Posted on
January 02, 1968 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
For off-topic chat. Duh.
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Another from Niteworks.
I believe my father made the chanter being played in this song.
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Arrgh! New comments page means my song lyrics on previous page will be missed and never make the big time…
So who’s this Paul Martin and what’s his frame of reference? He appears to be an bit of an ignorant dickhead, tbh. Well he can fuck right of with his tribal irrational-ism. Conflating right-wing bigotry with a scientifically based gender critical world view, is no way to support sustainable, inclusive, social equality.
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Regards the singer you’re asking about, I played a video on Off Topic shortly after the referendum. I believe it features the same song that you are looking for. This video has now had 65 million views on youtube, not bad for a Scottish mountain biker.
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The singer is Fiona Hunter and this is her singing said song last year at the Glasgow Hydro with Danny Macaskill the mountain biker from Skye who features in the first video.
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RE. Dr. Dorothy Kim and wonk speech. I’m very out of touch but that appeared to be a combination of post-colonial theory and queer theory, heavy on the queer. There is nothing wrong with being inclusive but it is certainly up for debate whether it is right to affirm and empower mental ‘disorder’ (allowing self-ID). Women’s sex-based rights are human rights that are protected by Public International Law.
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While I’m at it. Remember, sex is grounded in biology, gender is grounded in the psychology of the self (as we relate to the world around us). Creating law that conflates sex with gender, undermines legal reason and the potential for rational jurisprudence.
Gender mainstreaming as feminist politics
A critical analysis of the pursuit of gender equality in
Swedish local government
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@Julie Bindel
?Indeed, “UTTER bellendary”. Re. the ongoing marginalisation of lesbians and the penetration of “womanhood” by radical science (constructivism and gender-ID). Well, science has always been used as a means of oppressing women*, but you already know that.
Sexual orientation, Gender Identity and International Human Rights Law – Practitioners Guide No. 4
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*That is not the purpose or radical constructivism but it has been pirated by patriarchy.
@Edinburgh University
Better get this sorted before if gets out of hand. No charge, that’s free advice.
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@Edinburgh University
The next one isn’t on tick.
Women in International Law: Research Resources
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Bravo Sofonisba Anguissola.
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A wee footy O/T
If England over valued flop Maguire is getting touted at £65million, surely Celtics Tierney must be worth twice that, as he is at least twice the talent of Maguire.
Or is it just the usual “you play in Scotland so your shite, here have some porridge and be thankful.”
The song played on the Yes bikers video wasn’t Fiona Hunter after all, it’s the same song but the singer you seek was this one.
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The clue was on the link you posted lol.
re “The wrong puberty”. This must surely convince those not yet sure, that gender ideology is not conducive with rationality. Introducing irrationality into law would undermine the coherence of legal doctrine and the effectiveness of jurisprudence. And that’s for starters.
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Sorry, I can’t find an open text to this.
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This article also reviews the liberal-hedonistic context of the new postmodern setting, while showing how the concepts of “a subjective feeling of happiness” and “a life fulfilled” do not express similar content.
Sorry for taking up so much space but like I said, undermining women’s rights is only the thin end of the wedge.
Fu Manchu – The Action is Go
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I’ve just read two news reports: one about how Universal Credit is causing poverty, hunger and homelessness and one about how Harry n Megan are spending 3.2 million doing up their multi-bedroomed ‘cottage’. I am physically incapable of screaming loud enough to express my disgust, anger and despair at what Britain has become. I feel myself becoming more hopeless every day that there will ever be fairness or even simple human decency in UK government. We have to get out of it before it corrodes what little is left of our souls. I wish I knew how to convince nay-sayers to stop supping Westminster’s poison and I also wish that the thieving, heartless bastards that infest the dungheap would all lose their jobs, their homes and their health. Then they might know how real people feel. I know this is pointless but I had to put it down somewhere lest I choke on my outrage.
Hey Smallaxe
In the off chance that you look in here now again, I saw this tonight and you popped into my head. Don’t ask why as eh dinnae ken why
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Now this is sheer class and a version I’d never seen before. Cockney Rebel from 1975 and a top quality video.
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What is a state if it looses sight of natural law and justice? Well it’s not a liberal democracy, that’s for sure. Does the full-English Brexit suggest Scots are afforded natural justice by the British state?
Mad Caddies – …And We Thought Nation States Were A Bad Idea [Propagandhi]
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@CameronB Brodie
I thought it might have been another lengthy essay but I’ll give you 10/10 for that, was cool
The Chemical Brothers have always required a high degree of crowd expectation and enthusiasm.
The Chemical Brothers – Get Yourself High ft. k-os
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Cheers mate, I’ll need to tag post as ‘heavy’ or ‘light’.
Here’s a real hippy tune, still relevant today I’d say.
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George Baker- Little Green Bag
Yes you do know it
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Staying on the film theme, this is good, if you a sick Scot lol.
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I’m not a cat lover, but if you have chunky bills, I’d join any crowsfund.
Hi Thepnr.
I thought “Buffalo Springfield – For What It’s Worth 1967” sounded familiar. I was right, in a way.
The song was featured on an Island compilation LP, “you can all join in” I bought in 1969. However, the band performing it, “Art”, had changed the title to “What’s That Sound”.
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Hi Thepnr.
It’s actually on YouTube.
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@Brian Doonthetoon
Well spotted my man, if anybody knew something about the record I’m sure it would have been you. I’ve no idea why I know that song, obviously from when I was a wean but don’t know which band I heard, suspect though that it was Buffalo Springfield.
Who cares anyway, it’s a good tune.
Here’s what I’m hoping for in the Tory election contest.
Boris Johnson is victorious and becomes leader of the Tory party, he pulls the UK out of the EU with no deal by 31st October.
Then he sorts out the Scotland “problem” by abolishing the Barnett Formula and lets the treasury decide how much pocket money Holyrood will be allowed to spend with no regard to needs or spending in England, he just cuts our money.
This satisfies the more rabid supporter of the Tories in England and wins him more kudos.
No money now for free university tuition or personal care for the elderly in Scotland. Prescription charges to be the same as the rUK and why not? Holyrood won’t be shutdown it would be neutered, no cash for them.
Bojo WINS Scotland LOL.
In your dreams, bring it on Bojo, I really can’t wait for you to become Prime Minister and guarantee our Independence.
@CameronB Brodie
Well, I am noticing it is a wee bit quiet in here for a change (folk on holiday?), so, gives me a chance to say hi again to those who are about in the past day or so. @Alex Waugh, sorry, I’ve not met you, but, hi.
So, a wee check in with y’all as I don’t post much at all these days. Cameron, keep up the good work; I enjoy a challenging read! Brian, I’ll see you Saturday, no doubt (mind and not forget your jacket) and Alex, you never know. I just watched the video you put up a few days back of the mountain biker crossing Loch Scavaig and riding the Cuillins ridge; don’t recall seeing it the first time you put it up. Really enjoyed the music, but, that guy, jings, a mountain rescuers nightmare!
Cheers all.
British nationalists really need to take a long look at themselves and the value they place on constitutional democracy, IMHO. So here’s a post-structural analysis inspired interpretation of the
neo-feudalstructurally racist nature of the full-English Brexit. Nice.Learning To Play The Shenanigan
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Betty Boop
Will do. Here’s a wee read I’ve just gotten hold of through my google account. I expect it will describe Scottish ‘nationalism’ as being an entirely differnet animal to contemporary (white) British nationalism. I think it might also highlight the need to focus on the threat to ‘cultural certainties’, the full-English Brexit represents.
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For Jo Swinson
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Stanley Baxter does Regional Accents, 1973. (2mins)
Interesting/ironic to note that the only region to suffer microphone problems in this sketch is, yes you guessed it, Glasgow…
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Stanley Baxter – Parliamo Glasgow – Mia Farra’s farra, the marra & the barra (6 mins)
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“3 Ways to Sound More British” | Pronunciation Lesson (6 mins)
“Learn to speak with a British English Accent with this pronunciation lesson! 3 tips to improve your British English accent.”
Pay attention Jo!
We launched the Inform Scotland BBC Bias campaign following a workshop at the Wingers get-together in Glasgow in 2016.
We continue to archive examples of BBC Bias and share them widely on social media. We also promote any and all writing on BBC Bias in Scotland. Our car-sticker campaign continues, but we have done no billboards or other similar campaigns lately. see
Our Chairperson Simon (who you all know) feels he needs to stand down at this stage and the rest of us feel we are in need of new blood to come on board as Directors of our not for profit company Inform Scotland Ltd.
Are any of you interested in a bit of BBC-focused activism and have suitable skills to act as a director?
We We also want to find new writers on the theme of the BBC and its machinations in Scotland.
We are also just about to launch our 2019/2020 fundraiser.
Your thoughts are welcome and feel free to share with well-connected individuals you think you can help.
Cadogan Enright FCCA Treasurer Inform Scotland
you can email or myself directly
Just want to congratulate Dan on his latest opus, (up the thread) with regard to a new song to promote independence.
From a Taff who (despite his stereotypical nationality) sings like a crow with a sore throat but appreciates creativity.
Stop conflating sex with gender, if you can? I’m no brain of Britain but I reckon you’re a bit of an ideologue who is melding in stuff that is above your pay grade, ie. science, philosophy and law. I hope you’ve got your ears pinned back lad?
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That’s one side of the medical-legal model, so here’s the other side. How you gonna woke your way out of this and why do you want to undermine women’s rights? Remember, according to your former boss, Severin Carrell (a.k.a. the “Semiotic Kid”), ‘we live in a semiotic world’. So stop using words to mean what you want them to mean!
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Obviously you should use words as you want them to mean but that does not indicate you can arbitrarily change contextual meaning of words simply through the repetitive use of irrational language. Stop conflating sex with gender, you are undermining open, liberal, society and any hope for social equality between men and women!
Language and Gender.
Second Edition.
Sex and gender
Gender is not something we are born with, and not something we have, but something we do (West and Zimmerman 1987) – something we perform (Butler 1990). Imagine a small boy proudly following his father. As he swaggers and sticks out his chest, he is doing everything he can to be like his father – to be a man. Chances are his father is not swaggering, but the boy is creating a persona that embodies what he is admiring in his adult male role model.
The same is true of a small girl as she puts on her mother’s high-heeled shoes, smears makeup on her face and minces around the room. Chances are that when these children are grown they will not swagger and mince respectively, but their childhood performances contain elements that may well surface in their adult male and female behaviors. Chances are, also, that the girl will adopt that swagger on occasion as well, but adults are not likely to consider it as cute as her mincing act.
And chances are that if the boy decides to try a little mincing, he won’t be considered cute at all. In other words, gendered performances are available to everyone, but with them come constraints on who can perform which personae with impunity. And this is where gender and sex come together, as society tries to match up ways of behaving with biologically based sex assignments. Sex is a biological categorization based primarily on reproductive potential, whereas gender is the social elaboration of biological sex.
Not surprisingly, social norms for heterosexual coupling and care of any resulting children are closely intertwined with gender. But that is far from the full story. Gender builds on biological sex, but it exaggerates biological difference, and it carries biological difference into domains in which it is completely irrelevant. There is no biological reason, for example, why women should mince and men should swagger, or why women should have red toenails and men should not. But while we think of sex as biological and gender as social, this distinction is not clear-cut. People tend to think of gender as the result of nurture – as social and hence fluid – while sex is the result of nature, simply given by biology. However, nature and nurture intertwine, and there is no obvious point at which sex leaves off and gender begins.
But the sharp demarcation fails because there is no single objective biological criterion for male or female sex. Sex is based in a combination of anatomical, endocrinal and chromosomal features, and the selection among these criteria for sex assignment is based very much on cultural beliefs about what actually makes someone male or female. Thus the very definition of the biological categories male and female, and people’s understanding of themselves and others as male or female, is ultimately social.
Anne Fausto-Sterling (2000) sums up the situation as follows: labeling someone a man or a woman is a social decision. We may use scientific knowledge to help us make the decision, but only our beliefs about gender – not science – can define our sex. Furthermore, our beliefs about gender affect what kinds of knowledge scientists produce about sex in the first place. (p. 3)
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See if you can get up from this, woke-boy. Natural law is vital to the delivery of justice but the ‘type’ of natural law is important. It can also become harmful if language is dislocated from contextual meaning. It is vital that a “plain language” understanding of “sex” is safeguarded to secure safeguarding and stuff, IMHO. Conflating sex with gender is inherently anti-social and, somewhat paradoxically, undermines the potential for inclusiveness and diversity.
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P.S. It is disheartening to note that The Equality and Human Rights Commission appear to conflate sex with gender themselves. But then again, Scots are unable to access constitutional justice and must make-do with the human rights that Westminster considers politically acceptable (see the “Right to Development” and the full-English Brexit, for example).
P.P.S. Has a “constructionist” interpretation of “sex” colonised legal doctrine in Britain?
You are supporting patriarchy and sexist stereotyping, so you are on the wrong side of history re. self-ID. If you are rational rather than tribal, do you not think you might be also be wrong in thinking British nationalism is best for Scotland?
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The trans-rights movement is not selling intersectional feminism, they are selling the colonisation of womanhood by men who’s psychology is disordered from their physiology.
re. intersectional feminism. Remember, from a critical realist perspective, sex is characteristically binary, male or female. It might also be helpful to remember that ‘the social position of biological women’, is the primary concern of feminist theory.
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I’m sorry for taking up so much space but I might as well get hung for a sheep as a lamb. So here’s one with The Royal Astronomical Society in mind. The SNP and Scotland’s judiciary could do worse than giving themselves a shake, as well.
re. Phantom Power “Journey to Yes stories #16 Economy”, Richard Murphy’s overview of indy Scotland’s economy and his critique of GERS. Scotland has not voted for a neo-liberal party for some time, if ever. So what right does Westminster have to enforce a neo-liberal political economy on Scotland? One that is grounded on extremely shaky theoretical grounding, i.e. neo-classical economic theory.
The Skatalites – Reasoning
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Dialogue on the reform of economics with Tony Lawson’s
Reorienting Economics as focal point
Critical Realism in Economics: a different view
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One for our politicians who think they are advancing diversity and inclusion by disregarding science and law, in order to claim that TWAW.
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P.S. I wonder how many of these “comfort women” had cocks?
So what is a ‘Different Voice’?
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@SNP management
You have a responsibility to manage your team effectively. “Sex” is defined and protected by law. Trans-women do not poses the sexual epistemology of biological women, so they have no right to claim women’s sex-based rights. Get you members telt.
The Tort of Negligence – Establishing a Duty of Care
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It’s a sad day when a man in his fifties is more of a feminist than women caught-up in the trans-cult. Especially female politicians, who think they know what they are talking about. The trans movement is ideological entry-ism, and it threatens independence.
Chapter 2
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This trans-rights movement has certainly put a fox in the hen-house. Not only in Scotland mind. Like I said, conflating sex with gender undermines women’s rights and, subsequently, their social position.
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PJ Harvey – Man-Size
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re. the popular urban myth of ‘lady-dick’ and how lesbians must accept them. This rhetorical device is used by trans-activist to shame women into submission, and is an infringement of basic human rights. No man has a right to have sex with a woman. Trans-women are not women, they are trans-women.
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….No man has a right to have sex with a woman.
I would have been better suggesting that nobody has the right to have sex with anyone else. Or do trans-activists think laws against r4pe don’t concern them because they are special?
P.S. As far as I’m aware, martial rape was outlawed in Britain as recently as the 1990’s. Legal doctrine is inherently sexist, hence feminist jurisprudence.
P.S. As far as I’m aware, martial r4pe was outlawed in Britain as recently as the 1990’s. Legal doctrine is inherently sexist, hence feminist jurisprudence.
Is it not obvious why lesbians are being discriminated against? Firstly, their sexual preference means they have no need for men, which is an affront to patriarchy. Second, they are the ones most threatened by “lady dick”, so most resistant to law that would endanger them. Third, a large portion of Britain’s homosexuals are misogynistic dickheads (see Owen Jones, for example), so lesbians can whistle if they expect any solidarity from the homosexual mainstream. As such, lesbians will be excluded from woke society.
Veruca Salt – Seether
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I see Stonwall UK are double down on their misogyny. Promoting a r4pe guide is certainly not a good look. These guys appear determined to undermine open, liberal, society. Given their advocacy for pedophiles, I reckon Stonewall poses a real and present danger to women and children. Yet thay are publicly funded. That’s a total brain-melt.
The last paragraph wasn’t meant to be indented, as i wasn’t part of the quote. Sorry.
It looks like I missed an edit, I thought I’d avoided the word filters. Bugger.
Just in case the Rev. is too busy to clean-up after me.
Feminism, Foucault, and R4ape: A Theory and
Politics of R4pe Prevention
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I’m really sorry for being a smartypants and taking up so much space.
Thievery Corporation – Forgotten People
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Not been much in here of late, it seems, so here’s a wee musical interlude with a message of which you might all possibly approve:
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It is alarming that folk still can’t see a problem with the proposed change to the GRA. Law aims to deliver justice through logic and reason. However, the law’s potential for impartiality is undermined if the law’s use of language become arbitrary. Justice becomes arbitrary at that point.
The proposed changes to the GRA would introduce irrealism and irrationality into legal reason, thereby undermining the coherence of existing international public law aimed at gender equality. As such, the proposed changes would impair the effectiveness of international public law protecting biological women from the effects of patriarchy.
Transgender ideology was invented to disrupt and dismantle existing cultural norms. To do so, transgender ideology must disrupt and dismantle legal reason. In doing this, transgender ideology would strengthen patriarchy and open the door to regressive totalitarianism, on a global scale.
Becoming Woman, or Sexual Difference Revisited
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As that one wasn’t particularly ‘easy-access’.
Human Rights Advocacy on Gender Issues: Challenges and Opportunities
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Anglo-American neo-liberalism is a re-packaging of the economic system of 18th century slavery. The powers that be will not easily allow their domination of society to be undermined (see Farage as go-between between American fascism and British politics).
However, as it appears that Scots law is happy to debase itself in order to sustain British nationalism, I think we’ve certainly rocked the shit out of Establishment’s self-confidence and sense of self-entitlement and exceptionalism.
Lee Perry – Panic in Babylon
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I will be talking to a bad boy tonight (just outa the jile) who has quite a lot to say about how we deal with crime and prisons etc on my Roundabout show at 7 pm on Argyll Independent Radio online -if he turns up (or hasn’t been nicked again).
I saw this vid of a music fan in a wheelchair crowd-surfing at a music festival in Spain, and it really impressed me.
People *can* do the right thing, they can help each other without needing a reward other than knowing they are doing the right thing.
Article in English, contains link to video:
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Some real stuff
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And really funny
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Can I talk about sex again? Well, I’ve a bit of a one-track mind, tbh. Sex-classes must remain grounded in biology if they are to have any practical value, so here’s an ethical way to determine whether trans-women are women or whether they are trans-women.
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Back in the day before feelz overtook realz in Canada.
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The reform of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 is so named, as it refers to the re-assignment of “gender” and not “sex”. It is not possible to self-determine one’s sex.
Aretha Franklin – (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman
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Anent CameronB’s postings, would I be right in thinking that much of the recent gender/sex stramash is based on people misinterpreting a Shania Twain song…
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Shania Twain – “Man! I Feel Like A Woman”
P.S. I like the role reversal in Shania’s backing band, compared to Robert Palmer’s earlier hit “Addicted to Love”.
Shania went with himbos, where Robert went with bimbos.
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Robert Palmer – “Addicted To Love” (1986)
Island businesses are closing because of the CalMac and CMAL incompetence.
In breach of their charter, the British Unionist Media State broadcaster is at it again with their SNP-badddd meltdown. The SNP rescued Ferguson Shipbuilders from closure.
Decent minded Scots and especially islanders are grateful for a government that actually did something to help save a Scottish Shipyard.
When, oh when will Holyrood debate the BBC repeatedly breaching the BBC charter and the BBC fraudulently taking money off of people with menaces.
Stuart, PLEASE can you put a big red button on your website directly linking us and WoS to their complaints form page so e can all report the BBC every time we see this carp? Serious request. Thanks.
I pay the BBC license fee as my job would be lost with a criminal conviction, but it gives me the dry boakhaving to give these BBC pe do supporters money to defame my First Minister and my government…
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I want Scotland to become independent to stop the Tories killing the disabled. Catch a load of Theresa May’s coupon on the welfare reform death list….
The BBC bias is causing IndyRef2 heaps of damage and either costing Islanders their jobs with this ferry pi sh or worse, killing us aff via Westminster DWP and ATOS etc.
Stu., any chance you can help nudge the Scottish Government to bring the highly paid BBC Scotland executives before committee at the Scottish Parliament to explain themselves?
I believe Scotland will NOT win Independence until the likes of BBC Scotland stop this SNP badddd garbage.
We know the BBC are bias creeps. But old Labour Mrs McGinty in the schemes and LibDem Hamish McSporran up the glen could do with some help opening the eyes to the excrement they are being served from the Union TV channel.
Evenin’ aye anna recent WingsScotland twitter re-tweety:
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Q. Take away ALL of the WORDS from the ad board, what do you see?
A. Cunt.
This was playing in the Stevenston Morrison’s today – FFS, haven’t heard it for years, instantly transported me back to a strangely happy time when some new music could still give a real thrill:
Terence Trent D’Arby, Dance Little Sister –
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@Jo Swinson
In order to believe that trans-women are literally women, one has to reject the biopsychosocial model of health. Queer theory in law seeks to challenge existing norms, which is nice, but should not trump ethical reason. Trans-women are trans-women, so they do not have any human right to claim sex-based rights accorded to biological women.
Or do you think “womanhood” is solely an emotional state relating to patriarchal stereotypes?
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The Gender Recognition Act is so named, as the process of gender-reassignment does not change the individual’s sex, it simply modifies the physiology of the individual to reflect they now wish to be viewed as being of the opposite gender to their biological sex. Biological sex is not a performance though, it has real effect in the real world. Allowing men to legally claim they are women, undermines public safety for women and children, for starters. Simples.
It is vital that sex-classes remain grounded in biology, for all sorts of practical reasons.
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The Jokers – Tabou
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Oops, I’m sure folk could have search for themselves, but here’s the correct link to the brain science above.
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Anyone want to see the Ian Brotherhood Show from 2014?
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FFS! That’s the first time I’ve seen that longer version, only ever saw clips before.
Feels like an awful long time ago now. And how much credit has to go to a certain Ronnie Anderson for making those demos so effective?
I’m thinking of changing my online-ID to “Because they refused to wax Jessica’s scrotum.”. When legal interpretation takes a constructivist view of “sex”, legal reason and the potential for justice are jeopardised. Particularly if you are a biological woman. Long live patriarchy and the full-English Brexit, apparently.
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I forgot to sign-off but I appear to be on a bit of a role, not a bap.
N.B. From the perspective of Critical Philosophy and Critical Sociology, “performativity” should be viewed as mode of being that conforms to the neo-liberal transformation of society, i.e. it appears to offer choice but actually bolsters patriarchy.
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The Jokers – Soul Sound
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It is possible to protect the human rights of trans individuals, without adopting a constructavist interpretation of “sex” in law and medical practice. Allowing self-ID of sex undoes legal boundaries that society has created in order to protect the vulnerable. That doesn’t advance global human rights, it undermines them and supports patriarchy.
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P.S. Womanhood isn’t simply a range of stereotypicaly feminine flavours, is it?
The Jokers – Instant Coffee
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Ultimately, most of us just want to be healthy, happy and left in peace to do our own thing. Unfortunately, modern politics in the immanent state of Brexitania, is not conducive to respecting inalienable human rights of many (see austerity and the full-English Brexit). So I’m a wee bit sorry for the length of this post, but sometimes stepping back from a situation can reveal illuminating context.
I forgot to sign-off again.
Odetta – I Know Where I’m Going
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For today in particular
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Strangely enough, I was looking at this earlier on today. Telt you I’m a bit of a weirdo. Spooky.
In this passage Kratochwil identifies his target as ‘conventional’ approaches to IR which were “developed within the confines of logical positivism”, and allegedly employ “a positivist epistemology that treats norms as ‘causes’” and reduce communication to the ‘description of facts’ and “the ascertainment of nomological regularities”. Kratochwil argues that the relevant approaches to IR are indebted to an old conception or ‘image’ of language as a ‘mirror’, which he claims was long ago abandoned by ordinary language philosophers in the wake of later Wittgenstein.
The suggested conclusion is that the historical abandonment of the mirror image of language within philosophy, and the criticisms that led to this abandonment, should lead IR scholars to fundamentally reorient their research programmes away from ‘positivist’ approaches to IR. It is worth noting that although the above passage was written in 1989, Kratochwil has asserted as recently as 2001 that ‘positivism’ is “the orthodox understanding of science among IR specialists” (Kratochwil, 2001: p.14), and has continued in his contemporary work to warn against ‘theories’ of IR “in the fashion of ‘science’” (Kratochwil, 2016: p.291). Less detailed expressions of the above line of argument are also found in Kratochwil’s 2001 and 2013 essays respectively (2001: p.29 & 34; 2013: p.2).
A similar statement of the ARO is found in the following passages taken from Fierke’s 2010 article entitled ‘Wittgenstein and International Relations Theory’:
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Pornland – Invasion Of The Booty Snatchers
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Oh how much is Smallaxe missed on here…
The man with the ability to shut shit down in one sentence..
I so hope you are well my friend and looking after Mrs Smallaxe xxx
Don’t be thinking I just miss ye when there’s an idiot on the main thread…. I think of you and Mrs Smallaxe often….
And am always sending ye both my very best XXX from me and mine to you and yours X
@Liz g –
Hear hear.
@Liz g- yes me too.
I often think of them and hope that they are doing all right.
I wonder what happened to my dancing partner Tinto Chiel, he’s been missing for a while as well. Hope he is okay, miss his humour,oh and Harvey of course.
The Wingers are ALWAYS watching
Time revolves as do Wingers
It’s a beautiful thing
I’m open to individuals declaring themselves the opposite gender to their biological sex, but I can not support gender-ID as the basis for gaining access to sex-based rights. Allowing self-ID of sex would make a mockery of human rights.
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The world hasn’t gone mad but human reason is being tested. A symptom of the authoritarian capitalism, or neo-liberal totalitarianism, that is becoming the global social norm. I just hope the SNP’s researchers are making full use of the resources I’ve highlighted, and their legal advisors familiarise themselves with international legal doctrine, as they appear to be ignorant of basic facts of anti-discrimination law.
Who ordered the civil service to drop best practice when designing the consultation?
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Forgot to sigh off there but it gives me the opportunity to remind folks that from a Scottish and N. Irish perspective, the full-English Brexit is discrimination on stilts.
Brexitania: the psychotic fantasy of zombie, neo-liberal, neo-consevative, nationalists. Not those who voted for it, well not all of them anyway, those who paid for it.
Jonathan Coulton – Your Brains
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One last one. Can we get a crack at indy now, please.
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onathan Coulton – That Spells DNA
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The cost has still to be reckoned obvs., and we’ll be the suckers if we let it engulf Scotland. I meant the individuals/parties who paid for the criminal electioneering and stuff. And the media barons who’ve been selling Euroscepticism since the 1960’s. Well, England had to define a new role in the world for itself after loosing an empire, innit?
This is noteworthy for the title alone!
Fela Kuti, ‘Equalisation Of Trouser And Pant’ –
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Ian Brotherwood
My favourite Fela piece
“Yellow Fever”
His blast against the Nigerian ladies who used bleaching creams to try to look more white. I did 25 years in Nigeria, mostly in a womens’ teachers college, and they looked just fine the way they were. And some.
What great musician and band leader.
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Actually I met Ginger Ginger Baker in Kano,Nigeria on his way to the studio in Lagos. Paul McCartney used it for Wings and Band On The Run
re. Malcolm Clark @TwisterFilm, and his comparison between gender-modification surgery and legal amputation. Why do you think I’ve already posted about the ethical and legal implications of voluntary amputation, already?
Gender modification is definitely not a life-changing decision that children are capable of making, and it is not a decision their parents should be able to take for them. Those that suffer gender dysphoria experience a disorder between their mental and physical states. The danger of a constructavist interpretation of what sex is, is that it leads legal and medical practice to affirm disorder, rather than addressing it properly, as an incongruence of cognition. Worryingly, these are the two professions where a gender-critical, biologically grounded, perspective must remain the mainstream. Otherwise, women can kiss goodby to any ideas of further social emancipation.
Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID)—Is the Amputation of Healthy Limbs Ethically Justified?
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This is the ticket, this is the real intelligence. This should also prove informative about how the full-English Brexit, pisses all over the legal personhood and human rights of those living in Scotland.
This article questions how legal personhood is constructed by law. Elective amputation is used as a way of interrogating the institutional, material and discursive relations that combine in order to suspend legal personhood. Elective amputation is introduced in terms of medical and psychological explanations. Additionally, the perspective of self-identified elective amputees who choose to share their stories through online blogs is utilized to gain a narrative sense of how these individuals understand and engage with law. In particular, the areas of disability, sexuality and rationality are used to exemplify law’s continuing commitment to normative embodiment as grounds for ascribing legal
Elective Amputation, rationality, normativity, legal personhood, disability, sexuality
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Over to you Scottish judiciary, or are you all “ambivalent” about the full-English Brexit?
I forgot to sign-off, so here’s a wee insight into the concept of “legal personality”. We all have one, not only those who support British nationalism, though the British constitution only recognises and protects those who believe Britain is ‘One Nation’, apparently.
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Link Wray – Fire And Brimstone
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@Dave McEwan Hill –
I only ‘discovered’ Fela recently, love his work, especially how one ‘track’ can be half an hour long. And the guy’s life story is just mind-blowing, we could all learn a lot from it.
Ian Brotherhood at 7.52
A very brave man indeed.
I didn’t do 25 years in Nigeria. Typo. I did 15 years in Nigeria. Approaching 200 million people with Lagos city at about 20 million it represents a huge problem the world is not facing.The population of West Africa as doubling every twenty years and together with climate change this is the most destablising issue we now face.
Got a beautiful piece of music from Texas,beautifully sung and beautifully backed. Going to get it onto CDs and prepared for distribution
Here’s the words
Ancient Home
Can you hear, Can you hear the sounds in the distance! Voices calling with growing insistence! Listen closely and you will hear! The time for redemption is growing near.!
Scotland’s Pride in its sons and daughters! No longer lambs for the English slaughter! Thin red lines in foreign lands! To stand and die at their commands!
Growing whispers calling for freedom! Want no part of the United Kingdom! For the Blood is strong!
The Heart is Highland!
The pipes play on, We’ll make a stand!
Let the Brits begone from this sacred land!
Scots taking back their own ” Ancient Home.!
No more hat in hand in our land!
With Scotland’s resources ours command!
No more crumbs from our own tables!
We can’t stand alone is an English fable!
Too long to suffer such injustice!
Stolen lands that the Lord entrusted!
We shall rise for those that have fallen!
Could the English conscience be calling!
As these voices become a roar!
Freedoms’ call can’t be ignored!
‘Cause the Blood is Strong!
The Heart is Highland!
The Pipes play on, we’ll make a stand!
Have the Brits begone from this Sacred Land!
Scots taking back their own Ancient Home!
Scots taking back their own Ancient Home!
Can you hear, can you hear the call for freedom”
” Copyright Claimant: Elizabeth D. Tucker, Brooks R. Tucker! Words & Music: Elizabeth D. Tucker, 1951-, Brooks R. Tucker, 1970-.! Date of Creation: 2005
Dave McEwan Hill,
I saw your post above, the lyrics that you mention are in this film from 2018.
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Thanks, Smallaxe.This will be widely shared
Your welcome, Dave.
Our beautiful Scotland;
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Feast your eyes Wingers and see what we’re fighting for!
Solomon Burke: “None Of Us Are Free”
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Imelda May: “Johnny’s Got A Boom Boom”
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The Fureys & Davey Arthur: “When You Were Sweet Sixteen”
Eddie Cochran: “Summertime Blues”
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Eddie Cochran: “Three Steps To Heaven”–MkqACY
Cheers Smallaxe, simply soo-perb.
Hey Smallaxe
So good to see you posting.:-)
Hope you and Mrs Smallaxe are well… XXX
Hi, Ian. A wee word or three from our Welsh cousins;

