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Wings Over Scotland

Politics is satire plus time

Posted on September 10, 2014 by

Here’s an image we made back in October 2012:


It’s based on a graphic from the movie version of “V For Vendetta”.

And here’s a piece from the right-wing Guido Fawkes blog today:


The rather creepy video itself – which is notionally a “Better Together” one, but really a Labour election broadcast bashing the Tories in the most shamelessly disingenuous way – can be viewed here.

If you’ve seen the movie, the similarities between the fictional prime minister Adam Susan (played by John Hurt) and the former real one are all too chilling. But not as chilling as Labour’s whole wider “One Nation” schtick, which the video is nothing but a hasty rebadging of, and whose “Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer” echoes give us the heeby-jeebies as much now as they did two years ago.

(Especially given Labour’s enduring fondness for grotesquely pejorative language about “foreigners” and its willingness to refer to its opponents as a “virus”.)

It seems safe to say that in the current Unionist omnipanic, no holds are barred.

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    Politics is satire plus time | FreeScotland

508 to “Politics is satire plus time”

  1. Kenny says:

    The best thing about all of this is that most Yes supporters are laughing at it all and dreaming of what the historians of the future will say about these people.

  2. Footsoldier says:

    Reading the above and some of the nonsense being spouted in the Guardian comments, I could not resist posting the following on their website.

    “With UK debt being underpinned by oil revenues, you know that black stuff which is bad for Scotland but good for all other countries, I just wonder what it is you particularly like about Scotland.

    Well oil obviously, as to quantity it’s either lots or lots and lots. Maybe one third of UK landmass and 50% of coastline, great for MOD exercises. Oh, yes we have some bombs named after Neptune’s fork thing. What about green energy, wind and tidal? Well maybe none of these things. Let me think? Got it, it has to be whisky representing 25% of UK’s food and drink exports. Scotland can feed itself but that’s not really an asset, just good. Nope, none of these? Must be our strategic location in the north Atlantic just as the NW passage opens up. Not that either? Well how about the bulk of Europe’s productive fishing grounds. Not even that? Let me think? Ah! You want our MP’s at Westminster to control the natives back home in return for a share of the spoils. OK sorry, I am being far too cynical.

    I am at a loss to think of anything else but no, wait a minute, the BBC News is on. What’s that? Oh now I know, how could I be so stupid! David Cameron, Ed Milliband and Nick Clegg have just said so. You love us! x “

  3. Alex Smith says:

    Isn’t that what we have on a flying visit today? – Ein Dolt, ein keech, ein liar?

  4. steviecosmic says:

    Indeed Kenny, history will not look kindly on Gordon Brown and his band of psuedo-socialist careerists.

  5. Turnip_ghost says:

    *cough* Adam Sutler (check the spelling) *cough*

  6. Roland Smith says:

    Worth watching first half hour of Daily Politics Wednedsay.
    Tory and Labour MP exposing their complete ignorance on the so called more powers offering. Even Andrew Neil was obviously getting tetchy and gave the last word to Stuart Hosie, stating I have given you an open goal.
    Then get your sick bag out and watch PMQs if for no other reason than to hear a Tory MP querying when it was agreed by HOC that a No vote meant more powers.

  7. boris says:

    Well observed indeed. They have the audacity to talk about unity but they are hopelessly Disunited.

    Douglas Alexander doesn’t work with Ed Balls who doesn’t work with Jim Murphy or Douglas Alexander who don’t work with Ed Miliband who tolerates Johan Lamont who doesn’t work with her deputy Anas Sarwar who likes Wendy Alexander who doesn’t speak to her brother Douglas Alexander who can’t stand John Prescott who works well with Gordon Brown who doesn’t work with anyone. And they want the Scottish electorate to allow them to work for Scotland !! I don’t think so.

    Meantime, Gordon is off on his 40 venue Scottish tour, (alone). A voice in the wilderness. Pushing, for all his worth his agenda of delay, but only after decision or as my grandchild put it, “Jam Tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes”.

    Delay is the most invidious form of denial and Brown would through delay, deny Scotland it’s right to Govern it’s self.

    Follow Brown’s lead at your peril.

  8. manandboy says:

    Cameron, Clegg, Milliband,Prescott all in Scotland today –

    this isn’t a visit

    it’s an infestation.

  9. gillie says:

    That’s Ed Miliband off back to London. He made a quick speech and now is being whisked away. Cumbernauld didn’t even notice he had arrived.

  10. Roberto Esquierdo says:

    Professor Woods at again saying new oil finds were pure fantasy.

  11. Davy says:

    They don’t appear to realize that when they bugger off down south again we will still be laughing at them, I can honestly say I have never seen such a curfufal/panic in all my life.

    We have never seen so many “wankers” dispatched up north in so short a time, what a joke.

  12. manandboy says:

    ‘More powers’ is just a few branches,

    with a sweet in the middle,

    covering a big empty hole.

  13. seoc says:

    Yes indeed manandboy, this is really about England gaining, retaining and exploiting control over Scotland and her resources.
    No more – no less.

  14. Peter Sneddon says:

    I’m loving every minute of those ****s groveling and fawning like some desperate pimp selling a dime store hooker, never in my wildest dreams could they have been so completely and utterly inept in every single department… No wonder they lost their empire.

  15. manandboy says:

    BP Chairman scaremongering.

    He says all the experts and all the technical geological reports from industry insiders are all wrong –

    – and he’s right.

    (That’ll be because he’s a Tory and a personal friend of David Cameron)

    Isn’t it funny how these guys only ever talk about the North Sea, and NEVER about Shetland Oil, or the Atlantic Margins, or the Clyde Basin.

    Oil is finite; but Uk Gov lies will never end.

    Oil or no oil

    It’s YES

  16. geeo says:

    Westminster is the disease.

    YES X is the cure !

    It seems incredible that anyone from WM thought this ridiculous stunt would help the cause for BT.

    Are we sure they are not actually pushing a Yes agenda with us ?

    They really must believe we are stupid.

  17. boris says:

    Just published

    Weighted Results: “Should Scotland be an independent country?

    53.9% ‘Yes’
    46.1% ‘No’

    link to

  18. muttley79 says:


    I am glad they are up here telling the people of Scotland that we cannot run our own affairs. Look how well these dolts have been governing the UK for the last 3 decades or so. John Prescott in particular should be encouraged to stay! D Carroll is saying that Miliband is staying in Scotland. Nicola Sturgeon says on Twitter that he has turned down a debate with her on STV tonight. These people do not do democratic debate.

    The Brit nats in Scotland are getting delirious. Scottish people were actually cheering Prescott saying that there should not be a Scottish national football team. You could not make these people up; what a bizarre worldview they have.

  19. eezy says:

    Sky News….Can Scotland use the pound?
    Her studio colleague….”YES”.
    Looking forward to Farage now!

  20. Ken500 says:

    Just seeing their vacant coupons makes people Vote YES. They can’t even walk the streets, without guards. Lying parasites. Tax evading low lives.

  21. Ken500 says:

    BP is worst run company in economic history. Bo Dudley nearly got put in jail in Russia. A criminal.

  22. Ken500 says:

    No one in Scotland wants anything from them. They just want rid of them.

  23. Ronnie says:

    “Ein Moe, ein Larry, ein Curly!”

  24. Macart says:

    They are truly deeply scary people.

    It’s so time to call it a day and show them the door.

  25. Jamie Arriere says:

    OT but slightly related. I wonder what one-sticker-outrage Ian Murray MP has to say about this.

    link to

    Vandalism of Yes shop in Newington

  26. Luigi says:

    This day, this comedy of errors, reminds me of an incident in 2011, when a certain Labour MSP ran for cover into a subway bar.

    Today, even staunch NO supporters are shaking their heads in disbelief.

  27. Thepnr says:

    For those of you who never click on the Rev’s links that he puts in his articles, you maybe aught to. They make the point so much more strongly.

    The (played by John Hurt) link again.

    link to

  28. McV says:

    Turnip_ghost is right. In the book the High Chancellor is Adam Susan. In the film he’s called Sutler. In reality he’s called Cameron.

  29. Luigi says:

    Looking forward to Farage now!

    I hope someone asks him about the Stooges’ proposed new powers for the Scottish parliament.

    [bearing in mind he will be playing to a very different audience]

  30. Black Douglas says:

    Why did PM Cameron, DPM Clegg and Mr Miliband even bother coming up to Scotland and talk to a group of pre-invited party activist and media types!

    They might as well of stayed in London and made their speeches there.

    I believe this was all about the next general election as the union is now a busted flush.

  31. Nana Smith says:


    link to

  32. Now's the Hour says:

    Don’t Dave, Ed, Nicky et al. realise that every time they venture north of Gretna it puts another few thou on the Yes vote? Keep coming, lads! Yer aye welcome!

  33. Footsoldier says:

    Here’s what Money Week is currently saying:
    link to

    Here’s their previous take on Britain
    link to

  34. Black Douglas says:

    I assume this is the latest from project fear.

    Michael Hewson at CMC Markets said: “We are already reading reports of capital flowing out of Scotland as uncertainty continues to rise, particularly after comments from that other boyfriend, the unreliable one, Bank of England governor Mark Carney, that a currency union between the rest of the UK and an independent Scotland would be “incompatible with sovereignty”.”

    Do they have any facts to back this up either way?

  35. Quentin Quale says:

    Lord Cormack playing a blinder, writes to his 16 year old grand-daughter who lives in Peebles, which he has decided to publish
    “Much of the noise and ill-tempered debate of recent weeks seems to have obscured rather than illuminated the stark and simple fact: Do families like ours remain British or do those family members who live north of the border become citizens of a small country that is no longer a vital part of a great nation?” (Herald online)
    Worth a few more Yes votes, I’d guess.

  36. gillie says:

    Right on cue up pops Nick Clegg. Just managed to get over the border at Selkirk.

  37. Marie clark says:


    Ha ha, I like that, collective noun for WM politicians, an infestation. Well done

  38. Thepnr says:

    Ivan McKee just finished an interview on Sky News.

    Ivan MUST be in the negotiating team. He represents us.

  39. Lesley-Anne says:

    He certainly put that absolutely ridiculous and stupid Kay whatshername in her place Thepnr. 😛

  40. Les Wilson says:

    Thepnr says:

    I agree Ivan would be a sensible choice to include in the team. However, I think we need a few “top International negotiators” As well as home based experts.
    My reason for saying this is that Westminster is a slippery eel, and we need the best, to get the best deal.

  41. chalks says:


    I am surprised the Rev hasn’t rehashed the old post about carney’s comments….but he is merely being technically minded.

    I.e. pointing out to the english that in order for their to be a currency union, both sides have to give up some sovereignty.

    He is saying that you cannot retain ALL your sovereignty and be in a currency union.

    Unionist parties are already changing their minds on this, ITV reporting that they would have to put it to a referendum….angus mcneill saying that tory backbenchers are insisting there would be one and that if not, osborne will be gone.

  42. geeo says:

    France news 24 channel just had short piece on ‘the visit’ , talking about a real possibility of Zcotland voting Yes, milliband refusing to share a platform with Cameron as the tories are “deeply unpopular” in Scotland.

    If Yes, then calls expected for Cam to go/constitutional crisis.

    Best bit at the end, “could be seeing the last days of the uk, D-Day in 8 days”

    Brilliant !!!

  43. heedtracker says:

    Can it work though, neo fascism, vote No for your children etc?

    They have nothing left to lose now so why not give it a try Gordon. It’s hard to equate Stair Heid Rammy with all their working class solidarity black white footage, arise Baroness Johann Lamont of strathScotlandshire, slayer of the Scots wanting to live in an actual democracy and not whatever the hell Westminster tries bullshit Scotland with.

  44. annie says:

    Just wondering if anyone keeping track of the amount of airtime given over to BT compared to Yes campaign Sky News is continuous and BBC 24 is same.

  45. Rubberbelly says:

    @ Boris. Brilliant. Reminded me of voice overs for Soap.

  46. seanair says:

    Many moons ago I went work in London and sometimes went for a drink in a bar in Pimlico. Being young and innocent I took the sign above the bar at its word “Free beer tomorrow”. But of course free beer never came.
    It was a lesson I learned, but I couldn’t contemplate that many years later that shysters based in London were still using this trick to win a referendum. (At least the barman did it for a joke).
    It seems that that many people are laughing in disbelief at ” the timetable” but in a tight vote we could lose because of a gross lie persuading a few to believe “Free beer tomorrow”.

  47. Thepnr says:

    There will be no free beer tomorrow with a No vote. Only misery.

    No free beer with a Yes vote either, but it will be up to us to make things better.

  48. desimond says:

    Wow, I have just watched hard core pornographer on the BBC news 24 channel.

    Gavin Esler managed to roll his tongue from Edinburgh, all the way over to Glasgow and right up Alastair Darlings arse for 15 minutes. During that time Alastair gave a broadcast without any contention about the NO vote protecting NHS and protecting jobs ( in Standard Life, you know that place Dave was in today, of all places) and how Alex Salmond has dodgy ‘experts’ citing incorrect figures and how truly offensive is the langauge from YES camp.

    Oh its good to see such horrors now and again as the genrated anger reminds you how utterly horrible these people, their party machine and the media truly are.

    We must not lose this!

  49. alistair says:

    Before the next poll comes out treat yourself to a wee flutter down the bookies. Odds for a > 55% yes vote are stil at 9/2 (i.e. £45 for a £10 punt). Must be worth a go. Just spoke to the lad in local ladbrokes and he’s a Yes. He said his Dad had told him that union guy at BT said his BT pension would go down ! I explained that’s bollocks unless BT invest badly and nothing to do with Yes vote. He’s off to tell his Dad !

  50. manandboy says:

    8 more days of stress.

    Still completely confident in a Yes result

    but uneasy nevertheless about Westminster dirty tricks

    These people are long practised in the political dark arts

    What will stop them?

    I would not put anything past them.

    Perhaps a YES vote will do it.

    Perhaps a whole nation of Scots – not unionists living here – will be sufficient.

    Yes, that will do it for sure.

    Vote YES.

    The stress will soon end – the whole world will hear it!

  51. heedtracker says:

    So they win next week, a few weeks of taunting, jeering, mocking, then what? This bogus convention gets going and these lying sneering consuls of the people of Scotland cook up a deal that neuters Holyrood, pisses about with some pointless tax offer and it’s game over.

    Triumphant BetttertogetherBBC and all the press focus entirely on London and England once again and the Pacific Quay liggers get back to telling Scotland what a shithole it is, because there’s been a murder, a rape and a cat got stuck up a tree in Cumbernauld but fire crews rescued it, awe everybody say awe.

  52. TYRAN says:

    Sky News vox pops on street. Basically all yes, bar two very old people no. One said we cannot survive on our own. Switches to Clegg with very old people holding No placards.

  53. desimond says:



    The thought of Douglas Alexander telling us “After a long discussion on what was best for Scotland and the whole of the UK, we suggest all big cities in this list, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Leeds, Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle’ get to take major control of finances that affect them. A separate London convention will begin shortly. That concludes the results from the Westminster Jury’

    At that point, half of the voters in the referendum will slap they their forehead while the other half slap their arse.

  54. Stephen Armstrong says:

    PANIC TOGETHER, the new name for BT, will do anything and say anything to hold onto their wealth, their power, and their privileges.

    Let us take comfort in the fact that their time is coming to an end.

    For what we are witnessing is a Scottish Revolution, and this Revolution will spread to every other part of the British Isles in due course.

    We live in exciting times, we live in a time when People Power finally triumphed over reaction, and in doing so changed the world!

  55. Greannach says:

    Q: Why did that crew come to Scotland, all the way from London?
    A: Expenses.

  56. desimond says:

    @Stephen Armstrong

    I suggest PANIC TOG-ETHER

    Theyre all hiding behind the duvet next Thursday!

  57. gillie says:

    David Cameron is safely back in Downing Street. He will be back up on Monday and needs the four days in between to recover.

    It must be hell being Prime Minister of Scotland to.

  58. bookie from hell says:

    If its NO,we will never get another chance

  59. geeo says:

    BBC news just interviewed a guy outside leith Yes shop, stated he was from a labour background but voted for a socialist party, he stated he was voting Yes, but definitely NOT voting for Alex Salmond in the following SG election.

    That is the whole thing in an absolute nutshell.

    Labour upbringing.

    Current socialist party voter

    Voting Yes

    Then if Yes, back to his party of choice.

    Simple !!!!!!!

  60. Graham says:

    Picture is worth a thousand words. Expression on cats face says it all.

    link to

  61. iconofwaste says:

    “Immigrants, Muslims, homosexuals, terrorists. Disease-ridden degenerates. They had to go. Strength through unity. Unity through faith. I’m a God-fearing Englishman and I’m goddamn proud of it!”

    Doesn’t seem that far-fetched now, does it?

  62. Colin Church says:

    It is a con. The same as BBC Scotland coverage of Holyrood on a UK level. 3x coverage of NO vs token snippet SNP defence. All to “inform the debate”. EC intervention anytime now… just wait…

  63. Kevin evans says:

    My daughter who is 14 just reminded me “if you love someone let them go”

  64. John says:

    Did they come “All the way up” to Scotland so that they wouldn’t have to answer the difficult questions posed at PMQs?
    I thought they wanted a yes/no question, and didn’t want devo max on the ballot.

  65. IcySpark says:


    85% of GPs believe NHS will be privatised within ten years

    link to

  66. Jim McIntosh says:


    “No free beer with a Yes vote either, but it will be up to us to make things better.”

    And we’ll have all the ingredients to make ….probably the best beer in the world.

  67. desimond says:


    That was some argument for a NO vote you posted there.

    Shurely shome mistake?

    Thats you 2 for 2 so far.

  68. Chic McGregor says:

    “Did they come “All the way up” to Scotland so that they wouldn’t have to answer the difficult questions posed at PMQs?”


    “Does the Prime Minister agree with Ruth Davidson, the Leader of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, when she indicated in a televised debate in Scotland that the Conservatives have no chance of winning the next UK General Election?”

  69. west_lothian_questioner says:

    They must be thinking we don’t see the string attached to their “more powers” carrot.

    Stupid, stupid, stupid…

  70. Nana Smith says:

    Can you all feel the lurve…..

    link to

  71. Chic McGregor says:


    Are the renaming the station BOFUK?

  72. Harry McAye says:

    Couple in their 60s just interviewed by Burley, doubts still about their pensions but both said change was needed and even Burley said they seemed to be coming down on the Yes side. They need a WBB to clinch it, the guy said he wasn’t sure if he believed them, I think meaning the SNP.

