Nobody Cares What You Think
Yesterday we mentioned an SNP election leaflet that someone had posted on social media. It turns out that either deliberately or accidentally (probably the latter, while taking out the bit with their name and address on it) they’d cropped off part of it containing a logo that does passingly refer to independence. You can see it down at the bottom-right corner.
So we should note that by way of clarification. But what’s more interesting about the rest of the leaflet is that if you took the logos off it, it could be from literally ANY of the parties contesting the election. It contains no policies whatsoever, just some general feelgood sloganeering. Which parties, do you suppose, are campaigning AGAINST “equipping children to succeed” or “supporting businesses” or “creating jobs”?
The deeper truth is that the leaflet demonstrates how completely pointless this election actually is, because nothing you do with your vote next month is going to affect anything that happens in the subsequent five years. Only one party is going to win, and once they do it won’t matter what’s in the 76-page “manifesto” they released today. The manifesto is a fake – in reality it amounts to a single line: “keep us in power so we can fill our pockets and do whatever we like for another half a decade, suckers”.
Allow us to illustrate.
This week Wings jointly commissioned a Panelbase poll with another organisation. Let’s take a look at a few of its findings.
Firstly we asked about the aftermath of the two inquiries into the shambolic botched stitch-up of Alex Salmond by the Scottish Government. The views of voters were stark.
Just one in six voters thought it was acceptable that nobody had resigned or been fired over the fiasco. Even among SNP voters only 28% found the outcome acceptable against 48% who didn’t. But it doesn’t matter, because Nicola Sturgeon has already given her unequivocal support to everyone involved. Nobody cares what you think.
Of the two thirds of voters who found it unacceptable, two thirds of those (or 44% of the total electorate) wanted Permanent Secretary Leslie Evans to get her marching orders. 36% of all voters, meanwhile, thought Nicola Sturgeon should stand down, and 26% wanted the head of the Lord Advocate to roll too – and if you’re thinking these numbers are all minorities, remember they’re set against just 17% who thought they should all keep their jobs.
(34% of SNP voters wanted Evans gone, and 12% Sturgeon.)
But none of it will happen, because nobody cares what you think.
On a separate question, just one in 10 Scottish voters thought the Lord Advocate should have survived his equally incompetent handling of a prosecution regarding the 2012 administration of the now-dead Rangers Football Club.
But James Wolffe, too, has the First Minister’s confidence, so he isn’t going anywhere. Nobody cares what you think.
The SNP manifesto makes it clear that it intends to continue with its massively unpopular policies around “hate crime” and transgender ideology. Once again, in our poll the Scottish public expressed its opposition to both policies in extremely strong terms, as it always does every time they’re raised.
But it won’t make any difference. The SNP will hijack people’s votes for independence and use them to push ahead with policies almost nobody wants. (SNP voters opposed both propositions by more than two to one: 51-24 and 51-23 respectively.) Because nobody cares what you think.
In terms of the governance of Scotland for the next five years, this election is a sham. The party that’s going to win entirely because it has a monopoly on Yes voters will claim its victory as a mandate for all its other policies, even though its own voters strongly oppose them.
Yet those policies WILL be carried out, and independence WON’T be – because the SNP will have no more power to do so than it has done for the last five years, when it failed to take a single step towards independence despite a clear manifesto mandate and despite the Parliament having a majority for it and voting for it twice.
The extract below is from the new 2021 manifesto. But every single word of it is something that could have been done at any point between 2016 and now, yet wasn’t. Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us.
And there’s nothing you can do about it. 57% of the seats in Holyrood are elected in the constituency vote, which Alba – the only party committed to actually moving on independence and the only one standing on a platform of protecting civil liberties, freedom of speech and women’s rights – isn’t contesting. The very best Alba can realistically hope for is to build a base for the NEXT election.
But between now and 2026, there’s not a thing that Scottish voters can do to meaningfully influence the politics of the country they live in. If you’re a Unionist, you’re going to lose the election and have no say in anything. If you want independence, OR if you want women’s rights and free speech, you have nobody to vote for who can have any material impact on those issues. For the next five years, they’re all dead in the water.
(If you still think the SNP will deliver another referendum in that time, we can only assume you’re having this article read to you by a nursing professional using glove puppets to act out the long words.)
And that’s because nobody, and least of all the SNP, cares what you think.
You can’t get sacked if you know where the bodies are buried. Leslie Evans’ job is safe.
The unique identifier at bottom left still visible Stu, can you edit it out?
Bottom right!
As Mark Twain may or may-not have said:
If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.”
You can read the name, partial address, postcode, id etc when magnified. Needs some white paint.
Beep, beep, lorry reversing, lorry reversing.
And by 2026, there’s unlikely to be a Holyrood left with much power. Devolution and Brexit are not compatible. Sturgeon’s job was to ensure Scotland Brexited along with the rest of the UK and any strong indy voices – Salmond, Cherry et al – were utterly silenced to help ensure that. For the next five years it will be to sit back and quietly let the Tories emasculate Holyrood. That’s why the TV debates are so stale: it’s a cosy UK establishment consensus.
“The very best Alba can realistically hope for is to build a base for the NEXT election”
I’m really hoping that Alba is going to make a difference after the election if they get enough seats to make an impact otherwise I’m going to be real pissed that I gave my first vote to the SNP.
I’ll have to pay attention to the polls nearer the election and if it looks like Alba isn’t going to make a breakthrough then I’ll only be casting one vote and it won’t be for the SNP on the constituency.
What if SNP MSPs leave the party now that they have a choice?
The best reason I can think of for Alba launch being so close to election is that it was too late for SNP candidates to jump ship. They have no choice but to be elected as SNP.
Once bullying, coercion & backsliding on Independence start will all of them stay?
A lot are spineless but there must be some who still want to get on with Independence …surely …?
What’s the solution then, Stuart?
We’ve had six-years of redactor pens, unrecorded meetings and refusal to communicate. So, that’s the precedent and it’s not going to change. Do we just carry-on for another five-years?
It is a pretty hopeless situation, but, we faced hopelessness for many years in the past an managed to increase indy support.
Sturgeon is banking on the indy movement becoming demoralised so her power under devo can continue!
Its sickeningbwjen it’s your own sudecstabbing you in the back, but their power will not last forever.
That’s why the indy movement must keep exposing the SNP devo gravy train because independence ain’t going away, no matter how much the gravy train want it too.
Strugeons strategy of indy sabotage will not prevail, because there are too many proper journalists like SC. MH. CM and others to expose them.
Well said Stu, Hopefully people actually listen to you. Vote SNP1 and it lets Nicola & the SNP “think” people support them and their policies including the unpopular ones. I’ve been saying for a while that its a vote for women’s rights or Independence. That both are not possible. The best thing is to vote in the Constituency for the party that is best to beat the SNP whether it is Labour, Liberal or Conservatives. If people were prepared to pointlessly hold their nose to vote SNP despite hating their attitude to women, then when not hold your nose and vote for a different party that can make a difference NOW.
Yes, Independence will have to wait a while longer but its not happening anyway.
Dont Wheesht for Women’s Rights. Make your vote count.
More gnashing of teeth.
SNP Manifesto says they will abolish all NHS dentistry charges if re-elected.
Hate crime bill and GRA will be forced through before you sit down to Xmas din dins.
If Alba manage to make even a small break through at this election, then it will be an incredible success and certainly inspire me to fight on, as many like me, ordinary members of the wider YES community will do the same, because we finally have a bit of hope.
Realistically however, I think we’re building a base for the next Scottish election and maybe even fielding candidates in the constituencies?
The frightening thing is that it has been exactly that way ever since Sturgeon was crowned Queen ( or king not sure how she self identifies) of the independence movement
Has it sunk in by now that most of the people who are running the SNP should actually be in Labour? They just know they wouldn’t have a sniff at power if they were, so they infiltrate the SNP. If Alba starts to make any headway in the next decade or so, they’ll have to be watchful that these people don’t start infiltrating THEM.
I don’t understand your maths there Stu – the SNP currently have 61 seat but don’t have an overall majority of 65 – they rely on the Greens but if Alba can take a few seats off the Greens then the SNP would need to rely on Alba (or any unionist party) for passing any legislation no majority wants.
Or do you believe the SNP will win all constituency seats?
Free prescriptions! Free dental care! Free stuff!
Just let us nonce your kids and erase women!
“The very best Alba can realistically hope for is to build a base for the NEXT election.”
I’m not so sure about that, Stu.
I expect the SNP to have a terrible election. All the signs are there. And, if they do, and Alba can hold the balance of power, that would leave scope for exerting some influence on policy.
Nothing is certain, of course.
I strongly object to the idea that Alba supporters should be encouraging people to vote SNP 1 when the best chance Alba has of making any sort of difference would depend on the SNP being weakened.
I understand the politics of Alba saying SNP 1, I probably agree with them saying it, but surely anyone with a brain can see that there’s more chance of good things happening if the SNP vote plummets and Sturgeon is forced to resign.
I’m a simple soul, though. For me it just isn’t possible to vote SNP when I know what cunts they are, regardless of the implications for everything else.
But it’s not another five years – within months the entire Sturgeon Gang should be in gaol.
Once Evans is in court there should be a shed load of previously-hidden evidence coming out into the light. Once the case is finished, assuming the judge does his duty, there will be massive disruption to the top tier of governance, leaving opportunities for Salmond to make his moves of choice.
I fully expect those moves to be already mapped out and ready for use.
@mr thms says:
15 April, 2021 at 12:45 pm
More gnashing of teeth.
SNP Manifesto says they will abolish all NHS dentistry charges if re-elected.
I’ll settle for a dentist being allowed to use “aerosol treatments” (ie. water) again!
mr thms says:
15 April, 2021 at 12:45 pm
More gnashing of teeth.
SNP Manifesto says they will abolish all NHS dentistry charges if re-elected.
Good luck finding an NHS dentist
Where the hell is AUOB?
Totally agree another great article. Why won’t anybody listen. Christ the public can’t be that thick. Plus not one MSM have decided to run with this. I wonder where we are with the court cases…somebody has to do the shafting here or as illustrated we’re the ones that’ll be shafted.
Anticipating that the Sturgeon Gang will be gone in step 2 makes it so much easier to hold your nose and vote SNP in step 1.
The SNP. Once a really great party of independence, now just a moderately less crap Scottish Labour.
I completely agree that individuals should be held to account for what are very well documented failings but it seems a bit harsh to blame James wolffe for the rangers fiasco given that he wasn’t lord advocate at the time of the malicious prosecution?
“The very best Alba can realistically hope for is to build a base for the NEXT election.”
That’s the best any of us can hope for. At least we won’t be starting completely from scratch from outside Holyrood.
The SNP as a party of independence are finished. This coming term will (I hope) convince even the most deluded of Her Majesty’s disciples of what’s been staring them in the face.
Don’t dismiss the ALBA numbers too quickly. Less Greens and a dozen ALBA MSPs with a SNP below an overall majority could change Holyrood a great deal.
I’m still hoping for a Labour / Tory crash and 20 plus ALBA MSPs. ALBA as official opposition. That sits well with my Independence hopes and desires.
The more you see of plan A the more its obvious why they didn’t share it earlier.
Over and above the ethical violations associated with covid, asking conservative unionists to choose between extending the insanity indefinitely (and possibly risk handing it all over to labour unionists sooner than they might otherwise have planned) or exposing the scam and closing Holyrood on pretext of sorting the complicit from the naive whilst framing Salmond, Murray, etc. – could easily be misinterpreted as planning to fail rather than the failure to plan hitherto assumed.
All these freebies they are going with are cynical bait.
Take the free music tuition in schools.
Over the course of the time the SNP have been in power the school based peripatetic teacher base has been decimated. Almost every council have either cut the budget or cancelled it. There have been many public campaigns to councils to try prevent or mitigate these cuts to little or no avail.
There is no teaching infrastructure to deliver this policy so it will be cheap because very few will actually benefit from it.
Read as above for NHS dentistry.
Don’t forget that Alba are a platform and a rallying point for all the issues that independence supporters care about. So even with just a smattering of MSPs they become a useful wedge to pry a few doors open.
Imagine if there was only the SNP and you had concerns about almost anything that wasn’t on the woke agenda. You’d be fucked.
I always find it wryly amusing when I read the SNP talking about things such as ‘Global Leadership On Climate Change’.
I live in France which is barely 30km from the British Isles and more than a few people have even heard of Scotland and seriously could not find it on a map. It’s not just Scotland, but NI and Wales too, because it’s only in the past 20 years that France has updated its education system to include the four nations. Before that, people were taught simply that it was Grande Bretagne and Irelande.
Now, this is one country out of how many in Europe?
And yet, Scotland is so deluded that it imagines itself to be a ‘global’ leader!!
The French think Scotland is the name of a rugby team, and I’m not kidding.
We’ve seen quite a few SNP MPs and Councillors crossing to Alba already, but obviously no SNP MSP constituency candidates as yet as they are already committed / obligated? to stand for SNP.
Depending on how the election pans out, some may cross the floor to Alba, or become independents because they will be hounded out of the SNP for simply stating biological reality facts or dictionary definitions, such as Woman = Adult Female Human, or some other remark that is deemed anti-semitic or the like…
Giesabrek, that’s right. And if you follow your logic through, you’ll appreciate that’s it’s actually in our interest as supporters of independence for the SNP to lose seats.
It goes without saying, of course, that I’m assuming the SNP will do precisely fuck all towards achieving independence if they don’t need Alba.
Bad things happen if the SNP wins an outright majority. We are stuck with Sturgeon and doomed to be in the Union forever.
Set your independence flags up all across Scotland, in your gardens on your windows in your cars on a tee shirts, paint your shed, just let the world visibily know how Scottish people want to vote, display how sometimes the counted votes don’t tally up with the reality of the way Scottish people actually voted
If you don’t, the unionist will, and their not scared to display their flags in Scotland.rule Britannia and all that.
Do something to back up your words, stop sleeping and moaning, take back control, think positive, don’t let NS win the narrative and hold us like prisoners,
AS said be positive like the grassroots were in 2014.
Would it be the best time for the SNP MSPs to jump ship after they are re elected?
I have held my nose and voted SNP1 on the postal ballot. Albans of course. I’m so disappointed in the SNP. They will milk the covid restrictions for as long as they can, to kick independence into the long grass. The managerial devolutionists, managing expectations downwards.
But it’s not another five years – within months the entire Sturgeon Gang should be in gaol.
The “should be” is doing a lot of heavy lifting given how Scotland is at the moment. A lot of things “should have” happened since that judicial review was lost. Instead everything was ramped up and covered up and that’s still happening.
” What’s the solution then, Stuart?”
I don’t recall saying there was a solution. Why do you think I’m so glum atm? I think barring a miraculous fluke result at the election, independence is now fucked for five years minimum, if not the foreseeable future.
Alba2, damn autocorrect!
” it seems a bit harsh to blame James wolffe for the rangers fiasco given that he wasn’t lord advocate at the time of the malicious prosecution?”
He publicly admitted carrying on with it after he became aware of its malicious and improper nature.
Why does everyone, the current First Minister included, keep referring to a five year Parliamentary term, when the Scottish Parliamentary term is one of four years?
Did I miss a change to the devolution settlement?
Mist001 doing the put down job as usual “who do you think you are”
I’ve lived in 3 European countries and they ALL knew a great deal about Scotland they also kept up to date with UK politics. I was often amazed by their knowledge.
Perhaps it is the company you keep.
Much though I’d love to get behind Alba’s Vote1SNP Vote2Alba, I just can’t bring myself to vote for a bunch of science denying weirdos. There are only 4 candidates for ‘Woke Central’ aka Stirling constituency, so I will be making a [legitimate] protest vote for the constituency as none of them represent my views and I’ll be voting Alba on the list.
As for Leslie Evans, Nicola Sturgeon and James Wolffe, ALL of them should be booted out of office!
The SNP have gone too far.
They have alienated their fair weather, ex-labour support with their policies on hate crime, on women and on children.
They have alienated many long term SNP supporters with their coolness towards independence.
Sturgeon is coming across as too big for her (rather small) boots.
The SNP will get a bloody nose at the election and there will be some high profile casualties.
Alba is only standing on the List and so the battle is with the Greens.
The Greens are a fraud.
Their policies are not Green.
They are as lukewarm on independence as the SNP.
They are the cheerleaders for these crazy policies on women and children.
We need to be attacking the Greens.
I would love as many as possible ALBA MSPs but even one would do, preferably a former FM, just to be conscience for the SNP. To pick them up on woolly claims and to nip at them and pick apart terrible legislation and lack of attention to detail. Just to be a thorn in their side the way he was at Westminster way back. The big numbers may not come along right away but maybe that is a bit optimistic.
The sheer lack of ambition for Scotland is what the SNP is to me now. For a party that markets itself as ‘progressive’, it is a bland, vanilla talking shop in reality.
No one in Scotland gives a toss what you say.
No one in England gives a toss what you say.
No one in Wales gives a toss what you say.
No one in Eire gives a toss what you say AND
No one in France give a fuck about you!
If fact no one anywhere gives a fuck what you say.
” I don’t understand your maths there Stu – the SNP currently have 61 seat but don’t have an overall majority of 65 – they rely on the Greens but if Alba can take a few seats off the Greens then the SNP would need to rely on Alba (or any unionist party) for passing any legislation no majority wants.”
The problem is that it currently looks very like either the SNP alone, or the SNP+Greens, will be enough for a majority. Even if it isn’t, Labour and the Lib Dems also support most of the woke policy agenda, so it’ll pass easily.
But imagine if Alba had some theoretical leverage because SNP+Greens wasn’t enough to pass an indy bill, and Alba said “We won’t support it unless you dump self-ID”. The SNP could just call their bluff and blame them if the indy bill didn’t pass. There’s no downside to that for the SNP, because they don’t really WANT the indy bill to pass, for a whole slew of reasons we’ve gone into before.
Stu you can see the pollsters especially sideshow John getting at you for leading questions. Ie asking questions about real policies and people’s attitudes to them. Is it possible to share the stuff sampling, timing etc. I am conflicted but following the supermajority strategy. We can get opposition in this pretend Parliament if we hold our noses and our nerve.
All the BTL comments are around 2026 HR elections. The next WM elections are 2024, what’s wrong with Alba getting a foothold now and standing against the SNP in all it’s “glory” then, with quality, fully committed, independence supporting candidates? The Unionist parties will be in even more disarray than they are currently.
Where is it written that independence can only be achieved via Holyrood?
Just a quick question got both ballot papers today I see that Nicola has here name next to SNP box but no other candidate has trivial but could make a difference. ?
I received this very leaflet in the post this morning.
And as I was reading this article, holding the leaflet, I couldn’t actually see the Independence reference that Stu was referring to.
Looking as hard as I could, I could not find it until it dawned on me that my right thumb was completely covering the only mention of Independence that this SNP marketing team has deemed worthy of inclusion. 1/10 SNP – could do better.
(unless, of course, that truly represents how much time they intend to spend chasing Independence!)
Alan Turner
Wasn’t there a stramash because Labour were trying to get Sarwar’s name on the ballot paper without much success – I guess this is why.
Surely you’re not suggesting that the SNP and Nicola are ‘gaming the system’?
Just received Annabelle Ewing’s flyer. Well luckily independence IS mentioned as is “Stop the world, Scotland wants to get on”. It would pretty dire if a Ewing didn’t plug independence.
Must ask her who shot JR.
Ok, the leadlet is rubbish. I agree.
I am no fan of NS, in any way. However, I have just quickly read through the manifesto for the SNP, and at talks about independence a lot. It doesn’t just mention it within a single context, but throughout, as in, ‘if we wish to do ‘x’ in Scotland, it will be possible with independence..’ and so on.
The only problem I see, is they seem still doggedly stuck on this p*sh about asking Alexander Boris the clown de Pfeffel Johnson for permission. From page 12 of the manifesto, it talks of the referendum bill,
“..If the SNP is returned to government and there is a simple majority in the Scottish Parliament for that bill after the election there can be no moral or democratic justification for Boris Johnson or any Westminster government to obstruct the right of the people of Scotland to decide their own future.
The SNP is clear the referendum must be capable of bringing about independence and therefore it must be accepted as legitimate and constitutional at home and abroad.
As the Scottish Government, we will discuss with the UK Government the necessary transfer of power to put a referendum beyond legal challenge and in the hands of the Scottish Parliament. For the UK government to refuse to do so would be both undemocratic and unsustainable.
If the democratically elected Scottish Parliament
passes the referendum bill and the UK Government
then attempts to block it by taking legal action we will vigorously defend the Parliament’s will in order to protect the democratic rights of the Scottish people..”
Source link to
Whilst in some respects the sentiment is admirable, the nonsense about getting permission from Boris the lying, murderous, English clown, is just hogwash. It is the kind of idea, which would carry merit in a functioning democracy, but Westminster is not s functioning democracy.
It is quite literally the wrong way around. It should be, ‘Scotland has voted for an independence referendum and we are now going to hold it. If Westminster wishes to say anything about this, they should do so, but the referendum will go ahead with or WITHOUT their acknowledgement.
THAT is how you deal with Westminster. Indeed, I would go further and say, it is negotiating 1.01, from the ladybird book of hard negotiating.