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Hi, Liz. Peace and Love to you and yours, I’m never far away just reach out!
The Four Tops;
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I’ll be there.

The Commitments: “Try A Little Tenderness”
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It works sometimes…if you’re lucky!

‘My People My People’ Goori classic by the late Chris Phillips;
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Willie Nelson: “Shoeshine Man”
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“Man of the World”: Fleetwood Mac (Peter Green)
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Shall I tell you about my life?

No Chance!
Wilson Pickett: “In the Midnight Hour”
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Goodnight folks.
Sweet Dreams;
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You’re BACK
Here’s a bit of a rap tune for you.
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Thank’s Alex. I’ve overdone it a wee bit, bed calls but I’ll leave you in the very capable hands of…
Rory Gallagher: “Going to my Home Town”
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Goodnight my friend.

I bid you goodnight, thanks for all the tunes tonight. You certainly livened the old place up again
Smallaxe and Sybil, lovely to see you here ! Take care of you.
And Sybil , I remain passionate about my country and any time anyone tells me I’m raving on I tell them I’m just passionate about my country – you taught me that response so Ta!
Love to you both.
Hi, Dorothy.
Keep that
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Everybody needs it!

We’ll pop back again soon.
From a ComRes poll reported in Telegraph. (Daily, not Greenock)
4 possible UK general election scenarios. The ONLY one where Tories are likely to win is if election is held after October 31, and UK has left EU with No Deal by then. Otherwise the Tories get punished by people voting for the Brexit Party.
Boris Johnson thinks of party not country, and has:
NO incentive to hold a general election before Oct 31.
NO incentive for any Withdrawal Agreement with EU.
NO incentive to ask EU for an extension.
We’re heading for the EU exit door.
Poll date was from 16 July, so *maybe* it needs updating, but it is still grim reading:
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Poll results highlights-
Scenario 1: Gen Election held after UK leaves EU with No Deal:
Con-36 Lab-29 Brx-8 Lib-15
Scenario 2: GE before Oct 31, while UK is still in EU:
Con-28 Lab-27 Brx-19 Lib-16
Scenario 3: GE after extending the date of Brexit:
Con-22 Lab-28 Brx-23 Lib-16
Scenario 4: GE after Brexit with a Withdrawal Agreement:
Con-26 Lab-29 Brx-18 Lib-15
Lab and LibDem votes are steady, but the Tories only get votes from Brexiters if they deliver a hard No-Deal Brexit.
“May you live in interesting times.”
Bobby McFerrin – Don’t Worry Be Happy
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Ahm in ah nanna nanna nah nah…
Ahm in Annan, DG12, Smallaxe, fancy ah visit in the next three?
Ahm in Scotland!!!
The union
I’ve just seen your post (Above) as I wasn’t online last night. You’re welcome to come through for a few hours but I’m going to visit friends south of the border later this evening.
Do you have transport? I’ll come and pick you up if you haven’t.

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Dave McEwan Hill;
Fixed that link for you, Dave.
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Thanks, Smallaxe. Useless a this sort of stuff.
No problem, Dave.
Just take away the (https//) bit before posting and it appears back again when you post.
You only have to do this with youtube, everything else is ok as far as I know.

