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Moodievision: The Queen And I

Posted on May 20, 2015 by
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Robert McDonald

Ohhhh, you are so going to the tower Greg!


Great stuff Greg et al., the best moodie vision yet. Cam got Lizie purring again. Trouble is, if the fox-hunting repeal is beaten, I wouldn’t put it past them to initiate ‘hunt the disabled/poor/young unemployed/immigrants with hounds’ instead. These Etonians and their ‘aristocratic’ pals need to get their kicks somehow, especially since the paedo rings have had to take cover till the heat dies down again.


The swearing in of the newbies.

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Mhairi Black / Phillipa Whitford etc at 11:40

ronnie anderson

And some Idiot asked the other day what the Rev spends our crowdfunded money on.

There,s your answer (that) & much much more. Propaganda SCOTTISH STYLE.

Weil done all at Moodievision,You tae Rev Stu.


Now we know what makes Lizzie ‘purr’.

mary docherty

Youse’ll get yer hied in yer hauns !!!Cheers !!

call me dave

Kenneth Baker swearing in… (mild surprise):

Reshuffled to the back benches. Wonder if he is wearing his hush puppies yet?

Well that was worth keeking at from time to time at as history is made in Scotland.

call me dave

An observation:

Bercow the chair boiler continues to hold hands with all the women MPs for a chat but only a wee shake with the men. Nice touch that!

ronnie anderson

John Nicholson introducing himself to Kenneth Clarke,whitch area are you from West Dumbartonshire SNP,KC I expect I will be hearing a lot that shortly,LoL indeedee.


good stuff -starting to become a Wednesday tradition this.

Miss Gordzilla-any chance he will make an appearance soon? -‘thump’


@ call me dave

The Hush-Puppied One is Kenneth Clarke. Baker is now in the Lords as Baron Dorking, which is strangely appropriate.


Great, dialogue probably not far from the truth as well. I was just thinking, how backward and alien it seems to have a situation where we even have a royal family in 2015. You get your people saying ‘oh but she works hard, and she doesn’t make any legal or political decisions, she is just a figurehead’. Which as we know is utter tosh.

We could do without them and house the homeless in all those castles, grow lots of veg on all that land and we would be quids in.

In the meantime, meanness abounds and people accept so called austerity and the attacks on the poor and vulnerable as well as the population at large via cuts to essential services.

If anyone is interested, a very good book called, ‘living off the state, a critical guide to royal finance’ by Jon Temple, is an excellent book and should be compulsory reading for all school students. A good indicator of just how the royals reside within the halls of power in ukok and a disgrace to any modern society to have such polarity, between rich and poor. It just can’t last forever, can it?


In a time of austerity, Fox hunting is most likely a squirrel.
Makes me think of bingo in Belsen.

[…] Moodievision: The Queen And I […]


Hearing Philippa Whitford taking the oath in Scots brought a tear to my eye. Come on the 56!


In the not too distant future, when the UK is bracketed with N Korea at the foot of all the international league tables which measure how well or badly each country is performing, people here in GB will turn to each other and ask ‘How did we end up at the bottom?’.

The answer will be ‘we voted for it’.


When the electorate hear what is in the Queen’s speech, and then in George Osborne’s July Budget, the voters will come to their senses and wonder ‘what have we done’.

To prevent the electorate thinking about the answer too much, the Govt. will launch the fox hunting campaign.

“The media seeks to decide not only what we think, but what we think about.” (anonymous)


Funny coz its true. Creepier things about teamGB include Britnats that worship royals and demand a super rich royal on a fabulously expensive throne ruling us alongside a Tory boy, IS the natural order of things teamGB democracy wise.


Labour leader not so muchee now, Tristram Hunt just got long grovely/creepy BBC r4 lunchtime news interview. Usual BBC toe curling tory bleh but oor Tristram was introed with, “Tristram’s a leftie because of the jawdropping poverty what he saw in Chicago and the rise of Scottish nationalism.”

Usual toe curling stuff from BBC creep show, then a long thing about how Project Fear really left it too late bringing in giant Britnat co’s like RBS, who all threatened to leave Scotland if we voted YES.

Apparently leaving it too late is v bad BBC Britnat wise, thus they are all piling in to the EU ref now.

If they do pull out of the EU, will Brenda be purring or will she threaten teamGB with a doing the week before the ref in a car park outside a church on Deeside, sorry Royal Deeside, coz royals own it all you see?

call me dave

@crazycat: Thanks.

Geez!… I knew that, brain fade as I was hitting the keyboard …sorry! 🙂


Update 4 O/T

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Ah, I love a sniff of treason at lunchtime. Keep up the good work Greg.


Not really O/T because this includes the queen – my fag packet calculations suggest that the wealthiest 10% of households in the UK (there are 26.7 million households in total) could completely pay off the UK national debt of 1.56 trillion and still have 2.62 trillion to share amongst themselves – 98 million pounds each, still enough for a good supply of champers and caviare.

The few million pounds left over could be spent on a ‘saviour of the UK’ badge for each of them so they could be identified and thanked for their sacrifice.

Then the rest of us would be spared any more austerity because the 8% of the budget currently spent on paying interest could be spent on other stuff, and we would no longer have to listen to politicians constantly bleating on about the deficit.

From the ONS–chapter-2–total-wealth.html

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Cracker Greg nailed wee Brenda’s voice to a T 😀

ronnie anderson

@ call me Dave I see Crazycats set you rite Kenneth Baker is on the ROLLS of the HoL,pity he,s no in the kitchen making them Rolls,we dont knead any unelected auld duffers.

Robert Peffers

Let us hope the legally sworn in members of the Parliament of the United Kingdom actually now do something about the new breaking news item, “1,433 suspects in child abuse probe”.

This explores the links between child sex abuse by, ‘Prominent public persons’, including politicians and celebrities. Of that number 216 are now dead and 261 are classed as, ‘People of public prominence’, with 135 coming from TV, film or radio,

These figures come from The NPCC, (National Police Chiefs Council), who conducted, ‘Operation Hydrant’. The NPCC includes Scotland but on reading their website they talk of, “The Country”, so probably mean the United Kingdom and think, wrongly, that the UK is a country. Unfortunately, at the moment, there is no way to contact them to ask and correct their error. UK propaganda is everywhere.

Helena Brown

Grieg, you are definitely for the tower and without parole at that, might even end up like Wallace (the real one, not the LD #tory with that name) hung drawn and Quartered. Her Madge hates smoking, caused the early death of her Dad, and Sis and Mum were too fond of the bottle. Other wise I am laughing my head off.

call me dave


🙂 Yea! Clarke just like Clark’s hush puppies.

Not too bad the swearing in thing… looked to see all the Fife MPs becoming part of the history. Who would have thunk it 6 months ago.

But only for one session I hope!

PS: Footie later. Play off game. (I’m neutral on this one)

My teams up already.

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remember it’s advertised in CET so watch the clock.

Alex Waugh

Petra @12:36 pm

I found the sound of Scots and Gaelic ringing out across that chamber incredibly moving. I am financially stuck in a country far away and yet my heart bursts with pride to be Scottish. I do what I can as a ‘keyboard warrior’ but long to be among my own people. If I could wish for one thing, it would be to come home and do my bit for Scotland. I am so proud of the 56; may they live long and find strength to fight for decency and freedom.

Nor tears, nor distance overseas
can blur the truth of what I feel.
And in a moment such as this,
my heart is filled with Scottish pride
for all who seek the Common Weal.

Though miles and money sunder us,
my home is Scotland, first and last.
And I in fervent hopes do wish
to see her have a future bright,
set free of shackles of the past.

