Posted on
January 02, 1968 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
For off-topic chat. Duh.
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
@Oneironaut –
Good to see you dropping in mister.
Hoots aplenty!
This page appears to be mine – all mine!! – so I’m just doing my own thing until I get rumbled…
The Pogues, ‘The Broad Majestic Shannon’ –
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Two greats, getting near the end, but giving it laldy. Whoever’s idea it was to do this is a genius…
James Brown & Luciano Pavarotti, ‘It’s A Man’s World’ –
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The Tartan Army in Paris –
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‘…tae see oursels as ithers see us…’
Russ Abbot on Des O’Connor –
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…and you can understand why, when you hear this.
Chic Murray –
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I’ve got my eye on you Dear.
Document of historical interest for social anthropologists:
Rikki Fulton –
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‘Real’ comedy…
Poor wee sowel…
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Ian, spotted you here this morning.
@cearc –
There’s not much gets past you…
Seriously, if I drag my missus and weans up thereabouts at some point this summer, could we meet for a pint?
Returns the wave in a hat-doffing manner and blows a kiss at Paula
Here’s another Rikki Fulton video sketch.. check out the surprise ending! Nice one Rikki.
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27 days to go (and counting..)
Absolutely, could do some accommodation as well.
Just catching up on O/T & found this.
“JGedd says:
3 April, 2016 at 6:20 pm
Sorry this is really off-topic but just wanted to tip you off that I think I know who NeoconNat is, posting on the other thread. He used to post on Bella Caledonia under various pseudonyms such as the GreatBigHoo or whatever.
I lost count of the number of times he changed his pseudonym. He was very tiresome and just came on to be belligerent and contemptuous. I recognise the aggressive attack and the same constantly re-iterated themes. His sole object seems to be to berate those whom he identifies as lefties. People stopped engaging with him on Bella since there was no debate just an excuse for him to indulge his aggressive views in safe forums.
Just a warning. Don’t indulge him. Ignore him, he is simply there to insult and denigrate. He begins by purporting to be something he is not – in this case, a Nationalist! That’s how he tempts people in.
Sorry to interrupt your conversation, just thought it as well to warn people who post on Wings. Some of you might have twigged anyway from his postings on the main thread.”
Have to say I agree both he & Sutherland completely took over last night’s thread by going after one or other regular posters for hours on end. Working in tandem maybe? Was this the night shift?
Can’t be arsed posting when trolls are about trying to divert the thread. Life’s too short
Flippin’ ‘eck cearc-do you ever sleep? Posting at 4.34am sheesh
It’s a night anti-nap. The opposite of a daytime nap.
Sleep for a few hours, get up, potter about, eat and drink and then back to sleep again.
@cearc –
You’re very kind indeed. Please message me if you get a minute and that’l be the first step!
Hoots aplenty and thanks amuch!
Isn’t ‘trolling’ so much as ‘assaulting’, ‘insulting’, ‘inciting’, ‘bullying’, ‘denigrating’.
Never encountered this in social interactions ‘on the street’, so tae speak, rarely if ever on Wings. This isn’t a ‘typical’ troll. This is ‘hate’. Hate zooming in on targets.
Lollysmum, he ‘went after’ Sutherland. Has been for the last few days. IanB tackled Sutherland for a comment about the BBC not being ‘smoking gun’ biased and IanB produced prof Robertson’s evidence at committee tae make his points. Sutherland backtracked along the lines of ‘what I meant to say’ was that of course they are biased but he was actually saying he didn’t ‘think’ there should be BBCbaaad as it wis as counter productive as SNPbaaad.
There was also a point he was trying tae make about not tarnishing all journalists, like MacWhirter and Bateman wi the same bias. Some posters disagreed wi that assessment. One in particular called ‘Bill’ commented along the lines ‘they’re aw the same including MacW and Bateman (paid up Team GB, or some such). Sutherland referred in a follow on post to that comment as ‘mindless’ and in a sense he cited as an example of what his original point was.
The posts are overlapping, and we’ve aw learned tae follow the interweaving of subjects under discussion interspersed wi misunderstandings etc. IanB wisnae fur dancin’ on pinheads wi Sutherland, and said he was gonnae leave him tae his fate wi others (Neoconat)…wi his partin’ shot: ‘and may God have mercy on your soul.’
That indicates Sutherland and the Tory are not hand in hand.
What followed was an assault by the Tory on Sutherland. As IanB had intimated…there’s nothing Sutherland was going to say now that could ‘save’ him from what had already begun during the overlaps of dialogue between Sutherland and IanB. The Tory went into full scale crushing and ridiculing of the man and blatantly distorting what he had actually said he utilised throughout the terms ‘we’ and ‘us’ as a form of inciting ‘group’ attack, not upon Suthrland’s argument, but upon Sutherland himself.
yesindyref2 attempted an intervention, ‘not in my name’, deaf ears. Sutherland was upset, you could feel it, it was in fact disgraceful what took place last night on that thread.
I’m beginning to understand that not everyone follows all the comments which of course is impossible and understandable, a very real downside to that is that people like this Tory can in essence do ‘drive by’ assaults like this, and then we’re on tae the next subject or thread.
Even on the current thread, the Tory mentions Sutherland’s name in his first comment. Does naebdy wonder about that?
Discussing and disagreeing wi each other’s opinions and outlooks is one of the by products on this site, but we all, I think, share a common purpose, we are aw involved in scrutinisng ‘narratives’ and sussing out the motives of those who are against Scotland’s self determination. I also feel it beholds us tae remain ‘alert’ tae the narratives of those commenting and to really examine our own ‘blindspots’ seeing only what we want to see on Wings btl too.
Ah cannae emphasise enough how utterly scunnered I was last night, y’could almost begin tae think about not commenting on Wings for ‘fear’ of reprisals.
Hmmm, got tae hand it tae him…’class’ act.
For the record indyref2 urged IanB to re read the comments. But, God have mercy on his soul…he didn’t.
Listen Dears – I’m just getting the dansette ready.
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@Paula Rose –
That was very very good. Never heard it before.
Bottoms up!
Here’s a wee non-music one, but hoping to pick brains…
Last year I saw buzzards doing this courtship malarkey. At the start of the video you see the pair getting close, but there’s no visible contact. What I saw was two of them interlocking their claws, then dropping like a stone from, I dunno, I guess fifty feet or, and separating so late that I was sure they must’ve hit the deck. And all the while they were being hassled by a raven/crow. It was quite startling to see, and this was right in the middle of Stevenston, in what locals call ‘the Quarry’, a reclaimed industrial site.
Any of youse seen this elsewhere?
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@K1 –
I did go back and read what happened afterwards, but I share your frustration.
NeoconNat is doing his best to ingratiate himself from thread to thread, but his calamitous entrance won’t be forgotten by anyone who read it and his choice of moniker is, in itself, a wind-up.
I was probably a bit harsh on Mr Sutherland but he could hardly have announced himself with a more provocative statement.
It would be daft to imagine that we’re not going to get regular visits from all sorts of dodgy characters. The intelligence services wouldn’t be doing their jobs unless they had people keeping a close eye on what we’re saying here, but to actually insert themselves into conversations is another matter. These characters are getting better for one reason only – they have to be good if they’re to enjoy any kind of shelf-life on WOS.
NeoconNat isn’t the first, and sure won’t be the last, but you’re right – he’s good.
I honestly don’t understand why people even respond to the trolls at all.
Why even acknowledge their existence?
You only give them what they want… A response, an audience, an opportunity.
Anyways, music link of the day:
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@Oneironaut –
You have a knack of selecting tracks with delectable singers…
Anyway, yeah, I see where you’re coming from with the whole ‘troll’ thing, but sometimes it’s really hard to tell. You’ll have your own suspicions about some of the ‘regulars’ we’ve had in the past, as do I, but how do we call-out these borderliners?
Maybe I’m just an old cynic, but the ones I ‘worry’ about (that’s not the right word, but I can’t think of another) are those who appear to be beyond any doubt, are solid regulars, perhaps even attend WOS socials. They’re the best ones by definition – they’re accepted, trusted, and there’s no way of uncovering them.
Who’s to say that I’m not in the pay of MI5?
How would you tell?
I ken whit yer saying IanB, and I’m glad am not the only one noticing this particularly nasty ‘insertion’.
I think Mr Sutherland wasn’t ‘meaning’ to be provocative, he was I suppose trying to be ‘nuanced’, which can be difficult in the context of the BBC/MSM. What he did not deserve was that nasty bastard ripping intae him as he (who knows, or cares, I’m just choosing ‘he’ because it’s mair natural than constantly referring to the moniker as ‘it’), tried desperately to explain to you that what he was attempting to convey was in no way meant as ‘provocative’, if ye see whit ah mean.
Agreed they’re amongst us, and there will be many ‘ploys’ to ensure ‘disruption’ or ‘driving’ decent folks away. So do we just ‘ignore’ as Oneirnot and others including myself (have sometimes) advocated?
At what point then do we ‘stand up’ for anyone being ‘assaulted’ as Mr Sutherland was last evening and as others have been over the past few threads when some of the crud that he and those with those views spout is ‘naturally’ challenged on here?
We do ‘discuss’ and at times ‘argue’ the bit with those of differing views, it can be helpful to ‘sword fence’ as a means of refining our arguments etc too. But how do we deal wi a prick like that on a forum like this?
Like ‘herding cats’ to suggest everyone just ‘ignore’ who ‘anyone’ believes tae be an ‘insertion’? Not everyone reads all the comments and not everyone is ‘following’ this ‘storyline’ on here.
How can we reduce the shelf-life of lowlife’s on Wings?
The obvious way is ‘to call them oot’. But look how that’s panning oot on this occasion
Thanks for taking the time to respond Ian.
Is the pay good Ian?
@K1 –
Yeah, it’s a tricky one, and I suppose Rev’s made his own position very clear – if we suspect a ‘troll’, just ignore them.
The difficulty arises when you get a character like ****. (Don’t want to name him/her, wouldn’t be fair..) who is a good writer, manages to sow division, but withdraws entirely if there’s any danger of them becoming the focus of attention.
I’ve tried to imagine what it might be like to ‘troll’, and do it well, properly, ‘professionally’ if you like. Extraordinarily difficult, and I can’t ascribe that to me being such a nice guy cause I’m not. It involves the kind of mental gymnastics that Orwell was describing via the concept of Doublethink, and, being objective about it, the people who are good at it must be very thin on the ground and command/expect decent remuneration.
Having said all that, what’s always struck me, visiting other political blogs, is the disgusting material which crops up elsewhere. A site like Guido Fawkes for example – it must be one of the longest-established UK political blogs and it’s always busy, but some of the stuff BTL is just jaw-droppingly vile. I have no idea how many comments Rev Stu has to block or remove, but I’ve never had the impression that it’s a big problem on WOS and I wonder why that is? Mind you, that may also explain why the stats for this place continue to rise – no-one wants to have to wade through dozens of rants from the Alf Garnets in the hope of locating something worth reading.
Very nice dears – just doing the washing up.
@K1 (9.05) –
I could tell you, but then…
@Paula Rose –
Washing up?
At half-nine on a Friday?
FFS, get a grip, get the Dansette on and pour yourself a Babycham, eh?
Next thing you’ll be banging people’s ankles with that effing Hoover…okay, okay, I know, you don’t have a hoover cause ‘nothing sucks like an Electrolux’…
Well, Paula, if you must
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Aw shucks…
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Something that’s had my brain glands working overtime for quite a while…
When I have a video on YouTube that I’ve found, then watched and want to share, I highlight everything after the ‘https://’ of the address in the address bar, then copy and paste it.
It usually looks like this:-
link to
Question: In many posts here, where do all the extraneous characters after the actual address, like ‘&nohtml5=False’ (and even longer, starting with &), come from?
BTW: that’s a well-forgotten classic I’ve linked to.
Aye, I’d imagined (rightly or wrongly) the opposite, that the Rev has quite the tech set up that he has to ‘prevent’ the site turning into the type of btl bile you refer to. Have often thought the likes of Daily Mail, Scotsman and Guido Fawkes have either ‘plants’ paid to spout btl and that they want to encourage the ‘outrageous’ ‘out/enraged’ mentality to their publications, cause that’s what ‘feeds’ their revenues and their ‘popularity’?
Ye really wouldn’t have tae be much of a ‘writer’ to be that type of ‘troll’ if ye see whit I mean?
Honestly haven’t met much of this ‘mentality’ in my lifetime, and I know that may come across as if I have lived some sheltered life, but I haven’t. So I’ve always suspected that much of what is present btl in these types of publication ‘is’ in ‘fact’ a ‘ruse’. That in essence it is ‘deliberately’ designed to encourage and disseminate those ‘sentiments’ ‘out’ to those who read them.
Then I go a bit further and think that maybe people don’t really appreciate how much they are being ‘infected’ by reading the bile. We are all after all what we eat, see, hear, read, view etc etc. That’s why most of us since the ref have turned the ‘telly aff’ because we started seeing the ‘effect’ it was having on us, the anger it produces etc.