  73. Les Wilson says:

    So BP says NO?, well they are not planning to go anywhere!

    link to

  74. Vestas says:

    Don’t get distracted by media fluff from failed/ex-politicians.

    Keep your eyes on the goal and get the vote out.

    One week to go.

    We ARE going to win.

  75. Nana Smith says:

    O/T This is a really nice letter…

    link to

  76. fred blogger says:

    the bbc twisted mark carney’s words.
    link to

  77. JWil says:

    Still waiting for the invasion of 100 MPs from the south, although there has been a suggestion that they may not be too keen to take up the offer, especially the Tory backbenchers who cannot understand why Cameron is throwing away the advantage he would have from having no Scottish MPs in the Commons.

  78. desimond says:

    i recall there was a lot of state sponsored Marching in V for Vendetta….

    link to

  79. Les Wilson says:

    Well we must have seen the last of the three Amigos for a wee while. As we go down the ladder now we have Danny Alexander spouting all the usual negative pish. On Sky TV, who gave him all the time he needed to get every scare out.

  80. Sinky says:

    BBC just running with latest scare story if Scotland became independence EUFA will have to reassess their bid to host 4 games in the 2020 Euro championships.

  81. Nana Smith says:

    @fred blogger

    Bloody bbc, constant lies and misinformation.

  82. G H Graham says:

    Westminster’s three amigos normally expend their energy hating each other except on this rare occasion when they have collectively decided to hate us but are torturing themselves inside out by lying when they claim that they actually love us.

  83. ronnie anderson says:

    Deputy Doo Dah John Prescot,dippy all day long,keep em coming,this is the most hilarious political farce the World has ever seen.Mother of all Parliaments LMAA,its exposing the inbreeding Mother.

  84. Proud Cybernat says:

    When the YES result is announced, I wonder how long it will be fefore the Westminster leaders tell the poeple of England that Scotland, contrary to all the ‘facts’ they had learned about Scotland in the London press, actually was subsidising them and keeping the UK £ afloat on the back of our oil reserves? I wonder how the people of EWNI will react to their leaders when the truth comes home to roost. No wonder they are panicking–the big lie is about to come out and they will be in the firing line with the EWNI public.

  85. WRH2 says:

    Just had a look at the poll from the link given by Boris. Really interesting. Just wonder what a poll following today’s stunt by the 3 comedians will look like. No wonder they are keeching themselves.

  86. Lesley-Anne says:

    I hear they played this song as Two Jags exited the “bus wi’ nae windaes” Ronnie. 😉

    link to

  87. Luigi says:

    According to the BBC, a NO vote now means Devo Max.

    One slip of the tongue could have been excused. However this big Devo con trick has been hammered home relentlessly during the past 24 hours. They are really trying hard to sell this. Utterly shameless.

  88. Oneironaut says:

    That actually sounds a lot like the average UKIP party political broadcast! 🙂

    Spooky coincidence, since I just acquired a Guy Fawkes mask like the one worn by “V” yesterday as well.
    Need to see if I can get a cloak and hat and a set of lethal cutlery to match 😉

  89. joe kane says:

    Gordon Brown stealing all Yvonne Hama’s best lines.

  90. Les Wilson says:

    Craig Murray explains why Standard Life says NO.

    link to

  91. Mrs Grimble says:

    @Footsoldier – Money Week is NOT a reliable source of news. It’s all about scaring people so that they’ll buy the gold and dodgy investments that MW is flogging. link to

  92. Edward says:

    Prestcott in full denial mode, trying to make out that its ONLY about devolution

    Sad twat

  93. fred blogger says:

    ATD on link to a very good rant!

  94. Oscar Taime says:

    I love Scotland but…

    my vision for it only includes white male politicians in suits & white women as nurses, dinner ladies, wives & mums.

    God awful!

    Any one else notice the sweatshirt @ 1m 43. Is this a less than subtle message about how they’d like us to evolve?

  95. Nana Smith says:

    link to

  96. Nigerian Pirate says:

    O/T Sorry

    Loved Jim Sillars parting shot to the Humpty lookalike from Labour (his name escapes me) on the Sarah Smith non bias show last night

    “you are intellectually bankrupt”


  97. heraldnomore says:

    Mumsnet polling 54/46 – what was they said about the female vote?

  98. Les Wilson says:

    Ian Woods giving it large about his estimate of oil is correct, rubbishing other experts, he is right. Said at the start he was a NO, but later said he is no part of BT.
    He more or less said the SG and their experts were conning people. Blah Blah Blah.

    Looking to be called Baron methinks!

  99. crisiscult says:

    currently in Russia. Seems Scottish independence has been a regular feature of news programmes for a few weeks and more since the recent hysteria in London. Russian news programmes seem to be pretty neutral, with no use of labels such as separatists (as was used in Euronews today). A phrase heard a few times on Russian news has been “Scotland – quit feeding London” (xvatit kormit London). Everyone seems to be aware of what’s going on, and couple of people have said that surely the intervention of GB politicians and evident desperation to keep Scotland will convince Scots that Scotland is rich.

  100. Naina Tal says:

    Got this unsolicited mail from Labour Looks like they’re anticipating a NAW vote. Getting funds in for the election already. One chicken, two chickens, three chickens……
    Any suggestions for a good reply? VOTE YES

    In two weeks’ time, Ed Miliband will be taking the stage for his final conference speech before the next election.
    Also at conference will be special guest and long-time Labour supporter, Eddie Izzard. And we want to give you (and a friend) the chance to be there too.
    If you win, in less than two weeks, you could be watching this historic speech from the front and get to chat to Ed and Eddie about what makes them Labour. To top it off, we’ll throw in tickets to see Eddie Izzard performing a one-off comedy gig.
    Fancy meeting Ed Miliband, Eddie Izzard and having great seats for a piece of history? Make a donation to help us win the next election, and you will be automatically entered into our prize draw:
    Donate £5
    Donate £10
    Donate £30
    Donate £50
    Donate £100
    Just to go through that list again:

    A place for you and a guest at Ed Miliband’s final conference speech? before the election
    A chat with Ed Miliband about his vision for Britain
    The chance to meet Eddie Izzard and free tickets to his Manchester stand-up gig
    Free travel and overnight accommodation for you and your guest from anywhere in the country to Manchester for the nights of 21st and 22nd September

    Donate now, and you will be automatically entered into our prize draw:

    link to



    Iain McNicol
    General Secretary
    Labour Party

    P.S. Every contribution between now and the election is critical to our success — please donate along with your entry. You can still enter without making a contribution by clicking here.

  101. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Here speaks John Redwood a right wing Tory.

    Look how he wants to treat us.


    I think he thinks Scotland is a dug and needs put back in its kennel.

    Sad thing is I think that more than half of the Tory Party would sign up to what he says.

  102. desimond says:


    Nice. Im sitting thinking of Scotland like the Dodo. Quite happy in Paradise and then the evil comes. Slowly picked off until nothing left due to a naive sense of trust and comfort.

  103. Bugger (the Panda) says:


    link to

  104. Lesley-Anne says:

    He’s the latest video from YES. 😛

    link to

  105. Edward says:

    Les Wilson
    I caught that interview with Ian Woods
    in which he denied his own figures of 24 billion

    He or the other unionists must think we zip up the back!
    Thank god for the internet, as apparently numpties like Woods think we cant access various reports including his own!

    The other telling thing was him trying to rubbish professor Kemps ’99 additional fields’
    What woods remit was (which the media tend to ignore) is that it was North Sea existing fields. On how best to get more out of them. Woods ignored all Scottish waters such as the Atlantic Margin, which is the new frontier.

    Note that Woods is touted as ‘an expert’ He is an entrepreneur that used to be a Trawler boat owner.
    He made his money, being in the right place at the right time in the early 70’s, when there was a shortage of Oil Supply vessels. So oil companies contracted Trawler owners such as Woods to provide supply services to the rigs. Woods built on that and built up a supplies business

  106. Thepnr says:

    @Nana Smith 4:42pm

    That was a great read. Cheers me no end to see that some get it.

  107. desimond says:

    That was holarious, the inaccruacies from a former Cabinet minister are truly shocking. As for the comments, deary me.

    Any employment lawyers on here? I now have a neck pain from turning round to see what Lie is the BBC peddling now. At the moment its “‘Some’ say intrest rates could be higher in an independent Scotland”.

    This is putting the Comic in Comical.

    Project Fear + Smile( 3 amigos) = The Joker from batman and his sultry sidekick Harley Quinn carrying a lovebomb!

  108. crisiscult says:


    Hopefully we’ll survive till the 18th! This Dodo isn’t yet extinct! When people have trusted their media and politicians so much for so long though, you can understand why we’ve let this happen to us.

  109. Thepnr says:

    FFS Lesley-Anne

    I thought there was no place for passion in this debate!

  110. Nana Smith says:


    Me too.

  111. Capella says:

    That video is very sad. They plunder the hard work of previous generations of Scottish workers to line their own pockets. Gordon Brown looks demented. He knows how much they have stolen btw do look at the video “Stolen Seas” to see how Donald Dewar and Tony Blair stole Scottish waters and transferred oil rigs to English waters in 1999 on the eve of the new parliament opening link to
    We won’t have to suffer this barrage of mendacity for much longer.

  112. A.N.Surgent says:

    I would show solidarity with Liverpool, Manchester and Newcastle
    by inviting them to join a Scottish Federation.

    By chance I was able to pop in to the Burntisland and Kirkcaldy
    Yes shops and every thing was upbeat, we have got them. Let their
    propaganda wash over you, its just the last writhings of a dying

    As they say onward and upwards.

  113. YESGUY says:

    Nana Smith

    I’m with Thepnr. Always enjoy when you put up links. What an education.

    Out speaking to folk all day and the MSM coverage is annoying so many . Even the die hard NO’s are pissed off. This is the biggest cockup EVER !.

    This week alternating between love bombing and threats, next week Anti Scot/English rhetoric will be ramped up. the rUK are taking the huff Scotland wants to go it’s own way. Poor lambs.

    Couldn’t wait for Monday so me an mate above my flat showing ST Andrews Flags. They look great from the main road. Also noticing the wee YES posters in folks windows.

    Getting a wee bit excited now. The BT/NT whatever are falling apart at the seams. Prescot shouting about Scotland and England joining up to beat Germany gave me the boke.fat turd.

    And the sun is shining .

    Tick tock

  114. Marcia says:

    At the Pensioners club today not many believe the 3 on their day trip to lecture us. They see through their empty promises. ‘Should have done it years ago, not now, was the common phrase.

  115. Les Wilson says:

    All the media hyping up “the visit” big time.
    I wonder just how many hours of free publicity they got and are still getting tonight?

    When we have a YES, we MUST do something about this and hold the media to account. Clear “truth” guide lines needed desperately or we will always have to put up with it.

    The same should apply to politicians in my view.
    Caught lying in Holyrood, they should lose a week’s pay for first time, a months for the second, and six months for a third. That would stop it and people like er, er, so many to choose from!

  116. galamcennalath says:

    New Survation poll :

    Should Scotland be an independent country?

    Yes 47% (n/c)
    No 53% (n/c)

  117. desimond says:


    Im sure we can survive till 18th and then come 19th and the result….our wee Dodo is taking flight into a bright blue and white future.

    Cant wait to see the “Well I always said it would be close and if its what the Scottish people want, Im hear to help them if needed!” come downs from all the No camp – BUT Im no counting any chickens ( enough with the bird metaphors – Ed (not Miliband))

  118. liz says:

    Please don’t tell me that was the ‘amazing’ poll that we were waiting for?

    What a let down.

  119. Nana Smith says:


    Thanks for that encouraging post. As you say tick tock!

  120. Thepnr says:

    Survation poll?

    Hahahahahaha. Who gives a fuck? Liars!

  121. Black Douglas says:

    Aye and it was for the Daily Record 😀

  122. Nana Smith says:

    So they build us up and then fiddle the poll.

  123. desimond says:

    Survation Poll….quick, someone give Professor Yaffel Curtice a dustdown and get him all over the telly telling us all how the YES campaign are doomed!

  124. Thepnr says:

    C’mon liz, you keep smiling I am. In fact I’m laughing at the obvious lies. They are just trying to take the wind out of our sails.

    Ignore them and laugh at it. They are bricking it. The only poll that counts as we all know will be held on the 18th.

    He who laughs last laughs loudest.

  125. TYRAN says:

    Is Steve Davis working for the Survation media team?

  126. Grouse Beater says:

    I am finding it more and more difficult to offer the opposition time enough to inhale breath, never mind equal time to put their argument, because all they do with the air in their lungs and throat is articulate lies.

  127. Thepnr says:

    Yeah Nana what is so “surprising” about “NO CHANGE” 🙂

    Pulls zip down from skull to neck and relieves blood pressure hahaha.

    Seriously, they think we are fools, maybe they aught to take a look in the mirror?

  128. heedtracker says:

    Insult their intelligence and insult them directly.

    link to

    “The Scottish National party and the yes campaign it dominates want independence at any price. They place so much weight on optimism at any cost that we find ourselves – a nation once respected for its emphasis on reason and common sense – in a position where healthy scepticism and inconvenient truths are demonised as scaremongering lies


    “Would that Fred Goodwin at the Royal Bank of Scotland, egged on by Scotland’s first minister, had heeded that advice as he drove RBS through an orgy of bank takeovers on to the rocks, leaving it 80% owned by the UK state. Would that the SNP might remember Seligman’s dictum when it tries to rubbish Sir Ian Wood’s cautious assessment of the scale of oil reserves still to be recovered from the North Sea.”

    Even blames Alex Salmond for the biggest City crash in history too.

    I so hope nasty old gits like the author of this fail.

    Check out what she does for a living

    “Carol Craig is the chief executive of the Centre for Confidence and Well-Being and author of The Scots’ Crisis of Confidence, Creating Confidence: A Handbook for Professionals Working with Young People and The Tears that Made the Clyde: Well-being in Glasgow.”

    You just can’t make them up now.

  129. HandandShrimp says:

    Given the earlier Tweets about a significant poll and it following current trends to then show no change seems a tad odd. OK the numbers are in the ball park and of other polls but its hardly significant.

    I will wait with interest to see what else surfaces.

  130. heedtracker says:

    Dear Ms Craig, Sir Ian Wood lied either in last November or last week

    “Would that the SNP might remember Seligman’s dictum when it tries to rubbish Sir Ian Wood’s cautious assessment of the scale of oil reserves still to be recovered from the North Sea.”

    link to

    ‘Move swiftly’
    The equivalent of 41 billion barrels of oil have already been produced from the UKCS, with estimates of production still to come varying from 12 to 24 billion barrels.

    Sir Ian concluded: “It is essential for the UK’s future growth and prosperity that we maximise recovery of our offshore oil and gas resource.

  131. Kevin evans says:

    First minister come out and fight these lies.

  132. Murray McCallum says:

    So when you allow for statistical error, the latest opinion poll continues to say it’s too close to call?

    Let’s just work even harder for a Yes then.

  133. Ken500 says:

    They certainly did not show solidarity with Scotland when Thatcher was secretly taking the equivalent of £Billions of Oil revenues to spend on London S/E, and shutting down every industrialised facility in Scotland, including the mines. Coal is now half the cost of Gas. Thatcher secretly, cancelled a pipe line wasting the equivalent of £Billions of Gas. It was burnt off. The equivalent of £200Billion was wasted.

    Labour keep secret the McCrone Report and secretly took all of the Oil revenues to pay for illegal wars, tax evasion in the City of London and keep Scotland poorer than the rest of the UK. London S/E was were the Oil revenues were spent. The Scottish economy was left to decay.

    Westminster has never shown solidarity with Scotland. Just lied and mocked Scotland, and left it to decay.

  134. Andy Law says:


    BP’s oil opinions: brought to you by the same folk who brought you-

    Deepwater Horizon

    Huge destruction of shareholder value

    A heaving out of Russia in return for dodgy paper in Rosneft

    $billions & billions getting paid to the US

    Sound judgement there to rely on then?

  135. Thepnr says:

    @Murray McCallum

    Yes, why not? Their days are numbered, final push required.

  136. ronnie anderson says:

    Oh Darling you are but ah fool

    you hurt us trying to make us cry

    but when we leave you

    we know you’ll surely die.

  137. scunnered says:

    bernard ponse on bbc news..the choice is yer or no
    nay shit sherlock…glad he cleared that up for us dilinquent scots

  138. galamcennalath says:

    My first reactions on Survation were disappointment. To our minds ‘amazing’ means Yes ahead! But I suppose from a Unionist point of view, they thought independence was impossible and now it’s still a real possibility. That might be ‘amazing’ if you are a Unionist.

    Still, polls (within error percentages) continue to say neck & neck.

    No complacency. All still to play for.

  139. msean says:

    I was going to ask who the poll was for,I see its for a well known daily that is known for for which side it supports.

  140. Clootie says:

    I see the BBC are saying tomorrow’s poll is 53/47 for YES. “Dreadful News” for YES because of no change – whit!!!

  141. ronnie anderson says:

    Shall I phone my friend in Gdansk, as Thepnr said its the poll on the 18th Sept thats the only one that counts,for the faint of heart , remember who has control of all those polls BT & Westminster,can beleive a word they say we’re winning & have been for months.

  142. desimond says:

    Thinking on it, I reckon the NO Campaign have fecked up again here. They have tried the lovebombing, and then thrown in the Oil Demise and Job Loss scare stories and now added a “No holds lead” Poll.

    All in the one day!

    This is a single days output! They are throwing everything they have and all the while, like Ali versus Foreman, we inch ever closer, biding our time, oh we’re taking big hits but always moving closer, ever closer.

    Its late in the contest and theyre swing hard and loose now.
    Still we edge closer.
    Until, that one moment comes…but our Ali moment wont be a upper cut, our moment will be a cross.

  143. muttley79 says:

    Is anyone else getting really nervous? I don’t think I will manage to get through the next week or so. Thank god for the rest of you lot. If there is a No vote we are going to get mightily shafted. Why do 53 per cent of people in Scotland not see this? I know it is just one opinion poll but still…


    Was feeling a bit down until I read your post, heavily laced with “IRONY”, it brought me back to reality.

    Anyone notice that Redwood and Iain Duncan-Smiffed are signally excluded from the Unionist Luv-in.
    Easterhouse – a distant nightmare for IDS.
    a current nightmare for Easterhouse.