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Hey Smallaxe, jist catchin’ up, aye we’re here and thinking Monday afternoon suit good furra visit… we are mobile
Have an excellent Saturday the 3rd evening everybuddy
Now is the time to ROCK!
Well, that was a flurry of excitement when Smallaxe appeared.
We now resume normal service i.e. torpor and doldrums…
But here’s a crackin Stone Roses track anyway, and it’s a bit reminiscent of Smallaxe’s constant message to us all.
‘Love Spreads’
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The Charlatans, ‘The Only One I Know’ –
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@Ian Brotherhood
Your last tune reminded me of a Dundee band, there not the same at all but I was reminded of them none the less LOL
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Hi peeps.
I’m just getting back into the commenting groove after my wee holiday to Campbeltown. Always a wee tad lethargic commenting after my summer sojourn.
Hi Smallaxe – good to see your fingers active again!
Thepnr – three Dundee tracks for you; the first featuring the legendary Jim Kelly, who played guitar on the Honeybus single “Girl of Independent Means”, then another featuring him on guitar and vocals, with one of the most famous bands in the world in Dundee.
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The last one – spot all the Dundee locations in the video…
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@Brian Doonthetoon
Hi Mr B, I was off to bed but thought I’d give your links a quick listen. The opening to that first track by Honeybus was definitely Bowies Jean Genie don’t you think? Then it goes all Simon and Garfunkel on you LOL, good pick and a new one for me
The second one, never heard that either. Sounded OK to me, surprised it didn’t make any waves back then. People can be fickle as fuck lol.
I liked the last one the best and I’ve never heard that either, just a catchy tune and a decent video. was good
Shane MacGowan meets Calum Kennedy – Peat and Diesel In the Western Isles
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Hi Thepnr.
That riff is well known amongst us music aficionados.
This is the track that inspired Bowie:-
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Then listen to this and compare it to “All The Young Dudes” also ‘written by’ Bowie…
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That was great and brought a smile to my face, Scotland’s very own version of Shane MacGowan and the Pogues
@Brian Doonthetoon
Now that WAS Jean Genie, I suppose there are only so many musical notes and so many tempos and so many orders they could be played and so many…
The second one had no resemblance to all The Young Dudes for me.
Here’s the most famous example of plagarism in the music industry and for which George Harrison had to pay out more the $1m in the 1970’s for ripping off a Chiffons song.
Here’s the comparison a “side by side” video. You’ll know this tune.
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Here is a amazing piece
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Hi Thepnr.
Reputation/All the young dudes…
I find myself silently singing “All the young dudes” as a counter melody/harmony when I’m listening to “Reputation”. Jiss me, I suppose.
RE: He’s so fine and plagiarism. I read years ago, that you can’t copywrite an arrangement. So, as far as I’m aware, composer royalties from these two tracks would go to the writers of “He’s So Fine” and “Wild World”. Cat Stevens wrote the latter.
Disclaimer: the inclusion of the following two links in this comment in no way endorses the sexual proclivities of the artiste involved.
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Hi hackalumpoff.
Peat and Diesel was fine!
Hi, Cactus, I’ve just surfaced after having a late night last night.
Early tomorrow afternoon will be fine as I’ve got an appointment with the quack in the morning. See you tomorrow!
Jacques Dutronc: “Les cactus”;
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I have no clue as to what this means.
Met an old friend today that I haven’t seen for nearly 10 years. He’s an Englishman living in Scotland arghhh!
He never voted in the last Indyref but he will be in the next. He’s now a Yes and so is his two sons, just by doing nothing we are gaining support. We must thank the Tory party for that
I can’t believe I’ve just spent the last half hour of my life watching this LOL. It’s so boring that I became fascinated
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Hi peeps.
At the end of the weekend, can I jiss type that I am chuffed that I caught David’s hanging comment – on the 4th oldest active page?
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Nope, you lost me there?
Hi Thepnr.
Click on the link in my last comment, then scroll back to the preceding comment.
Certain underbridge dwellers have a penchant for leaving an anti-indy comment as the last comment on older pages.
If you’ve read these pages before then you’ll probably know that I like the stuff that Johnny Cash did. I was surprised to find that before Kenny Rogers made this song a number one hit Johnny Cash had released it before him.
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Ah, got you now. Glad to see your on the job
Here’s the Chiffons with He’s So Fine.
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There is a resemblance to George Harrison’s My Sweet Lord that anyone can hear. Who can say if it was intentional or not? Only a judge I guess and one did.
Now here’s My Sweet Lord, it’s not that much like the Chiffons song but hey, who am I to judge
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I do prefer the George Harrison song, think that’s just a familiarity thing.
Hi Thepnr.
Did you catch my comment from earlier, re plagiarism?
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Thepnr at 12.01
The name Cash comes from Strathmiglo in Fife and Johnny Cash’s daughter is well aware of it at one point having acquired some historic Cash building in that area.
Excellent tae rekindle wae yerguidself and the lovely missus, Smallaxe
SO howsabout this latest Scottish independence poll…
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NOW is the time to MAKE LOTS OF NOISE about it!!
(NB it is always the time to do SOMETHING)
I hope he remembered to play you some of his reggae tunes
In case he forgot then here’s the one he would have played for you.
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Hi Thepnr.
(Repeat)Did you catch my comment from earlier, re plagiarism?
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Hi Smallaxe.
For you, inspired by Cactus and Thepnr.
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Yes I did
Hi Cactus,
We had a most enjoyable time yesterday it was good to see you again.
Ziggy Marley: “Love Is My Religion”
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Hi Brian and Thepnr, keep up the good work. I notice that you’ve had a couple of good catches on the older threads, Brian. Alert reader!
@The police of Humberside
I don’t know who has been filling your heads with woke mince, but you need to start respecting the gender-critical view, if you want to remain within the limits of bounded rationality. Otherwise, your practice will tend towards totalitarian authoritarianism.
Human Rights – Human Bodies? Some Reflections on Corporate Human Rights Distortion, The Legal Subject, Embodiment and Human Rights Theory
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Roy Orbison – A Cat Called Domino
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@The police of Humberside
Stick this in your pipe and smoke it.
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Johnny Burnette – Rockabilly Boogie
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@The police of Humberside
A re-fill for your pipe, I hope you’ve got a healthy pair of lungs. I’m away to to keep mind and body together. Or in other words, ma tea’s out.
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the Wise Guyz – Jumping Record
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I’m only posting this material, in the hope someone in the SNP will get the woke brigade telt. Their lack of understanding of diversity and equality, threatens to undermine support for the cause of Scotland’s emancipation from cultural subjugation.
I forgot to sign-off again
Mickey & Sylvia – Love is Strange
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As I’ve said, I’m very, very rusty, but I hope I’ve managed to link the self-ID of sex with Scotland’s constitutional crises. It all boils down to embodied rights and legal recognition, facilitated through semiotics and plain English law, obvs.
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Sam the Sham & the Pharaohs- Lil’ red riding hood
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Doh! There’s me forgetting relational autonomy.
How Long Will Critical Human Rights Theory Continue to Ignore Race and Gender?
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@Mhairi Hunter
?I understand the possible source of your confusion, as there is a lack of legal clarity concerning the human rights of women and the sexuality of individuals. You’re a complete melt though if you believe it possible to change sex, and a complete moron if you conflate sex with gender. Unfortunately, you would not be alone in such confusion.
Btw, you do realise much of the drive to allow self-ID of sex, is the desire to protect homosexuals living in oppressive societies, such as Iran? In other words, self-ID of sex is largely intended as a means of subverting draconian, illiberal, law. There is no comparable need for such indirect affirmative protection for homosexuals in Scotland.
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Legal human rights are a relatively recent social phenomena, and their current construction is far from perfect, being drawn from legal doctrine that is inherently masculine in outlook and interpretation. I still support their universal application though, they just need to be developed a bit.
Trans-women are not women, they are trans-women. Ergo, trans-women have no automatic right to claim sex-based rights afforded to biological women for their protection against discrimination and other forms of legal and physical violence.
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@Mhairi Hunter
Being either male or female (or neither), is an inescapable accident of biology. Identifying as the opposite gender to that which is socially associated with one’s biological sex, is an expression of the individual’s sexuality. Though an individual’s biological sex and their sexuality are connected, they are not the same thing. Legislating as if they are the same, would be bad, mk.
Language, Gender, and Sexuality
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Sorry for being a space-hog again, but it really nips my bits when I see patriarchy being supported in the name of equality.
Conway Twitty – It’s Only Make Believe
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Full marks to the observant who noticed me highlighting “practice theory”, as I started going full-Tonto, a good while back.
N.B. The full-English Brexit threatens to annihilate the political agency of all those living in Scotland. Even the yoons, though not the rich ones, frankly. Their relational autonomy will probably receive a boost from supporting authoritarian English nationalism.
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Tami Lynn – I’m Gonna Run Away From You
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Cameron B, blimey, Conway Twitty, there’s a walk down memory lane. Thanks for that, brings back a lot of happy memories when I was just a wee lassie.
Can I just point out that a wee space for comments, is sitting there, unloved, with no comment since 18th January? A waste of a resource just pleading for academic input?
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Marie Clark’s comment, for some reason, reminded me of these, from my tiny years.
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That last one…
We used to visit my Mum’s cousin in Glasgow regularly and she took us to a cafe in Alexandra Parade with a jukebox, where my choice was always that last one.
Revisiting Quarantine, I just watched
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again, all the way through. In my DJ days, it was always a floor-filler.
Today would have been the 145th birthday of PM John “Jock” McLellan DCM of Dunoon the most prolific composer of pipe music. He wrote “The Bloody Fields of Flanders” to which Hamish Henderson wrote Scotland’s international national anthem “The Freedom Come A’ Ye” . Here is Dick Gaughan and 5 Hand Reel’s brilliant version
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Marie Clark
My pleasure, and I really am sorry for taking up so much space. I just know a bit about relevant stuff.
@CameronB Brodie
You’re not sorry, your being a complete prick. You already destroyed Off Topic and now your having another go? You and your psychobabble shite can fuck right off as far as I’m concerned because see here on Wings we seek Independence and
All of that right now is none of our business, you are on the wrong website at this time. If you want to pose a view on Independence or play a fucking tune on Off Topic I would welcome it, the crap you have posted in the last year or two you can shove it, I doubt even YOU read it.
Find somewhere else to post it, it is shit Cameron and people just scroll on by. Know why? It is not relevant at all to what we hope to achieve here.
@CameronB Brodie
From me to you.
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You’re one to talk about getting a grip. I’ll speak with you face to face, if you don’t mind.
Btw, the biopsychosocial model of health, supported by critical and feminist legal theories, as well as post-colonial theory, is not “psychobabble shite”.
The biopsychosocial approach and global mental health: Synergies and opportunities
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BDTT @ 11.07, great what a piece of music can do eh? It fairly digs into the auld memory banks, but it also means that you must be aboot as auld as me.Ha ha.
I didnae think you looked that auld when I met you and Lollysmum at Dumfries in Dock Park. By the by, do you know how Lollysmum is getting on after her accident. I see that she pops in occasionally, just wondered how she’s keeping.
Cheers guys, thanks for the memories as Bob Hope used to sing.
Well said sir, if a bit industrial, it’s about time some stood up to CameronB Brodies babbling.
It really does spoil my enjoyment of other posters opinions, not just in here but on all Wings threads.
Maybe we should start a class action for all the burnt out scroll buttons.
Arthur C
So you another who wants to limit the scope of the debate to the boundaries of your understanding? Do you generally think experts, such as your GP, are full of shite?
Critical Social Theory and Sustainable Development: The Role of Class, Capitalism and Domination in a Dialectical Analysis of Un/Sustainability
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How many folk here have insight into critical political and critical legal philosophy? I’m certainly not claiming I know it all, but insight into post-modern critical social theory, is definitely the sort of enlightenment the indy movement needs, IMHO. That’s what I have been trying to introduce to the discussion. MK.
Critical Theory and Social Justice
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I’m sure all the people queeing at the foodbanks or sleeping in doorways are thinking ALL the time about “post-modern critical social theory”
In fact they have nothing better to do and it fair cheers them up, I’ll tell you that to your face too CBB.
Good to see you back Smallaxe.
Been away for some time myself over the past couple of months and it’s a genuine pleasure to know you’re still paying a visit.
All the best to you and Mrs Smallaxe.
Btw, I’ve spoken with other WOS contributors who are glad to see the back of the chit-chat and tunes. You can’t please all the people all the time, but it is important to always try to foster constructive dialogue. Dugdale’s going to find it hard doing that and maintaining allegiance to the outdated principle of Parliamentary sovereignty, in that new think-tank job of hers.
Educating for democracy
Rolf Gollob, Peter Krapf, Wiltrud Weidinger (editors)
Background materials on democratic citizenship
and human rights education for teachers
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Don’t be a dick. This is my training, to foster sustainable democracy. This might bore the tits of you but I wouldn’t be busting my nads if I didn’t think critical theory was having an impact, somewhere.
Hi, Macart, thank you, it’s good to see you contributing again also. I’ll be popping in now and again when I’m up to it.
Peace and Love to you and yours, my friend.
Freddie McGregor: “Love Makes The World Go Round”

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All in All, You’re Just Another Brick in the WALL!
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“Btw, I’ve spoken with other WOS contributors who are glad to see the back of the chit-chat and tunes.”
Well, maybe just me but I think…
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My son got married just a couple of months ago, a humanist conducted the ceremony and the bride wore a white dress, my son the full Scottish.
This is the song the bride walked down the aisle too, I was very surprised. It was for her dad, nearly had me greetin
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Hi Thepnr,
We enjoyed the visit from you and your lovely wife a few weeks ago, it was good to see you both again. Ronnie A came back the next day and we had a good conversation for a few hours.

Give your son and his new bride our love, please. We wish them every happiness.
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So you’re calling me a liar now? And I had credited you with common sense.
Looking out the window and it’s dark dull and depressing, a bit like Wings gets at times. Never mind, there’s always tomorrow eh.
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Ziggy Marley And The Melody Makers: “Tomorrow People”

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Smallaxe, nice to see you managing to post again. Great stuff. I know that your health is not too good at the moment, but dinnae gon onywhaur, you’re needed for the upcoming fight.
Look after yourself, love to you and the family.
By the way fella’s, correct me if I’ve got this wrong, but my understanding of the reason OT was created, was to enable us to have a chit chat and play some tunes. Mibbies just me.
Hi Marie, You’re correct, it says on the main page “Zany Comedy Relief” Off Topic!
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Just Devine.

Marie Clark
How can I stop people posting? I can’t, can I? How can I open minds? I apparently can’t do that either.
Civic Education and Liberal Democracy
Making Post-Normative Citizens in Normative Political Spaces
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@Marie Clark
The very first post on Off Topic was this:
Paula Rose says:
30 March, 2014 at 2:58 pm
Look! Nice shiny new play room – time to put on some music!
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Second post was this:
CameronB says:
30 March, 2014 at 3:43 pm
Hello. Meet my mate Dave. He swims like a fish. ?
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It started because people kept posting music video links on the main thread and they were embedded so they could be played there. The Rev blocked that but people when they were bored still kept posting links to music or Still Game videos ect ect whatever. So he made Off Topic.
The thing is everybody needs a release valve, a place to chit-chat or play some music or comedy is a good thing.
Cameron, Cameron, calm doon a wee bittie. You’re very keen to jump in on top of anybody that makes any kind of comment. I am not having a go at you.
OT was started for a bit of fun and light relief from the MT. I don’t recall asking you to stop anybody posting what they like, that’s fine. All that several people, myself included, are trying to tell you is that you need to ease up. Who asked you to open anyone’s mind on OT. It’s maybe not the place for it.
You know, my late father, who was a very fair minded man, always would say to me, that if others were telling me that perhaps I was wrong, to stop and take time to think about that. Could be that the others were right and maybe I was wrong.
Cameron, I have absolutely no wish to either offend, or upset you, but perhaps before you jump on my head again, you could take a wee bit time to think about what I have said.
By all means post your tunes and chit chat on OT, but think about keeping your more serious post for the MT.
It’s good to see you posting and I wish more folk had stuff to say or contribute. Remember though, play to the whistle. I hear some mumping but I take my orders from the site owner, i.e. “Your Majesty”.
CameronB Brodie says: 9 August, 2019 at 11:08 am
“Arthur C
So you another who wants to limit the scope of the debate to the boundaries of your understanding? Do you generally think experts, such as your GP, are full of shite?”
I have been to see my GP about your question. He has prescribed 6 Months in quarantine for you, cheery bye Loon.
That Steak & Kidney tune showcased Lanarkshire’s finest talent at his very best. Sung by the grandad at every Glasgow party ever since, absolute class
I must reciprocate and the crowds are still being WOWED even now, here’s the evidence. Who’d have thunk it? LOL.
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Marie Clark
Sorry if I misinterpreted you’re intentions. Your late father was correct, but I wasn’t aware OT was created for anything specific, other than off topic comment. I’ve tried to confine my comments on MTs, to material I thought relevant to MT topics. Self-ID of sex, for example, doesn’t really fit in to that discipline, though the site owner, i.e. your majesty, appears concerned about the matter. I’m trying to be lighthearted and engaging, but democratic citizenship is serious business.
I’ve said enough. I’m not taking the hump but if folk can’t stand up for their own indy supporting opinion on WOS, how the feck are we going to get the undecided over the line?
Cameron, not by preaching about Self-ID or sex is going to convert anyone to independence. Most folk just don’t care.
Anyway, we’ll no fall out about it. I’ve enough going on in my life at the moment that is indeed upsetting, and I don’t need or want anymore at the moment.
Okay, let’s just agree to disagree, and be polite to each other.
“Give your son and his new bride our love, please. We wish them every happiness.”
Thanks for the good wishes, been a while since I watched that. In fact it’s so long ago I’m sure that you, Sybil, Karen and myself were still able to dance like that

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Hi, Cameron,
We all try to get our message across in all sorts of different ways. My message is to all who want Scotlands Independence. Hopefully, we can attain this peacefully.
One Love;
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“Remember though, play to the whistle.”??? I have no clue as to what that means.
Marie Clark
Don’t we all have better things to do? I don’t think the true scale of fascism that faces Scotland, in the shape of authoritarian English nationalism, has fully registered with some. I care about human rights and rational jurisprudence, so I’m doing all I can to get the word out. We won’t gain self-determination without taking care of these, which are the foundations of open, liberal, society.
You might not see the links between sex-based human rights and Scotland’s self-determination, but please believe me the issues are connected. I’ve provided copious evidence to that fact. Obviously the issue won’t win the debate for us but it could loose vital support for the SNP. It is a matter of basic social justice and is of significant importance to the potential for development of sustainable public policy.
Play to the referee. Don’t stop, play to the whistle. Full commitment yah bass.
Whit! I can still throw some moves;
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That’s you telt!

Haha I can remember seeing that film in The State picture house in Shettleston when it first came out. Jerry Lewis not only starred in the film he wrote and directed it as well.
Not that Nutty then?
Anyway, I just know you were not as good a dancer as the nutty one, this was more your style you cool b’stard for sure
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Got it, Cameron.
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I’ve been fighting the Westminster establishment since 1968 and I’ve got no intentions of stopping any time soon.
More like this, Alex.
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Dat a di way a Rastaman dances mi bredda

How much do people really know about the man on the street playing his guitar? Little I’d surmise, but do they see the talent?
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So good that I had to play the original just so you’d get all the words. At least some people get it, don’t they. Not everyone goes around with their eyes shut all the time.
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Love the song.
Here’s a wee blast from the past that sums up the past few months for me.
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Glad to see you’re still around. We all have ups and downs BUT at the end of the day Independence is worth fighting for and if we can give one and other a wee uplift or a bit more ammunition in the form of knowledge with which to take on the enemy then it has to be worth it.
This guy supposedly begged Scotland to stay, well a minion of his on picking up a music award on his behalf in 2014 said so. Must be true then eh, though personally I’ve learned unless you hear it from the horses mouth then best taken with a pinch of salt.
This is for all those that wouldn’t get back in the box.
“Though nothing, nothing will keep us together. We can beat them” “And the shame was on the other side. We can be heroes.”
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You better fecking believe it.
Things on MT were getting a bit too stressed back in March/April. Thought it was a good time to rest up for a wee bit. DOH! Did that ever go wrong.
Had a few work problems and a bit of a health issue over recent months. Still on the go though and slowly getting back into things.
Iss there a party here tonight ?
Here’s a wee starter from Belladrum.
Peat And Diesels “Cò Leig A Mach Thu?” (Who Let You oot)
To avoid the chat ffwd to 4.05
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Glad to hear your getting back into things. I’ve had issues myself both with health and work. Hey don’t we all, I just think that we’re all unlucky b’stards that post on Wings LOL.
We make the most of it though because it’s the right thing to do. There will be brighter days ahead, something we can all look forward to. You’ll like this Sam
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Hi Marie Clark at 8:37 am.
You typed,
“I didnae think you looked that auld when I met you and Lollysmum at Dumfries in Dock Park.”
Look, I’m a married/separated man and, no, I’m not going to bear your children, no matter how much you flatter me. So have this early memory…
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Message from SWMBO.
We’ll be having this soon if we all stick together.
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Hi Smallaxe at 3:27 pm.
You mentioned,
“ANSWER TO EVERYTHING: Steak and Kidney;
Just Devine.”
I thought I was going to get some sort of west coast food reference on that YouTube link, not the guy who was tiny bubble-obsessed.
Onnyhoo, my brain receptor that starts linking things had already gone into overdrive, before I even listened to Sydney.
So this food related track came to mind:-
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That then led onto another crisp-related track…
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Then the beverage element led me to this lament…
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I blame the public school system for my shortgoings.
I think I’ve linked to this track in the past, but this is a new video interpretation of it – to me, onnyhoo.
In DJ mode, at one-off events, like weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and so on, I delivered a preamble before playing this, explaining that it was a traditional highland ballad, which told of how the highlanders would drive their cattle down the glens to the markets in Glasgow. And told of their hopes and dreams – then I played this:-
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Hi Guys,
All those talking politicians
Words are easy, words are cheap
Much cheaper than our priceless land
But promises can disappear
Just like writing in the sand.
Yothu Yindi: “Treaty”
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Just had a call from a guy called Craig he said:
“Have you had to walk 500 miles? Were you advised to walk 500 more? If so, you could be entitled to compensation. Call The Pro Claimers now.
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The other place is still open for business…
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The Proclaimers: “In Recognition”
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We see you!
In memory of John Campbell Munro.
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“Pass That Bottle”: The Devil’s Daughters AZ Rockabilly
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@Smallaxe, couldn’t resist
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Wife asked me ‘what you looking at on the computer?’…I said ‘I’m looking for some cheap flights’…She got really excited, which is unusual, as I didn’t think she liked darts.
Neither could I;