I’ve seen many express coming away from various sites that they commented on, like the Scotsman and saying how much better they feel since doing this. I recall a story, I think from someone on Wings during the ref, that they were getting intae their car or van after shopping which had Yes stickers and the like on it and a man rushed up to them, complete stranger and breathlessly said ‘I’m voting yes now, I stopped reading the Mail.’
I remember feeling so touched by that, so utterly saddened for so many of us (and I do mean us, cause we all have to have our own moments of ‘revelation’ all the way through our life’s about many ‘fixed’ points of views, that need ‘shifted’ for us to mature as human beings), who have been ‘deliberately’ ‘taken in’ by a ‘fabricated’ version of reality. Spoonfed if you will. And for anyone to ‘realise’ that as so many did during the ref, was so heartening to witness in that one example.
I don’t think Wings will ever become like those btl denizens, I think that’s why this stuff gets to me…it’s like someone coming along and shitting on yer picnic. Whit tae dae, tricky right enough.
I have been away from the keyboard for a day or two. Only catching up by scrolling through comments and was a bit taken aback by the onslaught on Robert Sutherland by our new ” friend”, Neocon.
Since I have come upon your discussion tonight I thought I might join in, if I may. I did mention before on Off Topic that he sounded suspiciously like a troll who used to inhabit threads on Bella. For all I know, he might still be there. He became so disruptive that some regular posters stopped commenting and I gave up, now only reading articles and not bothering with btl comments.
I’m now not 100 percent sure that he is the same one but the technique is rather similar. Ian B you are the writer amongst us and I think that you would be able to work with an imaginative scenario in which perhaps some psychology graduates might consider it amusing to see if they could disrupt a popular site which has developed a community spirit amongst many of its contributors?
When I read Neocon’s comments I imagine I can hear the sniggering from some commonroom/staffroom of a group of Ayn Rand worshippers ( probably young ) who consider themselves to be superior intellects.
Perhaps I am wrong but he does not sound like a genuine supporter of independence. Why would he be so anxious to attack individuals who are supporters of independence like himself? There have been robust exchanges on this site but his contributions are bizarre – at one time appearing to agree and then as if he couldn’t resist, becoming insultingly negative. Notice that he appears to single out individuals for attack, the technique of a domineering bully. Just like the Bella troll.
Anyway, it’s only my opinion. But he has had a negative effect in a relatively short time.
How remiss of me not tae leave a wee tune…one of ma ‘heart’ songs…
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Pack bag – off to the main thread, see you all later.
@K1 –
There’s something about this site that people respect at a really fundamental level, regardless of how they feel about Stuart Campbell or any of the individual commenters, and I’m not sure what it is.
Could be the format?
We can choose to rant on and on, in the one comment, about this, that or whatever else, and so long as it has decent paragraph breaks and isn’t inciting violence or going wildly O/T within the first twenty-odd comments on any specific thread, fair do’s, it seems to be acceptable; there are no dedicated sub-threads (if that’s the right term) for comments, and no thumbs-up/down options; ‘natural’ cut-off points for all threads as and when something new crops-up.
One thing’s for sure – Rev keeps abreast of all comments submitted. We see it sometimes, when he responds to a comment which has been posted on a weeks-old topic, sometimes within minutes of it appearing.
So, we can be assured that our wee conversation is being read, at some point, by this place’s editor. Who knows? Perhaps he’ll have some thoughts on what we’ve been blethering about, especially how often he has to delete specific comments and/or bar people entirely.
And now, back to weird music…
PS Why hasn’t anyone given me their ‘courting buzzard’ stories?
Sorry if I’ve upset someone. Will leave immediately as I don’t want to be a gate crasher. Enjoy the rest of your night.
Ian B,
Sounds like your birds were having a territorial/pack order dispute. I would guess (I am no expert) that the locked plummet was a ‘see who blinks first’ scenario.
Different but same theme. Last year I watched a pair of sparrow hawks harassing my neighbours pigeons. They separated one off forcing it high into the sky, then one went in for the grab, claws out-stretched and with it mere inches away the pigeon went into a rolling tumble nearly to the ground then shot away to it’s house flying fast and keeping close to the ground.
@Cearc –
That puts an entirely new slant on it all.
I assumed they were lovers-to-be and were testing mutual trust etc (as ye do).
But they may have been genuine rivals?
I don’t expect to see it ever again, but am glad I did. And the best thing about it is that they didn’t, apparently, give a ‘flying ****’ who was watching.
@JGedd –
You haven’t upset anyone!
If you’re referring to Paula Rose’s ‘flouncing’, please be assured it’s part of the O/T furniture…
Aye JGedd, agreed ‘he/she has had a ‘negative’ effect in very short period of time, but at least we’re aw aware of it now. Better oot than in.
don’t know why I have not played this before. This is for the off topic posse. The Neville Brothers (no not those ones) These ones. Yellow Moon link to
Paula Rose was just upset that we were discussing raptors rather than her expertise, raptures.
@cearc –
I hope that Paula Rose, when she eventually returns, will acknowledge that one.
As in intermittent poster on WOS I hope that I am not overstepping the mark but it really pisses me off when people respond to those who are obvious trolls. Golden rule is always Do not feed Trolls, let them rant , talk sheeite and do not interact.
They are not here to have an honest debate , their sole purpose is to bait people on Wings into a response so that they can then belittle them and insult them.
The more you ignore their comments , no matter how distasteful or insulting the more futile and stupid it will be for them to rant on and on and no one then to acknowledge their existence.
They deflect attention away from the topic in hand and try to suppress the debate.
I read the interaction between Mr Sutherland and that idiot , who by the way also insulted Ruby, and was pissed off that it went on for so long , it was sheeite.
Anyone visiting this site for the first time reading that would think WTF is this , and would be intimidated to post a comment.
Trolls seek a reaction, want to provoke arguments and and will feed on anyone who takes the bait and will keep coming back again and again.
There are too many good posters on here and potentially more new posters but this really pisses me off .
It’s bad enough having to contend with all the twitter loony yoons tweets, MSM , BBC , STV and useless Yoon MP’s and MSP’s to have to then read Trolls egocentric smug shit on here.
Let them piss in the wind.
Apologies if I am just reiterating previous comments.
@Clapper57 –
Don’t let the fuckers get to ye, eh?
A decade ago this level of debate simply wasn’t possible.
Now? The elites are being forced to find ways to answer questions. And that’s happening because of places like this, by wee insignificant people like you and me asking questions again and again and again…
We don’t always agree on the best way of doing it, but the main thing is that we keep doing it.
Please keep doing it.
Hey Ian , you are one of the posters I enjoy reading on here .
As to the f**kers well…there are sheeites everywhere so hey ho.
Particularly dislike Shenshible Dave or as I like to call him Constable Smug .
Anyway cheers , and if there’s a WOS night in Edinburgh in future would be great to finally put faces to some of the wingers chosen pseudonyms.
All the best.
Just thought to check here. Yeah, could someone have a word with stoker who’s been offered “help” by neoconcat? Looks like he’s ready to give email, anme even. Not wise, I think.
Yes, but at least sensible doesn’t pretend to be anythin else. In his words he likes politics and for many months politics in Scotland has been THE game in the UK.
yesindyref2 wrote:
could someone have a word with stoker who’s been offered “help” by neoconcat? Looks like he’s ready to give email, anme even. Not wise, I think.”
HAW, tumshie, you let me worry about Stoker, am no as green as am cabbage lookin. And WTF is “anme” when it’s at home?
I did wonder if you were at it. I’ve seen your style.
“anme”. Umm, ah, I’ve got it:
Army Navy Military Expo
Go easy on the expo bit …
Think yesindyref2 might have typoed ‘address’ Stoker.
Goodnight, troops!

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Um – just doing the washing up all welcome, I’ll put the kettle on in a minute.
A little 80s music?
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Stoker and Neocon
The deal seems to be that neo will get his designer to post a link on here with the solution.
No need for exchange of details.
Now that yesindyref2 reminded me of this…Womack & Womack:
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Goodnight folks and in keeping with some topical news this week…this is dedicated to Kezia…yes, you heard me folks…
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Well, well. Look who’s chums with Uncle Normie, can’t be all bad then.
‘… I am best friends with some of his mentors, and I think that makes a difference on a personal level. Norman Lamont, Michael Howard – these are the people he looks up to, and they tell him, ‘Be good to Yanis, he’s our mate.’
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@ chasanderson200 (2.27am)
Yes, that’s how i understood it Chas. Thanks for the confirmation.

yesindyref2 says:
9 April, 2016 at 1:25 am
Yes, but at least sensible doesn’t pretend to be anythin else. In his words he likes politics and for many months politics in Scotland has been THE game in the UK”.
Indyref2 , He may like politics but he is very condescending and he too has made derogatory comments towards people on here.
Nothing wrong in honest political debate but I suspect that is not his purpose when he comments on here. Sorry but a Troll is a Troll and he definitely fits the mould.
However I do appreciate your point in that you feel he is being honest but I find he contributes nothing to the debates on here and he is more concerned with destroying the arguments/points of others in the very smug superior writing style he adopts to use in his posts on here.
All the best and have a fabby weekend. The sun is now shining in auld reekie ….for now.
Not Uncle Normie of course, wrong Normie.
Note to self, wake up before reading and posting!
@Ian Brotherhood
“I’ve tried to imagine what it might be like to ‘troll’, and do it well, properly, ‘professionally’ if you like. Extraordinarily difficult, and I can’t ascribe that to me being such a nice guy cause I’m not. It involves the kind of mental gymnastics that Orwell was describing via the concept of Doublethink, and, being objective about it, the people who are good at it must be very thin on the ground and command/expect decent remuneration.”
Most likely good D&D players. The kind of people who can effectively “partition off” a section of their mind in order to think like someone else so well that the secondary personality becomes indistinguishable from the real person.
It can be done surprisingly easy for anyone with the right “mental state”, and I’ve done it before (used to volunteer on a “scambaiter” site, where we’d mess with online scammers using fake personas to basically waste their time and resources that would otherwise go on scamming real people).
MI5 definitely wouldn’t employ me though. I’d be far too dangerous for them on the inside. The temptation to play Trojan Horse and destroy their entire system from within would be far too tempting for me. I’m sure they’re well aware of that.
Would be nice to get the kind of wages they can afford to pay though. Might even be able to build myself that new computer I’m trying to scrape together the parts for.
Would I be able to sleep at nights and look at myself in the mirror in the morning after doing that kind of work though? That’s another story…
Anyways, music link (with delectable singer) of the day:
link to
Just a wee reminder that iScot Magazine are reprinting the Wee Black Book in their May issue (Out 01st May)
We are only going to print sufficient quantities to cover advanced sales demand. You can, of course download the pdf from this WoS web site and print them yourself
@Oneironaut –
PS What does ‘D&D’ stand for?
Stereo MCs, ‘Black Gold’ –
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@ IanB
‘D&D’ = Darts & Dominoes?
More likely Dungeons & Dragons?
Journey – Don’t Stop Believin (Live in Houston)
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‘Most likely good D&D players. The kind of people who can effectively “partition off” a section of their mind in order to think like someone else so well that the secondary personality becomes indistinguishable from the real person.’
Like good actors? Or Red Tories?
Davidson & Dugdale?
Tubeway Army – Are ‘friends’ electric?
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Sugababes – Freak Like Me
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@Ian Brotherhood
Yep, Dungeons and Dragons (4th edition to be specific).
I really am that geeky! hehe
But yeah, anything where you have to act as someone else. I’m good at that.
Might have made a good actor if not for the fact I couldn’t remember lines. I’d also suffer from terminal stage fright, and I have what is best described as “a face for radio”!
The Killers, ‘Spaceman’ –
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The Stranglers – Always the Sun
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Joy Division – Love Will Tear Us Apart
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Sparks – Number 1 Song in Heaven
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Gosh – being someone else, I’d like to try that.
OMD – Joan Of Arc
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OMD – Enola Gay
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OMD – Maid of Orleans
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@Paula Rose –
Why not try being someone who doesn’t wash dishes at half-nine on a Friday night?
That’s a good idea!
@Paula Rose –
Yeah, and talking about good ideas, here’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen…
Cookie In A Cup! –
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Joan Jett – Crimson And Clover
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Joan Jett – I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll
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The Runaways – I Love Playing With Fire
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Toodle-pip troops!

This, on the other hand, is not a good idea.
The dude has forgotten an essential element of the traditional ‘doughnut’ – can you spot what he’s missed?
(I ‘dough nut’ know what he was thinking about…)
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…and this is just wrong.
‘…not the most healthiest…’
And why the fuck am I watching this shit on a SATURDAY NIGHT?!?
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…when I could be doing this! –
Casabella, ‘Bellissimo’ –
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Hey! Anything happening? LOL
Just checking the posts from last couple of days. truth is I’m really enjoying the discussion.
Here’s a song I hope will make you smile
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@Thepnr –
‘ELO’ to you too mister.
You ain’t missed much…just the usual shenanigans, people getting stroppy, dancing, pished, Paula Rose having to clean-up after us…
Sometimes no news is good news, eh?
