the first time Putin and Johnson will have come face to face (If he attends) after the English staged Skripal event took place in Salisbury, which no one with an ounce sense actually believes happened.

Chinese premier Xi Jingping, has also been invited to the COP26 climate summit, but its thought he’ll wait and see if Putin decides to attend or not before making a decision whether to attend himself.


@ Graf Midgehunter says:

“Dunno about anyone else but I’ve just magically transformed into a Ukrainian this very minute.”

A few days ago you were German, they lost. Now you’re Ukrainien, they lost.

Any chance you might be feeling English next week..? ?

Yes. That thought did occur to me last night!

James Che.

English, Welsh, Irish or any other nationality living or moving to Scotland should take a long hard look at what new laws and rules are changed or changing under the Tory and labour government down south for uk.
There is a major cockup with DVLA at the moment, it will help take motorists of the road, suggestions in the papers this morning that 70% of most motorists do not know their Highway Code will mean resitting of tests. This will take more motorists of the road,
BBC are being allowed the financially steal from OAPs under charges of imprisonments for license fee.
NHS is further down the line in privatisation than in Scotland as yet.
Women who were never on equal pay during their working life’s, have had their pensions stole by the back door.
Miners pensions are now being stolen,
Private pension pots are being got ready for the big steal.
Prescription charges for OAPs are to be changed.
Present Owners of their cars will become penalised under green agendas,
You will need a license to travel, eat out or go to theatre and eventually to shop or mingle in society, sorry meant to say passports, (Pass-port).
Elderly and those passing middle age are now and will become second class citizens.
Chosen sections of society only are be allowed freedom to protest, freedom to speak, and freedom of movement under emergency rules,
Campers and camper vans are possibly to be banned in future according to this mornings headlines will take more motorists of the roads.
Human rights altered after Brexit.
Many people now unemployed.
A New labour force will take your place under immigration.
Personal choice for saving will be overseen by goverment,
Under education your Children are to stop learning their A B Cs and start learning gender issues, climate agendas that mentally will confuse them, in later life.
No one will have the return to face to face contact with doctors, with shopping. with work colleagues.
Ownership of private property is to be eliminated through inheritance laws, taxes and regulations. Especially if you should you need looking after when you retire, the sale of you’re property, will fund this instead if government.
Under covid health emergency laws new restrictions on personal movement will become permanent and extended,………etc
Ridiculous expenditure on new and unwanted bridge.
Ridiculous expenditures of war machines,
News papers and broadcasting gone to the dogs.
Politicians that do not follow the rules imposed on us,
Where is Great Britain?
All we need to do to separate ourselves from the madness is get rid of the snp and go independent as a country,

Tinto Chiel

@Breeks: I’m afraid the same deterioration can be seen in most Scottish towns and cities, which are mere ghosts of themselves now. Those big department stores with their fascinating wee vacuum tubes firing money and receipts around their interiors must all be gone now. Cash is on the way out and banks are closing all over provincial Scotland.

I was chatting to a very old woman in the fish queue on Thursday (how very Eastern European). Fortunately, she seemed to have left school at about 14 so still spoke mainly Scots (I hope she gets captured by someone from the School of Scottish Studies if there still is such a thing and recorded before she dies). She bewailed the state of the town and unemployment, etc and her parting shot to me was, “Nothing’s the same and it never will be, son 😉 . ” She was quite a philosopher for 9.30 in the morning.

A wee township I’ve known in Skye since the 70s now has almost no Gaelic speakers left as incoming retirees hoover up property and local youth struggles to find houses and work and often has to leave the island, rarely to return. This is not new of course but the cumulative effect has now reached extremely damaging levels.The fad for Air B&Bs is making matters even worse: there is little continuity and cohesion now in the fragile social fabric. On-line food often arrives from Dingwall rather than being purchased locally, to the further detriment of local business.Fear of Covid and the lockdown phenomenon itself seem to have made the area even more attractive to people from down south, who crave the open spaces.

If Alf Baird’s got it right about the balance sheet of youth emigration and immigration, in twenty or thirty years or so Scotland’s goose will be well and truly cooked culturally and politically anyway, even if a referendum came along by SNP magical thinking.

Meanwhile our Scottish Government does absolutely nothing (apart from undermining genuine patriots) but blame The Tories and the Skye Windbag still havers about the EU.

And I look at my grandchildren and fear for them.


RoS 11.00

You wrote: “Johnson will have come face to face (If he attends) after the English staged Skripal event took place in Salisbury, which no one with an ounce sense actually believes happened.”

Wow! Just wow! Wanting independence for Scotland is one thing, being an apologist for Putin is just something else. Wow.

James Che.

Morrison’s customer rejects wearing yellow sticker to mark him as exempt from wearing mandatory face mask video on RT,
Go watch, it educational for everyone, especially for the blind,
And before going on about Russia tv bad guys, just remember countries that only want you to watch their news bulletins are usually under dictatorship and totalitarian in selecting limited news to their own people. So all news from every country should be important to all people across the world for them to be able to say they live free in a western democracy.

Dave Somerville

Surely the great and the good within the YES Movement can organise a mass Rally to coincide with this COP26 Summit in Glasgow.

Why aren’t we hearing from bodies such as the ALBA Party about such gatherings?

Our problem is, we are just too fuckin nice.

The world is watching, you couldn’t pick a better time to spread the word about Scottish Independence.

Just tell me the time and the place and I for one will be there.

Meet in Freedom Sq, and then march to their summit through the streets of Glasgow.

A win win for the YES Movement.

Dave Somerville

Here’s another “WOW” for the resident Yoon,.

If england went to war with Russia, I would gladly join forces with the Russians to help defeat the Detested englanders.

Ian Brotherhood

Did anyone else hear Gary Innes’s show last night? He didn’t sound right at all. Thought it was just me, then saw others on Twitter remarking on it.

Gary Innes eventually cleared it up – he was trying to present the show in the style of a 1966 BBC presenter. He even replied to the tweets asking what on earth he was doing, with smiley emojis cause it was all ‘just a laugh’.

Aye, it is, if you’re an overgrown schoolboy who’s landed a plum production job in a regional radio station.

“So what I did then, I had the presenter of the traditional Scots music show imitate a BBC presenter from the year we won the World Cup!”

What a wheeze.

John Main

Tinto Chiel

You make some very good points.

Worth remembering though, that every one of the properties now in the hands of newcomers was first sold by a local who preferred the extra cash he or she could get from a stranger over the warm, fuzzy feeling of continuity they could have got from selling, or letting, at less money to a less well-off local or neighbour.

As for supporting local businesses. Let he or she who shuns and despises Amazon and the likes cast the first stone. Everybody else should shut up.

What do people think that the gigantic multi-nationals are going to do once every last small business competitor has been driven to the wall? You would have to be very green indeed to believe that they will indefinitely retain the prices they have artificially lowered in order to corner the market.

BTW, your twenty or thirty years is far too long. The pace of change is accelerating. I give it ten.

James Che.

There is the loudest silence from the independence movement that hurts my ears.

John Main

@Dave Somerville – 4 July, 2021 at 11:59 am

“If england went to war with Russia, I would gladly join forces with the Russians to help defeat the Detested englanders.”

And I would gladly follow your blog of your adventures. Make sure Rev Stu posts a link at the top here. Any time I think there is nothing more that could entertain me, I could jump to your blog to be proved wrong.

You could launch yourself over the top into the teeth of the Redcoat musket fire shouting “Freedom”. Or the Russian equivalent.

How are you off for blue arse paint? I have a wee tinnie going spare. I’ll let it go for free if it provides just the extra encouragement you need to go and get signed up.

John Main


If you believe that the cause of Scottish Indy is advanced by defeat of the English football team then the biggest defeat and hence the biggest boost of the Indy cause is if England get gubbed in the finals.

It follows that thinking strategically, all Scots Indy supporters should be cheering England as far as the finals, then cheering for the other finalist on the day.

Bit of a waste of time pointing this out though. Most SNP “strategists” just voted SNP1 and SNP2, so I guess strategy is not their thing.


Dave Somerville says:
4 July, 2021 at 11:59 am
Here’s another “WOW” for the resident Yoon,.

If england went to war with Russia, I would gladly join forces with the Russians to help defeat the Detested englanders.


Can you define what you mean by Detested englanders?



Dave @11.49am.

I’m not an apologist for Putin, I’m just stating the bleedin obvious Dave, that anyone with a brain cell knows.


@John Main

I pay higher prices to shop local or at least from private businesses. I consider it investment in the future.

I will happily spend above the odds to support the small guy, especially if he/she is a nationalist like me.

Scots need to be acting as an economic block that pushes money the right way, in the direction of people who aren’t out to undermine and destroy us. Many can’t afford to do so but plenty can.

This might require some coordination.

First thing that needs to happen is to stop sending money the way of the big multinationals.

Captain Yossarian

@Tannadice Boy – Regarding the school that’s sinking; I received a letter from the new Education Minister via my MSP on Friday which I will relay to you. It said: ‘The Scottish Government take your allegations very seriously’…’The Council continue to monitor the building’…’There’s no evidence of subsidence but there is an area of ponding in the school playground.’ …’The contractor will carry-out remedial work to the filter trenches within the school and he will pay for that’…’The Council trust that this demonstrates that they continue to monitor the school.’

One of the opinions from an engineering expert dated 3rd October 2017 stated: ‘However, a couple of things are certain at this stage: the soil is settling and proper drainage has to be laid quickly.’ When he said ‘quickly’, he meant within weeks. Another said that ‘the subsidence that we are seeing should be expected’. I sent these opinions along with 40-odd other expert opinions to the then Education Minister and he told me to stop wasting his time. (It has always appeared to me that this is a chap who will do or say anything in order to save his own neck)

You wondered some time ago why the teachers and parents weren’t assisting me. I’ve wondered that too, many times, and I still ask myself what they find so complex about this and why they are so reticent? Can they not Google the words ‘subsidence’ and ‘settlement’ and look out of the window to see if it is actually happening to their school? People on here have done it just out of their own curiosity and so why can’t they do it? Do they not have a Union they can call upon for expert guidance?

The Engineering Institution that I contacted a couple of months ago has made a noticeable difference. My opinions come from the American Society of Civil Engineers and I reckon the UK Engineering Institutions will advise, but they won’t actually issue anything or carry-out checks. So, the only checks we have are the ASCE checks and it doesn’t look to me as if anyone is arguing with them. They said that the school contained a design fault and needed fixed immediately and that was in 2017 and it doesn’t look like we have anyone in the entire country disagreeing with that.

Not quite the benign situation that Holyrood would have us all believe then.

Anyway, The Scottish Government told me in their letter that they are ‘carrying out remedial work to the filter trenches’. That’s not true as there are no filter trenches, but we have heard from many expert engineers who have told us to get many of them installed as they are now a necessity. The problem is they need to be 5m deep and that is not easy and it will not be quick either. Will it work?…Most said it had a good chance of working, but not all of them said that. Some were fairly pessimistic and if they were pessimistic in 2017, they will be more pessimistic now.

So, it seems that I was right all along and that the Scottish Government and Aberdeen City Council were wrong. Does that surprise you?…and what happens to those at the Scottish Government and Aberdeen City Council who have lied to us all these years…nothing? Well, they’re all still there and, as I understand it, some have even been promoted and so ‘nothing’ is indeed the answer. I did ask the forensic MSP for Dumbarton some time ago what Holyrood stood for and she didn’t answer. On the basis of this example, what Holyrood stands for is the protection and self interest of its members and those vested interests around them.

I mentioned several weeks ago that the approach many overseas countries take when it is found that the public are being misled by officials or lawyers is to collect these folk at their homes in the early hours of the morning and take them to Mallaz Jail for a 6-year stretch. It’s something to think about isn’t it because it definitely works. You need a properly functioning judiciary of course and we are miles away from that here in Scotland. What we have here is a bunch of vapid £300/hour lawyers who’s only function is to deliver to Holyrood Ministers what they think they want without speaking to anyone.

So, the Deputy First Minster and his team of legal flunkies are due us all an apology…would you not agree? By the way, the first thing they do to folk when they arrive at Mallaz is shave off their hair and it appears to me that the Deputy First Minister has already done that and is therefore ‘good to go’.

I’ll let you know what I find-out tomorrow. This has been going-on for 7-years. Just have a think about that in the context of the Miami building collapse. I’m sure everyone ‘took these (Miami) allegations seriously’ too, but the building still collapsed. Anyway, work is now starting and that is good news.

Tinto Chiel

@James Che and John Main: there’s little doubt that big business has exploited the Covid/Lockdown to weaken small and medium-sized ones and its enabling governments have at the same time curtailed our freedoms, which we will have to fight hard for if we want to get any of them back.

And, if we’re forced down the electric car route within a decade or so I can’t see many plebs like me being able to afford them, given the sheer amount of expensive and increasingly rare materials required for the batteries. There are obviously also huge infrastructural problems in providing sufficient charging stations all over “the country”, so no prizes for guessing how Scotland would fare.

I suspect private motoring (what a quaint notion) will be confined more and more to the wealthy and moving around easily wherever and whenever we want will be much more difficult for the polloi. As it is, public transport in the UK is expensive and often inadequate and I can only imagine further deterioration under the Tories.

Just something else to look forward to in our rapidly emerging Brave New World.


into Chiel says:
4 July, 2021 at 11:29 am

…And I look at my grandchildren and fear for them.

I have some optimism, but not much.

I hope that people are beginning to see how barren and impoverished their local communities become once contracts are determined by price, and neither expertise or quality gets a look in. The people who thrive under those criteria are those who can manipulate a price… the very people who cannot thrive when expertise and quality are stipulated in the brief.

Sadly, there won’t be much indigenous light / cottage industry left at all by the time the lessons are learned, and local vernacular will become meaningless.

I can’t lie, it’s a big component of my desire to see Scottish Independence. Things do not have to be this way, but the window of opportunity to change our bleak destiny is closing.

Say for example Ravenscraig hadn’t gone, but was still hanging on, teetering on the brink, I still don’t think the prevailing business philosophies would have saved it. Independence however, and a new Scottish first philosophy almost certainly would have.

When I say Scottish “first” that might sound right wing, blood and soil stuff, but what I mean is just a philosophical Scotland first, the way Norway thought of Norwegian interests and Norwegian communities when developing it’s economic future.

Ron Maclean

A btl comment from just over a year ago;

‘The fact is here we are in the summer of 2019, five years on from the 2014 referendum – tonight will be the first time that I have delivered a speech on independence in five years. The SNP’s not campaigned for independence for five years, the Yes movement has to some extent been on the sidelines.’
Ian Blackford in an interview with Greg Russell – ‘The National’ – 8 June 2019

Ian Blackford might have been the SNP’s leader in Westminster but he didn’t make that policy by himself. How many speeches on independence has he made since? How many has Nicola Sturgeon made? Are they too busy keeping us in the European Union, making secret plans, stockpiling dry powder or just plain lotus eating?

Losing lives, losing jobs, losing the EU and losing hope but one year on nothing has changed. The inaction continues and so does the Union.’


‘When I say Scottish “first” that might sound right wing, blood and soil stuff, but what I mean is just a philosophical Scotland first, the way Norway thought of Norwegian interests and Norwegian communities when developing it’s economic future.’

I’ll tell you an ugly truth breeks:

We cannot count on anybody to discriminate in favour of we the Scots (actual Scots). We have to do it ourselves. Nobody else will. If we won’t, if we are too nice and accommodating, then its curtains for us.

It doesnt matter how much we think black lives matter. Or how Muslims deserve a place in all our communities and a mosque on every corner. It doesnt matter how many candles we light and fictional movies we watch about the holocaust. It doesn’t matter how innocently and naively we want to interpret corporate internationalism as being a global ‘Jock Tamsons bairns’ type of effort. Neither does it matter what we think the outcome of our democratic will should be.

Only the Scots will protect the Scots and keep our children with a nation, a heritage and some kind of security. No other people give a damn, and in fact some of them consider us worthy of elimination.

I am happily and proudly discriminatory in favor of my nation and let the slurs fly my way.


I’ve just seen this on twitter ,

Popping in here with some shock news (working later). I’ve just had confirmation that
@Scotpol1314 had decided to retire from indy activity. The latest blowback from his last Prism with Alfie Baird was the final straw. Phuq, Stu, then Colin, now Roddy. Wtf is happening to us

link to

Looks like Roddy has had enough as well as the other bloggers , The Snp have really managed to destroy the indy movement with their inaction re Independence .

James Che.

I am not surprised they are leaving,
Throughout the history of war the generals always stayed safe in bunkers or left to be a safer distance from the blood toil and smell of death.
The foot soldiers were always ordered to stay and fight to save the country, or die trying,
It is no different here in Scotland,
The Scottish generals have turned tail.
We are left on our own in the trenches. And the generals will talk themselves silly and celebrate the needless war, others are simple following the fashion of Danial de Foe.
When we need good Scottish support from our leaders you will find them in the safety bunkers doing deals like ("Tractor" - Ed)s with the enemy, and joining ranks with the other side,
Foot Solders were always cannon fodder,
And yet without them no war has ever been won,
Perhaps some of the foot soldiers should become leaders and make the charge.

James Che.

I did not say tractor Ed’s that came up by itself.

Clavie Cheil

Does anybody seriously expect that the Brit State dominated as it is by Chicks with Dicks would beat the Russians in a War? Get Real!!!!!!

Oh and I am not going to fight for the right of any anti Indy sicko bloke to wear a frock and fanny pads.

Ian Brotherhood

@MaggieC –

Aye, saw that on the Twitter earlier.

Horrible news.

The Murrells and their grubby pals are responsible. No doubt about that.

No-one could blame Stu, Colin Dunn, Roddy or anyone else for chucking it. They’ve more than done their bit. Time for others to step up.

We’ve all tried, in our own way, to play it by the book. But as George Carlin said, the table is tilted, the dice are loaded, the game is rigged. (There’s a JFK quote I’d like to use here but it would just get me in trouble if taken out of context. I suspect you know the one I mean.)

The British State can keep the lid on our independence claim for as long as they like, while they rake whatever they can get via our natural resources. But they’re just postponing the inevitable. The connivance of this wretched Scottish government has only ensured that the new generation of bloggers, activists and nuisances generally won’t be as beholden to ‘playing by the rules’.


Ian Brotherhood says:
4 July, 2021 at 3:33 pm
@MaggieC –

Aye, saw that on the Twitter earlier.

Horrible news….

Maybe Rev Stu, Roddy, Jeggit, and all the other online bloggers except WGD should be sitting having a POW-wow with ALBA, to see if we can pull strands together and bring an official ALBA blog into existence.

I get my ALBA updates from Alex Salmond, but it strikes me an ALBA blog would be useful for disseminating information from ALBA to the public, and without stepping on peoples toes, try to fill in the voids being left for the YES community online.

I’m guessing Rev Stu will be central to this, given that cyber security needed will not be for entry level amateurs.

But can we do it?

It seems clear “our” bloggers are feeling isolated and exposed, and if we, the YES community, want them to keep going, we need start giving them more support, and insulating our good people from the toxic bog trolls making their lives a misery.

Is it possible we can arrange another day out in the beer garden for Rev Stu, Alex Salmond, Barrheadboy, Martin Keatings, Jo Cherry, and get some top level plotting done?

Pull strands together, like ALBA, like causes, like individuals, like formats, like blogs… and all the strands which are vulnerable and weak individually, turn themselves into rope.

Can we make an ALBA online hub that gives our bloggers some support and breathing space, and gives the YES community somewhere to hang out?

Tannadice Boy

Captain Yossarian 12:38pm
The admission of the need for remedial works is progress in itself. I am so disillusioned with the SNP Government I am probably the wrong person to ask about Holyrood. Without the detail of the site I can’t say if the remediation works will solve the problem. A relatively inexpensive solution if it does. I observe FMQS and the word “serious” is used everytime. As I said before the SNP would rather use their resource to manage bad news before actually solving the problems. Anyway well done on making progress. As you can see from other posters the Indy movement is disintegrating under this Government. It won’t happen in my lifetime is my conclusion. It will be up to the next generations to decide the future direction of Scotland. I hope integrity is central to a future Government.


Special mention too for Voices for Independence… link to


Your crackpot conspiracy theory about the Salisbury poisonings continues to obsess you.
What were the two GRU officers doing in Salisbury that day? They were caught on camera. They admit they were there “sightseeing” and they flew out the next day.
Russia has a long history of poisoning people they don’t like. Have you forgotten the polonium poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko in London on 2006. Again two GRU men met him and poisoned his tea in a restaurant and flew out the next day, but left a radioactive trail in the train and the BA aircraft which took them to Moscow. Polonium can only be obtained by those with access to nuclear weapon research facilities.
Then the Bulgarian dissident injected with ricin by being stabbed in the leg by a man using an umbrella on London Bridge.
These are only the U.K. cases in recent years. There are many others. You definitely are on the side of dictator Putin

James Che.

That is a good idea, I am surprised some of the names you have mentioned have not put that foot forward to bring every one back together,
An independence blog full of the mixed community of the yes movement is to craved for especially when all have no where to go if lockdowns rear it’s head again in future,
when the size of the YES marches is remembered, it can be seen there are thousands of us, but not commenting,
When the other half of Britain continues to show deterioration with biased laws and rules for some, but not for the politicians and royals it becomes more than obvious that those that rule are not working for the good of citizens including the Holyrude government.
It becomes a missing part of the jigsaw puzzle that is urgent.



Yep. Putin wanted an old ex spy killed who had already been debriefed in full many years before.

So he hatched a plan to send 2 GRU operatives into Britain carrying a vial of deadly neurotoxin to do it. Neurotoxin that can be traced back to soviet laboratories.

They then made sure to messily apply this deadly neurotoxin on their victim, leaving traces everywhere of who they are and what they were doing.

Clearly this is the best the former KJB colonel could think of.

It didn’t occur to him that if he had wanted this utterly meaningless ex spy out of the way he could have gone onto the dark web and paid about 10k dollars to a gangland hitman to do a much neater and less traceable job.

Thankfully the British, being a Zionist puppet regime, didn’t try to politicize it though eh?

Some people are brainless fucking fannies.


Just thought id share something. The highest quality of commentary I can find on global politics and other issues in my opinion come from a couple of guys who call themselves The Duran. They along with the UK column offer a very broad look at things mainstream media often wont touch and have pretty insightful views.

The Duran:
link to

Alexander Mercouris:
link to

Captain Yossarian

@Tannadice Boy – Take a look in tomorrow. Tomorrow’s should be the last post. I’m interested to find-out how George and Stuart will be regarded by all at Holyrood. It is thanks to them that this is now on the verge of being sorted-out and that is worth recognition, isn’t it.

Politics aside, I think Italy look like a fabulous team at the moment and the whole country is behind them. I worked alongside Napoli supporters during the last World Cup. Italy failed to qualify and it was looked-upon as a National humiliation on a par with being on the losing side during the War.


As usual you react to anyone showing up your idiocies with personal abuse.
I don’t do that. I merely point out the facts.
The GRU operatives ADMITTED on Russian TV that they were in Salisbury on the day of the attacks. You have to be naive to the point of mania to believe they had nothing to do with it.
Why otherwise would they be there? I guess you believe their sightseeing story. You are daft enough.



Yes, you are correct. I apologise for the language. I just have a low threshold for tolerating stupidity.

Tannadice Boy

Captain Yossarian 5:10pm
I will check in tomorrow. Irrespective of who wins the Euros it has been a great tournament. I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

Nally Anders

No footy tonight so here’s some more reading.
Trans ideology is dangerous to women and children as all outlined here.
When the UK Girl Guides are captured and allow males to become members and Leaders (so long as they self ID as girls and women), warning bells must surely be clanging.
“The new rules say there is no need to inform girls or parents if males will be sharing sleeping accommodation or washing facilities”.
It’s grooming and wide open to abuse.
link to


Breeks that’s a great idea but after looking at the comments under Maggie c’s link I don’t know if anyone would actually bother, there are DEFINITELY 2 CAMPS now for indy, 1 camp of paypal Paul mindset where nikla can do no wrong and she is the Messiah where no dissent will be tolerated and anyone who dares object is denigrated , demonised and ostracised, some of the comments against Roddy a guy who was a SNP stalwart for 30 years and probably done more than most to further independence is unbelievable

Camp 2 of the WOS mindset where independence for Scotland is the one and only goal by real indy supporters ,no celebrity worshipping of deviants , no making excuses for FRAUD , no lying about dates for refs , no lying about draft legislation , no pursuing legislation against Scots wishes , no alienating 50%+ of the electorate with lunatic policies , no making lying excuses for inaction , no challenging WM against anything but continue to blame them as an excuse



Yes they were in Salisbury, why I don’t know but it certainly wasn’t to kill the Skripals in what must be a comedy of errors. The two Skripals father and daughter were supposed to have been poisoned by an deadly nerve agent (Novichok) which kills quickly, yet they drove about in their car and even went for a pizza after being infected.

The Skripals then supposedly passed out on a park bench and were discovered by the Head Medical Officer of the British army who just happened to be passing by that very instant.

On the two GRU agents, the Brits story goes that they used a perfume bottle to spray the deadly poison on the front door handle of the Skripals home, they then decided to rewrapped the lethal poison laden perfume bottle and then throw it in the trash for some poor woman to find.

it just doesn’t add up, but there are those who prefer not to question the official Whitehall narrative.