To be taken seriously Nicola would need to massively up her game. To give an example; in normal negoetiating to say sell a car, you want 200 for it, so start by saying three hundred, dropping only if necessary, by ever decreasing amounts. In the case of Westminster, however, a much more aggressive approach is needed, you go in with a hammer in hand and say ‘give us FOUR hundred NOW, or the cat* and fat-boy gets it‘.
Westminster is utterly corrupt and undemocratic, They do not do nice. Not now, not ever. They do not pay heed to reasonable people – just look at the EU, for a clear example.
The sooner Nicola Sturgeon (and her fawning accolytes) gets that in her head, the better.
* No cats were actually harmed in this analogy, including Larry (who seems a ‘good guy’)
link to
There are only two solutions. Either spoil your first vote or vote unionist in protest. Then Alba second vote. Someone needs to clear out the stink hanging around the bottom end of Edinburgh’s royal mile.
@mr thms 12.45pm
All that means is that the SNP will be able to lie to us from behind some great dentistry.
The logic of not wanting to vote SNP 1,and then doing so escapes me. You either support the SNP or you don’t. If you vote SNP then you are endorsing Sturgeon and her cronies. You are deluding yourself if you believe voting SNP will bring Indepence any closer. It won’t. Can’t you see that the whole political model in Scotland is broken. A rotten SNP and their slimy Green allies on the one hand, and other ineffectual or anti independence parties all fighting for the scraps. The SNP needs to be ousted. The only possible contender to take on the Independence fight is the Alba Party,but it shot itself in the foot by not contesting the constituency seats.
What a dismal prospect for Scotland over the next ten years.
If you’re unsure about an SNP first vote, look at the candidate. Speak to them even, if you can. Ask them questions about their own views. I know my local guy is good, and has stood up against some of the madness. So will give him a personal vote. If I was in a constituency with a real horror, I’d leave it blank.
Great article yet again even though it turns my anger back up to off the scale. The truth does indeed hurt and oh does it hurt. Said it recently and i’ll repeat it, all we can do is get behind Alba and start building.
When Sturgeon fails to deliver AGAIN then there has to be a full-on campaign against her & the snp. No excuses! It’s far too late to do anything now. Too many arseholes tried to shoot the messenger (WOS) but the guns *MUST* be turned & trained on them.
This really does look like our only worthwhile option is to make sure Sturgeon & Co don’t get the opportunity to use the excuse that they failed to get that majority. But in doing so we have to make sure “The Greens” are decimated and ALBA are the new Kingmakers.
It’s an utter shitty position for us to be in but the alternative, Unionist success, is equally bad if not worse. We now have to look at voting for the devil we know with every intention of changing back all the damaging policies at a future date. It’s either that or we utterly surrender, unless anyone can see a better route *within the law*.
And to rub salt & vinegar into the wounds i’ve just received my 3rd election leaflet from “The Greens” via ‘Royal Mail’ which is a record. I’m normally lucky if i get one in any campaign. Which begs the question for me, where are they getting the finance to do this? This doesn’t come cheap, are they being bankrolled by wealthy cross-dressers &/or big pharma? Being serious, no joke!
The scariest bits about those poll questions is that all of them had a solid 20-odd percent of ‘don’t knows’.
I struggle to understand how anyone could be on the fence about such matters. (I don’t understand those who are happy about what’s gone on either, but at least they have a position/opinion, however puzzling.)
Everyone in Edinburgh Central, whatever you do, please remember….
ANYONE but Angus
If he wins then he is next FM, and the country is fecked
Vote Bonnie Prince Bob or even Tory, just not Angus
Really, really struggling to commit to the SNP1 idea.
I know they want another minority. I know they want the Greens to increase their seats so the two can merge to rule over us in comfort for the next 5 yrs. Hell, even the MSM want that, look at the boost in coverage for the Greens where there was scant amount before.
I get the arithmetic of it, I do…it’s just an endorsement too far for me right now.
I’d like to see manifestos being legally binding. In a way, they act as job applications for prospective MPs/MSPs and, as we know it is illegal to lie on a job application.
The only way to make parties top making false promises – fine or jail them if they lie in their manifesto.
“The very best Alba can realistically hope for is to build a base for the NEXT election.”
The most important thing for ALBA in May is to get a foothold in Holyrood.
With NO msps the party will be drowned out, silenced by the MSN and left with a long drag through local elections to try to even get its voice heard.
If they do get a number of list MSPs then they’ll be present every day, taking part in debates, FMQs, voting etc. etc. They’ll be visible, tearing into the SNP, asking awkward questions, pushing INDY and with AS the chief gnat building up their position for 2026 on the future constituency vote.
Holyrood is the megaphone which the Unionists won’t be able to completely silence.
Whether you like it or not, the only way to to get ALBA in, is to stop the SNP getting any list votes, which unfortunately means the SNP must win the most constit. seats.
AS knows this, he’s not daft which is why the SNP are terrified. ALBA in Holyrood is the first step to the death of the SNP.
So, given what I have said above, regarding the SNP manifesto, I will be voting SNP on the first vote, and ALBA party on the second vote.
Anything else is just dumb, and will set independence back even further. Vote unionist (for spite??), and you might just wake up on 7th May with wee London Tory boy dougie Ross the linesman, as First Minister – or even worse, Anas Sarwar.
It wouldn’t ever be wullie Rennie though – which is a relief.
Cath says:
15 April, 2021 at 1:43 pm
“If you’re unsure about an SNP first vote, look at the candidate. Speak to them even, if you can. Ask them questions about their own views. I know my local guy is good, and has stood up against some of the madness. So will give him a personal vote. If I was in a constituency with a real horror, I’d leave it blank.”
Not one of them voted against the Hate Crime Bill – not one. That’s how “good” they are.
Robert Louis says:
“Westminster is utterly corrupt and undemocratic”
Whereas, Holyrood, at present, is a paradise of morality and an outright accurate representation of what the majority of Scots want?
SNP looking likea jaded party. No incentive to be radical or even a bit different. They have also stood down from their formative cause, Independence.
Too easy to keep blaming Westminster, you need to actually and actively fight them. Make Scotland a hard blace to deal with and piss them off so much they will want us to go our own way.
But no, steady as we go, nice houses, nice pensions and watch the dream wither on the broken back of devolution.
I just wish Alba were standing for my Constuency as well as the Region.
Graf at 152pm,
Totally agree. To get ALBA elected on the list you need to vote SNP in the constituency (first) vote. SNP1, ALBA2.
Well where are all those who go out of their way to critisize me and my Campaign to stop Sturgeon winning her seat.
And also that no one should be Voting for any SNP candidates on 6th May.
Well now the Rev has spelled it out in idiot proof size chunks for the hard of thinking.
The SNP Constituency Vote is a wasted vote.
So are you going to label the Rev some kind of Unionist, the way you do with me?
Sturgeon Roadies like Al Stuart, Famous 15 or Ruby have all called me out because I am campaiagning against their hero Sturgeon.
They don’t care what Sturgeon has done, or what she is about to do, as long as she promises them a Referendum.
How thick are they to even believe that shite.
So my plan is:-
If not, then in five years time we are going to be put through the same wringer and have the exact same outcome.
And in 2031, while still being a devolved Colony, we will do it all again.
The time to be brave is now, not in 2031.
Glasgow Southside,,,
Sarwar 1 and ALBA 2.
A “devolved colony” are you serious?
And when did the Scottish Parliamentary term change from four years to five?
Can election leaflets not be non-glossy, so at least we can wipe our arses with them?
Therein lies my dilemma, vote SNP 1 and continue with the eradication of woman’s rights and protections and all the baggage the party seem keen to adopt and promote; turn a blind eye to the financial shenanigan’s (illegalities?); provide cover for the leader’s inappropriate and spiteful behaviors; provide cover for the Civil service seniors and Lord Advocates and finally, allow them to stand back and let our country be shackled tighter to this corrupt union?
Despite what Alex suggests, I currently cannot bring myself to do it. Something major would need to change before I did.
Arch Stanton says:
15 April, 2021 at 1:21 pm
“Why does everyone, the current First Minister included, keep referring to a five year Parliamentary term, when the Scottish Parliamentary term is one of four years?
Did I miss a change to the devolution settlement?”
The last election was 2016 – five years ago
@mr thms 15 April, 2021 at 12:45 pm
More gnashing of teeth.
“SNP Manifesto says they will abolish all NHS dentistry charges if re-elected.”
Was this election Lie suggested by the clueless Virus expert the Dentist known as Leitch by chance ? While Nicola knows even less about Dentistry than she did about Forth Road Bridges and Nurse and Radiology training places she is definitely an expert in “extracting the p*sh” out of Scots Voters.
In case anyone is still in any doubt who Nicola works for the cost of Her many election bribes will mean Scotland will end up far more dependent on the UK Gov rather than Scotland has been for many decades in recent years
@Robert Louis 1.52 pm
This is a line that becomes no more convincing for the constant repetition. The chances of the British nationalists winning and waking up to the prospect of one of them having a realistic prospect of being FM are so remote are so remote as to require the use of electron microscopy.
If folk can hold their noses and vote SNP 1 that’s up to them. They have a stronger stomach than I do. But….and it’s a big but….the more people who don’t vote SNP 1 the less likely we are to be saddled with an SNP majority or SNP/Green coalition. Neither of those outcomes is attractive to me or to many others.
Wee Chid says:
15 April, 2021 at 2:03 pm
Arch Stanton says:
15 April, 2021 at 1:21 pm
Sorry Arch – I see it was only changed this time because there was due to be a UK election in May 2021.
You are right – it should be four years. Does’t make me feel any better though.
if enough people vote snp then of course they will get in.the power is still with the voters not to vote snp.its like an abused wife keep going back for more of the,as i mentioned in my last comment,i would not,could not,will not give snp one sniff at my vote.if the majority did the same,then they are out of the administration.this will then enable the rebuilding of scotlands insitutions which is essential before anything else can be considered.
Robert Louis 15 April, 2021 at 1:55 pm
Graf at 152pm,
“Totally agree. To get ALBA elected on the list you need to vote SNP in the constituency (first) vote. SNP1, ALBA2.”
Seriously ? Then how on earth do the ScotGreens get people elected without people having to Vote SNP ? List votes aren’t dependent on having to Vote SNP. “Spit”
Get Alex info the parliament. They cannot deny him screen time after that. People will pay more attention to FMQs. Her legs are on the verge of going, and is at the stage where a the knock out blow is certain.
Providing there is someone to deliver it. Someone who isn’t scared of her and has the theatrical skills to deliver the defining moment.
Stu Campbell @ 1.27pm
I don’t think Alba should link any issue such as self ID to independence for the reason you set out. I do think AS is too smart to offer the SNP a get out clause free of charge.
I think Alba’s role should be to constantly highlight the discrepancies, political pitfalls and then alternate options of each and every bill put forward by the SNP. They won’t have the seat numbers to necessarily affect a bill going through (although it would be great if they did).
But they could be that constant thorn in the side of the SNP to show them up for being the slow moving sloths on indy, cowardly devolutionists, woke nutters that we all know they are.
That could be enough to shift the thinking of indy supporters that decisive action is required. Cue 2024 GE, Alba fights on a manifesto pledge that if enough seats are won by Alba for a plain majority – independence is declared (back to the old tactic that was the case up to approx 1990s).
I think (and I hope) AS with his masterful tactical understanding of politics and the workings of WM / HR can grow a true political independence force. But to kick-start it, it relies on getting Alba as many seats in HR as possible in this election. And that comes down to voters.
The way I see it – voters have nothing to lose and everything to gain by voting Alba.
Let’s see how the chips fall. One thing’s for sure, if Alba get a decent number of seats under AS leadership then they’re not going to get cosy and comfy with devolution.
Over to you voters….
2025? Scottish election as the next realistic chance of independence?
The SNP may get their overdue comeuppance at the UK 2024 election. Apart from the Short money for the SNP, just what is the point of them, or any independence party even being at Westminster. Big losses for the SNP in 2024 could set the ground for the 2025 election with a crisis in the SNP and an Alba Party that has had time to get strongly established. Maybe by then Sturgeon will have bailed out and moved to another grandstanding position elsewhere. Who knows, but a good result for Alba now would at the very least be a good way to start setting the groundwork.
The Sturgeonites not only don’t care what people think. They want to see people do as little thinking as possible.
Tooling about with one of the predictor tools (it’s messing about so not scientific!).
Noticed that there had been roughly 2.5% slippage between the SNP’s polling % on both constituency and list between the last Panelbase poll of campaign in 2016 (dates 23-28 April 2016) and polling day.
The Tories were 4-5% higher than the poll and Labour a bit lower on the list and about right in the constituency. Lib Dems were 1% lower on list and 2% on constituency.
*IF* (and let’s be honest, it’s a different world now so I don’t see the Tories tallying 5% more than their current Panelbase vote share) this was replicated this time taking into account the most recent Panelbase poll numbers from yesterday, the predictor spewed out the following seat tallies:
SNP 59
Tories 32
Labour 17
Green 9
Alba 6
Lib Dem 6
As I say, not scientific but it does give an idea what *could* occur if the pollsters miss folk saying at home and over-represent the SNP vote share for whatever reason. You’re then in a scenario where (unless you want an SNP/Green coalition) you want the Green share to be slightly out as well.
Maybe (Hopefully) the main reason for Alba’s ‘late launch’ was in order to give the SNP as little time as possible, to sift through their constituency candidates, in order to get rid of any potential ‘fifth columnists’ who may defect to Alba after the election. I’m sure AS must have the ear, and the respect, of quite a few within the Party.
We can only hope; otherwise we’re doomed I tell you. DOOMED!
Hope I’m wrong but picking up some negativity, on Alba’s progress,between the lines in Stuarts latest blog….if I’m wrong I’m happy to apologise in advance.
For those voters that are boaking at the thought of voting for their SNP constituency candidate, I reckon go with your gut.
I can’t vote in HR (but still can vote in GE for 2024), but if I could vote in HR, fucking wild horses couldn’t make me vote for Sturgeon, Swinney, Shirley-Anne Somerville, Angus Robertson, Humza, and probably more that I can’t think of off the top of my head.
So if you live in a constituency that your sitting SNP candidate makes your skin crawl, – then go with your conscience.
I get it may affect Alba in that region, but you also need to live with yourself too. If you can wake up the next morning with no regrets then vote for them, if you think you will regret it then don’t – simples!
No matter what just make sure you vote Alba.
JSC says:
15 April, 2021 at 1:46 pm
Everyone in Edinburgh Central, whatever you do, please remember….
ANYONE but Angus
If he wins then he is next FM, and the country is fecked
Vote Bonnie Prince Bob or even Tory, just not Angus
I agree he is involved in the stitch up of Alex as is his wife.
I have a feeling the SNP will not be bothered about not getting a majority. They will welcome being a minority government. A ready made excuse not to proceed with independence!
What they do fear is them being a minority government with 10 Alba Msps holding them to account and making real demands on independence. The Greens are not an independence party , so they just do as their told.
So if we wake up with 63 SNP Msps and 10 Alba Msps and no Greens , I will take that as a result.
Chokes in my gullet. I’d like to see Sturgeon prosecuted and her whole rotten cleek impeached and flung out of office. But, more than that, what I do want is Independence, and that means ALBA establishing a foothold in Holyrood. That means voting SNP1 ALBA2.
Take a sick bucket to the polling booth if you must, but until or unless there’s a material change of circumstances, (like somebody being sacked or forced to resign), it is THE way to maximise ALBA’s chances.
Yes, there is a risk of electing a Looney Tunes bunch of SNP carpet baggers, but there is also the possibility that some of these frauds might actually be decent Indy people with a conscience, and cross the floor once elected to change the numbers and strengthen ALBA. Maybe it isn’t just us outsiders giving the SNP one last chance. If there are sitting MSP’s discontented with Sturgeon’s “leadership” a successful ALBA party gives them a choice they don’t currently have.
Those who remember 2014 will recall all the hostility being generated towards Salmond, the gratuitous bias of the Unionist media, and the watering down of pro Independence rhetoric by the mainstream propagandists. It’s 2021. Open your eyes. Do you not see the Unionist media doing exactly what the Unionist media does best?
I wonder how it feels to be a Sturgeonite Independence supporter seeing Alex Salmond excluded from debates and denied a platform to speak, then reading Sturgeon’s SNP literature which is so anaemic and weak that doesn’t even constitute a policy manifesto. No pennies dropping yet?
For every Sturgeonistta even slightly perplexed by the SNP’s abandonment of Scottish Independence, I would ask you, please, be cautious if you like, but hedge your bets. Put ALBA in as your List Vote because SNP1 and ALBA2 is THE optimum YES YES result. What’s more, if you can still be honest with yourself, you KNOW it is.
If you like, maybe you can consider this election as a friendly warning shot across the bows from ALBA. This is a “live and let live” election for all the Independentists in Scotland. The next Election might not be.
We are not talking about a simple majority next month, but a supermajority. 2/3ds of Holyrood in Independence voters hands, the Section 30 roadblock demolished, and emphasis comes off having a referendum and we march on actual Independence.
It can all be within our grasp, in three weeks time.
I can never nor can any of my friends or family ever give sturgeon a vote. The biggest problem with Joe public is they just don’t know about the two massive reasons to have the snp annihilated is the HCB & the inverted penis & paedo brigade. If their involvement in promoting these freaks was discussed on msm & or leaders debate TV sturgeon and her entire party would be finished. Sadly that can never happen, anyone who speaks out mainstream soc media platforms is banned. I’ve always voted tory, but I really can’t see myself giving them either vote. You’re right Stu, none of them have come out with any substance about what’s really wrong in Scotland today. If someone would have the balls to repeal HCB & state women can never have a penis & men can never have a vagina, they would have a majority in may. I’ve never spoiled a ballot but I think that’s my only option.
Feel hopeless too.
Ian MacWhirter’s article yesterday showing that anti-Alba is so strong in MSM that he is willing to sacrifice the safety of children tp score points was a straw too much. That and the media black-out.
We are living in a colony of Stockholm syndrome victims.
Alex Salmond is the only leader who understands the state of emergency and no one can hear him because of state and corporate censorship.
Athanasius @ 12:48PM
The current SNP leadership might not feel comfortable in a UK Labour party who are in favour of a referendum quite soon, and the largest plurality think Scotland should become independant.
link to
Mist001 says:
15 April, 2021 at 1:11 pm
I always find it wryly amusing when I read the SNP talking about things such as ‘Global Leadership On Climate Change’.
I live in France which is barely 30km from the British Isles and more than a few people have even heard of Scotland and seriously could not find it on a map. It’s not just Scotland, but NI and Wales too, because it’s only in the past 20 years that France has updated its education system to include the four nations. Before that, people were taught simply that it was Grande Bretagne and Irelande.
Now, this is one country out of how many in Europe?
And yet, Scotland is so deluded that it imagines itself to be a ‘global’ leader!!
The French think Scotland is the name of a rugby team, and I’m not kidding.’
I was on holiday in Paris a few years ago, pre 2014, but only just…. There on the Metro was an advert for English lessons, utilising a man dressed head to toe in a kilt and tartan – the point of the advert being that they were so competent at teaching English that even the Scots would sign up… or something.
International recognition of the Scots, and Scotland is very high, particularly in France. You may not be kidding, but you’re not exactly accurate either.
It could actually pan out worse than this if the Greens return a few MSPs for they are ultra woke and in return for their support as they’re doing now, the Greens would want the SNP government to bring forward very unpopular genderwoowoo bills, that could further set back women’s rights.
But yeah, its looking like five more wasted years under Sturgeon yet again, with no indyref, she’s sold us and Scotland out. The SNP are going to win come May 6th, however we can we have a say whether or not the Greens return several or very few MSPs by voting for ALBA, we can kick away Sturgeons Green party enablers, and leave her isolated, and needing to do deals with the ALBA party.
Removing the Greens come May 6th is of vital importance, vote ALBA to protect our women folk and for a future indyref.
Wee Chid 2.03 pm
Sorry Chid I wasn’t seeking to be smart, pedantic or to target anyone in particular. It’s just that all through the first leaders debate, during all news bulletins and even the information from the Rev Stu here, a forthcoming “five year term” is routinely and regularly referred to. I was genuinely beginning to think I had missed something.
The last term was needlessly extended by a year to avoid a clash with the then scheduled 2020 General Election, an extension which should have been immediately abandoned when the snap 2017 election was called, thereby rendering such an extension unnecessary. It would appear, however, that all MSP’s, of all,parties,were quite happy to sit back and accrue an extra year’s salary, pension entitlement and expenses.
As the title says no one cares
I just received my postal vote papers and I really am in two minds do I endorse this SNP their leadership and the direction of travel by voting for them means I personally agree with what they have done and possibly what they intend doing .
Now that’s a real big ask
I checked the last vote returns in my constituency and the SNP candidate who is the current MSP seems a reasonable person and as far as I know is a good constituency MSP and he did secure a pretty fair amount of votes ahead of the next candidate who was Labour I don’t think unless there is a total collapse in the SNP vote he would be in any trouble .
I hope ALBA has just enough time to get something going even with this definite media black out they as suffering and being batterd from all sides the most vicious attacks is from fellow Independence supporters who should really know better .