K1 & others
Thanks for the explanation about NCN & his prey that evening. For me it just destroyed the thread & I’m not willing to jump in & then be targeted for doing so. That’s happened a couple of times on WoS so now I avoid mostly. Life’s too short!
I wasn’t sure about either poster so I came here looking to see if anyone else had mentioned them & found JGedd’s post. Phew-wasn’t just me then
There are some days when Wos resembles a battleground so much so that it appears to be just a continuation of my working day (bureaucracy, council officers, Dept of Health yada yada ya)disputes galore. Roll on retirement-12 weeks to go then I might actually be tempted to enter into the fray here again.
Till then happy to know the troll antennae still work OK (sort of):-)
Michael McCabe
That Neville Brothers track you posted, suggests to me, that unlike a certain Communist Party dissemblers we no longer appear to be ‘blessed’ by, you have an evident appreciation of aesthetics and an apparent insight in to the human condition.
Pure class. Sound mate.
The Meters – Hand Clapping Song
link to
@Lollysmum & CamB –
Good on ye’s, posting today.
It’s very very very bad luck if a whole day goes past without at least one comment here…hasn’t happened often, but calamity has always followed!
We Live!!
I’m supposed to comment as well as keep the place tidy?
@Paula Rose –
You’ll never know how much we appreciate your fastidiousness.
That’s me – keeping it clean.
Ian Brotherhood
Perhaps folk are a just a bit feart of the stranger they’re sitting next to, or perhaps they’ve lacked something to get their teeth in to?
Anyone for popcorn?
Jim Burgett – The living dead
link to
Danny Forrest – It’ll Never Be Over For Me
link to
The Dutones – It just ain’t right
link to
Here are some sessions from Abbey Road. link to
link to
link to
link to
Goodnight Folks link to
I noticed yesterday, the Herald had a well-timed wee puff from the actor who plays Jamie McTavish in Outlander. Apparently Series Two kicks-off this week.
“Management’s” daughter is one of the production team at Cumbernauld, so, she gifted her mother the Series One boxed set, which we are working our way through.
There is no way this pro-Scotland series will ever be shown widely on British, far less Scottish television.
We are hooked already, and have only managed to watch episodes one to six. Had this gone out on BBC or STV in the run-up to the Referendum, it would have made Braveheart look like a pro-English film. We’d have walked the Referendum.
I am afraid the brilliant Outlander is doomed to be an under-appreciated classic. It’s not perfect, however, sub-titles for the dialogue in Gaelic would have helped.
“Management’s” ex-husband did have a wee complaint. He called-up his daughter to complain about the explicit sex scenes, which had made him and his new wife uncomfortable when watching it.
His first wife did comment: “Aye well, that’s your faither – sex aye did make him uncomfortable – he could never get it finished quickly enough”.
He’s American.
Here’s one for Paula and all the other wings braw lasses (and it’s even a tad football related for a certain Bath bases buftie) .
link to
Play it again Sam.
If only I had a Brain.
Dr. Theorem – Spock’s Brain
link to
This man is a fecking idiot! Funny though lol.
link to
Idiot Dear – no way, a genius.
@Paula Rose
He served his apprenticeship as a Shipwright, same as me. So I get first call on an idiot or genius
Person ally still think he was an idiot maybe with genius tendencies. Give you that.
You don’t get to be president of the magic circle by being an idiot – he was a consummate mix of clown and magician. I saw him perform in a pub after a meeting of the magic circle to a small audience, not a lot of patter – no need, he put a 10p coin into a mixer bottle.
he put a 10p coin into a mixer bottle…And then what?
Paula I love Tommy Cooper always have, I loved him because he “acted” the idiot. Does that help? Probably not, I can tell I have a real fan on me hands.
I like him too or I wouldn’t have played a clip of him, please spare me the high heels
@ Thepnr Hi Alex Found this wee song. Don’t know if you will like it ? A wee bit of language in it. Quite Funny. Horse Outside link to
A wee bit of Johnny Cash link to
Fundilymundily, I’d like to know if any of the Yoon politicians standing in the coming election, have shown any contrition for the thuggish and dishonest way their party contributed to “Project Fear”?
Mamie Perry – Lament
link to
@Michael McCabe
I think Johnny Cash spent most of his life trying to send that message to those that might listen.
@Paula Rose
Tommy Cooper was a hilarious genius. Have to add that to the discussion!

He didn’t even have to be on stage, he could make an audience laugh with just a noise behind the curtain.
Comedy talent, you’ve either got it, or you haven’t
link to
K1 says: 8 April 10:38
“Aye, I’d imagined (rightly or wrongly) the opposite, that the Rev has quite the tech set up that he has to ‘prevent’ the site turning into the type of btl bile you refer to”
I think he has, I am third from right rev next to those nice flowers.
@ Lollysmum – Without prying too much into your private affairs can i be so bold as to enquire what your intentions are with regards to housing when you come to Scotland? Will you be seeking to come via private purchase, private let or Housing Association? Depending on your response i may be able to provide you with some helpful information. No need to give too much away, keep it brief!
Private let
@ Lollysmum – Well, over the longer term it may be worth your while registering with some of the Borders Housing Associations. Here is the name of an organisation which has several Associations under its wing and who’s properties are all over various parts of Scotland, including the Borders region: Borders Choice Homes and a site called Homehunt. It’s easy to register and even if you do come via private let you can eventually look for something via them. Just an idea for you and all the best for your move.
Borders Choice Homes – Homehunt

(Good luck)
Excellent news and a big smiley welcome.
Are you going to be doing a grand tour of the country before you house hunt?
think I’m too thick tae get yer meaning?
I’m putin’ a
after any questions I ask of posters fur fear of being labelled an extremist… (also cause am quite friendly…naw really a um) 
K1 wrote:
after any questions I ask of posters fur fear of being labelled an extremist…”
“I’m putin’ a
Hate to be the one to break it to you but…em…um…too late!
BTW, i’ll have you know that i recently broke my own post rules for you, i read your exchanges with the NcN. FFS, i had to use the scroll button to complete reading some of them. Keep them short and to the point or break them down into a mini-series or i’ll be sending out the attack dogs.
Och never again Stoker…a’ve goat a screen grab on the go…maybe natflix wid be interested?
Someone was enquiring about Outlander 2nd series have watched in 1st episode and definitely don’t watch unless you have seen all of the first series.
link to
Oi – muddy boots, out!
This works for Series 2 of Outlander as well. I use the ‘vodlocker’ link. Worked for me for all Series 1 episodes.
link to
CH, Couch Turner is asking for log in details (which it wasn’t doing before) and so can’t watch it. Bdttt Virgin won’t let that site be viewed…any other links much appreciated.
I signed up tae prime for the last few eps. of the 1st season, and then cancelled membership, so I can’t do that again
I have signed up to nothing.
Click link for title and it will load page then click the link which says “watch it here” just above video screen.
Page will reload and click “x” outside any box asking to update media player etc and delete any extra url tabs which pop up. It’s convoluted but you sign up to nothing, I had to change my ISP by private window and set zenmate to come from America.
Good luck.
Thanks CH, didn’t work, directing to a page warning that this is a ‘phishing site’…nae wellies, so nae use. Och well…might be virgin or safari…who knows. Might try on Chrome. Cheers for assistance.
Hi K1.
I’ve done three posts tonight with ‘Outlander’ links.
They have all NOT posted.
I’ll try one last time with a work-around.
This next link hasn’t posted here twice so I’m doing a new post with new words and I’ll try it again.
You can try this one. Remove all the ‘&’ characters from the url when you’ve pasted it into your browser’s address bar:-
Once again, if you get to the site, after removing the &’s, when you click on the “Latest Episode: Through a Glass, Darkly (s02e01) April 9, 2016, 12:00 AM” link, I would choose the ‘vodlocker’ links first.
Ah, Brian, it’s a ‘court order’ notice that disallows ‘this site’:
‘Virgin Media has received an order from the High Court requiring us to prevent access to this site.’
So it’s not anything to do with your links…this side anyway. But again, thanks for trying to help with this.
Hi K1.
The link I gave in this post:-
link to
Worked for me at the start of the week. Downloaded with ‘videodownloadhelper’ (Firefox add-on) and saved.
Teggeeg egg leggegg egg thegg etegg thregg…
Degg eggybegg reggegg egg legg spegg?
Thegg wegg thegg deggs, egg! Thegg feggy wegger egg jegg thegg. Egg feggy wegger. Negg pegg begg begged wegg egg, egg jegg egg feggy pregg. Legg egg megg egg egg jegg eggnegg thegg pregg…cegg thegg negg teggegg tegg shegg!
Egg egg egg
Glad I got that off ma chest.
@ K1
Ye gods. Thought I’d landed in a Slabber site and found their missing manifesto!
Hope you’re feeling better after all that. Hmmm… seems a bit extreme to me
Lol Betty…I suppose…there are a lot of eggs in that omellete
Thanks for the info-I hadn’t even considered housing associations-just assumed I would be excluded anyway on residency grounds because I am moving from England to Scotland. I’ll take a look at their site.
Must say there are far less private lets available than I was expecting. The situation improves the further north I look but my family won’t forgive me if its too far for them to visit.
Grand tour? I’m not Brenda you know-travelling, living & being ‘spoilt rotten’ on the public purse
It’s 40 years since I lived in Scotland so I will be doing a lot of exploring though
@ Lollysmum
You’re welcome! Here’s the name of 2 other Associations which operate independently from the BCH organisation and who focus their housing stock in the Scottish Borders:
Waverley Housing Association and Scottish Borders Housing Association. (There may be more but i only know of those ones)
The Borders region has a lot of English folk in Association housing but a lot of them have managed to achieve their moves through medical (and other) grounds.
I only tipped you off because in the long term your tenancy will be much more secure and certainly cheaper.
As i said, good luck with your move and if you need to know anything else just give me a shout and i’ll help if i can.
@ Lollysmum
It’s 40 years since I lived in Scotland so I will be doing a lot of exploring though
We’ve even got roads nowadays!!!
Sae, nae problemo!
Think cearc is looking for visitors in the wild north west.
Good luck with the house hunt and welcome back
@ K1
Jeez, only got around to reading my way through the bias battle of several days back. Several folk misinterpreting/misreading and downright bullying. Just want to say, kudos to both of you.
Now Betty, ye kin ‘imagine’ whit ma omelette wis aboot?
@ K1
Aye, mair scrambled than set
Just for a change here is supposedly the greatest racehorse that ever lived. I believe he was.
link to
Ok it’s a bit long for Off Topic but why not educate yourself
@ Thepnr
That video needed something, so here you are:
link to
@ Betty Boop
Tis true, I did ignore Champion the Wonder Horse
@ Betty Boop
This post was just a follow up to an earlier much better post about an American horse called Zenyatta, not a better horse than Frankel but definitely a better video.
Give it a minute or two and let me know if you liked it.
The music’s often bad enough in here but what’s with the horses running around the place? – a unicorn I could understand but this is ridiculous.
Your problem Paula Rose is that you are one dimensional!
Takes all sorts que?
@Paula Rose
Watch this and be enthralled. No shit.
link to
@ Thepnr
That horse liked to take the long way about – just playing with the rest of them. The music was fine for me, but, not seemed out of place accompanying a horse race :-). Now, Champion the Wonder Horse, that makes horse sense!
@ Paula R
I only do bad music
Hey, check out this traditional tune done in a different style:
Scotland the brave (Metal version)
link to
Hi Cactus.
That looked like an eight-string geetar in that clip…
This track is featured on the 1996 album “Tunes Of War” by German metal band ‘Grave Digger’. What gets me is the crowd reaction to “The Bruce”.
link to
Finally, a classic horse-racing (short) clip…
link to
@ Bdtt
Great race commentary, Brian, and fitting music!
LOL great racing. But you really have to watch this, no shit.
Red Rum beating Crisp in the 1973 Grand National. Impossible many would have said. Well nothing is impossible
link to
In twenty days time we get to choose Scotland’s Future once again.
Isn’t this exciting, the vibrations are building!
No title (but hey, use your illusion XX)
link to
When I’m having fun, you know I can’t conceal it.
Yeah, that was some ride to the finish, Thepnr.
Back to Outlander…
All the typing over the past couple of days – and the fact that I downloaded Series 2 Episode 1 earlier in the week – got me watching the very first episode again today; still haven’t watched the rest of Series 1!
The handy thing about downloading the episodes for posterity is that it lets you pause when the credit pages come up at the end. Being made primarily for the US market, the credits roll at 100mph, making it just possible to pick up maybe two names before the next page appears. So I pause…
And I discover that Outlander had A “Stand In” (Luke Haslam) and a “Utility Stand In” (Aimee Watret). I wonder what or who they stood in for?
Outlander also has a “DIT” called Grant McPhee. No’ got a clue what a DIT does…
Apart from all the jobbing riggers, there was a “Standby Rigger”, called Jim Hennessy. I wonder if he ever had to step into the breach due to one of the more important riggers not turning up of a morning?
Simon Sweeney was the “Greensman”. Wonder what his duties were… He did have four assistants to help him out though, so It must have been quite arduous.