Salisbury is home to many retired spies given residence status by the Home office, Whitehall owns many houses in the area, and of course Porton Down is just a stones throw from Salisbury where they produce among other poisons Novichok.



Read these two threads then you’ll have a better idea on the staged event.

link to

link to

James Che.

Then there are the other kind that get off their posterior and contribute to coming up with new ideas and reasoning which often goes unnoticed in amongst the trolling, they are often derided for mentioning new news from other sources that has not hit the mainstream as yet,
But later on some will claim and pretend they were one of the those who foresaw the events unfolding,
And they will not put the label on themselves as flat earthers then because it will be trending in mainstream.
Meanwhile they are happy to go along with the properganga mainstream trend so they can avoid any attacks on their commenting. Like sheep in a field all running the same way but do not know why.
Sometimes all discussions need to be heard to circumnavigate the world we live in today,
And much less of the cancel culture that is growing and spreading faster than the covid Virus or multiple genders for sale to everyone, big guy girl guides sleeping with little girls is like legalised pedophilia.


This is intolerable, the UN has declared more resolutions with regards to the occupying force that is Israel than any other country, yet the systematic removal of the Palestinian people from their homes businesses and lands goes on.

“Palestinian owner of a butcher shop in Silwan is beaten senseless by israeli occupiers for not obeying orders to erase himself”

link to

Dave Somerville

Regarding post above about taking sides with the Russians against the Detested englanders, I’m not fussy which nation it is, it could be Russia, or it could be any other Nation the USA/England decided to attack.

ABE, as Andy Murray put it.

I would never lift a finger to help the English Armed Forces or their Queen.

And I would do everything to assist whoever they decided to attack.

Re, Holding a mass Rally while the world is watching, the silence is deafening from Wings contributors.

No wonder the Perverted Lezzy Leader finds it so easy to do as she pleases with us

We are a nation of fuckin Snowflakes.

How about it Alex, you up for leading a mass Rally from Freedom Sq to wherever the summit is being held?

James Che.

Apologies for the rant, above but honestly some people need to wake up and gain some common sense.
When old people are being treated as the new criminals,
When some dodgy blokes wish to pretend to be women, instead of finding their own niche.
When governments lock their people down, but not themselves.
When people are forced to give up the cars they paid for, without reimbursement due to green new deals.
When you’re body becomes government owned instead of sovereign and private,
When you’re children are being taught division of people at school instead of reading writing and arithmetic.
When the home you scrimped and saved for can be taken from you to pay for Home care, in which you’re taxes were supposed to pay for.
When you see masses of people newly unemployed due to the covid economy crash,
When you see the DVLA crumbling,
When you see Brexit happen and then ministers all going on holiday,
These are not flat earth neurotic headlines, but if any one here had suggested these things were about to happen in their near future way back in 2007 we might just have called them cranks, not the full shilling, the village idiot or some crank that was gullible when listening to outside news like the Duran or RT,
The new trend is everyone should have a covid passport if they have had a vaccine in 2021, But some here may be totally unaware that the Labour Party tried to do this in 2005 before covid and not associated to covid.

Scot Finlayson

@Nally Anders,

`The Boy Scouts of America reached an $850 million settlement this thursday with over 95,000 people who say they were sexually abused when they were Scouts over decades.`

the perverts and peadophiles join youth organisations/institutions for ease of access to their victims,

the same is happening to the trans community , the perverts and peadophiles are using the transgender movement to force their way into accessing vulnerable girls and woman,

helped by the woke virtue signalling white uni educated middle class .

Stuart MacKay


I think the bloggers can be aligned with a party such as Alba which also wants independence and as soon as possible, but it’s a mistake to get into bed with them.

Clearly with link to I’m biased since I want to see more bloggers and less duplication of posts. Replicating Alba press releases would be rather sterile in comparison to the rather robust set of opinions that we have today.

Having a summit to consider a strategy would be self-defeating as everybody could be tarred with the same brush as just being an shill for Alba.

I’d rather we built the network of bloggers into some sort of antidote to the mainstream media. Taking a pro-Alba tack would put us right back into he-said, she/her-said hell, which is getting us nowhere.

Alba should definitely be blogging but it should do it itself on it’s own terms, have a good think about content – the message should be inherently positive – and keep the “grumpy, old men” at arms length. Apologies Bruce and certainly to Karen at The Wee Detour – I really wanted to use that phrase.


Sadly true!


The Queen is actually Scottish as her mother was a Scot.

The fact that the independence movement is reduced to petty and pathetic bullshit like this when we have a known criminal squatting in Bute house and no one in a position of power or influence has the guts or moral fibre to do anything about it shows what an utter joke Scotland has become. The media, politicians, police, crown office and the courts all know what Nicola sturgeon has done and none of them do anything. Alex Salmond the supposed hero of the Scottish people has run away and will do precisely nothing. He’s a busted flush. Alba is a joke. Kenny McCaskill seems to be humiliating himself a different way every day now. All they’ve got is marching about waving flags and telling lies.

Scotland is not independent because the Scottish people have not been convinced of the merits of independence and said no. That is the uncomfortable truth for those of you who drone on about sovereignty. Get a grip of yourselves.

Untill Scotland turns into a normal functioning democracy and Nicola Sturgeon and the test of her corrupt cabal are behind bars we do not deserve to be independent as we clearly are incapable of having a country where the rule of law means anything. We are no better than Belarus, our media is corrupt and broken, many are little more than government propaganda officers, political opponents are silenced by the courts of jailed and the police and justice system are corrupted beyond repair and need cleared out. What an absolute joke scotland is.

Hugh Jarse

You forgot your sign off ‘shocked ‘.

Saffron Robe

The Queen Mother was actually only 1/32nd Scottish by blood. Queen Elizabeth has very little Scots ancestry, being only 1/64th Scottish on her mother’s side.


Here’s another quality modern building for the engineers to look at in awe…

link to

What is with these utter twats that can’t design and build a fuckin building these days when they have access to computer aided design and modern building materials.
I just spent the last two days dressing 400 million year old slate to size with an old meat cleaver and a chunk of H beam. Then nailed them onto my roof without managing to fuck up enough to make it leak when it pissed down with rain.


@James Che

I enjoyed your rant. Keep it up

David Caledonia

I along with many other Alba supporters will be going along to see and listen to Alex Salmond in Greenock in september

Is that running away………….. yes if your a nipple that
talks a load of shite

David Caledonia

We already have a national identity card, its called your national insurance number
I have my very first card with that number on it, and I have had it since I first started work, and that wasn’t fecking yesterday
I can tell you

Now, what the feck have I done with that zimmer frame !

David Caledonia

The people of Israel inherited the hatred of some so called palestinians, the ottoman empire got rid of these people, as even in those times they where troublemakers that could not accept any rule but their own

So they fled to a place called Palestine, which it is called now, the romans did not create it and call it Palestine

And who and behold, what is Palestine today, good people who are being ruled by despots that would rather destroy than create peace for everyone

Anyone see a pattern here….. Ottoman/Palestine

David Caledonia

Thomas dear boy

Old chap and all that, I do not mind you talking shite about me, but please at least have the brains to know when somebody is at the wind up
You seem ok, but not very smart in the ways of the world old boy, seems some scottish people are not doing so well in that dept, and you old boy, are certainly one of them

Just had to reply, a person that’s a nipple cannot go unanswered


David C

Go to Greenock and listen to him all you want, it won’t change a thing. Salmond is finished in politics and he won’t ever be relevant again until Nicola Sturgeon is removed from the Scottish political scene permanently. I have no doubt he has enough dirt to send her to jail but he got carried away with himself and thought he would get back into politics and then “hold her feet to the fire” every week at FMQs. What absolute nonsense.

Sturgeon has poisoned Scottish voters against him and she controls the media and therefore public opinion. Salmond failed (and still fails to) recognise the reality of the situation he is in down to a combination of innate arrogance and surrounding himself with fanatical sycophants. He and they can either face the truth or continue deluding themselves. For my part I want nothing to do with Alba, the day they said vote SNP1 was the end for me. The New SNP have completely destroyed Scotland to turn it into Nicola Sturgeon’s personal fiefdom. She is a evil twisted lying psychopath. All that matters to her is power, all independence has ever been to her is a carrot to con people into supporting her.

David Caledonia

Football betting is a mugs game ( but ok for a little interest )

I do not troll this site, I have better things to do with my time than hang about here all day , that poor chap thomas, he has not read all my post with his brain in a functioning state, if he had he would have noticed that, most of my posts having absolutely nothing to do with what the latest ranters are on about

As a scot and a betting man

I have made it my aim over the years to research what works and what doesn’t as far as betting is concerned, I and a few others treat it as a business, we are not gamblers
This is not me being big headed, I have helped people to be winners in the betting world, but only those that can keep a secret, if everybody new how to win all the time, then I would not have as many shillings as I have now

Do not even ask me the secret of betting and winning, cause you will be told feck all from me
I have been told on here that I am a clown etc etc etc, that kind of comment gives me a fit of the giggly whoopsies, retired at 40, never done a decent days work since, apart from renovating my house, on my own btw, built so many fences for neighbours and friends that I have lost count how many I have done over the years

Sorted out all their fecking electric problems, plumbing problems, anything to do with a house I have done it and for free

A clown, Not I dear boy, not I

David Caledonia


I do not need to go to Greenock, I live in the area
I chose the SNP, I chose to leave the SNP
I chose to join Alba, Alba will have a constitution that will prevent it ever turning into what has become the present SNP

I do not doubt your sincerity in all you say, I am for the
Alba Party, I will vote for them in every election, and if
it ever happens, ( which I doubt very much ) that they do
not do what it says on the tin, then I won’t vote for them

To me life is simple, I keep it simple, I have a great life, I have been very lucky, but as the great south african golfer said, the more I practice the luckier I get, I was never going to accept any kind of failure, I was born and live in scotland, I have been educated in other countries, so I have an international outlook about a lot of things

There are three pieces of advice I would give to anybody that asks

2 get educated
3 keep healthy

Number One

Always have a curious mind

David Caledonia

Politics is a kind of game

Alex Salmond and others know how to play that game
I voted SNP 1 and 2 as Alex told us to


Cause its a means to and end, the SNP are eating themselves from the inside out, its just a matter of time before they destroy the party

Alba is the only alternative to achieve independence
underestimate Alex Salmond and others like him, for
awe that and awe that, its coming for awe that

Independence is coming

Just a matter of time !

David Caledonia

My last comment for today……

I cannot understand stuff like bloggers and people who follow them, they make their money from advertisers, I could do that and make myself a fortune as they do.

Gordon Ramsay, 40 grand a month, he’s a cook and a naughty boy, and a friend of that guy that used to be a fotballer, now he is so rich he can buy his son a house worth 7 million, and his son has not done a days work in his young life

Says it all really….. there’s one born every minute as Mr B
said, Ramsay, and the guy that used to play football

They know who the suckers are !


link to

Everybody who supports Scottish Independence should back this initiative to the hilt.

It is YOUR sovereignty. Use it, or lose it.


Hugh jarse

You’ve never even bothered to get off your knees. It’s people like you who got us where we are. No wonder Sturgeon is the way she is.



So the UN is going to ignore a democratic vote because if this daft plan… seriously.


Shocked says:
5 July, 2021 at 7:17 am

… seriously.

Still waiting for you to provide your illuminating revelations of Scotland’s legal status in the UK.

You didn’t answer as I recall. You just turn up to cock your leg on other people’s comments, profess to be an expert, but then run away when asked to back it up or substantiate your cynicism. Yet we’re all meant to line up take you seriously.

Sorry great Guru. You’re on the troll list pal. Here endeth the conversation.


I did answer breeks, you just didn’t want to know the truth. The UK is legally one country, it is not a union. Go read the act of Union, it makes it very clear.


Scotland. Highest drug related deaths in Europe and now top of the table for Covid cases.
The Murrell’s and their acolytes doing a fantastic job keeping our country to the fore!!! The brain dead still think the SNP are doing a fantastic job and all our failings are due to Westminster!

Scot Finlayson

Worth having a look,

(you have to scroll down on the log in bit)

link to

looks like the transcult have been loading the responses.


@ chas

Aye, but don’t forget they’ve also probably accrued the highest Stonewall points total too…

Jockanese Wind Talker

Which Act of Union @Shocked says at 10:05am, the Act of the English Parliament or the Act of the Scottish Parliament?

The House of Lords recent Dunlop Review debate references the UK Union as being a “multinational state”.

In case you are in unaware a multinational state is a Sovereign State that comprises two or more nations or states.


Jockanese Wind Talker says:
5 July, 2021 at 10:23 am
Which Act of Union @Shocked says at 10:05am, the Act of the English Parliament or the Act of the Scottish Parliament?

Ask him to reconcile the Claim of Right while you’re at it JWT, but sadly, you won’t get an answer.

All Shocked has as foundation beneath his feet are the enigmatic unwritten “conventions” which can apparently change the laws of physics, neatly circumvent Scotland’s legitimate Constitution and popular sovereignty of the people, but yet never tell you how it’s done because that’s all shrouded in secrecy and sophistry, just like a Paul Daniels magic trick.


There are some things that are currently beyond human understanding.

What was in place before the ‘big bang’?

Is there life elsewhere in the known Universe?

If there is a god, who is the ‘correct’ one?

How long is a piece of string?

What do our SNP MP’s actually do at Westminster-apart from embarrass themselves and us?


1. That the two Kingdoms of (fn. 1) Scotland and England, shall, upon the first Day of May next ensuing the Date hereof, and for ever after, be united into one Kingdom by the Name
of Great-Britain,

First 2 lines chaps, feel free to read the rest yourself.

And I see that breeks is still slavering about sovereignty while proposing a course of action to ignore a sovereign and democratic decision of the Scottish people. I’d explain the irony, but the wee lamb wouldn’t understand.

Independence isn’t happening until a case that the majority support is made, on current form that is likely never going to happen and as I said before Scotland is so corrupted it is unfit to become independent.


Oh jockanese wind talker, as they say, a little bit of knowledge is often better than none. There are numerous multinational states around the world, I doubt you even know the half of them.


Point of order re. Act of Union…

Scotland isn’t mentioned by name in the Act of Union which created the United Kingdom (Great Britain & Ireland) and the unified Parliament of the United Kingdom, i.e. the 1800 Acts of the parliaments of Great Britain and Ireland.

Scotland is only mentioned in the Acts of Union of the parliaments of Scotland (1707) and England (1706) which created the united Kingdom of Great Britain and unified Parliament of Great Britain.

The state which was created and legally titled “United Kingdom” didn’t exist before 1801. What was created in 1707 was the “Kingdom of Great Britain” without “United” forming any part of the official name. (The word appearing as a descriptive term in the 1706/7 Acts as opposed a formal one in the 1800 Acts).

Carry on…

Dave Somerville

Let’s hope Mr Salmond takes this opportunity at the ALBA Party conference to announce they will be part of an organised Rally to be held during the COP26 Summit.

This would not only help increase membership numbers, but it would give the ALBA Party/YES Movement worldwide coverage.

Or is the ALBA Party going to take a leaf out of the Murrell’s handbook and just completely ignore the grassroots supporters?

If the ALBA Party and others miss this golden opportunity to highlight the cause for Scottish Independence on a worldwide platform, then I think they will be getting my membership cancellation letter, similar to the one I sent into to the SNP not so long ago.

The whole Yes Movement reminds me at times of the Scotland football team, they miss open goal after open goal, they couldnae score in a brothel.

So prove me wrong Mr Salmond, get the troops out on the streets and let our voices be heard throughout the world, (literally).

Or are you going to comply with whatever our Perverted Lezzy Leader says?

If she says no big Rallies allowed during the summit, are you going to roll over and and obey the wee Pervert?

Stuart MacKay

Scot Finlayson

Thanks for that. It takes quite a bit of scrolling and there’s quite a bit of duplication but all the trans / women’s rights based ones are the hot topics. These have hundreds of likes/dislikes while everything else has only a few dozen.

Good to see that women are starting to mobilize. What will be interesting is how these numbers change over the next few weeks. So far the pro-trans side have a 3 to 2 advantage in numbers but given the number of trans-activists is a tiny fraction of the number of concerned women I’d expect this ratio to change dramatically. That would be confirmation that, as Joanna Cherry says, the tide is beginning to turn in their favour.

Scot Finlayson

@Stuart MacKay,

yeh looks like the transcult have been mobilised into voting in the survey,

prob through a contact in Scottish Gov ?

maybe few of them but well organised,whether grassroots or paid activists,

Stonewall have a fair bit cash from Scot Gov to employ astroturfing companies that mimic grassroots engagement.

Nally Anders

Stuart McKay @ 11.49
Thanks for augmenting my post re: the petition.
And thanks for organising the Voices.Scot site, takes a bit of the pain out of searching individually.
I agree with your view on an Alba blog. Might be great to have one but I enjoy the differing viewpoints and approaches from all. Agree with some, maybe not so much with others but so what?
Hopefully the tide is turning a bit with the transcult. Maya Forstater’s court victory was a huge boost for common sense. Next week Marion Millar’s case is to be heard and I personally, am fairly optimistic with Jo Cherry to defend. Jo of course has some ‘skin in the game’. I could be wrong but it looks like the complainant is the same second rate actor who had been harassing her and whom she ended up threatening to sue.
Revenge is indeed a dish best served cold.

Nally Anders

Scot Finlayson
The link you provided has also been published on For Women Scotland’s Facebook page.
Hopefully it’ll get a few more hits from that/our direction.
Thanks for providing the link in the first place.


“Shocked says:

5 July, 2021 at 11:12 am

“1. That the two Kingdoms of (fn. 1) Scotland and England, shall, upon the first Day of May next ensuing the Date hereof, and for ever after, be united into one Kingdom by the Name
of Great-Britain”

The 1707 Act of Union is in the opinion of many Scots not legitimate, simply because it wasn’t passed in a democratic fashion, the people of Scotland who are sovereign, not the monarch had no say in it.

The document itself was signed in the basement of a corner shop away from prying eyes, meanwhile Scots folk in the streets above rioted because they didn’t want the union, and had no say in the union.

Those that did vote for the act of Union were in a position of power, wealthy or noble, such as James Graham the 1st Duke of Montrose or, John Campbell the 2nd Duke of Argyll. Many of those of whom I mentioned received a financial stipend, known as the Equivalent, so you see the actual Act of Union is built on a foundation of corruption and deceit.


‘Hopefully the tide is turning a bit with the transcult’

Agreed. However it will be an empty victory if we learn nothing from the experience and refuse to allow it to open our eyes to the way this game is played.



Well it was democratically endorsed only 7 years ago which shoots that argument down in flames and instead of trying to make the case to over turn that endorsement people like yourself have spent the last 7 years backing a psychopathic liar thief and con artist called nicola sturgeon.


Shocked @1.04pm.

A lot has changed in those seven years, such as we were promised that we wouldn’t be dragged out of Europe, we were promised the implementation of the Vow etc, none of which materialised, the day after the referendum David Cameron, announced EVEL English votes for English Laws, hardly an endorsement of a union of equals is it.

Anyway by the very fact that we had an indyref in 2014, it sets the standard that there can be no reason whatsoever why cannot have another one. Its not written in the Edinburgh Agreement that the 2014 referendum was a once in a generation referendum.

James Che.

This all inclusive treaty of the union that you say is set in stone ( writing)
I have read the treaty of the union many times and I still cannot find one bit of writing that says the Scots agreed to the treaty of the union 1707.
It was not spoken about to the sovereign Scottish people before a few people selected to sign that treaty in 1707.
It was not voted on by the sovereign Scottish people to join the treaty of the union in 1707 before it was signed,
The sovereign Scottish people were deliberately kept apart from any learning and knowledge with regards the upcoming treaty of the union in 1707.
The sovereign Scottish people rebelled against the treaty of the union of 1707,
The treaty of the union was a business trade deal between a few select English and Scots business men of the time,
The Scottish businessmen did not hold legal title or consent to proceed with the treaty of the union in 1707 from the sovereign Scots.
Due to the prior secrecy surrounding the treaty of the union in 1707, no sovereign Scot had anything to do with the treaty of the union in 1707.
Thus the sovereign Scots had been eliminated from any involvement in the treaty of the union of 1707 on purpose.
This still leaves the sovereign Scottish outside the treaty of the 1707 union to this day,
As Scotland was a kingdom and country of the SOVEREIGN Scots in 1707 and the Scottish people were sovereign in 1707 the wholeness and validity of the treaty of the union is questionebly little more than dodgy business deal between a few elite people whom were not voted or elected in by the the sovereign Scots in their kingdom,
Great Britain and the joining of the two sovereign kingdoms /countries of England and Scotland is a bogey man.
The sovereign Scots are by all legalities not in the treaty of the union 1707 , and we have still our own laws and courts,
We did not close down our parliament in 1707, we suspended it.
Scotland is still a sovereign country full of sovereign Scots.
We have just been told a 300 year old bullshit story.


Only Ian “gonny no dae that” Blackford and Fireproof Jim choose to believe the crazy Tory Skripal story. Don’t be surprised if they’ve been killed by the British State.

Stuart MacKay

Nally Anders

Thanks for the thumbs up on I’m shy and insecure so affirmation always brightens my day 😉

For my next trick I was thinking of doing an events site which would list crowdfunders, petitions, meetings, rallies, deadlines, etc. It’s the same idea as voices – put all the relevant information in one place so it’s easy to find and easy to take action on. It would have been good to have it in place for Marion but I’ve been busy earning a living.

Hopefully it would play a tiny part in getting the majority sorted out so it can repulse a smaller, organised group like the transcult. Although they are few in number they’re very effective – for the time being.


Still raving I see. What’s your latest nutty conspiracy theory.
Nobody, of the tiny number who believes you, has answered the question I posed.
What were two GRU operatives doing in Salisbury on the very day the Skripals were poisoned, as they admitted on Russia TV.? They fled back to Moscow the same night.

Big Jock

I haven’t posted on Wings for a few months.

I have been active on Twitter. However I am now at the point of hopelessness. I just can’t see a way out of this Sturgeon treacle. She has managed to get another 5 year term , based on a bland program of mediocrity. Noone seems to have the power to push her on independence , or indeed topple her.

I am despairing because every day we wait, we are losing momentum. She hasn’t done one thing to progress the independence bill since being elected 2 months ago.

Does anyone on here actually believe there will be a referendum before she finishes her 5 year term. The thought of 5 more years of this frustration is more than I can bear. We have been having the same debate for 7 years , but are actually further away than we were in 2017!

Who is going to save our cause from this devolutionist.

James Che.

You can’t blame the Russians for skirlpiling back of to Russia, they live there don’t they.:-)


Politicians of every party are establishment through and through, so why would anybody expect any of them to do anything radical, unconventional or be mavericks?

Salmond won’t announce any march, Murrell won’t announce any referendum and nobody gives a shit what the others do because ‘they’re all in it together’.


Alex Salmond and Alba don’t have enough support to announce a march yet.
It would give unnecessary ammunition to every other party.

So strategically speaking, in my opinion, they should leave announcements of any marches to grass roots organisations, then come along and openly support them.


‘What were two GRU operatives doing in Salisbury on the very day the Skripals were poisoned, as they admitted on Russia TV’

To begin with i’d like a link to this televised admission please to see what was actually said.

Special forces or intelligence operatives, if thats what they were, are legally contracted to not talk about the shadier things they do while in service or retired.

Again, the sloppiness of this is beyond belief. Literally.

In a world of private mercenaries the idea that Putin would equip members of Russian intelligence to obviously go to a long out dated target in the UK (and then admit it on TV) and messily apply a highly deadly neurotoxin (that didnt quite work) that can be traced to a Russian origin to kill a man with no personal security…

Im not going to swear. Im not going to swear.


@Stuart Mackay

I also approve your thinking. This is what is needed.


Big Jock,
The people who believe there is going to be an independence referendum in the next 5 years inhabit another site.

I haven’t been on their site for a number of months but I would imagine their faith (or gullibility) hasn’t waned even though what they believe in has a limited shelf life and that sell by date will come along too fast for their own liking.

They will have to beat a crestfallen defensive retreat and explain to all why they shouldn’t be considered a bunch of easily led bufoons for having faith in Nicola and her cronies.

But hey, maybe they’re right and we’re wrong, maybe we’re just not fervent enough to believe the unbelievable.


So according to Dominic Cummings Boris Johnson wants to scrap Holyrood, well, no surprise there then every Scots and their granny knows that.

Johnson who was a reporter with the Telegraph newspaper when devolution was implemented said of it that it was a nasty business, Johnson also penned a poem calling for the extermination of the Scots.

Of course Sturgeon the Betrayer of Scots and EU citizens knows this fine well, yet she decided to try and save England from Brexit ahead of the welfare of the Scottish and EU folk by not focusing on an indyref to rid us of this rancid union.

Now along with Brexit which has decimated our fishing industry we have rotten trade deals that Scotland isn’t consulted on, the Aussie deal will have a disastrous effect on our farming industry, and the coming US deal will see Scotland engulfed in US products, such as chicken washed in Chlorine (US food safety standards are much lower than EU standards), not to mention the ongoing union jackery that’s flooding Scotland food produce.

Sturgeon has a lot to answer too, but it is we that will suffer from the consequences of her treacherous actions.