Had I the Braid or Gaelic tongue,
it would perhaps say more for me.
But, though I have but English words,
they still can speak of Scottish things
and swear my sisterhood with thee.

One day I shall come home, and it cannot be soon enough.

liz Gray

Ronnie or Robert Peffers do you know what kind of Scot’s Dr Phillipa used ?

jackie g

For your amusement.

Former BBC journalist John Nicolson – now SNP MP for East Dunbartonshire – was just behind former Tory minister Ken Clarke in the chamber. They shake hands and speak. Here is their exchange….

JN: “I am John Nicolson.” [Offers his hand]

KC: “Pleased to meet you, I have met you before. Been here before?”

JN: “No, I have interviewed you before, I am a journalist. I presented BBC breakfast news, saw you a few times.”

KC: “Whose side are you on?”

JN: “I am Jo Swinson [former Lib Dem MP], for the new parliament – I am SNP.”

KC: “I am going to get that reply from an awful lot of people.”

JN: “Yes you are Mr Clarke.”


Robert Peffers

@Glamaig says:20 May, 2015 at 2:10 pm:

“Not really O/T because this includes the queen – my fag packet calculations suggest that the wealthiest 10% of households in the UK (there are 26.7 million households in total) could completely pay off the UK national debt of 1.56 trillion and still have 2.62 trillion to share amongst themselves – 98 million pounds each, still enough for a good supply of champers and caviare.”

Don’t you know by now that these guys in the Tory Party are all part of that same Royal/Aristocracy group that has been in charge of Britain since the Romans left?

These are Fuedal lords and some still sit as such in the Lords. Here is a typical example for you : –

George Gideon Oliver Osborne; (Born 23 May 1971), has been the First Secretary of State since 2015, the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Second Lord of the Treasury since 2010 and the Member of Parliament (MP) for Tatton since 2001.

Osborne is descendent from one of the oldest Anglo-Irish aristocracies. He is the eldest son of Sir Peter Osborne, 17th Baronet, and thus he is the heir apparent to the Osborne baronetcy.

There were three Osborne Baronetcies, two in England and one in Ireland. In 2014 two still exist. The Baronetcy, of Kiveton in the County of York, was created on 13 July 1620. The Osborn(e) Baronetcy, of Chicksands in the County of Bedford, was created on 11 February 1662. The Osborne Baronetcy, of Ballentaylor and Ballylemon in the County of Waterford, was created on 15 October 1629. The second and seventh Baronets both represented County Waterford in the Irish House of Commons, the eighth Baronet represented Carysfort while the eleventh Baronet sat in Parliament for Carysfort and Enniskillen. The eleventh Baronet voted against the Act of Union in 1799 in order to retain Ireland’s independence from Great Britain and, refusing Government bribes, voted against it again in 1800 when the legislation was finally enacted. The current British Chancellor of the Exchequer, The Rt Hon. George Osborne, PC, MP, is heir apparent to the Irish baronetcy.

Got the picture now, Glamaig? The Royals & Aristocracy have been ruling over us all along. Here’s another :-

Anthony Neil Wedgwood “Tony” Benn (born 3 April 1925 – 14 March 2014), Benn inherited a hereditary peerage on his father’s death (2nd Viscount Stansgate), preventing him continuing as an MP. He fought to remain in the House of Commons, then campaigned for the ability to renounce the title, a campaign which succeeded with the Peerage Act 1963. In the Labour Government of 1964–70 he served first as Postmaster General, where he oversaw the opening of the Post Office Tower, and later as a “technocratic” Minister of Technology.


Thanks for the Greg.

Keeps the spirits up no end.


ronnie anderson

Noo diz this no fit in wie DimJims personna,

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@ Alex Waugh says ”If I could wish for one thing, it would be to come home and do my bit for Scotland. I am so proud of the 56; may they live long and find strength to fight for decency and freedom. …..One day I shall come home, and it cannot be soon enough.

Thanks for posting Alex and for the beautiful poem. I hope you manage to return to Scotland soon; better still to an Independent Scotland x


Speaking with Max Kaiser yesterday,(, Harry Cole, a political journalist and contributing editor to the Spectator, has some interesting things to say, among them that the Tory right wing are now sceptical of a withdrawal from the EU. They are persuaded by UK Govt. successes in the AV referendum and in IndyRef, to the belief that Westminster knows how to win a referendum – not least by the use of smear and fear.

He is also certain that the Tories did not expect to win GE15 outright.

Makes me think that 56 MP’s, with 3rd party privileges and with their ear to the ground in Westminster, will make for a better informed Scottish Government. I also think that with the 56, the SNP might just become a lot more professional and a little less naieve. The 56 do look like a formidable bunch.

Robert Peffers

@liz Gray says: 20 May, 2015 at 3:20 pm:

“Ronnie or Robert Peffers do you know what kind of Scot’s Dr Phillipa used ?”

I have not heard it yet, Liz, I was watching it when my door bell rang and I had visitors. Dr Whitford is Belfast born, worked in Kilmarnock and is MP for Buchan. So Belfast would be Ulster Scots, Kilmarnock would be Lallans and Buchan the Doric.

Proud Cybernat

Gawn yersel, Mhairi. Make Scotland proud….

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Al Dossary

Just watching the swearing in ceremony – about 12:00 in you can see Chris Law having a good old chin wag with Dennis Skinner.

Methinks that despite all the trouble the MSM are trying to create, Messr’s Skinner and Law will get on like a house on fire.

Jim Thomson

@Robert Peffers 4:17pm

The archived event is here:
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Philippa is on at around 11:42:00 on the timeline. I notice she handed the paper back to (I think) Chris Law.

Jim Thomson

@Robert Peffers 4:17pm

Philippa is the MP for Central Ayrshire not Buchan 😉


manandboy says:

“The 56 do look like a formidable bunch.”

You can just feel the attitude. They are driven, on a mission, know what they are about, are passionate … I doubt if other parties down there have folks with such strong motivation. There are enough of them that WM will need to bend its ways in dealing with them – they will make / change some of the rules.

My biggest hope is that none of them are down at WM beyond the five year term!

This has to be the ‘perfect storm’ – unprecedented SNP MPs, strong government in Holyrood, the majority of the Scots population politically engaged, Scotland facing left while England marches right, right wing Tories in an ideological fest …. Scotland’s time is nigh.


Was ‘Tony’ Benn not a prime mover in preventing Mainland Scotland getting a percentage of the oil revenue, but party to the bribery divide and rule tactic of giving same to Shetland County Council?

Could someone confirm or deny?


Also watching swearing in. Just as well I will never be elected as an MP, I dont think I could take an oath of allegiance to HRH. How medieval.


I forgot to mention – speaking with Max Kaiser yesterday,(, Harry Cole, a political journalist and contributing editor to the Spectator, also said that in the forthcoming EU referendum, residence qualifications would NOT apply.

This is bound to open up the discussion as to why residence rules DID apply in IndyRef, but also about why there should be different rules for a referendum in different parts of Better Together UK. Whatever happens in the EU referendum, it looks like having an effect on the next IndyRef one way or the other.

Jim Thomson

and STILL nobody is in jail!

This is farcical. You fine banks billions – and guess who pays to restock the till … US!

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@ Jim Thomson says ”and STILL nobody is in jail! This is farcical. You fine banks billions – and guess who pays to restock the till … US.”

Yes it would make you sick. Benefit cheats are being jailed in this country. Why are the corrupt bankers not being sent to prison?

