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Wings Over Scotland

Labour then and Labour now

Posted on April 25, 2015 by

Scotland on Sunday, 21 March this year:

“Ed Miliband will go on the offensive against the SNP on a visit to Scotland tomorrow as Labour prepares to unveil a dossier of evidence to show that Nationalist MPs supported the Tories 70 per cent of the time during the last two Labour governments.

Discussions are also underway to commemorate the 28 March anniversary of 11 SNP MPs joining the Tories to help vote down Jim Callaghan’s government in 1979.

The historic vote led to the election which brought in Margaret Thatcher and heralded 17 years of Conservative rule. Proposals to mark the day include wearing a black arm band and laying a wreath at the miners’ memorial.”

And here’s the Guardian today.

“Lord Heseltine, the former Tory deputy prime minister who championed the regeneration of Britain’s inner cities in the 1980s, is being lined up by the shadow business secretary to advise Labour in government.

In a sign of how some Labour figures will try to revive the ‘big tent’ approach of Tony Blair, Chuka Umunna described Heseltine as a visionary who could advise him on plans for the further devolution of power to the English cities and regions.

‘There is no denying it, a lot of people in the Labour movement are quite inspired by what he’s done in rejuvenating cities and regions,’ he told the Guardian. ‘Just because he is a Tory should not stand in the way of us working with him in the future and I very much hope to do that.'”

We’re sure those miners Scottish Labour laid a wreath for a month ago will be chuffed.

“The government is planning to close a third of Britain’s deep coal mines, with the loss of 31,000 jobs. 

The President of the Board of Trade, Michael Heseltine, has announced up to 31 out of 50 remaining deep mines face closure. Arthur Scargill, president of the National Union of Mineworkers urged miners to fight the government and called the layoffs a ‘savage, brutal act of vandalism’.

Robin Cook, Labour’s trade spokesman, said the cuts were a ‘bad decision’ not only for the local communities but for tax payers and electricity consumers who would pick up the inevitable costs.

But any suggestion that the UK should follow Germany’s lead in preserving its coalfields with extra subsidies was dismissed by Mr Heseltine. Industry would not be made more competitive by ‘forcing costs on to them above the market price,’ he said.

Mr Heseltine said the decision was a necessity born out of the continuing economic recession and the demise of the Cold War, and intimated other industries such as shipbuilding might also suffer.”

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Heseltine a visionary FFS, the only vision that posh arsehole had was to stab Maggie in the back and his prize was the Tories keeping him out of the PM office he coveted so much and putting the peas envoy Major in to office.

Up to his ears in the plans to extinguish the miners and trade union influence in the political process and 13, yes 13, years of a Labour govt never put any of it right.

Visionary my arse!!

Zen Broon

Posturing always trumps principle in the modern Labour Party.

joe kane

During the Thursday evening televised leaders’ debate (16th Apr) Miliband earnestly declared to the nation that he had fought against the Tories all his life. By Sunday morning’s newspaper deadlines he was begging Tories to vote for him.

Ed Miliband interview: ‘I want to reach out to Tory voters’
link to


Where is the up and coming talent in the Labour party when they have to rely on Tory dinosaurs for new ideas? Dead party indeed.


Great comment!


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Tories destroyed Scotland’s coal and steel industry and imported coal from producers like Russia, making the odd Russian a billionaire in the process.

Labour want Heseltine as he’s such a great English City regenerator, except all of it was borrowed billions, meaning all of it went tits up when their free market Gordon BrownFlipper Darling/City bubble burst. HS2 is the next big red and blue Tory Free money splash though and It all stops dead at Leeds.


The 3 articles highlight just how flexible Labour is with not only the truth, but of their own beliefs. Tony Blair’s own vision was one where he desired adulation, but to receive it, he needed to take his party down a path where it would need to shed itself of its moral and ethical beliefs.

Today, Tony Blair is a man haunted with all that he has done. Sure he became very rich, but it also left him a very tainted man; a man who can’t wash the blood from his hands no matter how he tries; and his own place in history, something which he frets over even to this day, is one that will only see him castigated as a shallow individual who craved to be in the limelight; who wished to be adored, and showered with praise at all turns. How those cheers have turned to jeers.

As they say, beware of what you wish for. Tony wanted to be remembered. He’ll certainly get that, that’s for sure.

But as to the Labour Party. Shorn of its ideals, ethics and morals, it is now a party that looks in the mirror and forces itself to believe that it is the party of old; that it is a party of significance to the working man, and a candle of hope to the very poorest of society.

Well, the whole top tier of that party are kidding themselves. Millionaires …the lot of them, and all of them wish to continue austerity on the working man and the poor. Then we have at least one cabinet minister who did state the truth of the party’s real ideology. Rachel Reeves who on the 17th of March stated that Labour does not want to be seen as the party of the welfare state.

And it isn’t just Rachel Reeves. God knows how many of them in that Party privately think that, and yet, pretend that they really do give a damn about the poorest of the poor.

Personally, I thought Gordon Brown’s ‘pledge’ today about promising to give £5,000 to each food bank was one of sheer hypocrisy. People don’t want the government to give £5,000 to each food bank; they want an absolute end to food banks! They want people to live lives free from the unrelenting weight of fear of wondering how they will pay the bills and still put food on the table. What is it that Gordon Brown isn’t getting. His statement is right up there with the photos of Danny Alexander grinning like a Cheshire cat at a food bank believing that he is doing good there. What is it that they don’t get? Do they not understand why people are extremely pissed off in Scotland?
Do they not realise that we sick to death of corruption, of hypocrisy, of greed, of contempt …especially when the image of Sturgeon, Wood and Bennett hugged each other, and produced an iconic image that there was another way. A better way.

This is why the Labour Party have lost the respect of the Scottish people, and why they no longer have our permission to be an authoritive voice for the Scottish people. It is as simple as that.


Just goes to prove that there is no difference whatsoever between the blue tories, and the red tories….

We need rid of these parasites whose only existence is to bleed the country dry for their own personal profits/benifits


is this a wind up ?

My god and they really think Heseltine is going to be on their side,nothing like letting the fox into the chicken coop this has to go down as one of the most stupid things Labour have ever done.

I can see a lot of old labour ripping up their memberships today ,it was bad enough getting in bed with them over Scotland but this FFS is like showing Cromwell to the Irish.
This is the end of labours chances to be in government imo.

Bob Mack

It says’ it all really when the two feel comfortable enough to work with each other.

bookie from hell


“If the Tories are the largest party, he will try to put Cameron back in No 10.”

Bittie Glakit

Hello folks,
Here are a few more images based on the happenings of the past couple of weeks. Love this site!

link to

Dr Ew

Wet Tories make natural bedfellows for the pee-the-bed Labour hierarchy. No doubt Murphy and his fellow Henry Jacksonites are working behind the scenes to make such a wet dream come true.

Labour’s history would suggest they’d find it more easy to cuddle up to than the SNP, Plaid or the Greens but, of course, “We in Scotland” know that all that’s left is a brand name that demands customer loyalty despite being an entirely different product. Like, say, The Royal Bank of Scotland.


Sandra says:
“Where is the up and coming talent in the Labour party when they have to rely on Tory dinosaurs for new ideas? Dead party indeed.”