Barrhead Boy gone; Indy Poster Boy gone.
Nicola Sturgeon, Peter Murrell and all the MPs and MSPs with their snouts in the trough still there.


“What were two GRU operatives doing in Salisbury on the very day the Skripals were poisoned,”


They weren’t poisoned, if they had been poisoned with one of the most deadly toxins on the planet they’d have died very quickly, as would have Alexi Navalny, his story is bollocks as well.

Fishy Wullie

@ Grouser

Has Roddy gone for good ?


Fireproof Jim. Even GRU agents need a holiday. You’re an abusive old bastard aren’t you?


Fireproof. Government conspiracy theories are watertight then?

Stuart MacKay

Fishy Wullie

He’s certainly on a “sabbatical” and the icon that makes up the last post on the blog says “Retired”. Likely the reality is that he’ll be back but I think it will be a while.

However that could change if the political landscape was altered. He doesn’t strike me as the type of person that would permanently walk away from something if he thought there was useful work that could be done.


Sturgeon and Bozo are working for the Crown who in turn are working alongside the World Economic Forum to change to a “Green” economy. Fireproofjim slips out Establishment dogwhistle nonsense like “conspiracy theory” when he knows I have been proved consistently correct about this “covid 19” bollocks. I warned over a year ago about coerced vaccination and internal passports medical Apartheid.Noe it’s becoming reality, if we allow it by going along with it, the people who called me a crazy conspiracy theorist are welcoming that apertheid and also eating shit.


When the “pandemic” was first announced voices like mine, crying the Fascist alarm, were not very common. Everyone else appeared to believe their Governments so mine was a minority voice. Now, as more and more wake up around the world, our voices are the majority online. Why are there so many idiots among the boomer generation I know not everyone but a hell of a lot. I thought for a while my generation would prove an exception old punks and all that but no. All my friends and relatives have taken the poison.
In Mexico, the Government trialled Ivermectin on the population and found it to work against the rebranded flu virus known as covid 19.Personally I think it coincided with end of flu season much like April 2020 when deaths were reportedly going down before Governments carried out the WEFs instructions to lock us down.
Fireproofjim. Since you don’t seem to have the ability to use your Internet WEF means World Economic Forum. You should check them out. They’re all the rage these days.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Republicofscotland at 4:13 pm.

You typed,
“Johnson who was a reporter with the Telegraph newspaper when devolution was implemented said of it that it was a nasty business, Johnson also penned a poem calling for the extermination of the Scots.”

Johnson was the editor of the Spectator, when he published THAT poem, written by James Michie.

link to


C19 is a Trojan Horse policy. Brace yourself for “climate lockdowns” as Sturgeon seems to be conflating the virus with the climate. Another warning I gave a year ago. For a conspiracy theorist I think I have a good track record.
Advice. Do not buy a new car as your Governments will be banning the internal combustion engine ostensibly to save the Planet but really to deny the public the ability to travel more than 20 minutes walking time from our homes. You haven’t heard of twenty minute towns?
“Windows On The World. Net” is your go to for a breakdown of the “Communitarian” agenda. Frightening.

Saffron Robe

Has the world truly gone mad? The Israelis are engaged in ethnic cleansing and committing genocide with impunity, as NATO carry out war games in Estonia and the Black Sea which risks igniting World War Three, and US planes bomb Syria and Iraq for target practice. With the military alliance between Russia and China it is not difficult to see where things are heading. There can be no winners in a third world war and Scotland will be one of the first to be incinerated courtesy of England’s “nuclear deterrent” stationed within a stone’s throw of our most populous city. Global economic conditions under neo-liberalism are “ripe” for a major conflagration. It is also quite clear that the SNP have been “bought” with their MPs sitting on UK “defence” committees.

A couple of years ago I did a predictive analysis of when I thought the human race was likely to become extinct based on various factors such as global warming and climate change, overpopulation, diminishing resources etc. and I calculated that we would be unlikely to survive much beyond 2091. I now think that was a tad optimistic.

Fishy Wullie

@ Brian Doonthetoon

Thanks again for your help finding the video and images for the video I was making, here’s what you helped create

link to


Republic of Scotland

Once you start lying to yourself…. Voting yes meant leaving the EU, that is a legal fact whether people like it or not. Personally it’s never bothered me as the EU is all about taking sovereignty away from people which is the exact opposite of what Scottish nationalism is supposed to be.

And James Che, no matter how many times you repeat “sovereignty” it doesn’t change the legal reality of the United Kingdom of that trying to overrule a referendum that was meant to settle the matter for good is the complete opposite of respecting people’s sovereignty. You can’t have it both ways.

Im not fussed that we haven’t had a ref since 2014 as it would have been lost just as it would be lost now. The New SNP have done nothing to strengthen the case for Scottish independence. All they have proven is how corrupt they are and how effing stupid and gullible the people are who still support them are. They have zero respect for anyone. In my view the whole leadership should be in jail. The greatest con trick in the history of Scotland is taking place right now and most of you lot on here haven’t even noticed. No wonder the reverend had enough.

Captain Yossarian

@Tannadice Boy – Just waiting for word back from the Engineering Institution. The American Institution has already reported and if the UK agrees with US, then it is over.

Saffron Robe

And so Sturgeon makes another promise she can’t keep – achieving net zero – as Johnson signs deal after deal with Tory party benefactors for the continuous exploitation of oil in Scottish waters and both fall over themselves to host an environmental summit in Glasgow, a decaying city of boarded-up shop fronts covered with graffiti, strewn with litter and discarded bulk items of every description, crumbling infrastructure and failing public services, as the number of huge, shiny new motors appearing on the roads multiplies daily along with the number of poor and destitute struggling to survive.

Even net zero itself is a swizz, an attempt to parcel up carbon emissions so that they can be bought and sold like stocks and shares in the market place. Apart from the obvious hypocrisy of both Sturgeon and Johnson – the former in relation to Mossmorran for example, the latter in relation to oil extraction and both in relation to reducing vehicular emissions – carbon is far from being the only pollutant of grave concern. What about all the pollution and radioactive waste pouring out from the Faslane nuclear submarine base or from the munitions dumped in Beaufort’s Dyke?

The target of net zero will be used in the same way that Covid-19 has been used – to inculcate fear in the population and maintain control. (A point already well made previously by James Che and by Pixywine above.) Those causing the most pollution – the wealthy and the ruling class – will use restrictions to control those causing the least pollution – ordinary, working people – and it will do nothing to tackle the root of the problem. It’s merely a cosmetic solution to mask the truth of those responsible for the climate crisis in the first place and their neo-liberal economic system of unbridled ecological vandalism, destruction and devastation.


Brian @4.47pm.

Yes Brian that’s correct he did pen the offensive ode whilst working at the Spectator magazine, its the nasty business quote on devolution that I think he made whilst working as a political columnist at the Telegraph, though I can’t recall where I read it.

According to his Wiki page he worked at both in the right period of time for devolution.

link to


Dim whit Tory Annie Wells on radio decrying
Scottish Covid stats that are on a spike but both
she a radio owners forgot to mention that the Tory
U.K. government has more Covid deaths than any of
The European nations and that England has 114,000
Covid deaths again Scotland’s 7,700.

No point in telling Annie that her English Party’s Covid
Deaths are 40% worse than than Scotland’s as percentages
are difficult to fathom out on your fingers and toes.


“ Im not fussed that we haven’t had a ref since 2014 as it would have been lost just as it would be lost now. The New SNP have done nothing to strengthen the case for Scottish independence.”

Democracy is enacted in a referendum, whether you are on the majority side or the minority side, everybody wins, nobody loses if they are advocates of democracy.

There should be no need to strengthen the case for a country making its own decisions.
That we have people who believe otherwise is shameful and a lack of leadership and pretty crap strategy.

We should have a referendum anytime and every time we want a measurement of the Will of the Scottish People. None of this, once in a generation or when the time is right for politicians pish.
They’re only abusing the authority we handed to them for their own selfish ends.


For what it’s worth saying so, and for all I am unshakeable in my conviction that Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty would be revealed as the superior legitimacy over the Treaty of Union’s, or rather, Westminster’s colonial usurpation of sovereignty, somewhat paradoxically, I do NOT think that will by itself deliver Scotland it’s Independence.

But the very fact that it could, and equally, the fact that Scotland has at long last found the resolve to play hardball over it’s sovereign Constitution, well, in those circumstances, it is my belief that Westminster will know that Scotland has got serious, and is entering the “end game” of Scottish Independence, and thus, Westminster is faced with the imminent end of the UK.

All Westminster’s instruments of control, – Devolution, Holyrood’s Scotland Act protocols, the Media Indoctrination, last word on the voting franchise, etc…. All of those control mechanisms which traditionally sedate and diffuse Scottish unrest will be obsolete once Scotland’s Constitutional status comes under the scrutiny of the UN and International Law, and as such, altogether different criteria from domestic UK law.

I believe Westminster facing those prospects will suddenly change tac, and do all it can to wrangle Scotland back inside the corral of UK Domestic Law, and seduce / dupe Scotland with a cosy looking Referendum options, which of course, will fit the tradition of UK style democracy (where Westminster enjoys various levers of control and has the final say). Hopefully, we will be savvy enough to avoid that.

I think Westminster will cave in to Scotland’s wish to hold a referendum, but then cheat like Billy’O to rig it’s result.

I don’t have a crystal ball, and it is very difficult to predict how such circumstances would play out, because Scotland playing hardball currently seems as laughable a prospect as Westminster being pro Referendum, but nevertheless, if the one starts, (say Scotland does play hardball), the other will follow. But Sturgeon hasn’t the talent to do it, and nor does Boris Johnson, and you cannot even predict who their successors are likely to be.

But lame politicians aside, Scotland would then have choice of pursing it’s Constitutional submissions to the UN, or circumventing that route by actually winning that Independence Referendum.

To put it another way, in crass and brief terms, Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty is the shotgun which can force the UK to the negotiating table, and those hardball negotiations would produce a Referendum which Unionism would have to contest honestly, and win.

Scotland can actually afford to repeat a No vote, (pray that we don’t have to), because even if our Constitutional submissions to the UN don’t bring about Independence, they will still have enshrined Scotland’s Constitutional right to hold another IndyRef whenever the sovereign Scottish people want one, and probably too, clarified Scotland’s right to set the voting franchise and restrict it to Scottish Nationals only. (That alone will probably see Scotland over the Indy finish line at the first asking).

(I also have doubts that Devolution / Holyrood would survive a Constitutional audit without major existential reform… but that’s another story).

It isn’t the Constitutional backdrop holding Scotland back, it is the poverty of talent, acumen and courage in Scotland’s leadership / government, and unfortunately, that looks set to plague Scotland whichever way it turns.


@ Saffron Robe

But Yon Blowhard of the SNP bought his wife a Range Rover, so that’s hardly the action of an individual giving twa fucks aboot climate change.

As a petrol / diesel / autogas head and hoarder of muchos automotive shizzle, I’m thinking of starting a cult and sanctuary for like minded individuals where we can live and support each other as we endure our oppression by the plastic environmentalists as they try to cancel our Car and Bike Culture.
Engine and vehicular enthusiasts are becoming ostracised and we await the woke jumping on our bandwagon to support us, ditching their rainbow flags for rolling coal plumes of black reek emojis.


A nice clear presentation from Boris, total relaxation but dont be relaxed.
Expect the bbc to amplify the mixed message and exclude nicola from providing any clarity
Anyone investing is undertakers
Boris is such a complete and utter buffoon it is really difficult to understand why nicola is hesitating on indyref2


@ Republicofscotland at 5.14

Yes Brian that’s correct he did pen the offensive ode whilst working at the Spectator magazine

What Brian was pointing out is that Johnson didn’t write it.

James Michie wrote it, and Johnson published it. No doubt he agreed with his sentiments, but it is not his own composition.

Scot Finlayson


amazing ammount of the middle class woke now driving massive 4×4,

cause of the size and weight of these `chelsea tactors` they need massive brake discs to stop,

massive brake discs need massive pads,

and in town where all these woke twonks drive their behemoths they are stopping every 20 yrds with brake dust/particulates spewing out every stop,

these traffic calming measures are just exacerbating the braking pariculate problem,

have read that imported Land Rovers still use asbestos in their brake linnings.

James Che.

Saffron robe,
The world has not gone crazy, but the elites, in film, politicians, media, global meetings, sports and indirect funding to governments break down the older systems that used to work quite well such as NHS, DVLA, LEGAL AID, EMPLOYMENT, HUMAN RIGHTS, FREEDOM of SPEECH, FREEDOM of MOVEMENT, LAND OWNERSHIP, SOVEREIGNTY of PEOPLE, THE FAMILY UNIT, MALEs And FEMALEs, BUYING YOUR HOUSE, or SECOND HOLIDAY HOME, GOING ABROAD HOUSING WITH HEATING AND WIND AND WATER TIGHT, etc,
Pre world war 2 these things were pleasures solely for the rich and powerful and there was an definitive social barrier between those that had and those that had not,
I have no doubt the “build back better” mantra being used by the rich and powerful is a reset button of re structuring the 1600s 1700s and 1800s as they become worried at their new insignificant rolls and the fear of becoming a part ordinary society or to refer to it as the lower classes showing signs of equalisation to themselves,
The useful tools of Covid and Climate Change for the lower middle or working class to grapple with and be find or jailed for, to break down the NHS or and well being and freedom does not apply to Matt Hancock, Boris Johnson, Dominic Cummings or Prince Charles, Canada presidents or American democrats or republicans who have all been caught not following covid or climate change regulations,
The rhetoric of a 3rd world war is in the offing and often instigated verbally, this will enable the final reset in population control.
The world and its people in general are reasonably sane,
It is the rich and elite that fear their loss of power over minions that supply and fund the breakdown of systems all over the world that are presently working in favour for the people,
This funding works its way down from think tanks to government policies, to Councils and instigators to enforce a change that would not have happened left to natural events.
When we fight for independence of our country here in Scotland we are fighting not just for a country but to save our people from a disaster that has been planned behind summits and meetings.
And no doubt one day other ordinary people will see the new way the world is being turned to build back a better brighter future for a small percentage of rich entrepreneurs who wish for the good old days again,


Apologies Brian for my mistake, Crazycat thanks for clearing that up, though I still can’t recall where I read Johnson’s awful or nasty business comment on devolution.



Re. Boris and Devolution.

link to

Plus you’ll no doubt recall this comment.

link to

Saffron Robe

James Che. says:

“When we fight for the independence of our country here in Scotland we are fighting not just for a country but to save our people from a disaster.”

I agree James. Very good comment and well said.

Brian Doonthetoon

Thanks, Crazycat. No probs ROS.


Dan @6.45pm.

Dan thanks for the links, however Johnson made the comment on devolution as a awful/nasty business, around 1998/9.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Fishy Wullie.

link to

Good to hear Dundee band Independence!

That closing shot looks suspiciously like Reform Street, Dundee. If so, I think the telephone boxes have gone.

Are you in Dundee?

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Fishy Wullie.

If I’d realised what you were working on, I could have offered you this pic, of two independence icons – Dundee Annie and Sarah Johnston – at the Friends of WOS stall, Glasgow Green, 2016.

comment image

Ian Brotherhood

@BDTT (7.42) –

Nice one!

Happy days mister.

If only we’d known then what we know now, eh?


Fishy Wullie

@ Brian Doonthetoon

Yeah I’m in Dundee I have a garage business in Lochee, Frankie who wrote the song and lead vocalist is a customer and good friend of mine , He told me today he wrote the song in 10 minutes in a fit of anger, I think it’s the best independence song I’ve ever heard even Sean Connery liked it, when I heard it i thought it was screaming for a video and that is my humble attempt

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

That was a good weekend! Saturday, Hope Over Fear in George Square, then we retired to the Yes Bar.

Ronnie went out for a smoke and returned with Sarah and her pal, whose name I have forgotten. She sat with us for a while and we flagged up that we would be at Glasgow Green the next day, hence her turning up at the stall.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Fishy Wullie.

I guess you’ll know Jim Gardiner then? Gowanbank Garage. He looked after my Berlingos and continued when I moved to a Peugeot 807.

My Berlingos (2) were a nod in the direction of Stephen Fry; he had a black cab as a private car; I used the Berlingos for the same purpose.

Fishy Wullie

@ Brian Doonthetoon

The video you watched is edited from the original version, part was taken out for political reasons to protect the band from lets say controversy, it would be a very simple process to re-edit and add your friends as a one off version,

Fishy Wullie

@ Brian Doonthetoon

Yeah I know Jim well

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Fishy Wullie.

I’ve got another couple you could use. I’ll have to upload to Imgur first. I’ll post the links here in a wee while.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Fishy Wullie.

George Square, Hope Over Fear Rally, October 2015.

comment image

Anti-BBC Demo, Pacific Quay, Summer 2014.

comment image

Fishy Wullie

What would you like me to do with these images Brian ?

Brian Doonthetoon

Anything you deem appropriate!


It really is amusing that so many people in Scotland have bought into nicola sturgeons extra “cautious” approach and thats why we are going to still have a mask mandate and WFH for office staff even after August the 9th.

We should all remind ourselves that despite (or maybe even because) of nicolas extra “cautious” approach to returning our freedoms Scotland is the covid hotspot of Europe. 6 out of the 10 worst effected areas in Europe are in Scotland. By nicolas own measurements she has completely and totally failed not that she would ever admit as much.

I fully expect another delay, probably into the next year, before Scotland gets its freedoms back.

Fishy Wullie

@ Brian Doonthetoon

OK 🙂


Classic BBC tactic on Radio Scotland earlier today. They report a fact – something like 300+ top-class health professionals (doctors, I think) have signed a letter protesting against the Bill on assisted suicide being presented to Holyrood, pointing out various deficiencies that they think makes the whole thing unworkable, and contrary to medical ethics etc. ‘But’ the BBC Scotland anchor person then says, Dr. so-and-so, who lost his father recently, disagrees. Immediate switch to this Dr. So-and-So, who is given free rein to talk about his deceased father and why he thinks assisted suicide is good and should be lawful, based on his personal experience (but without actually engaging with any of the legal detail of the bill before the parliament).

I am not saying that the 300+ are necessarily right (although I do happen to agree with them), and that the lone individual doctor to whom the BBC gave all the air time is wrong. All I want to point out is the way BBC Scotland takes sides and blatantly tries to bring people round to its, or its editors’ opinion. Why was no one interviewed, and given airtime, from among the 300+? Why was one point of view so clearly favoured, and able to speak against the other point of view unopposed?

The ‘propaganda’ involved is so blatant, it’s unbelievable… yet, they get away with it. They are of course well practised in these little games. They have been doing this for a long time with other agenda too, as we all know. In particular, the independence agenda which is the clear purpose of this particular site. The tragedy is that the general population seems to have become so accustomed to this kind of thing that they hardly notice it. Is this one of the clearest signs of the horrific blunting of the critical faculty all across the land? If so, it is indeed am indictment of the current state of Scottish education.

Shame on the SNP to have governed over such a downward decline. If facts are things that winna ding, BBC Scotland’s purpose now seems to be to suppress them. Make sure the public don’t know what’s going on; or rather, make sure they think about what’s happening in the way we – their masters – demand that they think about it.

Herr Goebbels would be proud of them / us / whoever. You can just hear him chortling in his grave (not necessarily about the assisted suicide question, but simply the success of his own area of expertise, ‘propaganda machines’). So, who won the war after all? Well done you people, you are taking our eugenics policy to a new level altogether.


On another point, re the Act of Union. No matter what the Act says, that bit in Article 1 about both Scotland and England dropping their name and calling themselves by a new, invented one, wasn’t accepted by either population. I find that very impressive in light of the notion of popular sovereignty. Those individual who signed the Act(s) of Union thought it a great whizz, but both the people of England and the people of Scotland thoroughly rejected it, and still do. Both then and now, English people generally think of their country as England just as Scots generally think of their as Scotland.

If you don’t believe me, besides reading the Press, just watch the football. Especially if England wins the European Nations Cup.

Even the vast majority of those in favour of the Union always tended to see the Union – whether termed the UK or Great Britain or whatever – as an umbrella thing on top of the underlying reality, in which they identified themselves first and foremost as belonging to their own nation. That was certainly true of most Scots and most English, as well as most Welsh people. Northern Ireland might be more complicated, but insofar as it is, it is the exception, not the rule, and Irish History obviously developed very differently from the rest.

They had the advantage of being an island – how I envy them! But that is another story. The point I want to make here is that the sovereignty of the people, despite being in its 14th Century origins a peculiarly Scottish understanding of political reality, has universal leverage. Fundamentally, what the Scots affirmed in the 14th Century has become accepted throughout the world BECAUSE it is simply the truth. It is the people who give governments their power to rule over them. That is simply the reality.

The Scottish doctrine was simply stating the reality, as it exists in the nature of things (and not just in some legal or quasi-legal text). And although rulers will frequently attempt to undermine (i.e. SUBVERT) and indeed OVER-RULE that basic, underlying reality, peoples have ways of asserting it. And in point of fact, English people DO assert it: they know very well that they are English. And that being English is different from being Scots or Welsh or Irish. And no matter what any Act of Union or of Parliament says, they know where England ends. For them, no less than for us, the border with Scotland is real (and presumably with Wales too).

The problem arises from a certain tendency among SOME English people to see England as a superior people, with a right to colonise and thus supposedly ‘civilise’ other peoples. This did not begin with the Elizabethan expansion into America, or the later expansions into India and then Africa and various other parts of the world. No! It has a longer history than all of that.

In a way, that history begins with the Norman Conquest of England – 1066 and all that – although it really only begins to succeed as a specifically ‘English colonial project’ in the 13th Century. Most notably with Edward I’s imposition of his rule on Wales, and all the mighty castles he built there to subdue and control the Welsh populace, besides eliminating their leaders.

Then the same Edward tried to do the same thing in Scotland, but ultimately failed, on account of the Bruce resistance.

Sure, Edward’s ancestors for more than 100 years beforehand had made their own efforts in the same direction, but with less evident success. Even in Ireland where they did sometimes seem to gain a significant foothold they were often defeated (as in the reign of King John, 1199-1216, who basically lost all the Irish ‘possessions; his father had ‘bequeathed’ to him).

Even when John’s father, Henry II, defeated Scotland’s William the Lion in battle round about 1174, and forced him to submit, John’s elder brother, Richard I (the Lionheart) could not maintain any position of power over Scotland or its monarch. Richard very clearly rescinded all claim to Scotland at some point during his ten-year reign, in the 1190s.

It is to state the obvious to say that the main reasons for Scottish independence are specifically Scottish. At the same time, it will also render a service to the English nation, helping it to rid itself of the remnants of its superiority complex and its illusion about itself as having a civilizing, and therefore domineering mission to fulfil in the world. This is the nonsense that prevents England from modernising, and taking the properly constructive place it could and should take in the concert of contemporary modern nations.

The Union is the English people’s last bastion of all that nonsense, which is now holding them back, and preventing them from growing up. The best service Scots can do to the English is to pull that bastion down once and for all. It is better for them, as for everyone, and indeed for the whole world, to be liberated from illusions and face reality.

The same is true for us Scots. Reality liberates – illusion enslaves peoples to a false image of themselves, full of lies and deception. One of the best things about independence is that we too will have to grow up.

Which is another reason why there is no possibility whatsoever of a person like Nicola Sturgeon ever achieving it. She is far too immature to be up to such a serious job. Far too deluded, and far too selfish for such a thing. She’ll never go for it because she knows she can’t handle it.

There must be someone out there who can. And will. Let’s hope so, for everyone’s ultimate benefit. That of Scots and Scotland, but also that of the English people and nation as well.

Saffron Robe

Wull, excellent comment above. I really enjoyed reading it and agree entirely with the sentiment.


‘A couple of years ago I did a predictive analysis of when I thought the human race was likely to become extinct based on various factors such as global warming and climate change, overpopulation, diminishing resources etc. and I calculated that we would be unlikely to survive much beyond 2091. I now think that was a tad optimistic.’

You might want to apply some critical thinking to the global warming/climate change bit

Alf Baird

Wull, Saffron Robe

Also on the question of national consciousness:

link to

Sensible Dave

Breastplate 5.32

You wrote “We should have a referendum anytime and every time we want a measurement of the Will of the Scottish People.”

I agree with your overall comment … but the problem comes from your quote above.

Who is the “we” in the “every time “we” want a measurement”?

Is it only the folk that represented the minority view in the previous referendum? Are the Noes allowed the view that “they” don’t want another referendum (i.e. the will of the majority of the Scottish electorate)

Sensible Dave

Saffron Robe 4.55

You wrote “A couple of years ago I did a predictive analysis of when I thought the human race was likely to become extinct based on various factors such as global warming and climate change, overpopulation, diminishing resources etc. and I calculated that we would be unlikely to survive much beyond 2091”

Whilst I am sure that you think that you know how predictively analyse the earth’s climate – I am pretty sure you can’t.

Pretty much all the temperature rise predictions by the IPCC have been wrong and those calculations were done by the most learned and experienced, and qualified people on the planet.

As a test for your theory with respect to the extinction of the human race, if we imagined that europe’s temps were to increase by say 3 degrees C over the next 60 years or so – by what process would all the people in Europe die? As an example, do you think folk in Scotland might be able to survive if the average temps were 3 degrees warmer over the course of a year?


@ wull 12.13am

Great post pal .


link to

Hadn’t checked out Indycar for quite a while, but glad to see he’s still going.