”Iceland convicts bad bankers and says other nations can act too.”

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paul gerard mccormack

Jim Murphy at Holyrood on Reporting Jockland last night had the haughty, arrogant look of a dog walking away after trying to mark his territory by peeing on the patch of someone else.

Chic McGregor

“Whatever happens in the EU referendum, it looks like having an effect on the next IndyRef one way or the other.”

Also, the debate on the EU, however it turns out, will have the effect of increasing polarisation on the subject, at least for a time.

If that happens before the May election, it may have an effect on anti-EU folk who have, up till now, marginally voted SNP.

ronnie anderson

@ Jim Thomson Its Monopoly Jim, but not as we know it but they still get out of Jail free cards,anither banking frauds on its way soon.barstards.


Look at this bunch of UKOK liars and fakes.

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On the day the youngest ever MP in 300+ years of UK parliamentary history signs up, rancid Graun cant bring themselves to even give it a mention, in their Scottish section now stuffed with CiF far right bigots and morons.

Graun’s historically fake progressive liberal mask pulled off their silly visage by a 20 year old from Paisley. No doubt their thugs like Bell and co will be painting swastikas all over Ms Black right the noo.

Bittie Glakit

Although the SNP generally don’t vote on purely English matters, the fact that Scottish foxes might stray across the border and be hunted, should allow them to vote against the repeal.

Grizzle McPuss

Just announced from HQ…

Westminster Group Leadership

Angus Robertson MP – Group Leader and Constitution
Stewart Hosie MP – Deputy Group Leader and Economy
Eilidh Whiteford MP – Social Justice and Welfare
Joanna Cherry MP – Justice & Home Affairs
Alex Salmond MP – International Affairs and Europe
Brendan O’Hara MP – Defence
Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh MP – Trade and Investment
Hannah Bardell MP – Fair Work and Employment
Drew Hendry MP – Transport
Calum Kerr MP – Environment and Rural Affairs
Callum McCaig MP – Energy and Climate Change
Carol Monaghan MP – Public Services and Education
Michelle Thomson MP – Business, Innovation and Skills
Philippa Whitford MP – Health
Pete Wishart MP – Shadow Leader of the House of Commons
Mike Weir MP – Chief Whip
Deidre Brock MP – Scottish Parliament/Scottish Government Liaison

Westminster SNP Spokespeople

Scotland and Constitution

Margaret Ferrier MP, SNP Spokesperson on the Scotland Office
Tommy Sheppard MP, SNP Spokesperson on the Cabinet Office
Deidre Brock MP, SNP Spokesperson on Devolved Government Relations
Kirsty Blackman MP, SNP Spokesperson on House of Lords


Roger Mullin MP, SNP Spokesperson the Treasury
John Nicolson MP, SNP Spokesperson on Culture, Media and Sport
Alison Thewliss MP, SNP Spokesperson on Cities

Social Justice and Welfare

Ian Blackford MP, SNP Spokesperson on Pensions
Natalie McGarry MP, SNP Spokesperson on Disabilities

Justice and Home Affairs

Stuart McDonald MP, SNP Spokesperson on Immigration, Asylum and Border Control
Angela Crawley MP, SNP Spokesperson on Equalities, Women and Children
Anne McLaughlin MP, SNP Spokesperson on Civil Liberties

International Affairs

Stephen Gethins MP, SNP Spokesperson on Europe
Patrick Grady MP, SNP Spokesperson on International Development
Lisa Cameron MP, SNP Spokesperson on Climate Justice


Kirsten Oswald MP, SNP Spokesperson on the Armed Forces and Veterans

SNP Whips Office

Mike Weir MP, SNP Chief Whip
Marion Fellows MP and Owen Thompson MP


@Grizzle McPuss

A superb lineup with some very appropriate appointments.

Question is, does Her Magesty’s loyal media continue to lock them out by only referring to the government minister and Labour shadow, ignoring our guys?

Grouse Beater

Grizzle McPuss says: Just announced from HQ…

Hell that’s an entire aircraft carrier of weaponry! 🙂

Grouse Beater

Lochside asks: Could someone confirm or deny?

Correct. You’ve collared the right man. But he’s dead and like others under investigation, managed to avoid arrest and die in his bed.

Grizzle McPuss

@ galamcennalath

Every day it becomes ever more ‘real’


They won’t be able to ignore us, no matter how hard they try.



Totally agree.

Grouse Beater

Jim Thomson: and STILL nobody is in jail!

Amazing, isn’t it. A state within a state. Like the Vatican, crooked bankers are untouchable. No jail for them. Their company pays out, their salary and bonus safe.

Eddie Munster

Seems like a former submariner has come out and said, that he agrees that Trident, is an accident waiting to happen.

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He also says he is disturbed by the way the British media is trying to focus on the whistle-blowers mental health, and not the terrifying fact, that the trident subs are a ticking time bomb and the lax security measures, in place in Royal Navy bases.

call me dave

No business for select committees on the web site for WM yet.
I venture a guess that
Following the Dissolution of Parliament on 30 March 2015, all select committees have ceased to exist. Until the committees are reappointed in the new Parliament following the General Election on 7 May 2015, there are no chairs or members of committees.

A large part of the work of the House of Commons and the House of Lords takes place in committees, made up of MPs or Lords. These committees consider policy issues, scrutinise the work and expenditure of the government, and examine proposals for primary and secondary legislation. Select committees operate largely by an investigative process, while legislative committees operate mainly by debate.
I was looking for the Westminster original Barnett formula from the 1970’s but had liyttle luck.
However I found a PDF file here from 2007 which gives some details of the three reasons of how the formula should work.
Early pages 9 onwards to 13 including some graphs.

For anyone interested. I’m working through it slowly! 🙁

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PPS: Footie:

Scottish playoff and others to select tonight. Note times are CET

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SNP should vote against Fox hunting, on grounds of human decency, and animal welfare.


@ Robert Peffers

Dr Eilidh Whiteford (Banff and Buchan)
Dr Philippa Whitford (Central Ayrshire, as Jim Thomson point out above)

Two women, both entitled to be called Dr, both SNP MPs, one letter different.

Very easily confused (though not in person 🙂 ) – I expect it will happen a lot.

We also have:
Stuart McDonald (Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East)
Stewart McDonald (Glasgow South)
Stuart Donaldson (Aberdeenshire West and Kincardine)

but only
Neil Gray (Airdrie and Shotts), not also
Neil Hay (Edinburgh South)

These two should be safe from confusion:
Carol Monaghan (Glasgow North West)
Paul Monaghan (Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross) !

Grouse Beater

Munster: he is disturbed by the way the British media is trying to focus on the whistle-blowers mental health

It’s the first line of attack, that or sexual perversion.

Same technique as tossed at many whistle-blowers – often called bitter losers, eccentrics, drunks, malingerers, opportunists. Anything to divert public attention and avoid us concentrating on the issues

Robert Peffers

@call me dave says: 20 May, 2015 at 1:05 pm:

” … Bercow the chair boiler continues to hold hands with all the women MPs for a chat but only a wee shake with the men. Nice touch that!”

Yeah! But his wife has been having an affaire with his cousin. He’s maybe looking for a bit of revenge with someone else right now.

Robert Peffers

@liz Gray says: 20 May, 2015 at 3:20 pm:

“Ronnie or Robert Peffers do you know what kind of Scot’s Dr Phillipa used?

Found time to watch that clip again, Liz.

It was actually quite hard to place the accent but sounded like Lallans, (Lowland Scots), rather than the North East Coast Doric. It had an accent that sounded like Ayrshire to me.