Three minibus drivers get a mention but I won’t name them here, lest they become big-headed.
Ronnie Morrison was the “Car Wrangler”. The mind boggled – so I Googled. Loads of hits for “Jeep Wranglers” so I eventually posed the question, “What does a “Car Wrangler” do?” and I got an answer half way down the page of hits, through a Facebook page.
Looks like a “Car Wrangler” is a “Film Vehicle Co-ordinator”. Well that’s that cleared up. Ronnie had the job of co-ordinating all those cuddies and bogies.
No TV series can hope to be successful without a “Herbalist” and Outlander had Claire Mackay, who probably did sterling work around the cauldron.
But the credit that really appealed to me…
Remember no UK TV organisation would broadcast the first series of Outlander when it came out in the months leading up to the 2014 referendum?
Guess who did the catering?
Irony? Irony? We don’t need no steenkin’ irony…
@ Bdtt
Brian, pit thon remote doon. A’ thon pausing and finin’ things oot is gonnae dae yer heid in. BBC Caterers, pffft…
Mind and watch the series.
I’ll try this again. I posted it around half an hour ago but it seems to have got lost so I’ve added this extra text to see what will happen. What I originally posted is next…
Only another 15 to go. If I can manage two a week, I should be watching Series 2 by the summer.
BTW: my boss from the 80s is in Series 2, as “Punter 13” in a scene in a house of ill-repute. They used burlesque dancers from Glasgow as “the gerrrrls”…
Now that’s interesting. That posted immediately. All I did was add the extra text in the preamble – but I also substituted “house of ill-repute” for b-o-r-d-e-l-l-o. Looks like my hyphenated word is on the list…
At 2.18am, on 15th April 2012, 104 years ago, Titanic disappeared under the waves. I offer this, remembering…
link to
Forty years and six hours later, a being landed on Earth, entering through the Maryfield Portal. Planet Earth was never to be the same again. I offer this for that being, who is still among us, spreading whatever willy-nilly.
link to
Can I ask if anyone has clicked on neoconnat’s avatar:
link to
What you find is his other ‘moniker’
link to
It would seem there is some form:
link to
Though the twitter handle is no longer active. You can see they set the hay on fire.
Was this moniker ‘angramainyu’ or approximate, not a poster on wings before? Where they too were a bit of a ‘handful’?
This wasn’t some attempt to ‘uncover’, I accidentally clicked on their avatar and this moniker ‘angramainyu’ came up. Recognised the moniker and put it into twitter search.
Don’t want to ‘jump’ to anything here. Had others clicked on his avatar and seen this?
If only I had clicked on it before, I would not have responded in any way to him, from the go get.
Just noticed on the Rev’s twitter feed, that there is a petition to try and re-open the Maryhill food bank.
I can’t put a link up, on the wife’s laptop and not tech savvy.
Could somebody, possibly, put a link onto the new article thread, only needs a few more signatures to get over the line.
K1 says:
15 April, 2016 at 1:53 pm
“Can I ask if anyone has clicked on neoconnat’s avatar “:
Hey K1 , If we don’t feed him and let him piss in the wind he is going to look a right arse posting and no one acknowledging him.
No matter how offensive , personal or off the Troll Richter scale he gets it has to be DO NOT FEED TROLLS.
I’m with you I will NOT respond to him or react to any of his shit . Cause if you feed them they keep coming back for more and destroy the debate and general thread and to new readers of this site it looks as if it is a very hostile place to visit….then for him it’s job done .
Agreed Clapper…very much regret my engagement. And haven’t responded since smallaxe
gently encouraged me to take stock…unfortunately I thought I was ‘debating’ someone, it came to pass that this was not the case. Fool me once…shame on you, fool me twice shame on me…live and learn. 
People will still respond though…as there can be no agreed consensus that people are ‘trolls’, only the Rev can decide if they are or not.
@ K1 1:53 – I wondered when someone would notice xx
Took me long enough PR
One for horsey fan Paula Rose –
Who’s there?
Maybe it’s a big horse!
*SINGS* Maybe it’s a big horse I’m a Londoner…
Where’s the “I love you button thingie”?
“Hey K1 , If we don’t feed him and let him piss in the wind he is going to look a right arse posting and no one acknowledging him.
No matter how offensive , personal or off the Troll Richter scale he gets it has to be DO NOT FEED TROLLS.
I’m with you I will NOT respond to him or react to any of his shit . Cause if you feed them they keep coming back for more and destroy the debate and general thread and to new readers of this site it looks as if it is a very hostile place to visit….then for him it’s job done .”
FINALLY, someone who knows how to play the internet game here!
Nothing more frustrating than watching others freely turn themselves into troll bait.
Anyways, music link of the day!
Always wishing for something more…
link to
@Oneironaut –
Nice pick there mister.
‘Wishing for something more’ indeed, and maybe, who knows, it could develop after ‘our’ elections and the Eurobollox is done and dusted?
Only time will tell…in the meantime, we in Scotland must endure another fortnight of 24/7 MSM shite, most of which will feature Willie Rennie displaying his natural slapstick skills.
What a time to be alive, eh?
Shall I put the kettle on Dears?
Duh-oh. I clicked.
I’m making a strange connection here between Angra Mainyu and Loki.
Oneironaut says:
“Nothing more frustrating than watching others freely turn themselves into troll bait “.
Spot on Oneironaut , Unfortunately I too have seen this time and time again , absofeckinlutely these arses only come on here to bait people into reacting to their shit…usually with a contentious smug attitude .
Nothing wrong with healthy debate with someone who has an opposing view however that is NOT how a Troll operates as I am sure many on WOS know.
I appreciate people sometimes get lulled into thinking they are debating with genuine person , then before they know it they are ripped apart and feel they have to defend themselves ! Or worse still people get angry and react to the abuse ….big big mistake..Trolls feckin love that …because then your just a feckin target.
Never feel you have to defend what you say or justify how you say it on here , true wingers never resort to insulting your intelligence , style of writing or resort to personal slights or rather I hope they never do this.
My advice is read their comments ,digest their modus operandi and bide your time and when you know for definite that they are indeed a Troll …and you will ….then to get it right up them….ignore them.
K1 : You know now and forewarned is feckin forearmed. I read your posts and your posts are far superior to Troll with shit name. You have my support….just not via my posting any response to shit face Troll’s abuse…he and his like are feckin nothing to me. Shit on my shoe…oh yeh .
Who or whatever neoconnat/angramainyu is, it doesn’t appear to have the slightest inkling as to how things work, nor have a consistent outlook. As such, best ignored as a trouble maker, IMHO.
@Ian Brotherhood
I don’t think I’m even going to bother voting in the EU ref at all.
If we stay in Europe, then we’ll end up living in a corporate-ruled dystopia once TTIP is forced through, and our lives and those of our descendants will become just yet more fuel for the Gravy Train Express…
If we leave Europe, then the Human Rights Act and all other remaining protection for the working class goes bye-bye and we end up back in the Victorian Era…
As far as I can see, the only difference the outcome of the EU referendum will make is deciding who is in charge of giving us the shafting.
Didn’t actually expect Cameron to want to stay in Europe though. Maybe he wants a piece of that TTIP pie for himself by sticking around… (Someone must have told him there’s pork in it!)
Ah well, music link of the day.
We’re just standing at the end of the final masquerade…
link to
@Oneironaut we leave the EU we will be signed up to full on TTIP as quick as can be.
@Paula Rose
Aren’t the EU the ones behind TTIP?
Would have thought getting out of their control was the only way to avoid it…
USA trade deal – opt outs by most EU signatories, the UK has not taken up any such option.
Hi Paula Rose.
“Dusty Springfield at the BBC” is just about to start on DAVE. (9pm.)
Hi Paula Rose.
Sorry – YESTERDAY, not DAVE.
Absolutely fabulous. To Nicola
Rory Gallacher and Phil Coulter
link to
Oh dear, I fell for NeoconNats baiting never realising that it was Angramainyu.
I remember before he boasted more twitter followers than the Rev, over 90% of accounts were bogus and discovered by a Wings sleuth.
Live and learn, totally ignore. Shame though that decent Wings posters defend these characters whose sole objective is simply disruption.
That Angrymainyu2015 could also be bogus and just another wind up from NeoconNat, meant to be found?
No matter, will still ignore.
@Oneironaut –
Yeah, I hear you mister.
It’s a serr fecht sometimes, trying to work out what folk are up to, and why.
You would imagine that simply wanting to be in charge of your own affairs is a no-brainer, but it seems not.
Never mind – as Ronnie A said over on a main thread, we’ve had plenty of these people in the past and we’ll get more for sure…it just gets a bit wearing at times.
BTW, one of yer favourites, Amy MacDonald, was a guest on Off The Ball this afternoon, just in case you didn’t hear it – should be on i-player. She was very good.
Marvin Gaye, ‘Trouble Man’ –
link to
Both angry mainyu’s avatar moniker from Tam’s link last night and ncn’s avatar moniker are the same Thpnr…
Aye, best ignored…
Thanks K1, my mistake was not clicking on Tams link.
Sorry! LOL
Couldn’t let any more shit past.
@ BBC 4 – Dusty
Well, I’m just gonna type “PARP!” to those who sneak into off-topic and don’t read all the posts that have happened since their last visit.
Usually, I manage to sneak my birthday past the Facebook crew but, this year, I thought I would test out Wings. FB passed (coz they picked it up through my niece) but Wings failed. The only Wingers who picked up on my birthday were the ones who are on FB.
Feeling hurt, I refer to you this link, from 2.18am on Thursday morning… and I will now retire, having partaken of a number of whisky and Lidl diet Iron-Brews this evening.
link to
Birthdays? Who needzem? Certainly no’ moi…
Aw mannnn, bummer, sorry, didn’t pick-up on the hint.
FWIW, many happy returns an aw that jazz…
Hey brother, you know you don’t need that from us here. We love ye, whatever day it is.
Big ciderey-kisses and hugs aplenty from Ayrshire…
Mwaa! Mwaa! Mwaa!
Happy Birthday BDTT sorry I missed the party!
I played this for Mr B so why not for you
link to
Hi Ian B and Thepnr.
Thanx to yooz. E-VENT-UL-ALEE.
BTW: been playing that ‘Flash & The Pan” track since it was first released in 1978. Titanic means something to me…
@Paula Rose
Ahh ok. Yeah, I knew the USA were up to their necks in it at least.
I’ve heard the folks behind TTIP are hoping to get it all signed and done with before the presidential election out there, since Obama is considered to be their best option for pushing it through compared to any of the candidates who could replace him.
You know something must be bad when even a right-wing raving psychotic lunatic like Trump doesn’t care for it.
@Brian Doonthetoon
“Well, I’m just gonna type “PARP!” to those who sneak into off-topic and don’t read all the posts that have happened since their last visit.”
I’ll just leave this here:
@Ian Brotherhood
I think I’m more of a KT Tunstall kind of guy really. But can never resist a bit of Amy either…
link to
Fffffing l.
Phew, thanks, I needed that.
@ Jim Thomson: How do i type in black bold to emphasise something? Until now i’ve been using caps whilst also aware that is interpreted as shouting in type/internet speak. Trying to improve my skills here.
For bold use
to end do
Elaborate please Paula!
Work on the ‘KISS’ principle – Keep It Simple for Stupid!
oops loads of what I put hasn’t appeared. If you know how to do italics it’s the same but use b instead of i.
Start with the arrow that points to the left then b then the arrow that points to the right.
To end do the same with an / before the b.
“If you know how to do italics it’s the same but use b instead of i”
Sorry, i don’t! But going on what you’ve said i’ll try this:b thank you /b
The arrows won’t appear if you type them as they are used as instructions.
Thank you very much Paula!
You’re welcome Honey!
Now i’m just blabbering anything to see if i can do it within a sentence. Yes, i’ve got it now, what a teacher.
@Stoker @Paula
Glad to see you have overcome the language barrier folks. Next thing you know you’ll be pen-pals.
The other good one is replacing b or i with the string “blockquote” without the quotes obv.
Use that when cutting and pasting text from someone else so that it stands out like this:
and that’s all there is to it.
I think there’s also one that does strikethough – trying this
making the text have a line through itUse the word “strike”
There ya go.
Sorry about delay in responding to request on main thread, too busy twitter reading and responding to others on that.
just noticed that the blockquote didn’t carry over the bold text.
So, looks like you nee to reinforce that within the block quote by adding in the leftarrow b rightarrow and the end bold thing with /b in it. Trying again, I give you:
Ta-dah (as they say, someplace)
Jim Thomson
Glad to see your still fighting he good fight and haven’t been dissuaded by my musical ‘peccadilloes’.
Jim Thomson wrote:
“Sorry about delay in responding to request on main thread, too busy twitter reading and responding to others on that.”
No worries Jim, i sort of guessed i was late to the party and had missed you. Thanks all the same!
BTW, i’ve got a new teacher now, you’re surplus to requirements, you’re fired.
@Stoker – no probs bud. I now have a new mentor (they always take up a LOT of time). @CameronB is about to teach me about pedaloes (not sure why) but I do like the odd bit of maritime splish-splosh.