My only niggle with this broadcast is that yes, Scotland needs a Constitution, but Scotland already has one, and not only has one, but has a Constitution recognised internationally from 1320 onwards.

The fly in the ointment for any “new” Constitution, is that it will lack this International endorsement. There isn’t a gaping Constitutional void to be filled, just an archaic Constitution which may need updated, but in my humble opinion, the Auld Constitution has all the authority, recognition, potency and provenance to see Auld and Independent Scotland get back standing on it’s own two feet.

The second point is that the Claim of Right is essentially the same Constitutional dynamite as the popular Sovereignty enshrined in the Declaration of Arbroath. The “Right” claimed in the Claim of Right, is the right of Scots to select their own form of government, which is simply another way of saying that Scotland’s people can depose their monarch and put forward another in their place.

The Claim of Right is simply a distillation of what is said in the Declaration of Arbroath, so when the Claim of Right is defended unchallenged, as it has been in the Scotland Act setting up Holyrood and more recently in the House of Commons, people should understand that this is indisputable confirmation that the popular Sovereignty of Scotland established in 1320, recognised in 1328, remains extant AFTER the Treaty of Union.

The Claim of Right IS the defence of Sovereignty.

There is absolutely NOTHING, no document or precedent anywhere, to even infer that the 1707 Treaty of Union “magically” removed Sovereignty from the Scottish people… EVER. There are however numerous de-facto affirmations and re-affirmations that Scotland’s Claim of Right is vital and alive, and thus, the popular Sovereignty of Scotland has NOT been undone or supplanted The Nation status of Scotland, the covenant between the Scottish people and their sovereign Constitution was NOT extinguished by the Treaty of Union, because neither that bilateral Treaty, the monarch Queen Anne, nor the respective parliament’s had the necessary pips to do it.

Westminster has ruled and subjugated Scotland these past three Centuries on the basis of unwritten conventions, malignant sophistry and dishonest bluff. This long established shaming, exploitation and colonial abuse of Scotland must be brought to it’s end.

Ian Brotherhood

Twitterer called @Rebellious posted this clip last night and it drew a lot of response from people, like me, who had never really watched it properly.

It’s Nicola Sturgeon receiving a standing ovation from conference, Oct 2019.

Watch it if you feel like getting rid of your breakfast, or need to get really wound-up for a crunch meeting, that type of thing…

link to


Sensible Dave says:
6 July, 2021 at 7:35 am
Breastplate 5.32

You wrote “We should have a referendum anytime and every time we want a measurement of the Will of the Scottish People.”

I agree with your overall comment … but the problem comes from your quote above.

Who is the “we” in the “every time “we” want a measurement”?

Is it only the folk that represented the minority view in the previous referendum? Are the Noes allowed the view that “they” don’t want another referendum (i.e. the will of the majority of the Scottish electorate)


Why are you interested Sinister Dave?

Ian Brotherhood

Here’s what Rev tweeted in reply –

‘Thing is, we now know they WEREN’T getting ready. They had NOBODY working on the case, and they’d spent all the money.’

She was lying, and knew it. But what of the others sharing the stage with her that day? Did they all know? (Apart from Shirley Anne Sommerville who, clearly, knows nothing about anything.)


What’s happened to Barrhead Boy – Roddy McLeod.

Site says retired – gone fishing. All very strange as his blog was really ramping up with Prism interviews with many very interesting guests. In fact he’d just built a little studio in his house.

But now it seems, out of the blue, gone to join the Rev Stu and others.

Very strange.

Scot Finlayson

Did the Danish conquer the Germanic Angles and Saxons who had taken over from the Romans and did the Norman French take over from the Danish, dan saff.

Is Land of the (Germanic) Angles ever been `British` or has it always been a conquered land.


Willie says:
6 July, 2021 at 9:26 am
What’s happened to Barrhead Boy – Roddy McLeod.

I heard on the grapevine that he was just absolutely scunnered by the abuse he got from the Both Vote Sturgeon brigade after he posted Alf Bairds interview proposing a Constitutional route to Independence and restricting the franchise to Scottish nationals… but that might not be true.

You’re absolutely correct, Barrheadboy was becoming the go-to place for up to date input, but of course, Sturgeon the Betrayer wouldn’t have liked the direction of that input.


I think you may miss the point about democracy.
I have already explained there are no losers when it comes to referendums, democracy wins and we all, masquerade at least, as advocates of democracy.
Adherence to democratic principles dictate that we all should know the Will of the People at all times, whatever democratic country one is in, so that our elected representatives can implement this.

So Dave, the “we” is all of us here in Scotland including the “Noes” the “Yessers” and the “haven’t got a Scoobys”.

That there will always be people that don’t want a referendum is immaterial, these people are either not democrats or hypocrites.

Of course, in reality, we have politicians pretending that they already know the Will of the People and that there is no need for an exact measurement. These people are charlatans.

Certainly, practicality should be involved regarding frequency, once every governmental term would be a start in my view.

Sensible Dave

Breastplate 9.58

I understand your explanation and why you would hold the view that you do.

The flaw though is why does this only apply to the subject of Independence? There are lots of issues that are contentious/divisive, would you have a list that might include, the death penalty, EU membership, trans rights, illegal immigration, nuclear weapons, pumping fossil fuels out of the North Sea, etc, etc – that are binding on the government? Arguably, all of those issues cross party lines and it is unlikely that any single party would have the right answer for every individual voter? (so a GE isn’t testing the “will of the people” on each of those issues).


The minute you start to think along properly nationalistic lines, even if you show all due respect to other races and cultures, you will be labelled an extremist and attacked.

These attacks can include many things. There are decent law abiding people now in Britain who are having banking services withdrawn from them and their bank accounts closed without warning, being arrested and having their properties searched by police regularly, being intimidated by authorities with made up charges, there are even now laws being proposed where it is illegal to talk about demographic change. This is just the authorities. Antifa acts as a kind of woke paramilitary force that doxes and physically attacks these same people – with no real police interest. Organisations like Hope not Hate slander everyone who does not fit their woke interpretation of the world.

Im going to warn you all now, but hopefully encourage you, if you start down the route of thinking of yourself as a Scot with a distinct heritage, ethnicity and culture that deserves to be protected and to retain the right to be the majority demographic bloc in your own homeland you WILL be labelled far right and if you are far right you will be considered an extremist and therefore open to state persecution and attack by the groups mentioned above.

The reason for this is because our enemies, who are ultimately the corporate globalist types, fear constructive nationalist sentiment more than anything.

This is why they attempt to spin anything properly nationalist as a precursor to a second ‘holocaust’ and therefore anyone who shows support for real nationalism must be a ‘Nazi’ and worthy of elimination without conversation.

You, Mr and Mrs European, are not allowed to think of yourselves as distinct people’s and civilisations. Your future is a multicultural one – where every culture except yours is to be celebrated. Your future nationality will be decided by what’s written on a piece of paper, just as your sexuality. There will be no attachment to a land or a heritage or biological reality.

Once nationality is reduced to a piece of paper it is then possible for authorities to decide anything in terms of demographics and displacement of population without regards for any international laws on things like genocide.

Don’t feel singled out however. This is the future of all humans – it just so happens European civilisations pose the biggest immediate obstacle due to our economic resilience, institutions and political trends.

Us fighting for each other and building a strong nation that looks after us and our children, and supporting the same for all other peoples of the world, is something they simply cannot tolerate.

Stuart MacKay

The paradox of wanting independence but rejecting the idea of nationhood would be amusing if the implications weren’t so serious.

What exactly do they want to be free of? Is is simply “free of Conservatism”? Do they want to be European without actually belonging to any member of that union?

Well the unit of independence is this thing called a country. If you want independence then you have to look after this country thing that delivers it. That means you have to look after it’s interests and the people that live in it. You have to ensure that other people don’t take advantage of your little bit of the planet, etc. etc.

The fact that the Dear Leader cannot bring herself to say the ‘N’ word is rather telling. Since she considers it a nasty, filthy word it’s no surprise her followers shun it too.

Well it’s a dichotomy that will need to be resolved. No matter how offended certain sensibilities become. Independence cannot be delivered any other way. Hopefully not too many heads will explode trying to resolve that.

James Che.

Saffron robe.
Alf Baird.
This is a subject that has almost become a hobby in research for myself and as I mentioned many times over the last year or so Scotland and its people have never lost their sovereignty,
However between all of you, you have managed to pei e the puzzle together in language better than I ever could.
The sovereignty cannot just be given away by NS nor by the Scottish government as some people have suggested to me, IT has belonged to the people since the declaration of Arbroath and reaffirmed by England and Scotland.
The referendum issues is codswallop legally as the Scottish government are not sovereign above the Scots. And only the Scots themselves as people may write officially to give up Their sovereignty as individuals, as it is theirs not a governments.
And as pointed out it is only a matter of two points,

We need a leader with a bit of gumption and knowledge of the reality of our sovereignty and that of our country.

We need to persistently keep this subject alive as many Scots do not understand their legal sovereignty position in relation to independence of our country.

It is up to us, not NS or Bono.

Sovereignty Being officially handed over to the Scottish people in written historical records


It’s quite obvious you still don’t understand that our politicians are supposed to represent our majority views. They are supposed to be our representatives. That they don’t do this should not be accepted with a simple shrug of the shoulders.

So to answer your question, yes, we should have referenda much like the Swiss do, in my opinion.
The only thing necessary for an informed electorate is an honest debate on whichever subject they will be voting on. The ‘honest’ part is incredibly important so people don’t feel they have been cheated.

The reality is we have a bunch of dishonest politicians and a dishonest media but that is no reason for us to add more shit to the turd mountain.

James Che.

Stuart MacKay,
We have a problem larger than than NS.
As many have discussed above, the problem is Us.
Not recognising that the people who live in Scotland were never captured by the treaty of the union in 1707,
This is reaffirmed many times as breeks has explained.
That the people in Scotland have legally retained the sovereignty of the self and thereby of their country has evaded scrutiny, the fact that Nicola sturgeon and many other politicians before and after in England and Scotland create the illusionary political landscape that they own the right to govern the people of Scotland.
This is not the legal position historically
And written history is the claim of right, the declaration of Arbroath as much as it is written that a few business men made a deal between themselves called the treaty of the union, that they had no legal president to say they owned the Scots or Scotland, As the Scots were sovereign and so was Scotland in 1707. As they are today legally and historically,


This is an excellent article on the Craig Murray court case.

“Apparently complainants in sexual assault cases need the “comfort” of prison sentences imposed on individuals who publish information about protected persons in limited circulation blogs in order to encourage them to come forward and report crimes. However they will not get this “comfort” if the individuals who publish this information are “mainstream journalists” publishing in the mass circulation “mainstream press.” ”

link to


James Che. says:
6 July, 2021 at 12:31 pm
Saffron robe.
Alf Baird.
This is a subject that has almost become a hobby in research for myself …

R. B. Cunninghame Graham said in 1928, as a founder of the National Party of Scotland, ”The enemies of Scottish Nationalism are not the English, for they were ever a great and generous folk, quick to respond when justice calls. Our real enemies are among us, born without imagination.

When you hear that, you hear such exasperation in his words.

I feel that very same exasperation when people, our people, make reference to Scotland’s sovereign status, but then do nothing to uphold it. Ian Blackford is a prime example. He MUST know what Scotland’s Constitutional status is, just in order to say the things he says. He cannot claim ignorance, but when Scotland subsequently IS removed from Europe, our Constitutional rights are brazenly violated, – …. Nothing. There is no consequence or ramification for the gross, unlawful injustice of Scotland’s unconstitutional subjugation.

Does the man not know the weight of the words he is saying? Is it all just theatrical bluster to him? It must be, because what other conclusion can you draw?

It is a sickening feature of Scottish society that so many petty injustices are pursued to absurd degrees, while so many howling and disgraceful improprieties and injustices are allowed to sail on unchallenged, and the Teflon coated rogues responsible can breeze about their corrupt activities with apparent impunity.

Scotland seems bewitched, and unable to recognise when Scotland is being robbed or abused, and believes itself to be powerless to defend itself. A few cross words is the only rebuke our enemies have to fear. It’s pathetic.

James Che.


Many journalists past and present are being incarcerated, it says a awful lot about the purposeful direction in which government no longer recognise freedom of press and subdue other media.
This is what our British government refers to as totalitarian, and an uprising of dictatorship that gives Britain the right? to invade other countries,
Mirror mirror on the wall,
Who is the fairest of them all.

Ian Brotherhood

@James Che (12.31) –


Breeks has been reaffirming this stuff for ages, as was Robert Peffers back in the day.

Sturgeon’s high opinion of herself might be tempered if she had some knowledge of the sovereignty issue but she’s never demonstrated any awareness of Scottish history. Like the rest of us she probably didn’t get much of it in school and steers away from the subject through embarrassment.

But we know from long and weary that she ‘likes books’. Nothing’s stopping her from doing some homework of her own. (Indeed, she could have a top historian employed by the govt to give her private lessons.) Everyone knew, for years, that she was being groomed to replace Alex Salmond. So, why didn’t she prepare properly? It shows a lack of respect for the office and, by extension, us. I’m quite sure that Rev Stu and any number of regulars here would trounce her in any Scottish History Zoom Quiz. Instead, she confesses to spending her weekends reading sadistic shite masquerading as ‘literature’ by the likes of Val McDermid and her Tartan Noir buddies.

Nicola Sturgeon is no ambassador for Scotland. After what she’s done, she can barely bring herself to look any of us in the eye, let alone represent us on the world stage.

She has to go.


James Che.

The quote is indeed a sad reflection not solely with regards to our politicians but also on our people that we allow them to behave in this manner while in receipt of our money.
Never have so many Scottish politicians been so Westminster inspired and gravitated.

I remember speaking to a snp member whom was giving out leaflets way back in 2017 along with mr Stuart Stevenson and I raised the issue of OUR sovereignty, I sat in their small caravan strongly opposed to their idea that they were trying to make Holyrude and the Scottish goverment sovereign and that sovereignty should not lye with the actual people of Scotland.
I now fight harder than ever to hold on to the sovereignty of the people of Scotland.
But back to your point about Ian Blackford, the SNP are well aware that the Scottish people are sovereign and do not like the status quo.
They like England would like to make a new constitution for Scotland, and you can guarantee that the outcome would not favour the sovereignty of the Scots.


This is the rub. If political “Independence” for a country just means following imported global practices and cultures that are determined and manipulated by globalists and corporate interests, then what’s the fuckin point.
Surely the whole idea of striving for political “Independence” for a country is to have more “local” autonomy to develop and implement policies that utilise the resources of said country in a way that best serves and respects the will of the people that reside there, along with their nuanced cultures.

I don’t recall being asked to contribute my input into the development of “International Best Practices”, and there’s no way such practices if rolled out are equally beneficial to all countries and their peoples.

That shouldn’t be misconstrued and reduced to the negative aspects of blood and soil accusations. It’s about folk recognising and comprehending that every location on planet has its own unique traits and long standing practices and cultures that evolved over time to make life in these areas viable and more efficient.

Therefore it would be the decent thing for incomers to acknowledge and respect that the nice place they make the choice to come and live in is the way it is because of the historic endevours and struggles the people of that land made.
If folk ignore that and instead come here and try to whitewash or suppress our unique attributes in an attempt to turn our country into a one world existence of bland homegenised magnolia, then they are in effect stifling the ongoing freedom of thought, creativity, and expression borne from existing in unique locations, with all the positive aspects that brings.

Right, with that said I’ll get back to the slating…

Stuart MacKay

James Che, etc.

Since the people of Scotland are sovereign has anybody tried to get Holyrood shut down or at least suspended on the charge that it’s not fit for purpose?


So to summarise the latest postings.

A document dating from 1320 that was completely ignored for approx 400 years and was written by a bunch of barons protecting their own interests, that celebrates the genocide of the original inhabitants of the region of Great Britain called “Scotland” by irish invaders and another drafted to transfer power from a catholic king to William of Orange (and is being completely misunderstood) carry more weight than the Act Of Union that created Great Britain and was democratically endorsed 7 short years ago.

Democracy only counts if it delivers the result you want and history can be re-written and twisted to suit any agenda.

Referenda can be selectively ignored and the terms of them re-imagined if you don’t like the result and to do so while trampling all over the sovereignty of the Scottish people is in fact respecting their sovereignty.

Well folks, not one of you has got a clue.

Nicola Sturgeon would be laughing all the way to bank after reading this thread. Instead of barking up every wrong tree in the wood why don’t you try concentrating on ridding Scotland on the most corrupt bunch or thieves and shysters ever to inflict themselves on us. Once you get rid of that lot maybe Scotland will be fit to be asked the question again. At the moment it is a bad joke. Justice law and basic human decency mean absolutely nothing here.

James Che.

Ian Brotherhood
I believe it was Robert Peffer’s posts that originally inspired me to take a closer look at the treaty of the union in a new light along with the discussions that followed by some outstanding contributions from other commentators on wings.
Breeks and a few other good present commentators on here have enlightened myself further,
Basically the more investigation ventured the more I see how false the treaty of the union is,
It has loop holes in it the size of yer granny’s knitting after she misplaced her glasses,
As I mentioned to other commentators the SNP are well aware of our retained sovereignty of people here in Scotland and they are in the process of trying to change our constitution to make the people’s sovereignty null and void,
They would like the power of sovereignty to lie In their hands, Over the people.
One of the reasons I have fought so hard and verbally over Covid restrictions in Scotland is not the issue of the virus itself but the backdoor stealth of stealing the Scottish people’s right as sovereign people to choose above Scottish government.
If it was advisory and not enforced by policing or fines I would have been ok with that,
But Nicola sturgeon and the SNP are following a route they wished for whereby they place government above the Scottish sovereignty of the people.


I checked out Indycar video on the Constitution and sorry Breeks, I don’t know what you are going on about. Elliot Bulmer etc. are not discarding or disregarding the Declaration of Arbroath or the Claim of Right. As Gordon Ross points out they predicating a new fleshed out 21st century Constitution based on these historical precedents. As is Mike Fenwick with his ‘100’ person submission to the UN. Good luck to him.

What was significant was Gordon’s reference to the non movement to introduce a proposed Constitution to Holyrood by Mike Russell.
No surprise there. As Alf Baird calls it another example of ‘Petrification’ of a colonial administration when faced with the reality of just what collaborators they really .

BTW Well said ‘WULL’. I heard the BBC this am in full swing: apparently we should be delighted with ‘over a thousand new jobs’ in ELSMERE PORT’ for electric cars, along with a long propaganda statement from a ‘correspondent’ about Priti Patel’s latest fascist regime for anyone daring to try to seek sanctuary in the UK with a possible incarceration or transportation to some remote location. No criticism, no rebuttal, just fact based poisonous BBC State lies.

One other o/t , but not. A friend was in Loch Lomond Shores and saw the new Harris Tweed Shop…emblazoned with Union Jacks. No coincidence that the loathsome Brian Wilson C.B.E. ex Labour Unionist, Nuclear Power Advocate is heavily associated with the Trademark. Isn’t it time to demonstrate outside these type of stores with some kind of protest? Or would the hate bill mean that we be classed as hate stirrers?


Ian Brotherhood says:
6 July, 2021 at 9:13 am

She was lying, and knew it. But what of the others sharing the stage with her that day? Did they all know? (Apart from Shirley Anne Sommerville who, clearly, knows nothing about anything.)

If they were on the NEC they knew, because it later emerged that the NEC hadn’t even discussed Independence throughout the critical Brexit period.

James Che.

Stuart MacKay.
That is a good comment, and the answer is no if you mean any Scottish politician.
However it is up to us, we are the ones living in Scotland that are sovereign,
We need to source out a good orator that knows his/ her legal history and that is where we so far have failed.
This is something that the Scottish and English governments are well versed in squashing,
That is all that lies between us and an independent Scotland.
Any ideas or suggestions?


Lochside says:
6 July, 2021 at 2:25 pm
I checked out Indycar video on the Constitution and sorry Breeks, I don’t know what you are going on about…

It’s simple point that the Scottish Constitution of 1320 was formally recognised in 1328 by the Pope and indeed England. If you changed that Constitution, supersede it with a “new” Constitution, I would want to make very sure that you weren’t undermining the “recognition” component of the original.

Once Independent, Scotland can rewrite it’s Constitution a million times if it likes, but we are on course for seeing the substance of Scotland’s Constitution and the substance of the 1707 Union Treaty going under the forensic microscope at the UN. Thus I like the idea that Scotland’s 1320 Constitution predates the Union by nearly 400 years, and is significantly famous, and a “new” Constitution seems to me like something that can wait, be put on ice, just until we get Auld Scotland set free.

That’s the only concern I have about it. Persuade me that fear is unfounded, and then I’m fully on board and on side.


Pish! A complete waste of your time writing that and a complete waste of mine reading it.

Stuart MacKay

James Che

Seems the best way to test the legitimacy of Holyrood would be to go after some something utterly fundamental and forced the issue over who’s in charge – the ability of Holyrood to pass laws would seem to be a good place to start looking.

If Holyrood has no authority then that would bring into question the basis on which devolution was introduced and since that rests on the Treaty of Union there could be a snowball effect.

I have no idea whether that has any sensible basis but whatever it turned out to be it would have to be a hammer blow which brought everything down.

Alternatively it could be something relatively “benign” like a refusal by a reasonable percentage of the population to comply with any decision from Holyrood (sound familiar). They can’t jail everybody.

In any case power is granted and it can always be taken away as the Ceau?escu’s discovered.

James Che.

We have an old constitution for Scotland, a good one, that just needs a light shining upon it.

Those wishing to alter it have to be suspect of fitting new laws or bills to suite the direction they wish to steer us toward, wether that will include hate crime bills or gender issues, locking down sovereign people, taking your vehicles And heating away as the greens would like to do,
And as sovereign people we have private rights that have a similar parallel to human rights,
The SNP and the greens cannot be trusted anywhere near a new constitution for Scotland, they would decide our future by consulting Westminster or Micheal gove whom has been pushing for a new British union constitution this past year or two.


James Che @1.33pm.

Indeed James but only journalists with integrity and with a propensity to tell the truth are in danger.

As the article I linked to points out, Murray must go to prison so that other people who’ve suffered sexual abuse will have the confidence to come forward, even though he didn’t jigsaw identify anyone, but MSM journalists how did identify some of the complainers and have a wider audience than Murray, and are bound by press rules don’t fall into that rule of law.

More and more mainstream journalist around the world not just in the UK are in spy school departments at Kings College in London, so that when they are ready to do journalistic work, they are singing from the same hymn sheet as their government wants them to. Many of the teaching posts are filled with ex-Nato officials.

They’re churning out these obedient faceless drones who pass as journalists, who always agree with the official narrative, and their newspaper columns or onsite reports reflect this.

link to


Everybody has a right to know how Jason Leitch, Scotland’s National Clinical Director, explains the surge in infection rates that Scotland is experiencing right now, rates that make us the most infected country in Europe. So here it is;

“A couple of reasons for ours – seeded in Delta is the fundamental reason, the virus is the reason.

“It’s got seeded into our biggest, dense city in Glasgow and we’ve got less natural immunity because we haven’t been at the top of this league table throughout the pandemic…”

That we live in a country where government officials think they can insult us with statements like that tells you a lot. Why aren’t they just redacting everything the way they do with other inconvenient truths? I’d feel a lot less violated if they did.

Anyway, to translate from newspeak, the reason we have a surge is down to two things;

A) the presence of the virus itself (duh!),


B) ScotGov’s success in preventing infections since the pandemic started, which means it now has more readily available fertile lungs to infect up here…

Isn’t it marvellous? The surge, then, is a measure and indeed a reflection of how successful Nicola has been when it comes to handling the pandemic in Scotland — thus, the bigger the surge and the more people that get infected, the more success she has had.

My God. The media is letting them away with this.

Stuart MacKay


But what’s this “less natural immunity” mean? He could have said fewer vaccinations, certain age groups more at risk but instead he said “natural”. Why?

Sounds like “natural” equals “herd” which now appears to be the policy down south.

It’s very weaselly language. It’s a pity there are no journalists with enough brain cells to rub together that would challenge him on it.


On Scottish history, the claim of right, and all those constitutional debates you are all pointlessly embroiled in, I’ll explain for the second time on this blog why none of it really matters as far as Nicola is concerned.

If you look around the world and at a few history books, you will soon perceive that there are two distinct ways of achieving independence.

There’s the Irish or American way which hinges on hostility to foreign meddling, etc. And there’s the Australian or Canadian way which hinges on mutual love and respect… something like that.

Anyway, there are two very different languages and perspectives that correlate with the above. Nicola wants to go down the “jolly good show old chap” route, and you guys want to go down the Che Guevara route.

It’s alien meets predator type stuff. You’re on different planets, not just different pages of different books, speaking different languages, seeing different things.

In short, Nicola wants the sort of route to the sort of independence that a medium ranking member of the orange order could live with. One where our shared history is celebrated, including our role in the empire, and we gang up on other countries when push comes to shove, etc. That’s where all the NATO crap and bowing to her majesty comes in….

This will undoubtedly sound contradictory to many of you — which in a sense illustrates the point — but some Scottish people are actually comfortable describing themselves as pro-British and pro-independence. When you think about it, that’s where Nicola stands.

You’re welcome.