I guess it wasn’t just a coincidence that Alex was taken out of the picture with a dubious and criminal smear campaign just when he could have built up a reasonable size opposition to the Nicola gang that comprises of fruit loops and some really strange people masquerading as Independence supporters , a free Scotland is a side show as far as these people are concerned
Whoever is pulling the strings and there are people protecting princess Nicola I would guess it’s the English establishment who are working on the sidelines not directly involved but just making stuff easier or more difficult in whatever situation arises , they definitely have the goods on Sturgeon and her husband a very strange partnership who live under the same roof but don’t communicate
“ Totally agree. To get ALBA elected on the list you need to vote SNP in the constituency (first) vote.”
Agree all you want, it isn’t true and now, since I’ve explained it isn’t true, it also isn’t an honest thing to say.
Agree, in all conscience I cannot vote SNP (ever again). My MSP has a massive majority so doubt dropping a few votes will make any difference – easy decision. But, to be brutally honest if I lived in Stugeon’s constituency, I’d be voting for Sarwar. That’s how much I detest her.
It’s depressing to think that GRA Self ID will be a reality for the women of Scotland even with Alex’s best case scenario. Only thing is the Alba women may focus the minds of the don’t no’s.
Agree also wi Big Jock.
If we get 10 Alba seats and no Greens, yes that is indeed a result.
” The way I see it – voters have nothing to lose and everything to gain by voting Alba.”
On that much we definitely agree.
Nobody cares about democracy.
When was the last time you heard a politician «talk democracy»?
link to
Truly, when it’s gone it’s gone.
Ignore the MSM. Ignore the polls, Ignore the Unionists.ignore the trolls on here.
( a Vote for Bonnie Prince Bob is forgivable given Angus’s expectation of leadership and his “connections” )
This is an interesting line taken from the Snp’s manifesto considering that they’ve passed the Hate Crime Bill ,
“ Undertake a review of Scotland’s prosecution system to deliver fairer, faster and more effective justice. “
It wasn’t a fair system when they charged A Salmond , C Murray ,
M Hirst etc so it’ll be interesting to see how they propose to change the prosecution service but needless to say they don’t show how they’re going to change it .
Holyrood is not going to deliver Indy. But it can negotiate it, aggitate for it and instigate it.
I made my peace a wee while ago with the new crunch point… and that is the next GE – and we make it Plebiscite
If enough Alba MSPs get in, then the real Indy GE Plebiscite Election Campaign begins.
Since that will be 3 years away, while the Brexit destruction is at its freshest, then 3 years of campaigning – during Covid restrictions – sounds about perfect timing to me.
The SNP are looking to throw this election. Its the one guarantee against a supermajority for Indy.
We will have to identify the Good uns and campaign for them. And max the ALBA.
1. get drunk enough to tick SNP (in order to boost Alba) and rush straight to the post box.
2. Spoil the constituency and tick Alba with a clear conscience.
3. wait until the last moment by which time aliens may have saved us.
4. become a Queer Theorists where none of it matters
Aahhh! How can i vote for this
link to
AS was given a fair crack of the whip on talkRADIO this morning by Julia Hartley-Brewer.
I suspect AS and JHB go back a long way to when AS was one of 3 and she was a political editor.
She pointedly invited other Scottish political party LEADERS to appear on the show – so Nicola won’t be able to send Swinney along in her place.
With regard to the sudden change from 4-year to 5-tear terms at Holyrood, so that the Holyrood election due in 2020 was postponed to 2021, was that not brought in as an ’emergency measure’ because of something or other – presumably Covid? If the SNP manifesto is now presuming that we are voting for a 5-year Holyrood term, when in fact the law still says the terms are 4-year, is that telling us that the Covid emergency is going to continue for all that time? In other words, throughout the 4-year term that will begin on May 7th so that they have to postpone the 2025 HR election to 2026?
That would mean they won’t be able to have Indyref2 during all that time, because they are promising Indyref2 won’t take place until the Covid emergency is over. It will also mean that after postponing the HR election due in 2025 for a year, when it eventually happens in 2026 they will be able to promise indyref2 in the term that follows – provided of course that Covid is over by then.
This will save them from having to print a new manifesto in 2026. Instead, they will be able to re-publish the one they have published now! And so it goes on, eternally and ad infinitum!
Just joking, of course. But, since one other thing Sturgeon and her crew seem to lack entirely is a sense of humour, maybe they aren’t …
I’ve never not voted, I’ve never spoiled my ballot.
This year I’m going to have to do one or the other.
In all seriousness, what has Sturgeon’s SNP done since she was anointed? From the list of SNP achievements in government, most of the good ones go back to when Salmond was FM.
Baby boxes and banning fracking properly (not the moratorium) is all I can think of.
I have every respect for Alex Salmond, but I cannot and will not vote SNP, perhaps ever again.
I think it definitely becomes more difficult to get Alba MSPs elected at a certain amount of SNP slippage.
However, in tooling around with a predictor, it does become clear that a certain amount of SNP slippage on the list will have no impact on Alba’s list seat outcomes in certain scenarios, i.e. if they poll around 6-7%, they will get 6 or 7 MSPs depending on geographical spread, and this seems to be the case even if SNP vote share on the constituency slips towards 40% and 30% on the list (and that’s holding Alba and Green list vote shares at their recent Panelbase totals and giving SNP lost % to Tories and Labour….which seems rather unlikely to actually happen).
For folks info, they are struggling to get leafleters out for Swinney, in his back garden…. traditionally a very proactive wee branch.
Got the feeling, its not going well round the doors.
Of course if it looks like the SNP are going to crash big time, and that Alba is going to take the bulk of the Indy list votes…
Well, the Constituency seats were always the SNP’s to lose.
Could well be a chance for the voters to deliver a right good clear out to the SNP and replace them with genuine and effective Alba candidates.
It might not be a ‘majority’ but what’s the point of a majority that will do nothing.
If Alba were to end up as the second biggest party in Holyrood – I think we would be well on the way.
What’s that old saying, better a willing volunteer than an army of pressed ??? something like that.
Wull 3.16 pm
The 2020 election was postponed until 2021, not as a result of Covid but due to the introduction of the Fixed Term Parliament Act at Westminster in 2015, which meant a U.K. General Election would have originally automatically have been held in 2020.
This clash was immediately avoided when Theresa May called an election in 2017, an event should ought to have led to the equally immediate reinstatement of the Scottish election to 2020. As it happens, the previous four year term, commencing in 2011, was also extended from 2015 to 2016, to avoid a clash with the 2015 U.K. election.
Perhaps it is now simply assumed, by politicians, news publications, journalists and political bloggers alike, that elected MSP’s will automatically grab an extra year of salary and other entitlements for themselves?
Balaaargh says:
15 April, 2021 at 3:21 pm
In all seriousness, what has Sturgeon’s SNP done since she was anointed? From the list of SNP achievements in government, most of the good ones go back to when Salmond was FM.
Baby boxes and banning fracking properly (not the moratorium) is all I can think of.
Baby boxes – meh.
Banning onshore shale gas development – stupid and harmful and based on a deliberately cultlike misunderstanding of how science, engineering and economics works.
Red 3.21 pm
Fracking was not banned by the Scottish Government, a fact successfully argued in court by advocates employed by the Scottish Government to defend a legal action raised against the Scottish Government by INEOS.
What if we vote green1 and alba2? We would still have a supermajority?
@ Arch Stanton at 2.56
In the late 1990s when the devolved parliaments for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland were established, they all had 4 year terms. Hence, there were elections in 1999, 2003, 2007 and 2011.
But the 2010 Westminster election resulted in the Fixed Terms Parliaments Act 2011. Both Westminster and Holyrood would have held their next elections in 2015. This was deemed undesirable, so the FTPA contained the provision for the Holyrood election to be moved a year either way. It was, of course, deferred, as were the Welsh Assembly (as then was) and Stormont elections. (link to
But to have then returned to a 4-year cycle would have led to another clash in 2020, so a Scottish Elections (Dates) Bill was proposed in November 2015, and became law the following March (link to, establishing a 5-year cycle.
The 2 out-of-cycle Westminster elections made that a moot point, but there has been no reversal of the change.
@ Arch Stanton at 3.27
I see you’ve partially answered your own question while I was researching/typing!
Never mind; maybe other people will be interested
Governments that have lost their fear of voters are useless. It only works if ministers wake up every morning with a real fear that everything could go badly wrong if they piss off the electorate. I don’t think any SNP politician has feared the electorate for years. On their list of worries we are lucky if we come somewhere between “Can I get decent coffee” and “I hope I have enough staples for this document”.
A long way after “sexting wee boys”, “buying half made boats we can’t finish”, “looking dead progressive”, “feathering my nest”.
Rather than free dental work, what we used to get free in Scotland was legal advice. Not only was it free but it was completely impartial and separate from Government.
That was abolished by Sturgeon and the cost saved was buttons really – a few million pounds.
The concept of free and impartial law for the proletariate has probably vanished forever now.
Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
15 April, 2021 at 1:27 pm
“The problem is that it currently looks very like either the SNP alone, or the SNP+Greens, will be enough for a majority. Even if it isn’t, Labour and the Lib Dems also support most of the woke policy agenda, so it’ll pass easily.
But imagine if Alba had some theoretical leverage because SNP+Greens wasn’t enough to pass an indy bill, and Alba said “We won’t support it unless you dump self-ID”. The SNP could just call their bluff and blame them if the indy bill didn’t pass. There’s no downside to that for the SNP, because they don’t really WANT the indy bill to pass, for a whole slew of reasons we’ve gone into before.”
Not so sure that Labour or the Tories would support the woke nonsense the SNP has been pushing – Johann Lamont has been very critical of the GRA, and the Tories at Westminster have quietly dropped their GRA equivalent bill.
And if the SNP apply a condition to an indy bill, it would make them look bad, especially if it’s something that the general public are already against. Of course, that would depend on how it’s reported in the press, and it’ll suit the SNP anyway to have no indy bill either way, but at least Alba will reveal that the wizard behind the curtain is fake.
Crazycat 3.42 pm
There would have been no clash in 2020, a fact which was obvious to all concerned as soon as Theresa May called the 2017 election.
Hey folks, Breeks is spot on (2.45pm). Let the unionists in and they’ll take the proverbial mile. Do not allow this because in a relatively short space of time, Holyrood will end up becoming a toothless talking shop at best, or a footnote in history at worst.
Alex Salmond is fully aware of what lies ahead and is asking you all to trust him. I do, completely, so if it means holding my nose then I will. It has to be SNP 1 Alba 2
So I took a look at the manifesto. GBP3,500,000,000 over five years to create 14,000 jobs. That is GBP50,000 per job per year. Those are some awfully well-paid jobs. Why is the taxpayer being asked to fund at that sort of level?
I get it – there will be new and renovated houses at the end of it. If we are lucky, maybe about 40,000. That is a lot of people, but where will Scotland’s budget, with minimal borrowing powers, be trimmed to meet the cost?
Arch Stanton @3:32PM,
It was me who said that fracking was banned. The decision against Ineos was 2018 when it was only a moratorium from 2013. The decision on not allowing any licenses to be issued was taken in 2019:
link to
However, it’s not banned by any legislation so there would be nothing stopping the likes of DRoss changing that decision if he became FM.
@ Arch Stanton at 3.49
Yes; I covered that. I said that there would have been a clash, so there was a Holyrood Bill/Act in 2015/6. At that point the next Westminster election was due in 2020.
I then said: “The 2 out-of-cycle Westminster elections made that a moot point, but there has been no reversal of the change.”
And who could ever forget Derek Mackay, who was being tipped as the next leader of the SNP.
“In February 2020, he resigned as Finance Secretary after the Scottish Sun reported he had messaged a 16-year-old boy on social media, describing the boy as “cute” and offering to meet with him.”
Let’s get rid of the whole lot if the perverted Bastards.
No wonder the Sturgeon Roadies are trying to chase me off this site.
They can’t stand the truth being told about their Hero Nicola Sturgeon or her partners in crime.
This tactic can be used throughout Scotland.
I do feel that SNP1 would be to the benefit of Alba, probably, and my MSP is a reasonable person, so on balance I’ll try to force myself to vote for them. I still don’t know if I can. It is hard. I don’t blame people who feel they can’t vote for NS or Angus etc. They’re just awful.
Given that the SNP candidates have rubber eared any mention of independence on their campaign material….
Why don’t constituents do a ‘Staniland’ question on independence to all the SNP candidates – Question:
‘What have YOU done to advance independence?”
Flood their twitter, facebook, (whatever social media they’re using) Just fucking endless tweets, posts of the same relentless question from constituents.
And if they block you then, we need an online twitter / Facebook register that peeps can log their: “No answer (SNP Name) / no vote”
Can someone set up a FB page / twitter account that peeps can register their their block / no reply?
Let’s put a spotlight on these feckers.
I got a load of crap through my letterbox this morning.
Stuart McMillan is promising a new hospital to replace Inverclyde Royal.
He is also going to get a brand new Health Centre Built if he is elected, for a balloon that has done sweet FA in all the time I have known him, If that happens I will go and tell the fairies at the bottom of my garden.
Alba is getting my vote, and I suppose I will need to vote for Mr Stuart eckislike as its a tactical vote, but will never be repeated in the future.
Alba forever
No indyref, no policies and no ideas, yet people are prepared to hold their nose and vote snp. It’s quite incredible really. Just how stupid and brainwashed do you need to be to vote for another term of incompetence, lies and cover ups ?
If you really believe that the snp will deliver another indyref, then you’re clearly deluded, and haven’t been paying attention. It’s time to remove the scales from your eyes, and wake up for God’s sake.
Apologies if this has already been noted:
link to
John Mason SNP MSP replies to Iain Lawson:
“I note the points you make but I personally do still favour having a referendum. However, I would prefer to wait until support for independence as shown in the opinion polls was up to around 70%.
Once that happens, international opinion will swing behind us and Westminster would be under great pressure to accept it.
I take your point as to whether we are under Scottish or English or some other kind of international law. But Westminster controls the armed forces so I think we have to accept that what they say goes. UDI did not work out well for Rhodesia.”
Same usual shite on the Village people’s website
ALBA are finished before they have even started
A total misrepresentation of the current thread by the egit who constantly likes to twist the truth for their own ends Yes I know you are reading this fkr just like the rest of the deranged muppets on that particular pointless sweetie wife’s taking shop ,
It’s truly amazing how much resistance we have from apparently Indy supporters who mistakenly still believe in princess Nicola , Lisen up dummies she ain’t the Mesaih she’s a very naughty girl
A term of incompetence or a term of branch office unionism, I know which I picking
David Caledonia says:
15 April, 2021 at 4:12 pm
A term of incompetence or a term of incompetent branch office unionism, I know which I picking.
Fixed that for you
Arch – if I understand it the Scottish Government’s position is that it’s not “banned” in a statutory sense, it’s just not “allowed” in an administrative sense:
The Scottish government has confirmed its policy of not allowing fracking.
Energy Minister Paul Wheelhouse told MSPs that the existing block on unconventional oil and gas development would continue indefinitely.
He said the controversial extraction technique was “incompatible” with the government’s policies to tackle climate change.
Opposition parties said the move fell short of a full legal ban, but Mr Wheelhouse insisted it was “robust”.
The prohibition will be enforced via planning powers, with no licences for fracking being issued to companies.
The outcome is the same – Scots are being denied the benefit of our own natural resources, which marks up the cost of living and kills jobs.
All so that cerified morons, who know so little about science they think humans can change sex, can preen and prance when thousands of wealthy officials fly into Glasgow to tell us we’re not allowed to holiday abroad anymore.
If we had a government that cared about Scots they’d be working to make electricity and fuel insanely cheap, so that grannies no longer have to worry about putting the two bar fire on in the winter and it’s commercially viable to support industrial and manufacturing employment in Scotland.
Instead, we have a government of genderflexible Marie Antoinettes who want to let us eat Harvie.
Breeks like many other Sturgeon Roadies on here, is talking mince.
All Sturgeon will do with this mythical Supermajority is push through even more perverted Bills, aided bye the equally perverted Greens.
ALBA can shout and scream all they want, but as we already know about Sturgeon, she will simply ignore them.
Have you lot learned nothing over the past year or how Sturgeon operates???
And who could ever forget Derek Mackay, who was being tipped as the next leader of the SNP.
“In February 2020, he resigned as Finance Secretary after the Scottish Sun reported he had messaged a 16-year-old boy on social media, describing the boy as “cute” and offering to meet with him.”
Let’s get rid of the whole lot if the perverted Bastards.
No wonder the Sturgeon Roadies are trying to chase me off this site.
They can’t stand the truth being told about their Hero Nicola Sturgeon or her partners in crime.
This tactic can be used throughout Scotland.
I wish you Sturgeon/SNP fanatics would read carefully what the Rev Stu is trying to tell you.
Andy, stop shouting. You sound like Trump and the GOP all rolled into one. Your independence credentials are beginning to appear a little thin. SNP 1 Alba 2
Doug @ 4.11pm
FFS did Mason really say that? This time next year they’ll want 3 trillion percent before they feel they can go for independence!!!!
Mist001 says:
15 April, 2021 at 1:11 pm
I always find it wryly amusing when I read the SNP talking about things such as ‘Global Leadership On Climate Change’.
I live in France which is barely 30km from the British Isles and more than a few people have even heard of Scotland and seriously could not find it on a map. It’s not just Scotland, but NI and Wales too, because it’s only in the past 20 years that France has updated its education system to include the four nations. Before that, people were taught simply that it was Grande Bretagne and Irelande.
Now, this is one country out of how many in Europe?
And yet, Scotland is so deluded that it imagines itself to be a ‘global’ leader!!
The French think Scotland is the name of a rugby team, and I’m not kidding.
The French think the United Kingdom is a contestant in the Eurovision Song Contest.
How many times have you heard ‘Le Royaume-Uni: Nul Points’
And yet, the UK is so deluded that it imagines itself to be a ‘global’ leader!!
I have never heard anyone in France refer to the UK as anything other than ‘Angleterre’ and the British as ‘anglais’ except in the Eurovision Song Contest when it’s referred to as ‘Le Royaume-Uni: Nul Points’
Being referred to as ‘Anglaise’ amused me as did being asked on quite regular basis ‘Why I killed Joan of Arc’
This tells us more about the French education system/the French than it does about Scotland & the UK.
@Scozzie 4:20pm
It was actually a reply to a reader of Iain’s blog, not Iain himself, but it still stands as a piece of gut-wrenching political cowardice.
In nutshell, Rev. Thank you for speaking plainly. They Do Not Give A Flying Whatsit What We Think. Well, we are reaching the stage when we don’t give a flying whatsit for what they think. Personally, I am prepared, as an individual woman, to stand up to either or both Unionists who masquerade as independistas, and the other type, and/or hairy a***d men who are trying to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes. Are you listening, Nicola, we have had enough. Enough, do you hear? We want to leave this hideous excuse for a Union and we do not want men in women’s spaces, you charlatan.
To “drain the swamp” means to expel from Holyrood both, Sturgeon and Sarwar. Just like Sturgeon, Sarwar is a Westminster lapdog. A colonial chief managing the Scottish branch of an England controlled party whose main objective is to stop Scotland’s democracy and the right to exercise our self determination. Sarwar cannot be trusted with women’s and children’s rights or freedom of speech either. The monumental coward abstained so he indirectly helped the hate bill to be passed.
So, what benefit is this man for Scotland? Because I see none.
I don’t want just Sturgeon to be ejected from the seat, I want Sturgeon, Rennie, Dross, Harvie and Sarwar ejected from the seats for betraying Scottish women and children and for betraying our democracy and right to self determination.
Out with the charlatans.
With the idea of spending an extra 20% on health, we are going to head the way of the Easter Islanders, especially if they are to be praised to the skies despite shutting themselves down at the first sign of a pandemic.
The only way forward, is to Vote SNP and Alba. Alba will have to push the SNP on every promise. If the SNP and Alba prove themselves, Alba will be first choice in a few years time.
Auld jock
“the public can’t be that thick”
You don’t think so? In the English Birdrain Belt people who worked in factories exporting to the EU voted for Brexit!
Daisy Walker @3,10
Trouble with pinning hopes on Alba for the GE is that SNP might stand against them to split the vote..!
I have spent most of the past eight years in France and must agree that prior to the Brexit Referendum, few French people thought of Scotland as a country/nation and it was only the bitterness fallowing the Brexit result, that led them to begin to differentiate between Scotland and England in a political sense.I was once even asked if Scotland was an island!
The French commonly refer to the political and economic culture of the UK and US as “Anglo – Saxon”, a term not entirely complimentary. The French have, of course, traditionally looked eastward for allies and considered England as the enemy, despite having been subjected to humiliating military defeat by Germany three times within seventy years in relatively recent times. With regard to Scotland,they have barely thought of us at all.
France and the French people are wonderfully diverse , full of contradictions but essentially kind if one takes the time to learn the language, including the patois of the region, but, like all other large and once terribly powerful and important states, they can be a little proud, self important and patronising, not unlike our nearest and dearest neighbours….
Red 4.15 pm
You will get little argument from me on the main points you make Red. It’s just that there are those who choose to make a virtue of the fact that the SNP have banned fracking, when indeed they have merely introduced an apparently permanent moratorium and agreed that it would be more in line with their phoney claims to what passes for modern day morality to ship in shale gas from elsewhere.