Very good, Sandra. I’d just love to hear the answer to that one.

Hugh Kirk

Way to go Ed. You fucking numpty.

Iain More

Millibland? What a star! I didn’t even know Heseltine was still living.

[…] Labour then and Labour now […]

Tam Jardine


Agree with you on Brown’s pledge. He doesn’t get that food banks are a response to government failure – to deal with poverty you don’t apply a sticking plaster.

If there was ever a hollow pledge for pure political gain, a more cynical half arsed attempt at winning votes, I have yet to see it. Delivered by a guy who has left his job after a parliament of almost total dereliction of duty.

And why £5000, why not £1000, or £10000? And why a lump sum instead of regular support? What thought is there? None whatsoever I suspect.

Addressing the symptoms of government failure instead of government failure is to concede that government is powerless to address the root causes of poverty. I don’t want a government that feels it cannot address the root causes of poverty.

I hear alot about SNP supporters ‘wanting’ a labour government. I don’t but I can tolerate one if it is influenced by the SNP as a stepping stone towards our ultimate independence.

Graham MacLure

“Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.” – Groucho Marx”

I believe that Groucho’s statement sums up the Labour party of today better the anything Karl ever said.


One but wonders what kind of government do Labour voters think they will be getting if unelected Tories get co opted into a Labour government. Seems they prefer right wingers.

How did that government of all the talents work out then?


Labour and Hezeltine ask the same question – how do I make a personal fortune in politics. They’ll get on fine together.

Cash for food banks – crumbs from the rich man’s table.

donald anderson

Labour closed most of the Scottish pits before the Tories cane to power. No mention of Labour Pay freezes and winners of discontent when the Tame Unions policed the workers for Labour cuts?

Labour sent Troops into Ireland in 1969 and to Glasgow in 1974 to scab on the workers against Their pay Freeze, by emptying bins and driving ambulances, fire engines and bin lorries. Do we have amnesia of Labour voting with Tories against Scotland Lab Con alliam=nces in local Government? empty nis


Tory Max, Tory, and Tory Lite etc ….. sums it u nicely


The most ingrained memory I have of Heseltine was he plea to the working masses that we are all in it together and we all need to tighten our belts in this difficult economic period.
(Caused by Thatcher’s government policies to show the workers who is boss).

A few days later we see pictures of his daughter’s 18th Birthday
party on which he spent £100,000.
Not including gifts given to her directly.

In those days a 40 hour week earned an Electrician around £12k per annum.

He can spend 10 years of my Gross wages in a day and we are all in it together?
I know how tight I would have liked to have pulled Michael’s belt


Slabbers,when you are bereft of any ideas,any leadership,when you are desperate,it is no suprise to anyone of us,who knows you,that you resort to the role of midgie raker.

I pity you,for having sunk so low,but I will never forget/forgive your hated of Scotland,I hope you lose all your seats in Scotland,we,the people of Scotland still have pride in country,you lot are beneath contempt.

Red/Blue Tories, licking each other’s toffee’s are not welcome here,take your bag of wrong and F##k Right Off.

Bob Mack

@ Graham MacLure.
Inspired quoting there Graham.Brilliant


I had missed old Gordon Brown Gravy Train’s quote about giving
£5,000 to each food bank.

How low and how stupid can that man be?
Wouldn’t anyone with a degree to true compassion want to find a solution to end this blight? This oaf wants to keep it solvent
for 1 month then let’s get back to normal with working families not being able to feed themselves.

Just unbelievable that this man every claimed to be a socialist, or that a former socialist Labour party would bring this idiot
back out of his box and present him a their shining light.

The man takes out £10,000 per week from his own charity and calls it “Expenses! PS he also gets very substantial “Expenses” from Westminster too.

So there we have it. Take his wages out of it, and he gives a fraction of his weekly expenses as a lifetime payment to food banks


Slightly OT…….

Today’s Guardian :

Ed Miliband has warned of the “stealth privatisation” of healthcare if the Tories win the election, as Labour unveiled details of its plans to cut the maximum income an NHS hospital can earn from private patients
link to

2014 Labour Press :

Let’s stay together to protect the NHS – Ed Miliband

Ed Miliband MP, Leader of the Labour Party, speaking today in Glasgow City Centre, said:

“I am proud to stand here today with colleagues from the labour movement from across the United Kingdom.

“In solidarity because we know we are better together.

“There is no better place than by the statue of Donald Dewar who 17 years ago helped win the devolution referendum.

“It is now clear what the choice is in this referendum.

“Change with no or huge risks with yes

“With no, more powers for a stronger Scotland.

“With yes, risks to jobs, the economy and the NHS.

“One of the proudest achievements of our movement and our solidarity is our National Health Service.

“The NHS is stronger if we stay together.

“Stronger because of the resources of the whole UK.

“Stronger because we share world class services.

“Stronger because people travel from Scotland to England and England to Scotland for life saving treatment.

“Because we are better together.

“It is separation that is the risk to our NHS.

“Including because of the cuts in public spending which Mark Carney warns about today.

“Because of the devolution that Donald Dewar made possible, the NHS in Scotland is run in Scotland.

“So don’t believes the lies and scaremongering of the SNP.

“There is only one person that can privatise the NHS and that’s Alex Salmond

“Labour founded the NHS

“Labour cherishes the NHS.

“Vote no for a stronger NHS.

“We’re proud to say No.

“We’re proud of our solidarity.

“We’re proud to stand here together and stand up for the NHS, jobs and our country.”

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Anyone seen Channel 4’s Alex Thompson’s twitter and blog regarding todays events in Glasgow?

Appears that he has gone ‘native’ 🙂

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The funniest line is ‘It seems largely ignored by the mainstream media in Scotland. But I am intrigued by it all’

What a MSM journalist realising pro SNP/Independence events are ignored by the MSM, what ever next?


For clarity in my previous post,the phrase’s Red/Blue Tory licking each other’s toffee’s and bag full of wrong,are directly related to Brown/Thatcher and now Milliband/Heseltine making my blood boil.

I am sure wingers know what I am on about,but non/new wingers might not get it,hence the quick clarification,now I have had a cup of char and cooled down a tad.



Any still doubt the outcome where Labour and Tories join together…


Heseltine talking of Margaret Thatcher:

“She has made a remarkable contribution to Britain’s history and has led this country with great distinction in the 1980s.” Michael Heseltine 22/11/1990

He’ll fit right in with the current Labour party. A natural.

Dr Jim

Wonder if Hesletine’ll fly to work each day by Helicopter
with Labours new leader Chukka
Watch yer back Ed yer brither Davy’s sent in his hit man

That’ll be yer Ides of MAY comin


But I thought Ed Miliband and Jim Murphy told us that ‘Vote Labour, get Tory’ was a vile cybernat smear?

Either I’m too simple to understand the cunning plans of the Labour leadership, or they make about as much sense as the ones Baldrick used to come up with.


Let’s give Labour the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe this signals the long awaited move to the left, as Heseltine is way to the left of most of the Labour shadow cabinet.


What you’re actually seeing right there is the first acknowledgement of the upcoming Grand Coalition.

Scott Graham

Ed We are waiting for you.

No no no...Yes

I wonder how patriotic Jim will try and sell that one in Scotland.


Three possibilities there.

1. the guardian lost the story for 23 days then published by mistake.