Stuart, “natural immunity” relates to those who have acquired immunity through catching the disease, as opposed to those who acquired it through vaccination.


I don’t think it is fair or accurate to accuse people of the Che Guevara route just because they adhere to a more confrontational doctrine regarding movement towards independence.
Confrontational does not translate to violence.

I think most here would believe that a peaceful route is preferable and I believe quicker.
We just need the proper people in charge.

Also, I believe there is nothing to stop an independent Scotland working with Westminster in mutual endeavours if it was beneficial to do so. At the moment, everything is geared towards the benefit of London and the South East.


I understand that Mrs Murrell initially put her name forward for one of the Olympic Sprint Relay teams.
However, when it was pointed out to her that they actually pass a baton instead of ‘the buck’ she withdrew her nomination.


Breeks @ 2.49..
I said:
‘Elliot Bulmer etc. are not discarding or disregarding the Declaration of Arbroath or the Claim of Right. As Gordon Ross points out they predicating a new fleshed out 21st century Constitution based on these historical precedents.’

Therefore, you and I agree on keeping the basis of our Sovereignty, our Independence and our right to choose whichever government we wish and finally to defend ourselves, with arms, if invaded or attacked by another state.

These aforementioned individuals, indeed patriots, are taking the basic Scottish constitution which was based on a feudal situation involving the Pope and the Scottish nobility, and later more updated judicial based right and attempting to do what the SNP and Mike Russell were tasked with, but haven’t done, and will not do i.e. formulate a Constitution for a modern Scotland. They are not attempting to ditch these iconic foundations of our identity. If they were, I would resist them as much as you would.

If a bowling club or a nation state creates a Constitution it must be based on agreed principles and voted on. Elliot Bulmer et al are taking those principles, as Gordon Ross explains and expanding them by incorporating for instance universal suffrage, unknown in 1320. Of course the idea is to put the proposals to a representative body of civic Scotland and then get them to put that fully fleshed constitutional proposal to the electorate vote on it.

It’s all up for debate. Even the franchise would be one that I and many would want to follow as per Alf Baird’s guidance. I don’t want a Referendum. I want a dissolution of the Westminster based Union, with all our MPs resigning. But having an agreed Constitution already agreed and voted on by Scots can happen before this occurs. It would give us a legitimacy and effectively a template that no corrupt pseudo ‘Nationalist’ party could ignore or usurp. A reality created out of the present Scottish body politic. It would have already silenced Unionist lies by establishing our freedoms and separation of powers that we so desperately are crying out for. It would in effect give us a de facto statement of what Independence means, without any more interference from England and its lackeys.

BTW Hatuey @ is your usual style, you offer a binary strawman argument: our constitutional discussions are definitely not ‘Che Guevara’ i.e. violent revolutionary. For you to try to reduce these contributions to that pathetic level shows exactly the type of troll you are. The other meme, the ‘Nicola ‘ argument is a risible insult to contributors on a site where the overwhelming majority of genuine commentators have long rejected her and her cohorts as bogus, lying imposters. To pretend that you don’t know this shows you to be either a liar or a pompous idiot. So away back to ‘Better Together’ and practice on your tuba.


Rain stopped play… Not on centre court, but on the roof.

It’s just a pity more young folk don’t Self ID or transition in to being slaters and the bloody job might have been done by now… 🙁

link to


Lochside, I wasn’t expressing my view or preference as to what route is best… you are welcome to ask. If you do ask, you’ll find you are wrong in everything you just said.

But who cares what any of us think? Nothing much matters as long as she remains. This is the post-apocalyptic world of Scottish politics we saw coming last year.

Everything you need to know about where we stand right now can be derived from the unbelievable fact that BBC Scotland is doing everything it can to protect her, across a range of issues, and has been doing so for about 2 years.

Shooting messengers won’t change any of that.



I’m afraid so many of you lot have gone so far down the rabbit hole you don’t realise how ridiculous you sound. Not one of you has the slightest understanding of the legal realities or indeed the history that has brought us here. Each post slavering on about sovereignty is more deluded and ridiculous than the last and you have now actually convinced yourself that the UN are going to buy into some ridiculous letter you send to them that has no basis in fact or reality.

The only way Scotland will ever become independent is democratically, if you tried any of these other ridiculous proposals up and to including armed struggle people would just laugh in your faces much as I am now. I never got involved in the indy campaigning because of nonsense like this, I reared my head due to the corruption in the New SNP and the fact that scotland has turned in a very dangerous and scary place and I’ve hung around for a bit to see whether you lot would wake up to the situation and do something about it or continue on descending into the rabbit hole. Can’t wait to see where you lot go to next or which other ridiculous fantasy gets peddled next.


Breastplate, nothing I said was intended to relate to violence in any way. Nobody anywhere is advocating a violent route.

The point I was making relates to how our situation, history, and future relations might be framed. You can, as I have shown, frame our experience of being in the Union in two very different ways and, depending on how you do that, you can envisage very different futures after independence.

Compare, for example, how an average Australian might relate to his country’s history and relationship with the Britain as compared to an average Irishman’s likely position.

It’s pretty basic stuff. But I’d say most people on here, myself included, are more likely to frame our relationship with England in terms that would be closer to an Irishman’s standpoint.

From that springs quite a lot, conceptual as it may be…


Seeing there was mention of lots of big SUVs…

link to

It’s a given that cheap plastic chairs will inevitably break, unlike the oilpumps and crankshafts on expensive luxury Landrover V6 2.7 and 3.0 engined products, which you’d hope wouldn’t.
A silver lining to the broken Landrover engine cloud is that shitey rusty scrap Jaguars can be pillaged for their 2.7 engines, which can then be converted to replace the fucked Landrover units to get them back up and running… until shit happens again…

David Caledonia

Military aircraft crashes in the philippines, lots of young men have died

So sad, so very sad

John Main

@Hatuey – 6 July, 2021 at 3:40 pm

You missed out:

C) ScotGov’s inability to improve on UKGov’s shocking betrayal of the health of Glasgow’s population, where the average life expectancy is I think the lowest in the UK and preventable disease is widespread.

Fertile ground for Covid to flourish in, so surprise, surprise.

Still, the re-branding looks nice. “NHS Scotland” where in the bad old days, it just used to say “NHS”. You can’t say they never tried.


Dave Caledonia.

Yes Dave its very sad that the men have died, the plane that crashed was one of several given to the Philippines by the Great Satan, aka the USA. the UK is also selling the authoritarian regime million of pounds worth of armourments.

Rodrigo Roa Duterte who is the president of the Philippines since 2016, is a bit of a dictator, many opponents have been imprisoned and many folk have been killed.

The reason the Great Satan and the UK are backing Duterte’s violent regime is the Philippines dispute islands/waters in the region with China, and helping any nation that might damage or impinge on the Chinese economy is worth supporting in the minds of the UK government and the US government, no matter how undemocratic that regime is.



Wait until you work out that the Bruce sent his brother to conquer Ireland when Ireland was allied with England or that it was scots settling the north during then plantation of Ulster that led to Ireland being divided, or indeed that it was Irish invaders who massacred and committed genocide against the original residents of Scotland.

Go learn some bloody history ffs.

Brian Doonthetoon

Watching the Spain/Italy gemme.

Why are the Ref and linesmen wearing one of the Scotland away strips?

Saffron Robe

I think it helps if we look at the things we do know:

I) We are a sovereign people as made clear by the Declaration of Arbroath and affirmed by the Claim of Right. As a sovereign people we have the right to choose our own form of government without external interference.

II) The Treaty of Union is a bilateral treaty between two nations, the purpose of which was to set up a unitary trading and customs area throughout the United Kingdom but without reducing or diminishing the sovereignty of either nation.

Therefore, in many ways independence is a state of mind, because we have the right to form our own government and dissolve the Treaty of Union at any time, particularly now that the articles of the treaty have been fundamentally breached by Brexit. We have no need to resort to violence. Violence is only necessary when sovereignty does not already pre-exist. However, we do need a leader or leaders who understand this, both the history of our nation and how the Treaty of Union has been used to abuse and enslave us for over 300 years by might and not by right. And, most of all, we must be prepared to assert our sovereignty without fear or prejudice and solely in the pursuit of truth and justice for our people.

Dave Somerville

C’mon Denmark,

Get right intae the most Detested Nation on earth.

The rest of the World is rooting for you.

An Italy, Denmark final.

The englanders luck runs out tomorrow night.

Tannadice Boy

I have learned a lot about the history of the Union and the Sovereignty of the Scottish people on this site. But the one thing I haven’t heard is that it was the Tories that were against the formation of a Union. The Whigs were all for it but not the Tories. Now we have a Conservative and Unionist Party. Politicians? Nickla has 300 hundred years to catch up.


@Saffron Robe

Your point II

Which Treaty of Union do you refer, for there are two…

That between the Kingdom of Scotland and the Kingdom of England which gave rise to the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707.


That between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland which gave rise to the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland in 1801.

Scotland was not in itself a signatory to the second, although we live in the State which it created, minus of course that portion of the former Kingdom of Ireland which withdrew from the UK in 1921.

You say “the purpose of which was to set up a unitary trading and customs area throughout the United Kingdom”. The United Kingdom didn’t exist until 1801. Therefore surely you mean “the purpose of which was to set up a unitary trading and customs area throughout Great Britain”?

Dave Somerville

The english Commentators already have the Detested englanders in the final.

No respect being shown or given to Denmark.

It’s as if Denmark are wasting their time turning up tomorrow.

Denmark will hopefully be spurred on by the disrespect being shown to them by the ignorant english bastards.

Something Scots have had to put up with for over 300 years.

Robert graham

English callers given their opinion on Scotland on LBC right now and one after another showing their total ignorance of our country .
Come on Denmark stuff the fkrs

robert graham

Oh fk I give up a House Jock living in Glasgow saying he would support England . Well MR house Jock away back to England yah fkn brainwashed tosspot


Well, it looks like things are about to get interesting.

According to Javid the new Health sec., it’s likely that the UK will see up to 100,000 new cases per day in the next few weeks. Neil Ferguson of Imperial College is saying we might expect double that.

That’s astonishing. Potentially 200,000 new cases per day, and everything open…

Basically that means we are all getting it. That’s the bottom line. Every one of us is going to get coronavirus in the next few weeks.

Saffron Robe

Robert Knight says:

“The United Kingdom didn’t exist until 1801.”

This is not true. I refer you to the Treaty of Union itself which mentions the “United Kingdom of Great Britain.” The United Kingdom refers to the united kingdom of the two kingdoms of Scotland and England.

And there was only one Treaty of Union. What you refer to with regards to Ireland was the Acts of Union.

You wrote:

“That between the Kingdom of Scotland and the Kingdom of England which gave rise to the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707.”

“That between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland which gave rise to the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland in 1801.”

The first sentence above should correctly read:

“That between the Kingdom of Scotland and the Kingdom of England which gave rise to the United Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707.”

Sensible Dave

Dave Somerville 10.58

You wrote “C’mon Denmark, Get right intae the most Detested Nation on earth.”

My, my, the antipathy towards folk of a particular nationality runs deep with this one.

Hmmmm, not a very nice person methinks.


@ shocked 8.11 pm

I think you are shell shocked with the shite you and your fellow unionists write on this site.

Ireland allied with england?

Bruce sent soldiers to conquer it?

Where do you get this crap from…..the ladybird book of british history?

The irish werent allied with the english in 1315. The irish had been fighting non stop against the anglo normans since the invasion of ireland more than a century earlier , and bruce sent his brother over to ireland to open a second front against the english while appealing to the irish chieftains of the common origin of the two gaelic kingdoms .

Heres an old article from the irish times about tha very fact you try desperately to misrepresent.

Robert the Bruce and Ireland’s last, Scottish high king
700 years ago, after the Battle of Bannockburn, the countries united to fight England. We should cherish the links that were forged”

“The year was 1315, and a life-and-death struggle was under way involving the Scots and Irish. Not only were the two peoples on friendly terms, and united against a common enemy – the English – but the Irish had also just set up a Scotsman as their high king.

The Scot in question, who would be Ireland’s last high king, was the younger brother of Robert the Bruce, fresh from his great victory over the English at Bannockburn.”

link to

As for your pish about irish invaders slaughtering the original inhabitants of scotland , what a load of rubbish.

There isnt one shred of historical written or archaeological evidence to back this cac of yours up.

The original “celtic ” inhabitants of scotland were the gael. Gaelic was the original proto celtic language , and the evidence shows it was pushed north and west in these islands by an incoming wave of p celtic ( welsh) people fleeing continental europe circa 600 bc from roman and greek invasions.

The scots of dal riada had always been there since at least 1000 bc. By 500 ad , when dal riada split between scotland and ireland , the archaelogical evidence shows no change in culture , merely a continuation of what was there.

As for your final sectarian comment on northern ireland again shocked is in shock talking bollocks.

Mary tudor started the plantations of ireland half a century before james the saxth with english protestant planters.

James the saxth carried on the english tradition and policy , and rid himself of scottish problem citizens , but the scots and irish in the north united against english/british rule over the centuries. See the leadership of protestant wolftone and the united irishmen in the late 18 th century rebellion.

The sectarian division in northern ireland has its roots not in the plantations , but the religious divide and conquer tactics of henry cooke in the mid 19th century when he allowed the previously banned prebyterians to join the orange order , and then the subsequent division of ireland in 1921 with the protestant apartheid state and the catholic state to the south.

You must be shitting yourself all over your union flag shocked at who is going to leave your precious union first… or the northern irish.


Im not sure what the significance is of the discussion around the united kingdom .

Everyone knows outside the demented unionists the uk is a multi national state made up in the words of the uk government at the united nations…”of two countries , Scotland and England , and principality , wales , and a province northern ireland”.

When scotland and northern ireland eventually go , Westminster can call the rump uk whatever the feck it likes.

What matters isnt what we think , or davie and his fellow englishmen , but what the international community think.

If they dont agree tiny wee England , which makes up 40 % of the land of these islands , and its welsh appendage , isnt the uk successor state , then the party is over.

I suppose it dependes on how usefull the ruk is to washington.

Maybe president biden might allow westminster to call itself the united kingdom successor , maybe not.

Maybe by that time the EU or somewhere like india would have taken the uk place on the un security council.


@Saffron Robe


“Scotland and England, shall, upon the first Day of May next ensuing the Date hereof, and for ever after, be united into one Kingdom by the Name of Great-Britain,”

“The people of Great Britain were to be represented by one parliament, known as the Parliament of Great Britain.”


“Great Britain and Ireland shall, upon the first day of January which shall be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one, and for ever after, be united into one kingdom, by the name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”

“That the said United Kingdom be represented in one and the same Parliament, to be stiled the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.”

Spot the difference?

Where it appears in the 1706/7 Acts, the word “United” is used as a descriptive term, NOT as part of the official title of the new, unified state comprising two former separate kingdoms. Only in the 1800 Acts is “United” formally adopted as the name of the unified state.

Sensible Dave

Thomas 8.07

… still fretting about the rest of us will call ourselves when/if Scotland becomes independent?

Why is that Thomas? Why would you care? We wouldn’t care what you think.

Stockholm Syndrome Variant?

I’ve had a few friends that have sadly divorced and, long after everything was separated and settled, they became the most boring and spiteful folk. They were unable to “move on”. Seemingly, all they do/did was moaning/whinging/complaining about is what their ex partner is up to now, who they are with, their jobs, their house.

You know the type Thomas?

Stuart MacKay

“Euro 2020: £36,000 raised for crying Germany fan to go to charity”
link to

Credit, where credit is due.

“The enemies of Scottish Nationalism are not the English, for they were ever a great and generous folk, quick to respond when justice calls. Our real enemies are among us, born without imagination.”

So that’s the first problem solved. Now what about “those born without imagination”. Well, Nicola, what do you say?

Hugh Jarse

Take the day off Dave ffs!
There’s beer to be drunk, and expectations to be inflated.
Good luck to our southern neighbour’s.

‘mon the Danes!


Sensible Dave says:
7 July, 2021 at 7:07 am
Dave Somerville 10.58

You wrote “C’mon Denmark, Get right intae the most Detested Nation on earth.”

My, my, the antipathy towards folk of a particular nationality runs deep with this one.

Hmmmm, not a very nice person methinks.


That’s a cracker!

Sinister Dave criticised someone for not being nice!

I agree Dave Somerville isn’t nice! He’s a creep but then so are you!


Thomas says:
7 July, 2021 at 7:56 am
@ shocked 8.11 pm


Well said that man. He’s been masquerading on here for ages under various yoon pseudo names talking tripe. He’s fooling no one.

Sensible Dave

Morning Hugh!

Its a very big day today for those of us living in this green and pleasant land.

Hope, fear. anticipation, concern, nervous excitement – everything associated with the build up to semi-final of an international football tournament.

I should be getting used to it with each tournament, but it doesn’t get an easier.



Thomas says:
7 July, 2021 at 8:07 am
Im not sure what the significance is of the discussion around the united kingdom .

Well, for me personally, it is the distinction between Ian Blackford standing up to the House of Lords in England with the power of Scotland’s Constitutional sovereignty behind him, or, standing up in the House of Lords in England and bumping his gums for effect, while churning out hollow words he doesn’t even believe himself like a cheap, carpetbagging charlatan.

When Blackford said Scotland would not be dragged out of Europe against it’s will, the Constitutional basis for such intransigence was absolutely sound, but unfortunately, the hollow and insincere complication was Blackford himself, and the rest of Sturgeon’s gutless and impotent SNP.

From 2016 onwards, Scotland should have had a Constitutional Scottish Backstop, at least the equal of Northern Ireland’s Backstop, but with the even more powerful leverage for bringing Brexit to a complete halt, with the UK plunged into an existential Constitutional crisis from which Scotland would have emerged as an Independent Nation still in Europe.

The weakness was never Scotland’s Constitutional strength or integrity, but Sturgeon the Betrayer and Wolffe’s disingenuous hands upon the Constitutional tiller during a critical constitutional crisis, which left Scotland once again abandoned and betrayed by false and feckless political t(raitors) lining their pockets and looking after their own interests, while selling Scotland down the river.

In spite of everything, Scotland’s Sovereign Constitution still retains it’s integrity. Sadly, in my opinion the SNP does not, and is no more worthy of respect or trust than the Parcel O’ Rogues who sold out Scotland in 1707. The crime they committed against Scotland is exactly the same and they should be equally reviled for doing it, … and impeached.


Never mind Sturgeon’s stitch up of Alex Salmond, where is the Impeachment Inquiry trying to establish why, when Scotland faced imminent subjugation and removal from Europe contrary to the emphatic, democratic will of the sovereign people, who was the person making sure that Scotland’s Constitutional defences were neutered and unmanned?

THAT is the Inquiry Scotland should be having, and having right now.

James Che.

Saffron Robe.
I notice that you’re comment from yesterday being contested on item ( 2 ) .
That may be correct, I have not had time to recheck the precise wording,
And as robertknight suggests the correct words are important.

However what cannot be contested or nit picked apart is the first ( 1 ) that you mentioned,
And that is the one that is of importance to us here in Scotland and with regards the treaty of the union.

James Che.

Defining some details of history that I was not familiar with,
Well done.

James Che.

How many would it take I wonder, ( stage 1 ) to demand the withdrawal of our MPs from Westminster, thus evoking our right to self determination ( and stage 2 ) chosen our right to who governs us,

Could it be organised, do we decide NS and the SNPs fate.


Comedy gold.

link to

“What will Sturgeon do then? She is largely perceived as the most capable and competent political leader in Britain today and highly regarded abroad. Johnson, by contrast, is not.”

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Wonder if Matt Qvortrup was sent to Coventry before or after his razor sharp input.


Oh dear
Our old friend Corruption seems to have reared his ugly head again
Having kicked the report on education in Scotland into the long grass pre-election it now appears your elected pressurised the public body not to publish the report on deaths in carehomes until after the election, too
Wheesht has now become a policy of Holyrood it appears


Thomas@ 7.56am…well said sir. You saved me the bother of explaining to the Unionist drum beating entity called ‘Shocked’ what absolute twaddle he was peddling.

He’s one of those types that Tinto chiel @ 3/7 10.32am know the ragged arse tories that live in shitholes earning shite wages but with a picture of the Betty Saxe Coburg Gotha on the Living Room wall. The ones with England tops at Rangers matches, when they ‘re not setting fire to Manchester or pissing on the statues, benches and Cenotaph in George Sq.You know the eejits that think such a thing as a ‘British Nation’ ever existed.

BTW the resident ‘Insensible Dave’ Troll has been silent on his loveable compatriots abusing the wee German Lassie at Wembley and the dogs abuse online that the Welsh guy got for raising money for her. Lovely people…not.

Stuart MacKay


Another “Tories baaaaad, baaaaad; independence has never been closer and Nicola has a cunning plan for independence” article from Pravda (Scotland).

Comedy gold indeed.


I wonder if Sensible Dave can put some positive spin on all this…

link to


So the royal parasite Queen Lizzie has awarded the George Cross to the NHS, I’m sure the hospital staff would rather have a worthy pay rise than a worthless gong.

However, awarding the worthless gong to the NHS, by the royal parasite and Better Together supporter, Queen Lizzie, is in my opinion another sinister ploy to try and bring some sort of credibility to parasitic royals overall.

Sensible Dave

Good Morning Lochside

… I wasn’t aware that I was supposed to comment on the behaviour of people in every given situation that you deem appropriate?

I assume you are inferring that the behaviour or attitudes of some football fans at a football match is somehow representative, or can be used as a stereotype, of the behaviour or attitudes of the “people” of a nation are you? If you are, perhaps we should have a look at the attitudes shown by fans towards each other at a typical old firm game? Would that be an insight into of the degree of the openness, tolerance and respect shown to others by Scottish folk generally?

When, for whatever reason, you decide to come after me – I would advise you to perhaps “think” before you write? Otherwise, you might come across as a dick that either a) tries to deny the inference or b) argue that its a totally different situation and not comparable. Can’t wait!


You’ve gotta love Casper Schmeichel’s put down of the English reporter here.

Well done that man- back in your box England. You’ve never won the Euro’s ,so it can’t come home.

Stupid song
link to


The media aren’t reporting it but 60,000 EU HGV drivers, are not delivering to the UK, as UK supermarkets and other businesses cannot get the deliveries they need. Supermarkets are frantically advertising for HGV drivers, but without much success.

According to this article the media are still backing the Brexit fantasy, but things are going to get a lot worse.

link to

Of course Scotland and Scottish businesses could’ve avoided this coming armageddon, by holding an indyref, but instead, Sturgeon the Betrayer of Scots and EU citizens chose to try and save England from Brexit, instead of saving Scotland and its businesses from this Brexit disaster.


Nice effort, thomas. Another tedious one from the english/unionists big book of lies : scots invaded ireland and the english helped the irish.

– saved me a lot of blockquoting anyway.

You would think an english or unionist would veer clear of any discussion of their historical role in that country, but the arrogance and cognitively dissonant “reality distortion field” takes over. They really do start to believe their own bullshit – the empire was a civilising mission, a kind of “bob a job” to give the darkies railroads and we never made a penny out of it, nett; and we were nothing like the nazis, they were evil.

– it’s one of the mysteries, how easy the british empire gets it, all told; the reason is simple – the upper and middle classes just never talk about it. It never happened.

link to

Someone mentioned the big lie and uncle adolph the other day; again, a telling point – hitler learned his propaganda techniques FROM THE BRITISH, noting how much better they were at it, in the Great War, atrocity stories a specialty. Orwell based his Ministry of Trurh on the BBC! And today the lying continues – you cannot trust a word from it; china, russia, covid, skripal, assange, scottish indy, weapons of mass destruction – it is so bad I tend to check the sports results twice.

Another example of lying, big lie style

link to


A Holyrood committee is to consider banning gay conversion therapy in Scotland, the treatment refers to the LGBTI+ community with regards to genders and sexual orientation is some cases as an illness, and gay conversion therapy could cure some of them.


Tonight I’m going to be English. That should put a stop to the b’stards!

Sensible Dave

Dan 11.37


I’ll go slowly for you because you are clearly not very bright.

Anyone with access to the internet can, at any time, anywhere on the planet, pull up a list of stuff that might not be the most flattering representation of a given country.

As an example Dan, in this particular case, all you need to do is scroll up.

You will see that there is a majority of folk in Scotland agree that their country is a s***show run by t(raitorou)s, corrupt, betrayers, that ruined the Scottish education, health and constitutional position.

… that’s not people from other countries saying it … that’s the people that live there!

It looks to me Dan, that you and Lochside have spent too much time in each other’s company and you have convinced yourselves that you are absolutely brilliant at this and have come up with some “killer” stuff.

In actuality, it turns out that neither of you can think beyond your “send” button!

Sensible Dave


Welcome Misty, or as Yoda would say, “from the dark side you turn”.


This Lady makes very good points with regards sexual allegations.

Are you listening Nichola Sturgeon ?

link to


Aye Thomas, that’s some reimagining of history right there. Looking forward to you squaring some of your claims against the declaration of Arbroath that flatly contradicts you are those historians who view the invasion of Ireland by the Norman warlord The Bruce as little more than an attempt at grabbing power in Ireland.

As I’ve alluded to elsewhere, mix a lack of intellect with some propaganda and the result is someone like you.

