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Wings Over Scotland

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Posted on October 21, 2020 by

We’re not wholly convinced by prospective SNP candidate Toni Giugliano’s credentials as an impartial voice on the trans-vs-women’s-rights issue, given that he previously referred to Joan McAlpine as a “bigot”. But the statement below – it’s good to speak to people on both sides of a debate – is surely the very definition of sense and reason.

(The person in question, incidentally, is Caroline McAllister, who the SNP NEC blocked from contesting the Dumbarton seat Giugliano wants to stand for.)

Yet that simple and wildly uncontroversial position – that the view shared by the vast majority of the population should at the minimum be heard and considered – caused a predictable storm of fury from the SNP’s woke faction, who directly equated a belief in biology and women’s rights with bigotry, racism and Nazism.

We attach a representative selection below. Can any alert readers spot the common link between all these people who are beside themselves with outrage that the subject of women’s rights should even be discussed or debated?

If you’re still struggling, we’ll give you a clue.


FOOTNOTE: If you want to see what actual bigotry looks like, look to the woke youth. The first below is an “intersectional feminist” who hates all non-trans white straight men, and the second a deeply troubled young man prone to disturbing fantasies who hates more than 99% of the world’s population based on their gender identities.

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Actually I’m not sure about Jordon……..


Sturgeon, these maniacs are your people.


Christ, vicious and hateful crew – they’ll be ganging-up on Giugliano to have him banned from Twitter next.
Nice people.


Who knew Dumbarton was such a hot-bed of sexual politics!

Would have thought the locals were focusing on health, economy, jobs and possibly even independence but nope, I was mistaken


Let me guess, they’re all men?


Any of them walked into a dressing room or female toilet where my wife was they would get their bollocks kicked so far up they wouldn’t need to worry about transitioning.

Socrates MacSporran

Here is my vision of what the political debate in Scotland should be about:

1. What is Plan A for Independence?
2. How do we bring independence to fruition quickly with this plan?
3. If Plan A does not work – what is Plan B?
4. Repeat question 2.
5. If Plan B does not work – what is Plan C?
6. Repeat questons 2 and 4.
7. If Plan C does not work – what is Plan D?
8. Repeat questions 2, 4 and 6.
9. If Plan D does not work – what is Plan E?
10.Repeat stages 1 to 9 ad infinitum.

There is no other question – let’s get Independence done, then we can argue about social justice and rebuilding Scotland after centuries of neglect, and somewhere in the to-do list, let’s look at the GRA and so-forth.

However, that item should be well-down the list. The immediate and most-pressing priority is regaining Scotland’s Independence.


I have wondered just how have the Trans Lobbyist got so strong?
Have they received a major cash injection over recent years?

From a very fringe group to one that appears to really have influence, up to the high Executive levels within a major party…very strange given not even a Farage style leader out there championing their cause over all media outlets.

Just how did they manage this promotion by Stealth? There is definitely a story in there somewhere.

Helen Yates

What is it with these men that they hate women so much. have they all got mummy issues or what? I’m sick to death of this nonsense.

Bob Mack

It’s sad to think the SNP have shed all their original philosophy to accommodate these misfits instead.

Surely they must know the aim of this group is to obtain more importance by disenfranchising the female population of this country. It is utterly unacceptable and utter madness.

We have given a major platform to a collection of cranks more previously found in the periphery of old Labour. They are backed by money ,which I sometimes suspect has also found its way to SNP coffers.

The SNP once stood for something truly noble. The freedom of the people of Scotland.They have lost their path and their purpose over the last few years.

I mourn their demise which is like watching an elderly relative in the last stages of living. There seems nothing you can do will improve things.


It would appear that every day brings a new horror. Are you really championing these people Nicola?

Bill Cowan

Smith’s Stirling acolytes strike back!

And you won’t EVER find a single comment from Smith criticising their behaviour.

Janey McDonald

They all want to silence women!


Really shouldn’t have clicked on the give you a clue link HAHAHAHAHAHA Put me off my breakfast why don’t you!

Big Jock

When are the SNP going to get back to being a political party. This stuff is like a club for weirdos and misfits.

I think 95% of the members are not like this. It’s the tail wagging the dog.

Fecking hell Sturgeon , what a monster you have created!


Desimond asked how did the Translobby get so strong.

Internationaally it’s because they found a platform they could work together to force multiply their positions – Twitter and pile ones. It’s a tactic used by many others to project more support than they actually have – unionist newspaper letters group do the same. Co-ordinate response make sure there isn’t one or two comments when twenty or so can repeat the same position – doesn’t mater if it’s the same 20 people every time no-one has time to check or care about that. 1 millions mom’s in the states uses it as well (they don’t have 1 million). It is actually impressive that an on paper progressive movement have learned this tactic.

In Scotland however the strength is ever greater because instead of being reigned in by SNP establishment, they have effectively become the SNP establishment – how that happens I don’t know. However when fringe groups rapidly expand power and influence it’s normally because they either have the ear of or have the goods on those who are in charge. Which is the case here I don’t know.


I suspect SNP people like Alyn Smith and Toni Giugliano nurtured this group for years, but are now close to regretting the monster they created.


So the people who are supposedly in favour of equality for all, are the very ones using bigoted and highly offensive hate vocabulary?

Grey Gull

Socrates @11.21
Agree. During the first referendum I talked to loads of folk and some asked what about the monarchy? what about Europe? What about this? What about that? I tried to explain that all these things can be discussed once we we’re independent and then it would be the people of Scotland deciding these issues, not Westminster. I even said if the people of an independent Scotland voted for a Tory government I’d have to accept that. Might not like it, but I’d accept it.


Plus thay have had huge injections of cash from the SG


Jor-doom, the doyen of grown up politics.


Bob Mack

I am being serious here. The Rev and others have been highlighting how these people have taken over the NEC and make decisions against al! the former rules when selecting candidates for election. Seats for those they like and rejection for those they dislike, based purely on their views of gender.
That is real power and it only has one outcome. The party will follow that road as more and more are selected, or more aptly, shoehorned in for belief rather than ability.

That is the road we are staring down just now.


Why is their questionable command of the English language a common trait?

Johnny Martin

Socrates MacSporran @ 11:21pm:

Couldn’t agree more.

If they don’t go into next year’s election laying out clearly and in detail (with dates) how they intend to ‘go round’ Boris if he says No with Plan B at least (and preferably Plans C, D, etc as well), they can whistle. We can all see that these are needed because he will say No, and it’s just insulting our intelligence to pretend that the need hasn’t been foreseen by everyone and their dog.

To be clear, I expect them to find excuses. No amount of ‘it’s a secret plan and we can’t tell the enemy!’ is going to wash. The ‘secret plan’ that never seems to come any nearer to be activated, you will note.

I regularly ask myself why is the SNP’s foot so off the accelerator on indy and can only come up with two options.

i) they cannot be arsed and don’t want it;

ii) they think if they wait long enough, the mythical ‘soft No’s’ will all come across. I then wonder how they could be getting that impression and can only imagine they are listening to alleged ‘soft No’s’ in focus groups and (very likely) being lied to by people who will never changed their minds if they haven’t before now.

Not sure which scenario is more plausible but all appearances suggest it’s i) with a potential for a bit of ii) factoring in with ‘we will do it if’s going to be dead easy for us’ to it.

Meanwhile, they treat ‘already decideds’ like idiots and take their votes for granted.

Before anyone starts with ‘you can’t campaign during a pandemic!!!1’, the foot was off the accelerator before that.

And it was also off the accelarator when ‘not enough people had changed their minds before the pandemic!!!1’ as well before you try that line.


Moon howlers


Jackie Baillie must be laughing her head off. Labour hold.

Bill Craig

Very strange, indeed it seems to be beyond strange.

Wasn’t it Dominic Cummings who wanted to attract weirdos and misfits to work for the Tory government? Pity the SNP, yes, the party of independence, has attracted a few.

This is reminding me of a time, years ago, when a neighbour took me along to a Scientology so-called “class”. Very cultish, it was, and not tolerant of being challenged or even questioned.

Maybe that’s the sort of thing we have here.


When Toni Giugliano first surfaced in the National with his desire to beat Baillie, the article by him , was drenched in psycho-cliches , “Working hard”,”Honoured” etc etc
Pish he obviously wrongly spelled “Woking hard”
Someone on the National point out that he was a disaster,they were correct.
Yesterday on this blog said how wonderful he was, I disagree but little point in address that poster.
I have little doubt it is him who is still a misogynistic anti-women bigot
If he wasn’t he would be saying, “Shut your faces”, to the extreme factions of his group .But no for they are all like minded
I am sure that these extremists for that is what they are,buy into the “trans-people” are better and deserve more rights ie “More equal” Seriously?
These fools are and I’m sorry to say , going to destroy liberal attitudes to Trans-people
I think people can be who they want to long as they don’t hurt each other.(Old Hippy)
They don’t advocate that!!!!

Sharny Dubs

Have to be honest, I couldn’t read all of them, first few was enough, what a bunch vacant spaces.


Michael Gibbons there, who refers to the Women’s Pledge as a “hate group”, is a former national convenor of SNP Students.


I thought the link was they were all ugly, weak and couldn’t punch through a wet paper bag?

Stuart MacKay

I guess fraternising with the the enemy means that Toni Giugliano’s career is over before it began.

Graeme Hampton

That looks like a list of people who should be expelled from the party for hateful conduct; cyber bullying and misogyny.

Ian McCubbin

it is not good ,whole direction of Independence lost to abusive people over gender politics. This matter should be somewhere for discussion in a focus group after Independence then issues brought to conference.
Maybe I am being naive.


Love the filenames for the images. Very apt.


They all want to have babies?

link to

Bob Mack

I agree Independence is at stake here, but not only for our country. Aside from the fact that there are clearly people in high positions who are totally ambivalent about Independence for Scotland, they are also ambivalent about a women’s rights within that structure.

Women have had a long and sometimes fatal fight to get where they are even now. It is still far from just.

Yet my former party wants to make them third class citizens again, having to renew their struggle from stage 1.It is obscene. It is wrong.

My family is my life. I cannot be comfortable with watching the females in my life who have been my rocks and my fortress, reduced to being subservient to the will of a minority simply because they are women. It is not going to happen.


Beaker says: at 11:38 am

“So the people who are supposedly in favour of equality for all, are the very ones using bigoted and highly offensive hate vocabulary?”


Instead of trying to engage and address the concerns of the vast majority, who have particular concerns in respect of individuals sporting male genitalia having access to what are currently female only safe spaces, they want to shut down any opposing view and silence those who challenge them on any and every platform.

Any they call others “Bigots”?

More neck than a giraffe.

Robert Graham

Oh maybe I was born in the wrong era the 1950s life was reasonably simple back then , simple things like for instance driving through Glasgow well laid out grid system working well , now a simple trip is fraught with speed cameras, don’t turn here no left here no right here a destination you could coud take 2 minutes to get to because you can actually see it now involves a mile or more of a detour planners who have probably never driven a car in their life making stupid changes

That’s just one example of how normal people have been pushed about by small vested interest groups forcing their opinions on the rest of us while we were too busy earning money and paying Taxes in order to finance these Clowns to occupy and fill their boring bloody existence , The constant gripe is I want this I want that I am special I am being discriminated against my rights are being abused , in short Me Me ducking Me I want to be first on Stage I want I want I don’t know what I want but I want it yesterday if not sooner,

All this Trans pish is just one example of one small and what looks like a pretty vicious group of really annoying bloody agitators who are getting attention way more than they deserve , I doubt if anyone would disagree someone with a phycological problem needs assistance , but removing other people’s distinct natural rights is not the way to approach this , it won’t end well and it will attract a real backlash against the ones that have decided everyone adjusts and accommodates a small vicious group of pretty deranged individuals.


Guess I’ll be dead before independence comes, but better that than that any of these totalitarian realty deniers get anywhere near the levers of power in an independent Scotland.

My disgust and anger at them knows no bounds.


Well said Robert Graham @22:11pm!


Its bizarre to think that oddball individuals like these enjoy the favour and protection of the SNP.

Robert Graham

susanXX @ 12:14
Thanks Susan pissed Off with all this rubbish trying to force women and girls to accept this direct attack on their personal safety and well being because of a small deranged group , The fact that the SNP management are allowing this to continue is beyond belief.

Christian Schmidt

I am quite happy to accept that more should be done to prevent discrimination of trans people. But the comparison with Nazis is out of order. Those that make these effectively say that the holocaust was no worse than what trans people are suffering today…

A Person

Admittedly it’s quite possible that the thing they have in common is that they went to Stirling University.