2. It’s a cunning ploy by the media to strip Labour of the last shred of credibility.

3. Chukka is really stupid and doesn’t understand where the parties core support comes from.


Four possibilities.

4. This is the right wing sleepers in the party activating.


five possibilities

5. I was going to say “Fanatical dedication to the Pope” but just remembered in time that we can’t do jokes any more and that it might be taken literally as a vile cybernat sectarian slur.


O/T Sorry folks but I have to say I think its a bit ironic that after Kezia wanting SNP candidate to be removed from Edinburgh, Labour have had to sack their candidate in Banff & Buchan because he was caught drink driving with no insurance.

You couldn’t make that up

Jack Murphy

Tory Norman Tebbit is urging Scotland to vote Labour.


Labour and hypocrisy.

Ham and eggs.


A really fair article in the Guardian by Jonathan Freedland, setting out how the unionist parties are forcing the end of the Union by refusing to work with SNP etc

My friend posted a pic on FB with Chunky Mark, who is getting a rock star reception at Freedom Sq. And he has declared himself a jockney!


If you want to know about Labour then and now read the text of their 1945 manifesto and then read their current one:

link to

And after that watch Ken Loach’s The Spirit of ’45


Seriously don’t want the SNP to do any deals with any slimey Westminster party.

To Hell with the lot of them.


Even the bizarre appearance of ultra-short-skirted cheerleaders cannot stick to Teflon Nicola.

Anyone have any news about this?

Bob Mack

To anyone interested.
Chunky Mark has dond a few videos of his day in Glasgow which he has uploaded onto you tube.He has an interview with Tommy Sheridan,and Nicolas speech at Buchanan St and others.Worth a look.
Unable to link .Computer playing up

mike cassidy

Check out this GQ interview he gave to Alistair Campbell of all people back in October 2014.

Campbell seems to conjure Heseltine out of thin air in order to allow the guy to speak highly of his Tory connections.

Does this mean Ken Clark has a future as Labour’s Minister of Jazz.

De Valera

Nothing surprises me any more about Labour, if Thatcher were still alive they would be cosying up to her and the Daily Record would love it.

They have given up on Scotland, it’s time for Scotland to give up on them.

mike cassidy

The GQ link is here, sorry.

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I’ve always wondered whether the various phases of ignoring, smearing, loathing and now remarkable levels of fear and panic against the continual rise of the SNP marks the unionists real feared potential of a political copycat enlightenment in England. Perhaps the even greater fear of the Westminster establishment is the English realisation of why the SNP enjoys such success and what can be achieved when a party acts morally and effectively in the best interests of the country not just it’s party politics – with a respected SNP First Minister and MSPs in a democratically elected (majority) government.

I fail to understand the unionist (politics and msm) ploys of promoting ludicrous smears, lies and personal attacks, so easily rebutted across the social media in Scotland – but not so much in England. Would this ploy therefore enable many in England to believe the expedient joined forces of Labour and Tory appearing to represent a false ‘English National Party’ against the terrible and “dangerous” SNP and it’s supporters. Thus fooling England to consider this ‘grand alliance’ post election is the saviour of England rather than it’s real objective to quell a similar national party arising to challenge Westminster displacing the old order.

Cadogan Enright

I am pretty sure that I have seen the Rev put up an analysis of the number of times the Torys, Liebor and so forth supported the minority SNP government – would this be a valid comparison?

Nana Smith


Please share so many folks can read.

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Mr. Heseltine drove away
Two more appointments in the north today
Helpless and powerless
We join the queue for the metro bus
And Mr. Heseltine I’ve made up my mind
I’ll never give support to you and your kind
– Chumbawamba


Who leaked the Scotland Office report?

Arabs for Independence

Vote Labour get Heseltine

Arabs for Independence

Cameron said today that he supported West Ham until a reporter pointed out that he was an Aston Villa fan. Cameron then said he had a ‘brain fade’.

Wish o could forget I was a Dundee United fan


I see Anas Sarwar has received a death threat earlier this month. Now they wouldn’t manufacture that, would they?



Desperation, it stinks.


Managed to finish work early and got into Freedom Square just in time to see Chunky Mark.He was excellent and I enjoyed the last hour or so of the rally.

Bought a few badges from stalls including 2 from guys with beards at WoS banner.

It seemed a successful continuation of the rallies we had last year,good spirit and decent numbers with the sun shining on the righteous again.

Hope there are more rallies even after the election to keep people engaged and awake.

Nana Smith

I posted the above link to voxpolitical as an snp member sent it to me as they thought it an important article.

I did not see the drivel the author writes about the snp until a few moments ago.

So I apologise if anyone is annoyed.


Chunky Mark has uploaded his Hope Over Fear videos including Nicola’s speech in Buchanan Street.
Good for him!

link to


Other videos here:
link to

you ok hun

A funny thing happened on the way to the election , this Labour control group is as far removed from the origins of Labour that it defies belief that they get any element of the working class to continue voting for them.

Any way I was leafleting sunny Clarkston yesterday including Mr Murphy`s street. I got no negativity except for once, I had posted a card through the Murphy`s letterbox and carried on down the road, I was about seven doors further down when i heard a car zooming down the street, it came to a halt , a woman in her forties got out said “are you the one …….” stoppped and shoved a ripped up card into my hand jumped back into the car and roared off again.

Friends who know the locals said it could have been you know who because of the description, the local yes shop thought it might be her and i suppose the question must be , who would get so angry they would hunt me down to shove a ripped up card in to my hands?

My response . “Ok, Thank You”


Derek Bateman has an interview with Alan Bisset and Kevin McKenna over on Newsnet Scotland.

arthur thomson

@ NanaSmith 6.16



The SNP should be very careful about extending support to a minority Labour government.

The latter will break their promises, leading to the fall of the minority government, for which they will endlessly blame the SNP like they endlessly (and wrongly) blame 11 SNP MPs for bringing down the Callaghan government.

The SNP should vote against the Queen’s speech unless its key conditions are very clearly included in it.

Labour cannot be trusted one bit.

Robert Peffers

Yeah! That’ll go down well around Fife. Heseltine was the Defence Secretary who sold off Rosyth Dockyard and closed the Fife pits. I’m sure that’ll gladden Roger Mullin’s heart.

May the FEAR be with them!

CameronB Brodie

Re. British Labour’s admiration of the Tory party’s ‘enterprise-lead regeneration’. The final analysis of the impacts and consequences of this approach, has still to be written. I would think the ‘left-wing’ are perhaps a little quick of the mark with their admiration for the ‘right-wing’.

It must be an ideological thing.

For anyone interested in the history of regeneration strategies, this caught mu eye.

Urban Regeneration in the UK
link to*Version*=1&*entries*=0

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P.S. I’m a little surprised by the lack of peek from British Labour, in relation to the Tory’s rejection of “Regional Policy” and a return to market-driven policies and the incouragement of inter-urban competition. Stiil, as David Harvey says, “we’re all neo-liberal now”.

CameronB Brodie

Och, silly me. It can all be explained by the Fabian Society’s publication “Southern Discomfort”. Same old same old.