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You’re right. I did like it.
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Great, old Jim reeves tune, new version to me, even better with Zak Dingle on Keyboard, or was it this guy?
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I woke up grumpy this morning, it was my own fault I should have left her sleeping.
For Her;
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Yir missus likes the darts then. Here’s some more just for Nana.
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Apple have just announced it has developed a new computer chip that can store and play music in women’s breastS.
The iTit, will cost between $499 and $1699, depending on‘speaker size’.
This is considered to be a major breakthrough because women have always complained about men staring at their breasts and not listening to them.
After being with my missus for 40 years I finally decided to tell her that I had a police record.
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Fife’s finest! Meet Danny Wilson’s brother Jocky.
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Keyboard, and Jim invents twerking;
The Doors: “Light My Fire”
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This wee guy came from Saltcoats and then went;
“Down Under”: Colin Hay;
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@Brian Doonthetoon 8:11pm
Haha Cheese and Onion ya nutter
What’s the difference between kinky and perverse?
Kinky is using a feather.
Perverse is using the whole chicken.
We need these guys back NOW
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Another Jock in Aussie
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Goodnight, good people.
I’m so tired;
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Goodnight Smallaxe thanks for coming to the party.
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Some great tunes from you tonight, sleep well and we’ll catch up later. Hackalumpoff great party by the way
@Thepnr goodnight, should have charged less for the tickets or should I just change my name to IRONYMAN.
I’m not one of those who would like to see the end of chit-chat and tunes, btw. I’m not despicable, I’m inscrutable.
FU MANCHU – Hung Out To Dry
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The Yellow Peril: Dr. Fu Manchu and the Rise of Chinaphobia.
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The inscrutability of Fu Mancu tells us quite a lot about the power of cultural myths and cultural stereotyping, in shaping the boundaries of individual autonomy and personal sovereignty.
Shanyn Fiske, “Modeling Masculinity: Engendering the Yellow Peril in Fu-Manchu and Thomas Burke’s Limehouse Nights”
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One for the woke-set.
Fu Manchu – Weird Beard
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Sorry, I thought I was done for the day, but it looks like the woke-set are sitting at the top table.
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This should be of interest to both legal scholars persuadable to supporting independence for Scotland, as well as those concerned about the proposed changes to the GRA. I’m done now, ma tea’s out, again. Honest.
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Andre Williams – Pulling Time
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Evenin’ Cameron, guid tae see O/T keepin’ busy, awe ra best
Here’s some quotes from the current thread on IndyLive radio…
NOW Playing ~ JJ SHOW:
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Good points mentioned above
‘Mon the quickening…
Evenin’ Cactus. Yes the quickening. The game is definitely afoot. Which make it all the harder for me to point out that the Scottish government appears to have lost the plot, in seeking to surreptitiously re-define the legal definition of “woman”. This is the sort of thing that happens when you conflate “sex” with “gender”.
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I’m honestly not trying to hurt our cause, but the Scottish government is making a complete back-to-front of legal reason and due process.
Poverty and Social Impact Analysis
Integrating Gender into Poverty and Social Impact Analysis
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to heal the world. I’m only trying to help women secure their place in open, liberal, society. Subsequently, my efforts are in line with out cause, I’d have thought.
A review of available information on the use of impact assessment in public policy formulation and in contributing to the fulfilment of statutory duties
1. The antecedents of equality impact assessment
1.2 Gender based analysis in Canada
Similar to the European experience, gender based analysis (GBA) in Canada stems from the signing of the CEDAW in 1981 and the Beijing platform for action in 1995. In 1995 the Canadian government, in its Federal Plan for Gender Equality, opted for GBA on all future policies and programmes in fulfilment of its obligations under these UN charters6. The responsibility for GBA lies within the Status of Women, a department of Canadian government charged with overseeing the implementation of gender policies across all departments and agencies (Paterson, 2010).
In 2004 the Status for Women produced a guide: An Integrated Approach to Gender-Based Analysis in which it lists the following check-list questions:
• Does this policy/program/trend improve the wellbeing of women/men?
• What resources does a person need to benefit from this policy/program/ trend? Do women and men have equal access to the resources needed to benefit?
• What is the level and type/quality of women’s and men’s participation in the policy/program/trend? Has this changed over time?
• Who controls the decision-making processes related to this policy/program/trend?
• Who controls/owns the resources related to this policy/program/trend?
• Does this policy/program/trend have any unexpected negative impacts on women and/or men?
• Does this policy/program/trend benefit men more than women (or vice versa)? If so, why?
• Beyond the federal government, provinces and territories have also committed to the implementation of GBA, and in some instances, have government personnel dedicated to this initiative. (Hankivsky, 2012:172)
In a critique of the Canadian approach, Eveline and Bacchi (2005) argue that the different choice of terminology represents a focus on ‘difference’ as opposed to gender
mainstreaming where gender equality is integrated into existing policy processes. The difference approach was instituted following the Arbella Commission in 1984 (Canadian Royal Commission on Equality in Employment) (Paterson, 2010).
However Eveline and Bacchi (ibid.) argue that, in the Canadian experience, difference has often been interpreted as neutral in terms of equality and that ‘a differences approach can and often does simply entrench the status quo’ (p.504) because it does not start from a position of unequal power relations between men and women….
Small Faces – All Or Nothing
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re. TISM. Weirdos, though they appear to understand BritNats, so here’s one for blood-and-soil nationalists, such as Gordon Brown.
TISM – All Homeboys Are Dickheads
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Cactus @ 11.29
What I would have said is the main difference between the EU and the UK is that the EU has an Article 50.
If at anytime the EU stops working for Scotland we can trigger Article 50 and leave.
No other Country or their Governments get to interfere,they would have not a thing to say about it.
We won’t be forcing any other Country to come with us or putting people on the island next door in any danger
Compare with the Treaty Holyrood signed us up to 3 CENTURIES ago and trying to get rid of that!
Something what I writ and posted on WGD yesterday.
“Only caught up with this last night after I got back (stooshie over the Rev’s interview). Unsurprised at the meeja take right enough.
Onywise… There’s a long road before the next Holyrood elections and a lot of slurry to be found in Westminster politics in the meantime. Not to mention the odd twist and turn on the electoral front.
Worth a thought for peeps like, but the meeja and their chaintuggers have been trying to drive wedges into the YES movement for quite some time. Might be that the only folk who benefit from friends having a bit of a ‘look over here, not over there’ moment are…?
There’s a lot of frustrated people out there. There’s a lot of nervous and even scared people out there. People heartsick at the carnage brought about by Westminster’s political class.
When talking to each other? Remember who the real bad guys are and what the YES movement is all about. We’re friends.
All parties and no parties isn’t a serving suggestion.”
English/British nationalism is a form of cultural patriarchy and Scotland the infantilised object of cultural domination.
Karminsky Experience Inc. – Exploration
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Oh how nice to see friendly faces here =)
Macart @ 10.35 am, so well said and so needed to be said, thank you.
Hey Cactus and Cameron B and Thepnr and Liz g and Hackalumpoff! (thank you so much for redirecting me to Nana’s Links on IndyRef2. I really do miss her being on Wings because those new articles allowed us all to discuss further topics by the time the main thread had begun to go round in circles)
Peace and Love xxx
Hello Ghillie
Nana is happy digging out her links and posting them to the new site with no hassles. We were thinking of opening a comments section so that people could discuss stuff, but so far there have not been enough requests to justify doing that.
Hi Ghillie
Bugger! What a party I missed!
I’m listening to Gerry Rafferty singing , “get it right next time’
and I sincerely hope we do!
@ Dorothy
Pretty shocking, I know. But y’know whut?
I tend to come here first after reading a main article these past few days. Listen to some tunes, enjoy some good written comments kinda thing. Delighted to see Smallaxe on thread again and dropping some of his links.
I am delighted to have found you Sam and Smallaxe .
I have to thank Ian Brotherhood for directing me here.
I will continue to indulge quietly!
Listening to Gerry Rafferty who has some fabulous songs , great band and the timbre of his voice pleases my lugs!
@ Dorothy
Ian’s the real deal.
Also? Same on the chillin’ front these days. Been a rough few months and I’m not inclined to do anything other than enjoy good company at the moment.
Hugalumff @ 9.05 pm
Yes please!
Comments following Nana’s links were some of the best and most informative.
Definitely worth getting that going
Hallo Macart =)
Waves back
Definitely not drowning =)
Though rough waters overby. Ach, that’s a good sign! Trolls flapping aboot like mad. Beginning to feel compassion for the poor souls.
Hallo Dorothy Divine
Phew so much nicer here.
Thank you for the music =) (said it before, but need my sons to show me AGAIN how to do the blue letters links thing)
I need to get to bed! Been up looking after Altzeimery Mum and need to be up again in 5 hours!
Cherrie bye x
Hi Dorothy D.
Here’s a Gerry Rafferty for you, featuring A.N.Other…
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Hi Dorothy D.
And typing of A.N.Other, see here.
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What time will you be getting set up at the Citadel at the Castle Gate on Saturday @Ruglonian says or @ Ronnie Anderson?
I’ll be stewarding but may be able to help depending on timings.
Hi Ruglonian.
Chris and I should be able to get to you around 12.30ish. Wanna join the march around half way down Union Street so probably head west around 13.30. Chris has more strength and energy than me, btw.
A comments section on Nana’s links would be well used. There’s more than one topic worth discussing in her links everyday. I’d like to see such a thing.
@Lucia Daines
The bus pass arrived today LOL
Aberdeen sadly not doable, the missus is in Liverpool this weekend and I have the two dogs.
@Thepnr 9.49
Couldn’t agree more. Tried to send Nana a ‘Hi’ through the contacts box right enough.
If you’re reading Nana? Hope you’re keeping well.
We will be in Aberdeen on Saturday so maybe discuss a comments section at the Wings stall or wherever the beer is.
I checked the mailbox and the spam filter and there is no message from you, so Nana says try again, she replies to everyone.
Here’s Dave Stewart doing another bit of busking. Good tune too.
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Hi Macart and Hackalumpoff
As explained earlier I doubt I can make Aberdeen but nothing is impossible so who know. Yes, lets get that comments section on Nana’s Links.
C’mon Scots Renewables look at the demand get to it LOL
One of my favourite busker tunes that have been played on Wings.
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@ Hackalumpoff
Cheers and will do. Try it from another computer for my next attempt. My old mouse powered laptop is just about on its last legs.
I can sympathize…
My turn I believe for a Proclaimers tune.
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Hello Ghillie! You are so right , much nicer!
BDTT, I had forgotten his start with Billy Connelly, I didn’t catch up with the Humblebums until I came down to Glasgow and there were other/better fish to fry at that time!
So thanks for the memory jogs.
Won’t see any of you in Aberdeen , I’ll be in Perth but gave a good day , hope the weather is kind and somebody takes lots of photos.
as a p.s Brian – I think Billy Connolly’s the national anthem section is my favourite along with the Effin Bee by Matt McGinn.
There is another which I caught on the radio some years ago and haven’t heard since about Hamlet who loved his mammy. Anyone???
If you are in any doubt that Hassan is a FUD, my perspective is shaped by the Frankfurt School, which has provided an intellectual vantage-point from which to fight totalitarianism since the rise of Stalin and Hitler. Yet I am supportive of WOS. Hussan’s logic is mince.
Thievery Corporation – Liberation Front
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As evidence I’m not talking mince. This is what happens when you remember you’re a bit of an anti-humanist, moral realist. Which is nice.
Agency and Change:
Re-evaluating Foucault’s Legacy
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Sorry, I wasn’t intending on interrupting or dominating the flow.
Groove Armada – Inside my mind (Blue Skies)
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Nana’s links page is now open for comments.
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Dorothy Devine 16th August – “Hamlet loved his mammy” is from the 2 or 3 minute condensed version of Hamlet. It is absolutely brilliant – wish I’d heard it in the 1960’s when I was “doing” Hamlet for A levels! But it’s not a musical piece.
I still think Michael Marra’s “Hermless” would make a lovely national anthem – it was someone else’s idea and I agree.
Dorothy Devine 16th August – “Hamlet loved his mammy” is from a 2 or 3 minute condensed version of Hamlet. It is absolutely brilliant – wish I’d heard it in the 1960’s when I was “doing” Hamlet for A levels! But the one I heard wasn’t a musical piece. Googling I see there are a lot of reduced versions but the one you and I heard was definitely Scottish.
I still think Michael Marra’s “Hermless” would make a lovely national anthem – it was someone else’s idea and I agree.
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link to JJ Gilmore-Glasgow Town
link to JJ Gilmore-The Cynical Man
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Ach, I’ll have to play this Easy Rider song again as Peter Fonda passed August 16th. Cannae believe I had this song in my head as we cruised up to Aberdeen on the 17th.
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Sorry if I’ve been a bit too much for some. Perhaps I value my perspective a bit too highly, but the stuff I’ve been posting is the sort of cultural morphology and legal philosophy endorsed by the Royal Town Planning Institute. It provides the tools to unlock Scotland from imprisonment, if folk have the time and capacity to learn, so I though I’d share as widely as possible. Anyway, my spud duty is over, so I’ve been trying to cram in as much as possible before I head back to Edinburgh. Apparently I live there.
Otis Redding – Tell The Truth
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@CameronB Brodie
This is for you Cameron, Wind of Change by Scorpions.
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I am trying, or so I’ve been told.
Thanks mate.
Welcome back posting Michael, some good choices as usual, I stuck one on the main thread also liked Cynical Man. Cheers
I certainly don’t know it all and I’m very, very rusty, but I hope I’ve managed to give folk a wee peek at the world from a postcolonial perspective. Which is nice.
Kokoroko – Abusey Junction / We out here
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In memory of a very brave man whom we lost last month. Johnny Clegg OBE. It is not many men who can say that Nelson Mandela sang and danced on the stage with him.
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It’s hotting up alright, if you can’t stand the heat?
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I think we’re very close. We each do our best and we’ll skoosh it
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This is really cheesy, in fact it’s really wet. Still it is a Lennon/McCartney tune from Sgt Pepper so can’t be all bad.
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@Lucinda Daines
This one is specially for you xx
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Some comedy relief, well I find it quite funny
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C’mon brothers and sisters of Scotland, we don’t need that fascist groove thang.
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Hey good stuff, remember it well. You might like this, I’ll play it for Ruth I’m sure she’d like it too
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I wonder how they got Ringo Starr to wear the Pink suit and Paul McCartney got to wear the blue one? I guess their manager made the decision for them.
A bit like this maybe?
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Ach weel, seeing as we’re on music tonight, I’ve got to chuck these in.
When I first came across “Star Turn”, I thought “BRILLIANT!” – a new pi$$-take.
I bought all the singles, well into the 90s but I’ll only the links to two here. You can explore all the rest by pasting
“Star Turn”
into YouTube’s search bar.
The premise was that a “singer” from the Whitley Bay Social Club had become a major artiste. When I worked with EBS Tayport in the 1980s, I had to do a trip to North Shields and, on the way back, I just had to visit Whitley Bay. It was depressing – like a November afternoon at Broughty Ferry – overcast, dull with big rollers in the harbour.
Onnyhoo, Here are the two examples I will post here.
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This one is probably my favourite. “He’s flown up specially first class, all the way from London, with his new image”…
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Onnyhoo, I always liked the whole “Star Turn” project.
One of these links has this following it…
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@Brian Doonthetoon
“It was depressing – like a November afternoon at Broughty Ferry”
Haha that’s a classic, one to note for the history of Off Topic
As for your choice of music? It was BRILLIANT LOL I’m sat here on the seetee with tapping my feet and with a grin on my face. I like Whitely Bay, stayed there a few times when working at Swan Hunter, could get a bit rough at the weekend mind. Broughty Ferry it aint, still I’d have no problem staying there again, in fact I really like it
Aye Alex, I like all sorts of music depending on mood.
With all that’s going on some folk may be losing their marbles… but at least lost marbles can be put to use. This is an impressive example of what some humans can do.
Wintergatan – Marble Machine
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Or just bang and tap away at anything that’s close by like Dario Rossi @ Speedy Market. For the techno clubbers he really gets it on when the lights dim in the Deli section, particularly at 2min 50 on what looks like a huge cheese grater!
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Rev mentioned in his recent interview this was the latest track he’d listened to. I’ve been wanting to edit this track onto a vid of one of my mountain bike hill descents as the tempo and breakdown fits perfectly to the terrain. A task I’ll need to do before I can’t make it up the hill for being over the hill…
Public Service Broadcasting – Go!
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The marble machine was a bit of fun. If you pay attention though you’ll find that it wasn’t the little steel ball bearings playing the tune it was little “plastic chimneys”?
Speedy market
Lat tune was good, a catchy number.
Do you think though you could get anywhere near matching this on your mountain bike? I’ve played this video before on here pre 2014 but it’s probably not the one you might be expecting. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it all the same
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This one needs no introduction. It’s funny that I liked this when it first came out but it maybe has more meaning to me now.
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Ha ha, I saw the opening second of that mtb vid and the answer is a resounding no feckin way!
He’s the later Danny Mac EVO 2 model with enhanced capabilities and what must be titanium knees, but watching the crazy stuff he does I do wonder if they didn’t install the brain to save weight.
I can claim to have BMXed and wheelied around Edinburgh before he was even born though.
The yoof of today have fancy phones and cameras to record and edit what they do. Back then we 35mm film cameras that you’d give to a mate who’d try to take snaps as you did tricks. You’d then have to save up 4 quid and wait a week to get the film developed at Boots, only to find nearly all the photos were an out of focus blur or only managed to capture the back wheel in the exposure.
I think I’ve only got 2 decent pics of my entire BMX exploits. The best being a single handed wheelie past an Austin Rover dealership in Gorgie that had Montegos and Maestros in the showroom.
No doubt with a better camera the footage would have been more impressive like this. (maybe)
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I’ve still got the BMX I built in 1984. Saved up my pocket money and spent it all in the Scotia BMX shop on Iona Street off Leith Walk. I understand a certain Chris Hoy used to race for their BMX team when he was a lad.
Just like Robert the Bruce eh! Try Try and Try again. I like that, you never give up or give in. That’s for losers like Ruth
If you look in again I have to say I wondered where I got it into my head the song “get by with a little help from my friends” that I played the “cheesy” Wet Wet Wet version of.
I know now it was you song from Jo Cocker on here last week, It’s amazing how susceptible we are to outside influence LOL.
I’ve played this song too many times on here already, I’m sure there’s a psychiatrist somewhere that has a whole chapter on me. So fuck, I’m past caring about what anybody else thinks. I’ll do what i think is that and just be myself.
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My my, a popular beat combo playing music intermixed with sounds from the Apollo moon landings.
Glad to see Public Service Broadcasting paying homage to/copying the idea used in Hawkwind’s excellent 1970s track “Uncle Sam’s on Mars”:
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Motto to live by: There is nothing new under the sun.
Song for Ruth Davidson:
Bob Calvert’s “I Resign”. Short and sweet at 27 seconds, this needs to be played every time she makes a RuthTervention in future.
When the going gets tough, the tough resign…
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Hi Thepnr.
You mentioned,
“f you look in again I have to say I wondered where I got it into my head the song “get by with a little help from my friends” that I played the “cheesy” Wet Wet Wet version of.
I know now it was you song from Jo Cocker on here last week, It’s amazing how susceptible we are to outside influence LOL.”
I wonder if you’ve ever heard this particular choon? Kinda parodies the arrangement of the Joe Cocker version. I have it in my brain that I actually saw a performance of it on TV at the time.
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O/T on O/T !
It pisses me off when they try to dumb stuff down and even use the English term Injunction.The phrase is Interim Interdict!
Here’s a yarn from the 1920s when the Tories tried to renege on their promises, sound familiar?
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To the lovely kind wingers who posted support for me on MT.
Please do not think I cannot take feedback , negative or otherwise, I am not so UP myself that I do not know when I post overlong winded rants or when I am wrong..Lol
However in my defence so that you don’t think I am a complete maniac Lol..I have been somewhat manic recently as my son has been going through a very bad time these past two years..and now he is going to Dublin next week for four years on a course and I find myself verging between tears and enforced distraction tactics as I worry how he will cope.
This incessant post writing on this wonderful site with such a great bunch of peeps has been my respite and an outlet for me. I guess I sometimes come over as a feisty old bird but the truth is I am unbelievably emotional just now.
I am sorry if I am embarrassing anyone with my honesty, it is not my intention but I really do not want any of you to think I am someone who thinks they are above criticism…trust me I know my limitations.
So thank you so much for your kind comments of support on MT it did stop me crying because my writing on here has helped me to forget how shit things have been worrying about my son and well I am not very good at coping when things get bad.
I love this site and I love reading the Rev’s blogs and his tweets and most of all the diverse opinions of everyone on here.
Please note I was not crying at the criticism I got but because I knew that after getting it, in such a harsh and dismissive manner that I, personally, would find it impossible to keep posting and risk being made to feel stupid…what a big baby I am…
All the best to everyone I shall still read your comments.
Hi Clapper57.
Never mind Auld Bob. He’s set in his ways but, unfortunately has never got hold of the art of explaining why he doesn’t agree with a comment, in a manner that is not insulting.
I read all his $h!† – I’ve learned a lot from his input over the past 6 or 7 years – but he does tend to be a tad condescending (to put it kindly) towards those he considers are “wrong’.
Just keep on posting your comments and scroll past Mr Peffers as the mood takes you.
BTW: I liked the explanation of your username!
Keep on posting Clapper57. The Indy movement needs all types of folk as we progress our cause, and the more posters the merrier as it keeps the btl commentary and discussion diverse and interesting.
Wings should have a badge “I’ve been Peffer Sprayed”.
There probably aren’t many who post on Wings that haven’t at some time or other caught a whiff of Rebuke by Roberto Peffers.
I’ve definitely been “Peffer Sprayed” (copyright Dan) on more than one occasion. I know too how infuriating it can be.
Regrading your son heading to Dublin, I think it will all work out. My own daughter has been at Uni in Liverpool for the last 3 years and where she lives is a bit rough to say the least LOL.
You know hwta though she’s loving it and I’m proud of het taking care of herself. They’ve all got to grow up and make their own way. Your son will do exactly that, try not to worry.
I hope to see you posting again, take a break for as long as you like, something we all need to do once in a while.
Meanwhile, here’s a tune for you that I hope you might like.
link to
OK off-topickers.
I don’t think I’ve linked to this before in this wee roomie.
I only found out years later than Ian Broudie (Lightning Seeds) was one of Care. I thought it was a great single when I bought the 12″ version. I believe it still sound good.
Onnyhoo, why has Ian Broudie been in the news in the past day or two?
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“Ian Broudie played in Liverpool’s fledgling punk scene in the 1970s (he was a member of the band Big in Japan,[1] which also featured Holly Johnson and Bill Drummond).[2] He was also a founder member of John Peel favourites Original Mirrors in the early ’80s, and was credited as a member of Bette Bright and the Illuminations on their lone album from 1981. In 1983, he recorded and wrote tracks under the name Care with vocalist Paul Simpson;[3] the duo released 3 singles, including the minor UK chart hit “Flaming Sword”.”
That info is from:-
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Sticking with classic movies scenes and Tarantino. Remeber the scene from Pulp Fiction about the gimp? This isn’t it and neither was it actually made by Tarantino.
Still it’s a worthy effort all the same
Oops, here’s the link.
link to
Dear Clapper57,
I too love this site, and it has been a real value for me to read the btl contributors and also ‘gather’ my own thoughts and concerns and knock them into some kind of shape to go onto paper.
Having been on the receiving end of ‘he who I now ignore’ I find him to be a bully and an antagonistic wind up merchant.
Look after yourself, keep your chin up, come back soon. Best wishes.
I hope it works out.
It sounds like your boy has got it together now – mine did everything too young and went through a bad spell too and couldn’t cope but now there is no holding him back. I still worry though. At least your boy will be be in the EU!
I don’t think people realise how if you keep an eye on politics and stuff it permeates your life as you see the implications for you and yours everywhere. If you think folk are not seeing what you see it can get to you.
Anyway come back when you are ready. We all need a break sometimes and I can be crabbit and take it out on folk here too. Sorry.
Waves to everyone I have upset and slinks away…
Hi Brian, Thepnr & Daisy…I have posted a response on MT to Mr Peffers as he is STILL attacking me and misrepresenting what I said…so..I have recopied the ‘offending’ comment…or rather comment he CHOSE to be offended by…anyway you guys are just great and Mr Brotherhood , RJS, Silverdarling and others, and you too, have made me feel 100% better… as I even began to start doubting what I wrote myself on the piggen comment Peffers was slagging…my response to him on MT will ,I am sure ,NOT please him…but what the Hell….like talking to a brick wall trying to reason with him….he’s ALWAYS right and we are bad…NOT.
Thanks guys keep up the great posts
This calls for…
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@ Thepnr
Love it…my favourite is Frank Zappa though…especially ‘The Muffin Man’…sorry cannot do link…me no techno techno Lol
You might like this, it’s how I feel anyway
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Hi Clapper57.
Frank Zappa.
I have two favourite tracks so here they are.
link to
The second one is a bit more awkward because the only YouTube video cuts off before “The Bullet”, the whole point of the song.
Members of the Mothers of Invention had been in The Turtles, whose biggest hit was “Happy Together”. The whole track (on the “Live At The Fillmore East album”) leads up to “Happy Together” but the complete video appears to be unavailable.
Thus, you have to watch link 1 then quickly watch link 2 to get the point.
Link 1
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Link 2
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Or you could watch this but you have to read the info below the video for the context.
link to
I’ve just spent a wee while watching videos that followed videos on YouTube. Then I got to this one…
When they started “Waltzing Matilda”, my eyes became over lubricated. The last time that happened was when I watched this and the bagpipes came in:-
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Onnyhoo, Waltzing Matilda. Optical over lubrication.
link to
It was because I now associate that song with this song:-
link to
Yes, I’ve become a sentimental old duffer. See yooz in Dunfermline later today.
Clapper57, I agree with the others, please keep posting.
I suppose those of us who have children, ( mine are 40 and 38 now) understand how you feel about your son. If I told you about half the things my son did, it would make your hair curl. But, he has come out through it, and is a very sensible young man, who now runs the family business. At times my husband and I totally despaired about him, but they usually come through it at turn out quite normal like the rest of us.
If Auld Bob upsets you, just scroll on by. His post can and have been very educational for a lot of wingers, but sometimes his replies are a bit harsh.
Take your time and start posting again when you feel like it. Always remember the wingers are here for you. I take a break from time to time as well, with all that is going on at the moment, as I keep saying, it wid burst yer heid.
Take care.
PS has CamB been hammered, or is he just having a wee break as well?
@ Marie Clark on 31/8/19 @ 10.46am
Hi Marie, Thank you… what a sweetie you are…and liz g on MT.
Please note Marie and others I was not ” throwing a wobbly” as someone said on MT late last night in regards to what someone else said were my “errors” being highlighted ..I was incensed that my comments were being misrepresented…Nowhere on the “offending” post did I either criticise or mention the SG or Nicola Sturgeon.
The subsequent justification posts by the one who was so offended that he felt compelled to put me right…while at the same time totally misrepresenting my post…were even more bizarre as I seem to now be in the same category as those who constantly criticise the SNP…when if anyone has read my posts I clearly support and endorse much of what they do…
My big MISTAKE was not doing what the wonderful Ian B said …and just scrolling past yon person’s ranting…I acted in haste and in anger…..however when one is treated in such a condescending manner…indeed in the very same style of writing of yon ‘Sensible Dave’ who took condescension to a new level when he berated wingers on here….then one feels compelled to defend one’s position.
Unfortunately I am also ashamed that I resorted to attacks on his behaviour..past and present…Liz G did a lovely thing in that she was trying to appeal to his rational side…BUT as per…he still insisted that he was right and continued to accuse me , via my original post, of writing what I clearly DID NOT write.
I know that the person , who it seems is the unofficial moderator , of this forum has a vast knowledge of Scottish politics and history and many on here have highlighted that very fact …but frankly I personally would prefer to acquire that knowledge via books and t’internet than be berated on a public forum and falsely accused.
It is to this site’s detriment that “lurkers” who visit this site and read btl comments , and perhaps have valid points they may wish to make but lack the confidence to do so…they will certainly NOT be encouraged to do so when they see a certain individual berating others in a abusive and blunt manner as opposed to carefully and with tact correcting them..or dare I say it being welcoming and encouraging their presence as a new contributor …as a fellow winger and indy supporter should.
Age should bring some kind of knowledge that sensitivity is a essential tool in communication…because we never know when we interact with others what state their lives may be in…thus we cannot weaponise our words…but must instead go canny for fear of making that individual even worse than they may already feel….the obvious exceptions being when an obvious troll needs to reap what he sows…and we get our fair share of sporadic trolls on here do we not Lol
To all of those who showed support for me I thank you so much…what a lovely bunch of people you are…I have NOT chosen to add this comment onto MT as I know it will more than likely be attacked and once again probably be misrepresented, misunderstood and met with hostility by certain individuals…but I have chosen instead to add it onto off topic where the predominantly considerate people come to chill.
BTW Brian D loved the Zappa tracks…thank you.
Anyway sorry for long post but needs must…personally cannot believe such a stooshie occurred over me , as is my right, just simply making a comment on an open forum….will miss interacting with you guys…but I really do not want to EVER comment on MT again….my heart is already breaking at what is currently happening to us Scots thanks to those so and so’s at WM…so I have no masochistic desire to also feel even shittier by being wrongly accused on here of so called crimes of which I am NOT guilty of.
Have a lovely day guys..onwards and upwards…
Thank you Brian for that. I stumbled on that rendition about four years ago ands play it regularly when I need a bit of a lift.Here it is with a different visual presentation. When the pipes come in …….
link to
Hi peeps.
Much discussion on FaceBook today, about army convoys.
I’ll add my tuppemce worth in.
We were on the 10.15 X26 from Dundee to Dunfermline, on Saturday morning. Around 10.30, as we were approaching St Michaels, We passed a convoy of around 6 “big trucks”, 6 large transit type vans and around 4 police vehicles.
I’m a bit cheered up with the way things have been going politically the last couple of days. Most of you know what I mean t=you’re up one day then you hit a snake and slip right back down.
A week or so back Smallaxe played Pink Floyd – Another Brick In The wall. Always been a classic her’s a longer version I’d never heard before but it’s good.
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Must be doing something right, I think we’re taking back control at last
I might have been cheered up but that last song depressed me again lol, was a bit long I’ll admit.
So seeking a bit more depression I settled on another Bowie number. You do know that these are songs that you just to play in order to fall asleep now don’t you?
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And so to bed. I leave you with some classic Benny Hill quickies.
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Hi Ruglonian.
Re. Saturday. I plan to be at the North Inch in Perth from around 9am so will be available to assist with setting up gazebos and stalls should help be required.
At previous events we have had vehicular access onto the park for a limited time to drop off kit during setting up process.
If however that is not allowed on Saturday, then parking adjacent to the park on Charlotte Street or Rose Terrace means it is still only a short distance to move kit.
Both those streets are in Zone 2 in relation to Perth parking charges.
link to
There is quite a full Indy itinerary planned in Perth over the weekend with various events and a few bands playing in some of the pubs after the march should folk wish to hang around the Fair City for a while after the march.
Hi Dan,
Great timing – I was going to post something about the Perth rally in the morning!
The Wings stall volunteers will be meeting for set up at around 11am – as will my local group (YR&C) and no doubt others that are travelling up from around the Glasgow area – so it’s brilliant to know that there’s a helpful pair of hands waiting for us
Thanks so much for the local knowledge re North Inch Park access and parking options, it’s invaluable to know in advance and will really help with our volunteer coordination (the herding cats exercise)
Delighted to hear about the busy weekend planned too – folk really enjoy coming to visit a town or city that they might not be familiar with and getting such an incredibly warm welcome – well done you Perthers!!
See you Saturday pal.
@Dan and Ruglonian
Hoping to make it to Perth on Saturday too, only thing that might stop me is I’m due to become a grandad in the coming days and might have to be elsewhere.
Anyway let’s see what happens and even if I don’t make it, I certainly hope for a great day for you and all the marchers.
@The people of Dundee
Can you all set your alarms for 8am on Saturday and then lean out yer windaes and shout: “WAKE UP Brian Doonthetoon ya sleepyheid and get oot yer scratcher!”
Seems he’s got previous for indulging in over-snoozing and missing the bus to marches… lol
T’was good to meet up BDtt the other day (albeit with too small a drink), hope to catch up with you in Perth for another blether as there’s been some developments with “the package”…
Lively number for the night owls.
Heart – Barracuda
link to
How is the mum to be? And you and Mrs Thepnr, Grandparents =)
Keep us posted!
Very best wishes to you all.
And special cuddles for the mummy to be (and daddy!) going through contractions xxx
Ok folks, a wee bit of input would be much appreciated and an actual benefit too, as it means the ideas and thoughts will come from a broader spectrum of folk.
For a project I’m initially looking for some short straightforward or catchy wording that encapsulates the positive reasons why we want Scotland to be free to determine our own future.
Ideally a sentence or short paragraph so it can be read, absorbed and make an impact quickly.
I know there are thoughtful and articulate folk commenting and reading Wings, so crack on and see what you can come up with.
Lurkers and occasional posters are most welcome to chip in too.
Thanks in advance.
Scotland; england’s last colony
@ Dan – is Scotland a country? Should countries govern themselves?
Dan –
On another matter – were Perthonians, not Perthers. Jist so yi’s ken;)
This one is a bit long winded, however.
The difference between a Scottish Nationalist and an English Nationalist, is that the Scottish Nationalist wants the people of Scotland to run Scotland’s affairs.
The English Nationalist hides itself in a Union Jack, stamps the word British on it, and wants England and the English to run all the other countries, for the benefit of England first, second and last.
Dan @ 10:27 am
A few thoughts from a Welsh supporter of indy:
You were lied to in 2014.
You are being lied to today.
Independence – Now.
The Ayes will have it.
Your country – your future.
If you don’t vote YES you’ll have neither.
A few number-plates to play about with:
AYE 20
YES 20
Indy Scotland next year?
Aye – Get 20:20 vision
a few more (what have you started!!!)
@ Robert J Sutherland @ 4.54pm on MT
What an absolutely cracking post.
Be still my beating heart….sorry I am ‘lurking’ on MT…?
@ Me @ 5.04pm
The ‘?’ at end of my comment was actually supposed to be a winking emoji somehow ended up a question mark….Lol
From one lurker to another, Try :then – then ) this will give you this;