I’m beginning to think that I’m going bl**dywell doolally.

I’ve just been reading in The National that Andy Coulsons lawyer, Richard Keen QC, looks set to become the next Advocate General of Scotland.

That’s right the guy who’s representing Andy Coulson, David Camerons former Director of (Mis) Communications, is going to get promoted. Surprise, surprise!

However there’s a wee problem that will have to be resolved first. Richard Keen like David Camerons former special advisor, Andrew Dunlop (the Poll tax kid) will have to be made a LORD first to enable him to sit in Government.

This just borders on the ridiculous now. There are more unelected members in the House of Lords (over 800) than the Commons. As there are only 400 seats more than half will no doubt be hanging about the subsidised bars advising each other what stocks and shares to buy next: Minus those of course who just sign in, and then jigger off, to get their £300 a day tax free.

David Cameron ‘enobled’ 117 people between May 2010 and April 2011 alone: many of them donators to his Party. The House of Lords is already one of the largest Parliamentary chambers in the world, second in size only to the Chinese National Peoples Congress, with each member costing us £124,000 a year per head (running costs ….. so they say!!).

A clear indication that we don’t live in a Democracy at all but rather a Dictatorship. Can’t the people (ex-Labour, Libdem etc) that voted for the Tories see this; see what’s going on?

Robert Peffers

@paul gerard mccormack says: 20 May, 2015 at 5:39 pm:

“Jim Murphy at Holyrood on Reporting Jockland last night had the haughty, arrogant look of a dog walking away after trying to mark his territory by peeing on the patch of someone else.”

I noticed that Murphy was looking far less harried and drawn when announcing his resignation and since. What does he know that we don’t know?

He’s looking far too chipper than he should after losing both his seat and the Labour branch office Leadership.

Yon man has a lean and hungry look, such men are dangerous.

ronnie anderson

@ Robert Peffers re Liz Grays question on Scots Language,I bowed out of that question this afternoon ,I knew it wasent Doric but thats it.

As to taking the Oath in Gaelic & Scots. I would have pee’d masel if someone had taken it speaking Pallameenaglesga,that wid hiv feked up proceedings lol.



“SNP should vote against Fox hunting, on grounds of human decency, and animal welfare.”

Totally agree.

This vote has nothing to do with politics.

The ruling class, and their banker and lawyer friends, don’t have any sense of human decency but ordinary folks both here and in England and Wales do.

If the “liberal” and “progressive” Guardian attacks the SNP for preventing barbarism against English foxes, so be it.



“I’ve just been reading in The National that Andy Coulsons lawyer, Richard Keen QC, looks set to become the next Advocate General of Scotland.

That’s right the guy who’s representing Andy Coulson, David Camerons former Director of (Mis) Communications, is going to get promoted. Surprise, surprise!”

In case anyone has missed what I have been saying, the Scottish justice system is rotten to the core.

And the vast majority of lawyers are the lowest of the low in society.

This includes “human rights” lawyers who fill their trousers and skirts with hundreds of thousands of pounds of public funds.

Anyone remember “leading human rights lawyer”, one staunchly religious Cherie Blair, wife of a war criminal?


@Grizzle McPuss

That’s an awesome team sheet. 🙂


No coverage of historic Scots MP’s today but its nice to see my Slovene girlfriend making an above the line appearance. Tory boys in a Think Tank say

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“Further transfer of powers to the Scottish parliament at Holyrood could endanger relationships, the report points out. The SNP’s preferred “extreme form of devolution would seem not designed to preserve the union with the rest of the United Kingdom but to break it” it says.”


“There should be a single secretary of state for the union rather than separate cabinet ministers responsible for the devolved nations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the report says.”

Our imperial masters no likee devo one bit but its amazing how all of a sudden, May 8 2015, Britnats are now demanding a PR teamGB and stuff like the above.

Too late and tick tock Prof Tomkins, not of Slovenia.

Robert Peffers

@call me dave says: 20 May, 2015 at 7:30 pm:

I was looking for the Westminster original Barnett formula from the 1970’s but had liyttle luck.
However I found a PDF file here from 2007 which gives some details of the three reasons of how the formula should work.

Bear in mind, Call Me Dave, that Barnett’s Formula was in use when devolution had not yet started. At that time the three Secretaries of State argued their cases for funds.

Joel Barnett himself said it began life as not really a formula but his own personal short hand way of quickly dealing with allocating funds to the three non-English countries. He also claimed it was very much NOT based upon need. In fact he claimed that he campaigned for it to be reviewed and to have it based upon need.

After devolution started the formula became a real formula and was based upon the assessed value the English got from UK Ministries for the things the English got on a per capita basis and took into consideration the different levels of devolved functions the three devolved countries had to finance. Which is why they cannot really dispense with it now.

It is to assess the per capita value England gets directly from the UK ministries and add to each devolved country the value needed to provide the equivalent devolved functions.

This also explains why there are Barnett Consequentials for devolved countries when English funding from the UK ministries rises or falls. Which again explains why there really is nothing whatsoever that can be classed as England only matters as EVAL.


@ Robert Peffers says ”I noticed that Murphy was looking far less harried and drawn when announcing his resignation and since. What does he know that we don’t know?

He’s looking far too chipper than he should after losing both his seat and the Labour branch office Leadership.”

He didn’t lose the vote so he could have stayed on and has the brass neck to do so.

He didn’t so I reckon he was offered a job prior to the vote: one that he couldn’t refuse such as getting big bucks for working full-time, instead of his usual part-time, for MI5.

If he’s another leech that’s been offered a seat in the House of Lords, and accepts it, that’ll put the last nail in the SLPs coffin for sure.

Then again he’s got links to the US via trying to b*gger up the Referendum so maybe he’ll head off to the the US of A.


@ Rock ”In case anyone has missed what I have been saying, the Scottish justice system is rotten to the core.

And the vast majority of lawyers are the lowest of the low in society.”

I know Rock. Totally agree. I’m related to (one or) two of them and therefore have first hand knowledge.


Update 5 (Final) I intend to put together a “what happened next post. Mr Dunlop is of interest

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Grouse Beater

To look at the Queen you’d think her a quiet, gentle, lovely wee soul, not the interfering monarch who intervened in the Referendum with the sly comment:

“I hope everybody thinks very carefully about the referendum this week.”

Constitutional experts – probably enjoying an in-joke – said she chose her words carefully to ‘maintain her neutrality on politics.’

Aye, that’ll be right.

And then there were the celebrations for the No vote. The Queen “marked the success of the Better Together campaign at the Ghillies Ball at Balmoral.”

“I wonder what the poor people are doing tonight?”

And we pay her millions from the public purse to keep her in the manner she has become accustomed, and ‘neutral’.

Tackety Beets

Lochside @ 4.48pm

There will be others here with a better memory than I.

I read a document 15/20 years ago which set out some of the underhanded capers that went on in the early 70’s . The Shetland situation , how they tried to F&@k over Shetland but failed thanks to a very special Shetlander , sorry cannot recall his name , senior moment.

As GB says you collared AWB correctly .

I think he also was involved in secretly trying to set up a Scottish Co. with the intention of manipulating the Oil Rights etc to said Co .
AWB was Sec of State for Energy in mid 70’s whilst this was happening.

Flyer than a barra load o monkeys !