    ALL tories who boasted of having Scottish nannies are serially “Missing”.

    The “Moat Cleaners” and duck house Muppets.?

    Social sycophant Prescott, Claimed and was paid £3,200 in MP`s Expenses for FOOD.
    Claimed and was paid £4,200 – TWICE – for FOOD.
    Claimed and got £19,225 for Mortgage/Rent – while Enjoying a London “Grace and Favour” MANSION, paid for from RMT Trades Union Subscriptions.?

    YESSERS must Ignore the rats who come to lecture and ignore the weasels who exploit the Poor,the Infirm and all the SLAB scabs who have forgotten their ancestral socialist beliefs – to follow,follow Bliar, Krash, Prescott, Skeletor,Lamontable, BamCam and CLEGG.

    Roll-on the 18th when Scotland will regain credibility and a real Social Conscience.

  145. Ken500 says:

    Westminster is paying the Pollsters £Millions of public money to manipulate the Polls. They are not weighting in people who normally never vote, and people who vote for Unionist Parties but will vote YES.

  146. scunnered says:

    sorry wasnt the ponse..getting carried away here..cant keep up

  147. Clootie says:

    Oops – got it the wrong way round NO ahead 🙁

    Still neck and neck in my opinion.

  148. Grouse Beater says:

    Biggle Goes to Scotland

  149. Grouse Beater says:

    Biggles Goes to Scotland.

    Plus a few hundred English hacks discover where it is while sampling the bars and pubs.

  150. The latest is that Scotland leaving the UK will be ‘devastating for Wales’.

    link to

    I don’t understand how Wales being ruled by London can be beneficial on if Scotland is also ruled from London.

    The backlash is coming, many down here wont be ready for it.

  151. Proud Cybernat says:


    Anyone know when the draft Scottish Constitution is due for publication? Tomorrow, one week to go, would be nifty as it would give people a week to aspire.

  152. Onwards says:

    Daily Record poll still roughly 50-50 given margin of error.
    All to play for with a week left!

    I still figure that YES will get a boost on the day.

    No voters are voting mainly because of fear.
    Deep down, I suspect many WANT to vote Yes for Scotland, and will just go: “Screw it, I’m going to go for it !!”

  153. Thepnr says:

    Biggles is voting YES!

  154. Grouse Beater says:

    Clootie: Still neck and neck in my opinion.

    I’m pretty certain this ‘latest’ poll isn’t latest in the least, but was conducted before the previous two researched theirs.

    An old tactic – time announcement of the worst news for the opposition as an antidote to any good news they get.

  155. desimond says:

    The Daily Record will announce this poll with the line “We saved the day in getting Gordy to tell fairy tales”.

    If you worry about papers, well imagine this:

    What happens when Rupert Murdoch picks up the phone on Friday night?

  156. Thepnr says:

    The Wee Blue Book is out there now. NOTHING can stop it.

    Yes will win, FFS don’t start wilting now.

  157. msean says:

    C’mon,bias really showing here.

  158. Thepnr says:


    It seems to be having an effect on the weaker members of our community. Just calm down folk and if you are able then work that wee bit harder.

    We will not lie down at this stage.

  159. IcySpark says:

    Just looking at the data tables for the latest poll. Not suggesting anything apart from what I found interesting.

    The 16-24 sage group is up weighted by nearly x2

    Yes 32.3%, No 50.7%

    South of Scotland up weighted by nearly x2.

    Yes 38%, No 55.1%

    These are the two demographics that are up weighted most and are also the most No friendly apart from the over 65s.

    Also in the latest Yougov poll, the 16-24 year olds were in favour of Yes.

    Just saying

  160. IcySpark says:

    Sorry 16-24 age group up weighted by over x2

  161. Murray McCallum says:

    I think it’s a bit ironic that this Survation poll shows no change to their previous result.

    In the meantime the No campaign have unleashed the Westminster troughers, made-up policies and empty promises while the media outlets have thrown any pretence of any balance out the window.

    We still have Nigel F’Arage to come and insult us to stay too.

    The irony being that their panic reaction to YouGov simply showed undecideds and soft Nos what a bunch of desperate liars we are dealing with.

  162. msean says:

    First Minister doing ok here,presenters voice pitching higher and higher.

  163. muttley79 says:


    So they win next week, a few weeks of taunting, jeering, mocking, then what? This bogus convention gets going and these lying sneering consuls of the people of Scotland cook up a deal that neuters Holyrood, pisses about with some pointless tax offer and it’s game over.

    Triumphant BetttertogetherBBC and all the press focus entirely on London and England once again and the Pacific Quay liggers get back to telling Scotland what a shithole it is, because there’s been a murder, a rape and a cat got stuck up a tree in Cumbernauld but fire crews rescued it, awe everybody say awe.

    This sums up the situation brilliantly.

  164. Bob Sinclair says:

    Jackie Bird is in Full on Sneering disrespectful mode tonight. Bloody disgraceful.

  165. Nana Smith says:

    Good grief that birdy bitch

  166. A.N.Surgent says:

    Dont trust the polls trust the people you meet on the streets

  167. Linda McFarlane says:

    Silly Billies

    Survation Yes 47 (up 5 on last survation poll) means that the poll of polls running average goes up.

  168. scunnered says:

    jackie bird….the veins were bulging out of her face shes raging…alex salmond cool as ever even with the burd asking questions and not letting him answer them

  169. msean says:

    When it comes to pensions,why do folk think they won’t get their own money? Do they think Westminster will keep what isn’t theirs?

  170. TD says:

    Alex Salmond was really good on Reporting Scotland. Calm, measured, confident. I thought Bird knew that she could not intimidate him and although she gave it a go, I don’t think her heart was in it. He saw her off no problem.

  171. Stair says:

    Carol Craig as far as I am aware, has direct connections with old Scottish Labour, and thus its irrational and visceral hatred of the SNP. Otherwise, why on earth would someone who has written about Scottish confidence and well-being support the dismal, miserabilist No camp.

  172. Papadox says:

    Jackie Bird bitter twisted ignorant thicko. Typical EBC SYCOPHANT.

  173. liz says:

    Yes OK everyone, the Survation poll was a nothing event – it was them hyping it up that got me all nervous, so we can put it to one side.

    BTW the disgraceful article that GB had mentioning his daughter and the HNS which had been the top story in the Herald has almost disappeared without trace.

    I’m not commenting on the H at the mo since they deleted all mention of the Polis giving them a rap across the wrist but most of the comments are the same as ‘in how despicable can you get’.

    I don’t know what reaction he was expecting but it has nosedived spectacularly

  174. liz says:

    NHS not HNS

  175. crisiscult says:


  176. crisiscult says:

    Anyone read front page of BBC ‘Why China’s wary of Scottish Independence’? Very amusing.

  177. scunnered says:

    bookies pushing out odds of a yes vote
    bet 365 11/5 for independence…11/2 for over 55% yes
    fill yer boots….and all because a poll for the daily record shows yes behind…shockeroony

  178. desimond says:


    The Gordon Brown thing is so strange. Reading newspapers down in London and you would think the guy was Abe Lincoln in the way they think he is respected in Scotland. They have no idea we view him as a clown and a total failure even more so than English Tories.

    Saddest part seems to be, poor Gordon( well apart from his £12m charity expense account) doesnt seem to realise we have no respect for him whatsover either and the media continue to get the sad old bear out to dance and bark on hot coals.

  179. Nana Smith says:

    link to

  180. North chiel says:

    Just watching the “Jackie Burd” Show and following interview
    With FM it was so obvious that the three “undecided” voters from Dundee
    We’re in fact “No” voters ‘ conveniently scripted again by the EBC
    North British” Outpost

  181. A.N.Surgent says:

    Its still neck and neck and we have our two big hitters to come
    farage and the neanderthal orange walk. Bet you wont see much
    media coverage of that.

  182. Joe says:

    D record not published its online poll from Monday , that showed yes at 84% ,no meddling with figures just proper numbers of votes , knew that result would never get published

  183. bookie from hell says:

    I’ve come to the conclusion pollsters start at 50/50

    then throw a dart at dartboard to get a number

  184. muttley79 says:


    The MSM do not understand the Scottish electorate. They view Scotland through the London establishment prism. Their failure to understand the electorate meant that they did not see 2007 coming, and we all know they were way, way off in 2011. The Scottish MSM believe Brown is respected and popular as well because most of them are SLAB unionists, and they do not want to believe that significant elements of the electorate here cannot stand him.

    Our best opportunity of getting a Yes vote is activity away from the eyes of the MSM, in other words off their radar.

  185. TD says:

    muttley79 6:38 p.m.

    Yes, I am nervous – I think we all are. But we need to keep this latest poll in perspective. As others have pointed out there are some rather dubious “upliftings” of certain demographic groups. Secondly, and I think most importantly, if we had got that poll result a month ago we would have been quite happy. We would have said “What about all the people who have never voted and who are never polled as a result. Factor them in and it will be OK.” That is still true.

    We just need to keep driving the messages home, go after every DK and soft No (and there are a lot of soft Nos who can be converted.) Don’t let the negative messages gain traction – when you challenge those messages, they fall apart. Inevitably the last line of defence is deployed – “Well I just think we’ll be better together.” When they say that, you know you have won. They will know that, but don’t rub their noses in it. Just leave them to reflect and a good number of them will come over.

  186. desimond says:


    Alex Salmond and Alastair Darling both took park in a MumsNet debate today and recent MumsNet Poll showed YES win….I expect to see it published all over the place..anytime soon…yip…wont be long now…just another minute or so..

  187. Bob Sinclair says:

    Jesus, just listened to that Better Together guy on BBC Scotland. Who knew George Dearie had a wee brother.

  188. Bob W says:

    O/T Laura Bicker on reporting Scotland talking to three ‘undecideds’ in Dundee, I’m sure I heard the male undecided say at the end of the slot, ‘I’m still a no’

  189. muttley79 says:


    Yes, I agree that it is only one opinion poll. The only one that matters is the one next Thursday. In a way this is good because I think some people were getting a bit carried away. What I find astonishing though is that over 50 per cent of people appear to think that there will be no repercussions from a No vote.

  190. fred blogger says:

    Impromtu pro-Yes ceilidh in George Sq (10/09/14)
    link to

  191. msean says:

    More no advertising here,now I remember why I stopped watching Reporting Scotland.

  192. Liquidlenny says:

    Watched bbc and reporting scotland for first time in months never again!!!

  193. P.R.D. says:

    Now the fear factor conditioning of Scots voters is to FEAR democracy.

  194. msean says:

    Media don’t seem to get it,they have been doing unbalanced for years but still the yes vote grows.

  195. Brian Powell says:

    Whatever this poll, I know of those moving to Yes. One started of complete No but just said they had put in the postal; Yes.

    Another a week ago, probably wasn’t going to vote, gave them the Wee Blue Book and is now Yes, and has passed it onto his son.

    My partner had given some leaflets to her hairdresser, who was unsure but yesterday said she had decided Yes. Then gave out six Wee Blue Books to other women who were very interested and wanted the info.

    The hairdresser said there was a saloon in Dundee where all six staff had become Yes recently.

    So in the background there are many recently moved to Yes.

  196. Gary says:

    The entire Better Together campaign has been variously; patronising, threatening, creepy, unbelievable, illegal and comical. Never in a political campaign has a country’s government so desperately campaigned that it has actually threatened the electorate with bombing their airports!

  197. Does anyone of you know
    do the BBC or SKY for that matter have to show the same airtime of both sides

    because all the air time yesterday re the infestation announcement about extra powers already given

    and because the three parties went their separate ways today all three had more airtime

    hope it was not yes x1 airtime and labour x1 airtime then lib dem x1 airtime and so on

  198. Glass Girl says:

    O/T – “If Scotland joins the EU they may elect to drive on the right hand side of the road” says website Why do we still have to listen to this nonsense?

    link to

  199. Hood says:

    O/T but I gave my sister a WBB on Sunday, I got an email this morning saying it was an eye opener.

    Just got another email from her, this is what she said.

    “One of my friends commented on facebook about her voting yes, I put a comment on about the wee blue book. Omg the tirade I got from another commenter, well if I hadn’t decided before I have now.”

    Well all I can say is thanks Bitter Together person, one undecided, leaning towards Yes after reading the WBB and now a definite Yes because of your bitterness and hatred 🙂

  200. Clootie says:

    @william taylor says:
    10 September, 2014 at 7:29 pm

    The media no longer care if their bias is obvious or excessive. Any complaint through any available forum will be reviewed after the vote.

    If NO the BBC and others may get a mild rebuke – do they care if the help retain union control.
    If YES they are finished in Scotland anyway – why would they care.

    Assume zero balance as regards reporting for the next week. (No change then for the BBC 😀 )

  201. And can someone tell me what O/T is

  202. A.N.Surgent says:

    Glass Girl

    Haha Aren`t we already in the EU

  203. muttley79 says:


    Don’t watch BBC on TV or listen to their radio shows. They cover the British establishment’s arse, that is their real job. It is not to educate, it is to condition the people of Scotland to believe that we are uniquely incapable of running our own affairs. As an organisation they hate the idea of Scottish independence.

  204. h_johnny says:

    Don’t let one poll get to you, there is no way in a million years BT are 6 points ahead anywhere. In reality the media is awash With stories of BT collapse, desperation and panic measures(the 3 musketeers).

    This is interesting also:
    link to

  205. bookie from hell says:

    SKY were excellent today

    showed a lot of it live

  206. A.N.Surgent says:

    William Taylor

    Off Topic

  207. TD says:


    I agree. I am astonished that half our people still swallow the lies. But I think there is some pretty deep-rooted stuff going on here. People have grown up being part of “Britain”. For better or worse, that has been their country. And for some, it is just too traumatic to turn their backs on the country in which they grew up.

    But I think there is the potential for a huge swing to Yes in the last week. People have been mulling this over for some time now – even if they only got engaged a week or two ago. The idea of leaving the UK is not quite so scary when you think about it, and staying in the UK is really very scary. Especially when you think about the recriminations that will be visited upon us if we are stupid enough to vote No. Love bombing will stop, for sure.

    Wingers have gone through this thought process a long time ago and we struggle to understand why others have not reached the same conclusions. But that doesn’t mean they won’t – the deadline on 18 September will not move and for most people sitting on the fence is not an option. I think most of them will come down on our side.

  208. Dr Jim says:

    Where can you find 3 undecided voters in Dundee?

  209. desimond says:

    Cheer yourselves up, turn on BBC News 24….Johann Lamont is being interviewed.

    “We have to listen to ordinary scots!”
    “So why bring up Westminster leaders”

    cue head shake!

  210. desimond says:

    Lamont asked by viewer

    “What if promised powers dont go through Westminster”

    Lamont reply

    “Why wouldnt they?”

    Oh how soon they forget!

  211. scunnered says:

    @ h johny
    im 48 and dont have a land line but that is interesting i didnt know that
    and where these better together campaigners who said they would be at every door 3 times in the run up….nobody has come near me i feel cheated..every night i wait in anticipation but nothing 🙁

  212. desimond says:

    @william taylor

    O/T = Off Topic ie Of interest to readers but not directly associated to item above

  213. CameronB Brodie says:

    Re. creeping fascism. I was in my local supermarket earlier and caused a bit of an incident. 🙂 I know that the management has banned staff from talking about the vote, so I was perhaps pushing things a bit. I had one assistant targeted with the WBB, and managed to let a queue of eight in on the story. I was speechless when she said she had given up and probably wouldn’t vote. I left it at that, before a fight started in the queue (joke), but was stopped by a couple and asked for some info. As I watched their enthusiasm for what they were hearing, my voice started to project, shall we say. That’s when I member of staff told me to take it outside. My reply was that I could understand her employer banning staff from democratic discourse, they were stepping into dangerous territory if they were to try the same thing with their customers. She relented and apologized once the couple insisted they had asked me for information, and everyone was all smiles in the end.

    Man terrorises shoppers by urging self-determination and promoting literature (WBB), in a slightly loud voice. 😀

  214. Skintybroko says:

    Aaaaarrrrrggghhh JoLa on Scotland Decides , telly in real danger of getting my foot through it,

  215. desimond says:

    Johann Lamont on BBC News 24 calls for ‘Solidarity’

    Spoken just like her boss David Cameron in Edinburgh today.

    Truly sickening.

  216. liz says:

    Just as a matter of interest what side of the road do the Southern Irish drive on?

    Oh dear – the left- case closed.

    Anyone who falls for that story shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

  217. fred blogger says:

    UK WM imperialism’s end is nigh and they know it!
    vote yes and we are free of it forever.
    yes, it maybe tough for a few years after but is we work together we will get through it and thrive.
    stay, and it with £25bn ++ cuts to come it will get really bad, and from that it is likely we will never recover.
    no one poor, and no one rich!

  218. Training Day says:

    Why are we placing so much faith in the carefully constructed MSM polls narrative? Too many people who wouldn’t bat an eyelid if you said the BBC or the Electoral Comission were tentacles of the British state suddenly think polling companies with a vested interest in receiving dough from the British state are magically impartial.

    The only purpose to MSM polls – and I include the one showing Yes ahead – is to attempt to justify a rigged close No vote. No more, no less. Our purpose is to wake people up to this eventuality.

  219. Dougie Bee says:

    Folks DON’T believe anything that the msm puts out..especially polls..remember who are keeping them afloat at the moment..the lying..twisted rogues called the uk govenment ( I deliberately leave out capitals as they don’t deserve them ) as some one posted earlier laugh them off..its the one next week that counts..and also remember if YES show they are ahead what happens to the pound..chins up keep smiling..keep cheery..only a week to go…xxx

  220. AndyC says:

    Ignore ALL polls,folks.
    It’s only the MSM playing with your head!
    Daily Retard poll?…’re ‘avin’ a laugh!
    Very conveniently timed!
    They are TRULY on the run and will keep ramping up the pressure…money fleeing the country, no oil left etc.etc.
    Why do you think all the Stooges (I’ve lost count) were up here today?
    A good source has told me there’s been a run on Imodium in Old Lahndon Tohwn!

  221. Cag-does-thinking says:

    Just as I didn’t believe the 50/50 poll I don’t believe the current ones either. Pretty certain it was all so they could show the “currency flight” which lasted all day Monday and now is back to as you were. Orchestrated mechanations largely involving firms close to UK PLC. What they are trying to do is shake the confidence of the shy Yes’s. All those warnings about currency and firms leaving is true. Look what happens after one poll. They have bet all of their eggs on currency all along as every other thing has proved a lie and currency is something Scotland currently have no control over. What they want is uncertainty and a media to sing along that there is uncertainty. I haven’t believed a poll yet. The one on the 18th is the only one that counts and we are winning towards that one.