Arch Stanton says:
15 April, 2021 at 2:56 pm
Wee Chid 2.03 pm
“Sorry Chid I wasn’t seeking to be smart, pedantic or to target anyone in particular. It’s just that all through the first leaders debate, during all news bulletins and even the information from the Rev Stu here, a forthcoming “five year term” is routinely and regularly referred to. I was genuinely beginning to think I had missed something. ”
I thought I maybe had too. Was wondering if La Sturgeon was going to increase the term every parliament until she is in permanent residence. Aaaargh!!
Well that’s my vote off
The posters on here who have steadfastly said that they will not vote for the SNP as first vote have convinced me to go SNP 1&2.
I was dithering between the three parties for my second vote which I normally give to the greens.
A well that’s Gullans vote or whatever the name is
Well done now back to yer pals in La La Land and let them know you scored a hit on ALBA and that Alex Salmond guy ,remember him he was the one who actually arranged a referendum
Well done, Gullane.
Voting out of spite is very clever and it’s entirely sensible to do so to ‘get it up’ some randoms on the internet.
Not spite.
If I was convinced that all Alba supporters on here were going to follow their leaders advice I would have had no hesitation to vote for Alba.
Sadly that does not seem to be the case.
Looking at the polls I do not think I am alone with my thoughts.
“No indyref, no policies and no ideas, yet people are prepared to hold their nose and vote snp. It’s quite incredible really. Just how stupid and brainwashed do you need to be to vote for another term of incompetence, lies and cover ups ?”
Patrick ‘4.10pm.
Well Patrick what do you suggest we do, vote for a BritNat party, that will further attempt to weaken Holyrood’s powers, or maybe the Greens who want to replace real biological women’s rights with those of crossdressing blokes.
I’m far from happy with the SNP, but I suppose I’ll give them my constituency vote in the hope that ALBA hoovers up quite a few List votes and seats and removes a few of the genderwoowoo obsessed Green MSPs, who back the SNP on a whole host of unpopular gender policies.
As a bonus I’d like to think that somewhere within the next five years that Sturgeon will stand down or be replaced.
The problem we have is just it’s the same old, same old standing in this election. There are no “transformative” ideas from any of the parties. Same with the leaders- Sturgeon, Rennie, Harvie. Even Sarwar is old, cold porridge. Ross is just a carpetbagging eedjit who’ll look to London for instructions.
A non SNP government would be tired before it started. A coalition in name only unable to act on anything.
The only vibrant mainstream party working to transform Holyrood and Scotland is the English Tory party. New HQ, new legislation to dilute Devolution, new legislation to bypass Holyrood and fund NHS and other services directly. Oh aye there’s plenty going on, just not up here and an election on.
All we’re getting is unfunded promises of all kinds of goodies that they’ll not deliver and blame Boris again. Austerity Mk2 is a-coming, so we’ll be lucky to keep what we’ve got.
Don’t expect free dental care or anything else any time soon.
SNP1 ALBA2, try and defend what we’ve got and plan for the next GE. Maybe politics can start again, make IT a referendum plebiscite and if the SNP don’t campaign on it, destroy them then. They won’t be missed in Westminster and we won’t miss them not being there.
No risk to Holyrood then. This election will make no difference to anything.
I am NOT giving my constituency vote to the SNP. I will not ever vote for them again and will not be fooled again. They are not worth my vote and certainly have not earned it.
However, I WILL BE voting for ALBA on the list.
You really are as thick as shit.
Sarwar will become an MSP no matter what the outcome of the Constituency Vote is.
So I am going to “use” Sarwar because he is the ONLY candidate who has any chance of taking the seat from Sturgeon.
I think of course you know this, but being a Sturgeon Roadie, you just like twisting the story to suit your agenda,,,a bit like your hero Sturgeon.
FeankM 5.23
Good man.
Only perverts would even consider Voting for the SNP.
If, as I believe, the SNP vote is hit it will be primarily due to the floating co-opted ex-Labour vote going back home rather than the dropping off of the pro-independence vote.
Andy says:
15 April, 2021 at 4:17 pm
Breeks like many other Sturgeon Roadies on here, is talking mince.
Ah Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Read more, write less, in that order. and there’s a fighting chance you won’t make such an arse of yourself again.
A wee aside to the one crowing about scoring a hit on ALBA
They will be back to see the replies to their wee dig
Well just in case there are others with the same ideas every time you lot think it’s a funny idea of coming here to crow about what you are doing , well that’s another constituency vote in the bin
I probably can influence 14 maybe 15 people about their voting intentions now that’s 14 left out of a possible 15 now , it’s too bad it’s in the same constituency
So I started with a possible 15 now it’s 14 I know it might harm the sitting SNP candidate and the fallout might harm ALBA in the Regional vote but just for spite I might just take the chance my Regional vote won’t change but it will make me more determined that they get at least 15 votes and I will go out of my way to make sure it happens
I find it funny that the SNP car through the door was a addressed to me a Scot and all the Unionist cards have been addressed to my partner who is English. Strange…
I need to find someone to trade a SNP1 with an Alba2.
It is painful even thinking of voting for woke Jenni ‘enough love for both’ Minto.
I have tried to trick myself with ‘look don’t think of it as a vote for SNP, think of it as a half of one vote SNP1/Alba2’ but i’m just not buying it.
Well done Gullaneo4
I didn’t expect anything else from yourself really. It won’t hurt Alba so much I don’t think. If you normally gave it to the greens then it’s wee Partrick Harvie you’ve just hurt, not Alba as their new.
Patrick will be a few quid doon on getting a new tweed suit now and won’t be impressed with your vote.
So, ‘the SNP'(read: the gullible taxpayer) will provide kids with ‘free’ bikes (left over from Santa’s workshop no doubt!) if mummy and daddy vote for the party. Sturgeon’s weird wannabe surrogate auntie vibe gets more disgusting and expensive all the time. Are these cunts TAKING THE PISS like a catheter or what?
This is just a deeply cynical attempt to bribe the hated working classes to vote for them: “Just throw the proles and their scabby brats something free, they know nothing about politics and won’t care, they’ll vote for us then we can go back to ignoring them, or spitting on them and feeling better than them.” I don’t mind paying taxes, but this blatant bribery with taxpayers’ money (there is no such thing as a ‘free’ bike – or the parents would have them already) is nothing but a total fucking disgrace.
link to
All hands on deck. The boards are coming out. The leaflets too. More Policy announcements at the weekend I hear including the Alba economic one and EU ones. From what I’m hearing these will be winners.
So if you have legs get out there delivering. Get active. Register to volunteer for Alba. And if you aren’t fit enough share away positive Alba stuff on social media. And if you’re active limit yourself to the key board warrior stuff. It’s important but there’s a balance. And get those posters and banners visible.
At the end of the day tune back in to what Wings is saying and catch up on the latest action. Alba is setting up some regional groups on facebook and twitter which will be useful. If you run a Yes group on social media take it slowly. Keep it open minded and frame it in an Alba user friendly manner. Got any pains in the arses on your own social media? Don’t get dragged in. Mute or delete. And move on
When you get out there and do stuff its makes you feel good. So go for it!
I thought Sarwar was not on the Constituency ballot because he wanted a logo on that was not recognised by Electoral Commission and he has since stopped talking about going head to head with NS.
Kiwilassie says:
15 April, 2021 at 2:43 pm
JSC says:
15 April, 2021 at 1:46 pm
Everyone in Edinburgh Central, whatever you do, please remember….
ANYONE but Angus
If he wins then he is next FM, and the country is fecked
Vote Bonnie Prince Bob or even Tory, just not Angus
I agree he is involved in the stitch up of Alex as is his wife.
I wish all these posters who are suggestion ‘ANYONE but Angus’ could post some further information.
ie What are the implications of voting ‘ANYONE but Angus’
What do we know about Bonnie Prince Bob or the Tory other than they are not ‘Angus’
Who is the Alba candidate in Edinburgh Central and how will voting ‘ANYONE but Angus’ affect their list vote?
What do we know about the person who is first on the list in Edinburgh Central.
What are the chances of the an SNP candidate getting voted in on the constituency in Edinburgh Central even if they were a popular SNP candidate?
Are the Greens standing in the constituency in Edinburgh Central.
Thanks in advance Kiwilassie
You better tell Andy Kcor then. They’ll be most perplexed when out campaigning for the unionist man. Lmao
What’s up snowflake,,, don’t you like a bit of critisism.
As I said,,,only perverts would vote SNP.
What was your plan again Breeks,,,oh that’s right,,,SNP 1.
Say no more Breeks.
Which Sturgeon Policy does it for you Breeks,,, is it the chicks with dicks, or is it the free Access to female changing rooms?
I’ve just received another leaflet from South Ayrshire SNP candidate Siobhian Brown. similar layout to the previous one but her 1/2 page declaration on seeking independence is gone. In place a listing of objectives – child poverty, pension poverty, climate change, and she does sneak in at the end – credit to her – to make Scotland a prosperous independent country.
So it does appear to be SNP policy to Wheest about Independence. Siobhian Brown seems to be a fine candidate…but the SNP she is representing hugely disappoints me, and I am a founding SNP member, recently lapsed, of one of the towns she hopes to represent.
Sorry ripped up my SNP leaflet because the gurning Imelda was inversely prominent on the page to any mention of independence. Anyway I am still holding my nose and voting SNP1 Alba 2. Believe me voting for my local SNP numpty will be no joy but when we see ALBA members snapping at Sturgeon’s kitten heels it will be well worth it. Please stop telling us all you are going to waste that opportunity. If I still lived in the Soo side mind I might be tempted to vote for slippery Sarwar to scanner Sturgeon. How good it would be watching the Queen of virtue signalling telling Mona Salih to do one for the queen bee.
Unfortunately, every word of this article is correct – except you leave out the fact that the Brit politicians are so awful that the SNP benefits from the failure of their rubbish opponents.
Correct that Alba is building a base for 2026 BUT you are assuming under NS that the SNP will still be the major party in Scotland – that is unlikely if NS is still in charge (but I think she’s burnt out and will step down soon).
What I find hard to take on board is that the SNP are going to introduce all these draconian rules and everyone in Scotland is going to meekly accept them.
Offensive Behaviour at Football Act didn’t last long nor did the Named Person Act.
link to
gullaneno04 @ 5.14pm
Vote what matters most to you.
If you want to vote for a failed government that failed to deliver their 2016 mandate, failed to protect Scotland from being taken out of the EU against its will, failed to protect powers being stripped from HR, then vote SNP 1 & 2.
On the flip side – if you care about gender politics / HCB and other woke crap then vote for SNP 1 & 2 – they’ll be sure to deliver on that.
If you support environmental issues you’ll be struggling to find coherent policies on this by the Scottish greens. But if you’re really uber woke, hate women, like co-conveners with nappy fetishes and a history of poor vetting that allows the likes of Aimee Challenor into your parent UK green party, then vote green.
Like I said, vote what matters most to you.
Anybody who is more neutral about independence can see that the last thing we need is another infependence party.
Scotland is crying out for a saner version of the New World Order parties.
The current situation is global and far bigger than independence.
Can anyone who actually lives in Glasgow Southside confirm whether Sarwar is even on the Constituency ballot?
Not the Southside pluggers please as you don’t seem to know your arse from your elbow.
Kirsty Blackman on Twitter having a ‘mare and digging herself deeper and deeper into delusion. Her answers to everything are prefaced or qualified with TWAW.
link to
@ winifred mccartney at 5.47
Labour wanted a slogan on the list ballots, referring to Anas Sarwar (using the “begins with A so nearer the top” tactic), but was knocked back by the Electoral Commission because there was a deadline.
Given that he had only just been elected leader, they appealed. Going by the pictures of postal ballots that are being tweeted, they failed.
Wikipedia still has him as the “Labour Co-op” candidate in Glasgow Southside (link to
@AYRSHIRE ROB 15 April, 2021 at 6:04 pm
“Can anyone who actually lives in Glasgow Southside confirm whether Sarwar is even on the Constituency ballot?”
See here ? link to
I can understand why people don’t want to vote SNP1 but I wonder whether AS knows how many elected SNP MSPs will likely cross the floor afterwards if he is recommending it? Additionally SNP1 increases the chances of Alba2 being successful. I live
in Southern Scotland so its a bit more difficult for me.
I have to say that if I lived in NS’s constituency I would be sorely tempted to go for her greatest rival in the hope of seeing Nurse Ratchett out on her arse.
I have to vote SNP if I want Alba to succeed, I have to but I don’t want to. I do not condone Sturgeon and her GRA/HCB, but somehow we have gotten ourselves to this limbo-land. We got here through trust. We trusted NS to have a cunning plan and she did, it was just never a plan to gain Independence, only to entrench her power and ultimate enrichment. A cunning plan, but not one to endear the public. Her legacy ain’t going to be pretty but she won’t care what we think. Do I really, really, need to vote SNP on the Constituency, can someone tell me different…?
Andy Plan D . I don’t know what planet yv swung in from but yv clearly not be following this blog very long .
The people you ACCUSE OF BEING STURGEONITES !!! are amongst her most articulate and vociferous critics , so do yourself and all of us a favour and go and sweep the streets of Govanhill or something constructive .
Also your obsessive advocacy of voting Sarwar to oust Sturgeon is fatally flawed , no matter what the outcome in May the SNP will find a way to keep Sadie Macbeth in the style she has become accustomed to , of that you can be 100% certain .
Ok , you can now add me to your list of supposed Sturgeonophiles .
Ayrshire Rob, see the link at link to for the list of candidates.
It is sad to note that the Scottish Parliament may well lack some of the charisma that it has had for the last fourteen years. At times like these, we need MSPs with a bit of personality – someone able to inspire an audience and make people think outside the box.
Totally unrelated, I see James Kelly is a mere fifth on the Labour list.
Hi Stu.,
I know you have a lot on your plate. Also Breeks is very eloquent at speaking up for himself and would do so if the abuse really bothered him. However, it utterly scanners me. “Andy”,,, three commas at 5.51pm on this thread has just done to Breeks what George Pearce did to you.
“Andy”,,, is turning into a highly abusive troll and when he writes what was written at 5.51pm this evening it is just disgusting abuse of a well respected contributor on these BTL boards.
“Andy”,,, has long since abandoned any pretence of debate and appears to get off asking whether BTL posters prefer “chicks with dicks” or whether Breeks and others here get their sexual gratification from accessing female changing rooms.
Stu., I am really sorry about the grief you get but this “Andy” poster has moved from a bit of banter to something far, far nastier.
Best of luck chief.
@Dinny Vote SNP says:
15 April, 2021 at 6:19 pm
“I have to vote SNP if I want Alba to succeed, I have to but I don’t want to. I do not condone Sturgeon and her GRA/HCB, but somehow we have gotten ourselves to this limbo-land. We got here through trust. We trusted NS to have a cunning plan and she did, it was just never a plan to gain Independence, only to entrench her power and ultimate enrichment. A cunning plan, but not one to endear the public. Her legacy ain’t going to be pretty but she won’t care what we think. Do I really, really, need to vote SNP on the Constituency, can someone tell me different…?”
You don’t have to Vote on the Constituency Vote if you don’t want too, tear it up and bin it or draw funny face on it if you want to , that doesn’t stop you from Voting on the List Paper , its two seperate Votes effectively so its your own choice what to do. Not voting on the first doesn’t stop you from voting on the second.
Skip_ NC
Aye but James Kelly is good for the entertainment factor alone.
“Naw I’ll no sit doon , a want to make a point of order”
On youtube, wee worth a look. Funny.
Aye, Ayrshire Rob, I have found myself looking at that once or twice just for a wee break and to cheer myself up. It reminds my there is an accountant out there who is more boring than me.
I think everyone is going to vote for the SNP, since it looks like everything will be free…
Rev, have you considered a mutiny within the SNP MSP’s after the election, ie they cross the floor to join the Alba party? There must be some prospective MSP’s who are as uncomfortable with Sturgeons direction as the rest of us, surely.
Velofello @ 5.52 pm
It would appear we reside in the same constituency. I agree that Siobhian Brown is a fine candidate. From what I know of her she is a hard working, decent and intelligent individual and ordinarily I would have no hesitation in voting for her. However she is standing for election under the banner of a thoroughly corrupt regime whose leaders have committed criminal acts knowing that they have the prosecuting authorities in their pocket. If she had been a principled politician I would have expected her to leave the SNP. The fact that she has not done so presents me with a quandary.
I respect AS and his irrefutable logic of voting SNP1 and Alba2 but the last thing I want is to have an SNP majority in Holyrood with, or without, the Greens. If that happens the SNP will not be purged and Sturgeon will continue to wreak havoc on our country. If I had a crystal ball and knew Alba would be the king maker in Holyrood I would hold my nose and vote SNP1 but I fear Sturgeon will triumph and I would rather not have assisted that by voting for her party.
I will decide over the next few weeks which way to jump but at the moment, to express my disgust with the SNP, I am more inclined to vote for the main challengers in my constituency who are the Tories. Never thought I would do that but it is a question of which is the greater evil. Sorry Siobhian, join Alba and you will have my vote in future elections.
“Kirsty Blackman
We have had enough consultations. Legislation needs to change to make legal gender recognition easier.”
How will this affect business? Could we end up seeing many gyms closing down and people losing their jobs.
Two of the gyms I know are the Royal Commonwealth Pool and the Virgin Gym in the Omni Centre.
The Royal Commonwealth Pool have 100s of cubicle where you can change no need to share a communal changing room.
The Virgin Gym in the Omni Centre has no cubicles just communal changing areas.
Both these gyms are alway advertising for new members.
If women are not happy to share communal changing rooms then ‘The Virgin Gym’ will lose members as will all gyms with only communal changing areas.
You can legislate all you like but you can’t force people to comply.
I see your pain. Trouble is with Andy is he’s self I’d as so many different people now he doesn’t know himself whether he should be a man or a women- irony eh.
IMHO he has a couple of subs on the bench floating if he did get hoofed. “Fergus” – for one ,you have been warned.
No offence to any genuine named Fergus people you know.
Very dissapointed in Nicola’s interview with Glen campbell
Indyref2 when pandemic over, in Scotland in UK in Europe??? Who knows
I am totally done with her. She did a great job on the pandemic but I am afraid she has been compromised with “her wee issue” and secured on the hook with her position on salmond
I do hope alba get enough of a start and Alex gets in
Well analysed again Stu. Having cast my postal vote today, Alba got my list a d like you say I wait for 2026 to see the real change
I do think Alba may gain more list seats than folk believe. They could be the true opposition for many issues including action on independence.
link to
It’s fairly shooting up
Elmac and velofello
This one is tight – a few hundred votes at last election.
Am still sleeping on it.
Crowdfunder will finish at 7 pm
My biggest problem and biggest horror is that Sturgeon and the other VILE cowards in the SNP gain a large majority and have no need for other support to govern. She will still cosy up to her fellow wokists in the greens to consolidate her lead and to piss off REAL WOMEN and those of us supporters of women’s rights and independence
I have literally just right now watched stv news and Peter Smith’s interview of Sturgeon and whether she would work with AS , the BILE spitting and emanating from that wee shite wae the mooth like a sparrows arse has made up my mind for me she can fuck right off
And you too gullane4
Tomorrow at 7pm, Ayrshire Rob.
Re an earlier comment above:
I find it strange that (according to a post above) people in France have so little understanding of Scotland as a separate people/nation/country.
Anyone with an interest in French rugby would surely know something about the different nations, perhaps less so with football, but certain Scots have also played a substantial role in French history, John Law being perhaps the most striking example, then there’s Scottish food and drink, which has a certain renown according to its provenance.
I’ve met many a Frenchman, German, Italian, Spaniard etc. who were aware of tensions within Great Brit-Anne (as George Galloway pronounces it) and knew the significance of Scotland as a separate nation.
Maybe this lack of awareness is recent, who knows?
It doesn’t ring true in my experience.
No tax rises free dentists! The world has just collapsed due to covid and we are experiencing shortages of food, microchips, semi-conductors etc.
Is Nicola going to feed us with five loaves and two fishes.
Wake up people and stop being so single idsue focused.
If anyone is working in science tell us how difficult it is to source materials.
15 April, 2021 at 6:49 pm
Crowdfunder will finish at 7 pm
Only 7 minutes to go?
Or is it 24hours & 7 minutes?
well folks, held my nose and voted SNP on the constituency and Alba on the list. if the SNP fail to progress with indyref2 or another method of Independence and alba stand on the constituency next time it’ll be NO Votes SNP
I think tonight Ruby- could be wrong as site confusing.
Thanks Ayrshire Rob,
I hadn’t realised three comatose Andy had multiple IDs. Poor Stu., having to keep banning whack-a-mole erses.
The frustrating thing about Andy/Senga/Ferguson/Belfucks is they pull you in first with something that resonates.
I, along with many others am REALLY struggling with the idea of voting SNP1. But it’s been proven a hundred times over…
The more constituency seats the SNP get, then the MORE LIST SEATS ALBA GET.
Many folk on Wings BTL talk a great deal of sense, but the likes of Andy makes me want to get my Glasgow friends voting anything but Sarwar!!!,,,!!!,,,
Just had a look at the ForWomen Scotland site. The case for keeping natal women on public boards has fallen. This has become an issue of human rights for women. I think the group have used the wrong arguments, to an extent. I think it is time to take the SNPG to court to prove that trans women can fight natal women’s corner on every issue that affects women, from specifically female cancers and treatment to periods, abortion, testing medications on females for safety before allowing on the market, childbirth, great feeding, female hormones, the menopause, etc.