Sorry I’m sketchy on the facts , I’m sure the Documents , links etc can be sourced by others on here .

bookie from hell

LibDems were right,Tory’s are bastards

here’s me thinking Iain dale was a one nation Tory


Ian Brotherhood

Okay, so here’s a nice picture of the new ‘Lord Chancellor’:

link to

And here’s the same dude, giving it big-licks on what the Tories were going to do about ‘equality of opportunity’, less than six years ago:

All weans who were born in schemes, take note – one day, if you ‘be-all-you-can-be’, ‘just-say-no’, ‘reach for the stars but keep your feet on the ground’ etc? you could end up just like him.


“I wonder what the poor people are doing tonight?”

Like me, they’re probably wondering why same old bankster fraudsters that made millions in the latest giant banking fraud are not now in jail?

Why fine banks billions of our money and not jail the criminal upper class that steals our money and so on.

Barclays are fined £1.53billion, RBS fined over half a billion again but try getting a bank loan for a business, they’ll laugh at you.

Loads of slave wage UKOK shelf stacker jobs though. Dont dare make a false dole claim, want fries with that, etc.

We live in a kleptocracy and the royals are at the top of it all.

Ian Brotherhood

Okay, that 11.52 link didn’t work, but the pish this guy was spouting deserves to be heard, so I’ll try it again here, leaving in the http bit –

link to

And if it still doesn’t work? Just for the sake of proper reference, it was Michael Gove, on the Daily Politics, and was ‘last uploaded’ to the BBC site on July 9th 2009 at 10.48.

Louis B Argyll

Oh deary me…
Lord chance”lol” clearly wearing ladies shoes…
… Bank personnel pay NO PENALTY FOR CRIMINAL ACTIVITY.. And depression can lead to dementia..
Perfect, tories piss off normal people, we will be suppressed… Unless we just cheer up.
Why can’t banking fraud lead to a killer disease.


Louis B Argyll

Bbc is full of it.. On every level. Old, new, history, geography, all used to align the common view. Like believing ‘victorian culture” is our ancient descent.
This morning it was “1600 ad” = ancient forest. Its not ancient, if a tree can live for 300 years… A 400 year old forest is still a nursery. But hey, it was only a weather guy telling us something absolutely irrelevant to our lives.

Louis B Argyll

Is it just me, or is beeb even dumber than normal today? what a pile of made up offensive nonsense they broadcast with a serious face.
Ooh, better get ready some royal boat thing happening later on big brother corp tv channel.

Louis B Argyll

Now on beeb, some “crisis management expert” explaining away T. Cook late apology.. “we can only speculate…” etc..


Louis B Argyll

Sorry.. Will stop ranting…


jackie g

Reporting Scotland has won an award for best news programme and was praised for its “natural authority”.

The judges said the programme highlighted the “wide-ranging skills of the BBC team in reporting, investigation and commentary”.

That will be due to their sterling coverage during the referendum eh



An important event for Scotland. The Scottish representatives signing in. What does Scotland get from the propaganda service? Taw doses of the hypocritical posturing ‘Royals’. Posing as ‘News’ The British State stinks.

Has M15 got to Rev Stu?

ronnie anderson

@ Louis B Argyll Ok I,v got the gist of todays news,what did they say the weathers like,where you

Dont pay TV Licence Fee.

Grouse Beater

A vomit of half-truths and falsehood from intellectually impaired David Torrance in the Guardian, given a bog roll of space to test his latest theories on Scotland’s contemporary history as it relates to the popularity of the SNP.

Note carefully – it’s never the popularity of the SNP, but the ‘rise’ of the SNP, as if storm troopers, or worse.

Everything Torrance claims is slanted. “Labour had good arguments during the Referendum”, he says. “But often couldn’t be heard”

That remark has to be Torrance’s attempt at a wry joke.

MI6’s best friend given lots of room to rewrite Scotland’s history in the image of England.


@heedtracker 20 May, 2015 at 5:58 pm

Ms Black is the youngest MP ever in the UK parliament.

Before 1707 there was no UK.

Grouse Beater

Ian Brotherhood: the pish this Michael Gove was spouting [on English education] deserves to be heard

Have you noticed how Thatcher’s children have taken to mentioning ‘the poor’ in among their extreme policies to make us feel that they actually care?

An example: “We really need to privatise our educational system because the poor are not being served well by it” and other Orwellian speak.


Orkney – Dave Clark established the Oil Fund in Orkeny from the fees paid for Terminal at Sullom Voe. Thatcher secretly took all the Oil Revenues, the equivalent of £Billions out of Scotland and spent it building up London S/E Canary Wharf, Tilbury Docks (26 miles) but shut down every manufacturing facility in Scotland. Thatcher cancelled a pipe line wasting the equivalent of £Billion of Gas. The Gas was burnt off.

Demutualised the Building Societies owned by the members. So banks could access and gamble the mortgage books. Deleveraged the Banks from 25% of capital (collateral) to 13% which is why (world) banking crashed. No adequate reserves.

Thatcher started a civil war with the miners, now coal (CC) is half the cost of imported Gas from Statoil. Norwegian State Co. The Energy market in the UK is serviced by French and Spanish State energy companies, Thatcher sold off utilities and invested in roads not railways.

Scottish revenues have been used to fund illegal wars causing migration in Europe. The Labour Party were responsible for illegally keeping the McCrone Report secret for 30 years and deceiving the Electorate. If the full facts had been known Scotland would have been Independent and more prosperous long ago.


David Torrance is a ignorant and arrogant liar. An annoyance.


They even get the weather wrong.


Grouse Beater says:

“Labour had good arguments during the Referendum”, he says. “But often couldn’t be heard”

That remark has to be Torrance’s attempt at a wry joke.

… obviously untrue, so has to be humour. From someone else, it could be an attempt at sarcasm.


Best yet. Anger and humour all in one wee parcel

Big thanks Greg and co. and Rev for posting

Robert Kerr

O/T sorry.

I am off to Wales for the Hay 0n Wye (Y Gelli) Book Festival and shall attend Alex Salmond’s talk on his “The Dream shall never die” book and other matters. Things have of course changed dramatically since then.

link to

Any idea of questions I could ask?

Brian Powell

If as Torrance claimed, ” “Labour had good arguments during the Referendum”, then it would follow some would have come out for Independence, but that didn’t happen.


The Tories are intent on privatising education, making it two tiered. £9000 fees will prohibit children from accessing Education. It existed already. Cameron/Osbourne and the Cabinet paying their way to the Cabinet by tax evasion. The crooks are running the UK economy. The have increased poverty the gap between the rich and poor. Sanctioning the vulnerable and starving them to death, at home and abroad. Poverty holds children back from education. The Westminster Gov got privileged eductions pay for by public funds. Gove got a (limited available) scholarship paid by public funds and a privilege further Education paid by public funds.

Gove and the Cabinet have imposed £9000 fees on students to cut Gov spending on education. Leaving students with thousands of future debt. They want less students to access the education system by cutting funding. They have cut Gov funding on Education and disadvantaged poorer children from accessing education while they had a privileged education paid by public funding.Oxbridge is funded 2000 to 1 compared to other Universities.

The Tories want to access public money so they and their associates can line their pockets. Handing the education system to their associates to access and profit from State funding. Making profits out of public money wnd depriving the Education system. A two tier system.

Academies etc deprive children of an equal education by privatisation and depriving the education system. Private companies making profits from public system driving down standards, elsewhere and ulitimately more costly. Education should be based on an ability to learn not an ability to pay. The Tories have cut taxes and increased child poverty. They are sanctioning the vulnerable and starving them. Ignorant, arrogant, greedy, conceited, lying Tory hypocrites.