The Southern Discomfort pamphlets were a series of studies by Giles Radice published by the Fabian Society that examined attitudes towards the Labour Party in the south of England after the 1992 General Election defeat.[1] The studies found that voters in marginal constituencies were concerned about Labour’s lack of economic credibility and feared that their taxes would increase if Neil Kinnock had won in 1992. The pamphlets were influential in underscoring the need for Labour to appeal to “C1” and “C2” voters

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Chic McGregor

Miliband’s best chance, strike that, his only chance, of becoming PM is if the SNP do well in this campaign.

It isn’t simply the compelling logic that an anti-Tory Scottish bloc consisting of SNP, Green and SLAB MPs, however apportioned, would be larger than SLAB could hope to win on their own, although that is undeniably true (the SNP/Greens can take seats from the Scottish LibDems that SLAB simply could not, therefore the total would, unless Nick Clegg is struck by lightening, be greater).

There is a potentially a much larger factor regarding the English electorate. Many there might well want to vote for a bit of Keynesian growth stimulation, but there is a problem. The problem is Ed Miliband.

It isn’t so much that he is, well… weird, although he is. His weirdness could be tolerated were it not for the indefensible flip flops and u-turns he has already demonstrated. That makes him out to be untrustworthy and unpredictable. Frankly, a bit dangerous.

If there was support required a party which was left of centre with a sane and sensible leader, which of course there is, any mad policies or ones which stem from bankster or big business influence designed to further line their undeserving pockets, could be rejected or at least have the tory only nature of WM exposed by enlisting Con support (which would kill Labour in England too).

If I were an English voter, I would certainly want that influence there and, indeed, would prefer it to be unqualified by any deal.

Doug McG

Does anyone know if Murkey is to stand down from Westmonster to become a list member leader (like the rest of them) at Holyrood . His constituents really need to know this and he should by now , know himself , unless he is just covering for when he loses Eastwood. More close questioning of the Murk required.

Robert Peffers

I hope everyone notes that while the gap between the very rich and the very poor is greater now than ever before it has also continued to grow throughout the period of austerity. Yet the money the Westminster Establishment pays itself is kept in line with the very rich and not with the very poor. It has increased not declined.

It doesn’t take a great intellect to deduce the entire Establishment have designed it that way and remember also the House of Lords has grown to be larger now than any other time in the history of parliament.

Does anyone still doubt it was done by design rather than by accident? Bankers and Financiers took the World to disaster yet throughout the long climb back they have continued to grow richer while business declined – but not so fast a decline as the incomes of the poor. Thus the poor, in becoming poorer, have been making the rich richer. There simply was nowhere else for them to derive that extra wealth than from the mouths and stomachs of the poor.


Was the wreath ever actually laid does anyone know?


Clegg’s “we will not work with the SNP” was interesting.

One can only hope that is a promise he will keep.

It seems to me that increasingly the Liberals are making pro-Tory noises. I think Nick wants to keep his job with Dave. Could there be any better reason not to vote for them.


What makes Nick Clegg think he will have the MP’s to form a coalition with anyone? What makes him think that anyone would want to work with such a toxic group, if he does?

I think he flatters himself he is relevant



Robert Peffers

@manandboy says: 25 April, 2015 at 2:56 pm:

“Cash for food banks – crumbs from the rich man’s table.”

That, manandboy, is the modern version of, “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”, (Let them eat cake), that, while often attributed as spoken by Queen Marie Antoinette, is probably incorrect. It appears in this form, “Enfin je me rappelai le pis-aller d’une grande princesse à qui l’on disait que les paysans n’avaient pas de pain, et qui répondit : Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”, in Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s, “Confessions”, which was his autobiography and written in 1765, (when Marie Antoinette was just nine years of age), but not published until 1782.


Labour to work with Heseltine?
What you will be telling me Tony Blair complimented Maggie Tbatcher and Gordon Brown invited her to tea at Nbr 10 Downing Street!


Chic McGregor,

“Miliband’s best chance, strike that, his only chance, of becoming PM is if the SNP do well in this campaign.”

I don’t think so.

Most of the seats the SNP would gain would be Labour ones in Scotland, and the SNP are only contesting Scottish seats.

Labour have everything to gain by the SNP not doing well because that would mean Labour retaining most of their Scottish seats and not needing SNP support.

Chic McGregor

To clarify my attempted point in that perhaps obscure last post, a potential Labour voter in England who is minded not to vote because he believes Labour are the same as the Tories or that Ed is too flaky a risk, and I suspect there are more than a few of those, might well be persuaded to vote after all if there is the sanity checking and policy moderating influence of a sensibly led, progressive party like the SNP.

i.e. Success, or the expectation of success for the SNP I would therefore expect to increase the Labour vote in England.

Hope that is clearer.

Proud Cybernat

Dave is getting a bit prickly….

link to


One of my doorstep conversations this afternoon was with a Labour Party Member, not an ex one but a genuine current one. He voted NO in the Referendum but is not now going to vote for them. He was thinking about just not voting or for SNP and hopefully I managed to push him closer to voting SNP. He seemed to respond to a paraphrase of Nicola’s plea for Labour to act like a Labour Party should and the hope that a considerable SNP presence in WM would force them back to the left.

Whether it worked or not it’s definitely one less Labour vote and that from a card carrying member. They are on self-destruct.

Hoss Mackintosh

“Gordon Brown and wee Dougie Alexander once bestrode the world, bombing much of it. Now these mighty egos are confined within Elderslie Village Hall.”

Loved this from Craig Murray….

link to

How the mighty have fallen.

Meanwhile, back on the Ranch here is Artist Taxi driver’s interview of Mhairi Black…

link to

I know who I’d vote for if I lived in Paisley!


When it comes to Mr Clegg and his declaration that he would not work with the SNP…

Have you ever wanted to take someone aside, lean closely into their face, stare them steadily in the eyes and whisper into their shell like…

… no one gives a shit.

donald anderson

They say that Labour and Tory policies are so close that you could shove a fag paper between them.

Given the expected return of Lib Dummies after the election they could just about fit in between them.

Graham Macqueen

@sandra (1:30pm)

Very true indeed! However, such a move on Labour’s part simply reinforces popular belief that both parties have a common goal in promoting Neo-liberal policies.

Robert Peffers

@Nana Smith says: 25 April, 2015 at 6:16 pm:

“So I apologise if anyone is annoyed.”

Och! No apologies needed, Nana Smith, Never forget the mantra, “Know Thy enemies”

Talking of which, wasn’t it so nice of Big Broon to tell we Yes supporters and SNP members that the SNP, “Have a chilling plan for a second referendum on independence”.

It seems Nicola has done a Cameron and, “Had a Brain Fade”, and so forgot to tell us all. I’m sure the lady will apologise now that Big Broom has reminder her of what she had planned.

I expect it was all the excitement of that rally in Glasgow made the leader forget to tell us. After all she is a very busy lady. What with cutting her sister’s doll’s hair and such like.

Dr Jim

Even if (when) it is a hung Parliament we may not get as far as negotiations
I’m quite sure Dave and Ed are trying to work out between them a way to keep us out
It’s still win win though for us however you slice it

Soon be time for their last big gun who (what) will it be?

The Queen, Dig up Churchill, Thatcher.. We all know there’s something coming….Hmm

Place your bets


If you make your big tent big enough, you have all sorts of bastards facing out but still pissing in it.