“When You’re Smiling” Dean Martin;
link to
@ Smallaxe @ 6.00pm
That was lovely….thank you so much you are a sweetie.
I come to off Topic a lot and have not seen you comment for a wee while…….take care.
Have a lovely evening .
You’re welcome. I’ve been taking things easy for a while and just popping into off-topic now and again.
Have a peaceful and enjoyable evening…what’s left of it!
“Some Enchanted Evening” Perry Como;
link to
I put this on the main thread last year but it may still suit your purpose;
Scotland the Brave
Scotland the Slave
Your Choice!
Thank you for responses folks, but continue to suggest ideas of you’re own or good stuff from elsewhere. I had yet another quick search through Indyposterboy’s site earlier which is packed with all sorts of great work.
link to
May see some of you at AUOB Perth tomorrow. Weather forecast looks good.
A couple of fitting tunes for these times.
Jamiroquai – Virtual Insanity
link to
Genesis – Land of Confusion
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It’s quite something when you realise we’ve reached a point when you actually want to be abducted by aliens…
Excellent timing Smallaxe! That’s a good un and came to mind earlier this afternoon when we were playing with hardware.
Certainly one that will be added, would Sir have a certain font one would prefer?
Hi Dan,
Any font that suits you, suits me.
For these times;

Gnarls Barkley: “Crazy”
link to
You probably didn’t see/hear it in MSM … but … with a defection from the Labour Party to Plaid Cymru, the National Party has now a majority in Carmarthenshire County Council – it now runs 2 Councils in Wales.
Source: link to
OK Smallaxe, I’m just back indoors after an illuminating trial and can now offer you 3 foot high fonts.
FAO Perth AUOB attendees
The roads around the North Inch will apparently close at 11.30am so bear that in mind.
A friend has offered to give a few folk a lift up from the North Inch to the start of the march should they need a lift. Might be space in a few other cars too.
Also be aware that the Crieff Rd Tescos and probably B&Q carparks near the start of the march have time restrictions so you can’t just dump your cars there as you might get one of those “contestable tickets”.
There could be parking spaces available which will be free along the residential streets of Letham that are not far from Newhouse Rd and the start march at 7 acres park.
I plan to be at the North Inch at 9am helping to erect stalls.
Looks as if I have started a trend….everyone on MT going round the bend…..not something I would recommend…..but something I can fully comprehend….we all have a point we need to defend…I’m sure these fences will eventually mend….but eh by gum it’ll be alright in the end….cause your fellow true winger really is your friend….so hope the stooshie will suspend…But I’m now running outta rhymes that I’ve penned…so it’s just love and kisses that I send….
Evening Clapper, good to see you back.
Tetchy on MT so building the love here in OT with Candi Staton and Groove Armada – You Got the Love
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@ Dan @ 10.49pm
Hi Dan, how you doing.
Yes tetchy indeed….hornet’s nest stirred for sure….glad I’m not getting stung….makes a bloody change….. Lol
Great tune BTW….feel the love…on OT at least Lol
God but we are The Wild Bunch indeed… are we not….yae can take away oor porridge but yae canny take away oor…whatever we don’t want you to take away Lol
Take care
I’m all good, just spruced myself up for the morra, even did some ear hair topiary due to the delights of ageing… As a young’un I wondered what the heck all those Victor Kiam adverts for Remington trimmers were about on the telly… now I know.
Aye, certainly feisty discussion on MT, was gonna nip over and chuck in a handful of Es to see if it helped! lol
I’ve really struggled with the situation. How and what can you actually campaign for when it isn’t certain if we will or won’t be in the EU, or will or won’t have another Indyref, and if we do then why on earth would we choose that path after what we’ve seen and learnt of the dark money corruption and piss poor electoral commission in upholding adherence to their rules.
Scotland voted to remain in the EU, but some Indy folk want out the EU.
I’ve no idea why the SNP didn’t stick with the larger percentage mandate to remain and work away campaigning on the Indy but EU leavers on the basis that it might be the more sensible and safe option to have the protection that EU membership offers us rather than solely under the cosh of an unfettered Westminster made up of all colours of Tories that are highly unlikely to offer another chance at Indy.
That suggestion would need work and effort to engage with those SNP Indy but EU leavers though, and as far as I can make out from various sources, they’d rather not put in the effort and instead rely on folk being exposed to and suffering under Tory austerity in the hope that will make them come round. And that’s a decision that I find rather immoral.
@ Dan @ 12.23am on 7 Sept
“chuck in a handful of E’s “….
Dan there is a handful of grenades being chucked on the MT so chucking in something else like E’s might DIFFUSE the situation..Lol
Yep…this is all certainly a conundrum….some say wait for Indy…others say go now…some say remain in the EU…some say Leave…everyone on Twitter going mental and lobbing this opinion and that opinion….tsunami of information on Twitter from peeps like Carole Cadwalladr , Ian Dunt, Jo Maugham , Peter Jukes etc etc…
Implosion seems like the kindest finale to this….think that is why so many people are so short tempered just now because it is becoming unbearable this constant turmoil and overload of information, conflicting opinions, aggression being displayed on social media and aggression on the streets ( in England) and where there is so much frustration that no one can actually get the Brexit baddies…they seem to be evading justice…more than likely because there are dodgy links to some peeps in Tory party me thinks….names/dates/places….and Bannon ties them all together…….or some say Putin….see no one has definitive answers just a load of questions and unsubstantiated allegations….the multitude of theories cannot be tied up….hence the smugness of Banks , Farage and Wigmore.
Who am I, but a wee pleb who believes in Indy, to question what the SNP are doing…there has to be a plan…and I am sure they know patience among supporters is wearing thin…if they start being challenged perhaps they will realise people need to know …cause this must be considered the perfect storm from which Independence can be gained…if not now then I, for one , certainly do not know when….
We in Scotland have certainly lived through the Unionist ‘establishment’ screwing us over …and who still are…BUT….the Indy Ref was 100% never as ‘divisive’ as this in fact the division was mainly manufactured by the media and the ‘establishment’in the lead up to Indy Ref.. Brexit is THE mother of all divisive situations to befall this supposed United Kingdom….but they say it’s not over until the fat lady sings….think she might be warming her voice up….and it won’t be Rule Britannia that she’ll sing…more like ‘They’re coming to take me away ho ho hee hee ha-haaa ‘….cause we are all being driven MAAAAAAAAAAD…Lol
As it’s 1.13am I can say Have a good day Dan .
BTW …Does anyone know what’s happened to CameronB Brodie ?
Not seen him post for a while…hope he is just on holiday or busy with something else .
If You’re ‘lurking’ Cameron…all the best.
@ Ian Brotherhood on MT 7 Sept @ 1.51am
Hi Ian..I’m lurking on MT but sneeking in the back door on OT.
It’s mental mental chicken oriental on MT….me brain is hurting I cannot keep up…he said..she said..they said…and we all fall down….or fall out Lol
Aye…so many people have gone…I flounced off in the cream puff and had a wee BIGGISH tipple …then thought…Life where have you been….time to start living…lasted five minutes as you can see…as I am back on here …Lol….I am human after all….and life can also be ‘lived’ while posting on a blog..will miss your pal T***nr posting…hope he gets back…right that’ll be me chucked oot….he’s a good guy your pal.
Have a good day sir….
/Surveys the wreckage.
Some fkin mess you lot have been making. Aboot time everybody started tidying up
MT is like a bomb site.
Good to see you posting again Sma. I hope you are keeping as well as can be. I’ve been meaning to drop you a message but, always end up distracted with one thing or another.
Hope all the other Aff-Topic crew are in good health and spirits too. I’m currently on a prolonged period of abstinence and trying to get a little fitter (and saner), hence my lack of drunken stupidity in the small hours on here (and in life generally).
Keep well folks and all the best.
Afore I go though, are there any plans in the making for a wingers night oot?
Thpnr is one of the stalwart, most intelligent posters on this site…you banned him cause he reacted to ‘you’ telling him to ‘watch it’…because he expressed an opinion in a tongue in cheek way, probably more banterish than ‘trolling’ as you put it.
Fuck you for banning him…now you can ban me too.
It was a bit rude of me to drop by without posting a wee tune. I thought this banger from the old raving days might be a good shout the now.
link to
Stuart does not always get it right – in his often good articles and especially btl.
As I read it, Thepnr was sticking up for another excellent poster who was diligently challenging the site’s blogger.
Neither, in my opinion, were trolling but debating with good content.
Thepnr and his wife are lovely people =) I hope I can find them again on our next Edinburgh Indy march
Ach well. Peace and Love folks xxx
Hi Clapper57 and William Wallace –
That was some session last night. Blimey!
Night of the Long Faces.
Clapper, your use of ‘we all fall down’ reminded me of a properly mental video to cheer us all up:
Limmy, Techno Nursery Rhymes –
link to
@ Ian Brotherhood on 7 Sept @ 11.25am
Ian that Limmy video was hilarious….see that is what we need more of on here…and on MT….some light relief from the intensity of all of the Heavy ‘Mental’ stramash being played out on MT….oh the wonders of humanity…in times of crisis…we just go apeshit do we not….Lol
What’s that song Glen Campbell sang in Paint your wagon again..
I talked to the trees but they don’t listen to me….I post on Wings but they never hear me toooooooooo….or something like that….talking of wagons…they be a circling on MT…rootin tootin shootin…sticking the bootin…putting your footin…next we’ll be lootin….hopefully NOT executing…but there’s lots of refuting….but thankfully no fluting….but there is some muting….and some parachuting ( outta here)…and a hell of a lot of confuting….me bad…always
Have a good day
Dear God! That seems to have been a helluva thread over on MT. Just caught up on some of it.
Probably worth considering that most people are afraid right now. They’ve every right to be. They’ve all got their heroes and heroines too. Party political types and non party political types alike. People they’ve invested with their trust and hopes in some pretty dire times. It’s going to hurt when either are challenged and someone thinks their world is about to cave in. Some have already had their beliefs, their trust and their worldview ripped out from under them.
It took a lot for some of them to get engaged at all and some are on their very last nerve. They’re not politicians, writers or commentators. They’re not cynical about or armoured against that world. They are, I’d guess, reluctant anoraks. (I’d count myself among that company)
Not everyone can do, or is cut out for, the hard tactical thinking or unfankling the mysteries of the policy wonks. When talking to each other? Remember who the real bad guys are and what the YES movement is all about. We’re friends.
With Amber Rudd now having left the Tories…let’s see if any of the Scottish Tories eventually resign…a pathetic gesture to save their necks at upcoming GE…the games up for them if polls are to be believed….so I wonder…would any of them have the brass neck …after supporting and endorsing both Brexit & NO Deal Brexit….to have us believe they would do this for their constituents benefit…..if any of them do it…then it will be the lowest stunt they could pull…..BUT not surprising….and of course should be exposed as a mere ploy of them trying to save their seat on the gravy train if elected as an Independent…or God forbid a Lib Dem Lol ………plus he/she/they could always rejoin Tories post GE at some point…
Won’t be Ross cause he loves his boss and disnae give a toss at all of the loss to those who marked a cross against this dross but hey ho some voted for this albatross ( round their collective necks)….and they now know how TOUCHY he is when he’s on the sauce….Lol
Saw video of ‘When my guitar gently weeps’ today with Prince, Tom Petty, Stevie Winwood…excellent…unfortunately cannot link onto here…me no techno techno more of a manual dudess Lol
Hi Clapper 57 hopefully this is the track you mentioned link to
I’ve got Off Topic to myself….I’ve got Off Topic to myself….
This is me talking to no one…and… I’m having…. lots of fun….think I’ll eat a sticky bun…..cause I’m a…greedy …little… hun..ny..
I can say anything I want…and there’s no one here…to… taunt (me)…all my rhymes I’m gonna flaunt…as.. on.. this.. thread …I… haunt (no one but me)
Everbody’s on the Main Thread… and doing in… each other’s head…but I am here instead….but soon..will.. be… off… to …bed…but first I’ll eat yummy tummy garlic bread…
I’ve got Off Topic to myself…I’ve got Off Topic to myself…
This is.. such… a laugh….as I speak on my… own ….behalf…I’ve just downed a full carafe….and tomorrow…when I wake up…I’ll remember… this… wee… gaffe…..and you can then all file me under.. total riff-raff…….The End of going round the bend….me bad..again…talking to myself BTW…..
@ Michael McCabe @ 12.13am
YES…it is Michael..thank you…absolutely brilliant guitar work from Prince..nice vocals from Tom Petty too…
Here’s me thinking I was on me lonesome hence my little ditty at 12.43am which I must have been composing while you had already posted your comment….don’t worry I’m all outta rhymes…for tonight…that is…Lol
Cheers Michael
Something you WON’T see on Historywoman, Agent Pee Pee’s et al timelines on Twitter OR on given major coverage on BBC / ITV etc: ….rule for them rule for us ALWAYS
“MP Charlie Elphicke has appeared in court to deny three counts of sexual assault.
He was controversially readmitted to the @Conservatives prior to a confidence vote on Theresa May but when he was formally charged he was suspended again on the same day”.
This happened last week….BUT …remember Michelle Thomson, Mark MacDonald,Alex Salmond wall to wall coverage….and for Alex Salmond in Jan 2020 it will be a free for all rampant Yoonfest….though when ‘live’ they will need to watch what they say………..
@Clapper57 –
Great to see you enjoying yourself here!
That’s the great thing about OT, you can run about naked if you like and naebdy’s the wiser.
@Ian Brotherhood 3:49pm
Aye you may say that but I could not help but get an eyeful of his Prose last night
???? ? ? ??????? ?
@ Ian Brotherhood @ 3.49pm
Hi Ian…it’s getting like me personal diary here on OT….who needs Samuel Pepys diary when you can get Clapper57’s mental one on OT….think I’ll call it ‘Lost in Off Topic’….which could also be lost in translation (always) and lost in time and space (should be)……
I’m still checking out MT sporadically…so many opinions and points of view that I have resorted to eeny meeny miny moe to pick the ones best aligned to how I feel….what’s that Elvis song that includes the line ‘feel my temperature rising ‘…well someone is going to blow a gasket on t’other side aka MT…..they be a hardy bunch arrgh….avast me hearties and lend me yir ears arrgh…or in the case of this blog yir eyes…
This self imposed exile is not bad you know…others who visit OT can say “shiver me timbers that old seadog Clapper be ‘aunting the off topic decks again…da bitch” and just scroll by me OFF Topic posts ( emphasis on OFF…very OFF)….or comment that they ‘ do not like the cut of my jib’…on or off topic …..but as they can’t physically see me then my jib’s cut is not visible to them…so would be better to just write..” Clapper57 you don’t half write some sh**e”….to which I concur…that would rhyme tooooooooooooo…….
Well obvs not so much a diary as an observation manual…a manual that learns the reader nowt but how to talk and read fluent rubbish….arrgh but it be therapeutic it be….arrgh all of this pirate spiel is via the deep affiliation I ‘ave for the open seas….says no one Naval…or gazing…or indeed any Pirate …dead..alive…or even Captain Pugwash…who didn’t wash or even have a Pug……
On MT I was drowning but on OT I am on dry land and waving…I hope…..yes I can run rampant, bare faced and naked through the OT page….cares not a jot and gives not a damn happy for others to think I’m a Bam..that rhymes alsooooooooooooooo….and they be right toooooooooo.
Have a good evening or day depending when you read this..IF you read this Lol ( Don’t worry I am booked in for a therapy session of the Ex MT Wingers group….actually I formed it…and I’m supplying the swords and shields tooooooooooooooooo)
@ Michael McCabe @ 6.31pm
” Aye you may say that but I could not help but get an eyeful of his Prose last night
???? ? ? ??????? ?”
Hi Michael I am a She not a he.
Common mistake…someone else thought I was a ‘He’ on MT …cause of my profanity….me being female means cannot swear…be obscene or have a mental turn and spout nonsense … away tae mak me man’s tea…ah know ma place..
Have a good evening… for chr**t sake do not read my ?????????? at 6.53pm……..
@ Michael McCabe ( my response to you @ 7.11pm)
Sorry Michael hope you did not think I was trying to be rude..may have come over that way…not intended…yes the ‘prose’ was insane (crap) but I was little bit ( big bit) tipsy …anyway….no more I promise…..think I have abused this page enough….
Cheers and thanks for link last night to song
To round off a very busy itinerary over the weekend in Perth, here is a 2 hour Hope over Fear vid filmed earlier today with Peter Bell and Tommy Sheridan.
Interesting discussions.
link to
Just another wee slogan for you:
Declaration of Arbroath: 1320
Declaration of Independence: 2020
Cheers Sion, it’s added to the pile.
Mandela –
May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears
Dan –
1976 : Muppet show on television, ho ho ho
2019 : Muppet show in Westminster, no no no
ASAP : C’mon tae fuck Scotland let’s go go go!
T’was a long but braw weekend, and nice to catch up for a few wee chats between rushing around all over the place.
I arrived at the North Inch around 8am to find some arseholes had pushed over the portable disabled toilets during the night. FFS! Managed to commandeer a couple of traffic wardens to assist righting them and then had to clean them as the blue goo had seeped everywhere inside. Just the start you need to the day…
Ha ha, the rain has just started now so the saying “The sun always shines on the righteous” seems to apply to us this weekend.
Nice black and white images from Perth march.
link to
Welsh Sion at 10.33
The 800th anniversary of the Declaration is on 6th April so we could have our referendum on 9th April whichwoud be probably the day the Pope got it
@William Wallace at 2:51 am on 7th September
Been so busy this weekend I missed your tune. You old shape chucker you! Wasn’t sure how “techno” we could go on OT.
I actually see comparisons with the Indy movement and the whole club / house / rave scene when it burst across society in late 80s / early 90s.
A time when AUOB meant All Under One Bassline!
The clubbing back then broke down the classes and you had folk from all sections of society bopping and bouncing away and often into each other, but it was all love and hugs. If you cowped someone’s drink it was nae bother and rather than it kick off into a brawl, you’d probably spend the next 3 hours chatting and dancing with them. lol
My last comment before turning in…
Hi Dan at 1:23 am.
You typed,
“@William Wallace at 2:51 am on 7th September
Been so busy this weekend I missed your tune. You old shape chucker you! Wasn’t sure how “techno” we could go on OT.”
Techno? I’m sure I’ve linked to this in the past but the mention of “Techno” reminds me of it.
From the classic “Tom Wilson’s ‘Tartan Techno'” CD.
link to
@Clapper57 7:11and 7:48pm last night
I rather enjoyed your Prose to be honest and was not slagging it in any way.
I was replying to Ian B saying you can run about in here naked and no one would notice line in a jocular fashion. I do not think your reply is rude. And hopefully we will talk again in off topic. ? ? ??????? ?
Somewhat recharged from the weekend’s activities after a snooze and back playing with techno kit this morning.
All the aggro on MT. Chill folks and don’t succumb to division at this time.
The Beloved – Sweet Harmony
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Dave McEwan Hill @ 1.07 am
I’m not waiting *another* 100 years for Scottish indy!
A little threesome to keep it going thru the slow silent night of pensive waitfulness.
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And away goes trouble, down the drain.
This isn’t half bad
Definite notes of a few things!
Conspiracy theories abound…they/we are all up in arms at the injustice of the current position courtesy of UKOK WM parliament politics.
Twitter…be like repeat same old same old
Politicians on telly…be like repeat same old same old
Journalists ….be like repeat same old same old
How f***ing refreshing and welcomed would it be to the public…who currently are collectively losing the will to live upon hearing same old same old….to actually hear someone announce a radically ‘different’ and defiant message and thereby clearly refusing to accept the same old same old currently being pumped out via the establishment enslaved to WM rules….
Someone…say like a political party elected to represent a ‘specific’ policy as opposed to adopting the same old same old policies rejected by their voters at the ballot box….sure there is a group of MP’s elected in a particular country within UKOK that fit that particular bill. ?
Perhaps…without actually saying the words…f**k this for a laugh…but enacting them…..perhaps via a bold , and considering current circumstances, campaign to show the people who elected them that there is a path that if followed could allow them respite from the neverending clusterf**k upon clusterf**k that is at play now and for the considerable future….thanks to playing by WM and THE establishment rules.
Yeh..deep down …we all want someone to step up and say Now is the time we REALLY start to represent those who elected us …voters who rejected those other parties who they saw as same old same old….
If not now then when ?
Also if not those we elected to do this then who ?
Limbo is not winning strategy for me….step up to the plate is though….just saying…..kinda feels as though this opinion would not be welcomed , by some, in the ‘inclusive’ MT community on Wings…sad…as we argue among ourselves and decry the person who runs this site ( forgetting his past achievements, via his wonderful articles, to our collective cause) we are forgetting that we could instead contact our political representative in both Holyrood and WM to present them with how and what we want to see happening …and when….I will be contacting mine today to make my points on this…in a courteous but FIRM manner….seems like a way to REALLY tell them that same old same old….is not why I elected them to represent me.
I don’t want any foreigners coming over here committing crimes…if there’s any crimes to be committed here it’ll be by BRITISH criminals…ya get me.
If ah beat ma partner up in another country that’s ma business and no other country is gonna prosecute me for beating up ma partner…if I did it in ma own country ah would be knighted…it’s just not fricking cricket is it.
Song for Boris, depending on whether he goes to Brussels or not:
“I fought the law (and the law won)” -the Clash
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“Breaking the law” – Judas Priest
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Boris Johnson has been hit by a ‘Cherry Bomb’ – a Joanna Cherry bomb!
The Runaways – Cherry Bomb
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Orignal version (1960) by Bobby Fuller Four. (Sonny Curtis composition)
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Similar from the Bobby Fuller Four. Buddy Holly’s “Loves Made a Fool of You”
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Though Matchbox’s version is better
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Good old Rock’n’Roll
Hi all, aye apols for ma late-night ramblings last week. Ah got a bit too gallas and carried away with it. Ah’ll rein it back and tone it down a bit. It’s time to get serious, we have business to take care of with less than fifty days to go.
I’ve got an idea.
Met Police have dropped investigation into Banks and Farage in Vote Leave….nothing to see here, there or anywhere….
Oops sorry Met police have dropped investigation into Banks and Farage Vote Leave once they got to the part of the investigation where it was obvious some high up pro Brexit elected politicians also involved thus to continue would be to expose them and could result in total breakdown in trust, credibility and survival of the current political establishment….so lots to see here, there and everywhere IMO.
On the plus side someone high up in Met police awarded an honour in Theresa May’s honours list in midst of an investigation….plus side for whom ?…Them not us obvs.
On the negative side someone high up in Met police awarded an honour in Theresa May’s honours list in midst of an investigation….negative side for whom ? …well if negative…obvs….has to be us….the plebs.
Twas ever thus………
Oh Dear…colour me surprised…
Femi People’s vote champion tweeted this today :
“I will hold you, @NicolaSturgeon & @JoSwinson personally responsible for the damage of no-deal if you give up the majority you now command because you can’t agree on who gets to be temporary PM and call an ill-timed election, when what we need NOW is a referendum ON THE DEAL”.
At 8:12 AM – 13 Sep 2019
Oh well SNP see how grateful they are…getting roped in with Jo Swinson’s position….they wants it..they wants it…remain uber alles…once they gets it…they will throw you, the SNP, to the Lions…as per.
See Jo will backpedal and Femi will applaud her….Nicola Sturgeon however will be treated with the contempt that they really really think she deserves…after all is she not a ‘separatist’…meanwhile Femi appears to be temporarily forgetting WHO really IS to blame for all of this….as we predicted …us Scots are there to be used and to merely shore up THEIR battle lines….
Obvs Femi in own personal bubble at moment and ALL of Joanne Cherry’s efforts are worth nothing to try and keep him and those other Liberal thinkers still in with a chance of remaining in EU…meanwhile the baddies are given a free ride and relegated to insignificant in Femi’s blame game….
Fuck this for a laugh….tell Femi to GTF with his ‘holding personally responsible’ blame game and let them fight their own fight….we have Independence to win and as sure as f**k Femi will NOT help us to win that…nope…if by some remote chance UKOK was ever to remain in EU…Femi would be on the side of the baddies crying ” You won’t get in the EU” , ” What money will you use”…etc etc
Scots should tell Femi to gtf with his ‘people’s vote’ and tell him that we will NOT vote in it…see how HIS country lets him down…then he can hold his fellow countrymen personally responsible for a NO DEAL Brexit…….
I just noticed today that at top right hand corner of WOS page there is a header ‘Thickos’….thought this was a new thread title like OT but for the mentally challenged….like me.
At last I thought….somewhere I could post comments among my own kind……then clicked on it….alas disappointed yet again…….
Just need to keep posting sporadically ( on a regular basis Lol) on OT in what seems like my own personal echo space….for now…..better than the Lion’s den that is currently the MT Lol ( myself obvs as no on can hear (read) you in (OT) space…Alien I be…seemingly ).
I wandered lonely as a……….OT poster on WOS….a line similar to Wordsworth’s ‘ I wandered lonely as a cloud’….
Everyone has abandoned OT…some abandoned MT….Independence must be coming….makes sense…..there’s nowt queerer than fowk.
So hubby is off to Las Vegas tomorrow with his friends.
Is that right clapper.
Son went to Dublin to study last week.
Oh really Clapper.
Really enjoyed that wee blether wae myself….and NAE arguments as well….me myself I….works for me……mind you I can only keep this up for so long…eventually even I will concede defeat and admit my billy ( bessie) nae mates status is wearing thin and must bid farewell to OT as well…..
Feels like a Monk who has taken a vow of silence….though vow is more a vow of writing solo….me write everybody else vowed to be silent…..i.e. no response….think I might have scared away Michael McCabe wae my macho macho woMAN ranty outburst to him the other night, not intended for him but targeting some on MT….signing off now ….bed beckons.
Cheers for that video, Dave McEwan Hill, I had always assumed “I fought the law” was a Clash original.
As for Matchbox, well I preferred the toy car version:
link to
“How It’s made – Matchbox cars models/toy (in 1962)” (2m32s)
Back with the music, I remember the Stray Cats getting popular:
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“Stray Cat Strut” (1981)
Hi David.
The Stray Cats took their name from the original Stray Cats – tha band featured in the two David Essex films, “That’ll Be The Day” and its sequel, “Stardust”.
Quotes from the link below…
“Stardust, Michael Apted’s 1974 film following the rise and fall of the Stray Cats, breaks the rules of mock-docs in numerous ways. For starters, it got itself a soundtrack album, which sold pretty well, though great tunes such as You Kept Me Waiting (written, as were all the original songs, by Dave Edmunds) hardly became ubiquitous. Secondly, the Stray Cats had their name pinched by some American rockabillies who doted on the movie. And Jim Maclaine, the film’s anti-hero, was played by a real-life pop star, David Essex.”
“Still, the Stray Cats would have made a great British equivalent of the Monkees – they featured David Essex, Keith Moon, Paul Nicholas and future Blue Peter presenter Peter Duncan” (and Dave Edmunds on guitar).
link to
Here are the originals, live (from “That’ll Be The Day”):-
link to
Over the decades, Dave Edmunds has been greatly underrated (by the general public) as a guitarist. Watch the guitar work on this live performance from 1991.
link to
And it you want to explore the original, full-length (11+ mins) studio version, you can find it here:-
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Hi Ian Brotherhood.
You mentioned on the front page, a WOS get-together on Friday, 25th October.
I did point out to you, prior to the last one, that Saturdays were better for peeps who had a 2 hour journey to get to Glasgow, rather than trying to make it after work on a Friday.