Sick joke of the year award.
Reporting Scotland won the award for best news programme and was praised for its “natural authority”. The judges said the programme highlighted the “wide-ranging skills of the BBC team in reporting, investigation and commentary”. WTF is “natural authority”? I looked it up and this line stood out;
“A great deal of balance and self-control is necessary for effective natural authority. It is actually possible to diminish one’s natural authority by taking some of the defining qualities, such as assertiveness and self-confidence, to extremes”. Like I said, sick joke of the year award. We shouldn’t be too surprised though as the award is presented by the RTS which stands for Royal Television Society. Purr purrr

ronnie anderson

Would you complain to a company or withdraw your custom for bad service. Kay with the E todays topic, not many complaints about Broadcast services BBC/STV , ah wunner how that is 0500 92 95 00,she,s waiting for your call,ah would do it masel but they stop me at the switchboard, must be because ah dont Pay the TV Licence Fee.

Brian Powell

‘Reporting Scotland has won an award for best news programme and was praised for its “natural authority”.’

100% certain the public were not asked their opinion.

Robert Peffers

The petition to reopen the Willie McRae case needs some more signatures, folks. This really needs doing. Whether the government opens it or not they are caught between a rock and a hard place.

link to


Sadiq Khan says, “Voters are bastards”, because they didn’t elect Ed Miliband. Surely he should forced to resign.

This is what the scum really think about the electorate.


Cameron says regarding EU scottish opt out that the “SNP never put forward the case for Orkney and Shetland or the borders to opt out of the Indy vote” arrrgggghhhhh! He kens how to rattle our cages.

call me dave

I am always complaining about Torrance and the way he beats around the bush, circumlocution champion of Scotland.

Others above have also thrown scorn in his direction as he ‘cleverly'(good word that) sums up the history of the SNP and hints that us Scots have buttons up the back of our ‘see you Jimmy’ wigs and trouped down to the polling station like sheep.

Like porridge it requires two pinches of salt as you /or not read it. 🙂

link to


The Tories won’t govern. They will simply do what they think they can get away with.

At a post election party, David Cameron was recorded on camera phone saying ” this win was the sweetest.” I’m sorry I have no link.

I’m going to suggest that the reason why he said that is for the same reason why a man, who is guilty of a very serious crime, then celebrates after he is aquitted by a jury.

In the last five years, only Cameron knows how big the scam the Tories have pulled, and, expecting to be found guilty by the voters, the jury, at GE15, he is of course ecstatic because he has gotten away with it – and been given the opportunity to do it all again.

And the Tories will do it all again. Emboldened by the GE15 decision, they will be wondering if there is anything they can’t do in the next five years. English/British nationalism is about to develop its muscles I fear. If this is so, then the role of the 56 will be crucial, for they, and they alone will oppose Tory plans.

This could well be a very dangerous time for the peoples of these islands for we may be witnessing the early years of a Tory political Empire. Right wing, authoritarian, dictatorial, intolerant of the lower classes, and capable of inflicting suffering on it’s own citizens without hesitation.
Perhaps we should change ‘Empire’ to Reich.

There could be another explanation for Cameron’s ‘sweetest win’, I suppose; it’s just that I can’t imagine what that might be.


Has M15 got to Rev Stu?
On a similar note, what was this about, “Scotland’s a small country, we know the name of every heckler,” says Jim Murphy.

Sounds very much like a threat as in, “we know who you are, we know where you live, blah, blah”.

call me dave

Michelle Mone is leaving Scotland! Says Herald.

Jim,s resigning.

Can Torrance make it the hat trick?



Could someone inform the Scum’s Bill Leckie that Patrick Swayze has been dead for nearly six years.

Leckie, “One day they’ll make a movie of the SNP’s rags to riches rise: Mockit Dancing, Starring Patrick Swayze…”


link to

“High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email to buy additional rights. link to

Meanwhile the strong electoral performance by the Scottish National party means they will be given two committees. One is almost certain to be the Scottish Affairs Committee. For the other, the party has been denied in a request to handle the culture media and sport brief, according to people close to the process.”

If true then the BBC is perhaps being protected. What do you think?


Oops, sorry. Did not preview and now see what I have done. Ignore the 1st para above. Apologies to all


@ Jim

Dont worry Jim that works both ways ,we know who smurph is and when we get our independence we have a nice wee 6 by 3 cell waiting for him.


Michelle Mone leaving? Where’s she going? Is there any danger of her coming back?


@Ken500 at 8.27

Always good posts from you and reminders of what deceit we have been subjected to.

I worked as a graduate engineer in the early 80s in Norway. Yes cost of living was high but I doubled my salary from what I was getting in Scotland working for a large (now privatised) utility company.

When I meet Norwegians now and think how Scotland could have been so well off like them it saddens me.

The McCrone report was as deceitful as any government can get.

Andrew McLean

@Jim says

Jim Murphy, probably did know every heckler, he must have been in on the last gasp at sympathy, you remember? walk with someone that you cant take offence to without looking like a dick, Like, I know a comedian and in drag! then our boys will start a bit of a stoshie then Jim Boy you can run into the placard, we will get our boys on the media to splash it on the front page, might even call it a riot!


@Ken500 says:
8:27 am
Dave Clark established the Oil Fund in Orkeny from the fees paid for Terminal at Sullom Voe.
Not Dave Clark, it was Ian R Clark. Brilliant tough negotiator though he was he did not foresee how long the oil would last and the fund stopped being topped up in 2000. See attached document. As an aside I was on the Sea Quest in 1969 when the first oil was discovered so I can just about remember what was going on back then. 🙂
link to


I see a “Labour campaign for Federalism” has been launched on Labour Hame.Nobody has put their name to it,so far.Bit of kite flying,me thinks.


@GrouseBeater at 8.14

Torrance is the journalist equivalent to Duggie Alexander. A devious two faced sneak who can’t be trusted and wouldn’t hesitate to stab anyone in the back.


“Has M15 got to Rev Stu?”

I suspect he’s busy sorting out the perks from the fundraiser. Could keep him busy for a while 😀

link to

Graeme Doig

‘Reporting Scotland has won an award for best news programme and was praised for its “natural authority”.’

Important to re-assert the authority (natural or otherwise) of the state broadcaster in a ‘region’ the state is losing control


From Mailonline: ”How Britain’s 1 million migrant voters could decide the outcome of the referendum on leaving the EU.

Ministers urged to allow only British citizens to take part in the referendum. EU citizens living here are allowed to vote in local and European elections. Government will decide who can vote when it publishes the Referendum Bill.

Eurosceptic Conservative MPs want ministers to commit to allowing only British citizens to take part in the vote on whether the country leaves the EU.

The Government has said it will decide on exactly who can vote when it publishes the Bill.

Tory MP Philip Davies said the Government ‘would never be forgiven’ if foreign voters made a difference to the referendum result.

He said: ‘Clearly they shouldn’t be allowed to vote and as far as I am concerned the Government is not proposing that they should, so we are on the same hymn sheet.”


Haha – he beat me to it again – as usual:

link to


Fiona, the ft article is paywalled, I realised that the other evening (or was it morning) when I tried, unsuccesfully to post a link from their site. Seems you can read it from a link on twitter, but won’t transfer across other sites, and can’t archive them either.

Also…yeah, my feeling was that they would ‘block’ access to ‘culture, media and sport’. It’s not subtle is it? (rhetorical)

ronnie anderson

call me dave says:
21 May, 2015 at 10:06 am

Michelle Mone is leaving Scotland! Says Herald.

Well would they be so kind and release her Bra Strap fae the Rail in her wardrobe,mibbee,s then she would fuckoff for good.