A Person


You have inadvertently answered your own question. “Why are you criticising Nicola Sturgeon”? This isn’t a NS fan page, she’s a politician, not a goddess.

The adulation shown to her for doing nothing much of substance reminds me of one thing: the way my mother, late seventies, cannot brook any criticism of the royal family, “because they’re the royal family”. Same with Sturgeon.


Christian Schmidt@12:23pm. What discrimination to trans people face? The only discrimination I can see is that the don’t get into opposite sex spaces and that is quite legitimate.

Anything else is of similar intensity to that experienced by, say, fat people, or red heads. Unfortunate but NOT life-threatening.

All my sympathy has drained away from this group of people.


Sorry Stu, typing on a smartphone – wee keys lol

Jason Smoothpiece

Most folk accept this very small group are in varying stages of failing mental heath, what gets me is the constant aggression from them, quite worrying.

The SNP must walk away from these poor aggressive souls.


I’m not sure whether Mr Giugliano hasn’t just learned how to play politics. I’m awfully suspicious and I don’t see these people turning on their own. There’s something not genuine about this pile-on and I don’t like to appear mistrusting but…
My connections are tending towards an opposing image of what is being portrayed. BUT I could be wrong. I don’t trust Jordon as far as the keyboard on my laptop.
I DO wish Alyn Smith weren’t so objectionable, because he would be valuable on the right side of this debate


Are they all Stirling Branch?
Are they Nutters?

Ian Brotherhood

Anyone trying to enter a democratic process such as ‘hustings’ whilst asserting that their single-issue manifesto isn’t up for debate really doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

Robert Graham

Stu @ 12:29 a wee typo i believe 22:11pm Ha Ha good to see you read yer own blog


Teddy has issues,no doubt. He’s the one who defamed an entire branch


The link?…They,re all Incels?

N. Holmes

This is like student politics on steroids. This anti-Nature, anti-biology, anti-science, anti-women nonsense is imported Neoliberal American identity politics and has nothing to do with Scotland, historically a centre of the Enlightenment, science and rationalism. I really wish these narcissistic misogynists would just fuck off and let the adults get on with independence.


At least Nicola Sturgeon makes the trans shun on time.

[…] Wings Over Scotland Only Connect We’re not wholly convinced by prospective SNP candidate Toni Giugliano’s […]

Robert Graham

Any group that has to hide their Activities because it might just cause the general public real discomfort and attract close attention of what they are really doing needs to be kept at arm’s length a viewed with suspicion , if what they are doing was perfectly harmless why the secrecy and the devious behavour .

Going behind people’s backs a beavering away out of sight won’t end well because what they are doing will be found out eventually


They’re all from Cheltenham ?


What Socrates MacSporran says. Indy 1st, all else 2nd. Its that simple & Indy is that important.

Who would have thought that womans rights = bigotry. Just laughable. Why does looking after the rights of biological women raise such viciousness in these people? Why do they think that trying to eliminate power imbalances and suchlike between biological males & females means someone hates LGBTQetc+ and wants to eradicate them. Really strange.
Ive got a mate who is never anywhere near any of this sort of discussion & I love explaining it to him then calling him. When he says the GRA must be a wind up, I get to call him a hate-filled bigoted anti trans blah blah blah who is spreading hate and whose disgusting opinions will soon be outlawed and he cant believe Im (devils) advocating a credible viewpoint. But here we are.

Daisy Walker

Shut up wee woman, your not nearly womany enough for me

Shut up wee women, your not nearly as woman enough as me

Shut up wee wimmen, we’re the womany ones not thee

Shut up, shut up, shut up, I’m womany and so’s he.

It is beyond poor that loyal ‘wheesht for Indy’ types response to this, is ‘well most of the voters don’t know about it yet, so just don’t tell them’….


That’s the trouble Robert Graham@12:57pm. They HAVE been found out and most people DON’T like it. It was a deliberate tactic to go “under the radar” and present changes as a fait accompli.


I see a comment on Friends’ twitter about men wanting to breast-feed babies. It struck me that they must be taking hormones in quantity, so do they consider the potential effect on the baby?

I remember a friend saying two glasses of wine left her baby strangely quiet after her morning feed. So what would be the effect of oestrogen or whatever on a baby boy?

Tackety Beets

Sorry jumping in without reading thread.

Over on other platforms “Indy” forums etc are sharing reports with a headline
“UK or England will not buy electricity from iScotland”

Please help inform folks these links are from 2014

Plus, as Rev always implores “read beyond the headline”
the article states

“If they are able to buy electricity elsewhere cheaper”

Well knock me over with a feather, who & which country would choose a supplier that is more expensive!

Sorry, I have no idea why folk feel it appropriate to share these IMHO pointless articles.
It just riles me that heaps of folk are commenting & have clearly not read the article.


Mike d

Desimond 11.23am. My moneys on dark westminster forces bankrolling these poisonous snp infiltrators.


What a farce from these people, you are a bigot if we don’t get
Everything we want and we want it now without discussion or negotiation.

I’d listen to what they have to say in a debate, I’d ask polite pertinent questions and I’d care
about equality but as they won’t have it they deserve nothing until they grow up.

My country is not being treated equally and that solution must be the first of our priorities.
This group put themselves before country and people born female at birth.

I would like to say that there are Trans representatives who do discuss, debate and negotiate while
Recognising the concerns of the community as a whole, but none present in this group.

James Caithness

“cis men and women”

Honestly what does “cis” mean?

Wee Chid

susanXX says:
21 October, 2020 at 12:11 pm
“Guess I’ll be dead before independence comes, but better that than that any of these totalitarian realty deniers get anywhere near the levers of power in an independent Scotland.

My disgust and anger at them knows no bounds”

I feel exactly the same and have as much, if not more, anger at those who keep saying “It doesn’t matter – we can sort this out after Indy”.

I wonder if the same folk would be as keen to support the current SNP to get independence regardless of what their policies were – like bringing back public hanging or transportation for the crime of poverty for instance. I suppose we all have a line we won’t cross and it looks like you and I have reached that line.

I hope there is another way but I’m not willing to have my hopes raised only to be dashed yet again. The depression the last time nearly did for me.

Daisy Walker

Desimond says:
21 October, 2020 at 11:23 am
I have wondered just how have the Trans Lobbyist got so strong?
Have they received a major cash injection over recent years?


Yes, they have. It was the subject of a very detailed report, written by a lesbian woman (sorry I don’t have a copy). She wondered at them springing up out of no-where, very well funded, very well resourced, and very PR savvy. When she had been part of the initial equal ops campaign, she said they were always on a steep learning curve, and always scraping money together by finding it down the sofa).

Her research showed that it sprung up, extremely well funded by big pharma, around about the time one of the biggest selling drugs (for female hormone replacement therapy) was proven to be connected to breast cancer and stopped being prescribed overnight.

A male undergoing an op to transgender to female costs about 25,000 (I think dollars, but cannot confirm). Thereafter, 10 years of HRT costs around 800,000.

Another potential revenue stream is present if one then considers the lifetime cost of drugs to treat the damage done to children who are prescribed puberty blockers – Kaching is the word, once one stops swearing at the shear wickedness of it all.

Another source of ‘support’ is the right wing religious types in America – studies show the most young people who display signs of gender confusion – grow out of it, and are actually just gay. These religious groups have a long history of trying to ‘cure’ homosexuality….

For your info


I see that Teddy Hope is in the above list , That’s the Teddy that issued a statement which was a pack of lies about the meeting he attended about the Gra reforms as one of the representatives for the OutforIndy branch of the Snp .

This from Rev Stuart at the time of that meeting ,

link to

And my comment about that meeting ,

link to


@ Kapelmeister

Yes, Jordon Henderson bairnsplaining grown up politics to us is really funny.

Nicola is going to rue the day she enabled this bunch of chancers to enhance her woke credentials. As a “white cis het” woman, they probably despise her anyway and would throw her under her big yellow bus in a heartbeat.


It’s staggering the complete and utter lack of self-awareness of these people. They seriously have no idea, do they?

Daisy Walker

Its interesting that these tweeters keep using the analogy of a Black person having to debate with Hitler.

Dear wimmen, here’s the deal, we are going to take away your hard won rights, and give them to a bunch of blokes, and if you want independence for Scotland that’s just the price you will have to pay.

Dear Black person, we are going to give white people 2 votes to your 1, and if you want equal opportunities, that’s just the price you will have to pay.


Me @ 1.17 pm
I’ve put this into two posts as it would’ve been held in moderation with too many links if I had put it in one post ,

This was the the statement issued by the Women’s Pledge at the time as well ,

link to

So I‘m going to post the link to the Women’s Pledge again to get more signatures to it as there is no way that we * women * are giving up our hard fought rights to anyone .

link to

Garavelli Princip

Well Rev Campbell, what sad world of mental illness you have opened up to me here.

How these poor sick people have been failed by the education, health and social services.

Instead of trying to treat them, or where untreatable to reconcile them to their disabilities, someone somewhere has told them that they are alternatively ‘normal’ – and that we should all aspire to their sad condition.

That really is the wrong message.

But what has become abundantly clear to this bioscientist, is the pervasive effect of testosterone on their discourse. Their aggression is off the scale – unmediated by social conditioning and the frontal lobe influences that keep normal, non-sexual predatory males within acceptable behavioural bounds – this can be described as moral and social education and conditioning. The process by which a boy becomes a decent man.

The biological males among these aggresive creatures have not learned to control the aggression engendered by the possession of testes and testosterone.

The biological females among them will have been administered oestrogen suppressors and androgens – both likely to increase their non-mediated aggressive impulses.

This is a massive failure of public health and social policy.

The evidence that our party of government is not merely pandering to these pathologies, but actually apparently celebrating them indicates the extent to which social norms have been abandoned and undermined by misguided supposedly normal people, who may think they are being kind and caring.They are not.

They are sowing the seeds of serious social breakdown as these aggressive individuals will feel unrestrained and empowered in their degenerate and unregulated behaviour.

This is undermining the one and only purpose of the SNP.



@ Tackety Beets on 21 October, 2020 at 1:12 pm

Thanks for the heads up. Duly noted!


Dear God, the worlds a strange , vicious place these days. I am all for allowing anything goes as long as it doesn’t affect me and any other person but I’m afraid to say these mental cases do and can affect me , my wife, my daughter, my sister , my mother . They are a real scary bunch and need to be forced out of the SNP with their vile hatred and skewed grasp of reality on gender. Its funny now to be termed a nazi.

Andy Hay

I can remember, not too long ago when the message was to vote SNP for an independent Scotland.

They have no right whatsoever to tack on this garbage.

If they want this then let them stick it in a manifesto.

Let’s see how far they get.

Christian Schmidt

@susanXX, “What discrimination to trans people face? The only discrimination I can see is that the don’t get into opposite sex spaces and that is quite legitimate.”

Well to prevent genuine trans people into *their* sex spaces would be discrimination.

My understanding is that the issue is that sex-based protections for women in the Equalities Act and elsewhere are threatened by the GRA (and, quite frankly, lots of people on twitter) – that at least is my reading of link to I think there is quite a difference between genuine trans people (certainly those that I have met) and the disgraceful idiots that Stu quotes above.

(There is also plenty of evidence that trans people are still more likely to be victims of violence or get discriminated against e.g. when looking for jobs.)

“All my sympathy has drained away from this group of people.”

Hmm, in my view that sounds a bit like saying just because Netanyahu is a racist I am fine with anti-Semitism…

“Anything else is of similar intensity to that experienced by, say, fat people, or red heads. Unfortunate but NOT life-threatening.”

Not just unfortunate, and not acceptable either.


I agree with you Garavelli Princip@1:35pm. You put it so well.


I must have said something completely scientific and rational on twitter at some point because I’m blocked from seeing the intersectional feminist’s account! Hey ho!


Rev Stuart ,

Me at 1.17 pm

Apologies that I missed that you had already put the link to the * Fannies by gas light * post and I posted it again .

winifred mccartney

Maybe before we have a vote for indy we should be having a vote on all the above. It is impossible for a man to be a woman or a woman a man in the fullest sense. People can dress how they like, have sex with any other consenting adult but they cannot just decide they will be woman or a man. And as usual it is womens rights that are being eroded never mens.