Fridays are not good for me and Pete – I work and Pete has a dialysis session (5 hours) every Friday, which leaves him $h@gg€d out.
I vote for a Saturday!
Brian Doonthetoon @ 22:16,
For me it’s much the same, Fri or Sat. I currently have another encounter with the dentist scheduled for Fri morning, so I would be in town anyway that day, but have to rattle around for a fair while in between, whereas it’s a fresh journey in on the Sat. To bring anything with me, though, Sat would be better, obvs. Each has its pluses and minuses, so FWIW I would be happy to defer to the majority preference.
Hey there Clapper57
How are you today?
The men folk are away, but we are here =)
What you been up to?
This is not me up virtuously early (daft concept) but with nocturnal stamina, up late! Been looking after my mum. End up some days all crazy round the clock. Happy to chat any time =)
Glad to see there is a Glasgow gathering in October! Will be with you in spirit but doubt I can make it over to the West, lovely as it is! Any folk want to get together in Edinburgh?
I really need to get off to bed. Night night folks x
@ Ghillie @ 7.57am on 15 Sept
Hi Ghillie, I’m fine thank you.
How are you ?
How’s your mum ?
I too looked after my mum , she had osteoporosis and emphysema…appreciate different from your mum but I do understand……it’s always good to know other people genuinely care and can empathise.
Hard, I know, to open up too much on a public forum but stay strong and know that some people on here send love and support.
If there was an Edinburgh night out I would definitely make an effort to go, one of the reasons being that I now would be able to meet you , never been to a WOS night out before….it’s a bit scary going to meet people you have never met in person but you can get a feeling for people based on what they write on here…so I think it would be a safe space…not sure if you have been to one or not.
My men folk are away….hubby back next Saturday….and son likes Dublin…but he’s having a few wee practical problems as has to wait for something called a PPS number so cannot get new bank a/c, part time job or new phone contract until get PPS number. Told him to ask Student Support at the college to help as he has to wait until 10 October for appointment to get PPS number..this is not his first time away from home though so he is not too traumatised with probs arising. He went to Hull University for his degree and then Glasgow for his Masters so he is experienced in living away from home….plus we paid for his tuition fees and accommodation in Dublin so he has no worries re that….bang goes our holidays for a wee while…worth it if he is happy though….so proud of him.
Anyway please take care and hopefully we can have a few wee chinwags on here in the future….AND in person if a WOS night arranged in Edinburgh in the future.
Hello Brian Doonthetoon, I happened upon “That’ll Be The Day” once when channel-surfing, and really enjoyed it. But I seem to have totally missed “Blue Peter presenter Peter Duncan” in it.
Will have to watch again.
Hello Ghillie and Clapper57, there are videos on youtube from some early Wings meetups, you can watch them and be reassured that Wingers are just normal people.
Watching helped me feel in touch with things in Scotland, even though I’m currently far away.
From 2016, Independence Live’s Wings Over Scotland Meetup. Workshop, music, discussion & drink:
link to
From 2014, Friends of Wings meetup in Dundee. Likeminded people meeting in a pub to socialise, as filmed by Kevin of IndyLive:
Trying again for video number two:
link to
Wings Over Invergowrie – 21/02/15. (Features an SNP MP.)
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Wings Over Invergowrie – 24/10/15. (Features an SNP councillor.)
link to
Clapper57 @ 14:40:
Know what you mean, I felt that before going to the previous Glasgow meet. But everyone was very friendly – it was a most cheerful and uplifting occasion. (I believe even the bar staff at Dow’s remarked upon it.) It also helps other people realise that you’re not an abstract concept but an actual real flesh-and-blood cratur just like them! =grin=
So whatever venue suits you best, though I imagine they will all be similarly welcoming.
@ Brian D & David
Hi Guys many thanks for the links to WOS nights out….seem a friendly bunch….not that I doubted it.
Take care.
@ Robert J. Sutherland
Hi Robert, will try to go through to Glasgow one…I can get train to Queen Street, believe Dow’s outside exit ?
Yep always harder the first time when you meet new people, especially if they all know each other already…I’ll feel like a gatecrasher Lol… but at least I know I will have something in common with them Lol
If not able to go to Glasgow will definitely go to next Edinburgh one.
Take care Robert…enjoying your posts on MT.
Ian Brotherhood and fellow wingers – WOS night out.
Got myself organised with transport and accomm for 25th Oct “do”. I assume the usual raffle prizes will be required (I have a bottle of something for that), as will food as per our last two get-togethers.
See you all there.
Had a blether with Pete tonight.
Fridays are out for him due to dialysis. The earliest bus me and Chris could get would be 18.15, in Glasgow at the back of eight. We’d only have an hour or so at a get-together before having to leave for the bus back to Dundee.
Seems a tad pointless.
So a song…
link to
A lot of Wingers are going to be in Edinburgh on 6th October for the march/rally.
Could it be an idea to assign the Alexander Graham Bell as the designated venue for a Wings get-together in the evening?
I believe this was the venue for the last Edinburgh meet, organised (I think) by Tam Jardine.
link to
Hi Brian Doonthetoon =)
My sons and I met you way back at the gathering in George Street =)
Wee alert, I think the Edinburgh march is Saturday 5th October.
Last march we finished up with a lovely bunch of folk (waves to Thepnr
)in Deacon Brodie’s and then later made our to a pub by Waverly for supper so missed Tam’s gathering.
But will happily herd folk to where most folk will be later on the 5th.
Not far away now
Argh, just reread your comment.
You said ‘I believe that the AGB was the venue for the last Edinburgh MEET’ not MARCH! Sorry!!!
Sloppy reading.
Yes, it would be good to plan a place for Wingers to meet up after the march.
Son just said he thinks it will be a different route finishing in the Meadows. Will need to be sure of all that before we set off in the wrong direction!!
So it appears that the Lib Dems are THE nominated official saviours to the Brexit solution…the Remainers champions.
Femi on board as are many other other pundits ( political and non political) who tweet incessantly on Brexit and support Remain and now see Lib Dems as the MOST remain party in UKOK…why even Jo Maugham …yes THE Jo Maugham QC..who tweeted this :
“The unadorned truth is that the only certain way to take No Deal off the table is the ‘revoke’ policy of the @LibDems”.
1:01 AM – 16 Sep 2019
Correct me if I am wrong but I am sure Angus B MacNeil SNP was stating this in HOC as were other SNP MP’s during many Brexit debates in HOC…..however as per …ignoring the SNP is indeed widespread ..not just by leavers but REMAINERS too.
Why ?
Well obvs because they want England saved from Brexit and the Lib Dems are a UKOK party…they are all happy for Nicola to talk and support them at People’s Vote Rally in London, for Joanna Cherry’s support via legal challenges and Scots to be willing to vote in any second ‘people’s vote’ that they were promoting and advocating as a solution……but there it stops… SNP can be on side but never ever be given the LEADING role or acknowledged as the saviours…nope that accolade MUST be given to a UKOK party…Lib Dem policies? who cares..they are Pro Remain and that is, in the ‘Liberal’ minded remainers heads, what defines them as the party we ALL should apparently vote for in the next GE.
However they do this while happily ignoring the political history on how the Lib Dems voted and acted as part of the Tory coalition…and also , as has been highlighted today via Twitter peeps, the Lib Dem promoting in the past the UKOK having a EU referendum…
So you see there are two sides to hypocrisy and denial…not just Leavers but it would appear remainers too suffer from selective arguments that side with their reasoning….these advocates for remain care not a jot for Scots getting independence, that is an irritant and distraction to their quest to remain ( England to remain) in EU….and they will all happily endorse Edna Rennie’s logic and undemocratic reasoning of rules for us ( Lib Dems) and rules for them (SNP) in how to win a mandate to justify achieving goal.
But as we all predicted a long time ago…we, the Scots, are only useful in this brexit war if we get on board with what THEY want…once they get what THEY want it will be business as usual…and that will be them using the same arguments and same faux love bombs that they used pre 2014….AND just as they are using the Lib Dems as the champions for remaining in the EU they will also use them as the champions for Scotland to remain in the UK.
This IS the stage we are at…and sadly some people in Scotland will vote for the Lib Dems too in next GE….and sadly the future will expose them all, yet again, to why one should always always remember ‘Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me’…..but sadly people forgo this because Brexit has consciously eliminated all of their previous memories and replaced them with an obsessive compulsion to choose a party that has shamelessly jumped on a Remain bandwagon to gain votes and power ……for this there is no distinction between them, the Liberal Dems, and the Brexit party other than the choice of sides they are on…..both are conning people and the conned are willing to be conned to achieve what they want…Leave and remain.
Scottish Independence….well THEY just want it to go away and for us to SHUP UP about it…. because it is not advancing or winning THEIR Brexit fight , THEIR Brexit salvation, THEIR Brexit solution and THEIR Brexit UKOK ultimately remaining in the EU.
Twas ever thus and will forever be …not so much the penny will drop for some….because that penny dropped a long time before 2016 EU ref for many of us….hopefully more Scots will also realise this before it is too late….SCOTLAND HAS A CHOICE AND A WAY OUT…if and only if Scots choose to vote for Independence and seek to remain in EU…simples !
Hey there Clapper57 ! Hallooo =)
The Wings gatherings are really nice. Been to two and met up again with folk after the last march. Got photies with Cactus outside our Parliament
Met loads of old friends on the Hollyrood field, and then more up the High Street.
Really friendly folk who are so happy to meet and welcome new faces,(but known from btl!)
Hope you are enjoying the peace while your husband is away Stateside. Hope you get a nice trip soon too!
What a hassle it sounds for your son getting all that stuff organised! The degree will be the easy bit!
Oh I am sorry to hear about your Mum. It is so hard that those we love can suffer in any way at all. My Mum has alzheimers. It is a great sadness and I miss some kind of lost bits of being with my Mum so much. We really were best friends throughout my life. But there are times that feel like almost normal between us. And I am so greatful that apart from this Mum is keeping pretty well. I am with Mum most days and doing my best to keep her happy and well. I know it won’t be forever and I know that everything I can do now really counts =)
And Wingers keep me reading and thinking and engaging =)
So THANKYOU everybody
Oh and thankyou for the music too =)
So true Clapper57.
Depressing but true.
I hold Jo Swinson in very very low regard. And Edna Rennie is a very bad joke.
Though if Red Morningside return their votes to their natural Libdem choice then that could seriously damage Labour,s Ian Murray.
Some folk ARE beginning to see through it all and could turn to the light side
I’ve got to go just now but will speak again soon =)
Ode to Liberal Democrats :
Ah to be a Liberal democrat..led by a female autocrat..whose message has now fallen flat..sadly lacking in the skills of a diplomat..with more manoeuvres than an morals akin to an alleycat..expecting others to act like their doormat..
With a leader who is clearly a high hat..she thinks she’s an aristocrat..and who is clearly endorsing a Brexit coup d’état..oblivious to the obvious Brexit caveat..and the result she has cherry pick(ed) at…in her quest to stay on as a fat cat.
Her branch manager is another polecat..self assumed power when he’s only a sprat..thinks he’s playing tit for tat..the political gutter his natural the life out of Scots like a vampire bat..truth is he’s just far too easy to laugh at.
Their politicians hoard rumours like a pack rat..then unleash them to spread malicious chit chat..then when their exposed they act like a brat..but with all of the lies that they have spat..people like us know we’re right to react..and to call out their slurs we need to stop them behaving like a political love rat.
Cannot see much hope for oor Jo…really think she needs to go…don’t think that’ll be too much of a blow..cause everything she says is just for show..something we on here do surely know..she’s hardly a political dynamo..with her quest on referendums to overthrow..a silly stunt for oor ‘liberal’ sloppy Jo(e)..not a plan one expects from a self appointed political aficionado..more like,politically, an act of going full commando..hopefully she’ll come unstuck and end up on skid her own sword and crooked manifesto..and then it’ll be bye bye to this illiberal Jo..and once again she’ll revert to just being a (political) carrion crow….Ho Ho Ho.
A Love poem by a frustrated voter…who is obviously not a Lib Dem promoter.
“A lot of Wingers are going to be in Edinburgh on 5th October for the march/rally.”
My mistook!
Clapper57 @ 23:17 (15.Sep),
Thanks for those kind words,
You’ll have no problem finding the venue, it couldn’t be closer unless it was actually in the station itself! The station is something of a building site at the moment, but if you stand with your back to the platforms and look onto the magnificent new “windae”, the exit is on your right and Dow’s is but a hop and a skip across the wee street outside, so it’s easy-peasy.
(Things may have improved of late, but for a while you would have had more chance of being rained upon while going through the exit than you would have crossing the road outside! =grin= But I digress…)
Anyway, it should be a great opportunity to meet up with lots of friendly chatty folk, so I hope you can make it…
Just saw your comment on the MT.
Sorry I haven’t been responsive – a lot of family-related business going on right now.
Bummer if the Friday doesn’t suit. Apologies. But it was the only week-end date available at the venue and I honestly don’t know of any others which could’ve taken us, especially with it being so ckoe to the ‘office party’ season.
Jo Swinson appears to be the Monica Lennon of the Lib Dems…when she tweeted the other day re the Cherry Case of how Lib Dems …and HER TOO…fought this….pity then for her that this is not called the #SwinsonCase or #LibDemSwinsonTooCase.
She tweeted on 11 Sept the following :
“Scottish judges have found in favour of 75 MPs (including me and other @LibDems.) We argued that Boris Johnson’s Parliament shutdown is illegal, and designed to stifle parliamentary debate and action on Brexit”.
” WE ARGUED”….inference that the WE is actually THEY the Lib Dems argued….very cleverly worded to give impression that twas the Lib Dems driving this ….with other MP’s …say like Joanna Cherry …via Cherry case perhaps….though Joanna lumped in as one of the 75…with NO acknowledgement re her, Joanna’s, major involvement in the case.
Oldest trick in the book…in fact one that Trump himself has used…. to appear take sole credit for the work of others…there really is no end to how low they are prepared to descend in order to gain power….fortunately clever wording via a tweet does not alter the fact that there are many who are following this case who are very aware WHO key player is in the……….#Cherrycase.
#MeToo now seemingly adopted by Jo Swinson to utilise for her own self promotion ….unfortunately for her the other cause who use this hashtag do so to promote a worthy campaign…where as Ms Swinson seems to use it to promote her won political ambition…which pretty much exposes her as the serial bandwagon hitchhiker that she is……wherever there is a ‘win’ to be had against Brexit the Lib Dems via Jo Swinson will surely promote that THEY are seen as the main protagonists that achieved this.
Cheats as well as Liars…who knew…well us obvs.
@ Me @ 2,39pm
* “her won political ambition”…should be ” her OWN political ambition”
Jo ‘Scottish seat’ Swinson…ambition… to be the next PM.
Policy…revoke Article 50 post ‘HER’ election win…hmm
Policy…Surely she must also reverse or ‘revoke’ EVEL..if she is to be ‘allowed’ to be involved in English only matters in HOC..hmm….wee Edna Rennie will INSIST in Federalism being the solution…to ensure England STILL over represented in comparison to Scotland….
Wow she is going to go down a storm with English brexiteers..think they, the English brexiteers and indeed a lot of English people who argue they are not represented properly in comparison to those nations with devolved governments, will find it very hard to distinguish difference between Jo the Scot and Nicola the Scot. In their eyes it will be same old same old….with the Scottish tail wagging the English Dog.
This will not end well …on the plus side…her being PM is indeed strictly for the birds….for the birds only…and she is a bird that likes to indulge in this fantasy…her being a ‘democrat’ who displays a very worryingly penchant for autocracy in UKOK.
So tell me what difference is there in Bojo’s No Deal Brexit and Jo’s revoke article 50…..other than somehow both of them are desperate to convince their respective Leave and Remain supporters that this is the will of the people…..
Seems to be either is a disaster in relation to that ‘democracy’ they both pretend to want to uphold… fact the only common ground they both hold is withholding the democratic rights of Scots…Jo’s perspective is very much aligned to the Union uber alles idealogy which believes that only those who support the UKOK as the only concept will have the right to vote again, change their minds and she, like Boris, will ensure democracy is defined only by those who agree with that…..two cheeks of the same a*se.
One wonders if the Cherry and Miller case fail in appeal then will she , and those desperate Remain voters and pundits , see Jo’s plan in revoking article 50 as the ‘only hope’ to prevent UKOK from Brexiting…one thing is for sure she will definitely define it as such….the opportunist in her will see this as her moment to strike while the Brexit iron is hot and give false hope to remainers….one hopes though that there will be enough sane people left to make her see that this action will set a dangerous precedent upon the ‘democracy’ that so many, including her , seem to be so very very desperate to uphold….just NOT for you Scots.
Apologies for these rants aware this off topic but need to have somewhere to rant….I hope !
Not another one…sorry yes another rant.
The Herald’s story re Unionist petition requiring two-thirds majority for Scottish independence this a NEW petition or the SAME petition that has been on the ‘Scottish government petitions’ website since 21 August 2019….if SAME petition then is this the Herald publicising this petition in order to get the numbers up via Unionists…I have been monitoring this petition and noted it increased today….hmm ( I did mention seeing this petition a wee while back on the MT ).
See told you Unionists do NOT like Scots to have democracy…always need to rig things because they have NO real argument to present to justify Scotland remaining in UKOK….and if it is the SAME petition that The Herald are highlighting today…. then as per it appears that they are once again complicit in siding with and promoting Unionist initiatives to suppress independence ….colour me surprised.
UKOK Referendum passes by needing a MAJORITY.
Independence Referendum will ONLY be passed if exceeds by a two thirds majority.
Wow let’s see how they run with this justification…if Ruth’s ‘decency’that she spouted about on Lorraine fangirl Kelly’s show today is to have any chance of being valid then one would think this will be shot down pronto…decency ?…for a Unionist it is not a behaviour they conform to when there is a Union to uphold.
I’ve been away for a wee break after the busy Perth AUOB weekend so just dropping in occasionally.
It appears to have been fairly quiet on Wings so going to bump an idea for more short Pro-Indy slogans again, and extend it to include short chants for marches as well. Reason being because in 5 years some folk still haven’t worked out that we need more, not less, folk joining the pro-indy side to create the majority of Scots wanting the return to Scottish self-governance.
Shouting “out out out” to potential voters doesnae help increase the diversity and numbers of voters that may be inclined to vote Indy.
So, today is 5 years on from Scots snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and handing back control of their futures to Clown Show @ SW1A 0AA.
That means there’s been a full 5 years of “stimulating” events and emotions we’ve had to witness and endure, some of which must be able to be conveyed in words.
Brain dump:
What do we want? – Independence!
When do we want it? – Now!
It’s time tae put London Rule in the bin
300 years o’ it inflicted on Scotland is a sin
The damage it is doing to our people and our land
is becoming unacceptable and we reject it out of hand
What do we want? – Independence!
When do we want it? – Now!
What do we want? – Our Sovereignty respected!
When do we want that? Now!
We’ve come tae Edinburgh fae the lowlands and the hills
Tae protest the injustices of London Rule’s ills,
The tide is a turning and they need tae be aware
That Scotland willnae put up wi’ their nonsense any mair
What do we want? – Our Sovereignty respected!
When do we want that? Now!
Since twa thousand and fourteen it has become very clear
T’was all lies and bluster spouted by their corrupt Project Fear
Treating all our fair people in this way is just no right
And we’re marching here today coz we’ve had enough o’ their… silence or poop coz swearing is bad m’kay.
What do we want? – To free England from the hassle and cost of governing Scotland!
When do we want that? – Now!
What do we want? Vegan sausages, when do we want them? mmm no sure because it may offend some folk.
Britain, Brexit, BoJo, Bonkers! YES?
Bon Dias Troops. Twitter is way above my pay grade although I have a wee look at WoS. I noticed earlier a link to the vagina museum in London. Scotland has missed a golden opportunity to house such a place. Twatt in Orkney comes to mind but the “daddy of them all” Castle Grey Skull filled with the OO , a mass collection of Vaginas for all the world to laugh at.
“a mass collection of Vaginas for all the world to continue to laugh at.”
Fixed that for you. Because Scots voting not to control their own destiny 5 years ago which could have let us avoid a great deal of bollox, proved that regardless of their sex, 55% of the population were fannies…
Friday nicht ponderings…
If I Self ID as a woman does I at least getz the multiple orgasms when us Scots get royally fucked by UK exiting da EU?
Your “for all the world to..” reminded me of the band called Death album – For all the World to See.
Politicians In My Eyes-
link to
Ot it could be
Britain, Brexit, BoJo, Bonkers? YES!
Could possibly use a few more Bs…
Becoming Battered n Bruised Black n Blue by Barmy Bombastic Buffoon BoJo’s Bastardin Broken Britain “Brexit” Bullshitathon?
Would it be orgasmic never to hear the word “Brexit” again?
Then vote…Yes…YES…YES!
Come tae think o’ it, maybe that’s why many yoons appear so grumpy, coz they cannae properly celebrate a climax wi’oot worrying aboot their precious union. lol
Cool, we’re off topic, I am watching the PASSION of Greta Thunberg on a guest East Coast tv 24seven like, aye like Greta like, guid roll model like
She will NOW be a 21st century… celebrity!!
Hehe ha ha HEY!
Hey Thomas Cook!
Supreme court judgements today
If I may add my congratulations ….I’ve just read a lot of those Remainer twitters darn sarf twitter a/c’ here goes…will echo their sentiments..and their mentions…i.e. who they mention the most for today’s victory….
Well done Jo Maugham, Gina Miller…oh and Lady Hale…and eh… oh yeh Balfour and Manson legal team…em don’t think I have missed out anyone…nope looking at some of the twitter a/c’s of remainer pundits and remainer peeps darn sarf nope no one missed out…going on who they are congratulating the most for today’s judgement ..yeh great team work…yeh…Team GB….shame they missed out Jo…em…Jo…em…oh Yeh…..the main girl..for this victory…Jo Swinson.
Cannot just cannot post on MT..but…if anyone should come to off topic they can add this info :
Last night 23 September 2019 in Fraserburgh an event :
Titled : Scotland Matters
Contributors :
Peter Chapman – Conservative
Mike Rumbles – Lib dem
Plus Councillor Mark Findlater ( Conservative)
A new forum and network for people for people who want :
Scotland to remain in UK
The SNP defeated and out of government
Opposition parties to start opposing the SNP
Start proposing policies
Win 2021 election
Fix and transform Scotland
Meet people just like you
Find out what you can do to..Fix , Transform and save Scotland
Panel discussion and Q & A
Panel was Peter, Mike and Mark all Unionists ( 2 Tories and 1 Lib Dem)
Remember Willie Rennie said NO collaboration between Lib Dem and Tories………..THIS meeting however shows that there is indeed a collaboration to oust the SNP and I am sure tactical voting would have been raised…….this is just the beginning…presented as 2021 Holyrood election but I am sure next GE also a factor at this meeting….tactical voting at GE noted on minutes of last night’s event ?..For sure….as to good an opportunity to miss when you practice gutter politics.
This proves that the Lib Dems are indeed the lowest of the low because they are more than willing to tell their fanboys and girls in Engerland who want to remain in EU that they will oppose Bojo and No Deal AND revoke Article 50……..however here in Scotland they will collaborate with the ‘enemy’ i.e. the Brexit Tory party to ensure the SNP do not win in Scotland………yes indeed two different countries…with two different Lib Dem messages …
In Engerland : They, the Lib Dems, will defy and oppose the Tories.
In Scotland : They, the Lib Dems, collaborate to defeat the common enemy the SNP…that is THE SNP Remain party…so where is their, the Lib Dems, Remain alliance in Scotland ?….rogues and opportunist they are….remain mugs in Engerland however think they, the Lib Dems, are their saviours from Brexit….we in Scotland ken them much better as the lying scavenger party…like Leopards Lib Dem spots will never change..Tories in all but name.
Hey folks, I’m going to take a time-out for now (prob long overdue.)
Hope to be back with you all nearer the time.
Keep the candle burning x.
@Cactus –
Dows, 25th Oct, about three-ish onwards.
We can get properly ‘hammered’.
All the best Cactus and hope you recharge yersel for future Indy endevours, whatever they may be.
Bitty hard maybe but dedicated to Lady Hale and her broach. For a brief moment I thought she was wearing the Prodigy ant!
The Prodigy – Their Law
link to
All the big boys are playing on MT…meanwhile here in purgatory where no one (really) knows your name…you realise you are not just on Off Topic…but really really on Off Topic….which results in you being…..Off the radar…Off the grid (MT one)….Off the wall…and metaphorically Off the pitch….
No desire to go back on MT and fight off members of the so called ‘fan’ club…more than one fan club I think…cut and thrust of posting comments with guaranteed incoming attacks aplenty , some where you least expect them and others oh so predictable.
Perhaps this page, Off Topic, should be renamed the Refuge page…for those posters who, like me, want to give their opinion and are free from the constant weary onslaught of those who like to tell you that they know best…and that your opinion is tainted with a “BritNat” tone …….if your comment is perceived by others as being wrong then debate is fine….name calling and shaming is willingly wandering into the territory of Trolls and uber Unionists…
So convenient to forget it is people we are communicating with…though here on Off Topic I am clearly talking to myself…it’s nice and safe though ….it’s also perfect for someone like me who is often crippled by depression which results in a massive lack of confidence and a constant feeling of isolation….I am not alone with this condition and as such try, where possible, to treat others as I expect them to treat me…ironic feeling isolated when it is clear that on Off Topic I am indeed isolated….it seems to be the no man’s land on WOS Lol.
It is very easy to ride roughshod and go full gung ho on other people’s feelings who post on here ( MT)…to make assumptions that because they post a comment they are therefore fair game to be ridiculed or disregarded for holding the opinion that they do.
I myself have on a couple of occasions attacked people on MT who I thought were obvious Trolls but in hindsight I should have held back and ignored them.Now I have taken the step to NOT post on MT but instead post occasionally on Off Topic…where little, if any, interaction is given and where I am quite happily resigned to intermittently posting a comment in this little place of sanctuary far away from where it sometimes seems like a war of words is being constantly fought….on the MT.
Opinions matter and differing opinions matter too…but sometimes we all become so obsessed in trying to convince other people to see our opinions….as the right opinion…that we tend to overwhelm and suffocate others into submission…I’m a woman so I’m kinda used to some people dismissing and disregarding my opinion..but that aside I know that it is but just an opinion…how I feel, what I perceive and sometimes what I know is all I can share…and more importantly to have the freedom to share that opinion without fear of being ridiculed and thus denied a voice because once bitten ( by aspersion casters) twice shy ( or forever shy through public shaming)…..if anyone does venture onto Off Topic and reads this I hope they are gracious enough to allow me to indulge myself with this post and should they disagree with my sentiment I hope they do so in a manner that is in the same vein as I have expressed via this very self indulgent but from the heart comment.
The fact I have posted this comment on Off Topic and not on the MT is in itself self explanatory is it not.
Iain Brotherhood… Re night out…
Count me in Iain and thanks for organising it….
Should we post what we intend to bring to avoid doubling up?
Flapper 57
Clapper 57 Yes CLAPPER 57