I would like Nicola Sturgeon to have one of her trans warriors explain all of these in purely female – biological sex – ways, while referring to his ladyd**k and womb less, ovary less abdomen. If trans women ARE women and can speak for us, then transmen ARE men and can speak for men, their breasts and vaginas intact. They can speak about prostate cancer, for example, BEING men. No need for either natal women or natal men. So, Nicola, when is that trans woman coming to take your place as FM to speak on your behalf, eh, without affecting your femininity?
Go to the UN directly, ForWomen, not the Scottish courts. It is time for direct action on both independence and on women’s rights.
15 April, 2021 at 6:58 pm
I think tonight Ruby- could be wrong as site confusing.
Below the big orange ‘support us button’ it says
Flexible funding – this project will receive all pledges made by 16th April 2021 at 7:00pm
I’ve just checked and today is Thursday and it’s the 15th.
Jonny Martini
You didnae ken ma mammy. She could feed the whole street and still have left overs for ma da’ s piece for doon the pit the next day!
Crowdfunder finishes at 7pm on 16th April
Yes Ruby
It has changed to hours now. 23 hrs to go!
Ayrshire Rob, from the Crowdfunder website (Support Us in orange)
Support Us
Flexible funding – this project will receive all pledges made by 16th April 2021 at 7:00pm
It is definitely the 16th tomorrow. I know this because today must be the 15th as I have an enormous tax deadline to meet. Currently skating towards the finish but just waiting for the ‘phone to explode in a couple of hours.
also worth noting the Alba Party Lothians have a crowdfunder too – link was emailed to me from the party email address in a newsletter so seems legit—lothians
Voting SNP 1 for purely arithmetical reasons is fair enough.
But how can anyone be expected to thole another five years of this woman in *any* role in Scottish public life.
It’s unimaginable.
Perhaps she’ll get her dream UN job, if that’s what she really wants. In which case, cheerio hen.
But what if she decides to stick it out?
I can’t and won’t speak for anyone else but if she is still FM two months from now then I”m done with the whole fuckin thing.
She simply cannot be allowed to get away with what she’s done, and if she does? then this isn’t a nation that deserves independence.
Competition time:
Who can best sum up the SNP election campaign in less than 10 words?
I bags first shot:
“At least we’re no the Tories.”
So Sturgeon is now saying a referendum in the next five years.
And the reason is, the pandemic.
Whoo hoo hoo, suckers. Its the Indy party not.
Still laughing at Breeks being described as a Sturgeon Roadie. You’d think anyone who’d read his stuff for the last six or seven years would know better.
My problem is my MSM is a Sturgeon loyalist and woker than woke. Until Alba appeared I was spoiling the constituency vote with a mature, considered comment
and voting for one of the smaller indy parties. I’m still not happy about voting SNP on the CV but if AS can advocate it after what he’s been through, I have to consider it seriously.
The other consideration is that, if Alba had some Holyrood representation, there would be the possibility that disgruntled SNP MSPs could cross the floor whenever they felt like it. There must be a few decent ones, after all, who are sick of The Great Dictator and her autocratic GRA/HCB policies but previously felt they had no room for manoeuvre.
The bonus is she could have lots of sleepless, sweaty nights wondering who was going to Ides-of-March her next. That idea does appeal to me.
I’ve been watching the Kcor/Andy sockpuppet since his ‘Glasgow Racer’ account got banned.
‘Glasow Racer’ got a warning from Stu about being abusive to other posters which he ignored and which I took a delight in highlighting to Stu. He got banned!
He’s been stalking me since then.
He’s got a fair number of accounts. I reckon about ten.
Any time he posts there’s always a post congratulating him on a good post.
Still playing at being Inspector Clouseau.
And like him, you and your wee gang of conspiracy theorists seem to be obsessed with my identity.
I’d say about half of Wings contributors are taking the same stance as me and will not be giving the SNP their Vote.
But for some reason you are on my case only.
You and the usual suspects of Ruby, Famous 15, Al Stuart are all Sturgeon Roadies and will go after anyone who dares to say a bad word against her.
You lot haven’t got an ounce of sense between you.
Why not do the right thing and back my Campaign to stop the SNP in their tracks.
Only perverts vote for the SNP, the most perverted political Party in the world.
Promised you a miracle..
link to
You’ve been on the Buckfast, so popular with your people.
Alba list representation requires SNP constituency votes.
Otherwise it ain’t gonna work.
Does anyone know which SNP Constituency seats are marginal! These are the crucial seats. If the SNP loses them then their share of list seats could benefit.
With the exception of Glasgow s /side where labour 1 SNP 2 is the preferred route a lot of other seats are considered safe SNP with a large majority and so there could be some leeway for those who really can’t vote SNP1 but if too many don’t vote SNP1 then ALBA list seats are at risk.
I think it has to be SNP1ALBA 2 as trying to ‘game the system’ is too risky.
even though I will find that hard to do in Wooky Hole HQ Stirling.
I thought the 400 people who attended the women’s conference was a very positive indicator for Alba .I am pleased to see that Alex is going after the bullies who threatened the participants. I think the women’s vote will be surprisingly significant for Alba
I think Alex is doing an excellent job with his media events to keep Alba in the forefront of the news
The SNP may not care but Alba is showing that they do!
You must have missed… that age old get out phrase when meeting those french who have that inbred hatred of the english. `Mois, anglaise? Mai non Monsieur, je suis Ecossais` The response is always, `Ecosse? J`aime L`Ecossais, Voulez-vous un Whisky avec moi?`
Lorna Campbell says:
15 April, 2021 at 6:59 pm
Just had a look at the ForWomen Scotland site. The case for keeping natal women on public boards has fallen.
I’m not disagreeing with you Lorna, but I think using terms like “natal women” is a trap to get you thinking past the sale that a guy in a dress can be some sort of “woman”.
They can’t. It’s not a real thing, it’s a mental health crisis disguised as a human rights issue.
AYRSHIRE ROB/robbo said I am someone called Fergus.
What are you lot like?
You all seem to be obsessed with my identity.
We are talking about how perverted the SNP are,,, why does it matter who posted it,,,the fact is that all non perverts would be discussing that.
Says a lot more about your gang of four than it does of me and my so called many identities.
Ok Ruby,,, you’re too good for me,,,I have twenty identities on this site,,,so what are you going to do about it???
Just what is your point caller???
I will still continue campaiagning for Not to Vote SNP.
Let’s move on now.
Let’s all start acting like grown ups.
Oh Ruby dear
Glasgow racer was quite a recent wan.He’s been plaguing this site since the days of ” Dog Biscuit ” years ago.
elmac and Ayrshire Rob:
For me it is a question of pragmatism versus my inner voice – conscience(?). As I noted above,Siobhian Brown does seem a fine person, and I campaigned keenly for Dr Phillipa Whitford to be elected, but casting my support for a party leader, Sturgeon, who was complicit in attempting to consign a +60 year old man to prison on spurious charges, and who then proceeds to question the jury verdict, and smears the man is beyond the pale for me.
Regards Sturgeon’s “professional conduct”, I never failed to take my own notes of meeting through my professional career, her performance before the parliament committee was a disgrace. Trouble was that none of the committee had the ability, to address her vagueness, and resolve to justly reduce her to tears.
link to
Foreign Press Association Briefing Alex Salmond 14 4 2021
@Anne C 15 April, 2021 at 3:18 pm
“I’ve never not voted, I’ve never spoiled my ballot.
This year I’m going to have to do one or the other.”
Well you get two seperate Ballot papers so have a choice of being able to do both
I’ve just had a fine daydream…
Alba gets 20-30 MSPs elected. The day after the declaration, there is a mass exodus of SNP MSPs to Alba, resulting in Alba having more than the SNP.
On the first day of the new parliament, the SNP put NS forward as First Minister.
Alba put forward AS.
Who would Labour, Tory and Greens vote for?
My vote is always available, however, I cannot vote to empower the rank corruption and criminality of ‘This SNP’, further, it holds its own supporters (I’ve loaned SNP/Wishart my vote for over 10 years) in utter contempt, and maliciously scorns the aspirations of key stakeholder: the independence movement (re. super-majority/democracy-independence-max), while voting British unionist is out of the question.
Despite having zero viable constituency voting options (for the first time in my voting lifetime), beacon of hope ALBA will be receiving my list vote.
I’m gutted to inform Scotland: ‘This SNP’ is the primary factor in spoiling my vote (a scenario I believed inconceivable).
You have lost the plot.
So my name is not Fergus, it is Andy.
Must remember to tell the family.
The wife got one of these leaflets I didn’t. Voted today and posted it. SNP 1 didn’t want to but did and Alba Party 2.
The SNP are going all out to bribe the electorate.
Smacks of desperation.
It didn’t work for Corbyn.
At some level people just don’t believe the promised spending.
Quite a wee bitch fest on here today it seems , I missed a bit as I was on shift at food bank
I’ll be redundant soon , Niclas sorting it ……
Some of our punters tonight will love the free dental care
However much people don’t want to hear it, the SNP 1 / Alba 2 mantra, though understandable and probably defensible as a political tactic, is most likely to lead to an SNP (or SNP/Green) majority and a limited number of Alba seats.
I understand why the Alba leadership are making a virtue of not standing in the constituencies – not that it has stopped the SNPs attacks on them whereas they’ve been strangely silent on the Greens doing it in a dozen seats – but if you’re prepared to be open minded you have to admit that there is a case for tactical voting (or at least abstention) to deny the SNP a majority.
If you honestly believe the risks of an SNP majority are less than the risks of tactical voting, then good luck to you: but don’t try and pretend that ONLY your route is either sane or possible. For my part, I’d far rather see the SNP lose a few constituency seats even if it impacts on Alba list seats, than risk 5 years of SNP/Green stasis and the dystopian policies they will try and force through.
It’s a tight one I grant you and after the last 2 years it’s a very difficult call for us. There’s only 2% in it on last election turnout, so few hundred votes.
Am still sleeping on it and will decide between Siobhian who at least is more pleasing on the eye than auld John Scott- no offence John lol
Anyhow we’ll see what happens if big man up stairs spares me till 6th May.
Rev. Stuart Campbell says,
“But imagine if Alba had some theoretical leverage because SNP+Greens wasn’t enough to pass an indy bill, and Alba said “We won’t support it unless you dump self-ID”.”
I don’t think ALBA led by Alex Salmond would ever not support an indy bill.
“The SNP could just call their bluff and blame them if the indy bill didn’t pass. There’s no downside to that for the SNP, because they don’t really WANT the indy bill to pass, for a whole slew of reasons we’ve gone into before.”
There would be no bluff to call as the SNP has absolutely no intention of ever bringing an indy bill.
Their perfect excuse COVID is not going to go away in the next 5 years.
That’s an atrocious post Fergus atrocious I say Lmao
You have a nice day now.
The SNP goons proclaim no IndRef til Covid conquered.
Corona viruses, including the common cold, have no cure.
Effectively we are being fooled by a government quite conceivably in thrall to outside interests.
And it’s by no means alone.
link to
Covid is a smokescreen for corruption.
And Vax = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for the corrupters.
Rev. Stuart Campbell says,
“I don’t recall saying there was a solution. Why do you think I’m so glum atm?”
The only person in Scotland who could possibly provide an acceptable solution is YOU.
What do you think of my idea:
1. Don’t just stop at abstaining or spoiling the ballot – vote tactically to defeat the SNP candidate in the constituency.
2. But do that only for the most obnoxious SNP candidates like Sturgeon, Swinney, Yousaf, Robertson etc, especially those who are unlikely to get back on the list.
3. Give the list vote to ALBA wherever you are voting.
That should give us the desired result: Lots of ALBA MSPs, no SNP majority, the corrupt lying criminal SNP MSPs out.
The remaining SNP puppets will be forced to make deals.
If they make deals with ALBA, we move forward to independence.
If they make deals with the unionists, they will be exposed and ALBA can go for all of them next time.
Alex Salmond has given us a Plan B but we can be even smarter and turn it into a Plan C.
We must not follow the SNP 1 / ALBA 2 mantra universally, but adapt it to Best solution 1 / ALBA 2.
Abstaining from voting ALBA 2 doesn’t make any sense to anyone genuinely interested in independence.
What we need is a detailed guide per constituency and per region.
Please give us this on Wings Over Scotland and then it will be upto your many readers and supporters to deliver.
Your word will be respected by all genuine independence supporters reading Wings Over Scotland.
And if you do it soon, Agent Shirlie willing, the word can be spread far and wide in time for the election.
Scuse I , I meant clients
If it’s broke fix it.
Last night the STV conducted a “leaders” debate that excluded Alba, a party, just two weeks old with a larger membership than the Greens and the LIbDems.
And so these “leaders” waffled on like at a wee club meeting, content in their Holyrood List seat security, voicing the same old stuff they spout at Holyrood, complacent to the political reality that they have no prospect of being elected to govern. Alba is potentially a realistic challenge to the SNP that none of them are.
The BBC and STV debates are pointless without ALBa’s involvement.
JSC says,
“Everyone in Edinburgh Central, whatever you do, please remember….
ANYONE but Angus”
That splits the anti Angus vote and lets him in.
We need intelligent tactical voting for the candidadte most likely to defeat Angus.
Especially if he is unlikely to get in on the list vote.
“You really are as thick as shit”
Thank you. Coming from you I take this as the compliment of the century.
“Sarwar will become an MSP no matter what the outcome of the Constituency Vote is”
Sure. But it will never be the same if the “leader” of the branch is elected personally via the constituency than if he has to go through the humiliation of getting in by the backdoor on the list. I say, if he must get in, let him get in through the back door.
“So I am going to “use” Sarwar because he is the ONLY candidate who has any chance of taking the seat from Sturgeon”
A candidate that will be counted as an anti-independence seat, will fight against independence and that was so coward that could not even bring himself to vote against the hate bill, betraying women and our freedom of speech. Your choice does not seem to favour independence nor women nor freedom of speech. Seems to go against them both.
If I have to choose between Sturgeon or Sarwar in Holyrood, I rather see Sturgeon. Why? Because I want to watch how Mr Salmond tears her a new one, puts that liar in her place and exposes her for the political fraud she is. After she betrayed us for 6 years and abused our pro indy votes to undermine women and put children in danger for the sake of her american pals and corporations getting richer, I think at the very least, we women deserve at least to see her squirm in pain (metaphorically speaking) during the parliamentary sessions. I am already thinking in buying a hand counter to count how many times she blinks every time Mr Salmond challenges her in Parliament.
“being a Sturgeon Roadie”
“you just like twisting the story to suit your agenda”
Do I?
“a bit like your hero Sturgeon”
Sturgeon is not my hero. In my eyes she is a loser, the most undemocratic, unprincipled, unethical, hypocritical and untrustworthy FM Scotland has ever seen. As far as I know she is the only one that has betrayed Scotland’s popular sovereignty by embracing an English convention. She will go down in history as the loser that lost us more powers, rights and assets than all Scotland’s previous FM combined.
I do not choose losers, cheaters, backstabbers, liars, hypocrites and betrayers as heroes. I think you are mistaking me with somebody else.
Yes, let’s do it. let’s eject all the “leaders” that betrayed women, children, our democracy and our right to self determination out of our parliament. Let’s evict Sturgeon, Harvie, Rennie, Sarwar and DRoss. Let’s get our parliament back.
Only if you want to hand to the useless labour seats for free. This ain’t a tombola. This is an election. If we want a pro indy supermajority we should DENY votes to labour, not to hand them to them for free.
Let me remind you that the coward Sarwar did not vote against the hate bill either. Let me remind you as well that Sarwar is another undemocratic looser, just like Dross, And Rennie. None of them is prepared to accept Scotland’s right to see their mandate for indyref fulfilled nor exercise their right in self-determination. But they are all so useless that they are unable to produce any convincing or justifiable reason apart from the old tired script their respective parties have been using since the oil was discovered.
Folks, I’m going to leaflet for Alba the wee villages north east of Perth – out towards Coupar Angus.
They often get neglected when it comes to political campaigning.
Door to door campaigning I think is still not allowed, but if in the passing I can find out peoples issues and a contact e-mail or community facebook contact, then I will pass that on to Alba and ask them to get back to folk to address their concerns.
Does anyone know where I can uplift the Leaflets from? I have transport (a van), and are there other folk in the Perthshire/Fife area that need a supply. I could drop some off.
For info as well. Iain Lawson has asked any and all who do leafleting to keep him updated. He’s got lots of campaign experience, I suspect he’ll use the info for the best.
Lets get this done.
I couldn’t give two f,cks what Sarwar has done or intends to do.
I am going to “use” him to de-throne the perverted criminal Nicola Sturgeon.
Try telling it to someone who gives a f,ck.
Just like the guy Andy, I will prepare for Incoming from the guy AYRSHIRE ROB
By at 4.23pm
“…France which is barely 30km from the British Isles and more than a few people have even heard of Scotland…”
That’s not true.
Brian at 5.36pm
“I find it funny that the SNP car through the door was a addressed to me a Scot and all the Unionist cards have been addressed to my partner who is English. Strange…”
That’s not true, either.
You’re in for it.
How dare you say that to Mia
@ Ayrshire Rob, Elmac, and Velofello
Looking at the list of candidates for Ayr constituency (link to, you have a choice between:
Tory incumbent John Scott
SNP challenger Siobhan Brown
Labour’s Esther Clark (mother of Baroness Katy)
a LibDem
and Chic Brodie, former SNP MSP and now co-founder of Scotia Future. (He’s also their lead/only list candidate in South Scotland). If you want someone to vote for who supports independence but isn’t SNP, Chic would qualify. (Disclaimer – I’m not connected to him in any way, though I remember that he exposed the MoD’s veto on oil exploration in the Firth of Clyde.)
He’s not going to win, though, so if that matters most, it would be a waste to support him. He’s just a way of avoiding the nose clothes peg.
Nicola Sturgeon will have nothing to do with ALBA before the election,,,and certainly won’t have anything to do with him after the election.
It is for people like me and the guy Fergus and Kcor to campaign against her even winning her seat.
You have all saw how Sturgeon operates,,,and that lady is not for turning.
There is not a hope in hell of the ALBA Party having any influence on when we will have our referendum.
Mia says,
“I don’t want just Sturgeon to be ejected from the seat, I want Sturgeon, Rennie, Dross, Harvie and Sarwar ejected from the seats for betraying Scottish women and children and for betraying our democracy and right to self determination.”
In the given situation, the only one of those who could possibly be ejected from their seat is Sturgeon.
As Andy very rightly says vote Sarwar 1 and ALBA 2 in the Glasgow Southside constituency.
Your repeatedly stated position of either getting rid of all or none doesn’t make any sense.
If we are super smart, we take the available opportunity of getting rid of one of them now.
If we are super dumb, we miss the opportunity and wait for the time it becomes possible to get rid of all of them, knowing perfectly well that it is highly unlikely.
It is like being offered £1,000,000 now or the highly unlikely possibility of being offered £10,000,000 in the future.
I would take £1,000,000 now whereas you would wait for that future £10,000,000.
I don’t stay in Sturgeon’s Constituency, but I admire the fight you are putting up against such a corrupt politician.
Your critics have a reason to pile into you, they don’t like the SNPs dirty linen getting washed in a public forum.
Weeshit for Indy as they say.
I need to let you into a secret,,,did you know that I am you and you are me, and we are both Fergus.
I agree with voting Sarwar to oust Nicola. 100%.
If I lived in Glasgow South, I’d definitely do that. If there was an organised plan along those lines, I’d happily contribute to crowd fund it.
22 hours left on the Alba crowdfunding, stretch target £7k away
All Wingers who haven’t yet should be throwing a few quid at it while you still can,
Let’s get Indy front and centre after May.
Enough pontificating time for action!
link to
Aw’ whut, Andy.
Are you forgetting your previous incarnations as Ronald Fraser, Clyde, Lawrence, Samuel, Frank Ness, Charles Dixon, et al?
Indeed Stuart, a denial of democracy. Create the illusion of choice where there is none and disenfranchise the population.
There is a medical maxim: futile intervention is worse than no intervention at all.
Voting for the SNP is not just futile, it is reckless.
I am not sure I understand the sense of this post. I mean, I agree with its content, but, on the other hand, is the SNP likely to lose ANY vote because of the Salmond fiasco? No, so why should she/they care about what anyone thinks? Why should anyone resign?
Andy and Kcor
Two accounts, one squaddie.
AndyH says,
“Alba list representation requires SNP constituency votes.”
Don says,
“Seriously ? Then how on earth do the ScotGreens get people elected without people having to Vote SNP ? List votes aren’t dependent on having to Vote SNP.”
I believe Don is right, but someone who knows for sure could clarify.
Ruby says,
“I’ve been watching the Kcor/Andy sockpuppet since his ‘Glasgow Racer’ account got banned.”
“He’s got a fair number of accounts. I reckon about ten.”
If you want to play that game:
Ruby says (“Three choices”),
“I’m voting SNP 1/2 because I want Nicola Sturgeon to have to face the consequences of her actions.”
gullaneno4 says:
15 April, 2021 at 5:00 pm
“The posters on here who have steadfastly said that they will not vote for the SNP as first vote have convinced me to go SNP 1&2.”
Ruby/gullaneno4 sockpuppet?