  222. muttley79 says:


    Don’t listen to Lamont. She and the rest of the unionists/Brit nats in SLAB are more than willing to go further and further to the right to counter the Tories and UKIP. Lamont would not know solidarity if it bite her on the arse. This is a person who used Tory language in the “something for nothing” speech. Lamont can GTF as far I am concerned.

  223. liz says:

    ‘h_johnny – I didn’t know that either -.

    That’s V good as it does tend to be older folk who have only land lines.

    BTW Guardian, ie Severin, spinning Survation poll for all it’s worth says Labour Yes vote has dropped from 30+% to 26%.

    Also just noticed all the No posters behind John Prescott are Labour!

  224. muttley79 says:

    @Training Day

    I understand the points you are making. However, people voting No or undecided would think you are batshit crazy if you said that to them.

  225. desimond says:


    i have to listen to Lamont, i love dark sick comedy.
    The women is at the top of her game in that respect!

    I concur fully with your last sentence, happy to pitch in for her one way ticket to be the next Helen Liddell in Australia!

  226. A.N.Surgent says:

    Caught a trailer for sly news showing cameron on a stool, I actually thought it was Dave Allen

  227. cal says:

    Hearing reports that electoral registration offices are snowed under with new voters and are struggling to get voting cards out to people. If you’ve not got your card yet you may well be registered ok but they just haven’t managed to get your card sent out. You can phone to check with them.

    And remember you don’t need a card to vote you can just go to the polling station and vote without it so long as you’re registered. It would be a good idea to take some photo id with you too although I’m not certain if you actually need it. We need to get this info spread far and wide.

  228. Liquidlenny says:


    Only watched as some friends from arran were meant to be on but maybe another night it was an interview about the whisky industry

  229. desimond says:

    Just seen coverage of Ed Miliband in Cumbernauld, Maggie Curran needs a Tena Lady she is so excited!

    If that image doesnt make you want to vote YES then your names Duggie

  230. scunnered says:

    snp were behind on the polls on the day of elections in scotland…they ended up winning by a landslide
    i know its not about the snp im just saying polls are erratic.

  231. IcySpark says:

    Yep polls all over the place, not to be trusted. Today’s Survation has 16-24’s No 14% lead

    TNS/Yougov average has 16-24’s 14% lead for Yes

    28% difference lol

  232. Chitterinlicht says:

    Watched Reporting Scotland. If money has been managed south for some time now why only report it a week before poll date?

  233. Training Day says:


    Many of the same groups think we’re batshit crazy if we say the BBC is biased, my friend. This is a process of educating people to the reality of the British state. Can it be done in time for next Thursday? I honestly don’t know.

  234. ben madigan says:

    Just to keep your spirits up!

    link to

    everything is at stake!
    Go on Scotland!
    keep on chappin doors!
    One more big week long push!
    the people of Scotland are winning!

  235. call me dave says:


    Radio 5 ran a story on the mumsnet webchat results and were pretty fair Richard Bacon for a few minutes.

    It was UK wide but he Bacon says there was 984 eligible to vote figures 48% voting YES.

    Not on long 1hr 11mins in. 🙂

    link to

  236. A.N.Surgent says:


    Contacted them last month to ask about my card and they said if it didnt arrive just take something with your address on it

  237. Minty says:

    Apparently another YouGov tomorrow and an ICM? ICM might not be published until the weekend, though.

  238. ben fitzpatrick says:

    I find it interesting that BT’s youtube comments are all disabled, yet YesScotlands youtube comments are not…

    YES wants discussion.
    NO wants blind obedience.

  239. Was feeling a bit down after I saw the latest poll today,but then I remembered that the orange lodge and UKIP are visiting Edinburgh this weekend.So surely after todays lovein from the ‘big guns’ we can do this?

    Scotland can do better than this…

  240. desimond says:

    @call me dave

    Thanks, i was being a little tongue in cheek as I had seen coverage on Beeb somewhere earlier but was meaning we wouldnt see such results posted front and centre as per Survation Poll and wee Nick Robinson getting giddy.

  241. Greannach says:

    A German friend on holiday watching BBC Reporting Scotland with his jaw hitting the floor. I don’t think he believed me before when I told him about their methods. He was shocked by Jackie Bird’s conduct and the programme’s bias, and endearingly thought there were rules and laws covering the state broadcast. “It’s like the DDR in 1989.”

  242. Cuilean says:

    My old auntie, aged 84, has been a working class tory all her life – before Thatcher of course, so we make allowances for her. I have been chipping away at her forever and last night she confirmed that she had changed from NO to YES. What was the straw that broke the camel’s back? Miliband saying on Monday that there would be border guards post YES. Now if my auntie, harder and more set in her ways than Aberdeen granite, can vote YES, then anything is possible. Anything.

  243. NODROG says:

    Much as I have respect for for Stuart Hosie I was disappointed in his assessment of Mark Carney. Here is what Mark Carney said “incompatible with sovereignty”. We are not here to curry favour Stuart if that is what the man thinks then let us disown him and go our own way. Personally I think he will be the loser and will regret that remark. Perhaps he was thinking more about his paymasters than his principles. I no longer consider him a principled man.

  244. muttley79 says:

    @Training Day

    My big fear is that far too many middle class people in Scotland believe everything the MSM say, in particular the BBC. Yessers in general know they are at it, you just need to see James Cook’s performance yesterday to know how biased they are. However, if enough soft Nos, undecided believe the BBC. and vote No next week, then that would be a disaster for Scotland. Hopefully that does not happen. If we vote No, then I dread to think what will happen.

  245. Silverytay says:

    I had them at my door tonight and I stay in Chapelhall Airdrie .
    They knew my name but they were so blind that they did not notice the 2 YES , the Wings and the newsnet stickers on my car .
    Needless to say they were sent away with a flea in their ear .

  246. Nana Smith says:

    Now for those who have been waiting for a loving phone call get ready.

    Below is a post from LFI facebook.

    An email sent to one of our supporters.

    Subj: London Calling: Help us save the Union

    Dear friend,
    In just 8 days’ time Scotland will vote on whether to stay part of the
    United Kingdom. If Scotland votes for independence, we’ll all be worse off.
    London is home to 300,000 Scots –making it the third biggest Scottish city in
    the world. Independence will rip apart our city, and leave our shared
    values weaker both sides of the border.
    Can you join me to phone undecided voters in Scotland on Wednesday?
    I will be at a phoning undecided voters in Scotland with Chuka Umunna MP
    and Emily Thornberry MP on Wednesday, 6pm-8pm at Labour Party Head Office,
    One Brewer’s Green, SW1H 0RH. For further information or to attend, please
    Can you make calls from home?
    If you can’t make the phone banks in Labour Party Head Office this week,
    the new virtual phone bank tool is also available. How to make calls:

    I guess the number of Labour voters and members joining LFI and Yes have left Scottish Labour a little light of volunteers

  247. fred blogger says:

    it’s true many people do believe them.
    we’ll get there.

  248. undecided says:

    One thing that never seems to get discussed on here and passed over by most yes supporters link to
    Take trident out of the equation (I.e stop just saying we want rid of trident, we know that) and tell us what the Scottish defenseman force would look like (realistically). the plans in the white paper don’t make sense!

  249. Colin Church says:

    Watching polls now is like wasting energy and concentration looking round at the opposition during final sprint to the line. Eyes front, leg it. We get the result after the real finish line.

  250. heedtracker says:

    If the Daily Rancid poll is correct, watch the value of the British only pound shoot back up tomorrow and all those billions lost from “Scottish” banks come a piling back on, my hairy Scots airse.

  251. Nana Smith says:


    See fred bloggers post at 4.43pm

  252. CameronB Brodie says:


    To ensure that news, in whatever form, is reported with due accuracy and presented with due impartiality.

    To ensure that the special impartiality requirements of the Act are complied with.

    link to

    The BBC must stand for Britain’s Biggest Corruption?

  253. reginald says:

    William Taylor O/T Off Topic

  254. Ealasaid says:

    I have thought for some time that the polls have been fixed. They just do not agree with what I see and what those doing the doorsteps are reporting. Where are all the NO voters? Where are these concentrations of over 50% NO to cancel out so many visible YES?

    There are some districts that are more wealthy with bigger houses. But those houses are not as concentrated as more working class areas and not all in them are voting NO. The OO will mostly, but not entirely, vote NO but they are a minority group. There are obviously some areas that have a large number of YES voters so where are all the NO voters to balance them? In most groups I come across and hear about YES voters are at least 50% so where are all these NO voters that are affecting the polls?

    I have seen recent pictures of the NO politicians out with their groups of supporters but I have noticed the same crowd faces supporting Labour and the separate Tory publicity get-togethers. Also the crowd of NO supporters are photographed in such a way as not to show how few there are. Whereas YES supporters are out in large numbers as seen by the SNP walkabouts in Dundee and Glasgow.

    Why did YES suddenly appear to be ahead, but only by one point? Was this just to prepare the rest of the UK for the possibility of a YES vote and now it is back to normal?

    Does anyone else know where the 50% No voters are hiding?

  255. Training Day says:


    Agreed. But have we reached a point where enough people can cut through the bull (middle class or not, and I guess I’d be counted as middle class)? We’ll find out next Thursday if we’re adults or children.

    Incidentally, a representative of a very well known Scottish estate agent today told me that a Yes vote would be a ‘disaster’ for the housing market. This wasn’t offline banter, this was part of his sales pitch. We’re up against some ingrained and ignorant orthodoxies.

  256. call me dave says:

    Sky tv still only telling the UK side of the oil and insurance company stories. Must be soothing music to keep the down South electorate calm.

    Thank goodness Alex Neil puts them right on the oil and the NHS. Well done.

    These sky presenters may put up a UK front on screen but at the end of the day, over a cup of tea, they must see that our representatives are up to speed and are inwardly aware as they spout their lies that YES will win.

    James Kelly labour SNP numpty can only say “were better together” when interviewed. He’s Rutherglen?

    Here he is at his best courtesy WoS.

    link to

  257. call me dave says:

    James kelly MSP 🙁

  258. creag an tuirc says:

    OT: I see the most important person in the referendum debate, Nawbag Galloway, is kicking up a storm over on twitter accusing the SNP of banning him from Question Time the morra. Fud

  259. CameronB Brodie says:

    Training Day
    Estate agents love high prices as they get bigger commissions. The UK’s housing market is skewed by constricted land supply in the home counties and we all pay artificially high prices as a result.

    Vote No for self-interest,
    Vote No for privatisation of the NHS.
    Vote No for English Socialism.

  260. Look folks don’t get down, we knew we were up against a corrupt political, self centred bunch of liars, assisted by their media and tv machine. We know from the canvassing figures what the real %’s are. Keep[ the faith keep working we are nearly there.

    I would like to tell you something. I have many reason for voting YES but I gained three more big reason only this week.

    Monday – total disregard for democracy when the UK Government and their colleagues from BT broke the Purdah rules.

    Tuseday – Ehen a young serving soldier admitted that the British Army was telling the soldiers how to vote. Another example of flouting democracy.

    Wednesday – I talked to an old soldier (in his 70’s) wearing his beret pulling a cart up the hill, on his way to Tesco, to stand and collect for ”Help for Heroes”. We have young people who gave their best for this UK and came back horibly injured and we need a CHARITY to look after them. While the Government who sent them to fight in a war in Afghanistan for and oil pipe to be driven across the country, then an illegal war in Iraq based on a lie, they (UK GOV) sent them there with sub-standard equipment due to Brown the chancellor wouldn’t spend money, abandons them young service men and women.

    This is why we must not relent, we must gain our independence from this corrupt stinking Uk Government.

  261. Croompenstein says:

    @undecided – Really? you have linked to one of the most garbage diatribes of pish I have read.

    George Grant is the author of ‘In Scotland’s Defence – An Assessment of the SNP’s Defence Strategy’ and the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Bradford West

    There you go undecided, pure crap from a Tory sheesh!!

  262. A.N.Surgent says:


    link to

  263. BigRik says:

    Remember.. 87.6% of statistics are made up on the spot. As for a defence force , it should be just that.. big enough to defend this country , and not to launch illegal wars , like Obama and his ” game plan”..strange game you play Mr President.

  264. piggy says:

    There is not a single reason why Scotland will not become independent.

    The polls are created by statisticians at the blink of an eye and the flick of a mouse.

    The work being done each and every day by campaigners and people who simply explain to colleagues why they intend to vote YES, is actually happening all across Scotland and IT IS REAL.

    The fear spreaders are out in force. They say things which are complete nonsense, however, given a little thought they can take hold for a little while, but they have no truth.

    The purpose we have is both solid and creative. It’s also attractive.




  265. fred blogger says:

    mot likely, we’ll have a missile defense shield.

  266. Kenny says:

    A tip for anyone being canvassed: invite them in. Talk to them for as long as possible. Act daft if you have to. Just keep them talking. My granda used to waste days on the Jehovah’s Witnesses on the basis that “well, they won’t convert me!” We can do the same when these scoundrels come to our doors and call us up.

    link to

  267. heedtracker says:

    We are wresting power from the Tories that own, currently, Scotland, They own the press, the BBC, the law, education, medicine, the military, the oil industry, most of the land, our rivers and everything in them.

    So the question really is, can they give it up next week to the people of Scotland? And that’s why a wealthy old boot sits in a Pacific Quay studio costing £500 million and sneers with real anger at Scottish democracy.

  268. mr thms says:

    from oil and gas people .com

    [I]”Scottish West Coast untapped oil and gas reserves worth trillions

    Scotland could be sitting on more than double the amount of oil and gas reserves currently predicted, a new independent industry investigation has found. The investigation reveals that the scale of Scotland’s untapped frontier West Coast or Atlantic Margin has been underestimated.

    The investigation was undertaken by, the world’s largest oil and gas industry jobs board, and independent North Sea oil and gas industry experts. The investigation included interviews with industry experts and collated seismic and expert evidence from a range of independent sources such as the British Geological Survey, DECC, oil and gas companies, the Institute of Petroleum Engineering and the Energy Institute.”[/I]


  269. A.N.Surgent says:

    87.6% i thought it was 87.9%

  270. undecided says:

    Really? I thought this referendum wasn’t about political parties? It seems that when a source has something you don’t like you brand it ‘Tory’ or ‘english’ in fact that seems the whole trend of many yes voters, they are either voting against the Tories or the English.

    So the snp say they will keep all the Scottish regiments? That’s 14000 men in the army alone leaving 1000 for air force and navy.
    What about start up costs? All the basic training establishments are in England, will you pay for people to be trained there or will you open your own (and where. The money come from for your own)
    If you only need a force to defend the country why have an army at all? Surely an island nation you wouldn’t need an army?

  271. Nana Smith says:

    link to

  272. Justin Ross says:

    Don’t believe a word the MSM say folks, they are throwing everything they can against a Yes vote. Just look how The Herald online has just turned – as if by magic – into an almost exclusively NO newletter since the weekend.

    AND never believe anything linked to the Record.

    We can now see clearly why broadcasting was never, and would never, be devolved to Scotland. Without pro-Union biased TV Yes would be running away with this long ago.

    Let’s Get ‘Em!

  273. Training Day says:


    Indeed so. What shocked me (shouldn’t have shocked me) was that an estate agent would so openly use the chicken licken argument as part of an attempt to gain business.

    @heedtracker at 8.43

    Nutshell. In. A.

  274. NODROG says:

    The three Stoogies have come and hopefully gone tonight and left us with similar slapstick comedy to their predecessors I.E. Shep , Larry and Mo(YES I can remember). More powers – maybe – depends on who is elected – if it is Boris and Nigel – you must be joking? More Oil- you must be dreaming! More Tax – most definitely! More War – of course that is what POWER is all about! More Lords in the Big House most certainly if we win this one – Gordon,Alistair,Danny,Douglas, to name but a few. However we cannot accept people with egg on their back – sorry Jim! More development of London – naturally – after all it is the capital of the WORLD. I could go on but already I scent the smell of victory. A simple yes is all it needs. A leap in the dark NO THANKS. Go for it Scotland a leap of faith and hope much better prospect! YES!!!

  275. Nana Smith says:

    link to

  276. Harry McAye says:

    I said this before but it got lost as I was temporarily in moderation. The poll that shook the UK, reminded me of the Dad’s Army episode Wake Up Walmington, where Mainwaring is concerned that the locals have become apathetic over the possibility of a German invasion so he gets his platoon to roam the countryside dressed as fifth columnists to try to stir up some fear. I think this is what happened, the establishment needed to wake up the lazy Nos and also get the referendum to dominate the news with under a fortnight to go. Now that they have achieved that and focused minds, out comes a negative poll for Yes. But although that seems a contradiction, the debate has already increased in intensity. What the next You Gov poll will show, I would guess, is a slight decrease for Yes on the last one. Maybe 50-50 or 48-52. I wouldn’t anticipate a weekend like the last one but that is not necessarily a bad thing.

  277. A.N.Surgent says:


    Gave you a link. Do you have the right to vote going by “you wouldnt need an army” or did you mean we.

  278. RMFBrown says:

    I wouldn’t worry about this latest poll. A week to go, with a three point swing all that’s needed, the trend in favour of yes, and BT in meltdown mode. This time last year, I would have bitten your hand off if offered this position at this stage.

    I’m glad this poll came out, as it will quell complacency, and get people back to putting the hard work in.

  279. boris says:

    John Prescott speaks from the heart

    link to

  280. heedtracker says:

    @ undecided, really? you really don’t get it yet? They whole point of next week is Scotland deciding what’s best for Scotland and not some upper class twits in Whitehall and you know undecided, one of the main drivers behind YES Scotland is the simple fact that said upper class twits in Whitehall are shite at what they are overpaid for life for the endless mess and waste they create.

    Hope that helps undecided

  281. A.N.Surgent says:

    Not against those who dont have the right to vote contributing to this site but tagging yourself undecided is a bit much

  282. mr thms says:

    link to

    The truth behind oil and gas in Scotland and in the UK

  283. muttley79 says:

    @Training Day

    Estate agents can GTF as well.