@Paula, you and I have to talk about poaching valuable pupils. I thought I could trust you too
Not telling you about my latest catch (she like wearing tartan high heels). Need to teach her about HTML stuff so her leafleting looks a bit more professional.
@CameronB, if you want a challenging musical pedalo, try this:
link to
Once you’ve recovered, here’s how they made it:
link to
Catchy little ditty too. Listen to the lyrics – could apply to almost any manipulative government.
Just a quick question, anyone seen or heard from Robert Peffers recently?
Hope he’s OK.
Have wanted to use the strike through thing…
for telling people to piss off, I mean for expressing a different view on a subject.Ha! @Stoker – eat yer hert oot!
Got a new pupil … Welcome @K1
@Paula … ye snooze, ye lose
Jim Thomson
I think that’s called ‘mental’, in CGI parlance. I see now that large men in spandex would be no cause for anxiety to the like of yourself.
Eldest lad (into music in a semi-professional kind of way) pointed me at that vid a couple of months ago. I keep going back to it (and nothing to do with half naked spandex clad CGI blokes) because it’s a bit “ear-wormy”.
There’s another song, to whom it should be dedicated, I’m not sure but, if that shower of vote splitting arseholes (any party considered) cause us to have a less than effective pro-indy government in Holyrood they need to have this played at them incessantly
link to
We’ve not had this before…
Yehudi Menuhin ‘jamming’ with Ravi Shankar and Alla Rakha –
link to
Anyone ever seen a band having such a good time as this?
Van Morrison, Caravan, ‘The Last Waltz’ ––mDB597DJYThuGS4fDGdJAZfoCD_fQ
Hi Troops!
Just stumbled across this radio show tonight, sounds good so far:
On Absolute Radio, Mon-Thu 9pm-1am, Pete Donaldson’s Evening Show.
Covering the Album of The Week and listeners choices for ‘I Haven’t Heard It For Ages’. Worth a listen!
No word from Robert Peffers for a while.
Hoping Robert is simply under the weather, but still reading.
@Macart the last posting I can find from him was around 5th March, which is why I was asking.
John King is the nearest regular Winger to Robert – perhaps he could check up on him.
@Jim & Paula
That’s about what I thought. A wee bit worried is all. I know Robert takes wee breaks when he’s feeling poorly, but like I say its been a while this time.
Have e-mailed John to see if he can help.
Many thanks.
I remember Dorice used to disappear off the Grun for a time, told not to go near a keyboard by his doctor. Posted rarely on the Herald though, obvious style, and then he stopped – but I saw his name a few times on my upvotes. So hope it’s just like that, maybe reading but not posting.
Yeah, remember that dads and that’s what I’m hoping is the case here.
A bit of banter with a Labour / Unionist in the Herald today with the theme being nautical and captain, where the word “lauded” came up, and it made me think of this.
link to
Looking at the last 3 or 4 days Sturgeon is playing a blinder, and I’m interested to see what might be coming tomorrow. She’s the captain, the Captain’s guiding star is bright, and we’re nearly at the top of the hill.
I can’t make up my mind what the star is though, perhaps it’s us, the People of Scotland?
Stars – all of us.
Interesting comment I just saw in that Harry Lauder page (I know I;m sad, I read them sometimes):
“My dad who fought in World War 2 sang this song to me when I was wee. The words are beautiful and I think the SNP should jive it up and use it as the Scottish National Anthem . Proud to be Scottish.?”
I am thinking we need an anthem for Indy Ref 2. Something upbeat, confident, not over-confident, hopeful, happy, modern I guess, sing-along even, suitable for old and young, rhythm. Strangely I’m thinking walk 500 miles, different tune and lyrics but! Maybe same writers and singers though …
Paula dear, you are always twinkling
I can’t help it – it’s the reflection from all the glitteratti!
@Paula … you’re always “tinkling”? Hmmm, I can recommend a really good urologist, m’dear.
If I didn’t know you better Jim dear…
Highly recommended by The Doc over on
The Broken BBC – From Public Service to Corporate Power
link to
Mmm, anyone for toast and NeoconJam?
For a few smirks, here’s a preview of Gary, Tank Commander, & Nicola. It will be broadcast on BBC Monday night.
I think the full programme has the other “leaders” in it too (including UKIP’s finest).
Enjoy (and off to bed for me)
link to
Picked this up from the Rev’s Twitter page earlier on.
Laird 8 Badge ?@delboy1978uk 1h1 hour ago
Most computer’s browsers suggest www when you type a w in (strangely enough). Mine auto suggests @WingsScotland
So I tried that in Firefox. As soon as I typed the first ‘w’, this is what appeared:-
link to
ah think ah must be a total saddo. Ah get
Pete’ll empathise (ah hope)
@Jim Thomson
Good God, they’ve let Kevin Hague go global!
Here’s one specially for Neojobby xx
link to
Hi Jim T.
RE: your ‘’ link. ‘KL7L’ seems to be rather lonely. I scrolled down to see who was in the British Antarctic Territory – nobody!
Obviously, nobody else from my family feels the lure of Antarctica – including me. (Can’t remember my call sign – Pete knows it…)
link to
BTW: your other link,
link to
Looks like it could be fun. Be interesting to see how the other high heid yins handle the interviews.
Hi Stoker.
link to
It’s not just Prof Robertson and GA Ponsonby then…
Hope that didn’t come across as taking the p by the way. I started taking an interest in similar many moons ago. Seem to remember you had to have something like a Wireless Telegraphy Operator Licence or something like that. Learnt morse code, but never got around to making / getting a key to practice.
Weird lot Indy supporters, fingers in many pies. I like pie!
Hi yesindyref2.
You typed,
“Good God, they’ve let Kevin Hague go global!”
You know, I read your original comment three times while updating this page and just got it after your last comment!
(Still feel for ‘KL7L’…)
@yesindyref2 I sat my morse test in the GPO HQ near St Paul’s in Londinium. Hunners o’ years ago right enough. Two of us there that day (we escaped a civil service sports day somewhere in the London area to take the test).
I’ve had the odd go on the key, and (steady now Paula) the paddle, in the intervening 40 odd years but my speed has plummeted towards useless. Keep promising myself that I’ll spend time getting the competence level back up but never seem to have the time.
First go on the key was for part of a Seamanship “O” level where we had to send and receive at 5 words per minute using a lamp.
@Brian You need to register with OfCom website link to now to make sure your licence doesn’t lapse. Need to “tick the box” every seven years or so now. At least it’s free (at last).
@Pete – gie him a nudge and get it sorted!
Andy Anderson, down the mines at 15, piper, trade union official and graduate of Oxford University who took part in the Skye Bridge campaign and wrote “The Skye Bridge Story” and (as joint author with Ronnie Morrison)”Moving On”, a book on economics and finance has written an interesting book “Currency in an Independent Scotland”
These are available from the Forward Shop,186 Argyll Street Dunoon PA23 7HA for £7 which will cover P&P
*Andy was also was co-author of the Dunoon report on the peculiarities exposed on the postal voting at the Referendum.
Hi Jim.
I believe it’s 2019 I have to renew. I think it’s every 5 years.
@Jim Thomson
I vaguely remember making a short and very rude posting on the Herald in morse, and getting away with it. Had to look up some of the letters though!
@ Bdtt, 20/04/2106, 11.29pm
Just read through the article you linked about those propagandists extraordinaire, BBC.
Long, detailed read; worth it though. There wasn’t a single thing there that I haven’t incessantly railed about. Thank goodness we can watch a range of foreign stations for news if we want to hear anything that might vaguely reflect some truth, otherwise there wouldn’t be a screen in the telly.
You do realise they don’t make screens that small any more? If it gets damaged well have to get a 60″ curved one (smallest available, I’ve been told)
@ Jim Thomson, 2:22pm
Hello hello there fellow Wings acolytes.
I’m lookin for a wee bit o advice.
On both sides of my car I have –
Wings Over Scotland. National Collective.
Grousebeater. Bella Caledonia.
Common Weal. Wee Ginger Dug.
(In bold white writing.)
I’m gona change the Bella, National Collective and Common Weal ones for something else.
But what do I change them for?
Advice needed as I only read Wings, Grousebeater and WGD but thought you may ken what other pro Indy sites are deserving of a wee bit o free publicity.
Any help would be great ta.
Wee Jonny.
Hi Wee Jonny.
How about,
link to
link to
link to
@Wee Jonny
Have a look at Wilderness of Peace (Taranaich’s blog)
link to
and Derek Bateman has some fairly balanced material on his site too.
link to
If you think folks might be interested in statistical analysis, Scot Goes Pop is worth a look. link to
What, there is a Wings car sticker!!!!
Woops, I forgot it’s also got –
Newsnet Scotland. Derek Bateman.
on both sides too.
Funny how yi can drev a car everyday and no hay a clue what’s on it.
I thought aboot Brian. Will hay a wee look at scotgoespop.
Lallands Peat Worrier?
Good shout Jim we Wilderness of Peace. Especially as I’ve met Taranaich at a couple o Wings nights.
Andrew – there was gona be a Wings car, no just a Wings car sticker but I thought other pro Indy sites deserved an outing to let some fuwk ken what’s oot there.
I thought aboot it again over the last couple o days we a that Bella split votes pish but again I think I’ll just change a couple o signs for others.
The things you find, apparently there is a store on this site that sells stuff, what next a pub and hotel complex!
but why American, I want a car sticker!
Wee Jonny,
How about link to
Good stuff there and potentially for a different audience.
“I am thinking we need an anthem for Indy Ref 2. Something upbeat, confident, not over-confident, hopeful, happy, modern I guess, sing-along even, suitable for old and young, rhythm.”
link to
Possible contender?
@Oneironaut –
Nick pick there.
(Did you get Colin T’s latest e-mail? If so, you’ll have recognised a familiar face, eh?)
Should’ve been ‘nice’ pick…mind you, if I was going to make a typo it could’ve been worse…
Getting put right aff reading btl, life’s too short, if this indicates the direction of travel btl from here on in…I’m oot, nae loss I know, nevertheless just want to express how scunnered I am by every thread for the last few weeks being infused wi that stench.
All this still on going efter he’s been ‘fun oot’, seriously?
A big part of our movement was as many frequently mention, all parties and none, but an even bigger aspect for me was the commonality of world view that was essentially the connecting fibre at the heart level.
Where kindness and respect are valued and above all a real understanding about the causes of poverty that have blighted our communities, the true source being some of the most deliberate acts of economic vandalism ever visited upon a so called equal partner in this Union. Why ah would go so far to suggest this is why we want our independence? To redress this inequality and inequity and bring about a more fairer and just society.
We have in our midst a moniker bereft of kindness or respect, re writing history, insistent on some vague assertions of the right and left and manipulating the debate to what end I no longer care enough tae speculate. That’s the real ‘disturbance’ that’s underway, not thread disruption.
If I wanted tae witness the madness of such a mind I’d read the Scotsman’s btl or the DM…not Wings.
Thoroughly despondent, Glasgow.
Yeah, I’m the most guilty, mea culpa. I’ll leave it slither back under the bridge. Not just disruption I think, encouraging to extremes, division, anything that comes along.
But here, if these 3 (?) guys can totally upstage a supposed 100 Labour MPs on their Imperial Mission, and keep it up for 10 minutes solid, surely we can keep it going for under 2 weeks?
link to
I had BfS, Yes Dundee, Yes Scotland and BBC Scotlandshire on my car but changed it for Wee Ginger Dug, Common Weal, National Collective and Grousebeater.
Scotgoespop and Wilderness of Peace are two I’ll have made up and put on though.
Hi Wee Jonny.
National Collective was wound up last year.
link to
Brian Doonthetoon
Ha, shows how much eh piy attention.
Will get that aff as well.
I’ll maybe just get huge Wings signs on both sides o mi car coz oor Stu’s goin naywarr.
Saw my first ever wings car sign today, forth road bridge at 5 pm today, ,! I am Easy pleased!

Wings Inverness
Apologies for the delay in replying, busy with work.
BDTT. Wetherspoons don’t do functions.
Hootenannys have just converted their function room to a cocktail bar.
The rest of the Town of Centre bars can’t cater. There are other hotels out of the centre which would do but after the summer.
There is one in the centre under refurbishment that will be taking bookings soon and would be ideal so I’ll try that.
Anyhow looks like end of the tourist season in August/September is the best bet.
Hi Kishorn Commando.
As far as I know, none of the Wetherspoon venues cater for functions. That hasn’t stopped around half a dozen Wings get-togethers at the Counting House on the corner of George Square.
The way it works is that SOMEBODY identifies a particular corner of the venue, makes it known, then we know where to look for a table if we’re ordering food.
Those that don’t get into that particular location initially, move in, as ‘the normal people’ move out, so we end up with everyone at adjacent tables.
It worked in Edinburgh and Aberdeen as well.
Oh, and it also worked in Jolly’s in Broughty Ferry, back in May 2014.
Well since we haven’t had a tribute to Prince yet here’s mine.
It’s not what you’d expect and I have posted this before here on Off Topic, to see Prince at his VERY best you need to stay with this song but that’s easy until the last couple of minutes.