Just noticed a twitter link from someone leaving Labour in Wales and maybe joining Plaid Cymru,
normally i would think that as a positive for Plaid Cymru,
then checked the twitter bio (biography) of said person,
she/her was its `pronouns`,
the misogynist parasites are leaving the Labour corpse in Wales and infesting Plaid Cymru.
What a coincidence that the FM eases restrictions on gatherings and movement precisely when she needs her faithful out knocking doors, meeting people, persuading them that the Great Leader is seeing us through the worst thing that’s ever happened.
Even the dogs in the street know that many of the same Scots who did countless hours of unpaid work in the run-up to indy1, and in the elections since, are now flatly refusing to pound the streets again.
Since lockdown started we’ve known, right here, when it would be eased, hardened-up, every single time. It’s all on the record here, in the archives, since last March. And that’s something which believers and sceptics have in common – it has been so predictable, and predicted, since the very start, that one would be forgiven for thinking that it’s actually scripted.
Well, this fortuitous lull in the plague will only serve Sturgeon’s script if enough of the footsoldiers she’s relied on in the past actually answer the call. Hence the fresh bribes every other day.
But they’re not biting.
Oh dear. What a pity.
Anyone fancy a bet on when Lockdown 3 starts, and who’ll be to blame?
“Try telling it to someone who gives a f,ck”
How about you lead by example?
Ruby says,
“I’ve been watching the Kcor/Andy sockpuppet since his ‘Glasgow Racer’ account got banned.”
“He’s been stalking me since then.”
You are “watching” Kcor/Andy but Kcor/Andy is “stalking” you?
Because you are a self identified woman?
Ruby says (The seekers of fury),
“If you were trying to set yourselves up as the moral guardians of women’s rights you would most definitely not want ‘Kcor/Andy’ representing you.”
The only woman Kcor/Andy are attacking is your beloved Sturgeon, and that is not because she is a woman.
I only refer to you as she because of your posting name. For all I know, you could be a man posting as Dr Jim on another blog.
Crazy cat
Re Siobhian Brown . She is only 7th on list for south Scotland i think via SNP so very unlikely to get in on list. Her best chance is constituency only. Now, whether to give the lass a break or let John Scott add to his massive pension portfolio could be a deciding factor for a lot of people. It’s always a swing seat .
Only 21 more sleeps to decide- the drama’s, the drama’s eh
Thank you for the link, Ruby – fantastic to hear Alex answering genuine questions.
All this ‘We won’t work with Alba’, PISH!!
It’s exactly what the Westminster parties say about the SNP and demonstrates that the SNP is devoid of any original thinking. Like Covid, they’re taking their lead from Westminster.
It doesn’t matter what they say now anyway, when push comes to shove, they’ll HAVE to work with each other.
Also, Mia, ignore the fuckwits and keep writing great posts
Brian number two “bucket man” just couldn’t resist the cowardly pile on.
Howz “bucket man” number One Mr Toon?
Not heard from your partner in crime for a few years.
“One to you, one to me”
The two of you are worse than the crook Sturgeon.
I’d prefer if you tried not making any contact with me Mr Bucket man.
Only perverts vote for the SNP.
Ian Brotherhood says:
15 April, 2021 at 9:17 pm
Anyone fancy a bet on when Lockdown 3 starts, and who’ll be to blame?
Sometime in July maybe Glasgow Fair time and who to blame ALBA always.
Mist001. 9.32
There is not a hope in hell of Sturgeon working with Salmond.
The only way we can fix the Scottish Parliament is by having a wholesale clear out.
Only perverts vote for the SNP.
Sarwar was shown the exit door at Westminster in 2014 by his Glasgow constituents who judged him to be a sleazy disingenuous political beastie seeking his own attainment milking his constituent’s misery with the goal of attaining political stardom and personal gain.
His popularity in the Party is not mirrored in the community who rejected him when became clear he was a charlatan who enjoyed a life of capitalist excess whilst representing many of his constituents whose existence was dependent on food banks.
link to
Mia says,
“Sure. But it will never be the same if the “leader” of the branch is elected personally via the constituency than if he has to go through the humiliation of getting in by the backdoor on the list. I say, if he must get in, let him get in through the back door.”
The same would apply to Sturgeon if she was defeated in her Glasgow Southside constituency and had to cheat her way back through the list by bribing or throwing under the bus the SNP BAME candidate at the top of the Glasgow list.
You want Sarwar to be humiliated but you absoulutely don’t want your beloved Sturgeon to be humiliated.
Whatever Sarwar is, it was not him who tried to get Alex Salmond jailed on false charges of rape.
Super smart voter: Vote tactically for Sarwar to get Sturgeon out, with no automatic entry back via list.
Super dumb voter: Let Sturgeon win in constituency, doesn’t matter that Sarwar gets back automatically on list.
@cynicalHighlander (9.36) –
Thank you kindly dear sah, your prediction is hereby noted.
Hi “Andy” (RASP).
You typed,
“Not heard from your partner in crime for a few years.”
Now, who would my “partner in crime” be – and what CRIME are you alleging?
Come clean – so that you can be referred to my lawyer.
(You really are a poor example of the human gene pool.)
“In the given situation, the only one of those who could possibly be ejected from their seat is Sturgeon”
I don’t think so.
“As Andy very rightly says”
Rightly for whom? Sarwar and the British establishment that is seeking an exit door for Sturgeon? No thanks. I don’t think she deserves an easy exit. I think she deserves 5 years of sleepless nights facing her nemesis at Holyrood sitting on the lid to stop all that compromising evidence coming up to the surface.
“Your repeatedly stated position of either getting rid of all or none doesn’t make any sense”
Errr nope. I want to see every “leader” of the parties that betrayed women, children and our freedom of speech out of Holyrood. Every one of them. I also want to see Robertson losing the seat. The only one I would accept remaining is Sturgeon, but only for the pleasure of watching her misplaced arrogance, betrayal, stubbornness, procrastination and self-importance spilled all over the floor after Mr Salmond tears her to pieces in every debate. Frankly, all the chiefs of the colonial parties and Harvie are like broken records. You would not even notice if they were no longer in Holyrood. You would certainly not miss them. They do not even have entertaining value any more.
“If we are super smart, we take the available opportunity of getting rid of one of them now”
If you are going to get rid of just one, at least make it count for the pro independence cause, getting rid of a colonialist one.
“If we are super dumb, we miss the opportunity and wait for the time it becomes possible to get rid of all of them, knowing perfectly well that it is highly unlikely”
I think it is even more dumb to hand pro-indy seats to the colonial parties. If you hand the constituency seat to Sarwar, you also hand a list seat to the SNP losing one seat for ALBA. How is that smart? If you are going to tell me that the person at the head of the list for the SNP is a nice one, nicer than the political fraud, save it. It is a list seat, meaning they cannot defy the whip and cannot defect without losing the seat. It is a dead beat. It is only constituency seats that can defect to another party or becoming an independent. Sorry, but I rather see a fully functioning ALBA seat instead and Mr Salmond tearing the fraud a new one than the nice person at the top of the SNP list wishing they did not have to follow Robertson whip.
“It is like being offered £1,000,000 now or the highly unlikely possibility of being offered £10,000,000 in the future”
Nope. It is like asking why should I be content with £1,000,000 now when I can have £10,000,000? Who said about waiting for the future? I want to see all the colonial chiefs gone in may.
“I would take £1,000,000 now whereas you would wait for that future £10,000,000”
Err nope. I would take the £10,000,000 now. Thank you.
Brian bucket
I would prefer if you stopped being a pest.
I am not interested in you or your posts.
You are a bore.
Please annoy somebody else.
Sarwar will be on a plane to Pakistan in the very near future.His daddy will have a nice wee number lined up for him.
His UK citizenship will be rescinded without a care in the world.
Southside pluggers will be searching Glasgow for a new unionist messiah. James Kelly do you Andy boy?
When you suggest asking people not to vote SNP, it doesn’t half bring out the Sturgeon Roadies.
We seem to have had an influx of these Sturgeon Roadies over the past week or two.
Did a certain website close down or something???
“The same would apply to Sturgeon”
Sure, but you would have lost one Alba seat for the privilege. No thanks. Voting Sarwar in the constituency to get rid of Sturgeon will lose ALBA one seat if not more. I do not see how that is an advantage for independence. I rather watch Mr Salmond tearing the political fraud to pieces with an extra ALBA seat than watching Sarwar’s inflated ego on a constituency seat.
“You want Sarwar to be humiliated but you absoulutely don’t want your beloved Sturgeon to be humiliated”
Oh, I want to see her humiliated in Holyrood by Mr Salmond and the Alba MSPs on every debate.
“Whatever Sarwar is, it was not him who tried to get Alex Salmond jailed on false charges of rape”
Yet, he is a coward who didn’t even find the backbone to oppose the hate bill, betraying women and children. He is undemocratic, because he refuses to accept that the people of Scotland has been asking for a referendum since 2016, and he refuses to accept the people of Scotland have the right to exercise their self determination. He “leads” the branch of an England political party that is in Holyrood to protect England’s interests to the detriment of those of Scotland. Sorry, those to me are equally bad.
“Super smart voter: Vote tactically for Sarwar to get Sturgeon out, with no automatic entry back via list”
There is nothing super smart in handing to Labour a free seat when you can hand that seat to ALBA.
“Super dumb voter: Let Sturgeon win in constituency”
From where I am standing what is super-dumb if you are a pro independence supporter is to hand a free seat to a colonial party when you could hand that seat to ALBA, a political party that not only openly campaigns for independence, but also for the rights of women and children.
I think Boris Johnson is playing Sturgeon like a fish. Pardon the pun.
Will you please stop pestering me.
Annoy some other poor Bastard.
Have you absolutely nothing relevant to add to the current debate???
I know you are obsessed with my identity, but think really hard and try to post something relating to today’s thread.
Which coward is going to pile on next???
Keyboard cowards.
Al-Stuart says,
“but the likes of Andy makes me want to get my Glasgow friends voting anything but Sarwar!!!,,,!!!,,,”
Because like Ruby and Mia and ROB from Nicola’s AYRSHIRE and gullaneno4 and other posters who absolutely don’t want Sturgeon to be defeated in Glasgow Southside, should we assume that you are all one and the same posting under different names?
By the way, in addition to myself, Andy and Fergus, Hatuey is also in favour of unseating Sturgeon. Don’t forget to mention him as being one and the same as Kcor/Andy/Fergus/Hatuey
Hatuey says,
“I agree with voting Sarwar to oust Nicola. 100%.
If I lived in Glasgow South, I’d definitely do that. If there was an organised plan along those lines, I’d happily contribute to crowd fund it.”
@Mia 9.55pm
Forgive me, but I’m struggling to see the logic of not taking the opportunity to stop selected SNP candidates in constituencies when it may be the best way to prevent an SNP or SNP/Green majority?
Logically we need fewer SNP MSPs not mindlessly repeat the “max the Yes” mantra.
“We seem to have had an influx of these Sturgeon Roadies over the past week or two”
Do you think? Because what I see multiplying here like the miracle of the fish and the bread is those who are hoping Sturgeon may just get a painless exit instead of enduring the humiliation of having to face Mr Salmond tearing her a new one in Holyrood continuously for the next 5 years, exposing her for the political fraud she is.
For the attention of Ruby/Mia/ROB from Nicola’s AYRSHIRE/gullaneno4/Al-Stuart
Next time make it Kcor/Andy/Fergus/Hatuey/Meg merrilees as one and the same:
Meg merrilees says,
“With the exception of Glasgow s /side where labour 1 SNP 2 is the preferred route”
Mia says,
“Sure, but you would have lost one Alba seat for the privilege.”
Pray explain how.
Andy @ 9.59 pm
I did powder puff around 2 hrs b4 you started your daily rant this afternoon. Maybe you weren’t in the office at the time and you were stuck on a bus in Southside? I don’t know?
The Profanity and All-Caps Troll,
`Unlike some of the more intelligent trolls like the debate troll, the grammar troll and the blabbermouth troll, the profanity and all-caps troll is the guy who has nothing really of value to add to the discussion, spewing only F-bombs and other curse words with his caps lock button left on.
In many cases, these types of trolls are just bored kids looking for something to do without needing to put too much thought or effort into anything. On the other side of the screen, they’re often harmless.`
Mia says,
“Oh, I want to see her humiliated in Holyrood by Mr Salmond and the Alba MSPs on every debate.”
You were of the same opinion before ALBA even existed.
Did you want to see her being humiliated by Sarwar in Holyrood then?
Hi Andy Ellis.
I feel we have to get rid of around 5 or 6 SNP MSPs.
Sturgeon, Swinnie, Yousaf, Somerville, Mr Dempsie, and take your pick.
Edinburgh Central – either vote Bonnie Prince Bob, to remove 1 vote from Mr Dempsie, or vote Tory, to keep the status quo, by reducing his vote by 1, and increasing the Tory vote by 1.
It’s all to play for.
You do realise that some of the posters you have a go at have been here for years? I won’t vote for a unionist that doesn’t want independence, ever!
Now that’s cleared up continue with your master plan in Southside. It does not effect me. I don’t live there. I live in a posh house in Ayrshire beside the sea.Lovely this time of year .
Have a nice day ya’ll
“Forgive me, but I’m struggling to see the logic of not taking the opportunity to stop selected SNP candidates in constituencies when it may be the best way to prevent an SNP or SNP/Green majority?”
If you do that you will be losing ALBA seats which is detrimental to our cause. What is the point of stopping an SNP majority if you will be reducing at the same time the number of ALBA seats, stopping ALBA acting as a functional opposition and giving an excuse to the powers that be to claim there is no appetite for independence?
We know Sturgeon is a fraud and we know that for as long as she is in control of the SNP we will not see that referendum, but internationally, the SNP is still seen as a pro indy party, therefore the support for independence in absence of a referendum is going to be measured by the number of pro indy seats in Holyrood and pro indy votes.
The utility of ALBA in HOlyrood is not just to hold the levers of power. It is to restore the threshold of what a pro independence party is. To restore the equilibrium. Until now, the SNP got away with pretending to be pro independence because the colonial parties are going to enormous lengths to tell us that. We could only compare the SNP with colonial parties that are constantly refusing a referendum. The presence of ALBA in Holyrood will leave the SNP uncovered and will either force it towards independence or will expose them as another colonial party.
Ian @ 9.17 and cynical highlander @. 9.36
Not sure of date, but folk enjoying themselves in the pub is my bet.
“Did you want to see her being humiliated by Sarwar in Holyrood then?”
ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!
How is Sarwar ever going to humiliate Sturgeon when they are in the same team? The woman is more blairite than Peter Mandelson. Are you having a laugh?
Kcor says,
“Whatever Sarwar is, it was not him who tried to get Alex Salmond jailed on false charges of rape”
Mia says,
“Yet, he is a coward who didn’t even find the backbone to oppose the hate bill, betraying women and children. He is undemocratic, because he refuses to accept that the people of Scotland has been asking for a referendum since 2016, and he refuses to accept the people of Scotland have the right to exercise their self determination. He “leads” the branch of an England political party that is in Holyrood to protect England’s interests to the detriment of those of Scotland. Sorry, those to me are equally bad.”
Sturgeon tried to jail the person to whom she owed everything politically on fake charges of rape.
To you, they “are equally bad.”
To me, however bad Sarwar is, he has not done anything near as bad as what Sturgeon did.
“the people of Scotland has been asking for a referendum since 2016”
And you blame Sarwar rather than Sturgeon for not giving one?
You have completely shown your true colours.
“Pray explain how”
The idea that all SNP 1 voters are going to vote Alba in the list is unrealistic. Sadly the SNP is still going to have a very significant number of votes in the list. Quite possibly the SNP will be again the party with the highest number of votes in the list. This means that if you give the constituency seat to labour, you will be putting the SNP in pool position for a list seat, potentially taking that list seat away from ALBA.
Daisy @ 8.26
I’ve left you a message on Off Topic about ALBA e mails.
Just watched Alex Salmond’s LBC interview with Ian Dale on YouTube.
Highly recommended, hitting all the right notes.
hmm, maybe the tide is finally turning against St Nic
Just read a couple of herald articles(I like to gather all opinions) and most of the comments are anti SNP policies, usually the BTL comments love her
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Kcor @10.05
I’d prefer it if you didn’t include me in your petty fights with Mia and please don’t selectively quote my posts.
My earlier post was concerning marginal seats and how they could in fact turn out to be traps if people don’t stick to SNP1 ALBA 2.
I made the exception for Glasgow S/side because it seems that there could be a popular reason not to vote SNP1 there.
As the Rev has said already, the decision there is between Sturgeon and Rosa Salah on the list seat.(apologies if my spelling if wrong) so def DO NOT give your list vote to the SNP there.
Oh well the nuts have really taken over the WGD site now.
FK me now they are discussing a transition period after a indyref2 yes victory , who will lead the discussions and negotiate our leaving the United Kingdom
Oh god these folk really need professional help and support , it’s one thing believing a independent Scotland they are actually believe the day after the Hollywood elections preparations will be made for indyref2 ,yes they honestly believe this to be true
Listen folks in order to get to where you think you are preparations have to be made a whole series of mundane time consuming work needs to be completed ,
please tell everyone what exactly have this SNP done ? Just one thing will do just one.
I know they tried to derail Martin Keatings Legal case by making it way more costly than it had to be and therefore adding to the time his team had to spend in court , incidentally Martin pointed out the work he was doing the SNP would have had to have done anyway it’s just he is probably fully two years ahead of them
So waken up paradise is not round the corner and Princess Nicola is not preparing a blue print for a emerging Scotland free from English rule you have been had again,and again you lot really have to stop believing Princess Nicola is your savour it ain’t going to happen .
Mia says,
“Oh, I want to see her humiliated in Holyrood by Mr Salmond and the Alba MSPs on every debate.”
Kcor says:
15 April, 2021 at 10:12 pm
“You were of the same opinion before ALBA even existed.
Did you want to see her being humiliated by Sarwar in Holyrood then?”
Mia says,
“How is Sarwar ever going to humiliate Sturgeon when they are in the same team? The woman is more blairite than Peter Mandelson. Are you having a laugh?”
Yes, I am having a big laugh at you.
I am afraid you have absolutely no sense of logic.
Your posts are full of illogical waffle.
When one illogical stand is exposed, you create another one.
You either wanted both Sturgeon and Sarwar to be defeated or neither, knowing perfectly well that Sarwar would be back anyway.
Now you want neither to be defeated by letting Sturgeon win in the constituency so Sarwar can be “humiliated” into entering via the list.
And now you have come up with another excuse for Sturgeon to be re-elected:
Mia says,
“Oh, I want to see her humiliated in Holyrood by Mr Salmond and the Alba MSPs on every debate.”
Forgetting, that you wanted her to be re-elected even before ALBA existed.
Oh and it seems Mia/Ruby are the same poster:
Ruby says (“Three choices”),
“I’m voting SNP 1/2 because I want Nicola Sturgeon to have to face the consequences of her actions.”
Diehard Sturgeonists both of you, pretending otherwise, like ROB from Nicola’s AYRSHIRE.
It is your democratic right who to vote for, but you are fooling others into supporting / voting for the the corrupt lying criminal Sturgeon by making excuses for voting for her.
So it’s still SNP 1, Alba 2 then?
Given the choice I’d far rather there were 67 SNP, 8 Green and 5 Alba than a nominal pro union majority.
A week is a long time in politics so five years with an ostensibly Indy majority is more than long enough to settle differences and get the big job done.
Two groups exist who want to see an alternative to the main parties. One of group obsessed with independence the other group is not.
The latter group are not going to vote snp1.
We need more than a list party.
@John Martini
We have enough parties to be going on with.
If you want another party to stand on a constituency basis you had better get cracking.
“And you blame Sarwar rather than Sturgeon for not giving one?”
I blame them both, as I blame Harvie, Rennie and the list of “leaders” the tory branch in Scotland has had since 2016. ALL of them, as far as I am concerned, colluded to deny us democracy and our right to self determination. ALL of them colluded in forcing the Hate Bill on us.
“To me, however bad Sarwar is, he has not done anything near as bad as what Sturgeon did”
Perhaps because you are not a woman who fears will not be able to complain to the police or describe their aggressor if a male assaults them in the public toilet, a changing room or a hospital ward.
There is already a precedent in England for a woman having been charged with calling a male dressed as a woman and who self identified as woman, a man. Even when the male retained clear male features and your brain tells you this is a man dressed in women clothing. But if Sturgeon and Harvie are allowed to get their own way, there will not be any need for the male to even dress as a woman to self identify as a woman.
If you are being assaulted or about to be assaulted in a female toilet or changing room by a male you don’t go “stop, stop, time out, time out. Before you start, so as we are clear, what do you self identify yourself today as, a woman, a man or one of the other hundreds of genders?”
“Why?”, might ask the aggressor?
“Och well, Because I need to know what I should say to the police when they ask me what gender was the individual that assaulted me without risking that you, on top of having assaulted me, might decide to sue me because I have mis gendered you”.
In other words, those “leaders” might be putting women in the impossible situation where we might not even be able to describe our aggressor without risking breaking the law. May be the idea is that we carry a camera in our forehead at all times so there is no need to describe the aggressor?