Chic McGregor

Disagree Rock

Every SLAB and SNP MP is an equally anti-Tory MP.

Every LibDem seat gained by the SNP is an extra anti-Tory bonus vote.

But more importantly, if it does not appear to the English electorate that there is a reasonable possibility of an SNP veto on Ed Miliband’s decisions, I think Labour would do significantly less well in England.

Indeed, depending how big a factor Ed/Labour disillusionment is down there, Labour might well have a better chance of an outright majority if SNP support remains high.

Yes, a good SNP result would be bad for Scottish Labour but as the Rev has pointed out many times, due to the population disparity, what happens in Scotland has rarely been numerically relevant.

30 or so, gains from Lab in Scotland could easily be more than compensated by extra Labour seats won in England by increased Labour support generated there. See above posts.


Dr Jim at 9:41
The next Royal Brat is imminent …
not as a dirty tricks attack but a distraction from any good stuff on our side and a cover for the blandness of the other lot(s).

Bill Wilson

“They say that Labour and Tory policies are so close that you could shove a fag paper between them.”

The IFS report yesterday shows that the SNP’s plan would actually have us spending marginally less than under Labour’s plan over the course of the next parliament (the Tories spending substantially less than either). The only genuinely anti-austerity parties are the Greens and the SSP. Neither will win seats this time around, but I hope people remember that in 2016 when they can make a difference.

Iain More

I think it is vitally important that Mhairi Black is kept away from dolls. There is no telling what a certain element of the British Press and Media will accuse her off if she seen in the company of one.

Robert Peffers

@Rock says: 25 April, 2015 at 7:00 pm:

“The SNP should be very careful about extending support to a minority Labour government.”

Is the Pope a Catholic, Rock?

Why do you think the SNP have NOT said they will enter a formal coalition with anyone?

Their promise to Labour was that the SNP elected members would vote for a vote of confidence to allow a Labour Government to be formed but not to form a formal coalition with them. It will thus be up to Labour to decide to either form a minority government or have a formal coalition with any other party they can agree a formal coalition with.

However, that means the SNP can then table a vote of no confidence at anything Labour tries to do that is not good for Scotland or, as Nicola is now on record as saying, not good for the United Kingdom.

This in turn means the Tories and other parties get the choice of ousting the Labour Government by voting for no confidence or voting with Labour. Get the point now, Rock? It puts not only Labour on the spot at each and every bill they attempt to get passed but it puts the Tories on the spot too.

If the big two gang up then they prove they are in cahoots, (The Establishment), and that will go down like a lead balloon. They cannot claim to be the opposition if they do not oppose. If they do gang up we get our referendum and likely support from others.

Call it what you will – catch22 or Mexican standoff but it won’t just hold Labour’s feet to the fire but the Tories, UKIP and LibDems too. The LibDems could have done that last parliament but were too greedy for power and ministerial pay. The SNP have other motives.

That’s why there is universal fear in the Establishment parties. They cannot be the Establishment without exposing themsives, (Ugh! That’s a horrible picture).

Another Union Dividend

Daily Mail headline tomorrow “Vile Cybernat Neil Hay insults all Christians by tweeting during church sermon.”


@ Robert Peffers

That’s about the size of it. 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

Presumably it’s Theresa May who’s warning (in tomorrow’s Mail on Sunday – see WOS Twitter) about SNP no-goodery being the biggest crisis since the ‘abdication’.

Aside from the plain fact that most folk will say ‘what does abdication mean?’ and then, when it’s explained to them, say ‘who the fuck was he?’, May should stop worrying about it, because…

As and when the truth of systemic child abuse by the British Establishment is revealed? she and her Westminster buddies will know what a proper ‘crisis’ feels like – the SNP (and the sweaty-socks they represent) will be the last of their worries as they’ll be too busy trying to evade angry mobs.


Looking forward to the day when that Christian PM Tony Blair is in the dock for war-crimes. What then for Broon & Alexander, both Christians, both sons of the manse & both as guilty as hell. How they sleep at night……

Giving Goose

Dr Jim

Tanks? Outlawed? A constitutional convention?

Don’t be stupid Goose….

Tanks it is then.


@Dr Jim
That’s exaxtly what’s going on. there will be all sorts of unofficial deals going on to minimise the impact of the SNP, I have no doubt about that. As mhairi black said in that chunky mark interview, they are all mates. The status quo MUST remain. This is a battle to keep the gravy train on the rails and is more Important then party.

fred blogger

‘Visitors’ SNP; shock revelation!

Robert Peffers

@Macart says: 25 April, 2015 at 9:08 pm:

“When it comes to Mr Clegg and his declaration that he would not work with the SNP…”

The Establishment hysteria is getting way out of hand at Westminste. Just heard on the News Teresa May’s utterly panic stricken claim, “SNP worst crisis since the abdication”

You couldn’t make these things up. The SNP are a legitimate registered United Kingdom political party. The people of Scotland seem set to democratically elect a goodly number of them to represent them and Scotland’s interests. There is absolutely nothing illegal, undemocratic or morally wrong with that.

Why then the panic among Establishment parties? Here’s one or two thoughts on the matter. As a party there is nothing to stop the SNP from standing candidates in any constituency in the UK.

They could even do a deal with the other nationalist parties as the Tories once did with several right wing lots, (now amalgamated), all working together as one. The other is more basic – they fear the SNP will find out where the bodies are buried. There could be things much more sinister than, for example, the then Top Secret, McCrone Report buried in Westminster vaults.

The smell of abject fear really is becoming more overpowering by the hour.

Free Scotland

@Fred at 10:49

Careful with your terminology: Blair, Alexander and Broon call themselves Christians. But they also call themselves good politicians. If they are impostors in one sphere, it’s not surprising that they’re impostors in the other. They’ll never impress you or me, but they are reasonably well skilled in hoodwinking the gullible, as was Judas Iscariot.


Sunday Herald front page;

link to


I am not so sure they are afraid, tbh. They just want the english voters to be angry/afraid/feel put upon. That way they will not notice there is an alternative and they can have one too

Robert Peffers

Oops! CS Spray used against the public by the Brixton, (Met), Police. This during a demonstration against, “Gentrification”, in Brixton. Seems members of the, “Reclaim Brixton”, entered the local Police Station.

Now correct me if I’m wrong, but is not a Police Station open to the Public? In fact are not local Police Stations owned by Local Councils and thus local council tax payers?

Looks like the natives in London are getting restless again. A do hope that London Riots don’t (Ahem!),detract from the SNP news items that have been the main topics just recently.


Hi peeps – a wee message in O/T re the ‘bums on seats’ for CH night.


Westminster and the Magic Roundabout. Spot the difference! Now it’s Tarzan going for a swing through the trees, the electorate are expected to go ape. But what goes around, comes around.

There’s probably a good punchline there, damned if I can find it.

Wuffing Dug

What a day.

Watched from afar (Aberdeen) on twitter.

In this land. Our land. We stand alone. Together. God bless Nicola.



Just saw this on twitter. Funny, for anyone else who has not seen it

link to

Graham MacLure

Fred 10:49
I believe that for some C of S ministers the position in the past was merely a sinecure that was replaced in the latter years of the 20th century by a career in politics.
I do not believe that the same could be said of the non establishment Free Kirk as they had not been tainted by the UK establishment.