Or just skip to the last 2 min. Plenty other famous faces in there too.
link to
@Brian Doonthetoon
“Oh, and it also worked in Jolly’s in Broughty Ferry, back in May 2014.”
Here is that event in all it’s full glory
link to
Re: Prince.
A pal of mine, with whom ( and others) I partook of Indian cuisine at Bombay Joe’s last night, bought a black Chevrolet Corvette in 1983. 7.5 litres V8. I had a memorable ride in it, to St Andrew’s, Summer of ’84.
Onnyhoo, on the back of Prince’s ‘Little Red Corvette’, he had it resprayed – at ENORMOUS expense – in a fetching shade of red. It is still that colour. Garaged just now, due to rustworm in the exhaust headers. But a remedy is under active consideration…
No need for despondency that card was marked very early doors. The game is to sow division by association. I suspect we have seen the like before, but the answer as always is simple.
Do not engage in any way shape or form.
Move on and read the wealth of other informed and still very much engaged posts. There’s lots of friendly folk just hanging out looking for a laugh and a chat.
Its hard right now because folk are wearing their party election campaign hats. They naturally want their parties of choice to do well and make progress. The opposition are encouraging division to limit an SNP majority and foster ill feeling between independence minded partners further down the line. Their strategy a steady drip drip of the green monster in everyones ear, chinese whispers, dog whistle headlines. The usual bollox of play your opponents off against each other.
So long as folk rein in their language when promoting their party of choice and be mindful that the only beneficiaries of division in the wider movement are the unionist establishment, then they can consider themselves both forewarned and forearmed.
You stick with it.
Exactly what Macart said and Macart I try to keep my bad language to an absolute minimum. Shit happens
Here’s that link from my previous post corrected.
link to
No such thing as bad language from Thepnr.
Although I sometimes wix me mucking fords up.
Just want to say Macart, that you are always a voice of reason. It’s voices like yours that keep this site alive, there are others though at the end of the day all are like yours.
Sensible, we want some of that, thoughtful, yeh I’ll have that too.
Your not very funny though, others do that better
See you Thepnr.
Getta fuh, yabassa! Yi’d crud yir Dahd firra crumbold! Dinnae gie me yir “I try to keep my bad language to an absolute minimum” – yirra canute! Yi dinnae ken, iye? Eh’ve heard yir kerrap – wir you no’ the guy wha telt Ronnie Anderson ti git on eez bike an’ PI-55 on the “Bitter Together” stall at Arbroath Seafest, 2014?
An’ yi come over a’ ‘holier than thou’…
Friockheim deserves better…
LOL Brian
Out of the hundreds of posts I’ve made I’ll guarantee you less than 1% have a wee sweary word. Have a look, you know how to do that.
Thanks for the pep type Macart
Yeah I know it’s all a bit fractious on the lead up, was just gettin’ pissed off wi that card’s relentless pish…feels a lot better tonight though, can’t wait for the election to be done with, then we know where we are and can move forward from there…EU then councils…onwards…
The dug’s in good form tonight.
link to
@ Bdtt
In defence of thepnr, Ronnie needed no encouragement in Arbroath; targets everywhere and naebody was safe.
@ K1
Heed the wise words of Macart! These chancers come and go and any exchange is best kept to a minimum, generally none at all. They tire eventually if ignored. I admit to poking one a wee while back just for the heck of it, but, never let them get under the skin. Keep the faith.
I would love a Wings car sticker, where do I go about purchasing one? Nothing on the Wings megastore link.
Hi harry mcaye.
For stickers, check out ‘Yes Rutherglen’.
link to
Harry yes there is.
Why so quiet in here?
Come on FFS, it’s Saturday night, eh?
Stevie Wonder, Prince and Sheila E, ‘Superstition’ (Live, Paris, 2010) –
link to
Ian, some classic Philly Soul. This’ll get you leapin aroon’ the lobby.
link to
@QQ –
What a voice that dude had. That’s precisely what Thepnr sounds like after he’s had seven pints of Guinness.
Strange, but true.
This was almost 30 years ago…
Wet Wet Wet, ‘Sweet Little Mystery’ –
link to
Ian Brotherhood
30 years ago Naw dinnae be telling me that!
Sometimes the old ones are the best
link to
link to
Andrew – I can only see various t-shirt slogans, no window stickers.
@Thepnr (10.41) –
I’m sure you posted that clip ages ago, eh?
It’s totally brilliant – the man looks so free…
It’s Zen material.
FWIW by the way, we didn’t have a TV in those days so it was quite a
pleasant surpriseshock when I first saw that last one. It was the times right enough, fair to quicken the pulse of a young lad.Same era: link to
Well, back to work, but first for the one piano player in the whole world who hasn’t done some version of this, whoever you are come out:
link to
Just watched Sir Ian McKellen on Shakespeare Live making a speech from a play about Sir Thomas Moore appealing to the mobs in a race riot asking them to consider the plight of the foreign immigrants.
Could have been written today!!
Harry it’s America they call them bumper stickers, take some green from your fanny pad,
Hi harry mcaye.
I already gave you the link for ‘Yes Rutherglen’.
They do ‘made to measure’ – they produced ‘Wings Over Scotland’ beer mats for both the Helensburgh and latest Glasgow Wings get-togethers.
Contact them and tell them what you want!
My friend has done my stickers/signs on my car for years.
His name Is John. You can get in touch we what yi want and he should be able to soart yi oot.
Here’s his email address –
Tell him Wee Jonny Campbell sent yi.
This was just played on ‘Pipeline’ – the type of programme Radio North Britain happens to be very good at.
Blair Douglas, ‘Nelson Mandela’s Welcome To The City Of Glasgow’
link to
I thought it best to jump ship to O/T currently. I have a deathly fear of hammers.
link to
@Macart –
Aye, it’s getting a bit mental ower there, eh?
That video will surely draw comment from Miss Paula Rose…
This is a rather decent version of a song that someone and me were trading lyrics of, on one of the main pages, in the past week or so.
link to
RE: the Nancy Sinatra video. I’m, mostly, into blondes but I must admit a soft spot for Elvira, “Mistress of the dark”…
link to
Anything to get away from the main thread right now…
This is properly weird, but strangely enjoyable, and was waiting for me on YT after the last link…
The Mediaeval Babes, ‘Adam Lay Ibounden’ –
link to
Thank you for posting this link, it was fantastic!
Hi Andrew.
Which one – Disturbed or Elvira?
@BDTT (9.58) –
That’s great stuff, never heard it before, and I know someone who will love it, so hoots aplenty and thanks amuch!
That dude singing ‘Sound of Silence’ reminds me of this clip from one of the Batman movies. I’ve never watched any of them right-through, but my son has been driving me properly mental over the past week or so by constantly doing (impressively accurate) repetitions of this particular speech, often from concealed spaces, the more to frighten me:
link to
@Ian Brotherhood
Whens the wean getting oot the cupboard? Jist asking like, jist in case, ken
Disturbed, I remember going into what was west Germany, and stopped to buy bridge over troubled water. First time I heard sound of silence.
Funny mentioning the old Germany, I will also never forget once leaving the east siting in the station drinking something they pretended was coffee and thinking, and I really did believe this, the arse holes would have really done it, half the old red guard were milling about the countryside. And a girl and boy sat on the ground outside the ticket office and playing an acoustic guitar sung “life on Mars”. It was the most beautiful song I ever heard.
@Thepnr –
I couldn’t possibly say…
You’ll know what I’m on about.
The lad has chosen to pursue a ‘love’ which, the longer he’s involved in it, forces him to confront liars and cheats as a matter of course.
Whit’s a responsible ‘Dad’ to do?
He’ll find his own way of dealing with them. I just hope that he doesn’t resort to using their methods to ‘win’. If he does, he knows he’ll lose any respect his ‘nearest and dearest’ have for him, insofar as the whole concept of ‘sport’ is relevant.
It’s his shout.
About coming home.
link to
link to
Two cultures.
Some idiot said there is no such thing as Scottish culture, it’s a mark of the strength of our cultural identity and heritage that it blends so well with others.
A gift for our wingers of Scottish Indian descent.
link to
Found out this morning that Disturb’s “Sound of Silence” is Ken Bruce’s ‘Record of the Week’.
Wings ahead of the curve – as usual…
Hi Andrew McLean.
Cross cultural fertilisation…
link to
You’ll probably have to download, then play, this example of Scottish cross country reggae, as it is an MP3 file.
Hey folks, how do’s, not long to go now.. hopefully it’s gonna be a massive pro-Scotland turnout to vote for the SNP on the fifth.
Scotland deserves something special for celebrating on the sixth.
@Andrew Mclean
Your link at 10:35pm didn’t work, t’other wasn’t bed though
Wasn’t bad though, subconscious thoughts won lol.
I don’t think I’ve shared this here before.
A wee compilation of Gaelic culture from “Chewin’ The Fat”.
link to
The dug’s on a roll.
link to
Probably apt.
link to
This is worth watching. Prince and others 10 minutes.
link to
I just found this comment, I presume from an English poster, on an Independent story about the Brexit campaign. Oh, the irony!
“All this bull about we get this much for this and that much for that insults our intelligence. The bottom line is that we pay in more than we get out and the decision on how that money is spent is made by others. Better to keep it and allocate it ourselves, if we dont like the way its done then we can vote the bastards out, its called democracy something we used to find worth fighting nay dieing for and yet the IN campaign seem to not want to even talk about. Shame on all of them and I bet there forefathers are turning in their graves.”
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
@Ian Brotherhood
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Been taking a few days out of the mainstream again.
I think I saw the picture with the familiar face you meant though.
Now that’s a face that should always stay on the OTHER side of the camera! hehe.
Anyways, posting up another music link.
If any of the newspapers or BBC lackeys are reading this, then the title of this one totally isn’t a thinly-veiled reference to our undemocratic pork-loving PM. Not at all. Honest. Don’t know how you could even think such a slanderous thing!
The lyrics are good though
link to
Peace, Love and Oreos to all… (Oh, wait, will we still be allowed to have Oreos if we leave the EU?)
@Oneironaut –
Yes, you’ll still be able to get them, but they’ll be called Eureos.
Off Topic completely,
As the rev can fight his own battles, though if he wants to borrow my chib?
Hillsbourgh was the result of the most common cause of death in crowd related accidents, compressive asphyxiation, that is, the force of the crowd becomes so high that individuals in the crowd cannot expand their torso to breathe. When the crowd density is high enough this can happen when people are standing upright, but it can also happen from the resulting force when people fall to the ground, end up on top of each other and cannot get up from the ground.
Poor crowd management by say allowing the amount of people into an area to suddenly increase creates a living mass that behaves as one object not as individual actors. At no time is it suggested that any force is used other than normal jostling, this results in crowd surges that, especially when the crowd is constrained by a solid object packs the front of the group to tight to allow chest expansion.
The following are representative of that phenomena
The Who-concert USA 1979 11 dead 23 injured
Heysel Stadium Belgium 1985 39 dead 600 injured
Kathmandu Stadium Nepal 1988 93 dead 100 injured
Hillsborough Stadium England 1989 96 dead 766 injured
Mateo Flores Stadium Guatemala 1996 83 dead 147 injured
Troitsa Festival Belarus 1999 53 dead –
Hultsfred Festival Sweden 1999 1 dead –
Roskilde Festival Denmark 2000 9 dead 26 injured
Lantern Festival China 2004 37 dead 15 injured
The Love Parade Germany 2010 21 dead 510 injured
Khmer Water Festival Cambodia 2010 347-456 dead 755 injured
New Year’s celebration Ivory Coast 2013 60 dead 200 injured
As you can see even recently you see the same outcome, also note the potential poor understanding of crowd management by those in charge.
Stampede is a closely related phenomena usually associated by reaction to an outside threat, fire being the classic example.
If you have the stomach for it, about 4 minutes into the video of the Station Nightclub fire in New York is a classic example of asphyxiation caused by stampeding, the crown running from a fire being bottlenecked at the exit door, when one person falls within a second there is an immovable mass of trapped and trampled bodies.
@ cynicalHighlander
Thanks for the link to Outlander series2. Unusually easy access compared to last time.
That question mark (after cheers) was a smile. No idea how came out as a question mark!
I promise you will love this.
It’t One Step Beyond played by Dundee band the Cundeez.
On the bagpipes
link to
This is just great, looks a wee bi like what the BBC don’t give us. Do you know the word Oary? This is Oary, pure Dundonian lol.
I loved this, same guys from above they are smart.
Well done Gary and the band
link to
A Poem, sombre.
Twa Pints Meh Erse. Just saying, brilliant. Dundee 4 Salford 0
link to
@Thepnr –
Good stuff mister – they look like they’d go down a storm at Wings social…
Song42, if you’re using a mac, including ipad, of any description the smiley’s don’t work, they come out as question marks. To make a smiley on Wings… use : then – then ) but no spaces between them:
Here’s a handy wee wordpress doc to help you make different types of smileys:
link to
OK Guess Dundee 4 Salford 0 might cryptic? Never mind Salford is where John Cooper Clarke came from and I reckon Gary Robertson of the CunDeez hammered him. Just my opinion.