You may think that helping male aggressors pretending to be women to escape prison and denying female victims the opportunity to see their aggressor in prison for fear of not being able to describe them without putting themselves at risk is no worse than attempting to put an innocent man in prison, but from where I am standing it looks every bit as bad.
“You have completely shown your true colours”
I should hope so. I have nothing to hide.
Ye what know – a Sarwar/Rennie/Ross coalition is quite attractive, since nothing would get done! Meanwhile the Scottish civil service could be cleansed of all those complicit in the Salmond stitch-up by a committee of? Jurists , us , the people, the Yes AUOB marchers, the population who watch the pitiful performances of the “party leaders” on the BBC and STV political debates, maybe we could find a way of having our democratic wishes realised.
Kcor says,
“In the given situation, the only one of those who could possibly be ejected from their seat is Sturgeon”
Mia says,
“I don’t think so.”
Then pray explain how BOTH Sturgeon and Sarwar can be defeated.
The Rev. Stuart Campbell certainly does think so:
Rev. Stuart Campbell says (Scheming on a mirage),
“It’s much the same as the Glasgow Southside situation. You’re not choosing between Anas Sarwar and Nicola Sturgeon – Sarwar is top of the Labour list so he’s getting in no matter what happens. What you’re effectively doing with your constituency vote in Glasgow Southside is choosing between two SNP MSPs – Sturgeon or Roza Salih. If you’d prefer Salih, vote Sarwar on the constituency paper.)”
Rev. Stuart Campbell says (Rallying to the banner),
“If you believe Sturgeon is a block on independence it’s a very rational position.”
More excuses?
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“Andy” has been reincarnated more times than the Dalai Lama but can’t get the hang of it, you’re supposed to get wiser as time goes on, not thicker.
Apply for a posting, Andy, you’ll never make it here lad..
“Yes, I am having a big laugh at you”
Don’t let me stop you.
“I am afraid you have absolutely no sense of logic.
Your posts are full of illogical waffle”
Yet, you cannot help but reading them and investing oodles of time responding to them in detail.
I suppose I should be grateful for the attention?
“You either wanted both Sturgeon and Sarwar to be defeated or neither”
I want them both out of Holyrood, but if I had to choose one, I would choose Sturgeon for the entertaining value pf watching her squirm when Mr Salmond roasts her to a crisp. Sadly Sarwar has not even entertaining value left.
“knowing perfectly well that Sarwar would be back anyway”
No, I do not know that. Maybe the voters surprise us all?
“Forgetting, that you wanted her to be re-elected even before ALBA existed”
Did I? Gee, I this dementia must be galloping. All what I recall is to have claimed quite categorically in this blog and in repeated occasions that I would be spoiling my constituency vote. I recall also having stated quite clearly that the only reason why I will be giving the SNP my constituency vote is because Mr Salmond asked us to.
“Oh and it seems Mia/Ruby are the same poster”
Sure, just like a white wall will look identical to a black one if you keep your eyes closed.
@ K Campbell at 10:38 pm
Your Herald article links archived.
link to
link to
“Then pray explain how BOTH Sturgeon and Sarwar can be defeated”
By voting for none.
@ GMP at 10:55 pm
Your Scotsman link archived.
link to
I think we should encourage people to vote for Nicola just to piss Andy off.
Regarding the gender debate,
The author of the article below, in my opinion, sums the bit-actor David Paisey up rather well, and I say that as a gay man. Sad to see gay businesses capitulating to what is no more than homophobic bullying.
link to
Mia says,
“Sure, but you would have lost one Alba seat for the privilege.”
Kcor says,
“Pray explain how.”
Mia says,
“The idea that all SNP 1 voters are going to vote Alba in the list is unrealistic. Sadly the SNP is still going to have a very significant number of votes in the list. Quite possibly the SNP will be again the party with the highest number of votes in the list. This means that if you give the constituency seat to labour, you will be putting the SNP in pool position for a list seat, potentially taking that list seat away from ALBA.”
Irrespective of where ALBA’s list votes come from, its chances would not be affected whether Sarwar or Sturgeon won the Glasgow Southside constituency.
If Labour win, ALBA faces competion from the SNP in sharing the list seats.
If SNP win, ALBA faces competion from Labour in sharing the list seats.
ALBA would not potentially lose a list seat if Sarwar defeated Sturgeon, as you claim.
But as we know, all your logic is based on making sure Sturgeon does not lose her seat.
There is a misaprehension that failure to vote SNP 1 will affect the number of Alba seats. It will not. The number of Alba seats depends only on the percentage of votes Alba gets on the list. Failure to vote SNP 1 just alters the number of SNP Tory or Labour constituency seats. If Sturgeon loses to Sarwar then that does not affect Albas number of seats, provided Alba gets some 6% or more on the list. If the divisor for the SNP falls by 1 that for Labour rises by 1 in compensation. The voting system is cleverly designed to give proportionality i n a way that is independent of which parties win in the constituencies.
Completed my list vote today – won’t be posting it but will be handing it into the polling station on the day. That’s when I’ll finally decide what to do with my constituency vote.
I put my X next to Alba on the list using an old “I’m with Nicola” pen. Its last action before being consigned to the bin.
Meg merrilees says,
“I’d prefer it if you didn’t include me in your petty fights with Mia and please don’t selectively quote my posts.”
“I made the exception for Glasgow S/side because it seems that there could be a popular reason not to vote SNP1 there.”
Meg merrilees says,
“With the exception of Glasgow s /side where labour 1 SNP 2 is the preferred route”
Why do you want to start a petty fight with me when you agree with me?
And why are you calling it my petty fight?
Did I mis-quote you?
Do you support Labour 1 / ALBA 2 in the Glasgow Southside constituency or not?
Glasgow Southside and Glasgow Region vote info from 2016.
It’s been interesting looking at all the smaller pro-Indy parties’ vote shares in the Regions and wondering where it might go. In Glasgow Region Solidarity and Rise accounted for 2.5% of the Regional vote share. Presume Scottish Libertarian may make up some of the “Other” 1%.
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Cockshot mibbes if you live in wonderland. AS is smart enough to see all the consequences. Just do as he advices because there is a plan. I can see it and so can you if you think.
It needs SNP 1 and Alba 2. Then we get on with the plan for Scotland’s future.
“But as we know, all your logic is based on making sure Sturgeon does not lose her seat”
My logic is based on:
1. Get rid of all the colonial chiefs if you can, and that includes Sturgeon by voting for none.
2. If you cannot and what you want is your pro independence vote to count as pro independence, never hand it to a colonial party that will count it as pro union and will use it to stop independence. Sturgeon may be as much a colonial chief as the “leaders” of the England parties branches in Scotland, but at least a vote for the SNP will be seen internationally and in Westminster as a vote for independence.
3. The SNP will be the political party with most votes in the list. If the SNP does not get the constituency seat, it will get one or more of the list ones. ALBA only runs in the list. A list seat going to the SNP is potentially one lost by ALBA. In other words, by not voting for the SNP in the constituency we are giving a colonial party a seat for free. The reason why ALBA is running in the list is to get rid of the colonial MSPs. What is the point of the whole exercise if we are now taking the list seats from the colonial parties but giving them the constituency ones instead?
Mia says: In other words, those “leaders” might be putting women in the impossible situation where we might not even be able to describe our aggressor without risking breaking the law. May be the idea is that we carry a camera in our forehead at all times so there is no need to describe the aggressor?
Obviously they don’t care, but the outcome of the GRA, HCB, and the politicisation of the cops and COPFS is a kind of lawless authoritarianism.
Literally anything you say can and will be used against you, unless you belong to a designated “victim” group, in which case they’ll turn a blind eye. The application of criminal justice depends on your status in the woke caste system.
I think the “TERFs” have the right of this. Most people haven’t caught on yet to what gender theory means for them and their children. They want to be “nice” and “tolerant” and all those other good things, and they’re told stories about people tragically “born in the wrong body”, so they mistakenly think there’s some kind of reasonable accommodation to be had.
But there isnae.
Men aren’t female. Doesn’t matter what the law says. If the law conflicts with truth, it’s the law that’s wrong.
I get the feeling I might end up in court in the not-Scotland – Alasdair Gray’s Unthank – the Nu SNP are creating, just for being unwilling to tell lies. Well, I’m still not going to tell lies. Never thought it would come to this – I always assumed when the knock on the door came it’d be for drunkenly stealing traffic cones or some such lighthearted shenanigans, but here we are. They can’t jail us all, but even if they could – to hell with them.
They can take away your liberty and your livelihood, but the only person who can take away your honesty and self-respect is you.
Kcor says,
“Super smart voter: Vote tactically for Sarwar to get Sturgeon out, with no automatic entry back via list”
Mia says,
“There is nothing super smart in handing to Labour a free seat when you can hand that seat to ALBA.”
Kcor says,
“Super dumb voter: Let Sturgeon win in constituency”
Mia says,
” From where I am standing what is super-dumb if you are a pro independence supporter is to hand a free seat to a colonial party when you could hand that seat to ALBA, a political party that not only openly campaigns for independence, but also for the rights of women and children.”
Your position was the same when ALBA did not even exist.
You have been told countless times that it has nothing to do with a free seat for Labour:
Rev. Stuart Campbell says (Scheming on a mirage),
“It’s much the same as the Glasgow Southside situation. You’re not choosing between Anas Sarwar and Nicola Sturgeon – Sarwar is top of the Labour list so he’s getting in no matter what happens. What you’re effectively doing with your constituency vote in Glasgow Southside is choosing between two SNP MSPs – Sturgeon or Roza Salih. If you’d prefer Salih, vote Sarwar on the constituency paper.)”
It is clear that you prefer Sturgeon to the SNP BAME candidate Roza Salih.
That is your choice, but don’t lie to fool people in order to get Sturgeon re-elected.
Paul Cockshott says:
15 April, 2021 at 11:29 pm
“There is a misaprehension that failure to vote SNP 1 will affect the number of Alba seats. It will not. The number of Alba seats depends only on the percentage of votes Alba gets on the list. Failure to vote SNP 1 just alters the number of SNP Tory or Labour constituency seats. If Sturgeon loses to Sarwar then that does not affect Albas number of seats, provided Alba gets some 6% or more on the list. If the divisor for the SNP falls by 1 that for Labour rises by 1 in compensation. The voting system is cleverly designed to give proportionality i n a way that is independent of which parties win in the constituencies.”
For all you slow thinking SNP voters.
Voting SNP 1 does NOT affect the amount of ALBA MSPs we finally get.
If that doesn’t sink in, then read it again.
mr thms says: at 12:45 pm
“More gnashing of teeth.
SNP Manifesto says they will abolish all NHS dentistry charges if re-elected.”
Aye, with a free 5G compatible microchip implant.
Go easy on Mama Mia, she’ll never got out of those knots you’ve tied her up in.
She’s not the sharpest tool in the box.
“If Labour win, ALBA faces competion from the SNP in sharing the list seats.
If SNP win, ALBA faces competition from Labour in sharing the list seats”
Sure. Now take a look at the list votes the SNP and Labour got in Glasgow in 2016. As I said, the idea that ALBA is going to take all the SNP2 votes is naive. I rather ALBA competes with Labour, the Greens, the tories and the libdems for the list seats than with the SNP.
Mammy M.
You type lot’s of words, but if I were you I would try to type something that makes sense.
Waffle does not count.
Your waffle falls into the catagory of irrelevant pish.
Only perverts vote for the SNP.
Mia wins.
Come back tomorrow with more of your Unionist porkshite.
TheSNPLeftMe says:
15 April, 2021 at 11:18 pm
I think we should encourage people to vote for Nicola just to piss Andy off.
I’m thinking of moving to Timbuktu, or mibbe even somewhere really far away and primitive like Kirkcaldy, just so I don’t have to hear about Glasgow Effing Southside anymore. Scunnered!
Kcor says: It is clear that you prefer Sturgeon to the SNP BAME candidate Roza Salih.
What’s the difference?
Graf Midgehunter says:
15 April, 2021 at 11:04 pm
“Andy” has been reincarnated more times than the Dalai Lama
Like a glaikit Doctor Who whose TARDIS smells suspiciously of WKD and piss.
K Campbell says:
15 April, 2021 at 10:38 pm
hmm, maybe the tide is finally turning against St Nic
I’m wondering if the Brewster’s Millions act has been brought on by internal polling / activist desertions. Despite the public polls I don’t think there’s a huge amount of enthusiasm out there for the SNP, and that could bite them.
“She’s not the sharpest tool in the box”
Thank you kindly. You would think that by now your multiple personas would have realised that insulting me is not going to make me change my mind. On the contrary. It is reassuring, because it is proving to me that you know your argument is flawed and do no longer have a credible justification for it, just a bruised ego.
Whichever of your multiple personas, Andy, Kcor, Sarwar? etc has been chosen to read this, have a lovely evening. Entertaining and demanding as your unsolicited attention has been, I think it is time to call it a night.
I say.
link to
Now good day to you.
Mama M
Are you going to bore the tits off everyone on here before you go to bed?
What a fuckin bore.
Your keyboard must be on fire.
SNPLeftMe says…
“Andy and Kcor
Two accounts, one squadie.”
Genuinely the funniest thing I’ve read all month
Andy has a multiple personality disorder. The spelling/grammar/misspelling/syntax is so obvious since the good guys on here pointed out how “Andy” abuses someone BTL, then 6 minutes later Squaddie 455 H073 pops up as Fergus to write: “I admire what you say Andy and I will BE VOTING SARWAR1. Awright mate ain’t these Stugin Roawdies a bunch ov tits. Innit.”
Who does that? It is very very rare for posters to come onto Wings and repeatedly “admire” another poster BTL so regularly. Especially when puppet1 writes something so utterly feckless.
Then the “Kcor” sticky-sock puppet number4 comes on 9 minutes later and says “Oh Andy, I want to have yaw babies. Innit. Cos yew is da man in da house. Keep it real mate and don’t let dem Stugin roawdies dis da hood in da crib.’member it iz SARWAR1”
Okay the verbals are a bit OTT but seriously, this is one deranged part-time pancake-flipper from MacDonald’s pretending he is from the 77th. Hellish when the 77th let their Walters do the work lol.
For the curious about the 77th, the British Army have a name for nutters who fail the entrance exam and buy a uniform off of ebay to cosplay the third character from YMCA.
The 77th et al., call the likes of Andy/KcoR/Fergus etc “Walters” as in Walter Mitties. They sit in their bedroom in PJs or just skivvies and some tissue paper angrily typing at their keyboard whilst pulling away at their mouse pretending to be James Bond 007. I’ve read what these sad-sacks like Andy do is described as “master-mousing”. A term you see on some of these British Army forums such as as the ARSE (Army Rumour Service) web forum.
Kcor says,
“It is like being offered £1,000,000 now or the highly unlikely possibility of being offered £10,000,000 in the future”
Mia says,
“Nope. It is like asking why should I be content with £1,000,000 now when I can have £10,000,000? Who said about waiting for the future? I want to see all the colonial chiefs gone in may.”
Kcor says,
“I would take £1,000,000 now whereas you would wait for that future £10,000,000”
Mia says,
“Err nope. I would take the £10,000,000 now. Thank you.”
All your logic has always been based on the impossible:
Can you not get it into your thick head that given Scotland’s voting system it is IMPOSSIBLE “to see all the colonial chiefs gone in may.”?
You can’t get £10,000,000 if only £1,000,000 is on offer.
If you had any faith in what the Rev. Stuart Campbell has been writing for at least a year, you would have come to the conclusion that Sturgeon is infinitely worse than the ones you call “colonial chiefs”.
She wants to preserve her “colonial chief” status at any cost, to the extent that she tried to put Alex Salmond in prison on false charges of rape to protect her “colonial chief” status.
In this very post, the Rev. Stuart Campbell writes:
“If you want independence, OR if you want women’s rights and free speech, you have nobody to vote for who can have any material impact on those issues. For the next five years, they’re all dead in the water.
(If you still think the SNP will deliver another referendum in that time, we can only assume you’re having this article read to you by a nursing professional using glove puppets to act out the long words.)
And that’s because nobody, and least of all the SNP, cares what you think.”
But you don’t believe a word of what the Rev. Stuart Campbell says.
I don’t think you even read the Rev. Stuart Campbell’s articles.
The National twitter pages:-
link to
Sturgeon full of Indy promises.
To think some arseholes actually believe her.
Al Stuart.
Haven’t you heard,,,Only perverts vote for the SNP.
Mia says,
“Sure. Now take a look at the list votes the SNP and Labour got in Glasgow in 2016. As I said, the idea that ALBA is going to take all the SNP2 votes is naive. I rather ALBA competes with Labour, the Greens, the tories and the libdems for the list seats than with the SNP.”
This is not 2016.
ALBA did not exist in 2016.
The SNP will get either the constituency (Sturgeon) or list (Roza Salih). It will not get both.
You don’t even trust the Rev. Stuart Campbell in pushing your agenda to get Sturgeon re-elected:
Rev. Stuart Campbell says (Scheming on a mirage),
“It’s much the same as the Glasgow Southside situation. You’re not choosing between Anas Sarwar and Nicola Sturgeon – Sarwar is top of the Labour list so he’s getting in no matter what happens. What you’re effectively doing with your constituency vote in Glasgow Southside is choosing between two SNP MSPs – Sturgeon or Roza Salih. If you’d prefer Salih, vote Sarwar on the constituency paper.)”
You obviously prefer Sturgeon (SNP) to Salih (SNP).
You are a diehard Sturgeonist, pretending otherwise.
Mama Mia Mama Mia,
If Richard Leonard had disappeared sooner this would be a different election. Sarwar will displace Ruth as the face of the opposition. He’s a relatable everyman. SNP about to romp this one – going to be a belter of a victory. All hail the lipless shrew. She’ll be crowing loud and long.
Now that’s cleared up continue with your master plan in Southside. It does not effect me. I don’t live there. I live in a posh house in Ayrshire beside the sea.”
AYRSHIRE ROB said earlier,
“Can anyone who actually lives in Glasgow Southside confirm whether Sarwar is even on the Constituency ballot?
Not the Southside pluggers please as you don’t seem to know your arse from your elbow.”
It does very much seem to effect you, ROB from Nicola’s AYRSHIRE.
You seem to be very worried that your Nicola could be defeated in Glasgow Southside.
Why else would you go on the attack whenever someone advocates Labour 1 / ALBA 2 in Glasgow Southside?
Mia says,
“How is Sarwar ever going to humiliate Sturgeon when they are in the same team? The woman is more blairite than Peter Mandelson.”
Same team? “Colonial chiefs”?
Sturgeon also a “colonial chief”?
But Sturgeon will give us an independence referendum in the next five years?
Getting her out would be very very wrong?
Poor Sturgeon didn’t do anything wrong, it was the British state that made her do it?
Every post of yours contradicts a previous post of yours.
12.01am to 12.14am
FOUR mixed up Kcor/Fergus exchanges within 13 minutes of each other.
All at the witching hour lol.
Kcor quotes himself by accident. Obviously pissed. Then switches his sock puppet account within a few minutes and turns into Fergus. These two sock puppets have a conversation with each other with both slagging off other Wingers using the same terms of abuse and Modus Operandi.
I wasn’t sure before but am now. Andy/Ferguson/kcor is a sad case of Trollitis compounded with mixamatosis rabbit-holis and a touch of sock puppet pished syndrome.
Andy/Rock/Kcor/Fergus if you are going to graduate above being the BTL site joke, please stay off the Buckfast and remember which fake ID you are using. Especially when quoting yourself from multiple fake accounts. Amadan. In poker games your “tell” giveaway is the reversion to minutiae at Glasgow south side and then your multiple accounts abuse anyone agonizing about the SNP1/Alba2 thesis as a pervert. Andy, you are a fourth rate amateur and really have made a tit of yourself.
This thread’s getting choked up with arsehole trolls, and yes, it’s the usual suspects – Kcor, Fergus, and Andy ‘Three Commas’.
They add nothing useful Rev, they make it depressing to read BTL,
which presumably is ‘job done’ for them, will you please get rid of them.
Paul Cockshott says,
“There is a misaprehension that failure to vote SNP 1 will affect the number of Alba seats. It will not. The number of Alba seats depends only on the percentage of votes Alba gets on the list. Failure to vote SNP 1 just alters the number of SNP Tory or Labour constituency seats. If Sturgeon loses to Sarwar then that does not affect Albas number of seats, provided Alba gets some 6% or more on the list. If the divisor for the SNP falls by 1 that for Labour rises by 1 in compensation. The voting system is cleverly designed to give proportionality i n a way that is independent of which parties win in the constituencies.”
Thank you for that clear explanation.
Many posters genuinely don’t know that.
But a few vocal ones are deliberately, for the SNP’s and Sturgeon’s benefit, spreading the misaprehension that you must vote SNP 1, even for the likes of Sturgeon, Swinney, Yousaf, Robertson and other obnoxious SNP candidates, to increase ALBA’s chances.
You are losing your credibility by falling for the Ruby/Mia/AYRSHIRE ROB con trick.
You used to make interesting posts.
Stop being so gullible.
Thankyou for the post. At risk of pointing out the obvious, please reflect on what Stuart Campbell has named this thread?
It applies to three commas Andy,,, and Fergus and Rock.
Kcor, if you write out the name of this thread 100 times like you used to do in your school jotters, you will understand what 99% of the posters here think about SARWAR1.
Time now for bed, goodnight and good luck with the rest of your shift.