SORRY Ma’am, Holidays are Off!

If the SNP get even one MP, we should not allow the Queen to holiday in Balmoral or the Prince of Wales in the Castle of Mey in case they are kidnapped and held to ransom by the Scots.

Slow day at the Daily Heil 😉


I don’t know what Scottish labours long term plan is, but even I can see that it is only a matter of years before the young SNP supporting voters will vastly out number the old die hard Labour voters.

It is clearly now only a matter of time before Scotland becomes the country she should be.



[EDIT BY REV. STU: You’ve attempted to post this link about a dozen times now, despite them all being deleted and my having posted a comment clearly explaining why. Try again and you’ll be banned.]


@ Robert Peffers 10.59

No doubt about it Robert. Numbers mean political weight, in terms of influence in chamber, access to greater public visibility and of course certain areas of record. An example would be SASC which is nominally filled with sitting Scottish MPs. What happens when the vast majoity of those MPs happen to be SNP this time around? Or better yet the Scotland Office which has fallen into such ill repute only recently?

I’m sure there are a lot of sensitive areas which the establishment would rather their Scottish representation were of a more tame and biddable variety.


@One_Scot says:
25 April, 2015 at 11:58 pm

I don’t know what Scottish labours long term plan is, but even I can see that it is only a matter of years before the young SNP supporting voters will vastly out number the old die hard Labour voters.

It is clearly now only a matter of time before Scotland becomes the country she should be.

Yes, the demographics are a big factor.
I think that it will take around 5 years to make up the referendum gap, on the current polling.
Younger voters have been brought up in a country where it is normal for decisions to be made here. That makes a huge difference in voting attitudes.

Everyone would like to see it sooner, but you have to respect the recent result, and give the further devolved powers a chance to play out.

The biggest danger I see is if Labour in Scotland actually became a real semi-independent Scottish party, promising genuine Devo-Max or Federalism within Britain. The chances of that are slim though. UK Labour wants their Scottish branch MP’s bringing up the rear, and Labour MP’s here are accustomed to their Westminster lifestyle, expenses and retirement home.

But this election might just see big changes coming if they take a good wipeout.

Hoss Mackintosh

Yes – it will be a panic to stop the SNP getting access to any information about the accounts and inner workings of Westminster.

And guess which future MP has a great knowledge of the procedures and workings of Parliament – Alex Salmond.

He will know exactly which stones to overturn to find what lies beneath!


Latest Panelbase poll

Scottish voting intentions for the May 2015 UK general election (Panelbase) :

SNP 48% (+3)
Labour 27% (-2)
Conservatives 16% (+2)
Liberal Democrats 4% (n/c)
UKIP 3% (-1)
Greens 2% (n/c)

link to



Ian Smart just tweeted that the SNP supported the death of 6 million jews.

I kid you not.

link to


Boris Johnson bans bagpipes from the streets of London. No Joke!

link to



Oh Angus and Stuart aren’t mugs when it comes to knowing where to look either. The only thing that was lacking was the numbers, enough representation to gain opportunities as it were. Hopefully those numbers won’t be a problem this time round. 😉


Has he no self awareness at all?. I mean surely he knows that pit may be a bit um ‘sensitive’ right now. Even if they don’t want to admit it in public, you’d think someone would take him aside and suggest he might want to not go near twitter for a couple of weeks.


“it” not “pit”


I think Ian Smart must have just seen the latest poll.

Another one for Kezia to deny ever seeing (and who is Ian Smart anyway?)


Voters in Scotland support Full Fiscal Autonomy by a 20% margin. 53% to 33% in latest poll.

link to


Was thinking about the Labour then and now thing. It does appear they constantly change. Take for example, their literature which you are receiving through your letterboxes..

Have you seen how sometimes the logo is a red rose on a white background or a white rose on a red background, their most recent flyer to me was a yellow on red one.. three different logo’s, fair doo’s, but how does that work? is that normal in politics?

Also received a flyer from the Liberal Democrats, which featured a sentence containing the words “the best of both worlds”..

Eh.. I’ll leave that one there.

john king

Hoss Macintosh @ 9.05pm
I watched that video of Mhari Black with a growing sense of pride and found myself transported back to 1974 standing in Govan getting my orders from our beloved Margo.

ronnie anderson

Im on a self imposed exile from WOS for another day.Im Trolling the City Centre of Dundee today.

Great day in Freedom Square yesterday Brian&Pete brought 650 badges with them, 20 left at the end of the day.

They will post up the total amount & post it up. Many THANKS to the Many Many WINGERS who donated & the many new faces we met. Jock Scott has posted some photos on Scot2.Scot F/B page , BrianDTT wil post more on Wings as soon as he’s recovered,& a few more recruits for Friday nite.


So the rich list is out today.

You now need to be twice as wealthy as before just to get on to the list.

Since 2009 the very wealthiest HAVE DOUBLED THEIR WEALTH.

So the next time Cameron, Clegg Milliband or any of the rest of them start spouting their austerity pish just remember that while the vulnerable, the disabled and the old are paying the price for the bankers theft the RICHEST have DOUBLED THEIR WEALTH.

It really makes my blood boil. Why do we just let them away with this?

No wonder they in London are scared of the SNP. A bunch of politicians that they can’t buy off heading for their cosy wee club.


Mhairi Black is like Margo returned, rejuvenated. She was even campaigning with Jim Sillers in the Margomobile.


John King @ 7am;

Absolutely. Compare the honesty there with Gordon Brown’s transparent self-serving lies. Lets hope Mhari never stoops to paying herself through a non-registered charity to avoid paying taxes to the country she loves and serves!

Robert Peffers

@Onwards says: 26 April, 2015 at 1:54 am:

“I don’t know what Scottish labours long term plan is, but even I can see that it is only a matter of years before the young SNP supporting voters will vastly out number the old die hard Labour voters.”

You’re off up a dead end there Onwards. You’re not thinking this thing through to the conclusion. This idea that there is a Scottish Labour Party Branch Office with a big following of old folks is a bit short of common sense.

The Labour Party, particularly in the more populated areas have ruled Scotland for around 80 years. In that time there have been a large number of Labour Party people elected to office in everything from Community Councils to the Highest Office in the United Kingdom and even in such as the EU, NATO and the UN.

Through all those years there has thus developed a Labour Party Dynasty in almost every constituency in Scotland. By that I mean there are areas, particularly outwith the denser populated areas, where just about everyone in the community are what an ex-Labour Councillor described to me in the local dialect as, “In Kelty thir aa Earsehole Connections”.

By that he meant that almost everyone were connected to each other either directly genetically or by inter-marriage. (I’m not implying interbred here – I’m stating intermarriage by not only local but by incomers).

There is hardly a person in the village who has no connection in some way to a family that has provided a elected Labour Party person. That’s everything from Community Councillors, to councillors, Leader of Fife Council, Provost of Fife Council, Provost of Dunfermline Council, MSP, MP and so on.

So what you are seemingly missing is that as the Labour Party has been running Scotland for around 80 years then there are lots of these older people forming those Labour Party Dynasties in towns and villages.

You are thus not talking of just unconnected voters who might be disillusioned and swapping party because those dynastic Labour people are voters too.