And I ain’t a yoon, just a supporter of independence thoroughly sick of the movement being dominated by idiots con artists and thieves who seem to think telling lies and pairing scotland as some poor downtrodden victims is the answer. Anyone with half a brain sees it for what it is.


Sensible Dave says:
7 July, 2021 at 11:52 am
Good Morning Lochside

… I wasn’t aware that I was supposed to comment on the behaviour of people in every given situation that you deem appropriate?

I assume you are inferring that the behaviour or attitudes of some football fans at a football match is somehow representative, or can be used as a stereotype, of the behaviour or attitudes of the “people” of a nation are you? If you are, perhaps we should have a look at the attitudes shown by fans towards each other at a typical old firm game? Would that be an insight into of the degree of the openness, tolerance and respect shown to others by Scottish folk generally?

When, for whatever reason, you decide to come after me – I would advise you to perhaps “think” before you write? Otherwise, you might come across as a dick that either a) tries to deny the inference or b) argue that its a totally different situation and not comparable. Can’t wait!’————————————

Insensible…You’re not obliged to comment on anything. In fact, most on here would rather you shut your big Anglo Saxon gob and comment somewhere else like some West Ham site, where your fellow supporters’ liberal attitudes and all encompassing views can be seen to be….missing.

England fans don’t need stereotyping. They have proven their racist, aggressive and unacceptable behaviour all over the globe over the past 40 years. It’s easily demonstrated on any youtube search. Your silence on the terrible cheering at Wembley at the wee German lassie’s tears was cringeworthy and let’s be honest hardly surprising from the scabrous cowardly lot that follow your team.

As for the Old Firm, well you have been sculking on this sight long enough to have learned that it is down to British divide and conquer that it even exists ( Famine and Brit propaganda plus poverty and imperialism). But then again, from your comments on here, you have learned nothing, nor care to, about our struggle. The reason being you are a troll, paid or not.

As for ‘coming after you’..don’t flatter yourself. What are you going to do, throw a plastic chair at me, like your compatriots do? No, your not worth communicating with, because unlike you I do think before I comment. Thinking for you is alien, you ‘re a bigoted keyboard coward, e.g. calling me a ‘dick’. And I won’t waste any more time on you.


robbo says:
7 July, 2021 at 12:40 pm
This Lady makes very good points with regards sexual allegations.

Are you listening Nichola Sturgeon ?

Not least because the accuser’s “recorded” evidence reeks of a premeditated stitch up.


Hatuey. So you believe the Tory Minister and the idiot Ferguson? You’ve got to be working for the Government.


“Lockdowns” are being used as an instrument of political power over the public. Can no one see the pattern of the Governments behaviour? The PCR test is being misused to attain “positive” results which gives Fascists the excuse to cite “cases” as a reason for lockdowns and restrictions.
Given that supposedly 89% of the British public are vaxxed with the gene therapy experiment why the need to jag every damned one of us? Government are suspiciously keen on dishing their Spike protein time bomb gene therapy.
Best ta await the results of this year’s Winter flu season before rushing off for a jag the Government has shares in. Follow the money. Don’t be a an innocent trusting little soul like Hatstand.


So the SNP want Boris Johnson to reaffirm his commitment to the 2016 Scotland Act, in the wake of revelations that he sees devolution as a disaster.

This is utterly embarrassing from the SNP government, who should be focusing on gaining Scottish independence, and not trying plead with Johnson on the Scotland Act, its all just fingering pointing tactics from Sturgeon the Betrayer of Scots and EU citizens.

We’re governed by a treacherous charlatan.

Sensible Dave

Lochside 1.00

Ah, I note you are not so keen on been on the receiving end?

You wrote “England fans don’t need stereotyping. They have proven their racist, aggressive and unacceptable behaviour all over the globe over the past 40 years. It’s easily demonstrated on any youtube search.”

As part of my mission to educate and inform, I feel the need to try and explain, slowly, that stereotypically attributing negative attitudes and behaviour to folk from a particular country – because of the attitude and behaviours demonstrated (real or perceived) by a very, very small sub-set of that society – is just bad Lochside.

There is a word for it that begins with the letter “r”.

To help you understand this difficult concept Lochside, here are some maths. The population of England is say, 56 million. The total crowd capacity the night England played Germany was 40,000. Let’s assume that every person in the ground was English and displayed the characteristics you described. That potentially shows that 0.07% of the population in England behaved the way you described.

The crowd capacity at Celtic in an old firm game is 60,000. Let’s use the same sweeping generalisation and assume every fan in the ground is a nasty sectarian thug. The population of Scotland is about 5.5m. The maths tell us, using your logic, that equates to 1.09% of the population of Scotland.

So what have we learned using your logic?

We have learned that in percentage terms, there are 15.5 times more sectarian thugs in Scotland – than there are nasty England fans in England.

Q.E.D. 🙂


Sensible…@ 2.18 ‘the receiving end’ of WHAT?……the ravings of a half wit?..Chase yourself!

Socrates MacSporran

Sensible Dave

Just one wee problem with your Old Firm comparison. Everyone knows, because The Celtic Family keeps telling us, the Celtic fans are paragons of virtue, upright, clean-living specimens who religiously obey the strictures of the Roman Catholic Church, wish peace and goodwill on all men and are incapable of bad behaviour.

Any trouble at Old Firm matches is caused by the 7,500 fans of the other team who are allowed in. Approximately half of that number are importing bigotry and sectarianism from their native Northern Ireland.

Therefore, approximately 3,750 fans are causing the bother – if we believe what the unbiased Celtic Family tells us. This is, as a percentage of the population of Scotland 0.68%.

Still higher than the English figure, but, you get my drift.

James Che.

Sensible Dave.
You’re quite right about having an attitude to towards stereotyping negatives to a group of people from a particular country,
That is just the very thing the prime minister of Great Britain did when he re penned about the Scots being a verminous race that needed to be exterminated.

Sensible Dave

Yo Soccy!

Its been a while!

I know I shouldn’t play with the … err, … “special” ones but they make it so difficult to resist sometimes. What is really amusing is that we both know that Lochside is, as I write, frothing and fuming and working on a devastating response. He knows also, that if he doesn’t reply, that will show I won and he ran away. Its very difficult for him now.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi James Che.

He didn’t “pen” it. It was “penned” by James Michie. Jonson PUBLISHED it when he was editor of the Spectator, as I pointed out on this page a couple of days ago.

link to

And here’s the link I included there.

link to


Sensible @ 2.40pm ‘ He knows also, that if he doesn’t reply, that will show I won and he ran away. Its very difficult for him now’

‘Ho, half-wit, I already did reply. Get your carer to read it out to you.

Stuart MacKay


So the SNP want Boris Johnson to reaffirm his commitment to the 2016 Scotland Act, in the wake of revelations that he sees devolution as a disaster.

I thought that sounded familiar: link to

“”A prominent SNP minister has come under fire for saying she/her would get down on her/??? knees and beg for Scotland to stay in the UK.

The statement on the LBC radio show prompted presenter Shelagh Fogarty to ask the SNP Party member: “Where’s your self respect?”

The statement follows the news that revealed Conservative Party leader, Boris Johnson would be prepared to close Follywood.”””

I should submit it to Pravda (Scotland) it’s at least as good as the recycled tripe they serve daily.

James Che.

Just to make sure we are thoroughly understanding of the situation.
When bojo refers to Scots he includes all the Scots together, tars us all with the same brush, and does not say except for rangers OR except for Celtic football fans,
When bojo re penned the poem he did not say except for one religion or the other.
He grouped all Scots together, as a verminous race no matter you’re back ground, you’re wealth, or wether you are a unionist or from the independence side.
The prime minister in his thoughts, thought that the suggestion of exterminating the Scots was a fun way to deal with all Scots. Enough to let it be printed in a very public way via the spectator newspaper.
So we have a prime minster of Great Britain whom has racist thoughts to the other half of the country that makes up Britain.

Sensible Dave

Jimmy Che 2.36

Oh dear … its like shooting fish in a barrel today. Has the first team been sidelined with Covid?

Jimmy, you wrote “That is just the very thing the prime minister of Great Britain did when he re penned about the Scots being a verminous race that needed to be exterminated”

Did he pen that James? Did he? Tell the truth now.

James Che.

Brian doonthetoon,
Thanks Brian ,
That’s why I was careful to mention it was re penned by bojo, not an original, however he thought it appropriately in line with his own thinking enough to submit it for publishing in the spectator.
I was also careful not to say he was prime minster at the time,


Okay thanks for the video link, pixy. These last 18 months would have been quite joyless without the entertainment you and others on here have provided.

I’d literally pay to listen to people like you and Hugo who featured in this latest video.

I suppose we are soon goon to find out who is right and who is wrong. If we see a lot of unvaccinated people going into hospital, we will know that the virus is real and the vaccines work.

Good luck. You may need it.

James Che.

Sensible Dave please read carefully what was said, how it was said and what was omitted by dint of careful phrasing.
I have this picture of you running around you’re kitchen stamping on your hat, and flinging ornaments at the computer after searching for the slightest mistake to be found by commenters on wings, only to find you jumped the gun in you’re enthusiastism.

Sensible Dave


… just accusing someone of being half-wit (when you’ve had your a**e handed to you) – doesn’t deflect from the running away charge matey.

Maybe you will think before you type next time?

Anyway, I hope enjoy the football tonight. Regardless of the result, I commit to you all that I shall return to take the plaudits – or the brickbats.


@James Che

My earlier comment re. Saffron Robe was not “nit picking”.

The common misconception that the UK is in excess of three centuries old should be challenged, for it is a myth unsupported by fact and perpetuates the Unionist version of our history which is always viewed through red, white and blue spectacles.

The term “united” in the 1706/7 Acts could be switched for “unified” and it would alter not one aspect of the legislation. The same could not be said if you repeated that process with the 1800 Acts.

Robert Graham

I am sure everyone agrees with that fat hunt Blackford in wishing the English team well in the match against our dear friends the Danes I mean their bacon is tasty what’s not to like about them they gave us a headache in a box and named their products with strange and almost impossible to pronounce and probably meant to insult the Swedes who knows it’s a strange language .

Prediction England 1 IKEA 3

And it’s good to see Blackford making good use of his questions at PMQs a master tactician and full of Whitt that guy is destined for greatness let’s hope he’s fks off to find glory soon and well out of our sight dragging that waste of space Sturgeon with him

Sensible Dave

James Che

… I think you have created a misplaced illusion James. As anyone here can tell you, the regiment personnel do not wear hats, we wear caps.

Staff of my rank do not frequent “kitchens”. We have squaddies that magic up scram somehow and we officers are then served in our mess.

James Che.

Thanks for explaining where you were coming from, much appreciated and I am always willing to learn, 🙂

James Che.

Sensible Dave.
Thank you for you’re explanation of who you are and how you work,

Ian Brotherhood

Here’s another video for Hatuey to ignore.

Over 4 hours of detailed analysis of pretty much any question anyone could have relating to what’s going on covid-wise.

‘Event 2021’ by Dr Richard Flemind, held in Dallas, Texas, on June 30th.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

PS Sorry, should be ‘Fleming’.


Sensible Dave

Robert Graham

You wrote “Prediction: England 1 IKEA 3”

As an Englishman, I am naturally modest, understated and, as a nation, we are not prone to triumphalism or bouts of false hope. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, my appraisal of the possible outcomes for this evening is that, as with all aspects of competitive sport at the highest level, any outcome is, of course, possible.

However, given that the England team has done very well thus far, no none has yet managed to score against us and, most importantly, I believe the young men taking the pitch wearing the three lions believe that they can win this thing – my prediction/belief/hope is England 3 Denmark 0.


Stuart MacKay @ 2.58pm.

Stuart not that I would put it past an SNP/MSP/MP to go down on one knee to beg to stay in the union the link says its a Tory MSP doing the begging whilst his HQ in London doesn’t give a monkeys if Scotland leaves the union.

From your link Stuart.

“The LBC caller Regan, who is a member of the Scottish Tories, admitted he would “get down on my hands and knees” if it meant keeping Scotland in the Union.”

Of course the Scottish Tory branch is a more rabid loyalist unionist movement, because they know they’d probably disappear or have to rebrand after independence.

Robert Graham


Go fk a Duck all said in the nicest possible way old chap

Saffron Robe

Robert Knight,

I accept that the term “united kingdom” was used more in the sense of an adjective initially and not as a proper noun in the Treaty of Union but that does not make it any less applicable. The United Kingdom was first used as a descriptor for the united kingdom of the kingdoms of Scotland and England; Great Britain being the land mass. I also accept that the term had become more formalised by the time of the Acts of Union 1800, but neither does that mean that the term (or the entity to which it initially referred) did not exist before then. It has been in usage since around the time of the Treaty of Union (and appears repeatedly in that treaty), almost a hundred years before the Acts of Union 1800.

You wrote:

‘The term “united” in the 1706/7 Acts could be switched for “unified” and it would alter not one aspect of the legislation.’

There are two things wrong with the above statement. You say the term “united” could have been switched with “unified” – but it wasn’t. Secondly, there is a reason why the term “unified” wasn’t used. The two kingdoms of Scotland and England were united but not unified. This is crucial because, as previously explained, Scotland’s sovereignty (along with England’s) is protected under the Treaty of Union. It exists as much now as it did prior to the Union. This is also why the British monarch is the monarch of two kingdoms and not one as can be understood from her separate titles – Queen Elizabeth the First of Scotland and Queen Elizabeth the Second of England. The different constitutional status of the two nations can also be understood in this light – monarch by consent in Scotland, monarch by “divine” right in England.

Your argument is based on the mistaken assumption that Scotland and England became one (“unified”) kingdom. I do acknowledge, however, that officially the Treaty of Union created the “Kingdom of Great Britain” which gives credence to your argument, but this official title is actually a misnomer (or more correctly an abbreviation) as I have hopefully shown above.


Republicofscotland says:
7 July, 2021 at 5:24 pm
Stuart MacKay @ 2.58pm.

“The LBC caller Regan….

Now then, now then,…. haud oan a wee minute…

Filed away in my distant memory banks, I seem to recall another “Regan” phoning up LBC to declare similarly wretched and cringeworthy adoration for the Union, way back around 2014 time…

Anybody else remember? It might even have been later, maybe after 2014…

Didn’t he turn out to have an outward bound business or team building camps something, … dark haired fella, as I recall.

I’m almost sure Regan has surfaced before… Clearly the Cringe is strong in that one.


Ian (Scotland won’t stand for it )Blackford branded Johnson a tinpot dictator over the reform of ID laws on voting.

Blackford can’t do hypocrisy, if he did, he’d have realised that there’s a tinpot dictator in Bute House as well.

Alex Salmond’s fit up, the arrest and jailing of indy blogger Craig Murray, other indy bloggers have been singled out such as Mark Hirst, Stu Campbell and David Llewellyn, not to mention the imprisonment of Manny Singh. The opposing of Martin Keatings in court.

The four years search for dirt on Alex Salmond by twenty-two Police Scotland officers which found nothing, the misleading (lying) to parliament, the obfuscation of producing evidence to a Holyrood committee, the I don’t know, and not to my knowledge answers to important questions, and the redactions of vital documents, and the denials of who knew what, and who was present where and when, and the lack of prosecutions of MSM hacks who not only jigsaw identified complainers but actually named them, is just the tip of the iceberg, oh and lets not forget the multiple resignations of those who were employed to look over SNP accounts, including a national treasurer.

They too couldn’t find the ringfenced indy fighting funds.


Boris was editor of the Spectator, which means he approved the poem with the call for extermination of the Scots. – All of them.
Try changing the word Scot for Jew and see if it still sounds like a bit of banter as many Unionists claim.
By the way I like the English football team, who seem like decent human beings as does their manager. May the best team win and let’s not hear about it fifty years hence.


As Saturday approaches and the unions jack booted Neanderthal foot soldiers take to the streets of Scotland spewing all manner of sectarian songs, Northern Ireland or parts of it, are building 70ft bonfires with Irish flags and Palestinian flags on top to be burned.

The sheer commitment to building these beacons of hate comes at a price though and some have cost over £60,000 due to the amount of pallets, needed to build them so high.


Ian B, I’ll bet I’m one of the so very few on here who does click your links and watch these videos — the truth is that in order to “engage” with people like you who have alternative views, I need to watch them…

There’d be less of a need, of course, if you simply explained your opinion but that’s something you’ve been reluctant to do.

So, I’ll watch another video. No problem.

It looks like another one suggesting the possible long term side effects of the vaccine are potentially serious. Strictly speaking that’s true, of course, although you could say the same of coronavirus and death.

Everything is about to be stress tested in the next few weeks. Everything. The Scottish people are effectively at the forefront of a massive wager.


People will accuse me of having time to spare, but finding this took 8 seconds;

“ The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or the Agency) is denying a request for a hearing submitted by Richard M. Fleming (Fleming) and is issuing an order under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) debarring Fleming for 10 years from providing services in any capacity to a person that has an approved or pending drug product application. FDA bases this order on a finding that Fleming was convicted of two felonies under Federal law that involved fraud. Additionally, Fleming has demonstrated a pattern of conduct sufficient to find that there is reason to believe that he may violate requirements under the FD&C Act relating to drug products. In determining the appropriateness and period of Fleming’s debarment, FDA considered the relevant factors listed in the FD&C Act. Fleming failed to file with the Agency information and analyses sufficient to create a basis for a hearing concerning this action…”

link to

Basically, he’s a convicted fraudster…. lol

I’m definitely going to watch that video now.


Hatstand. Dr Vernon Coleman is a man of the highest integrity who has campaigned against corrupt pharmaceutical companies for over 50 years but I’m sure you can come up with a slur to defame the man.

Charles Hodgson

On the train to Wembley for the EURO 96 match against England we were regaled with the charming ditty “I’d rather be a paki than a jock” by their supporters. That kind of stuff tends to stick in your mind. My “lived experience” (ahem).

Now we are expected to believe that they are paragons of diversity, and BLM knee-takers. Have they changed much since, really? I personally doubt it.

Hope the Danes give the racist scumbags a good fucking tonight.


Thanks, pixy, again. More free entertainment for which we are grateful and greatly indebted.

Here’s how The Independent introduced Vernon Coleman;

Vernon Coleman is a media doctor with knobs on: tabloid superstar, telephone advice line proprietor, prolific author, animal rights activist – and champion of cross-dressing”

link to

James Barr Gardner

The last monarch crowned in Scotland was in 1651 !


To All NHS staff. You personally will be held accountable in the Courts for administering a deadly gene therapy experimental drug to an largely unsuspecting public.
There’s a bloody good reason shills like Hatstand are working their butt’s off like whores on piecework.


Hatstand. You haven’t tipple the MSM ie The Independent, are working hand in glove with Government corporate Fascism.? You know the truth and you’re trying to fool innocents to their destruction. Damn you you Evil bastard.

Charles Hodgson

Hazmat Hatuey is a deluded prick of the lowest kind.

As the old saying goes, you can lead a horticulture, but you cant make him think.

James Barr Gardner

The Crown of Scotland was made in its present form for James V, refashioned in 1540 from a damaged and lighter crown, by an Edinburgh goldsmith, John Mosman.


Hatuey. Seems a lot of “covid” deaths are among vaccinated people but if you want to place bets on death tolls I bet you a Mars bar you’re wrong.


Hatuey. If I lose my bet I’ll give the Mars bar to a beggar. That should be suitable representation for you.


@Saffron Robe

Thanks for taking time to reply.

I hear what you say in respect of United Kingdom becoming a de facto term post 1707, prior to its becoming de jure in 1800.

However, I’m not entirely convinced over the United vs Unified argument…



past tense: unified; past participle: unified

Make or become united”

That one time Scotsman James Stuart, he of ‘sixth King of Scots to bear the name’ fame, and who only bothered to visit the country of his birth once after high-tailing it to London, was first to style himself “King of Great Brittaine” in 1604. But he didn’t persuade the Parliament of England, who by 1607 had poured enough cold water on the idea for James I to park it. (It didn’t stop James VI from forcing his Parliament of Scotland to continue with the charade however). But even he didn’t include “United” in his parliamentary shenanigans.

As for multi numbered monarchs, Elizabeth was not crowned Elizabeth I, Queen of Scots. She holds the title “Queen of Scots” by right, and until Philip’s death she was also Duchess of Edinburgh, but you’d never hear her referred to as either – with that one notable exception made by Sir David Steel as Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament at its reconvening in 1999, where he referred to her as “Queen of Scots”. (Presumably Royal Aids, a.k.a Her Maj, had given prior approval).

Elizabeth was presented with the Honours of Scotland (Crown, Sword & Sceptre) at the High Kirk of Saint Giles, but she was never ‘crowned’ with the Crown of Scotland. Indeed, if it wasn’t for the actions of individuals unnamed who set an explosive device in at least one pillar box and those who had the courage to retrieve the Stone of Destiny, we’d probably have EIIR all over the place. But as a sop to those rebellious Scots, we were spared.

Anyway. Enough verbage from me….just trying to avoid the temptation to switch to Channel 3. Can’t think why…

Saffron Robe

Ian Brotherhood at 4:20 pm:

Ian, very interesting video, thanks for the link. “Surrendering your privileges for protection allows you to have neither privileges nor protection.” Just as applicable to the SNP and their failure to uphold the privileges and protection afforded by our sovereignty as a people.


My links are for the general reader not the hardened agents of big Pharma.


I tend to avoid talking about COVID and all the arguments surrounding vaccination and lockdown, and what is achieved by them, frankly because I’d rather shove it off the agenda and talk about Independence. But…

But from my non-medical perspective, if you let a virus off the leash by ending the containment of lockdown, you are going to increase the chances of transmission, and the more varied the people are who catch the virus, the more mutations and variants you are likely to see. All the variables increase. Nevermind the rights and wrongs of it, you just are. Agreed?

But, when you take that strategy, and unleash it on a population which is only partially vaccinated, has different vaccinations in circulation, and has people partially vaccinated waiting for a second dose, it seems to me you are creating the perfect storm.

You are freeing up the virus to “go turbo” on it’s mutation and variation stages, at precisely the same time it begins to interact with a completely mixed bag of non-vaccinated, part-vaccinated, fully vaccinated, and post- vaccination retransmission “victims”. Maximum variation in the virus meets “optimally” half baked and chaotic countermeasures and vaccines.

To me, that seems you are VASTLY increasing the odds of a virus mutation happening which is unaffected by the vaccine.

It is literally like having everybody take antibiotics, (for a start, you don’t give “everybody” antibiotics. That’s not how it works), but when there’s no correlation between the prescription of antibiotics and people who have infection. Eventually infection can and will become immune to the antibiotic, because it survives exposure to the “partial” medicine, and the strains then thrive because they have adapted their own immunity to the antibiotics.

If they’re not careful, they’re going to help COVID mutate into a Superbug, that is resistant to current vaccines, the way bacteria becomes a superbug when it’s resistant to antibiotics.

Nevermind the politics of it, this easing of lockdown seems extraordinarily foolhardy. IF you commit to a thing, you have to see it through, or the virus will adapt and pick itself up off the canvas.

Or am I missing something?

Saffron Robe

Robert Knight,

I appreciate your comment Robert. I have to admit it took me a while to understand where you were coming from, but I see now what you were meaning and that ultimately we are both coming from the same side. And I would also add that, in a sense, neither one of us is either fully right or fully wrong. Knowledge is very much a matter of perception. The glass is either half full or half empty but it is still the same glass. As Dan Brown writes in his novel “Origin”, “Sometimes, all you have to do is shift your perspective to see someone else’s truth.”

I also take your point about “united” and “unified”. However I came across the following quote from Wikipedia regarding the Union of the Crowns which I think is illuminating:

“The union was personal or dynastic, with the Crown of England and the Crown of Scotland remaining both distinct and separate despite James’s best efforts to create a new imperial throne of Great Britain. England and Scotland continued as two separate states sharing a monarch, who directed their domestic and foreign policy, along with Ireland.”

I would argue that if James had been successful in creating an imperial throne, then that would indeed have created a “unified” kingdom. I think of it as a bit like a chemical reaction. Two liquids placed in a glass can interreact and produce a unified solution throughout (like milk and honey) or they can be united in the same glass but retain their separate chemistry (like oil and water).


Breeks falling for media narrative. Variants of a flu are very rarely worse than the original virus. Why are there people on here who don’t know that? “Vaccines” as you call them are in fact a gene therapy experiment which is currently in breach of International Law, Nuremberg. If people are genuinely vaccinated against the flu what’s their fucking problem? Aren’t they ” vaccinated”? Breeks argues for permanent lockdown and coerced vaccinations because he has “contagion angst” Google it under Nazi Germany.



link to

The suggestion here is exactly the opposite of what you believe.

He is very supportive of the vaccines, it’s the timing between them that irks him, and with good reason.

This is from April but it explains exactly the situation we are in. The situation he warned of.



Do you work or are you on a pension yet?


I see the genius vaccination expert Pixiewine says that vaccines are a gene therapy experiment against international law.
Well well, what an genius. The fact that vaccination has eliminated smallpox, polio, typhoid and a dozen other horrible diseases seems to have evaded his attention. Or does he think the elimination of smallpox is a breach of international law too?
Let’s leave this ignorant nonsense behind and get back to discussing independence.
Please come back Stuart.
They are getting sillier by the day.

Tannadice Boy

@Breeks 9:20pm
Are you missing something?. I will give you one stat relayed to me by my Highland wife. Number of people that have died with Covid in the Highlands since January is 3. Number of people that have died because of suicide 15. The madness will end at some point. Probably after our leaders decide their holidays are over.