“I thought that pain and truth were things that really mattered, but you can’t stay here with every single hope you had shattered.”
somebody has left the gates open at carstairs again
David, Ruby, AYRSHIRE NOB, Al Stuart, Mama Mia, Brian Bucket, 12.36.
Please sir,
They bad boys said bad words, gonnae tell them to go away sir.
Ever the democrat “David”.
You don’t like what you read so you ask the teacher to make it go away. Lol
Just what are you like???
The amount of Snowflakes on this site is frightening.
No wonder Sturgeon doesn’t listen to a word you lot say.
Stay alive!
An honest independence party that is fit to govern and committed to the cause .Not a lot to ask for you would think given that the SNP started off life looking like that .As it is not the case and even the unlikely event of independence were pursued under this leaderships rule it would make the most staunch indie minded baulk a bit at what they would do to the country the angry reactions of everyone on this site is understandable.
Here is the rub nobody can tell you how to vote and none of the common themes stated here are wrong it’s a matter for your own conscience .So if you can stomach it vote SNP and ALBA list if you can’t spoil and vote Alba list, if you really want vote A N Other and Alba list if the SNP candidate is so repulsive to you
It’s not the Rev, s job to tell you what to do he is here to inform you and if you blindly followed him would you not become akin to the sheep who now so disgust you for not seeing the current crop of SNP leadership for what they are .I can’t see what difference it’s going to make this time round anyway. It would be nice to see an ALBA contingent that could keep the SNP in check and on track but it does not look likely ,the MSM is doing a job on Alex and banging on about his approval ratings and running with he is divisive to Indie
For now the SNP financials need chasing up there misdeeds need highlighting, the truth about Alba needs promoting and all indie supporters need to gather to the banner
This is not I think defeatist just realistic
Al-Stuart says,
“At risk of pointing out the obvious, please reflect on what Stuart Campbell has named this thread?”
“It applies to three commas Andy,,, and Fergus and Rock.”
“you will understand what 99% of the posters here think about SARWAR1”
Did you even read the Rev. Stuart Campbell’s article or did you only read the headline?
Rev. Stuart Campbell:
“(If you still think the SNP will deliver another referendum in that time, we can only assume you’re having this article read to you by a nursing professional using glove puppets to act out the long words.)
And that’s because nobody, and least of all the SNP, cares what you think.”
He is talking about the SNP, Al-Stuart, not about BTL posters.
The SNP does not care.
If you had faith in the Rev. Stuart Campbell and what he writes, you would think along his lines, and try to do something about it.
Voting tactically for Sarwar to get rid of Sturgeon makes sense to anyone who wants to make the SNP care.
If you don’t agree with that, that is upto you.
But you are being very gullible in falling for the Ruby/Mia/AYRSHIRE ROB con trick.
They are Sturgeon apologists (“SNP 1/2” / “the British state did it” / “Never vote for a unionist”).
Posters having the same opinion does not necessarily mean they are one and the same.
If you want to refer to me, make an effort to provide a counter argument which makes sense.
And I say again, you used to make interesting comments, how can you have been so easily fooled by Ruby/Mia/AYRSHIRE ROB?
Come up screaming!
Al-Stuart says,
“But it’s been proven a hundred times over…
The more constituency seats the SNP get, then the MORE LIST SEATS ALBA GET.”
Proven by whom, Al-Stuart?
Read what this guy has to say:
Paul Cockshott says,
“There is a misaprehension that failure to vote SNP 1 will affect the number of Alba seats. It will not. The number of Alba seats depends only on the percentage of votes Alba gets on the list. Failure to vote SNP 1 just alters the number of SNP Tory or Labour constituency seats. If Sturgeon loses to Sarwar then that does not affect Albas number of seats, provided Alba gets some 6% or more on the list. If the divisor for the SNP falls by 1 that for Labour rises by 1 in compensation. The voting system is cleverly designed to give proportionality i n a way that is independent of which parties win in the constituencies.”
Al-Stuart says,
15 April, 2021 at 6:59 pm
“Many folk on Wings BTL talk a great deal of sense”
Like these ones?
Al-Stuart says:
16 April, 2021 at 12:01 am
Al-Stuart says:
16 April, 2021 at 12:34 am
Three male trolls (Andy Three Commas, Kcor, Fergus) ganging up to bully one female commentator (Mia).
Seriously, it’s not a good look, guys. Especially when you’re so shite that she can easily deal with your rubbish.
I will stick a smelly sock over my nose and vote for SNP in Moray and Alba on the List but this will be the last election I will vote for the SNP. It is my deepest wish that the Alba Party will stand candidates in the next Brit GE and the next Scottish Local elections.
Sturgeon isn’t going to give us a referendum. She is not just a crook she is worse she is a ("Tractor" - Ed).
Is it the 3 amigos or the 4 amigos I can’t keep up with the trolls they are multiplying and trying to either sicken people off the site or they are members of the Sarwar dynasty , Meg and Mia I wouldn’t even respond to their continued heckling
Kcor or rock who used to frequent this site in the past always gives himself away by including conversations and quotes in his own comments
There are some Yoon trolls spewing lies about how the voting system works.
The less Constituency seats the SNP the less List Seats Alba will win. Anybody who says otherwise is a bare faced Yoon liar.
Anybody who quotes a source called Cock-shooter is even more of a ("Tractor" - Ed) or Cock-shooter.
The plain fact is that the more Constituency Seats the SNP win the more List seats everybody else wins – DOH.
We weren’t all knitted by oor mammies Cock-shooter.
“ NICOLA Sturgeon has told those who are unhappy at having to wait until the pandemic is over before a second independence referendum is held that “we need to recapture the spirit of 2014” if the vote is to succeed.”
Fkg priceless isn’t she? So says Fraudster Sturgeon in the National as she tries to strangle ALBA and kill off any prospect of a supermajority which would actually deliver Independence.
She’d rather see Scotland becoming a Transgender Dystopia, with her in charge of course, in cahoots with the weirdos in the Green Party, and Westminster’s short money paying the bills because she’s bled the Independence community dry and thrown the husk away.
Heads up people, ALBA, it’s people and it’s objectives, IS the spirit of 2014. It never went away!
All those dickheads smearing ALBA and hoping it fails, are too pompous and easily led to realise they’re the ones who have turned their backs on the very thing they were voting for in 2014! It is these conceited pricks who will squander yet another Scottish lifeline, and lifelines for Scotland are now in short supply.
Recapture the spirit of 2014??? What a brass neck she has for a tin-pot dictator. A thoroughly disgusting and talentless person who should be ‘driven out as our enemy’ precisely as the Declaration of Arbroath demands.
Nobody (sturgeon and the rest of the corrupt lying bastards who run the New SNP) cares because there are mugs out there who will still vote New SNP. What a bunch of complete and utter idiots.
The Porteous affair was one of many incidents in which the Walpole government protected the military from its excesses through the imposition of “Martial Law” and acts of public violence against the people of Scotland. What was particularly galling was the unequal treatment of Scottish protestors when rioting in English cities had never been subject to military occupation and martial law. The Whig victory was pyrrhic since it confirmed what many Scots knew in their hearts that Scotland was not an equal partner in a Union of countries but a colony of England.
link to
Reminder: Mr Salmond is recommending SNP 1 Alba 2. Good enough for me.
@Clavie Chiel 4.33 am
I haven’t seen anyone do what you’re alleging tho’, so that sounds like a bullshit argument to me.
The point is that a blanket SNP 1 & Alba 2 approach which maximises SNP seat numbers is more likely to result in an outright majority for them or an SNP/Green coalition. You may be perfectly happy with that outcome, but many of us aren’t. I’d rather see fewer seats for Alba (and other parties?) in list votes if it meant we could surgically remove some of the worst SNP constituency MSPs.
What’s the point of a few extra Alba MSPs if they are swamped by an outright SNP majority gifted to them by lots of folk voting for them against their better judgement with their constituency vote?
I’m beyond tired of unreasoning zealots in here refusing to engage their brains before trotting this mantra out as tho it was the only option. It patently isn’t!
Aye, I feel the same way Breeks, total brass neck. And as for her acolytes – I cant call them anything else (when it’s people that that are just thoughtlessly repeating the nasty bitching). I’ve seen comments saying ‘it takes both sides’ regarding the nastiness and bitching, but I’m not sure people promoting ‘SNP 1, Alba 2’ or woman’s rights deserve the amount of verbal abuse those fairly reasonable messages seem to be getting in torrents. There is a lot of hate oozing out of the SNP – and that hate sometimes riles people up. So, no, I don’t believe it’s ‘both sides’. There is only one side in the Yes movement, and the SNP decided to be hostile towards it.
Anyhow, I was looking casually at the election results for 2011 and 2016 for Glasgow – not doing any sums, just trying to get a feel for it.
There are 9 constituency seats in Glasgow, and 7 regional list seats, and Glasgow typically has less than 50% turn out.
In 2011 SNP won 5 constituency seats, and got 2 list seats with nearly 40% of the list vote.
In 2011 Labour won 4 constituency seats, and got 3 list seats with about 35% of the list vote (pretty good result for them I’d say!)
In 2016 SNP won 9 constituency seats, and got 0 list seats with over 45% of the list vote,
In 2016 Labour won 0 constituency seats, and got 4 list seats with less than 24% of the list vote.
I’m only comparing Labour and SNP because Glasow is typically a labour voting area – but I’ll also note that the Greens (0 constituency seats) only gained 1 list seat in both elections on approx. 5% then 10% respectively.
It’s the change in Labour’s result that’s the most interesting – going from 4 to 0 constituency seats they still only got 1 extra list seat. But it’s those 4 list seats in 2016 – it’s that level of votes Alba could do with – and with 50% of each of the SNP and Greens votes – they would easily reach that 4 seat threshold of 24% vote (of the total electorate). That is, ONLY half of SNP and Green list voters need to change their second vote to Alba to get all four candidates into parliament.
I reckon the SNP, in glasgow region, could easily lose two constituency seats without gaining any on the list – there are a lot of parties standing this year on the list (over 20 I think), so even without Alba their list vote will be diluted too – and even if it’s not directly comparable, 5 constituency seats only got then 2 on the list in 2011 – 7 constituency seats will get the SNP 0 on the list most likely.
I mention 2 constituency seats could be lost by the SNP without upsetting the applecart because in Glasow region I think Rutherglen would be the most likely one to swing back to Labour, but I also really hope Glasow Southside would vote for anything except SNP. I’m in Glasgow North, Maryhill and Springburn, and I could be persuaded to vote for my SNP MSP if I got the feel that Glasow Southside voters were going to forego voting for their candidate.
I am totally scunnered by this mess.
I want to vote Alba2, but I agree that there is no real point unless I also vote SNP1, and that ain’t gonna happen.
Rather than being a master plan to secure a super-majority, I see this as a mistake on the part of AS. Alba should have been contesting targetted constituency seats. Perhaps, just like Mia, AS just could not accept the overwhelming evidence that his beloved SNP is no longer much interested in the cause of Scottish Independence.
As for this idea that getting enough list seats for Alba will encourage SNP defections. Lets think that one through. You have a bunch of careerist lightweights who hitch their wagons to the Scottish Independence juggernaut when it looks like that’s the way things are going. But then that juggernaut stalls, so the troughers keep their heads down and keep their eyes on their bank balances, counting the days until they can f**k off and permanently put their feet up. But then a new Alba party starts to pull ahead, so like maggots to a fresh corpse, they could abandon the SNP, scuttle over to Alba, and burrow themselves into impregnable positions. Got to get in there early before the best expense accounts are taken by others.
From those impregnable positions, they could defend their rights as the true guardians of Scotland’s Independent Destiny against all newcomers. Are we expected to vote for that? Aye. Right.
Alba has to grow and build. AS is the ideal elder statesman to lead it. He must be in Holyrood.
Otherwise, for Alba, new faces and new talent will have to make up the numbers. Regretfully, 2021 is not the year. For the period 2021-2025, the best we can hope for is AS and a small number of grown-up politicians in Holyrood regularly and systematically showing up the incompetence and corruption of the SNP.
I’m only the messenger, so you can shoot me if you like. The message won’t change.
It seems the anti SNP 1 trolls have adopted a new tactic – why bother?
Give it a rest guys – if you want to stop Alba, then vote accordingly, but please stop spouting your pish here. It’s not appreciated.
Mr Salmond recommends SNP 1 Alba 2.
Good enough for me.
I don’t care about revenge against a few SNP weasels. That can wait. This is much bigger than that. I care about Scottish independence. Help Alba establish a bridgehead in Holyrood and all hell breaks loose. Start the process and watch the establishment wheels come loose, very quickly IMO. If you don;t believe this, then test it – why not – what’s there to loose? If Alba don’t make inroads at this election, then it’s business as usual. Five more miserable years of the same old. Is that what you really want?
SNP 1 Alba 2
Ye know it makes sense.
@Luigi 8.54 & 9.01 am
Not everyone who disagrees with your assertions and (wrong) opinions is a troll. It does you – and what passes for your case – to use such language or indeed to echo the rhetorical devices which are the stock-in-trade of our opposition. You have no monopoly on truth: your analysis is open to criticism and does not stand on its own as the ex-cathedra pronouncement of absolute truth.
You’re essentially cavilling about an alternative strategy to yours which might result in a few less Alba MSPs, but could also deprive the SNP of a majority. You may be happier with that prospect but many of us aren’t. I’m a founder member of Alba. I’m not a troll, I just disagree with your approach, and I’m not convinced that the blanket SNP 1 / Alba 2 message is true right one. I don’t care whether Alex Salmond endorses it, and doing things purely on that basis makes you and those agreeing with you little better than the Sturgeonista cultists that got us into the current burach.
Wind your neck in. We have enough zealots and ideological extremists in the opposition without replicating them in out own party!
There is only one General on the field, and his strategy is SNP1 ALBA2.
Good enough for me.
Not because I like the General, (though I do,), but for one thing, because he is the only one with a cohesive strategy to defeat and overcome the Section 30 roadblock which has stumped and perplexed Sturgeon for six years.
Not only can Alex Salmond hurdle a Section 30 veto at a canter, (and I suspect he knew this in 2014 but kept it up his sleeve), but we can be safe in our presumptions that Alex Salmond will have his Plan A backed up plans B, C, D, E, and F, and still be able to improvise and think on his feet.
SNP1 ALBA2. We reach for the supermajority. That’s the plan.
@Breeks 9.38am
Alex is a smart enough operator to know that SNP 1 ALBA 2 is great in principle and plays well to the audience, whilst also knowing that many people will now find it impossible to vote SNP 1. As you rightly note, what distinguishes Alex from the opposition is the fact he has alternative plans and is not monomaniacal about one à la Sturgeon’s Gold Standard referendum.
The supermajority is a plus of course, but it’s not an end in itself. To produce any tangible results it presupposes that the SNP or SNP/Green coalition don’t have a majority on their own, but also that they will agree to work with Alba on alternative strategies. The e current evidence is that they will refuse to work with Alba, tho’ political realities may change that when they realise not delivering a referendum will cost them support.
Of course I hope we get a good number of Alba MSPs, but let’s not pretend that the optimum outcome for those opposed to the SNPs direction of travel is an SNP minority which depends on Alba for a majority. If that doesn’t happen, it won’t really matter in practical terms how many MSPs Alba get elected.
Fair enough – I appreciate you appear to be genuine in your preferred strategy (but many are not). Apologies for any offence. I just don’t think that selected SNP leader decapitation will do any good for a couple of reasons:
1. Not enough people will buy into it. For every political anorak that wants it to happen, there are many, many who will happily vote SNP 1 regardless. Even Alba 2 is a long shot but at least it has more chance of some success with the average voter than this decapitation/ revenge attempt.
2. Alternatives – vote for Sarwar? – noone serious could possibly suggest this. Remind me what exactly Sarwar did to support the struggle against GRA and hate crime etc.No, me neither! I’m no fan of Sturgeon but voting for Sarwar is far worse. Alternatively vote Tory/ Lib Dem? Aye Right!
3. TBH I don’t care if this supermajority is achieved (IIMO it is a marketing device). The important goal this time round is to help Alba establish a bridgehead – even a small number of Alba MSPs could be significant in terms of perception and impact (regardless of the parliamentary arithmetic). If an Alba presence is achieved, then it can go a number of ways. One thng is for sure,the SNP won’t be able to corral all the indy supporters for business as usual (5 more years of GRA/hate crome nonsense and no progress on indy).
SNP 1 Alba 2 – you know it makes sense.
@Luigi 10.47 am.
Your strategy more or less ensures 5 more years of gradualism and allowing the Greens & SNP to do as they will. We can see what that means from the SNPs manifesto. Zero progress on indy, lots of emphasis on promoting GRA reform, the HCB and continuing their attacks on women’s rights.
The thing is bud your strategy doesn’t always make sense: it makes sense in much of the country but is definitely open to replacement elsewhere, particularly WRT Sturgeon, Robertson, Swinney, Somerville and a few others.
I can however see it’s pointless arguing the toss with you: your mind is closed.
Aye Andy, let’s agree to differ. You goes your way and me mine and we will see what happens after May. I have a feeling that this will play out in a way expected by noone. Be ready for possible shocks.
Ayrshire Rob,
Yes Sarwar is on the constituency ballot.
I think the confusion is arising because they had some slogan they were wanting added to the ballot paper rejected. However he remains the candidate.
Andy Ellis says:
16 April, 2021 at 8:14 am
@Clavie Chiel 4.33 am
I haven’t seen anyone do what you’re alleging tho’, so that sounds like a bullshit argument to me.
The point is that a blanket SNP 1 & Alba 2 approach which maximises SNP seat numbers is more likely to result in an outright majority for them or an SNP/Green coalition. You may be perfectly happy with that outcome, but many of us aren’t. I’d rather see fewer seats for Alba (and other parties?) in list votes if it meant we could surgically remove some of the worst SNP constituency MSPs.
What’s the point of a few extra Alba MSPs if they are swamped by an outright SNP majority gifted to them by lots of folk voting for them against their better judgement with their constituency vote?
I’m beyond tired of unreasoning zealots in here refusing to engage their brains before trotting this mantra out as tho it was the only option. It patently isn’t!
So give easy seats to the Tories or SNP and Green Wokists then – Aye right – I see you Yoon. It is not a mantra I trot out it is a cold fact. Less SNP constituency seats equals less seats for Alba Party = FACT!!!! Paint it anyway you want If it looks like Yoon and smells like a Yoon and sounds like a Yoon and weasels like a Yoon then it is a Yoon.You might as well spout SNP 1 & 2 troll.
The Indy Movement needs a strong showing from Alba Party.It needs that to build on. It sounds like you dont and are being sly and mealy mouthed about it.
Clavie Cheil says,
“We weren’t all knitted by oor mammies Cock-shooter.”
No, but you certainly were.
twathater says,
“Kcor or rock who used to frequent this site in the past always gives himself away by including conversations and quotes in his own comments”
So he can’t be the same as Andy/Fergus or anyone else who wants Sturgeon out?
Anyone voting for any SNP candidate is foolish….BUT…..anyone voting for Anas Sarwar is truly deluded, did none of you see his anti-white hate speech he did, very similar to Humzas speech, makes me think the two of them share the same beliefs and BOTH are manchurian candidates and are muslim brotherhood members
just youtube ‘Anas Sarwar white hate speech’ and compare his words to the same speech Humza did, in fact, just change the name to Humza Yousef in the youtube search and you’ll find it
sounds like they both wrote that speech together…..whatta coincidence….why is that??
if you don;t know what I’m talking about then there’s no point me explaining
Whilst I too am concerned about the HCB and the trans’fest disease spreading across the globe and the SNP’s anti-women policy it seems the the anti white policies of the two muslim brotherhood members is not even mentioned….how can we white clansmen (because that is what we are….fact) protect our women when we are under constant attack and derided?
Strong Scotsmen protect their women, even if the women can protect themselves does not matter, we will stand with them, side by side and not allow them to be harmed in anyway but overlooking the anti-white rhetoric of Humza and Anus will weaken the women’s cause, strong women create strong men and together we stand united, those two are trying to divide us.
Also, good to see and about time a lot of the SNP faithful here have seen the light of their beloved SNP having no intention of Independence….I’d been saying it since the wee neep heid took power, she has no intention of going Independent at all….the longevity of her career is more important
Not once have I ever voted for the SNP…never….but I did vote YES back in the day….I also voted for Brexit…..Independence means just that and not handing over control to the Brussels Sprouts after freeing ourselves from the Westminster yoke
My old man back in the 70’s said many a time ‘The SNP are just commie marxists, don’t believe a word that comes out of their mouths” – although I did like King Alex, not everything he did, but enough and when he did his shows on RT and the flack he took for it for being a ‘mouthpiece for Putin’ as the trolls would say, then he had my vote if he ever came back into politics
Look forward to him taking charge eventually and doing the right thing
Arch Stanton says:
15 April, 2021 at 2:01 pm,
And when did the Scottish Parliamentary term change from four years to five?
Bill passed into law in July last year – to prevent both national elections happening at same time – shows the SNP don’t see us leaving the union any time soon.
Anyone think Austin Sheridan’s ‘transition’ from SNP to Alba was to tarnish Alex’s new party ??
then again, Austin is one of the LGBTQ brigade as he so ‘pridely’ admits
two transitions in one article….amazing
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