Also Hull 4 London 0 is a memory. Here it is. Let’s play it again Alex LOL.
link to
A CLASSIC Dundee band for Thepnr…
link to
One of my favorites.
link to
Then, of course, we can sample the delights of the West Coast historical folk genre with this ballad, telling the story of the men who drove the cattle down to the markets in Glasgow.
link to
(Turn the volume up a wee bit.)
Thanks very much K1. Very helpful and much appreciated
One for the BBC in Scotland , ps they are the DJ.
link to
Cameron, I meant generally not specifically you.
How can someone so desperate to be noticed, so obnoxiously eager for attention on Wings, that they have come back on to Wings from a failed attempt under another moniker, then having been found out to be the same ‘person’ and still comment so profusely, state:
‘Lastly, do you really think anybody is going to be daft enough to A) read this junk, and B) let it influence their vote? Seriously? I know a lot of people visit Wings but I find it hard to believe they come to read the comments.’
Can I just remind everyone this guy has never voted in any Scottish elections including the Indyref. There’s nothing to ‘find out’ here. There is ‘no’ coherence. It ‘is’ ‘interference’ and the broadcast frequency is 100%HeidFuckFM.
Tune out.
@K1 –
We should be grateful he hasn’t turned-up here.
Ah know Ian, It’s in the back of ma mind that he will.
(I’m movin’ tae quarantine of he does:-) )
@ K1
Re your following quote from our current resident Troll :
“‘Lastly, do you really think anybody is going to be daft enough to A) read this junk, and B) let it influence their vote? Seriously? I know a lot of people visit Wings but I find it hard to believe they come to read the comments.”’
Hi K1 , Troll is destroying his own argument “I know a lot of people visit Wings but I find it hard to believe they come to read the comments.”’…Duh ! Eh is that no exactly what he is doing ! He obviously spends most of his piggin time on this site reading other people’s comments in order to ‘correct’ them with his deluded superior ( lack of ) wisdom .
Uses exact same method as (In)Sensible Dave & Will…Pod…More ( a reject from Invasion of the Body Snatchers)….pick pick pick and more piggin pick..pick..pick …gets monotonous doesn’t it…same old same old just different mantle same mould ….BORING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday night, few cans in, too much running about this week, and too much mental stuff on the main threads…good to settle down in a quiet place, nae hassle.
Stone Roses, ‘Fools Gold’ –
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Rick Astley, ‘Highway To Hell’ –
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Well, Ian B. If you’re gonna be culturally divisive, try this…
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@Ian Brotherhood
Ah hear that fella. Sitting here with a cheeky wee Merlot right now and listening to some classic Orbison and some Van the man.
OK its been a bad day, but I’m mellowing out nicely.
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Munchies coming on.
Have you posted that before? I’ve definitely heard it somewhere. Rerr voice on him.
@Macart –
Vinegar Joe, ‘Proud To Be A Honky Woman’ –
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Blondie, ‘Dreaming’ (Glasgow Apollo, 1979)
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Gettin’ there now.
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Where the hell is Paula Rose?
This may tempt her out…
Wilko Johnson, ‘Back In The Night/She Does It Right’ (Glasgow, 2015) –
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Here’s one for Rev –
Don’t let that dream die mister…
Clare Grogan’s Altered Images, ‘Don’t Talk To Me About Love’ –
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Catchin up wouldn’t be complete withart an orf-topic
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@Ian Brotherhood
Good stuff mister – they look like they’d go down a storm at Wings social…
How about getting these guys for a Wings social?
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Kirrie jumpin today with Bonfest and the unvailing of Bon Scott’s statue.
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Need some help,
Buffy Sainte Marie – The Big Ones Get Away Video
You tube tells me not available
Hi carjamtic.
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Thanks Brian
Wouldn’t play on iPad
Got it on the laptop
OT Oh, this IS off-topic.
Well, managed it seems to have got myself banned from Bella (Hillsborough thread), and it wasn’t me doing the insults. First battle award, but strangely I didn’t manage to get banned from Grun or Herald in 4 years of posting there. Yet. Even the Rev hasn’t banned me. Yet.
There’s a kind of intrinsic dishonesty in replying to you – then rejecting replies, including the irony of “BCE” complaining about 2 posters being anonymous including me. One way of getting the last word I guess.
Onywhy, some muzack, thinking back about the 70s, indirectly responsible for me going to Indy. Strange for an English woman though she had a Scots grandmother.
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@Oneironaut –
That was totally soo-perb, never seen them before.
(PS Did you see Allan Grogan’s now left the SSP?)
Yay Dusty…
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Hi yesindyref2.
For some reason (don’t know “Why?”) the Sandy Denny track reminded me of this:-
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PS: got your email. Mum’s still ‘the word on the street’.
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Strange how music means victorian prejudicecs just seem so silly. I remember when there was all sorts of shocked jeering stuff about her being a lesbian thinking “who cares?”. Anyway this was boringly enough my fave of hers of the time
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@Paula Rose –
You have returned…
Nice timing. I wanted you to see this video, on the occasion of Robbie Shepherd’s 80th birthday.
It may interest you because, as he describes it, the task of the leading lady is ‘working her way down the line of men, and turning her partner in-between’.
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I love stripping willow xx
BDTT For some reason or other that just makes so much sense (police squad) word on the street
Music is associative and travels in strange directions, as the wind blows. Which gives this
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and this
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Back to HMRC, nearly there now and over an hour to go!
Skipinnish, ‘Walking On The Waves’
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Ian if you insist
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I stayed a couple of times at the Clanranald on my trips, and had a drink or two in the Bothan, with music.
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Hey and have a great next weekend off after Thursday’s result everyone. Be sure to take the Monday off, there’s a party brewing!
youtube/SHlhJL3IlsQ Don’t Mess
@Ian Brotherhood
Nope, didn’t know that about Alan. Not too surprised though.
I don’t think anything surprises me any more.
Anyways yep, previous music link was “Clanadonia”. They show up in Glasgow’s Buchanan Street sometimes. Fun crowd
Anyway, if you want to stick with a similar theme, but prefer something more mellow and chilled out, try this one:
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We’re winning, I sense it.
There comes a point where everyone get’s tired and are ready to quit. We heard it from Derek Bateman last week but also from Brian Wilson this week.
Bateman got the fillip he needed from the Independence supporters on his blog and will keep going at least until the election. Good for him.
Nobody though encouraged Wilson when said he was off.
For this election at least their goose is cooked, keep the pressure on, we need ALL of them to fold. They will do too, they hate and despise ridicule, so give them some. They live only for adulation, so laugh at them. They should be ridiculed for their reporting is ridiculous in terms of reality.
I hope you do realise that it YOU who read Wings and comment that have them running. Their is no hiding place for them now. All their lies are exposed here for all to see.
These sycophants for Unionist parties have no problem in hunting down ordinary people like you and me and “exposing” them in the likes of the right wing rag Daily Mail in an attempt to lose them their jobs or ridicule them.
Bite back, give them a taste of their own medicine.
The Unionist media needs to be destroyed, after this election let’s make that certain. We might not beat the BBC yet but we can definitely defeat these Unionist placemen first.
One at a time, BBC next.
Thepnr Honey – me on my unicorn with my crossbow is giving the yoons nightmares!
@Paula Rose
Well welcome back
Where the fuck you been?
as for the above, sorry, started off as for here on Off Topic but thought it should be “promoted” to the main thread.
Somerset, Wiltshire, Devon and all bits in between!
Good for you, hope you had a great time and avoided the snow
Something special?
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Nae snow in the SW of England – plenty of spring. Specials yippee!
@Paula Rose-
Crumpets, scrumpy…and a wee bit of strumpet…
Ian honey – I told the whole of the West Country about you xx
@Paula Rose –
I am indebted.
Glad you back. West country can be dangerous.
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Slight musical rant to myself here in response to something I read on another site recently that added to a bad feeling that I kinda want to get off my chest before it does too much damage.
I suppose if enough folks know the meaning of the song and have enough insight to divine the strange ways that the inner circuitry of my mind works, they may be able to deduce my meaning in a roundabout Sherlock Holmes kind of way.
At which point I might get a few nasty messages from at least two or three different factions in the great media conflict for the hearts and minds of Scottish voters, but I’m well past caring by now…
Alternatively, just sit back and relax and enjoy the music
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Peace out! (And don’t get peaced-off!)
Hi Rev, I wondered when your ETA for the perks from the latest fundraiser would be starting to be sent out woudl be?
Atb to you all
I feel sorry for the Arabs tonight. Their team has gone ‘doon’, through no fault of the fans. Mismanagement at the highest level, over a year ago, and one, maybe two managers will have to carry the can.
Never mind – if they bring back the Forfarshire Cup, we could get a derby out of that.
New order – Blue Monday
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Well done Leicster!
Hi Brian (BDTT),
Why feel sorry for any “Arabs” – big sarcastic smiley thing.
Do you know the Morrisons fae Dundee? I used to work for them!
Och Stoker, if you worked in Dundee, you’ll know that football tribalism in this city spreads across families. Not just families; look at Frew’s – one Saturday it’s a Dundee pub, the next Saturday it’s a United pub. And on Hogmanay, you couldn’t meet a friendlier crowd, of both persuasions.
You typin’ about the ‘Old Bank Bar’, “Mercantile’, ‘Trades House’ Morrisons? The brothers who were able to milk the big brewers for all they could?
Las Ketchup – The Ketchup Song
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No, Brian, i worked for them when they ventured out to Stirling.

Brian, Yes, the very same brothers!
Missing my old caz-m, this is for him:
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Come in pal, your time is up!

Making no apologies for putting these ladies back on
Rodeo Girls – Say Hello
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The Clash – I Fought The Law
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Del Amitri – Driving With The Brakes On
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Jason Mraz – I’m Yours
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Elvis Costello – Oliver’s Army
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Madness – Uncle Sam
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Happy memories of a family holiday when the kids were younger. And they were happy to do the Ketchup with us. Mind you, we were goooood
A job taking 3 times as long as expected means I’ll be in the Lakes Thurs / Fri, so won’t be home to do the usual all-nighter watching election results.
Will have internet but might be slow / shared, so anyone got links for both a live results show, and perhaps one that’s covering it in text as it goes along, and/or one with a summary so far?
@ Thepnr, 1st May, 9:49pm
What have I missed? Knew about Bateman’s little wobble, but, please tell me Wilson has left the planet… err, country for somewhere he will be “appreciated”.’
@ Paula Rose
Hope you had a lovely time, no doubt stirring up the south westies with you prancin’ n dancin’
OK, I lied when I suggested I wouldn’t post any more techno. Here’s one inspired by Chic and all those Yoons out there who think democracy is theirs to define and control.
Psychosis – Just Another Freak
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harry mcaye are you still looking for that wings car sticker?
Aaah, the days when you could wear a Christmas jumper and get away with it…
Spandau Ballet, ‘To Cut A Long Story Short’ –
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No real meaning behind my choice of music tonight.
Just found this one on a search for something else and felt like posting it.
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@Oneironaut –
Don’t worry abut it man, this is O/T, where meaning means nothing…
Mind you, this will certainly mean something to Cearc, although others may be tempted to click.
It’s a short video featuring Buff Rock Chicks.
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Chicks Hah!
Here’s the idiot egg woman.
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Hi yesindyref2.
You may be able to find a channel under “UK Live TV” in the menu at the left hand side.
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Here’s the link for BBC Scotland:-
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BDTT – brilliant thanks, that looks just the DK.
If you like cars and racing here is something to waste an hour usefully and take your mind off today’s events
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Jim was born a Fifer no mater how they tried to label him in this film
Cheers, Ian,
I’ve only a couple chicks so far but lots on the way.
Phew, I thought for a moment that you had found a video of me!
@Thepnr –
This should help take yer mind off it all for at least four minutes…
ZZ Top, ‘Gimme All Your Lovin” –
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Following the phenomenal outpouring of requests for something similar to the wee ‘break’ yours truly provided at a similar juncture in the tortuous unfolding of last year’s GE results, here’s a mellow half-hour of whale music and other marine sounds…
Roll a big doobie, neck some Buckie, kick off yer toofles and savour this…
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Okay then, if you don’t like whales, how about Prince doing ‘Alphabet Street’ live, in 1988?
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Okay then, if you don’t like whale-music, or Prince, how about viewing this as a likely source of Brian Spanner’s gravatar?
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If you missed it t’other day on WOS Twitter, here’s a scary kangaroo –
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Thank fuck for O/T…
The Selecter, ‘Too Much Pressure’ –
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Oi Ian stop rifling through my records.
Question – did the orchestra get paid extra for having to put up with this?
Barbara Dickson, ‘Run Like The Wind’ –
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Here’s Bazza making dreams come true, plucking a fan (Amy) from the audience to sing ‘I Can’t Smile Without You’.
He’s had so much much ‘work’ that the song’s now called ‘I Can’t Smile At All’, but this is great stuff…I defy you not to weep with pleasure…
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“Run Like The Wind”?