SqueuedPerspextive says:
21 May, 2015 at 8:15 am
@heedtracker 20 May, 2015 at 5:58 pm

Ms Black is the youngest MP ever in the UK parliament.

Before 1707 there was no UK.

I know. Point is that so called liberal progressivism feminist Englandshire is clearly out of its depth when dealing with people like Black.

If she was English, she’d be a feminist Guardianista heroine. She’s not, so its a shocker of a black out, pun intended. And English/teamGB press black out isn’t a shock either.

SO instead, once again today rancid hypocrisy Graun style farts another load of Scottish tory stuff from a tory conman in Embro.

Another long list of UKOK unionist lies, fear and loathing. What these upper class twerps cant bring themselves to admit is the fact that Scottish independence might actually put power in the hands of the Scottish people and not the Oxbridge types, Lorreto private school boys, tax dodging meeja moguls, UKOK captains of industry at say RBS and BP, ageing billionaires like Ian Wood and so on, who always know better than their plebs.

Its the UKOK natural order.

Come on THE Guardian, get your swastikas plastered over Mhairi Black now!

Dave McEwan Hill

Petra at 10.56

Would it follow therefore that English born folk in Scotland shouldn’t be allowed to vote in a Scottish Independence Referendum?

call me dave


Aye! Mone’s leaving again?
Jim’s fallen on his retractable sword?
Macintosh is thinking about standing for leader?
Kezia cereal Brek is going to make her mind up by the weekend?

Cliff is definitely going though, so one out of five is correct!

You could write pages of the stuff and still get paid for it see that Mr Torrance… It’s all maybee ayes and maybees no!


Dave mcewan-dinnae start that one again!!



Sorry about that: didn’t realise there was a pay wall. That article is about a financial services bod who intends to stand as chair of the Treasury committee, on a platform of ending the bashing of bankers; and keeping interest rates low. But I thought it particularly relevant for this site that they mentioned SNP would be blocked from taking the chair of culture committee, and that is why I tried to link it.

ronnie anderson

@ X Sticks am jealous noo, ah might park up near ah hoose in Brechin an waylay the postie ha ha.

call me dave

The ‘National’ has an article in about MSP Duncan McNeil’s concerns about Jim. (Seems were all worried about Jim).

Mrs Dale also had concerns too ‘I’m rather worried about Jim’

Seems listeners back in the day sent in over 100 bottles of cough mixture when Dr Jim got the cold. *cough*
Who does that sound like?

But I digress 🙂


Mr McNeil has written in the Labour Hame site and some of the replies are interesting.

link to

Robert Peffers

@call me dave says: 21 May, 2015 at 10:06 am:

“Michelle Mone is leaving Scotland! Says Herald.”

Ah! Yes! the, “reciprocating”, Ms Mone. Wha gans up an doon tae London mair times than the Dunfermline tae Toonhill bus service gans up & doon the Toonhill brae.

Dave McEwan Hill

Joemcg at 11.38

I am certainly not suggesting it – merely pointing it out


@ Dave McEwan Hill says ”Petra would it follow therefore that English born folk in Scotland shouldn’t be allowed to vote in a Scottish Independence Referendum.

Dave I posted on this subject before and it caused a bit of a furore on here. Better if I said nought on the subject this time round, lol.

I wonder however if the Scots had to abide by UK Electoral Commission Regulations (re. migrant workers and so on) which Mr Cameron et al are now deciding whether to change or not.

Or does Westminster have no control over Scotlands Electoral rules / regs?


@ call me dave says: ”Mr McNeil has written in the Labour Hame site and some of the replies are interesting.”

I see that they are still lying. ”McNeil says that in the urgency of the referendum campaign we needed Jim Murphy’s energy and determination to cut through. He said at the time we should never share a platform with the Tories. He was right. And he went out there for 100 days taking abuse and worse on his crate.”

We all know that Jim Murphy was at the forefront of forming the ‘Better Together Union’ in an attempt to scupper the Referendum, as per Wikileaks. We witnessed his ‘relationship’ with the Tories in the lead up to the Election too.

I also wonder what ‘and worse on his crate’ refers to?


Well, I got involved in that argument as well so I know the hornets nest it stirs up Dave! The UK govt. do seem to make up the rules when it suits them though. In my opinion only Scots by birth should have had the vote but that view seems to upset a few on here.


@ Ken & Co, anent Sullom I take it you mean Shetland?

Cameron’s at the madam as regards the Northern Isles, he obviously doesn’t know the difference between countries & counties.

Interesting that McNeil is sticking the boot into Murphy, he’s the monkey-man who sat behind Lammont at FMQT and shook his heid, jumped up & doon & banged the desk at her every banal utterance. Even the terminally dim are having a crack at Oor Jim now he’s fell of his Irn-Bru crate. There’s a song there somewhere. 🙂

Robert Peffers

@Joemcg says: 21 May, 2015 at 12:32 pm:

” … In my opinion only Scots by birth should have had the vote but that view seems to upset a few on here.”

Aye! For the very good reason it is pure bloody stupid. Here’s a couple of real world facts for you. Perhaps the best centre forward I ever saw was Joe Baker, closely followed by his brother Jerry. Their father was an army man and Joe was born in Aldershot when his dad was stationed their. Jerry born in the USA when dad was stationed there. Neither could play for Scotland in those days and anyone more Scottish than Joe would be hard to find but Joe was actually capped for England.

In 1962 my mother, father, sister, (with her husband and three children), went to Australia and three of my cousins with their families moved to Canada and another cousin, with husband and family went to New Zealand.

Mum & Dad died there a few years ago but the rest are all Scottish born. None have returned to Scotland. A neighbour has a son born in Portsmouth who spent only three weeks in England and has never returned he voted YES and delivered leaflets during the campaign.

Do you see a pattern there, Joe?

Being Scottish is nothing to do with genes. It is cultural and choice. I have a Brazilian friend who came to Scotland as a young boy and is as Scottish as I am. He loves Scotland and cannot remember much about Brazil.

Louis B Argyll

Ronnie A,
Cant recall the forecast, but prob ” about average for the time of year”.


call me dave wrote:
“Michelle Mone is leaving Scotland! Says Herald.
Jim,s resigning.
Can Torrance make it the hat trick?”

In the words of DimJim:


@ Joemcg (12.32pm).

You are entitled to your opinion mate and free to express it on here, regardless to what others think of it, but if you are going to express your opinion on a open forum then you must expect to have those opinions challenged by those who disagree.

I for one don’t agree with your thinking but it would be a pretty dull place if we were all to be singing from the same hymn sheet so you carry on expressing your views, just don’t expect everyone to agree.

For what its worth, i believe anyone and everyone who lives in Scotland and contributes to our society and economy, regardless of where they originate, should get to vote, just as long as they’re of voting age (16+ IMO).

The only other stipulation i may want to see is possibly a rule that states you must have been living in Scotland for a minimum of ‘X’ amount of years, full time, prior to getting the vote, but it’s a rule i could take or leave.

I’m also dead against ex-pats getting a vote.
They left here to better their lives and they do not have to live with the consequences of any outcomes.

So, that’s my tuppence worth.


I see no point in entering the IndyRef ‘inclusion’ argument, and only do so because the English won’t use it for the upcoming EU referendum; and that I think will become a huge talking point and will end up dragging IndyRef residence rules into the EU debate.

Have family who have lived in Germany for nearly thirty years and are able to vote, after registration, in local and European elections only.

‘Being Scottish is nothing to do with genes. It is cultural and choice.’ This is correct, but being Scottish and being a Scot are two very different things.