Quoted on wings before and never more true:

During times of universal deceit
the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
George Orwell

meg merrilees

James Caithness@1.14

Honestly – ‘cis’ is shorthand for ‘cisgender’ the opposite being ‘transgender’.
So, a ‘cis’ woman means a woman who is happy with the gender she was born with.

I am a woman, I was born a woman and am still a woman and will be happy to always be a woman, my gender is female because I am a woman. I am now described as a ‘cis’ woman.

It seems that we now have our gender ‘assigned’ to us at birth but when we ‘grow up’ it’s possible that we can choose to change our gender to something else. So I could become a ‘trans’ man.
Then, once the current legal requirements are fulfilled, my gender would be recognised as male.

Obviously apply the same definition to men, so a ‘cis’ man is someone who was born male, who was assigned the male gender at birth and is happy to live openly as a man (sorry, ‘cis man’).
A non-‘cis’ man would be unhappy as a man and take steps to change gender to become a (trans) woman.


Christian Schmidt@1:45pm We need to grow thicker skins and act like rational adults when confronted with abuse. We can’t legislate it out of existence it’s part of the human condition. Check any primary schoolyard. It’s natural to be wary of difference, until that difference is shown to be harmless. As regards gender ideology, I’m not sire it is harmless. Paraphrasing Garavelli Princip, we seem to be encouraging a subset of self centred psychotic snowflakes.


I’ll second that susanXX.

Garavelli Princip@1:35pm. You put it so well.

as to what Christian Schmidt says: @1.46,

As someone who is fat and ginger, I find my developed thick skin feeling somewhat thinned by the abrasion that everyone gets legal protection but me! Still, I’ll tough it out!


Wow, there are a lot of men in the SNP who really hate women!

Some are gay and some are straight but I bet none have any idea of the number of LGB *AND* T people in the Womens’s Pledge movement who they’re totally alienating with their toxic venom.

David Wardrope

Robert Graham @ 12:46pm

Robert, you really need to post something very sage and wise at 22:11pm this evening now…

Saffron Robe

Even if we are to say that (biological) sex or (assigned) gender are a spectrum (hermaphrodite and transgender respectively), the defining (end) points of that spectrum are male and female.

The ‘Woke’ agenda is characterised by eugenics, ideological purity and a refusal to debate, traits the Nazis would be proud of.

Sex is designated by our DNA, not by what our mind may think.

However, at the end of the day, what does gender and sexuality have to do with independence?


If Quentin Crisp could see this lot he’d be shaking his head and making a few of his acerbic comments before trying to advise them. He had to battle a far greater amount of hostility and did it with clever tactics, wit and self-deprecation.

The Naked Civil Servant is still one of the funniest ever television dramas.


Well said, susanXX

Flower of Scotland

Questions on Self ID were not put to the panel in N E Fife, at the virtual hustings last night. Only very bland questions. I wonder why that is? ….BTW, I know the answer.

It’s just not good enough!


Ma heid is puddled wae this shite.

Vote out that Smith and crew at next election-end it.

Come on Boris call it. Nae chance is there wae his 80 majority .So we need to do it at Scot elections.

It’s our own fault voting in these tumshies like Smith, Wishart and thon John sumit in. Fecking troughers.

So vote their wee kiddie on wumen out at Scot elections in May. SNP may lose a few seats-so be it. But it will send them packing and we can gain seats back on list with ISP.


“Desimond says:
21 October, 2020 at 11:23 am
I have wondered just how have the Trans Lobbyist got so strong?
Have they received a major cash injection over recent years?

From a very fringe group to one that appears to really have influence, up to the high Executive levels within a major party…very strange given not even a Farage style leader out there championing their cause over all media outlets.

Just how did they manage this promotion by Stealth? There is definitely a story in there somewhere.”

Yonks ago, a group on incels on 4chan came up with the genius idea of highjacking the gay rights movement as a way to steamroll feminism. Of course, they didn’t want to *be* gay, because for incel boys, that’s “icky”, but they thought that if they could use the T part of LGBT as a platform and call themselves ‘women’, they’d be on to a winner to “crush the feminazis at their own game.”(not my words)

As with many ideas originating in the far right, they were able to easily convince the fringe left that it was a “progressive” idea that they could use to virtue signal their ideological superiority in comparison to other leftists. Then it snowballed to the nonsense it is today

Scott Shaw

The GRA should be changed to the “Because I say so Law”. We can only hope more women wake up to what they are being robbed of right under their nose. I feel sorry for genuine trans people, imagine being tarred with the same brush as them.

mike cassidy


How could you post an article like this today?

Don’t you know its International PronounsDay

link to

And once you’ve laughed at the TransNHS buttons

Read this. Not so funny

link to

Colin Alexander

Is transgender persons using the independence party for their own agenda any different from:



gay rights


etc etc

doing the same thing, using the SNP to push their own favoured agendas?

It’s not a comment on the merits of any of those agendas.

But that’s what happens when the one and only purpose of the SNP is corrupted in favour of administering the UK state: you become a UK Party.

The SNP White Paper typified this mindset.

An independence party should be about the people of Scotland deciding all these things as an independent country. Having policies as if we are already a normal country ruling ourselves is putting the cart before the horse.

Ian McLean

Beware of the hammers susanxx at 12:33

Christian Schmidt

“We need to grow thicker skins and act like rational adults” I think you are right there

“It’s natural to be wary of difference, until that difference is shown to be harmless.” Or maybe it is civilized to be welcome until that difference has been shown to be harmful? Obviously it depends on the circumstances, but generally I’m very skeptical about being wary of differences when it comes to categories of people (as opposed to individuals), that has not usually worked well.

“As regards gender ideology, I’m not sire it is harmless.” No, I’d agree there are issues, and from reading I think the snpwomenspledge response to the GRA seems like a good rundown? Would you know another?

“we seem to be encouraging a subset of self centred psychotic snowflakes” Yep – liek Donald Trump.

@TheMadMurph: I have a red-haired colleague, and I can see he sometimes dislikes being called ginger, but doesn’t say so. So I must admit I am not sure what to do.

Ian McLean

That is as plausible an explanation as I have seen: from Glenislay at 2:19
Socially inadequate incels and virtue signalling are major drivers.
I believe there are a lot of people, who may have gone along with homophobia in the past and now feel daft and guilty about that, and now are anxious not to be called transphobic, so don’t want to speak out.


Acht that’s Toni G being a political opportunist as he knows he may not win the candidacy.

A reminder of his back catalogue;

1/2016 Holyrood election. Challenges decent sitting MSP Colin Keir in Edinburgh Western, trashes his reputation, gets candidacy, loses to Alex Cole bloody Hamilton.

2/2017 Westminster election, Michelle Thomson barred from standing for the SNP, in Edinburgh West she took from the LD’s in 2015 with a 25%+ share increase, Toni is chosen to stand, is foul about Michelle during his campaign loses to bloody Christine Jardine SNP vote share goes down by 10% +


@David Wardrope says:
21 October, 2020 at 2:05 pm
Robert Graham @ 12:46pm
“Robert, you really need to post something very sage and wise at 22:11pm this evening now…”

At the risk of appearing pedantic, 22:11pm is still incorrect.
Should be 10:11pm or 22:11. 🙂

Hand me the medication…

Lorna Campbell

For starters, it should be pointed out that it’s not the LBGT problem, it’s the ‘T’ issue for women; they always lump all the letters together which is intended to bring them all into the equation when it is the ‘T’ and only the ‘T’ we are talking about here.

Then, we are told that this is what is termed ‘body dysphoria’, and we are frequently told this by trans lobbyists. Ergo, if you know you have body dysphoria, it must follow, logically, that you know perfectly well that you are not a woman/man in the biological sense; what you have is the ‘feeling’ that you are in the ‘wrong’ body, but, for that to be true, it also must follow, logically, that it is within the brain itself that the dysphoria exists. Ergo, it is either a mental health issue or the wrong brain is in the right body or a part of the brain has been knocked out of kilter at some point, which is beyond the repair skills of even the very best surgeons today.

It must follow that is you know you have body dysphoria, you also know that not actually being a woman, you really have no moral, legal or natural justice basis fo your claim to “be a woman” and to encroach on women’s sex-based spaces. You cannot possibly argue for body dysphoria and for also being a “real woman”, as some trans women describe themselves. You have to admit, if you are not deranged, that what you are is a trans woman.

As for FKA Andy above in the tweets, white people are not trying to encroach on black peoples’ rights; white people (at least not yet, but watch this space) are not claiming to be black people in white skins. Yes, that would be f******g grossly insulting, just as it is grossly insulting for men to claim they are women and try to lay claim to our sex-based rights and spaces. And why is it always trans women who are throwing their male weight around and not trans men? Why have genuine trans people – those who acknowledge their body dysphoria and who do not wish to encroach on women’s spaces and rights – not spoken out about the horrendously authoritarian and vicious parts of the trans lobby that claims to speak for them? Why don’t men, in general, own these trans women as part of masculinity’s sexual spectrum and offer them protection and legal status as men with body dysphoria, rather than as women?

No one is claiming that trans women will all be paedophiles or deviants, but we have had notice of the trans woman (self-ID, without a certificate) who may have been less than honest in his way into becoming a high head yin of a Rape Crisis centre (and we still don’t know what his qualifications were, or if a natal woman was cheated out of a job because of his devious actions) who could have tested the barriers by proclaiming that he was a trans woman. We must give him the benefit of the doubt, I suppose, that he ‘felt’ he could genuinely offer his support, but it smacks of a creepiness that makes the skin crawl. If one can do that, so can others – people with fetishes and perversions that centre around the humiliation of women and children, unfortunately.

That women have always been willing to debate the issue is testament to their basic decency and openheartedness towards trans people, many of who, it must be said, have not reciprocated and, indeed, who have either shown despicable hostility or have kept their heads down while decent women have been abused and threatened. Women are not playing games. We will not let this lobby bulldoze us out of the way in order to occupy our hard-won rights and spaces. If they want their own spaces and rights (they already have all the same rights as the rest of us), then let them fight for them as women had/have to do, as black people had/have to do, as poor people had/have to do, as all marginalized groups had/have to do.


And to think that the SNP could, in preparation for independence, have concentrated on land reform or law reform or growing the hydrogen cell industry or creating community banks or nurturing small business or improving the health of adults. There are so many areas of Scottish life that need to be improved or modernised. Instead, the focus has been on identity politics. While the talk has been on GRA reform or Hate crime, the number of food banks has grown. What a demonstration of priorities.

thanks for shining the spotlight on this, Rev

Stuart MacKay

GlenIslay @2:19pm

How much of that is real?

That’s a scam worthy of L. Ron Hubbard. It would be immensely funny if there was even a grain of truth in it.


I am old enough to have been adversely affected by prejudice and discrimination against women throughout my early/middle working life. I do not want the protections fought for and hard won by women to be treated with contempt by people who don’t know how to spell ‘debate’ let alone know what the word means.
I also spent quite a bit of time in the 1960s climbing tenement stairs putting leaflets through doors for the SNP so I have earned the right to protect the aim of Independence from people who are using it as a vehicle to promote their own vision of science.
Also, during the referendum campaign, and at street stalls ever since, I have never been asked why the SNP are not promoting the ideas contained in the GRA. I’ve been asked about currency, monarchy, borders and a host of other subjects, but never Gender Recognition and what it means.
So I will do what I can (hampered as we are by people at the top of the SNP) to fight to regain the SNP for the ordinary members.
I will protest if I ever find an all-woman space invaded by a man, trans or not. I will scream long and loud in the middle of whatever shop, office, sports centre etc to register my disapproval. So if you hear me screaming come and support me as I will do for you.


The batshit craziness of the True Believers and youth indoctrination.


It’s juvenile (no necessarily young) minds unable to cope with any reality except their own

Dave Hansell

Looking at the relatively few examples provided here one is left wondering how long we have left before England starts reintroducing the ducking stool (an implement of which I have had some past experience) and burning people at the stake?

David Wardrope

@ Beaker 3:07pm

No at risk about it, total full on pedantic that was 🙂

Having pointed it out though; I’m thinking must have done this many, many times all over the internet without picking up on it by now.

Lorna Campbell

Grouser: ditto. You experiences are mine, too. I well recall being turned down for a job that a sympathetic and decent man, taking me aside, explained, sotto voce, would never be mine because I was a female. He was genuinely upset that I had been given an interview and had sat a test pointlessly. I well recall being refused service and shunted into a pokey side bar because I was a woman and couldn’t sit in the main pub. Many other similar incidents. All of these were down to the fact that I was a biological woman, with a womb, etc. – ie.the questionable reasons were entirely sex-based.