Sorry about that you have no idea the insane changes my auto correct makes…. I Think it wants to get me in As much trouble as it can
Why don’t you come back on the main thread and just talk to me…. While my auto correct is horrible, I’m not ever nasty to anyone who is not nasty to me first and your never nasty…
We’d be fine???? You have things to say and should have the space to say them
Oh and are ye coming to the night out???
@ Ian B
Count me in (possibly +1) for the 25th – not till at least 5, though, since I’ll be in the hub in Kilmarnock till 4. Not sure what food I’ll bring, but it’ll be something.
@ Liz G @ @ 11.15pm & 11.23pm
Lol…for a minute there I thought you were calling me a ‘flapper girl’…though I never saw the roaring 20’s Lol, am no longer a ‘girl’ Lol and never wore fringed dresses and danced the Charleston Lol
Liz you are a sweetie but I cannot come back on the MT , you would have to know me to know why I feel so strongly about that…however…I am enjoying myself on off topic so no harm done I hope…and if you visit occasionally we will have a wee chat….
Re the night out…believe Ian B said it starts about 3pm..ish….so may come but not sure…would LOVE to put faces to all of the names I see posting.
All the best and if I do come will look forward to meeting you….quite like the name Flapper 57…wish I had thought of it actually….hmm …you can call me Flapper 57…but ONLY you Lol
I kind of flick past the troll hunters these days, having like you made comments I regret. It just fills up the threads with accusations and counter-accusations, with other people summarising the postings of both sides, then others saying it’s wasting thread space, and then other posters posting to say that if people want to post that it’s wasting thread space why don’t they go to off-topic and post a summary there with a link back for every new post so that people in the MT who want to follow the troll hunting antics can go over to off-topic to see the latest state of play of the troll hunting fun and games. Or of course start their own forum called “troll-hunters anonymous”.
But from what I gather, apparently there are SNP members going around letting the air out of Britnats’s tyres. I think I got that right.
Which is actually a good thing if you’re a huge 18-wheeler with 6 foot diameter tyres and your overall height is 2 inches more than the bridge you’re trying to drive under! I’ve seen it done with low-loaders carrying turbines, and the funny thing is when they get through and then discover they don’t have a pump. Oops.
Where the trolls come in, who knows. Probably under the bridges. Hoping the low-loaders don’t crush them and turn them into troll-roll.
Of course, letting air out of a self-inflating tyre is self-defeating, so those people need to be careful not to do that, and to make sure that the tyres are not from Britax buggies, as that’s just cruel to babies – and buggy pushers.
Mmmm, I’m tired after all that.
Flapper 57