  284. galamcennalath says:


    With regard to defence forces, are you suggesting that there is something fundamentally different about Scotland from our neighbours: Denmark, Norway, Netherlands or Sweden? They all manage just fine in their own subtly different ways. So will we. Vote Yes, get independence, then we can be just like every other normal country.

  285. HandandShrimp says:

    Estate agents can GTF as well.

    Not a profession noted for its trustworthiness at the best of times 🙂

  286. undecided says:

    @AN Sturgent.

    Actually I will be voting, have you not thought that the reason I said you was that I consider myself British? And do not want an independent Scotland?
    However never mind, the best thing about democracy is that we get a vote on things like this.

  287. Andrew Parrott says:

    Undecided – Go to the Scottish Global Forum website and look for the paper “Securing the Nation – Defending an Independent Scotland” published last autumn. This lays out a vision for the Scottish Defence Force.

  288. CameronB Brodie says:

    Well if nobody else is going to thank Ronnie for the gag of the day, IMO, I will. Very droll sir, and what’s more important, very apt. 😉

    “Ein Moe, ein Larry, ein Curly!”

  289. HandandShrimp says:


    your name breeches the trades description act

  290. Croompenstein says:

    Really? I thought this referendum wasn’t about political parties?

    It isn’t, you linked to an article that is so full of holes it could be worn as a string vest and it was penned by a Tory MP who doesn’t have the first clue about Scotland or the Scots so please go back and read the white paper before linking such utter pish

  291. undecided says:

    @Andrew parrot
    That vision is what I was questioning. I asked a question to see what people thought, so thanks to those who replied.

  292. davidb says:


    More interestingly, why did the Westminster cabal shit themselves at the weekend. The polls have seen outliers before, why would they assume that they had to push the panic button last weekend?

    I really do suspect that they have samples from the postal votes.

    I just looked at my postal ballot again. My lamp has a bright 10 Watt halogen bulb. I notice that if I follow the instruction and fold the paper before putting it in envelope A, that a little bar code box thing aligns perfectly over the “No” box. I then shine my lamp through the envelope and I can tell which box is which. So without opening the envelope I know which way the vote is cast.

    It isn’t necessary to open the envelopes to count the votes. Try it.

  293. Squaresausage says:

    Whilst I would question its overall accuracy, I’m glad this poll came out too. It shows that the Yes vote still remains solid and hasn’t fractured despite having had everything thrown at it over the last couple of days. It’s hardly encouraging for the No camp either. It hasn’t budged either, so they’re in no position to start crowing, although no doubt they will. I suspect that any major movement in the polls won’t start happening until after this weekend, and in the meantime we still have Nige and the Billy Boys to keep us entertained. It’s still all to play for.

  294. A.N.Surgent says:


    So by saying your British means that you think that those who call
    themselves Scots are different to you. Vote the way you want it is your choice.

  295. Justin Ross says:

    OT Yet another piece pointing out that Scotland being excluded from the EU is not gonna happen: e.g.

    “(a) excluding Scotland’s citizens from the Single Market would require legislation;

    (b) all EU legislation must be based on a Treaty article;

    (c) there is no Treaty article to authorise legislation that could exclude Scotland’s citizens from the Singe Market.”

    link to

  296. Grouse Beater says:

    I can’t be the only person to sense the fascist tactics and language now employed by the opposition to democracy.

    I can’t.

    Facsism is not a term I resort to readily. This is the first time in all my opposition to Westminster rule.

    But having heard the Three Stooges and watched the tactics we are subjected to, ‘fascism’ is the only term that is applicable.

  297. Thepnr says:

    undecided? My arse.

    You also talk a lot of shite.

    Total Scots in the UK regular armed forces was 11,200 as of Feb 2014. That’s the army, navy and air force in case you were unaware. I’m ignoring the fact that you are thick.

    You’ve never been undecided just another lying supporter of the Onion.

    link to

  298. fred blogger says:

    Published on Dec 19, 2013
    Alan Bisset gives us an insight into the future for Scotland if the ‘NO’ campaign wins the referendum in September 2014.
    link to
    how true!

  299. MeldyMan says:

    People are still having difficulty understanding “where the money will come from”.
    If there is an iScotland there will be an immediate halt to spending on future “UK” projects – bigger shit pipes for London, more undergound rail for London, faster rail-links from London, new bombs to protect (something….I am not quite clear on that one), planes for aircraft carriers etc….. Bottom line is choices on spending will be made by a Scottish Government in an iScotland and not by a Westminster Government. The numbers cannot be all added up and set in stone until history reflects upon it but suffice it to say that the funds will be distributed differently. If you are truly undecided, try and disassociate what you know of the status quo from what a zero based budget might look like. Take a fresh look, clean the slate and reimagine what you would like to see accomplished within your budget. Don’t accept anyone elses. You earned it.

  300. Elizabeth Sutherland says:

    OMG, That’s it then is it. The three stooges blow into oor country, we get a rag bad poll and constant tripe from ebc and your greetin about how bad everything is.
    Get a good nights sleep and refresh for tomorrow. There’s plenty WBB to get out there yet. I havn’t heard the fat lady sing yet, have you.

  301. heedtracker says:

    @ undecided, so you’ve decided but your pissing about here. OK keep in mind that you will still be British if Scotland votes YES. As someone somewhere posted today, a NO vote said they don’t want to wake up in a foreign country 19th Sept, neither do YES voters.

  302. boris says:

    I see wee Douglas is heading up the Blether Together lot again. He is as slippery as an eel this little guy. He even stabbed his own sister in the back. He fiddled a Scottish election before. Needs to be watched this one.

    link to

  303. I have just made a FOI request to the BBC below.


    To: British Broadcasting Corporation
    Subject: Freedom of Information request – Licence Fee

    Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,

    Please show me the law which gives the BBC to power to impose and
    collect a TV Licence fee from the public?

    Yours faithfully,

    James Caithness


    See what they come back with. I intend to ask the same question to the Department of media and culture.

    BTW we can all ask questions of any body by typing in WHATDOTHEYKNOW in google. Just incase anyone didn’t know about that site.

  304. piggy says:

    There isn’t one reason why Scotland won’t gain independence.

    Polls are created by statisticians at the flick of a mouse and the blink of an eye.

    The work being done by campaigners across Scotland and even the discussions with colleagues where you explain why you are voting YES IS REAL. IT IS HAPPENING NOW. Those who oppose it see that and understand that, so they try to spread fear and doubt to try and halt it.

    As the politicians humiliate themselves before the world and the general media promote it with headlines which denigrate humanity, Scotland goes about its work to free itself from the lunatics.

    The recipe is good: INFORM, EXPLAIN AND CORRECT.

  305. K1 says:

    Let them think they are winning…let them crow…let them get on with it. We are winning this, I only know a couple of hard no voters (yes Mum being one). Everyone else I know is Yes, including the people they know…we have all found it difficult to reconcile the msm’s bias with our experiences on the ground.

    Tune out of the msm, stop letting them get into your heads…people are not stupid. We are on our way. Don’t buy into the polls. We knew it would be like this! And…Don’t Feed The Troll!!!

  306. schrodingers cat says:

    i thought the survation poll was released at 10.30pm?

  307. CameronB Brodie says:

    The problem with the British Establishment, one of them anyway, is they’re not a meritocracy. So it isn’t really a surprise that some of those who shape our lives, aren’t the brightest buttons, shall we say. Some are useful idiots, with strings attached to corporate interests. Now what should we call that form of government? I think President F. D. Roosevelt called it fascism, if I’m not mistaken.

  308. ben madigan says:

    i hope there is no trouble in Edinburgh at the OO march.From what i’ve understood, the vision for a new scotland does not embrace anti-catholic bigotry and paramilitary marches!
    Si i hope everyone heeds the YES advice to stay clear of these people-
    would be great if no one – no one at all – turned out to watch/support them!
    otherwise if anyone wants to protest – may it be a silent protest with everyone turning their backs to the OO as they pass and tossing 1p coins over their shoulders at them

  309. K1 says:

    On the 19th…

    link to

  310. Scotrock says:

    Survation poll puts NO ahead by 6 points.
    Any takers

  311. call me dave says:

    @fred blogger

    I had fogotten about Mr Bissett’s crystal ball he’s right on the money.

    Thanks for reminding us all here.

  312. Derek M says:

    who cares about some stupid fixed polls guys this is not a GE ,there will be people who have never voted in their life voting on the 18th ,i know 5 of them all voting yes and none of them have been polled ,come to think of it neither have i ,up and down around and around just so the MSM can spin some shit story,there is only one poll that matters its on the 18th and we will win ,as i am struggling to find a no voter anymore ,even my one die hard labour pal who has been union this union that said the other night after i showed him the facts courtesy of wings and the WBB said and i will quote “fuck it im voting yes” so i took him down the pub for a few beers.

  313. Tam Jardine says:

    We are currently undergoing a very large scale manipulation excercise designed to control the surging figures the UK government’s own figures have reported. Don’t be surprised if the next few polls stagnate or dip.

    On the ground we are winning, I think by a good margin but we will be told anything in the next week, anything to make us think A there will be chaos B Yes support is faltering and C we cannot cope.

    It’s like a nightmare though – you just have to remember that nothing we are told by the press or the UK government is real.

    Everyday for the last year at least people have been switching to Yes, with few going the other way.

    A year ago when the polls were sitting at 30% of the electorate voting Yes… are we seriously to believe that the Yes vote has not doubled during that period?

  314. Greannach says:

    Not totally O/T because of the satire element.

    Has anyone seen

    An opportunity to let a Scot know you love them, or to sign a letter of love. I see Shagger Buttfuck has just signed to tell us s/he loves us.

    Have fun!

  315. Scotrock says:

    The poll was taken on behalf of the Record so not really all that surprised
    I still think we will be 60% yes

  316. No no no...Yes says:

    Just back in from a busy day canvassing and there are some definite No’s moved direct to YES. They’ve had enough of the antics of the 3 stooges and Crash Gordon. Some No’s now moved to undecided after a chat. Not so many undecided because of the heavy propoganda and false promises, they are still looking for more info. Some WBB’s and AYE leaflets will secure their vote. Confirmed Yes’s spurred even more into action to take posters,etc and speak to all family friends and work colleagues to get them pro-active and to make sure they vote on the day.
    The polls will be all over the place, not to be trusted- we need to believe in ourselves. I’ve not been as active as some others, and I’m feeling tired and can understand fatigue and frustration is bound to set in after such a long haul.
    The Establishment may have many more tricks up their sleeve, but they cannot stop the YES momentum!

  317. boris says:

    The Gay Gordons as youv’ never seen it before. Gaun yersel’

    link to

  318. Paul says:

    Remember that all opinion polls have a margin of error of up to 3% either way. The spread of polls we have seen in the last week (47-51% Yes) are therefore all consistent with an actual figure of about 49% Yes. Opinion polls are only likely to sample the regular voting population. The 10-20% additional turnout that is expected is likely to split more to Yes.

  319. piggy says:

    Tam Jardine says:
    “It’s like a nightmare though – you just have to remember that nothing we are told by the press or the UK government is real”


  320. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    At anything above 45% in a Survation poll we win.

  321. Joe says:

    davidb says:

    10 September, 2014 at 9:12 pm


    More interestingly, why did the Westminster cabal shit themselves at the weekend. The polls have seen outliers before, why would they assume that they had to push the panic button last weekend?

    I really do suspect that they have samples from the postal votes.
    I’ve thought that since Monday , was wondering how they managed it , definitely would explain weekends mass hysteria, and not something that surprises me at all. Anyone else hearing rumours RM is about to come all out for YES, would be interesting to see what a msm pointing out bt lies and deceptions .

  322. Kevin1 says:

    Can anyone explain these polls putting no in the lead
    I am mostly meeting yes voters, very few no??

  323. digby351 says:

    I was a NO until I read the WBB now I am firmly and staunchly in the YES camp. I do admit to being blasé about the whole thing thinking it was just another pointless referendum vote. My how my eyes have been opened I cant get enough of the debate. My wife thinks Im going mad I haven’t slept in days really,things going round in my head constantly, telling everyone I meet to get there hand on a copy of the WBB.I was asked by an English colleague today that if I voted YES and it affected my job would I be happy? My reply? YES and my reason I work for the UK Govt. albeit in a very minor capacity and if we get Independence I could in all reality lose my job, I don’t care, I want Scottish Power in Scottish Hands not some chinless wonder in WM. When Independence comes on the 18th I will have the biggest smile on my face that my job pales into insignificance. I can easily get another job I can’t get my chance of a fairer more socially just society quite as easily.

  324. fred blogger says:

    call me dave
    yes, i thought it would be handy.
    they use the art of smoke and mirrors to cause distraction.
    this also interesting because of EU competition law, privatization of the NHS is unstoppable.
    this is separate from ttip.
    this is even more important to note in light of bisset’s comments i posted above.
    i daresay they will be much more on the NHS, over the next few days.
    link to

  325. Joe says:

    To paraphrase an old quote , there are lies damn lies and polls , don’t believe any of them , Monday record had an online poll running , when I voted it was at 84% for yes , no chance that will get printed ,

  326. Black Douglas says:

    Don’t be fooled people there are still plenty No voters out there. I live in a rural market town and I would say the split is 50/50. Praying that the Cities make the differnce 🙂

  327. Northerndiver says:

    Somebody said a You Gov poll was coming out tomorrow.

    Well…here is a heads up (my opinion). Its going to show a drop for yes, here is why. I have never trusted the polls from the very start. They always showed Yes far behind what was been seen on the ground. The pollsters knew the real figures but they wanted it to look like No had it ‘in the bag’. Problem was that the No camp and their supporters were acting like it was ‘in the bag’ so were not making much of a effort, hence nobody on the ground. There was now a danger that ‘soft No’s’ may not turn out because it was a sure win, also no need for the likes of standard life to issue their dire warnings.

    So they needed it to look like a close call to give the No side a kick up the arse (I bet everybody with ‘No’ friends on FB has noticed that they are posting more BT/NT rubbish than usual). They are now thinking they could lose. This also let the pound take a hit and make it real.

    Next poll will be around 48Y-52N. Then that gives the MSM all the ammo they need. They will say Yes is in freefall and that Crash Gordon has saved the day, job done.

  328. Scotrock says:

    I’m told that door to door canvassing has the YES group ahead a result that even the NO campaigners agree with. Perhaps this explains the panic?
    We will win this people. Keep doing what we do. Talk to people. Give them a copy of the WBB
    We are positive

  329. Derek M says:

    @ kevin1 its quite simple Kev they have been hoping to create an air of apathy over the referendum ,it is what they have done for years in general elections and local elections hence the very poor turn outs in GE`s and local elections ,what they have failed to grasp is that this is a referendum concerning the future of Scotland and the first time in 300 years where our vote as Scots actually means anything.

  330. Onwards says:

    What I am noticing is a big push by the NO campaign to hold on to traditional labour voters.

    The red NO banners are all over the camera.

    Hopefully, Labour for Independence, or the Radical Independence crew can help to counter this – I hope they are fully funded.
    We need more red YES’s !!

    If we play this right, I can see up to HALF of ex-Scottish labour voters going with a YES vote.

    There are so many people disillusioned with UK Labour and the whole Westminster system, that they want a fresh start.
    And the chance to get rid of the Tories once and for all.

    I just can’t see Ed Miliband getting elected, but even if he did scrape through, there would be little change – Scotland would be put back in the box, as he panders to a southern majority.

    And his ‘one-nation’ agenda will soon water down any devolution proposals into nothing, and try to neuter the Scottish Parliament.

    If we gain independence, I don’t know if the SNP or a real Scottish Labour party would win the first Scottish election – but I would happily accept the decision, knowing that we would be getting a government that the majority of Scots had voted for, in our own sovereign country.

  331. Jim McIntosh says:

    @ James Caithness

    I’ve been asking myself that for days now. Why the f@@k am I paying to provide 24 hr coverage of propaganda to the BT lot.

    If we lose this referendum it’ll be down, in no small measure, to them. I can cancel Sky, not watch ITV, but I still have to pay for the BBC.

    If they thought they could lose 50% of their revenue from Scotland because of this I’m sure everything would be different.

    Perhaps what we need to do after the 19th, irrespective of the result, is everyone who voted YES to cancel their licenses. An act of civil disobedience by over 1.5 million people might shake them up a bit. They can’t take all of us to court, court cases for TV license avoidance are already causing a log jam in the court.

    Anyone who is taken to court should plead not guilty and could be supported by a crowd funder.

  332. Tamson says:


    Never assume your personal sample is accurate. It’s easy to delude yourself into thinking “It must be in the bag, everyone’s saying they are voting Yes”. I work in an office where I only know of one person openly saying they are voting No, but I seriously doubt they are the only one.

    Some people won’t talk. Some people will actively lie to get peace. Some genuinely don’t give a f*** (remember, even if the turnout is going to be at the high end, say 85%, that still means around 1 in every 6 people you meet won’t be voting) Some are, genuinely, scared of saying they are voting No: they’ve been conditioned by the MSM to assume Yes supporters will stab them or worse.

    Keep working, keep positive. Even if the polls were giving Yes or No a 20% lead, I wouldn’t believe them for a second.

  333. heedtracker says:

    @ CameronB Brodie, much of it is absurd public school elitism at its rule britannia worst. So for example, why does the UK need two aircraft carriers now? Only the USA has more than one so at £3+bn each how much better could so much money could be spent on Scots military?

    Also aircraft carriers are weapons of attack foreign policy NOT defence. Norway has none. Carriers are status symbols and belong to a bygone age of British naval history, unless you’re planning to bomb lots people in middle east into the next world.

  334. call me dave says:

    Just had 6 minutes of the Artist Taxi Driver on Munguins…phew! He relieves my stress levels greatly. 🙂

    Scot goes pop has a wee bit about the poll and it’s reassuring because it started to take data 2 days before the YES lead poll.
    I think when he gets his full report in after the embargo deadline there will be much more positive indicators.

    Hey! we were between 12% and 20% behind only a few days ago. We knew the polls were wrong then and are still wrong now.

    Don’t worry its only a transient line in the jam.
    We’ll keep on until the 18th no matter what.

  335. Bill says:

    The Brutish establishment in its death throes. Expect it to get voilent before independence day.

  336. fred blogger says:

    from scottish labour
    doesn’t get to decide who is and isn’t Scottish. We are Team Scotland #LabourNo #indyref
    they are miffed sammin didn’t included them, and failed to notice neither did he exclude them.
    i prefer brain ferry’s version of the song myself?