Yes, things have changed a lot for the better, but this is just taking it all back to square one again. Do these silly, brainless, females in the SNP not understand that is their daughters who will lose out? What they think is being hip and right-on is actually just virtue signalling and being taken for an idiot by men who think these females are too stupid to see through their ploy. They are being duped.

By the way, Rev, you are one of the few male bloggers who is willing to put his head above the parapet. Others are Iain Lawson and Barrhead Boy. There will be others, too. I understand that, for the men, it is the shunting of independence into the sidings that might be the main issue, but for women, this cannot be left to chance. We have to defeat this monstrosity. For us, it is an existential issue, just as much as independence is for Scotland. It is now on record that women are as likely as men to support independence. Let’s not let these people use the SNP as a vehicle for their agenda and derail independence, as women withdraw their support from the party.


“Stuart MacKay says:
21 October, 2020 at 3:20 pm
GlenIslay @2:19pm

How much of that is real?”

This has been an idea that has been circulated by incelly types on the “manosphere” of video game message boards for a long ass time, but it really began to take shape on /b/ as various message board communities began to migrate towards there in the mid-late 00s.

The idea was to “pwn” feminism at its own game, and that’s basically what they did, mostly through concern troll virtue signalling, until leftists, not wanting to be outdone by these guys masquerading as even more radical leftists, starting to pick up the baton on politics board.

From those origins, it managed to somehow pick up enough steam to go mainstream



After realising that this bunch of utter-nutters have stolen Scottish Independence away from the majority to further their 1% selfish, “me”, “l” “myself” Woke cult, you sir, came to the rescue in pointing out Stuart Campbell’s very dry sense of humour in his HTML coding and file names…

comment image

Alyn Daddy Smyth’s toy boy, Jorddooooom Mantague De Naemates is definitely WomanHatingTwat1.

Thank you Ian.

Somewhere in the world the MAJORITY will wake up to Wokeism and the RABID TOXIC CULT that this weirdo fuckwit Brigade engenders.

Sadly, there are a lot of decent, but tortured human beings who have to transition, and this cult of Wokeist craphound fucktards are going to end up inflaming intolerance to the point where we get an extreme right wing orange monkey in charge such as Donald Trumpet.

Vast swathes of Americans DELIBERATELY voted for Trump as a giant FUCK YOU to the Washington establishment.

I have every sympathy with people who transition. I watched one of my best friends, an officer in a fine Scottish regiment go from being a male Regimental Sergeant Major to being a transitioned female salon owner, he/she lost many friends. It was cruel to watch. But then again a LOT of his/her friends remained. In fact it was an object lesson in how to find out who your true friends are.

But some of the illegal pish these Woke extremists are posting WILL eventually result in these online terrorists being hoist by their own petard.

A shame that all this will put Scottish Independence back 40 years. Many of us here will be dead and buried by 2060.

To all the selfish, narcissistic Wokeists stealing the SNP leadership and killing off Scottish Independence by laying your cracked McWoke Cuckoo’s egg in our Indy nest. May Karma catch up with all of you.

Margaret Ewan

Greetinteenie says
I’ll join you in the screaming, Grouser!

Robert Graham

cirsium @ 3:16
Aye Priorities makes you wonder what else we don’t know yet because the people in the Media in Scotland are to busy licking English arses to bother looking , The more STU digs the worse the attacks will be on him personally and it won’t be the Scottish media that are doing it but will probably be the ones hidden in the SNP HQ who presently are doing their best to discredit any Indy Party standing in List seats because they want to be the only game in Town so we have no choice but to vote for them, competition in this game is not wanted .We are in this straight jacket because that’s where the SNP management wants us all to be . They fooled us once because we trusted them , it won’t work twice .

Ric Odd

Desimond – Please read the ‘Dentons Report’ (Google Dentons/IGLYO/Report) and you’ll see exactly how a small group of committed and well-funded anarchists (can’t think of another word that fits their activities) have effectively gained control of a big part of both the SNP/Labour parties and the Scottish Government.
The report could be subtitled ” How to gain undermine democracy – in a democracy”.
As for funding, well, governments around the world have been conned into handing considerbale sums over to what they think are ‘equality/equal rights-supporting’ groups.
We spent over a year carrying out genuine research into the GRA/Trans issue/movenment, and the name Martine Rothblatt kept popping up when we looked at funding.
I don’t know if Stu is aware of or has read ‘Dentons’, or looked at the activities of billionaire Rothblatt, but if he hasn’t – it could be worthwhile.
As many people as possible need to know, and quickly.

[…] October 21, 2020 admin 0 View 0 Comments […]


Love the file names for the screenshots!

The Dissident


Colin Keir made a lot of influential enemies inside the constituency association after he was elected though.

I’m not sure that Toni would have been their first choice (they wanted Michelle Thomson) but had been driven to an anyone but Keir position long before he came on the scene.


Al-Stuart: “A shame that all this will put Scottish Independence back 40 years.”

No it won’t. We can guess that about 97% of the population at large don’t know and/or don’t care about it. If we had a referendum, I’d be surprised if it was even an issue.

The whole issue disappears when Sturgeon goes. My only fear is that those lawyers the SNP hired are going to pull something out of the hat. If that or something extremely strange doesn’t happen first, Sturgeon is finished.

Sturgeon suggested that she has been 1) accused of conspiring to help Salmond, 2) accused of conspiring against him, or 3) forgot about her meeting with Aberdein.

Number 3 has already been debated in Holyrood and described as absurd. That leaves options 1 or 2. Either way she must resign. The “why” part actually doesn’t matter from a ministerial code perspective.

It’s curtains.

Robert Louis

They all look like blokes to me. They care nothing for independence, and are simply using the SNP to push their science and FACT denying ‘gender’ nonsense.

Somebody above asked how did the trans lobby get so strong. Simple, they have hijacked what was previously the gay rights lobby. Stonewall, for example is now an absolute shambles.

Fortunately, we now have a new organisation standing up for our Lesbian Gay and bisexual rights (which have nothing to do with being trans, btw), called the LGB alliance

link to


These misfits used to be in Scottish Labour but have all migrated to the SNP as the party in power so more funding and more chance they will get into positions of power to spread their toxic hatred.

They have absolutely no interest in independence, just their deviant woke agendas

Bill Craig

That new word, “woke” is a strange one.

However, maybe we can call them all “Wokies” or “Wookies”?

Laughter can be effective, especially when dealing with angry people.

James Caithness

meg merrilees says:
21 October, 2020 at 1:53 pm
James Caithness@1.14

Honestly – ‘cis’ is shorthand for ‘cisgender’ the opposite being ‘transgender’.
So, a ‘cis’ woman means a woman who is happy with the gender she was born with.

Thanks very much Meg.


@David Wardrope says:
21 October, 2020 at 3:45 pm
“Having pointed it out though; I’m thinking must have done this many, many times all over the internet without picking up on it by now.”

Never mind Internet errors, you are talking to the person who more than once has forgotten to pierce the cover of a microwave meal…

Scot Finlayson

Are they all spoiled since bairns middle class uni educated white males that will stamp their feet and skweem and skweem until they get their way,

which they always get because they are spoiled since bairns middle class uni educated white males.

James Caithness

meg merrilees says:
21 October, 2020 at 1:53 pm
James Caithness@1.14

Honestly – ‘cis’ is shorthand for ‘cisgender’ the opposite being ‘transgender’.
So, a ‘cis’ woman means a woman who is happy with the gender she was born with.

Cheers again Meg.

I ama cis man



Is anyone going to ask the question about whether enough scots would vote in a westminster-defied independence referendum to give it legitimacy?

Seems to me this is what both sides fear the most but nobody seems to know or have tried to quantify it publicly.

If 65-70-80-85% of citizens vote in it, it’s unarguable. But really have no idea how strong Scotland’s right to decide view is to the extent they would vote in an unsanctioned vote.

PS i’m not talking about the pros and cons, merely want to know the feeling out there in the population.

Robert Louis

Just want to say, it is so sad the news about the wee ginger dug. We met at one indy march. I still have my signed copies of the collected yaps of Wee ginger dug.

Let us hope the very best for the very talented, Paul Kavanagh, in his recovery from stroke.

The independence movement is lucky to have the talented people we have, such as Paul, which is why the completely pathetic intransigence of the current SNP leadership, is so very frustrating.

Paul Kavanagh for First Minister. All those in favour, say Aye.

Stuart MacKay

GlenIslay 3:53pm

Thanks. Even if it’s not really, true it certainly passes as a rough and ready explanation and does explain a lot – the rampant and vile misogyny for a start. In fact, that’s so bizarre no other explanation seems plausible.

So a bunch of incels were watching too much girl on girl on the internet and decided they wanted some. And so, here we are!

Not even Douglas Adams could come up with that.

Robert Louis

Their is no such thing as a ‘cis’ man or woman.

The ‘cis terminology was something dreamed up a couple of years ago by the transcult. It is nonsense, and no sane person takes it at all seriously.

A Person

-Glen Islay-

Jesus Christ. That’s so fucked up. It’s almost like the plot of some surrealist film, or like a joke campaign Hunter S. Thompson would have played about fifty years ago.


I’m not particularly happy with the “gender” I was born into, but that’s just tough luck. Nobody is “born in the wrong body”. And I am not a “cis” woman, as I refuse to be relegated to a sub section of my own sex.


SpaceX stock price crashes as Scotland becomes new world leader in producing rockets… 🙁


All these anti women wokies aren’t really interested in Scottish independence, they have an alternative agenda. They have a a wokie chip on their shoulders, that society isn’t putting them first and foremost, real women are the first target.


@ circium 3.16pm I echo your questions , as I posted the other day, EITHER the MSM writ large are holding 1 mahoosive bucket of shite ready to be thrown at the FAN to enlighten the electorate what the SNP have in store for NORMAL people.

OR they have been encouraged (TOLD) NOT to make big news of this bucket of shite because non independence is SAFE in nicola’s hands

I noticed all these comments on twatter last night and even although I thought Tony G was trying to be diplomatic, that was not good enough for the RABID SPITTLE FLECKED science deniers . BUT who knows maybe Nicola will ride in on her white charger and denounce these lunatics, I think I remember her doing that for another candidate but I may be mistaken

C Griffiths

Stu, how does any of your posts help indy? There’s so many more important things to focus than this.


Just spotted a new article on the Times website re the Dumbarton selection. What a carry on.

”A late decision by the party in Edinburgh to run the event with Mike Russell, the constitution relations secretary, as chairman came after a row between SNP officials and constituency officers.

”The SNP’s digital officer emailed the branch to say that what was being proposed “is not a hustings” and asked for the process to be rearranged.

”In an email to members, Graeme McCormick, the branch convener, said there had been “much discussion and outrage at the attempt by the NEC [national executive committee] to interfere with our practical proposals to offer all our members an opportunity to engage in the democratic process”.

”Local members complained that they were locked out of the online proceedings with less than 10 per cent of the near 1,100 members able to access the two-hour event”

link to

Bob Mack

@C Griffiths,

Like what?


WTAF is genders, or this cobbled together pish about being ASSIGNED a gender at birth, I was born a wee baby boy 69 years ago naebody assigned me shit

IMO this is just the slippery slope towards paedophilia enthusiastically endorsed by certain politicians through the decades as evidenced by their proposals for PIE the paedophile information exchange


There is something very samey about these wokerati wanks.

They all have this similar personality profile.

Low IQ, ignorant.
Indoctrinated. And as a result…
Intolerant, hate-filled, wildly prejudiced.
Arrogant, condescending.
Aggressive, innately angry with a hair trigger(ed) temper.
Crybullies. Bullying people while greeting about their eternal victimhood.
Extremists, everyone they disagree with is a nazi, a fascist, a bigot blah blah blah.
Boring, tedious, droning.
Vicious. And then some.
No moral boundaries. See attempt to frame Alex Salmond and a million other things at this point.
Ruthless. I think they are mostly sociopathic or even psychopathic.
Humourless. Suck the life out of any room instantly.

I have no doubt missed a few.


C Griffiths at 6:02 pm

“Stu, how does any of your posts help indy? There’s so many more important things to focus than this”.

That’s precisely the right question, but directed at the wrong person.

Try replacing “Stu” with “Nicola” and “posts” with “policies”.



Twitter meltdown from a very angry woman screeching the following:

“The latest wings article deserves a legal letter, preferably in the form of a defamation suit.”