All those former and present Labour party office holders each have a vote and each may still have a financial stake in keeping Labour in office – they also have family, in-laws and hingers-oan. In this village that is a large number but of more recent years there has been much private house building. New non-council estates have changed the whole demographic.


O/T An Australian view of the Empire

Iain Gray's Subway Lament


You’d think Labour have enough problems trying to dry out Lord Foulkes every few weeks but now they have Smart falling off the wagon just when he’s become centre stage. 😉

Course maybe he’s constantly pished precisely because Smart has suddenly found all his old Labour pals have starting abandonding him.

I’m going to enjoy Deputy Dugdale repudiating and condeming that lunatic tweet because if she doesn’t then she will be proving she is a bare-faced liar.

Robert Peffers

@Hoss Mackintosh says: 26 April, 2015 at 1:57 am:

” … And guess which future MP has a great knowledge of the procedures and workings of Parliament – Alex Salmond.”

That, Hoss, is very perceptive. We old hands remember that a much younger Alex Salmond while MP at Westminster forced a very important admission from the then Tory government. Almost, but not quite, buried by the State Broadcaster and MSM.

I refer to when Alex caught out William Waldegrave in Parliament. The word for word report can still be found in Hansard. However, here is a Rev Stu reference on WoS.

link to

This incident exploded the Scotland being subsidised myth but, thanks to our wonderful Proud Scots buts in the MSM, and State Propaganda broadcasters, it is kept well buried. Perhaps along with the McCrone Report and as yet unexposed evidence.


I see Bojo is his usual switched on, clued up self. Constantly referring to the SNP as the Scottish ‘Nationalist’ Party. What an arse! How can anyone claim to be a politician of note, a potential party leader, when he can’t even remember the bloody names of the opposition in his own democracy? Needless to say his grasp of any issue outside of money going to London = good, money going away from London = bad, showed much the same depth.

@ Hoss 9.05

That young lady is one to watch. Mr Alexander has a fight on his hands. 🙂


Robert Peffers, you’re really seriously clutching at straws mate, but God does love a trier.


Great news; Minibrain just ruled out any deal with the SNP. That effectively leaves the uk open to another election, as this one won’t be resolved without SNP agreement, or a loose alliance where the SNP cause mayhem in every vote.

Add in the preemptive “legitimacy” statements, aimed at disbarring the SNP from actual democratic involvement in Westminster politics, and the situation gets murkier. The only chink of light would be the growing probability that uk (english mps) would start actively pushing for separation.

I’m sure that’s not SNP policy, but I’d accept that scenario right now.


The latest poll of polls from Prof Curtice

link to

I know that Jim Murphy said the polls would swng late but I am guessing this is not what he meant.

Auld Rock

X-Sticks. Good points but I also noticed that poor Lizzie is £10 million better off this year. Was she not pleading poverty a couple of years ago about the cost of the Royal Hangers-On?????

Auld Rock



A wee shout out to my friend Chrissy who is running the London Marathon for charity today. She is moving to New York on Wednesday but has managed to squeeze in the run before she heads overseas. Chrissy is only £150 or so off her target of £1800 and it would be great if some Wingers could help lift her over the finishing line. The charity is the SSAFA UK’s oldest armed forces charity (130 years young) that helps military families in time of need (because the Government doesn’t).

Thanks 🙂

link to

link to


@Auld Rock

Interesting. I had missed that she is £10 million better off, but did hear that she is no longer in the top 300 rich folk. So a pay rise of that order is not enough to maintain her ranking. Tells you a lot about rising inequality, I think


Were either of the Tory / Labour clowns on The ‘Marr’ show material capable of running any country? Very poor fair for voters indeed, embarrassing.

Statesmanship ??


Macart says:
“I see Bojo is his usual switched on, clued up self. Constantly referring to the SNP as the Scottish ‘Nationalist’ Party.”

To be expected from a member of the Conservatory party.

Dr Jim

Damn close to something like it for sure
Getting exciting eh
As long as the not sure’s hold their nerve



link to

Interesting. I didn’t know Ian Smart was a former President of the Scottish Law Society.

Doesn’t do much for my opinion of Lawyers.

Robert Peffers

@Macart says: 26 April, 2015 at 9:47 am:

” … That young lady is one to watch. Mr Alexander has a fight on his hands. 🙂

If I’m not mistaken, Macart, the fight has already been taken out of his hands by that young lady.

Here’s what Ladbrookes says about it :-

“The SNP were 33/1 to win this seat pre indyref. The odds had got down to 13/8 before the Ashcroft poll and dropped to 4/7 immediately after. We have seen a little bit of money for Douglas Alexander to hold on in the last 24 hours; that in itself is quite unusual as virtually no-one has wanted to back Scottish Labour anywhere, no matter how big the odds get. So Wee Dougie’s odds have bounced backed to Evens today from 5/4. “

We saw this strange late betting money trick pre-Referendum too.


Pretty sure Boris kept talking about the Scottish Naturist Party :), kept emphasizing the ‘ist’ .. so couldn’t have been talking about the Scottish National Party.

If he meant the SNP he would have just said ‘facist scum’ or is it just Labour activists that are fond of that term ?

Dr Jim

By going through with his wee threat to the SNP by saying
Vote for me or you let in the Tories does no harm whatsoever to the SNP
What Minibrain is telling the Yookay is he’s too wee and too weak to govern on his own and this stupid stubborn attempt to delegitimise the SNP as Scotlands Politically and Democratically Elected Representatives would confirm to Scotland our votes were exactly what the SNP have been telling Scotland for years
Our votes don’t in fact count

paul Gerard mccormack

It’s down to social mores, old chap. It comes with ones breeding – ones pedigree.

It is expected of your social superiors to misname, or mispwonounce whoever the Dickens is in our way.

It’s just another one of our fascinating things, you see.the sort of thing a superior education gives one. Just like Churchill and his ‘Naazzis’ pronounciation. Pretty clever eh?

Now do run along there, and be a good chap.




Indeed, those conserva-tories can be so ignorant when questioned outside of their comfort zone.

donald anderson

Miniband was allowed to rant and rave on the Any Marr show without answering any questions. Opposite approach from SNP interviews.


O/T re Ian Smart

Melissa Murray’s petition, calling for the expulsion of Ian Smart from the Labour Party, has gathered 750 signatures. That looks like a pretty dismal response when more than 100,000 people are being regularly maligned in the vilest possible terms.

I’ve no idea why anyone would expect the Labour Party to take any action against him. They’ve condoned or supported his comments since his hate campaign began.

Following someone on twitter, we’re told, doesn’t represent an endorsement of his/her views, but many senior figures in the Labour Party follow him and they read his hateful rants without a word of condemnation. Doesn’t that, at least, suggest tacit approval?

I have two questions:

1. Is Ian Smart breaking the law? (Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994)
2. Is Ian Smart fit to practice law?

The Labour Party is the last group that anyone should consult in matters of morals or ethics. Wouldn’t Police Scotland and The Law Society of Scotland be interested or obliged to take action?

Harry Shanks

@ Donald Anderson

Should the election results reflect the current polling – SNP spokespersons should thereafter be prepared to WALK OUT on the 3 or 4 against 1 “interviews” and hectoring, bullying interviewers like Brewer for example

Scot Finlayson

Does the Prime Minister have to be a Member of Parliament?