  337. Tamson says:

    @Jim McIntosh:

    “If they (the BBC) thought they could lose 50% of their revenue from Scotland because of this I’m sure everything would be different.

    Why? As it stands, with a Yes vote they lose 100% of their revenue from Scotland.

    The BBC probably knows it’s dead already in Scotland, anything they can survive with after the 18th is a bonus to their head honchos in London. After the 18th, if there’s a No vote, BBC Scotland will be gutted – redundancies, studio closures, budget cuts. That’s a certainty.

  338. CameronB Brodie says:

    Bloody insurgents. 😀

  339. I intend to stop paying my licence fee. Doing a bit research on it found a case link below plus a little snippet from the case.


    link to

    13. In regards to the decision to redact the document – the issue here is that the TVL Management Team has interpreted the legal definition of “public interest” in purely financial terms, and has shown no regard as to the impact on the legal and lawful rights of the general public. It can be reasonably assumed that the TVL Team lack the objectivity to form an accurate opinion as to what is genuinely in the best interest of the public, as to class the BBC as a “vital service” is a moot point. In respect to the best interest of the public, an individual’s legal and lawful rights far outweigh any financial concerns of the BBC.
    14. For the reasons stated above, the Power Point document must be released un-redacted. To allow such information to be withheld would not only permit, but condone, TVL’s ultra vires activities whilst performing their public duty. What is of prime concern however, is that if TVL’s decision to redact the information is upheld, it would advocate the continued use of unlawful ex parte communications between the BBC/TVL and the judiciary, which would not only prejudice a court case, but also be instrumental in attempting to pervert the course of justice.


    Makes a little point In part 13 –

    ”as to class the BBC as a “vital service” is a moot point. In respect to the best interest of the public, an individual’s legal and lawful rights far outweigh any financial concerns of the BBC.”

  340. Footsoldier says:

    I live in an area which is probably more no than yes and loud about it too.

    It certainly is not in the bag. The worst thing we could do is listen to each other. Get canvassing and listen to the doorstep.

  341. boris says:

    This the reason Scot’s will vote, “Yes” next week. All money goes to London. The jocks get the crumbs, if they are lucky to gather them in the scooroot.

    link to

  342. Karmanaut says:

    We have one poll with Yes in the lead. One poll with us neck and neck. And one poll with us slightly behind. All are within the marging of error.

    That tells us this is neck and neck. We can win this. We know the dire consequences of a NO vote, so we have 7 days for that last push.

  343. Ann says:

    Had NoThanks canvassers round my way tonight. I walked into the vipers nest on my way home from my nightly walk.

    There were more of them than usual, must have been a dozen or more.

    Lots of cars, so must have come from other areas.

    Unfortunately lots of NoThanks posters in many of the houses and a huge big Butchers Apron has just appeared in the last day or two.

    A wee West Fife village is a lost cause.

  344. Tam Jardine says:

    Jesus – just watched Prof Krugman on C4 news run through the old massive Scottish banking sector wheeze – who would bail Scatland out in a banking crisis?

    Do none of these guys read this site?

    John Snow pretty much nailing his colours to the mast: trying to talk up the financial apocalypse: “What is your nightmare scenario (for Scotland)”. “Would there be a run on the banks?”

    Poorest interview I’ve seen for a long time – just as the good Prof (Hughes Hallett) brought up the reality of banks being bailed out where their activity takes place he gets cut off.

    I’m bored with bias – LET MY PEOPLE GO!

  345. Iain Gray's Subway Lament says:

    It might be helpful for Rev Stu to point out the rules that impartial broadcasters were supposed to follow in this final campaign period. 😉

  346. westie7 says:

    Just driven Aberdeen to Paisley, far too many purple banners in fields for my liking. Still work to do

  347. CameronB Brodie says:

    Was it displayed the correct way up though? 🙂

    I’m not having a pop at you as I believe in freedom of speech and expression, but I don’t think calling the Union flag that, will encourage many waverers to vote Yes. Just my opinion. 😉

  348. Thepnr says:

    @CameronB Brodie

    Wee bitty surprised at you Cameron as the Union Flag has been called the butchers apron many many times here on this site.

    I sympathise with Ann, there is nothing more difficult than going against the flow. The cry of a lone wolf is seldom heard let Ann have her say.

  349. HandandShrimp says:


    A farmer can put a dozen giant banners along the roadside but he still has only one vote. It is the same people that put up Tory placards at election time…we still don’t vote Tory though.

  350. muttley79 says:


    Regarding the battle for SLAB voters: I really hope there are going to be more Labour figures in Scotland coming out for a Yes vote in the last week. We have had a decent amount so far: Canavan, McAllion, Sir Charles Gray, Lockhart, Mossan etc but we really need more.

  351. @Ann – I belong to Cowdenbeath what wee West Fife village are you talking about?

  352. tonymac says:

    What about this “guymcV”?

  353. WeeMike says:

    My brother sent me this. They’re doubling up their attacks! They must be shitting themselves. If we tell the rUK we’re using the pound, we’re using it! They’ll just have to deal with it
    link to

  354. Gfaetheblock says:

    Westie, we’re any of them vandalised or damaged? I am finding that a curiously self defeating practice, with examples in fife, the boarders and Stirling over the last week or so.

  355. CameronB Brodie says:

    I wasn’t criticising Ann as she obviously has strong feelings. I just think there might be enough volatility in the run up to the vote, without the use of emotive language possibly egging folk on. 🙂

    We are selling liberation to DKs, who may not share Ann’s emotions. Softly softly, catchy monkey, perhaps? 🙂

  356. Marie clark says:

    come on folks, nae getting downhearted. Sure the merde is flying aboot, but we knew at this stage of the game that it would happen.

    Gave up on EBC and the papers a while ago, I find that it’s better for the blood pressure. I said in another post that at the moment I feel strangely calm just let the crap wash over. But I know that this time next week I’ll probably be reduced to a gibbering wreck.

    Ignore it, as I said earlier it’s time to form the schiltrom and keep pushing forward. We will do this thanks to all of you wingers and others who keep the rest of us going when times are a bit rough.We’ll still be chappin doors and talkin tae folk, that’s how we will win.

  357. CameronB Brodie says:

    What about this “guymcV”?

    A total star, IMO. 🙂

  358. kininvie says:

    I don’t know about the rest of you, but we are finding the vote incredibly polarised into – not just schemes, but individual streets. We had two teams out tonight in adjacent streets within the same ‘affordable’ housing estate. One team came back with an actual No majority (for the first time in weeks) The other teams got the usual 2:1 Yes/No

    It’s a bizarre effect – and I’m not sure anyone has been tracking it. It may not even be true it’s just what we are consistently finding.

    But it does throw an added unknown variable into any pollster’s attempt to get a representative sample.

  359. westie7 says:

    South Aberdeenshire, Brechin and the Perth to Stirling road were infested most with quite a few sprayed over. Had never actually seen anyone putting any up until today when I saw what looked like a farm hand on a quad bike with a few on the back.
    Compare that the Dundee city centre yesterday which was in fine form with the business bus parked up and lost of badges on display all over the town

  360. Who is this new cretin female questioner on stv now. lets the idiot lamont off with saying shite and then constantly interupts Nicola Sturgeon.

    It will happen again with thes twats behaving like the were the YES will benefit.

  361. tonymac says:

    CameronB Brodie says:

    What about this “guymcV”?

    A total star, IMO. 🙂
    Agreed wonder if he’s seen this..?
    tweetin him..

  362. Robert Peffers says:

    Even STV at it now. All this hooha about Standard Life going to leave Scotland is utter bullshit. The common sense, (very much lacking in the journalistic mindset), is very, very simple.

    Every company that operates in any country must establish a head office in that country in order to pay tax on profits, (and get tax relief on losses), and to comply with that countries regulations and laws.

    As the United,KINGDOM is a bipartite union of KINGDOMS and the status quo ante is a return to two independent Kingdoms these companies will need to establish head offices in both Kingdoms – not countries. Those already with an English Head Office will need to establish a head office in Scotland or move out of the Scottish market but will not require to establish head offices in Wales or N. Ireland as both come under Kingdom of England law. The other way round is a company already registered in Scotland will need a registered office in England but not need one in either Wales or N. Ireland.

    Get this though, you can register a company in the present UK for between £20 and £30. You do not even need to have an actual office as the company you get to do the registration will provide a PO. Box and an accomodation address and answer phones for you. So all that Standard Life need do is screw a brass plate to a wall and pay the required tax as from that address.

  363. andy howie says:

    Have the Sun come out for yes and I missed it? Another headline that is yes oriented

  364. liz says:

    @Tamson – I agree. It’s great that there are so many polling Yes.

    We have been out canvassing in the East Ren area and it is hard going.

    But this area is not expected to be a majority Yes, all we can do is our best.

    Eg one lady was saying my pension, I don’t have any info etc, so one of the canvassers said I’ll bring you info on that and went back to her house and handed over the info but the old lady wasn’t really interested.

    We have to accept that some areas are going to be hard but as long as we get more Yes than No that’s what matters.

    I decided tonight to play the – 60% of folk under 40 are Yes do you not think it’s about their future?

  365. dramfineday says:

    Marie Clark

    Well said, plus 1

  366. Chitterinlicht says:

    No matter what result is next week I am very proud of YES movement.

    There have been millions of eyes opened to state lies and medIa manipulation.

    There is a new confidence to challenge what is being said and to think for yourself.

    None of this will go away.

    YES has already won in so many respects.

    I think the YES vote will follow.

    Be proud of yourself
    Be positive with your views
    Be confident in yourself.
    Be yes.
    Be happy.

  367. shug says:

    if labour and tory have a different tax regime in scotland and England the Standard Lifes’ of this world will still have to separate their customers by tax regime
    If there is a dofferent tax regime the client have to be segregated to reflect their different tax treatment

  368. Training Day says:

    We’re into Pyongyang territory with the MSM now. Latest stooge – imported from Radio 5 Live – on STV Scotland Tonight has not interrupted Lamont once but constantly interrupts Sturgeon.

    This bombardment is going to be relentless for the next week. Are the Scottish people strong enough to withstand it?

  369. Ann says:


    Next village up the brae from Culross, Valleyfield and as we know this like other ex-mining villages are very stauch dye-in-the-wool Labour no matter how bad they are.

    Our SNP Councillor Kate Stewart has a very hard job.

    I do find of disheartening, but also funny in a way, because they seem to have forgotten what Margaret Tatcher did to the miners and and to the steel works and car plants and other major maufacturing industries.

    My dad and di will more than likely be birling in their graves at the thought of the Labour Party in Scotland siding with the Tories.

    However if Scotland votes no next week and the fat his the frier I’ll soon have wee “It wisnae me” poster put up on my window.

  370. Thepnr says:


    Totally agree, a sample of 1000 people as what most polls are based on is…meaningless in this referendum.

    If two streets differ so much then how much faith can be put on 1000 phone calls or online polls?

    In my view, very little. I may be proved wrong and the polls turn out to be accurate, with one swinging 22% in only 4 weeks yet the others barely moving I doubt it.

    Polls are just another weapon in the arsenal of the establishment. Think of 1984 and the Ministry of Truth.

    Ignore them.

  371. Andrew Morton says:

    Playing golf in Dunfermline today at the home course of a friend of my golfing partner (who is a Yes). Up until now he’s been a No on the grounds of shared British heritage (Battle of Britain and all that).

    Today he announced that not only had he decided to vote Yes but that his parents had also moved from No to Yes. The reason? “Sick of being lied to.”

    We were having a drink in the sunshine afterwards when we overheard four lady golfers at the next table discussing the Referendum. As we got up to go, I said,

    “Ladies, if any of you are Undecided, can I recommend this?” and held up a copy of the Wee Blue Book.

  372. James123 says:

    Pro-Union journalists on Sky and the BBC discussing headlines from pro-Union newspapers, is that what counts as a free press in this country, what a fucking disgrace.

  373. Great to see people turning to Yes in reaction to recent news stories. But there are lots of unrepentant Nos out there too. We can certainly get a good Yes majority but we really need to keep talking to those who are still undecided or unsure.

  374. Johnnycake says:

    I have been campaigning in Argyll today.The tide is turning for a yes vote.Do not be negative .we have them on the run.Steady light bright brigade,Steady.

  375. John Bell says:

    If anyone’s interested, a Yougov question asked (multiple choice) do you think Scotland will vote for Independence.
    ‘Fairly likely’ was the highest answer with 36%

  376. Andrew Morton says:

    Another surprise last night was when my wife (who hates politics and won’t have it discussed in the house) suddenly said, “Whichever way the vote goes, the Scottish Labour Party are doomed.” If she can see that then there’s no doubt that they’re on their way out.

  377. fionan says:

    o/t Just had a post on fb claiming that Scotland might no longer be included in the pet travel scheme through Europe after 18th if we vote YES. Another poster then claimed her friend who breeds cattle for export to Belgium has been told that the Belgians will no longer buy his cattle unless he moves ssouth, if a YES. Presumably this is coming from DEFRA who are responsible for both these facets of animal transport throughout Europe. Anyone clarify what will happen re DEFRA business relating to animal transport, and is there any way to monitor such stories and refute these, assuming they are just another care story?

  378. fionan says:

    sorry, scare story of course!

  379. Training Day says:

    Now a goebbels-esque sequence on Scotland Tonight with the Northern Irish political editor of the Daily Record giving the narrative we expected – Broon intervenes to save the day.

    Yes is doomed, is the message.

    See you in Edinburgh on Saturday, Davie.

  380. Thepnr says:

    @Andrew Morton

    My wife was exactly the same. Until now.

  381. Auld Rock says:

    My wife tells me that Prescott suggested that there should just be one combined football team, really. Wonder what Tartan Army thinks of that one. Another barrow full of ‘YES’ votes.

    Auld Rock

  382. AndyC says:

    A week to go, only the violence to survive now! (you can feel it coming)
    These people have gone to war for less!
    A wee suggestion for after we win this, and the rats nest formally known as Pacific Quay studios is vacated and boarded up….a summary demolition of said building with all the World’s media in attendance, followed by a firework display and celebrations!
    Clear the way for a proper unbiased truly democratic Scottish broadcaster.
    I’m assuming in that last sentence there really is such a thing as democracy, or was that just ANOTHER lie?

  383. @Liz – you wrote

    ”Eg one lady was saying my pension, I don’t have any info etc, so one of the canvassers said I’ll bring you info on that and went back to her house and handed over the info but the old lady wasn’t really interested.”

    Let them vote NO and if they win don’t let listen to them complain when they need the NHS or care homes. I have no time for these selfish auld gits who would rather see kids in poverty and dependant on foodbanks and not care one jot about the kids. On the other hand I have met other pensioners who are thinking beyond their own self interest and to them I’d do anything for.

    @Ann – My Dad worked in Valleyfield Pit and I used to go to the Valleyfield miners summer treat at Beveredge Park every year and the Valleyfield miners xmas parties. But the days of Labour being the party that was their party has long gone. I depair of these fools. Loads of Valleyfield folk worked in Rosyth Dockyard in the late 80’s with me (after I left the Royal Navy), there was 8,000 employed there now your lucky if theres 1,000. Those loss of jobs was under both Tory and LABOUR governments. FOOLS.

  384. big jock says:

    David Clegg confirming poll was being held and used as propaganda. He says people moved to yes and might have gone back to no after Sterling crash and leaders visit.Outright and utter lies.The data was collected at least 5 days before the leaders visit and just the day of the Sterling drop at best.This is unionist paid up lies don’t worry about the Daily Records and Survation they are working for the Union.Other polls will be out soon which will not follow this.We now know the poll was held and used as spin David Clegg might has well have shown his better together membership card on Scotland Tonight.

  385. Training Day says:

    That edition of Scotland Tonight was like something from Stalinist Tirana, both in its unswerving loyalty to the state and its strident, hectoring browbeating of dissidents.

    It was actually very, very disturbing.

  386. A.N.Surgent says:

    Travelling on a bus today between Kirkcaldy and Burntisland I was
    hard pressed to see any no thanks posters etc except one which was
    lets say altered to read YES please. Much more Saltires and the
    like displayed in more than a few windows.

  387. bunter says:

    Looks like the Tories have got all their banker friends to say that all HQ’s are moving south if YES.

    Faisal Islam @ Sky lapping it up big time.

  388. Mike says:


    Yep watched that and the BBC with that other twat Smith. I will have to stop watching these so called news channels or I will end up kicking my telly to death.
    There is no longer even a pretence to impartiality as the sound was muted deliberately when Alex Salmond was interviewed and we had Johann Lamont in the studio going unchallenged again.
    Both channels are broadcasting and spinning the new poll as a shift in the voting intentions and trend as I predicted would happen last week.
    I absolutely saw this coming after the polls from Yougov.
    I knew the No camp would commission another poll showing them back in front in this case it was the Daily Retard.
    What a shocker.
    Polling results to order.
    The sooner this vote is over the sooner my telly can feel safe again.

  389. HandandShrimp says:

    Survation have staked their fairly new reputation on the line here. If they have called it wrong it will cost them.

  390. Scotspine says:

    Has anyone considered a crowd funded independent academic research of BBC output after the referendum (whichever way it goes) followed by a crowdfunded private prosecution? Surely they must be held to account. I am wholly sick of their pro Union stance. It honestly feels like I am living in a dictatorship!

  391. Edward says:

    BBC Newspaper review was a complete and utter disgrace
    Came close to smashing the tv

    They had two reviewers on
    One , a Scottish woman in Inverness and another , an American woman in the studio

    The impression was supposed balance, but the women in Inverness was told that they have to cut her off for reasons not explained. So it was left to the American

    The American was so condescending and clearly against independence. The BBC guy was struggling to maintain any sense of balance.

    I think the BBC guy said the American bitch used to be with the State department

  392. big jock says:

    Indeed Scotland Tonight lined up the usual scares about financial ruin and no back in the lead.So one poll with out of date data showing no change was a disaster for yes according to the presenter.State sponsored media control.Disgraceful!

  393. caledonia says:

    Do not know if this has been posted
    link to

  394. bookie from hell says:

    The Scotsman declaring NO tomorrow

    no point them declaring

    (. : >. )

  395. kestral says:

    The electoral commission replyto my question on “new powers” after postal votes have gone out

    Thank you for your e-mail.

    The Electoral Commission is responsible for regulating campaign spending and donations. The Scottish Independence Referendum Act 2013 (the Act) places no restrictions on what any campaigner can say or produce at any time during the referendum campaign as long as they stay within the spending limits that have been set by the Scottish Parliament and follow the guidance that we have issued.