A great gnashing of teeth from responders – they’re visiting your blog – Fun! Fun! Fun!

link to

Well done, Stuart – you’re winning!


Abalha @ 6.09 pm

Thanks for link to the Times article ,

Here’s the link to the archived version for anyone who wants to read the full article ,

link to

Saffron Robe

Woke is the past participle of wake, which means that a person who is woke may not actually be awake.

If a tiger wishes to be referred to as a pussycat, should we call it a tiger or a pussycat? If we call it a pussycat, does that alter the threat posed by the tiger?

I agree that by removing the (corrupt) head of an organisation, then the whole ethos of the organisation changes overnight. And I’m not sure why Nicola Sturgeon is described as a feminist. Perhaps she promotes and defends female rights in the same way that she promotes and defends Scottish independence?


GlenIslay says: 21 October, 2020 at 2:19 pm

“Desimond says:
21 October, 2020 at 11:23 am
I have wondered just how have the Trans Lobbyist got so strong?
Have they received a major cash injection over recent years?

From a very fringe group to one that appears to really have influence, up to the high Executive levels within a major party…very strange given not even a Farage style leader out there championing their cause over all media outlets.

Just how did they manage this promotion by Stealth? There is definitely a story in there somewhere.”

Yonks ago, a group on incels on 4chan came up with the genius idea of highjacking the gay rights movement as a way to steamroll feminism. Of course, they didn’t want to *be* gay, because for incel boys, that’s “icky”, but they thought that if they could use the T part of LGBT as a platform and call themselves ‘women’, they’d be on to a winner to “crush the feminazis at their own game.”(not my words)

As with many ideas originating in the far right, they were able to easily convince the fringe left that it was a “progressive” idea that they could use to virtue signal their ideological superiority in comparison to other leftists. Then it snowballed to the nonsense it is today

I’ve heard of incels from Slashdot and their exploits but I thought it was mostly BS.

If it is true then I wish the old myth about Bromide getting put in the tea of soldiers in the trenches was true. I mean slip some Bromide in these incels tea and the world would be a better place!!!


C Griffiths says: 21 October, 2020 at 6:02 pm

Stu, how does any of your posts help indy? There’s so many more important things to focus than this.

There’s a post that alleges the current radical Trans activism is linked to lobbyists pushing medical treatments on vulnerable individuals.

If this true then putting aside the moral aspects of this, the totally selfish argument is that GRA is going to hurt the indy argument because it is going to bite us on the backside.

On both fronts, why shouldn’t we focus on this?


Kenny says: 21 October, 2020 at 6:53 pm

Twitter meltdown from a very angry woman screeching the following:

“The latest wings article deserves a legal letter, preferably in the form of a defamation suit.”

A great gnashing of teeth from responders – they’re visiting your blog – Fun! Fun! Fun!

link to

Well done, Stuart – you’re winning

Why doesn’t she do a crowdfunder, get the money and go ahead with a legal action?


Frankly the wokeratti all sound like toddlers to me. Throwing tantrums to get their own way.

Although I think Garavelli Princip@1:35pm. puts it so much better.

Regarding the meaning of Cis and Trans :

Those of us forced to do latin at school know that cisalpine gaul( marseilles and st tropez and roundabout) was a roman province and transalpine gaul (switzerland, austria and roundabout)was also a roman province. One was reached by crossing the alps (transalpine gaul) and one wasn’t. They are NOT opposites.

Gaul was not part of this, but was divided into three parts. Or four if you believe Goscinny and Uderzo. Since I was eight I have always favoured the Goscinny and Uderzo version.

THUS trans folk use a nomenclature that is insulting, idiotic, incorrect, incoherent and designed for geography not people. But science-deniers are like that.


‘GlenIslay says:
21 October, 2020 at 3:53 pm
“Stuart MacKay says:
21 October, 2020 at 3:20 pm
GlenIslay @2:19pm

How much of that is real?”

This has been an idea that has been circulated by incelly types on the “manosphere” of video game message boards for a long ass time, but it really began to take shape on /b/ as various message board communities began to migrate towards there in the mid-late 00s.

The idea was to “pwn” feminism at its own game, and that’s basically what they did, mostly through concern troll virtue signalling, until leftists, not wanting to be outdone by these guys masquerading as even more radical leftists, starting to pick up the baton on politics board.

From those origins, it managed to somehow pick up enough steam to go mainstream.’

Careful man, you’re sounding quite American, and we all know no good can come of that. 🙂

Big Jock

Mac- They have absolute belief in themselves. A belief that can only come from a low IQ base.

Like religious zealots. They kneel at the alter of their self righteousness. It allows a form of cognitive dissonance to exist when seemingly contradictory beliefs are held.

It’s almost the self as God. Infallible therefore intolerant.


Lorna Campbell – “white people (at least not yet, but watch this space) are not claiming to be black people in white skins.”

Guess you never heard of this utter arsehole before, then. Guess which nationality?

link to


@ James Caithness at 4.57

Meg is of course absolutely correct about how the term “cis” is used by certain people, but it is both biologically and etymologically nonsense.

The prefixes “cis” and “trans” were used by the Romans geographically, to describe things that were “this side of” (cis) or “on the other side of” (trans) a barrier of some sort.

For instance, what is now roughly France was then Gaul, and separated into two parts by mountains; from the perspective of Rome, these two parts were cis-Alpine and trans-Alpine Gaul.

Similarly, when I was at primary school there was a country known as Transjordan, because it was on the other side of the River Jordan for someone in the Mediterranean. It’s now just called Jordan, of course, and there never was a Cisjordan.

(The prefixes also apply to organic chemistry : link to

The “trans” in transgender and trans-sexual, however, has a different origin, also seen in words like transport, transformation, translate, etc. It describes movement across something.

These words do not have a set of antonyms beginning with “cis” – there’s no such thing as cisport, cislation, cisfixion, etc.

So it is entirely wrong for “cis” to have been appropriated the way it has.

Stuart MacKay

Mac @6:31pm

I think you’ll find “Male, pale and frail” covers it.


re: the 4chan connection.

I minded this from Slashdot of a chap who had created an Operating System so he can be nearer to God:

link to

It isn’t a stretch of the imagination for the a group of geeks who can’t get a woman to get back at woman by creating the elaborate hoax of radical trans activism.


Wow! what a bunch of freaks the SNP have let in to run the show. I gave up my membership earlier this year. I’d rather not give them any money to help feed this sorry lot. The SNP need to be starved of financial contributions, sooner or later they won’t have two women’s dicks to rub together… I mean ha’pennies to rub together.

Andy Ellis

O/T but couldn’t resist mentioning that it is bliss not to have 10% of the comments and 30% of the volume of BTL comments from Spameron Brodie?!

Long may it continue! 🙂

Colin Alexander

Woke is just a symptom of a much worse problem.

A symptom of a party that used to be about independence finding replacement reasons to exist.

If it wasn’t woke, it would still be what the SNP also tries to re-identify as: the main anti-Tory party for Scotland at Westminster.


Teddy is quite clearly dangerously mentally ill.

Andrew Morton

I’m guessing Tony doesn’t care much either way. He’ll be pro GRA with the wokies and concerned about women’s rights while on the hustings having seen that the membership will blow that attitude out of the water.

Colin Alexander

The simple fact is: England’s politicians say No to indy and will continue to say no to indy.

The SNP now accept the sovereignty of Crown in UK Parliament.

So, that’s the end of indy via the SNP or any other party that bends the knee to the sovereignty of English Crown in UK Parliament.

So, have fun arguing over genitals.

CameronB Brodie

There is certainly a lot of ignorance, prejudice, and hostility in the air, and that effeminately spells bigotry.

As I’m a bit of a post-colonial woke bloke who actually understands WOKE theory, I feel compel to point out that proper WOKE practice respects bio-ethics, phenomenology, and Natural law. At least that’s what I learnt under the guidance of the Royal Town Planning Institute. So here’s a critical realist perspective of how to handle “SEX” and “GENDER” properly, “The Gender Selectivities of the State A Critical Realist Analysis”.
link to

Without regard to bio-ethics and stuff, it simply isn’t possible to support public health, human right, and democracy. Unfortunately, the SNP’s ‘liberal’ wing is simply clueless, and present a very real danger to open democracy, as they appear determined REJECT MEDICAL PHILOSOPHY, BIO-ETHICS, NATURAL LAW and stuff.

CameronB Brodie



Off topic but very sad news about Paul Kavanagh and Ginger. Let’s support him in preparing for his new life.

CameronB Brodie

The thing about Andy is, he has a training in International Relations and that appears to be it. Though from my perspective, it is clear he lacks any training in law, bio-ethics, phenomenology, meta-ethics, behavioral neuroscience, semiotics, and stuff. So he’s in no position to be trying to undermine insight such as offered by, “Agency and Ontology within Intersectional Analysis: A Critical Realist Contribution.”.

link to

Scot Finlayson

`Five Conservative MPs voted in favour of Labour’s motion on extending free school meals.`

Douglas Ross did not vote in favour of feeding the hungry kids of his beloved United Kingdom,

bankers f@ck up the economy get bailed out by us tax payers and then get their bonuses paid by us tax payers,

but feeding kids is seen as a step to close to nationalization,

as on f@cked up human said in UK parliament,

Tory MP Brendan Clarke-Smith slams the free school meal motion. Says:

“I do not believe in nationalising children. We need to get back to the idea of taking responsibility.”

but if you`re a fricken banker and need help from Gov `nae probs`

`A bank rescue package totalling some £500 billion was announced by the British government on 8 October 2008, as a response to the global financial crisis`.

David Wardrope

@ Beaker 4:54pm

Ooh, I’m guessing there was a loud reminder at some point during cooking ?


If you (the vast majority?) have decided, or perhaps your faith/ethnicity/deep-founded beliefs/biological science etc, has guided you to not embrace and adhere to #LGBT’s lifestyle choices & values, and have the audacity to ‘Wrong-LGBT-Think/Speak/Do’:


Scot Finlayson

`Brazil’s health authority said on Wednesday that a volunteer in a clinical trial of the COVID19 vaccine developed by Astra Zeneca and England`s University of Oxford has died.`

jeezo looks like this pandemic is gonna last a lot longer that folks think, could be another year or more,

big changes in lifestyle/society/work gonna be needed.


You are right Rev. Wait until these bigots learn about us in the ISP, they will blow a fuse.

Robert Graham

o/t Maybe
1979 not so long ago for older folks , for younger people it’s the bloody Stone Age , and yes we did have Electricity and stuff way back then.
The point of me mentioning 1979 was because it was still a Criminal offence to be involved with or to perform either in public or in private a Homosexual Act Scotland was behind England in this respect maybe we are more reserved who knows .
We have come a long way since the 70s ,attitudes have changed Society needed time to Adjust and it was generally accepted we were going in the right direction by not persecuting vulnerable people , Lesbianism as far as I know was never criminalised in Scotland ” ladies didn’t do that sort of thing ” so it was more or less ignored ,
Anyway my point is Society and people in general need time to adjust , people will strongly react to being forced into something they are not completely comfortable with , until recently same Sex marriage was also Illegal ,
Maybe the latest Batch are impatient and want change yesterday well tough shit taking away other people’s rights was never a good plan , also attempting to do it by Stealth and very questionable means will be very strongly resisted in fact the more they push the harder people will resist to the point of activity rolling back any previously gained acceptance , so the polar opposite will become the new norm , the majority who once accepted change will actively press for a return to their normal .


I find the reactions to Guigliano’s innocuous tweet sickiening.

David Holden

Any of you clever types out there understand the voting system for selecting candidates in SNP branch elections. Some say do not give a number to your least favoured candidate others say rank them all. As I am in Argyll and Bute I would like to have the biggest impact I can .

Stan Broadwood

Like the majority, this is too much to take in.

Way out of our comfort zone.

So this leads to us not knowing how to defeat it.

Is it a sexual thing with Sturgeon and Murrell that has allowed this faction to completely overrun the Indy Movement???

It’s beyond me, and I’m no shrinking violet.

Bob Mack

@Stan Broadwood,

It can be defeated, but sadly not by the membership who are having rights taken away daily by the NEC.

What we need is for the MPs and MSPs to take a stand and say enough is enough. They have the power here to make change happen. The question is do they have the stomach to reclaim the party?

Not on the evidence thus far, with a few notable exceptions.