So middle of the road and old hat. This is what you need – a different windy track…
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Never seen that before…soo-perb.
@Paula Rose –
That was unwatchably sad.
Whatever possessed you?
Ian Honey – i don’t know – sitting here deciding to run the world, all your lefty stuff is out of date, time for a bit of whipping need some angelic delight.
@Paula Rose –
Well, it seem’s you’re right.
The ‘lefty’dream has died, at least as far as the SSP goes, for me.
It’s the only party I ever joined or wholeheartdely supported. And now it’s invisible.
We survived ‘Sheridan’, but ‘RISE’ did for us in the end.
Hubris and celebrity-fetish. A fatal combination.
@Ian Brotherhood
My thoughts exactly…
Trying to think of something more to say here, but… Nah, not coming to me.
Music link:
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Paula, rose, you’re link took me to “where have all the flowers gone” I heard that in the star folk club 35 years ago, I can’t remember last time I heard it, it still speaks of the anguish of a country lost in a war few could comprehend, playthings for a global elite, the spawn of whom rules over us today, to the 45 minutes to Iraq bombing, shock and awe, labour sucking off the neoconservative liberal elite in Washington. Right down to Kezia and her stupid incompetence.
I wrote a lot more then, but it was too depressing, all I can say is ” funny old world”
Ian Dear , there there – come here and let me make it better.
*enters room…finds a wee corner, sits doon…counts tae ten…sighs…gets up, goes over tae the record collection rifles through…och this’ll dae nicely*
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Ian Brotherhood offers some painful wisdom:
“The ‘lefty’dream has died, at least as far as the SSP goes, for me. The only party I ever joined or wholeheartdely supported. Now it’s invisible. We survived ‘Sheridan’, but ‘RISE’ did for us in the end. Hubris and celebrity-fetish. A fatal combination.“
@K1 1.12am
Lovely song, but, I thought that was what you were doing already – pacing the cage. Hope it soothed you
I really should know better than to try reading the main articles and their accompanying “comments” on here.
Palm met face so fast I almost knocked myself unconscious…
Music link…
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@Oneironaut –
As it happens, I was right in the mood for a funky oddity and that fitted the bill perfectly.
Do you have any tunes which may bring harmony to the ongoing main thread?!
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Peace man
Wee bit of Tina…Let’s Stay Together
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This reminds me of sooking red wine through chocolate fingers with the ends bitten off while supposedly studying for resits.
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It has absolutely nothing to do with elections.
Off one of ma favourite albums Deja Vu Indyr2:
link to youtube
Not sure that link will work from this phone…anyways takes me back to ma wild Dundee youth…happy times
@Ian Brotherhood
“Do you have any tunes which may bring harmony to the ongoing main thread?!”
Not sure, if I had the power to counteract human stupidity, I’d have used it on the day of the referendum vote.
Luckily the same artist I posted earlier has something suitable.
*elbow-bumps the jukebox*
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Deja Vu…
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Mmm. CSNY.
A long lean back or lie on the ground one from Pink Floyd
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Looking at the comments on it, have they no soul?
Are non-ethical holiday suggestions appropriate, or is that just stirring?
Jack Johnson – Gone (Going)
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Hello fellow Wingnuts.
Re- car stickers.
I’m taking Bella Caledonia, National Collective & Common Weal signs off my car.
I’ll replace them with Wilderness of Peace, SCOT goes POP and either Lallands Peat Worrier or iScot Magazine.
Any thoughts on this as I only stick to Wings, WGD & Derek’s sites for my daily dose?
Hi Wee Jonny I’d go with iScot as it would appeal more to the “ordinary punter”, Peat Worrier is rather technical and not as inviting for a new reader.
That’s a 10 4 there Paula Rose.
Fit’s happened?
The door’s open, Ian
On an other theme I have decided that this is the best ever rock’n’roll record. As I drive about a lot I always have CDs playing and after a while you get a bit tired of some great stuff – except this one. It always gives me a lift……
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Typin’ about Rock ‘n’ Roll…
In the late 50s, we used to visit my Mum’s cousin, who lived in Provanmill, Glasgow, having, as a Forfar quine, married one of them thaar worldly-wise characters from that Glasgow.
One of the regular treats she took us on was a wee walk down Cumbernauld Road, to a cafe in Alexandra Parade, which had a juke box.
This was my favourite, at the time…
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And typin’ about Glasgow…
The first time I saw this wee, 35 second clip, the lump of pride in my throat was almost fatal.
Never mind what was going on in the stadium – this was what was going on in the tunnel, before the Scotland team’s entrance at the 2014 Commonwealth games.
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Brian Doonthetoon at 8.33
Ah. The voice of the 20th century. Just found out his mother was native American (which might explain the lustrous long black hair) and his father used to knock him about because he was gay.
A nightcap
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Actually Barbara Dickson’s version of this (with Archie Scott) makes the hairs stand up on the back of your neck but I can’t find it online. I wonder of Barbara’s with us. She used to be.
Van new MOT and front tyres
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This is a beautiful song that I dedicate to Angra Mainyu, NeoconNat and Ahuru Mazda all 4 of them.
It’s also for you my friends in Off Topic too
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Don’t know how you all feel but I’m getting tired of the bickering on the main threads. Some folks just don’t know when to stop
Dave Mc H-thanks for the Steeleye Span track-still have the cassette tapes of their stuff & saw them in concert 6 times. Carefree days of youth eh
Seems to be a Scottish pastime – I’ll take a wonder over later and spank some botties.
Choir of 1999 voices sings Prince’s ‘When Doves Cry”.
Recorded live in Toronto at Massey Hall on Monday, May 2nd, 2016.
An amazing tribute to the man, just beautiful.
Big thanks to my (step) daughter for finding this song last night.
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Enjoyed that, say ta to your daughter.
Now, here’s an interesting story, about how YouTube’s copyright identification can go awry.
Around a month ago, I decided to post a link to a video in ‘off-topic’. I searched YouTube for it but it wouldn’t turn up in the searches.
As I had downloaded the video a year or three ago, I copied the exact file name and tried that. To cut a long story short, I found the page but there was a message saying that the video could not be shown – because BBC Worldwide claimed copyright infringement.
This was strange, as the video was the original promotional video from the 80s, produced by the ‘artiste’ himself. It was featured a number of times on Channel 4 back in the day. I can’t recall ever seeing it on the BBC.
Onnyhoo, I have kept the tab active in Firefox ever since. I was intending to email the artiste to ask him why the BBC was claiming copyright. I have restarted my Mac weekly since then and, after each restart, the YouTube page appeared with the BBC Worldwide claim – until tonight!
I had closed down Firefox earlier on, as I had updated Flash Player. When I launched Firefox just now, the music from the “banned” video came blasting through the speakers.
Obviously, BBC Worldwide’s claim was found to be malicious/erroneous. So I can offer the link to a classic Scottish video – filmed in Scotland and the US, at ENORMOUS expense, including obtaining permission to film on the top of Brooklyn Bridge.
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Maybe not one of your best ever links BDTT but I’ll forgive you
Hi Thepnr.
Underappreciated in his homeland…
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“As a songwriter, Rae is best known for the 1982 song, “Inside Out”, a hit single by the band Odyssey. Rae’s own version was included on his debut album, The Thistle. Rae dedicated the album to “Luzuli and Senkrah and Scotland.””
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@Dave McEwan Hill –
If you see this, apologies for not responding to your message t’other day. Have been busy with this and that, mainly that, and haven’t been around here much.
Hoots to you mister.
Continuing… a wee clip from the summer of 2014.
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For some reason I seem to like songs about revolution. Must be my upbringing. I played the Tracy Chapman one on here of course though I don’t think anyone has played this more obvious one.
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For some reason I thought of this one on the way home today, couldn’t get it out of my mind. So yrtis
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For no reason at all…huv a wee dance…
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Two days ago was the 100th anniversary of the murder of Edinburgh’s James Connolly, a surrendered combatant, sitting in his own blood and tied upright in chair to be shot in a Dublin Jail. I hope in the better days we can see ahead Scotland can honour the man from the Cowgate, a founder member of Keir Hardie’s Independent Labour Party and an inspiration to John Mclean.
Here is a little piece in his memory – and why am I so angry sometimes to be a Scot.
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Gil Scott-Heron, ‘New York Is Killing Me’ –
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Oi stop jumping on the furniture.
I saw this Liverpool band four times at the ‘Bowlin’ Alley’ (Dundee College of Technology Union) in Dundee, in the late 70s and early 80s. They went down a storm. I actually have a recording of one of their Bowlin’ Alley gigs, where they sorta localised this song by replacing ‘lemon sherbet’ with ‘pie’.
Paula Rose’s crotchless earflaps also get a mention.
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‘Crotchless earflaps’???
Was that a band, or what?
P.S. I’m not sure I want to know…
The dude in this video has moves which are very nearly as good as Thepnr’s. Seriously.
Flume & Chet Faker, ‘Drop The Game’ –
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Oi – behave.
Hi Ian B.
You’ll have to click on the link and listen to the story, to get the ‘crotchless earflaps’ reference.
Okay, will do…with no little measure of trepidation.
A rare video of Thepnr and Paula Rose on stage at the Friockheim International Conference Centre Official Fotoshoot (FICKOF), some years ago.
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Nul points from Stevenston…
Och, Supercharge were BRILLIANT!
Must be a west/east coast cultural thing…
West Coast…
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East coast…
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Super…? Ah
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Awww, totally made-up I just stumbled across this. Posted it months ago, then completely forgot the band’s name.
The Black Keys, ‘Lonely Boy’ –
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Anyone know when the Flying Scotsman will leave Edinburgh for its trip over the Forth Bridge and round the Fife Circular. Hoping to catch sight of it passing through Thornton.
They seem to be being very cagy about times because of idiots trespassing on the lines down south. But it’s a bloody great steam train going over the Forth, not exactly something you can hide!
All this talk about the Green party, then there’s this
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Main thread’s getting daft so on that theme. Apparently Angela Constance is being moved from Educashun and I suspect Patrick Harvie will be offered the job in person, so we’ll be expecting this pretty soon:
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Meanwhile Angela Constance is to be appointed as YES Minister and she’s thinking of this for the theme tune to include the Borders if anyone knows where they are, hence this one:
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With all that going on Ruth is like a rabbit caught in the headlights
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which leaves John Swinney in charge of the finances
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Time I got back to work!
Ach…posted without taking the http aff…
So this is the Greensbad anthem:
Ray Peterson ‘What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For’
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Re the OBFA stramash: This is for all the Yoonionists who want the freedom to sing about being up to their knees in fine young blood –
“Not Just Knee Deep” by George Clinton & Parliament
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If you haven’t heard this song before, you’ll have heard samples of it in other tunes.
I’m so glad I grew up in Dundee and live in Edinburgh, where there doesn’t appear to be much overt sectarianism, outside of football.
@ all Scottish churches
Are you happy that the average Scottish household has roughly half the wealth of the average household in the south and east of England? Do you think that is the best Scotland can achieve, with our wealth of talent and resources? Have you not spotted Westminster is undermining rather than helping Scotland? Try cleaning your ears and you might hear that sucking sound from HMG. Is it not time you got behind independence, or do you think we would harm Scotland more than the Union?
Closer to home, are you happy with Labour MSP James Kelly?
Anyhoo, here’s one from an unbeliever, that will hopefully make you think.
Golden West Singers – This Wicked Race
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Some great quote here. Not meant to anyone of faith.
Atheism, religion, ideology and ignorance
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Some great quote here. Not meant to offend anyone of faith.
Atheism, religion, ideology and ignorance
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Has the wee black book, been passed out yet? If not any ideas when they will be?
James, the iScot version is available now www(dot)iscot(dot)scot/subscribe
Warning, this is very loud. It’s in honour of James Kelly, or is it Patrick Harvie in the main thread, I’m getting very confused who’s supposed to be the enemy these days, I thought it was the Union, ah well. Curse them all!
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Sorry, pirate metal again, but it’s for the read about Angus McFife and Dundee.
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Main ongoing threads are in a state of cusp, and likely to involve much more bickering, so I’ll just leave this here, being its proper place…
Whatever’s happening in the SG is small-fry compared to this.
The video below has been online for four months, and only had 7.5k views.
‘The World’s Richest 62 People Now Have As Much As Poorest 3.6 Billion’ –
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Guilty of bickering. Won’t back down, just made that way.
Eminem sung it, made famous by Tom Petty. This is the original.
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@ James Caithness, asking when the Wee Black Book will be available:
Rev Stu was talking about it on Twitter with RogueCoder (Lindsay Bruce) tonight, saying the books are still at the printers. So:
“Will be a couple of weeks from the printers yet…”, plus “We’ll ship all of them within two days. Boxes for everyone are waiting to be filled.”
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“Please Mr Postman” – The Carpenters (1975)
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“Delivered with care”
Roguecoder has jut said he will be sending out 3 Ton of WBB on twitter.
Still a couple of weeks away though. Waiting on the printer.
3 Tons of Wee Black Book – now that’s a LOT of truth!
Hope it works to convince No voters to vote Yes to Indy next time.