    The Commission has no powers to regulate the activities of either the Scottish or the UK Governments. However, Schedule 4, para 26(2) places restrictions on certain Scottish public bodies publishing material related to the referendum in the 28 days before the poll. The UK Government are not bound by the Act but have undertaken to adhere to the same restrictions.

    You can find a factsheet that we have produced on the public bodies and referendum material here link to This includes the contact details you need with regard to any concerns you may have about the activities of either the Scottish Government ( or the UK Government (Propriety&

    I hope this response is helpful.

    Na – actually it wasn’t in the least bit helpful to find out that the people watching the politicians are the civil servants

    ethics – nearly choked when I read that – in westminster ethics!!!!!!!

  396. sausage fingered luddite says:

    Newdigate just now Danny Alexander is a proud Scot. Should be worse in a minute when Lord Robertson of Catastrophe comes on.

  397. sinky says:

    Bbc newsnight wall to wall no scotland propaganda and not a yes spokesperson in sight

  398. A.N.Surgent says:

    These firms that want to leave are all supping from the same wasteminster trough. Good riddance to them I say im sure theres
    more than enough businesses to take up the slack.

  399. Fireproofjim says:

    Today shows the lengths the MSM and Westminister will go to to attack democracy in Scotland.
    A carefully co-ordinated release of news implying that Lloyds, RBS, Standard life and others will leave Scotland, and Mark Carney saying that Scotland will need Massive reserves to support the economy. Vanishing oil reserves. BP wanting everything their own way. And so on!
    All this simultaneously with all the (London Owned) newspapers attacking everything to do with Independence.
    Don’t worry. All this is is the wild flailings of a fatally wounded establishment. Keep calm. Carry on and vote YES.

  400. sausage fingered luddite says:

    Ffs! I meant newsnight. Bloody (Un)predictive text…

  401. Nana Smith says:

    We are not alone feeling the scaremongering is way overboard now.

    link to

  402. liz says:

    @James Caithness – I know we were saying much the same – like going round wearing T-shirts saying – happy with your means testing and council tax increase x 3 – hell mend you.

    We were supporting each other just having a laugh – shall we wave with 2 fingers etc – childish but cheering ourselves up.

    One guy went back to ‘base’ and said ‘gonnae give me a more positive round next time’ – response ‘we’re the front line.’

  403. sausage fingered luddite says:

    Fanny Alexander almost as angry as darling when he gets asked a question he doesn’t like.

  404. Scotspine says:

    I am hearing and reading exasperation everywhere regards BBC ( I just don’t watch it anymore, so infuriated I was ).

    There has to be a reckoning.

  405. Thepnr says:


    “All this is is the wild flailings of a fatally wounded establishment.”

    Let’s do the decent thing and put them out of their misery on the 18th. No need to continue the suffering.

  406. kestral says:

    Has anyone considered a crowd funded independent academic research of BBC output after the referendum

    No need – all we need to do is gather the masses to stop paying

    So I would rather crowd fund a good lawyer to tell us how to do it without risking jail – than pay a fortune (years of legal fighting) to prosecute them

    Just as all we need to do is gather the masses and not buy or look at any MSM newspaper for a month

    Time for people power folk – every one of you has the ability as a group to take them on and hurt them where it really hurts – money

  407. big jock says:

    Remember what Nicola Sturgeon said guys.The British government is going to throw every dirty trick in the book at us this next 7 days.We must remain positive and strong as we all know we are ahead.The good thing is just one more week and we can send them packing!

  408. A.N.Surgent says:

    Stop buying them it must be a decade or more since I last bought
    a paper. If you have access to the internet they are redundant.

  409. Tam Jardine says:


    Did you get the music for the vox pop segment of Newsnight – like they were reporting on life on a different planet – a strange new world full of Yes voters!

  410. steve andrews says:

    too much whining and regurgitation of how unfair the Establishment is – what did u expect? – to them this is a revolution – did Che Guevara , Lech Valesa Jimmy Reid harp on about the odds against them ?! Naw ! they carried on the fight. It’s awright us lot sittin at oor computers bemoaning all and sundry but we have foot soldiers out there, the canvassers, the door knockers, the arguers at work, indignadoes – they need spirits lifting and most of all they need “ammunition” , the facts , the arguments to defeat this latest establishment attack. Gordon Broon can be easily discredited as a politician never to be trusted – well lets do that, list his betrayals, his failures. The proposed “new powers” ? could they actually ever see the light with the westminster system ? Do the new powers allow us to stop our soldiers being sent to illegal USA wars? Trident to be replaced with a scottish navy and base , will the powers allow it? NHS ???? come on get working, you are the intelligentsia and your people need you !

  411. Edward says:

    Take it as read that crap on your fb page
    is total BOLLOX
    pet travel scheme through Europe will remain unchanged
    and the Belgiuns as well as the rest of the EU countries will continue to buy cattle from Scotland

    Though I cant guarantee we will not get pestilence, raining frogs or the three horsemen

  412. Scotspine says:

    Is there an international criminal court who would investigate state sponsored collusion with BBC and other main stream media to undermine the democratic will of the people of Scotland?

  413. Nana Smith says:

    No surprise, the Scotsman declaring for NO tomorrow.

    Re privatisation of the NHS…

    link to

  414. ronnie anderson says:

    Goodnite folks I can only take so much in one day, & lord Robertsons just to much, anyhow Im up early to do the train stations, good nite all.

  415. Papadox says:

    Lord George Robertson speaking absolute shite again and telling us all how wonderful he is.

  416. Training Day says:

    The London owned MSM which masquerades as ‘Scottish’ has, on cue with a week to go, divested itself of any pretence at balance. It is now openly at war with democracy in Scotland. It’s so bad that we’re now pining for Gordon Brewer and John McKay, as the Sarah Smiths and Asmaah Mirs parachuted in from London take over our screens.

    A No vote is looking like Scotland’s death warrant.

  417. HandandShrimp says:

    Will anyone notice the Scotsman declaring for No

    1) They did it 2 years ago
    2) No one reads it

  418. CameronB Brodie says:

    bookie from hell
    I gave a WBB to a Scotsman employee today, who told me they weren’t sure. Very gratefull and promised to pass it on after reading. 🙂

    That is a true and factual acount, not a spun message, btw.

  419. Thepnr says:

    @steve andrews

    I agree, but don’t shout too much. Many here are much more than just keyboard warriors in their contribution.

  420. Joe Swan says:

    Lord Robertson on Newsnight is ‘de-stabilising the West’, ‘dismembering the armed forces’ and being his ‘catastrophic’ self as usual.

    Not getting it all his way either.

  421. sausage fingered luddite says:

    Waited patiently for Robertson to be asked about gun licenses amongst all that armed forces talk…

  422. Iain Gray's Subway Lament says:

    When you speak to undecideds asking about newspaper scare stories you simply ask them if they believe everything they read in the papers. They are pretty much with you on that anyway and have little to no trust in the tabloids.

    That still leaves some who seem to think because it’s on the telly news it must be true.

    So for them it’s very simple and most effective to remind them that everyone on the telly news said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that invading Iraq was a great idea. You very soon see the penny drop when they take into account something as serious and life or death as lying about a war.

    Not that you need to do much persuading now that the westminster controlled media have given up all pretence of impartiality and are openly acting as the propaganda arm of the No campaign.

    Yes or No they are going to face a reckoning for this. Newspapers have already seen some circulations in virtual freefall. The broadcast media will be next.

  423. Tam Jardine says:

    Did George Robertson just describe our future Scottish Defence Force as a ‘Dad’s Army’?

    He is beneath contempt.

  424. liz says:

    This is their last throw of the dice – some soft Yes’s might waver but they’re speaking mainly to the converted.

    Do you think the new voters who’ve just registered give a f**k where Lloyds HQ is?

    Whatever happens the UK is a busted flush – too many eyes have been opened and a lot more folk will not believe the BBC again – their license fee will be history – see how those over privileged lot cope in the ‘real world’.

  425. Dr Ew says:

    Does anyone really expect them to keep to the rules? The standard of journalistic scrutiny by the Fourth Estate has been woeful, the reporting supine. Had this “back of a fag packet” mumble of “new powers” been cobbled together on any other topic, the media would be ripping it to shreds – the delusional has-been Gordon Brown pitches up blathering about a St Andrews Day to Burns’ Night timetable… his protege Ed Balls directly contradicting him just hours before… Downing Street with no idea of what was going on… Malcolm Tucker popping veins and eyeballs as he waxes splenetic, spraying spittle over poor Ed Miliband’s big pouty face.

    Hours later they’re hoisting the Saltire all over England. “We love you, Scotland!” I’ve had messages from friends in England, outraged at this debacle – their leaders have blurted out all this nonsense with no consultation, no debate and have no mandate whatsoever.

    They needed worry. Either Scotland will vote Yes and all this drivel becomes academic, or we vote No and we’ve shot our bolt. Does anyone – anyone except the most deluded Lib-Labourite No campaigner – believe any of this will come to pass? After a NO on 19th September there will only be one show in town – the 2015 UK General Election. The Mail, the Express, the Telegraph, the Sun, The Times, the Star and the Standard will all switch to max Jock-bashing mode, convinced we’ve no belly for another fight anytime soon. The Guardian and the Independent will wring their hands. The English electorate will be whipped up – “Why should we give the subsidy junkies free heroin?!”. Every Tory will have a UKipper breathing down his neck. They’ll take their lead from Boris – “No kowtowing to the Jocks!” – and play to the worst prejudices of their constituents. 2015 will be a squaky-bum election – so watch how quick Labour ditches its “Jock-lover” label so as not to lose face to Essex Man. Not a single MP will walk through those lobbies without first having extracted a concession.

    Our ‘Home Rule’ will be more tax raising powers, but not the big ones not the oil revenues, not the corporation tax. The DWP will still wreak havoc amongst the weakest and our soceity will be same old, same old but worsen by the day. We’ll have no power to divest ourselves of nuclear weapons and divert the billions into education or childcare or the NHS. The UK will sign up to TTIP and a devolved Scottish Government, not being the government of a sovereign nation, will not have the power to opt out. Creeping privatisation will get off its knees and run amok. The Barnett Formula will be slashed or junked, meaning the dog’s breakfast currently vaunted by David, Nick & Ed will be served up laced with arsenic and spiked with cyanide – and any Scottish Government will be left with it all over their face as the Scottish electorate turn on them when the inevitable amputations to public services ensue.

    Alistair Darling conceded today that Westminster retains the power to dissolve the Scottish Parliament but that it never would, any more than it would use its power to dissolve the NHS. People wouldn’t stand for it, he said. Well, the NHS is just a name – it’s internal market is a shark’s soup for big pharmaceuticals, staffing agencies, management consultants, caterers, cleaning conglomorates and it’s all about to get much, much worse. The NHS Dr Jeykll is having its character utterly transformed and TTIP will turn it finally, irrevocably into Mr Hyde. They executed the same gameplan under Birt at the BBC, and on the Post Office. They’re the same institutions in name only.

    So take heed if you think you’re voting for “Devo Max” next week, or “Home Rule” or even “greater powers”. Wesminster spits on losers. It’s the Eton Way.

  426. Lesley-Anne says:

    Well I’m back from a fantastic night in Annan tonight. I’m always been known for being up for a YES victory but after tonight my uppiness just got MORE uppy! 😉

    Oh did I mention the reason for my increase in uppiness? No? well I’ve been to see Tommy Sherridan in Annan do what he does best … explain why we MUST vote YES next Thursday. 😛

    I want to put up the video I took but it’s taking for ever to upload to the Google + thingy. I’ll do it as soon as I’ve figured everything out … probably at the end of 2016. 😛

    In the meantime I hope this link works.

    link to

  427. CanWeHAveOurDemocracyBack? says:

    Walking through the most affluent parts of Glasgows west end yesterday, just for fun, we decided to keep a note of the Yes and No posters in the windows of each property.

    Surely it would be around 50/ 50 in line with all the polls?!?

    It was actually 23 YES and 4 NOs. I like those odds!

    Later on, walking around the streets between Hillhead and St Georges Cross subway stations, (A less affluent area with sizeable asian and Student populations) we spotted 19 flats with YES and only 2 Nos. Its a little thing but it put a smile on our faces.
    Keep the faith we ARE going to win, but we need to do so by as big a margin as possible.

  428. fred blogger says:

    Nana Smith
    this is interesting.
    link to

  429. crazycat says:

    @ fionan

    Surely all those things about pets and animals are exactly the sort of issues that will be dealt with during negotiations, and which the UK government (including DEFRA) has ruled out pre-negotiation about?

    I’ve just skim-read this : link to and if I have understood it, anyone wishing to transport live animals must register in one and only one member state, but can transport the animals into other member states.

    So it can’t be the case that DEFRA controls what happens in the rest of the EU. After independence, a Scotland in the EU would have its equivalent of DEFRA, which would issue licences. Livestock passing through England on the way to continental Europe would be subject to inspection by officials there and in all the other countries they pass through (though clearly that isn’t very efficient at present, judging by the horsemeat masquerading as beef) but I really don’t see why Belgium should block it (Scottish beef is a premium product), provided all the functions of DEFRA were being fulfilled by the new Scottish ministry.

    I suspect this is a rehash of “you won’t be in the EU”. I may be wrong, of course.

    Whatever happens in the long run, there will certainly not be a sudden change to pet transport rules on the 19th!

  430. Straight outta Smithton says:

    The beef cattle sector is worth about £1.3billion pa, or just over 1% of our GDP. That is a huge animal welfare issue if they can’t be marketed. They’ll happily let the weans waste away but Europe is not going to have an animal welfare issue of its own making, not least cos of the disease risk. Ask your buddy how many cattle would need be detroyed and then ask who would benefit from generating such fears – either politicians or his buyers – which one does he think it is?

    I had a baker tell me no one would supply him with flour…

  431. Fiona says:

    @ Dr Ew

    Well said.

  432. liz says:

    @steve andrews -Yes we know – we come on here to let of steam and then get back out on the streets tomorrow.

    If it wasn’t for spaces like WoS, I would stay under the duvet for the next 7 days.

  433. Rock says:


    “A week to go, only the violence to survive now!”

    And a very likely rigging of the vote.

    Can we be absolutely sure that postal votes will not have been interfered in any way at all and will be counted as actually cast?

  434. Karmanaut says:

    We’re going to win this. It is 50/50 right now at the very least and the momentum is still hugely with yes. I know of 4 out of 5 members of a family that recently moved from staunch No to Yes. And I’m hearing stories like that all the time. And do you think all those tens of thousands who queued to sign up, did so to vote No?

    Not a chance.

    MSM is presenting a very biased view, interviewing No voters all the time, trying to portray Yes in the worst light.

  435. A.N.Surgent says:

    Stay strong people, even if it is a no vote, be proud of the
    fact that you voted in the best interests of YOUR country the
    others voted in the best interests of themselves.

    Good night

  436. Iain Gray's Subway Lament says:

    As for the economic scaremongering, it’s just a shame that the westminster media and their lackeys somehow don’t understand we scots heard it all before the Devolution referendum. That went well for them, didn’t it? 😉

  437. Scotspine says:


    Non payment is for the short term. I have no doubt that in the event of our worse fears, many many folk will slump back into viewing the morphia of reality shows, celebrity dance pish, eastenders and round after round of 5 minutes every half hour of smiley girl on morning bbc news feeding us “news where we are” of tractors causing traffic jams, drug users killing each other and members of the royal family visiting agricultural shows, not to mention our miniaturised “national” weather map.

    The people will go back to their comfort zone and the few that stop paying their licence fee will eventually be prosecuted. See how effectively they dealt with the rioters in london ( there were thousands of them remember) by bringing in special weekend courts etc?

    The BBC and any other organisation, be they political or “state”, need to be punished and humiliated in front of the world for colluding to pervert the democratic process with the use of overt and covert bias and the promotion of misleading information, lies and suppression of the truth.

    I suggest we get the Referendum out the way and then look at an investigation followed by prosecutions.

  438. Wee Alex says:

    I got talking to an SNP councillor out canvassing tonight. He doesn’t think the 3 amigos trip north had anything to do with the opinion polls.

    He believes that the No Campaign team are finding the same trends on the doorstep as we are finding.

    He expects the No’s to move its entire door knocking team to Labour areas in the last week.

    Usual high percentage of people not in but only 2 no’s of the 28 I spoke to.

  439. Robert Peffers says:

    @muttley79 says: 10 September, 2014 at 6:38 pm:

    “Why do 53 per cent of people in Scotland not see this?”

    That’ll be because 53% of the people of Scotland don’t not see it. Tell me, muttley, how do the several polling companies managed to survey those poorer people in Scotland who have no expensive telephone land-line but instead use pay-as-you-go mobile phones?

    How do they survey those who are also not on-line with computers for on-line surveys? How do the stop-on-the-street surveys get the views of the people in the sprawling housing schemes when their surveys are conducted on High Streets? The answer is they don’t survey their views.

    The level of YESSERS among those poorer, dwellers in sprawling estates is almost 100% but with the proviso these have been historically the least likely to even register to vote. Thing is, though, that there has been massive numbers of these people who have now registered for a vote. They have obviously been inspired to become engaged in the referendum where before they felt disenfranchised. If they have bothered for the first time to register they would seem, logically, to be bothered to actually vote. I’ve spoken, even this morning, with several such persons and have been surprised at their intelligent questions and impressed by their enthusiasm. I think YES has actually been ahead for nany weeks and the NO lot know it.

  440. Lesley-Anne says:

    I agree with you there Karmanaut, in my view 99% of everyone who was caught up in the recent rush to register will be voting YES. As you say why would they be rushing to register to vote NO.

    Everyone, other than those who have recently moved house, who have been registering are those who have been disenfranchised with the whole electoral system. Independence is seen by them as a chance to re-energise that system and make politicians more accountable.

    The whole media circus is trying to make out that there is a 2 to 1 split on these new registered voters for YES. Absolutely NO chance. Everyone who is going to vote will already be a registered voter. These people are the types of folk who believe in all the garbage currently being spewed out by the media/BBC/SKY etc. They are not they type of person who has not registered to vote.

  441. Grouse Beater says:

    Crooked banks are announcing they will ‘leave Scotland in the event of a No vote.’

    Do you think they have gotten wind of severe constraints on their thieving in an independent Scotland?