Dave Somerville

Dirty fuckin scum bastards.

C’mon Italy!!!

Get right intae these Bastards.


The Covid vaccines in the UK are approved in emergency conditions on temporary authorisation. Easily found on UK gov website. Drug companies are indemnified, so is the NHS.

link to

mRNA vaccines are new and unknown and cannot sensibly be compared with polio, measles etc.

Government adverts saying Covid vaccines are as safe as any other vaccines are disingenuous at best. They don’t know.

Saffron Robe

Fireproofjim says:

“I see the genius vaccination expert Pixiewine says that vaccines are a gene therapy experiment against international law.”

That is not what Pixiewine said. What Pixiewine said is that Covid-19 vaccines are a gene therapy experiment against international law.

Nobody is arguing against traditional (proven) vaccines.

Saffron Robe

As for the footie, what a blatant dive. It beggars belief that the decision wasn’t overturned on review. Shades of ’66. Can England only win a major football tournament by cheating?

Having said that, from what little I saw towards the end of the game, the Danes didn’t look much like scoring. They would still have been in with a chance though had the game gone to penalties.

robert graham

Smart arse Filmproof

It’s not a vaccine son

And definally not in the same category as Measles or Smallpox the long term effects are not known and the trial period ends in 2022

Thats why the chemical industry assume no liability because that was the first thing that they all demanded if you suffer side effects .too fkn bad don’t blame them because its still in the trial stage

Ian Brotherhood

@Saffron Robe –

It seems that someone was aiming a laser-type green light at Schmeichel’s face as the penalty was being taken.

If true, the final surely has to be suspended pending an inquiry? This is unprecedented stuff.

(Hatuey will be along in a minute to hammer it all as conspiracy-theorising…)


I should have clarified that you are right about the different variants, just not the way you believe they have or are occurring.

My apologies for not adding that in my initial comment.


Fireproof. You twist words like a journalist.


And you come across as a clipe.


I’m sorry to have to break it to you Fireproof but Independence for Scotland seems as far away as you are from understanding the difference between gene therapy and standard vaccines. Since I’ve had all my standard vaccines as have my children you’re not insulting an anti vaxxer
Do you not think it’s correct to question Government motives? Will you tell us all why the media are all singing from the same hymsheet on covid? Are they religious perhaps Branch Covidians?


Pixywine says:
7 July, 2021 at 7:48 pm
“Hatuey. Seems a lot of “covid” deaths are among vaccinated people but if you want to place bets on death tolls I bet you a Mars bar…”

I wouldn’t bet on such a thing. I attach importance to human lives, which is why I supported lockdowns, encourage people to get vaccinated, opposed Boris’s “herd immunity”, etc.

The virus is coming for all of us. That’s the policy. They’re going to let it run free through the population. You should go and get vaccinated, before it’s too late.

Try searching Google for “anti-vaxxer died COVID-19”. Lots of people are dying because they were deceived by fraudulent cranks like Fleming and Coleman.

This isn’t a game.


Just because COVID-19 hasn’t wiped out 90% of humanity, doesn’t mean the next global pandemic won’t.

And we had better hope that vaccination programs work next time around too, because frankly people, if the fate of our species depends upon lockdowns and quarantine arrangements to save us, then as a species, we’re fkd.

COVID-19 has gotten everywhere, and circumvented every attempt to halt it’s containment.

Are we surprised? Even at the height of “peak” COVID, people were jumping onto aircraft, flying half way around the planet, embarking in one zone and disembarking in another zone during a global pandemic with less bio-security protocols in place than your average tropical fish keeper, who knows to put a new fish in an isolation / quarantine tank as a precautionary measure before letting it lose in his aquarium. And critically, he does this by routine.

He knows that a putting a diseased and contagious fish into an aquarium of healthy fish is going to kill his other fish, and that the primary way of keeping his fish population alive and healthy, is through strict adherence to a rigorous regimen of quarantine and isolation.

If our species was serious about the risk of global pandemic, then global travel around this planet of ours would never be the same again, and bio-security would be much more onerous than it is right now.

It doesn’t really matter all that much whether a vaccination protocol or treatment capacity is proving successful. It is still the relative equivalent of dowsing the tank with Gentian Violet to save as many fish as you can from an infection which basic bio security precautions would have prevented in the beginning.

But can you imagine the disruption, inconvenience, and huge logistical ramifications if every Airport, port, train station and perhaps even the major nodes on a nations road network, had to become segregation zones and quarantine points, with adequate facilities to quarantine everybody for 24-48 hours? Are you ready for that?

The era of free travel around our planet would be at an end. The export of produce from one zone to another would be infinitely more difficult. Is that a price we are willing to pay as a species? On today’s evidence, that’s an emphatic no. We can’t even resist the urge to congregate in large numbers around a ball kicking competition, and transport food stuffs we can grow ourselves, quite literally half way around the planet.

For all the lessons COVID-19 might have taught us, the only lesson we’re “learning” is to trust big Pharma to come to the rescue. Strikes me, that isn’t a very good code to live by.

Graf Midgehunter

So, so, so. 2-1 for England. That was the best they could do with a rapidly looking tired Danish team over 120 mins.

The first two goals came from Danes and the third came from a penalty which the Danish keeper actually saved and only on the rebound could England score.

The “Azzuris” should be able to make mincemeat out of Great England,

Sensible Dave


I maybe be over-reaching, but I detect a smidge of bitterness in your comment.

Having reached the Semi-final of the world cup and then the final of the Euros in consecutive tournaments, clearly this England team is a poor bunch of under-achievers.

If only the boys could match the plucky loser spirit of the Scottish team.


I have been flicking around all the TV news channels
but it seems that a football match yesterday is all that
has happened in the world recently?

Drowned in delusion with Brexit, then it’s Constant Covid
and now God is smiling on this saintly football manager
and his disciples to prove them the superior race.

Stevie Wonder must have been in charge of VAR last night.
Never a penalty in a million years!

The commentary was akin to what would be demanded in North Korea.

I feel a whole lot of knighthoods and assorted Betty Gongs queueing.
For services to not winning anything in 55 years!

Hugh Jarse

Better being a loser than a cheater Dave?

I’m quarantined from ‘news’, sanity depends upon it.

Sensible Dave

Effijy 7.27

… you need to be asking why a country of a very similar size to Scotland (Denmark) can do so well over time – whilst Scotland performs so relatively badly.

I’m sure you will find a way of blaming the English!

Sensible Dave


… I don’t believe you … I bet you are watching it all and lapping it up to feed the grievance.

Down here the major emotion we are all having to deal with, having reached the final, is our sorrow and sadness that the Scots were ejected at the first hurdle. It truly is bitter sweet. 🙂

Hugh Jarse

Born in 66 Dave.
I’ve suffered enough.


You enjoy your moments in the Sun though pal.
Are you familiar with the words ‘humility’ & ‘dignity’?


In the last 20 years we have had fake evidence presented to us by the government to instigate an illegal war that killed hundreds of thousands if not millions. This on top of the hundreds of thousands already murdered before that war began. Mostly cheered on by the media.

We have had the deliberate destabilisation and destruction of multiple sovereign countries – again with mass deaths. All mostly supported by the media.

We had a deliberately inflated housing/debt bubble that then imploded, hurting countless people for which the governments then gave liability to the tax payer and let the criminals off.

We had a swine flu that was promoted and exaggerated by the media to be something that it wasn’t with a resulting vaccine rollout that ended up injuring thousands, including children, until it was withdrawn.

Now we have a situation where our governments are clearly misusing testing, as advised by certain public health bodies as well as using extremely suspect methods of collecting death statistics.

The result being the deliberate implosion of the small folks economy – with market share going directly to the big guys. The roll out of a still experimental batch of vaccines including to children. The gleeful seizing of the situation by economic elites to create a new normal of social control and restrictions.

I remember Brexit and anyone on the left who considered themselves to have a valid viewpoint pretty much repeating ‘they are doing this to enrich themselves, Boris Johnson is a liar, you can’t trust the government, this is all to make the rich richer and the poor poorer, this will hurt ordinary people etc etc’.

Where the honest FUCK is that skepticism now?

I say that anyone who is STILL working from the mainstream government endorsed sources and who hasn’t taken a good look at what others have to say is failing themselves, their families and their nation and is in fact a disgrace.

Stuart MacKay

Breeks @9:20pm

No you’re not missing anything.

The vaccines target the spike proteins on the virus (the crown, hence the name corona virus) which enable it to enter the body. That effectively muffles the virus so it cannot replicate using the machinery in a cell. Depending on how well that is disrupted having a partially vaccinated population might not be a bad thing. If the virus cannot replicate then there won’t be any variants.

The problem is we don’t know is how well the virus is muffled and how well the immune system is doing it’s job in all of the body. With HIV it was discovered that even though the anti-virals were working well there were reservoirs of virus that were able to survive in areas like lymph nodes. If the infected person did not stick rigidly to the drug regimen the virus would come storming back.

The death rate from COVID-19 now appears to be acceptably low so it’s time to ease, then remove the lock-downs and head back to normal. That’s an unfortunate situation for the people who are going to die but government has decided the benefits outweigh the risks.

If government had the balls to go for stringent lockdown as soon as this thing appeared we could have eliminated the virus completely and many, many lives could have been saved. Now it looks like we’ll have to live with the virus forever. Now if you’re of a certain age, each year you’ll need a flu shot and a covid shot.

It’s a win-win situation for big-pharma and big business but it could have been oh so different if we had decision makers that could actually take decisions based on the good of the many and not based on the ability of the few to line their pockets.


@Stuart Mackay

Yes, he is. He is missing the very obvious fraud going on with the statistics that is presented to us as an emergency that warrants the closure of our businesses, the halting of our lives and the slide into tyranny justified as health measures.

He is missing quite a lot.

Dave Somerville

I suppose the only comfort we can take fron the cheating englander bastards reaching the final is that the fall for them is all the greater when you lose in the final.

So, prepare to celebrate a great Italian victory on Sunday night.

The knackered, english cheats will get well and truly humped.

A 3-0 Italian win.

C’mon Italy!!!


Worth showing this again, Sturgeon’s Nasty Party are fraudulent failures.

Republicofscotland says on 7 July, 2021 at 6:50 pm
“Ian (Scotland won’t stand for it )Blackford branded Johnson a tinpot dictator over the reform of ID laws on voting.”

“Blackford can’t do hypocrisy, if he did, he’d have realised that there’s a tinpot dictator in Bute House as well.”

“Alex Salmond’s fit up, the arrest and jailing of indy blogger Craig Murray, other indy bloggers have been singled out such as Mark Hirst, Stu Campbell and David Llewellyn, not to mention the imprisonment of Manny Singh. The opposing of Martin Keatings in court.”

“The four years search for dirt on Alex Salmond by twenty-two Police Scotland officers which found nothing, the misleading (lying) to parliament, the obfuscation of producing evidence to a Holyrood committee, the I don’t know, and not to my knowledge answers to important questions, and the redactions of vital documents, and the denials of who knew what, and who was present where and when, and the lack of prosecutions of MSM hacks who not only jigsaw identified complainers but actually named them, is just the tip of the iceberg, oh and lets not forget the multiple resignations of those who were employed to look over SNP accounts, including a national treasurer.”

“They too couldn’t find the ringfenced indy fighting funds.”


“vaccines are a gene therapy experiment against international law.”

They are absolutely not gene therapy experiments! Not even the Pfizer one.
Its mRNA basis is not itself a gene or set of genes, and it does not amend in any way the genes of a person receiving the vaccine. It is essentially a precursor template that makes use of cells’ normal protein-making machinery to produce a modified version of the Covid spike protein, which triggers the immune system into mounting a response, thereby pre-configuring it to respond more quickly and strongly when an actual Covid infection with a sufficiently similar spike protein occurs.

It is the body’s immune system which fights any infection, not any vaccine. A vaccine is the equivalent of putting up ‘Wanted’ posters all over the place for the components of the immune system to take notice.


Pretty sure you would agree English Davie boy that the ref was quite fair -if not bias to England most of that game. But now we have this!

link to


I see breaking news is reporting that Boris Johnson did not break the ministerial code for taking an undisclosed freebie international holiday to Mustique.

Of course he didn’t break the ministerial code. How could anyone be so stupid to think taking undisclosed freebies was a no no. Just like the freebie millions spent on tarting up the Downing Street flat.

And that for the common folks should be the way that it is. Cummings travelled hundreds of miles to test his eyesight during COVID lockdown. Jeepers even Matt Hancock didn’t break the Covid regulation with his social mixing with Gina. No doubt Gina kept her legs two metres apart.

You couldn’t make it up and it is so reminiscent of animal farm where the poor sheep look on in amazement of the orgy of greed and disregard occasioned by superior ones.

Ah well Beast of England, and the even lower low life in Scotland, look on and marvel at your lot. And remember now, both votes SNP.

Scot Finlayson

England cheating for gain sums up the the zeitgiest of this Tory epoch.

David Caledonia

England versus Italy

My prediction and where my shillings are going


David Caledonia

The roll out of experimental vaccines

Heh heh heh

Thick as shite


Stuart MacKay,

Yes, a flu shot and a Covid shot every year does seem to be an inevitability. I would also suggest that age may be irrelevant as we already have people insisting that everyone should get the Covid vaccine including kids.

The flu jab is being offered to younger and younger kids year on year so now anyone over the age of 6 months is recommended to have it.
I would imagine that there’s not much of a leap to believe the Covid vaccine will follow suit and will quite likely be more than just a recommendation.

Vaccine passports may become mandatory and perhaps, not just for Covid.


There’s a gutsy two-page article in the National newspaper (sorry I can’t link to it, its paywalled) in which Lesley Riddoch calls on Sturgeon to name a date for a second indyref by September, and she goes on to say that the date should be sometime in May 2022.

By then Mike Russell’s remit in which he pledged to have come up with answers on currency, borders, and any other policies linked with independence ironed out.

The huge COP26 summit is still going ahead this year, and both the UK and Scottish governments are on the edge of reducing restrictions with covid in mind, and as scientists have said like the cold and the flu, covid will be with us on a permanent basis.

Riddoch isn’t confident that Sturgeon will announce a date in September, so the grassroots movements and SNP members need to (as she calls it ) agitate the hierarchy of the SNP government to lock it into their September conference, for Riddoch believes that a indyref must be held in 2022 for there is no space in this parliamentary term to hold one after 2022.

Riddoch adds that basically the motion to confirm indyref 2 will be held in 2022 must be debated, approved and submitted in (this) July party branch meetings.

It really is a gutsy article by Riddoch who sees that if Sturgeon doesn’t move quickly, they’ll be no indyref 2 in this parliamentary term.

David Caledonia

There have been some dodgy practices by some pharma companies over the years.
But those companies disappeared, all the great companies are still with us and have been protecting us for decades, you have to look at things sensibly

There are crooks and charlatans everywhere, there always will be when there’s a shilling to be made, was it a german company that brung out that drug that resulted in all those kids being born deformed, whatever happened to them

Sensible Dave

Hugh 7.57

You wrote “Are you familiar with the words ‘humility’ & ‘dignity’?”

Indeed Hugh I am, and in almost all circumstances, that would be my natural default position.

The situation here is the exception. Firstly, in terms of my presence on Wings, I live by the sword or die by it, so to speak. I do not hide, and every game that we play in a tournament inevitably increases the likelihood of losing (i.e. only one team can be champions) – so the odds are that I am going to be on the receiving end at some point (though maybe not this year – I think its coming home).

Secondly, grace and magnanimity would still be default position in a normal situation. But this isn’t normal is it. There are other “fish being fried”. See:

“England cheating for gain sums up the the zeitgiest of this Tory epoch.”

“So, prepare to celebrate a great Italian victory on Sunday night. The knackered, english cheats will get well and truly humped.”

“Better being a loser than a cheater Dave?”

“Drowned in delusion with Brexit, then it’s Constant Covid
and now God is smiling on this saintly football manager
and his disciples to prove them the superior race.”

“The first two goals came from Danes and the third came from a penalty which the Danish keeper actually saved and only on the rebound could England score. The “Azzuris” should be able to make mincemeat out of Great England”

“Dirty fuckin scum bastards. C’mon Italy!!! Get right intae these Bastards.”

🙂 … that’s just the last 12 hours or so!

So Hugh, a rather childish saying springs to mind: “If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out”.

David Caledonia

I was in abedeen last week ant met a woman called mary, I told my son and he asked me if I was going to see her again, I said no, and he asked me why not, and I said

Its a long way to tickle mary

David Caledonia

if you think Italy will win get your money on them

Draw at full time, after that who cares as long as I make
a few shillings, and If I don’t who cares, I am always
playing with the bookies money , and It only gives
me an extra interest in the proceedings anyway


There is in my opinion no call for Humza Yousaf’s HCB to include the widest protection of the tiny trans community over that of women and girls, the figures just don’t bear up.

Police Scotland have been sold a pup on this, for some of the complaints that they’ve received, on trans abuse and there’s not been that many, are regarding stickers that say woman on them and ribbons with the word women won’t wheesht.

Here is a run down of the reports to the police, on civil complaints as well as trans and gender complaints, both are in small figures compared to domestic abuse etc.

link to

James Che.

appreciate the government link.


A Telegraph online poll asked if England’s penalty was justified.
55% No.


With my previous comment in mind I note that Marion Millar, will be appearing at Glasgow sheriff court on the 20th of July at 10am.

Marion Millar’s heinous crime in the eyes of the COPFS is one of attaching/ or/and taking a picture of a small ribbon on a fence, which has been unbelievably interpreted by the COPFS as some sort of hate crime.

If the Sheriff court doesn’t throw this one right out the door I’ll be totally shocked, mind you all that’s happened with regards to the COPFS, the SNP government and the Judiciary in Scotland in recent years, it doesn’t fill me with confidence that they will toss it out.

Even Kafka would find this one hard to swallow.


@ Republicofscotland at 10:14 am

You’re not wrong,
The forefront of independence should be the SNP,but it’s not
The forefront is now ordinary people with a passion, I would guess those are now non-party aligned.
Those are the people that are targets that the SNP attack,Not Johnson or any Tory for that matter, that is the SNP strategy
Attack an individual ?
That is about it, bullying, insulting en masse from folk that the cat wouldn’t drag in
Low life pieces of crap, have a really good look ,look to their questionable behavior.
Until someone blows the lid on Sturgeon Murrell Inc, that where it going to stay .
Cheap Trash.
If the SNP implodes, Would have be a bad thing?
I personally don’t think so,Would it put action for independence back? ……Yes ,By how much? At least two years,
I would be hesitant to say eighteen months , but at the moment best guess seven years

I did notice that there was a petition started regarding action regarding the “Lost Money” that completely fell on it’s arse

Stuart MacKay


Here’s a archive link to the Lesley Riddoch article link to

President Xiden

For those who wish to learn a bit more about what makes Nicola’s bestie tick link to


“If the Sheriff court doesn’t throw this one right out the door I’ll be totally shocked…”

The thing that makes all this possible is the compliant media, chiefly the BBC, turning a blind eye to issues that in normal circumstances would do untold damage to a government. Anybody that reads this blog could come up with a bunch of examples.

The same thing is happening with Boris, all made possible by the media either ignoring, downplaying, or providing cover and support.

The BBC is the ringleader in all this. It’s state propaganda at its worst, with civil servants pretending they’re journalists.

Stuart MacKay

No matter where you “sit” on the covid “debate” you’ll probably find this an entertaining read, link to

Even if you take everything said in the article with a large handful of salt, Nicola walking precisely one step behind Boris is starting to look really, really stupid.

Events, my Dear leader, events.

PS Thanks to James Kelly (Yes, I know) for linking to it in his blog, link to


Republicofscotland says:
8 July, 2021 at 10:14 am
There’s a gutsy two-page article in the National newspaper (sorry I can’t link to it, its paywalled)…

link to

I dunno Republicofscotland. These days I find it harder and harder not to see those people expecting progress from Sturgeon as simply being gullible.

I don’t expect any meaningful progress until either Sturgeon is gone, or at least facing impeachment.

Even if she surprised everybody and actually decided to push for a Referendum, how many Yessers would sleep soundly at nights trusting Sturgeon’s “leadership” and strategic acumen to actually win it? The trust is gone for many, and it isn’t coming back.

Right now, it seems to me the future of Scottish Independence is being assembled and put together by ALBA, and not being “looked after” by it’s SNP custodians at all. Even so, I fear the terminal decline of the Union will continue to enjoy a period of remission for as long as Scotland remains burdened with Sturgeon as First Minister.

And a pledge from Mike Russell? Really? The man who’ll achieve in retirement what he couldn’t achieve in decades as a Cabinet Minister? I am so thoroughly, heartsick bored of pledges and vows.

Sadly I’m now of the opinion that the only thing worse than Sturgeon doing nothing might actually be Sturgeon finally doing something. I just wish she’d fk off on a walking holiday to Outer Mongolia for the rest of her life. Either that or find herself serving a stretch in Cornton Vale Women’s prison banged up beside “Tracy” better known to his her arresting officer as Derek the Bastard.

I better be kind and stick to Outer Mongolia mibees. The concept of ironic justice, or indeed any justice, doesn’t compute very well with Sturgeon supporters.


It’s too late for Lesley Riddoch to be talking about the independence movement like this. She should know the independence movement has essentially been destroyed, she sat watching it happen, tight-lipped.

I remember listening to her podcast during the Salmond Inquiry and she was talking about how we should all get huts in the forest, like they have in Norway or something. Ffs. It was one of the most blatant cack handed cover-ups in the history of cover-ups.

We basically sat and watched the government threatening to take an Inquiry to court.

Well, here we are, paying for this bullshit.

But don’t worry, we had Nicola to protect us from Brexit and coronavirus, and now she’s going to secure our independence.

If there was ever a time for huts in the forest, this is it.

Stuart MacKay


I found the Riddoch article quite “encouraging”. It’s a clarion call to the branches to get the finger out and strong-arm the leadership into doing something.

Riddoch has obviously joined the ranks of “the penny has dropped” brigade. It will be interesting to see if there are any stirrings in the SNP. At least September isn’t long to wait.

BTW does anyone have the insight into what happened with Now Scotland. The “under new management” label sounds interesting.


Sad to say but the reason the USA incorporated the Second Amendment was to make provision for ordinary citizens to resist a government that turned against them and or to resist the British colonialists should they try to return.

With the way that the judicial system in Scotland is now being used to jail, and or intimidate, and or restrict free speech and expression, one can understand why the USA adopted this amendment.

And so as our Police increasingly move to become an occupying para military force, armed in all but name, one does wonder what our future holds. Fascism and authoritarianism is here and establishing ever deeper roots.


Stuart Mackay, that was a sobering read. And it confirms what I’ve been saying — everybody in the U.K. is going to catch coronavirus in the next few weeks.

If you’re in the U.K. and you’re reading this, you are going to catch it soon and you should prepare for that. You need to get vaccinated, you need to get on vitamin D, and you need to try to get healthier.

Welcome to plague island.

James Che.

The side effects of covid vaccine in care homes and hospitals,
My usual cup of coffee in the morning is combined with looking at all the news headlines around the country and across the world depending on time limits.
Nurses and care workers are leaving their work and finding alternative employment, not mentioned in the following newspaper but gathered from first hand knowledge and information as members of my family are in these areas of employment.
According to the press & journal Due to the new shortages of staff being on holiday or due to self covid isolation there is a crises growing as a third wave hits Dr Gray’s hospital and ARI,
This crises is so bad apparently that patients with other live threatening illnesses are not to have their operations and patients are being asked to stay away basically,

This is nonsense as nightingale hospitals were hardly used if ever and many other hospitals were never at full capacity of covid patients,
The death toll for other illnesses going undiagnosed as well as mental illness on the uprise, and those that were receiving medical chemotherapy or therapies from hospitals being denied help, operations cancelled.
As far as I understood the purpose of the NHS was to save lives, all lives, to improve the nations health. To ensure that everyone received medical care,
The balance between the rights and wrongs of covid patients against prior or new diagnosis has been set outer kilter by our governments,
The fear of death by covid for instance is lower than the statistics from dying from some form of cancer. Or even the winter death toll for normal flu,
Why would any Doctor select who’s life is disposable or discriminate between the life values of a pantient, they take an oath when they become doctors.
Why not place all covid patients in one hospital that has facilities from a surrounding region leaving other hospitals in these regions free to deal with the backlog of other illnesses and operations.
We have been into this covid issue long enough now for a plan to have developed in the management and separation between covid patients patients, doctors, and hospitals,
Some government thinking is out of balance here, the regular people coming across from France as migrants to England will not have been covid tested beforehand, they were for a while being placed in ex army barracks, now they are in hotels across Britain,
Under normal circumstances our governments would allow this migration by sympathitic reasoning .
But during a lockdown of an island in a apparently uncontrollable pandemic, how serious are the uk government on this issue. Or that they themselves still meet up in Cornwall and hold a barbecue with no self distancing or masks, among many other fails of MPs during lockdown,
For me personally the lack of logic, intelligence, the genuine seriousness on how to treat an outbreak of such a pandemic that is a killer to all citizens in Britain, the vaccination contracts are money makers for interconnected friends and families of the likes of Matt handcock, and of course Dominic Cummings,
The pronounced fear promoted by our governments will be a outstanding mental issue, long after vaccination of over half the population has been achieved, we will have to endure more covid variant fear and more profit making vaccinnations in the future,
Meanwhile Westminster members of Parliament are jaunting away on dodgy paid for holidays, meetings and summits being held for global leaders of other countries allowed access into Britain, and royalty swanning around not taking anything like a major pandemic too seriously,
Listening to the main British news headlines wether it is from the Guardian, the Telegraph, The BBC or sky tv,
We can see for ourselves that Westminster are play acting. and treating the like the covid pandemic as a farce.
A big joke played on the public. The NHS, The Councils and on small businesses.