Lorna Campbell

Who Rattled: nope, had not heard of this person. Read the Wikipedia through link. Many thanks. Not really that surprised. This latest reform to the GRA will be bound to open doors to other ‘appropriations’ or ‘misappropriations’. It reminded me of that film about a white man who gets into college as a black man. It was quite funny, and James Earl Jones is one of my favourite actors, but you could see how stomach-churning it was, too, because of the fraudulent actions and how those could impact on a black person. I just don’t understand how these vicious trans lobbyists can be so callous towards women and expect to get away with it. They have no conscience.

It’s like chess. Every time a piece is taken, it is out of the game. Appropriation of anyone’s space knocks them out of the game. Trans people must carve out a space for themselves. It won’t be easy, but we would all be willing to debate how that could be achieved if only they would stop being so nasty and vicious, but, then, it is not all of them, and it is time that those who are not hostile to women stood up to be counted, along with the LGB Alliance that has allied itself to women’s groups and their aims. At the back of my mind, though, there is a persistent thought that tells me that it is total access to women spaces and rights that is the end project for many of them, not compromise, not debate, just winner takes all: the elimination of women from everything. That is what is terrifying.


Some bedtime reading:

“There is nothing more dangerous to power than a working-class person with a thirst for knowledge”

link to

Scot Finlayson

How do woman feel about men dressing up as woman in the `drag scene`,

i remember when `blacking up`, where a white person made up like a person of color, was acceptable,

apart from Canada`s shame Justin Trudeau this ,thank f@ck, has been eradicated from society,

or does caricaturing of woman by men not matter `cause its only women`,

just been reading that some woman feel it is disrespectful bordering on mysoginy,

am i being a `whitey male wokeist` by thinking it should at least be questioned.


When you’re in a woken state, you’ve not fully awakened – yet.


@Gregor says:
21 October, 2020 at 9:13 pm
“When you’re in a woken state, you’ve not fully awakened – yet.”

Sounds like me at 9am Monday to Friday…


Lona wrote @ 8.51 pm:

“we would all be willing to debate how that could be achieved if only they would stop being so nasty and vicious, but, then, it is not all of them, and it is time that those who are not hostile to women stood up to be counted, along with the LGB Alliance that has allied itself to women’s groups and their aims.”

I’ll repeat something that’s already been mentioned on WOS btl several times over the previous year or so, and something to which I very much subscribe.

I believe the majority of these nasty individuals are not true trans folk per se but more cross-dresser types, and others. I think there’s a huge difference and I think a lot of the time one lot (true transgenders) are being tarred with the actions of another lot (cross-dressers etc).

From what I’ve seen through various videos from Australia, Canada & the States it would certainly appear that way. I’d also like to see true trans folk stand up to be counted, disown & reject any association with these violent & nasty cowardly individuals.

I personally cannot for the life of me point to a genuine transgender person, known or stranger to me, who acts in this intimidating, violent and threatening manner towards *anyone*. And I’d put money on *at least* 95% of those giving Stu and this blog hell are not transgender either.



I’m sure most would agree, if you can awaken when necessary to recognise your ‘wokeness’, then you’re doing just fine.


Comments further up the thread re how did the trans movement become so powerful – follow the money – was this the article?

link to

It’s a bit of a religious blog it’s published in, but the article itself doesn’t mention religion, and all the facts given in it are backed up by references (I didn’t check all of them though) – it appears to be well researched. Billions of dollars – that’s why the trans lobby is so powerful – money.

Big Jock

Mike Russell on the Nine.

He said final part of Indy ref bill. Will be completed before election. Referendum will be end of 2021.

So where does that fit in with Andrew Wilson’s bullshit 2026 scenario.


Have noticed over the past couple of weeks the Scottish Government Administration have been pushing the hateful conduct issue in adverts on the likes of Radio Tay.

Made me wonder if it works both ways, and it is in fact hateful or inciting hatred towards folk who understand there’s a difference between sex and gender by calling them bigots and transphobes.
My feelz r hurtin to be wrongly accused of such inaccurate, unwarranted, and abusive categorisation. 🙁

But what the fuck does it even matter now as to how you express your feelings towards who or whatever you fancy, when the new normal means you cannae socialise anyway coz covid…


I left the SNP three months ago as have many others.
If there was a mass exodus of members then surely the money would run out which would exercise the minds of the MSP/MPS and pile on the pressure for Sturgeon to go.


@Scott Finlayson, 8.30

looks like this pandemic is gonna last a lot longer that folks think,

That would not be the case if the efficacy of early pharmaceutical intervention was acknowledged. Dealing with SARS-CoV-2 infections should be a matter of primary care and GPs could follow the protocol of treatment which is given in this paper link to

The earlier the combination of Hydroxychloroquine+zinc+azithromycin is administered to a patient with symptoms, the less chance there is that the infection will progress into COVID-19 and the less pressure there is on hospitals.

This is an extract from an interview with Dr Pietro Garavelli, Head of the Infectious Diseases unit of the University Hospital in Novara, Italy “In Piedmont, the “Covid at home” system is being implemented that provides early diagnosis of the first symptoms even without waiting for the time for the swab, immediate start of therapy at home with hydroxychloroquine and control by family doctors. The goal is to intervene as soon as possible and avoid hospitalization. An intervention that not only significantly reduces the worsening of the clinical picture that often occurs around the seventh or eighth day after the onset of the first symptoms, but also has the effect of reducing hospitalizations, necessary just when the conditions worsen. This approach, which has been active for several weeks, has proved its effectiveness precisely in Novara, where we have treated many cases early and therefore it has been found that the area has reached a mortality per inhabitant that is the lowest compared to the rest of the neighboring provinces. All this was made possible precisely because we treated the sick at home early with hydroxychloroquine” from link to


@Big Jock, 10.09

Mike Russell on the Nine. He said final part of Indy ref bill. Will be completed before election. Referendum will be end of 2021.

Did Ms Sturgeon not say something similar about 2020 a year ago? That was a bid to harvest votes in the 2019 GE. Is this another vote harvesting exercise?

Socrates MacSporran

I am old enough to remember The Profumo Affair of 1963, when War Minister John Profumo had to resign from Parliament, after admitting he had lied to the House about his affair with Christine Keeler.

Profumo’s fal from grace was for lying to the House, not commiting adultery with Keeler.

I can remember Lord Carrington resigning from his post as Foreign Secretary, because the Falklands War started on his watch, and he felt the buck stopped with him.

Today, we have Alistair Carmichael – still an MP and a member of the Privy Council, after lying about Nicola Sturgeon’s conversation with the French Ambassador, during the 2015 General Election campaign.

We also have the weekly charade of the Prime Minister lying through his teeth each week at PMQs, without penalty. His example being followed religiously by other Tories such as DRoss, when it comes to political dialogue around Independence.

But worse, are the suggestions that the First Minister may have lied over the Alex Salmond stitch-up.

What has politics in this country come to? And again, it appears the SNP is no better than the Unionist parties.


I don’t trust a ‘promise’ from Nicola Sturgeon.
I want to see tha whole question and the date and the rules of engagement for a referendum stated clearly in words very similar to those written by Wings on ‘SNP 2021 Manifesto’.


John Stonehouse refuse to resign ,(not for lying though)until wheeled off to prison.
One can but hope


Robbo @ 2.16

You hit the nail on the head when you say that we can lose a few constituency seats but rebalance them with ISP list seats. That is true.

But we maybe don’t even need to lose constituency seats. Imagine some ex high profile SNP individuals standing against some worthless candidate.

Take alphabet man Angus Robertson and an independent Alex Salmond. Don’t think I’d be purring an money on Robertson. Purely hypothetical of course but we need to remember a yellow badge is not a guarantee of automatic success. Far from it and people cast their votes wisely.

The Trans thingbis just nonsense. An utter distraction. Getting the rotten SNP out is not.

Big Jock

Circium- Probably, but I am grasping at any hope I can cling onto!


Hayley Valentine – A voice from cloud Cookoo Land

Referring to her work with Mentorm as Executive Editor of Question Time and the Scottish Independence Referendum, she said:

“I was involved in our referendum programming and I will defend it to accusations of bias until my dying day.

I’m not saying the BBC or any other broadcaster was perfect.

It was a tricky time, but we were all doing the best we could.

I don’t know a single journalist who brought any bias to work with them.

I’m aware that there are trust issues, but I think they are sometimes overplayed.

The BBC is still trusted, and BBC Scotland is still trusted, more than most news organisations.

I don’t think we are universally dismissed on a trust basis.

link to

Robert Graham

o/t As Usual
A Scabby Tory MP in the cesspool known as the English Parliament Takes offence at being called SCUM by a woman Labour front bench MP , Oh Dear eh
What are things coming to when we have a PM who lies every time he speaks to the great glee of his Tory party pals , Then a honest remark from a opposition MP gets the one who told the truth into trouble , it’s ok to utter Barefaced lies but not the truth in pointing out the lies ,
OK I am following this Pantomime and how it works now , it’s like bloody Alice in Wonderland down there , and jolly good fun for the chaps who like a good free drink .

ronnie anderson

Is it safe tae post oan here again ( looks over shooder fur Cameron B )

Socrates Macspooran I got the lowdown fae Mandy Rice Davies oan the Profumo affair I met her doon in Brighton 68/69 she invited us up to her flat fur ah swally and asked me tae move in wie her lol , ma mither wad hiv hud ah fit but ah wiznae that type of young fulla lol.

Weil done Rev for moderation of CB .

Daisy Walker

McDuff says:
21 October, 2020 at 10:27 pm
I left the SNP three months ago as have many others.
If there was a mass exodus of members then surely the money would run out which would exercise the minds of the MSP/MPS and pile on the pressure for Sturgeon to go.


If NS was playing with a straight deck – you would be right.

The MSM newspapers, if they were playing according to capitalist rules…. they would not be doing what they are… they are loss leaders, just like the supermarkets.

I refer you to Craig Murrays article about Rupert Murdoch and Genie Energy.

Daisy Walker

Hey Ronnie A.

I’ve been thinking about you. Hoping you are good.

For your info.

I am now retired.

Best wishes.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Daisy Walker.

It’s always good to get new tires, as required.


Stan Broadwood


Stan Broadwood

Why is the Daily Record’s ace reporter Torcuil Crichton not all over this???

Or a BBC Scotland Special Investigation???

Or Ulster’s finest David Clegg???

This whole weird episode in Scotland’s political history is strange to say the least.


@Robert Graham says:
22 October, 2020 at 12:17 am
“o/t As Usual
A Scabby Tory MP in the cesspool known as the English Parliament Takes offence at being called SCUM by a woman Labour front bench MP , Oh Dear eh”

I watched that. If she had replied “are you fucking deaf as well?” it would have been worth a wee suspension.


@ Lorna Campbell 3.49pm ,Grouser and others, I must admit in the past when myself and others were bringing this subject up we were rounded on mostly by males desperate for independence (no excuse)but there was also some females who were content to ignore this abomination also in the hope of independence.

As a male with wife and daughter I commented that I found it despicable that these women were willing to accept their DENIGRATION in the vague hope that it would be reverted after indy but still they acquiesced
Look where we are today fighting a rearguard action against a leader and her coterie of lunatics HELL bent on DESTROYING the very thing that we all CRAVE independence
I proposed marching to bute house to highlight to NS that these policies were unacceptable to the majority of voters but the responses advised “to wait to see how the situation would play out” IMO in not showing and forcing Sturgeon to back off has only increased the power of these lunatics and strengthened their hold on the SNP hierarchy
I will support my wife and daughter and their sisters, YOU, in fighting for your safe spaces even at the cost of independence

ronnie anderson

Daisy Walker i might post ah bit more oftener now that CBs in moderation . I hope your well & enjoying your retirement XX.


Article in today’s Times on Stirling trans woman candidate


Anger over trans woman on all-female SNP shortlist

The SNP civil war over its gender recognition proposals has intensified after a trans woman was selected for an all-female shortlist.

Mridul Wadhwa, a trans rights activist who has no gender recognition certificate, appeared at a Stirling hustings, prompting allegations that SNP headquarters was ruling “by diktat” and had broken the Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Act, 2002, designed to promote all-women shortlists.

One SNP member said: “The whole idea of this law is to help support women and get more women into position to participate in political life.

“The suffragettes would be spinning in their graves. We’ve seen the abuse women politicians are getting at Westminster, but they’ve kept on going despite that. To then have a biological man rock up and say, ‘I’m a woman and I’m going to represent you’, well, the answer is, ‘No. You can’t possibly’.”