As this subject becomes a hot topic as it surely will as the EU referendum gets closer, the terms Scottish and Scot will have to become very clearly defined if much confusion is to be avoided.

Consider, I might move to Spain, fall in love with the culture and all things Spanish to the point where I become indistinguishable from the locals, but unless I am given Spanish citizenship, I won’t get to vote in Spanish elections which involve Spanish sovereignty, and I can click my castinets as much as I want, it won’t make any difference to getting the vote in Spanish national Elections.

Every other country appears to be wrong on this matter while we, the exception, proclaim ‘inclusion’ to be right.

In becoming Independent perhaps we ought to use the standards and principles that we will use after Independence.

Think of the consequences for Scotland if 14 million North of England residents were to become part of Scotland. Fusing the North of England with Scotland would result in a huge cultural change for Scotland, such that it would cease to be ‘Scotland’ but some kind of hybrid nation in which the majority culture would probably overwhelm the lesser.

Imagine 40000 people from Newcastle moving to Perth in say 10 years after the North becoming part of Scotland. Perth has a population of 43000, many of whom are already from England. Perth would cease to become Perth as we know it as the two populations mingled.

And, supposing, after 20 years, things improved down in England, and a large majority of the Northerners wanted to join up with the old UK. Where would Scotland be then. It starts with the letter which comes after E.

Several ‘mistakes’ were made in preparation for IndyRef, one being that a positive message always overcomes a negative one. Now we know that fear trumps everything.

The inclusion argument whereby anyone living here gets a say is a bit dubious. Westminster won’t make the same mistake. Nor Germany, nor Spain, etc etc.

In Scotland, Sovereignty lies with the people of Scotland. Seems to me we need a definition of ‘the people of Scotland’, but it has to be more than having a holiday cottage in Fife, or over here as a student or on a short term work contract. Sometimes, in some things, we’re no very canny.

Dave McEwan Hill

manandboy at 4.38

Disagree entirely. The positive vision won the argument which is why we are where we are today.
Had we matched shite with negative shite we would have sunk without trace and there would decades before the vsion could be brought back into play


I agree, Dave McEwan Hill.

The direction of travel was and is clear, and there is nothing at all to suggest that fear trumps hope. It was never going to be easy, but given where we started it seems clear to me the strategy was right, and it is also right now.

I want no part of this ethnic stuff, and no part of negativity. Let us achieve an independent Scotland by means we can be comfortable with, for the end does not justify the alternative.

Grouse Beater

Fiona: I want no part of this ethnic stuff,

What ‘ethnic’ stuff?


Michelle Mone, the original separatist. 🙂


@ GrouseBeater

Think of the consequences for Scotland if 14 million North of England residents were to become part of Scotland. Fusing the North of England with Scotland would result in a huge cultural change for Scotland, such that it would cease to be ‘Scotland’ but some kind of hybrid nation in which the majority culture would probably overwhelm the lesser.

This “ethnic” stuff


manandboy ,

“Several ‘mistakes’ were made in preparation for IndyRef, one being that a positive message always overcomes a negative one. Now we know that fear trumps everything.”

The British establishment was never going to let us become independent, and never will as long as they can exploit us for their own selfish ends.

It was the positive message that got us to 45% (probably 51% without rigging). Without it, we would have lost badly.

It was also the Yes side’s positive message that led to the SNP getting 50% of the vote in the Westminster election as many people had seen through the No side’s negativity and lies.

And we can claim the moral high ground.

Apart from that, your concerns are justified. It seems that many No votes came from people having holiday homes in Scotland.

The rules of a future independence referendum will have to be decided in Scotland without any Westminster interference.

And the rotten to the core Electoral commission must not have any part in it whatsoever.

Not to forget the even more rotten to the core Pravda GB.


I can see all your viewpoints and they are sound, just think the question being asked is very emotive. You are talking about the independence of our nation. Seems to me only scots can decide that if you really think about it including ex-pats unfortunately! It’s just my opinion though! Lol!


Ex-pats in Spain apply for citizenship to pay less tax.Easy
People who were not born in Scotland have lived there for years (childhood) and paid taxes, had families etc, and campaigned and voted YES.
Demographically people will vote Yes. There is a new generation born every minute.
People in Scotland are realising they will not get the promised full powers. They will not be delivered. Another Referendum and a YES vote will be needed.
Maybe a residential qualification (2/3 years) might be considered. Will It make a difference?
Voters in the North of England vote Tory.

The Tories saying ‘foreigners’ shouldn’t vote in the EU Referendum. Yet Tories/Unionists from elsewhere, interfered and briefed against a YES vote in the Ihdependence Referendum.


It would be impossible to include ex-pats. Who are they? What classification. A logistics nightmare. How long would it take.


Another debate about who should be allowed to vote in the next Referendum!

Some say they know some excellent and talented people who were born abroad, or down South, but have lived here for quite some time. Well I do too. MOST of us do in fact.

Some say their family members emigrated but I can’t understand how this equates to a future vote on a Scottish Referendum? OVER half of my family members now live in Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the USA: MORE living abroad than here. They went there because the situation was hellish here: VERY well educated indeed but opportunities here ziltch. Some have died and never returned such as my father.

This situation applies to MOST Scots. And as much as they would like to vote YES for Independence wherever they are in the World they can’t. This includes those living in England and they see it as a form of discrimination as do our Scottish troops who have been posted / are living abroad.

Some ask if there is a pattern? Well yes there is a pattern. Scots b*gger off because living in Scotland under Westminster rule is hopeless. They hoped things would improve or latterly, 40 years ago, we would achieve our Independence.

I have MANY, MANY friends who weren’t born in Scotland and yes I love them dearly and they ARE brilliant in so many ways but I am not relying on them helping me to achieve MY dream: Independence for Scotland.

If we want our Independence the vote should be open only to Scots who were born and live here.

This would absolutely SIMPLIFY matters such as the holiday home, student, wee short term holiday creatures, people using the address of some distant aunty living in Scotland, two thirds of English people voting NO and the migrant worker fiasco. However it does still pose the postal vote issue. How could we get around that?

I’ve said it already, that is if I were English or foreign born (and I am) I would gladly forfeit my vote to ensure Independence for Scotland.

Why would ANYONE who truly wanted Independence feel slighted by that?

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    • The Flying Iron of Doom on The thickness of blood: “Is anyone else still finding it impossible to view comments because of that bloody virus which keeps attempting to download…Feb 16, 06:15
    • Debatable Lands on The thickness of blood: “Let’s look at this from another angle with less cock waving/hiding. A minority of men behave in aggressive and sexually…Feb 16, 06:01
    • yoon scum on The thickness of blood: “no answer to either question very telling but probably wise under the hate speech laws bought in by the SNP…Feb 16, 05:13
    • yoon scum on The thickness of blood: “I thought one of the big hopes for indy was to massively ramp up immigration to a free ScotlandFeb 16, 05:09
    • WhatRot on The thickness of blood: “Nobody is ‘legitimately going through reassignment surgery’. Nobody.Feb 16, 04:30
    • WhatRot on The thickness of blood: “No you don’t. There’s no such thing. It’s literal nonsense.Feb 16, 04:25
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    • Mark Beggan on The thickness of blood: “I don’t think Paisley is a good idea.Feb 15, 22:29
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    • John H. on The thickness of blood: “The threat of death by the sword was how he forced people to accept his new religion I understand.Feb 15, 20:08
    • Royston Rickard on The thickness of blood: “To your third sentence – in short, yes. Even 20 years ago, this wasn’t an issue anywhere. Why? Because until…Feb 15, 20:07
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