Captain Yossarian

Regarding the school that’s sinking…I understand that the private sector company who funded the construction of the school has been alerted that something may be wrong after all.

They’ve now got £12m at risk and so they want to know who, specifically, said that this school was safe and when did they say it?

I can help them there: The Deputy First Minister said it was safe and he said that many, many times. The Council said it was safe and Hub did too.

Unfortunately, neither of them are experts. All of the experts say something completely different.


Stuart Mackay, thanks for archiving the article.

Stonefree, Sturgeon is in power until 2026, we need to find a way via the SNP membership and the grassroots movement to get her to start making a move on the indyfront.


Breeks @12.02pm.

Thank yu as well for archiving.

Anyway as to your point on Riddoch, yes for a long time I thought that she backed Sturgeon and never really stepped out of line, but this article appears to have put a bit of fire in her belly, late or not.

I’m hoping other indy columnists follow suit, and try and put pressure on Sturgeon to hold an indyref, time in this parliamentary term according to Riddoch is very short, with an agreement on May 2022 being in place by the September conference.


“It’s too late for Lesley Riddoch to be talking about the independence movement like this. She should know the independence movement has essentially been destroyed, she sat watching it happen, tight-lipped.”


Better late than never as they say, the more columnists speak out the more pressure put on Sturgeon.

Stuart MacKay


While the Riddoch epiphany is welcome I tend to agree with Hatuey, it’s too little, too late. Even if the branches get their act together and everything goes according to plan do you honestly think Sturgeon the Betrayer (great moniker, btw) is actually capable of pulling off a referendum?

I mean, given the right motivation it’s possible, but Sturgeon the Betrayer will have been backed into a corner on this and even if every fibre of her being wanted it she’s simple doesn’t have the “minerals” to pull it off.

Salmond could but the Great Betrayer nailed that door shut with all the energy she could muster.


Hatuey @ 12:46,

I posted this link last night,

link to

Here’s a bit of it.

“I say that because the viruses we’re going to encounter today and what we will encounter in the next several months are not the same viruses that we tested the vaccines on and upon which the single-dose [strategy] data are based; they are going to be more formidable adversaries,” writes Corey, a professor of medicine and virology at the UW School of Medicine.

These future versions of the viruses are “escape variants” that have evolved in the environment of weak immune responses — the body in this case has produced a strong enough immune response to tamp down the infection but not strong enough to keep mutated viruses from spreading.

“How do we overcome escape variants? We do so by using the full strength of the tools we have available to us. We provide immunity that is capable of eliminating the virus quickly and we don’t expose the virus to lots of people with low levels of immunity,” Corey writes.

Corey adds that the coronavirus variants currently spreading require a stronger immune response to beat, and current versions of the two-dose vaccines were designed to battle the original versions of the virus. So, using one dose to create partial immunity to a variant that requires a stronger immune response to beat could create an environment for new, tougher variants to evolve and spread. However, giving the second dose creates a much stronger immune response and can stop escape variants.

“While my musings are inferential, I feel we will actually do more harm than good by markedly increasing the population of people with partial protective immunity,” Corey writes.

The article suggests that the medical community weren’t willing to take heed of the warnings of what they were doing regarding the roll out of the vaccines and now it is simply too late for our learned academics to fix their enormous fuck up.

The warnings were given, why didn’t they listen?

Experts eh, what are they like?

Captain Yossarian

@Stuart MacKay – I remember when David Davies stood-up in the HoC to make a statement in support of Alex Salmond. He said that Holyrood lacked the powers to question Ministers and should on no account let themselves be bullied by the Lord Advocate.

Why has Holyrood itself not asked for these increased powers? Is it because Holyrood is in fact satisfied with the way it is seen to work at the moment? I read in The Scotsman this morning that Fiona Hyslop was bullying folk again; this time it’s the families of COVID patients who have died in nursing homes.

This is exactly the sort of issue that Holyrood was provided the remit to sort-out for Scots. It has always failed to do that and continues to fail.

Hugh Jarse

I suppose that the question of the day Davey is, is diving to win a penalty only cheating when Johnny foreigner does it?

Tainted glory.

Into the memory hole it goes then.

You’ll find the eyeties have mastered the art of cheating.


I’m still undecided… Sometimes Lesley Riddoch speaks fluent politician.

“ Meanwhile, reasonable Scots will acknowledge that Nicola Sturgeon has indeed ignored everything else to focus on the Covid crisis for a year and a half and will not ease up while parts of Scotland have Europe’s highest infection rates.”

Does that mean being dissatisfied with Sturgeon’s lamentable inaction and feckless stupidity somehow makes me unreasonable? Qui? Moi???

I don’t know whether to be insulted or wear it as a badge of honour.

Stuart MacKay


Meanwhile a thinking Scot might wonder why after a year and a half parts of Scotland have Europe’s highest infection rates.

Captain Yossarian,

I think this why Billy Connolly mocked Follyrood (got the spelling right this time) as the “wee, pretendy parliament”. If our honourable members spent all their time sorting issues out for Scots there wouldn’t be any time left over for twitter, or books, or grandstanding or blowharding, or all the things that make one self-important.


Breastplate, I read that article in the wee small hours… I’ll read again but I don’t think your synopsis is correct. And I think there was and arguably still is a good case for giving one dose of the vaccine rather than no doses, regardless of the speculated increased risk of escape variants.


Okay, Breastplate, I’ve read it again and it reinforces what I thought it said. Basically it’s an argument for two doses and new vaccines designed to address new variants.

There’s no criticism of the medical community that you give emphasis to (with the benefit of hindsight).

At the risk of being called optimistic, there seems to me at least a 50/50 chance of new variants going in the other direction and being much less of a health risk. History suggests a lot of them do that and it makes sense from a evolutionary standpoint.

Any barriers we throw up to thwart the virus, whether they be lockdowns, masks, hand-washing, or vaccines, as I understand it, provide encouragement for the virus to weaken and take a less detectable and less destructive form.

Again, from an evolutionary standpoint, the best chance of success for this virus, like so many others, is to infect people and spread without notice, much like the common cold and flu does for most hosts. If it could think and express itself, it would want to sneak under our defences and radar and spread without any drama.

Spanish flu more or less disappeared in 3 years and it’s assumed to have evolved in the direction I suggest above, becoming less of a health risk and blending into the background amongst other common colds and bugs. Of course, that was after it killed about 50 million people.

What’s happening in Britain right now, with infection rates surging and expected to rise above 100 thousand new cases per day in the next few weeks, is one of the most spectacular gambles with the health of millions that mankind has ever seen.

And I think it’s going to go pear-shaped. Sturgeon is clearly worried too and work has already begun on her plausible-deniability escape pod. True to form, she’ll blame Boris if it goes badly and claim all credit if it goes well.

Stuart MacKay


Viruses usually become more infectious and less lethal over time so I don’t think it’s going to go pear-shaped. However everybody should be thinking hard about their long-term health and what state they will be in once they get to 60 and beyond. You might not die with each annual covid infection but your body might be significantly weakened that the chances of living beyond Ian Duncan Smith’s planned retirement age of 75 are more an aspiration than an expectation.

Sensible Dave

Hugh 2.54

… nifty attempt at a change of subject and direction of attack Hughie!

I note that you have nothing to say on the subject of humility and dignity.

You can duck and dive … but you can’t hide Hugh .. you’ve lost again.


Aye, very good Boston Dynamics. That’s some slick programming, but I’d like to see one of yer mutts slating my fuckin roof!
If you think getting a pack of leccy dugs to dance in time to some inane music is the most important shit you could be doing whilst we humans endure “a global deadly pandemic”, then I’d kindly ask that you get in the fuckin sea…

1 min vid.

link to


Breeks says on 8 July, 2021 at 2:55 pm
“I’m still undecided… Sometimes Lesley Riddoch speaks fluent politician.

“ Meanwhile, reasonable Scots will acknowledge that Nicola Sturgeon has indeed ignored everything else to focus on the Covid crisis for a year and a half and will not ease up while parts of Scotland have Europe’s highest infection rates.””

Lesley Riddoch is a liar! Sturgeon has done no such thing. How much “focus” is needed to relay scientific advice in front of a group of halfwits (churnalists)? Sturgeon has been “focussing” on covering her & Murrell’s backs and pushing extreme minority gender issues.

Riddoch must think we’re all blind. And that accolade of Scotland being one of the worst Covid hotspots is down to Sturgeon’s inept handling. If that’s her “focussing” i dread to imagine the situation if she were to drop the ball.


Dr Corey warns of the mutated variants explicitly arising from the halfway house of giving 1 dose and waiting too long for the second.

What he warned us about explains exactly the position we are in now, does it not?

He explains what has been done with the roll out of vaccinations is exactly what he would NOT have done. That’s why it’s a warning.

I suppose there is a debate to be had about whether the position we find ourselves in regarding Covid is getting better or worse.


‘For me personally the lack of logic, intelligence, the genuine seriousness on how to treat an outbreak of such a pandemic that is a killer to all citizens in Britain, the vaccination contracts are money makers for interconnected friends and families of the likes of Matt handcock, and of course Dominic Cummings’

Lack of logic, intelligence and genuine seriousness are the real pandemic.

The supposedly educated people who are running around with masks on, getting vaxed up and staring at their TV’s for the next piece of propaganda are a direct result of an educational philosophy that teaches people, and rewards them, to mindlessly learn and repeat.

Properly intelligent people are the ones who know how to ask questions. Especially for governments and industries who are known most for the dangerous lies they have told.

All this talk above of variants and our response to variants utterly misses the fact that our methods of testing contradict the advice given by the actual professionals such as the WHO and the inventor of PCR.

Maybe we are too chronically thick to warrant continuing as a free people? Maybe we warrant enslavement and a stripping of everything that makes life worth living?

I suppose there just hasn’t been an actual test of the 1st world for many decades and we didn’t notice just how soft and stupid people are becoming – especially the ‘educated’ ones.

If Scots can’t see past this obvious farce and fraud then we simply are kidding ourselves about independence. Our freedom will last until the powers that be cook up a scare story.

Im beyond amazed at what im seeing.

No wonder Rev. Stu is popular. I never realised just how necessary he is – most people literally can’t think for themselves.


Breeks, Stuart and ROS,i’m afraid I side with Hatuey on this, I admired Riddoch’s commitment to indy on her vlogs but her constant diversionary tactics when it came to calling sturgeon out was cringeworthy, and as for appealing to SNP members and branches to put pressure on sturgeon to act, you have got to be fckn kidding,those members and branches are the reason sturgeon feels untouchable

Those members and branches are full of the sycophantic apologists who brush their teeth with sturgeons shite, those branches and members are the ones who voted SNP 1 and 2 and decried and derided ANYONE who proposed voting ALBA, those members who accused Alex Salmond of every sex crime imaginable

THOSE members and branches that have accepted no national conventions and NO DISCUSSION or votes on tik tock meetings, they sat idly by while sturgeon pockled the attendees at the NEC even though they self same members and branches voted to rid themselves of the shite reps and elect new reps, those members and branches who REFUSE to challenge sturgeon and murrell on the missing £600,000 ringfenced funding

Lesley Riddoch thinks those members and branches will hold sturgeon’s feet to the fire , I can only say hahahahahahaha Lesley if you’re interested I have a bridge for sale

Stuart MacKay


Aye, you’ll be laughing on the other side of your face when one of these Scottish Government dogs is chasing you down the street for not wearing your mask in public or taking a second glance in disbelief at that woo-man.

You’ll have 20 seconds to comply.


@ Stuart Mackay

I already had this link saved for that inevitable sort of response. 😉
Meet Black Mirror mask enforcement and vaccination dug. 🙁

It’s all about the coding…

2.5 mins.

link to

Hugh Jarse

I’ve been at this game for way longer than you most likely Captain. Thanks.

In summary then, Dostoyevsky was right.

In fairness, the 5 live guys were quick to call it, but the c word was never forthcoming.
A modicum of honour.

The dive is a scab that we will pick ever after.


Stuart @2.21pm.


Yeah, it does seem to be too little and too late, all I can add is it looks like the penny has dropped for Riddoch, but as you say that hardly helps independence.


“Lesley Riddoch thinks those members and branches will hold sturgeon’s feet to the fire , I can only say hahahahahahaha Lesley if you’re interested I have a bridge for sale”


I’d like to think that you are wrong on his one, but I doubt it, as this parliamentary term moves on and there’s still no sign of Sturgeon fulfilling her pre-election promise to hold an indyref in this term. I’d like to think at least some SNP members and a couple of SNP MSPs would have the backbone to challenge Sturgeon to keep her promise, but I won’t be holding my breath that anything happens.

I swear by the powers of Castle Greyskull, that come 2026 if there’s been no indyref, I won’t vote for the SNP again.


Boris Johnson’s agenda hasn’t skipped a beat since the beginning of the Covid pandemic.

Now I find out this but I’m not surprised.

“IT has been revealed that the Scottish Government conducted no polling on topics around independence, the Union, devolution or indyref2 throughout the coronavirus pandemic.”

Again I can’t link to the full National story as its paywalled, but you I’m sure you get the gist of the story.

Sturgeon has done zero, nil, nada, nothing, to forward Scottish independence during the pandemic.

link to

Stuart MacKay


Give in. The humans aren’t going to win this one. At least we’ll be able to self-id as robots, though getting those extra legs might be a problem.

Four legs good. Two legs bad.

Ian Brotherhood

Hatuey continues to sow confusion and fear.

Here’s his sales pitch, in essence:

‘Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from the virus they got vaccinated against because you are not vaccinated.’

All else is smoke and mirrors and cheap ad hominem.

He’s a lying throbber, but he’s also a dangerous one.

Please don’t get the jag until you’ve done your own homework. And even if you don’t have children, you maybe have nephews, nieces. Don’t let them start on the weans. It’s criminal, and allowing it to happen makes us all complicit.


Lesley Riddoch has worked hard at educating a reluctant Scottish public to open their eyes to how other small European independent countries operate e.g. most of the Nordic nations. She collaborated with Phantom Power to produce thought provoking films about how these countries work successfully on political, economic and social ways that are so much more superior to us here in Scotland.

I don’t buy the criticism about her being ‘too late’ or a ‘Sturgeonista’. In fact I think its bollocks. She was shunted out of the BBC and the print media because of her pro Nationalist attitudes. She basically lost her job to the likes of ‘Call Kaye’. The morning show on Radio Scotland used to have a balanced phone in under her tutelage, unlike the joke ‘Loose Women who are Unionist’ we have to endure now. She has tried to work constructively with the SNP and like others Robin McAlpine has travelled the country speaking to ‘YES’ groups.

Too many people on here have short memories or are too sectarian in their attitudes. We need clear sighted thinkers and educated broadcasters like her, not petty sniping by naysayers. Feisty women such as Lesley are needed for our future struggle to rid ourselves of dullard virtue signallers like Sturgeon.


Lesley Riddoch

Good Guy

– we need to settle this.
link to

Brian Doonthetoon


You’re giving up too easily!

All you have to do is

1. COPY the url of the story in the National.
2. Go to
3. Paste the COPIED url into the box that has “My url is alive and I want to archive its content”.
You may get a message that the page has already been archived. If so, accept it.
4. Either dismiss the message, hit your return/Enter key or click on the “Save” button to the right of the “My url is alive and I want to archive its content” box, to re-archive the page.
5. Let do its business and, eventually, the archived page will appear.
6. You end up with this:-
link to
6. COPY the url in your browser’s address bar, then PASTE it wherever you want to.


Stuart MacKay says:

Four legs good. Two legs bad.

Aye and naw. Even with my hoarding of stuff effectively making the garden into a dangerous booby-trapped obstacle course for any that dare enter; a bloody deer sneaked in last night and started pulling up and munching my young beetroots. 4 legs bad! 🙁

However… If I were to have a (venison) steakout tonight and cull that lazy freeloading veg munching fucker I’ll then have 4 legs of locally sourced prime meat to munch on. 4 legs good! 🙂

Brian Doonthetoon

Leg of venison sounds fine!

Yi ever tried roast leg of goat? Sublime!


I agree with twathater about Lesley Riddoch; too late and too feeble but I would go further, also complicit. Like other so-called pro-independence hacks she remained on side and supportive during the Salmond trial and as far as I am aware, has been silent on what is happening to Craig Murray. ( Correct me if I’m wrong, please.) A shameful silence for someone who calls herself a journalist.

She is more connected than those of us on here and I’m pretty certain that she knows all the participants in the plot to imprison Salmond and has deep knowledge of what went on in SNP circles during that time. Yet throughout, she remained a supporter of Sturgeon and her travesty of a government.

Her appeals now to the ordinary members ring hollow while she must also be aware of the Murrells’ Stalinist takeover of the NEC and silencing of critics within the party which is now wholly owned by them. Where is the outraged criticism of the anti-democratic nature of what the SNP has become – a shoddy, disreputable machine to promote the Great Leader?

To be honest, in the unlikely event that Sturgeon did go for independence, I couldn’t campaign for it this time. Only in the circumstance where she and her cabal had gone could I contemplate doing that – and I don’t believe in fairies either. The government-in-waiting while a campaign was underway would have to be trustworthy to convince voters. I could not imagine trying to persuade voters to vote for independence if its representatives were the SNP.

The very fact that Riddoch seems unable to actually write about what is only too obvious and pretends that it is only a question of whether Sturgeon is going to go for independence that is the problem, means that she is wilfully blind and deserves no respect. In fact, she is part of the problem since she is helping to protect the SNP and its undermining of the very fabric of democracy in Scotland. Who could go out and campaign for that?

Robert Graham

Way off any topic but as nobody else is keeping on any topic here goes

I just watched a clip of Margo MacDonald broadcast July 1977 its called Mavis Meets if you want to see what could have been , watch the firestorm that is Margo in full flight very calm and politely she takes on too Unionists wipes the floor with both of them leaving them visibly shaken the shell shocked look on both their faces is a joy to watch .

Aye what could have been and we are lumbers with a useless article called Sturgeon my aren’t we fkn lucky , a quick look at the SNP benches at Holyrood and my first thought is oh fuck how did we get this lot , this lot that wouldn’t scare a fkn Jelly and that’s our answer to Bawjaws I give up .


@ Republicofscotland at 2:00 pm

I don’t disagree, the SNP membership are a big part of the problem,
When they lodge complaints, these should not be going to Murrell and MacCann and to be discussed in a Murrell-esk dungeon.
If the complainers are at all serious , to have any credibility the alleged culprits should be “outed” anything less is merely condoning their own complains
it does nothing to clear the air, nor control those who bully and mis-use their position, Treading water ownly keeps you afloat in the poison, it doesn’t remove that poison.
Sturgeon will never be influenced by any within the SNP
She needs to be removed legally,( one sees Sturgeon seems to use the juducary to do her dirty work or so it appears over the last of years
The membership have that power, but some in the higher offices are very comfortable (Financially I expect), and if what I overheard ie councillors on SNP salaries is true Then the rot is truly far too deep


I’m afraid I’ve consigned Lesley Riddoch to the status of Useful Idiot.

To believe the New SNP under Nicolae will deliver IndyRef2, let alone Independence, is naivety verging upon the delusional.

There’s more chance of the UK voting to rejoin the EU than Scotland becoming Independent with that parcel o rogues in charge.


Margo MacDonald she was a real politician,all the clips show her “no prisoners style” and not in a bad way
I like the one where she talk about her expenses in relationship to the troughers
Holly rood was better for Margo MacDonald ,
And to a certain extent the SSP


There seems to be a lot on here who are of the opinion that Covid 19 really does exist as a coronavirus, it doesn’t and never has done, all the facts tell us this.

Covid 19 was invented for the release of the vaccine.


So Lesley Riddoch, New SNP propaganda officer, committed defender of Nicola Sturgeon and all round bare faced lying fantasist throws some Indy ref 2022 raw meat to the masses and you lot fall at her feet.

Only a complete and utter idiot would think it was possible to have a referendum next year, but when you’re Lesley Riddoch and your job is to deflect the sheep away from the lying criminal squatting in Bute House this steaming pile of crap fits the bill. And guess what some of you lot have swallowed it. No wonder the New SNP don’t have any respect for you.


You say “Covid was invented for the release of the vaccine”
What does that mean?
Nonsense I think.
Let’s get back to discussing independence.


“twathater says:
8 July, 2021 at 6:11 pm
Breeks, Stuart and ROS,i’m afraid I side with Hatuey on this, I admired Riddoch’s commitment to indy on her vlogs but her constant diversionary tactics when it came to calling sturgeon out was cringeworthy, and as for appealing to SNP members and branches to put pressure on sturgeon to act, you have got to be fckn kidding,those members and branches are the reason sturgeon feels untouchable”

Completely agree with this. I have always found Riddoch to be a fence-sitter over indy. Lukewarm to say the least. I dont even think she has shown any real commitment to indy over the years, she, like Sturgeon, is a devolutionist at heart. I think that this article, which I dont find particularly inspiring or spitting fire and brimstone, is just another lukewarm response to the recognisable and growing realisation that snp activists have been had by Sturgeon the Betrayer for seven years and more. It is merely lip-service to a detected change in the direction of the wind.


The jab of poison has been ready for years, they just needed a crisis for its release.


“ Don’t let them start on the weans. It’s criminal, and allowing it to happen makes us all complicit.”

Couldn’t agree more Ian, unfortunately -and I hope I’m wrong- but I fear it’s too late. In 30 years time the youth and children of today will resent and hate our generation for what we allowed to happen to them.


@ Fireproofjim at 9:55 pm
“You say “Covid was invented for the release of the vaccine”
What does that mean?”
It’s a variation of the concept of creating a problem so that you can utilize the solution(cure).
The motive is control and money ie control the people and make serious money from selling the cure
If true in only one aspect for example PPE have a look at the money spent on that product today as opposed to 5 years ago .It’s a created marketplace


You say “ this jab of poison has been ready for years, just needed a crisis for its release”
That’s just nutty.
Why would these mysterious “they” wish to poison everybody? What crisis did they wait for?
What benefit do you think anyone would gain from “poisoning” people.
Only the tinfoil hat manufacturers.
This site is now filled with no-nothing, unthinking conspiracy theorists.



All we need is a televised live debate with evidence presented.

Our side who want to show how the governments are misusing PCR, how the vaccines are still in clinical trials and the manufacturers made sure to get free from liability for damages, the links between organisations such as the Reuters CEO also being on the board of Pfizer, the statements made by the world economic forum about the opportunities presented, industry insiders who are warning against what is happening etc.

Surely this would provide the establishment with the opportunity of gunning down all those tinfoil hat conspiracy theories?

But no – we are censored everywhere and discussion is not an option.

Funny that.


Our enemy would never target us with a killer virus, this would be far to dangerous and uncontrollable. What they could control, is the ‘cure’ for the virus.

Alf Baird

Lochside @ 8:16 pm

Yes, Lesley Riddoch’s excellent film on Estonian independence even gave us the 3-point recipe on hou tae dae hit:

1. Only national consciousness, the basis of which is our culture and (Scots) language, can give us the drive for independence;

2. At the right moment the nation’s political majority must have the courage to declare independence;

3. The elites running the nation’s institutions under colonial oppression must be removed and replaced with people loyal to the new independent nation.


link to

Oh fuck off you publicity seeking, whining hypocrite. “ Sturgeon warns against treating young people like Covid ‘guinea pigs’”, says Sturgeon the betrayer, while supporting the practice of vulnerable children being injected with puberty blockers.

link to

Jesus wept. Here’s Wishart at it too… His Scottish Affairs Committee grovelling for “… post-Brexit cash for Scotland to replace EU funding”. Who’s fucking job was it to stop Scotland’s Brexit you useless, snivelling wretch? You’re just a snout looking for another trough.

Man alive, how I despise these SNP shitheads now. To think what they we trusted these wankers to deliver… My heart weeps in despair.


“Hatuey continues to sow confusion and fear… He’s a lying throbber, but he’s also a dangerous one.”

Two things are going to be established once and for all in the next few weeks:

1) That the virus is real and deadly.

2) That those who are vaccinated stand a much better chance of survival than those who are not.

You should be happy, Ian. We are opening everything up, just as you wanted, letting the fake virus blow into every little corner.

But you don’t seem very happy.

Dave Somerville


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    • Campbell Clansman on Once more around: “Eliminate the SNP as a pro-Indy Party and that leaves Alba, which got 1.8% on the poll for constituency voting…Jan 2, 17:35
    • Andy Ellis on Once more around: “You’re assuming (without any evidence I can see) that the poll was just some online poll in The National. From…Jan 2, 17:35
    • Campbell Clansman on Once more around: “Andy, the actual numbers are findable on that website. You are citing their “summary”, not the actual numbers. BTW the…Jan 2, 17:32
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