She added: “This issue is tearing the party apart.”

The SNP government already faces a legal challenge amid growing anger that a man who identifies as a member of the opposite sex will be legally recognised as a woman under the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Act 2018.

For Women Scotland, the campaign group granted a judicial review of the 2018 legislation, said the Stirling case showed the SNP was “playing fast and loose with women’s rights and the very definition of what it is to be a woman”.

In Stirling party members are angered by an SNP establishment which “allows no public discourse”. One member said: “You can’t see your councillors, MPs and MSPs because of the pandemic, and people are using social media without enabling replies, or they block you. It’s not only that it’s centralisation, there is no discussion, just diktats coming from HQ.”

These SNP stalwarts say the extraordinary rush of recruits in the wake of the 2014 referendum has changed the party establishment.

“There is a whole load of young careerists, who have jumped on board. Sometimes ministers aren’t even aware what’s going on,” said one member.

Another said Stirling central branch was dominated by trans activists who wanted to “turn the dial” and move gender recognition legislation forward.

Ms Wadhwa moved from India to Scotland in about 2002.

In a filmed interview with Pink News, she said her passport identifies her as female, but her Indian birth certificate registers her as male.

Members complained that when they wrote to party HQ complaining about the appearance of Ms Wadhwa on the shortlist they had received no reply.

The SNP and Ms Wadhwa declined to comment.



Thankyou for some kind words and sanity. I very much hope that IndyRef2 can be put back to the top of the SNP agenda once backstabbers in the Sturgeon McWoke Cult are exposed and given their P45 jotters.

Was it Ian Brotherhood who suggested putting up a demonstration tent and stall near to Hollyrood to expose the McWoke infiltration of the SNP?

The vast number of decent folk in the SNP are ignorant of the fact the party has been infiltrated and highjacked by Sturgeon’s Penis Pals in Frocks That Like Kids.

Pretty much all of the 55% of YES voters need to know Sturgeon is a proven liar…

link to

.. and Sturgeon plus her beard of a husband have done fuck all for Scottish Independence, whilst ignoring the FACT she has had so many IndyRef mandates which she ignores and just says: give me another 4 years as First Minister. Then says to the voters to piss off for another 4 years.

I think Ian Brotherhood’s idea is BRILLIANT. A wee crowdfunder for a well insulated tent from now until May 2021 would make the truth HIGH PROFILE at little cost. Though to be frank a crowdfunder is NOT needed as half a dozen of us on WoS would likely put in £100 each and that would buy the tent…. and we have several waterproof stall available already. Count me on sending in £100 to Ian’s idea.

Maybe see if Rev Stu could rustle up a Wee Woke Up Book For Yessers to give to everyone which summarises the McWoke mess and refers folk to Wings Over Scotland so they can study the vast amount of research and source material on this website to PROVE INDYREF2 IS BEING SUPRESSED BY STURGEON AND PENFOLD MURRELL.

A protest ten and BIG banners is a marvellously simple way of getting this whole subject of SNP/NEC High Command gerrymandering out into the open.

About time someone or some group fought back to get back the OLD SNP headed by Alex Salmond back, rather than this new Sturgeon Cult where kiddy-fiddling friends of the Murrells such as disgraced alleged pervert Derek MacKay get SNP paid medical support, and non-Cult members get thrown under Nicola’s bus, or worse, non-Cult members get false, malicious allegatons of rape libelled against them.

Hatuey, I have lost count at how many friends I mention the SNP HQ scandals to that haven’t a clue what is really going on. Let alone how to fix this Wokeist mess and get back to sorting IndyRef2 rather than the Schlongfest and penis parties in wee girls swimming pool changing rooms.

Don’t get me started amount the bloke in a frock that lied on his CV to get a job in thd registered charity Rape Crisis Scotland.



In today’s Times on GRA etc

Anger over trans woman on all-female SNP shortlist

The SNP civil war over its gender recognition proposals has intensified after a trans woman was selected for an all-female shortlist.

Mridul Wadhwa, a trans rights activist who has no gender recognition certificate, appeared at a Stirling hustings, prompting allegations that SNP headquarters was ruling “by diktat” and had broken the Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Act, 2002, designed to promote all-women shortlists.

One SNP member said: “The whole idea of this law is to help support women and get more women into position to participate in political life.

“The suffragettes would be spinning in their graves. We’ve seen the abuse women politicians are getting at Westminster, but they’ve kept on going despite that. To then have a biological man rock up and say, ‘I’m a woman and I’m going to represent you’, well, the answer is, ‘No. You can’t possibly’.”

She added: “This issue is tearing the party apart.”

The SNP government already faces a legal challenge amid growing anger that a man who identifies as a member of the opposite sex will be legally recognised as a woman under the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Act 2018.

For Women Scotland, the campaign group granted a judicial review of the 2018 legislation, said the Stirling case showed the SNP was “playing fast and loose with women’s rights and the very definition of what it is to be a woman”.

In Stirling party members are angered by an SNP establishment which “allows no public discourse”. One member said: “You can’t see your councillors, MPs and MSPs because of the pandemic, and people are using social media without enabling replies, or they block you. It’s not only that it’s centralisation, there is no discussion, just diktats coming from HQ.”

These SNP stalwarts say the extraordinary rush of recruits in the wake of the 2014 referendum has changed the party establishment.

“There is a whole load of young careerists, who have jumped on board. Sometimes ministers aren’t even aware what’s going on,” said one member.

Another said Stirling central branch was dominated by trans activists who wanted to “turn the dial” and move gender recognition legislation forward.

Ms Wadhwa moved from India to Scotland in about 2002.

In a filmed interview with Pink News, she said her passport identifies her as female, but her Indian birth certificate registers her as male.

Members complained that when they wrote to party HQ complaining about the appearance of Ms Wadhwa on the shortlist they had received no reply.

The SNP and Ms Wadhwa declined to comment.

Ian Brotherhood

@ronnie anderson (2.05) –

Welcome back!



What Abalha says above ties directly into what I was saying about the origins of this group in online incel communities. These are the things that they dreamt of back in the day and now they are happening.

They are using a system that was designed to help women improve their representation, to instead shut them out and directly mock them and their efforts to gain equality. They also gain an unfair advantage against their fellow men because they can’t run in those seats.

The “reductio ad absurdum” tactic as it makes it increasingly difficult to justify single gender policies, places, sports (or whatever they latch themselves onto). And there it is…The grand checkmate.


In reply to Glen Islay at 746, not my words it’s a cut and paste of an article in today’s Times

link to

And has anyone looked at the SNP twitter feed recently, bloody hell it’s a Nicola Sturgeon fan account, aye we’re living under the rule of the Sturrell Medieval Court right enough. Fuck’s sake Scotland.



Lorna Campbell says:
21 October, 2020 at 3:49 pm

By the way, Rev, you are one of the few male bloggers who is willing to put his head above the parapet. Others are Iain Lawson and Barrhead Boy. There will be others, too….

The thing that irks me is that there is a parapet there to begin with.

By what authority do these Trans Extremists, NEC subverters and candidate selection riggers, think they can simply exploit the ascending political popularity of Scottish Independence, and use Scottish Independence as their flag of convenience to infiltrate positions of authority and influence necessary to further their bizarre beliefs and paranoia?

Get the fuck out of OUR Campaign, and take your toxic dystopian nightmare and your angry and nasty, conniving fantasists, and set up your own Party, to flounder in the obscurity which it deserves.

GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR CAMPAIGN FOR AN INDEPENDENT SCOTLAND, you freeloading lazy chancers. How dare you ride piggy-back on all the decades of work and commitment by countless people which has gone into Scottish Independence.

I try to pride myself on tolerance. I hope I’m not a racist, sexist, ageist, or homophobe. I take people as I find them, and try to see the best in them.

I used to feel the same positive leaning ‘neutality’ towards Trans people, (hint.. I don’t now), but this surrepticious infiltration of the SNP, this conspiracy and secrecy, the vicious pack mentality with which your critics are attacked, and the obscene alacrity and aggression with which they are hounded and silenced, it all screams out to me that you are sleekit and conniving because you know in yourself public exposure would be the death of you, so wear a disguise and pretend you give a flying fuck about Scotland.

You are NOT the libertarian freedom fighters you pretend to be. You’re a angry group of social misfits with nothing to trade with the rest of us except a rage you’ve never learned to control.


And take that useless dope Sturgeon with you.

Tinto Chiel

Ronnie Anderson said at 12.24: “I got the lowdown fae Mandy Rice Davies oan the Profumo affair I met her doon in Brighton 68/69 she invited us up to her flat fur ah swally and asked me tae move in wie her lol.”

Well, you would say that wouldn’t you? 🙂

Hope to see more of your interventions on here, young man.


All women shortlists.

Trouble because a transexual is on one.

Sorry, but we will never be an independent nation with an electorate so pathetic it will stand for any of this shit.

And we don’t deserve to be

Im active around a lot of political discussions and groups – from left to right. The most jaw-droppingly stupid and naive are the Scottish indy supporting electorate.

So while the realisation is:
‘The British establishment are one of the most evil, selfish, brutal and pragmatic imperialist bastards who ever existed and Scotland is very valuable to their survival’

At the same time:

‘I can’t wait til the British establishment gives us the green light to take ourselves, and our massive resources, off to do what we want with. To accomplish this we will buy into every piece of progressive drivel from 3rd wave feminism, hardcore multiculturalism and trans-rights. The one thing we wont stand for however are those ugly types who don’t buy into all the shit we do. Besides, anyone can be Scottish, they just have to be here. Oh yes – we hate Trump because that’s very relevant. Hee hee’


This thread briefly highlights the complexity and difficulty Scotland has to endure by not having full control over our resources, and the powers to manage them as we determine.

link to

Wake up Scotland, we’ll always be hamstrung until this situation is resolved.


Tory Kit Malthouse is n Sky News.
Minister for crime criminal in his attitude.

Confronted about footballer Marcus Rashfords plea to continue
with free meals for underprivileged school kids he says the Government
job is to give them schooling and create jobs at the end of it?

So he is happy to see the kids go hungry but hopes they survive long
enough to make Tories money from Zero Hours contracts.

Challenged about confusing Covid restrictions in. England he was asked if
Gyms were opened in Liverpool.
He doesn’t know but it’s up to everyone to go on line and check out local restrictions
in your area?

So everybody, especially kids who don’t have food, pays £30 per month for broadband
and has a £500 laptop or I-phone?
Pensioners just love searching on line for Tory info?

Another belter from this fat arrogant androgynous creature is that he himself likes to go to the gym
and work out? If the guy lost 3 stone he would be considered obese.
If he goes to any gym it must have a subsidised cafe.

My apologies to those overweight but for a seriously fat guy refusing to acknowledge kids with no food his attitude and lies really boils my blood.

Who the hell votes for people like that?

mike cassidy

In case this hasn’t been linked to

Here’s one female SNP MP showing the sort of compassionate attitude we can expect when a question on the trans issue is raised?

link to


@ Effijy

link to

I suspect the Conservatives do what they do because they own or have shares in a pharmaceutical company that specializes in blood pressure reducing tablets!


Oh I see bloody Osama Saeed Bhutta, Yousaf’s cousin, is dragging it out in Cunninghme North, my prediction it’ll be fine when voting opens and he has been able to do sfa for a week, not be subjected to difficult hustings q’s, tosser.

link to

In reply to Mike Cassidy at 0935 Hannah Bardell not the brightest candle on the birthday cake.

Black Joan

Abalha @6.14 am

That Times article. “Ruling by dicktat”, more like?

Alf Baird

Dan @ 09.15

Scotland will always be hamstrung, in many ways, even after independence, if it does not change the prevailing entrenched cultural hegemony, which is mostly privileged and unionist (Elitist Scotland? report 2015), as well as Anglophone. The SNP has allowed this unionist cultural hegemony to remain in place (and hence in power) which is a major strategic mistake. Scotland’s unionist cultural hegemony, still controlling hundreds of institutions that both develop and implement policy and laws throughout Scotland, is arguably the principal institutional barrier to independence and can be expected to continually undermine Scotland in its quest for national liberation.

Wee Chid

Stoker says:
21 October, 2020 at 11:49 am
“Why is their questionable command of the English language a common trait?2

Maybe this is Putin’s revenge on the west for previous betrayal by the yanks. They are all Russian bots. Either that or just over privileged wee nyaffs who have never had anybody say no to them in their lives and have been walked through their literacy NVQs by people to whom a pass for each student is vital.