I noticed Alec Douglas-Home was PM when not a member of either Houses of Parliament.

Is there a scenario where Ed does not have the confidence of a majority in The House of Commons but Nicola as a proven leader would be acceptable as PM by a majority in HoC.


Ian Smart’s most insane posts always seem to be late on at the weekend.

I think if he has had diner with friends and consumed a refreshment or two he might do well to leave twitter alone. The crazy will out with a bottle of Cabernet inside you.


Robert Peffers

@One_Scot says: 26 April, 2015 at 9:57 am:

“Robert Peffers, you’re really seriously clutching at straws mate, but God does love a trier.”

As you didn’t reference a time, and because I had a power cut earlier, I’ve no idea what post you are indicating.

I’ve never clutched at straws in my life. I think things through and don’t go off on tangents. I also read the actual words as I usually find the bit between the lines to be white space. If you refer to my conclusions on Labour in Kelty – not so long ago everyone in the village knew everyone else and I remember when I could count the SNP members on less than one hands digits and supporters on one hand. There’s been a wee bit of change since then.

As to God – what God might that be? At least Sun Worshipers and those who had stone idols could prove their Gods existed.

Socrates MacSporran

I do not read anything definitely malicious in Boris’s repeatedly calling the SNP the Scottish “Nationalist” Party. To the likes of Boris, the SNP remain a minor irritant; the SNP are “Sweaties” they are not a member of the English master race, so, they can be “dissed” at will.

Or, and for this to happen you have to credit Boris with some native cunning – he knows, by referring to the party as “Nationalist”, he upsets us.

The trouble with Boris is, unlike Cameron, who got in due to his father’s bank balance, Boris got into Eton via his brains.

I know, this doesn’t say much about the rest.

Jim McIntosh


Re the William dugout blog you linked to – the best line was

“Like most Lib Dem policies, it’s like a sheet of lasagne: it may look firm at the moment, but as soon as the heat’s on it’ll soften up and be submerged in a load of mince.” ????



Good article by Jonathan Freedland in the Grauin – some of them are finally starting to ‘get it’ I think.

link to


@ Auld Rock & Fiona. Anent Lizzie being hard-up, the new coach has sapphires (yes fucking sapphires) in the door-handles for gods sake. No douby the ragged multitude cheer & wave at such grandeur, makes you proud to be British what!


Strikes me strange that everyone wants to talk about the mad, bad Ian Smart but nobody wants to talk about what can be done about his terror tactics, other than appealing to the non-existent conscience of the Labour Party.

I’m starting to miss Blether with Brian. 🙁

Robert Llewellyn Tyler

Loved this comment on the Welsh blog, National Left, from English Labour activist Bill Chapman 26 April 2015 at 09:28:

“I don’t see a referendum on Scottish independence on the cards for a generation or two. There is simply no enthusiasm for it. Don’t forget that the Yes vote did not even reach 45% last time. There are new members in the SNP, it is true, before they drift back to Labour. Indeed the SNP might very well serve as the training ground for the Labour MPs and MSPs of the future.”
link to


“I don’t see a referendum on Scottish independence on the cards for a generation or two. There is simply no enthusiasm for it. Don’t forget that the Yes vote did not even reach 45% last time. There are new members in the SNP, it is true, before they drift back to Labour. Indeed the SNP might very well serve as the training ground for the Labour MPs and MSPs of the future.”
link to

Bless 🙂



“Interesting. I didn’t know Ian Smart was a former President of the Scottish Law Society.

Doesn’t do much for my opinion of Lawyers.”

Does anyone still disagree with my view that the vast majority of lawyers are the lowest of the low?

Or that the Scottish justice system is rotten to the core?

In case anyone here didn’t know, Blair, whom many consider to be a war criminal, and his wife Cherie are lawyers.

Will Podmore

Now, now, temper, temper, wasn’t Nicola Sturgeon a lawyer?

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    • Willie on A crisis of democracy: “Gave up reading what Nancy Boy Janes Kelly has to say. Dummy spitting and toy throwing is is modus operandi…Jan 15, 17:36
    • Nae Need! on A crisis of democracy: “When considering a politicians’ worth to me, and other non-wealthy people, I always ask myself ‘Are they a globalist, are…Jan 15, 17:28
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on A crisis of democracy: “Alf, with respect, too many of your tidy points remain debatable. You achieve your neat list by taking arbitrary scissors…Jan 15, 17:18
    • sam on A crisis of democracy: “Wtf are you raving about with your “sunshine” and implying that I favour Reform “you fans”. What shite.Jan 15, 16:00
    • Mark Beggan on A crisis of democracy: “If I were a potential Reform candidate I would be scouring these pages to prepare my defence. I believe you…Jan 15, 15:59
    • Mark Beggan on A crisis of democracy: ““in it for all they can grab” Duh!!Jan 15, 15:47
    • Mark Beggan on A crisis of democracy: “The only thing that’s different there from the SNP/ Branch office is the hanging!Jan 15, 15:45
    • Mark Beggan on A crisis of democracy: ““Are there any queers in the audience tonight…”Jan 15, 15:36
    • Campbell Clansman on A crisis of democracy: “This “More in Common” is for Westminster voting intentions. Which shows Indy parties at less than 30% of the vote.…Jan 15, 15:16
    • gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Declassified UK: I***el lobby funded a third of Conservative MPs: “Some 126 of the Tory party’s 344 MPs have accepted…Jan 15, 15:05
    • gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Declassified UK: I***el lobby funded a third of Conservative MPs: “Some 126 of the Tory party’s 344 MPs have accepted…Jan 15, 15:00
    • Michael Laing on A crisis of democracy: “The late 1950s into the 60s and early 70s were far better times than working-class people had ever seen before…Jan 15, 14:49
    • Nae Need! on A crisis of democracy: “The best thing for us, and the worst for Starmer and NuSNP, that Trump could do is to support, and…Jan 15, 14:49
    • David on A crisis of democracy: “You think the moderation is heavy handed? I can’t believe the dross that manages to stay up on every article!Jan 15, 14:01
    • Campbell Clansman on A crisis of democracy: “Peter Bell’s vanity project, the “New Scotland Party,” the “umbrella” you’ve touted, is getting about 8 signatures a day on…Jan 15, 14:00
    • Oscar Taime on A crisis of democracy: “Have always detested the assumption implicit in Churchill’s statement i.e. that we have tried everything there is to try &…Jan 15, 13:56
    • Alf Baird on A crisis of democracy: “Thanks Fearghas. I am not sure we can say the Scots are one indigenous ethnic group whilst seemingly encompassing twa…Jan 15, 13:54
    • Campbell Clansman on A crisis of democracy: “On these Scottish numbers, the Indy Parties are at 30%, Unionist 69%. The Holyrood numbers in the latest poll show…Jan 15, 13:52
    • Jon Drummond on A crisis of democracy: “Parody Account. But you dream on, Bud.Jan 15, 13:49
    • robertkknight on A crisis of democracy: “A bit more nuanced than ironing razor sharp creases in the sleeves of my favourite brown shirt. Well, I got…Jan 15, 13:43
    • sarah on A crisis of democracy: “I too am hoping to hear this umbrella has been organised. It is the only way I can see to…Jan 15, 13:19
  • A tall tale

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