Flapper my friend ye made my night…. This is total revenge on my Evil auto correct… It did it’s worst and gained me a friend… Yay…
I’ll do my very best to remember to pop over here for a chat ( it is much nicer here isn’t it ) but don’t worry if I forgot,since oor Smallaxe isn’t around regularly I’ve gotten out of the habit,but I’m like a bad penny I’ll show up eventually
I hope you manage to make it to the night out…. The venue is on the door step of Queen at Station and very Yes friendly. Either way take care of you… Speak soon xxxx
@ dadsarmy @ 11.50pm
Hi dadsarmy, yes indeed…fun and games is it not.
Hence my rants being transferred to Off Topic…where no one can hear you SCREAM….or care….or tell you to shut up…I hope.. Lol
I never scroll past your posts on the MT…I do enjoy them…and like some others I prefer to “lurk” on MT ….your a brave person….wish I was…take care.
@ Liz g @ 12.02am
Hugs emoji….take care.
What helps me I think is that I post on the Herald and get on OK with 3 or 4 of the sensible Unionist posters, though not sure if “Unionist” is really appropriate. But there’s a couple of stalkers target me (same as they target another few Indy posters, trying to provoke us or discredit us). So it’s good practice here on Wings to keep the cool
It should be the other way around really, post here to let off a bit of steam. Used to be, but then the snpstasi got organised.
Curiously there’s a couple of Indy posters on the Herald seem to have a slanging match relationship with Unionists, and I think it’s actually friendly.
Funny old world, it’s totally beyond me.
@Liz g –
Aye, no harm telling us what you intend to bring. People always enjoy talking about food.
Still don’t know what I’m bringing. Mibbe just a big plate ay jam & cheese pieces!
Iain B , I need to be there for my sanity but it will be a pop in as I think I am on granny duties later .
I will try to bring a fruit loaf which does not way a ton this time and of which I was so ashamed / anxious about that I snuck it back home.
Spud salad from you??
Cactus , I have been missing your madness . hope all is well.
Why everyone is up in arms ..language…watch your language…you offend us and put us in danger….and our families.
Meanwhile the self imposed Remain warrior queen Jo Swinson accuses Scottish ‘nationalism’ as being the same as English nationalism..equating both as ” ‘forcing’ people to choose” she says….
And what of all of those very same people currently decrying the ‘language’ being used by Bojo and co…what is their response to Jo’s false assertion via the language she is using to promote her opinion….why they seem to be ignoring or tolerating this false statement Jo has made…why ?…because it does not affect them…they are too busy trying to save themselves from leaving the EU…and are deluded into seeing Jo as their ONLY hope to doing this….so they ignore HER language and HER false equivalence…why ?…..because they agree do they not.
Jo forgets how much Better Together ‘forced’ their arguments upon naive and fearful Scots…project Fear ran by BT, which the Lib dems were active members of, was indeed forceful in it’s negative and vitriolic campaign to try to ‘force’ scots to remain in the UK… different really to the campaign run by uber Brexiteer Nigel Farage I think….if we are to make a true comparison and parallel.
The only exceptionalism being displayed is the argument promoted by Jo and her BT friends that the Union is somehow ‘exceptional’ and that I am afraid is an argument that they, the Unionists like Jo, lost when they decided to adopt the same kind of campaign pre and since 2014 to the identical one promoted by those English nationalists who argued for and defended Brexit pre and since 2016…..
However we can see the similar underhanded methods used by both the Brexit and BT campaign….where so called ‘facts’ were presented, before the vote, as truths and since the result of the votes those so called ‘facts’ of truth disappeared and are expected to be conveniently disregarded and forgotten. Where promoting fear and manipulating people’s insecurities were used to win the argument and added pressure was applied by a media complicit in both pro Brexit ‘Leave’ and BT ‘No’ sides.
Someone needs to look in the mirror and reflect on their true image and not the one they want the easily conned to see….Hell will freeze over before a Lib Dem would ever be honest enough to do that….fortunately a lot of Scots can see through the ‘looking’ glass and know exactly what image they see when they look at people like Jo Swinson….Mirror Mirror on the wall whose the biggest liar of all……well when Nigel sees Jo’s image looking back at him surely Jo will see Nigel’s looking back at her.? …..peas in a pod and cheeks of the same a*se indeed…..
Here’s a wee story that happened to my hubby a few weeks back when he was in Cambridge at folk festival with his friend.
Hubby had watched Richard Thompson’s set and just before the end he was feeling a wee bit unwell so came out of the tent. He went over to what was designed to be a notable meeting place…which was a very large wicker fox…he told his friend that was where he would be sitting.
So as he sat down to try and get himself together a group of four men passed him…one of the men pointed at him and said ” you lot just think about yourselves”…my husband was confused and initially thought he might have bumped into this guy in the tent when he was on his way out….before he could answer the guy…the guy pointed to my husband’s bag and repeated the same thing…his friends then pushed the guy away.
My husband’s bag was a Scottish supporters bag…he is a member of the tartan army and a member of the Scottish football supporters club…one of the things you get as a member upon joining is a bag with their logo and writing stating ‘Scottish supporters club’ on it.
It was only then that my husband realised this must have been in relation to Brexit ….and actually the ‘language’, via this statement, that this guy was using was really simply anti Scottish…portraying Scots as somehow selfish and self centred and not thinking of their neighbours, whose population far exceed Scots voters, and THEIR, the English people’s needs…pesky Scots trying to stop Brexit, get their Independence AND not only that but also having the audacity to actually want to remain in the EU AND keep us English in as well ..sacre bleu #ScotsBad.
Now this guy was a complete stranger…he did not know for a fact that my husband was Scottish…..or whether he was a ‘leaver’ or a ‘remainer’ re Brexit….or even a Unionist or Independence supporter BUT this guy really needed to vent his anger at what he assumed at that moment was an appropriate target….he cared not a jot who my husband voted for politically, cared not whether he was a ‘Leaver’ or a ‘Remainer’, supported the Union or wanted Independence….BUT….he saw something ‘Scottish’ and THAT was what he was attacking…
So what judgement would Jo Swinson determine re this encounter…would she apportion blame upon the aggressive male who said this to my husband……… or would she see this as conveniently somehow a result of the ‘division’ created by the SNP seeking Independence thus blaming them for promoting her perception of what Scottish ‘nationalism’ represents and thus results in such encounters as I have described above.
We all have an individual responsibility in how we act and interact with others and what we say and how we say it really really matters…but if politicians, like Jo Swinson, apportion BLAME upon Scots who want independence and do it on a UKOK platform that is broadcast to all within the UK via TV then she helps reaffirm and promote the prejudiced and indeed division that exists within those English guys like the one who confronted my husband and many other English people who also see her negative message as the justification for them to be entitled to vent their anger upon Scots…or rather any Scot they encounter….
She emboldens guys like this to act this way because she deliberately makes a distinction between certain Scots and their beliefs and thus we become the ‘others’..the ‘enemy’ and so fair game for abuse.
Two wrongs do not make a right…some may think I am stretching my point of the above encounter with statements Jo Swinson has made BUT remember she is happy to present us as divisive, anti English and ultimately spoilers in what could be her vision of a fantasy re there ever being a UNITED Kingdom….we, the Scots ‘sepratists’, we are the fly in the UKOK ointment and as long as unionists present us as this then we all shall, if we venture South, probably meet many more like this guy and his warped opinion….
So Jo Swinson and those like her have emboldened people like this guy to think he is within his rights to make such ludicrous and ill informed statements to a complete stranger…….perhaps Jo should temper HER language because she is not the only one in potential danger through careless use of lazy categorisations …..which will be lapped up by those English ‘Nationlists’ she purports to be against….perhaps she thinks, like Labour, she can be all things to all people or just do what her natural Tory instincts tell her to do….say one thing and then do the opposite….that sounds about right for Jo ‘Tory’ Swinson.
All paths lead to people like Jo…as eventually do ALL stories.. like the above one…she is definitely one of the catalysts that generate the REAL division in her UKOK….just watch her in IndyRef 2…..we’re ready for her are we not….as are English guys like the one who confronted my husband BUT her argument to keep Scots in the Union will fall flat with that English guy and many others because she , a Scot, is another one who tried to stop THEM, the English, from getting Brexit….perhaps hapless Jo is taking on way too many battles….and will ultimately win none….Good luck to the mugs who will vote for her and her party in the upcoming GE…it will be forgive them Lord for they know not what they have done….but they soon bloody will…post GE…as will we The Scots……Lol
Clapper 57 @ 5.42
, what an ignoramus but sadly not unusual when down south.
Hi Flapper
This is why I find the Scottish and Irish who defend the Union and cry themselves to be British puzzling!!!
In my experience English people don’t see a Brit in front of them they see a Scott or an Irish person a Brit is an English person.
We Scots and the Irish no matter how loyal are never quite a Brit…. And there’s not a thing wrong with that,unless of course like your husband it’s used to berate someone.
This one country one nation thing is a political fiction
Choons for yoons:
For Jim Murphy – Rainbow – “I surrender”
link to
For Boris Johnson – Wet Wet Wet – “Sweet Surrender”
link to
Brinsley Schwarz “Surrender To The Rhythm”
link to
Grace Jones – Slave to the Rhythm
link to
Bryan Ferry – Slave To Love
link to
Queen – Somebody To Love
link to
Jefferson Airplane – Somebody to Love
link to
Beatles – All You Need Is Love
link to
The Faces (with Rod Stewart)- That’s All You Need
link to
@ Liz g @ 8.30pm
Spot on Liz…one nation….aye right….the distinction between us and some of those who support the UK is like planets apart …no solar system apart….
And yes ignoramus is an apt description…obviously a blind believer in the church of Brexit…probably donating to the collection tin of Farage & co….fools and their money easily parted and disengaged brains easily conned….can’t help thinking their in for a shock when they see what the Tories are going to replace the EU laws with…hopefully we will be on the road to freedom and away from THEIR Utopic vision of ‘ taking back control’ etc etc…reality always bites you in the a*se …….eventually.
( See the Rev on MT caught out yon fundily mundily…laugh…yes I did……and still am…what a ….word that rhymes with manny…he is…fundily mundily that is not the Rev…Lol ).
Take care sweetie
Genesis – That’s All
link to
Cartoon Ending – Thats All Folks
link to
@ David
Love Jefferson Airplane,the Faces ( especially like Mandolin wind ) and Genesis….really enjoyed that..thank you.
Good man….can you link Stone Roses Fools gold track…I can’t link I’m afraid..techno techno phobe Lol
Have a good evening David…and Liz g…..and everyone else who visits OT tonight.
ps. Enjoyed Ian Brotherhood on MT today…what a guy…straight talker ….takes no s**t…as he would say…Sooperb….Lol
This one’s for Clapper57!
The Stone Roses – Fools Gold
link to
@ David @ 11.02pm
Thank you David enjoyed that.
You know the first time I heard that track was on the radio , in the car, and it was the extended version, and my husband turned the radio on and it was at the long guitar solo…we thought it was a Frank Zappa track…Lol…until the radio announcer said after the track had finished playing who it was…we then went and bought their album .
Also saw a documentary about them on telly which was really interesting…really good band.
Cheers David
And this is DJ Devo David signing off from Radio Wings tonight – my wife’s taking over the computer now.
Madness – Tomorrow’s (Just another Day)
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P.S. Clapper57, copying Youtube videos to here is easy-peasy, but you have to remember to delete the letters “https://” which magically appear before the “www” of the video link.
One for Clapper57 and hubby. Sandy Denny always was a favourite, and saw Fairport a few times live. Kind of lost interest a bit when she died.
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@ dadsarmy
Thank you dadsarmy.
My hubby loves Sandy Denny…I am not that aware of her so much but enjoyed the track you selected ….I do love another female singer called Joanna Newsom…especially the track ’81…we were going to see her in Paris one year but something came up so couldn’t go…she is quite an interesting artist…perhaps for some an acquired taste..
Have good day when the sun rises…Lol…….
He’ll know this one then.
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