    Lloyds, still attracting huge fines for theft and ‘mis-selling, RBS almost all owned by the UK and USA, and now the latest recruit to ‘let’s get the hell outa here’ Clydesdale.

    Do you think the bonus-laden bosses have had a wee conference call amongs each other? Do you think they bothered to consult their shareholders or staff?

    Do you think moving their brass plate will have the people of Scotland weeping in the streets?

    Do you think we might give them their bus fares to leave?

  442. fred blogger says:

    who else is coming to annoy us over the next few days?

  443. ben madigan says:

    bit O/T
    some more cheer to raise spirits!

    listen to prof tom Devine wipe the floor with Tory anglo-irish Ruth Dudley Edwards
    link to
    from 33mins to 40 approximately

  444. Justin Ross says:

    Does anyone know what the latest situation is on WoS representatives being present at counting stations for the count? I remember the Rev organizing this a while back? Anyone got latest info?

    I really believe we will vote Yes, but scared that the votes are tampered with (either postal or en route to count centres). I wouldn’t put anything past the British establishment. Remember Dougie Alexander and the 2007 election, Glenrothes?

  445. CameronB Brodie says:

    I have heard that the momentum of an object requires an equal and opposite force to alter it’s trajectory. Will word of mouth defeat the BBC/MSM monster? Stay tuned for the next thrilling installment of “Unionist in Disarray”. 🙂

  446. call me dave says:

    Comments section of Scot goes Pop latest poll worth a read.

    Poll suspect (Record).
    BTNT polling is showing same as the consensus here etc.
    Two saying add 10% to YES
    16 to 18 age group not done right

    Separate thing:
    Heard McWhirter on radio 5 live say that the Scotsman were considering backing YES until the Record poll came out.??
    Well that’s what he said.

  447. Deontas says:

    The scary (and I mean that) part of the whole debate for me is the NO voters actually allowing themselves to be used abused and dropped when not needed in the future by Lamont, Cameron, Milliband, Rennie and associates etc etc

    In any other walk of life you would have no association with these shysters whatsoever but yet the NO voters are happy to blindly sail on full steam ahead…………ICEBERG!!!! then we know the rest.

    Keep positive folks, we will do this!

  448. bookie from hell says:

    The Mirror calling 47% YES black weds

    unionists will be looking at that figure in horror

    CHEER UP everyone

  449. h_johnny says:

    The unionists are loving it tonight, talks of all the banks leaving. They are rubbing their hands in glee at headlines of ‘1000’s of Scottish bank jobs to go’, HQ’s moving’.

    Do BT really think getting into bed with corrupt banks is going to impress anyone? Banks/bankers have been roundly hated since 2008 and now they think they can threaten our livelihoods.

    I know they have only made contingency plans(saying nothing new) but the media are spinning it for all its worth.

    There are Scottish unionists loving these headlines tonight, they have no shame.

  450. boris says:

    Thatcher guru admits they were wrong about finance

    link to

  451. AndyC says:

    BBC have just declared that clydesdale bank will leave Scotland!
    The Establishment are really pulling at the purse strings tonight folks…they must be more worried than I thought they were!
    We really have got ’em sittin’ on the pan, their troosers aroond their ankles.
    Only 1 week to go…hold steady…wait till you see the whites of their eyes….then mark your X in the box.

  452. HandandShrimp says:

    If a unionist was concerned about job losses I could understand but it is the untrammeled glee with which they celebrate possible job losses (and the language is gleeful there is no disputing that) that make it impossible for me to consider for one second to side with them.

    That said I feel sorry for anyone dragged from beautiful Edinburgh to live in a £500,000 shed in London

  453. Lesley-Anne says:

    As far as I’m concerned the BT gang can get all over the moon excited about the RBS, Lloyds etc threatening to move South. Personally I couldn’t give a whatsit! They are the BIGGEST gang of crooks in the land. London is welcome to have these crooks in their midst. It will make their trips to WM so much easier!

  454. Caledonia says:

    Re the BBC now looking at stopping paying the licence as well

    Only way is to vote with your feet and will never buy the daily record again either but if the sun comes out for yes will buy it

  455. AndyC says:

    @Justin Ross 11:57
    Of COURSE they will tamper with the votes, they are getting away with everything else without being called to account.
    Too much money, power and prestige involved.
    It was always obvious

  456. boris says:

    Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling Architects of the UK financial crisis of 2007

    link to

  457. Deontas says:

    Ben Madigan @ 11:56, Superb stuff from Tom Devine, thanks!

  458. Okay folks lets make the BBC pay. Imagine 2,000,000 YES voters not paying their Licence fee anymore. Let the BBC know this is coming.

    link to

    link to

    Remember the phrase ” I am removing my implied rights of access ”.

    Thoughts my friends.

  459. Training Day says:

    Corruption, jobbery, fearmongering and a wholly compliant and utterly prostituted media. Banks bailing out, corrupt reporters on Sky sneering at ’emotions’ beating ‘facts’, a barrage of mendacious and amoral nonsense attacking democracy.

    That, folks, is Great Britain today. Fancy making a maudlin opening ceremony out of this decrepitude, Danny Boyle?

  460. JWil says:

    I think there are going to be an awful lot of angry people tomorrow when they hear about companies threatening to leave Scotland in order to force a NO vote.

    Multinationals want to control the activities of ordinary people from the cradle to the grave and there has been growing resentment building about them long before the referendum came on the scene. One chink of light in the matter is that the Chairman of BUPA, which has a direct interest in private health care in the NHS, has coming out on the NO side which will open up the discussion again about the threat to the Scottish NHS from privatisation. If this does not scare people I don’t know what will. Even the Labour Party should be worried and if not, why not?

    The whole independence issue was discussed again on Newsnight last night, with Keith Brown pitted against George Robertson (comic cuts) in one discussion and Prof Kaye and two others in a separate debate.

    It’s worth listening to.

  461. cearc says:

    None of the polls have anyway to factor in ‘new’ voters and nor have they tried to make any allowance for them.

    I know a couple who have not voted since ’79. They are voting this time though!

  462. SqueuedPerspextive says:

    If I was a big company and I wanted to ‘leave Scotland’ (obviously as cheaply as possible – to keep the bonus up) all I would do is change the headquarters -via a form. Mind you if the tax turned out to be cheaper (and my bonus bigger) when everyone had forgotten about that stuff – well, shhhh.

  463. liz says:

    Well said – Tom Devine – I’m really glad he has come out in favour of yes.

    When out leafletting today I also got this bollocks about JK Rowling – I have read JKs argument in favour of BT and I have to say she doesn’t have a clue.

    Who the hell is that Ruth woman and what utter trash was she spouting?

  464. Joe Swan says:

    Forget the polls. The MSM media are still trying to manipulate the DKs and the Nos.

    IMO we are still behind, as far as the votes already cast (postal votes) are concerned. Not that the ballot papers being opened now are too thin to see through or anything, but consider that those votes are more likely to have been posted by older voters, who may not have been able to get to polling stations and were too worried about their pensions. Not a surprise given the MSM and BT canvassers ramping up of their total lies. They had not witnessed the total meltdown of BT this week, the Three Amigos or the ridiculous ‘new powers timetable’ gambit from SLab. We have got to make sure the pensioners still to vote get the truth.

    There are also some pockets of middle-class areas that are still a hard slog when canvassing, Worried about mortgages, money, me, me … When I find someone who has converted from No straight to Yes, I ask them, “How many others have you converted?” The question takes them aback a wee bit, then they realise what this is all about. I have passed quite a few WBBs to recent converts who know people they think can be converted.

    Tomorrow I shall be mostly chatting up grannies and middle-class people.

    Here comes the London/Westminster/Corporate/Banksters/MSM/Project Fear/Sh!tstorm with a week to go. The goal is there. Let’s keep our heads engaged and ram it home with style.

  465. Scotspine says:

    Anyone know a good Scottish bank I can use?

    Just sent notice to the Clydesdale (supposedly leaving Scotland in the event of YES) that they will no longer get my business as soon as I find another bank.

  466. Justin Ross says:

    Strange that the “Swinneyleaks” story from March 2013 is now the 3rd most read story on The Herald Online tonight. How did a story that old suddenly get that high? THEY ARE AT IT!

    C’mon, lets all start reading this, erase our browsing history and then read the story again. Lets get rid of their propaganda if they wanna play games

  467. Dr JM Mackintosh says:

    it already has. CB is owned by National Australia Bank and is run from down South.

  468. I sent this FOI request through the WHATDOTHEYKNOW website. I hope they realise that all the YES campaign doing this will remove £144 x 2,000,000 yessers = £288,000,000 from their budget. COME ON people lets do it.

    From: James Caithness

    11 September 2014

    Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,

    Can you explain to me why the BBC has been so BIASED in favour of
    the UK Government and the NO Campaign throughout the Scottish

    link to

    link to

    Yours faithfully,

    James Caithness

  469. Lesley-Anne says:

    It is not just their not having any way of factoring in new voters cearc. As far as I am aware, when the various polling companies carry out their after polling calculations they use factors like how the pollee voted in 2010 or 2011. Now that will probably work in a normal General Election polling situation. However, as this is NOT a normal G.E. then they have, in my view, a serious problem. None of the polling companies have any way of calculating the numbers of 2010/2011 Tory. LibDem. Labour voters who will be voting YES on 18th. In my view this means that all the polling results they are working out is seriously flawed.

  470. arranc says:

    1 barraload of sherm

  471. CameronB Brodie says:

    The Corporation : The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power
    link to

  472. msean says:

    Clydesdale Bank – isn’t that our old friend Mr Abbott at work? Australian owned I think. The bank no one wanted to buy.

  473. HandandShrimp says:

    The Guardian seems to be racking up an anti-independence story at the rate of about one an hour. It is actually incredible. OK very few people in Scotland read the Guardian so it is largely irrelevant but the sight of the media responding to the establishment dog whistle is a revelation. I will never trust a media outlet again after this is over.

  474. liz says:

    My goodness – oil rich, resource rich Scotland with NO banks.

    Personally if we get a Yes I would tell all the banks to get to hell whilst transferring all assets to a New Scottish Bank – but that’s way off in the timeline – the people who are trying to subvert democracy need to be held to account.

    I firmly believe that if we make it through the next week AS will have already had talks with the right folk in the EU and everything will change.

  475. msean says:

    You hear of these things in North Korea and such,never thought we would see it actually happen here,in front of our eyes. Shocking bias.

  476. Barbara Watson says:


    Try a Credit Union. They really are safe and secure.

  477. Lesley-Anne says:

    Tommy Sherridan does a selfie before he started tonight in Annan where the audience count is estimated to be around 300. 😛

    link to

  478. Scotspine says:

    A vote for NO is your acceptance of state subversion of democracy.

  479. CameronB Brodie says:

    The Corporation : The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power

    It won umpteen international film awards and got 8.2 on IMDB.

    link to

  480. liz says:

    @Lesley-Ann – that’s brilliant – an antidote to the bollocks that is the MSM.

    That’s one of the reasons why we love WoS.

  481. Lesley-Anne says:

    Just a wee photo Liz. I’m working on trying to get the video of tonight’s event uploaded to Google so I can get it linked over. It will probably be well into tomorrow afternoon before I can do that though unfortunately. 😀

  482. @scotspine – make the banks pay. Over the last 3 years I have had over £4,000 from the banks in goodwill gestures.

    You need to know that the lowest erk at the bank has the authority to give you a £50 goodwill gesture. As you go up payscales its more.

    Now if they upset you, and I have had some trivial upsets, what you do is threaten to go to the financial ombudsman. Now the financial ombudsman charges the bank something like £6-700 for the privilege of investigating the bank or other financial company (whoever takes money from you).

    So its in the bank or other financial organisation best interest to give you a goodwill gesture rather than be charged £6-700 from the financial ombudsman.

    scotspine – the distress that hearing has caused you that the Clydesdale bank, your bank, is talking about moving to England , I would say warrants at least a £50 goodwill gesture.

    The Financial Ombudsman is a Government body and therefore has to be seen to be investigating to secure its budget. This ensures their wages. So the FO has to also be seen to actually find in the customers favour.

    But that doesn’t really matter, the fact that it charges the banks etc to investigate them, makes it worth the banks to give you your £50 rather than incurring a heftier charge.

    The FO won’t actually investigate until all the organisations (banks E.G.) complaints procedure has been completed, but they will right a wee letter to them right away if you ask them to. Now that wee intervention gees the organisations/banks right up. Generally the banks don’t need to be gee’d up.

    Make the B’stards pay.

  483. Scotspine says:

    Thanks Barbara.

    I think what we need though is a new Scottish citizens bank. Maybe one which could issue a new currency

    Given the behaviour of Osbourne, Darling etc over the CU, it would be fantastic to tell them we now don’t need a CU, they can go f@ck themeselves as far as the UK debt is concerned and they can explain how this has come to pass to their electorate .

  484. I meant to say the FO has to find in the customers favour some times.

  485. CameronB Brodie says:

    Talking about uploading to YT, would it be possible to create a multimedia video of the WBB, and stick that on YT? Folk with Tivo and no internet can still get hold of it then, even if not in the hand.

    Nothing fancy but functional.

  486. Scotspine says:

    Thanks James.

    The problem for me though is that the behaviour of these banks, media, westminster ministers etc is getting me really angry.

    I wish they could be taken to the border of Scotland by the scruff and simply ejected without ceremony.

  487. X_Sticks says:

    Steady folk, keep calm. The Survation poll is perfect. Exactly what we need.

    They breathe a sigh of relief and it’ll galvanise even more Yes people to get out and work for it.

    This weekend is going to be something else. I predict huge numbers out for Yes and that will sway minds.

    The No Orange Order Thanks Better Together celebratory march isn’t going to do them any good.

    Cameron back on Monday.

    Let’s get out there. Home straight.

  488. Scotspine says:

    If it’s a matter for the people of Scotland as Cameron suggested when he turned down a debate with the First Minister, can’t the chinless wonder be told to slink off back to Westminster and butt out? He can’t have it both ways!

  489. Onwards says:

    I understand the Airdrie Savings Bank is the only independent bank left in Scotland – I remember Brian Soutar investing in it. Also Tom Farmer, Angus Grossart.

    If they were smart they would rename it as a Scottish-wide national bank, and try to snap up disaffected customers.

  490. liz says:

    @Onwards – excellent – if we survive next week – we could campaign for this to be our national bank.

  491. heedtracker says:

    link to

    We will win.

  492. AndyC says:

    Just had a thought…apply to join the Eurozone…wouldn’t bother me, money’s money.
    All that oil money sloshing around would stabilise the euro whilst the pound crashes and takes all their stinking rotten capitalist banks and associated Shysters down with it!

  493. AndyC says:

    The same article says the Dundee courier and Aberdeen press and journal have pursued a largely neutral course!

  494. geeo says:

    Not much of a banker but if all these banks leave (as in moving their brass plaque south) does that not mean they do not become a liability to an indy Scotland in times of potential crisis?

    If we do not have a LOLR and combine that with proper banking regulation to avoid casino banking then surely this is a good thing ?

    Is it not the case of presumptions by anti independence minded people that Scotland will continue to follow the failed westminster policies on banking amongst most other issues.

    That basically amounts to an admission the current uk systems are inherently badly flawed ?

  495. Fiona says:

    This whole thing about the banks is odd.

    LLoyds is described as a Scottish bank, but it is headquartered in London and it seems always to have been an english bank. The registered office is also in London, but that is merely the postal address. It used to be registered in Scotland but that changed when it had to sell off part of the business because because the EU deemed the rescue to be state aid: and so it created TSB Bank PLC. Which is now a separate company. This is arguably a Scottish bank, headquartered in Edinburgh, though it should be noted that, it has 631 branches of which 185 are former Lloyds TSB Scotland branches and the rest are mostly in England and Wales. It has administrative centres in Edinburgh, Bristol, Gloucester, Birmingham and London.

    Lloyds shed 30,000 jobs between Feb 2009 and August 2011. So the threat of job losses following a vote for independence is, once again, a threat to do what has already happened. TSB Bank PLC employes a total of 8,600 staff, not all of whom will be employed in Scotland given the information about the location of the branches above. Unless we are to believe that all branches will close I can’t really see what the threat is here.

    link to

    The UK government sold some of the shares it held after the bail out for about 75p in 2013. Yet when the shares in TSB Bank PLC were offered for sale on the market, in compliance with the requirement to sell due to the EU ruling they were sold for £2.60 each. Reminds me of the royal mail, in a way. But it does rather suggest that the Scottish company is worth rather more than the english one, does it not? Nor does this bank appear to have suffered a fall in its share price over the last few days since yesterday they closed at 283p

    link to

    Can anyone explain why Lloyds is being described as a Scottish bank in all the scary stories we have seen in the last few days? I am sure I am missing something obvious

    The Clydesdale bank is, as others have noted, owned by National Australia Bank Group. It operates under a single license with the Yorkshire bank, and the latter is a subsidiary of Clydesdale so far as I can gather. Yet Yorkshire has 190 branches mainly in the North of England, while Clydesdale has 150 in Scotland. Clydesdale holds the license which probably accounts for the fact that the smaller entity controls the larger one: and Clydesdale is registered and headquartered in Scotland. But Clydesdale bank international is based in Guernsey, which may tell you something.

    Clydesdale employs a total of 9000 people across the UK

    link to, and again more than half of them are not in Scotland. Unless they are going to close all their branches here I do not see the employment threat, really. Assuming they wish to move HQ and registered office it seems likely to be a brass plate move only: I can’t really see why any of these companies would wish to pay London wages and London property prices when they can avoid it.

    Can others who know more about banking explain to me what is the problem here? So far as I can see the banks may move the brass plate so that they can benefit from the bail out they are not going to need. How is that adverse for Scotland?

    I really don’t get this.

  496. Another Expat says:


    Nat West, which makes up a large part of what we know as RBS has always remained a separate legal entity, registered in England. The ABN-Amro entities which were registered in England at the time RBS took over ABN-Amro remain registered in England.

    In reality, there isn’t all that much of RBS’s business which is genuinely Scottish

  497. Doug says:

    NODROG @8.19

    I no longer consider him a principled man.

    This may confirm your statement.

    link to

  498. AndyC says:

    The banks again, eh?
    You wonder who really runs the cuntry (deliberate mis-spelling).
    I think we now know!

  499. manandboy says:

    For all the difficulties that Yes has to endure,
    none compare with guns bombs and bullets –
    it could be so much worse.


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