Robert Graham

Effijy @ 9:30

Yeah I am alright so Duck everyone else I guess that’s the Tory way .

Right now a lot of people are going to have to interact with our generous welfare system if they have recently became ill or have lost their job , my sympathies for everyone in this position. They are in for a real shock ,all the stories that the media have been feeding them will suddenly be revealed as total lies just meant to divide and put people against each other .

Just now Listening to LBC London Radio Station discussing this very point one after another listeners Queuing up to see who has the biggest stick and who can wield it more effectively , after the vote last night to refuse extending free meals to school children by Tory MPs ,the media are reporting this as MPs, they omit Tory because it was Tory MPs only , by this omission the impression any reader will get it was all MPs , just amazing how the media can manipulate opinion

As you said who would vote and support these dregs of society ,refer back to the I am alright Tory way , Jeremy Hunt interviewed earlier giving the impression that the Tory party set up the NHS in England and fully support it , and not being corrected by the interviewer, the same way the Tory party in Scotland support Holyrood again no reference to their opposition from the very start ,if it wasn’t so diametrically opposite to what’s true and what is actually happening it would be funny and Laughable , The Thought of a lot of people believing this shite is really pretty disturbing .


The SNP should adopt Phil Lynott’s “Yellow Pearl” as their theme song.

We will arise
We will control
We will command
We will patrol


Astonished @7.10

re cis and trans. These terms are in everyday use in sciences like molecular biology/chemistry/biochemistry. Active chemical groups attached to a molecule can be in the cis state with the active chemical groups on one side, or in the trans state with the active chemical groups on the opposite side. Most biologically useful molecules such as vitamins, are in the cis state. They are not active as vitamins when in the trans state. Molecules with active groups in the trans state can (to use a CBBism) adversely affect ones ‘biological integrity’, i.e. be harmful. One example is the trans fats created by cooking meat and oils – much more harmful than the saturated fats we are all warned about which clog arteries, and probably one of the reasons why cooked meat is a recognised class A carcinogenic which the WHO have now designated as junk food.


@ Abalha at 9:42 am

Yousaf’s cousin? I wonder how well that will fit in a branch that states “it’s you’re Christian duty to vote SNP”
“he has been able to do sfa for a week, ”
Well that’ll be a flying start as Gibson has done SFA since 2007

Daisy Walker

@ Ronnie Anderson

Thanks Ronnie – I recommend it.

Good to see you back again. Must be something in the air.

Daisy Walker

Just in case some missed it.

With regards Osama Saeed aka Bhutta cousin of Humza Yousaf

Employed by Al Jazeera TV as an expert in Communications.

Founder and Chief Exec Scottish Islamic Foundation set up in 2008. Intending to hold an Islamic Festival in Glasgow.

Given £400,000 in public money.

Humza Yousuf a Director of same 2008/09.

SIF folded months later, Audit Scotland reviewed it, found Inadequate Record Keeping.

Officially folded 2013 with ‘nothing to show for almost £200,00 public money’ From The Herald 29/9/20
When asked why he wants to be an MSP Saeed/Bhutta replied,

‘ I don’t know really, it just kind of came about’ Then posted on video, ‘because elected representatives are turbo-charged merchants of deep solidarity and empathy’.

Which for all those of us without the benefit of communications expertness – is called meaningless bullshit.

Meanwhile in 1016 his cousin Humza Yousuf – while Scottish Justice Minister was convicted and fined for Driving A Friends Car. Stated that following his divorce he had renewed his insurance policy and assumed its policy continued to provide the previous ‘fully comp’ cover, which it no longer did.

Be very interesting to see court records of the trial to ascertain if he produced, as evidence, his joint insurance policy from the time of his marriage and if it did indeed cover him ‘fully comp’.

At the time he was under fire over Railway networks, etc. Jackson Carlow of the Conservatives said of this conviction, ‘its not a resigning matter, move on’ or words to that affect.

How do you drive someone else’s vehicle without checking you have proper insurance?

So Mr Saeed/Bhutta is a really crap communicator, and an ineffectual Chief Exec of a folded institute which did not keep proper records and may have lost £200,000 of public money with nothing to show for it.

And Justice Minister Humza Yousuf was a director of the same institute during this time period, and drove another persons car, without insurance, while Transport Minister. And the tories were OK with that.

Stan Broadwood

This will go down as another project that could only have happened with Scotland being in this glorious union with england.


“The creation of a spaceport in Shetland, which could support hundreds of jobs across Scotland, has taken a major step forward.”

“Lockheed Martin plans to launch satellites from the Shetland Space Centre (SSC) on the island of Unst.”

link to

Stan Broadwood

And like Moray, the Shetlands will be flooded with white settlers from the south of our border to organise and run this space port, because Scots are too fuckin thick to do techy things like that.

Wee Chid

stonefree says:
22 October, 2020 at 11:00 am
@ Abalha at 9:42 am
“it’s you’re Christian duty to vote SNP”

Does it? FFS so they have to bring religion into it?


In reply to
stonefree says:
22 October, 2020 at 11:00 am
@ Abalha at 9:42 am

Yousaf’s cousin? I wonder how well that will fit in a branch that states “it’s you’re Christian duty to vote SNP”
“he has been able to do sfa for a week, ”
Well that’ll be a flying start as Gibson has done SFA since 2007

LOL! Aye seems you’ve f all real choice and someone just told me on twitter there’s be no hustings, is that correct? I know the one slated for the 14/10 was cancelled at the last minute

And are you serious about the ‘Christian duty’? If so do you have a screengrab?


In reply to BlackJoan
Abalha @6.14 am

That Times article. “Ruling by dicktat”, more like?

Well yes. And of course as well as Stirling you’ve Sarah Fanet standing in Argyll and Bute, another AWS.

link to

Wee Chid

Robert Graham says:
22 October, 2020 at 10:14 am
Effijy @ 9:30

“Yeah I am alright so Duck everyone else I guess that’s the Tory way .

Right now a lot of people are going to have to interact with our generous welfare system if they have recently became ill or have lost their job , my sympathies for everyone in this position.”

I remember watching a Dave Anderson performance in a play years ago in Edinburgh. It was about a wealthy man who looked down his nose at and refused to help a homeless man. At the end the wealthy character ended up on the street. I felt sorry for him and his situation but my partner thought he “deserved what he got” I’m coming round to that point of view where these uncaring, ignorant critics of the poor, now to be in a bad situation themselves, are concerned. Wish I could find out the name of the play. It was during Dave’s Wildcat days.

Wee Chid

Scot Finlayson says:
21 October, 2020 at 4:57 pm
“Are they all spoiled since bairns middle class uni educated white males that will stamp their feet and skweem and skweem until they get their way,

which they always get because they are spoiled since bairns middle class uni educated white males.”

Spot on. Nobody has ever said “No” to them before. They have no concern for any other group except themselves.


“Stan Broadwood says:
22 October, 2020 at 11:17 am
And like Moray, the Shetlands will be flooded with white settlers from the south of our border to organise and run this space port, because Scots are too fuckin thick to do techy things like that.”

Not only that Stan, the islands will be coaxed to leave Scotland, and if they do, you can bet that an indyref will happen for the islands very quickly.

The water around the islands full of fish and minerals will then be exploited by outside forces.


The Christian Duty Thing
Honestly It is true

ronnie anderson

Tinto Chiel chist when um starting to post again oan Wings U mr caw me ah fibber ah did get asked by Mandy tae move in wie her but ah wiz brought up proper went tae church an everyhing , you’ve seen me in action as a aulder person chist imagine me as at that younger age ( ah rite pain in the erse ) lol .

Take care Tinto


@ Fionan at 11.00

See also my post at 7.20 yesterday:
link to

It’s not just the science they’ve made a mess of.

Andy Ellis


The islands wouldn’t actually have that much of an EEZ so they would have little in the way of oil & gas resources. If they decided to remain part of the UK, they’d only be entitled to a 12 mile limit, as they’d be treated as a UK exclave within the Scottish EEZ. (There are numerous international examples).

Even if the islands decided to become fully independent they’d have to negotiate a “new” EEZ with Norway, Denmark and Scotland. Due to disparities in size, their own EEZ would be smaller than currently drawn, since the current boundaries take account of the relative sizes, coastline length and median lines of the contiguous states.

That’s not to say the Shetlands couldn’t be a successful small nation, just that the unionist wet dream of them waltzing off with all the oil & gas bears no relation to reality or international law.


Desimond says:
21 October, 2020 at 11:23 am
I have wondered just how have the Trans Lobbyist got so strong?

Glad you asked… A good place to start finding out would be anything from Jennifer Bilek on 11th Hour Blog
link to

Another good read will be the Strategy document prepared by Dentons, one of the worlds largest legal firms. You can find links at the excellent Gender Critical Woman blog
link to


Tinto Chiel

Sorry, Ronnie, didn’t see this so far down the thread.

She was quite a girl MRD, and I always loved that, “He would say that, wouldn’t he?” line to the snooty QC.

I know that you would always act honourably in these delicate situations 😉 .

We could all do with a Wings Brains’ Trust meeting sometime but that seems far off at the mo.

All the best to you and the family.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi TC and Randerson – “off-topic”-

link to

Tinto Chiel

“Randerson”: 🙂 .


“Ross says:
21 October, 2020 at 4:57 pm

Is anyone going to ask the question about whether enough scots would vote in a westminster-defied independence referendum to give it legitimacy?”

A good start would be to maximise the turnout by holding the referendum (and all future elections) on a Saturday and not in the middle of the working week. Not only does that minimise the inconvenience to the voters but also means the branch members don’t have to take the day off work to hand out leaflets outside the polling station (I’m assuming you do that in the UK as we do in Australia).

Another important lesson for an independent Scotland to learn from Australia is to make voting compulsory. The fines for not voting are quite trivial ($170 fine) and any reasonable excuse is accepted, but it’s enough to get attendance of 90%+ at elections. The benefits of compulsory voting are many including:
– the election results have the mandate of a majority of all citizens, not just the handful that bothered to vote. eg those voting for Brexit were less than 50% of the eligible voters so the Remain camp can legitimately claim the result doesn’t represent the majority
– voter turnout doesn’t decline simply because of bad weather
– it ensures that small pressure groups can’t exert undue influence due to higher propensity to vote eg Tea Party in Republican primaries, the Israel Lobby in US elections
– requiring every citizen to register for the electoral roll ensures that people can’t be intimidated or otherwise prevented from enrolling as happens in the USA
– since the number of people voting in a constituency is known, the number of polling stations and ballot papers required can be estimated, avoiding disenfranchising voters by running out of ballot papers
– the Govt has to ensure that it is easy and convenient for the citizens to vote or incur the voters’ wrath

To expand on the last point, having required the citizen to vote it is incumbent on the govt to make the process easy, holding elections on a Saturday being a prime example. Within each electorate there are multiple voting stations set up in schools, church halls and other buildings. Queues are relatively short and waiting times rarely more than 15 minutes.

In Australian Federal elections you can vote either in your registered electorate, in any other electorate in the same State, at specified voting stations in other States and at Australian embassies and consulates overseas, all of which have supplies of the ballot papers for your electorate. When voting out of your electorate you are required to show ID and place your ballot paper in a sealed envelope that is forwarded to your electorate for counting. To allow for postal votes and interstate and overseas votes to be counted the final count is held open for 13 days after election day. If you know in advance you are going to be away or otherwise unable to vote on the day you can apply for a postal vote.

The elderly and disabled can register to be automatically sent postal ballots for all elections – federal, state and local. Mobile polling stations are sent to hospitals, nursing homes and prisons to enable the inmates to vote. If you are can’t physically enter the voting station an electoral officer will bring you ballot papers so you can vote in your car! Every effort is made to allow the citizen to vote.

Contrast this with the situation in Britain. Elections are held on a working day (Thursday), you can only vote at polling stations in your own electorate and postal votes are only counted if received by 10pm on polling day. Considering that nominations close 19 days before polling day, ballot papers need to be printed, enveloped, mailed, received by the voter and received back by return mail within those 19 days – just how many postal votes actually get counted? As for anybody living overseas, forget about it. The whole system appears designed to ensure as few people vote as possible. And you think you live in a democracy? However you can console yourself that the US system is even worse.

I could go on about the idiocy of your First-Past-The Post system of vote counting, that for example allowed Glenda Jackson being declared elected despite nearly 66% of the voters preferring the other 2 candidates over her. However that’s a topic for another day.

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